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Material Type: Cabinet photographs.





Finding Aids

11 finding aids

C.E. Johnson photograph collection, 1860-1920

Repository: Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives Division

Abstract: Photo albums, cabinet portrait photos, glass lantern slides, a 1901 souvenir album made of albertypes, stereoviews, and a scrapbook from 1893 and 1896. The albums include photographs of Ute Indians (studio portraits), islands of the Great Salt Lake, Saltair and Garfield resorts, LDS Church officials, and Salt Lake City views. The cabinet portrait photos are from the Sainsbury & Johnson Co. Studio. Some of these are of actors and actresses in the Salt Lake Theater but the majority are probably Salt Lake City residents. The glass lantern slides include actors, singers, and celebrities, as well as various landscapes in California that Johnson visited, and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Tour in 1902. The 1901 Salt Lake City souvenir album is made of albertypes from photographs by Johnson. The stereoviews include risque, burlesque and artistic nude images of women plus a few miscellaneous views of animals, children, and flowers. The scrapbook was compiled by Johnson while he attended the 1893 Chicago World's Fair with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir tour of 1896, and includes newspaper clippings, brochures, tickets, programs, and correspondence.

Claridge family photograph collection,, 1807-1989

Repository: Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives Division

Abstract: Around 290 photographs (mainly portraits), 10" x 14" and smaller, which include some historic formats such as cartes-de-visite and cabinet card portraits. Most of the photos are copy prints and there are a handful of color prints. Collectively these images chronicle the Claridge family from the 1870's until the 1980's.

Whitney Smith photograph collection, 1860-1960

Repository: Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives Division

Abstract: 525 cartes-de-visite, cabinet cards, studio portraits, photo-postcards, and snapshots, from the 1860s to 1960s, of the Smith and Whitney Families (including vacations to Saltair, Bryce Canyon National Park, and Yellowstone National Park), sketches by Charles S. Whitney, and early Mormon Church leaders such as John Henry Smith.

G. Herbert Root Photograph Collection, circa 1891 - 1936

Repository: Oregon State University Libraries, Special Collections and Archives Research Center

Abstract: The G. Herbert Root Photograph Collection consists primarily of photographs of Oregon Agricultural College (OAC) students, athletes, and faculty. The images were acquired by Root, who attended OAC in the early 1900s and was captain of the 1905 football team. Images from this collection have been digitized and are available in Oregon Digital .

Kerr family collection, 1816-1968

Repository: Oregon Historical Society Research Library

Abstract: This collection contains photographs, papers, and diaries pertaining to the Peter and Laurie King Kerr family and the Thomas and Mabel Macleay Kerr family of Portland, Oregon. The bulk of the photographs were taken at Peter Kerr's Elk Rock estate in Portland and on various family trips. The diaries and papers include Peter Kerr's diaries, a scrapbook, a letterpress copybook and a diary and letters by Mrs. Lucretia Colton.

Bullen Family Photographs,, 1860-1970

Repository: Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives Division

Abstract: The Bullen Family Collection consists of approximately 764 black and white prints. Included are unidentified and identified portraits of the Bullen Family, prints related to the Promontory-Curlew Land Company, KVNU radio, Utah State University, family vacations and Utah politics.

French family album,, 1860-1930

Repository: Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives Division

Abstract: Seventy-three photographs, including cartes-de-visite, cabinet cards, and postcards from a family album. Most of the portraits are unidentified, although several are members of the French family, who apparently lived in St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada. Other photographs were taken in Canada or the Midwest including Menominee and Fond du Lac in Wisconsin, and Chicago, Illinois. Others indicate Portland, Oregon as their place of origin. The photographs were removed from the album for preservation reasons but have been kept in their original order.

Mormon immigrant portrait collection, 1850-1920

Repository: Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives Division

Abstract: 182 portrait photographs; consisting of cartes-de-visite (6.5 cm. x 10.5 cm.) and cabinet cards (16.5 cm. x 11 cm.), plus a few postcards. Most of the immigrants pictured are Danish, Swedish, or Norwegian converts to the LDS Church, while others were taken in Utah, and may be members of the LDS missions to those countries. Some of the portraits are unidentified and are listed by photographer. Several studio portraits in the collection were taken by H. Maartmann (Christiania, Norway).

Kuykendall Family Collection, circa 1850-2005

Repository: Oregon Historical Society Research Library

Abstract: Papers, photographs, ephemera, and genealogical materials of the Kuykendall family of Eugene and Portland, Oregon. Also contains materials of related families, including the Hemenway family of Eugene, and the Hale family of Portland. Includes 1874 diary of John Kuykendall while working on the Klamath Indian reservation; his1876 diary when living in Santa Rosa, California; and papers and photographs of Helene Kuykendall Deadman.

Ray Stout Photograph Collection, 1895-1940

Repository: Oregon State University Libraries, Special Collections and Archives Research Center

Abstract: The Ray Stout Photograph Collection consists of portrait photographs of Oregon Agricultural College (OAC) students and faculty assembled by Stout during his student years at OAC in the 1900s. Stout graduated from OAC in 1905 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering.

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