

Finding Aids

1 finding aid

C.E. Johnson photograph collection, 1860-1920

Repository: Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives Division

Abstract: Photo albums, cabinet portrait photos, glass lantern slides, a 1901 souvenir album made of albertypes, stereoviews, and a scrapbook from 1893 and 1896. The albums include photographs of Ute Indians (studio portraits), islands of the Great Salt Lake, Saltair and Garfield resorts, LDS Church officials, and Salt Lake City views. The cabinet portrait photos are from the Sainsbury & Johnson Co. Studio. Some of these are of actors and actresses in the Salt Lake Theater but the majority are probably Salt Lake City residents. The glass lantern slides include actors, singers, and celebrities, as well as various landscapes in California that Johnson visited, and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Tour in 1902. The 1901 Salt Lake City souvenir album is made of albertypes from photographs by Johnson. The stereoviews include risque, burlesque and artistic nude images of women plus a few miscellaneous views of animals, children, and flowers. The scrapbook was compiled by Johnson while he attended the 1893 Chicago World's Fair with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir tour of 1896, and includes newspaper clippings, brochures, tickets, programs, and correspondence.

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