Utah juniper photograph collection, 1947-1970.

Overview of the Collection

Daniel, Theodore W.
Utah juniper photograph collection
1947-1970. (inclusive)
2 boxes, (1 linear ft. )
Collection Number
888 photographs and negatives, mostly from the early 1950's, that were taken for publication in the Utah Juniper. Included are images of students, faculty, research projects, field trips, and a variety of student activities from the forestry school. Also included are images of the USU forestry camp buildings, summer camp, campus buildings, forestry club activities, Logan Canyon, and the Cache National Forest. Most photographs in this collection correspond with the 1952, 1953 and 1954 issues of the Utah Juniper.
Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives Division
Special Collections & Archives
Merrill-Cazier Library
Utah State University
Logan, UT
Telephone: 4357978248
Fax: 4357972880
Access Restrictions

Open to public research. Nitrate Negatives have been removed to cold storage box 28. Patrons must request to view these negatives 3 hours in advance.

Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant, 2007-2008

Historical NoteReturn to Top

The Utah Juniper was the annual record of the School of Forestry, Range, and Wildlife Resources (which became the College of Natural Resources in the late 1950s) from 1930-1970. The Utah Juniper was published in format similar to a typical yearbook. This magazine was the official record for student and faculty activities for each year. Some of the main traditions that were recorded were winners of awards such as the Son and Daughter of Paul and the Headless Axe Award. Most of the photographs here were taken by either John Johnson or long-time Forestry professor Ted W. (Doc) Daniel.

John Johnson was a photographer, intramural manager, alumni editor, and editor in chief of the Utah Juniper. He was from Farmington, Utah and attended Utah State University from 1950 to 1954. While attending the university he was involved extensively in the College of Natural Resources. This included membership in the Forestry Club and Society of American Forester. He also served as the Vice President of A.W.F.C.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This photograph collection consists of around 888 photographs and negatives, mostly from the early 1950's, that were taken for publication in the Utah Juniper. Included are images of students, faculty, research projects, field trips, and a variety of student activities from the forestry school. Also included are images of the USU forestry camp buildings, summer camp, campus buildings, forestry club activities, Logan Canyon, and the Cache National Forest. Most photographs in this collection correspond with the 1952, 1953 and 1954 issues of the Utah Juniper.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use


It is the responsibility of the user to obtain permission to publish from the owner of the copyright (the institution, the creator of the record, the author or his/her transferees, heirs, legates, or literary executors). The user agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Utah State University Libraries, its officers, employees, and agents from and against all claims made by any person asserting that he or she is an owner of copyright.

Permission to publish material from the Utah juniper photograph collection must be obtained from the Special Collections Photograph Curator and/or the Special Collections Department Head.

Preferred Citation

Utah juniper photograph collection, 1947-1970. (P0366). Utah State University. Special Collections & Archives Department.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Donated by Ted W. Daniel and John Johnson.

Processing Note

Guide completed by Julia Cunningham, December 2007.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1 01:01:01: Don Jenni, Wildlife Graduate 1954
1 1 01:01:02: Donald Hales, Wildlife Graduate 1954
1 1 01:01:03: Ronald Younger, Range Mangement Senior 1954
1 1 01:01:04: George Engeart, Wildlife Graduate 1954
1 1 01:01:05: Fred Gomm, Range Mangement Graduate 1954
1 1 01:01:06: Gul Hulusi, Range Management Graduate 1954
1 1 01:01:07: Henry Reeves, Range Management Graduate 1954
1 1 01:01:08: William Liechty, Wildlife Graduate 1954
1 1 01:01:09: Lewis M. Turner, Dean of the School of Forestry, Range and Wildlife Mangement undated
1 1 01:01:10: Gareth Spencer and Cordell Brown in the Spring 1952
1 1 01:01:11: Paul West and Dean Turner in Son of Paul Ceremony 1954
1 1 01:01:12: Unidentified portrait undated
1 1 01:01:13: Rollo Julander, Range Mangement Senior 1954
1 1 01:01:14: Unidentified male portrait undated
1 1 01:01:15: Wacti Haines undated
1 1 01:01:16: Dean Turner and Paul West in the Son of Paul Ceremony undated
1 1 01:01:17: Russell Murry, Range Mangement Senior 1954
1 1 01:01:18: Paul West, Son of Paul 1954
1 1 01:01:19: Bill Coghill, Forestry Graduate 1954
1 1 01:01:20: Darwin Crezee, Range Management Senior 1954
1 1 01:01:21: Donald Bolander, Range Management Senior 1954
1 1 01:01:22: Jim Abate, Wildlife senior 1954
1 1 01:01:23: Neil Butterfield, Wildlife Senior 1954
1 1 01:01:24: John Conder, Wildlife senior 1954
1 1 01:01:25: Mahlon Williamson, Wildlife Senior 1954
1 1 01:01:26: Rollo Julander, Range Management Senior 1954
1 1 01:01:27: Earl Sparks, Wildlife Senior 1954
1 1 01:01:28: James Hoffman, Forestry Senior 1954
1 1 01:01:29: Robert Bonnell, Forestry Senior 1954
1 1 01:01:30: Donald Hayter, Forestry Senior 1954
1 1 01:01:31: Russell Hudson, Forestry Senior 1954
1 1 01:01:32: Robert Schultz, Range Management Senior 1954
1 1 01:01:33: Robert Turner, Range Management Graduate Student 1954
1 1 01:01:34: John Grant, Forestry Student 1954
1 1 01:01:35: William R. Liechty, Wildlife Graduate 1954
1 1 01:01:36: Don Smith, Wildlife Graduate 1954
1 1 01:01:37: Milton Reeves undated
1 1 01:01:38: Robert Turner undated
1 1 01:01:39: Earl Smart, Wildlife Graduate 1954
1 1 01:01:40: Donald Hales, Wildlife Graduate 1954
1 1 01:01:41: Stacy Gebhards, Wildlife Graduate 1954
1 1 01:01:42: Ahmet Varislizil undated
1 1 01:01:43: George Engeart undated
1 1 01:01:44: Donald Jenni, Graduate 1954
1 1 01:01:45: Don Smith, Wildlife Graduate 1954
1 1 01:01:46: Stacy Gebhards undated
1 1 01:01:47: Izzet Cahit Yesilada, Forestry Graduate 1954
1 1 01:01:48: William Liechty, Wildlife Graduate 1954
1 1 01:01:49: Gul Hulusi, Forestry Graduate Student 1954
1 1 01:01:50: William Liechty, Wildlife Graduate Senior 1954
1 1 01:01:51: Izzet Cahit Yesilada, Forestry Graduate 1954
1 2 01:02:01: James L. Mielke, Foresty Faculty 1954
1 2 01:02:02: Reed Christenson, Forestry Senior 1954
1 2 01:02:03: Ben Fenton, Forestry Senior 1954
1 2 01:02:04: Howard Nebeker, Forestry senior 1954
1 2 01:02:05: George Niskala, Forestry Senior 1954
1 2 01:02:06: Andy Ellis, Range Management Senior 1954
1 2 01:02:07: Eric Granfelt, Range Management Senior 1954
1 2 01:02:08: Donald Burt, Range Management Senior 1954
1 2 01:02:09: James Nelson, Wildlife Management Senior 1954
1 2 01:02:10: Engene Hoffman, Range Management Senior 1954
1 2 01:02:11: Rollo Julander, Range Management Senior 1954
1 2 01:02:12: Glen Ford, Range Management Senior 1954
1 2 01:02:13: Ismail Zengingonal undated
1 2 01:02:14: Rollo Julander undated
1 2 01:02:15-16: Ismail Zeningonul, Forestry senior 1954
1 2 01:02:17: William Liechty, Wildlife Graduate 1954
1 2 01:02:18: Fred Gomm, Forestry Graduate 1954
1 2 01:02:19: John Grant, Forestry Graduate 1954
1 2 01:02:20: Neeat Gulgun, Forestry Graduate 1954
1 2 01:02:21: Ahmer Varishgil undated
1 2 01:02:22: Ismail Zengingonul undated
1 2 01:02:23: Neeat Gulgun undated
1 2 01:02:24: Mustafa Seckin, Forestry Graduate 1954
1 2 01:02:25: S. Ross Tocher, Forestry Faculty 1954
1 2 01:02:26-27: Mustafa Seckin undated
1 2 01:02:28: Forestry Wives Club (1950-54) undated
1 2 01:02:29: Mustafa Seckin undated
1 2 01:02:30: Southern Utah Bryce Caynon 1950
1 2 01:02:31: Carnice of Welsville Park looking north undated
1 2 01:02:32: Earl Sparks, Forestry Club President 1954
1 3 01:03:01: Howard Clegg of Tooele recieving the award as Utah's Top Rancher in 1954
1 3 01:03:02: Unidentified female sitting on a rock undated
1 3 01:03:03: Unidentified female portrait undated
1 3 01:03:04: Man with fishing net title in Utah Juniper "illegal but effective" undated
1 3 01:03:05: Portrait of Unidentified male student undated
1 3 01:03:06: Portrait of unidentified male student undated
1 3 01:03:07: James Mielke in the field, Forestry Faculty 1954
1 3 01:03:08: James Mielke, Forestry Faculty 1954
1 3 01:03:09: Jessop B. Low 1987
1 3 01:03:10: Two male students in the winter undated
1 3 01:03:11: Tom Warellugh and unidentified men skiing undated
1 3 01:03:12: Women giving presentation in class of 1954
1 3 01:03:13: Imported from Paris activity of 1954
1 3 01:03:14: The headless ax being presented to Bill Fishaugh in 1954
1 3 01:03:15: Chips Staff of 1954
1 3 01:03:16: Queen Candidates undated
1 3 01:03:17-18: King and queen Candidates of 1954
1 3 01:03:19-20: Young forestry students drinking in the gym undated
1 3 01:03:21-22: Queen Candidates 1954
1 3 01:03:23-25: The Utah Foresters Club Meeting in 1954
1 3 01:03:26: Forestry Wives Club 1954
1 3 01:03:27: Office Staff 1954
1 3 01:03:28: Sophomore Class 1954
1 3 01:03:29: Freshmen Class 1954
1 3 01:03:30: Homecoming Float 1954
1 3 01:03:31: Juniper staff with advisor 1954
1 3 01:03:32: Students relaxing on a fence undated
1 3 01:03:33: Forestry Summer Camp undated
1 3 01:03:34: Junior Class 1954
1 3 01:03:35: Wildlife Summer Camp undated
1 3 01:03:36: The entire Summer Camp 1952
1 3 01:03:37: Lolla Miles and Mada Ornell with trophy undated
1 3 01:03:38: Quin Newby, Beth Camble, and Clair Bishop in the Spring of 1952
1 3 01:03:39: Annette Hansen, Joan, Angela sealy, Bonnie Hanson, Marlyn Daniels undated
1 3 01:03:40: Men towing a fishing line undated
1 3 01:03:41: Scenic picture of birds undated
1 3 01:03:42: picture of a bird undated
1 4 01:04:01: Scenic Shot of Cache Valley undated
1 4 01:04:02-04: Departmental Activities undated
1 4 01:04:05: Field Trip 1952
1 4 01:04:06-07: field work undated
1 4 01:04:08: Stag party of the Utah Foresters Club 1954
1 4 01:04:09: Trucks at the edge of a lake undated
1 4 01:04:10: Field demonstration with fishing net undated
1 4 01:04:11: Field Work undated
1 4 01:04:12: Office Staff 1954
1 4 01:04:13: Men struggling with fishing line undated
1 4 01:04:14: Office Staff 1954
1 4 01:04:15: Spaghetti Supper 1954
1 4 01:04:16: Department meeting undated
1 4 01:04:17: Men with fishing net undated
1 4 01:04:18: Forestry Wives Club officers undated
1 4 01:04:19-21: Field work undated
1 4 01:04:22: Departmental Social undated
1 4 01:04:23: Field work undated
1 4 01:04:24: Men working with fishing net undated
1 4 01:04:25: Fall BBQ 1954
1 4 01:04:26: Department volleyball game undated
1 4 01:04:27: Student practicing fighting a forest fire undated
1 4 01:04:28: Men folding a fishing net undated
1 4 01:04:29: Men pulling in a fishing net undated
1 4 01:04:30: Professor Holgrem undated
1 4 01:04:31: Professor Holgrem swimming in the Summer of 1952
1 4 01:04:32-33: Men fishing undated
1 4 01:04:34: Agathon Display of Fir Trees 1954
1 4 01:04:35: Office staff undated
1 4 01:04:36: King and queen candidates undated
1 4 01:04:37: Unidentified young women at a bar undated
1 4 01:04:38: Presentation of the candidates undated
1 4 01:04:39: King and Queen Candidates undated
1 4 01:04:40: Paul Party skit undated
1 4 01:04:41: Section 2 of Summer Camp 1952
1 4 01:04:42: Fishing net demonstration undated
1 4 01:04:43-44: Group shot of men with their wives undated
1 4 01:04:45: Queen Candidates undated
1 5 01:05:01: Summer campers relaxing undated
1 5 01:05:02: Students digging a trench undated
1 5 01:05:03: King and Queen Candidates undated
1 5 01:05:04: Stag Party of 1954
1 5 01:05:05: Couple at Paul's Party undated
1 5 01:05:06: Imports from Paris Activity of 1954
1 5 01:05:07: Field work undated
1 5 01:05:08: Scenic view mountains undated
1 5 01:05:09: Homecoming float 1954
1 5 01:05:10: Aerial view of valley undated
1 5 01:05:11: Student putting out fire undated
1 5 01:05:12: Tree after being cut down undated
1 5 01:05:13: Sleeping in the field undated
1 5 01:05:14: Logging demostration undated
1 5 01:05:15: Aerial view of parachuter undated
1 5 01:05:16: Trees being cut into boards undated
1 5 01:05:17: Scenic view river undated
1 5 01:05:18: Prachuter coming down out of the sky undated
1 5 01:05:19: Scenic view of the forest undated
1 5 01:05:20: Logging industry at working undated
1 5 01:05:21: Summer Camp 1952
1 5 01:05:22: Logging industry at work undated
1 5 01:05:23: Student securing fishing net undated
1 5 01:05:24-25: Students building trench undated
1 5 01:05:26: Agathon Display 1954
1 5 01:05:27: Univeristy in the snow undated
1 5 01:05:28: Logan Temple undated
1 5 01:05:29: Logan street in snow undated
1 5 01:05:30: Student Union building in 1954
1 5 01:05:31: Scenic view of new trees in forest undated
1 5 01:05:32: Truck after accident at Canteen Springs undated
1 5 01:05:33: Scenic view of valley undated
1 5 01:05:34: Airplane undated
1 5 01:05:35: Parachuters getting ready undated
1 5 01:05:36: Parachuters getting ready undated
1 5 01:05:37: Airplane undated
1 5 01:05:38: New baby trees in the forest undated
1 5 01:05:39: View of logs in river undated
1 5 01:05:40: Aerial scenic view undated
1 5 01:05:41: Camping at logging site undated
1 5 01:05:42: Field Work undated
1 5 01:05:43: Airplane ready for take off undated
1 5 01:05:44: Airplane taking off undated
1 5 01:05:45: Ducks undated
1 5 01:05:46: Scenic view of valley undated
1 5 01:05:47: View of Logan River undated
1 5 01:05:48: Logan Temple undated
1 5 01:05:49: Agathon Display, U.S. Fish and Wildlife service undated
1 5 01:05:50: Forestry experiment undated
1 5 01:05:51: Agathon Display of Fish 1954
1 5 01:05:52: Agathon Display of Silviculture 1954
1 5 01:05:53: Setting up the Agathon displays undated
1 5 01:05:54: Agathon Display of Poisonous Halogeton 1954
1 5 01:05:55: Field equipment undated
1 5 01:05:56: Agathon Display, Logging 1954
1 5 01:05:57: Agathon Display, Products of American Fitness 1954
1 5 01:05:58: Agathon Display, Smokey the Bear 1954
1 5 01:05:59: Agathon Display, furbearer traps and Migrate Routes and Flyways Display 1954
1 5 01:05:60: Student preparing fishing net undated
1 5 01:05:61: Student securing fishing net undated
1 5 01:05:62: Field Work undated
1 5 01:05:63: Summer Camp undated
1 5 01:05:64: Summer Camp undated
1 5 01:05:65: Students working in the camp kitchen undated
1 5 01:05:66: Agathon Display, Forest Range Building 1954
1 5 01:05:67: Agathon Display, Logging 1954
1 5 01:05:68: Agathon Display, Utah Deer and the severe winter of 1948-49 1954
1 5 01:05:69: Snowshoeing near the river undated
1 5 01:05:70: Students watching the parachuters land undated
1 5 01:05:71: Students Fishing undated
1 5 01:05:72: Field Work undated
1 5 01:05:73: Student Preparing the fishing net undated
1 5 01:05:74: Agathon Display of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1954
1 5 01:05:75: Students changing tire on their jeep undated
1 5 01:05:76: Student taking in the scenery undated
1 5 01:05:77: Scenic view of a Logan home undated
1 5 01:05:78: When doe deer season opens undated
1 5 01:05:79: Parachuters preparing for the jump undated
1 5 01:05:80: Field equipment undated
1 6 01:06:01: Young men in a drinking contest in the gym undated
1 6 01:06:02: Quin Newby and Mary undated
1 6 01:06:03: Dean Turner and Paul West at 1954 Son of Paul Ceremony undated
1 6 01:06:04: Timber beasts undated
1 6 01:06:05: Young ranchers undated
1 6 01:06:06: Unidentified older gentlemen relaxing near a car undated
1 6 01:06:07: Imports from Paris Activity 1954
1 6 01:06:08: Imports from Paris Activity 1954
1 6 01:06:09: Queen Candidates 1954
1 6 01:06:10: Queen Candidates 1954
1 6 01:06:11: Student practicing to put out wild fires undated
1 6 01:06:12: Imports from Paris Activity 1954
1 6 01:06:13: Field Work undated
1 6 01:06:14: Field Work undated
1 6 01:06:15: Deer in field campsite undated
1 6 01:06:16: Close up of a rodent undated
1 6 01:06:17: Chipmunk eating a nut undated
1 6 01:06:18: Stag Party 1954
1 6 01:06:19: Stag Party 1954
1 6 01:06:20: Forestry Club Executive Council 1954
1 6 01:06:21: Range Summer Camp 1954
1 6 01:06:22: Close up picture of rodent undated
1 6 01:06:23: Dean of the School, Lewis Turner in 1954
1 6 01:06:24: Woodsmen 1954
1 6 01:06:25: Sex Movies 1954
1 6 01:06:26: Brown Jug Ceremony undated
1 6 01:06:27: Professor Holgram and Paul Fritze undated
1 6 01:06:28: Juniper Staff hard at work undated
1 6 01:06:29: Scenic look at the forest floor undated
1 6 01:06:30: Tree after being cut down undated
1 6 01:06:31: Departmental social undated
1 7 01:07:01: Men preparing to go skiing undated
1 7 01:07:02: Unidentified young man near trophy case undated
1 7 01:07:03: In the beginning undated
1 7 01:07:04: Field work undated
1 7 01:07:05: Student practicing fighting forest fires undated
1 7 01:07:06: Field Work undated
1 7 01:07:07: Field Work undated
1 7 01:07:08: Unidentified man taking a break in the field undated
1 7 01:07:09: Unidentified man taking pictures in the field undated
1 7 01:07:10: Unidentified female portrait undated
1 7 01:07:11: Unidentified older gentlemen relaxing near a car undated
1 7 01:07:12: Unidentified young men profile shot in the field undated
1 7 01:07:13-16: Student shots in the classroom and in the field undated
1 7 01:07:17: Student practicing fighting forest fires undated
1 7 01:07:18: Student practicing fighting forest fires undated
1 7 01:07:19: Student relaxing in the field undated
1 7 01:07:20: Student eating in the field undated
1 7 01:07:21: Unidentified young man in the field undated
1 7 01:07:22: Students writing field reports near car undated
1 7 01:07:23: Unidentified male protraits undated
1 7 01:07:24: Field work undated
1 7 01:07:25: Friends chatting undated
1 7 01:07:26: Students out in the field undated
1 8 01:08:01: Department Meeting undated
1 8 01:08:02: The Utah Foresters Club 1954
1 8 01:08:03: The Utah Foresters Club 1954
1 8 01:08:04: Students hard at work in the field undated
1 8 01:08:05: Students riding in a truck bed undated
1 8 01:08:06: Students finalizingtheir project undated
1 8 01:08:07: Mrs. Lewis Turner undated
1 8 01:08:08: Students driving in the field undated
1 8 01:08:09: Unidentified Man taking pictures in the field undated
1 8 01:08:10: Unidentified Male Portrait undated
1 8 01:08:11: Ronald Harrison, Range Management Senior 1954
1 8 01:08:12: John Sims, Range Management Senior 1954
1 8 01:08:13: William Coghill, Forestry Graduate 1954
1 8 01:08:14: Grant A. Harris, Range Management Faculty 1954
1 8 01:08:15: Field Work undated
1 8 01:08:16: Homecoming Ride undated
1 8 01:08:17: Field Work undated
1 8 01:08:18: Professor Cope hard at work undated
1 8 01:08:19: Field Work undated
1 8 01:08:20: Two students taking a break in between classes undated
1 8 01:08:21: Two students relaxing after class undated
1 8 01:08:22: Two male students in winter gear undated
1 8 01:08:23: A.W. Stokes, faculty in wildlife management 1954
1 8 01:08:24: Unidentified male portrait undated
1 8 01:08:25: Man taking photos in the field undated
1 8 01:08:26: Field work undated
1 8 01:08:27: Field Work undated
1 8 01:08:28: Unidentified Male portrait undated
1 8 01:08:29: Students Hiking in the field undated
1 8 01:08:30: Marlyn Daniels and friend undated
1 8 01:08:31: Marlyn Daniels undated
1 8 01:08:32: Young Student learning to put out forest fires undated
1 8 01:08:33: Student eating while in the field undated
1 8 01:08:34: J.E. Croft of Orderville recieving the Conservation Award for Outstanding work in the Sawmill industry undated
1 8 01:08:35: Thiel Kunz an senior in Range Management 1954
1 8 01:08:36: Man ready for field work undated
1 9 01:09:01: Old Main hill walkway undated
1 9 01:09:02: Old Main hill stairway in winter undated
1 9 01:09:03: Construction Site undated
1 9 01:09:04: Paul's Party 1953
1 9 01:09:05: Old Main undated
1 9 01:09:06: Logan Temple undated
1 9 01:09:07: Field Work undated
1 9 01:09:08: Stag Party for the Forestry Club 1954
1 9 01:09:09: Stag Party for the Forestry Club 1954
1 10 01:10:01: Man trying to catch some fish undated
1 10 01:10:02: Field Work undated
1 10 01:10:03: Watch your step, man walking across the river on two planks undated
1 10 01:10:04: Fall shot of Old Main undated
1 10 01:10:05: Unidentified women in a school skit undated
1 11 01:11:01: Man securing fishing net in a lake undated
1 11 01:11:02: Men snowshoeing undated
1 11 01:11:03: Two men pulling in fishing net undated
1 11 01:11:04: Men snowshoeing near river undated
1 11 01:11:05: Two men snowshoeing undated
1 11 01:11:06: Man crossing the river, while snowshoeing undated
1 11 01:11:07: Man on the stairs of Old Main Hill undated
1 11 01:11:08: Men snowshoeing undated
1 11 01:11:09: Men snowshoeing undated
1 11 01:11:10: Men with fishing net undated
1 11 01:11:11: Men with fishing net undated
1 11 01:11:12: Men with fishing net undated
1 11 01:11:13: Two person saw demonstration undated
1 11 01:11:14: Man with fishing net undated
1 11 01:11:15: Man dissecting buck deer, whose entrails showing undated
1 11 01:11:16: Summer Camp Logging activity undated
1 11 01:11:17: Summer Camp tug of war undated
1 11 01:11:18: Man measuring a tree trunk undated
1 12 01:12:01: Family at a dinner party undated
1 12 01:12:02: Award Ceremony at Paul's Party undated
1 12 01:12:03: Award Ceremony at Paul's Party undated
1 12 01:12:04: S. Ross Tocher and John Niebergall with unidentified female at a dinner party in 1953
1 12 01:12:05: Donald Hayter, James Mielke and Dean Turner at a dinner party undated
1 12 01:12:06: Group of young adults at a dinner party undated
1 12 01:12:07: Dean Turner with a group of male students undated
1 12 01:12:08: Dean Turner with group of former employees 1953
1 12 01:12:09: Group of students studying around table undated
1 13 01:13:01: Classroom shot undated
1 13 01:13:02: Summer camp shot undated
1 13 01:13:03: Parachuter on the ground undated
1 13 01:13:04: Parachuter jumping out of airplane undated
1 13 01:13:05: Parachuter in front of airplane undated
1 13 01:13:06: Parachuter getting into the airplane undated
1 13 01:13:07: Studying in a pile of leaves on campus undated
1 13 01:13:08: Man walking up Old Main hill in winter undated
1 13 01:13:09: Parachuter jumping out of an airplane undated
1 13 01:13:10: Inside of an airplane undated
1 13 01:13:11: Fallen branches from a winter's storm undated
1 13 01:13:12: Unidentified man undated
1 13 01:13:13: Unidentified student at summer camp undated
1 13 01:13:14: Logan Caynon undated
1 13 01:13:15: Unidentified men near cattle (print in folder 14) undated
1 13 01:13:16: Unidentified man near cattle (print in folder 14) undated
1 13 01:13:17: Unidentified man with sheep (prints in folder 14) undated
1 13 01:13:18: Unidentified man with sheep (prints in folder 14) undated
1 14 01:14:01: C. Wayne Cook(center with hat), William F Sigler(far right) and unidentified male undated
1 14 01:14:02: C. Wayne Cook(center with hat), William F Sigler(far right) and unidentified male undated
1 14 01:14:03: Group of students in front of a truck undated
1 14 01:14:04: Unidentified student with J. Whintey Floyd (forestry Faculty in 1954) undated
1 14 01:14:05: Dean Lewis Turner 1954 Spring
1 14 01:14:06: Man leaning on fence (negative in folder 13) undated
1 14 01:14:07: Man leaning on fence (negative in folder 13) undated
1 14 01:14:08: Man feeding cattle (negative in folder 13) undated
1 14 01:14:09: Man standing near cattle (negative in folder 13) undated
1 14 01:14:10: Man standing near sheep(negative in folder 13) undated
1 14 01:14:11: Man standing near sheep (negative in folder 13) undated
1 15 01:15:01. : Men fishing undated
1 15 01:15:02. : Men pulling in fishing net undated
1 15 01:15:03. : Unidentified man, woman and child at Agathon Display undated
1 15 01:15:04. : Men pulling in fishing net undated
1 15 01:15:05. : Unidentified man with hat undated
1 15 01:15:06. : Unidentified man with buzz cut undated
1 15 01:15:07. : Unidentified man with buzz cut undated
1 15 01:15:08. : Unidentified man with hat undated
1 15 01:15:09. : Unidentified man with hat undated
1 15 01:15:10. : USU Student Center 1955
1 16 01:16:01: Parachuters with no owners undated
1 16 01:16:02: Scenic shot of the twisted tree undated
1 16 01:16:03: Old Main hill in the snow undated
1 16 01:16:04: Scenic view of the forest floor undated
1 16 01:16:05: Close up back shot of a deer resting on the forest floor undated
1 16 01:16:06: Hawk feeding a rat to her chicks undated
1 16 01:16:07: Scenic shot of the forest floor undated
1 16 01:16:08: Shot of Airplane about to land undated
1 16 01:16:09: Close up shot of a moose undated
1 16 01:16:10: Scenic shot of Logan Cayon undated
1 16 01:16:11: Students climbing twisted tree undated
1 16 01:16:12: Snowman version of Paul Bunyan undated
1 16 01:16:13: Landscape around Old Main undated
1 16 01:16:14: Stairway to Old Main where leaves have collected undated
1 16 01:16:15: Construction Site undated
1 16 01:16:16: Construction Site undated
1 16 01:16:17: Close up of a leave pile near the stairs of old main undated
1 16 01:16:18: Old Main Hill in the winter undated
1 17 01:17:01-06: A Forestry Group gathering at the Mill Canyon Sage Flat in Glennwood, Utah undated
1 17 01:17:07: Evening shot of a sunset from a lakeshore undated
1 17 01:17:08: A man in an amusing pose undated
1 17 01:17:09: Scenic lake view undated
1 17 01:17:10: Swimming in the lake undated
1 17 01:17:11: Scenic lake view undated
1 17 01:17:12: Scenic lake view undated
1 17 01:17:13: Scenic lake view undated
1 17 01:17:14: Man smoking a cigar undated
1 17 01:17:15: Swimming in the lake undated
1 17 01:17:16: Student group at a campsite undated
1 17 01:17:17: Swimming in the lake undated
1 17 01:17:18: Man smoking a cigar undated
1 17 01:17:19: Forest Recreation Field Trip group undated
1 17 01:17:20: Forest Recreation Field Trip group viewing outdoor scenery undated
1 17 01:17:21: Man smoking a cigar undated
1 17 01:17:22: Forest Recreation Field Trip group viewing outdoor scenery undated
1 17 01:17:23-25: Forest Recreation Field Trip group viewing Anasazi cave dwellings in Moab, Utah undated
1 17 01:17:26: Forest Recreation Field Trip group viewing outdoor scenery undated
1 17 01:17:27: Forest Recreation Field Trip group at a campsite undated
1 17 01:17:28: Forest Recreation Field Trip group purusing camping supplies undated
1 17 01:17:29: Scenic Canyon view undated
1 17 01:17:30: Forest Recreation Field Trip group at Pucker Pass near Moab, Utah undated
1 17 01:17:31: Forest Recreation Field Trip group viewing outdoor scenery undated
1 17 01:17:32-33: Forest Recreation Field Trip group touring National Park land undated
1 17 01:17:34: Scenic Canyon View undated
1 17 01:17:35-38: Forest Recreation Field Trip group touring National Park land undated
1 17 01:17:39: Forest Recreation Field Trip group listening to an instructor undated
1 17 01:17:40-41: Forest Recreation Field Trip group listening to an instructor undated
1 17 01:17:42: Students studying forest trees undated
1 17 01:17:43-44: Forest Recreation Field Trip group listening to an instructor undated
1 17 01:17:45-47: Students studying forest trees undated
1 17 01:17:48: Students conversing at Ricks Springs in Logan Canyon, Utah undated
1 17 01:17:49-50: Foestry students in class undated
1 17 01:17:51: Forestry instrucors/Professors undated
1 17 01:17:52: Two students examining a document undated
1 17 01:17:53: Forestry students undated
1 17 01:17:54: A student speaking with a Professor undated
1 17 01:17:55-56: A student surveying undated
1 17 01:17:57: Summer Camp buildings undated
1 17 01:17:58: Forestry instrctors/Professors undated
1 17 01:17:59: Forestry students undated
1 17 01:17:60: A student speaking with a Professor undated
1 17 01:17:61-62: Forestry department Ice cream party undated
1 17 01:17:63-72: Forestry department: various photos of faculty, staff, and students undated
1 17 01:17:73-75: Forestry class held in the Biology building auditorium undated
1 17 01:17:76: Professor teaching a class undated
1 17 01:17:77-78: Man working at a desk undated
1 17 01:17:79-80: Forestry class held in the Biology building auditorium undated
1 18 01:18:01-08: Forestry students at summer camp 1947
1 18 01:18:09: Group of Forestry students in front of their department's building on campus undated
1 18 01:18:10: Group photo of students on a forestry management field trip 1954
1 18 01:18:11-12: Group photo of students on a forestry field trip 1960
1 18 01:18:13: Professor T.W. Daniel in the College forest 1960
1 18 01:18:14: Group photo of Professors on a forestry field trip to College forest to study reproduction 1960
1 18 01:18:15-16: Group photo of students during summer camp 1961
1 18 01:18:17-18: Group photo of students during summer camp 1962
1 18 01:18:19-20: Group photo of students during summer camp 1963
1 18 01:18:21: Attendees of the Pinyon-Juniper Conference in Monticello, Utah. 1963
1 18 01:18:22-23: Group photo of students during summer camp 1964
1 18 01:18:24-25: Group photo of students during summer camp 1965
1 18 01:18:26-27: Group photo of students during summer camp 1966
1 18 01:18:28-29: Group photo of students during summer camp 1967
1 18 01:18:30: Group of forestry students 1968
1 18 01:18:31-32: Group photo of students during summer camp 1968
1 18 01:18:33-34: Group photo of students during summer camp 1969
1 18 01:18:35-36: Group photo of students during summer camp 1970
2 02:001: Jessop B. Low, Marsh Management Graduate Seminar 1954
2 02:002: T.W. Daniel, Silviculture and Dendrology 1954
2 02:003: A.W. Stokes, Management of Upland Game, water fowl, and furbearers 1954
2 02:004: O.B. Cope, Rocky Mountain Fishery Investigation 1954
2 02:005: J. Whitney Floyd, Head of department-Forest Protection and Recreational planning 1954
2 02:006: Unidentified man undated
2 02:007: L.A. Stoddart, Head of Department-Ecology and Technical Problems in Range Management 1954
2 02:008: James L. Miekle, Pathologist, U.S. Forest Service Division of Forest Pathology
(See 01:02:01)
2 02:009: James L. Miekle, Pathologist, U.S. Forest Service Division of Forest Pathology
(See 01:02:01)
2 02:010: S. Ross Tocher, Wood Tech. and Aerial Photo interpretation
(See 01:02:25)
2 02:011: Lewis M. Turner, Dean of the College of Natural Resources
(See 01:01:09)
2 02:012: George Bench, Custodian 1954
2 02:013: Willilam F. Sigler, Head of department in Techniques of Fishery Management and Wildlife Law Enforcement 1954
2 02:014: Grant A. Harris, Range Improvements-Forbs and Browse 1954
2 02:015: Raymond R. Moore, Forest Management and Measurements 1954
2 02:016: Attendees of the Conservation Banquet 1954
2 02:017: Lee Ray, an award winner at the Conservation Banquet 1954
2 02:018: Nitrate Negative. Unidentified man undated
2 02:019: Nitrate Negative. Unidentified man undated
2 02:020: Nitrate Negative. Unidentified man undated
2 02:021: Lewis M. Turner, Dean of the College of Natural Resources 1954
2 02:022: Unidentified man undated
2 02:023: George A. Kelker, Management of Big Game and Animal Ecology 1954
2 02:024: Unidentified student speaking with a professor undated
2 02:025: Arthur D. Smith, Watershed Management and Range Economics 1954
2 02:026: Unidentified man undated
2 02:027: Unidentified group undated
2 02:028: Unidentified man undated
2 02:029: Unidentified group undated
2 02:030: Unidentified group undated
2 02:031: John Conder, Senior
(See 01:01:24)
2 02:032: Mustafa Seckin, Forestry Graduate
(See 01:02:24, 26, 27, 29)
2 02:033: Joseph S. Skelly, Forestry Senior 1953
2 02:034: Fred Gomm,Range Management Graduate
(See 01:01:05, 01:02:18)
2 02:035: Unidentified man undated
2 02:036: John Niebergall, Senior 1954
2 02:037: Darwin Crezee, Range Management Senior
(See 01:01:20)
2 02:038: Rollo Julander, Range Management Senior
(See 01:01:13)
2 02:039: James Shelly, Wildlife Management Senior 1953
2 02:040: James Gorman, Wildlife Management Senior 1953
2 02:041: Unidentified man undated
2 02:042: James Mitchell, Range Conservation 1953
2 02:043: Unidentified man undated
2 02:044: Owen N. Giertsen, Forestry Senior 1953
2 02:045: Robert I. Gara, Forestry Senior 1953
2 02:046: Roland Younger, Range Management Senior
(See 01:01:03)
2 02:047: Reed Christenson, Forestry Senior 1954
2 02:048: Stacy Gebhards, Wildlife Management Senior
(See 01:01:41, 46)
2 02:049: Rollo Julander, Range Management Senior
(See 01:01:13, 26)
2 02:050: Unidentified man undated
2 02:051: Donald Smith, Wildlife Graduate
(See 01:01:36, 45)
2 02:052: William Coghill, Forestry Graduate
(See 01:01:19)
2 02:053: William Liechty, Wildlife Graduate
(See 01:01:35, 48, 50)
2 02:054: Delvin D. Hibbert, Wildlife Management Senior 1953
2 02:055: Carl M. Rice, Range Conservation Senior 1953
2 02:056: Donald Smith, Wildlife Management Senior 1953
2 02:057: Unidentified man undated
2 02:058: John Grant, Forestry Graduate
(See 01:01:34, 01:02:19)
2 02:059: Unidentified man undated
2 02:060: Unidentified man undated
2 02:061: Theodore A. Roll, Forestry Senior 1953
2 02:062: Donald Hales, Wildlife Graduate
(See 01:01:02, 40)
2 02:063: Donald Jenni, Wildlife Graduate
(See 01:01:01, 44)
2 02:064: Earl Sparks, Wildlife Management Senior
(See 01:01:27, 01:02:32)
2 02:065: George Enyeart, Wildlife Graduate
(See 01:01:04, 43)
2 02:066: Jim Abate, Wildlife Management Senior
(See 01:01:22)
2 02:067: Earl Smart, Wildlife Graduate
(See 01:01:39)
2 02:068: Donald Bolander, Range Management Senior
(See 01:01:21)
2 02:069: John Sims, Range Management Senior 1954
2 02:070: Donald Burt, Range Management Senior
(See 01:02:08)
2 02:071: Unidentified man undated
2 02:072: Russell Hudson, Forestry Senior
(See 01:01:31)
2 02:073: Eric Granfelt, Range Management Senior 1954
2 02:074: Donald Hayter, Forestry Management Senior
(See 01:01:30)
2 02:075: Andy Ellis, Range Management Senior
(See 01:02:06)
2 02:076: Theil Kunz, Range Management Senior 1954
2 02:077: Henry Reeves, Wildlife Graduate
(See 01:01:07)
2 02:078: Ben Fenton, Forestry Manangement Senior
(See 01:02:03)
2 02:079: Robert Bonnell, Forestry Management Senior
(See 01:01:29)
2 02:080: Mahlon Williamson, Wildlife Management Senior
(See 01:01:25)
2 02:081: Ronald Harrison, Range Manangement Senior 1954
2 02:082: Neil Butterfield, Wildlife Management Senior
(See 01:01:23)
2 02:083: Robert S. Vail, Wildlife Management Senior 1953
2 02:084: Unidentified man undated
2 02:085: Unidentified man undated
2 02:086: William Liechty, Wildlife Graduate
(See 01:01:08)
2 02:087: Robert Schultz, Range Management Senior
(See 01:01:32)
2 02:088: Russell Murry, Range Management Senior
(See 01:01:17)
2 02:089: Stacy Gebhards, Wildlife Graduate
(See 01:01:41)
2 02:090: Paul West, Range Management Senior
(See 01:01:18)
2 02:091: Sam Alfano, Forestry Senior 1953
2 02:092: Harold Edwards, Wildlife Management Senior 1953
2 02:093: Edwin Dimick, Range Conservation Senior 1953
2 02:094: Charles Budge, Forestry Senior 1953
2 02:095: Lawrence Heald, Range Conservation Senior 1953
2 02:096: Walter E. Smith, Forestry Senior 1953
2 02:097: Richard C. Norell, Wildlife Management Senior 1953
2 02:098: Stacy Gebhards, Wildlife Management Senior 1953
2 02:099: James Hoffman, Forestry Management Senior
(See 01:01:28)
2 02:100: James Nelson, Wildlife Management Senior 1954
2 02:101: Eugene Hoffman, Range Management Senior
(See 01:02:10)
2 02:102: Gul Hulusi, Range Graduate
(See 01:01:06, 49)
2 02:103: Ahmer Varishigl, Range Graduate
(note: The Utah Juniper publication has him pictured incorrectly under the name Neeat Gulgun) (See 01:01:42, 01:02:21)
2 02:104: Ismail Zengingonul, Forestry Graduate
(See 01:02:13, 15, 16, 22)
2 02:105: Izzet Cahit Yesilada, Forestry Graduate
(See 01:01:47, 51)
2 02:106: Unidentified man undated
2 02:107: Mustafa Seckin, Forestry Graduate
(See 01:02:24, 26, 27, 29)
2 02:108: Neeat Gulgun, Range Graduate
(note: The Utah Juniper publication has him pictured incorrectly under the name Ahmer Varishigl) (See 01:02:20, 23)
2 02:109: Wood chopping on the Quad 1953
2 02:110: Beachside view undated
2 02:111: Wood chopping on the Quad 1953
2 02:112: Wood chopping on the Quad 1953
2 02:113: Wood chopping on the Quad 1953
2 02:114: Wood chopping on the Quad 1953
2 02:115: Wood chopping on the Quad 1953
2 02:116: People watching an activity involving a pack horse on the Quad 1953
2 02:117: Woodcutting with a cahinsaw on the Quad 1953
2 02:118: Homecoming parade float 1953
2 02:119: Homecoming parade float 1953
2 02:120: Nitrate Negative. Group of six students, one is being held up by others over a large tub of water undated
2 02:121: Nitrate Negative. Men using fishing nets in water 1954
2 02:122: Nitrate Negative. Men using fishing nets in water 1954
2 02:123: Nitrate Negative. Men using fishing nets in water 1954
2 02:124: Nitrate Negative. Man using fishing nets in water 1954
2 02:125: Three male students, "Timber Beasts," 1954
2 02:126: Members of the Executive council 1954
2 02:127: Members of the Executive council 1954
2 02:128: Office staff 1954
2 02:129: Five Queen Candidates 1954
2 02:130: Five Queen Candidates 1954
2 02:131: Five Queen Candidates pictured with five male students 1954
2 02:132: Office staff 1954
2 02:133: Meeting/Study group 1954
2 02:134: Five Queen Candidates pictured with five male students 1954
2 02:135: Members of the Executive council 1954
2 02:136: Utah Foresters 1954
2 02:137: Queen Candidates at a ceremony 1954
2 02:138: Utah Foresters 1954
2 02:139: Utah Foresters 1954
2 02:140: Utah Foresters 1954
2 02:141: Five Queen Candidates pictured with five male students 1954
2 02:142: Queen Candidates 1954
2 02:143: Forestry students studying trees undated
2 02:144: C. Wayne Cook, Professor of Range Management and Nutrition 1954
2 02:145: Awards/Recognition display 1954
2 02:146: Conservation Banquet 1954
2 02:147: Conservation Banquet 1954
2 02:148: Conservation Banquet 1954
2 02:149: Conservation Banquet 1954
2 02:150: Spaghetti Supper 1954
2 02:151: Spaghetti Supper 1954
2 02:152: Group movie 1954
2 02:153: Sophmores 1954
2 02:154: Freshmen 1954
2 02:155: Conservation Week Committee 1954
2 02:156: Forestry Wives 1954
2 02:157: Forestry Wives 1954
2 02:158: Forestry Wives Officers 1954
2 02:159: Chips Staff 1954
2 02:160: Juniper Staff 1954
2 02:161: Group Activity 1953
2 02:162: Group Activity 1953
2 02:163: Group Activity 1953
2 02:164: Group of male students at a bar 1953
2 02:165: Annual Department Competition, beer drinking contest 1953
2 02:166: Group Activity 1953
2 02:167: Woodsmen 1954
2 02:168: Group skit, four male students dressed as women 1954
2 02:169: Group skit, four male students dressed as women 1954
2 02:170: Group skit, four male students dressed as women 1954
2 02:171: Spaghetti Supper 1954
2 02:172: Advertisement photo for forest trees for distribution 1954
2 02:173: Men planting trees 1954
2 02:174: Men planting trees 1954
2 02:175: Men planting trees 1954
2 02:176: Annual Department Competition, beer drinking contest 1953
2 02:177: Annual Department Competition, beer drinking contest 1953
2 02:178: Annual Department Competition, beer drinking contest 1953
2 02:179: Utah Foresters 1953
2 02:180: Utah Foresters 1953
2 02:181: Utah Foresters, Activity on the Quad 1953
2 02:182: Utah Foresters, Activity on the Quad 1953
2 02:183: Freshmen 1953
2 02:184: Freshmen 1953
2 02:185: Sophmores 1953
2 02:186: Sophmores 1953
2 02:187: Forestry Wives 1953
2 02:188: Forestry Wives 1953
2 02:189: Awards 1953
2 02:190: Awards 1953
2 02:191: Conservation Banquet 1954
2 02:192: Conservation Banquet 1954
2 02:193: Conservation Banquet 1954
2 02:194: Conservation Banquet 1954
2 02:195: Conservation Banquet 1954
2 02:196: Conservation Banquet 1954
2 02:197: Annual Department Competition 1953
2 02:198: Summer Camp, pie eating contest 1952
2 02:199: Nitrate Negative. Summer Camp, group of students 1952
2 02:200: Nitrate Negative. Summer Camp, group of students 1952
2 02:201: Nitrate Negative. Summer Camp, group of students 1952
2 02:202: Summer Camp, group of students 1952
2 02:203: Nitrate Negative. Summer Camp, group of students 1952
2 02:204: Nitrate Negative. Summer Camp, group of students 1952
2 02:205: Summer Camp, group of students 1952
2 02:206: Summer Camp, group of students 1952
2 02:207: Summer Camp, group of students 1952
2 02:208: Summer Camp, group of students 1952
2 02:209: Summer Camp, group of students 1952
2 02:210: Summer Camp, group of students 1952
2 02:211: Summer Camp, group of students 1952
2 02:212: Summer Camp, group of students 1952
2 02:213: Summer Camp, group of students 1952
2 02:214: Summer Camp, group of students 1952
2 02:215: Summer Camp, Volleyball 1952
2 02:216: Fall BBQ, tug of war game 1952
2 02:217: Fall BBQ, tug of war game 1952
2 02:218: Summer Camp, sawing logs 1952
2 02:219: Summer Camp, wood chopping 1952
2 02:220: Summer Camp, pie eating contest 1952
2 02:221: Nitrate Negative. Students digging for a project 1952
2 02:222: Nitrate Negative. Summer Camp buildings and grounds 1952
2 02:223: Summer Camp, group being photographed 1952
2 02:224: Summer Camp, students 1952
2 02:225: Group of students outside, pictured next to a vehicle undated
2 02:226: Summer Camp, washing facilities 1953
2 02:227: Summer Camp, washing facilities 1953
2 02:228: Man photographed outside posing on a vehicle undated
2 02:229: Man doing research outdoors 1952-1953
2 02:230: Cattle roaming in a field undated
2 02:231: Cattle roaming in a field undated
2 02:232: Deer grazing in a fenced area undated
2 02:233: Cattle feeding in a fenced area undated
2 02:234: Logging building undated
2 02:235: Man standing next to a stream undated
2 02:236: Summer Camp 1953
2 02:237: Summer Camp 1953
2 02:238: Summer Camp, students eating lunch in a mess hall 1953
2 02:239: Fall BBQ 1953
2 02:240: Fall BBQ 1953
2 02:241: Fall BBQ 1953
2 02:242: Men standing in water and pulling on a rope undated
2 02:243: Summer Camp, group of students 1952
2 02:244: Summer Camp, group of students 1952
2 02:245: Summer Camp, group of students 1952
2 02:246: Summer Camp, volleyball 1952
2 02:247: Summer Camp, group of students 1952
2 02:248: Summer Camp, group of students 1952
2 02:249: Summer Camp, throwing Horseshoes 1953
2 02:250: Two men sitting on a log structure undated
2 02:251: Nitrate Negative. Men doing work near a vehicle outdoors undated
2 02:252: Fall BBQ 1953
2 02:253: Two men doing work outside tents undated
2 02:254: Nitrate Negative. Man using equipment to study 1953
2 02:255: Three men using equipment to study 1953
2 02:256: Three men studying a tree undated
2 02:257: Nitrate Negative. Man studying a tree undated
2 02:258: Nitrate Negative. Scenic View undated
2 02:259: Nitrate Negative. Scenic View undated
2 02:260: Nitrate Negative. Men working in the snow, wearing snowshoes undated
2 02:261: Nitrate Negative. Men digging undated
2 02:262: Nitrate Negative. Man digging undated
2 02:263: Nitrate Negative. Man digging undated
2 02:264: Nitrate Negative. Men digging undated
2 02:265: Nitrate Negative. Men digging undated
2 02:266: Nitrate Negative. Man digging undated
2 02:267: Nitrate Negative. Two men digging undated
2 02:268: Nitrate Negative. Summer Camp grounds undated
2 02:269: Two men walking in the snow carrying skis undated
2 02:270: Two men walking in the snow carrying skis undated
2 02:271: Nitrate Negative. Group of students 1953
2 02:272: Nitrate Negative. Men riding on a railroad car undated
2 02:273: Nitrate Negative. Men working outside near water undated
2 02:274: Nitrate Negative. Summer Camp grounds undated
2 02:275: Nitrate Negative. Men at a campsite undated
2 02:276: Nitrate Negative. Lunch at a campsite undated
2 02:277: Nitrate Negative. Men working near a campsite undated
2 02:278: Nitrate Negative. Men lounging outside amidst forest trees undated
2 02:279: Nitrate Negative. Men lounging outside amidst forest trees undated
2 02:280: Nitrate Negative. Men surrounding a campfire at night undated
2 02:281: Nitrate Negative. Unknown buildings undated
2 02:282: Nitrate Negative. Men near a campsite undated
2 02:283: Nitrate Negative. Man walking near a campsite undated
2 02:284: Nitrate Negative. Men working outdoors on a hillside undated
2 02:285: Nitrate Negative. Men working outdoors on a hillside undated
2 02:286: Nitrate Negative. Men surrounding a campfire at night undated
2 02:287: Nitrate Negative. Three men posing outside of a log cabin undated
2 02:288: Nitrate Negative. Three men standing on/near a very large rock structure undated
2 02:289: Nitrate Negative. Three men posing inside of a log cabin undated
2 02:290: Aerial view of a parachuter from a plane 1952
2 02:291: Aerial view of a parachuter from a plane 1952
2 02:292: Aerial view of a parachuter from a plane 1952
2 02:293: View of men sitting in a flying plane 1952
2 02:294: Aerial view of a parachuter from a plane 1952
2 02:295: Parachuter landing 1952
2 02:296: Nitrate Negative. Two men crossing a river undated
2 02:297: Nitrate Negative. Two men standing next to a river undated
2 02:298: Aerial view from a plane 1952
2 02:299: Nitrate Negative. Scenic view undated
2 02:300: Nitrate Negative. Scenic view undated
2 02:301: Scenic View undated
2 02:302: Scenic View undated
2 02:303: Unidentified man standing next to a tree undated
2 02:304: Scenic View undated
2 02:305: Unidentified man standing next to a tree undated
2 02:306: View of a building entrance in the fall undated
2 02:307: Scenic View undated
2 02:308: Unknown outdoor structure undated
2 02:309: Nitrate Negative. 3 men on a beach undated
2 02:310: Chart for the U.S.A.C. Experimental Forest undated
2 02:311: Chart showing different forest types undated
2 02:312: Chart for the U.S.A.C. Experimental Forest undated
2 02:313: Unknown undated
2 02:314: Man on a minibike, (2 negatives) undated
2 02:315: Men boarding a plane undated
2 02:316: Nitrate Negative. Man backpacking in the forest undated
2 02:317: Nitrate Negative. Man backpacking in the forest undated
2 02:318: Characters in a school play undated
2 02:319: Characters in a school play undated
2 02:320: Characters in a school play undated
2 02:321: Characters in a school play undated
2 02:322: Two student groups, Wildlife (top) and Juniors (bottom) 1953
2 02:323: Two student groups, Forest (top) and Range (bottom 1953
2 02:324: Scenic View undated
2 02:325: Scenic View undated
2 02:326: Unidentified man undated
2 02:327: Campus building, Taggart Student Center undated
2 02:328: Campus building, Old Main undated
2 02:329: Campus building under construction undated
2 02:330: Campus building under construction undated
2 02:331: Woman in a boat undated
2 02:332: Negative of 1:17:01 undated
2 02:333: Negative of 1:17:02 undated
2 02:334: Negative of 1:17:03 undated
2 02:335: Negative of 1:17:04 undated
2 02:336: Negative of 1:17:05 undated
2 02:337: Negative of 1:17:06 undated
2 02:338: Negative of 1:17:07 undated
2 02:339: Negative of 1:17:08 undated
2 02:340: Negative of 1:17:09 undated
2 02:341: Negative of 1:17:10 undated
2 02:342: Negative of 1:17:11 undated
2 02:343: Negative of 1:17:12 undated
2 02:344: Negative of 1:17:13 undated
2 02:345: Negative of 1:17:14 undated
2 02:346: Negative of 1:17:15 undated
2 02:347: Negative of 1:17:16 undated
2 02:348: Negative of 1:17:17 undated
2 02:349: Negative of 1:17:18 undated
2 02:350: Negative of 1:17:19 undated
2 02:351: Negative of 1:17:20 undated
2 02:352: Negative of 1:17:21 undated
2 02:353: Negative of 1:17:22 undated
2 02:354: Negative of 1:17:23 undated
2 02:355: Negative of 1:17:24 undated
2 02:356: Negative of 1:17:25 undated
2 02:357: Negative of 1:17:26 undated
2 02:358: Negative of 1:17:27 undated
2 02:359: Negative of 1:17:28 undated
2 02:360: Negative of 1:17:29 undated
2 02:361: Negative of 1:17:30 undated
2 02:362: Negative of 1:17:31 undated
2 02:363: Negative of 1:17:32 undated
2 02:364: Negative of 1:17:33 undated
2 02:365: Negative of 1:17:34 undated
2 02:366: Negative of 1:17:35 undated
2 02:367: Negative of 1:17:36 undated
2 02:368: Negative of 1:17:37 undated
2 02:369: Negative of 1:17:38 undated
2 02:370: Negative of 1:17:39 undated
2 02:371: Negative of 1:17:40 undated
2 02:372: Negative of 1:17:41 undated
2 02:373: Negative of 1:17:42 undated
2 02:374: Negative of 1:17:43 undated
2 02:375: Negative of 1:17:44 undated
2 02:376: Negative of 1:17:45 undated
2 02:377: Negative of 1:17:46 undated
2 02:378: Negative of 1:17:47 undated
2 02:379: Negative of 1:17:48 undated
2 02:380: Negative of 1:17:49 undated
2 02:381: Negative of 1:17:50 undated
2 02:382: Negative of 1:17:51 undated
2 02:383: Negative of 1:17:52 undated
2 02:384: Negative of 1:17:53 undated
2 02:385: Negative of 1:17:54 undated
2 02:386: Negative of 1:17:55 undated
2 02:387: Negative of 1:17:56 undated
2 02:388: Negative of 1:17:57 undated
2 02:389: Negative of 1:17:58 undated
2 02:390: Negative of 1:17:59 undated
2 02:391: Negative of 1:17:60 undated
2 02:392: Negative of 1:17:61 undated
2 02:393: Negative of 1:17:62 undated
2 02:394: Negative of 1:17:63 undated
2 02:395: Negative of 1:17:64 undated
2 02:396: Negative of 1:17:65 undated
2 02:397: Negative of 1:17:66 undated
2 02:398: Negative of 1:17:67 undated
2 02:399: Negative of 1:17:68 undated
2 02:400: Negative of 1:17:69 undated
2 02:401: Negative of 1:17:70 undated
2 02:402: Negative of 1:17:71 undated
2 02:403: Negative of 1:17:72 undated
2 02:404: Negative of 1:17:73 undated
2 02:405: Negative of 1:17:74 undated
2 02:406: Negative of 1:17:75 undated
2 02:407: Negative of 1:17:76 undated
2 02:408: Negative of 1:17:77 undated
2 02:409: Negative of 1:17:78 undated
2 02:410: Negative of 1:17:79 undated
2 02:411: Negative of 1:17:80 undated
2 02:412: See photo 1:18:01 undated
2 02:413: See photo 1:18:02 undated
2 02:414: See photo 1:18:03 undated
2 02:415: See photo 1:18:04 undated
2 02:416: See photo 1:18:05 undated
2 02:417: See photo 1:18:09 undated
2 02:418: See photos 1:18:01-1:18:08 undated
2 02:419: See photos 1:18:01-1:18:08 undated
2 02:420: See photos 1:18:01-1:18:08. undated