Washington State University Kruegel-McAllister Hall Records, 1964-1974

Overview of the Collection

Kruegel-McAllister Hall (Washington State University)
Washington State University Kruegel-McAllister Hall Records
1964-1974 (inclusive)
0.25 Linear feet of shelf space, (1 Box)
Collection Number
Archives 146 (collection)
The records of the Kruegel-McAllister residence halls at Washington State University contain meeting minutes, a handbook, and newsletters.
Washington State University Libraries' Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC)
Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections
Terrell Library Suite 12
Pullman, WA
Telephone: 509-335-6691
Access Restrictions

This collection is open and available for research use.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

Kruegel-McAllister Halls at Washington State University were considered separate residence halls when built to house male students in 1957. Kruegel was named for William C. Kruegel, former bursar and graduate manager of athletics at Washington State University. McAllister Hall was named for the Very Reverend Charles E. McAllister, a member of the Board of Regents from 1942-1952. In the fall of 1964, women were first housed in the buildings and it began to be considered one residence hall. Each floor elected a "Sponsor" who acted as greeters in the fall and was in charge of special events.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The records of the Kruegel-McAllister residence halls at Washington State University are predominantly minutes of house meetings. They also contain minutes of McAllister Sponsor meetings, a hall handbook, a copy of Paw Prints (the dormitory newsletter) and various rules and constitutions.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Copyright restrictions may apply.

Preferred Citation

[Item description]

Washington State University Kruegel-McAllister Hall Records, 1964-1974 (Archives 146)

Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Arranged chronologically within subject groups.

Acquisition Information

The records of Kruegel-McAllister Hall were transferred to Washington State University Libraries prior to 1980 (WSU 102).

Processing Note

This collection was processed in June 1984 by Ann M. Klavano.

Related Materials

Washington State University Kruegel Hall Scrapbooks, 1957-1964 (Archives 421)

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1 House Council Minutes
10 items
1 2 House Council Minutes
20 items
1 3 House Council Minutes
5 items
1966 Fall
1 4 House Council Minutes
14 items
1968 Spring
1 5 McAllister Sponsor Meetings
7 items
1 6 Paw Print
1 item
1 7 Hall Handbook
1 item
1 8 Rules and Constitutions
13 items