Mickey Neylan photograph collection, circa 1900-1970

Overview of the Collection

Neylan, Mickey
Mickey Neylan photograph collection
circa 1900-1970 (inclusive)
185 photographic prints
Collection Number
Photographs of family, friends, and trade union members, especially members of the Typographical Union
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

Permission of Visual Materials Curator required to view originals. Contact Special Collections for more information.

Request at UW


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Miss Mickey Neylan was Secretary to the Secretary of the Seattle Typographical Union Local #202, a long established AFL trade union. She apparently started as secretary to her brother Harry Ault at the Seattle Union Record.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The collection consists of black and white and color photographs and informal snapshots of family and friends and members of various trade unions especially the Typographical Union. Also included are 10 mounted photographs of the Equality Colony, Bow, Washington showing various activities of the Washington utopian community. In addition, images show portraits of Mother Jones (undated); Typograpical Union members on strike (undated); various conventions, meetings, etc.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Restrictions may exist on reproduction, quotation, or publication. Contact Special Collections, University of Washington Libraries for details.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Donated by Georgia Griffin and Justice Bridgeman on behalf of Mickey Neylan.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Container(s) Description Dates
1 Snapshots
19 black and white photographic prints and 1 tintype
Identified individuals: May Valcauda, Alice Lord, George Listman (Trade printer), Woodruff Randolph (Sec. Treas. International Typographical Union), A.K. Hanson, Homer S. Bone, Dick Barthelmess (?), Sam Story, Louis Kopelin, Bill Lawton, David Blaker (1920? child), Stewart White (Pear;'s nephew, child), Chas. McAllister (child), Jim Henderson, Alice Packard, Elizabeth De Sota Herald, "Dade" Percot(?) (welterweight boxer), Tom Egan, Mary Holden.
circa 1900-1970
2 Snapshots
59 black and white photographic prints
Identified individuals: Bob and Irene Scofield, Janney Sallent, Ken Waller, Robert Emmett Mulligan, Aaron Wendell, Major Whitty, Leif Nelson, Bernice Northern, Pat Rawlins, Frank Cunningham, John Gattis, Jerry Fonteyne, Joe Berggren, Pete Adamson, Freddy Anderson, Lillian Wilson, Abe Rue, Billy Finjord (Sinjord?) ( Seattle Union Record), John C. Gergory, Vern P. Roush, H.O. Estes, Danny Ferguson, Robert J. Cropley and wife, Einar Carlson, Joe Amiott, Ed Gustavson, Art Hanlyn, Harvey Schulstad, Jack Knisely, Joe Allen, Jack Sills, Nick Roselli, Paul Hanneman, Robert Ferris, Robert H. Cartwell (?), Harold Pinkerton, Lowell D. King, Roy Olmsted, Al Shoemaker, Don Petrie, Frank Rust, George Rogers, Johnny Sorenson, Billie Sparks, Elmer Brown, Ivan Saylor, Arne Fermstad, Jim Henderson, Bob McCafferty, Robert Cardwell, Jack Goodwyn, Bob Burnett, R.L. Wertlinger, Glenn Burger, Lillian Wilson, Earl Kamhout, Leon Aller, Al Bridges, Bill Lawton.
circa 1900-1970
3 Snapshots
27 color photographic prints
Identified individuals: Chas. Frawley Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Schroweder, Wm. P. Hunt (Printer) and daughter Cecilia Scott, Georhe Rogers, Elisa and Daniel Pupko (?), Dick Patterson and wife, Wimberleys [Mr. and Mrs.], Sue Hartley, Ethel & Geo. Jones, Robert Herman, Einar Carlson's daughter Birgit, Einar Carlson, Jenny Wilma Westerlund, Dorothy & Grant Welbon, Hazel & Henry Wigen.
circa 1900-1970
4 Mickey Neylan and Bob McNamara; Mickey Neylan with group (Bob Bernett, Jack Goodwyn, W. Ferris, Ted Stephens, Hugo Naegele, Geo. Tiths (?), Harry Sharts)
2 photographs
circa 1900-1970
5 Mother Jones
2 black and white photographs
Villiers, Alki Point, Seattle (photographer)
circa 1900-1930
6 Unidentified individuals
13 photographs
circa 1900-1970
7 Group portraits, conferences and conventions
7 photographs
circa 1900-1970
8 Unidentified groups.
26 black and white photographic prints
circa 1900-1970
9 Typographical Union strike
3 black and white photographic prints
Identified individuals: Ray Nivison, Major Whitty, Bob Mulligan
9 Photographs of a plaque that reads "Former headquarters and printing plant of the Seattle Union Record (191?-192?) Harry E.B. Ault, editor and manager"
2 color photographs
circa 1900-1970
10 Union Printer's Home and grounds
12 black and white photographic prints
11 Equality Colony, Bow, Washington
10 mounted black and white photographs
Includes images of the carpenter shop; view taken from berry field; in the creamery; press room; Apartment house no. 3; saw mill; nursery; group of women and children (Lulu Ault; Lulu, Mama, Miskel, Harold, Howard, Gladys, Hershel); Socialist picnic, Bow, Washington, circa 1907; Lulu Ault, Miskel Ault, Justice (Babe) Monnich.
circa 1900
12 Miscellaneous
1 photographic postcard of the Columbia River; 1 mounted photograph of steamerMountain Gemat unidentified landing;. 1 mounted photograph of the hydraulic lock at Peterborough, Ontario.
OS3 Unidentified man
1 black and white photographic print