Campaign Materials collection, 1892-2022

Overview of the Collection

Campaign Materials collection
1892-2022 (inclusive)
7.0 linear feet
Collection Number
Pam 05
This collection includes fliers, brochures, cards, buttons, booklets, posters, and other assorted campaign materials used by candidates in both national and Montana state or local elections since 1892.
University of Montana, Mansfield Library, Archives and Special Collections
Archives and Special Collections
Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library
University of Montana
32 Campus Dr. #9936
Missoula, MT
Telephone: 406-243-2053
Access Restrictions

Researchers must use collection in accordance with the policies of Archives and Special Collections, the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, and The University of Montana-Missoula.


Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection contains materials related to political campaigns and movements from the 1890s to the 2010s. Much of the collection includes candidate-specific materials, such as bumper stickers, newsletters, and posters. It also includes party publications, such as official platforms and handbooks; literature published by interest group organizations, such as labor unions or the League of Women Voters; and government publications. Most materials relate to major parties, but the collection does include items published by third parties and independent candidates. Materials are primarily related to Montana local and state elections and many of the twentieth century’s national elections. Issues raised include: labor rights; women’s suffrage and political equality; the environment; consumer rights; the New Deal; communism; taxes; health care; and foreign policy. Materials cover a wide range of events, including World War I and World War II, the Cold War, and the 1972 Montana Constitutional Convention. Materials represent dozens of political figures, with particular emphasis on Montanans such as Lee Metcalf, Arnold Olsen, Dick Shoup, Pat Williams, Max Baucus, and others.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Researchers are responsible for using in accordance with 17 U.S.C. and any other applicable statutes.

Preferred Citation

Campaign Materials Collection, Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, The University of Montana-Missoula.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


This collection has been organized chronologically; materials from the same year are organized first by election type, then by party affiliation, and finally by candidate. Large posters are arranged chronologically in three oversized folders.

Custodial History

This is an artificial collection created by combining materials from various collections and sources. It includes duplicates removed from other collections and mailers received by Archives and Special Collections.

Future Additions

Materials may be periodically added to this collection.

Processing Note

This is an artificial collection and arrangement was entirely imposed by the processor. Materials have been described at the item level but foldered together by year. In 2023, the campaign buttons, matchbooks, and other small campaign related materials were removed from folders and placed into trays.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Assorted pins regarding public offices in Montana
Business card supporting Harold P. Bennet for Clerk and Recorder – Assessor, Musselshell County; Placard supporting A.A. Alvord for District Judge of the Fourth Montana Judicial District; Handbill supporting Robert Fleming Sheriff, Flathead County; Card supporting C.O. Marcyes for Montana Legislature; Postcard supporting Montana Women's Lobby; Bumper sticker, "Save the Kootenai"; Poster of the Anti-Saloon League and D. B. Titus; Card supporting Hugh Waters for Great Falls county commissioner; Card: "Vote Carefully Vote Democratic"
Button with portrait of unknown candidate
OS 11
Posters (2) advertising speeches by Congressman Charles Nelson Pray; Poster supporting Burton K. Wheeler for U.S. Senator
Booklet, “Facts for the 1892 Presidential Campaign”
Engraved coin, “Vote for Bozeman for the State Capitol"
Presidential campaign buttons for Bryan, Seawall, and Stevenson
Presidential campaign button for McKinley and Roosevelt
Button for the National Wheelman's Club led by McKinley and Hobard
Republican Text Book for the Campaign of 1902; Joseph Dixon campaign card for Congress
Pamphlet supporting Joseph M. Dixon for Congress
Presidential campaign button for Roosevelt
Presidential campaign button for Alton B. Parker and Henry G. Davis
Button for Ed Donland for Montana Governor
18/1 Democrats
Button for William Jennings Bryan and John Kern for President and Vice President of the United States
Handbill supporting Albert P. Stark for District Judge of Sweet Grass and Park Counties; Platform adopted by the Socialists of Missoula County; Handbill listing Roosevelt-supporting delegates and alternatives to the Republican County Convention, held in Missoula, May 14, 1912; Book, Progressive Battle Hymns: Songs of Peace and Prosperity; Progress and Patriotism, including “The Progressive Creed” and speeches by Theodore Roosevelt and Hiram Johnson; Pamphlets (2), "The State Tax Levy"; Progressive Party donation receipt
Pocket mirror, reverse includes picture of William Howard Taft and the message: “It’s up to the man on the other side to put this tried and safe man at the head of the government”;
Campaign button for Taft and Sherman
Handbill opposed to Initiative No. 7 for the creation of a workman's compensation system in Montana; Copy of Initiative No. 9 for the consolidation of Montana institutions of higher education; Pamphlets (2) supporting Initiative No. 9 for the consolidation of Montana Institutions of higher education
Pamphlet supporting J.T. Carroll for Montana Governor; Card supporting Albert J. Galen for Montana Governor; Circular supporting Jeanette Rankin and Frank B. Linderman for United States Congress; Card supporting Jeanette Rankin for United States Congress (2 copies); Book, Republican Campaign Text-Book, including support for Charles T. Hughes' presidential campaign, other Republican candidates, and the party’s platform; Proposed prohibition act published by the Missoula County Prohibition League
Button, “Votes for Women"
Presidential campaign Button for Charles E. Hughes
Presidential campaign button for Wilson and Marshall
OS 10/42
Charles E. Hughes for President
Speech by Sen. Henry L. Myers urging prohibition, July 19, 1917; Patriotic mass meeting held in Plains, Montana led by Judge Asa L. Duncan
Campaign cards for Dwight N. Mason for Missoula county attorney; various cards for other Montana elections
"Republican Voters’ Handbook," Missoula County; Booklet, “Americanism vs. State Socialism: Joseph M. Dixon for Governor"; Placard supporting Joseph M. Dixon for United States Senator from Montana; Circular supporting James W. Gerard for President of the United States, including a brief Democratic Party platform; Platform of the Republican Party, 1920; Pamphlet of endorsed candidates published by the Anti-Saloon League of Montana; 1920 Voters' Hand Book, publisher unknown; Petition for Initiatives 18 and 19, which would increase funding to Montana institutions of higher education (2 copies); Cards supporting Initiatives 18 and 19 published by Montana University Funds Campaign; Pamphlets (2) supporting Initiatives 18 and 19 published by Montana University Funds Campaign; Letter from Montana University Funds Campaign asking for Alumni Association's support of Initiatives 18 and 19; Handbill signed by candidates from both major parties supporting Initiatives 18 and 19; Endorsement for Joseph Dixon for governor
Collection of stickers supporting Initiatives 18 and 19
OS 11
Posters (4) supporting Ballot Initiatives 18 and 19 for increased funding of higher education
Republican Campaign Text-Book, including biographies of Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge and the party’s platform
Statement and Platform of Robert M. LaFollette, Independent Progressive Candidate for President of the United States
Button Supporting John W. Davis for President
Button Supporting Coolidge and Dawes for President and Vice President of the United States
Materials supporting Joseph M. Dixon’s candidacy for United States Senate; Two ribbons commemorating 1928 presidential candidate Al Smith’s campaign stop in Butte, Montana
OS 10/1
Materials supporting Joseph M. Dixon’s candidacy for United States Senate
OS 11
Poster supporting Wellington Rankin for Montana Governor
Button Supporting Alfred E. Smith for President
Button supporting Herbert Hoover for President
Campaign booklet supporting Montana referendums 33 and 34: Referendum 33 called for increased tax revenue for state institutions, Referendum 34 sought tax payer support of higher education
Button supporting Galen for U.S. Senator
Various materials supporting Democratic Judge Asa L. Duncan’s candidacy for re-election as judge of the Fourth District Court; Card supporting James M. Self for Judge of the Fourth Montana District Court; Cards (2) supporting Chris Yegen as Socialist candidate for Governor of Montana; Card supporting Thomas J. McCarvel, Candidate for United States House of Representatives; Booklets (4) of Democratic Party literature, including “Montana Democratic State Organization” and “Platform Adopted by the Democratic National Convention 1932"; Platform of the Socialist Party of Montana
Button supporting Herbert Hoover for President of the United States
OS 11
Sample ballots (2); Poster supporting Democratic Judge Asa L. Duncan’s candidacy for re-election as judge of the Fourth District Court
Cards supporting Republican Don E. Anson for Montana Legislature; Card supporting Republican J.L. Sherburne for Montana Legislature; Pamphlet supporting Frank H. Cooney, Democrat for Montana Governor; Pamphlet supporting Burton K. Wheeler, Democrat for re-election as United States Senator from Montana; Packet of newspaper excerpts, speeches, and letters supporting George M. Borquin, Republican for United States Senator from Montana
OS 11
Poster advertising public appearances by George M. Borquin at Community Hall, Browning, Montana, and Cut Bank High School auditorium, October 20, 1934
Calendar, 1936 Anaconda City Council; Voters’ guide, Missoula County; Card supporting Samuel V. Stewart for Justice of the Montana Supreme Court; Poem: “1936 Psalm,” anti-Roosevelt poem. No author or publisher; Booklet, “Promise and Performance,” anti-Roosevelt literature published by the Republican National Committee; Booklet, “Utility Records of the Presidential Candidates” compares candidate records regarding public ownership of utilities, published by Judson King, director, National Popular Government League; Pamphlets (3) supporting Republican Alf Landon for President of the United States
Button supporting Ayers
Button supporting Alfred Landon for President
Button Supporting F.D.R. for President
Handbill published by the Montana League of Women Voters supporting women’s right to sit on juries
2/3 Republicans
Miscellaneous materials detailing Republican Party platform; Card and pamphlet support Jeannette Rankin for Congress; Anti-Roosevelt Literature from the Republican National Committee, various Republican organizations, the American Liberty League, National Organization of Republican Women, and other groups Card supporting Frank A. Hazelbaker for Governor of Montana; Card supporting Sam Ford for Governor of Montana
OS 10/2
Miscellaneous materials detailing Republican Party platform
2/4 Wendell Wilkie
Literature and paraphernalia supporting Wendell Wilkie’s presidential campaign
OS 10/3 Wendell Wilkie
Literature supporting Wendell Willkie’s presidential campaign
Wendell Willkie campaign buttons
Various materials regarding Montana campaigns for the United States Congress and the state gubernatorial race; Campaign literature supporting Burton Wheeler for President; Poster opposing Burton Wheeler’s candidacy; Booklet, “Lessons from Europe,” transcript of May 23, 1940 radio address by Assistant Secretary of War Louis Johnson
Collection of feathers featuring slogans “Elect Selden Frisbee for Judge District Court” and “Stop That Third Term, Elect Willkie"
Campaign pins supporting Roy Ayers, Sam Ford, Jeanette Rankin, E.K. Cheadle, and Wendell Wilkie
OS 10/4
The Wheeler-for-President Circular
OS 16/1 Democrats for Montana State and Local Offices
Sign supporting John J. Flynn for County Commissioner
ca. 1940
Circular supporting C.J. Doherty for Mayor of Missoula
Card, “Wellington D. Rankin for U.S. Senator, Republican Party”; Pamphlet, “Re-Elect James E. Murray for U.S. Senate, Democratic Party”; Various campaign materials for Jeannette Rankin; Democratic ticket for Mike Mansfield for Congress (1942)
OS 11
Posters (2) supporting Wellington Rankin for United States Senate
Poster supporting Democrat Paul K. Harlow for Railroad and Public Service Commission; Card supporting Democrat Leif Erickson for Governor of Montana; Bumper sticker supporting President Roosevelt for President of the United States; Vote Republican flier
Matchbook "Re-elect Sam Ford Governor"
Button supporting F.D.R. for President
OS 10/5
Poster supporting Democrat Leif Erickson for Governor of Montana
OS 10/6
Newsprint challenging Sen. Burton K. Wheeler’s early position on World War II
Small pamphlet, “Vote for Everett E. Lofgren: Candidate for Chief Justice Supreme Court” (2 copies); Card supporting Lee Metcalf for Montana Supreme Court; Pamphlet supporting W.R. “Barney” Rankin for Congress; Booklet published by the Republican State Central Committee of Minnesota proposing Governor Harold E. Stassen’s candidacy for President of the United States Materials relating to United States Senate Campaign in Montana: Circular supporting Republican Zales Ecton; Card supporting Democrat Leif Erickson; Pamphlets (3) supporting Leif Erickson; Handbill, “Leif Erickson’s Pledge to the Veterans of Montana”; Small poster supporting Leif Erickson (in opposition to Democrat Burton Wheeler); Sticker: “Erickson for U.S. Senator”; Pamphlet supporting Sen. Burton K. Wheeler; Two circulars attacking Zales Ecton paid for by the Cascade County Council for Progressive Political Action
Small poster supporting Vernon Hoven for District Judge; Card supporting Elizabeth Ireland for Montana Superintendent of Public Instruction; Small card supporting R.V. Bottomly Montana Supreme Court; Fundraising request from the Missoula County Republican Central Committee; Pamphlet and card supporting John W. Bonner, Democrat for Governor of Montana; Mailer, “The Independent Voter,” detailing the background of Tom Davis, Republican candidate for United States Senator from Montana; Letters (2) addressed to voters from Harry J. McGregor, Democratic candidate for United States Senator from Montana; Letter addressed to voters from Wellington D. Rankin, candidate for the Republican nomination for United States Senator from Montana; Pamphlet, “Steps to Peace,” by presidential candidate Henry A. Wallace, published by Wallace’s campaign; Handbill supporting Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas for President
Button, “Justice [William O.] Douglas for President”
Button Supporting Doris Swords Poppler
Presidential campaign buttons for Truman and for Dewey and Warren
Booklets (3) published by T.J. Priestley of Philadelphia containing anti-New Deal, anti-Federal Reserve, and anti-Communist literature; Booklet containing guest list and seating arrangements for Democratic National Committee Dinner (2 copies); Menu and program for Democratic National Committee Dinner (2 copies)
Handbill, “Senator James E. Murray, Democrat from Montana, Speaks for the Abraham Lincoln School”
OS 11
Posters (2 copies) supporting Mike Mansfield for United States Senate (undated)
Newsletters attacking Montana Governor John Bonner, published by W.C. Mitchell of Helena; Letter to Republicans from Gladys E. Knowles, member of Republican National Committee; Small pamphlet listing Democratic candidates for Montana offices; Pamphlets (2) outlining Republican Party platform; Booklet, “The Red Record of Senator Claude Pepper.” Speech by Ralph McGinnis, Republican nominee for U.S. Representative, Montana First District, to the Montana State Republican Convention.
Newsletter published by The Citizen’s Committee of Billings outlining opposition to the New Deal,government spending, and communism
2/15 Democrats
Card and mailer supporting Mary M. Condon for State Superintendent of Public Instruction; Card supporting N.A. “Nick” Peterson for State Representative; Card supporting Arnold H. Olsen for Attorney General; Pamphlet supporting Art Lamey for Governor; Circular supporting the re-election of Governor John W. Bonner; Small handbills (2) supporting Lee Metcalf for Congress; Pamphlets (2) supporting John J. Holmes for Congress; Circular and press release supporting Edward G. Cook for Congress; Pamphlet supporting Mike Mansfield for United States Senate; Manual for the Democratic National Convention; Booklet, “The Democratic Platform 1952"; Booklet published by the Democratic National Committee; Small handbill comparing Democratic and Republican accomplishments between 1932 and 1952; Circular, “Democratic Prosperity,” published by the Democratic National Committee; Circular attacking Republican senators published by the Women’s Division of the Democratic National Committee; Pamphlets and brochures (11) supporting Adlai Stevenson for President of the United States
OS 10/7 Democrats
Poster, “Think before you vote! Then, vote Democratic"; Poster supporting W. Averell Harriman for the Democratic presidential nomination
17/1 Democrats
Matchbook supporting John W. Bonner for Governor of Montana
8/16 Democrats
Music for Metcalf, "Lee Metcalf: The Man For You and Me" 45 rpm vinyl record.
circa 1952-1972
2/16 Republicans
Handbill published by Ravalli County Republican Central Committee; Miscellaneous items supporting Wesley Castles for Montana Attorney General; Pamphlets (2) supporting Hugo Aronson for Governor of Montana; Card and pamphlets (2) supporting Wellington D. Rankin for Congress; Pamphlet supporting Ralph McGinnis for Congress; Card supporting Winfield Page for Congress; Card attacking Mike Mansfield’s policy on Korea, published by the Lewis and Clark County Republican Women’s Club; Pamphlet supporting Dwight Eisenhower for President of the United States; Mailer published by the Conference of American Small Business Organizations attacking two proposed labor bills; The Teton Republican Newsletter supporting Senator Zales Ecton in the U.S. Senate race against Mike Mansfield; Letter from political consultant Walter Quigley advising Senator Ecton on his campaign.
OS 10/42 Republicans
Poster supporting Zales Ecton for U.S. Senate
Button Supporting Dwight D. Eisenhower for President
OS 11 Republicans
Posters (2 copies) supporting George M. Gosman, Republican for Lieutenant Governor; Posters (2 copies) supporting Wellington D. Rankin for Congress; Posters (2 copies) supporting Zales Ecton for United States Senate
2/17 Progressive Party and Miscellaneous
Platform, Progressive Party of Montana; Newsletter, Progressive Bulletin, March 8, 1952 and April 3, 1952; Unsigned letter to President Truman expressing concern with the McCarran Act; Newsletter, Vanguard, April, 1952, argues against federal spending and debt; Pamphlet supporting construction of new schools in Helena
2/18 Democrats
Typed draft of attacks on Republican Wesley D’Ewart’s record in Congress; Party platform published by Democratic State Central Committee of Montana; Materials supporting James E. Murray, candidate for re-election to the United States Senate from Montana, includes posters and newsletter
OS 10/8 Democrats
Poster supporting James E. Murray, candidate for re-election to the United States Senate from Montana
3/1 Republicans
Handbill supporting William A. Logan for Missoula County Justice of the Peace; Card and handbill supporting Bill Walker for Missoula County Sheriff; Pamphlet supporting Jacob K. Javits for New York Attorney General; Card supporting Republican congressional candidates, published by National Citizens for Eisenhower Congressional Committee; Circular outlining positions of various Republican candidates for Montana offices; Campaign pamphlet supporting Wesley D'Ewart for U.S. Senate
OS 10/9 Republicans
Posters (2) supporting Wesley D’Ewart for United States Senator from Montana
OS 11 Republicans
Sample ballot for 1954 election; Poster, "Prosperity without War! Let's Vote Republican Again."
Card supporting E.K. Cheadle for Montana Supreme Court; Card, handbill, and pamphlet supporting Democrat Arnold Olsen for Governor of Montana; Circular of articles detailing key issues in Montana’s 1956 gubernatorial campaign; Handbook, Montana Democratic Party (2 copies); Platform of the Democratic Party in 1956, published by the Democratic National Committee; “Election Year Argument Settler,” spinning cardboard wheel listing every state’s governor, congressional seats at stake in 1956, and electoral votes, as well as every American president and vice-president, produced by Time Magazine; 1956 State Program of the Socialist Party of Wisconsin; 1956 National Platform of the Socialist Party of the United States
Button supporting Dwight D. Eisenhower for President (1952 or 1956)
Button Supporting Adlai Stevenson and Estes Kefauver for President
Matchbook cover supporting Lee Metcalf for Congress
OS 10/10
Pennant, “Metcalf for Congress"; Platform of the Democratic Party in 1956, published by Montana Democratic State Central Committee (2 copies)
OS 11
Posters (2 copies) supporting Edna J. Hinman, Republican for Clerk of the Supreme Court
Pamphlet supporting the re-election of Don Skerritt, Republican for Gallatin County Sheriff; Pamphlet “Judges Report to the People of Montana"; Pamphlet supporting Eugene McCarthy for United States Senator from Minnesota; Platform, Montana Democratic Party (2 copies); Pamphlets “Meet Your Democratic Candidates” including information on Montana Democrats running for various state and national offices (2 copies); Pamphlet supporting Gallatin County Republicans for Montana Legislature; Pamphlet, “The Facts on Why You Should Vote and Work Republican” published by the Republican State Central Committee; Bumper stickers supporting Mike Mansfield for United States Senate (2 copies) Newsletters (8) “They Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Make Them Angry” published in Helena by W.C. Mitchell. The file runs from October, 1957 to August 1958 and repudiates government spending, the Democratic Party, and communism
OS 10/11
Newspaper insert warning of communist threat to Easter published by the American Legion Counter-Subversive Activities Committee; Newsletter "Montana Taxpayer" published by the Montana Taxpayers’ Association; Newsletter "Butte Miner" published by Butte Miners Union No. 1 – International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers
Pamphlet “Political Action: A New Dimension of Responsibility,” including the text of a speech given by Thomas R. Reid of Ford Motor Company
Filings for June 7 Montana primaries; Pocket flier, “What the Republican Party has done for Montana" Materials published by the Democratic Party and Democratic candidates for office: Card supporting W.M. Belange, Democrat for Montana Legislature; Mailer sent by Frank Murray for Secretary of State Club; Bumper sticker “FHA 4 AG” supporting Forrest Anderson for Attorney General of Montana; Card and pamphlet supporting Arnold Olsen’s re-election to the United States Congress; Materials supporting John F. Kennedy for President of the United States; Platform of the Democratic Party titled “The Rights of Man" Materials published by the Republican Party or Republican candidates for office: Handbill supporting Sumner Gerard for United States Senate; Manual for GOP precinct leaders; Booklet, “Meeting the Challenge of the Sixties,” with articles written by Republican members of the House of Representatives; Pamphlet supporting Richard Nixon for President of the United States, focuses on labor issues; Booklet, “If You’re 60 Here’s a New Venture for You!” published by the Republican National Committee, it encourages senior citizens to become engaged in politics; Platform of the Republican Party, “Building a Better America”; 1960 National Convention and Election Handbook compiled by United Press International; Republican Worker's Manual: "Work and Win"
Buttons (2) supporting Donald Nutter for Governor of Montana
OS 10/12
Mailer (2 copies), in the form of a newspaper, The Montana Senator, supporting Lee Metcalf for United States Senator
3/6 Republican Speech Kit and Democratic Rebuttal Points
Volume containing arguments Republican candidates for Congress were expected to present on the campaign trail and potential Democratic rebuttals.
OS 11
Poster of John F. Kennedy; Poster of Lyndon Baines Johnson
Buttons and lapel tag supporting John F. Kennedy for President
Lapel tag supporting Arnold Olsen for U.S. Congress
ca. 1960s-1970s
Lapel tag and button supporting Mike Mansfield for U.S. Senate
ca. 1960s-1970s
Buttons supporting Lee Metcalf for U.S. Senate
ca. 1960s-1970s
Brochure, “Labor Bosses on the New Frontier,” anti-labor, anti-Kennedy literature directed at Republican precinct workers; Handbill, “Montana Chamber of Commerce 1961 Business and Employment Improvement Program”
Pamphlet, Montana Democratic State Platform 1962; Mailer sent by Congressman Jim Battin, Republican from Montana’s 2nd Congressional District; Activity and service sheet of Wayne and Annelies Montgomery, members of the Montana Republican Party
Newsletter discussing the accomplishments of Montana State College president and 1964 candidate for Montana Governor Roland R. Renne
3/10 Democrats
Brochure published by the Electric Consumers Information Committee of Washington D.C. and distributed by the office of Senator Lee Metcalf; Postcard supporting Jack Toole’s candidacy for Congress; a photograph of Toole and Lyndon Johnson; Booklet supporting Eugene J. McCarthy for re-election to the United States Senate from Minnesota; Documents produced by various organizations, including the Democratic National Committee, supporting Lyndon B. Johnson for President; Pamphlet, “In These Hands…The Hopes of America’s Children and Youth,” published by Pennsylvania Educators for Johnson-Humphrey-Blatt; Pamphlet, “In These Hands…The Hopes of America’s Children and Youth,” published by Educators for Johnson-Humphrey; Pamphlet, “For the USA, Vote Democratic Nov. 3,” published by the Democratic National Committee; Bumper sticker: “JFK 4 64,” produced by the Democratic Study Group, U.S. House of Representatives Miscellaneous materials produced by Montana Democratic organizations; Sticker, “Henry H. Anderson for State Treasurer” (2 copies); Pamphlet supporting Missoula Democrats for state office; Newsletter, “Democrat News,” published by the Fergus County Democratic Central Committee; Circular, 1964 State Democratic Party Platform; Circular, "Barry’s [Goldwater] Flip-Flops" Documents produced by the Montana State AFL-CIO; Pocket pamphlet, “Candidates Endorsed by the 1964 Convention of Montana State AFL-CIO"; Circular published by Missoula County AFL-CIO urging citizens to vote; Circular photocopy of a New York Times article detailing Montana’s poverty fears, paid for by Montana AFL-CIO Materials relating to the 1964 Montana Gubernatorial Campaign: Sticker, “Renne for Gov."; Song lyrics, “Renne Days Are Here Again"; Handbill, “Babcock’s Anti-Labor Legislative Record;" Handbill, “Facts vs. Babcock
3/11 Democrats
Program, 1964 Democratic Platform Convention (2 copies); Draft, Democratic Platform 1964; Democratic Platform 1964 (2 copies); Indexed collection of talking points produced by the Office of Women’s Activities, Democratic National Committee
OS 10/13 Democrats
Miscellaneous posters and handbills supporting Roland Renne for Governor of Montana
17/1 Democrats
Buttons and pin supporting Roland Renne for Governor of Montana
17/1 Democrats
Button supporting Lyndon B. Johnson for President
Buttons supporting Johnson and Humphrey for President and Vice President
3/12 Republicans
Handbill, “Vote for Mrs. Thomas ‘Katie’ Payne, Republican for State Representative"; Handbill and litter bag supporting Wayne Montgomery for United States House of Representatives. Mailer, “Platform and Resolutions of the Montana Republican Party 1964"; Booklet published by the Young Republican National Leadership Training Institute, Inc.; Party Platform published by the Republican National Committee (2 copies); Booklet outlining of procedures for Goldwater volunteers produced by the Young Republican National Federation; Pamphlet, "Barry Goldwater Puts Principle above Politics" Campaign materials supporting Tim Babcock for governor of Montana and Ted James for lieutenant governor: Bumper Sticker; Card, “A Vote for Babcock, A Vote for Montana"; Booklet, “Babcock for Governor Precinct Leaders’ Manual"; Pamphlets (4)
Button supporting Scranton for President
15/1 Republicans
Campaign materials supporting Tim Babcock for governor of Montana and Ted James for lieutenant governor: Felt print, “Win with Tim”; Buttons (3); Sticker, “I Want Tim”
OS 11 Republicans
Poster supporting Tim Babcock for Montana Governor; Posters (4) supporting Wayne Montgomery for United States Congress
Card, “Kissin’ Kard: You’ll be tickled with Montana’s Centennial but not with his beard if you use this Kissin’ Kard,” supporting Frank Murray for Secretary of State; Newsletter discussing possible corruption in Missoula County; Bumper stickers: “Back to the Store in ’64” (The sticker is anti-Goldwater, it is a reference the Senator’s family store) The sticker is of unknown origin and its relation to the 1964 campaign is unclear; Booklet, “Win Now or Lose All: Our Choice – Victory over Communism Now or Mass Executions and Slavery under the Reds,” by Paul C. Neipp; Booklet, “Socialist Platform 1964”
OS 16/2 Independents for Montana State and Local Offices
Sign supporting Charles R. Lee for Governor of Montana
OS 16/3 Nonpartisans for Montana State and Local Offices
Signs supporting Gene Daly, Wesley Castles, James T. Harrison, and Harold L. Holt for the Montana Supreme Court
ca. 1964-1970
Invitation to the inauguration of Lyndon Johnson addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Christopherson of Missoula, Montana
4/1 Democrats
Booklet, 1966 Montana Democratic Party Platform; Handbill, Wes Waldbillig for Missoula County Commissioner; Handbill, Ed Christopherson for Montana Legislature (2 copies); Booklet, “Thank You, Mr. President”; published to support the proposed Dickey-Lincoln School dam project on the St. John River in northern Maine; Handbook, “Every ONE Counts: The Democratic Campaign Handbook 1966"; Manual, “Democratic Route to Victory: Registration and Get-Out-the-Vote Manual” Materials supporting Lee Metcalf for United States Senator including a sign, bumper sticker, matchbook, stickers, and handbill
9/3 Democrats
Matchbox "Re-elect Metcalf"
OS 16/4 Democrats for Montana State and Local Offices
Sign supporting Dick Dzivi for Montana State Senator
4/2 Republicans
Notepad supporting H.O. “Bill” Worden, Republican for Montana Legislature; Booklet, “1966 Platform and Resolutions of the Montana Republican Party"; Circular, “Introducing Your Missoula County Republican Candidates"; Pamphlet supporting Walter Huss for United States Senator from Oregon; Booklet compiled by the Montana Republican State Central Committee outlining party talking points and campaign strategies; Book published by the Republican National Committee outlining Republican strategies for electoral victory
9/3 Republicans
Matchbook, “[Tim] Babcock for Governor"
1966 Voters’ Guide published by the Missoula League of Women Voters
4/4 Democrats
Platform, Montana Democratic Party 1968; Card and handbill supporting Dr. Henry H. Anderson for RR and Public Service Commissioner; Card supporting C.C. Clancy Gordon for Montana House of Representatives; Card supporting Dolores Colburg for Montana Superintendent of Public Instruction; Card and mailer supporting William J. Norman for the Montana Legislature; Card and bumper sticker supporting Wes Waldbillig for Montana Senate; Card and pamphlet supporting Gene B. Daly for Montana Attorney General; Pamphlet, “Politics,” produced by the Young Democratic Clubs of America; Mailer from the Historians’ Committee for George McGovern Collection of campaign cards: George B. Battle for County Commissioner (2 copies), LeRoy L. Blake for Justice of the Peace, Paul Cannon for State Treasurer, Gene Herndon for State Senator, Gene McLatchy for State Representative, Meridan "Med" Bennett for State Representative, James Nugent for Montana Legislature, John Steele for Montana Legislature, Robert D. Watt for Montana Legislature, James Pasma for State Treasurer Materials supporting Frank Murray for Montana Secretary of State: Card, “What is a Friend?” Backside of card certifies holder to be “Honorary Secretary of State of Montana" Facsimile of award given to Murray by Butte Mayor Thomas F. Powers; Pamphlet, “History and Duties of the Office of the Secretary of State of Montana"; Handbill, “Is that a Bad Check,” distributed and paid for by Murray for Secretary of State Club; Small sign, “Re-elect Frank Murray" Materials supporting Arnold Olsen for United States House of Representatives: Card with picture of Olsen before U.S. Capital; Handbill, “Students: If you want the vote, then work for and support Arnold Olsen’s re-election!"; Flier, “Arnold Olsen vs. Dick Smiley” (2 copies); Pamphlet, “Keep the First District First"; Pamphlet, “Re-Elect Your Congressman Arnold Olsen"
4/5 Democrats
Materials supporting Forrest H. Anderson for Governor and Tom Judge for Lieutenant Governor: Card, “Pay More? What For! Elect Forrest Anderson"; Handbill, “Think 3% before you have to pay it,” challenging Governor Tim Babcock’s proposed 3% sales tax; Handbill, “Campaign Fact Sheet ‘68"; Pamphlets, “A Program for Progress” and “Fraud: Tim’s Tax Package"; Fact Sheet, “Forrest H. Anderson, Democratic Candidate for Governor” (2 copies); Bumper Stickers, “Forrest!” and “Happiness is a New Governor"; Cardboard displays (2), “Forward with Forrest"; Card, “State Senator Tom Judge for Lieutenant Governor"; Pamphlets, “Senator Tom Judge for Lt. Governor” (2) and “You be the Judge of the candidates for Lt. Governor"; Fact sheet of Tom Judge’s record in the Montana Senate Materials relating to the 1968 Presidential Election: Pamphlet, “Johnson-Humphrey for the USA"; Sticker and handbill supporting Eugene McCarthy for President; Bumper stickers (2) supporting Humphrey-Muskie; Pamphlets (5) supporting Hubert Humphrey for President and attacking the records of Richard Nixon, Spiro Agnew, and George Wallace Materials published by the Montana State AFL-CIO: Mailer, “Voting Records of Montana’s Congressional Delegation"; Flier, “Humphrey vs. Nixon, 1948 – 1968"; Handbill, “State Records Prove Smiley Endorses ‘Right-to-work"
OS 10/14 Democrats
Collection of campaign posters: Henry H. Anderson for RR and Public Service Commissioner, Paul Cannon for State Treasurer, James Nugent for Montana Legislature, Robert Watt for Montana Legislature, Fred Barrett for Lieutenant Governor, Eddie Dussault for Lieutenant Governor, Wes Waldbilling for Montana Senate; Poster supporting Dolores Colburg for Montana Superintendent of Public Instruction; Bumper sticker supporting William J. Norman for the Montana Legislature; Materials supporting Arnold Olsen for United States House of Representatives: "The Olsen Record" and Bumper Sticker, “Voter Olsen for Congress"
OS 11 Democrats
Poster supporting Tom Judge for Lieutenant Governor of Montana; Poster supporting Forrest Anderson for Governor of Montana; Poster supporting Arnold Olsen for United States Congress; Poster supporting Robert Kennedy for President
17/1 Democrats
Buttons supporting Forrest Anderson for Governor of Montana
17/1 Democrats
Buttons supporting Tom Judge for Lieutenant Governor of Montana
17/1 Democrats
Buttons supporting Eugene McCarthy for the Democratic Presidential nomination
17/1 Democrats
Buttons, pin, and lapel tag supporting Hubert Humphrey for President
Button supporting Hubert Humphrey for President and Muskie for Vice President
4/6 Republicans
Booklet, “1968 Platform and Resolutions of the Montana Republican Party” (2 copies); Handbill, “Why Republican?” published by the Montana Federation of Republican Women’s Clubs (M.F.R.W.C.); Handbill, “A Republican Philosophy,” undated and unsigned; Handbill; Portrait of Richard Smiley supporting his run for the United States House of Representatives; Materials supporting national Republic campaigns: Pamphlet published by the National Federation of Republican Women; Circular, “A Montanan Looks at Nixon"; Mailer paid for and circulated by the Montana Nixon for President Committee; Print, “Join the Silent Majority for Victory in Vietnam” Materials circulated by the Montana Republican State Central Committee: Brochure, “What can the 3% Sales Tax Do for Me and Montana?"; Handbill, “Our Creed"; Small poster, “Your Pocketbook Suffers the Dollar Disaster!" Materials supporting Republican candidates for various offices in Montana: Card supporting William R. Campbell for Montana Legislature; Sticker and pamphlet supporting Henry S. Cox for Superintendent of Public Instruction Card, “I am for Deschamps for State Senate"; Sticker and small circular supporting Elizabeth “Betty” Guffy for Secretary of State; Pamphlet, “Re-elect Tom Haines to the Legislature"; Card, “Elect J.J. Howe State Legislator” (2); Circular, “Who is Cecil Madsen? Republican Candidate for State Representative;" Card, Casper N. Nybo for 1969 Montana Legislature; Card supporting R.F. ‘Bob’ Payne for Montana Legislature; Card, “Re-elect Steel Railroad Commissioner"; Cards (2) and pamphlet supporting Alex B. Stephenson for State Treasurer; Card, Bob Woodahl for Attorney General; Notepad supporting H.O. “Bill” Worden for State Representative; Card, R.F. "Bob" Payne for State Legislature"
4/7 Republicans
Materials supporting Tim Babcock for Governor and Tom Selstad for Lieutenant Governor: Pamphlets focusing on Babcock and his policies (3); Sticker, “Win with Tim"; Card, “Pull for Babcock for Governor"; Bumper sticker; Collection of Betty Babcock’s recipes; Mailer defending Tom Selstad’s voting record as a state senator; Pamphlet supporting Selstad for Lieutenant Governor (2 copies); Postcard, “You can count on Selstad"; Card, “You can count on Selstad"
OS 20 Republicans
Richard Nixon Campaign Poster: "Next Stop Washington"
9/3 Republicans
Buttons supporting the presidential campaigns of Richard Nixon and Nelson Rockefeller
9/3 Republicans
Stickers, “It’s Another Republican Year"
OS 16/5 Republicans for Montana State and Local Offices
Signs supporting Warren McMillan for Governor of Montana and William R. "Lefty" Campbell for Montana State Legislature
OS 16/6 Nonpartisans for Montana State and Local Offices
Sign supporting John W. Bonner for Montana Supreme Court
Button supporting Dan Evans for Governor of Washington State
Documents regarding Montana’s fiscal concerns in 1968: Pamphlet distributed by the Montana Association of Trade Executives (2); Pamphlet distributed by the alumni associations and friends of the six units of the Montana University System; Mailer and information sheet supporting a state sales tax; Article supporting a progressive tax system for Montana; Unsigned handbill supporting Referendum 65, which continued the six-mill levy as budget support for the Montana universities system; Unsigned handbill opposing Ballot Initiative 66, also known as the “Merchants Relief Act"; Card supporting John Bonner for Montana Supreme Court; Articles (3) supporting Merrill K. Riddick for Montana Governor; Pamphlet and bumper sticker supporting Minnesota Senator Eugene McCarthy for President; Handbill supporting Bill Rogers of the Theocratic Party for President, also outlines platform of the Theocratic Party; Materials supporting Wayne Montgomery for Montana Governor, running on the New Reform Party ticket: Platforms (2); Pamphlet (2); Bumper sticker; Small Poster Materials supporting former Alabama Governor George Wallace for President: Pamphlet; Bumper sticker; Booklet published by the Declaration of Atlantic Unity (DAU). The DAU was a loose-knit organization dedicated to economic and social unity between the United States, Canada, and Western Europe. “The Testament of Will Clayton,” originally written in 1947 but republished by the DAU in 1968, was one of the founding memoranda of the Marshall Plan
OS 10/15
Materials supporting former Alabama Governor George Wallace for President: Newspaper, The Wallace Record
OS 11
Poster supporting Gene Daly for Montana Attorney General
17/1 Republicans
Buttons and lapel tag supporting Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew for President/Vice President
ca. 1968-1972
17/2 Democrats
Buttons supporting John Melcher for U.S. Representative/U.S. Senator
ca. 1968-1982
Pamphlet supporting Republican candidates for Missoula public offices; Handbill, “Tax Reform,” origin unknown; Mailer, “Revolution on Campus,” distributed by the Truth about Civil Turmoil [TACT] committees of Russell, Choteau, Black Eagle, Valley View and Central Great Falls; the mailer promotes a talk given by David Emerson Gumaer on the subject of radicalism on college campuses
Button for the Sage Brush Rebellion
Welcome to the West button
J.D. Lynch campaign buttons
OS 16/7 Democrats for Montana State and Local Offices
Signs supporting George Battle, F. H. Cooney, and Robert D. Watt for Montana State Legislature; Elmer Flynn (District 48), Gene Herndon (District 48), and Bill Norman (District 47) for Montana State Senate; Paul Cannon for Railroad and Public Service Commissioner; Robert L. "Dusty" Deschamps for County Attorney; Clifford A. Frey for County Commissioner
Small card supporting F.H. “Hal” Cooney, Democrat for the Montana Legislature; Platform, 1970 Montana Democratic Party; Platform, 1970 Montana Republican Party Miscellaneous materials supporting Montana candidates: Card, eleck James M. "Mick Lamb; Card, Richard J. Hollenback for Mineral County Commissioner; Card, "re-elect John W. Steele Democrat for State Legislature; Handbill supporting Georgia Walters, Democrat for Missoula County Treasurer; Pamphlet supporting Stan Healy, Democrat for Missoula County Coroner; Card supporting Dan Shea, Democrat for Missoula County Attorney; Card supporting Robert Nicely, Democrat for Missoula County Sheriff; Card supporting Herbert H. Shatz, Republican for Missoula County Treasurer; Materials supporting Arnold Olsen, Democrat for Congress from Montana’s First District: Pamphlet “Keep the 1st District First!” (2 copies), Pamphlet “Re-elect Olsen to Congress," Matchbook, Bumper sticker “Keep the 1st District First!"; Bumper stickers (3) supporting John Melcher for United States Congress from Montana's Second District; Pamphlet supporting Mike Mansfield for U.S. Senate
OS 14
Posters supporting Mansfield for U.S. Senate
Materials supporting Dick Shoup, Republican for Congress from Montana’s First District: Tally of votes for candidates for the seat in the general elections and primaries between 1966 and the 1970 primary, Pamphlets (2), Mailer outlining Shoup’s biography, Collection of newspaper articles covering Shoup’s tenure as Mayor of Missoula and his candidacy for Congress, Collection of letters supporting Shoup from Missoula Police, Series of position papers, Book “Women for a Republican Congress: Dick Shoup, Mont – 1” published by the National Republican Congressional Committee, Bumper stickers (3) “Shoup for Congress," Sticker “Hard Hats for American: Dick Shoup," Buttons (2) and flag pin; Card, “Vote Richard G. ‘Dick’ Shoup Congressman”
OS 12
Posters supporting Republicans Dick Shoup for U.S. House of Representatives and Harold E. "Bud" Wallace for U.S Senate. Signs supporting Democrats John Melcher for U.S. Senate and Arnold Olsen for U.S. House of Representatives.
Buttons (4) supporting Dick Shoup for United States House of Representatives
OS 16/8 Republicans for Montana State and Local Offices
Signs supporting A. L. "Bud" Ainsworth (District 19) for Montana State Legislature; Alfred C. Langley for Railroad and Public Service Commissioner; John C. Moe for Sheriff; Bill Murray for County Attorney; R. H. "Dick" Ostergren for County Commissioner; and Herbert H. Schatz for County Treasurer
4/12 Referendum 67 and Miscellaneous
Documents relating to Referendum 67, calling for a Montana constitutional convention: Pamphlets (2); file of pamphlets distributed by the Secretary of State outlining proposed amendment Change envelope with slogan “Axe the Sales Tax”; origin unknown; False one million dollar bill meant to illustrate expansion of military spending, 30,000 similar bills were distributed in Missoula in April, 1970, originating organization or individual unknown; Small poster advertising a gathering of the Missoula chapter of the Association to Preserve Our Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Inc.; Series of briefs regarding major foreign policy issues; prepared by the Foreign Policy Association
Mailer from Montana Save Our State (S.O.S.) Committee supporting Referendum 68, establishing a sales tax in Montana; Pamphlet opposing proposed sales tax paid for and circulated by Harry L. Billings; Transcript of a speech by Montana Representative M.F. Keller (R – Great Falls) denouncing governor Forrest Anderson’s personal expenditures; Pamphlet, “The Next President of the United States Speaks,” published by evangelist and presidential candidate Billy Joe Clegg; Program for the Third Citizens’ Conference on the Montana Judicial System, held at the University of Montana and sponsored by Montana Citizens for Court Improvement and the American Judicature Society; Pamphlet opposing proposed sales tax, produced by Montana State AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education
OS 10/16
Newsletter, The Wallace Stand, published by supporters of former Alabama Gov. George Wallace; Bumper sticker, “Support U.S. Attorney General John Marshall: Justice for All"; Bumper sticker, “Vote or Shut Up”
5/1 Montana Constitutional Convention
Pamphlet including calendar of events in 1971 and 1972 and general information about the convention; Program for University of Montana event, “Structure, Organization and Operation of a Constitutional Convention"; Unofficial list of Constitutional Convention delegate filings; List of candidates for Constitutional Convention from Missoula County; List of conferees and observers to the convention; Materials supporting Democratic candidates for the convention; Materials supporting Republican candidates for the convention; Materials supporting Independent, unaffiliated, and New Reform candidates for the convention; Materials regarding the convention published by the American Association of University Women, Missoula branch; Materials regarding the convention published by the League of Women Voters of Missoula; Letter to Missoula County candidates from Robert A. Mitchell, Chairman of the Missoula Interlocal Cooperation Commission; Letter from state representatives Robert Brown and Dorothy Bradley asking candidates to support a non-partisan unicameral legislature at the convention; Letter to "All Independent Candidates to the Constitutional Convention Election" from the Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers - Local 448; Cards supporting Lucile Speer for Montana Constitutional Convention; Pamphlets and cards supporting John H. Toole for Montana Consitutional Convention; Flier supporting William J. Kliber for Montana Constitutional Convention; Pamphlet supporting George Heliker for Monntana Constitution Convention
OS 12 Montana Constitutional Convention
Posters supporting Lucile Speer, Lud Browman, and Daphne Bugbee as delegates to the Montana Constitutional Convention
OS 16/9 Montana State and Local Ballot Initiatives
Sign promoting a panel discussion at the Univeristy of Montana for Refendum 68 with various politicians
5/2 Montana Constitution
Comparison of the Existing and Proposed Montana Constitutions, unknown origin; Sticker, “Help! Pass the Proposed Constitution"; Pamphlet, “Vote for the Proposed Constitution,” prepared by the League of Women Voters Montana; Pamphlet, “Would a New State Constitution Mean Better Government? You Know It Would!,” prepared by the Gallatin Citizens Corps; Pamphlet, “Unicameral or Bicameral for Montana?,” prepared by Unicameral for Montana Club; Handbill, “Vote for the Proposed Constitution,” prepared by Montana Common Cause; Pamphlet supporting the constitution prepared by Montana Common Cause
5/3 Democrats for Montana State and Local Offices
Cards supporting Margie H. McRae and Bill Norman for Montana Legislature; Cards (2) supporting Dick Dzivi for Governor of Montana; Pamphlet outlining the voting record of Republican candidate for governor Ed Smith, published by the Democratic State Central Committee; "Card and mailer supporting Genevieve Spaulding for Missoula County Auditor; Pamphlet and bookmark supporting Dolores Colburg for Superintendent of Public Instruction; Handbill supporting Lou Boedecker for R.R. and Public Service Commissioner; Pamphlets (2) and mailer supporter Lud Browman for Missoula County Commissioner; Handbill supporting Wallace Clark for Montana Legislature; Pamphlet and handbill supporting Gary Niles Kimble for Montana Legislature; Card and pamphlet supporting Bill Norman for Montana Legislature; Bumper sticker, signs (2) and handbills (2) supporting Tom Patterson for Montana Legislature; Cards (2), pamphlets (2), and handbill supporting Robert D. Watt for Montana Legislature; Pamphlet (2 copies), card, bumper sticker, letter and bio sheet supporting Max Baucus for Montana Legislature; Pamphlets (1), flier, cards (2), and bumper stickers (2) supporting Bill Christiansen for Lieutenant Governor; Pamphlets (7), card, mailers (2), bumper sticker and small sign supporting Tom Judge for Governor; Card and news clippings supporting Edward Warren for Lieutenant Governor of Montana; Letter from Bill Christiansen to Ed Warren, June 5, 1972
9/3 Democrats for Montana State and Local Offices
Button supporting Dick Dzivi for Governor of Montana; Button supporting Tom Judge for Governor
OS 10/17 Democrats for Montana State and Local Offices
Mailer supporting Dick Dzivi for Governor of Montana; signs supporting Bill Christiansen for Lieutenant Governor of Montana, Edward A. Johnson (District 19) for Montana State Legislature, and Genevieve F. Spaulding for Auditor
OS 12 Democrats for Montana State and Local Offices
Poster supporting Lud Browman for Missoula County Commissioner; Poster supporting Dick Dzivi for Montana Governor; Posters supporting Tom Judge for Montana Governor
5/4 Democrats for National Office
Card supporting Harriet Miller for United States Congress; Cards (2) and mailer supporting Art Sakaye for United States Congress; Fact sheet supporting Kay Thompson for United States Congress; Handbill, “Nixon-Agnew Supermarket Specials"; Poster printed and circulated by Missoula County Democratic Committee; Letter to voters from Harry Fritz, Democratic Precinct Committeeman; Bumper sticker; Montana Democrat, October, 1972, published by the Montana State Democratic Women’s Club; Newsletter, “Demo Memo,” published and circulated by “Montana Democrats and other Independent Thinkers” (2 issues); Envelope, “Dollars for Democrats” Materials supporting Arnold Olsen for United States House of Representatives: Cards (3); Pamphlet, “Return a Fighter to Congress"; Series of handbills on Olsen’s record compared with challenger Dick Shoup’s, black lung benefits, labor, and education; Bumper sticker Materials supporting Lee Metcalf for United States Senate: Pamphlets (3); Handbill comparing records of Metcalf and challenger Henry Hibbard; Letters (2), “Special Report from Washington, D.C.,” sent to constituents in October, 1972; Bumper stickers Materials supporting George McGovern for President of the United States: Fliers (3), “Come Home America,” “McGovern on Health Care,” and “Can’t Senior Citizens Be First Class Citizens?"; Handbills and fliers (4) published by the National Labor Committee; Pamphlet, “George McGovern Speaks on the Issues" Fliers from the Montana AFL-CIO against Dick Shoup (Republican) for U.S. Congress
5/5 Democrats for National Office
Book, Temporary Roll of Delegates and Alternates to the Democratic National Convention; Book, …by the people, the rules committee report of the Democratic National Convention
9/3 Democrats for National Office
Buttons supporting George McGovern for President of the United States
17/2 Democrats for National Office
Buttons supporting George McGovern for President of the United States
19/1 Democrats for National Office
Buttons supporting George McGovern for President of the United States
9/2 Democrats for National Office
Matchbook supporting Harriet Miller for United States Congress
9/2 Democrats for National Office
Buttons supporting Lee Metcalf for United States Senate
OS 10/18 Democrats for National Office
“Demo Memo,” published and circulated by “Montana Democrats and other Independent Thinkers” (1 issue)
OS 12 Democrats for National Office
Poster supporting Lee Metcalf for United States Senate
17/2 Democrats for National Office
Buttons supporting Edmund Muskie for the Presidential nomination
5/6 Republicans for Montana State and Local Offices
Card supporting Opal Eggert for State Treasurer; Booklet, 1972 Platform and Resolutions: Montana Republican Party; Materials supporting candidates for Missoula County Commissioner, Missoula County Auditor, Justice of the Peace, Public Service Commissioner, Secretary of State and Superintendent of Public Instruction; Materials supporting various candidates for Montana Legislature; Pamphlet supporting Gary Marbut for Montana Legislature; Bumper sticker, card, football schedule and sign paid for and distributed by Bob Woodahl, candidate for Attorney General; Bumper sticker and handbill supporting Harold ‘Sonny’ Hanson for Lieutenant Governor; Card supporting Fred Carl for the Montana State Senate Materials supporting Ed Smith for Governor: Bio sheet; Newspaper, The Montana Ledger; Pamphlets (2); Position Papers (5); Handbills, “’Big Ed’ Smith and Governor Hugo Aronson” (2); Card; Bumper stickers (3)
15/2 Republicans for Montana State and Local Offices
Buttons supporting Ed Smith for Governor
OS 10/19 Republicans for Montana State and Local Offices
Materials supporting Ed Smith for Governor: Newspaper, The Montana Ledger; Handbills, “’Big Ed’ Smith and Governor Hugo Aronson” (2)
OS 12 Republicans for Montana State and Local Offices
Poster supporting Tom Haines for Montana State Legislature
5/7 Republicans for National Office
Statement of Expenses of Kay M. Thompson, candidate for United States Congress; Information packet supporting Harold E. ‘Bud’ Wallace for United States Senate; Mailer explaining Congressman John Ashbrook’s decision to run against President Nixon in the 1972 Republican primary; Card supporting Dick Forester for United States Congress Materials supporting Dick Shoup for United States Congress, including an editorial, pamphlets (2), and a bumper sticker Materials supporting Hank Hibbard for United States Senate: Pamphlet; Poster; Mailers (2); Handbills (2); Cards (2); Bumper sticker; News clipping denouncing Lee Metcalf
5/8 Republicans for National Office
Materials supporting Richard Nixon for President of the United States: Fundraising mailer and pamphlet offering “The Official 1972 Presidential Campaign Medal of the Republican National Committee” for supporters who contributed $15.00 or more; “Promissory Note” attacking George McGovern’s campaign promises; Fundraising mailer including “Contributing Member Identification Card,” sent from the Finance Committee for the Re-Election of President Nixon to the office of Senator Lee Metcalf; Pamphlets (13) detailing President Nixon’s positions; Bumper stickers, “Nixon/Agnew” and “American Indians for Nixon"; Pamphlet outlining accomplishments of Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz
15/2 Republicans for National Office
Button supporting Hank Hibbard for United States Senate
15/2 Republicans for National Office
Buttons supporting Richard Nixon for President of the United States
19/1 Republicans for National Office
Buttons supporting Richard Nixon for President of the United States
OS 10/20 Republicans for National Office
Pamphlet, “Your Republican Candidates: Election Year 1972"; Newspaper, Montana Pictorial News "Hibbard Raps Metcalf"
5/9 Nonpartisan, Independent, and Miscellaneous Materials
Materials supporting various independent or unaffiliated candidates for public office in Montana: Card and handbill, “Edward T. Dussault for District Judge"; Postcard, “Elect Hoven Judge"; Pamphlet, “John F. Patterson, Jr., for District Judge"; Card, “Marvin A. Rickel for Justice of Peace"; Flier condemning Ted Kennedy, unknown origin; Pamphlets (2), bumper stickers (2), and handbill supporting John Sheehy for Montana Attorney General; card supporting Robert W. Gabriel for Supreme Court Justice Materials produced by the Montana State AFL-CIO: Card, “Candidates Endorsed by the 1972 Convention of Montana State AFL-CIO; Flier, “Puppets of Wood Wear Copper Collars!” (2); Voting records of the 1971 Montana legislature; Bumper sticker, “Fight Pornography, the Moral Polluter,” produced by Citizens for Decent Literature
15/2 Nonpartisan, Independent, and Miscellaneous Materials
Button, “Another Meathead for Bunker”
OS 12 Nonpartisan, Independent, and Miscellaneous Materials
Poster supporting Eddie Dussault for District Judge; Poster supporting John Sheehy for Montana Attorney General
OS 16/10 Nonpartisans for Montana State and Local Offices
Sign supporting Vernon Hoven for District Judge
Ralph Nader Congress Project: Citizens Look at Congress, “Mike Mansfield"; Ralph Nader Congress Project: Citizens Look at Congress, “Lee Metcalf;" Ralph Nader Congress Project: Citizens Look at Congress, “John Melcher;" Democrats in Convention 1972
17/2 Democrats
Button with Harry S. Truman quote attacking Richard Nixon: "Nixon is a shifty-eyed goddamn liar, and the people know it."
ca. 1972-1974
Newsletter, “The Moderation Newsletter,” published by Edward J. Smith of Billings, Montana; Bumper sticker, “Impeach Nixon”
5/12 Missoula City Election
Materials supporting candidates for Missoula Alderman and Alderwoman; Handbill supporting Fred Thompson for City Council; Card supporting Dick Smith for City Council; Card supporting Gil Hansen for Police Judge; Poster supporting Anthony Keast for Police Judge; Card supporting Richard Volinkaty for Police Judge; Pamphlet supporting Mike Belangie for Mayor; Card supporting Bob O’Conner for Mayor
Montana Democratic Party Handbook
6/2 Montana State and County Offices
Materials supporting various candidates for Montana Legislature; Materials supporting various candidates for Montana Senate; Cards (2) supporting Nelson H. Fritz for Hellgate Township Constable; Materials supporting Margaret Kelly, Pamela Walters Leslie and Janice Joseph Watson for Missoula County Superintendent; Materials supporting various candidates for City Study Commission, Local Government Study Commission, County Review Commission, and County Commissioner; Card and pamphlet supporting Frank I. Haswell for Montana Supreme Court
OS 16/11 Democrats for Montana State and Local Offices
Signs supportings Doug Campbell for County Assessor, Mary Ann Dussault (District 95) for Montana State Legislature, George Hutchings for Constable, and Merlin S. Marks for Coroner
6/3 Montana Congressional Election and Miscellaneous
Materials supporting Max Baucus: Card; Pamphlets (5); Letter from Professors Albert Borgmann and Harry Fritz supporting Baucus Materials supporting Pat Williams: Endorsement letter from UM faculty; Card; Pamphlet Materials supporting Dick Shoup: Handbill; “Quizzes” about Shoup’s record; Pamphlets (3) Miscellaneous: Flier, “Public Power, Not Private Profit,” sponsored by the Montana New Socialist Party; Newsletter published by the University of Montana Republican Club; Pamphlet published by the Montana Democratic Party; Pamphlet published by Citizens for Annual Sessions supporting annual legislative sessions; Pamphlet and mailer supporting Montana’s ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment Democratic Party Precinct Worker's Handbook. By the Montana State Democratic Central Committee. Circa 1974.
15/2 Montana Congressional Election and Miscellaneous
Button supporting Max Baucus
OS 10/21 Montana Congressional Election and Miscellaneous
Newspaper supplements (2) supporting Max Baucus
OS 12 National Office
Posters (5) supporting re-election of Dick Shoup to the United States House of Representatives
17/3 Republicans
Button supporting Jay Hamond and Lowell Thomas Jr. for Alaska Governor and Lieutenant Governor
OS 16/12 Democrats for Montana State and Local Offices
Signs supporting Elmer Flynn and Paul F. Boylan for Montana State Senate
ca. 1974-1978
Mailer advertising a town meeting with Max Baucus; Handbill supporting William Roscoe for Missoula school board; Card and pamphlet supporting Jack Morton for Missoula alderman; Handbill supporting Leroy Bereven for Missoula alderman; Mailer from Missoula Citizens Against Censorship; Handbill advertising University of Montana College Republicans; Handbill circulated by the Montana New Socialist Party, protesting John Dean’s appearance at UM
6/5 Democrats
Handbill supporting Lee Gordon for Missoula City Council; Materials supporting various candidates for Montana Senate and Legislature; Pamphlet supporting William Fillner for Montana House; Card supporting Jerry Mitchell for State Auditor; Pamphlet supporting Georgia Ruth Rice for Superintendent of Public Instruction; Card and pamphlet supporting Mike Greely for Montana Attorney General; Materials supporting Tom Judge for Montana Governor: Pamphlets (4) and Bumper sticker; Card supporting Tom Dowling for Attorney General of Montana; Cards supporting Neil J. Lynch for Associate Justice of the Motnana Supreme Court; Pamphlet and card supporting Jimmy Carter for President Materials supporting Max Baucus for Congress: Newspaper supplement; Pamphlet; Bumper sticker Materials supporting John Melcher for Senate: Newspaper supplement; Pamphlets (2); Bumper stickers (2)
6/6 Democrats
Book, The Democratic Party of the United States in Convention 1976; Book, Priorities for ’76: A Choice for the Democratic Party
15/2 Democrats
Matchbook cover and card supporting Tom Judge for Montana Governor
15/2 Democrats
Button and matchbook cover supporting John Melcher for Senate
OS 10/22 Democrats
Newspaper supplement and bumper sticker supporting Max Baucus for Congress; Newspaper supplement supporting John Melcher for Senate
OS 12 Democrats for National Offices
Signs supporting Max Baucus for U.S. Representative (2)
17/2 Democrats
Button suuporting Max Baucus for U.S. Senator
17/2 Democrats
Button suuporting Lloyd Betsen for U.S. Senator
17/2 Democrats
Button supporting Frank Church for the Presidential nomination
17/2 Democrats
Button supporting Jimmy Carter for President
17/2 Democrats
Button supporting Tom Judge for Governor of Montana
ca. 1976-1980
Button supporting Judge and Schwinden for Montana Governor and Lieutenant Governor
OS 16/13 Democrats for Montana State and Local Offices
Sign supporting George Turman for Public Service Commissioner
6/7 Republicans
Materials supporting various candidates for Montana Senate and Legislature; Card supporting John Denney for Superintendent of Public Instruction; Pamphlet supporting Tom Harrison for Montana Attorney General; Materials supporting Bob Woodahl for Montana Governor: Pamphlets (2); Mailer; Materials supporting Bill Diehl for United States Congress: Pamphlets (2); Handbill circulated by Church Women of Montana; Pamphlets (2) and sticker supporting Gerald Ford for President of the United States; Handbills circulated by the University of Montana College Republicans; Pamphlet circulated by the College Republican National Committee Materials supporting Stan Burger for United States Senate: Handbill; Mailers (2); Pamphlets (2)
OS 10/23 Republicans
Newspaper supplement supporting Bill Diehl for United States Congress; Newspaper supplement and bumper sticker supporting Bob Woodahl for Montana Governor; Bumper sticker supporting Stan Burger for United States Senate
Card and pamphlet supporting Richard Volinkaty for Missoula District Court Judge; Materials supporting various candidates for Montana Supreme Court; Pamphlet supporting write-in candidates for Montana Governor; Pamphlet supporting Roger MacBride as the Libertarian Candidate for President of the United States; Handbill supporting amending the new Montana constitution to include recall power and establishing a budget ceiling
6/14 Republicans
Scrapbook of newspaper clippings about John H. Toole's political career
Materials supporting various candidates for Missoula City Councilor and Alderman; Card supporting Bob Arras re-election as the Missoula Clerk and Recorder Pamphlets (2) supporting Barbara Evans and Georgia Walters for Missoula City Treasurer; Materials supporting various candidates for Missoula County Commissioner; Card supporting Robert J. Campbell for Missoula Municipal Judge; Pamphlet supporting Bill Cregg for Missoula Mayor; Fact sheet supporting Fred Thompson for Missoula Mayor; Fact sheet and card supporting Joe Turmell for Missoula Mayor; Invitation to Missoula town meeting with Congressman Max Baucus; Pamphlet supporting proposition to expand Missoula County Airport through tax-backed revenue bonds
8/15 Montana's Legislature Through the Years by Niel J. Lynch 1977
OS 16/14 Democrats for Montana State and Local Offices
Sign supporting John Manley (District 14) for Montana State Senate
6/10 Primary Election
Newsletter, “The Highway to Education,” regarding overcrowding in Missoula schools; Card supporting Eleanor Lawry for Missoula County High Schools Board of Trustees; Pamphlet supporting Twila Voorhees for Missoula School District Trustee; Handbill supporting Herb Barrett for Missoula County Commissioner; Pamphlet supporting Jack Mudd for Montana Legislature; Pamphlet and card supporting John Bartlett for United States Congress; Pamphlets (2) and fact sheets (2) supporting Dorothy Bradley for United States Congress; Pamphlet supporting Gary Niles Kimble for United States Congress; Pamphlet, newspaper bag, and letter supporting George Turman for United States Congress; Pamphlet supporting Jim Waltermire for United States Congress Materials supporting various candidates for Montana Senate from District 50: Pamphlet and letter supporting Herb Koessler; Newspaper clippings and handbill supporting Jim Meinert; Handbill supporting Bill Murray; Pamphlet supporting Fred Van Valkenburg Materials supporting Max Baucus for United States Senate: Newsletter; Pamphlets (2); Volunteer Pledge Cards (2); Newspaper clipping; Flier, “Henry Fonda to Attend Fundraiser for Max Baucus;" Flier, “A Gala Evening in Historic Helena with…Max"; Bumper sticker
OS 10/24 Primary Election
Newspaper supplement supporting John Driscoll for United States Senate
6/11 Missoula General Election
Materials supporting Roberta Frank and Fern Hart for Missoula County Clerk and Recorder; Pamphlet supporting Robert Deschamps for Missoula County Attorney; Poster supporting D.R. Matthews for Missoula County Attorney; Pamphlet supporting Barbara Evans for Missoula County Commissioner; Handbill and pamphlets (2) supporting Duane Johnson for Missoula County Commissioner; Card supporting Ray Froehlich for Missoula County Sheriff; Pamphlet supporting Bob Zaharko for Missoula County Sheriff; Mailers (2) and bumper sticker opposing Initiative 79, produced by Montanans Against Censorship; Letter and pamphlet from Pacific Power Company opposing Initiative 80, which would ban all nuclear power in Montana; Pamphlet and handbill supporting Missoula County nuclear ban, produced by Nuclear Free Missoula; Pamphlets (2) supporting the continuance of the 6 Mill Levy supporting higher education in Montana; Pamphlet supporting a new zoning ordinance in Missoula Materials supporting various candidates for Montana Legislature: Pamphlet supporting Jim Azzara; Fact sheet supporting Fred Brauer; Pamphlet supporting Howard Ellis; Pamphlet supporting Ralph Eudaily; Pamphlet and card supporting R. Budd Gould; Pamphlet, cards (2), and fund-raising invitation supporting Daniel Kemmis; Pamphlet supporting George Ladayne; Pamphlet supporting Earl C. Lory; Pamphlet and door hanger supporting Kermit Schwanke; Pamphlet supporting John Seeberger; Card supporting Steve Waldron Materials supporting various candidates for Montana Senate: Pamphlet supporting Philip D. Campbell; Handbill and pamphlets (2) supporting Bill Murray; Handbill and pamphlets (2) supporting Bill Norman; Pamphlet supporting Bob Palmer; Mailer, news clippings, pamphlet, and card supporting Thomas Payne; Pamphlet and card supporting Fred Van Valkenburg
15/3 Missoula General Election
Button supporting Bob Zaharko for Missoula County Sheriff
15/3 Missoula General Election
Button supporting Daniel Kemmis
15/3 Missoula General Election
Matchbook supporting Bill Norman
OS 10/25 Missoula General Election
Newspaper supplement supporting Initiative 81 for the amending of Montana’s liquor law to allow private sales of table wine and make wine available in more locations; produced by Montanans Who Like Wine, P.A.C.
6/12 Campaigns for National Office and Miscellaneous
Materials supporting Pat Williams for United States Congress: Door hanger and pamphlet (2 copies); Miscellaneous: Card, “I am a Republican Because…” produced by the Republican National Committee; Letter to Montana Senator Paul Hatfield opposing his support for the Panama Canal Treaty, also includes a “Dishonor Roll” of all Senators who supported the measure; Pamphlet, “ERA a Bread and Butter Issue”; produced by American Association of University Women Materials supporting Jim Waltermire for United States Congress: Pamphlets (2), Handbill, Fact sheet, Sheet comparing records of Jim Waltermire and Pat Williams Materials supporting Max Baucus for United States Senate: Letters to voters (2), Pamphlet, Newsletter Materials supporting Larry Williams for United States Senate: Letter to voters, Card, Pamphlets (3) Democratic Party Platform.
15/3 Democrats
Button supporting Pat Williams for United States Congress
18/1 Democrats
Buttons supporting Pat Williams for United States Congress
OS 10/26 Campaigns for National Office and Miscellaneous
Newspaper supplements (3) and bumper sticker supporting Pat Williams for United States Congress; Bumper sticker and newspaper supplement supporting Jim Waltermire for United States Congress; Newspaper supplement (3) supporting Max Baucus for United States Senate; Poster and newspaper supplement supporting Larry Williams for United States Senate
OS 12 Campaigns for National Office and Miscellaneous
Posters supporting Paul Hatfield for U.S. Senate and Pat Williams for U.S. House of Representatives
OS 16/15 Democrats for Montana State and Local Offices
Signs supporting Jim Azzara (District 96) for Montana State Legislature and Fred Van Valkenburg (District 50) for Montana State Senate
ca. 1978-1980
OS 16/16 Nonpartisans for Montana State and Local Offices
Sign supporting Frank Morrison, Jr. for Montana Supreme Court Justice
ca. 1978-1980
Card supporting Carol Stem for Missoula School Board; Pamphlet supporting Leon Stalcup for Missoula Ward 5 Alderman; Pamphlet supporting John Toole for Missoula Ward 4 Alderman; Handbill supporting Fred Rice for Missoula Ward 1 City Councilor; Pamphlet supporting Missoula’s Conservation Bond, which financed preservation of waterways and hills within Missoula; Mailers (2) from Congressman Pat Williams to constituents; Mailers (3) from John Melcher to constituents; Fundraising mailer from Montana Republican State Central Committee; Fundraising mailer from former Texas Governor John Connally supporting the United States Senatorial Club
Campaign button for Pete Story as Secretary of the State of Montana
ca. 1980
7/1 Primary Election
Pamphlet supporting Fannie Milodragovich for Missoula School Board; Card supporting Germaine Conrad for Missoula County Commissioner; Pamphlet supporting Richard Giuliani for Missoula Ward 1 City Councilor; Pamphlet supporting Douglas Harkin for District Court Judge; Pamphlet supporting Jackie McGiffert for Montana Legislature; Newspaper supplement and pamphlet supporting Ted Schwinden for Montana Governor; Report issued by Missoula County AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education outlining candidates supported by AFL-CIO in national and local elections
OS 10/27 Primary Election
Newspaper supplement supporting Carl Rieckmann for Montana Secretary of State; Newspaper supplement supporting Ted Schwinden for Montana Governor; Newspaper supplement supporting Jack Ramirez for Montana Governor
7/2 Democrats
Materials supporting various candidates for Montana Legislature: Pamphlets (2) supporting Jim Azzara; Pamphlet supporting Jackie McGiffert; Pamphlet supporting Carol Mitchell; Card supporting Dennis Veleber; Pamphlet and card supporting Fred Van Valkenburg for Montana Senate; Card supporting Bob Palmer for Missoula District 2 County Commissioner; Mailer, pamphlets (2), and card supporting Germaine Conrad for Missoula District 3 County Commissioner; Handbill and pamphlet supporting J.D. Lynch for Montana Secretary of State Materials supporting Ted Schwinden for Montana Governor: Pamphlet, Letter to voters, Postcard, Platform of the Montana Democratic Party; Brochure, “You and Montana’s Democratic Party: Building for 1980 for all of us." Materials produced by Montana State AFL-CIO: Letter from Executive Secretary James Murray; Card of endorsed candidates; Pamphlet supporting Jackie McGiffert for Montana Legislature; Pamphlet supporting Fred Van Valkenburg for Montana Senate; Newsletter; Pamphlet supporting Jimmy Carter for President of the United States; Newsletter from John Melchers to his constituents
Button "Montana Democrats for Reagan and Ramirez"
15/3 Democrats
Emery board supporting Georgia Ruth Rice for Montana Superintendent of Public Instruction
15/3 Democrats
Button supporting Jimmy Carter for President of the United States
15/2 Democrats
Button supporting Jimmy Carter and Mondale for President and Vice President of the United States
OS 10/28 Democrats
Newspaper supplements (2) supporting Ted Schwinden for Montana Governor; Brochure produced by Montana State AFL-CIO supporting Jimmy Carter for President of the United States
OS 12 Democrats for National Offices
Sign supporting Jimmy Carter and Walter Modale for U.S. President/Vice President
OS 16/17 Democrats for Montana State and Local Offices
Signs supporting Dale Burk (District 92), Tim Cole (District 24), Mike Fisher (District 25), Jackie McGiffert (District 99), Don A. McKee (District 27), Carol Mitchell (District 93), Sylvia Stevens (District 100), and Dennis Veleber (District 98) for Montana State Legislature; Terry Knight (District 49) for Montana State Senate; J. D. Lynch for Montana Secretary of State; Georgia Ruth Rice for Montana State Superintendent of Public Instruction; Theodore P. "Ted" Cowan for Sanders County Attorney
Button supporting Kennedy for President of the United States
7/3 Republicans
Pamphlet supporting Janell Hopkins for Montana Legislature; Pamphlet (2 copies) supporting Earl C. Lory for Montana Legislature; Cards (2) and pamphlet supporting John Hamp for Montana Senate; Pamphlet and handbill supporting Alfred Hutcheson for Missoula County Commissioner; Handbill supporting Howard Ellis for Public Service Commission; Card supporting Ed Argenbright for Montana Superintendent of Public Instruction; Handbill supporting Jim Waltermire for Montana Secretary of State; Pamphlet supporting Jack Ramirez for Montana Governor; Card and pamphlet (2 copies) supporting Jack McDonald for United States Congress; Letter and poll regarding national defense sent to voters from Ronald Reagan
OS 16/18 Republicans for Montana State and Local Offices
Sign supporting Alfred M. "Curley" Hutcheson (District 2) for County Commissioner; paid newspaper insert supporting Jan Johnson (District 49) for Montana State Senate
OS 16/19 Nonpartisans for Montana State and Local Offices
Signs supporting Geoffrey L. "Jeff" Brazier for the Montana Supreme Court and H. J. "Jack" Pinsoneault (District 4) for District Judge
Button supporting Geoffrey L. Brazier for Montana Supreme Court
7/4 Independents and Third Parties
Pamphlet supporting Aaron Andreason for Montana Legislature; Pamphlet supporting Ray Lybeck for Montana Legislature; Posters (2) supporting Reed Marbut for Missoula County Commissioner; Pamphlet supporting Bob Moffett for Missoula County Clerk of Court; Pamphlet supporting Don Matthews for Judge; Card supporting James Wheelis for District Judge; Pamphlet supporting Pete Dunbar for Montana Supreme Court; Pamphlet supporting Frank Morrison for Montana Supreme Court; Pamphlet supporting Fred Weber for Montana Supreme Court Materials supporting John Anderson for President of the United States: Pamphlet, Position Papers Materials supporting Ed Clark of the Libertarian Party for President of the United States: Newsletter, “Ed Clark and the Libertarian Alternative,” Pamphlet, Fundraising packet, Notice of speech in Missoula
15/3 Independents and Third Parties
Emery board supporting Pete Dunbar for Montana Supreme Court
15/3 Independent and Third Parties
Button supporting Ed Clark of the Libertarian Party for President of the United States
15/3 Independent and Third Parties
Button supporting John Anderson for President of the United States
Buttons supporting Monahan for Congress
OS 10/29 Independents and Third Parties
Materials supporting Ed Clark of the Libertarian Party for President of the United States: Newspaper, "Libertarian News"; Newsletter, “New Political Times”
7/5 Initiatives and Miscellaneous
Pamphlet supporting Missoula’s Conservation Bond Issue; Handbill detailing Initiative 84, which proposed to forbid the disposal of radioactive waste material in Montana; Materials relating to Initiative 87, which proposed instituting deposits for recyclable bottles: Handbill and card opposing the initiative Items supporting Common Cause: Pamphlet, letters (2), and fundraising materials
OS 10/30 Initiatives and Miscellaneous
Newspaper supplement supporting Initiative 87, which proposed instituting deposits for recyclable bottles; Sign against Initiative 87
Pamphlet supporting Rosalie Buzzas for Missoula Ward 5 City Council; Pamphlet and letter supporting Tim Hubbard for Missoula Ward 5 Alderman; Handbill supporting Luther Powell for Mayor of Missoula; Pamphlet produced by Missoula Jobs, Inc. supporting one mill levy for economic development in Missoula; Letter and handbill from United States Senator John Melcher announcing his bid for re-election; Newsletters (3) from John Melcher to his constituents Materials supporting John Hamp for Mayor of Missoula: Pamphlet, Letter to voters (2), Newspaper clipping
7/7 Democrats
Card supporting "Richard T. Conboy for Clerk of the Montana Supreme Court"; Card supporting Stella Jean Hansen for Montana Legislature; Pamphlet supporting Daniel Kemmis for Montana Legislature; Card supporting Germaine Conrad for Missoula County Commissioner; Card supporting Jon Manley's re-election campaign for the state senate; Door hanger supporting Pat Williams for United States Congress; Pamphlet supporting Mike Bond for United States Senate Materials supporting Rose Magnuson for Montana Legislature: Questionnaire, Door hanger, Cards (2) Materials supporting Bob Ream for Montana Legislature: Pamphlet (2 copies) and letter (2 copies) Materials supporting John Melcher for United States Senate: Fundraising packet, Bumper sticker, Pamphlets (2) Materials produced by the Montana State AFL-CIO: Newsletter regarding Right to Work proposal, Newsletter, “Sticking with the Union”; Packet, including letter, information on Republican Senate candidate Larry Williams, and election guide (2 copies)
OS 10/31 Democrats
Newspaper supplement supporting Pat Williams for United States Congress; Candidate guides produced by Missoula AFL-CIO Committee on Public Education (2)
18/1 Libertarian
Button supporting Dodge for Senate
7/8 Republicans
Pamphlet supporting Earl Lory for Montana Legislature; Pamphlet supporting Bob Davies for United States Congress; Pamphlets (2) produced by the Montana Positive Action Committee challenging the record of Congressman Pat Williams; Booklet challenging the record of Senator John Melcher, produced by Montana Voter Education Materials supporting R. Budd Gould for Missoula County Commissioner: Auto litterbag, Pamphlets (2), Mailer Card supporting Marshall D. Muchmore for Granite County Sheriff Materials supporting Larry Williams for United States Senate: Mailed campaign materials (4), Pamphlet
OS 10/32 Republicans
Bumper sticker supporting Larry Williams for United States Senate; Newspaper supplement supporting Bob Davies for United States Congress
OS 16/20 Nonpartisans for Montana State and Local Offices
Sign supporting C. F. "Conde" Mackay for District Judge
7/9 Miscellaneous
Card supporting Janet Jensen for Missoula County Justice of the Peace; Card supporting Deborah Ethridge for Missoula County Justice of the Peace; Card supporting Don Hayes for Missoula County Justice of the Peace; Pamphlet outlining candidate positions of the Montana Libertarian Party; Mailer from University of Montana Alumni Network outlining candidates’ positions on issues relating to the university system; Pamphlet opposing Initiative 89, which sought to repeal Montana’s ban on uranium mill tailings; Pamphlet supporting Initiative 91, which declared that Montana was opposed to the placement of MX missiles within the state; Cards promoting debate between United States Senate candidates John Melcher, Larry Williams, and Larry Dodge; Montana voter information packet; Booklet, “Save This House,” opposing the election of Republicans to the Congress; produced by the National Committee for an Effective Congress
Newsletter from Pat Williams to constituents
7/11 Democrats
Card supporting Al Sampson for Missoula City Council; Card and flier (2 copies) supporting Harry Fritz for Montana Legislature; Pamphlet supporting Bob Ream for Montana Legislature; Pamphlet supporting Fred Van Valkenburg for Montana Senate; Materials supporting Ted Schwinden for Montana Governor: Bumper stickers (2) and Postcard; Bumper stickers (2) supporting Gary Hart for President of the United States; Pamphlets supporting Walter Mondale for President of the United States; Pamphlet produced by the Montana Democratic State Central Committee Materials supporting Daniel Kemmis for Chief Justice of the Montana Supreme Court: Campaign newsletters (3); Cards (2) Materials supporting Pat Williams for United States Congress: Mailer, Bumper sticker, Newsletters (4) Materials supporting Max Baucus for United States Senate: Card detailing Baucus’s position on the environment, Mailer “Leading Montana Forward," Bumper stickers (2), Invitation to campaign barbeque Materials produced by the Montana State AFL-CIO: Poster, “Reaganism: A Price Too High"; Newsletter, “Why Mondale?"; Voting records of representatives to 1983 Montana Legislature; Candidate guide; Candidate guide produced by Missoula County Central Trades and Labor Council
15/3 Democrats
Button supporting Daniel Kemmis for Chief Justice of the Montana Supreme Court
19/1 Democrats
Sticker supporting Cozzens for Senate
OS 10/33 Democrats
Materials produced by the Montana State AFL-CIO: Poster, “Reaganism: A Price Too High"; Newsletter, “Why Mondale?" Newspaper supplement supporting Ted Schwinden for Montana Governor; Newspaper supplement supporting Gary Hart for President of the United States
OS 12 Democrats
Poster supporting Geraldine Ferraro for Vice President
15/3 Democrats
Geraldine Ferraro America's First Woman V.P.
18/1 Democrats
Button supporting the Mondale and Ferraro presidential campaign
18/1 Libertarian
Dodge at Thies button supporting the Montana Governor's race
17/2 Democrats
Button supporting Jesse Jackson for the Presidential nomination
ca. 1984-1988
7/12 Republicans
Materials supporting Betty Haddon for Montana Legislature: Card, Door hanger, Pamphlet; Pamphlet supporting Barbara Evans for Missoula County Commissioner; Invitation to sponsor GOP Victory Fun
OS 10/34 Republicans
Newspaper supplement supporting Arlene Breum for Montana Senate; Voter registration packet, including bumper sticker, supporting Ronald Reagan for President of the United States
18/3 Republicans
Button supporting Goodover and Allen for Montana Governor and Lientenant Governor
19/1 Republicans
Button supporting Reagan and Bush for President and Vice President of the United States
Pamphlet supporting Don Spritzer for Missoula School Board; Pamphlet supporting James Winter for Montana Public Service Commission; Door hanger, “Kelley: Attorney General"; Pamphlet supporting Larry Dodge for Montana Governor; Pamphlet outlining proposal for new Missoula County jail; Pamphlet opposing Initiative 96, which would abolish Montana’s Milk Control Board; Door hanger opposing Initiative 97, which would allow the practice of denturitry; Pamphlet supporting reorganization of Montana government; Pamphlet supporting split legislative sessions, produced by Common Cause Montana; Pamphlet opposing President Reagan’s position on nuclear weapons, produced by Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy
Pamphlet supporting Bob Lovegrove for Mayor of Missoula; Pamphlet supporting Larry McLatchy for Mayor of Missoula; Card supporting Al Sampson for Mayor of Missoula; Card opposing Initiative 110, which would repeal the state’s seatbelt law; Newsletter from Max Baucus to constituents; Newsletter from John Melcher to constituents; Newsletters (2) from Pat Williams to constituents
OS 10/35
Newspaper supplement supporting Al Sampson for Mayor of Missoula
Door tag supporting Kevin Randles for Missoula City Council; Pamphlet supporting Fern Hart for Missoula County Clerk and Recorder; Pamphlet supporting Hugh Smith for Missoula County Clerk and Recorder; Card and pamphlet supporting Janet Stevens for Missoula County Commissioner; Card, and bio sheet supporting Jack Weidenfeller for Missoula County Commissioner; Pamphlet supporting Norm Laughlin for Missoula Justice of the Peace; Door tag supporting Lawrence Reichelt for Missoula County Sheriff; Pamphlet supporting Robert Deschamps for Missoula County Attorney; Postcard supporting James Alan Winter for Public Service Commission; Letter supporting Harry Fritz for Montana Legislature; Pamphlet (2 copies) supporting Pat Williams for United States Congress; Newsletters (3) from Pat Williams to constituents; Invitation to Montana Democratic Party’s Roosevelt-Kennedy Dinner; Platform of the Montana Democratic Party; Pamphlet listing candidates endorsed by the Montana State AFL-CIO; Pamphlet supporting Missoula Water Committee’s proposal to purchase the Mountain Water system from Park Water Company of California; Pamphlet and door tag opposing Ballot Initiative 27, which proposed abolishing Montana’s property tax; Pamphlet opposing Ballot Initiative 104, which proposed limiting the authority of the Montana Milk Control Board; Pamphlet and newspaper supplement opposing Ballot Initiative 105, which proposed limiting property taxes to their 1986 rates; Newsletter from Max Baucus to constituents
Button supporting Jack Weidenfeller for Missoula County Commissioner
"I Like Janet" button supporting Janet Stevens for Missoula County commissioner
OS 10/36
Newspaper supplement opposing Ballot Initiative 105, which proposed limiting property taxes to their 1986 rates; Newspaper supplement supporting Pat Williams for United States Congress
Newsletters (6) from John Melcher to constituents; Newsletter from Pat Williams to constituents
7/17 Montana Democrats for State and Local Offices
Card supporting Daniel Kemmis for Missoula City Council; Pamphlet supporting Ann Mary Dussault for Missoula County Commissioner; Card supporting Vivian Brooke for Montana Legislature; Card supporting Ed Smith for Montana Supreme Court Clerk; Materials supporting Mike McGrath for Montana Attorney General: Invitation to public meeting, Pamphlets (2), News clippings (3); Pamphlets (2) and handbill published by the Montana State AFL-CIO supporting various candidates Materials supporting Vicki Cocchiarella for Montana Legislature: Card, Pamphlets (2), Handbill Materials supporting Tom Judge for Montana Governor: Booklet outlining economic plan, Summary pamphlet of economic plan, Pamphlet outlining water plan, Pamphlet outlining small business initiative, Newsletter, Cards (2), Bumper sticker Materials supporting Frank Morrison for Montana Governor: Mailer, Handbill, Letter to voters, Issue Statement, Bio sheet
15/3 Montana Democrats for State and Local Offices
Button supporting Ken Tritz for Montana Senate
15/3 Montana Democrats for State and Local Offices
Button supporting Tom Judge for Montana Governor and Barb Skelton for Lt. Governor
Button supporting Horace Brown for County Surveyor
OS 10/37 Montana Democrats for State and Local Offices
Newspaper supplements (2 copies) supporting Nancy Keenan for Superintendent of Public Instruction; Materials supporting Tom Judge for Montana Governor: Newspaper supplement and “The Montana Gazette” (2); Newspaper supplements (3) supporting Frank Morrison for Montana Governor
OS 12 Montana Democrats for State and Local Offices
Posters (2) supporting Tom Judge for Montana Governor
8/1 Democrats for National Office
Invitations to the Montana Democratic Party’s Roosevelt-Kennedy Dinner, at which Michael Dukakis was a guest speaker (2); Materials supporting Pat Williams for United States Congress: Door tag, Bumper sticker, Newsletters (4), Letter; Materials supporting John Melcher for United States Senate: Pamphlet, Mailer, Newsletters (4); Book outlining Gary Hart’s economic and foreign policy proposals; Newsletter from Max Baucus to constituents Materials supporting Michael Dukakis for President of the United States: Pamphlets (3), Poster/newsletter published by the American Federation of Teachers, Handbill highlighting Dukakis’s education proposals, Handbill highlighting Dukakis’s environmental proposals, Handbill highlighting Dukakis’s positions on gun ownership;
15/3 Democrats for National Office
Button supporting Gary Hart for President of the United States
OS 12 Democrats for National Office
Posters (2) supporting Michael Dukakis for President
18/3 Democrats
Buttons supporting Michael Dukais and Bentsen for President and Vice President of the United States
8/2 Republicans
Bumper sticker and letter to constituents supporting Tom Payne for Montana Senate
17/2 Republicans
Button supporting Marc Racicot for Attorney General of Montana
18/1 Republicans for National Office
Button supporting George Bush for President of the United States
8/3 Initiatives, Referendums, and Amendments
Pamphlet supporting Larry Dodge as third-party candidate for Montana Secretary of State; Handbill supporting Missoula City Referendum 1, which would repeal ordinance enabling a gas station at South 4th and Higgins; Pamphlet supporting construction of a ski resort at Lolo Peak; Pamphlets opposing construction of a ski resort at Lolo Peak (2); Pamphlets (3) supporting Referendum 106, which continued the six-mill levy on property to support higher education in Montana; Handbill supporting Initiative 113, which proposed refundable deposits for bottles; Pamphlets opposing Initiative 113 (2); Pamphlet opposing constitutional amendment C-18, which would allow the legislature to determine state assistance to elderly and disabled citizens
OS 10/38 Initiatives, Referendums, and Amendments
Poster supporting Ballot Initiative 113, which would have imposed refundable deposits on bottled beverages
Handbill supporting John Fletcher for Missoula City Council; Handbill supporting Wally Clark for Missoula Municipal Judge; Handbill supporting Fred Thompson for Missoula Municipal Judge Materials supporting Daniel Kemmis for Mayor of Missoula: Handbill announcing rally, Cards (2), Newsletter; Mailer from Montana State Representative Vicki Cocchiarella; Newsletter from Pat Williams to constituents; Pamphlet supporting Paul Hatfield for Montana Chief Justice
Button supporting Tom Foley as Speaker of the House
Button depicting multiple campaign buttons
1990 Montana Democratic Party Platform; Pamphlet supporting Wendy Cromwell for Missoula County Clerk and Recorder; Pamphlet supporting Bob Gregory for Missoula County Commissioner; Card supporting Vivian Brooke for Montana Legislature; Pamphlet (2 copies) and letter supporting Harry Fritz for Montana Senate; Pamphlet supporting Bill Norman for Montana Senate; Letter and cards (2) supporting Terry Trieweiler for Montana Supreme Court; Postcard supporting Pat Williams for United States Congress; Mailers (2) from Senator Conrad Burns to constituents; Mailer supporting Bruce Vorhauer for United States Senate; Pamphlet opposing corporate tax breaks, published by Montana Alliance for Progressive Policy; Mailed packet from the American Family Association Foundation opposing the National Endowment for the Arts and Montana Congressman Pat Williams’ support of the NEA Materials supporting Max Baucus for United States Senate: Mailers (3), Newsletters (2), Pamphlet, Bumper sticker Materials published by Montana AFL-CIO: Letter and booklet detailing opposition to right-to-work laws; Newsletter Materials relating to bond issues, ballot initiatives, and constitutional amendments: Handbill supporting Paxson Bond Issue, which supported construction of new Paxson School in Missoula; Pamphlet supporting constitutional amendment abolishing tax system and replacing it with a 1% trade charge on all business; Mailer to voters opposing Ballot Initiative 115, which would raise sales tax on tobacco products paid for by Tobacco Consumers, Distributors, and Producers Opposed to Unfair Tobacco Sales Tax; Card opposing Ballot Initiative 115, paid for by Tobacco Consumers, Distributors, and Producers Opposed to Unfair Tobacco Sales Tax; Letter from former Montana State Auditor Sonny Omholt opposing Ballot Initiative 115; Voter’s Guide to the 1990 Election
Button supporting Max Baucus for re-election
OS 13
Posters (3), Harry Fritz House District 56
Pamphlet supporting Chris Gingerelli for Missoula City Council; Pamphlet and handbill supporting Bob Luceno for Missoula City Council; Pamphlet opposing Missoula City Ordinance that would ban the use of pesticides; Newsletter sent from Congressman Ron Marlenee to constituents; Newsletters (2) sent from Congressman Pat Williams to constituents; Mailers (2) from Senator Conrad Burns to constituents regarding taxes and health care; Mailer from Senator Max Baucus to constituents regarding wilderness preservation
8/7 Montana State and Local Offices
Handbill supporting Keith Baer for Missoula Urban Transit Board; Door tag supporting Daronda Miller for Missoula City Council; Pamphlet supporting Anne Pauly Guest for Missoula County Clerk and Recorder; Card supporting Fern Hart for Missoula County Commissioner; Pamphlet supporting Will Deschamps for Missoula County Commissioner; Card supporting Vivian Brooke for Montana Legislature; Card supporting Carolyn Squires for Montana Legislature; Card supporting Howard Toole for Montana Legislature; Card supporting Bob Pipinich for Montana Senate; Pamphlet and cards (2) supporting Jeff Weldon for Montana Senate; Pamphlets (2) and card supporting Bob Rowe for Montana Public Service Commission; Pamphlet and cards (2) supporting Mark O’Keefe for Montana Auditor; Pamphlet supporting Fred Thomas for Montana Auditor; Card supporting Mike Cooney for Montana Secretary of State; Cards (2) supporting Joe Mazurek for Montana Attorney General; Card supporting Karla Gray for Montana Supreme Court; Card supporting Bill Hunt for Montana Supreme Court; Bumper sticker and card supporting Terry Trieweiler for Chief Justice of the Montana Supreme Court; Card supporting J.A. Turnage for Chief Justice of the Montana Supreme Court; Card supporting Bob Kelleher for Montana Governor; Pamphlet (2 copies) supporting Mike McGrath for Montana Governor; Pamphlets (2) supporting Frank Morrison for Montana Governor; Postcard, pamphlets, and insert supporting Marc Racicot and Dennis Rehberg for Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Montana; Newsletter, “The Montana Democrat,” published by the Montana Democratic Women’s Club and the Montana Democratic State Central Committee; Pamphlet regarding abortion rights published by the Montana Democratic State Central Committee; Pamphlet of endorsed candidates published by Montana Choice Political Action Committee; Pamphlet of endorsed candidates published by the Montana Federation of Teachers, Montana Federation of State Employees, Montana Federation of Health Care Employees, AFT, AFL-CIO; Handbill supporting Legislative Referendum 110, the Treasure State Endowment, which would provide money for infrastructure repair to Montana communities Materials supporting Dorothy Bradley for Montana Governor: Card, Newsletter, Pamphlets (3)
OS 10/39 Montana State and Local Offices
Newspaper supplements (2) supporting Dorothy Bradley for Montana Governor; Newspaper supplement supporting Mike McGrath for Montana Governor; Newspaper supplement supporting Frank Morrison for Montana Governor
OS 13 Montana State and Local Offices
Poster supporting Mark O’Keefe for Montana State Auditor; Poster supporting Bob Rowe for Montana Public Service Commission; Posters (2 copies) supporting Vivian Brooke for Montana House of Representatives; Poster supporting Vicki Cocchiarella for Montana House of Representatives; Poster supporting Carolyn Squires for Montana State Legislature; Poster supporting Howard Toole for Montana House of Representatives; Poster supporting Ken Tritz for Montana House of Representatives; Poster supporting Joe Mazurek for Montana Attorney General; Poster supporting Dorothy Bradley for Montana Governor
17/2 Montana State and Local Offices
Buttons supporting Marc Racicot and Dennis Rehberg for Montana Governor and Lietenant Governor
8/8 National Office
Letter from Congressman Ron Marlenee regarding the National Endowment for the Arts; Newsletter from Congressman Ron Marlenee; Materials supporting Pat Williams for United States Congress: Bumper sticker, Pamphlet, Newsletter; Newsletter from Senator Max Baucus regarding health care; Platform of the Libertarian Party Materials supporting Bill Clinton for President of the United States: Volunteer card for Sign-Up Campaign, Volunteer guide for Doorstep Campaign, Pamphlet, Stickers (3), Bumper sticker
15/3 National Office
Button supporting the New Party
15/3 National Office
Button supporting Ross Perot for President of the United States
OS 10/40 National Office
Democratic Party Platform
OS 13 National Office
Poster supporting Pat Williams for United States Congress; Small poster supporting Pat Williams for United States Congress; Poster supporting Bill Clinton for President
Button supporting Ross Perot
Card supporting Marilyn Cregg for Missoula City Council; Volunteer information card supporting Mark Helean for Missoula Mayor; Pamphlets (2) supporting Daniel Kemmis for Missoula Mayor; Pamphlet opposing sales tax in Montana; Mailer from Congressman Pat Williams regarding health care
Coin commemorating 1993 Inaugural Ball for Governor Marc Racicot
18/3 Democrats
Clinton 1993 Inauguration Button
Pamphlet supporting Sam Lemaich for Missoula County Justice of the Peace; Pamphlet supporting Fern Hart for Missoula County Commissioner; Pamphlets supporting Jon Ellingson for Montana Legislature (2); Pamphlets supporting Tom Facey for Montana Legislature (2); Card and pamphlet supporting W. Austin Worden for Montana Legislature; Pamphlet supporting Vivian Brooke for Montana Senate; Handbill, “Vote No on CR-28"; Newsletter from Congressman Pat Williams regarding health care; Pamphlet and letter supporting Conrad Burns for United States Senate; Handbill opposing Conrad Burns paid for by the Montana Democratic Party; Handbill supporting Jack Mudd for United States Senate and Pat Williams for Congress paid for by Montana Democratic Central Committee; Flier about repeal of new zoning in Missoula, "Save the Fort"
Button supporting Jack Mudd for Senate
Bumper sticker, card, and pamphlet supporthing Mac Racicot and Judy Martz for Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Montana; Card supporting Wayne Buchanan for Montana Superintendent of Public Instruction; Pamphlet supporting Republican Jay Sage for Montana House of Representatives; Pamphlet supporting Republican Dale Mahlum for Montana Senate; Card supporting Rick Hill for United States Congress; Flier supporting Max Baucus for United States Senate; Voting Guide from Montana NARAL Choice PAC; Voting Guide from Missoula Area Central Labor Council; Voting Guide from Montana Federation of Teachers, Montana Federation of State Employees, and Montana Federral of Health Care Employees; Postcard from The Clark Fork Pend Oreille Coalition supporting I-122, which called for increased quality standards for water discharged from mines; Mailers (2) from Americans for Tax Reform regarding Medicare Reform
OS 10/41
Poster supporting Max Baucus for Senate
Pin supporting Marc Racicot and Judy Martz for Montana Governor and Lieutenant Governor
1996 Presidential elections Buttons
18/3 Democrats
Clinton presidential campaign buttons
Invitation to meeting of Montana Women's Campaign Network
18/3 Democrats
Button for the Clinton Inauguration in 1997
17/3 Democrats
Buttons supporting Al Gore for President
18/2 Republicans
Buttons supporting George Bush for President
Button supporting Bud Campbell for Califorina Congressional Seat
Card supporting Diane Sands for Montana Senate District 49
Voter information guides for the Montana General Election published/distributed by the Montana Secretary of State and Forward Montana. Voter information guide for the Missoula municipal elections.
Button supporting Mahoney (candidate, party, and race unknown)