Zuni land claims cases records, 1941-1991

Overview of the Collection

Boyden, Stephen G.
Zuni land claims cases records
1941-1991 (inclusive)
79 linear feet
Collection Number
ACCN 1200
The Zuni land claims cases records (1941-1991) consist of legal files concerning two suits brought by the New Mexico Zuni tribe against the U.S. government over land rights in New Mexico and Arizona, and a third suit over access to an important sacred site in eastern Arizona. Included are briefs, reports, trial transcripts, exhibits, appraisals, maps, and orders and opinions of the court.
University of Utah Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library
University of Utah
295 South 1500 East
Salt Lake City, UT

Telephone: 8015818863
Access Restrictions

Twenty-four hour advanced notice encouraged. Materials must be used on-site. Access to parts of this collection may be restricted under provisions of state or federal law.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

The records of the Zuni land claims cases begin in the mid-1970s with the tribe's efforts to regain the Zuni Salt Lake, a site of religious and economic importance located approximately forty miles south of the Zuni Reservation. In conjunction, the tribe sought to recover compensation on other claims. Between 1975 and 1978 several draft bills were debated and both houses of congress held hearings on the Zuni claims. On 15 May 1978, President Jimmy Carter signed Public Law 95-280, returning the Zuni Salt Lake to the tribe, and clearing the way for the tribe to file suit against the federal government in the United States Court of Claims.

With the passage of this act, the Zuni tribe brought Zuni I in 1979, in an effort to gain recognition of and compensation for aboriginal land rights in New Mexico and Arizona. The case went to trial in Salt Lake City, Utah, in March 1982, and the trial judge's opinion came on 27 May 1987. Judge Judith Ann Yannello found that the Zuni tribe "had aboriginal title to the land contained in the area claimed by the plaintiff . . . [that] this title existed from time immemorial . . . [and] The Zuni, exclusively, used and occupied this claim area." In a second opinion, Judge Yannello found that the United States "has failed to pay or award any compensation for the Zuni lands taken by the United States." After settlement negotiations and a land appraisal, final judgement in favor of the Zuni Tribe in the amount of $25,000,000 was entered on 22 January 1991. As of the summer of 1991, however, Congress had yet to appropriate the funds for the award. Two years after initiated Zuni I, the tribe filed docket 327-81L, a suit to recover compensation for Zuni trust lands. This case never went to trial, and was settled by an act of congress.

The third and final case, the United States of America v. Platt, involved access to an important Zuni shrine located in eastern Arizona. The Zunis' quadrennial pilgrimage to this site had been blocked by a land owner who refused to allow the Zunis to cross his land. In 1991, the courts decided in favor of the Zunis in this case.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The Zuni land claims cases records (1941-1991) include records from three separate cases. The Zuni Tribe of New Mexico v. the United States of America, Docket 161-79L [hereafter referred to as Zuni I], The Zuni Tribe of New Mexico v. the United States of America, Docket 327-84L [Zuni II], and The United States of America v. Platt [Zuni III]. Stephen G. Boyden served as the attorney for the Zuni tribe in all cases.

The records of Zuni I are arranged into nine parts. The first seven parts include the records of the case itself. Part eight contains the records of the land appraisal commissioned by the Zuni Tribe during the settlement process, and the final section consists of miscellaneous maps.

Part one contains the original court documents from 1979 to 1991 in four boxes. The documents include motions, petitions, responses, briefs, findings of facts, and reports filed by the plaintiff and the defendant, as well as the trial judges' orders and opinions. The documents are arranged in chronological order based on the date they were filed with the United States Court of Claims.

Part two consists of transcripts of the trial held in Salt Lake City between 15 March and 25 March 1982. Included is the testimony and cross-examination of Zuni lay witnesses, and expert witnesses for both the plaintiff and defendant. This section includes nine volumes of transcripts and three volumes of page corrections in two boxes.

The exhibits of the plaintiff [the Zuni Tribe] are found in Part three. The plaintiff's exhibit list [box 7, book 1] describes each exhibit. Plaintiff's exhibits [PX] 0001 - 0274 include primary and secondary sources, photographs, maps and depositions. Beginning with PX 1000, the plaintiff's exhibits consist of expert witness reports and their supporting documentation. For instance, T. J. Ferguson's "Zuni Settlement and Land Use: An Archaeological Perspective" is numbered PX 1000, and his supporting documentation consists of PX 1001 - 1310. The same pattern continues for the expert reports of Fred Eggan [PX 2000], Triloki N. Pandey [PX 3000], Ward Allan Minge [PX 4000], S. Lyman Tyler [PX 5000], Myra Ellen Jenkins [PX 6000], and E. Richard Hart [PX 7000]. For the most part, the supporting documentation for each report consists of title pages and/or excerpts of the sources cited. The sole exception is the PX 8000 series of exhibits dealing with Zuni archaeology and pottery which is independent of an expert report. The plaintiff's exhibits are contained in twenty-three boxes.

Part four consists of the defendant's [the United States] exhibits [DX]. The defendant's exhibit list [box 31, folder 1] describes each exhibit. Included are reports by the defendant's two expert witnesses; Earl H. Elam [DX 149 and 150], and Donald E. Worcester [DX 200]. The defendant's exhibits are contained in two boxes.

Part five consists of various exhibits lists contained in two boxes. The lists index the plaintiff's and defendant's exhibits several ways, including exhibit number, title and author.

Part six includes rough drafts of the plaintiff's findings of fact to be submitted to the court. Included is the original draft, and revisions by S. Lyman Tyler, Fred Eggan and Ward Allan Minge.

Part seven contains miscellaneous papers and correspondence including staff documents, miscellaneous legal documents, and draft exhibits lists.

Part eight contains the appraisal report prepared by Flavell, Tennenbaum & Associates of North Hollywood, California in January 1991. The supporting documentation is arranged according to subject. Thus, "F" documents relate to farming and ranching, "I" to irrigation and water rights, "T" to timber resources and so on. For the most part, these exhibits contain excerpts from various primary and secondary sources, but in some cases contain the entire work. The final portion of this section contains seventeen appraisals prepared by others which include portions of or all of the Zuni claim area. These appraisal records are contained in twenty-one boxes. Finally, part eight contains to appraisal report prepared by Market Data Research.

Finally, part nine contains one large map folder of miscellaneous maps used in the preparation of the case, but which were never entered into evidence. Stored along with the map folders are 14 oversize wall-hanging maps used in the trial. Each is rolled and stored separately.

The records of Zuni II are boxed in two parts, following the pattern set for Zuni I. The first part includes the plaintiff's exhibits. Again, these include the expert witness reports and supporting documentation. Part two, arranged in the same manner, includes the defendant's exhibits.

The Library currently holds only one box of materials from Zuni III, the religious access case. These consist of expert witness reports by E. Richard Hart.

The addendum to the collection contains records, research, correspondence, and other documents regarding the Zuni land claims. Research, correspondence, contracts, an exhibit list, appraisal reports, and other documents pertaining to Zuni I are contained in boxes 114-119. Depositions regarding Zuni II are housed in boxes 120-127. Information and copies of the laws and order codes for the Zuni people are in boxes 128-129. Legal research, correspondence, financial records, memoranda, court documents and other information regarding the case, Zuni Water, are housed in boxes 130-132. Tribal petitions regarding the case, Zuni Heaven, are contained in boxes 133-134. Documents pertaining to several other lawsuits that the Zuni people filed are in boxes 135-137 and are titled the Zuni Claims. Stephen Boyden was the lawyer for the Zuni people, and the research that he did for these different cases are housed in boxes 138-149. Documents regarding the White River Shale Project are contained in box 138. The Zuni tribal code is in box 139. Zuni codes, memos, and other documents are housed in box 140. Financial records are contained in boxes 141-143. Copies of the Zuni's laws are in box 144. Additional research, correspondence, client records, and other material regarding these cases are in boxes 145-149.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

The library does not claim to control copyright for all materials in the collection. An individual depicted in a reproduction has privacy rights as outlined in Title 45 CFR, part 46 (Protection of Human Subjects). For further information, please review the J. Willard Marriott Library's Use Agreement and Reproduction Request forms.

Preferred Citation

Collection Name, Collection Number, Box Number, Folder Number. Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library, The University of Utah.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Gift of Stephen G. Boyden, attorney for the Zuni tribe, in 1991.

Processing Note

Processed by Gregory Smoak in 1993.

Addendum processed by Valerie Richey in 1998.

Click here to read a statement on harmful language in library records.

Separated Materials

Audio-visual materials were transferred to the Multimedia Division of Special Collections (A0515). Oversize maps, surveys, and other materials are housed in the Manuscripts Division's map case.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

I:  Records Regarding the Zuni Salt Lake and the Passage of Public Law 95-280Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Correspondence and Records Regarding the Zuni Salt Lake and Other Claims
Box Folder
1 1-2
Correspondence and Documents Regarding the Zuni Salt Lake
1 3
Zuni Salt Lake, Leases and Contracts
1 4
Technical and Geological Reports Regarding the Zuni Salt Lake
1 5
Zuni Salt Lake, Property Inventories
1 6
E. Richard Hart, "A Preliminary Review of Documentary Evidence Relating to the Zuni Salt Lake"
1 7
Map of the Zuni Salt Lake
1 8
Internal Correspondence and Memos
1 9
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Correspondence and Documents
1 10
Bureau of Land Management, Correspondence
1 11
Intertribal Organizations, Correspondence and Resolutions
1 12
State of New Mexico, Correspondence
1 13
Zuni Tribe of New Mexico, Correspondence
1 14
Correspondence Regarding Zuni Resources
1 15
Zuni General Council
1 16
Passamaquoddy Claims Documents
1 17
Claims Settlement Proposals, Goshute Example
1 18
Miscellaneous Claims Documents
1 19
Zuni Claims Cases, Miscellaneous Notes
1 20
Miscellaneous Materials Regarding the Zuni Reservation
1 21
Miscellaneous Correspondence
1 22
Billings and Receipts
Records Relating to the Passage of Public Law 95-280
Box Folder
2 1
Correspondence and records Regarding the Indian Claims Commission
2 2
U. S. House of Representatives, Correspondence
2 3
U. S. House of Representatives, Documents
2 4
U. S. Senate, Correspondence
2 5
U. S. Senate, Documents
2 6
Statements Regarding Zuni Legislation: Zuni Witnesses
2 7
Statements Regarding Zuni Legislation: Senate Hearings
2 8
Statements Regarding Zuni Legislation: House Hearings
2 9
Transcript of House Hearings On Zuni Land Claims
2 10
Statements Regarding Zuni Legislation: House Hearings
2 11
Draft Legislation, Zuni Land Claims
2 12
Senate Bill 877
2 13
House Bill 4212
2 14
Senate Bill 482
2 15
House Bill 3787
2 16
House Bill 2664
2 17
Public Law 95-280
"An act to direct the Secretary of the Interior to purchase and hold certain lands in trust for the Zuni Indian Tribe of New Mexico, and to confer jurisdiction on the Court of Claims with respect to land claims of such tribe."

II:  The Zuni Tribe of New Mexico v. the United States of America, Docket 161-79LReturn to Top

Court Documents 1979-1991

Container(s) Description Dates
Court Documents
Box Folder
3 1
Court Documents
Petition, 27 April 1979. Reference to Trial Judge, 15 May 1979. Motion for Leave to File Answer Out of Time, 2 July 1979. Answer to Plaintiff's Petition, 5 July 1979. Memorandum of Pretrial Conference, 7 September 1979. Joint Motion for Amendment of Memorandum of Pretrial Conference Filed September 7, 1979; 7 November 1979. Trial Judge's Order Re: Joint Motion for Amendment, 20 November 1979.
3 2
Court Documents
Motion for Leave to File First Amended Petition, 27 May 1980. First Amended Petition, 9 June 1980. Motion for Leave to File First Amended Answer, 12 August 1980. [Plaintiff's] Motion for Order Extending Deadline to File Experts' Preliminary Reports, 18 August 1980. Defendant's First Amended Answer, 10 September 1980. Defendant's Motion for Enlargement of Time to Exchange Expert Reports and for Modification of the Calendar of Events, 20 October 1980.
3 3
Court Documents
Motion for Order Setting Date and Place of Trial, 9 February 1981. Defendant's Response to Plaintiff's Motion for Order Setting Date and Place of Trial, 18 February 1981. Plaintiff's Reply to Defendant's Response, 3 March 1981. Defendant's Motion for an Order Compelling Plaintiff to Answer Defendant's Interrogatories, 16 March 1981. G. Richard Hill to Judge Judith Yannello, 18 March 1981. Plaintiff's Response to Defendant's Motion for an Order Compelling . . ., 25 March 1981. Defendant's Reply to Plaintiff's Response to Defendant's Motion . . ., 31 March 1981. Plaintiff's Motion for an Order Excluding Dr. Worcester's Written Report and Prohibiting Dr. Worcester from Testifying at Trial . . ., 2 April 1981. Trial Judge's Order Re: Defendant's Motion for an Order Compelling . . ., 2 April 1981. Trial Judges Order Setting Trial, 3 April 1981. Defendant's Response to Plaintiff's Motion for an Order Excluding Dr. Worcester . . ., 9 April 1981. Plaintiff's Reply to Defendant's Response Opposing Plaintiff's Motion . . . Excluding Dr. Worcester . . ., 20 April 1981. Trial Judge's Supplemental Order Setting Trial, 22 April 1981.
3 4
Court Documents
Trial Judges Order Re: Plaintiff's Motion to Strike [Dr. Worcester's Report and testimony], 6 May 1981. Defendant's Motion for Modification of the Schedule of Pretrial Events, 13 May 1981. Plaintiff's Motion to Strike Specific Portions of Dr. Worcester's Report . . ., 1 June 1981. Defendant's Motion for Enlargement of Time in which to File Its Response to Plaintiff's Motion to Strike, 4 June 1981. Plaintiff's Motion for a Pre-Trial Order Regarding "Exclusive Use," 10 June 1981. Trial Judge's Order Re: Plaintiff's Motion Filed June 10, 1981, 12 June 1981. [Plaintiff's] Petition for Review, 26 June 1981 Defendant's Response to Plaintiff's Motion to Strike, 30 June 1981.
3 5
Court Documents
Defendant's Motion for Enlargement of Time in which to File Its Response to Plaintiff's Petition for Review, 6 July 1981. Plaintiff's Reply to Defendant's Response Opposing Plaintiff's Motion to Strike, 15 July 1981. Trial Judges Order Re: Plaintiff's Motion of June 1, 1981 to Strike, 24 July 1981. Defendant's Response to Plaintiff's Petition for Review, 27 July 1981. Trial Judge's Order Re: Pretrial and Trial Proceedings, 31 July 1981. Plaintiff's Response to Defendant's Motion for Reconsideration Pursuant to Order of July, 24 1981, 11 August 1981. Interlocutory Review of Denial of Pretrial Motion, 14 August 1981. Motion for Restatement of Trial Schedule, 21 August 1981. Defendant's Reply to Plaintiff's Response Regarding Dr. Worcester's Report, 21 August 1981. Motion to Set Dates for Further Proceedings, 24 August 1981. Trial Judge's Order Re: Report of Defendant's Expert and Further Pretrial Proceedings, 25 August 1981.
3 6
Court Documents
Report Re: Pretrial and Trial Schedule, 2 September 1981. Order, 18 September 1981. Plaintiff's Motion to Strike Portions of Defendant's Expert Witnesses Reports, 20 November 1981. [Defendant's] Motion for Enlargement of Time, 30 November 1981. Objections to Defendant's Motion for Enlargement of Time, 4 December 1981. Trial Judge's Memorandum Re: Pretrial Conference and Order RE: Further Proceedings, 14 December 1981. Order, 14 December 1981. Trial Judge's Order Re: Scheduling of Case for Trial, 22 December, 1981.
3 7
Court Documents
Trial Judge's Order Setting Case for Trial, 20 January 1982. [Trial Judge's] Order Closing Proof and Concerning the Times for Filing Requested Findings of Fact and Briefs, 17 May 1982. Order, 28 May 1982. Plaintiff's Motion for Extension of Time to File Requested Findings of Fact and Brief, 23 August 1982.
3 8
Court Documents
[Plaintiff's] Motion for Second Extension of Time to File Requested Findings of Fact and Brief, 4 November 1982. [Plaintiff's] Motion for an Order requiring Reporter to Correct Transcript, 4 November 1982. [Plaintiff's] Motion for Leave to File Response Out of Time, 26 November 1982.
3 9
Court Documents
Plaintiff's Reply to Defendant's Response to Motion for an Order Requiring Reporter to Correct Transcript, 1 December 1982. Frank T. Peartree, Clerk of Court to Ira Sharp, Alderson Reporting Company, 22 December 1982. Order Re: Plaintiff's Motion to Correct Transcript of Trial Proceedings, 22 December 1982.
3 10
Court Documents
[Plaintiff's] Motion for Leave to Exceed Page Limitation on Brief, 6 January 1983. [Plaintiff's] Motion for Final Extension of Time to File Requested Findings of Fact and Brief, 13 January 1983. [Plaintiff's] Motion for Extension of Time to File Footnotes to Plaintiff's Requested Findings of Fact, 1 February 1983.
3 11
Court Documents
Plaintiff's Post-Trial Brief, 102 pages, 1 February 1983.
3 12
Court Documents
Plaintiff's Requested Findings of Fact, 105 pages, 15 maps, 1 February 1983.
3 13
Court Documents
Footnotes to Plaintiff's Requested Findings of Fact, 99 pages, 18 February 1983.
3 14
Court Documents
Statement of Alderson Reporting [Rose Ann Sharp, Alderson Reporting, to Frank Peartree, Clerk of Court], 22 February 1983. Order Re: Correction of Transcript, 23 February 1983. [Plaintiff's] Second Motion for Correction of Transcript, 7 March 1983. Defendant's Response to Court's Order RE: Correction of Transcript, 8 March 1983. Order Re: Plaintiff's Motion to Correct Transcript, 18 March 1983. [Defendant's] Motion for Reconsideration of the Court's Order with Reference to Plaintiff's Motion to Correct Transcript, 28 March 1983.
4 1
Court Documents
Plaintiff's Response to Defendant's Motion for Reconsideration of the Court's Order . . ., 5 April 1983. Corrected Transcript Pages Pursuant to Order of March 18, 1983, 12 April 1983. Order Re: Corrections to Transcripts on Defendant's Motion for Reconsideration, 29 April 1983. [Joint] Stipulation of Transcript Corrections, 26 May 1983. [Plaintiff's] Memorandum in Support of Requested Corrections Submitted Pursuant to Order of April 29, 1983, 14 June 1983. Interim Order Re: Transcript, 15 June 1983.
4 2
Court Documents
Order Re: Transcript Correction, 21 June 1983.
4 3
Court Documents
[Plaintiff's] Response to Interim Order . . ., 1 July 1983. [Plaintiff's] Response to Order Re: Transcript Correction of June 21, 1983, 1 July 1983. Defendant's response to Plaintiff's Memorandum . . . of April 29, 1983, 8 July 1983. Order Re: Transcript Correction, 8 July 1983. Plaintiff's Reply to Defendant's Response to Plaintiff's Memorandum . . . of April 29, 1983, 25 July 1983. [Plaintiff's] Response to Order Re: Transcript Correction of July 8, 1983, 25 July 1983. [Defendant's] Motion for Enlargement of Time Within Which to File Findings of Fact and Brief, 28 July 1983.
4 4
Court Documents
[Plaintiff's] Response to Defendant's Motion for Enlargement of Time Within Which to File Findings of Fact and Brief, 8 August 1983. Order Re: Correction of Transcript, 9 August 1983. Order Re: Correction of Transcript, 11 August 1983.
4 5
Court Documents
Defendant's Requested Findings of Fact, Volume 1 of 3, 12 December 1983.
4 6
Court Documents
Defendant's Objections to Plaintiff's Requested Findings of Fact, Volume 2 of 3, 12 December 1983.
4 7
Court Documents
Defendant's Brief, Volume 3 of 3, 12 December 1983.
5 1
Court Documents
[Plaintiff's] Motion for Enlargement of Time, 5 March 1984. Defendant's Response to Plaintiff's Motion for Enlargement of Time, 15 March 1984.
5 2
Court Documents
Plaintiff's Reply Brief, Volume 1 of 3, 18 April 1984.
5 3
Court Documents
Plaintiff's Response to Defendant's Objections to Requested Findings of Fact, Volume 2 of 3, 26 April 1984.
5 4
Court Documents
Plaintiff's Objections to Defendant's Requested Findings of Fact, Volume 3 of 3, 26 April 1984.
5 5
Court Documents
Entry of Appearance, 13 November 1985.
5 6
Court Documents
Notice of Change of Telephone Number, 14 January 1986. Notice of Change of Telephone Number, 2 July 1986.
5 7
Court Documents
Opinion: Indian Claims; Extent of Aboriginal Land and Title; Exclusive Use and Occupancy, 27 May 1987. Opinion: Indian Claims; Events and Dates of Taking of Aboriginal Land, 27 May 1987.
5 8
Court Documents
Plaintiff's Motion to Alter or Amend Decision of May 27, 1987, 8 June 1987. Defendant's Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion to Alter or Amend Decision of May 27, 1987, 22 June 1987. Plaintiff's Notice of Related Cases, 23 June 1987. Order [Assigning Judge John Napier], 24 June 1987. Plaintiff's Motion for Leave to File Memorandum Out of Time, 17 July 1987. Plaintiff's Reply to Defendant's Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion to Alter or Amend the Decision of May 27, 1987, 21 July 1987. Motion for Leave to File Defendant's Response to Plaintiff's Reply Regarding Amendment of the Decision of May 27, 1987, 24 July 1987. Defendant's Response to Plaintiff's Reply Regarding Amendment of the Decision of May 27, 1987, 27 July 1987. Entry of Appearance, 19 August 1987. Order requiring Supplemental Briefing, 28 September 1987. Plaintiff's response to the Order Requiring Supplemental Briefing, 14 October, 1987. Defendant's Motion for an Enlargement of Time, 2 November 1987. Plaintiff's Response to Cases Furnished to Counsel by the Court, 3 November 1987. Defendant's Second Motion for an Enlargement of Time, 9 November 1987. Defendant's Supplemental Brief Pursuant to the Court's Order of September 28, 1987, 16 November 1987. Notice of Change of Address for Attorney of Record for the Defendant, 18 November 1987.
5 9
Court Documents
Transcript of Proceedings of May 6, 1988, 13 May 1988. Joint Motion to Set Dates for Further Proceedings, 25 May 1988. Order Setting Dates for Further Proceedings, 26 May 1988. Defendant's Motion for Enlargement of Time, 30 June 1988.
5 10
Court Documents
Defendant's Motion for Second Enlargement of Time, 1 August 1988. Defendant's Motion for New Trial on Liability, 8 August 1988. Notice of Correction of New Addresses for Attorney of Record for Defendant, 9 August 1988.
5 11
Court Documents
Plaintiff's Motion for Enlargement of Time, 21 September 1988. Plaintiff's Response to Defendant's Motion for a New Trial on Liability, 31 October 1988. Defendant's Motion for Enlargement of Time, 2 November 1988. Defendant's Reply to Plaintiff's Response to Defendant's Motion for a New Trial on Liability, 2 December 1988. Transcript of Proceedings of December 19, 1988, 27 December 1988.
6 1
Court Documents
Defendant's Status Report, 31 January 1989. Plaintiff's Report to Court regarding Settlement Negotiation and Request for Pretrial Conference, 7 February 1989. [Plaintiff's] Motion to Set Dates of Further Proceedings, 23 February 1989. Defendant's Response to Plaintiff's Motion to Set Dates for Further Proceedings, 7 March 1989. [Plaintiff's] Motion for Ruling on the Issue of Recognized Title and for an Amended Schedule for Further Proceedings, 7 March 1989. Defendant's Response to Plaintiff's Motions for Ruling . . ., 23 March 1989. Transcript of Proceedings of 24 February 1989, 28 March 1989.
6 2
Court Documents
Order Re: Motion to Alter Decision of Predecessor Judge . . ., 19 April 1989. Order Re: Status Reports, 4 May 1989. Defendant's Status Report, 28 June 1989. Order Re: Status Reports, 29 June 1989. [Defendant's] Notice of Change of Address and Telephone Number, 31 August 1989. Motion for Leave to File Out of Time Joint Report to the Court regarding Settlement Negotiations, 24 October 1989. Plaintiff's Motion to Assign the Evaluation Phase of Case for Trial and to Set Dates for Further Proceedings, 22 December 1989.
6 3
Court Documents
Defendant's Response to Plaintiff's Motion to Assign Valuation Phase of Case for Trial . . ., 8 January 1990. Joint Report to the Court Regarding Settlement Negotiations, 9 January 1990. Order, 8 February 1990. Order, 15 February 1990. Defendant's Memorandum Concerning Alternative Dispute Resolution and Proposed Trial Schedule, 21 February 1990. Plaintiff's Memorandum Regarding Proposed Alternative Dispute Resolution and Suggested Dates for Further Proceedings, 21 February 1990. Notice of Reassignment to Chief Judge Loren A. Smith, 26 February 1990. Order, 27 February 1990. Order, 2 April 1990. Plaintiff's Motion to Reschedule Dates for Further Proceedings, 1 May 1990. [Defendant's] Notice of Change of Name in Address, 2 May 1990. Notice of Reassignment to Judge Robert H. Hodges, Jr., 3 May 1990. Defendant's Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion to Reschedule Dates for Further Proceedings, 4 May 1990.
6 4
Court Documents
Stipulation for Compromise Settlement and Entry of Final Judgement, 18 January 1991. Stephen G. Boyden to Frank Peartree, Clerk of Court, January 18, 1991, 22 January 1991. Judgement, 22 January 1991.
Trial Transcripts, Volume I-IX and Superseded Pages
Box Folder
7 1
Volume 1
Opening statements and Zuni lay witnesses.
7 2
Volume II
Expert testimony of T. J. Ferguson and cross-examination.
7 3
Volume III
Expert testimony of Fred Eggan and Triloki N. Pandey, and cross-examination.
7 4
Volume IV
Expert testimony and cross-examination of Allan Ward Minge and S. Lyman Tyler.
7 5
Volume V
Expert testimony and cross-examination of Myra Ellen Jenkins and John Baxter.
7 6
Volume VI
Expert testimony and cross-examination of E. Richard Hart.
7 7
Volume VII
Expert testimony and cross-examination of Earl H. Elam.
7 8
Volume VIII
Expert testimony and cross-examination of Earl H. Elam and Donald E. Worcester.
8 1
Volume IX
Expert testimony and cross-examination of Donald E. Worcester.
8 2-3
Uncorrected Pages Which Have Been Superseded, Vols. I-IX
8 4
Corrected Pages Which Have Been Superseded, Books 1-2
Plaintiff's Exhibit List and Exhibits
The plaintiff's exhibit list [Court's Exhibit 1, Volume 1] lists the author and gives a brief description of exhibits 0001-7968.
Box Volume
9 1
Plaintiff's Exhibit [PX] List
9 1-7
10 1-2
PX 0111-0136
10 3-7
PX 0137-053-Photographs
10 8
PX 0240-053
Photographic copies of PX 0248-0253 are also included. Large wall-hanging originals of Plaintiff's exhibits 0240-0253 are stored separately
10 9-10
PX 025-"Rebuttal Reports of Plaintiff Zuni Indian Tribe," Volumes 1-2
10 11
PX 025-Deposition of Earl Elam
11 1
PX 025-Deposition of Donald Worcester
11 2
PX 025-Deposition of Alonzo Hustido
11 3
PX 0259-Deposition of Chester Mahooty
11 4
PX 0260-Deposition of Theodore Edaakie
11 5
PX 026-Deposition of Tom Awelagte
11 6
PX 026-Deposition of Frank Vacit
11 7
PX 026-Deposition of Seff Arachio
11 8
PX 026-Deposition of Alvin Lynn Nastacio
11 9
PX 026-Deposition of Ralph Quam
11 10
PX 026-Deposition of Fred Bowannie, Sr
11 11
PX 026-Deposition of Chester H. Gaspar
11 12
PX 026-Deposition of Mecalito Wyatsalucy
11 13
PX 026-Deposition of Oscar Nastacio
11 14
PX 0270-0274
Report of T. J. Ferguson and Supporting Documentation. Plaintiff's Exhibits 1000-1072
Box Folder
12 1
PX 1000. T. J. Ferguson, "Zuni Settlement and Land Use: An Archaeological Perspective"
12 2-10
PX 1001-1072
Supporting Documentation for Ferguson, "Zuni Settlement and Land Use." Plaintiff's Exhibits 1073-1149
Supporting Documentation for Ferguson, "Zuni Settlement and Land Use." Plaintiff's Exhibits 1150-1234
Supporting Documentation for Ferguson, "Zuni Settlement and Land Use." Plaintiff's Exhibits 1235-1310
Report of Fred Eggan and Supporting Documentation. Plaintiff's Exhibits 2000-2095
Box Folder
16 1
PX 2000. Fred Eggan, "Aboriginal Land Use of the Zuni Tribe"
16 2-8
PX 2001-2095
Report of Triloki N. Pandey and Supporting Documentation. Plaintiff's Exhibits 3000-3124
Box Folder
17 1
PX 3000. Triloki N. Pandey, "Some Reflections on Aboriginal Land Use of the Zuni Tribe"
17 2-10
PX 3001.01-3124
Report of Ward Allan Minge and Supporting Documentation. Plaintiff's Exhibits 4000-4037.02
Box Folder
18 1
PX 4000, Ward Allan Minge, "Zuni in Spanish and Mexican History"
18 2-8
PX 4001-4037.2
Supporting Documentation for Minge, "Zuni in Spanish and Mexican History." Plaintiff's Exhibits 4038-4107
Report of S. Lyman Tyler and Supporting Documentation. Plaintiff's Exhibits 5000-5053
Box Folder
20 1
PX 5000. S. Lyman Tyler, "The Zuni Indians Under the Laws of Spain, Mexico and the United States"
20 2-7
PX 5001-5053
Report of Myra Ellen Jenkins and Supporting Documentation. Plaintiff's Exhibits 6000-6169
Box Folder
21 1
PX 6000. Myra Ellen Jenkins, "The Pueblo of Zuni and United States Administration"
21 2-12
PX 6001.01-6169
Supporting Documentation for Jenkins, "The Pueblo of Zuni and United States Administration." Plaintiff's Exhibits 6170-6253
Report of E. Richard Hart and Supporting Documentation. Plaintiff's Exhibits 7000-7085
Box Folder
23 1
PX 7000. E. Richard Hart, "Boundaries of Zuni Land: With Emphasis on Details Relating to Incidents Occurring" Volume 1
23 2
PX 7000. E. Richard Hart, "Boundaries of Zuni Land . . .," Volume 2
Tables, maps and notes for Volume 1.
23 3-9
PX 7001.01-7085
Supporting Documentation for Hart, "Boundaries of Zuni Land" Plaintiff's Exhibits 7087-7150
Supporting Documentation for Hart, "Boundaries of Zuni Land" Plaintiff's Exhibits 7151-7299
Supporting Documentation for Hart, "Boundaries of Zuni Land" Plaintiff's Exhibits 7300.01-7428
Supporting Documentation for Hart, "Boundaries of Zuni Land" Plaintiff's Exhibits 7429-7600
Supporting Documentation for Hart, "Boundaries of Zuni Land" Plaintiff's Exhibits 7601-7764
Supporting Documentation for Hart, "Boundaries of Zuni Land" Plaintiff's Exhibits 7765.01-7968
Archaeological Exhibits. Plaintiff's Exhibits 8000-8030. Exhibits 8025.01-8025.54
Box Folder
30 1
PX 8000-8012
PX 8000. Susan M. Collins, Director of the Zuni Archaeology Program to "Whom it May Concern," 4 March 1982. PX 8001-8012. Photographs of Various Pottery Sherds Described in PX 8000.
30 2
PX 8013-8024
Photographs of Various Pottery Sherds Described in PX 8000
30 3
PX 8026-8027
"Occasional papers of the American West Center, University of Utah." 1 page list of titles. Pueblo Indian III (New York: Garland Publishing Inc., 1974)
30 4
PX 8028-8030
PX 8025.01-8025.54, Marked Topographic Maps
Defendant's Exhibit list [Court's Exhibit 1, Volume 2.] and Defendant's Exhibits 1-149
Exhibits 1-148 are supporting documentation to the reports of Earl H. Elam, DX 149 and 150.
Box Folder
32 1
Defendant's exhibit list, Court's Exhibit 1, Volume 2.
32 2-16
DX 1-148
32 17
DX 149. Earl H. Elam, "A History of Zuni Land Utilization in Arizona and New Mexico, 1539 to Present"
Defendant's Exhibits 150-221
Exhibits 151-173 are supporting documentation for the supplemental report of Earl H. Elam.
Box Folder
33 1
DX 150. Earl H. Elam, "Supplemental Report"
33 2-3
DX 151-173
33 4
DX 200. Donald E. Worcester, "Defendant's Rebuttal to the Zuni Indian Tribe of New Mexico v. the United States of America (Docket No. 161-79L)"
33 5
DX 201.00-201.20. Supporting documentation for Worcester, "Defendant's Rebuttal . . ."
33 6-13
DX 202-221
Exhibit Lists
Box Folder
34 1
"Record List," 41 pages
34 2
Draft of Defense Exhibit List, 19 pages
34 3
"Subject List," 2 pages, and "Areas," 5 pages
34 4
"By Exhibit #," 151 pages
34 5
Errors and Miscellaneous Pages, 7 pages
34 6
"Exhibit List," 62 pages
34 7
"Exhibit List 1," pages 1-121
34 8
"Exhibit List 1," pages 122-242
34 9
"Pl's Index by Title," 122 pages
34 10
"All Exhibits by Subject," 145 pages
Exhibit Lists
Box Folder
35 1-3
"Pl's Abstracts by Exhibit #"
35 4
"Def's Exhibits From-To"
35 5
"Before 1846 & After"
35 6-7
"Def's Exhibits by Author"
Rough Drafts
Box Folder
36 1
"Draft #1 6/26/81," 46 pages
36 2
"Tyler" [Revised by S. Lyman Tyler]
36 3
"Tyler" [Second revision?]
36 4
"Eggan" [Revised by Fred Eggan]
36 5
"Minge" [Revised by Ward Allan Minge]
36 6-7
Unspecified Revised Draft
36 8
Unspecified Drafts
36 9
"Most Recent, Edited Copy"
36 10
Footnotes to Findings, Draft
Miscellaneous papers and Correspondence, Zuni I
Box Folder
37 1
Staff Documents
Table of contents from "The Boundaries of Zuni Land," by E. Richard Hart. 3 pages. Includes schedule of maps. "Position of Earl H. Elam, Ph.D.," 30 pages. "Comment's on Elam's Report," by T. J. Ferguson. 5 pages. 28 January 1981. "Zuni claims case: staff conference, January 30-31, 1981," 6 pages. "Elements of prima facie case," 8 pages. "Plaintiff's Motion for an Order Excluding Dr. Worcester's Written Report and Prohibiting Dr. Worcester from Testifying at Trial . . .," 1 April 1981. "Pueblo Indians-Zuni Indians," 2 pages. Brief chronology of events impacting the Pueblos in general and the Zunis in particular, 1853-1892.
37 2
Miscellaneous Correspondence
Robert E. Lewis to Stephen G. Boyden, 6 June 1980. Stephen G. Boyden to Floyd A. O'Neil, 13 October 1980. Richard Hart to Katherine [Kathryn L. MacKay], 20 October 1980. Richard Hart to Katherine [Kathryn L. MacKay], 8 November 1980. Richard Hart to Katherine [Kathryn L. MacKay], 23 November 1980. Ellen Elchlepp to Catherin McKay [Kathryn L. MacKay], 2 December 1980. Richard Hart to Kathryn L. MacKay, 12 December 1980. T. J. Ferguson to Allan Aimsworth, 16 December 1980. Kathryn L. MacKay to Triloki Nath Pandey, 23 December 1980. Kathryn L. MacKay to Myra Ellen Jenkins, 23 December 1980. Kathryn L. MacKay to Ward Allan Minge, 23 December 1980. Kathryn L. MacKay to T. J. Ferguson, 23 December 1980. E. Richard Hart to Stephen G. Boyden, 9 March 1981. T. J. Ferguson to Katherine McKay [Kathryn L. MacKay], 9 May 1981. T. J. Ferguson to Stephen G. Boyden, 22 October 1981. T. J. Ferguson to Kathryn L. MacKay, 4 December 1981.
37 3
Correspondence of Fred Eggan
Fred Eggan to Stephen Boyden. 5 pages, includes possible queries in regard to his report. Corrections and additions to "Aboriginal Land Use of the Zuni Indian Tribe," by Fred Eggan. 3 handwritten pages.
37 4
"Minge: Translations of his Ciations"
37 5
Opinion in Wichita Indian Tribe v. The United States of America
37 6
Relating to Navajo claims cases
Excerpts from trial transcripts, pages 7169-7288. 16 October 1961. Excerpts from trial transcripts, pages 7291-7429. Excerpts from Findings of Fact, The Navajo Tribe of Indians v. The United States of America, pages 256-261. Case decided 29 June 1970. Excerpt from Jenkins, Myra Ellen, and Minge, Ward Allan, "Navajo Activities Affecting the Acoma-Laguna Area, 1746-1910," in Navajo Indians II (New York: Garland Publishing Inc., 1974).
37 7
Missing Exhibit Lists
"Missing Exhibits," 22 pages, 20 May 1981. "Missing Exhibits," 2 pages, n. d. Substitute Exhibits, 1 page. "Missing for July 1, 1980," 1 page.
37 8
Text, exhibit citation and footnote corrections
Text corrections, 6 pages. Rebuttal text corrections, 3 pages. Exhibit citation corrections, 10 pages. Rebuttal exhibit citations, 4 pages. "Fred Eggan: New and Revised Footnotes," 5 pages. Footnote citation corrections, 10 pages. Footnote numbers corrections, 3 pages.
37 9
Exhibit Lists and Errata
O exhibits, 6 pages. S exhibit citations, 6 pages. Additional exhibits, 7 pages. Errata, 5 pages
37 10
Aberle, S. D. The Pueblo Indians of New Mexico: Their Land, Economy and Civil Organization (American Anthropological Association)
37 11
"Zunis," Excerpt from Unidentified Report
37 12
"Zuni Salt Lake: Text and References"
37 13
E. Richard Hart's "The Boundaries of Zuni Land," and Schedule
37 14
Miscellaneous notes
Materials Regarding Plaintiff's Expert Witnesses
Box Folder
38 1
Expert Witnesses, General File
38 2
Questions For Expert Witnesses
38 3
Fred Eggan, Agreement and Correspondence
38 4
Fred Eggan, Draft Rebuttal Report
38 5
T. J. Ferguson, Agreement and Correspondence
38 6
T. J. Ferguson, Rebuttal Materials
38 7
E. Richard Hart, Agreement and Correspondence
38 8
E. Richard Hart, papers and Reports
38 9
E. Richard Hart, Zuni Bibliography
38 10
E. Richard Hart, Rebuttal Materials
Materials Regarding Plaintiff's Expert Witnesses
Box Folder
39 1
Myra Ellen Jenkins, Agreement and Correspondence
39 2
Myra Ellen Jenkins, Insert Pages
39 3
Myra Ellen Jenkins, Draft Rebuttal Report
39 4
Ward Allan Minge, Agreement and Correspondence
39 5
Ward Allan Minge, Draft Rebuttal Report
39 6
Triloki N. Pandey, Vita and Agreement
39 7
Triloki N. Pandey, Correspondence
39 8
Triloki N. Pandey, Reports and Publications
39 9
Triloki N. Pandey, Draft Rebuttal Report
39 10
S. Lyman Tyler, Vita, Report and Notes
Appraisal Report and "E" Documents Relating to Elevation, Topography and Land Use
Box Volume
40 1
"Appraisal of Zuni Land Claim in Connection with Docket 161-79L." Prepared by Flavell, Tennenbaum & Associates, North Hollywood, California
40 1
E1, "General Ecosystem Survey of the Southwestern Region," USFS
40 2
E2, "Arizona Vegetation Resource Inventory," USGS
40 3
E3, "A Guide to Land Cover Types of Arizona
40 4
E4, "Report of the Commissioner of Immigration for Colfax County, New Mexico"
40 5
E5, "Taos County, Report to the Bureau of Immigration of New Mexico"
40 6
E6, "Patterns of Land Use Within a Portion of the Pueblo of Zuni Land Claim Area"
40 7
E7, "Aboriginal Agricultural Development in the Valley of Sonora, Mexico," The Geographical Review
40 8
E8, "Pre-Hispanic Occupance in the Valley of Sonora, Mexico: Archaeological Confirmation of Early Spanish Reports"
40 9
E9, Mapping the Transmississippi West
40 10
E10, "Land Resource Regions and Major Land Resource Areas of the United States," USDA
40 11
E11, "Soil Survey of Apache County, Arizona," USDA
40 12
E12, "Report and Interpretations for the General Soil Map of Gila County, Arizona," USDA
40 13-14
E13-14, "General Soil Map of Navajo County, Arizona," USDA
40 15
"Seeding New Mexico Rangeland," New Mexico State University
No exhibit number
"F" Documents Relating to Farming and Ranching
F3-4 and F14 are missing or unused
Box Folder
41 1
F1, "Report on Cattle, Sheep, and Swine"
41 2
F2, 1 page excerpt from unspecified report in reference to dry-farming in Montezuma County, Colorado.
41 3
F5, Murrah, "Success and Failure: Entrepreneurship on the Southern Plains, 1876-1892"
41 4
F6, Sheffy, The Franklyn Land & Cattle Company.
41 5
F7, Pearce, The Matador Land and Cattle Company, chapter 1.
41 6
F8, Murrah, "A Cattle Kingdom on Texas' Last Frontier," M.A. Thesis
41 7
F9, Murrah, The Pitchfork Land and Cattle Company, introduction and chapter 1.
41 8
F10, Murrah, "C. C. Slaughter: The Cattle King of Texas," Ph.D. Dissertation
41 9
F11, Murrah, "C. C. Slaughter: The Cattle King of Texas"
41 10
F12, Holden, The Espuela Land and Cattle Company, chapters 6 and 22.
41 11
F13, Burton, A History of the J A Ranch
41 12
F15, The Capitol Land Reservation in the Panhandle of Texas, pp. 2-22.
41 13
F16, Haley, The XIT Ranch of Texas
41 14
F17, Endnotes and Bibliography to Unspecified Paper
41 15
F18, Murrah, "The Texas Capitol and the XIT: Whatever Happened to All That Land?"
41 16
F19, The Kentucky Cattle Raising Company, p. 11
41 17
F20, Dolman, "The Public Lands of Western Texas, 1870-1900: The Conflict of Public and Private Interests," Ph.D. Dissertation
41 18
F21, Dolman, "The Public Lands of Texas"
41 19
F22, Minute book of the Pitchfork Land and Cattle Company
1883- 1916
41 20
F23, Clary, "Range Management and its Ecological Basis in the Ponderosa Pine Type of Arizona," USDA
41 21
F24, Clary, Kruse and Larson, "Cattle Grazing and Wood Production with Different Basal Areas of Ponderosa Pine," Journal of Range Management
"G" Documents General and Miscellaneous Documents
G5, 23, 26, 33, and 34 are missing or unused.
Box Folder
42 1
G1, Stauber, "Method for Researching U. S. Government Surveys for Zuni Trust Land Damages Claim"
42 2
G2, "Complete List of U. S. General Land Office Survey Maps and Filed Notes Researched for the Zuni II Land Damages Claim"
42 3
G3, Hart, "Townsite Size in the Zuni Claim Area"
42 4
G4, Hickey, "170 Townsites of the Zuni Claim Area"
42 5
G6, New Mexico Statehood Hearings
42 6
G7, Baxter, "Material on Zuni Appraisal Submitted to R. Howard Sears"
42 7
G8, "Earliest U. S. General Land Office Survey Plats of the New Mexico Townships in the Zuni Claim Area"
42 8
G9, Frazer, Forts and Supplies
42 9
G10, Culin, "Report on a Collecting Expedition among the Indians of New Mexico and Arizona"
42 10
G11, Abruzzi, "Ecology, Resource Redistribution, and Mormon Settlement in Northeastern Arizona," American Anthropologist
42 11
G12, Telling, "Ramah, New Mexico"
42 12
G13, Cooper, "Changes in vegetation, Structure, and Growth of Southwestern Pine Forests Since White Settlement," Ecological Monographs
42 13
G14, "The Dynamic West: A Region in Transition"
42 14
G15, "Inventing the West"
42 15
G16, Beck and Hasse, Historical Atlas of New Mexico
42 16
G17, Third Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey
42 17
G18, Dutton, "Mount Taylor and the Zuni Plateau"
42 18
G19, Newspaper citations
42 19
G20, Assessment book for Bernalillo County, New Mexico
42 20
G21, Assessment book for Bernalillo County
42 21
G22, Record Book of the Board of Commissioners of Public Buildings
42 22
G24, Superintendent, Navajo Agency to Commissioner of Indian Affairs
42 23
G25, John Collier to George A. Trotter
G27, Davis, "Principles and Practices of Condemnation Appraisal," The Appraisal Journal
Box Folder
42 25
G28, Schmutz, "Appraising for Condemnation," The Appraisal Journal
42 26
G29, McPherson, "The Hindsight Rule," The Appraisal Journal
42 27
G30, Laronge, "The Technique of Preparing for Court Testimony"
42 28
G31, Levit, "The Expert Witness," The Appraisal Journal
42 29
G32, Bowes, "Appraisal of Four Million Acres of Western Land," The Appraisal Journal
"GM" Documents [General and Miscellaneous Maps] and Census Data
GM4, 5, 6, and 9 are missing or unused.
Box Folder
43 1
GM1, "Looking for an Old Map, Out of Print Maps," National Mapping Program, USGS
43 2
GM2, Pepper Canyon, Arizona. USGS Topographic
43 3
GM3, "Publications of the New Mexico Geological Society"
43 4
GM7, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests, USFS
43 5
GM8, Cibola National Forest, USFS
43 6
GM10, Gila National Forest, USFS
43 7
GM11, Arizona [with precipitation overlay, 1940-1980], High Country Mapping
43 8
GM12, Myra Ellen Jenkins and Albert H. Schroeder, A Brief History of New Mexico
43 9
Jeff Hickey to Jeff Cohen
Letter concerns the following census data.
43 10
Data from the 9th Census
43 11
Data from the 10th Census
43 12
Data from the 11th Census
43 13
Data from the 12th Census
"I" Documents Relating to Irrigation and Water Rights
Box Folder
44 1
I1, "A Historical Study of Non-Federal Water Claims in the Little Colorado River Basin, Arizona," Central States Development
44 2
I2, David Rhode, "Agriculture and Water Use Before the Twentieth Century on the Zuni Reservation, West-Central New Mexico"
44 3
I3, Samuel C. Monson, "Meanings of Arroyo"
44 4
I4, H. Hartmann, "New Mexico Lands"
44 5
I5, "Changes in Geomorphology, Hydrology, and Land Use on the Zuni Indian Reservation, McKinley and Cibola Counties, New Mexico, 1846-1985," Geoscience Consultants, Ltd.
44 6
I6, David Rhode, "Agriculture and Water Use Before the Twentieth Century on the Zuni Reservation, West-Central New Mexico," Entire Report
44 7
I7, "Water Resources of the Zuni Tribal Lands, McKinley and Cibola Counties, New Mexico," USGS Water Supply Paper 2227
44 8
I8, "Suitability of New Mexico Lands for Irrigation," New Mexico State University, Agricultural Experiment Station, Research Report 276
"L" Legal Documents
Box Folder
45 1-3
L1-L3, "Valuation"
45 4
L4, Michael J. Kaplan, "Annotation: Proof and Extinguishment of Aboriginal Title to Indian Lands," Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Co.
45 5
L5, Sioux Nation v. United States, Indian Claims Commission Docket 74-B
45 6
L6, Bois Forte Band, et al., v. The United States of America, Indian Claims Commission Docket 18-D
45 7
L7, The Pottawatomie Tribe of Indians, et. al. v. The United States of America, Indian Claims Commission Dockets 15-E, 29-C, 120, 130, 252, and 338
45 8-9
L8-L9, Indian Claims Commission Awards (Grouped by Fiscal Year)
45 10
L10, "ICC Sort, Alphabetical"
45 11
L11, The Fort Sill Apache Tribe of the State of Oklahoma . . . v. The United States of America, Indian Claims Commission Dockets 30-A and 48-A
45 12
L12, Gila River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, et. al. v. The United States, United States Claims Court Docket 228
45 13
L13, The Jicarilla Apache Tribe of the Jicarilla Apache Reservation, New Mexico, v. The United States of America, Indian Claims Commission Docket 22-A
45 14
L14, Western Shoshone Identifiable Group, Represented by the Temoak Bands of Western Shoshone Indians, Nevada, v. The United States of America, Indian Claims Commission Docket 326-K
45 15
L15, The Northern Paiute Nation v. The United States of America, Indian Claims Commission Docket 87
45 16
L16, The United States v. The Northern Paiute Nation, et. al., United States Court of Claims, 393 F.2d 786; 183 Ct. Cl. 321
45 17
L17, The Tlingit and Haida Indians of Alaska and Harry Douglas, et. al., v. The United States of America, United States Court of Claims, 389 F.2d 778; 182 Ct. Cl. 130
45 18
L18, The Zuni Tribe of New Mexico v. The United States of America, United States Court of Claims Docket 161-79L, "Opinion: Indian Claims; Events and Dates of Taking of Aboriginal Land"
45 19
L19, The Zuni Tribe of New Mexico v. The United States of America, United States Court of Claims Docket 161-79L, "Opinion: Indian Claims; Extent of Aboriginal Land and Title; Exclusive Use and Occupancy"
"LM" and "MM" Documents Land Use and Mineral Maps
Box Folder
46 1
LM1, "Land Use and Land Cover and Associated Maps," USGS
46 2
LM2, "Land Use and Land Cover, 1976: Gallup, New Mexico; Arizona," USGS
46 3
LM3, "Preferred Alternative," Coconino National Forest
46 4
LM4, "Off-Road Driving Management Plan," Coconino National Forest
46 5
LM5, "Off-Road Vehicle (ORV) Management Map," Gila National Forest
46 6
LM6, "Transportation System and Utilities Corridors," Gila National Forest
46 7
LM7, "Forest Management Areas," Gila National Forest
46 8
LM8, "Forest Plan," Cibola National Forest
46 9
LM9, "Transportation and Utilities Corridors," Cibola National Forest
46 10
LM10, "Alternatives A thru F," Cibola National Forest
46 11
LM11, "Off-Road Vehicle (ORV) Map," Cibola National Forest
46 12
MM1, "Index of Published Geologic Maps of Arizona, 1903 to 1982," Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology
46 13
MM2, "Publications Available," New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources
46 14
MM3, "Map of Known Metallic Mineral Occurrences (Excluding Base and Precious Metals) in Arizona," Arizona Bureau of Mines
46 15
MM4, "Map of Known Nonmetallic Mineral Occurrences of Arizona," Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology
46 16
MM5, "New Mexico Non-Metal Resources Map," New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources
46 17
MM6, "New Mexico Metal Resources Map," New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources
46 18
MM7, "Geologic Map Index of Arizona," USGS
46 19
MM8, "Geologic Map Index of New Mexico," USGS
46 20
MM9, "Map of Part of the Workings at the Coal Mine Three Miles West of Pescado," Geoscience Consultants, Ltd
46 21
MM10, "Preliminary Geologic Map of Western San Juan Basin, San Juan and McKinley Counties, New Mexico"
46 22
MM11, "Mines, Processing Plants, and Power Plants in New Mexico," New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources
46 23
MM12, "Reported Occurrences of Selected Minerals in Arizona"
46 24
MM13, "Reported Occurrences of Selected Minerals in New Mexico"
46 25
MM14, "New Mexico Highway Geologic Map," New Mexico Geological Society
46 26
MM15, "List of Publications," Arizona Geological Society
46 27
MM16, "Open-file List 3," New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources
"M" Documents Relating to Mining, 1-46
Box Folder
47 1
M1, Ernest Oberbillig, "Appraisal of Mineral Property"
47 2
M2, "Strippable Low-Sulphur Coal Resources of the San Juan Basin in New Mexico and Colorado," New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources
47 3
M3, Anthony J. Rinaldi, "A Review of Hoskold and the Valuation of Mineral Property," The Appraisal Journal
47 4
M4, Donald W. Gentry, "Valuation of Mines and Mineral-Bearing Lands," ASA Valuation
47 5
M5, Noel A. Cleland, "The Valuation of Mineral Rights," AIM
47 6
M6, W. D. Davis, "The Appraisal of Mineral Interests on Farm Properties," Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers
47 7
M7, Susan Pearlman, "Selected Bibliography"
47 8
M8, E. Richard Hart, "Zuni Mining"
47 9
M9, John O. Baxter, "A Summary of Events Concerning Discovery of the Gallup Coal Field"
47 10
M10, Nick Coppin to Richard Hart
47 11
M11, Julian D. Sears, Geology and Coal Resources of the Gallup-Zuni Basin, New Mexico, USGS
47 12
M12, Julian D. Sears, Geology and Fuel Resources of the Southern Part of the San Juan Basin, New Mexico, USGS
47 13
M13, O. E. Kiessling, Statistical Appendix to Minerals Yearboo, 1932-33, U. S. Bureau of Mines 1934
47 14
M14, Lindgren, Graton and Gordon, The Ore Deposits of New Mexico, USGS
47 15
M15, Fayette Alexander Jones, New Mexico Mines and Minerals
47 16
M18, J. R. Finlay, "Report of Appraisal of Mining Properties of New Mexico," New Mexico State tax Commission
47 17
M19, Eugene Carter Anderson, "The Metal resources of New Mexico and Their Economic Features Through 1954," New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources
47 18
M20, Samuel G. Lasky and Thomas P. Wootton, "The Metal Resources of New Mexico and Their Economic Features," New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources
47 19
M21, "Mineral and Water Resources of New Mexico," New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources
47 20
M22, Report of the Governor of New Mexico to the Secretary of the Interior
47 21
M23, John C. Spears, "Report of the Territorial Inspector of Coal Mines to the Governor of the Territory of New Mexico"
47 22
M24-29, Reports of the Governors of New Mexico
47 23
M31, Contributions to Economic Geology 1907, USGS
47 24
M32, Charts and tables from the Bulletins of the New Mexico Bureau of Mines
47 25
M33, Jerry L. Williams, New Mexico in Maps
47 26
M34, Chart of Coal Production in New Mexico
47 27
M35, "New Mexico," and "Arizona," in Mines and Mining West of the Rocky Mountains
47 28
M36, F. C. Schrader, "The Durango-Gallup Coal Field of Colorado and New Mexico," Contributions to Economic Geology
47 29
M37, James MacFarlane, The Coal-Regions of America: Their Topography, Geology, and Development
47 30
M38, Millard K. Shaler, "A Reconnaissance Survey of the Western Part of the Durango-Gallup Coal Field of Colorado and New Mexico," Contributions to Economic Geology 1906
47 31
M40, J. B. Tenney, The Mineral Industries of Arizona
47 32
M41, Jules Marcou, Geology of North America, Zurich
47 33
M42, Albert Williams, Mineral Resources of the United States, USGS
47 34
M43, David T. Day, Mineral Resources of the United States, USGS
47 35
M44, "Report of the United States Coal Mine Inspector for the Territory of New Mexico"
47 36
M45, Rossiter W. Raymond, "Statistics of Mines and Mining in the States and Territories"
47 37
M46, "Geological Survey of the Territories," Sixth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey
"M" Documents [Relating to Mining], 47-60
Box Folder
48 1
M47, "Report upon Geographical and Geological Explorations and Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian, in Charge of First Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler," Engineer Department, U. S. Army
48 2
M48, The Resources of Arizona
48 3
M49, Patrick Hamilton, The Resources of Arizona
48 4
M50, Stuart A. Northrop, Minerals of New Mexico. Book
48 5
M51, "Metallic Mineral Districts and Production in Arizona," Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology
48 6
M52, "Mine Index for Metallic Mineral Districts of Arizona," Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology
48 7
M53, Director, USGS, to Secretary of the Interior
48 8
M54, Placer Mining Act of July 9, 1870, 16 Stat 217
July 9, 1870
48 9
M55, Act to Promote the Development of the Mining Resources of the United States, 17 Stat 91
48 10
M56, Clement J. Schwingle, "Natural Resources," The Bibliography of Appraisal Literature
48 11
M57, Philip W. Grossman, "The Valuation of Land with Underlying Natural Resources," The Journal of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers
48 12
M58, "Mineral Rights-Coal Lands," 1 page
48 13
M59, "Report upon United States Geographical Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian, in Charge of Capt. Geo. M. Wheeler," Engineer Department, U.S. Army
48 14
M60, "Report upon the Geographical and Geological Explorations and Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian, in Charge of First Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler," Engineer Department, U. S. Army
"P" Relating to Public Lands and "R" Relating to Railroads Documents
P6 is missing or unused.
Box Folder
49 1
P1, Jeff Hickey, "The Minimum Value of Public Lands"
49 2
P2, Jeff Hickey to Robert H. Flavelle
Includes data on price of public lands.
6 October 1989
49 3
P3, Victor Westphall, The Public Domain in New Mexico 1854-1891
49 4
P4, "Private Land Grants in Arizona," U. S. House of Representatives, Report 172
49 5
P5, "Right of Way Through Public Lands of the United States in the Territory of Utah," U. S. House of Representatives, Report 3973
49 6
P7, Congressional Record
49 7
P8, An Act Making Further Provision for the Sale of Public Lands, 3 Stat 566
49 8
P9, "Public Lands of Arizona"
49 9
P10, Single sheet stating "this is a book," but no book could be found
49 10
P11, An Act to Authorize the Entry of Lands Chiefly Valuable for Building Stone under the Placer Mining Laws, 27 Stat 348
49 11
P12, H. R. Stucky and Donald C. Henderson, "Grazing Capacities and Selected Factors Affecting Public Land Use," New Mexico State University Agricultural Experiment Station Research Report 158
49 12
R1, Vernon J. Glover and Joseph P. Hereford, Jr., "Cultural Resources Management: Zuni Mountain Railroads, Cibola National Forest, New Mexico," USFS
49 13
R2, "Forfeiture of Certain Public Lands Granted as a Railroad Right of Way, etc.," Hearings before the House Judicial Committee
49 14
R3, L. L. Waters, Steel Trails to Santa Fe
49 15
R4, Irving Telling, "New Mexico Frontiers: A Social History of the Gallup Area, 1881-1901," Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University
49 16
R5, "Letter from the Secretary of the Interior"
49 17
R6, "Letter from the Secretary of the Interior"
49 18
R7, "Letter of the Secretary of the Interior"
49 19
R8, "Letter of the Secretary of the Interior"
49 20
R9, William J. Palmer, Report of Surveys Across the Continent
49 21
R11, "Physical Valuation of Railroad PropertieR10, "Letter of the Secretary of War"
49 22
R11, "Physical Valuation of Railroad Properties," Hearing before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the House of Representatives
49 23
R12, "Extension of Time for Completion of the Alaska Northern Railroad," Hearings before the Committee on the Territories, House of Representatives
49 24
R13, "Memorial of the Legislative Assembly of New Mexico"
49 25
R14, "Pacific Railroads," House Miscellaneous Document 132
49 26
R15, "Taxation of Railroad Lands," House Report 474
49 27
R16, Unidentified Report
49 28
R17, Memorials to the U. S. Senate
49 29
R18, Correspondence in regard to railroad Packages
49 30
R19, The Congressional Globe
49 31
R20, J. A. Williamson to N. C. McFarland
49 32
R21, Grant Foreman, A Pathfinder in the Southwest
49 33
R22, Charles H. Wood, "Railroad Land Grants and Land-Grant Rate Deductions"
49 34
Railroad Sales-Small Acre Sales
"SP" and "TM" Documents [Subject Property and Topographic Maps]
Box Folder
50 1
SP1-11, Subject Property Maps
50 2
SP12A, "Map of the Zuni Reservation Showing Major Towns, Roads & Drainages"
50 3
SP12B, "Map Showing Location of Incised Stream Channels on Zuni Reservation"
50 4
SP12C, "Map of Dams and Reservoirs on the Zuni Reservation"
50 5
SP12D, "Geologic Map of the Zuni Reservation"
50 6
SP12E, "Map of Established Roads on the Zuni Reservation"
Before 1946
50 7
SP12F, "Map of Arable Areas and Lands Under Cultivation"
50 8
SP13, "Zuni Claim Area Land Classification Acreages"
50 9
TM1, New Mexico: Catalog of Topographic and Other Published Maps, USGS
50 10
TM2, New Mexico: Index to Topographic and Other map Coverage, USGS
"T" Documents [Relating to Timber Resources], 1-30
Box Folder
51 1
T1, E. Richard Hart, "Lumber and Log Values in New Mexico Prior to 1900"
51 2
T2, T. J. Ferguson, "An Analysis of Timber Values in the Zuni Claim Area"
51 3
T3, Minutes from Directors' Meetings of Unidentified Organization
51 4
T4, "Schedule 4-Products of Industry in New Mexico"
51 5
T5, "Lumber Mills and Saw Mills-Brick Yards and Tile Works," New Mexico
51 6
T6, "Lumber Mills and Saw Mills-Brick Yards and Tile Works," New Mexico
51 7
T7, Susan Pearlman, "Report on Search for Statistics Regarding Pre-Cut Volumes on the Apache, Sitgreaves, Prescott, Gila, and Coconino National Forests"
51 8
T8, Edward Stuart, Jr., "Appraisal of Timber and Timberland"
51 9
T9, W. David Klemperer, "Segregating Land and Timber Values from Sales of Uneven-Aged Forests," The Appraisal Journal
51 10
T10, W. David Klemperer, "Valuing Young Timber Scheduled for Future Harvest," The Appraisal Journal
51 11
T11, W. David Klemperer, "The Effects of Inflation and Debt on Old Growth Timber Appraisal," The Appraisal Journal
51 12
T12, Timothy D. Newman, "Appraisal of Timber: A Direct Sales Approach," The Appraisal Journal
51 13
T13, Charles M. Tarver, "Valuation of Timberland," Appraisal Review Journal
51 14
T14, Charles Freudenberg, "The Timberland Investment-Fact and Fiction," The Appraisal Review
51 15
T15, Gary Allen Burns, "Timber and Timberland Appraisal," ASA Valuation
51 16
T16, G. M. Guthrie to Commissioner of Indian Affairs
51 17
T17, Superintendent, Navajo Agency to Commissioner of Indian Affairs
51 18
T18, Acts relating to the Timberlands of the United States
51 19
T19, Bruce Fox to Jeff Cohen, 9 November 1989. Includes, Walter H. Meyer, "Yield of Even-Aged Stands of Ponderosa Pine," USDA
51 20
T20, "Rehabilitation Plan for the Community of Page, New Mexico"
51 21
T21, E. Richard Hart, "The Zuni National Forest Lands"
51 22
T22, John Ise, The United States Forest Policy
51 23
T23, Cox, Thomas, Maxwell and Malone, This Well-Wooded Land: Americans and Their Forests from Colonial Times to the Present
51 24
T24, Henry Clepper, Professional Forestry in the United States
51 25
T25, Richard M. Alston, The Individual v. The Public Interest: Political Ideology and National Forest Policy
51 26
T26, Robert L. Matheny, "Lumbering in the White Mountains of Arizona," Arizona and the West
51 27
T27, History of Arizona Territory
51 28
T28, "Coconino National Forest Plan," USFS
51 29
T29, Baker, Maxwell, Treat and Dethloff, Timeless Heritage: A History of the Forest Service in the Southwest, USFS
51 30
T30, Dwane D. Van Hooser, "Timberland and Woodland Resources Outside National Forests in Northwestern New Mexico, 1987," USFS
"T" Documents Relating to Timber Resources, 31-36
Box Folder
52 1
T31, "Summary of the Environmental Impact Statement for the Gila National Forest Plan," USFS
52 2
T32, "Gila National Forest Plan," USFS
52 3
T33, "Environmental Impact Statement, Gila National Forest Plan," USFS
52 4
T34, "Cibola National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan," USFS
52 5
T35, "Summary of Environmental Impact Statement for the Cibola National Forest Plan," USFS
52 6
T36, "Environmental Impact Statement for the Cibola National Forest Plan," USFS
"T" Documents [Relating to Timber Resources], 37; and Data on Timber Cut and Sold
"T" Documents [Relating to Timber Resources], 38-49
Box Folder
54 1
T38, Susan Pearlman, "Timber Valuations-District 3 (Region 3) Timber Cut"
54 2
T39, Wilford Woodruff: History of His Life and Labors as Recorded in His Daily Journals
54 3
T40, David A. Clary, Timber and the Forest Service
54 4
T41, J. P. Kinney, Indian Forest and Range: A History of the Administration and Conservation of the Redman's Heritage
54 5
T42, Gilbert M. Schubert, "Silvaculture of Southwestern Ponderosa Pine: The Status of Our Knowledge," USFS
54 6
T43, Charles F. Cooper, "Changes in Vegetation, Structure and Growth of Southwestern Pine Forests Since White Settlement," Ecological Monographs
54 7
T44, "Crystal Forest Museum & Gift Shop"
54 8
T45, Edwin A. Tucker and george Fitzpatrick, Men Who Matched the Mountains: The Forest Service in the Southwest
54 9
T46, Forest Service Atlas
54 10
T47, "Secretary's Contract No. 17818: Santa Fe Pacific Railroad Company, with Arizona Lumber and Timber Company, Dated October 11, 1898; Effective January 1, 1899"
January 1, 1899
54 11
T48, "Timber References at SEC"
54 12
T49, Alfred A. Wiener, "The Forest Service Timber Appraisal System: A Historical Perspective, 1891-1981"
"V" Documents Relating to Valuation, 1-15
Box Folder
55 1
V1, Bronson Cutting to John Collier
55 2
V2, Charles H. Burke to Robert J. Bauman
55 3
V3, "Zuni I Area Calculations Data Dictionary"
55 4
V4, E. Richard Hart, "Boundaries of Zuni Land"
55 5
V5, Susan Pearlman, "Property Values from Zuni I and II Testimony"
55 6
V6, William S. Greever, Arid Domain: The Santa Fe Railway and its Western Land Grant
55 7
V7, "Message from the President of the United States," House Executive Document 221
55 8
V8, "Letter from the Secretary of the Interior," House Executive Document 11
55 9
V9, "Hearings Before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the House of Representatives on the Bill H. R. 12811"
55 10
V10, "Letter from the Secretary of the Interior," Senate Executive Document 106
55 11
V11, Assessment Rolls of Washington County
55 12
V12, Assessment Rolls of Weber County
55 13
V13, E. Richard Hart, "Minimum Values in the Zuni Claim Area: An Historical Perspective"
55 14
V14, E. Richard Hart, "Rebuttal Report: 'Damage to Zuni Trust Lands"
55 15
V15, Jeff Hickey, "170 Townsites of the Zuni Claim Area"
"V" Documents Relating to Valuation, 16-25
V16, Volume 1, is missing.
Box Folder
56 1
V16, "Land Sales: Bernalillo County, Sandoval County, New Mexico" Volume 2
56 2
V16, "Land Sales: Santa Fe County, New Mexico" Volume 3
56 3
V16, "An Economic Analysis of Central New Mexico" Volume 4: Source Documents I-X
56 4-5
V16, Volume 4: Source Documents XI-XXXVI
56 6
V 17-25
V17, Ahmed Kooros and Theodore Reynolds Smith, "The Opportunity Cost Doctrine," The Appraisal Journal 1983. V18, Fred Singleton, "Appraisal of Indian Reserve Lands," Right of Way 1983. V19, William V. Lowry, "Indian Lands: A Peculiar Market," The Canadian Appraiser 1987. V20, Theodore Reynolds Smith and Ahmed Kooros, "Application of the Opportunity of Cost Doctrine to Right-of-Way Valuation," Real Estate Appraiser and Analyst 1984. V21, William deBuys, "Las Trampas Grant," New Mexico Historical Review 1981. V22, "Rehabilitation Plan for the Community of Page, New Mexico." V23, "Ramah, New Mexico," Utah State Historical Society 1953. V24, Robert J. Bauman to (?) Jones, 2 March 1917. V25, Capt. John L. Bullis to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 20 April 1896.
Other Appraisal Reports, Volumes 1 -7
Box Folder
57 1
Vol. 1; Don D. Dwyer, "Review of the Report: Appraisal of the Lands of the Navajo Indian Tribe in New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Colorado by V. A. Englehorn"
57 2
Vol. 2; Vern A. Englehorn, "Appraisal of the Lands of the Navajo Indian Tribe in New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Colorado"
57 3
Vol. 3; Vern A. Englehorn, "Supplement to Appraisal of the Lands of the Navajo Indian Tribe in New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Colorado"
57 4
Vol. 4; E. Richard Hart, "The Zuni Mountains: Chronology of an Environmental Disaster"
57 5
Vol. 5 (?); E. Richard Hart, "The Zuni Mountains: Chronology of an Environmental Disaster"
57 6
Vol. 6; Idaho Land and Appraisal Service, "Appraisal of Jicarilla-Apache Reservation v. The United States of America"
57 7
Vol. 7; Idaho Land and Appraisal Service, "Appraisal of Jicarilla Apache Tribe v. United States of America"
Other Appraisal Reports, Volumes 8-11
Box Folder
58 1
Vol. 8; Idaho Land and Appraisal Service, "Appraisal of the Lands of the San Carlos Apache Tribe, the White Mountain Apache Tribe, the Western Apache Tribe, the Northern Tonto Apache Tribe in Arizona"
58 2
Vol. 9; Allan L. McMullen, "Valuation of Jicarilla Apache Lands"
58 3
Vol. 10; C. Mark Miller, "Appraisal of Ute Ceded Tract, Colorado, 1873-1874"
58 4
Vol. 11; Ernest Oberbillig, "Mineral Appraisal of the Navajo Tract as of July 25, 1868"
Other Appraisal Reports, Volumes 12-17
Box Folder
59 1
Vol. 12; R. Howard Sears, "Appraisal Report of the Acoma Pueblo Land, State of New Mexico, as of 1901-1936"
59 2
Vol. 13; R. Howard Sears, "Preliminary Draft: Appraisal Report of the Zuni Indian Land Territory's [sic] and States of New Mexico and Arizona as of 1846-1939"
59 3
Vol. 14 (?); Zuni I: Land Claim Valuation Data Search
59 4
Vol. 15; Neil A. Thomas and Steven Cassin, "An Appraisal of the Lands of the Navajo Tribe Acquired by the United States under Treaty of June 1, 1868"
59 5
Vol. 16; Neil A. Thomas and Steven Cassin, "Analysis of Government Appraisal"
59 6
Vol. 17; R. Howard Sears, "Index of Reference Material, Maps and Charts in the Appraisal Report of the Laguna Pueblo Land, State of New Mexico, as of 1908-1936"
Land Appraisal by Market Data Research
Box Folder
60 1
Market Data Research, "Appraisal Report of the Zuni Land Claim, Territory's [sic] & States of New Mexico and Arizona as of 1846-1939," Volume I
December 1990
60 2
Market Data Research, "Appraisal Report of the Zuni Land Claim . . .," Volume II: Surveyor Township Descriptions
December 1990
Miscellaneous maps
Zuni I
Box Folder
61 1
Miscellaneous maps

III:  The Zuni Tribe of New Mexico v. the United States of America, Docket 327-84LReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Report of E. Richard Hart and Supporting Documentation. Plaintiffs Exhibits 1000-1004
Box Folder
62 1
PX 1000. E. Richard Hart, "Damage to Zuni Trust Lands," parts I-II
62 2
PX 1000. Hart, "Damage to Zuni Trust Lands," part III
62 3
PX 1000. Hart, "Damage to Zuni Trust Lands," appendices
62 4
PX 1001.1-1004
Supporting Documentation for Hart, "Damage to Zuni Trust Lands." Plaintiff's Exhibits 1005-1125.2
Supporting Documentation for Hart, "Damage to Zuni Trust Lands." Plaintiff's Exhibits 1126-1245
Supporting Documentation for Hart, "Damage to Zuni Trust Lands." Plaintiff's Exhibits 1246-1370
Supporting Documentation for Hart, "Damage to Zuni Trust Lands." Plaintiff's Exhibits 1371-1435
Supporting Documentation for Hart, "Damage to Zuni Trust Lands." Plaintiff's Exhibits 1436-1524
Supporting Documentation for Hart, "Damage to Zuni Trust Lands." Plaintiff's Exhibits 1525-1663
Supporting Documentation for Hart, "Damage to Zuni Trust Lands." Plaintiff's Exhibits 1664-1771
Supporting Documentation for Hart, "Damage to Zuni Trust Lands." Plaintiff's Exhibits 1772.1-1850
Supporting Documentation for Hart, "Damage to Zuni Trust Lands." Plaintiff's Exhibits 1851-1885
Report of Geoscience Consultants, Ltd., and Supporting Documentation. Plaintiff's Exhibits 2000-2022
Box Folder
72 1
PX 2000. Geoscience Consultants, Ltd.
"Changes in Geomorphology, Hydrology, and Land Use on the Zuni Indian Reservation, McKinley and Cibola Counties, New Mexico, 1846-1985."
72 2
PX 2000. Geoscience Consultants, Ltd.
"Rebuttal Report: Geomorphology, Hydrology, and Land Use on the Zuni Indian Reservation, 1846-1988."
72 3-6
PX 2001-2008
72 7
PX 2009-2020. PX 2017
"Map Atlas: Soil and Range Inventory of the Zuni Indian Reservation," is stored box 73
72 8
PX 2021-2022.
Photocopies of aerial photographs stored in a separate collection containing PX 2021-2025
PX 2017. "Map Atlas: Soil and Range Inventory of the Zuni Indian Reservation." Bureau of Indian Affairs
Supporting Documentation for the Reports of Geoscience Consultants, Ltd. Plaintiff's Exhibits 2023-2028
Box Folder
74 1-3
PX 2023-2025
Photocopies of aerial photographs stored in a separate collection containing PX 2021-2025.
74 4
PX 2026
74 5-6
PX 2027.1-2028.17
Topographic maps.
Supporting Documentation for the Reports of Geoscience Consultants, Ltd. Plaintiff's Exhibits 2029-2100
Supporting Documentation for the Reports of Geoscience Consultants, Ltd. Plaintiff's Exhibits 2101-2169
Reports of Stephen A. Hall and Supporting Documentation. Plaintiff's Exhibits 3000-3128
Box Folder
77 1
PX 3000. Stephen A. Hall, "Erosion of Zuni Indian Lands."
77 2
PX 3000. Stephen A. Hall, "Rebuttal Report: Erosion of Zuni Indian Reservation Lands."
77 3-10
PX 3001-3128
Report of Jeffrey S. Dean and Supporting Documentation. Plaintiff's Exhibits 4000-4032
Box Folder
78 1
PX 4000. Jeffrey S. Dean, "Dendro-chronological Dating of Floodplain Erosion on Zuni Indian Lands, Northwestern New Mexico"
78 2-4
PX 4001-4032
Report of Martin Rose and Supporting Documentation. Plaintiff's Exhibits 5000-5129
Box Folder
79 1
PX 5000. Martin Rose, "Present and Past Climate of the Zuni Region."
79 2-11
PX 5001-5129
Report of T. J. Ferguson and Supporting Documentation. Plaintiff's Exhibits 6000-6043
Box Folder
80 1
PX 6000.
T. J. Ferguson, "Patterns of Land Use and Environmental Change on the Zuni Indian Reservation, 1846-1985: Ethnohistorical and Archaeological Evidence." 30 September 1985
80 2
PX 6000. Maps Accompanying Report Above 7 items
80 3
PX 6000. T. J. Ferguson, "Rebuttal Report: Land Use and Land Damage on the Zuni Indian Reservation, 1846-1888."
31 August 1988
80 4-9
PX 6001-6043
Supporting Documentation for the Reports of T. J. Ferguson. Plaintiff's Exhibits 6044-6124.2
Supporting Documentation for the Reports of T. J. Ferguson. Plaintiff's Exhibits 6125.1-6237.4
Supporting Documentation for the Reports of T. J. Ferguson. Plaintiff's Exhibits 6238.1-6266
Supporting Documentation for the Reports of T. J. Ferguson. Plaintiff's Exhibits 6267-6321
Report of Richard I. Ford and Supporting Documentation. Plaintiff's Exhibits 7000-7150
Box Folder
85 1
PX 7000. Richard I. Ford, "Zuni Land Use and Damage to Trust Land."
85 2
PX 7000. Richard I Ford, "Rebuttal Report: Zuni Land Use and Damage to Trust Land."
85 3-10
PX 7001-7150
Supporting Documentation for the Reports of Richard I. Ford. Plaintiff's Exhibits 7151-7245
Photographic Exhibits and Reports. Plaintiff's Exhibits 8000-8075
Box Folder
87 1
PX 8000.
T. J. Ferguson and E. Richard Hart, "Rebuttal Report: Interpretation of Historical and Contemporary Photographs." 7 December 1988
87 2
PX 8001-8394. Photographic Exhibits
87 3
PX 8234-8287, 8328-8356. Photographic Exhibits Vol. 4
87 4-8
PX 8001-8075. Photographs
Photographic Exhibits. Plaintiff's Exhibits 8076-8265
Photographic Exhibits and Documentation. Plaintiff's Exhibits 8266-8440
Box Folder
89 1-9
PX 8266-8400. Photographs
89 10-14
PX 8401-8440
Box Volume
89A 1
"Appraisal of Ellsworth Ranch as of August 28, 1984" Located at Hunt, Arizona. Prepared for Superintendent, Pueblo of Zuni Agency Prepared by Harold S. Brice
August 28, 1984
89A 2
"Appraisal of Zuni Heaven as of August 28, 1845" Located at Hunt, Arizona. Prepared for Superintendent, Pueblo of Zuni Agency Prepared by Harold S. Brice
August 28, 1845
Documentation for Photographic Exhibits. Plaintiff's Exhibits 8441-8462
Report of John O. Baxter and Supporting Documentation. Plaintiff's Exhibits 9000-9047
Box Folder
91 1
PX 9000
John O. Baxter, "Patterns of Land Use within a Portion of the Pueblo of Zuni Land Claim Area"
91 2-6
PX 9001-9047
Report of James I. Ebert and Supporting Documentation. Plaintiff's Exhibits 10,000-10,144
Box Folder
92 1
PX 10,000
James I. Ebert, "Historic Photographs: Photointerpretation and Photo-grammetry Using Terrestrial and Aerial Photographs in and Around the Zuni Indian Reservation to Define the Nature and History of Watercourse Erosion and Forest Cutting." Includes photgraphic Exhibits 10,001-10,144.
92 2-3
PX 10,105-10,144
Report of Samuel C. Monson and Supporting Documentation. Plaintiff's Exhibits 11,000-11,123
Box Folder
93 1
PX 11,000
Samuel C. Monson, "The Changing Meaning of Arroyo."
93 2-8
PX 11,001-11,123
Report of Andrew Wiget and Supporting Documentation. Plaintiff's Exhibits 12,000-12,024
Box Folder
94 1
PX 12,000
Andrew Wiget, "Review and Discussion of Certain Statements Concerning Oral History Contained in the Testimony of Thomas R. Wessel, Ph.D.: 'Federal Government Activity on the Zuni Reservation,' pp. v-vi.'"
94 2-4
PX 12,001-12,024
Report of E. Richard Hart and Supporting Documentation. Plaintiff's Exhibits 13,000-13,117
Box Folder
95 1
PX 13,000. E. Richard Hart, "The Zuni Mountains: Chronology of an Environmental Disaster."
11 September 1988
95 2-9
PX 13,001.1-13,117
Supporting Documentation for Hart, "The Zuni Mountains." Plaintiff's Exhibits 13,118.1-13,307.2
Reports of Environmental Systems Research Institute, E. Richard Hart and Supporting Documentation. Plaintiff's Exhibits 14,000-15,154.16
Box Folder
97 1
PX 14,000. Environmental Systems Research Institute, "Zuni Agricultural Fields Pilot Study Data Dictionary."
August 1988
97 2
PX 15,000. E. Richard Hart, "Rebuttal Report: Damage to Zuni Trust Lands."
23 November 1988
97 3-7
PX 15,001-15,154.16
Report of Patricia Nelson Limerick, PX 16,000-16,001, and Statements before the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States House of Representatives
Box Folder
98 1
PX 16,000
Report of Patricia Nelson Limerick evaluating Thomas R. Wessel's "Federal Government Activity on the Zuni Reservation."
98 2
"Statement of E. Richard Hart, Before the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States House of Representatives," Concerning H.R. 4750: "Zuni Settlement Fund Act of 1988."
Report of Thomas R. Wessel and Supporting Documentation. Defendant's Exhibits 11,000-11,055
Box Folder
99 1
DX 11,000. Thomas R. Wessel, "Federal Government Activity on the Zuni Reservation"
99 2
Maps accompanying DX 11,000
1877 Reservation Boundary. Lands Added in 1883. Lands Added in 1917. Lands Added in 1935 and Other Recent Acquisitions. Lands Added in 1949. Zuni Agricultural Area Map.
99 3-10
DX 11,001-11,055
Supporting Documentation for Wessel, "Federal Government Activity on the Zuni Reservation." Defendant's Exhibits 11,056-11,153
Supporting Documentation for Wessel, "Federal Government Activity on the Zuni Reservation." Defendant's Exhibits 11,154-11,253
Supporting Documentation for Wessel, "Federal Government Activity on the Zuni Reservation." Defendant's Exhibits 11,254-11,289. Plaintiff's Memos Concerning the Wessel Report
Box Folder
102 1-4
DX 11,254-11,289
102 5
Response Memos Concerning the Wessel Report from the Plaintiff's Expert Witnesses
Report of Stephen G. Wells and Supporting Documentation. Defendant's Exhibits 12,000-12,018
Box Folder
103 1
DX 12,000.
Stephen G. Wells, "A Quantitative Analysis of Arroyo Development and Geomorphic Processes in the Zuni River Drainage Basin, West-Central New Mexico." Volume 1: Technical Report
103 2
Errata and Maps Accompanying DX 12,000: Volume 1
103 3
DX 12,000.
Stephen G. Wells, "A Quantitative Analysis of Arroyo Development and Geomorphic Processes in the Zuni River Drainage Basin, West-Central New Mexico." Volume 2: Appendices
103 4
Exhibit list for DX 12,001-12,167
103 5-6
DX 12,001-12,018
Supporting Documentation for Wells, "A Quantitative Analysis of Arroyo Development . . ." Defendant's Exhibits 12,019-12,143
Supporting Documentation for Wells, "A Quantitative Analysis of Arroyo Development . . ." Defendant's Exhibits 12,144-12,167. Plaintiff's Memos Concerning the Wells Report
Box Folder
105 1-5
DX 12,144-12,167
105 6
Response Memos Concerning the Wells Report from the Plaintiff's Expert Witnesses
Report of Resource Consultants, Inc. and Supporting Documentation. Defendant's Exhibits 13,000-13,052. Plaintiff's Memos Concerning DX 13,000
Box Folder
106 1
DX 13,000.
Resource Consultants, Inc., "Analysis of Changes in Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Sediment Transport, Zuni Indian Reservation, New Mexico"
106 2-8
DX 13,001-13,052
106 9
Response Memos Concerning the Resource Consultants Report from the Plaintiff's Expert Witnesses
Report of Gordon C. Jacoby and Supporting Documentation. Defendant's Exhibits 14,000-14,011
Box Folder
107 1
DX 14,000
Gordon C. Jacoby, "Dendro-chronological Investigation of the Zuni Indian Reservation"
107 2-3
DX 14,001-14,011
Report of Robert C. Balling and Supporting Documentation. Defendant's Exhibits 15,000-15,025. Plaintiff's Memos Concerning DX 15,000
Box Folder
108 1
DX 15,000
Robert C. Balling, Jr., "Analysis of Zuni Indian Reservation Precipitation Patterns During the Period of Instrumental Record"
108 2-7
DX 15,001-15,025
108 8
Response Memos Concerning Balling Report from Plaintiff's Expert Witnesses
Report of Thadis W. Box and Supporting Documentation. DX 16,000-16,037. Plaintiff's Memos Concerning DX 16,000
Box Folder
109 1
DX 16,000.
Thadis W. Box, "Range Management on the Zuni Reservation, 1846-1946"
109 2-10
DX 16,001-16,037
109 11
Response memo Concerning Box Report from Plaintiff's Expert Witness T. J. Ferguson
Report of Loren D. Potter and Supporting Documentation. Defendant's Exhibits 17,000-17,024
Box Folder
110 1
DX 17,000.
Loren D. Potter, "Letter Reports: Ecological Interpretations of the Zuni Indian Reservation, New Mexico"
110 2
Loren D. Potter, "Exhibits and Bibliography"
110 3-5
DX 17,001-17,024
PX 15,154.12-15,154.13, and Miscellaneous Maps
Docket 327-81L

IV:  The United States of America v. PlattReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Reports of E. Richard Hart in regard to the case of The United States v. Platt
Box Folder
111 1
E. Richard Hart, "The Trail to Kolhu/wala:wa," Draft Conclusions
111 2
E. Richard Hart, "'The Barefoot Trail:' Access to 'Zuni Heaven'"
111 3
E. Richard Hart, "'The Barefoot Trail,' Appendix I: Photographs of Sites Located Along We:sakyaya Onnane"

V:  Miscellaneous materials: general Zuni claimsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Miscellaneous Historical Sources and Reports
Box Folder
112 1
Statutes regarding American Indian lands and claims
112 2
Bureau of Indian Affairs correspondence
112 3
Miscellaneous historical sources
112 4
Historical articles and book reviews
112 5
Frank Hamilton Cushing, "Zuni Breadstuff," Indian Notes and Monographs
Reprint ed., New York: The Heye Foundation
112 6
William B. Taylor, "Cochití Lands and the Disputed Sale to Luis María Cabeza de Baca
112 1
T. J. Ferguson and E. Richard Hart, A Zuni Atlas
Norman: University of Oklahoma Press
Miscellaneous Reports and Drafts by E. Richard Hart Regarding Zuni History and Claims
Box Folder
113 1
"The Zuni Land Claim: The Loss of a Legal Right"
113 2
"Through Your Body Perish: A Biography of Pedro Pino (Lai-iu-tsai-lu), Governor of Zuni Pueblo 1830-1878"
113 3
"Zuni Agriculture: An Historical Application of Ethnological Research"
113 4
Untitled Zuni Manuscript
113 5
Miscellaneous Short Reports
"Zuni Land," "Cushing and the Pinos," and "The Logan Case."

VI:  AddendumReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Zuni I
Zuni I
Zuni I
Zuni I
Zuni I
Zuni I
Zuni II
Zuni II
Zuni II
Zuni II
Zuni II
Zuni II
Zuni II
Zuni II
Zuni General
Zuni General
Zuni Water
Zuni Water
Zuni Water
Zuni Heaven
Zuni Heaven
Zuni Claims
Zuni Claims
Zuni Claims
White River Shale Project
Zuni Tribal Code
Zuni Petitions
Financial records
Financial records
Financial records
Zuni Law
Research on the Zuni
Research on the Zuni
Research on the Zuni
Research on the Zuni
Research on the Zuni
Empty Pre-Labeled Folders