John W. Thompson photographs, 1953-1955

Overview of the Collection

Thompson, John W.
John W. Thompson photographs
1953-1955 (inclusive)
0.74 cubic feet (2 boxes containing 292 photographic prints)
Collection Number
Photographs documenting individuals and activities of a variety of Native American tribes in Washington and in Oregon
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
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Biographical NoteReturn to Top

John W. Thompson was a Seattle field botanist and teacher. As a botanist, he was particularly interested in native plants and their uses. He had one of the most robust botanical library and private herbarium in the Pacific Northwest. Thompson donated his herbarium and library to the University of Washington Department of Botany. Following his retirement, Thompson created a second career as a photographer of Pacific Northwest subjects and sold slide sets for teaching. He died in 1978.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The images represent a variety of Native American tribes in Washington and in Oregon including Nez Perce, Yakima, Toppenish, Umatilla, Cayuse, Chehalis, Makah, Quillayute, Spokane, Lummi and Duwamish. Activities depicted include: Root Fest (Rock Creek); 4th of July (encampment at Nespelem); Ellensburg Rodeo; Pendleton Roundup; Toppenish Pow-wow; Celilo Salmon Fest; Macah [Makah] Day (Neah Bay); activities on the Quinault, Calispel, Colville, Spokane, Lummi, Tulalip Reservations (basket making, erecting tepee, sweat baths, etc.); fishing activities, (dip netting, fish traps, gillnetting). All 1953-1955.

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Restrictions on Use

Restrictions may exist on reproduction, quotation, or publication. Contact Special Collections, University of Washington Libraries for details.

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Acquisition Information

The collection represents a merger of two acquisitions. One set of photographs was acquired (source unknown) circa 1955; a second set was donated by the King County Library System in 1986. Eleven photographs transferred from PH564, 2021. These eleven photographs and others totaling 67 prints were originally purchased from Thompson on February 16, 1955.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Container(s) Description
Box item
1 1 Long House, or ceremonial tent, of the Rock Creek people
1 2 Native American women preparing the fresh fish for the Root feast
1 3 Group of Rock Creek women and children on the way to the feast
1 4 Quartette of Rock Creek girls
1 5 Six Rock Creek women: left to right: Maggie Jim, Juanita George, Mrs. Oscar Billy, Louise Billy, Agnes Billy
1 6 Inside the Long House with Jack George and Chief Oscar Billy, standing
1 7 Visitor from another reservation on bench outside of Long House
1 8 Four important visitors at the feast: l to r: Kelly George, Lee Wachawitt, Watson Totus, George Gibson
1 9 Visitors all entering the one small entrance to the feast inside
1 10 Isaac Smartlowet, a paralytic confined to a whee chair
1 11 Assembly of men and women in front of tent and chief to await his dismissal. Oscar Billy stands at exit on left
1 12 Native American encampment at Nespelem
1 13 Elija Williams, Nez Perce, stands in front of his tepee in full regalia
1 14 Elija Williams in a close up
1 15 Harry Owhi who is the secretary of the Colville Council
1 16 Native American women preparing the feast on the floor of the long house at Nespelem
1 17 Kamiakin standing to the left is talking to the assembly. By him stands Harry Nanamkin, official interpreter.
1 18 Harry Nanamkin translating the speech of Cleveland Kamiakin.
1 19 View of crowd during the time Kamiakin is talking.
1 20 Nespelem feast. In foreground is Ann George pouring coffee to those eating.
1 21 Memory trail at Ellensburg Rodeo. Procession is led by Aluina George.
1 22 Jim Weaseltaile holding hand drum with wife and children. Yakima Tribe.
1 23 Jim Weaseltaile beating a hand drum
1 24 Louise Weaseltaile and Vesta Jim all dressed up in their finery.
1 25 An array of moccasin patterns, Yakima tribe.
1 26 Wanda Dick, Yakima girl.
1 27 Wanda Dick, Mounted at left with grandmother, ready for parade.
1 28 Pauline Wahsise, Indian Princess at Ellensburg Rodeo, 1953. Yakima Tribe.
1 29 Sally Dick catching up with her moccasin repairs. Yakima Tribe.
1 30 Celia Totus, wife of Bert Totus, famous for her bead work.
1 31 Mrs. Kelly George in center, and daughter Aluina on her right and daughter Elsia on her left. Yakima Tribe.
1 32 Aluina George
1 33 Aluina George, mounted on horseback.
1 34 Elsie George.
1 35 Richard George.
1 36 Richard George.
1 37 Donnie Sampson. Yakima Tribe.
1 38 Jerry Sampson, son of Donnie Sampson.
1 39 Mrs. Kelly George . Yakima Tribe.
1 40 Anita Totus. Kelly George in the back left.
1 41 Anita Totus. Yakima Tribe.
1 42 Gilbert Onepenee, wife and young daughter. Yakima Tribe.
1 43 Ellen and Nellie Onepennee ready for the parade. Yakima Tribe.
1 44 Ellen and Nellie Onepennee, daughters of Gilbert.
1 45 Gilbert Onepenne oldest girl.
1 46 Dolores Harrison, granddaughter of Chief Thomas Yallup.
1 47 Mrs. Ned Dick ready to join the parade. Yakima Tribe.
1 48 Watson Totus ("Buster"). Yakima Tribe.
1 49 Watson Totus.
1 50 Charley Telekist holding banner . Yakima Tribe.
1 51 Charley Telekist riding his favorite horse.
1 52 Camp at Ellensburg all ready to move. Yakima Tribe.
1 53 Leaving the camp to join in the parade. Yakima Tribe.
1 54 Hugh war drum being held by several drummers.
1 55 Dancers - Frank and Pat Stevens. Yakima Tribe.
1 56 War drum on the ground. Two little dancers on the right.
1 57 Johnson Meninick ready for the big dance.
1 58 Little war dance. Ellensburg Rodeo. 1953.
1 59 Mrs. Elsie Pistolhead, Mrs. Wesley and Mrs. Ida Sloway escorting their children to arena.
1 60 Dancers at Toppenish waiting for their cue.
1 61 Camp at Toppenish, Fourth of July, 1953.
1 62 Camp early morn, Toppenish. 1953.
1 63 Parley between chiefs, Toppenish, 1953, near sundown.
1 64 Vivian Meminick of Granger at Toppenish celebration, 1953.
1 65 Calvin Meninick, brother of Vivian, Toppenish, 1953.
1 66 Willie Waters and wife, Toppenish. Yakima Tribe.
1 67 Waiting for parade to start, Toppenish, 1953.
1 68 Jeanette Wesley.
1 69 Mary Ann Sulatsee, 1953 Toppenish princess, neice of Alex Sulatsee.
1 70 Rosalie Phillips ready for parade at Toppenish celebration, 1953.
1 71 Sloway sisters with Bernice Bill in center visiting Indian princesses from Pendleton at Toppenish, July 4, 1953.
1 72 Louis Crow. Yakima Tribe. July 4, 1953.
1 73 Arlene Wesley, Wapato Celebration, Labor Day, 1953.
1 74 Yvonne Musmusto, Yakima Indian Princess.
1 75 Jim Looney and Job Charley, Yakima Tribe. 1953.
1 76 Yakima NAtive Americans. On left is Harry Beaver. 1953.
1 77 Weary woman and child. Toppenish. 1953.
1 78 Camp, Pendleton. 1953.
1 79 Summer tepee of woven mats . Pendleton, 1953.
1 80 Mrs. William Jones doing beadwork in tepee at Pendleton Camp. Umatilla Tribe. 1953.
1 81 Tom Johnson, Umatilla Tribe directing dancing at Pendleton, 1953.
1 82 Pendleton Queen of 1953 and her court.
1 83 Queen Diana McKay of the 1953 Pendleton Roundup and Princess Yvonne Scott.
1 84 Bernice Bill, Umatilla Tribe.
1 85 Bernice Bill. Pendleton Roundup. 1953.
1 86 Phillip Bill, Father of Bernice. Umatilla Tribe.
1 87 Phillip Bill, Umatilla Tribe.
1 88 Clarence Burke, head man of the Umatilla Reservation at Pendleton Roundup. 1953.
1 89 Mrs. George Gibson, George Gibson and Albert Williams. Pendleton Roundup. 1953.
1 90 Albert Williams at Pendleton. 1953.
1 91 Albert Williams.
1 92 Harry George, Cayuse Tribe.
1 93 Rosa Spencer, winner of the Indian Beauty Contest, Pendleton, 1953.
1 94 Josephine Cornoyer, Nez Perce. Pendleton. 1953.
1 95 Josephine Cornoyer, Nez Perce. Pendleton. 1953.
1 96 Josephine Cornoyer, Nez Perce. Pendleton. 1953.
1 97 Mrs. Annie Johnson. Pendleton. 1953.
1 98 Mrs. Sylvester Minthorn and Baby.
1 99 Mrs. Florine Burke of Pilot Rock. Umatilla Tribe.
1 100 Thomas Lawton. Pendleton. 1953.
1 101 Mrs. William Burke, Umatilla Tribe. on way to join the parade. Pendleton. 1953.
1 102 Daughters of Mrs. William Burke.
1 103 Daughters of the Mrs. Burke.
1 104 Oldest tepee in the Northwest.
1 105 Baskets of Yakima Indians on a parade float at Toppenish. 1953.
1 106 Thomas Charles, Chief Pah-Ha-Pat. Wasco Tribe.
1 107 Remnant of the Chehalis Native Americans, about 20 left, Eileen Smith, Rena and Tommy Heck.
1 108 Typical home of Native Americans in low income, Chehalis Reservation near Oakville.
1 109 Bay Center. Bessie Pickernell skilled in basket making.
1 110 Bessie Pickernell working on a basket.
1 111 Basket display of unsold baskets of Bessie Pickernell.
1 112 Calispel Reservation. Three boy dancers in regalia.
1 114 Mrs Nick Sivonem. She wears a genuine coastal rain hat, the suit and handbag are Yakima and the baskets are mostly coastal. Quinault Reservation.
1 116 Totem pole carvings at Queets.
1 117 Hicks boys dipping for smelt at Queets. Their boats are cedar dugouts.
1 118 Taft Williams of Queets working on a new cedar dugout.
1 121 Mrs. Mary Williams at Queets makes baskets and beadwork.
1 122 Hazel Underwood of Taholah working on a new basket.
1 123 Mattie Howiattle, perhaps oldest Native American at Taholah working on a basket.
1 125 Peter Kowoosh, Queets old timer displays his baskets, also wooden plate and carved image.
1 127 Typical family at Taholah, Bob Underwood and four of their children.
1 129 Primary grades at Taholah with their well liked Black teacher.
1 130 Ted Strom, Native American Marshall of the Quinault Reservation and his Nez Perce wife Lillian; Leon and Ted, Jr. are the large boys, then Larry and Sheila.
1 131 As one enters La Push, the town on the Quillayute Reservation these totems are on the left hand side of the road. Middle figure is the Quillayute form of the Thunderbird.
1 132 Quillayutes, as well as the Makahs, hunted the whale. Here William Penn displays some whale relics remaining at La Push.
1 133 Agnes Penn, Williams wife, makes exquisite baskets, and they pose by her display. The vase shaped one in the center is very old and was used to cook food in by dropping in red hot rocks.
1 135 Here a fine mesh net has been thrown around the school of smelt near the mouth of the Quillayute River at La Push.
1 136 Final act of emptying the net into the cedar dugouts. The Steve Penn family at La Push.
1 137 Net is being hauled back into the boat, flipped up and down to throw out any debris it picked up in the smelt drag. Steve Penn family at La Push.
1 139 With a few deft strokes of his knife, Walter Bennett removes the head, tail and backbone of the salmon.
1 140 With a quick rinse in the salt water the huge salmon is now dressed and when opened up becomes a big flat slab of fish.
1 141 A cedar stick is split part way down and the fish is pushed down into the split part and tied so it cannot slip out. Steve Penn family at La Push.
1 142 Smaller cedar splits are inserted crosswise of the bigger one and these serve to hold the fish flat open. La Push.
1 143 Flat side of the salmon is placed before a hot fire.
1 145 Mrs. Donald Catli and little Marcelina visiting from Hadlock.
1 147 Two Makah girls with head bands contrasted: Jean Thomas with a head band made of sea shells and Celia Ides with one made of beads. Neah Bay, Makah Reservation.
1 148 Mary Green, Makah dancer.
1 149 Mary Green, close up to show shell work on her regalia.
1 150 Carol Hunter, Makah girl in a beautiful shawl.
1 153 Mrs. Ernest Millholland and children pose on the beach Neah Bay during Macah [Makah] Days.
1 156 Close up of the salmon baking for the Makah Day feast at Neah Bay.
1 157 William Penn and Paul Martin display whaling equipment at Neah Bay.
1 158 Paul Martin and William Penn show the seal hunting equipment still in use.
1 159 Charley Swan is perhaps the best known Makah Native American. Here he poses with his wife Ruth and 7 of his grandchildren.
1 160 Close up of Charley Swan showing Makah design on the hand drum.
1 161 Charley Swan showing full length regalia worn at Neah Bay during Macah [Makah] Day.
1 162 Charley Swan in the "cannibal regalia" . His granddaughter, Paulette Daniels, holds two large war whistles. The shawl shows Makah art.
1 163 Charley Swan wearing the Thunderbird regalia.
1 164 Close up of Swan in the Thunderbird Headdress. Neah Bay.
1 165 Swan wearing the wolf mask, Makah, Neah Bay.
1 166 Close up of Charley Swan in wolf mask, Makah, Neah Bay.
1 167 Charley Swan and granddaughter Paulette Daniels with face masks used in ceremonial of the Makahs.
1 168 Nora Barker showing full length of her Makah regalia, Neah Bay.
1 170 Ralph La Chester and Emma Jimmicum in Makah regalia and by totem pole made by Ralph. Emma wears the regalia for the Thunderbird dance.
1 172 Ralph La Chester and Emma Jimmicum in Makah regalia worn during the Macah [Makah] Day ceremonies at Neah Bay.
1 173 Emma Jimmicum with Thunderbird cloak spread out to show the Makah art design.
1 175 Close up of Emma Jimmicum in her Thunderbird regalia, Makah, Neah Bay.
1 176 Emma Jimmicum, Ralph La Chester behind the mask and Nora Barker show off the "Mask that changes shape" by the wearer merely by pulling the string.
1 179 Swinomish reservation at La Conner. Swinomish Native Americans at the end of church service. Father Harknet in back row.
1 180 Tommy Bob, Swinomish Native American and his son show the magic, or sgudilatc, sticks by which he claims he can cure the sick and confuse his enemies.
1 181 Tommy Bob, Swinomish at La Conner, beating on the drum to invoke the spirit that controls the power of the sgudilatc or magic sticks.
1 183 Tandy Wilbur family at La Conner.
1 186 Swinomish Native Americans are permitted by treaty to maintain two fish traps. Here is a trap and Joseph Joe who guards the traps day and night.
1 187 Overview of the net labyrinth stretching away to the shore. La Conner.
1 188 Opening the trap with the help of Ray Paul and David John, Swinomish Reservation.
1 189 Lifting the bottom of the trap to push the contents to a narrow area on the far side. The birds caught in the trap a Grebes, and since they eat fish, the Native Americans proceed to club them to death.
1 190 A big skate is being hauled up.
1 191 The trap contained flounder, soles, salmon, crabs and skates. . Here the scow is leaving.
1 192 Here Joseph Joe is distributing fish too small to sell at the cannery in La Conner.
1 193 Colville Reservation. Picture of Chief William Cleveland Kamiakin.
1 194 Mrs. Madeline Covington, a highly respected woman on the Colville Reservation.
1 195 Minnie Yellow Wolf claims to be the last survivor of the Nez Perce War of 1877 under Chief Joseph, now living near Nespelem on the Colville Reservation.
1 196 Elija Williams and family. He is Nez Perce and was related to Yellow Wolf under Chief Joseph. Colville Reservation, Nespelem.
1 197 Joe Red Thunder and his two sons dressed for war dances. Colville Reservation.
1 198 George Nanamkin and his little daughter by their tepee during the circle camp at Nespelem. He is the official interpreter at the Indian agency, Nespelem.
1 199 George Nanamkin alone by his tepee.
1 200 George Nanamkin's little girl alone by the tepee. Colville Reservation.
2 201 George Nanamkin and Clara Moore, at the home of the matter, who makes dolls out of buckskin.
2 202 George Nanamkin on a trick horse, Clara Moore, the doll maker standing, a part Native American baby on a board hanging from the porch post in the background. Colville Reservation, Nespelem.
2 203 Clara Moore and her collection of dolls.
2 205 Same part Native American baby as in 204.
2 207 Mrs. Louise Arcasa and her Native American regalia with the pet fawn.
2 208 Colville woman digging bitterroot.
2 209 Harry Owhi in his every day dress. Nespelem.
2 210 Harry Owhi in his Native American regalia and hunting rifle in buckskin case.
2 212 Frank and Tom Andrews in their Native American regalia at Nespelem.
2 214 Harvey Moses' father, mother, wife and little girl in Native American regalia. Nespelem.
2 217 Mrs. Etta Cox, daughter Inez and son Wilhelm pose by their summer tepee. Wellpinit, Spokane Reservation.
2 218 Close up of Inez Cox. Spokane Native American.
2 219 Close up of Wilhelm Cox, Spokane Reservation.
2 221 Tulalip Reservation. Widow of Chief John Shelton and his daughter, Harriett Shelton Dover. They are standing near a totem pole carved by the late chief.
2 223 Totem poles carved by the late Chief Shelton
2 224 Grave of the late Chief John Shelton, the grave is marked by a huge boulder from his former yard. In Tulalip cemetery.
2 225 Grave of Chief Patkanim at Tulalip.
2 226 Last remaining old smoke house at Tulalip.
2 227 Interior of old smoke house at Tulalip.
2 228 Celilo, meeting place of the Native Americans. This shows some of the temporary homes.
2 229 Hand drum players at the dancing that follow the salmon feast at Celilo.
2 230 Five of the Native American boys pause in their war dance for their picture.
2 231 Then the boys turn around to be photographed from the rear.
2 232 Salmon feast itself.
2 233 Two little girls waiting outside the long house at the salmon feast, Celilo.
2 235 Clarence Burke, Head Chief of the Umatillas, will lead the parade. Mounted on his horse.
2 236 Mrs. Emma Luton, Beverly Strong and Bonnie Joy Burke are ready to join the parade.
2 238 Jennie Wesley, Yakima Native American Doing needle bead work in her tepee, Toppenish.
2 239 Longhouse at Toppenish,
2 240 Elsie George, one of the Indian Princesses of 1954 on her horse near their ranch on the Ahtanum, Yakima Reservation.
2 241 Close-up of Elsie George on her horse.
2 243 Elvina George, Kelly oldest girl, on her horse near their ranch. Yakima Tribe.
2 244 Kelly George family poses for the photographer in a picture entitles :The Land They Lost", as they look out over the fruitful Yakima Valley, with the smoke of the Yakima in the background.
2 245 Kelly George Family near their ranch on the Ahtanum.
2 248 Elsie and Elvina George. Yakima Tribe.
2 250 Mrs. Flora Onepennee and her seventh and youngest baby Virginia. Yakima Tribe.
2 252 Full length view of Rosalie and her first born, Annie May. Yakima Tribe.
2 254 Six Yakima boys in dance regalia at Cleveland near Bickleton.
2 255 4 Yakima beauties in full regalia: Yvonne Musmusto, Arlene Wesley, Jeanette Wesley, Helen Miller
2 257 4 Yakima girls in regalia: Jeanette Wesley, Helen Miller, Lavia Colwash, Pauline Phillips.
2 259 The 1955 Pow-Wow royalty at Pendleton on their mounts: Princess Hazel Corbett, Theresa Ambrose Queen, and Princess Yvonne Musmusto
2 261 The Meninick children have just won the girl-boy dance at the Toppenish birthday celebration. Yakima Tribe.
2 262 Two Yakima children pose in their first regalia: Cynthia Paul and Richard Quiempts.
2 264 Mrs. Watson Totus on her horse at the Toppenish Pow-Wow parade.
2 265 Pauline Wahsise, 1953 Princess at the Ellensburg Rodeo. Yakima Tribe.
2 267 Close up of Jennie Wesley mounted on her horse.
2 269 Full length of Jeanette Wesley, Yakima beauty, once queen of the Pow-Wow.
2 270 Wysookie and her brother stand in front of a tepee at the fishing grounds at the Parker Dam.
2 273 Yakima girls picking Huckleberries near "Potato Hill".
2 275 Close up of Sally Dick's hands as she picks huckleberries.
2 277 Daniel Sampson and Junior Bill have just won the prize in the "Little War Dance". Yakima Tribe.
2 278 Delores Harrison, 1954 Pow-Wow Queen on her charger. Yakima Tribe.
2 280 Full length of Yvonne Musmusto taken at the photographers house. Yakima Tribe.
2 281 Mary Ann Seelatsee, Pow-Wow Queen of 1953, attends the Toppenish Birthday celebration.
2 282 Arlene Wesley, Miss Indian America for 1954. Yakima Tribe.
2 284 Nancy McJoe and her baby at Toppenish. Yakima Tribe.
2 285 Jeanette Wesley and her foster mother by the old tepee at Toppenish. Yakima Tribe
2 287 Charley Speedis, artist. Yakima Tribe..
2 288 Vivian Speedis, Yakima beauty in her regalia. Yakima Tribe.
2 290 Dennison Sam, Navaho, at present with the Yakimas.
2 292 Eagle Seelatsee, Chief of the Yakimas, in full dress at Toppenish.
2 295 3 Yakima chiefs at the White Swan New Year's celebration: The late Chief Looney, Walter Cloud, and Charley Telekist.
2 296 Louis Crow. Yakima Tribe.
2 297 Jonnie Buck, one of the dying out tribe at Priest Rapids, attends the celebration at White Swan. Yakima Tribe.
2 298 Chief Job Charley poses at the end of the Toppenish Parade.
2 299 Full length of Job Charley by his tepee at Toppenish Pow-wow.
2 300 Chief Oscar Billy, Wife Lucy and Little Eagle Looney by their tepee at White Swan. Yakima Tribe.
2 301 Watson Totus and wife, ready for the parade at Toppenish.
2 302 The Late Jim Looney.
2 303 Alex Saluskin, Secretary of the Yakima Indian Council in full regalia.
2 304 Village of tepees at the Toppenish Pow-Wow, 1954.
2 305 Yakima Indian Council in session.
2 306 Yakima Indian court in session.
2 307 Maggie Jim preparing bitterroot to cook. Yakima Tribe.
2 308 Close up of peeling the outer rind of the bitterroots.
2 309 These fish have been air dried in the shade.
2 313 Fishing with a huge fish net.
2 314 An Native American boy, Nelson Onepennee, is heating the rocks for a sweat bath.
2 315 Nelson is now transferring the hot rocks to inside the small dome-shaped sweat house.
2 316 Nelson is now inside the small dome-shaped sweat bath.
2 317 Nelson caught in the act of plunging into the water.
2 318 Lummi Reservation near Marietta. Shows the Barber's Hand Weaving Shop.
2 321 Al Charles poses in a mask while Sharon Woodruff holds a bird mask.
2 322 Collection of the masks of the Lummi
2 323 More masks, with Al Charles, wife and Mary holding the ceremonial drums.
2 324 Another view of the masks of the Lummi
2 325 Close of the largest of the Lummi masks worn by Al Charles
2 326 Ray Wesley and his two smaller cousins in their regalia at Marietta.
2 327 This is a model of the ancient smoke house of the coastal Native Americans. In the foreground are two miniature cedar dugouts with a net between them, used in reef netting.
2 328 Closer view of the model.
2 329 Close up of the model.
2 330 One side of the roof of the model is removed showing inside structure.
2 332 Mrs. Solomon and most of her big family.
2 333 Totem pole carved by Joe Hillaire perhaps with the help of his son Lewis.
2 334 Lewis Hillaire and his wife Helen stand near the totem pole.
2 335 Joe Hillaire is showing two of his grandchildren how Native Americans carve out a cedar log for a canoe.
2 336 Joe Hillaire, his son Lewis and the latter's family stand by some cedar dugouts on the Lummi Beach.
2 337 Mrs. Balch shown with two of her great grand children.
2 339 Mrs. Balch and a whole host of descendants.
2 340 Mrs. Balch's family in regalia.
2 341 Gilbert and Flora Onepennee show how to put up a tepee.
2 342 Three poles are raised to form a tripod.
2 343 Add the other poles to form the main framework, leaning the additional ones against the original tripod.
2 344 Tie the covering the right distance to a pole.
2 345 Raise the pole with the covering.
2 346 Bring the sides of the cover loosely around toward the front.
2 347 Insert the two poles into the flaps that open and close at the top.
2 348 Finish bringing the two sides together in front and button them up beginning at the top.
2 349 Secure the front with pegs driven into the ground, and spread the poles until the cover is fairly tight.
2 351 Joan Onepennee on her pony.
2 352 Wysookie Wynookie gives at feast of thanks.
2 353 Wysookie Wynookie guests.
2 356 Two little dancers. Only picture so far of Duwamish Native Americans.
2 357 Andrew Joe in his old regalia in which he danced.
2 358 Sam Tilden, Nez Perce visitor at Pendleton.
2 360 Celilo Falls, sacred spot for the Native Americans for centuries.
2 361 Closer view of the fishing area, Celilo Falls.
2 362 Sweeping the rapids at Celilo Falls with a dip net.
2 363 Overhead cables, carries fishermen out to the islands among the Celilo Falls.
2 364 Closeup of netting a big chinook salmon, Celilo Falls.
2 365 Big salmon landed at Celilo Falls.
2 366 Overview of the fishing area, fishermen on precarious little scaffolds.
2 367 Each year Celilo has the salmon feast and dances. This is the war drummers.
2 368 Old Tommy Thompson, head chieftain at Celilo for many years, now 99 years old.
2 369 During dancing, Tommy Thompson and wife Flora, pose for their pictures.
2 370 Near close of Celilo dances, Tommy Thompson, son Henry and Grandson Davis, pose.
2 371 Salmon baking in a circle proceeding the salmon feast itself at Celilo.
2 374 Dance scenes at Celilo during the salmon feast.
2 375 Little War Dance, Celilo Salmon Feast celebration.
2 376 Owl dance, in which men and women dance in pairs, Celilo Falls, Salmon Feast.
2 377 Camp, Pendleton Roundup
2 378 Tom Johnson, now deceased, Director of the Indian dances at Pendleton.
2 379 William Oregon Jones, important chief of the Umatillas, Pendleton.
2 380 Lelooska, Cherokee visitor at Pendleton, in his outfit, face painted red and black.
2 381 Close up of Lelooska.
2 382 - 392 Pictographs along Columbia River
Typed on verso: Along the Columbia River occur numerous pictographs of which no one knows their origin or purpose. They are particularly abundant on the west bank of the Columbia River just north of Vantage. They are inaccessible except when the river is quite low, and when the Priest Rapids Dam is built below there, the pictographs will be permanently submerged. There are 11 pictures in the series, A to K. 1A, 1E, 1H, and 1K are the choicest.
2 393 Three Yakama women standing near boundary sign warning not to enter Yakima Reservation land
Typed on verso: Entrance to the Yakima Indian Reservation, restricted area, only such area in the State of Washington, aside from certain military camps. Handwritten on verso: Yakima Indian Reservation Marker. Barriers prevent all except Indians from much of the reservation and passes are required to enter.