Photographs from the Colville Indian Agency, 1901-1916

Overview of the Collection

Avery, Frank Fuller
Photographs from the Colville Indian Agency
10 containers., (5 linear feet of shelf space.), (894 items.)
Collection Number
PC 19
Glass negatives taken during the period of 1901-1916 when Avery was assigned to the Colville Indian Agency. The images record agency headquarters and personnel with numerous photographs of Colville Indian farmers and school children. There are several images of John McAdam Webster, superintendent of the Colville Indian Agency; scenes of eastern Washington (State); and family photographs of Avery's wife Anna, and his two sons, Warren and Frank.
Washington State University Libraries' Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC)
Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections
Terrell Library Suite 12
Pullman, WA
Telephone: 509-335-6691
Access Restrictions

This collection is open for research use.

Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Frank Fuller (known as F.F.) Avery was born in Indiana on February 24, 1862. The exact date of his entrance into Indian work is not known, but he was already employed by the Indian Service prior to his marriage in 1892. Before moving to Washington State he and his wife were employed by the Indian Service in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Crow Creek, North Dakota. From about 1898 to 1916 Avery was connected with the Colville Indian Agency, first as superintendent of the Indian Boarding School at Fort Spokane, and then as inspector of Colville Agency Day Schools. He was once recommended by John McAdam Webster, the Superintendent of the Colville Indian Agency, to succeed him. Correspondence between Avery and Webster appears in the John McAdam Webster papers in the Washington State University Library.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The collection consists of 894 5x7 inch glass negatives taken during the period 1901 to 1916 when Avery was assigned to the Colville Indian Agency. Among the major subjects included in his collection are photos of agency headquarters and personnel, including several pictures of John McAdam Webster, superintendent of the Colville Indian Agency; scenes of Eastern Washington, and family photos of Avery's wife Anna, and his two sons, Warren and Frank. All principle identifications were made by Avery while the processors added generic identifications on unidentified objects.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Alternative Forms Available

To view digital images of the photographs described in this guide, please visit the Frank Fuller Avery Image Collection.

Preferred Citation

[Item Description]. PC 19, Photographs from the Colville Indian Agency. Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Since Avery did not sequentially number his negatives, the processors contrived a numerical arrangement based on the dates Avery had recorded on most of the negative jackets. The negatives with no dates were arbitrarily placed in an 110011 sequence at the beginning of the number system. The numbering system has two sets of digits, one for the year, e.g. 04 for 1904, and 084 for the eighty- fourth dated picture in that specific year. Therefore, a sequence of photographs taken at a specific time may be split between the undated negatives in the 110011 group and the dated group.

Custodial History

The Frank Fuller Avery collection of photographs was donated to the History Department by Paul R. White of Ephrata, Washington, in August of 1975.

Acquisition Information

These photographs were then transferred from the History Department to the Library in 1977.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.

Container(s) Description Dates
box:print box:glass
1 3 00 001: Plowing Scene
1 3 00 002: Three men showing horses
1 3 00 003: Captain Webster, man and woman in snow
1 3 00 004: Fair displays
1 3 00 005: Building and flag pole
1 3 00 006: Trees, buildings in background
1 3 00 007: Child with chickens
1 3 00 008: Warren with cat?
1 3 00 009: Mrs. Avery et al
1 3 00 010: Three women by river (lake?)
1 3 00 011: People in snow
1 3 00 012: Indian
1 3 00 013: Indian (profile)
1 3 00 014: Indian family
1 3 00 015: Family with two dogs
1 3 00 016: Class of school girls
1 3 00 017: Three Indian men
1 3 00 018: Snow covered -trees
1 3 00 019: Porch in summer
1 3 00 020: Field scene
1 3 00 021: Indian
1 3 00 022: Children on wood pile
1 3 00 023: Captain Webster, man and woman in snow
1 3 00 024: River with foot bridge
1 3 00 025: Thirteen girls in costume
1 3 00 026: Group of men around table (Indians)
1 3 00 027: Frank and Warren
1 3 00 028: Captain Webster?
1 3 00 029: Mrs. Avery and Frank under a tree?
1 3 00 030: Mrs. Avery?
1 3 00 031: River scene
1 3 00 032: Child with cat
1 3 00 033: Two children and cat
1 3 00 034: Two children by roses
1 3 00 035: People in snow
1 3 00 036: Warren and Frank?
1 3 00 037: Mrs. Avery?
1 3 00 038: Mrs. Avery, Frank, Warren?
1 3 00 039: Town view from hillside
1 3 00 040: Woman by tree
1 3 00 041: People on horses
1 3 00 042: Teepee, horse and men by church
1 3 00 043: People on horses in snow
1 3 00 044: Town view from hillside
1 3 00 045: Two horse teams
1 3 00 046: House and log cabin
1 3 00 047: Hotel Crystal
1 3 00 048: Winter scene (trees and houses)
1 3 00 049: Girls in costumes (praying)
1 3 00 050: 'School girls and teacher at Christmastime
1 3 00 051: Buildings
1 3 00 052: Indian couple and house
1 3 00 053: Indian couple and house (close up)
1 3 00 054: Log cabin
1 3 00 055: Mrs. Avery?
1 3 00 056: Log house and sheds
1 3 00 057: Harvested field and stacked wheat
1 3 00 058: Threshing machine
1 3 00 059: Buildings and garden
1 3 00 060: People on hillside
1 3 00 061: Farm, horses, man
1 3 00 062: Lumber yard
1 3 00 063: Fair displays
1 3 00 064: Fair displays
1 3 00 065: Fair displays
1 3 00 066: Threshing machine
1 3 00 067: Threshing crew
1 3 00 068: Indian crafts display
1 3 00 069: Fair displays
1 3 00 070: Fair displays
1 3 00 071: Fair displays
1 3 00 072: Harvested field
1 3 00 073: Log cabin
1 3 00 074: Threshing crew
1 3 00 075: Threshing crew
1 3 00 076: Mrs. Avery, Warren and Frank?
1 3 00 077: Man on horse
1 3 00 078: Girls in costumes
1 3 00 079: Women on horses
1 3 00 080: Mrs. Avery? on porch
1 3 00 081: Snow scene of house and trees
1 3 00 082: Snow scene of house and trees
1 3 00 083: Snow scene of house and trees
1 3 00 084: Wooded area
1 3 00 085: Log cabin and family
1 3 00 086: Frank and Warren?
1 3 00 087: White house
1 3 00 088: Frank and Warren?
1 3 00 089: House
1 3 00 090: Small boy
1 3 00 091: Warren and Frank?
1 3 00 092: Horse, Indians and teepee by church
1 3 00 093: Cabin and tule tepee.
1 3 00 094: White house
1 3 00 095: White house
1 3 00 096: Blacksmith Shop?
1 3 00 097: Blacksmith Shop?
1 3 00 098: Barn
1 3 00 099: Large Barn
1 3 00 100: Blacksmith Shop?
1 3 00 101: Small building
1 3 00 102: House
1 3 00 103: Large white building
1 3 00 104: Garage
1 3 00 105: Cement building
1 3 00 106: House
1 3 00 107: Small building
1 3 00 108: Stack of wheat
1 3 00 109: House
1 4 00 110: Church?
1 4 00 111: Corral?
1 4 00 112: Harvesting Crew
1 4 00 113: Large shed
1 4 00 114: Cement building
1 4 00 115: House
1 4 00 116: River scene
1 4 00 117: House
1 4 00 118: Chicken coop and garden
1 4 00 119: House
1 4 00 120: House
1 4 00 121: House
1 4 00 122: House
1 4 00 123: Swing First
1 4 00 124: Swing First
1 4 00 125: Big tree fallen and Mrs. Avery & children
1 4 00 126: Cattle in pasture
1 4 00 127: Below Gorge Spokane
1 4 00 128: Chelan- boat and waterfall (2 exposures, same plate)
1 4 00 129: Steamer view (not good)
1 4 00 130: Timber on hillside (above campus)
1 4 00 131: Wild flowers on hillside (above campus)
1 4 00 132: Warren and Mrs. Avery feeding turkeys
1 4 00 133: Warren and Mrs. Avery feeding turkeys
1 4 00 134: Mrs. Lilienthal's children
1 4 00 135: Mrs. Lilienthal's children
1 4 00 136: Large boys assembly room
1 4 00 137: Fir tree snow
1 4 00 138: Mrs. Anderson (retouched)
1 4 00 139: Large boys assembly room
1 4 00 140: Warren (on house) and Helen Stuwart
1 4 00 141: Warren on porch
1 4 00 142: Anna and baby in brush
1 4 00 143: Mr. Henniger
1 4 00 144: Agency from hill
1 4 00 145: Indians on horses and school boys
1 4 00 146: Employees mess building
1 4 00 147: Frank in yard with mirror
1 4 00 148: Frank in yard with mirror
1 4 00 149: Mrs. Avery and Warren against big tree
1 4 00 150: Warren and Frank in swing
1 4 00 151: Warren and Helen on horse
1 4 00 152: Large girls Easter Sunday
1 4 00 153: Large girls Easter Sunday
1 4 00 154: Tom Billie, Sam Tespaluose, Herman Fruillander
1 4 00 155: Warren and Daniel on porch
1 4 00 156: Warren and Frank smelling roses
1 4 00 157: Warren in overalls
1 4 00 158: Helen Louise Johnson
1 4 00 159: Helen Louise Johnson
1 4 00 160: Winter scenes on campus, Ft. Spokane
1 4 00 161: Winter scenes on campus, Ft. Spokane
1 4 00 162: Winter scenes on campus, Ft. Spokane
1 4 00 163: Two Moon's barn, Nespelem District
1 4 00 164: Johnson cottage--Nespelem Agency July 1915
1 4 00 165: New Indian home, Nespelem District
1 4 00 166: Apple tree
1 4 00 167: Apple tree
1 4 00 168: Warren and Frank
1 4 00 169: Warren fishing
1 4 00 170: Warren fishing
1 4 00 171: Mrs. Avery and babies
1 4 00 172: Warren under tree--large, dense
1 4 00 173: Warren under tree--large, dense
1 4 00 174: Alex Stensgar, Pete Perkins, Mrs. Joe Edwards [sheep]
1 4 00 175: Alex Stensgar, Pete Perkins, Mrs. Joe Edwards [farm house]
1 4 00 176: Alex Stensgar, Pete Perkins, Mrs. Joe Edwards [farm house]
1 4 00 177: Alex Stensgar, Pete Perkins, Mrs. Joe Edwards
1 4 00 178: Squetimkui Hovels - old and new
1 4 00 179: Squetimkui Hovels - old and new
1 4 00 180: Lake Chelan from Stehekui (broken)
1 4 00 181: Suephelt Island pictures
1 4 00 182: Suephelt Island pictures
1 4 00 183: Suephelt Island pictures
1 4 00 184: Pete Monoghan, Mary Monaghan Cannon [house]
1 4 00 185: Pete Monaghan, Mary Monaghan Cannon
1 4 00 187: Ore Agency, Mr. & Mrs. Krunse with William Mays on walk
1 4 00 188: Ore Agency, Mr. & Mrs. Drunse with William Mays on walk
1 4 00 189: Employees quarters - S.W. - fenced
1 4 00 190: Employees quarters - S.W. - fenced
1 4 00 191: Employees quarters - S.W. - fenced
1 4 00 192: Anna and baby with Dannie Poor Farm
1 4 00 193: Anna and baby with Dannie Poor Farm
1 4 00 194: Anna and baby with Dannie Poor Farm
1 4 00 195: Wood sawing
1 4 00 196: Wood sawing
1 4 00 197: Cannon Little Nespilem
1 4 00 198: On grade Spokane River
1 4 00 199: Mrs. Avery, Warren and house
1 4 00 200: Warren
1 4 00 201: Steamer Chelan Columbia River
1 4 00 202: On grade Spokane River
1 4 00 203: Columbia River from Little Chief
1 4 00 204: Louise Miller
1 4 00 205: Baby - small - lawn mower
1 4 00 206: Dannie - small - lawn mower
1 4 00 207: Indian homes Nespelem District
1 4 00 208: Rose McAllister and Pearl McCoy
1 4 00 209: New and old homes, Nespelem District Agapith
1 4 00 210: New and old homes, Nespelem District Agapith
1 4 00 211: Summertime etc. from Dr. Snydus
1 4 00 212: Bakery
1 4 00 213: Land slide Columbia River
1 4 00 214: Mr. Lewis under stump
1 4 00 215: Warren and Frank in trees
1 4 00 216: Steamer Chelan--Colville River
1 4 00 217: Columbia River
1 4 00 218: Mounds of sand, 200.ft. up. Landslide Columbia River
1 4 00 219: Mounds of sand, 200 ft. up. Landslide Columbia River
1 5 00 220: Mounds of sand, 200 ft. up.Landslide Columbia River
1 5 00 221: Str. Chelan, Spokane River
1 5 00 222: Str. Chelan, Spokane River
1 5 00 223: Doctor's cottage
1 5 00 224: Ft. Spokane, Avery cottage
1 5 00 225: Kindergarten
1 5 00 226: Warren and Frank laying down
1 5 00 227: Miss Doctor's office
1 5 00 228: Miss Doctor's office
1 5 00 229: Miss Doctor's office
1 5 00 230: Captain Webster May 26, 1905
1 5 00 231: Boys and Mr. Peters in garden
1 5 00 232: Indian boys, shop at No. 3
1 5 00 233: Indian boys, shop at No. 3
1 5 00 234: Frank Creighton, Warren & Frank--Nespelem River
1 5 00 235: Anna and boys, Nespelem River
1 5 00 236: Anna and boys, Nespelem River
1 5 00 237: Anna and boys, Nespelem River
1 5 00 238: Anna and boys, Nespelem River
1 5 00 239: Scenery - personal
1 5 00 240: Dogs - Teddy and Roe
1 5 00 241: House from office - Mr. Paige's, F.F.A.
1 5 00 242: House from office - Mr. Paige's, F.F.A.
1 5 00 243: Virginia Garry, et
1 5 00 244: Signers of the McLaughlin Agreement, Colville Reservation. (l. to r., top: Sarah Nee (interpreter), Chief Andrew Wurpaxin, unidentified official, Chief Tonasket, unidentified official, unidentified chief; Chief Barnaby[?]; bottom: Captain Webster, Major McLaughlin) December 1, 1905
1 5 00 245: Rear view from near poultry yard
1 5 00 246: Sam [Bourm?]
1 5 00 247: Sam [Bourm?]--??
1 5 00 248: Salmon Camp, San Poil
1 5 00 249: Salmon Camp, San Poil
1 5 00 250: Salmon Trap, San Poil
1 5 00 251: Anna in yard with hose (Ft. Spokane)
1 5 00 252: Moor's Point., Lake Chelan
1 5 00 253: Moor's Point, Lake Chelan
1 5 00 254: Children, Ruth's party
1 5 00 255: Children, Ruth's party
1 5 00 256: Baby and rooster --also-- Baby and chickens (2 exposures)
1 5 00 257: Baby and rooster
1 5 00 258: Fir tree, Mr. Shaffner, et al
1 5 00 259: Fir tree
1 5 00 260: Warren and Helen (on horse) et al
1 5 00 261: Warren and Helen (on horse) et al
1 5 00 262: Pitcher of flowers
1 5 00 263: Pitcher of flowers [porch and foliage]
1 5 00 264: Peo-peo Max-max, also agent and peo pe man
1 5 00 265: Miss True, Miss Busher, Anna and babies near river
1 5 00 266: Miss Ture, Miss Busher, Anna and babies near river
1 5 00 267: Baby and chickens
1 5 00 268: Baby and chickens
1 5 00 269: Ft. Spokane from hill-
1 5 00 270: Mrs. Avery, Frank, Helen and Warren near reservoir
1 5 00 271: Albert M. Anderson and Mr. Wise
1 5 00 272: Foot bridge and Mr. Shaffner
1 5 00 273: Foot bridge and Mr. Shaffner
1 5 00 274: River looking up panel - lst taken, fogged in
1 5 00 275: River looking up panel - lst taken, fogged in
1 5 00 276: Agency office from toward superintendent office
1 5 00 277: Day School No. 2, children in garden
1 5 00 278: Day School No. 2, children in garden [school?, house, shed, barn]
1 5 00 279: School children No. 5, building No. 5
1 5 00 280: School children No. 5, building No. 5 [school buildings]
1 5 00 281: School children No. 5, building No. 5 [school buildings and swing sets]
1 5 00 282: Ditch, work on
1 5 99 283: Ditch, work on
1 5 00 284: Lumber Okanogan Road
1 5 00 285: Lumber Okanogan Road
1 5 00 286: Miss Busher and roses
1 5 00 287: Miss Busher and roses
1 5 00 288: Doc McKee's house
1 5 00 289: Doctor McKee's house
1 5 00 290: Pupils of Anna and baby under apple tree
1 5 00 291: Toward Columbia River from hill
1 5 00 292: Dr. McKee, Mrs. Avery, Warren, Dannie
1 5 00 293: Dr. McKee's front yard, group
1 5 00 294: River looking up - first taken - oblong (2)
1 5 00 295: River looking up - first taken - oblong (2)
1 5 00 296: Ft. Spokane
1 5 00 297: Girls No. 31
1 5 00 298: School children No.3
1 5 00 299: Mrs. Avery and children in pasture, on river
1 5 00 300: Mrs. Avery and children in pasture, on river
1 5 00 301: Spokane River and rock
1 5 00 302: Spokane River & Rock
1 5 00 303: Mesrs Keller and OHK family
1 5 00 304: Mesrs Keller and OHK family
1 5 00 305: Anna and baby near stump
1 5 00 306: Captain and Indians, Spokane
1 5 00 307: River -varius length focus
1 5 00 308: Building from side hill (branches)
1 5 00 309: Warren, Mrs. Avery on porch
1 5 00 310: Warren, Mrs. Avery on porch
1 5 00 311: Captain & Miss Webster and Indians Spokane
1 5 00 312: Rose bush - screen
1 5 00 313: Miss Kane in room
1 5 00 314: Dr. Latham and N. Sutherland on Little Johns Claim, Nespelem
1 5 00 315: Sidewalk - Hdg. B
1 5 00 316: Sewing room
1 5 00 317: Sewing room, second series
1 5 00 318: Nature Study Class (good)
1 5 00 319: Apple tree
1 5 00 320: School from upper road at spring
1 5 00 321: Cottages from near agency office
1 5 00 322: Agency office from toward Supt. office
1 5 00 323: Agency office from toward Supt. office
1 5 00 324: [Frank and Warren?].
1 6 00 325: [Two horse teams]
1 6 00 326: [Showing horses]
1 6 00 327: [House]
1 6 00 328: [Buildings]
1 6 00 329: [Log cabin]
1 6 00 330: [House]
1 6 00 331: [Captain Webster etal?]
1 6 00 332: [Captain Webstery] May 26, 1905
1 6 00 333: School house
1 6 00 334: [Pasture land]
1 6 00 335: [Frank?] 1903?
1 6 00 336: [Frank?] 1903?
1 6 00 337: [House with picket fence]
1 6 01 001: Children going to school, Ft. Spokane 1901
1 6 01 002: Children going to school, Ft. Spokane 1901
1 6 01 003: Dr. Latham Summer 1901
1 6 01 004: Baby and self -- F.F.A. 1901
1 6 02 001: Baseball team 1902
1 6 02 002: Baseball teams - F.I.D. 3 & 4 1902
1 6 02 003: Baseball teams - F.I.D. 3 & 4 1902
1 6 02 004: Water fall 1902
1 6 02 005: Water fall 1902
1 6 02 006: Warren and Dannie on porch 1902
1 6 02 007: River and bluff - 1/50 sec. - seeds 26 3:00 PM, May 25, 1902
1 6 02 008: Warren in rocker laughing summer 1902
1 6 02 009: Warren in chair yard summer 1902
1 6 02 010: Warren in rocker laughing summer 1902
1 6 02 011: Baby and Anny in yard June 1902
1 6 02 012: River, boys on log June 8, 1902
1 6 02 013: River, boys on log. Panel No.3 June 8, 1902
1 6 02 014: River, boys on log June 8, 1902
1 6 02 015: Baby holding hose June 10, 1902
1 6 02 016: Boys hoeing June 11, 1902
1 6 02 017: Str. Stehekin, Lake Chelan July 1902
1 6 02 018: From front gate looking towards church July 1902
1 6 02 019: Chelan from Moors Point July 1902
1 6 02 020: Warren and Dannie 7/12/1902
1 6 02 021: Warren and Dannie 7/12/1902
1 6 02 022: Mrs. Avery and Dixie 7/13/1902
1 6 02 023: Mrs. Avery and Dixie 7/13/1902
1 6 02 024: Mrs. Avery and Warren 7/13/1902
1 6 02 025: Daniel Boone - Dannie 7/13/1902
1 6 02 026: Daniel Boone - Danny 7/13/1902
1 6 02 027: Mrs. Avery and Warren 7/13/1902
1 6 02 028: First Falls, Little Nespelem September 1902
1 6 02 029: Dr. McKee in room September 1902
1 6 02 030: Columbia River from hill above school 9/1902
1 6 02 031: Warren and Dannie on porch September, 1902
1 6 02 032: Warren and Dannie on porch September, 1902
1 6 02 033: Baby Warren - nearly naked 9/1902
1 6 02 034: Baby Warren - in shirt 9/1902
1 6 02 035: Warren and Dannie on porch September 02
1 6 02 036: Str. Chelan, Columbia River 9/l/1902
1 6 02 037: Str. Chelan, Columbia River 9/l/1902
1 6 02 038: On "Little John's" claim, Nespelem 10/1902
1 6 02 039: Ferry Boat - Columbia River 5 m. below Grand Coulee Dam 10/1902
1 6 02 040: Little Girl (Indian) at Nespelem 10/1902
1 6 03 001: Mrs. Avery's flowers, Warren and Mrs. A. 1903
1 6 03 002: Indian Camp, Ft. Spokane Mr. or Nov.? 1903
1 6 03 003: Indian Camp, Ft. Spokane Mr. or Nov.? 1903
1 6 03 004: Mrs. Avery and Frank 1903
1 6 03 005: Warren holding Frank 1903
1 6 03 006: Mrs. Avery standing with Frank 1903
1 6 03 007: Mrs. Avery standing with Frank 1903
1 6 03 008: Upper Falls - Little Nespelem May 1903 - 8-1/25
1 6 03 009: Falls - Little Nespelem May 1903
1 6 03 010: Falls - Little Nespelem May 1903
1 6 03 011: Upper Falls - Little Nespelem May 1903- 8-1/25
1 6 03 012: Wood camp near school 6/1903
1 6 03 013: Mrs. Avery and Frank 6/1903
1 6 03 014: Mrs. Avery and Frank 6/1903
1 6 03 015: Warren June 1903
1 6 03 016: Group - Major Anderson's house June 1903
1 6 03 017: Baby Frank 6/1903
1 6 03 018: Mrs. Avery and baby Frank 6/1903
1 6 03 019: Warren and Mrs. Avery in hammock June 1903
1 6 03 020: House - Miss Busher and Miss E. or Mr. Busher 6/1903
1 6 03 021: House - Miss Busher and Miss E. or Mr. Burges 6/1903
1 6 03 022: Warren, Baby and Daniel 6/1903
1 6 03 023: Stage assembly room 6/1903
1 6 03 024: Baseball team June 1903
1 6 03 025: Baseball team June 1903
1 6 03 026: Group on Columbia River June 1903
1 6 03 027: Warren in hammock June 1903
1 6 03 028: Warren in hammock June 1903
1 6 03 029: Warren and Frank 8/1903
1 6 03 030: Warren and Frank 8/1903
1 6 03 031: Warren and Frank 8/1903
1 6 03 032: Warren and Frank 8/1903
1 6 03 033: Group in yard- Major A. and Wife, etal 8/1903
1 6 03 034: Group employees, Major Anderson's yard 8/1903
1 6 03 035: Group employees, Major Anderson's yard 8/1903
1 6 03 036: Warren and Frank 8/1903
1 6 03 037: Warren and Frank 8/1903
1 6 03 038: Warren and Frank 8/1903
1 6 03 039: Group Major Andersons 8/1903
1 6 03 040: Mrs.Avery standing with Frank 8/1903
1 6 03 041: Frank 8/1903
1 6 03 042: Frank, Warren and Dannie 8/1903
1 6 03 043: Flowers 8/1903
1 6 03 044: Group in yard- Major A. and wife, et al [Anderson] 8/1903
1 6 03 045: Frank 8/1903
1 6 03 046: Mrs. Avery, Frank and Warren 8/1903
1 6 03 047: Group Major Andersons 8/1903
1 6 03 048: Warren and Frank 8/1903
1 6 03 049: Warren standing on sidewalk 8/1903
1 6 03 050: Christmas Drill Sun. 7, 1903
1 6 03 051: Christmas Drill Sun. 7, 1903
2 7 04 001: Buildings at Ft. Spokane
2 7 04 002: Hdq. Bldg., etc.
2 7 04 003: Small boys dorm, etc. and orchard
2 7 04 004: Miss & Miss Bushee and Mrs. Avery and children
2 7 04 005: Warren in yard
2 7 04 006: Children in swing and Mrs. Avery
2 7 04 007: Col. Taggart in yard
2 7 04 008: Foot bridge summer 1904
2 7 04 009: Big rock from foot bridge
2 7 04 010: Big rock from foot bridge
2 7 04 011: Band June 1904
2 7 04 012: Band June 1904
2 7 04 013: Warren, Frank, Hellen, Dannie
2 7 04 014: Miss Kane's roses
2 7 04 015: Miss Kane's roses, also Mrs. Avery's
2 7 04 016: Wand Drill - Mrs. Coys
2 7 04 017: Frank in bath
2 7 04 018: Frank in bath
2 7 04 019: Headquarters Building
2 7 04 020: Cottages
2 7 04 021: Mrs. Avery barefoot with Warren
2 7 04 022: Frank, Mrs. Avery, Warren getting ready for bath
2 7 04 023: Miss & Miss Busher, Mrs. Avery and children
2 7 04 024: Miss & Miss Busher, Mrs. Avery and children
2 7 04 025: Mrs. Avery barefoot with Warren
2 7 04 026: Hospital
2 7 04 027: Mr. Shaffner's orchard
2 7 04 028: Rear view - laundry, headquarters building
2 7 04 029: Buildings from gate
2 7 04 030: Hospital
2 7 04 031: Headquarters building from S.W.
2 7 04 032: Toni B. Andrews
2 7 04 033: Warren and Frank under apple tree (Frank blurred)
2 7 04 034: Warren and Frank (Frank crying)
2 7 04 035: Buildings from Mess Building
2 7 04 036: Phelps family
2 7 04 037: Warren in yard
2 7 04 038: Warren in yard
2 7 04 039: Warren Avery, Helen Stuwart, Edith Kirk
2 7 04 040: Warren and Frank in rocker
2 7 04 041: Frank and Warren on porch
2 7 04 042: Warren Avery, Helen Stuwart, Edith Kirk
2 7 04 043: Frank in bath, Warren on hobby horse
2 7 04 044: Grays ghost
2 7 04 045: Potatoes
2 7 04 046: Leslie Shaffner and Warren
2 7 04 047: Leslie Shaffner and Warren
2 7 04 048: Shaffner's house from field
2 7 04 049: Group portrait at Mr. Shaffners
2 7 04 050: On road to Detilian Bridge
2 7 04 051: On road to Detilian Bridge
2 7 04 052: Shaffner's house from field
2 7 04 053: River from Mr. Shaffner's field
2 7 04 054: School building from path to Garden
2 7 04 055: Side of hill
2 7 04 056: Side of hill
2 7 04 057: Glimpse of buildings from near garden
2 7 04 058: School buildings from near garden
2 7 04 059: Dr. Snyder and Hope
2 7 04 060: Hope Snyder
2 7 04 061: Hope Snyder
2 7 04 062: Agency office
2 7 04 063: Small boys dorm or end dining room
2 7 04 064: Small boys dorm or end dining room
2 7 04 065: Foot bridge, Spokane River
2 7 04 066: School from alfalfa field
2 7 04 067: School from alfalfa field
2 7 04 068: Spokane and Columbia Rivers from corner alfalfa field
2 7 04 069: Spokane and Columbia Rivers from corner alfalfa field
2 7 04 070: N.E. of campus (oblong Ditto Panel)
2 7 04 071: Spokane and Columbia Rivers from corner alfalfa field
2 7 04 072: Warren and apple tree
2 7 04 073: Dr. Snyder's quarters
2 7 04 074: Dr. Snyder's quarters (double exposure)
2 7 04 075: Dr. Snyder's quarters
2 7 04 076: Warren and apple tree
2 7 04 077: Double view - mess building
2 7 04 078: Double view - mess building
2 7 04 079: Rapids and foot bridge
2 7 04 080: Rapids and foot bridge
2 7 04 081: Joe Malawrison's new home, San Poil Valley
2 7 04 082: Dining Room. No pupils, group of visitors Dec. 1904
2 7 04 083: Dining Room. No pupils, group of visitors Dec. 1904
2 7 04 084: Indian boys
2 7 04 085: Indian boys
2 7 04 086: From Blacksmith Shop
2 7 04 087: From Blacksmith Shop
2 7 04 088: Christmas drill
2 7 04 089: Christmas drill
2 7 04 090: Dining Room. -Pupils Dec. 1904
2 7 04 091: Buildings from Carpenter Shop
2 7 04 092: Buildings from Carpenter Shop
2 7 04 093: From Blacksmith Shop
2 7 04 094: Wood yard and cow barn
2 7 04 095: Non-com quarters
2 7 04 096: Non-com quarters
2 7 04 097: Christmas drill
2 7 04 098: Jos and Mel Nee
2 7 04 099: Kindergarten Dec. 1904
2 7 04 100: Kindergarten Dec. 1904
2 7 04 101: Campus, N. End, Frost
2 7 04 102: Campus, N. End, Frost
2 7 05 001: Dining room, Easter
2 7 05 002: Dining room, Easter
2 7 05 003: Large girls, Dec. (N.G.)
2 7 05 004: Albert Gary and family Jan., 1905
2 7 05 005: Albert Gary and family Jan., 1905
2 7 05 006: Albert Gary and family Jan., 1905
2 7 05 007: Marie [Tallor?] Feb., 1905
2 7 05 008: J. A. Silkforth or W. J. Neldon (& child) Feb., 1905
2 7 05 009: J. A. Silkforth or W. J. Neldon Feb., 1905
2 7 05 010: Kindergarten, March
2 7 05 011: Helen Stewart and Warren 3/5/1905
2 8 05.012: Mrs. Avery and Warren 3/5/1905
2 8 05 013: Miss Webster, Mrs. Avery, Warren and Helen Stewart
2 8 05 014: Helen Stewart and Warren
2 8 05 015: Helen Stewart and Warren
2 8 05 016: Mrs. Avery and Warren
2 8 05 017: Camp in school premises April, 1905
2 8 05 018: Camp in school premises April, 1905
2 8 05 019: Camp in school premises April, 1905
2 8 05 020: Miss Luce, Miss Edmundson, Miss Busher, Mrs. Avery and babies near reservoir April, 1905
2 8 05 021: Miss Luce, Miss Edmundson, Miss Busher, Mrs. Avery and babies near reservoir.
2 8 05 022: Miss Busher and Warren April, 1905
2 8 05 023: Miss Busher April, 1905
2 8 05 024: Employees and Mrs. Avery and babies April, 1905
2 8 05 025: Easter entertainment
2 8 05 026: Dining room with kitchen girls and employees Easter, 1905
2 8 05 027: Dining room (pupils) Easter, 1905
2 8 05 028: Employees, Mrs. Avery and babies April, 1905
2 8 05 029: Camp in school premises April, 1905
2 8 05 030: School plain from road to Nees 4/3/1905
2 8 05 031: On upper road pack "Lovers Lane" 4/3/1905
2 8 05 032: Junction of Columbia and Spokane Rivers 4/3/1905
2 8 05 033: On upper road pact "Lovers Lane" 4/3/1905
2 8 05 034: School plain from road to Nees 4/3/1905
2 8 05 035: Large girls - small girls April, 1905
2 8 05 036: Small boys 4/9/1905
2 8 05 037: Large boys 4/9/1905
2 8 05 038: Mrs. Avery and Frank near reservoir 4/23/1905
2 8 05 039: Helen and Warren near reservoir
2 8 05 040: Mrs. Avery with Helen and Frank and Warren at reservoir 4/23/1905
2 8 05 041: Miss Busher
2 8 05 042: Miss Busher
2 8 05 043: Miss Busher
2 8 05 044: Junction of rivers, 2nd Si(?) Iso 5/7/1905
2 8 05 045: Junction of rivers, 2nd Si(?) Iso 5/7/1905
2 8 05 046: Mr. Tiffany with gooseberries 5/26/1905
2 8 05 047: Captain Webster May, 1905
2 8 05 048: Captain Webster, Bridal wreath shot 5/26/1905
2 8 05 049: Captain Webster, Bridal wreath shot 5/26/1905
2 8 05 050: WaltVan Buskerin 5/29/1905
2 8 05 051: Warren Summer, 1905
2 8 05 052: Warren and Frank Summer, 1905
2 8 05 053: Mr. Keller and his horse Summer, 1905
2 8 05 054: Mr. Keller and his horse Summer, 1905
2 8 05 055: Captain Webster and General Hooton Summer, 1905
2 8 05 056: Captain Webster and General Hooton Summer, 1905
2 8 05 057: Children's party at school (Kilchen Laurie?) Summer, 1905
2 8 05 058: Children's party at school (Kilchen Laurie?) Summer, 1905
2 8 05 059: Warren and Frank Summer, 1905
2 8 05 060: Warren and Frank Summer, 1905
2 8 05 061: Mrs. Avery and children in Lovers Lane June, 1905
2 8 05 062: Spring on hillside above school June, 1905
2 8 05 063: Spring on hillside above school June, 1905
2 8 05 064: Warren and Frank in assembly room, small July, 1905
2 8 05 065: Warren and Frank in assembly room, small July, 1905
2 8 05 066: Warren and Frank with bucket July, 1905
2 8 05 067: F.F.A. and babies (N.G.) July, 1905
2 8 05 068: F.F.A. and babies (N.G.) July, 1905
2 8 05 069: Mrs. Avery and children stage July, 1905
2 8 05 070: Mrs. Avery and children on stage July, 1905
2 8 05 071: Warren on porch with wagon, etc.- July
2 8 05 072: Frank sitting on stage
2 8 05 073: Frank with bucket- July
2 8 05 074: Joseph La Fleur July 2, 1905
2 8 05 075: Suzette and Joseph LaFleur and family July 2, 1905.
2 8 05 076: Joseph La Fleur July 2, 1905
2 8 05 077: Warren and Mrs. Avery standing 7/4/1905
2 8 05 078: Mrs. Avery and Warren sitting 7/4/1905
2 8 05 079: Warren and Frank lying down 7/4/1905
2 8 05 080: Warren 7/4/1905
2 8 05 081: Warren and Frank 7/4/1905
2 8 05 082: Mrs. Avery (sitting), Warren (standing) 7/4/1905
2 8 05 083: Mrs. Avery (sitting), Warren (standing) 7/4/1905
2 8 05 084: Frank (standing) 7/4/1905
2 8 05 085: Frank standing) 7/4/1905
2 8 05 086: Campus, northend 7/4/1905
2 8 05 087: Campus, northend 7/4/1905
2 8 05 088: Mrs. Avery 7/4/1905
2 8 05 089: Mr. & Mrs. Kunse with Mr. May, Large bear Sept., 1905
2 8 05 090: Mr. & Mrs. Kunse with Mr. May, Large bear Sept., 1905
2 8 05 091: School sleigh ride Dec., 1905
2 8 05 092: Christmas drill (best)
2 8 05 093: Christmas drill (best)
2 8 05 094: Tomeo and family Dec., 1905
2 8 05 095: Mrs. Avery and babies. Dec., 1905
2 8 05 096: Warren Dec., 1905
2 8 06 001: Boys on stage, Mr. Van Z.
2 8 06 002: Miss Webster's pony with Mr. Hill winter 6/1907
2 8 06 003: Miss Webster's pony with Mr. Hill winter 6/1907
2 8 06 004: Miss Webster's pony with Mr. Hill winter 6/1907
2 8 06 005: Edward Whalanitsa and Harry Covington winter 6/1907
2 8 06 006: Agency office from Headquarters Buildings, Mess building to Dr. Snyders. Jan., 1906
2 8 06 007: Mr. Freeland in snow, Toni Billie Sam Tespaloose, Herman Freelander. Jan., 1906
2 8 06 008: Campus from Supervisor's office, (best)(print background twice) Snow storm in Dec. Jim Jack Edward O Stensgar. Jan., 1906
2 8 06 009: Campus from Supervisor's office, Jan. (best) (print background twice) Snow storm in Dec. Jim Jack, Edward 0 Stensgar. Jan., 1906
2 8 06 010: House icicles 1/16/1906
2 8 06 011: House icicles 1/16/1906
2 8 06 012: House icicles 1/16/1906
2 8 06 013: Foot bridge, Ine McLaughlin (Ino Hammerer?) Feb., 1906
2 8 06 014: Foot bridge, Ine McLaughlin (Ino Hammerer?) Feb., 1906
2 8 06 015: Mrs. Stadlers little girl or Mrs. Ahlstrums grandchildren Jan. 3, 1906
2 8 06 016: Mr. Tiffany March, 1906
2 8 06 017: Mr. Tiffany March, 1906
2 8 06 018: First pictures of Big Bend Transit Co. R.R. Spokane Res. March 17, 1906
2 8 06 019: First pictures of Big Bend Transit Co. R.R. Spokane Res. March 17, 1906
2 8 06 020: Land slide, Columbia River March 26, 1906
2 8 06 021: Land slide, Columbia River March 26, 1906
2 8 06 022: Two views of house 4/30/1906
2 8 06 023: Two views of house 4/30/1906
2 8 06 024: Baseball team Summer, 1906
2 8 06 025: Baseball team Summer, 1906
2 8 06 026: Warren with cat (summer) under apple tree
2 8 06 027: Warren and Frank (summer) under apple tree
2 8 06 028: Good night drill June, 1906
2 9 06 029: Fairy drill June, 1906
2 9 06 030: Miss Busher. Oct., 1906
2 9 06 031: Mrs. Avery, Miss Busher, Miss Edmundor, Dannie 4 Warren on rocks Oct., 1906
2 9 06 032: Mrs. Avery, Miss Busher, Miss Edmundor, on grade Oct., 1906
2 9 06 033: Above pump house Oct., 1906
2 9 06 034: Above pump house Oct., 1906
2 9 06 035: Henry Nelson, Wm. Bue? Oct., 1906
2 9 06 036: Henry Nelson, Wm. Bue? Oct., 1906
2 9 06 037: Warren leaning head Oct., 1906
2 9 06 038: Hope and Kathleen Snydes Nov. 25, 1906
2 9 06 039: Hope and Kathleen Snydes Nov. 25, 1906
2 9 06 040: Pupils in dining room and in assembly room Dec., 1906
2 9 06 041: On R.R. grade, also pine tree and frost Dec., 1906
2 9 06 042: On R.R. grade, also pine tree and frost Dec., 1906
2 9 06 043: On R.R. right of way Dec., 1906
2 9 06 044: Marry Caniler, Essie Kover, Virginia Garry Dec., 1906
2 9 07 001: Pupils in pasture Spring 1907
2 9 07 002: Pupils or children in pasture Spring 1907
2 9 07 003: Pupils or children in pasture [by river] Spring 1907
2 9 07 004: Pupils or children in pasture Spring 1907
2 9 07 005: Front yard winter 6/1907
2 9 07 006: Frontyard winter 6/1907
2 9 07 007: Omak picture June 1907
2 9 07 008: Omak picture [band] June 1907
2 9 07 009: Omak picture [band] June 1907
2 9 07 010: Miss Pierce and friends, horseback July 1907
2 9 07 011: Miss Pierce and friends, horseback July 1907
2 9 07 012: Mr. J.M. Johnson and wife and Mr. Seargeant 8/4/1907
2 9 07 013: Mr. & Mrs. Johnson, Mr. O. and carriage
2 9 07 014: Mr. & Mrs. Johnson, Mr. 0. 8/4/1907
2 9 07 015: Mr. J.M. Johnson and wife and Mr. Seargeant 8/4/1907
2 9 09 001: On Spokane River Dec. 1909
2 9 12 001: Nepelem River Feb. 1912
2 9 14 001: Building #3 1914
2 9 14 002: Stallions
2 9 14 003: Stallions
2 9 14 004: Johnny and Frank stalking hay, Nespelem Dist.
2 9 14 005: Johnny and Frank stalking hay, Nespelem Dist.
2 9 14 006: Stallions
2 9 14 007: Stallions
2 9 14 008: First picture of agency
2 9 14 009: First picture of agency
2 9 14 010: First picture of agency
2 9 14 011: Stallions
2 9 14 012: Roadwork, Nespelem Dist. Lo Awhi Lake Kesaskim Big Daun Et al
2 9 14 013: Roadwork, Nespelem Dist. Lo Awhi Lake Kesaskim Big Daun Et al
2 9 14 014: Noyes new house, Inchelium Dist. Charlie Hall's house, J.S. Borrgean house
2 9 14 015: Noyes new house, Inchelium Dist. Charlie Hall's house, J.S. Borrgean house
2 9 14 016: Dan Peone's grain field, hay meadow Geo. Parsins omitting house 1914
2 9 14 017: Hay makers camp, Jon Moses stacking ditto
2 9 14 018: Hay makers camp, Jon Moses stacking ditto
2 9 14 019: Hay makers camp, Jon Moses stacking ditto
2 9 14 020: Hay makers camp, Jon Moses stacking ditto
2 9 14 021: Strimatwua hauling logs
2 9 14 022: Hall Creek Saw Mill
2 9 14 023: Issac Steusgar's (or Ed Moore's) new barn, Inchelium Dist.
2 9 14 024: Issac Steusgar's (or Ed Moore's) new barn, Inchelium Dist.
2 9 14 025 : William Wamporya cutting grain, Nespelem Dist. (or Mike Michael Wapato)
2 9 14 026: William Wamporya cutting grain, Nespelem Dist. (or Mike Michael Wapato)
2 9 14 027: Agency (thin) April, 1914
2 9 14 028: Agency Feb., 1914
2 9 14 029: Agency Feb., 1914
2 9 14 030: Little Paul Gusta, Mary Augusta March, 1914
2 9 14 031: Mrs. Foster's home, Nez Perce Creek Fall or March, 1914
2 9 14 032: Theodore Gervias [house] March, 1914
2 9 14 033: Little Paul Gusta, Mary Augusta of Kewa March, 1914
2 9 14 034: Little Paul Gusta [house] March, 1914
2 9 14 035: Day School #4 March, 1914
2 9 14 036: Day School #4 March, 1914
2 9 14 037: Day School #4 March, 1914
2 9 14 038: Day School #1 March, 1914
2 9 14 039: Theodore Gervias [house] March, 1914
2 9 14 040: Old and new house, Nespelem Dist. March, 1914
2 9 14 041: Agency, March (ponies)- Agency, clouds early in June, 1914
2 9 14 042: Long John Williams [log cabin] March, 1914
2 9 14 043: Long John Williams [house] March, 1914
2 9 14 044: Log yard, Nespelem Spring, 1914
2 9 14 045: Log yard, Nespelem Spring, 1914
2 9 14 046: Agency (thin) April, 1914
2 9 14 047: Day School #5 May, 1914
2 9 14 048: Day School #9 May or Oct., 1914
2 9 14 049: Day School #9 May or Oct., 1914
2 9 14 050: Day School #7 May, 1914
2 9 14 051: Day School #7 May, 1914
2 9 14 052: Day School #7 May, 1914
2 9 14 053: Agency office summer, 1914
2 9 14 054: Agency office summer, 1914
2 9 14 055: Dawn Peone's home- new & old and horses summer, 1914
2 9 14 056: Dawn Peone's house- old summer, 1914
2 9 14 057: Dawn Peone's house- new summer, 1914
2 9 14 058: Quiltanenock and Jus. Mistokew putting hay in barn on Moses' place summer, 1914
2 9 14 059: Avery cottage, S. room, Nespelem Summer, 1914
2 9 14 060: Avery cottage, S. room, Nespelem Summer, 1914
2 9 14 061: Sam Fishewaus, Grainery and Stable, Nespelem Dist. summer, 1914
2 9 14 062: Warren at waterfall
2 9 14 063: Warren at waterfall
2 9 14 064: Warren at waterfall
2 9 14 065: Agency, March (ponies) - Agency (clouds) early June, 1914
2 9 14 066: Agency, March (ponies) - Agency (clouds) early June, 1914
2 9 14 067: Indian home near Nespelem July, 1914
2 9 14 068: Indian home near Nespelem July, 1914
2 9 14 069: Mrs. Nepaken July 4, 1914
2 9 14 070: Susan Michael and Two girls 7/4/1914
2 9 14 071: Emma Nillpactan Baster 7/4/1914
2 9 14 072: General view, Camp, Nespelem 4th July, 1914
2 9 14 073: Nellie Friedlander and daughter Emeline 7/4/1914
2 9 14 074: Emeline and George Friedlander 7/4/1914
2 9 14 075: Emeline and George Friedlander 7/4/1914
2 9 14 076: Young Felix home, Aug. or home up Nespelem Valley Aug., 1914
2 9 14 077: Peray Chuweah, old house Aug., 1914
2 9 14 078: Young Felix home or home up Nespelem Chuweah, old house Aug., 1914
2 9 14 079: Nespelem, George Aug., 1914
2 9 14 080: Nespelem, George Aug., 1914
2 9 14 081: Threshing at Willie Nampioya, Ditto at Ino Galar's, Nespelem Dist. fall, 1914
2 10 14 082: Joe Ferguson's home Inchelium Fall, 1914
2 10 14 083: Threshing at Willie Nampioya, Ditto at Ino Galar's, Nespelem Dist. fall, 1914
2 10 14 084: M2 Covada Fall, 1914
2 10 14 085: Scenes along the San Poil from Cache cross bridges, State Rd. #4, near D.S. #9 fall, 1914
2 10 14 086: M2 Covada Fall, 1914
2 10 14 087: Scenes along the San Poil from Cache cross bridges, State Rd. #4, near D.S. #9 fall, 1914
2 10 14 088: Mouth of Raule Snake Creek Osn Res. fall, 1914
2 10 14 089: Mrs. Foster's home, Nez Perce Creek fall or March, 1914
2 10 14 090: Thrashing at Willie Nampioya. Ditto at Ino Galar's, Nespelem Dist. fall, 1914
2 10 14 091: Thrashing at Willie Nampioya. Ditto at Ino Galar's, Nespelem Dist. fall, 1914
2 10 14 092: Two bridges on San Poil (scene from Chas. Louis) Oct., 1914
2 10 14 093: Two bridges on San Poil (scene from Chas. Louis) Oct., 1914
2 10 14 094: Mountain outcrop
2 10 14 095: Day School #9 May or Oct., 1914
2 10 14 096: Scenes along San Poil River State Rd. #4 Oct., 1914
2 10 14 097: Scenes along San Poil River State Rd. #4. [dbl. exposure] Oct., 1914
2 10 14 098: Catholic Church near Manila Creek, San Poil Valley October 1914.
2 10 14 099: Joe Malawrison's new home, San Port Valley. Charlie Louies Ditto new and old Oct., 1914
2 10 14 100: Joe Malawrison's new home, San Port Valley. Charlie Louies Ditto new and old Oct., 1914
2 10 14 101: Rampooya Ranger Station Oct., 1914
2 10 14 102: Old home, Mary Hughes, San Port Oct., 1914
2 10 14 103: New home, Mary Hughes, San Port Oct., 1914
2 10 15 001: Helen Louise Johnson
2 10 15 002: Billie_____? Paso Saws, Etc. ?/21/1915
2 10 15 003: Billie_____? Paso Saws, Etc. ?/21/1915
2 10 15 004: Billie_____? Paso Saws, Etc. ?/21/1915
2 10 15 005: Antoine Valley
2 10 15 006: Antoine Valley
2 10 15 007: Alkai Pond Okgn, Dist.
2 10 15 008: Reed Tepee, Mrs. Andrews home
2 10 15 009: Log yard, Nespelem Mill (about 400,000 fir logs) 2/12/1915
2 10 15 010: Log yard, Nespelem Mill (about 400,000 fir logs) 2/12/1915
2 10 15 011: Oscar Lournskeald on horse, 2/21/1915
2 10 15 012: Oscar Lournskeald 2/21/1915
2 10 15 013: Helen Louise Johnson 2/26/1915
2 10 15 014: Helen Louise Johnson 2/26/1915
2 10 15 015: Helen Louise Johnson 2/26/1915
2 10 15 016: Hunter property March, 1915
2 10 15 017: Hunter property March, 1915
2 10 15 018: Hunter property March, 1915
2 10 15 019: Hunter property March, 1915
2 10 15 020: Hunter property March, 1915
2 10 15 021: Inchelium Sub-Agency March, 1915
2 10 15 022: Inchelium Sub-Agency March, 1915
2 10 15 023: Warren and Frank Spring, 1915
2 10 15 024: Homes Okanogan Valley April, 1915
2 10 15 025: Smitakin home- Okanogan Dist. April, 1915
2 10 15 026: Meadow and house, Narcisse Brooks, Omak Creek April, 1915
2 10 15 027: Day School #1, Nez Perce Creek April, 1915
2 10 15 028: Okanogan School interior April, 1915
2 10 15 029: New and old homes of George Runnels April, 1915
2 10 15 030: Okanogan Sub-Agency cottage April, 1915
2 10 15 031: Felix home, Okanogan Valley April, 1915
2 10 15 032: Home in Okanogan Valley Wenatchee (Jimm?) San George near Okanogan April, 1915
2 10 15 033: Mac Donald and Jess Coop homes of Okanogan Dist. April, 1915
2 10 15 034: Mac Donald and Jess Coop homes of Okanogan Dist. April, 1915
2 10 15 035: Mac Donald and Jess Coop homes of Okanogan Dist. April, 1915
2 10 15 036: Home in Okanogan Valley Wenatchee (Jimm?) San George near Okanogan April, 1915
2 10 15 037: Home in Okanogan Valley Wenatchee (Jimm?) San George near Okanogan April, 1915
2 10 15 038: Home- Okanogan Valley April, 1915
2 10 15 039: Pichette Louie Okanogan Dist. April, 1915
2 10 15 040: Pichette Louie Okanogan Dist. April, 1915
2 10 15 041: Long Lake Dam April 1, 1915
2 10 15 042: Day School #8, Spokane Reservation April, 1915
2 10 15 043: Little Nussion. Noll Lay Downs House May, 1915
2 10 15 044: Okanogan River April, 1915
2 10 15 045: Helen Louise Johnson
2 10 15 046: Helen Louise Johnson
2 10 15 047: House- Okanogan Dist. May, 1915
2 10 15 048: Horses recovered from Hallery boys May, 1915
2 10 15 049: Horses recovered from Hallery boys May, 1915
2 10 15 050: General view, Wellpoint May, 1915
2 10 15 051: General view, Wellpoint May, 1915
2 10 15 052: Indian home near Mallob May, 1915
2 10 15 053: Indian home near Mallob May, 1915
2 10 15 054: Bulls May, 1915
2 10 15 055: Bulls May, 1915
2 10 15 056: Bulls May, 1915
2 10 15 057: Little Nussion. Nillay Downs House May, 1915
2 10 15 058: Agency May, 1915
2 10 is 059: Agency May, 1915
2 10 15 060: Home Okanogan Dist.
2 10 15 061: Avery Cottage, Nespelem Agency July, 1915
2 10 15 062: Johnson Cottage, Nespelem Agency July, 1915
2 10 15 063: Johnson Cottage, Nespelem Agency July, 1915
2 10 15 064: Unfinished new home July, 1915
2 10 15 065: Warren and Frank July, 1915
2 10 15 066: Warren and Frank July, 1915
2 10 15 067: Stimatwuw House, Nespelem Dist. July, 1915
2 10 15 068: Avery Cottage, Nespelem Dist. July, 1915
2 10 15 069: New and old home of Billy Curlew Nespelem Dist. July, 1915
2 10 15 070: Helen Louise Johnson July, 1915
2 10 15 071: Helen Louise Johnson July, 1915
2 10 15 071a: Hereford Heifers in corral, Agency Nespelem Dist. July 6-Aug., 1915
2 10 15 072: Hereford Heifers in corral, Agency Nespelem Dist. July 6-Aug., 1915
2 10 15 073: Hereford Heifers in corral, Agency Nespelem Dist. July 6-Aug., 1915
2 10 15 074: Agency barns Aug., 1915
2 10 15 075: Agency barns Aug., 1915
2 10 15 076: Agency Main Warehouse Aug., 1915
2 10 15 077: Bessie Martin and Russel Talbert going fishing Aug., 1915
2 10 15 078: Threshing at Peter Paul's or at Little Boys Aug., 1915
2 10 15 079: Threshing at Peter Paul's or at Little Boys Aug., 1915
2 10 15 080: Cottages of Schafer and Pueison
2 10 15 081: Webster's cottage, Stearn's cottage Aug., 1915
2 10 15 082: Webster's cottage, Stearn's cottage Aug., 1915
2 10 15 083: Cottages of Schafer and Pueison
2 10 15 084: Cottage, Avery (or J.M. Johnson) Aug., 1915
2 10 15 085: Cottage of J.M. Johnson (or Avery) Aug., 1915
2 10 15 086: Agency office, Hx 5 Aug., 1915
2 10 15 087: Silkforth cottage or Wildon cottage Aug., 1915
2 10 15 088: Silkforth cottage or Wilden cottage Aug., 1915
2 10 15 089: Talbert cottage, Baggeos cottage Aug., 1915
2 10 15 090: Talbert cottage, Baggeos cottage Aug., 1915
2 10 15 091: Implement shed of agency Aug., 1915
2 10 15 092: Threshing oats at agency Aug., 1915
2 10 15 093: Threshing oats at agency Aug., 1915
2 10 15 094: Schafer children, Nespelem 8/1/1915
2 10 15 095: Schafer children, Nespelem 8/1/1915
2 10 15 096: Helen Louise Johnson 8/1/1915
2 10 15 097: Helen Louise Johnson 8/1/1915
2 10 15 098: [Louis Tonlous?] house Oct., 1915
2 10 15 099: Nez Perce Creek threshing
2 10 16 001: Old Indian home, Nespelem Dist. March, 1916