Lucullus Virgil McWhorter Papers, 1848-1945

Overview of the Collection

McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, 1860-1944.
Lucullus Virgil McWhorter Papers
1848-1945 (inclusive)
26 Linear feet of shelf space, (51 Boxes)
Collection Number
Cage 55 (collection)
Correspondence, journals, clippings, memorabilia, manuscripts and printed material containing historical and anthropological information on the Pacific Northwest, mostly regarding the Nez Percés and Yakimas, Indian agents, government officials, anthropologists and historians relative to the Nez Percé Indian War of 1877 and the Indian war of the 1850s.
Washington State University Libraries' Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC)
Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections
Terrell Library Suite 12
Pullman, WA
Telephone: 509-335-6691
Access Restrictions

This collection is open and available for research use.


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Lucullus Virgil McWhorter was born on the upper waters of the Monongahela River in Harrison County Virginia (later West Virginia) on January 29, 1860. He was one of twelve children born to the Reverend John Minion McWhorter and Rosetta Marple McWhorter, both native Virginians. McWhorter's youthful orientation to life on the land mirrored his rejection of formal education. Summarizing his formal schooling in a biographical questionnaire, McWhorter observed that he did "Four months annual winter terms [roughly the 3rd grade] of indifferent instruction, during years of minority only." He was a voracious if highly focused reader then and throughout his life. His interest in regional history, folklore, and archaeology originated with youthful forays into the woods and countryside of West Virginia where he hunted for archaeological remains of Indians and early settlers. McWhorter's critical study of 19th century American history and his romantic appreciation of nature combined to form his view that the American Indian was the true "aboriginal American". In the course of his life he became an ardent ally and supporter of various Indian tribes, strongly sympathizing with their resentment over the often bad treatment meted out to them by early white settlers and later by the military, "Indian grafters," and the Federal bureaucracy. In his teens his father took him into the family livestock business (breeding devon cattle) in Berlin, West Virginia. Acting on the impulse for adventure and to see Indians first-hand, McWhorter set out on a lark in 1881 to trek through the coastal regions of Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. Eventually, he saw his first Indians in Oklahoma, where he nearly encountered Chief Joseph and the exiled Nez Perces.

In 1883 he returned to cattle ranching in Berlin, West Virginia, and married Ardelia Adaline Swisher on March 17th of that year. She and McWhorter had three children: Ovid Tullius (b. 1884); Iris Oresta (b. 1886); and Virgil Oneco (b. 1888). Their marriage was tragically cut short when Ardelia died in December of 1893. During the 1890s McWhorter actively maintained his interest in archaeology and Indian affairs while he continued his work as a cattle rancher. On June 22, 1895, he married C. Annie Bowman. For the next two years the McWhorter family lived in Upshur County, West Virginia, before moving to Darke County, Ohio, in 1897. McWhorter's dream of settling near Native Americans never wavered. After selling off what he could of disposable property, he and his family left Ohio, moving to the Yakima River Valley in Washington state in 1903. It was there that his involvement with Indian history and culture matured and continued throughout the remainder of his life.

In Washington state McWhorter continued ranching and building his archive of material relating to the conflicts between the Federal government and the Nez Perce and Yakama tribes. (On June 9, 1909, McWhorter became an adopted member of the Yakima Nation. His Indian moniker "Big Foot" attested to the high esteem and affection in which he was held by his Indian friends and associates.) At the same time, he gathered material relating to Indian culture and the legal status of various tribes after the conclusion of the Indian wars in the 1870s. In 1914 McWhorter met author Cristal McLeod, or Mourning Dove, a Colville (Washington) woman of mixed Indian-white descent who had worked up a draft of a semi-autobiographical novel called Co-ge-we-a, The Half Blood: A Depiction of the Great Montana Cattle Range. In a collaborative effort, McWhorter and McLeod devoted much time and expense on finally getting Cogewea published in 1927. Prior to this, McWhorter had completed work on a historical manuscript dealing with the settlement of the western region of Virginia. This title, The Border Settlers of Northwestern Virginia from 1768 to 1795, was published in 1915. In 1917 his research on the Yakima uprising of 1855 resulted in the publication of The Tragedy of the Wahk-Shum: Prelude to the Yakima Indian War, 1855-1856. McWhorter also worked to advance and secure Indian rights locally and nationally during this time, but the Washington years were especially important in terms of his labors as an amateur historian, linguist, and anthropologist (he was a member of various historical organizations, including the Washington State Historical Society).

Purely by chance, a fateful meeting with prominent Nez Perce War veteran Yellow Wolf in October of 1907 helped McWhorter in his future investigation of the 1877 Nez Perce War and the Nez Perces generally. (Yellow Wolf needed temporary boarding for his horse, and McWhorter courteously obliged!) In the course of compiling material for this posthumously published "Field History" McWhorter worked diligently to acquire and appraise primary and secondary sources. He recorded first-hand Indian oral testimony, maintained an extensive correspondence, and made direct assessments of battle-sites in an effort to establish an accurate and comprehensive account of the 1877 conflict between the Nez Perces and the Federal government. Significantly, his research also included interviews with survivors from the armies of generals Howard, Sturgis, Gibbon, and Miles. McWhorter's historical efforts had the signal value of providing a fresh version of those events based on primary source materials; his books supplemented, supported, or contradicted previously published accounts and interpretations of the same events. Working with Yellow Wolf, and by utilizing the extensive mass of material (including photographs) he had gathered during years of research, McWhorter published Yellow Wolf: His Own Story in 1940. After his death in 1944, Mrs. Ruth Bordin and Professor Herman Deutsch edited and completed McWhorter's larger account of the 1877 Nez Perce War. The manuscript material known as the "Field History" was first published as Hear Me, My Chiefs! in 1952. Lucullus Virgil McWhorter died at the age of 84 in Prosser (North Yakima), Washington, on October 10, 1944. He reflected on his dual role as an advocate and amateur historian of the American Indian in a June 2, 1941 letter to former State College of Washington President E.O. Holland. On being notified that officials at the College had voted to confer on him a Certificate of Merit for his contributions to agriculture and rural life, McWhorter observed that he possessed "No scholastic attainments whatever. My trail just that of a wild, rough and ready field delver. My activities in the Indian domain has [sic] not elevated me in the estimation of the local populace in general."

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The Lucullus V. McWhorter Papers chiefly document his research and study of Pacific Northwest Native American history and culture (including MSS and printed material), Indian-government relations from his early years until his death in 1944, the Nez Perce War of 1877, the Yakima Indian War of 1855-1858, regional tribal conflicts, and West Virginia history.

Portions of his correspondence shed light on his important relationships with author Mourning Dove and Nez Perce War veteran Yellow Wolf. The collection includes material on McWhorter's ongoing involvement in Indian affairs, chiefly from around the turn of the century until his death in 1944. An important part of the archive is the manuscript material relating to Indian history, tales, folklore, legends, customs, and languages. Some of this narrative material is transcribed (and translated) oral history testimony.

The collection contains additional miscellaneous documents relating to McWhorter's involvement in the local (Yakima County) Humane Society. His personal and business correspondence deals with miscellaneous subjects.

The bulk of the Native American material relates to the Nez Perces and the Yakimas at a significant transitional period in their history. McWhorter's varied if sometimes confusing documentation of the 1877 Nez Perce War and of Pacific Northwest Indian cultural practices constitutes a significant body of primary source material. His published work is considered essential to understanding Nez Perce history.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Copyright restrictions may apply.

Preferred Citation

[Item description]

Lucullus Virgil McWhorter Papers, 1848-1945 (Cage 55)

Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The documents in the collection are arranged chronologically into nine series organized around subjects or material formats, with some overlapping in and among series. The original state of McWhorter's papers is lost. The present organization probably maintains a semblance of the original arrangement, reflecting the fact that this was McWhorter's "working" archive. Many folders exhibit a mixture of items and subjects. No hard and fast rule governed placement of documents into series. The amount of material on a given subject or the format and/or the subject indicated where files might appropriately fit into the present classification. A notable exception to this scheme is the availability of material on Indian names and vocabulary in series 2, 3, and 6 (below). Manuscript and historical research material is also scattered throughout the collection. The descriptive inventory is not completely indexed. The essential documents and subjects are described, but some items are not noted in the finding aid. An * following entries indicates the availability of related photographic material in the separated collection Lucullus Virgil McWhorter Photographs, circa 1868-1950. (PC 85).

Series 1, Manuscripts, 1902-1944, consists of fully developed manuscript draft versions of McWhorter's major published works, including Yellow Wolf, His Own Story; Hear Me, My Chiefs!; The Border Settlers of Northwestern Virginia; The Continued Crime Against the Yakimas; and Life of Jesse Hughes. Historical and Traditional.

Series 2, Historical Research Material, 1848-1945, undated, chiefly correspondence, transcriptions, printed items, notes, material excerpted from various sources, MS addenda and draft fragments (holograph and typescript), first-hand personal narratives, and other material accumulated by McWhorter in the course of doing research for his published writings, his "field work," and his collateral historical studies, including Indian languages. Series 2 is divided into subseries 2.1, 1877 Nez Perce War and Nez Perces; 2.2, Yakima Indian War (1855-1858) and Yakamas; 2.3, Tribal Wars; and 2.4, West Virginia History and Miscellaneous.

Series 3, Personal and Business Correspondence, 1886-1945, undated, consists of miscellaneous documents dealing with publishing and book sales, local and community affairs, friends and family, association activities, and commemorative events. Some of these letters relate to McWhorter's efforts to obtain data on the 1877 Nez Perce War and miscellaneous Indian subjects. Other material includes occasional writings, original postal covers, desiderata lists, memorabilia, research questionnaires, and a small amount of biographical material.

Series 4, Indian Affairs, 1891-1944, undated, consists of miscellaneous correspondence and documentation relating to McWhorter's varied efforts on behalf of Indians, particularly in terms of land and water rights. Series 4 is divided into subseries 4.1, Nez Perces; 4.2, Yakamas; and 4.3, General.

Series 5, Humane Society, 1911-1944, documents McWhorter's involvement with animal welfare, chiefly in Yakima, Washington. Includes correspondence and printed items.

Series 6, Indian Narratives, 1903-1935, undated, chiefly original (English) and transcribed and/or translated oral history accounts of stories, legends, tales, traditions, customs, cultural practices, genealogies, military events, and related contextual material, including correspondence. Some literary material is included. Series 6 also includes draft versions of Mourning Dove's legends and tales.

Series 7, Mourning Dove Correspondence, 1914-1935, undated, chiefly consists of correspondence, printed items, and fragments relating to Cogewea, publishing issues, and her association with McWhorter.

Series 8, Newspaper Articles, 1863-1944, undated, consists of clippings from local and regional newspapers on miscellaneous subjects, chiefly American Indian affairs and historical stories, Humane Society news, contemporary events, and local news and association involvements. A few exhibit McWhorter's annotations. Some newspaper items left in other series.

Series 9, Maps, Documents & Drawings, 1877-1944, nd, chiefly consists of miscellaneous subjects relating to the Nez Perces and the Yakamas, Field History research, West Virginia history, and drafts of material used in published works. Includes specific depictions of individuals, scenes, and events from Indian legends and tales, representations of military engagements and battlefields, and material relating to ethnography, geography, war commemoratives, and Indian reservations. Subseries 9.1 is Oversize Maps, Documents and Drawings.

Acquisition Information

Shortly before his death in 1944, Lucullus V. McWhorter requested that his unfinished Nez Perce history manuscripts (called the "Field History") be edited and completed by competent specialists at the State College of Washington. By 1945, Virgil McWhorter had delivered the bulk of his father's archive of personal papers, manuscripts, and printed material to the State College. A completely reliable provenance for the archive cannot be established subsequent to Lucullus McWhorter's death in 1944, chiefly because much of the donated material was not initially placed in an archival repository. In 2003 one item, a revision of Chapter 31 of McWhorter's The Border Settlers of Northwestern Virginia from 1768 to 1795, was donated to MASC by Lucy Linn McKie.

Processing Note

Most of McWhorter's personal papers were removed by Virgil McWhorter prior to depositing his father's archive at the State College. Nelson Ault completed the first collection inventory in 1959. Ault's guide is the basis for the present finding aid. Between 1992 and 1997, José Vargas and other staff in Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections rearranged and sorted parts of the collection. They made changes in the descriptive inventory and did some preservation of brittle materials. Final revisions to Ault's guide were done from August 1997 through February 1998 by Lisa Kliger, working under the supervision of Manuscripts Librarian Robert N. Matuozzi. These changes include implementing the present plan of arrangement, establishing chronological sequences within series and subseries, re-numbering folders and boxes, and undertaking a comprehensive revision of the index and the descriptive inventory.

Separated Materials

Lucullus Virgil McWhorter Photographs, circa 1868-1950 (PC 85)


Ault, N. A., McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, and State College of Washington. Library. (1959). The papers of Lucullus Virgil McWhorter. Friends of the Library, State College of Washington.

Related Materials

Washington State University Museum of Anthropology: Lucullus McWhorter Collection Administrative Records, circa 1959-1999 (Archives 261)

Andrew James Edmiston Collection of Lucullus V. McWhorter Ephemera, circa 1941 (Cage 5131)


Numbers refer to folder numbers. An * following entries indicates the availability of related photographic material in a separate historical photograph collection, PC 85.

Abbott, F.H., 343, 344, 345, 346, 347
About Asleep (also Chief Ae-lah-we-moh)*, 421
Adams, Maj. Gen. E.S., 100
Adams, Louis, 213
Adams, Richard C., 343, 348
Adams, William, 124, 356
Adventures in Geyserland, about, 113, 291, 525
Ae-lah-we-moh, Chief ( About Asleep)*, 421
Agee, Mrs. John Russell (Jane), 269, 286, 295
Ahtanum Creek water controversy, 2, 185, 198, 209, 218, 237, 290, 297, 339, 345, 347, 352, 356, 370, 374, 376 [see also irrigation* and water rights* on Indian land, chiefly Yakima]
Albert, A., 234
Alcorn, Rowena L., 237, 287
Alderman, W.A., 175
Aldrich, E.B., 81
Alford, Thomas W., 158, 375, 382
Alkine, Nicholas, 148
Alkine, Sam, 148
Allen, Senator Frank J., 185, 376
Allen, Lt. Jesse K., 369
Allen, Richard*, 175, 332
Allender, S.L., 200
Alley, John N., 395
Allotment Act of 1887, 193
Alter, Jeanette C., 142
Almcotty (Almootie), 432
Ambro, Paul E., 82
American Horse, Chief, 215
American Indian Advocate (Journal), 210
American Indian Centenary, The Proposed, 228
American Indian Defense Association, 198, 229, 371, 374, 380
American Indian Tepee, The, about, 197, 202, 361
American Indian Christian Tepee Association (Tepee Christian Mission), 361, 387
American Military History Foundation, 156, 215
American Military Institute, 285
American Tipi Society, 353
An-a-whoa (also A-na-whoa, An-a-who-ah, An-awho-ee, Black Bear, Mrs. Mary Pilkins)*, 429, 430, 436
Anderson, A.L., 331
Anderson, E.H., 200
Anderson, J.H., 403
Anderson, Katherine, 283
Andrews, C.L., 176, 195, 210, 211, 219, 268, 279
Andrews, Phillip (also Philip Andrews, Black Eagle, son of Wot-tó-len)*, 30, 56, 59, 62, 82, 95, 97, 242
Andrews, Mrs. Phillip (Adeline), 48, 59, 82, 268
Andrews, Thomas B., 120, 175
Andy, Louie (Louis) S., 372, 382
Anisworth, F.C., 140, 142, 144
Anthony, R.H., 232, 234
Anti-Carnival Bill, 411
Antwine, Sophia, 340
Arbogast, A.M.V., 147
Arbogast, Harold G., 203
Armstrong, Mary, 306
Armstrong, Ralph E., 80
Arnett, L.D., 200
Arnold, Mrs. Charles C., 241, 359
Arnold, Elizabeth L., 353
Arnold, Elta M., 32, 82, 169, 198
Arnold, Mrs. Porter, 153
Arnold, R. Ross, 32, 281
Arrow Lake Indians, 447
Arthur H. Clark Company, The, 290, 448
Asher, Cash, 241
Ashton, James M., 169, 274
Astoria Centennial Celebration*, 150, 177, 195, 430 [see also canoe race, Astoria Centennial]
Atkins, Sam, 139
Atwood, C.T., 336
Atwood, Stella M., 365
Austin, Levi F., 396
Austin, Sam, 404
Averill, H.B., 336
Avery, H.G., 265
Avery, Mary, 216
Ayatootonmi (also Mrs. Yellow Wolfe)*, 158
Babcock, O.L., 167, 360
Bacheler, May Orrell, 222, 404
Backwoods Warfare , 290
Badeau, C.A., 113, 525, 571
Badger, Richard G., 234, 448
Baeder, Louis, 282
Bailey, Arthur E., 215
Bailey, E.M., 275
Bailey, Lt. Col. Harry Lee*, 88, 101, 128, 132, 145, 259, 541
Bailey, Mrs. H.L., 382
Bailey, R.G., 169, 399
Baines, Wm. 290
Baker, (__?), 518
Balch, Katharine T. (Mrs. John), 203
Ball, Emma S., 256
Ballard, F.L., 256
Ballard, Wayne, 396
Ballinger, Richard, 205, 277, 344
Ballou, Robert, 266, 358, 390
Bangs, Eleanor J., 275
Bannock Indian(s) (Bannack, Bannick, Bannuck), 61, 120, 133
Bannock Indian(s) (Bannack, Bannick, Bannuck), country, 525
Bannock Indian War (1878), 50, 57, 122, 129, 131, 132, 133, 134, 358
Bannock, Julia, 132
Barker, Rachel B., 253
Barnard, M.C., 256
Barnhart, Albert, 26
Barrett, Charles E., 342
Barrackman, Adeline, 382
Barrows, Edward M., 213
Bartlett, L.B.D., 353
Bates, Charles H., 380
Bates, Mrs. Kate Stevens*, 232, 341
Battles, O.V., 227
Bauer, Joseph, 32, 250
Beal, M.D., 158, 194, 290, 312, 322, 509
Beall, Thomas J., 434
Bear, Pad R., 403
Bear's Paw Mountain, Battle of*, 56, 62, 73, 77, 79, 92, 96, 110, 189, 263, 292, 301, 559, 562
Beard, G.L. 255
Beattie, G.W., 136, 151, 224
Beck, A.M. 142
Beelie, Ruth C., 128
Beiter, Alfred F., 396
Belais, Mrs. Diana, 210, 338, 403, 404, 412
Bell, Elizabeth Wills, 412
Bennett, G.H., 139
Bennett, Mrs. L.C., 176, 195
Bent, X.P., 144
Berlin, A.F., 200
Bernard, Byron, 403
Bertinetti, Barney, 195, 288
Bertram, J., 122
Beste, H.H., 412
Bever, James, 169
Bibbee, Welch, 146
Big Foot (see McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil)
Big Hole*, Battle and Battlefield, 38, 40, 43, 59, 61, 71, 78, 80, 85, 103, 104, 112, 182, 188, 242, 250, 254, 274, 290, 297, 322, 329, 358, 382, 421, 520, 521, 527, 528, 555, 557, 561, 562
Billie, John, 126
Billy, Jim*, 242
Billy, John, 170, 171, 177, 179, 231, 382
Binyon, J.R., 358
Birch Creek, destruction of wagon train, 106
Bird Alighting (also Chief George Peo-peo Tholekt)*, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 42, 43, 48, 49, 54, 56, 69, 70, 77, 79, 84, 95, 99, 106, 111, 112, 158, 170, 177, 187, 188, 190, 191, 210, 211, 218, 223, 232, 236, 251, 258, 297, 341, 348, 351, 356, 378, 384, 423, 430, 545
Bird Alighting (also Chief George Peo-peo Tholekt)*, maps and drawings by, 519, 520, 522, 529, 532, 538, 555, 556, 562
Bird, W.M., 147, 185
Birds Feeding in a Flock (also Buk-kah-it-toón, Buck-kí-a-tut, Puckya Toot, Pukulyut, Chief John Buck, Johnny, Johnnie)*, 220, 242, 278, 396, 397
Bishop, L.G., 350
Bishop, Thomas G., 230, 353
Bitten by a Grizzly Bear (also Chief John Yum-tee-bee, Yoom-tee-bee, Um-tee-bee, Um-ta-pee)*, 122, 125, 179, 180, 334, 343, 345, 346, 419, 420
Black Bear (also Mrs. Mary Pilkins, An-a-whoa, A-na-whoa, An-a-who-ah, An-awho-ee)*, 429, 430, 436
Black Eagle (also son of Wot-tó-len, Phillip Andrews, Philip Andrews)*, 30, 56, 59, 62, 82, 95, 97, 242
Blackeagle, Joseph, 32, 82, 203
Black Hawk (also Rev. Black Hawk Von Rothman), 225, 361
Blackjack, Ada, 376
Blair, E.H., 139
Blatchley, Charles, 241
Blewett, Charles, 32, 355
Blish, Mrs. H.D., 236
Bliss, Leslie E., 169, 274
Block, William H., 378
Blodgett, George W., 215
Bloch, E., 203
Bloom, Ernest J., 336
Blumenthal, Albert, 29
Boatman, Mrs. Lee, 412
Boddo, Arthur, 403
Bogy, L.A., 73
Bolin, Charles F., 232, 351, 352, 360
Bolon, Andrew J. (also Major, Special Indian Agent Bolan, Bolen, Bowlen), 122, 126, 266, 349, 382, 535
Bolon Monument*, 126, 209, 265, 349, 355, 535, 543 [see also monuments; markers for historic sites]
Bond, Augustine P., 185
Bond, Fred G., 79, 256
Bonham, Francis G., 281
Bonneville Dam, 205
Bonney, W.P., 40, 120, 124, 126, 176, 182, 189, 193, 194, 198, 208, 209, 215, 217, 219, 220, 223, 234, 238, 242, 248, 253, 268, 270, 273, 274, 286, 287, 290, 291, 296, 298, 305, 332, 337, 349, 350, 353, 356, 358, 364, 369, 372, 375, 378, 382, 396, 410, 427
Bonsted, D.H., 390
Boose, Oscar L., 403
Booth, Captain James, 218
Borah, William E., 257
Borden, G.W., 384
Border Settlers of Northwestern Virginia, The*, 1, 3, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144, 146, 147, 149, 151, 154, 178, 181, 224, 241, 318, 340, 563
Borland, William P., 380
Bounds, M., 310
Boutelle, Col. F.A., 191
Bowden, Angie Burt (Mrs. Edmund Bowden), 39, 82, 237, 241, 242, 275, 283, 288, 352,
Bowen, Col. William H.C., 56, 87
Bower, J.H., 60
Bowers, Claude G., 65
Bowles, J. Hooper, 378, 419
Boyd, Theodore, 139
Bradford Island, 205
Bradley, B.B., 404, 412
Bradley, Mrs. B.B., 402
Brady, Cyrus, 84
Brainard, Gen. D.L., 84
Brake, W.C., 138
Brandborg, G.M., 242
Breuninger, August A. (also Un-a-quah), 208
Breeze, Rita, 279
Brenner, Beth (Mrs. C. Brenner; also Po-gum-bie, Chokecherry), 30, 36, 132, 283, 288, 314
Brenner, Charles P., 36, 43
Breuninger, August A. (also Un-a-quah), 208
Brewer, Jane, 524, 526
Bridge of the Gods*, 356, 429, 430, 441
Bridges, Maj. Gen. C.H., 120
Brigg, George T., 176
Briggs, J.P., 404
Bright, A.C., 169
Brimlow, George F[rancis], 281, 288, 314, 358
Brininstool, E.A., 44, 56, 90, 158, 176, 193, 195, 211, 219, 232, 234, 237, 252, 253, 259, 260, 242, 256, 274, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 285, 287, 288, 290, 296, 302, 312, 314, 358
Brisbois, Mrs., 187
Brittain, Mrs. C.A., 241
Brock, Wilbur Fisk, 132, 184
Broncheau, Thomas L.*, 30, 41, 98, 189, 211, 287, 296, 438
Bronkhorst, Bert, 403
Bronson, Earl J., 77
Brooks, A.B., 169
Brooks, Bugler*, 242
Brossio, Joe, 403
Brosius S.M., 27, 159, 180, 185, 187, 189, 191, 203, 210, 232, 265, 332, 336, 337, 338, 339, 342, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 351, 352, 353, 356, 360, 361, 365, 366, 370, 375, 376, 378, 382, 384, 390, 395 [see also Indian Rights Association]
Brotherhood of North American Indians (National Organization), 188, 342, 382, 465
Brotherhood of North American Indians (National Organization), constitution, 345
Brown, Mrs. A.B., 387
Brown, Archie, 238
Brown, Clark A., 133
Brown, E.K., 251
Brown, Frank D., 130
Brown, Genevieve, 199
Brown, George E., 32
Brown, Grace E., 290, 291
Brown, John G., 169, 295, 314
Brown, J. Slidell, 153
Brown, Lewis L., 205
Brown, O.G., 223
Brown, Velma Handley, 195, 274, 279, 285, 290, 297, 312
Brown, W.B., 278
Brown, Walter S., 274
Brown, William Alexander, 355
Brown, Col. W.C. (Gen. William C[arey] Brown), 50, 132
Brown, William C[ompton], 158, 198, 234, 248, 256, 271, 285, 290, 312, 448
Brown, W.G., 378
Bruce, Earl, 403
Bruce, Robert, 96, 291
Bruncken, Ernest, 197
Bryan, (J.E.?), 283
Bryant, Eugene G., 241
Bryant, Frank, 214, 396
Bryant, Ruth M., 234
Buck, Charles Amos, 281
Buck, Fred E., 256
Buck, H.E., 146, 167, 210, 378
Buck, Chief John (also Johnny, Johnnie, Buck-kí-a-tut, Buk-kah-it-toón, Puckya Toot, Pukulyut, Birds Feeding in a Flock)*, 220, 242, 278, 396, 397
Buck, N.K., 338
Buck, Rex, 396
Buckhannon Record, The (West Virginia), 269
Buck-kí-a-tut (also Buk-kah-it-toón, Puckya Toot, Pukulyut, Birds Feeding in a Flock, Chief John Buck, Johnny, Johnnie)*, 220, 242, 278, 396, 397
Buena, Mrs. Frank Hardy, 403
Buffloo, Jackson (also Jackson Sundown), 177
Bundy, Lucile K., 176, 195
Burchfiel, Olive, 29
Burdette, Franklin L., 195, 319
Burdick, Usher L., 48
Burke, Charles H., 208, 227, 404
Bureau of Indian Affairs*, 118, 214, 229, 257, 339, 354, 359, 360, 374, 376, 389, 394, 404, 502, 546 [see also Indian(s), Affairs, U.S. Bureau of]
Burgess, Annie M., 358, 362, 378
Burnham, F.W., 230, 361, 387, 388
Burns, M. Bruce, 244
Byrne, P.E. 32
Cain, Harry P., 310
Cahalan, Mrs. J., 241
Calamity Jane*, 68, 106
California Joe, 427
California Indians, 381 [see also Indians of California, Inc.]
Callahan, J.M., 153
Callaway, Llewellyn (Lew) L., 82, 84
Callender, George R., 40
Calvert, Mrs. Kate H., 203
Calvin, John, 404
Camas Meadows skirmish and raid on Howard's camp*, 84, 242, 529; map of battlefield, 529, 571
Campbell, Marion (also Marion Campbell Cole, Dr. Marion Campbell-Brave Heart), 215, 253, 283, 287, 312, 355
Campbell, N.P., 403
Campbell, V.N., 211
Campbell, W.P., 27
canoe race, Astoria Centennial*, 195 [see also Astoria Centennial Celebration*]
Canse, John M., 44, 213, 251, 278, 320, 375, 398
Canyon Creek skirmish*, 50, 69, 88, 90, 91, 106, 542
Captain, Billie (also Billie Captain Wholite, Holite, Hol-Ite, Ho-lite, Holtite)*, 121, 336, 420, 423, 432, 434
Carey, Harold, 242
Carnegie, Andrew, 205
Carpenter, Charles H., 169, 181, 224, 235, 299
Carpenter, F.D.*, 71
Carper, W.C., 139, 147
Carr, Don M., 177, 189, 227, 232, 335, 338, 339, 342, 343, 347, 353, 356, 359, 378, 382, 403, 404
Carter, Caleb, 32, 49, 210, 248, 250, 256, 265, 391
Cary, Elizabeth G. (also May-wee-peo-peo-hi-hi, Maywee-Peo-peo-Hi-hi), 185, 190, 191, 338
Cascade Indians, 424, 429, 430, 435, 436 [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives]
Case, May, 288
Catholic Indians persecuted, 350
Catlin, Lynde S., 60
Cato, Job (also Casto), 170
Cato, Samantha (Marple) (also Casto), 170
Cave, Will, 260
Caxton Printers, 9, 302, 308, 314, 317, 318, 319, 504 [see also Gipson, Gordon; Gipson, J.H.]
Cedar Valley Indian land claim, 347
Chaffee, Eugene B., 281
Chalcraft, Edwin L., 222, 404
Chapin, A.R., 248
Chapman, Arthur I.*, 66, 242
Chapman, J.L., 287
Charles, Charley H., 158, 170, 219, 245, 364, 383, 384
Charles, Homer W., 369, 382
Charley, William*, 120, 121, 124, 126, 129, 131, 154, 167, 170, 173, 175, 180, 189, 190, 193, 211, 219, 222, 287, 336, 338, 341, 347, 349, 356, 376, 383, 403, 419, 420, 427, 429, 430
Charlo, Chief Martin*, 242
Chase, E.F., 274, 314, 395
Chase, Waldo S., 241
Chautauqua lectures, 383
Chelan-Dalles Indian trail, 205, 565
Chenery, William L., 374
Cheney, Joseph C., 338, 360
Che-pos to-cos (also Ché-pos-to-cos, Shat-taw-wée/Shat-tou-wée, meaning Leader in Battle, Alex McCoy, Alec McCoy, Owl-Child)*, 187, 234, 262, 334, 429, 430, 435, 482
Cherry, E.M., 175, 341
Cherry, Mrs. Minerva, 358
Cheyenne Indians, 56, 555
Cheyenne scouts in Nez Perce War, 56
Childers, Paul W., 351, 360
Chi-mischa (Sinew Bow)*, 122
Chinook, 518
Chippewa Indians, 460
Chokecherry (also Po-gum-bie, Beth Brenner, Mrs. C. Brenner), 30, 132, 283, 288, 314
Choo-num-eth-chi*, 242
Chopunish Indians, 251
Chow-lah-pum (also Alma B.B. Walker), 27, 431
Chrisler, Mrs. E., 353
Christian sects and denominations, 44
Christopher, Arthur J., 287
Churchill, R.R., 402
Chute, George Roger, 215, 237, 268, 358, 418
Chute, H. Gordon, 418
Chute, Mrs. W.F., 252, 256
Civil War, 93
Clark, D.E., 175
Clark, John, 200
Clark, Pal, 283, 288
Clark, R.L., 418
Clark, [Capt. William], 56, 242, 251, 355 [see also Lewis and Clark Memorial; Yellow Hair]
Clark, William S., 40
Clarke, S.J., 356, 360, 378
Clarke, W.F., 122, 273
Clarke, W.S., 404
Clarke, W.W., 356, 378
Clarkson, Seth, 275
Clearwater*, 118
Clearwater crossing and fight*, 55, 101, 355, 541
Clemens, Fred W., 269
Cleland, Mable G., 241
Cleparty, Alva,170, 192, 423, 431 [see also legends and tales; poems and songs]
Cleveland, Annie, 219
Cleveland, Ruth, 211
Clifford, F.J., 234
Clopton, Addie Wesley, 186
Clore, Mabel S., 307, 308, 309, 317, 318
Clovis, May Case, 290
Cobb, William H., 153, 200
Coburn, A.C., 211, 236
Coburn, H.S., 82
Coey, J.M., 403
Coffin, Arthur, 167
Coffin, H. Stanley, 167
Coffman, N.B., 219, 270, 297, 310
Cogewea, 241, 356, 421, 444, 447 [see also Mourning Dove]
Cokely, Lawrence, 218, 224
Cole, Marion Campbell (also Dr. Marion Campbell-Brave Heart, Marion Campbell), 215, 253, 283, 287, 312
Cole, W.H., 197
Collett, Frederick C., 235, 296, 337, 381
Collier, John (also Father Collier), 36, 94, 158, 215, 229, 252, 253, 287, 296, 352, 358, 369, 370, 374, 380, 389, 394, 395, 396
Colo, F.J., 403
Colson, H.E., 363
Columbia River* power, 374
Colvig, William M., 377
Colwash, Chief Jobe Charley (also Ye-mow-wit), 430, 524
Come-down, George (also Eagle Making a Roar, Roaring Eagle)*, 28
Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Annual Report, 1878, 132
Conaway, Ora (Mrs. W. (St.?) Conaway), 169
Condie, Robert (Bob) W., 43, 78, 82, 561
Condit, L.R.A., 297, 382
Condon, J., 531
Conley, Frank, 209, 242
Conley, James, 270
Connelley, William E.*, 138, 142, 143, 145, 149, 167, 169, 171, 175, 181, 185, 200, 204, 208, 211, 218, 234, 348, 382, 383, 570
Connolly, Vera L., 248, 380, 492
Continued Crime Against the Yakimas, The*, 2, 241, 349
Cook, C. Donne, 154
Cook, Harl J., 227, 248, 353, 403, 448
Cook, Roy B., 142, 152, 177, 184
Coolidge, Calvin*, 229, 376
Cooper, C.A., 203
Cooper, W.C., 148
Coot-ahy-ah, Shaw-aw-way, 336
Cornelison, J.M., 158
Cornelius, Evelyn, 292
Cottonwood (Creek), Idaho, fighting at*, 32, 46, 55, 106, 523
Cottrell*, Mary Narby, 43, 78, 198
Coulter, Ernest K., 227
Covey, Mrs. G.H., 412
Cow Creek raid*, 109
Cowan, Charles F., 102
Cowan, Mrs. Emma J., 102
Cowan, Mrs. George F., 84, 102
Cowan, James, 403
Cowan party, 27, 102
Coyote (also Its-i-yí-yi, Its-I-Yi-I), 47, 123, 124, 297, 354, 419, 420, 429, 430, 432, 433, 435, 438, 440, 441 [see also “Coyote Stories”; legends and tales; Mourning Dove, legends]
Coyote Stories*, MS 285, 440,441, 447; with “Just Why” (introduction), dedicatory, notes, 440 [see also legends and tales; Mourning Dove, legends; “Okanogan Sweat House, The”]
Craig, David, 403
Craig, Joseph, 342, 345
Cram, Mrs. George F., 213
Crary, Harold, 384
Craven, Richard C., 227, 403
Crawford, H.F., 357
Crawford, Isabel, 175, 200
Crawford, Jack, 331
Crawford, J.P., 357
Crawford, Mary M., 120, 438
Crawford, Col. William, 570
Crime Against the Yakimas, The*, about, 167, 175, 200, 202, 205, 248, 342, 349
Crime Against the Yakimas, The*, cover sketches, 516
Crocker, H.S., 200
Crook, Gen. [George], 51, 106, 329
Crosno, H.B.,403
Cross, Silas, 176
Crow, Tom* 232, 351
Crow Indians*, 34, 69, 90, 106
Crown R.B., 228
Cucuel, E.E., 241
Cull, Milda P., 274
Cullen, Capt. John W., 81, 167, 194
Cullen, Mrs. John W., 194
Cummings, Florence L., 345
Cummings, H.H., 403
Cundy, Harold J., 215, 253, 291, 296
Cunningham, Fred J., 227
Cunningham, Linnie Brake, 145, 167
Cunningham, W.R., 341
Curry G.L., 50
Curry, Ora D., 288
Curtis, Asahel, 213
Curtis, Edward S., 51
Custer Battlefield* National Cemetery, 237
Custer, [Gen. George Armstrong], 40, 135, 262, 280, 435, 476
Custer's last stand* 40, 262, 435, 476
Cutler, A.B., 404
Cutright, Connie E., 145
Cutright, W.B., 138
Dagenett, Charles E., 382
Daily Citizen, The, 332
Dalles Daily Chronicle, The, 468
Dalton, Mrs. Emil, 403
Dam, Everett S., 175, 238, 349, 356
Data about Fort Simcoe , 199 [see also Fort Simcoe*]
Davenport, J.L., 129, 140
Davidson, Jean C. (Mrs. J.B.), 194, 229, 399
Davis, A.C., 227
Davis, Arthur A., 404
Davis, Charles D., 410
Davis, Florence H., 262
Davis, H.C., 404
Davis, Innis C., 358
Davis, J.H., 412
Davis, J.T., 200
Davis, John W., 342
Davis, Mattie, 403, 404
Davis, Richard, 29
Day, Cash, 60
Defenbach, Byron, 82, 270, 312
De Hurst, M., 139, 158, 200
Deisher, W.M., 241
Delaeter, L.,241
Democratic National Committee, 390
Denham, J.P., 404
DePue Frank A., 275, 287
De Smet, Father Peter [Pierre] Jean, 127
Detweler, H.E., 39
Deutsch, Herman J., 237, 274, 290, 291, 292, 299, 306, 314
De Witt, William A., 283
Dial, Kate M., 362
Dick, E., 334
Dick, Louie, 288
Dickson, Charles H., 338
Dictionary fragment, Yakima and Nez Perce, 121, 123
Dietz, C.E., 296
Dietz, Chas. W., 100
Dill, C.C., 210, 215, 248, 391
Dillon Daily Tribune, The, 509
Dillon, Fannie Charles, 176, 198, 210, 274, 287, 301, 421
Discards, The*, about, 167
Discovery Days in the Northeast [sic] Pacific, 320
Doane, Lt., 65
Dockery, Eva Hunt, 82, 265
Dodrill, W.C., 153, 340
Donaldson, Mrs. L.E., 392
Donaldson, Willie, 392
Doney, Carl G., 169
Donnelly, Frank P., 290
Doran, Mrs. W.S., 227
Dorrington, L.A., 369
Dorsey, H.W.,184
Doty, Boyd P., 376
Douglas, Georgia F., 402
Douglas, Mrs. John F.,403
Douglas, M.H., 260
Douglas, William O., 194
Dowling, Calista M., 175, 218, 545, 563
Doyle, Frank, 403
Draper MS, 25, 136, 138, 146
Draper, Glessner, 287
Draper, Stanley, 287
drawings, 516, 517, 518, 519, 522, 523, 524, 526, 534, 536, 537, 538, 539, 545, 548, 555, 556, 562, 563, 566, 569 [see also Indian(s), drawings; maps; posters]
Dreamer* religion, 40, 44, 135, 193, 199, 216, 358, 421, 422 [see also Hedge, Grace Boles; Yakima Indian(s), Dreamer religion]
Drury, Clifford Merrill, 159, 237, 251, 290, 301, 305, 314
Dryden, Dave, 261
Dunbar, Mrs. John H., 239
Duncan, F.A., 453
Dunn, A.D., 227
Dunn, Duncan, 403
Dunn, J.M., 403
Dunn J.P., 200
Dunning, Nellie H., 403, 404
Dwight, Ben, 389
Dustin, Fred, 100, 278, 314
Dyer, Philena, 175
Eagle Head (also Head Feathers, Hosius Wap-tus, James Reuben)*, 105
Eagle Making a Roar (also Roaring Eagle, George Come-down)*, 28
Eakin, Robert S., 184
Ealy, J.W., 358
Early Klickitat Valley Days, 266
Earth-blanket (also Wat-tes Kun-nin), 104
East, Adam H., 274
Eastern Washington State Historical Society, 203, 234, 290
Eastland, Augusta, 169
Eastman, Verna, 291, 292
Eaton, Capt. Charles, 427 [see also Leshhi]
Eaton, George P., 403, 404
Eberhardt, L.V., 124, 217, 301
Eckenrode, H.J., 148
Eddards, Clare S., 252
Edwards, John M.*, 131, 242
Egan, Chief, 50, 132, 133
Eggleston, A.A., 235, 250
E-hah-tween, 420
E-Lah-Weh-Moh (also Eh-Loh-Weh-Moh)*, 28
Eliot, Samuel A., 359, 360
Elliot, Fred, 403
Elliot, Stuart H., 214, 359
Elliott, T.C., 126, 132, 159, 237, 244, 314
Ellison, R.S., 198, 314
Elofson, Harry, 263
Emmert, J.W., 36
Englebright, Harry L., 235
Englehart, (Ira ?) P., 339
Engles, Frank J., 169, 193, 285, 314
Eskimos and reindeer*, 195
Estep, Evan W., 203, 223, 227, 229, 234, 236, 248, 354, 369, 390, 392, 401, 405, 416
Et-wa-mish, John (“No Stink”)*, 125, 419, 420
Evans, H. Clay, 142
Evans, George W., 403
Evans, James H., 330
Evans, Mrs. James H., 330
Evans, Joe, 219
Evans, Mrs. Joe, 219
Everts, Prof. and Mrs. Fred, 361, 381
Fadden, Raymond, 241, 274
F.A.F.?, 355 [see also poems and songs]
Fagrie, Philip T., 82
Fahringer, Dessie, 244
Fahringer?, Viola, 244
Farnum, J.L., 144, 159
Farrar, Lt. William T. (also Farrow, Farror), 132
Farrar, Victor J., 213
Farrer, Charles M., 227
Faulkner, J.A., 290
Fautron, J.H., 404
Fechter, O.A., 189
Fee, Chester A., 169, 299
Feighner, N.W., 182
Ferguson, E.H., 219
Ferguson, Mrs. L.V., 29
Ferrel, Lloyd B., 200
Ferrell, Thomas, 84
Ferris, Joel E., 220, 283
Ferris, Mabel A. (also Mabel Ferris Keedick, Mrs. Lee Keedick), 158, 162, 228
Ferris, S.E., 185
Ferry Museum, 233
Field, Charles C., 241
Fieldhouse, Pat, 286
Field History, 39, 44, 68, 81, 85, 97, 113, 293, 294, 295, 297 [see also Nez Perce history (“Field History”); Hear Me, My Chiefs!]
Filloon, Inez (Mrs. J.M.), 126, 232, 353
Findley, A.B., 32, 57
Finn, Lloyd A., 248
First Red Feather of the Wing (also Ha-wow-no Ilp-ilp)*, 32
Fisher, Don C., 40, 155
Fisher, Capt. Stanton Gilbert*, 242
Fisher, Walter L., 336, 344, 345
Fitch, C.W., 158, 211, 237, 290
Fitch, Florence G., 319
Fitzgerald, Maurice, 48, 94, 133, 248
Flathead Indian “outrage,” 380
Flatheads, grievances, 349
Flatheads*, and Joseph*, 32
Fletcher, Lt. Col. R.H., 96
Flinn, Rev. Father John J., 511
Flint, A.L., 185
Flores, Mrs. L., 412
flu pandemic, 431
Fogg, P.M., 203, 248, 375
Foreman, Rose, 200
Forrest, Earle R., 43, 242
Forster, Rudolph, 227
Fort “Fizzle*,” 101
Fort Simcoe*, 120, 189, 199, 238, 265, 333, 334, 341, 342, 365, 369, 372, 377, 462, 473 [see also “Data about Fort Simcoe “]
Fossett, Barbara, 190, 337
Foster Battlefield*, 242
Foster, Chapin, D., 194, 289, 290, 312, 352
Foster, Freling, 294
Fouch, Mrs. Altha, 274, 281
Fox, Roy C., 376
Francis, C.B., 191
Francis, Mrs. C.W., 314
Francis, Jr., John, 336
Frank, John, 44
Frazier, Lynn J., 67, 265, 330, 380
Frear, James A., 369
Fredlund, Ed, 73, 242
Freeman, Dan, 60
Frisbie, Calvin, 412
Frontier, The, 260
Frontier, writing about, 257
Friend of the Indian, A, 380 [see also Roosevelt, Franklin D.]
Fuld?, Joseph W., 237
Fuld, Mrs. Joseph W., 184, 193, 241, 287
Fuller, George W., 48, 58, 248
Fulton, H.R., 516
Furry, C.M., 162
Gallagher, Phil H., 195
Galler, Catherine, Cristal (also Mrs. Fred Galler, Cristal McLeod, Mourning Dove, Morning Dove, Hum-Is Hu-Ma)*, 241, 285, 356, 382, 419, 432, 433, 440-450 [see also Mourning Dove, legends]
Galler, Fred, 448
Galloway, W.A., 224
Ganado Mission to the Navajos, 380
Gandee, J.S., 138, 139, 141
Garcia, Andrew*, 36, 42, 88, 91, 103, 158, 176, 242, 255, 279, 569
Gardner, Grace Christianson, 176, 211, 268, 287, 293, 312, 376
Garland, Mrs. R.H., 167
Garner, Mrs. George, 124, 209, 219, 274, 338
Garrecht, Francis A., 182
Gates, Charles M., 82
Gates, Merrill E., 344, 347
Gay, Hazel, 283
Geary, Edward R., 33
Gehlen, Mrs. R.F., 430
General of the Army, Annual Report, 1876, excerpts, 51, 132
General of the Army, Annual Report, 1877, excerpts, 35, 108
General of the Army, Annual Report, 1878, excerpts, 36, 71
Geological, Tribal, and Historical Monuments*, 240 [see also Washington state, monuments]
George, Frank, 270, 287, 312
Gibbon, Col. John (also Brigadier-General)*, 43, 61, 108, 264
Gibson, Charles B.,193
Gibson, E.W.,162
Gibson, Jewel L., 198
Giffin, Beatrice Arnold, 268
Gilbert, H.M., 334, 335, 336
Gilbert, Harold B., 339
Gilbertson, G.H., 270
Gill, John K., 184
Gillet, Victoria, 261
Gipson, Gordon, 308, 317, 318, 319 [see also Caxton Printers]
Gipson, J.H., 302, 307, 308, 309, 314, 317, 318, 319 [see also Caxton Printers]
Glasgow, Miss, 203
Glavis, Louis R., 27, 81, 330
Glerke, Mrs., 403
Goerner, Paul, 404
Goff, R.M., 363
Golden, Susan, 94
Goldin, Mrs. Theodore, 90
Goldin, Theodore W.*, 69, 90, 100, 106
Gooch, Robert C., 283
Goodfellow, John C., 169
Goodwin*, F.M., 354
Gordon, D.J., 200
Gordon, J.H., 404
Goudy, Jim, 432
Goudy, Simon*, 127, 158, 162, 173, 179, 189, 190, 196, 205, 214, 219, 291, 336, 338, 346, 342, 347, 348, 356, 358, 359, 360, 403, 404, 412, 419, 420, 424, 429, 430, 431, 432, 436, 565
Grad, Dr. Hermann, 241
Graham, F.W., 77
Graham, Robert M., 369
Grant, J.W., 404
Grant, U[lysses] S., 44, 205
Graves, Carroll B., 186, 210, 332, 347
Gray, Mrs. Grace (James T.), 264
Gray, Robert, 398
Green, Leon D., 185
Green, O.J., 348
Greenberg, D.W., 248
Greene, E.D., 372
Greene, Mrs. Fred Remington, 372
Greene, Mrs. H.H., 200
Grier, Mrs. Etheliape S., 404
Griffin, Alicia, 297
Griffin, A.P.C., 146
Griffin, Arthur E., 128
Griffin, Beatrice Arnold, 268
Griffin, Gertrude A., 297
Griffin, James, 73, 77, 193
Griggs, Mrs. Herbert (Elvira), 213, 273, 450
Griggs, Herbert S., 213
Grill, Louis F., 82, 158
Grim, C.R., 205
Grinnell, George Bird, 56
Grorud, A.A., 332
Gross, Maj. F.A., 9, 279, 290, 312, 331
Grunn?, Emma, 403
Gudley, Marion E., 294
Guie, H. Dean, 51, 159, 194, 210, 248, 292, 330, 400, 440, 450
Guns and Gunfighters, 494
Ha-a-ko-wa-a (also Ha-a-ko-a-wa, Martha Groves McKelvie, Martha Frances McKelvie, Mrs. Sam R. McKelvie), 169, 176, 187, 192, 203, 219, 225, 239, 265, 278, 285, 288, 382, 448
Haasze, E.J., 404
Hackedorn, H., 314
Hacker, A.R., 147, 200
Hacker, J.T.*, 138
Hacker, L.C., 147
Hacker, W.G., 137, 138, 147
Hagen, Olaf T., 372
Hagerman, (Herbert?) E., 227, 412
Hagie, F.O., 27, 213, 265, 273
Hagmann, Merle, 317
Haigh, Bertha, 241
Haines, Francis, 283, 314
Haines, Guy, 352
Haines, Margoria M., 278
Hale, Charles, 353
Half-Moon, Otis, 115
Halish Hosat (see McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil)
Hall, F.S., 82, 189, 270, 290, 399
Hall, Gilman, 241
Hall, John Strange, 138, 139, 146, 147, 159
Hall, Mamie, 139
Hall, Mary S., 138
Hall, May L., 402
Haller, Maj., 122
Halsey, Anna Mckee, 301
Hamilton, W.F. (also Man Elk), 203, 210, 214, 229, 234, 237, 252, 384
Hamlin, H., 94
Hamrick, Eli “Rimfire,” 122
Hana, (W.C.?), 185
Hancock, J.W., 136
Hanley, John H., 418
Hanley, Pvt., 130
Hansen, C., 275
Hansen, Emma, 275
Hansen, George W., 260
Hansen, K.H., 184
Hansen, Ralph H., 242
Hanson, Mrs., 404
Harader, J.A., 58
Hardman, Paul, 145
Hardwick, Lily Norling, 195, 211, 241, 251, 283, 376
Hardy Buena, Mrs. Frank, 403
Harmer, Harvey W., 288
Harne, Mary E., 402, 412
Harper, Allan G., 358
Harris, J.M., 404
Harris, Ruth, 169, 257
Harrison, Bess E., 312
Harrison, Perry, 402
Harrison, Max, 32
Harrison, S.J., 403
Hart, A.E., 418
Hart, Eugene D., 281
Hart, Louis F., 353
Hart, Thomas*, 26
Hart, William S., 498
Harvey, Benjamin L., 378
Hascall, C., 401, 402, 403, 404
Haskin, Frederic J., 244
Hathaway, Ella C., 260
Hathaway, R., 182
Hauke, C.F., 338, 339, 343, 346, 347
Haupt, Hope Elizabeth, 360
Haupt, Mrs. S.A., 360
Hausze, E.J., 404
Haven, Mrs. A.M., 175, 186
Hawkins, Adelia, 40, 248
Hawkins, Mrs. Ora B., 60, 82, 281, 319
Ha-wow-no Ilp-ilp (also First Red Feather of the Wing)*, 32
Hayden, Horace Edwin, 200, 206
Haydon, F. Stansbury, 251
Haymond, Henry, 142, 144, 146, 171, 204
Haynes Cave, 137
Hays, John W., 175, 338
Hays, W.H., 275
Hazen, Nathan, 43, 364
Hazen, W. Babcock, 135
Head Feathers ( also Eagle Head, Hosius Wap-tus, James Reuben, 105
Hear Me, My Chiefs!, rough draft MS, 11-24, 96, 97, 118, 263, 328, 564 [see also Nez Perce history (“Field History”)]
Heaton, David, 71
Heaton?, J.W.,147
Heaton, William D., 128
Heavner, Clara Du Mont (Mrs. Clark W.), 146, 186
Heavner, E. Reger, 147, 148, 171
Heavner, Gideon M., 138, 147
Heavner, Jacob W., 171
Heavner, Mrs. Jacob W., 138, 147
Heavner, Lee Reger, 147
Heberd, Grace Raymond, 172
Hedge, Grace Boles, 44, 215, 232, 237, 253, 261, 274, 286, 288, 290, 294, 301[see also Dreamer* religion; Yakima Indian(s), Dreamer religion]
Hedges, H.H., 40, 257
Hedges, W.A., 257
Hefner, Victoria, 145
Hegnauer, Leonard, 378
Heilman, L.H., 177
Hein-mot-Hi-Hi*, 210
Helping Another (also Pe-nah-we-non-mi, Mrs. Shot-in-Head, Mrs. Shot-in-the-Head, Its-kum-che-lí-li)*, 38, 43, 274
Hembree, Capt. A.J.* (also Hambree), 124, 209, 217
He-mene Mox-mox (also Yellow Wolf, Yellow Wolfe, White Thunder)*, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 41, 43, 46, 60, 62, 66, 82, 84, 98, 115, 119, 120, 158, 173, 180, 184, 187, 188, 190, 191, 192, 194, 210, 211, 218, 223, 232, 242, 244, 253, 258, 267, 274, 288, 312, 331, 336, 338, 341, 348, 351, 378, 382, 394, 430, 438, 520, 548 [see also Yellow Wolf, His Own Story]
He-mene Ká-wan (see McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil)
Henderson, Albert, 546
Henderson, Floyd A., 43, 80, 358, 527, 528, 561
Henderson, H.L., 177
Henny, D.C., 336
Henry, W.A., 65
Herrick John, 268, 270
Heye George G., 167, 234, 350
Heyoom Teyat-kekt (also Mrs. Chief White Bird), 53
He-yoom-yum-mí (also Woman Grizzlybear), 44
Hickman, Fred, 275
Hickman, M.L., 200
Hiestand, Elizabeth F.G., 145
High, Fred, 228
Highland, Scotland G., 256, 283
Hilger, David, 251
Hill, B., 287
Hill, Edith R., 162
Hill, Knute, 396
Hill, Tom, 422
Hillain, J.R., 330
Hiller, A.D., 142
Hilmick, Clark W., 147
Hilts, Douglas, 241
Himes, George H., 29, 128, 175, 184, 203, 209, 292, 337, 353, 356, 378, 389, 431
Himrod, James Lattimore, 228
Hineman, Mrs. M.S., 176, 275, 418
Hinrichs, Mable Woods (Mrs. Frederick B.), 214
Hinzman, D.B., 148
Hirschy, Flora, 36, 40, 42, 78, 82, 211, 237, 248, 312
Hiscock, Max, 358
Histo*, 129, 191
Historic, 427 [see also McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, writings and publishing]
historic markers and monuments*, 159, 177, 184, 193, 195, 209, 216*, 217, 239, 240, 242*, 244, 250, 271, 337, 349, 352, 355*, 356, 378, 393, 473, 487, 543 [see also markers for historic sites; monuments; memorials; mementos]
Hitchcock, E.A., 336
Hitchman, Lucia Jane, 358
Hitchman, Robert, 122, 332, 358
H.L., 290 [see also Arthur H. Clark Company, The]
Hodge, F.W., 27, 178
Holden, Glen R., 224
Ho-lite (also Billie Captain Wholite, Holite, Hol-Ite, Holtite)*, 121, 336, 420, 423, 432, 434
Holland, President E.O., 113, 118, 164, 306, 331
Hollow Horn Bear, 536 [see also Indian(s), drawings; drawings]
Holmes, Col. H.E., 259
Holmes, W.D., 137, 145, 178, 332, 374
Holmes, William H., 102, 145, 159 181, 189
Holt, L.M., 339, 351, 358, 360
Holton, R.N.,404
Honig, L.O., 169
Honstead, John, 208
Hoover, Sallie W.P., 153
Horne, J.G., 228
Horne, Mary E., 412
Hornell, 197
Horner, Henry, 254
Horner, J. Harley, 40, 43, 58, 93, 107, 132, 195, 251
Horner, Thomas R., 224, 252, 375
Horse Blanket (also Sam Morris, Sam She-kamtsets-kunin), 105, 210, 211, 243, 430
Hosius Wap-tus (also Eagle Head, Head Feathers, James Reuben)*, 105
Ho Sus-ya-ow-yein, 28
Houghton Mifflin Company, 159
Howard, C.O., 42, 264
Howard, Emma, 275
Howard, George Carver, 171
Howard, Harry Stimson, 29, 36, 42, 68, 86, 87, 264, 288, 314
Howard, Helen Addison (Mrs. Ben Overland), 39, 193, 281
Howard, Lee, 82, 211
Howard, Gen. O.O.*, 26, 32, 36, 40, 42, 56,57, 68, 72, 82, 84, 86, 87, 91, 92, 108, 131, 264, 270, 529
Howell, Philip, 234
Howgate, James C., 296
How-lis Won-poon (also Camille Williams, War Singer), 29, 32, 34, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 62, 68, 78, 80, 82, 84, 104, 115, 119, 176, 193, 242, 288, 297, 382
Hoxworth, R.H., 403
Hubbard, Ralph, 387
Hudson, George E., 242, 312
Hudson's Bay Co. trading post, 332
Hughes, Capt. Elias, 138
Hughes, Everett, 153
Hughes, family, 140, 141, 142, 145, 147
Hughes, Jesse, 1, 136, 137, 139, 142, 148, 153
Hughes, Josiah, 257
Hughes, Thomas, 176, 200
Hughes, W.H., 181
Hughes, W.L., 200
Hughes, W.W., 138, 200
Hulse, E., 347
Humane Society*, 208, 227, 265, 378, 401, 409, 479 [see also Yakima Humane Society]
humane work*, (McWhorter*), 227, 362, 378, 401-410, 412-415, 417, 457, 475, 479 [see also Yakima County Humane Officer, McWhorter as]
Humble, J.L.*, 257
Hum-Is Hu-Ma (also Mourning Dove, Morning Dove, Catherine, Cristal (Mrs. Fred) Galler, Cristal McLeod)*, 241, 285, 356, 382, 419, 432, 433, 440-450 [see also Mourning Dove, legends]
Humphrey, William, 380
Hunsicker, Martin, 403
Hunt, Garrett B., 82, 172
Hunt, Herbert, 428
Hunter, Samuel, 421, 537
Hupel, Ida, 403, 404
Hurons, 487
Hurst, Anna, 248
Hurst, Daniel, 148
Hurst, Elenor, 148
Hurst, George A., 148
Hurst, G.P., 175
Husis Owyen (Wounded Head; also Shot-in-the-Head)*, 28, 534
Hutchins, C.C., 175
Hutchinson, Ernest N., 240
Hutchinson, Samuel, 403
Ickes, Harold, 394
Idaho*, map of, 552
Iiams, Thomas M., 274
I-keep-swah (also Ie-keep-swah, Jim Peter, Wasco Jim Peter, Wasco Jim Peters, Sitting Rock)*, 125, 127, 214, 364, 419, 422, 423, 427, 429, 432
Immele, Robert C. (also Imelee), 403
Inchelim River, 438 [see also legends and tales]
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, 199, 419, 423, 424, 426, 427, 431 [see also Indian(s); Yakima Indian(s)]:
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Amusements [games for children] by Samalee Sack, 431
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Berry Feast of 1910, The, 426
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Berry Feast of the Yakimas, at the Pom-Pom House of Billie Stahies, Sunday, August 11, 1912, The, 199
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Care of the Hair, 424
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Customs of the Yakimas, 424
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Data on the Two Yah Ya Tosh (ancient graves)*, 423
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Dreamer Religion of the Yakima Indians, The, 199 [see also McWhorter, Lucullus, Virgil, writings and publishing]
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Elements Entering into the Religion of the Yakimas, 424
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Feast and Donation in Memory of the Dead, A; Feast of Thanksgiving for Recovery from Serious Illness, A, 424
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Feast of the New Food, The*, 426
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Hunt of 1912, The, 199
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Hunter*-Omens, 424
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Hunting* Omens of the Yakimas, 424
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Immortality, Wasco, 423
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Indian Rock Carvings and Paintings*, 199 [see also McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, writings and publishing]
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Items on the Cascade Indians, 424
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Medicine Man's Mode of Obtaining Healing Powers, 423
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Medicine Men of the Yakimas, 423
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Mourning Customs of the Yakimas and Kindred Tribes,424
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Origin of the Salmon and Root Feasts of the Yakimas, 426
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Owl of Ill Omen, The, 424
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Power of the Medicine Man: How Obtained, 424
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Properties of Tahmanhawis* Power, 423
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Sacrifice of the Peni-ten-tes of New Mexico, 423
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Shakers, The, 427
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Sie-kin-lus, Indian Rattle, 423
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Test of the Sweat House [sic], The, 424
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Tribal Customs of the Klikitats [sic], 424
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Tribal Customs of the Yakimas: Subduing a Refractory Child, 419
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Underground Houses of the Yakimas and Wishoms, 424
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, War Dance* of the Yakimas, The, 424
Indian customs and beliefs, narratives, Wasco Calendar, 424
Yakima Indian Signs and Omens*, 423
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:Affairs, Commissioner of, 68, 220, 253
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:affairs, 27, 135, 158, 162, 173, 177, 189, 190, 193, 200, 203, 210, 219, 220, 245, 248, 250, 253, 257, 259, 265, 270, 278, 290, 330, 336, 337, 339, 341-350, 352-356, 359, 360, 364, 368, 369, 370, 374, 375, 380, 381, 384, 390, 391, 393, 397, 400, 425, 455, 459, 462, 473, 508
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:Affairs, U.S. Bureau of, 118, 214, 257, 229, 339, 354, 359, 360, 374, 376, 380, 389, 394, 404, 502 [see also Bureau of Indian Affairs]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:agents, 68, 120, 333
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:artifacts and relics*, 54, 64, 143, 160, 163, 171, 191, 203, 223, 228, 248, 267, 290, 306, 332, 341, 350, 355, 384, 393, 423, 483
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:attitude toward whites, 89
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:Bank of Wapato, 354
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:battle axes, 551
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:battles and battlefields*, 28, 40, 112, 182, 242, 248, 262, 290, 520, 561 [see also specific battles listed]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:buffalo lance, sketch of, 569
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:burial site, map of, 540
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:citizenship, 27, 338, 377
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:Commercial Club, 354
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:Commission, 105, 359, 460
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:commissioners, 36, 44, 68, 72, 83, 100, 132, 220, 229, 253, 287, 296, 297, 341, 343, 344, 346, 348, 389, 394
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:councils*, associations, organizations, 68, 87, 114, 180, 205, 336, 338, 339, 347, 348, 351, 356, 358, 372, 383, 384, 426
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:culture*, 226, 418
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:customs*, 378, 419, 424, 482 [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:dance*, 424, 427, 433, 440, 441
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:display objects, 279
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:drawings, 516-519, 522, 523, 524, 526, 532, 534, 536, 537, 538, 545, 548, 555, 556, 562, 566, 569 [see also drawings; maps; posters]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:earth/underground houses*, 424
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:famine, 424
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:feasts*, 122, 185, 199, 421, 424, 426, 428
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:fights, comments on, 290
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:fishing* rights, 40, 177, 180, 193, 338, 352, 356, 396, 397, 418, 428, 455, 462 [see alsoYakima Indian(s), fishing rights]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:flint-chipping shop, 437
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:goiter among, Northwest, 367
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:graves*, 40, 242, 423
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:grievances, protests, 67, 120, 220, 248, 250, 336, 342-345, 349, 356, 359, 385, 425
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:horn shell wampum, 219
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:hunters and hunting*, 199, 201, 419, 421, 431, 432, 440
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:hunter* omens, 424
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:hunting rights, 339, 350, 356, 385
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:hunting stories, 52, 199, 423, 424, 429, 431, 432, 435, 436, 440
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:in Canada, conditions, 383
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:in motion pictures, 184, 300
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:inscriptions, 238
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:in World War I, 356
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:in World War II, 452
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:”Justice Reorganized,” 389
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:land allotment, Allotment Act of 1887, notes on, 128, 193, 270, 345, 346, 386, Flatheads, 349; Yakimas, 128, 193, 205, 334, 336, 338, 339, 346, 347 [see also Yakima Indian(s), land allotment ]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:land claims, Nez Perce, 378
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:lands for sale, resettlement, 343, 346, 349, 377
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:language(s), 52, 121, 123, 184, 349, 378, 399
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:legal aid for, 351
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:legislation, regarding, 27, 333, 342, 345, 359
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:legends and tales, 52, 121, 123, 128, 135, 178, 179, 199, 269, 297, 329, 356, 358, 368, 378, 394, 399, 419-440, 447, 450, 489, 490, 492 [for story titles see also main entry: legends and tales]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:life, destruction of [way of], 374
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:linguistic families*, 567 [see also maps]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:medicine dances, 427
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:medicine powers, 47 [see also tahmahnawis*power and wyakin powers]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:in people, 420, 423, 424, 427, 430
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:in plants and animals, 47, 242, 430
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:missionaries among the, 32, 68, 97, 219, 251, 387, 570 [see also missions and missionaries]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:missions to the, 44, 72, 380, 382, 388, 570 [see also missions and missionaries]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:monuments*, 159, 223, 239, 242, 246, 267, 271, 288, 349, 393, 487, [see also monuments; markers for historic sites]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:mourning customs, 424
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:music in Hollywood, 300
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:names and words, meanings of, 30, 34, 39, 45, 57, 81, 88, 119, 121, 123, 124, 135, 199, 251, 308, 419-424, 426, 427, 429-432, 436, 437, 439, 444, 455
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:opera, 285
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:pensions, 129, 208, 344
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:petitions, 193, 205, 227, 287, 333, 336, 341-344, 346, 347, 348, 382
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:pictographs*, 199, 538 [see also Indian(s), rock carvings and paintings*]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:”Policy on Religious Liberty,” 389
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:prophecy, 56, 422, 423, 424
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:property, inheritance of, 300 [see also Indian(s), land allotment ]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:published newspapers, 481
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:rattle, 423
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:related newspaper articles and clippings, 452, 454, 457, 458, 459, 460, 462, 465, 467, 469, 470, 472, 473, 481, 482, 484, 486, 489, 493, 495, 497, 502, 503, 505, 508, 509
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:religion and beliefs, 32, 40, 44, 193, 199, 216, 358, 389, 423, 424, 428, 444 [see also Indian(s), visions; Indian(s), tahmahnawis* power; Yakima Indian(s), religion]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:Rights Association, 189, 232, 339, 342, 345, 348, 352, 360, 390 [see also Brosius, S.M.]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:rock carvings and paintings*, 199 [see also Indian(s), pictographs*]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:rodeos, 175, 401, 410, 413
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:sacrifices, 423, 424
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:schools, 290, 354
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:scouts, 30, 56, 68, 72, 82, 86, 106, 122, 172, 369 [see also scouts and couriers in Indian wars; Nez Perces: scouts; scouts with U.S. Army; scouts with Col. Wright; scouts with Gen. Howard; Cheyenne scouts in Nez Perce War, Shoshone scouts in Nez Perce War]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:Selective Service, and, 319
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:shows and exhibitions, 179
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:signs and omens*, 423, 424
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:songs, 297, 423, 426, 430 [see also poems and songs]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:state fairs, appearing in, 352
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:superstitions, 424, 444
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:sweathouse*, 424
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:tahmahnawis* power, 422-425, 430, 432, 435 [see also legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s), tahmahnawis* power]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:trapping, rights, 256, 287
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:treaties, 33, 67, 75, 95, 99, 114, 117, 118, 125, 127, 193, 219, 333, 352, 356, 358, 396, 399
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:trenches, 426
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:tribal courts, 340, 395
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:tribal property, 377
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:tribes, 42, 68, 79, 86, 95, 127, 139, 220, 343, 347, 399, 424, 429, 430[see also specific tribes, i.e., Cascade Indians, Nez Perce(s), Yakima Indian(s)]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:village sites, 128, 209, 437
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:visions, 422 [see also Indian(s), religion and beliefs; tahmahnawis* power; Yakima Indian(s), tahmahnawis* power; legends and tales]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:vocabulary (etymology, definitions, phrases), 34, 81, 119, 121, 123, 251, 349, 412, 429, 438, 444
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:war bonnet, origin of, 31
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:war dance*, 424
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:warriors*, 30, 32, 38, 39, 59, 79, 84, 106, 123, 127, 129, 191, 242, 420, 422, 423, 424, 431, 434
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:war veterans, survivors, 219, 248, 355
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:wars, tribal, 28, 30, 31, 34, 40, 50, 63, 68, 69, 83, 84, 87, 111, 115, 127, 129, 130, 132, 248, 263, 355, 356, 431, 490 [see also under specific tribes, battles and campaigns, i.e., Bannock Indian War, Paiute Indian War, Nez Perce War, Puget Sound Indian War, Rogue River Indian War, Yakima War, Indian(s), tribes, Cascade Indians, Yakima Indian(s)]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:welfare, 122
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:white attitude toward, 89
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:Indians of California, Inc., 296, 381 [see also California Indians]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:”In Earlier Days,” 467 [see also Oregon history, pioneers; Journal, The; Lockley, Fred]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:Inland Herald, The, 454
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:International Fine Arts Exposition, 228
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:interpreters and narrators, 38, 44, 53, 66, 93, 104, 105, 106, 120, 124, 126, 127, 129, 131, 189, 242, 270, 297, 369, 419, 420, 422, 425, 429, 430, 434, 435
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:Ips-tsu-la-nen*, 242
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:Irish, B.F., 412
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:Iroquois League Indians, 378
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:irrigation* and water rights* on Indian lands, chiefly Yakima, 2, 122, 159, 185, 191, 198, 209, 227, 237, 248, 250, 290, 297, 332, 334, 335, 336, 338, 339, 341-348, 350, 351, 352, 354 -358, 360, 370, 371, 374, 376, 382, 386, 425, 437, 455, 462, 483, 493, 502
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:Irwin, T.L., 403
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:Its-i-yí-yi (“Coyote”; also Its-I-Yi-I), 47, 123, 124, 297, 354, 419, 420, 429, 430, 432, 433, 435, 438, 440, 441 [see also “Coyote”; legends and tales; Mourning Dove, legends]
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:Its-kum-che-lí-li (also Mrs. Shot-in-Head, Mrs. Shot-in-the-Head, Pe-nah-we-non-mi, Helping Another)*, 38, 43, 274
Indian(s) [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; legends and tales; Yakima Indian(s)]:Ivy, C.E., 393
Jack, Captain (also Peach-te-lá-la)*, 191 [see also Modoc Indian War]
Jackson, Andrew, 159
Jackson, Charles E., 358
Jackson, C.M., 175
Jackson, J.G., 138, 340
Jackson, L.F., 175
Jackson, Mrs. S.H., 402
Jackson, T., 148, 177
Jakways, C.A., 243
James, Edmund J., 136, 139, 200
James, George Wharton, 379
James, Jim, 189
James, John N., 200
Jane (Mrs. John Russell Agee), 269, 286, 295
Japanese on Yakima Indian lands, 360, 366
Jason, Chief*, 242
Jayne, 234
Jayne, J.M., 175
Jeffery, J.O., 401
Jeffery, Mrs. J.O., 227, 401
Jeffryes, Mrs. J.L., 223
Jenckes, Virginia E., 396
Jensen, Merrill, 56, 169
Jerabek, Esther, 195, 274
Jerome, Lt. Lovell H.*, 96, 263
Jiggs, Maggie ([pseud.]; also Jennie R. Nichols), 70, 190, 192, 227, 358, 378, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 410, 412 [see also “Maggie”]
Jocelyn, S.P., 290
Joffe, Joseph, 80, 82, 253, 301
Johns, Paul, 213
Johnson, Albert W., 102, 184, 210, 211, 262, 279, 290, 384, 395
Johnson, “Cap” J.W., 93
Johnson, Henry C., 32
Johnson, Hiram W., 253
Johnson, J.E., 235
Johnson, J.H., 404
Johnson, J.O., 403
Johnson, Jack (Liver Eating), 40, 57, 82
Johnson, James, 162
Johnson, Laura, P.(Laura P. Johnson (Postmaster?)), 260
Johnson, M.A., 220, 300, 312, 318, 372, 396
Johnson, R.H., 186, 336
Johnson, Robert, 176, 290
Johnson, Walter S., 36
Johnson, William Carey, 511
Johnson, William E.*, 120, 175, 179, 186, 193, 203, 205, 210, 234, 336, 338, 341, 344, 345, 346, 348, 448
Johnson-Lee Bill, the, 198
Johnston, Dr. Walter S., 36
Jones Bill, the, 169, 185, 332, 343, 493
Jones, Anna H., 241
Jones, Clifford E., 181
Jones, Mrs. Edna L., 82
Jones, Frank, 403
Jones, Harry, 187
Jones, Hilman F., 274, 399
Jones, Mrs. J.L., 403
Jones, Lester T., 367
Jones, Lloyd L., 290
Jones, Pamelia Pearl, 169
Jones, Richard Lloyd, 213
Jones, Robert O., 227
Jones, T.L., 336
Jones, W.J., 412
Jones, Wesley L., 227, 336, 344, 346, 361, 376, 391, 412
Jordan, A.H.B., 213
Jordan, family, 272
Jordan, Lois M., 184
Jordan, Ollie, 78, 132, 176, 219, 224, 232, 237, 252, 258, 272, 285
Jordan, Rush, 244, 314, 329, 557
Jordan, Thomas, 352
Joseph, Chief*, 26, 32, 33, 40, 48, 56, 57, 61, 69, 74, 83, 84, 87, 92, 96, 105, 109, 120, 159, 172, 194, 211, 216, 223, 234, 239, 242, 246, 255, 259, 267, 312, 329, 355, 356, 421, 454, 490, 531
Joseph, Old Chief (also Wel-lá-mot-kin)*, 71, 74
Journal, The, 467 [see also “In Earlier Days”; Oregon history, pioneers]
Joy, Jason S., 417
Kaiser, Mrs. Jennie, 279
Kaiser, J.M., 224
Kaiser, John, 82
Kamiah monster*, 349, 438, 549
Kamiakun, Chief (also Kamiaken, Kamiakin, Ka-mi-akin, Ka-miah-kin)*, 120, 127, 244, 258, 271, 393, 424, 458
Kamiakun, Chief Tomeo (Arthur Tomio)*, 127, 330
Kamiakun, Chief Cleveland (also Kamikan [sic])*, 127, 258
Kansas State Historical Society, 383
Kantrowich, Samuel, 227
Katzoff, Simon Louis, 412
Kaufman, R.O., 40
Keal, Mary E. (Mrs. W.H.), 290
Kearns, William E., 193, 253
Keedick, Mabel Ferris (Mrs. Lee Keedick; also Mabel A. Ferris) 158, 162, 228
Keim, Ethel Smith, 287
Keister, E.E., 151, 250
Keith, Arthur L., 143, 146, 148, 167
Keith, James R., 352
Keith, John, 100
Keith, Lyle, 198
Kelly, Mrs. A.M., 227
Kelly, Clyde, 366, 379
Kemerer, P.H., 194
Kendall Lowther, Minnie (also Kendall-Lowther), 145, 147, 183, 318, 355
Kendrick, John B., 208
Kennedy, D.P., 210
Kennerly, Perry H., 220, 342, 465
Kenton, Edna, 260
Kersie, F.L., 213, 273
Ketcham, William H., 235, 359
Keydel, Oscar F., 260
Kikt-tan-nee, 436
King, E.A., 348
King, Senator (William H.?), 380
Kingston, C.S., 189, 369
Kingston, Marie, 403
Kinne, Grace C., 403, 404
Kinne?, Rose P., 227
Kirk, Ethel L., 329, 330
Kirk, Mike, 195, 241, 248
Kirkpatrick, A.L., 261
Kirkpatrick, Frank, 353
Kittitas, definition of, 223
Kittitas County, 385
Kittle, Warren B., 200, 204
Klamath Basin, 40
Klamath Indian protests, 232
Klamath Indian Reservation, 380
Klickitat County, 124, 368
Klickitat Indians, 424, 427
Klickitat legends, 122, 419, 420, 429, 430, 434, 435, 436 [see also legends and tales]
Knaebel, Ernest, 335
Knight, G.L., 182
Knight, J.D., 265
Kock, Elers, 47
Koemple, John, 403
Kopac, Ed, 312
Kopac, Emil, 47, 69, 77, 80, 184, 189, 195, 210, 242, 265, 283, 286, 295, 312, 319
Koppen, Jeannie C. (Mrs. F.C.), 217
Krausnick, Gertrude, 274
Kroll, Sophia C., 274
Kucera, Frank H., 241
Kue-kul-lis-li-lihkin*, 242
Kulalas (also Ku-lala), 124
Kul-Kul Si-Yakth (also Matthew Whitfield), 38
Kuykendall, E.V., 52, 118, 169
Kuykendall, G.B., 162, 186
La Follette, E.A.P., 275
Laidley, W.S., 162
Laing, Mary E., 208
Lake, Stuart N., 494
Lamb, Jack, 176
Lament of We-Yal-lup Wa-ya-ci-ka, 425
Laney, Doris, 195
Langdon, J.W., 162, 186, 243, 341, 433
Langlie, Arthur B., 288
Lanphear, Burton, 248
Lapham, Stanton C., 268, 269, 287, 297, 301, 358
Laow tick-tick ilp-ilp (also Laow tic-tic il-pilp, Laow tec-tec ilp-pilp, Alonzo Victor Lewis, Mud Sparrow, The Red Swallow), 36, 70, 158, 169, 184, 191, 194, 203, 210, 211, 239, 246, 247, 265, 267, 287, 279, 312, 314, 351, 391, 394
Lapwai, 287, 438
Lapwai councils, 68
Lapwai Indian Agency*, 83, 330
Lapwai Indian Reservation, 44
Larrabee, C.F., 214, 335, 339
Larson, Henry A., 186, 336
Latimer, Joseph W., 27, 197, 215, 252, 257, 278, 374, 390
Lattin, Jennie H., 169, 314
Latus, Grace D., 384
Laubach, Jas.H., 184
Laurence, Lucy, 36
Laut, Agnes C., 237, 257, 261, 285
Läux-Wóptus, 419, 422
Lawrence, Elizabeth, 257, 448
Lawrence, Mrs. Sydney, 275
Lawson, George R., 182
Lawyer, Chief*, 53, 223, 242, 243
Lawyer, Corbett B., 29
Layman, Mrs. Brady, 358
Layman, L.C., 404
Leach, Henry Goddard, 360
Ledger, John T., 290
Lee, Jason, 180
Lee, Gen. Robert E., 332
Leechman, J.D., 350. 382
Legends and tales, 31, 44, 123, 189, 369, 419, 420, 422, 423, 424, 427, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 447, 458, 487 [see also Klickitat legends; Mourning Dove, legends; poems and songs; Indian(s), hunting stories; Yakima Indian(s), hunting-omens and stories]:
Legends and tales, Adventure of Che-pos-to-cos (Owl-Child), an, 435
Legends and tales, Adventure on Goat Rocks, An, 432
Legends and tales, Ah-Ton-O Kah of She-Kó-Ún, 419
Legends and tales, Alincotty's Combat with a Grizzly, 432
Legends and tales, Álo-Quat and Tweé-Tash Contend over the Division of Light and Darkness; with notes, 436
Legends and tales, Ancient Legend of the Red Fox, 430
Legends and tales, Aquatic Tahmahnawis* (Aquatic Tah); with notes, 430
Legends and tales, Arrow Ladder to Heaven, The, 441
Legends and tales, Arrow Trail to the Upper World-Land, The; with notes, 433, 440
Legends and tales, Bad Spirit of the Clackamas, The; with notes, 419
Legends and tales, Battle of the At-Te-Yi-Yí and To-Qée-Nut; with notes, 436
Legends and tales, Battle between Eagle and Chinook: Origin of the Horn Spoon; with notes, 436
Legends and tales, Battle between Eagle and Owl, The, 430; 436 (with notes)
Legends and tales, Battle of Cold Wind and Chinnook [sic] Wind; with notes, 430, 436 [see also Legends of the Yakimas, Notes for]
Legends and tales, Battle of the Five Wives of Enum-kláh, or “Thunder,” 430
Legends and tales, Battle with the Ste-Ye-Háh-Mah (Stick-Showers); with notes, 419
Legends and tales, Bear-Woman of the Nespelems, 431
Legends and tales, Bear Woman of the Okanogan; with notes, 422
Legends and tales, Beaver and Coyote's Son Muskrit, 441
Legends and tales, Border Vision, A, 422
Legends and tales, Boy Lynk [Lynx] and Owl-Woman, The, 433 (with notes), 441
Legends and tales, Boy Lynx and the Owl-Woman (Sequel to Lynx, the Hunter), 440
Legends and tales, Bridge of the Gods, 429 (with notes), 430
Legends and tales, California Indian Legend, A, 430
Legends and tales, California Joe, 427
Legends and tales, Camas Woman, The, 433 (with notes), 441
Legends and tales, canoe Race on the Columbia River, A, 435
Legends and tales, Cascade Indian Legend, A, 430
Legends and tales, Cascade Legend, A, 435
Legends and tales, Caught in a Snow Slide, 432
Legends and tales, Celestial Canoeman, The, 419
Legends and tales, Charley Qualchan's Fight with a Silvertip, 432
Legends and tales, Chic-Adee (Chick-Adee) Kills Elk, 433, 440 (with notes), 441
Legends and tales, Chief of Lizzards [sic], Tahmahnawis[*], 424
Legends and tales, Chief Yoom-tee-bee's Account of the First People, 420
Legends and tales, Chipmunk's Burial Ground, 436
Legends and tales, Combat of the Klickitat and Grizzly-bear, 435
Legends and tales, Combat of Two Mountain Sheep, 432
Legends and tales, Coon Story, 123
Legends and tales, Coyote as a Beautiful Woman, 441
Legends and tales, Coyote Breaks the Salmon Dam, 441[see also Bridge of the Gods]
Legends and tales, Coyote and Buffalo, with notes, 433, 440; 441
Legends and tales, Coyote and Chickadee, 440
Legends and tales, Coyote and Crow, 429
Legends and tales, Coyote Destroys the Evil Genii [sic] of Top-tut, or, Top-tut Fishery, with notes, 420
Legends and tales, Coyote Destroys the Man-Eating Animals, 441
Legends and tales, Coyote Devours his Own Children, with notes, 433
Legends and tales, Coyote Drowns in Water with Thirst, 441
Legends and tales, Coyote Eats his Children, 441
Legends and tales, Coyote and Fox, with notes, 433, 440
Legends and tales, Coyote Gets Flint Arrow Points, 441
Legends and tales, Coyote and a Great Prophet, 123
Legends and tales, Coyote as a Handsome Woman, 433, 440
Legends and tales, Coyote and his Daughter, with notes, 433, 440
Legends and tales, Coyote, his Son and the Salmon, with notes, 429
Legends and tales, Coyote Imitates Bear and King Fisher, 441
Legends and tales, Coyote Kills Owl-Woman, with notes, 433, 440
Legends and tales, Coyote Kills Whale, 441
Legends and tales, Coyote Kills Wind, with notes, 433, 440; 441
Legends and tales, Coyote and the Lal-a-Wísh (sequel to Story of the Qui-Yiah), with notes, 429
Legends and tales, Coyote Marries his Daughter to Mountain Goat (also Coyote Marries his Daughter to Wow), with notes, 419
Legends and tales, Coyote Marries his Own Daughter, 433
Legends and tales, Coyote and Mother Grizzly-Bear (sequel to Coyote's Son Muskrat and Grizzly-Bear), with notes, 440
Legends and tales, Coyote and Pheasant, 441
Legends and tales, Coyote Subdues the Man-Eating Monsters, with notes, 433, 440
Legends and tales, Coyote and Tah-tah-kle-ah, 435
Legends and tales, Coyote Takes his Daughter as a Wife, 441
Legends and tales, Coyote and the Two Sisters of the Che-Wana, with notes, 429
Legends and tales, Coyote Went Back East, 123
Legends and tales, Coyote and Wolf, with notes, 440
Legends and tales, Coyote and Wood-Tick, with notes, 433, 440; 441
Legends and tales, Coyote's Adventures, 441
Legends and tales, Coyote's Attempt to Circum-Navigate [sic] the Land. Origin of the Southern Tribes, 429
Legends and tales, Coyote's Daughter, 441
Legends and tales, Coyote's Rule for Digging the Skool-kool, 420
Legends and tales, Coyote's Son Muskrat and Grizzly-Bear, 433, 440
Legends and tales, Coyote's Trip East, 432
Legends and tales, Crawfish and the Grizzlebear, 441 [see also How Crawfish Whipped Grizzlybear]
Legends and tales, Creation of the Indian Peoples, notes only, for two stories, 430 [see also Legends of the Yakimas, Notes for]
Legends and tales, Dead Canoeman of the Che-Wana, The, 436
Legends and tales, Death of Yo-Yonen, Chief of the Wana Pums, 437 [see also Yo-Yonen, Chief]
Legends and tales, Discontented Woman and the Wáhk-Puch, The, 420
Legends and tales, “Doctoring” an Indian's Rifle Which Had Lost its Potency because of the Recent Death of the Hunter's Wife, 424
Legends and tales, Dream of Lo-pah-kin. Known as Caesar Williams, 423
Legends and tales, Dream Presentment of Death, 422
Legends and tales, Dream Vision of Lo-pah-hin, with notes, [two versions], 422
Legends and tales, Dream-Vision of a Renegade, 422
Legends and tales, Eagle and his Cousin Tis-Kai: How Porcupine Came by his Quills, with notes, 436
Legends and tales, Eagle as a Slayer of Deer, The, 432
Legends and tales, Eagle's Mode of Killing Young Deer, 432
Legends and tales, Enum-Kláh: The Thunder Bird, with notes, 419
Legends and tales, Episode of Salmon Catching, 432
Legends and tales, Fight between Grizzly and a Wolverine, 432
Legends and tales, First Sun Dance (also Sun-Dance), The, with notes, 433, 440; 441
Legends and tales, First White Man Among the Klickitat, The, 427
Legends and tales, Fisher and his Brother Skunk, with notes, 433
Legends and tales, Fisher and Martin, 433, 440, 441
Legends and tales, Fisher and Skunk, 433
Legends and tales, Fishing Place of Samalee-Sack, 432
Legends and tales, Flathead Tradition of a Flood, 420
Legends and tales, Footprints on Skein Island, Columbia River, 430
Legends and tales, Former Days of Famine among the Yakimas, 424
Legends and tales, Generation of Diseases, 441
Legends and tales, Ghost Voice of the Tieton Canyon, The, 419
Legends and tales, Ghue-Ghue and Pédt-Jum, 122; 436 (with notes)
Legends and tales, Grande Ronde Woman's Vision beyond the Border, A, 423
Legends and tales, Great Spirit Names the Animal People, The, with notes, 433, 440
Legends and tales, Great Spirit Names Coyote, The, 441
Legends and tales, Grizzly Bear Mother and her Two Children, The, with notes, 420
Legends and tales, Gy-u-boo-kum of the Wishoms, The, 430
Legends and tales, Her Fight with the Grizzly Bear, 447
Legends and tales, Hero Folk-Story of the Flatheads, A, 439
Legends and tales, Ho-lite or Billie Captain's Reflections on his Youthful Life, 423
Legends and tales, Hol-Ite's Adventure with a Wahk-puch, 432
Legends and tales, House of Little Men, 433
Legends and tales, How Ant Came by his Small Waist, 436
Legends and tales, How Beaver Stole the Fire, with notes, 419
Legends and tales, How Blue-Jay Outwitted Dog-Seal, 436
Legends and tales, How Coyote Broke the Salmon Dam, with notes, 433, 440
Legends and tales, How Coyote Came by his Power, 433
Legends and tales, How Coyote was Changed into an Eagle, 429
Legends and tales, How Coyote was Cheated by Cusho, 429
Legends and tales, How Coyote Destroyed the Fish Dam at the Cascades: [sic] Distributing Salmon in the Rivers, with notes, 429
Legends and tales, How Coyote Destroyed the Trail to the Upper World, 430
Legends and tales, How Coyote Drowned because of Thirst, 433, 440
Legends and tales, How Coyote Fixed the Five Wolves, 419 [see also Legend of the Great Dipper]
Legends and tales, How Coyote and Fox Flew to the Upper World, 430
Legends and tales, How Coyote Imitated Bear and King-fisher (also Kingfisher), with notes, 433, 440
Legends and tales, How Coyote Killed Flint, with notes, 433, 440
Legends and tales, How Coyote Killed the Monster Whale of the Swah-Nétk-Qha, 433, 440
Legends and tales, How Coyote Killed Sun, 438
Legends and tales, How Coyote Lost and Regained his Eyes, 433, 440
Legends and tales, How Coyote Lost Immortality to the Tribes, with notes, 429, 430[see also Legends of the Yakimas, Notes for]
Legends and tales, How Coyote Moved Pót-To and Tahoma, with notes, 429
Legends and tales, How Coyote Trapped Wind, with notes, 429
Legends and tales, How Coyote and Wood-Tick Took the Sweat, 429
Legends and tales, How Crawfish Whipped Grizzlybear, 433 (with notes), 440 [see also Crawfish and the Grizzlebear]
Legends and tales, How Deer Stole Rabbit's Coat, 436
Legends and tales, How Diseases Came to the People, 433
Legends and tales, How the Dog Became Domesticated, with notes, 420
Legends and tales, How Eel Lost his Bones, 430
Legends and tales, How Elk was Created, 420
Legends and tales, How Gartersnake Scared Thunderbird, with notes, 433, 440, 441
Legends and tales, How Gray Squirrel Drove the Buffalo from Moses Coulee, with notes, 436
Legends and tales, How Iques Killed Tah-Tah Klé-Ah, 429
Legends and tales, How Iques Stole the Favorite Wife of Enum-Kláh, 429
Legends and tales, How Its-I-Yí-Yi was Thwarted in Attempt to Change the Course of the Inchelim River, 438
Legends and tales, How the Mountain Broke Down, 429
Legends and tales, How the nChe-wana [sic] was Formed, 422
Legends and tales, How Paht-paht Fooled and Destroyed the Tahtahkleah, sequel to, 435
Legends and tales, How Rabbit Lost his Tail, 433, 440
Legends and tales, How Skunk Got (also Came by) his Tail, with notes, 433, 440
Legends and tales, How Speel-Yi Tricked the People Devouring Tah-Tah-Klé-Ah, 429
Legends and tales, How Spéel-Yi Tricked Twée-Tash, 429
Legends and tales, How Speel-Yi was Tricked by Ots-Spl-Yi, with notes, 429
Legends and tales, How Speel-Yí was Tricked by Schah-Shá-Yah, with notes, 429
Legends and tales, How Speel-Yí was Tricked by Töö-Nöön-Yí, 429
Legends and tales, How Spider Came by his Long Legs, 433, 440
Legends and tales, How a Water-Ball was Made: A Legend of the Cascade Tribe, 435
Legends and tales, How Young Eagle Killed Pah-He-Nuxt-Twy, with notes, 429
Legends and tales, Huckleberry and the Choke-Cherry, The, 420
Legends and tales, Hunter Lynx Calls Famine's Shadow, 440
Legends and tales, Hunter Stories, 432
Legends and tales, Hunting Stories, 431
Legends and tales, Hunting Story: A Bad Bear, 432
Legends and tales, “Imagination” Trout of the Wenatchee, The, 430
Legends and tales, Impotency of the Gun: Cause of, 424
Legends and tales, Incidents in Smat-Louit's Career as Medicine Man, 424
Legends and tales, Indian Aversion to Killing Bear, 424
Legends and tales, Indian Boy Lost in Mountains, 432
Legends and tales, Indian Boy's Encounter with a Mad Bull, An, 432
Legends and tales, Indian Boy's First Deer, An, 432
Legends and tales, Indian hunter stories, 431, 432[see also Indian(s), hunting stories]
Legends and tales, Indian's Adventure with Rattlesnakes*, An, 432
Legends and tales, Indian[']s Experience with the Stick-Showers, An, 419
Legends and tales, Indians' Story of the White Man Buried in Memmaloose Island, The, 427
Legends and tales, Iques and Twee-tas Gamble for the Control of Weather, 436
Legends and tales, Ís Tam Ma, Chief of Beavers, with notes, 419
Legends and tales, Isti-pláh. A Yakima-Klickitat Legend, 419
Legends and tales, Its-I-Yi-i's Wife, 438
Legends and tales, Killing of Wan-a-wish (Water Rapids): A Medicine Man of the Wo-watch-watch Tribe, 427
Legends and tales, King Story, The, 123
Legends and tales, Klickitat-Yakima Legend of Chief Owhi, A: Chief Owhi's Only Crime, 434
Legends and tales, Lakes on Pót-To and Tahoma, or Lakes on Mount Adams and Tahoma, 419
Legends and tales, Läux Wáptus, 430
Legends and tales, Läux-Wóptus and the Cach-Chi, 419
Legends and tales, Legend of the As-sööm Trail: The Five Laws, 420
Legends and tales, Legend of Big Skukum Inlet, 436
Legends and tales, Legend of the Cascade Tribe, A, 430
Legends and tales, Legend of the Celestial Origin of the Yakimas, 458
Legends and tales, Legend of Coyote's Wife, 438
Legends and tales, Legend of Deep Lake, the Grand Coulee, A, 430
Legends and tales, Legend of Enum-Klah Pah, A, with notes, 419
Legends and tales, Legend of the Great Dipper, or How Coyote Fixed the Five Wolves, with notes, 419
Legends and tales, Legend of I-yáh-houce, or I-yah-horce, 430
Legends and tales, Legend of the Okanogan Country, 430
Legends and tales, Legend of Red Men's Battle Near Ravenswood, 487
Legends and tales, Legend of the Spalding Memorial Rock, 44
Legends and tales, Legend of Túch-Ish, 419
Legends and tales, Legend of Wallowa Lake, 430
Legends and tales, Legendary Group-Bones in the Head of the Sucker-Fish, 430
Legends and tales, Legendary Origin of the Lolo Trail*, with notes, 430
Legends and tales, Legends of the “Eel” Trail, with notes, 420
Legends and tales, Legends of Priest Rapids, WA, 430
Legends and tales, Legends of the Yakimas, Notes for, 430 [see also Battle of Cold Wind and Chinnook [sic] Wind, How Coyote Lost Immortality to the Tribes, Creation of the Indian Peoples (two stories)]
Legends and tales, Life History of the Bad Indian Mr. Mann, 123
Legends and tales, Lost Indian Boy, The, 432
Legends and tales, Lost Glory of Tóp-tut, The, with notes, 420
Legends and tales, Lu-pah-hin's Power of Forecasting of Events, 423
Legends and tales, Lynx, the Hunter, 440
Legends and tales, Man-Devouring Monster of the Naches, 430
Legends and tales, Medicine Man and Wáhk-puch, with notes, 420
Legends and tales, Meye Wah-Kain. The Strong Man of the Yakimas, 427
Legends and tales, Moon and Sun Gods, The, 433, 440, 441
Legends and tales, Mr. Eagle the King and Mr. Skunk his Cousin, 123
Legends and tales, Mystery of Lal-a-wísh-pah, The, 439
Legends and tales, Name of Warrior who had Power of the Pah-An-A-Ho, 423
Legends and tales, Nash-láh, with notes, 420
Legends and tales, Ne-siwa-nu-way-pah-cin, The, with notes, 430
Legends and tales, Nez Perce Legend of the Lolo Hot Spring, 430
Legends and tales, Nihs-Láh: A Wasco Legend of Multnomah Falls*, with notes, 429
Legends and tales, North-Wind Monster, The, with notes, 433, 440; 441
Legends and tales, Noted Table-Rock Hunting Ground, A, 431
Legends and tales, Octopus and Mink, 436
Legends and tales, Okanogan Premonition of Death, An, 422
Legends and tales, Okanogan Sweat House, The, with notes to tales, 433 [see also specific tales in legends and tales]
Legends and tales, Origin of the Horse, with notes, 420
Legends and tales, Origin of the Kusho: “Hog,” 430
Legends and tales, Origin of Mosquito, The, with notes, 433, 440; 441
Legends and tales, Origin of the Southern Tribes, 429
Legends and tales, Origin of the War Bonnet, 31
Legends and tales, Origin of Yakima, 431
Legends and tales, Owl-Child and the Buffalo Bull, 435
Legends and tales, Owl-Child's Adventure with a Buffalo, 435
Legends and tales, Owl-Woman and Coyote, 441
Legends and tales, Pach-an-a-hó, The, with notes, 420
Legends and tales, Pah-Ho-Ho Kláh, The, 419
Legends and tales, Páh-To, the White Eagle, with notes, 429
Legends and tales, Paiute Vision of the First Wolf People, A, with notes, 422
Legends and tales, Passing of the Indian and the Coming of the White Man, The, 369
Legends and tales, Peaceable Bear Killed in his Own Home, A, 431
Legends and tales, Phantom Buck of the Yakimas, 430
Legends and tales, Piegan Blackfeet Legend, A, 435
Legends and tales, Pith-nee Pic-wen, The: “Hole in the rock” of the Clearwater River, Idaho, 430
Legends and tales, Prophecy of the Coming of the White Man, with his Subsequent Wrongs, 424
Legends and tales, Prophetic Dream Visions, 422
Legends and tales, Puh-Tuh Num, The: “Pictured” Rocks of the Naches, 420
Legends and tales, Qoo-x Speelyi: “White Coyote,” 430
Legends and tales, Qui-Yiah, Five Brothers, The, with notes, 429
Legends and tales, Raccoon and Grizzly Bear, with notes, 436
Legends and tales, Rattlesnake* as Guardian of Good Water Springs, The, 430
Legends and tales, Rattlesnake* Kills Salmon, 433, 440,441
Legends and tales, Remarkable Bear Story, A, 432
Legends and tales, Revelation of Nah-Shut, The, 189
Legends and tales, Sacrifices by the Warrior when Going Against an Enemy Tribe, The, 424
Legends and tales, Sam-a-le-sack, 431
Legends and tales, Samalee-Sack and the Black Bear, 431
Legends and tales, Schoc-ish-ton: “Chief Deity,” 423
Legends and tales, Schop-tash, The: “Painted” Rocks of the Naches, The, with notes, 420
Legends and tales, Second Sight of Wal-a-músk-kee, 422
Legends and tales, Serpent Lake, 419
Legends and tales, Shan-Te-Wit's Fight (Adventure) with a Grizzly Bear, 432
Legends and tales, Sho-pów-Tan and the Tah-Tah-Klé-Ah, with notes, 429
Legends and tales, Singed Spot on the Cottonwood Tail, The, 336
Legends and tales, Singing Tweé-Tas, The, 419
Legends and tales, Sioux Hero Tale, A, 439
Legends and tales, Skunk and Fisher, 441
Legends and tales, Sluskin's Plea, 378
Legends and tales, Small[-]Mouthed People, The, 419
Legends and tales, Sons of Beaver and of Coyote, The, with notes, 433, 440
Legends and tales, Speel-Yí and the Five Sisters of the nChé-Wana-An-nee-shiat [sic], with notes, 429
Legends and tales, Spirit Costume of the Ste-ye-háh Mah, with notes, 419
Legends and tales, Star-Rock of Riches, The, 422
Legends and tales, Star Rock of the Tum-Water, The, (also Star Rock of the Dall[e]s, The, with discarded finale and notes), 419
Legends and tales, Ste-Ye-Háh-Mah, or Stick-Shower Indians, The, with notes, 419
Legends and tales, Stone Heaps of the nChé-wana [sic], 422
Legends and tales, Stories of the Gy-u-boó-kum, with notes, 420
Legends and tales, Stories of the Wáhk-puch, with notes, 420
Legends and tales, Story (un-named), The, 439
Legends and tales, Story About Two Girls Long Time Ago, A, 431
Legends and tales, Story of Coyote, 123
Legends and tales, Story of the Kamiah Monster, 438
Legends and tales, Story of the King, A, 123
Legends and tales, Story of Koo-Tiakun, Note to, 127
Legends and tales, Story of the Lake at Kh-núte, with notes, 430
Legends and tales, Story of Skin-lip, The, 430
Legends and tales, Story of Two Indian Girls, 123
Legends and tales, Story of a Warrior[,] the Qual-chan Ouhi, 123
Legends and tales, Story of Whe-Ámish or Chí-Nach*, The, with notes, 429
Legends and tales, Strange Actions of a Wounded Deer, 431
Legends and tales, Strong Boy of the Cascades, The, with notes, 429
Legends and tales, Sun and His Daughter, The, 419
Legends and tales, Sun Lodge, The, 422
Legends and tales, Tah Tah Klé-Ah, with notes, 429
Legends and tales, Tah-mah-na-wis* Power, 422
Legends and tales, Tahmahnawis* Bear, The, 430
Legends and tales, Tahmahnawis* Power, 424, 432
Legends and tales, Tahmahnawis* Power of Che-pos-to-cos (Owl-Child), 435
Legends and tales, Tahmahnawis* Power of Läux-Wóptus, 422
Legends and tales, Tahmahnawis* Power, Medicine Man, 424
Legends and tales, Te-chúm Mah, The, 419
Legends and tales, Te-chum Tahmahnawis* of a Medicine Man, 430
Legends and tales, Tem-tei-quin and the Black Robes, 423
Legends and tales, Testing the Tah-Power of the Warrior, 431
Legends and tales, Thó-wet-tet, 430
Legends and tales, Three Wolf Brothers, The, 441
Legends and tales, Three Wolf Brothers and Three Bear Sisters, The, 433, 440
Legends and tales, Timber Wolves in the Cascade Mountains, 432
Legends and tales, Tóp-tut of Old, with notes, 420
Legends and tales, Tradition of Multnoma [sic] Falls*, 430
Legends and tales, Traditional Negro Boatman on the Columbia, 430
Legends and tales, Tuli-Skums-Kée, 420
Legends and tales, Turtle Races with Rabbit, 441
Legends and tales, Two Girls and the Magic Beads, The, or Boy Lynx and Owl-Woman (sequel to Lynx, the Hunter), with notes, 440
Legends and tales, Two Sisters and their Star Husbands, The, with notes, 419
Legends and tales, Umatilla Legend of the Dwarf Mountain People..., A[n], 430
Legends and tales, untitled, 431 [see also Cleparty, Alva]
Legends and tales, Useless Boy, The, 431
Legends and tales, Vision of [no name], 423
Legends and tales, Vision of an Aged Warm Springs Woman, with notes, 422
Legends and tales, Vision of I-keeps-swah: “Sitting Rock,” 423
Legends and tales, Vision of In-wat-kee of the Wishoms, The, 422
Legends and tales, Vision of Lu-páh-hin, The, 423
Legends and tales, Vision of Quas-qui Táchens, with notes, 422
Legends and tales, Vision of Sitting Rock, 422
Legends and tales, Vision of Wat-til-ki, 422
Legends and tales, Wan-tah's Adventure with the Wal-chi-o, 422
Legends and tales, Wasco, with notes, 419
Legends and tales, Water-People of Skah-ket, The, with notes, 422
Legends and tales, Whale God of the Swa-Netk-Qua, The, 441
Legends and tales, Whale Monster of the Swah-Netk-Qha, The, 433, 440
Legends and tales, What Became of Speel-yí, 430
Legends and tales, White Coyote's Fight with a Grizzly Bear, 432
Legends and tales, Why Cougar and Wildcat Now Live Separately, 430
Legends and tales, Why the Wáhk-puch Crawls, with notes, 420
Legends and tales, Wisdom of the Wahk-puch, 422
Legends and tales, Wishom Legend, A, 430, 435
Legends and tales, Wishom Tribe, The[:] Story of their Division and Separation, A, with notes, 437
Legends and tales, Wy-akin of Tow-tow-no Hené: “Shin Bone,” The, 438
Legends and tales, Yakima Tahmahnawis* Power: Boy and the Brave Hazel Nut, The, 430
Legends and tales, Yakima Tahmahnawis* Power: Kamiaken's Son, 424
Legends and tales, Yakima Tradition of a Flood, 420
Legends and tales, Yakima-Klikitat [sic] Legend of Wáhk-shum Mountain (or Wah-soom), 420
Legends and tales, Yakimas, The, 427
Legends and tales, Young Twée-tas Warrior, The, 420
legends and tales, discussion of, 44, 47, 121, 123, 178, 179, 234, 269, 297, 336, 349, 358, 378, 419, 420, 422, 423, 424, 427, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 435, 436, 437, 438, 440, 441, 444, 447, 450, 490, [see also Indian(s), legends and tales]
Leggat, Alexander, 184, 257
Leggett steamship, 512
Leighton, Doris, 72
Lemcke, H.W., 412
Leshhi (also Lesh-hi, Leschi), 427 [see also Eaton, Capt. Charles]
Lew, Jane, 154
Llewellen, Ivy I., 315
Lewis, Alonzo Victor (also Laow tec-tec ilp-pilp, Laow tic-tic il-pilp, Laow tick-tick ilp-ilp, Mud Sparrow, The Red Swallow), 36, 70, 158, 169, 184, 191, 194, 203, 210, 211, 239, 246, 247, 265, 267, 287, 279, 312, 314, 351, 391, 394
Lewis, John J., 189
Lewis, Mrs. Jennie M. (J.M.; also Wondering Wolf)*, 158, 190, 192, 211, 232, 341, 349, 351, 378, 385
Lewis, Levi, 286
Lewis, Margaret (“Toots”), 158, 192, 341
Lewis, [Meriwether], 56, 251, 355 [see also Lewis and Clark Memorial]
Lewis, Virgil A., 136, 140
Lewis, Warren F., 353
Lewis, William S., 79, 169, 182, 203, 234,257, 265, 349, 378, 393
Lewis and Clark Memorial* (also Monument), 195, 252
Lewiston, 40, 105, 111, 506
Lewiston Morning Tribune, 68, 506
Libby, O.G., 260, 262, 291, 314
Liggett, Walter W., 169
Lightfoot, Moses, 423
Limen, E.B., 336
Lincoln, Abraham, 124 [NB: of Shaster Indian tribe.]
Lindenberg, Inez, 29
Lindey, Harlow, 158
Lindh, A.G., 47
Lindley, Lawrence E., 169, 237, 290
Lindley, Marie, 257
Lindsley, Thomas H. (also Lindsey)*, 28, 34, 158, 162
Linklater, W.A., 29, 40, 265, 296, 352, 390
Lipps, Oscar H., 158, 203
Listening Coyote, 27, 121, 124, 189, 190, 354, 419, 420
Little?, Merrill E., 336
Livesey, Sidney, 208
Lockley, Fred, 241, 467 [see also “In Earlier Days”; Journal, The; Oregon history, pioneers]
Logan, Col. Benjamin, 155
Logan, West Virginia, 152, 155
Logie Creek, 437
Logie, J.W.S., 241
Loleta Auxiliary, 337
Lolo Hot Spring, 430
Lolo Pass*, 61, 71
Lolo Trail*, 47, 430
Lombard, Agnes A., 184
Lommasson, Jas., 404
Long, Elsie, 44
Longmire, David, 427
Longsworth, Mrs. Harry B., 101, 154, 176
Looking Glass, Chief, 56, 112, 243
Looking Glass, Chief, village site*, 111, 532, 556
Looting of the Chippewa's Land, The, 460
Lo-páh-hin (also Lu-páh-hin, Lu-pah-hin, Lo-pah-kin, Caesar Williams)*, 27, 124, 125, 127, 162, 170, 171, 173, 177, 179, 187, 188, 189, 190, 192, 193, 211, 236, 334, 336, 338, 340, 341, 349, 353, 360, 364, 377, 378, 385, 416, 420, 422, 423, 427, 434, 548
Lopas, John G., 403, 404, 412
Lord, Herbert W., 47, 242
Lorentz, Alma, 318
Lothrop, Eleanore, E., 178
Lott, Harrison, 242, 287
Lott, Samuel (also Many Wounds, son of Wot-tó-len)*, 26, 27, 29, 30, 38, 40, 41, 44, 48, 49, 52, 53, 57, 60, 62, 67, 70, 77, 79, 84, 95, 97, 98, 102, 106, 110, 112, 182, 210, 218, 234, 243, 257, 263, 278, 288, 301, 391, 439, 520
Loud-speaking gun, 80, 88, 263, 528
Loutzenhiser, Floss H., 287
Loutzenhiser, J.R., 287
Love, D.M., 65
Lovelace, Mattie D., 412
Lovell, C.O., 403
Lowe, Mrs. F.C., 412
Lowther, C.L., 200
Lowther, Frank, 176
Lowther, Granville S., 40, 42, 147, 236, 377
Lowther, Lola E., 248, 448
Lowther, Minnie Kendall, 145, 146, 147, 183, 318, 355
Lowther, Robert, 147
Loynes, Charles N.*, 29, 40, 42, 43, 61, 85, 88, 112, 263, 288, 314, 332, 520, 521
Luce, E.S., 290
Luce-i [sic], Smith (also Luc-ie), 122, 179, 334, 343, 344
Ludlow, John E., 98, 307, 308, 318
Luhman, Hugo F., 204
Luke, Robert, 330, 392
Lull, Lt. Col. Charles E.T., 215, 285
Lupahin, Mrs. (also Kate Williams, Mrs. Caesar Williams)*, 65, 125, 127, 131, 176, 232, 234, 236, 287, 336, 424, 427, 434
Lusk, Charles S., 219
L.V.V.F.?, 122
Lydenberg, H.M., 184, 274
Lyman, Ed, 251
Lyman, Horace S., 454
Lyman, W.D., 209, 219, 353
Lynch, Major Jay*, 126, 248, 335, 338, 350, 369
Lynch, John D., 158
Mabton, 358
Mackay, Mrs. Edward (Laura), 47
MacLean, J.P., 82, 158, 159, 161, 171, 178, 201, 204, 208, 210, 211, 232, 236, 239, 241, 244, 248, 257, 268, 336, 337, 342, 355, 374, 442, 445, 446
Maggie, 227, 412 [see also Jiggs, Maggie; Nichols, Jennie R.]
Makah Indians, 358
Malone, James H., 252, 260
Malone, Mrs. James H., 260
Man Elk (also W.F. Hamilton), 203, 210, 214, 229, 234, 237, 252, 384
Mann, Louis Charles*, 2, 27, 120, 121, 123, 125, 127, 128, 131, 180, 187, 188, 190, 191, 192, 193, 196, 198, 209, 210, 211, 218, 219, 223, 232, 236, 252, 334, 336, 338, 339, 341-351, 353, 354, 356, 357, 359, 364, 377, 378, 382, 384, 385, 386, 390, 401, 402, 422, 425, 430, 431, 434, 455, 458, 483 ; sketch of, 517
Mann, M.C., 336
Mann, Moses, 341
Manning, H.T., 185
Manring, B.F., 94, 159, 211, 241, 248, 287, 301, 376, 399
Manuel, Mrs. Jack, 32, 287
Many Wounds (also Samuel Lott, son of Wot-tó-len)*, 26, 27, 29, 30, 38, 40, 41, 44, 48, 49, 52, 53, 57, 60, 62, 67, 70, 77, 79, 84, 95, 97, 98, 102, 106, 110, 112, 182, 210, 218, 234, 243, 257, 263, 278, 288, 301, 318, 391, 439, 520
maps, 110, 118, 122, 435, 520, 521, 523, 525, 527, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 535, 540, 541, 542, 543, 546, 547, 549, 550, 552, 553, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 564, 565, 567, 568, 570 [see also drawings; Indian(s), drawings]
markers for historic sites*, 126, 159, 177, 193, 209, 217, 244, 250, 271, 329, 349, 355, 356, 378, 473, 535, 543 [see also historic markers and monuments; mementos; memorials; monuments]
Marple, Omar V., 200
Marquis, Thomas B., 79
Marsan, Metta, 353
Marshall, H.C., 341
Marston, Sir Charles, 497
Martin, Clarence D., 396
Martin, James Wm., 171, 192, 336, 339
Martin, T.H., 337
Martineau, Captain, 424
Mary*, 242 [see also Capt. William Clark]
Mason Saux, Hannah, 395
Mason, Chief William (Billy, Billie), 195, 210, 395
Masterman, G.P., 404
Masters, Joseph G., 69, 274, 297, 298
Matheny, C.L., 290
Matthew, Mark A., 29
Mathers, J.W., 377
Matthews, C.A., 289
Mathieu, Francis Xavier, 511
Maxson, J.K.P., 136
Maxwell, Hu, 139, 140, 159, 178, 377
Maxwell, Julia, 147
May?, Mrs. R.T., 147
May-wee-peo-peo-hi-hi (also Maywee-Peo-peo-Hi-hi, Elizabeth G. Cary), 185, 190, 191, 338
McCabe, Olive C., 227
McCarthy, A.A., 148
McClaine, Jr., E.L., 275
McClintic, John W., 47, 184
McClure, Robert A., 274
McConnell, E.B., 350, 403
McConville, Col. Edward, 32
McCormick, W.L., 233, 270, 285, 303, 310, 320, 396, 399, 418
McCoy, Alex (also Alec McCoy, Owl-Child, Shat-taw-wée/Shat-tou-wée, meaning Leader in Battle, Che-pos to-cos, Ché-pos-to-cos)*, 187, 234, 262, 334, 429, 430, 435, 482
McCredy, Mrs. A[lex] E., 403
McCroskey, Adrian A., 158
McCroskey, Birdie, 158, 171, 173, 175, 178, 190, 192, 200, 348, 364
McCroskey, B.M., 158
McCurrah, D.F., 331
McCurrie, Matthew, 403
McDonald, A.C., 340
McDonald, Mrs. Agnes J., 412
McDonald, Amos, 173, 188
McDonald, Duncan*, 27, 40, 45, 82, 83, 193, 242, 257, 260, 263, 332
McDonnell, Mrs. Anne, 29, 82, 169, 184, 198, 210, 257, 281, 291, 314
McFarland, Francis, 223
McGilchrist, B.L., 275
McGill, Inno, 235
McGill, Theresa, 227
McGillis, O.J., 189, 281
McGuff, Peter, 177, 179, 336, 342
McGuffey, M.D., 146
McGuire, J.F., 228
McIlwaine, H.R., 142, 144, 200, 204
McKay, James C., 81
McKelvie, Martha Groves, (Mrs. Sam R. McKelvie; also Martha Frances McKelvie, Ha-a-ko-a-wa, Ha-a-ko-wa-a), 169, 176, 187, 192, 203, 219, 225, 239, 265, 278, 285, 288, 382, 448
McLain-Springs, Birdie E., 355
McLaughlin, Florence E., 274
McLaughlin, James, 150, 346
McLeod, Cristal (also Catherine (Mrs. Fred) Galler, Mourning Dove, Morning Dove, Hum-Is Hu Ma)*, 241, 285, 356, 382, 419, 432, 433, 440-450 [see also Mourning Dove, legends]
McMurray, W.H., 298
McMurtrey, Vivian, 290
McPherson, J.W., 396
McQuesten, G. Dowe, 290, 315, 331, 396
McRaith, Helen, 274
McStalnaker, Lillie, 146, 340
McWherter, Mrs. O.M., 404
McWhorter, A.B., 200
McWhorter, A.W., 171, 200
McWhorter, B.O., 140
McWhorter, B.R., 140
McWhorter, Bruce, 253
McWhorter, Carrie, 265
McWhorter, Charles, 192
McWhorter, C.(Cash?) S., 159, 200
McWhorter, D.G., 200
McWhorter, Dick, 168
McWhorter, E.H., 140, 200
McWhorter, E.S., 148, 241
McWhorter family*, genealogy, 142, 145, 214
descendants of John* McWhorter, 140
McWhorter, Fannie Marie, 234
McWhorter, H.C., 137, 148, 185
McWhorter, Hugh, 140
McWhorter, James, 192
McWhorter, J.B.D., 162
McWhorter, J.C. (also Jack, Judge J.C. McWhorter), 40, 44, 148, 151, 161, 165, 174, 178, 185, 200, 204, 210, 221, 224, 268, 342, 358, 360, 384, 390, 458
McWhorter, Jean, 140
McWhorter, J.M., 139, 142, 147, 148, 165, 544 [see also poems and songs]
McWhorter, Joe, 178, 192
McWhorter, John, 140 [see also McWhorter family, genealogy]
McWhorter, J.S. (Scott?), 147, 171, 178, 204, 356, 360, 384
McWhorter, Judith (also Judy McWhorter G__?), 121, 168
McWhorter, L.,140
McWhorter, Leni (also Leni Jenkins, Mrs. Leni McWhorter Jenkins), 154, 167, 221, 286
McWhorter, Lora, 215
McWhorter, L.D., 40, 178
McWhorter, L.E., 200, 274
McWhorter, L.R., 257
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil (also Big Foot, He-mene Ká-wan, Halish Hosat, Sho-pów-tan)*, about and miscellaneous, 34, 39, 40, 44, 49, 65, 70, 71, 73, 95, 96, 101, 110, 112, 116, 125, 126, 129, 131, 136, 140, 141, 145, 153, 159, 163, 164, 165, 166, 171, 183, 193, 194, 203, 210, 214, 216, 219, 227, 228, 230, 234, 243, 244, 259, 261, 262, 265, 266, 268, 269, 275, 279, 280, 283, 286, 287, 290-301, 306, 330, 333, 340, 342, 343, 350, 355, 356, 358, 361, 362, 363, 365, 376, 377, 381, 385, 386, 387, 388, 391, 392, 394, 396, 401-406, 408, 409, 412, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 442, 443, 444, 447, 448, 449, 453, 457, 462, 473, 474, 475, 477, 479, 480, 482, 483, 520, 525, 526, 529, 541, 548, 571
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil (also Big Foot, He-mene Ká-wan, Halish Hosat, Sho-pów-tan)*, books, correspondence, 159, 260, 281, 323
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil (also Big Foot, He-mene Ká-wan, Halish Hosat, Sho-pów-tan)*, booklists, 138, 144, 169, 270, 306, 318
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil (also Big Foot, He-mene Ká-wan, Halish Hosat, Sho-pów-tan)*, collection of archives and personal papers, correspondence, 306, 325, 326, 327
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil (also Big Foot, He-mene Ká-wan, Halish Hosat, Sho-pów-tan)*, copyright documents, 333
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil (also Big Foot, He-mene Ká-wan, Halish Hosat, Sho-pów-tan)*, photographs, correspondence, 242
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil (also Big Foot, He-mene Ká-wan, Halish Hosat, Sho-pów-tan)*, writings and publishing, discussion of, 2-24, 26, 39, 40, 42, 54, 64, 71, 75, 77, 81, 89, 106, 119, 122, 127, 147, 149, 153, 161, 162, 167, 175, 178, 182, 184, 185, 186, 193, 194, 195, 197, 200, 201, 204, 208, 210, 217, 220, 229, 248, 253, 257, 268, 274, 276, 283, 288, 291, 297, 302, 307, 308, 309, 310, 317, 318, 319, 330, 333, 336, 338, 340, 342, 347, 352, 354, 356, 358, 363, 369, 372, 378, 383, 384, 388, 390, 396, 398, 399, 434, 458, 462, 470, 471
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil (also Big Foot, He-mene Ká-wan, Halish Hosat, Sho-pów-tan)*, last written words, 39
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants):
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Additional Items Relative to Death of John Honstead,” 208
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants):Adventures in Geyserland, about, 113, 378, 525
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Bolen Tragedy, The,” 126
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Border Settlers of Northwestern Virginia, The,” 3, 136, 141; about, 138, 139, 140, 142, 144, 146, 147, 149, 151, 154, 178, 181, 224, 318, 340, sketch for cover, 516
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Broadcast from Mars, A,” 213
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Calamity Jane Nurses Wounded Soldiers Wounded Soldiers, Colonel Sturgis' Fight with the Nez Perces,” 106
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Chief Peo-Peo Tholekt Elk Call,” 106
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Continued Crime Against the Yakimas, The,” 2; about, 135
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): Crime Against the Yakimas, The, about, 167, 175, 200, 202, 205, 248, 342
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants):Discards, The*, about, 167
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Dreamer* Religion of the Yakima Indians, The,” 199 [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives]
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Extensive Village Site on the Columbia , An,” 128
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Field History,” [material for Hear Me, My Chiefs!], notes for, about, MS fragments., 29, 32, 39, 40, 43, 44, 46, 49, 56, 57, 68, 62, 69, 76, 79, 80, 81, 84, 85, 88, 95, 97, 110, 111, 112, 113, 117, 118, 159, 193, 210, 242, 250, 263, 265, 293, 294, 297, 306, 325, 326, 327, 330, 355 [see also Nez Perce(s)]
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Grain Fields Enclosed by Ditch and Stone Wall,” 106
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Hear Me, My Chiefs!” 12-24; 97, 106; about, 96, 118, 263
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Historic,” 427
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Holdup at ______ Pass, The,” 378
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Hunting Trip in 1878, A,” 199
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Indian Calendar Harmonious with Elemental Nature, The” 352
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Indian Rock Carvings and Paintings*,” 199 [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives]
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “In the face of the Great Sun ,” 425
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Lament of We-yallup Wa-ya-cika, The ,” 425
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): legends, notes, 419, 420, 422, 429, 430, 436 [see also legends and tales]
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Letter-to-the-editor” (Republic), 250
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Life of Jesse Hughes. Historical and Traditional.” [first draft of Border Settlers], 1, 124, 142, 176, 340
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Location of Place Where Fell Captain Hembree, Yakima War, 1855,” 124
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Message from Garcia, A.,” 255
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Mrs. Shot-in-Head's Sequel to Former Narrative,” 38
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Mystery of Lal-a-wish-pah,” 439
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): manuscripts
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Narrative of Kul-Kul Si-Yakth: 'raven spy.',” 38
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Narrative of Warrior Owhi. Nez Perce War, 1877,” 38
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “notable [sic] Indian Gathering, A,” 426
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Okanogan Sweat House” [by Mourning Dove*], notes, 433 [see also Mourning Dove, legends]
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Origin of Names of Streams,” 147
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Pe-Nah-We-Non-Mi's Adventure with a Wounded Buffalo Bull,” 38
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): poems, 321, 421 [see also poems and songs]
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Rebellion of theYakimas, The,” 205
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Relics Marking the Conquest and Progress of Territorial Yakima Valley,” 384
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Relics of the Nez Perce War, 1877,” 384
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Report of trip to mouth of Palouse River ,” 399
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Rock Shelters,” 139
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Snakes and Toads Found in Stone,” 265
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Story [un-named], The,” 439
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Story of Nez Perce War, by Owhi,” 38
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Story of Ow-Yén, The,” with notes, 38
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “To-ki-aken Twi-wash at the battle of Thappenish,” 434
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Tragedy of the Wahk-Shum, The: Prelude to the Yakima Indian War, 1855-1856,” 274
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “What I Know About Watson C. Squire: The Story of a Newspaper Scoop,” 471
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): Yellow Wolf, His Own Story, 4-10, 28, 29, 32, 34, 41, 57, 84, 97, 98, 113, 189, 274, 302, 307, 308, 309, 314, 317, 318, 491, 571
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): West Virginia history, untitled, 157
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Whites Accused of Water Thefts,” 462
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Who is Granville Lowther?,” 377
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): Wonders of Geyserland, 29; about, 71, 194
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Yakima Warlike Relics,” 384
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts (published and unpublished; fragments, transcriptions, and variants): “Yakimas, The,” 427
McWhorter, M., 181
McWhorter, (N.?) A., 200
McWhorter, Ovid T. (O.T.), 29, 32, 46, 48, 81, 88, 94, 107, 122, 145, 158, 172, 185, 189, 194, 204, 210, 214, 221, 228, 229, 237, 244, 247, 251, 256, 270, 278, 279, 286, 287, 297, 302, 306, 307, 308, 312, 314, 340, 348, 350, 382, 391, 418, 453
McWhorter Photograph Collection, 434
McWhorter, Ralph, 178, 200, 314
McWhorter, Virgil O., 98, 118, 189, 221, 223, 269, 306, 328, 350, 364
McWhorter, W.E., 274
McWhorter, W.G., 178
Meacham, A.B.*, 242
Meacham, Eugene, 169
Meachem, Frank, 170, 180, 344
Meany, Edmond S., 213, 271, 356, 378
Mechem, Kirk, 181
Medaris, Mrs. E.M., 227, 403
medicine owl, 430
Medicine Tree*, the (Lolo Trail)*, 47, 242
mementos*, 164, 166, 240*, 284, 290 [see also historic markers and monuments; markers for historic sites; memorials; monuments]
memorials, 153, 290, 331 [see also historic markers and monuments; markers for historic sites; mementos; monuments]
Mercersburg Academy, 363
Meredith, E.E., 40, 145, 149, 154, 181, 211, 318
Meritt, Edgar B., 209, 227, 229, 336, 342, 348, 353
Merriam, H.G., 281
Merriam, Lallah, 146
Merrill, Mrs. C.R., 275
Merritt, Col., 172
Mesecher, Reba, 378
messiah (craze), 40, 68
Meyer, Harvey K., 29, 48, 98, 158, 283, 296, 330, 331
Meyer, Henry T., 252
Meyers, Clifford R., 181
Meyers, Leta V., 353
Meyers, Marie F., 404
Meyers, R.C., 162
Me-ye-wah-kayn, 427
Middour, E.J., 363
Midland Rare Book Company, 158
Miles?, 283
Miles, Charles, 176, 265, 270, 278, 288
Miles, Colonel (also General) Nelson Appleton, 56, 93, 96, 108, 134, 159, 219
Miller, A.J., 275
Miller, Edward M., 128
Miller, Mrs. George B., 403
Miller, H., 281
Miller, Mrs. Harry John, 227, 411
Miller, H.B., 128, 340, 347
Miller, H. Lloyd, 418
Miller, Horace, 403
Miller, (J.?) Frank, 268
Miller, John (also Chief White Hawk)*, 28, 48, 80, 82, 104, 110, 219, 237, 290, 291, 297
Miller, Joseph L., 142
Mills, Gen., 487
Mills, Milton R. (Caxton editor), 307, 308, 309
Milroy, R.B.,214
Miner, W.H., 198
Mininic, Chief George (also Menihnok, Meninock, Meninok, Menninock)*, 122, 170, 205, 416, 419, 422, 430
missions and missionaries, 32, 44, 68, 72, 97, 155, 251, 351, 361, 380, 382, 387, 388, 438, 570 [see also Indian(s), missions to the; Indian(s), missionaries among the]
Mitchell, J.H., 139
Mitchell, Captain John (Corporal Mitchell, Lieutenant Mitchell), 130
Mitchell, Mrs. M.G., 213, 273
Modoc Indian War (1873), 105, 120, 129, 133
Moffett, Thomas C., 359, 380
Molyhan, Wesley, 136
Monfort, D.W., 201
Monroe, Anne Shannon, 237, 283
Monroe, J.B., 342
Montana, Indian affairs in, 257, 349
Montana, Indian fighting in, 40, 82, 134, 243, 255
Montana*, map, 557
Monteith, Mrs. Frances Whitman, 32, 44, 68, 111, 253, 265
Monteith, John B.*, 44, 68, 83
Montezuma, Dr. Carlos, 177, 214, 219, 230, 237
Montezuma, Mrs. Carlos, 427
monuments*, 126, 184, 195, 209*, 217, 223, 239, 240*, 242*, 244, 246, 252, 267, 271, 288, 349*, 352, 355*, 356*, 378, 393, 487, 535, 543 [see also historic markers and monuments; markers for historic sites; mementos; memorials]
Moody, George, 227
Moore, O.C., 186, 332
Moorehead, Warren King*, 159, 161, 171, 189, 211, 265, 336, 343, 345, 346, 349, 353, 354, 356, 359, 360, 375, 376, 425, 460
Mordhorst, A.M., 403
Moree, Ray, 312
Morgan, E.W., 32
Morgan, Fred C., 349
Morgan, F.L., 395
Morgan, W.A., 158
Morgan, W.L., 210
Morrill, (E.?) M., 402
Morris, J.C., 158
Morris, Sam (also Sam She-kamtsets-kunin, Horse Blanket), 105, 210, 211, 243, 430
Morris, W.M., 147, 200
Morris?, Walter, 147
Morrison, Homer L.*, 176, 195, 220, 242, 252, 270, 283, 285, 290, 309, 312, 396
Morrison, Thomas H., 223
Morrison, W.B., 139
Morrison, Wilbur C., 184
Morthland, D.V., 41, 227, 403
Moses, Charley*, 242
Moses, Chief*, 68, 128, 560
Moses, Joe, 188
Moss, Mrs. M.C., 227
Moss, Philip A., 232
Mount Adams (Pot-to), 124, 419
Mount Diablo Legend, The, 285
Mount Idaho killings, 27
Mount Lowe Daily News, 499
Mount Rainier*, name of, 122, 213, 273, 349, 384, 390, 428 [see also Rainier National Park; Mount Tacoma/Tahoma]
Mount Tacoma/Tahoma*, evil spirits, 378 [see also Mount Rainier*]
Mount Tacoma/Tahoma*, name of, 213, 273 [see also Mount Rainier*]
Mourning Dove (also Cristal Galler, Mrs. Fred Galler, Catherine Galler, Cristal McLeod, Morning Dove, Hum-Is Hu-Ma)*, 241, 285, 356, 382, 419, 432, 433, 440-450
legends, 285, 356, 382, 419, 432, 433, 440, 441, 450 [see also legends and tales]
Mox-Mox, Peter (also Mox Mox, Mox-mox) 170, 171, 211
Mox-Mox, Mrs. Peter, 171
Mud Sparrow (also Laow tec-tec ilp-pilp, Laow tic-tic il-pilp, Laow tick-tick ilp-ilp, Alonzo Victor Lewis, The Red Swallow), 36, 70, 158, 169, 184, 191, 194, 203, 210, 211, 239, 246, 247, 265, 267, 287, 279, 312, 314, 351, 391, 394
Mulford, Uri, 260
Mulkey, Horace B., 65
Mulligan, Iona, 77
Multnomah Nation, 203
Munsell, Joel, 178
Munson, Ida M., 146
Murray, W. Robert, 137, 275
Myers, Clifford R., 384
Myers, Marie F., 401, 403, 404
My Friend the Indian, notes, 68
Nalder, Mae Mark (Mrs. Frank), 113, 158, 227, 282, 293, 306
Napton, H.P., 158
National Gallery of the American Indian..., The, 215
National League for American Indians, 193
National Old Trails Road, 380
National Society of American Indians, 249
Native Tribes of West Virginia,” 139
Navajo Indians*, 380
Neah Bay, Treaty of, 358
Neekas Ditch Laws, 386
Neff, S.E., 347
Nelson, E.E., 232
Nelson, J.H., 122
Nespelem*, Yellow Wolf Memorial, 331
Newcomb, W.B., 220
Newhall, Daniel H., 281
New Mexico Indian sacrifices, 423 [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives]
New Republic, The, 205, 380, 425, 465, 470 [see also McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, writings and publishing]
newspapers and clippings, 40, 42, 43, 48, 51, 52, 68, 80, 82, 91, 106, 112, 120, 122, 127, 128, 132, 136, 139, 141, 145, 147, 149, 154, 159, 164, 168, 174, 181, 182, 194, 197, 198, 203, 205, 207, 208, 212, 213, 215, 218, 232, 234, 236, 238, 247, 253, 260, 261, 266, 269, 273, 274, 281, 284, 287, 290, 312, 318, 323, 329, 332, 338, 349, 352, 355, 356, 365, 366, 371, 372, 374, 376, 379, 381, 393, 394, 401, 403, 405, 410, 414, 425, 428, 431, 434, 447, 451-515
Nez Perce(s)*:battlefields*, 159, 248
Nez Perce(s)*:bibliography, 42, 97, 270
Nez Perce(s)*:and Catholics, 40
Nez Perce(s)*:chiefs, division of domain among, 95, 522
Nez Perce(s)*:criticism of writings about, 285
Nez Perce(s)*:domain of, map, 533
Nez Perce(s)*:drinking horn, 534
Nez Perce(s)*:early history, 34
Nez Perce(s)*:fatality tally, 534
Nez Perce(s)*:”Field History,” MS 81, 97; notes for, about, 29, 39, 40, 43, 44, 46, 49, 56, 57, 62, 68, 69, 76, 79, 80, 84, 85, 88, 95, 110, 111, 112, 113, 117, 118, 159, 193, 210, 242, 250, 263, 293, 294, 297, 306, 330 [see also Hear Me, My Chiefs!; McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, writings and publishing]
Nez Perce(s)*:Historical Expedition, 70
Nez Perce(s)*:interpreters, 106, 270
Nez Perce(s)*:land claims, 33, 83, 188, 378
Nez Perce(s)*:language, 52, 399
Nez Perce(s)*:messiah, 40, 68
Nez Perce(s)*:names and words, meanings of, 30, 34, 81, 97, 121, 251
Nez Perce(s)*:origin of name, 251, 287
Nez Perce(s)*:picture writing, 242
Nez Perce(s)*:relics, 54, 384
Nez Perce(s)*:religion, 44
Nez Perce(s)*:Reservation*, 70, 118, 251
Nez Perce(s)*:maps of, 546, 564, 571
Nez Perce(s)*:Smoholla, 172, 193, 396, 437
Nez Perce(s)*:treaties, 33, 75, 95, 114, 117, 396
Nez Perce(s)*:Treaty of 1855, 95, 114, 117, 118, 181
Nez Perce(s)*:Treaty of 1863, 95, 99, 118; Nez Perce grievances re treaty, 67
Nez Perce(s) War
Nez Perce(s) War of 1877, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 38, 40, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 59, 60, 61, 63, 65, 66, 67, 71, 74, 77, 81, 82, 83, 86, 87, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, 100, 101, 103-109, 115, 116, 209, 223, 254, 255, 256, 355, 422, 482, 490, 542
Nez Perce(s) War: bibliography, 42
Nez Perce(s) War: causes, 34, 58, 63, 68, 100
Nez Perce(s) War: cache of flour hidden by, 115
Nez Perce(s) War: capture of cannon*, 27, 527, 562
Nez Perce(s) War: capture of stagecoach, 27
Nez Perce(s) War: contemporary surviving warriors*, 84
Nez Perce(s) War: cost of, 106
Nez Perce(s) War: Cow Island crossing of Missouri River, 68, 69
Nez Perce(s) War: dead scalped by Bannocks, 61
Nez Perce(s) War: destruction of wagon train at Birch Creek, 106
Nez Perce(s) War: disposition and treatment of those captured, 93, 100
Nez Perce(s) War: drilling for war, 40, 84
Nez Perce(s) War: escapes* into Canada and list of those escaping, 38, 62, 79, 257
Nez Perce(s) War: “Flight of the Nez Perces, The*,” 329
Nez Perce(s) War: fording of the Yellowstone River*, 84
Nez Perce(s) War: Montague-Winters ranch killing, 106
Nez Perce(s) War: mutilation of dead, 46
Nez Perce(s) War: “Point of Rocks*” sharpshooters, 56, 62
Nez Perce(s) War: possible fight with Crow Indians*, 34, 69
Nez Perce(s) War: property owned on Salmon River, 106
Nez Perce(s) War: raid on Howard's camp, 84, 529
Nez Perce(s) War: return from Canada, 59
Nez Perce(s) War: return of White Bird's band, 71
Nez Perce(s) War: return to Colville Reservation*, 44
Nez Perce(s) War: return to Lapwai Reservation, 44, 287
Nez Perce(s) War: Salmon River crossing, 101
Nez Perce(s) War: scouts, 72, 82
Nez Perce(s) War: scouts with U.S. Army, 72, 106
Nez Perce(s) War: scouts with Col. Wright, 68
Nez Perce(s) War: scouts with Gen. Howard, 72, 86
Nez Perce(s) War: telegrams, Gen. O.O. Howard, [C.E.S.] Wood, 36
Nez Perce(s) War: war maps, 113, 525 [see also maps]
Nez Perce(s) War: warriors*, 30, 32, 38, 59, 79, 84, 191, 242, 422
Nez Perce(s) War: warriors of 1877, list of names, 30
Nez Perce(s) War: Yellowstone Valley*, 40, 68
Nicholls, R.D., 227
Nichols, (E.W.?), 410, 412
Nichols, Jennie R. (also Maggie Jiggs [pseud.] ), 70, 190, 192, 227, 358, 378, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 410, 412 [see also “Maggie”]
Nicholson, Mrs. Hugh, 261
Niess, William V., 167
Nissley, J.R., 159
Nixon, Beverly, 237
Noble, Dick, 402, 404
Nordby Julius E., 242, 571
North Dakota, State Historical Society of, 262
North, S.N.D., 27
Northern Pacific Railroad, 177
Northwest Indian Congress, 351
northwestern states, map of, 546
Norton, H.B., 116
Norwest, F.B., 404
Norwest, Viola, 222
Norwood, Anne, 93, 250, 257
Noyes*, C. Raymond, 77, 242, 293, 314, 559
Nunn, Jess, 353
Nunns, Annie A., 138, 376
Nutter, W.D., 200
Nye, Kate, 184
O'Brien, Thomas, 29
O'Brien, William S., 136, 186, 200, 340
O'Connor, Florence G., 257
O'Connor, Miss M.S., 378
O'Donnell, I.D., 48, 69, 530
Okanogan Indian words, 121, 444
Okanogan Indians, 203
Okanogan legends, 121, 420, 422, 430, 433, 440, 444, 447 [see also legends and tales; “Okanogan Sweat House, The,”]
Okanogan Sweat House, The, MS with notes, dedicatory, prologue, forward, 433, 440;
Okanogan Sweat House, The, about, 447 [see also “Coyote Stories”; McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, writings and publishing;
Mourning Dove, legends]
Ollokot, Chief (also Ollicot)*, 56; sketch of, 537
Olney, Buffalo Ben* (also Lone Buffalo, Benjamin Butler Olney), 27, 158, 189, 205, 218, 227, 230, 231, 235, 236, 240, 241, 296, 353, 381, 387, 388, 390, 391, 402, 403, 404
Olney, Charles (Charley?) C., 339
Olney, Charley*, 124
Olney, George W. (also G.W.), 124, 208, 431
Olney, Nealy N.*, 120, 236, 265, 345, 353, 360, 365, 366, 388, 427
Olocott, Mrs. WeWe-tá-tom-mi [sic] (also Ollicot, Ollokot)*, 28, 56
One Pin (also Sat-kat, One Pine, son of Chief Wy-cas One-pi-née), 122, 127, 177
One Pin, Albert (son of One Pin, grandson of Chief Wy-cas), 177
One Pin (also One Pine), Mrs., 211, 177
One-pi-née, Chief Wy-cas (also One-pin-née, One-piñ-neé, Shee-ah-coote, Shee-ah-cotte), 127, 356
Oregon history, pioneers, 467 [see also “In Earlier Days”; Journal, The]
Oregonian, 40, 265, 372, 482
Oregon State Historical Society, 353
Oregon Sunday Journal, The, 461
Oregon Trail, 380
Oregon Trail Memorial Association, 285
Orrell, May, 222
Orton, Fay M., 158, 195, 244, 252, 288, 289
Orton, S.M., 158, 288
Osborne, John T., 124
Osceola, Indian opera, 285
Ostrander, Major Alson B., 29, 159, 241, 244
O'Sullivan, James M., 186, 189, 217, 235, 338, 374, 377
Owhi (grandson of Chief Owhi), 38
Owhi, Chief (Warrior),38, 123, 124, 434, 437
Owhi, Chief Lesh-hi-hit (also Leshi Owhi, Seven Mountains, Too-skas-pot-thah-nook; son of warrior of Nez Perce War of 1877, Chief Owhi)*, 38, 123, 124, 251, 359, 434, 437, 458
Owhi, Harry (son of warrior Chief Owhi), 38, 341
Owhi, Yokosh, 385
Owl-Child (also Alex McCoy, Alec McCoy, Shat-taw-wée/Shat-tou-wée, meaning Leader in Battle,Che-pos to-cos, Ché-pos-to-cos)*, 187, 234, 262, 334, 429, 430, 435, 482
Ow-yén, 38
Oxley, B.H., 181
Paget, M.E., 383
Paint, Roger R., 383
Painter, Harry M., 40, 93, 127, 132, 237, 257, 314
Paiute Indian War, 125, 127, 131, 132
Pallison, John, 351
Palmer, Alice, 146
Palmer, Sis-Elit*, 376, 385
Palouse River, 399
Paltsits, Victor H., 142
Pah-qy-ti-koot [see also Union Gap*; Tow-tow-na-hee]:
Pah-qy-ti-koot [see also Union Gap*; Tow-tow-na-hee]: battle, 124, 434
Pah-qy-ti-koot [see also Union Gap*; Tow-tow-na-hee]: memorial*, 216, 356
Park, C.R., 358
Park, Marjorie G., 158
Parker, Aaron F., 32
Parker, Arthur C., 180, 205, 342, 347, 348
Parker, Mrs. Clarence, 241
Parker, Col. F.J., 64
Parker, Mrs. F.J., 64
Parker, Fred, 378, 382
Parker, Horace N., 257
Parker, Mrs. J., 257
Parker, Jeanette, 133
Parker, Rufus, 274, 287, 352
Parnell, Col.*, 242
Parr, Harry L., 227
Parry-Lehman, Jessica, 169
Parsons, Marion, 223, 241
Partello, Col. (James?), 82
Patton, Sarah S. McM. (Mrs. H.W. Patton), 378
Patty, William McWhorter, 292
Pawpaw culture, 275, 418
Peach-te-lá-la (also Captain Jack)*, 191 [see also Modoc Indian War]
Pelky, Robert, 340, 447
Peltier, Jerome, 176, 288, 331
Pemberton, W.Y., 43, 182
Pe-nah-we-non-mi (also Helping Another, Mrs. Shot-in-Head, Mrs. Shot-in-the-Head, Its-kum-che-lí-li)*, 38, 43, 274
Peone, Mrs. Walter, 427
Perigot, Gus, 235
Perkins, B.R., 184
Perkins, Samuel, 352
Perkins murder*, 122, 131, 299
Perrow, William G., 169, 274, 298, 299
Perry, Jay, 355
Person, R.S., 146
Peters, Ira L., 140, 147
Peters, Wasco Jim (also Jim Peter, Wasco Jim, Ie-keep-swah, I-keep-swah, Sitting Rock)*, 125, 127, 214, 364, 419, 422, 423, 427, 429, 432
Peterson, Orval D., 199
Peterson, R.B., 217, 353, 378
Peterson, T.J., 43
Peterson, W.H., 142
Petk-telkl*, 242
Pettit, Benj. W., 356
Petzoldt, W.A., 257, 376
Pfelt, J.P., 140
Pfenning, Dr. H.E., 412
Phillips, Ernest, 139
Phillips, Joe W., 338, 347
Phipps, Harve H., 342, 342, 345
Pickett, F.L., 176
Piegans, Blackfeet*, 262, 435
Pierce, Walter M., 421
Piling Clouds
death of, 318
Pilkins, Mrs. Mary (also An-a-whoa, A-na-whoa, An-a-who-ah, An-awho-ee, Black Bear)*, 429, 430, 436
Pilling, J.C., 159
Pima Indian water rights, 345
Pims, Pauline, 347
Pine, W.B., 380
pioneers, 91, 137, 138, 141, 147, 356, 371, 434, 457, 482, 501, 554
Pit River Indian War, 130
Plassmann, Martha Edgerton, 257, 262, 329, 394
Plenty Coups, Chief, 277
Plowman, Mrs. Chas. 274, 275
Plum, Mrs. H.C., 404
Poems and songs, 122, 136, 242, 287, 297, 321, 355, 378, 414, 421, 423, 426, 430 [see also Cleparty, Alva; F.A.F.; McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, writings and publishing; Valley Mountain (Mrs. Valley White Elk)]
Poems and songs, Baby on the Cradle-Board, 421
Poems and songs, Cogewea, 421
Poems and songs, Dreamer Nez Perce's Thanks for Food, A, 421
Poems and songs, Flapper and the Masher, The, 421
Poems and songs, Gems and Gems, 321
Poems and songs, Greater than Thou, The, 421
Poems and songs, Incident of the Big Hole Battle*, 297, 421
Poems and songs, Indian Lullibye [sic], 430
Poems and songs, Injun Parody, 378
Poems and songs, In Love's boat a-drifting, 421
Poems and songs, Kansas or Bust, 122
Poems and songs, Klahowyam Tillikums: Klaska Klatawa Kopa Klaska Tillikums, 287
Poems and songs, Law of the Lonely Wood, The, 421
Poems and songs, Myself, 355
Poems and songs, Nez Perce Challenge, The, 421
Poems and songs, Nez Perce Dreamer's Thanks for Food, 421
Poems and songs, O Bigotry!, 421
Poems and songs, Ohio Indian song, 136
Poems and songs, Rock Wren and the Rattlesnake*, 421
Poems and songs, Shambles of an Indian Camp, 421
Poems and songs, Softly fall the shades of night, 421
Poems and songs, Songs of Happy Life, 414
Poems and songs, To the Blasted Pine Tree of Bear Gulch, 242
Poems and songs, To Keeper of Songs, 421
Poems and songs, This bear was my friend , 421
Poems and songs, Two Moons, 421
Poems and songs, Untitled, 378
Poems and songs, Way of the World, The, 242
Poems and songs, When the limpid streams , 421
Poems and songs, Words of Yakima Religious Song, 423
Poems and songs, Yakima Religeus [sic] Songs; Sung at the Berry Feast, August, 1910, 426
Poems and songs, You have made no enemies you say?, 421
Po-gum-bie (also Beth Brenner, Mrs. C. Brenner, Chokecherry), 30, 36, 132, 283, 288, 314
Pohlman, Dorothy Prewitt (Mrs. Arthur H.), 29, 232
Poindexter, Miles, 180, 342, 344, 347, 359, 428
Ponsford, J.W., 189
Point of Rocks* sharpshooters, 56, 62
Poker Joe, 27, 56
Polachek, Goldie Avery, 275
Poleman, George, 512
Pollard, Lancaster, 195, 289, 290, 331
Pomeroy, Winifred M., 297
Pomroy, Mrs. J.M., 40
Poniah, William, 419
Pom-Pom house, 199
Poncas in Oklahoma, 32, 36, 49
Pony Express*, map of, 568
Pope, Mildred H., 169
Post, William L., 148
posters, 551, 554
Powers, Mabel, 323
Preston, Josephine Corliss, 227
Price, S.M., 144
Price, William T., 147, 200, 384
Priest Rapids Indians*, 128, 349, 369, 396, 397, 400, 539 [see also Sokulk Indians; Wana Pum Indians*]
Priest Rapids inscriptions*, 238 [see also Indian(s), pictographs]
Priest Rapids range land, map of, 400, 553
Priestley, Herbert Ingram, 33, 290
Prince, Theodore L., 337
Prior, Elizabeth, 331
Prison Comfort Club, 362
Proctor, W.A., 141
Pruitt, W.O., 404
Pueblo Indians, 379
Pueblo Indians, land bill, 236
Puget Sound Indian war, 427
Pugsley, Edwin, 382
Puyette, Sam, 427
Qalchin* (also Qalchen, Qualchin, Qualchien, Qual-chan Owhi; son of Chief Owhi), 38, 123, 339, 434
Quaife, Dr. M.M., 169, 177, 136, 138, 268, 356
Qualchan, Charley, 432
Quas-qui Tachens, 422
Queen, G.F., 139, 151, 181, 234
Quick, R.L., 227, 412
Quiltininack, Chief, 234
Quist, F.E., 216
Rabeck, A.T., 210, 275
railway, right of way dispute on Yakima Reservation*, 347, 349
Rainbow, Sr., 56
Rainier National Park, 273, 356 [see also Mount Rainier*]
Raisz, Erwin, 546
Rambles in Wonderland, notes, 37 [see also Stanley, Edwin J.]
Ramsey, Marshall G., 78, 238, 242, 358
Rand, Philip, 43
Randall, Captain D.B., 32
Rankin, Winifred C., 235
Rascal Grizzly Youth*, 242
Ratliff, John, 138
Rawn, Captain Charles C., 101
Ray, W.F., 137, 154
Raymer, Charles D., 275, 282, 287, 418
Raymond, J.E., 281
Rea, John A., 92
Read, Alice J., 404
Reagan, Mary M., 312
Reams, O.K., 155
Red Elk, 28
Red Elk, Mrs. Elijah, 49
Red Fox (also Rev. Red Fox, Skiuhushu), 191, 195, 214, 219, 225, 230, 231, 232, 353, 361, 381, 382, 384, 387, 388
Red Heart, Chief, 40, 95
Red Heart, James, 176, 211
Red Heart, Jessie, 176
Red Heart, Mrs. Lucy, 31
Redington, Col. J.W. (also Redingkton [sic])*, 26, 27, 29, 32, 40, 50, 56, 62, 69, 84, 86, 87, 96, 106, 116, 132, 133, 134, 210, 244, 255, 259, 263, 374, 542
Redman, D.R., 359
Red Spy, 32
Red Star, Willie, 406
Red Swallow, The (also Laow tec-tec ilp-pilp, Laow tic-tic il-pilp, Laow tick-tick ilp-ilp, Alonzo Victor Lewis, Mud Sparrow), 36, 70, 158, 169, 184, 191, 194, 203, 210, 211, 239, 246, 247, 265, 267, 287, 279, 312, 314, 351, 391, 394
Red Wolf, 28
Reed, H.E., 275
Reed, James F., 47
Reed, Mark E., 227
Reensberg?, Helen, 281
Rees, John E., 223, 260
Rees, Mrs. R.R., 341
Reger, Carl, 146
Reger, David B., 151, 384
Reger, Joseph S., 146, 348
Reger, Lee,147
Reger, Ray, 299
reindeer business (Nome, Alaska), 195
Reiner, Major Thomas A., 69
Reinhart, F.S., 403
Reinig, Mrs. C.E., 365
religion, 33, 40, 44, 193, 199, 216, 358, 424 [see also Dreamer religion; Indian religion and beliefs; missionaries; missions to the Indians]
Reminiscences of Early Life in Montana, 102
Remsberg, Helen, 219
Report of the General of the Army to the Secretary of War, 1877, 35, 108
Reuben, James, (also Eagle Head, Head Feathers, Hosius Wap-tus)*, 105
Revelle, C.E., 234
Rev. Red Fox (also Red Fox, Skiuhushu), 191, 195, 214, 219, 225, 230, 231, 232, 353, 361, 381, 382, 384, 387, 388
Revolutionary War, 218
Reynolds, E.W., 323
Reynolds, Ruth S., 29, 274
Reynolds, Paul R., 27, 448
Rhodes, M.D.L., 274
Rice, William H., 227
Richard, Chief Clinton, 287
Ricker, E.S.,200
Ricks, Katharine C., 144
Riebe?, Mrs. E.M., 403
Rigg, H.B., 177
Riggins, Mrs. Hamilton, 338
Rightmire, Clara, 558
Riley, E.B., 283
Rimmar, Ora, 404
Rinehart, Mary Roberts, 486
Rinehart, Major W.V., 133
Ritchie County, 145
Roaring Eagle (also George Come-down, Eagle Making a Roar)*, 28
Roberts, Earle O., 128, 238, 364
Roberts, Mrs. Oda E., 159
Roberts, R.B., 358
Robinson, Anne R., 274
Rockey, E.W., 214
Rock Shelters, 139
Rockwood, E. Ruth, 219, 376
Rocky Mountain Husbandman, 93, 482, 490, 496
Rogers, B.F., 148, 339
Rogers, Beverly L., 140, 146
Rogers, Edmund B., 82, 244, 312, 358
Rogers, Fred B., 176
Rogers, Laura Gertrude, 49, 140, 192, 257
Rogue River Indian War (1855-1856), 130, 464
Rollinson, J.K., 176, 283
Rolph, L.C., 404
Rolston, H.S., 186
Rooke, James, 82
Rooke, John L., 36, 46, 242, 523
Rookstool, A.L., 268
Rookstool, Frances M., 176, 195, 223, 232, 236, 249, 257
Roosevelt, Mrs. [Eleanor], 290
Roosevelt, Franklin D.*, 376, 380 [see also “Friend of the Indian, A”]
Roseburg, Mrs. H. Warner, 158
Ross, Charles H., 182, 223
Ross, Claudia C., 48
Ross, Edith Connelly, 189
Ross, Nancy Wilson, 193
Rothrock, F.M., 396, 400
Rouleau, E.W.L., 257
Rowan, T.G., 387
Rowland, Dunbar, 65
Rowley, Dr. Francis H., 208, 210, 227, 293, 359, 360, 401, 403, 404, 405, 412, 416
Rowton, H.C., 32
Rowton, J.G., 27, 46, 81, 82, 106, 263
Ruark, J.C., 36
Ruebush, J.K., 171
Rugg, Mrs. Ethel T., 227
Running Bear, F., 278
Runsicker, Martin, 403
Ruppert, P.A., 403
Rush, Homer J., 367
Rusk, C.E., 158, 191
Russell, Don, 158, 195, 288, 314
Russell, Mrs. C.E., 402
Russert, Martin A., 169, 176, 208
Rust, Henry J., 176
Rutledge, Jeannette W., 288
Ryan, Thomas, 336
Ryan, W.C., 388
Rye Creek, fight at, 47
Sacajawea (also Sakakawea, pronunciation of, by Shoshones), 30, 242, 355
Saccacukoo, Lenora Jack, 252
Sack, J.R., 179
Sack, Samalee, 431, 432
Safford, C.J., 364
Salmon: fishing rights, 219
Salmon: Indian narratives, 426, 429, 432, 433, 440, 441
Salmon River*: and Captain Cullen, 81
Salmon River*: crossing by Nez Perces, 101
Salmon River*: murder on, 155
Salmon River*: Nez Perce property on, 106
Salmon River*: raid, 32
Salmon River*: uprising, 287
Salta, Gladys W., 354, 360
Saluskin, (__?), 187
Saluskin, Alex William, 176, 378
Saluskin, Chief Charley (also Sa-lus-kin, Sluiskin, Sluskin, Sluskin We-owíkt, We-ow-ikt)*, 121, 339, 342, 356, 376, 378, 382, 420, 425, 428, 430, 431, 434, 437, 469
Saluskin, Jim, 416
Salzer, Paul, 342
Sam, Willie, 170, 171
San Carlos irrigation project (Arizona), 191
Sanders, Daisy, 399
Sanders, Mrs. G.W., 241
Sanderson, Ida, 317, 318, 319
Sandusky, Ohio, map of, 570
Saturday Evening Post, The, 486, 494
Sanford, Leo N., 257
Sanstrow, Louis, C., 349
Sat-kat (also One Pin, One Pine, One-pin-nee, son of Chief Wy-cas One-pi-née), 122, 127, 177
Schackman, R.C., 253
Satus Mountain, Battle of*, 124, 217
Scattergood, J. Henry, 32
Schafer, Joseph, 210, 228, 250
Schaller, Mrs., 391
Scheider, Malvina T., 290
Schmidtman, Mildred D.*, 237, 253, 261, 286, 294, 331, 358, 534
Schmitz, Frank O., 287, 294
Schorr, E.G., 55
Schorr, John P.*, 29, 55
Schultz, James Willard, 423
Schumacher, H.C., 32
Schurra, Carl, 36, 46, 242
Schuster, C.F., 184
Schuster, Harvey, 173, 179, 187, 336, 384
Schwartze, J.R., 227, 411
Schwellenback, Lewis B., 290
Sch-yówit, Jim [sic], 131
Scott, Beulah (Mrs. Christopher Pierce Scott), 270
Scott, Mrs. Clella, 412
Scott, Frank H., 340
Scott, Hugh Lennox, 86
Scott, Winfield, 27
Scout of the Buckonhehanon, The, about, 174
scouts, civilian, 101
scouts and couriers in Indian wars, 30, 32, 50, 56, 66, 68, 72, 82, 86, 101, 106, 122, 134, 172, 263, 374 [see also Indian(s), scouts; Nez Perce(s), scouts; Cheyenne scouts in Nez Perce War; Shoshone scouts in Nez Perce War]
Sealander, Clara, 191
Seattle, Chief, 398
Seay, T. Jackson, 148
Secretary of the Interior, Annual Report, 1877, 72, 83
Secretary of War, Annual Report, 1878, 131
Secretary of War, Report to the, 1855, 122
Seelatsee, Chief Frank (also Captain), 122, 234, 351, 385
Seely, Mrs. Tom, 169
Segers, Leah, 122, 261
Select Press, The, 215
Sells, Cato, 179, 336, 342, 347, 348, 353, 355, 359, 376, 377, 378
Se-lu-pah-lo-tin, Chief, 40
Seneca Trail, the, 558
Seven Mountains, Chief (also Chief Lesh-hi-hit Owhi, Leshi Owhi, Too-skas-pot-thah-nook; son of warrior of Nez Perce War of 1877, Chief Owhi)*, 38, 123, 124, 251, 359, 434, 437, 458
Shakers, 282, 358, 427
Shanks, General John P., 42
Sharman, Graham, 286, 358
Sharon, J.L., 120, 252, 287
Sharp, Joyce, 314
Shat-taw-wée (or Shat-tou-wée, meaning Leader in Battle; also Owl-Child, Alex McCoy, Alec McCoy, Ché-pos to-cos, Ché-pos-to-cos)*, 187, 234, 262, 334, 429, 430, 435, 482
Shaver?, C.L., 204
Shaw, Ruth, 210
Shawaway, Alba, 352
Shawaway, Alex, 218
Shaw-aw-way Coot-ahy-ah, 336
Shearer, Mary Butler, 412
Shee-ah-coote (also Shee-ah-cotte, Chief Wy-cas One-pi-née, One-pin-née, One-piñ-neé), 127, 356
Sheepeater campaign, 50, 132
She-kamtsets-kunin, Sam (also Horse Blanket, Sam Morris), 105, 210, 211, 243, 430
Sheldon, A.E., 265
Sherburne, Joseph Herbert, 40, 48, 79, 243, 255, 358
Sheridan, Phil, 205
Sherman, Lois H., 32
Sherman, General W.T., 108
Sherrill, Bunch*, 242
Sherrill, Tom*, 242
Shin Bone (also Tow-tow-no Hené), 438 [see also legends and tales]
Sho-pów-tan (see McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil)
Shoshone scouts in Nez Perce War, 106, 172
Shosteck, Robert, 275
Shot-in-the-Head (also Husis Owyen, Wounded Head)*, 28, 534
Shot-in-the-Head, Mrs. (also Mrs. Shot-in-Head, Its-kum-che-lí-li, Pe-nah-we-non-mi, Helping Another)*, 38, 43, 274
Showalter, N.D., 213
Shriner, M.L., 186
Shuff, C.L., 403
Shuster, Louis, 122
Shutt, Muriel Rea, 288
Sickel, W.N., 215
Sieg, Paul, 315
Silitz Reservation, 222
Simpkins, Mrs. Lenora B., 234, 265, 402, 404, 411, 412, 413
Simpson, Burr H. 261, 358
Simpson, F.M., 169
Sin-i-tah, 422
Sioux, sketch of, 536 [see also Hollow Horn Bear; drawings]
Sioux uprising in Minnesota, 195 [see also Indian(s), wars, tribal]
Sisk, Mrs. R.C., 396
Sissem, E.G., 241
Sisson, E.O., 182
Sitting Bull*, 38, 59, 79, 486
Sitting Rock* (also I-keep-swah, Ie-keep-swah, Jim Peter, Wasco Jim Peter, Wasco Jim Peters, )*, 125, 127, 214, 364, 419, 422, 423, 427, 429, 432
Skibness, Marie, 412
Skiuhushu (also Red Fox, Rev. Red Fox), 191, 195, 214, 219, 225, 230, 231, 232, 353, 361, 381, 382, 384, 387, 388
Skouken John, Mrs., 420, 429, 430
Slagle, Clarence P., 274
Slawter, Harry, 146, 148
Sloan, Besse, 227
Sloan, Thomas L., 220
Slaper, William C.*, 42, 65, 69, 260, 263, 435
Sluskin, Chief Charley (also Saluskin, Sa-lus-kin, Sluiskin, Sluskin We-owíkt, We-ow-ikt)*, 121, 339, 342, 356, 376, 378, 382, 420, 425, 428, 430, 431, 434, 437, 469
Slutrone, H.C., 167
Smartlowit, Tom (also Smat-Louit, Smat-Lowit, To-kiaken Twi-wash, To-ki-aken, To-ki-akin, Ko-ti-aken, Toliaken Twi-wash)*, 122, 127, 420, 424, 434, 458
Smedberg, W.R. Jr., 96
Smith, Addison T., 380
Smith, Charles A., 109, 169, 250, 257
Smith, Charles W., 184, 274, 356
Smith, D.G., 227
Smith, David, 222, 404
Smith, David H., 25
Smith, Honorable Edwin P., 72
Smith, Emily K., 227
Smith, George E., 428
Smith, G.H., 404
Smith, Mrs. Joseph (Corinna) Lindon, 250, 275, 374
Smith, (J.L.?), 275
Smith, J.T., 223
Smith, N.J., 179, 374
Smith, “Soapy,” 511
Smith, W.O., 354
Smithsonian Institution, 40, 178
Smoholla*, Chief, 172, 193
Smoholla*, Chief, son of, 437
Smohollas, 396
Smyser, Selden, 237
Smyth, J.D., 184
Snahtups Ku La La (also Snah-Tupsh Ku-Lala)*, 124
Snake Creek, Battle of, 56
Snake River, 81
Snake River Park, 195, 252
Sniffen, M.K., 353
Snively, H.J., 404
Snodgrass, Leta, 146
Snyder, Mrs. G.G., 403
Snyder, John, 418
Society of American Indians, 205, 345, 348
Sokulk Indians, 128, 193, 270, 336, 349, 396, 437 [see also Priest Rapids Indians*; Wana Pum Indians*]
Solberg, Thorvald, 197
Soll, Rev. Frederic H.K., 169
Somers, John B., 250
Sommers, A.L., 213
Sommers, W.C., 283, 290
Sommerville, Captain John, 136
Sons of the American Revolution, 473
Soots, Orpheus C., 227, 403, 411, 412
Spalding, Elizabeth, 277
Spalding, Henry Harmon, 44, 277, 330, 506
Spalding Centennial Issue, Lewiston Morning Tribune, 506
Spalding Memorial Rock, 44 [see also legends and tales]
Spancer, Albert, 104
Spaulding, Victor, 268
Speck, Frank G., 211, 237, 290, 314
Spencer, Damon, 118
Spencer, Lancaster, 171, 173, 177, 192, 334, 336, 343, 344, 345, 348
Spencer, Mrs. Martha, 158, 412
Spencer, Chief William, 120
Sperlin, O.B., 48, 189, 205, 270, 274, 369
Spier, Leslie, 364
Splawn, Jack, 120
Spokane Indians, 349, 454
Springston, Mrs. J.D., 171, 200, 348
Spurck, Mabel, 403
Spy of Corvallis, The, 82
Squire, Watson C., 471
Sta-hai, Bill (also Billie, Billy Stahies, Stayhai)*, 199, 422, 424, 426
Standing Bear, Chief Luther*, 158, 176, 211, 195
Standley, J.E., 191
Stanley, Edwin, J., 37 [see also Rambles in Wonderland, notes]
Stanley, John, 94
Star, Gilbert, 364
Star, Willie Red, 234
Starcher, Frank, 167, 378
Starcher, Hattie, 220, 283, 451
Starcher, V.F., 274
Starr, C.C., 360
Status of Young Joseph ,The, 33 [see also Wood, Major H. Clay]
Steele, Captain Russell V., 42, 290, 312
Stephenson, Delia Morris, 297
Stephenson, George,120, 358
Stevens, (General) Hazard, 209, 359, 378 [see also Stevens-Van Trump expedition]
Stevens-Van Trump expedition, 209, 356, 378 [see also Stevens, (General) Hazard; Van Trump, P.B.]
Stewart, W.W., 179
Stillman, William O., 227, 378, 401-404, 411, 412, 416
Stillwell, Lieutenant William D.*, 124
Stirling, M.W., 169
Stone, Willie, 171
Stonestreet, Elizabeth, 195, 210
Stout, R.L., 341, 378, 383
Strahorn, Robert E., 211, 358
Straley, T.B., 139
Stranahan, Charles T., 36, 44, 46, 48, 62, 69, 81, 105, 251, 270, 287, 301
Strandwold, Olaf, 270
Strayer, Martha, 215
Stratton, W.W., 410
Strongheart, Nipo* (also George), 27, 29, 40, 100, 149, 184, 189, 210, 214, 223, 235, 236, 250, 252, 287, 293, 295, 296, 297, 299, 300, 312, 338, 352, 354, 360, 381, 383, 390
Stuart, Jas., 330
Stuckrath, J.H., 227
Sturgis, Colonel Samuel D., 69, 90, 106, 108, 530
Stutler, Boyd B., 200
Sul-el-il (also Yakima George), 126
Summers, John W., 227, 230, 366
Sunday Oregonian, The, 40, 355, 393, 454, 460, 476, 482
Sundown, Jackson (also Jackson Buffloo)*, 177
Sunflower, Princess (also Warcaziwin), 193, 285, 312
Sun-Rise, Rita, 158, 198, 261, 274, 297
Sutton, I.C., 377
Swamp, Arthur, 369
Swan, K.D., 31, 290
Swartz, Nelson A., 200
Sweeney, Bo, 179
Sweeney, C.E., 298
Swigert, Charles H., 335, 336
Swindell, Jr., Edward G., 193, 220
Swisher, A.W., 235, 314
Swisher, Ed, 153
Swisher, J.B., 340
Tacoma City Park, 273
Taholah Indian agency, 395
Tainewasher, John C., 288
tahmahnawis* power, 422-425, 430, 432, 435 [see also Indian(s), tahmahnawis* power; Yakima Indian(s), tahmahnawis* power; legends and tales]
Talbot, Mary Lee Keister, 281, 287, 301
Tallman, J.V., 169
Tásh-wenit (After the Thunder), 124
Tashwict, (Harry?), 191
Tashwict, Henry, 27, 179, 382
Tashwict, Ira, 170, 179, 187
Teakle, Thomas, 274, 384
Tecumseh, Chief (also Ya-ka-towit)*, 157, 193, 244, 290, 342, 487
Teio, Alex, 193
Telakish, Sadie*, 176
Temple, H.C., 171
Tennant, L.B., 290
Tes-pa-loose, 127
Thatcher, Pairsy Hall, 147
Tholekt, Chief George Peo-peo (also Bird Alighting)*, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 42, 43, 48, 49, 54, 56, 69, 70, 77, 79, 84, 95, 99, 106, 111, 112, 158, 170, 177, 187, 188, 190, 191, 210, 211, 218, 223, 232, 236, 251, 258, 297, 341, 348, 351, 356, 378, 384, 423, 430, 545
Tholekt, Chief George Peo-peo (also Bird Alighting)*, maps and drawings by, 519, 520, 522, 529, 532, 538, 555, 556, 562
Thomas, Anna McWhorter, 140
Thomas, Jr., Lt. Col. C.W., 122
Thomas, E.H., 281
Thomas, Gladys, 399
Thomas, R.E., 82
Thompson, David, 265
Thompson, George W., 410
Thompson, Hazel, 404
Thompson, Julia, 122
Thompson L.L., 227
Thompson, Samuel H., 283, 312, 332, 374
Thompson, W.E., 404
Thorndyke, Joseph A., 403
Thorp, F. Mortimer, 352
Thorpe, Jim, 312
Thunder Bird, Chief, 193
Thwaites, Reuben G., 139, 143, 158, 181, 186
Tilden, Samuel, 176, 237, 288
Timpson, J.W., 412
Tipi Order of America (also Tepee), 220, 361
rituals, 353
Tisdel, Alton P., 288
Tizs-klcr[sic]-not (also Yellow Hair), 56, 242 [see also Clark, Capt. William]
Tobey, W.L., 201
Todd, C.C., 158, 274, 315
Todd, Frederick P., 251, 358
Todd, Jr., J.W., 158, 176
To-kiaken Twi-wash (also To-ki-aken, To-ki-akin, Ko-ti-aken, Toliaken Twi-wash, Tom Smartlowit, Smat-Louit, Smat-Lowit)*, 122, 127, 420, 424, 434, 458
Tomeo (Tomio) [Kamiakun], Mrs. Arthur*, 219
Tooley, Keith, 348
Too-skas-pot-thah-nook, Chief (also Chief Lesh-hi-hit Owhi, Leshi Owhi, Seven Mountains; son of warrior of Nez Perce War of 1877, Chief Owhi)*, 38, 123, 124, 251, 359, 434, 437, 458
Toppenish (also Thappenish), 124, 220, 365, 426
Toppenish (also Thappenish), Battle of*, 122, 124, 245, 299, 378, 434
Toppenish (also Thappenish), battlefield marker, 337
Toppenish, Fort Simcoe & Western Railway Co., 347
Topping (Toppin?), E.S., 37
Topplish (White Earth), 129
Tow-tow-na-hee (also Tow-tow nah-hee, Tow-tow-na-hi)*, 216, 356, 434 [see also Union Gap*; Pah-qy-ti-koot, Battle Memorial*]
Tow-tow-no Hené (also Shin Bone), 438 [see also legends and tales]
Tracy, Inez, 192
Tragedy of the Wahk-Shum, about, 274, 355 [see also McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, manuscripts]
treaties with the Indians, 33, 67, 75, 95, 99, 114, 117, 118, 125, 127, 193, 219, 333, 352, 356, 358, 396, 399
Treaty of 1855*, 95, 125, 193, 396 [see also Walla Walla Treaty of 1855; Yakima Indian(s), Treaty of 1855]
Treaty of 1855*, with Nez Perces, 95, 114, 117, 118, 399
Treaty of 1855*, with Umatillas, 114
Treaty of 1855*, with Wallas*, 114
Treaty of 1855*, with Yakimas, 114, 125, 127, 219, 333, 352, 356
Treaty of 1863, 67, 95, 99, 118
Tremp, A.A., 177
Troy, Mrs. P.M. Eva Sturdevant, 241, 365
Tucker, Edna H., 293
Tuesley, George N., 268
Tukurika Campaign, 132
Turner, H.C., 241
Turner, Dr. W.A., 56
Turner, W.F., 223, 231, 361, 378, 387, 388
Two Buttes, fight at, 356
Two Moons*, 28, 39, 421
Ugen-mal-ligkin, [Chief]*, 242
Umatilla* Indian lands, 335
Umpqua Indian lands, first plowing, 377
Umstead, George G., 369
Umtoch, Chief (also Umtuch), 120, 128
Umtoch, Thomas (also Umtuch), 170, 190, 378, 385, 416
Umtoch, Thomas, Jr. (also Umtuch), 173
Umtoch, Tony (also Umtuch), 158
Un-a-quah (also August A. Breuninger), 208
Union Gap*, 216, 343, 356, 434 [see also Tow-tow-na-hee*; Pah-qy-ti-koot, Battle Memorial*]
Union Gap Irrigation Canal, 343
United Christian Missionary Society, 388
Upchurch, Major O.C., 27, 29, 62, 215
Upshur County, West Virginia, 558
Utah State Historical Society, 320
Valentine, R., 345, 346
Valley Mountain (also Mrs. Valley White Elk*), 128, 158, 191, 208, 220, 226, 232, 341, 350, 361, 378 [see also poems and songs]
Van de Water, Frederic F., 268, 302, 358
Vanderberg, Victor*, 242
Vandersloot, J.E., 158, 230, 350
Van Dyne, A.L., 219, 228
Vanhorn, Ruby L., 200
Van Male, John, 169, 376
Van Trump, P.B., 209, 356, 378 [see also Stevens-Van Trump expedition]
Varner, D.D., 353, 366, 388
Varney, Mrs., 189
Varnum, Colonel Charles A., 68
Vaughan, Robert, Then and Now , notes, 37
Vermilye, H.P., 404, 412
Verran, William, 336
Vickrey, Charles V., 184
Vincent, George A., 179
Vincent, W.D., 40, 58, 133, 159, 172, 182, 184, 208, 210, 216, 220, 234, 241, 252, 281, 353, 447, 448
Vincent, Mrs. W.D., 382
Von Rothman, Rev. Black Hawk (also Black Hawk), 225, 361
Waddell, Oscar M., 169, 288
Waggoner* family raid, 157
Waggoner, George B., 181, 200
Wahl, Lutz, 41, 42, 85
Wahlers, Evelyn,269
Walker, Alma B.B. (also Chow-lah-pum), 27, 431
Walker, Leon, 431
Walker, Mrs. Pearl Lincoln, 270
Wallace, H.F., 142
Wallahee, James (Chief Jim)*, 251, 359, 434
Wallam, J.H., 146
Walla Walla Treaty of 1855*, 95, 114, 117, 125, 127, 399 [see also Treaty of 1855]
Walletrie, J.R., 26
Walling, J.C., 403
Wallowa* County, 107, 378
Wallowa County Historical Society, 132
Wallowa County, place names, 251
Wallowa Indian Reservation, 44
Wallowa Lake*, 40, 430
Wallowa Valley, 58, 83, 188, 356
Walsh, E.A., 241
Walsh, M.J., 158
Walsh, Thomas J., 70
Walsie, Jim, 428
wampum, 191, 219
Wanamaker expedition memorial, 205
Wanamaker Indian scholarship, 363
Wana Pum Indians*, 193, 270, 369, 396, 437 [see also Priest Rapids Indians*; Sokulk Indians]
Wana-wish, Yakima River*, fishing rights, 396
Wana-wish (Water Rapids), 427[see also legends and tales, Killing of Wana-wish...]
Wannamsie, Peter S., 173, 383
Wapato* Irrigation Canal, 342, 343, 346, 380
Wapato, Paul G., 265
wapatoo (Indian potato), 203
Warcaziwin (also Princess Sunflower), 193, 285, 312
Ward, J. Lenox, 403
Ward, Mrs. L., 171
Wardle-(Ho no?), Clara, 404
Waring, Vetchen, 218
Warner, V., 140, 142, 144, 148
War Singer, (also How-lis Won-poon, Camille Williams), 29, 32, 34, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 62, 68, 78, 80, 82, 84, 104, 115, 119, 176, 193, 242, 288, 297, 382
Wasco Indian legends, 419, 422-424, 429, 430, 436
Wasco Indians, war with Paiutes, 125 [see also Paiute Indian War]
Wasco Jim Peter (also Wasco Jim Peters, Jim Peter, I-keep-swah, Ie-keep-swah, Sitting Rock)*, 125, 127, 214, 364, 419, 422, 423, 427, 429, 432
Washburn, Chas. H., 147
Washburn, Lloyd, 147
Washington, [George], 152, 279
Washington, P.W., 145
Washington Post, 447
Washington State Chapter of the American Humane Education Society, 405
Washington State College, 216, 306
Washington State Golden Jubilee, 310
Washington state*, historic names of, 427
Washington State Historical Society*, 131, 182, 189, 194, 195, 220, 223, 233, 234, 253, 270, 289, 290, 298, 303, 304, 310, 311, 313, 316, 320, 349, 355, 356, 364, 378, 383, 399, 457
Washington state, markers for battle sites*, 193; monuments*, 240
Washington State Museum, 189
Washington state place names, 121, 427
Washington state, Shaker ministers on reservations, 427
Wa-tash-nashute, Willer (also Winnie Wak tash nashute, Watosh nassuth), 171, 336
water rights*, 2, 122, 159, 185, 198, 209, 227, 237, 248, 250, 290, 297, 332, 334, 335, 336, 338, 339, 341-348, 350, 351, 352, 354, 356, 357, 358, 360, 370, 371, 374, 376, 382, 386, 425, 455, 462, 483, 493, 502 [see also irrigation* and water rights* on Indian lands, chiefly Yakima]
Waterman, R.M., 388
Waters, Mrs. George, 425
Waters, Mrs. M.L., 392
Waters, Chief Stwire G.* (also Rev.), 127, 177, 179, 190, 191, 193, 336, 341, 345, 347, 348, 351, 364, 382, 388, 419, 420, 422, 424, 435
Waters, Thomas*, 26, 28, 29, 32, 38, 39, 48, 62, 120, 171, 179, 188, 218, 223, 234, 242, 244, 268, 336, 341, 394
Waters, Williams (S.?), 223
Watson, Elmo Scott, 92, 189, 194, 253, 312
Wat-tes Kun-nin (also Earth-blanket), 104
Watts, C.A., 179
Webb, George W., 32. 36
Webber, Mrs. S.J., 401, 403, 404
Weeks, B.D., 27
Weeks, John W., 412
Wehn?, James A., 242
Weikert, Andrew J., 37 [see also Yellowstone National Park , Journal of the Tour through in August and September, 1877]
Wel-lá-mot-kin (also Old Chief Joseph), 71, 74
Wells, A. Bancroft, 317. 318
Wells, William, 88, 187, 403, 404
Welsh, Herbert, 355
Wentzel, Wm.F.H., 404
We-owikt, Chief (also We-yah-wickt,Yow-wikt-kut, father of Chief Owhi), 123, 434
We-owíkt, Chief Charley Sluskin (also Saluskin, Sa-lus-kin, Sluiskin, Sluskin, We-ow-ikt)*, 121, 339, 342, 356, 376, 378, 382, 420, 425, 428, 430, 431, 434, 437, 469
Wesley, Chas. (Charli[e]), 177, 180
Wessen, Ernest J., 158, 241, 312
Wessen, Thomas E. Dewey, 158
West, O.A., 145, 146, 224
West, Roy A., 137, 154, 318
West Virginia* history, 1, 136, 137, 139, 140-149, 151-154, 157, 178, 184, 200, 269, 318, 358, 384
West Virginia, maps, 558, 570
West Virginia, native tribes, 139
West Virginia School Journal, 139
West Virginians, 139, 252, 355, 463, 503, 544
Wetmore, A., 40
Wetzel, Lewis (the Lewis Wetzel rifle), 377
We-Yallup Wa-ya-cika, Chief (also We-yal-lup Wa-ya-cika, We-Yallup Wayacikas, We-yallup Wa-ya-saka)*, 122, 125, 127, 193, 420, 425, 428, 455, 470, 472
We-yo-ka-sha-not (also We-yo-ka-sha-nat, Weyou-ka-sha-nat, We-you-ka-sha-nat, We-uk-sau-at, We-uk-san-at), 171, 188
Weyrauch, Paul H., 186
Whalen, Mrs. Nora B., 275, 418
What's Doing in this Great Northwest, 471
Wheat, T.W., 369
Wheeler, Harry W., 62, 345, 382
Wheeler-Howard Bill, 358, 396
Wheeler, William, 120
Wheelock, Dennison, 339
whiskey traffic with Indians, 192, 193, 356, 344, 345, 348, 382, 455, 458
Whitcomb, David, 213
White, Amelia E., 384
White, Charley, 430, 431
White, Compton I., 312
White, D.H., 274, 364
White, Mrs. Fred, 82, 169, 242
White, Colonel George, 72, 82
White, Iris, 403
White, Percy, 312
White, Rhoda M., 241
White, Mrs. Susie, 28, 176, 211, 215, 288
White Bird, Chief, 26, 38, 40, 43, 53, 71, 171, 192
White Bird, Mrs. (also Heyoom Teyat-kekt), 53
White Bird Battle*, 55, 83, 92, 101
White Bird Canyon*, 46
White Bird Country [sic] map, about, 26
White Bird, Idaho, 97, 111
White Coyote, 430, 432
White Elk*, Dr., 128, 226
White Elk, Mrs. Valley (also Valley Mountain)*, 128, 158, 191, 208, 220, 226, 232, 341, 350, 361, 378 [see also poems and songs]
White Hawk, Chief (also John Miller)*, 28, 48, 80, 82, 104, 110, 219, 237, 290, 291, 297
White, Mrs. Susie* (daughter of Shot-in-Head), 28
White Swan, Chief*, 127
White Swan* Indian Council, 348, 351
White Swan*, map of, 216, 531
White Swan Mission, 388
White Swan, Washington, 336, 356, 391
Whiteside, C.E., 285, 312
Whitethunder, Billy, 336
White Thunder (also He-mene Mox-mox, Yellow Wolf, Yellow Wolfe)*, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 41, 43, 46, 60, 62, 66, 82, 84, 98, 115, 119, 120, 158, 173, 180, 184, 187, 188, 190, 191, 192, 194, 210, 211, 218, 223, 232, 242, 244, 253, 258, 267, 274, 288, 312, 331, 336, 338, 341, 348, 351, 378, 382, 394, 430, 438, 520, 548 [see also Yellow Wolf, His Own Story]
White Thunder, Jasper (also Jasper Yellow Wolf/Yellow Wolfe)*, 180, 188, 192, 378
Whitfield, Matthew (also Kul-Kul Si-Yakth), 38
Whiting, H.S., 403
Whiting, John, 158
Whiting, J.S., 265, 296, 438
Whitlock, C.R., 29
Whitman Alumnus, The, 40
Whitman, Andrew, 26
Whitman College, Walla Walla, 510
Whitman, J.C., 80
Whitman, Marcus*, 40, 44, 365, 510
Whitman massacre, 81
Whitman, (Perrin?) B.*, 122
Whitman, Silas D., 26, 30, 173, 188
Whitmans, adopted daughters* of the, 40 [see also Whitman Alumnus, The]
Wholite, Billie Captain, (also Billie Captain Holite, Hol-Ite, Ho-lite, Holtite)*, 121, 336, 420, 423, 432, 434
Wigner, Piatt, 190
Wick, Henry, 200
Wilbur, Father, 372
Wilcox, C.S., 137, 139, 148, 384
Wilder, Everett E., 235
Wilder, Leopold L., 227
Wiley, Cecil A., 158
Wilkerson, N.E., 47
Wilkinson, Amos, 158, 211, 237, 248, 250, 261
Wilkison, Barnette H., 43
Williams, Albert, 31, 232
Williams, Caesar (also Lo-páh-hin, Lu-páh-hin, Lu-pah-hin, Lo-pah-kin)*, 27, 124, 125, 127, 162, 170, 171, 173, 177, 179, 187, 188, 189, 190, 192, 193, 211, 236, 334, 336, 338, 340, 341, 349, 353, 360, 364, 377, 378, 385, 416, 420, 422, 423, 427, 434, 548
Williams, Camille, (also How-lis Won-poon, War Singer), 29, 32, 34, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 62, 68, 78, 80, 82, 84, 104, 115, 119, 176, 193, 242, 288, 297, 382,
Williams, David*, 26, 173, 180, 188, 334, 341
Williams, Elijah, 223, 351
Williams, Harrietta Shelton, 358
Williams, F.A., 346
Williams, John H., 213
Williams, Kate (Mrs. Caesar Williams; also Mrs. Lupahin)*, 65, 125, 127, 131, 176, 232, 234, 236, 287, 336, 424, 427, 434
Williams, Mrs. L., 275
Williams, Paul, 170
Williams, Philip (also P.W. Williams), 43, 49, 56, 62, 341
Williams, Vern, 403
Williamson, Ralph B., 335
Wilmoth, L.D., 136
Wilson, Eugene T., 32
Wilson, Frazer E., 219
Wilson, Helen, 287
Wilson, Henry, 98
Wilson, L.W., 26, 173
Wilson, Colonel R.H., 211
Wilson, Richard H., 82, 391
Wilson, Sam, 170
Wilson, W. Wade, 36
Windsor, L.E., 404
Winegarden, Susan (Sue), 340, 447
Winershut, Jim, 170
Winners of the West, 51, 484, 500, 508
Wise, G.C., 403
Wishom Indians (also Wish-hom, Wishram), 262, 422, 424, 429, 430, 435, 436, 437
Wist, F.D., 403
Withers, Henry M., 167
Woman Grizzlybear (also He-yoom-yum-mí), 44
Wondering Wolf (also Mrs. Jennie M Lewis, J.M.), 158, 190, 192, 211, 232, 341, 349, 351, 378, 385
Wonders of Geyserland*, notes, 71, 194
Wood, Lieutenant Charles Erskine Scott (C.E.S.; also Col.)*, 36, 43, 56, 82, 87, 88, 92, 189, 264, 447
Wood, Mrs. F.M., 275
Wood, Luella D., 412
Wood, Mrs. Lynn A., 32
Wood, Major H. Clay (also Col.), 33, 83 [see also Status of Young Joseph, The]
Wood, Sara B., 92
Wood Wren, 215
Woodward, Helen P., 268, 287
Woolery, Mrs. Ella, 427
Worker's National Prison Comfort Club, 362
Works, John D., 347
Workum, Mrs. Ruth I., 227
World War I, 356 [see also Indian(s); Yakima Indian(s)]
World War II, 452 [see also Indian(s)]
Wot-tó-len*, 30, 38, 53, 56, 59, 70, 97
Worthen, Clifton B., 82
Wounded Head (Husis Owyen; also Shot-in-the-Head)*, 28, 534
Wounded Knee Campaign, 189, 215
Wo-watch-watch Indians, 427
Wright, Col.*, 68, 127
Wright, Dunham, 184
wyakin powers, 65, 106, 438
Wy-cas, Chief (also One-pi-née, One-pin-né, One-piñ-neé, Shee-ah-coote, Shee-ah-cotte), 127, 356
Wynaco, Louie, 231
Wyrick, Mrs. W.R., 402
Ya-ka-towit (also Chief Tecumseh)*, 157, 193, 244, 290, 342, 487
Yakima Anti-Saloon Petition, 382 [see also Indian(s), petitions; Yakima Indian(s), liquor problem]
Yakima Bill, 371
Yakima city jail, Indians in, 131
Yakima County Humane Officer, McWhorter as, 227, 401-408, 410-412, 414-418, 474, 475, 479 [see also humane work]
Yakima County, jail, 362
Yakima County, maps, 209, 543, 547 [see also Yakima Indian(s), Reservation, maps]
Yakima Daily Republic, The, 128, 164, 194, 198, 270, 273, 462, 493, 515
Yakima Daily Tribune, 376
Yakima Fair Grounds [sic], 279
Yakima George (also Sul-el-il), 126
Yakima Historical Society, 349
Yakima Humane Society*, 215 [see also Humane Society]
Yakima Indian(s)*: [see also Indian(s)]
Yakima Indian(s)*: affairs, 135, 200, 219, 245, 250, 336, 337, 339, 341-350, 352, 353, 356, 359, 360, 364, 368, 369, 370, 374, 376, 381, 384, 425, 455, 462, 473, 508 [see also Indian(s), affairs]
Yakima Indian(s)*: Agency, 335, 341, 365, 376
Yakima Indian(s)*: association, Consitution for, 384
Yakima Indian(s)*: biographical sketches, 127
Yakima Indian(s)*: cattle holdings, 389
Yakima Indian(s)*: celestial origin, 458
Yakima Indian(s)*: ceremonies, 122
Yakima Indian(s)*: chiefs, 127, 251, 356, 376, 425, 428, 434, 470, 472
Yakima Indian(s)*: Christian Mission, 361, 388
Yakima Indian(s)*: clippings pertaining to, 455
Yakima Indian(s)*: conditions, 373
Yakima Indian(s)*: councils*, associations, organizations, 180, 333, 336, 338, 339, 347,348, 351, 356, 372, 426
Yakima Indian(s)*: customs*, 419, 424 [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives]
Yakima Indian(s)*: disease and sanitation, ideas on, 367
Yakima Indian(s)*: draft, U.S. Army, 356
Yakima Indian(s)*: drawings of/by, 516, 524, 526
Yakima Indian(s)*: earth/underground houses*, 424
Yakima Indian(s)*: election of head chief, 347
Yakima Indian(s)*: famine, 424
Yakima Indian(s)*: farmer, 421
Yakima Indian(s)*: feasts*, 122, 185, 199, 421, 424, 426, 428 [see also Indian customs and beliefs, narratives; Indian(s), feasts*]
Yakima Indian(s)*: fishing* rights, 219, 338, 349, 352, 356, 396, 418, 455, 462 [see also Indian(s), fishing rights]
Yakima Indian(s)*: flint-chipping shop, 437
Yakima Indian(s)*: fortified village site, 437
Yakima Indian(s)*: grazing problems, 120, 343, 455
Yakima Indian(s)*: grievances, protests, petitions, 193, 219, 248, 250, 333, 336, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 347, 349, 356, 359
Yakima Indian(s)
Yakima Indian(s)*: history, tribal, 57, 122, 356, 369, 399
Yakima Indian(s)*: hunter omens*, 424 [see also legends and tales]
Yakima Indian(s)*: hunting rights, 339, 350, 356
Yakima Indian(s)*: in World War I, 356
Yakima Indian(s)*: irrigation* and water rights*, 2, 122, 159, 198, 248, 250, 332, 334, 335, 336, 338, 339, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 350, 351, 352, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 360, 370, 374, 376, 437, 455, 462, 493 [see also irrigation* and water rights* on Indian lands, chiefly Yakima]
Yakima Indian(s)*: Jones Bill, 332
Yakima Indian(s)*: land and Japanese, 360, 366
Yakima Indian(s)*: lands; allotment, disposition, leasing, inheritance, swindle, and sale, 120, 128, 188, 193, 205, 216, 334, 336, 338, 339, 343, 344-347, 366, 390, 513, 531
Yakima Indian(s)*: lanaguage, dictionary fragments, 121, 123
Yakima Indian(s)*: legends and narratives, 199, 205, 419, 420, 422, 424, 426, 427, 429, 430, 431, 436, 437
Yakima Indian(s)*: McWhorter, L.V., tribal adoption, 193, 205
Yakima Indian(s)*: medicine dances, 427
Yakima Indian(s)*: medicine men/women, 423, 424
Yakima Indian(s)*: moneys, disbursement, 346
Yakima Indian(s)*: mourning customs, 424
Yakima Indian(s)*: pension claims, 344
Yakima Indian(s)*: “Petition to the President of the United States,” 333
Yakima Indian(s)*: place names, 121
Yakima Indian(s)*: prophecy, 424
Yakima Indian(s)*: religion, 424 [see also Dreamer religion]:
Yakima Indian(s)*: Dreamer, 199
Yakima Indian(s)*: Shaker, 282, 358
Yakima Indian(s)*: Reservation*, 120, 159, 227, 248, 282, 332, 336, 343, 345, 346, 347, 348, 351, 354, 355, 358, 369, 376, 399, 402, 403, 404, 405, 412, 416, 428, 472
Yakima Indian(s)*: Reservation : boundaries, 216, 333, 378, 531
Yakima Indian(s)*: Reservation : Indian police, 122, 205, 565
Yakima Indian(s)*: Reservation : maps, 216, 531, 547
Yakima Indian(s)*: Reservation : problems with liquor, bootleggers, 344, 348, 356, 382
Yakima Indian(s)*: Reservation : roads, 248, 345
Yakima Indian(s)*: Reservation : scholarships for, 363
Yakima Indian(s)*: Reservation : signs and omens*, 423, 424
Yakima Indian(s)*: Reservation : sketches of, 524, 526
Yakima Indian(s)*: Reservation : tahmahnawis* power, 423-425, 430 [see also legends and tales; Indian(s), tahmahnawis* power; tahmanawis* power]
Yakima Indian(s)*: Reservation : trapping rights, 287
Yakima Indian(s)*: Reservation : Treaty of 1855, 114, 125, 127, 219, 333, 352, 356
Yakima Indian(s)*: Reservation : tribal court, 340
Yakima Indian(s)*: Reservation : War of 1855*, 57, 122, 124, 126, 127, 256, 274, 294, 425, 434, 493
Yakima Indian(s)*: Reservation : war dance*, 424
Yakima, mayor of, 410
Yakima, meaning of, origin, 124, 431
Yakima Park, 122, 273
Yakima, places of worship, 234
Yakima Morning Herald, 125, 372, 426, 431, 462, 464, 472, 485, 493
Yakima Reservation Water Users' Association, 348
Yakima River*, 124, 219, 345, 396
Yakima Territory constitution (draft), 384
Yakima Tribal Council*, 336, 356
Yakima Valley, first settler/pioneers, 352, 434
Ya-pah-mox, 425, 472
Yellow Bull*, Chief, 56, 242
Yellow Hair (also Tizs-klcr[sic]-not), 56, 242 [see also Clark, Capt. William]
Yellowstone, 50, 65, 86, 542 [see also Nez Perce(s), War of 1877]
Yellowstone, capture of stagecoach, 84
Yellowstone, Cowan party incident, 27, 102
Yellowstone, National Park*, 37, 71, 84, 102, 525, 552
Yellowstone, River*, 68, 84, 530, 542
Yellowstone, Valley, 40, 68
Yellowstone National Park, Journal of the Tour through in August and September, 1877, notes, 37 [see also Weikert, Andrew J.]
Yellow Wolf, His Own Story*, 4-10, 28, 29, 32, 34, 41, 84, 97, 113, 119, 189, 302, 307, 308, 309, 314, 317, 318, 491, 571
Yellow Wolf (also Yellow Wolfe, He-mene Mox-mox, White Thunder)*, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 41, 43, 46, 60, 62, 66, 82, 84, 98, 115, 119, 120, 158, 173, 180, 184, 187, 188, 190, 191, 192, 194, 210, 211, 218, 223, 232, 242, 244, 253, 258, 267, 274, 288, 312, 331, 336, 338, 341, 348, 351, 378, 382, 394, 430, 438, 520, 548 [see also Yellow Wolf, His Own Story]
Yellow Wolf, Jasper* (also Jasper Yellow Wolfe, Jasper White Thunder), 180, 188, 192, 378
Yellow Wolfe, Mrs. (also Ayatootonmi)*, 158
Ye-mow-wit (also Chief Jobe Charley Colwash), 430, 524
Yerkes, A.K., 36
Yes-to-lay-lemi, 420
Yetamoset, Chief*, 356
Yoder, A.H., 210, 224
Young, Sam, 336, 338, 340, 342-347
Yow-wikt-kut, Chief (also We-owikt, We-yah-wickt, father of Chief Owhi), 123, 434
Yo-yonen, Chief*, 437 [see also legends and tales]
Yum-tee-bee, Chief John (also Yoom-tee-bee, Um-tee-bee, Um-ta-pee, Bitten by a Grizzly Bear)*, 122, 125, 179, 180, 334, 343, 345, 346, 419, 420
Zack, William, 403
Zanesfield, Ohio, missionary movement, 155
Zimmerman, Jr., William, 372, 395
Zioncheck, Marion, 389

^ Return to Top

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Series 1: Manuscripts Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1
Life of Jesse Hughes. Historical and Traditional, by Lucullus Virgil McWhorter*
174 page holograph.
[One clipping, The Westo(n Democrat?), West Virginia. First draft of Border Settlers.]
1 1.1
The Cozads (Chapter 31 of "The Border Settlers of Northwestern Virginia from 1768 to 1795") with handwritten annotations by McWhorter.
16 page typescript.
1 2
The Continued Crime Against the Yakimas
[14 pages: "'The Continued Crime Against the Yakimas.' By Lucullus V. McWhorter. 1916." (The story of Louis Mann*, a Yakima Indian, and the difficulties of the Indians in the dispute over the water rights* to Ahtanum Creek.) Note: "May 6, 1929. This is the only copy in my possession at this time, although an edition of 30,000 was published in The American Patriot L.V. McW." "We Yallup Wa Ya Cika, 'Chief of the Ahtanum Clan of the Yakimas, Deceased Dec. 17, 1915.'" With explanatory material. Advertising material for The Continued Crime Against the Yakimas.]
1 3
[Addenda and Emendations.]
In: The Border Settlers of Northwestern Virginia from 1768 to 1795. Hamilton, Ohio: The Republican Publishing Co., 1915. [Notes by McWhorter*: "This copy has been corrected for 2nd edition, if ever issued. L.V. McW*. Notice to copyist. Numerous protests from scholars apart from the McWhorter clan, has [sic] decided me that the cancelled item found in the 'McWhorter' narratives be not discarded, but all returned. L.V. McWhorter." 64 page typescripts and photocopies "to be added to Border Settlers."] Note: A full bibliographic record of McWhorter's annotated copy of Border Settlers, which includes the original editorial material, is available by doing an "author" search on "McWhorter Collection" in the WSU Libraries online catalog.
circa 1930
1 4
Yellow Wolf, His Own Story
162 pages, 2 pages notes.
Revision A, title page- chapter 10. [Includes 2 page notes by McWhorter*, "To be filed with the 'Yellow Wolf' Manuscript" and "Relative to the 'Yellow Wolf' Manuscript," regarding instructions to be considered and carried out in the examination of the manuscript material and its possible second printing. "These are mostly concerned with language variants and have no bearing on the facts presented in them."]
1 5
Yellow Wolf, His Own Story
144 page: Revision A, chapters 11- 24.
1 6
Yellow Wolf, His Own Story
37 page: Revision A, appendices, bibliography and glossary.
1 7
Yellow Wolf, His Own Story
107 page, 2 page notes.
Revision B, title page- chapter 6.
1 8
Yellow Wolf, His Own Story
44 page: Revision B, chapters 7- 9.
2 9
[Yellow Wolf]
15 page, notes, copies letters.
Corr: F.A. Gross. [Corrections to be included in a possible second edition of Yellow Wolf, and copies letters to Caxton Printers re royalties and other matters.]
1941, undated
2 10
Yellow Wolf, His Own Story
140 page: Rough draft, chapters 1- 10, 12, 18, 20.
2 11
Field History
182 page: Original draft, chapters 1- 12, with copy.
circa 1941-1944
2 12
Field History
170 page: Original draft, chapters 13- 24 (with copy).
circa 1941-1944
3 13
Field History
206 page: Original draft, chapters 25- 37 (with copy).
circa 1941-1944
3 14
Field History
162 pages: Original draft, chapters 38- 48 (with copy).
circa 1941-1944
3 15
Field History
170 pages: Rough draft A, chapter headings, chapters 1- 23.
circa 1941-1944
4 16
Field History
130 pages: Rough draft A, chapters 25- 29.
circa 1941-1944
4 17
Field History
128 pages: Rough draft A, chapters 30- 36.
circa 1941-1944
4 18
Field History
132 pages: Rough draft A, chapters 37- 45.
circa 1941-1944
4 19
Field History
27 pages: Rough draft A, chapters 46- 48.
circa 1941-1944
4 20
Field History
303 pages: Revision A, chapters 1- 18.
circa 1941-1944
5 21
Field History
259 pages: Revision A, chapter 19- bibliography.
circa 1941-1944
5 22
[Hear Me, My Chiefs!: Edited Draft.] 238 pages: Revision A, title- chapter 14. [Note: This revised typescript version based on McWhorter's manuscript variants (the "Field History") dates from circa 1952; however, it is not part of the original accession.]
5 23
[Hear Me, My Chiefs!: Edited Draft.] 248 pages: Revision A, chapters 15- 29. [Note: This revised typescript version based on McWhorter's manuscript variants (the "Field History") dates from circa 1952; however, it is not part of the original accession.]
5 24
[Hear Me, My Chiefs!: Edited Draft.] 100 pages: Revision A, chapter 30, appendices 1- 11, bibliography and index. [Note: This revised typescript version based on McWhorter's manuscript variants (the "Field History") dates from circa 1952; however, it is not part of the original accession.]

Series 2: Historical Research Material Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Subseries 2.1: 1877 Nez Perce War & Nez Perces
Box Folder
6 25
2 pages statement of David (H) Smith. Draper manuscript.
6 26
Indian Letters
approximately 130 pages letters, notes.
Corrs: Silas D. Whitman, Yellow Wolf*, Peo-peo Tholekt*, Thomas Waters, Thomas Hart, David Williams*, L.W. Wilson, Albert Barnhart, J.R. Walletrie, Sam Lott (Many Wounds)*, J.W. Redington. [McWhorter's early gathering of data for a history of the Nez Perce War. Yellow Wolf expresses willingness to "tell the story." Notes consist of questions McWhorter* asked Yellow Wolf, Many Wounds and other Indians, and their recorded answers. The questions are typed and the Indians wrote their answers on the page. Typical questions: "Was it the map made by Joseph that Whitman saw, or was it the map that Howard made?" "Did Howard make the White Bird Country [sic] map?" "Is Andrew Whitman a reliable man?" "Was Chief White Bird known among the whites as 'Joe Hayes'?" Personal matters.]
1903-1934, undated
6 27
Nez Perce & Other Historical Data
65 pages letters, one manuscript fragment
Corrs: Duncan McDonald*, J.W. Redington, J.G. Rowton, Peo-peo Tholekt*, Sam Lott (Many Wounds)*, Listening Coyote, Caesar Williams*, Louis Mann*, Nipo Strongheart, Alma B.B. Walker, Buffalo Ben Olney*, S.M. Brosius, Winfield Scott, Yellow Wolf*, Joseph Latimer, F.W. Hodge, Louis R. Glavis, F.O. Hagie, Paul R. Reynolds, Major O.C. Upchurch, Henry Tashwict, Chow-lah-pum (Mrs. Alma B.B. Walker), B.D. Weeks, W.P. Campbell, S.N.D. North. [Cowan party. Poker Joe. Stage coach captured by Nez Perces. 2 page letter re Indian killings near Mt. Idaho, J.G. Rowton, September 10, 1930. Cannon captured by Nez Perce in bank at Bitter Root Valley in 1877. Indian citizenship rights and legislation. Personal affairs.]
6 28
Two Moons, Mrs. Olocott* [WeWe-t-tom-mi (sic)], Red Wolf, E-lah-weh-mah, Eagle Making a Roar*, Red Elk, Ho Sus-ya-ow-yein, Shot-in-the-Head, Other Indians
approximately 90 pages notes, manuscripts, corr.
Corrs: George Come-down* (Eagle Making a Roar), Thomas H. Lindsley, Tom Waters, White Hawk*, Yellow Wolf*. [Re information given by Mrs. Susie White* about her father, Shot-in-the-Head. Information given and depositions rendered concerning various battles of the war by the Indians listed above and others. Much of this material appears in Yellow Wolf.]
1908-1916, undated
6 29
[Nez Perce History.]
circa 195 pages notes, rough draft manuscript pages, letters.
Corrs: J.W. Redington, Charles N. Loynes*, Many Wounds*, Yellow Wolf*, H.S. Howard, Nipo Strongheart, Peo-peo Tholekt*, Thomas O'Brien, George H. Himes, Mrs. Anne McDonnell, Harvey K. Meyer, C.R. Whitlock, O.C. Upchurch, W.A. Linklater, Major Alson B. Ostrander, Albert Blumenthal, Inez Lindenberg, Dorothy Prewitt (Mrs. Arthur H.) Pohlman, Olive Burchfield, Mrs. L.V. Ferguson, Ovid McWhorter, Richard Davis, Tom Waters, Camille Williams, John P. Schorr, Mark A. Matthew, Ruth S. Reynolds, Corbett B. Lawyer. [Most of these letters give either eye witness accounts or data related directly to the Yellow Wolf story or to the Nez Perce history. Minor business affairs.]
1908-1935, undated
6 30
Nez Perce Warrior Names
approximately 85 pages notes, letters.
Corrs: Beth Brenner, Samuel Lott*, Black Eagle*, Thomas L. Broncheau*. [Includes: (a) 7 pages list of 137 Nez Perce warriors and scouts taking part in the war of 1877. "Compiled by Many Wounds and Black Eagle, sons of Wot-to-len." (b) 4 pages "Names of Warriors Mentioned in Narratives, as Spelled and Interpreted by Silas Whitman, 1909." (copy) (c) 1 page "Additional Names of Wounded and Killed, 'Nez Perce War' 1877." (d) 4 pages letter, Beth Brenner (Po-gum-bie) re spelling and pronunciation of Sakakawea [Sacajawea] as practiced by Shoshones. (e) 2 pages "Additional Data of the Nez Perce War, 1877; .... List of Warriors and non-combatants wounded during war, by Chief Peo-peo Tholekt*. Oct. 31, 1925." (f) Misc notes and letters re Nez Perce warriors and names. (g) "Height and Weight of Nez Perce Warriors, 1908".]
1908-1938, undated
6 31
Peo-peo Tholekt [Bird Alighting]*
approximately 90 pages notes, letters.
Corrs: Peo-peo Tholekt, Albert Williams, Mrs. Lucy Red-Heart, K.D. Swan. [Bulk of correspondence is with Peo-peo Tholekt. Material is concerned with various aspects of the war. Includes: (a) 17 pages manuscript "Peo-peo Tholekt's Narrative." Relates Peo's part in the war and his experiences following the war. (b) 2 pages manuscript "Origin of the War Bonnet," by Peo, July, 1926. (c) 1 page manuscript "Lineage of Peo-peo Tholekt, as Given by Himself," 1908.]
1908-1940, undated
6 32
Scout Blewett Correspondence
approximately 200 pages notes, letters, manuscripts.
Corrs: J.W. Redington, Joseph Bauer, H.C. Rowton, E.W. Morgan, George E. Brown, George W. Webb, Elta M. Arnold, R. Ross Arnold, P.E. Byrne, Joseph Blackeagle, Lois H. Sherman, Mrs. Frances Monteith, Yellow Wolf*, Tom Waters, Caleb Carter, H.R. Findley, Max Harrison, Ovid T. McWhorter, E.W. Morgan, Aaron F. Parker, J. Henry Scattergood, H.C. Schumacher, Camille Williams, Mrs. Lynn A. Wood. [Includes: approximately 25 pages correspondence with J.W. Redington re Charles Blewett, scout for General Howard killed by the Nez Perce warrior Red Spy. Rest of the material includes: (a) 4 pages manuscript (incomplete) "Chief Joseph* and the Flatheads." (b) 2 pages manuscript "Chief Joseph and Col. Edward McConville." (c) 7 pages notes, letters, re question whether Chief Joseph, might have murdered a Mrs. Manuel in a Salmon River raid. (d) 14 pages manuscript "Narrative of Ha-wow-no Ilp-ilp* (First Red Feather of the Wing)," Nez Perce child during the campaign. (e) Misc notes re missionaries and the Indian religion. (f) Misc notes from Daily Oregonian (1877) re Nez Perce War. (g) 5 pages manuscript "Captain Radall [sic] [Captain D.B. Randall] Fight near Cottonwood*, Idaho" by Henry C. Johnson. (h) 18 pages manuscript "The Nez Perce Campaign, a Paper Read Before the Tacoma Research Society, by Eugene T. Wilson." (i) Misc correspondence re Yellow Wolf.]
1908-1943, undated
7 33
[Chief Joseph*.]
Corrs: Herbert Ingram Priestly. Photostatic copy: The Status of Young Joseph and His Band of Nez Perce Indians under the Treaties between the United States and the Nez Perce Tribe of Indians and the Indian Title to Land, by H. Clay Wood. Portland, Oregon: Assistant Adjutant General's Office, Department of the Columbia, 1876. (Misc notes re Col. Wood's book accompany report).
7 34
Camille Williams. [War Singer, How-lis Won-poon.]
approximately 118 pages notes, letters.
Corrs: Camille Williams, Thomas Lindsley. [(a) Material re various phases of the war as witnessed by Williams. Much of the material is incorporated in McWhorter's* two books on the subject. Chiefly concerned with early history of the Nez Perce and events leading up to the war. (b) Notes and corrections on a glossary of Nez Perce words and names prepared by McWhorter for Yellow Wolf. (c) 3 pages manuscript: fight of Nez Perce with Crow Indians.]
1911-1944, undated
7 35
Excerpts- Report of the General of the Army, 1877
approximately 100 pages of material.
1913-1930, undated
7 36
Excerpts Reports of Indian Commissioners & Historians, Prior to the 1877 Affair
V.O. McWhorter note: "And material assembled from father's papers not in file." approximately 195 pages notes, letters, manuscripts, 3 memo books. Corrs: Adeline Andrews, Beth Brenner, J.W. Emmert, Andrew Garcia*, Flora Hirschy, Harry S. Howard, Dr. Walter S. Johnston, Lucy Laurence, Alonzo Victor Lewis, John L. Rooke, J.C. Ruark, Carl Schurra, C.T. Stranahan, W. Wade Wilson, A.K. Yerkes. [Typescript of telegrams of Nez Perce Campaign, 1877, from General O.O. Howard and Wood [C.E.S.]. 2 pages. Material deals with treatment of Indians by whites, Poncas in Oklahoma, miscellaneous. Also material copied from Annual Report of the General of the Army, 1878. Misc correspondence re various sections of the histories. 12 pages mimeograph Department of Interior Rules Relative to Indian Religious Freedom and Culture., John Collier. Small notebooks, ephemera.]
1913-1943, undated
7 37
[Miscellaneous Sources.]
approximately 100 pages notes.
[Chiefly notes from following sources: Edwin J. Stanley, Rambles in Wonderland, or a Trip through the Great Yellowstone National Park, 5th ed. Nashville, Tennessee: 1898. E.S. Topping (Toppin?), Chronicles of the Yellowstone, St. Paul: 1888. Andrew J. Weikert, Journal of the Tour through the Yellowstone National Park in August and September, 1877, copied from Contributions to the Historical Society of Montana, 1900. Robert Vaughan, Then and Now, or 36 Years in the Rockies, Minneapolis: 1900.]
1914-1930, undated
7 38
Story of Mrs. Shot-in-Head*. Adventure with Buffalo Bull. Story of Ow-yén. Pe-nah-we-non-mi. Narrative of Owhi
approximately 55 manuscripts, notes, letter.
[Corr: Tom Waters. (a) 30 pages manuscript "Harry Owhi's Story of his Father's part in Nez Perce War, 1877." (b) 4 pages manuscript "Pe-nah-we-nom-mi's Adventure with a Wounded Buffalo Bull." (c) 3 pages manuscript "Mrs. Shot-in Head (Its-kum-che-lí-li) Sequel to Former Narrative." Re escape to Sitting Bull in Canada, Wot-tó-len* and Chief White Bird. (d) 4 pages manuscript "The Story of Ow-yén." 1926. Re treatment of Indian women and children by U.S. soldiers in Big Hole fight*. (e) 4 pages manuscript "The Narrative of Kul-Kul Si-Yakth: 'raven spy' English name: Matthew Whitfield. Sam Lott* Interpreter, Nov 1926." (f) 8 pages manuscript. First 2 pages entitled "Narrative of Warrior Owhi. Nez Perce War 1877. Given through his son Owhi, May, 1915." Next 6 pages entitled "Story of the Nez Perce War," by Owhi, grandson of Chief Owhi. 12/27/19." Also re Qualchin, son of Chief Owhi.]
1915-1927, undated
8 39
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 100 pages letters, manuscripts, notes.
Corr: McWhorter to Helen Howard (Mrs. Ben Overland), Jessie M. Humble, H.E. Detweler, Camille Williams, A.B. Bowden, Tom Waters. [(a) McWhorter's* writings. (b) Death of Two Moons*. (c) 9 pages rough notes Chapter 49, "Field History." (d) Misc notes. (e) 11 pages from clip on McWhorter desk. (f) Misc notes re meanings of Indian warrior names. (g) 2 pages manuscript "Concerning my father" by V.O. McWhorter. (h) 7 pages manuscript "Last written words of L.V. McWhorter, Sept 20, 1944 at St. Elizabeth Hospital, Yakima, Washington." (i) 11 pages Chapter 48 "Field History" draft manuscript. (j) 9 pages draft manuscript Chapter 38 "Field History." (k) Folder with notes, 1 sheet of paper pasted of two parts with note by V.O. McWhorter on his father's character.]
1915-1944, undated
8 40
[Nez Perce History.]
approximately 200 pages letters, manuscripts, cls.
Corrs: J.W. Redington, Charles N. Loynes*, J.H. Sherburne, W.P. Bonney, Many Wounds*, Don C. Fisher, William S. Clark, H.H. Hedges, H.M. Painter, E.E. Meredith, J.C. (Jack) McWhorter, R.O. Kaufman, W.D. Vincent, A. Wetmore, George R. Callender, W.A. Linklater, Adelia Hawkins, Duncan McDonald, J.H. Horner, Red Heart, Granville Lowther; Nipo Strongheart (re primarily Nez Perce flight to Montana and subsequent battles, personal affairs and minor business matters, Duncan McDonald's visit with Chief White Bird in Canada, Chief Kamiakan*: re map of home and grave*, skull taken by men saying they were from Smithsonian). Flora Hirschy. ["General Howard Warned by Mrs. J.M. Pomroy." 2 pages manuscript. "Points of Interest at the Big Hole Battlefield*," by Flora Hirschy. (8 pages manuscript re location of killed or wounded). "Items from Colonel J.W. Redington's Scrapbook": 2 pages manuscript with 1 page letter attached. "Catholics Ordered to Stay Away from the Nez Perce Reservation 1873. From the Jesuit Missions. May, 1927." 2 pages, notes. "Fallacies of History. No Messiah for the Nez Perces." (3 pages manuscript re Dreamer religion). "Concerning the Passing of the Nez Perces in the Yellow-Stone Valley. Copied from page 10, Billings Gazette, Montana, of June 30, 1927." 2 pages notes. "Did the Nez Perce Drill for War?" 16 pages manuscript (re General Howard, Indian testimony). "Happenings at the Cochran ranch." "The Nez Perces in the Yellowstone Valley." Copied from page 4, of Billings Gazette, Montana, June 30th. 1927." 4 pages notes. "Old Coulson Deputy Ate Indian's Liver. (Copied from page 10 of Billings Gazette, Montana, of June 30th, 1927, 'Liver Eating' Johnson.)" 2 pages notes. "Mining in the Lewiston Country." Issued by the Lewiston Commercial Club, undated, 3 pages. "Timber Resources of the Lewiston Country." Issued as above, undated, 6 pages. 2 pages clipping, The Pacific Northwest, undated, "A Picturesque Burial Ceremony." (Chief Joseph's* interment at the memorial erected to him at Wallowa Lake*. Chief Se-lu-pah-lo-tin's address is recorded.) Five miscellaneous clippings, four ns., undated., re Indian fishing* rights: Peacock Spit on Columbia; one, "L.D. McWhorter Laid to Rest," Upshur Record, April 27, 1916. Big Hole Battlefield* stake tabulation. Two pages from The Whitman Alumnus, photos of Marcus Whitman and three adopted daughters of the Whitmans. clipping, The Idaho Sunday Statesman, Dec. 22, 1929, "Admirers of Chief Joseph* Still Plan to Honor His Memory. Western Historian [McWhorter*] Insists Chief Joseph* Is Maligned." Cl fragment]
1916-1930, undated
8 41
Concerning Yellow Wolf
approximately 35 pages letters, notes, manuscript fragments.
Corrs: Thomas Broncheau*, Camille Williams*, Yellow Wolf*, D.V. Morthland, H.S. Howard, Many Wounds, Lutz Wahl. [Misc Yellow Wolf material.]
8 42
[Charles N.] Loynes*
approximately 120 pages letters, notes, clippings, manuscripts.
Corrs: Charles N. Loynes, William C. Slaper, Peo-peo Tholekt*, C.O. Howard, H.S. Howard, Lutz Wahl, Andrew Garcia*, Flora Hirschy, Camille Williams, Capt. Russell V. Steele, Granville Lowther. [Includes: (a) 14 pages letters, Charles N. Loynes re his experiences in the Nez Perce campaign. (b) 4 pages notes, material for Peo-peo Tholekt's narrative of his part in the Nez Perce War. (c) letter from C.O. Howard's son, re Gen. John P. Shanks, with bibliography of books and reports dealing with the Nez Perce campaign. (d) 10 pages letters, H.S. Howard, fifth son of Gen. O.O. Howard. (e) 14 pages letters, Andrew Garcia re his experiences with various Indian tribes. (f) Misc anecdotes considered for appendix material and then discarded. (g) Letters with sketches of Indians and soldiers, Russell V. Steele. (h) Misc clippings, notes, letters, manuscript fragments.]
1917-1944, undated
8 43
Incidents Big Hole Battle* and Retreat to Burch Creek
approximately 195 pages notes, manuscripts, clippings, letters.
Corrs: Charles P. Brenner, Mary Narby Cottrell*, Robert W. Condie, Earle R. Forrest, Nathan Hazen, Floyd Henderson, J.H. Horner, Charles Loynes*, W.Y. Pemberton, George Peo-peo [Tholekt]*, T.J. Peterson, Philip Rand, Barnette H. Wilkison, Philip Williams, Charles Erskine Scott Wood*, Yellow Wolf*. [(a) "The Battle of the Big Hole," by Brigadier-General John Gibbon*. 13 pages typescript copy of article in Harper's Weekly, December 28, 1895. (b) Story of the Big Hole Battle, by Camille Williams. 1 page manuscript. (c) Stories of the Big Hole. 13 pages manuscript. The Story of Pe-nah-we-non-mi (Mrs. Shot-in-the-Head*). 10 pages manuscript and notes. (d) White Bird's Narrative. 8 pages manuscript. (e) 5 cls re Big Hole Battle. (f) Stalking and photographing the Big Hole Battlefield. Photocopy of map by Henderson of the pit where the Nez Perce reputedly captured a howitzer*. Original in Folder 527.]
1918-1942, undated
8 44
[Nez Perce History: Religion.]
(a) Dreamer cult, 6 pages manuscript 2 copies plus 1 carbon addressed to Mrs. (Grace Boles) Hedge, 1935. (b) 2 pages copy U.S. Grant setting up and revoking Wallowa Reservation. (c) "Christian Missions among American Indians" 2 pages notes from Dept. of Interior Board of Indian Commissioners, Bulletin 280, 1927. (d) 1 page manuscript notes Christian religion vs. Indian religion. Quotes letter from Agent Monteith*. (e) 2 pages copy "Missionary Spalding's 'title' to 640 acres." (f) Letters from Brininstool, John Frank, C.T. Stranahan, John M. Canse, re Missionaries Whitman and Spalding. (g) 3 pages manuscript by Camille Williams (How-lis Won-poon, War Singer) note by McWhorter: "Of true historic value." (h) 3 pages notes and letter. Mrs. Monteith. "The division of the returned prisoners, Lapwai or Colville Reservations*." (i) 2 letters Elsie Long, Spiritual psychologist. "Number of Christian Denominations." (j) Misc notes by McWhorter* on "Dreamers." Excerpts from letters by Mrs. Frances W. Monteith. (k) 1 page notes "Missionaries." (l) 3 pages manuscript "Legend of the Spalding Memorial Rock." Erected on site of the Spalding Mission, Clear Water, Idaho. By He-yoom-yum-mí: 'woman grizzlybear.' Sam Lott, Interpreter, Oct. 1926." Notes re author by McWhorter. [Legend is coyote story. Notes on origin of name "Lapwai." McWhorter says is corruption of "butterfly wings."] (m) 5 pages manuscript notes on Dreamer religion. (n) 4 pages manuscript notes for "Field History" on missionaries. (o) 1 letter Jack McWhorter on "Lex Scripta Missionarium." (p) 9 pages manuscript notes on "Lex Scripta Missionarium."
1919-1941, undated
9 45
Duncan McDonald*
approximately 25 pages letters, notes.
Corr: Duncan McDonald. Misc information re Indian names, pronunciations, individuals. clipping, "'Sage of the Flathead' [McDonald] Recalls Early Days in Treasure State." Record Herald, Helena, MT, Aug. 1929.]
1920-1932, undated
9 46
Fighting Around Cottonwood*
32 pages letters and notes.
Corrs: John L. Rooke (Postmaster, Cottonwood, ID), Carl Schurra, C.T. Stranahan, Ovid T. McWhorter, J.G. Rowton, Camille Williams. [Re fighting around Cottonwood during Nez Perce War. 8 pages notes and depositions. "Did the Nez Perces Mutilate the Dead?" (at Whitebird Canyon.) Notes by Yellow Wolf* and Camille Williams. Photocopy of map of Cottonwood Creek, drawn by John L. Rooke, 1934. Original in Folder 523.]
1920-1942, undated
9 47
Medicine Tree*. Appendix of Volume
approximately 40 pages letters, notes, cl.
Corrs: Mrs. Edward (Laura) Mackay, Herbert Lord, A.G. Lindh, Elers Kock, John W. McClintic, Emil Kopac, James F. Reed, N.E. Wilkerson, Camille Williams. [Material re a tree near the Lolo Trail*, twelve miles south of Darby, Montana, believed by the Indians to have "medicine" powers. At one time, a horn was embedded in the tree. Notes on the mythic origin of the horn, a "Coyote" story. Some information regarding the fight at Rye Creek.]
1921-1945, undated
9 48
Young Chief Joseph*
approximately 150 pages notes, letters, cls.
Corrs: I.D. O'Donnell, Chief White Hawk, C.T. Stranahan, Usher L. Burdick, Camille Williams, Peo-peo Tholekt*, Maurice Fitzgerald, Claudia C. Ross, George W. Fuller, O.B. Sperlin, Harvey K. Meyer, Tom Waters, N.W. Durham, J.H. Sherburne, Ovid T. McWhorter, Many Wounds, Adeline Andrews. [Chief Joseph's life, death, burial, family.]
1922-1942, undated
9 49
[Nez Perce History.]
21 pages letters.
Corrs: Peo-peo Tholekt*, Caleb Carter, Laura G. Rogers, Many Wounds*, P.W. Williams, Mrs. Elijah Red Elk, L. Gertrude Rogers. [Misc corr with publishers' representatives. correspondence with Indians re the Nez Perce history and personal matters.]
9 50
Col[onel] Redington
approximately 120 pages notes, letters.
Corrs: J.W. Redington, [General] W.C. Brown, G.L. Curry. [(a) Scouts and couriers in Indian Wars. Redington's attempt to secure government pension for his service as scout with Gen. Howard. (b) Misc information re Sheepeater campaign, Bannock war, etc. (c) 4 pages manuscript "Honest Chief Egan," by J.W. Redington. (d) Photocopies of two maps: Nez Perce at Yellowstone and Canyon Creek fight*, both by Redington. Originals in Folder 542.]
1924-1935, undated
9 51
Winners of the West Citations
approximately 15 pages letters, notes, cls.
Corrs: Dean [Guie], George Webb. [Material copied from Report of the General of the Army, 1876, "General Crook on the Efficiency of the Indian as a Scout, and his Powers of Mobilization." Material copied from "Curtis" (Edward S. Curtis, The North American Indian. Norwood, Massachusetts: The Plimpton Press, 1907-1930. Vol. VIII).]
9 52
Many Wounds, Sam Lott*
75 pages notes, letters.
Corr: Samuel Lott (Many Wounds). [Re Nez Perce War and Nez Perce language. Includes: (a) Biographical sketch of Many Wounds. (b) clipping, un, half-page newspaper biography of Many Wounds by E.V. Kuykendall, Pomeroy, WA. (c) 2 pages manuscript story "Many Wounds and the Grizzly; Adventure of a Nez Perce Hunter."]
1926-1935, undated
9 53
Wot-tó-len*. [Chief] Lawyer*. [Chief] White Bird
40 pages notes, manuscripts.
[Includes: (a) Misc notes re Chief White Bird, Mrs. Chief White Bird (Heyoom Teyat-kekt), and Wot-tó-len. Some mention of Chief Lawyer. (b) 5 pages manuscript "The Lament of Wot-tó-len. Many Wounds*, Interpreter, July, 1926." Wot-tó-len's account of the Nez Perce War. (c) 7 pages manuscript "Did Chief White Bird Violate Compact?"]
1926-1935, undated
9 54
Material to be Used in Describing Relics of the Nez Perce War
27 pages letters, notes.
[Description and background of relics, pics of which exist in other parts of the collection. Photocopy of drawing, "Peo-peo Tholekt's Fight with the Grizzly Bear." Original in Folder 538. See also Folder 519.]
1926-1936, undated
9 55
John P. Schorr, 1st U.S. Cav
32 pages notes, letters.
Corrs: E.G. Schorr, John P. Schorr. [White Bird Battle, Cottonwood fight*, Clearwater fight and crossing*.]
1926-1937, undated
9 56
The Last Battle. Peo's Duel with Cheyenne
approximately 130 pages manuscript, notes, letters.
Corrs: Col. William H.C. Bowen, E.A. Brininstool, Dr. W.A. Turner, Black Eagle* (Philip Williams, interpreter?), C.E.S. [Charles Erskine Scott] Wood [General Howard's adjutant], Merrill Jensen, Many Wounds*, George Bird Grinnell, J.W. Redington. [Continuation of Bear's Paw Mountain material. "The Last Battle. Prophetic Dream of Wot-tó-len*." 3 pages manuscript. "The Status of Chief Yellow Bull*." "Many Wounds* on Chiefs Joseph* and Yellow Bull." "Alien Tribesmen Aiding the Nez Perces." 1 page fragment "Lewis and Clark, Explorers," with notes. Wot-tó-len, interpreter. 1926. 3 pages manuscript re Capt. William Clark's descendants among the Nez Perce: Yellow Hair. "List of Killed Snake Creek Battle," re General Miles vs. Nez Perces. "Information by Mrs. Ollicot, Wife of Chief Ollicot, War 1877." From letter by Many Wounds, Jan. 12, 1929. "Women and Children Buried by Cannon shell Explosion, Last Battle." 1 page "Story of Rainbow, Sr. Wounded at the Last Battle." Many Wounds. 1 p manuscript."Nez Perce Sharp-shooters who Met General Miles' Cavalry Charge Battle of Snake Creek." 2 pages manuscript. Material re "Point of Rocks*." Personal recollections: Black Eagle, son of Wat[sic]-tó-len, Sam Lott, interpreter. Nov. 1926; General Miles. "falacies [sic] of History. The blame for the Bear['s] Paw Mountain Disaster." 3 pages manuscript. "General Miles' Cheyenne Scouts, Nez Perce Campaign." 1 page "A River Tragedy." 1 page fragment "Incidents of the Surrender." 1 page "Chief Looking Glass and Poker Joe, Leaders. Bear's Paw Battlefield." Aug. 1935. 3 pages. "Peo-peo tholekt's Combat with the Cheyenne of the 'Spotted Horse.'" Peo-peo Tholekt. 2 pages manuscript. (Two copies.) See also drawing of duel by Peo-peo Tholekt*, Folder 555.]
1926-1937, undated
9 57
[Nez Perce and Yakima History]
110 pages notes, letters.
Part 1. approximately 75 pages notes, annotated: "Used items Nez Perce Many Wounds." [Most of these are in the form of typed questions for which Many Wounds furnished answers, e.g.: "Find what became of the little baby that was born to Chief Joseph's* wife at Tolo Lake ." Answer: "baby died in Indian territory while they was prisoner under U.S. government,. Joseph's wife went with him to the territory. The baby died there. A girl baby."] Part 2. approximately 55 pages notes, letters. Corr: Jack Johnson. [Concerns Nez Perce killed by A.B. Findley, prior to the outbreak of the Nez Perce War; and Gen. Howard's part in the Bannock War of 1878. Alphabetized glossary of Indian names. 32 pages. Some information re Yakima Indian War. Kamiaken. Bannock War.]
1926-1938, undated
10 58
Wallowa Valley Correspondence
24 pages letters.
Corrs: J.H. Horner, George W. Fuller, J.A. Harader, W.D. Vincent. [Horner is chief correspondence Subject is background of Nez Perce trouble in the Wallowa* vicinity. Horner attempts to answer specific questions raised by McWhorter*.]
10 59
Black Eagle [Phillip Andrews]*
approximately 70 pages notes, letters.
Corrs: Phillip Andrews, Adeline Andrews. [Bulk of material supplied by Phillip Andrews, son of Wot-tó-len. Includes: (a) Re Nez Perce warriors who returned with Wot-tó-len from Sitting Bull's camp in Canada. (b) Re wagon train taken after Big Hole Battle. (c) 3 pages manuscript "Black Eagle's Fight with the Grizzly." (d) Miscellaneous]
1926-1941, undated
10 60
Material for the State College, Pullman, Wn. [WA.] Has Been Culled Through
60 pages letters, notes, manuscripts.
Corrs: J.H. Bower, Cash Day, Yellow Wolf*, Lynde S. Catlin, Many Wounds*, Ora B. Hawkins, Dan Freeman. [Misc Indian material; some re Nez Perce War.]
1926-1942, undated
10 61
[Charles N.] Loynes*
approximately 60 pages notes, letters.
Corr: Charles N. Loynes. [Incidents of Nez Perce War. Bannock's scalped Nez Perce dead at Big Hole. Lolo Pass* retreat. Denies U.S. soldiers had "take no prisoner" orders at Big Hole. No reason to doubt legend that two white girls were being held prisoner in Joseph's camp at Big Hole when Col. Gibbon attacked.]
10 62
Incidents of the Last Battle. Sharpshooters at the "Point of Rocks*." Black Eagle's* Story
100 pages notes, letters, manuscript fragments.
Corrs: Yellow Wolf*, Camille Williams (War Singer), Sam Lott (Many Wounds)*, C.T. Stranahan, Phillip (Philip) Andrews (Black Eagle), Tom Waters, Harry Wheeler, Philip Williams, J.W. Redington, Major O.C. Upchurch. [Includes: letter from Black Eagle and 2 pages typed manuscript re Black Eagle's escape from Bear's Paw Mountain into Canada. Bear's Paw Surrender of Nez Perce.]
1926-1945, undated
10 63
[Nez Perce War Background.]
approximately 75 pages notes, manuscripts.
[Misc material relating to the background and incidents of the Nez Perce War. Material chiefly drawn from official U.S. documents and reports.)
1927, undated
10 64
[Indian Relics*.]
approximately 40 pages letters.
Corr: Mrs. F.J. Parker. [Mrs. Parker was the wife of Col. F.J. Parker, veteran of the Nez Perce campaign. McWhorter* was interested in getting historical data. The bulk of the correspondence concerns a collection of Indian relics made by Parker.]
10 65
Slaper. Doane. [W.C. Slaper.]
approximately 40 pages letters, notes.
Corrs: W.C. Slaper, Horace B. Mulkey, W.A. Henry, D.M. Love, Dunbar Rowland, Claude G. Bowers. [McWhorter* is seeking positive identification of a "Lt. Doane," active in the Yellowstone attempt to cut off the Nez Perce. 1 page manuscript "The Strange Fantasy of Two Nez Perce Boys." Mrs. Caesar Williams. 1917. Re 2 boys who insisted on behaving as women because they were so commanded by their wyakin. Upon being forced to discontinue their masquerade, one of them died.]
10 66
Chapman [Arthur I.]*
approximately 40 pages notes, manuscripts.
[(a) 11 pages manuscript and notes "Arthur I. Chapman, squaw-man, Renegade, Scout, Guide, and Interpreter." (b) 6 pages manuscript dealing with Chapman, by Yellow Wolf*. (c) Miscellaneous]
1927-1937, undated
10 67
Many Wounds* Medley
approximately 65 pages notes, letters.
Corrs: Many Wounds, Lynn J. Frazier. [correspondence chiefly re Indian claims and grievances relevant to the Nez Perce Treaty of 1863. Frazier was member of Committee on Indian Affairs, U.S. Senate.]
1927-1939, undated
10 68
Causes Leading to War. Lapwai Councils
Misc notes, clippings, letters.
Corrs: Charles A. Varnum, Mrs. Frances Monteith, Camille Williams, H.S. Howard. [(a) 7 misc notes on folder. (b) 1 page notes for "Field History." (c) 1 page "Unfounded War Rumours in Chief Moses' Regional Home." Copied from Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. 1873, page 313. (d) 8 pages notes from McLaughlin's My Friend the Indian. (James McLaughlin, New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1910.) (e) 2 pages notes. "Mooney on the Messiah Craze-Nez Perce's Smohalla." (f) 1 page notes, "Corruptness of Indian Agents Antagonism of Agents towards the Military." Quotes Report of the General of the Army, 1877. (g) 6 pages misc notes. (h) 2 pages notes. "Consensus of Old Timers' Relative to Right and Wrong Side of the Nez Perce Imbroglio." (i) 1 page unused notes on causes leading to war. (j) 2 pages notes. "Concerning the Nez Perces in the Yellowstone Valley*." From page 10, Billings Gazette, June 30, 1927. (k) 2 pages notes. "Nez Perces with Colonel Wright*" [as scouts and guides]. Notes from Lawrence Kip, Army Life on the Pacific. A Journal of the Expedition against the Northern Indians the Tribes of Coeur d'Alenes, Spokanes and Palouses. New York: no publisher given, 1859. (l) 2 pages notes from Lewiston Morning Tribune, Sunday, June 23, 1929. "Footprints of Some Famous People I Have Known," by Mrs. Frances Whitman Monteith. [Re missionaries.] (m) 7 pages letters, 1931. Col. C.A. Varnum [Refutes claim that General Howard held religious services at Pompey's Pillar on the Yellowstone. Mentions "Calamity Jane*" as a nurse for wounded soldiers.] (n) 2 pages letters, 1936. Camille Williams. [Re Cow Island crossing of the Missouri River by Nez Perce.] (o) 13 pages letters, 1936. Frances Whitman Monteith [Re Indian Agent John B. Monteith*.] (p) 1 page notes. [O.O. Howard. Hartford, CT, 1907,] My Life and Personal Experiences among Our hostile Indians. (q) 6 pages letters, 1942. H.S. Howard. [Re above.] 10 pages manuscript copy 2 copies. "General Howard's Sunday Campaigning." "Compiled by his son, H.S. Howard, Burlington, Vt." "Former private secretary to General Howard, 1894-1909, from War Department Official Records of the Nez Perce campaign."]
1927-1942, undated
10 69
Colonel Sturgis' Canyon Creek Fight, and Some Information Missouri River Crossing
approximately 100 pages notes, letters, manuscripts.
Corrs: Maj. Thomas A. Reiner, C.T. Stranahan, Peo-peo Tholekt*, Joseph G. Masters, Theodore W. Goldin*, J.W. Redington, W.C. Slaper, Emil Kopac, I.D. O'Donnell. [Letters re question of possible fight between Nez Perce and Crow during Nez Perce retreat. 6 pages handwritten manuscript: "The Stage Coach Episode, Canyon Creek* Fight. The Stolen Stage Coach. By Colonel J.W. Redington, Volunteer U.S. Scout and Courier in Three Indian Wars." Photocopy of sketch map showing Sturgis' camp and Joseph's* scout position, by I.D. O'Donnell, 1944. Original in Folder 530.]
1927-1945, undated
11 70
[Nez Perce Historical Expedition.]
approximately 50 pages letters.
Corrs: Jennie R. Nichols, Alonzo Lewis, Samuel Lott (Many Wounds)*, Peo-peo Tholekt*, Thomas J. Walsh. [Chiefly an "expedition" to the Nez Perce Reservation to obtain first hand information about the "Nez Perce imbroglio of 1877." Lewis is principal correspondent. Death of Wot-tó-len.]
11 71
Nez Perce War
approximately 70 pages notes, manuscripts, manuscript fragments.
[Includes: (a) 16 pages manuscript "Notes to Wonders of Geyserland." (b) 2 pages "Notes to 'Old' Chief Joseph." (c) 34 pages "Excerpts from The Wonders of Geyser Land,' A Trip to the Yellowstone National Park, by F.D. Carpenter*. (d) 11 pages "Handy Citations of Shield's 'Battle of the Big Hole*, Errors To Be Noted." (e) 3 pages "From Annual Report of the General of the Army, 1878. Concerning Return of Members of White Bird's Band/Nez Perces." (f) 4 pages letters from McWhorter* to David Heaton, George Steinbacker re Nez Perce War and Lolo Pass* barricade.]
circa 1928, undated
11 72
[Nez Perce Scouts.]
approximately 110 pages notes, manuscripts.
[(a) Chiefly re General Howard's Nez Perce scouts. Much of the material concerns claims of various Nez Perce that they served as "scouts, couriers, and messengers." Fifty-three individuals made such claims to the Department of the Interior in 1900. (b) 59 pages manuscript "General Howard's Nez Perce Scouts, Claims of." (c) 2 pages notes on Indian Missions. (d) 2 pages "List of Indian Agencies Assigned to the Different Religious Bodies." From the Annual Report of the Secretary of the Interior, 1877. (e) 2 pages notes re this matter. (f) 2 pages manuscript "Catholic vs Protestant Missionaries on Indian Reservations, Hon. Edwin P. Smith, Commissioner." (g) 6 pages manuscript "Colonel George White," by Doris Leighton.]
1928-1930, undated
11 73
Bear's Paw Mountain Battlefield Correspondence
16 pages letters.
Corrs: James Griffin, Ed Fredlund, L.A. Bogy. [McWhorter's project for surveying, staking, and tabulating Bear's Paw Mountain Battlefield.]
11 74
Old Chief Joseph
approximately 50 pages notes.
[Chief Joseph's father (Wel-lá-mot-kin) died circa 1869-1873.]
1928-1932, undated
11 75
Unused Chap. 17 For Possible Use
16 pages manuscripts, notes.
[Includes: 12 pages rough draft, unused chapter re Nez Perce treaties.]
1928-1933, undated
11 76
Returned- Unanswered Letters. Nez Perce History
39 pages letters.
[approximately 25 letters returned unclaimed and copies of letters not answered.]
11 77
Staking of Bear['s] Paw Mountain Battlefield
approximately 50 pages letters.
Corrs: C.R. Noyes*, Many Wounds*, Emil Kopac, Iona Mulligan, F.W. Graham, Peo-peo Tholekt*, James Griffin, Earl J. Bronson. [Inquiries re McWhorter's* books. A plan to survey the Bear's Paw Battlefield near Chinook, Montana. The Chinook Lion's Club agrees to pay McWhorter's expenses.]
11 78
Big Hole* Correspondence
46 pages letters.
Corrs: Bob Condie, Flora Hirschy, Ollie Jordan, Mary Narby Cottrell, Camille Williams, M.G. Ramsey. [Chiefly re Big Hole tabulation project. Some misc material.]
11 79
Concerning Escapes From Bear's Paw Mtn. Battle Field to Sitting Bull's Camp in Canada and Treatment of Indians Who Surrendered
approximately 65 pages notes, letters.
Corrs: William S. Lewis, Fred G. Bond, Many Wounds*, Thomas B. Marquis, J.H. Sherburne. [Includes: material noted in folder title. (a) Misc notes re individual Nez Perce. (b) 3 pages list: "Nez Perces who escaped to Canada and were never Captured." (c) 1 page list: "Warriors escaping from Last Battle killed by enemy tribes." (d) 4 pages list of Nez Perce killed and captured. (e) 1 page Nez Perce escaping from Last Stand and subsequently captured. Notes and manuscript fragments re Indian "refugees" from the battle.]
1928-1938, undated
11 80
Big Hole [Battlefield]*
69 pages notes, cls letters.
Corrs: Ralph E. Armstrong, Joseph Joffe, Emil Kopac, John Miller*, J.C. Whitman, Camille Williams. [Re Big Hole Battle. 82 pages notes Nez Perce Indian names. Location of "loud-speaking" gun. Photocopy of map drawn by Floyd A. Henderson, USFS, 1938. Original in Folder 528.]
1928-1940, undated
12 81
"Field History"- Contains Manuscripts That Have Been Worked Over, or Not to be Used
approximately 95 pages notes, letters, manuscripts fragments.
Corrs: E.B. Aldrich, Louis R. Glavis, James C. McKay, O.T. McWhorter, J.G. Rowton, C.T. Stranahan. [Includes: 7 pages manuscript "Captain [John W.] Cullen on the Salmon and Snake Rivers. Captain Cullen's Account of his part in the Nez Perce War. Related by Captain Cullen in September, 1929." 4 pages notes re above manuscripts. 27 pages alphabetical list of Nez Perce proper names and misc words with definitions. Misc appendix material, considered by McWhorter*. Whitman massacre.]
1928-1941, undated
12 82
Items Used and Unused Deemed Worth[y] of Preservation
approximately 200 pages notes, letters, clippings, manuscripts.
Corrs: Angie Burt (Mrs. Edmund) Bowden, Richard H. Wilson, Duncan McDonald*, Flora Hirschy, Joseph Blackeagle, Phillip Andrews (Black Eagle)*, James Rooke, Mrs. Edna L. Jones, Garrett B. Hunt, Byron Defenbach, F.S. Hall, Robert W. (Bob) Condie, Joseph Joffe, Edmund B. Rogers, John Miller (Chief White Hawk)*, Philip T. Fagrie, Lee Howard, Mrs. Fred White, John Kaiser, Col. James(?) Partello, H.S. Coburn, R.E. Thomas, Eva Hunt Dockery, Elta M. Arnold, Louis F. Grill, Camille Williams, J.G. Rowton, Charles M. Gates, George White, Paul E. Ambro, Yellow Wolf*, Clifton B. Worthen, J.P. MacLean, Lew L. Callaway, C.E.S. Wood, Anne McDonnell, Mrs. Ora B. Hawkins. [clipping, "Liver Eating" Johnson. Re various phases of the Nez Perce campaign. Most of these items have been picked over and the important items have been included in the histories. Includes: 8 pages manuscript "The Spy of Corvallis," re a Nez Perce scout who may have observed General Howard's advance into Montana.]
1928-1941, undated
12 83
[Nez Perce Land Claims and the War.]
approximately 125 pages notes, manuscripts, letters.
[Includes: (a) 5 pages letters, copies, from Indian Agent John Monteith* to Indian Commissioners re settlers entering the Wallowa Valley (1872), and Joseph's demand that they leave the valley (1875). Bears note: "Copied from an old Lapwai Agency 'Copy-Book.'" (b) 18 pages copy of Maj. H. Clay Wood's Supplement to his report, Status of Young Chief Joseph*, and Indian Claims to Lands. January 8, 1876. (c) 29 pages copy Annual Report of the Secretary of the Interior on the Operations of the Department for the Year Ended June 30, 1877. (d) 31 pages manuscript "The Nez Perce War of 1877: The Inside History from Indian Sources, by Duncan McDonald*." McWhorter* note: "Last summer, at the instance of the New Northwest, he made a six weeks' trip to British America, for the purpose of obtaining correct particulars of the campaign at White Bird. The data thus obtained is being presented in these articles, and can be relied upon as authentic from the Nez Perce standpoint."]
1928-1941, undated
12 84
[Camas Meadows*. Raid on Gen. Howard's Camp.]
Notes, letters. approximately 125 pages.
Corrs: Yellow Wolf*, S.L. [Sam Lott] Many Wounds*, General D.L. Brainard, Thomas Ferrell, Llewellyn (Lew) L. Callaway, J.W. Redington, Mrs. George F. Cowan, Camille Williams. [Chiefly re Camas Meadows* skirmish and raid on Gen. Howard's camp, Aug. 18, 1877: (a) Notes and letters refuting idea that the Nez Perce "drilled" for war. (b) Photocopies of three sketch maps of the Camas Meadows terrain. Originals in Folder 529. (c) Notes by Many Wounds on Brady's Northwestern Fights and Fighters. (Cyrus Brady. Northwestern Indian Fights and Fighters. New York: The McClure Company, 1907.) (d) Notes by Camille Williams re Indian veterans* of the fight who were still living at the time. (e) Notes by Peo-peo [Tholekt]* and Yellow Wolf on fording the Yellowstone River* by Indian warriors. (f) Notes on Chief Joseph's* capture of a Yellowstone stagecoach.]
1928-1942, undated
12 85
Loynes*- Big Hole [Battle]*
approximately 70 pages notes and letters.
Corrs: Charles N. Loynes, Lutz Wahl. [Notes for "Field History." Photocopy of sketch map by C.N. Loynes, 1928. Original in Folder 521.]
1928-1944, undated
12 86
General Scott. Indian Scout. [Hugh Lennox Scott.]
approximately 40 pages notes, letters.
Corrs: J.W. Redington, H.L. Scott, H.S. Howard. [(a) Only portion of material re Scott, who served with Sturgis in the attempt to intercept the Nez Perce before they reached the Yellowstone country. (b) 7 pages manuscript "General Howard's Nez Perce Scouts." (c) List of tribes which assisted the U.S. Army against the Nez Perce.]
1929-1931, undated
12 87
[H.S. Howard.]
6 pages letters.
Corrs: H.S. Howard, J.W. Redington. [Supposed council meeting between Chief Joseph* and Gen. O.O. Howard at the end of the Nez Perce War. Proposed memorial for the dead in the war. Role of Col. C.E.S. Wood and Col. Bowen as viewed from the Nez Perce point of view.]
12 88
Loud-Speaking Gun
[Notes on several scraps of paper on "Loud-Speaking Gun." (An old Indian-owned Sharps rifle of heavy caliber used at the Canyon Creek skirmish.) 2 pages letters. Andrew Garcia*. Re "loud-speaking" gun. 8 pages letters. Lt. Col. H.L. Bailey*, Charles N. Loynes*, Ovid T. McWhorter, William Wells and Charles E. Wood.]
1929-1932, undated
13 89
Possible Preface Items
20 pages notes, manuscripts.
[Notes re Indian and white attitudes collected as possible items to be included in a preface. 5 pages manuscript "Prelude" worked out as rough draft for possible preface.]
1929-1933, undated
13 90
Goldin. 7th. Cav. [Lieut. Theodore W. Goldin*.]
50 pages notes, letters.
Corrs: E.A. Brininstool, Theodore W. Goldin, Mrs. Theodore Goldin. [Nez Perce fight with Crows following Canyon Creek skirmish*. Col. Sturgis' fight. Last battle. Miscellaneous]
13 91
Garcia. No. II
approximately 60 pages notes, letters, cls.
Corr: Andrew Garcia. [Material chiefly re Canyon Creek*. Garcia was a packer with the army supply train sent from Fort Ellis to the Clark Fork for Howard and Sturgis. He witnessed the Canyon Creek crossing. clipping, The Billings Gazette, Aug. 14, 1932, re Andrew Garcia, "Pioneer as Teamster with Howard and Sturgis Saw Stirring Incidents of Nez Perce Campaign."]
1929-1941, undated
13 92
Colonel Wood. [Charles Erskine Scott (C.E.S.) Wood, Howard's Adjutant.]
50 pages notes, letters, manuscripts.
Corrs: C.E.S. Wood , Sara B. Wood, Elmo Scott Watson, John A. Rea. [Chiefly re Battle of White Bird, Bear's Paw, and the final surrender. (a) Photostat of article from Century Magazine, May 1884, pages 135-142, by C.E.S. Wood: "Chief Joseph*, the Nez-Perce." (b) 3 pages cl Spokesman Review, 24 October 1965, "Boyhood memories of days with great Indian" article on C.E.S. Wood and Chief Joseph. (c) cl "Admirers of Chief Joseph Still Plan to Honor His Memory." The Idaho Statesman, Dec. 22, 1929.]
1929-1942, undated
13 93
Painter, Horner, and Norwood Letters
approximately 40 pages notes, letters, cl.
Corrs: Harry M. Painter, J.H. Horner, Anne Norwood. [Painter letters (which form the bulk of the material) re disposition of the captured Nez Perce. clipping, Rocky Mountain Husbandman, November 6, 1930, re death of "Cap" J.W. Johnson, "Civil War veteran, scout, and interpreter under General Nelson A. Miles."]
1929-1942, undated
13 94
approximately 45 pages letters, notes.
Corrs: John Collier, Ovid McWhorter, Maurice Fitzgerald, Susan Golden, H. Hamlin, John Stanley, B.F. Manring, [Chiefly re minor points of Nez Perce campaign, miscellaneous]
13 95
Geographical Distribution of Signers of Treaties- Domains of Non-Treaty Chiefs 1877
[(a) List of Indians surrendering in Red Heart's band written in Many Wound's* handwriting according to Black Eagle's* dictation, 2 pages with notes by McWhorter. (b) 1 page list of signers of treaty with Nez Perce at meeting in Walla Walla Valley, June 11, 1855. Many Wounds furnishes handwritten list of signers. Gives geographical location of the chiefs' tribes at the time of signing. (c) Photocopy of outline map of division of domain among Nez Perce chiefs by Peo-peo Tholekt*, Sept. 1930, and list of "Lower Nez Perces," chiefs who were signers of the Walla Walla treaty, but not of the Nez Perce Treaty of June (9?), 1863. Original in Folder 522. (d) Geographical distribution of Nez Perce chiefs at Walla Walla Treaty, 1855.]
1930, undated
13 96
Lieutenant Jerome*. [Lovell H. Jerome.]
approximately 60 pages notes, letters.
Corrs: W.R. Smedberg, Jr., Robert Bruce, R.H. Fletcher, J.W. Redington. [McWhorter* desires information about why Chief Joseph* was detained in Colonel Miles' camp. Reason given page 489 Hear Me, My Chiefs!. Cl "Indian Battle Retold," The Otsego Journal, Otsego County, NY. July 17, 1930, by Jerome. Article is re Bear Paw fight and is used in Hear Me, My Chiefs!, page 448. Cl Otsego Journal, Jan. 24, 1935 re Jerome's death. correspondence with Lt. Col. R.H. Fletcher re surrender details. 1 page photographic reproduction of letter of introduction for Cadet Lovell H. Jerome to West Point, May 7, 1866.]
1930-1935, undated
13 97
Used Material. Field History
approximately 300 pages notes, rough draft chapters of Yellow Wolf: His Own Story and Hear Me, My Chiefs!. [Includes: (a) 8 pages manuscript "Pre-White Man. Ancestral names of the Nez Perces Tribe, Headquarters at (now) White Bird, Idaho. Compiled by Many Wounds*, and Black Eagle*, Sons of Wot-tó-len," copy included. (b) 5 pages list of Nez Perce names and their meanings. (c) Lex Scripta Missionariums: re influence of early missionaries. (d) 3 pages bibliography of Nez Perce material. (e) Misc notes and fragments re Yellow Wolf.]
1930-1939, undated
14 98
About Yellow Wolf* and His Narrative
approximately 30 pages, letters, notes.
Corrs: Harvey K. Meyer, John E. Ludlow, Henry Wilson, Thomas L. Broncheau*, Virgil McWhorter, Many Wounds*. [The last days and death of Yellow Wolf.]
14 99
[Nez Perce History.]
6 pages notes and corrs.
Corrs: Peo-peo Tholekt*, Stephen B.L. Penrose. [Treaty of 1863.]
1930-1941, undated
14 100
[Treatment of Nez Perce.]
approximately 100 pages notes, letters.
Corrs: Maj. Gen. E.S. Adams, Nipo [Strongheart], Fred Dustin, John Keith, Theodore Goldin*, Chas. W. Dietz. [Chiefly re events leading up to the Nez Perce War and re the treatment and disposition of the defeated Nez Perce. The notes are drawn largely from the official reports of various Commissioners of Indian Affairs, 1873-1890.]
1930-1942, undated
14 101
Col. Bailey*...Captain Rawn. [Harry L. Bailey; Charles C. Rawn.]
approximately 130 pages notes, letters.
Corrs: Harry L. Bailey, Mrs. Harry B. Longsworth. [(a) Material on White Bird, Clearwater, Salmon River crossing, civilian scouts, miscellaneous (b) 26 pages manuscript "An Infantry Second Lieutenant in the Nez Perce War of 1877, by Harry Lee Bailey." (c) 5 pages letter with additional information for above). (d) 4 pages "Captain Rawn's Report 'Fort Fizzle*.'" Bears notation by McWhorter*: "Copied from Report of the Secretary of War; Vol. I 1877." (e) Photocopy of map of Clearwater Battlefield*. Original in Folder 541.]
1930-1943, undated
14 102
Cowan. Yellowstone Park Incident
approximately 50 pages letters, manuscript.
Corrs: Mrs. George F. Cowan, Charles F. Cowan, Lew L. Callaway, Albert W. Johnson, Many Wounds*, W.H. Holmes, Mrs. Emma J. Cowan. [The capture of George F. Cowan's party in the Yellowstone area during the Nez Perce uprising. 17 pages manuscript, "Reminiscences of Early Life in Montana," marked "Dup."]
1931-1934, undated
14 103
Garcia. No. I
approximately 65 pages notes, letters, manuscripts.
Corr: Andrew Garcia*. [General information re Nez Perce War. Includes: (a) 17 pages manuscript "Incidents Big Hole Massacre, and Battle*. From Garcia's Manuscript." (b) 2 pages manuscript "Garcia's Narrative." manuscripts are chiefly concerned with Garcia's wife, a Nez Perce girl wounded during the battle.]
1931-1943, undated
14 104
War Singer [How-lis Won-poon, Camille Williams], White Hawk*, Wat-tes Kun-nin [Earth-blanket]
25 pages notes, letters, manuscripts.
Corr: John Miller* [Chief White Hawk]. [Material re Nez Perce War. Includes: (a) 6 pages manuscript "Personal Narrative of Chief White Hawk, given in camp, Big Hole Battlefield*, Morning, August 10, 1935." (b) 7 pages manuscript "Personal Narrative of Wat-tes Kun-nin: 'Earth-blanket' Given October 1-2, 1936, Albert Spancer Interpreter."]
1931-1944, undated
14 105
James Reuben*
40 pages notes, manuscripts, cl.
[Material re James Reuben (Hosius Wap-tes, Head Feathers, or Eagle Head), Interpreter for the Nez Perce Commission in 1876, government scout, served as teacher for Joseph's band in exile. Includes: 1 page letter, Sam Morris, 3 pages manuscript "James Reuben, Nez Perce Gov't Scout. Excerpts from Maj. Charles T. Stranahan before the Lewiston, Idaho, Kiwanis Club, February, 1934." Misc notes re Modoc War.]
circa 1934, undated
14 106
Unused Appendices and Other Manuscripts and Notes
approximately 80 pages manuscript notes.
[Includes: (a) 3 pages manuscript "Property Owned by Nez Perce Indians on Salmon River." (b) 1 page manuscript "Unpublished Incidents in 'Calamity Jane's* Life'," with 2 cls re Calamity Jane. (c) 2 pages note "Cost of the Nez Perce War," from Senate Executive Document #14, 45th Congress, 2nd Session. (d) 1 page note "Chief Peo-Peo Tholekt* Elk Call." (e) 5 pages manuscript re the destruction of a freight wagon train on Birch Creek, Idaho, by Nez Perces. (f) 2 pages manuscript re killing of settlers at Montague-Winters ranch, in the Horse Prairie Valley, Mont. (g) 6 pages manuscript re action by volunteers near Mount Idaho, told by J.G. Rowton, "citizen volunteer." With corr: J.W. Redington, re fighting around Cottonwood*. (h) 1 page manuscript re wyakin powers (magical powers protecting warriors). (I) 3 pages manuscript re scouts with Colonel Sturgis. (j) 3 page manuscript re Battle of Canyon Creek*. (k) 1 page note re capture of two white girls in Bitter Root Valley. (l) 2 pages manuscript re action of Crow Indians against Nez Perces; also General Howard's Bannock and Shoshone scouts with Captain Brainbridge as directed by General Crook. (m) 1 p manuscript re General Howard's scouts. (n) 3 pages manuscript re Howard's claim that Crow Indians guided the Nez Perce across the divide. Theodore Goldin's statement. (n) 4 pages manuscript re Col. Sturgis' fight.]
1934, undated
14 107
Horner and Other Letters. Nothing to be Used in Nez Perce History
11 pages letters.
Corrs: J.H. Horner, Ovid McWhorter. [Minutiae of Nez Perce War in Wallowa County, Oregon*.]
14 108
Miscellany Pertaining to the Nez Perce War, 1877
approximately 130 pages notes, manuscripts.
[Chiefly notes and copied portions from the Report of the General of the Army to the Secretary of War, 1877. Reports by General W.T. Sherman; Colonels Gibbon, S.D. Sturgis, Nelson A. Miles; General O.O. Howard.]
circa 1935, undated
14 109
Mr. Smith. Bull Train. Surrender. [Charles A. Smith, Private, Company A, 7th Cavalry.]
15 pages letters, notes.
Corr: Charles A. Smith. [Chiefly re surrender of Chief Joseph*, at which Smith was present. Some information re battle sites. Destruction of a "Bull Wagon-Train by Nez Perces at Cow Creek* in 1877."]
1935-1937, undated
15 110
Stake Tabulation. Last Battle. Map of Bear's Paw Mountain
approximately 70 pages notes.
[Includes: field notes made of a stake tabulation of the Bear's Paw Mountain Battlefield, done by McWhorter*, together with White Hawk and Many Wounds*, Aug. 1935. Their survey marked with stakes and recorded the positions of the various Indian and U.S. Army forces. See also map showing location of various stakes, surveyed by C.R. Noyes, Folder 559.]
1935-1937, undated
15 111
[Chief] Looking Glass Attacked
approximately 3 pages notes on Chief Looking Glass. 9 pages notes. Re Attack on Chief Looking Glass, his status among the Nez Perce, and his role in the war. 3 pages correspondence Mrs. F. Monteith. [Photocopy of map of Chief Looking Glass' camp, drawn by Peo-peo Tholekt* (of Lewiston, Kooskia-Whitebird area). Original in Folder 532.]
1935-1945, undated
15 112
Big Hole [Battlefield]* Stake Tabulation
61pp notes, cl.
[(a) 31 pages notes on staking of Big Hole Battlefield. (b) 9 pages notes re Chief Looking Glass. (c) 20 pages notes re stake tabulation Big Hole Battlefield. Includes: original field notes, 3 copies of tabulation. (d) 2 cls re Big Hole Battlefield. (e) Photocopies of drawings of battlefield by Peo-peo Tholekt*, Charles N. Loynes*, Many Wounds*, and Many Wounds with McWhorter*. Originals in Folder 520.]
1937, undated
15 113
[Nez Perce History.]
4 pages letters.
Corr: Mae Nalder. [Two copies of letter (1937) by McWhorter* regarding publication plans for his Yellow Wolf manuscript and more generally his notes for the Nez Perce "Field History" and a possible visit from President E.O. Holland. Photocopy of map of the Nez Perce Campaign- 1877, by C.A. Badeau, 1935, prepared for Adventures in Geyserland. Original in Folder 525.]
1937, undated
15 114
Journal of Treaty with The Nez Perce, June 17, 1855. Yakimas, Walla Wallas, and Umatillas
[56 pages copy of the treaty negotiated at the Council Ground, Camp Stevens, Walla Walla Valley, WA Territory, June 14, 1855. Notes and letters re the treaty.]
1939-1940, undated
15 115
Otis Half-Moon Correspondence
4 pages letters, notes.
Corrs: Otis Half-Moon, Camille Williams. [Re cache of flour hidden by Nez Perce during the war; re Yellow Wolf*.]
15 116
[Notes and Fragments.]
20 pages notes, manuscript fragments.
[Misc Nez Perce material. Includes: "The True Story of the Nez Perce War," by H.B. Norton. Copy of an article sent McWhorter* by J.W. Redington. Article is from Recreation Magazine, pages 99-100, not further identified.]
1944, undated
15 117
Geographical Distribution of Nez Perce Chiefs.
16 pages notes.
[Geographical distribution of the Nez Perce chiefs at time of the Walla Walla treaty of 1855.]
15 118
[Nez Perce History.]
approximately 60 pages letters, notes, maps.
Corrs: E.O. Holland, E.V. Kuykendall, Damon A. Spencer, all to Virgil O. McWhorter. [List of captions for photograph illustrations to be used in Hear Me, My Chiefs! The Nez Perce Indian Reservation boundaries as of the treaties of 1855 and 1863. Certified photostatic copy of the "Treaty with the Nez Perces, 1855." (U.S. Dept. Interior. Bureau of Indian Affairs. March 13, 1950). Three maps, Clearwater. Description of Nez Perce Indian Reservation boundaries. Material chiefly from 1950 not part of original accession.]
15 119
To Be Examined in Proofing Glossary
35 pages notes, eighteen envelopes.
[Notes re Indian words and names. Information supplied by Indian corrs, chiefly Yellow Wolf* and Camille Williams. Envelopes contain groups of Indian words and names to be checked against the glossary of Yellow Wolf.]
Subseries 2.2: Yakima Indian War (1855-1858) & Yakimas
Box Folder
15 120
Contains Historical Data from Many Sources but Chiefly Wash. State. V.O. McWhorter 2/20-1945
approximately 185 pages manuscripts, notes, letters, cls.
Corrs: Tom Waters*, William Charley*, W.E. Johnson, Major C.H. Bridges, Mary M. Crawford, G. Stephenson, J.L. Sharon, Louis Mann*, Yellow Wolf* (with Thomas B. Andrews, Indian interpreter), W.P. Bonney. [(1) "Adjourned Meeting Held on November 29th, 1913, at the Agency, Fort Simcoe*, Washington, in Reference to Grazing of Indian Sheep on the Yakima Indian Reservation." Carbon of 11 pages transcript of meeting, by Nealy N. Olney*. (2) "March 25th 1880. Yakima Indian Reservation Wash a History life of bad Injun [sic]." School notebook with 14 pages autobiographical material by Louis Mann. (3) "Louis Mann's Comment on Splawn's Kamiakin*." 8 pages notes and letter. (4) "The First Cabinet Organ Brought to Oregon." 1 page manuscript copy with 1939 letter, W.P. Bonney. (5) "Death of Chief Umtoch." 7 pages manuscript copy with 9 pages notes. (6) Notes. Modocs and Bannocks. 6 pages. (7) Louis Mann. Indian land grievances. 32 pages. (8) Yellow Wolf. Yellow Wolf's protestation of truth telling. 12 pages. (9) "The Personal Narrative of Chief Spencer." 11 pages manuscript. (10) "Chief William Spencer's Foray against the Rogue River Tribe." (3 pages manuscript). (11) "History of Chief Spencer." 10 pages handwritten manuscript. (12) Notes, clippings, letter fragments, manuscript fragments: Prohibition, Chief Joseph*, Indian agents, William Wheeler, miscellaneous approximately 30 pages.]
1880-1940, undated
15 121
Indian Vocabulary
Notes, correspondences manuscripts, printed material.
Corrs: Louis Mann*, William Charley*, Listening Coyote, Judith McWhorter. [(1) Envelope containing approximately 145 notes on Indian names, words, phrases. Many are place names in the Yakima Valley. Some Nez Perce and Okanogan words. (2) approximately 130 manuscript pages. List of Indian place names, words, and phrases. Chiefly Yakima. (3) "Yakima Indian Names of Objects and places in the Moxee Valley and Vicinity of Yakima, Wash., as Obtained from Chief Sluskin* and Ho-lite, better known as Billie Captain; September 25, 1917." 7 pages manuscript.]
1909-1938, undated
16 122
Papers Pertaining to Yakima Indian History and Other Matters
approximately 110 pages letters, notes, manuscripts.
Corrs: W.F. Clarke, Lt. Col. C.W. Thomas, Jr., J. Bertram, J.H. Nelson, Julia Thompson, Ovid McWhorter, Robert Hitchman, (L.V.V.F.?). [Corr: Request for into re Louis Shuster, scout in Bannack War, 1877. Name for Yakima Park on Mt. Rainier*. Cannon lost by Major Granville O. Haller, Battle of Thappanish, Yakima War; information given by Louis Andy, April 3, 1938. Copy of Report of the Secretary of War, 1855, 11 pages manuscript, Nov. 30, 1935. Three notes re history Senator W.L. Jones' testimony, Ahtanum Water Division, Louis Bastian. "Kansas or Bust," 4 pages poem. One Pin. Copy of letter, Perrin(?), B. Whitman, July 1, 1848. Two cls re Perkins murders, Big Hole* Battle. Data re stolen horse of One Pin. (1) "Mid Stream." 6 pages manuscript with revisions. Re Indian welfare; sent to Mrs. Leah Segers. (2) "The Feast Given by Chi-mischa* (sinue [sic] bow) the Successor of Chief Yoom-tee-bee*. A Yakima Ceremony. July 7, 1910." 3 pages manuscript with cl. (3) "Yakima Indian History." Smith Luc-ie, Indian Police, Nov. 24, 1908. Re Yakima War, 1855. 3 pages manuscript. McWhorter* note: "Never been used.". (4) "Captain Frank Selatzee, Indian Police, Yakima Indian Reservation." 2 pages manuscript with note and letter. (5) "Specimen of Police-Court Justice to the Indian." 3 pages manuscript. (6) letter and note re story by William Charley*. (7) "Chief, We-yallup Wa-ya-saka's Views on the Ahtanum Canal Ownership." 2 pages manuscript. (8) "Early Irrigation* on the Ahtanum Creek, Washington." Re Tom Smartlowit*. 1 page (9) "Saved from the Stake by Supposed Dementia." 1 page (10) Letters with maps, compass markings. 2 pages. (11) "Chief Meninock's* Request." Aug. 1922. (12) Cl re Chief Meninock, May 25, 1921. (13) "Autobiography of Chief Meninock. Dictated by Himself." Aug. 17, 1922. 2 pages manuscript with notes and cl. (14) "Ghue-Ghue and Pedt-jum." Klickitat. Jan. 1919. 5 pages manuscript and copy. (15) "Natural History." Eli "Rimfire" Hamrick. 3 pages manuscript. (16) Notes on natural history. 3 pages. (17) Cl "Indians Refuse Inaugural Invitations," Feb. 17, 1929. (18) Notes re history, land allotments. 11 pages fragments.]
16 123
[Handwritten Ledger. Inscribed:] By Jan. 22 1912 Louis Mann*/Full Blood/ Yakima Indian/ Dictionary of the Yakima Indian/ Language and Translation into English Language
[Contains 60 leaves of manuscript text on: Indian genealogy Indian vocabulary and English equivalents. Short discussion of Chief Owhi, his sons Qual-chan Owhi and Lash-high-hit [Lesh-hi-hit], and father of Chief Owhi "Story of Coyote." (Coyote cheats on his trip around the "ocean bank.") "Coyote and a Great Prophet." "Coyote Went Back East." "A Story of the King." "Coon Story." "The King Story." "Story of a Warrior the Qual-chan Ouhi." "Story of Two Indian Girls." "Mr. Eagle the King and Mr. Skunk His Cousin." "Life History of the Bad Indian Mr. Mann." Misc fragments.]
16 124
Hembree* Tragedies. Kulalas Story of Toppenish Battle. Abe Lincoln's Falls [Falling] in Glacier Caves
approximately 60 pages manuscript, manuscript fragments, notes, letters.
Corrs: John T. Osborne, Mrs. George Garner, William Charley*, Caesar Williams*, L.V. Eberhardt, W.P.Bonney. [(1) [Four manuscripts re Capt. Hambree (Hembree?), a soldier killed by Indians near where Toppenish now stands.] a) "Captain Hambree (?) Killed by Pah-Oú-Nee." 3 pages manuscript. b) "Location of Place where Fell Capt. Hembree, Yakima War, 1855." L.V. McWhorter. 3 pages manuscript. c) "Data on the Death of Captain Hambree." Wm. D. Stillwell. 3 pages manuscript. d) "Death of Capt. Hambree (?)." Chief Meninockt* [sic]. 1 p manuscript. (2) [Six notes and manuscripts re Battle of Thappanish.] a) "Participants in Yakima Indian Troubles." L.V. McWhorter*. 1 page note. b) "Incident in Battle of Toppenish." George Olney. 2 pages manuscript. c) "Yakima Indian War, 1855-1856. Battle of Thappanish (Toppenish)." Snah-Tupsh, Ku-Lala. (1917). 4 pages manuscript. d) "Battle(?) of Pah-Qy-Ti-Koot." Wm. Adams and Louie Mann*, interpreters. 3 pages manuscript. e) "Brief Narrative of Snatups Ka-Lula in the Sound War." Wm. Adams, interpreter, May 6, 1917. 1 page manuscript with 1 p note. (3) "A Thrilling Adventure on the Glaciers of Mount Adams (Pót-to)." Charley Olney*, May 12, 1923. 11 pages manuscript with notes re Abraham Lincoln, a Shaster Indian. (4) "The Meaning of Yakima." 1 page manuscript. (5) "Items Concerning the Sliding Place of Coyote, Klickitat County, Wash. Sometimes called: 'The Death Slide.'" 1 page manuscript. (6) "Yakima Indian War. (Satas Mountain) William D. Stillwell's account of the fight, on April 10, 1856, during the Yakima Indian War, on the Yakima River*, where Captain Hembree was killed." William D. Stillwell*, May 24, 1918. 9 pages manuscript. (7) "Location of Battle of Thoppanish." L.V. McWhorter. 1 page manuscript. (8) "Corrections to Tash-wenit's story, as given by Mits-e-ya-wah Spelye: 'Listening Coyote.' January 1924." 1 page manuscript. (9) Story given by Tásh-wenit (After the Thunder), Dec. 1923. 4 pages manuscript with note: "This story is to be checked up with that of 'Owhi's Only Crime'...and also with another story pertaining to the scalping of the girl...same story."]
16 125
Tribal Wars. Biographical Sketches Yakima Indians
approximately 60 pages manuscripts, notes, letter.
[(1) "Pauite-Wasco Indian Warfare." Wasco Jim, July 7, 1918. 3 pages manuscript with notes. (2) The Piute and Wasco Indian Warfare." Mrs. Caesar Williams*. 6 pages manuscript. (3) Incidents in Tribal Indian Warfare. Captain Dry-Creek Billie." Caesar Williams*. 3 pages manuscript. (4) Biographical sketches various Yakima Indians. approximately 45 pages notes: "Chief We-yal-lup Wa-ya-cika." 7 pages manuscript. "Tyee [Chief] Yum-tee-bee." 8 pages manuscript. The Tragedy of Po-ki-wan-ee (Short Fingers). 3 pages manuscript. "Biography of John Etwamish, or No Stink*." 1 page manuscript. (5) copy of letter by Louis Mann*, May 24, 1916, denouncing Walla Walla Treaty of 1855. McWhorter* notes that this letter was published in the Yakima Herald.]
1916-1923, undated
16 126
Maj. Bowlen [Bolon, Bolen] Manuscript
approximately 75 pages manuscript, notes, letters, cl.
Corrs: William Charley*, T.C. Elliott, W.P. Bonney, Jay Lynch*, Inez Filloon (Mrs. J.M. Filloon). [Bolen's murder. approximately 50 pages manuscript, the murder, by Indians, of Special Indian Agent Andrew J. Bolen in the Wah-soom Mountains in 1855: "The Bolen Tragedy" as narrated by Sul-el-il, John Billie and William Charley, interpreters.] McWhorter* considers this part of the prelude to the Yakima War. Part of the story is narrated by Sul-el-il, also known as Yakima George. Notes and a clipping, as well as photocopies of two handdrawn maps of Bolon Monument* and Marker accompany this material. Originals in Folder 535.]
16 127
Concerning Chief Kamiakun*, and Tribal Affiliations of Chiefs Signing Treaty of 1855
approximately 35 pages manuscripts, notes, letters, cls.
Corrs: Tes-pa-loose, H.M. Painter, L.V. McWhorter* to Arthur Tomio Kamiakun* re family name, and to Chief Cleveland Kamiakun*. [(1) "Early Conditions among the Yakimas in Kamiakin's Time." 1 page manuscript. (2) "Data concerning Chief Kamiakun." Chief Waters. 2 pages notes. (3) "Chief Kamiakun. By his oldest living son Tomio Kamiakun." 1 page manuscript. (4) "Domain of the Yakima Chiefs, Signers of the 1855 Treaty." Louis Mann* (chiefly), June 9 (year?). 1 page manuscript. (5) 1 page notes on Kamiakin. Louis Mann, Nov. 15, 1922. (McWhorter's note: "In Yakima parlance, Kamiakun was termed a Paloos tribesman, notwithstanding his mother was a full blood Yakima. The Yakimas blamed him for all their troubles growing out of the war."). (6) "Incidents of the Yakima War, 1855-1856." 1 page manuscript. (7) 1 page notes on Kamiakun: "By Tom Smartlowit, Yakima War." (8) "Tribal Affiliations of the Yakima Signers to the Treaty of June 9, 1855. (Given by Louis Mann and other old tribesmen.)" 1 page manuscript. (9) "Clans of the Yakimas Who Were Present at the Treaty of Walla Walla 1855, and Who Met Col. Wright* in a Treaty of Peace later in the Nachese. As Given by Chief We-yallup Wa-ya-cika*." 1 page manuscript. (10) "The Chiefs of Some of the Columbia River Tribes." Wasco Jim, July, 1918. 1 page manuscript. (11) "Tribal Warfare." Lo-páh-hin*, March 30, 1922. 1 page manuscript. (12) "A Tragedy in Indian Tribal Life." Simon Goudy*, Dec., 1918. 1 page manuscript. (13) "The Story of Chief Wy-cas One-pi-née, or Shee-ah-cotte. The Tenth Signer to the Treaty of Walla Walla, 1855. Narrated by His Son: Sat-kat, known as One Pin; corrupted from One-pin-nee, or One-pine." 3 pages manuscript with cl. (14) "Incidents in Indian Tribal Warfare. (Payute Indian Wars.)" Mrs. Caesar Williams. 2 pages manuscript. (15) 6 pages letters. (16) 2 pages notes on Kamiakun from Life, Letters, and Travels of Father Peter [Pierre] Jean De Smet, Sr. 1801-1813, Hiram Martin Chittenden and Alfred Talbot Richardson, New York: Francis P. Harper, 1905. Vol. III. (17) "Statement by Warrior Twi-was Tokia-kun." 1 page manuscript. (18) "Note to Story of Koo-Tiakun." 1 page manuscript. (19) Miscellaneous notes re Yakima Treaty, Chief White Swan*, Kamiakun*.]
1918-1939, undated
16 128
Concerning Chief Moses*. Folder Containing a Medley of Manuscripts
approximately 65 letters, notes, manuscripts, manuscript fragments, cls.
Corrs: Louis Mann*, Arthur E. Griffin, H.B. Miller, Harry Lee Bailey*, Dr. and Mrs. White Elk*, Ruth C. Beelie, George H. Himes, William D. Heaton, Edward M. Miller (re Chief Umtoch). [Corr, with notes, clippings, and fragments: Battle at Union Gap*, The Yakima Daily Republic, undated. Chief Moses. Sales of Indian allotments. Minor business matters and personal affairs. (1) "An Extensive Village Site on the Columbia. Ruins on Cold Creek, Benton County, Wash. L.V. McWhorter* and Earl O. Roberts. August 25-26, 1923." 3 pages manuscript. (2) "The Sokulks of Priest Rapids, Washington." 4 pages manuscript. (3) "Character of Chief Moses." 1 page manuscript. See also Folder 560 for sketch map: "Trail supposedly travelled by Chief Moses going to the Sound Country."]
Subseries 2.3: Tribal Wars
Box Folder
16 129
Tribal Wars: Histo* Modoc and Bannock
approximately 60 pages manuscripts, notes, letters.
[(1) Two copies "Story of the Bannock War." a) One marked: "Histo's Narrative. Duplicate." 16 pages manuscript with note and cl announcement of Histo's death. b) Original of the story. Wm. Charley*, interpreter. 16 pages manuscript. Two letters, appended McWhorter and J.L. Davenport, 1909, re pension for Histo. With note: "Histo now draws pension of $20.00 per month and rec'd back pay. Oct. 30, 1925." 3 pages. (2) "Histo's Narrative of the Modoc War." Wm. Charley, interpreter, July 8, 1910. 12 pages manuscript. (3) Notes and additions for Histo's story: "An Incident of the Modoc War"; "The Headless Warrior." 2 pages. (4) "Histo's Narrative of his Father." Wm. Charley, interpreter. 4 pages manuscript with 1 page note. (5) "Note to Go with Histo's Narrative of the Modoc War." Caesar Williams*. 2 pages. (6) "Topplish: 'White Earth.' Warmsprings tribe. (7) "Personality of Histo." Histo, Sept. 4, 1916. 1 page manuscript. (8) "The Source of Histo's Power as a Warrior." Wm. Charley, interpreter, Sept. 3, 1916. 1 page manuscript.]
1909-1916, undated
16 130
[Lieutenant Mitchell. Rogue River Indian War.]
approximately 110 pages manuscripts, notes.
[(1) "Pit River Indian War, 1855, as told by Capt. John Mitchell (1913)," 14 pages handwritten manuscript. (2) "Lieut. Mitchell." 8 pages manuscript with 2 pages notes. (3) "Narration of Corporal John Mitchell, Oregon Volunteer, 2nd Reg. Mounted Dragoons, Rogue River Indian War, 1856 (1913)." 31 pages handwritten manuscript with note and 1913 cl on Mitchell. (4) "Lieut. Mitchell." 32 pages manuscript. (5) Two copies letter (to Mitchell from Frank D. Brown, Phillipsburg, Montana. March 7, [19]14.) (6) "Private Hanley's Story." 8 pages, manuscript and notes.]
1913-1923, undated
16 131
Historic Bannock War, 1878
approximately 35 pages manuscripts, letters, clipping, notes.
[(1) "The Perkins Murder." John M. Edwards*. 9 pages manuscript with 1922 McWhorter* letter and cl. (McWhorter notes that this is duplicate of paper written for the Washington State Historical Society.) (2) "Incidents of Piute War and the Perkins Murder." William Charley, interpreter. 6 pages manuscript. (3) "An Incident of Piute War and the Perkins' [sic] Murder." Mrs. Caesar Williams, Sept. 1916. 2 pages manuscript. (4) "Concerning the 'Gunboat' on the Columbia, and the Perkins Murder." Jim Sch-yowit; Louis Mann*, interpreter, June 26, 1917. 1 page manuscript with 1925-1926 letters, W.C. Burgen, clipping, and notes. (5) "Mr. W.Z. York's statement of his fight with the Indians in Yakima City jail. Given personally to L.V.McWhorter, Dec. 14, 1917." 2 pages manuscript with cl. (6) Notes from General Howard's report in the Annual Report of the Secretary of War, 1878, Vol. 1, pages 209-210. 4 pages.]
1916-1926, undated
16 132
Pertaining to Bannack [sic] War. Lieut. Farror's [William T. Farrar?] Tukurika Campaign. Colonel W.C. Brown
96 pages letters, manuscripts, notes, cls.
Corrs: Wilbur Fisk Brock, J.W. Redington, Gen. W.C. Brown, Harry Lee Bailey, Ollie Jordan, Mrs. C. Brenner (Po-gum-bie, Chokecherry). [Re Chief Egan, Bannock War, Pauite War, Chief Winnemucca, Sarah Winnemucca, Father Wilbur, Lieut. Farrow [Farror]. (1) "The Story of Julia Bannock; Nez Perce Allottee, 982." (2) "Incident of the Piute War 1878." (3) "Death of Chief Egan, Bannack, 1878." (4) "Personal Observations and Opinions of W.F. Brock ... ." (5) " copy of letter written by Mr. Wilbur F. Brock, Summerville P.O., Oregon, June 7, 1932; to Mr. J. Harley Horner, President of the Wallowa County (Oregon)* Historical Society, Beaverton, Oregon. Carbon copies furnished T.C. Elliott, and Col. J.W. Redinkton [Redington]." (6) Let, J.W. Redington, 1932, re Lieut. Farrow [Farror] and Gen. W.C. Brown. (7 pages). (7) Letters, Gen. W.C. Brown, 1932, re "Sheepeater Indian Campaign, 1879." (13 pages). (8) Notes. Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1878; and Annual Report of the General of the Army, 1878. (11 pages). (9) copy of item appearing in Folder1540, #1. (10) Letters. Harry L. Bailey*, 1932. (Bailey's experiences with Indians and related matters). (11) Cl The Idaho Statesman, August 27, 1933. (Col. Redington tells of the severing and boiling of Chief Egan's head). (12) Cl. Blue Mountain Eagle, Canyon City, Oregon, August 26, 1932. (Gen. W.C. Brown on the Bannock War). (13) "Tribal Warfare." Tokiaken Twiwash. Aug. 5, 1921. (1 p manuscript).]
1921-1942, undated
17 133
Fitzgerald and Modoc War
approximately 50 pages manuscripts, notes, letters.
Corrs: Maurice Fitzgerald, Mrs. Jeanette Parker, W.D. Vincent, Clark A. Brown. [Corr: (1) "The Bannacks [sic] A Warlike tribe of Savages in Eastern Idaho/ Their History and Traditions ... by J.W. Redington." 10 pages manuscript. (2) "Major W.V. Rinehart An Indian Agent in Troublous [sic] Times: A personal reminiscence." Maurice Fitzgerald. 5 pages manuscript. (3) approximately 30 pages misc notes, letters, fragments, re Modocs, Bannocks, Chief Egan, "random notes Yakima Indians."]
1929-1934, undated
17 134
Col[onel] Redington on Bannock War
52 pages letters, notes, manuscripts.
Corr: J.W. Redington. [Includes: 17 pages manuscript "Scouting in Montana. By Col. J.W. Redington Montana Volunteer U.S. Scout and Courier in Nez Perce and Bannack Indian Wars, and Assistant Adjutant General in Oregon, 1879-1883." correspondence re Bannocks and their fight with Miles in 1878. Some misc material.]
17 135
[Tribal Wars: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 118 pages manuscript.
[29 pages manuscript: "Some Corrections of 'Life on the Plains.'" W. Babcock Hazen. Concerns an article by General Custer published in Galaxy of February 1874, which Hazen says "treats him in a manner which cannot be overlooked." 89 pages manuscript:The Dismissal of Major Granville O. Haller of the Regular Army, of the United States by order of the Secretary of War, in Special Orders, No. 332 331, of July 25th, 1863. Also a "Brief Memoir of his Military Services and a Few Observations," printed 1863.]
Subseries 2.4: West Virginia History & Miscellaneous
Box Folder
17 136
Interesting Copy of Old Letters Pertaining to Western Va. Border History. Kindness of Mr. G.W. Beattie, Highland, California Possibly send to West Va. Archives and History
approximately 150 letters, copies of letters, notes, manuscripts, manuscript fragments.
Corrs: William S. O'Brien, J. W. Hancock, H.H. Meyer, Edmund J. James, J.K.P. Maxson, G.W. Beattie, Virgil A. Lewis, L.D. Wilmoth, Captain John Sommerville, M.M. Quaife. [Ohio Indian song. Data for Border Settlers. 16 pages manuscript fragment "Old Manuscript Border Settlers*." 12 pages handwritten "Notes given by Wesley Molyhan, Charleston, W. Va." WV local history Four clippings, 1900, "Jessie Hughes." McWhorter* notes: "Ravenswood, WV newspaper," approximately 100 pages copies letters apparently all from Draper manuscript.]
17 137
[West Virginia History.]
approximately 20 pages letters, manuscript, cl.
Corrs: C.S. Wilcox, W.G. Hacker, W.H. Holmes, W.F. Ray, Roy A. West, H.C. McWhorter, W. Robert Murray. [The "Haynes Cave" and other WV data. Jesse Hughes. Follow-up data on WV pioneers. Full page clipping, "Judge McWhorter Outlines the Great Epic of the Monongahella Valley," Wheeling Intelligencer, January, 27, 1925.]
1889-1942, undated
17 138
Old Letters and Manuscripts Gathered When Writing Border Settlers*. All Noted and Obsolete. L.V.M*
approximately 300 pages letters, manuscripts, manuscript fragments.
Corrs: Mary S. Hall, Gideon M. Heavner, J.T. Hacker, Annie A. Nunns, J.G. Jackson, W.W. Hughes, J.S. Gandee, W.C. Brake, Mrs. Jacob W. Heavner, J.S. Hall, M.M. Quaife, W.B. Cutright, W[illiam] E. Connelley, W.G. Hacker. [Genealogical material. "In the Days of Our Ancestors / A Name / by John Strange Hall." 13 pages handwritten manuscript. 13 pages manuscript fragment in same hand. "In the Days of Our Ancestors by John Strange Hall." 11 pages manuscript. The Times of Our Ancestors, The School House, by John Strange Hall." 7 pages manuscript. manuscript and manuscript frag, copies of "Draper manuscript, Wisconsin State Historical Society," and other Wisconsin archives material. Photostat pages of Draper manuscript. "Licking County Pioneer Pamphlets, 1869-1874 ... Our Pioneers. Capt. Elias Hughes and John Ratliff. 1789." 24 pages handwritten copy.]
1891-1914, undated
17 139
[West Virginia History.]
approximately 100 pages letters, clippings, manuscript.
Corrs: J.H. Mitchell, J.S. Gandee, T.B. Straley, J.S. Hall, G.F. Queen, Edmund J. James, W.B. Morrison, C.S. Wilcox, J.M. McWhorter, Theodore Boyd, Reuben G. Thwaites, M.De Hurst, G.H. Bennett, W.C. Carper, Mamie Hall, Ernest Phillips, E.H. Blair, Sam Atkins. [Re data used by McWhorter in his Border Settlers. Two clippings, 1892, Busy Bee, not otherwise ident: "Rock Shelters," by L.V. McWhorter*. Hu Maxwell, "The Native Tribes of West Virginia." Clipped from the West Virginia School Journal. 18.7 (Oct. 1898) clipping, un. "Jesse Hughes." "In the Times of Our Ancestors, by John Strange Hall." 2 pages handwritten manuscript.]
1892-1910, undated
17 140
[West Virginia History.]
approximately 200 pages letters, copies documents, war department records, notes.
Corrs: Anna McWhorter Thomas, B.R. McWhorter, B.O. McWhorter, John McWhorter, E.H. McWhorter, L. McWhorter, Hu Maxwell, V. Warner, Beverly, L. Rogers, Ira L. Peters, L.G. Rogers, Virgil A. Lewis, J.L. Davenport, F.C. Anisworth, J.P. Pfelt. [McWhorter family genealogy. "Descendants of John McWhorter. Son of Hugh and Jean McWhorter." 6 pages manuscript WV local history. Hughes family of Virginia and other families of concern for Border Settlers*.]
1900-1917, undated
17 141
[West Virginia History.]
approximately 60 pages notes, correspondence
Corrs: J.S. Gandee, W.A. Proctor. [correspondence re West Virginia pioneers.] Part 1. Envelope entitled: "Pertains to the pioneer Hughes families of Northwestern Virginia, now central West Virginia." approximately 20 cls. Part 2. Envelope entitled: "Some of the original notes used in Border Settlers of Northwestern Virginia. Also a few newspaper clippings and letters." [Two notebooks with interleaved newsprint. One notebook bears stamped sticker: "L.V. McWhorter* / Dealer in / Scientific / & Indian Historical Books / Berlin, Lewis Co., W.Va" Folder: "McWhorter's Clearance Sale List of Curios and Books L.V. McWhorter, Mason, Ohio."]
1900-1938, undated
18 142
[West Virginia History.]
approximately 120 pages letters, notes, copies of docs, war department records, manuscript rough drafts.
Corrs: H.F. Wallace, Jeanette C. Alter, Victor H. Paltsits, V. Warner, William E. Connelley, Roy B. Cook, J.M. McWhorter, H.R. McIlwaine, Henry Haymond, W.H. Peterson, A.M. Beck, A.D. Hiller, F.C. Anisworth, Joseph L. Miller, H. Clay Evans. [McWhorter family genealogy. Family data for Border Settlers: Jesse Hughes, West family, etc. Heads of Families at the First Census. "Introduction." Reprint by Director of Census. 4 pages, undated. Personal and family matters.]
1901-1932, undated
18 143
"Connelley's* Letters."
approximately 60 pages letters.
Corr: William E. Connelley, A.L. Keith, R.G. Thwaites. [Indian artifacts. Writing projects of mutual interest. WV and KY local history.]
1902-1915, undated
18 144
[West Virginia History.]
approximately 200 pages letters, copies documents, war department records, pension records, notes.
Corrs: S.M. Price, Henry Haymond, H.R. McIlwaine, H.H.B. Meyer, J.L. Farnum, V. Warner, X.P. Bent, Katherine C. Ricks, F.C. Anisworth. [Data on individuals and families for Border Settlers*.]
1902-1922, undated
18 145
[West Virginia History.]
approximately 50 pages letters, clippings, manuscript.
Corrs: Minnie Kendall Lowther, Elizabeth F.G. Hiestand, O.A. West, P.W. Washington, Paul Hardman, Victoria Hefner, William E. Connelley, Linnie Brake Cunningham, W.H. Holmes, Ovid McWhorter, Connie E. Cutright, E.E. Meredith, Col. H.L. Bailey*, Ira D. Cardiff, and others. [McWhorter family genealogy. Hughes, family. Books desired, bought and sold. "History of Ritchie County. 4 pages manuscript. clippings, "Do You Remember," by E.E. Meredith. Un, thirteen columns, some discuss McWhorter* and his work in WV local history. Dates of 1935, 1941, 1943. clipping, Clarksburgh, WV, Sunday Exponent-Telegram, February 9, 1941. "McWhorter Native, Aged 80, Is Author of Indian Book." (Yellow Wolf: His Own Story). Minor business matters.]
1904-1944, undated
18 146
[West Virginia History.]
approximately 250 pages letters, notes, copies documents, copies.
Draper manuscripts from Wisconsin State Historical Society, depositions. Corrs: Harry Slawter, J.H. Wallam, Leta Snodgrass, H.E. Buck, Minnie K. Lowther, Ida M. Munson, Clara D[u Mont] (Mrs. Clark W.)Heavner, Beverly L. Rogers, Lallah Merriam, M.D. McGuffey, A.P.C. Griffin, Alice Palmer, Henry Haymond, J.S. Hall, Welch Bibbee, Joseph S. Reger, Carl Reger, O.A. West, Mrs. Lillie McStalnaker, H.H.B. Meyer, A.L. Keith, R.S. Person. [Data for Border Settlers, similar to above. Requests for further information on material in Border Settlers. Comments by readers.]
1906-1932, undated
18 147
Old Letters Pertaining to Border Settlers*. All Noted. (Obsolete)
approximately 265 pages letters, cls.
Corrs: William T. Price, J.Strange Hall, J.W. Heaton (?), Julia Maxwell, L.C. Hacker, A.R. Hacker, Ira L. Peters, Minnie Kendall Lowther, Granville S. Lowther, W.M. Morris, J.M. McWhorter, Clark W. Hilmick, W.M. Bird, Chas. H. Washburn, Lloyd Washburn, Walter (Morris?), J.S. McWhorter, A.M.V. Arbogast, Lee Reger Heavner, E. Reger Heavner, W.C. Carper, Mrs. Jacob W. Heavner, G[ideon] M. Heavner, Pairsy Hall Thatcher, Mrs. R.T. (May?), W.G. Hacker. [Re West Virginia. Hughes family. Includes 10 pages manuscript notes "Origin of names of streams," in McWhorter's* handwriting. Seven clippings, "The Pioneers," fromno source., undated. newspaper.]
1907-1914, undated
19 148
[West Virginia History.]
approximately 300 pages letters, copies of letters, notes, depositions, war record copies.
Corrs: Harry Slawter, T. Jackson Seay, J.C. (Jack) McWhorter, B.F. Rogers, A.A. McCarthy, A.L. Keith, J.M. McWhorter, C.S. Wilcox, D.B. Hinzman, H.J. Eckenrode, Daniel Hurst, Elenor Hurst, George A. Hurst, H.C. McWhorter, V. Warner, E.S. McWhorter, William L. Post, Sam Alkine, H.R. McIlwaine, Nicholas Alkine, E. Reger Heavner, W.C. Cooper. [WV genealogies. Books bought, sold and desired. Jesse Hughes material. Personal and family matters.]
1907-1926, undated
19 149
[William (E.) Connelley*.]
approximately 35 pages letters, clippings, manuscript.
Corr: William E. Connelley. [Old books of the West. Connelley's writing projects. Misc clippings, chiefly from West Virginia papers, re McWhorter* and manuscript Border Settlers*. One letter from Nipo Strongheart, E.E. Meredith.]
1907-1929, undated
19 150
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
5 pages mimeo material, printed matter.
["Indians Have Given Much to Civilization," by Aren Arweks. Astoria Centennial* Souvenir Programme, Aug. 22, 1911.]
19 151
[West Virginia History.]
Corrs: D.B. Reger, J.C. (Jack) McWhorter, E.E. Keister, G.F.Queen, G.W.Beattie. [approximately 75 pages lists of subscribers and orders for Border Settlers*.]
1914-1932, undated
19 152
[West Virginia History.]
15 pages letters, manuscripts.
Corr: Roy B. Cook. [WV local history. "The Buried Treasure." 4 pages manuscript. "Washington's Plan for Inland Navigation." 9 pages manuscript. "Excavations at Logan, West Virginia."]
1916, undated
19 153
[West Virginia History.]
approximately 20 pages notes, letters, memos.
Corrs: Everett Hughes, William H. Cobb, Sallie W.P. Hoover, Ed Swisher, W C. Dodrill, J. Slidell Brown, Mrs. Porter Arnold; J.M. Callahan. [Jesse Hughes memorial. Cl re McWhorter*, Upshur Record, Buckhannon, WV, Dec. 21, 1917.]
1917, undated
19 154
[West Virginia History.]
approximately 35 pages letters, clippings, book advertising material.
Corrs: C. Donne Cook, Roy A. West, Jane Lew, William Charley*, W.F. Ray, Leni Jenkins McWhorter, Mrs. H.B. Longsworth. [6 clippings, "Fort Jefferson." 1 ident: Cleveland Plain Dealer, Dec. 11, 1932. Cl "Do You Remember?" by E.E. Meredith, un, discusses Border Settlers. Comments by readers. Personal affairs.]
1919-1943, undated
19 155
[Indian History.]
20 pages manuscripts.
["Col. Benjamin Logan's Expedition against the Mac-a-cheek or Logan County Indian Villages," by O.K. Reams, 1930. 6 pages typed manuscript. "The Early Missionary Movement at Zanesfield, Ohio," by O.K. Reams, undated. 6 pages manuscript. "Excerpts from Manuscript written by Don C. Fisher, Moscow, Idaho. The Murders on Salmon River." undated, 8 pages.]
1930, undated
19 156
[American Military History Foundation.]
10 pages mimeo material.
19 157
[West Virginia History.]
27 pages handwritten manuscript.
Concerning Tecumseh and his "raid on the Waggoner family." [No title,no source].

Series 3: Personal and Business Correspondence Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
19 158
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 200 pages letters, arranged in groups.
[(a) approximately 30 pages letters. Corr: J.E. Vandersloot, J.P. MacLean. (b) approximately 75 pages letters. 1936-1943. Corrs: C.W. Fitch, Don Russell, Thomas W. Alford, Mae Nalder, John Collier, William C. Brown, E.A. Brininstool, Chief Luther Standing Bear, J.W. Todd, Jr., Mrs. S.M. Orton, Louis F. Grill, M. De Hurst, M.J. Walsh, Harvey K. Meyer, Sun-Rise, M.D. Beal, Ovid McWhorter, Fay M. Orton, Harlow Lindey. Books bought and sold. Misc Indian affairs. Personal. (c) approximately 35 pages letters. 1926-1940. Corrs: Buffalo Ben Olney*, Mrs. Martha Spencer, Simon Goudy*, Amos Wilkinson, Peo-peo Tholekt*, Tony Umtuch, Thomas Lindsley, Yellow Wolf*, Andrew Garcia*, Mrs. Yellow Wolfe, Charley Charles, Oscar H. Lipps, C.C. Todd. Chiefly personal matters. (d) approximately 30 pages letters. 1902-1925. Corrs: Mrs. White Elk, C.E. Rusk, Jennie M. Lewis*, Mrs. H. Warner Roseburg, W.A. Morgan, Adrian McCroskey, B. M. McCroskey, John Whiting, R.G. Thwaites, Mabel A. Ferris, J.M. Cornelison, Birdie McCroskey, J.C. Morris, C.E. Rusk, H.P. Napton, Margaret ("Toots") (Lewis), John D. Lynch, Cecil A. Wiley. Minor business matters. Personal. (e) approximately 30 pages letters. 1943-1944. Corrs: Ernest J. Wessen, Thomas E. Dewey Wessen, Don Russell, Marjorie G. Park. Buying and selling books. (f) approximately 35 pages letters. 1925-1926. Corr: Alonzo Victor Lewis. Indian affairs. Personal.]
20 159
[Correspondence: Books & Miscellaneous.]
145 pages corr, notes, clippings, printed matter, miscellaneous.
This folder contains material found in copies of books owned by McWhorter*. The correspondence and notes, arranged chronologically, primarily concern book exchanges or purchases. Corrs: W.H. Holmes, James C. Pilling, J.R. Nissley, Hu Maxwell, C.S. McWhorter, J. Strange Hall, J.L. Farnum, L.V. McWhorter, A.B. Ostrander, J.H. Alexander, Warren K. Moorehead, J.P. MacLean, S.M. Brosius, Mrs. Oda E. Roberts, Houghton Mifflin Company, T.C. Elliot, Heister Dean Guie, W.D. Vincent. [H.R. 6131 "An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to erect a marker or tablet on the site of the battle between Nez Perce Indians under Chief Joseph* and the command of Nelson A. Miles," 71st. Congress, 1930. (Two copies). S. 6693 "A Bill to provide water for irrigating* lands of the Yakima Indian Reservation, Washington, and for other purposes." 62d. Congress, 2d. Session, 1912. Misc notes and marginalia.] Note: Full bibliographic records for copies of the books associated with the items in this folder may be found by doing an "author" search on "McWhorter Collection" in the WSU Libraries online catalog.
1889-1931, undated
20 160
[Contains names and addresses of dealers and collectors of Indian relics.] 1617.
circa 1893-1898
20 161
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
14 pages letters.
Corrs: J.P. MacLean, J.C. (Jack) McWhorter, Warrren K. Moorehead. [McWhorter's* earliest writing ventures.]
20 162
[Correspondence: Personal.]
approximately 30 pages letters.
Corrs: Simon Goudy*, E.W. Gibson, Caesar Williams*, C.M. Furry, J.W. Langdon, G.B. Kuykendall, Thomas Lindsley, W.S. Laidley, Edith R. Hill, Mrs. Lee Keedick, R.C. Meyers, J.B.D. McWhorter. [Personal and business affairs. Release of James Johnson, Indian convicted of murder, from the state penitentiary. McWhorter's* publications.]
20 163
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 75 pages McWhorter letterheads, printed material.
[Price lists and advertising material for Indian relics, relating to McWhorter's* WV and Ohio periods. Announcement of public sale of McWhorter's property in Savona, Ohio, February 26, 1903, "when intending to go west."]
1895-1906, undated
20 164
[Miscellaneous Material.]
[Personal mementos of McWhorter's* life and death. Letters of recommendation re McWhorter's move from W.V. to Ohio. Testimonials. Invitation (WSC/E.O. Holland). clipping, Yakima Daily Republic, Jan.(?) 30, 1940. Re L.V. McWhorter's eightieth birthday. Miscellaneous newspapers: The Yakima Daily Republic, Oct. 10, 1944, Nov. 19, 1945, re relics* "gathered by Late L.V. McWhorter" and WW II.; Spokane Daily Chronicle, Oct. 31, 1925, re Indian Congress.]
1895-1945, undated
20 165
[Correspondence: Personal.]
approximately 300 pages letters, arranged in groups.
Corr: J.M. McWhorter. [Personal and family matters.] [(a) 5 pages typed manuscript: summary of life of J.M. McWhorter, L.V. McWhorter's father, written by J.C. (Jack) McWhorter with 6 pages notes by J.M. McWhorter and L.V. McWhorter*. 61 pages manuscript of lectures, sermons, poems of J.M. McWhorter. (b) approximately 80 pages correspondences J.M. McWhorter to L.V. McWhorter. (c) approximately 65 pages correspondences J.M. McWhorter to L.V. McWhorter.]
20 166
[Miscellaneous Material.]
[Personal mementos, chiefly certificates and cards of membership in various historical societies, lodges, fraternal organizations.]
1900-1945, undated
21 167
Concerning [The] Discards, etc
23 pages letters.
Corrs: O.L. Babcock, William Charley*, Arthur L. Keith, William V. Niess, Mrs. R.H. Garland, William E. Connelley, Linnie Brake Cunningham, H.C. Slutrone, H.E. Buck, H. Stanley Coffin, Arthur Coffin, John Cullen, George G. Heye, Leni McWhorter, Frank Starcher, Henry M. Withers. [Chiefly concerns sales of two McWhorter* pamphlets: The Crime Against the Yakimas, and The Discards.]
21 168
clippings, letter, ephemera.
Corr: Judy McWhorter (G ?). [Note: This file includes a letter dated 1984 that relates to "Big Foot's" Devon Cattle Ranch, circa 1903-1906; however, it is not part of the original accession. Re Dick McWhorter, family papers.]
1904-1943, undated
21 169
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 150 pages letters.
Corrs: William S. Lewis, James Bever, A.B. Brooks, Jennie H. Lattin, Martha McKelvie, Martin A. Russert, M.M. Quaife, William G. Perrow, Pamelia Pearl Jones, Lawrence E. Lindley, Mildred H. Pope, William E. Connelley, R.G. Bailey, Rev. Frederic H.K. Soll, L.O. Honig, Elta M. Arnold, John Van Male, Oscar M. Waddell, F.M. Simpson, Leslie E. Bliss, Ora Conaway (Mrs. W. St. (?), Charles [H.] Carpenter, Mrs. Tom Seely, James M. Ashton, [Alonzo] Laow tic Tic il pilp Lewis, Mrs. Anne McDonnell, Carl G. Doney, A.B. Brooks, John G. Brown, Mrs. Fred White, C.A. Smith, J.V. Tallman, Ruth Harris, Walter W. Liggett, Eugene Meacham, Jessica Parry-Lehman, Chester A. Fee, John C. Goodfellow, F[rank] J. Engles, Augusta Eastland, Merrill Jensen, A.C. Bright, Robert A. McClure, M.W. Stirling, E.V.Kuykendall. [Jones Bill. Book orders and lists of books for sale. Personal and minor business matters.]
21 170
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 50 pages letters.
Corrs: Peter Mox-Mox, Caesar Williams*, William Charley*, Alva Cleparty, Chief George Menihnok*, Thomas Umtuch, Job Cato (Casto), Samantha (Marple) Cato (Casto),Charley Charles, Sam Wilson, Jim Winershut, Paul Williams, Peo-peo Tholekt*, Ira Tashwict, Frank Meachem, John Billy, Willie Sam. [Personal and domestic affairs. Plans to attend various Indian gatherings.]
21 171
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 80 pages letters.
Corrs: Peter Mox-mox, John Billy, Mrs. Peter Mox-mox, White Bird, Willer Wa tash nashute, We-yo-ka-sha-not (Weyow-ka-sha-not We-uk-san-at), Lancaster Spencer, Tom Waters, Caesar Williams*, Mrs. L. Ward, Mrs. J.D. Springston, Willie Sam, H.C. Temple, Willie Stone, Henry Haymond, E. Roger Heavner, Jacob W. Heavner, Birdie McCroskey, A.W. McWhorter, Warren K. Moorehead, J.P. MacLean, J.K. Ruebush, William E. Connelley, J.S. McWhorter, James Wm. Martin, Emma L. Muilkey, George Carver Howard. [Indian costume articles being made for McWhorter*. Indian artifacts* for exhibit.]
1906-1916, undated
21 172
Correspondence Relating to Chief Joseph's Tally Sticks. Letters from Miss Heberd, University of Wyoming. Letters from Ovid T. McWhorter, of Historic Interest [sic]
14 pages letters.
Corrs: Grace Raymond Heberd, W.D. Vincent, Garrett B. Hunt, Ovid McWhorter. [Shoshone scouts with 5th Cavalry in the Nez Perce campaign of 1877 under Colonel Merritt. Chief Joseph's* tally-sticks, and Smoholla. Two "humorous" stories about a Chinese restaurant in Lake County, Oregon.]
1906-1939, undated
21 173
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 50 pages letters.
Corrs: Yellow Wolf (White Thunder)*, Amos McDonald, Thomas Umtuch, Jr., Harvey Schuster, William Charley*, David Williams*, Caesar Williams*, L.W. Wilson, Peter S. Wannamsie, Birdie McCroskey, Lancaster Spencer, Simon Goudy*, Silas D. Whitman. [Personal and minor business matters. Local Indian affairs and Indian domestic problems.]
1907-1915, undated
21 174
[Correspondence: Personal.]
approximately 250 pages letters, manuscripts, cls.
Corr: J.C. (Jack) McWhorter. [Mostly personal and family matters. Some reference to The Scout of the Buckonhehanon, by J.C. McWhorter. Poems by J.C. McWhorter. Speech on a religious subject marked J.C. McWhorter, 1910. 29 pages manuscript. Misc clippings, editorials and columns written by J.C. McWhorter.]
21 175
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 50 pages letters.
Corrs: Everett S. Dam, Calista M. Dowling, G.P. Hurst, Philena Dyer, Birdie McCroskey, Isabel Crawford, D.E. Clark, William E. Connelley, E.M. Cherry, William Charley*, W.A. Alderman, Thomas Andrews, Richard Allen, William E. Johnson, George H. Himes, Mrs. A.M. Haven, L.F. Jackson, J.M. Jayne, C.M. Jackson, John W. Hays, C.C. Hutchins. [McWhorter's The Crime Against the Yakimas. Indian rodeos. Personal affairs. Wanapum Indians. Priest Rapids.]
22 176
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 130 pages letters.
Corrs: Samuel Tilden, Camille Williams, E.A. Brininstool, J.K. Rollinson, Martha (Mrs. Sam R.) McKelvie, Andrew Garcia*, Ollie Jordan, Susie White*, Chief Luther Standing Bear, Jesse Red Heart, James Red Heart, Homer L. Morrison, W.P. Bonney, C.L. Andrews, Francis M. Rookstool, Fred B. Rogers, Jerome Peltier, Mrs. L.C. Bennett, Lucile K. Bundy, J.W. Todd, Jr., Charles Miles, Mrs. M.S. Hineman, Frank Lowther, Mrs. Harry B. Longsworth, Martin A. Russert, Robert Johnson, Alex Saluskin, Kate Williams, George T. Brigg, Henry J. Rust, F.L. Pickett, Jack Lamb, Silas Cross, Thomas Hughes, Fannie C. Dillon, Grace C. Gardner, Sadie Telakish. [Personal matters and already published work.. Includes 7 pages typescript material relating to Life of Jesse Hughes, chiefly genealogical notes.]
1907-1944, undated
22 177
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 70 pages letters.
Corrs: Carlos Montezuma, Jackson Buffloo (Jackson Sundown), Roy B. Cook, Lancaster Spencer, T. Jackson, A.A. Tremp, H.L. Henderson, George Peo-peo Tolikt [Tholekt]*, M.M. Quaife, Caesar Williams*, Don M. Carr, Mrs. One Pin, L.H. Heilman, Charli[e] Wesley, Stwire G. Waters, Peter McGuff, John Billy, H.B. Rigg. [Historic marker* sites. Local Indian affairs. Indian fishing rights*. Astoria Centennial Celebration*. Suit involving the Northern Pacific Railroad and Albert One Pin, or One Penne, in 1916 accident. Personal and miscellaneous.]
22 178
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 25 pages letters.
Corrs: J.P. MacLean, J.C. (Jack) McWhorter, J.S. (Scott?) McWhorter, Ralph McWhorter, Hu Maxwell, Birdie McCroskey, L.D. McWhorter, Ralph McWhorter, Eleanore E. Lothrop, Joel Munsell, W.H. Holmes, F.W. Hodge, W.G. McWhorter, Joe McWhorter. [Chiefly re McWhorter's* Border Settlers. Suggestions from Smithsonian about best way to collect and preserve Indian legends.]
22 179
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
67 pages letters.
Corrs: Caesar Williams* (chiefly), C.A. Watts, Thomas Waters, Stwire G. Waters, Harvey Schuster, Ira Tashwict, Henry Tashwict, Chief Um-tee-bee, Smith Luce-i, Peter McGuff, J.R. Sack, W.W. Stewart, Cato Sells, Bo Sweeney, John Billy, George A. Vincent, N.J. (Smith?), William E. Johnson, Simon Goudy*. [Personal affairs of Caesar Williams. Indian shows and exhibitions. Indian legends. Personal and miscellaneous.]
22 180
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 75 pages letters.
Corrs: Jason Lee, Yellow Wolf*, Miles Poindexter, Jasper Yellow Wolf, Chief Yum-Tee-Bee, Chas. Wesley, David Williams*, Louis Mann*, Frank Meachem, William Charley*, Arthur C. Parker, S.M. Brosius. [A desired picture of Yellow Wolf. Local Indian organizations. Indian fishing* rights. Personal and miscellaneous.]
22 181
[Correspondence: Border Settlers*.]
approximately 200 pages notes, manuscript fragments, clippings, letters.
correspondences Clifford E. Jones, E.E. Meredith, G.B. Waggoner, B.H. Oxley, W.H. Hughes, M. McWhorter, W.H. Holmes, R.G. Thwaites, Clifford R. Meyers, W.E. Connelley*, Kirk Mechem, Charles H. Carpenter, G.F. Queen, (E.L.M. ?). [Border Settlers and miscellaneous.]
22 182
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 65 pages letters, approximately 40 misc cls.
Corrs: George R. Lawson, N.W. Feighner, E.O. Sisson, W.Y. Pemberton, W.D. Vincent, W.P. Bonney, Charles H. Ross, William S. Lewis, Francis A. Garrecht, G.L. Knight, Many Wounds*, R. Hathaway. [Big Hole Battle* and proposed trip to the battlefield. Publishing ventures. Washington State Historical Society business.]
1909-1940, undated
22 183
[Correspondence. Manuscripts.]
Letter, manuscripts.
Corr: Minnie Kendall Lowther. 4 pages manuscript: "Edinburgh,"no source., Jan. 19, 1909. 8 pages manuscript: "Art in Shell Among the Ancient Americans. (Indians)," (?) McWhorter, undated.
1909-1942, undated
22 184
Historic. Various Letters
approximately 70 pages letters.
Corrs: K.H. Hansen, Albert W. Johnson, Kate Nye, Mrs. Joseph W. Fuld, J.W. McClintic, Agnes A. Lombard, C.F. Schuster, Roy B. Cook, Jas. H. Laubach, George H. Himes, B.R. Perkins, Wilbur C. Morrison, Alexander Leggat, Dunham Wright, Wilbur F. Brock, Robert S. Eakin, Mrs. Anne McDonnell, Charles V. Vickrey, Nipo Strongheart, H.M. Lydenberg, Lois M. Jordan, John K. Gill, H.W. Dorsey, Charles W. Smith, J.D. Smyth, Emil Kopac, W.D. Vincent, Yellow Wolf*. [Sale of McWhorter's* books. Requests for information. War monuments*. Indian language. West Virginia. History. Indian in motion pictures. Book collecting. Miscellaneous]
1909-1945, undated
22 185
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 60 pages letters.
Corrs: William E. Connelley (chiefly), Judge J.C. McWhorter, Elizabeth G. Cary, W.(C.?) Hana, S.M. Brosius, W.M. Bird, Ovid T. McWhorter, H.C. McWhorter, Augustine P. Bond, S.E. Ferris, A.L. Flint, Leon D. Green, H.T. Manning. [McWhorter's* attempts to publish Indian material. Indian water rights*. Ahtanum Creek. Jones Bill. Indian liquor bill. Senator Frank J. Allen. "Feast of the Yakima."]
1910-1915, undated
22 186
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 65 pages letters.
Corrs: William S. O'Brien, M.L.(?) Shriner, Reuben G. Thwaites, J.M. O'Sullivan, G.B. Kuykendall, J.W. Langdon, R.H. Johnson, Mrs. A.M. Haven, Henry A. Larson, Carroll B. Graves, O.C. Moore, Clara Du Mont (Mrs. Clark W.) Heavner, H.S. Rolston, Paul H. Weyrauch, Addie Wesley Clopton, W.E. Johnson. [Misc personal matters. Indian attendance at fairs/pageants. McWhorter's* publications.]
1910-1917, undated
22 187
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 50 pages letters.
Corrs: Ira Tashwict, Ha-a-ko-wa-a [Martha Frances McKelvie], Yellow Wolf*, William Wells, S.M. Brosius, Mrs. Brisbois, Harvey Schuster, Saluskin*, White Thunder (Yellow Wolf), Peo-peo Tholekt*, Caesar Williams*, Louis Mann*, Alex McCoy Owl-Child, Harry Jones. [Personal matters.]
1910-1926, undated
22 188
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 50 pages letters.
Corrs: Weyou-ka-sha-nat (We-you-ka-sha-nat, We-yo-ka-sha-nat, We-uk-sau-at), Yellow Wolf*, Peo-peo Tholekt*, Amos McDonald, Louis Mann*, Joe Moses, Caesar Williams*, Tom Waters, Silas D. Whitman, David Williams*, Jasper Yellow Wolf (or Jasper White Thunder). [Gun buried at the Big Hole. Nez Perce claims to Wallowa Valley. Brotherhood of North American Indians. Yakima Indian land sales. Personal affairs.]
23 189
Misc[ellaneous] Correspondence
170 pages letters, manuscript fragment
Corrs: Elmo Scott Watson, C.E.S. Wood*, O.B. Sperlin, Nipo Strongheart, O.A. Fechter, S.M. Brosius, Warren K. Moorehead, Buffalo [Ben Olney]*, C.S. Kingston, Jim James, Emil Kopac, Ovid McWhorter, Caesar Williams*, J.W. Ponsford, Edith Connelly Ross, Simon Goudy*, Don M. Carr, Listening Coyote, W.P. Bonney, F.S. Hall, Thomas Broncheau*, J.M. O'Sullivan, O.J. McGillis, Virgil O. McWhorter, Mrs. Varney, W.H. Holmes, Louis Mann*. [Misc publishing matters and proposed publications. Bear's Paw Mountain Battlefield. Yellow Wolf. Washington State Museum. Washington State Historical Society. Indian Rights Association. Wounded Knee Campaign. Local Indian affairs. Fort Simcoe*. Personal and miscellaneous "Statement of John J. Lewis, Government Freighter, Wounded Knee Campaign." 11 pages manuscript fragment "The Revelation of Nah-Shut." William Charley*, interpreter, July 1910. 14 pages manuscript.]
23 190
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 50 pages letters.
Corrs: Yellow Wolf*, Peo-peo Tholekt*, Piatt Wigner, Louis Mann*, William Charley*, Thomas Umtuch, Caesar Williams*, Birdie McCroskey, S.G. Waters, Jennie R. Nichols, J.M. Lewis*, Barbara Fossett, Listening Coyote, Simon Goudy*, May-wee-Peo-peo-Hi-hi [Elizabeth G. Cary]. [Personal matters. Local Indian affairs and Indian domestic problems.]
23 191
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 100 pages letters, printed material.
Corrs: Alonzo Victor Lewis, C.B. Francis, C.E. Rusk, Harry (?) Tashwict, Red Fox Skiuhushu, Mrs. White Elk, Louis C. Mann*, Stwire G. Waters, Peo-peo Tholekt*, Clara Sealander, Yellow Wolfe*, J.E. Standley, S.M. Brosius, May-wee-peo-peo-Hi-hi [Elizabeth G. Carey], M.A. Silver. ["San Carlos Irrigation Project in Arizona." Sixty-Eighth Congress, First Session. Senate Report No. 129. clipping, un, Oct. 28, 1923, "Warriors of Old," Col. F.A. Boutelle, of Seattle, and Histo*, Nez Perce who fought the outlaws of Captain Jack (Peach-te-lá-la)*. Louis Mann's domestic problems. Securing Indian wampum and other artifacts. Personal and miscellaneous.]
1911-1927, undated
23 192
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
21 pages letters, printed material.
Corrs: Yellow Wolf (White Thunder)*, White Bird, L.G. Rogers, Lancaster Spencer, J.M. Lewis*, Caesar Williams*, Louis Mann*, Jas.Y[ellow] Wolfe, Birdie McCroskey, Jennie R. Nichols [Maggie Jiggs], Inez Tracy, James McWhorter, James Wm. Martin, "Toots" [Margaret Lewis], Charles McWhorter, Alva Cleparty, Ha-a-ko-wa-a [Martha McKelvie], Joe McWhorter (?), Dent Jenkins (?). [Personal and minor business matters. Minor troubles of local Indians. Cop American Advance: A National Progressive Prohibition Weekly, August 10, 1912, with article, "American Advance Unearths More Frauds on Indian."]
1911-1932, undated
23 193
approximately 65 pages letters.
Corrs: E.A. Brininstool, W.P. Bonney, Duncan McDonald*, Sunflower (Secretary National League for American Indians), Camille Williams, William Charley*, Helen A. Howard, Louis Mann*, W.E. Johnson, William E. Kearns, Charles B. Gibson, Mrs. Joseph W. Fuld, James Griffin, Edward G. Swindell, Jr., Nancy Wilson Ross, F[rank] J. Engles, Caesar Williams*. [letter to Chief Thunder Bird. Petitions of Alex Teio, Chief Tecumseh Ya-ka-towit and others, asking the "white man" to honor the treaty of June 9, 1855, which would have stopped sales of whiskey to Indians. Material for Nez Perce history. Markers for battle sites in Washington. Local and national Indian affairs. Fishing rights* for Wana Pum (Sokulk) Indians. Smoholla and the Dreamer religion. (McWhorter* holds that Smoholla did not originate this sect.) Notes on Indian land tenure under the Allotment Act of 1887. 5 pages radio script interview with McWhorter explaining his interest in the Yakima Indians and telling of his adoption into the Yakima tribe in 1908. "The Reporter," July 1943. Pamphlet published by the Allen County Historical Society.]
1911-1943, undated
23 194
[Washington State Historical Society.]
approximately 40 pages letters, clippings, printed material.
Corrs: W.P. Bonney, Chapin D. Foster, Alonzo Victor Lewis, M.D. Beal, Jean C. Davidson, William O. Douglas, Ovid McWhorter, P.H. Kemerer, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cullen. [Constitution and By-laws of Washington State Historical Society, 1911. clipping, un, undated, "Yellow Wolf*, Indian Patriot," by Elmo Scott Watson. clipping, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Nov. 21, 1942, re Alonzo Victor Lewis. clipping, Yakima Republic, Aug. 13, 1939, "L.V. McWhorter Becomes Indian Lore Specialist." clipping, Wenatchee Daily World, Jan. 10, 1936, "'Wonders of Geyserland' Lifts the Curtain on Stirring Times-Life and Death in 1877 Told. Story of Chief Yellow Wolf* And Famous Last Stand of Joseph's* Tribesmen Vividly Related by L.V. McWhorter* and H.D. Guie." Historical society and minor business matters.]
1911-1944, undated
23 195
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 60 pages letters, notes, printed material.
Corrs: Fay M. Orton, Mike Kirk, Mrs. L.C. Bennett, Don Russell, E.A. Brininstool, Emil Kopac, Billie Mason, Lucile K. Bundy, Lancaster Pollard, Lily Norling Hardwick, Franklin L. Burdette, J.H. Horner, Francis M. Rookstool, Chief Luther Standing Bear, C.L. Andrews, Barney Bertinetti; Esther Jerabek, Phil H. Gallagher, Elizabeth Stonestreet, Doris Laney, Velma Brown, Homer L. Morrison. [Personal and minor business matters. Canoe race at Astoria, Oregon, Centennial in 1911. letter from C.L. Andrews, Dec 6, 1930, re corporate reindeer business in Nome, Alaska*. Misc notes, one re Red Fox. Sioux uprising in Minnesota in 1862. 17 pages pamphlet Constitution and By-Laws of Washington State Historical Society, Olympia, 1911. 1911 notice of copyright registration issued to McWhorter*. copies folder commemorating dedication of Lewis and Clark Monument, Columbia, Snake River Park, Pasco, Washington, 1927.]
1911-1944, undated
23 196
For State Hist So[cie]ty. Louis Mann* Letters
approximately 160 pages letters.
Corrs: Louis Mann, Simon Goudy*. [Domestic affairs and land troubles of Louis Mann.]
23 197
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 50 pages letters, clippings, printed notices.
Corrs: Ernest Bruncken, W.H. Cole, Thorvald Solberg. [Full page clipping, Sunday Telegram / Elmira Star-Gazette, Elmira, NY, March 8, 1925. Well[-] Known Friend of the American Indian Pays the City a Visit / Attorney Joseph Latimer, Who is Caring on Fight for Indian, Pays Hornell a Visit. Copyright notices to the Library of Congress Copyright Office filed by McWhorter* for various phs and for the magazine, The American Indian Tepee.]
23 198
[Ahtanum Water Rights*.]
approximately 50 pages letters, cls.
Corrs: Lyle Keith, William C. Brown, Anne McDonnell, Elta M. Arnold, Fannie C. Dillon, R.S. Ellison, Mary Narby Cottrell, Louis Mann*, Jewel L. Gibson, W.H. Miner, W.P. Bonney, Rita Sun-Rise. [Four cls Yakima Daily Republic, July 14, 1927, re Ahtanum water rights. 3 pages bulletin Seventieth Congress Bulletin No. 8, The American Indian Defense Association. Need for Immediate Action on the California Court of Claims House Resolution 491 (The New Johnson-Lee Bill.)" Indian publications. Louis Mann and Ahtanum water rights. Personal and minor business matters.]
1912-1941, undated
24 199
[Miscellaneous Articles.]
approximately 140 pages manuscript, manuscript fragments, letters.
Corrs: Orval D. Peterson, Genevieve Brown. [(1) "The Dreamer Religion of the Yakima Indians, by L.V. McWhorter*." Four versions, five copies. (2) "Indian Rock Carvings and Paintings*." manuscript of speech given by McWhorter in Prosser, "about 1938." Two copies. (3) "The Berry Feasts of the Yakimas, at the Pom-Pom House of Billie Stahies, Sunday, August 11, 1912." 17 pages handwritten manuscript. (4) "The Hunt of 1912." 42 pages handwritten manuscript. (5) "Data about Fort Simcoe*, Yakima County, Washington...." 2 pages carbon. (6) "A Hunting Trip by L.V. McWhorter in 1878." 11 pages manuscript, with photocopy of picture of rifle and knife carried by author.]
1912-1944, undated
24 200
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 60 pages letters.
Corrs: Isabel Crawford, Henry Wick, E.S. Ricker, M. De Hurst, John Clark, H.S. Crocker, E.H. Anderson, Mrs. H.H. Greene, A.R. Hacker, W.T. Price, Rose Foreman, J.C. (Jack) McWhorter, Horace Edwin Hayden, E.H. McWhorter, L.D. Arnett, J.T. Davis, Ralph McWhorter, D.G. McWhorter, Edmund J. James, Birdie McCroskey, W.H. Cobb, N.(?)A. McWhorter, W.D. Nutter, W.M. Morris, Ruby L. Vanhorn, William S. O'Brien, Omar V. Marple, Thomas Hughes, Ray Reger, John N. James, C.S. McWhorter, W.W. Hughes, Warren B. Kittle, S.L. Allender, L.E. McWhorter, W.L. Hughes, J.P. Dunn, D.J. Gordon, Mrs. J.D. Springston, Boyd B. Stutler, G.B. Waggoner, A.F. Berlin, A.B. McWhorter, William E. Connelley, H.R. McIlwaine, A.W. McWhorter, E.H. McWhorter, M.L. Hickman, C.L. Lowther, Nelson A. Swartz, Lloyd B. Ferrel. [Orders for McWhorter's The Crime Against the Yakimas*. Letters from readers about the work. West Virginia history.]
1913-1915, undated
24 201
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
11 pages letters.
Corrs: J.P. MacLean, D.W. Monfort, W.L. Tobey. [Indian hunting*. McWhorter's* publishing efforts.]
24 202
Copyright Certificates
[Certificates for The American Indian Tepee, 1920. The Crime Against the Yakimas,1913.]
24 203
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 90 pages letters, few cls.
Corrs: Kate H. Calvert, Harold G. Arbogast, Martha McKelvie, S.M. Brosius, E. Bloch, Katharine T. (Mrs. John) Balch, C.A. Cooper, Joseph Blackeagle, Evan W. Estep, Miss Glasgow, William S. Lewis, George H. Himes, Man Elk [W.F. Hamilton], W.E. Johnson, [Alonzo] Lewis, Oscar H. Lipps, P.M. Fogg. [Indian artifacts owned or desired by McWhorter*. Local Indian affairs. Wapatoo or Indian potato, a nearly extinct plant used as food by Multnomah Nation. Pamphlet and letters re Hearing before Committee on Indian Affairs, House of Representatives, 68th Congress on House Resolution 9160 (re claims of Okanogan and Colville Indians to Court of Claims).]
1913-1926, undated
24 204
[Correspondence: Personal.]
approximately 100 pages letters.
Corrs: J.C. (Jack) McWhorter, J.S. McWhorter, O.T. McWhorter, C.L. Shaver(?), J.P. MacLean, Hugo F. Luhman, Henry Haymond, William E. Connelley, Warren B. Kittle, H.R. McIlwaine*. [Personal and regarding technical and legal aspects of McWhorter's* publications.]
24 205
Lieut. U.S. Grant and Phil Sheridan, Indian Wives of. Letter to Andrew Carnegie Published in The Crime Against the Yakimas*
approximately 55 pages manuscripts, notes, letters.
[(1) "Lieutenant's Grant and Sheridan's Indian Wives." 2 pages manuscript. (2) "Relating to General Phil Sheridan's Indian Family." (Information from Ben Olney.) 1 page manuscript. (3) Letters. 1930-1938. Lewis L. Brown, C.R. Grim, O.B. Sperlin, with petition signed by seven Indians to officials of Bonneville Dam, asking that bodies in Indian cemetery on Bradford Island be moved before they were covered with water. (4) Photocopy of map: "Indian Trail from Lake Chelan, WA, to the Tumwater, above the Dalles, Oregon. Drawn under supervision of Captain Simon Goudy*, Yakima Indian Police," undated. Hand-drawn map with 1930 corr, O.B. Sperlin. Original in Folder 565. (5) "The Rebellion of the Yakimas, by Lucullus Virgil McWhorter* Adopted Member of the Yakima Tribe," 7 pages manuscript. With 1914 corr, A.C. Parker, Secretary of the Society of American Indians; and William E. Johnson*, editor, The New Republic. (6) "Cases of abuse in leasing of Yakima Indian lands." 2 pages manuscript with 1915 letters, John Lockwood and G. H. Himes). (7) Cls. 1913, re Wanamaker expedition memorial to Yakima Indians and the Indians' refusal to take part in flag-raising ceremonies. 4 cls. (8) "Mininic's* Speech before Secretary Ballinger. North Yakima, WA." 8 pages notes on speech.]
1913-1938, undated
24 206
[Miscellaneous Material.]
One postcard correspondence
Corr: Horace Edwin Hayden. [Re availability of some issues of the (American?) Archeologist.]
1914, undated
24 207
[Miscellaneous: Memorabilia.]
clippings, 9 pages fragment notes, ephemera.
1914-1916, undated
24 208
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 50 pages letters, cls.
Corrs: W.P. Bonney, George W. Olney, Sydney Livesey, Francis H. Rowley, Mrs. White Elk, J.P. MacLean, August A. Breuninger (Un-a-Quah), John B. Kendrick, Charles H. Burke, W.D. Vincent, Mary E. Laing, Martin Russert, William E. Connelley. [1 page McWhorter typescript on death of John Honstead, a sheepherder. Humane Society affairs. Indian pensions. McWhorter's* publications. Cls are from Yakima area papers, 1921-1922, same subject matter.]
1914-1922, undated
24 209
Old Letters to Be Gone Through and Examined for Worth
approximately 100 pages.
Corrs: Red Fox Skiuhushu, W.D. Lyman, Louis Mann*, George H. Himes, Frank Conley, G.W. Borden, W.P. Bonney, Mrs. George Garner, E.B. Meritt, Grace D. Latus, J.P. MacLean. [Bolon Monument*: photocopies of plat of Township 5N, Range 15E of Yakima County and pencil sketch of Townships 5 and 6 of Yakima County, both locating Bolon Marker, undated. Originals in folder 543. Publishing ventures, Louis Mann re water problems* (Ahtanum Creek), Nez Perce War, Capt. Hembree*, old fortified Indian village site, General Hazard Stevens, P.B. Van Trump, re expedition.]
1914-1926, undated
24 210
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 150 pages letters, printed material.
Corrs: W.E. Johnson, J.W. Redington, Albert W. Johnson, Peo-peo [Tholekt]*, Bill [W.F. Hamilton], Yellow Wolf*, C.C. Dill, S.L. [Sam Lott] Many Wounds*, Francis H. Rowley, Nipo [Strongheart], A.H. Yoder, Ruth Shaw, Elizabeth Stonestreet, Hein-mot-Hi-Hi*, Alonzo [V. Lewis], Anne McDonnell, J.C. McWhorter, S.M. Brosius, W.F. Bigelow, J.P. MacLean, W.D. Vincent, Diana Belais, Billy Mason, H.E. Buck, A.T. Rabeck, Joseph Schafer, Sam Morris, Dean [Guie], C.L. Andrews, Emil Kopac, Caleb Carter, D.P. Kennedy, W.L. Morgan, Carroll B. Graves, Louis Mann*, Ovid [McWhorter], Fannie Charles Dillon. [McWhorter's* Nez Perce research. Local Indian affairs. copy American Indian Advocate: Journal Devoted to the Red Race of North and South America. Published by the American Indian Association. Winter Issue. Vol. 4, No. 4, 1922. Personal and miscellaneous.]
1914-1934, undated
25 211
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 217 pages letters, printed material.
Corrs: C.L. Andrews, E.A. Brininstool, Thomas L. Broncheau*, Amos Wilkinson, Robert E. Strahorn, Susie White*, Ruth Cleveland, Chief Luther Standing Bear, C.W. Fitch, Lee Howard, Flora Hirschy, Albert W. Johnson, B.F. Manring, James Red Heart, Col. R.H. Wilson, J.P. MacLean, Yellow Wolf*, Sam Morris, Louis Mann*, Mrs. One Pine, W.K. Moorehead, William Charley*, Alonzo Victor Lewis, Mrs. Grace Gardner, V.N. Campbell, Lily Norling Hardwick, Frank G. Speck, E.E. Meredith, Peo-peo Tholekt*, William E. Connelley, Peter Mox-Mox, Caesar Williams*, Wondering Wolf (Jennie Lewis*), A.C. Coburn. [Chiefly personal. Matters of publication. The place of Chief Joseph's* surrender.]
1915-1941, undated
25 212
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 60 pages letters, notes, cls.
Corrs: V.O. McWhorter, J.P. MacLean (fragments of letters). [Misc fragmentary notes and cls.]
25 213
Mrs. Mitchell
cTwenty cls; approximately 85 pages letters (most are copies).
Corrs: Mrs. M.G. Mitchell (chief corr), Herbert S. Griggs, F.O. Hagie, Elvira Griggs, N.D. Showalter, A.H.B. Jordan, Asahel Curtis, Edmond Meany, Edward M. Barrows, John H. Williams, Victor J. Farrar, David Whitcomb, Richard Lloyd Jones, Louis Adams, Mrs. George F. Cram, A.L. Sommers, Paul Johns, J.M. Canse, F.L. Kersie. [Controversy re restoring the name "Mt. Tacoma" to Mt. Rainier 2 pages typescript by McWhorter titled "A Broadcast from Mars," undated.]
1916-1935, undated
25 214
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 60 pages letters.
Corrs: Nipo Strongheart, Stuart L. Elliott, O.T. McWhorter, Carlos Montezuma, Simon Goudy*, Mabel Woods (Mrs. Frederick B.) Hinrichs, W.F. Hamilton (Man Elk), E.W. Rockey, C.F. Larrabee, R.B. Milroy, Frank Bryant. [Matrimonial tangles of "Wasco Jim" Peters. Red Fox. Indian Bureau* Policy. McWhorter* genealogy and miscellaneous.]
25 215
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 60 pages clippings, letters, printed material.
Corrs: Lora McWhorter, Joseph W. Latimer, Grace Boles Hedge, Marion [Campbell], Harold J. Cundy, C.C. Dill, Arthur E. Bailey, The Select Press (E.F.M.?), Susie White*, O.C. Upchurch, W.N. Sickel, Wood Wren [pseud.], W.P. Bonney, George W. Blodgett, Lt. Col. Charles E.T. Lull, Roger Chute. [12 pages folder "The National Gallery of the American Indian, issued by the Board of Trustees," with accompanying letter, 1939. Membership card for American Military History Foundation with accompanying letter. 3 pages American History Foundation Bulletin No. 1, February 15, 1934, Project No. 1, "Directory of Original Sources." Misc clippings, mostly undated., re Yakima Humane Society and local Indian affairs. clipping, circa 1938,no source., "Chief American Horse Whets Tomahawk's Edge for 'Father' Collier," by Martha Strayer. clipping, "Wounded Knee Survivor Recalls Fray," Adelaide V. Lake, The Sunday Oregonian, Aug. 13, 1933. Personal affairs. Minor business matters and miscellaneous.]
1917-1941, undated
25 216
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
Letters, notes, printed matter.
[Letters addressed to various individuals that were either returned or that McWhorter* did not mail. 3 pages publicity article by Mary Avery re Dreamer religion and the McWhorter collection of papers at Washington State College. Photocopy of map: "Chief Joseph's* teepee location where he died (1904)," with affidavits; photocopies of two printed maps, "White Swan" and "Yakima Indian Reservation," from a Federal bill booklet negotiating adjustment claim concerning Yakima Reservation lands. Originals in Folder 531. Contributors list to a memorial fund for Tow-tow-nah-hee*, who was killed by an Indian scout; to erect a monument on the site of the Battle of Pah-qy-ti-koot*, known as Union Gap*.] (Note: This folder contains material on miscellaneous matters dated through 1956; however, it is not part of the original accession.)
1917-1944, undated
25 217
Captain Hembree
approximately 30 pages letters.
Corrs: W.P. Bonney, L.V. Eberhardt, R.B. Peterson, J[ames] M. O'Sullivan, S.J., Jennie C. (Mrs. F.C.) Koppen. [Plans to erect a monument marker to A.J. Hembree*, Capt. of Volunteers, killed in battle on Satus Mountain, April 10, 1856.]
1918-1922, undated
25 218
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 50 pages letters, cls.
Corrs: William E. Connelley, Vechten Waring, Louis Mann*, Listening Coyote, Yellow Wolf*, Many Wounds*, Peo-peo Tholekt*, Calista Dowling, Tom Waters, Alex Shawaway, Lawrence Cokely, Buffalo Ben Olney*. [3 cls Fairmont (WV) Times, June, 1930, commemorating memorial to Capt. James Booth, Revolutionary War hero. Note on Ahtanum canal. Personal and miscellaneous.]
1918-1930, undated
25 219
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 75 pages letters, printed material.
Corrs: Louis Mann*, W.D. Lyman, William Charley*, Rev. Red Fox Skiuhushu, Simon Goudy*, Charley Charles, E.H. Ferguson, W.P. Bonney, Charles S. Lusk, Ollie Jordan, N.B. Coffman, Mrs. Joe Evans, Frazer E. Wilson, A.L. Van Dyne, Ha-a-ko-wa-a [Martha McKelvie], E. Ruth Rockwood, Mrs. Arthur Tomeo, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Evans, Chief White Hawk [John Miller]*, Annie Cleveland, C.L. Andrews, Mrs. George Garner, Carlos Montezuma, Helen Remsberg. [Mimeo sheet "From article 3. Treaty with the Yakimas, 1855, Guaranteeing to the Yakima Indians: 'The exclusive right of taking fish in all of the streams .'" Bears note by McWhorter*: "Issued when the great legal fight was on re 'the Yakimas' right to take salmon at Top-tut, now Prosser, Yakima River*, an ancient fishery of the tribe. We won out in the finals." clipping, un, "Indians Have Contributed Much to Civilization." Red Fox's missionary endeavors. Horn shell wampum.] [Misc and personal.]
1918-1938, undated
25 220
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 50 pages letters, printed material.
Corrs: Joel E. Ferris, Homer Morrison, W.P. Bonney, P[erry] H. Kennerly, Mrs. White Elk, Hattie Starcher, M.A. Johnson, [Chief] John Buck*, W.B. Newcomb, Edward G. Swindell, Jr. [11 pages protests (cop) "in re application of Thomas L. Sloan for appointment as Commissioner of Indian Affairs," addressed to the Secretary of the Interior and signed by thirteen Indian representatives of various tribes, undated. copy program of Tepee Order of America banquet at Toppenish, WA, Mar. 29, 1919. Washington State Historical Society affairs. McWhorter's* previously published works. Minor business affairs.]
1918-1941, undated
25 221
[Correspondence: Personal.]
27 pages letters.
Corrs: Virgil McWhorter, Ovid McWhorter, J.C. (Jack) McWhorter, Mrs. Leni McWhorter Jenkins. [Personal and family matters.]
26 222
Viola Norwest re: May Orrell, Nurse
15 pages letters.
Corrs: May Orrell Bacheler, F.B. Chalcraft, Edwin L. Chalcraft, David Smith, William Charley*, May Orrell. [May Orrell's attempt to collect debt for nursing at Silitz Reservation.]
26 223
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 110 pages letters.
Corrs: V.O. McWhorter, Louis Mann*, Peo-peo Tholekt*, Francis McFarland, Charles H. Ross, Thomas H. Morrison, W.P. Bonney, Mrs. J.L. Jeffryes, Marion Parsons, John E. Rees, Francis M. Rookstool, J.T. Smith, Nipo [Strongheart], W.F. Turner, Elijah Williams, Yellow Wolf*, Tom Waters, Williams S(?) Waters, O.G. Brown, Evan W. Estep. [Monuments* for Chief Joseph* and Chief Lawyer*. Washington State Historical Society business. Nez Perce War. Indian artifacts. Definition of "Kittitas" from various correspondences Personal affairs.]
26 224
Endorsements of, and Correspondence Relating to Scarcity of Sale Copies of Border Settlers of Northwestern Virginia*, Etc
Cokely, A.H. Yoder, Charles H. Carpenter, O.A. West, W.A. Galloway, Ollie Jordan, Glen R. Holden, J.M. Kaiser. [Letters from readers. Personal.]
26 225
Mrs. McKelvie. 140 S. 26th St., Lincoln, Nebraska
19 pages. letters.
Corrs: chiefly Martha Groves McKelvie and Samuel McKelvie (ex-Governor of Nebraska) re Red Fox.
1920-1921, undated
26 226
Mrs. White Elk
approximately 20 pages letters.
Corr: Valley White Elk*. [Indian culture and personal matters. Her husband, White Elk, was a singer who was connected with a film company.]
26 227
[Correspondence & Notes: Humane Society.]
approximately 275 pages miscellaneous.
Corrs: A.C. Davis, Orpheus C. Soots, R.L. Quick, Rose P. (Kinne ?), W.O. Stillman, Charles M. Farrer, Don M. Carr, H.E. Hagerman, O.V. Battles, Jennie R. Nichols, Leopold L. Wilder, George Moody, J.H. Stuckrath, Theresa McGill, J.R. Schwartze & A.D. Dunn, Mae Mark [Nalder], Mrs. Harry John Miller, R.D. Nicholls, Mrs. A.M. Kelly, D.G. Smith, Besse A. Sloan, D.V. Morthland, Mark E. Reed, B.B.[Buffalo Ben] Olney*, Maggie [Maggie Jiggs, Jennie R. Nichols], Mrs. M.C. Moss, Mrs. J.O. Jeffery, Mrs. W.S. Doran, Charles H. Burke, Samuel Kantrowich, Harry L. Parr, Fred J. Cunningham, Josephine Corliss Preston, Mrs. E.M. Medaris, William H. Rice, Harl J. Cook, Olive C. McCabe, Robert O. Jones, Mrs. Ruth I. Workum, Mrs. Ethel T. Rugg, L.L. Thompson, Francis H. Rowley, E.B. Meritt, Emily K. Smith, John W. Summers, E.W. Estep, Ernest K. Coulter, Richard C. Craven, Rudolph Forster, W.L. Jones. [Concerning wild horses on Yakima Reservation; Anti-carnival bill; Petition for watering troughs* in Yakima; Letter on Black Beauty as moral and humane movie; the diving horse; eight misc humane broadsides; plus much miscellaneous humane work.]
1920-1924, undated
26 228
approximately 35 pages letters.
Corrs: James Lattimore Himrod, Ovid McWhorter, Mabel Ferris Keedick, A.L. Van Dyne, R.B. Crown, J.F. McGuire, J.G. Horne, Joseph Schafer, Fred High. [The International Fine Arts Exposition, 1924, Benton Harbor, Michigan. Himrod was director, McWhorter* furnished artifacts. "The Proposed American Indian Centenary." Proposed Convention to be held in 1921 at Prairie du Chien, WI.]
26 229
Historic Miscellany
approximately 60 pages letters, notes, mimeographed material.
Corrs: W. Hamilton (Man Elk), Evan W. Estep, Ovid McWhorter, Mrs. J.B. Davidson. [Elks fraternity jubilee. "The Substitution of Propaganda for Action in Indian Affairs," by John Collier, January 12, 1925. 11 pages pamphlet. Attack on Bureau of Indian Affairs. 5 pages open letter to President Calvin Coolidge over signature of John Collier, Executive Secretary, American Indian Defense Association, February, 1927. 2 pages open letter to Edgar B. Merritt, Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs, November 26, 1926, over group of typed names. 12 pages mimeographed, "Questions on the Indians and the Indian Bureau*: Addressed to the Hon. Edgar B. Meritt, Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs." 3 pages manuscript "The Long White Scar," by Ha-a-ko-a-wa. Story of the Indians' spiritual attachment to their homeland. Personal matters.]
1920-1926, undated
26 230
Buffalo B[en] Olney*
approximately 250 pages letters.
Corrs: Buffalo Ben Olney [chief corr], F.W.(M.?) Burnham, Thomas G. Bishop, John W. Summers, Red Fox Skiuhushu, Carlos Montezuma, J.E. Vandersloot. [Much misc material re misdeed of Rev. Red Fox. Material re an associate of Red Fox's, Black Hawk. Of this person McWhorter* says: " ... he is a white man.... You can rest assured of that."]
26 231
Buffalo B[en] Olney*
approximately 220 pages letters.
Corrs: Buffalo Ben Olney, John Billy, Red Fox Skiuhushu, W.F. Turner, Louie Wynaco. [Personal matters; Olney's disillusionment with the Christian church; Olney's financial difficulties.]
26 232
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 100 pages letters; few clippings, notes.
Corrs: Francis M. Rookstool, Ollie Jordan, Louis Charles Mann*, Mrs. J.M. Filloon, Valley White Elk*, Grace Boles Hedge, Kate Stevens Bates, George Peo-peo Tholekt*, Yellow Wolf*, E.A. Brininstool, E.E. Nelson, J.P. MacLean, Philip A. Moss, Albert Williams, Kate Williams, S.M. Brosius, Tom Crow, R.H. Anthony, Dorothy Prewitt (Mrs. Arthur H.) Pohlman; Jennie M. Lewis*, Charles F. Bolin. [Red Fox Skiuhushu. Indian Rights Assn.; removal of Supt. Don M. Carr. Personal and minor business matters.]
1920-1936, undated
27 233
[Washington State Historical Society.]
approximately 55 pages mimeo material, letters.
Corr: W.L. McCormick. [Washington State Historical Society and its merger with the Ferry Museum of Tacoma. Copies of Minutes of 1941 and 1943 meetings.]
27 234
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 90 pages. Corr, cls.
Corrs: Ruth M. Bryant, Richard G. Badger, William E. Johnson, Many Wounds*, R.H. Anthony, "Jayne," E.A. Brininstool, Lenora B. Simpkins, W.D. Vincent, William S. Lewis, Fannie Marie McWhorter, C.E. Revelle, William C. Brown, Alex McCoy [Owl-Child], Evan W. Estep, Frank Seelatsee, William E. Connelley, Kate Williams, Philip Howell, F.J. Clifford, G.F. Queen, George G. Heye, W.F. Hamilton, Willie Red Star, Chief Quiltininack, A. Albert, W.P. Bonney, Tom Waters. [McWhorter* points out that the " ... traditional lore of the aborigines is disappearing into the gloaming of oblivion." Preliminary corr re research on Chief Joseph*. correspondence re Washington State Historical Society and state appropriation for Eastern Washington State Historical Society. Number of places of worship in Yakima.]
1921-1927, undated
27 235
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 80 pages letters, cl.
Corrs: A.W. Swisher, Nipo Strongheart, Everett E. Wilder, Inno McGill, J.E. Johnson, W. Ketcham, Charles [H.] Carpenter, Father J.M. O'Sullivan, Winifred C. Rankin, A.A. Eggleston, Buffalo (Ben Olney*), Harry L. Englebright, Gus Perigot. [Cl Blue Lake (Calif.) Advocate, undated, "B.B. Olney Tells About Collett and the Indians." Frederick C. Collett and the Indian Board of Cooperation.]
1921-1932, undated
27 236
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 95 pages letters, clippings, printed material.
Corrs: Nipo Strongheart, Buffalo Ben Olney*, Louis Charles Mann*, Caesar Williams*, Kate Williams, J.P. MacLean, Evan W. Estep, Peo-peo Tholekt*, Francis M. Rookstool, Granville Lowther, Mrs. H.D. Blish, A.C. Coburn, Nealy N. Olney. [Pueblo land bill. Personal and miscellaneous.]
1921-1934, undated
27 237
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 100 pages letters, pamphlets, printed material.
Corrs: Joseph (Fuld?), Selden Smyser, Rowena L. Alcorn, Mildred Schmidtman, Ollie Jordan, F.G. Speck, Lawrence E. Lindley, Samuel Tilden, T.C. Elliott, Herman J. Deutsch, Roger Chute, H.M. Painter, Anne Shannon Monroe, Beverly Nixon, Ovid McWhorter, C.W. Fitch, Grace Hedge, W.F. Hamilton, Agnes C. Laut, E.A. Brininstool, Amos Wilkinson, Flora Hirschy, A.B. Bowden, Chief White Hawk*, C.M. Drury, Carlos Montezuma, [4 pages pamphlet, "Custer Battlefield National Cemetery." copy report, Seventy-Sixth Congress, First Session, Stay Proceedings-Apportionment of Waters/Ahtanum Creek Valley, Washington [irrigation* and water rights*]. Personal matters and minor points of research.]
27 238
[W.P.] Bonney
20 pages letters, cls.
Corrs: W.P. Bonney, Everett S. Dam, Earle O. Roberts, Marshall G. Ramsey, Archie Brown. [Chiefly re projected trip to photograph Indian inscriptions on stones at Priest Rapids. clipping, dated (1925) and identified "Fort Simcoe* is Going to Decay."]
27 239
[Correspondence: Alonzo Victor Lewis.]
approximately 150 pages letters.
Corrs: Alonzo Victor Lewis, Mrs. John H. Dunbar, J.P. MacLean, Ha-a-ko-wa-a [Martha Frances McKelvie]. [Proposed monument to Chief Joseph* and personal matters. 1 page holograph "Song to Chief Joseph," undated, by Alonzo Victor Lewis]
1923-1927, undated
27 240
[Washington State Monuments*.]
approximately 20 pages letters (2), printed material.
Corr: Buffalo Ben Olney*. [Misc mementos. Folder, "Geological, Tribal, Historical Monuments in the State of Washington / a Recreational Resource," by Ernest N. Hutchinson, Secretary Of State.]
1923-1928, undated
27 241
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 100 pages correspondence
Corrs: Mike Kirk, Mrs. G.W. Sanders, Mrs. J. Cahalan, Marion Parsons, Mrs. J[oseph] W. Fuld, Dr. Hermann Grad, W.M. Deisher, H.C. Turner, E.E. Cucuel, Bertha Haigh, Frank H. Kucera, L. Delaeter, Mrs. Clarence Parker, Mrs. Lily Norling Hardwick, Anna H. Jones, Mrs. Edmund Bowden, Rhoda M. White, B.F. Manring, E.G. Sissem, Gilman Hall, Raymond Fadden, W.D. Vincent, Douglas Hilts, A.B. Ostrander, Charles Blatchley, J.P. MacLean, Fred Lockley, E.S. McWhorter, Buffalo Ben Olney*, Mrs. P.M. Eva Sturdevant Troy, Mabel G. Cleland, Mrs. C.A. Brittain, J.W.S. Logie, Mrs. Charles C. Arnold, E.A. Walsh, Waldo S. Chase, Eugene G. Bryant, E.J. Wesson, Charles C. Field, Cash Asher. [Lists and book orders, Mourning Dove's Cogewea.]
1923-1932, undated
27 242
[Correspondence: Photographs.]
84 pages letters.
Corrs: George E. Hudson, Emil Kopac, James A. Wehn(?), Homer L. Morrison, W.P. Bonney, Harold Carey, John M. Edwards*, John L. Rooke, Earle R. Forrest, Ed Fredlund, Andrew Garcia*, Angie Burt Bowden, Mrs. Fred White, Camille Williams, Harrison Lott, A.B. Meacham*, M.G. Ramsey, C.R Noyes, Carl Schurra, Herbert W. Lord, Ralph H. Hansen, G.M. Brandborg, Julius E. Nordby, E.A. Brininstool. [correspondence re photographs of Camas Meadows*, Johnny Buck (Púckyatoot)*, Foster Battlefield*, Big Hole Battlefield*, Bears [sic] Paw Battleground* stake tabulation, Chief Joseph's monument*, Yellow Wolf's grave*, Captain [Willaim] Clark's descendants among the Flatheads (Yellow Hair, or, Tizs-klcr[sic]-not, Captain Clark's son; Mary*, Yellow Hair's daughter; Choo-num-eth-chi*, Mary's husband. Note by McWhorter: "Sacajawea confirmed the claim that Yellow Hair was the son of the explorer Clark."), Col. Parnell*, Stanton Gilbert Fisher* (scout for General O.O. Howard), Duncan McDonald* with first house built in Idaho [1809]*, Col. A.I. "Add" Chapman*, Indian warriors*: Joseph*, Yellow Bull*, Rascal Grizzly Youth*, Yellow Bear*, Chief Lawyer*, Chief Jason*, Chief Ugen-mal-ligkin*, Petk-telkl*, Kue-kul-lis-li-lihkin*, Ips-tsu-la-nen*, Charley Moses*, Black Eagle*, Jim Billy*, Victor Vanderberg*, Chief Martin Charlo[w]*; Thomas Waters* (interpreter), Tom Sherrill*, Bunch Sherrill*, "Medicine" tree*, Bugler Brooks' grave*. Nez Perce picture writing. Poem: "To the Blasted Pine Tree of Bear Gulch," by Andrew Garcia. Poem: "The Way of the World," by E.A. Brininstool (printed).]
1923-1945, undated
27 243
Sherburne. Letters From
approximately 30 pages letters.
Corrs: Joseph Herbert Sherburne, Sam Morris, Many Wounds*, C.A. Jakways. [Sherburne's experiences as Indian trader at the Ponca Agency in Oklahoma. Indian fighting in Montana. copy of letter McWhorter* to J.W. Langdon re leadership of Chief Lawyer* and Looking Glass.]
27 244
[Historical Markers.]
approximately 37 pages letters.
Corrs: Edmund B. Rogers, Frederic J. Haskin, J.P. MacLean, Tom Waters, Fay M. Orton, A.B. Ostrander, M. Bruce Burns, Viola (?), Dessie Fahringer, T.C. Elliott, Ovid McWhorter, J.W. Redington, Rush Jordan. [Chiefly re various monuments* to historic events in which McWhorter* was interested. Yellow Wolf*. Chief Kamiakun*. Tecumseh.]
27 245
[Correspondence: Personal.]
6 pages letters, manuscript.
Corr: Charley Charles. [Letters concern arrest of Indian boy. "Shame of Toppenish." 1 page manuscript.]
1925, undated
28 246
[Correspondence: Alonzo Victor Lewis.]
approximately 85 pages letters.
Corr: Alonzo Victor Lewis. [Monument to Chief Joseph*. Personal matters.]
28 247
[Alonzo Victor Lewis.]
approximately 50 pages letters, cls.
Corr: Alonzo Victor Lewis (one letter from Ovid McWhorter). [clippings, Spokane Daily Chronicle, Apr. 17, 1926, with pics statue of Lincoln made by Lewis for that city. Personal affairs.]
1925-1929, undated
28 248
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 90 pages letters.
Corrs: Caleb Carter, Harl J. Cook, A.R. Chapin, Amos Wilkinson, Vera L. Connolly, C.C. Dill, J.P. MacLean, Lloyd A. Finn, George W. Fuller, Evan W. Estep, P.M. Fogg, Maurice Fitzgerald, D.W. Greenberg, Dean H. Guie, Jay Lynch (copies), Flora Hirschy, Anna Hurst, Adelia Hawkins, Mike Kirk, B.F. Manring, Burton Lanphear, William C. Brown, W.P. Bonney, Lola Lowther. [Plans for a trip to Nez Perce battlefields. McWhorter's The Crime Against the Yakimas*. Local Indian affairs. Indian grievances against water policy* on Yakima Reservation. Attempts to locate survivors of Indian wars. Roads into Yakima Reservation. Indian artifacts*. Personal and miscellaneous.]
1926-1929, undated
28 249
[Correspondence: Francis M. Rookstool.]
approximately 75 pages letters.
[Personal matters.]
28 250
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 150 pages letters.
Corrs: E.E. Keister, Corinna Lindon Smith, C.A. Smith, John B. Somers, Nipo Strongheart, Joseph Schafer, A.A. Eggleston, Joseph Bauer, Amos Wilkinson, Anne Norwood, Caleb Carter. [Indian grievances against water policy* on Yakima reservation*. Proposed trip to Big Hole Battlefield*. Historical markers*. Nez Perce history: preliminary correspondence Personal and miscellaneous.]
1926-1932, undated
28 251
Nothing to be Noted. [Nez Perce Place and Tribal Names.]
32 pages letters.
Corrs: Lily Norling Hardwick, C.M. Drury, O.T. McWhorter, Ed Lyman, E.K. Brown, J.H. Horner, David Hilger, Frederick P. Todd, F. Stansbury Haydon, John M. Canse, George Peo-peo-tlike [Tholekt]*, [The right of James Wallahee* to succeed to the Yakima chiefship of Leshi Owhi. Place names in Wallowa County, Oregon*. The "debunking fallacy" as applied to early missionaries. Origin of name "Nez Perce," based on theory of Maj. C.T. Stranahan, former U.S. Indian agent, Nez Perce Indian Reservation. Notes these Indians called Chopunish by Lewis and Clark and that "Nez Perce" must have originated between 1805 and 1835.]
1926-1939, undated
28 252
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 40 pages letters.
Corrs: Clare S. Eddards, W.F. Hamilton, Louis Mann*, Nipo Strongheart, Mrs. W.F. Chute, Lenora Jack Saccacukoo, James H. Malone, Ollie Jordan, Homer L. Morrison, Fay M. Orton, Jay L. Sharon, E.A. Brinistool, Henry T. Meyer, W.D. Vincent, Thomas R. Horner, John Collier, Joseph W. Latimer. [clipping, Sept. 24, 1927, "Thomas R. Horner, Former Resident (of West Virginia) Dies at Seattle." One copy folder, commemorating dedication of Lewis and Clark Monument, Oct. 16, 1927, in the Columbia-Snake River Park at Pasco, WA. Personal affairs. Minor business matters.]
28 253
[Correspondence and Miscellaneous Material.]
approximately 60 pages letters, cls.
Corrs: W.P. Bonney, R.C. Schackman, Harold J. Cundy, Bruce McWhorter, Mildred Schmidtman, Grace Boles Hedge, Brin [E.A. Brininstool], Elmo Scott Watson, Joseph Joffe, William E. Kearns, Hiram W. Johnson, Rachel B. Barker, John Collier, Frances W. Monteith, Marion Campbell[-Brave Heart]. [Affairs of the Washington State Historical Society. McWhorter's* publications. Misc cls McWhorter and Yellow Wolf*. Appointment of Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Personal and business matters. Local Indian problems.]
1926-1942, undated
28 254
[Henry Horner.]
35 pages letters.
Corr: Henry Horner. [Photocopies of letters addressed to Henry Horner of Enterprise, Oregon, re various Nez Perce War accounts; the Battle of the Big Hole* and the Parker Indian Village.]
28 255
[Andrew Garcia*.]
35 pages letters, manuscript.
Corrs: Andrew Garcia, J.H. Sherburne, J.W. Redington, G.L. Beard. 23 pages manuscript "A Message From Garcia," re Chief Joseph* and the Nez Perce.
28 256
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 100 pages letters.
Corrs: E.A. Brininstool, W[illiam] C. Brown, Fred G. Bond, Mrs. W.F. Chute, Emma S. Ball, Scotland G. Highland, Fred E. Buck, M.C. Barnard, F.L. Ballard, Caleb Carter, Ovid McWhorter. [Pioneer Associations. McWhorter's* publications. Personal and miscellaneous Indian trapping. Nez Perce War. Yakima War.]
1927-1930, undated
28 257
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 150 pages letters.
Corrs: Josiah Hughes, J.L. Humble*, H.H. Hedges, W.A. Hedges, Ruth Harris, Marie Lindley, Elizabeth Lawrence, Alexander Leggat, Joseph W. Latimer, Agnes C. Laut, William S. Lewis, J.P. MacLean, L.R. McWhorter, Duncan McDonald*, Many Wounds*, Anne McDonnell, Martha Edgerton Plassmann, William E. Borah, Leo N. Sanford, Florence G. O'Connor, Mrs. J. Parker, H.M. Painter, W.A. Petzoldt, Horace N. Parker, Francis M. Rookstool, Laura G. Rogers, E.W.L. Rouleau, Anne Norwood [Indian affairs in Montana. Indian Bureau* affairs and policies. Writing on frontier subjects. Nez Perce who escaped to Canada. Personal and miscellaneous.]
28 258
[Correspondence: Research.]
approximately 25 pages letters.
Corrs: Ollie Jordan, Peo-peo Tholekt*, Yellow Wolf*, [Chief] Cleveland Kamikan* [sic] [Kamiakun]. [General matters re Indian research. Personal affairs.]
28 259
[J.W. Redington.]
30 pages letters.
Corrs: J.W. Redington, E.A. Brininstool. [Re Chief Joseph*, Col. Bailey*.]
28 260
[Correspondence: Books & Miscellaneous.]
207 pages corr, notes, clippings, printed matter, miscellaneous.
This folder contains material found in copies of books owned by McWhorter*. The correspondence and notes, arranged chronologically, primarily concern book exchanges or purchases. Corrs: Ella C. Hathaway, Laura P. Johnson Postmaster(?), James H. Malone, Mrs. James H. Malone, C.M. Drury, Mrs. Harriet L. Carstensen, C.L. Cannon, B.F. Manring, John E. Rees, Duncan McDonald*, Will Cave, L.V. McWhorter, George W. Hansen, M.H. Douglas, Oscar F. Keydel, W.C. Slaper, Uri Mulford, O.G. Libby, E.A. Brininstool, Edna Kenton. [The Frontier, a Magazine of the Northwest, index to Volume IX, nos. 1, 2, 3, 4; Nov. 1928 to May 1929. Misc notes and marginalia.] Note: Full bibliographic records for copies of the books associated with the items in this folder may be found by doing an "author" search on "McWhorter Collection" in the WSU Libraries online catalog.
1927-1934, undated
28 261
approximately 25 pages letters, cls.
Corrs: Grace Boles Hedge, A.L. Kirkpatrick, A.C. Laut, J.P. MacLean, Amos Wilkinson, Burr H. Simpson, Dave Dryden, Mildred [Schmidtman], Victoria Gillet, Sun-Rise, Mrs. Hugh Nicholson, Leah Segers. [Personal and miscellaneous.]
1927-1939, undated
29 262
Prof. Libby
20 pages letters.
Corrs: O.G. Libby (Secretary, State Historical Society of North Dakota), Florence H. Davis, Martha Edgerton Plassmann, Albert W. Johnson. [Chiefly concerns a story told by "Owl-Child*" to McWhorter* that he had seen Custer shoot himself twice. Owl-Child was a Wishram Indian "from the old Wishram village on the Columbia noted by Washington Irvin "who spent several years with the Piegans, during which time he claimed to have been an eyewitness to Custer's battle, with a group of Piegans hiding on the battlefield." Miscellaneous]
29 263
Colonel J.W. Redington
approximately 50 pages letters.
Corrs: J.W. Redington, W.C. Slaper, J.G. Rowton, Charles N. Loynes*, Many Wounds*, Duncan McDonald*, Harry Elofson. [Nez Perce history. Battle of Bear's Paw. 2 pages mimeo paper: "Service of Scouts and Couriers in Indian Wars," undated, anonymous. Some information about Lieut. L.H. Jerome, the "loud-speaking gun," and other matters noted elsewhere in the collection and appearing in Hear Me, My Chiefs!.]
1928-1932, undated
29 264
17 pages letters.
Corrs: H.S. Howard, C.O. Howard, Mrs. Grace (James T.) Gray. [correspondences are sons and daughter of Gen. O.O. Howard. Discussion of an article by Lieut. (C.E.S.) Wood in Century Magazine, May, 1884. Gen. Howard's relief of Col. Gibbon.]
29 265
Letters of Importance and Historic Facts
approximately 100 pages notes, letters, printed material.
Corrs: Paul G. Wapato, Alonzo Victor Lewis, Caleb Carter, W.P. Bonney, Carrie McWhorter(?), William S. Lewis, S.M. Brosius, A.E. Sheldon, Lynn J. Frazier, Martha McKelvie, Nealy N. Olney, W.K. Moorehead, Lenora B. Simpkins, F.O. Hagie, J.S. Whiting, W.A. Linklater, H.G. Avery, J.D. Knight, Frances Whitman Monteith, Emil Kopac, Eva Hunt Dockery. [Minor local Indian affairs. Arrangements of photos. Indian relief bills. Humane Society affairs. Notes on Marcus Whitman by Frances Whitman Monteith. clipping, Oregonian, Nov. 18, 1928. "Big Brother (McWhorter) Helps Indians Preserve their Rights." Discussion and description of original Fort Simcoe* buildings. Reprint article: William S. Lewis, "David Thompson Land Geographer of the Northwest." Northwest Science, IV (Dec. 1930), 4 pages. Personal and miscellaneous.]
29 266
Robert Ballou
approximately 25 pages letters, cls.
Corr: Robert Ballou. [McWhorter* takes exception to a book by Ballou Early Klickitat Valley Days in which Ballou presents a story of Indians murdering Major Andrew J. Bolon*.]
29 267
[Correspondence: Alonzo Victor Lewis.]
approximately 35 pages letters.
Corrs: Alonzo Victor Lewis, Yellow Wolf*. [Chief Joseph* monument. Indian artifacts.]
29 268
approximately 40 pages letters.
Corrs: A.L. Rookstool, Beatrice Arnold Giffin, Jack [McWhorter], George Roger Chute, S.C. Lapham, M.M. Quaife, Frederic F. Van de Water, Victor Spaulding, George N. Tuesley, J. (?) Frank Miller, Helen P. Woodward, Tom Waters, Adeline Andrews, Grace Gardener, J.P. MacLean, John Herrick, W.P. Bonney, C.L. Andrews. [Chiefly misc matters relating to various McWhorter* writing projects. Copy of McWhorter memorandum listing all his publications and editorial projects to date.]
29 269
approximately 50 pages letters, misc cls
re West Virginia. Corrs: Mrs. John (Jane) Russell Agee, Stanton C. Lapham, Virgil [McWhorter], Fred W. Clemens, Evelyn Wahlers. [Miscellaneous. Includes letter from S.C. Lapham re Columbia River Indian legends; cls of column titled "Jason's* Letter" from the The Buckhannon Record, Buckhannon, West Virginia]
29 270
Miscellaneous Letters
approximately 65 pages letters, notes.
Corrs: W.L. McCormick, N.B. Coffman, C.T. Stranahan, Ovid McWhorter, Byron Defenbach, Homer L. Morrison, G.H. Gilbertson, John Herrick, O.B. Sperlin, W.P. Bonney, Beulah Scott (Mrs. Christopher Pierce Scott), Mrs. Pearl Lincoln Walker, Frank George, Olaf Strandwold, F.S. Hall, Charles Miles. [3 pages bibliography of Nez Perce material. 1 page list of Nez Perce interpreters. One letter C.T. Stranahan re James Conley, survivor of Howard's army. 5 pages letters re Sokulk (Wana Pum) Indians and their request for land on the Columbia River. One cl re these Indians (Yakima Republic, Apr. 8, 1940). 2 pages notes, Indian Allotment Act of 1887 and "Indian Land Policy of the U.S." Misc matters, State Historical Society, local Indian affairs.]
1929-1940, undated
29 271
[Chief Kamiakun* Monument.]
7 pages letters.
Corrs: W.C. Brown, Edmond S. Meany. [Efforts to raise funds for a marker honoring Chief Kamiakun.]
29 272
[Correspondence: Ollie Jordan.]
approximately 75 pages letters.
[Personal matters. Jordan family.]
29 273
Yakima Park
approximately 65 pages letters, cls.
Corrs: F.O. Hagie, Mrs. M.G. Mitchell, F.L. Kersie, W.F. Clarke, W.P. Bonney, Mrs. Herbert [Elvira] Griggs. [2 cls (un) controversy over name of Mt. Rainier (or Mt. Tacoma). 4 clippings, Yakima Republic, (Sept. 6, 1930; Jan. 26, 1931), name of Yakima Park area of Rainier National Park. Misc corr, name of Mt. Rainier (or Mt. Tacoma) and name for Yakima Park area. Misc clippings, same matter as above. Letters, destruction of trees in Tacoma city park.]
1930-1933, undated
29 274
Correspondence re Tragedy of the Wahk-Shum
approximately 70 pages letters.
Corrs: Clarence P. Slagle, E.A. Brininstool, Walter S. Brown, Adam H. East, Grace B. Hedge, H.M. Lydenberg, Velma Handley Brown, Esther Jerabek, D.H. White, Robert A. McClure, Helen McRaith, C.W. Smith, Thomas M. Iiams, V.F. Starcher, J.G. Masters, Altha E. Fouch, Mrs. Chas Plowman, W.E. McWhorter, Mrs. George Garner, Sophia C. Kroll, Thomas Teakle, L.E. McWhorter, Sun-Rise, James M. Ashton, W.P. Bonney, Leslie E. Bliss, Ira D. Cardiff, E.F. Chase, Milda P. Cull, Herman J. Deutsch, George W. Dodds, Raymond Fadden, Morley Fox, Hilman F. Jones, Milda P. Cull, Gertrude Krausnick, Florence E. McLaughlin, Rufus W. Parker, William G. Perrow, Ruth S. Reynolds, M.D.L. Rhodes, Anne R. Robinson, O.B. Sperlin, C.C. Todd. [Sales, orders, comments, and testimonials re McWhorter's* pamphlet. This pamphlet was published in 1917 under the title Tragedy of the Wahk-Shum: Prelude to the Yakima Indian War, 1855-1856. Incidents of the Big Hole Battle*, as told by Mrs. Shot-in-Head* (1 page fragment ) Pertaining to lineage of Yellow Wolf*. (1 page manuscript fragment ) clippings, "Starting an Indian War," and re [Fannie] Charles Dillon.]
29 275
Pawpaw Correspondence
approximately 200 pages letters.
Corrs: B.R. Amend, Mrs. George Applegate, Lula Archer, E.M. Bailey, Eleanor J. Bangs, Mrs. Eddy Beller, Angie Burt Bowden, Herbert Bramley, Mrs. L.A. Champlin, Seth Clarkson, Mrs. W.P. Courtney, Frank A. DePue, John H. Ferryman, Urban Fisher, Mrs. H.L. French, W.J. Gould, Elvira Griggs, Eleanor J. Bangs, B.L. McGilchrist, Emma Hansen, C. Hansen, Mrs. H.B. Hayre, W.H. Hays, Fred Hickman, Mrs. M.S. Hineman, S.B. Householder, Mrs. Emma Howard, C.E. Huling, John T. Kraus, E.A.P. La Follette, Mrs. Sydney Lawrence, E.L. McClaine, Jr., B.L. McGilchrist, Mrs. C.R. Merrill, A.J. Miller, Mrs. J.M. Moran, W. Robert Murray, Frank Noc, Mrs. Charles Plowman, Goldie Avery Polachek, A.T. Rabeck, Bessie E. Rapp, Mrs. L.P. Rapp, Charles D. Raymer, H.E. Reed, Mrs. A.G. Reedholm, T.C. Richter, I.M. Schannep, W.M. Schwab, W.J. Shelton, Robert Shosteck, J.L. Smith (?), Sadie Taylor, Mrs. G.A. Voerge, Nora B. Whalen, Mrs. L. Williams, Mrs. F.M. Wood. [Letters re McWhorter's business of raising and selling pawpaw trees.]
30 276
Permits for Making Quotations...from Various Authors
approximately 50 pages letters.
[Permissions from publishing companies and authors to cite passages in various McWhorter works.]
1930-1943, undated
30 277
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
9 pages misc material.
[1 page manuscript. Chief Plenty Coups' speech at dedication of Tomb for the Unknown Soldier. 1 page reprint: "Showing What Early Settlers Had to Contend With: The Beaver Centennial Exposition, Inc., to Celebrate Some of the 1836 Happenings" re Henry and Elizabeth Spalding. Reprinted from Pacific Northwest Hotel News, May 2, 1931. Washington State travel expense vouchers.]
1931-1941, undated
30 278
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 50 pages letters, printed matter.
Corrs: Charles Miles, Ovid McWhorter, Fred Dustin, F. Running Bear, W.B. Brown, Johnny Buck*, E.A. Brininstool, J.M. Canse, Sam Lott [Many Wounds]*, Martha McKelvie, Margoria M. Haines. [Misc Indian affairs. Priest Rapids Fishery. Personal matters. 4 pages pamphlet: The American Indian: Captive or Citizen, Joseph W. Latimer, Peoria, Illinois, Dec. 1932.]
1931-1944, undated
30 279
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 60 pages letters.
Corrs: Alonzo Victor Lewis, Mrs. Jennie Kaiser, F.A. Gross, Velma Brown, Rita Breeze, E.A. Brininstool, Ovid McWhorter, Albert W. Johnson, C.L. Andrews, Andrew Garcia*. [Chiefly personal. Lists of Indian display objects furnished by McWhorter* for Washington's Birthday Celebration at the Yakima Fair Grounds in 1935.]
30 280
21 pages letters.
Corr: E.A. Brininstool. [McWhorter's* investigation of Custer, whom Brininstool calls an "idiot."]
1932-1941, undated
30 281
[Correspondence: Books & Miscellaneous.]
250 pages corr, notes, clippings, printed matter, miscellaneous.
This folder contains material found in copies of books owned by McWhorter*. The correspondence and notes, arranged chronologically, primarily concern book exchanges or purchases. Corrs: Daniel H. Newhall, H.G. Merriam, W.D. Vincent, R. Ross Arnold, E.A. Brininstool, O.J. McGillis, H. Miller (Charles Scribner's Sons), Charles Amos Buck, Mrs. Anne McDonnell, E.H. Thomas, Mary Lee Keister Talbot, Francis G. Bonham, Eugene B. Chaffee, Mrs. Ora B. Hawkins, Mrs. Altha Fouch, Helen Reensberg(?), J.E. Raymond, Eugene D. Hart, Helen Addison Howard, George Francis Brimlow. [Pamphlet "Souvenir of the Eighty-fourth Anniversary of the Organization of the First American Civil Government West of the Rocky Mountains Saturday, May Seventh, Nineteen Hundred Twenty-seven," with marginal note "Contains the vote of May 2, 1843, to determine the status of Oregon citizens re' Great Britain or the United States." Misc notes and marginalia.] Note: Full bibliographic records for copies of the books associated with the items in this folder may be found by doing an "author" search on "McWhorter Collection" in the WSU Libraries online catalog.
1932-1943, undated
30 282
18 pages letters.
Corrs: Brin [E.A. Brininstool], Louis Baeder, Charles D. Raymer, Mae Mark Nalder. [Mostly personal references to Shaker churches on Yakima Reservation.]
30 283
approximately 50 pages letters.
Corrs: Lily Norling Hardwick, Robert C. Gooch, Francis Haines, Katherine Anderson, William A. De Witt, Hattie Starcher, Homer L. Morrison, W.C. Sommers, E.B. Riley, Dr. Marion Campbell Brave Heart, Hazel Gay, Pal Clark, J.K. Rollinson, Joel E. Ferris, Anne Shannon Monroe, Samuel H. Thompson, Emil Kopac, Harvey K. Meyer, Miles (?), A. Bowden, J.E (?). Bryan, Beth Brenner, Scotland G. Highland. [Chiefly re sales and reviews or mentions of McWhorter's* books.]
1933-1941 undated
30 284
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 60 misc clippings, magazine covers, mementos, manuscripts. Various correspondences
[Religious matters. "Keepsakes." "The Rodeo, Fleet-Week, Seattle, WA" 8 pages manuscript.]
30 285
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 50 pages letters, manuscript, printed material.
Corrs: William C. Brown, Lt. Col. Charles E.T. Lull, Ollie Jordan, E.A. Brininstool, Martha McKelvie, Homer L. Morrison, Velma Brown, C.E. Whiteside, Princess Sun Flower, F[rank] J. Engles, W.L. McCormick. [Advertising folders for world premiere of American Indian grand opera "Osceola" and lectures by Warcaziwin (Sun Flower). Printed material re Oregon Trail Memorial Association. Mimeo sheets re the American Military Institute. Criticism of writing of Agnes Laut and other recent works on the Nez Perce. 1 page manuscript, "The Mount Diablo Legend," sent by C. E. Whiteside.]
1933-1944, undated
30 286
Corrs: "Jane" (Mrs. John Russell Agee), Mildred D. Schmidtman, Grace Hedge, Pat Fieldhouse, Emil Kopac, Graham Sharman, Ovid McWhorter, Leni [McWhorter Jenkins]. [Chiefly personal matters.]
30 287
In three parts: (1) "May-June, 1937." approximately 25 pages letters. Corrs: W.P. Bonney, B. Hill, Grace Gardner, Nipo [Strongheart], J.L.S. [J.L. Sharon], J.L. Chapman, Alonzo V. Lewis (Laow tick-tick ilp-ilp; Mud Sparrow), Frank George, Rowena L. Alcorn, Harrison Lott, Brin [E.A. Brininstool], Ovid [McWhorter], William Charley*, James T. Rahily, Ethel Smith Keim, Chief Clinton Richard, Helen Wilson. [McWhorter* says in letter to Tim Baldwin, Lakeview, OR: "The Indian lore in its primitive purity is about a thing of the past, for the younger generation do not learn it. " Data on the return of the Nez Perce to Lapwai.] (2) approximately 30 pages letters. "1935-1937." Corrs: Brin [E.A. Brininstool], Frank O. Schmitz, Rufus Parker, Nipo [Stongheart], B.F. Manring, Mrs. G. Gardner, Floss H. Loutzenhiser, J.R. Loutzenhiser, Marion Campbell Cole, Thomas Broncheau*, Stan C. Lapham, Charles D. Raymer. [Includes: 2 pages poem "Klahowyam Tillikums: Klaska Klatawa Kopa Klaska Tillikums," by S.C. Lapham. Misc and personal.] (3) "February, 1937." Also marked "Stranahan." approximately 30 pages letters, 10 pages misc cls. Corrs: C.T. Stranahan, Fannie Charles Dillon, Ovid [McWhorter], Rosetta (?), Mary Lee Talbot, Helen P. Woodward, Arthur J. Christopher, Nipo Strongheart, Frank A. DePue, Stanley and Glessner Draper, Mrs. Joseph W. Fuld, Kate Williams. [Stranahan gives information re killing of Mrs. Jack Manuel in the Salmon River uprising. Includes Stranahan letter on the origin of the name 'Nez Perce'; noted by McWhorter as being "chimerical" Copy of petition sent to John Collier, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, re Yakima Indian trapping rights.]
1934-1937, undated
30 288
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 100 pages letters.
Corrs: Pal Clark, Jeannette W. Rutledge, Susie White*, John C. Tainewasher, Charles N. Loynes*, Fay M. Orton, Mrs. S.M. Orton, Charles Miles, Don Russell, Muriel Rea Shutt, Harvey W. Harmer, Samuel Tilden, Ora D. Curry, May Case, Alton P. Tisdel, Grace Boles Hedge, Barney Bertinetti, Harry Stimson Howard, Jerome Peltier, Oscar M. Waddell, Mrs. Edmund Bowden, E.A. Brininstool, Beth Brenner (Po-gum-bie), George F. Brimlow, Louie Dick, Arthur B. Langlie, Martha McKelvie, Camille Williams, Sam Lott (Many Wounds)*. [Orders for McWhorter's* books. Discussions of projects with other writers. Copyright information. Indian artifacts desired, bought and sold. Monument to Yellow Wolf*. Personal and minor business matters.]
30 289
[Washington State Historical Society.]
approximately 100 pages letters, ditto and mimeo material.
Corrs: W.P. Bonney, Fay M. Orton, C.A. Matthews, Chapin D. Foster, Lancaster Pollard. [Minutes (ditto cop) "Washington State Historical Society, Regular Meeting of the Board of Curators," Dec. 5, 1942; Oct. 2, 1943; Dec. 4, 1943; June 3, 1944. Minutes (ditto cop) "Special Meeting of the Board of Curators," May 22, 1943; June 26, 1943. Minutes (ditto cop) "Regular Annual Meeting of Members," Feb. 5, 1944. Covering letters for above.]
31 290
[Correspondence and Miscellaneous Material.]
approximately 100 pages letters, clippings, misc printed mementos.
Corrs: Capt. Russell V. Steele, Vivian McMurtrey, M.D. Beal, K.D. Swan, Herbert Ingram Priestley, J.A. Faulkner, W.P. Bonney, John Miller*, Albert W. Johnson, W.C. Sommers, C.W. Fitch, C.L. Matheny, F.S. Hall, Herman J. Deutsch, Homer L. Morrison, E.A. Brininstool, E.S. Luce, Lancaster Pollard, Lewis B. Schwellenbach, Lawrence E. Lindley, John T. Ledger, Wm.C. Brown, Velma Handley Brown, Grace Boles Hedge, Frank G. Speck, Frank P. Donnelly, Mary E. (Mrs. W.H.) Keal, C.M. Drury, Robert Johnson, Grace E. Brown, S.P. Jocelyn; Lindley Eberstadt, Chapin D. Foster, May Case Clovis, Wm. Baines, Malvina T. Scheider [secretary to Mrs. Roosevelt], Lloyd L. Jones, L.B. Tennant, Albert W. Johnson. "H.L." [with the Arthur H. Clark Company], G.D. McQuesten, Major F.A. Gross. [Big Hole Battlefield*. Sketches by Captain Russell V. Steele. Book orders. Washington State Historical Society and Eastern Washington State Historical Society affairs. Financial assistance for McWhorter*. Discussions of and comments on books by other writers on western Indian fights. Indian affairs: "Birth Place of Chief Tecumseh," by Colonel William Hatch, "from a chapter on the history of the War of 1812 in the Northwest," memorials*, Indian schools, artifacts, Ahtanum water allocations*. 6 pages typescript: Captain Russell V. Steele, "Backwoods Warfare. The Rangers and Light Infantry in North America - Their Leaders, Uniform and Equipment. 1755-1758." Personal and misc.]
1934-1944, undated
31 291
17 pages letters.
Corrs: John Miller*, Simon Goudy*, Grace E. Brown, Robert Bruce, Verna Eastman, O.G. Libby, Anne McDonnell, Harold J. Cundy, Herman J. Deutsch, W.P. Bonney. [McWhorter's* Adventures in Geyserland and misc letters.]
31 292
14 pages letters.
Corrs: William McWhorter Patty, Dean [Guie], Verna Eastman, Evelyn Cornelius, Herman J. Deutsch, George H. Himes. [Miscellaneous Project to mark the Bear's Paw Mountain Battlefield, mentioned several times.]
31 293
approximately 25 pages.
Corrs: Nipo [Strongheart], C.R. Noyes, Edna H. Tucker, Mrs. [Grace] Gardner, H.L.Yarek, Francis H. Rowley, Mae Mark Nalder. [Personal matters. Some preliminary discussions of his "Field History."]
31 294
approximately 15 pages letters.
Corrs: Freling Foster, Frank O. Schmitz, Marion E. Gudley, Grace Boles Hedge, Mildred D. Schmidtman. [Chiefly personal. Some incidental references to the Nez Perce "Field History." Yakima War of 1855-56.]
31 295
approximately 20 pages letters.
Corrs: Emil Kopac, John G. Brown, "Jane" (Mrs. John Russell Agee), Nipo [Strongheart]. [Same as above.]
31 296
approximately 35 pages letters.
Corrs: W.P. Bonney, C.E. Dietz, W.A. Linklater, J.S. Whiting, James C. Howgate, E.A. Brininstool, Harold J. Cundy, Harvey K. Meyer, Thomas Broncheau*, John Collier. [Includes references to Frederick C. Collett, executive representative of Indians of California, Incorporated, and his suit against John Collier, U.S. Indian Commissioner. References to Buffalo Ben Olney* and Nipo Strongheart. McWhorter's* opinion of Collett decidedly unfavorable.]
31 297
approximately 50 pages letters.
Corrs: S.C. Lapham, J.G. Masters, Gertrude A. Griffin, Ovid [McWhorter], N.B. Coffman, John Miller*, George Peo-peo Tholekt*, Winifred M. Pomeroy, Delia (Morris) Stephenson, Nipo [Stongheart], Alicia Griffin, Sun-Rise, L.R.A. Condit, Velma H. Brown. [Includes: (a) copies of letters to Camille Williams, Kamiah, ID, re "Field History." (b) letter from S.C. Lapham, Marshfield, OR, says Coyote was never Indian god. "He was their laughable hero, trixter [sic] and teaching character, wonder worker and all the rest, but in the flesh he was a sneaking coyote just the same, and never a god or object of sacred esteem." (c) Letters re Ahtanum water situation, one from Winifred M. Pomeroy, Secretary to the Commissioner, Dept. of Indian Affairs. (d) Discussion by Nipo Strongheart of some Indian songs McWhorter had collected. (e) Copy of poem, "Incident of the Big Hole Battle*." (f) correspondence with S.C. Lapham re editing Indian legends. McWhorter* says: "I fully appreciate the diction of the native narrators, that there must be some modifications because of the widely different concepts of ethics of the two races, but there is a midway trail which can be followed to advantage." Lapham says: "After much study, and some contact of many years, I am coming to wonder if any one of us have come to know them intimately enough to present their ideas and ideals truly." "One of the most difficult things I encounter is keeping out white man's ideas, additions and morals." Gives example of collection he has come to regard as "phoney."]
31 298
approximately 15 pages letters.
Corrs: W.G. Perrow, C.E. Sweeney, W.H. McMurray, J.G. Masters, W.P. Bonney. [correspondence with Bonney on matters relating to Washington State Historical Society.]
1935-1936, undated
31 299
11 pages letters.
Corrs: William G. Perrow, Herman J. Deutsch, Chester A. Fee, Charles H. Carpenter, Nipo [Strongheart]. [Perkins massacre. Toppenish Battlefield. Personal and miscellaneous.]
31 300
Nipo Strongheart
approximately 75 pages letters
Corrs: Nipo Strongheart, M.A. Johnson. [Strongheart was at this time an Indian actor and research director in Hollywood, and was attempting to interest film studios in authentic representations of Indians and Indian music. Inheritance of Indian property.]
31 301
24 pages letters.
Corrs: Clifford M. Drury, L.V. Eberhardt, Grace Boles Hedge, S.C. Lapham, Anna McKee Halsey, Mary Lee K. Talbot, Sam Lott, C.T. Stranahan, Fannie Charles Dillon, Joseph Joffe, B.F. Manring. [Bear's Paw Battlefield. Personal and miscellaneous.]
31 302
Caxton Correspondence. Yellow Wolf
approximately 50 pages letters.
Corrs: J.H. Gipson, Ovid McWhorter, Frederick F. Van de Water, E.A. Brininstool. [Publishing issues, general editorial considerations, the use of a glossary, method for dealing with variants of Indian names, the use of interpreters.]
31 303
[Washington State Historical Society.]
approximately 30 pages letters, ditto and mimeo material.
Corr: W.L. McCormick. [Minutes (ditto cop) Washington State Historical Society bi-monthly meeting, Oct. 2, 1937; Dec. 4, 1937. Minutes (ditto cop) "Annual Meeting," Feb. 6, 1937. Covering letters for above.]
31 304
[Washington State Historical Society.]
30 pages duplicated material.
[copies of minutes of meetings, Washington State Historical Society Board of Curators, Feb. 5, Apr. 2, June 4, Oct. 1, Dec. 3, 1938.]
31 305
[C.M. Drury.]
30 p letters.
Corrs: W.P. Bonney, C.M. Drury. [Publication matters.]
31 306
[McWhorter Archive.]
Letters, notes.
Corrs: Virgil McWhorter, E.O. Holland, O.T. McWhorter, Mary Armstrong, Herman J. Deutsch, W.W. Foote, Ruth B. Bordin, C.R. Armstrong, Mae Nalder, Mary Avery, R. L. Webster, I.I. Lewellen, Leona Ford, C.M. Brewster. Re donation of McWhorter Collection to the State College of Washington. Inventory of materials essential for the completion of McWhorter's* Nez Perce history, including editorial notes re the "Field History." Bibliographies. Inventory of McWhorter artifacts*. Inventories of books and manuscripts from McWhorter's library.
32 307
Corres[pondence]: Yellow Wolf
approximately 200 pages letters.
Corrs: Milton R. Mills, J.H. Gipson, Mabel S. Clore, Ovid McWhorter, John Ludlow. [Publishing issues, general editorial considerations, the use of a glossary, method for dealing with variants of Indian names, the use of interpreters. 3 pages letter re these issues by Milton R. Mills, June 27, 1939.]
32 308
Correspondence, Caxton- Yellow Wolf
approximately 200 letters, bills, invoices, orders.
Corrs: Gordon Gipson, J.H. Gipson, Ovid McWhorter, Mabel S. Clore, Milton R. Mills, John Ludlow. [Publishing issues, general editorial considerations, the use of a glossary, method for dealing with variants of Indian names, the use of interpreters.]
32 309
Yellow Wolf
approximately 150 pages letters.
Corrs: J.H. Gipson, Homer L. Morrison, Mabel S. Clore, Milton R. Mills. [Publishing issues, general editorial considerations, the use of a glossary, method for dealing with variants of Indian names, the use of interpreters.]
32 310
Jubilee Correspondence
approximately 50 pages letters.
Corrs: Charles Miles (chief correspondent), W.L. McCormick, N.B. Coffman, Harry P. Cain, M. Bounds. [Washington State Golden Jubilee, sponsored by the Washington State Historical Society.]
32 311
[Washington State Historical Society.]
approximately 50 pages mimeo material.
[copies minutes "Washington State Historical Society Regular Meeting of the Board of Curators," Feb. 4, Apr. 1, June 3, Aug. 12, Oct. 7, Dec. 2, 1939.]
32 312
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 200 pages letters, clippings, printed matter.
Corrs: Marion Campbell [Cole], Homer L. Morrison, Frank George, William C. Brown, Alonzo Victor Lewis, Chapin D. Foster, F.A. Gross, Warcaziwin (Sunflower), Byron Defenbach, M.D. Beal, Mary M. Reagan, Nipo Strongheart, E.A. Brininstool, Compton I. White, Flora Hirschy, Ed Kopac, Emil Kopac, C.E. Whiteside, Ovid McWhorter, Elmo Scott Watson, Sam Thompson, M.A. Johnson, Capt. Russel V. Steele, Percy White (?), Ray Moree, Velma Brown, Mrs. Grace Gardner, George E. Hudson, Ernest J. Wessen, Edmund B. Rogers, Bess E. Harrison. [Similar to above. Plan to move Yellow Wolf's* body to a more suitable burial place. H.R. 4331: bill in Congress for memorial to Chief Joseph*. Cl re Jim Thorpe. "Song to Chief Joseph," variant in letter by Alonzo Victor Lewis.]
1939-1944, undated
32 313
[Washington State Historical Society.]
approximately 100 pages ditto and carbon material.
[Copies of minutes of meetings, Washington State Historical Society Board of Curators, Feb. 3, Apr. 8, June 1, Oct. 5, Dec. 7, 1940.]
32 314
[Correspondence: Publishing.]
approximately 100 pages letters.
Corrs: J.H. Gipson, Ovid McWhorter, Joyce Sharp, Frank J. Engles, Charles N. Loynes*, C.R. Noyes, Po-gum-bie (Beth Brenner), Robert S. Ellison, E.F. Chase, Fred Dustin, Rush Jordan, Herman J. Deutsch, Francis Haines, H. Hackedorn, Mrs. C.W. Francis, Ralph McWhorter, E.A. Brininstool, Harry S. Howard, Don Russell, Alonzo Lewis, G.F. [George Francis] Brimlow, O.G. Libby, C.M. Drury, Frank G. Speck, H.M. Painter, Mrs. Anne McDonnell, A.W. Swisher, Jennie H. Lattin, T.C. Elliott, John G. Brown. [Publishing details and acknowledgments for receipt of copies of Yellow Wolf.]
32 315
[Correspondence on Vandalism.]
14 pages letters.
Corrs: Ivy Llewellen, C.C. Todd, Paul Sieg, G. Dowe McQuesten. [Proposed state law to prevent loss of state's archeological resources from vandalism.]
33 316
[Washington State Historical Society.]
approximately 30 pages duplicated material.
[copy minutes "Washington State Historical Society Meeting of Board of Curators," Oct. 4, 1941. copy minutes "Special Meeting," June 21, 1941; July 19, 1941. copy minutes "Regular Meeting," Feb. 1, 1941; Apr. 5, 1941.]
33 317
Caxton Printers: Yellow Wolf
8 pages letters.
Corrs: Ida Sanderson, A. Bancroft Wells, J.H. Gipson, Mabel S. Clore, Gordon Gipson, Merle Hagmann. [Sales and royalties of Yellow Wolf and business matters re its publication.]
33 318
Caxton Printing Concerning Yellow Wolf
approximately 25 pages letters, cls.
Corrs: E.E. Meredith, R[oy] A. West, J.H. Gipson, M.A. Johnson, Gordon Gipson, John Ludlow, Ida Sanderson, Alma Lorentz, Mabel S. Clore, Minnie Kendall Lowther, A. Bancroft Wells. [Some contents similar to above. Misc corr re Yellow Wolf and McWhorter's* earlier Border Settlers. Cls are from Fairmont (WV) Times, 1942, re Border Settlers.]
1941-1942, undated
33 319
[Caxton Printing.]
approximately 75 pages letters.
Corrs: J.H. Gipson, Gordon Gipson, Ida Sanderson, Florence G. Fitch, Emil Kopac, Franklin L. Burdette, Ora B. Hawkins. [Some contents similar to above. Misc correspondence with Selective Service Boards concerning Indians.]
1941-1943, undated
33 320
[Washington State Historical Society.]
approximately 40 pages mimeo and duplicated material.
[copy minutes "Washington State Historical Society Annual meeting of Board of Curators, Tacoma, Washington," Feb. 7, June 6, Aug. 1, Oct. 3, 1942. copy minutes "Regular Annual Membership Meeting," Feb. 7, 1942. Cop minutes "..Executive Committee Meeting," Feb. 28, 1942." Mimeo "Discovery Days in the Northeast (?) Pacific[:] The Sesqui-centennial of Yankee Exploits Along Uncharted Shores," John M. Canse, Feb. 7, 1942. Address by W.L. McCormick at annual membership meeting, Feb. 7, 1942. "List of Active Members," Mar. 23, 1942. Copy charter of Utah State Historical Society.]
33 321
approximately 100 poems.
[Short poems by McWhorter and others, the bulk of which are typed, many under the general title "Gems and Gems."]
circa 1943, undated
33 322
[Big Hole Battlefield*.]
5 pages letters.
Corr: M.D. Beal.
33 323
[Correspondence: Books & Miscellaneous.]
280 pages corr, notes, clippings, printed matter, miscellaneous.
This folder contains material found in copies of books owned by McWhorter*. The correspondence and notes primarily concern book exchanges or purchases. Corrs: E.W. Reynolds, Mabel Powers. [Misc notes and marginalia.] Note: Full bibliographic records for copies of the books associated with the items in this folder may be found by doing an "author" search on "McWhorter Collection" in the WSU online catalog.
33 324
[8 pages parody of "Mary Had a Little Lamb."]
33 325
[McWhorter Archive.] Note: This file includes material dated 1946-1954 that relates to work on McWhorter's "Field History" manuscript and to the provenance, disposition, and processing of the McWhorter collection; however, it is not part of the original accession.]
33 326
[McWhorter Archive.] Note: This file includes material dated 1953-1981 that relates to work on McWhorter's "Field History" manuscript and to the provenance, disposition, and processing of the McWhorter collection; however, it is not part of the original accession.]
33 327
[McWhorter Archive.] Note: This file includes material dated 1950-1955 that relates to work on McWhorter's "Field History" manuscript and to the provenance, disposition, and processing of the McWhorter collection; however, it is not part of the original accession.]
33 328
[Obituary: Virgil O. McWhorter.] 2 pages copy of obituary note written for The Record Bulletin, of Prosser, WA, of Nov. 8, 1956, on the life of Virgil O. McWhorter, son of L.V. McWhorter*, who saw to it that the publication of Hear Me, My Chiefs! was made possible. [Not part of original accession].

Series 4: Indian Affairs Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Subseries 4.1: Nez Perces
Box Folder
34 329
[Miscellaneous Nez Perce Material.]
approximately 50 misc clippings, letters.
Corr: Ethel L. Kirk. Misc news stories re Indians, General George Crook. Following cls are included: "The Flight of the Nez Perces," Mrs. M.E. Plassmann, Dillon Examiner, Mar. 23, 1927. "Indians Leave Joseph* Marker Near Chinook," The Great Falls Tribune, July 10, 1928. Photocopy of sketch map: "Road Map from Big Hole Battle Field to Helena, Montana, via Dillon, Montana. Drawn by Prof. Rush Jordan, April, 1930." Original in Folder 557.]
1916-1931, undated
34 330
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
37 pages letters, manuscripts.
Corrs: Chief Tomeo Kamiakun*, Harvey K. Meyer, Dean Guie, J.R. Hillain, Jas. Stuart, Mrs. James H. Evans, Louis R. Glavis, Ethel L. Kirk, Lynn Frazier. [Misc correspondence re McWhorter's Nez Perce history. Robert Luke, Indian boy paroled to McWhorter*. 3 pages manuscript, "Thieving of Agency Officials at Lapwai*," by J[ames] H. Evans. 2 pages manuscript "Regarding Spalding Land Acquirement," by James H. Evans. 2 pages manuscript "Incident of 'Capt.' John and 'Baby.'" Misc Indian affairs.]
1928-1931, undated
34 331
[Yellow Wolf* Memorial.]
20 pages letters, notes.
Corrs: F.A. Gross, E.O. Holland, A.L. Anderson, Jack Crawford, Jerome Peltier, D.F. McCurrah, Lancaster Pollard, Harvey K. Meyer, M.D. Schmidtman, Elizabeth Prior, G. Dowe McQuesten. [Re a projected memorial to Yellow Wolf to be erected at Nespelem, Washington. List of subscribers to the memorial.]
Subseries 4.2: Yakimas
Box Folder
34 332
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 30 pages letters, clippings, printed matter.
Corrs: Duncan McDonald*, Richard Allen, Charles N. Loynes*, Sam Thompson, Robert Hitchman, A.A. Grorud, W.P. Bonney, S.M. Brosius, Carroll B. Graves, W.H. Holmes, O.C. Moore. [Early Hudson's Bay Co. trading post. Indian relics*. Fragment of rope that hung [sic] murderer Tom Woolfolt(?)). Gen. Robert E. Lee. Indian water rights*(Yakima Indians and the Jones Bill, 1913). copy House Resolution 1917, 63d Congress, 1st Session, May 7, 1913, amendment to Jones Bill re Yakima Indian Reservation water distribution. Misc matters.]
34 333
[Yakima Reservation Boundaries.]
approximately 20 pages petitions and legal papers.
(3 pages typed copy petition dated 1905, presented by Yakima Indian tribe to the Indian Agency at Fort Simcoe* re 1904 national legislation affecting the tribe. Eight grants of copyright issued to McWhorter by the Library of Congress for pics, 1907. Resolution, bearing signatures of Yakima Indians, 1904, granting power of attorney to attorneys and agents representing the Indians in Washington re a disputed boundary line on the Yakima Reservation. copy 1905 petition to Dept. of Interior re this dispute. copy 1905 resolution asking for payment of bills for Indians' Attorneys and Agents, and an investigation by the Secretary of the Interior of 1905 legislation adversely affecting the Yakimas. 3 pages typescript, undated, "Petition to the President of the United States," re alleged violations of the Treaty of 1855.]
1904-1907, undated
34 334
[Irrigation* and Yakima Indian Lands.]
approximately 35 pages letters.
Corrs: Lancaster Spencer, Caesar Williams*, Alex McCoy [Owl-Child], John Yum-tee-bee (Um-tee-bee), H.M. Gilbert, David Williams*, Louis Mann*, E. Dick, Smith Luce-i. [Chiefly re Chief Um-tee-bee at Fort Simcoe* and Caesar Williams, their personal affairs and their reaction to a proposed disposition of Indian lands, and to an irrigation project including Indian lands.]
34 335
Jay Lynch Correspondence. Yakima Indian Agency
approximately 85 pages letters.
Corrs: Jay Lynch, Don M. Carr, C.F. Larrabee, Charles H. Swigert, Ernest Knaebel, H.M. Gilbert, Ralph B. Williamson. [Irrigation* of Yakima Indian lands. Irrigation* of Umatilla Indian lands.]
34 336
[Yakima Indian Affairs.]
approximately 380 pages letters and papers.
Corrs: Louis Mann* (chief corr), William E. Johnson, Ernest J. Bloom, Billie Captain Wholite*, William Charley*, Warren K. Moorehead, H.A. Larson, T.L. Jones (?), Samuel M. Brosius, William Verran, Sam Young, Walter L. Fisher, E.A. Hitchcock, D.C. Henny, Thomas Ryan, Wesley L. Jones, R.H. Johnson, H.B. Averill, Yellow Wolf*, E.B. Limen, E.B. Meritt, Simon Goudy*, J.P. MacLean, Mrs. Caesar Williams, Winnie Wak tash nashute (Watosh nassuth), Harvey Schuster, Lancaster Spencer, Kate Williams, Billy Whitethunder, Caesar Williams*, M.C. Mann, Tom Waters, James Wm. Martin, Charles H. Swigert, John Francis, Jr., Stwire G. Waters, Merrill E. Little (?), Shaw-aw-way coot-ahy-ah, H.M. Gilbert, Z.Y. Coleman, C.T. Atwood, Peter McGuff (?), and others. [Many letters re water rights* on the Yakima Reservation. Copy of 2 pages petition present Congress by Yakima Tribal Council (of which Louis Mann was secretary) re these rights (April 2, 1913). 12 pages copies of Dept. of Interior letters re the water distribution (1905). Protests of Yakima Indians against Senate Bill 6603 which, they felt, would deprive them of their water rights (1912). clipping, un, "The Singed Spot on the Cottonwood tail." Indian legend. copy of petition of Yakima Indians at White Swan (1915) for allotment of lands to their children. Miscellaneous.]
1906-1918, undated
35 337
[Yakima Indian Affairs: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 25 pages letters
Corrs: Barbara Fossett, W.P. Bonney, Theodore L. Prince, Buffalo B[en] Olney*, J.P. MacLean, George H. Himes, T.H. Martin, S.M. Brosius. [Misc Yakima Indian affairs. Some information re Frederic C. Collett.]
35 338
Yakima Council*, etc
approximately 100 pages letters, notes, clippings, manuscript.
Corrs: Jay Lynch, C.F. Hauke, Sam Young, Charles H. Dickson, S.M. Brosius, Louis Mann*, Mrs. Hamilton J. Riggins, Mrs. Diana Belais, Elizabeth G. Cary (Maywee-peo-peo-hi-hi), N.K. Buck, Joseph C. Cheney, Don M. Carr, William Charley*, W.E. Johnson, James M. O'Sullivan, Mrs. George Garner, Simon Goudy*, Nipo Strongheart, Charley H. Charles, John W. Hays, Caesar Williams, Yellow Wolf*, Joe W. Phillips. [Misc letters; unfair Indian allotments (1910). Yakima fishing* rights and controversy over water rights*; allotments. Indian citizenship. Allotments for children. Caesar Williams. Misc personal correspondence]
1906-1932, undated
35 339
[Yakima Indian Affairs.]
approximately 200 pages letters.
Corrs: Louis Mann* (chiefly), Mrs. B.F. Rogers, Dennison Wheelock, S.M. Brosius, Ira(?) P. Englehart, C.T.[F.] Hauke, James Wm. Martin, Harold B. Gilbert, Charles C. Olney. [Louis Mann's personal problems. Re Sluskin, Qual-chan. Indian Bureau* policies. Irrigation problems* on Yakima Indian lands. McWhorter manuscript: "Final of Sluskin Talk," (2 pages). Indian hunting rights. Indian Rights Association. Needs of the Indian land allottees at Ahtanum. 8 pages letter re Yakima Indian General Council, Jan. 13-14, 1916. (Re injustices caused by D.M. Carr and L.M. Holt in selling allotments, water rights*, irrigation* concerns.)]
1907-1916, undated
35 340
Tribal Court- Caesar Williams'* Case. Part of Correspondence- Last Part- Not in this Jacket. Case Compromised on a $15 Fine. L.V. McWhorter*
approximately 85 pages letters, notes.
Corrs: Sam Young, A.C. McDonald, Caesar Williams, H.B. Miller, J.B. Swisher, Ovid McWhorter, Frank H. Scott, Lillie Stalnaker, William S. O'Brien, W.C. Dodrill, J.G. Jackson, Sue Winegarden. [approximately 20 pages letters, 1911, Yakima Indian Tribal Court case of Caesar Williams and His Wife. Each fined for "discourteous action" involving reservation policeman. approximately 30 pages letters, 1916; history and family connections of various Indians and of Robert Pelky, a Colville trader who married Sophia Antwine, a Colville-Lake Indian. approximately 35 pages notes and letters re Border Settlers.]
1907-1917, undated
35 341
[Yakima Indian Affairs.]
approximately 100 pages letters.
Corrs: William Charley*, Mrs. White Elk, J.W. Langdon, H.C. Marshall, Yellow Wolf (White Thunder)*, David Williams*, Stwire G. Waters, Louis Charles Mann*, Mrs. Kate Stevens Bates, Thomas Waters, J.M. Lewis*, Margaret (Lewis), Moses Mann, Caesar Williams, P. Williams, Peo-peo Tholekt*, W.E. Johnson, W.R. Cunningham, R.L. Stout, E.M. Cherry, Mrs. R.R. Rees, Harry Owhi. [copy petition to Secy. of Interior and Commissioner of Indian Affairs, July 18, 1923, asking return of Yakima Indian Agency headquarters to Fort Simcoe*. Signed by ten Indians. Domestic problems of Indians. Indian artifacts* bought and sold. Louis Mann's irrigation troubles*.]
1907-1940, undated
35 342
[Yakima Indian Affairs.]
approximately 100 pages letters.
Corrs: Sam Young, Peter McGuff, J.C. (Jack) McWhorter, John W. Davis, Harve H. Phipps, Don M. Carr, Louis Mann*, J.B. Monroe, S.M. Brosius, Frank Conley, Paul Salzer, Joseph Craig, Arthur C. Parker, E.B. Meritt, Cato Sells, Simon Goudy*, Charles E. Barrett, J.P. MacLean. [File bears McWhorter note: "This file show [sic] the deception tactics of Supt. Young." Letters center around the irrigation controversy dealt with above. Sam Young was superintendent. Yakima Agency, Fort Simcoe*. McWhorter* contends that "The Indian petition for water right under the Wapato Canal, as described provides that the Indian is to hold all the land so watered, and that no part of it is to be sold." Much of the material in this file was used in McWhorter's The Crime Against the Yakimas*. correspondence with S.M. Brosius, Indian Rights Association, re trip by Louis Mann and Chief Tecumseh to Washington, D.C., to protest against legislation affecting Indian water rights. Material concerning prison record of Perry H. Kennerly, active in the "Brotherhood of American Indians." Petition by Chief Sa-lus-kin, Jan. 31, 1913, to Miles Poindexter, U.S. Senate grievances over water rights* and land allotment. Accompanying correspondence Misc corr re Indian rights and grievances.]
1908-1918, undated
35 343
[Yakima Indian Affairs.]
approximately 75 pages letters, petition forms, printed material.
Corrs: C.F. Hauke, F.H. Abbott, Chief Yum-tee-bee (Um-ta-pee), Lancaster Spencer, Smith Luce-i, Warren K. Moorehead, Sam Young, Don M. Carr, Louis Mann*. [Grazing problems on the Yakima Reservation. copies petition forms for sale of Indian lands. copy power of attorney form. Handwritten petition, Jan. 23, 1912, signed by fifty-one Indians in "Protest against the power of attorney and contract and assignments which Harve H. Phipps of Spokane, WA, and Richard C. Adams of Washington, D.C. have been inducing members of our Tribes to sign since we belive [sic] the activity of these parties has been solely for the amount of money they can get out of it." Three copies "Power of Attorney," "Contract for Assignment of Attorney and Fee Agreement." Copy of "Jones Bill" An Act Authorizing the disposition of surplus and Allotted lands on the Yakima Indian Reservation. Mar. 6, 1906. 7 pages copy Congressional committee report, House of Representatives, Report No. 1477, 59th Congress, First Session: Surplus and Allotted Lands on the Yakima Indian Reservation. 6 pages letter McWhorter to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, June 8, 1909, outlining Yakima Indian range complaints and other grievances. copy petition signed by thirty-one Indians, April 13, 1911, addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, asking for the "watering of their lands under the proposed Wapato Canal." Letters accompanying petition. copy petition signed by fifteen Indians, addressed to Richard Ballinger, Secretary of the Interior, August 24, 1909. Asks that the government refrain from opening the Yakima Reservation without the consent of the tribe; that the Indians be allowed to retain their canal at Union Gap*; and other grievances (irrigation* and water rights*). Accompanying letters.]
35 344
[Yakima Indian Affairs.]
approximately 65 pages letters, printed material.
Corrs: Sam Young, R.A. Ballinger, Louis Mann*, W.E. Johnson, S.M. Brosius, Walter L. Fisher, Merrill E. Gates, Wesley L. Jones, Lancaster Spencer, Miles Poindexter, Frank Meachem, Smith Luce-i. [Protest to Secretary of Interior Walter L. Fisher, 1912, against promotion of F.H. Abbott to position of Indian Commissioner. Liquor problem on the Yakima Reservation. Land allotments of various Indians. Water rights* controversy on Yakima Reservation. Pension claims of various Indians. Petition, 1910, of Yakima Tribes to remove Sam Young from his position as Indian Agent. copy S. 1981, 61st Congress, Second Session, Feb. 14, 1910: "An Act to amend section one of an Act approved January thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, entitled 'An Act to prohibit the sale of intoxicating drinks to Indians, providing penalties therefor, and for other purposes.'" House Resolution 22846: "An Act to promote the efficiency of the militia ... "]
35 345
[Yakima Indian Affairs.]
105 pages letters, printed material.
Corrs: Lancaster Spencer, Stwire G. Waters, Nealy N. Olney, Harry W. Wheeler, Walter L. Fisher, S.M. Brosius, William E. Johnson, Warren K. Moorehead, Chief Yum-tee-bee, F.H. Abbott, Sam Young, Joseph Craig, Harve H. Phipps, Louis Mann*, R. Valentine, Florence L. Cummings. [3 pages cop "Constitution Brotherhood of North American Indians." Pima Indian water rights* on the Gila River. Assignment of S.M. Brosius, Indian Rights Association, as "agent and attorney, to protest against the enactment of any legislation by the Congress of the U.S., which will in any manner limit or deprive us (the Yakima Indians) of the unlimited use of our just share of water for irrigation of the lands of our reservation from streams within or bordering upon our reservation." Louis Mann's water rights*. Society of American Indians. Indian land allotments on the Yakima Reservation. Misc Indian and personal affairs. House Joint Resolution 250, 62d Congress, Second Session, Feb. 22, 1912. " [to] adjudicate the rights of the Yakima Indians to the use of water, for irrigation purposes, of Ahtanum Creek and the Yakima River*." 7 pages letter to House of Representatives re Pima Indian water rights on the Gila River. Assignment of S.M. Brosius, Indian Rights Association as "agent and attorney, to protest against the enactment of any legislation by the Congress of the U.S., which will in any manner limit or deprive us (the Yakima Indians) of the unlimited use of our just share of water for irrigation of the lands of our reservation from streams within or bordering upon our reservation." House Resolution 28406 (Indian Appropriations Act), 61st Congress, Third Session, January 13, 1911. "For the construction and improvement of wagon roads on the Yakima Reservation...." Letters re U.S. Circular No. 391 dealing with indebtedness of Indians, both competent and non competent, and the adjustment of any owed claims. Letters re prohibition of Indian dancing, drinking, gambling, horse racing and "all kinds of fun." 3 pages mimeograph of "Constitution of the Brotherhood of North American Indians (National Organization)," undated.]
1909-1913, undated
35 346
Mostly Indian Affairs But Not Wholly Classified [Yakima.]
67 pages letters, petition forms.
Corrs: W.E. Johnson, James McLaughlin, R. Valentine, Warren K. Moorehead, W.L. Jones, S.M. Brosius, F.A. Williams, C.F. Hauke, Louis Mann*, Simon Goudy*, Sam Young. [Appointment of F.H. Abbott to post of Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Disbursement of Indian moneys and S.M. Brosius' opinions on. Questionnaire to Prof. Warren K. Moorehead on Indian lands, allotments, and general reservation conditions. letter sent to Chief Yum-tee-bee (Bitten by a Grizzly Bear) with letters from Washington re sale of Yakima Indian lands. Yakima Indian water problems on Wapato Irrigation* Canal. Copies petition forms for sale of Indian lands. 11 pages letter from R.Valentine, Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs, May 24, 1909, re conditions on Yakima Reservation.]
1909-1914, undated
36 347
[Yakima Indian Affairs.]
approximately 150 pages letters.
Corrs: Stwire G. Waters, Louis Mann*, S.M. Brosius, E. Hulse, Sam Young, F.H. Abbott, C.F. Hauke, H.B. Miller, Miles Pointdexter, John D. Works, Simon Goudy*, William Charley*, Don M. Carr, Cato Sells, Joe W. Phillips, Arthur C. Parker, S.E. Neff, Carroll B. Graves, Merrill E. Gates. [Notice of election (1910) for head man among the chiefs of the different tribes of the Yakima Reservation. 5 pages letters to Secretary of Interior (1909), stating claim for tract of land in Cedar Valley. Signatures of Louis Mann, Secretary, Yakima Indian Tribal Council, and 15 other Indians. Cop, petition by the Yakima Indian Council Lodge to the U.S. Attorney General (1912) and corr regarding this petition; Yakima Indian water rights*, Ahtanum River. Background of Indians' claim presented. 17 pages letters (1911); Simon Goudy's claim to damages to his Indian allotment land by railroad right of way. (Toppenish, Fort Simcoe & Western Railway Co.) 16 pages letters; Senator Miles Poindexter; Goudy's claim against the railroad and conditions on the Yakima Reservation. approximately 50 pages misc correspondence (1910-1912), chiefly Goudy's claim and the problems of Indian water rights, with deposition by Goudy and various petitions of the Yakima Indian Council.]
1909-1915, undated
36 348
[Yakima Indian Affairs.]
approximately 100 pages letters.
Corrs: S.M. Brosius, William Connelley, E.B. Meritt, Louis Mann*, Simon Goudy*, Keith Tooley, Ovid McWhorter, Mrs. J.D. Springston, William E. Johnson, Joseph S. Reger, Birdie McCroskey , O.J. Green, Arthur C. Parker, Cato Sells, E.A. King, Stwire G. Waters, Peo-peo Tholekt*, Yellow Wolf*, Richard C. Adams, Lancaster Spencer, Cato Sells. [Louis Mann and controversy concerning water rights* on Yakima Reservation. Fight against maintenance of a saloon in Parker, on the Yakima Reservation. Society of American Indians. White Swan Indian Council. Indian Rights Association. Misc and personal. Petition from Yakima Indian Council supporting E.B. Meritt for Commissioner of Indian Affairs.]
1910-1915, undated
36 349
[Yakima Indian Affairs.]
approximately 200 pages letters, notes, clippings, manuscripts.
Corrs: Mrs. Jennie M. Lewis*, W.K. Moorehead, Fred C. Morgan, Louis C. Sanstrow, William Charley*, William S. Lewis, Caesar Williams*, G.E. Hanson, Everett S. Dam, W. P. Bonney and others. [(1) Letters. Damaged land allotment of Flathead Indian at Polson, Montana, and other Flathead grievances. (2) Cls. Yakima Historical Society founding. McWhorter* request for Montana Indian legend is in folder. (3) Letters. McWhorter's request for Montana Indian legend about a monster "who used to swallow everybody." (Kamiah Monster?):contains two letters from William Charley. (4) letter re Mourning Dove's illness. (5) letters, manuscripts. McWhorter's letter re [The] Crime Against the Yakimas* and The Continued Crime Against the Yakimas*. Research among the Spokane Indians: 10 pages typed manuscript, "A study of the Spokane Indians in order to be profitable should cover the following phases: Ethnology, folk lore and language"; 7 pages typed manuscript. "Suggestions regarding the study of the Spokane language and the study of Indian legends and folklore"; 2 pages typed manuscript. "Suggestions regarding the collection of folk lore." (6) Letters, telegrams. Reopening Indian lands for settlement. (7) "Louis Mann- Drunkenness." Letters. (8) "Monument for Indians." Letters re monument proposed for Spokane Garry. (9) "Caesar Williams' Trouble." Letters re horses lost in a railroad accident and Williams' permit to fish at Toptut. (10) "Concerning Priest Rapids Indians." Letters re the Sokulk Indian and an article written by McWhorter about these people with the assistance of Louis Mann*. (11) "Wash State Hist Society Regarding Yakimas." Letters re marker for Bolen Party to commemorate the spot where Bolen* was killed. William Charley's work in helping to find the place; Mt. Rainier trip by Sluiskin.]
36 350
[Yakima Indian Affairs.]
approximately 70 pages letters, manuscript.
Corrs: Louis Mann*, J.D. Leechman, George G. Heye, E.B. McConnell, Jay Lynch, Ovid McWhorter, Mrs. White Elk, L.G. Bishop, W.P. Bonney, V.O. McWhorter, J.E. Vandersloot. [Hunting rights of Yakima Indians. Indian artifacts owned by McWhorter. History and background of Yakima Indian lands irrigation* problem. 3 pages manuscript with note by Louis Mann, "A Legend Story about Catholic Indians Persecuted. In the Early Days of this Country Being Wild. Our Fore Parents Became Catholics at Early Days."]
1913-1926, undated
36 351
[Correspondence and Miscellaneous.]
approximately 150 pages letters, notes, printed material.
Corrs: Louis Charles Mann*, Elijah Williams, Peo-peo Tholekt*, Alonzo Victor Lewis, J.M. [Jennie] Lewis*, Chief Frank Seelatsee, Tom Crow, Chief Yellow Wolf*, S.M. Brosius Charles F. Bolin, Paul W. Childers, Stwire G. Waters, Harry (?). ["To the Water Users of the Reservation," 4 pages circular by L.M. Holt, re waste of water in reservation watering. "To All Water Users of the Tieton," 3 and 2 pages circulars by the Dept. of the Interior United States Reclamation Service, 1913. 7 pages notes on meeting of Indian Council at White Swan, Jan. 24, 1913, by corresponding secretary, Louis Mann. Scratch pad with approximately 60 pages notes re the "Grand Council of American Indians," by Louis Mann. Louis Mann's personal troubles. Northwest Indian Congress proposed. Water rights* of Yakima Indians. Personal and miscellaneous.]
1913-1928, undated
36 352
[Yakima Indians: Miscellaneous Material.]
approximately 80 pages letters, notes, clippings, mimeographed material.
Corrs: W.A. Linklater, Charles F. Bolin, S.M. Brosius, John Collier, Angie Burt (Mrs. Edmund) Bowden, Nipo Strongheart, Rufus W. Parker, Samuel Perkins, Alba Shawaway, Thomas Jordan, James R. Keith, Chapin D. Foster. [One copy 4 pages souvenir pamphlet; unveiling memorial monument to F. Mortimer Thorp, first white settler, Yakima Valley. "Indian Truth," 3 pages mimeograph pamphlet by John Collier, March 24, 1932: "self injurious statements made by the Indian Rights Association." 1 page McWhorter typescript titled "The Indian Calendar Harmonious with Elemental Nature," undated. 1932 corr; disputed Indian water rights* at Ahtanum. correspondence and contracts; Indians appearing in state fairs. 9 pages "Statement of the Services of Guy Haines with United States Government." 1 cop, mimeo, "From Article 3, Treaty with the Yakimas, 1855," fishing rights* for Yakima Indians. Misc letters.]
1913-1944, undated
36 353
[Yakima Indian Affairs.]
approximately 185 pages letters, notes.
Corrs: Elizabeth L. Arnold, Louis F. Hart, M.K. Sniffen, Metta Marsan, Caesar Williams*, Leta V. Meyers, W.D. Vincent, Jess Nunn, Warren F. Louis, Mrs. E. Chrisler, Charles Hale, Harl J. Cook, Nealy N. Olney, George H. Himes, W.D. Lyman, Louis Mann*, S.M. Brosius, Don M. Carr, Buffalo Ben Olney*, Red Fox Skiuhushu, Inez Filloon, L.B.D. Bartlett, R.B. Peterson, W.P. Bonney, Frank Kirkpatrick, D.D. Varner, Thomas G. Bishop, Warren K. Moorehead, E.B. Meritt. [Contains some correspondence re Rev. Red Fox Skiuhushu and the Tipi Order.of America Misc correspondence re OR and WA State Historical Societies. 23 pages manuscript composition book "The Book of Rituals for First, Second, & Third Degree." Tipi Order of America, undated,no source. Sundry matters, mostly Indian affairs.]
1914-1922, undated
37 354
Professor W.K. Moorehead. Proposed Exposure of Indian Office Affairs
approximately 40 pages letters.
Corrs: Warren K. Moorehead, Gladys W. Salta, Louis Charles Mann*, Evan W. Estep, Listening Coyote, F.M. Goodwin, W.O. Smith. [Half of the letters relate to a report proposed by Warren K. Moorehead (Director, Philips Academy, Dept. of American Archeology) aimed at abuses in the Indian Bureau* system. Most remaining letters concern the water rights* of Indians in the Yakima Reservation, especially those of Louis Mann. 1 cl Christian Science Monitor, August 7, 1924. Nipo Strongheart and his plea for Indian schools. Mentions the organization of the Indian Commercial Club and the Indian Bank of Wapato, WA.]
37 355
[Correspondence and Miscellaneous.]
approximately 30 clippings, notes, printed material.
Corrs: J.P. MacLean, Jay Perry, Marion Campbell, Cato Sells. [clippings, "Oregon or Bust: Early Northwest Adventure Stories"; two copies "Chief Joseph*: A Truly Great Man of the Pacific Northwest. The Sunday Oregonian, March 31, 1935; "Indians Entitled to Fair Play," The San Bernardino Daily Sun, June 2, 1931; "On the Range," un, The Morning Ledger; The Vancouver Evening Columbian, August 17, 1931. Photocopy of printed map showing location of Bolon Monument* and Marker, northwest of Goldendale, Washington. Original in Folder 535. Typed copy of poem, "Myself," signed F.A.F. 4 pages typed manuscript "Indian Honors for West Virginian," by Minnie Kendall-Lowther. McWhorter* is subject. 6 pages open letter on Indian affairs. One page is by Birdie E. McLain-Springs; other five by Herbert Welsh and William Alexander Brown. Notes on Clearwater Battle*. Indian books, artifacts. Advert. re McWhorter's Tragedy of the Wahk-Shum, Charles Kelly's Salt Desert Trails. Printed copies three bills from the Seventieth Congress, First Session: S. 1477: "A Bill readjusting the cost of furnishing water to lands of the Yakima Indian Reservation, and for other purposes." House Resolution 6849: "Readjusting the cost of furnishing water to land of the Yakima Indian Reservation and for other purposes," [irrigation* and water rights*]. House Resolution 14132 "Authorizing the construction of a memorial, and for other purposes." (For Lewis, Clark, and Sacajawea, near the confluence of the Snake and the Columbia.)]
1914-1944, undated
37 356
[Yakima Indian Affairs.]
Note by V.O. McWhorter: "Carefully consider 20 folders of this group. Concerns trouble & history of Yakimas." approximately 270 pages letters, notes, cls. Corrs: Louis Mann*, George H. Himes, William P. Bonney, Dr. M.M. Quaife, Edmond S. Meany, Charles W. Smith, Don M. Carr, J.S. McWhorter, Warren K. Moorehead, Everett S. Dam, George Peo-peo Tholekt*, S.M. Brosius, Chief Yetamoset, William Charley*, Benj. W. Pettit, S.J. Clarke, W.W. Clarke, and others. [(1) "Council at Louis Mann's." 9 pages, letters, notes. A meeting of Yakima Indians in 1917 to protest paying state and county taxes. (2) "Buried Guns at Bridge of Gods." Let. Corr: George H. Himes. Two rifles reputedly buried by Chief Shee-ah-coote, a signer of the Yakima Treaty of 1855. (3) "Washington State Historical Society." Collection of folk stories. Publication of Mourning Dove's Cogewea. Indian claim to hunting rights in Rainier National Park. clipping, Tacoma Daily News, Nov. 30, 1915, "Sluiskin Tells True Story of Mountain." By McWhorter. Sluiskin denies that he guided Stevens-Van Trump expedition of 1870, but claims that he did guide two un white men to the mountain. With Bonney letter. (4) "Pertains to Soluskin [sic] Narrative given Meany of University." Letters re Sluiskin article above. (5) "Pertaining to Aid by McWhorter for Chief Soluskin [sic]" Chief Sluiskin "often befriended the poverly [sic] pioneers when they first attempted their advent into this valley." Sluiskin, who "once owned Yakima," was destitute. McWhorter carried this appeal to Congress. (6) "Pertains to Erection of Monument at Union Gap. This is important for the future reference of Yakimas." clippings, letters. Monument at Union Gap "erected to the memory of an Indian killed at the battle of Two Buttes in the Indian troubles of 1855-1856." Indian name for Union Gap* was Tow-tow-na-hee. Indian pictures for State Historical Society. (7) Publication of photographs. (8) "Wash D.C. Trip Appealing for Yakimas." Letters. Includes letters of recommendation and introduction to various senators and members of Congress. Trip partly concerned with attempt to get redress for Chief Joseph's* people for the loss of the Wallowa Valley in Oregon*. McWhorter* says that on his trip he will look "after the water rights of Simon Goudy*, William Adams, Louis Mann and others over near White Swan also the Ahtanum water trouble, game and especially the fishing* rights of the Yakimas both at Prosser and the Dalles." Mann cites many Indian grievances, modern and historical. (9) "Concerning Bootleggers on Yakima Reservation." Letters, clippings, notes. (10) Activities of Indian Tribal Council in Yakima. Letters. In part the refusal of some Yakima Indians to register for the draft during World War I, on the grounds that their treaty forbids them to fight in any war except in self-defense. Louis Mann says: "Many of the Yakimas have registered. All will register if they understand."]
1915-1919, undated
37 357
Louis Mann*
61 pages letters.
Corrs: Louis Mann (chiefly), H.F. Crawford, J.P. Crawford. [Controversy over Yakima Indian water rights*.]
1917-1923, undated
37 358
Correspondence: Miscellaneous. May Be of Historical Value
approximately 135 pages letters.
Corrs: L.M. Holt, J.W. Ealy, Allan G. Harper, John Collier, Charles E. Jackson, George Roger Chute, M.G. Ramsey, Floyd A. Henderson, Edmund B. Rogers, George Stephenson, Mrs. S.L. Minerva Cherry, Innis C. Davis, Burr H. Simpson, Robert Hitchman, Max Hiscock, Graham Sharman, Simon Goudy*, S.C. Lapham, George F. Brimlow, E.A. Brininstool, J.H. Sherburne, Fred P. Todd, Frederic F. Van de Water, R.B. Roberts, Robert Ballou, Robert E. Strahorn; J.R. Binyon, W.P. Bonney, Lucia Jane Hitchman, Mrs. Brady Layman, Jennie R. Nichols, Mildred Schmidtman, J.C. (Jack) McWhorter, Harrietta Shelton Williams. [Indian water rights on Yakima Reservation. Wheeler-Howard Bill (73d Congress, 2d Session, 1934, S. 3645: "To conserve and develop Indian lands and resources, to establish a credit system for Indians; to extend toward Indians the right to form business and other organizations; and for other purposes." Big Hole Battlefield*. WV history. Indian water rights*. Bannock Indian War. Makah Indians and Treaty of Neah Bay. Problems re collecting Indian legends and Americana. "Shaker" religion of Yakimas. McWhorter says, "The Indian Shaker sect ... is a medley of Dreamer and Catholicism."]
1917-1940, undated
37 359
Correspondence. [Yakima Indian Affairs.]
approximately 65 pages letters.
Corrs: W.K. Moorehead, Miles Poindexter, Thomas C. Moffett, Charles C. Arnold, William H. Ketcham, Francis H. Rowley, Jim Wallahee*, Louis Mann*, Cato Sells, Simon Goudy, Samuel A. Eliot, Stuart H. Elliot, J.S. Lockwood, Don M. Carr, D.R. Redman, Hazard Stevens. [Current Yakima Indian affairs. Personal troubles of local Indians. National Indian legislation. The National Indian Bureau*. Death of Chief Seven Mountains. The Indian Commission. Personal and miscellaneous.] 1545.
37 360
[Yakima Indian Affairs.]
approximately 150 pages letters.
Corrs: Nipo Strongheart, Warren K. Moorehead, L.M. Holt, S.M. Brosius, Hope Elizabeth Haupt, Mrs. S.A. Haupt, Simon Goudy*, Joseph C. Cheney, Paul W. Childers, O.L. Babcock, Henry Goddard Leach, Dr. Francis H. Rowley, Samuel A. Eliot, Gladys M. Salta, C.C. Starr, Nealy [Olney], J.S. McWhorter, Caesar Williams, Charles Bolin, S.J. Clarke. [Japanese on Indian lands. Indian Bureau* policy. Yakima water rights*. Indian Rights Association. Personal and miscellaneous.]
1918-1924, undated
37 361
approximately 85 pages letters.
Corrs: Fred J. Everts, Red Fox Skiuhushu, Dr. and Mrs. White Elk, F.M. (W.?) Burnham, W.F. Turner, S.M. Brosius, W.L. Jones. [Note by McWhorter*: "The great volume of the Rev. Red Fox intrigues, duplicity, and all round rascality has been destroyed, obliterated as defamitory [sic] to the face of the earth. It is inconceivable that a Christian ordained minister could prove so triple-faced, and utterly devoid of all semblance of the least attribute of honor or common decency." Red Fox and his leadership of the The American Indian Christian Tepee Mission. Information about Rev. Black Hawk Von Rothman.]
1919-1921, undated
38 362
Prison Comfort Club
approximately 20 pages letters, reports.
Corrs: Kate M. Dial, Annie M. Burgess. [3 copies "Rules Relative to Letter Writing in the Various State Prisons." 3 pages "Report of humane office for December 1920," (by McWhorter*). Workers National Prison Comfort Club. Founding of Prison Visitors in Yakima and conditions in Yakima County jail.]
1920-1921, undated
38 363
Wanamaker: Indian Scholarship
6 pages letters.
Corrs: E.J. Middour, H.E. Colson, R.M. Goff. [McWhorter* attempts to secure scholarships at Mercersburg Academy, Mercersburg, PA, for two Yakima Indian boys.]
38 364
Wash[ington] State Hist[orical] Soc[iet]y
45 pages letters.
Corrs: Earle O. Roberts, Leslie Spier, Birdie McCroskey, Louis Mann*, C.J. Safford, Jim Peter, W.P. Bonney, Nathan Hazen, D.H. White, Virgil McWhorter, Caesar Williams, Charley Charles, Gilbert Star, Stwire G. Waters. [Washington State Historical Society affairs. Yakima Indian problems.]
1920-1924, undated
38 365
Agency Removal, Yakima. 1921-1924. 22 pages letters, cls. Corrs: Stella M. Atwood, Mrs. P.M. Eva Sturdevant Troy, Mrs. C.E. Reinig, S.M. Brosius, Nealy N. Olney. [Removal of Fort Simcoe *Indian agency to Toppenish. McWhorter* fought the move.]
38 366
Japs. Legionairs [sic.]
approximately 45 pages letters, cls.
Corrs: S.M. Brosius, Clyde Kelly, John W. Summers, Nealy N. Olney, D.D. Varner. (Controversy over leasing Yakima Indian lands to Japanese farmers.]
1922-1923, undated
38 367
University of Oregon Medical Research Among Indians. 1923. 10 pages letters, cl. Corrs: Lester T. Jones, Homer J. Rush. [Prevalence of goiter among Northwest Indians. Yakimas' ideas on disease and sanitation.]
38 368
[Yakima Indian Affairs.]
approximately 30 pages misc material.
[Includes: Seven cls misc Indian stories, some dated and identified. 1 page specimen of an Indian boy's handwriting, Rock Creek Indian High School, Klickitat County. Handbook Eastern California Museum, County Courthouse, Independence, California, undated.]
1923-1940, undated
38 369
Yakima Tribal History and Historical Data of Yakima Reservation
approximately 200 pages letters, notes.
Corrs: Louis F. Paul, T.W. Wheat, O.B. Sperlin, W.P. Bonney, George G. Umstead, Arthur Swamp, C.S. Kingston, Evan W. Estep, John Collier, James A. Frear, Homer W. Charles, Jay Lynch, Robert McGraham, and others. [Corr with Dept. of Interior: landless Wana Pum Indians at Priest Rapids (1943). Material re various publishing projects. 2 pages manuscript legend, "The Passing of the Indian and the Coming of the White Man." "As narrated by Rignal Ashkosh; an aged full blood Menomine, of Wisconsin; to Mr. L.A. Dorrington: U.S. Indian Service (1914)." 13 pages letters re burial of Lt. Jesse K. Allen, killed by Indians in 1858, at Fort Simcoe*. Misc correspondence and material re affairs of Indians in Yakima region.]
1927-1944, undated
38 370
[Yakima Indian Affairs.]
approximately 25 pages letters.
Corrs: S.M. Brosius, John Collier. [Yakima Indian water rights* on Ahtanum Creek.]
38 371
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 60 pages assorted clippings, mimeo pamphlets.
["The Yakima Bill: Defeat S. 3998, House Resolution 10473." American Indian Defense Assoc. report re water rights*. (12 pages manuscript with 9 pages carbon copy), April 5, 1932. 16 pages mimeo pamphlet The Westerners Brand Book, Dec. 1944, Vol. I (9). Two clippings,no source., undated., re racial persecution in Europe. One clipping, The Seattle Sunday Times Rotogravure Pictorial Section, Jan. 11, 1931.]
38 372
[Correspondence and Miscellaneous Material.]
approximately 65 pages letters, notes, cls.
Corrs: E.D. Greene, Louie S. Andy, Mrs. Fred Remington Greene, M.A. Johnson, W.P. Bonney, William Zimmerman, Jr., Olaf T. Hagen. [Reconstruction of Fort Simcoe*. Material includes: "Father Wilbur an Heroic Westerner." Full-page clipping, Oregonian, December 11, 1938. 5 cls re Fort Simcoe restoration, partly sponsored by the Colonial Dames. W.P. Bonney denies (letter Jan. 18, 1939) story that part of lumber used for reconstruction of Fort Simcoe came around Cape Horn from England. clipping, Yakima Morning Herald, June 8, 1938, Yakima Indian tribal council action re reconstruction of Fort Simcoe. approximately 20 pages misc correspondence with U.S. Dept. of Interior, 1938, re the proposed reconstruction.]
1938-1939, undated
38 373
Notes on Yakima Indian Conditions
12 pages school copybook.
[Possibility of hiring a lawyer to deal with land issues. Notes are very sketchy and nearly illegible.]
Subseries 4.3: General
Box Folder
39 374
[Indian Affairs.]
approximately 75 pages letters, printed material.
Corrs: J.W. Redington, W.H. Holmes, John Collier, Joseph W. Latimer, J.P. MacLean, Corinna Lindon Smith, N.J. Smith, Samuel H. Thompson. ["First Report of the Columbia Basin Commission of the State of Washington," Spokane, 1933. 18 pages, mimeo. "Harnessing a Mighty River," by James O'Sullivan. 6 pages mimeo. Open letter to William L. Chenery, editor, Collier's Magazine. Columbia River Basin and 'libelous Attack' on Grand Coulee project in "Power in the Wilderness," printed in the Sept. 21, 1935, Collier's. 6 pages, mimeo. "Why This Indian Bureau* Fighting against Investigation." Folder. American Indian Defense Association, 1927. "Destruction of American Indian Life ..." American Indian Defense Association, 1927. 4 pages, mimeo. "Approving Contract for Apportionment of Waters of Ahtanum Creek, Wash." [irrigation* and water rights*]. Seventy-Second Congress, First Session. House of Representatives Report No. 1096. Apr. 21, 1932. 3 pages, printed. House Resolution13051. Seventy-Second Congress, First Session. "A Bill Approving and conferring contract for (as above)." 2 pages, printed. approximately 25 cls. Indian subject matter. Yakima papers. 1926-1933. Misc printed material re American Indian Defense Association. Personal matters.]
1891-1943, undated
39 375
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 100 pages correspondence
Corrs: S.M. Brosius, W.H. McWhorter, Thomas R. Horner, Thomas W. Alford, W.K. Moorehead, W.P. Bonney, John M. Canse, P.M. Fogg, and others. [Indian affairs.]
39 376
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 70 pages letters, clippings, miscellaneous.
Corrs: E. Ruth Rockwood, B.F. Manring, Lily N[orling] Hardwick, William Charley*, Roy C. Fox, Annie A. Nunns, Grace Christianson Gardner, S.M. Brosius, Frank J. Allen, Boyd P. Doty, John Van Male, W.A. Petzholdt, Warren K. Moorehead. [Two copies Yakima Daily Tribune, Feb. 17, 1921. Carry story that McWhorter* is being considered as superintendent of Yakima Indian Agency. Copy Senate Bill S. 6693 "To provide water for irrigating* lands on the Yakima Indian Reservation and for other purposes, introduced to the 62d Congress, 2d Session, May 2, 1912." Misc cls about individual Indians. Detroit News, March 1, 1925, Sis-Elit Palmer, Yakima Indian chief; Ada Blackjack, 1936; Sunday New York Times, June 1, 1925, Calvin Coolidge* and Yakima chiefs*; Chief Saluskin* and Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt*; American Weekly, 1930, 1932, 1936. 9 pages mimeo open letters from various interested parties to the Department of Indian Affairs regarding Indian Bureau* Conditions, 1929. approximately 20 pages correspondence on Ahtanum water situation. correspondence with Prof. Warren K. Moorehead on policies of the Indian Bureau.]
1905-1935, undated
39 377
Correspondence for State Historical Society
approximately 40 pages letters, manuscript.
Corrs: William M. Colvig, Cato Sells, J.M. O'Sullivan, Granville Lowther, Hu Maxwell, Caesar Williams*, Louis Mann*, I.C. Sutton, J.W. Mathers. [First plowing on Umpqua Indian lands in 1852. Hewed log block house at Fort Simcoe*, which McWhorter* wishes preserved. Gives dimensions of blockhouse. 3 pages manuscript: "Who is Granville Lowther?" The Lewis Wetzel rifle. Copy House Resolution 288, Jan. 15, 1920; "An act for the purpose of conferring citizenship upon Indians, segregation of Indian tribal property, and for other purposes."]
1906-1920, undated
39 378
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 280 pages letters, manuscript fragments, notes.
Corrs: John C. Robinson, Leonard Hegnauer, Frank Starcher, H.E. Buck, "S.J.W.", R.L. Stout, S.M. Brosius, George H. Himes, W.P. Bonney, Fred Parker, William H. Block, Mrs. White Elk (Valley), Jasper Yellow Wolfe*, Edmond S. Meany, Don M. Carr, R.B. Peterson, Reba Mesecher, W.F. Turner, Louis Mann*, Caesar Williams*, Sarah S. McM. (Mrs. H.W.) Patton, D.D. Varner, Jerome T. Heermans, Alex W. Saluskin, W.W. Clarke, S.J. Clarke, W.G. Brown, J.M. Lewis*, Jennie R. Nichols, W.O. Stillman, Thomas Umtuch, Miss M.S. O'Connor, J. Hooper Bowles, William S. Lewis, Peo-peo Tholekt*, Miles Poindexter, Cato Sells, Peter Wanamsie, F.A. Wiggins. [Includes: (a) Poems by Mrs. Valley White Elk* (Valley Mountain); "Injun Parody," by Rose Moon; "The Dawn," "The Wood Rose," and "In Bondage" by Annie M. Burgess. (b) correspondence with W.P. Bonney, secretary of the Washington State Historical Society, regarding various historical markers and monuments*, McWhorter's* collection of Indian legends, and sundry matters relating to the State Historical Society. (c) 2 pages copy of "Sluskin's Plea," written in Indian language bearing notation, "Made to Stevens and Van Trump the August 16, 1870 being at the camp fire near the head of Sluiskin Fall. As repeated by W.P. Bonney." Signed by Bonney. 2 pages translation. Warns climbers not to attempt to climb Mt. Tacoma (Rainier) because of the evil spirit that dwells within the mountain. (d) 14 pages (1919) correspondence with various Department of Interior officials attempting to secure compensation for land lost by the Nez Perces in the Wallowa district. Chief Peo-peo Tholekt* and others concerned. (e) Misc humane society correspondence (f) Toppenish Battlefield. (g) Yakima Reservation boundary. (h) 9 pages manuscript, "The First North American Democracy and Its People, Paper read before the Tacoma Historical Research Club, December 1918, by Benjamin L. Harvey." Sent by Bonney to McWhorter. Outlines the customs and manners of the Iroquois League Indians, who he believes migrated from the Pacific Coast. (i) 33 pages manuscript, in pencil, almost illegible, "The Holdup at _____ Pass." Seems to be first draft of a short story by McWhorter.]
1906-1923, undated
39 379
Pueblo Indians
approximately 15 pages letters, clippings, printed matter.
Corr: Clyde Kelly. [Two clippings, un, "The American Indian Question," by George Wharton James. 10 pages printed H.R. Report No. 1730 "Pueblo Indians," Report to accompany House Resolution 13452, 67th Congress, 4th Session, February 27, 1923. 8 pages printed H.R. Report No 1748 "Titles to Lands Within Pueblo Indian Land Grants," Report to accompany S. 3855 67th Congress, 4th Session, March 1, 1923.]
1910-1923, undated
39 380
[Miscellaneous Indian Affairs.]
approximately 20 pages printed matter.
[(a) Congressional Record, Seventy-First Congress, Second Session. "Klamath Indian Reservation. Speech of Hon. Lynn J. Frazier of North Dakota in the Senate of the United States, February 25, 1930." (b) Congressional Record, Seventieth Congress, Second Session. "Conditions of Indians in the United States / Remarks of Hon. W.B. Pine of Oklahoma in the Senate of the United States / Saturday, January 26, 1929, re "article in the current issue of Good Housekeeping," ("The Cry of a Broken People," by Vera L. Connolly, Jan. 1929). (c) Congressional Record, Feb. 23, 1911. Oregon Trail / Remarks of Hon. William Humphrey of Washington in the House of Representatives." (d) Congressional Record. "The Old Oregon Trail / Remarks of Hon. Addison T. Smith of Idaho..., January 13, 1925." (e) Congressional Record. "Highways and History The National Old Trails Road / Speech of Hon. William P. Borland of Missouri..., January 4, 1917." (f) The Pending Flathead Indian Outrage/A Plea to the Senate. American Indian Defense Association, Inc., John Collier, Executive Secretary. Large single sheet accompanied by a Postcript, March 1, 1927. (g) A Friend of the Indian / Franklin D. Roosevelt. Published by the Democratic Central Committee of Oklahoma. (h) The Senator King Resolution for Investigating Indian Affairs / An Urgent Message to the Indians and Their Friends. American Indian Defense Association, Inc., February 5, 1927. (i) The New Republic, Feb. 28, 1913. "Charles H. Bates, High Indian Bureau* Official, Sentenced to Jail for Crime Pleaded Guilty." Newspaper. (j) "Ganado Mission to Navajo Indians." Board of National Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. New York: undated, pictorial folder. (k) "The Red Man in Church and State," by Thomas C. Moffett. Women's Board of Home Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., undated. letter, Congregational Publishing Society.]
1911-1936, undated
39 381
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 76 pages clippings, approximately 70 pages letters.
Corrs: Prof. and Mrs. Fred Everts, Red Fox Skiuhushu, Nipo Strongheart, Buffalo [Ben Olney]*. [Cls are of miscellaneous nature, some identified and dated. Many are news re Indians and Indian affairs. Letters about two subjects: Rev. Red Fox and his Indian magazine. Considers question whether "Yakima people was [sic] trying to harm and put him out of business." Red Fox says he was "tricked" in Yakima. correspondence with Buffalo Ben Olney [re Frederick C. Collett, the executive representative of Indians of California, Inc., and his work in Washington for the California Indians. Both McWhorter* and Olney disapprove of his work.]
1911-1937, undated
40 382
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
notes, resolutions, petitions.
Corrs: Stwire Waters* Ovid McWhorter, Edwin Pugsley, Charles E. Dagenett, Camille Williams, Harry Wheeler, Fred Parker, Henry Tashwict, S.M. Brosius, Don M. Carr, W.P. Bonney, Mrs. H.L. Bailey, Louis Mann*, William Connelley, Adeline Barrackman, Mrs. W.D. Vincent, Thomas W. Alford, L.R.A. Condit, John Billy, Homer W. Charles, J.D. Leechman, Martha McKelvie. [Yellow Wolf's* gun. Big Hole Battlefield*. Indian water rights*. Red Fox Skiuhushu and Indian mission. Chief Saluskin*. Brotherhood of American Indians. Mourning Dove's book. Bolon* murder. "The Petition of Chief Stwire Waters and Other Yakima Indians Asking the White Man to Keep His Word." Signed by seventy Indians. "Yakima Anti-Saloon Petition." 1914, with notes. Whiskey on the Reservation.]
40 383
Letters from Strongheart for State Historical Society
approximately 80 pages letters.
Corrs: Nipo (George) Strongheart (chief correspondent), Peter S. Wannamsie, Charley H.Charles, R.L. Stout, William Charley*, William E. Connelley, M.E. Paget. [Kansas State Historical Society. Strongheart's Chautauqua lectures. Conditions of Indians in Canada. Organization of Indian councils and associations. Personal matters.]
40 384
394 Unclassified Letters
approximately 170 pages letters.
Corrs: S.M. Brosius, Louis Charles Mann*, J.C.(Jack) McWhorter, J.S.(Scott?) McWhorter, Clifford R. Myers, W.F. Hamilton (Man Elk), Thomas Teakle, Albert Johnson, Harold Crary, W.P. Bonney, Amelia E. White, Nipo Strongheart, David B. Reger, Peo-peo Tholekt*, William T. Price, Harvey Schuster, Charley H. Charles, C.S. Wilcox. [Contents similar to above. correspondence re collecting Indian relics and artifacts*. Publishing ventures. Mount Rainier*. WV history. 18 pages copy of Constitution for Yakima Territory, undated,no source.]
1914-1926, undated
40 385
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 30 pages letters, legal papers.
Corrs: Louis Mann*, Jennie M. Lewis*, Tom Umtuch, Caesar Williams*. [Indian hunting rights, rights to erect buildings, pick berries, and pasture cattle. copy superior court action of the State of Washington, Kittitas County in above matter. Note by McWhorter* says: "This appeal was taken to Department of Justice on Feb. 14, 1925 by the Delegates Yokosh Owhi, Sis-Elit Palmer, Frank Seelatsee, Louis C. Mann." Letters re this matter and other Indian grievances. Misc correspondence]
1918-1927, undated
40 386
Letters of Louis Mann*, for State Historical Society
61 pages letters.
Corr: Louis Mann. [Troubles of Louis Mann, chiefly as they concern irrigation regulations laid down by the Reclamation Service. Mann and McWhorter* regarded these rulings as unjust. Two copies "Neekas Ditch Laws. Reservation, Washington, May 23, 1890." With list of Indians who held land at that time. Mann notes: "This is the rules the Injuns farmer had which is taken away now by Reclamation Service." "This the Indian Piute Ditch Rulings by the above named people most are dead today and some lands are sold to whites and most are leased to whites."]
40 387
Rev. Red Fox
approximately 100 pages letters.
Corrs: T.G. Rowan, Red Fox Skiuhushu, Lone Buffalo Benjamin Butler Olney*, Ralph Hubbard, F.W. Burnham, W.F. Turner, Mrs. A.B. Brown. [Most of this correspondence grew out of a magazine venture promoted by McWhorter* and Red Fox, sponsored by The American Indian Christian Tepee Association. McWhorter's relations with Red Fox (who was an Indian missionary first associated with the United Christian Missionary Society, later licensed by the Methodists) were not satisfactory. Of him McWhorter says: "No man who is really a friend to the Indian can afford to mix with him." Buffalo Ben Olney also figures in this corr; he discusses at length his reasons for bitterness toward the Christian church. Includes 12 pages denunciation of Red Fox.]
40 388
White Swan Mission
approximately 100 pages letters.
Corrs: Buffalo Ben Olney*, R.M. Waterman, W.F. Turner, F.W. (M.?) Burnham, Nealy N. Olney, D.D. Varner, Stwire G. Waters, W.C. Ryan. [Outlines some of the difficulties experienced by the United Christian Missionary Society's mission at White Swan. Part of the difficulty centered around Red Fox Skiuhushu's term as lecturer for the mission. Buffalo Ben Olney also figures in the problems. McWhorter* and all of the Indian members of the mission board resigned. Includes McWhorter's 6 pages letter-of-resignation.]
1921-1925, undated
40 389
1936. Religious Freedom for the Indian
approximately 25 pages letter, mimeo materials, cls.
Corr: George H. Himes. [8 pages mimeo pamphlet, "The Policy of the Office of Indian Affairs on Religious Liberty among Indians." From a letter by John Collier, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, to Mr. Ben Dwight, editor of The Tushkahomman, Stroud, Oklahoma, Feb. 19, 1936. 3 pages mimeo press release, Department of the Interior "for release in afternoon papers of Wednesday, January 8, 1936." Entitled "Indian Justice Reorganized." 14 pages mimeo pamphlet: "A Birds-eye View of Indian Policy Historic and Contemporary." "Submitted to the Sub-Committee of the Appropriation Committee of the House of Representatives, December 30, 1935, upon request of Representative Marion Zioncheck, of Washington." clipping, un, Feb. 1936, reporting enlarging of Yakima Indian cattle holdings.]
40 390
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous Material.]
approximately 110 pages letter, papers.
Corrs: Louis Charles Mann, J.C. (Jack) McWhorter, Evan W. Estep, S.M. Brosius, Nipo Strongheart, Joseph W. Latimer, Buffalo Ben Olney*, Rev. Red Fox Skiuhushu, W.A. Linklater, Robert Ballou. [Brochures and mimeographed materials published by the Indian Rights Association and by the Democratic National Committee, regarding struggle for Indian rights on the national level. 4 pages manuscript, untitled, re quarrel over the proper name for Mt. Rainier. 21 pages typescript titled "Proceedings at Chamber of Commerce Yakima, Washington, 10:00 a.m., May 19, 1928, Relating to the leasing of Indian lands on the Yakima Indian reservation." D.H. Bonsted, Chairman Local Indian affairs.]
1922-1928, undated
41 391
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 30 pages letters.
Corrs: Lone Buffalo [B.B. (Buffalo Ben) Olney]*, Ovid McWhorter, Many Wounds*, Caleb Carter, Mrs. Schaller, [Alonzo] Lewis, C.C. Dill, Wesley L. Jones, Richard H. Wilson. [Personal matters. Misc Indian affairs. letter from Buffalo B. Olney, White Swan, Washington, January 14, 1924, bears note by McWhorter*: "Contains a revelation in Indian thinking."]
1924-1932, undated
41 392
Probation. Robert Luke. Willie Donaldson
25 pages letters.
Corrs: Mrs. L.E. Donaldson, Mrs. M.L. Waters, Evan W. Estep, Robert Luke. [Two Indian boys paroled by federal authorities to McWhorter*.]
41 393
Kamiakun* Monument
5 pages letters, cls.
Corrs: C.E. Ivy, William S. Lewis. [Proposal for a monument to Chief Kamiakan. clipping, Blue Lake Advocate (California), undated, "Why the Indians Should Keep up their Organization and Fight for Religious Rights in Congress." clipping, Sunday Oregonian, Portland, Oregon, Sept. 9, 1928. "Relics of Pre-historic Race Are Discovered."]
41 394
[Indian Affairs.]
approximately 90 pages mimeo material, clippings, letters.
Corrs: Martha Edgerton Plassmann, F.W. Fitzsimons, Tom Waters, Alonzo Victor Lewis. [Yellow Wolf's* work with McWhorter*. 8 pages mimeo letter Harold Ickes, Secretary of the Interior, July 6, 1943, to Senator Elmer Thomas, answers "false charges" administration of the Department of Indian Affairs. 7 pages mimeo, "The June 11 Report of the Senate Sub-Committee on Indian Investigation a Statement by Commissioner John Collier, of the United State Indian Service." approximately 100 clippings, some ident, similar to Folders 341 and 342. Northwest papers, 1928-1930.]
1928-1943, undated
41 395
Chief Wm. Mason Case
approximately 100 pages letters.
Corrs: John Collier, William Mason, William Zimmerman, Jr., E.F. Chase, S.M. Brosius, Hannah Mason Saux, John N. Alley, F.L. Morgan, Albert Johnson. [Chiefly about William Mason, a Quinault Indian, who served as tribal court judge at the Taholah Agency. Mason needed funds for treatment of his eyes.]
1931-1933, undated
41 396
Concerning Fishing* Rights for Priest Rapids Indians
approximately 180 pages letters, notes.
Corrs: G. Dowe McQuesten, Homer L. Morrison, M.A. Johnson, [Chief] Johnnie Buck (Buk-kah-it-toón)*, W.P. Bonney, Mrs. R.C. Sisk, Knute Hill, F.M. Rothrock, J.W. McPherson, Fred Daiken, Frank Bryant, Levi F. Austin, John Collier, B.M. Brennan, Wayne Ballard, William L. McCormick, Hattie Starcher. [Includes material "Against the Wheeler-Howard Bill": corr, copies of bill and Congressional Record reprints of speeches against the Bill: "American Indian under Autocratic Control," by the Hon. Alfred F. Beiter of New York; "Is the First American Being Communized," by the Hon. Virginia E. Jenckes of Indiana. Remainder of material chiefly re fishing rights for Priest Rapids Indians. Emphasizes that the Indians are landless, are not protected by treaties, and are not wards of the government. McWhorter* says, in a "To Whom It May Concern" reference for Rex Buck a Sokulk Indian, that the tribe is the "Wana Pum: 'River People' a remnant of the historic Smoholla aggregation, which, never being in the treaty of 1855, are not recognized as Government Wards, but are actual citizens of the State of Washington, and are entitled to all privileges accorded to white citizens." McWhorter letter of March 20, 1939 notes that Gov. Clarence D. Martin has just signed House Bill 327 allowing the Sokulks to take fish at both Priest Rapids and at Wana-wish, Yakima River*. Copy H.B. 327.]
1937-1943, undated
41 397
[Priest Rapids Indian Affairs.]
2 pages letter.
Corr: [Chief] John Buck*. [Fishing* rights.]
41 398
[Mimeographed Pamphlets re Chief Seattle and Robert Gray.]
Two pamphlets. [22 pages mimeo pamphlet: "Chief Seattle's Great Oration / an Address by Col. Howard A. Hanson, before the Washington State Historical Society, held at Tacoma, Washington, February 4, 1939." 8 pages mimeo pamphlet: "Remembering Robert Gray's Discoveries." "Presented by Rev. John M. Canse at the Annual Meeting of the Washington State Historical Society, held at Tacoma, Washington, February 4, 1939."]
41 399
Report of Trip to Mouth of Palouse River, Wn., July, 1939. Under Auspices of Wn. State Hist. Society. L.V. McWhorter*
approximately 30 pages letters, manuscript.
Corrs: W.L. McCormick, F.S. Hall, Mrs. J.B. (Jean) C. Davidson, R.G. Bailey, B.F. Manring, Daisy Sanders, Hilman F. Jones, Gladys Thomas. [(1) "To the Board of Curators Washington State Historical Society." With note: "Report of trip to mouth of Paluse [sic] River, July, 1939." Palouse Indians, McWhorter says, were included in the fourteen tribes that made up the Yakima Nation created by the Walla Walla treaty of 1855, but were related instead to the Nez Perce, spoke the Nez Perce language, and never took up residence on the Yakima Reservation. 8 pages manuscript carbon. (2) letters. Corrs noted above. Re trip. Subject of above source. cl re Palouse Falls.]
41 400
Landless Priest Rapids Indians
3 pages. letters.
Corrs: Dean Guie, F.M. Rothrock. Re Priest Rapids Indians. Includes copy of Priest Rapids Range Map. Original in folder 553.

Series 5: Humane Society Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
41 401
[Humane Society: Miscellaneous.]
Divided into two parts: (1) "Clippings, humane work and Indian items." approximately 35 clippings, 1917-1922. [Subject matter of cls corresponds with title.] (2) approximately 50 pages letters, clippings, notes. 1921-1926. Corrs: Mrs. S.J. Webber, Marie F. Myers, W.O. Stillman, Francis H. Rowley, Jennie Nichols, Evan W. Estep, C. Hascall, Mr. and Mrs. J.O. Jeffery. [Humane society work. Local rodeos. Killing of reservation horses. Louis Mann*.]
1911-1926, undated
41 402
[Correspondence: Humane Work.]
approximately 100 pages
Corrs: Jennie R. Nichols, C. Hascall, Mrs. B.B. Bradley, Mrs. W.R. Wyrick, Georgia F. Douglas, Mary E. Harne, Buffalo Ben Olney*, W.O. Stillman, Lenora B. Simpkins, May L. Hall, R.R. Churchill, Louis Charles Mann*, E.(?)M. Morrill, Perry Harrison, Dick Noble, Mrs. S.H. Jackson & Mrs. C.E. Russell. [Horses on the Yakima Reservation.]
41 403
[Humane Society: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 250 pages notes, clippings, correspondence
Corrs: J.H. Anderson, Pad R. Bear, Diana Belais, Byron Bernard, Arthur Boddo, Oscar L. Boose, Bert Bronkhorst, Joe Brossio, Earl Bruce, Mrs. Frank Hardy Buena, Annie M. Burgess, N.P. Campbell, Don M. Carr, William Charley*, J.M. Coey, F.J. Colo, Harl J. Cook, James Cowan, David Craig, Richard C. Craven, H.B. Crosno, H.H. Cummings, Mrs. Emil Dalton, Mattie Davis, Mrs. John F. Douglas, Frank Doyle, Duncan Dunn, J.M. Dunn, Nellie H. Dunning, George P. Eaton, Fred Elliot, George W. Evans, Mrs. (Glerke?),Simon Goudy*, Emma (Grunn?), S.J. Harrison, C. Hascall, R.H. Hoxworth, Martin Hunsicker, Ida Hupel, Samuel Hutchinson, Robert C. Immele, T.L. Irwin, J.O. Johnson, Frank Jones, Mrs. J.L. Jones, Marie Kingston, Grace C. Kinne, John Koemple, John G. Lopas, C.O. Lovell, Mabton, E.B. McConnell, Mrs. A[lex] E. McCredy, Matthew McCurrie, Mrs. E.M. Medaris, Horace Miller, Mrs. George B. Miller, A.M. Mordhorst, D.V. Morthland, Marie F. Myers, Neebour, Jennie R. Nichols, W.C. Okley, Miss Oleson, Brother B. Buffalo Ben Olney]*, C.R. Park, Alex Parke, F.S. Reinhart, Mrs. E.M. (Riebe?), Dr. Francis H. Rowley, Martin Runsicker, P.A. Ruppert, C.L. Shuff, Mrs. G.G. Snyder, Orpheus C. Soots, Mabel Spurck, William O. Stillman, Joseph A. Thorndyke, J.C. Walling, J. Lenox Ward, Mrs. S.J. Webber, William Wells, Iris White, H.S. Whiting, Vern Williams, G.C. Wise, F.D. Wist, William Zack. [Horses on the Yakima Reservation. Range conditions in Yakima.]
1917-1921, undated
42 404
[Humane Society: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 270 pages notes and correspondence
Corrs: J.P. Briggs, F.B. Norwest, May Orrell, Edwin L. Chalcraft, David Smith, Nellie H. Dunning, W.O. Stillman, Mrs. Lenora B. Simpkins, H.P. Vermilye, Jennie R. Nichols, C.H. Burke, Francis H. Rowley, B.B. Bradley, Sam Austin, A.B. Cutler, Mrs. Etheliape S. Grier, Paul Goerner, Mrs. Hanson, Marie F. Meyers, Mattie Davis, Mrs. S.J. Webber, Hazel Thompson, C. Hascall, J.H. Gordon, Mrs. H.C. Plum, Diana Belais, J.M. Harris, Wm. F.H. Wentzel, Wm. Wells, He-mene Ká-wan*, G.P. Masterman, Simon Goudy*, Mrs. O.M. McWherter, J.P. Denham, E.J. Haasze, L.E. Windsor, Alice J. Read, Ida Hupel, G.H. Smith, George P. Eaton, J.W. Grant, L.C. Rolph, J.H. Fautron, Buffalo Ben Olney*, J.G. Lopas, W.E. Thompson, W.O. Pruitt, Roy Bacon, Charles Burden, Jas. Lommasson, Ora Rimmar, Don M. Carr, W.S. Clarke, Arthur A. Davis, H.C. Davis, J.P. Denham, C.D. Hessey, R.N. Holton, Ben Jory, J.H. Johnson, Grace C. Kinne, Clara Wardle-Ho no (?), L.C. Layman, Dick Noble, John Calvin, H.J. Snively. [Concerning: settling affairs of May Orrell; wild horses on Yakima Reservation, range conditions, Indian health, Indian Bureau* malfeasance, and misc humane work.]
1918-1922, undated
42 405
[Humane Society: Miscellaneous.]
64 pages correspondence
Most from Mrs. Jennie Nichols. Also, Evan W. Estep, Francis H. Rowley. [Re humane work on behalf of animals by the Washington State Chapter of the American Humane Education Society. Abandoned horses on the Yakima Reservation. 4 pages leaflet "Laws of the State of Washington Relating to Cruelty." Pamphlet, Instructions for Probation Officer in the United States District Courts. Issued by the Department of Justice, Washington, DC, 1927. 5p miscellaneous notes. Two prayer cards. Three cls re McWhorter's activities and an attack on McWhorter's* person.]
42 406
[Humane Society.]
13 pages
re Seattle Elks Rodeo case.
42 407
[Humane Society.]
3 pages
[Directory of Teachers, Yakima County.]
42 408
[Humane Society.]
Twelve humane society broadsides.
42 409
[Mimeo Material.]
2 pages mimeo material.
42 410
[Humane Society.]
(a) "Attempted recall of Mayor W.W. Stratton, July 29, 1932." Envelope, with cls and three copies pamphlet outlining attempts to recall Yakima mayor. (b) "Humane Clippings: 'Damage' suit against Davis." Envelope, with 15 pages letters, clippings, 1919-1920. Corrs: George W. Thompson, E.W.(?) Nichols, Jennie R. Nichols, W.P. Bonney (not related to other material). [Suit brought against Charles D. Davis charging cruelty to animals in a Seattle rodeo incident. Davis retaliated, after the suit was dropped, charging McWhorter* with false arrest.]
42 411
Anti-Carnival Bill
approximately 20 pages letters, 2 pages clipping, 2 pages copy of bill.
Corrs: Mrs. Lenora B. Simpkins, W.O. Stillman, Mrs. Harry John Miller, J.R. Schwartze, Orpheus C. Soots. [Bill brought before WA State Legislature at Olympia during 1923 session; would outlaw "traveling carnival companies."]
1921-1923, undated
42 412
[Correspondence & Notes.]
approximately 130 pages miscellaneous.
Corrs: Jennie R. Nichols, Marie Skibness, Lenora B. Simpkins, Simon Louis Katzoff, Mary Butler Shearer, Luella D. Wood, Mrs. G.H. Covey, B.F. Irish, Elizabeth Wills Bell, H.W. Lemcke, Mrs. F.C. Lowe, B.B. Bradley, Francis H. Rowley, H.E. Hagerman, R.L. Quick, Orpheus C. Soots, Maggie [Maggie Jiggs, Jennie R. Nichols], W.O. Stillman, H.P. Vermilye, Mary E. Harne, Mrs. Clella Scott & Mrs. Lee Boatman & Mrs. L. Flores, H.H. Beste, Mrs. Agnes J. McDonald, Simon Goudy*, John G. Lopas, Mattie D. Lovelace, J.W. Timpson, Mrs. Martha Spencer, Diana Belais, Dr. H.E. Pfenning, E.W.(?) Nichols, Calvin Frisbie, Wesley L. Jones, John W. Weeks, J.H. Davis. [Re carnival acts. Starvation of horses on Yakima Reservation.]
1921-1924, undated
42 413
[Humane Society: Miscellaneous.]
4 pages letters, miscellaneous.
Corr: Lenora Simpkins. [Humane statutes covering rodeos and roundups, 2 pages.]
1922, undated
42 414
[Humane Society: Miscellaneous.]
Packet from the Board of Temperance and Moral Welfare of the Presbyterian Church, USA: Moral Welfare, Vol. XIII, No. 8, April 1922. 8 pages newspaper. " Songs of Happy Life," humane songbook. Eighteen misc humane pamphlets and cards.
circa 1922, undated
42 415
[Humane Society.]
24 pages
misc expense vouchers incurred by McWhorter* as Humane Officer.
43 416
Correspondence Humane Work- Range Situation on the [Yakima] Reservation
30 pages letters.
Corrs: Tom Umtuch, Caesar Williams*, Evan W. Estep, W.O. Stillman, Francis H. Rowley, Chief George Menninock, Showaway Kootiken, Jim Saluskin. [Re processing of range horses on reservation for fertilizer.]
43 417
[Humane Society.]
1 p correspondence
Corr: Jason S. Joy. [l page letter re inquiry into the use of animals in motion picture production.]
43 418
[Humane Society: Business Correspondence.]
95 pages.
Pawpaw correspondence Corrs: C.A. Bigelow, George Roger Chute, H. Gordon Chute, R.L. Clark, W.J. Gould, John H. Hanley, A.E. Hart, Mrs. M.S. Hineman, E.L. McLain, Jr., William L. McCormick, O.T. McWhorter, Mrs. Bruno Michaelis, H. Lloyd Miller, Charles S. Mosaly, C.E. Moyer, Charles D. Raymer, John Snyder, Cecil Solly, Mrs. Sadir Taylor, Mrs. George E. Thompson, Mrs. G.A. Voerge, Henry Walker, Nora B. Whalen, Cyrus W. Wilhite. [Re Pawpaw culture in WA state. Yakima Indian fishing* rights.]

Series 6: Indian Narratives Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
43 419
Finished Stories
approximately 275 pages manuscript, dups, correspondence
[(1) "Is Tam Ma, Chief of Beavers." Chief Meninock, Aug.1922. Notes, McWhorter. (2) "Isti-pláh." A Yakima-Klickitat legend, as narrated by Chief Stwire G. Waters. (3) "Tribal Customs of the Yakimas: Subduing a Refractory Child." Chief Yoom-tee-bee, July 1919. (4) "Legend of Túch-Ish," July 1922. (5) "The Singing Tweé-Tas." Told by a Yakima hunter*, Dec. 1918. (6) "The Small[-]Mouthed People." Klickitat. March 1918. (7) The Two Sisters and their Star Husbands." A Chehalis-Yakima legend. William Poniah, Dec.1917. Notes, McWhorter. (8) "The Star Rock of the Tum-Water (Dalls)." Wasco legend. I-keep-swah, July 1918, with "The Star Rock of the Dalles," ("discarded finale"). (9) "The Sun and his Daughter." Klickitat. William Charley*, March 1916. (10) "Legend of the Great Dipper; or How Coyote Fixed the Five Wolves." Wasco. I-keep-swah, Oct. 1921. Notes, McWhorter. (11) "How Beaver Stole the Fire." Listening Coyote, November 1921. Notes, letters. Corrs: J. Hooper Bowles, and photocopy of Mourning Dove* letter [re chickadee, or winter wren]. (12) "The Celestial Canoeman." (13) "Enum-Kláh: The Thunder Bird." Klickitat-Yakima legend. 1913. Notes, McWhorter. (14) "A Legend of Enum-Klah Páh." Yakima-Klickitat. 1915. Notes, McWhorter. (15) "Lakes on Pót-To and Tahoma." Also "Lakes on Mount Adams and Tahoma." (16) Wasco. I-keep-swah: "Sitting Rock*," 1918. Notes, McWhorter. (17) "Serpent Lake." Klickitat. Sept. 1922. (18) "The Ste-Ye-Háh-Mah: [sic] or Stick-Shower Indians." Notes, McWhorter. (19) "Battle with the Ste-Ye-Háh-Mah (Stick-Showers)." Klickitat. Simon Goudy*, 1918. (20) "An Indian's Experience with the Stick-Showers." Yakima. (21) "The Te-Chúm Mah." (22) "Ah-Ton-O Kah of She-Kó-Ún. A Wasco Legend of Mount Hood." Sitting Rock, July 1918. (23) "The Pah-Ho-Ho Kláh." (24) "The Ghost Voice of the Tieton Canyon." (25) Läux-Wóptus and the Cach-Chi." (26) "The Bad Spirit of the Clackamas." Et-wa-mish of the Tumwater, 1903. Notes, McWhorter. (27) "Coyote Marries his Daughter to Mountain Goat." Also "Coyote Marries his Daughter to Wow." Simon Goudy*, Dec. 1918. Notes, McWhorter. (28) "Spirit Costume of the Ste-Ye-Háh Mah. Yakima-Klickitat. Simon Goudy*, 1918. Notes, McWhorter.]
1903-1922, undated
43 420
Finished [Stories]
230 pages manuscript, dups.
[(1) "Stories of the Gy-u-boó-kum." Et-wa-mish. Chinook Jargon. 1906. Notes, McWhorter. (2) "Why the Wáhk-puch Crawls." Notes, McWhorter. (3) "Stories of the Wáhk-puch." Chief We-yallup Wa-ya-cika, Medicine Man, 1910. Notes, McWhorter. (4) "Medicine Man and Wáhk-puch." Notes, McWhorter. (5) "How the Dog Became Domesticated." Notes, McWhorter. (6) "How Elk Was Created." A Klikitat [sic] legend. William Charley*, Oct. 1920. (7) "Origin of the Horse." Che-wana legend. July 4, 1921. Notes, McWhorter. (8) "The Discontented Woman and the Wáhk-Puch." Yes-to-lay-lemi, April 1919. (9) "Coyote's Rule for Digging the Skool-kool." May 1918. (10) "The Huckleberry and the Choke-Cherry." (11) "Chief Yoom-tee-bee's Account of the First People." July 20, 1919. (12) "Tóp-tut of Old." To-kiaken Twi-wash, May 1919. Notes, McWhorter. (13) "The Grizzly Bear Mother and her Two Children." Klickitat-Yakima legend. 1910. Notes, McWhorter. (14) "The Pach-an-a-hó." Klickitat-Yakima legend. Simon Goudy*, interpreter. Notes, McWhorter. (15) "Bear Woman of the Okanogan." Dec. 1911. Notes, McWhorter. (16) "Yakima Tradition of a Flood." Mrs. Skouken John. (17) "Flathead Tradition of a Flood / Nez Perce Flood." (18) "The Lost Glory of Tóp-tut." E-hah-tween, May 1919. Notes, McWhorter. (19) "Coyote Destroys the Evil Genii [sic] of Tóp-tut." May 1918. Notes, McWhorter. (20) "The Schop-tash: 'Painted' Rocks of the Naches." Chief Sluiskin and Holite*, Sept. 1917. Notes, McWhorter. (21) "The Puh-Tuh Num: 'Pictured' Rocks of the Naches." Tokiaken Twi-wash, 1912. (22) "Nash-láh. Lo-páh-hin*, 1913. Notes, McWhorter. (23) "Tuli-Skums-Kée." Chief Waters, Feb. 1923. (24) "The Young Twee-tas Warrior." Listening Coyote, 1912. (25) "Legends of the As-sööm 'Eel' Trail." Mrs. Skouken John, July 1917. Notes, McWhorter. (26) "Legend of the As-sööm Trail: The Five Laws." Mrs. Skouken John, July 1917. Notes, McWhorter. (27) "Yakima-Klikitat [sic] Legend of Wáhk-shum Mountain." (Two copies; second copy a revised version.)]
1906-1923, undated
43 421
Miss [Fannie C.] Dillon. Blank Verses- Indian and Otherwise
approximately 25 pages, manuscript, manuscript fragments, misc notes.
[Most of the poems are by McWhorter*. Those without title are identified by first line: None of the poems is longer than three pages. "The shades of night fall softly ," and "Softly fall the shades of night," with note on meanings of Indian words, George source., undated. "Shambles of an Indian Camp." McWhorter. undated. "The Nez Perce Challenge." McWhorter. undated. "To Keeper of Songs." He-mene (?), June 21, 1934. "O Bigotry!" [by] "Daniel O'Connell, Irish Lawyer and Orator." undated. "The Greater Than Thou."no source., undated. "The Flapper and the Masher."no source.,nd. "When the limpid streams ; "When the sun is hid ," Big Foot [McWhorter], undated. "Rock Wren and the Rattlesnake." McWhorter. undated. "A Dreamer Nez Perce's Thanks for Food." Sept. 1908. Bears note by McWhorter re setting text to source. "This bear was my friend ," Indian hunter's chant, undated. Note re Miss Dillon to "set" text of "Indian blank verses to music." McWhorter. "Cogewea." McWhorter. undated. "You have made no enemies you say?" Walter M. Pierce. undated. "Baby on the Cradle-Board."no source., undated. "Two Moons." McWhorter(?), undated. "Incident of the Big Hole Battle*" McWhorter. undated. "Nez Perce Dreamer's Thanks for Food." Sept. 1908. Bears note: "Delivered by Chief Ae-lah-we-moh: 'About Asleep,' a successor of Chief Joseph...." "The Law of the Lonely Wood." Samuel Hunter. undated. Photocopy and 1 page manuscript frag: "An-a-siah," song at feast, Yakima Indian. April 13, 1913. "Papoose on your cradle-board." Bears note to Fannie [Dillon]. [Same as "Baby on the Cradle-Board" above.]no source., undated. "In Love's boat a-drifting." McWhorter, June 21, 1934. Two copies advertisment for "Fannie Charles Dillon, Famous Composer and Concert Pianist." Note from F.C.D. [Fannie Charles Dillon]. clipping, review of concert by pianist Frederic Dixon, April 18, 1934.]
1908-1934, undated
43 422
Finished Stories. [Tahmahnawis* Power.]
approximately 130 pages manuscript, dups.
[(1) "An Okanogan Premonition of Death," Oct. 1917. (2) "Vision of Sitting Rock*." (3) "Vision of an Aged Warm Springs Woman." Notes, McWhorter. (4) "Dream Presentment of Death." (5) "A Border Vision." (6) "Prophetic Dream Visions." Contributed by a Yakima tribesman, 1917. (7) "The Vision of In-wat-kee of the Wishoms." Narrated by her daughter, Sin-i-tah. (8) "Dream Vision of Lo-pah-hin*." 1920. (9) "Dream Vision of Lo-páh-hin*." Warm Springs. Yakima. Oct. 1918. Notes, McWhorter. (10) "Vision of Quas-qui Táchens." Notes, McWhorter. (11) "Dream Vision of a Renegade." (12) "Wan-tah's Adventure with the Wal-chi-o." Louis Mann*. (13) "A Paiute Vision of the First Wolf People." Notes, McWhorter. (14) "Second Sight of Wal-a-musk-kee." 1918. (15) "Stone Heaps of the nChé-wana [sic]." Two versions: Joe Tuckaho, Nez Perce. July 5, 1922; Tom Hill, "Warrior, Nez Perce War, 1877," July 5, 1922. (16) "Tah-mah-na-wis* Power." I-keep-swah: "Sitting Rock," July 1918. Notes, McWhorter. (17) "The Star-Rock of Riches." Chief Meninock*, Aug. 1922. Notes, McWhorter. (18) "The Water-People of Skah-ket." Wasco. Sitting Rock, July 1918. (19) "Tahmahnawis* Power of Läux-Wóptus." (20) "How the nChe-wana [sic] Was Formed." Chief Waters, Nov. 1918. Two duplicate copies. (21) "The Sun Lodge." Oct. 1921. (22) "Wisdom of the Wahk-puch." Bill Sta-hai, priest of the Dreamers, 1909. (23) "Vision of Wat-til-ki." Ie-keep-swah, July 1918.]
44 423
Material to be Rewritten. [Tahmahnawis* Power.]
approximately 80 pages letter, manuscripts, notes.
Corrs: Peo-peo Tholekt*, Caesar Williams*. [(1) "Immortality- Wasco." Sitting Rock*, Sept. 1920. 2 pages manuscript with dup. (2) "Schoc-ish-ton: 'Chief Deity.'" Sitting Rock, Jan. 1924. 2 pages manuscript. (3) "The Vision of Lu-páh-hin*." 2 pages manuscript with notes. (4) "Vision of I-keeps-swah*." Sitting Rock. 2 pages manuscript. (5) "Vision of...[no name]." 3 pages manuscript. (6) "A Grande Ronde Woman's Vision Beyond the Border." 2 pages manuscript. (7) "Dream of Lo-pah-hin*. Known as Caesar Williams." March 1924. 1 page manuscript. (8) "Lu-pah-hin's Power of Forecasting of Events." June 1923. 1 p manuscript with notes. (9) "Tem-tei-quin and the Black Robes." Moses Lightfoot, 1909. 2 pages manuscript. (10) "Data on the Two Yah Ya Tosh (ancient graves*)." 2 pages manuscript. (11) "Sacrifice of the Peni-ten-tes of New Mexico." James Willard Schultz; Oct. 31, 1925. 2 pages manuscript. (12) "Properties of Tahmahawis* Powers." 1 page manuscript. (13) Ho-lite or Billie Captain's* Reflections on his Youthful Life." Jan. 1918. 1 page manuscript. (14) "Yakima Indian Signs and Omens." 1 page manuscript with dup. (15) "Sie-kin-lus, Indian Rattle." 6 pages manuscript. (16) "Tahmahnawis Power." Indian hunter camp, April 1921. 2 pages manuscript. (17) "Medicine Men of the Yakimas." April 1927. 2 pages manuscript. (18) "Its-i-yi-yi's Unfinished Fish Trap of the Clear Water, ID." July 1926. 1 page fragment (19) "Cause of Small Pox. Prevented by Yah-son, 'Medicine Woman.'" 1 page fragment (20) "Name of Warrior who had Power of the Pah-An-A-Ho." 1 p fragment (21) "Words of Yakima Religious Song." Alva Cleparty, Jan. 1, 1909. 23 pages manuscript. (22) 17 pages misc notes and letters.]
1909-1927, undated
44 424
Customs of the Yakimas. Omens. Item on the Winter, or "Earth House" of the Yakima and Wishom Tribes
[(1) "The Medicine Man's Mode of Obtaining Healing Power." 2 pages manuscript. (2) "Tahmahnawis* Power. Medicine Man." Dec. 1917. 2 pages manuscript. (3) "Power of the Medicine Man: How Obtained." Billie Stayhai, 1909. 2 pages manuscript. (4) "Incidents in Smat-Louit's* Career as Medicine Man." 3 pages manuscript. (5) "Items on the Cascade Indians." Capt. Martineau, 1909. 2 pages manuscript. (6) "Feast and Donation in Memory of the Dead. A Feast of Thanksgiving for Recovery from Serious Illness." Personal observation. July celebration, July 1917. 4 pages manuscript. (7) "The Test of the Sweat House*." Mrs. Caesar Williams*, April 1917. 2 pages manuscript. (8) "Former Days of Famine among the Yakimas." 1 page manuscript. (9) "The War Dance*of the Yakimas." Mr. S.J. Stolebreed, July 1917. 1 page manuscript. (10) "The Sacrifices by the Warrior when Going Against an Enemy Tribe." Simon Goudy*, 1917. 1 page manuscript. (11) "Mourning Customs of the Yakimas and Kindred Tribes." Mrs. Caesar Williams, 1917. 1 page manuscript. (12) "Indian Aversion to Killing Bear." April 1923. 2 pages manuscript. (13) "Tahmahnawis* Power." Yakima-Klickitat, 1917. 3 pages manuscript. (14) "Yakima Tahmahnawis Power. Kamiaken's* Son." 2 pages manuscript. (15) "Doctoring" an Indian's Rifle which had Lost its Potency because of the Recent Death of the Hunter's Wife." Elk Hunt, 1928. 1 page manuscript. (16) "Prophacy [sic]of the Coming of the White Man, with his Subsequent Wrongs." Billie Stahai. Autumn 1909. 2 pages manuscript with clipping, Nov. 22, 1924. (17) "Elements Entering into the Religion of the Yakimas." 2 pages manuscript. (18) "Tribal Customs of the Klikitats [sic]." Chief Stwire G. Waters. 1 page manuscript. (19) "Underground Houses of the Yakimas and Wishoms." 1 page manuscript. (20) "Care of the Hair." 1 page manuscript. (21) Hunter-Omens. April, 1923. 1 page manuscript with attached note. (22) "Impotency of the Gun[, c]ause of." April 1923. 1 p manuscript. (23) Hunting Omens of the Yakimas. 1 page manuscript. (24) "The Owl of Ill Omen." 1 page fragment (25) "Wasco Calendar." Sitting Rock, Nov. 1922. 1 page fragment (26) "Chief of Lizzards [sic]/Tahmahnawis." 1 page manuscript. (27) "Customs of the Yakimas." 7 pages misc fragments.]
1909-1929, undated
44 425
[Chief Sluskin*.]
approximately 60 pages letters, manuscripts, clippings, notes.
Corrs: Warren K. Moorehead, Louis Mann*. [Corr: Indian grievances over water rights*. (1) "Chief Sluskin's Tahmahnawis." Mrs. George Waters, Nov. 1918." 4 pages manuscript. (2) clipping, "The Lament of We-yallup Wa-ya-cika. The Venerable Yakima Chief Makes a 'Record' of His Great Love for Ya-pah-mox, the Bride of His Youth as Well of His Old Age," by McWhorter*, The New Republic, Jan. 7, 1916. (3) clipping, "Sluskin* Tells True Story of Mountain. Gives Corrected Version of Trip with White Men," Tacoma Daily News, Nov. 30, 1915. (4) clipping, "In the Face of the Great Sun, Every One of Us Comes to Death," by McWhorter, The New Republic, August 6, 1915. [re Yakima Indians' troubles.] (5) "The Funeral of Chief Sluskin We-owíkt." 6 pages manuscript. (6) Speeches by Sluskin*. 2 pages. (7) "A Tragedy of the Yakima War, 1855; as Narrated by Josephine Augustus Yemowit, December 22, 1912." 9 pages manuscript with notes and cover letter. (8) Notes on lineage of Louis Mann. 3 pages. (9) "We-yal-lup Wa-ya-ci-ka," The Indian Scout, Feb. 13, 1915. 1 page Misc cls.]
44 426
Berry Feast
approximately 35 pages manuscript, notes.
[(1) "The Berry Feast of 1910." Personal observation- Yakima. 2 pages manuscript with note: "Two of the Yakima Religeous [sic] Songs; Sung at the Berry Feast, August, 1910." (2) "Origin of the Salmon and Root Feasts, of the Yakimas. Feast at Billy Stahie's*, October, 1910." (3) "The Feast of the New Food*." April 18, 1915. 6 pages manuscript. (4) "A Notable Indian Gathering." He-mene Ka-wan [McWhorter*]. 4 pages manuscript re council* of chiefs at Toppenish, Jan. 1921. (5) 15 fragment pages, misc notes, and clipping, Yakima Morning Herald, June 21, 1925: "Indian Trenches Are Found Here."]
1910-1925, undated
44 427
[Miscellaneous Stories.]
approximately 40 pages, manuscripts, notes, letters, cl.
Corrs: W.P. Bonney, Dr. Sam Puyette, Mrs. Carlos Montezuma, Nealy Olney*, Mrs. Walter Peone, Caesar Williams*. [(1) "The Yakimas. 'Written for Indian Sentinel. By Lucullus Virgil McWhorter, Adopted Tribesman, He-mene Ka-wan: Old Wolf.'" With note: "Never published." 5 pages manuscript. (2) "Me-ye-wah-kayn. The Strong Man of the Yakimas." Mrs. Caesar Williams*, 1916. 1 page manuscript. (3) "Historic." Paper read before the Kiwanis Club of Yakima, August 16, 1921, by L.V. McWhorter. 6 pages manuscript with 3 pages version. (4) "The First White Man Among the Klickitats." William Charley*, March 3, 1910. 7 pages manuscript. (5) "Killing of Wan-a-wish (Water Rapids): A Medicine Man of the Wo-watch-watch Tribe." Mrs. Caesar Williams, 1918. 1 page manuscript. (6) "The Indians' Story of the White Man Buried in Memmaloose Island." Wasco Jim*, July 1918. 1 page manuscript. (7) "Capt. Charles Eaton: Confession of Lesh-hi." 3 pages notes. (8) "Historic Names of Washington State." David Longmire, June 11, [19]18. 1 page note. (9) "California Joe." Nov. 26, 1935. 1 page manuscript. (10) "'The Shakers- Ministers on the Various Reservations of Washington State.' This Paper May or May Not Be Correct. The List of Preachers Was Given Me in 1910 by Henry Wynico." 1 page notes. (11) letters, cl. correspondences noted above. Tragedy at Edgar Rock, Naches River. Yakima medicine dances*. Misc and personal. clipping, "'Indians Will Get You' Echo Rings in Mrs. [Ella] Woolery's Ear." Seattle Sunday Times, November 19, 1933. Note: "Interesting fiction Puget Sound Indian War, 1855."]
1910-1935, undated
44 428
Chief Sluskin* and Other Items
approximately 60 pages manuscripts, letters notes, cls.
Corrs: Miles Poindexter, Herbert Hunt, Chief Sluskin, George E. Smith. [Corr, with clippings, notes, manuscript fragments. Mostly re Chief Sluskin. (1) "Chief Saluskin Tells of the Sapalwit, or the Indian Sunday." 2 pages manuscript. (2) Untitled manuscript concerning quarrel over name of Mt. Rainier. 5 pages. (3) "Chief Sluskin's Conception of the Indian's Right to Fish*." 4 pages manuscript. (4) "Chief Sliuskin Weowikt." 5 pages manuscript carbon. (5) "Two Noted Contemporary Yakima Chiefs." [We-yal-lup Wa-ya-cika* and Sluskin We-ow-ikt] 4 pages manuscript carbon. (6) "Jim Walsie, Warm Springs Indian on Abuses of the White Man Fishing and Hunting." July, 1909. (7) "The Truth About the Finding of the 'Headless Trunk' of Tisanawa in the Tepee at We-yallup Wayacika, 1903." 1 p manuscript. (8) "The Mendacious Accusation Against Chief We-Yallup Wa-ya-si-ca." 3 pages manuscript. (9) "The Funeral Feast in Honor of Yah-pah-mox; Wife of Chief We-Yallup Wa-ya-cika; of the Ahtanum, Yakima Indian Reservation*." 2 pages manuscript with cls. (10) "Chief Sluskin's True Narrative." 6 pages printed article,no source. journal. (11) "Chief Yallup." 1 page manuscript.]
44 429
Finished Stories
approximately 285 pages manuscript, dups.
[Three notes by McWhorter* re vocabulary. Three copies 5 pages list of legends "in order of proposed publication." The following legends are included here, with dates and numbers are as they appear on the manuscript. All the legends are those of the Yakimas and neighboring tribes. Many describe geographical features of the region. McWhorter provides explanatory notes for a number of these legends, including meanings of Indian words. (1) "The Strong Boy of the Cascades." Che-pos to-cos, Oct. 1923. Notes, McWhorter. (2) "Coyote and Crow." (3) "Bridge of the Gods." Wasco. Narrated by An-a-whoa*: "black-bear," Sept. 1914. Notes, McWhorter. (4) "Coyote and the Two Sisters of the Che-Wana." Wasco Legend. I-keep-swah, July 1918. Notes, McWhorter. (5) "How the Mountain Broke Down," July 1922. (6) "How Coyote Was Changed Into an Eagle." Told in an Indian Hunter Camp, April 1921. (7) "Nihs-Láh: A Wasco Legend of Multnomah Falls*." An-a-whoa. "Blackbear," Sept. 1911. Notes, McWhorter. (8) "How Young Eagle Killed Pah-He-Nuxt-Twy." From the Wishom, as narrated by Che-pos to-cos: "Owl-Child," Oct. 1923. Notes, McWhorter. (9) "Pah-To, the White Eagle," Dec. 1924. Notes, McWhorter. (10) "How Coyote Destroyed the Fish Dam at the Cascades: Distributing Salmon in the Rivers." Che-pos to-cos: "Owl-Child," Oct. 1916. Notes, McWhorter. (11) "Speel-Yí and the Five Sisters of the nChé-Wana-An-nee-shiat [sic]," May 1918. Notes, McWhorter. (12) "Coyote and the Lal-a-Wísh." (Sequel to The Story of the Qui-Yiah.) Notes, McWhorter. (13) "The Qui-Yiah, Five Brothers." A Klickitat legend. Simon Goudy*. Notes, McWhorter. (14) "Sho-pów-Tan and the Tah-Tah-Klé-Ah." Tam-a-wash, 1919. Notes, McWhorter. (15) "Tah Tah Klé-Ah." A Shasta legend, as narrated by the Yakimas. William Charley*, 1918. Notes, McWhorter. (16) "How Speel-Yí Tricked the People Devouring Tah-Tah-Klé-Ah." (17) "How Speel-Yi Was Tricked by Schah-Shá-Yah." Notes, McWhorter. (18) "How Coyote Moved Pót-To and Tahoma." Simon Goudy, Dec. 1918. Notes, McWhorter. (19) "The Story of Whe-Ámish or Chí-Nach*. [See also McWhorter Photo Collection for two photos of regions near Yakima this legend describes.] (20) "How Coyote Trapped Wind." Klickitat, Sept. 1921. Notes, McWhorter. (21) "How Coyote and Wood-Tick Took the Sweat." Told in an Indian Hunting Camp, April 1921. (22) "How Spéel-Yi Tricked Twée-Tash." Klickitat-Yakima legend, July 1920. (23) "How Speel-yi Was Tricked by Ots-Spl-Yi. Notes, McWhorter. (24) "How Speel-Yí Was Tricked by Töö-Nöön-Yí." (25) "How Coyote Was Cheated by Cusho." Told in an Indian Hunter Camp, April 1921. (26) "How Iques Killed Tah-Tah Klé-Ah." Told in a Yakima Hunting Camp, April 1921. (27) "How Iques Stole the Favorite Wife of Enum-Klah." Told in a Yakima Hunting Camp, April 1921. (28) "Coyote, his Son and the Salmon." Mrs. Skouken John, July 1917. Notes, McWhorter. (29) "Coyote's Attempt to Circum-Navigate [sic] the Land. Origin of the Southern Tribes." Blazing Bush (Flaming Bush), Jan. 1911. Notes, McWhorter. (30) "How Coyote Lost Immortality to the Tribes." Blazing Bush, Feb. 5, 1911. Notes, McWhorter.]
44 430
Finished Legends, The Hereafter. [Tahmanhawis* Power.]
approximately 125 pages manuscript, dups.
[(1) "A Legend of Deep Lake, the Grand Coulee." Umatilla. (2) "Story of the Lake at K-nute." Mrs. Skouken John, July 1917. (3) "The Pith-nee Pic-wen: 'Hole in the Rock' of the Clearwater River, Idaho. (frag) Charley White, July 1926. (4) "Läux Wáptus." (5) "Battle of the Five Wives of Enum-klah, or 'Thunder.'" Klickitat legend. 1917. (carbon only). (6) "Te-chúm Tahmahnawis* of a Medicine Man." Simon(?) Goudy, 1918. (7) "Aquatic Tahmahnawis* (Aquatic Tah)." Medicine Owl, 1911. Notes, McWhorter. (8) "The 'Imagination' Trout of the Wenatchee." (9) "How Coyote Destroyed the Trail to the Upper World." Wishom legend. Ye-mow-wit (Jobe Charley), Sept. 18, 1825. (10) "The Tahmahnawis* Bear." (Simon?) Goudy, Oct. 1917. (11) "Qoo-x Speelyi: 'White Coyote.'" (12) "The Ne-siwa-nu-way-pah-cin." Nez Perce legend. He-mene Mox-mox: "Yellow Wolf," 1914. (carbon only) Notes, McWhorter. (13) "The Story of Skin-lip." Legendary. Yellow Wolf*, July 1927. (14) "Origin of the Kusho: 'Hog.'" Simon Goudy*, Nov.1922; "Indian Lulllibye [sic]." Yakima. (15) "Legend of the Okanogan Country." Annotated: "To be rewritten I neglected making note of the narrator of this legend. L.V. McWhorter*. Oct. 1923. (16) "How Coyote and Fox Flew to the Upper World." (17) "A Legend of the Cascade Tribe." Owl-Child, March 5, 1932. (18) "A Cascade Indian Legend." Owl-Child. Wishom. (19) "Why Cougar and Wildcat Now Live Separately." Klickitat legend. William Charley*, Feb.20, 1927. (20) "The Gy-u-boo-kum of the Wishoms." (21) "A[n] Umatilla Legend of the Dwarf Mountain People, Counterpart of the Te-chúm of the Yakimas." (22) "Legendary Origin of the Lolo Trail*." Nez Perce. (with "Additional Data ") (23) "Legend of Wallowa Lake*." Peo-peo Tholekt*. (24) "The Rattlesnake as Guardian of Good Water Springs." April 1923. (25) "Nez Perce Legend of the Lolo Hot Spring." Horse Blanket, 1926. (26) "Thó-wet-tet." (27) "What Became of Speel-yí." William Charley*, Jan. 1925. (28) "Legend of I-yáh-houce, or I-yah-horce." Yakima. (29) "How Eel Lost His Bones." Charley Sluskin, Sept. 1925. (30) "A California Indian Legend." (31) "Man-Devouring Monster of the Naches." Yakima legend. Louis Mann*. (32) "Battle between Eagle and Owl." Warm Springs Indian. (frag) (33) "Traditional Negro Boatman on the Columbia." (34) "Legendary Group-Bones in the Head of the Sucker-Fish." William Charley*. (35) "Legends of Priest Rapids*, WA." Notes. (36) "Phantom Buck of the Yakimas." (37) "Footprints on Skein Island, Columbia River." Chief Meninock*, Jan. 1923. (38) Notes for legends of the Yakimas: "Battle of Cold Wind and Chinnook [sic] Wind"; "How Coyote Lost Immortality to the Tribes"; "Creation of the Indian Peoples" [two stories]. (39) "Tradition of Multnoma [sic] Falls, Columbia River," by Mrs. Mary Pilkins, Wasco Tribe, or A-na-whoa 'Black bear.' Bears note: "This legend was narrated to me in September, 1911, on a river steamer returning from Astoria to Portland, Oregon, from attending the Astoria Centen[n]ial* with Thirty-two Yakimas and Nez Perces, who took part in the play: 'Bridge of the Gods.'" (40) "Yakima Tahmahnawis* Power. The Boy and the Brave Hazel Nut." William Charley, Sept. 1911. (41) Photocopy of clipping, "Ancient Legend of the Red Fox Related by Chief Jobe Charley," by Mrs. R.E. Gehlen, Yakima Morning Herald, January 28, 1951. (42) "Patriotism Misapplied." (1 page note). (43) "The Indian as a 'Killer.'" (3 pages notes).]
1911-1932, undated
44 431
441 Legends, Tribal Wars, Hunting* Stories
approximately 90 pages manuscripts, few clippings, letter.
Corr: George H. Himes. [Re attempts to climb Mount Hood.] manuscripts: [(1) "A Yakima Recall (?) Annulment of social adoption of Mrs. Alma B.[B.] Walker, and son Leon, into the Yakima tribe, October 30, 1924." 3 pages manuscript. Accompanied by three copies clipping, Yakima Sunday Herald, May 16, 1926: "Odd Ceremony Enacted Here. Yakima Indian Disown Two Who Were Taken Into Tribe More than a Year Ago, at Unusual Recall Proceedings." (2) "Testing the Tah-Power of the Warrior." 9 pages manuscript. (3) "A Peaceable Bear Killed in his Own Home." G.W. Olney, Sept. 1925. 3 pages manuscript. (4) "Hunting Stories." 5 pages manuscript. (5) "Strange Actions of a Wounded Deer." Charley Sluskin, Aug. 1925. 1 page manuscript. (6) "Amusements [games for children] by Samalee Sack.." 1p manuscript. (7) "Sam-a-le-sack." Simon Goudy* and Coo-pilkin, 1912. 3 pages manuscript. (8) "Samalee-Sack and the Black Bear." (Simon?) Goudy, Dec. 1918. 4 pages manuscript. (9) "Bear-Woman of the Nespelems." Charley Sluskin, April 1923. 2 pages manuscript. (10) "A Noted Table-Rock Hunting Ground." Listening Coyote, March 1927. 3 pages manuscript. (11) "The Useless Boy." Nez Perce. Charley White, July 1926. 2 pages manuscript. (12) "Origin of Yakima." 1 page manuscript. (13) Untitled manuscript with note: "These pages written by Alva Cleparty, embraces two stories in the crude. To be written out, or recast with some additional data." 15 pages manuscript. (14) "A Story About Two Girls [a] Long Time Ago." Louis Mann*, Jan. 24, 1918. Bears note: "Been recast, and in Manuscript." 19 pages manuscript. (15) 7 pages misc notes. (16) "Home of the Te-Chúm Mah." Yakima. From hunter band, April 1925. 1 page fragment (17) "Legends of the Yakimas," undated.; "Luck in the Bone Game," "Luck in Racing," April source. 1 page fragment of stories. (18) Untitled [re Coyote and Five Sisters]no source., undated. 2 pages fragment (19) "Túh-tan-nah." Owl-Child*, Oct. 1923. 3 pages manuscript. (20) "The Ste-ye-H h."no source., undated. 2 pages. manuscript.]
1912-1927, undated
45 432
Hunting Stories. Samalee Sack Stories
approximately 60 pages manuscript, notes.
[(1) "Shan-Te-Wit's Fight (Adventure) with a Grizzly Bear." 4 pages manuscript. Two versions, one noted: "Jim Goudy, Aug. 30, 1924." (2) "Tahmahnawis* Power." Hunting-camp, April 1923. 1 page manuscript. (3) "Indian Hunter Stories." Simon Goudy*, Dec. 1918. 5 pages manuscript. (4) "A Remarkable Bear Story." 1 page manuscript. (5) "Adventure with a Grizzly." Mourning Dove*. 1 page letter fragment (6) "Timber Wolves in the Cascade Mountains." 2 pages manuscript. (7) "An Indian Boy's Encounter with a Mad Bull." Simon Goudy, Jan. 1919. 2 pages manuscript. (8) "An Indian Boy's First Deer." Simon Goudy, Jan. 1919. 2 pages manuscript. (9) "Almcotty's [Almootie] Combat with a Grizzly." 2 pages manuscript. (10) "White Coyote's Fight with a Grizzly Bear." 2 pages manuscript. (11) "Combat of Two Mountain Sheep." Simon Goudy, 1912. 3 pages manuscript. (12) "Indian Boy Lost in Mountains." Simon Goudy, 1912. 2 pages manuscript. (13) "Caught in a Snow Slide." Simon Goudy, 1912. 4 pages manuscript. Note: "About 1896- towards spring Wenatchee country." "Get prelude to this story in a deer chase by Simon Goudy." (14) "An Adventure on Goat Rocks." Simon Goudy, Dec. 1912. 4 pages manuscript re deer hunting. (15) "Hunting Story- A Bad Bear." Simon Goudy, 1912. 4 pages manuscript. (16) "Hunter Stories." Simon Goudy. 2 pages manuscript re goat hunting. (17) "Eagle's Mode of Killing Young Deer." "Fishing Place of Samalee-Sack." "Coyote's Trip East." "Episode of Salmon Catching." Legends. 1 p notes. (18) "The Eagle as a Slayer of Deer." I keéps Swah (Wasco Jim)*, July 1918. 2 pages manuscript. (19) "Fight between a Grizzly and a Wolverine." Hunter Story. 3 pages manuscript. (20) "Charley Qualchan's Fight with a Silvertip." Indian Hunting Stories. Jim Goudy, Oct. 1923. 2 pages manuscript. (21) "The Lost Boy." Hunting Stories. 2 pages manuscript. (22) "Hol-Ite's* Adventure with a Wah-puch." 1 page manuscript. (23) "An Indian's Adventure with Rattlesnakes." 1917. 1 page manuscript. (24) Misc notes, clipping, 4 pages.]
1912-1928, undated
45 433
Original Copy of Casting of Mourning Dove's*Legends
approximately 272 pages manuscript, manuscript fragments, notes, 1 letter.
1914. Corr: J.W. Langdon. approximately 250 pages typed manuscript: "The Okanogan Sweat House, by Hum-Is Hu-Ma: 'Mourning Dove.' Notes by Lucullus Virgil McWhorter*...." Title page, 1 p; dedicatory, by Mourning Dove, 1 p; Table of Contents. Thirty-eight stories are listed. Prologue/Prelude to "The Okanogan Sweat House," by Mourning Dove, Dec. 26, 1922. Signed by Mourning Dove. 3 pages; "Fore Told [sic] to Big Foot." 3 pages; "A Forward," by Mourning Dove, marked "Recast and Corrected." 2 pages; with envelope, 2 pages. manuscript includes: "The Great Spirit Names the Animal People." Notes, McWhorter. "How Coyote Killed the Monster Whale of the Swah-Nétk-Qha." "The Whale Monster of the Swah-Netk-Qha." "North-Wind Monster." Notes, McWhorter. "Coyote Kills Wind." Notes, McWhorter. "Coyote Subdues the Man-Eating Monsters." Notes, McWhorter. "Coyote Kills Owl-Woman." Notes, McWhorter. "How Coyote Killed Flint." Notes, McWhorter. "How Coyote Broke the Salmon Dam." Notes, McWhorter. "The First Sun Dance." Notes, McWhorter. "The Moon and Sun Gods." "Boy Lynx and Owl-Woman." Notes, McWhorter. "Rattlesnake Kills Salmon." "Origin of Mosquito." Notes, McWhorter. "How Crawfish Whipped Grizzlybear." Notes, McWhorter. "How Gartersnake Scared Thunderbird." Notes, McWhorter. "The Camas Woman." Notes, McWhorter. "Coyote's Son Muskrat and Grizzly-Bear." "The Sons of Beaver and of Coyote." Notes, McWhorter. "Coyote and Wood-Tick." Notes, McWhorter. "How Coyote Imitated Bear and King-fisher." Notes, McWhorter. "Chick-Adee [sic] Kills Elk." "The Arrow Trail to the Upper World-Land." Notes, McWhorter. "The Three Wolf Brothers and Three Bear Sisters." "Coyote and Fox." Notes, McWhorter. "How Rabbit Lost his Tail." "How Skunk Came by his Tail." Notes, McWhorter. "Coyote and Buffalo." Notes, McWhorter. "Fisher and Martin." "Fisher and his Brother Skunk." Notes, McWhorter. "Fisher and Skunk." "Coyote as a Handsome Woman." "Coyote and his Daughter." Notes, McWhorter. "How Coyote Lost and Regained his Eyes." "How Coyote Drowned because of Thirst." "Coyote Devours his Own Children." Notes, McWhorter. "Coyote Marries his Own Daughter." "How Spider Came by his Long Legs." "How Diseases Came to the People." "House of Little Men."]
1914-1922, undated
45 434
[Yakima Indian War.]
132 pages notes, letters, manuscripts, cls.
Corrs: Thomas J. Beall, Jim Wallahee*, Louis Mann*. [Corr concerns Beall and his genealogy. Death of Qalchin and Owhi*. (1) "The Narrative of Too-skas Pot-thah-nook, 'Seven Mountains.'" 10 pages manuscript with cc and photocopy of photograph and cl. [See also McWhorter Photograph Collection.] (2) "The Death of Tow-tow-nah-hee." Chief Sluskin*, Mrs. Caesar Williams*, interpreter, Sept. 25, 1917. (3) "To-ki-aken Twi-wash at the Battle of Thappenish," Lucullus Virgil McWhorter*. Note: "Duplicate. Original is on file, WA State Hist. Socty. Tacoma, WA." 7 pages manuscript, carbon copy. (4) "Items Relative to the Battle of Toppenish, 1855, given by To-Ki-A-Ken Twi-Wash, Surviving Warrior, when on the Grounds, October 18, 1920." 2 pages manuscript notes. (5) "Incidents in the Yakima War, 1855-56": a) "Items Concerning Owhi, Qualchen and Les-hi-hit." 1 page manuscript. b) "Incidents in the Yakima War." 1 page manuscript. c) "Four Innocent Yakima Indians Hanged." Louis Mann, Jan. 16, 1928. 1 page manuscript. (6) "A Klickitat-Yakima Legend of Chief Owhi. Chief Owhi's Only Crime." 4 pages manuscript. (7) "Smat-Lowit's Story of the Yakima War: 1855." Louis Mann, interpreter, Jan. 1912. 8 pages manuscript. (8) "Chief Seven Mountains* at a Christening in Boston," The Boston Globe, Jan. 10, 1917. 2 pages manuscript. (9) "Funeral of Chief Seven Mountains," The Boston Globe, Jan. 14, 1917. 2 pages manuscript. (10) "Data Concerning the Battle of Union Gap." Billie Captain*. Caesar Williams*, interpreter, Sept. 25, 1917. 1 p manuscript notes. (11) "Historic." To-kiaken Twi-wash, Aug. 7, 1921. 1 p manuscript notes. (12) "Additional Information to be Incorporated in the War Story of Smat-Lowit*." 1918 1 page manuscript note. (13) "Tragedies Yakima War" Louis Mann, Jan. 16, 1928. 1 page manuscript note. (14) "Koo-tah-winat: (Rain Falling from a Passing Cloud.)" 1 page manuscript note. (15) Excerpt from Kips' Army Life on [sic] the Pacific. Note: "Concerning Chief Owhi and Qualchien." 2 pages. (16) "Lineage of Chief Jim Wallahee, of the Yakimas." Oct.1923. 1 p manuscript note. (17)"Pioneers of the Yakima Valley." 1 page manuscript note. (18)"Incident at the Battle of Thappanish. Tokiaken Twi-wash, Aug. 23, 1921. 1 page manuscript note. (19) Note on the lineage and death of Chief Owhi. 4 pages manuscript. (20) Information on Thomas Beall. 2 pages manuscript notes. (21) The Owhi Family, re Owhi's father, Chief We-owikt (Yow-wikt-kut).]
45 435
Owl-Child (Alec McCoy)*
approximately 65 pages manuscripts, notes.
[(1) "Owl-Child and the Buffalo Bull." 2 pages manuscript. (2) "Owl-Child's Adventure with a Buffalo." June 1923. 2 pages manuscript. (3) "An Adventure of Che-pos-to-cos (Owl-Child)." Alec McCoy, August 1915. 3 pages manuscript. (4) "Autobiography of Che-pos-to-cos (Owl-Child) also known as Shat-taw-wee (Leader in Battle). English name: Alec McCoy." 4 pages manuscript. (5) "How a Water-Ball Was Made: A Legend of the Cascade Tribe." Owl-Child, March 5, 1932. 2 pages manuscript. (6) "Coyote and Tah-tah-kle-ah." Owl-Child, June 1923. 1 page manuscript. (7) "Tahmahnawis* Power of Che-pos-to-cos." Owl-Child. 1 page manuscript. (8) "A Cascade Legend." Owl-Child, June 7, 1926. 2 pages manuscript. (9) "Hunting Stories. Owl-Child's statement of the Combat of the Klickitat and Grizzly-bear, as narrated by Chief Waters. This, to be combined to the Chief's story." 1 page manuscript. (10) "A Piegan Blackfeet* Legend." Owl-Child, Sept. 22, 1923. 2 pages manuscript. (11) "Was It Custer's Last Stand?" W.C. Slaper*, 1929. 5 pages manuscript with map and letter; 6 pages finished draft of same. [Says Custer was first man killed in battle.] (12) "A Wishom Legend." Owl-Child, June 7, 1926. 3 pages manuscript. (13) 16 pages notes about Owl-Child. (14) "A Canoe Race on the Columbia River. Owl-Child, June 7, 1926. 1 p manuscript. (15) "Statements by Alec McCoy. (Also known as Owl-Child)." 2 pages manuscript. (16) "Sequel to story of how Paht-paht fooled and destroyed the Tahtahkleah." 2 pages manuscript.]
1915-1932, undated
45 436
Finished Stories
approximately 220 pages manuscripts, dups.
[(1) "Battle of the At-Te-Yi-Yí and To-Qée-Nut." As told by the Klickitat, Cascade, Wishom and Wasco Tribes, July 4, 1918. Notes, McWhorter. (2) "Battle between Eagle and Chinook: Origin of the Horn Spoon." Wasco. Sitting-Rock, Oct. 1921. Notes, McWhorter. (3) "Battle of Cold Wind and Chinook Wind." Wasco. An-a-whoa: "Black-bear," 1917. Notes, McWhorter. (4) "The Dead Canoeman of the Che-Wana." Wasco. Sitting Rock*, July 1920. (5) "The Battle between Eagle and Owl." Simon Goudy*, April 1921. Notes, McWhorter. (6) "How Gray Squirrel Drove the Buffalo from Moses Coulee." Kikt-tan-nee, 1918. Notes, McWhorter. (7) "Iques and Tweé-tas Gamble for the Control of Weather." Klickitat. Simon Goudy*, Dec. 1918. (8) "Álo-Quat and Tweé-Tash Contend Over the Division of Light and Darkness." Notes, McWhorter. (9) "Ghue-ghue and Pédt-jum." Klickitat legend. Notes, McWhorter. (10) "Eagle and his Cousin Tis-Kai: How Porcupine Came by his Quills." Klickitat. Blazing Bush, 1918. Notes, McWhorter. (11) "Raccoon and Grizzly Bear." Yakima-Klickitat. 1916. Notes, McWhorter. (12) "How Blue-Jay Outwitted Dog-Seal. Tulalip. 1921. (13) "Octopus and Mink." Puyallup. 1921. (14) "Legend of Big Skukum Inlet." Nisqualli. Salish Stock. 1921. (15) "How Ant Came by his Small Waist." (16) "How Deer Stole Rabbit's Coat." Told in an Indian Hunter Camp, April 1921. (17) "Chipmunk's Burial Ground."]
1916-1921, undated
45 437
Winter Houses. Wish-hom tribe, Division of. Various Items. Death of Yo-Yonen*, Son of Chief Smoholla*
approximately 15 pages manuscript, notes.
[(1) "Death of Yo-Yonen, Chief of the Wana Pums." 2 pages manuscript. (2) "The Wishom Tribe. A Story of their Division and Separation." 2 pages manuscript with note: "The Lost Band of the Wishom Tribe." (3) "Flint[-]Chipping Shop." 1 page manuscript. [Shop is near Yakima.] (4) "Fortified Village Site." July 18, 1923. 2 pages manuscript. [Site is north side of Logie Creek.] (5) "Cavern on Logie Creek." 1 page manuscript. (6) letter re Chief Sluskin*. (7) "Winter Houses of the Yakimas"; "Irrigation in the Yakima Valley"; "Baptism of Owhi's* Children." (8) "Dimensions of Lodge Houses. " (9) "Indian Minors. " (10) Notes about wild animals. Photocopy of sketch map (2 pages) of burial site between Tieton and Nachez rivers. Original in Folder 540.]
1919-1934, undated
45 438
Story of the Kamiah Monster and Other Legends by Yellow Wolf*
approximately 70 pages notes, manuscripts, letter.
Corrs: Mary M. Crawford, Thomas Broncheau*, J.S. Whiting. [(a) 3 pages manuscript notes for "Photo of the Heart of the Kamiah Monster, taken about 1890 or '91." (Near the Presbyterian Church at Kamiah, ID) "Kindness of Miss Mary M. Crawford, of the McBeth Mission, Lapwai, Idaho." (b) Misc information re the legend. (c) Nez Perce Vocabulary. (d) 3 pages manuscript "Its-I-Yi-i's Wife." Nez Perce. Yellow Wolf, Oct., 1924. (Legend of Coyote's wife.) (e) 2 pages manuscript "How Its-I-Yi-Yi Was Thwarted in Attempt to Change the Course of the Inchelim River." Nez Perce. Chief Yellow Wolf, Oct., 1924. (f) 5 pages manuscript "How Coyote Killed Sun." Nez Perce. Yellow Wolf, Sept. 14, 1924. (g) 10 pages manuscript "How Its-I-Yi-I: 'Coyote' Lost Immortality to the Tribes." Nez Perce Yellow Wolf. (h) 1 page Nez Perce names for animals, birds, etc., defined by Yellow Wolf. (i) Cl re death of Yellow Wolf. (j) 3 pages manuscript "The Wy-akin of Tow-tow-no Hené: 'Shin Bone.' "Legendary Hero." Story by Yellow Wolf. (k) Misc notes and manuscript fragments re Indian stories and legends. See also "Kamiah Monster" map, Folder 549.]
1923-1935, undated
45 439
[Other Short Stories.]
approximately 45 pages manuscripts.
[(1) "The Story (un-named)." Western fiction story. 10 pages manuscript. (2) "The Mystery of Lal-a-wísh-pah, by Lucullus V. McWhorter*. Fiction Mixed with Facts." 12 pages; with second version, 14 pages carbon copy. (3) "A Sioux Hero Tale." Sam Lott [Many Wounds]*. 2 pages manuscript. (4) "A Hero Folk-Story of the Flatheads," by Many Wounds, Nez Perce, Nov. 1926. 5 pages manuscript.]
1926, undated
46 440
Mourning Dove's* Manuscript "Coyote Stories." Less #20 Missing. Should Never Have Been Published as "Edited."
manuscript bears note: "Mourning Dove's Coyote stories returned by Mr. Guie. #20 missing. 40 stories." approximately 85 pages manuscript. [Thirty-nine stories (some with McWhorter notes) are included of manuscript "The Okanogan Sweat House." manuscript includes: "Just Why" (introduction) 2 pages, dedicatory, 1 p, title page for "The Okanogan Sweat House," 1 page; "The Great Spirit Names the Animal People." Notes, McWhorter. "How Coyote Killed the Monster Whale of the Swah-Nétk-Qha." "The Whale Monster of the Swah-Nétk-Quá." "North-Wind Monster." Notes, McWhorter. "Coyote Kills Wind." Notes, McWhorter. "Coyote Subdues the Man-Eating Monsters." Notes, McWhorter. "Coyote Kills Owl-Woman." Notes, McWhorter. "How Coyote Killed Flint." Notes, McWhorter. "How Coyote Broke the Salmon Dam." Notes, McWhorter. "The First Sun Dance." Notes, McWhorter. "The Moon and Sun Gods." "The Two Girls and the Magic Beads, or Boy Lynx and Owl-Woman." Notes, McWhorter. "Lynx, the Hunter." "Hunter Lynx Calls Famine's Shadow." "Boy Lynx and the Owl-Woman" (Sequel to "Lynx the Hunter"). "Rattlesnake Kills Salmon." "The Origin of Mosquito." Notes, McWhorter. "How Crawfish Whipped Grizzlybear." "How Gartersnake Scared Thunderbird." Notes, McWhorter. "Coyote's Son Muskrat and Grizzly-bear." "Coyote and Mother Grizzly-Bear" (Sequel to "Coyote's Son Muskrat and Grizzly-Bear)." Notes, McWhorter. "The Sons of Beaver and of Coyote." "Coyote and Wood-Tick." Notes, McWhorter. "How Coyote Imitated Bear and Kingfisher." Notes, McWhorter. "Chic-Adee [sic] Kills Elk." Notes, McWhorter. "Coyote and Chickadee." "The Arrow Trail to the Upper World-Land." Notes, McWhorter. "The Three Wolf Brothers and Three Bear Sisters." "Coyote and Fox." Notes, McWhorter. "Coyote and Buffalo." Notes, McWhorter. "How Rabbit Lost his Tail." "How Skunk Got (Came by) his Tail." Notes, McWhorter. "Fisher and Martin." "Coyote as a Handsome Woman." "Coyote and his Daughter." Notes, McWhorter. "How Coyote Lost and Regained his Eyes." "How Coyote Drowned because of Thirst." "Coyote and Wolf." Notes, McWhorter. "How Spider Came by his Long Legs."]
46 441
This Jacket Contains Original manuscript of Mourning Dove's Book Coyote Stories*
approximately 100 pages typed manuscript, many with handwritten corrections.
[Crawfish and Grizzlebear. The Boy Lynk [sic] and Owl-Woman. Beaver and Coyote's Son Muskrit. Coyote as a Beautiful Woman. Coyote and Wood-Tick. The Northwind Monster. Skunk and Fisher. Fisher and Martin. Coyote Takes His Daughter as a Wife. The Whale God of the Swa-Netk-Qua. The Origin of Mosquito. The First Sun-Dance. The Three Wolf Brothers. Coyote Drowns in Water with Thirst. Chick-Adee (sic) Kills Elk. The Arrow Ladder to Heaven. Coyote Kills Whale. Coyote and Pheasant. Coyote's Adventures. Coyote Destroys the Man-Eating Animals. Coyote Breaks the Salmon Dam (with note: "This is the continued story of the bridge of the gods") Coyote Gets Flint Arrow Points. Coyote Imitates Bear and King Fisher. Coyote and Buffalo. How Garter-snake Scared the Thunderbird. Turtle Races with Rabbit. Coyote's Daughter. The Great Spirit Names Coyote. The Moon and Sun Gods. The Camas Woman. Rattlesnake Kills Salmon. Coyote Kills Wind. Coyote Eats his Children. Generation of Diseases. Owl-Woman and Coyote.]

Series 7: Mourning Dove Correspondence Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
46 442
[Correspondence: J.P. MacLean to McWhorter* re Mourning Dove*.]
25 pages letters.
46 443
[Correspondence: McWhorter* to Mourning Dove*.]
8 pages letters.
[Re Mourning Dove's literary efforts.]
46 444
[Correspondence: Mourning Dove* to McWhorter*.]
approximately 285 pages letters.
This material has been assembled from other parts of the collection. [Indian legends, Indian names, Mourning Dove's personal domestic affairs. Many Indian superstitions and beliefs mentioned. Much material re McWhorter's assistance to Mourning Dove re a volume of legends she was preparing. Re Cogewea. Indian superstitions and beliefs concerning death. "Points" on Hudson's Bay Co. blankets. Meanings of various Okanogan words. Mourning Dove's collection of Indian legends.]
46 445
[Correspondence: Mourning Dove* to J.P. MacLean.]
4 pages letters.
46 446
[Correspondence: J.P. MacLean to Mourning Dove*.]
20 pages letters.
46 447
[Correspondence: Miscellaneous.]
approximately 40 pages letter fragments, notes, manuscript, cls. 3 letters.
Corrs: Mourning Dove, C.E.S. Wood, Susan Winegarden, Washington Post. [Re photograph of little boy, Joe-Joe. Autographing of copies of Mourning Dove's Cogewea presented to W.D. Vincent. 1 page typescript with note: "Used as a note in Cogewea." Robert Pelky and "Green Blanket Feet." Misc fragments and notes exchanged between Mourning Dove and McWhorter regarding stories and legends, most undated. Includes large letter fragment with title "Concerning the Arrow Lake Indians." "Her fight with grizzlebear [sic]." 2 pages manuscript. Fragment of "Prologue, for Okanogan Sweathouse." Draft of dedication for The Okanogan Sweathouse. Unidentified fragments. Publisher's blurbs. Book review of Coyote Stories, Washington Post, Dec. 16, 1933.]
1916-1933, undated
46 448
[Correspondence re Mourning Dove* and her Publications.]
38 pages letters.
Corrs: Martha McKelvie (several signed Ha-a-ko-wa-a), Paul R. Reynolds, Lola E. Lowther, Elizabeth Lawrence, J.L. Kalb, W.E. Johnson, Fred Galler, Harl Cook, William C. Brown, Richard G. Badger, publisher, The Arthur H. Clark Co., publisher; The Four Seas Company, publisher. W.D. Vincent, McWhorter.
46 449
[Correspondence: McWhorter*- outgoing- re Mourning Dove*.]
25 pages letters.
46 450
approximately 35 pages letters.
Corr: Dean Guie. [Work being done on Mourning Dove's* manuscript collection of Indian legends.]

Series 8: Newspaper Articles Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
47 451
[Miscellaneous Clippings.]
cThirteen misc cls.
The Daily Citizen, July 2, 1863. Civil War newspaper; printed on wallpaper. States that this is the last "wallpaper" issue, due to end of the war.
47 452
[Miscellaneous Clippings.]
Eight misc clippings,no source., Indians and World War II. 8 pages newspaper celebrating Cincinnati Centennial, 1778-1888, published by John Shillito Co.
1888-1942, undated
47 453
[Miscellaneous Clippings.]
Letters, approximately 100 cls.
Corr: Ovid McWhorter, F.A. Duncan. [Almost all items relate to McWhorter*. By-Laws of the Archaeologist Pub. Co. (partial?). Advert. for Border Settlers*. Misc certificates.]
1894-1942, undated
47 454
[Miscellaneous Clippings.]
Fifteen miscellaneous cls., including Chief Joseph.
1904-1914, undated
47 455
Clippings- Yakima Indians
Eleven cls.
[Re Yakimas' local affairs. All dated and ident. Indian names, whiskey, Indian water rights*, Louis Mann*, irrigation*, water, Indian fishing* rights, Top-tut, grazing issues, Chief We-Yallup.]
47 456
[J.M. McWhorter.]
"Dr. J.M. McWhorter Passes," The Upshur Republican, Nov. 11, 1909.
47 457
[Miscellaneous Clippings.]
approximately 165 cls.
[Includes: cls re McWhorter's* work as humane officer. Two envelopes entitled: "Newsprint for the Washington State Historical Society." approximately 150 cls chiefly re Indians and pioneers. Most are dated and identified. Northwest newspapers. Remainder misc clippings, some historical, some re Indians.]
47 458
[Miscellaneous Clippings.]
approximately 58 pages cls.
[Articles re Louis Mann*, Tom Smartlowit*. Many re whiskey among the Indians: Judge (Jack) McWhorter's " Address Upon the Nature of the Liquor Traffic. " News story by McWhorter*,un, tells legend of the celestial origin of the Yakimas, through Chief Owhi, who McWhorter thinks "is unjustly made secondary in honor and glory to Ka-mi-akin*."]
47 459
[Miscellaneous Clippings.]
approximately 25 cl Some un.
[Local Indian matters. "The Case Against Ballinger Cleared Up" by Stewart Edward White. American Magazine, undated.]
47 460
[Miscellaneous Clippings.]
Ten clippings, The Sunday Oregonian and Seattle Post-Intelligencer. 2 pages clipping, "The Looting of the Chippewa's Land," by Warren K. Moorehead, member of the U.S. Indian Commission and curator of the Peabody Museum of Philips Andover Academy, reprinted from the Boston Evening Transcript, Oct. 15, 1910.
48 461
[Astoria Centennial*.]
2 pages cl (one dup), " Astoria Centennial Grounds," The Oregon Sunday Journal, Sept. 10, 1911. Photos with captions; one with "Captain" McWhorter*.
48 462
[Clippings: Yakima Indian Affairs.]
Seventeen cl.
[Seven clippings, Yakima Republic, various dates of 1916, Yakima Indian fishing* rights. Yakima Morning Herald, Mar. 3, 1916; "Whites Accused of Water Thefts: Article by McWhorter* in Eastern Magazine Scores Manner in Which Yakima Indians Have Been Treated." [Irrigation* and water rights*.] Eight clippings, 1911-1915, Yakima area papers. Local Indian affairs. clipping, un, June 15, 1913: "Wants Old Fort Brought to City." Contains description of Fort Simcoe*.]
48 463
[L.V. McWhorter*: Border Settlers.]
"The Broader Horizon," Minnie Kendall Lowther, section: "West Virginia Author Wins New Laurels," The Parkersburg (W Va.) News, Feb. 8, 1912.
48 464
[Lieutenant John Mitchell. Rogue River Indian War.]
"Indian Fight is Recalled," Yakima Morning Herald, Jan. 19, 1913.
48 465
Two copies the New Republic, Mar. 21, 1913. Contains article "Perry H. Kennerly, Cow Thief, Forger, and Ex-Convict, Now 'Special Attorney' for Brotherhood of North American Indians."
48 466
[L.V. McWhorter* & Miscellaneous.]
approximately 11 cls.
Two re McWhorter, Border Settlers and humane society work; additional miscellaneous subjects.
1914-1941, undated
48 467
[Miscellaneous Clippings.]
Seventy cls.
three dated, rest with undated. Column series "In Earlier Days," by Fred Lockley. Column series "The Oregon Country In Early Days," by Fred Lockley, Special Staff Writer of The Journal."
48 468
The Dalles Daily Chronicle, Mar. 31, 1915. [Chiefly news of the European war.]
48 469
[Chief Sluiskin. Miscellaneous.]
Three cls.
"Sluiskin Tells Own Story of First Ascent of Mount Tacoma," The Daily Ledger, Tacoma, Oct. 24, 1915. "Is He the Genuine Sluiskin?" The Tacoma Daily News, Oct. 25, 1915. "Is It Mt. Tacoma or Ranier? What History Says!", no source., undated.
1915-1916, undated
48 470
[Miscellaneous Clippings.]
Periodical, two copies.
[The New Republic. Vol. IV, No. 1, January 7, 1916. Contains article by McWhorter*, "The Lament of We-Yallup Wa-Ya-Cika / the Venerable Yakima Chief Makes a 'Record' of His Great Love for Pa-pah-mox, the Bride of His Youth as Well as of His Old Age." Pic caption says: "We-yallup Wa-ya-cika, the late Head Chief of the Confederated Yakima Indians, and an opponent of the liquor traffic."]
48 471
What's Doing in this Great Northwest, Jan. 1, 1916, Tacoma, Washington. Contains article, "What I Know About Watson C. Squire: The Story of a Newspaper Scoop," by L.V. McWhorter*.
48 472
[Miscellaneous Clippings.]
Three cls.
"The Lament of We-yallup Wa-ya-cika. The Venerable Yakima Chief Makes a 'Record' of His Great Love for Ya-pah-mox, the Bride of His Youth as Well of His Old Age," by McWhorter*, The New Republic, Jan. 7, 1916. Louis Mann*, troubles on Reservation, Yakima Morning Herald, March 7, 1926. " Blackfeet of Western Montana," Yakima Morning Herald, March 13, 1938.
48 473
[Yakima Indian Affairs.]
Ten cls.
[Re historical markers in the Yakima district including the old blockhouse at Fort Simcoe*. Long note by McWhorter* re these cls. Receipt for dues to Sons of the American Revolution, 1917.]
48 474
[Newspaper: Humane Society Supplement.]
Charleston American, "Be Kind to Animals," April 20, 1919.
48 475
[Humane Society.]
Twelve cls.
48 476
[General Custer.]
The Sunday Oregonian, Oct. 13, 1920. "Did Custer Die by His Own Hand?"
48 477
The Truth-Teller, Battle Creek Mich., Aug. 7, 1921. Re dangers of diptheria anti-toxin, 1919.
48 478
[Humane Society: Miscellaneous.]
"Approves Work of Officers," re L.V. McWhorter*,no source., undated. The Seattle Star, Dec. 20, 1921. Two miscellaneous cls.
1921, undated
48 479
[Newspaper Clippings: Humane Society.]
Ten misc newspaper articles re Humane Society.
1923-1924, undated
48 480
4 pages periodical
The Wigwam, Yakima, Washington, September 24, 1924. Vol. XIV, No. 3.
48 481
Indian-Published Newspapers
Three periodicals.
[The North American Indian Weekly (formerly The Real American). Published at Everett, WA. Issues of July 31, August 7, 1925. The North American Indian, published at Everett, WA. Issues of March 5, 1926; January 14, 1927. The Real American, "A National Indian Weekly Newspaper, Hoquiam, Washington." Issues of January 9, 16, March 6, 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10, 24, May 1, 8, 15, June 5, July 3, 1925.]
48 482
Newspapers with Articles About North American Indians
cFifty newspapers and articles, several of which bear markings by McWhorter*. [Re Nez Perce War, regional events, archeology, personal matters. "Big Brother (McWhorter) Helps Indians," Oregonian, 18 Nov. 1928. (Four copies). "Did Custer Die by his own Hand?" (Owl-Child's story.) The Sunday Oregonian, 13 Oct. 1929. "Yakima Farmer (now) successful in producing Paw-paws." Oregonian, 5 Oct. 1930. "Columbia River Petroglyphs," Oregonian, 1 Dec. 1929. "Cole's March against Powder River Indians in 1865," Rocky Mountain Husbandman, 10 July 1930. "Buffalo Calf," Conrad Independent-Observer, undated, Montana. "Hidden Gold," Rocky Mountain Husbandman, 10 July 1930. "How Buffalo Calf once interrupted Church Services," ident to above, Rocky Mountain Husbandman, Aug. 28, 1930. "Indian Family and Marriage Customs," Rocky Mountain Husbandman, 7 Aug. 1930. "Electric Lawn Mower Too Hot," (in 1885) Rocky Mountain Husbandman, 7 Aug. 1930. Portions of Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6 March 1927. "Totem Pole Carver Preserving Tribal History," Post-Intelligencer, 4 Oct. 1925. "Bears Just Like Human Beings," Seattle Times, 16 Feb. 1930. "Pirate or Merchantman," Oregon Journal, 11 Aug. 1929. "Story of Trooper's Vanity Revealed after Death," Rocky Mountain Husbandman, 17 July 1930. "Trappers in Pioneer Days," Rocky Mountain Husbandman, 17 July 1930. "Fiske Expedition of '62" Rocky Mountain Husbandman, 14 Aug. 1930. "Winter Retreat for Piegans," Rocky Mountain Husbandman, 14 Aug. 1930. "Wood Choppers" & "Mystery of Mrs Plummer Solved," Rocky Mountain Husbandman, 31 July 1930. "Animals that Excel Man," 1930. "Tutankhamen's 'Curse' Again Active?" 1930. "Ben Greenough," Rocky Mountain Husbandman, 2 Oct. 1930. "W.J. Bally, Old Scout under Reno, Visits Battlefield," Rocky Mountain Husbandman, 18 Sept. 1930. "Cold Hand of Henry Plummer," Rocky Mountain Husbandman, 18 Sept. 1930. "Battle of Sand Creek," Rocky Mountain Husbandman, 30 Oct. 1930. "When Riel's Activities Alarmed Montana," Rocky Mountain Husbandman, 23 Oct. 1930. "Blackfeet Sioux Indians," Rocky Mountain Husbandman, 3 July 1930. Rocky Mountain Husbandman, 29 May 1930. "Death Of White Killer Wolf," Conrad Independent-Observer, undated. Rocky Mountain Husbandman, 12 June 1930. "Fiske's Second Expedition," Conrad Independent-Observer, undated. Montana Rocky Mountain Husbandman, 8 May 1930. "Linderman's Latest Book" marked article. "19 Soldiers," Rocky Mountain Husbandman, 3 July 1930. Rocky Mountain Husbandman, 5 June 1930. "Survivor of Seventh Cavalry," marked article. "Winning of the West," Rocky Mountain Husbandman, 21 July 1927. The Real American: 23 Jan. 1925, 13 Feb. 1925, 29 May 1925. The American Indian: 21 Aug. 1925. The North American Indian Weekly: 18 Sept., 25 Sept., 9 Oct, 16 Oct., 11 Dec., 19 Dec., 26 Dec., 1925; 26 Feb. 1926.]
49 483
McWhorter*- Indians
Sixteen cls.
[Memaloose Island burials, Indian irrigation*, Louis Mann*, Indian artifacts*, poison, Shaker church, alcohol ban.]
49 484
Two copies Winners of the West: "Col Charles A. Varnum's Experience with Custer at the Battle of the Little Big Horn*," E.A. Brininstool, March 30, 1936; various articles re Custer, March, 1925.
49 485
The Butte Miner, Semi-Centennial Number, Butte, Montana, July 5, 1926; marked with note in reference to the Nez Perce War, pages 8-11. Article about McWhorter*, "Yakiman Visits Battlegrounds," Yakima Morning Herald, October 23, 1927.]
49 486
[Nez Perce History.]
The Sunday Oregonian, Nov. 10, 1929, "Mystery of Klamath Basin." Judith Gap Journal (np, undated), "Seventh Cavalry. Troopers Who Took Part in Pursuit of Chief Joseph and His Nez Perces Were on Verge of Mutiny because of Shortage of Supplies ..." The Sunday Oregonian, Apr. 22, 1928, "The Red Napoleon of the West / How Young Chief Joseph* Led One of History's Greatest Military Retreats ..." Mary Roberts Rinehart: "To Wyoming," The Saturday Evening Post, October 2, 1926; 5 pages cl with note: "Story of Custer's Fight." G.A. England: "Tortugas Tales ... Old Fort Jefferson," The Saturday Evening Post, October 2, 1926. 5 pages cl with note: "see reference to Custer's fight and Chief Crazy Horse." E.A. Brininstool: "How Gen. Miles Blundered in Ordering Buffalo Bill to Arrest Sitting Bull,"no source., undated.
49 487
[Miscellaneous Indian Clippings.]
Three cls.
[Includes: One copy clipping, Dayton Daily News, October 3, 1927 re monuments to Tecumseh and Gen. Mills. Cl Greenville (Ohio) Advocate, same subject. clipping, un, "Legend of Red Men's Battle Near Ravenswood Great Spirit Poured His Wrath upon Hurons. Heaven's Bolts Spared White Man's Friend."]
49 488
[Miscellaneous Clippings.]
Eleven misc cls.
1927-1942, undated
49 489
[Miscellaneous Clippings.]
approximately 100 misc cl.
[Northwest Indians. Those identified are from Northwest papers.]
1928-1930, undated
49 490
[Chief Joseph* and Incidents of the War.]
90 pages cls
[Most of the cls are dated and identified, and are from Pacific Northwest papers. Many relate to legends which have grown up around the war; others relate to deaths of participants. Rocky Mountain Husbandman is a major source. Some annotated by McWhorter.]
1928-1939, undated
49 491
[Yellow Wolf Reviews.]
approximately 150 cl.
Most of the items are reviews of McWhorter's* Yellow Wolf, probably collected by a professional clipping agency. Articles re McWhorter family, death of Judge J.C. McWhorter. Letters to editors and newspaper articles by McWhorter.
1928-1942, undated
50 492
[Unsorted Clippings.]
approximately 100 cl.
[(1) "The Cry of a Broken People" by Vera L. Connolly. Good Housekeeping Magazine, February 1929, pages 30-31, 226-237. (2) "We Still Get Robbed" by Vera L Connolly. Good Housekeeping Magazine, March 1929, pages 34-35, 249-256. (3) "The End of the Road" by Vera L Connolly. Good Housekeeping Magazine, May 1929, pages 44-45, 153-170. (4) "The Indian Situation." Outline for report found inside of Connolly's article "The Cry of a Broken People." 2 pages manuscript (author unknown). (5) Misc notes re crimes for which "ward" Indian can be arrested and prosecuted.]
50 493
[Miscellaneous Clippings.]
Thirty cls
re Yakima War, Jones Bill, land leasing, Indian alllotment land troubles, Indian water rights*, Indian affairs, and McWhorter* from the Yakima Morning Herald and The Yakima Daily Republic. Miscellaneous clippings including Seattle "P.I.," and Sunday Exponent Telegram, WV.]
1929-1931, undated
50 494
The Saturday Evening Post, Nov. 1, 1930, with marked article "Guns and Gunfighters," by Stuart N. Lake.
50 495
[Miscellaneous Newspaper Clippings.]
Four cls on misc Indian subjects.
circa 1930
50 496
Eleven issues, Rocky Mountain Husbandman, Great Falls, Montana, Nov. 27, 1930 to Jan. 31, 1931.
50 497
The New York Times, December 13, 1931. Sir Charles Marston, "Revising Old Testament Dates According to New Discoveries."
50 498
Los Angeles Times Magazine, June 7, 1931. Contains article, "Broncos I Have Known," by William S. Hart.
50 499
Mount Lowe (California) Daily News, June 29, 1931.
50 500
[Miscellaneous Clippings.]
Winners of the West, St. Joseph, Missouri. Aug. 30, 1932; Dec. 30, 1931, with marked story, "A Veteran of Whitebird Totes Bullets Yet Was Listed as Dead" [re Charles Blewett].
50 501
[Col. J. W. Redington. Camas Prairie.]
Two cl.
Re Chief Egan and Col. Redington, The Idaho Statesman Sunday Morning, Aug. 27, 1933; "How the Pioneers Conquered Camas Prairie," The Hailey Times, June 18, 1931.
50 502
[Miscellaneous Clippings.]
cFifteen cl.
[Chiefly historical items. Indian water rights*. Indian Bureau*.]
50 503
[Nez Perce History.]
The Exponent, Clarksburg, West Virginia, December 12, 1932, "Friend of the Indian, L.V. McWhorter*, West Virginian, Wins Fame in the Northwest."
50 504
[Coyote Stories, Mourning Dove, Dean Guie.]
The Caxton Printers, Ltd., Jan. 14, 1934. Three copies full-page cl advertising Coyote Stories*, by Mourning Dove, illustrated by H.D. Guie.
50 505
Chief Umtuch
One full-page clipping, "Who Killed Chief Umtuch? ," The Sunday Oregonian, June 9, 1935.
50 506
Two copies (one complete, one missing section four) of the Idaho Spalding Centennial issue, 1836-1936, of the Lewiston Morning Tribune, Lewiston, Idaho, May 3, 1936. Special eight-section issue. [Features early Idaho history. Includes several stories about Henry Harmon Spalding.]
50 507
[Nez Perce War, 1877.]
"Persons and Scenes in Nez Perces Campaign of 1877 in Montana," The Great Falls Tribune, Feb. 16, 1936. Includes photographs of Chief Joseph, Col. Nelson A. Miles, Maj. Gen. O.O. Howard, Gen. John Gibbon.
50 508
[Yakima Indian Affairs.]
Winners of the West: Official National Bulletin National Indian War Veterans, U.S.A. Vol.XIX, No.6, June 28, 1942. Marked articles: "How Lieutenant De Rudio Escaped," by E.A. Brininstool. "Colonel Miles Captured Indians in Early Morning Fights Sept 4, 1878 11 Killed," by "Mon Tana Lou" Grill.
50 509
The Dillon Daily Tribune, Aug. 18, 1944. Contains article, "History of Big Hole Battle* Is Being Written." [Work being done by M.D. Beal.]
50 510
[Marcus Whitman.]
cTwenty cl.
[Re Marcus Whitman's "saving" Oregon. "The Romance of a College." 11 pages. booklet re Whitman College in Walla Walla, WA.]
50 511
[Miscellaneous Clippings.]
Nine cl.
[Rev. Father John J. Flinn. William Carey Johnson. Soapy Smith. Francis Xavier Mathieu. Yellow Fever. Miscellaneous]
50 512
[Miscellaneous Clippings.]
Ten cl.
[Wreck of steamer Leggett including description by a survivor, George Poleman. Miscellaneous]
50 513
[Miscellaneous Clipping.]
One item, one leaf, no source.
"A Shady Transaction," re the swindling of Indian woman by businessmen in Yakima County.
50 514
[Mourning Dove*.]
One cl.
The Wenatchee Daily World.
50 515
[Union Gap*.]
One cl
re battle at Union Gap, The Yakima Daily Republic.

Series 9: Maps, Documents & Drawings Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
51 516
[Book Cover Sketches.]
a) Rough sketch of frontiersman for cover of Border Settlers*..., undated. b) Indian chief. Pen and ink sketch by H.R. Fulton, 1908. c) Cover for The Crime Against the Yakimas*. One pen and ink sketch and one color sketch, undated.
1908, undated
51 517
[Pencil Sketch.]
Louis Mann*, pencil sketch by G.E.C.
51 518
[Miscellaneous Sketches & Drawings.]
a) Indian paddling canoe. Pen and ink, by Baker, undated. b) Seascape. Ink sketch by A.B. (?), 1923. c) Indian sketch for Chinook. By L.D.B. Two ink drawings, circa 1912.
1912-1923, undated
51 519
[Chief Peo-peo Tholekt's* Combat with a Grizzly Bear.]
"Drawn by himself."
51 520
[manuscript and Printed Maps of Nez Perce Camp at Big Hole*, Montana.]
a) Sketch plan of the Nez Perce camp, after Peo-peo Tholekt, undated. b) Sketch plat of Battle of Big Hole, by Peo-peo Tholekt, July 13, 1928. c) Sketch map: Battle of Big Hole, drawn by Chief Peo[-peo] Tholekt, June 20, 1926. d) Sketch map: Battlefield sketch of Big Hole, by Charles N. Loynes, undated. e) Sketch map: Big Hole, Mont. August 9, 1877, by Many Wounds, undated. f) Sketch map Nez Perce Big Hole Village, by Many Wounds and L.V. McWhorter, when on the grounds with Yellow Wolf*, undated.
1926-1928, undated
51 521
[Sketch Map of the Battle of the Big Hole*: Nez Perce Camp.]
Drawn by Charles N. Loynes*.
51 522
[Outline of Division of Domain Among Nez Perce Chiefs.]
Drawn by Peo-peo Tholekt*.
51 523
[Cottonwood Creek*.]
manuscript map drawn by John L. Rooke.
51 524
[Chalk Sketch.]
Jobe Charley Colwash, Yakima, by Jane Brewer.
51 525
[Map of the 1877 Nez Perce Campaign.]
By C.A. Badeau, prepared for Adventures in Geyserland, with corrections and note by McWhorter* re Nez Perce retreat through Bannack country and Yellowstone Park*.
51 526
[Pencil Sketches.]
a) Three pencil sketches by Yakima Indians, undated. b) Printed drawing of a horse, undated. c) Pencil and chalk sketch of L.V. McWhorter*. By Jane Brewer, Yakima, 1935.
1935, undated
51 527
[Sketch Map of Pit Reputedly Reported as Being Site Where Captured Cannon* Was Buried, Big Hole* Battlefield.]
Drawn by Floyd A. Henderson.
51 528
Where Indians [Nez Perce] Captured the Cannon*
Big Hole* Battlefield. Drawn by Floyd A. Henderson, U.S.F.S., July 22, 1938.
51 529
[Camas Prairie Battlefield Maps.]
a) [Peo[-peo]'s* sketch map of Camas Prairie]. Where General Howard lost his pack mules." undated. b) "Peo's map of Camas Meadows* night raid," undated. c) McWhorter's sketch map with legend, of Camas Meadows Battlefield with letter, 1939. 2 pages.
1939, undated
51 530
[Sketch Map Showing Sturgis' Camp and Joseph's* Scout Position, Yellowstone River*.]
Drawn by I.D. O'Donnell.
51 531
[Chief Joseph's Death & Yakima Reservation.]
a) manuscript map of Chief Joseph's* teepee location, where he died in 1904, by J. Condon, Dec. 31, 1953. [Not part of original accession]. b) Fragment of Federal bill (pages.3-13), "Yakima Indian Reservation," negotiating adjustment of claim concerning Yakima Reservation lands, with two printed maps: 1) White Swan, and 2) Yakima Indian Reservaation.
51 532
[Chief Looking Glass' Camp*.]
manuscript map drawn by Peo-peo Tholekt*.
51 533
[Domain Map.]
fragment showing domain of Nez Perce in Idaho, Washington and Oregon.
51 534
[Drawing of Nez Perce Fatality Tally.]
Found on Husis Owyen's (Wounded Head) drinking horn, drawn by Mildred Schmidtman*.
51 535
[Maps Showing Bolon Monument*.]
Location of Bolon's murder and marker. (2 manuscript originals; one copy.)
51 536
Hollow Horn Bear (Sioux).
51 537
[Pencil Sketches.]
a) Ollokot*, pencil sketch, artist unknown. b) A dog, pencil sketch, by Samuel Hunter.
51 538
[Peo-Peo's Fight With Grizzly.]
Drawing: Peo-peo Tholekt's* Fight with the Grizzly Bear, by Peo-peo Tholekt, with note, "Description of the Pictograph *History of Peo-peo Tholekt's Fight with the Grizzly Bear."
51 539
[Priest Rapids Drawings.]
Two crayon drawings by Priest Rapids children*.
51 540
[Sketch Map.]
Burial site between Tieton and Nachez rivers.
51 541
[Sketch Map of Clearwater* Battlefield.]
By McWhorter* and H.L. Bailey*.
51 542
[Sketch Maps of Yellowstone.]
a) Sketch map of Nez Perce at Yellowstone*. Drawn by J.W. Redington. b) Sketch map of Canyon Creek*fight, Yellowstone River*. Drawn by J.W. Redington.
51 543
[Yakima County Townships.]
a) Plat of Township 5N, Range 15E of Yakima County, locating Bolon Marker*. b) Pencil sketch of Townships 5 and 6 of Yakima County locating Bolon Marker.
Subseries 9.1: Oversize Maps, Documents & Drawings
Note: Folders 544-571 are in oversize storage drawer designated "Cage 55"
Box Folder
Oversize 544
a) John M. (J.M.) McWhorter's (L.V. McWhorter's* father) State Board of Health Qualification Certificate, 1881. b) Certificate of Fellowship in Medical Society of West Virginia of John M. McWhorter, 1877.
1877 & 1881
Oversize 545
[Portrait of Peo-peo Tholekt*.]
Watercolor by C.M. Dowling.
Oversize 546
[Miscellaneous: Nez Perce & Land Forms.]
a) Map of Former Nez Perce Indian Reservation, Idaho, 1911. Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs. Compiled and drawn by Albert Henderson. (two copies). b) Land Forms of the Northwestern States, by Erwin Raisz, Harvard University, 1941.
1911 & 1941
Oversize 547
[Yakima, Washington.]
a) Map of Yakima Indian Reservation*. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, 1912. b) Map of Yakima County, Washington. County Engineers Office, 1912. Map shows historic corrals in closed area of Reservation.
Oversize 548
[Cutouts of Photographs of Caesar Williams*.]
L.V. McWhorter*, and Yellow Wolf*, on backing board.
Oversize 549
[Sketch Map: Kamiah Monster*.]
circa 1914.
Oversize 550
[Industrial Map.]
Puget Sound by Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway.
Oversize 551
[War Poster.]
"Good-Bye Old Man."
circa 1918
Oversize 552
[Maps: Yellowstone & Idaho.]
a) Topographic map of Yellowstone National Park*, 1922. b) Map of Idaho. Department of Interior, 1921.
Oversize 553
[Blueprint Map.]
"Priest Rapids Range Land," Longford Engineering Company. (Two copies).
Oversize 554
"Pioneers and Near-Pioneers of the Pacific Northwest."
circa 1925
Oversize 555
[Battle of Big Hole*/Nez Perce Camp.]
Pictographs drawn by Peo-peo Tholekt for L.V. McWhorter. a) Battle of Big Hole, August 9, 1877. b) Nez Perce camp on the Big Hole River.
Oversize 556
Attack on Chief Looking Glass' Village* near Kooskia, Idaho. Drawn by Peo-peo Tholekt.
Oversize 557
[Sketch Road Map.]
Big Hole* Battlefield to Helena, Montana, via Dillon, Montana. Drawn by Prof. Rush Jordan, April.
Oversize 558
[Sketch Map.]
"Upshur Co., West Va. Drawn by Clara Rightmire, showing the "Seneca Trail." Purports to be guide to rich mineral deposit near cave by trail.
Oversize 559
[Printed Map of Bear's Paw *Battlefield with Stake Tabulation.]
Surveyed by C.R. Noyes, (Three copies: two circa 1935-1936, one printed in The Great Falls Tribune, Feb. 16, 1936. One negative.)
circa 1935-1936
Oversize 560
[Sketch Map.]
"Trails supposedly traveled by Chief Moses* going to the Sound Country."
Oversize 561
[Maps: Negatives.]
Big Hole Battlefield National Monument* and Proposed Addition. Field work by Robert W. Condie, 9/37, and Floyd A. Henderson, 7-8/37; platted by Floyd A. Henderson, 8/37. Points of historical significance as recorded by McWhorter, 9/37.
Oversize 562
(Top). Combat between Peo-peo Tholekt and a Cheyenne at Bear's Paws Battle. (Bottom). Capture of cannon* at Battle of Big Hole. Drawn by Peo-peo Tholekt. (One original and one copy, with explanatory notes).
Oversize 563
[Kentucky Frontiersman.]
Painting by C.M. Dowling for Border Settlers*....
Oversize 564
[Map of the Nez Perce Reservation Used in Hear Me, My Chiefs!]
Oversize 565
[manuscript Map.]
Indian Trail from Lake Chelan, WA. to the Tumwater, above the Dalles, Oregon. Drawn under supervision of Captain Simon Goudy*, Yakima Indian Police."
Oversize 566
[Pencil Drawing.]
East Indian battle axes.
Oversize 567
[Printed Map.]
Linguistic Families of American Indians North of Mexico, by J[ohn] W[esley] Powell, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 30.
Oversize 568
[Printed Map.]
Route of the "Pony Express." Reprint.
Oversize 569
Sketch of buffalo lance found by Andrew Garcia.
Oversize 570
[Sketch Maps.]
a) "Sketch Map of the Sandusky Country," (Ohio). Drawn by William E. Connelley*. b) "Sketch Map Showing where Col. William Crawford was Burned." Drawn by William E. Connelley. c) "West Virginia Map Showing the Principal Missionary Stations Established by the Moravians Among the North American Indians." Drawn by William E. Connelley.
Oversize 571
[Sketch and Printed Maps.]
a) Map of the Camas Meadow Battle, by Nordby, with note and sketch by McWhorter, 1944. b) End sheets for "Yellow Wolf: His Own Story," Map showing routes taken by participants in Nez Perce campaign, with corrections by Badeau. c) Map of the Nez Perce Reservation with boundary lines for 1855 and 1863. Index
51 572
[Graphic art, misc.]
Includes magazine covers, illustrations.
1921; 1925; 1927; nd