Fort Douglas photograph collection, 1859-1991

Overview of the Collection

Fort Douglas photograph collection
1859-1991 (inclusive)
1.6 linear feet, (4 boxes)
Collection Number
The Fort Douglas photograph collection reflects the rich history of the Post including early images of Fort Douglas architecture, commanders and soldiers. Camp Douglas (renamed Fort Douglas in 1878) was established in October 1862 by Colonel Patrick E. Connor and his soldiers from the 3rd Regiment California Volunteer Infantry, sometimes called the California-Nevada Volunteers. By 1866, the Volunteers had all been discharged and replaced by army regulars from the 18th infantry. Captain David B. Stover, to whom this album was presented, was post quartermaster from 1863-1866.
University of Utah Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library
University of Utah
295 South 1500 East
Salt Lake City, UT

Telephone: 8015818863
Access Restrictions

Twenty-four hour advanced notice encouraged. Materials must be used on-site. Access to parts of this collection may be restricted under provisions of state or federal law.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

With the outbreak of the Civil War in 1961, troops along the overland mail route were relocated to the east. President Lincoln called for volunteers to protect the mail route and directed Colonel (Brevet Major General) Patrick E. Connor to establish a post near Salt Lake City. Colonel Connor was concerned about secessionist activities in the area and chose a location in the foothills that allowed him to keep an eye on the Mormons. The Post was originally called Camp Douglas, in honor of the recently deceased Illinois Senator Stephen A. Douglas who had been a champion of the West. Colonel Connor's regiment soon began mineral prospecting in the surrounding mountains and established a militarily and economically successful stronghold in the Salt Lake Valley.

Over the next fifty years, Fort Douglas provided trained soldiers for the Indian Wars on the Great Plains and Spanish-American War. However, it wasn't until World War I that the Fort experienced major expansion. During both World Wars, the Post served as a mobilization and training garrison, as well as a prisoner of war camp. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor during the Second World War, Fort Douglas also served as the headquarters for the Ninth Service Command, which was relocated from Presidio, San Francisco.

The Ninth Service Command was dissolved in 1946, and in 1947 the army announced that the fort was surplus and land was turned over to the University of Utah and other agencies. In the years since World War II, Fort Douglas has served as headquarters for Reserve and National Guard units and as a support detachment for military activities in the area. Nearly all of the Fort's acreage has been sold or traded, with the exception of the historic area of Fort Douglas which was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1970. In 1989 Congress approved the final closure of Fort Douglas as a military facility and the final transfer of the Fort to the University of Utah was completed in 1993.

Adapted from:

The Utah History Encyclopedia

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The photograph collection of Fort Douglas reflects the rich history of the Post including early images of Fort Douglas architecture, commanders and soldiers. Folder one contains images not directly related to Fort Douglas, but rather with Utah's military history, i.e. the Nauvoo Legion. The Fort Douglas photograph collection spans the entire history of the Post, ranging from 1859-1991.

Folders 1-19 contain scans of images that were temporarily loaned to the library by the Fort Douglas Museum in 2000. The images are available for viewing on our website, but any distribution, rights, or permissions need to be approved by the Museum.

Inventory descriptions were taken from information appearing on the backs of the original photographs. Where no identifications were available, a brief description appears in brackets as follows: [___].

Folder 20 contains scans of images that were temporarily loaned to the library by the Fort Douglas Museum in 2019. The images are available for viewing on our website, but any distribution, rights, or permissions need to be approved by the Museum.

The remainder of the collection contain images or albums that were collected or purchased by the library.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

The library does not claim to control copyright for all materials in the collection. An individual depicted in a reproduction has privacy rights as outlined in Title 45 CFR, part 46 (Protection of Human Subjects). For further information, please review the J. Willard Marriott Library's Use Agreement and Reproduction Request forms.

Preferred Citation

Collection Name, Collection Number, Box Number, Folder Number. Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library, The University of Utah.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The image order and numbering system used by the Development Office and Fort Douglas Military Museum was retained.

Separated Materials

See also the Fort Douglas records (MS 0518) located in the Manuscripts Division of Special Collections.

Processing Note

Processed by Alison Christensen and Mary Ann Curtis in 2003.

Click here to read a statement on harmful language in library records.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1 Nauvoo Legion (Mormon Militia)
This folder contains images that were temporarily loaned to the library by the Fort Douglas Museum in 2000. The images are available for viewing on our website, but any distribution, rights, or permissions need to be approved by the Museum.
  • 1: Major Frederick Kesler, Nauvoo Legion circa 1865
  • 2: Nauvoo Legion officers, circa 1865
  • 3: Nauvoo Legion band, circa 1865
  • 4: Nauvoo Legion, circa 1865
  • 5: Nauvoo Legion infantry, circa 1865
  • 6: Nauvoo Legion, circa 1865
1 2 Camp Floyd
This folder contains images that were temporarily loaned to the library by the Fort Douglas Museum in 2000. The images are available for viewing on our website, but any distribution, rights, or permissions need to be approved by the Museum.
  • 1: Buglers and drummers, circa 1859
  • 2: Soldiers at drill near Camp Floyd
1 3 Camp Douglas, Architecture
This folder contains images that were temporarily loaned to the library by the Fort Douglas Museum in 2000. The images are available for viewing on our website, but any distribution, rights, or permissions need to be approved by the Museum.
  • 1-2: Unidentified
  • 3: Officer's line, 1864
  • 4-6: Soldiers and cannons
  • 7: Post headquarters, circa 1865
  • 8-13: Unidentified
  • 14: Infantry barracks, circa 1865
  • 15: Unidentified
  • 16: Post C.O. (adobe) / Hospital / Surgeon quarters (frame)
  • 17: Unidentified
  • 18: NCO quarters circa 1865
  • 19: Unidentified
  • 20: Guard house, Camp Douglas, built in 1862
  • 21: Unidentified
  • 22-23: Interior post chapel, circa 1885
  • 24-27: Unidentified
1 4 Camp Douglas History
This folder contains images that were temporarily loaned to the library by the Fort Douglas Museum in 2000. The images are available for viewing on our website, but any distribution, rights, or permissions need to be approved by the Museum.
  • 1: California Volunteers, circa 1865, with regimental drum
  • 2-3: "Colonel Connor returns with Porter Rockwell after Battle of Bear River, 1863"
  • 4: [Soldiers in snow]
  • 5: [Black troops; band and infantry]
  • 6: [Officers and wives; picnic?]
  • 7: [Officers and civilians in front of log quarters]
  • 8: Capt. Charles Hempstead, first editor of post newspaper the "Daily Union Vedette"
  • 9: [Painting Capt. Charles Hempstead, first editor of post newspaper the "Daily Union Vedette"]
  • 10-11: [Page of Daily Union Vedette]
  • 12: [Great Overland Mail Route poster]
  • 13: Unidentified
  • 14: Johanna Connor, 1833-1889
  • 15-16: Unidentified
  • 17: [Miners in tunnel]
  • 18: [Group of officers]
1 5 Camp Douglas, Howitzers
This folder contains images that were temporarily loaned to the library by the Fort Douglas Museum in 2000. The images are available for viewing on our website, but any distribution, rights, or permissions need to be approved by the Museum.
  • 1: [Painting of artillery]
  • 2: Unidentified
  • 3: [Cannons; view of Salt Lake City in background]
  • 4: [Cannon on parade ground]
  • 5: Unidentified
  • 6: [Copy of stereograph by C.W. Carter]
  • 7: Unidentified
  • 8-9: 12-pound howitzer battery, Fort Douglas circa 1885
  • 10: President Hayes reviewing troops at Fort Douglas, September 5, 1880. Note: as per identification at LDS Church Historical Department
1 6 Fort Douglas Architecture (Permanent Reconstruction; Post Headquarters; Barracks; Guardhouse; Hospitals; Chapel)
This folder contains images that were temporarily loaned to the library by the Fort Douglas Museum in 2000. The images are available for viewing on our website, but any distribution, rights, or permissions need to be approved by the Museum.
  • 1-2: Unidentified
  • 3-4: Fort Douglas from Headquarters, 1875. (Now officers club circa 1885.) Picture taken from yard of commanders quarters. [Note: Please credit Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints]
  • 5-6: Commanding officer's yard, 1885, looking south
  • 7-8: Unidentified
  • 9: Company Quarters Fort Douglas, Utah. C. R. Savage Photo. (Note: Please credit Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
  • 10: Detail of Company Quarters Fort Douglas, Utah. C. R. Savage Photo. (Note: Please credit Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
  • 11: Company Quarters Fort Douglas, Utah. C. R. Savage Photo. (Note: Please credit Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
  • 12-16: Camp Douglas
  • 17-18: Guard House
  • 19: Unidentified
  • 20-21: OP and MP [??] and Commissary storehouse (NW view)
  • 22: Artillery [quartermaster?] stables circa 1880
  • 23: Quartermaster stables (NW view)
  • 24-25: Unidentified
  • 26: [Nurses with cassion]
  • 27: Post hospital, South view, circa 1900
  • 28: [Post chapel]
  • 29: [General view of Fort Douglas, 1880]
  • 30: Administration building, east view
  • 31: Post Hospital, south view
  • 32: Infantry barracks
  • 33: Post chapel
  • 34: Interior, post chapel
1 7 Fort Douglas Architecture, Officer's Circle
This folder contains images that were temporarily loaned to the library by the Fort Douglas Museum in 2000. The images are available for viewing on our website, but any distribution, rights, or permissions need to be approved by the Museum.
  • 1-5: Unidentified
  • 6-7: [Snow] Note: Please credit Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  • 8-10: Unidentified
  • 11: [Snow]
  • 12: Line officers quarters (NW view)
1 8 Fort Douglas Architecture, NCO Row/Quarters
This folder contains images that were temporarily loaned to the library by the Fort Douglas Museum in 2000. The images are available for viewing on our website, but any distribution, rights, or permissions need to be approved by the Museum.
  • 1-2: Non-commissioned staff quarters (west view)
  • 3: Unidentified
  • 4: Non-commissioned staff quarters (west view)
  • 5: Unidentified
1 9 Fort Douglas Architecture, Commander's House
This folder contains images that were temporarily loaned to the library by the Fort Douglas Museum in 2000. The images are available for viewing on our website, but any distribution, rights, or permissions need to be approved by the Museum.
  • 1-2: Unidentified
  • 3: Fort Douglas: interior, officer's home, circa 1930
  • 4: Fort Douglas: interior, officer's home, circa 1930
  • 5: Post commander's house inside, circa 1920 [Note: number 5 looks same as number 4, however photos are labeled differently.]
  • 6: Unidentified
  • 7: [Billiard table]
  • 8: Unidentified
1 10 Fort Douglas History: Spanish-American War; Black [troops] 24th [Infantry]; Indian company
This folder contains images that were temporarily loaned to the library by the Fort Douglas Museum in 2000. The images are available for viewing on our website, but any distribution, rights, or permissions need to be approved by the Museum.
  • 1: Infantry parade with band on parade ground in front of barracks circa 1890 ["neg on file-Fort Douglas"]
  • 2: [Color guard]
  • 3: In 1893 the 24th Infantry on campaign duty lined up with an experimental blanket roll they were testing for the U.S. Army.
  • 4: View of Fort from site of University, circa 1900
  • 5: [Black troops with rifles at the ready in front of tents]
  • 6: [Roster of 24th Infantry]
  • 7: [Troops on parade]
  • 8: [Troops passing in review]
  • 9: [Troops in town]
  • 10: [Troops on parade in town] (Please credit Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
  • 11: [Firing cannon]
  • 12: [Firing cannon]
  • 13: [Tents]
  • 14: [Troops on maneuvers?]
  • 15: Utah Guard officers on maneuvers, c 1900
  • 16: Co. I, 16th Infantry, Brule Sioux, 1885
  • 17: Pass and review
  • 18: Interior of barracks
1 11 Fort Douglas History, 1900-1910. 15th Infantry; BOQ (Bldg 5) est. 1904; Post Exchange (Bldg 200)
This folder contains images that were temporarily loaned to the library by the Fort Douglas Museum in 2000. The images are available for viewing on our website, but any distribution, rights, or permissions need to be approved by the Museum.
  • 1: [Parade at Fort Douglas. Taft (?) reviewing troops]
  • 2: Infantry parade ca. 1902. "Neg on file post photo lab"
  • 3: [Navy Recruiting office; USMC recruiting office]
  • 4: Building number 5, 4/10/40
  • 5: Unidentified
  • 6: Bugle call amplifier
  • 7: President Taft, Gov. Spry review troops, 1908 [same as #1]
  • 8: Machine Gun Co., 1906 (Please credit LDS Church)
circa 1904
1 12 Fort Douglas Architecture: Soldier's Circle
This folder contains images that were temporarily loaned to the library by the Fort Douglas Museum in 2000. The images are available for viewing on our website, but any distribution, rights, or permissions need to be approved by the Museum.
  • 1: Unidentified
  • 2: [parade ground]
  • 3-7: Unidentified
  • 8: National Archives record group 92, QM. Fort Douglas. [Note: Negative owned by Charles Hibbard]
1 13 Fort Douglas History: 20th Infantry; Mexican Revolution; World War I; POW camp
This folder contains images that were temporarily loaned to the library by the Fort Douglas Museum in 2000. The images are available for viewing on our website, but any distribution, rights, or permissions need to be approved by the Museum.
  • 1: Camp around the sunflowers, Snow Creek
  • 2: Retreat in camp, Co. B, 20th Infantry
  • 3: On the hike to Devil's Slide
  • 4: Devil's Slide, Weber Canyon, Utah
  • 5: After the hike
  • 6: Around the campfire, Wanship
  • 7: Unloading escort wagon, 20th Infantry [band?]
  • 8: [Bivouac; around mess call; pup tents]
  • 9: Barbering in the field
  • 10: Machine gun platoon on the hike
  • 11: Lieut. Dailey mapping the road through Weber Canyon
  • 12: [on the march]
  • 13: [Soldiers smoking]
  • 14: [Parade in camp]
  • 15: Company C ready for supper
  • 16: [At rest in camp]
  • 17: [On the march]
  • 18: [In camp]
  • 19: Getting dinner [mess tent and crew?]
  • 20: Mexican troops leaving for the front
  • 21: [POW/Internee camp, WW1]
  • 22: [POW/Internee camp, WW1]
  • 23: [POW/Internee camp, WW1; laundry]
  • 24: [POW/Internee camp, WW1; interior with prisoners]
  • 25: [Men around blackboard (?) decorated with palm trees and inscription: "1918; Fort Douglas schedule: ethnographie; geologie; chemie der Sudsee. Carl Elschnier, Prof. der Chemie. [illegible] mau ke ca o ka aino i ka pono!"]
  • 26: [Interior of barracks: man in chair]
  • 27: [Interior of barracks: man at desk]
  • 28: [Interior of barracks: dispensary? with doctor?]
  • 29: [Interior of barracks: cookstove]
  • 30: [Interior of barracks]
  • 31: [Interior of barracks: shower room]
  • 32: Salt Lake Tribune, Monday, November 11, 1918. page 1: "BIG WAR IS ENDED"]
  • 33: [Prisoners? at mess table]
  • 34: [Prisoners outside at table]
  • 35: "Join the Cavalry"
  • 36: "Our Regular Divisions"
  • 37: Quartermaster stables (NW view)
1 14 Fort Douglas History: Red Butte Dam; CMTC Camp; Commander Groups; Officers
This folder contains images that were temporarily loaned to the library by the Fort Douglas Museum in 2000. The images are available for viewing on our website, but any distribution, rights, or permissions need to be approved by the Museum.
  • 1: [Red Butte Dam (aerial)]
  • 2: 8-9-29. Red Butte Dam, Fort Douglas, Utah
  • 3: [CMTC or CCC Camp?]
  • 4: [Fort Douglas (aerial)]
  • 5: Officers on Duty with Hdqrs. Fort Douglas District C.C.C., April 1st, 1935.
  • 6: Officers at headquarters 38th Infantry 1931
1 15 Fort Douglas History: World War II Reception Center
This folder contains images that were temporarily loaned to the library by the Fort Douglas Museum in 2000. The images are available for viewing on our website, but any distribution, rights, or permissions need to be approved by the Museum.
  • 1: [Fort Douglas aerial view]
  • 2: [Fort Douglas aerial view]
  • 3: ["Uncle Sam wants you" poster]
  • 4: Reception Center, Fort Douglas, Utah (aerial; 13:30, 9-5-41). [On back: National Archives Record Group 77; Official Chief Engineer, Fort Douglas. Charles Hibbard owns negative.]
  • 5: Reception Center, Fort Douglas, Utah (aerial; 12:00, September 5, 1941)
  • 6: [Maintenance building]
  • 7: [Mobil station]
  • 8: Salt Lake Tribune, Wednesday August 5, 1945. page 1: "WORLD WAR II ENDS"
  • 9: [Fort Douglas aerial]
  • 10: [Fort Douglas aerial]
1 16 Fort Douglas History: Pass and review; Movie Making - "Army Brats"
This folder contains images that were temporarily loaned to the library by the Fort Douglas Museum in 2000. The images are available for viewing on our website, but any distribution, rights, or permissions need to be approved by the Museum.
  • 1: [Officers passing in review]
  • 2: [Filming of "Army Brats" on parade ground]
1 17 Fort Douglas Landmarks: Sign; Tank; Trolley; Rock of the Marne monument; Gazebo; Bandstand; Flagstaff; Cemetery
This folder contains images that were temporarily loaned to the library by the Fort Douglas Museum in 2000. The images are available for viewing on our website, but any distribution, rights, or permissions need to be approved by the Museum.
  • 1: ["Rock of the Marne" 38th Infantry Regiment monument]
  • 2: [Colonel Patrick Connor monument]
  • 3: [Flagstaff] [Deseret News photo]
  • 4: [Unveiling "Rock of the Marne" monument]
  • 5: [M-48 Patton tank]
  • 6: [Sign at entrance to Fort Douglas]
  • 7: [Sign at Fort Douglas cemetery]
  • 8: [Flag-raising ceremony] [Deseret News photo]
  • 9: [Trolley that ran to Fort Douglas. Note: photo printed in reverse but scan was reversed for correct image]
  • 10: [Tombstone for seven unknown soldiers, 1861]
  • 11: [Heavy snow on post]
  • 12: [Gazebo with child]
  • 13-14: [Gazebo]
  • 15: [Old gazebo]
  • 16: Flagpole and band stand [gazebo] 1949 or 1950
  • 17: Fort Douglas trolley circa 1900
1 18 Fort Commanders and Large Miscellaneous Photos
This folder contains images that were temporarily loaned to the library by the Fort Douglas Museum in 2000. The images are available for viewing on our website, but any distribution, rights, or permissions need to be approved by the Museum.
  • 1: [Unidentified Colonel but old-style uniform (pre-1900?)]
  • 2: [Colonel Knudsen (?) in old-style uniform (World War I?)]
  • 3: [Unidentified 2-star general in 1930s style uniform]
  • 4: [Unidentified officer in World War II style uniform]
  • 5: [Unidentified 2-star general in post-World War II style uniform--has CIB]
  • 6: [Brigadier General Ulysses Grant McAlexander, Commanding Officer of Fort Douglas, 1922]
  • 7: [Colonel Howard C. Price Sr., Commanding Officer of Fort Douglas, 1928-1931]
  • 8: Colonel Rienold Melberg, Commanding Officer, 15 February 1947 - 31 July 1948
  • 9: Colonel William C. McFadden, 1 Aug 1953 - 20 Sep 54
  • 10: Colonel Harold E. Brooks 1 Oct 54 - 26 Aug 57
  • 11: Colonel Roland C. Bower, Jr. 26 Aug 57 - 20 Jul 59
  • 12: Colonel George K. Moody, 20 Jul 59 - 1 Sep 62
  • 13: Colonel Walter A. Shaw, 5 Nov 62 - 31 Mar 64
  • 14: Colonel Joe Ahee, 20 Jul 64 - 15 Feb 65
  • 15: Colonel John A. Rankin, 7 Apr - 1 Mar 68
  • 16: Colonel John A. Rankin, 7 Apr - 1 Mar 68 (small print)
  • 17: Colonel Michael Citrak, 2 Mar 68 - 13 Jul 70
  • 18: Colonel Oscieki (no dates)
  • 19: Colonel Stuart H. Lassetter, 15 Aug 70 - 26 Jul 72
  • 20: Colonel Lake G. Churchill Jr., 9 Oct 75 (no other dates)
  • 21: Colonel Frank S. Nelson, 1 Aug 78 - 31 Jan 81
  • 22: Colonel Ronald B. Stevens, 23 Mar 81 - 30 Jun 84
  • 23: Colonel James W. Sawey, 1 Aug 84 - 8 June 86
  • 24: Colonel Fred J. Hillyard, 23 Jun 86 - 11 Aug 89
  • 25: Colonel Stacy E. Reeves, 11 Aug 89 - 13 Aug 90
  • 26: U.S. Army General Hospital, No. 27, Fort Douglas, Utah. Nurses [NOTE: Complete list available in collection box]
  • 27: [Soldiers on horses]
1 19 Fort Douglas Commanders and Miscellaneous
This folder contains images that were temporarily loaned to the library by the Fort Douglas Museum in 2000. The images are available for viewing on our website, but any distribution, rights, or permissions need to be approved by the Museum.
  • 1: General Phillipe Regis De Trobriand (Note: Utah State Historical Society photo)
  • 2: Post hospital circa 1868 (Note: Utah State Historical Society photo)
  • 3: Parade ground in snow circa 1868
  • 4: Unidentified (Utah State Historical Society photo)
  • 5: [Same as 1:6:22 Artillery [quartermaster?] stables circa 1880 [with horses outside](Note: Utah State Historical Society photo)
  • 6: [Commanding Officer's house (?) with dignitaries on porch] Note: Utah State Historical Society photo)
  • 7: [Fort Douglas cemetery ca. 1880s]
  • 8: [Brigadier General Ulysses Grant McAlexander, Commanding Officer of Fort Douglas, 1922]
  • 9: [Lieutenant Colonel Jerold L. Jensen, last Commanding Officer of Fort Douglas, 1990-1991]
  • 10: [Colonel John A. Rankin, Commanding Officer of Fort Douglas, 1965-68]
  • 11: [Col Howard C. Price Sr., Commanding Officer of Fort Douglas, 1928-1931]
  • 12: Company M., 20th Infantry, 1912
  • 13: [Unknown black soldier, Fort Douglas]
1 20 Fort Douglas
This folder contains images that were temporarily loaned to the library by the Fort Douglas Museum in 2019. The images are available for viewing on our website, but any distribution, rights, or permissions need to be approved by the Museum. Captions provided by the Museum
  • 1: 24th Infantry Parade (museum negative number 600.273)
  • 2: 24th Infantry Parade Ground Camp Douglas (museum negative number 600.273.1
  • 3: 24th Infantry Parade Strawberry, firing artillery (museum negative number 600.293)
  • 4: 24th Infantry Parade, Salt Lake City, 1898 (museum negative number 600.332)
  • 5: 24th Infantry, Soldier (museum negative number 600.354)
  • 6: 9th Cavalry, Parade, Salt Lake City, 1898 (museum negative number 600.301)
  • 7: 9th Cavalry, Private James Satchell and Samuel Tipton, 1891 (museum image number 2006.081.01)
  • 8: 24th Infantry, Band, Fort Douglas (museum image number 2006.081.02)
  • 9: 9th Cavalry, Pioneer Jubilee (museum image number 2006.081.03)
  • 10: 24th Infantry, Pioneer Jubilee (museum image number 2006.081.04)
  • 11: 24th Infantry, Pioneer Jubilee (museum image number 2006.081.05))
  • 12: Copy print of a flag
  • 13: Newspaper article
1 21 Miscellaneous Fort Douglas
  • 1: Lieutenant Lovell. Portrait by J. Fennemore Photography, Beaver, Utah.
  • 2: Officer's Quarters and bandstand, May 1881.
1 22 Miscellaneous Fort Douglas
  • 1: Cabinet card of Fort Douglas, photo by Monson and Co
2, oversize 1 Fort Douglas album
Fort Douglas/Civil War Carte-de-visite album. An 1865 leather-bound album consisting of fifty CDVs, mostly C. R. Savage and Charles Carter and others of presumed Civil War members of the Utah Volunteers under Captain Stover's command. Included are soldiers in and out of uniform, including their families, wives and children. All fifty of the photos are from the 1860s through the 1870s. Wonderful contemporary presentation inscription from Captain Stover from his friend William Gilbert. Inscription reads, 'Presented to – Capt. David B. Stover – A.Q.M. U.S. Volunteers – Salt Lake City, U.S. – Jan. 1st 1865 – by his friend – William Gilbert,' Capt. David Stover was head of the Utah Volunteers during the Civil War and is buried at the Fort Douglas Cemetery and has a street named after him. William Gilbert was a Union soldier and friend of Stovers who spent the last two years of the war incarcerated in numerous prisons in the confederacy
3, oversize 1 Fort Douglas album
Green carte-de-visite album with 16 images of soldiers and their families. mostly related to the 14th Infantry captions are from teh backs of the images. some are hard to read, best guess.
  • 1: Jacob Keifer, 14th Infantry. photo by C.W. Carter
  • 2: Bertice Seager, son of the Post Trader, Fort Douglas. photo by C.R. Savage
  • 3. Commanding Sergeant H.P. Clark. Fort Thomas. photo by J. Fennemore and Co.
  • 4: ? Albert Auetier (?) 14th Infantry, photo by C.R. Savage
  • 5: Edward J. Conrad. 14th Infantry. photo by Fox and Symons
  • 6: J__? B. Mack. 1st Sergeant of the 14th Infantry. photo by C.W. Carter
  • 7: H__? Olauee (?) Family. Band Leader of the 14th Infantry. photo by Fox and Symons
  • 8: Sergeant Edward L Pelto and Family. photo by Fox and Symons
  • 9: John Rouke. 14th Infanrty. photo by Fox and Symons
  • 10: John Hillecien (?). photo by Fox and Symons
  • 11: George Hall, Commanding Sergeant. US Infantry. photo by Fox and Symons
  • 12: Sergeant Edward J. Pelto. 14th Infantry. photo by Jas Fennemore
  • 13: Charles L__?. 14th Infantry. photo by Fox and Symons
  • 14: James L. Ward. 14th Infantry. photo by C.W. Carter
  • 15: Corporal (?) Joseph Lanning and Family. 14th Infantry. photo by Fox and Symons
  • 16: Sergeant Samuel Wilcox. photo by Fox and Symons
4, panoramas 1 145th regiment at Fort Douglas in Fall 1917
  • 1: 145th regiment at Fort Douglas in Fall 1917
4, panoramas 2 Panorama, For Douglas in 1937
  • 1: Panorama, Fort Douglas in 1937