University of Washington Department of Architecture student drawings, 1919-1967

Overview of the Collection

University of Washington Department of Architecture student drawings
1919-1967 (inclusive)
1919-1948 (bulk)
1,221 drawings
Collection Number
Student works from the Department of Architecture at the University of Washington
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

The collection is open to the public by appointment only. Please contact Special Collections to make an appointment.

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Funding for the conservation of the collection and encoding of this finding aid was partially provided by the Friends of the Libraries, the University of Washington Libraries Excellence Fund, the University of Washington Department of Architecture, and anonymous private donors

Historical BackgroundReturn to Top

The University of Washington Department of Architecture was officially established by the Board of Regents in 1914 as the nineteenth architecture school in the United States. Carl Gould was appointed the head of the department, and, as the first head of the program, he based the curriculum on the the Beaux-Arts system of architectural education: the Ecole method of teaching that dominated architectural education in the United States and Europe as adapted to fit within the structure of American universities. As architecture in the United States shifted increasingly towards Modernism during the 1930s and 1940s, architecture education followed. Accordingly, the Beaux-Arts pedagogical methods were slowly phased out before they were completely abandoned by the University of Washington Department of Architecture during the 1950s.

The Ecole des Beaux-Arts curriculum

The Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, France, was founded as part of the Academie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture in 1648, but it was not established as a separate institution until the Academie was dissolved in 1793 during the administrative reforms of the French Revolution. The school, which had divisions in painting, sculpture, and architecture, developed world-wide significance and influence in the 19th century.

Although much of the architectural instruction took place in Ecole-approved ateliers , teaching studios headed by leading architects who accepted paying architecture students, the Ecole exercised control through its entrance exams, standardized problems issued for design competitions, jurying of students' submissions, and the awarding of points by which the students could progress from one level to the next. Students progressed through the curriculum by accumulating points in the design competitions, or concours . University of Pennsylvania professor John Harbeson writes that the purpose of Ecole training was "to impart each student a method of attacking and studying any problem in architectural design which may be presented" so that students could organize their designs rapidly, clearly, and develop the designs through a focused process of refinement.

The Beaux-Arts Institute of Design and the Society of Beaux-Arts, New York, 1916-1932

Beginning in the late nineteenth century, the Ecole played a critical role in informing American architecture and architectural education. American architects who had studied abroad inspired others to do the same; the number of American architecture students attending the Ecole grew from under ten in the 1860s to over 110 in the 1890s. At the same time, the first architecture schools were founded in the United States at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1865; the University of Illinois, 1869; Cornell University, 1871; the University of Pennsylvania, 1874; and Columbia College (later Columbia University), 1881. By 1910, there were nineteen American collegiate architecture programs and most had adopted the Ecole model for their curricula. As American architectural education was growing, the Society of Beaux-Arts Architects (SBAA) was founded in 1894 to promote the influence of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in American architecture. The SBAA shaped architectural education in America by preparing standard programmes (architectural problem statements) that were sent to architecture schools and independent ateliers all across the United State to be assigned to students at the appropriate level. The students' design projects were then sent to the SBAA in New York for jurying in a nationwide comparison with student work submitted from other schools and ateliers. This system was intended as a way to develop consistency and raise standards in American architectural education nationally.

In 1916, the SBAA delegated its educational activites to the newly formed Beaux-Arts Institute of Design (BAID) which had leased space in New York City to carry out the educational activities of the Society. The University of Washington architecture school had joined the BAID in 1916 and, like many other American architecture programs, UW students were assigned BAID programmes (problem statements) as well as supplemental assignments developed by Gould and other faculty members. The students' work on BAID programmes was routinely sent to New York for juried review and the drawings typically received a Society of Beaux Arts stamp indicating the points awarded for the assignment. When the UW discontinued their affiliation with the BAID in 1932, all problem statements were written and juried by the Department of Architecture's faculty.

Lionel Pries and the University of Washington curriculum, 1928-1945

In the early 1930s, most architectural education programs, including the University of Washington, continued to follow the pedagogy of the Ecole des Beaux Arts; however, by the end of the decade, a few leading schools had abandoned the traditional approach as students' interests shifted towards the new architectural movements in the United States and abroad. Although the University of Washington discontinued its affiliation with the BAID in 1932, the curriculum and pedagogy continued to be based on the Ecole des Beaux Arts. During the 1930s, students began experimenting with the new design vocabularies that were dominating architecture in the United States and by the late 1930s, students were primarily interested in International Modernism.

In 1928, the school implemented a five-year curriculum and Lionel Pries joined the faculty of the University of Washington as an instructor. Pries had been trained under the pedagogy of the Ecole des Beaux Arts, receiving his B.Arch from the University of California at Berkeley in 1920 and his M.Arch from the University of Pennsylvania in 1921. Pries taught in a two-person team with Lancelot E. Gowen; together they taught sophomores, second- and third- quarter seniors, and fifth-year students. Pries developed into one of the region's foremost designers and instructors; his rigorous teaching methods, which embraced the artistic and conceptual processes of design and emphasized place in architectural design, shaped the thinking of a generation of influential Northwest architects that includes Paul Hayden Kirk, Roland Terry, Victor Steinbrueck, Fred Bassetti, Robert Shields, Wendell Lovett, and Minoru Yamasaki.

The freshman year began with an intensive introduction to drawing taught by Arthur Herrman and Richard Pearce, 1928-1932, and Henry Olschewsky, 1932-1945. The course focused on basic techniques, shades and shadows, watercolor and running washes, renderings, perspectives, and delineation. The intensive drawing course would lay the technical foundation for the later conceptual problems in design studio. As the freshman year came to end, students were typically asked to address the elements of architecture found in historical examples and textbooks and combine them in an analytique that allowed for little individual expression, such as a classical window or a niche for a vase.

Students were also asked to produce analytiques during the first two quarters of the sophomore year in the Architectural Design I design studio class, taught by Pries and Gowen. Sophomore problems lasted four to six weeks, and the last two weeks of the quarter were spent focused on the analytique. By the beginning of the last two weeks, students had already completed projets which served as drafts of the required plans, sections, elevations, and details. These drawings were typically critiqued and re-done multiple times through the quarter until the drawings were ready to be produced as a final presentation. Final projects were juried by faculty behind closed doors and discussed with the class in the next design studio.

Junior year marked the beginning of Architectural Design II, taught by Arthur Herrman and Henry Olschewsky. The design studio, which emphasized the development of practical design and a workable plan, covered the entirety of a student's junior year and would often extend into the first -- and sometimes second -- quarter of a student's senior year. Students could also take a class in the History of Architectural Ornamentation taught by Lionel Pries. The ornamentation course was based on the tenet of the Beaux Arts pedagogy that decorative details are an essential part of architectural design. Architectural Design III was the culmination of the architecture program, which did not require a terminal project or thesis. Rather, the class, typically undertaken in the fourth and fifth years of study, required the completion of multiple large and complex problems.

As new design concepts reflecting the growing interest in Modernism began to appear in students' work, Pries continued to the use the analytique as a teaching device, focusing on the process of training in design, while allowing many of the classical elements associated with the traditional analytique to disappear from students' work; additionally, drawings were no longer produced with watercolor wash, but often as pencil and ink on illustration board. Pries' influence in the Department of Architecture began to wane in the early 1940s.

Changes in the Department of Architecture, 1945-1961

The end of World War II in 1945 saw a rapid increase in enrollment that sought to accomodate students seeking a professional architectural education, leading to the eventual abandonment of the Beaux Arts pedagogy in 1949. Keith Kolb, who had studied under Lionel Pries and graduated from the University of Washington in 1947, had returned to the University of Washington as an instructor in the early 1950s. Although the pedagogy of the Ecole des Beaux Arts had been largely abandoned and a new curriculum had been established, Kolb argued that the analytique taught necessary compositional and presentation skills and the analytique returned to the University of Washington curriculum as a junior-level assignment from 1953 to 1961.

The death of faculty member Lancelot Gowen and the forced resignation of Lionel Pries in 1958 marked the end of the Beaux-Arts curriculum and the faculty members who endorsed its methods at the University of Washington. Shortly thereafter, Robert Dietz succeeded Arthur Herrman as Dean of the Department of Architecture in 1961, bringing a greater emphasis on research and new methods of design training, such as physical modeling. Since assignments were coordinated across all studio sections and had been planned out for two-years in advance, it took until the end of the 1961-1962 academic year for the curriculum and the analytique to be phased out completely.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Student drawings produced by roughly 400 students (only a portion of those enrolled) at the University of Washington Department of Architecture, from its inception in 1914 until 1947, plus a small selection of analytique drawings on watercolor paper from the years 1953-1961. Drawings include assignments completed by Elizabeth Ayer, the first woman graduate of the program; Sam Wing Chinn, the first Asian-American graduate of the program; and Minoru Yamasaki, architect of the World Trade Center (destroyed) in New York City.

Many student drawings were not dated by the student. Drawings were assigned a circa date based on the student's enrollment dates, the place of each assignment in the curriculum (e.g., freshman lettering assignment, sophomore analytique, junior project, senior thesis design), and the completion of similar assignments by classmates in the collection that were dated by the student.

The collected assignments were judged to be especially meritorious by the Department of Architecture's faculty at the time of completion and several have been marked with a "Retained" stamp. As such, the list of students represented in this collection is not a complete list of students who attended the Department of Architecture between 1914 and 1961. Additional drawings have been donated by alumni of the program.

Drawings typically follow the curriculum described in the historical note: freshman drawing exercises completed during the intensive drawing studio include measured drawings, lettering exercises, and basic analytiques; sophomore-level projects were typically completed during the Architectural Design 1 design studio; junior-level projects were completed during the Architectural Design 2 studio class or in the architectural ornamentation class typically undertaken in the junior year; and senior- and fifth- year projects, including design/thesis drawings, were part of the Architectural Design 3 design studio. Drawings completed between 1916 and 1932, when the Department of Architecture followed the Beaux Arts Institute of Design (BAID) programmes, have been stamped with a Society of Beaux Arts stamp where noted, indicating that the drawing was juried at the national competition in New York.

When the Department of Architecture converted to Modernism and a pedagogy based on that of the Bauhaus in the 1947-1948 school year, design problems began to be presented on illustration board; these drawings are not included with the items in this collection and have been retained by the Department of Architecture. In 1953, the department reinstated a watercolor wash (analytique) problem during the Junior year that was offered until 1961; these analytiques, on watercolor paper, are included in this collection.

Biographical information about the Department of Architecture's alumni has been added to the finding aid as a biographical note under each student's name. This information was collected from the resources listed in the bibliography as well as city directories, news resources, and the American Institute of Architects (AIA). Please note that in some instances this information is incomplete.

Other Descriptive InformationReturn to Top

  • Analytique: Carefully composed monochromatic presentation drawing usually including a partial plan, section, elevation, and fragments of the architectural elements at larger scale, assembled to form an orderly and pleasing composition. Analytiques were used during the Freshman and Sophomore years in the School of Architecture at the University of Washington, 1915 through the 1940s. Analytiques were discontinued after Winter 1948 as the school shifted towards Modernism, however, they enjoyed a brief resurgence from 1953 to 1961. See also: Design/Analytique.
  • Atelier: The student organization of which all architecture students at the University of Washington were usually inducted after spring quarter of the freshman year. The student group sponsored the annual Beaux-Arts Ball and, beginning in 1933, published student work in the ANNUAL. Although the student organization continued, the name Atelier was dropped after the late 1940s as the curriculum shifted increasingly towards Modernism.
  • Design/Analytique: Combined terminology because the projects in the first two quarters of the sophomore year were design projects; once the students arrived at their designs, they then presented them in the form of analytiques. In the spring quarter of the Sophomore year, students began to design small buildings and analytiques were no longer used for presentations. See also: Analytique.
  • Design/Thesis: In the years from 1920 to Spring 1928, the four year architecture program leading to the B.Arch degree culminated in a thesis, a design project of the student's own choosing, usually presented in multiple large drawings. The combined terminology "Design/Thesis" is selected to explain that it was a design project that was the thesis, not a research project as in many academic disciplines. Beginning in Fall 1928, the program was extended to five years and the thesis was no longer required. Students in the fourth and fifth years sometimes did very large projects, but they were not individually selected and were not called by the name "thesis".
  • Drawing exercise: Drawing exercises were generally assigned in the freshman year as a way to teach basic drawing skills. In a typical drawing exercise, students were asked to replicate a standard plate or a drawing made by someone else. The emphasis in a drawing exercise is on mastery of technique, not on the development of a new composition.
  • Esquisse: Literally, sketch ; the esquisse was the first step in the student's development of his/her design in a multi-week project within the framework of the Beaux-Arts system. The aim of Beaux-Arts system was the students learned to get an idea quickly and then to study and develop it over a long period. The design process typically began with an esquisse showing a plan, a section and an elevation, which the student completed in isolation over a period of eight hours. At the end of the timed period, the student turned in the esquisse, but retained a copy to serve as the basis for the next weeks or months (at UW most projects lasted four or five weeks) of development and refinement under supervision of the instructor and with the advice of one’s peers. The student presented the final project in the form of beautifully rendered drawings; however, if the student's final project diverged too far from the design in the esquisse, then he/she would receive an H.C. No known examples of UW student esquisses survive.
  • Esquisse-esquisse: Literally, sketch-sketch ; sketch problem. Typically assigned every seven to fourteen days, students were given a half-page descriptive text of a design problem that usually included limiting parameters of the design. The assignment was typically handed out at 2:00 p.m., and the students' single sheet presentations of a solution to the problem were due the same day at 10:00 p.m. Sketch projects were juried by faculty behind closed doors and awarded points based on the final grade: a "Mention" was worth one point; a "Half Mention" received one-half point; sketches graded with an "X" ("ding") received no points. Students would need to average four sketch points each year to progress and graduate on schedule. Sketch problems grew in complexity as students progressed through the program. While this form of instruction was based on the pedagogical model of the Ecole des Beaux Arts, this element continued as part of the curriculum (known simply as "Sketch Problem") after the school's shift to Modernism in the late 1940s. There is no complete list of these assignments.
  • H.C.: Hors de concours (literally, outside the competition). In the Beaux-Arts curriculum, if a student's final project strayed too far from the initial esquisse, it would be marked H.C. to indicate that the drawing had been disqualified and the student received no points for the work.
  • Historical drawing: At the University of Washington in the Freshman year, once the student began to master basic drawing techniques learned through drawing exercises, one of the routine assignments was a drawing of a significant work from the past. This drawing represented a significant architectural structure, usually one found in Europe -- a monument, fountain, small building, or something similar. The student might base his/her drawing on published plates, but the student was expected to present a large drawing precisely delineated in ink, showing the work with all its detail.
  • Lettering exercise: In American schools that followed the Beaux-Arts method in the 1910s, 1920s and 1930s, students were often taught drafting using exercises in which they were required to draw capitalis monumentalis , or Roman square capitals: large, capital letters copied from standard plates that look like Roman inscription lettering. In the first exercise, students might be asked to draw the letter V at 12 inches or 14 inches tall. The exercise taught drawing straight lines at angles and meeting at corners, and using a compass to correctly make curves. The next exercise might be a series of 3 or 4 different letters at 9 inches tall. To complete these exercises successfully, a student had to learn how to hold and manipulate a pencil, how to control line weight, when to sharpen it, as well as learning to manipulate a T-square, triangles, and compass.
  • Measured drawing: An architectural drawing of an existing structure or detail, accurately drawn to scale on the basis of field measurements. Generally completed during the freshman year.
  • Ornament class drawing: These drawings were completed as part of the History of Architectural Ornamentation class offered by Lionel Pries during the 1930s and 1940s. Drawings focused on an artistic arrangement of decorative objects, historical motifs, and architectural details.
  • Projet: Literally, draft, plan, or project. Typically used to refer to design projects completed by students during the 1910s, 1920s, and 1930s.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

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View selections from the collection in digital format.

The online exhibit, Dream, Design, Build: The UW Student Architecture Collection, 1914-1947 , provides information on the history and conservation of the collection.

Restrictions on Use

Restrictions might exist on reproduction, quotation, or publication. Contact the repository for details.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Collection is arranged alphabetically by student's last name. Each student's drawings are further sub-divided into the year of study.

The UW architecture program was a four-year program from its founding in 1914 through the 1927-1928 school year. Beginning in Autumn 1928 the program became five years long, however, it was shortened to four years during World War II, and then lengthened again after the war, and many students had their education interrupted by the war. During the 1930s, first quarter seniors would continue to complete projects designated as junior projects as part of the Architecture Design II class. Groupings of student work by year is based on the student's directory listing; projects completed out of cycle (e.g., a junior-level project in the senior year) are noted.

Custodial History

The majority of drawings were received from the University of Washington Department of Architecture archives, which retained student drawings regarded as being particularly exemplary or meritorious at the time of final grading. Several drawings have been marked with a "Retained" stamp. Though a small group of watercolor analytiques from 1953 to 1961 are included in this collection, design drawings from the 1947-1948 school year onwards through the mid-1980s were also retained by the Department of Architecture and continue to be housed at the College of Built Environments. Additional drawings have been donated by alumni of the program.

Acquisition Information

Drawings were transferred from the University of Washington Department of Architecture archives at the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, 2006.

Seventeen student drawings by Alfred Simonson were donated by the Simonson family in May, 2008.

Eighteen student drawings by John Rohrer and eleven drawings by Ruth Williams Rohrer were donated by the Rohrer family in December, 2010.

Sixteen student drawings from the Robert Durham Architectural Drawings Collection were transferred into the collection in December, 2010.

Eleven student drawings by Robert Hugh Ross were donated by Robert Hugh Ross in January, 2012.

Fourteen student drawings by Robert Shields were donated by the Shields family in April, 2013.

Two student drawings from the Wendell Lovett Architectural Drawings Collection were transferred into the collection in July, 2013.

Processing Note

Processed by Kelly Daviduke; processing completed in 2013. Preliminary inventory and advisory by Jeffrey Karl Ochsner.

Conservation and cleaning was performed by Joan (J. P.) Murphy Brigham, Judith L. Johnson, and Kathryn Leonard. A limited number of drawings have been identified with unstable media. Records pertaining to conservation and preservation activities are maintained by the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.

Related Materials

The Special Collections division of the University of Washington Libraries holds the records of the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, 1914-1996.

The Elizabeth Ayer scrapbook contains photographs and clippings assembled by Elizabeth Ayer, the first woman graduate of the Department of Architecture, while studying at the University of Washington Department of Architecture, 1916-1921.

The Robert L. Durham Papers, c.1930-1986, contains correspondence, speeches, writing, awards, ephemera, and include drawings and papers created or collected as a student at the University of Washington during the 1930s.

The Carl Gould Jr. architectural drawings collections contains student drawings completed during Gould's freshman year at the University of Washington, as well as later assignments completed at Fontainebleu and after his transfer to Yale University.

The T. T. Matsumoto album contains photographs of esquisses and analytiques Matsumoto completed as a student at the University of Washington Department of Architecture from 1923-1925. The album also includes early photographs of architecture in Seattle taken at the same time.


The following resources provide biographical information about the architects represented in this collection.

Architects Reference File. Special Collections, University of Washington Libraries, 2011.

Dietz, Duane, comp. Architects and landscape architects of Seattle, 1876-1959: annotated list compiled from city directories. Seattle: University of Washington, 1994.

Docomomo WEWA. Mid-century modern architects. Seattle: Documentation and Conservation of the Modern Movement, Western Washington, 2011.

Pacific coast architecture database. Built Environments Library, University of Washington Libraries, 2011.

Ochsner, Jeffrey Karl. Shaping Seattle architecture: a historic guide to the architects. Seattle: University of Washington Press in association with the American Institute of Architects Seattle Chapter and the Seattle Architectural Foundation, 1994.

Tyee yearbook of the University of Washington. Seattle: University of Washington, 1900-1994.

The following resources provide information on the history and pedagogy of the Department of Architecture at the University of Washington and the Beaux-Arts curriculum.

Harbeson, John F.The study of architectural design. New York: Pencil Points Press, 1926.

Johnston, Norman J.The College of Architecture and Urban Planning: seventy five years at the University of Washington: a personal view. Seattle: 1991.

Ochsner, Jeffrey Karl. " The End of the Analytique: From Beaux-Arts to Modern at the University of Washington." Column 5: University of Washington journal of architectureXIX (2005): 54-61.

Ochsner, Jeffrey Karl. Lionel H. Pries, architect, artist, educator: from arts and crafts to modern architecture. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2007.

Ochsner, Jeffrey Karl. " Modern or traditional? Lionel H. Pries and architectural education at the University of Washington, 1928-1942." Pacific Northwest Quarterly 96, No.3 (Summer 2005): 132-150.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Container(s) Description Dates
John W. Adams
Adams, John W. (John Wallace), 1919-2002 (Artist)
Student name as written: John 'Quincy' Adams; Adams.
John Wallace Adams received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1944. Adams served as Navy Lieutenant during World War II. In 1951, he formed a partnership with fellow alumni Alfons V. Peterson as Peterson & Adams, Architects. The firm was hired by the City of Seattle to construct shelter houses at the playing fields in Beacon Hill, Queen Anne, and the University District, c.1951; and Fire Station No. 8 on Queen Anne Hill, 1964. Adams specialized in shoreline architecture, however, designing Vic Franck's Boat Yard on Lake Union, as well as Ivar's Salmon House, 1970, which received an Award of Merit from the Seattle Historical Society in 1971.
Sophomore year, 1939-1940
Adams 1
Art museum
Assignment title: Recessed entrance to art museum.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a classically styled art museum entrance portico with unfluted Doric columns and three sculptures. Partial plan shows the front portico; detail drawings of inscription lettering, Doric capital, and sculpture head. Section drawing through portico reveals entrance on the side wall.
circa 1939-1940
Adams 2
Dog kennel
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 40 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a single story dog kennel shows a main building with attached wing of kennel runs and shelters. Perspective drawing shows the view of the building along the terrace and courtyard. Plan and section drawing.
circa Spring 1940
Richard Stockholm Alden
Alden, Richard Stockholm, 1930-1992 (Artist)
Student name as written: Alden.
Richard Stockholm Alden received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1957. He began teaching architecture at the University of Washington in 1961, where he rose to the rank of Associate Professor before retiring in 1990.
Junior year, 1954-1955
Alden 1
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 30 in
Grade II analytique.Watercolor rendering/elevation of the side of a building with walkway ramp to the upper level of a building and ornamentation of aquatic life. Detail drawings of ornamentation.
Autumn 1954
Flora S. Allen
Allen, Flora S. (Flora Sofie), 1908-1984 (Artist)
Alternate name: Flora Allen Casey.
Flora Allen graduatedcum laudewith her B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1931, where she received the Department of Architecture Traveling Scholarship with classmates Perry Johanson and Kenneth Anderson. She married architect Lowell V. Casey and although she never practiced architecture under her own name, she worked closely with her husband on the projects he designed.
Sophomore year, 1927-1928
Allen 1
An Entrance
Assignment title: Museum entrance.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 29 3/4 in x 39 in
Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the drawing was judged in the national competition.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a museum's entrance shows the front portico of a windowless building: a triple-arched colonnade with decorative relief frames the main doorway with two statue niches on either side; partial plan and section drawing. Detail drawings of decorative molding, door medallions, and column capitals.
circa 1927-1928
Junior year, 1928-1929
Allen 2
A Post Office
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 3/4 in x 30 1/2 in
Class B I projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating this design was judged in the national competition.Elevation of building facade with three stone-arched doorways topped with semi-circular windows; plan shows decorative tile pattern in lobby, and mail processing areas; section drawing through center of building shows an ornate lobby with wall mural of a map, Corinthian pilasters, and the profile of one service counter.
circa 1928-1929
Allen 3
A Sculptor's Studio and Residence
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 1/2 in x 21 in
Local projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of the facade of a sculptor's studio and residence with angled doorways for the garage separated by double doors with grille under an upper level with geometric inlay pattern, elongated window, and metal roof with skylight. Plans show living areas and studio.
May 13, 1929
Senior year, 1929-1930
Allen 4
An Outdoor Skating Rink
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 31 1/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Class B II projet.Rendering of an oudoor ice rink in snow with attached clubhouse. Elevation shows the back of the club house with a steeply gabled roof and two decorative chimneys; three arched entrances off the rink to a vestibule and warming area. Plans of the ground and first floor; penciled section drawing.
circa Autumn 1929
Allen 5
Zoological garden and laboratory
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 59 1/4 in x 40 in
Class A V projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the drawing was judged in the national competition.Rendering/elevation of a flat-top building with front portico and statues flanking the entrance, attached to a larger, glass-enclosed section of the building housing an aviary. Plan shows administrative and public areas, including library and lecture hall, in the main building with attached aviary and courtyards with viewing areas for mammals, reptiles, and carnivores, and rear building with offices and quarantine areas. Section drawings through the aviary show the glass-and-steel construction.
circa 1929-1930
5th year, 1930-1931
Allen 6
A Frontier Air Station
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing and matting ; 39 1/4 in x 30 1/2 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of facade featuring central glass tower with ornamental clock and metalwork design flanked by two smaller wings on either side serving as depature and arrival gates. Plan shows the u-shaped walkway through the air station with the central section in glass used as a observation and waiting room. Section drawing through center section; perspective drawing.
circa 1930-1931
Allen 7
An Island Prison
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 1/2 in x 61 1/2 in
Class A V projet.Exterior elevation and section drawing with site plan of an island prison facility shows a multi-story institutional building with barred windows. Site plan of the prison facility with plan of cells and courtyard. Elevation of dining hall. Section drawing through building housing prisoners' cells.
circa 1930-1931
Allen 8
Monastery in the Rocky Mountains
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper with cheesecloth backing and matting ; 62 in x 39 in
Student titled drawing: Monastary in the Rocky Mountains.Class A projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the drawing was judged in the national competition.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a walled monastery in mountainous terrain with plan showing cloister, dormitory, library, refectory, and courtyards arranged around the chapel with stairs leading to hospice and abbot's garden. Perspective drawing of site shows colonnaded walkways along interior courtyards. Section drawing through chapel shows the building's ceiling truss and elongated windows.
circa 1930-1931
Allen 9
A Private Banking House
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 59 1/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Class A IV projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating this design was judged in the national competition.Rendering/elevation of a multi-story rectangular building with relief panels and elongated channels of windows with metal grilles. Multiple plans include a ground level plan with administrative and public areas, second floor plan with main banking room and conference areas, and upper levels with formal dining room and formally decorated reception and dining areas. Isometric perspective drawing of building shows the roof and mezzanine. Section drawing reveals the ornately decorated interior of the lobby with chandeliers and metalworked cashier cages.
circa 1930-1931
Allen 10
A University Club
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 61 1/2 in x 39 3/4 in
Class A III projet.Rendering/elevation of a multi-story building with elongated channels of windows with balconies along the lower levels. Section drawing through the building shows multiple upper-level floors with suites and rooms, gymnasium, swimming pool, recreational facilities, and lower levels library, lobby, billiard room, banquet room, and dining areas. Multiple plans include a gymnasium plan, kitchen plan, and dining room plan.
circa 1930-1931
J. Emil Anderson
Anderson, J. Emil, 1910- (Artist)
J. Emil Anderson received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1933. Following graduation, he worked for Edwin Ivey, Architect, Seattle, 1934-1935; G. A. Pehrson, Spokane, 1935-1942; the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1942-1944. After leaving the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, he took a position with Ralph E. Decker, 1944-1945; he continued to work with Ralph Decker as Decker, Christenson, & Smith, 1946-1952.
Freshman year, 1928-1929
Anderson JE 1
Gargoyle with shade and shadow
1 drawing exercise : charcoal and colored pencil with white on paper ; 24 1/2 in x 36 1/2 in
Freshman drawing exercise shows two views of a winged creature with human face, one view with shade and shadow added.
circa 1928-1929
Sophomore year, 1929-1930
Anderson JE 2
Garage and shelter
1 sketch problem drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with matting ; 20 in x 15 in
Sophomore sketch problem [esquisse-esquisse]. This sketch problem is possibly related toA Mountain Lodge.Watercolor rendering with penciled plan for a stone building with wooden doorways, chimney, and attached garage in a mountain setting.
circa 1929-1930
Anderson JE 3
A Mountain Lodge
1 sketch problem drawing : graphite on matting/illustration board ; 20 in x 15 in
Sophomore sketch problem [esquisse-esquisse]. This sketch problem is possibly related toGarage and shelter.Pencil rendering with plan of a stone lodge with chimney on a cliff-top site in the mountains.
October 10, 1929
Senior year, 1931-1932
Anderson JE 4
An Atelier for an Iron Craftsman
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Class B projet.Watercolor and ink rendering of a brick building with decorative metalwork on doors and windows; plan of building shows the studio with forging room, museum, administrative areas, and center garage. Section drawing through building shows the forge room.
circa Autumn 1931
Anderson JE 5
A Suburban Bank
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Class B I projet. Junior project.Watercolor rendering/elevation of the art deco style building shows the building's facade with horizontal bands the length of the building and geometric ornamentation around the doorway. Plan shows the teller lobby and administrative areas; section drawing reveals the tellers' decorative grilles and light fixtures inside the lobby.
circa Autumn 1931
Anderson JE 6
A Synagogue
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 60 in x 39 in
Exterior of a smooth-faced synagogue with architectural lattice and hexagonal tower with rounded dome and Star of David. Two plans show the social hall, kitchen, worship areas, and choir. Section drawings show basement level with library and lecture halls, and the interior of the main worship area; additional section drawing reveals the ark.
circa 1931-1932
5th year, 1932-1933
Anderson JE 7
Concert hall
Assignment title: Concert hall as monument to J. S. Bach.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 1/2 in x 59 1/2 in
Class A projet.Plan of concert hall shows stage and auditorium seating, lobby, gallery, museum, library, and rehearsal areas behind stage. Exterior elevation of the art deco building shows heightened towers with statue at base and portico with multiple sets of entrance doors. Bird's eye perspective reveals a rooftop terrace. Section drawing shows stairway, seating area, and hydraulic lift for stage and orchestra.
circa Spring 1933
Anderson JE 8
National scientific research center
1 design drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with red ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 38 1/4 in x 57 in
Class A projet.Site plan for a research center shows student dormitories, library, auditorium, museum, and buildings for physics, geology, and chemistry.
circa Spring 1933
Anderson JE 9
A Town House
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 38 1/2 in x 58 1/2 in
Class A projet.Rendering/elevation of a multi-story row house residence with semi-circular vestible with panels of elongated windows and stepped gable roof. Multiple floor plans show the ground floor, second floor, and third floor, with servants' quarters, service areas, library, ballroom, living areas, and semi-circular staircase. Section drawing reveals the interior of residence, including the library, ballroom, and windowed courtyard-facing walls.
circa Autumn 1932
Kenneth B. Anderson
Anderson, Kenneth B. (Kenneth Bliss), 1909-1993 (Artist)
Student name as written: Kenneth B. Anderson; Kenneth Bliss Anderson.
Ken Anderson received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1935, where he received the Department of Architecture Traveling Scholarship in 1931, and was the University of Washington recipient of the Alpha Rho Chi Award in Architecture in 1935.Following graduation and studies abroad, Anderson returned to the United States as a sketch artist for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) studios before accepting with Walt Disney Studios as an animator and architect until 1978. At Walt Disney Studios, Ken Anderson worked art director for Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Pinocchio,Fantasia, andThe Reluctant Dragon. Anderson also continued technical contributions to the combination of live-action and animation on film while working onSong of the South, and later as animation art director forPete's Dragon. Anderson also contributed layouts for the staging and design ofPeter Pan,Lady and the Tramp, and the production design forSleeping Beauty,101 Dalmations, and The Aristocats. During the 1950s, Ken Anderson worked to create concept drawings and designs for Fantasyland at Disneyland theme park, including Peter Pan's Flight, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, and Storybook Land. Anderson received the Disney Legends award for Animation and Imagineering in 1991.
Sophomore year, 1929-1930
Anderson K 1
A Family Mausoleum
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 31 1/4 in x 39 1/4 in
Class B II analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating this design was judged in the national competition.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a mausoleum on a terraced hill. A monumental stone tower sits atop the mausoleum, and is approached by a stairway and entrance. Detail drawings of relief and cross with medallions on the tower. Plan and section drawings show the round mausoleum with niches.
December 16, 1929
Anderson K 2
A Monastic Chapel in the Rocky Mountains
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 40 1/2 in x 31 1/2 in
Class B I projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating this design was judged in the national competition.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a stone chapel with plaza and well. Section drawings show the main altar and side of building at plaza level; plan shows the stone plaza and decorative tile pattern on the church's floor.
circa 1930
Junior year, 1930-1931
Anderson K 3
Meteorological Station
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 40 1/2 in x 30 1/4 in
Class B II projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Watercolor and ink rendering/elevation of a residential meterological station with wooden siding and attached stone weather tower. Plans show the living areas on the first floor and the work areas on the second floor; section drawing through the tower shows working areas. Plan and section drawing were drawn over a map of the United States Eastern Seaboard.
circa 1930-1931
Anderson K 4
A Tennis Court Building
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 31 1/2 in x 41 in
Class B III projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating this design was judged in the national competition.Watercolor rendering with elevation of a chateau style building with ornate decorative details around the door and windows and steeply gabled roof. Plan shows the building attached to a skylit tennis court via a spectator area; section drawing through the building reveals an ornately decorated rotunda lobby.
circa 1930-1931
Senior year, 1932-1933
Anderson K 5
Marco Polo Beaux-Arts Ballprogram cover illustration
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on board with matting ; 28 in x 22 in
Sketch problem.Watercolor illustration for the cover of the Marco Polo Beaux Arts Ball program.
circa Autumn 1932
Anderson K 6
Town House
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 58 1/2 in x 38 3/4 in
Class A projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a multi-story townhouse with vertical projections of rounded pillars, some with windows and horizontal bands, and an arched entrance portico with decorative relief. Multiple plans show the ground floor, first floor, and second floor with living areas, servants' quarters, ladies' dressing rooms, men's lounge and circular landing for stairway leading up to music room, living room, bar, library, and bedrooms. Section drawing reveals living areas and heightened stair hallway in the center of the house.
December 10, 1932
5th year, 1933-1934
Anderson K 7
An American Embassy for Soviet Russia
1 design drawing : watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 27 1/4 in x 35 1/4 in
Watercolor section drawing through the entrance vestibule reveals the elongated murals in the state salon and stair hall on the second floor and provides an elevation of the attaches' homes. Ground floor plan shows public areas and administrative areas, as well as external areas such as the public court and driveway.
circa Autumn 1933
Anderson K 8
Archeological institute - museum and winter spa in Iraq
Assignment title: Archaeological institute with museum and spa.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 40 3/4 in x 60 1/4 in
Watercolor site plan shows a terraced outdoor exhibition area with pool, amphitheater, and gardens leading to a hotel building with library, lounge, dining room and plaza. Hotel is connected to a semi-circular complex with museum, workshops, and student living areas set into desert cliffs. Section drawing of site.
circa Winter 1934
Anderson K 9
A Manufactory and Ceramics Library
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 3/4 in x 61 in
Class A projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of the facade and side of an L-shaped ceramics building with smokestack and sawtooth roof. Plan shows the building arranged around the display court with smaller wing housing the library; main section housing the preparation and curing rooms, studios, stock room, and administrative areas; and railroad tracks along the side of building.
circa 1933-1934
Allen K. Arai
Arai, A. K. (Allen Kichio), 1901-1966 (Artist)
Alternate name: Allen Kichio Arai.Note: Student signed drawings as "K. Allen Arai" as a Sophomore, but switched to "A. K. Arai" in his Junior year and maintained this for the rest of his professional career.
Allen Kichio Arai received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1925 and his M.Arch from Harvard University in 1930. He was likely the first native Asian-American in Seattle to design buildings under his own name.Following his graduation from the University of Washington, Arai worked as a designer for Shack, Young, & Meyers, Architects, 1925-1929, where he designed his first independent building, the Nichiren Buddhist Church in Seattle, 1928-29. He left Seattle to pursue his graduate studies at Harvard, returning to Seattle during the Great Depression where he played semi-professional baseball. During this time, he took a small number of architectural jobs, including the design of the Yakima Buddhist Bussei Kaikan in Wapato, 1936-1941. In 1940, he received a commission to design the First Seattle Buddhist Church replacement, 1940-1941, after the original church was condemed as part of the Yesler Terrace Housing Project. Shortly after the building's completion, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and Arai was forcibly relocated from the West Coast with his family to the Japanese internment camp at Minidoka.Arai returned to Seattle with his family in 1947, where he worked as an associate with Naramore, Bain, Brady & Johanson and later Durham, Anderson & Freed. He later took up work with the Olympian Stone Company and Fentron Industries. During these years, he designed two commissions as Richard O. Parker and A. K. Arai, Associate: the White River Buddhist Temple in Auburn, 1963-1965; and the Shinran Shonin 700th Anniversary Memorial Hall addition to the Seattle Buddhist Church, 1963-1964.
Freshman year, 1920-1921
Arai 1
Tuscan Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 17 3/4 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Tuscan order includes detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, and entablature; section drawing through columns and entablature; plan of column base; and ceiling plan of column showing capital and soffit.
circa 1920-1921
Sophomore year, 1921-1922
Arai 2
The Doorway to A Reading Room
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 28 in x 37 3/4 in
Class B I analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Elevation of an entrance for a reading room in a neoclassical style building shows a doorway with pediment and fanlight window framed by Corinthian columns and entablature. Detail drawings show column capitol, entablature, molding, decorative urn, and lettering. Section drawing and plan.
November 28, 1921
Junior year, 1922-1923
Arai 3
A Dormer
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 37 in x 24 1/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation, plan, and section drawing of an elongated dormer window with three sections and ornamentation framed by pilasters projecting from a Gothic style building. Section drawings through projection show window sill and mouldings.This drawing was Arai's submission for the annual Terra Cotta contest being sponsored by the Washington Brick & Lime Company. Arai received a "Second Mention" for his dormer window design, intended for use in a college dormitory.
circa Autumn 1922
Violette Arneson
Arneson, Violette (Artist)
Student name as written: V. Arneson.
Freshman year, 1925-1926
Arneson 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 14 in x 20 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters G, M, D, U, B, Z, H.
circa 1925-1926
Robert E. Aujla
Aujla, Robert E., 1932-2018 (Artist)
Student name as written: Bob Aujla.
Robert E. Aujla received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1956, where he was the University of Washington recipient of the Alpha Rho Chi medal. After receiving his professional architect license in 1960, he practiced for Richard Bouillon & Associates beginning in the mid-1960s through the early-1970s, then for Howard A. Kinney Associates, late 1970s-early 1980s. By 1983, Aujla opened his own practice in Kirkland, Washington, where he focused primarily on residential design. Aujla received three AIA Home of the Month awards in 1978, 1983, and 1984.
Junior year, 1953-1954
Aujla 1
Entrance to an art museum
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 in x 39 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of the entrance to art museum building on a terrace with sculptures. The modernist building's entrance is a glass windowed wall extended from the main building with three sets of double doors. Detail drawings of sculpture and stone.
Autumn 1953
Elizabeth Ayer
Ayer, Elizabeth, 1897-1987 (Artist)
Elizabeth Ayer studied at the Department of Architecture from 1916 until 1921 when she received her B.Arch as the first woman graduate of the program. She was the third place recipient of the Kellogg Prize awarded by the Department of Architecture in 1919-1920, and the first place recipient of the Kellogg Prize in 1920-1921. Following graduation, she worked for Seattle architect Andrew Willatsen, before being hired by Ivey & Riley, Architects. Ivey & Riley dissolved that year, however, and Ayer continued to work for Edwin Ivey, who became her mentor and major architectural influence. She took two leaves of absence to work in New York City with Cross & Cross, 1922; and to study European architecture abroad in 1927. After returning to the US, she continued work with the firm of Edwin Ivey, Architect, designing upscale homes in Seattle.After Edwin Ivey's sudden death in 1940, Ayer continued working under his firm's name with colleague Rolland Lamping. During World War II, both Ayer and Lamping served as architects for the U.S. Engineers Office and after the War let out, the two established the partnership of Ayer & Lamping, Architects, where they focused primarily on residential design until Ayer's retirement in 1970.Notable projects include the Davis House on Mercer Island, 1950; the Douds House, 1951; the Linden House on Bainbridge Island, 1962; and the Forland House in Seattle, 1963. In 1980, Elizabeth Ayer was honored by the Seattle Chapter of the AIA for her dedicated service as a pioneering female architect.
Unknown dates
Ayer 1
A Design for a Bathroom
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink and metallic leaf on illustration board ; 26 in x 39 in
Class B projet.Design for a bathroom with classical elements. Included in the design drawing is a ceiling plan showing the ornate plaster ceiling, floor plan, and section drawing. Floor plan shows the round bathroom with areas for bathing, lavatory, closet, drinking fountain, and dental lavatory. Elevation shows the interior of the bathroom with classical entablature and columns, vita glass windows, and couch for massage and sun treatment. Also included is a color chart, list of fixtures, and interior materials for the marble mosaic floor, vitrolite walls, and ceiling stucco. Work is attributed to Elizabeth Ayer.
circa 1919-1921
Ayer 2
A State Dining Room
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing and matting ; 30 1/2 in x 39 3/4 in
Class B III projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Drawing includes three interior elevations of the dining room, seating plan, and ceiling plan with decorative tiles. Drawing likely completed during Junior or Senior year.
circa 1919-1921
Edward J. Baar
Baar, Edward J.(Edward Joseph), 1913-2003 (Artist)
Student name as written: Ed Baar; Baar.
Edward Baar received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1937. Following graduation, Baar worked as a Draftsman for Douglas Honnold and UW alumni George Vernon Russell at Honnold & Russell, Los Angeles, 1937-1938; as Draftsman for Tucker & Wallmann, Portland, 1938-1940; and then as Designer for Naramore & Associates, Seattle, 1940-1945. Baar became an Associate at Thomas, Grainger & Thomas, Architects, 1945-1946, and then Partner in the renamed firm, Grainger, Thomas, & Baar, Seattle, 1946-1957. When Clyde Grainger retired in 1957, the firm became Thomas & Barr, Associated Architects, Seattle, 1958-1965. After the partnership ended, he operated as Edward J. Baar, Architect.
Sophomore year, 1933-1934
Baar 1
Family mausoleum
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 40 in x 31 in
Monochromatic watercolor rendering/elevation of smooth-faced circular mausoleum on a hilltop site. Detail drawings of inscription and cross; section drawing shows interior space with wall niches; partial plan of interior shows columns.
circa 1933-1934
Baar 2
A Garage on a Country Estate
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 31 in
Fifth sophomore problem.Plan shows the mirrored layout of two residences on an interior fountain court enclosed on one side by the garages. Two watercolor renderings/elevations show the multi-car garage with metal doors and a view of the residential buildings from the interior court.
circa Spring 1934
Baar 3
A Tiller Handle of Carved Oak
1 sketch problem drawing : ink on paper ; 22 in x 28 in
Pen and ink sketch problem of a wooden tiller handle with carved animal head; possibly Native American design.
circa 1933-1934
Baar 4
Transit waiting shelter
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 1/2 in
Charcoal rendering/elevation of a transit site decorated with religious statues. The main building is shown with a staircase leading to the street-level tram, and elevated walkways with arched openings for the highway on either side. Site plan also includes the plan for the ticketing office and waiting shelter. Partial section drawing through the building and arched passage.
circa Spring 1934
Junior year, 1934-1935
Baar 5
County courthouse
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Rendering/elevation of a classically inspired courthouse building with elongated panels of windows and off-center entrance portico housing a windowed entrance facade behind a row of columns. Multiple plans and section drawing show the two levels of the courthouse. Plans indicate the judicial and administrative areas.
circa 1934-1935
Baar 6
Studio for wrought iron craftsman
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a single story studio with wrought iron ornamentation around the windows and doorways. Site plan shows the studio as a u-shaped building around a display court with draughting room, forging room, library, and administrative areas. Section drawing shows the forging room and fountain and provides an additional view of the building from the display court.
circa Autumn 1934
Senior year, 1935-1936
Baar 7
Ferry terminal
Assignment title: Ferry terminal in a city of 1,000,000.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite, ink, and colored pencil on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 59 3/4 in
Elevation of building with clock tower. Plans include a passenger area, site/transit plan with traffic lanes, railroad, and ground transport; section drawing.
circa 1935-1936
Baar 8
A National Center for Film Research
Assignment title: National film research center and archive.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 59 3/4 in
Fully inscribed title: A nation[al] center for film research located in a public park and in a part of the United States of Am[erica].Design drawing includes plan, elevation, and longitudinal section drawing for a semi-circular building with administrative offices, restaurant, and multiple viewing rooms accessed from the building's lobby, shown with approximate seating counts; film labs extended from the back of the building; and multiple rooms line the outer perimeter of the building with storage and access areas for the film archives. Elevation of the building shows a simple and symmetrical facade with heightened roof over larger viewing rooms, decorative paneling, and wide, covered entrances to the great hall with sculptural head over the main entrance.
circa 1935-1936
Baar 9
Shrine and cemetery in the mountains
1 design drawing : charcoal and ink on paper ; 59 3/4 in x 40 in
Charcoal drawing of a natural setting with water shows a mountaintop shrine and detail drawings of cemetery headstones and woman with halo, possibly a relief or sculpture.
circa 1935-1936
Carver Baker
Baker, Carver Lowell, 1918-1985 (Artist)
Student name as written: Baker.
Carver "Charlie" Baker received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1947. Following graduation, he was temporarily hired as an instructor at the University of Washington and worked as a Draftsman for Young and Richardson, Architects, Seattle, 1948-1949; then as Designer for John Mattson, Architect, Seattle, 1949-1950. In 1950, Baker was hired as an Architect by the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission, 1950-1953, where he designed the the ranger residence at Peace Arch State Park, 1951, and the Gingko Petrified Forest Museum in Vantage, 1952-1953. He later worked as Supervising Architect for the City of Seattle, Parks Department, 1953, where he designed the Isolation and Hospital Building at Woodland Park Zoo. Beginning in 1954, he became the Coordinating Architect for Palos Verdes Properties, Palos Verdes Estates, California and the Planning Consultant for Great Lakes Properties. He concurrently established his own firm in 1954, Carver L. Baker and Associates, Architects, in Palos Verdes Estates, California.
Sophomore year, 1943-1944
Baker 1
Doubleday Printing
Assignment title: Shop and office for printer of national reputation.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 29 3/4 in x 40 1/2 in
Design drawing includes a watercolor rendering/elevation and perspective drawing, section drawing, and plan of a modernist building with windowed wall along a small front terrace enclosed on one side. Plan shows the main work area, bindery, offices, reception, and storage area. Section drawing reveals the main work area.
circa 1943-1944
Charles Bartell
Bartell, Charles G., 1910-2006 (Artist)
Student name as written: C. Bartell.
Charles Gustav Bartell received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1949, and his M.S.Arch from Columbia University in 1950. He began teaching at the University of Idaho in 1950, where he eventually became Professor of Architecture. During his tenure, he served as the head of the University of Idaho Department of Art and Architecture several times. He was named ProfessorEmeritusin 1973. He retired from the University in 1980.
Freshman year, 1945-1946
Bartell 1
Classical entrance
1 historical drawing : ink wash on paper ; 28 3/4 in x 20 3/4 in
Freshman historical drawing shows an entranceway with plan, elevation, and section drawings in a monochromatic wash. Elevation shows a doorway under entablature framed by Ionic columns on either side and balustrade. The entranceway has an arched opening under entablature with relief medallions on either side. Section drawing and plan show smaller areas off the entrance with barrel vaulted ceilings and similar medallions.
circa Winter 1946
Sophomore year, 1946-1947
Bartell 2
Commemorative wall sundial
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation with plan and section drawing of a rectangular wall-mounted sundial with Roman numerals on a stone wall behind a fountain pool. Detail drawings of mouldings, Roman inscription numerals, and fountain statue.
circa Autumn 1946
Fred Bassetti
Bassetti, Fred, 1917-2013 (Artist)
Student name as written: Fred F. Bassetti; Bassetti.
Frederick Bassetti received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1942, and his M.Arch from Harvard University in 1946. Following his studies at UW, he completed an apprenticeship under Paul Thiry, 1943; and with Alvar Aalto in Cambridge, Massachussets, 1946. He returned to Seattle in 1946 as a Designer for Naramore, Bain, Brady, & Johanson [NBBJ], Seattle, 1946-1947, before forming his own partnership with John Morse. The partnership, Bassetti and Morse, Architects, Seattle, lasted 1947-1962. The firm received several national and local awards and their work was widely published. Notable works include Lakeview Elementary School on Mercer Island, 1954; Mercer Island High School, 1958; The firm's design of the G. J. Armbruster House in Lake Stevens received an AIA Seattle Honor Award; the Gamma Rho Apartments received the AIA National Grand Honor, 1952; the Gerald Martin House received the AIA National Honor Award, 1954; the Marshall Forrest Residence in Bellingham and the Walter F. Isaacs House in Hilltop both received AIA National Merit Awards, 1953.Bassetti and Morse divided in 1962, and Fred Bassetti organized his own firm, Fred Bassetti and Company, Seattle, in 1962. The firm expanded and in 1982 changed its name to Bassetti/Norton/Metler/Rekevics, Architects. Notable projects of the firm include the Children's Zoo at Woodland Park; the Seattle Federal Office Building (now Henry M. Jackson Federal Building), 1974; the United States Embassy in Portugal, 1979-1983; the Pine Street Substation in Seattle, 1966; the PACCAR Technical Facility at Mount Vernon; and the AT&T Gateway Tower (later Seattle Municipal Tower), 1990. Bassetti became a founding partner of the firm Bassetti Architects before his retirement in 1994.Throughout his career, Bassetti lectured at Columbia University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rice University, and the University of Washington. He was involved with Allied Arts of Seattle, the Seattle Landmarks Commission, and the Seattle Design Commission, as well as the creator of Action: Better City in the late 1960s. Bassetti served as President of the AIA Seattle Chapter in 1967. He was elected to the AIA College of Fellows in 1967 and awarded the AIA Seattle Medal in 1988. He was nominated for the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 1989.
Senior year, 1940-1941
Bassetti 1
Art Library and Museum
Assignment title: Memorial art library and museum.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of an art museum building with plan, section drawing, and perspective. Elevation shows the front facade of the modernist building with flat roof and horizontal channels on a windowless exterior; offset portico houses a windowed wall with entrance doors. Plan shows the entrance lobby, sculpture court, library, administrative offices, and gallery areas. Section drawing reveals the library and two levels of the gallery.
5th year, 1941-1942
Bassetti 2
A Student Union
1 design drawing : graphite and ink on paper ; 39 1/2 in x 59 3/4 in
Design drawing provides an exterior elevation of a modernist building with windowed downstairs and upstairs terrace, multiple plans, and a section drawing through the building. Plans indicate basement storage and bowling alley, ground floor cafetery and lobby, second floor lounges and student recreation areas, third floor terrace, balcony, and alumni offices.
circa 1941-1942
Unknown dates
Bassetti 3
Library reading room
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor on paper with matting ; 28 in x 22 in
Sketch problem at unknown level.Watercolor perspective of the interior of a library reading room. The modernist style room has a wall of square windows opposite a bookshelf-lined wall with desks and seating in the center area.
circa 1940-1942
H. G. Batie
Batie, H. G. (Harrison G.) (Artist)
Freshman years, 1937-1939
Batie 1
Ink wash circles:Plate 1
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 17 3/4 in x 13 in
Freshman drawing exercise of ink wash circles with separated gradations from dark to light.
circa 1937-1938
Welton D. Becket
Becket, Welton D. (Welton David), 1902-1969 (Artist)
Student name as written: W. D. Becket.
Welton David Becket received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1927, which he followed with post-graduate studies at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Fontainebleau, France, in 1928. Following graduation, he worked as Draftsman for C. Waldo Powers in Los Angeles, California, 1928-1929. He returned to Seattle, organizing his own independent practice as Welton D. Becket, Architect, 1929-1933. He returned to Los Angeles in 1933, and formed a partnership with fellow UW alumni Walter Wurdeman and Charles Plummer as Becket, Wurdeman, & Plummer, 1933-1939; the firm continued without Charles Plummer as Becket & Wurdeman, 1939-1949. After Wurdeman's death in 1949, Becket opened his own firm, Welton Becket & Associates, 1949-1969. The firm opened offices in San Francisco, 1949; New York, 1950; and Houston, 1960.Notable works include the General Petroleum Building in Los Angeles, 1947; the Music Center in Los Angeles, 1964-1967; the master plan of the Century City complex, 1959
Freshman year, 1923-1924
Becket 1
Corinthian Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 24 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Corinthian order includes reflected ceiling plan; elevation and section drawing of entablature; and detail drawings of column base, shaft, capital, entablature, and acanthus leaf.
circa 1923-1924
Becket 2
Doric Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 17 3/4 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of a Doric column including reflected plan, elevation of columns and entablature, and detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
circa 1923-1924
Becket 3
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 24 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of a temple includes an elevation of the temple's facade with staircase leading to double doors under a pediment supported by Doric columns; plan of entrance; section drawing through entablature; and detail drawings of column base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
circa 1923-1924
Junior year, 1925-1926
Becket 4
A Tennis Court Building
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 37 1/4 in x 30 in
Class B II projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Elevation of building with plan and section.
circa Autumn 1925
Senior year, 1926-1927
Apartment hotel thesis
Senior design/thesis project of an apartment building with courtyard.
Becket 5a
Drawing 1:An Apartment Hotel Thesis
1 design/thesis drawing : watercolor wash with graphite, colored pencil, and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing and matting ; 38 in x 24 1/2 in
Plan of the main floor shows apartments, courtyard, and decorative tile pattern in hallways. Section drawing shows the shape of the multi-story building, brick exterior, stairway, arched doorways and decorative features inside the building.
June 1927
Becket 5b
Drawing 2:Thesis
1 design/thesis drawing : watercolor wash with graphite, colored pencil, and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 36 1/2 in x 24 in
Two plans show apartment floor and basement.
circa Spring 1927
Tennys Bellamy
Bellamy, Tennys F. (Tennyson Francis), 1906-1974 (Artist)
Tennyson Francis Bellamy received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1928, and his B.F.A. from Yale University in 1930. He worked for several years in Boston, Massachusetts, as a Designer for Buchman and Kahn, 1929; as Designer for Douglas Orr, 1930; and as Designer for Coolidge, Shepley, Bullfinch, and Abbott, 1930-1931. He returned to Seattle and worked for a number of firms including Ellsworth Storey; Schack, Young & Meyers; and Grainger & Thomas. He received his architectural license in 1934 and opened his own practice as Tennys Bellamy, Architect.Bellamy designed a substantial number of Safeway stores throughout the Pacific Northwest during the 1940s. Other notable works include the Eleventh Christ Scientist Church, 1942; the Snoqualmie Lodge for the Mountaineers Club, 1948; Westgate Shopping Mall in Edmonds, 1955; and the Haven Hall Mausoleum in Anacortes, 1957.
Freshman year, 1924-1925
Bellamy 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 13 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters Q, A, D, H, I, R.
October 27, 1924
Bellamy 2
Vase in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 16 1/2 in x 22 1/4 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of niche with vase framed by Doric columns and entablature in a garden setting with plan, elevation of columns, section drawing, and detail drawings of vase, horn, entablature, and other decorative elements.
circa 1924-1925
Senior year, 1927-1928
Thesis - A Theatre
Two drawings of a theatre for the senior design/thesis.
Bellamy 3a
Drawing 1
1 design/thesis drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 23 1/4 in x 39 in
Rendering/elevation of the building facade.
circa 1928
Bellamy 3b
Drawing 2
1 design/thesis drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 1/4 in x 29 1/4 in
Theatre plan with site plan and decorative ceiling pattern.
circa 1928
Galen Willard Bentley
Bentley, Galen W. (Galen Willard), 1903-1985 (Artist)
Galen Willard Bentley received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1927; studied at the New York School of Fine and Applied Arts, 1929-1931. Following graduation from the University of Washington, he worked for Thomas & Grainger, Seattle, 1925; then for William J. Bain, 1926-1928; and John W. Maloney, 1928-1929. When he returned from his studies in New York, he went to work for Dudley Stuart, 1935-1936; then for William Mallis, 1937-1938. He served as Chief of Design Section for the Sand Point Naval Air Station in Seattle, c.1938-1945. After the war had ended, he worked briefly for Ivan W. Meyer, 1946, before forming his own independent architectural practice as Galen Willard Bentley, Architect, in Bellingham, Washington, in 1946.
Freshman year, 1922-1923
Bentley 1
Doric Temple
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of a Doric temple includes an elevation of the temple's facade with staircase leading to grille and double doors under a pediment supported by peristyle columns; plan of entrance; section drawing through entablature; and detail drawings of column base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
circa Winter 1923
Bentley 2
Y.M.C.A. Entrance
1 measured drawing : ink on paper ; 18 in x 23 3/4 in
3 black and white photographs ; 3 1/2 in x 2 1/2 in
Freshman measured drawing exercise of the YMCA. Drawing provides an elevation with inscribed measurements of the YMCA's entrance with pointed arch moulding over the doorway, brick pattern at entrance, and three full-size profiles of mouldings. Three small photographs of entrance adhered to drawing. Written on front of drawing: Measured by HB, BJ, GB.
June 15, 1923
Junior year, 1924-1925
Bentley 3
A Village Railroad Station
1 design drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 1/2 in x 23 1/2 in
Class B III projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a railroad station with steeply pitched roof and half-timbered sections on the upper levels. Plan shows the station with railroad tracks and automobile circle. Section drawing reveals a fireplace.
circa 1924-1925
Senior year, 1925-1926
Bentley 4
A Tennis Court Building
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 13 in x 31 in
Class B II projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of building with terracotta roof and ornately decorated arches around the doors and windows. The smaller building in front is attached to a rear larger building.
circa Autumn 1925
Blomdahl, Marvel Johnson
See: Marvel Johnson.
George Bolotin
Bolotin, George, 1914-1980 (Artist)
George Bolotin attended the Cornish School of Art, 1934-1936, before transferring to the University of Washington, 1937-1941. George Bolotin worked as Draftsman for McClelland and Jones, Architects, Seattle, 1945-1946; then as Designer for Victor N. Jones and Associates, Architects, Seattle, 1946-1954. He formed his own architectural practice, George Bolotin, Architect, Seattle, in 1955; later George Bolotin & Associates. Notable works include the Blue Spruce apartments in Queen Anne, 1956; the Edgewater Apartment complex, 1960; Harborview Tower, 1960; and his participation in the design and construction of the Group Health center in Olympia, c.1970.
Freshman year, 1936-1937
Bolotin 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 21 in x 15 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
circa 1936-1937
Bolotin 2
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 15 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters J, Y, L, W, H, U, M.
circa Autumn 1936
Denis Boltwood
Boltwood, Denis (Artist)
Junior year, 1953-1954
Boltwood 1
Entrance to an art museum
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 in x 39 3/4 in
Grade II analytique.Watercolor rendering/elevation of the entrance to art museum building on a terrace with sculptures. The modernist building's entrance is a glass windowed wall extended from the main building with four sets of double doors. Detail drawings of sculpture and window/door frames.
Autumn 1953
Jenness Bonnell
Bonnell, Jenness (Artist)
Jenness Mildred Bonnell studied at the University of Washington from 1917 until 1922. She was the second place recipient of the Kellogg Prize awarded by the Department of Architecture in 1920-1921. She was an active member of the Pi Beta Phi sorority at the University of Washington.
Sophomore year, 1920-1921
Bonnell 1
Semi-circular Portico
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 26 1/4 in x 37 1/4 in
Class B III analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Elevation of a semi-circular portico for a neoclassical style building shows a double door with grille and open-topped pediment framed by two-story columns. Detail drawings show column and capitol, entablature with relief medallion, decorative urn, and balustrade. Section drawing and plan.
February 28, 1921
Bonnell 2
Transcept entrance
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 38 in x 29 in
Class B I analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Rendering/elevation of an entrance with double doors framed by pilasters with decorative relief, entablature, semi-circular tympanum and medallion with religious image. Detail drawings of pilaster relief and capital, entablature, medallion, and religious vessels. Plan and section drawing.
November 29, 1920
Hugo Bowe
Bowe, Hugo M. (Hugo Martin) (Artist)
Student name as written: H. Bowe.
Hugo Martin Bowe received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1938. Following graduation, he worked for Donald Dwight Willliams, Architect, Seattle 1938-1943; then for Boeing, 1943-1944. After the war had ended, he worked for George W. Stoddard, 1944-c.1950.
Freshman year, 1933-1934
Bowe 1
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 21 3/4 in x 15 in
Monochromatic rendering of an elongated window with arched pediment and balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of decorative elements and balcony balustrade. Penciled section drawing.
circa Autumn 1933
Bowe 2
Sarcophagus - Tomb Ascanio Sportiae
1 historical drawing : ink on paper ; 27 1/2 in x 20 1/4 in
Pen and ink freshman historical drawing of an ornamented church altar tomb with relief mouldings and recumbent sculpted figure in constructed niche framed with entablature.
April 19, 1934
Sophomore year, 1934-1935
Bowe 3
Spring house
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 1/2 in x 40 1/2 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a rectangular spring house with fountain, enclosed by columns on three sides and a back wall with images of ancient warriors. Plan shows the open rectangular design with columns. Detail drawings of Corinthian capital and fountain sculpture.
circa 1934-1935
Junior year, 1935-1936
Bowe 4
1 sketch problem drawing : charcoal on paper with matting and surface fixative ; 21 3/4 in x 27 3/4 in
Junior sketch problem [Esquisse-Esquisse].Charcoal rendering of an outdoor bandstand shows a smooth-faced structure with an elevated stage partially enclosed by thick pillars supporting a pitched roof.
circa 1935-1936
5th year, 1937-1938
Bowe 5
A Hydro-electric Station
1 sketch problem drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with matting ; 22 in x 26 1/2 in
Senior sketch problem [Esquisse-Esquisse].Watercolor rendering with plan and section drawing of a hydroelectric station on a mountain river with flat, upward sloping roof supported by a row of pillars on a stone base housing the station pipes.
circa 1937-1938
Architectural ornamentation class
Bowe 6
Pompeiian Wall
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor on paper with surface fixative and matting ; 22 in x 28 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Painted elevation of a wall with contrasting colors and warrior figures.
circa 1935-1937
Catharine Boyd
Boyd, Catharine (Artist)
Freshman year, 1925-1926
Boyd 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 13 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters G, X, K, S, H, B.
circa 1925-1926
Barrie D. Branch
Branch, Barrie D. (Artist)
Student name as written: B. D. Branch.
Barrie Dale Branch received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1943.
Freshman year, 1939-1940
Branch B 1
Courtyard with two-story balcony
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 18 in x 25 3/4 in
Freshman analytique provides an elevation of the facade of a neoclassical building with stone base and exterior colonnade with Corinthian columns and entablature on the upper level. Detail drawing of door; Corinthian column base, shaft, and capital. Penciled plan and section drawing.
circa Spring 1940
Ken Branch
Branch, Kenneth G., 1914-1991 (Artist)
Student name as written: Ken G. Branch.
Kenneth Branch received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1939.
Sophomore year, 1935-1936
Branch K 1
A Commercial Dog Kennels
Assignment title: Residence and dog kennel.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore design.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a stone dog kennel with gable roof and fenced areas. Plan shows a main building with living and administrative areas, courtyard, and attached wing of kennel runs (yards) and shelters. Section drawing shows reception, feed room, and food storage.
circa 1935-1936
Senior year, 1937-1938
Branch K 2
A Bus Terminal
Assignment title: Bus terminal in small city.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Design drawing includes two section drawings providing views into the interior of the bus terminal waiting area, and a site plan showing the layout of the terminal with transit lanes, loading areas, offices, and public areas.
December 11, 1937
Howard Branchflower
Branchflower, Howard V. (Artist)
Student name as written: H. V. Branchflower.
Freshman year, 1926-1927
Branchflower 1
Classical vase in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash on paper ; 24 in x 18 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of wall niche with lidded vase framed by engaged Doric columns, entablature, and pediment in a garden setting; detail drawings of lidded vase, entablature triglyphs, scroll, and pediment; small section drawing.
circa 1926-1927
Glenn Brewer
Brewer, Glenn D. (Glenn Darrell) (Artist)
Glenn Darrell Brewer received his B.Arch in 1958 from the University of Washington.
Junior year, 1955-1956
Brewer 1
Observation Platform at Gatty Falls
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior, Grade II project.Watercolor and ink rendering/elevation of a stone and wood building with upwards angled roof and observation deck overlooking a waterfall in the modernist style. Exterior elevations provide more views of the observation deck. Plan shows provision for a sleeping area on the upper level. Section drawing reveals a souvenir stand.
Autumn 1955
5th year, 1957-1958
Nevada state capitol building
Assignment title: State capitol building.
Brewer 2a
Drawing 1:A Capitol Building for Nevada
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 in x 40 1/2 in
Monochromatic watercolor perspective drawing shows a windowed building with thick cylindrical projections flanking the entrance. Longitudinal section drawing shows lobby with decorative paneling and a presentation area inside one of the cylindrical towers. Transverse section drawing shows the building as it exits to parking garage on lower terrace. Plot plan indicating topographic features shows additional buildings in complex including state offices, justice department, and Governor's office arranged around a rectangular pool with Governor's mansion behind complex.
December 13, 1957
Brewer 2b
Drawing 2:Nevada State Capitol
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 40 in x 40 1/2 in
Multiple plans show the main level, upper level, and lower level of the Nevada state capitol building, with employee and service areas on lower level and administrative and legal areas on the main and upper levels. Circular pillars at each end house the stairways, gallery, exhibition area, and chambers for the Senate and House.
December 13, 1957
Roy Brobeck
Brobeck, R. A. (Roy A.) (Artist)
Student name as written: R. A. Brobeck.
Freshman year, 1922-1923
Brobeck 1
Ionic Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of an Ionic column including plan of capital and entablature; elevation and section drawing of columns and entablature; and detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
January 13, 1923
Brobeck 2
The Tuscan Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Tuscan order includes detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, and entablature; section drawing through columns and entablature; plan of column base; and ceiling plan of column showing capital and soffit.
circa 1922-1923
Sophomore year, 1923-1924
Brobeck 3
Family tomb
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor and ink on paper ; 20 in x 29 1/2 in
Class B analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation with plan and section drawing of a mausoleum. The mausoleum has a simple cornice and trigylph along the top and an inset entrance portico formed by two heavy columns housing a door with religious cross. Plan and section drawing reveal the interior of the building with a set of niches opposite each other near the entrance and a larger area in the back for housing stacked coffins.
circa Autumn 1923
Stanley Brogren
Brogren, Stanley C. (Artist)
Stanley Brogren received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1929.
Freshman year, 1925-1926
Brogren 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 13 1/2 in x 19 1/2 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters Z, S, X, C, W, D.
circa 1925-1926
Junior year, 1927-1928
Brogren 2
An Entertainment Pavilion
1 design drawing : watercolor wash with graphite, white, and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 26 3/4 in x 36 in
Class B IV projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Watercolor elevation of building, plan showing octagonal central area with side wings, and section drawing of the building.
circa 1927-1928
Brogren 3
Industrial scene
1 freehand sketch : graphite on paper ; 13 1/2 in x 10 1/2 in
Freehand sketch of an industrial scene with wooden buildings and smokestack.
April 7, 1928
Senior year, 1928-1929
Brogren 4
A Zoological Garden
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 36 in x 26 1/2 in
Entered in the Bebb Prize design competition and awarded "2nd Medal."Site plan for a zoological garden showing a main building with cage-style dome and two smaller buildings around a fountain plaza and semicircular park with walkways around the back of the main building. Watercolor rendering/elevation of the three buildings. Section drawing through multiple buildings.
circa Autumn 1928
Donald Brunson
Brunson, Donald J. (Donald John) (Artist)
Donald John Brunson received his B.S. in Interdisciplinary Engineering in 1930.
Senior year, 1929-1930
Brunson 1
An Entrance to an Amusement Park
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 57 in x 39 in
Colorful rendering/elevation with plan of a ticket booth and entrance plaza for an amusement part. Octagonal booth has windows for ticketing and lettered sign on each side with spotlight on top. Plaza has colorful flags and rollercoasters are visible beyond the entrance plaza's wall.
circa 1929-1930
Brunson 2
A Zoological Laboratory
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 61 1/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Class A V projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the drawing was judged in the national competition.Rendering/elevation of a Romanesque style building with heightened center section with decorative relief and Romanesque arched doorway. Front area of building is attached to a larger, glass-enclosed section of the building housing an aviary and bird pond. Perimeter walkway around lecture hall and aviary provides viewing areas for reptiles, carnivores, and quarantine cages and access to research and administrative areas, veterinary clinic, and library.
circa 1929-1930
Thomas W. Brunton
Brunton, Thomas W. (Artist)
Brunton 1
A Tomb
1 historical drawing : ink on paper ; 20 in x 28 in
Pen and ink freshman historical drawing of an ornamented church altar tomb with recumbent sculpted figure on a footed base; detail drawings of relief mouldings.
circa 1937-1938
Edwin Bryant
Bryant, Edwin R. (Artist)
Student name as written: Ed Bryant.
Edwin Bryant received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1949.
Sophomore year, 1945-1946
Bryant E 1
Museum entrance
Assignment title: Entrance to a Museum of Indian Art analytique.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of the entrance to a museum with wooden roof curved upwards at the ends and three panels of elongated windows above three sets of double doors with geometric pattern. Partial plan shows entrance portico. Detail drawings of door and roof ornamentation. Partial section drawing shows a gallery with open truss.
circa 1945-1946
Unknown dates
Bryant E 2
Bell shelter
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor on paper with matting ; 22 in x 28 in
Sketch problem of a bell shelter with stone pillars and wooden roof rendered in watercolor.
circa 1946-1948
Ned Bryant
Bryant, Ned (Artist)
Freshman year
Bryant N 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 14 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
Erling Bugge
Bugge, E. H. (Erling Hendriks) (Artist)
Student name as written: E. H. Bugge; E. Bugge.
Erling Bugge was the student recipient of the 1935 AIA Award for Distinction in Design. Bugge worked as Head of the Real Estate/Construction Department at Sears Roebuck, 1939-1950, then for William G. Brust and Associates, 1951-1954. Later career unknown.
Freshman year, 1930-1931
Bugge 1
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash with graphite on paper ; 21 3/4 in x 16 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering of an elongated window with pediment and balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of decorative elements and balcony balustrade. Penciled plan and section drawing.
Bugge 2
Memorial Chapel
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 22 3/4 in x 30 1/2 in
Watercolor rendering with penciled plan and section drawing of a walled plaza with tomb enclosed by two stairwells leading to a chapel with stained glass cross window. Plan shows the layout of the chapel and site, while the section drawing reveals the richly decorated interior.
June 8, 1931
Bugge 3
Monument to Bernardino Lonato in Church of St. Mary of the People, Rome
1 historical drawing : graphite and ink on paper ; 15 3/4 in x 22 in
Freshman historical drawing of a church altar tomb with plan, elevation, and section drawing of base mouldings and tomb ornamentation.
Bugge 4
Vase in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash with graphite on paper ; 20 1/2 in x 28 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of niche with vase framed by engaged Roman Doric columns and entablature in a garden setting with plan; section drawing; and detail drawings of vase, entablature, and relief panel.
circa Winter 1931
Sophomore year, 1931-1932
Bugge 5
A Loggia
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 1/2 in x 39 3/4 in
Third sophomore analytique. Local problem.Watercolor rendering of a loggia shows a colonnaded opening with three windowed doorways on the upper level of a building with highly ornate relief and tympana overlooking a fountain. Detail drawings of decorative urn, fountain, and stone column.
circa 1931-1932
Bugge 6
A Private Chapel
1 design/analytique drawing : watercolor wash with white and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Fourth sophomore analytique.Elevation of the main altar for a private chapel; plan; longitudinal section drawing of the chapel shows the richly decorated interior with Corinthian columns, armchair seating, and wall decoration; detail drawing of altar table with statue and candles.
circa Winter 1932
Bugge 7
Stair and waterfall
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor on paper with matting ; 20 in x 30 in
Sophomore esquisse-esquisse.Watercolor rendering of a terraced waterfall with side stairwell in a park setting.
circa 1931-1932
Junior year, 1932-1933
Bugge 8
A Consolidated Ticket Office
1 design drawing : watercolor with graphite, white, and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of building facade with lettering and painted mural of the globe; section drawings shows ticket windows under a large painted mural of the globe with steamships; floor plan shows public and administrative areas around the ticket lobby.
November 10, 1932
Bugge 9
Ferry wharf
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Third junior project.Rendering/elevation of building from the water view. Plan shows the ferry wharfs, passenger area, site/transit plan with traffic lanes, railroad, and ground transport; section drawing through terminal shows a windowed wall with clock.
circa Winter 1933
Bugge 10
Post Office
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 1/4 in
Junior project.Elevation of building with entrance portico housing a windowed entrance facade behind a row of columns. Plan and section drawing shows public and administrative areas on the basement and ground floors; additional plan shows a park with public square and section drawing of the fountain.
circa 1932-1933
Senior year, 1933-1934
Bugge 11
Gymnasium building for a boy's school
Assignment title: Athletics building for a boys' school.Student titled drawing: Gymasium Bldg. for a Boy's School. [sic]
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 32 1/2 in x 40 1/4 in
Last junior projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a brick recreation building. Plans show the ground floor recreation and locker areas with trophy hall and the basement level with squash courts and recreation areas. Section drawing through the building shows the trophy hall, play courts and pool.
December 10, 1933
Bugge 12
Outdoor Summer Automat
1 sketch problem : colored pencil and graphite on illustration board with matting ; 22 in x 28 in
Inscribed on matting: Sen. Esquisse-Esquisse.Graphite rendering of an outdoor food court in the modernist style. Plan of building drawn on the matting shows kitchen, food wall, drinking fountain, and wash room.
circa 1933-1934
5th year, 1934-1935
Bugge 13
Episcopal cathedral group, Dependent Building, Bishopric of Seattle
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 36 in x 58 in
Class A design. Senior project.Front and rear elevations of a church with heightened nave with rows of stained glass windows. Rear elevation shows apse and lady chapel, connected to other buildings via colonnaded walkway. Plot plan shows quarter-circle site with cathedral, entrance plaza, and additional buildings housing the Synod Hall, bishop's and dean's offices, dean's and bishop's residences, refectory, classrooms, administrative offices, library, and dormitory housing. Section drawing through nave.
Bugge 14
Seattle Public Library
Assignment title: Urban library.
1 design drawing : ink wash with graphite on paper ; 40 1/2 in x 59 3/4 in
Rendering/elevation of a proposed design for the Seattle Public Library. The building has three sets of three elongated windows, separated by academic-themed reliefs and inscriptions, and three entrance doorways with circular design and relief medallions. Multiple plans show two floors of the building with ground floor auditorium, stacks, bindery, cataloging offices, administrative offices, periodical stacks, and children's sections arranged around a central lobby; and upper level stacks, music library, art library, circulation desk, and windowed reading room. Longitdunal section drawing through building. Bird's eye perspective.
Architectural ornamentation class
Bugge 15
Gothic round window
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor on paper ; 27 3/4 in x 22 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Round stained glass window with centered circular design of a religious figure with inscription encircled by a vine with acanthus leaves and bands of small circles in contrasting colors.
circa 1932-1934
Daniel Bysom
Bysom, D. H. (Daniel H.) (Artist)
Student name as written: Bysom, D. H.
Daniel H. Bysom received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1943.
Senior year, 1941-1942
Bysom 1
Orthodox synagogue and community center
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 1/4 in x 62 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation with plan and section drawing of a domed synagoguge with arched windows around the base of the dome; dome is atop a square building with attached wing; multiple landings of stairs lead to the entrance, offset between the worship area and attached wing with stained glass windows. Plot plan shows the triangular site with synagoguge and attached administrative offices, library, classrooms, stage, and Synod Hall. Section drawing through dome, entrance lobby, and Synod Hall.
circa 1941-1942
Grace Cameron
Cameron, Grace (Artist)
Student name as written: Cameron.Alternate name: Grace Cameron Burner.
Grace Cameron Burner received her B.Arch in 1943 from the University of Washington.
Freshman year, 1938-1939
Cameron 1
End Pavilion of a Public Building
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 19 in x 25 in
Freshman analytique provides a monochromatic rendering/elevation of the end pavilion of a neo-classical building with an elongated window partially framed by engaged columns with Corinthian capitals. Detail drawings of fluted column shaft, cornucopia, and column base, and Corinthian capital. Plan of Corinthian capital. Lightly penciled plan and section drawing.
circa Spring 1939
Cameron 2
Outdoor stage
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 16 1/2 in x 25 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation with penciled plan and section drawing of a semi-circular outdoor theatre with Ionic colonnade.
circa Spring 1939
Sophomore year, 1939-1940
Cameron 3
Assignment title: Recessed entrance to art museum.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of an art museum entrance portico housing two sculptures flanking the doorway. Portico has orante entablature supported by fluted Corinthian columns. Partial plan shows the front portico; plan of column capitol. Detail drawings of inscription lettering, sculpture, and column shaft. Section drawing through portico.
circa 1939-1940
Cameron 4
Assignment title: Restaurant for hikers and cyclists in wooded area.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a modernist stone and glass building in a wooded area. Exterior elevation shows the back of the building, with stone wall surrounding the dining terrace. Section drawing shows seating and waiting areas; plan.
circa Spring 1940
Cameron 5
Spring house
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a spring house with terra cotta roof and Corinthian colonnade with balustrade housing an alcove with fountain. Partial plan shows the building's rectangular design with stairs leading to fountain and additional walled rooms behind the fountain. Detail drawings of fountain sculpture, inscription lettering, and column base. Lightly penciled section drawing shows arched interior roof and attached section with lower ceiling over the walled rooms.
circa 1939-1940
Senior year, 1941-1942
Cameron 6
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite, ink, and colored pencil on paper ; 40 1/2 in x 59 3/4 in
Crematory building with elevations of facade and obelisk, plans of main building and site; section drawing of main building.
circa 1941-1942
Cameron 7
Student Union
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 59 3/4 in
Design drawing provides a watercolor rendering/exterior elevation of a modernist building with flat roof and curved sections of floor-to-ceiling windows, multiple plans, and a section drawing through the building. Plans show the first floor with cafeteria, offices, bookstore, and dining terrace; second floor with lounge, memorial room, dining terrace, and barber shop; third floor terrace and ballroom; basement recreation areas.
circa 1941-1942
Architectural ornamentation class
Cameron 8
Gothic round window
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor on tissue paper with matting ; 34 1/2 in x 28 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Round stained glass window with centered circular design of a religious figure bordered by a narrow band with inscription and a wider outer band with partially-colored vine and acanthus leaves.
circa 1940-1942
Hurshal H. Campbell
Campbell, Hurshal H., 1907-1980 (Artist)
Freshman year, 1926-1927
Campbell H 1
Corinthian pavilion
1 design/analytique drawing : graphite on paper ; 22 1/4 in x 16 1/4 in
Design/analytique drawing includes an ink rendering/elevation of a rectangular building with arched walkways framed by engaged columns with Corinthian capitals and entablature; detail drawings of capital, base, entablature, and other decorative elements.
circa Spring 1927
Campbell H 2
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 17 1/4 in x 13 1/2 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letter V.
circa 1926-1927
John Campbell
Campbell, John D. (John Douglas) (Artist)
John Douglas Campbell received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1947.
Sophomore year, 1941-1942
Campbell J 1
Sarcophagus on an island
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Watercolor rendering/elevation with plan of small island terrace with a memorial stone pillar capped with sarcophagus. Detail drawing of the sarcophagus.
February 7, 1942
Junior year
Campbell J 2
Ceramic factory and display gallery
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 30 1/2 in
Junior design.Design drawing includes a watercolor rendering/elevation of a long single-story building with minimal decoration, windowed display court, and round chimney rising from the center section; small perspective drawing; plan showing the artist studios, kiln room, display court, and public and administrative areas; section drawing.
circa 1945-1946
Simon M. Capeloto
Capeloto, Simon M. (Artist)
Simon M. Capeloto received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1931.
Sophomore year, 1927-1928
Capeloto 1
War memorial
Inscribed as: Argonne Marne Mvse.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 38 3/4 in x 28 3/4 in
Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Monochromatic rendering of a stone monument shows a sculpture of a man on a square stone tower atop a stepped base with inscription and neo-Classical motifs. Detail drawings of stone, sculpture, inscription and ornamentation. Plan shows the site of the monument.
circa 1927-1928
Junior year, 1928-1929
Capeloto 2
An Aquarium
1 drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 34 3/4 in x 27 1/4 in
Class B IV project. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Rendering/elevation of an aquarium building with three doorways framed by decorative chevron relief and boat-shaped stairway leading to water. Plan shows the park and the aquarium building with a large, rectangular aquarium in the center of the building and multiple aquarium tanks along each wall. Section drawing reveals two stories with viewing along the upper and lower levels.
circa Winter 1929
5th year, 1929-1930
Capeloto 3
A Zoological Garden
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 26 3/4 in x 38 1/4 in
Entered in the Bebb Prize design competition and awarded "1st Mention."Site plan for a zoological garden showing a main building and two smaller buildings on each side; the site is shown with semi-circles of enclosures framed with walkways on each side. The elevations of the three buildings are rendered in watercolor.
circa 1929-1930
Capeloto 4
A Zoological Laboratory
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphtie and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 56 1/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Class A V project.Rendering/elevation of the museum with entrance columns connected to a glass-enclosed section of the building housing an aviary and duck pond with perimeter walkway along cages for mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and carnivores and a rear building housing the quarantine and veterinary areas. Main museum building houses public and administrative areas, including library and lecture hall. Section drawing through aviary.
circa 1930-1931
Bruce Carey
Carey, Bruce (Artist)
Bruce Carey received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1943.
Freshman year, 1938-1939
Carey 1
Niche with vase
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 16 1/2 in x 22 1/4 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of niche with vase framed by Doric columns and entablature in a garden setting with penciled plan and section drawing, column plan, and detail drawings of lidded vase, entablature, and entablature triglyph.
February 8, 1939
William H. Carleton
Carleton, William H. (William Hodder), 1908-1984 (Artist)
Student name as written: Wm. H. Carleton; W. H. Carleton.
William Hodder Carleton received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1932. After graduating, he worked as a Draftsman for the George W. Stoddard firm, 1934-1942. Following World War II, Carleton worked with Arrigo Young and Stephen Richardson, and became a Partner in the firm of Young & Richardson, 1946-1951; Young & Richardson became Young, Richardson, Carleton & Detlie, with the addition of John Detlie, 1952-1956. The firm designed Gaffney's Lake Wilderness Lodge in Maple Valley, 1952, which received the National AIA Honor Award from the AIA and was later declared a King County Landmark as a significant example of post-World War II design. Other notable works from this period include Terry Lander Hall, 1953 and 1957, and McCarty Hall, 1963, at the University of Washington; the Seattle Parks Administration Building, 1948; Gethsemane Lutheran Church, 1954; and the Carl Erickson House at Hunts Point, 1954.When Detlie left the firm in 1956, the name changed to Young, Richardson & Carleton until 1967 when the firm changed its name again to The Richardson Associates (later TRA). The firm completed many projects that include Issaquah High School, 1961; the concourses at Seattle-Tacoma Airport, 1963-1965; and the Bloedell Hall addition to St. Marks Cathedral, 1957-1959. Carleton retired from the firm in 1974.
Freshman year, 1928-1929
Carleton 1
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : graphite with ink wash on paper ; 22 1/4 in x 16 1/4 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering of an elongated window with pediment and balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of pediment, decorative elements, and balcony balustrade. Penciled plan and section drawing.
circa 1928-1929
Carleton 2
Doric temple
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of a temple includes an elevation of the temple's facade with festoon relief and decorative cornice above an entrance portico with Doric columns, doorway grille, and relief over enrtance; plan of temple; section drawing through temple.
circa 1928-1929
Senior year, 1931-1932
Carleton 3
Justinian and Theodora Competition
Assignment title: Tomb of Justinian and Theodora.
1 design drawing : pastel with charcoal, graphite, and colored pencil on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 45 1/4 in x 38 in
Senior/5th year design. Class A projet.Pastel rendering/section drawing of the interior of a tomb with religious mural behind an altar. Plan reveals the cross-shaped tomb with stairs leading to the altar and fountains at each landing.
circa 1931-1933
Carleton 4
A Small Opera House
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 1/2 in x 54 3/4 in
Class A V projet.Longitudinal section drawing of opera house shows the interior decoration and placement of the entrance lobby, foyer, auditorium seating, stage, and green room. Plan and isometric projection shows various levels of the building's exterior. Transverse section drawing reveals stage.
circa 1931-1932
Don Carlson
Carlson, C. Don (Artist)
Student name as written: C. Don Carlson.
Freshman year, 1939-1940
Carlson CD 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 21 in x 15 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
circa 1939-1940
Carlson CD 2
Courtyard with two-story balcony
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 18 in x 25 3/4 in
Freshman analytique provides an elevation of the facade of a neoclassical building with stone base and exterior colonnade with Corinthian columns and entablature on the upper level. Detail drawing of entablature; balustrade; grille; Corinthian column base, shaft, and capital. Section drawing through building.
April 24, 1940
Paul G. Carlson
Carlson, Paul Gordon, 1912-1987 (Artist)
Paul Gordon Carlson received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1935. He worked for Carlson, Eley, Grevstad & Peterson, 1946-1949; the firm changed its name to Carlson, Eley & Grevstad in 1950.
Sophomore year, 1930-1931
Carlson P 1
A Sportsman's Stables
Assignment title: Polo stables.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite, white, and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 31 in
Local projet.Watercolor rendering with elevation of a polo stable in stone with entrance tower and steeply gabled roof. Plan shows the rectangular complex with stables along the side and back enclosing a stone courtyard with a two buildings housing recreation and work areas. Longitudinal drawing through the entrance tower, courtyard, and stable.
circa Spring 1931
Junior year, 1931-1932
Carlson P 2
A Crematory
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 40 1/2 in x 30 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a stone crematory building with tall center section and entranceway flanked by two eagle-capped columns. Plaza with stone wall carved with funeral procession relief. Plan shows the layout of the building with chapel, cremation units, and administrative areas. Section drawing through building shows the plaza, chapel, and skylit lobby.
circa Winter 1932
Carlson P 3
A Suburban Bank
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 1/2 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of the rectangular building shows a windowless facade with geometric patterns inlaid into the brick. Plan and section drawing through the center section shows the teller lobby and administrative areas.
circa Autumn 1931
Carlson P 4
A Suburban Police Station
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 1/2 in x 30 3/4 in
Junior projectTwo watercolor and ink renderings/elevations of a one-story brick building with horizontal row of windows and garage. Plan shows the rectangular building with public areas, magistrate's court, prison cells, and administrative areas
circa 1931-1932
Senior year, 1932-1933
National research center
Senior design thesis.
Carlson P 5a
Drawing 1:A National Research Center
Assignment title: National Scientific Research Center.
1 design drawing : charcoal on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 35 1/2 in x 57 1/2 in
Site plan for a research center shows student dormitories, library, auditorium, museum, and buildings for engineering labs, physics, geology, and chemistry arranged in a triangle with additional area providing housing, living areas, and recreation ares for employees and faculty.
circa Spring 1933
Carlson P 5b
Drawing 2:Central group of a national research center
1 design drawing : watercolor wash with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 28 1/2 in x 35 1/4 in
Partial site plan shows the semi-circular museum and administration building arranged on a plaza.
circa Spring 1933
5th year, 1934-1935
Carlson P 6
Episcopal cathedral group
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 38 1/2 in x 57 1/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of the front and rear of a cathedral with spire, buttressing, clerestory, venetian arched windows, and apse. Front elevation shows the facade with rose window and portico housing a set of double doors. Site plan shows the cathedral connected via walkway to additional buildings arranged around a courtyard housing classrooms, refectory, Synod Hall, library, and administrative offices; smaller buildings house bishop's living areas and servant areas. Section drawing through nave.
circa Autumn 1934
Ted B. Carroll
Carroll, Ted B. (Theodore Byrnette), 1903-1979 (Artist)
Student name as written: T. B. Carroll.
Theodore Byrnette Carroll was employed by Andrew Willatsen, 1927-1930. He formed the Smith & Carroll partnership, 1931-1937, with Francis Smith, Jr. University of Washington alumni Perry Bertil Johanson later rose to partner in the firm, forming Smith, Carroll & Johanson, 1937-1951.
Freshman year, 1923-1924
Carroll 1
Classical vase in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 22 in x 16 1/4 in
Monochromatic rendering of niche with vase framed by Doric columns and pediment in a garden setting with detail drawings of vase, acroterion, pediment, column shaft, and other decorative elements; section drawing.
March 18, 1924
5th year, 1927-1928.
Carroll 2
An ROTC Armory
1 design/thesis drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink wash on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 22 1/4 in x 61 1/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of the facade of a domed armory building with metal doors and elongated windows and center tower with colonnaded walkways on either side. Cannons and soldiers are shown along the entrance walkway.
Spring 1928
Rachel Carter
Carter, Rachel (Artist)
Rachel Isabel Carter served as the Secretary for the Department of Architecture student group Atelier, 1920-1921, and as Social Chair, 1921-1922.
Freshman year, 1919-1920
Carter 1
Ionic Order
1 drawing exercise : pen and ink on paper ; 21 in x 16 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of an Ionic column including plan of capital, elevation of column, and detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
circa 1919-1920
Sophomore year, 1920-1921
Carter 2
A Transept Entrance
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 in x 29 1/2 in
Class B I analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Rendering/elevation of an entrance with double doors framed by Corinthian columns, entablature, semi-circular tympanum and pediment. Detail drawings of column capital, doorway molding, and frieze along wall. Plan and section drawing.
November 29, 1920
Casey, Flora Allen
See: Flora Sofie Allen.
Winifred Ceis
Ceis, Winifred (Artist)
Alternate names: Winifred Ceis Savery.Student name as written: Ceis.
Winifred Luther Savery received her B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1949. Following graduation, she worked as a draftswoman for Robert I. Mattson, Architect, Seattle, 1949-1952; then as a draftswoman for Roger Jacques Gotteland, Architect, Seattle, 1953-1955. She worked for the University of Washington from 1957 until an unknown date, and later worked in private practice. Savery served on the Washington State Electrical Contractors Board, 1974-1975. She retired from architectural practice in 2008.
5th year, 1948-1949
Ceis 1
Concert hall
Assignment title: Concert hall in a park.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 in x 39 3/4 in
Watercolor perspective drawing shows the covered walkway with flat roof and narrow columns leading to the windowed lobby of a concert hall. Transverse and longitudinal section drawings show the concert hall stage and seating area.
circa 1948-1949
Robert W. Champion
Champion, R. W. (Robert Wendall) (Artist)
Student name as written: R. W. Champion.
Robert Wendall Champion received his B.S. in Biology and his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1960. He returned to the University of Washington to earn his M.Arch in 1981. Champion served as President of the AIA Seattle Chapter, 1971; and as 2nd Vice President in 1978.
Junior year, 1957-1958
Champion 1
Church sanctuary
Assignment title: Episcopal church sanctuary.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 in x 39 1/2 in
Grade II analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of the main altar of a sanctuary with detail drawings of the altar table and candle, relief medallions, and tile mosaic. Plan and section drawing show the rectangular sanctuary with seating.
Winter 1958
Larry Chantry
Chantry, Laurent M. F., 1922-2002 (Artist)
Laurent M. F. "Larry" Chantry received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1949. He worked as an architect and engineer for the U.S. government and was known in the Seattle arts community for his work as a sculptor, painter, and photographer.
5th year, 1948-1949
Chantry 1
Assignment title: Large public library.
1 design drawing : ggouache/watercolor with colored pencil, graphite, and ink on paper ; 41 in x 60 in
Multiple elevations of a library building in the modernist style shows a flat-roofed building with floor-to-ceiling windows interrupted by a windowless heightened section, slightly offset from the entrance. Plan shows outdoor reading court, reading rooms, reference room, cataloging offices, library cataloging, exhibition areas for art and sculpture, art library, auditorium, bindery, and administrative offices. Additional plans show basement service areas, children's room, and reading table design and placement. Multiple section drawings.
circa 1948-1949
William G. Chester
Chester, William G. (Artist)
Student name as written: W. G. Chester.
William G. Chester received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1928.
Sophomore year, 1925-1926
Chester 1
A Greek Theatre
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 38 3/4 in x 27 3/4 in
Elevation of semi-circular colonnaded stage with plan and section drawing of colonnade.
March 13, 1926
James J. Chiarelli
Chiarelli, James J. (James Joseph), 1908-1990 (Artist)
Student name as written: J. J. Chiarelli.
James Joseph Chiarelli received his B. Arch degree from the University of Washington in 1934. Following graduation, he worked for a variety of firms including H. E. Kirkemo in Missoula, 1938; Smith, Carroll & Johanson, 1939-1940; and Naramore and Associates, 1940-1942. During World War II, he served as a field architect for the Vancouver Housing Authority, 1942-1943.After the war had ended, he returned to Seattle and worked briefly with Naramore, Brady, Bain & Johanson, 1943-1944, before forming a short-lived, but well-regarded, partnership with Paul Hayden Kirk, c.1945-1950. The partnership, Chiarelli & Kirk, was especially known for creating modernist structures in a Pacific Northwest Regional mode. Notable buildings include the Crown Hill Medical-Dental Clinic in Seattle, 1947; Lakewood Community Church, 1949; and Samuel Crockett House on Mercer Island, 1950. In 1951, he opened his own practice as James J. Chiarelli. He worked with Marcus Priteca to design the Opera House at Seattle Center, 1959-1962. Other notable projects include the Pierce County Blood Bank in Tacoma, 1951; and the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, 1962.He served as the president of the Washington State AIA, 1956-1958; president of the Architectural Alumni Association; and served on the board of Seattle Municipal Arts Commission. He was elected to the AIA College of Fellows in 1959.
Freshman year, 1929-1930
Chiarelli 1
Classical vase in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 22 1/4 in x 16 1/2 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of niche in wall with vase framed by Doric columns and pediment in a garden setting with detail drawings of vase, entablature, pediment, and other decorative elements. Penciled plan and section drawing.
circa Winter 1930
Chiarelli 2
Fontaine di S. Spirito
1 historical drawing : ink on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 27 3/4 in
Pen and ink section drawing through an ornate fountain.
June 7, 1930
Sophomore year, 1930-1931
Chiarelli 3
An Entrance to an Artillery School
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 23 in x 28 1/4 in
Monochromatic analytique provides an elevation of the entrance gateway to an artillery school. The large stone arch is flanked by two pillars supporting a pediment with military relief, and is attached to a wall with pedestrian entrance and fountain niche on either side of the pillars. Penciled along the top of drawing is a section drawing through the arch and plan of the gateway.
March 16, 1931
Chiarelli 4
An Entrance to Science Building
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating that the design was judged in the national competition.Monochromatic rendering with elevation of an entrance portico to a science museum. Doors with decorative grille are shown under elongated panels with decorative motifs from the sciences. Portico is topped with stone carvings and lettered names of famous scientists. Plan and section drawing through portico; detail drawings of column, statue, and carved stone.
circa 1930-1931
Chiarelli 5
A Foot Bridge
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 1/2 in x 40 in
First sophomore analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating that the design was judged in the national competition.Rendering/elevation of an arched stone footbridge with memorial archway on top of bridge. Detail drawings of stone, carved pattern, and urns. Plan of bridge; section drawing through archway.
circa 1931
Chiarelli 6
A Polo Stable
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 3/4 in x 31 in
Sophomore local problem.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a polo stable in stone with center tower and steeply gabled red roof. Plan shows the three-quarter circle complex wrapped around a stone courtyard with the feed room tower centered to the back and connected to curved rows of stables on either side. Two smaller buildings frame the front the entrance. Section drawing through the feed tower shows the courtyard-facing walls of the stable enclosures
May 9, 1931
Senior year, 1932-1933
Chiarelli 7
Beaux-Arts Ball and World Cruiseprogram cover illustration
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with matting ; 28 1/4 in x 22 in
Senior sketch problem provides a colorful watercolor design with masked face and decorated sphere inscribed, "Beaux-Arts Ball and World Criuse." [sic]
October 28, 1932
Chiarelli 8
A Concert Hall
Assignment title: Concert hall as monument to J. S. Bach.
1 design drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink wash on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 60 in x 38 3/4 in
Class A projet.Design drawing includes a perspective of the building, plan showing the reception room, grand foyer, processional stage, and seating area, a section drawing. Drawing has a hydraulic stage seen in both the plan, section drawing, and a penciled elevation.
June 1, 1933
Chiarelli 9
A Scientific Research Center
Assignment title: National scientific research center.
1 design drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with colored pencil and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 61 in x 40 in
Class A projet.Site plan of a research center campus with multiple buildings for the sciences and library, dormitory housing, and museum. Plan of the semi-circular museum included.
April 28, 1933
5th year, 1933-1934
An American Embassy in Soviet Russiathesis
Class A projet.
Chiarelli 10a
Drawing 1
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 55 3/4 in x 40 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of the front and back of an embassy building on the Moskva River. Elevation shows the flat-roofed building with elongated channels of windows and centered reception terrace with fountain. Plan shows the main exhibition area, gallery, banquet room, state salon, drawing room, and ambassador's rooftop terrace; residences and gardens on the riverside wing of building.
circa Autumn 1933
Chiarelli 10b
Drawing 2:An American Embassy in Soviet Russia
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 61 in
Two watercolor rendering/elevation drawings of the front and back of an embassy building. Plot plan shows the layout of the L-shaped building on water with garden terraces, fountain terrace, and main building housing gallery, state salon, banquet hall, dining room, drawing room, morning room, and a windowed stair hall in a rounded corner of the building.
December 20, 1933
Chiarelli 10c
Drawing 3
1 design drawing : watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 1/4 in x 30 1/2 in
Watercolor section drawing through the reception vestibule reveals the murals on the upper level of the stair hall. Ground floor plan shows public areas, administrative areas and garage for the ambassador and attache.
December 20, 1933
Archaeology institute with museum and spa
Chiarelli 11a
Drawing 1:An Archeological Institute and Winter Spa
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 38 1/2 in x 50 in
Title as written by student.Watercolor site plan shows a walled complex on a terraced site rendered in a desert setting. Plan shows a domed building at the top of the site with covered walkways leading to an interior courtyard garden with pools with double-colonnaded walkways along perimeter.
February 17, 1934
Chiarelli 11b
Drawing 2:An Archeological Institute and Winter Spa
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 3/4 in x 60 1/4 in
Watercolor site plan shows an archaeological complex with a multi-story hotel, a domed museum, and spa arranged around an interior courtyard garden with orchestra and Greek theater. Dormitories, living areas, and classrooms for students, workers, and archaeologists are arranged in cliff-side dwellings.
December 20, 1933
Samuel Chinn
Chinn, Sam Wing (Artist)
Student name as written: W. Sam Chinn.
Samuel Wing Chinn received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1922, as the first Asian-American graduate in architecture in Washington state. After graduating, he was employed by Andrew Willatsen from 1922-1926, then by Thomas, Grainger & Thomas,1928-1934. He briefly formed a partnership with Frederick W. Bockerman, as Bockerman & Chinn, 1937-1938; then in solo architectural practice, 1939-1940. In 1940, he became employed by the Federal Housing Administration.
Freshman year, 1916-1917
Chinn 1
Classical moldings
1 drawing exercise : ink wash with graphite on paper ; 17 3/4 in x 20 in
Freshman drawing exercise of twelve types of classical mouldings, each with lettered titles and watercolor gradation of shaded or curved areas.
circa 1916-1917
Sophomore year, 1917-1918
Chinn 2
Memorial column
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cloth backing ; 39 1/2 in x 30 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Rendering/elevation of a memorial column crowned with an eagle on a stepped stone base in a boat-shaped memorial site. Detail drawings of Corinthian capital and eagle finial.
circa 1917-1918
Chinn 3
A Temple of Love
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper with cloth backing and matting ; 38 1/2 in x 30 in
Sophomore analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition. A piece of paper is adhered to the front of drawing: A Temple of Love / Awarded a "Mention." / On Public Exhibition at the Studio of the B.A.I.D., _____ St., New York, April 8-13, '18.Watercolor and ink rendering/elevation of a circular temple with columns and statue. Detail drawing of Corinthian capital, entablature, finial, and moulding; plan.
April 1918
Eunice Churchill
Churchill, Eunice (Artist)
Student name as written: E. Churchill.
Freshman year, 1920-1921
Churchill 1
Doric Order
1 drawing exercise : graphite and ink on paper ; 23 in x 16 3/4 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Doric order including plan, elevation, and detail drawings of column base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
circa 1920-1921
John Cockcroft
Cockcroft, John (Artist)
John Cockcroft received his BA/BS from the University of Washington in 1934.
Junior year, 1933-1934
Note: Student is listed as a Junior in the 1933-1934 student directory, however, these assignments would have been completed in the Architectural Design I class, typically undertaken during the Sophomore year by architecture students.
Cockcroft 1
Family mausoleum
1 design/analytique drawing : monochromatic watercolor wash with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 1/2 in x 39 1/2 in
Sophomore analytique.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a mausoleum set into a rock table with entrance featuring a winged sculpture. Detail drawings of urn; section drawing shows a skylight and tombs; plan shows interior columns.
February 5, 1934
Cockcroft 2
Wall with niche and statue
1 design/analytique drawing : monochromatic watercolor wash with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a arched niche with statue on top of a fountain framed in detail of the wall's cornice. Detail drawings of fountain sculptures and column capital. Penciled section drawing and partial plan.
March 14, 1934
Helen Coleman
Coleman, Helen (Artist)
Student name as written: Coleman.Alternate name: Helen Coleman Greer.
Helen Coleman Greer received her B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1947.
Freshman year, 1942-1943
Coleman 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 14 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters J, P, W, D, H, G.
circa 1942-1943
Sophomore year, 1943-1944
Coleman 2
Assignment title: Gatehouse to large country estate.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 31 in x 39 1/2 in
Sophomore design.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a perimeter wall and metal gate with attached gatehouse on a landscaped driveway. Plan shows multiple rooms of the gatehouse. Side elevation of the gatehouse.
circa 1943-1944
Lee Copeland
Copeland, Lee (Artist)
Lee Copeland received his B.Archcum laudewith the AIA First Medal from the University of Washington in 1960, and his M.Arch and M.C.P. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1963. He returned to the University of Washington to teach in 1964 and was later named Dean of the College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP), 1972-1979. Copeland was a founding principal architect in the Seattle firm, Joyce, Copeland, Vaughan & Nordfors, c. 1974. He was appointed Dean and Paley Professor of Architecture and Planning at the Graduate School of Fine Arts, University of Pennsylvania, 1979-1991. He served as the Chairman, then Commissioner and Vice Chairman of the Philadelphia City Planning Commission before returning to Seattle as partner in Weinstein Copeland Architects and later as consulting principal architect with Mithun.Copeland is a nationally respected urban designer, architect, and educator. He received the AIA Seattle Medal in 2000 and the AIA/ACSA Topaz Medallion for Excellence in Architectural Education in 2001.
Junior year, 1957-1958
Copeland L 1
Church sanctuary
Assignment title: Episcopal church sanctuary.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 40 1/4 in x 30 1/4 in
Grade II analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of the main altar of a sanctuary with detail drawings of the candles, relief, and vase. Plan and section drawing show the sanctuary with seating.
Winter 1958
Ross W. Copeland
Copeland, Ross W. (Artist)
Ross Copeland, Jr. received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1940. Following graduation, he worked as a Draftsman for Harry E. Nordquist, Jr., Architect, Seattle, 1938; as a Designer for George W. Groves, Architect, Seattle, 1939-1940; as Architect for Todd Pacific Shipyards, Seattle, 1940-1945; and then as Designer for George W. Stoddard, Seattle, 1945-1946.Copeland formed a brief partnership with Marvin Patterson, as Copeland & Patterson, Architects, Seattle, 1947, before opening his own architectural practice, Ross W. Copeland, Jr., Architect, Seattle, 1950-1954. In 1955, Copeland partnered with fellow University of Washington graduates Robert Chervenak and Austin Grant and founded Grant, Copeland & Chervenak. The firm received many awards for their designs including the AIA Seattle Chapter Honor Award for St. Peters Episcopal Church, 1963; the Hugo Winkenwerder Forest Science Laboratory, 1964; the King County Medical Services building, 1965; and Our Savior's Lutheran Church in Everett, 1969. Other notable works from the firm include the Church of Christ the King in Bellevue, c.1956; Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Seattle, c.1955; Oroville State Bank in Oroville; and the Myron Carroll House in Seattle.
Senior year, 1938-1939
Note: Student is listed as a Senior in the 1938-1939 student directory, however, this assignment would have been completed in the Architectural Design II class, typically undertaken during the Junior year by architecture students.
Copeland R 1
Ceramics manufactory
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior projet.Design drawing includes a watercolor rendering/elevation of a flat-roofed building decorated with relief medallion, wall of gridded windows, and round chimney extended from the center section; small perspective drawing; plan showing the artist studios, kiln room, display court, and public and administrative areas; section drawing.
circa Autumn 1938
Architectural ornamentation class
Copeland R 2
Gothic round window
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor and ink on tissue paper with matting ; 28 in x 22 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Round stained glass window with centered circular design of a religious figure encircled by vines and acanthus leaves and contrasting outer bands.
circa 1937-1939
James D. Cowan
Cowan, James D., 1920-1999 (Artist)
Student name as written: J. Cowan.
James Douglas Cowan began his studies in architecture at the University of Washington in 1938, but left to join the U.S. Navy during World War II. After the War, he graduated cum laude with his B.Arch from Yale University in 1947. He returned to Yakima, his hometown in Washington, and began working with architect John W. Maloney. He formed his first partnership with William Paddock in 1957, as Cowan and Paddock, 1957-1963, and later as Cowan, Paddock, and Hollingberry, 1963-1967. The firm designed several residences, however, they were mostly known for their work in educational and institutional design. Notable projects include the Bank of Yakima, 1960; Yakima Valley Junior College, 1962; KEPR TV Studio in Pasco, 1964; the Pateros Public Library, 1966; and the National Bank of Washington in Yakima, 1968. Cowan moved to Seattle in 1967, working as an architect for the firms of The Richardson Associates, McKinley Architects, and Seafirst Bank until his retirement in 1985.Cowan served as President of the AIA Central Washington Chapter, 1966; and as Executive Director of the Washington State Council of Architects (later, AIA Washington Council), 1968. Cowan was elected to the AIA College of Fellows in 1977.
Freshman year, 1938-1939
Cowan 1
VN Sarcophage
Assignment title: Sarcophagus.
1 historical drawing : ink on paper ; 20 in x 27 3/4 in
Pen and ink freshman historical drawing of an ornamented church altar tomb on a stepped base with recumbent sculpted figure; partial section drawing of tomb.
circa Winter 1939
Virginia Cruse
Cruse, Virginia (Artist)
Freshman year
Cruse 1
Ink wash circles:Plate 1
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 17 3/4 in x 13 in
Freshman drawing exercise of ink wash circles on paper with separated gradations from dark to light.
Lewis Crutcher
Crutcher, Lewis (Artist)
Lewis Pinkerton Crutcher received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1944.
Freshman year, 1940-1941
Crutcher 1
A Fountain Court
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 26 3/4 in x 20 3/4 in
Monochromatic analytique shows a rendering/elevation with plan and two section drawings of a walled fountain courtyard containing trees, an archway, and the fountain with sculpture of a person holding a dog.
circa Spring 1941
Container(s) Description Dates
James Damm
Damm, James (Artist)
Freshman year
Damm 1
Ink wash circles:Plate 1
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 17 3/4 in x 13 in
Freshman drawing exercise of ink wash circles on paper with separated gradations from dark to light.
Marvin Damman
Damman, Marvin (Artist)
Student name as written: M. Damman; Damman.
Marvin Fuller Damman received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1941. He worked for William R. Grant & Son, 1948-1949; Mallis, DeHart & Hopkins, 1949-1950; Morse & Morse, Denver, 1950-1954; John Graham, 1954-1955.
Sophomore year, 1936-1937
Damman 1
A Stairway in a Park
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor on paper with matting ; 28 in x 22 in
Sketch problem.Watercolor rendering of a stairwell ascending between two solid walls with end posts; penciled plan shows stairwell landings.
circa 1936-1937
Senior year, 1939-1940
Damman 2
A Hermitage
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on illustration board ; 30 in x 20 in
Senior sketch problem [esquisse-esquisse].Watercolor rendering of a flat-roofed residence on a hilltop site overlooking water with plan showing living areas and terrace.
October 5, 1939
Benjamin Davis
Davis, Benjamin S. (Artist)
Student name as written: Ben Davis.
Benjamin Davis was a recipient of the Charles H. Bebb Prize in Architecture, 1924-1925.
Freshman year
Davis B 1
The Doric Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 24 3/4 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Doric order includes an elevation of the column and entablature; reflected ceiling plan; section drawing through entablature; and detail drawings of column base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
circa 1925
George Davis
Davis, George (Artist)
George L. Davis, Jr. recevied his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1946. He married classmate Mary Lund and later opened a cabinetry and woodworking studio in Tacoma, specializing in modern cabinetry.
Freshman year, 1942-1943
Davis G 1
Art Museum
Assignment title: Entrance to art museum.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 20 in x 27 3/4 in
Freshman analytique.Watercolor rendering/elevation of the entrance to art museum building with sculpture court featuring a large column with wrapped relief. The offset entrance is a gridded panel of glass windows with three stacked, rectangular relief panels attached to the art museum. Detail drawings of relief figures, inscription lettering, and column relief. Penciled plan.
circa Spring 1943
Junior year, 1944-1945
Davis G 2
Assignment title: Small Catholic church on corner lot.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Junior design.Watercolor renderings/elevations of the front and side of a smooth-faced church with an upward sloping roof and a bell tower with exposed bells. An additional chapel extends from the entrance with a relief panel on the outside. Plan shows the layout of the church site including the main worship and a courtyard enclosed on three sides by the church and the perpendicular chapel and preparation area at the front and back of the church. Section drawings show altar and nave seating.
circa 1944-1945
Davis G 3
Steamship ticket office
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 31 in
Junior design.Watercolor design drawing has a partial rendering/elevation of the building's facade, plan, and multiple section drawings. Building's facade has a front portico with flat roof over elongated windows supported by a relief pillar. Plan shows the public and administrative areas. Section drawings provide a longitudinal section of the building and a world map mural on an angled and curved wall above ticketing areas.
circa 1944-1945
Senior year, 1945-1946
Davis G 4
City performing arts center
1 design drawing : graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 59 3/4 in
Senior design.Design drawing includes an exterior elevation with section drawing and plan of a performing arts center in the modernist style with flat roof and horizontal bands of gridded windows and a heightened roof over the auditorium. Plan shows the building's auditorium seating area, shops, docks, green room, ballet studio, and administrative offices with covered walkway leading to parking areas; basement plan shows chorus room, dressing rooms, and costume shop. Longitudinal section drawing through auditorium.
circa 1945-1946
Max G. Dawes
Dawes, Max G. (Artist)
Max G. Dawes received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1934.
Junior year, 1931-1932
Dawes 1
A Tennis Court Bldg.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 31 1/2 in x 41 in
Class B III projet. Stamped with the Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Watercolor and ink rendering/elevation of a flat-faced building with a semi-circular outdoor theatre. Plan shows that the building houses a tennis court and pool attached to athletic facilities; section drawing through the building..
circa 1931-1932
Richard Day
Day, Richard M. (Artist)
Student name as written: R. M. Day.
Richard M. Day received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1933.
Freshman year, 1928-1929
Day 1
Planter with shade and shadow
1 drawing exercise : ccharcoal with graphite, colored pencil, and white on paper ; 24 1/2 in x 36 1/2 in
Freshman drawing exercise shows two views of a planter with animal head and ornamental vines, one view with shade and shadow added.
circa 1928-1929
Senior year, 1931-1932
Day 2
A Suburban Bank
1 drawing exercise : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 1/4 in x 31 in
Junior project.Watercolor rendering/elevation of the building shows a red brick facade with angled wall leading to the entrance and a window on either side with decorative grille. Plans and section drawing show the teller lobby and administrative areas.
circa Autumn 1931
Architectural ornamentation class
Day 3
Rose window
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor with ink on tissue and paper overlay with matting ; 20 in x 15 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Cutout paper overlay of a round stained glass window depicting religious symbols and figures above a row of narrow arched windows
circa 1930-1932
Wayne Deemer
Deemer, Wayne (Artist)
Wayne Deemer was a recipient of the Gladding-McBean Terra Cotta Company Prize in 1926-1927.
Freshman year, 1923-1924
Deemer 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 16 3/4 in x 12 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letter V.
circa Autumn 1923
Deemer 2
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 13 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters Q, F, P, H, T, N.
November 2, 1923
Frank Dever
Dever, Frank M. (Artist)
Student name as written: F. M. Dever, Jr.
Freshman year, 1928-1929
Dever 1
Corinthian capital
1 drawing exercise : ink wash with graphite on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
Freshman drawing exercise. Monochromatic detail drawing of Corinthian column capital with watercolor wash indicating curved or shadowed areas.
circa 1928-1929
Sophomore year, 1929-1930
Dever 2
A Private Chapel
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 1/4 in
Class B analytique.Analytique provides an elevation of an altar table with religious statue for a private chapel, plan, section drawing of the semi-circular apse housing the main altar, longitudinal section drawing of the chapel, and detail drawing of stained glass window.
circa 1929-1930
Junior year, 1930-1931
Dever 3
A Marionette Theatre
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 3/4 in x 30 3/4 in
Class B IV projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Rendering with elevation of the theatre's facade: a short flat-roofed building between two taller buildings with brightly painted columns around the doorway and sculptures of marionettes. Theatre plan; section drawing shows the proscenium stage; the longitudinal section drawing of the building shows the public areas, including a mural in the seating area, and the backstage areas for the puppeteers.
circa 1930
Architectural ornamentation class
Dever 4
Rose Window
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper and tissue paper with matting ; 20 in x 15 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Round stained glass window depicting religious symbols and figures.
circa 1930-1932
Robert H. Dietz
Dietz, Robert H., 1912-2006 (Artist)
Student name as written: R. H. Dietz.
Robert Henry Dietz received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1941. Following graduation, he worked as a Draftsman for Paul Hayden Kirk, 1941, before receiving a scholarship to study architecture at the Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He received his M.Arch from MIT in 1944, which he completed while working as the Building Supervisor, 1942-1943. Following graduation, he took a position with Princeton University, working with bomb analysis in the office of Scientific Research and Development, c.1943-1945.Still in Cambridge, Dietz worked for the architecture firm of Anderson & Beckwith, 1945-1947. Dietz eventually returned to Seattle, working as a Supervising Designer for J. Lister Holmes and Associates, 1947-1952, and was shortly awarded the Seattle AIA Chapter's first honor award for his design of the Jack Wolf House in Mercer Island, 1950. He formed a partnership with fellow graduate Lawrence Waldron in 1953. Waldron & Dietz was awarded five AIA honor awards and one AIA merit award for their work between 1953 and 1962. Notable works include the Emmanuel Episcopal Church on Mercer Island, 1960; the Taskett Agency Office Building in Seattle, 1955; and the sunroom addition to the University of Washington President's House. Waldron and Dietz specialized in schools, however, and notable examples of their work include Woodway Elementary School in Seattle, 1956; Edmonds High School in Edmonds, 1959; and Olympic View Junior High School in Mukilteo, 1957.Beginning in 1947, Dietz accepted teaching positions at the University of Washington Department of Architecture, rising to Professor in 1958. Dietz became the first head of the new Graduate Program in Architecture shortly thereafter. In 1962, he succeeded Arthur Herrman as the Dean of the College of Architecture and Urban Planning. As Dean, he oversaw the founding of the Urban Planning, Lanscape Architecture, and Building Construction departments until his retirement in 1972.Dietz also served on the design committee for the Seattle Worlds Fair, as President of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, and on the National Architectural Accrediting Board. In 1966, Dietz was appointed by President Lyndon B. Johnson to the National Commission of Architectural Access to improve building design for disabled access. Dietz was elected to the AIA College of Fellows in 1965.
Freshman year, 1936-1937
Dietz 1
Fountain in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 28 in x 20 3/4 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of fountain niche in wall framed by Doric columns entablature garden setting with reflected column plan and detail drawings of column, entablature, and fountain. Penciled plan and section drawing.
circa Spring 1937
Dietz 2
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 28 in
Design drawing includes a watercolor rendering/elevation with penciled plan and section drawing of a loggia with Corinthian colonnade and entablature in front of three arched openings. Detail drawings of entablature, Corinthian capital, fluted column shaft, and column base.
circa Spring 1937
Fifth year, 1940-1941
Dietz 3
Bus Station
Assignment title: Bus station and hotel.
1 design drawing : graphite and ink on paper ; 39 1/2 in x 60 in
Exterior elevation with perspective drawing and multiple plans of a modernist building on a city block with multi-story hotel tower. Site plan indicates traffic flow and shows administrative areas and repair shop on ground floor of hotel connected to the bus terminal via elevated walkway over street. Plans show the hotel floors, second floor, and basement level with bus station.
Unknown dates
Dietz 4
A Broadcasting Building
1 design drawing : graphite and ink on illustration board ; 40 in x 30 in
Sketch problem.Design drawing includes a perspective drawing, plot plan, and section drawing of a broadcasting building. Perspective drawing shows the facade of the building with porte cochere extended from the center of the building and an angled heightened section in the rear of the building housing the auditorium. Plot plan includes a plan of the building and the grounds and shows the lobby, stage, dressing rooms, administrative offices, and studios.
circa 1938-1941
Dietz 5
1 sketch problem. : graphite on paper with matting ; 22 in x 28 in
Sketch problem.Perspective drawing shows a wooden church with shingle roof and brick belltower; plan and section drawing.
circa 1938-1941
Dietz 6
Display and sales building
1 sketch problem. : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with matting ; 28 in x 22 in
Sketch problem.Coloful perspective drawing and plan of a windowed L-shaped building on a courtyard with tower sculpture. The building is comprised of panels of windows supported by a grid of metal rails. Plan reveals display galleries and sales floor.
circa 1939-1941
Elso DiLuck
DiLuck, Elso, 1909-1979 (Artist)
Student name as written: E. DiLuck.
Elso Bruno DiLuck received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1931. He worked in Seattle for several years before transferring his AIA membership from the Seattle, Washington chapter to the AIA Fresno, California chapter in 1948. He formed a partnership in Fresno with California architect H. Rafael Lake, as Lake & DiLuck, Architects, 1949-c.1956. After the partnership dissolved, he continued to work independently E. B. DiLuck, Architect, Fresno.
Senior year, 1929-1930
DiLuck 1
A Town House
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 31 in x 39 1/4 in
Class B V projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating this design was judged in the national competition.Watercolor rendering/elevation of town house facade shows a four story building in stone with metal gabled roof and ornamentation around windows and door. Multiple plans show three floors; section drawing shows basement and four floors.
May 10, 1930
Dudley Dohm
Dohm, Dudley (Artist)
Dudley Dohm received his BS/BA from the University of Washington in 1930.
Freshman year, 1926-1927
Dohm 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 17 1/4 in x 13 1/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letter V.
circa 1926-1927
Alvin Dreyer
Dreyer, Alvin (Artist)
Alvin Dreyer received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1957. Following graduation, he served in the United States Army, 1957-1963, and as partner in Seattle firm A. O. Bumgardner and Partners, 1960-1963, which became the firm A. O. Bumgardner Partnership where he continued as partner, 1968-1980. Notable works include the Beach Club at Port Ludlow, 1968; the Student Health Center at Central Washington University in Ellensburg, 1970; Waterfront Park in Seattle, 1974; and the Western Washington Arts Building in Bellingham, 1968. Dreyer joined the AIA in 1968.
Senior year, 1955-1956
Dreyer 1
A Sanctuary for an Episcopal Church
Assignment title: Episcopal church sanctuay.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 41 in x 31 in
Grade II analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of the main altar of a sanctuary with detail drawings of the altar table and cloth, lighting fixture, and stained glass. Plan shows the square sanctuary with seating.
February 4, 1955
Richard Drowley
Drowley, Richard (Artist)
Richard Drowley received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1933.
Freshman year, 1928-1929
Drowley 1
End pavilion of public building
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with fixative ; 21 in x 27 3/4 in
Freshman analytique provides a monochromatic rendering/elevation of an upper-level porch with elongated windows on the end pavilion of a building partially enclosed by Corinthian columns and balustrade with wall fountain on the ground level; detail drawings of vase, decorative mouldings, scroll, Corinthian capital, and entablature; lightly penciled section drawing.
circa 1928-1929
Drowley 2
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 20 in x 14 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital leters J, L, A, T, O, F.
circa 1928-1929
Edward Duffy
Duffy, Edward (Artist)
Edward Duffy received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1946.
Freshman year, 1939-1940
Duffy 1
Niche with vase
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 22 1/2 in x 16 1/2 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation with penciled plan and section drawing of niche with vase framed by Doric columns and entablature in a garden setting with column plan, detail drawings of vase and columns with entablature.
circa Winter 1940
Thomas Dunstan
Dunstan, Thomas E. (Artist)
Student name as written: Dunstan.
Thomas Dunstan received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1943. Following graduation, he worked for Charles A. Lawrence, Jr., Architect, 1944-1946. He later opened his own practice as Thomas Dunstan, Architect, regarded for his innovative residences in and around Seattle.
Sophomore year, 1939-1940
Dunstan 1
Tomb for an Actor - William Rogers
Assignment title: Tomb for a great actor in the movies.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic analytique with section drawings show a conical mausoleum with flat top housing a ground-level circular walkway with thick round columns overlooking a circular tomb with sarcophagus. Partial plan shows the circular walkway overlooking the sarcophagus. Detail drawing of inscription lettering.
Robert L. Durham
Durham, Robert L. (Robert Lewis), 1912-1998 (Artist)
Student name as written: Bob Durham; R. L. Durham.
Robert Lewis Durham graduatedcum laudewith his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1936. Following graduation, he worked as a Draftsman for David Meyers, 1936; then as Draftsman for B. Dudley Stuart, 1937-1938. During World War II, he took a position with the Federal Housing Administration as a cost analyst in Okanogan County and later as a plans examiner for the Seattle Building Department, 1938-1942.After the war had ended, he formed a partnership with B. Dudley Stuart as Stuart & Durham, Architects, c.1941-1951. When Stuart retired in 1951, Durham briefly his own firm as Robert L. Durham & Associates, before partnering with David R. Anderson and Aaron Freed as Durham, Anderson & Freed (indicated by some sources as Durham Anderson Freed), 1954-1980. The firm designed over 200 churches including the Fauntleroy Congregational Church, which received a national AIA Honor Award for Institutional Buildings in 1952; the First Methodist Church in Mount Vernon, which also received the national AIA Honor Award for Institutional Buildings in 1961. Other notable churches include the Highland Covenant Church in Bellevue, c.1964; St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church in Burien, 1956; St. James Presbyterian Church in Bellingham, 1957; the Ezra Bessaroth Synagogue in Columbia City, 1969; and the sanctuary at the Mount Zion Baptist Church, 1975. The firm's other civic designs included the Skyline Apartments, 1956; Seattle Fire Station No. 5, 1963; the Atmospheric Sciences building at the University of Washington, 1970; master plans for Evergreen State College and the Daniel J. Evans Library in Olympia, 1971; and the master plan for the U.S. Naval Base in Bangor, Maine, 1978. After being acquired by Omaha-based Henningson, Durham & Richardson (HDR) c.1970, the Durham Anderson Freed office closed when Durham retired from active practice in 1980.Durham served as Chairperson for the Seattle Municipal Arts Commission, leading to his selection in 1961 as leader of the Cultural Arts Advisory Board for the Seattle World's Fair. After organizing the national AIA conference in Seattle in 1953, he became President of the Washington Chapter of the AIA, 1954-1955. In 1961, the AIA Northwest Region elected him to the National AIA Board of Directors. At the 1966 convention, Durham was elected President of the AIA, 1967-1968.Durham was elected to the AIA College of Fellows in 1959, later serving as Chancellor of the AIA College of Fellows in 1980. He received the Edward Kemper Award in 1981 for outstanding service to the AIA. In 1985, Durham received the AIA Seattle Medal in recognition of outstanding lifetime achievement.
Freshman year, 1931-1932
Durham 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 19 1/4 in x 13 3/4 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
circa 1931-1932
Durham 2
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash with graphite on paper ; 19 in x 25 3/4 in
Monochromatic rendering of an elongated window with pediment and balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of decorative elements. Penciled plan and section drawing.
circa Autumn 1932
Durham 3
Fountain in a park
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 18 in x 28 in
Monochromatic analytique provides a rendering/elevation of a semi-circular wall fountain with mermaid sculpture flanked on each side by a covered wraparound staircase. The columned entrances to the stairway are topped with scrolled pediments and seashell design. Penciled plan shows the wraparound staircase and fountain.
circa 1931-1932
Durham 4
Tomb in the Church of S. Domenico Bologna
1 historical drawing : ink on paper ; 19 1/2 in x 28 in
Pen and ink freshman historical drawing of an ornamented tomb with recumbent sculpted figure atop a clawfoot base decorated with sculpted acanthus leaves, relief mouldings, and inscription. Section drawings reveal the profile of the tomb.
circa Winter 1932
Durham 5
Vase in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 24 7/8 in x 17 7/8
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of wall niche with lidded vase framed by Doric columns and entablature. Detail drawings of vase, scroll, entablature, and other decorative elements. Penciled plan and section drawing.
February 5, 1932
Sophomore year, 1932-1933
Durham 6
A Court in a Residence
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 5/8 in x 39 3/4 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a courtyard enclosed by the side of a building with belltower and terracotta roof and statues of religious figures. Detail drawings of religious statue, lion sculpture, column base, and cross-shaped medallion on stairway. Penciled section drawing and plan.
November 12, 1932
Carillon tower on island
Two drawings include the final project submission and preliminary sketch.
Durham 7a
An Island Carillon Tower
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 40 1/4 in x 31 1/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a building with carillon tower on an island. Round tower has six rows of bells and is attached to the building, which houses living areas; plan of tower and living areas; section drawing shows stairway inside tower.
May 6, 1933
Durham 7b
Preliminary sketch
1 sketch : graphite on trace ; 13 in x 10 in
Preliminary sketch shows the island with building and carillon tower. The carillon tower is round with concave channels for bells, giving the tower a fluted appearance similar to a column.
circa Spring 1933
Durham 8
Monument to Julius Caesare
Assignment title: Monument to Julius Caesar on Appian Way.
1 design/analytique drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor on paper ; 30 7/8 in x 39 3/4
Third sophomore analytique.Charcoal rendering/elevation of a wall niche with sculptural figure of Julius Caesar, identified by inscription, with spitting lionshead fountain. Side elevation of fountain and basin. Detail drawings of Greek key motif, decorated urn, inscription lettering, and other decorative elements. Plan drawn in red at bottom of drawing.
February 4, 1933
Durham 9
A Private Library
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 3/8 in x 31
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a windowless flat-roofed building with outward curved entrance and set of windowed doors flanked by sculpture niches on each side and inscriptions along different parts of the building. Plan shows the entrance vestibule, main exhibit room, stacks, reading room, and Rembrandt room; section drawing reveals the interior of the exhibit room with skylights.
June 1, 1933
Durham 10
A Sun-dial
Assignment title: Wall sundial in garden.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 7/8 in x 39 3/4
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a stone wall with sundial and wall fountain rendered in a desert setting with cactii and large basins. Sundial is framed on a concave wall between two flat-faced projections with images. Detail drawings of images, decorative moulding, and inscription. Penciled plan and section drawing.
March 11, 1933
Durham 11
A Tomb
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 7/8 in x 39 7/8 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a cliff with inset stone entrance to a tomb. The entrance has a smooth-faced stone wall with single door under a wide cross with decorative relief along the outer edges of the wall. Detail drawings of kneeling sculptures and relief. Plan and section drawing reveal the interior of the tomb.
December 10, 1932
Junior year, 1933-1934
Durham 12
Athletic Bldg. for a Private Boy's School
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Class B II projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a recreation building with relief of athletes over the entrance and wings housing the indoor pool and playcourts extending to each side. Plan shows the ground floor recreation areas including pool, squash courts, gymnasium, and playcourt, as well administrative and storage areas and trophy hall. Longitudinal section drawing shows depth of pool, interior of trophy hall, and the entrance to the grandstand.
circa Autumn 1933
Durham 13
A College Library
Assignment title: Small college library.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 7/8 in x 39 5/8 in
Class B III projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of the exterior of a brick building with slightly projected and heightened center section with entrance doorway with fanlight and regularly spaced elongated windows along the rest of the building under a wide decorative moulding, inscribed with the names of authors. Plan shows the entrance lobby, delivery room, stacks, reference room, browsing area, and administrative areas. Section drawing reveals the multiple levels of the building.
February 10, 1934
Durham 14
A Post Office
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 7/8 in x 31 in
Class B I projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of the exterior of a smooth-faced building with entrance portico consisting of five double-doors under elongated windows. Plan shows the tile pattern in entrance lobby, administrative offices, delivery area, counters for postal services, and loading platform. Longitudinal section drawing reveals the multiple levels of the building including the basement vehicle loading area. Perspective drawing of the building's facade.
November 4, 1933
Durham 15
A Roadside Tea House and Vegetable Market
1 sketch problem drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 17 in x 22 3/4 in
Junior sketch problem [esquisse-esquisse].Sketch problems arranged as an elevation of the tea house and vegetable market, rendered in a mountain setting, with plan. The larger of two stone buildings has a wooden gable, stone chimney, shuttered windows and a sheltered passage to the smaller auto service building. Adjacent to the entrance of the main building is a sheltered space for the vegetable market that opens onto the parking area. Plan reveals the larger site with road to farm house, service court, service rooms, dining terrace, and garden. Gas pump islands are shown in front of the service building.
May 18, 1934
Durham 16
Steamship Ticket Office
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/8 in x 39 7/8 in
Junior projet.Multiple drawings include a rendering/elevation of the exterior of a rectangular building with elongated channels of windows over a set of doors and ground floor windows with ornate decorative grille; plan of the lobby showing ticket counter, advisors, lounges, and administrative areas; and longitudinal and transverse section drawings revealing the interior of the building. Drawings are presented against a global map, possibly intended as an enlargement of the mural above entrance doors.
Durham 17
A Suburban Railway Station
1 design drawing : watercolor wash with graphite, white, and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 29 1/2 in x 19 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of an art deco style railroad station with flat roof, glass doors, and clock tower with metal ornamentation on doors and tower. Plan shows the station as a octagonal building with heightened center section housing a central ticketing desk with taxi and bus stands on either side and smaller rooms extending from the angled sections of the building housing the waiting rooms, lavatories, baggage handling, and newstand. Section drawings shows lobby and underground train platforms.
circa 1933-1934
Yacht club on Lake Washington
Durham 18a
Drawing 1:A Yacht Club
1 design drawing : watercolor with graphite, white, and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 18 3/4 in x 29 in
Watercolor design drawing provides a rendering/elevation, section drawing, and plan of a yacht club. The property is shown with a smooth waterfront wall with porthole windows and stairs from the water leading up to a flat-roofed modernist building with rooftop deck and offset semi-circular windowed lounge with outdoor patio. Section drawing shows the lower level motorboat storage and locker room. Plan shows kitchen, dining room, lounge, and offices.
March 19, 1934
Durham 18b
Drawing 2: Study
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 16 5/8 in x 20 3/8 in
Watercolor study for the yacht club shows a waterfront elevation of the building and unlabeled plan. Additional sketches and notes relating to the project on back of drawing.
circa Winter 1934
Durham 18c
Drawing 3: Sketch problem
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 14 1/4 in x 20 3/8 in
This is a 2-sided drawing, with a separate sketch problem ("Unidentified outdoor shelter") on the reverse side.Preliminary watercolor perspective shows a slightly differing view of the Yacht Club, with a smaller building and beachfront access. Penciled plan shows living area in the base of tower with bedroom, kitchen, dining, recreation areas; dormitory, dining, and living areas are housed above the boathouse. Areas are connected via outdoor passage above the workroom.
circa Winter 1934
Durham 18d
Unidentified outdoor shelter
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 14 1/4 in x 20 3/8 in
This is a 2-sided drawing, with a separate sketch problem ("Drawing 3: Sketch problem / Yacht Club on Lake Washington") on the reverse side.Watercolor rendering of a wooden shelter, possibly used for agricultural or industrial work. Wooden shelter has three sections of varying heights, with some areas shown with open sides. Wheels and lumber planks are shown in the foreground.
circa Winter 1934
Senior year, 1934-1935
Durham 19
A Community Pool
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with matting ; 28 in x 22 in
Senior sketch problem provides a watercolor rendering/elevation and plan of a modernist building with offset semi-circular windowed lounge and windowed dining terrace with rooftop terrace and high-diving tower in the background. The plan reveals the placement of parking lots, pools, and tennis courts, as well as the interior spaces such as locker rooms, kitchen, dining areas, and offices. Items on the drawing have been lettered, possibly corresponding to assignment specifications.
circa 1934-1935
Durham 20
The Durham Cathedral: Episcopal Cathedral Group
Assignment title: Episcopal cathedral group.
1 design problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 1/4 in x 59 3/4 in
Two watercolor renderings of the exterior of a cathedral complex shows the flat-roofed cathedral with rose windows and steeple with a group of attached buildings. Plot plan shows a quarter-circle site with cathedral and attached buildings housing the bishop's and dean's offices, Synod Hall, living areas, refectory, classrooms, clergy, and baptistry. Section drawing through nave.
November 10, 1934
Durham 21
A Great Shipyard
Assignment title: A great shipyard: 6 ships per annum.
1 design problem : gouache/watercolor with colored pencil and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 58 3/4 in
Site plan with elevation and section drawing shows the facilities for a shipyard with drydock, cranes, fitting out basin, storage areas, heavy machine shop, freight yards, and administrative offices. Section drawing through building shows the machine shops while a longitudinal section drawing through site shows the depth of the drydock, distribution yards, and warehouse.
February 2, 1935
Durham 22
A Labor Temple
1 design/thesis problem : graphite and ink on paper ; 40 in x 60 3/4 in
Second senior project.Drawing provides multiple plans of a labor temple, including a first floor and mezzanine plan showing auditorium, cafe, lobby and public areas; second floor plan showing auditorium balcony, city labor council, lounge, card room, and pool room; upper level floors with living quarters arranged along a hallway; basement plan showing recreation and storage areas; and penthouse workroom plan. Also included on drawing is an elevation of the building with horizontal rows of windows, an isometric projection of the building site, projected square footage and cost summary, and a section drawing through the auditorium.
December 15, 1934
Durham 23
Monumental bridge on Canadian border
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor wash with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 1/8 in x 59 1/4 in
Senior design.Watercolor rendering/elevation of an arch bridge over water with large abutments and small buildings on each side. Elevation of stone abutments show the sculptural relief. Plan shows traffic lanes and the customs and immigrations building.
circa 1934-1935
5th year, 1935-1936
Durham 24
The Entrance to a Marine Exhibit for the 1939 Fair
1 design competition drawing : charcoal on paper ; 24 in x 33 3/4 in
Student has written personal address next to name, with the competition statement: I am a citizen of the United States and will be under 27 years of age on July 1, 1936.Drawing is marked with a red X, indicating that the design was disqualified.Rendering/elevation of a stone entrance gate with relief and "New York" lettered in relief over the gate's archway; statues sit atop rounded pillars on each side of the gateway. Plan and section drawing at bottom of drawing.
circa 1935-1936
Durham 25
Hotel and casino on Pacific atoll
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 40 in x 60 in
Site plan with quarter-circle enlargement of an atoll with hangar, boathouse, cottages, recreation and bathing areas along a portion of the atoll's perimeter with opening for boats and seaplanes to enter the inner harbor. Watercolor elevation shows the windowed modernist building with sea wall and steps leading down to the water as it is visible from the inner harbor.
circa 1935-1936
Monument to the Irish Free Statethesis
Charcoal sketch problem [Senior esquisse-esquisse] for a proposed monument to Irish independence with two sheets.
Durham 26a
Drawing 1:Monument to the Irish Free State
1 sketch problem : charcoal on paper ; 40 5/8 in x 29 1/4 in
Charcoal rendering/elevation shows a partially-enclosed outdoor court with fountain and monumental seated sculptural figure with inscription on seat. Walkways lead up the terraced site on either side of the installation. The image of a mounted warrior is shown on a cliff behind the site.
circa 1935-1936
Durham 26b
Drawing 2
1 sketch problem : charcoal on paper ; 40 5/8 in x 14 in
Site plan for the monument shows a broad walkway on a terraced site with flag court, oak grove, court of honor, reflection pool, and state museum.
circa 1935-1936
Durham 27
National film research center and archive
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 in x 59 1/4 in
Design drawing includes plan, watercolor rendering/elevation, and longitudinal section of the site show a complex of modernist buildings with windowed entrances and circular driveway leading to the main building with inscribed text on either side of the entrance and a large auditorium attached to the side. Plan shows an interior courtyard lined with several small theatres and three larger auditoriums shown with approximate seating counts. Walkways extending from back of building lead to film labs, administrative offices, and archive vaults.
circa 1935-1936
New capitol in Rome: monument to Fascismo
Durham 28a
Drawing 1
1 design drawing : charcoal on paper ; 40 1/2 in x 62 in
Rendering of a plaza with athlete's stadium, sundial monument, tower, and three government buildings surrounded with maze-like streets with similarly styled buildings and basilica.
circa 1935-1936
Durham 28b
Drawing 2:Foro del Fascismo
1 design drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 in x 60 1/4
Site plan indicating a group of three government buildings (palace, senate, court) and monument. Watercolor elevation and plans of the palace. Section drawings of the monument and two buildings. Two attached black and white photographs show a clay model of the site.
circa 1935-1936
YMCA building
Assignment title: YMCA and office building in a southern U.S. city.
Multi-story building with stepped middle section and residential tower. Chapel attached the building's back.
Durham 29a
Drawing 1
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 28 1/4 in x 38 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of the building's side with multiple floor plans.
circa 1935-1936
Durham 29b
Drawing 2
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 3/4 in x 61 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a building with multi-story tower with vertical channels of windows and a recessed center section. Multiple plans include a ground floor plan showing recreation areas, auditorium, chapel, dining areas, and pool; basement plan with cafeterian; second floor plan showing gymnasium, mezzanine, squash/handball courts; third floor living quarters and track. Cross-section through tower shows recreation areas.
circa 1935-1936
Architectural ornamentation class
Durham 30
A Cosmotti Bishop's Throne
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 28 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Watercolor drawing shows sculpted lion with padded cushion and throne with rounded back and mosaic.
circa 1932-1936
Graeco-Roman table end
Architectural ornamentation class project with two sheets.
Durham 31a
Drawing 1
1 ornament class project : charcoal on paper ; 24 in x 30 7/8 in
Two views of a winged horse in blue, one with shade and shadow added.
circa 1933-1935
Durham 31b
Drawing 2:Graeco-Roman table end
1 ornament class project : charcoal with white pastel on paper ; 19 in x 25 in
Two views of a winged horse in gray, one with shade and shadow added. Drawing is more detailed than similar drawing by Robert Durham.
circa 1933-1935
Sketch problems
Durham 32
An Architect's Workshop
1 sketch problem drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 13 3/8 in x 19 3/8 in
Watercolor sketch problem includes a plan and multiple elevations. Plan is centered to drawing and shows the layout of the room with interior furnishings that include the workbench, drafting table, composition area, bookcase, blueprint case, and fireplace. Plan is surrounded by four interior elevations of the rectangular room looking North, South, East, and West.
circa 1932-1936
Durham 33
Bridge at Washington-Oregon border
1 sketch problem drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 21 5/8 in x 16 1/2 in
Sketch problem shows a watercolor site plan for a bridge park at the border between Washington and Oregon. Landscaped grounds on each side are marked "Cascade" and "Longview" and show public areas with stadium, band course, exedra, historical museum, and fountain court promenades. Shading on the water indicates the shadow of the bridge's arch.
circa 1932-1936
Durham 34
Church sanctuary
1 sketch problem drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 14 in x 20 1/2 in
Watercolor sketch problem with interior perspective of a church sanctuary and front elevation of a church. Perspective shows the sanctuary and altar: a rectangular room with exposed ceiling beams painted in contrasting colors with elongated windows along both sides. Elevation of exterior is illustrated along the bottom of drawing and shows a smooth-faced building with rose window and arched doorway under a modernist eave with offset belltower attached to an adjacent building via covered walkway.
circa 1932-1936
Double-sided: Baptismal font / Entrance to a cemetery
Durham 35a
Baptismal font
1 sketch problem drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 20 1/2 in x 13 7/8 in
This is a 2-sided drawing, with a separate sketch problem ("Entrance to a cemetery") on the reverse side.Watercolor plan and two section drawings show a domed octagonal structure with religious font in center. The section drawings reveal interior elevations of the space with round stained glass windows, ornamented screen, and a wall niche with cross. Images of cemetery are visible on lower walls.
circa 1932-1936
Durham 35b
Entrance to a cemetery
1 sketch problem drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 13 7/8 in x 20 1/2 in
This is a 2-sided drawing, with a separate sketch problem ("Baptismal font") on the reverse side.Watercolor rendering in shades of blue and white of the entrance to a cemetery. A large gate for automobiles with ornamental design is flanked by two columns with sculptural cross and smaller gates, possibly intended for pedestrian use.
circa 1932-1936
Double-sided: Classical stairway and fountain / Indian cemetery at Cononelly
Durham 36a
Classical stairway and fountain
1 sketch problem drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 15 3/8 in x 19 1/2 in
This is a 2-sided drawing, with a separate sketch problem (Indian Cemetary, Coconelly) on the reverse side.Watercolor rendering in blue, green, and yellow tones, of a hilly setting with lake and headstones in the foreground. This is believed to have been painted at Conconully in Eastern Washington; it is unknown whether this painting is a student work.
circa 1932-1936
Durham 36b
Indian Cemetary, Coconelly
1 sketch problem drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 15 3/8 in x 19 1/2 in
This is a 2-sided drawing, with a separate sketch problem ("Classical stairway and fountain") on the reverse side.Watercolor rendering in blue, green, and yellow tones, of a hilly waterfront setting with headstones in the foreground. This is believed to have been painted at Conconully in Okanogan County in Eastern Washington. It is unknown whether this painting is a student work.
circa 1932-1936
Durham 37
1 sketch problem drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 15 in x 22 in
Watercolor rendering of an observatory building shows a circular building with inward sloping walls separated by buttressing and capped with a dome. Section drawing and plan in upper corners show the placement of large telescope under dome and the adjacent part of building housing adjacent chart room, lavatory, study, and entrance vestibule.
circa 1932-1936
Romanesque church
Watercolor sketch problem undertaken at an unknown level provides two drawings of a Romanesque church with slightly differing details.
Durham 38a
Drawing 1
1 sketch problem drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 17 1/8 in x 23 in
Watercolor sketch problem shows an elevation of a Romanesque church with a plan and section drawing. Elevation of facade shows the stone building with Romanesque arch and relief tympanum, offset belltower, terracotta tile roof, and a view of the adjacent courtyard wall. Plan of church is labeled to show vestry and sacistry. Section drawing provides a view of the interior space with minimal detail or ornamentation added. Pencil sketch of plan on verso.
circa 1932-1936
Durham 38b
Drawing 2
1 sketch problem drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 16 1/2 in x 18 1/4 in
Watercolor sketch problem shows an elevation of a Romanesque church with a plan and section drawing. Elevation of facade shows the stone building with Romanesque arch and relief tympanum, offset belltower, terracotta tile roof, and a view of the adjacent courtyard wall. Unlabeled plan of church. Section drawing reveals interior windows, pews, organ, ceiling beams, and the decorated altar space.
circa 1932-1936
Durham 39
Stairway and vestibule in a court house
1 sketch problem drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 17 1/8 in x 21 7/8
Transverse and longitudinal section drawings through a two-story Classical building reveal elevations of the interior. The transverse elevation provides a view of the staircase and vestibule with a justice-themed mural against the back wall. Longitudinal section drawing shows the profile of the staircase and colonnade along upper and lower floors. Railing endposts, column capitals, and ceiling mouldings have been circled in red by instructor.
circa 1932-1936
Durham 40
Stone chimney
1 sketch problem drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 20 3/4 in x 12 3/4
Watercolor rendering of a shingled roof with weathervane, stone chimney, and partial view of a dormer window.
circa 1932-1936
Durham 41
Townhouse residence
1 sketch problem drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 16 1/2 in x 12 7/8 in
Street-view perspective of a four-story townhome residence with Classical details. Symmetrical stone building has an arched doorway, pediment windows, and second floor balustrade balconette. Section drawing in graphite along side shows projection of relief mouldings, balconette, entrance porch, and the varying interior heights of the different floors.
circa 1932-1936
Durham 42
Warming shelter for winter sports
1 sketch problem drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 15 1/2 in x 21 5/8 in
Watercolor rendering of a stone building with sloped roof rendered in a snowy mountain setting with skiiers. Plan in lower right corner shows an entry vestibule and large waiting room surrounded by smaller rooms housing lockers for men and women, two bedrooms, a small kitchen, storage area, and office; semi-circular observation area is projected from side of building on the downward slope of site.
circa 1932-1936
Unknown dates
Durham 43
Architecture IV: Perspective, Shades & Shadows
1 folio (16 drawings) : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 19 in x 24 in
Portfolio with sixteen pages of drawings completed for the Architecture IV class, typically undertaken during the Senior and 5th year of study. Drawings include a cover sheet with perspective of a residential entrance, exercises in single-point and multiple-point perspective, perspective shading, and perspective of a residence. Folio was previously bound at side; page numbers indicating the original order have been added to the back of each sheet.
circa 1934-1936
William D. Duthie
Duthie, William D. (Artist)
William D. Duthie received his B.S. in Mathematics and a Certificate in Naval Science from the University of Washington in 1935.
Freshman year, 1931-1932
Duthie 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 13 3/4 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
November 9, 1931
Duthie 2
End pavilion of a public building
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash on paper ; 26 3/4 in x 19 3/4 in
Freshman analytique provides a monochromatic rendering/elevation of the end pavilion of a building with Mansard roof and an elevated porch, partially enclosed by Corinthian columns and balustrade, above a fountain. Detail drawings of column base, shaft, and Corinthian capital; fountain; and mouldings. Plan and lightly penciled section drawing show the porch.
circa Spring 1932
Marshall Dutton
Dutton, Marshall (Artist)
Orison Marshall Dutton received his B.A. in English from the University of Washington in 1932.
Freshman year, 1928-1929
Dutton 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 14 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture. Inscribed on front of drawing: Arch 4-A.
circa 1928-1929
Erving Easton
Easton, Erving E. (Artist)
Freshman year, 1938-1939
Easton 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 20 in x 14 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
circa 1938-1939
Victorio Edades
Edades, Victorio C., 1895-1985 (Artist)
Philippine artist Victorio Cecilia Edades received his B.F.A. from the University of Washington in 1925 and his M.F.A. in Painting. Following graduation, Edades returned to the Philippines where he helped to organize the Department of Architecture at the University of Sto. Thomas (UST) in 1930, and later served as its acting head. In 1935, Edades was appointed Director of the UST College of Architecture and Fine Arts. With colleagues Diosdado Lorenzo and Galo Ocamp, Edades opened the Atelier of Modern Art at the M. H. del Pilar in Manila, 1938, and, together with Juan Nakpil, the School of Design in 1940. He spearheaded the formation of the group of Philppine painters known as the Thirteen Moderns. In 1980, Edades became the first Director of the Learning Center of the Arts (now the Ford Academy of the Arts) in Mindanao.Edades received the Pro Patria gold medal in 1961. Edades received the National Artist Award in Painting, 1976. His contributions to UST were recognized in 1977, when Edades received an honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts.
Sophomore year, 1920-1921
Edades 1
An Entrance Thru a Colonnade
Assignment title: Entrance through colonnade.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 1/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Class B analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Rendering/elevation of a arched entrance in a colonnade with detail drawings of column capital, decorative urns, and balustrade. Plan and partial section drawing.
April 9, 1921
Eugene Edstam
Edstam, Eugene (Artist)
Student name as written: Gene Edstam; Edstam.
Eugene Ernest Edstam received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1948.
Sophomore year, 1945-1946
Edstam 1
Suggested assignment title: Hermitage.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 30 3/4 in
Sophomore design.Watercolor rendering and elevation of a walled church complex on a hilltop setting. Plan shows a square chapel with an attached building with living areas and rooms for housing pilgrims and attendants. Section drawing shows shows two levels of the complex on the sloped site, with the church on the upper level and the refectory and housing areas on the lower level.
circa 1945-1946
Architectural ornamentation class
Edstam 2
Mosaic window
Assignment title: Mosaic window with Gothic grisaille work.
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 31 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Drawing shows a round stained glass window with image of a saint and two dogs surrounded by acanthus leaves. Detail drawings of ornamented cross, chalice, jamb statue, colonnade capital, and ornamental motif.
circa 1945-1946
Arthur Edwards
Edwards, Arthur E. (Artist)
Arthur Emlyn Edwards, Jr. received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1940. Following graduation, he worked for Lytel & Shorett, Seattle, 1940-1942 and 1944-1948; W. Henry Fey, Seattle, 1948-1951; then with John Graham, c.1953 to an unknown date, where he participated in the design of several buildings for the 1962 World's Fair in Seattle.
5th year, 1939-1940
Edwards A 1
An American Embassy in Stockholm, Sweden
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 1/2 in x 60 1/4 in
Site plan of an embassy complex with buildings arranged a series of square courtyards. Buildings house administrative offices, chancellor, ambassador, library, exhibition area, dining room, kitchen, state hall, orangerie, study, drawing room, and garage. Additional plan shows the second floor of the embassy with ambassador's residence. Section drawing through main building.
circa 1939-1940
Donald Edwards
Edwards, Donald (Artist)
Student name as written: Don Edwards.
Donald Edwards received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1939.
Junior year, 1937-1938
Edwards D 1
Customs house and immigration station
Assignment title: Customs house and immigration station at the United States/Canada border.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Design drawing includes a rendering/elevation of a single-story modernist building with attached covering for traffic lane and plan showing traffic lanes and the customs and immigrations station and buildings.
Ward Ellis
Ellis, Ward (Artist)
Student name as written: W. Ellis.
Ward H. Ellis formed an independent architectural practice in Seattle c.1932. He later worked as an architect with the United States Forest Service.
Senior year, 1928-1929
Ellis 1
A Fine Arts Group
1 design/thesis drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 27 in x 45 1/2 in
Senior design/thesis. Watercolor rendering/elevation and section drawing of a group of buildings arranged symmetrically around a main building with belltower. The group of buildings has similar architecture with gabled roof and large dormer windows projected along side. Longitudinal section drawing shows interior of main building.
circa Spring 1929
George Engebretson
Engebretson, George H. (Artist)
Student name as written: Geo. H. Engebretson; Geo. Engebretson.
George H. Engebretson received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1948.
Sophomore year, 1945-1946
Engebretson 1
Real estate sales office
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 29 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore design. Note that drawing is stamped "Autumn Quarter 1948", however, this stamp is believed to have been applied in error after the completion of the drawing.Watercolor perspective drawing of a modernist building with wood exterior walls, flat roof, and offset heightened section with windowed walls. Plot plan shows the location of the office with parking areas. Plan shows the real estate office with sales office, architect's office, and drafting room. Exterior elevation shows the front of building. Section drawing through the drafting room.
circa Autumn 1945
Junior year, 1946-1947
Engebretson 2
A Casino...
Assignment title: Casino and dance hall on waterfront.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Perspective drawing of a circular building extended over the water with attached entrance foyer and elevated walkway over parking lot. Plan shows areas for gaming, dancing, and dining. Section drawings reveal the structure of the building over land and water.
circa 1946-1947
Engebretson 3
Fire station
Assignment title: Fire station for city of 10,000 in Washington.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite, colored pencil, and ink ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Color perspective drawing of a modernist fire station building with garage bays for fire trucks and practice tower. Exterior elevations of the building's front and rear. Plans show the garage area and lounge areas on the ground floor, second floor dormitory and administrative areas, and basement storage. Section drawing reveals the fireman's pole.
circa 1946-1947
5th year, 1947-1948
Engebretson 4
A Public Library
Assignment title: Public library for large west coast city.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 in x 58 1/2 in
5 document pages : typed ink on bond
5th year design with written assignment.Design includes an exterior elevation, small perspective drawing, plans, and section drawing of a public library in the modernist style. Ground floor plan and upper half-level plan show the library's stacks, children's area, story room, and reading room connected to the administrative areas via stacks and reference area. Administrative area includes offices for cataloging, bindery, shipping and receiving, and lounge areas. A rear courtyard connects the art and music library to main library building. A concept map shows the different areas of the library as circles connected with lines.
circa 1947-1948
G. A. Engstrom
Engstrom, Gustav A. (Gustav Adolph) (Artist)
Student name as written: G. A. Engstrom.
Gustav Adolph Engstrom received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1930.
Freshman year, 1926-1927
Engstrom 1
Horse-head sculpture
1 freehand drawing : charcoal on paper ; 19 in x 25 in
Freshman freehand drawing exercise of a horse-head sculpture.
circa 1926-1927
Engstrom 2
The Wrestlerssculpture
1 freehand drawing : charcoal on paper ; 19 in x 25 in
Freshman freehand drawing exercise ofThe Wrestlerssculpture.
circa 1926-1927
Mary Erckenbrack
Erckenbrack, Mary, 1910-1992 (Artist)
Alternate name: Marguerite Deny Erckenbrack.Alternate name: Mary Erckenbrack Hennessy.
Mary Elizabeth Erckenbrack received her B.A. in Fine Arts from the University of Washington in 1935, specializing in painting, architectural ornament, and anatomical drawing. While at the University of Washington, Erckenbrack met and was briefly married to architecture student A. E. Hennessy. After graduating, Erckenbrack studied in Brazil and Argentina, 1938-1939, before moving to San Francisco, where she became active in the North Beach art scene as a ceramic artist. Erckenbrack has been exhibited at the Golden Gate International Exposition, 1939-1940; the San Francisco Art Association, 1941; and the Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington, 1947. Awards include 1st prize in Oil Painting from the College Arts Association, 1934; 1st prize in Sculpture from the Annual Exhibition of Northwest Artists, Seattle Art Museum, 1937; and a study grant from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon, Portugal, 1964.Erckenbrack received several commissions from architects and landscape architects for her ceramic and sculptural works, which were often integrated with architectural design of the building. Her work includes ceramic plaques in the Bagley Hall Library, University of Washington; Ceramic Foo Dogsfor the Ping Yuen Housing Project in San Francisco;Fountainat the Shriner's Hospital in San Francisco;Carved and glazed muralat the Hamilton Recreation Center in San Francisco;Prehistoric animalsfor the Raynor Park Children's Playground in San Jose, California; andStations of the crossfor the Hanna Boys Center in Sonoma County, California.
Architectural ornamentation class
Erckenbrack 1
Stained Glass Window
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper with matting ; 17 3/4 in x 22 1/2 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Round stained glass window with centered circular design of a female face encircled by a vine with acanthus leaves and outer bands in contrasting colors.
circa 1929-1931
Ruth Erickson
Erickson, Ruth (Artist)
Ruth Erickson received her B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1936.
Freshman year, 1933-1934
Erickson 1
Spring fountain and pavilion in park
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 27 in x 18 3/4 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a park with Asian-style pavilion atop a stone base with wall fountain.
circa 1933-1934
Wilbert L. Erikson
Erikson, Wilbert L. (Artist)
Student name as written: W. L. Erikson.
Sophomore year, 1930-1931
Erikson 1
A Waterfall and Fountain
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and white on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Fourth sophomore analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating that the design was judged in the national competition.Charcoal rendering/elevation of a multi-level waterfall fountain set into a rock face. Detail drawings of fountain sculptures, carved wave pattern, and spitting heads surround the rendering.
February 28, 1931
Lawrence G. Evanoff
Evanoff, Lawrence G. (Artist)
Student name as written: L. G. Evanoff.
Lawrence G. Evanoff received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1948.
Freshman year, 1937-1938
Evanoff 1
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash on paper ; 21 in x 15 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering of an elongated window with pediment and balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of lidded vase, balcony balustrade, and other decorative elements and penciled plan and section drawing.
circa Autumn 1937
Evanoff 2
Entrance portico
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 28 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a doorway with grille housed in an entrance portico with pediment on a neoclassical building. Detail drawings of Corinthian column capital and base, entablature, and pediment. Penciled section drawing and plan.
May 1938
Evanoff 3
Fountain Brescia
1 historical drawing : graphite and ink on paper ; 27 3/4 in x 20 in
Freshman historical drawing exercise shows a niche with sculptural fountain framed with columns, entablature, and arched pediment.
circa Winter 1938
Evanoff 4
Memorial with columns
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 14 3/4 in x 21 3/4 in
Freshman analytique.Monchromatic rendering/elevation with penciled plan and section drawing of an inscribed memorial tablet framed by two engaged columns and entablature.
February 1938
Evanoff 5
Wall, fountain, and stair in park
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 20 3/4 in x 28 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation and partial plan of a sculptural fountain in front of a wall with semi-circular stairway and balustrade railing.
May 25, 1938
Sophomore year, 1938-1939
Evanoff 6
End of an art museum
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of the exterior of a smooth-faced building with and large relief sculpture on the upper stories and three panels of architectural lattice on lower floors separated by unadorned round columns. Detail drawing of lattice, column, and sculpture of ram. Penciled plan and section drawing.
circa 1938-1939
Evanoff 7
Youth Hostel
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 30 3/4 in
Sophomore design.Design drawing includes watercolor renderings/elevations of the facade and side elevation of a stone building with upper level wooden siding in a mountain setting; multiple plans showing the first and second floor dormitories, living areas, stables, and living areas;section drawing.
Junior year, 1939-1940
Evanoff 8
Church and rectory
Assignment title: Episcopal/Catholic church and rectory.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Rendering/elevation of a modernist church with elongated panel of a religious figure over entrance doorway and perpendicular attached wing. Plan shows the layout of the site including the main worship area and a group of buildings housing the administrative, education, and social areas. Section drawing through the church shows entrance vestibule, stained glass windows, and altar. Exterior side elevation/section of church.
March 11, 1940
Evanoff 9
Vocational school
Assigment title: Endowed school for vocational trades.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 40 in
Junior design.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a multi-story building in the modernist style and plot plan showing the building's setting on a triangular site. Plot plan and second floor plan show vocational classrooms, administrative areas, library, and public spaces for students.
circa Autumn 1939
David Fey
Fey, David (Artist)
Student name as written: D. Fey; Fey.
David Fey received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1948.
Freshman year, 1943-1944
Fey 1
End pavilion of a public building
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 26 in x 22 in
Freshman analytique drawing provides a rendering/elevation of a building pavilion facing a courtyard with three elongated windows separated by engaged columns over the entrance with three arched doorways. Detail drawings of column capital, chevron ornamentation, and decorative grille. Penciled section drawing and plan.
circa Spring 1944
Fey 2
Outdoor pavilion
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 20 in x 26 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of an outdoor pavilion, rendered in a mountain setting, with square pillars supporting a simple entablature with cornice and metal roof. Partial plan of the octagonal building and partial section drawing drawn in pencil.
circa 1943-1944
Sophomore year, 1944-1945
Fey 3
Centennial bridge
Assignment title: Bridge on U.S. - Canada border: 100 years.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a stone bridge over water with inscribed memorial pillars on either end. Detail drawing of relief at top of pillar.
Fey 4
Office and dog kennel
Assignment title: Office and kennel for dog breeder.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on... ; 30 3/4 in x 41 1/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation and plan of a single story dog kennel shows a main building windowed wall and offset tower attached to a smaller building housing kennel runs and shelters. Perspective drawing shows the building facade. Section drawing through main building shows the windowed showroom.
circa Spring 1945
James FitzGerald
FitzGerald, James, 1910-1973 (Artist)
Student name as written: J. H. Fitzgerald.
James FitzGerald received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1935. FitzGerald began his career as a painter, working on WPA-funded murals in Colorado during the 1930. He received a Carnegie Graduate Fellowship to study architecture at Yale University in 1938-1939, before returning to the Northwest to execute his first public comission, a bas relief on the Mercer Island Floating Bridge tunnel entry to Seattle, titled Portal of the North Pacific, 1939 (Lloyd Lovegren, architect).Notable commissions include bronze fountains at the IBM Building in Seattle, 1962 (Minoru Yamasaki, architect); Seattle Public Library, 1960 (Bindon & Wright, architects); Fountain of the Northwest at Intiman Theatre, 1962 (Kirk, Wallace, McKinley AIA and Associates, architects); the Pinkham Fountain at Plymouth Congregational Church, 1967 (Naramore, Bain, Brady & Johanson, architects); and at Waterfront Park in Seattle, 1974, with his wife Margaret Tomkins (Bumgardner Partnership, architects).Outside Seattle, FitzGerald completed commissions for the Washington State University in Spokane; Western Washington State University in Bellingham; and at the State House Library in Olympia. National commissions include sculptures at the US Federal Building in Ogden, Utah; and at Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. FitzGerald held one person exhibitions at the Seattle Art Museum, San Francisco Art Museum, and the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. Group exhibitions include the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Art Institute of Chicago, Denver Art Museum, Seattle Art Museum, the San Francisco Art Museum, the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art, the Brooklyn Museum, and many others. FitzGerald is credited by some as being part of the Northwest School.
Freshman year, 1930-1931
FitzGerald 1
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash with graphite on paper ; 22 1/4 in x 16 1/4 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering of an elongated window with pediment and balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of cornice, balcony balustrade, and other decorative elements. Penciled plan and section drawing.
circa Autumn 1930
Junior year, 1932-1933
FitzGerald 2
Exhibition room for European Jewellers - Chicago Exposition - 1933
Title as written by student: Exhibition room for Eurorean Jewellers - Chicago Exposition - 1933. [sic]
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with matting ; 22 in x 27 1/2 in
Junior sketch problem provides a plan with two interior elevations of a jewelry showroom. Plan and side elvation shows multiple jewelry cases interrupted by sculptural niches, while the end elevation of the doorway shows lighting fixtures and decorative mural over doorway.
Senior year, 1933-1934
FitzGerald 3
Transportation terminal
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with matting ; 28 1/4 in x 22 1/4 in
Senior sketch problem.Watercolor rendering of a transportation terminal with doorways for ground transportation under an arched dome with mural painted along the back wall showing sea transport.
circa 1933-1934
Architectural ornamentation class
FitzGerald 4
Jean de Latran
Assignment title: Bishop's chair and staff.
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 41 1/2 in x 34 in
Architectural ornamentation class project. Drawing is inscribed with the name of student and instructor: Fitzgerald & Lionel Pries.Watercolor drawing shows a jeweled chalice, jeweled reliquary, hanging candle holder, embroidered cloth, and stone throne with rounded back decorated with inscription and mosaic emblem.
circa 1932-1933
Jack Follett
Follett, Jack L., 1916-1972 (Artist)
Jack Leon Follett received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1939. Following graduation, he worked for R. V. Weatherby in Longview, 1939; B. Dudley Stuart, Seattle, 1940; Lytel & Shorett, Seattle, 1940-1941; Siems-Drake Puget Sound, 1941-1942. He eventually joined with John Graham & Company, Seattle and New York, and its parent company Michael Baker, Jr., Inc., New York. He served as president of the John Graham & Company and as director of the Baker corporation in New York. He participated in the design of the Meridien and Enfield shopping center, Connecticut; and the Lincoln Rochester Trust Company building (Chase Tower) in Rochester, New York, c.1973
Senior year, 1937-1938
Follett 1
Student union building
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 59 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Design drawing provides a watercolor rendering/elevation the smooth-faced facade of a rectangular building with offset entrance and terrace and embellishment along the top; multiple plans; and a longitudinal section drawing through the building that reveals a courtyard-facing wall with colonnade walkway. Multiple plans show the ground floor library stacks, service areas, and auditorium; upper level plan shows library and professors' offices.
circa 1937-1938
C. G. Forssen
Forssen, C. G. (Carl Gustav) (Artist)
Carl Gustav Forssen received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1934. Following graduation, he worked for Smith, Carroll & Johanson; Naramore, Bain, Brady & Johanson; John Graham & Company; and as construction administrator for Richardson & Associates. Forssen's most notable works include the design and construction of University Hospital, Southcenter Shopping Center, and the Seattle-Tacoma Airport expansion.
Sophomore year, 1930-1931
Forssen CG 1
Entrance to a Science Building
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Second sophomore analytique. Stamped with the Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Rendering/elevation of a windowless, smooth faced stone building with elongated stone relief panel over the doorway and semi-circular entranceways on either side of the front porch. Detail drawings of stone columns, statues, lettering, and partial detail of the relief. Partial plan shows porch and entrance; section drawing.
November 26, 1930
Forssen CG 2
A Hermitage
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with matting ; 19 3/4 in x 30 in
Sophomore sketch problem [esquisse-esquisse].Colorful watercolor rendering/perspective of a stone residence with gable roof, chimney, and wooden trim on a waterfront site with penciled plan indicating the living areas.
circa 1930-1931
Forssen CG 3
A Wall Pulpit
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with matting ; 27 1/2 in x 20 in
Sophomore sketch problem.Watercolor rendering of an outdoor pulpit with richly ornamented exterior, attached lectern, and awning on the upper level of a building. Plan and section drawing show the projection of the pulpit from the building.
circa 1930-1931
Senior year, 1933-1934
Forssen CG 4
Aquatic performance facility
1 sketch problem : graphite and pastel on paper with matting ; 22 in x 28 in
Senior sketch problem [esquisse-esquisse].Rendering of an aquatic performance facility on a hill overlooking a lake with boating activities.
circa 1933-1934
Forssen CG 5
A Small County Courthouse
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 1/4 in x 35 in
Design drawing includes a watercolor rendering/elevation, multiple plans, and a section drawing. Elevation shows a building with flat roof and a heightened and projected center section with relief, horizontal bands of inscription, and entrances at either end. Multiple plans include a ground floor plan with courthouse lobby, reception hall, gymnasium, auditorium, smoking lounge, memorial club, and stage; second and third floor plans of areas housed in the heightened center section with courtoom, attorney's offices, vault and administrative offices. Longitudinal section drawing reveals the upper levels, sloped floor, and second story of the auditorium.
November 4, 1933
Lewis Forssen
Forssen, C. Lewis (Carl Lewis) (Artist)
Student name as written: C. Lewis Forssen.
Sophomore year, 1930-1931
Forssen CL 1
Waterfall and Fountain
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Fourth sophomore analytique. Stamped, indicating that the design was judged in a competition and awarded a "Mention."Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a multi-level waterfall fountain set into a rock face that overflows into a basin below. Detail drawings of centaur fountain sculpture, carved pattern, and relief surround the rendering. Plan and section drawing.
February 28, 1931
H. B. Foss
Foss, Harold Byron (Artist)
Student name as written: H. B. Foss; Hal Foss.
Harold Byron Foss received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1935. Foss opened his own indepenent architectural practice, H. B. Foss Company, Juneau, 1935-1945. He added a partner in 1945, becoming Foss & Malcolm, Architects, 1945-1949. In 1949, he partnered with Bjarne Olsen, also an alumni of the Department of Architecture, as Foss & Olsen, 1949-1956; later partnering with Edward Sands, also an alumni, as Foss, Olsen & Sands, 1956-1958. Foss left the firm in 1958 to open his own practice in Palo Alto, California.
Freshman year, 1930-1931
Foss 1
An Outdoor Theatre
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 25 3/4 in x 18 1/2 in
Freshman analytique.Watercolor rendering/elevation with plan and section drawing of a classical style outdoor theatre with an Ionic colonnade along the back of an elevated stage. Plan shows ascending, semi-circular rows of seating.
circa 1930-1931
Junior year, 1932-1933
Foss 2
An Architect's Residence and Studio
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 33 1/2 in x 40 in
Junior projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a residence with terracotta roof, partially enclosed courtyard, shutter windows along upper level, and a side courtyard with obelisk. Plan shows layout of the building with living areas and work areas on the ground level including a service court and draughting room flanking the main court. Section drawing through the building shows the business office, gallery with groin vault ceilings, kitchen, and upper story living areas.
November 17, 1932
Foss 3
An Athletic Building for a Boys' School
1 design drawing : watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 3/4 in x 31 in
Junior projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a brick recreation building in the modernist style. Plans show the ground floor recreation and locker areas and the mezzanine level with trophy hall. Section drawing through the building shows the trophy hall, play courts and pool.
circa Autumn 1933
David A. Foster
Foster, David A. (Artist)
Sophomore year, circa 1926-1927
Foster 1
A Memorial Shaft
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 37 1/2 in x 28 in
Class B I analytique. Stamped with the Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating that the design was judged in the national competition.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a memorial shaft with eagle on an engraved plinth and stepped base. Detail drawings of column shaft, engraved lettering, and eagle. Penciled plan.
circa 1926-1927
John Frey
Frey, John (Artist)
Student name as written: Frey.
Junior year
Frey 1
A Steamship Ticket Office
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 31 in x 40 in
Watercolor design drawing has a rendering/elevation of the building's facade, plan, and multiple section drawings. Building's facade has a semi-circular front portico with relief panels against sides and a flat roof over a windowed wall with entrance doors. Unmarked plan shows the public and administrative areas with tile pattern in main lobby. Section drawings provide a longitudinal section of the building and a view of the world map mural on a curved wall above ticketing areas.
Seth M. Fulcher
Fulcher, Seth M. (Seth McCallen) (Artist)
Seth McCallen Fulcher received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1941. He served with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1941-1946, before opening his own practice as Seth Fulcher, Architect. Fulcher received an Honor from the AIA Seattle chapter for his design of the P. Bradley Edes residence in Bellevue, 1955. He was also known in the Seattle region for his watercolor paintings.
Freshman year, 1935-1936
Fulcher 1
La Fontaine du Triton
1 historical drawing : ink on paper ; 20 in x 27 1/4 in
Pen and ink freshman historical drawing exercise shows an elevation of a fountain with a merman drinking from a large conch shell atop a seashell-shaped basin pedestal supported by sculptural fish. Plans of the seashell and fountain basins.
circa Winter 1936
Senior year, 1939-1940
Fulcher 2
Vocational school
Assignment title: Endowed school for vocational trades.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Senior design.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a single-story modernist building with flat roof, horizontal panels of windows, and offset entrance portico with windowed doors. Plan shows vocational classrooms, administrative areas, library, and public spaces for students. Section drawing reveals the outdoor courtyard with fountain.
5th year, 1940-1941
Fulcher 3
Permanent facilities for summer music camp
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 1/2 in
Fifth year design.Watercolor rendering/elevations with section drawings of multiple buildings in the modernist style with wood and stone exteriors and upwards angled roofs that include the concert hall, mess hall, and typical cabins. Section drawings reveal the interior of the concert hall and the outdoor concert area. Elevation of mess hall and lounge shows the windowed walls of the entrance portico and semi-circular dining room.
circa 1940-1941
Robert Fuller
Fuller, Robert H. (Artist)
Freshman year, 1926-1927
Fuller 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 13 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters S, C, D, Z, H, N.
circa 1926-1927
Fuller 2
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 18 in x 14 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letter V.
circa 1926-1927
Container(s) Description Dates
Alexander Galitzen
Galitzen, Alexander (Artist)
Student name as written: A. Galitzin.
Alexander Galitzen received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1931. He was awarded the Charles H. Bebb Prize and the Gladding Mc-Bean Terra Cotta Prize during the 1929-1930 year.
Senior year, 1930-1931
Galitzen 1
A Bus Terminal - Hotel
Title as written by student: A Buss Terminal - Hotel. [sic]
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing and matting ; 30 1/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Entered in the 1930 Bebb Prize design competition and awarded "3rd Prize, 1st Mention Placed."An art deco styled u-shaped building with multiple stories wraps around an integrated bus terminal. Elevation drawing shows windows in the upper levels of the building framed with vertical rows of decorative chevrons from the top of the building to the glass-enclosed bus terminal on the ground floor. Perspective drawing shows the building and the terminal's glass tunnel from the street; multiple plans show different levels of the building and the site for the hotel.
circa Autumn 1930
Galitzen 2
A Frontier Air Station
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing and matting ; 29 1/2 in x 39 1/2 in
Class B IV project. Watercolor rendering/elevation of facade featuring central glass tower with ornamental clock and metalwork design flanked by two smaller wings on either side serving as depature and arrival gates. Plan shows the u-shaped walkway through the air station with the central section in glass used as a observation and waiting room. Section drawing through center section; small perspective drawing.
circa 1929-1930
Edwin R. Gamon
Gamon, Edwin R. (Edwin Riley) (Artist)
Student name as written: E. R. Gamon.
Edwin Riley Gamon, Jr. received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1957. After receiving his Washington architecture license in 1962, he worked as a staff architect for the H. W. Blackstock Lumber Company before opening his own practice in Seattle as Edwin Gamon, Architect, in 1967.
Sophomore year, 1954-1955
Gamon 1
Entrance to a botanical garden
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 29 3/4 in
Grade II analytique.Site plan of a garden with walkways, roads, and terraces adjoined by stairs and maze-like gardens.
Autumn 1954
Arnold Gangnes
Gangnes, Arnold G. (Arnold Gordon), 1918-2003 (Artist)
Student name as written: Arnie Gangnes; Arn. Gangnes.
Arnold Gangnes received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1942. Following graduation, he served in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers during World War II, rising to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. After the War had ended, he pursued graduate studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he received his M.Arch in 1946.He returned to the Pacific Northwest and worked briefly for Naramore, Bain, Brady & Johanson, 1947, before opening his own office, Arnold G. Gangnes and Associates, 1948-1960s. The firm initially specialized in residential design, and the firm's works include the Michael Klapashh House in Weed, California, 1948, which received the National AIA Honor Award in 1954. In the late 1950s, the firm began to shift its focus from residential design to non-residential and institutional projects, including the Cherry Street Clinic, 1958; the Seattle Times Building expansion, 1967; and the Pacific Maritime Association Building in Seattle, 1959. As his career progressed, he devoted himself to specialized design for the handicapped as an architect, author, lecurer, and consultant. This led to his development of the master campus plan for Western State Hospital in Steilacoom, c.1960; the Childhood Development and Mental Retardation Center at the University of Washington, 1967-1969; and three residential houses on the Fircrest Hospital [now Fircrest Residential Habilitation Center] campus in Shoreline, 1969.Gangnes served on the Seattle Planning Commission, 1946-1950; Treasure, AIA Seattle Chapter, 1953-1954; and on the Board of Directors, AIA, 1956-1959. He also had significiant involvement with the Association for Retarded Children, serving on the State Board of Directors, 1952-1955; as well as Chair of the Architectural Planning Committee, 1954-1969. In the 1970s, Gerald Ford appointed Gangnes to serve on the U.S. President's Committee on Mental Retardation.
Senior year, 1939-1940
Gangnes 1
Community center
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Senior design.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a community center complex in the modernist style with two buildings connected via covered walkway. Plot plan shows the placement of buildings on the site with playgrounds, parking, and outdoor recreation areas. Plans of the entrance floor and basement reveal an auditorium, bowling alleys, recreation and gathering areas.
June 1, 1940
5th year, 1941-1942
Orthodox Jewish synagogue and community center
5th year design project with two sheets.
Gangnes 2a
Drawing 1An Orthodox Jewish Synagogue
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 60 in
Rendering/elevation of a smooth-faced building with stepped-sides, colonnaded walkways, gate, and dome with Star of David, rendered in a desert setting. Classmates' names inscribed in lower right corner: Ethiopians McClure-Paddock.
circa 1941-1942
Gangnes 2b
Drawing 2
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 in x 40 1/4 in
Watercolor plan shows the synagogue on a triangular site with attached buildings for the Talmud school, administration areas, and rabbi's suite, around an interior courtyard. Section drawing through the temple reveals the interior of the dome and rich architectural lattice work above interior colonnade. Side elevation reveals a sloped site.
circa 1941-1942
Audrey Gerth
Gerth, Audrey (Artist)
Alternate name: Audrey Truesdell.
Sophomore year, 1940-1941
Gerth 1
West entrance to Bremerton Navy Yard
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Watercolor rendering/elevation of the entrance to the Bremerton Navy Yard shows a checkpoint for people and automobiles framed by an eagle sculpture and a small building, opposite, with rounded windowed corner and upward sloping roof. Detail drawing of sculpture and inscription lettering. Lightly penciled plan.
March 6, 1941
Marshall Gill
Gill, Marshall (Artist)
Student name as written: M. W. Gill.
Student Marshall Walter Gill died shortly after the end of the 1920-1921 academic year. He was the first place recipient of the Kellogg Prize awarded by the Department of Architecture in 1919-1920, and the third place recipient of the Kellogg Prize in 1920-1921.
Unknown dates
Gill 1
A State Dining Room
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper with cheesecloth backing and matting ; 30 1/2 in x 39 1/2 in
Class B III projet. Stamped with the Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Three interior elevations of dining room showing doorways, windows, stage, fireplace, and ceiling plan.
circa 1919-1921
Luke K. Gjurasic
Gjurasic, Luke K. (Artist)
Student name as written: L. K. Gjurasic.
Luke Gjurasic received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1962.
Junior year, 1958-1959
Gjurasic 1
Memorial plaza
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 29 1/2 in x 40 in
Junior analytique.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a windowless building with horizontal, comb-shaped construction on the exterior. Building sits on a terraced site with wide stairway leading to a lower terrace with several sculptures. Detail drawing of sculpture.
Winter 1959
William B. Glynn
Glynn, William B. (Artist)
Student name as written: Wm. B. Glynn.
William Bragdon Glynn received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1925, where he was awarded the Charles H. Bebb Prize in Architecture in 1923-1924. Glynn also served as President of the Department of Architecture's student group Atelier in 1923-1924.
Senior year, 1923-1924
Civic auditorium
Class A project with two sheets.
Glynn 1a
Drawing 1:A Municipal Auditorium
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 27 3/4 in x 19 3/4 in
Plan and section drawing show the entrance hall, foyer, auditorium and stage for a municipal auditorium building on a plaza with fountain.
February 13, 1924
Glynn 1b
Drawing 2:A Civic Auditorium
1 design drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 16 1/2 in x 33 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a windowless neoclassical building with front portico and decorative frieze and mouldings along the upper levels.
circa Winter 1924
Roger Gotteland
Gotteland, Roger, 1914-1999 (Artist)
Student name as written: Gotteland.
Roger Jacques Gotteland received his Diploma from the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris, France, 1934; B.Arch from the University of Washington, 1936. Following graduation, he worked as a Draftsman for Thiry & Shay, 1935-1939; then for Siems-Drake Puget Sound, 1940-1942. During World War II, Gotteland served as an Architect with the U.S. Navy Engineers, 1942-1944. After leaving the Navy, Gotteland opened his own practice as Roger J. Gotteland, Architect, Seattle, and later as Gotteland & Associates, 1945-1959. Notable works include the Savinoff Furniture Studio in Seattle, 1949; the Dr. John Lehmann House, 1951; the Palisades Retreat Center in Federal Way, 1956; the Seaman's Club in Seattle, 1957; and St. Luke's Church and School in Shoreline, 1957.Beginning in 1959, Gotteland partnered with Wojciech [Roy] Koczarski as Gotteland & Koczarski. Gotteland & Koczarski designed the Harvard Avenue Apartments in Seattle, 1959; Sacred Heart Church in Morton, 1962; St. Joseph Church in Lynden, 1963; and Egan Hall at St. John Church in Seattle, 1963.
Unknown dates
Gotteland 1
An Observation Shelter
1 sketch problem : graphite with colored pencil on paper with matting ; 28 in x 22 in
Sketch problem.Sketched rendering of a semi-circular observation tower in a wooded and mountainous area. Plan reveals a restaurant and other public areas inside the structure. Site plan shows the location of parking lots, highway, and the viewing platform.
circa 1938-1941
Gotteland 2
A Pulpit
1 sketch problem : graphite and colored pencil on paper with matting ; 28 in x 22 in
Sketch problem.Sketched perspective and plan of a column pulpit with decorative ornamentation and wraparound stairway.
circa 1937-1939
Carl F. Gould, Jr.
Gould, Carl F., 1916-1992 (Artist)
Carl Gould, Jr. studied at the University of Washington and abroad at Fontainebleau and before transferring to Yale University, where he received his B.Arch in 1939.
Edward Graef
Graef, Edward (Artist)
Edward L. Graef received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1930.
Freshman year, 1926-1927
Graef 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 20 in x 14 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
circa 1926-1927
George Graham, Jr.
Graham, George A. (Artist)
Student name as written: Graham.
George Graham, Jr. received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1942. Following graduation, he worked for George W. Stoddard, 1943; Stuart & Durham, 1946-1947; and George W. Stoddard, 1947. Graham became an architect and the head of the interior design department at Naramore, Brady, Bain & Johanson during the 1950s and 1960s. Graham later worked as an architect for Cedar Homes Manufacturing Corporation during the 1970s.
Junior year, 1939-1940
Graham G 1
Theatre on a private estate
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 30 3/4 in
Junior design.Design drawing includes a watercolor rendering/elevation of a building with rounded center section and two wings extending from either side on a terraced site. Plot plan shows the main building's circular lobby, auditorium, and stage on landscaped grounds with sunken garden and small pool; section drawing reveals the auditorium and interior decoration of lobby.
May 1940
Senior year, 1940-1941
Graham G 2
A Small Memorial Art Library and Museum
Assignment title: Memorial art library and museum.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Senior design.Watercolor rendering/elevation of an art museum building with plans and section drawing. Elevation shows the front facade of the modernist building with flat roof and a pattern of horizontal channels on a mostly windowless exterior; offset portico houses a entrance doors behind a geometric screen and relief panel. Plan shows the entrance lobby, sculpture garden, library, administrative offices, and gallery areas. Section drawing reveals lobby stairway and two levels of the gallery.
November 2, 1940
5th year, 1941-1942
Graham G 3
A Memorial to Johann Sebastian Bach
Assignment title: Concert hall dedicated to J.S. Bach.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 59 3/4 in
5th year design project.Site plan shows auditorium with public areas, outdoor terrace, library, reception room, spaces for musicians, and tower monument. Section drawing through. Watercolor perspective drawing and elevation drawing show tower and main entrance of auditorium.
October 1941
Unknown dates
Graham G 4
Tomb in memorial hall
1 sketch problem : charcoal and pastel on paper with matting ; 28 in x 22 in
Sketch of a tomb with Greek key motif in a hall with curved walls framed by rectangular columns. Plan and section drawing.
circa 1938-1941
John Graham, Jr.
Graham, John, 1908-1991 (Artist)
John Graham, Jr., began his architectural training at the University of Washington in 1926 before transferring to Yale University where he received his B.F.A. in 1931. After a brief time in statistical merchandising for retail establishments, Graham joined his father's successful architectural practice in 1937, opening a branch office in New York City with Wilfred Painter as partner. The office, Graham & Painter, New York, 1937-1942, focused on department store design. After World War II began, business declined and Graham closed the branch and began to design war housing and Federal Housing Administration (FHA) housing that included Washington DC's Suburban Heights, 1944; and Sunny Brook, 1942; as well as Edgewater Park in Seattle, 1939.His father retired soon after in 1946, leaving his son his architectural practice. Graham changed the name to John Graham and Company and the firm began to specialize in the design of large shopping malls, designing over seventy multi-million dollar shopping centers that included Northgate Shopping Center in Seattle, 1950; and Capitol Court in Milwaukee, 1957; Lloyd Center in Portland, 1960; and the Ala Moana in Honolulu, 1960. These regional shopping centers were the first of their kind in the country.Graham was licensed to practice architecture in ten states, and his firm went on to complete over 1,000 commercial projects that include the Washington Natural Gas Headquarters, 1964; the Westin Towers in Seattle, 1969; the Bank of California Building in Seattle, 1974; the Wells Fargo building in San Francisco, 1966; the Alaska State Office Building in Juneau, 1975-1975; and the Madigan Army Medical Center in Tacoma, 1984-1986. His most well-known project, however, is the design and execution of the Space Needle he developed with Victor Steinbrueck and John Ridley for the 1962 Seattle World's Fair. Graham retired in 1986.
Freshman year, 1926-1927
Graham J 1
Classical vase in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash on paper ; 25 1/4 in x 18 1/2 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of niche with vase framed by two sets of Doric columns and pediment in a garden setting with detail drawings of vase; column base, shaft, and capital; and mouldings. Lightly penciled plan and section drawing.
circa 1926-1927
H. E. Grahn
Grahn, Howard E. (Artist)
Student name as written: H. E. Grahn; H. Grahn.
Howard E. Grahn received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1936.
Senior year, 1934-1935
Grahn 1
Assignment title: Research hospital in American city.
1 design drawing : graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 58 3/4 in
Section drawings with plot plan and floor plans for a multi-story hospital in the modernist style with recessed entrance and horizontal channels of windows leading to projected solariums at the end of the patient floors. Plans include a typical floor plan with treatment areas, laboratories, and kitchen; ground floor plan showing butcher, baker, and autopsy lab; main floor plan showing administrative and outpatient corridor; and plan for the top floor operating suite. Section drawing shows the terraced site and the multi-story building with elevator shaft.
circa 1934-1935
Grahn 2
Assignment title: A great shipyard: 6 ships per annum.
1 design drawing : ink wash with graphite on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 58 1/2 in
Third senior project.Site plan with elevation and section drawing shows the facilities for a shipyard with drydock, outfitting basin, storage yard, heavy machine shop, distributing yards, administrative offices, warehouse, and blacksmith shop. Section drawing through building shows the depth of docks, while a longitudinal section drawing through site shows the warehouse, shed, and blacksmith shop.
circa Winter 1935
Grahn 3
Tomb of Justinian and Theodora
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 38 1/2 in x 32 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/perspective of the interior of a tomb with multi-story religious mural behind an altar. Plan and section drawing reveal the shape of the tomb and stairs leading to the altar with fountains at each landing.
June 1935
5th year, 1935-1936
New capitol in Rome: monument to Fascismo
5th year design project with two sheets.
Grahn 4a
Drawing 1
1 design drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 40 in x 58 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering of a site for a new capitol includes an elevation profile.
circa 1935-1936
Grahn 4b
Drawing 2
1 design drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 40 in x 58 3/4 in
Site plan shows a plaza with three government buildings and walkways leading to an obelisk. Rendering/elevation of one building shows the facade with three elongated panels of windows on either side of the porte cochere. Plans show the circular dictator's driveway surrounded by administrative offices, banquet room, and terrace with guard area. Longitudinal section shows the sloped site.
circa 1935-1936
Austin Grant
Grant, Austin (Artist)
Austin Grant received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1941. Following graduation, he worked as a Naval Architect at Todd-Pacific Shipyards, 1941-1945; designer and partner at William R. Grant and Son, Architects, Seattle, 1945-1954. In 1955, Grant partnered with fellow University of Washington graduates Robert Chervenak and Ross Copeland as Grant, Copeland, Chervenak & Associates, Seattle. The firm received many awards for their designs including the AIA Seattle Chapter Honor Award in 1963 for St. Peters Episcopal Church in Seattle, 1962; the AIA Seattle Chapter Honor Award in 1966 for the Hugo Winkenwerder Forest Science Laboratory at the University of Washington, 1964; and an AIA Seattle Chapter Honor Award for Our Savior's Lutheran Church in Everett, 1969. Other notable works from the firm include the Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Seattle, c.1955; Church of Christ the King in Bellevue, c.1956; the King County Medical Services building, 1965; the Oroville State Bank in Oroville; and the Myron Carroll House in Seattle.
5th year, 1940-1941
Grant 1
A Labor Temple
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 1/2 in x 59 3/4 in
Design drawing provides multiple elevations of a modernist building with multiple horizontal rows of windows and an attached section with lower roof housing the auditorium. Section drawings through the auditorium and lobby. Birds-eye perspective and multiple plans show lower floors arranged in a U-shape around the lobby with a semi-circular reading terrace above ground floor employment offices and administrative areas. Plans of typical floor and the smaller top floor.
circa 1940-1941
Edward Graudin
Graudin, Edward R. (Artist)
Student name as written: E. R. Graudin.
Freshman year, 1930-1931
Graudin 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 14 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters J, M, L, Q, D, V, G.
circa 1930-1931
Robert H. Green
Green, Robert H. (Artist)
Student name as written: R. H. Green.
Robert Hallis Green received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1943. Following graduation, he served with the U.S. Navy, 1943-1946. After World War II had ended, he worked as Draftsman for McClelland and Osterman, Architects, Seattle, 1949-1950; then as an Architect for the Naval Shipyards in Bremerton, Washington, 1951-1952. He opened his own firm with Donn Mueller Siebold as Green, Siebold and Associates, Seattle, 1954-1959.
Sophomore year, 1940-1941
Green 1
Commemorative wall sundial in garden
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation with penciled plan and section drawing of a wall-mounted sundial with angled numerals on a stone wall behind a curved bench. Detail drawings of decorative trumpeter, sun, bench, and inscription lettering.
November 1940
Barney Grevstad
Grevstad, Barney, 1913-1982 (Artist)
Student name as written: B. Grevstad.
Barney Elmer Grevstad received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1936. Following graduation, he worked for Loveless & Fey, Seattle, 1938-1939; then for the Austin Company, 1940-1944. He partnered with fellow alumni Paul Gordon Carlson and Frederick Eley as Carlson, Eley, Grevstad & Peterson, Seattle, 1946-c.1949, and later as Carlson, Eley & Grevstad (indicated by some sources as Carlson-Eley-Grevstad), c.1949-1972. The firm dissolved when Grevstad retired in 1972. Notable works include the Mechanical Engineering Building at the University of Washington, 1959; the Bagley Hall addition at the University of Washington, 1963; and the Fairmount Park Elementary School, 1964.
Freshman year, 1931-1932
Grevstad 1
End Wing of a Public Building
Assignment title: End pavilion of a public building.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 18 1/4 in x 24 in
Freshman analytique provides a monochromatic rendering/elevation of the end pavilion of a building with an elevated porch, partially enclosed by Corinthian columns and balustrade, above a fountain. Detail drawings of column base, shaft, and Corinthian capital; scroll; and cornice. Section drawing and lightly penciled plan show the porch.
circa 1930-1931
Grevstad 2
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 14 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters J, I, P, M, T, U, K.
circa Autumn 1931
Sophomore year, 1932-1933
Grevstad 3
Court in a Residence
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of the interior court of a residence with arched doorway with ornate tympanum, and freestanding columns in the courtyard. Detail drawings of relief, column base and capitol, and lion sculpture. Lightly penciled plan.
circa 1932-1933
Senior year, 1934-1935
Grevstad 4
An Atelier for Wrot Iron Work
Assignment title: Studio for wrought iron craftsman.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 30 1/4 in
Senior design.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a single story studio with chimney and wrought iron ornamentation around the windows and doorways. Site plan shows the studio in a u-shape around the display court with forge room, draughting rooms, library, showroom, and administrative areas. Section drawing through building.
circa Autumn 1934
Architectural ornamentation class
Grevstad 5
A Modern Gaine Figure
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 38 1/4 in x 9 3/4 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Drawing shows the design of a pedestal with a stylized human body used as a support subtructure for a horizontal form.
circa 1933-1935
Grevstad 6
Pompeiian wall
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor on illustration board ; 20 in x 23 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Painted elevation of a wall with rectangular sections, shown with images of athletes and trophy cups, created by bands of contrasting color with slender, painted columns and a decorative vine painted across the top of panels.
circa 1933-1935
John G. Groom
Groom, John G. (Artist)
Junior year, 1939-1940
Groom 1
A Photographic Institute
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 38 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a single-story building in the modernist style with plan showing library, photographic processing areas, auditorium, administrative areas, and outdoor court. Two section drawings reveal the auditorium and courtyard-facing wall.
circa 1939-1940
F. M. Gruber
Gruber, Foster M. (Foster Moore) (Artist)
Student name as written: F. M. Gruber.
Foster Moore Gruber received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1929.
5th year, 1928-1929
5th year design/thesis project with two sheets.
Stained glass studio
Gruber 1a
Drawing 1
1 design/thesis drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 1/2 in x 45 in
Rendering/elevation of the side of a stone building with stained glass windows and a large chimney.
circa 1928-1929
Gruber 1b
Drawing 2
1 design/thesis drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 27 1/2 in x 39 in
Plan and section drawing of the studio shows working and exhibition areas.
circa 1928-1929
Harry Gustafson
Gustafson, Harry L. (Artist)
Student name as written: Gustafson.
Harry Gustafson received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1941.
Architectural ornamentation class
Gustafson 1
Stained Glass Window Ornament
Assignment title: Gothic round window.
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor with ink on tissue paper with matting ; 33 3/4 in x 28 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Round stained glass window with acanthus leaves arranged in a pattern around a center medallion and framed in an outer ring inscribed with student's name and project title.
circa 1929-1931
Weldon Gwinn
Gwinn, G. Weldon (Artist)
Student name as written: Weldon Gwinn.
Student became principal in his own architecture and construction company, G. Weldon Gwinn Construction Company, Bellevue, c.1950.
Freshman year, 1937-1938
Gwinn 1
Entrance portico
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 20 in x 28 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a doorway with grille housed in an entrance portico on a neoclassical building. Detail drawings of Corinthian column capital, entablature, mouldings, and partial column plan. Penciled section drawing and plan.
circa Spring 1938
Rosalie Haas
Haas, Rosalie (Artist)
Rosalie Haas received a B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1922.
Sophomore year, 1919-1920
Haas 1
A Memorial Gateway
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 28 1/2 in x 39 in
Class B III analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a memorial gateway shows an iron gate between two brick pillars with inscription and smaller arched entrance with gate on each side. Detail drawings of finial, light fixture, iron scroll, and lettering. Section drawing and plan.
March 1, 1920
Eva Hageman
Hageman, Eva (Artist)
Freshman year, circa 1931-1932
Hageman 1
Ink wash circles:Plate 1
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 17 3/4 in x 13 1/2 in
Freshman drawing exercise of ink wash circles on paper with separated gradations from dark to light.
circa 1931-1932
W. P. Hagestad
Hagestad, W. P. (Wallace P.) (Artist)
Wallace P. Hagestad received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1939.
Freshman year, 1934-1935
Hagestad 1
A Sarcophagus
1 historical drawing : ink on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 27 3/4 in
Pen and ink freshman historical drawing of an ornamented church altar tomb with relief mouldings and recumbent sculpted figure in constructed niche framed with entablature. Partial section drawings of mouldings. Name inscribed on tomb: Joanni Andreae Bocciacio.
March 18, 1935
James Haggland
Haggland, James (Artist)
Student name as written: Haggland.
Sophomore year
Haggland 1
Carillon Tower
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 25 3/4 in
Sophomore design/analytique. Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a streamline style carillon tower with elliptical arch spanning the vertical height of tower, with projected mouldings and vertical grille over carillon bells. Detail drawing of grille and sculpted animal. Penciled plan shows the setting for the carillon tower atop a stepped base in a small pool.
circa 1943-1945
Sam Halfon
Halfon, Samuel I. (Artist)
Samuel I. Halfon received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1936. Following graduation, he worked for McClelland & Jones, 1936-1940. During World War II, he joined the U.S. Navy, 1940-1945. Once the war had ended, he returned to Seattle to work for Chiarelli & Kirk, 1945-1946; then for Marcus Priteca, 1946-1947.
Senior year, 1934-1935
Halfon 1
A Beach Club
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 40 1/2 in
Rendering/elevation of beach club in the art deco style; building plan shows the semi-circular main building with public and administrative areas attached to a rectangular wing housing pools and terrace; longitudinal section drawing of building shows pools and public areas. Small site plan.
circa 1934-1935
Halfon 2
Wrot Iron Atelier
Assignment title: Studio for Wrought Iron Craftsman.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 1/2 in x 31 1/4 in
Class B project.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a single story studio with wrought iron ornamentation around the windows and doorways. Site plan shows the studio with display court, forging room, library, and administrative areas. Section drawing through building.
circa 1934-1935
5th year, 1935-1936
National Buddhist shrine with cave Buddha
Senior/5th year design/thesis project with two sheets.
Halfon 3a
Drawing 1
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 1/2 in x 60 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/section drawing through the domed sanctuary of a Buddhist temple with large statue of Buddha in a circular room with columned viewing area on second story. Section drawing through hallway shows painted columns. Exterior elevation shows dome with statue alcoves around the outside of building. Plan shows circular sanctuary in center of circular building surrounded by perimeter rooms and hallways and stairways radiating from sanctuary to outside.
circa Autumn 1936
Halfon 3b
Drawing 2
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 1/2 in x 60 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/section drawing through the interior dome of a Buddhist temple. The heightened dome has walkway around the ground-floor circular sanctuary with statue of Buddha and is approached by stairs on either side through a hallway with relief panels and smaller shrines. Plan shows living areas, dining areas, and recreation areas for monks, library, archive, pilgrim dormitories, chapel, shrines, and interior walkways leading to outside of building.
circa Autumn 1936
Halfon 4
A Riding and Polo Club
Assignment title: Riding and polo club on highway.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 60 1/4 in
Class A project.Design drawing includes a watercolor perspective drawing of an L-shaped building with stables. Site plan with additional floor plans shows the main building with indoor riding room, tack room, locker areas, and lounge connected to lounge lobby, library, trophy room, dining areas, and upstairs living areas. Wings extended from main building partially wrap around a polo field and house stables for visiting and resident horses.
circa 1935-1936
Donald Hamilton
Hamilton, Donald (Artist)
Student's name as written: D. Hamilton.
Freshman year, 1933-1934
Hamilton 1
End pavilion of public building
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash on paper ; 23 1/2 in x 17 1/4 in
Freshman analytique provides a monochromatic rendering/elevation of an elevated porch on the end pavilion of a building partially enclosed by Corinthian columns and balustrade; detail drawings of lidded vase, decorative mouldings, and Corinthian capital; lightly penciled plan.
Sophomore year, 1934-1935
Hamilton 2
Courtyard in a two-story building
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 30 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a building's courtyard-facing wall shows a lower level with colonnaded walkway and upper level pediment windows separated by pilasters. Detail drawings of arch, column capital, and entablature. Partial section drawing.
February 8, 1935
Hamilton 3
A Sculptor's Studio Home
Assignment title: Sculptor's studio and residence in the Cascades.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 in x 30 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a stone building with terracotta roof on an embankment surrounded by water. Plan shows the residence and two studios separated by a courtyard. Section drawing shows the profile of the building on the sloped site, interior windows, and the upward-angled roof of the studio.
May 11, 1935
Robert Hanna
Hanna, Robert (Artist)
Student's name as written: Bob Hanna.
Robert Mitchell Hanna received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1959. After graduating, he worked with Seattle architect Richard Hagg in the transformation of Seattle Center following the 1962 World's Fair. He received his Master's degree in Landscape Architecture at Harvard University in 1967, then worked for the Boston Redevelopment Authority. He started teaching at the University of Pennsylvania in 1969, and remained on the faculty of the Graduate School of Fine Arts, for over 30 years, becoming the first Chairman of Environmental Design at the University in 1974. In 1976, with university colleague, Laurie Olin, he formed Hanna/Olin Ltd, Landscape Architects, which lasted until 1995 when the partnership divided into RM Hanna Landscape Architects and Olin Partnership, both based in Philadelphia. Notable projects include master plan for Battery Park City and waterfront in New York; and the Westlake Square revitalization in downtown Seattle.
Junior year, 1956-1957
Hanna 1
Entrance to an art museum
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 29 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior analytique.Watercolor rendering/elevation of an art museum building on a terrace with sculptures. Detail drawing of sculpture.
Autumn 1956
Robert Hanson
Hanson, Robert A. (Artist)
Student name as written: Hanson.
Robert Hanson received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1942. He worked for Butler, Stevens, and Sturtevant, 1940; Boeing, 1940-1945; and Thomas, Grainger & Thomas, 1945-1947; then for Naramore, Bain, Brady & Johanson, 1947-1948.
Freshman year, 1937-1938
Hanson 1
La Fontaine de S. Spirito
1 historical drawing : ink on paper ; 20 in x 27 3/4 in
Pen and ink drawing of the ornate Fontaine de S. Spirito with detail drawings of the coat of arms and lion-shaped spitting head.
circa Winter 1938
Sophomore year, 1938-1939
Hanson 2
Church sanctuary and altar
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 40 in
Sophomore analytique.Analytique shows the front and back elevations of a church altar with ornately carved wooden molding and relief panels. Detail drawings of carved wood and altar cross.
circa 1938-1939
Junior year, 1939-1940
Hanson 3
Theatre on a private estate
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Design drawing includes a watercolor perspective drawing and rendering/elevation of a building with heightened center section and two wings extending from either side on a terraced site. Plot plan shows the auditorium, stage, and public areas on landscaped grounds with semi-circular fountain and sunken garden. Section drawing reveals the interior decoration of the auditorium.
circa Spring 1940
5th year, 1941-1942
Hanson 4
Residential housing facility
Assignment title: Student co-op dorm at University of Washington alumni prize competition.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 in x 59 1/2 in
5th year project. Drawing was entered in the 1942 Alumni Prize competition.Design drawing provides a watercolor rendering/exterior elevation of a modernist building with wood exterior and brick tower, multiple plans, and a section drawing through the building. Plans the location of dorm and library, living areas, dining room, and recreation areas on three floors. Section drawing through building shows a football themed mural in lounge and a windowed wall facing play area.
circa 1941-1942
Noboru Hara
Hara, Noboru (Artist)
Noboru Hara received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1956.
Junior year, 1953-1954
Hara 1
Entrance to an art museum
Note: This project was typically assigned during the Junior year of study; the "Autumn 1954" date written on the project is believed to be incorrect and possibly added at a later date.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 31 1/4 in x 41 in
Junior analytique.Watercolor rendering/elevation of the entrance to art museum building on a terrace with sculptures. The entrance is a gridded panel of glass windows set into the face of the main building with portico. Detail drawings of sculpture and stone.
circa Autumn 1953
Thomas Hargis
Hargis, Thomas F. (Artist)
Student name as written: Hargis.
Thomas F. Hargis Jr. received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1940. Following graduation, he worked for John W. Maloney, 1940-1941; then Naramore & Brady, 1942; W. C. Nickum & Sons, 1943. He returned to work for John W. Maloney, 1944; then for J. Lister Holmes & Associates, 1945. He later opened his own practice in Yakima as Thomas F. Hargis, Architect.
Unknown dates
Hargis 1
Dining Room Furniture
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on illustration board ; 30 in x 20 in
Bird's eye perspective, rendered in watercolor, of a dining room with windowed wall. Smaller drawings along the top show the elevation, section, and detail of the dining room table with leaf.
circa 1937-1940
Betty Jane Harper
Harper, Betty Jane (Artist)
Sophomore year, 1935-1936
Harper B 1
Roofed stair at Renaissance city hall
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 29 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monchromatic rendering/elevation of a roofed stair with colonnade and wall fountain. Detail drawings of Doric column capital and base and molding; partial plan.
circa 1935-1936
Robert Harper
Harper, Robert (Artist)
Student name as written: Robert N. Harper.
Freshman year, 1937-1938
Harper R 1
Entrance portico
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 20 in x 28 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of three doorways with grille housed in an entrance portico on a neoclassical building. Column plan and detail drawings of Corinthian column capital and fluted column shaft, entablature, mouldings, and grille. Penciled section drawing and plan.
circa Spring 1938
Harper R 2
Fontaine S.S. Apostoli
1 historical drawing : ink on paper ; 20 in x 28 in
Pen and ink historical drawing provides an elevation with detail drawing and plan of the Fontaine S. S. Apostoli.
circa Winter 1938
F. J. Harthorne
Harthorne, Francis J. (Artist)
Student name as written: F. J. Harthorne.
Francis Joseph Harthorne received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1941. He worked for Hovind & Associates, 1953; rising to partner in Hovind, Harthorne & Smith in 1955.
Junior year, 1938-1939
Harthorne 1
Summer villa for American cardinals
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 in x 30 1/2 in
Junior design.Design drawing shows a rendering/elevation of an elegant multi-story residence with terracotta roof on a terraced site with balustrade stairway between levels. Site plan shows the ground floor with reception areas, drawing room, library, and dining room, while smaller plan shows living areas and chapel on the upper floor.
circa Winter 1939
G. Y. Hayashitani
Hayashitani, Yataka (Artist)
Student name as written: G. Y. Hayashitani; Y. Hayashitani.
Yutaka Hayashitani received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1929.
Senior year, 1927-1928
Hayashitani 1
An Aqueduct
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 37 3/4 in x 28 1/2 in
Class B local project.Elevation of an arch bridge for an aqueduct over a ravine with waterfall rendered in watercolor. The plan shows the aqueduct with a five arches atop the deck of the bridge; the large arches at either abutment direct traffic onto the bridge in an S-shape while the aqueduct continues in a straight line on each side of the ravine. Section drawing through bridge wall and aqueduct support.
circa Autumn 1927
Hayashitani 2
A Doctors' and Dentists' Office Bldg.
Assignment title: Doctors/Dentists office building.
1 design drawing : watercolor wash with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 26 in x 39 1/2 in
Local project.Watercolor elevation of building facade with plans for two floors and section drawing.
circa 1927-1928
Hayashitani 3
Masonic Temple
1 design drawing : watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 60 1/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Class A II projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects stamp indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Watercolor elevation/rendering of a multi-story, smooth-faced building with relief along upper edge and two lower end pavilions flanking the main entrance with niches for sculptural figures on an elevated, walled site. Plan shows Freemasonry imagery in tile pattern. Section drawing shows the multiple stories of the building.
circa 1927-1928
Hayashitani 4
A Riding School
1 design drawing : watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 28 1/2 in x 39 in
Class B II projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects stamp indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Elevation of building exterior, plan of facility showing gallery seating area and arena, and section drawing.
circa Autumn 1927
Bertram Heinz
Heinz, Bertram (Artist)
Freshman year, 1924-1925
Heinz 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 13 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters G, F, P, D, T, U.
October 27, 1924
A. E. Hennessy
Hennessy, Albert E. (Albert Ernest) (Artist)
Student name as written: A. E. Hennessy.
Albert Ernest Hennessy studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Fontainebleau, France, 1930, and received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1932. Following graduation, he worked for Paul Thiry, 1933; then for J. Lister Holmes, 1933; and Edwin Ivey, 1934-1936; and Naramore & Young, 1936-1937. He worked for the Metropolitan Building Company, Seattle, 1937-1940. During World War II, he took a position with Siems-Drake Puget Sound, 1940-1942; before joining the U.S. Navy, 1943-1944. In 1945, he joined the firm of Smith, Carroll & Johanson, 1945-1950.
Freshman year, 1927-1928
Hennessy 1
Memorial arch
1 design/analytique drawing : graphite and ink on paper ; 20 3/4 in x 30 1/4 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a gateway with arch flanked by two smaller arches with Corinthian columns and decorative relief of soldiers in battle. Detail drawing of lettering, soldier statutes, Corinthian capital, fluted column shaft, base, and entablature. Column plan and lightly penciled section drawing.
circa Spring 1928
Senior year, 1930-1931
Hennessy 2
A Frontier Air Station
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 1/2 in x 30 3/4 in
Class B IV projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of facade featuring windowed center section with clock tower and metalwork design flanked by two smaller wings on either side serving as administrative areas. Plan shows the u-shaped walkway through the air station with the central section in glass used as a observation and waiting room. Section drawing through center section; small perspective drawing.
circa 1931
5th year, 1931-1932
Hennessy 3
A Monumental Band Stand
1 design drawing : charcoal with colored pencil and ink on paper ; 24 in x 34 in
Inscribed on front of drawing: I am a citizen of the United States and will be under 27 years of age on July 1st, 1933.Design drawing includes a charcoal rendering of a clamshell-style outdoor bandstand with ascending semi-circular rows of seating, partial plan, and section drawing through bandstand.
circa 1931-1932
Fred Herman
Herman, J. Fred (John Fred) (Artist)
Student name as written: Fred Herman.Alternate name: John F. Herman.
John Fred Herman received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1936.
Junior years, 1932-1934
Herman 1
An Athletics Building for a Boys' School
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 31 1/2 in x 40 in
Junior project.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a modernist, brick recreation building. Plans show the ground floor recreation and locker areas and the mezzanine level with trophy hall. Section drawing through the building shows the trophy hall, play courts and mezzanine.
December 11, 1933
Herman 2
A Church Group
Assignment title: Protestant church in a suburb of a large city.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 40 in
Junior design.Rendering/elevation of a brick church with decorative inlay and two towers. Plan shows the layout of the church site including the main worship area and a group of buildings housing the administrative, education, and social areas connected by walkways .
circa Spring 1933
Herman 3
Ferry Wharf
Assignment title: Ferry wharf with railroad and bus.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Rendering/elevation of an art deco style transportation building on the water with ferry. Plan shows the ferry wharfs, passenger area, and site/transit plan with building entrances for private cars, railroad, and busses; section drawing through building shows the bus terminal.
circa Winter 1933
Senior year, 1934-1935
Herman 4
An Episcopal Cathedral Group
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 in x 61 1/2 in
Senior design.Design drawing includes an elevation of the front of a cathedral with vertical channels of stained glass windows and clock, connected to a group of smaller buildings. Perspective drawing of the back of building. Plot plan shows a quarter-circle site with cathedral and attached buildings housing the bishop's and dean's offices, Synod Hall, living areas, refectory, classrooms, clergy, and baptistry. Section drawing through nave.
November 10, 1934
Herman 5
Tomb of Justinian and Theodora
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with surface preservative ; 41 1/2 in x 34 in
Senior design project.Watercolor rendering/perspective of the interior of a square tomb in the interior of a sanctuary with multi-story religious mural and striped pattern on walls and pillars . Plan and section drawing reveal the shape of the tomb and stairs leading to the altar with fountains at each landing.
June 5, 1935
J. C. Herron
Herron, Joseph C. (Artist)
Joseph C. Herron received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1932.
Senior/5th years, 1930-1932
Herron 1
An Anti Air Craft Amory
1 design drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 40 1/4 in x 31 in
Rendering/elevation of a smooth-faced rectangular building with arched entrance on the ground floor and an elongated panel of windows and doorways set into the center of the facade. Two plans show the garage floor with repair shop and the drill floor with administrative areas and trophy room. Longitudinal section drawing.
circa 1931
John B. Hessemer
Hessemer, John B. (John Bailey) (Artist)
John Bailey Hessemer received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1938. He worked as the principal architect in his own architectural practice, John Hessemer, Architect, Seattle.
Senior year, 1936-1937
Hessemer 1
Sculpture museum
Assignment title: Sculpture museum in a city of 100,000.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 in x 31 in
Senior design.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a smooth-faced building with entrance portico over three elongated panels of windows on a plaza with fountain. Plans show the ground floor exhibition areas, and the basement level with lecture hall and administrative areas. Multiple section drawings reveal the interior of the exhibition area.
Takashi Higuchi
Higuchi, Takashi (Artist)
Takashi Higuchi received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1929.
Freshman year, 1925-1926
Higuchi 1
Une Fenetre Classique
Assignment title: Classical window.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 21 1/2 in x 15 1/2 in
Monochromatic rendering of an elongated window with pediment and balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of pediment, decorative elements, and balcony balustrade.
circa 1925-1926
Higuchi 2
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 20 in x 14 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters J, U, L, O, G, H, D.
circa 1925-1926
Senior year, 1928-1929
Higuchi 3
An Office Building for Physicians and Dentists
Assignment title: Doctors/dentists office building.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 38 in x 26 1/2 in
Local project.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a two-story brick building with front portico and fanlight over the main entrance; plan and section drawings show both floors and reveal decorative elements such as floor patterns and metalwork railings.
circa 1927-1928
Unknown dates
Higuchi 4
A Bay of an Interior Court
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 27 1/2 in x 18 1/2 in
Sketch problem from unknown year. Believed to have been drawn in the Sophomore, Junior, or Senior year.Watercolor rendering/elevation of an interior court with large, fluted columns with capitals made of sculptural faces. Columns support a porch over three stepped arch openings below panels of winged forms and foreign language inscription. Penciled plan and section drawing.
circa 1926-1928
Haruo Hirota
Hirota, Haruo (Artist)
Haruo Hirota received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1930.
Freshman year, 1925-1926
Hirota 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 13 1/2 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters G, J, T, L, O, U, D.
circa 1925-1926
Sophomore year, 1926-1927
Hirota 2
A Civic Art Gallery
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 37 in x 29 in
Drawing entered in the Bebb Prize design competition and awarded "1st Mention Placed."Elevation of building facade with "Seattle Art Gallery" inscription and plan showing exhibition areas, auditorium, and tile pattern. Section drawing through center section of building.
November 1, 1926
Hirota 3
A Pavilion in a Park
1 design/analytique drawing : watercolor wash with graphite and ink on stiff paper with cheesecloth backing ; 37 1/2 in x 27 3/4 in
Class B II analytique. Drawing is stamped with a Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Rendering of Ionic style pavilion with fountain in a park; rendering is framed by details of columns, urns, and frieze. Small plan and section drawing penciled in lower right corner.
December 15, 1926
Margaret Hoar
Hoar, Margaret (Artist)
Alternate name: Margaret Hoar Waldo.
Maragaret Hoar received her B.F.A. from the University of Washington in 1942.
Unknown dates
Hoar 1
Fireplace wall
1 interior elevation drawing : graphite and ink on paper ; 18 in x 29 in
Pen and ink interior elevation of an interior wall with stone or brick fireplace and a set of windowed doors. Drawing also shows a section drawing of the fireplace.
circa 1937-1940
George V. Hogan
Hogan, George V. (Artist)
Sophomore year, 1933-1934
Hogan 1
Wall with niche and statue
1 design/analytique drawing : monochromatic watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 1/2 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a arched stone wall niche with statue behind a fountain with sculptures framed by detail drawings of the cornice, sculptures, and bust. Penciled section drawing and partial plan.
March 14, 1934
Dick Hooper
Hooper, Dick (Artist)
Freshman year, 1945-1946
Hooper 1
Classical entrance
1 historical drawing : ink wash on paper ; 29 in x 21 in
Advanced freshman historical drawing shows an entranceway with plan, elevation, and section drawings in a monochromatic wash. Elevation shows a doorway under entablature framed by Ionic columns on either side and balustrade. The entranceway has an arched opening under entablature with relief medallions on either side. Section drawing and plan show smaller areas off the entrance with barrel-vaulted ceilings and similar medallions.
circa Winter 1946
Henry B. Hoover
Hoover, Henry B., 1902-1989 (Artist)
Student name as written: H. B. Hoover.
Henry Browne Hoover received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1924, where he was awarded the Auburn Clay Works Prize in Architecture in 1924. He received a scholarship to earn his M.Arch from Harvard University in 1926, where he was awarded the Eliot Prize in 1925 and the Eugene Dodd Medal for excellence in freehand drawing and watercolor in 1926. Following graduation, Hoover worked part-time as a designer and draftsman for Fletcher Steele, Landscape Architect, Boston, 1925-1926, before traveling abroad on the Sheldon Fellowship, 1926-1927, and the Robinson Fellowship, 1927-1928, both awarded through Harvard University.After returning to Boston, Hoover resumed his work as a designer and draftsman for Fletcher Steele, 1929-1937, while serving as an instructor at the Lowthorpe School of Landscape Architecture for Women from 1933 until 1945. Beginning in 1937, Hoover began working independently in his own practice as Henry B. Hoover, Architect, Boston, 1937-1942, while continuing his work part-time with Fletcher Steele. During World War II, Hoover began doing industrial radar design for the Raytheon Company in Waltham, Massachusetts, 1942-1945. He resumed his architecture practice after the war had ended, partnering with Walter Hill as Hoover & Hill Associates, Cambridge, 1955-1962, and continuing his work in industrial design for Massachusetts companies Product Design & Development, Inc. and Lytron, Inc. His partnership ended after a stroke in 1962, but he resumed his practice the following year, receiving a Design Award Citation from the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) for his design of a 1200 portable radiometer. The practice lasted until his retirement in 1988.
Junior year, 1922-1923
Hoover 1
A College Club House
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 25 1/4 in x 28 in
Class B I projet. Junior projet.Multiple plans show the first and second floors of a college club house. Section drawing through the main hall shows dining room and other public areas on the two lower floors.
circa Autumn 1922
Senior year, 1923-1924
Hoover 2
The Decoration of a Cabaret
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 32 in x 22 in
Class A II projet. Senior projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the drawing was judged in the national competition.Watercolor section drawing of an arched proscenium stage with painted stripes, curtain canopy, and decorative border. Plan shows the table arrangement and cabaret stage.
December 8, 1923
Hoover 3
A Flagstaff Base
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 38 1/4 in x 27 1/2 in
Entered in the Emerson Prize competition. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Watercolor rendering/elevation and detail drawing of a metal flagstaff base on a stone plinth with decorative elements that include acanthus leaves, lion heads, warriors, and several different patterned motifs. Plan of base.
circa 1923-1924
Hoover 4
Fraternity house thesis
1 design/thesis drawing : ink on paper ; 18 1/2 in x 24 in
Thesis design drawing. Pen and ink plan of the ground floor of a triangular building with commons, kitchen, pantry, game room, and lounges for men and women. A circular entrance rotunda is placed at one apex of the building with a hallway leading to an open courtyard in the middle of the building.
June 1924
Hoover 5
Montlake bridge
Title as written by student:The 1923 Bebb Prize - Projet for Montlake Bridge.
1 design drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 24 3/4 in x 38 in
Entered in the 1923 Bebb Prize design competition and awarded "Second Medal."Watercolor and ink rendering/elevation of a proposed design for Seattle's Montlake Bridge shows a metal drawbridge with lighted walkway framed with lightly colored stone structures at each abutment with stairways that lead down to the water. The control tower has a gothic arched entrance at the bridge-level and a circle of windows at the top; the other, shorter structure has a similar entrance. Plan shows traffic lanes.
circa Autumn 1923
Hoover 6
A Municipal Market
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 22 in x 35 1/2 in
Class A IV projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation and section drawing of a municipal market building on the water with boat shelters and stairways leading up to the market. The market has a main building with colonnaded seating area overlooking the water with colonnaded walkways moving towards smaller side buildings. Section drawing through the main section reveals the depth of the structure and an interior courtyard with fountain.
circa Winter 1924
Unknown dates
Hoover 7
Medieval interior
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on board ; 25 in x 16 3/4 in
Sketch problem. Believed to have been drawn in the Sophomore, Junior, or Senior year.Watercolor rendering with penciled ceiling plan of the interior of a stone building with arched doorway and exposed beam ceiling.
circa 1922-1924
R. Bruce Hopkins
Hopkins, Robert Bruce (Artist)
Student name as written: R. B. Hopkins.
Robert Bruce Hopkins studied at the University of Washington. He worked for William Aitken, Seattle, 1927-1929; Stanley Piper, Bellingham, 1935; William Mallis, 1935-1940; McClelland & Jones, 1940-1941; William Mallis, 1941-1942. During World War II, Hopkins joined the U.S. Navy, 1942-1945. After the war ended, Hopkins returned to work for William Mallis, 1945-1948; leading to the partnership Mallis, DeHart & Hopkins, 1948-1951 with William Mallis and Joseph DeHart. Notable works from Mallis, DeHart & Hopkins include the Nathan Eckstein Junior High School in Seattle, c.1950. After the partnership ended, he formed his own architectural practice in Seattle as R. Bruce Hopkins, Architect.
Senior year, 1928-1929
Hopkins 1
An Aquarium
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 34 3/4 in x 27 1/4 in
Class B IV projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Rendering/elevation of an aquarium building with a semi-circular wing on each side, sea serpent ornamentation above the doorway, and boat-shaped stairway leading to water. Plan shows the park and the aquarium building with tile pattern, a large, rectangular aquarium in the center of the building and multiple aquarium tanks along each wall. Section drawing reveals two stories with viewing along the upper and lower levels.
March 1929
Frank D. Horsfall
Horsfall, Frank D. (Artist)
Sophomore year, 1940-1941
Horsfall 1
A Memorial Sundial
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a rectangular wall-mounted stone sundial with Roman numerals. Detail drawings of angel relief and carved Roman numerals. Plan; section drawing shows the sundial's pointer.
November 2, 1940
Helen Huntington
Huntington, Helen (Artist)
Freshman year, 1921-1922
Huntington 1
Roman Ionic Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of a Roman Ionic column including reflected ceiling plan of capital and entablature; elevation and section drawing of columns and entablature; and detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
circa 1921-1922
Huntington 2
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of a Doric temple includes an elevation of the temple's facade with staircase leading to double doors under a pediment supported by peristyle columns; plan of entrance; section drawing through entablature; and detail drawings of column base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
circa 1921-1922
Marvin Iles
Iles, Marvin, 1917-1995 (Artist)
Marvin Stuart Iles received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1949. He worked for J. Lister Holmes, 1946-1950; Naramore, Brady, Bain & Johanson [NBBJ], 1950-1952; John Graham, 1952-1953; NBBJ, 1954-1956. He formed a partnership with Douglas Cuykendall and Harold Blean as Cuykendall, Iles & Blean, c.1956.
5th year, 1948-1949
Iles 1
Synagogue interior
Assignment title: Interior of Orthodox Jewish synagogue.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 29 3/4 in x 41 3/4 in
5th year design.Design drawing includes two watercolor section drawings, elevation drawing of ark and temple plan. Section drawings and plan indicate the temple has a seating balcony and a colonnade of slender rectangular columns. Transverse section drawing shows a domed roof over the nave of the temple. Elevation drawing of the golden ark shows it against a green marble wall.
circa 1948-1949
Norman Irvine
Irvine, Norman (Artist)
Student name as written: N. Irvine.
Senior year, 1933-1934
Archaeology institute with museum and spa
Irvine 1a
Drawing 1
1 drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 34 3/4 in x 59 1/4 in
Watercolor site plan shows a walled archaeological complex on a terraced site with a stepped pyramid connected via walkway to an octagonal structure overlooking several interior courtyards with pools and rectangular monoliths.
circa 1930-1935
Irvine 1b
Drawing 2
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 38 3/4 in x 61 in
Watercolor site plan shows an archaeological complex with a multi-story hotel, theater, a museum, and spa rendered in a desert setting. Octagonal hotel has a center court with fountains and gardens that leads to a terraced site with Greek theater and museum. Dormitories arranged in cliff-side dwellings for workers and students. Longitudinal section drawing shows the terraced site with ornately decorated hotel and museum.
circa Winter 1934
Irvine 2
Beach club
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 37 1/4 in x 56 1/2 in
Class B projet.Watercolor rendering and plan of a beach club with offset semi-circular windowed structure with awnings and rooftop terrace approached by symmetrical semi-circular stairways. Pool terrace extended on one side with diving board and windowed section of building; smaller pool on lower terrace. Section drawing through the semi-circular section of building.
circa 1933-1934
Michael Yoshio Iwanaga
Iwanaga, Yoshio (Artist)
Student name as written: Y. Iwanaga.
Michael Yoshio Iwanaga received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1936. He was the recipient of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Award for Distinction in Design in 1936.
Freshman year, 1931-1932
Iwanaga 1
End pavilion of a public building
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 26 1/4 in
Freshman analytique provides a monochromatic rendering/elevation of an elevated porch on the end pavilion of a building partially enclosed by Corinthian columns and balustrade with sculpture niches on either side of the doorway; detail drawings of lidded vase, decorative mouldings, and Corinthian capital; lightly penciled plan.
circa Spring 1932
Iwanaga 2
A Renaissance Tomb in the Church of S. M. Sopra Minerva
1 historical drawing : ink on paper ; 27 1/4 in x 19 in
Pen and ink freshman historical drawing of an ornamented church altar tomb with relief mouldings and partial section drawing.
March 14, 1932
Sophomore year, 1932-1933
Iwanaga 3
Consolidated Ferries Co.
Assignment title: Ferry wharf.
1 design drawing : ink wash with graphite on paper ; 40 in x 61 3/4 in
Rendering/elevation of a transportation building on the water with lighthouse clock tower. Site plan shows taxi circle around base of lighthouse with traffic areas for buses and cars. Building has a center lobby with rounded end pavilion housing restaurant. Basement plan shows loading and unloading areas for the car ferry.
circa Winter 1933
Iwanaga 4
Wall sundial in garden
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Fourth sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a rectangular wall-mounted stone sundial fountain with Roman numerals. Detail drawings of sculpture and decorative urn. Plan shows the wall and semi-circular fountain pool; section drawing shows the sundial's pointer.
circa 1932-1933
Junior year, 1933-1934
Iwanaga 5
An Aquarium
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 1/2 in x 31 in
Junior projet.Rendering/elevation of a octagonal aquarium building with two side wings. Plan shows a large, octagonal aquarium pool in the center of the building and multiple aquarium tanks along each wall. Section drawings reveal the interior of the building.
circa 1933-1934
5th year, 1935-1936
Iwanaga 6
Foro del Facismo
Assignment title: New capitol in Rome: monument to Fascismo.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 1/2 in x 60 in
5th year project.Design drawing includes a site plan, rendering/elevation, section drawing, and multiple plans. Site plan shows a round plaza with promenade leading to a complex of three government buildings arranged around a fountain courtyard opposite a park with obelisk. Watercolor elevation of one building shows a heightened center section with three panels of elongated windows and two single-story wings wrapped around the entrance courtyard. Two plans show the dictator's suite and offices, administrative suite, barracks, archives, and entrances for dictators and royalty. Section drawing through building and elevation profile along plaza.
February 15, 1936
Iwanaga 7
A Y.M.C.A. Building
Assignment title: YMCA and office building in southern US city.
1 drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 60 1/4 in
5th year project.Watercolor rendering/elevation of the front and back of a multi-story building with vertical rows of windows articulated by block-like balconies. Multiple plans include a typical dormitory floor plan; first floor plan showing recreation areas, pool, trophy room, auditorium, dining areas; 3rd floor plan showing living areas with handball courts; 4th floor plan showing dormitory rooms with running track. Section drawing through building.
circa 1935-1936
Container(s) Description Dates
Ted Jacobsen
Jacobsen, John T. (John Theodore), 1903- (Artist)
Student's name as written: J. Ted Jacobsen; J. T. Jacobsen.
John Theodore Jacobsen received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1924, and his M.Arch from the University of Pennsylvania in 1926. While at the University of Washington, he was awarded the Charles H. Bebb Prize in Architecture, 1921-1922; the First Washington Brick and Lime Company Prize, 1922-1923; and the Auburn Clay Works Prize in Architecture, 1923-1924.Upon graduation, Jacobsen traveled to Russia to design community schools and then traveled throughout Europe, South America, and Africa. When he returned to Seattle, he worked as a Draftsman for McClelland & Jones, beginning in 1935; and as the principal architect in his own firm, John T. Jacobsen, Architect. He also began teaching at the University of Washington and completed several artistic works, including the large bas relief murals in Suzzallo Library. During the Great Depression, Jacobsen worked with a small group of architects as the principal designer on the Yesler Terrace Housing Project, 1939-1941. When the McClelland & Jones partnership ended in 1946, he joined Victor N. Jones as an Associate with Victor N. Jones and Associate(s), 1946-1955 (some sources indicate a partnership may have existed under the name Jones & Jacobsen, Associated Architects).Some of Jacobsen's notable works in Seattle include the Seattle Trust Bank; his own residence in Madison Park, circa 1936; the George Horton House, 1938; the Andrew Gunby House, 1939; Helen Bush Parkside School's Miller Hall, c.1948; and Gerberding Hall at the University of Washington, 1949.Jacobsen moved to Hawaii in the late 1950s and established his own firm. His work in Hawaii included the Ala Moana Shopping Center, with John Graham Jr., 1959; the Ilikai Hotel, also with John Graham Jr., 1964; and Charles Lindbergh's home, 1971.
Sophomore year, 1921-1922
Jacobsen 1
Tile Treatment of a Vestibule
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 28 in x 26 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Drawing includes a watercolor section drawing/rendering of a tiled niche with fountain and tile plan and detail drawings of fish motif.
December 16, 1921
Junior year, 1922-1923
Jacobsen 2
A College Club House
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 35 1/2 in x 26 in
Class B I projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Watercolor rendering/elevation of the exterior of a college club with terracotta roof and ornamentation, including arched windows and fanlight over entrance. Multiple plans show the first and second floors of a college club house. Section drawing through the main hall shows the ornately decorated main hall and dining room.
November 19, 1922
Senior year, 1923-1924
Decoration of a cabaret
Class A II projet. One drawing is stamped with a Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating that the design was judged in the national competition.
Jacobsen 3a
Drawing 1
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 36 1/4 in x 24 1/2 in
Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating that the design was judged in the national competition.Watercolor section drawing of an arched proscenium stage with painted mural, decorative frieze and border. Plan shows the table arrangement and cabaret stage.
circa Autumn 1923
Jacobsen 3b
Drawing 2:The Decoration of a Cabaret
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 23 1/4 in x 35 1/4 in
Watercolor section drawing shows the interior seating areas of a cabaret theatre. A sunken area with tables and seating is framed by an ornately decorated arched colonnade on the upper and lower levels.
circa Autumn 1923
Jacobsen 4
Proposed House for the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity
1 design drawing : ink on paper ; 35 1/2 in x 25 1/4 in
Senior design. Address inscribed on drawing as 4505 Nineteenth Ave., University of Washington.Multiple plans show the basement, second, and third floors of the proposed fraternity house. Section drawing through the main hall shows public areas on the two lower floors.
May 1924
Jacobsen 5
An Office Building Lobby
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on illustration board ; 15 in x 20 in
Class A esquisse [sketch problem]. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the drawing was judged in the national competition.Sketch of an office building lobby with rectangular doorways and arched openings on the upper level with coffered ceiling and colorful ornamental mouldings.
circa 1923-1924
Byron Jacobson
Jacobson, Byron (Artist)
Student name as written: B. Jacobson.
Freshman year, 1922-1923
Jacobson 1
Cornithian Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 24 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Corinthian order includes reflected ceiling plan; elevation and section drawing of columns and entablature; and detail drawings of column base, shaft, capital, entablature, balustrade, and acanthus leaf.
circa 1922-1923
Jacobson 2
Doric Temple
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 1/4 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of a Doric temple includes an elevation of the temple's facade with staircase leading to grille and double doors under a pediment supported by peristyle columns; plan of entrance; section drawing through entablature; and detail drawings of column base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
circa 1922-1923
Jacobson 3
Entrance YMCA.
1 measured drawing : ink on paper ; 18 in x 24 in
3 black and white photographs ; 3 in x 2 in
Freshman measured drawing exercise of the YMCA. Drawing provides an elevation inscribed with measurements of the YMCA's entrance with pointed arch moulding over the doorway, brick pattern at entrance, and full-size profile of mouldings. Three small photographs of entrance adhered to drawing. Written on front of drawing: Measured by HB, GB, BJ.
circa 1922-1923
Arnold F. Jensen
Jensen, Arnold F. (Artist)
Freshman year, 1932-1933
Jensen 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 19 1/2 in x 14 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
circa 1932-1933
Jensen 2
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 14 in x 19 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters C, M, D, H, E, U, N.
circa 1932-1933
Artfield Johansen
Johansen, J. Artfield (James Artfield) (Artist)
Full name: James Artfield Johnansen.Student name as written: Artfield Johansen.
James Artfield Johansen received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1939. Following graduation, he worked for Lytel & Shorett, 1940-1941; then Austin Company, 1941-1944. During World War II, worked for the U.S. Navy Public Works, 1944-1946.
Junior year, 1936-1938
Johansen 1
Emergency hospital on a triangular site
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 1/2 in x 39 1/2 in
Junior design.Desgn drawing includes two exterior elevations of an unornamented multi-story building with rows of rectangular windows, wraparound corner, roof terrace, and ambulance garage; multiple plans show the different floors of the hospital and include public and administrative areas, surgery rooms, and morgue.
circa 1937
Perry B. Johanson
Johanson, Perry B. (Perry Bertil), 1910-1981 (Artist)
Perry Bertil Johanson received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1934. Following graduation, he was employed as a Draftsman by Smith & Carroll, Seattle, 1934-1936; rising to partner as Smith, Carroll & Johanson, 1936-1951. He also worked in the partnership Naramore, Brady & Johanson, 1942; and later as Naramore, Bain, Brady & Johanson [NBBJ], 1943-c.1981, who directed the design of additions to Harborview and Providence hospitals, the University of Washington Medical School, and the University of Washington Health Sciences Center. Johanson served as the president of the Washington State AIA chapter, 1950-1951, and named a Fellow of the AIA in 1960.
Sophomore year, 1930-1931
Johanson 1
A Family Mausoleum
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Class B II analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating that the design was judged in the national competition.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a mausoleum on a terraced hill. A monumental stone tower sits atop the mausoleum, and is approached by a stairway and entrance on the second terrace of the hill. Section drawing and plan show the mausoleum; detail drawings of stone carvings and lettering on the tower.
circa 1930-1931
Junior year, 1931-1932
Johanson 2
A Town House
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 3/4 in x 30 3/4 in
Class B V projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the drawing was judged in the national competition.Watercolor rendering/elevation of town house facade shows a four story building in stone with metal gabled roof, upper level windows, decorative relief, and door with decorative chevron pattern. Multiple plans show three floors; section drawing.
circa 1931-1932
Senior year, 1932-1933
Johanson 3
A City Residence
Assignment title: Town house.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 59 in x 39 1/4 in
Class A projet. Exterior elevation of a multi-story row house residence with stone exterior on the lower level and symmetrical panels of elongated windows with balcony railing. Multiple plans show the ground floor, second floor, third floor, and mezzanine levels with center courtyard, servants' quarters, ballroom, and circular stairway leading to living quarters on upper level. Section drawing reveals courtyard fountain, dining hall, library, and ballroom.
circa Autumn 1932
A National Research Center
Class A projet with two sheets.
Johanson 4a
Drawing 1:A National Research Center
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 34 1/4 in x 60 1/2 in
Site plan for a research center shows buildings for the natural sciences arranged on either side of a rectangular plaza leading to an arrangement of administrative, museum, library, and auditorium buildings around a center obelisk. Plaza is connected to housing, living areas, and recreation areas for students, faculty, and employees.
circa Spring 1933
Johanson 4b
Drawing 2:Detail of a school group
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 31 in x 42 1/2 in
Partial site plan includes plans of the library, museum, and auditorium buildings arranged around a plaza.
circa 1932-1933
Johanson 5
Railroad Station
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 40 in x 59 1/2 in
Class A projet.Site plan of a railroad station includes a plan of a multi-story T-shaped building with underground baggage handling areas, bus terminal, train concourse, and ground transportation. Section drawing reveals the windowed interior of the waiting lobby and two stories exiting to bus concourse. Longitudinal section drawing reveals sculptural columns in lobby. Isometric perspective drawing and plan of upper levels.
circa 1932-1933
5th year, 1933-1934
Johanson 6
An American Academy in Florence
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 33 1/4 in x 58 3/4 in
Senior design. Class A IV projet.Exterior elevation with multiple plans and a section drawing of an Italiante style building on a city block. Multiple plans include a ground floor plan showing classrooms, study areas, library, lecture halls, and ceiling patterns; terrace plan; and second floor plan. Section drawing shows colonnaded walkway and fountain in interior courtyard.
circa 1933-1934
An American Embassy in Soviet Russia
Class A projet with two sheets.
Johanson 7a
Drawing 1:An American Embassy for Soviet Russia
1 design drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 58 1/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Rendering/elevation of a smooth-faced modernist building with neoclassical elements and heightened center section with semi-circular projection flanked by wings. Site plan provides ground floor plan of building and terraced gardens.Section drawing reveals salon interior, courtyard-facing balustrade, and drawing room.
December 12, 1933
Johanson 7b
Drawing 2
1 design drawing : watercolor wash with graphite, colored pencil, white, and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 31 in x 40 in
Rendering/elevation of the embassy shows a plain-faced building with a semi-circular group of windows and two doorways. Ground floor plan shows public areas, administrative areas, and provides some site details.
circa Autumn 1933
An Archeology Center Museum and Winter Spa in Syria
Assignment title: Archaeology institute with museum and spa.
5th year design. Class A IX projet with two sheets.
Johanson 8a
Drawing 1
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 40 in x 62 3/4 in
Watercolor site plan shows an archaeological complex with hotel, museum, and spa rendered in a desert setting. Walled walkway extends over exhibition terraces to the hotel and museum plaza with a red, rectangular pyramid tower. Interior courtyards are landscaped with pools and palm trees; hotel windows are set into the terrace walls.
Johanson 8b
Drawing 2
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 40 in x 61 1/4 in
Watercolor site plan shows an archaeological complex with offices and living quarters for archaeologists set into the cliffs with student terraces and a separate building for workers and living and dining areas. Centered on site is the hotel and lounge with great hall; a museum with tower; and a smaller building with classrooms, auditoriums, and laboratories. Outdoor exhibition terraces lead to orchestra area, cottages, and hotel terrace with casino and dining room. Section drawing through the site shows colonnaded walkway through student areas and the museum's courtyard above the sunken terrace.
Johanson 9
A Ceramic Plant and Memorial Library
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 in x 60 in
Class A X projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a flat-roofed building complex with inward-sloped walls and water tower. Plot plan and perspective drawing shows the complex arranged in a semi-circle around a square tower. Smaller section of building houses a memorial library and is attached to the larger, main building; main building houses a circular reception area with perimeter walkways leading to the preparation and curing areas, ateliers, stock room, lumber and shipping areas with railroad platform. Small section drawing through studio.
circa 1933-1934
Johanson 10
A County Courthouse and American Legion Memorial Auditorium
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 56 3/4 in x 38 1/2 in
Class A projet.Rendering/elevation with multiple plans of a flat-roofed building with offset entrance and building sections of varying heights arranged in an L-shape around a garden. Plans include a ground floor plan showing the auditorium, stage, reception areas, memorial clubroom, dining room and courthouse with lobby, vault, register of deeds, and office for superintendent of schools; second and third floor plans show the gymnasium, attorney's offices, jury room, and judges' offices. Longitudinal section drawing through entrance lobby, gymnasium, and auditorium.
circa Autumn 1933
Architectural ornamentation class
Johanson 11
A Rose Window
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor on paper with matting ; 19 1/2 in x 14 3/4 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Round stained glass window depicting religious symbols and figures above a row of narrow arched windows
circa 1931-1933
James John, Jr.
James John (Artist)
Student name as written: Jim John, Jr.
Senior year, circa 1946-1947
John 1
Transportation center
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 59 3/4 in
Senior design.Bird's eye perspective and exterior elevation of a symmetrical building with flat roof and windowed entrance on either side of a heightened center section. Multiple plans show the train and truck level with passenger loading and warehouse areas; arrival and customs level; main concourse with waiting areas and transit area for automobiles.
circa 1946-1947
Marvel Johnson
Johnson, Marvel, 1912-2003 (Artist)
Student name as written: Johnson.Alternate name: Marvel Johnson Blomdahl.
Marvel Marie Johnson received her B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1937 and was awarded the AIA Second Award in Architecture. Johnson completed the Dining Hall at Beach Park in Des Moines, Washington, in 1934, while on break from her studies during the Great Depression. Johnson is one of the earliest female graduates of the UW architecture program.
Senior year, 1935-1936
Johnson 1
Shrine and cemetery in the mountains
1 design drawing : charcoal with graphite on paper ; 60 1/4 in x 40 1/2 in
Senior design.Rendering of a cemetery and worship site in an enclosed rocky setting with water. Two large relief crosses and monumental religious sculptures with relief on rock face.
June 6, 1936
5th year, 1936-1937
Johnson 2
Riding and polo club
Assignment title: Riding and polo club on highway.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 61 1/4 in x 40 in
Senior design.Design drawing includes a watercolor perspective drawing of a building with front terrace and attached stable and tower in a pastoral setting with riding rings and road leading to highway. Plan shows ground floor with stables for visiting horses, groomers, and resident horses arranged in an L-shape around a practice ring; main building houses trophy room, dining area, bar, tack rooms, and a covered riding ring arranged around a pool courtyard. Additional plans show employee living areas, guest rooms, and resident horse stable arranged in an L-shape around polo field.
circa 1936-1937
Architectural ornamentation class
Johnson 3
Gothic round window
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor with ink on tissue paper over board ; 24 1/4 in x 23 1/2 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Round stained glass window with centered circular design of a religious figure encircled by a narrow band and a contrasting outer band with vine and acanthus leaves.
circa 1934-1936
Norman Johnston
Johnston, Norman J., 1918-2015 (Artist)
Norman Johnston was enrolled in the Department of Architecture in 1937-1938 before receiving his B.A. in Art from the University of Washington in 1942. Following graduation, he served in the Signal Intelligence Corps in Alaska during World War II before receiving his B.Arch from the University of Oregon, Eugene, in 1949; his M.U.P. [Urban Planning] from the University of Pennsylvania in 1959; and his Ph.D. in Environmental History from the University of Pennsylvania in 1964.Early in his career, Johnston apprenticed with Joseph H. Wohleb, Olympia, 1945-1950; then as a planner for the City of Seattle Planning Commission, 1950-1954; and as an architect with Nelson, Sabin & Varey, Seattle, 1954-1956. He became an Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture, University of Oregon, 1956-1958.Dr. Johnston returned to Seattle as Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture, University of Washington, 1960-1964; rising to Professor in the Departments of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Urban Design and Planning, 1964-1985. He also served as the Associate Dean at the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, 1966-1985; and as Chair of the Department of Architecture, 1983-1984. After he retired from the University in 1985, he continued teaching as anEmeritusProfessor in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Urban Design and Planning.Johnston served on campus planning committees for Olympia's Capitol Campus, the University of Washington, and Washington State University; President of the AIA Seattle Chapter in 1981; and on the Washington State Board of Registration for Architects. He was elected to the AIA College of Fellows in 1982, and received the AIA Seattle Medal in 1990 for his contributions in shaping architectural practice and study. He was awarded the Jennie Sue Brown Award for distinguished service from the AIA Washington Council in 1997. Published works include Cities in the Round, 1983; Washington's Audacious State Capitol and Its Builders, 1988; University of Washington: the campus guide(Princeton Architectural Press), 2001; and The Fountain and the Mountain: the University of Washington Campus, 1895-1995, 2004.
Freshman year, 1937-1938
Johnston 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 20 3/4 in x 14 3/4 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
circa Autumn 1937
Johnston 2
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash on paper ; 20 3/4 in x 14 3/4 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering of an elongated window with pediment and balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of pediment and balcony balustrade; penciled plan and section drawing.
circa Autumn 1937
Johnston 3
Corinthian capital
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 17 1/4 in x 21 1/4 in
Detail drawing of a Corinthian capital.
circa 1937-1938
Johnston 4
Entrance portico
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 27 3/4 in x 19 3/4 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of three elongated doorways with grille housed in the entrance portico of a neoclassical building. Partial column plan and detail drawings of column and base, entablature, and mouldings. Penciled section drawing and plan.
Johnston 5
Une Fontaine
1 historical drawing : ink on paper ; 20 in x 28 in
Full inscribed title: Une Fontaine - Fountain situated in a court of the Convent of S.S. Apostoli.
Pen and ink Freshman historical drawing shows a fountain from the courtyard of the Convent of S. S. Apostoli with tiered fountain pools and statues of lions. Plan of fountain and detail drawing of coat of arms.
circa Winter 1938
Johnston 6
Ink wash circles:Plate 1
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 18 in x 12 3/4 in
Freshman drawing exercise of ink wash circles with separated gradations from dark to light.
circa Autumn 1937
Johnston 7
Memorial with columns
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 15 in x 21 in
Freshman analytique.Monchromatic rendering/elevation with penciled plan and section drawing of an inscribed memorial tablet framed by two engaged columns and triglyphs with decorative horns.
circa Winter 1938
Johnston 8
Perspective study
1 drawing exercise : graphite and ink on paper ; 19 in x 25 in
Freshman drawing exercise of an angular, modern building with sloped roof with plan, measuring point, station point, and vanishing point perspective lines shown.
circa 1937-1938
Johnston 9
Wall, fountain, and stair in park
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 21 in x 28 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation and partial plan of a tower fountain with decorative aquatic motif in front of a solid wall with semi-circular stairway.
William Joiner
Joiner, William (Artist)
Student name as written: Wm. Joiner.
William T. Joiner received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1941.
Junior year, 1938-1939
Joiner 1
Assignment title: Small county courthouse facing park.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Design drawing includes a rendering/elevation of a courthouse building with three inset elongated grille panels over the doorways. Multiple plans and section drawing show the two levels of the courthouse. Plans indicate the judicial and administrative areas.
April 29, 1939
5th year, 1940-1941
Joiner 2
Manufacturing building
1 design drawing : graphite and ink on paper ; 39 1/4 in x 59 3/4 in
5th year design project.Multiple plans of manufacturing building include the first floor with areas for shipping and receiving, storage, service areas, library, and exhibit room; second and third floor factory areas with purchasing and fiscal offices; fourth floor sales offices; and fifth floor executive offices with rooftop terrace. Elevation of building from boulevard shows the smokestack and sawtooth roof building with a facade of wide panels of gridded windows interrupted by windowless sections. Longitudinal and transverse section drawings.
May 10, 1941
Architectural ornamentation class
Joiner 3
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with matting ; 36 1/2 in x 14 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Painted panel with flowering vine motif and cornucopia with student's initials in placard.
April 7, 1940
A. Quincy Jones
Jones, A. Quincy (Archie Quincy), 1913-1979 (Artist)
Archibald Quincy Jones received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1936. He married, and later divorced, fellow UW architecture alumni Ruth Schneider. Following graduation, he worked as a Draftsman for Roger Honnold, 1936-1937; Designer, Burton Senott, 1937-1939; Designer, Paul R. Williams, 1939-1940. During World War II, he worked for Allied Engineers, 1940-1942. Once the war had ended, he started his own architectural firm, becoming the principal architect in A. Quincy Jones, Architects, Los Angeles, 1945-1950. In 1950, he partnered with architect Frederick E. Emmonds as Jones & Emmonds, Architects, Los Angeles, 1950-1969. In 1975, Jones became the Dean of the School of Architecture at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 1975-1979. A monograph titled A. Quincy Jonesdocumenting his life and career and association with building magnate Joseph Eichler was published in 2002.
Junior year, 1933-1934
Jones AQ 1
College Library
Assignment title: Small college library.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 1/2 in x 30 1/4 in
Class B projet. Junior design.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a brick college library building with heightened center section with arched doorway flanked by two wings. Plan shows the site and areas for stacks, administrative areas, and public areas. Section drawing through the building reveals public areas, stacks, and basement level.
February 10, 1934
James P. Jones
Jones, James P. (Artist)
Student name as written: J. P. Jones.
Unknown dates
Jones J 1
A Fun House
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with matting ; 26 in x 20 in
Class B projet.Rendering of the dynamic facade for a fun house with text explaining movement mechanisms and intended sound effects.
circa 1947-1950
Victor N. Jones
Jones, Victor N. (Victor Noble), 1900-1969 (Artist)
Victor Noble Jarret Jones received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1924, and his M.Arch from the University of Pennsylvania in 1926. Early in his career, he worked as a Draftsman for Bebb & Gould, Seattle, 1925; then as Draftsman for Wilson, Eyre, and John Gilbert McIlvaine, Architects, Philadelphia, 1926. Following graduation, he remained on the East Coast as a Designer for Charles Z. Klauder, Philadelphia, 1926-1928.He returned to Seattle in 1928, working for McClelland & Pinneh, 1928-1930; rising to Partner in McClelland, Pinneh & Jones, 1930-1932; later as McClelland & Jones, 1933-1946. After the partnership dissolved in 1946, he continued working in Seattle as Victor N. Jones & Associate, 1946-1955; then as Jones, Lovegren, Helms & Jones until his retirement in 1965. Projects include the first Medical School building at the University of Washington, Seattle, ca. 1952; the Administration Building at the University of Washington, Seattle, 1947-49; the Washington State Ferry Terminal, Seattle, 1964-1967.Jones was active in the Washington State AIA chapter, serving as President, 1945-1946.
Senior year, 1923-1924
Decoration of a cabaret
Class A II projet with two sheets.
Jones V 1a
Drawing 1
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 36 in x 24 1/4 in
Drawing is stamped with a Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating that the design was judged in the national competition.Watercolor section drawing of an arched proscenium stage with curtain canopy and decorative border. Plan shows the seating arrangement and cabaret stage.
circa Autumn 1923
Jones V 1b
Drawing 2:Decoration of a Cabaret
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with matting ; 21 in x 35 in
Watercolor section drawing shows the interior seating areas of a cabaret theatre. A sunken area with tables and seating is framed by ornately decorated arched colonnades on the upper and lower levels.
circa Autumn 1923
William Jones
Jones, William (Artist)
Junior year, 1934-1935
Jones W 1
Church group
Assignment title: Episcopal church group.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Rendering/elevation of a neo-classical stone church: a symmetrical building with front pediment supported by Ionic columns; center bell tower with clockface and u-shaped extension attached to the back of the church appears as two wings. Plan shows the layout of the church including the main worship area and the u-shaped area housing the administrative, education, and social areas.
circa Autumn 1934
Grant King
King, Grant (Artist)
Junior year, 1939-1940
King G 1
Highway Patrol Headquarters
Assignment title: State highway patrol headquarters.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Design drawing includes a watercolor rendering of a modernist brick building with a multi-story administrative section attached to an elongated carport via covered walkway. Perspective drawing shows the the site with carport and outdoor areas. Ground floor plan and second floor plan show the administrative areas and additional areas for patrol officers. Section drawing through lobby reveals the building's multiple levels.
Architectural ornamentation class
King G 2
Gothic Window or Roude
Assignment title: Gothic round window.
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper and tissue paper ; 28 in x 22 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Round stained glass window with centered circular design of a religious figure encircled by vines with acanthus leaves and an outer red band with inscription.
circa 1940-1942
Paul Kirk
Kirk, Paul Hayden, 1914-1995 (Artist)
Student name as written: Kirk.
Paul Hayden Kirk received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1937. Following graduation, he worked as a Draftsman/Designer for Dudley Smart, Architect, Seattle, 1939; then as a Designer for Henry Bittman, Architect, Seattle, 1940-1941. During World War II, Kirk became Partner in Stuart, Kirk, and Durham, Seattle, 1943-1944, with Bertram Stuart and Robert Durham. He left the partnership once the War ended and established a well-regarded, partnership with James Chiarelli from c.1944-1950. The partnership, Chiarelli & Kirk, was especially known for creating modernist structures in the Pacific Northwest Regional style that include the Crown Hill Medical-Dental Clinic in Seattle, 1947; Lakewood Community Church, 1949; and Samuel Crockett House on Mercer Island, 1950.He formed his own independent architectural practice, Paul Hayden Kirk, AIA, Seattle, 1950-1957, and worked primarily on residences in Seattle. Notable projects include the Lewis Dowell House in Seattle, 1954; and the George Tavernities House in Seattle, 1952. He also became well-known for many of his medical buildings that included the Lake City Clinic, 1952; the Group Health Cooperative Northgate Clinic, 1958; and the McNair-Price Clinic in Medford, Oregon, 1957-58. He received national attention for many of his residential works, including the Frank Gilbert House in the Highlands, 1957; the Bowman House in Kirkland, 1956; and the Evans House on Mercer Island, 1956. He received an AIA Seattle award for his design of the University Unitarian Church, 1959.Kirk established Paul Hayden Kirk and Associates in 1957 as his reputation and business grew. In 1960, he promoted associates Donald S. Wallace and David A. McKinley to partner, becoming Kirk, Wallace, McKinley and Associates, Seattle, until his retirement in 1979 when the firm was passed on to David McKinley. Notable works from this period include the Blair Kirk residence on Mercer Island, 1968-1969; the Magnolia Branch Library, 1962-1964; Resident Theater, now Intiman Theater, at Seattle Center, 1959-1962; the Edmond Meany Hall at the University of Washington, 1974; and the Japanese Presbyterian Church, 1963, with classmate Smith S. Nakata. Kirk was elected to the AIA College of Fellows in 1959.
Freshman year, 1932-1933
Kirk 1
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash on paper ; 16 1/2 in x 22 1/4 in
Monochromatic rendering of an elongated window with pediment and balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of decorative elements and balcony balustrade. Penciled plan and section drawing.
Kirk 2
A Memorial
Assignment title: Memorial chapel.
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash with graphite on paper ; 21 3/4 in x 33 in
Freshman design/analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a stone memorial with stylized portico and religious relief; stairs with wall inscription of names in block lettering. Penciled plan shows the cross-shaped interior; section drawing reveals interior with columns and statue.
June 5, 1933
Kirk 3
A Sarcophagus
1 historical drawing : ink on paper ; 28 in x 19 3/4 in
Pen and ink freshman historical drawing of an ornamented church altar tomb with recumbent sculpted figure in a niche with relief mouldings; partial section drawings of base mouldings.
circa 1932-1933
Kirk 4
Vase in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink wash on paper ; 26 in x 19 3/4 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of niche with vase framed by two sets of Doric columns and entablature in a garden setting with detail drawings of lidded vase, column capital and base, entablature triglyphs and moulding. Penciled section drawing.
Junior year, 1934-1935
Kirk 5a
Children's room with puppet theatre
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on illustration board ; 30 in x 20 1/4 in
Junior sketch problem [esquisse-esquisse]. This is a 2-sided drawing, with separate sketch problem (Church) in watercolor on the reverse side.Watercolor sketch problem shows a children's room with nursery rhyme border and painted ceiling of night sky with a small puppet theatre set into a wall painted with images of alphabet blocks and clowns.
circa 1934-1935
Kirk 5b
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor on illustration board ; 30 in x 20 1/4 in
Sketch problem. This is a 2-sided drawing, with separate sketch problem (Children’s room with puppet theatre) on the reverse side.Watercolor perspective drawing of a church with offset bell-tower and a series of elongated windows along side.
circa 1934-1935
Senior year, 1935-1936
Kirk 6
Assignment title: Non-sectarian religious center.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 1/2 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation and plan of a church complex featuring a church with entrance portico and attached steeple; attached buildings house educational and administrative areas.
December 14, 1935
Kirk 7
Hotel and casino on a Pacific atoll
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 59 3/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Site plan of an atoll with hangar, boathouse, cottages, tennis court, swimming pool, and hotel rooms along a portion of the atoll's perimeter. Curved main building houses a casino, lounge areas, dining room, kitchen, and dancing terrace. Watercolor elevation of building with view through lounge windows.
March 13, 1936
Kirk 8
Ticket Office
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 1/4 in
Note: Student is listed as a Senior in the 1935-1936 student directory, however, this assignment would have been completed in the Architectural Design II class, typically undertaken during the Junior year by architecture students and continuing into the Senior year.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a brick building with two wings featuring floor-to-ceiling windows and a quarter-circle glass lobby; section drawings shows baggage and office areas; plan shows public and administrative areas around the ticket lobby.
November 9, 1935
5th year, 1936-1937
Kirk 9
Athletic facilities building for high school
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 1/2 in x 61 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a modernist building with flat roof and offset circular windowed section with a set of double doors at the entrance decorated with images of athletes. Multiple plans of the L-shaped building show the ground floor and basement. Ground floor includes mess, women's gym, and circular auditorium and cafe. Basement plan shows pool with lockers on each side and separate gyms for men and women. Longitudinal and transverse section drawings.
March 13, 1937
Buddhist shrine
Assignment title: National Buddhist shrine with cave Buddha.
5th year design/thesis project with two sheets.
Kirk 10a
Drawing 1
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 in x 59 in
Watercolor section drawing through a Buddhist temple shows the main sanctuary with large statue of Buddha under a conical dome. Rendering/elevation of the outside of the temple shows the building as a rounded pyramid with smaller dome at top. Plan of terrace at temple's top shows garden reception areas, private chapel, and grand stairway with separate entrances for pilgrims, monks, guests, and abbot. Plan of temple shows concentric floors with dormitories for pilgrims and monks, kitchen and service areas, dining room, and refectory. Floors are connected by stairways and walkways radiating from the main sanctuary in the center of the temple.
December 12, 1936
Kirk 10b
Drawing 2
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 in x 59 in
Watercolor section drawing through the walled site shows an interior sanctuary on the ground level with sculptures and shrine with large statue of Buddha. Stairway from main sanctuary leads to an enclosed room with stairway downstairs. Section drawing through main sanctuary reveals a stairway leading to the domed surface structure. Plan shows smaller sanctuarys and stairways radiating outwards from the circular sanctuary in the center of the building.
circa Autumn 1936
Architectural ornamentation class
Kirk 11
Gothic round window
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper and tissue paper with matting ; 27 3/4 in x 22 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Round stained glass window with centered circular design of cross with vine and acanthus leaves encircled by bands of contrasting colors.
circa 1934-1936
Unknown dates
Kirk 12
Pattern for textile
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor on illustration board ; 30 in x 20 in
Watercolor pattern of geometric shapes and figures in brown and black, possibly derived from pre-Columbian forms.
circa 1934-1937
James M. Klontz
Klontz, James M., 1920-2010 (Artist)
Student name as written: J. M. Klontz.
James Mathias Klontz received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1943, where he was elected to the Tau Sigma Delta Honor Society in Architecture and Allied Arts and awarded the AIA Medal for Distinction in Design in 1943. He graduated during World War II and, following graduation, served as an officer in the U.S. Army, 1943-1945, where he was awarded a Bronze Star. Upon his return, Klontz began his architecture career with Bliss Moore, Jr. & Associates in 1946, before beginning his own firm, James M. Klontz and Associates (later, Klontz and Wrede), Seattle, in 1951. The firm became known for his work in church and school architecture. Notable designs include Our Lady of Fatima, Seattle, 1952 and 1968; Saint Mark's Church and School, Shoreline, 1955-1956; the J.C. Penney department store, Bellevue, 1957; Seattle Eye Clinic, Seattle, 1958; and Snohomish Junior High School, 1959. Klontz continued to practice with various associates until his retirement in 2008.
Freshman year, 1939-1940
Klontz 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 14 3/4 in x 19 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters A, M, E, G, J, L, D.
circa Autumn 1939
Sophomore year, 1940-1941
Klontz 2
Commemorative wall sundial in garden
1 design/analytique drawing : goauche/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation with penciled plan and section drawing of a square wall-mounted sundial with Roman numerals on a stone wall above a planter box. Detail drawings of mouldings, Roman inscription numerals, and planter box.
November 2, 1940
William Knapp
Knapp, William (Artist)
Student name as written: Knapp.
Junior year
Knapp 1
Residence with lawn and garden
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 41 in x 30 1/2 in
Junior design.Design drawing provides two elevations of a residence with two stories, plot plan, and plan of the first floor. Watercolor renderings/elevations show a the facade and side of a residence with horizontally-oriented siding interrupted by sections of vertically-oriented siding and a second-story porch facing the lawn off the master bedroom over floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room. Plot plan shows the location of outdoor lawn, vegetable garden, and flower beds.
circa 1950s
Joan Knoff
Knoff, Joan A. (Joan Ardis) (Artist)
Student name as written: Knoff.Alternate name: Joan Ardis Price.
Joan Knoff received her B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1947.
Sophomore years, circa 1941-1943
Knoff 1
A Paris Fashion Designer's Pavillion
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 31 in
Class B projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a rectangular pavilion with semi-circular glass enclosure with Ionic colonnade and pool terrace. Section drawing shows the interior area with floor to ceiling curtains.
circa 1941-1942
Junior year, 1944-1945
Knoff 2
Assignment title: Small Catholic church on corner lot.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 29 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Watercolor renderings/elevations of the front and side of a smooth-faced church with little ornamentation. Plan shows the layout of the church site including the main worship area, chapel, and preparation areas. Section drawings show altar and nave seating.
circa 1944-1945
Roland Koepf
Koepf, Roland (Artist)
Student name as written: R. Koepf.
Roland Koepf received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1934.
Sophomore year, 1930-1931
Koepf 1
An Out Door Pulpit
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 28 1/4 in x 21 in
Sophomore sketch problem.Watercolor rendering of an outdoor pulpit atop a large column with zig-zag pattern projected from the side of the building. Two wooden doors with ornamental mouldings open onto the pulpit from an upper story of the building, protected by a semi-circular awning crowned with sculptural religious figure . Penciled section drawing and plan show the projection of the pulpit from the building.
December 15, 1930
Junior year, 1931-1932
Koepf 2
A Crematory
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 40 in x 31 in
Junior projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a crematory with walled courtyard and smooth-faced towers reminiscent of a stepped pyramid. Plan shows the columbaria, crematory, chapel, and the public and administrative areas.
circa Winter 1932
Koepf 3
An Italian Renaissance Church
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 1/2 in x 39 3/4 in
Class B projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of an Italian Renaissance church shows the symmetrical stone building with heightened center section and facade ornamented with carved pilasters, statues, and inset vault with sculptures on the upper section. Section drawing through the center section shows the profile of the pilasters as well as the elevation of the adjoining pilasters. Partial plan shows the front half of the building.
circa 1931-1932
Koepf 4
A Suburban Bank
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 3/4 in x 30 1/2 in
First junior project.Watercolor rendering/elevation of the rectangular building shows the facade with window grilles and terracotta roof. Plans and section drawing show the teller lobby and administrative areas.
circa Autumn 1931
Senior year, 1932-1933
Koepf 5
County court house
Assignment title: Small county court house.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 1/2 x 31 1/2
Rendering/elevation of building's exterior with offset entrance and elongated channels of windows. Multiple plans show ground floor auditorium, lobby, stage, gymnasium, locker rooms, and reception areas; second floor administrative offices and records vault; and third floor judicial offices and courtroom. Section drawing through building.
November 4, 1933
Koepf 6
National Research Center
Assignment title: National scientific research center.
1 design drawing : charcoal and ink wash on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 3/4 in x 60 1/2 in
Site plan of a research center campus with buildings for the sciences, library, dormitory housing, administrative building, and museum. Plan of the museum included.
circa Spring 1933
Palmer D. Koon
Koon, Palmer D., 1906-2004 (Artist)
Palmer Dorsey Koon received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1933. After graduating, Koon became a draftsman for the Mobile Oil Company before joining the Civil Engineering Corps (Seebees) of the U.S. Navy for five years during World War II. Koon retired from the U.S. Naval Reserve as a Commander. Following the war, he joined with Olav Boen to form Koon-Boen, Inc., a Seattle general construction company, that later became B-E-C-K Constructors after partnering with Richard Egge and Eddie Cummins. The firm was known for its work on publicly funded defense projects throughout Alaska and the Western Pacific. Koon's work with the firm had lasted more than 50 years before his retirement in 2004.In 2002, Koon was named a Laureate of the University of Washington for his lifetime giving, founding the Koon Family Fellowship at the Information School, and creating the first endowed chair in Construction Management at the College of Architecture and Urban Planning.
Sophmore year, 1929-1930
Koon 1
A Decorative Fountain
1 design/analytique drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 1/2 in x 39 3/4 in
Class B III analytique.Charcoal rendering of an art deco style tower fountain. A ball atop acanthus leaves on a tiered base with carved wave design on a triangular tower; the wave design continues in narrow sections with a vertical row of spitting heads along the main section of the tower and sculptures of a winged creature at the base. Detail drawings of sculptures, ball top, carved pattern, and spitting heads surround the rendering. Lightly penciled section and plan.
circa 1930
Koon 2
Portico and a Pediment to a Hall of Fame
Assignment title: Portico and pediment.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 40 in x 29 1/4 in
Class B IV analytique.Analytique provides a rendering of a Classical style building on water with elevation of the portico with grille and triangular pediment with relief sculpture, entablature, and frieze in the Doric order; elevation is surrounded by detail drawings of the carved stone, Doric capitol and plinth with carved basin. Plan and section drawings illustrate the depth of the portico and size of columns.
circa Winter 1930
Wesley Korman
Korman, Wesley V., 1920-2004 (Artist)
Student name as written: Korman.
Wesley Korman received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1948.
Sophomore year, 1941-1943
Korman 1
West entrance to Bremerton Navy Yard
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Watercolor rendering/elevation of an inscribed memorial tablet in front of a stone wall with relief of nautical goddess. Detail drawing of sculpture and inscription lettering. Lightly penciled plan.
circa 1941-1942
Rolland Lamping
Lamping, Rolland Denny, 1907-1980 (Artist)
Student name as written: R. D. L.
Rolland Lamping received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1934. Following graduation, he worked briefly for Smith, Carroll & Johanson, Seattle, 1935-1936; then as Designer for Edwin J. Ivey, Architect, Seattle, 1936-1945. During World War II, Lamping worked as an architect for the U.S. Engineers Office.When Edwin Ivey died in an automobile accident in 1940, UW alumni Elizabeth Ayer took over Edwin Ivey's architectural practice. Once World War II had ended, Ayer and Lamping established a partnership as Ayer & Lamping, Architects, Seattle, c.1945-1970. They continued to focus on residential design, remodeling, and small commercial projects that blended traditional styles with modern functional requirements. Notable works include the Burrough Anderson House in Medina, 1968; the Lee Doud House in Tacoma, 1951; and the Robert F. Linden House in Bainbridge Island, 1962.
Freshman year, 1930-1931
Lamping 1
Vase in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 26 1/2 in x 19 3/4 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering of niche with vase framed by columns and entablature under a scrolled pediment in a garden setting with plan, section drawing, and detail drawings of lidded vase, pediment scroll, and columns.
circa 1930-1931
Senior year, 1934-1935
Lamping 2
A Memorial Bridge
Assignment title: Monumental bridge on Canadian border.
1 design drawing : charcoal with ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 61 1/2 in
Senior design.Elevation of a bridge over water with memorial statue and inscription. Plan shows traffic lanes and the American-Canadian customs and immigrations building.
circa 1934-1935
Lamping 3
Urban library
1 design drawing : ink wash with graphite on paper ; 38 1/4 in x 56 1/4 in
Senior design.Two-story urban library. Exterior elevation shows the building's facade with relief medallions, frieze, and inscription; plan of both floors; section drawing shows staircase and wall murals.
Lester Landaal
Landaal, Lester (Artist)
Student name as written: Landaal.
Freshman year, circa 1922-1923
Landaal 1
The Ionic Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of a Ionic column including reflected ceiling plan of capital and entablature; elevation and section drawings of columns and entablature; and detail drawings of base, shaft, and capital.
circa 1922-1923
Warren Langton
Langton, Warren (Artist)
Student name as written: W. Langton; Langton.
Warren Langton received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1942.
Freshman year, 1934-1935
Langton 1
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 20 3/4 in x 14 3/4 in
Freshman design/analytique.Monochromatic rendering of an elongated window with pediment and balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of decorative elements and balcony balustrade. Penciled section drawing.
Langton 2
Tombeau de Giovanni Della Rouvere
1 historical drawing : ink on paper ; 27 in x 19 in
Pen and ink freshman historical drawing of an ornamented church altar tomb with relief mouldings and recumbent sculpted figure in constructed niche framed with entablature.
March 18, 1935
Langton 3
Vase in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 15 1/2 in x 22 1/4 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of niche in wall with vase framed by Doric columns and pediment in a garden setting with column plan and detail drawings of vase, entablature, column base and capital, pediment, and other decorative elements; penciled section drawing.
Winter 1935
Langton 4
Wall sundial
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 17 in x 22 3/4 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation with penciled plan and section drawing of a rectangular wall-mounted stone sundial with Roman numerals.
Junior year, 1936-1937
Langton 5
Northwest Indian Museum
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Watercolor rendering of a smooth-faced building with decorative relief tiles, totem pole, and fountain. Plan shows site with fountain pool and main building exhibit areas, lecture room, library, and terrace. Section drawing through building shows interior courtyard.
Langton 6
Principal staircase at an Andrew Mellon Museum
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 in x 30 3/4 in
Junior design.Design drawing includes a partial plan and two section drawings of an interior doorway and staircase in a neoclassical style building with doorway pediment, entablature, decorative frieze, Corinthian columns, and other classical elements.
Langton 7
Studio and residence on country estate of an architect
Assignment title: Architect's studio and residence.
1 design drawing : colored pencil and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 30 3/4 in
Pen and ink rendering/elevation of a flat-roofed residence and studio in the modernist style on a terraced site. Alternate view of the residence from the other side. Plans show one floor with exterior parking, servants' areas, and living quarters; and other level with additional living areas and working areas including library, drafting room, offices, and five car garage.
Senior year, 1937-1938
Langton 8
Urban student center
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 58 1/2 in
Senior design.Design drawing includes a rendering/elevation of a building in the art deco style with gridded panelled windows down one side of the building, an offset tower with flat roof and decorative ironwork over entrance and window channels; multiple plans; and a section drawing that reveals multiple stories. Plans show four stories of the building and a mezzanine level with administrative and living areas, library, auditorium, servants' quarters, game room, and dormitory housing for girls and boys.
circa 1937-1938
Wilbur Larson
Larson, Wilbur (Artist)
Freshman year, circa 1925-1926
Larson 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 14 in x 19 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters T, U, Y, G, E, X, N.
circa 1925-1926
Charles Lawrence, Jr.
Lawrence, Charles A., 1914- (Artist)
Student name as written: Lawrence; Chas. Lawrence.
Charles Albert Lawrence received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1938, and his M.Arch from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1939. After graduation, he returned to Seattle as a Draftsman for McClelland & Jones, 1940-1942. During World War II, Lawrence worked as an architect with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1942-1943.In 1946, Larwence partnered with fellow UW alumni, architect George W. Hazen as Lawrence & Hazen, Architects, Seattle. Notable residential works include the John Irwin House, 1940; the W. H. Connon, Jr. House, 1940; the Patricelli House, 1947; and the Susan Anne Apartments, 1955. The firm also did non-residential works that include the Dr. Anderson Medical Clinic, 1959; the Crown Lutheran Church, 1962; the Bellevue First Baptist Church, 1960; and their own offices at 8626 Roosevelt Way in Seattle, 1952, which earned the firm an AIA National Merit Award in 1953.
Freshman year, 1933-1934
Lawrence 1
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper on cheesecloth backing ; 22 1/4 in x 16 in
Monochromatic rendering of an elongated window with pediment and balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of decorative elements and balcony balustrade. Penciled section drawing.
circa Autumn 1933
Lawrence 2
Facade of an embassy
Note: Student has dated his signature as "Lawrence - '38"; however, it is believed this refers to his date of graduation rather than the completion date of the drawing.
1 design drawing : ink wash with graphite on paper ; 21 in x 28 in
Freshman design provides an elevation of the facade of a building with mansard roof, stone base, Cornithian colonnade, and entablature on the upper level decorated with festoons.
circa 1933-1934
Sophomore year, 1934-1935
Lawrence 3
Fountain and steps in park
Note: Student has dated his signature as "Lawrence - 38"; however, it is believed this refers to his date of graduation rather than the completion date of the drawing.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor on paper ; 24 in x 38 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a stone wall with steps and fountain. Design features decorative elements such as urns, balustrade, and pegasus sculptures on the fountain.
circa 1934-1935
Lawrence 4
Spring House
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper on cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a pool and spring house with Ionic colonnade encircling a basin with sculpture of women pouring water. Plan shows the semi-circular design, colonnade, and location of locker areas; section drawing through spring house; detail drawings of rooftop basin and Ionic column with capital.
circa 1934-1935
Junior year, 1935-1936
Lawrence 5
A Concert Hall
Assignment title: Concert hall on private estate.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Design drawing includes a watercolor rendering/elevation of the building with exterior terrace and semi-circular niche for sculpture fountain; plan showing the public areas, stage, and auditorium seating area; and a section drawing revealing the interior of the auditorium.
circa Spring 1936
Lawrence 6
A Museum of Sculpture
Assignment title: Sculpture museum in city of 100,000.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a smooth-faced building on a plaza with fountain. The building's entrance portico covers an elongated window panel over entrance doors and sculpture niche on each side. Plan shows the ground floor exhibition areas and administrative areas. Section drawings reveal the upper level of the building, and the interior of the exhibition area.
circa Autumn 1935
Lawrence 7
A Savings and Loan Asso.
Assignment title: Savings and loan association.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 3/4 in x 30 3/4 in
Rendering/elevation of a bank building with lettered sign and curved walls leading to the inset windowed entrance. Plans shows the lobby, teller windows, desks, and administrative areas on the ground floor and the storage and vault areas on the basement level. Section drawings include a view of the teller windows and murals.
circa 1935-1936
Senior year, 1936-1937
Lawrence 8
A Research Hospital
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 58 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Rendering/elevation of the a multi-story building with elongated balcony windows and projected center section. Multiple plans show ground floor with dining preparation areas, dining lounge and top floor with squash courts. Section drawing through building shows all levels of building including rooms, suites, library, baths, and recreation areas.
circa 1936-1937
Fifth year, 1937-1938
Lawrence 9
A Spa
Assignment title: Spa on wooded site with festival hall.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 1/2 in x 60 in
Design drawing includes a site plan with several elevation drawings of a rectangular fountain plaza with circular pumphouse, courtyard, casino, festival hall, and outdoor beer garden connected via covered walkways. Section drawing through casino and festival hall.
circa 1937-1938
Unknown dates
Lawrence 10
A Flower Market
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with matting ; 22 in x 28 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation and plan of a flower market with center tower atop of an open-sided triangular area with low walls and pillars at each apex. The center tower has a series of upside-down bell shapes arching outward into a tiered appearance with lettering and flowers on each tier. Each pillar has shelves filled with potted flowers.
circa 1935-1938
Lawrence 11
A War Memorial
1 sketch problem : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 27 3/4 in x 21 3/4 in
Sketch problem. Drawing likely completed during the final two years of study.Design sketch includes a site plan showing a memorial hall with auditorium on a colonnaded plaza with cenotaph. Memorial hall and plaza are rendered at the bottom of the drawing in ink and shown in section drawing.
circa 1936-1938
Helene Lawson
Lawson, Helene (Artist)
Alternate name: Helene Lawson Romaine.
Freshman year, 1941-1942
Lawson 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 13 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters Q, K, R, J, P, Z.
circa 1941-1942
P. H. Lenon
Lenon, P. H. (Artist)
Junior year, 1931-1932
Lenon 1
An Italian Renaissance Church
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Class B projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of an Italian Renaissance church shows the symmetrical building with heightened center section and facade ornamented with carved pilasters and painted pediment. Section drawing through the center section shows the profile of the pilasters as well as the elevation of the adjoining pilasters. Half-plan shows the tile pattern.
circa 1931-1932
Myron Lewis
Lewis, Myron (Artist)
Myron Lewis received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1956.
Junior year, 1953-1954
Lewis 1
Entrance to an art museum
Note: This project was typically assigned during the Junior year of study; the "Autumn 1954" date written on the project is believed to be incorrect and possibly added at a later date.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 41 in
Junior analytique.Watercolor rendering/elevation of the entrance to art museum building on a terrace with sculptures. The entrance is a gridded panel of glass windows set into the face of the main building with three sets of double doors at the bottom. Detail drawings of sculpture and stone.
circa Autumn 1953
Alan Liddle
Liddle, Alan, 1922-2009 (Artist)
Student name as written: A. Liddle.
Alan Liddle received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1948 after his studies, which began in 1940, were interrupted by World War II. Following graduation, Liddle worked as a draftsman for the Tacoma architecture firm Lea, Pearson, & Richards, 1948-1950, before taking up studies in architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, 1950-1951. After his return to the United States, he established his own architectural practice in 1952. Notable projects from this time include Liddle's mountain cabin near the Southwest entrance to Mount Rainier National Park, 1954; and his commission as a supervising architect on the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Chauncey Griggs House in Tacoma, 1954.Liddle's independent practice lasted until 1957 when he formed a partnership with fellow Tacoma architect Robert Jones. Liddle & Jones designed a number of noteworthy projects that include the Oceanography and Marine Sciences Building at the University of Washington, 1967; Lundberg House, 1960; structures on the campus of the Charles Wright Academy in University Place; Seward Elementary School, 1962; and the Home of Living Light at the Seattle World's Fair, 1962.Liddle and Jones dissolved the partnership in 1968 and each formed independent architectural practices. Liddle's designs continued to earn awards and accolades and include his own home in Lakewood, 1969; the Galbraith House, 1975; and the Dr. Huck House in Lakewood, 1971. In 1977, Robert Jacklin became a junior partner in the firm, rising to full partner 1982; this partnership lasted until Liddle's retirement in 1998. Over his career, Liddle designed more than 100 homes and 50 commercial buildings, working mostly in the modernist style.Liddle led the establishment of the Tacoma Landmarks Preservation Commission in the 1960s, and was heavily involved as a Life Trustee on the board of the Tacoma Art Museum. Liddle served as president of the Southwest Washington Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, 1967-1968, and received the Charles Pearson Public Service Award from AIA. In 1970, Liddle was elected to the College of Fellows of the American Institute of Architects (FAIA). His drawing collection was donated to the University of Washington after his death.
Freshman year, 1940-1941
Liddle 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 14 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters Q, L, D, R, V, Y, J.
circa Autumn 1940
5th year, 1947-1948
Liddle 2
The Tacoma Public Library
Assignment title: Library for a major west coast city.
1 design drawing : graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 45 in
Inscribed on drawing: The Tacoma Public Library: through the joining of municipal enterprise and private generosity offers perpetual access to the knowledge of all ages.Large plan of a public library shows public and administrative areas, with reading room, lobby, stacks, bindery, staff offices, and outdoor reading courtyards including a children's courtyard attached to the children's department on the second level. Two differing elevation of the exteriors. Section drawings show the main reading room and children's court.
circa Spring 1948
John Lippy
Lippy, John Emmett (Artist)
Student name as written: J. E. Lippy.
Freshman year, 1922-1923
Lippy 1
The Doric Order
1 drawing exercise : graphite and ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 17 3/4 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Doric order includes an elevation of the column and entablature; reflected ceiling plan; section drawing through entablature; and detail drawings of column base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
circa 1922-1923
Lippy 2
The Tuscan Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 24 in x 17 3/4 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Tuscan order includes detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, and entablature; section drawing through columns and entablature; plan of column base; and ceiling plan of column showing capital and soffits.
circa 1922-1923
Sophomore year, 1923-1924
Lippy 3
A Church Bay - The Anterior
Assignment title: Interior bay of a church.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 38 1/4 in x 26 1/2 in
Class B III analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Elevation of the interior bay of church shows the triforium and the gothic arched clerestory windows above a colonnaded aisle with windows. Detail drawings of a jamb statue, stone arch with capital, and molding. Section drawing and plan.
circa 1923-1924
Wallace Litchfield
Litchfield, Wallace H. (Artist)
Wallace H. Litchfield received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1930.
Freshman year, 1926-1927
Litchfield 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 17 1/4 in x 13 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letter V.
circa 1926-1927
Harry Loners
Loners, Harry K. (Artist)
Student name as written: H. Loners.
Harry Loners received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1928. As a student, he was awarded the Gladding McBean Terra Cotta Company Prize in 1925-1926.
Senior year, 1927-1928
Loners 1
A Varsity Boat Club
1 design/thesis drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 55 3/4 in x 39 in
Senior design thesis.Rendering/elevation of a multi-story stone building with gabled roof, dormer windows, and heightened tower housing a great hall. Multiple plans show the housing and living areas. Section drawing reveals the interior of the great hall.
circa Spring 1928
Leonard Lortz
Lortz, Leonard (Artist)
Student name as written: Lortz.
Junior year, 1954-1955
Lortz 1
Entrance to a botanical garden
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with masking tape border ; 39 3/4 in x 29 3/4 in
Site plan of a garden with walkways, roads, and angled terrace adjoined by stairs and gardens.
Autumn 1954
Losey, Blanche Morgan
See also: Morgan, Blanche.
Jake Lounsbury
Lounsbury, Jake C., 1914- (Artist)
Alternate name: J. C. Lounsbury.
Jake Lounsbury received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1942. Following graduation, he worked as a Draftsman for the Austin Company, 1940-1943; then as Draftsman for Chiarelli & Kirk, 1946-1947; and as Draftsman for William Mallis, 1947-1948. He returned to the Austin Company, 1948-1951. Later career unknown.
Sophomore year, 1935-1936
Lounsbury 1
Entrance to grottoes
Assignment title: Entrance to grottoes, Roquefort cheese.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 1/4 in x 39 1/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering of a cave entrance with stonework lattice and relief sculpture over a rectangular opening. Detail drawings of gateway pillar, planter, and relief. Penciled plan in upper left corner.
circa 1935-1936
Unknown dates
Lounsbury 2
1 sketch problem : graphite on paper with matting ; 27 3/4 in x 22 in
Sketch problem.Pencil sketch of a wall with arched passage and attached stone tower.
circa 1935-1942
Lloyd Lovegren
Lovegren, Lloyd J., 1906-1989 (Artist)
Lovegren worked as an architect for the Seattle Parks Department, 1933-1935. He later joined in the Jones, Lovegren, Helms & Jones partnership. Lovegren worked with fellow alumni James FitzGerald in the design of the Mount Baker Tunnel east portal, c.1940, and the . He also designed Polynesian-themed Trader Vic's restaurant in Denver, 1954; Chicago, 1957; and Havana, Cuba, 1958. Lovegren served as the Washington State AIA chapter president, 1955-1956.
Junior year, 1931-1932
Lovegren 1
A Meteorological Station
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 3/4 in x 30 3/4 in
Class B II projet.Watercolor and ink rendering with elevation of the building's facade shows a residential meterological station with five-story weather tower in the center. Plans show the living areas on the first floor and the work areas on the second floor; section drawing through the tower.
circa 1931-1932
Wendell Lovett
Lovett, Wendell H. (Wendell Harper), 1922-2016 (Artist)
Wendell Harper Lovett received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1947 after his studies, which began in 1940, were interrupted by World War II. As a student, he was awarded the AIA Student Silver Medal for Excellence in Design. After graduating, he continued his studies at the Massachussetts Institute of Technology, receiving his Master of Architecture degree in 1948.Prior to his graduate studies at MIT, he worked for Naramore, Brady, Bain & Johanson, 1946-1948. Once graduated, he returned to Seattle and took a position as Designer/Associate with Seattle architects Bassetti & Morse, 1948-1951, where he designed the Hilltop planned community on Lake Washington. Bassetti & Morse, with Lovett as the Associate Architect, received the AIA National Grand Honor Award for the design of the Gamma Rho Apartments in Seattle, 1953. During this time, he also accepted a part-time teaching position at the University of Washington, 1948-1951.Lovett became Assistant Professor of Architecture at the University of Washington, 1951-c.1960. He received a Fulbright award to teach and serve as a guest critic at the Technical Institute in Stuttgart, Germany, during the 1959-1960 academic year. He returned as an Associate Professor of Architecture, 1960-1965, eventually rising to Professor of Architecture at the University of Washington, 1965-1984. He was named Professor Emeritusin 1984, and continued to teach part-time through the early 1990s.Throughout his career, Lovett continued his work as an architect in his own architecture practice as Wendell H. Lovett, Architect, which he began in 1951. Notable works include the Gordon Giovanelli residence, named the Seattle Times/AIA Home of the year in 1959; the Gerald and Jo Frey house in Bellevue, which received an AIA Seattle Honor Award in 1972; his own residences, which received AIA Seattle Honor Awards in 1953, 1955, 1961, and 1964; the Lovett Summer House on Crane island, which received an AIA Seattle Exhibition Award in 1970; the Mr. and Mrs. Max Scofield house, which received an AIA Seattle Award of Merit in 1978; the Charles Simonyi house in Medina, which received an AIA Seattle Commendation in 1990; and the Cutler-Girder House in Medina, which received an AIA Seattle Award of Merit in 1998.In addition to residences, Lovett received a Special Citation for his design of he AIA Seattle Office in 1968. He also designed the Nuclear Reactor Building at the University of Washington, c.1961, operating as The Architects and Artist Group [TAAG], with Daniel Streissguth, Gene Zema, Gerard Torrence, and Spencer Moseley.Lovett was the 1993 recipient of the AIA Seattle Medal. In 2005, Lovett was recognized in the Roll of Honor by the University of Washington College of Architecture and Urban Planning. Lovett has been named to the College of Fellows of the AIA. His drawing collection was donated to the University of Washington.
Freshman year, 1940-1941
Lovett 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 20 1/4 in x 14 3/4 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
circa Autumn 1940
Lovett 2
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 21 in x 16 in
Monochromatic rendering of an elongated window with pediment and balconette set into a stone wall with detail drawings of pediment, decorative elements, and balcony balustrade. Penciled plan and section drawing.
circa Autumn 1940
Lovett 3
End pavilion of a public building
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 25 1/2 in x 18 7/8 in
Freshman analytique provides a monochromatic rendering/elevation of the end pavilion of a neo-classical building with an elongated window partially framed by columns with Corinthian capitals. Detail drawings of entablature; fluted column shaft, base, and Corinthian capital; and pedestal urn with relief. Plan of Corinthian capital. Lightly penciled plan and section drawing.
circa Spring 1941
Lovett 4
Ink wash circles:Plate 1
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 18 3/4 in x 13 3/4 in
Freshman drawing exercise of ink wash circles with separated gradations from dark to light.
Lovett 5
An Outdoor Stage
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 25 3/4 in x 19 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation with penciled plan of a semi-circular outdoor theatre stage framed by an unornamented colonnade and and two sculpture niches.
Spring 1941
Sophomore year, 1941-1942
Lovett 6
Exhibition pavilion
Assignment title: Pavilion for fruit growers in Southern Oregon.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a curved modernist building with windowed entrance portico. Plan reveals that the heighented center section houses an exhibition room while the side wings house offices, workspaces, and a movie viewing room. Section drawings show the interior of the exhibition room.
circa Spring 1942
Senior/5th year, circa 1946-1947
Lovett 7
Activity center at summer camp
1 design drawing : pastel with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 in x 60 in
Site plan of an activity center on waterfront site with nature paths. Plan of the activity center; section drawing through main building. Elevation drawing of the building's exterior demonstrates a shift to the modernist style.
circa 1946-1947
Lovett 8
Beach hotel
Assignment title: Beach hotel in the Florida Keys.
1 design drawing : graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 60 in
Site plan shows beach hotel with parking lot, segregated employee quarters, and cabins arranged around the perimeter of the site. Main building houses library, music room, bar, lounge, kitchen, dining areas, administrative offices, and opens onto outdoor recreation areas with shuffleboard courts. Multiple plans show guest rooms, second floor guestrooms, and rooftop dining terrace. Perspective drawing of main building's exterior.
circa 1946-1947
Lovett 9
Building in an open space
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 in x 39 1/2 in
Entered in the 1947 Alumni Prize Problem competition. Inscribed on drawing: This is a building design in deliberate defiance of our present city. The building covers only a small percentage of the site allowing the free ground to resume its natural function. A spot of green trees, grass, open sky, fresh air offered as a place of rest amid the urban agglomeration to the joy a[nd] delight of m[an].Perspective drawing of a stone building in an urban location with wraparound walkway leading to an elevated extension supported by square arches. Multiple section drawings show the various levels of the structure, while the site plan gives a better view of the expanse of outdoor areas preserved by the architecture of the structure and provides the layout of interior areas that include an information kiosk, concession stand, and exhibition area.
Spring 1947
Lovett 10
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with matting ; 28 in x 22 in
Senior sketch problem.Watercolor rendering of a stone chimney and shingled roof with a view of water in background.
circa 1946-1947
Lovett 11
Department store and parking garage
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 62 in
Senior/5th year design.Watercolor elevation of a modernist building with flat roof and offset windowed section housing department store areas. Multiple plans show the department store and employee areas, basement, heating, storage, and parking. Section drawing through building.
circa 1946-1947
Lovett 12
A Guest Cabin
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with matting ; 22 in x 28 in
Senior sketch problem.Rendering of a cabin with glass walls and flat roof. The modernist cabin is supported by narrow pillars, providing an area under the cabin for a carport and outdoor living area. Plan of both levels.
circa 1946-1947
Lovett 13
Transportation center
1 design drawing : graphite and ink on paper ; 40 in x 60 1/4 in
Design drawing includes an exterior elevation and perspective drawing of a transportation terminal in the modernist style with flat roof and gridded windows, and multiple plans showing platforms for trains, ground transportation, and ferry wharfs. Section drawing through the termial shows multiple levels including an observation deck, customs, freight deck, baggage deck, and train platforms on ground level
circa 1946-1947
Harry Lund
Lund, Harry (Artist)
Freshman year
Lund 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 21 in x 15 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
Richard Lytel
Lytel, Richard E., 1936- (Artist)
Student name as written: Lytel.
Richard Edward Lytel received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1931. He partnered with fellow alumni LaMonte Shorett as Lytel & Shorett, Architects, in 1936
Sophomore year, 1927-1928
Lytel 1
A Church Portico
1 design/analytique drawing : watercolor wash with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 38 1/2 in x 29 1/2 in
Class B II analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of church portico surrounded by detail drawings of jamb statues and stone work; lightly penciled section drawing of entrance.
circa 1927-1928
Senior year, 1929-1930
Lytel 2
Restaurant in tower
1 design drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 37 1/4 in x 24 3/4 in
Tower in the art deco style houses a two-story restaurant with dining on the lower level and dancing and terrace on the upper level. Rendering with elevation of the restaurant shows the exterior: a star-shaped tower with glass-enclosed circular dining areas off each point of the star extend out from the tower's midpoint; the tower is crowned with a vertical banner of lights and observation deck. Plan shows the base and upper and lower floors of the restaurant with the cantilever system outlined in red on the main restaurant level.
circa 1929-1930
5th Year, 1930-1931
Henry Art Gallery / Meany Theatre addition
5th Year design projet with two sheets.
Lytel 3a
Drawing 1
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 18 1/2 in x 39 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a proposed addition to the Henry Art Gallery and Meany Theatre on the University of Washington campus shows three similarly-styled brick buildings on a plaza.
circa 1930-1931
Lytel 3b
Drawing 2
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor on paper ; 20 in x 40 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a proposed addition to the Henry Art Gallery on the University of Washington campus shows an alternate view of the plaza with buildings.
circa 1930-1931
Lytel 4
A Private Banking House
1 design drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 62 in
Class A IV projet.Rendering/elevation of a multi-story art deco building with glass-and-steel chevron windows, stone pilasters, and iron grille over entrance doors. Multiple floor plans show the main floor with public areas, ornately decorated upper levels with rooftop garden, grand salon, dining room, and administrative offices. Section drawing reveals entrance lobby and main banking room. Penciled perspective drawing.
circa 1930-1931
Container(s) Description Dates
Charles MacDonald
MacDonald, Charles Graham, 1910- (Artist)
Student name as written: C. MacDonald; C. G. MacDonald; Chas. MacDonald.
Charles Graham MacDonald received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1933, and his M.Arch from Harvard University in 1945. Following graduation, MacDonald worked for Walter Gropius in Cambridge, 1945-1946. He then moved to Los Angeles to work for Wurdeman & Becket, Architects, 1946-1947. He returned to Seattle in 1947, working for J. Lister Holmes, 1947-1952, becoming as partner in the firm of Holmes, McClure, Adkison & MacDonald, 1952-1954, with offices in Seattle and Spokane. He joined with Robert Dietz as Dietz & MacDonald, Architects.
Freshman year, 1928-1929
MacDonald C 1
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash with graphite on paper ; 21 3/4 in x 15 1/2 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering of an elongated window with pediment and balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of pediment, decorative elements, and balcony balustrade.
circa 1928-1929
MacDonald C 2
Planter with shade and shadow
1 drawing exercise : charcoal with graphite, colored pencil, and white on paper ; 24 1/2 in x 36 1/2 in
Freshman drawing exercise shows two views of a planter with animal head and ornamental vines, one view with shade and shadow added.
circa 1928-1929
Senior/5th years, 1931-1933
MacDonald C 3
Naval Academy
1 sketch problem : charcoal on paper ; 36 in x 20 1/4 in
Senior sketch problem.Charcoal drawing shows the site plan for a naval academy with small rendering of chapel and surrounding buildings at bottom. Site plan shows a walkway from the entrance gate and drill yard extending the length of the site to the chapel with officers' and enlisted mens' barracks lining the sides. Two intersecting walkways lead to a sports stadium, academy, academic buildings, and dormitory areas.
circa 1931-1933
MacDonald C 4
A Small Opera House
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with pastel and charcoal on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 40 in x 59 1/2 in
Senior design/analytique.Design drawing for an opera house includes a plan and a longitudinal section drawing in watercolor showing the driveway, entrance, stair hall, seating area, stage, and green room. Design features a hydraulic stage seen in the plan, section drawing, and a penciled elevation.
circa 1931-1932
Lawrence MacDonald
MacDonald, Lawrence E. (Artist)
Student name as written: Larry E. MacDonald.
Lawrence Edward MacDonald received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1942. In 1950, he worked for Engineering Associates. Later career unknown.
Freshman year, 1937-1938
MacDonald L 1
Fountain, Brescia
1 historical drawing : ink on paper ; 27 3/4 in x 19 3/4 in
Freshman historical drawing exercise shows a niche with sculptural fountain framed with columns, entablature, and arched pediment.
circa Winter 1938
William MacLaurin
MacLaurin, William A. (Artist)
Student name as written: MacLaurin.
William Alexander MacLaurin received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1937. He was appointed to the University of Washington School of Architecture in 1940 to assist with the creation of a city planning curriculum instituted the following year.
Sophomore year, 1930-1931
MacLaurin 1
Outdoor pulpit
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with matting ; 27 3/4 in x 22 in
Sophomore sketch problem.Rendering of a covered pulpit with wraparound stairway; plan drawn on matting.
circa Fall 1930
MacLaurin 2
A Polo Stable
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 41 in x 32 in
Sophomore local projet.Watercolor rendering with elevation of a polo stable in stone with steeply gabled green roof. Plan shows the rectangluar complex wrapped around a stone courtyard with the living room and chimney tower to the right of the entrance and stable enclosures along the back and left walls. Section drawing reveals a two-story building with recreation area above the stables and feed tower.
May 9, 1931
Junior year, 1931-1932
MacLaurin 3
A Suburban Bank
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 32 1/2 in x 40 in
Junior projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of the rectangular building shows a windowless facade with doorway grille and geometric patterns inlaid into the brick along the base. Plans and section drawing show the teller lobby and administrative areas.
November 7, 1931
MacLaurin 4
Wrot Iron Atelier
Assignment title: Atelier for wrought iron craftsman.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 40 1/2 in
Class B II projet.Watercolor and ink rendering of a brick building with geometric brick inlay and decorative metal grille; plan of building shows the studio with forging room, museum, and administrative areas. Section drawing through building shows the forge room. Entrance grille inscribed with classmate's name: Chiarelli / Iron Monger.
December 12, 1931
Senior year, 1932-1933
MacLaurin 5
Aquarium and Planetarium
1 design competition drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 55 1/2 in x 39 3/4 in
Title as written by student: Aquarium and Planitarium. [sic]Senior design drawing. Drawing was entered in the Bebb Prize design competition and awarded "First Mention."Design drawing includes a watercolor rendering/elevation, plan, section drawing, and site plan with topographic details. Rendering/elevation shows a domed building on a walled and terraced site with stairway leading to entrance. Plan shows the circular lecture hall with stairway to basement aquarium. Longitudinal section drawing through the site shows the entrance gate, terraced stairs, and building with basement aquarium connected to the planetarium and lecture hall via lobby.
circa 1932-1933
5th year, 1936-1937
MacLaurin 6
Buddhist shrine
Assignment title: National Buddhist shrine with cave Buddha.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 59 3/4 in
Plan with watercolor section drawings of a Buddhist shrine show an oval sanctuary with stairways and hallways leading to rooms for pilgrims and monks arranged around the main sanctuary. Section drawing through main sanctuary reveals a statue of Buddha and a colonnade walkway around the perimeter of sanctuary.
circa Fall 1936
MacLaurin 7
Shrine and cemetery in the mountains
1 design drawing : charcoal and graphite on paper ; 61 in x 40 in
Rendering of cliff-side worship site with doorway at base leading to the upper cliff with Christian altar and monumental religious statue. Relief of religious figures in cliff face.
circa 1936
Unknown dates
MacLaurin 8
Treatment of a Proscenium Elevation
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with matting ; 22 in x 28 in
Sketch problem.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a proscenium with sun design on curtain and painted sky above the stage. Penciled section drawing shows the projecting proscenium arch; penciled plan on matboard.
circa 1930-1937
Katherine MacLeran
MacLeran, Katherine (Artist)
Katherine MacLeran received her B.A./B.S. from the University of Washington in 1937.
Freshman year, 1934-1935
MacLeran 1
Vase in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 16 1/2 in x 22 1/4 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of niche in wall with vase framed by Doric columns and open-topped pediment in a garden setting with column plan and detail drawings of vase and entablature.
February 21, 1935
Frank Marolich
Marolich, Frank (Artist)
Frank J. Marolich received his B.F.A. in Art from the University of Washington in 1937.
Freshman year, 1932-1933
Marolich 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 13 3/4 in x 19 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters D, M, C, J, U, O, L.
circa 1932-1933
Douglas Mason
Mason, Douglas (Artist)
Student name as written: D. Mason.
Douglas Mason received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1943.
Sophomore year, 1940-1941
Mason 1
Church sanctuary
Assignment title: Sanctuary for Catholic or Episcopalian church.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 39 1/2 in x 31 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/section drawing shows a church altar and pointed brick chancel arch with painted religious imagery. Detail drawings of metal light fixture, candle, and altar cloth.
circa 1940-1941
Robert Massar
Massar, Robert (Artist)
Student name as written: R. J. Massar; Massar.
Robert (Bob) Massar received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1940. In 1946, he was listed in partnership with fellow UW alumni Bliss Moore as Moore & Massar, Architects. From 1943-1963, Robert Massar and his wife Phyllis Dearborn Massar, also a graduate of the University of Washington, worked as architectural photographers documenting examples of Modernism and the International style in the Pacific Northwest.
Junior year, 1936-1937
Massar 1
Airport terminal building
Assignment title: Small airport terminal building.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 30 3/4 in
Junior design.Rendering/elevation of building facade shows building with round, windowed tower rising from center section. Plans shows main floor with public and administrative areas including a semi-circular observation area in the base of the tower. Perspective drawing shows the airport with runways; section drawing through building shows the observation area and waiting room.
circa 1936-1937
Massar 2
Sculpture museum
Assignment title: Sculpture museum in city of 100,000.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 3/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Junior design.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a smooth-faced building with decorative frieze. Ionic columns form an entrance portico housing an elongated window panel with grille over the entrance doors. Plan shows the ground floor galleries and administrative areas. Section drawings reveal the interior of the galleries and partial basement level.
circa Autumn 1936
Massar 3
Sports lodge
Assignment title: Winter sports lodge on south slope of mountain.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 1/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a three-story building on a sloped site with exposed timber walkway along upper left and covered walkway that leads to cabins. Plans of all floors of main building show the recreational and lodge areas. Partial section drawing through lodge.
circa Autumn 1936
5th year, 1939-1940
Massar 4
Art and architecture building
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 1/2 in x 59 1/2 in
Senior/5th year design.Watercolor elevation of a building with heightened center section and post-and-bean ornamentation along the top with a colonnaded entrance leading to a courtyard. Plans and birds-eye perspective show interior courtyard with lecture halls, bookstore, faculty areas, library, and studios arranged around the courtyard; additional rooms in the two-story building include the sculpture studio, interior decorating office, second floor library, engineering rooms, exhibition hall, drafting rooms, and auditorium. Longitudinal section drawing shows entrance with drafting room above, courtyard-facing wall, and stairway to facilities on upper level.
circa 1939-1940
Thomas Matsumoto
Matsumoto, Thomas T. (Artist)
Student name as written: T. T. Matsumoto.See also: The T. T. Matsumoto album (PH Coll 19) contains black and white photographs of esquisses and analytiques Matsumoto completed as a student.
Japanese student Takashi (Thomas) Matsumoto was awarded the Gladding-McBean Terra Cotta Company Prize in 1924-1925. He practiced architecture and Seattle and Tokyo, Japan, designing the Franklin Building, Seattle, in 1963.
Freshman year, 1923-1924
Matsumoto 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 17 in x 12 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letter V.
circa 1923-1924
Sophomore year, 1924-1925
Matsumoto 2
A Dormer Window
Title as written by student: A dormar window. [sic]
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on illustration board ; 20 in x 15 in
Sophomore sketch problem provides a watercolor rendering/elevation, plan, and section drawing of an elongated dormer window with balustrade balcony projecting from a metal roof.
January 22, 1925
Matsumoto 3
A Facade on a Courtyard
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash on paper ; 28 in x 19 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation with section drawing and plan of a three-story building with metal roof and balustrude railing with colonnaded passage along the ground level and windowed doorways with pediment and balustrade railing on the middle level. Detail drawings of arch and column capitals and base.
March 21, 1925
Matsumoto 4
An Interior Bay of Church
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 38 3/4 in x 27 1/4 in
Class B III analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the drawing was judged in the national competition.Rendering of the interior bay of a church, as viewed through an arched opening with tomb, shows the open bay with arched opening and tomb on the opposite side under a row of clerestory windows. Relief pilaster and candle holders are highly detailed. Partial plan and section drawing penciled along edges of drawing.
circa 1924-1925
Matsumoto 5
A Spring House in the Cascades
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 37 1/4 in x 24 in
Class B projet.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of the facade of an Asian-style spring house with sweeping roof on a cliff-top setting with deck and pergola surrounding the structure on three sides. Plan shows the fountain, basin, and tile pattern with dragon motif; section drawing shows fountain and the open style of the building.
April 10, 1925
Fumio Matsuzawa
Matsuzawa, Fumio (Artist)
Student name as written: F. Matsuzawa.
Fumio Matsuzawa received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1929.
Freshman year, circa 1924-1925
Matsuzawa 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 13 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters G, H, N, B, U, D.
circa 1924-1925
Unknown dates
Matsuzawa 2
Bay in loggia with entrance
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 25 1/4 in x 18 3/4 in
Sketch problem shows an entrance with walkway along the upper level with red rail. Thick red pillars framing the entrance support a lintel decorated with Asian-style ornamentation. Penciled section drawing and plan.
circa 1926-1928
Roger Matthews
Matthews, Roger (Artist)
Freshman year
Matthews 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 14 3/4 in x 19 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters I, M, H, B, T, D.
John Mattson
Mattson, John I., 1894-1980 (Artist)
Student name as written: J. I. Mattson.
Finnish-born John Ivar Mattson received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1925. Following graduation, he worked as the principal architect in his own practice, John I. Mattson, Architect, Seattle, 1929-1949. In 1950, he partnered with Edgar Putnam to form Mattson, Smith & Putnam, 1950-1953. The firm changed its name to Mattson, Putnam & Simkins, with the addition of Robert Simpkins, c.1953, and later to Mattson & Putnam, c.1954. The partnership dissolved in 1954, and John Mattson became the principal in his own firm, John I. Mattson & Associates, Architects, c.1955.
Freshman year, 1921-1922
Mattson 1
Entrance Doorway, Delta Kappa Epsilon House, Seattle, Wash.
1 measured drawing : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
1 photograph : black and white photograph
Freshman measured drawing assignment of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity house doorway at the University of Washington. Drawing includes an elevation, section drawing, and partial plan of the entrance portico with detail drawings of casework, mouldings, vase, and trigylphs. Small photograph of entrance adhered to drawing. Inscribed on front of drawing: Drawn by J. I. Mattson, Measured by J. M., E. M., & C. B.
April 4, 1922
Senior year, 1924-1925
Mattson 2
King County State Bank Thesis Design
1 design/thesis drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 33 1/4 in x 20 3/4 in
Senior design thesis.Watercolor longitudinal section drawing and ground floor plan shows the interior of a bank lobby with classical columns and decorative elements. Plan shows additional offices and administrative areas. Section drawing reveals the basement safe and money lift.
circa Spring 1925
Don May
May, Donald (Artist)
Student name as written: Don May.Full name believed to be Donald Francis May based on student directory listing.
Unknown dates
May 1
Cabin in snow
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with matting ; 22 in x 28 in
Watercolor rendering of a stone cabin with wooden door and chimney in a snowy, wooded setting. Penciled plan shows the furniture arrangement.
circa 1936-1938
Richard Mayo
Mayo, Richard W. (Artist)
Student name as written: R. W. Mayo.
Richard Mayo received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1958.
Junior year, 1955-1956
Mayo 1
Observation platform at Gatty Falls
1 analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 30 in x 39 1/2 in
Junior analytique, Grade II analytique. Inscribed on drawing: Gatt...Discovered...Watercolor rendering/elevation of a stone and wood observation shelter in the modernist style with flat roof and open sides on a stone foundation overlooking a waterfall. Detail drawings of wooden posts, stairwell, and lettered sign.
Autumn 1955
Robert McClelland
McClelland, Robert F., 1892-1977 (Artist)
Robert "Jack" Fulton McClelland received architectural training from the University of Washington and the Massachussets Institute of Technology. McClelland worked as a draftsman for eight years before earning his Washington State architectural license in 1922. The following year, in 1923, he formed a partnership with Edward F. Pinneh, as McClelland & Pinneh, Seattle, 1923-1930. The firm expanded in 1930 to include fellow UW alumni and architect Victor N. Jones, as McClelland, Pinneh & Jones, Seattle,1930-1932. Pinneh left the firm in 1933 and the remaining firm, McClelland & Jones, Seattle, dissolved in 1946. Notable designs from McClelland & Jones include the Bremerton Ferry Terminal, 1938; Nordstrom's Store, 1937; and the Seattle Labor Temple, 1942.After Jones left the firm, McClelland formed a partnership with Hugo Osterman in 1947 as McClelland & Osterman. Notable earlier designs of the firm include the Gladding, McBean & Company Building, 1954; and Burke House, 1956; however, the firm became known for their design of suburban banks in the 1950s and 1960s, and the partnership produced designs for the the Mid-Columbia Bank in Pasco, 1953; the People's National Bank of Washington, 1957; and Seattle First National Bank in Olympia, 1959.McClelland was a member in the Seattle Chapter of the AIA, serving as chapter president from 1934-1936.
Unknown dates
McClelland 1
Country club
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper with cloth backing ; 41 1/2 in x 34 in
Watercolor and ink rendering/elevations of the front and back of a Tudor style clubhouse with porte cochere and setting for golfers.
Royal McClure
McClure, Royal Alfred, 1917- (Artist)
Royal Alfred McClure received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1942. As a student, he worked for Seattle architect J. Lister Holmes, 1939-1942. After graduating, McClure was drafted into the United States Army during World War II, working mainly as an architectural engineer for the Air Force flight program. Though accepted into Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture school at Taliesin, McClure received his M.Arch from Harvard University, c.1946. while working in Boston as a Designer for Samuel Glaser, Architect.After graduating, McClure took a position as the Acting Head of the Department of Architecture, University of Idaho, 1947-1948. He then partnered with fellow alumni Tom Adkison as Adkison & McClure, Spokane, 1948-1952. The firm designed several notable projects which were widely published, including the Studio Apartments, 1949; the Stephan Dental Clinic, 1950, which received an AIA Chapter Award; Cornelius House, 1951; and a small block of residences in Spokane's South Hill neighborhood, 1951. Notable projects outside Spokane include the Charles Decker House in Moscow, Idaho, 1952; the design for the E.S. Cherry House in California, 1952; and Thomas Meenach House, which received the Spokane AIA Award in 1959.McClure received the Wheelwright Travel Fellowship from Harvard in 1953. Upon his return, he partnered with former employer J. Lister Holmes and Charles MacDonald as Holmes, McClure, Adkison & MacDonald, 1953-1954, with offices in Seattle and Spokane. The firm returned to Adkison & McClure in 1954 and they continued their work in Spokane, receiving several large commissions throughout the 1960s. Notable projects include the Spokane Unitarian Church, 1961; JFK Pavilion/Martin Centre at Gonzaga University, 1965; Wilcox Hall and Elgin Rosco Hall at the University of Washington, 1964. The firm's design for the Joel E. Ferris High School received the Spokane AIA Award in 1963. McClure left the partnership in 1966 to open his own architectural firm in Seattle, where he designed the Gil and Erselle Eade House at Hunts Point, 1969. McClure retired in 1977.
Junior year, 1938-1939
McClure 1
Sculptor's residence and studio
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior project.Watercolor rendering/elevations of a stone building in the modernist style on a clifftop site. Elevations show the windowed facade and both sides of the building. Partial plan shows living areas, studio, and terrace overlook.
circa Spring 1939
Unknown dates
McClure 2
Fire station
Assignment title: Office and fire station for residential development.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a brick building in the modernist style with sections of floor-to-ceilling windows and a chain across the driveway linking the building to a wall on the other side. Elevations show multiple views of the building including the back of the building with fire engine garage doors and the side of the building with view of windowed living areas. Plan.
circa 1938-1942
Donald McDonald
McDonald, Donald N., 1904- (Artist)
Student name as written: D. N. McDonald; Don McDonald.
Donald McDonald received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1928, where he received the Frederick and Nelson Small House Competition Prize in 1927. He worked as Senior Draftsman for the City of Seattle, 1927-1930. He worked in partnership with Van Stimson as Stimson & McDonald, Architects, Seattle, 1932-1940; and later with Charles Miller as McDonald & Miller, Architects, Seattle, c.1946. He opened his own architectural practice in 1947 as Donald N. McDonald, Architect, Seattle, 1947-1951. He was listed as a partner in the practice of Earle W. Morrison, Seattle, c.1954-1955.
Freshman year, 1924-1925
McDonald 1
Doric Order
Assignment title: Vase in niche.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 21 1/2 in x 15 1/2 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering of niche with vase framed by Doric columns and entablature in a garden setting with plan, section drawing, and detail drawings of vase, column, and entablature.
March 18, 1925
McDonald 2
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 13 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters Q, H, N, J, Y, L.
October 27, 1924
Doug McFarland
McFarland, Phillip D. (Artist)
Student as written: Doug McFarland.
Phillip McFarland partnered with Wallace Bonsall as McFarland - Bonsall, Architects, Los Angeles, 1946-1952. The firm became McFarland, Bonsall & Thomas, Architects, Los Angeles, 1952-1954, with the addition of Robert Hyle Thomas as partner. McFarland, Bonsall & Thomas designed the Bank of Apple Valley in Apple Valley, California, which was awarded an AIA Merit Award in 1955. After the departure of Robert Thomas, the firm continued to operate as McFarland - Bonsall, c.1954. Later career unknown.
Sophomore year, 1929-1930
McFarland 1
Romane Museum
Alternate title on drawing: Private museum.
1 drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 1/4 in x 30 1/2 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of the building facade shows a Romanesque building with terra cotta roof and arched doorway with ornante tympanum. Plan shows tile pattern; section drawing reveals colonnade in the main gallery, back courtyard, and other Romanesque elements.
May 10, 1930
Junior year, 1931-1932
McFarland 2
A Suburban Bank
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 3/4 in x 31 1/4 in
Class B I projet. Junior project.Watercolor rendering/elevation of the smooth-faced rectangular building shows the facade with narrow windows and geometric doorway grille with eagle statue. Plan shows the tile pattern; section drawing shows the teller lobby and administrative areas.
circa Autumn 1931
McFarland 3
Suburban police station
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 31 in x 40 3/4 in
Junior project.Two watercolor and ink renderings/elevations of a one-story art-deco building with horizontal lines running the length of the building and geometric pattern on the doorways. Plan shows the v-shaped building with public areas, magistrate's court, prison cells, and administrative areas
circa 1932
McFarland 4
The Wrought Iron Atelier of one Hans Aloyus Markul von Klopner
Assignment title: Studio for wrought iron craftsman.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 3/4 in x 30 1/2 in
Junior project.Watercolor and ink rendering/elevation of a brick building with gothic arched door and decorative metal grille; plan of building shows the studio with forge room, museum, and administrative areas. Section drawing through building shows the forge room.
December 12, 1931
Ross McKee
McKee, R. Ross (Artist)
Robert Ross McKee, Jr., received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1939.
Junior year, 1936-1937
McKee 1
Sports lodge
Assignment title: Winter sports lodge on south slope of mountain.
1 design drawing : charcoal with colored pencil on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 31 in
Rendering/elevation of a three-story building on a snow-covered site at the foot of the mountains. Plot plan and basement plan show the recreational and lodge areas, including a private game enclosure and skating rink. Partial section drawing through lodge shows game room and lounge. Perspective drawing shows people gathered at the entrance.
circa Autumn 1936
5th year, 1938-1939
McKee 2
School of fine arts and crafts with showroom
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with charcoal, ink, and colored pencil on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 31 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of the side of a smooth-faced building, inscribed with the school, with flat roof over sections of varying heights and a windowed corridor overlooking student court. Multiple plans show the library, sculpture court, and main corridor with clerestory windows leading to exhibit rooms, studios, workshops and classrooms for painting, architecture, fashion and textile design, leatherworking, printing, pottery, industrial design, and furniture design.
circa 1939
William McKinney
McKinney, William E. (Artist)
Student name as written: Waldo E. McKinney; W. E. McKinney.
William "Waldo" Emerson McKinney received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1926, where he was awarded the Charles H. Bebb Prize in Architecture in 1926-1927. Following graduation, he worked for J. Lister Holmes, 1926-1929; then for George W. Stoddard, 1933-1935. From 1935-1940, he operated his own architectural practice before joining the U.S.Army during World War II, 1940-1945. After his return to Seattle, he worked for Bain, Overturf, Turner & Associates, 1945-1947.
Sophomore year, 1923-1924
McKinney 1
Classical vase in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 22 1/2 in x 16 1/4 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering of niche with vase framed by Doric columns and open bed pediment in a garden setting with detail drawings of vase, entablature, column, and other decorative elements.
March 18, 1924
McKinney 2
Measured Details of Ionic Order to Entrance Facade of Sub-marine Building, Seattle
1 measured drawing : pen and ink on paper ; 22 in x 16 in
Freshman measured drawing exercise.Measured drawing of the Ionic column entrance facade at the Submarine Building in Seattle; includes elevation, plan, and detail drawings of columns, base, and entablature.
April 21, 1924
Junior year, 1924-1925
McKinney 3
A Loggia Entrance
1 design drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 19 1/2 in x 26 in
Design drawing includes a watercolor rendering/elevation, plan, and section drawing of a loggia shows a colonnaded opening with three windowed doorways with ornamented tympana and entablature. Section drawing reveals sculpture niche along the adjacent wall.
April 13, 1925
McKinney 4a
A Tool House
1 sketch problem : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with graphite on illustration board ; 15 in x 20 in
Sophomore sketch problem [esquisse-esquisse]. This is a 2-sided drawing, with a separate sketch problem (A Waiting Shelter) on the reverse side.Drawing includes a rendering, plan, and section drawing of an octagonal stone building with wooden doorway. Date is taken from Department of Architecture received stamp.
April 21, 1925
McKinney 4b
A Waiting Shelter
1 sketch problem : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with graphite on illustration board ; 20 in x 15 in
Sophomore sketch problem [esquisse-esquisse]. This is a 2-sided drawing, with a separate sketch problem (A Tool House) on the reverse side.Neoclassical waiting shelter for a bus with terracotta roof, arched entrance, and an open exit with columns on the street side.
December 4, 1924
Senior year, 1925-1926
McKinney 5
A Civic Art Gallery
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 35 in x 26 1/2 in
Entered in the Bebb Prize design competition and received awards for "1st Prize" and "1st Mention Placed."Elevations of colonnaded building with landscaping and sculptures; plan; and ceiling plan.
circa 1926
Alex McPhee
McPhee, Alex. S. (Artist)
Student name as written: A. S. McPhee.
Freshman year, 1922-1923
McPhee 1
The Doric Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 7/8 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Doric order includes an elevation of the column and entablature; reflected ceiling plan; section drawing through entablature; and detail drawings of column base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
December 8, 1922
Alan McRae
McRae, Alan (Artist)
Freshman year, 1938-1939
McRae 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 21 in x 15 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
circa 1938-1939
Robert Merriman
Merriman, Robert (Artist)
Student name as written: Merriman.
Robert Merriman received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1957.
Junior year, 1954-1955
Merriman 1
Entrance to a botanical garden
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 30 in
Grade II analytique.Site plan of a garden with walkways, roads, and angled terrace with fountain adjoined by stairs and gardens.
Autumn 1954
William Meyer
Meyer, William J. (Artist)
Sophomore year, 1933-1934
Meyer 1
A Family Mausoleum
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a semi-circular mausoleum with square columns alternating with memorial urns atop a base with multiple niches. Detail drawings of memorial urn and niche; plan; and section drawing.
February 5, 1934
Harry Meyers
Meyers, Harry T. (Artist)
Freshman year, 1924-1925
Meyers 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 16 3/4 in x 13 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letter V.
circa Autumn 1924
Daniel Miller
Miller, Daniel (Artist)
Dan Fletcher Miller received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1952.
Architectural ornamentation class
Miller Da 1
Mosaic window
Assignment title: Mosaic window with Gothic grisaille work.
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 40 in x 30 3/4 in
Architectural ornamentation class project. Date inscribed on drawing: Anno Domini MCMXLII [1942].Drawing shows a round stained glass window with image of madonna and child surrounded by vine and leaves. Detail drawings of ornamented cross, embroidered tapestry, and statue.
circa 1945-1947
Doryanne Miller
Miller, Doryanne (Artist)
Doryanne Miller received her B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1941.
Junior year, 1938-1939
Miller Do 1
County courthouse
Assignment title: Small county courthouse facing park.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Design drawing includes a rendering/elevation of a courthouse building with entrance portico and grille housing windowed doors. Multiple plans and section drawing show the two levels of the courthouse. Plans indicate the judicial and administrative areas.
circa Spring 1939
5th year, 1940-1941
Miller Do 2
Permanent facilities for summer music camp
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 40 in
5th year design.Watercolor rendering/elevations with section drawings of multiple buildings in the modernist style with wood and stone exteriors and upwards angled roofs that include the concert hall, mess hall, and typical cabins. Elevation drawings show the outdoor concert hall and the windowed walls of the mess hall and lounge.
circa 1940-1941
Roberta Miller
Miller, Roberta Constance (Artist)
Student name as written: R. C. Miller.
Freshman year, 1932-1933
Miller R 1
Niche with vase
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 22 1/2 in x 16 1/2 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation with penciled plan and section drawing of niche with vase framed by Doric columns and open-topped pediment in a garden setting with detail drawings of column base and capital, entablature, and vase.
circa 1932-1933
Virginia Miller
Miller, Virginia (Artist)
Student name as written: V. C. Miller.
Sophomore year, 1938-1939
Miller V 1
Church sanctuary altar
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Analytique shows a rendering/elevation of an altar table beneath an ornately carved wooden triptych and additional elevation of the adjacent arch. Detail drawings of carved wooden triptych figure, molding, and altar cross. Penciled plan.
Miller V 2
End of an art museum
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 31 in x 40 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation showing a partial view of a smooth-faced building with an inscribed band of artists' names and a circular base supporting a large statue in front of a panel of inset architectural lattice. Detail drawing of lattice, sculpture, and lettering. Penciled plan and section drawing.
circa 1938-1939
Miller V 3
Rostrom and memorial tablet
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monchromatic rendering/elevation of a rostrum with stairs on either side and two Doric columns framing an inscribed memorial tablet against the back wall. Detail drawings of eagle sculpture, festoon relief panel, column capital, and base. Penciled plan and section drawing.
circa 1938-1939
Senior year, 1940-1941
Miller V 4
Memorial library and museum
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 60 in
Multiple elevations show the east and south elevation of a memorial library. The modernist design has a flat-roof and sections of gridded windows and a heightened section with vertical band of windows and side courtyard. Plan shows ground floor reading room, faculty study rooms, administrative areas, bindery, and outdoor reading areas. Longitudinal section drawing shows the multiple stories containing stacks and offices in the building's heightened area.
circa Autumn 1940
Architectural ornamentation class
Miller V 5
Gothic round window
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper and tissue paper with matting ; 38 in x 28 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Round stained glass window with centered circular design of a religious figure with inscription encircled by a vine with acanthus leaves and bands of small circles in contrasting colors. Drawing is marked: Commended: A+
circa 1939-1941
Eddie Mills
Mills, Eddie L. (Artist)
Student name as written: E. L. Mills.
Freshman year, 1940-1941
Mills 1
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 21 in x 15 3/4 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation with penciled plan and section drawing of an elongated window with balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of vase and balcony balustrade.
circa Autumn 1940
Mills 2
Outdoor stage
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 25 1/2 in x 19 3/4 in
Freshman analytique.Watercolor rendering/elevation with penciled plan showing an outdoor theatre with Ionic colonnade and semi-circular seating area.
circa Spring 1941
Alfred Moberg
Moberg, Alfred F. (Artist)
Student name as written: A. F. Moberg.
Freshman year, 1924-1925
Moberg 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 16 3/4 in x 12 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letter V.
circa Autumn 1924
Sophomore year, 1925-1926
Moberg 2
A Tomb Arranged Like Napoleans
Title as written by student.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 40 in x 29 3/4 in
Class B II analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects stamp indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Analytique shows interior elevation and section of rotunda with tomb, plan of floor pattern, and detail drawings of Cornithian capital and statue.
circa 1925-1926
Senior year, 1928-1929
Moberg 3
A Masonic Temple
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 59 1/2 in x 41 in
Class A IV projet. Stamped with the Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating that the design was judged in the national competition.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a building with stepped sides on an elevated, walled site with tower and relief of religious figures. Plan shows Freemason imagery in tile pattern. Section drawing shows interior of building and tower.
circa 1928-1929
Bjarne Moe
Moe, Bjarne, 1904-1980 (Artist)
Student name as written: B. Moe; Barney Moe.
Freshman year, 1924-1925
Moe 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 13 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters J, L, O, B, U, D.
October 27, 1924
Moe 2
Temple of love
1 design/analytique drawing : graphite and ink on paper ; 14 1/4 x 20 1/4 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a circular temple with Ionic columns and sculpture in center. Plan and detail drawings of column capital, entablature, horn, and other decorative elements.
circa Spring 1925
Sophomore year, 1925-1926
Moe 3
A Commemorative Tablet
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 37 1/2 in x 26 1/4 in
Class B I analytique. Stamped with the Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating that the design was judged in the national competition.Rendering of memorial tablet surrounded by detail drawings of balustrade, bas relief, and columns.
circa 1925-1926
Junior year, 1927-1928
Moe 4
A Riding School
1 design drawing : charcoal pencil and watercolor wash with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 28 in x 39 in
Class B II projet. Stamped with the Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating that the design was judged in the national competition.Watercolor elevation of building facade; plan shows smaller building attached via gallery seating to a larger building housing ring and stables. Penciled section drawing.
circa Autumn 1927
Senior year, 1928-1929
Moe 5
An Airport Terminal for Seattle
1 design drawing : watercolor wash with graphite, colored pencil, and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 1/4 x 28 1/4 in
Senior design.Entered in the 1928 Bebb Prize design competition and awarded "1st Mention."Rendering/elevation of building facade shows building with a large metal tower rising from center section. Plans show basement and main floor; detail section drawing shows the arched dome of the waiting area, stairwells, and tower.
October 22, 1928
Harold Monson
Monson, Harold (Artist)
Freshman year, circa 1925-1926
Date of freshman year based on earliest listing found in the University of Washington student directories.
Monson 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 17 1/4 in x 13 1/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letter.
circa 1925-1926
Earl Montgomery
Montgomery, Earl (Artist)
Freshman year, 1921-1922
Montgomery 1
Corinthian Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 24 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Corinthian order includes reflected ceiling plan; elevation and section drawing of columns and entablature; and detail drawings of column base, shaft, capital, entablature, scroll, balustrade, and acanthus leaf.
circa 1921-1922
Montgomery 2
Entrance Doorway, Delta Kappa Episilon House, Seattle, Wn.
1 measured drawing : ink on paper ; 24 1/4 in x 18 in
1 photograph : black and white photograph ; 3 in x 2 in
Freshman measured drawing assignment of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity house doorway at the University of Washington. Drawing includes an elevation, section drawing, and partial plan of the entrance portico with detail drawings of casework, mouldings, vase, and trigylphs. Small photograph of entrance adhered to drawing. Written on front: Drawn by E. M., Measured by C. B. - J. M. - E. M. - April 4, 1922.
April 12, 1922
Bliss Moore, Jr.
Moore, Bliss, 1913-1951 (Artist)
Bliss Moore, Jr. received his B.Arch from the University of Washingon in 1939. Moore worked as a Draftsman for J. Lister Holmes, 1936; then as an architect with the National Park Service, 1937. He returned to Seattle and joined Smith, Carroll & Johanson as a designer, 1938-1940; then worked as a designer with Young & Richardson, 1941-1944. He partnered with fellow UW alumni Robert Massar as Moore & Massar, Architects, Bellevue, c.1946-1948, before he opened his own architectural practice as Bliss Moore, Jr., Architect, Bellevue, 1948-1951.Notable works include the Dr. Herb Day House in Bellevue, 1944; Bellevue Shopping Square, 1948; Crabapple Restaurant, 1948; the Art Hainsworth Housing Development in Bow Lake, 1948; and his design for the Anacortes Fire and Police Station, 1952. His design for his own residence in Bellevue received an honorable mention in the 1947 Home and Garden design competition. He served as a member of the King County Planning Commission.
Sophomore year, 1933-1934
Moore B 1
A Garage and Guest Suites for A Country Residence
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite, white, and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 30 3/4 in
Sophomore project.Watercolor renderings/elevations of two views of the guest suites for a country residence on a terraced site above a multi-car garage. Plans show the garage level and terrace level with living and garage areas.
April 5, 1934
Junior year, 1936-1937
Moore B 2
Northwest Indian Museum
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Watercolor rendering of a smooth-faced building with inward sloping walls and two totem poles rising from the center section.. Plan shows site with main building's exhibition room, lecture room, library, and interior courtyard. Section drawing through building reveals courtyard-facing wall and the interior decoration of the entrance hallway and exhibition room.
May 8, 1937
Moore B 3
Assignment title: Principal staircase at the Andrew Mellon Museum.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 30 3/4 in
Junior design.Design drawing includes a plan and two section drawings of an interior staircase in a neoclassical style building with relief medallions, statues, grille, columns, and other classical elements.
February 6, 1937
Maurice Moore
Moore, Maurice I. (Artist)
Student name as written: M. Moore.
Maurice Israel Moore received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1944.
Freshman year, 1939-1940
Moore M 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash with graphite on paper ; 21 in x 15 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
circa Autumn 1939
Moore M 2
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 21 in x 15 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation with penciled plan and section drawing of an elongated window with pediment and balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of decorative elements and balcony balustrade.
circa Autumn 1939
Sophomore year, 1940-1941
Moore M 3
Bandstand at Naval Academy
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 40 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a clamshell-style outdoor bandstand with stepped stage and nautical-themed sculpted relief panels on either side of the bandstand. Plan and section drawing show the bandstand with backstage areas. Detail drawing of Roman inscription lettering and sculpted relief figure.
circa 1940-1941
Moore M 4
Church sanctuary
Assignment title: Sanctuary of Catholic or Episcopal church.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 1/2 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/section drawing shows a church altar with cross and candles in front of a wall with painted religious imagery and embroidered tapestry. Detail drawings of cross, candle holder, and embroidered tapestry. Small plan and section drawing of chancel.
circa 1940-1941
Blanche Morgan
Morgan, Blanche (Artist)
Alternate name: Blanche Morgan Losey.
Blanche Morgan Losey studied fine arts at the University of Washington during the 1930s. She worked as the principal designer for the Federal Theatre Project and later as the stage set designer and costume designer for its subsidiary, the Seattle Negro Repertory Theatre Company, 1937-1939. She also worked as Director of Frederick & Nelson's interior design department. Notable interior design works include the Seattle Opera House at the Century 21 World's Fair in Seattle.Morgan was an accomplished watercolor artist and member of the Northwest Watercolor Society and National Association of Women Artists. She exhibited at the National Association of Women Artists, New York; Oakland Art Museum, Oakland, California; and the Seattle Art Museum.
Unknown dates
Morgan 1
Building with ornamentation
Unsigned drawing was transferred from the Blanche Morgan Losey estate and has been attributed to Blanche Morgan. Circa date taken from Blanche Morgan's listing in the 1930-1931 UW student directory
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 30 7/8 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a Baroque style building with detail drawings of decorative urn and panel motif. Section drawing through the entrance reveal the curved forms of the elaborate decorations on the upper level. Watercolor plan.
circa 1930-1931
James Morrow
Morrow, James W. (Artist)
Student name as written: J. W. Morrow.
Sophomore year, circa 1946-1947
Morrow 1
A Furniture Center for the Creation of Fine Furniture
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 30 in x 40 in
Front and rear perspective drawings show the single-story facade of a modernist building with large windows and multi-story rear view of a flat-roofed structure with patio. Interior elevation shows skylit office with wood paneling and floor to ceiling windows leading to patio. Plot plan shows exhibition, design, manufacturing, administrative, and parking areas.
circa 1946-1947
Kaichi Murata
Murata, K. Kaichi (Artist)
Alternate name: Kay K. Murata.
Japanese student Yki (Kay) Kaichi Murata received a B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1929.
Junior year, 1927-1928
Murata 1
A Riding School
1 design drawing : watercolor wash with graphite, colored pencil, and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 31 in x 39 1/2 in
Class B II projet. Stamped with the Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating that the drawing was judged in the national competition.Watercolor elevation of building facade; plan shows smaller building attached via gallery seating to a larger building housing ring and stables. Penciled section drawing.
circa Autumn 1927
Neil Murray
Murray, Neil G. (Artist)
Student name as written: N. Murray.
Sophomore year, 1937-1938
Murray N 1
Marine Museum
Assignment title: Entrance to Beebe Marine Museum.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a museum's entrance shows the front portico of a windowless building with stairway leading to water; three doorways mark the entrance, each with decorative marine life mural and decorative grille; partial plan; section drawing through front porch and stairway. Detail drawings of decorative fish motif, panel above doorway, lettering, and dolphin frieze.
February 5, 1938
Junior year, 1938-1939
Murray N 2
Summer villa for American cardinals
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 40 in
Junior design.Design drawing shows a watercolor rendering/elevation of an elegant residence with terracotta roof on a terraced site with balustrade stairway between levels. Plan shows the ground floor with reception areas, drawing room, library, living areas, and chapel on landscaped grounds.
circa 1938-1939
Richard Murray
Murray, Richard (Artist)
Student name as written: R. Murray.
Richard Murray received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1948.
Freshman year, 1939-1940
Murray R 1
Assignment title: Stone lantern.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 21 in x 27 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic analytique has an elevation of a stone lantern with domed top on a base of columns and entablature with decorative grille over illuminated area. Detail drawing of the Doric columns and entablature. Penciled plan and section drawing show the shape of the lantern.
February 28, 1940
Sophomore year, 1940-1941
Murray R 2
Corner service station
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Perspective drawing shows a circular service station with windowed walls and illuminated sign on a corner block. Two elevations from the south and east show service island for automobiles. Site plan shows the corner location with driveways.
circa Spring 1941
Senior year, 1946-1947
Murray R 3
Recreation center
Assignment title: Activity center at summer camp.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 42 in x 59 3/4 in
Watercolor, graphite, and ink rendering/elevation of a modernist building on a wooded, waterfront site. Plan of activity center and site plan showing facilities suggest a summer camp.
circa 1946-1947
Frank Nagamine
Nagamine, Frank N. (Artist)
Student name as written: F. Nagamine; F. N. Nagamine.
Frank Nobuichi Nagamine received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1927. He was awarded the Gladding McBean Terra Cotta Company Prize in 1926-1927.
Freshman year, 1922-1923
Nagamine 1
The Doric Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of a Doric column including plan of entablature; and detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
circa 1922-1923
Nagamine 2
The Tuscan Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Tuscan order includes detail drawings of column base, shaft, capital, and entablature; section drawing through columns and entablature; plan of column base; and ceiling plan of column showing capital and soffits.
circa 1922-1923
Sophomore year, 1923-1924
Nagamine 3
A Family Tomb
1 design/analytique drawing : charcoal and ink wash on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 27 3/4 in x 19 1/2 in
Class B II analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation with plan and section drawing of a mausoleum. The mausoleum has a simple cornice with Greek key motif and an inset entrance portico formed by two heavy columns housing a door with decorative grille. Plan and section drawing reveal the interior of the building with a windowed area for housing stacked coffins.
December 19, 1923
Junior year, 1924-1925
Nagamine 4
A Beach Club
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 27 1/4 in x 37 1/2 in
Class B V projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Rendering/elevation of beach club in Spanish revival style with terracotta roof, arched windows, and walkways; building plan; section drawing of building shows roof framing, fireplace, and basement level.
May 18, 1925
Taniji Nakagawa
Nakagawa, Taniji H., 1899-1973 (Artist)
Student name as written: T. H. Nakagawa.
Japanese student Taniji Nakagawa studied Architecture and Engineering at the University of Washington. Nakagawa was forcibly relocated from the West Coast with his family to the Japanese internment camp at Minidoka circa 1942. Later career unknown.
Freshman year, 1922-1923
Nakagawa 1
Cornithian Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 24 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Corinthian order includes an elevation of the column and entablature; reflected ceiling plan; section drawing through entablature; and detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, balustrade, and entablature.
circa 1922-1923
Nakagawa 2
The Doric Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Doric order includes an elevation of the column and entablature; reflected ceiling plan; section drawing through entablature; and detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
circa 1922-1923
Nakagawa 3
The Ionic Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of an Ionic column including plan of capital and entablature; elevation and section drawing of column and entablature; and detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, pediment, and entablature.
circa 1922-1923
Nakagawa 4
Stairway, Philosophy Hall, U of W
Assignment title: Philosphy hall stairway.
1 measured drawing : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
Freshman measured drawing exercise of the stairway in Philosophy Hall, now Savery Hall, at the University of Washington. Drawing includes a plan of stairway, cross-section of stairs, front and side elevations, section drawing of handrail moulding, and cross-sections at two different points on the banister. Inscribed on drawing: Measured by F. N. & T. H. N.
June 15, 1923
Nakagawa 5
The Tuscan Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Tuscan order includes detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, and entablature; section drawing through columns and entablature; plan of column base; and ceiling plan of column showing capital and soffits.
circa 1922-1923
George Nakashima
Nakashima, George, 1905-1990 (Artist)
Student name as written: Geo. Nakashima.
George Katsutoshi Nakashima received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1929, where he was awarded the Gladding McBean Terra Cotta Company Prize in 1927 and 1928; the Charles H. Bebb Prize in Architecture in 1928; and a scholarship to the Fontainebleau School of Fine Arts (Prix Fontainebleau from L'Ecole Americaine des Beaux Arts) in 1928. After his return from Europe, he continued his studies at M.I.T., earning a Masters in Architecture in 1930. Following graduation, he worked as a mural painter and architectural designer in the New York area until he moved to Paris in 1933, before joining the architectural offices of Antonin Raymond in Tokyo. In 1937, Nakashima began his work designing a religious sanctuary in Pondicherry, India. He briefly returned to Japan, married, and returned to Seattle in 1940. Shortly after opening a small furniture studio with his wife, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and Nakashima was forcibly relocated from the West Coast with his family to the Japanese internment camp at Minidoka in 1942. While at Minidoka, Nakashima learned carpentry from a Japanese carpenter.Antonin Raymond sponsored his release from the camp and Nakashima settled in New Hope, Pennsylvania. He eventually opened his own woodworking shop, which focused heavily on the natural beauty of wood. The studio designed a furniture line for Kroll, over 200 items for Nelson Rockefeller, and designed interiors at Columbia University and the International Paper Corporation. In addition to his woodworking, Nakashima is credited with the design of the Church of Christ the King in Katsura, Kyoto, and the Monastery of Christ in the Desert in New Mexico. He published a book on his aesthetic philosophy titled The soul of a tree: a master woodworker's reflections.Nakashima's creations are now held in the New York Metropolitan Museum, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, and the National Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo. The woodworking studio continues to be run by his daughter, Mira Nakashima.
Freshman year, 1925-1926
Nakashima 1
Temple of love
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 22 1/4 in x 16 1/4 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a circular temple with Ionic columns and sculpture in center with plan and detail drawings of column, entablature, and other decorative elements.
May 5, 1926
Junior year, 1927-1928
Nakashima 2
An Aqueduct
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 23 1/2 in x 35 in
Class B local project.Elevation of an arch bridge for an aqueduct over a ravine with waterfall rendered in watercolor. The plan shows the aqueduct with a five arches atop the deck of the bridge and a small viewing platform for pedestrians centered on either side; the large arches at either abutment direct traffic onto the bridge in an S-shape while the aqueduct continues in a straight line on each side of the ravine. Section drawing of aqueduct arch.
November 5, 1927
Nakashima 3
A Riding School
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 27 1/4 in x 38 3/4 in
Class B II projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Watercolor rendering/elevation of the riding school shows a u-shaped building with a main building and two smaller wings partially enclosing a front courtyard; plan shows the main building with ring and attached gallery seating and the two wings with stables. Penciled section drawing.
circa Autumn 1927
Senior year, 1928-1929
Nakashima 4
Airport passenger station
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 45 in x 28 in
Watercolor plan of a building with parking lot, waterfront patio, seaplane parking, and boat docks. Plan of building shows tile pattern in center room. Penciled section drawing shows the building with a large tower.
circa 1928
Nakashima 5
An Entertainment Pavilion
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite, white, and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 29 in x 36 1/4 in
Class B IV projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Rendering with elevation of a symmetrical building with two adjoined hexagonal structures with arched windows and decorative grilles and tiled roof behind a partial wall and colonnade encircling the building. Plan shows decorative floor pattern and site with gardens and fountains; section drawing through one hexagonal building reveals skylight and engaged columns on the upper level.
circa 1928-1929
Nakashima 6
Masonic Temple
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 59 1/2 in x 39 1/2 in
Class A IV projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation shows a smooth-faced building with gabled roof, colonnaded walkway on upper level, and pediment with masonic symbols. A landscaped plaza and symmetrical stairs lead to the entrance. Section drawing shows the four-story building with library extended to side.
circa 1928-1929
Unknown dates
Nakashima 7
1 freehand sketch : graphite on paper ; 7 in x 8 1/4 in
Freehand sketch of an arched stone bridge over water in a city with people at the water's edge.
circa 1925-1929
Smith Nakata
Nakata, Smith S., 1928-1997 (Artist)
Smith S. Nakata received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1959 and was named a Fulbright Scholar for study in Japan, 1963-1964. Following graduation from the Department of Architecture, he was employed as a Draftsman/Designer for Minoru Yamasaki, also a graduate of the University of Washington Department of Architecture, in Detroit, Michigan; then as a Draftsman/Designer for Fred Bassetti, Seattle; and as Designer for John Sato, Seattle. He formed the partnership Kleinsasser Nakata Architects, Seattle; then worked as the Principal Architect in his own firm, Smith Nakata Associates. Notable works include the Japanese Presbyterian Church in Seattle, 1963, with Kirk, Wallace, McKinley & Associates, which received an Award of Merit from the AIA in 1965. Although the original design is primarily attributed to David McKinley, Jr., Nakata is responsible for subsequent additions to the church, including the Christian Education Wing, 1985, as Smith Nakata Associates.
Junior year, 1956-1957
Nakata 1
Entrance to an art museum
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 29 3/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Grade II analytique.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a smooth-faced art museum building with multiple rectangular sections on a terrace with sculptures. Detail drawing of sculpture, wooden supports, and wall texture.
Autumn 1956
Minor Nealand
Nealand, Minor (Artist)
Student's name indecipherable; appears to be written as M. Ni Alond.Drawing is to Minor Nealand based on directory and yearbook research.
Freshman year, circa 1922-1923
Nealand 1
Classical vase in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash on paper ; 21 3/4 in x 15 3/4 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of niche with vase framed by Doric columns and entablature with plan, elevation drawing of columns, and detail drawings of vase and entablature.
circa 1922
Donna Nelson
Nelson, Donna (Artist)
Sophomore year, 1940-1941
Nelson 1
Bandstand at Naval Academy
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 40 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a clamshell-style outdoor bandstand with stepped stage and walls extending from either side of the bandstand with relief decoration. Plan and section drawing show the bandstand with backstage areas. Detail drawing of Roman inscription lettering and sculpted relief eagle.
circa 1940-1941
Jerry Nevius
Nevius, Jerry (Artist)
Jerry Nevius studied at the University of Washington before transferring to the School of Architecture at the University of California. In addition to these works, his senior design is photographed in the 1936 University of California School of Architecture Annual held in the Lionel Pries Collection.
Freshman year, 1930-1931
Nevius 1
End pavilion of a public building
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 26 in x 19 3/4 in
Freshman analytique.Freshman analytique provides a monochromatic rendering/elevation of an elevated porch above a fountain on the end pavilion of a building partially enclosed by Corinthian columns and balustrade with sculpture niches on either side of the windowed door; detail drawings of Corinthian capital and fluted shaft, entablature, fountain, and lion fountainhead; lightly penciled plan and section drawing.
Spring 1931
Sophomore year, 1933-1934
Nevius 2
Entrance portico
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 40 in x 30 1/2 in
Watercolor and graphite rendering/elevation of an entrance portico on a brick building. Doorway with open-bed pediment and fanlight is housed in a portico with four Corinthian columns supporting a balcony with decorative metal railing. Detail drawings of carved stone, column capital, and sundial. Penciled plan and section appears on tablet stones.
October 28, 1933
Earl Newbeury
Newbeury, Earl (Artist)
Earl Presley Newbeury received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1925.
Senior year, 1923-1924
Newbeury 1
Decorated loggia
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 21 1/2 in x 27 3/4 in
Senior design.Design drawing includes a watercolor rendering and section drawing of a colonnaded walkway around a rectangular courtyard with fountain ornamented with painted entablature and terracotta roof. Detail drawings of column capital and decorative mouldings.
December 20, 1923
Country club thesis
Senior design/thesis with two sheets.
Newbeury 2a
Drawing 1:A Country Club: Thesis Submitted for Degree of Bachelor of Architecture
1 design/thesis drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 18 in x 35 1/2 in
Watercolor rendering of a country club in the Tudor Revival style with stone exterior, arched windows around a courtyard, and gabled roof with dormer windows.
May 28, 1924
Newbeury 2b
Drawing 2:Main floor plan
1 design/thesis drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 23 in x 36 1/2 in
Plan of the main floor shows the locker room, lounge, game areas, kitchen, and grill room.
circa Spring 1924
Erval J. Newcomer
Newcomer, Erval J. (Artist)
Student name as written: J. Newcomer.
Freshman year, 1941-1942
Newcomer 1
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 19 in x 27 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering of a timber-framed bridge over water with post-and-lintel style abutments supporting an arched span with planked walkway.
circa Spring 1942
Oliver K. Noji
Noji, Oliver K., 1904-1989 (Artist)
Oliver K. Noji received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1928, where he was awarded the Gladding McBean Terra Cotta Company Prize in 1927. Noji was forcibly relocated to the Japanese internment camp at Tule Lake circa 1942. Career unknown.
Freshman year, 1924-1925
Noji 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 13 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters G, D, Q, J, O, L.
October 27, 1924
Junior year, 1926-1927
Noji 2
A Marine Museum
1 design drawing : watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 38 3/4 in x 27 in
Class B III projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating that the drawing was judged in the national competition.Rendering/elevation of the exterior shows museum on water with dock and nautical-themed frieze; building plan; section drawing shows central gallery and rotunda.
February 21, 1927
Noji 3
A School Administration Bldg.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 19 3/4 in x 27 3/4 in
Class B V projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a Romanesque building. The building's projected entrance facade shows an arched entrance under an upper register of arched windows. The entrance and is attached to a heightened center section of the building flanked with a shorter, radiating wing on each side. Section drawing through the building shows the varying levels of the ceiling inside the building and the triple-arched doorways inside.
May 25, 1927
Senior year, 1927-1928
Noji 4
Masonic Temple
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 32 1/2 in x 21 1/2 in
Design was awarded an H.C. and marked "negligent esquisse" in the classroom competition, indicating that the final design showed too much variation from the earlier sketch (esquisse) and therefore disqualified.Elevation of temple facade in monochromatic wash shows a multi-story building with inset elongated windows panels in the center section over the entrance and attached to a larger rear building. Plan of first floor and second floors; section drawing through building reveals auditorium and entrance lobby.
February 9, 1928
Harry Nordquist, Jr.
Nordquist, Harry E. (Artist)
Student name as written: H. Nordquist.
Harry Nordquist received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1933.
Freshman year, 1928-1929
Nordquist 1
Classical window
Note: Student's name and year is inscribed on drawing as "Harry Nordquist '33"; however, this is believed to refer to the student's year of graduation.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 16 1/2 in x 22 1/4 in
Monochromatic rendering of an elongated window with pediment and balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of decorative elements and balcony balustrade. Penciled plan and section drawing.
circa 1928-1929
Nordquist 2
Corinthian capital
1 drawing exercise : ink wash with graphite on paper ; 23 1/2 in x 17 3/4 in
Freshman drawing exercise. Monochromatic detail drawing of Corinthian column capital with watercolor wash indicating curved or shadowed areas.
circa 1928-1929
Nordquist 3
Gargoyle with shade and shadow
1 drawing exercise : charcoal with ink on paper ; 18 1/2 in x 25 in
Freshman drawing exercise shows two views of a winged lion gargoyle, one with shade and shadow added.
circa 1928-1929
Sophomore year, 1929-1930
Nordquist 4
A Triumphal Arch
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 29 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Class B III analytique. Stamped with the Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating that the design was judged in the national competition.A triumphal arch for the Olympic stadium is set into a block of smooth stone etched with a global map; a frieze depicting athletes circles the base of the arch and two pedestals set into alcoves on each side of the arch are topped with sculptures of athletes . Elevation drawing is surrounded by detail drawings of carved stone, lettering, decorative frieze, and the sculpture of the discus thrower. Plan for one half of the arch; section drawing through arch shows the frieze wrap around the inside of the arch.
circa 1929-1930
Architectural ornamentation class
Nordquist 5
1 ornament class drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 27 3/4 in x 11 1/4 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Painted panel with flowering vine motif and cornucopia atop a sculptural base with student's name.
circa 1930-1933
Container(s) Description Dates
James O'Brien
O'Brien, James W. (Artist)
Student name as written: J. O'Brien.
Sophomore year, 1947-1948
O'Brien 1
Art museum wing
Assignment title: Wing of art museum to display Davidanalytique.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Probably sophomore analytique.Monochromatic section drawing and plan of an art museum wing with clerestorey windows focusing light onto theDavidstatue. Detail drawings of sculptures.
circa 1947-1948
Fred Ogura
Ogura, Fred K. (Artist)
Student name as written: F. K. Ogura.
Fred Kohshi Ogura received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1931.
Senior year, 1929-1930
Ogura 1
A Town House
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing
Class B V projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Watercolor rendering with elevation of town house facade shows a four story building in stone with metal gabled roof, upper level balustrade, arch stones, and grille around windows and door. Multiple plans show three floors; section drawing shows the windows facing the light court.
circa 1929-1930
Andrew Oien
Oien, Andrew (Artist)
Student name as written: A. Oien.
Andrew Oien received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1931. His son, Anders Oien, also studied architecture at UW.
Freshman year, 1927-1928
Oien 1
Classical vase in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash on paper ; 23 in x 17 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering of niche with vase framed by Doric columns in a garden setting with detail drawings of lidded vase, column, and entablature.
circa 1927-1928
Oien 2
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash on paper ; 22 1/2 in x 16 1/4 in
Freshman analytique of a classical window with arched pediment and balustrade with detail drawings of balustrade, pediment, and ornamental lidded vase.
circa 1927-1928
Oien 3
Memorial arch
1 design/analytique drawing : graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 20 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a monumental gateway with arch flanked by sets of engaged Corinthian columns, and framed with entablature and crowned with a sculpture of a goddess with horses and accompanying warriors. Detail drawings of Corinthian capital, fluted column shaft, and base, pediment, mouldings, and inscription lettering. Penciled plan and section drawing.
June 1928
Oien 4
A Theatre
Assignment title: Classical outdoor theatre.
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash on paper ; 22 3/4 in x 16 3/4 in
Freshman analytique.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a classical style outdoor theatre with two rectangular pillars and an Ionic colonnade and frieze along the back of an elevated stage. Plan shows the theatre stage; detail drawings of column, entablature, and other decorative elements.
May 2, 1928
Sophomore year, 1928-1929
Oien 5
Elements and Theory of Architecture
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash on paper ; 26 1/2 in x 20 in
Sophomore analytique shows a rendering of a temple with warriors shown through an elevation of the columns and entablature. Detail drawings of column base, shaft, and Corinthian capital; cornucopia horn; and entablature.
November 3, 1928
Oien 6
A Fountain
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 in x 30 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the drawing was judged in the national competition.Monochromatic watercolor rendering/elevation of a fountain with Baroque style ornamentation. A square fountain with large niches for fountain spouts that pours into a pool with classical style sculptures of bathing centuaurs. A sculpture of a woman playing with children balances on the finials of the fountain's column shafts. Detail drawings of column, ornamentation, and bathing centaur sculpture. Partial plan; section drawing through the fountain.
February 9, 1929
Oien 7
A Studio and Residence for a Sculptor
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 26 1/2 in x 20 in
Local problem.Watercolor rendering/elevation of the facade of a sculptor's studio and residence with angled doorways for the garage separated by double doors with grille under an upper level with three elongated windows that angle upwards over the metal roof as skylights. Plans show living areas and studio.
May 13, 1929
Junior year, 1929-1930
Oien 8
A Chapel
1 design drawing : charcoal with graphite on paper ; 39 1/2 in x 31 in
Junior projet.Charcoal and graphite rendering/elevation of a stone chapel with steeple on an embanked site. Plan shows the chapel with pews and altar; longitudinal section drawing shows the steeple, seating area, altar, and arched windows along the nave.
June 7, 1930
Oien 9
Hotel and Bus Terminal
1 design drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 31 1/2 in
Entered in the Bebb Prize design competition and awarded "2nd Prize, 1st Mention Placed."An art deco style building with h-shaped hotel tower rising above a ground floor with integrated bus terminal. Two plans show the bus terminal and a typical hotel floor.
February 3, 1930
Oien 10
An Outdoor Ice Rink and Clubhouse
1 design drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 1/2 in x 39 3/4 in
Local problem.Rendering of an oudoor ice rink at night illuminated by the attached clubhouse. Elevation shows the back of the club house: a steeply gabled roof and decorative chimney tops the brick exterior; three arched entrances off the rink to an open area with seating, fireplace and grill. Plans of the ground and first floor; section drawing shows additional vacant area beneath the gable and the roof framing.
November 19, 1929
Senior year, 1930-1931
Monastery in the mountains
Senior design. Class A projet with two sheeets.
Oien 11a
Drawing 1
1 design drawing : charcoal with gouache/watercolor and ink on paper ; 22 3/4 in x 36 1/2 in
Watercolor and charcoal rendering of a walled monastery in a rugged setting.
circa 1930-1931
Oien 11b
Drawing 2:A Monastery
1 design drawing : charcoal with gouache/watercolor and ink on paper ; 36 1/2 in x 30 in
Drawing is stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Site plan shows the monastery with living areas, work areas, study and worship areas, and exterior spaces including gardens and courtyards. Perspective drawing shows the walled monastery on a hilltop setting. Partial section drawing through courtyard and church.
circa 1930-1931
Oien 12
A University Club
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with colored pencil and ink on paper ; 18 1/2 in x 37 in
Senior project. Class A III projet.Multiple plans show the second, third, and seventh floor of a university club with dining room and grille, library, lounge, and athletic facilities.
circa 1930-1931
5th year, 1931-1932
Oien 13
Opera house
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 29 1/2 in x 22 3/4 in
Monochromatic site plan shows an opera house on landscaped grounds with plan of the building's ground floor showing reception area, stage, auditorium, foyers, and other areas for musicians and the public.
circa 1931-1932
Robert O'Leary
O'Leary, Robert (Artist)
Student name as written: B. O'Leary.
Freshman year, 1931-1932
O'Leary 1
An End Pavilion of a Public Building
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 24 3/4 in x 18 1/2 in
Freshman analytique.Elevation/rendering of the end pavilion of a neoclassical building with stone base and Corinthian columns and entablature framing a windowed porch on the upper level. Detail drawings of entablature; decorative relief panel; vase; acroterion; Greek key motif on soffit; and Corinthian column base, shaft, and capital. Plan and section drawing of porch.
May 7, 1931
O'Leary 2
Vase in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash with graphite on paper ; 25 in x 17 3/4 in
Freshman analytique.Watercolor rendering with penciled plan and section drawing of niche in wall with vase framed by Doric columns and entablature with detail drawings of lidded vase, column, entablature, and other decorative elements.
February 6, 1932
Sophomore year, 1932-1933
O'Leary 3
A Private Library
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 32 1/2 in x 44 in
Rendering/elevation of the entrance to a public library with statues at each end.Double doors have decorative panels and are framed on three sides by decorative moulding. Plan shows the building with large hallway and exhibition room, guard station, library, stacks, and office.
June 2, 1933
Junior year, 1933-1934
O'Leary 4
A Small Yacht Club
Assignment title: Yacht club on Lake Washington.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 19 3/4 in x 30 1/4 in
Class B projet. Junior problem.Junior design drawing provides a watercolor rendering/elevation of a modernist building on a terraced site with waterfront setting; plan shows layout of site and building with dining room lobby, and lounge; section drawing.
circa Winter 1934
O'Leary 5
A Suburban Railroad Station
1 design drawing : watercolor wash with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 1/2 in x 20 1/2 in
Class B projet. Junior projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of modernist railroad station with flat roof, glass doors, and offset clock tower. Plan shows the station with railroad platforms, ticketing office, parking areas, and taxi entrance. Section drawings shows lobby and train platforms.
circa 1933-1934
Henry Olschewsky
Olschewsky, Henry J., 1907-1945 (Artist)
Henry Olschewsky received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1931, where he was the University of Washington recipient of the Alpha Rho Chi medal. He worked as a professor in the University of Washington Department of Architecture from 1932 until his death in 1945.
Sophomore year, 1928-1929
Olschewsky 1
A Fountain
1 design/analytique drawing : monocromatic watercolor wash with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Class B III analytique. Stamped with the Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating that the design was judged in the national competition.Monochromatic rendering of stone pillar fountain in the art deco style with decorative relief along central panel and statues of monkeys and fish circling the fountain's base. Rendering is surrounded by detail drawings of fish statues, columns, and relief. Partial plan and section drawing penciled in lower corners.
circa 1928-1929
Olschewsky 2
A Post Office
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 3/4 in x 30 1/2 in
Class B I projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating that the design was judged in the national competition.Rendering/elevation of a post office building facade with five elongated windows with metal grilles separated by ridged pilasters with two doorways on either side; plan shows decorative tile pattern in lobby, mail processing areas, alley, and garage; section drawing through center of building shows the ornate lobby leading to skylit metalwork grille service counters and administrative areas. Detail drawings of ornamentation on facade.
circa 1928-1929
Olschewsky 3
A Restaurant on the Water
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Class B II projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating that the design was judged in the national competition.An art deco styled building with observation tower and boat-shaped front terrace leading to waterfront. Watercolor rendering with elevation shows the skylit main building and outdoor seating areas with striped awnings and decorative, free-standing columns and semi-circular colonnade surrounding the outdoor seating area. Plan shows layout of site, building, and decorative tile pattern. Section drawing through tower.
circa 1928-1929
Junior year, 1929-1930
Olschewsky 4
A Beach Cottage
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 38 in x 24 1/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a u-shaped stone cabin with timber posts and ornamentation. Plan shows the layout of the house and the site. Partial section drawing through the cabin.
circa 1929-1930
Olschewsky 5
A Frontier Air Station
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 3/4 in x 30 3/4 in
Class B IV projet.Watercolor rendering with elevation of facade featuring central glass tower with ornamental clock and metalwork design flanked by two smaller wings on either side. Plan shows the u-shaped layout of the air station with the central section in glass used as a observation and waiting room. Section drawing through center section; small perspective drawing indicates landing area and location of nearby hangars.
circa 1929-1930
Olschewsky 6
A Town Hall
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 3/4 in x 30 1/2 in
Class B V projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating that the design was judged in the national competition.Symmetrical brick building with terracotta roof, center tower, and portico with clock and decorated pediment atop an arched colonnade in the Ionic order. Rendering with elevation; plan shows three wings off the octagonal lobby and the lobby's tile pattern; longitudinal section drawing shows the interior dome over the lobby and the colonnaded courtroom in the back of the building.
circa 1929-1930
Bjarne Olsen
Olsen, Bjarne Carl (Artist)
Student's name as written: B. Olsen; Barne Olsen.
Bjarne Carl Olsen received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1938. Following graduation, he worked as a Draftsman for B. Dudley Stuart, Architect, 1938-1939. He then went on to work as a designer for H. B. Foss, Architect, Juneau, 1939-1941. He returned to Seattle, working for Naramore, Brady, Bain & Johanson [NBBJ], 1941-1945. Olsen returned to Juneau to partner with H. B. Foss as Foss & Olsen, 1949-1956. Olsen later partnered with University of Washington alumni Edward Sands as Olsen & Sands, Juneau, 1956-1968.
Freshman year, 1931-1932
Olsen 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 14 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
circa 1931-1932
Olsen 2
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 14 in x 20 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters J, L, N, O, A, H, D.
circa Autumn 1931
Olsen 3
Vase in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash with graphite on paper ; 19 in x 25 1/4 in
Freshman analytique.Watercolor rendering with penciled plan and section drawing of niche in wall with vase framed by two sets of Doric columns and entablature with detail drawings of lidded vase, fluted column shaft, column base, decorative moulding, and entablature.
February 8, 1932
Sophomore year, 1932-1933
Olsen 4
Carillon tower on an island
1 design drawing : gouache/warercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 1/2 in x 30 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a residence with square carillon tower on an island. Plan shows tower, living areas, and terrace with stairs leading to water. Section drawing through tower.
circa Spring 1933
Junior year, 1934-1935
Olsen 5
A Country Courthouse
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 40 in
Junior design VII.Rendering/elevation of a classically inspired courthouse building with elongated panels of windows and centered entrance portico housing a windowed entrance facade behind a row of columns. Multiple plans and section drawing show the two levels of the courthouse. Plans indicate the judicial and administrative areas.
circa 1934-1935
Olsen 6
Elementary school with athletic facilities
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 1/2 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a smooth-faced building with horizontal rows of windows spanning the length of the building. Site plan and building plan show the main building with library, classrooms, auditorium, administrative offices, gymnasium, and athletic fields for girls and boys. Section drawing through the building shows the entrance hall and auditorium.
circa 1934-1935
Olsen 7
Studio for wrought iron Craftsman
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 1/4 in x 31 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a single story studio with wrought iron ornamentation around the windows and doorways. Site plan shows the studio with display garden, exhibition courtyard, draughting studios, forging room, library, and administrative areas. Section drawing through the building.
circa Autumn 1934
Olsen 8
A Yacht Club
Assignment title: Yacht club on Lake Washington.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 19 3/4 in x 29 in
Junior design drawing provides a watercolor rendering/elevation of a modernist building on a terraced site with waterfront promenade; plan shows layout of site and building with bar, lounge, dining room, and outdoor dining terrace; section drawing.
circa 1934-1935
Architectural ornamentation class
Olsen 9
Bishop's chair, crown, and cross
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 in x 31 1/4 in
Architectural ornamentation class project. Student has inscribed his name in Latin on the drawing: Biarni Olseni.Watercolor drawing shows a jeweled crown, jeweled cross, and stone throne with embroidered cushion and rounded back with inscription and mosaic emblem.
circa 1934-1936
Unknown dates
Olsen 10
A Skating Shelter
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor on paper with matting ; 22 in x 28 in
Sketch problem, estimated to be either Sophomore-level or Junior-level.Watercolor rendering of an open-sided timber shelter with elevated floor.
circa 1932-1935
Robert Olwell
Olwell, Robert F. (Artist)
Student name as written: R. Olwell; Olwell.
Sophomore year, 1936-1937
Olwell 1
Loganberry Wine
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor on paper with matting ; 28 in x 21 1/4 in
Sophomore sketch problem.Conceptual sketch shows a circular wine bar with sculptural wine glass rising from center filled with loganberries and encircled by a lettered sign.
Olwell 2
Musicians' gallery at end of ballroom
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/section drawing of a semi-circular gallery at the end of an ornately decorated ballroom. Detail drawings of coat of arms, and pilaster capitals. Plan shows the semi-circular layout of the musicians' gallery atop a set of double-doors. Section drawing through the end gallery shows the lip of the stage, mezzanine level, and chandelier.
Unknown dates
Olwell 3
Baptismal font
1 sketch problem : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with matting ; 27 3/4 in x 23 in
Sketch problem.Watercolor and charcoal rendering of a religious sculpture on a stepped stone base; religious figures in relief on base.
circa 1936-1938
Lester Oquist
Oquist, Lester, 1914-2008 (Artist)
Lester Carl Oquist received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1944.
Freshman year, 1933-1934
Oquist 1
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 22 3/4 in x 15 1/2 in
Monochromatic rendering of an elongated window with balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of decorative elements and balcony balustrade. Penciled section drawing.
circa Autumn 1933
Oquist 2
An Embassy
Assignment title: Facade of an embassy.
1 design drawing : ink wash on paper with matting ; 20 in x 30 in
Freshman design provides an elevation of the facade of a neoclassical building with stone base and exterior colonnade with Corinthian columns and entablature on the upper level.
circa 1933-1934
Junior year, 1935-1936
Oquist 3
Sculpture museum
Assignment title: Sculpture museum in a city of 100,000.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of the entrance facade of a sculpture museum with decorative frieze panels flanking the glass entrance portico. Plan shows the layout of the museum with exhibition area, lecture hall, and administrative areas. Section drawing shows the decorated exhibition room.
circa Autumn 1935
Unknown dates
Oquist 4
An Oratory
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite and gold ink on paper ; 28 1/2 in x 21 3/4 in
Sketch problem shows a small oratory rendered in a forest setting with a brightly colored painted facade showing the four apostles and other religious imagery. An altar is visible though the arched entrance. Plan and section drawing reveal the interior of the oratory.
circa 1934-1936
Thor Osbo
Osbo, Thor (Artist)
Thor T. Osbo received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1948. After graduating, he partnered with fellow alumni LaMonte Shorett to design the Maple Lane School for Girls, 1960. He later worked independently as Thor Osbo, Architect.
Sophomore year, circa 1940-1941
Osbo 1
Church sanctuary
Assignment title: Sanctuary of a Catholic or Episcopalian church.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic analytique includes a rendering/elevation of a church altar with medallion cross and altar table with candles. Detail drawings of cross-shaped lighting fixture, sculpted religious figures in medallion, and altar rails at the entrance to the chancel. Small plan and section drawing.
circa 1940-1941
Junior year, circa 1941-1942
Osbo 2
Assignment title: Small theatre on large site.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Junior design.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a modernist building with curved entrance portico housing a windowed wall and two fountains on either side. Plan shows auditorium seating areas, stage, and backstage areas. Longitudinal section drawing is marked to show the line of vision from an auditorium seat.
circa 1941-1942
Hugo Osterman
Osterman, Hugo, 1906-1996 (Artist)
Student name as written: H. Osterman.
Hugo William Osterman received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1928, where he was awarded the AIA Medal for Distinction in Design in 1927. As a student, he studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Fontainebleu, France, with classmate Paul Thiry. Following graduation, he worked in the offices of his father, Henry Osterman, Walla Walla, and as Draftsman for Arthur P. Loveless, Seattle, 1927-1930.He worked as a designer for McClelland & Jones, 1930-1942. In 1947, Osterman formed a partnership with Robert F. McClelland. Operating as McClelland & Osterman, the firm designed the Gladding, McBean & Company building in Seattle, 1954; the Lundquist-Lilly Men's wear store in Seattle, 1955; and the interior remodel of the Nordstrom Shoe Store in downtown Seattle, 1960. The firm began to specialize in modern, suburban banks throughout the state including the Seattle First National Bank in Olympia, 1959; the Mid-Columbia Bank in Pasco, 1953; and the People's National Bank in Kirkland, 1964. He retired from the firm in 1976. Osterman was an active member of the AIA Seattle Chapter, serving as the chapter's president in 1961.
Freshman year, 1923-1924
Osterman 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 13 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters O, J, L, H, I, N.
November 2, 1923
Sophomore year, 1924-1925
Osterman 2
Decoration of a Loggia
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 20 in x 28 in
Sophomore analytique.Colorful watercolor rendering/elevation with plan and section drawing of three doorways, each with painted mural, separated by columns.
circa 1924-1925
Junior year, 1925-1926
Osterman 3
A Country Chapel
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 1/4 in x 26 1/4 in
Class B projet.Design drawing includes a watercolor rendering/elevation and plan of a stone chapel with steeple and half-timbered upper story on a wooded site; section drawings reveal main altar and seating.
circa Winter 1926
Osterman 4
An Interior Bay of a Church
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper on cheesecloth backing ; 38 in x 26 1/4 in
Class B III analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the drawing was judged in the national competition.Elevation of the interior bay of church shows Venetian arched windows with stained glass on the upper level and a row of stained glass windows behind a colonnade on the lower level. Detail drawings of a carved cross, stone arch with capital and the balustrade. Section drawing and plan.
circa 1926
Senior years, 1926-1928
Osterman 5
Entrance to Cowen Park
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 28 1/2 in x 20 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering and plan of a park entrance shows a pedestrian walkway between two stone pillars with section drawing between pillars and detail drawing of lantern.
circa Winter 1928
Osterman 6
A Memorial Chapel
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 29 1/4 in x 20 in
Entered in the Paris Prize design competition [First Premiated Paris Prize]. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the drawing was judged in the national competition. Inscribed on drawing: I am a citizen of the U.S. and will be under 27 years of age on July 1, 1928.Watercolor rendering with plan and section drawing of a mountainside terrace with chapel featuring geometric brick inlay and an open arched doorway with metal grille providing a view of the altar.
circa 1928
Osterman 7
A Municipal High School
1 design/thesis drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 50 3/4 in x 40 1/4 in
Senior design thesis.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a neoclassical style building with columned portico and side wings around an entrance courtyard. Building end pavilions have stained glass separated by pilasters under a gabled roof. Plot plan shows building with classrooms, study hall, administrative offices, auditorium, gymnasiums for boys and girls, natatorium, lunch room, and library. Additional building houses machine shop, boiler room, and woodworking area.
circa Spring 1928
William Paddock
Paddock, William (Artist)
Student name as written: Bill Paddock.
William E. Paddock received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1943.
Freshman year, 1939-1940
Paddock 1
Assignment title: Stone lantern.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 27 in x 21 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic analytique has an elevation of a stone lantern with domed top on a base of columns and entablature. Elevation is visible through a detail drawing of the Doric columns and entablature. Penciled partial plan shows the shape of the lantern.
circa Spring 1940
Sophomore year, 1940-1941
Paddock 2
Church sanctuary
Assignment title: Sanctuary for Catholic or Episcopal church.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 40 in x 31 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic analytique includes an elevation of a church altar with crucifixion cross hung against the wall, altar table, and benches. Detail drawings of cross, lighting fixture and sculpted bench base. Small plan and section drawing.
Paddock 3
Commemorative wall sundial in garden
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation with penciled plan and section drawing of a square wall-mounted sundial on a stone wall above a bench. Sun dial has a sculpture figure as the base of the pointer with inscribed symbols as the sundial numbers. Detail drawings of sculptural figure, bench, Roman letter inscription, and symbols.
circa Autumn 1940
Ivan Palmaw
Palmaw, Ivan M. (Artist)
Ivan Palmaw graduated from the University of Washington in 1929. He partnered with Frank Baker and George Stewart as Baker, Stewart & Palmaw, Architects, Seattle, 1934-1939. Later career unknown.
Sophomore year, 1925-1926
Palmaw 1
A Commemorative Tablet
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 in x 39 1/2 in
Class B I analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the drawing was judged in the national competition.Rendering of commemorative tablet surrounded by detail drawings of bricks, bas relief, and Corinthian capitol.
circa 1925-1926
Palmaw 2
A Fountain in a Theater Courtyard
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and white on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 24 3/4 in x 37 1/2 in
Elevation of a fountain in a colonnaded theatre courtyard setting: the domed building and ornate decorative elements suggest a mosque. Penciled plan shows a hexagonal courtyard. Detail drawings of fountain with Arabic writing and decorative elements.
circa Spring 1925
Palmaw 3
A Portico of a Church
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 25 3/4 in x 34 3/4 in
Class B II projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Elevation of an entrance portico for a church shows three doors flanked by columns with Latin inscription and religious images above doorways. Detail drawings show column and capitol, Corinthian-styled fonts, lettering, and relief sculptures on doors.
circa 1925-1926
Senior year, 1928-1929
Palmaw 4
A Department Store
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 57 in x 32 in
Class A II projet.Rendering/elevation of a multi-story building with centered channel with decorative panel and observation area. Illuminated Macy's sign projected atop building. Multiple plans show ground floor, entrance lobby, and offices; typical floor plan; 13th floor dining and kitchen areas; and 14th floor picture gallery with sculpture room and library. Section drawing.
circa 1928-1929
Richard Parker
Parker, Richard O., 1920-2003 (Artist)
Student name as written: Dick Parker.
Richard Owen Parker received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1942. He worked for Robert L. Durham, 1946-1954, and then for George W. Stoddard, 1954-1956. He later worked as Richard O. Parker and A. K. Arai Associate. Together, Parker and Arai designed the White River Buddhist Temple in Auburn, 1963-1964; and the Shinran Shonin 700th Anniversary Memorial Hall addition to the Seattle Buddhist Church in Seattle, 1963-1964.
Freshman year, 1938-1939
Parker 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 21 in x 15 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
circa 1938-1939
Parker 2
End pavilion of a public building
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 19 in x 24 1/4 in
Freshman design provides an elevation of the end pavilion of a neoclassical building with stone base and Corinthian columns and entablature framing a windowed porch on the upper level. Detail drawings of vase; entablature; column base, shaft, and capital. Penciled plan and section drawing of porch.
Parker 3
A Tomb
1 historical drawing : ink on paper ; 27 3/4 in x 20 in
Freshman drawing exercise.Pen and ink freshman historical drawing of an ornamented church altar tomb with recumbent sculpted figure framed in an atlar with relief mouldings, religious sculptures, and entablature.
circa Winter 1939
Jack Paterson
Paterson, John (Artist)
Alternate name: Jack Paterson.Alternate name: John S. Paterson.
Junior year, 1927-1928
Paterson 1
An Air Port Passenger Station
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with colored pencil and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 37 1/2 in x 29 in
Entered in the Bebb Prize design competition, 1927-1928.Watercolor plan of an airport passenger station shows a terrace leading to main building with connective tunnels leading to a baggage handling area and hangar. Section drawing reveals the interior of the main building, while a small rendering in white shows a possible hangar.
circa 1927-1928
Paterson 2
An Air Transport Terminal Station
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink wash on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 37 1/2 in x 61 1/2 in
Junior design. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating this design was judged in the national competition.Watercolor rendering/elevation of the facade of an air transport terminal with heightened entrance arch with clock and two glass-domed walkways extending from each side and connected to projections with elongated channels of windows. Multiple plans show the ground floor, first floor, and roof show the main concourse with administrative areas, ticketing counter, radio and telegraph counter, areas for inbound and outbound trains, and slips for airplanes. Section drawing through terminal.
circa Spring 1928
Paterson 3
An Aqueduct
Title as written by student: An Aquaduct. [sic]
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor wash with graphite and white on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 23 1/2 in x 35 in
Class B local project.Elevation of an arch bridge for an aqueduct over a ravine with waterfall rendered in watercolor. The elevation shows the aqueduct as a large arch atop the deck of the bridge with a small viewing platform for pedestrians centered on the side; the plan indicates that the large arches at either abutment direct traffic onto the bridge in an S-shape while the aqueduct continues in a straight line on each side of the ravine. Section drawing of aqueduct support column.
November 5, 1927
Paterson 4
A Small Office Building for Doctors and Dentists
Assignment title: Doctors/Dentists office building.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor wash with graphite, colored pencil, and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 38 in x 26 1/2 in
Local projet.Watercolor elevation of a two-story building; plan and section drawings show both floors.
circa 1927-1928
Senior year, 1928-1929
Masonic temple
Class A IV projet with two sheets.
Paterson 5a
Drawing 1:A Masonic Temple
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 25 3/4 in x 39 in
Elevation of temple facade in monochromatic wash shows a multi-story tiered building flanked by obelisks and a central stairway leading to entrance. Handwritten below name: I am a citizen of the United States.
circa 1928
Paterson 5b
Drawing 2:A Masonic Temple
1 design drawing : ink wash on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 35 3/4 in x 35 1/2 in
Plan and section drawing on ink wash background shows a tile pattern through the temple. Plan is unlabeled, however it shows the columned entrance lobby with projected wings on either side. Section drawing shows the multiple stories of the building, central stairway, and fireplace.
circa 1929
5th year, 1929-1930
Paterson 6
A Tourist Hotel in Colorado
1 design drawing : graphite, tempera, and ink on paper ; 26 in x 38 1/2 in
5th year design, completed in Fontainebleu, France.Rendering of a flat-roofed adobe-style building with multiple stories on a mesa. Plan of building shows site details, a single row of guest rooms, and public areas, including a glass enclosed restaurant that extends beyond the mesa's edge.
circa 1929-1930
Paterson 7
A Zoological Laboratory
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 61 1/2 in x 39 in
Title as written by student: A Zoological Labatory.Class A V projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the drawing was judged in the national competition.Rendering/elevation of zoological building with two glass domes and symmetrical entrance stairway with columns and entrance decorated with relief along roof edges. Plan shows lecture hall and administrative offices in the main building connected to the glass domes housing cages for small mammals, canivores, and aviary, with enclosed observation passages through the cages; observation bridge extends through the center of the complex and spans the amphibian and reptile pools; offices along the back include laboratories, library, and quarantine area. Section drawing shows a museum on the upper level.
circa 1929-1930
Lawton Patten
Patten, Lawton M., 1905-1992 (Artist)
Student name as written: L. Patten.
Lawton Mike Patten received his B.F.A. from the University of Washington in 1928. Following graduation, he worked for Sullivan W. Jones, Architect, New York. He later worked as a professor of architecture at the University of Iowa, where he authored the book Architectural Drawingin 1962.
Unknown dates
Patten 1
1 freehand sketch : graphite on paper ; 11 in x 8 1/2 in
Freehand sketches of multiple windows including shuttered windows, dormer, and an arched doorway. Inscribed on front of drawing: A. L. Gurtill, Copied by L. Patten.
circa 1924-1928
James Paul
Paul, James R. (Artist)
Student name as written: Paul, J. R.
James Richard Paul received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1948. Following graduation, he worked for Waldo B. Christenson, 1949-1950; later Decker & Christenson, 1950-1952; then for J. Lister Holmes, 1952-1953; and John Graham, 1953-1957.
Unknown dates
Paul 1
A Flower Market
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with matting ; 22 in x 28 in
Sketch problem; believed to be a Sophomore, Junior, or Senior sketch.Watercolor perspective drawing of a flower market building. The modernist building has a curved exterior with narrow walls separating the exterior into stalls under a flat roof. Site plan for the building showing parking area and public areas is drawn in pencil on the matting.
circa 1945-1948
Kay Paulson
Paulson, Kay (Artist)
Freshman year, 1937-1938
Paulson 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 21 in x 15 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
circa 1937-1938
Richard Pearce
Pearce, Richard J. (Artist)
Student name as written: R. J. Pearce.
Richard J. Pearce received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1926, where he was awarded the Auburn Clay Works Prize in 1923-1924 and the Charles H. Bebb Prize in 1925-1926. Following graduation, he worked as a faculty member in the Department of Architecture from 1928-1932 until his death in an avalance on Mount Rainier. He was succeeded in this position by alumni Henry Olschewsky.
Sophomore year, 1923-1924
Pearce 1
A Candy Shop
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 32 3 /4 in x 28 in
circa Autumn 1923
Junior year, 1924-1925
Pearce 2
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 28 1/2 in x 32 1/4 in
Class A II projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.
December 8, 1924
Senior year, 1925-1926
Pearce 3
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 20 3/4 in x 29 in
Entered in the 1926 Bebb Prize design competition and awarded "2nd Prize, 2nd Medal."Watercolor rendering/elevation of a cenotaph on a plaza.
Pearce 4
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 12 in x 33 1/4 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of an elongated stone building with heightened center dome and arched entrances leading to an attached, larger, rear building.
circa 1925-1926
Unknown dates
Pearce 5
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
1 drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on illustration board ; 19 in x 36 1/4 in
No student name on drawing. Drawing attributed to Richard J. Pearce.Watercolor elevation shows a proposed neoclassical building for the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.
circa 1926-1928
Pearce 6
Memorial building
1 design competition drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on illustration board ; 29 3/4 in x 20 in
Entered in the Paris Prize preliminary design competition. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the drawing was judged in the national competition. Inscribed on drawing: Harvard University. 19 Trowbridge St., Cambridge, Mass. I am a citizen of the U.S. and will be under 27...Rendering/perspective with plan and partial section drawing of a building with gothic features and steps leading to a stone wall with memorial inscription over doorway.
circa 1926-1928
Pearce 7
Section through domed building
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 14 in x 22 3/4 in
Section drawing through a domed building reveals the entrance, domed room, and additional ground floor rooms behind the dome.
circa 1924-1926
These sketches are inscribed with the name Peterson; however, it is unknown whether they were completed by A. V. Peterson, Leslie Peterson, or a different student with the same last name. As there are no similar sketches in the collection, a circa date cannot be assigned.
Unknown dates
Peterson 1
Gothic church
1 freehand sketch : graphite on paper ; 11 3/4 in x 8 1/2 in
Freehand sketch of a church facade with Gothic features.
Peterson 2
1 1/2 minute sketches
1 freehand sketch : graphite on paper ; 9 in x 12 in
Two freehand sketches: one perspective sketch looking up a stairway along a wall; one perspective sketch of the adjoining walls on a building's exterior. Handwritten note indicates these were completed in 1 1/2 minutes.
Alfons Victor Peterson
Peterson, Alfons Victor (Artist)
Student name as written: A. V. Peterson.
Alfons Victor Peterson received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1949. Following graduation, he worked for the Seattle Parks Department, 1949-1951. In 1951, he formed a partnership with John W. Adams as Peterson & Adams, Architects. The firm was hired by the City of Seattle to construct shelter houses at the playing fields in Beacon Hill, Queen Anne, and the University District, c.1951; and Fire Station No. 8 on Queen Anne Hill, 1964.
Freshman year, 1938-1939
Peterson AV 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 21 in x 15 in
Freshman drawing exercise.Stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
circa 1938-1939
Peterson AV 2
End pavilion of a public building
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 25 in x 19 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of the end pavilion of a neo-classical building with an elongated window framed by engaged columns with Corinthian capitals. Detail drawings of relief vase on pedestal, decorative mouldings, column base, and Corinthian capital . Plan of column capital. Penciled plan and section drawing.
circa 1938-1939
Peterson AV 3
Niche with vase
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 22 1/2 in x 16 1/4 in
Freshman drawing exercise.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of niche with vase framed by engaged Doric columns and entablature with open-topped pediment in a garden setting with penciled plan and section drawing, and detail drawings of vase, balustrade, column base, capital, and entablature.
circa 1938-1939
Sophomore year, 1939-1940
Peterson AV 4
Tomb of Rudolph P. Valentino
Assignment title: A tomb for a great actor in the movies.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 30 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic analytique with section drawings of a domed mausoleum. Section drawing reveals a circular walkway with thick round columns overlooking a circular tomb with sarcophagus. Plan shows the circular walkway overlooking the sarcophagus. Detail drawing of inscription lettering and sarcophagus.
circa Winter 1940
Leslie Peterson
Peterson, Leslie H., 1911-2000 (Artist)
Leslie Harold Peterson received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1935. Following graduation, he worked for William Aitken, Seattle, 1936-1937; Donald M. McDonald, Seattle, 1937-1939; Austin Co., 1940-1946; and then with Carlson, Eley, Grevstad & Peterson, 1946-1949.
Senior year, 1934-1935
Peterson L 1
An Episcopal Cathedral Group
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 39 in x 59 3/4 in
Senior design. Class A projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation the front and rear of of church with apse and radiating chapels, spire, colonnaded walkway, and Romanesque arched entrance doorway with decorative tympanum and double doors Site plan shows the cathedral connected via courtyard walkway to additional buildings housing administrative offices, library, classrooms, refectory, baptistry, bishop's living areas, and service areas.
circa Autumn 1934
John Phillips, Jr.
Phillips, John Otis (Artist)
John Otis Phillips, Jr. received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1938. He was the University of Washington recipient of the Alpha Cho Rhi Medal in 1938. Following graduation, he took a position with Archibald N. Torbitt, 1938-1940; then with George W. Stoddard, 1940-1941. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II, 1941-1946. Once World War II had ended, he returned to work for George W. Stoddard, 1946-1956.
Sophomore year, 1934-1935
Phillips 1
Entrance to a School of Architecture
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a double-door and transom window decorated with grille surrounded by ornamental relief squares. Plan shows locations of planter and Corinthian capital on the front porch.
March 9, 1935
Phillips 2
Memorial arch frontispiece
Asisgnment title: Frontispiece.
1 design competition drawing : ink on paper with matting ; 40 in x 30 in
Ink drawing of a stone memorial arch with interior frieze, Corinthian columns, and engraved entablature with detail drawings of relief, Corinthian capital, warrior sculpture, and entablature rendered as fallen and broken pieces of the arch. The drawing is rendered as an engraving, similar to a book frontispiece.
circa 1934-1935
Orr Pickering
Pickering, E. Orr (Artist)
Student name as written: Orr Pickering.
Freshman year, 1922-1923
Pickering 1
The Doric Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Doric order includes an elevation of the column and entablature; reflected ceiling plan; section drawing through entablature; and detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
circa 1922-1923
Pickering 2
The Ionic Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Ionic order includes an elevation of the column and entablature; ceiling plan; section drawing through entablature; and detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
circa 1922-1923
Pickering 3
The Tuscan Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 24 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of a Tuscan column includes detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, and entablature; section drawing through portico; plan of column base; and ceiling plan of column showing soffits.
circa 1922-1923
Sophomore year, 1923-1924
Pickering 4
A Country Chapel
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 1/2 in x 22 in
Sophomore analytique. Class B projet.Design drawing includes a watercolor rendering/elevation and plan of a stone chapel with wooden doors and bell; section drawings reveal main altar and seating.
circa Winter 1926
Warren J. Pollock
Pollock, Warren J. (Artist)
Freshman year, 1933-1934
Pollock 1
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 21 1/4 in x 15 3/4 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering of an elongated window with pediment and balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of decorative elements and balcony balustrade. Penciled plan and section drawing.
Gordon Powers
Powers, Gordon F., 1916- (Artist)
Gordon Powers received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1940. He served as a Sargeant in the Air Force during World War II, before returning the United States. He registered with the American Institute of Architects, Southern California Chapter, in 1954, and worked as Partner in the firm Powers, DeRosa, and Daly, 1955-1964, and later as Gordon Powers, Architect. Powers became known for his "atomic age" architecture and themed bowling alley design. Notable projects include the Java Lanes in Long Beach, 1958; Kona Lanes in Costa Mesa, circa 1958; Covina Bowl in Covina, California; the Marina Shopping Center in Long Beach; and the Celebrity Sports Bowl (for client Walt Disney) in Denver, circa 1960. Other notable works include is own residence, the Gordon F. Powers House in Seal Beach; and the Sheraton Beach Inn in Huntington Beach, California.
Freshman year, 1934-1935
Powers 1
End pavilion of public a building
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 18 1/2 in x 25 in
Freshman design provides an elevation of the end pavilion of a neoclassical building with stone base and Corinthian columns and entablature framing a windowed porch on the upper level. Detail drawings of cornucopia horn and column with base, capital, and entablature. Penciled plan and section drawing of porch.
Sophomore year, 1935-1936
Powers 2
Garden with stair and waterfall
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 31 1/4 in x 30 in
Sophomore analytique.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a stairway leading to a triple-arched Doric colonnade on a wall with waterfall fountain on lower section. Detail drawings of statue and planter. Partial plan penciled along side of drawing.
November 2, 1935
Robert Price
Price, Robert B., 1915-1981 (Artist)
Student name as written: Bob Price.
Robert Billsbrough Price received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1946, and his M.Arch from the Massachussetts Institute of Technology in 1948. As a student at the University of Washington, his studies were interrupted by World War II, where he served in the United States Navy, 1942-1946, rising to the rank of Lieutenant.Following graduation from MIT, Price returned to Tacoma and worked for James C. Gardiner, 1948-1949, before opening his own practice as Robet B. Price, Architect, Tacoma, in 1949. Price's firm designed many residences, commercial buildings, and public buildings, but specialized in educational institutions that include the John S. Baker Junior High School in Tacoma, 1955; Mount Tahoma High School in Tacoma, 1961; the Sherman Elementary School in Tacoma, 1954; Puyallup Junior High School in Puyallup, c.1959; the Olson Physical Education Building at Pacific Lutheran University in Olympia, 1969; and the Recreation Pavilion at Evergreen State College in Olympia, 1973.Over his career, Price was awarded 59 national, regional, and local awards for his designs. He received awards for the Tacoma Fire Station, No. 17, 1955; the Joe Long Jr. House on American Lake, 1956; Hoyt Elementary School in Tacoma, 1958; and his own architectural office, 1963. His modern residential design named the "The Calypso," a model home for the Glennwood subdivision in Lakewood, received the AIA-Sunset Western Home Award contest in 1955. Other notable projects include the World of Commerce and Industry Building 37 at the Century 21 Exposition, 1962; the Tacoma Bicentennial Pavilion, 1976; the Ginko Petrified Forest museum, 1956; the Church of Christ Scientist in Olympia, 1950; the Harbine Monroe House in Gig Harbor, 1958; the Sky Terrace Apartments in Tacoma, 1961; Tacoma Fire Station No. 1, 1968; as well as several apartment buildings for the Tacoma Housing Authority.Price was a member of the Tacoma Society of Architects, the Tacoma Art League, Allied Arts, and the American Institute of Architects, Washington and Southwest Washington Chapters. He also served as a member of the National Committee of AIA Department of Education and Research, and served on the Tacoma Building Code Committee. Price was elected to the AIA College of Fellows in 1966.
Freshman year, 1938-1939
Price 1
End pavilion of a public building
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 24 3/4 in x 18 3/4 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of an upper-level porch with elongated windos on the end pavilion of a building partially enclosed by Corinthian columns and balustrade; detail drawings of decorative mouldings, entablature, column base, shaft, and Corinthian capital; penciled section drawing.
circa 1939
Price 2
A Tomb
1 historical drawing : ink on paper ; 27 3/4 in x 19 3/4 in
Pen and ink freshman historical drawing of an ornamented church altar tomb with relief mouldings and recumbent sculpted figure in constructed niche with religious tympanum and framed with entablature.
circa 1939
Architectural ornamentation class
Price 3
Gothic round window
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper and tissue paper ; 37 3/4 in x 28 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Round stained glass window with vine and acanthus leaves arranged in a pattern around a female religious figure with inscribed band around the outside of the window.
circa 1940-1942
Ragnar Qvale
Qvale, Ragnar, 1915-2001 (Artist)
Norwegian-born Ragnar Qvale studied architecture at the University of Washington. He left the University of Washington after being cast as a Nazi officer in the film Four Sons, 1940, and as a stunt double in Sun Valley Serenade, 1941. During World War II, Qvale joined the United States Navy as a pilot, 1942-1946.After World War II ended, Qvale returned to Los Angeles to pursue architecture, establishing his own architecture firm as Ragnar C. Qvale and Associates. The firm designed the interior spaces of the Hotel Sahara in Las Vegas, 1952; the Sands Hotel in Phoenix, 1956; and Crawford Shopping Center in Montebello, California, 1958. His interest in historic preservation led him to establish Q. A. Architectural Arts, an architectural firm specializing in watercolor renderings of buildings from architectural records.
Freshman year, 1936-1937
Qvale 1
Entrance to a fine arts school
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 18 in x 24 in
Monochromatic watercolor rendering/elevation of entrance doors to a fine arts school under a simple cornice and framed by a smooth-faced projection with square relief panels. Penciled plan shows stairs with planters on each side; section drawing through entrance shows projection of entrance.
June 7, 1937
Irvine Rabel
Rabel, Irvine B. (Artist)
Irvine B. Rabel received his B.A. in Business Administration from the University of Washington in 1929.
Freshman year
Rabel 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 20 in x 14 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters R, E, C, J, U, L.
circa 1924
Boris Rachmanoff
Rachmanoff, Boris A. (Artist)
Alternate name: Bob Rachmanoff.Student name as written: B. Rachmanoff.
Freshman year, 1926-1927
Rachmanoff 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 18 in x 14 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letter V.
circa Autumn 1926
Junior year, 1928-1929
Rachmanoff 2
An Aquarium
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 36 1/2 in x 30 in
Junior project. Class B IV projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Rendering/elevation of the side an aquarium building. The square entrance hall has a circular roof and attaches to a rectangular wing housing the main aquarium and multiple semi-circular wells along the outer walls with ornately designed exterior decoration. Plan shows a park with curved walkways and the aquarium building.
March 1929
Rachmanoff 3
Restaurant in the Air
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 27 in x 23 3/4 in
Junior project.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a restaurant tower with vestibule supported by metal trusses at the mid-point of the tower and an observation deck at highest level. Penciled tower plan, ground level plan, vestibule plan, and section drawing.
February 1929
Victor Rasumoff
Rasumoff, Victor (Artist)
Student name as written: V. Rasumoff.
Freshman year, 1929-1930
Rasumoff 1
Assignment title: Museum entrance.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 22 1/4 in x 16 1/4 in
Freshman analytique.Design/analytique drawing includes a watercolor rendering/elevation of a building facade with portico housing an arched doorway with relief tympanum and metalwork door; detail drawings of grille, column capital and base; penciled plan and section drawing.
March 17, 1930
Arthur Read
Read, Arthur S. (Artist)
Student name as written: A. S. Read.
Arthur Read received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1948.
Freshman year, 1945-1946
Read 1
Classical entrance
1 historical drawing : ink wash on paper ; 29 in x 21 1/4 in
Advanced freshman historical drawing shows an entranceway with plan, elevation, and section drawings in a monochromatic wash. Elevation shows a doorway under entablature framed by Ionic columns on either side and balustrade. The entranceway has an arched opening under entablature with relief medallions on either side. Section drawing and partial plan show smaller areas off the entrance with barrel vaulted ceilings and similar medallions.
January 30, 1946
Unknown dates
Read 2
A Painter's Studio
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 21 3/4 in x 28 3/4 in
Sketch problem.Design drawing includes multiple elevations of a flat-roofed building with large panels of windows and balcony; plans for the ground floor and balcony floor show the living areas, studio areas, and outdoor courtyard; section drawing reveals studio.
circa 1947-1949
Norma Reeck
Reeck, Norma L. (Artist)
Freshman year, 1939-1940
Reeck 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 21 3/4 in x 15 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
circa 1939-1940
Theodore Reid
Reid, Theodore (Artist)
Student name as written: Theodore J. Reid.
Theodore J. Reid received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1949.
Freshman year, 1941-1942
Reid 1
1 historical drawing : ink on paper ; 27 3/4 in x 19 3/4 in
Pen and ink freshman historical drawing of an ornamented church altar tomb with relief mouldings and recumbent sculpted figure in constructed niche framed with entablature. Inscribed on tomb: Ioanni de Rvvere [Joanni de Rouvere].
circa Winter 1942
Junior year, 1946-1947
Reid 2
Casino and dance hall on waterfront
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design. Date penciled on the front as 1940-42 was added after the drawing's completion and is believed to be incorrect.Watercolor perspective drawing of a building on a waterfront embankment with attached entrance lobby and lounge leading to an outdoor terrace and circular room with domed roof extended over the water. Plan shows areas for entertainment, dancing, and dining. Section drawings reveal the structure of the building over land and water and the domed ballroom.
circa 1946-1947
Reid 3
Assignment title: Public library in suburban residential area.
1 design drawing : graphite and colored pencil on paper ; 31 3/4 in x 43 3/4 in
Large plan of a public library shows public and administrative areas, with reading room, lobby, stacks, bindery, staff offices, and outdoor reading courtyards including a children's courtyard attached to the children's department on the second level. Elevation of the exterior and multiple section drawings.
circa 1946-1947
Reid 4
Residence on waterfront
Assignment title: Seattle residence on the shore of Lake Washington.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 1/2 in
Junior design.Watercolor perspective drawing of the front and back of a modernist residence on landscaped grounds with stone walls and wooden exterior. Plot plans shows the residence with attached greenhouse and carport with auto court and lawn with ground floor living areas, second floor bedrooms, and beach access. Interior perspective drawing of living room with wall of floor-to-ceiling windows opposite couch seating. Section drawing through living room, entry, and kitchen.
circa 1946-1947
Unknown dates
Reid 5
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with matting ; 22 1/2 in x 28 in
Sketch problem.Watercolor rendering of a stone arch bridge over water with decorative urns on each abutment.
circa 1942-1949
Reid 6
A Ventilator
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with matting ; 28 in x 22 in
Sketch problem.Watercolor rendering of a ventilator in a desert setting with pyramids in the background. The rectangular pillar-shaped ventilator is decorated with Egyptian motifs and has arched ventilator openings in the upper register. Stepped ventilator base has room for seating.
circa 1942-1949
Richard Relf
Relf, Richard C. (Artist)
Student name as written: Dick Relf.
Freshman year, circa 1925-1926
Relf 1
Ink wash circles:Plate 1
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 17 3/4 in x 13 in
Freshman drawing exercise of ink wash circles on paper with separated gradations from dark to light.
circa 1925-1926
Burr Richards
Richards, Burr, 1917-1996 (Artist)
Burr Richards received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1946. Prior to graduating, Richards served in the Naval Reserve, rising to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Following graduation, he worked for Young and Richardson, Seattle, 1946-1947; G. A. Pehrson, Spokane, 1947-1948; Victor Jones & Associates, 1948-1949; Bain, Overturf & Turner, 1949-1950; Sturat & Durham, 1951-1952; then partnered with Barnard Carmin as Richards & Carmin, 1953-1956; and Richards & Burr, c.1957; and as the Principal in Burr Rutherford Architects. Notable works include the Miller House on Mercer Island, 1953; the MacRae House, 1957; the Henry Isaacson Sr. House in the Highlands, 1970; the Campbell/Foss House in Medina, 1960; and the Lindley House on Hunts Point, 1970. His own residence in Bellevue, 1958, was featured inSunset Magazine.
Architectural ornamentation class
Richards 1
Gothic round window
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper and tissue paper ; 28 in x 22 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Round stained glass window with centered circular design of a face encircled by vines and acanthus leaves and contrasting outer band.
circa 1940-1942
Edwin Richardson
Richardson, Edwin R. (Artist)
Student name a written: E. R. Richardson.
Freshman year, 1923-1924
Richardson E 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 13 3/4 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
November 23, 1923
Stephen Richardson
Richardson, Stephen H. (Stephen Hinley), 1910-1984 (Artist)
Student name as written: Steve Richardson.
Stephen Hinley Richardson attended the University of Washington before receiving his M.Arch from the Massachusets Institute of Technology in 1935. Following graduation, he worked as a draftsman for Floyd A. Naramore, Architect, 1935-1938; then as a designer for Naramore & Brady, 1938-1941.In 1941, Richardson partnered with Arrigo Young as Young & Richardson, 1941-1952. The firm changed names to Young, Richardson, Carleton & Detlie in 1952 to reflect a growing partnership with William H. Carleton and John Detlie, 1952-1956. The firm designed Gaffney's Lake Wilderness Lodge in Maple Valley, 1952, which received the National AIA Honor Award from the AIA and was later declared a King County Landmark as a significant example of post-World War II design. Other notable works from this period include Terry Lander Hall, 1953 and 1957, and McCarty Hall, 1963, at the University of Washington; the Seattle Parks Administration Building, 1948; Gethsemane Lutheran Church, 1954; and the Carl Erickson House at Hunts Point, 1954When Detlie left the firm in 1956, the name changed to Young, Richardson & Carleton until 1967 when the firm changed its name again to The Richardson Associates (later TRA). The firm completed many modernist projects that include Issaquah High School, 1961; the concourses at Seattle-Tacoma Airport, 1963-1965; and the Bloedell Hall addition to St. Marks Cathedral, 1957-1959. Richardson retired from the firm in 1970.
Freshman year, 1930-1931
Richardson S 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash with graphite on paper ; 20 in x 14 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
Autumn 1930
Richardson S 2
Ink wash circles:Plate 1
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 17 in x 13 in
Freshman drawing exercise shows ink wash circles with separated gradations from dark to light.
circa 1930-1931
Kenneth Ripley
Ripley, Kenneth, 1910-1997 (Artist)
Student name as written: K. Ripley; Rip.
Kenneth St. Clair Ripley received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1933. Following graduation, he worked for R. E. Thomas, Architect, Boise, 1935-1936. He returned to Seattle to work for William Aitken, Architect, 1936-1937. Later career unknown.
Freshman year, 1928-1929
Ripley 1
Ram with shade and shadow
1 drawing exercise : charcoal with colored pencil and white on paper ; 24 1/2 in x 36 1/2 in
Freshman drawing exercise shows two views of a planter with winged ram and flowering ornamental vines, one view with shade and shadow added.
circa 1928-1929
5th year, 1932-1933
Ripley 2
A National Research Center
Assignment title: A national scientific research center.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with charcoal, pastel, and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing and surface fixative ; 39 1/4 in x 55 in
Site plan for a research center shows museum and auditorium building, library, theatre, and administrative buildings arranged around a circular plaza connected via pathways to additional buildings for science labs, farm, coal tar pit, fraternity housing, and living and recreation areas for faculty and employees.
circa Spring 1933
Harry Roberts
Roberts, Harry (Artist)
Student name as written: Roberts.
Junior year, 1946-1947
Roberts 1
Fire station
Assignment title: Fire station for city of 10,000 in Washington.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor on paper ; 30 1/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Junior design.Color perspective drawing of a modernist fire station building with garage bays for fire trucks connected to administrative building and brick practice tower. Exterior elevation. Plans show the garage area, dormitory, and administrative areas on the ground floor, second floor alarm room, and basement storage. Section drawing through main building.
circa 1946-1947
Jay Robinson, Jr.
Robinson, Jay C. (Artist)
Student name as written: Robinson.
Jay Robinson, Jr. received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1941.
Architectural ornamentation class
Robinson 1
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with matting ; 40 in x 14 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Painted panel with flowering vine motif and classical female form.
circa 1938-1941
John Rohrer
Rohrer, John A., 1914-2004 (Artist)
John Abram Rohrer received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1937, where he was awarded the AIA Second Award in Architecture as a graduating student. As a student, he met and married fellow UW architecture classmate Ruth Williams. Following graduation, he worked as a designer for John T. Jacobsen, Architect, 1938; then as a designer for John Graham and Company, Seattle, 1939. During World War II, he accepted a position as the Assistant District Architect with the Austin Company, 1940-1945. He joined the University of Washington as a drawing instructor, c.1945, becoming Instructor in Basic Drawing and Illustration in 1948 and later as an Associate Professor, retiring in the late 1980s. He continued his work in architecture as Designer and Illustrator with Naramore, Brady, Bain & Johanson [NBBJ], c.1955. Throughout his career, he worked in his own practice as John Rohrer, AIA, Architect, and as consultant to a variety of architecture firms, specializing in artist renderings and presentation drawings. He designed his own residence, the John Rohrer House, which was featured in McCall'smagazine as a Home of the Month in 1954, and is now a Seattle Landmark.
Freshman year, 1932-1933
Rohrer 1
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 20 3/4 in x 14 3/4 in
Monochromatic rendering of an elongated window with pediment and balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of decorative elements and balcony balustrade. Penciled plan and section drawing.
circa Autumn 1932
Rohrer 2
End pavilion of a public building
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 18 in x 12 7/8 in
Freshman analytique provides a monochromatic rendering/elevation of an upper-level porch on the end pavilion of a building with arched windows partially enclosed by Corinthian columns and balustrade; detail drawings of decorative mouldings, scroll, and Corinthian capital; penciled plan.
circa Autumn 1932
Rohrer 3
Ink wash circles:Plate 1
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 18 in x 12 7/8 in
Freshman drawing exercise of ink wash circles with separated gradations from dark to light.
circa Autumn 1932
Rohrer 4
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 14 1/2 in x 20 3/8 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters C, M, D, N, J, L, H.
circa Autumn 1932
Rohrer 5
Vase in niche analytique
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 19 7/8 in x 25 7/8 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of niche with vase framed by Doric columns and entablature in a garden setting with penciled plan, elevation of columns, and detail drawings of vase, entablature, inscription lettering, and other decorative elements.
circa 1932-1933
Rohrer 6
War Memorial
Assignment title: Memorial chapel.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 21 1/2 in x 28 3/4 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a memorial with egg-shaped dome and cross atop an octagonal base. Penciled plan and section drawing reveal the interior of the memorial.
circa 1932-1933
Sophomore year, 1933-1934
Rohrer 7
Cemetery Entrance
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 1/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Rendering/elevation with plan and section drawing of a cemetery entrance shows a terraced site with small building and memorial prayer inscribed on terrace walls. Site plan shows the building with restrooms, offices, vault, and private rooms with outdoor terrace overlooking an open area with roads on either side.
May 28, 1934
Rohrer 8
An Elementary School
Assignment title: An elementary school with athletic facilities.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 1/2 in
Class B projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a brick building with recessed and heightened center section with entrance stairway. Site plan shows the main building with library, classrooms, auditorium, administrative offices, gymnasium, and athletic fields for girls and boys. Section drawing through the building shows the entrance hall, auditorium, and gymnasium.
March 16, 1935
Rohrer 9
A Family Mausoleum
1 design/analytique drawing : monochromatic watercolor wash with graphite and white on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a mausoleum with domed roof in snow. Detail drawings of lettering, carved cross, and relief carvings on either side of the door. Section drawing shows skylit rotunda and tombs. Lightly penciled plan shows the cross-shaped building.
circa Winter 1934
Rohrer 10
A Garage on a Country Estate
Assignment title: Garage and guest suites for country residence.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 in x 31 in
Plan shows the mirrored layout of two residences on a courtyard, enclosed on one side by the garages. Two watercolor renderings/elevations show the multi-car garage with decorated doors and a view of the residential buildings from the interior court.
April 5, 1934
Rohrer 11
Semi-circular portico and entrance
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 30 7/8 in
Class B projet. Inscribed on drawing: Georgian.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a semi-circular portico with Corinthian columns and entablature projected from a brick building with set of double doors. Detail drawings of Corinthian capital, column base, footed basin, decorative mouldings, and inscription lettering. Plan of entrance portico. Penciled section drawing.
October 28, 1933
Rohrer 12
Wall with niche and statue
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 30 7/8 in x 40 in
Monchromatic rendering/elevation of a wall with niche housing a spitting head fountain flanked by Corinthian columns, sculpted figures, and ornate entablature with inscription. Fountain is rendered in a park setting with detail drawings of sculpted animal and Corinthian capital, penciled plan of fountain basin, and section drawing through fountain.
March 14, 1934
Rohrer 13
Well head
1 design/analytique drawing : monochromatic watercolor wash with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 40 in
Monchromatic rendering/elevation of a well head shown as a basin with carved head with two columns supporting a metalwork arch with the chain and well bucket. Detail drawings of letering, column capitals, statues, and carved head. Lightly penciled section drawing.
December 9, 1933
Junior year, 1934-1935
Rohrer 14
An Airport
Assignment title: Small airport terminal building.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 7/8 in x 30 7/8 in
Design drawing provides a watercolor rendering/elevation with plan and section drawing of an airport. The modernist Aduwa Airport has a flat roof with sections of varying heights and glass entrance doors; plan of ground floor shows parking areas, entrance lobby with baggage and ticketing kiosk, administrative offices and windowed waiting room; longitudinal section drawing through airport reveals a partial upper level in terminal building and covered walkways leading to airplanes.
November 9, 1935
Rohrer 15
An Airport Waiting Station
1 sketch problem : charcoal on paper with matting ; 22 in x 27 3/4 in
Sketch problem [esquisse-esquisse].Charcoal rendering of an airport waiting area with curved walls of windows.
circa 1934-1935
Rohrer 16
An Aquarium
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 5/8 in x 30 7/8 in
Class B projet.Rendering/elevation of an aquarium building with flat roof, windowed sides, and a projected center section with entrance portico and sculptures on each side. Plan shows the park and the aquarium building with tile pattern, and a large, rectangular aquarium in the center of the building with walkways and multiple aquarium tanks along each wall and work areas along back wall. Section drawings reveal two stories with viewing along the upper and lower levels.
circa 1934-1935
Rohrer 17
A Dairy Farm
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 5/8 in
Design drawing provides a watercolor rendering/elevation with plan and section drawing. The dairy farm consists of building with living areas connected via walkway to a dairy building housing a milking shed, silo, equipment storage areas, and feeding room. Section drawing through feeding shed.
circa 1934-1935
Rohrer 18
An Open-Air Museum
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Watercolor perspective of the site for an open-air museum shows a terraced sculpture garden with walkways, fountain, and decorative frieze along walls. Section drawing shows the terraced site; elevation of wall section shows frieze of a battle scene.
February 9, 1935
Rohrer 19
A Small Country Courthouse
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 30 7/8 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation with plans, longitudinal section drawing, and perspective drawing of a county courthouse with projected heightened center section with gabled roof, entrance doors, and upper-level decorative grille with statue, flanked by recessed wings with flat roof and rows of windows on both stories separated by decorative band inscribed with classmates' last names. Plan reveals that the center section houses the entrance lobby on the ground floor and the courtroom on the upper level. Plans also show the council chamber, committee rooms, chamber rooms, administrative offices, clerk of court, law library, and attorneys' offices.
May 11, 1935
Senior year, 1935-1936
Rohrer 20
A Church Group: a non-sectarian church and religious institute
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 7/8 in x 30 7/8 in
Class B projet.Design drawing provides a watercolor rendering/elevation of a church with attached buildings, plan, section drawing, and perspective drawing. Rendering/elevation shows the side of church with spire and offset courtyard with covered walkway and attached buildings with set of outward-facing entrance doors. Plan shows the auditorium, classrooms, living areas, administrative offices, assembly rooms, and social hall. Section drawing reveals church and classroom interiors. Perspective drawing of entrance and covered walkway.
December 14, 1935
Rohrer 21
A Monument to Irish Independence
1 sketch problem : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 35 3/4 in x 30 in
Charcoal sketch problem [esquisse-esquisse] shows the plan and rendering for a monument to Irish independence with broad walkway in hilly terrain.
circa 1935-1936
Rohrer 22
New capitol in Rome: monument to Fascismo
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 39 1/2 in x 61 in
Watercolor rendering of a circular plaza with three towers on the edge of a river with streets extending from the plaza like spokes; bridge across river leads to a plaza of government buildings with athlete's stadium.
circa 1935-1936
Architectural ornamentation class
Rohrer 23
Pompeiian wall
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor on illustration board with surface fixative ; 22 in x 24 1/4 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Painted elevation of a wall with rectangular sections, each with a painted images from Roman mythology, created by painted bands of contrasting color and slender columns.
circa 1934-1936
Rohrer, Ruth Williams
See: Williams, Ruth
Frank Rommel
Rommel, Frank (Artist)
Freshman year, 1938-1939
Rommel 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 21 in x 15 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
circa 1938-1939
Anne Ross
Ross, Anne (Artist)
Freshman year, circa 1923-1924
Ross A 1
Doric Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 24 in x 17 3/4 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Doric order includes an elevation of the column and entablature; ceiling plan; section drawing through entablature; and detail drawings of column base, shaft, entablature, and capitals with rosette and fleur de lis.
circa 1923-1923
Robert Ross
Ross, Robert H. (Robert Hugh) (Artist)
Student name as written: Rob't. H. Ross.
Robert Hugh Ross received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1941.
Sophomore year, 1937-1938
Ross R 1
Baptistry or sanctuary
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 31 in x 39 1/2 in
Sophomore design.Monochromatic section drawing of the interior of a domed room with sculptural font and skylights. Detail drawings of religious sculpture and ornamentation on fountain basin. Partial plan reveals shape of fountain basin and placement of columns.
circa 1937-1938
Ross R 2
An exclusive kindergarden in the suburban section of a large city
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore design.Sophomore design project includes a watercolor rendering/elevation, plan, and section drawing of a modernist building with flat roof featuring hanging vines and sections of varying heights housing naproom, modeling room, storybook nook, and administrative offices. Courtyard behind building has sandbox and outdoor track. Longitudinal section drawing through site. Naproom is decorated with illustrations of storybook characters.
June 4, 1938
Ross R 3
Garden pavilion on country estate
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore design.Colorful watercolor perspective of a windowed pavilion on beach with mansard roof and classical decorative elements with balustrade stairway leading to waterfront walkway. Design drawing also includes a garden elevation and section drawing revealing ornately decorated interior of garden room and fireplace. Multiple plans show the garden level and the waterfront level with boat garage.
May 7, 1938
Junior year, 1938-1939
Ross R 4
A Boys' Athletic Pavillion
Assignment title: Athletic facilities for boys' school of 250.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 1/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a brick building; building plans show the main building with trophy room, lockers, squash courts, pool, and gymnasium. Section drawing shows lockers and trophy room.
February 11, 1939
Ross R 5
Dairy farm
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Design drawing provides two watercolor renderings/elevations with plan of a dairy farm with terracotta roof. The dairy farm consists of a residence with living areas connected via gated courtyard and covered walkway to a dairy building housing a calving room, milking stalls, wash areas, and feeding area arranged around a cow yard with drinking tough.
circa 1938-1939
Ross R 6
Palazzo Cardinal
Assignment title: Summer villa for American cardinals.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 30 3/4 in
Junior design.Design drawing shows a rendering/elevation of an multi-story residence with Italianate features such as a terracotta roof, stone terrace, and large windows framed with arched mouldings and decoraive tympana. Site plan shows roofline of residence and extensive gardens. Additional plans include a ground floor plan showing interior courtyard with pools and planters surrounded by a colonnaded walkway providing access to dining and reception areas, library, chapel, and sacristry; and upper level plan with living areas for servants and guests.
circa Winter 1939
Ross R 7
Sculptor's residence and studio
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 1/2 in x 30 3/4 in
Junior design.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a building complex with entrance courtyard and asian motif in ornamentation and landscaping. Plans shows site with gardens and building with administrative areas, study and workrooms, gallery, and living areas. Section drawing through courtyard reveals a round, windowed entrance, sculpture niche, and similarly styled decoration along interior-facing walls. Student signed name with dragon illustration.
circa Spring 1939
Senior year, 1939-1940
Ross R 8
School for industrial arts
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 1/2 in
Senior design.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a building with offset entrance and courtyard; building is extended to side under a sawtooth roof with relief medallions representing fields of study. Plan shows the site with outdoor garden and patio as well as the building with library, administrative offices, lecture and locker rooms arranged along a hallway adjoining workrooms for industrial arts study. Section drawing through the building shows the skylit workspace of the classrooms under the sawtooth roof.
October 21, 1939
Ross R 9
Yacht club
1 design drawing : ink on paper ; 39 1/4 in x 31 in
Drawing is marked '40 indicating the drawing was completed during 1940, however, it is unknown whether this project is a Senior level project or a 5th year level project.Design drawing provides two exterior elevations and two plans showing a modernist boathouse with flat roof, enclosed exterior walkways, and wooden siding. Plans show the two levels of boathouse with administrative areas, slips, shop, and workrooms on lower level, and public areas such as kitchen, dining areas, clubroom, and locker rooms on upper level. Small section drawing shows stairway to boat slips and position of boathouse over water. Drawing is marked "H.C."
5th year, 1940-1941
Ross R 10
AIA building with restaurant and club rooms
1 design competition drawing : graphite, ink, and colored pencil on paper ; 31 1/2 in x 40 in
5th year design.Two exterior elevations with section drawing and multiple plans for a multi-story building. Plans for basement and five floors shows the building houses a restaurant, administrative and AIA offices, exhibition spaces, piano bar, lounge, workspaces, and library.
circa 1940-1941
Ross R 11
Permanent facilities for summer music camp
1 design drawing : ink on paper ; 31 1/4 in x 39 1/2 in
5th year design.Pen-and-ink elevations and section drawings of a group of buildings in the modernist style with wood and stone exteriors and pitched roofs. Drawings show the exterior of the concert hall, waterfront lounge, mess hall on cantilevered base, practice rooms, and outdoor concert hall. Site profile provides a section drawing of the concert hall as well as typical cabins. Drawings are artfully rendered in landscape with trees and rocks.
Unknown dates
Ross R 12
Study for a library
1 sketch drawing : graphite, ink, and colored pencil on paper ; 24 7/8 in x 30 1/2 in
This drawing is believed to have been used as a study and not submitted as a finished drawing.Rendering/elevation of the exterior of a smooth-faced modernist building with multi-story tower and single-story entrance with adjacent courtyard wall lettered with the names of authors. Plan shows building with landscaped outdoor study and main reading room adjacent to the tower with stacks, reserve room, periodical room, and circulation areas. Notes and handwritten equations on drawing.
circa 1937-1941
Jean Roth
Roth, Jean, 1915-1971 (Artist)
Alternate name: Jean Roth Driskel.
Jean Roth Driskel studied at the University of Washington for four years before receiving a tuition scholarship to study at the Art Center School in Los Angeles, California for four years beginning in 1938. Her scholarship was rescinded after the 1938-1939 school year due to being married, and Driskel never received her architecture degree. Driskel passed her California licensing exam by examination in 1948. She apprenticed as a draftsman with A. R. Walker, Los Angeles, 1942-1946 and worked as a designer with former classmate A. Quincy Jones, 1946-1948. She then established her own practice in South Pasadena beginning in 1948. She briefly partnered as Driskel, Tryon & Foy, 1965-1967, and later as Tryon & Driskel, in 1967-1968, before returning to individual practice in South Pasdena, California in 1968. As the first woman to be elected officer in the California chapter of the AIA, she served as Secretary of the AIA Pasadena Chapter, 1961-1962; Vice President, 1967; President, 1968; and Director, 1969. Driskel also served as President of the Los Angeles Chapter of the Association of Women in Architecture, 1954; and later as the National President of the Association of Women in Architecture, 1954-1956. Jean Roth Driskel was the third woman to be elected to the AIA College of Fellows.
Freshman year, 1933-1934
Roth 1
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 20 3/4 in x 14 3/4 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering of an elongated window with pediment and balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of decorative elements and balcony balustrade. Penciled plan and section drawing.
circa Autumn 1933
Clarence Rueger
Rueger, Clarence R. (Artist)
Student name as written: C. R. Rueger.
Clarence Rueger received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1931.
Junior year, 1928-1929
Rueger 1
A Post Office
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 3/4 in x 30 1/2 in
Class B I projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Elevation of building facade with three stone-arched doorways topped with decorative relief tympana; plan shows decorative tile pattern in lobby, mail processing areas, and parking lot; section drawing through center of building shows an ornate lobby with Corinthian pilasters, metalwork grille service counters, and stone inlay on the walls. Detail drawings of decorative metal flag holders.
circa 1928-1929
Rueger 2
A Restaurant on the Water
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 1/2 in x 39 3/4 in
Class B II projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.A Spanish Revival building with decorative arched doorway and striped awnings with steps leading to a waterfront promenade. Watercolor rendering with elevation shows the main building with terracotta roof and a space for outdoor seating areas and an open space with semi-circular colonnade. Plan shows layout of site and main building with seating arrangement. Section drawing of main building and site reveals a two-story building with table and the arched bridge under the steps leading to the waterfront.
circa 1928-1929
5th year, 1930-1931
Rueger 3
Bus Terminal Hotel
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 3/4 in x 31 1/2 in
Entered in the Bebb Prize design competition and awarded "First Mention Placed."An art deco styled h-shaped building with multiple stories wraps around an integrated bus terminal on one side. Elevation drawing shows horizontal rows of windows in the upper levels of the building; the lower level houses the bus terminal and is marked by a stylized red sign with two decorative towers in red, white, and blue rising from the entrance to the bus terminal. Two plans show the bus terminal and a typical hotel floor.
circa Autumn 1930
John C. Rushmore
Rushmore, John C., 1921-2001 (Artist)
Student name as written: Rushmore.
John Charles Rushmore received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1949. Following graduation, Rushmore worked for Victor Jones & Associates, c.1949-1953, before opening his own practice as John Rushmore & Associates, Bellevue, in 1953 until his retirement in 1998. Notable works include the Tradewell Market in Columbia City, 1957; the Bellevue/John Danz Theatre, 1961; the Theta Chi Fraternity House addition and skybridge at the University of Washington, 1964; and the Eighth Street Building in Bellevue, 1960.
Junior year, 1946-1947
Rushmore 1
Casino and dance hall on waterfront
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 29 1/2 in x 39 1/2 in
Junior design.Design drawing includes a watercolor perspective drawing, plan, and section drawing of waterfront building with waterfront terrace and hexagonal dining room. Plan shows areas for gaming, dancing, and dining. Section drawings show the interior of the building through the kitchen, dining room, and dance area.
circa 1946-1947
Rushmore 2
Sarcophagus on an island
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Note: Student was enrolled as a Junior in the 1946-1947 school year, however, this assignment would have been completed in the Architectural Design I class, typically undertaken during the Sophomore year and extending into the Junior year.Watercolor rendering/elevation with plan of small island terrace with a stone pillar capped with sarcophagus with relief image of angel. Detail drawing of the pier, angel relief, and Roman inscription lettering. Lightly painted plan shows the stairway from the boat landing to the pillar.
circa Autumn 1946
Senior year, 1947-1948
Rushmore 3
A Washington State Building at a World's Exposition
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor and white with graphite and ink on paper ; 29 3/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Senior design.Colorful perspective drawings show the interior and exterior of a building endcapped with wooden paneling and walls of windowed glass on each side connected to a wooden deck and covered walkway. Plan shows the building houses a theatre, restrooms, and information desk and an additional covered lounge on the opposite side of the deck. Interior perspective drawing and section drawing shows a tree in the center landscaped section of the building.
Winter 1948
5th year, 1948-1949
Rushmore 4
Synagogue interior
Assignment title: Interior of Orthodox Jewish synagogue.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 29 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
5th year design.Design drawing includes two watercolor section drawings, elevation drawing of ark and temple plan. Section drawings and plan indicate the temple has a seating balcony and a colonnade of slender columns. Longitudinal section drawing shows an upward angled roof over the seating area of the temple. Transverse section drawing shows the bimah against a wooden paneled wall.
circa 1948-1949
George Vernon Russell
Russell, George Vernon, 1905-1989 (Artist)
George Vernon Russell received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1928. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Fontainebleu, France, 1928. As a student he received the MIT Prize and the J. P. Alaux Prize in 1928.Following graduation, Russell worked as a Draftsman for Edward Necarsulmer, Architect, New York, 1929-1930; Draftsman, York & Sawyer, Architects, New York, 1930-1932; Designer, Edward Necarsulmer, Architect, New York, NY, 1932; and Designer, Reginald Johnson, Architect, Los Angeles, 1933-1934. Russell partnered with Douglas Honnold as Honnold & Russell, Architects, Los Angeles, 1935-1942; with Eduardo J. Samaniego as Russell & Samaniego, Architects, Los Angeles, 1946-1950; before forming George Vernon Russell and Associates, Architects, Los Angeles in 1951.Notable works include the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, c.1946; the Hollywood Reporter Building in Hollywood, c.1946; and the Joyce Shoe Company in Pasadena, c.1950. Russell was elected to the College of Fellows of the American Institute of Architects (FAIA) in 1958.
Senior year, 1927-1928
Russell 1
A Mountain Inn
1 design/thesis drawing : gouache/watercolor with charcoal, graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 29 3/4 in x 49 in
Senior design/thesis.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a multi-story mountain lodge on a rocky bluff with terraced observation areas. The stone lodge has multiple chimneys, half-timbered ornamentation and exterior walkways on the upper levels. Plan of ground floor.
Jack Ryan
Ryan, John Lee (Artist)
Student name as written: Jack Ryan.
Freshman year, 1938-1939
Ryan 1
1 historical drawing : ink on paper ; 20 1/4 in x 28 1/2 in
Pen and ink freshman historical drawing of a footed ornamented church altar tomb with recumbent sculpted figure with detail drawings of relief mouldings. Inscribed on tomb: Alex VI.
circa Winter 1939
Sophomore year, 1939-1940
Ryan 2
Dog kennel
Assignment title: Veterinarian office and kennel.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 in
Sophomore design.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a single story dog kennel shows a main building with steeply pitched roof and projected entrance with ornamentation. Main building is attached to a smaller building housing kennel runs and shelters. Perspective drawing shows the building facade. Plan and section drawing.
circa Spring 1940
Ryan 3
A Restaurant in Woods
Assignment title: Restaurant for hikers and cyclists in wooded area.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a modernist stone and glass building with outside dining terrace in a wooded area. Section drawing and plan.
circa Spring 1940
Unknown dates
Ryan 4
Light standards
1 sketch problem : graphite on paper with matting ; 28 in x 22 in
Sketch problem.Rendering/elevation of a stairway framed by walls supporting two light columns with vertical rows of decorative ornamentation.
circa 1940-1942
Container(s) Description Dates
Dean Sanders
Sanders, Dean H. (Dean Harris) (Artist)
Student name as written: Dean Sanders.
Dean Harris Sanders received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1940. Following graduation, he worked for the Boeing Company, 1941-1945. He worked for Henry Bittman, Architect, Seattle, 1945-1953. After Bittman's death in 1953, Sanders partnered with Henry Bittman's son, Harold Bittman, and Harold Adams as Bittman, Adams & Sanders, Seattle, 1954. The firm continued without Adams as Bittman & Sanders, Seattle, 1955 to an unknown date. Notable works include the Addressograph Multigraph Agency, c.1954, in South Lake Union.
Freshman year, 1932-1933
Sanders 1
Memorial chapel
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash with graphite on paper ; 17 1/2 in x 23 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering with penciled plan and section drawing of a walled plaza with smooth-faced chapel. Chapel has relief ornamentation along the top with centered entrance under an elongated window with cross. Plan of chapel; section drawing through chapel reveals the interior with memorial wall plaques. Classmates' names are lettered on the plaza wall.
June 5, 1933
Sophomore year, 1933-1934
Sanders 2
Semi-circular portico and entrance
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 40 in x 30 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Elevation of a semi-circular portico for a brick building shows a double door with cornice, framed by columns supporting a small balcony. Detail drawings show column base and capital, frame, and decorative urn. Section drawing and plan of the portico.
October 28, 1933
Senior year, 1935-1936
Sanders 3
Concert Hall on Private Estate
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 30 3/4 in
Senior design.Design drawing includes a watercolor rendering/elevation of the building; plan showing the foyer, stage, and auditorium seating area; and a section drawing revealing the windowed walkways along each side of the auditorium.
June 6, 1936
Edward Sands
Sands, Edward , 1910-1996 (Artist)
Student name as written: E. Sands.
Edward Elmer Sands received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1937. He worked as a Draftsman for Floyd A. Naramore, Architect, Seattle, 1934-1940, and later as a Designer for Naramore and Brady, Architects, Seattle, c.1940-1941. Sands became Design Chief for Siems Drake in Puget Sound, c.1941-1943, before working as a Supervising Engineer for the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle, 1943-c.1946. He returned to private architectural practice, working for Waldo B. Christenson, Seattle, 1946-1949. He later joined fellow alumni Bjarne Olsen's architectural practice in Juneau, Alaska, as Olsen & Sands, 1956-1968; later as Sands & Ackley, Architects, 1969-1974. The firm changed names to Ackley & Associates, Inc.,1974-1979, however, it is unknown whether Edward Sands remained involved with the firm after Sands & Ackley.
Freshman year, 1931-1932
Sands 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 14 in x 20 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters J, A, L, X, O, M.
circa Autumn 1931
Sands 2
Vase in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink wash on paper ; 17 3/4 in x 24 3/4 in
Freshman analytique.Watercolor rendering with penciled plan and section drawing of niche in wall with vase framed by Doric columns and arched pediment in a garden setting with detail drawings of vase, column base and shaft, and entablature.
F. I. Sather
Sather, F. I. (Artist)
Student's full name unknown.
Freshman year, 1934-1935
Sather 1
Tomb of Joanni Arberino
1 historical drawing : ink on paper ; 27 1/2 in x 20 in
Pen and ink freshman historical drawing of an ornamented church altar tomb with relief mouldings and recumbent sculpted figure in constructed niche framed with entablature. Inscribed name on tomb: Joanni Arberino Jocobi.
March 18, 1935
Unknown dates
Sather 2
Assignment title: Large public library, large stack wing.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 1/2 in x 58 3/4 in
Watercolor elevation of a multi-story library building with panels of elongated windows separated by fluted pilasters and decorated with images of people. Multiple plans show the administrative areas, circulation desks, bindery, exhibition areas, and cataloging department on the ground floor; and a include a typical stack plan which shows working areas in a windowed reading room. Section drawing through main building shows a heightened section for reading room, memorial lobby, and workspace. Exterior elevation of building's side.
circa Autumn 1940
Savery, Winifred Ceis
See: Winifred Ceis.
Winston Schleef
Schleef, Winston H., 1914-2000 (Artist)
Winston Schleef received his B.A./B.S. in General Studies and a certificate in Naval Studies from the University of Washington in 1938. As a student, Schleef was active in the Naval ROTC; following graduation, Schleef served in the U.S. Navy Supply Corps, rising to the rank of Rear Admiral.
Sophomore year, 1935-1936
Schleef 1
End pavilion in a garden
1 design/analytique drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a pavilion with colonnade set into a stone wall. Detail drawings of planted cactus, column shaft and capital; plan; section drawing through the pavilion.
circa 1935-1936
Ruth Schneider
Schneider, Ruth (Artist)
Student name as written: R. Schneider.
Ruth Schneider married, and later divorced, fellow UW architecture classmate and Los Angeles architect A. Quincy Jones.
Freshman year, 1933-1934
Schneider 1
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 22 1/4 in x 16 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering of an elongated window with pediment and balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of decorative elements and balcony balustrade. Penciled plan and section drawing.
circa 1933-1934
Schneider 2
Classical vase in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and paper on cheesecloth backing ; 22 1/2 in x 16 3/4 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering of niche in wall with vase framed by Doric columns and open-topped pediment in a garden setting with detail drawings of lidded vase, column, and entablature. Penciled plan.
circa 1933-1934
Schneider 3
Columns with spring
1 design/analytique drawing : monochromatic watercolor wash with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Monchromatic rendering/watercolor of a peristyle: two rows of columns with decorated entablature contain a small court with fountain. Detail drawings of basins and Doric columns; plan and lightly penciled section drawing show the fountain.
circa 1933-1934
Schneider 4
Facade of an embassy
1 design drawing : ink wash on paper ; 20 1/2 in x 28 in
Freshman design provides an elevation of the facade of a neoclassical building with stone base and exterior colonnade with Corinthian columns and entablature on the upper level; partial section drawing through colonnade; half-plan.
circa 1933-1934
Sophomore year, 1934-1935
Schneider 5
Entrance to architecture school
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 1/4 in x 40 1/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a double-door with relief panels of symbolic imagery and transom window with grille. The entrance is ornamented with a wall relief, Ionic columns, and curved horn sculptures on each side of the door. Partial section drawing shows locations of columns and horn on front porch.
circa Winter 1935
Junior year, 1935-1936
Schneider 6
Airport terminal building
Student's title indecipherable.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 30 in
Junior design.Rendering/elevation of a flat-roofed building with windowed tower rising from center section. Plans shows main floor with public and administrative areas and runway outside the building. Section drawing through building shows the baggage area and tower.
circa 1935-1936
Schneider 7
1 sketch problem : charcoal on paper with matting ; 22 in x 27 3/4 in
Junior sketch problem.Charcoal rendering of circular stage enclosed by an Ionic colonnade supporting entablature and a flat roof. Penciled drawings on back.
circa 1935-1936
Schneider 8
Casino de la Mer
Assignment title: Casino on an island.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a building with terracotta roof, terrace, and semi-circular atrium on an island with palm trees. Plan show areas for gaming, dancing, dining, and the boat landing. Partial plan shows the administrative and storage areas under the terrace. Section drawing reveals the interior of the round dancing atrium and the gaming area.
circa 1935-1936
Architectural ornamentation class
Schneider 9
Bishop's throne, crown, and cross
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 40 in x 30 3/4 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Watercolor drawing shows a jeweled crown, jeweled cross, and stone throne with embroidered cushion and rounded back with inscription and mosaic emblem.
circa 1935-1937
Schneider 10
Gothic round window
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper and tracing paper with matting ; 28 1/4 in x 28 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Round stained glass window with acanthus leaves arranged in a pattern around a dark blue center and framed in an outer ring inscribed with student's name and project title.
circa 1935-1937
Thornton Drexel Scott
Scott, T. Drexel, 1912-1996 (Artist)
Alternate name: T. Drexel Scott.Alternate name: Thornton Drexel Scott.
T. Drexel Scott received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1941. After World War II ended, Scott worked as an associate architect in the firm of Luther E. McCoy, Vancouver. He continued as an architect and builder in the Vancouver, Washington, area.
Senior year, 1940-1941
Scott 1
Architectural Competition Alumni Prize
Assignment title: AIA building with restaurant and club rooms.
1 design drawing : ink wash with graphite on paper ; 31 1/2 in x 40 in
Senior design. Design for the AIA building was submitted to the Alumni Prize architectural competition and awarded "1st Prize, 2nd Medal."Exterior elevations with section drawing and multiple plans for a multi-story building. Plans for basement and six floors shows the building houses a restaurant, gallery, bar, lounge, atelier room, offices, workspaces, and library.
circa 1940-1941
Seth Seablom
Seablom, Seth H. (Artist)
Student name as written: H. Seablom.
Seth Seablom received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1961. Following graduation, he was awarded the AIA Tau Sigma Delta scholarship to study at the University of Pennsylvania, where he earned his M.Arch and M.C.P. in 1963. Seablom received a Fulbright award in 1963. He became a Fellow of the American Academy in Rome in 1968. He returned to Seattle, working with Jones and Jones and as Seth Seablom, Architect.
Junior year, 1958-1959
Seablom 1
A Memorial Plaza
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 29 1/2 in x 40 in
Grade II analytique.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a building with gridded facade supported by pillars on a sculpture plaza. Detail drawing of sculpture and pergola.
Winter 1959
Menalkas Selander
Selander, Menalkas, 1913-2003 (Artist)
Student name as written: Selander.
Menalkas "Mac" Selander graduated from the Art Institute of Seattle. After World War II, he worked as a commercial artist and painter in Portland, particularly well-known for desert scenes and watercolor paintings of the Oregon coastline, until his retirement in the mid-1970s. After retirement, he took up woodcarving and jewelry-making. His work is held in the Portland Art Museum and the Smithsonian American Art Museum.
Freshman year, 1932-1933
Selander 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 14 in x 19 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters U, N, I, V, O, F, W.
circa 1932-1933
Baldwin Shay, Jr.
Shay, A. Baldwin (Artist)
Student name as written: Baldwin Shay.Alternate name: Anel Baldwin Shay, Jr.
Anel Baldwin Shay, Jr. received his B.A/B.S. in General Studies from the University of Washington in 1940. His name is listed in the Garden of Remembrance memorial at Benaroya Hall and the Interrupted Journey World War II memorial on the University of Washington campus in memory of those who died in combat or in direct support of allied forces during World War II.
Sophomore year, 1936-1937
Shay 1
Mortuary chapel for Alpine community
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering of a stone chapel with cemetery in a mountain area. Plan and section drawing show the columbarium and chapel.
Loyle Shearer
Shearer, Loyle O. (Artist)
Student name as written: L. O. Shearer.
Sophomore year, 1945-1946
Shearer 1
Real estate sales office
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 30 1/2 in
Sophomore design.Watercolor perspective drawing of a modernist building with stone and wood exterior walls, flat roof, and windowed entry covered by a porte cochere leading to an observation deck opposite the building. Plan shows the real estate sales office, architect's office, drafting room, and parking areas. Exterior elevation shows the front of building. Section drawing through the sales room.
circa Autumn 1945
Junior year, 1946-1947
Shearer 2
Casino and dance hall on waterfront
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 30 3/4 in
3 photographs : black and white photographs
Junior design.Perspective drawing of a circular building with domed roof extended over the water with attached entrance on waterfront embankment. Plan shows lounge, outdoor terraces, and areas for dancing and dining. Section drawings reveal the structure of the building over land and water. Attached photographs show a model of the structure completed by the student.
circa 1946-1947
Fred Sheel
Sheel, Fred (Artist)
Freshman year, 1931-1932
Sheel 1
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 26 1/4 in x 19 3/4 in
Monochromatic rendering of an elongated window with pediment and balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of ornamental motif, classical vase, decorative scroll, and acroterion. Penciled plan and section drawing.
December 15, 1931
Stan Shepard
Shepard, Stan (Artist)
Freshman year, 1939-1940
Shepard 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 14 3/4 in x 19 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters V, W, A, S, H, E, P.
October 16, 1939
Robert Shields
Shields, Robert M., 1917-2012 (Artist)
Student name as written: Robt. Shields; R. Shields; R. M. Shields; Shields.
Robert Shields received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1941. Following graduation, Shields served in the U.S. Navy and upon returning, formed a partnership with fellow alumni Bert Tucker and Roland Terry as Tucker, Shields & Terry, Architects, Seattle, 1947-c.1951. When Roland Terry left in 1951, the partnership continued as Tucker & Shields, 1951- c.1964, and focused primarily on custom residences throughout the Seattle area. Notable works include the Canlis Charcoal Broiler in Seattle, 1950; the Bud Burnett House in Seattle, 1950; and the Harold and Eunice Keller House, c.1950. After Tucker & Shields, Robert Shields operated independently, primarily designing residences until the late 1970s. Shields designed over 100 residences in the Seattle area. He was an occasional lecturer at the University of Washington Department of Architecture and School of Art.
Freshman year, 1936-1937
Shields 1
Fontainbleau School of Architecture
Title as written by student.Assignment title: Entrance to a fine arts school.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 18 in x 24 in
Monochromatic watercolor rendering/elevation of the entrance to a school of architecture. The double doors are ornamented with Classical motifs and framed by a wide moulding with inscription above doorway. Penciled plan shows stairs with planters on each side; section drawing through entrance shows projection of mouldings.
circa Spring 1937
Shields 2
Perspective of house:Plate 7
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 17 in x 22 in
Perspective drawing exercise shows the front elevation of a basic house with roof plan drawn above. Lines are drawn from a single point on roof to points on two adjacent drawings showing the foundation (bottom) and perspective dimension (top) of house. Architect has marked the lines used in creating the perspective.
circa 1936-1937
Shields 3
Perspective of room:Plate 5
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 17 in x 22 in
Single-point and vanishing-point perspective exercise shows the plan of a room with angled window at one end with lines drawn from room fixtures and furnishings to a perspective at the bottom of drawing. Elevation of same dimensions shown adjacent to perspective. Architect has marked the lines used in creating the perspective.
circa 1936-1937
Shields 4
Study of an urn:Plate 9
1 drawing exercise : graphite, ink, and colored pencil on paper ; 22 in x 19 in
Freshman drawing exercise shows an urn with shading in blue, drawn to show various projections.
circa 1936-1937
Shields 5
A Tomb
1 historical drawing : ink on paper ; 26 3/4 in x 19 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Pen and ink freshman historical drawing of an ornamented church altar tomb with relief mouldings and recumbent sculpted figure in constructed niche framed with entablature. Inscription on tomb in Latin.
circa 1936-1937
Sophomore year, 1937-1938
Shields 6
William F. Beebe Marine Museum
Assignment title: Entrance to marine museum.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a museum's entrance shows the semi-circular entrance portico of a windowless building with stairway leading to water; doorway has mural of ships overhead and decorative grille; partial plan; section drawing through portico. Detail drawings of Pegasus statue and column shaft.
circa Winter 1938
Junior year, 1938-1939
Shields 7
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Assignment title: Small county courthouse facing park.
Junior design.Watercolor design drawing, rendered in tones of rose and grey, provides an elevation, plans, and section drawing of a modernist public building with heightened center section and vertical channels of windows. Plans of upper and lower levels show the lobby atrium with council room and offices for the Sheriff, Engineer, Recorder, Auditor, Treasurer, Commissioner; upper level houses the courtroom with areas for the judge, jury, witnesses, probate court, law library, and District Attorney's office. Longitudinal section drawing reveals the two-story atrium with views through the hallway and ante room towards the courtroom and council room.
A Kindergarten
Shields 8a
A Kindergarten
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Watercolor design drawing has a plot plan, rear perspection drawing, section drawing, and elevation. Plot plan shows a rectangular property with outdoor spaces and paved terrrace surrounding a building with indoor play area, crafts room, kitchen, storage, nurse's office, administrative areas, and nap room. Rear perspective shows a modernist building with flat roof and windowed wall facing the back play area and a children's mural drawn on the adjacent wall. Front elevation shows the building with a narrow horizontal band of windows, offset entrance with toy soldier doors, and side gate. Section drawing reveals the entrance and the mural and windowed wall of the main play room.
circa 1938-1939
Shields 8b
A Kindergarden
Title as spelled by student.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on illustration board ; 28 in x 22 in
Junior design.Watercolor design drawing has a perspective of the modernist building with windowed walls, flat roof, and covered play area extended from the facade. Plot plan shows the children's areas and outdoor play areas. Elevation drawing.
circa 1938-1939
Shields 8c
Sketch problem
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 15 1/4 in x 22 1/2 in
Sketch problem derived fromA Kindergartenassignment.Bird's eye perspective of the school and play area, rendered in watercolor.
circa 1938-1939
Shields 9
A Model Dairy Farm Group
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Two rendering/elevations of the front and side of a group of buildings for a dairy farm, similarly styled in stone and wood. Larger elevation shows the silo and feed room, concealed milking stalls, and a loggia leading to a smaller residential building with pitched roof. Site plan shows the dairy building with machinery room, feed shed, silo, milking room, calves' area, storage, and cleaning areas; dairy building is connected to small residence and office building. Buildings enclose or face outdoor areas for pasture, corral, and calf yard.
Shields 10
Summer villa for American cardinals
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Design drawing shows a watercolor rendering/elevation of a residence with elongated windows and metal roof on a terraced site with stairway between levels. Plans show the landscaped grounds and the ground floor with reception areas, drawing room, library, living areas, and chapel.
Senior year, 1939-1940
Shields 11
Art and architecture building
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 in x 60 in
Senior design.Design drawing includes two plans, exterior elevation, isometric drawing, and section drawing rendered in rose tones. Ground floor plan shows the adminstrative areas, lecture halls, study areas, library, and auditorium; upper floor plan shows the drafting studio, exhibition hallway, library, and storage areas. Longitudinal section drawing reveals the decorated entrance hall and sloped floor of the auditorium, as well as the drafting room and exhibition hall above entrance. Isometric drawing shows interior courtyards between studies.
Shields 12
Beach house
Assignment title: House for three bachelors on the coast.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 in x 58 3/4 in
Senior/5th year design.Design drawing shows a watercolor site plan arranged with multiple plans, exterior elevations, section drawing, and bird's eye perspective. Site plan shows a wedge-shaped property with beachfront access and residence drawn with topographic lines. Enlarged plan of residence shows the upper and lower floors and is shown with additional details of surrounding gardens. Lower floor contains large living room with kitchen and dining areas, bedroom, study, and garage; upper floor has additional bedrooms with balconies overlooking water. Elevations from multiple directions show the modernist residence with stone facing and wooden siding and alternating areas with flat or sloped roofs. Section drawing through residence shows the split-level foundation.
circa 1939-1940
Shields 13
Assignment title: An American embassy in Stockholm, Sweden.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 59 3/4 in
Two exterior elevations of a building complex in glass and stone composed with site plan showing exterior gardens and two buildings. Plan of lower floor, shown on left, shows a main building with offices, library, attache and ambassador garages, and administrative areas, and is connected via loggia to a second building with lounge areas, study, and dining room. The upper floor, shown to right, shows the main building with a large library, gallery, state salon, and servants' quarters, with private areas for children and guests in the attached building. Primary ambassador residence not shown on drawing. Section drawing along bottom shows the large banquet hall above garage spaces in the main building. Exterior elevation has been marked in red by instructor.
Shields 14
Endowed school for vocational trades
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Senior design.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a single-story building in the modernist style with flat roof, horizontal panels of windows, and offset entrance portico with windowed doors. Plan shows vocational classrooms, administrative areas, and library along a corridor with lowered roof, with outdoor courtyard behind building. Section drawing reveals the corridor and shop classroom with office.
5th year, 1940-1941
Shields 15
A Catholic Chapel
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on illustration board ; 28 in x 22 in
Senior sketch problem.Bird's eye perspective of a small chapel with courtyard and memorial markers with plan and section drawing.
circa 1940-1941
Shields 16
Labor temple
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 60 in
Design drawing provides a rendering/elevation, bird's eye perspective, multiple plans, and section drawing. Elevation shows the multistory modernist building with sculptured relief and "Labor" inscribed over entrance. Multiple plans show the basement garage; ground floor with auditorium, foyer, and waiting areas; the second floor with commmittee rooms, publishing offices, couincil rooms, and administrative areas; and a typical floor with offices. Section drawing shows how the office tower is attached to the lower part of building housing auditorium and garage.
Shields 17
A National Roman Catholic Shrine
Assignment title: Roman Catholic shrine above Death Valley.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 60 in
5th year design.Rendering/elevation of the side and back of a multi-level Roman Catholic desert shrine built into rocky terrain at sunset. The shrine has a conical dome decorated with statues of saints around the top and a wall with religious sculptures connected to a ground-level building with windows and entrance doorway. Section drawing through the complex shows the lower-level entry, connecting to the domed chapel before exiting to the main worship area at the top of a rock face. Site plan and multiple floor plans show the entry, shrine, mid-level refectory, dormitory housing, cloister, worship area, treasure vault, and necropolis overlook.
Shields 18
Permanent facilities for a summer music camp
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Fifth year design.Watercolor rendering/elevations with section drawings of multiple buildings in the modernist style with wood and stone exteriors and upwards angled roofs that include the concert hall, mess hall, and typical cabins. Elevations of the concert hall include an elevation of the outdoor concert stage, while the section drawing reveals the interior of the concert hall. Elevation and section drawing of mess hall and lounge shows the windowed wall of the dining room.
circa 1940-1941
Shields 19
Shopping center
1 sketch problem : ink on illustration board ; 28 in x 22 in
Senior sketch problem.Site plan with topographic features, building plan, isometric projection, and elevation of a flat-roofed windowed shopping plaza with multiple stores, parking, and landscaped area.
Architectural ornamentation class
Shields 20
Bishop's chair with staff, reliquary, and chalice
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 40 3/8 in x 32 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Watercolor drawing shows a bishop's throne with ornate mosaic, embroidered cushion, and sculpted lionhead feet with chalice; ornamented reliquary; and scepter against a green background.
circa 1939-1941
Shields 21
Gothic round window
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper and tissue paper ; 28 in x 22 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Round stained glass window with vine and acanthus leaves encircling a bird with outer band of small circles.
circa 1939-1941
George Shigaki
Shigaki, George M. (Artist)
Student name as written: Shigaki; G. M. Shigaki.
George Moriyoshi Shigaki received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in June 1925.
Freshman year, 1921-1922
Shigaki 1
Ionic Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of a Ionic column including reflected ceiling plan of capital and entablature; elevation and section drawings of columns and entablature; and detail drawings of base, shaft, and capital.
circa 1921-1922
Senior year, 1924-1925
Proposed infirmary at the University of Washington
Senior design thesis.
Shigaki 2a
Drawing 1
1 design/thesis drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 16 in x 23 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of the proposed infirmary shows a u-shaped two-story brick building with elongated center leading to wings with arched bay-windows. Ornamentation around arched doorway and window frames.
circa 1925
Shigaki 2b
Drawing 2:Proposed Infirmary for University of Washington, Thesis Design
1 design/thesis drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 17 1/2 in x 24 1/2 in
Section drawing through the elongated center section of the building shows stairwells, typical room, and interior ornamentation on windows and doors.
circa 1925
Pat Shively
Shively, Pat (Artist)
Freshman year
Shively 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 14 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters R, M, S, U, I, J.
Harry Shoemaker
Shoemaker, Harry E. (Artist)
Student name as written: H. E. Shoemaker.
Harry Edwin Shoemaker received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1924. He was the third recipient of the Kellogg Prize in Architecture, 1921-1922.
Freshman year, 1920-1921
Shoemaker 1
Colonial Entrance: Residence at 4616 21st Avenue N.E., Seattle
Assignment title: Colonial entrance to residence.
1 measured drawing : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 17 3/4 in
3 black and white photographs ; 3 1/4 in x 2 in
Freshman measured drawing exercise of a colonial style entrance to a Seattle residence. Drawing provides an elevation with inscribed measurements of the doorway with triangular pediment supported by two columns with triglyph capitals; section drawing of the entrance; partial plan; and full scale detail drawings showing the profile of the door mouldings. Three photographs of entrance adhered to drawing. Inscribed on drawing: Measured by F.T.L. - J.J - E.N. - P.C. - H.E.S.
March 31, 1921
Shoemaker 2
Doric Order
1 measured drawing : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 17 3/4 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Doric order includes an elevation of the column and entablature; reflected ceiling plan; section drawing through entablature; and detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
circa 1920-1921
LaMonte Shorett
Shorett, LaMonte, 1905-1991 (Artist)
Alternate spelling: Lamont Shorett.
LaMonte Judson Shorett [Monty Shorett] received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1928, where he was awarded the Frederick and Nelson Small House Competition Prize in 1926-1927. Following graduation, he worked for his uncle Arthur Loveless, 1928-1933; then for George W. Stoddard, Architect, 1934. He partnered with Richard Lytel as Lytel & Shorett, 1936-1942. He also worked in his own architectural practice as LaMonte Shorett, Architect, Seattle, dates unknown. Notable works include the Lakewood Moorage Shop, c.1953; and the Fire Station No. 22, 1964; Shorett served as AIA Seattle's chapter president in 1964.
Junior year, 1926-1927
Shorett 1
A Riding School
1 design drawing : watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Class B II projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating that the design was judged in the national competition.Watercolor elevation of building facade; plan shows smaller building attached via gallery seating to a larger building housing ring and stables. Penciled section drawing.
December 15, 1927
Senior year, 1927-1928
Shorett 2
An Air Transport Terminal
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 1/4 in x 59 3/4 in
Class A V projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the drawing was judged in the national competition.Watercolor rendering/elevation of an airport building with large arch of windows, some with decorative elements, and semi-circular entrance portico. Glass-domed walkway and observation area is connected to similar archways projected out from either side of the building's center section. Multiple plans of lobby floor, 2nd floor, and upper floors. Longitudinal section drawing through building.
May 12, 1928
Henry Siebert
Siebert, Henry V. (Artist)
Freshman year, 1932-1933
Siebert 1
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : ink on paper ; 21 3/4 in x 15 3/4 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation with penciled plan and section drawing of an elongated window with pediment and balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of lidded vase and balcony balustrade.
Alfred Simonson
Simonson, Alfred F., 1917-1985 (Artist)
Alfred Simonson received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1944, having been interrupted by World War II after his matriculation in 1935. As a student, Simonson worked for George Stoddard, Seattle, 1937; and Jessie Warren, Seattle, 1938; and as a Junior Draftsman for the Continental Can Company, 1939-1941.Shortly after graduating, Simonson opened his own architectural practice as A. F. Simonson, Architect, Seattle, 1946-1947. He briefly partnered with Edgar Putnam as Simonson, Putnam & Associates, Seattle, 1948-1949; before returning to his own independent practice in 1950. Notable works include multiple residences for builder Charles Cross and developer S. H. Christianson; the Roy Furse residence in Seattle, 1945; the Dr. Everett Cassell residence in Seattle, 1950; Ballard Federal Savings & Loan, 1945; and the Wallingford Boys Club in Seattle, 1952.
Freshman year, 1935-1936
Simonson 1
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 21 in x 15 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation with penciled plan and section drawing of an elongated window with balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of mouldings, entablature, and balcony balustrade.
Simonson 2
End pavilion of a public building
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 27 3/8 in x 21 3/8 in
Freshman design provides an elevation of the end pavilion of a neoclassical building with stone base and Corinthian columns and entablature framing a windowed porch on the upper level. Corinthian capital, base, relief moulding, and decorative pedestal. Penciled plan and section drawing of porch.
circa 1936
Simonson 3
Fountain and wall in park
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 21 1/2 in x 27 3/8 in
Monochromatic analytique provides a rendering/elevation of a semi-circular wall fountain with spitting lion fountainhead flanked on each side by a wraparound staircase with relief mouldings. Penciled plan shows the wraparound staircase and fountain.
Simonson 4
Vase in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 25 7/8 in x 19 7/8 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of niche with vase framed by Doric columns and entablature in a garden setting with plan, elevation of columns, section drawing, and detail drawings of column capital and base, entablature, and vase.
circa 1935-1936
Sophomore year, 1936-1937
Simonson 5
An Aviary
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 7/8 in
Sophomore projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation and plan of a symmetrical glass building with heightened center section housing the winter cage and attached elliptical half-dome summer cage. Two perspective drawings offer different views of the entrance and the building. Section drawing.
June 7, 1937
Simonson 6
A Historian's Residence
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 31 in
Sophomore design drawing.Design drawing includes a watercolor exterior rendering/elevation, plan of the building and grounds with an additional second floor plan, and an aerial perspective. Exterior rendering/elevation shows a modern building with mostly windowless lower level and multiple windows along the upper level with hedgerow path and service court. Watercolor plan shows outdoor gardens and ground floor with library, entry, study, living room, gallery, terrace, dining room, kitchen, and garage. Additional plan shows multiple bedrooms, baths, and maids' quarters on the upper level.
circa 1936-1937
Simonson 7
Assignment title: Lighthouse at Cape Mendocino.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor and tempera with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 7/8 in x 30 7/8 in
Sophomore design drawing.Design drawing for a lighthouse includes a rendering/elevation of the lighthouse with smooth exterior in its setting atop a rocky bluff; two plans showing the working and living areas with radio room; and a section drawing showing the lamp, circular stairwell, and terraced levels of the lighthouse.
circa 1936-1937
Simonson 8
Musicians' gallery at end of ballroom
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 3/4 in x 31 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/section drawing of a semi-circular gallery at the end of an ornately decorated ballroom with floor-to-ceiling window framed by Cornithian pilasters. Detail drawings of millwork and decorative relief on panels. Plan of upper level.
Simonson 9
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 30 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Analytique provides a watercolor rendering/elevation of a covered pulpit with wraparound stairway, balustrade railing, relief festoons, and a ribbed dome supported by arched openings and Corinthian columns. Partial plan of circular base and stairway; section drawing through pulpit and base; detail drawing of entablature.
circa 1936-1937
Simonson 10
Shelter in a garden
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 7/8 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a shelter's facade with architectural lattice and planters on either side of the open entrance overlooking a rectangular pool. The shelter is enclosed on three sides and has a decorative relief against the back wall. Detail drawings of lattice and planter. Partial plan reveals the depth of the structure.
Junior year, 1937-1938
Simonson 11
Auto Salon and Garage
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 30 7/8 in
Junior design.Design drawing includes a rendering/elevation of the building exterior, plot plan, section drawing, and perspective drawing. Rendering/elevation of the single-story building shows a modernist building dominated by a windowed display room with recessed automobile entrance on one side. Plot plan shows the main building with showroom and administrative areas attached to a large garage in back. Perspective drawing offers an alternate view of the building with entrance bays to the garage.
circa 1937-1938
Simonson 12
A Bus Terminal for a Small City
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 5/8 in
Junior design.Design drawing includes two section drawings providing views into the interior of the bus terminal, and a plan showing the layout of the terminal with transit lanes, loading areas, administrative offices, and public areas. Additional building opposite the bus terminal house gas and oil service stations.
December 11, 1937
Simonson 13
A Church School and Religious Institute
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Design drawing includes a rendering/elevation of a church with horizontal channels along lower level and an offset belltower with cross connected to a complex of similarly styled buildings. Plan shows the layout of the church site including the main worship area and a group of connected buildings housing the administrative, educational/living, and social areas arranged around two courtyards. Section drawing reveals adult classrooms and the interior of church auditorium with choir loft.
circa 1937-1938
Simonson 14
A Customs House and Immigration Station
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 7/8 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Design drawing includes a rendering/elevation of a single-story modernist building with attached covering for traffic lane and plan showing traffic lanes and the customs house and immigrations station with directionals for travel between the U.S. and Canada. Section drawing through building and immigration station shows the profile of the covering.
circa 1937-1938
Simonson 15
A Manufactory of Ceramics
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Design drawing includes a rendering/elevation of a single story building with mostly windowless exterior with artistic ornamentation on the outside; plan showing the front courtyard with hallways on either side leading to work areas, kiln room, outdoor courtyard and gallery, shipping area, and administrative areas; and a section drawing through building.
circa 1937-1938
Senior/5th year, 1943-1944
Simonson 16
A Community Theater and Clubhouse
1 design/thesis drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 in x 55 7/8 in
Exterior rendering/elevation of a modernist building on a rocky site with flat-roofed sections of varying heights accented by windowed porticos and doorways. Plan of building shows administrative areas, actors' areas, and public areas. Two section drawings reveal the stage and sloped floors of auditorium, windowed foyer, and lounge.
January 30, 1944
Simonson 17
An International House
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 41 3/4 in x 54 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of student housing in a modernist style building with rooftop mezzanine, offset tower, and windowed lounge extended from one side. Design drawing also includes multiple plans and transverse section drawing. Plans show basement storage areas; first floor dining room, foyer, recreation area, and lounge; second floor library; and student dormitory housing on upper levels with sun roof.
April 10, 1944
Unknown dates
Simonson 18
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 1/8 in x 30 7/8 in
Design project, believed to have been completed during the final two years of study.Design drawing includes an exterior elevation with section drawing and plan of a a Romanesque building housing an auditorium and musician workspaces. Plan shows the building's auditorium seating area, stage, foyer, classrooms, library, practice spaces, and faculty and administrative offices along the exterior walls of building. Section drawing shows the stage and stepped floor of the auditorium as well as the interior arches of the foyer.Not signed by student. Drawing was found among the Simonson architectural drawings and therefore attributed to Alfred Simonson.
Olen Simpson
Simpson, Olen (Artist)
Junior year, circa 1931-1932
Simpson O 1
Bridge pylons
Assignment title: Two pylons at entry of bridge on Pioneer Trail.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 1/4 in x 39 1/4 in
Junior project.Elevation of an arched stone bridge with horizontal rows and two pylons at either end with inscribed names, date, and eagle. Detail drawings of lettering and eagle top.
circa Autumn 1931
Rolland Simpson
Simpson, Rolland O., 1913-1997 (Artist)
Student name as written: Simpson; Rod O. Simpson.
Rolland "Rod" Orval Simpson received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1939, and was the University of Washington recipient of the Alpha Rho Chi Medal in 1940. Following graduation, he worked in architecture firms in Seattle, Anchorage, and San Francisco. He returned to Washington in 1966 and established his own architecture practice as Rolland Simpson, Architect, in Leavenworth and later as R. O. Simpson, Architectural Designer, Cashmere. As an architectural designer, he was involved in the redesign of Cashmere's commercial district as an Early American town, circa 1968; and involved in the redesign of Leavenworth as a Bavarian-style town, circa 1970. Simpson served as President of the Leavenworth Chamber of Commerce in 1970 and held positions on the City of Leavenworth Design Review Board and the Chelan County Planning Commission.
Junior year, 1937-1938
Simpson R 1
Bank lobby
1 sketch problem : charcoal with gouache/watercolor on paper with matting ; 20 1/4 in x 21 3/4 in
Junior sketch problem.Watercolor rendering/perspective of the interior of a bank with a series of elongated windows opposite the bank tellers and several low desks along the windowed wall.
circa 1937-1938
Simpson R 2
Chamber of Commerce Building
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 30 3/4 in
Junior design.Design drawing includes a watercolor rendering/elevation of a smooth-faced building with grid pattern in the exterior surface and glass entrance portico. Plot plan shows the layout of the commerce building with auditorium, lecture hall, administrative areas, and banquet hall. Section drawing reveals the auditorium and decorated interior lobby.
circa 1937-1938
5th year, 1939-1940
Simpson R 3
A Community Playhouse
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 1/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Fifth year design.Perspective drawing shows a community playhouse site bordered by streets. The main building encloses two outdoor terraces on either side with perimeter walkway and extends to the back to reveal a semi-circular outdoor amphitheater with covered walkway along the perimeter. Section drawing reveals the entrance lobby and auditorium in the main building and the outdoor amphitheatre with a connected underground space below the stages.
circa 1939-1940
Architectural ornamentation class
Simpson R 4
Gothic round window
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor on paper and tissue paper with matting ; 28 1/4 in x 21 3/4 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Round stained glass window with centered circular design of a cross patonce encircled by vines with acanthus leaves and contrasting outer band.
circa 1937-1939
Sara Sisler
Sisler, Sara E. (Artist)
Student name as written: S. E. Sisler.Alternate name: Sara Bernhard.
Sara Elizabeth (Sisler) Bernhard received her B.A./B.S. in Library and Information Science from the University of Washington in 1924.
Freshman year, 1920-1921
Sisler 1
Dimensional Drawing - Doorway of the Alpha Sigma Phi House, Seattle, Washington
Assignment title: Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity house doorway.
1 measured drawing : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
2 photographs : black and white photographs
Freshman measured drawing exercise of the Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity house entrance at the University of Washington. Drawing provides an elevation of the fraternity's entrance with scrolled pediment and decorative urn, plan, section drawing, and detail drawings of casework and pediment. Two small photographs of entrance adhered to drawing. Inscribed on front: Measured by J. F. C. - E. W. O. / Drawn by S. E. Sisler.
March 30, 1921
Donald Slawson
Slawson, Donald Booth (Artist)
Freshman year, circa 1924-1925
Slawson D 1
Ink wash circles:Plate 1
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 17 in x 12 3/4 in
Freshman drawing exercise of ink wash circles with separated gradations from dark to light.
circa Autumn 1924
Ellwell Slawson
Slawson, Ellwell G. (Artist)
Freshman year, 1923-1924
Slawson E 1
Classical vase in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 25 1/4 in x 18 1/2 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering of niche with vase framed by Doric columns in a garden setting with detail drawings of vase, column, entablature, and other decorative elements; section drawing.
March 18, 1924
This sketch is inscribed with the name Smith. However, it is unknown if this drawing was completed by a student represented in the collection or a different student with the same last name.
Smith 1
House of Dama Maria Salamanca
1 freehand sketch : graphite on paper ; 11 in x 8 1/2 in
Freehand sketch of a stone building with arched entrance. Full inscription on drawing indicates the scene was drawn from a magazine photo: House of Dama Maria, Salamanca [Spain], From Amer. Archt., 9-23-25.This is believed to be a freshman level assignment.
circa 1925-1926
Christina Denny Smith
Smith, Christina Denny (Artist)
Student name as written: C. D. Smith.
Freshman year, 1916-1917
Smith C 1
The Doric Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 24 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Doric order includes an elevation of the column and entablature; ceiling plan; section drawing through entablature; and detail drawings of column base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
circa 1916-1917
Smith C 2
The Ionic Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 24 in x 17 3/4 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of a Ionic column including reflected ceiling plan of capital and entablature; elevation and section drawings of columns and entablature; and detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
circa 1916-1917
Smith C 3
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 17 3/4 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of a Doric temple includes an elevation of the temple's facade with staircase leading to grille and double doors under a pediment supported by Doric columns; plan of entrance; section drawing through entrance and entablature; and detail drawings of column base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
circa 1916-1917
Smith C 4
The Tuscan Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 24 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Tuscan order includes detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, and entablature; section drawing through columns and entablature; plan of column base; and ceiling plan of column showing capital and soffits.
circa 1916-1917
Gene Smith
Smith, Gene Green (Artist)
Freshman year, 1934-1935
Smith G 1
Sarcophagus of Alexander
1 historical drawing : ink on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 28 in
Pen-and-ink freshman historical drawing shows a sarcophagus on a solid base with warrior relief along the side of sarcophagus with ornamental mouldings on base and lid. Detail drawings of decorative motifs on mouldings.
circa 1934-1935
Vernon Smith
Smith, V. Vernon (Artist)
Freshman year, circa 1921-1922
Smith V 1
The Doric Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 17 3/4 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Doric order includes an elevation of the column and entablature; ceiling plan; section drawing through entablature; and detail drawings of column base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
circa 1921-1922
Robert Springer
Springer, Robert W. (Artist)
Freshman year, 1937-1938
Springer 1
Entrance portico
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 28 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of an elongated doorway with grille housed in the entrance portico with pediment of a neoclassical building. Detail drawings of Corinthian column capital and base, mouldings, entablature, and pediment. Penciled section drawing and plan.
circa Spring 1938
Sophomore year, 1938-1939
Springer 2
A Rostrum and Memorial Tablet
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monchromatic rendering/elevation of a rostrum with stairs on either side and two Doric topped with eagle sculptures framing an inscription on the back wall. Detail drawings of eagle sculpture, lettering, column capital, and base. Penciled plan and section drawing.
October 29, 1938
Springer 3
Sculptor's Studio
Assignment title: Sculptor's studio and residence.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 40 in
Sophomore design.Design drawing includes multiple renderings/elevations of a flat-roofed stone brick building on a clifftop site with plans showing the living areas and studio areas.
March 8, 1939
Jack Sproule
Sproule, John R., 1908-1993 (Artist)
Student name as written: Jack R. Sproule; Jack Sproule; J. Sproule; J. R. Sproule.
John "Jack" R. Sproule received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1934. As a student and following graduation, he interned and worked as a Draftsman for J. Lister Holmes and Paul Thiry, c.1934-1936 . He opened his own, independent architectural firm in c.1935. Notable projects include the Smith House, Seattle, 1936; his own residence in Seattle, 1936; and the Shaffer House, Seattle, 1946. During World War II, he worked with Paul Thiry, Fred Ahlson, and John Paul Jones on the Holly Park Public Housing Project, 1943, and served in the Scientific Research and Development Program at Princeton University. After the war ended, he returned to Seattle to continue his work as an architect. He became an instructor at the University of Washington in 1948, where he rose to the rank of assistant professor in 1951 and associate professor in 1960. He retired from the university in 1978.
Sophomore year, 1930-1931
Sproule 1
Foot bridge
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 1/4 in x 39 1/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of an arched bridge with carved pillars and geometric patterns; one pillar with carved animal head. Detail drawings of carvings and pillars; plan shows the L shape of the bridge.
circa Autumn 1930
Sproule 2
A Fountain and a Waterfall
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing; preservative spray ; 39 3/4 in x 31 in
Fourth sophomore analytique.Rendering of a tower fountain with vertical relief, snake fountainheads, and serpentine sculptures at the base; the falling water is collected by a stone basin which overflows into a circular pool. Partial plan and section drawings; detail drawings include the carved snake relief, horse, and serpentine.
circa Winter 1931
Sproule 3
Gateway to an artillery school
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 18 1/4 in x 26 1/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Watercolor analytique provides a rendering/elevation of the entrance gateway to an artillery school. The large stone arch is flanked by two columns supporting an entablature and arched pediment with coat of arms over doorway. The gateway is set into a wall with pedestrian entrance and niche. Plan and section drawing of the entrance.
circa Winter 1931
Junior year, 1931-1932
Sproule 4
A Crematory
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 38 1/2 in x 29 1/2 in
Junior project. Local projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a crematory. Plans show the columbarium court, chapel, public areas, and the administrative areas. Longitudinal section drawing through the center section of the building shows the multiple levels of the building.
February 8, 1932
Sproule 5
An Italian Church Facade
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 29 7/8 in x 38 7/8 in
Rendering/elevation of an ornately decorated church facade with decorative reliefs, religious mural, sculptures of religious figures, and semi-circular entrance staircase with decorative handrail. Plan of semi-circular staircase and section drawing through building entrance.
circa 1931-1932
Senior year, 1932-1933
Sproule 6
Concert hall
Assignment title: Concert hall as monument to J. S. Bach.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink wash on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 38 1/4 in x 59 1/2 in
Senior design. Class A projet.Site plan shows circular auditorium building with plan for semi-circular seating, public areas, museum, rehearsal areas, and circular entrance vestibule. Exterior areas include a wraparound terrace and actors' park. Exterior rendering/elevation shows the rounded section of building under a flat-roof with channeled tower and statue at entrance. Section drawing reveals the stage entrance and sloped seating inside the auditorium.
circa Spring 1933
Sproule 7
Country residence
Assignment title: Country residence for the former director of the American Academy.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite, white, and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 in x 40 in
Senior project.Watercolor and ink rendering/elevation of an elegant building set in landscaped grounds with arched windows on the lower section and a row of shutter windows on the upper story and red tiled roof. Plan shows the residence's setting with gardens, terrace, formal areas, and a separate entrance for visitors. Section drawing through the building provides an interior elevation of the library and the profile of the foundation.
circa Autumn 1932
Sproule 8
National scientific research center
1 design drawing : charcoal and ink on paper ; 38 3/4 in x 58 in
Senior design.Site plan for a research center shows an elongated plaza with circular lecture hall, auditorium, library, and buildings for engineering, with living and recreation areas, including a shopping center, for students, employees, and faculty.
circa Spring 1933
Sproule 9
Planetarium and aquarium
1 design competition drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 55 1/2 in x 39 3/4 in
Inscribed on front of drawing: Bebb Prize Competition.Senior design. Drawing was entered in the 1932 Bebb Prize design competition and awarded "3rd Prize, 1st Mention Placed."Design drawing includes a watercolor rendering/elevation, site plan, plan, and section drawing. Rendering/elevation shows two buildings: a domed building on a terraced site with walkway around dome and a second building connected via covered terrace. Plan shows the ground level of building with aquarium pool under planetarium dome; upper level plan shows plantarium seating; site plan shows an obelisk on the terrace with decorative relief. Longitudinal section drawing of the site.
circa 1932-1933
Sproule 10
A Residence for a Dean
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite, white, and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 37 1/2 in x 29 3/4 in
Senior project.Watercolor and ink rendering/elevation of an elegant building set in manicured grounds with two-stories of shutter windows and a red gabled roof. Plan shows the residence's setting with gardens, terrace, formal areas, and a student entrance. Section drawing through the building shows the location of the stairway and profile of the foundation.
circa 1932-1933
5th year, 1933-1934
Sproule 11
Archaeological institute with museum and spa
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 37 3/4 in x 60 1/4 in
Class A projet. Plan and section drawing of complex with large center plaza. Plan shows the center plaza with swimming pools and a statue. Classrooms, studio, workshop, workers' areas, and student recreation areas on one side of plaza; hotel, dining and recreation facilities, cottages, service areas, theatre, and bandstand on opposite side of plaza. Section drawing along the bottom shows the facility rendered in a desert cliffside with the sunken levels for student housing and hotel guests and provides interior views of murals, columns, and other decorative features of the facility.
circa 1933-1934
Sproule 12
A Manufactory and Ceramic Library
Assignment title: Ceramic manufactory and memorial library.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 38 in x 59 in
Class A projet. Exterior elevation of a two buildings: one building with smokestack and sawtooth roof; the larger building with flatroof and projected windows. Plan shows administrative areas, lockers, shipping areas, library, and ceramic preparation areas with workroom. Section drawings through workrooms.
Marcus Stedman
Stedman, Marcus, 1906-1980 (Artist)
Marcus Stedman received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1931. Following graduation, he went on to become a prominent architect in Palo Alto, California, specializing in residential design throughout the Bay Area.
Sophomore year, 1928-1929
Stedman 1
A Gate Lodge
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 20 in x 29 1/2 in
Sophomore design.Design includes a watercolor rendering/elevation of a stone building with terracotta roof and entrances for pedestrians and automobiles with additional elevation of the front entrance and plan of living areas.
June 8, 1929
Victor Steinbrueck
Steinbrueck, Victor E. (Victor Eugene), 1911-1985 (Artist)
Student name as written: Vic Steinbrueck.
Victor Steinbrueck received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1940. He worked as an artist in the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), c.1933, and the Works Progress Administration (WPA), c.1935.Following graduation, he worked as a Draftsman for William J. Bain, Sr., 1935; Draftsman, J. Gordon Kaufmann, 1936; and as Designer with Bjarne Moe, 1937-1938. Steinbrueck opened his own independent architectural practice in 1938 as Victor Steinbrueck, Architect, 1938-1942. During World War II, he served in the U.S. Army, 10th Mountain Division, 1942-1946.After the war had ended, Steinbrueck began teaching as Professor of Architecture at the University of Washington, 1946-1976. He briefly served as the Acting Chairman of the Department of Architecture, 1962-1964. During this time, he briefly worked as an architect with fellow alumni Minoru Yamasaki, Detroit, 1957; and spent two years on sabbatical in London, 1967-1968.After a heart attack in 1953 that forced Steinbrueck to reduce strenuous activity, he produced a number of sketches of Seattle street scenes and the Pike Place Market which were published in the weekly Argus newspaper beginning in 1959. Steinbrueck is recognized for his pioneering efforts in historic preservation and increasing public spaces in Seattle. His book, A Guide to Seattle Architecture, 1850-1953, was the first publication on Seattle architecture. Seattle's Victor Steinbrueck Park was named after his death in 1985 in honor of his efforts to save Pike Place Market from demolition.Notable works as an architect include the Alden Mason House, 1951, which received an AIA Seattle Honor Award in 1952; his own residence, Steinbrueck House, 1951; the Stellwagen House, 1955; Barrett House, 1956; and, with Paul Hayden Kirk, the University of Washington Faculty Club, 1960, which received an AIA Seattle Honor Award in 1960. Steinbrueck is also credited for the original concept of the Seattle Space Needle and the Exhibition House at Seattle Center for the 1962 World's Fair in Seattle.Steinbrueck received the Architect of the Year Award in 1960 from the Washington State Chapter of the AIA. His sketchbook of Pike Place Market received the Governor's Book Award in 1969. For his efforts in historic preservation, he was named First Citizen of Seattle in 1977; later, November 2, 1982 was named Victor Steinbrueck Day.
Sophomore year, 1931-1932
Steinbrueck 1
End pavilion of a building
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with charcoal on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 31 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of the end pavilion of a building with a set of double-doors that open onto a recessed balcony on the second floor with Corinthian columns overlooking a sculptural fountain. Detail drawings of Corinthian capital, decorative urn, and relief medallion. Penciled plan and section drawing of balcony porch.
February 6, 1932
Junior year, 1932-1933
Steinbrueck 2
An Architect's Residence and Studio
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 40 in x 31 1/2 in
Second junior project.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a studio residence with terracotta roof and perimeter wall. Plan shows layout of the building with living areas and work areas; plot plan shows exterior grounds. Section drawing through the building shows the ornately decorated living room, entrance hall, library, and upper story.
December 10, 1932
Steinbrueck 3
A Beach Club
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 31 in
Junior projet.Rendering/elevation of a flat-roofed beach club with windowed wall and pool terrace; building plan shows the main building with areas for dancing and dining and indicates the location of the bathhouse under the terrace; longitudinal section drawing of building and terrace provides views of the bathhouse and pool with lifeguard station.
June 1, 1933
Steinbrueck 4
A Consolidated Ticket Office
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 1/4 in x 31 in
Junior design.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a travel agency building with curved wraparound corner entrance with sign and displays of foreign destinations along the side; section drawings shows ticket windows under painted murals; plan shows public and administrative areas around the ticket lobby. Interior rendering of the round entrance lobby.
November 9, 1932
Steinbrueck 5
A Ferry Wharf
Assignment title: Ferry wharf with railroad and bus.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 32 1/2 in x 40 in
Third Junior projet.Rendering/elevation of a transportation building on the water with curved glass roof and sign. Plan shows the ferry wharfs, passenger area, and site/transit plan with building entrances for private cars, railroad, and buses; section drawing through building shows the bus terminal.
February 11, 1933
Steinbrueck 6
A Private Theatre
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 31 1/2 in x 40 in
Fourth Junior projet.Watercolor section drawing shows the interior of a theatre with richly decorated walls. Elevation of stage. Plan shows seating, stage, and lobby.
March 11, 1933
Steinbrueck 7
Protestant church
Assignment title: Protestant church and facilities in suburb.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 40 in
Inscribed on drawing: Friede Sei mit Euch [peace be with you]. Watercolor rendering/elevation and plan of a brick church with flat-faced facade and inlay in the shape of a cross over an arched doorway; attached steeple and side wing houses social and administrative areas.
May 6, 1933
Charles Stephens
Stephens, Charles (Artist)
Freshman year, circa 1926-1927
Note: Circa date is based on the earliest listing for C. E. Stephens in the University of Washington directories.
Stephens 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 17 1/4 in x 13 1/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letter V.
circa 1926-1927
Hubert Stewart
Stewart, Hubert E. (Hubert Emerson), 1914-2001 (Artist)
Student name as written: Stewart; H. Stewart.
Hubert Emerson Stewart received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1942. Stewart owned and operated his own architectural business in Seattle, eventually specializing in the remodeling of older buildings.
Sophomore year, 1938-1939
Stewart 1
Roofed stair at Renaissance city hall
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 29 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monchromatic rendering/elevation of a roofed stair with Venetian arched windows. Detail drawings of molding and lionshead frieze panel. Partial section drawing and plan.
circa 1938-1939
Stewart 2
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 40 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic renderings/section drawings of a domed vestibule with Corinthian columns, door pediment, sculptures, and other classical elements. Detail drawings of molding and sculpture. Partial plan shows tile pattern.
W. Redmond Stout
Stout, Wallace Redmond, 1907-1978 (Artist)
Student name as written: W. Redmond Stout.
Wallace Redmond Stout received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1933. Following graduation, he worked as Draftsman for Frederick H. Reimers, San Francisco, 1933-1934; then as Draftsman, Masten & Hurd, San Francisco, 1934-1935; Draftsman, Edward W. Kress, San Jose, 1935-1936; Draftsman, James H. Mitchell, San Francisco, 1936-1937; Draftsman, Gardner A. Dailey, San Francisco, 1937; Draftsman, Harry J. Devine, Sacramento, 1938-1939. He returned to work as a Draftsman for Edward W. Kress, San Jose, 1939-1941. During World War II, he worked for U.S.E.D., Honolulu, Hawaii, 1941-1944; then as an Architect for Public Works, Naval District, Seattle, 1944-1945. After the war had ended, he worked as a Designer for McClelland & Jones, 1945-1946. Later career unknown.
Sophomore year, 1929-1930
Stout 1
A Triumphal Arch
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Class B III analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating that the drawing was judged in the national competition.A triumphal arch for the Olympic stadium set into a rectangular block of smooth stone is shown with engaged columns with four bands of relief and topped with sculptures of centaurs . Elevation drawing is surrounded by detail drawings of carved stone, capitol, and centuar sculpture. Plan for one half of the arch.
circa 1929-1930
Senior year, 1931-1932
Stout 2
An Atelier for a Wrought Iron Craftsman
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Class B projet. Watercolor rendering/elevation of a stucco building with terracotta roof and decorative metal grille on windows and terrace wall. Plan of building shows the studio with forging room, museum, and administrative areas. Section drawing through building shows the forge room.
circa Autumn 1931
5th year, 1932-1933
Stout 3
A Combined Planetarium and Aquarium
Assignment title: Planetarium and aquarium.
1 design competition drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 57 3/4 in x 38 3/4 in
5th year design. Drawing was entered in the 1932 Bebb Prize design competition and awarded "2nd Medal: Second Prize, Placed Second."Design drawing includes a monochromatic rendering/elevation, plans, and section drawing of an aquarium and planetarium building. Rendering/elevation shows the building with offset planetarium dome and centered entrance with decorative relief of aquatic life. Main plan shows the aquarium level with large rectangular pools in center surrounded by smaller tanks on exterior walls; additional plans show a round lecture room with provision for upper level planetarium. Longitudinal section drawing.
circa 1932-1933
Burr Strecker
Strecker, Burr Weil (Artist)
Freshman year, 1923-1924
Strecker 1
Ink wash circles:Plate 1
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 16 3/4 in x 12 3/4 in
Freshman drawing exercise of ink wash circles with separated gradations from dark to light.
circa Autumn 1923
Daniel Streissguth
Streissguth, Daniel, 1924- (Artist)
Student name as written: Streissguth; Dan Streissguth.
Daniel Michener Streissguth received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1948, after his studies were interrupted by World War II, and his M.Arch from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1949. Following graduation, he worked as a draftsman for Fred J. Rogers, Architect, Seattle, 1948; then as a designer for Paul Thiry, Architect, Seattle, 1949-1951. He opened his own practice in 1958 as Daniel M. Streissguth, Architect, Seattle. In addition to designing his own residence in Seattle, Streissguth also contributed to Wendell Lovett's design of the Nuclear Reactor Building at the University of Washington, c.1961, as part of the The Architects and Artists Group (TAAG). The group included Wendell Lovett, Daniel Streissguth, Gene Zema, Gerard Torrence, and Spencer Moseley. He later partnered with Gene Zema as Zema & Streissguth, Associated Architects, to design Gould Hall at the University of Washington, 1971. Streissguth served on the board of directors for the AIA Seattle Chapter in 1974.Streissguth was hired as an instructor in the University of Washington Department of Architecture in the early 1950s and rose through the ranks, succeeding Victor Steinbrueck as department chair, circa 1962, and again later. After retiring in the 1990s, Streissguth continued his involvement as professoremertiusat the University of Washington College of Architecture and Urban Planning. He and his wife Anne published a book documenting his family's work on the gardens along East Blaine Street titledIn Love with a Hillside Gardenin 2009.
Sophomore year, 1942-1943
Streissguth 1
Library and tea shop
Assignment title: Library and tea shop on Whidbey Island.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore design.Watercolor perspective drawing of a small modernist structure with upwards angled roof and floor to ceiling windows overlooking a garden courtyard. Plan shows the main building housing the tea room connected to the library via covered walkway. Section drawing through tea room reveals an interior sitting area with fireplace.
circa Winter 1943
Junior year, 1946-1947
Streissguth 2
Fire station
Assignment title: Fire station for city of 10,000 in Washington.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 1/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Junior design.Color perspective drawing of a modernist fire station building with garage bays for fire trucks connected to administrative building and tower. Exterior elevation. Plans show the garage area, dormitory, administrative, and recreation areas on the ground floor, second floor alarm room, and basement storage. Section drawing shows windowed offices overlooking the garage area.
circa 1946-1947
Streissguth 3
Assignment title: Public library in suburban residential area.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of the building's facade shows a building with center panel of windows; plan shows public areas and outdoor areas in front and back. Section drawings show lobby, browsing area, stacks, and provides an elevation of windows facing the outdoor reading area.
circa Autumn 1946
Senior year, 1947-1948
Streissguth 4
Chapel interior
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on illustration board ; 28 in x 19 3/4 in
Senior sketch problem.Watercolor perspective drawing of the interior of a chapel with paneled walls and minimal ornamentation. Column of gridded windows is placed adjacent to an altar table with religious imagery on the wall.
circa 1947-1948
Wallace Streng
Streng, Wallace A. (Artist)
Freshman year, 1917-1918
Streng 1
Classical moldings
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 24 3/4 in x 19 in
Freshman drawing exercise of twelve types of classical mouldings, each with lettered titles and watercolor gradation of shaded or curved areas.
circa 1917-1918
Nell Strohn
Strohn, L. Nell (Artist)
Freshman year, circa 1923-1924
Note: Circa date is based on the earliest discovery of Nell Strohn in the University of Washington Tyee yearbook.
Strohn 1
Corinthian Order
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 24 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Corinthian order includes reflected ceiling plan; elevation and section drawing of columns and entablature; and detail drawings of column base, shaft, capital, entablature, scroll, balustrade, and acanthus leaf.
circa 1923
Strohn 2
Measured Drawing of Delta Chi Doorway
1 measured drawing : ink on paper ; 17 3/4 in x 23 3/4 in
2 photographs : black and white photographs
Freshman measured drawing assignment of the Delta Chi fraternity house doorway at the University of Washington. Drawing includes a partial elevation, partial section drawing, and plans of the arched stone entrance with detail drawing of the fraternity coat of arms. Small photograph of entrance adhered to drawing. Inscribed on front: Measured by G. R. and N. S. - Drawn by Nell Strohn.
circa 1923-1924
John Sutton
Sutton, John (Artist)
John Sutton received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1938.
Architectural ornamentation class
Sutton 1
Pompeiian wall
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor on board with matting and surface fixative ; 22 in x 28 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Painted elevation of a wall with sections, created by painted lines of contrasting color, slender columns, and mouldings. The center section houses a painted image of the Roman god Mercury. Ornamental designs across the top of the two flanking panels.
circa 1935-1937
R. Svenson
Svenson, R. (Artist)
Freshman year
Svenson 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 14 3/4 in x 19 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters M, C, D, R, U, B.
William Svensson
Svensson, William, 1918-2004 (Artist)
Student name as written: Svensson; Wm. Svensson.
William Minet Svensson received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1941. Following graduation, he worked for John T. Jacobsen, 1941. During World War II, he worked with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1942-1943; then with the U.S. Navy, 1943-1946. Once the war had ended, he returned to Seattle to work for Naramore, Brady, Bain & Johanson, 1946-1948; then with Bliss Moore & Associates, 1948. He studied mass-transit around the world, eventually returning to open and manage the Honolulu branch for Naramore, Brady, Bain & Johanson, 1968-1970. He later opened an independent practice, moving to Port Townsend, Washington, in 1975, where he designed several residences, an office building, and worked with Washington State Parks on the restoration of several buildings at Fort Worden.
Freshman year, 1935-1936
Svensson 1
Fontaine Villa Petraja D'apres D'espoux
1 historical drawing : ink on paper ; 28 in x 20 in
Pen and ink freshman historical drawing of a fountain with sculpture of Venus washing her hair atop a heavily ornamented pedestal basin supported by statues of women.
circa Winter 1936
Sophomore year, 1936-1937
Svensson 2
Assignment title: Lighthouse at Cape Mendocino.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Sophomore design.Design drawing for a lighthouse includes a rendering of the flat-roofed lighthouse in its setting atop a rocky bluff; multiple plans showing the working and living areas with narrow gauge railway access and fog horn room; and section drawing showing the lamp, circular stairwell, and terraced levels of the lighthouse.
Svensson 3
Shelter in a garden
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 40 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a shelter's facade, separated into three sections by columns with planters to either side of the open entrance. The shelter is enclosed on three sides and has a decorative relief against the back wall. Detail drawings of planter, cornice, and molding. Penciled section drawing and plan reveal the depth of the structure.
Svensson 4
Stairway in a park
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with matting ; 20 in x 28 in
Sophomore sketch problem.Watercolor rendering of a stairwell with landings and balustrade railing in a park setting.
circa 1936-1937
Junior year, 1937-1938
Svensson 5
Bus Terminal in a Small City for a Nation Bus Line
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Design drawing includes two section drawings providing views into the interior of the bus terminal, and a site plan showing the corner layout of the terminal with transit lanes, loading areas, offices, and public areas.
Senior year, 1940-1941
Svensson 6
A Toll Bridge
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite and colored pencil on paper with matting ; 22 in x 28 in
Sketch problem.Watercolor rendering of an arched bridge over water with exposed vertical supports and elevation of toll pavilion with transit plan and site plan.
circa 1940-1941
Architectural ornamentation class
Svensson 7
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor on paper with matting ; 38 in x 12 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Painted panel with flowering vine motif and student's name in placard.
circa 1938-1940
Svensson 8
Gothic round window
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper and tissue paper with matting ; 28 in x 23 1/4 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Round stained glass window with centered circular design of a face encircled by vines and acanthus leaves and contrasting outer band.
circa 1938-1940
Unknown dates
Svensson 9
Chapel interior
1 sketch problem : pastel and graphite on paper with matting ; 28 in x 22 in
Sketch problem.Monochromatic rendering/perspective with penciled plan of a chapel interior shows an ornamented interior with decorative mouldings and painted ceiling with a view of the altar through an arched opening.
circa 1937-1940
Katsutoshi Tachibana
Tachibana, Katsutoshi (Artist)
Japanese student Katsutoshi Tachibana received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1930.
Sophomore year, 1927-1928
Tachibana 1
A Riding School
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 26 1/2 in x 37 1/4 in
Class B II projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Watercolor elevation of brick building facade; plan shows smaller building attached via gallery seating to a larger building housing skylit ring and stables. Penciled section drawing.
circa Autumn 1927
Tachibana 2
Small Medical and Dental Building
Assignment title: Doctors/Dentists office building.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 38 in x 26 1/2 in
Local project.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a three-story brick building with terracotta roof, decorative grilles, arched doorway, and colonnaded porch on upper level; plan and section drawings show both floors and reveal interior elements such as floor patterns and fireplaces in the reception areas.
circa 1927-1928
Unknown dates
Tachibana 3
Bagley Hall
1 freehand sketch : graphite on paper ; 10 in x 7 1/2 in
Freehand sketch of the entrance of the classically-designed Bagley Hall on the University of Washington campus. The building was originally built as the Fine Arts Palace for the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in 1909, however, it served as the Chemistry building at the time the drawing was completed; the building later housed the architecture school and was renamed Architecture Hall in 1957 when the College of Architecture and Urban Planning was established.
circa 1926-1930
Silvestre Tangalan
Tangalan, Silvestre A., 1910-2003 (Artist)
Filipino student Silvestre Tangalan received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1938. Tangalan retired as a Structural Engineer from The Boeing Company. Following graduation, he remained active in the alumni community as an officer of the University of Washington Filipino Alumni Association; and in the Seattle community a four-term president of the Filipino Community of Seattle and later as president of the Filipino Community Council.
Junior years, 1932-1934
Tangalan 1
A College Library
1 design drawing : watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 1/4 in x 30 3/4 in
Class B projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a college library with heightened center section flanked by two wings. Center section has elongated windows separated by pilasters and is emphasized with lettered entablature and carved panels. Plan shows the site and areas for stacks, administrative areas, and public areas. Section drawing through the building reveals public areas, stacks, and partial view of the basement level.
circa Winter 1934
Senior/5th years, 1934-1937
Tangalan 2
Shrine and cemetery in the mountains
1 design drawing : charcoal on paper ; 60 1/4 in x 40 in
Charcoal rendering of mountain cemetery with detail drawings of a cross with relief and religious figure.
June 6, 1936
Martha Templeton
Templeton, Martha (Artist)
Martha Templeton received her nursing certificate from the University of Washington in 1935.
Unknown dates
Templeton 1
Fireplace Wall
1 interior elevation drawing : ink on paper ; 18 in x 29 in
Pen and ink interior elevation of a paneled wall with stone fireplace and modernist furnishings. Drawing also shows a bed alcove and a section drawing of the fireplace.
circa 1935
John Tennefoss
Tennefoss, John (Artist)
John Tennefoss received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1948.
Freshman year, 1944-1945
Tennefoss 1
Perspective study
1 drawing exercise : graphite on paper ; 17 in x 25 1/2 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a semi-circular entrance and plan with vanishing point perspective lines shown; preliminary sketch on back. Handwritten note to professor with response inscribed on drawing.
June 20, 1945
Roland Terry
Terry, Roland, 1917-2006 (Artist)
Student name as written: Terry.
Roland Terry received his B.Arch from the University of Washington 1940. Following graduation, he was awarded the Langley Scholarship from the AIA and traveled to South America to study the region's early Modern buildings. He joined the military after returning to the United States, 1942-1946, where he designed and constructed an Officers Club in New Mexico for the US Air Corps. He returned to Seattle in 1946 and formed Tucker, Shields, and Terry, 1946-1951 with classmates Bert Tucker and Robert Shields. Notable works include the Burnett House on Hunts Point, 1950; Canlis Charcoal Broiler in Seattle, 1951; and the Paul Smith residence remodel in Seattle, 1950.Terry formed a partnership with Philip A. Moore in 1952, and became Terry & Moore, Architects, Seattle, 1952-1960. They designed a number of residences and commercial projects throughout Seattle which were widely published. Notable projects include the Crabapple Restaurant in Bellevue, 1954; the Alex Patterson House on Whidbey Island, 1958; and the Hauberg town house in Seattle, 1954.When the firm dissolved in 1960, Terry opened his own architectural practice as Roland Terry & Associates, 1960-1974, and continued his work with residences and commercial interiors. Notable projects include the Washington Park Towers in Seattle, 1967; the Kahala Hilton interior in Honolulu, 1963; and Nordstrom Best in Seattle, 1970.As the firm's focus shifted from residential projects to commercial interiors, he promoted associate Robert Egan to Partner in 1974 and the firm became Terry & Egan, until Terry's retirement in 1987. Notable projects from this period include the Bank of California Building interior in Seattle, c.1972; and the Halekulani Hotel interior, c.1980. Terry was elected to the AIA College of Fellows in 1980, and received the AIA Seattle Chapter Medal in 1991.
Freshman year, 1935-1936
Terry 1
Fountain and wall in park
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 21 1/4 in x 27 1/2 in
Monochromatic analytique provides a rendering/elevation of a semi-circular wall fountain with pillar fountainhead flanked on each side by a wraparound staircase with scrolled banister. Penciled plan shows the wraparound staircase and fountain.
Terry 2
Vase in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink... ; 26 in x 19 3/4 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of niche in wall with vase framed by Doric columns and entablature in a garden setting with detail drawings of entablature, soffit, column base, and column capital.
circa Winter 1936
Sophomore year, 1936-1937
Terry 3
Baptismal Font
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with matting ; 25 1/2 in x 28 in
Sophomore sketch problem [esquisse-esquisse].Watercolor rendering of a circular baptismal font with relief of religious figures and inscription around base.
circa 1936-1937
Terry 4
Assignment title: Lighthouse at Cape Mendocino.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 in x 30 3/4 in
Design drawing for a lighthouse includes a rendering of the flat-roofed lighthouse with semi-circular observation level in its setting atop a rocky bluff; multiple plans showing the working and living areas with children's play terrace and fog horn room; and section drawing showing the lamp, circular stairwell, and terraced levels of the lighthouse.
Terry 5
Loganberry Wine!
Assignment title: Loganberry wine kiosk.
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with matting ; 28 in x 21 1/4 in
Sophomore sketch problem.Conceptual sketch shows a circular wine bar with tower of loganberries vertical lettered sign rising from center of bar.
Terry 6
Musicians' gallery at the end of ballroom
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/section drawing of a semi-circular gallery for musicians atop a set of double doors at the end of an ornately decorated ballroom. Section drawing shows the lip of the stage, mezzanine level, and chandelier. Plan shows the semi-circular layout of the gallery at the end of a large center section with aisles on either side. Detail drawing of decorative element.
Terry 7
A Private Aviary
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore design.Watercolor rendering and plan of a building housing a winter cage for birds with upwards sloping roof and floor-to-ceiling windows and passageway connecting to an exterior summer cage, supported by a spirally coiled (snail-shell) metal structure. Section drawings show the interior of the building and the terraced levels of the site.
Junior year, 1937-1938
Terry 8
Automobile showroom
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 1/2 in x 30 3/4 in
Junior design.Design drawing includes a rendering/elevation of a single-story building with lettered signs over circular automobile showrooms attached to the garage and sales areas; plan of the site with showrooms, administrative areas, and garage; section drawing shows a basement level. Pen and ink perspective drawing.
Terry 9
Ceramics manufactory
Student title indecipherable.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Design drawing includes a rendering/elevation of a single story building with barrel vault ceiling and decorative frieze along the outside; multiple perspective drawings; plan shows the artist studios, kiln room, public and administrative areas; section drawing reveals kiln, arched tunnels, and courtyard-facing wall.
Terry 10
Church and religious institute in suburb
1 design drawing : graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Design drawing includes a rendering/elevation of a church complex in the modernist style; small perspective drawing; multiple plans showing the layout of the church site including the main worship area and a group of connected buildings housing the administrative, educational/living, and social areas arranged around a central courtyard; section drawing reveals the church altar, courtyard-facing wall, and social hall.
Terry 11
Drama School
Assignment title: Private drama school and theatre.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Design drawing includes a rendering/elevation of a school building in the modernist style with heightened section behind the theatre and offset doorway; plan shows the theatre, workshop, library, and classrooms; section drawing reveals the upward sloping roof of the theatre seating area and the heightened section over the stage.
Terry 12
Residence with gallery and library
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 40 in
Junior design.Design drawing includes a watercolor rendering/elevation of a multi-story residence with circular library; perspective; multiple plans showing the site and residence with gallery, library, living, and working areas.
Senior year, 1938-1939
Terry 13
Entrance to a Park-Monument and Fountain to Commemorate the Pan-American Peace Treaty of Lima
Assignment title: Entrance to park with monument and fountain.
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with colored pencil on paper with matting ; 27 in x 22 in
Sketch problem.Watercolor rendering of an outdoor park with long fountain pool leading to a plaza with obelisk centered between two quarter-curved hedgerows. Plan of site drawn on matboard.
Terry 14
Funicular Railway Terminus
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with matting ; 22 in x 28 in
Senior sketch problem.Watercolor rendering of a mountainside observation terrace with modernist windowed shelter projected from side of cliff and attached open-sided dining terrace with wraparound red railing and building trim. Penciled plan shows restaurant, observation terrace, kitchen, restaurant, funicular platform, second-level residence, and stairway to hiking trails.
5th year, 1939-1940
Terry 15
Beach house
Assignment title: House for three bachelors on the coast.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 1/2 in x 59 1/2 in
Senior/5th year design.Watercolor perspective and elevation drawings for a coastal house with southwestern and modernist influences. Plan shows windowed entrance gallery with fountain in the back and living areas on either side with living and dining rooms, three bedrooms, squash court, and garage. Rear fountain flows into tidal swimming pool. Section drawing through tidal pool. Site's topographic features drawn in ink.
circa 1939-1940
Unknown dates
Terry 16
Bell shelter
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with matting ; 22 in x 28 in
Watercolor sketch problem of an open-sided bell shelter with carved wooden pillars and flat roof. Completed either Junior or Senior year.
circa 1936-1938
Terry 17
Lodge Automobile Shelter
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite and colored pencil on paper with matting ; 27 3/4 in x 22 in
Watercolor sketch problem of a stone house rendered in a forest setting with thatched roof and chimney and attached garage in similar style with double wooden door. Penciled plan in upper left corner. Completed either Sophomore or Junior year.
circa 1936-1938
William Thacker
Thacker, William (Artist)
Student name as written: Thacker.
William Thacker received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1958.
Junior year, 1955-1956
Thacker 1
Gatty Falls
Assignment title: Observation platform at Gatty Falls.
1 analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 29 3/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Junior, Grade II analytique.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a hexagonal stone and wood observation shelter in the modernist style with open sides on a stone foundation overlooking a waterfall. Detail drawings of wooden framing and interior stairwell.
Autumn 1955
Robert Theriault
Theriault, Robert D. (Robert Dennis), 1922-2005 (Artist)
Student name as written: Theriault.
Robert Dennis Theriault received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1950. Following graduation, Theriault worked as a Designer for A. F. Simonson, Architect, Seattle, 1950-1952. He partnered with Roy Stanley and Arden Steinhart as Steinhart, Stanley & Theriault, Architects, Seattle, 1953-1954; the firm added Einar Anderson to become Steinhart, Stanley, Theriault & Anderson, Architects, Seattle, 1955-1956; returned to Steinhart, Stanley & Theriault, Seattle, 1957-c.1960; and as Steinhart, Theriault, and Anderson, Seattle, c.1960 to an unknown date. Notable works include the Northeast Senior High School in Burien, 1959; the Pacific Junior High School in Des Moines, c.1961; and the Swedish Club in Seattle, 1959-1960.
Junior year, 1947-1948
Theriault 1
Residence on waterfront
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 21 in x 28 3/4 in
Watercolor perspective of a single-story modernist residence with plan and site plan with topographic survey.
circa 1947-1948
George Thiele
Thiele, George H. (Artist)
George Thiele received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1941.
Junior year, 1938-1939
Thiele 1
A Kindergarten
Assignment title: Private kindergarten.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior design.Elevation drawing of the front facade of a single-story building in the modernist style. Plan shows the interior administrative and play areas and outdoor playground. Longitudinal section drawing reveals windowed walls facing the playground along the side of the building.
circa 1938-1939
Paul Thiry
Thiry, Paul, 1904-1993 (Artist)
Paul Albert Thiry received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1928, where he was awarded the Gladding McBean Terra Cotta Company Prize in 1926, the Charles H. Bebb Prize in Architecture, 1927, and the AIA Medal for Distinction in Design, 1928. As a student, he interned with John Graham, Sr. and Henry Bittman, and studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Fontainebleau, France for three months, c.1927. After returning to Seattle in 1929, Thiry opened his own practice in 1929. With business slowing during the Great Depression, Thiry took a yearlong trip to Japan, China, India, France, and New York, returning via the Panama Canal, where he was introduced to the work of the European modernists, 1934-1935. During this time, Thiry worked for six months with fellow UW alumni T. T. Matsumoto in Japan.Following his return, he partnered with fellow UW alumni Alban Shay designing modern residences as Thiry & Shay, 1935-1940. Notable projects include Thiry's own residence, 1936; the Nichols House, 1939; and the Frank Barrett House, 1937. During World War II, Thiry had several short-lived joint ventures with Seattle architects, first as Jones, Thiry & Ahlson, 1942; then as Jones, Bouillon, Thiry & Sylliaasen, 1943-1944. Notable projects include the collaboration on the Holly Park Housing Complex, 1943; the Museum of History and Industry, 1950; the Frye Art Museum, 1952; and the Church of Christ the King in Greenwood, 1952.Thiry was significantly involved in the Seattle Planning Commission from 1952 until his resignation in 1961. Notable projects from this period include the Washington State Library in Olympia, 1959; the Allison Wanamaker House in Seattle, 1957; and the Christ Episcopal Church in Tacoma, 1962. Circa 1957, Thiry was appointed the principal architect and Head of Design Committee of the Century 21 Seattle World's Fair. Following his work on the Century 21 Seattle World's Fair, Kennedy appointed him to the National Capitol Planning Commission in 1963. Jacqueline Kennedy appointed him to the Kennedy Library Commission in 1964.Thiry received numerous awards throughout his life, becoming an AIA Fellow in 1951; Chancellor of the College of Fellows, 1962-1964; and receiving a national AIA citation for work in community design, 1965. He also received the "Man of Year" award from the Seattle Chamber of Commerce and the Seattle City Council in 1962 for his work on the Century 21 Seattle World's Fair. Additionally, he was hosted as the Architect-in-Residence at the American Academy in Rome in 1969. He the first recipient of the AIA Seattle Medal, the organization's highest honor, in 1984. He is credited for introducing the architecture of the European Modernism movement to the Pacific Northwest.
Sophomore year, 1925-1926
Thiry 1a
Bridge with Gothic features
1 drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on illustration board ; 20 in x 29 3/4 in
Sophomore sketch problem [esquisse-esquisse]. This is a 2-sided drawing, with a separate sketch problem (Ye Olde Village Rumpus) on the reverse side.Perspective drawing of a drawbridge with metal arch, Gothic style houses at each abutment, and waterfront promenade.
circa 1925-1926
Thiry 1b
Ye Olde Village Rumpus
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on illustration board ; 20 in x 20 3/4 in
Sophomore sketch problem [esquisse-esquisse]. This is a 2-sided drawing, with a separate sketch problem (Bridge with Gothic features) on the reverse side.Colorful watercolor renderings/elevations of a row of eclectic buildings with gabled roofs, chimneys, and striped awnings.
April 13, 1926
Thiry 2
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 19 1/4 in x 28 in
Entered in the 1926 Bebb Prize design competition and awarded "1st Mention Placed."Watercolor rendering/elevation of a cenotaph in a wooded park.
circa Spring 1926
A Tennis Court Building
Class B II projet with two sheets.
Thiry 3a
Drawing 1
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 15 3/4 in x 34 1/2 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a Romanesque style building with an offset entrance tower, terracotta roof, and ornately decorated arches around the doors and windows. The smaller building in front is attached to a rear larger building.
circa Autumn 1925
Thiry 3b
Drawing 2
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 25 1/2 in x 18 3/4 in
Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the drawing was judged in the national competition.Plan of the ground floor shows the tennis court, lounge, and athletic facilities for men and women; section drawing through the building reveals courtside seating and an upper level viewing gallery.
December 15, 1925
Junior year, 1926-1927
Thiry 4
A Garden Gate
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 36 3/4 in x 27 3/4 in
Class B V analytique. Sketches on back in red. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Rendering/elevation of metal gate in a brick wall surrounded by detail drawings of stone work, column capitals, scrollwork, etc. Partial plan and section drawing in upper corners.
circa 1926-1927
Senior year, 1927-1928
Thiry 5
1 design/thesis drawing : gouache/watercolor with colored pencil and ink on paper ; 27 1/2 in x 32 1/4 in
Senior design thesis.Watercolor longitudinal section drawing of an art deco style building with tower on a graded site. The section drawing reveals the lobby with decorative chandeliers, tables, a striped concessionaire tent, and a row of doors leading into the seating area.
circa Spring 1928
Unknown dates
Thiry 6a
A Doorway at the End of a Hall
1 sketch problem : graphite on illustration board ; 20 in x 14 3/4 in
Class B IV sketch problem [esquisse-esquisse], believed to have been completed during either the Sophomore or Junior year. This is a 2-sided drawing, with a separate sketch problem (Entrance to a Small Exposition) on the reverse side.Sketch provides a rendering and plan of an interior doorway with arched broken pediment and ornamental moulding flanked with sculptures holding candelabras.
circa 1925-1927
Thiry 6b
Entrance to a Small Exposition
1 sketch problem : graphite on illustration board ; 20 in x 14 3/4 in
Sketch problem [esquisse-esquisse], believed to have been completed during either the Sophomore or Junior year. This is a 2-sided drawing, with a separate sketch problem (A Doorway at the End of a Hall) on the reverse side.Sketch provides a rendering, plan, and partial section drawing of a neoclassical arched gate and colonnade with a striped tent roof.
circa 1925-1927
Donald Thomas
Thomas, Donald, 1898-1970 (Artist)
Donald Partridge Thomas studied architecture at the University of Washington, 1918-1920, before receiving his B.Arch from the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, in 1922. Following graduation, he worked as a Draftsman for James Gamble Rogers in New York, 1922-1923, before returning to Seattle as a Designer in his father's firm, Thomas and Grainger, Architects, 1924-1926. In 1927, he was elevated to Partner as Thomas, Grainger and Thomas, Architects, Seattle, 1927-1949. After his father Harlan Thomas left the firm and the partnership grew to include Edwin J. Baar, the firm became Grainger, Thomas & Baar, 1950-1957; and then Thomas & Baar [written sources sometimes refer to the partnership as Thomas & Barr], 1958-1965. Notable works in Seattle include the King County Hospital, 1931; Harborview Medical Center, 1931; Saint Stephens Episcopal Church, 1940-1942; Shaw House, 1935; and the Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority House at the University of Washington, 1930.
Freshman year, 1918-1919
Thomas D 1
Corinthian Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 15 3/4 in x 21 3/4 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of a Corinthian column including plan of capital, detail drawings of acanthus leaf, base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
circa 1918-1919
Thomas D 2
Ionic Order
1 drawing exercise : pen and ink on paper ; 19 1/2 in x 15 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of an Ionic column including plan of capital, elevation of column, and detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, pediment, and entablature.
March 25, 1919
Thomas D 3
Roman Tuscan Order
1 drawing exercise : graded ink wash with pen and ink on paper ; 20 in x 16 in
Freshman drawing exercise of Roman Tuscan order including plan of capital and base, section drawing through columns, and details of base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
February 11, 1919
Mary Thomas
Thomas, Mary (Artist)
Student name as written: Thomas.
Sophomore year, 1944-1945
Thomas M 1
Centennial bridge
Assignment title: Bridge on U.S. - Canada border: 100 years.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 1/2 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a stone bridge over water with inscribed memorial pillars on either end capped with sculptures. Detail drawing of sculptures and inscription lettering.
circa Autumn 1944
Junior year, 1945-1946
Thomas M 2
Assignment title: Country courthouse facing a park.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 43 in x 30 1/4 in
Junior design.Design drawing includes a watercolor rendering/elevation, two plans, and section. Park elevation shows a smooth faced building with projected side wings and heightened, windowed center section with decorative metal pattern. Plans of building show the public and administrative areas with entrance lobby, council chambers, two courtrooms, press room, library, and offices on two floors. Section drawing and south elevation.
circa 1945-1946
Senior year, 1946-1947
Thomas M 3
Department store and parking garage
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 1/4 in x 60 1/4 in
Watercolor elevation of a modernist building with windowed section and multiple plans showing underground parking area, basement storage, employee cafeteria, and four story department store with small office mezzanine.
circa 1946-1947
Samuel Thomas
Thomas, Samuel (Artist)
Student name as written: S. Thomas.
Samuel Thomas received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1960 and his B.S. in Physics from the University of Washington in 1967.
Junior year, 1957-1958
Thomas S 1
An Episcopalian Church Sanctuary
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 29 3/4 in
Junior, Grade II analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of the main altar of a sanctuary with cross and stand, relief, and marble altar table with cloth and chalice. Plan and section drawing show the sanctuary with seating.
Winter 1958
Marc Thompson
Thompson, Marc (Artist)
Junior year, 1927-1928
Thompson M 1
A Municipal Air Port
Assignment title: Airport Passenger Station.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 in x 31 1/2 in
Entered in the 1927-1928 Bebb Prize design competition.Art deco airport with elevated center section housing the airport lobby. Elevation drawing shows decorative elements such as a decorative frieze, elongated stained glass windows, and carved eagles atop pilasters framing the center section of the building. Two plans show the ground level and basement level of the building. Section drawing reveals a richly decorated interior.
circa 1927-1928
Thompson M 2
A Riding School
1 design drawing : watercolor wash with graphite, colored pencil, and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 1/2 in x 38 3/4 in
Class B II projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating that the drawing was judged in the national competition.Watercolor elevation of building facade; plan shows smaller building attached via gallery seating to a larger building housing ring and stables. Penciled section drawing.
December 16, 1927
Walter Thompson
Thompson, Walter W. (Artist)
Student name as written: W. W. Thompson.
Freshman year, 1923-1924
Thompson W 1
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 21 1/4 in x 15 1/2 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering of an elongated window with arched pediment and balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of decorative elements and balcony balustrade.
February 7, 1924
Thompson W 2
Ionic Order
1 measured drawing : graphite and ink on paper ; 15 3/4 in x 21 3/4 in
Freshman measured drawing of the Ionic order with elevation, plan, and detail drawings of columns, base, capital, and entablature.
April 22, 1924
Leighton Tong
Tong, Leighton (Artist)
Leighton Tong was employed for fifteen years at McCoot-McDonald and Associates, Architects.
Junior year, circa 1954-1955
Tong 1
Entrance to an art museum
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 in x 39 1/2 in
Grade II analytique.Watercolor rendering/elevation of the entrance to art museum building on a terrace with sculptures. The entrance is a gridded panel of glass windows set into the face of the main building with three sets of double doors at the bottom. Detail drawings of sculpture and window/door framing. Plan.
Autumn 1954
Frank Toribara
Toribara, Frank Yoshio, 1915-2007 (Artist)
Student name as written: F. Toribara; Frank Toribara.
Frank Yoshio Toribara received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1938. Following graduation, he worked as a Draftsman for James M. Taylor, Jr., Architect, Seattle, 1939-1940; then as a Draftsman for Lytel and Shorett, Architects, Seattle, 1941-1942. He received his architectural license 13 days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor; shortly thereafter, Toribara was forcibly relocated with his wife, Ruth Matsumoto, to the Japanese internment camp Minidoka. After leaving Minidoka, Toribara moved to Spokane and resumed his architecture career in his own practice as Frank Y. Toribara, Architect. Notable works include the Greek Orthodox Church addition in Spokane; the Garland Theatre; the Highland Park Methodist Church; and the Japanese Pavilion at Expo '74. Toribara was an active member of the AIA Spokane chapter.
Freshman year, 1933-1934
Toribara 1
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 21 in x 15 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering of an elongated window with pediment and balcony set into a stone wall with section drawing and detail drawings of decorative elements and balcony balustrade.
circa Autumn 1933
Junior year, 1935-1936
Toribara 2
A Non-sectarian Church
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 1/2 in x 31 in
Second Junior projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation and plan of a church complex with church and carillon tower on a walled courtyard; plan indicates that the attached buildings house educational and administrative areas. Small perspective drawing from interior courtyard; section drawing reveals the church altar, auditorium stage, and courtyard-facing wall.
circa Autumn 1935
Doris Treffinger
Treffinger, Doris (Artist)
Student name as written: Treffinger.
Sophomore year, 1944-1945
Treffinger 1
Observation platform at waterfall
Assignment title: Observation platform at waterfall symbolic of Indian legend.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore analytique.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a site for an observation platform on a stone wall at the top of a waterfall. The site has an open-sided observation shelter with an upward curved roof supported by carved pillars. Partial plan indicates that the shelter is rounded on one end and widens at the other end. Detail drawings of pillar relief and base.
circa 1944-1945
Peter Trick
Trick, Peter (Artist)
Peter A. Trick was enrolled as a student at the University of Washington, 1939-1941. His name is listed in the Garden of Remembrance memorial at Benaroya Hall and the Interrupted Journey World War II memorial on the University of Washington campus in memory of those who died in combat or in direct support of allied forces during World War II.
Sophomore year, 1940-1941
Trick 1
A Pavilion for Tea and Music
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 1/2 in x 39 3/4 in
Watercolor renderings/elevations of an enclosed wood and glass pavilion with upwards angled roof in the modernist style. Plan and section drawings show the layout of the pavilion including a small seating area and space for musical instruments.
circa Spring 1941
Rosemary Trueblood
Trueblood, Rosemary (Artist)
Student name as written: R. Trueblood.
Sophomore year, 1937-1938
Trueblood 1
A Garden Pavilion
Assignment title: Garden pavilion on country estate.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore design.Watercolor rendering of a windowed pavilion on water with terracotta roof with balustrade stairway leading to waterfront walkway. Design drawing also includes side elevation, garden elevation, section drawing, and multiple plans showing the garden level and the waterfront level with boat garage.
May 7, 1938
Architectural ornamentation class
Trueblood 2
Gothic round window
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper and tissue paper with matting ; 28 in x 22 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Round stained glass window with centered circular design of a religious figure encircled by vines with acanthus leaves and contrasting outer bands.
circa 1938-1940
Harold Tsuchiya
Tsuchiya, Harold S., 1919- (Artist)
Harold Saburo Tsuchiya studied at the University of Washington before receiving his B.Arch from Syracuse University in 1949, where he was awarded the Alpha Rho Chi Medal. He worked for over twenty-seven years with Michigan architect and University of Washington alumni Minoru Yamasaki, and served as a senior member in the Yamasaki's firm during the design and construction of the World Trade Center in New York City. He later worked as a Senior Vice President and Supervising Architect with Cohen + Dichi, Los Angeles, c. 1985.
Freshman year, 1940-1941
Tsuchiya 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 14 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters W, V, T, Y, C, A, D.
circa 1940-1941
Bert Tucker
Tucker, Bert A., 1910-1983 (Artist)
Bert Atherton Tucker received his B.A. in English from the University of Washington in 1931, and later his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1940. As a student, he worked as Draftsman for architect J. M. Taylor, Jr. Following graduation, he worked for Barry & Kenneth Branch, Bremerton, before establishing his own architectural practice with fellow alumni Roland Terry and Robert Shields as Tucker, Shields & Terry, Seattle, 1947-1951. Together they designed a number of residences and commercial interiors throughout Seattle, including the W. E. Warren House, 1950; the Bud Burnett House, 1950; and the Canlis Charcoal Broiler, 1951.When Roland Terry left the firm in 1951, the firm continued as Tucker & Shields, Seattle, 1951-c.1962, and continued their work designing residences. Notable projects include the Moffett House in Seattle, 1954; the Hayter House in Issaquah, 1956; and the Rind House, 1961.
Freshman year, 1936-1937
Tucker 1
Vase in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash on paper ; 26 in x 19 3/4 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of niche in wall with vase framed by Doric columns and entablature in a garden setting with column plan and detail drawings of vase, entablature, and base.
circa Winter 1937
Edwin Turner
Turner, Edwin T., 1905-1979 (Artist)
Student name as written: E. Turner; E. T. Turner.
Edwin Thurlow Turner received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1929. After graduation, he was employed by Harry T. Whittaker, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 1929-1932; George Stoddard, Seattle, 1935; and William J. Bain, Sr., 1935-1942. He partnered with William Bain, Sr. and Harrison Overturf as Bain, Overturf, Turner & Associates, Seattle, c.1947-1950; while simultaneously operating his own independent architectural practice as Edwin Turner, Architect, 1946-1953. In 1954, he joined with Kenneth Hargreaves as Turner & Hargreaves, 1954-1964. Turner was later employed as an architect with the General Services Administration in Seattle.
Freshman year, 1924-1925
Turner 1
Cornithian pavilion
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink wash on paper ; 22 3/4 in x 16 in
Freshman analytique.Design/analytique drawing includes an ink rendering/elevation of a rectangular building with arched walkways framed by engaged columns with Corinthian capitals and balustrade along the upper level; section drawing; detail drawings of Corinthian capital and base, entablature, and other decorative elements.
June 10, 1925
Turner 2
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 13 3/4 in x 19 1/2 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters O, N, J, U, L, H.
October 27, 1924
Junior year, 1926-1927
Turner 3
A Memorial Town Hall
1 design drawing : charcoal pencil and watercolor wash with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 37 1/4 in x 25 1/4 in
Class B II projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Elevation of exterior shows a building with bellfry and entrance portico; plan shows offices and lobby; section drawing shows interior dome.
December 14, 1926
Turner 4
A Steamship Office
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 24 3/4 in x 28 1/2 in
Class B local problem.Elevation of building facade; interior elevation shows cashier's office and painted murals of steamships; floor plan shows a tile pattern of a map on the floor.
November 15, 1926
Senior year, 1927-1928
Turner 5
An Aqueduct
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 23 1/2 in x 35 in
Class B local project.Elevation of an arch bridge for an aqueduct over a ravine with waterfall rendered in watercolor. The plan shows the aqueduct with a five arches atop the deck of the bridge; the large arches at either abutment direct traffic onto the bridge in an S-shape while the aqueduct continues in a straight line on each side of the ravine. Section drawing of aqueduct arch.
circa Autumn 1927
Turner 6
A Riding School
1 design drawing : watercolor wash with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 1/2 in x 39 3/4 in
Class B II projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating that the drawing was judged in the national competition.Watercolor elevation of building facade; plan shows smaller building attached via gallery seating to a larger building housing ring and stables. Penciled section drawing.
circa Autumn 1927
5th year, 1928-1929
Turner 7
A Masonic Temple
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 57 in x 39 in
Class A IV projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the drawing was judged in the national competition.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a building with stepped base and heightened center tower on a walled site with relief decoration and sculptures of winged lions. Plans show main floor with tile pattern and a rough plan of the upper level. Section drawing.
circa 1928-1929
Edward Ulbrickson
Ulbrickson, Edward E., 1908-1960 (Artist)
Freshman year, 1930-1931
Ulbrickson 1
Ionic Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of a Ionic column including reflected ceiling plan of capital and entablature; elevation and section drawings of columns and entablature; and detail drawings of base, shaft, and capital.
circa 1930-1931
H. Lloyd Ulrich
Ulrich, H. Lloyd (Artist)
Student name as written: H. L. Von Ulrich.Alternate name: H. Lloyd Von Ulrich.
H. Lloyd Ulrich received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1935. He partnered with Harold A. Hovind as Hovind & Ulrich, Seattle, 1943-1949. He later opened his own practice in Yakima.
5th year, 1934-1935
Ulrich 1
Assignment title: A great shipyard: 6 ships per annum.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 1/4 in x 60 1/2 in
Small exterior elevation of shipyard complex with multiple buildings. Site plan shows the shipbuilding wharfs with drydock, outfitting basin, and repair berth; large building housing a blacksmith shop, heavy machine shop, warehouse areas; smaller building with administrative offices, experimental room, library, and employee areas. Longitudinal section drawing through site.
circa Winter 1935
Katsujiro Uyeda
Uyeda, Katsujiro (Artist)
Student name as written: K. Uyeda.
Katsujiro Uyeda received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1936. Following graduation, he was granted a patent for his design of a drafting instrument. Career unknown.
Junior year, 1933-1934
Uyeda 1
A Post Office
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 1/4 in x 30 in
Junior project.Elevation of building facade with three doorways under elongated panels of windows; plans show decorative tile pattern in lobby and mail processing areas; section drawing through center of building shows public and administrative areas.
November 4, 1933
Uyeda 2
A Steamship Ticket Office
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 1/4 in x 30 3/4 in
Junior design.Elevation of smooth-faced building facade with porthole-style windows; section drawings shows the ticket counters with painted murals of steamships and maps; plan shows public and administrative areas.
April 29, 1924
Architectural ornamentation class
Uyeda 3
Gothic round window
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor on tissue paper with matting ; 34 1/4 in x 28 1/4 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Round stained glass window with acanthus leaves arranged around the center and bordered with a ring of small circles and outer border of acanthus leaves.
circa 1933-1935
Agnes Vail
Vail, Agnes Baher (Artist)
Freshman year, 1925-1926
Vail 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 13 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters D, V, C, Q, L, A, J.
circa 1925-1926
Van Gilder
Van Gilder (Artist)
Student's first name unknown.
Freshman year
Van Gilder 1
Ionic Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of a Ionic column including reflected ceiling plan of capital and entablature; elevation and section drawings of columns and entablature; and detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
William Van Ness
Van Ness, William (Artist)
Student name as written: Van Ness.Alternate name: Bill Van Ness.
Freshman year, circa 1934-1935
Note: Circa date established based on earliest discovery of student's name in University of Washington Tyee yearbook.
Van Ness 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 19 in x 14 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters J, L, M, G, B, D.
circa 1934-1935
John Villesvik
Villesvik, John S., 1905-1993 (Artist)
John Storm Villesvik received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1929. As a student, he was a member of the Tau Sigma Delta Architectural Fraternity and received several awards including the Tau Sigma Delta Prize, the Charles H. Bebb Prize in Architecture, and the Gladding McBean Terra Cotta Company Prize in 1926. He later received the Walker Cut Stone Traveling Scholarship in Fall of 1928 to study at the Fontainebleau School of Fine Arts in Europe.Villesvik worked for Yakima architect John Maloney, 1930-c.1943. As Maloney's practice became increasingly focused on projects in Seattle, Villesvik opened his own architectural practice in Yakima in 1945. Maurice Smith joined the firm in 1946, eventually becoming partner in 1962. The firm's work included residential and commercial designs, civic structures, and religious buildings. Notable projects include the Main Yakima Library, 1959; the Yakima County Courthouse addition, 1962; the Yakima Valley Museum, 1958; the Dr. Herr residence, 1947; the Harold Cahoon residence, 1950; and several elementary schools. Villesvik retired in 1972.
Freshman year, 1924-1925
Villesvik 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : graphite and ink wash on paper ; 19 1/2 in x 13 1/2 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
circa 1924-1925
Villesvik 2
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 13 3/4 in x 19 1/2 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters G, B, A, H, Z, E.
October 27, 1924
Junior year, 1926-1927
Villesvik 3
Bagley Hall
1 freehand sketch : graphite on paper ; 10 in x 14 in
Freehand sketch of the facade of the classically-designed Bagley Hall on the University of Washington campus. The building was originally built as the Fine Arts Palace for the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in 1909, however, it served as the Chemistry building at the time the drawing was completed; the building later housed the architecture school and was renamed Architecture Hall in 1957 when the College of Architecture and Urban Planning was established.
circa 1926-1927
Villesvik 4
A Civic Art Gallery
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 46 1/4 in x 27 3/4 in
Class B IV projet. Entered in the 1926 Bebb Prize design competition and awarded "1st Mention Placed, 1st Mention."Design drawing includes a watercolor rendering/elevation, plan, and section drawing of an art gallery. The building is shown as a stone building with ornamental edging and a heightened center section with slightly projected ends. Plan shows multiple open rooms off a main lobby with tile patterns. Longitudinal section drawing through the center of the building shows the entrance lobby and rear gallery.
circa Autumn 1926
Villesvik 5
A Steamship Ticket Office
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 33 1/4 in x 23 in
Class B local problem.Watercolor section drawing of the rear wall of a steamship ticket office shows a classically styled interior with Corinthian columns, painted nautical murals, sailing ship sculpture, and entablature inscribed with the names of famous sailing ships. Plan shows the layout of the lobby with columns and additional public and administrative areas.
circa Autumn 1926
Senior year, 1927-1928
Villesvik 6
An Air Transport Terminal
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 1/4 in x 59 3/4 in
Class A V projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of the facade of an air transport terminal with heightened entrance arch with decorative iron grille and clock and two glass-domed walkways extending from each side and connected to projections with elongated channels of windows. Multiple plans show the ground floor and first floor with ticketing lobby, administrative offices, waiting areas, telegraph and information booths, concourse with baggage area, and slips for airplanes. Section drawing through building.
circa Spring 1928
Villesvik 7
A Riding School
1 design drawing : watercolor wash with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 27 1/4 in x 38 3/4 in
Class B II projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the drawing was judged in the national competition.Watercolor elevation of building facade; plan shows smaller building attached via gallery seating to a larger building housing ring and stables. Penciled section drawing.
circa Autumn 1927
5th year, 1928-1929
Villesvik 8
An Entertainment Pavilion
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 27 1/2 in x 30 1/4 in
Class B IV projet. Junior project. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating that the design was judged in the national competition.Watercolor elevation and site plan of a y-shaped building with hexagonal lobby attached to three single-story wings and front terrace. The building has a terracotta roof, colonnaded entrance, and multiple windows partially covered by striped awnings. Section drawing has partial view of wings.
circa 1928-1929
Container(s) Description Dates
Emmett Wahlman
Wahlman, Emmett (Artist)
Student name as written: Wahlman.
Junior year, 1952-1953
Wahlman 1
Shelter for petroglyphs
1 analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 40 1/2 in
Junior analytique.Watercolor rendering/elevation of an open-sided shelter to cover rocks with carved petroglyphs next to three totems. Section drawing through shelter. Detail drawings of totem carving and petroglyph rock.
circa Winter 1953
Norio Wakamatsu
Wakamatsu, Norio, 1913-2008 (Artist)
After earning his degree, Wakamatsu worked as a draftsman before being forcibly relocated to the Japanese internment camp at Minidoka circa 1942. He and his wife later settled in Spokane. Career unknown.
Sophomore year, 1932-1933
Wakamatsu 1
Assignment title: Monument to Julius Caesar on Appian Way.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 3/4 in x 31 in
Sophomore project.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a memorial tablet in a wall with statue on top. Detail drawings of carved relief, statue's bust and shield, lettering. Lightly penciled plan.
circa 1932-1933
Art Waldo
Waldo, Arthur (Artist)
Student name as written: Art Waldo.
Arthur H. Waldo was the 1923-1924 recipient of the State Park Prize in Architecture.
Freshman year, 1922-1923
Waldo 1
Stair exercise
1 measured drawing : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
2 photographs : black and white photographs ; 2 1/2 in x 3 1/2 in
Freshman measured drawing exercise of a quarter-turn staircase and balustrade includes section drawings of the staircase, handrails, and two photographs of the stair. Inscribed on drawing: Drawn by Arthur Waldo. Measured by R.B. - A.W.
June 1923
Waldo 2
The Tuscan Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 24 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Tuscan order includes detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, and entablature; section drawing through columns and entablature; plan of column base; and ceiling plan of column showing capital and soffit.
circa 1922-1923
Junior year, 1924-1925
Waldo 3
Fountain in a courtyard
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 23 1/4 in x 32 in
Junior projet. Entered in the Terra Cotta Prize competition.Rendering/elevation of a fountain in a colonnaded courtyard with ogee arches and large pointed Moorish arch with painted decorative elements. Partial section drawing through fountain; detail drawing of fountain. Lightly penciled partial plan indicates the fountain has a hexagonal shape.
June 8, 1925
Lawrence Waldron
Waldron, Lawrence G. (Lawrence Galen), 1911-2000 (Artist)
Alternate name: Larry Waldron.
Lawrence Galen Waldron received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1936. Following graduation, Waldron worked as a Draftsman, William J. Bain, 1936-1938; Designer, Archibald Torbitt, 1938-1939; Architect, Seattle Housing Authority, 1940; and as Architect with the Austin Company, 1941-1942. In 1947, he opened his own independent architectural practice, and eventually partnered with Robert Dietz as Waldron & Dietz, Seattle, c.1953-1961. The firm was successful and was awarded five Honor Awards and one Merit Award from the AIA Seattle chapter. Notable projects include the Taskett Agency Office Building in Seattle, 1955; Emmanuel Episcopal Church on Mercer Island, 1960; and the Alvin Merendio House, 1961. The firm specialized in schools and the firm's designs were widely published in architectural journals. Their best-known schools include the Woodway Elementary School in Edmonds, 1956; Edmonds High School, 1959; and Olympic School in Edmonds, 1966; Chinook Jr. High School in Seattle, 1958; Crestview Elementary School in Seattle, 1960; and Normandy Park Elementary School in Seattle, 1954.Waldron continued the practice after Dietz departed the firm and continued to specialize in schools, completing the master plan and major buildings for Edmonds Community College in 1965; and Schmitz Hall at the University of Washington, 1970, as Waldron / Pomeroy, Architects, with fellow UW alumni Gerald Pomeroy. The firm continued after his retirement in 1980, adopting the name Waldron Pomeroy Smith Foote & Akira [WPSFA], Architects, in 1982.Waldron served on the University of Washington and the City of Mercer Island Architectural Commissions, the Seattle Central Association, and with the Seattle Municipal League.Waldron served as the Treasurer and President of AIA Seattle, 1959; and AIA Washington Council's first President, 1961. He was elected to the AIA College of Fellows in 1969.
Freshman year, 1931-1932
Waldron 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 14 in x 20 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters P, G, S, J, H, K, L.
circa Autumn 1931
Sophomore year, 1932-1933
Waldron 2
Carillon Tower
Assignment title: Carillon tower on an island.
1 design drawing : watercolor wash with graphite, white, and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 in x 39 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a building with carillon tower on an island. Round tower has six rows of bells and is attached to the building, which houses living areas; plan shows tower, living areas, and terrace with stairs leading to water; section drawing through living area .
circa Spring 1933
Waldron 3
Court in a residence
1 design/analytique drawing : monochromatic watercolor wash with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of the interior court of a residence with metal roof, double chimneys, and symmetrical vertical reliefs and elongated windows framing the doorway. Court has a seating area in a landscaped area with statues. Detail drawings of reliefs; section drawing.
circa 1932-1933
Waldron 4
Steamship ticket office
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 27 1/2 in x 38 in
Watercolor and graphite rendering/elevation of the building facade. Plan shows passenger and administrative areas. Multiple section drawings reveal murals of steamships, exotic locales, and maps on the interior walls of the main lobby.
May 6, 1933
Junior year, 1933-1934
Waldron 5
A Small College Library
1 design drawing : watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 1/2 in x 39 3/4 in
Junior designWatercolor rendering/elevation of a college library with heightened center section flanked by two wings and front terrace with statue. Plan shows the site and areas for stacks, administrative areas, and public areas. Section drawing through the building reveals public areas, stacks, and partial view of the basement level.
circa Spring 1934
Architectural ornamentation class
Waldron 6
Sketch of tomb
1 ornament class project : charcoal and gouache/watercolor on paper with fixative and matting ; 27 1/2 in x 20 1/4 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Charcoal and watercolor sketch of a man in religious robes kneeling before a tomb with circular decorative mouldings under an arched entrance with religious imagery on back wall.
circa 1933-1935
Ray Wallin
Wallin, Carl Ray (Artist)
Student name as written: Ray Wallin.
Architectural ornamentation class
Wallin 1
Pompeiian wall
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor on illustration board with fixative ; 19 in x 21 1/2 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Painted elevation of a wall with rectangular sections, each with a painted animal, created by bands of contrasting color.
circa 1933-1935
Chiu Wang
Wang, Chiu H. (Artist)
Chiu H. Wang received a B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1947.
5th year, 1946-1947
Wang 1
Beach hotel
Assignment title: Beach hotel in the Florida Keys.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 41 1/2 in x 61 in
Watercolor perspective drawing of a modernist beach hotel with horizontal rows of connected balconies. Ground floor plan shows dining room, tennis court, shuffleboard court, kitchen, and plan for typical floor. First floor plan shows music lounge and souvenir shop. Section drawing through building.
circa 1946-1947
Jack Ward
Ward, Jack (Artist)
Freshman year, 1929-1930
Ward J 1
Classical vase in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 22 1/4 in x 16 1/2 in
Freshman analytique. Inscribed on front of drawing: P.R.B.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of niche in wall with vase framed by Doric columns and entablature in a garden setting with column plan and detail drawings of vase, entablature, column base and capital.
February 11, 1930
Richard Ward
Ward, Richard (Artist)
Student name as written: Richard K. Ward.
Richard K. Ward received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1967.
5th year, 1966-1967
Ward Ri 1
A Residence
1 design drawing : ink on paper ; 48 1/2 in x 23 1/4 in
Design drawing includes a perspective drawing and multiple plans of a modernist building with square tower and angled studio wing with staircase landing.
Robert Ward
Ward, Robert E. (Artist)
Robert E. Ward received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1941.
Senior year, 1939-1940
Ward Ro 1
Assignment title: An American embassy in Stockholm, Sweden.
1 design drawing : ink wash with graphite on paper ; 39 1/2 in x 59 3/4 in
Exterior elevation of a building with flat roof and three elongated windows with smaller wings flanking the entrance. Site plan shows the embassy complex with reception garden, entrance terrace, chancellor, administrative offices, living areas, and service court; second floor plan shows gallery, state salon, banquet hall, and bedrooms. South elevation shows garden-facing side of building and outdoor terrace. Section drawing.
circa 1939-1940
Harvey Warren
Warren, Harvey, 1916-2005 (Artist)
Harvey Allen Warren received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1940. Following graduation, Warren enlisted in the U.S. Navy, 1942-1946. Warren rose to the rank of Lieutenant while working in photographic intelligence, where he was involved in planning the D-Day invasion. After World War II had ended, Warren returned to Southern California, where he worked for RKO Studios. He later served as a production designer for the Stardust Hotel and the Desert Inn in Las Vegas.
Freshman year, 1935-1936
Warren 1
End pavilion of a public building
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 18 1/2 in x 24 3/4 in
Freshman design provides an elevation of the end pavilion of a neoclassical building with stone base and Corinthian columns and entablature framing a windowed porch on the upper level. Detail drawings of scroll; entablature; column base, shaft, and capital. Penciled plan and section drawing of porch.
circa 1936
Warren 2
A Tomb
1 historical drawing : ink on paper ; 27 3/4 in x 20 in
Pen and ink freshman historical drawing of an ornamented church altar tomb with relief mouldings and recumbent sculpted figure in constructed niche framed with entablature. Inscribed name on tomb: Joanni Arberino Jacobis.
circa Winter 1936
Warren 3
Wall sundial
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 16 3/4 in x 23 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation with penciled plan and section drawing of a rectangular wall-mounted stone sundial with arched pediment and Roman numerals.
circa 1936
Sophomore year, 1936-1937
Warren 4
Garden sundial
1 sketch problem : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on matting board ; 30 in x 20 in
Sophomore sketch problem.Watercolor rendering of partial column shaft with flat plane for Roman numerals and sundial pointer.
circa 1936-1937
Unknown dates
Warren 5
Entrance to fraternal lodge building
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper floating on matting ; 28 in x 22 in
Watercolor sketch problem shows the entrance to a fraternal lodge with a man walking through a set of thick, metal doors with large L-shaped handles under a rectangular tympanum. Doors and tympanum have the fraternal order's symbols and are framed by heavy bolts along the edges.
circa 1938-1940
Seiichi Washizuka
Washizuka, Seiichi (Artist)
Alternate name: Samuel Seiichi Washizuka.
Japanese student Seiichi (Sam) Washizuka studied architecture at the University of Washington before transferring to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, where he received his his B.S. in Architecture in 1927. As a student at UW, he was the 1925 recipient of the Gladding-McBean Terra Cotta Company prize. Following graduation, he worked as a housing researcher for The American Radiator Company, John B. Pierce Foundation. He later returned to Tokyo, Japan, where he worked as an architect designing minimalist residences.
Student name as written: Seiichi Washizuka; Sam S. Washizuka.
Freshman year, circa 1922-1923
Washizuka 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 16 3/4 in x 12 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letter V.
circa 1922-1923
Junior year, 1926-1927
Washizuka 2
Garden Gate
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 40 in x 28 3/4 in
Class B V Analytique. Drawing is stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the drawing was judged in the national competition.Rendering/elevation of an arched metalwork gate. Gate sits in a square gateway with arched opening and protective tiled roof. Detail drawings of metal scrolls, stone, ivy, statue, and coat of arms.
circa 1926-1927
Charles Wayland
Wayland, Charles Varrell (Artist)
Student name as written: C. V. Wayland.
Charles Varrell Wayland received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1930.
Freshman year, 1922-1923
Wayland 1
Architectural Lettering
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 21 in x 16 in
Freshman lettering exercise of multiple A-to-Z alphabet styles in upper and lower case.
circa 1922-1923
Wayland 2
1 drawing exercise : graphite on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
Drawing exercise includes an elevation of arched stone colonnade with rectangular pillars, engaged Doric columns, and entablature with cornice moulding and triglyphs. Section drawing through colonnade. Plan of pillars shows column projection.
April 30, 1923
Wayland 3
The Ionic Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Ionic order includes an elevation of the column and entablature; ceiling plan; section drawing through column and entablature; and detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
January 13, 1923
Wayland 4
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 18 in x 23 3/4 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of a temple includes an elevation of the temple's facade with staircase leading to grille and double doors under a pediment supported by Doric columns; plan of entrance; section drawing through entrance and entablature; and detail drawings of column base, shaft, capital, entablature, and inscription lettering.
March 22, 1923
Wayland 5
The Tuscan Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Tuscan order includes detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, and entablature; section drawing through columns and entablature; plan of column base; and ceiling plan of column showing capital and soffit.
circa 1922-1923
Sophomore year, 1925-1926
Wayland 6
A Country Chapel
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 37 3/4 in x 27 3/4 in
Class B projet.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a stone chapel with arched doorway and circular stained glass window on a wooded site. Plan shows the cross-shaped chapel; section drawings show main altar and arched windows along nave.
March 13, 1926
Senior year, 1927-1928
Wayland 7
A Country Residence Thesis Design
1 design/thesis drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 35 3/4 in x 23 1/2 in
Senior design thesis.Plot plan shows a country residence in a setting with terraced gardens, flower garden, and pool area. Plan of the second floor shows living areas for the residents and guests.
Spring 1928
Ernest Weber
Weber, Ernest (Artist)
Ernest L. Weber received his B.S. in Architecture from the Armour Instute of Technology in Chicago, Illinois, in 1933. Following graduation, he worked as an architect for the Montgomery Ward Company in Chicago, 1934-1939; then as designer for Philip D. West, Chicago, 1939-1940; designer, Albert Kahn, Detroit, 1940-1941; designer, Naramore, Brady, Bain & Johanson [NBBJ], Seattle, 1941-1945; designer, William Mallis, Seattle, 1945-1946. Weber opened his own practice c.1947 as Ernest Weber, Architect, Seattle.
Senior year, circa 1932-1933
Weber 1
A Railroad Station
1 design drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with ink and wash on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 36 3/4 in x 61 in
Class A III projet.Site plan for a train station shows ground transportation, public concourse areas, and administrative areas; section drawings through station reveal interior lobby and the building's multiple stories.
circa 1932-1933
Edwin Wells
Wells, Edwin A. (Artist)
Edwin Wells received his B.A. in General Studies from the University of Washington in 1957.
Junior year, 1954-1955
Wells 1
Entrance to an art museum
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 1/4 in x 40 3/4 in
Grade II analytique.Watercolor rendering/elevation of the entrance to art museum building on a terrace with sculptures. The entrance is a gridded panel of glass windows set into the face of the main building with two sets of double doors. Detail drawings of sculptures. Section drawing through stairway; plan.
Autumn 1954
Edwin Wendland
Wendland, Edwin G., 1898-1972 (Artist)
Edwin George Wendland served as Treasurer of the student organization Atelier, 1920-1921.
Sophomore year, 1919-1920
Wendland 1
A Colonnaded Gallery
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 21 in x 34 3/4 in
Elevation of Corinthian-style colonnaded gallery with entrance to a fine arts gallery. Detail drawing of decorative urns.
circa 1919-1920
Wendland 2
Entrance through porch
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 in x 39 in
Class B analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Rendering/elevation of a portico entrance with balcony shows the doorway and window grilles framed with Corinthian columns and entablature. Detail drawings of column capital, relief on stone planters, and balustrade. Plan and section drawing.
December 1, 1919
Julie Westbrook
Westbrook, Julie (Artist)
Freshman year
Westbrook 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 13 3/4 in x 19 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters G, L, I, M, R, D.
Joseph Henry Whatmore
Whatmore, Joseph Henry (Artist)
Student name as written: J. H. Whatmore.
Joseph Henry Whatmore received his B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Washington in 1936.
Freshman year, 1931-1932
Whatmore 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 20 1/4 in x 14 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
November 7, 1931
C. F. White
White, C. F. (Artist)
Freshman year
White 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 14 1/2 in x 19 1/2 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters R, J, L, C, U, D.
John Whitney
Whitney, John, 1913-1954 (Artist)
John Henry Whitney received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1938. Following graduation, he worked for Joseph Wohleb, Olympia, 1938-1939; J. W. Maloney, Yakima, 1939-1940; Crown Zellerbach, Port Angeles, 1940-1944; Chiarelli & Kirk, Seattle, 1945. He established his own practice c.1945 and later partnered with Maloney as the head of the Yakima branch of Maloney-Whitney, Yakima and Seattle.
Freshman year, 1932-1933
Whitney 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 14 in x 20 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters O, T, Q, N, L, J, H.
circa Autumn 1932
Senior year, 1936-1937
Whitney 2
Botanical exhibition pavilion
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 59 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a botanical pavilion with glass-and-steel construction. The pavilion has an egg-shaped dome with entrance vestibule and six rounded wings. Plan and section drawing through dome shows the central exhibition hall with pool and walkways.
January 30, 1937
Whitney 3
Temple in garden
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 60 in x 40 in
Senior design.Exterior elevation and plan show a circular temple with arched openings and embellishment along the top in a garden with curving walkways. Section drawings show the painted interior of the temple with sculptures and an interior dome.
circa 1936-1937
Whitney 4
Winter sports lodge in mountains
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 3/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Senior project.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a two-story building with wooden siding on upper level and a section extended above an observation deck on the sloped site. Plans of all floors of main building show the recreational and lodge areas, while the plot plan indicates the placement of cabins. Partial section drawing through lodge.
December 12, 1936
5th year, 1937-1938
Whitney 5
Auditorium and residential facility
1 design drawing : ink wash with graphite on paper ; 39 1/2 in x 60 in
Design drawing provides an elevation of the facade of a multi-story building with ornamented door flanked by two windows with ironwork grills and eagle reliefs under a narrow balcony with elongated windows doors and two wider blaconies spanning the width of building. Multiple plans show the four floors of the trapezoidal building with ground floor plan showing the location of auditorium, courtyard, and administrative offices; second floor plan showing upper level of auditorium, library, and reception areas; third floor plan showing living and dining areas with bedrooms and service areas; and fourth floor plan of living quarters. Section drawing through building.
circa 1937-1938
Carl Wicksell
Wicksell, Carl, 1915-1981 (Artist)
Freshman year, 1933-1934
Wicksell 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash with graphite on paper ; 20 3/4 in x 15 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
circa 1933-1934
Walter Widmeyer
Widmeyer, Walter D. (Walter David), 1923-2004 (Artist)
Student name as written: W. D. Widmeyer.
Walter David Widmeyer received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1949. Prior to his architecture studies, Widmeyer studied engineering at University of Sasketchewan. During World War II, he enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1943, receiving a medical discharge in 1944. He returned to school to study engineering at the University of British Columbia before his interests led him to University of Washington in 1945.Following graduation, Widmeyer worked for the architecture firm of Donald Dwight Williams, Seattle, 1949-1953; then as a staff architect with the Douglas Fir Plywood Association [DFPA], Tacoma, 1953-1958, where he was heavily involved in the development and use of plywood in building construction and completed several designs for plywood furniture and homes. While continuing to design for the Douglas Fir Plywood Association, later named the American Plywood Association, he established an independent practice in Fircrest in 1958, which he continued until his retirement in the mid-1990s. Notable works include his own widely publicized residence in Fircrest, 1954; the William Jonez House in Tacoma, 1959; the Fircrest Medical Arts Building, 1960; and the Charles Hogan House in Puyallup, 1962;
Freshman year, circa 1945-1946
Widmeyer 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 14 3/4 in x 19 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters M, L, N, C, J, D.
circa 1945
Howard Wigle
Wigle, Howard D. (Artist)
Student name as written: Wigle.
Howard Wigle received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1949.
5th year, 1948-1949
Wigle 1
Residence on waterfront
Assignment title: Seattle residence on the shore of Lake Washington.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 3/4 in
Watercolor perspective drawing of a single-story modernist residence on landscaped grounds with stone walls and floor-to-ceiling windows facing a semi-enclosed courtyard. Plans include a plot plan with square footage and a plan of the the residence with attached greenhouse. Interior perspective drawing of living room with stone wall and upwards-angled roof leading to a wall of floor-to-ceiling windows. Section drawing through living room and living areas.
Winter 1949
Jesse Wilkins, Jr.
Wilkins, Jesse T., 1918-1991 (Artist)
Jesse Wilkins, Jr. received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1947. He worked for Jones & Bindon, 1946-1949; John Graham, 1949-1953. He partnered as Wortman & Wilkins, 1953-1957; then as Wilkins & Ellison, Seattle, 1958 to 1971. He later worked as Wilkins Architects, Inc., Seattle.
Junior year, 1939-1940
Wilkins 1
Country residence and studio for painter
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a single-story building in the modernist style with large, rectangular windows angled over studio areas. Site plan shows layout of buildings and circular driveway; plan shows layout with living areas and work areas. Section drawing through building shows studio, interior courtyard, and living areas.
circa Autumn 1939
Donald Williams
Williams, Donald D. (Artist)
Donald Dwight Williams received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1933. He opened his own independent architecture practice as Donald Dwight Williams, Architect, Seattle, c.1936. Notable works include the Bay Construction Company building, Seattle; Electrol building, Seattle; Home Oil Company building, Seattle; K. R. S. C. Radio Station, Seattle; the Curtiss Lind House, Seattle; the Sigrid Nelson House, Seattle; and the Donald Dwight Williams showroom, Seattle.
Sophomore year, 1929-1930
Williams D 1
A Romanesque Museum
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 40 in x 31 in
First sophomore project.Watercolor rendering with elevation of the building facade shows a Romanesque building with terra cotta roof and front portico with ornante tympanum. Plan shows tile pattern. Section drawing reveals vault in front portico; colonnade in the main gallery and back courtyard; and other Romanesque elements.
circa Spring 1930
Williams D 2
A Triumphal Arch
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 1/2 in x 39 3/4 in
Class B III analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating that the design was judged in the national competition.An arch with laurel-framed medallions in relief and a sculpture of Atlas with a metal globe on his shoulders commemorates the Olympiad. The triumphal arch is set into a wall and framed with long banners on each side. Elevation drawing is surrounded by detail drawings of the carved stone, lettering, and one relief medallion. Section drawing and plan lightly penciled in lower right corner.
circa 1929-1930
Junior year, 1930-1931
Williams D 3
A Marionette Theatre
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 3/4 in x 30 1/2 in
Class B IV projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts seal indicating that the design was judged in the national competition.Rendering/elevation of the theatre's facade: a short building between two taller buildings featuring a gable and sculptures of marionettes above the doorway. Theatre plan; section drawing shows the proscenium stage; the longitudinal section drawing of the building shows the public areas and the backstage areas for the puppeteers.
circa 1930-1931
Senior year, 1931-1932
Williams D 4
An Hospital
Assignment title: Research Hospital.
1 design drawing : ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 38 1/4 in x 56 1/4 in
Class A II projet.Multiple plans for a multi-story hospital show the administrative areas, kitchen, emergency unit, and outpatient department on ground floor; plans for the second and third floor wards; fourth floor plan shows maternity and childrens' unit; fifth floor plan shows operating unit and general treatment areas. Section drawing through building shows the multiple stories with elevator shaft.
February 1932
Williams D 5
A Small Opera House
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 37 in x 54 3/4 in
Class A projet.Longitudinal section drawing of opera house shows entrance, lobby, backstage areas, green room, auditorium seating, and stage with curtain and set mechanisms. Transverse section drawing shows arched stage with painted murals, balcony seating, and three levels of walkways. Plan.
circa 1931-1932
Williams D 6
A Suburban Bank
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 3/4 in x 30 1/2 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of the art deco style building shows the building's brick zig-zag facade and elongated decorative panel above doorway . Plan and section drawing show the teller lobby and administrative areas.
circa Autumn 1931
5th year, 1932-1933
Williams D 7
A Planetarium and Aquarium
1 design competition drawing : graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 55 1/4 in x 38 3/4 in
Senior design. Drawing was entered in the 1932 Bebb Prize design competition and awarded "2nd Medal, Placed Fourth."Design drawing includes a rendering/elevation, plans, and section drawing of an aquarium and planetarium building. Rendering/elevation shows the smooth-faced modernist building with domed planetarium and semi-circular exterior stairways and wings extended from either side with sculptures of aquatic life. Two plans show ground level with circular lecture room and square aquarium tanks arranged in a semi-circle around seal pools; upper level plan shows circular planetarium and outdoor terrace. Longitudinal section drawing through building.
circa 1932-1933
Joseph Williams
Williams, Joseph, 1931-1988 (Artist)
Student name as written: Williams.
Joseph L. Williams received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1955. He worked as an architect for several years, and also served as a former commodore of the Seattle Yacht Club, as a founding member of the Seattle Sailing Foundation, and as Chairman of the Maritime Committee for the Washington Centennial Commission. Williams was elected in 1982 as a State Representative (Republican) from the 41st District, where he focused on housing and transportation issues, and the development of the Capitol Campus in Olympia. He was serving his third term as State Representative at the time of his death in 1988.
Junior year, 1952-1953
Williams J 1
Shelter for petroglyphs
1 analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 in x 39 1/2 in
Junior analytique.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a triangular open-sided shelter to cover rocks with carved petroglyphs next to a totem pole. Detail drawings of totem carving and petroglyph rock.
circa Winter 1953
Ruth Williams
Williams, Ruth (Artist)
Alternate name: Ruth Williams Rohrer.
Freshman year, 1936-1937
Williams R 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 20 7/8 in x 14 7/8 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
circa Autumn 1936
Williams R 2
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 21 in x 14 7/8 in
Monochromatic rendering of an elongated window with pediment and balcony set into a stone wall with detail drawings of decorative elements and balcony balustrade. Penciled plan and section drawing.
circa Autumn 1936
Williams R 3
Entrance to a fine arts school
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 18 in x 23 7/8 in
Monochromatic watercolor rendering/elevation of entrance doors to a fine arts school with square relief panels under a simple cornice and framed by a fluted insets. Penciled plan shows stairs with planters on each side; section drawing through entrance shows projection of entrance.
circa 1936-1937
Williams R 4
Ink wash circles:Plate 1
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 18 1/8 in x 12 7/8 in
Freshman drawing exercise of ink wash circles with separated gradations from dark to light.
circa Autumn 1936
Williams R 5
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 14 7/8 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters J, L, M, X, Y, Z.
circa Autumn 1936
Sophomore year, 1937-1938
Williams R 6
Baptistry or sanctuary
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 7/8 in x 40 in
Monochromatic section drawing of the interior of a domed room with font and wall altar with decorative mouldings framing a religious image. Detail drawings of Corinthian capital and pedestal fountain sculpture of a figure with shepherd's crook. Penciled plan and section drawing.
circa 1937-1938
Williams R 7
A Garden Pavilion
Assignment title: Garden pavilion on country estate.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 31 in x 40 1/4 in
Colorful perspective drawing with elevation and section drawing of a brick, circular garden pavilion with high ceilings and floor to ceiling windows with ornamental band under the eave on a terraced site with beach-level entrance. Multiple plans include the garden level plan with garden room attached to a building with kitchen and storage areas, and the beach level plan with locker room, boat garage, and storage room.
circa 1937-1938
Williams R 8
Museum entrance
Assignment title: Entrance to Beebe Marine Museum.
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 5/8 in x 39 7/8 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a museum's entrance shows the entrance portico with outdoor terrace leading to pool of water; three entrance doorways have decorative grille of aquatic life. Detail drawings of iron grille, fluted column, and snail sculpture. Penciled partial plan and section drawing.
circa 1937-1938
Williams R 9
Private nursery or kindergarten
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 40 in x 31 in
Sophomore design project includes a watercolor rendering/elevation, plan, and section drawing of a modernist building with flat roof and offset curved entrance housing children's playroom, naproom, modeling room, and administrative offices. Courtyard behind building has penciled play areas and sandbox and is shown with a walkway leading to small puppet theatre. Longitudinal section drawing through site. Drawing is decorated with animal illustrations
circa 1937-1938
Williams R 10
Tomb in a cliff
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 31 1/4 in x 39 7/8 in
Sophomore design project includes a watercolor rendering/elevation drawing of a tomb in a cliffside setting with large pillars and recessed entrance with relief medallion; plan of entrance; detail drawing of medallion; penciled section drawing.
circa 1937-1938
Williams R 11
Wall fountain with zodiac signs
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 30 7/8 in x 40 in
Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a stone wall with fountain and relief medallions of zodiac signs arranged in a circle between two columns. Detail drawings of fluted column shaf and ram's head medallion. Plan shows fountain basin, pillars, and steps.
circa 1937-1938
George Wimberly
Wimberly, George, 1914-1995 (Artist)
Student name as written: G. Wimberly; G. J. Wimberly.
George "Pete" Wimberly received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1937. Following graduation, he work for a number of firms in Los Angeles. He met Howard J. Cook while serving at Pearl Harbor during World War II, forming a partnership with him as Wimberly & Cook, Hawaii, c.1946-1962, once the war had ended. Notable works by the firm include the Canlis Restaurant in Seattle, which they invited fellow alumni Roland Terry to conceptualize and design, 1950; the Coco Palms Hotel in Kauai, 1953; the Hotel Bora Bora in Tahiti, 1961; and the Sheraton Maui Hotel, 1963.The firm dissolved after the design of the Sheraton Maui, and Wimberly reorganized with Gerald Allison and Gregory Tong under the name Wimberly, Whisenand, Allison & Tong, 1962; later as Wimberly, Whisenand, Allison, Tong & Goo with the addition of George Whisenand and Donald Goo, 1971; and finally as WATG (the initials of Wimberly, Allison, Tong & Goo). The firm's reputation had grown internationally, especially in the South Pacific and Asia. The firm continued as WATG after Pete Wimberly's death. Notable works include the Kona Hilton, 1968; the Sheraton Waikiki, 1971; and the Hyatt Regency Waikiki, 1976.
Junior year, 1934-1935
Wimberly 1
An Aquarium
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 31 in x 39 1/2 in
Class B projet.Rendering/elevation of a rectangular aquarium building with relief sculptures of marine life above the doorways. Plans shows a large, rectangular aquarium in the center of the building, decorative marine pattern on floor, and multiple aquarium tanks along each wall. Section drawings show that the central aquarium has two stories with viewing along the upper and lower levels.
circa 1935
Senior year, 1935-1936
Wimberly 2
A Summer Opera House
1 sketch problem : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with matting ; 29 3/4 in x 23 1/4 in
Senior sketch problem [esquisse-esquisse].Watercolor rendering and waterfront site plan of a semi-circular domed opera house in the modernist style on a landscaped plaza with terrace seating and bandstand opposite the opera house.
circa 1936-1937
Architectural ornamentation class
Wimberly 3
An Enameled Plate
Assignment title: Ceremonial dinner plate.
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor on paper with matting ; 17 3/4 in x 14 1/2 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Design for a blue enamel plate with classical motifs in gold and white.
circa 1934-1936
Wimberly 4
Pompeiian wall
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 21 in x 26 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Painted elevation of a wall with sections, created by painted bands of contrasting color, slender columns, and mouldings. The center section houses a painted scene while the two sections on either side have a small, winged centaur. Ornamental designs across the top of the two flanking panels.
circa 1934-1936
Robert Wohleb
Wohleb, Robert H., 1916-1966 (Artist)
Robert "Bob" Wohleb received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1939. Shortly after graduation, he married and built his own residence, the Robert Wohleb House, c.1939. He joined his father, Joseph Wohleb, in his architecture practice in 1946-1949, and then partnered with him as Wohleb & Wohleb, Olympia, 1949-1958. Together, they designed a number of breweries throughout the United States, including additions to the Olympia Brewery in Tumwater during the 1950s. After his father's death in 1958, Robert continued the firm as Wohleb & Associates until his death from a boating accident in 1966. Notable works include the Olympia City Hall, 1962; and St. Michael's Catholic Church, 1966.
Freshman year, 1934-1935
Wohleb 1
Classical window
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 20 1/2 in x 14 1/2 in
Monochromatic rendering of an elongated window with pediment and balcony set into a stone wall with plan, section drawing, and detail drawings of decorative elements and balcony balustrade.
circa Autumn 1934
Wohleb 2
Vase in niche
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 16 1/2 in x 22 1/4 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of niche in wall with vase framed by Doric columns and open-topped pediment in a garden setting with detail drawings of vase, column base and capital.
circa Spring 1935
William Wohlmacher
Wohlmacher, William E. (Artist)
Student name as written: W. E. Wohlmacher.
William Edward Wohlmacher received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1932.
Freshman year, 1924-1925
Wohlmacher 1
Corinithian pavilion
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 16 in x 23 in
Design/analytique drawing includes an ink rendering/elevation of a rectangular building with arched walkways framed by engaged columns with Corinthian capitals and balustrade along the upper level; section drawing; detail drawings of capital and base, entablature, cornucopia, and other decorative elements.
June 10, 1925
Wohlmacher 2
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 19 1/2 in x 13 1/2 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters Q, L, J, H, U, N
October 27, 1924
5th year, 1931-1932
Wohlmacher 3
A Hospital
Assignment title: Research hospital.
1 design drawing : graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 38 in x 56 3/4 in
Multiple plans for a multi-story hospital show the administrative and employee areas on ground floor; plans for the second floor wards and private rooms on the third floor; fourth floor plan shows maternity and childrens' unit; fifth floor plan shows operating unit and specialist areas. Section drawing through building shows the multiple stories with elevator shaft.
circa Winter 1932
Harry Wolfe
Wolfe, Harry K. (Artist)
Harry Kirke Wolfe received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1930.
Junior year, 1927-1928
Wolfe 1
A Pedestrian Gateway to Cowen Park
Assignment title: Entrance to Cowen Park.
1 design drawing : graphite on paper ; 28 1/2 in x 22 1/2 in
Graphite rendering and plan of a park entrance shows a walkway between two stone pillars; section drawing through pillars.
circa Winter 1928
5th year, 1929-1930
Wolfe 2
A Suburban Cooperative Apartment House
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 1/2 in x 61 7/8 in
Class A IV projet.Design drawing with watercolor elevation of a multi-story apartment building with rooftop peristyle covered with vines on landscaped grounds with semi-circular plaza and small lake. Plot plan the ground floor of building ballroom, lounge, and restaurant, and manicured grounds with tennis courts, showers, playground, pool, and multi-car garage. Smaller plan shows typical floor living quarters. Longitudinal section drawing through the site shows pool and semi-circular fountain plaza.
circa 1929-1930
Wolfe 3
A Zoological Laboratory
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 61 1/2 in x 39 3/4 in
Class A V projet. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts seal indicating the drawing was judged in the national competition.Rendering/elevation of a science and nature museum with front pillars and bison relief. Entrance is attached to a larger, glass-enclosed section of the building housing an aviary. Plan shows administrative and public areas, including library and lecture hall, with walkways between the areas for small mammals, amphibians, reptiles, carnivores, aviary, and quarantine area. Section drawing through the aviary shows underground service areas and interior courtyard.
circa 1929-1930
Frank Wood
Wood, Frank (Artist)
Freshman year
Wood 1
Ink wash circles:Plate 1
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 17 1/2 in x 13 1/2 in
Freshman drawing exercise of ink wash circles with separated gradations from dark to light.
Wood 2
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 17 1/2 in x 13 1/2 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letter V.
Jack Woodmansee
Woodmansee, Jack (Artist)
Jack Woodmansee served as Vice President of Tau Sigma Delta, 1926-1927. He was also the recipient of the Charles H. Bebb Prize in Architecture, 1926-1927, and the scholarship to study at the Fontainebleau School of Fine Arts in France, 1927.
Freshman year, 1924-1925
Woodmansee 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 13 3/4 in x 19 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters O, A, F, I, E, Z.
October 27, 1924
Woodmansee 2
Outdoor theatre
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 38 in x 27 1/2 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a classical style outdoor theatre with two rectangular pillars and an Ionic colonnade along the back of an elevated rectangular stage. Site plan shows the theatre on a circular lawn with perimeter walkway in stone.
circa 1924-1925
Woodmansee 3
Temple of Love
1 design/analytique drawing : ink wash on paper ; 14 1/2 in x 21 1/2 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of circular temple with Ionic columns and sculpture in center. Plan, section drawing, and detail drawings of column, entablature, urn, and other decorative elements.
May 9, 1925
Sophomore year, 1925-1926
Woodmansee 4
A Civic Art Center
1 design drawing : watercolor wash with graphite and ink on stiff paper with cheesecloth backing ; 37 in x 28 3/4 in
Entered in the Bebb Prize design competition. Design was awarded "1st Mention, 3rd Prize" with the note "excellent throughout."Rendering/exterior elevation shows a symmetrical building with decorative frieze. Plan shows locations of exhibition rooms, auditoriums, and ceiling plan. Section drawing shows a square in the center of the building with columns.
November 1, 1926
Junior year, 1926-1927
Woodmansee 5
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 33 1/4 in x 28 3/4 in
Class A projet.Rendering/elevation of courthouse building on water with "There ain't no justice" inscribed above doorway. Penciled plan of building in lower left corner.
circa 1926-1927
Woodmansee 6
A Steamship Office
1 design drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 19 3/4 in x 25 1/4 in
Class B local problem.Rendering/elevation shows the building facade with murals of steamships and maps; plan shows an octagonal rotunda and lobby.
circa Autumn 1926
Senior year, 1927-1928
Woodmansee 7
A Ballroom
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 26 1/2 in x 37 3/4 in
Entered in the Bruce Price Post (Price Prize) design competition. No markings to indicate whether an award was given. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Rendering/elevation of interior showing painted murals, stage, and fountain; plan indicates a hydraulic stage.
circa 1927-1928
Woodmansee 8
Frederick and Nelson "Small House" Competition
1 design drawing : ink on paper ; 28 1/4 in x 21 1/4 in
Design drawing includes exterior elevations of a residence on a sloped site; plan of basement, first, and second floors; and wall section.
circa 1927-1928
Kirk Workman
Workman, Kirk (Artist)
Freshman year
Workman 1
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 19 3/4 in x 14 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letters G, M, D, K, W, N.
Robert Wright
Wright, Robert B. (Artist)
Student name as written: Bob Wright.
Junior year, 1934-1935
Wright 1
An Aquarium
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 31 in x 39 3/4 in
Class B projet.Rendering/elevation of aquarium building exterior with terraced walkways around the perimeter of the building. Plans shows an octagonal lobby around a fountain with decorative marine motifs on floor and aquarium tanks along each outer wall. Section drawings show the two story building with work areas under the terrace.
circa 1935
Senior year, 1935-1936
Wright 2
National film research center and archive
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 60 in
Design drawing includes plot plan, elevation, and longitudinal section drawing for a building with three sections of elongated windows and doors separated by inset walls with statues. Plan shows a semi-circular restaurant and dining terrace connected to a lobby lined on one side with several small theatres and three larger auditoriums shown with approximate seating counts. Walkways extending from back of building lead to film labs and archive vaults.
circa 1935-1936
Walter Wurdeman
Wurdeman, Walter, 1903-1949 (Artist)
Student name as written: W. Wurdeman; Walt Wurdeman.
Walter Charles Wurdeman received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1927. As a student, Wurdeman served as Vice President of Tau Sigma Delta, 1926-1927, and President of the architecture student organization Atelier, 1925-1926. He was also the recipient of the Charles H. Bebb Prize in Architecture, 1924-1925 and 1925-1926; the Tau Sigma Delta Prize in Architecture, 1925-1926; and the AIA Medal for Distinction in Design, 1925-1926.Following graduation, he worked as a Draftsman for Bebb and Gould, and has been considered responsible for the design of the facade of the Seattle Art Museum at Volunteer Park (see note with the Christian Science Church thesis project). He later organized his own architecture practice as Walter C. Wurdeman, Architect, Seattle, 1931-1932. He moved to Los Angeles in 1933 and formed a partnership with Welton Becket and Charles Plummer as Becket, Wurdeman, & Plummer, 1933-1939; the firm continued without Charles Plummer as Wurdeman & Becket, 1939-1949. After Wurdeman's death in 1949, the firm continued as Welton Becket & Associates, 1949-1968.Notable works include the M. Burton Armstrong House, c.1947; the General Petroleum Building in Los Angeles, 1947; the Prudential Square Building in Los Angeles, 1948; and Tilford's Restaurant in Los Angeles, 1946.
Freshman year, 1923-1924
Wurdeman 1
The Doric Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Doric order includes an elevation of the column and entablature; reflected ceiling plan; section drawing through entablature; and detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
circa 1923-1924
Wurdeman 2
Ionic Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 18 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise of the Ionic order includes an elevation of the column and entablature; reflected ceiling plan; section drawing through entablature; and detail drawings of base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
circa 1923-1924
Wurdeman 3
Renaissance colonnade
1 design drawing : graphite on paper ; 23 3/4 in x 17 3/4 in
Drawing exercise of a Doric colonnade includes rendering, plan, section drawings, and elevation showing the base, shaft, capital, and entablature.
circa 1923-1924
Sophomore year, 1924-1925
An Administration Building
Assignment title: College adminsitration Building.
Wurdeman 4a
Drawing 1
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 19 1/2 in x 26 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a Romanesque building with arched entrance, under elongated Venetian arch windows with center belltower and terracotta roof.
March 20, 1925
Wurdeman 4b
Drawing 2
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 19 1/2 in x 26 3/4 in
Multiple plans and section drawing shows multiple levels of an administrative building with memorial lobby and administrative offices on two floors.
circa Winter 1925
Junior year, 1925-1926
Wurdeman 5
A Cenotaph
1 design drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 38 1/2 in x 29 1/2 in
Note: This project was typically assigned during the Junior year of study; the 1923 date written on the drawing is believed to be incorrect and possibly added at a later date.
Entered in the Bebb Prize design competition and received awards for "1st Prize" and "2nd Medal."Cenotaph in a wooded park with plan, elevations from the front and back, and detail drawing of the lettering.
circa 1925-1926
Wurdeman 6
A Spring House in the Cascades
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 33 1/4 in x 22 in
Class B projet.Monochromatic rendering/elevation of a spring house with arched windows and terra cotta roof. Plan shows the circular design with fountain. Section drawing shows interior domed roof.
circa Spring 1925
Senior year, 1926-1927
Christian Science Church
Following graduation, Wurdeman worked for the Seattle architecture firm of Bebb & Gould, who are responsible for the design of the Seattle Art Museum in Volunteer Park. Wurdeman's Christian Science Church thesis project, as shown in these drawings, bears a resemblance to the building's art moderne design and construction in 1933 and may have been used in conceptualizing the facade.
Wurdeman 7a
Drawing 1
1 design/thesis drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite, colored pencil, and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 27 3/4 in x 34 1/2 in
Rendering/perspective of church with octagonal rotunda, stained glass, and colonnaded walkway.
June 1, 1927
Wurdeman 7b
Drawing 2:Thesis - A Christian Science Church
1 design/thesis drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite, colored pencil, and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 33 in x 22 3/4 in
Ground floor plan shows the auditorium, sunday school, organ room. Section drawing reveals the basement level and the ornanately decorated ground floor auditorium with Corinthian columns and stained glass windows under a concave ceiling.
June 1, 1927
Wurdeman 7c
Drawing 3:Rendered study - Thesis
1 design/thesis drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 24 1/2 in x 33 1/2 in
Rendering/perspective of church with octagonal rotunda, contrasting bands of stone, vertical channels of stained glass, ornamental relief along upper edges, and colonnaded walkway extended from side of building.
June 1, 1927
Wurdeman 7d
Drawing 4:Rendered study
1 design/thesis drawing : gouache/watercolor withink on paper ; 22 7/8 in x 33 1/4 in
Plan of the church shows the ornate tile pattern in the rotunda, and the location of reading rooms, organ room, director's room, and committee rooms.
June 1, 1927
Residence on an island
Two drawings in Wurdeman's senior design/thesis.
Wurdeman 8a
Drawing 1
1 design/thesis drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 36 1/2 in x 23 1/4 in
Site plan with residence plan on a terraced site overlooking tennis court, fountain pool, and formal gardens.
circa 1926-1927
Wurdeman 8b
Drawing 2
1 design/thesis drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 14 in x 24 1/2 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a single-story residence with colonnaded entrance with ornamentation, grille, and sculpture niches; symmetrical wings with arched windows; and terra cotta roof.
circa 1926-1927
Wurdeman 9
Brewery Scene, East Chicago
1 freehand drawing : graphite on paper ; 12 in x 9 1/2 in
Freehand drawing of a city alley that runs along the back of a brick building with barrels stored outside. The image looks down the alley as it crosses under a series of vaulted bridges. Handwritten note indicates the scene was drawn from a photo.
circa 1922-1927
Minoru Yamasaki
Yamasaki, Minoru, 1912-1986 (Artist)
Minoru Yamasaki received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1934; and continued his studies at New York University while working as an instructor of watercolor painting at New York University, 1935-1936 . Following graduation, he worked as a Draftsman for Githens & Keally, New York, 1937-1943; as a Designer for Harrison and Fouilhoux, New York, 1943-1944; as Designer for Raymond Loewy Associates, New York, 1944-1945; and as an Instructor of Architectural Design at Columbia University, 1943-1945.Yamasaki left New York in 1945 for Detroit, where he worked as Chief Architectural Designer, Smith, Hinchman and Grylls, Detroit, 1945-1949; before opening his own practice as Minoru Yamasaki & Associates, Troy, Michigan, 1949-1986. Notable works include the United States Consulate in Kobe, Japan, 1955; the United States Hall of Science Pavilion [Pacific Science Center] for the Seattle World's Fair, 1962; the IBM Building in Seattle, 1964; the Century Plaza Hotel, 1966, and Century Plaza Towers in Los Angeles, 1975; the Rainier Tower [Rainier Bank Tower] in Seattle, 1977; and the World Trade Center in New York, 1974.
Sophomore year, 1930-1931
Yamasaki 1
Gateway to an Artillery School
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercoor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 23 in x 28 1/4 in
Watercolor analytique provides a rendering/elevation of the entrance gateway to an artillery school. The large stone arch is flanked by two pillars supporting an arch with coat of arms relief and tympanum with soldier relief over doorway. The arch is attached to a wall with pedestrian entrance and window niche on either side of the pillars. Penciled along the side is a section drawing through the arch and plan of the gateway.
March 15, 1931
Senior year, 1932-1933
Yamasaki 2
A Planetarium and An Aquarium
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with charcoal, graphite, and ink wash on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 59 1/4 in x 38 1/2 in
Senior design. Drawing was entered in the 1932 Bebb Prize design competition.Rendering/elevation of planetarium and aquarium building exterior. Plans show terrace, lecture hall, seating plans and aquarium pools. Section drawing through the planetarium.
circa 1932-1933
5th year, 1933-1934
Yamasaki 3
American embassy in Soviet Russia
1 design drawing : watercolor wash with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 1/4 in x 30 1/2 in
Longitudinal section drawing thought the entrance vestibule reveals murals on the second floor and provides an exterior elevation of the building from the courtyard with decorative grille doorways and porthole windows. Ground floor plan shows public areas and administrative areas.
circa Autumn 1933
Yamasaki 4
Architecture building for the University of Washington
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 30 3/4 in x 39 1/2 in
Inscribed on front of drawing: This is a design for the proposed Architecture building to be built on the University of Washington campus. The site chosen for this particular design is the head of the Liberal Arts Quadrangle beween the Education and the Home Economics buildings.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a multi-story stone and brick building with arched windows along ground floor and brick inlay pattern on upper levels. Plans show the building with a circular judgement hall flanked by two wings housing administrative and student areas, library, lecture hall, and second floor draughting room. Section drawing shows the three levels of the building.
June 24, 1934
Yamasaki 5
A County Courthouse
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 38 3/4 in x 30 3/4 in
Class A I projet.Rendering/elevation of courthouse building and American Legion memorial auditorium. Site plan shows the building grounds and ground floors of the courthouse and attached auditorium. Section drawing and two additional plans show the multiple levels of the courthouse portion of the building.
November 4, 1933
John Yates
Yates, John (Artist)
Inscribed name: J. Yates.
John Ronald Yates received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1958.
Junior year, 1955-1956
An Observation Platform - Gatty Falls
Grade II analytique.
Yates 1a
Drawing 1
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 30 in x 39 3/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a site for an observation platform with three structures in the modernist style with stone exterior and flat-roof. The site has two buildings adjacent to each other on a plaza enclosed by an open-sided observation shelter with stone wall. Plan shows the layout of the site, while a section drawing indicates restrooms in the main building.
Autumn 1955
Yates 1b
Drawing 2:Gatty Falls
1 analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 31 1/4 in x 41 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a site for an observation platform with three structures in the modernist style with stone exterior and flat-roof. The site has two buildings adjacent to each other on a plaza enclosed by an open-sided observation shelter with stone wall. Detail drawings of stone and wooden framing.
Autumn 1955
Allen Yeats
Yeats, Allen (Artist)
Allen M. Yeats was enrolled as a student at the University of Washington in 1938. His name is listed in the Garden of Remembrance memorial at Benaroya Hall and the Interrupted Journey World War II memorial on the University of Washington campus in memory of those who died in combat or in direct support of allied forces during World War II.
Freshman year, 1938-1939
Yeats 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 21 in x 15 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
circa 1938-1939
Edward Young
Young, Edward M. (Artist)
Sophomore year, 1929-1930
Young E 1
A Private Chapel
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 1/2 in x 39 3/4 in
Class B IV analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Monochromatic rendering of an altar in a private chapel shows a religious figure with carved cross in front atop a marble base supported by columns; elevation drawing shows the altar centered in the vaulted front wall of the chapel. Elevation drawing of side wall shows stained glass window, pilasters, and lettered frieze. Detail drawing of lettering and stained glass window; plan.
circa 1929
Young E 2
Romanesque museum
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 31 in x 40 1/2 in
First sophomore project.Watercolor rendering/elevation of a rectangular stone building in the Romanesque style. Building has an entrance in the center of three colonnade arches, decorative relief and cornice, and statues in alcoves flanking each side of the entrance. Detail drawing of carved stones; plan and section drawing reveal a narrow lobby and main exhibition areas with smaller rooms bordering each side leading to a colonnaded courtyard.
circa Spring 1930
Young E 3
A Triumphal Arch
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 1/2 in x 39 3/4 in
Class B III analytique. Stamped with Society of Beaux Arts Architects seal indicating the design was judged in the national competition.Rendering of a stone triumphal arch, set in a wall, with frieze of Olympic athletes, inscription, decorative arch atop pilasters, and large sculptures of athletes in alcoves on either side of the arch. Detail drawings of the pilaster with carved capitol, acroterion, and lettering. Plan and section drawing in lower corners.
circa 1929-1930
William Young
Young, William H., Jr (Artist)
Student name as written: Wm. H. Young Jr.
William H. Young, Jr. received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1932.
Freshman year, 1927-1928
Young W 1
Arch with graded wash
1 drawing exercise : ink wash on paper ; 21 1/2 in x 15 3/4 in
Freshman drawing exercise of a stone arch with watercolor wash to show gradations in shadow and texture.
March 15, 1927
Senior year, 1930-1931
Young W 2
An Island Prison
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 39 1/2 in x 61 1/2 in
Class A V projet.Exterior elevation and site plan of a multi-story prison with central control tower and two angled wings. Site plan shows the island location of the prison with guards at each corner, industrial building area and includes the building's ground floor dining hall, auditorium, hospital, gymnasium, and chapels. Second floor plan shows prisoners' cells. Section drawing through building and control tower.
circa 1930-1931
Ytredal, Harold
See also: Ytterdal, Harold.
Harold Ytterdal
Ytterdal, Harold, 1906-1986 (Artist)
Alternate spelling: Harold Ytredal.Student name as written: H. Ytterdal.
Harold Ytterdal received his B.Arch from the University of Washington in 1931. Following graduation, he worked for Richard Lytel, Seattle, 1933-1935; John T. Jacobsen, Seattle, 1936-1938; Victor N. Jones, Seattle, 1947-1948; Naramore, Bain, Brady & Johanson [NBBJ], Seattle, 1948-1958; J. Lister Holmes, Seattle, 1950-1951; Lowell V. Casey, 1951-1952; Mallis & DeHart, Seattle, 1952-1953; George Bolotin, Seattle, 1955-1956. Later career unknown.
Junior year, 1929-1930
Ytredal 1
A Footbridge in a Public Park
1 sketch problem : charcoal and gouache/watercolor on paper ; 15 1/2 in x 20 1/2 in
Watercolor rendering of a stone arch footbridge with balustrade rail.
January 23, 1930
Ytredal 2
A Private Skating Rink
1 design drawing : charcoal and watercolor wash with colored pencil on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 30 1/2 in x 39 3/4 in
Charcoal and watercolor elevation of a brick building in wooded area. Plans include the plot plan, ground plan, and combined roof/2nd floor plan showing the rink; section drawing through side of building.
November 19, 1929
Ytredal 3
A small chapel for 150 people
1 design drawing : charcoal with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 29 1/2 in x 38 1/2 in
Inscribed on drawing: The last Junior project of Harold Ytterdal.Charcoal and graphite rendering with plan of a stone chapel on water with stairway. Partial section drawing emphasizes the building's structure while revealing vaulted ceilings and windows.
June 7, 1930

Student name unknownReturn to Top

Drawings in this series have no indication of the student who completed the work. Drawings have been sub-divided by decade based on the dates that similar assignments in this collection were completed.

Container(s) Description Dates
Unknown 1
Classical vase in niche 1
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 23 in x 16 1/4 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering of niche with vase framed by Doric columns and entablature in a garden setting with detail drawings of vase, acroterion, entablature, and other decorative elements; section drawing.
March 18, 1924
Fraternity house
This project is believed to be a senior-level design/thesis project with two sheets.
Unknown 2a
Drawing 1
1 design/thesis drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 34 1/4 in x 24 in
Believed to be senior design/thesis project.Rendering and plan of a stone-exterior building with prominent chimney, gabled roof, and half-timbered upper level. Plan shows the first floor with great hall, music room, dining room, and outdoor sunken garden.
late 1920s
Unknown 2b
Drawing 2
1 design/thesis drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 34 1/2 in x 23 3/4 in
Believed to be senior design/thesis project.Section drawing through the building shows the great hall, guest rooms, and study rooms. Multiple plans show the living areas on the basement level, second floor, and third floor.
late 1920s
Unknown 3
Gladding McBean Terra Cotta Company California
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 15 in x 38 1/4 in
Possibly entered in the Gladding McBean Terra Cotta Competition. Rendering/elevation of a terracotta plant with multiple chimneys and illuminated sign.
circa 1925
Unknown 4
Lettering exercise
1 drawing exercise : ink with graphite on paper ; 16 1/2 in x 12 3/4 in
Freshman lettering exercise of Roman inscription capital letter V.
circa 1925
Unknown 5
Municipal Airport
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 38 3/4 in x 28 in
Possibly entered in the Bebb Prize design competition.Rendering/elevation of building facade shows a stone building with art deco elements. The building's entrance is marked by a front portico protecting three entranceways with decorative grilles. Plans include the ground floor passenger and administrative areas, lower level baggage handling, and a partial view of exterior areas. Section drawing shows interior lobby and railroad connection.
circa 1928-1929
Unknown 6
Office or apartment building
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 36 in x 28 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a multi-story building with rooftop garden with colonnade. Section drawing through building shows stairway.
circa 1925
Unknown 7
Roman Doric Order
1 drawing exercise : ink on paper ; 20 in x 14 3/4 in
Pen and ink drawing exercise includes an elevation of a doorway with fanlight and side windows framed by Doric columns, entablature, and pediment; plan of entrance; and detail drawings of column base, capital, and entablature.
circa 1925
Unknown 8
Romanesque entrance and loggia
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 33 1/4 in x 24 1/4 in
Watercolor rendering/elevation of a three-story building with two stories of arched windows with relief ornamentation and arched doorway opening with windows. Detail drawing of arch with ornamentation.
circa 1923
Unknown 9
Service station
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 32 1/2 in x 26 in
Entered in the Terra Cotta Competition.Watercolor rendering/elevation of an automobile service station. Site plan shows the triangular building with attached offices on a triangular site with bays on each side of the building and stations for air and water.
circa 1923
Unknown 10
A Steamship Ticket Office
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper with cheesecloth backing ; 23 1/4 in x 30 in
Class B local problem. Junior project. Initialed W. N. on the front of drawing.Longitudinal section drawing shows a row of ticketing clerks and iron cashier's cage with arched painted murals of steamships and destinations against rear wall and stairway to passenger lounges. Plan shows lobby, executive offices, and lounges for first and second class passengers.
circa Autumn 1926
Unknown 11
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor on paper ; 26 1/4 in x 10 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Painted panel with flowering vine motif and cornucopia on pedestal base.
circa 1935
Unknown 12
New capitol in Rome: monument to Fascism
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 38 1/4 in x 56 1/4 in
5th year design.Watercolor site plan shows wide plaza with towered building at one end and smaller tower at the opposite side. Unornamented buildings with terracotta roofs line the plaza and a bridge leads to a smaller plaza with stairs to river and landscaped gardens. Section drawing through plaza and bridge.
circa 1935-1936
Unknown 13
Lobby for Bank and Office Building
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 30 in x 39 3/4 in
Sophomore design.Design drawing includes two section drawings and plan of the lobby of a bank building. The lobby has tiled walls with rectangular stone columns and elevator wings near the entrance. The lobby is divided by decorative window and door panels with gridded panes decorated with lion motif and connected rectangles.
Unknown 14
Pompeiian wall
1 ornament class project : gouache/watercolor on illustration board ; 20 3/4 in x 25 1/4 in
Architectural ornamentation class project.Painted elevation of a wall in contrasting colors with a painted bird in a heightened center section framed by slender columns wrapped in vines.
circa 1935
Unknown 15
Shrine and cemetery in the mountains
1 design drawing : charcoal and gouache/watercolor with ink on paper ; 57 1/2 in x 40 in
Senior design.Charcoal rendering of a mountain worship site with hilltop cemetery overlooking reflective water and cliff with cross relief; drawing of religious figure.
circa Spring 1936
Unknown 16
An Architect's Office
1 drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite, colored pencil, and ink on paper ; 30 in x 38 3/4 in
Design drawing includes a perspective drawing of the facade and entrance, plan, and multiple section and elevation drawings of of a modernist building with flat roof, windowed entrance portico, and front courtyard. Windowed drafting room extended along the side of the courtyard has an upwards angled roof. Plan shows the entrance lobby with display area and architect's office and studio extended to the back. Drawing room, print storage and restrooms are accessed from a corridor off the entrance lobby.
Winter 1947
Unknown 17
Suggested assignment title: Hermitage.
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 39 3/4 in x 30 3/4 in
Sophomore design.Watercolor rendering and elevation of a stone, walled church complex on a hilltop setting. Plan shows a square chapel and an attached building with living areas. Section drawing shows two levels of the complex on the sloped site, with the church on the upper level and housing areas on the lower level.
circa 1940-1942
Unknown 18
Niche with vase
1 design/analytique drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite on paper ; 23 in x 17 1/4 in
Freshman analytique.Monochromatic rendering/elevation with penciled plan and section drawing of wall niche with vase framed by double sets of Doric columns with detail drawings of vase, balustrade, entablature, column, and arch stones.
circa 1939-1940
Unknown 19
Orthodox synagogue and community center
1 design drawing : gouache/watercolor with graphite and ink on paper ; 39 in x 55 1/2 in
Senior or 5th year assignment.Watercolor rendering/elevation of of a smooth-faced synagogue with dome and stained glass Star of David and two Moorish arches on either side with stairway. Plot plan shows the triangular site with outdoor terrace, synagogue, rabbi's office, and classrooms. Exterior elevation shows the sloped site and courtyard-facing wall. Section drawing through synagogue.
circa 1941-1942