Roald Fryxell papers, 1950-1978

Overview of the Collection

Fryxell, Roald, 1934-1974.
Roald Fryxell papers
1950-1978 (inclusive)
95 cubic ft
Collection Number
Roald Fryxell was a geologist and anthropologist, most noted for his work in dating archaeological sites and related geological studies. Collection contains correspondence, subject files, field notes and research data, photographs and photograph albums, manuscripts of professional articles, scrapbooks and maps. There are also reel-to-reel audio tapes relating to the Apollo missions, photographs and slides of Apollo missions and lunar samples, 16mm films relating to Apollo missions and the Marmes archaeological dig, tools used in gathering and studying lunar samples, and some personal materials and correspondence with family including Fryxell's father, Fritiof Fryxell.
American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming
American Heritage Center
University of Wyoming
1000 E. University Ave.
Dept. 3924
Laramie, WY
Telephone: 3077663756
Access Restrictions

There are no access restrictions on the materials for research purposes, and the collection is open to the public.

Additional Reference Guides
Additional Information

Finding aid available in repository.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

Fryxell, a geologist and anthropologist, was most noted for his work in dating archaeological sites and related geological studies. Early in his career he served as curator of Ginkgo Petrified Forest State Museum in Washington from 1960 to 1961. Later he was a professor of anthropology at Washington State University. While at Washington State he began excavating in 1962 at the Marmes Rockshelter archeological site in southeast Washington. The excavation resulted in the discovery of the famous Marmes human skeletal remains in 1968, the earliest well-documented remains found in the Western Hemisphere.

In 1969 Fryxell was named to NASA's Lunar Sample Preliminary Examination Team, and examined the lunar rocks and soil samples brought back by the Apollo missions. He was also the designer of the apparatus used for collecting core samples of the moon's surface. Fryxell also researched and published extensively in his field. He was killed in an automobile accident at age 40.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Collection relates to Fryxell's career as a geologist and anthropologist including his work at the Ginkgo Petrified Forest State Museum, Washington State University, with the Marmes Rockshelter archaeological site and with NASA. Materials include correspondence, subject files, field notes and research data, photographs and photograph albums, manuscripts of professional articles, scrapbooks and maps.

There are reel-to-reel audio tapes relating to the Apollo missions, photographs and slides of Apollo missions and lunar samples, 16mm films relating to Apollo missions and the Marmes archaeological dig, tools used in gathering and studying lunar samples, and some personal materials and correspondence with family including Fryxell's father, Fritiof Fryxell.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Copyright Information

The researcher assumes full responsibility for observing all copyright, property, and libel laws as they apply.

Restrictions on Use

Statement on Potentially Harmful Language and Images Found in Collections

The American Heritage Center aspires to approach all areas of our work in ways that are respectful to those who create, use, and are represented in our collections. For a variety of reasons, however, users may encounter offensive or harmful language or images in some of our finding aids, catalogs, and collection materials.

Note that the AHC does not censor or alter contents of the collections as they provide context and evidence of a time, people, place, or event. Therefore, we encourage users to bring questions and concerns about descriptions in our finding aids to our attention via email or anonymous web-form. For more information, read our full statement.

Preferred Citation

Item Description, Box Number, Folder Number, Collection Name, Collection Number, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming.

Alternative Forms Available

Existence and Location of Copies

Digital reproductions of select material from this collection are available at

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Preservation Note

System Requirements

Audio tapes -- reel-to-reel..

Motion picture films -- 16mm.

Related Materials

There are no known other archival collections created by Roald Fryxell at the date of processing.

Acquisition Information

Acquisition Information

This material was received from Helen Fryxell from 1976-1985, F.M. Fryxell in 1976, and Colorado State University Libraries in 2020.

Processing Note

16mm film digitized by Kathy Gerlach from 2017-2018.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Subordinate Component # 1Return to Top

The American Heritage Center is in the process of converting its older container lists to a more accessible format. This link is to an older version of a container list.


Motion Picture FilmReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
1st Americans - Marmes Man:
94 undated
94 undated
95 undated
103 undated
103 undated
103 1969
Lab work:
97 1969
97 1969
99 1969
Core Tube Loading (16mm, 4 reels)
97 1969
Sample Lab R Cabinet (16mm, 2 reels)
97 1969
Box Opening (16mm)
Normal Chamber Operations (16mm, 3 reels)
Seal and Transfer of GRC (16mm, 2 reels)
97 1969
Core Tube in Bio-Cabinetry, reels 1-23 - misseing reel 16 (16mm, 22 reels)
99 undated
Apollo Moon Shots (16mm, 5 reels)
Glove Repair (16mm)