Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
- Overview of the Collection
Biographical Note
- Other Descriptive Information
- Content Description
- Use of the Collection
- Administrative Information
Detailed Description of the Collection
- David Harvey Churchill family
- Bird family
- Brown family
- Kitterman family
- LaChappelle family
- Lord family
- Churchill family Ranch
- Churchill family Residences
- Agriculture
- Animals
- Children
- Cities and Towns (Montana)
- Cities and Towns (Out of State)
- Couples
- Forts and Fortifications
- Groups
- Landscapes
- Men
- Mines
- Monuments and Memorials
- Naval Boats and Ships
- Recreation
- Residences
- Transportation
- Washington State
- Wedding
- Women
- Names and Subjects
Churchill family photograph collection, circa 1860-1950
Overview of the Collection
- Collector
- Churchill family
- Title
- Churchill family photograph collection
- Dates
- circa 1860-1950 (inclusive)18601950
- Quantity
8 boxes
679 photographic prints and 10 tintypes
1 album containing 28 photoprints
6 nitrate film negatives including 4 panoramic negatives - Collection Number
- Lot 022
- Summary
- David Harvey (D.H.) and Mary (Minnie) Shelton Churchill lived and ranched near Ulm, Montana from 1875-1893. When D.H. died, Mary and their four children struggled to maintain the ranch, but the Panic of 1893 foreclosed banks and limited the resources available to them. The family sold the ranch and eventually moved first to Spokane, Washington, then Vancouver, Washington and finally to Portland, Oregon. The collection includes photographs of friends and family members, their ranch near Ulm, Montana, other residences, including those in Washington and Oregon, cities and towns in Montana, Oregon, and Washington, harness racing and racing horses, navy boats, ships and sailors, women and children.
- Repository
Montana Historical Society, Library & Archives
Montana Historical Society Research Center Archives
225 North Roberts
PO Box 201201
Helena MT
Telephone: 4064442681
Fax: 4064445297 - Access Restrictions
Collection is open for research.
- Languages
- English
Biographical NoteReturn to Top
David Harvey (D.H.) Churchill was born in 1843 in Springfield, Illinois, to Willoughby and Elizabeth Jane Humphreys Churchill. He and three other siblings, Mary, George and Owen, traveled with their parents by horseback to Oregon Territory via California in 1851. His brother, Tom, was born on the trail, and his mother died shortly thereafter. His father remarried the next year to Matilda Price, and five more children were born to that union.
D.H. and his brother Owen Humphrey drove cattle from Texas to Montana Territory in the early 1870's. They established a ranch near Sun River. By 1875 D.H. owned a livery and feed store in Helena. That same year he married Mary (Minnie) Shelton Ransdell in Helena.
Mary "Minnie" Shelton Ransdell was born in 1854 near Sheridan, Oregon, to Shelton and Mary Elizabeth Brown. Shelton Ransdell, was born on July 4, 1828, in Warren County, Kentucky. Later his family settled in Illinois. In 1850 Shelton and his brothers immigrated to Oregon Territory and Shelton became the owner of a store in Sheridan, Oregon. On February 17, 1853, Shelton married Mary Elizabeth Brown.
Mary Elizabeth Brown Ransdell, was born in 1836. At the age of 14 she traveled with her parents, James and Sophia Brown, across the plains via the Oregon Trail in 1850. The Browns also had other children including Sarra, Jim, Joe, Nate, Maggie, and Nan who was born on the trail. Mary Elizabeth Brown Ransdell was 18 years old when she gave birth to Minnie. There was only four years difference in age between Minnie and Mrs. Ransdell's sister, Nan Brown (later Mrs. Buell). Minnie and her aunt became close friends and this family connection provided some help to Minnie later in her life in times of financial pressure.
Minnie's father, Shelton, drowned while loading freight from a boat to the dock, shortly after her birth. Mary Elizabeth Brown Ransdell remarried in 1861 to Edwin Harvey Lord and gave birth to six more children: Annetta (Nettie) Lord La Chappelle; Edith Lord Johnson; Charles Lord; Alma Lord Holden; Roswell Lord; and Richard Lord. The Lord family lived in Washington state. After Edwin Harvey Lord died in 1902, Mary lived with her daughter, Nettie LaChappelle, in Chelan, Washington.
Minnie and D.H. Churchill had five children. Their first, Mary, born in 1876, died at birth. Other children included Harvey Mae, born in 1878; Willoughby Shelton (called Bud or Buzz), born in 1881; David Albert (called Day) born in 1883; Lady Maud (called Lady, Tommie—for tomboy, and Lady Bug), born in 1886; and O.H. (Owen Humphrey) Elizabeth (called Aitchie, Elizabeth or Betty), born in 1888.
The family moved often, but always remained in the ranching or stock-breeding business. D.H. Churchill's particular passion was for harness-racing horses. D.H. traveled widely and spent a considerable amount of money purchasing horses and bringing them back to Montana. In the 1880's his estate was valued at $25,000. From 1884 to 1886, D.H. served as Sheriff in Lewis and Clark County. Around 1890 the family moved to a ranch site near present-day Ulm, between a bend of the Sun River.
D.H. suffered for many years from stomach problems. He described himself as a "dyspeptic". Records and correspondence confirm that he traveled to southern California, San Francisco, and Seattle for treatments. In spite of a creative array of prescriptions (commonly containing strychnine), D.H. died in 1893 while attempting to return to the ranch from Great Falls.
D.H. left his wife, Minnie, with four children ranging in age from 4 to 14 years of age, a large ranch, and stock. That same year the Panic of 1893 struck, and Montana with its investments in the silver industry, was especially hard hit. Many banks closed without promise of compensation for lost investments. Not only did Minnie lose the funds D.H. had invested, she also could not receive a fair price for stock, real estate or equipment. She was temporarily saved by a life insurance policy with New York Life.
Minnie continued to run the ranch with the help of ranch hands, like Dick Hynds. In 1898 she rented the ranch and moved to Spokane, Washington. While in Spokane, Minnie attempted to run a store, but it failed. Minnie and her children returned to the Ulm Ranch in 1903 and then sold it in 1910. At that time the family moved to Vancouver, Washington, where they remained for many years.
Minnie's son David Albert (Day) did not return with the family to Montana in 1903. He joined the Navy and served aboard the U.S.S. Chicago off the coast of California. In 1908 David became ill. His surgeons feared that he had an appendicitis so they operated. David died as a result of the operation and the surgeons discovered that his illness was not associated with his appendix. David is buried in California.
Willoughby (or Bud), was said to be an architect. Bud lived for a time in Helena, and died in Vancouver, Washington, in 1914, after a recurring illness.
Harvey Mae, Minnie's oldest daughter, was her mother's companion and a musician. She and Minnie ran a boarding house in Vancouver. Lady Maud is listed in the 1930 census as a commercial artist and some of her artwork survives. She also served as a governess and may have provided nursing care during World War I. Minnie Churchill, Harvey Mae, and Lady Maud either lived together or in close proximity in the Portland and Vancouver area from 1910 to 1940, when Minnie died. When Mae died in 1966, Lady returned to Montana where she lived near her youngest sister, O.H. Elizabeth, until Lady's death in 1977.
O.H. "Aitchie" Elizabeth Churchill, Minnie's youngest child, married Glen Kitterman in 1910 in Vancouver. She was the only one of the Churchill siblings to marry. Glen (1882-1959), originally from Kansas, moved to Montana to homestead in 1903, and spent most of his life farming near Cascade. Aitchie and Glen had four children: Mary Elizabeth, David, James and Wilbur (known as Bill). Glen Kitterman died September 21, 1959, and Aitchie died in 1983.
Mary Elizabeth, the Kitterman's oldest daughter, was born September 26, 1911. She was raised on the farm near Great Falls and graduated from Great Falls High School. In 1935 she married Chester Arthur Sullivan. Chet was born on March 27, 1914, in Great Falls. They lived briefly in Ulm and Sun River before settling on the south side of the Sun River in Great Falls. They truck-gardened during World War II before beginning a successful hardwood flooring and finishing business. They had two sons, Gary and Dan. In 1963 Mary and Chet moved to Yellow Bay on Flathead Lake. They raised cherries and apples and operated a custom orchard business. Mary also opened a gift shop where she sold hand-made ceramics made in her studio. In 1988 they moved to Polson. Mary died on September 2, 1993. Her husband, Chester, died on September 30, 1994.
Wilbur (Bill) Kitterman was born on July 13, 1920 in Great Falls. He farmed in the Great Falls area for most of his life. He served as the family historian, and saved many of the Churchill family records, photographs, and artifacts. Bill died on January 14, 1998.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
The photograph collection contains images of D.H. and Mary Shelton (Minnie) Churchill, and their children Harvey Mae, Willoughby, Lady Maud, and O.H. Elizabeth, as well as other relatives and friends. It includes views of the family ranch and of residences in Spokane, Vancouver and Portland. There are also views of cities and towns in Montana, Oregon, and Washington, such as Great Falls, Montana, Pendleton, Oregon, and Chelan, Washington. Subjects also include shots of harness racing and racing horses, navy boats, ships and sailors, Yellowstone National Park and Glacier National Park, women and children.
Other Descriptive InformationReturn to Top
Many of the photographs in this collection are attributed to specific photographers or photographic studios and lists of these photographers and/or studios follow. However, numerous photographs are unattributed and are not listed.
Photographs in the collection are the work of the following Montana photographers:
Aaberg & Carlson, Great Falls (1 photograph)
Ball, J.P. and Son, Helena (5 photographs)
Beckwith & Bowen, Helena (5 photographs)
Beckwith, R.H., Helena (3 photographs)
Bundy & Train, Helena (1 photograph)
Colberg, Great Falls (1 photograph)
Dusseau, A.J., Deer Lodge (1 photograph)
Eckert, M.A., Helena (4 photographs)
The Elite Studio, Great Falls (7 photographs)
Far West Studios, Virginia City (2 photographs)
Ford Studio, Great Falls (1 photograph)
Fullerton, Great Falls (8 photographs)
Glacier Studio (2 photographs)
Gregory, Great Falls (10 photographs)
Grigsby, Livingston (1 photograph)
Heyn & Keeley, Great Falls (2 photographs)
Inglis, Kalispell (1 photograph)
Keller, E.D., Helena (1 photograph)
Klenze, Fort Assinniboine (1 photograph)
Marble, R. E., West Glacier (3 photographs)
Morrison, Great Falls (2 photographs)
Postal Studio, Columbia Gardens, Butte (1 photograph)
Rice & Koehler, Great Falls (1 photograph)
Sunbeam, Helena (5 photographs)
Titter Studio, Great Falls (2 photographs)
Train, E. H., Helena (1 photograph)
Vaughn, The Palace, Great Falls (6 photographs)
Wantz & Keller, Helena
Zelta Studio, Great Falls (1 photograph)
Photographs in the collection are the work of the following non-Montana photographers:
Briggs, J.A. Pleasant Hill, Oregon (1 photograph)
Bushnell, Ellensburgh, Washington (2 photographs)
Camps, F.L., Ashland, Oregon (2 photographs)
Cann Studio, Portland, Oregon (2 photographs)
Ciarlo, Newport, Kentucky (1 photograph)
Crawford, Albany, Oregon (2 photographs)
Crawford, J.G., Harrisburg, OGN (5 photographs)
Davies, Portland, Oregon (2 photographs)
Drum (1 photograph)
Electric Studio, Seattle (1 photograph)
Elite Studio, Spokane, Washington (5 photographs)
The Flower Studio (1 photograph)
M. P. Foote Photo (1 photograph)
Fritz, C., Sheridan, Oregon (1 photograph)
Gilhousen, W.H., The Dalles, Washington (1 photograph)
Haines, North Yakima, Washington (2 photographs)
Haller, C.M., North Yakima, Washington (1 photograph)
F.J. Haynes, Fargo, Dakota Territory (7 photographs)
Henry, W.F., Vallejo, California (1 photograph)
Herrin, M.E., Ashland, Oregon (1 photograph)
Holmboe & White, New Salem, North Dakota (1 photograph)
Imperial Gallery, San Francisco (1 photograph)
Johnson, W.P., Salem, Oregon (4 photographs)
The Kennedy Studio, Lincoln, Nebraska (1 photograph)
Klingholz, Hugo, Springfield, Illinois (1 photograph)
Lenz Bros, Dubuque, Iowa (1 photograph)
Libby, Spokane, Washington (2 photographs)
Loryea, Spokane, Washington (1 photograph)
Mackey, H.C. (1 photograph)
Matson, John, Salt Lake City, Utah (1 photograph)
Merne Jr. Studio, Portland, Oregon (2 photographs)
Moore, Portland, Oregon (1 photograph)
Paxton, Crawford, Albany, Oregon (4 photographs)
Perrin (1 photograph)
Pioneer Studio & Photo Supply Co., Tooele, Utah (1 photograph)
Schulz, Vancouver, Washington (4 photographs)
Schumacker, Los Angeles, California (2 photographs)
Scholl & Kleckner, Los Angeles (1 photograph)
Shuster, H.S., Salem, Oregon (2 photographs)
Souther, E.D., Portland, Oregon (1 photograph)
Spaulding, Florence, Colorado (1 photograph)
Sperry The Artist, Salem, Oregon (1 photograph)
Steffens-Colmer, Portland, Oregon (2 photographs)
Stromberg, San Diego, California (1 photograph)
Stroum, Spokane, Washington
Taber, San Francisco, (3 photographs)
The Tollman Ehrhardt Studio (1 photograph)
Tonkin, Geo. E. James Studio, North Yakima, Washington (1 photograph)
Towne, B.C., Portland, Oregon (1 photograph)
Walsh, F.J., Trenton, N.J. (2 photographs)
Wing, W.E., Spokane, Washington (1 photograph)
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
The Montana Historical Society is the owner of the materials in the Photograph Archives collections and makes available reproductions for research, publication, and other uses. Written permission must be obtained from the Photograph Archives before any reproduction use. The Society does not necessarily hold copyright to all of the materials in its collections. In some cases, permission for use may require seeking additional authorization from the copyright owners.
Preferred Citation
Churchill family photograph collection. Lot 22. Box and folder number. Montana Historical Society Photograph Archives, Helena, Montana.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
The photographs are arranged by subject and organized into twenty-seven subject-based series: Series I, David Harvey Churchill family; Series II, Bird family; Series III, Brown family; Series IV, Kitterman family; Series V, LaChappelle family; Series VI, Lord family; Series VII, Churchill family Ranch; Series VIII, Churchill family Residences; Series IX, Agriculture; Series X, Animals; Series XI, Children; Series XII, Cities and Towns (Montana); Series XIII, Cities and Towns (Out of State); Series XIV, Couples; Series XV, Forts and Fortifications; Series XVI, Groups; Series XVII, Landscapes; Series XVIII, Men; Series XIX, Mines; Series XX, Monuments and Memorials; Series XXI, Naval Boats and Ships; Series XXII, Recreation; Series XXIII, Residences; Series XXIV, Transportation; Series XXV, Washington State; Series XXVI, Wedding; Series XXVII, Women.
Acquisition Information
Acquisition information available upon request.
Processing Note
The photographs were donated in two separate accessions: PAc 99-61 and PAc 2003-27. The photographs in PAc 99-61 were transferred from the Museum and the photographs in PAc 2003-27 were donated to the Photograph Archives by Dan Sullivan. The two accessions were combined to form this collection.
Separated Materials
One case containing two ambrotypes transferred to the cased image collection, C999-001 ; one full stereo and one-half stereo of parade in Helena, M.T., July 4, 1876, includes D.H. Churchill on white horse, transferred to the stereo collection; and 192 color postcards were transferred to the postcard collection.
Related Materials
See the Churchill family papers, MC 328. Biographical information taken from MC 328 biography, monographs and other archival documents from this collection, family interviews, photographs, artifacts (accession number 1999.56), and research in the MHS Library.
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Series I: David Harvey Churchill familyReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
1/1 | David Albert Churchill (includes portrait as an
infant, (circa 1883); a group portrait of his school class in Spokane, WA, 1898-99;
portraits as a young man, (circa 1900) |
circa 1883; 1898-1899; circa 1900 |
½ | David Albert Churchill (includes portraits in Navy
uniform, (circa 1906); tintype of David and other men in uniform seated in studio prop
of an automobile, (circa 1906); marching with other sailors in a parade down a city
street with trolley tracks, (circa 1906); with crew posing next to artillery, (circa
1906-1908); David and crew of U.S.S. Chicago, in San Diego, CA, May 25,
1907) |
circa 1906-1908; 1907 |
1/3 | David Albert Churchill (includes views of sailors
swamping decks; examining targets after target practice; in a launch going to shore;
and of sailor, identity unknown) |
circa 1906-1908 |
1/4 | David Albert Churchill (outdoor views in Navy uniform
and other unidentified people in Santa Barbara, CA, (circa 1906-1908); snapshot of
David's gravesite with large monument in San Diego, CA, undated) |
undated; circa 1906-1908 |
1/5 | David Harvey (D.H.) Churchill (studio
portraits) |
circa 1870-1880 |
1/6 | Eddy Churchill (tintype portrait); Eddy was the son of
Willoughby and Matilda Price Churchill, and step-brother to D.H.
Churchill. |
circa 1875 |
1/7 | Elizabeth Ann Churchill (portraits); Elizabeth was the
daughter of Kate and George Churchill, D.H. Churchill's brother) |
circa 1900-1910 |
1/8 | Eva Churchill (portrait); Eva was the daughter of Kate
and George Churchill, D.H. Churchill's brother) |
undated |
1/9 | George Churchill (includes portraits); George was D.H.
Churchill's brother |
circa 1865 |
1/10 | Gertrude Alberta Churchill (portrait at eight months
old); Gertrude was the daughter of Alberta and Owen Humphrey Churchill, brother of
D.H. Churchill |
undated |
2/1 | Harvey Mae Churchill (includes studio portraits taken
at six weeks old, 1878; as a young girl with long hair; posed sitting on a swing
holding a hat (circa 1887); and as a teenager wearing glasses, (circa 1893); wearing
hat and coat, (pre-1915); snapshots taken at the Ulm ranch with her mother, no
date) |
undated; 1878; circa 1887; circa 1893; pre-1915 |
2/2 | Harvey Mae Churchill (includes interior snapshot
holding a baby; group image with nurses and pediatric patients; views alone and with
others) |
undated |
2/3 | Kate "Kitty" Reed Churchill (portrait); Kitty was the
wife of George Churchill, D.H. Churchill's brother |
circa 1865 |
2/4 | Lady Maud Churchill (portrait as an infant, 1886;
portrait as a toddler, (circa 1888); outdoor snapshots with other children and baby in
carriage, and sitting in rocking chair, (circa 1896); wearing a hat, no
date) |
undated; 1886; circa 1888; circa 1896 |
2/5 | Lady Maud Churchill (group photo with family members,
undated; outdoor snapshot with friend standing on balcony, undated; standing and
holding her hat in front of building, (circa 1920)) |
undated; circa 1920 |
2/6 | Laura Churchill (Jordan) (portraits); Laura was the
daughter of Willoughby and Matilda Churchill and step-sister of D.H.
Churchill |
circa 1860s |
2/7 | Marion Estella Churchill (portrait at 9 months of
age); Marion was the daughter of Alberta and Owen Humphrey Churchill, D.H.'s
brother |
undated |
2/8 | Mary "Minnie" Shelton Ransdall Churchill (includes
tintype portrait, (circa 1868); portrait with her aunt Nan Brown (Buel), (circa 1870);
portraits, (circa 1875); wading in water and in a garden, undated) |
undated; circa 1868; circa 1870; circa 1875 |
2/9 | Mary "Minnie" Shelton Ransdall Churchill (includes
portraits, 1894; with Mrs. Hilderbrand,(circa 1898-1905); with granddaughter, Mary
Kitterman, 1913; with grandson, perhaps Wilbur "Bill" Kitterman, (circa
1921)) |
1894; circa 1898-1905; 1913; circa 1921 |
2/10 | Mary "Minnie" Shelton Ransdall Churchill (includes
portrait, (circa 1925); snapshot with her daughters standing on front porch, undated;
snapshots in yard, undated) |
undated; circa 1925 |
2/11 | Matilda Price Churchill (portraits); Matilda was the
second wife of Willoughby Churchill, and step-mother of D. H. Churchill |
undated |
2/12 | Minnie Churchill (Nichols) and family (portraits of
Minnie, (circa 1870); portrait of Minnie's children, names not known, undated). Minnie
was the daughter of Matilda and Willoughby Churchill, and step-sister of D. H.
Churchill |
undated; circa 1870 |
2/13 | Owen Humphrey Churchill (portrait, (circa 1860s);
portrait of Owen and his wife Alberta Porter, (circa 1870); portrait ,(circa 1870);
three-quarter portrait in formal suit, undated) |
undated; circa 1860s; circa 1870 |
2/14 | Owen Humphrey Elizabeth "O.H." Churchill (includes
portraits as infant holding a bell, 1888; portraits as a young girl, (circa 1898);
with Lady Maud, cat and dog on ranch, (circa 1905); portrait, (circa 1905); snapshots
on the ranch with cat and others, (circa 1910)) |
1888; circa 1898; circa 1905; circa 1910 |
2/15 | Owen Humphrey Elizabeth "O.H." Churchill (Kitterman)
(portraits, (circa 1910 and 1914); snapshots with Pontie, the horse and Lady Maud on
the ranch, undated; outdoor snapshots with Bud and Mae, undated) |
undated; circa 1910; circa 1914 |
2/16 | Owen Humphrey Elizabeth "O.H." Churchill (Kitterman)
(snapshots with cats and dog on ranch, (circa 1910); portrait with son, David
Kitterman, (circa 1913)) |
circa 1910; circa 1913 |
2/17 | Owen Porter Churchill (portrait); Owen was the son of
Alberta and Owen Humphrey Churchill, D. H. Churchill's brother |
undated |
3/1 | Pearl Churchill (portrait); Pearl was the daughter of
Molly and Tom A. Churchill, brother of D. H. Churchill |
undated |
3/2 | Tom A. Churchill (portraits, (circa 1880 and 1887);
portrait with wife, Molly, (circa 1887)). Tom was the brother of D. H.
Churchill |
circa 1880; circa 1887 |
3/3 | Tom A. Churchill, Jr. (portrait); Tom A. Churchill,
Jr. was the son of Molly and Tom A. Churchill, brother of D. H. Churchill |
undated |
3/4 | Willoughby Churchill and family (portraits, one a
tintype, (circa 1870); portrait with Matilda Price Churchill, his wife, and two of
their children, Eddy and unknown girl, undated). Willoughby was D. H. Churchill's
father |
undated; circa 1870 |
3/5 | Willoughby "Bud" Shelton Churchill (portraits, (circa
1900 and 1905); snapshot of "Bud" on a horse, undated; standing with dog and holding a
gun, undated) |
undated; circa 1900; circa 1905 |
3/6 | Willoughby "Bud" Shelton Churchill (hunting trip with
Harry Atkinson, Roy House, Bud Churchill, and Jasper Largent holding guns at Landers
Creek, September 1904; interior view of six cowboys, l-r bottom row, David Churchill,
Harry Conner, Luther Conner; l-r top row, Jasper Largent, Grover Conner, Bud
Churchill, 1904; portrait with two others in front of sliver of moon prop, (1912);
view with James Kitterman taken at Columbia Gardens Postal Studio, (pre-1915); posed
in front of studio saloon prop with unidentified person in angora chaps, (pre-1915);
portrait with two others taken in front of studio prop,"Seaside, Oregon",
(pre-1915)) |
1904; 1912; pre-1915 |
3/7 | Willoughby "Bud" Shelton Churchill (four panoramic
views with (S.W. Riman ?) standing in orchard and in front door of the mission San
Gabriel Archangel on the El Camino Real in southern California) |
circa 1914 |
3/8 | Churchill family (includes portrait of Harvey Mae and
Bud, (circa 1883); portrait of Lady Maud and O. H. Elizabeth, (circa 1892); portraits
of Minnie and her children, Harvey Mae, Bud, David, O. H. Elizabeth and Lady Maud,
(circa 1893)) |
circa 1883; circa 1892-1893 |
3/9 | Churchill family (includes studio portraits of Bud and
David, (circa 1897); portraits of Lady Maud and O. H. Elizabeth, (circa 1897);
portrait of Minnie, her mother, Mary Shelton Ransdell Lord, and Harvey Mae, (circa
1898); outdoor group snapshot of Harvey Mae, Lady Maud, Minnie, and O.H. Elizabeth,
(circa 1898); group snapshots of O. H. Elizabeth, Harvey Mae, and Lady Maud, all
wearing hats, (circa 1898)) |
circa 1897-1898 |
3/10 | Churchill family (includes portraits of Lady Maud, O.
H. Elizabeth, and Harvey Mae dressed in choir robes, 1900; individual portraits of
Lady Maud, O. H. Elizabeth, Harvey Mae and friends in choir robes, 1900; portraits of
Bud and David, (circa 1900); group portrait of Lady Maud, O. H. Elizabeth, Harvey Mae
and Bud, (pre-1915); portrait of Bud and Lady Maud, (circa 1914)) |
1900; circa 1914; pre-1915 |
Series II: Bird family Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
3/11 | Nathan Bird (portrait); Nathan was a Churchill
cousin |
circa 1920 |
3/12 | Richard Bird (portrait); Richard was a Churchill
cousin |
circa 1870 |
Series III: Brown familyReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
3/13 | Clay Brown (portrait); Clay was the son of Nancy and
Joe Brown, Minnie's uncle |
undated |
3/14 | Evelin Brown (portrait); Evelin was the wife of Jim
Brown, Minnie's uncle |
undated |
3/15 | Howard Brown (snapshot of him in baby
carriage) |
undated |
3/16 | Joseph (Joe) Brown and family (portrait in Civil War
era uniform, (circa 1860); portrait with wife, Nancy, (circa 1910)); with family in
front of tent including Nancy, Mary Lord, Della Brown, (post-1918)). Joe was Minnie's
uncle |
circa 1860; circa 1910; pre-1918 |
3/17 | Maggie Brown McMicken (portrait); Maggie was Minnie's
aunt |
undated |
3/18 | Nan "Nettie" Brown Buell (portrait, undated; portrait
with Sam Buell, her husband, undated; view of her home in Sheridan, Oregon, 1909); Nan
was Minnie's aunt |
undated; 1909 |
3/19 | Sarra Brown Roach (portrait, undated; portrait of
Sarra's children Rosy, Walter, Willie and Gy, undated; Sarra was Minnie's
aunt |
undated |
3/20 | Sophia Hussey Western Brown (portrait; with her
husband, James; group portrait of their daughters and husbands: Maggie Brown McMicken,
Sarra Brown Roach and her husband, Nan "Nettie" Brown Buell and her husband Sam; and
Sophia posed with babies); Sophia was Minnie's grandmother |
undated |
Series IV: Kitterman familyReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
4/1 | Glen Kitterman (with his wife, O. H. Elizabeth;
holding a toddler on his shoulders) |
undated |
4/2 | James Kitterman (with a bicycle); James was Glen
Kitterman's brother |
circa 1910 |
4/3 | Mary Elizabeth Kitterman (snapshots in yard and eating
an ice cream cone); Mary was O.H. Churchill Kitterman's daughter |
circa 1912 |
4/4 | Mary Elizabeth Kitterman (snapshots in stroller and
playing in yard, (circa 1912); with others on a picnic, (circa 1916)) |
circa 1912; circa 1916 |
4/5 | Mary Elizabeth Kitterman (identity not certain:
snapshots alone and with others; two girls in a garden; snapshots of girls standing in
front of Churchill's house in Vancouver, WA, and in other locations) |
undated |
Series V: LaChappelle familyReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Album | ||
1 | Alfred LaChappelle's scrapbook ("Alf” - not the
husband of Nettie Lord, but another relation) includes portrait of Alf reading,
LaChapelle home with horse-drawn buggy in front, excavating reservoir, A.W. LaChapelle
and family, R.V. Meliza and J. Richerson with string of fish, shoreline of 25 mile
creek, Gov dock and launch at 25 mile creek, landscapes including Dumphy Falls, Crown
Glacier, Crown Point Mine, Billy goat Glacier, Hart Lake and Valley, Stehekin Valley
and River (Washington), Rainbow Falls and cabin at Bullion. |
circa 1910-1915 |
Box/Folder | ||
4/6 | Alfred LaChappelle (on horseback, house and ranch
buildings in background, snow on ground); Not the husband of Nettie Lord, but another
relation |
pre-1915 |
4/7 | Edith LaChappelle (includes portrait when a baby,
(circa 1885); with her sister (circa 1890) and wearing fur hats, 1910; portrait,
(circa 1910)). Edith was the daughter of Alfred and Nettie Lord LaChappelle,
step-sister of Minnie |
circa 1885; circa 1890; 1910 |
4/8 | Edna LaChappelle (portraits, (circa 1880 and 1886);
Edna with friends seated around a table on Thanksgiving Day, undated; pushing baby in
buggy, undated; portrait of Edna Mae in baby buggy, perhaps Edna's daughter,
(pre-1915); Edna Mae and Diona Grace, 1911). Edna was the daughter of Alfred and
Nettie Lord LaChappelle, step-sister of Minnie |
undated; circa 1880; circa 1886; pre-1915 |
4/9 | Nettie Lord (LaChappelle) and family (includes tintype
portrait, (circa 1870); portraits, undated; portrait with husband, Alfred, (circa
1885); portrait of De'ette, Edith's sister according to label, undated; snapshot of
Alfred LaChappelle holding his grandson, undated). Nettie was Minnie's
step-sister |
undated; circa 1870 |
Series VI: Lord familyReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
4/10 | Alma Lord (Holden) and family (includes portrait, no
date; group portrait with Edith Lord and friend Maud Sutton, (circa 1880); Charles
Merritt Holden, Alma's son, (1906); Richard P. Holden, Alma's son, (circa
1910)) |
undated; circa 1880; 1906; circa 1910 |
4/11 | J. Harry and Alma Holden family Residence in Chelan,
WA (includes exterior view; interior view of living room, dining room and bedroom
showing electrical light fixtures, oriental rugs, arts and craft style furniture, and
wallpaper; views of living room decorated for a musical club "The Etude" meeting
showing fireplace mantels in living and dining rooms) |
undated |
4/12 | Charles Lord (includes tintype portraits at about ages
8 and 16); Charles was Minnie's step-brother |
undated |
4/13 | Edith Lord (Johnson) (portrait, (circa 1880); group
portrait of four young boys, one holding a Teddy Bear, and one is identified as Arnie,
Edith's son, (pre-1915)); Edith was Minnie's step-sister |
circa 1880; pre-1915 |
4/14 | Edwin Harvey Lord and family (includes tintype
portrait of Edwin, (circa 1870); view of Lord residence in Albany, OR, with family
members posed in front including Mary, Edith and Nora Lord, 1897; group portrait of
Mary Elizabeth and Edwin Lord and their six children - Nettie, Edith, Charlie, Alma,
Roswell and Richard, (circa 1900); Edwin's mourning card with photograph, 1902). Edwin
Harvey Lord was Minnie's step-father |
circa 1870; 1897; circa 1900; 1902 |
4/15 | James Lord (portrait); Relation not known |
circa 1880 |
4/16 | Mary Elizabeth Brown Ransdell Lord (includes tintype
portrait, (circa 1880); portraits, (circa 1885, undated); wearing dress with dotted
pattern, 1908; outdoor snapshots with grandchildren, undated). Mary was Minnie's
mother |
undated; circa 1880; circa 1885; 1908 |
4/17 | Mary Elizabeth Brown Ransdell Lord (includes Mary
sitting next to bed covered with tulip patterned quilt, view taken at the LaChappelle
residence in Chelan, WA, (circa 1910); snapshots of Mary with hand on her hip, no
date; with LaChappelle grandchildren in front of a tent, (pre-1915); wearing an apron
in garden, (circa 1920); seated with family standing around her, (circa
1925)) |
undated; circa 1910; circa 1915; circa 1920; circa 1925 |
4/18 | Roswell Lord (includes portraits); Roswell was
Minnie's step-brother |
circa 1890; circa 1913 |
Series VII: Churchill family Ranch Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
5/1 | Churchill family Ranch - Horse Racing and Other
Activities (includes views of D.H. Churchill harness racing at an unknown track with
spectators in the foreground and viewing stand opposite, (circa 1890); view of horse
"Red Oaks" and his trainer Willis Hagey, undated) |
undated; circa 1890 |
5/2 | Churchill family Ranch, Ulm, Montana (includes views
of Ulm ranch house showing family members, "Tinker" horse, other horses, buggy, barn
and corral (circa 1893); front view of ranch house with four children in front, a
bicycle, fence, (circa 1900); Dick Lord driving horse "Julian", harnessed to a sulkey,
in front of Churchill barn, undated) |
undated; circa 1893; circa 1900 |
5/3 | Churchill family Ranch, Ulm, Montana (includes
snapshots of cottonwood trees, probably on Churchill Ranch property, undated;
Churchill family members posing in cottonwood trees and on horses, probably on
Churchill Ranch property, (circa 1910)) |
undated; circa 1910 |
5/4 | Churchill family Ranch, Ulm, Montana (includes
snapshots of farm animals, including horses, cat, and chickens) |
undated |
5/5 | Churchill family Ranch, Ulm, Montana (includes
snapshots of ranch house, baby in buggy on porch, young children with dog and sitting
in chair on porch) |
undated |
Series VIII: Churchill family Residences Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
5/6 | Churchill Residence in Spokane, Washington (includes
side view of house with O.H. Elizabeth, Lady Maud, and Harvey Mae Churchill on porch,
1898; O. H. Elizabeth and Lady Maud on porch holding dolls, (circa 1898); view of
infant Harriet Sykes with unidentified adult on porch, undated; and "Wolf Cat Sykes"
on porch, undated) |
undated; circa 1898 |
5/7 | Churchill Residences in Vancouver, Washington and
Portland, Oregon (includes snapshots of house, K and 23rd Streets, Vancouver, with
family members posing on porch and steps, (circa 1910) and with vegetation grown
around, (1915-l920); two women in side yard, (circa 1915-1920); front entrance of
Portland home, 412 E. 9th St. N., and view of garden across the street, (circa
1920)) |
circa 1910; circa 1915-1920 |
Series IX: AgricultureReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
5/8 | Includes unidentified man and woman in apple orchard,
(circa 1910); Mumm's Outfit, "gang" thresher and crew in Pendleton, Oregon, 1915;
horse-drawn agricultural equipment in field, undated; harnessed horse held by
unidentified ranch-hand, undated; snapshot of fence in snow, undated |
undated; circa 1910; 1915 |
5/9 | Includes oxen-pulled freight wagon in unidentified
town; horse-drawn sleigh with freight in front of feed store, location not
known |
post 1927 |
5/10 | Includes Palo Ranch snapshots showing man riding
bronco, man with child, two men alongside automobile, and man with calf held between
his legs |
circa 1930s |
Series X: AnimalsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
5/11 | Includes team of white horses pulling a wagon with two
men and canvas-covered shack in background, (circa 1890);"5000 Herd Buffalo" by
Carsell, (circa 1925); “Packy”, a baby elephant in captivity, 1962) |
circa 1890; circa 1925; 1962 |
Series XI: ChildrenReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
5/12 | Children, A-H (portrait of Gertrude Austin, undated;
Carman in rocking chair, undated; snapshot of Ester, Vera and Leona in Yosemite
National Park, 1921; portrait of Syble Grace Hilderbrand, (circa 1894); Syble with her
mother and another unidentified mother and daughter, (circa 1895); group portrait of
Roswell C., Chauncy B. and Syble Grace Hilderbrand, (circa 1896); Syble Grace in
rocker with cat, (circa 1897); Syble wearing a hat and smoking a pipe with a cat and
quilt in background, (circa 1897); portraits of Syble, 1897 and (circa 1898);
portraits of Roswell and Chancy Hilderbrand, (circa 1899)) |
undated; circa 1894-1896; circa 1897-1899; 1921 |
5/13 | Children, F-S (snapshots of Pinkie Ferguson; portrait
of Lois; group snapshot of four Porter girls; portrait of Ruth Roll; snapshot of Sunny
Smock) |
undated |
5/14 | Children, W-Z (portrait of Junius Williams, (circa
1918); portrait of Ward Munson, undated; snapshot of Billie and Bessie Webber holding
their pets, a cat and a chicken, undated; snapshots of Billie Webber with hunting
rifle and game, undated, and on a white horse, (pre-1915); outdoor snapshot of Zoe
Dorette holding a cat, undated) |
undated; pre-1915; circa 1918 |
6/1 | Children, unidentified boys (includes tintype portrait
showing studio's head rest; portraits) |
undated |
6/2 | Children, unidentified girls (includes baby in buggy,
undated; girl wearing a beret, undated; two children on wooden step, the young girl is
dancing, (circa 1910); child in large hat beside wood pile, undated; child in field of
flowers wearing a pith helmet, (pre-1915); toddler in yard, undated; side profile, no
date) |
undated; circa 1910; pre-1915 |
6/3 | Children, unidentified (three portraits of children
taken in same photographic studio including girl with doll and hand-tinted dress,
three boys, and infant seated in chair) |
undated |
6/4 | Children, unidentified groups (portrait of two boys
and a girl, undated; four children posed in cart pulled by a goat, Anaconda, 1917;
snapshot of dog and two boys in a trench, undated) |
undated; 1917 |
6/5 | Children, unidentified groups (two children in snow
cave; snapshots of six children in yard; boy wearing a cap with dog perhaps in yard of
Holden house in Chelan, WA; three girls, one holding a cat; portrait of two children
sitting on a bench) |
undated |
6/6 | Children, unidentified infants (portraits in
christening gowns, 1888 and undated; mother holding infant, and same infant in buggy
with older sister standing nearby, (circa 1918)) |
undated; 1888; circa 1918 |
Series XII: Cities and Towns (Montana) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
6/7 | Cascade, Montana (includes postcards of train pulling
into station with passengers waiting on platform, 1909; of Rocky Mountain (grain)
Elevator Co. under construction with two workers near top of elevator, (circa
1910)) |
1909; circa 1910 |
6/8 | Great Falls, Montana (includes five men standing in
front of the Board of Trade Hotel, a masonry building dated 1890 with barber shop
below street level, (circa 1899); view of Rainbow Falls, undated; view of Giant
Springs and silver smelter, (circa 1899); view of Black Eagle Falls and Boston &
Montana Smelter, (circa 1899); group of children at Franklin School, including Louise
G., Ruth Roll, Josephine Poncelet, Anna Yagasack, Dorothy Christensen, Edward Wegman,
undated) |
undated; circa 1890; circa 1899 |
6/9 | Great Falls, Montana (includes five portraits of
Gibson Park showing wooden walkway, animal pen, and pond) |
1906 |
6/10 | Great Falls, Montana (includes views of Gibson Park
showing ornamental entrance, Glen Kitterman sitting on rail fence, and row of cottages
with swans in foreground) |
undated |
6/11 | Great Falls, Montana (includes snapshots of a high
school parade in the 1930s at 1st Street and 1st Avenue) |
1930s |
6/12 | Great Falls, Montana (includes views of Roundup Day
Parade showing costumed participants, some with blackened faces) |
circa 1930s |
6/13 | Great Falls, Montana (Roundup Day Parade showing
costumed participants) |
circa 1930s |
6/14 | Great Falls, Montana (unidentified individual
portraits of boys, high school graduating class of 1934) |
undated |
6/15 | Great Falls, Montana (unidentified individual
portraits of boys, high school graduating class of 1936) |
undated |
7/1 | Great Falls, Montana (views of Ryan Dam and Ryan Park,
1946; Ryan Dam, 1948) |
1946; 1948 |
7/2 | Jeffers, Montana (cyanotypes of Madison Canyon Dam,
1908; the Jeffers home, 1908; swing in front of Jeffers home with Mae Churchill and
children in it, (circa 1908); and Trinity Church, Madison Valley, 1909) |
1908-1909 |
7/3 | Sun River, Montana (snapshot of parade perhaps in Sun
River, showing marching band; Little Red School House) |
undated |
7/4 | Ulm, Montana (includes portrait of Ulm Bridge
dedication ceremony with Theo and Melinda Lefebvre, Sam Hughes, Senator Burlingame,
Gordon Ferguson, and Billie Webber |
1914 |
7/5 | Virginia City, Montana (includes views of the town
from Boot Hill, and the Montana Post building) |
circa 1950 |
Series XIII: Cities and Towns (Out of State) Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
7/6 | Alaska (birdseye view of city of Seward) |
1946 |
7/7 | Utah (view of ornate bathhouse and swimmers at Great
Salt Lake, near Salt Lake City) |
undated |
7/8 | Unknown Locations (snapshot of a four story brick
building under construction; small, frame church with lumber stacked in
foreground) |
undated |
Series XIV: CouplesReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
7/9 | Identified Couples (includes portrait of Willis Hagie,
who worked for D.H. Churchill, and his wife, (circa 1885); portrait of Mr. and Mrs.
Hilderbrand, (circa 1885); portrait of Martha and Gale, undated; A.P. and Gladys
Andersen, 1948) |
undated; circa 1885; 1948 |
Series XV: Forts and FortificationsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
7/10 | Fort (includes views of military fort site showing
monument, buildings, parade ground with flag, and church) |
1952 |
Series XVI: GroupsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
7/11 | Groups (includes view of family, (pre-1915); snapshot
of two people and a dog in an open automobile parked in front of house with picket
fence, horse and man visible on other side of fence, 1915; people on a picnic, no
date; portrait of family, undated; Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Temple, Ann and George posed in
front of automobile, undated; group view of World War II soldiers and woman, circa
1944; two women and a child standing on the roof of Rockefeller Center with New York
City skyscrapers visible in background, (circa 1948); and unidentified group, no
date) |
undated; pre-1915; 1915; circa 1944; circa 1948 |
Series XVII: LandscapesReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
7/12 | Alaska (view of snow-covered mountain range near
Skagway, Alaska) |
1924 |
7/13 | California (unidentified family and their automobile
parked in front of giant cedar "Wawona") |
1921 |
7/14 | Glacier National Park (views include Marble photos of
mountain goat, beargrass, and "Hickens Fur Bearing Trout"; Glacier Studio views of
Logan Pass and Bear Grass) |
undated |
7/15 | Montana (views of Canyon Ferry Dam site and dam under
construction) |
undated |
7/16 | Oregon (includes views of coast near Pacific City
showing Haystack Rock, group posed on beach, and a person playing in
water) |
undated |
7/17 | Yellowstone National Park (includes views of
commercial bus at Texaco gas pump, and outside log structure advertising "Trout Lunch
Being Served"; and black bear on road) |
circa 1946 |
Series XVIII: Men Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
7/18 | Men, identified B-He (includes portraits of Daniel W.
Beach, (circa 1880); Rev. Berry, Spokane, WA, 1899; C.A. Crist, 1944; Cyril and friend
on roller skates surrounded by other skaters, 1946; Don and an unidentified woman,
1934; Charles P. Dunn, (circa 1900); Edwin Fiery, cousin to Harvey Lord, (circa 1880);
George Hedges, holding gun, traps and trophy with dog, (circa 1910)) |
circa 1880; circa 1900; circa 1910 |
7/19 | Men, identified Hu-J (includes portraits of Sam Hughes
who worked on Churchill Ranch, (circa 1890, pre-1915, and 1932); postcard of Dick
Hynds, who worked on the Churchill Ranch, and his brother seated in an automobile in a
studio setting, undated; Johnny in military uniform, (circa 1945) |
undated; circa 1890; pre-1915; 1932; circa 1945 |
7/20 | Men, identified R-W (includes portraits of Fred Renner
or Fred Rennin, undated; portrait of E. Setzepfandt, (circa 1890); Rocky Star, KHQ,
Spokane, WA, wearing cowboy hat and neckerchief, (circa 1950); full-length portrait of
Harrey Tomson, (pre-1915); portrait of Van VanCampen, undated; W.D. Weir,
1890) |
undated; circa 1890; pre-1915; circa 1950 |
7/21 | Men, unidentified (includes individual portrait and
portrait of the same man with his wife, (circa 1870); photograph of bearded man,
(circa 1870); man in U.S. Infantry dress uniform, undated; man in uniform wearing
flying insignia, (circa 1917); man standing beside automobile, undated; portrait on
mount with calendar, 1918 |
undated; circa 1870; circa 1917-1918 |
7/22 | Men, unidentified (portraits) |
undated |
7/23 | Men, unidentified in groups (includes portrait of two
men, (circa 1870); two men playing ukuleles, undated; two men in work clothes, no
date; man wearing cap holding baby, undated; man in suit holding baby, undated; four
men in front of store, some wearing aprons, (circa 1910); group of World War I era
soldiers in uniform, (pre-1915)) |
undated; circa 1870; circa 1910; pre-1915 |
Series IXX: MinesReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
7/24 | Mine (unidentified man standing in ore car track,
cross-country skis leaning against building) |
circa 1910 |
Series XX: Monuments and MemorialsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
7/25 | Monument honoring "The Bennington's Dead - 1905" in
San Diego, California, undated; memorial to the dog, Shep, in Ft. Benton, Montana,
(circa 1950) |
undated; circa 1950 |
Series XXI: Naval Boats and ShipsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
7/26 | Naval Boats and Ships (includes color tinted portrait
of masted U.S.S. Pensacola, (circa 1905); naval boats and people, probably Churchill
family visiting David, undated) |
undated; circa 1905 |
Series XXII: RecreationReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
8/1 | Fishing (Floyd and Joe with dog fishing on Heart Lake,
July 4, year not known) |
undated |
Series XXIII: ResidencesReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
8/2 | Residences (includes frame home with women on porch,
man in chair on lawn, hammock, and bicycle; two-story frame home with picket fence and
trees; two-story house with women on front porch) |
undated |
8/3 | Residences (family on front porch of home near
Roseburg, Oregon, surrounded by plants and flowers, cat and dog, rocker and ornate
baby buggy, plus long-horns, 1908; ranch-style home, children and garden in
foreground, undated; interior view of living room showing piano and sheet music titles
like "Don't Cry Frenchy" and "Smiles", (circa 1914)) |
undated; 1908; circa 1914 |
Series XXIV: TransportationReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
8/4 | Transportation (includes snapshot of three children on
deck of S.S. Selkirk, (pre-1915); S.S. Selkirk near Wenatchee, WA, undated; ferry near
Ulm, MT, (circa 1910); locomotive and railway cars near Ulm, MT, undated; snapshots of
large, propeller airplane, Stanolind III, and another airplane with people standing
around, including the Kitterman family, Great Falls, MT, 1930s) |
undated; circa 1910; pre-1915; 1930s |
Series XXV: Washington StateReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
8/5 | Washington, Chelan (snapshot of Harold fishing on
Chelan River, 1914; West Woodin Ave. in Chelan, 1918; Lyman Glacier near Chelan, no
date) |
undated; 1914; 1918 |
8/6 | Washington, Columbia River (views taken from river of
docks, locks, waterfall, rock formations, and mountainous landscapes) |
undated |
8/7 | Washington, Puyallup (view of Minnie Cuper sweeping
front porch; Russ and Guss standing in front of Cuper's home) |
undated |
8/8 | Washington, Seattle (snapshot of totem pole in Pioneer
Square, horse-drawn wagon in foreground) |
undated |
8/9 | Washington, Spokane (views of Spokane Falls showing
bridge, C and C Milling Co., undated; aftermath of Spokane fire, undated; Spokane
River and adjacent buildings, undated; interior views of Trinity Church, 1900 and
1902) |
undated; 1900; 1902 |
Series XXVI: WeddingReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
8/10 | Wedding (includes snapshots of ceremony, bride and
groom cutting cake, bride posing in sanctuary, and entire wedding party posing in
sanctuary) |
circa 1948 |
Series XXVII: WomenReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
8/11 | Women, Identified Bea-Bee (includes portraits of Mrs.
D.W. Beach of Helena, undated; Minnie Bean who taught Churchill children in Ulm, MT,
1903-1904; Marcelle Beckley at four months with Grandma Barrow, (circa 1910);
portraits of Grace Beechley, O.H. Churchill's friend, (circa 1900, circa
1910)) |
undated; circa 1900; 1903-1904; circa 1910 |
8/12 | Women, Identified Bo-C (includes snapshot on studio
mount with calendar of Margaret Bonekemper wearing swimsuit, 1921; portraits of Olive
Brunk, one posed with bicycle, (circa 1900); snapshots of Emily and Vera Crist, 1924,
1929; Vera Crist in long gown, undated) |
undated; circa 1900; 1921; 1924; 1929 |
8/13 | Women, Identified D-N (includes portrait of Lidia
Donelson, undated; portrait of Miss Hernden, teacher at Ulm, MT, (circa 1885);
snapshots of Irene with horse, undated and 1935; portrait of Althea Jeffers, Bud
Churchill's friend, in cap and gown, (circa 1900); studio portrait of Maggie McMeekin
leaning on pedestal with statue, (circa 1885), Maggie took care of Churchill children
when they lived on the ranch in Montana; Mrs. Noteware, who shared housing with the
Churchill's in Spokane, WA, (circa 1902)) |
undated; circa 1885; circa 1900; circa 1902; 1935 |
8/14 | Women, Identified S-W (includes portrait of Mrs.
Stine, (circa 1890); Ethel Van Campen, undated; Bessie Webber Ligget, Rachel Webber
Sterns, and unidentified woman, (pre-1915); Bessie Webber Ligget and Rachel Webber
Sterns (seated), (pre-1915); Mrs. W. D. Weir, undated) |
undated; circa 1890; pre-1915 |
8/15 | Women, Unidentified (includes Klenze portrait, Fort
Assinniboine, M.T., of woman wearing a crucifix, (circa 1880); portraits of Harvey
Mae's first music teacher, one holding a carrying case for music, taken by Helena
photographers, (circa 1885); young woman with necklace, undated; woman wearing dress
with large white collar, undated; young woman wearing pearl necklace, undated) |
undated; circa 1880; circa 1885 |
8/16 | Women, Unidentified (includes portrait of two women
wearing ornamental combs; two women; woman seated on step with dog; girl wearing
cowgirl hat and scarf; woman wearing large flowered hat, and woman with
dog) |
undated |
8/17 | Women, Unidentified (includes women holding babies;
women with others) |
undated |
8/18 | Women, Unidentified (includes girl with cats; woman
with umbrella; woman with large, brimmed hat; views of young woman in front of a
house; older woman in winter coat standing in snow; girl wearing man's hat and
trousers; laughing girl wearing a pinafore; older woman sitting on front
step) |
undated |