Dallas Chase Papers, 1991-2004

Overview of the Collection

Dallas Chase Papers
1991-2004 (inclusive)
2.75 linear feet, (4 boxes)
Collection Number
MSS 227
The Dallas Chase Papers contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, organizational literature, and other papers, written or collected by Chase, relating to gay rights issues and public controversies in Boise, Idaho, particularly Proposition One, the "anti-gay initiative," which was defeated in a statewide referendum in 1994. Includes materials from both pro-gay and anti-gay rights organizations, including the Idaho Citizens Alliance and Idaho Christian Coalition, and material relating to the campaign in 1999 to prevent Idaho Public Television from broadcasting gay-related programs.
Boise State University Library, Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
1910 University Drive
Boise ID
Telephone: 2084263990
Access Restrictions

Collection is available for research.


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Dallas Chase is a lesbian activist of Boise, Idaho who was involved in Your Family, Friends, and Neighbors, the No on One campaign and organizing the first Gay Pride Parade.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The Dallas Chase Papers contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, organizational literature, and other papers, written or collected by Chase, relating to gay rights issues and public controversies in Boise, Idaho, particularly Proposition One, the "anti-gay initiative," which was defeated in a statewide referendum in 1994. Includes materials from both pro-gay and anti-gay rights organizations, including the Idaho Citizens Alliance and Idaho Christian Coalition, and material relating to the campaign in 1999 to prevent Idaho Public Television from broadcasting gay-related programs.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

[item description], Dallas Chase Papers, Box [number] Folder [number], Boise State University Special Collections and Archives.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Gift of Dallas Chase, 2004.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1 Proposition 1: Correspondence 1993-1994
1 2 Proposition 1: Writings by Dallas Chase 1993-1994
1 3 Proposition 1: Correspondence: South Idaho Press 1992
1 4 Proposition 1: Legal Opinions: ACLU of Idaho 1993
1 5 Proposition 1: Correspondence of Others 1993-1994
1 6 Proposition 1: Writings: Analysis of Religious Opinion Editorials 1993
1 7 Proposition 1: Legal Opinions: Initiative Review Committee 1993
1 8 Proposition 1: Legal Opinions: Attorney General (Idaho) 1993
1 9 Proposition 1: Organizations: Citizens for Truth Town Meeting 1993
1 10 Proposition 1: Organizations: Don't Sign On 1993-1994
1 11 Proposition 1: Organizations: Eastern Idaho for Equality
1 12 Proposition 1: Organizations: Idaho Christian Coalition: Leadership Training Conference 1993
1 13 Proposition 1: Idaho Citizens Alliance: Articles of Incorporation, etc. 1993-1995
1 14 Proposition 1: Idaho Citizens Alliance: Leadership Manual
1 15 Proposition 1: Organizations: Idaho Christian Coalition Foundation: Articles 1995
1 16 Proposition 1: Organizations: No On One Coalition
1 17 Proposition 1: Idaho Citizens Alliance: Press Conference Transcripts 1992-1993
1 18 Proposition 1: Organizations: Idaho Women's Network 1993
1 19 Proposition 1: Organizations: Idaho for Human Dignity
1 20 Proposition 1: Organizations: Idaho for Human Dignity: Newsletters 1994
1 21 Proposition 1: Organizations: Speak Out Idaho 1993-1994
1 22 Proposition 1: Organizations: Against Prop 1 (miscellaneous)
1 23 Proposition 1: Organizations: For Prop 1 (miscellaneous)
1 24 Proposition 1: Organizations: Decline to Sign 1995
1 25 Proposition 1: Defending Human Rights Conference: Schedules, Notes 1993
1 26 Proposition 1: Defending Human Rights Conference: Idaho Materials
1 27 Proposition 1: Defending Human Rights Conference: Oregon Speak Out Materials (1)
1 28 Proposition 1: Defending Human Rights Conference: Oregon Speak Out Materials (2)
1 29 Proposition 1: Defending Human Rights Conference: Source Material (1)
1 30 Proposition 1: Defending Human Rights Conference: Source Material (2)
1 31 Proposition 1: "The Covert Crusade" 1993
1 32 Proposition 1: Fight the Right 1992 Action Kit 1990-1993
1 33 Proposition 1: "The Gay Agenda" News Articles
1 34 Proposition 1: Colorado Amendment
1 35 Proposition 1: Oregon Ballot Measure
1 36 Proposition 1: Oregon Ballot Measure: "The Oregon Perspective…"
1 37 Proposition 1: Washington
1 38 Proposition 1: Source Materials, Miscellaneous
2 1 The Use Movement: Sources and Strategies of the Wise Use Movement 1993
2 2 State of Washington: News Articles and Correspondence 1993-1994
2 3 Correspondence and News Articles 1993-1994
2 4 LGBTQ News: Articles 1992-1993
2 5 LGBTQ News: Articles and Correspondence 1992-1993
2 6 LGBTQ News: Articles and Correspondence 1993
2 7 LGBTQ News: Articles and Correspondence 1993
2 8 LGBTQ News: Articles and Correspondence 1993
2 9 LGBTQ News: Articles and Correspondence 1994
2 10 LGBTQ News: Articles and Correspondence 1994
2 11 LGBTQ News: Articles and Correspondence 1994
2 12 LGBTQ News: Articles and Correspondence 1994
2 13 LGBTQ News: Undated Articles 1992-1994
2 14 No on One: News Articles 1993
2 15 Child Sexual Abuse: News Articles
2 16 Christian Right in Oregon Politics
2 17 Photograph of Anti-Gay Banner: 1994 Idaho Gay Pride Parade 1994
2 1 1991 Gay/Lesbian Freedom Parade, VHS Tape (Corresponds to Folder 1) 1991-1992
2 2 Three Lesbians Visit Meridian High School, VHS Tape (Corresponds to Folder 2) 1992-1993
2 3 1992-1993 Gay/Lesbian Freedom Parades, VHS Tape (Corresponds to Folder 3) 1992-1993
2 4 Anti-Gay Propaganda and Rebuttals, VHS Tape (Corresponds to Folder 17)
2 5 Press Conferences and News Report, VHS Tape 1993-1996
2 Radio Interview with Idaho Citizens Alliance, Cassette 1993
2 Radio Interview with Idahoans for Human Dignity, Cassette 1993
3 1 1991 Gay Pride Parade: Articles and Videos (Corresponds to VHS 1) 1991
3 2a Meridian High School Controversy: Articles and Video (Corresponds to VHS 2) 1992
3 2b Meridian High School Controversy: Articles and Video (Corresponds to VHS 2) 1992
3 3 1992-1993 Pride Parades: Articles and Video (Corresponds to VHS 3) 1992-1993
3 4a Kelly Walton Campaign and LGBTQ News: Articles 1994-1996
3 4b Kelly Walton Campaign and LGBTQ News: Articles 1994-1996
3 5 Death of Brian Bergquist: Articles and Correspondence 1998-1999
3 6 Matthew Shepherd Murder and Malicious Harrassment Law: Articles 1998-1999
3 7 Censorship Campaign, Nampa Public Library: Articles and Correspondence 1999
3 8 2000 Idaho Primary Election: Articles and Correspondence 2000
3 9 2004 Anti-Gay Idaho Constitutional Amendment: Articles and Correspondence 2004
3 10 Ten Commandments Monument: Articles and Correspondence 2003-2004
3 11 Religious Right Extremism: Articles and Correspondence 1992-2004
3 12a Religious Right Extremist Dennis Mansfield: Articles and Correspondence 1993-2004
3 12b Religious Right Extremist Dennis Mansfield: Articles and Correspondence 1993-2003
3 13 Religious Right Extremist Bryan Fischer: Articles and Correspondence 1993-2003
3 14a Wayne Kidwell Idaho Supreme Court Justice Campaign: Articles and Correspondence 1998-1999
3 14b Religious Right Extremist Gary Glenn: Articles and Correspondence 1998-2001
3 14c David Ripley, Bill Sali, and Other Religious Right Extremism: Articles and Correspondence 1993-2004
3 15a 1999 Idaho Public Television Censorship Campaign and News: Articles and Correspondence 1999-2002
3 15b 1999 Idaho Public Television Censorship Campaign and News: Articles and Correspondence 1999
3 15c 1999 Idaho Public Television Censorship Campaign and News: Articles and Correspondence 2000
3 16 Legislative Packets and Correspondence 1992-1994
3 17 "The Gay Agenda" Origin: Articles and Video (Corresponds to VHS 4) 1993
4 1 LGBTQ News: Oversized Articles 1992-1994
Map Case drawer
9037 10 Poster by Long Valley Branch American Association of University Women