David Crockett Graham Collection, 1884-1961

Overview of the Collection

Graham, David Crockett
David Crockett Graham Collection
1884-1961 (inclusive)
31.5 linear feet, (4 flat boxes, 19 record cartons, 20 manuscript boxes)
Collection Number
The David Crockett Graham Collection contains ephemera related to the life and work of David Crockett Graham, who arrived in southwestern China as a missionary, in 1911, and stayed 37 years pursuing archeological, anthropological and natural history studies of the region. This collection, which dates from 1884 through 1961, consists of journals, notebooks, correspondence and notes. Also includes are artworks, reports and manuscripts from his time in China.
Whitman College and Northwest Archives
Whitman College and Northwest Archives
Penrose Library, Room 130
345 Boyer Avenue
Walla Walla, WA
Telephone: 5095275922
Fax: 5095264785
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Graham was born in 1884 in Green Forest, Arkansas. His family moved to Milton-Freewater, Oregon shortly after. The family was poor, but managed to get David and his siblings into public schools in Walla Walla, Washington. David excelled in sports, and eventually earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from Whitman College in 1908.

In 1910 he married Alicia Morey, and in September of the following year they left San Francisco by steamer to serve in China with the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society (ABFMS). Graham gradually shifted his focus from missionary work to anthropology, and he spent the remainder of his thirty-seven year career studying various Chinese groups and religions.

Upon retiring in 1948, he moved to Colorado where he lived until his death in September 1961.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The David Crockett Graham Collection consists of journals, notebooks, correspondence and notes regarding archeological and anthropological research. This collection, which dates from 1884 through 1961, also contains reports and charts, artwork, photographs, maps and books from Graham's thirty-seven years in China. Materials include songs and stories of the Ch'uan Miao, manuscript materials relative to the customs and religion of the Ch'iang, information and manuscripts about the Lolo people and papers from and about West China Union University.

Information on the First Baptist Church's Social Action Committee, personal and family information as well as speeches, lectures and sermons by Graham are also included.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Donated by Jean Graham Brown and Dorothy Graham Edson in 1994 and 1995.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

1:  Archeological, anthropological, and natural history studies of the people of southwest ChinaReturn to Top

Materials relating to the Ch'uan Miao, Ch'iang, and Lolo peoples of China.

Container(s) Description Dates
1: Songs and Stories (possibly relating to the Songs and Stories of the Ch'uan Miao)
2 36
2: Songs and Stories of the Ch'uan Miaon More Songs and Stories of the Ch'uan Miao. Manuscript materials
3: Songs and Stories of the Ch'uan Miao
4: Notes on the Ch'uan Miao
Box Folder
4 1
Notes on the grammar of the Ch'uan Miao
4 2
Publications about, by D. C. Graham
4 3
Notes on
4 4
Chinese vocabulary
4 5
Notes on Miao groups
4 6
Article on
4 7
Diagram of 8 generations
4 8
Notes on from Kwei Yang Fu Chih (1850 AD)
4 9
Notes on from Chao Tung
4 10
Notes on from Cheng Hsuing Chou Chih (1887)
4 11
St. Mark's Gospel in Ch'uan Miao
4 12
Miscellaneous notes on name of Miao tribe
4 13
Ch'uan Miao customs and songs (notebook Z)
4 14
Book about Ch'uan Miao, table of contents page
4 15
Manuscript for work with international script, songs and stories
4 16
Manuscript preface on Ch'uan Miao
4 17
Manuscript preface, introduction and historical background
4 18
Manuscript, introduction to The Legends of the Ch'uan Miao
4 19
Introduction to Ch'uan Miao by D. C. Graham
4 20
List of Songs and Stories (by number)
4 21
Outline: Songs and Stories. Appendix, Bibliography, and index
4 22
Paper on D. C. Graham's work with the Ch'uan Miao (3 copies)
5: Ch'iang
Box Folder
7 1-20
Manuscript materials relative to The Customs and Religion of the Ch'iang
7 21
Partial Manuscript: Ch'iang houses, towers, and villages
7 22-25
Manuscript: The Religion of the Ch'iang (4 folders)
7 26
Manuscript: The Sacred books used by the Ch'iang Priest at Lobo Chai Sections 1-18
7 27
The Sacred Chants of the Ch'iang Priest at Lobo Chai Sections 1-18
7 28
Manuscript: The Ch'iang [from Religion in Southwest China?]
7 29
Publications about the Ch'iang, by D. C. Graham
7 30
Exercise book: Notes on Religion, April 22, 1933, also July 1933 Ch'iang People, Book X
7 31
Manuscript. A Ch'iang incantation used by the priest at Lobu Chai
7 32
7 33
Notes on Ch'iang Religion and customs, 1942
7 34
Chants, or "Sacred Books used by Ch'ang priest at Mu Shang Chai
7 35
Manuscript. Lobo Chai Sacred Books, Sect. 2-18.
7 36
Ch'ang Chants at Ho P'in Chai.
7 37
Manuscript. Usable Ch'ang phrases
7 38
Origin of the Sacrifices of the Ch'ang
7 39-41
Notes on the Ch'ang(3 files)
7 42
Pen and ink drawings and descriptions
7 43
A scientific study of the religion of the Ch'ang
7 44
Ch'ang and Shu of the Yin Time. By Tung Tso'pin. Translated by C.T. Hu.
7 45
Religious ceremonies
7 46
Manuscript about Gods
7 47-48
Notes on customs(2 files)
7 49
Notes on Ch'ang religion and customs
7 50
Notes on a ceremony
7 51
Misc. Notes from Lobo Chai, August, 1942
7 52-53
Manuscript, "Customs of the Ch'ang" (2 folders)
7 54-55
Manuscript, "Ch'ang, Are they Hebrew or Monotheists?" (2 folders)
7 56-57
Notebook on Ch'ang people (2 folders
7 58
Songs with comments on accompanying actions by D.C. Graham Ch'ang
7 59
On Chinese Historical References to the Ch'ang
7 60
Notes from The Birth of China, by Creel
6: Miscellaneous research materials
Box Folder
9 1
Manuscript: The High waters of the Yangtse river
9 2
Far eastern quarterly, May, 1949
9 3
Manuscript: The Greatest Migration in Human History
9 4
Smithsonian--Lists of D. C. G. Collections and Gifts
9 5
Important quotations in chinese
9 6
Chinese article reprints from newspapers
9 7
Notes on 2 small bronze lamps at the West China Union University Museum of Archaeology
9 8
Newspaper clipping on China
9 9
Pamphlet about Chengtu school for the blind and Chengtu eye clinic board, headed by D.C. Graham
9 10
Manjushri of Wu T'ai Shan. By Alexander David-Neel
9 11
English essays on Chinese culture
9 12
Manuscript: Mysterious Potency in the Chinese Religion
9 13
Manuscript: The True Classic of the Bloody Basin
9 14
Book of Giang and Lai
9 15
Reprints of articles about D. C. Graham
9 16
Chinese paper. Catalog of the Chu-fei Collection
9 17
Quote from Strictly on the funny side: "I've got the South in My Mouth" by Helen Brown Norden; Notes on recent changes in temples, etc.
9 18
Newspaper clipping about idols from China press,Mon. June 21, 1948
9 19
State Calendar Book 1946 (Cheng-tu)
9 20
Smithsonian, National Museum, 1960
9 21
Notes Trans-Himalaya p. 32 vol. 1 New Years Ceremony
9 22
Translation of the inscription of a Ming Dynasty tomb stone in the west
9 23
Fund drive for famine relief ? c. 1934
9 24
Notes and Quotations from Chinese Philosophers
9 25
The [Panda ?] Jan. 13, 1939
9 26
9 27
Field notes on people
9 28
Notes from Yachow history
9 29
Copies made in Chinese by D.C. Graham
9 30
Chinese Genealogy from 1st to 10th generation
9 31
Notes on the Wask people and customs
9 32
The Oracle bones of the Shang Dynasty by professor J. M. Menzies
9 33
Open letter to the Fu Ch'iang people concerning the beginning and the end of paying vows
9 34
Statement by Chinese Students on the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt April 1945, Statement about coming of the "Great Tribulation" from Chengtu, July 1923
9 35
Notes from Trans-Himalaya, discoveries and adventures in Tibet
9 36
Notes on a manuscript
9 37
Petition for change in divorce laws in Denver, Colorado
9 38
Notes on the Folk Tale and Primitive culture. By S. Thompson
9 39
New China Weekly Newsletter. Copies from 1939
9 40-44
Exercise book and memorandum book (5 exercise books)
9 45
Notes and accounting records
9 46
Pocket journal
9 47
Address book
9 48
Anthropology papers etc.
9 49
Joaquin Miller, critical review of
9 50
Manuscript: Pan Ku and Mr. Million Years, Children's stories by D.C. Graham.
9 51
Quotations copied by D. C. G.
9 52
Research interests, by D. C. G.
9 53
Contract for land
9 54
China Policy (U.S.)
9 55
Notebook: White Men's Graves
9 56
Notebook: Notes on religious practices and a trip through Lan Luh Shien
9 57
Notebook: Chuan Miao Vocabulary and Taoist priests
9 58
Notebook: Notes on a trip among the Miao, Autumn, 1923
9 59
Notebook: Misc. Expense, Addresses, etc.
9 60
Copy of speech on China policy by Walter H. Judd and other items by/about W.H. Judd
9 61
Manuscript: Sociological changes in China during the war (published. by D. C. G.)
9 62
Material from manuscript
9 63
Wars and migrations: Publication by D. C. G.
9 66
Visit with abbot of Tsao Dio
9 67
Notes on beliefs concerning deformed roosters
9 68
Notes on various topics
9 69
Dao Tsang ceremony
9 70
Notes on "the Little Flock"
9 71
Chinese Art / Symbols (Manchu officials
9 72
Pocket journal
9 73
Sung, John
9 74
Sui Wuan-Shanoi sect, North China
9 75
How Hades became a republic
9 76
Handwritten manuscript or notes
9 77
Memo about Foundation Sacrifice
9 78
Copy and Translation of a poem
9 79
Notes: the museum of Far Eastern Antiquities in Stockholm
9 80
Notes or story about robbers
9 81
Notes from In the Footsteps of Marco Polo
9 82
Notes from Williams A History of China
9 83
Notes on report from China while DCG was in Burma, 1940; notes about Burma
9 84
Inscription on a placecard given to a chinese doctor by his friends
9 85
Poem for someone--written on a basket
9 86
A small poem
9 87
Quotations about Misssions and Missionaries by Augustus H. Strong
9 88
The Wu Chiao
9 89
Manuscript a collecting trip to the Roof of the world
9 90
Hokow: The backdoor of Chagra. By J.H. Edgar
9 91
Two Unnumbered notebooks
9 92
Manuscript. Reply to Mr. Edgar on the artificial caves
9 93
Land of the Migrating Blacks by J.H. Edgar
9 94
Manuscript: The Chinese Student Anti-Christian Movement, headed in Chicago, 1926.
9 95
Miscellaneous notes
9 96
Manuscript: Strange Gods in West China.
9 97
China information service. Newsheets kept by Graham.
9 98
Reports from D. C. G.
9 99
Misc. publications by D. C. G.
9 100
Manuscript. A study of the Chinese of Boston.
9 101
Misc: Concerning smithsonian, measuring mammals, expenses
7: Lolo information and manuscripts
Box Folder
10 1-5
The Lolo Story "The Great God O-li-bi-zih" Trs. by Graham (5 folders)
10 6
Manuscript: The Lolo sacred books
10 7
Publications about, by D. C. G.
10 8
A Lolo Charm (reprints)
10 9
Seven Lolo sacred books by Graham
10 10
Notes from "Au Yun-An Les Lolo P'o. . ." by Alfred Lietard
10 11-13
Notes and Materials on the Lolo: 3 files
10 14-15
Manuscript: Religion of the Lolo by DCG (2 files)
10 16
Manuscript: A Study of the Lolo proverbs in and near the Taling Mountains, by Mao-Chi, Fu
10 17
Male and Female phallic charm, drawing of
10 18
Lolos of Szechwan Province by DCG
10 19
Lolo story of Great Flood, misc. notes
10 20
Bibliographies, books on Lolos from Dr. Louis C. Walmsley
10 21
Report of a Survey of the E Ru of Sikong, other notes by DCG
10 22
Chinese newspaper article "Religion of the Lolo" by DCG
10 23
Noso Customs exercise book

2:  Chinese ReligionsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
1: Money for ceremonies
Box Folder
5 1
Burn at grave of Ancestors
5 2
Rubbing: The orders of Lao Tsi and other coins
5 3
Burnt with paper money at Chengtu (New Years time)
5 4
Chinese Spirit Money from Hong Kong, 1955
5 5
Burn for Ancestors and living--personalized
5 6
Bank notes of 10 dollars each, burnt for the spirits of the dead, c. 1945
5 7
Wrapper for paper money before burning
5 8
Burnt instead of paper money at funerals
5 9
Incense, money paper burnt at new years time
2: Charms and Incantations
Box Folder
5 10
Manuscript: The ceremony of using the grass image of the nine-headed bird
5 11
Tablet for a god
5 12
5 13
Manuscript: ceremonies to secure sons
5 14
Manuscript: ceremonies to secure or stop rain
5 15
Manuscript: incantations and charms
5 16
Message to be sent to ancestors through burning
5 1718
Burnt to Kitchen God on 23rd day of the 12th moon (secured in 1921) (2 files)
5 19-23
Tibetan charm (5 files)
5 24
Charm to the Aborigines who are Buddhist, secured July 1929 by D. C. Graham
5 25
Charm burnt to exorcise Demons
5 26
Charms and Fortunes
5 27
Ceremonial paper flags--drawings of
5 28
Charm for bad dreams
5 29
Incantations for stopping pains and bleeding
5 30-32
Manuscript: Image worship in china by D C. Graham (3 files)
5 33
Cure for swallowing tobacco or opium
5 34
Appreciation of thanks (charm)
5 35
Notes about an idol said to aid in conceiving sons
5 36
The dragon who is able to cause rain
5 37
Charm to force demons away
5 38
Charm for family to be safe and peaceful (Buddhist)
5 39
Prayer for safety
5 40
Printed paper charms
5 41
Charms of various types
5 42
Charm to secure rain from the dragon king
5 43
Charm to bring good luck from bad dreams
5 44
Text for charms
5 45
Charm against pestilence
5 46
5 47
Charm burnt at New Years time
5 48
Bah Hua Kua charm
5 49
List of charms
5 50
Charm to put baby to sleep
5 51
Charm to cause babies to cease crying
5 52
Charm to get rid of a cold
5 53
Dragon-Phoenix Money-Horse
3: Gods
Box Folder
5 54
Charm burnt to the kitchen god , 24th day of the 12 moon, when the kitchen god ascended to heaven
5 55
The sacred book of the original vows of the kitchen god (translated by D. C. Graham)
5 56
Kitchen God, text from scroll
5 57
Gods in Religion, publications by David C. Graham
5 58
Manuscript: The Gods
5 59
God of wealth and happiness
5 60
God of wealth
5 61
Kitchen God: Ruler Heaven, Earth, Water, door gods
4: Ancestor Worship, Burial of Dead, Tombs and Caves
Box Folder
5 62
Tang Dynasty image of sun over clouds. Placed in tombs
5 63
Given to guests who have given presents before funerals
5 64
Invitation to a guest who has given a present to attend the funeral
5 65
Caves, publications about, by David C. Graham
5 66
Bricks from Han Dynasty Chinese tombs at Chun King
5 67
Kiating Caves, Szechwan Province
5 68
Notes on custom in Tseo Dynasty of burying living with dead
5 69
Manuscript: a visit to the cave of the Peking man
5 70
Burial customs of chinese (notes by D. C. Graham)
5 71
Inscription for ancestor ceremony or general worship
5 72
Notes about funerals
5 73
Ancestor ceremony for whole family
5 74
Cave carving
5 75
Mantsi cave near Kiating
5 76
Carving, drawing on the wall of a cave above Suifu (near Huang Sa Chi cave)
5 77-78
Drawing in the chinese tomb near Kiating, Szechwan, China (2 files)
5 79-83
Ancient caves of Szechwan Province, by D. C. Graham (5 files, published by Smithsonian, 1932)
5 84
Information on ancient caves in Szechwan province
5 85
Translation of the inscription of a Ming Dynasty tomb stone in the west
5 86
Diagram of a house in a cave-tomb near Kiating, Szechwan China
4: Temples
Box Folder
5 87
Sketches of Temples
5 88
Outline of carving on the Foundation/stone deity at the Tsang Fu temple
5 89
Letter carried by pilgrim to temple
5 90
Temples in city of Lui Bo
5 91
Listing of Temples [Suifu?] and of idols--David C. Graham
5 92
Lists of temples-indicates uses of former temples, in D. C. Graham list
5 93-94
Lists of temples in Chinese (2 files)
5 95
Chinese Temple, drawings of
5 96-97
Manuscript: A Survey of the Temples in Chengtu [from Religion in Southwest China?] (2 files)
5 98
First draft of thesis, research on temples
5 99
Temples, publications about, by D. C. Graham
5 100
David C. Graham, notes on Chinese religion, Chengtu temples
5 101
Survey of the Temples of Szechwan
5 102
Notes on Temples, etc.
5 103
A Waipede [Wayside?] Shrine, drawing and text
5 104
Notes on temples and their idols
5 105
Manuscript: Shrines, Temples, and Sacred Mountains [from Religion in Southwest China]
5 106
Temples at Suifu, Szechwan, China
5 107
Temples - general
5 108
Temple and nunnery information: location, existence, condition, etc. (Ya-An and Chengtu)
5 109
Ya-An: Survey of condition and attendance of Temples
5 110
Classification of Chengtu temples according to amount of worship
5 111
Sketch map of Temples
5 112
Diagram of a Buddhist temple called Ta Chang Fu, three miles west of Suifu, Szechwan, China
5 113
Rough Map of the ancient graves of Suifu
5: Divining Papers
Box Folder
5 114
Divination sheets and translations
5 115
Fortunes, Divining sheets
6: Folk Religion in Southwest China, manuscript materials
Box Folder
8 1-3
Manuscript - Folk...(3 copies)
8 4
Opportunities for the study of religion in west China
8 5-6
Reprints of articles by D.C. Graham on Chinese religion and culture (2 folders)
8 7
Brief outline of history of Chinese religions. For a course at Colgate-Rochester
8 8-27
Notes on Chinese religion (11 folders of notes and 11 Exercise books/journals)
8 28
Manuscript-"The idea of God in Modern Theology..."
8 29
Notebook. Notes on religious customs at Chaung King
8 30
Translation and Inscriptions on religious customs
8 31
Statements on religion by Mr. Yang. December, 1922
8 32
The T'u cho hwei at Li t'o. August 2, 1932.
8 33
Litholotry in west china. Manuscript
8 34
Notes on religion at Kwan Shien. August, 1947
8 35
Partial manuscript on eastern religions
8 36
The Lao T'sang Ceremony Manuscript
8 37
A small portion of a sacred book secured from a priest named Tso. From P'u Ch'i Keo
8 38
Portion of a sacred book secured from Mr. Wang
8 39
Exercise book on native religions
8 40
Preface concerning the efficacy of the sacred book of the lofty being, Kwan Shin Yin
8 41
Notes on Polyandry
8 42
Notebook. List of things in book and Chinese religion notes.
8: Chinese Religions Information - Tibetan
Box Folder
15 1
Publications about Tibetan Religions, D.C. Graham
15 2
Vocabulary, notes, believe it or not, picture
15 3-4
Customs and Religion: articles by D. C. G. (2 files)
15 5
Manuscript: Lamaism in Tibet, with special references to Shamanism
15 6-8
Notes on religion (3 folders)
15 9-10
Notes on social customs (2 folders)
15 11
An expedition to the China-Tibetan border, by D. C. G.
15 12
Manuscript: The prayer wheels, prayer flags, and prayer stones of Tibet, by D. C. G.
9: Buddhism
Box Folder
15 13
Mt. Omei: Buddhist priests from Tibet, by dcg
15 14-16
A Simple talk on Repeating the Name of Buddha (3 folders)
15 17
Interview with an old Buddhist priest in Suifu
15 18
A study of Buddhism
15 19
Ahmitaba society of Chin Fu Shien
15 20
Manuscript: Buddhism
15 21
Buddhist Tibetan Sculptures
15 22
Buddhist script, references to nature
15 23
Copies of Buddhist writings
15 24
Buddhist Hanging for prayer
15 25
Buddhist place card for new years
15 26
Buddhist print
15 27
Notes on Buddhism
15 28
Influence of Buddhism on various groups in China
15 29
Page of Buddhist Scriptures, Written in Sanskrit
10: Confucianism
Box Folder
15 30-31
Manuscript: Education values (2 folders)
15 32
15 33
Manuscript: Confucianism
11: Christianity in China
Box Folder
15 34-35
Christians in China, publications about and manuscript (2 files)
15 36
Anti-Christian movement in China, 1925
15 37
A Christian Tract written by DCG in chinese characters
15 38
3 articles from the Christian omnibook, in chinese characters, by S. C. Chang
15 39
Border mission of the Church of Christ in China
12: Szechwan
Box Folder
15 40
Religion in Szechwan province: dissertation
15 41
Notes on Non-Chinese tribes in Szechwan
15 42-44
Religion in Szechwan: notes and publications (3 files)
15 45
Research in Western Szechwan
15 46
Notes on Szechwan Province
15 47
Religion of the Chinese in Szechwan, Smithsonian publication
13: Taoism
Box Folder
15 48
Manuscript: The Bridge for becoming Immortals, Trs. by D. C. Graham
15 49
15 50
Publications about by D. C. Graham
14: Mohamedanism
Box Folder
15 51
15: DCG handwritten note cards on Chinese religion, etc.
16: Correspondence, maps, The West China Missionary News, West China Baptist Mission Annual Reports (1916-1947)

3:  CorrespondenceReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
1: Correspondence: A-Benchley
Box Folder
12A 1
Inventory and Notes on Correspondence. Compiled by Dorothy Graham Edson
12A 2
Additional Notes on Correspondence by D. G. Edson
12A 3
Academia Sinica
12A 4
Adams, Archibald
12A 5
12A 6
Agnew, R.G.
12A 7
Alexander, Charles P.
12A 8
American Baptist Church Publications
12A 9-11
American Baptist Foreign Mission Society(3 files)
12A 12
American Bureau for Medical Aid to China
12A 13
American Consul in China
12A 14
American Council of Learned Societies
12A 15
American Folklore Society
12A 16-19
American Museum of Natural History(4 files)
12A 20
American Numismatic Society
12A 21
American Oriental Society
12A 22
Anderson, J.G.
12A 23
12A 24
12A 25
Arizona State University
12A 26
Army Friends
12A 27
Association for the Chinese Blind
12A 28
Baptist Church, First, Denver
12A 29
Beads. Queries to Museums
12A 30
Beach, Joseph
12A 31
Beal, Edwin G.
12A 32
Beath, Dr. Sterling
12A 33
Beaven, Rev. Joseph
12A 34
Bedford, Oliver
12A 35
Beech, Dr. Joseph
12A 36
Benchley, Belle
2: Correspondence: Bishop to Djang
Box Folder
12B 1
Bishop, C.W.
12B 2
Black, Davidson
12B 3
Bratton, W.A.
12B 4
Brode, H.S.
12B 5
Brown, Professor
12B 6
Business, etc.
12B 7
Cammann, Schuyler
12B 8
Cawthorne, H.F.
12B 9-10
Cheng, T.K.(2 folders)
12B 11
12B 12
Chicago Natural History
12B 13
Chicago, University of. Anthropology Department
12B 14
Chicago, University of. Divinity School and Journal of Religion
12B 15
China Friends
12B 16
Chinese Artifacts
12B 17
Chinese Recorder
12B 18
Chow, Christopher
12B 19
Ch'uan Miao Film
12B 20
Ch'uan Miao, letter from 2 students
12B 21
Churches at which D.C. Graham spoke
12B 22
Cima, Lewis
12B 23
Cleveland, S.S. President ship. Written to friends on the ship
12B 24
Cole, Dr. Fay-Cooper
12B 25
Colgate Rochester Divinity School
12B 26
Colorado Churches
12B 27
Columbia University
12B 28
Creel, H. G.
12 29-30
Cressy, Earl Herbert (2 folders)
12B 31
Crook, R. L.
12B 32
David-Neel, Alexandra
12B 33
Decker, John W.
12B 34
Dhalburg, Edwin T.
12B 35
District of Columbia
12B 36
Djang, W. B.
3: Correspondence: Edgar to Russell
Box Folder
12C 1
Edgar, J. Houston
12C 1.5
Eells, Myron
12C 2
Eeels, Walter and May
12C 3-4
Fejos, Paul (2 folders)
12C 5-6
Folk Religion in Southwest China (2 folders)
12C 7
Franklin, James H.
12C 8
Freer Gallery
12C 9
Furlough Trip, 1939
12C 10
Goddard, Francis W.
12C 11-12
Goodrich, L. Carrington (2 folders)
12C 13
Greenway, John
12C 14
Great God O-li-bi-zih, correspondence about
12C 15
Gowman, C.G.
12C 16
Greenway, John
12C 17
Haldane, Charlotte
12C 18
Hand, Wayland
12C 19
12C 20
Harvard, Yenching
12C 21
Hodius, Lewis
12C 22
Howes, Miss Grace H.
12C 23
Hu, Shiu-ying
12C 24
Hu, C.T.
12C 25
Hudspeth, Will A.
12C 26
Huff, Elizabeth
12C 27
Hume, Edward H.
12C 28
Hume, Mrs. Edward H.
12C 29
Hummel, A. W.
12C 30
Hyde Park Baptist Church, Chicago
12C 31
Jeffrey, J. Howard
12C 32
Kow, Wayne S.
12C 33
Kunkle, Reverend Edward C.
12C 34
Library of Congress
12C 35
Maxey, President of Whitman College
12C 36
Mickey, Barbara
12C 37-38
Mickey, Portia (2 folders)
12C 39
Miscellaneous letters from U.S.
12C 40
Morgan, Arthur and Eledice
12C 41
Morse, W. Reginald
12C 42
Musée de l'homme (Museum of Man)
12C 43
Museum Van Oudheden
12C 44
National Library of Peking
12C 45
Needham, Dr. James
12C 46
Oehser, Paul H.
12C 47
Openshaw, Harry J.
12C 48
Parsons, R. Keith
12C 49
Penrose, Stephen B. L.
12C 49.5
Penrose, Stephen B.L.
4 envelopes of letters from D.C. Graham and Alicia Morey Graham
12C 50
Porter, Lucius C.
12C 51
Priest, Professor Alan
12C 52
Pruden, Dr.
12C 53
Quale, Miss G. Robina
12C 54
Raeburn, G. D.
12C 55
Rape, C. P.
12C 56
Ravenal, W. De C.
12C 57
Requests for D. C. G. Publications
12C 58
Reynolds, Ruth
12C 59
Robins, Henry B.
12C 60
Rochester N.Y., City of. Municipal Museum
12C 61
Rock, Joseph F.
12C 62
Rosenburg, Dr. S.
12C 63
Royal Anthropological Institute. London, England
12C 64
Rudolph, R. C.
12C 65
Russell, Maud
4: Miscellaneous letters
Box Folder
12D 1
Re: Religion and Southwest China and other related material
12D 2
Re: Folk Religion in Southwest China
12D 3
Unknown letter (Chinese characters, panda)
12D 4
Part of a letter
12D 5
Re: Collection of Specimens?
12D 6
Re: Customs--permit to ship specimens to U.S.
12D 7
Miscellaneous -- from Szechewan
12D 8-9
Smithsonian Institution, Re: Collection of Specimens (2 folders)
12D 10
Letters to D. C. G., Identity of Author Unknown
12D 11
Card/Letter to D. C. G., from "Daughter" etc., translation inculded
5: Correspondence: Saddler to Yaan
Box Folder
12E 1
Saddler, Michael E.
12E 2
Sage, Dean Jr.
12E 3
Salfeld, H.
12E 4
Saunders, Wilbur E.
12E 5
Schauss, William
12E 6
Schloerb, Reverend R.W.
12E 7
Schuster, Carl
12E 8
Sebeok, Professor Thomas A.
12E 9
Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury
12E 10
Smithsonian Staff
12E 11
Solheim, William G. II
12E 12-13
"Songs and Stories of the Ch'uan Miao" before publication. Correspondence about
12E 14
Soong, Dr. Beatrice Dong
12E 15
Sowerby, Arthur
12E 16
Speeches, re. ???
12E 17
Starr, Kenneth
12E 18
Stewart, J. C.
12E 19
Taft, Erwin B.
12E 20
Tax, Prof. Solomon
12E 21
Taylor, A.
12E 22
Taylor, Joseph
12E 23
Taylor, Robert (Bob)
12E 24
Tee-Van, John
12E 25
Teh-K'un, Cheng
12E 26
Thomason, Caroline W.
12E 27
Tompkins, Charles
12E 28
Torrance, Rev. Thomas
12E 29
Trost, Theodore Louis
12E 30
12E 31
United Board for Christian Colleges in China
12E 32
University of California
12E 33
Universities of Denver and of Colorado
12E 34
University of Michigan
12E 35
University of Nanking
12E 36
United States Department of Agriculture
12E 37
Urech, G. Marcel
12E 38
Vannicelli, Luigi
12E 39
Viking Fund
12E 40
Walmsley, Lewis C.
12E 41
Weingold, Hugo
12E 42
White, Lynn Jr.
12E 43
Whitner, Robert L.
12E 44
Who's Who in American Education (editor)
12E 45
Wold, Mr.
12E 46
Wu, K. T.
12E 47
Yaan, Ada Nelson

4:  West China Union University and Related Papers, 1934-1950Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
16 1
Christian Middle Schools, 6th annual statistics, 1937-38.
16 2
West China Union University Report. Autumn, 1934
16 3
Report of the West China Union University, etc.
16 4-5
West China Border Research Society, Publication about and program of open meetings, 1947-48
16 6
WCUU News Bulletin. March/April, 1948.
16 7
Annual Report to the Mission Board, 1934
16 8
Program for the first annual meeting for the Far Eastern Association. April, 1949.
16 9
Material about Foreign Missions
16 10
Pamphlet from the Greater China Mission
16 11
Notes on Foreign Missions--Baptist, general
16 12
West China Border Research Society: Publication about by D.C. Graham
16 13
Article: Improved Cow Makes New Record in Milk Production for West China, February 1945
16 14
"The Yin-Yang Dance of Life and Basic Patterns" as seen in West China Between 1908 and 1949 by Daniel Sheets Dye (Professor Emeritus of West China Union University), 1950

5:  PhotographsReturn to Top

Slides, CD's, portraits, glass negatives, negatives

Container(s) Description
Box Box
31 32
Slide trays and CD's plus taped interviews and correspondence with Dorothy Graham Edson
Glass negatives
Negatives, charms, woodblock prints,Buddhist phrases, contents of an idol, charms, drawings of Han Dynasty ornamented bricks.

6:  ArtReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Box
40 41
Silkscreen paintings

7:  D.C. Graham personal materials, 1986, undatedReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
6 1-3
1: Senior Thesis by Susan R. Brown about D. C. Graham (2 folders)
Unpublished thesis, institution unknown. Corrections by Dorothy Graham Edson and Jean Graham Brown, daughters of David Crockett and Alicia Morey Graham.
6 4-47
2: Various manuscripts relating to Folk Religion in Southwest China (44 folders)
3: D. C. Graham Personal Information
Box Folder
13 1
Abbreviated notes on the Tatienlu trip, summer 1923
13 2
Partial resume of D. C. Graham
13 3
Postcard from D. C. Graham, from Tibet
13 4
Important personal documents
13 5
D. C. Graham bookplates
13 6-7
Photographs (2 files)
4: D. C. Graham Family Information
Box Folder
13 8
Memoirs of D. C. Graham, written for family only, not to be published
13 9
Family information
13 10
Obituaries of Alisha M. Graham and David C. Graham
13 11
Newspaper clipping-"Sister searches out infant brother's grave" June 2, 1984
13 12
Health, A. M. G. and D. C. G.
13 13-14
Recognition and Appreciation of D. C. G. and A. M. G. -- Service
13 15-18
D.C. Graham diaries (4 folders)
13 19
Three photographs of: Graham, scene in China, unidentified group
5: Maps
Box Folder
14 1
Altitude of certain chinese towns (from Atlas of China)
14 2
Graham Hill
14 3
Yangtse gorge
6: Archeological Information
Box Folder
14 4
A Collecting trip to Mount Washan and Mount Omei
14 5
Research expedition in West China
14 6
"Early Chinese References to Fossil Fish" by Richard C. Rudolf
14 7
Archaeological expeditions and excavations, publications about by David C. Graham
14 8
Article: "An excavation and Discovery," Sept. 1938 West China Missionary news
14 9
"An Archaeological find in the Ch'iang region", by D.C. Graham
14 10
Chart showing geologic ages
14 11
"Report of the West China Union University Museum of Archaeology," by D. C. G.
14 12
Archaeological dig in the Ch'iang region
14 13
"Notes on the Hanchow excavation"
14 14
Reprints relative to Archaeology and collecting trips
14 15
Graph of basal paleozoic strata at Nant Con
14 16
Some Ancient Circles, Squares, Angles and Curves in earth and stone in Szechwan China. By D.S. Dye
7: Pottery, ceramics, and related items
Box Folder
14 17
Manuscripts by D. C. G.: The dating of Chinese protoporcelain
14 18
Notes on Chinese neolithic pottery
14 19
Manuscript: Chinese Pottery and Porcelain, by D.C.G.
14 20
Notes about Chinese pottery and porcelains
14 21
Preliminary report of the T'ang Dynasty Sculpture, found in the monastery at Ch'iung-Lai, Szechwan 1948
14 22
The porcelains of Ch'iung-Lai and Liu Li Ch'iang in Szechwan Province
14 23
Manuscript: Ch'iung-Lai Kiln Site
14 24
Manuscript: Liu Li Ch'iang Kiln Site
14 25
Porcelain and pottery, publications about by D. C. G.
14 26
Shang dynasty white pottery, picture of vessel in Freer gallery of art in Washington D. C.
14 27
Drawings and sketches
14 28
14 29
Photograph of artifact from the ancient caves of Szechwan province
8: Anthropological Information
Box Folder
14 30
"Anthropological research in West China" by D. C. G.
14 31
Coptic lamps in China
14 32
Chart of Modern Races
14 33
Artifacts of the Ch'iang and Ch'uan Miao people
14 34
Notes on Ch'iang embroidered shoes
14 35
Notes on clothing ornamentation of the Ch'iang
14 36
Seal of Din Kaf
14 37
Photograph of Yin Yang
14 38
Circular from Anatomical and Anthropological Association
14 39
Anthropology, Publications about, by David C. Graham
9: Language and Vocabulary
Box Folder
14 40
Notes on Language and Speech
14 41
Chinese Characters
14 42
Comparison of Vocabulary of various chinese groups
14 43
Notes and vocabulary list, Chinese to English
14 44-45
Ch'iang language and vocabulary, 2 folders
14 46
English-Giarung vocabulary by J. H. Edgar
10: Masonic and Rotary Club Information
Box Folder
14 47
Meaning of Masonic emblems
14 48
South Denver Lodge, Denver Colorado, 1951: pamphlet
14 49-50
Rotary Club Information (2 folders)
11: Speeches, Lectures, etc. by D.C. Graham
Box Folder
14 51
University of Denver lectures, Yuan, Ming and Manchu Dynasties
14 52
Notes for a sermon
14 53
Text of radio talk on fairness to minority groups, late 1950s
14 54
Course Outline, Notes for course (?) on Christian Missions in East Asia
14 55
Prayers--D. C. G.
14 56
Sermons/Sermonettes and Notes on Christianity by D. C. G.
14 57
Cooke-Daniels Memorial Lectures, Outline of October 1948 lecture series
12: Artwork, maps, etc. for possible inclusion in publications
Box Folder
14 58
Map of Kwei Chow province, showing distribution of the tribes-people
14 59
Maps of Ch'iang region, list of cities and towns
14 60
Residence of the Royal Air force Training Mission (Map)
14 61
Map of the trip to Chiu-long-shien 1930
14 62
Map of the Ch'iang region
14 63
Key to the map of Rgyalrong territory
14 64
D. C. G. Drawings--China
13: Correspondence with Graham Family Regarding the Collection; Transcripts, Oral History Project, Interview with Dorothy Graham Edson, at Smithsonian Institution
Alumni file on Graham - Whitman College
Includes articles written by and about Graham and The Smithsonian Archives Guide to the Papers of David Crockett Graham 1923-1936

8:  First Baptist Church, United States, 1952Return to Top

Container(s): Box 11

Social Action Committee material; Notes on American Baptist Missions; Miscellaneous Correspondence, Programs, etc.; Miscellaneous Information; "The Washington Baptist", March 1952, Vol. XV, No. 7; White Temple Baptist Church, Walla Walla

9:  Books, journals, bibliographies, 1925-1939, undatedReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
1: Lists of Books, Bibliographies, etc.
Box Folder
17 1-2
Bibliography cards (2 folders)
17 3-6
Bibliographies(4 folders)
17 7
Lists of books in Occidental Languages and in Chinese owned by DC Graham
17 8
List of books owned by DC Graham
17 9
List of articles or books of authors and/or publishers, misc. bibliographies
17 10
Partial Anthropology book list from Dover publications
17 11
List of Publications of the WCUU Museum
17 12
List of Published writing of DC Graham
17 13
Possible bibliography for Religion in Southwest China
17 14
List of books
2: Materials relative to Wolfram Eberhard
Box Folder
18 1
Recent publications of
18 2
Two previously published stories found in papers relating to
18 3
Notes and comments relating to. About More Songs and Stories of the Ch'uan Miao
18 4
Notes on the Introduction
18 5-6
Notes on the connection of and suggested organization of the Songs and Stories(2 folders)
18 7
Notes and Comments on Ch'uan Miao Legends
18 8
Correspondence with DC Graham
Box Box
20 21
3: Journals, Books, Pamphlets, etc. (Inventory List inside Box #20)
4: Journals, pamphlets, articles from journals, books and compilations
5: Publications in Chinese language
Journals, books, and newspapers
6: Other publications from Graham
Palaeontogogia Sinica Series D, Vol. 1, Fascicle 3.-1925 and New Series D, No.1, Whole Series No. 101-1937; Journal of the West China Border Research Society, vol. XI (1939); The Naturalists' Directory, 1929

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Corporate Names