UW Ethnomusicology Archives video recordings: Sam-Ang Sam recordings: Cambodian Trance Ceremony, 1991

Overview of the Collection

Sam, Sam-Ang, 1950-
UW Ethnomusicology Archives video recordings: Sam-Ang Sam recordings: Cambodian Trance Ceremony
2 videotapes  :  OT - 2 vcts (8mm, color, stereo); Duration: 2:22:41
Collection Number
Recorded in a community center in the International District of Seattle, 1991.
University of Washington Ethnomusicology Archives
University of Washington
Ethnomusicology Archives
Box 353450
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065430974
Access Restrictions

Unrestricted: collection is open for research.


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Sam-Ang Sam (1950-), from Pursat Province, Cambodia, is an ethnomusicologist, teacher, researcher, and performance artist. Sam-Ang earned a BA and an MA in composition and later a doctorate in ethnomusicology from Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut. Sam-Ang Sam and his wife, performing artist, Chan Moly Sam, fled to the United States in response to the Khmer Rouge of the 1970s. In 1986, they formed the Apsara Ensemble, to help keep their heritage a living part of Cambodian life in the US. It remains the country's premier Cambodian performing-arts ensemble. In addition to the Apsara Ensemble, he founded the Sam-Ang Sam Ensemble, which he has used as a platform to help revive Classical Khmer music and increase public interest in Cambodian performing arts throughout the world.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Recorded by Ashok Kumar with Sony CCD-V220 camcorder.

Performers: Sam-Ang Sam - high xylophone; Bob Beer - low xylophone; Noeung Poeung - low gongs and shawm; Bori Khut - small drum; Keo Poeung - large drum; Saray Poeung - fiddle.

Contents: Cambodian trance ceremony organized for the blessing of the participants; religious prayers led by a male priest and his assistant.

Documentation: Notes by Ashok Kumar.

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