Abbie Ann Stimson Purcell photographs and scrapbooks, approximately 1853-1945

Overview of the Collection

Purcell, Abbie Ann Stimson
Abbie Ann Stimson Purcell photographs and scrapbooks
approximately 1853-1945 (inclusive)
28 glass plate negatives, 36 photographs, and 3 scrapbooks (4 boxes)
Collection Number
Glass plate copy negatives of the Stimson and Baillargeon families, and photographs of Abbie Ann Stimson (Purcell) and family members, professional photography by Abbie Ann Stimson (Purcell), baby book, scrapbooks from European trips.
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

Entire collection can be viewed on the Libraries' Digital Collections website. Permission of Visual Materials curator required to view originals. Contact Special Collections for more information.

Request at UW


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Abbie Ann Stimson Purcell is a daughter of Abbie Baillargeon and Harold Clarke Stimson. She was born at Hollywood Farm (in present-day Woodinville, Washington) on August 1st, 1916. Stimson was raised between Hollywood Farm and Queen Anne Hill in Seattle, and her siblings were Mary and Virginia. Abbie Ann moved to the Bay Area to attend Miss Wallace’s School in Piedmont, California, and went on to study journalism and University of Southern California from 1936 to 1938. Just before graduating, in 1938, Abbie and some of her friends went to Europe where they hoped to travel for about a year. The Spanish Civil War broke out, and though she wanted to stay and cover it as a journalist, she was denied access since it was considered too dangerous for a woman. She was sent for by her father, and returned along from Le Havre to New York with other refugees on the Queen Mary 1939. Presumably, Abbie’s journalistic ambitions were tempered by this experience, and she enrolled in The Art Center School of Photography in Pasadena. She was a student of Ed Kaminski and Ansel Adams, and her work shows their influence. Her early professional work is mostly interiors and industrial landscapes. In the 1940s, Abbie Ann settled in Inverness California, and was married to Steward Purcell of Fresno, California. Abbie Ann was a professional photographer throughout her life, and had her own studio located in Fresno, California. A poster that she created from her photography was featured in the “Artists for Victory” show at the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 1942. Abbie Ann created a postcard company in the mid 60s, and continued working as a professional photographer (primarily in northern California) until her death in 1988 (at the age of 72).

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Glass plate negatives of the Stimson and Baillargeon families, and photographs of Abbie Ann Stimson (Purcell) and family members, professional photography by Abbie Ann Stimson (Purcell), baby book, scrapbooks from European trips.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Any copyrights belonging to the donor have been transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Donor: Ann Read, May 9, 2011.

Processing Note

Processed by Melanie Kay; processing completed in 2018. Originally accessioned as PH2012-004.

Separated Materials

Material Described Separately:

Abbie Ann Stimson Purcell Papers (Collection No. 5634)

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Stimson Family PhotographsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
1/1 1 1853?
1/1 2 between 1865 and 1870?
1/1 3 between 1892 and 1893?
1/1 4
Portrait of Frederick Spencer Stimson at age 26
Frederick Spencer Stimson was Abbie Ann Stimson's grandfather. He married Nellie Clarke, and they had two children, Harold and Acsah.
1/1 5 1896?
1/1 6 between 1897 and 1898?
1/1 7 between 1897 and 1898?
1/1 8 1898?
1/1 9 between 1899 and 1900?
1/1 10 1900
1/1 11 1904
1/1 12 1909
1/1 13 1910
1/1 14 between 1910 and 1915?
1/1 15 between 1910 and 1915?
1/1 16
Hollywood Farm in its first year
The farm was located in what is now known as Woodinville, Washington. It was run by Frederick Spencer Stimson and Nellie Stimson, and was completed in 1911.
1/1 17 1916
1/1 18 1915?
1/1 19-21
Abbie Baillargeon Stimson on her wedding day
James & Merrihew, Seattle and Tacoma (Photographer)
September 15, 1915
1/1 22-23
Abbie Ann Stimson with her mother and sisters
Abbie Ann Stimson, Abbie Baillargeon Stimson, Virginia Stimson, and Mary Stimson.
1/1 24
Postcard of the Bonanza Tavern in Hayden Lake Idaho
The postcard was sent to Abbie Ann Stimson from her mother during a visit to Abbie Ann Stimson's aunt Emma Baillargeon.

Baillargeon Family PhotographsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
1/2 25
Postcard of J.A. Baillargeon & Co. Store
The Baillargeon Building is located on the northeast corner of Second Avenue and Spring Street in Seattle. J.A. Baillargeon & Co. specialized in dry goods and furnishings.
between 1886 and 1890?
1/2 26
Abbie Ann Collins
Abbie Ann Collins was married to Joseph A. Baillargeon, and is Abbie Ann Collins Baillargeon's mother. Abbie Ann Collins Baillargeon is named after her.
between 1886 and 1890?
1/2 27
John A. Baillargeon as a baby
McClaire, Seattle (Photographer)
1/2 28 1897?
1/2 29
Paul Baillargeon at age 2
Paul was Abbie Baillargeon's brother.
Glass negative shows token or medallion or stamp for Kueffel & Esser Co., a drafting instruments and supplies company.
1/2 30
Portrait of Paul Baillargeon as a boy
Paul was Abbie Baillargeon's brother.
Glass negative shows token or medallion or stamp for Kueffel & Esser Co., a drafting instruments and supplies company.
between 1898 and 1899?
1/2 31
Abbie Ann Baillargeon and her kindergarten class
Abbie is in the front row on the left.
1/2 32
Cebert J. Baillargeon at age 10
Cebert was Abbie Ann Baillargeon's brother.
1/2 33
J. A Baillargeon on the street in Utica
Glass negative shows token or medallion or stamp for Kueffel & Esser Co., a drafting instruments and supplies company.
1/2 34 1914
1/2 35 between 1915 and 1917?

Photographs of Abbie Ann Stimson as a childReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
1/3 36-37
Abbie Ann Stimson on a chair wearing a white dress at age 1
Field Studios, Seattle (Photographer)
1/3 38
Abbie Ann Stimson wearing her grandmother Mary Baillargeon's green taffeta dress in front of a planter
1/3 39
Abbie Ann Stimson wearing her grandmother Mary Baillargeon's green taffeta dress holding a garden vine

Abbie Ann Stimson as an adultReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
1/4 40
Abbie Ann Stimson and fellow students at their graduation from Miss Wallace's School in Piedmont, California
Gabriel Moulin, San Francisco (Photographer)
Written on verso: Graduation from high school. Miss Wallace's School, 303 Pacific Ave. Piedmont, Calif., June 1935. L to R- Abbie, Lois Rader, Carol Brook, Avelyn Beauis (very best friend), Barbara Yates.
1/4 41
Greeting card image of Abbie Ann Stimson
between 1941 and 1945?
1/4 42
Abbie Ann Stimson in hiking outfit in the snow
1/4 43
Abbie Ann Stimson sitting on the floor with friends
Abbie Ann Stimson is on the right.
between 1941 and 1943?
1/4 44
Abbie Ann Stimson standing on a car taking a photograph with a large professional camera
The image has Abbie Ann Stimson's photography logo on it, so it may have been a promotional photograph for her professional work.
between 1943 and 1945?

Abbie Ann Stimson's photographyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder item
1/5 45
The Laughing Rabbit
This photographs was an assignment for Ed Kaminski's class at the Art Center School of Photography in Pasadena. It was later published in U.S. Camera Magazine.
between 1940 and 1941?
1/5 46-47
Negatives of slave with hands behind back with wrist attached to a ball and chain with swastika
The model's name is Norman Holve. These negatives were used to create Abbie Ann Stimson's Artists for Victory poster which was displayed at The Museum of Modern Art in New York in 1942.
October 12, 1942
1/5 48-49
Negatives of slave with hands behind his head and ankle attached to ball and chain with swastika
October 12, 1942
1/5 50
Negative of slave with bound ankles and hands behind head standing on a floor covered in swastikas
1/5 51
Artists for Victory poster print showing slave with bound ankles and hands behind head standing on a floor covered in swastikas
Text at the bottom of the poster reads: SLAVE WORLD-OR FREE WORLD? This poster was on display at The Museum of Modern Art in New York in 1942.
1/5 52
View of Laguna Beach, California from the water with surfers and buildings
Laguna Hotel can be seen in the background. Printed on verso: Abbie Ann Stimson, 222 Holland Bldg., Fresno.
1/5 53
View of waves and outcropping, probably Laguna Beach, California
Printed on verso: Abbie Ann Stimson, 222 Holland Bldg., Fresno.

Abbie Ann Stimson's baby bookReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box item
2 54-1
Baby book title page
Handwritten on page: from her Grandfather Stimson
2 54-2
Illustration of children driving a car down a dirt road
2 54-3
Table of Contents
2 54-4a-4b
Abbie Ann Stimson at 19 days old with her mother
2 54-5
Abbie Ann Stimson at 19 days old
2 54-6a
Abbie Baillargeon Stimson on her wedding day
September 15, 1915
2 54-6b
Nellie Clarke Stimson with Abbie Ann at 3 weeks old
Nellie Clarke Stimson was Abbie Ann Stimson's grandmother.
August 3, 1915
2 54-7
Official birth announcements
2 54-8a
Harold Clarke Stimson holding baby Abbie Ann Stimson
March 25, 1917
2 54-8b
Abbie Baillargeon Stimson holding baby Abbie Ann Stimson
March 25, 1917
2 54-8c
Ellen Emma and Abbie Ann Stimson
June 5, 1917
2 54-9
Signatures of doctor and nurse who delivered Abbie Ann and notes about a trip in 1928
2 54-10
Record of accidents from birth to age 12
between 1916 and 1928
2 54-11
Abbie Ann's weight from birth to age 1
between 1916 and 1917
2 54-12a
Abbie Ann's weight from age 1 to age 2
between 1917 and 1918
2 54-12b
Nurse Frances Ann and Henrietta Adams
2 54-13
List of first presents and who they were recieved from
2 54-14a
John A. Baillargeon in a snowdrift
John was Abbie Ann's uncle.
2 54-14b
Thomas Baillargeon, Emma Baillargeon, Abbie Ann Stimson, Ciebert Baillargeon, and Harold Clarke Stimson sitting outside in front of drying laundry
Thomas and Ciebert were Abbie Ann's uncles, and Emma was her aunt.
June 25, 1917
2 54-14c
Harold Clarke Stimson rowing a boat
July 1917
2 54-15
Abbie Ann Stimson in a garden
between 1917 and 1918?
2 54-16a
John A. Baillargeon, Mary E. Ford, and Eunice Ford standing behind Abbie Ann Stimson on a blanket
John A. Baillargeon was Abbie Ann's grandfather.
June 1917
2 54-16b
Abbie Ann Stimson being held by governess Petra
June 1917
2 54-16c
Abbie Ann Stimson in the garden with governess Petra
June 1917
2 54-17
List of presents and who they were recieved from
2 54-18a
Miss Brennan (nurse) and Abbie Ann Stimson at Hollywood Farm in Woodinville, Washington
July 1917
2 54-18b
Abbie Ann Stimson, probably at Hollywood Farm in Woodinville, Washington
2 54-18c
Abbie Ann Stimson and Marie Baillargeon
Marie Baillargeon was Abbie Ann's aunt.
2 54-19
Illustration of a baby combing their hair
2 54-20a
Mary Baillargeon with Abbie Ann Stimson and Mary Stimson in horse-drawn carriage
Mary Baillargeon was Abbie Ann Stimson's grandmother.
2 54-20b
Abbie Ann Stimson and Mary Stimson in a garden with flowers
2 54-21
Notes about Abbie Ann's first bath in a bath tub and her nicknames
2 54-22a
Abbie Ann Stimson at five weeks of age
2 54-22b
Harold Clarke Stimson and Abbie Baillargeon Stimson in garden
Written on page: Mother's 1st trip down-stairs.
August 26, 1916
2 54-22c
Nellie Clarke Stimson holding Abbie Ann Stimson
2 54-23a
Abbie Ann Stimson at her first birthday party at Hollywood Farm, Woodinville, Washington
Abbie Ann Stimson is on the far right.
2 54-23b
Notes about Abbie Ann's first pairs of shoes
between 1916 and 1917
2 54-24a
Abbie Ann Stimson in her grandfather's hat holding his walking sticks
August 1918
2 54-24b
Mary Baillargeon, man, Mrs. Duffield, John Stimson, Thomas Stimson, Abbie Ann Stimson, and Mary Stimson sitting in front of house
Written on page: Mother, Uncle Jack O, Mrs. Duffield ("Ducky" (Morae)). "Uncle Jack O" might be Ciebert J. Baillargeon.
September 1918
2 54-24c
John Stimson, Thomas Stimson, Mrs. Duffield, two boys, Mary Stimson, and Abbie Ann Stimson
Written on page: "Tommy, John, Mary, A.A., and "Ducky".
September 1918
2 54-24d
Mary Stimson and Abbie Ann Stimson at Volunteer Park in Seattle, Washington
November 1918
2 54-24e
Abbie Ann Stimson in front of pond at Hollywood Farm in Woodinville, Washington
January 1919
2 54-24f
Abbie Ann Stimson in front of house at Hollywood Farm in Woodinville, Washington
January 1919
2 54-25a
Harold Clarke Stimson in a motorboat on Lake Chelan, Washington
2 54-25b
Mary Baillargeon, Abbie Ann Stimson, and Mary Stimson at a park
May 1917
2 54-25c
Abbie Baillargeon Stimson in a motorboat on Lake Chelan, Washington
2 54-25d
Two men standing in front of a Hollywood Farm truck in Woodinville, Washington
March 1919
2 54-25e
Notes about Abbie Ann Stimson's first "outings"
between 1916 and 1917
2 54-25f
Mary Baillargeon, Abbie Ann Stimson, and Mary Stimson at a park
May 1919
2 54-25g
Harold Clarke Stimson, Abbie Ann Stimson, and Mary Stimson, probably at Hollywood Farm in Woodinville, Washington
2 54-25h
Abbie Ann Stimson in horse-drawn carriage being pulled by Prince the horse
2 54-25i
Abbie Ann Stimson in her first rain coat
2 54-26a
Abbie Ann Stimson wearing her grandmother Mary Baillargeon's green taffeta dress
At the time this portrait was taken, the dress was over 50 years old.
2 54-26b
Abbie Ann Stimson and Mary Stimson on a beach in California
between 1920 and 1921
2 54-26c
Abbie Ann Stimson and Mary Stimson building a snowman at Hollywood Farm in Woodinville, Washington
between 1920 and 1921
2 54-27a
Mary Stimson, Abbie Ann Stimson, Harold Clarke Stimson, and Abbie Baillargeon Stimson on a beach in California
between 1920 and 1921
2 54-27b
Abbie Ann Stimson and Mary Stimson on a beach
between 1921 and 1922?
2 54-27c
Notes about Abbie Ann Stimson's first "short clothes"
2 54-28a
Portrait of Abbie Ann Stimson and Mary Stimson in white dresses on a bench
2 54-28b
Abbie Ann Stimson and Mary Stimson holding the cow Jennie Wit Segis at Hollywood Farm in Woodinville, Washington
2 54-28c
Abbie Ann Stimson and Mary Stimson wearing white dresses and hats in garden with cat
Mary Stimson is the girl holding the cat.
2 54-29a
Abbie Baillargeon Stimson, baby Virginia Stimson, Mary Stimson, and Abbie Ann Stimson
Virginia is 2 months old in this photo.
May 29, 1921
2 54-29b
Notes about Abbie Ann Stimson's first words
2 54-29c
Abbie Ann Stimson in the lily pond at Hollywood Farm in Woodinville, Washington
2 54-30
Portrait of Frederick Spencer Stimson
Webster and Stevens, Seattle (Photographer)
Frederick Spencer Stimson was Abbie Ann Stimson's grandfather
October 1921
2 54-31a
Nellie Clarke Stimson on a hillside in Santa Barbara, California
2 54-31b
Notes on Abbie Ann's "quaint sayings"
2 54-31c
Abbie Ann Stimson and Mary Stimson on the beach in Santa Barbara, California
February 1922
2 54-32a
Portrait of Joseph A. Baillargeon, Abbie Ann Stimson's grandfather
James & Merrihew, Seattle (Photographer)
2 54-32b
Abbie Ann Stimson, Abbie Baillargeon Stimson, and Mary Stimson sitting on steps in Santa Barbara, California
2 54-32c
Mary Stimson, Virginia Stimson, and Abbie Ann Stimson sitting on a blanket in Santa Barbara, California
2 54-32d
Harold Clarke Stimson, Abbie Ann Stimson, and Mary Stimson standing in the yard in Santa Barbara, California
2 54-32e
Nurse holding Virginia Stimson in Santa Barbara, California
Written on page: "Nursie" (Elizabeth) & Virginia.
2 54-33a
Mary Stimson, Virginia Stimson in a baby carriage, John Rosene III, and Abbie Ann Stimson at Hollywood Farm in Woodinville, Washington
2 54-33b
Notes on Abbie Ann Stimson's first teeth
2 54-33c
Garden at Hollywood Farm in Woodinville, Washington
2 54-33d
Abbie Baillargeon Stimson, Virginia Stimson, Mary Stimson, and Abbie Ann Stimson in the garden at Hollywood Farm in Woodinville, Washington
2 54-33e
Mary Stimson, Abbie Ann Stimson, Virginia Stimson, Thomas David Stimson and Frances Ann Stimson at Hollywood Farm in Woodinville, Washington
Frances Ann Stimson and Thomas David Stimson were Abbie Ann's cousins.
2 54-34a
Abbie Anne Stimson and Virginia Stimson sledding at Hollywood Farm in Woodinville, Washington
between 1922 and 1923
2 54-34b
Mary Stimson and Abbie Ann Stimson with "ice halos" at Hollywood Farm in Woodinville, Washington
between 1922 and 1923?
2 54-34c
Abbie Ann Stimson, Mary Stimson, and Virginia Stimson in front of house with uprooted tree at Hollywood Farm in Woodinville, Washington
Written on page: Helping trans-plant in the garden.
between 1922 and 1923?
2 54-34d
Abbie Ann Stimson, Virginia Stimson, and Mary Stimson with dolls in garden at Hollywood Farm in Woodinville, Washington
April 1923
2 54-34e
Mary Stimson, Abbie Ann Stimson, and Virginia Stimson in front of shrub at Hollywood Farm in Woodinville, Washington
between 1922 and 1923?
2 54-34f
Mary and Virginia Stimson on tricycles and Abbie Ann Stimson on a bicyle at Hollywood Farm in Woodinville, Washington
2 54-35a
Abbie Ann Stimson, Mary Stimson, Virginia Stimson, Frances Ann Stimson, and Thomas David Stimson with friends at Virginia Stimson's second birthday party at Hollywood Farms in Woodinville, Washington
Written on page: Walter Moore, A.A., Francis Ann, Mary, David, Virginia, Acsah June, "Buddy" Agnew. Frances Ann and Thomas David were Abbie Ann Stimson's cousins.
March 29, 1923
2 54-35b
Portrait of Paul Slattery in 1700s costume at age five and a half
Paul Slattery was Abbie Ann Stimson's cousin.
2 54-35c
Abbie Ann Stimson, Fay F. Frederick, Mary Stimson, and other children in costumes at Frances Ann Stimson's birthday party
Frances Ann Stimson was Abbie Ann Stimson's cousin.
May 16, 1923
2 54-35d
Notes about Abbie Ann Stimson's first crawling
2 54-36a
Mary and Virginia Stimson on a bench at Hollywood Farm in Woodinville, Washington
2 54-36b
Virginia, Mary, and Abbie Ann Stimson standing next to sunflowers and cornstalks at Hollywood Farm in Woodinville, Washington
2 54-36c
Mary, Virginia, and Abbie Ann Stimson with woman called "Nursie" at Hollywood Farm, Woodinville, Washington
2 54-37
Illustration of a child throwing a fork with nurse and notes on Abbie Ann Stimson's first knife and fork
2 54-38
Portrait of Emma Baillargeon Stimson and daughter Frances Ann at seven months of age
December 1916
2 54-39
Illustration of toddler walking and notes on Abbie Ann Stimson's first steps
2 54-40a
Cardboard stitched with red thread to create the image of a basket
Written on card: Abbie Ann's work at 4 yrs. 6 mo.
2 54-40b
Cardboard stitched with red thread to create the image of a little girl walking made by Abbie Ann Stimson
The card is located between pages 40 and 41.
2 54-41a
Notes about Abbie Ann Stimson's first Christmas
2 54-41b-41c
Note cards from Abbie Ann Stimson's "first beaux"
2 54-42a
Portrait of Reverend Father Walter T. Leahy
Father Leahy was Abbie Ann Stimson's godfather.
2 54-42b
Agnes Yard, Abbie Ann Stimson, and baby
Written on page: Agnes Yard (godmother), Abbie Ann Stimson, Ellen Emma.
2 54-43
A record of events including Abbie Ann's first visitor, christening, and Harold Clarke Stimson's service in the navy during World War I
This page includes a holy mass card for a mass performed by Father Leahy, and telegrams regarding Harold Clarke Stimson's navy service in World War I.
between 1916 and 1919
2 54-44
A record of events including a trip with aunt Acsah Stimson, starting dancing school, death of Frederick Spencer Stimson, and riding a bicycle.
This page includes a letter from Abbie's grandfather, Frederick Spencer Stimson explaining why he bought her a liberty bond.
2 54-45a
Abbie Ann's letter to Santa Claus
between 1917 and 1918?
2 54-45b
Valentine from Miss Seaburg
2 54-45c
Valentine from Frances Ann Stimson
between 1919 and 1921?
2 54-46
Easter cards from cousins John and Thomas Stimson, Aunt Jessie, and grandmother Collins
between 1916 and 1918?
2 54-47a
Note cards about acheivements in "improvement" and spelling at Forest Ridge Convent school in Seattle, Washington
2 54-47b
Abbie Ann Stimson riding on a horse at age 7
2 54-47c
Abbie Ann's first letter home from school, written to her mother
October 1923
2 54-47d
Abbie Ann's first sewing, a small handkercheif, enclosed in a Hollywood Gardens envelope
Hollywood Gardens was a floral shop operated by Nellie Clarke Stimson (Abbie Ann's grandmother). The shop was located at Second Avenue and Stewart Street in downtown Seattle, and sold flowers grown at Hollywood Farms.
October 1923
2 54-48
Cards from birthday gifts from first birthday with descriptions of gifts listed underneath
2 54-49
Illustration of child blowing out candle on a cake, and notes about Abbie Ann's first birthday at Hollywood Farm in Woodinville, Washington
2 54-50a
Abbie Ann, Mary, and Virginia Stimson riding horses at Pacific Beach in Moclips, Washington
2 54-50b
Mary, Abbie Ann, and Virginia swimming at Pacific Beach in Moclips, Washington
2 54-50c-50d
Dorothy Clarke and Virginia Clarke on by driftwood with sand bucket, probably at Pacific Beach in Moclips, Washington
2 54-51a
Abbie Ann Stimson's height and weight at various ages
between 1918 and 1928
2 54-51b
The Stimson Family at Pacific Beach in Moclips, Washington
Written on page: Last picture taken with mother.Abbie Baillargeon Stimson passed away on October 22, 1924.
2 54-52
Portrait of boy with book and note about Abbie Ann's good disposition at 4 years old
2 54-53a
Letter from Abbie Ann to her mother
between 1925 and 1926?
2 54-53b
Abbie Ann's first letter from school with alphabet and illustration of a person
Abbie Ann attended Forest Ridge Convent (now the Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart) beginning September 11, 1923 at age 7.
September 11, 1923
2 54-53c
Poem written on Abbie Ann's personal stationary addressed to Abbie Baillargeon Stimson
between 1925 and 1926?
2 54-54a
Postcard to Abbie Ann as a baby
between 1916 and 1917?
2 54-54b
Postcard to Abbie Ann as a baby from her father Harold on his first trip away since her birth
between 1916 and 1917?
2 54-55a
Virginia Stimson's fourth birthday party at Hollywood Farm in Woodinville, Washington
2 54-55b
Frances Ann Stimson at Hollywood Farm in Woodinville, Washington
Frances Ann was Abbie Ann Stimson's cousin.
2 54-55c
Dorothy Clarke on the beach with sand bucket, probably at Pacific Beach in Moclips, Washington
2 54-55d
Virginia Clarke and Dorothy Clarke with their father Casper William Clarke, probably at Pacific Beach in Moclips, Washington
2 54-56
Abbie Baillargeon Stimson with baby Abbie Ann Stimson at eight months of age
2 54-57
Newspaper clipping of Abbie Baillargeon Stimson with baby Abbie Ann Stimson at eight months of age
W. Albee McBride Studio, Seattle (Photographer)
2 54-58a
Portrait of Pierre Charles Eugene Vincent
Pierre was an orphaned child in France. Money was sent monthly in Abbie Ann Stimson's name to go towards the care of Pierre.
2 54-58b
Card with information about Pierre Charles Vincent Eugene, including address, age, and the events leading to him being an orphan.
August 1, 1916
2 54-58c
Portrait of Pierre Charles Vincent Eugene with caretaker
2 54-58d
Portrait of Pierre Charles Vincent Eugene
2 54-59a
Letter to Abbie Ann as a bably from "Sister Julie" at Notre Dame convent in Boston
Sister Julie was a friend of Abbie Baillargeon Stimson.
September 1916
2 54-59b
Clipping from Town Crier Magazine explaining Abbie Ann's monthly contributions for the care of Pierre Charles Vincent Eugene
2 54-59c
Letter from May Lee Moscrip of Minnesota
December 4, 1919?
2 54-60
List of presents received at Abbie Ann's birth
2 54-61
Letter from Pierre Charles Vincent Eugene's uncle to Abbie Baillargeon Stimson
Pierre's uncle was later killed in World War I.
2 54-62
Letters from Abbie Ann Stimson to her father
between 1924 and 1925
2 54-63a
Pencil drawings of animals given to her mother for her birthday
September 29, 1922
2 54-63b
Letter from Abbie Ann to her mother
This was the last letter written from Abbie Ann to her mother Abbie Baillargeon Stimson before she passed away.
October 1924

Abbie Ann in Europe AlbumReturn to Top

This album contains photographs of Abbie Ann Stimson's 1929 trip to Europe, Four Winds Camp on Orcas Island, Washington, Mount Ranier National Park, Washington, and Priness Louisa Inlet, B.C. The album is bound in leather.

Container(s) Description Dates
Trip to Europe, 1929
Professional photographs of Europe purchased by Abbie Ann Stimson.
Box item
3 55-1-6
Journal entry about the trip to Europe via Chicago, Detroit, and New York
September 1929
3 55-7
Journal entry about arriving in England
September 1929
3 55-8a-11b
Views of Chester Cathedral in Chester, England
3 55-12a-14b
Views of Westminster Abbey in London, England
3 55-15a-17c
Views of Ely Cathedral in Ely, England
3 55-18a-20d
Castles and ruins
3 55-21a-23c
Views of St. Paul's Cathedral in London, England
3 55-24a-24c
Views of Edinburgh Castle in Edinburgh, Scotland
3 55-25a
View of Edinburgh from castle window, Edinburgh, Scotland
3 55-25b
St. Margaret's Chapel at Edinburgh Castle in Edinburgh, Scotland
3 55-25c
Main entrance of Edinburgh Castle and parade grounds, Edinburgh, Scotland
3 55-26a
View of Edingburgh Castle, Edinburgh, Scotland
3 55-26b
Royal jewels on display at Edinburgh Castle in Edinburgh, Scotland
3 55-26c
Scottish National War Memorial, inside the walls of Edinburgh Castle in Edinburgh, Scotland
3 55-26d
View of Edinburgh Castle from Princess Street, Edinburgh, Scotland
3 55-27a
Queen Mary's bedchamber in Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh, Scotland
3 55-27b
Cannon and cannonballs atop Edinburgh Castle in Edinburgh, Scotland
3 55-28a-30b
Views of Clovelly, England
3 55-31a-33
Views of Exeter Cathedral in Exeter, England
3 55-34a
Exeter War Memorial in Northernhay Gardens, Exeter, Devon, England
3 55-34b
View of garden, probaby at De Rougemont Manor in Brentwood, Essex
3 55-34c
Figurine with bell
3 55-34d
Cathedral Church of St. Andrews in Wells, Somerset, England
3 55-34e
Street scene in Wells, Somerset, England
3 55-35a-35e
Views of Cathedral Church of St. Andrews in Wells, Somerset, England
3 55-36a
The Bishop's Palace entrance, Wells, Somerset, England
3 55-36b
Clock in the Cathedral Church of St. Andrews, Wells, Somerset, England
3 55-36c
York Minster Abbey in York, North Yorkshire, England
3 55-36d
Worchester Cathedral in Worchester, England
3 55-37a
Norwich Cathedral in Norwich, England
3 55-37b
Hereford Cathedral in Hereford, England
3 55-37c
Lichfield Cathedral in Staffordshire, England
3 55-37d
Canterbury Cathedral in Canterbury, England
3 55-37e
Lincoln Cathedral in Lincoln, England
3 55-38a
Durham Cathedral in Durham, England
3 55-38b
Gloucester Cathedral in Gloucester, England
3 55-38c
Cathedral Church of St. Andrews in Wells, Somerset, England
3 55-39
Peterborough Cathedral in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England
3 55-40a-42
Views of Marken, North Holland, Netherlands
3 55-43a-46b
Views of the House in the Woods, The Hague, Netherlands
The House in the Woods is one of three residences of the Dutch Royal Family.
Pictures Taken on the Road to High Adventure
Photographs of Europe taken by Abbie Ann Stimson
Box item
3 55-47a
View of St. Ives, Cornwall, England
3 55-47b
Margaret Buschmann in the snow at Glion, Switzerland
3 55-47c
View of the ruins of Pompeii, Italy
3 55-48a
Statue entitled Physical Energy in Hyde Park in Westminster, London, England
3 55-48b
Dog Memorial in Kew Royal Botanical Gardens in London, England
3 55-48c
Statue of King George IV in Edinburgh, Scotland
3 55-48d
Front view of Winchester Cathedral in Winchester, England
3 55-49a
View of the boat on the way to Marken, Holland
3 55-49b
Statue in Edinburgh, Scotland
3 55-49c
Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh, Scotland
3 55-50a
Earl Haig statue at Edinburgh Castle in Edinburgh, Scotland
3 55-50b
Saint Blaisen Cathedral in Saint Blasien, Germany
3 55-50c
View of Trocadero Gardens from the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France
3 55-50d
Land's End headland in Cornwall, England
This photograph is a double exposure and also shows the image of a manor house.
3 55-51a
View of Edinburgh Castle from parade grounds, Edinburgh, England
3 55-51b
Snow scene looking across the Arno River in Florence, Italy
3 55-51c
Two women in a a horse-drawn carriage in Rome, Italy
February 1929
3 55-52a
View from hotel balcony, Paris, France
3 55-52b
Street scene by canal, Bruges, Belgium
3 55-52c
The Dutch House in Kew Gardens in London, England
The Dutch House was at one time part of a larger complex which housed the royal family from 1728 until 1818, and again briefly in 1844.
3 55-52d
Margaret Buschmann, Ruth A. Brown, and Abbie Ann Stimson, probably at Kew Gardens in London, England
Written on page: Audry Kerry is with us. Presumably, Audry Kerry was taking the photograph.
3 55-53a
View from hotel balcony in Paris, France
3 55-53b
John Gray's grave in Greyfriars Kirkyard in Edinburgh, Scotland
Written on page: Tomb of Grey Friars Bobby's Master.John Gray was a policeman in Edinburgh. Gray died on tuberculosis in 1858, and it is said that his dog, Grey Friar's Bobby, stayed by his master's grave until his own death 14 years later.
3 55-53c
Walter Scott Monument in Edinburgh, Scotland
3 55-54a
Forth Bridge in Edinburgh, Scotland
3 55-54b
Shakespeare's birthplace and garden in Stratford-upon-Avon
3 55-54c
English seaside town, possibly Lyme Regis
3 55-55a
Ruth Brown, Margaret Buschmann's uncle, and Abbie Ann Stimson exploring an English building
3 55-55b
English seaside town, possibly Lyme Regis
3 55-56a
Abbie Ann Stimson in Winter sports attire with sled in Glion, Switzerland
Written on page: A.A. after louging.
3 55-56b
Abbie Ann Stimson with Count Duglass in the snow, Germany
Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, 1927 to 1930
All of the photographs in this section were made by Abbie Ann Stimson.
Box item
3 55-57a
A lime quarry on Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-57b
Evie May Parker playing a bugle, Orcas Island
3 55-57c
Victoria Island, B.C. as seen through the trees, probably taken from Johns Island, Washington
3 55-57d
Campers cooking over a fire on a beach, Johns Island, Washington
3 55-58a
The seaplane that Emma Baillargeon took to visit her neices at Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-58b
Campers of Four Winds Camp in uniform standing in a line
Virginia Stimson is fifth in line, Mary Stimson is ninth in line, Abbie Ann Stimson is thirteenth in line.
3 55-59a
Junior campers standing on the porch of Madrona Cabin with camp counselor, Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
From left to right: Mary Russell, Armane Lamson, Virginia Stimson, Mary Ann McLaren, and Miss Marjorie
3 55-59b
View of bay with seaplane near Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-60a
View of the seaplane that Emma Baillargeon took to visit her neices at Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington.
3 55-60b
Sailboat Sea Gypsy and campers in canoes in the bay near Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-61a
Junior campers of Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
From left to right: Mary Russell, Ann Breedon, Armane Lamson, Virginia Stimson, Pat Sullivan, Mary Ann McLaren, Ann Elizabeth Goodwinn, Mary Stimson, Frances Bradley, Peggy Stuart, and Ruth Bradley.
3 55-61b
Campers at the little theater in the trees at Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-62a
The Lodge at Four Winds Camp with campers standing on the porch, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-62b
Campers on floating dock with campers in canoes and sailboat Sea Gypsy in the background, Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-63
Sailboat Sea Gypsy in the bay near Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-63b
Campers at the little theater in the trees at Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-64a
Pat Selvin and Virginia Stimson carrying a basket of firewood at Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-64b
Mary Ann McLaren and Virginia Stimson sitting on cabin porch at Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-65a
Campers on sailboat Hobby at the end of a three day cruise, near Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-65b
Campers sitting outside of Flying Cloud Cabin at Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-66a
Junior campers sitting on cabin porch at Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington.
Mary Stimson is on the far left, Virginia Stimson is third from the left.
3 55-66b
Camper Patricia Field and dog Bo'sen sitting on a hill, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-67a
Campers sitting on the porch of Fir Cabin, Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
Mary Stimson is on the far left.
3 55-67b
Sailboat Sea Gypsy and canoes in bay near Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-68a
Junior campers sitting on cabin porch, Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
Virginia Stimson is in the top row on the left, Mary Stimson is in the top row, third from the left.
3 55-68b
Camper Kit Tucker holding a log and examining ax blade after chopping wood, Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-69a
Campers sitting on cabin porch at Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-69b
Frances Ruth Bradley and Ruth Frances Bradley standing outside of the lodge at Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-70a
Camp counselor Emmy Lou Hawkins
3 55-70b
Virginia Stimson riding on horse Lady
3 55-70c
Mary Russell with camp counselor Betty Bogle
3 55-70d
Abbie Ann Stimson and friend Barbara Stevens cleaning cooking kits on the beach
3 55-71
"Skipper" or Mr. Fredet of Victoria, B.C. in boating outfit
3 55-71b
Virginia Stimson holding flowers at age 5
3 55-71c
Sailboat Sea Gypsy in the water near Sucia Island, Washington
3 55-71d
Bay near Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-72a
Camper riding horses at Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
Virginia Stimson is second from the left, Mary Stimson is second from the right.
3 55-72b
Camper Patty Stuart at Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-72c
Ruth Bradley riding a horse at Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-72c
Ruth Bradley riding a horse at Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-72c
Ruth Bradley riding a horse at Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-73a
Bay near Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-73b
Campers and sailor onboard sailboat, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-73c
Ruth Bradley mopping the deck of a sailboat, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-73d
Barbara Stevens on the porch of a cabin, Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-74a
Camper leaning on porch, Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-74b
Sailor on sailboat near Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-74c
Camper holding bedding on her head at Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-74d
Counselor Miss Marjorie on sailboat near Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-75
Evie May Parker playing a bugle at Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island
3 55-76a
View of Big Crow Basin in Mount Ranier National Park, Washinton
3 55-76b
Four Winds Camp campers standing in a row, Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-77
Margaret Linders and Betsey Spohn in the water holding onto the dinghy while being towed by the main boat on a cruise through Princess Louisa Inlet, B.C.
3 55-78
Margaret Linders at Four Winds Camp, Orcas Island, Washington
3 55-79
Betty Warner at the helm on a cruise through Princess Louisa Inlet, B.C.

1938 Trip to Europe ScrapbookReturn to Top

This album contains photographs, postcards, and ephemera from Abbie Ann Stimson's 1938 trip to Europe.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box item
3 56-1a
Elizabeth Mustard
3 56-1b
Abbie Ann Stimson at age 22
3 56-2a-2b
Frydenlunds Bryggeri beer labels
Frydenlunds Bryggeri is based out of Oslo, Norway
3 56-2c
Fred Olsen Line sticker
Fred Olsen Line was the cruise company for the boat M/S Abraham Lincoln.
3 56-3a
Elizabeth Mustard and Sally Cannon on the deck of the M/S Abraham Lincoln
June 8,1938
3 56-3b
Deck view of the M/S Abraham Lincoln
June 1938
3 56-4a-4b
Boarding passes for Mary Stimson and Abbie Ann Stimson
June 1938
3 56-5a
Man with pipe on the deck of the M/S Abraham Lincoln
June 1938
3 56-5b-5c
Elizabeth Mustard and Sally Cannon on the deck of the M/S Abraham Lincoln
June 8, 1938
3 56-5d
Sally Cannon and Elizabeth Mustard on the deck of the M/S Abraham Lincoln after painting the hatch
June 1938
3 56-5e
Abbie Ann Stimson and Elizabeth Mustard painting the hatch of the M/S Abraham Lincoln
June 1938
3 56-5f
Sally Cannon painting the hatch of the M/S Abraham Lincoln
June 1938
3 56-5g
Contact sheet containing of images 55-5d-5f
June 1938
3 56-6
Postcard of the U.S.S. Richmond passing through the Panama Canal
3 56-7a
View of the Panama Canal from the M/S Abraham Lincoln
June 1938
3 56-7b-7e
Views of the Panama Canal Locks
June 1938
3 56-8a
Elizabeth Mustard in the swimming pool of the M/S Abraham Lincoln
June 1938
3 56-8b
Elizabeth Mustard lounging on the deck of the M/S Abraham Lincoln
June 1938
3 56-8c
Contact sheet with image of Elizabeth Mustard on the deck of the M/S Abraham Lincoln and a man reclining
June 1938
3 56-8d-8e
Views of the Panama Canal
June 1938
3 56-9
Port of London baggage claim ticket
July 7, 1938
3 56-10a
View of the Atlantic Ocean near Ireland in stormy weather from the deck of a boat
3 56-10b
The White Cliffs of Dover in Dover, England
3 56-10c
Captain Roöd and Mr. Thorson on boat deck
3 56-10d
Captain Roöd on boat deck
3 56-10e
Captain Roöd and woman leaning over boat railing
3 56-10f-10h
Views of boat London Pilot out of Dover, England
3 56-10i
The White Cliffs of Dover
3 56-11a
Postcard of Madame Toussaud's Wax Museum royal family exhibit
3 56-11b
Card of the Mount Royal hotel in London, England
3 56-11c
Postcard of the Marble Arch in London, England, sent to Mary Stimson from Abbie Ann Stimson
Raphael Tuck & Sons (Artists)
3 56-11d
Postcard of King Alfred the Great statue in Winchester, England
3 56-11e
Postcard of Winchester Cathedral in Winchester, England
3 56-11f
Postcard of the High Street Gate and High Street in Salisbury, England
Valentine's Postcard (Photographer)
3 56-11g
Postcard of Salisbury Cathedral in Salisbury, England
E.A. Sweetman & Son, Tunbridge Wells (Photographer)
July 14, 1938
3 56-11h
Postcard of Peter Pan statue in Kensington Gardens in London, England
Selfridge & Co. Ltd., London (Photographer)
July 18, 1938
3 56-12a
Contact sheet with images of Guildford Castle and ruins in Guildford, Surrey, England
3 56-12b
Contact sheet with images of Elizabeth Mustard with bikes on the bike trip from Guildford, England to Winchester, England
Elizabeth Mustard and Abbie Ann Stimson biked 38 miles in one day.
3 56-12c
Contact sheet with images of youth hostel, stream, street scene, and High Street in Winchester, England
3 56-12d
Contact sheet with images of Elizabeth Mustard with bike
3 56-12e
Elizabeth Mustard on the sidewalk in Guildford, Surrey, England
3 56-12f
Elizabeth Mustard walking in front of Guildford Castle in Guildford, Surrey, England
3 56-13a
Postcard of La Rue de Castiglione in Paris, France
3 56-13b
Postcard of La Madeline Church in Paris, France
August 18, 1938
3 56-13c
Postcard of the Place de la Concorde in Paris, France
Pierre Yves-Petit (professionally known as Yvon), Paris (Photographer)
August 18, 1939
3 56-13d
Postcard of the Sacré-Coeur, Paris, France
Pierre Yves-Petit (professionally known as Yvon), Paris (Photographer)
August 18, 1938
3 56-14a
Contact sheet with images of decorations for the King and Queen and Boulevard Raspail in Paris, France
July 21, 1938
3 56-14b
Contact sheet with views from the Eiffel Tower, Paris, France
3 56-14c
Contact sheet with views from the Eiffel Tower and Elizabeth Mustard looking over the edge of the viewing deck, Paris, France
3 56-14d
Contact sheet with views of the Eiffel Tower and Elizabeth Mustard on the viewing deck, Paris, France
3 56-14e-14f
Views of the Trocadero from the Eiffel Tower, Paris, France
3 56-15a-15e
Business cards from various restaurants, stores, and salons in Paris, France
3 56-16a
Abbie Ann Stimson standing in front of Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris, France
3 56-16b
Abbie Ann Stimson on the viewing deck of the Eiffel Tower
3 56-16c
Abbie Ann Stimson in the Trocadero with camera, Paris, France
3 56-16d
The Panthéon, Paris, France
3 56-17
Menu from Jardin D'été Restaurant in Montparnasse, Paris, France
3 56-18a
Contact sheet with views of painter, Notre-Dame Cathedral, and The Panthéon in Paris, France
3 56-18b
Contact sheet with views of the Sacré-Coeur, Montmartre, and Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, France
3 56-18c
Contact sheet with images of Paris street scenes and probably Luxembourg Gardens, Paris, France
3 56-18d
Contact sheet with image Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris, France
3 56-19a
Postcard of The Old Manor in Chelsworth, Suffolk, England
Finter Photography, England (Photographer)
3 56-19b
Postcard of All Saints Church in Chelsworth, Suffolk, England
Finter Photography, England (Photographer)
3 56-19c
Postcard of street view of Chelsworth, Suffolk, England
Finter Photography, England (Photographer)
3 56-19d
Postcard of Chelsworth Bridge in Chelsworth, Suffolk, England
Finter Photography, England (Photographer)
3 56-19e
The Old Hall in Chelsworth, Suffolk, England
Finter Photography, England (Photographer)
3 56-19f
Side view of the Chelsworth Bridge in Chelsworth, Suffolk, England
Finter Photography, England (Photographer)
3 56-20a
Contact sheet with images of Abbie Ann Stimson in front of a large mansion, probably Dorothy Pierson's mansion outside of Ipswich, England
3 56-20b
Contact sheet with images of woman in parasol (probably Dorothy Pierson), Abbie Ann Stimson swimming, and a rowboat in a stream
3 56-20c
Image of steps leading into a stream
3 56-21a-21c
Views of Chelsworth Hall in Chelsworth, Suffolk, England
Finter Photography, England (Photographer)
3 56-22a-22d
Contact sheet with images of Abbie Ann Stimson playing tennis with girl
3 56-23a
Contact sheet with images of Abbie Ann Stimson with children
3 56-23b
Contact sheet of Abbie Ann stimson with friends at a small house, probably in Lavenham Village, Suffolk, England
3 56-23c
Contact sheet with street Scenes of Lavenham Village, Suffolk, England
3 56-23d
Contact sheet with images of Lavenham Guildhall, and The Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Lavenham Village, Suffolk, England
3 56-23e
Contact sheet with street scenes of Lavenham Village and Elizabeth Mustard with camera, Lavenham Villaage, Suffolk, England
3 56-24a
Abbie Ann Stimson standing in front of a church door, probably at The Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Lavenham Village, Suffolk, England
3 56-24b
Abbie Ann standing in a village square, probably at Lavenham Village, Suffolk, England
3 56-24c
Abbie Ann Stimson standing next to a car
3 56-24d
Tudor door, probably Lavenham Village, Suffolk, England
3 56-24e
Street scene of Lavenham Village, Suffolk, England
3 56-24f
Abbie Ann Stimson standing outside of car, Lavenham Village, Suffolk, England
3 56-24g
Street scene, probably Lavenham Village, Suffolk, England
3 56-25a-25d
Matchbook covers from multiple locations in England
3 56-26a-26c
Contact sheets with exterior views of Framlingham Castle in Suffolk, England
3 56-26d
Contact sheet of woman exploring Framlingham Castle and standing by car, Suffolk, England
3 56-26e
Contact sheet with images Abbie Ann Stimson and women standing by a car, Suffolk, England
3 56-26f
Contact sheet with images of woman outside of small chapel with graveyard, probably in Suffolk, England
3 56-26g
Abbie Ann and two women at Framlingham Castle in Suffolk, England
3 56-26h
Inner court of Framlingham Castle, Suffolk, England
3 56-26i
Abbie Ann Stimson and two women standing in front of car
3 56-27a
Postcard of Queen Mary of Teck and Queen Elizabeth Angela Margeurite Bowes-Lyon at Ely Cathedral, Ely, Cambs, England
Starr and Rignall, Cambridge & Ely (Photographer)
January 21, 1938
3 56-27b
Postcard of King's College Chapel, Cambridge, England
3 56-27c
Postcard of Ely Cathedral, Ely, Cambs, England
Starr and Rignall, Cambridge & Ely (Photographer)
3 56-27d
Postcard of the Bridge of Sighs, Cambridge, England
3 56-28
Contact sheet with images of Elizabeth Mustard asleep with stuffed animals, Lavenham Village, and a girl walking two Westie terriers
3 56-28b
Contact sheet with images of Abbie Ann Stimson and another woman with two Westie terriers
3 56-28c
Contact sheet with images of Abbie Ann Stimson and Elizabeth Mustard sitting near a window
3 56-29a
Contact sheet with image of Elizabeth Mustard riding a bike and street scenes, probably between Guildford and Winchester, England
3 56-29b
Contact sheet with images of Tudor-era home, a stream, and a woman in a rowboat on a stream
3 56-29c
Abbie Ann Stimson on a bicycle
3 56-30a-30b
Contact sheets with Paris street scenes taken from hotel bedroom in Paris France
3 56-30c
Contact sheet with images of Pont Alexandre III Bridge, Renommee des Sciences statue, and the Place de la Concorde in Paris, France
3 56-30d
Contact sheet with images of the Eiffel Tower, Place de la Concorde, and Palais Garnier, Paris, France
3 56-30e
Contact sheet with images of The Seine and a fountain in Paris, France
3 56-30f
Contact sheet with images of Vendôme Column and The Seine in Paris, France
3 56-30g
Contact sheet with images of The Seine and Tuileries Garden in Paris, France
3/1 57
Postcard of The Stevens Hotel, Chicago, Illinois
3/1 58
Contact sheet with scenes of San Francisco and Chicago, including the Golden Gate Bridge and Stevens Hotel
3/1 59
Contact sheet with images of Chicago monuments and street scenes
3/1 60
Elizabeth Mustard sitting on a railing of the M/S Abraham Lincoln
June 1938
3/1 61
Postcard of Chelsworth Hall in Chelsworth, Suffolk, England
3/1 62
Train Ticket to the R.M.S. Queen Mary docked in La Havre, France, from Gare Saint-Lazare train station in Paris, France
The R.M.S. Queen Mary was part of the Cunard White Star Line
September 28, 1938
3/1 63
Postcard of the R.M.S. Queen Mary
3/1 64
Boxing match aboard the R.M.S. Queen Mary
September 1938?
3/1 65
People dancing in a ballroom aboard the R.M.S. Queen Mary
September 1938?
3/1 66
Group of passengers dining aboard the R.M.S. Queen Mary
September 1938?
3/1 67
Abbie Ann Stimson and friend Wally on top of the Empire State Building in New York, New York
October 3, 1938