

Finding Aids

7 finding aids

Overlook Woman's Improvement Club records, 1905-1964

Repository: Oregon Historical Society Research Library

Abstract: The Overlook Woman's Improvement Club was founded in 1913. It worked for the improvement of the Overlook District in Portland, Oregon, and cooperated in civic and philanthropic movements until 1964, when it was dissolved. Records include committee reports, the club's constitution and bylaws, agendas, correspondence, minutes, and resolutions. Materials also include yearbooks, directories and documentation of other women's clubs, and information relating to the club's involvement in and sponsorship of various community activities.

Tuesday Afternoon Club records, circa 1900-1962

Repository: Oregon Historical Society Research Library

Abstract: The Tuesday Afternoon Club was a gardening club in Portland, Oregon. It was dissolved in 1963. Collection includes constitution; pamphlets; membership lists; papers regarding club activities; papers regarding the Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs, the General Federation of Women's Clubs, and the Portland Federation of Women's Organizations; a guest book; and minute books.

Lucia S. Fear papers, 1882-1913

Repository: Oregon Historical Society Research Library

Abstract: Papers and family photographs of Lucia S. Fear (1862-1957). Fear was born in 1862 in Kansas, and worked as a lawyer there in the early 1880s. She and her family later moved to Portland, Oregon, where she participated in the Mazamas climb of Mt. Hood in 1894 and was a member of the Portland Woman's Club.

Leona Weatherford papers, circa 1949-1968

Repository: Oregon Historical Society Research Library

Abstract: Collection includes correspondence, speeches, reports, and pamphlets regarding Leona Weatherford's involvement in the conservation movement and women's clubs in Oregon. Weatherford was president of the Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs and chair of the Conservation of Natural Resources Department of the General Federation of Women's Clubs.

Oregon State University Folk Club Records, 1908-2014

Repository: Oregon State University Libraries, Special Collections and Archives Research Center

Abstract: The Oregon State University Folk Club Records contain records pertaining to the group's charitable and social activities, and general records including annual reports, constitutions and bylaws, correspondence, meeting minutes, newsletters, news clippings, statements of policies and guidelines, and yearbooks. Also included in the collection are series documenting the establishment, activities, and membership of the Newcomers Club - a "department" of the Folk Club for those new to Corvallis and the OSU community - and the Thrift Shop of OSU Folk Club, which was established in 1949. Originally formed as the College Folk Club in 1908, the name was changed to the OSU Folk Club in 1972.

Saidie Orr Dunbar diaries, 1923-1958

Repository: University of Oregon Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives

Abstract: Saidie Orr Dunbar (1889-1960) was a social worker and active member of numerous health and welfare organizations. The collection consists of Dunbar's daily diaries.

Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs records, 1993-1999

Repository: Oregon Historical Society Research Library

Abstract: Records of the Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs from the 1990s and scrapbooks of the Oswego Woman's Club.

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