Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
- Overview of the Collection
Historical Note
- Other Descriptive Information
- Content Description
- Use of the Collection
- Administrative Information
Detailed Description of the Collection
- Accession No. 1940-001: King County Labor Council records, 1889-1970
- Accession No. 1940-002: King County Labor Council records, 1970-2003, bulk 1990-2000
- Accession No. 1940-003: King County Labor Council records, 1999-2008
- Accession No. 1940-004: King County Labor Council. Provisional Trades Section minutes, 1935-1971
- Accession No. 1940-005: Martin Luther King, Jr. County Labor Council records, 1965-2012
- Accession No. 1940-006: Martin Luther King, Jr. County Labor Council records, 1984-2011
- Names and Subjects
King County Labor Council records, 1889-2012
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- AFL-CIO.$bKing County Labor Council of Washington
- Title
- King County Labor Council records
- Dates
- 1889-2012 (inclusive)18892012
- Quantity
- 53.94 cubic feet
- Collection Number
- 1940 (mss)
- Summary
- Coordinating and decision-making body of the various union locals in King County, Washington
- Repository
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931 - Access Restrictions
The records are open to all users.
- Languages
- English
- Sponsor
- Funding for encoding this finding aid was partially provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities
Historical NoteReturn to Top
The King County Labor Council has long been the communal decision-making body of the various union locals in King County. From the mid-1920s until the reunification of the AFL and CIO in 1955, only AFL-affiliated unions were represented on the Council. At other times, however, the vast majority of King County's locals had a voice on the Council.
The Council has passed through at least four distinct periods in its history. The Council originally began in 1888 as the Western Central Labor Union. This body changed its name to the Central Labor Council of Seattle and Vicinity in 1905. These groups occasionally joined coalitions with Populists and other reform groups in local and state politics. Nonetheless, much of the early Council's energy was spent simply trying to survive. The second phase of the Council's history began roughly in 1914 with the labor shortage that allowed unions to organize much of Seattle. The Council grew increasingly radical in this period and became the dominant force in Seattle's powerful progressive coalition. The loss of the Council's power began with the mass layoffs of shipyard workers after World War I. These layoffs led the Council to call the Seattle General Strike of 1919, the only truly city-wide general strike in American history. Employers responded to the failed strike with an open shop drive that de-unionized most of King County. A series of internal power struggles plagued the Council after the strike. The Council voted to expel members of the Industrial Workers of the World in late 1919 and Communist Party members in 1925.
The growing conservative influence in the Council was solidified when Dave Beck and his Teamsters came to dominate the group in the late 1920s. The third phase of the Council's history was thus business unionism, Beck-style. Dave Beck began his career as a driver for the Council's cooperative laundry but rapidly rose to become the chief Teamster organizer west of the Rockies. Beck used the strategic position of truck drivers in the economy to start rebuilding the strength of organized labor in Seattle. If the Council declared a firm to be "unfair to labor," he could often prevent the firm from trucking its goods to market. Despite Beck's occasionally ruthless tactics, he believed that businesses had a right to make a profit. When the Great Depression spurred widespread organizing drives, many firms concluded that they would much rather deal with the avowedly anti-radical Beck than with a CIO union. The Council routinely backed Beck in his jurisdictional disputes with CIO and independent unions. Thus, by the end of World War II, Seattle was largely a closed-shop AFL town. Under Beck's reign, the Council stayed fairly aloof from politics, endorsing moderate pro-labor Democrats and spurning the leftist coalitions that fought for local and state offices.
The fourth stage of the Council's history, its reentry into local politics, began with the merger of the AFL and CIO in 1955. The expanded Council was quickly put on the defensive by statewide right-to-work proposals in Initiative 198 in 1956 and Initiative 202 in 1958. The Council played a leading role in the campaigns that defeated these measures. After these victories, the Council went on the offensive. It started a pro-labor public relations campaign in 1959 that included donating money to charities and promoting radio and television appearances by labor leaders. Beginning in 1964, the Council's Committee on Political Education launched major voter registration drives before elections. The growth of public sector unions in the 1950s and 1960s, coupled with the addition of progressive CIO unions, led the Council to endorse expanded social services and public housing in this period. The Council also supported the efforts of Seattle civil rights groups during the 1960s. Nonetheless, the Council retained some traces of business unionism. It gave a no-strike pledge during the 1962 World's Fair and often helped the Chamber of Commerce lobby for subsidies for local businesses.
During the latter years of the 20th century, the period documented in Accession 1940-2, the council's executive secretaries were, in succession: James K. Bender, Dan Bickford, Ron Judd, and Steve Williamson.
In 2005, the name changed to Martin Luther King County Labor Council, commonly referred to as MLK Labor.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
Correspondence, primarily with affiliated unions (1950-2011), minutes (1913-1970, 1987-1997, 1998-2012), financial records (1912-1919, 1982-1999), membership records (1889-1969), Delegate Roll Call Sign-In Ledgers (1965-1991), subject files (1925-2011), publications (1978-2011), banners from marches/events (1978-2011) and reports (1957-1959, 1966-1968). Also includes records of the Council's committees and affiliated labor organizations, including the Domestic Workers Union (1917), Seattle American Publishing Co. (1907), United Labor Advisory Committee Against Initiative 202 (1958), and United Labor Advisory Committee to Defeat Initiative 198 (1956), the Committee on Political Education (COPE) Records (2000-2005), and the Fight for 15 campaign (circa 2014).
Other Descriptive InformationReturn to Top
Forms part of the Labor Archives of Washington.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
Creator's copyrights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.
Material authored by representative of the King County Labor Council may be copied or quoted.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Organized into 6 accessions.
- Accession No. 1940-001, King County Labor Council records, 1889-1970
- Accession No. 1940-002, King County Labor Council records, 1970-2003
- Accession No. 1940-003, King County Labor Council records, 1999-2008
- Accession No. 1940-004, King County Labor Council. Provisional Trades Section minutes, 1935-1971
- Accession No. 1940-005, Martin Luther King, Jr. County Labor Council records, 1965-2012
- Accession No. 1940-006, Martin Luther King, Jr. County Labor Council records, 1984-2011
Preservation Note
Some materials are stored offsite. Advance notice is required for use.
Processing Note
Processing levels vary by accession.
Separated Materials
Issues of the Council's newspaper, The Scanner, that were received with the records were sent to the Microforms and Newspaper Collection, University of Washington Libraries.
Issues of Washington State Labor News, King County Labor News,Scanner/King County Labor News, and Labor's Voice, as well as Proceedings of the American Federation of Labor Convention that were received with accession 1904-005 were separated to be cataloged in Special Collections, University of Washington Libraries.
The Libraries' Microforms and Newspapers Collection owns a complete microfilm collection of the Union Record: The Official Journal of the Central Labor Council of Seattle and Vicinity and a partial microfilm run of The Scanner and King County Labor News. The Union Record was published from 1900 to 1928. The Scanner began in 1968 and is still printed. Jonathan Dembo's An Historical Bibliography of Washington State Labor and Laboring Classes (unpublished, 1978) lists many published sources which deal with the history of the King County Central Labor Council. The most important recently published works which relate to the Council's history are Jonathan Dembo, Unions and Politics in Washington State (New York: Garland Publishing, 1983) and Dana Frank, Purchasing Power: Consumer Organizing, Gender, and the Seattle Labor Movement, 1919-1929 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994). There are essentially no books that deal with the post-1940 history of the Council.
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Accession No. 1940-001: King County Labor Council records, 1889-1970Return to Top
Scope and Content: Administrative Records primarily document the end of the third and the start of the fourth period of the Council's history. The bulk consists of the files of Chet W. Ramage, executive secretary of the Council from Oct. 1959 through 1968. Most correspondence dates from that period. There are virtually no letters from before 1950. Incoming letters are sorted and indexed by name of author, while outgoing and inter-office letters are organized chronologically. The correspondence primarily involved member unions and government officials. The subject filesâwhich contain reports, memoranda, and some correspondence grouped together by subjectâmostly cover topics between 1946 and 1970. There are, however, small subject files on the 1919 strike, the Council's internal power struggles in the early 1920s, and the AFL vs. CIO jurisdictional disputes of the 1930s. The accession also contains the complete minutes of the Council from 1915 to 1954 and from 1963 to 1970, documenting all of the organization's formal resolutions and actions. There is also a copy of the minutes of the Council's Executive Board for 1906 to 1907, 1913 to 1957, 1960 to 1965, and 1969 to 1970. The Executive Board's primary duty was to hear union complaints against local businesses and to decide which firms would be placed on the "unfair" list. In addition, the Council's membership and tax records from 1889 to 1962 are found in this accession.
Records of the Council's committees make up another series. Included are committees to defeat the right-to-work initiatives in 1956 and 1958, the Public Relations Committee from 1959 to 1963, and the Committee on Political Education from 1963 to 1968 form another subgroup.
The West Central Labor Union Records series consists of the minutes and the financial records of the Council's predecessor, the West Central Labor Union, from 1891 to 1905.
The Other Labor Organizations series includes records from the United Labor Advisory Committee Against Initiative 202, the Seattle American Publishing Company, and others.
Digital Content/Other Formats: View selections from this collection in digital format.
Restrictions on Access: Open to all users, but access to portions of the papers restricted. Contact repository for details.
Restrictions on Use: Literary rights of representatives of the records-creating organization transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.
For "Seattle General Strike Materials" in box 6, researchers must use photocopies rather than originals.
Oversize boxes 37 and 38 are stored offsite; advance notice is required for their use.
Acquisition Info: Donated by King County Labor Council in 1969 and 1972.
Processing Info: An earlier donation, Accession no. 1201, was merged with records from the 1969/1972 donation to form Accession no. 1940-001 in ca. 2000.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
1/1 | 1940-001 | Subseries A: Historical Features |
undated |
1/2 | 1940-001 | Subseries B: Organizational Features |
1961 |
1/3-4 | 1940-001 | Subseries C: Outgoing Letters |
1946-1968 |
Subseries D: General Correspondence |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
1/5 | 1940-001 | Adams, Brock |
1965-1968 |
1/6 | 1940-001 | Air Division - Rainier Lodge No. 3009, Brotherhood of Railway Clerks |
1961-1969 |
1/7 | 1940-001 | Air Line Pilots Association |
1960-1965 |
1/8 | 1940-001 | Alaska Fish Cannery Workers' Union of the Pacific |
1965 |
1/9 | 1940-001 | Allied Printing Trades Council |
1960, 1961, 1964, 1965 |
1/10 | 1940-001 | American Federation of Labor - President |
1950-1955 |
1/11 | 1940-001 | AFL-CIO. Organizers |
1959-1965 |
1/12-13 | 1940-001 | AFL-CIO. President (George Meany) |
1957-1968 |
1/14 | 1940-001 | AFL-CIO. Maritime Trades Department |
1963, 1966-1967 |
1/15 | 1940-001 | AFL-CIO. Union Label and Service Trades Department |
1960, 1965-1969 |
1/16-17 | 1940-001 | AFL-CIO. Miscellaneous |
1957-1968 |
1/18 | 1940-001 | American Federation of Television and Radio Artists |
1960-1969 |
1/19 | 1940-001 | American Federation of Women's Auxiliary of Labor. Seattle Clerks Council |
1959 |
1/20 | 1940-001 | American Newspaper Guild |
1966 |
1/21 | 1940-001 | American Newspaper Guild #82 |
1962, 1964, 1968 |
1/22 | 1940-001 | Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation. Western Washington Chapter |
1960 |
1/23 | 1940-001 | Auto Painters, Local #518 |
1960, 1968 |
1/24 | 1940-001 | Auto Sheet Metal Workers, Local #387 |
1961, 1968 |
2/1 | 1940-001 | Automotive Machinists, International Association, Lodge # 289 |
1958-1969 |
2/2 | 1940-001 | Automotive Trade Council of Seattle, King County and Vicinity |
1960-1965, 1967 |
2/3 | 1940-001 | Bakery and Confectionery Workers, Seattle Local |
1952 |
2/4 | 1940-001 | Barbers, Journeymen, International Union, Local #195 |
1961-1969 |
2/5 | 1940-001 | Bartenders, International Union #487 |
1962-1969 |
2/6 | 1940-001 | Beauticians, International Union, Local #195 |
1960-1968 |
2/7 | 1940-001 | Bender, James |
1968 |
2/8 | 1940-001 | Bering Sea Fishermen's Union |
1968 |
2/9 | 1940-001 | Better Business Standards Association |
1960-1968 |
2/10 | 1940-001 | Bill Posters and Billers International Alliance, #49 |
1961-1966 |
2/11 | 1940-001 | Boiler Makers, Iron Ship Builders, Helpers International Brotherhood, #104 |
1960-1969 |
2/12 | 1940-001 | Bookbinders, International Brotherhood, Local #22 |
1961-1962 |
2/13 | 1940-001 | Bookbinders, International Brotherhood, #87 |
1960-1969 |
2/14 | 1940-001 | Boot and Shoe Workers Union, Local #37 |
1960-1967 |
2/15 | 1940-001 | Re: Bostonian, Armene E. (National Labor Relations Board) |
1964-1969 |
2/16 | 1940-001 | Boy Scouts of America |
1960, 1962, 1966 |
2/17 | 1940-001 | Brick and Clay Workers, United, Local #458 |
1960, 1962 |
2/18 | 1940-001 | Brick and Clay Workers, United, Local #582 |
1961-1969 |
2/19 | 1940-001 | Bricklayers, Masons, Plasterers, International Union, Local #2 |
1967 |
2/20 | 1940-001 | Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Iron Workers International Association, Local #506 |
1962-1969 |
2/21 | 1940-001 | Bridge, Structural, Reinforcing Steel and Ornamental Iron Workers, Riggers and Machinery Movers, Local #86 |
1962-1969 |
2/22-23 | 1940-001 | Broom and Whisk Broom Makers, #84 (Lighthouse for the Blind) |
1958-1961 |
3/1 | 1940-001 | Broom and Whisk Broom Makers, #84 (Lighthouse for the Blind) |
1961-1963, 1966 |
3/2-3 | 1940-001 | Building and Construction Trades Council, Seattle |
1946, 1963-1969 |
3/4-7 | 1940-001 | Building Service Employees International Union, Local #6 |
1958-1969 |
3/8 | 1940-001 | Building Trades Council, Seattle |
1946-1950 |
3/9 | 1940-001 | Card and Label League, Renton and Vicinity |
1966 |
3/10 | 1940-001 | Card and Label League, Seattle |
1953, 1968 |
3/11 | 1940-001 | Carpenters and Joiners, United Brotherhood, #131 |
1962-1969 |
3/12 | 1940-001 | Carpenters and Joiners, United Brotherhood, Local #1368 |
1964, 1965, 1969 |
3/13 | 1940-001 | Carpenters and Joiners, United Brotherhood, #1289 |
1960-1969 |
3/14 | 1940-001 | Carpenters and Joiners, United Brotherhood, Local #1708 |
1961 |
3/15 | 1940-001 | Carpenters and Joiners, United Brotherhood, Local #1797 |
1958-1961, 1965 |
3/16 | 1940-001 | Carpenters and Joiners, United Brotherhood. Millmen's Union, Local #338 |
1961-1969 |
3/17 | 1940-001 | Carpet, Linoleum, and Soft Tile Layers Union, Local #1238 |
1964-1969 |
3/18 | 1940-001 | Cement, Lime, and Gypsum Workers', International Union #37 |
1968 |
3/19 | 1940-001 | Cement, Lime, and Gypsum Workers', International Union #47 |
1960-1969 |
3/20 | 1940-001 | Central Labor Councils |
1959-1966 |
Bremerton Labor Council |
Grays Harbor Labor Council |
Kitsap County Central Labor Council |
Pierce County Central Labor Council |
Skagit Valley Central Labor Council |
Snohomish County Labor Council |
Spokane County Labor Council |
Wenatchee Central Labor Council |
Whatcom County Central Labor Council |
3/21 | 1940-001 | Central Labor Councils, East of the Mississippi |
1960, 1962, 1965 |
3/22 | 1940-001 | Central Labor Councils, West of the Mississippi |
1960-1968 |
3/23 | 1940-001 | Century Savings and Loan Association |
1961-1963 |
4/1 | 1940-001 | Re: Century 21 Meetings |
1958-1962 |
4/2 | 1940-001 | Chamber of Commerce, Seattle |
1964-1968 |
4/3 | 1940-001 | Chamber of Commerce, Seattle. Construction and Civic Development Division |
1961 |
4/4 | 1940-001 | Chemical Workers, International Union #121 |
1960-1963, 1968 |
4/5 | 1940-001 | Children's Home Society, Washington |
1969 |
4/6 | 1940-001 | Citizens Committee for Postal Reform |
1969 |
4/7 | 1940-001 | Citizens Committee to Modernize 1909 Sunday Blue Law |
1961-1962 |
4/8 | 1940-001 | Committee of 100 - Continental, Inc. (Greater Seattle YMCA Development Program) |
1961 |
4/9 | 1940-001 | Communications Workers of America, District 9 |
1968-1969 |
4/10 | 1940-001 | Cooks and Assistants #33 |
1960-1968 |
4/11 | 1940-001 | CIO Council, Seattle |
1957 |
4/12 | 1940-001 | Council of Planning Affiliates |
1968 |
4/13 | 1940-001 | Council on Aging |
1963-1968 |
4/14 | 1940-001 | Culinary Workers and Bartenders Union, Local #596 |
1956, 1961, 1963, 1969 |
4/15 | 1940-001 | Democrats (Miscellaneous) |
1963-1964, 1967 |
4/16 | 1940-001 | Dental Workers Union #29 |
1961 |
4/17 | 1940-001 | Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers International #1002 |
1960-1969 |
4/18 | 1940-001 | Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers International Union #1207 |
1966-1969 |
4/19 | 1940-001 | Electrical Workers, International Brotherhood #46 |
1959-1968 |
4/20 | 1940-001 | Electrical Workers, International Brotherhood #77 |
1950, 1954, 1961-1969 |
4/21 | 1940-001 | Elevator Constructors, International Union #19 |
1960-1968 |
4/22 | 1940-001 | Embalmers, Master Licensed #18189 |
1960-1962 |
4/23 | 1940-001 | Farm Workers National Association (United Farm Workers) |
1965-1969 |
4/24 | 1940-001 | Fire Fighters, International Association #27 |
1961-1969 |
4/25 | 1940-001 | Fire Fighters, International Association, Local #864 |
1969 |
4/26 | 1940-001 | Fire Fighters, International Association, (Renton) #1604 |
1966 |
4/27 | 1940-001 | Fire Fighters, International Association #1257 |
1961 |
4/28 | 1940-001 | Fire Fighters, International Association #1352 |
1968-1969 |
4/29 | 1940-001 | Fire Fighters, International Association, (King County Fire District #11), Local #1810 |
1969 |
4/30 | 1940-001 | Firemen and Oilers, International Brotherhood #193 |
1961-1962, 1967-1968 |
4/31 | 1940-001 | Firemen's Marine Union. Seattle Branch |
1967 |
4/32 | 1940-001 | Flight Engineers International Association, Seattle |
1959-1962, 1966 |
4/33 | 1940-001 | Flint Glass Workers Union, American, Local #68 |
1964-1965 |
4/34 | 1940-001 | Furniture Workers Union, Local #3197 |
1960-1966 |
4/35 | 1940-001 | Garmatz, Edward |
1966 |
5/1 | 1940-001 | Garment Workers of America, United, Local #17 |
1960-1969 |
5/2 | 1940-001 | Glass Bottle Blowers Association, Local #50 |
undated |
5/3 | 1940-001 | Glass Bottle Blowers Association, Local #87 |
1962-1969 |
5/4 | 1940-001 | Glove Workers Union of America |
undated |
5/5 | 1940-001 | Government Employees, American Federation, #40 |
1960-1967 |
5/6 | 1940-001 | Government Employees, American Federation #2196 |
1963 |
5/7 | 1940-001 | Grain Millers, American Federation, International #86 |
1961-1969 |
5/8 | 1940-001 | Greater Seattle Incorporated |
1959-1969 |
5/9 | 1940-001 | Heat and Frost Inspectors and Asbestos Workers, International Association Local #7 |
1965, 1969 |
5/10 | 1940-001 | Hod Carriers and General Laborers Union, Local #242 |
1960-1969 |
5/11 | 1940-001 | Horseshoers Union, Local #13 |
1961 |
5/12 | 1940-001 | Hospital Workers, Seattle and King County, Local #301 |
1954-1960, 1964 |
5/13-20 | 1940-001 | Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders, International Union. Local Joint Executive Board |
1955-1968 |
6/1 | 1940-001 | Hotel, Motel, and Club Service Employees Union, Local #551 |
1961-1969 |
6/2 | 1940-001 | Independence Day Celebration Committee, Seattle |
1960-1968 |
6/3 | 1940-001 | Inlandboatmen's Union of the Pacific |
1962-1969 |
6/4 | 1940-001 | Insurance Workers Union, International, Local #1 |
1959, 1962-1965 |
6/5 | 1940-001 | International Little League Baseball Association, Seattle League |
1963 |
6/6 | 1940-001 | Jackson, Henry M. |
1960-1968 |
6/7 | 1940-001 | Jewelry Workers Union, International, Local #30 |
1961, 1968-1969 |
6/8 | 1940-001 | Journeymen Tailors Union, Local #71 |
1961-1964, 1969 |
6/9 | 1940-001 | King County. Commissioners and Other County Offices |
1960-1967 |
6/10 | 1940-001 | King County Citizens For All-Purpose Stadium Now |
1966 |
6/11 | 1940-001 | King County Coroners Employees, Local #1652 |
1960-1967 |
6/12 | 1940-001 | King County Law Enforcement Employees, Local #967 |
1958-1963 |
6/13 | 1940-001 | King County Welfare Employees, Local #843 |
1965-1969 |
6/14 | 1940-001 | KIRO Radio and Television |
1965-1966, 1969 |
6/15-16 | 1940-001 | Ladies Garment Workers Union, International, Local #184 |
1960-1969 |
6/17 | 1940-001 | Laundry and Dry Cleaning Drivers, Local #566 |
1964-1965 |
6/18 | 1940-001 | League of Women Voters of Seattle |
1960-1967 |
37/1 | 1940-001 | Leif Erikson League |
1964, 1968 |
6/19 | 1940-001 | Letter Carriers, National Association, Seattle Branch, Local #79 |
1960-1969 |
6/20 | 1940-001 | Litchman, Mark |
1963, 1965 |
6/21 | 1940-001 | Lithographers and Photoengravers, International Union #23 |
1962-1966 |
6/22 | 1940-001 | Lithographers and Photoengravers, International Union, Local #45 |
1964-1969 |
6/23 | 1940-001 | Luggage Workers Union, Local #51 |
1959-1969 |
6/24 | 1940-001 | Lumber and Sawmill Workers' Union, Local #2519 |
1959-1969 |
6/25 | 1940-001 | Machinists, International Association, Seattle Flight Engineer Lodge #1258 |
1960-1964 |
6/26 | 1940-001 | Machinists, International Association, Hope Lodge #79 |
1960-1969 |
6/27 | 1940-001 | Machinists, International Association, Aeronautical Industrial District, Lodge #751 |
1959-1967 |
6/28 | 1940-001 | Machinists, International Association, Air Transport Lodge #1040 |
1960-1961 |
6/29 | 1940-001 | Machinists, International Association, Air Transport Lodge #1351 |
1964 |
6/30 | 1940-001 | Magnuson, Warren G. |
1960-1968 |
7/1 | 1940-001 | Mailers Union, Seattle, Local #32 |
1960-1969 |
7/2 | 1940-001 | Marine Cooks and Stewards, Seattle |
1958, 1960, 1964 |
7/3 | 1940-001 | Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, #38 and Pacific Coast District |
1959-1968 |
7/4 | 1940-001 | Maritime Trades Department, Puget Sound District Council |
1963-1969 |
7/5 | 1940-001 | Marking Device Union, Local #629 |
1968 |
7/6 | 1940-001 | Masters, Mates and Pilots, International, Local #6 |
1968 |
7/7 | 1940-001 | Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, Amalgamated (Miscellaneous Locals) |
1960, 1964, 1967 |
7/8-9 | 1940-001 | Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen Union, Amalgamated, Meat Cutters, Local #81 |
1961-1969 |
7/10 | 1940-001 | Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen Union, Amalgamated, Packinghouse, Local #186 |
1963-1964, 1968 |
7/11 | 1940-001 | Meeds, Lloyd |
1965-1968 |
7/12 | 1940-001 | Metal Polishers, Buffers, Platers, and Helpers International Union, Local #14 |
1961-1964, 1968 |
7/13-14 | 1940-001 | Metal Trades Council of Seattle and Vicinity |
1960-1966 |
7/15-17 | 1940-001 | Musicians Association, Seattle, Local #76 |
1960-1969 |
7/18 | 1940-001 | Re: Musician's Convention |
1962 |
7/19 | 1940-001 | National Conference of Christians and Jews. Washington Region |
1964-1969 |
7/20 | 1940-001 | National Council of Senior Citizens |
1964-1968 |
7/21 | 1940-001 | National Maritime Union of America |
1962-1963, 1967, 1969 |
7/22 | 1940-001 | Nile Shrine Circus |
1962-1965 |
7/23 | 1940-001 | Northwest Council for Economic Education |
1963-1967 |
7/24 | 1940-001 | Office and Professional Employees, Local #8 |
1958 |
8/1-2 | 1940-001 | Office and Professional Employees, Local #8 |
1958-1969 |
8/3 | 1940-001 | Office and Professional Employees, Local #349 |
1960-1961 |
8/4 | 1940-001 | Offset Workers, Printing Pressmen, and Assistants' Union #39 |
1960-1967 |
8/5 | 1940-001 | Operating Engineers, International, Local #286 |
1964-1969 |
8/6 | 1940-001 | Operating Engineers, International Union, #302 |
1960-1969 |
8/7 | 1940-001 | Operating Engineers, International Union, Local #303 |
1967-1968 |
8/8 | 1940-001 | Operating Engineers, International Union, Local #609 |
1961, 1969 |
8/9 | 1940-001 | Operative Plasterers and Cement Masons, International Association, Plasterer's Union Local #77 |
1966 |
8/10 | 1940-001 | Operative Plasterers and Cement Masons, International Association, Cement Masons Local #528 |
1960-1961, 1964-1969 |
8/11 | 1940-001 | Paint and Brush Makers Union #1094 |
1967-1969 |
8/12 | 1940-001 | Painters, Decorators, and Paperhangers of America, Brotherhood, #5 |
1959, 1963 |
8/13 | 1940-001 | Painters, Decorators, and Paperhangers of America, Brotherhood, #32 |
1960-1962 |
8/14 | 1940-001 | Painters, Decorators, and Paperhangers of America, Local #188 |
1959-1970 |
8/15 | 1940-001 | Painters, Decorators, and Paperhangers of America, Brotherhood, Local #300 |
1961-1969 |
8/16 | 1940-001 | Painters, Decorators, and Paperhangers of America, Brotherhood, #1105 |
1967 |
8/17-18 | 1940-001 | Pelly, Thomas |
1960-1969 |
8/19 | 1940-001 | Peoples National Bank of Washington |
1964-1969 |
8/20-21 | 1940-001 | Pharmacists and Retail Drug Store Employees Union #330 |
1958-1969 |
8/22 | 1940-001 | Pile Drivers, Dock, Wharf, and Bridge Carpenters, and Divers, Local #2396 |
1960 |
8/23 | 1940-001 | Plumbing and Pipe Fitters Union #32 |
1964-1968 |
8/24 | 1940-001 | Police Officers, Renton, Local #953 |
1959 |
8/25 | 1940-001 | Re: Political Material |
1968-1969 |
8/26 | 1940-001 | Portland Daily Reporter |
1963 |
8/27 | 1940-001 | Portrait, Commercial, and Photofinishers #23122 |
1965-1966 |
8/28 | 1940-001 | Postal Clerks, United Federation of #28 |
1959-1969 |
9/1 | 1940-001 | Postal Clerks, United Federation, Renton #3734 |
1966 |
9/2 | 1940-001 | Printing Specialties and Paper Products Union #380 |
1960-1969 |
9/3 | 1940-001 | Professional and Technical Engineers Association, Local #17 |
1960-1969 |
9/4 | 1940-001 | Pulp, Sulfite, and Paper Mill Workers, Local #817 |
1960, 1964 |
9/5 | 1940-001 | Radio Broadcast Technicians, Local Union 1264 |
1967 |
9/6 | 1940-001 | Repeatermen and Toll Testboardmen #1011 |
1960-1968 |
9/7 | 1940-001 | Restaurant Association of Washington State |
1960, 1963-1967 |
9/8 | 1940-001 | Retail Clerks, International Association |
1960-1967 |
9/9 | 1940-001 | Retail Clerks, International Association, Local #299 |
1960-1967 |
9/10-12 | 1940-001 | Retail Clerks, International Association, Local #1207 |
1959-1969 |
9/13-14 | 1940-001 | Retail Clerks, International Association, Local #1404 |
1959-1967 |
9/15 | 1940-001 | Retail Clerks, International Association, Local #1421 |
1960-1967 |
9/16 | 1940-001 | Retail Clerks, International Association, Local #1640 |
1960-1968 |
9/17 | 1940-001 | Retail Food and Drug Clerks #1105 |
1960-1969 |
9/18 | 1940-001 | Retail Store Employees Union #1001 |
1968-1969 |
9/19 | 1940-001 | Roofers, United Slate, Tile and Composition, Damp, and Waterproof Workers' Association, Local #54 |
1959, 1963 |
9/20 | 1940-001 | Sailors Union of the Pacific |
1961-1966 |
9/21 | 1940-001 | Re: Scanner |
1968-1969 |
9/22 | 1940-001 | Seafarers' International Union. Seattle |
1962-1968 |
9/23-24 | 1940-001 | Seattle. City Council |
1962-1967 |
10/1 | 1940-001 | Seattle. City Council. Equal Opportunities Seminar Committee |
1968-1969 |
10/2 | 1940-001 | Seattle. City Departments |
1961-1967 |
10/3 | 1940-001 | Seattle. Lighting Department. Electric Rates Committee |
1964, 1967 |
10/4-5 | 1940-001 | Seattle. Mayor (Gordon S. Clinton, J.D. Braman, Floyd C. Miller) |
1960-1969 |
10/6-8 | 1940-001 | Seattle. Public Schools |
1954, 1957, 1960-1968 |
10/9 | 1940-001 | Seattle Area Industrial Council |
1959-1968 |
10/10 | 1940-001 | Seattle Center Stadium Site, Ad Hoc Committee |
1968 |
10/11 | 1940-001 | Seattle Committee on Alcoholism |
1964, 1966 |
10/12 | 1940-001 | Seattle Convention and Tourist Bureau |
1959-1968 |
10/13 | 1940-001 | Seattle Junior Programs, Incorporated |
1965, 1967 |
10/14 | 1940-001 | Seattle - King County Safety Council |
1960-1966 |
10/15 | 1940-001 | Seattle Newsboys' Union, Local #621 |
1959-1969 |
10/16 | 1940-001 | Seattle Post-Intelligencer |
1961, 1964-1967 |
10/17 | 1940-001 | Seattle Symphony Orchestra |
1962-1969 |
10/18 | 1940-001 | Re: Seattle University Building Program |
1959-1961 |
10/19 | 1940-001 | Seattle Urban Renewal Enterprise |
1962-1966 |
10/20 | 1940-001 | Seattle Visitors Bureau |
1966-1969 |
10/21 | 1940-001 | Sheet Metal Workers, International Association #99 |
1961-1964, 1967-1969 |
10/22 | 1940-001 | Sheet Metal Workers International Association #383 |
1964-1969 |
11/1 | 1940-001 | Sign and Pictorial Painters Union #435 |
1960-1969 |
11/2 | 1940-001 | State, County, and Municipal Employees #57 |
1960-1961 |
11/3 | 1940-001 | State, County, and Municipal Employees American Federation Local #378 |
1964 |
11/4 | 1940-001 | State, County, and Municipal Employees American Federation Miscellaneous Locals |
1961-1969 |
11/5 | 1940-001 | Steelworkers of America, United, Local #6 |
1960, 1965 |
11/6 | 1940-001 | Steelworkers of America, United, Local #1208 |
1960-1961, 1969 |
11/7 | 1940-001 | Steelworkers of America, United, Local #3112 |
1958, 1966 |
11/8 | 1940-001 | Steelworkers of America, Miscellaneous Locals |
1958, 1961-1964 |
11/9 | 1940-001 | Stereotypers and Electrotypers Union, Seattle, Local #65 |
1960-1969 |
11/10 | 1940-001 | Stinson, Bill |
1963-1964 |
11/11 | 1940-001 | Street, Electric Railway, and Motor Coach Employees of America, Amalgamated Association, Local #587
General Notes:
Name changed to Amalgamated Transit Union, 1965.
1961-1969 |
11/12 | 1940-001 | Street Pavers, Sewers, Watermain, and Tunnel Workers, #440 |
1960-1963, 1969 |
11/13 | 1940-001 | Street Railway and Motor Coach Employees of America. Amalgamated Association, Local #1384 |
1958-1960, 1966 |
11/14 | 1940-001 | Teachers, Federal Way Federation, #1738 |
1967-1969 |
11/15 | 1940-001 | Teachers, Seattle Community College Federation |
1969 |
11/16-17 | 1940-001 | Teachers, Seattle Federation |
1961-1970 |
11/18 | 1940-001 | Teachers, Shoreline College Federation, #1950 |
1969 |
11/19 | 1940-001 | Teamsters, International Brotherhood. Joint Council #28 |
1965-1969 |
11/20 | 1940-001 | Teamsters Miscellaneous Locals |
1961-1962, 1969 |
11/21 | 1940-001 | Telegraph Workers, United Local #40 |
1960-1970 |
11/22 | 1940-001 | Theatrical Federation of Seattle and Vicinity |
1960, 1962, 1968 |
11/23 | 1940-001 | Theatrical Press Agents and Managers, Association, Local #18032 |
1962 |
11/24 | 1940-001 | Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture Machine Operators, International Alliance #F-21 |
1960-1965 |
11/25 | 1940-001 | Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture Machine Operators, International Alliance, Local #15 |
1960-1965 |
11/26 | 1940-001 | Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture Machine Operators, International Alliance, Local #154 |
1961-1967 |
11/27 | 1940-001 | Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture Machine Operators, International Alliance, Local #175 |
1967, 1969 |
11/28 | 1940-001 | Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture Machine Operators, International Alliance, Local #659 |
1965-1968 |
11/29 | 1940-001 | Theatrical Wardrobe Attendants. Local #887 |
1963-1969 |
11/30 | 1940-001 | Tollefson, Thor C. |
1961-1964 |
11/31 | 1940-001 | Transport Service Employees, United, Local #903 |
1963 |
11/32 | 1940-001 | Transport Workers Union of America, Local #506 |
1963 |
11/33 | 1940-001 | Transport (Air) Workers' Union, Local #523 |
1965 |
11/34 | 1940-001 | Turn Towards Peace |
1964-1965 |
11/35-36 | 1940-001 | Typographical Union, Seattle #202 |
1960-1969 |
11/37 | 1940-001 | United Automobile-Aerospace-Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) Local #232 |
undated |
12/1 | 1940-001 | U.S. Department of the Army |
1965-1968 |
12/2 | 1940-001 | U.S. President's Committee on Consumer Interests |
1968 |
12/3 | 1940-001 | U.S. Labor Department |
1961-1964, 1968 |
12/4 | 1940-001 | U.S. State Department. Educational and Cultural Affairs Bureau |
1963-1969 |
12/5 | 1940-001 | U.S. State Department |
1962-1969 |
12/6 | 1940-001 | U.S. Miscellaneous Departments |
1960-1968 |
12/7-8 | 1940-001 | University of Washington |
1960-1969 |
12/9 | 1940-001 | Upholsterers, International Union, Local #6 |
1961-1969 |
12/10 | 1940-001 | Urban League [National] (leap program) |
1967 |
12/11 | 1940-001 | Urban League. Seattle |
1968-1969 |
12/12 | 1940-001 | Valley Publishing Company |
1962 |
12/13 | 1940-001 | Waiters' Union, Local #239 |
1960-1969 |
12/14 | 1940-001 | Waitresses' Union, Local #240 |
1959-1969 |
12/15 | 1940-001 | Washington. Commerce and Economic Development Department |
1968-1969 |
12/16 | 1940-001 | Washington. Governor (Albert D. Rosellini, Daniel J. Evans) |
1963-1968 |
12/17 | 1940-001 | Washington. Governor. Labor Advisory Council |
1965-1966 |
12/18 | 1940-001 | Washington. Labor and Industries |
1963-1967 |
12/19 | 1940-001 | Washington. Legislature. Interim Committee on Education |
1960, 1964 |
12/20-22 | 1940-001 | Washington. Public Assistance Department |
1960-1968 |
12/23 | 1940-001 | Washington. State Miscellaneous Departments |
1961-1966 |
13/1 | 1940-001 | Washington Federation of State Employees #976 |
1959-1969 |
13/2 | 1940-001 | Web Pressmen's Union. Local #26 |
1960-1969 |
13/3 | 1940-001 | Western Washington Fair |
1960-1967 |
13/4 | 1940-001 | Westland, Jack |
1961-1964 |
13/5 | 1940-001 | Window Cleaners Union, Local #23 |
1961-1969 |
13/6 | 1940-001 | Women's City Club of Seattle |
1962-1963 |
13/7 | 1940-001 | Wood, Wire, and Metal Lathers International Union, Local #104 |
1968 |
13/8 | 1940-001 | Woodworkers of America, International #3-26 |
1963-1969 |
13/9 | 1940-001 | Young Women's Christian Association. Seattle |
1960-1968 |
13/10-25 | 1940-001 | A-R Miscellaneous |
1955, 1958-1969 |
14/1-7 | 1940-001 | S-Z Miscellaneous |
1959-1970 |
Subseries E: Subject Series |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
14/8 | 1940-001 | American Arbitration Association |
1966-1968 |
14/9 | 1940-001 | Apprenticeship Programs |
1962, 1965-1967 |
14/10 | 1940-001 | Banquet |
1962 |
14/11 | 1940-001 | Business - Education Day Program Schedule |
1959, 1963-1967 |
14/12 | 1940-001 | Charges Against Delegates |
1937, 1939 |
14/13 | 1940-001 | Civil Rights |
1963-1964, 1967-1969 |
14/14 | 1940-001 | Committee for Voluntary Unionism |
1967 |
14/15 | 1940-001 | Credentials |
1958, 1964 |
14/16 | 1940-001 | Education |
1959 |
14/17 | 1940-001 | Election Data |
1952-191957 |
15/1 | 1940-001 | Floating Ship Information |
1962 |
15/2 | 1940-001 | Forward Thrust |
1967-1968 |
15/3 | 1940-001 | Initiative #245 |
1968 |
15/4 | 1940-001 | Labor Center |
undated |
15/5 | 1940-001 | Labor Day |
1966 |
15/6-7 | 1940-001 | Labor Education Day (including photographs) |
1954 |
15/8 | 1940-001 | Labor News (Miscellaneous) |
1968-1969 |
15/9 | 1940-001 | "Labor Week" |
1961-1966 |
15/10 | 1940-001 | Opera (Seattle) |
1964 |
15/11 | 1940-001 | Political Information |
1952 |
15/12 | 1940-001 | Radio and Television Editorials |
1967 |
15/13 | 1940-001 | Registration Drive Clerks |
1968 |
15/14-15 | 1940-001 | Rossellini, Albert D. |
1962 |
15/16 | 1940-001 | Rule 23 |
undated |
15/17 | 1940-001 | Seadrunar (Seattle Drug and Narcotics Center, Inc.) |
undated |
15/18 | 1940-001 | Seattle. Model City Program |
1968 |
15/19 | 1940-001 | 1919 | |
"Strike Bulletin" Central Labor Council, King County |
Feb. 7, 1919 | ||
"The Seattle General Strike" Issued by the History Committee of the General Strike Committee |
Feb. 2-6, 1919 | |||
15/20 | 1940-001 | Seattle Leadership Council |
1961 |
15/21 | 1940-001 | 1921-1925 | |
15/22 | 1940-001 | "Seavillage" |
1961 |
15/23 | 1940-001 | Self-Improvement Group |
1963 |
15/24 | 1940-001 | Seminars |
1968-1969 |
15/25 | 1940-001 | Senior Citizens |
1967-1968 |
15/26 | 1940-001 | Soos Creek - Zoning |
1969 |
15/27 | 1940-001 | Strikebreakers Ordinance - Typographical |
1964-1965 |
16/1 | 1940-001 | Trials |
1942, 1951-1952 |
16/2-3 | 1940-001 | Trials, Communist |
1925-1929 |
16/4 | 1940-001 | V.O.T.E.R. Committee, King County (Volunteer Organization To Encourage Registration) |
1968 |
16/5-6 | 1940-001 | Washington. Department of Labor and Industry |
1959-1962 |
16/7-11 | 1940-001 | Washington. Legislature |
1961-1964, 1968 |
16/12-15 | 1940-001 | Washington State Federation of Labor Convention |
1962 |
16/16-17 | 1940-001 | Western Shipbuilding Association |
1962 |
Box | Accession No. | ||
17 | 1940-001 | 1915-1927 | |
18 | 1940-001 | Subseries G: Minutes |
1928-1947 |
Box/Folder | |||
19/1-7 | 1940-001 | Subseries H: Minutes |
1946-1962 |
20/1-8 | 1940-001 | Subseries I: Minutes |
1963-1970 |
Subseries J: Reports |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
21/1-2 | 1940-001 | Delegates |
1949-1967 |
21/3 | 1940-001 | Per Capita |
1957-1959 |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
21/4-5 | 1940-001 | Subseries K: Conferences and Conventions - Washington State Federation of Labor |
1957-1961 |
21/6 | 1940-001 | Subseries L: Membership Records |
1962 |
21/7 | 1940-001 | Subseries M: Newsletters - The American Federalist |
1969 |
21/8 | 1940-001 | Subseries N: Bulletin - Associated Industries of Seattle |
1931 |
21/9 | 1940-001 | Subseries O: Press Releases |
1961, 1964 |
Subseries P: Resolutions |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
21/10 | 1940-001 | Condolence |
1948-1968 |
21/11 | 1940-001 | Miscellaneous |
1949-1968 |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
21/12 | 1940-001 | Subseries Q: Agreements - Miscellaneous |
1937-1942 |
21/13 | 1940-001 | Subseries R: Case Files - News Boys Union |
1942 |
21/14 | 1940-001 | Subseries S: Petitions |
1967 |
21/15 | 1940-001 | Subseries T: Certificates and Memorabilia |
1952-1956 |
22/1-9 | 1940-001 | Subseries U: Photographs |
1941, 1958 |
22/10 | 1940-001 | Subseries V: Clippings |
1937-1941, 1945-1946 |
Subseries W: Ephemera |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
22/11 | 1940-001 | AFL-CIO |
undated |
22/12 | 1940-001 | Miscellaneous |
undated |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
22/13-14 | 1940-001 | Subseries X: Financial Records |
1950-1960 |
Box | |||
23 | 1940-001 | Subseries Y: Roll Call Books |
1920-1964 |
23 | 1940-001 | Subseries Z: Membership and Per Capita Tax Record |
1889-1892, 1907-1925 |
24 | 1940-001 | Subseries AA: Membership and Per Capita Tax Record |
1926-1962 |
24 | 1940-001 | Subseries BB: Cash Books |
1910-1919 |
37 | 1940-001 | Subseries CC: Cash Books |
1926-1938 |
38 | 1940-001 | Subseries DD: Cash Books |
1938-1950 |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
25/17-18 | 1940-001 | Subseries A: King County Labor Council, Community Services Committee |
1960-1967 |
25/1-3 | 1940-001 | Subseries B: King County Labor Council, AFL-CIO Merger Committee |
1957 |
Subseries C: King County Labor Council, Committee to Defeat Initiative #198 |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
25/4 | 1940-001 | Outgoing Letters - Form Letters to Clubs, Unions, Etc. |
1956 |
General Correspondence |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
25/5 | 1940-001 | Seminar Correspondence |
1956 |
25/6 | 1940-001 | Miscellaneous |
1955-1956 |
Minutes |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
25/7 | 1940-001 | Seattle Central Labor Council's Committee to Oppose Initiative #198 |
1956 |
25/8 | 1940-001 | United Labor Advisory Committee Against Initiative #198 |
1956 |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
25/9 | 1940-001 | Financial Records |
1956 |
25/10 | 1940-001 | Clippings |
1956 |
25/11-12 | 1940-001 | Ephemera |
1954 |
25/13 | 1940-001 | Resolutions |
1954 |
25/14 | 1940-001 | Press Release |
undated |
Subject Series |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
25/15 | 1940-001 | Initiative 198 (PRO) |
1956 |
25/16 | 1940-001 | Radio and T.V. Advertising |
1956 |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
25/19 | 1940-001 | Subseries D: King County Labor Council, Constitution and By-Laws Committee |
1957, 1959, 1964 |
Subseries E: King County Labor Council, Executive Board |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
25/20 | 1940-001 | Minutes and Agenda |
1906-1907 |
Box | |||
26 | 1940-001 | Minutes and Agenda |
1913-1947 |
Box/Folder | |||
27/1-12 | 1940-001 | Minutes and Agenda |
1947-1954 |
28/1-12 | 1940-001 | Minutes and Agenda |
1958-1963 |
29/1-11 | 1940-001 | Minutes and Agenda |
1964-1969 |
30/1-3 | 1940-001 | Minutes and Agenda |
1969-1970 |
30/4 | 1940-001 | Statement |
1923 |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
30/5-6 | 1940-001 | Subseries F: King County Labor Council, Finance Committee |
1917, 1950-1957 |
Subseries G: King County Labor Council, King County Area C.O.P.E. (Committee On Political Education) |
General Correspondence |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
30/7 | 1940-001 | Miscellaneous |
1958-1968 |
30/8 | 1940-001 | C.O.P.E. National |
1965, 1967 |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
30/9 | 1940-001 | Minutes |
1958 |
30/10 | 1940-001 | Reports |
1958 |
30/10 | 1940-001 | Roll Call Book |
undated |
30/11 | 1940-001 | News Releases |
1968 |
30/12 | 1940-001 | Clippings |
1968-1969 |
30/13 | 1940-001 | Financial Records |
1959-1960, 1964 |
Subject Series |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
30/14 | 1940-001 | Matching Funds |
1968 |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
31/1 | 1940-001 | Subseries H: King County Labor Council, Labor Management - Automation and Unemployment Committee |
1966 |
31/2 | 1940-001 | Subseries I: King County Labor Council, Organizing Committee |
1964 |
31/3-5 | 1940-001 | Subseries J: King County Labor Council, Public Relations Committee |
1959-1966 |
31/6-7 | 1940-001 | Subseries K: King County Labor Council, Renton Division |
1959-1969 |
Subseries L: King County Labor Council, Seattle Union Card and Label Council (Including King County Union Card and Label Council) Trustees Board |
1958-1969 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
31/10 | 1940-001 | General Correspondence |
1958-1961 |
31/11-12 | 1940-001 | Minutes |
1958-1963 |
32/1 | 1940-001 | Memoranda |
1958 |
Reports |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
32/2 | 1940-001 | Trustees Board |
1957-1960 |
32/3 | 1940-001 | Monthly |
1958-1963 |
32/4 | 1940-001 | Financial |
1961 |
32/5 | 1940-001 | Secretary |
1958 |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
32/6 | 1940-001 | Financial Records |
1957-1963 |
32/7 | 1940-001 | Finance Committee |
1958 |
Subject Series |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
32/8-9 | 1940-001 | Labor News |
1958-1965 |
32/10 | 1940-001 | Labor Press Publishing Company |
1950, 1960 |
Box | Accession No. | ||
35 | 1940-001 | Subseries A: Minutes |
1891-1895, 1898-1905 |
35 | 1940-001 | Subseries B: Cash Books |
1892-1902 |
36 | 1940-001 | Subseries C: Cash Books |
1898-1912, 1917-1919 |
36 | 1940-001 | Subseries D: Roll Call Books |
1901-1905, 1909-1914 |
Subseries A: Domestic Workers Union #15836 |
Box | Accession No. | ||
36 | 1940-001 | Minutes |
1917 |
Subseries B: Seattle American Publishing Company |
Box | Accession No. | ||
36 | 1940-001 | General Correspondence |
1907 |
36 | 1940-001 | Record Book |
1907 |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
32/11 | 1940-001 | Subseries C: Seattle Labor Temple Association |
1942-1969 |
Subseries D: United Labor Advisory Committee Against Initiative 202 |
1958 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
32/12 | 1940-001 | Incoming Letters - From Employers |
1958 |
32/13 | 1940-001 | Outgoing Letters |
1958 |
General Correspondence |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
32/14 | 1940-001 | Committee Against So - Called "Right-To-Work" Initiative #202 |
1958 |
32/15-16 | 1940-001 | Luncheon Rally |
1958 |
Minutes |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
32/17 | 1940-001 | Committee Against Initiative 202 |
1958 |
32/18 | 1940-001 | United Labor Advisory Committee Against Initiative 202 |
1958 |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
32/19 | 1940-001 | Newsletters |
1957-1958 |
32/20 | 1940-001 | Resolutions |
1958 |
32/21 | 1940-001 | Financial Records |
1958 |
Subject Series |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
32/22 | 1940-001 | Right-To-Work |
1955-1958 |
32/23 | 1940-001 | Committee for Initiative 202 |
1957-1958 |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
32/24 | 1940-001 | Ephemera |
1958 |
32/25-26 | 1940-001 | Clippings |
1958, 1960 |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
33/1-2 | 1940-001 | Subseries E: Washington State Labor Council. Miscellaneous Trades Section |
1959-1968 |
33/3-4 | 1940-001 | Subseries F: Washington State Labor News |
1950-1968 |
Series V: Other Organizations |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
33/5 | 1940-001 | Subseries A: Capital Improvement Committee |
1960 |
33/6-7 | 1940-001 | Subseries B: Four Freedoms House of Seattle |
1961-1968 |
33/8-9 | 1940-001 | Subseries C: Greater Seattle, Inc. Board Of Directors |
1960-1968 |
33/10 | 1940-001 | Subseries D: Job Corps Committee - Seattle United |
1964-1966 |
33/11 | 1940-001 | Subseries E: John F. Kennedy Library Committee |
1964 |
33/12 | 1940-001 | Subseries F: Pioneer Industries |
1966-1968 |
33/13 | 1940-001 | Tallmadge Hamilton House for Senior Citizens |
1960-1961 |
33/14 | 1940-001 | United Good Neighbors of Seattle and King County |
1959-1961 |
34/1-2 | 1940-001 | United Good Neighbors of Seattle and King County |
1962-1964 |
34/3-6 | 1940-001 | Washington. Governor's Advisory Committee on Salaries |
1962-1968 |
34/7 | 1940-001 | Washington. Advisory Committee on School District Organization |
1964 |
34/8 | 1940-001 | Washington Association for Mental Health. Steering Committee |
1966-1967 |
34/9-10 | 1940-001 | Doyle, Charles W. |
1933-1957 |
34/11 | 1940-001 | Merritt, Dick |
1959-1960 |
Accession No. 1940-002: King County Labor Council records, 1970-2003, bulk 1990-2000Return to Top
Scope and Content: The Administrative Records series include minutes from 1987-1997 and financial statements from 1982-1999. There also is Correspondence with Affiliated Unions from 1983-2003, including Service Employees, Teamsters, and United Food and Commercial Workers. The Subject Series includes information about labor related topics as well as correspondence with non-affiliated organizations from 1970-2002. The Committee on Political Education series includes mailings and subject files on political candidates from 1992-1999.
Records in the Council's custody following the earlier gift in 1969 are believed to have been destroyed.
Acquisition Info: Donated in 2004.
Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.
Restrictions on Use: Literary rights of representatives of the records-creating organization transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.
Processing Info: Processing level 1.
Processing Info: Prior to the transfer of these records, labor historian Ross Rieder was hired by the Council to prepare them. He worked with the Special Collections Curator of Manuscripts to determine content to be weeded. In Affiliate Correspondence, routine correspondence about per capita assessments and about delegates was not retained. Within the Committee on Political Action subject series, candidate evaluation questionnaires were retained for higher level offices, but not for lesser ones.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries A: Minutes |
1987-1997 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
1/1 | 1940-002 | 1997 Executive Board and Eve. Meeting Minutes |
1997 |
1/2 | 1940-002 | 1997 Executive Board and Eve. Meeting Minutes |
1997 |
1/3 | 1940-002 | 1996 Meetings/Notes |
1996 |
1/4 | 1940-002 | 1996 Meetings/Notes |
1996 |
1/5 | 1940-002 | King County Central Labor Council Minutes 1995 |
1995 |
1/6 | 1940-002 | King County Central Labor Council Minutes 1995 |
1995 |
1/7 | 1940-002 | King County Central Labor Council Minutes 1994 |
1994 |
1/8 | 1940-002 | King County Central Labor Council Minutes 1994 |
1994 |
1/9 | 1940-002 | King County Central Labor Council Minutes 1993 |
1993 |
1/10 | 1940-002 | King County Central Labor Council Minutes 1993 |
1993 |
1/11 | 1940-002 | King County Central Labor Council Minutes 1993 |
1993 |
1/12 | 1940-002 | King County Central Labor Council Minutes 1992 |
1992 |
1/13 | 1940-002 | King County Central Labor Council Minutes 1992 |
1992 |
1/14 | 1940-002 | King County Central Labor Council Minutes 1992 |
1992 |
1/15 | 1940-002 | King County Central Labor Council Minutes 1991 |
1991 |
1/16 | 1940-002 | King County Central Labor Council Executive Board and Minutes 1991 |
1991 |
1/17 | 1940-002 | King County Central Labor Council Minutes 1990 |
1990 |
1/18 | 1940-002 | King County Central Labor Council Minutes 1989 |
1989 |
1/19 | 1940-002 | King County Central Labor Council Minutes 1988 |
1988 |
1/20 | 1940-002 | King County Central Labor Council Minutes 1987 |
1987 |
Subseries B: Affiliate Correspondence |
[?1970--1999?] | ||
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
2/1 | 1940-002 | Aerospace Machinists Local 751 1995-1999 |
1995- 1999 |
2/2 | 1940-002 | Aerospace Machinists Local 751 1992-1994 |
1992- 1994 |
2/3 | 1940-002 | Aerospace Machinists Local 751 1970-1991 |
1970- 1991 |
2/4 | 1940-002 | Aerospace Machinists Strike Support Group 1995 |
1995 |
2/5 | 1940-002 | Air Line Pilots Association International |
1988-1998 |
2/6 | 1940-002 | Air Transport District 143 1992- 95 |
1992-1995 |
2/7 | 1940-002 | Air Transport 1351 1985-91 |
1985- 1991 |
2/8 | 1940-002 | Air Transport 2202 1993-99 |
1993-1999 |
2/9 | 1940-002 | Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance 1992-1999 |
1992-1999 |
2/10 | 1940-002 | Automotive Machinists 289 1988- 96 |
1988-1996 |
2/11 | 1940-002 | Bakery, Confectionery and Tobacco Workers' Int'l #9 1989-1997 |
1989-1997 |
2/12 | 1940-002 | Boilermakers 104 1976-1998 |
1976- 1998 |
2/13 | 1940-002 | Boilermakers Local 502 1993-95 |
1993- 1995 |
2/14 | 1940-002 | Bricklayers 1/WA 1988-1997 |
1988-1997 |
2/15 | 1940-002 | United Brotherhood of Carpenters Local 13, 1987-99 |
1987-1999 |
2/16 | 1940-002 | United Brotherhood of Carpenters Local 1797, 1985-96 |
1985-1996 |
2/17 | 1940-002 | Pacific Northwest District Council of Carpenters 1985- 99 |
1985-1998 |
2/18 | 1940-002 | United Brotherhood of Carpenters (UBC) 1144, 1986- 98 |
1986-1998 |
2/19 | 1940-002 | Carpenters - Lumber and Sawmill Workers Local 2633, 1985-99 |
1985-1999 |
2/20 | 1940-002 | Carpet, Linoleum and Soft Tile Layers Local 1238, 1989- 98 |
1989-1998 |
2/21 | 1940-002 | Cement Masons Local 528, 1986-99 |
1986- 1999 |
2/22 | 1940-002 | Coalition of Labor Union Women 1988-99 |
1988- 1999 |
2/23 | 1940-002 | Communications Workers of America Local 7800, 1991-99 |
1991- 1999 |
2/24 | 1940-002 | Communications Workers Local 7800, 1984-1991 |
2/25 | 1940-002 | Communications Workers of America Local 7803, 1985-87 |
1984-1991 |
2/26 | 1940-002 | Communications Workers Local 9400, 1990- 2003 |
1990-2003 |
2/27 | 1940-002 | AFSCME 21, 1992-97 |
1992- 1997 |
2/28 | 1940-002 | County and City Employees Local 21, 1984-91 |
1984- 1991 |
2/29 | 1940-002 | County and City Employees Local 2083, 1987-96 |
1987- 1996 |
2/30 | 1940-002 | County and City Employees Local 2083C, 1984-98 |
1984- 1998 |
2/31 | 1940-002 | Deep Sea Fisherman's Union/SUP, 2002 |
2002 |
2/32 | 1940-002 | Electrical Workers Local 46, 1993-98 |
1993-1998 |
2/33 | 1940-002 | Electrical Workers Local 46, 1985- 98 |
1985-1998 |
2/34 | 1940-002 | Electrical Workers Local 77, 1985-96 |
1985- 1996 |
2/35 | 1940-002 | Electrical Workers Local 89, 1990-99 |
1990- 1999 |
2/36 | 1940-002 | IUE Local 1002, 1989-95 |
1989-1995 |
2/37 | 1940-002 | International Union of Elevator Constructors 19, 1992-97 |
1992-1997 |
2/38 | 1940-002 | Seattle Fire Fighters Union Local 27, 1985- 98 |
1985-1998 |
3/1 | 1940-002 | International Association of Fire Fighters Local 1257 |
3/2 | 1940-002 | Fire Fighters Local 1352 |
1988 |
3/3 | 1940-002 | Fire Fighters Local 2024 (New Affiliate 3/98 - Never Paid Dues) |
1998 |
3/4 | 1940-002 | Association of Flight Attendants Local 10 |
1989-1991 |
3/5 | 1940-002 | Association of Flight Attendants Local 17 |
1990-1998 |
3/6 | 1940-002 | Association of Flight Attendants Local 19 |
1990-1999 |
3/7 | 1940-002 | Garment Workers Local 17 |
1989- 1995 |
3/8 | 1940-002 | Garment Workers (Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees) Local 184 |
1992-1997 |
3/9 | 1940-002 | Glass Workers Local 50 |
1988- 1993 |
3/10 | 1940-002 | Glass, Molders, Pottery, Plastics and Allied Workers Local 87 |
1988- 1998 |
3/11 | 1940-002 | Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glassworkers Local 188, 1986-94 |
1986- 1994 |
3/12 | 1940-002 | American Federation of Government Employees Local 40, 1991-92 |
1991- 1992 |
3/13 | 1940-002 | American Federation of Government Employees Local 1170, 1988-95 |
1988- 1995 |
3/14 | 1940-002 | American Federation of Government Employees Local 3197, 1988-99 |
1988- 1999 |
3/15 | 1940-002 | Graphic Communications Union Local 767M |
1988- 1998 |
3/16 | 1940-002 | Graphic Communications Union Local 767 M District Council (DC) 2 |
1985- 1999 |
3/17 | 1940-002 | Hotel and Restaurant Employees (HERE) Local 8 (1 of 3) 1985-95 |
1985- 1995 |
3/18 | 1940-002 | Hotel and Restaurant Employees (HERE) Local 8 (2 of 3) 1993-96 |
1993- 1996 |
3/19 | 1940-002 | Hotel and Restaurant Employees (HERE) Local 8 (3 of 3) 1995-99 |
1995- 1999 |
3/20 | 1940-002 | Hotel and Restaurant Employees (HERE) Local 8 Organizing Project Expenses, 1997 |
1997 |
3/21 | 1940-002 | Hotel and Restaurant Employees (HERE) Local 8/King County Organizing Project (1 of 2), 1997 |
1997 |
3/22 | 1940-002 | Hotel and Restaurant Employees (HERE) Local 8/King County Organizing Project (2 of 2), 1997 |
1997 |
3/23 | 1940-002 | Inlandboatmen's Union of the Pacific (IBU), 1985- 99 |
1985-1999 |
3/24 | 1940-002 | Iron Workers Local 86, 1990-98 |
1990- 1998 |
3/25 | 1940-002 | Iron Workers Local 509, 1988-97 |
1988- 1997 |
3/26 | 1940-002 | King County Union Retirees Council, 1992,94 |
1992, 1994 |
3/27 | 1940-002 | Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, 1996-99 |
1996-1999 |
3/28 | 1940-002 | Public Service and Industrial Employees Local 1239, 1987-94 |
1987-1994 |
3/29 | 1940-002 | Laborers' International Union of North America (LIUNA) Local 242, 1984-94 |
1984-1994 |
3/30 | 1940-002 | National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) Local 79, 1988-96 |
1988-1996 |
3/31 | 1940-002 | International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 9, 1989-98 |
1989-1998 |
3/32 | 1940-002 | International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union (ILWU) Local 19, 1989-98 |
1989-1998 |
3/33 | 1940-002 | International Associaiton of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) Local 79, 1988-99 |
1988-1999 |
3/34 | 1940-002 | International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW) Local 282, 1999 |
1999 |
3/35 | 1940-002 | International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) Local 1103, 1991 |
1991 |
3/36 | 1940-002 | Maritime Trades Department, 1991- 98 |
1991-1998 |
3/37 | 1940-002 | Masters, Mates, and Pilots Union (MM+P), Pacific Maritime Region, 1984-93 |
1984-1993 |
3/38 | 1940-002 | Marine Engineers Beneficial Association (MEBA) District 1, PCD, 1987-99 |
1987-1999 |
3/39 | 1940-002 | Puget Sound Metal Trades Council, 1984- 97 |
1984-1997 |
3/40 | 1940-002 | Millmen's Union Local 338, 1984-93 |
1984- 1993 |
3/41 | 1940-002 | Glass, Molders, Pottery, Plastics and Allied Workers (GMPP+AW) Local 158, 1988 |
1988 |
4/1 | 1940-002 | Moving Picture Machine Operators Local 154 |
1985-1999 |
4/2 | 1940-002 | Moving Picture Machine Operators Local 175 |
1989-1995 |
4/3 | 1940-002 | American Federation of Musicians 76- 493 |
1984-1999 |
4/4 | 1940-002 | NFL Players Association (Seattle Seahawks) |
1987-1990 |
4/5 | 1940-002 | Pacific Northwest Newspaper Guild Local 82 |
1987-1998 |
4/6 | 1940-002 | OPEIU Local 8 re: El Centro de la Raza |
1997- 1999 |
4/7 | 1940-002 | OPEIU Local 8 1996-99 Part 1 of 3 |
1996- 1999 |
4/8 | 1940-002 | OPEIU Local 8 1996-99 Part 2 of 3 |
4/9 | 1940-002 | OPEIU Local 8 1996-99 Part 3 of 3 |
4/10 | 1940-002 | OPEIU Local 8 1991-95 |
1991-1995 |
4/11 | 1940-002 | OPEIU Local 8 1989-1990 |
1989-1990 |
4/12 | 1940-002 | OPEIU Local 8 1983-88 |
1983- 1988 |
4/13 | 1940-002 | Operating Engineers Local 286 |
1984- 1999 |
4/14 | 1940-002 | Operating Engineers Local 609 |
1982- 1999 |
4/15 | 1940-002 | Painters District Council 5 |
1991-1995 |
4/16 | 1940-002 | Painters Local 33 |
1985-1991 |
4/17 | 1940-002 | Painters and Allied Trades Local 1094 |
1984-1998 |
5/1 | 1940-002 | Plasterers' Union Local 77 |
1986- 1998 |
5/2 | 1940-002 | Plumbers Union Local 32 |
1986-1998 |
5/3 | 1940-002 | Port Angeles/Puget Sound Pilots |
1990-1991 |
5/4 | 1940-002 | Greater Seattle Area Postal Workers Union (GSALAPWU) |
1987-1999 |
5/5 | 1940-002 | Pride at Work |
1997- 1999 |
5/6 | 1940-002 | Print Trades Council of Washington and Oregon |
1985- 1998 |
5/7 | 1940-002 | Professional and Technical Engineers Local 17 |
1984- 1999 |
5/8 | 1940-002 | Puget Sound Council of Senior Citizens |
1988- 1999 |
5/9 | 1940-002 | Sailors' Union of the Pacific |
1984-1998 |
5/10 | 1940-002 | Seafarers' International Union |
1987-1992 |
5/11 | 1940-002 | The Building Trades Residential/Commerical Enhancement Program |
Undated |
5/12 | 1940-002 | Seattle/King County Building and Construction Trades Council 1994-1999 |
1994-1999 |
5/13 | 1940-002 | Seattle/King County Building and Construction Trades Council 1973-1993 |
1973-1993 |
5/14 | 1940-002 | Public Safety Employees Local 519 |
1987- 1996 |
5/15 | 1940-002 | Service Employees Local 6 1993-1999 |
1993- 1999 |
5/16 | 1940-002 | Service Employees Local 6 1989-1992 |
1989- 1992 |
5/17 | 1940-002 | Service Employees Local 6 1984-1988 |
1984- 1988 |
5/18 | 1940-002 | Service Employees Local 925 |
1988-1999 |
5/19 | 1940-002 | Service Employees Local 1199 |
1992-1998 |
5/20 | 1940-002 | Service Employees Local 1199 Group Health Negotiations |
1995 |
5/21 | 1940-002 | Service Employees Local 1199 Hospitals and Healthcare 1989-1992 |
1989-1992 |
5/22 | 1940-002 | Service Employees 1199/Providence Health System |
1999 |
5/23 | 1940-002 | Service Employees 1199 Virginia Mason Nurses 1998 |
1998 |
5/24 | 1940-002 | Service Employees 1199/West SEattle Psychiatric Hospital |
1998-1999 |
5/25 | 1940-002 | Service Employees State Council |
2000- 2003 |
5/26 | 1940-002 | Sheet Metal Workers Local 66 |
1984- 1991 |
5/27 | 1940-002 | Stage Hands Local 15 |
1985-1999 |
5/28 | 1940-002 | Sprinkler Fitters Local 699 |
1973-2000 |
5/29 | 1940-002 | State Employees Local 1488 |
1985- 1998 |
5/30 | 1940-002 | State Employees Local 304 |
1990-1997 |
5/31 | 1940-002 | State Employees Local 435 |
1987-1995 |
6/1 | 1940-002 | State Employees Local 843 |
1988- 1998 |
6/2 | 1940-002 | Steelworkers Local 7945 |
1989-1998 |
6/3 | 1940-002 | Community College Teachers Local 1789 (Federal Way) |
1987-1999 |
6/4 | 1940-002 | Teamsters Local 117 |
1997- 1998 |
6/5 | 1940-002 | Teamsters Local 174 1997-1999 |
1997- 1999 |
6/6 | 1940-002 | Teamsters Local 174 1988-1996 |
1988- 1996 |
6/7 | 1940-002 | Teamsters Local 174 - Browning-Ferris Industries (BFI) |
1995- 1996 |
6/8 | 1940-002 | Teamsters Local 763 |
1988-1993 |
6/9 | 1940-002 | Television and Radio Artists, Seattle Local |
1986-1998 |
6/10 | 1940-002 | Amalgamated Transit Union Local 587 |
1984-1999 |
6/11 | 1940-002 | Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1384 |
1984-1993 |
6/12 | 1940-002 | United Farm Workers Strawberry Campaign |
1996-1998 |
6/13 | 1940-002 | United Farm Workers of Washington State |
1992-1998 |
6/14 | 1940-002 | United Food and Commercial Workers District Council 17 |
1989-1999 |
6/15 | 1940-002 | United Food and Commercial Workers 1001, 1975- 1982 |
1975-1982 |
6/16 | 1940-002 | United Food and Commercial Workers 1001, 1983- 1988 |
1983-1988 |
6/17 | 1940-002 | United Food and Commercial Workers 1001, 1989- 1991 |
1989-1991 |
6/18 | 1940-002 | United Food and Commercial Workers 1001, 1992- 2001 |
1992-2001 |
6/19 | 1940-002 | United Food and Commercial Workers 1105, 1982- 1989 |
1982-1989 |
6/20 | 1940-002 | United Food and Commercial Workesrs 1105, 1990- 1999 |
1990-1999 |
6/21 | 1940-002 | UFCW 1001 Evergreen General Hospital Med Center Bond Issue |
1988 |
6/22 | 1940-002 | United Food and Commercial Workers 1182 |
1978-1998 |
6/23 | 1940-002 | United Food and Commercial Workers 141 - United Staff Nurses Union |
1989-1996 |
6/24 | 1940-002 | United Food and Commercial Workers 554 |
1988-1999 |
6/25 | 1940-002 | United Food and Commercial Workers 81, 1984- 1999 |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
7/1-2 | 1940-002 | Subseries C: Financial Statements |
1982- 1999 |
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
7/1 | 1940-002 | King County Central Labor Council Financial Statements 1990-1999 |
1990- 1999 |
7/2 | 1940-002 | King County Central Labor Council FInancial Statements 1982-1989 |
1982- 1989 |
7/3 | 1940-002 | Affirmative Action |
1996-1999 |
7/4 | 1940-002 | Agreement Dynamics |
1990- 1996 |
7/5 | 1940-002 | Alaska Fishermen's Union |
1994-1997 |
7/6 | 1940-002 | Alliance for Education |
1996-1998 |
7/7 | 1940-002 | American Income Life Insurance |
1997- 1998 |
7/8 | 1940-002 | Apprenticeship Opportunities |
1992- 2000 |
7/9 | 1940-002 | African American Union Organizations |
1992- 1998 |
7/10 | 1940-002 | Boy Scouts of Amercia |
1993-1998 |
7/11 | 1940-002 | Breakfast Group |
1995-1999 |
7/12 | 1940-002 | Seattle Burma Ordinance |
1994- 1998 |
7/13 | 1940-002 | Communications Workers of America / Shuttle Express |
1998 |
7/14 | 1940-002 | Cherry Pint (Gateway Pacific Terminal) |
1994-1999 |
7/15 | 1940-002 | Church Council of Greater Seattle |
1993-1995 |
7/16 | 1940-002 | Church/Labor Coalition, Labor in the Pulpits |
1999 |
7/17 | 1940-002 | Church-Labor-Community Forum |
1993- 1996 |
7/18 | 1940-002 | Coalition of City Unions 1994-1997 (1 of 2) |
1994- 1997 |
7/19 | 1940-002 | Coalition of City Unions 1994-1997 (2 of 2) |
1994- 1997 |
7/20 | 1940-002 | Confluence (Conference) |
1999 |
7/21 | 1940-002 | Costco |
1993- 1997 |
7/22 | 1940-002 | Northwest Rail Project |
1994-1996 |
7/23 | 1940-002 | Duwamish Coalition Part 3 (1 of 2) |
1995-1997 |
7/24 | 1940-002 | Duwamish Coalition Part 3 (2 of 2) |
1994- 1995 |
8/1 | 1940-002 | Duwamish Coalition Part 2 (1 of 2) |
1994- 1995 |
8/2 | 1940-002 | Duwamish Coalition Part 2 (2 of 2) |
1994 |
8/3 | 1940-002 | Duwamish Coalition Part 1 (1 of 2) |
1994 |
8/4 | 1940-002 | Duwamish Coalition Part 1 (2 of 2) |
1994- 1995 |
8/5 | 1940-002 | Duwamish Plan |
2000 |
8/6 | 1940-002 | Duwamish Speeches and Briefings |
1995 |
8/7 | 1940-002 | Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County (1 of 2) |
1996-2000 |
8/8 | 1940-002 | Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County (1 of 2) |
1995-1996 |
8/9 | 1940-002 | Economic Opportunity Institute (1 of 2) |
1999- 2000 |
8/10 | 1940-002 | Economic Opportunity Institute (1 of 2) |
1998- 1999 |
8/11 | 1940-002 | Economic Security Institute |
1998 |
8/12 | 1940-002 | King County Central Labor Council Education Committee |
1990-1999 |
8/13 | 1940-002 | El Centro de la Raza |
1994- 1997 |
8/14 | 1940-002 | Emerald Downs (1 of 2) |
1996-1997 |
8/15 | 1940-002 | Emerald Downs (2 of 2) |
1993-1996 |
8/16 | 1940-002 | Freight Action Strategy (FAST) Corridor |
1997 |
8/17 | 1940-002 | Fast Track Trade Legislation (1 of 2) |
1997 |
8/18 | 1940-002 | Fast Track Trade Legislation (2 of 2) |
1997 |
9/1 | 1940-002 | Federal Legislation: Wards Cove Workers Act |
1992 |
9/2 | 1940-002 | Federal Way Schools - Site Leadership Team |
1996-1997 |
9/3 | 1940-002 | Football Northwest Inc. Stadium |
1997 |
9/4 | 1940-002 | Freeway Hall Case |
1987- 1993 |
9/5 | 1940-002 | Global Mariner |
1999 |
9/6 | 1940-002 | Anti-Labor Arguments: G.O.P. Attacks |
1996 |
9/7 | 1940-002 | Governor Gary Locke |
1998 |
9/8 | 1940-002 | Governor's Appointments |
1993-1999 |
9/9 | 1940-002 | Group Health/United Unions Part 1 |
1992- 1997 |
9/10 | 1940-002 | Group Health/United Unions Part 2 |
1992- 1997 |
9/11 | 1940-002 | Group Health/United Unions Part 3 |
1992- 1997 |
9/12 | 1940-002 | United Unions |
9/13 | 1940-002 | Guatemala/Starbucks |
1992- 1999 |
9/14 | 1940-002 | Herzmark, Jay (Safety and Health) |
1998 |
9/15 | 1940-002 | International Longshore and Warehouse Union |
1998 |
9/16 | 1940-002 | Immigration and Naturalization Services |
1996-1999 |
9/17 | 1940-002 | Independent Media Center |
c. 2000 |
9/18 | 1940-002 | Industrial Areas Foundation |
1998 |
9/19 | 1940-002 | Institute for a Democratic Future |
2000 |
9/20 | 1940-002 | Institute for Economic Security |
1997 |
9/21 | 1940-002 | International Labor Communications Association (Scanner) |
1993-1997 |
9/22 | 1940-002 | International Visitors |
1998- 1999 |
9/23 | 1940-002 | International Women's Day |
1997-1999 |
9/24 | 1940-002 | International Workers of the World Local 660 |
Undated |
9/25 | 1940-002 | Jobs with Justice (1 of 2) |
1997- 1998 |
9/26 | 1940-002 | Jobs with Justice (2 of 2) |
1993-1996 |
9/27 | 1940-002 | Kent Unions |
1997-1998 |
9/28 | 1940-002 | King County Alternative Dispute Resolution Services |
1998 |
9/29 | 1940-002 | King County Contingent Work Task Force |
1999 |
9/30 | 1940-002 | King County Corrections Guild |
1997 |
9/31 | 1940-002 | King County Council - Partnership vs. Privatization |
1995-1997 |
9/32 | 1940-002 | King County International Trade Initiative Board (1 of 2) |
1997-1999 |
10/1 | 1940-002 | King County International Trade Initiative Board (2 of 2) |
1997 |
10/2 | 1940-002 | King County Labor Summit |
1998- 1999 |
10/3 | 1940-002 | King County Living Wage Proposal |
1998 |
10/4 | 1940-002 | King County Organizing Project |
1993-1997 |
10/5 | 1940-002 | King County Regional Wastewater Service Plan |
1999 |
10/6 | 1940-002 | King County Transportation Coalition |
1999 |
10/7 | 1940-002 | King County Unions Coalition |
1994- 1999 |
10/8 | 1940-002 | Korean Labor Movement |
1998-1999 |
10/9 | 1940-002 | KCLC Labor Agency United Way Budget |
1990-1996 |
10/10 | 1940-002 | KCLC Labor Agency Sheet Metal Contract |
1994-1995 |
10/11 | 1940-002 | KCLC Labor Agency/Worker Center Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement |
1996 |
10/12 | 1940-002 | Labor Day Journal |
1993, 1996 |
10/13 | 1940-002 | Labor, Environment, and Social Justice |
1993-1995 |
10/14 | 1940-002 | Labor History Month |
1993 |
10/15 | 1940-002 | Labor and Industries - ABC/AGC Lawsuits |
1993-1999 |
10/16 | 1940-002 | Labor Mural/Judkins Park |
1998 |
10/17 | 1940-002 | Labor Party |
1993- 1999 |
10/18 | 1940-002 | Labor Studies - Highline Community College |
1996 |
10/19 | 1940-002 | Labor's Heritage |
1997 |
10/20 | 1940-002 | Land Use Study Group |
1995 |
10/21 | 1940-002 | Landmarks Preservation Board |
1998 |
10/22 | 1940-002 | League of Women Voters |
1994- 1998 |
10/23 | 1940-002 | Livable Washington (1 of 2) |
1994-1996 |
10/24 | 1940-002 | Livable Washington (2 of 2) |
1996-1997 |
10/25 | 1940-002 | Living Wage (1 of 2) |
2000- 2002 |
10/26 | 1940-002 | Living Wage (2 of 2) |
1996-1999 |
11/1 | 1940-002 | Lockheed |
1987 |
11/2 | 1940-002 | Low Income Housing Institute |
1995- 1997 |
11/3 | 1940-002 | Maddy |
1996 |
11/4 | 1940-002 | Maritime Alliance of the Pacific Northwest |
1993-1994 |
11/5 | 1940-002 | Maritime: United States Longshoremen and Harborworkers |
1993 |
11/6 | 1940-002 | Maritime Museum |
1995 |
11/7 | 1940-002 | Membership Education and Mobilization for Organizing 1996 (1 of 2) |
1996 |
11/8 | 1940-002 | Membership Education and Mobilization for Organizing 1996 (2 of 2) |
1994, 1996 |
11/9 | 1940-002 | MEMO - Train the Trainer |
1996 |
11/10 | 1940-002 | MEMO Training 1994 |
1994 |
11/11 | 1940-002 | Metro Apprenticeship Guidelines |
1993 |
11/12 | 1940-002 | Metro Council |
1993 |
11/13 | 1940-002 | Metropolitan Parks District |
1999 |
11/14 | 1940-002 | (United) Mine Workers Association |
1993 |
11/15 | 1940-002 | Minimum Wage 1996 |
1996 |
11/16 | 1940-002 | Senator Patty Murray |
1996 |
11/17 | 1940-002 | NAFTA (Including Fast Track, Fair Trade, etc.) (1 of 7) |
1994 |
11/18 | 1940-002 | NAFTA (Including Fast Track, Fair Trade, etc.) (2 of 7) |
1993 |
11/19 | 1940-002 | NAFTA (Including Fast Track, Fair Trade, etc.) (3 of 7) |
1993 |
11/20 | 1940-002 | NAFTA (Including Fast Track, Fair Trade, etc.) (4 of 7) |
1993 |
11/21 | 1940-002 | NAFTA (Including Fast Track, Fair Trade, etc.) (5 of 7) |
1992 |
11/22 | 1940-002 | NAFTA (Including Fast Track, Fair Trade, etc.) (6 of 7) |
1988-1991 |
12/1 | 1940-002 | NAFTA (Including Fast Track, Fair Trade, etc.) (7 of 7) |
1991 |
12/2 | 1940-002 | NAFTA - Transitional Adjustment Assistance |
1993 |
12/3 | 1940-002 | National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice |
1997 |
12/4 | 1940-002 | National Partnership for Community Investment |
1993 |
12/5 | 1940-002 | National Planning Association |
1992, 1994 |
12/6 | 1940-002 | National Political Congress of Black Women |
1995 |
12/7 | 1940-002 | Neighborhood Funders Group |
1997 |
12/8 | 1940-002 | Neutrality/Check Card Agreements |
1999 |
12/9 | 1940-002 | New Party |
1997, 2001 |
12/10 | 1940-002 | Northwest Alternatives |
Undated |
12/11 | 1940-002 | Northwest Area Foundation |
1995 |
12/12 | 1940-002 | Northwest Center for Progressive Research |
1995 |
12/13 | 1940-002 | Northwest Labor Arts Festival - 1995 |
1995 |
12/14 | 1940-002 | Northwest Labor Arts Project (Teach-in Folklife) 1997 |
1997 |
12/15 | 1940-002 | Northwest Rail Corridor |
1995 |
12/16 | 1940-002 | Operating Engineers Local 701 |
1994 |
12/17 | 1940-002 | Oregon Farm Workers |
1997 |
12/18 | 1940-002 | KCLC Organizing Committee 1996 |
1996 |
12/19 | 1940-002 | KCLC Organizing Committee 1994- 1997 |
1994-1997 |
12/20 | 1940-002 | Out Front Labor Coalition |
1997 |
12/21 | 1940-002 | Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers |
1994- 1998 |
12/22 | 1940-002 | Sandra Oleson |
1992-1993 |
12/23 | 1940-002 | Olympic Pipe Line Company |
1999 |
12/24 | 1940-002 | One-by-One USA |
1995 |
12/25 | 1940-002 | Olympics Bid, 2012 |
1998 |
12/26 | 1940-002 | OPEIU Local 8 Benefits |
1999- 2000 |
12/27 | 1940-002 | Organizer - Resumes |
1993-1998 |
12/28 | 1940-002 | Pacific Coast Tradeswomen Summit (1997) |
1996 |
12/29 | 1940-002 | Paycheck Protection Act |
1996 |
12/30 | 1940-002 | People for Puget Sound |
1993 |
12/31 | 1940-002 | Phone Banking (KCLC Delegates) |
Undated |
12/32 | 1940-002 | Phone Banking |
1990 |
12/33 | 1940-002 | Pico (South Korea) Workers Union |
1991 |
12/34 | 1940-002 | National Report on Population and Development |
1993 |
12/35 | 1940-002 | Port Coalition Misc. (1 of 2) |
1992- 2001 |
12/36 | 1940-002 | Port Coalition Misc. (2 of 2) |
1991 |
12/37 | 1940-002 | Port Commissioners/Districts |
1995-1999 |
13/1 | 1940-002 | Port JOBS (1 of 12) |
1996- 2001 |
13/2 | 1940-002 | Port JOBS (2 of 12) |
1995-1996 |
13/3 | 1940-002 | Port JOBS (3 of 12) |
1994- 1995 |
13/4 | 1940-002 | Port JOBS (4 of 12) |
1999 |
13/5 | 1940-002 | Port JOBS (5 of 12) |
1998- 1999 |
13/6 | 1940-002 | Port JOBS (6 of 12) |
1996-1998 |
13/7 | 1940-002 | Port JOBS (7 of 12) |
1994- 1996 |
13/8 | 1940-002 | Port JOBS (8 of 12) |
1993-1994 |
13/9 | 1940-002 | Port JOBS (9 of 12) |
1993 |
13/10 | 1940-002 | Port JOBS (10 of 12) |
1993 |
13/11 | 1940-002 | Port JOBS (11 of 12) |
1991- 1993 |
13/12 | 1940-002 | Port JOBS (12 of 12) |
1991 |
13/13 | 1940-002 | Port JOBS Executive Director Search 1997 |
1997 |
13/14 | 1940-002 | Port of Seattle |
1994- 1995 |
13/15 | 1940-002 | Portworks (Business and Labor) |
1992- 1996 |
14/1 | 1940-002 | Port of Seattle (1 of 2) |
1986-1994 |
14/2 | 1940-002 | Port of Seattle (2 of 2) |
1991 |
14/3 | 1940-002 | Port of SEattle APL Expansion Program |
1994-1996 |
14/4 | 1940-002 | Port of Seattle, Bell Harbor International Conference Center |
1995 |
14/5 | 1940-002 | Port of SEattle, Chuck Lare |
1996- 1998 |
14/6 | 1940-002 | Port of SEattle, Columbia Research Group |
1995 |
14/7 | 1940-002 | Port of Seattle, Global Labor Management |
1993-1994 |
14/8 | 1940-002 | Port of Seattle, Harbor Maintenence Tax |
1999 |
14/9 | 1940-002 | Port of Seattle, Independent Trucking |
1996 |
14/10 | 1940-002 | Port of Seattle, Joint Labor Management Retreat |
1993 |
14/11 | 1940-002 | Port of SEattle Reorganization Plan |
1995 |
14/12 | 1940-002 | Port of Seattle, Southwest Harbor Project |
1994-1995 |
14/13 | 1940-002 | Port of Seattle, Westin, Marriott |
1997 |
14/14 | 1940-002 | Poverty & Race Research Action Council |
1994 |
14/15 | 1940-002 | Press Release Media List |
Undated |
14/16 | 1940-002 | Prevailing Wage |
1991- 2001 |
14/17 | 1940-002 | Prevailing Wage - Advisory Committee |
1994 |
14/18 | 1940-002 | Prevailing Wage - Association of Washington Cities |
1995 |
14/19 | 1940-002 | Private Industry Council - Seattle/King County |
1989-2000 |
14/20 | 1940-002 | Progressive America |
1999 |
14/21 | 1940-002 | Progressive Electoral Coalition |
Undated |
14/22 | 1940-002 | Project Labor Agreements |
1994- 2000 |
14/23 | 1940-002 | Puget Sound Cooperative Federation |
1994 |
14/24 | 1940-002 | Puget Sound Regional Council (1 of 3) |
1994, 2000 |
14/25 | 1940-002 | Puget Sound Regional Council (2 of 3) |
1992-1993 |
14/26 | 1940-002 | Puget Sound Regional Council (3 of 3) |
1993 |
15/1 | 1940-002 | Puget Sound Transportation Investment Program |
1993 |
15/2 | 1940-002 | Puyallup Fair |
1989- 1995 |
15/3 | 1940-002 | Pyramid Communications |
Undated |
15/4 | 1940-002 | Rainbow Coalition |
1993 |
15/5 | 1940-002 | Rallies |
1969- 1996 |
15/6 | 1940-002 | Rebound |
1993-2000 |
15/7 | 1940-002 | Regional Transit (See Sound Transit) |
1993-2000 |
15/8 | 1940-002 | Renton, City of |
1998 |
15/9 | 1940-002 | Retreat 1997 |
1997 |
15/10 | 1940-002 | Executive Board Retreat 1994 |
1994 |
15/11 | 1940-002 | Retreat 1991 |
1991 |
15/12 | 1940-002 | Retreat 1992 |
1992 |
15/13 | 1940-002 | Right to Organize |
1998 |
15/14 | 1940-002 | Roosevelt Square Redevelopment |
1997 |
15/15 | 1940-002 | Rutgers University |
1993 |
15/16 | 1940-002 | State Route 509 |
1996 |
15/17 | 1940-002 | Saturn |
1996- 1998 |
15/18 | 1940-002 | SOIL - Save Our Industrial Land |
1996- 1998 |
15/19 | 1940-002 | School to Work Coordinating Board - Seattle Public Schools |
1997 |
15/20 | 1940-002 | School to Work |
1995- 1996 |
15/21 | 1940-002 | School to Work Opportunities |
1993-1996 |
15/22 | 1940-002 | Seattle Airport Third Runway |
1993-1995 |
15/23 | 1940-002 | Seattle Chamber of Commerce |
1988- 2001 |
15/24 | 1940-002 | Seattle 18 (NLRB Rally Arrests) |
1993 |
15/25 | 1940-002 | Seattle, City of |
1992-2000 |
15/26 | 1940-002 | Seattle City Apprenticeship Opportunities Program |
1993-1998 |
15/27 | 1940-002 | Seattle (City of) AATF (Apprenticeship Advisory Task Force) (1 of 2) |
1997 |
15/28 | 1940-002 | Seattle (City of) AATF (Apprenticeship Advisory Task Force) (2 of 2) |
1995-1997 |
16/1 | 1940-002 | Seattle, City of -- Business and Labor Committee |
1994 |
16/2 | 1940-002 | Seattle, City of -- Commercial Advisory Panel |
1994 |
16/3 | 1940-002 | Seattle, City of -- Construction Advisory Committee |
1998-1999 |
16/4 | 1940-002 | Seattle, City of -- Downtown Action Plan |
1993 |
16/5 | 1940-002 | Seattle, City of -- Economic Development Task Force |
1993-1994 |
16/6 | 1940-002 | Seattle, City of -- Noise Ordinance |
1999 |
16/7 | 1940-002 | Seattle, City of -- Mayor Paul Schell |
1997- 1998 |
16/8 | 1940-002 | Seattle Comprehensive Plan |
1992-1993 |
16/9 | 1940-002 | Seattle Center |
1990-1997 |
16/10 | 1940-002 | Seattle City Council |
1990- 1999 |
16/11 | 1940-002 | Seattle Commons (1 of 3) |
1994-1996 |
16/12 | 1940-002 | Seattle Commons (2 of 3) |
1993-1994 |
16/13 | 1940-002 | Seattle Commons AFL-CIO Project |
1994 |
16/14 | 1940-002 | Seattle Commons (3 of 3) |
1993 |
16/15 | 1940-002 | Seattle Community Colleges/KCLC Workforce Training |
1997-1998 |
16/16 | 1940-002 | Seattle Community Colleges/KCLC Leadership Comm |
1998 |
16/17 | 1940-002 | Seattle Housing Authority (for negotiations with OPEIU Loc. 8, see affil. file for OPEIU Loc. 8) |
1993-1994 |
16/18 | 1940-002 | Seattle Jobs Initiative (MOU Negotiations - Annie Casey) |
1997-1998 |
16/19 | 1940-002 | Seattle Labor Temple Association (1 of 3) |
1998-2000 |
16/20 | 1940-002 | Seattle Labor Temple Association (2 of 3) |
1995-1997 |
16/21 | 1940-002 | Seattle Labor Temple Association (3 of 3) |
1992-1995 |
16/22 | 1940-002 | Seattle/King County Health Department |
1995-1996 |
16/23 | 1940-002 | Seattle Plan - Organizing |
1993 |
16/24 | 1940-002 | Seattle Police Management Association |
1997 |
16/25 | 1940-002 | Seattle Progressive Coalition |
1998- 1999 |
17/1 | 1940-002 | Seattle School District (1 of 2) |
1993- 1997 |
17/2 | 1940-002 | Seattle School District (2 of 2) |
1989- 1993 |
17/3 | 1940-002 | Seattle Seahawks |
1987-2001 |
17/4 | 1940-002 | Seattle Transportation Group |
1994 |
17/5 | 1940-002 | Seattle Water Department |
1994 |
17/6 | 1940-002 | Seattle Vocational Institute |
1991- 1995 |
17/7 | 1940-002 | Puget Sound Shipyards Industrial Jobs Commission |
1989 |
17/8 | 1940-002 | Shoreline Community College |
1998 |
17/9 | 1940-002 | Snohomish County Labor Council |
1996- 1999 |
17/10 | 1940-002 | Solicitations for Contributions |
1993- 1998 |
17/11 | 1940-002 | Song, Oswald & Mondress |
1998 |
17/12 | 1940-002 | Sound Transit |
1998- 1999 |
17/13 | 1940-002 | Speeches |
1994-1999 |
17/14 | 1940-002 | Spirit of Puget Sound |
1990- 1993 |
17/15 | 1940-002 | Staley Catterpillar - Illinois |
1994-1995 |
17/16 | 1940-002 | State Farm Insurance |
1993 |
17/17 | 1940-002 | United Steelworkers of America |
1995- 1996 |
17/18 | 1940-002 | Team PIC (Private Industry Council) |
1982- 1997 |
17/19 | 1940-002 | Tenants Union |
1995 |
17/20 | 1940-002 | Third House |
1995- 1999 |
17/21 | 1940-002 | Tribes of Washington State |
1996 |
17/22 | 1940-002 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers (UAW), Region 9 |
1987-1993 |
17/23 | 1940-002 | U.S. Army School of the Americas |
1998 |
17/24 | 1940-002 | U.S. Congress Progressive Caucus |
1994 |
17/25 | 1940-002 | U.S. Department of Labor |
1993- 1995 |
17/26 | 1940-002 | U.S. Secretary of Labor / Alexis Herman |
1999 |
17/27 | 1940-002 | Unemployment Law Project 1993-1999 |
1993-1999 |
17/28 | 1940-002 | Uniformed Command Association |
1995 |
17/29 | 1940-002 | United Way |
1998- 1999 |
18/1 | 1940-002 | University of Washington - 1994, Governor's Committee |
1993- 1994 |
18/2 | 1940-002 | University of Washington - Harry Bridges Center |
1994- 1998 |
18/3 | 1940-002 | Washington Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health (WashCOSH) |
1993- 1998 |
18/4 | 1940-002 | Washington Alliance for Manufacturing |
1995 |
18/5 | 1940-002 | Washington Citizen Action |
1991-2000 |
18/6 | 1940-002 | Washington Community Housing Network |
1997 |
18/7 | 1940-002 | Washington Council for Fair Elections |
1997 |
18/8 | 1940-002 | Washington Education Association |
1989- 1995 |
18/9 | 1940-002 | WEAVE - Washington Environmental Alliance for Voter Education |
1994- 1997 |
18/10 | 1940-002 | Washington Environmental Council |
1994- 1996 |
18/11 | 1940-002 | Washington Foundation |
1997-1998 |
18/12 | 1940-002 | Washington News Council |
1998 |
18/13 | 1940-002 | Washington Single Payer Action Netwark (WASPAN) |
1998 |
18/14 | 1940-002 | Washington State Public Interest Research Group (WashPIRG) |
1996-1997 |
18/15 | 1940-002 | Washington Toxics Coalition |
1995, 1998 |
18/16 | 1940-002 | We Do the Work |
1994-1996 |
18/17 | 1940-002 | Welfare Reform |
1996- 2000 |
18/18 | 1940-002 | Welfare Rights Coaltion |
1995-1997 |
18/19 | 1940-002 | Wells Fargo (Steelworkers Dispute) |
1998 |
18/20 | 1940-002 | Western Labor Press Association (Scanner) |
1987-1998 |
18/21 | 1940-002 | Western States Center |
1993- 1995 |
18/22 | 1940-002 | Women in Trades |
1996-1999 |
18/23 | 1940-002 | Woodland Park Zoo |
1996- 1999 |
18/24 | 1940-002 | Workers' Memorial Day - 1999 |
1999 |
18/25 | 1940-002 | Memorial Day - 1998 |
1998 |
18/26 | 1940-002 | Workers' Memorial Day - 1997 |
18/27 | 1940-002 | Workers' Memorial Day - Misc. |
1987-1995 |
18/28 | 1940-002 | Workers' Memorial Day - 1996 (1 of 2) |
1996 |
18/29 | 1940-002 | Workers' Memorial Day - 1996 (2 of 2) |
1996 |
18/30 | 1940-002 | Workers' Memorial Day - 1995 |
18/31 | 1940-002 | Workers' Memorial Day - 1994 |
18/32 | 1940-002 | Workers' Memorial Day - 1992 |
1992 |
19/1 | 1940-002 | Workers' Memorial Day - 1991 |
1991 |
19/2 | 1940-002 | Workers' Memorial Day - 1989-1990 |
1989- 1990 |
19/3 | 1940-002 | Workers' Monument |
1995, 2002 |
19/4 | 1940-002 | Workers' Rights Boards |
1999 |
19/5 | 1940-002 | Workforce Alliance |
1996- 1997 |
19/6 | 1940-002 | Workforce Development |
1999 |
19/7 | 1940-002 | Workforce Investment Act - 1999 |
1999 |
19/8 | 1940-002 | Workforce Training & Education Board |
1993-1999 |
19/9 | 1940-002 | World Affairs Council |
1993- 1997 |
19/10 | 1940-002 | World Trade Organization Protests (1 of 2) |
November 1999-December 1999 |
19/11 | 1940-002 | World Trade Organization Protests (2 of 2) |
February 1999-October 1999 |
19/12 | 1940-002 | Ron's World Trade Organization Protests File (1 of 2) |
May 1999-December 1999 |
19/13 | 1940-002 | Ron's World Trade Organization Protests File (2 of 2) |
March 1999-May 1999 |
19/14 | 1940-002 | WTO Expenses |
1999 |
19/15 | 1940-002 | World War II Memorial |
1998 |
19/16 | 1940-002 | Henry Wu |
1995- 1996 |
19/17 | 1940-002 | Washington STate Arts Commission |
1994 |
19/18 | 1940-002 | Washington State Attorney General's Office |
1984, 1994 |
19/19 | 1940-002 | Washington State Bar Association |
1996 |
19/19 | 1940-002 | Washington STate Department of Community, Trade, & Economic Development |
1994-1995 |
19/19 | 1940-002 | Washington State Department of Fish & Wildlife |
1996, 2000 |
19/20 | 1940-002 | Washington State Insurance Commission |
1993-1995 |
19/23 | 1940-002 | Washington State Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals |
1996-1998 |
19/24 | 1940-002 | Washington State Employment Security |
1996-1998 |
19/25 | 1940-002 | Washington Health Care Campaign |
1993 |
19/26 | 1940-002 | Washington State Liquor Control Board |
1996-1998 |
19/27 | 1940-002 | Washington State Prevailing Wage |
1988, 1995 |
19/28 | 1940-002 | Washington State Public Employment Relations Commission |
1996 |
19/29 | 1940-002 | Washington State Senate Correspondence |
1993 |
19/30 | 1940-002 | WSLC Activists List |
1995 |
19/31 | 1940-002 | WSLC High School Students Summer School |
1997 |
1992-1999 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
20/1 | 1940-002 | COPE 1999 Mailings |
1999 |
20/2 | 1940-002 | COPE 1999 Misc. |
1999 |
20/3 | 1940-002 | COPE 1999 Candidates |
1999 |
20/4 | 1940-002 | COPE 1998 Judicial Races |
1998 |
20/5 | 1940-002 | COPE 1998 State Legislative Races |
1998 |
20/6 | 1940-002 | COPE 1998 Minimum Wage Initiative I- 688 |
1998 |
20/7 | 1940-002 | COPE 1998 Federal Races |
1998 |
20/8 | 1940-002 | Initiative 200 (NO! on 200) COPE 1998 |
1998 |
20/9 | 1940-002 | COPE 1998 GOTV & Labor 98 |
1998 |
20/10 | 1940-002 | City of Seattle Proposition 1 (yes)/Initiative 45 (no) |
1998 |
20/11 | 1940-002 | COPE 1998 HR 950 (includes 1997 HR 1951) Jobs Bill |
1996-1997 |
20/12 | 1940-002 | COPE 1998 WSLC |
1998 |
20/13 | 1940-002 | COPE 1997 City |
1997 |
20/14 | 1940-002 | COPE 1997 County |
1997 |
20/15 | 1940-002 | COPE 1997 Initiative 677 |
1997 |
20/16 | 1940-002 | COPE 1997 State |
1997 |
20/17 | 1940-002 | COPE 1997 KCLC/WSLC/AFL-CIO |
1997 |
20/18 | 1940-002 | COPE 1997 WSLC |
1997 |
20/19 | 1940-002 | COPE 1996 |
1995-1996 |
20/20 | 1940-002 | COPE 1996 Legislators |
1996 |
20/21 | 1940-002 | COPE 1996 |
1996 |
20/22 | 1940-002 | COPE 1996 Seattle City Council, Pos. 6 |
1996 |
20/23 | 1940-002 | COPE 1996 State Offices |
1996 |
20/24 | 1940-002 | COPE 1996 1st Congressional District (Rick White) |
1996 |
20/25 | 1940-002 | COPE 1996 9th Congressional District (Randy Tate) |
1996 |
20/26 | 1940-002 | School Levy 1996 |
1996 |
20/27 | 1940-002 | COPE 1995 Other |
1995 |
20/28 | 1940-002 | COPE 1995 County, City |
1995 |
20/29 | 1940-002 | COPE 1995 (Misc.) |
1995 |
20/30 | 1940-002 | 1995 Legislative Action Committee Meetings |
1995 |
20/31 | 1940-002 | Initiative 640 (Salmon, Steelhead, etc.) |
1995 |
20/32 | 1940-002 | HR 210 Postal Service Privatization |
1995 |
20/33 | 1940-002 | Omnibus Counterterrorism Act of 1995 |
1995 |
20/34 | 1940-002 | COPE 1995 Legislative Session and National Legislation |
1995 |
20/35 | 1940-002 | 1994 Election (Misc.) |
1994 |
20/36 | 1940-002 | COPE 1994 |
1994 |
20/37 | 1940-002 | 1994 Candidates State and Local not endorsed |
1994 |
20/38 | 1940-002 | COPE 1994 Endorsed Candidates |
1994 |
20/39 | 1940-002 | Legislative Action Committee |
1994 |
20/40 | 1940-002 | Voter Registration |
1992 |
20/41 | 1940-002 | Chris Gregoire Attorney General COPE 1992 |
1992 |
20/42 | 1940-002 | Mike Heavey 34th Dist. Rep., Pos. 1 1992 COPE |
1992 |
20/43 | 1940-002 | Michael Lowry Governor 1992 WSLC |
1992 |
20/44 | 1940-002 | Legislation - Federal 1992 COPE |
1992 |
Accession No. 1940-003: King County Labor Council records, 1999-2008Return to Top
Acquisition Info: Donated by Central Labor Council of Seattle.
Scope and Content: Correspondence, minutes, financial records, reports, photographs, ephemera, membership records, committee records; 1889-1970 (bulk 1950-1969). The bulk consists of files of Chet W. Ramage, who was Executive Secretary of the Council until 1968. The bulk consists of files of Chet W. Ramage, who was Executive Secretary of the Council from Oct. 1959 through 1968.
Restrictions on Access: Open to all users, but access to portions of the papers restricted. Contact repository for details.
Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Series I: Correspondence, Minutes, Fliers |
1999-2008 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
1/1 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
January 1999-February 1999 |
1/2 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
March 1999-April 1999 |
1/3 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
May 1999-June 1999 |
1/4 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
July 1999-August 1999 |
1/5 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
September 1999-October 1999 |
1/6 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
November 1999-December 1999 |
1/7 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
January 2000-February 2000 |
1/8 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
March 2000-April 2000 |
1/9 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
May 2000-June 2000 |
1/10 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
July 2000-July 2000 |
1/11 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
August 2000-August 2000 |
1/12 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
September 2000-October 2000 |
1/13 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
November 2000-December 2000 |
1/14 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
January 2001-February 2001 |
1/15 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
March 2001-March 2001 |
1/16 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
April 2001-April 2001 |
1/17 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
May 2001-May 2001 |
1/18 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
June 2001-June 2001 |
1/19 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
July 2001-August 2001 |
1/20 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
September 2001-October 2001 |
1/21 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
November 2001-December 2001 |
2/1 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
January 2002-March 2002 |
2/2 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
April 2002-April 2002 |
2/3 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
May 2002-May 2002 |
2/4 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
June 2002-June 2002 |
2/5 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
July 2002-September 2002 |
2/6 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
October 2002-October 2002 |
2/7 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
November 2002-September 2002 |
2/8 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
January 2002-February 2002 |
2/9 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
March 2003-April 2003 |
2/10 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
May 2003-June 2003 |
2/11 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
July 2002-August 2002 |
2/12 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
September 2003-October 2003 |
2/13 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
November 2003-December 2003 |
2/14 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
January 2004-January 2004 |
2/15 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
February 2004-February 2004 |
2/16 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
March 2004-March 2004 |
2/17 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
April 2004-April 2004 |
2/18 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
May 2004-May 2004 |
2/19 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
June 2004-July 2004 |
2/20 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
August 2004-September 2004 |
2/21 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
October 2004-December 2004 |
3/1 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
January 2005-March 2005 |
3/2 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
April 2005-May 2005 |
3/3 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
June 2005-June 2005 |
3/4 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
July 2005-August 2005 |
3/5 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
September 2005-October 2005 |
3/6 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
November 2005-December 2005 |
3/7 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
January 2006-February 2006 |
3/8 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
March 2006-April 2006 |
3/9 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
May 2006-June 2006 |
3/10 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
July 2006-September 2006 |
3/11 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
October 2006-December 2006 |
3/12 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
January 2007-March 2007 |
3/13 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
April 2007-June 2007 |
3/14 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
July 2007-July 2007 |
3/15 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
August 2007-September 2007 |
3/16 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
October 2007-December 2007 |
3/17 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
January 2008-February 2008 |
3/18 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
March 2008-April 2008 |
3/19 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
May 2008-June 2008 |
3/20 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
July 2008-September 2008 |
3/21 | 1940-003 | Correspondence, Minutes, Flyers |
October 2008-December 2008 |
Accession No. 1940-004: King County Labor Council. Provisional Trades Section minutes, 1935-1971Return to Top
Biographical/Historical Note: Section of the Central Labor Council of Seattle formed by representatives from various local unions, including: Bakers, Bakery Salesmen, Bartenders, Butcher Workers, Candy Workers, Cooks, Coopers, Cracker Bakers, Delivery Salesmen, Flour and Cereal, Hotel and Club Service Employees, Hotel and Restaurant Employees, Ice Men, Macaroni Workers, Meat Cutters, Milk Men, Produce Workers, Retail Food and Drug Clerks, Waiters, and Waitresses.
Scope and Content: Minutes of the Provisional Trades Section
Restrictions on Access: Open to all users
Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries
Acquisition Info: Donated by Ross Rieder, 11/1/2004.
Accession No. 1940-005: Martin Luther King, Jr. County Labor Council records, 1965-2012Return to Top
Scope and Content: Committee on Political Education (COPE) Records (2000-2005), Meeting Minutes (1998-2012), General Correspondence (1993-2009), Delegate Roll Call Sign-In Ledgers (1965-1977)
Restrictions on Access: No restrictions on access.
Restrictions on Use: Creator's copyrights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.
Acquisition Info: King County Labor Council--Nicole Grant and Robin Duda
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Committee on Political Education (COPE) Records |
2000-2005 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
1/1 | 1940-005 | Candidate Questionnaires, County |
2002 |
1/2 | 1940-005 | Candidate Questionnaires, Judicial |
2002 |
1/3 | 1940-005 | Candidate Questionnaires, Federal |
2002 |
1/4.1 | 1940-005 | Candidate Questionnaires, State Legislative |
2002 |
1/4.2 | 1940-005 | Candidate Questionnaires, State Legislative |
2002 |
1/4.3 | 1940-005 | Candidate Questionnaires, State Legislative |
2002 |
1/5 | 1940-005 | Initiatives, Bonds & Levies |
2002 |
1/6 | 1940-005 | Miscellaneous |
2002 |
1/7 | 1940-005 | Candidate Questionnaires, Seattle City Council |
2003 |
1/8 | 1940-005 | Candidate Questionnaires, Other Cities |
2003 |
1/9 | 1940-005 | Candidate Questionnaires, Port of Seattle |
2003 |
1/10 | 1940-005 | Candidate Questionnaires, Judicial Races |
2003 |
1/11 | 1940-005 | Initiatives & Referendums |
2003 |
1/12 | 1940-005 | Seattle School District Races |
2003 |
1/13 | 1940-005 | Initiatives and Referendums |
2003 |
1/14 | 1940-005 | Miscellaneous |
2003 |
1/15 | 1940-005 | Public Disclosure Commmission Reports (PDC "Reports") |
2003 |
1/16 | 1940-005 | Committee on Political Education 2000 - Political Action Committee |
2000 |
1/17 | 1940-005 | Miscellaneous |
2000 |
1/18 | 1940-005 | Initiative 729 |
2000 |
1/19 | 1940-005 | Harborview Bond Initiative |
2000 |
1/20 | 1940-005 | Seattle Parks Initiative/Prop. 1 |
2000 |
1/21 | 1940-005 | Healthcare |
2000 |
1/22 | 1940-005 | Initiative 243 |
2000 |
2/1 | 1940-005 | Initiative 745 |
2000 |
2/2 | 1940-005 | Metro Transit/Prop. 1 |
2000 |
2/3 | 1940-005 | Gore |
2000 |
2/4 | 1940-005 | North Highline Fire District/Prop. 1 |
2000 |
2/5 | 1940-005 | Candidate Questionnaires, Statewide Races |
2000 |
2/6.1 | 1940-005 | Candidate Questionnaires, State Legislative |
2000 |
2/6.2 | 1940-005 | Candidate Questionnaires, State Legislative |
2000 |
2/7 | 1940-005 | Candidate Questionnaires, City of Seattle |
2001 |
2/8 | 1940-005 | Candidate Questionnaires, King County |
2001 |
2/9 | 1940-005 | Committee on Political Education 2001 - Mayoral Candidate Paul Schell |
2001 |
2/10 | 1940-005 | Candidate Questionnaires, Port of Seattle |
2001 |
2/11 | 1940-005 | Committee on Political Education 2001 - Candidate Questionnaires, Seattle School Board |
2001 |
2/12 | 1940-005 | Committee on Political Education 2001 - Schools First Levy, February |
2001 |
2/13 | 1940-005 | Initiatives |
2001 |
2/14 | 1940-005 | Legislative Action Committee |
2001 |
2/15 | 1940-005 | Candidate Photos |
2001 |
2/16 | 1940-005 | Miscellaneous |
2001 |
2/17 | 1940-005 | Mayoral Candidate Mark Sidran |
2001 |
2/18 | 1940-005 | Candidate Questionnaires, Federal |
2000 |
2/19 | 1940-005 | Candidate Questionnaires, Judicial Races |
2000 |
2/20.1 | 1940-005 | Candidate Questionnaires, State Legislators |
2004 |
2/20.2 | 1940-005 | Candidate Questionnaires, State Legislators |
2004 |
3/1 | 1940-005 | Candidate Questionnaires, State Other |
2004 |
3/2 | 1940-005 | Candidate Questionnaires, Judicial |
2004 |
3/3 | 1940-005 | Candidate Questionnaires, National |
2004 |
3/4 | 1940-005 | Committee on Political Education 2004 - Initiatives & Ballot Measures |
2004 |
3/5 | 1940-005 | Miscellaneous |
2004 |
3/6 | 1940-005 | Public Disclosure Commission Reports |
2004 |
3/7 | 1940-005 | Committee on Political Education 2005 - Other Cities |
2005 |
3/8 | 1940-005 | Committee on Political Education 2005 - Candidate Questionnaires, Seattle City Council |
2005 |
3/9 | 1940-005 | Committee on Political Education 2005 - Candidate Questionnaires, King County Council |
2005 |
3/10 | 1940-005 | Committee on Political Education 2005 - Candidate Questionnaires, Port of Seattle |
2005 |
3/11 | 1940-005 | Committee on Political Education 2005 - Candidate Questionnaires, King County Other |
2005 |
3/12 | 1940-005 | Committee on Political Education 2005 - Candidate Questionnaires, Seattle Other |
2005 |
3/13 | 1940-005 | Committee on Political Education 2005 - Candidate Questionnaires, Seattle School Board |
2005 |
3/14 | 1940-005 | Committee on Political Education 2005 - Initiatives & Ballot Measures |
2005 |
3/15 | 1940-005 | Committee on Political Education 2005 - Miscellaneous |
2005 |
3/16 | 1940-005 | Committee on Political Education 2005 - Public Disclosure Commission Reports |
2005 |
3/17 | 1940-005 | Committee on Political Education - City Elected Vote Tracking |
2002-2005 |
3/18 | 1940-005 | Committee on Political Education - National Elected Vote Tracking |
2002-2004 |
3/19 | 1940-005 | Committee on Political Education - State Elected Vote Tracking |
2002-2004 |
3/20 | 1940-005 | Committee on Political Education - County Elected Vote Tracking |
2002-2004 |
Meeting Minutes |
1998-2012 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
3/21.1 | 1940-005 | King County Labor Council meeting minutes 1998-2006 |
1998-2006 |
3/21.2 | 1940-005 | King County Labor Council meeting minutes 1998-2006 |
1998-2006 |
3/22.1 | 1940-005 | King County Labor Council meeting minutes 2007-2012 |
2007-2012 |
3/22.2 | 1940-005 | King County Labor Council meeting minutes 2007-2012 |
2007-2012 |
4/1 | 1940-005 | Misc. labor-related documents found in cupboard |
General Correspondence |
1993-2011 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
4/2 | 1940-005 | ACORN |
1999-2008 |
4/3 | 1940-005 | ACLU sponsorship agreement |
1993-2002 |
4/4 | 1940-005 | ANWR |
1997-2001 |
4/5 | 1940-005 | AT&T Comcast |
2002 |
4/6 | 1940-005 | Alliance for Sustainable Jobs & the Environment |
2002-2003 |
4/7 | 1940-005 | ANEW |
1999-2002 |
4/8 | 1940-005 | Boeing |
1994-2001 |
4/9 | 1940-005 | Building Owners & Managers Assoc. |
2003 |
4/10 | 1940-005 | Brazilian Landless Worker Movement |
4/11 | 1940-005 | President George W. Bush |
2001-2002 |
4/12 | 1940-005 | Canadian Postal Workers |
2003 |
4/13 | 1940-005 | Senator Maria Cantwell |
2002 |
4/14 | 1940-005 | Carpenters Disaffiliation |
2001-2011 |
4/15 | 1940-005 | Central Labor Councils, Washington |
1998-2003 |
4/16 | 1940-005 | Central Labor Councils, not Washington |
1994-2005 |
4/17 | 1940-005 | China PNTR |
2000-2004 |
4/18 | 1940-005 | Construction Workforce Advisory Committee |
2002 |
4/19 | 1940-005 | Economic Opportunity Task Force |
2002 |
4/20 | 1940-005 | Elected Official Correspondence |
2001-2004 |
4/21 | 1940-005 | Ergonomics |
1999-2002 |
4/22 | 1940-005 | Evergreen State College Labor Center |
1995-2009 |
4/23 | 1940-005 | Experience Music Project organizing |
2000 |
4/24 | 1940-005 | Fair Trade Coffee |
2002 |
4/25 | 1940-005 | Globalization |
2001-2005 |
4/26 | 1940-005 | Globalization |
2001-2005 |
4/27 | 1940-005 | Globalization |
2001-2005 |
4/28 | 1940-005 | Globalization |
2004-2007 |
4/29 | 1940-005 | Globalization |
2004-2007 |
5/1 | 1940-005 | Hate Free Zone |
2002-2008 |
5/2 | 1940-005 | Hotel Employees & Restaurant Employees International Union |
1997-2000 |
5/3 | 1940-005 | Homecare; OPEIU/SEIU |
2001 |
5/4 | 1940-005 | Immigration |
1995-2004 |
5/5 | 1940-005 | General correspondeonce - Jobs With Justice |
2000-2005 |
5/6 | 1940-005 | Jones Act |
2000 |
5/7 | 1940-005 | Ron Judd Roast invitation |
2000 |
5/8 | 1940-005 | Just Health Care Coalition |
2000 |
5/9 | 1940-005 | King County Budget |
2000-2004 |
5/10 | 1940-005 | General correspondence - King County Commission on Governance |
2003-2004 |
5/11 | 1940-005 | King County Executive Ron Sims |
1997-2002 |
5/12 | 1940-005 | General correspondonce - King County Growth Management |
1994-2002 |
5/13 | 1940-005 | King County Labor Summit |
2001-2005 |
5/14 | 1940-005 | King County Solid Waste Oversight Committee Gainsharing |
1999-2003 |
5/15 | 1940-005 | Labor in the Pulpits |
2000-2007 |
5/16 | 1940-005 | Labor/Religious Breakfasts |
1999-2006 |
5/17 | 1940-005 | LELO |
1998-2004 |
5/18 | 1940-005 | MLK Day Celebration Committee |
2000-2005 |
5/19 | 1940-005 | Metro. King County Council |
1994-2004 |
5/20 | 1940-005 | Mine Workers |
2004 |
5/21 | 1940-005 | Monorail Finance |
2003 |
5/22.1 | 1940-005 | Monorail Operations & Maintenance |
2003-2004 |
5/22.2 | 1940-005 | Monorail Operations & Maintenance |
2003-2004 |
5/23 | 1940-005 | Monorail Misc. |
2003-2006 |
5/24 | 1940-005 | Monorail Misc. |
2003 |
5/25 | 1940-005 | Monorail Transparency Ad Hoc Committee |
1998-2003 |
6/1 | 1940-005 | Native American Coalition |
2000-2003 |
6/2 | 1940-005 | PACCAR lockout |
2002-2003 |
6/3 | 1940-005 | Partnership for a Sustainable Washington |
2002 |
6/4 | 1940-005 | Permanent Replacements |
2000 |
6/5 | 1940-005 | Port Coalition Misc. |
2002-2005 |
6/6 | 1940-005 | Port Jobs |
2000-2002 |
6/7 | 1940-005 | Port of Seattle/Airport Project PLA |
2000-2001 |
6/8 | 1940-005 | Port of Seattle/Airport Concessions Bargaining |
2001 |
7/1 | 1940-005 | Port of Seattle/Misc |
1995-2005 |
Delegate Roll Call Sign-In Ledgers |
1965-1977 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
7/2 | 1940-005 | KCLC Delegate Roll call sign-in ledger January 1965-December 1970 |
1965-1970 |
7/3 | 1940-005 | KCLC Delegate Roll call sign-in ledger January 1971-December 1977 |
1971-1977 |
Accession No. 1940-006: Martin Luther King, Jr. County Labor Council records, 1984-2011Return to Top
Restrictions on Access: No restrictions on access.
Restrictions on Use: Creator's copyrights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.
Acquisition Info: Donated by King County Labor Council.
Scope and Content: Publications such as King County Labor News, delegate roll call ledgers, subject files on various topics, correspondence with affiliates, and banners from marches and events. This collection is primarily communications between the King County Labor Council and other labor organizations within the greater Seattle area. It is separated into five series: publications, delegate roll call ledgers, subject files, correspondence with affiliates, and banners from marches/events. The date range of the materials is from 1978 to 2011.
The publications series is all issues of the quarterly organizational publication, King County Labor News, dating from 1987 to 1995.
The delegate roll call ledgers series is three large ledger books containing signatures of KCLC delegates from 1978 to 1991, as well as several packets of spreadsheet sign-in ledgers.
The subject files series contains contracts and bargaining agreements/negotiations from local unions, organizational resolutions, Seattle Union Now materials, and several KCLC campaigns, dating from 1985 to 2006.
The correspondence with affiliates series is communications between the KCLC and local unions as well as labor rights campaigns and organizations and dates from 1982 to 2011.
The banners from marches/events series is comprised of two canvas banners, the first from a KCLC Organizing for Change campaign and the second from the Fight for 15 campaign, c. 2014.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
1987-1995 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
1/1 | 1940-006 | King County Labor News |
1987-1992 |
1/2 | 1940-006 | King County Labor News |
1993 |
1/3 | 1940-006 | King County Labor News |
1994 |
1/4 | 1940-006 | King County Labor News |
1994 |
1/5 | 1940-006 | King County Labor News |
1994 |
1/6 | 1940-006 | King County Labor News |
1994 |
1/7 | 1940-006 | King County Labor News |
1995 |
1/8 | 1940-006 | King County Labor News |
1995 |
1/9 | 1940-006 | King County Labor News |
1987-1995 |
1978-1991 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
2/1 | 1940-006 | KCLC Delegate Roll Call Sign-in Ledger |
1978-1982 |
2/2 | 1940-006 | KCLC Delegate Roll Call Sign-in Ledger |
1983-1987 |
2/3 | 1940-006 | KCLC Delegate Roll Call Sign-in Ledger |
1988-1991 |
1/10 | 1940-006 | KCLC Delegate Roll Call |
1992 |
SUBJECT FILES (Alphabetical), 1985-2006 |
1985-2006 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
1/11 | 1940-006 | Port of Seattle Terminal and Cruise Ship Work |
1998-2000 |
1/12 | 1940-006 | Port of Seattle Crane Maintenance (Part 1 of 4) |
2000-2001 |
1/13 | 1940-006 | Port of Seattle Crane Maintenance (Part 2 of 4) |
2000-2001 |
1/14 | 1940-006 | Port of Seattle Crane Maintenance (Part 3 of 4) |
1994 |
1/15 | 1940-006 | Port of Seattle Crane Maintenance (Part 4 of 4) |
1985 |
1/16 | 1940-006 | Renton Technical College |
2002-2003 |
1/17 | 1940-006 | KCLC Resolutions (Part 1 of 3) |
1999-2006 |
1/18 | 1940-006 | KCLC Resolutions (Part 2 of 3) |
1999-2006 |
1/19 | 1940-006 | KCLC Resolutions (Part 3 of 3) |
1999-2006 |
1/20 | 1940-006 | Right to Organize/Seattle Union Now (Part 1 of 3) |
1999-2001 |
1/21 | 1940-006 | Right to Organize/Seattle Union Now (Part 2 of 3) |
1999-2001 |
1/22 | 1940-006 | Right to Organize/Seattle Union Now (Part 3 of 3) |
1999-2001 |
3/1 | 1940-006 | Schwerin, Campbell, Barnard re GR-22 |
2000 |
3/2 | 1940-006 | School of the Americas |
1999-2003 |
3/3 | 1940-006 | SeaTac Airport Coalition (Part 1 of 3) |
2000-2002 |
3/4 | 1940-006 | SeaTac Airport Coalition (Part 2 of 3) |
2000-2002 |
3/5 | 1940-006 | SeaTac Airport Coalition (Part 3 of 3) |
2000-2002 |
3/6 | 1940-006 | SeaTac Airport Coalition |
1993-1994 |
3/7 | 1940-006 | SeaTac Airport Jurisdiction |
2001 |
3/8 | 1940-006 | SeaTac Airport Third Runway |
1996-2000 |
3/9 | 1940-006 | Seattle Union Now [Exec. Committee Meeting, May 7, 1999] |
1999 |
3/10 | 1940-006 | Seattle Union Now: Seattle Organizing Center (Prior to SUN) |
1998-1999 |
3/11 | 1940-006 | Seattle Union Now: Union Cities (Part 1 of 2) |
1998-2001 |
3/12 | 1940-006 | Seattle Union Now: Union Cities (Part 2 of 2) |
1998-2001 |
3/13 | 1940-006 | Seattle Union Now: Seattle Organizing Committee (Part 1 of 2) |
1997-1998 |
3/14 | 1940-006 | Seattle Union Now: Seattle Organizing Committee (Part 2 of 2) |
1997-1998 |
3/15 | 1940-006 | Seattle Union Record (Part 1 of 2) |
2000-2001 |
3/16 | 1940-006 | Seattle Union Record (Part 2 of 2) |
2000-2001 |
3/17 | 1940-006 | Security Officers Union |
2002 |
3/18 | 1940-006 | Steelworkers (Missing) |
2001-2006 |
3/19 | 1940-006 | Teamsters Apple Campaign |
1996-1999 |
3/20 | 1940-006 | The Regional Partnership |
2003 |
3/21 | 1940-006 | Transportation Reform and Improvement Plan (TRIP 21) |
2000 |
3/22 | 1940-006 | U.S. Labor Against the War (USLAW) |
2003-2006 |
3/23 | 1940-006 | Unemployment Law Project |
2000-2005 |
CORRESPONDENCE WITH AFFILIATES (Alphabetical), 1982-2011 |
1982-2011 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession No. | ||
3/24 | 1940-006 | A. Philip Randolph Institute/Seattle Chapter |
1985-2006 |
3/25 | 1940-006 | Actors Equity |
2002-2006 |
3/26 | 1940-006 | Aerospace Machinists Dist. Lodge 751 (IAM) |
2000-2006 |
4/1 | 1940-006 | Air Line Pilots Assoc. |
2000-2011 |
4/2 | 1940-006 | Air Transport Dist. 143 (IAM) |
2000-2008 |
4/3 | 1940-006 | Air Transport Local 1351 (IAM) |
1997-2006 |
4/4 | 1940-006 | American Radio Assoc. |
2001-2006 |
4/5 | 1940-006 | Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance |
2000-2006 |
4/6 | 1940-006 | Auto Machinists Local 289 (IAM) |
2000-2006 |
4/7 | 1940-006 | Bellevue Police Managers Assoc. |
1999-2001 |
4/8 | 1940-006 | Boilermakers Local 104 |
2000-2003 |
4/9 | 1940-006 | Boilermakers Local 502 |
2003-2006 |
4/10 | 1940-006 | Bricklayers Local 1 WA |
2000-2005 |
4/11 | 1940-006 | Carpenters Local 131 |
2000-2001 |
4/12 | 1940-006 | Affiliates - Carpenters Local 1797 |
2001-2003 |
4/13 | 1940-006 | Carpenters Pacific NW Regional Council |
2000-2002 |
4/14 | 1940-006 | Carpenters Local 1144 |
2001 |
4/15 | 1940-006 | KCLC Meeting and Delegates Meeting |
1991 |
5/1 | 1940-006 | Cement Masons Local 528 |
2000-2006 |
5/2 | 1940-006 | Classified Workers Local 4787 (AFT) |
1995-2006 |
5/3 | 1940-006 | Classified Workers Local 4795 (AFT) |
1992-2006 |
5/4 | 1940-006 | Clothing & Textile Workers Joint Board |
1982-2001 |
5/5 | 1940-006 | Coalition of Black Trade Unionists |
1997-2006 |
5/6 | 1940-006 | Coalition of Labor Union Women |
2000-2006 |
5/7 | 1940-006 | Communications Workers Local 7800 (CWA) |
2000-2006 |
5/8 | 1940-006 | Communications Workers Local 7803 |
2000-2006 |
5/9 | 1940-006 | Communications Workers Local 14761 |
1984-1995 |
5/10 | 1940-006 | Communications Workers Local 37082 (The Newspaper Guild)Â - Times/P-I Strike |
2000-2001 |
5/11 | 1940-006 | Communications Workers Local 37082 (The Newspaper Guild) |
1997-2006 |
5/12 | 1940-006 | Communications Workers Local 37083 (WashTech) |
1998-2005 |
5/13 | 1940-006 | County & City Employees Council 2 (AFSCME) |
2001-2006 |
5/14 | 1940-006 | County & City Employees Local 2170 (AFSCME) |
2000-2006 |
5/15 | 1940-006 | County & City Employees Local 21C (AFSCME) |
1992-2003 |
5/16 | 1940-006 | County & City Employees Local 2084 |
1992-2001 |
5/17 | 1940-006 | Deep Sea Fishermen's Union |
2003-2005 |
5/18 | 1940-006 | Electrical Workers Local 46 (IBEW) |
2000-2006 |
5/19 | 1940-006 | Electrical Workers Local 77 (IBEW) |
2000-2003 |
5/20 | 1940-006 | Electronic Workers Local 1002 (IUEC) |
2000-2001 |
5/21 | 1940-006 | Firefighters Local 27 (IAFF) |
2000-2006 |
5/22 | 1940-006 | Firefighters Local 864 (IAFF) |
2003-2004 |
5/23 | 1940-006 | Firefighters Local 1461 (IAFF) |
2003 |
5/24 | 1940-006 | Firefighters Local 1604 (IAFF) |
1985-2005 |
5/25 | 1940-006 | Firefighters Local 1747 (IAFF) |
2002-2003 |
5/26 | 1940-006 | Firefighters Local 1760 (IAFF) |
2000-2006 |
5/27 | 1940-006 | Firefighters Local 1810 (IAFF) |
2000-2006 |
5/28 | 1940-006 | Firefighters Local 2919 (IAFF) |
1991-2000 |
5/29 | 1940-006 | Firefighters Local 3396 (IAFF) |
2000-2006 |
5/30 | 1940-006 | Firemen & Oilers Local 193 |
2000-2006 |
5/31 | 1940-006 | Flight Attendants Council 10 (AFA) |
2003-2006 |
5/32 | 1940-006 | Flight Attendants Council 17 (AFA) |
2002-2006 |
5/33 | 1940-006 | Flight Attendants Council 19 (AFA) |
2001-2003 |
5/34 | 1940-006 | Flight Attendants Delta Campaign (AFA) |
2001 |
5/35 | 1940-006 | Glass Workers Local 50 (GMP) |
2001-2006 |
5/36 | 1940-006 | Glass Workers Local 68 (USW) |
1996-2002 |
5/37 | 1940-006 | Glaziers Local 188 (IUPAT) |
2000-2005 |
5/38 | 1940-006 | Government Employees Local 1170 (AFGE) |
2003-2005 |
5/39 | 1940-006 | Government Employees Local 3197 (AFGE) |
2000-2007 |
5/40 | 1940-006 | Government Employees Local 3937 (AFGE) |
2004-2006 |
5/41 | 1940-006 | Graphic Communications Local 767M (GCIU) |
2000-2006 |
5/42 | 1940-006 | Graphic Communications District 2 (GCIU) |
2000-2005 |
5/43 | 1940-006 | Inlandboatmen's Union of the Pacific/Puget Sound Region |
2000-2006 |
5/44 | 1940-006 | Inlandboatmen's Union of the Pacific/Region 37 |
2000-2006 |
5/45 | 1940-006 | Carpenters Local 1797 |
2000-2003 |
5/46 | 1940-006 | Iron Workers Local 506 |
2004-2005 |
5/47 | 1940-006 | King County Union Retirees Council |
2000-2001 |
5/48 | 1940-006 | Labor Council for Latin American Advancement |
2000-2006 |
5/49 | 1940-006 | Laborers Local 1239 (LIUNA) |
2000 |
5/50 | 1940-006 | Laborers Local 242 (LIUNA) |
2000-2005 |
5/51 | 1940-006 | Laborers Local 252 (LIUNA) |
1998-2002 |
5/52 | 1940-006 | Laborers Local 440 (LIUNA) |
1991-2006 |
5/53 | 1940-006 | Letter Carriers Local 79 (NALC) |
2000-2005 |
5/54 | 1940-006 | Locomotive Engineers Division 518 (BLET) |
2001-2005 |
5/55 | 1940-006 | Longshore Bargaining 2002 (ILWU) |
2002 |
5/56 | 1940-006 | Longshore Local 9 (ILWU) |
2001-2006 |
5/57 | 1940-006 | Longshore Local 19 (ILWU) |
2000-2006 |
5/58 | 1940-006 | Longshore Local 52 |
1989-2006 |
5/59 | 1940-006 | Luggage Workers Local 51 |
1985-2006 |
5/60 | 1940-006 | Lumber & Sawmill Workers |
1999-2001 |
5/61 | 1940-006 | Machinists Local 79 & District 160 (IAM) |
2000-2006 |
5/62 | 1940-006 | Machinists Local 222 (IAM) |
2000-2003 |
5/63 | 1940-006 | Marine Firemen |
1995-2005 |
5/64 | 1940-006 | Maritime Trades, Puget Sound Ports Council |
1995-2006 |
5/65 | 1940-006 | Masters, Mates & Pilots |
2000-2004 |
5/66 | 1940-006 | Metal Trades, Puget Sound Council |
2000-2006 |
5/67 | 1940-006 | Musical Artists (AGMA) |
2002-2006 |
5/68 | 1940-006 | Musicians Local 76-493 (AFM) |
1998-2005 |
King County Labor Council AFL-CIO Organizing for Change |
undated | ||
15 for Seattle |
undated |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- Domestics--Labor unions--Washington (State)
- Domestics--Washington (State)
- Labor unions--Political activity
- Labor unions--Washington (State)--Archives
- Personal Papers/Corporate Records (University of Washington)
- Publishers and publishing--Washington (State)
- Referendum--Washington (State)
Corporate Names
- AFL-CIO. King County Labor Council--Archives
- AFL-CIO. Martin Luther King County Labor Council--Archives
- Central Labor Council of Seattle and Vicinity--Archives
- Domestic Workers Union (Seattle, Wash.)
- Seattle American Publishing Co.
- United Labor Advisory Committee Against Initiative 202 (Wash.)
- United Labor Advisory Committee to Defeat Initiative 198 (Wash.)
- Western Central Labor Union (Seattle, Wash.)--Archives
Geographical Names
Form or Genre Terms
Titles within the Collection
- Initiative 198 (Wash.)
- Initiative 202 (Wash.)