S. Frank Miyamoto collection, 1942

Overview of the Collection

Miyamoto, Shotaro Frank, 1912-2012
S. Frank Miyamoto collection
1942 (inclusive)
25 items (2 folders)
Collection Number
2485 (Accession No. 2485-001)
University of Washington sociologist who acquired ephemera about the evacuation of Japanese Americans from the West Coast in 1942.
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

Open to all users.

Request at UW

Funding for encoding this finding aid was partially provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Frank Miyamoto began his association with the University of Washington Sociology Dept. as an undergraduate in the 1930s. He received a master's degree in sociology and his thesis, "Social Solidarity Among the Japanese in Seattle," was published by the University of Washington Press. Miyamoto chaired the Sociology Dept. from 1965-1970 and was associate dean of social sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences from 1975 to 1980. Miyamoto's teaching and research focused on social psychology, collective behavior, and race and ethnic relations.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The bulk of this accession consists of ephemera concerning the evacuation of Japanese Americans from the West Coast in 1942. Most of the material was generated by the U.S. Western Defense Command and Fourth Army, a division of the Headquarters and Wartime Civil Control Administration.

It was preserved by Miyamoto because of his research on the Seattle Japanese minority for his master's thesis in sociology at the University of Washington ("Social Solidarity Among the Japanese in Seattle," 1938, published as v. 11, no. 2 of the University of Washington Publications in the Social Sciences, 1939; reprinted with a new introduction by the University of Washington Press in 1981 and 1984).

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Restrictions on Use

Literary rights retained by the donor; no direct quotations are allowed.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Professor Miyamoto donated his collection to the Libraries in September 1975.


Miyamoto, Shotaro Frank, Social Solidarity Among the Japanese in Seattle (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1984). Originally published as the author's master's thesis in 1939, University of Washington.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Ephemera--U.S. Western Defense Command and Fourth ArmyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
VF 1689
Civilian Exclusion Orders
VF 1689
Public Proclamations
VF 1689
Instructions, etc.
Misc. Oversize Box 4
VF 1689
Evacuation Forms
VF 1689
British Columbia Security Commission Evacuation Forms