Utah State University historical photo-board collection, 1889-1997

Overview of the Collection

Utah State University.
Utah State University historical photo-board collection
1889-1997 (inclusive)
1900-1960 (bulk)
3.0 linear ft. , (2 filing cabinets)
Collection Number
2,842 photographs that document the history of Utah State University from roughly 1890 to 1990. Nearly every major aspect of USU is covered by these images including student activities, athletics, building projects, departments, graduation, classroom scenes, the library, extension and experiment station activities, and university staff and faculty. The images show the evolution of the University from the Agricultural College of Utah with nine faculty members and 139 students when classes first opened in the fall of 1890 to a modern, research institution. Photos are mounted onto 2,024 archival poster boards.
Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives Division
Special Collections & Archives
Merrill-Cazier Library
Utah State University
Logan, UT
Telephone: 4357978248
Fax: 4357972880
Access Restrictions

Open to public research.

Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant, 2007-2008

Biographical NoteReturn to Top

For more information about the history of Utah State University see Pictures Past: A Centennial Celebration of Utah State University by A.J. Simmonds and An Encyclopedic History of Utah State University by Robert Parson, University Archivist.

Utah State University has had four official names: Agricultural College of Utah (1888-1916), Utah Agricultural College (1916-1929), Utah State Agricultural College (1929-1957), and Utah State University (1957- to date).

Buildings on campus were used for a multitude of purposes and often housed several academic departments over the course of the school's history. For continuity's sake, this inventory will use one specific name for each building or place, even though that name has changed over time. The following list indicates each building's most common name and a brief history. These buildings are denoted in the inventory by an asterisk.

Old Main Hill - The rather steep hill on the southwest corner of campus is well known to today's students as Old Main Hill, after the building which crown's its peak. Prior to the main building on campus being nicknamed Old Main, this hill was called College Hill, after the campus itself. For continuity's sake, the hill will be referred to as Old Main Hill.

Merrill Library - The first campus library was actually housed in Old Main, although it moved three times within the building due to departmental accommodations. In 1930, the University Library was built - a three story structure on the east end of the Quad. In 1963 and 1967, two additions were added to the building, completely enclosing the old structure, and the modified building was renamed after Milton R. Merrill, Vice President of Utah State University. In the summer of 2003 construction began for a new Merrill Library to be built adjacent to the east and north sides of the Stanford O. Cazier Science and Technology Library (Sci-Tech Library). The former Merrill Library was torn down in 2006 after the completion of the new Merrill-Cazier Library. To avoid confusion with the 1995 Sci-Tech and Merrill-Cazier Libraries, "Merrill Library" will refer to the original site of the 1930 University Library Building.

President's Residence - Originally meant to be the model farmhouse and the home of the School of Domestic Science, the President's Residence was first claimed in 1890 by President Sanborn, who swapped his planned residence in Old Main with the School of Domestic Science. It remained in use as the official residence of the President until Joseph Marion Tanner (1896), when it was vacated and turned into a dormitory. Currently it is used as the campus Alumni Center. Throughout this inventory, it will be called the "President's Residence" in order to avoid confusion with later dormitories.

Student Union Building - Until the 1950s, campus lacked a formal building for use by the student body. The Family Life Building, with a cafeteria and outdoor eating area, served as a social gathering place for the students. Other structures, such as the TUB (Temporary Union Building), were used from 1946 to 1952 while the Student Union Building was planned and built. On May 2, 1953, the first wing of the building was dedicated and opened for student use, with the second wing being completed nearly ten years later in December of 1964. From the 1950s to the 1970s, the building was referred to as the Union Center. Around 1980, the name of the building was changed to the Taggart Student Center after Glen L. Taggart, 11th President of the University. For continuity's sake, the building will be referred to as the "Student Union Building."

University Annex - Built in 1891, this building served as a co-ed boarding house until 1909. It was later used as the Domestic Science Building from 1909-1935, World War I barracks, Forestry Building from 1935-1960, and as the University Annex and Social Sciences & Arts Building from 1961-1970. It was condemned after the earthquake of August 1962 and demolished in the fall of 1970. Due to its changing use, the title "University Annex" will be used to identify the building throughout the inventory.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection consists of 2,842 photographs that document the history Utah State University from roughly 1890 to 1990. Nearly every major aspect of USU is covered by these images including student activities, athletics, building projects, departments, graduation, classroom scenes, the library, research, laboratories, extension and experiment station activities, and university staff and faculty. The images show the evolution of the University from the Agricultural College of Utah with nine faculty members and 139 students when classes first opened in the fall of 1890 to the modern, graduate, research institution. Photos are mounted onto 2,024 archival poster boards.

Entries followed by an (RO) designation are copies of the original. The originals are located in the Retired Originals Collection P0329 under the same item number. Many of these photographs are also found in other collections, such as the Agricultural College of Utah Cyanotypes Collection P0014. References to these collections will be listed after the entry by their collection number (ex. P0014) followed by their item number within the collection. Entries enclosed partially or wholly by quotation marks (" ") are taken directly from the reference work cited, in most cases this will be the Buzzer, the University yearbook.

Some photographs in this collection were replaced with modern copies and the originals removed to form the Retired originals photograph collection, 1860-1965 (P0329).

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

It is the responsibility of the researcher to obtain any necessary copyright clearances.

Permission to publish material from the Utah State University historical photo-board colletion must be obtained from the Special Collections Photograph Curator and/or the Special Collections Department Head.

Alternative Forms Available

View selected digitized images from the Utah State University historical photo-board collection.

Preferred Citation

Utah State University historical photo-board collection, 1889-1997. (USU PHO1). Utah State University. Special Collections & Archives Department.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Arrangement: Topical.

Acquisition Information

These images were compiled from a variety of University resources as well as private donors. Many of the photographs also came from University publications such as the school yearbook, student newspaper, catalogues, and advertisements. A portion of the items in this collection have been compiled from five other photograph collections (P0004, P0007, P0014, P0017, and P0329) in which case the photoboard displays a duplicate and the original remains in its respective collection.

Processing Note

Register completed by Liz Woolcott, 2003, and revised by Daniel Davis, April 2008.

Related Materials

  • H. Reuben Reynolds Collection - P0004
  • Maxwell D. Cohn Photograph Collection - P0007
  • Agricultural College of Utah Cyanotypes Collection - P0014
  • Utah Cooperative Extension Division - P0017
  • Postcard Collection - P0031
  • USU Intermountain Herbarium - P0119
  • Military Science and Tactics - P0137
  • County Extension Agent Reports - P0138
  • Utah State University Student Activity Photograph Collection - P0312
  • Outlook Magazine Photograph Collection - P0320
  • Publicity Portraits - P0326
  • Retired Originals Collection - P0329
  • ROTC Scrapbooks - P0350
  • Utah Juniper Photograph Collection - P0366
  • Student Union Building - P0367

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Description Dates
USU A-0001 : Old Main architectural drawing
Drawing by C. L. Thompson for "College Building." Plan modified in 1892 to enlarge center section. Thompson plan would have centered the tower due east of 500 North St. SEE also Outlook, December 1970, p. 8.
USU A-0002 : Old Main architectural drawing
Drawing by Carl C. Shaub, architect. 1892 enlarged plan for Main Building. Center section enlarged from Thompson 1889 plan. See also USU A-0128. See also Outlook, December 1970, p.8.
USU A-0003a : Students seated in the Chapel (auditorium) of Old Main
View from the stage. The Chapel was located in the south wing of Old Main. The balcony was later removed and the second floor added for the Geology department. Seating capacity was 400. See also the image in ACU Catalogue 1902-3 in the USU Catalogues 9.5/1 and P0014 7:60 and 7:71.
USU A-0003b : View of the Chapel (auditorium) from the stage
It was last used for chapel exercises in 1901-1902. Also known as Society Hall, the Chapel was located in the south wing of Old Main. The balcony was later removed and the second floor added for the Geology department. Seating capacity was 400. See also P0014 2:04:07 and 7:71. See also Student Life Vol. 13, no. 31, May 7, 1915, p. 3.
USU A-0004 : Agricultural College of Utah football team of
See also P0014 7:103.
USU A-0005a : Agricultural College of Utah football team scrimmaging on the lawn west of Old Main, Edgar B. Brossard featured
See USU A-0714b. See also P0014 2:01:12. See also Student Life 1906, p. 83-85.
USU A-0005b : Edgar B. Brossard in football gear
See also P0014 2:01:11 and 2:02:12. See also Student Life 1906, p. 90.
USU A-0006a : Five men standing outside a quarantine house
"Small Pox" sign near the door. House was at foot of Old Main Hill*, south of present stairs. See also P0014 1:13:04 and 1:16:11.
ca. 1903
USU A-0006b : Lt. Samuel W. Dunning drilling faculty on the Chapel stage 1902
USU A-0007 : "Winter spraying in the Experiment Station Orchard." Three men spraying fruit trees on the Experiment Station Orchard
See also ACU Experiment Station Bulletin, no. 55, plate I.
March 1898
USU A-0008 : View taken from intersection 700 East St. and 600 North St., including the Director's House, President's residence*, Experiment Station, Old Main, Mechanic Arts, University Annex*, and privy behind the Annex (L to R)
The front of Old Main is under construction. See also P0014 7:141.
spring 1902
USU A-0010a : View of campus landscape on Old Main Hill* looking west toward the Logan LDS Temple 1920s
USU A-0010b : View of campus landscape on Old Main Hill* looking west toward the Logan LDS Temple 1920s
USU A-0010c : Winter view of campus landscape on Old Main Hill* looking west toward the Logan LDS Temple 1920s
USU A-0011a : Mechanic Arts Building after the fire of
Later rebuilt as a two-story structure. Sketch of blue prints for original building located in the Student Life 1903, p. 115.
September 11, 1905
USU A-0011b : North wing of Mechanic Arts Building and south wing of Old Main ca. 1903
USU A-0012 : Orchard, looking east towards mouth of Logan Canyon from roof of Old Main, flag pole visible
Flagpole also visible on photo USU A-0024a. See also P0014 1:03:10, 1:06:12, 8:68, and 8:174. See the catalogue of the Agricultural College of Utah, 1905-06, for additional photos of the orchard.
USU A-0013a : View of Mechanic Arts Building from the south tower of Old Main, taken after the fire of
Photo removed from the Kerr Collection of the Presidential Papers.
September 11, 1905.
USU A-0013b : View of Mechanic Arts Building from the west, taken after the fire of
Photo removed from the Kerr Collection of the Presidential Papers.
September 11, 1905
USU A-0014 : Old Main west tower under construction summer 1902
USU A-0015a : Old Main construction of west wing, horses and supplies
Completing third and fourth floors. See P0014 1:01:15, 1:02:18, and 8:117.
spring 1902.
USU A-0015b : Old Main west tower under construction, with horses and supplies. Completing third and fourth floors
See also P0014 1:01:16 and 1:02:18.
early spring 1902.
USU A-0016 : Old Main west tower under construction
See also P0014 1:01:13 and 8:112.
early spring 1902.
USU A-0017a : Winter scene of the south wing of Old Main, view from the south winter 1905
USU A-0017b : Winter scene of the north wing of Old Main, view from the west winter 1905
USU A-0018a : North wing of Old Main, view from the west ca. 1907
USU A-0018b : Old Main west tower, view from the west ca. 1907
USU A-0019 : View of fields through lombardy poplar wind-break on the Greenville Experiment Station farm ca. 1903
USU A-0020a : View of the Experiment Station Farm in St. George, Utah ca. 1905
USU A-0020b : View of the Experiment Station Farm and buildings through the front gates in St. George, Utah ca. 1905
USU A-0021 : Campus view looking east from the 2nd floor of the Experiment Station Building, including the Model Barn, Conservatory, North Wing of Old Main, Veterinary Hospital, greenhouse, and forest plantation
See also P0014 2:06:12, 7:125, 8:111, and 8:179.
ca. 1905
USU A-0022a : Residence of the Director of the Experiment Station
See also P0014 1:85.
ca. 1904
USU A-0022b : View along the brow of Old Main Hill* showing the north wing of Old Main, Experiment Station, President's residence*, and Director's Residence ca. 1904
USU A-0023 : View of north campus, including sheep and cattle barns in the background. Note student's carriages and sleighs parked in the foreground. View shows 800 East St. where present Student Union Building* is located (1975). Photo taken from the second floor of the Director's Residence winter 1902
USU A-0024a : View of campus from the top of the University Annex*, including the Model Barn, President's house, creamery, Experiment Station, Old Main, and Mechanic Arts Building
Photograph taken before the west tower of Old Main had been added. See also P0014 7:120 and 8:181.
USU A-0024b : View of campus taken from the top of the University Annex*, including the Director's Residence, Model Barn, President's house, creamery, Experiment Station, Old Main, and Mechanic Arts Building
Photograph taken after the addition of the west tower to Old Main. See also P0014 2:05:11, 2:06:04, 2:06:05, 7:115 - 7:118, 8:27, 8:28, and 8:181.
USU A-0025a : Mechanic Arts Building, built in 1897. It was furnished with appropriations from the 1897 and 1899 Utah Legislatures. The legislature of 1897 also appropriated $2,000 to begin a course in Manual Arts training. The building was destroyed by fire on September 11, 1905
USU A-0155 shows the Mechanic Arts Building rebuilt and USU A-0156 shows it with its final enlargement.
USU A-0025b : Mechanic Arts Building in the snow
USU A-0027a : Cattle and sheep barns built in 1901, farm cottages in background, looking southwest
See also P0014 7:27.
USU A-0027b : Experiment Station Farms, cows and men standing outside of sheep and cattle barns, looking northeast
See also P0014 7:31.
USU A-0028 : Campus view of a gathering on the quad, also featuring the Animal Husbandry Building, Plant Science Building, and the Farmer's Encampment to the east of the quad in summer ca. 1924
USU A-0029a : Aerial view of campus 1952
USU A-0029b : View of construction on the west tower of Old Main 1901
USU A-0030 : Aerial view of campus 1968
USU A-0031 : Poultry yard and coops 1920s
USU A-0033a : Chi Omega sorority house, 220 West Center Street, Logan
USU A-0033b : Dormitory for upper class women
Later converted into Kerr Hall, a men's dorm, from 1956-7, and the Delta Sigma Phi fraternity house from 1958-1971. Located at 250 West Center Street, Logan.
USU A-0034a : Chi Omega sorority house, 743 North 800 East in Logan
USU A-0034b : Chi Omega sorority house, 743 North 800 East in Logan
USU A-0035 : Old creamery located behind Old Main displaying an advertisement for a DeLaval milking machine demonstration ca. 1920
USU A-0036 : South wing of Old Main 1940s
USU A-0037 : Old Main tower and view of Logan and Cache Valley 1940s
USU A-0038 : Alpha Chi Omega sorority house under construction early 1940s
USU A-0039 : Dance in the Temporary Union Building (TUB) 1950
USU A-0040 : View of north campus including the barns, the Fieldhouse, and the Union Building under construction summer 1952
USU A-0041 : View of northeast campus from the roof of the Smart Gymnasium ca. 1916
USU A-0042 : View of the Experiment Station Building and Old Main from the path east of the President's house 1923
USU A-0043 : View of the President's Residence* and Old Main at night 1960s
USU A-0044 : University Annex*, Domestic Science Building (Women's Building) in 1912
USU A-0045 : Experiment Station 1920s
USU A-0046a : Experiment Station, view from the southwest 1920s
USU A-0046b : Experiment Station, view from the west 1920s
USU A-0046c : Experiment Station, view from the south 1920s
USU A-0047a : University Annex*, when in use as the Forestry Building
See also Outlook, September 1970, p. 2.
ca. 1935
USU A-0047b : University Annex*, when in use as the Domestic Science Building
See also Outlook, September 1970, p. 2.
ca. 1920.
USU A-0047c : University Annex*, when in use as the Women's Dormitory
See also Outlook, September 1970, p. 2.
ca. 1910.
USU A-0048 : View of the University Annex*
See also USU A-0047. See also Outlook, September 1970, p. 2.
USU A-0049 : University Annex*, when in use as the Forestry Building 1940s
USU A-0050 : View of the University Annex* during its use as the Domestic Science Building
See also USU A-0047.
USU A-0051 : Rear view of the University Annex*
See also USU A-0047.
USU A-0052 : Student Union Building* under construction
Dedicated May 2, 1953.
early 1950s.
USU A-0053 : Architectural drawings of the Maeser Laboratories
William F. Thomas, architect.
USU A-0054 : E. L. "Dick" Romney stadium
Ground was broken for the stadium on October 12, 1926. It was dedicated October 8, 1927 and demolished in 1969.
USU A-0055 : Mosaic mural located at the entrance to the Natural Resources Building
The mural measured 10 feet high by 54 feet long, being the largest work of its type in the Intermountain West when it was finished in the spring of 1962. Professors Everett C. Thorpe and Gaell Lindstrom of the USU Fine Arts department designed and executed the work, assisted by students Roy Purcell, LeRoy Peterson, and Don Hoskisson. See the archives record group 6.6 "Building Descriptions," "Meanings in the Mosaic Mural."
ca. 1965
USU A-0056 : Aerial photo of campus summer 1966
USU A-0057 : Aerial photo of campus spring 1968
USU A-0058 : View looking down Old Main Hill* 1960s
USU A-0059 : Aerial photo looking west across the central part of campus and showing the Plant Maintenance Building under construction 1946
USU A-0060 : Aerial photo of campus 1970
USU A-0061 : Aerial photo of campus, looking north ca. 1942
USU A-0062 : Aerial photo of campus summer 1970
USU A-0063 : Aerial photo of campus, looking southwest ca. 1942
USU A-0064a : View of north campus from the tower of Old Main 1945
USU A-0064b : View of the quad from Highway 89 1945
USU A-0064c : View of the Mechanic Arts Building and the south wing of Old main from Old Main tower 1945
USU A-0065a : Animal Industry Building ca. 1923
USU A-0065b : Merrill Library*, entrance under construction 1968
USU A-0066a : Student Union Building* at night with Old Main in the background
The main portion of the building was built from 1952-153 and dedicated on May 2, 1953. The east addition was dedicated on December 3, 1964.
spring 1966.
USU A-0066b : Student Union Building* at night spring 1966
USU A-0067a : Student Union Building* ca. 1959
USU A-0067b : Student Union Building* ca. 1955
USU A-0068a : Student Union Building* ca. 1966
USU A-0068b : Student Union Building* ca. 1958
USU A-0069 : Student Union Building* 1962
USU A-0070 : Architectural drawing for the enlargement of the Merrill Library*. First plan ca. 1960
USU A-0071 : View of the campus from the roof of the University Annex*, showing the south wing of Old Main, the Experiment Station, the Director's house, the Model Barn, and the President's Residence*
Photo taken by James W. Crockwell of Salt Lake City, Utah.
spring 1892
USU A-0072a : Aerial view of campus 1952
USU A-0072b : Aerial view of campus 1939
USU A-0073a : Panoramic view of campus
duplicate of USU A-0073b.
ca. 1900
USU A-0073b : Panoramic view of campus
duplicate of USU A-0073a.
ca. 1900
USU A-0074a : View of campus from the towers of the LDS Logan Temple ca. 1923
USU A-0074b : Path from 400 North St. and 800 East St. to Old Main on the south end of the Old Main Hill* lawn ca. 1942
USU A-0075a : View of the President's Residence*, Old Main before the west tower was completed, and the Mechanic Arts Building ca. 1895
USU A-0075b : Lawn and garden on the west side of Old Main 1940s
USU A-0075c : View of Old Main with the Mechanic Arts Building in the background ca. 1910
USU A-0076a : View of Old Main from 600 North St. and 800 East St 1950s
USU A-0076b : View of Old Main up the steps of Old Main Hill* 1940
USU A-0077 : View of Old Main from 800 East St. and 400 North St. showing the gates at the 400 North St. entrance 1954
USU A-0078 : Aerial photo looking east featuring the Quonset and Prefab housing built on USAC campus in 1946 to accommodate veterans and their families attending school on the G.I. bill after World War II
USU A-0079 : Aerial view of campus 1952
USU A-0080 : Aerial photo looking north featuring the Quonset and Prefab housing built on USAC campus in 1946 to accommodate veterans and their families attending school on the G.I. bill after World War II
USU A-0081 : View of campus from the highway looking west toward the Family Life Building and Old Main 1930
USU A-0082 : Family Life Building, formerly called the Home Economics - Commons building, dedicated September 26-27, 1935
USU A-0083 : Campus view looking south down 800 East St., including the George Nelson Fieldhouse, the Student Union Building, Widstoe Hall, and Old Main 1954
USU A-0084 : Student Union Building*
The building was dedicated on May 2, 1953 and the east addition was dedicated on December 3, 1964.
USU A-0085 : Student Union Building* 1953
USU A-0086 : Architect's drawing of the Engineering Building
The classroom wing was constructed in 1962, the lab wing in 1964, and the north end addition in 1970.
USU A-0087 : Merrill Library* before its expansion ca. late 1940s
USU A-0088 : Widstoe Hall Chemistry Building, constructed 1913-1916
USU A-0089 : View from Merrill Hall looking northeast at the Fine Arts Center under construction 1966
USU A-0090 : Crops Research Lab, built 1960, dedicated October 26, 1961
USU A-0091 : Merrill Library* entrance 1967
USU A-0092 : Student Union Building* 1965
USU A-0093a : Fine Arts Center 1968
USU A-0093b : Two women walking out of the Fine Arts Center 1968
USU A-0094a : Agricultural Science Building (E.G. Peterson Building) under construction 1955
USU A-0094b : Agricultural Science Building (E.G. Peterson Building) under construction 1955
USU A-0094c : Agricultural Science Building (E.G. Peterson Building) under construction 1955
USU A-0095a : Agricultural Science Building (E.G. Peterson Building) under construction 1955-6
USU A-0095b : Agricultural Science Building (E.G. Peterson Building) under construction 1955-6
USU A-0095c : Agricultural Science Building (E.G. Peterson Building) under construction 1955-6
USU A-0096 : Horse Barn 1940s
USU A-0097 : Burtch W. Beall, Jr.'s architectural floor plan for level "C" of the Chase Fine Arts Center
The building was dedicated October 18, 1967.
USU A-0098 : Burtch W. Beall, Jr.'s architectural floor plan for level "D" of the Chase Fine Arts Center 1964
USU A-0099 : Burtch W. Beall, Jr.'s architectural floor plan for level "B" of the Chase Fine Arts Center 1964
USU A-0100a : Veterinary Science Building, built 1930
USU A-0100b : Veterinary Science Building, built 1930
USU A-0101 : Engineering Building with the classroom wing under construction 1963
USU A-0102 : Richards Hall dormitory 1960s
USU A-0103 : Lund Hall just after its construction in
It was originally built as the women's dormitory for W.P.A. project 1045-2d. The building was named for Anton H. Lund, author of the 1888 Act establishing the college. It was used as a women's dormitory until the fall of 1966 when it was converted to a dormitory for athletes and used as such until 1980. See also USU A-0145.
USU A-0104 : View of Bullen Hall dormitory looking northwest from the formal gardens 1960s
USU A-0105 : View of the Moen, Greaves, and Reeder Hall dormitories, with a slight view of the wall of the Merrill Hall dormitory, built 1957-58. Photograph taken in
See also USU A-0798a.
USU A-0106a : University Apartments 1960s
USU A-0106b : Aerial view of the McKay Living Center, the Triads, and the LDS stake center under construction 1960s
USU A-0107 : Aerial view of campus 1958
USU A-0108a : Family Life and Education (presently English) buildings 1940
USU A-0108b : English Building, formerly the Agricultural Engineering Buildling and later the Education Building, built in 1918
USU A-0109a : Edith Bowen Laboratory school
The building was dedicated August 11, 1958.
USU A-0109b : Edith Bowen Laboratory school 1958
USU A-0110 : Campus view showing the Family Life Building, Education Building, and Old Main on the south half of the Quad 1950s
USU A-0111a : Family Life Building
It was originally built as a W.P.A project and dedicated in September of 1935.
USU A-0111b : Two women on the steps of the Family Life Building 1930s
USU A-0112a : View of Old Main and the Quad from the Plant Industry Building ca. 1963
USU A-0112b : View of Old Main and the campus skyline from Adams Park
USU A-0113 : Woman standing inside Quonset hut ca. mid 1940s
USU A-0114 : View looking east towards Richards Hall and Bullen Hall dormitories 1960s
USU A-0115 : University Apartments
World War II barracks were moved to campus in 1945 and used for married student housing until 1967. They were colloquially called the "lambing sheds." The apartments are referred to as "Prefab apartments" in the directories of the 1960s. See also USU A-0130, USU A-0131, and USU A-1048.
USU A-0116a : Old Main decorated with flags of the allied nations on the occasion of the return of the 145th Field Artillery to Logan for demobilization
See also USU A-0136, USU A-0191-a, USU A-1514, USU A-1515, and USU A-1516. See also Buzzer, 1919, p. 142-148.
January 16, 1919
USU A-0116b : Old Main decorated with flags of the allied nations on the occasion of the return of the 145th Field Artillery to Logan for demobilization
See also USU A-0136 , USU A-0191-a, USU A-1514, USU A-1515, and USU A-1516. See also Buzzer, 1919, p. 142-148.
January 16, 1919.
USU A-0117 : Three men looking at the Experiment Station poultry buildings
Dr. Draper is standing at the right.
USU A-0118a : The President's Garden, constructed in 1965 for University President Daryl Chase and his wife Alice Chase 1960s
USU A-0118b : The President's Garden, constructed in 1965 for University President Daryl Chase and his wife Alice Chase 1960s
USU A-0119a : East High Rise with the corner of the High Rise Plaza Cafeteria. The buildings were erected 1964-66 and were first occupied during fall quarter, 1966
USU A-0119b : East High Rise 1960s
USU A-0120a : Smart Gymnasium
Built in 1910 at the cost of $50,000. It was located on the site previously occupied by the Director's Residence. The building was named for Thomas Smart (1853-1921). It was condemned after the August 1962 earthquake and demolished in 1971. See Outlook, September 1971.
ca. 1920
USU A-0120b : Smart Gymnasium ca. 1910
USU A-0120c : Smart Gymnasium
USU A-0120d : Smart Gymnasium
USU A-0121a : Bell in the Old Main tower 1920s
USU A-0121b : Composite photo of the bell in Old Main tower 1940s
USU A-0122 : Old Main west tower 1960s
USU A-0123 : Architect Karl C. Schaub's enlarged plan for Old Main
The center section was enlarged from the Thompson 1889 plan. Photograph of the drawing from which the cut show on USU A-0002 was made. See also Outlook, December 1970, p. 8. See also USU A-1995b.
USU A-0124 : View of the Old Main west tower at night with the lighted "A" on top 1960s
USU A-0125a : Eccles Business Building, dedicated May 8, 1970. Photograph taken ca. 1970s
USU A-0125b : First Architect's plan for the Eccles Business Building, including an office tower and four small classroom buildings ca. 1967
USU A-0125c : Second Architect's plan for the Eccles Business Building ca. 1968
USU A-0126 : East High Rise and cafeteria under construction 1965
USU A-0127a : Utah Water Research Laboratory architectural drawing
USU A-0127b : Utah Water Research Laboratory Building under construction. The building was dedicated December 1965
USU A-0128 : Old Main interior view of the sewing room and sewing class
The class, taught by Miss Ada Little, includes students by the last name of Bullen, Webb, Drysdale, Merrill, McNiel, Lundberg, and Amanda Holmgren Sanchy. The sewing room occupied what would be room 253 in Old Main in 1975. The photo was used to illustrate the 1894-95 catalog.
USU A-0129 : View of the south wing and tower of Old Main from the south 1950s
USU A-0130 : University Apartments
World war II Barracks moved to campus in 1945, these were used for married student housing until 1967. See also USU A-0115 and USU A-0131.
USU A-0131 : Kitchen in the University Apartments (Prefabs)
See also USU A-0115 and USU A-0130.
USU A-0132 : High Rise dormitories ca. 1966
USU A-0133 : View of the Old Main west tower from the west looking up the hill toward the tower 1960s
USU A-0134 : View of the Old Main west tower from the southwest lawn 1930s
USU A-0135 : View of the Old Main south and west towers from the south lawn 1940s
USU A-0136 : Old Main decorated with flags of the allied nations on the occasion of the return of the 145th Field Artillery to Logan for demobilization
See also USU A-0116, USU A-0191-a, USU A-1514, USU A-1515, and USU A-1516. See also Buzzer, 1919, p. 142-148.
January 16, 1919
USU A-0137 : Aerial view looking east across campus 1957
USU A-0138a : View of the south wing of Old Main from the southwest ca. 1962
USU A-0138b : View of the east side of Old Main from the Plant Industry Building to the northeast of Old Main ca. 1964
USU A-0139 : View of students, Milton C. Abrams, a USU librarian, and the east side of Old Main from the Quad ca. 1962
USU A-0140 : Winter view of the west tower of Old Main from the northwest 1960s
USU A-0141a : View of the north wing of Old Main from the northeast
Note that the flagpole had been moved from the top of the west tower to the front of the building and a UHF translator installed on the roof of the center section.
ca. 1968.
USU A-0141b : View of the south wing of Old Main from the southwest ca. 1926
USU A-0142 : View of the Old Main west tower with flagpole atop the tower and a 49-star flag fall 1958
USU A-0143 : View of Old Main from the Quad on the east side of the building
There is a 1960 Chevrolet in the parking lot but the flag on tower has 48 stars.
USU A-0144 : View of the Old Main west tower at night 1950s
USU A-0145a : Lund Hall
See USU A-0103 for further information.
ca. 1938.
USU A-0145b : Lund Hall
See USU A-0103 for further information.
ca. 1938.
USU A-0146 : Aerial view of campus looking northeast 1958
USU A-0147 : Track meet on the east side of Old Main
Photo was used to illustrate the last page of the picture section of the 1905-06 catalog. For the locale of the track and athletic field, See the fold-out map accompanying the 1908 and 1909 catalogs.
ca. 1904
USU A-0148 : View of the south wing of Old Main and the Mechanic Arts Building from the northwest 1920s
USU A-0149 : View of Bullen Hall and Richard's Hall dormitories from the practice field ca. 1963
USU A-0150 : Detail of the north door on the west side of Old Main, showing the carved "Romanesque" capstones and sandstone stairs 1920s
USU A-0151a : View of the Old Main north wing
The main chimney on the far right was removed in 1963.
USU A-0151b : Winter view of the west tower of Old Main 1950s
USU A-0152 : Willis Tingey, resident engineer; Philo Hendricksen, Superintendent of Construction; LaVon Nielsen, brick and masonry construction; Wayne B. Garff, general contractor; and V.D. Gardner, Faculty Coordinator consulting together on the construction site of the Agricultural Science Building fall 1955
USU A-0153a : Interior view of the Mechanic Arts Building after the fire of September 11, 1905
USU A-0153b : Interior view of the Mechanic Arts Building after the fire of September 11, 1905
USU A-0153c : Interior view of the Mechanic Arts Building after the fire of September 11, 1905
USU A-0154 : LDS Institute Building
Initial portion of the building constructed 1928-29. Second portion of the building finished in 1962.
USU A-0155a : Mechanic Arts Building as rebuilt after the fire of 1905
Compare with USU A-0025 as originally built and USU A-0156 as enlarged 1914-15.
ca. 1909
USU A-0155b : Mechanic Arts Building as rebuilt after the fire of 1905
Compare with USU A-0025 as originally built and USU A-0156 as enlarged 1914-15. This photograph is a published version of USU A-0155-a and identical to it.
ca. 1909.
USU A-0156a : Mechanic Arts Building during the
Shows the final enlargement to two full stories, made in 1914-15. Compare with USU A-0155, showing the Mechanic Arts Building as rebuilt after the 1905 fire.
USU A-0156b : Mechanic Arts Building during the
Shows the final enlargement to two full stories, made in 1914-15. Compare with USU A-0155, showing the Mechanic Arts Building as rebuilt after the 1905 fire.
USU A-0157a : View of the Mechanic Arts Building from the west 1930s
USU A-0157b : Crews replacing the roof in the middle wing of the Mechanic Arts Building 1940s
USU A-0157c : View of the Mechanic Arts Building from the west 1930s
USU A-0158a : Architectural drawing of the Agricultural Science Building
USU A-0158b : Completed Agricultural Science Building, dedicated in 1956
USU A-0159 : Information Services Building, formerly the Experiment Station Building 1960s
USU A-0160a : Students outside the Agricultural Science Building 1960s
USU A-0160b : Agricultural Science Building 1960s
USU A-0160c : Aerial view of the Agricultural Science Building 1960s
USU A-0161a : Stock judging pavilion. Built in 1910 on the present site of the Student Union ballroom, it was moved to its present location behind the Natural Resources Building about 1951, at the time of the Student Union construction. It was used as the headquarters for the University Painters in 1975
USU A-0161b : View of the Model Barn from the northwest
Barn stood on the site of what would later be the Maeser Labs. The photo was used to illustrate the 1899-1900 catalog.
USU A-0162a : Architect's drawing of the Animal Industry Building, built in 1917
USU A-0162b : Animal Industry Building 1940s
USU A-0163 : View of campus from the east looking west at Old Main, the creamery, President's Residence*, and Experiment Station Director's Residence
Note the weather flag atop the south wing of Old Main. The photo was used to illustrate the 1894-95 catalog.
USU A-0165 : Reeder Hall
It was completed for occupancy in fall of 1956.
USU A-0166 : Aerial view of campus looking south fall 1958
USU A-0167 : Aerial view of campus looking west
Foundation footings for Richard's Hall and Bullen Hall dormitories visible in the center of the photo.
fall 1958
USU A-0168 : View of Old Main from the west showing the lower portion of the west tower and the south wing and tower
USU A-0169a : High Rise dormitory. It was ready for occupancy in fall of 1966
USU A-0169b : High Rise dormitories, ready for occupancy in fall of 1966
USU A-0170a : View of the Old Main west tower from the north 1920s
USU A-0170b : View of the Old Main west tower from the south 1930s
USU A-0170c : View of the Old Main west tower from the west 1930s
USU A-0171 : Sigma Chi house
Building built in 1941. See also USU A-0195.
USU A-0173 : View of campus looking due east between the south wing of Old Main, the Mechanic Arts Building, and the Agricultural Engineering Buildling (now the English Building,) ca. 1925
USU A-0174 : Aerial view of the Technology Building and Quonset Hut housing
See also the map of the USAC campus on p. 6 of the 1949-50 catalog.
USU A-0175 : Women's dorms: Moen, Greave's, Reeder, and Merrill Halls on 400 North St
Note that the fill material on the right was used to widen the street in 1960-61. See also USU A-0798c.
ca. 1960
USU A-0176 : View of an walkway between two buildings ca. 1950s
USU A-0177 : View of the trailer court looking north ca. 1962
USU A-0178 : Entrance gates to the USAC campus
They were the gifts of the classes of 1933, 1935, 1936, and 1937. The gates were largely removed in 1961 when 400 North St. (U.S. Highway 89) was widened. The gates and plaques were dedicated on December 19, 1940. See USU A-0988.
USU A-0180 : View of the west front and porches of the President's house from the north west, below the brow of the hill 1950s
USU A-0181a : View of the Plant Science and Animal Industry buildings from the west along the Quad
duplicate of USU A-0202.
ca. 1935
USU A-0181b : View of the Plant Science and Animal Industry buildings from the east along the Quad ca. 1935
USU A-0182 : View of the Old Main west tower from the southeast from below the brow of the hill 1950s
USU A-0183 : View of Old Main from the 'Island' with farm view in foreground 1950s
USU A-0184 : View of the Quad from the top of the Merrill Library* looking west towards Old Main
Note the tennis courts on the northwest side of the Quad. They were removed in 1962.
ca. 1960.
USU A-0185 : View of two students walking along the Quad with Old Main in the background 1960s
USU A-0186 : View of Old Main from the southwest at the bottom of Old Main Hill* 1960s
USU A-0187 : High Rise dormitories under construction 1965
USU A-0188a : Cattle and sheep barns on north campus 1920s
USU A-0188b : Cattle and sheep barns on north campus 1920s
USU A-0188c : Cattle and sheep barns on north campus 1920s
USU A-0189 : Architectural model of the McKay Living Center
The McKay Center was built 1961-62 and occupied for the first time in fall, 1962.
ca. 1960.
USU A-0190a : Campus view across the Quad showing the east side of Old Main 1964
USU A-0190b : Aerial view of south campus showing the southern wing of Old Main, the Mechanic Arts Building and the Quad
USU A-0191a : Smart Gymnasium decorated with allied flags on the occasion of the return of the 145th Field Artillery
See also USU A-0116, USU A-0136, USU A-1514, USU A-1515, and USU A-1516.
January 16, 1919.
USU A-0191b : View of the Smart Gymnasium from the south ca. 1928
USU A-0192 : Campus model and master plan 1956
USU A-0193 : View of the west tower of Old Main from the west and bottom of Old Main Hill* 1950s
USU A-0194 : Winter view of Old Main and the Quad looking west from the top of the Merrill Library*. The snow sculptures on the Quad were part of the Winter Carnival 1953-54
USU A-0195 : Sigma Chi house
See also USU A-0171.
ca. 1942
USU A-0196 : Student Union Building*, constructed 1952-53 and dedicated May 2, 1953
USU A-0197 : View of the President's house looking east from below the brow of Old Main Hill* 1950s
USU A-0198 : Old Main 1950s
USU A-0199 : Quonset Hut housing under construction summer 1946
USU A-0200 : Close-up view of the Old Main west tower from the roof of the north wing
Also visible is a partial view of the LDS Logan Temple and Cache Valley.
USU A-0201 : Aerial view looking east across Romney stadium and the Logan cemetery 1935
USU A-0202 : View of the Plant Science and Animal Industry buildings from the west along the Quad
duplicate of USU A-0181a.
ca. 1935
USU A-0203 : Winter view of the President's house looking southeast from below the brow of Old Main Hill* 1950s
USU A-0204a : The west and front tower of Old Main under construction
Photo showing the laying of the foundation stones. See also P0014 1:01:18 and 8:118.
summer 1901.
USU A-0204b : The west and front tower of Old Main under construction
Photo showing the laying of the first floor and first brick courses. See also P0014 1:01:19 and 8:119.
late summer or fall 1901
USU A-0205 : View of students climbing the steps up Old Main Hill* toward Old Main 1950s
USU A-0206a : View from the courtyard of the Student Union Building* showing Old Main with a flag on the tower pole, the Technology Industry Building and Widstoe Hall ca. 1966
USU A-0206b : View from the courtyard of the Student Union Building* showing Old Main, the Technology Industry Building and Widstoe Hall ca. 1968
USU A-0207 : Student looking at an art mural painted on the wall of the Merrill Library* 1968
USU A-0208 : Mechanic Arts manual training class studying wagon making (or repair)
These classes were emphasized after the appropriations of 1897 and 1899.
ca. 1900
USU A-0209a : Man turning the knobs of a machine 1960s
USU A-0209b : Woman holding a microphone and turning on a machine 1960s
USU A-0209c : Row of students at microfilm reader machines 1960s
USU A-0210a : Professor instructing a student on the use of a machine ca. 1960s
USU A-0210b : Media Utilization class with Leon Beutler as professor ca. 1960s
USU A-0211a : Students and a professor gathered around a table 1960s
USU A-0211b : Students and professors gathered around a machine in a shop class 1960s
USU A-0212a : Evan Sorensen registering a student for classes during registration time in the Fieldhouse 1960s
USU A-0212b : Students looking at the Merrill Library* Art Gallery exhibit in the Student Union Building* 1960s
USU A-0213a : Faculty meeting, probably in the Student Union Building* ca. 1956
USU A-0213b : Professor Merrill teaching an American foreign policy class 1969
USU A-0214a : Student typing data from a machine on a typewriter 1960s
USU A-0214b : Students drawing and typing what appears to be a media center 1960s
USU A-0215a : Professor teaching the "Fundamental Theorem of Calculus" to four students 1960s
USU A-0215b : Professor teaching math to a group of students 1960s
USU A-0216a : Professor teaching a group of students 1960s
USU A-0216b : Leon Beutler teaching a media utilization class 1960s
USU A-0217a : Jedon Emenheiser teaching a political science class 1960s
USU A-0217b : Three students solving a math equation at the blackboard 1960s
USU A-0218 : Student in a drafting class 1960s
USU A-0219a : Student typing at a type writer 1960s
USU A-0219b : Professor demonstrating the use of a machine to two students 1960s
USU A-0220a : Registration in the Fieldhouse ca. 1962
USU A-0220b : Registration in the Fieldhouse ca. 1962
USU A-0220c : Registration in the Fieldhouse ca. 1962
USU A-0221a : Professor teaching a group of students 1960s
USU A-0221b : One man demonstrating the use of a laminated press while another man and a woman look on 1960s
USU A-0222a : Lines of students waiting to register for classes in the Nelson Fieldhouse 1960s
USU A-0222b : Lines of students waiting to register for classes in the Nelson Fieldhouse 1960s
USU A-0223a : Three female and two male students, with one young boy, acting in a play
USU A-0223b : Two students, possibly Craig Jessop and Sharon Davis, acting in a play
USU A-0224a : Group of students, possibly a musical group, sitting on a car holding musical instruments 1960s
USU A-0224b : Group of students sitting in a formal pose holding guitars and banjos 1960s
USU A-0225a : Five students in a string quintet
USU A-0225b : The Jerry Gray band performing 1950s
USU A-0226 : Formal photo of the USU Concert Band
See also USU A-1164e.
USU A-0227 : Students during the "surf" dance at noon on the Student Union plaza while a band is playing. Local bands played on campus weekly through the early 1970s
USU A-0228 : Student Army Training Corp (SATC) Orchestra posed in uniform in the center cross-hall of the Old Main basement during World War I 1918
USU A-0229a : Group of four male students studying at a table
USU A-0229b : Group of female students involved in the SPURS organization, planning an activity
The SPURS were a service group. See also Buzzer 1968, p. 262.
USU A-0231a : Students walking on the sidewalk on the north side of the Quad 1966
USU A-0231b : Students walking on the sidewalk on the north side of the Quad 1966
USU A-0232a : UAC basketball player taking a free throw shot in a basketball game in the Fieldhouse
See Buzzer 1917, p. 174.
USU A-0232b : Student basketball player attempting a dunk in a game 1950s
USU A-0232c : UAC basketball player, possibly Noel Bennion ca. 1927
USU A-0233a : Professor Ralph Matesky leading orchestra in practice ca. 1968
USU A-0233b : Professor Clara Ingold teaching German class ca. 1968
USU A-0233c : ROTC Commissioning exercises
Professor Eddie Peterson, Reverend Miner E. Bruner, and University President Daryl Chase are also pictured.
USU A-0233d : Students in the language lab, located on the second floor of the north wing in Old Main 1960s
USU A-0234 : Women playing basketball in a physical education class 1940s
USU A-0235 : Two women and one man playing softball
One woman's uniform reads "L.D.S. Hospital."
USU A-0237 : Women's basketball game in the Smart Gymnasium 1940s
USU A-0238 : Women's basketball game 1940s
USU A-0239 : Women's softball game early 1960s
USU A-0240a : Women's basketball game in the women's gym in the basement of the Smart Gymnasium 1950s
USU A-0240b : People playing tennis on the courts near the Edith Bowen School 1960s
USU A-0241 : People playing badminton in the men's gym in the Smart Gymnasium 1950s
USU A-0242 : A man coaching four women in softball 1940s
USU A-0243a : Women's softball game on the quad 1970s
USU A-0243b : Women's basketball game 1970s
USU A-0244a : Joe Call, UAC basketball player
See also Buzzer 1929, p. 185.
USU A-0244b : Tom McMullen, forward for the UAC basketball team
See also Buzzer 1920, p. 179.
USU A-0245 : Utah State University playing Brigham Young University in a basketball game 1950s
USU A-0246a : Morgan McKay, center for the UAC basketball team
See also Buzzer 1920, p. 179.
USU A-0246b : Glen Sumsion, forward for the UAC basketball team
See also Buzzer 1920, p. 179.
USU A-0246c : Arthur Kirk, forward for the UAC basketball team
See also Buzzer 1920, p. 179.
USU A-0247a : Evans, UAC basketball player
See also USU A-0327. See also Buzzer 1917, p. 107.
USU A-0247b : Burns Crookston, ACU basketball player 1913
USU A-0247c : DuWayne Henrie, forward for the USAC basketball team
See also Buzzer 1930, p. 152.
USU A-0247d : UAC basketball team, including Evans, Kapple, McKay, Smith, McMullen, Cox, and Twitchell
See USU A-0327. See also Buzzer 1917, p. 178.
USU A-0248a : ACU football team
See also ACU Catalogue, 1902-03.
ca. 1902.
USU A-0248b : 1918 State Champion UAC basketball team from L to R: Glenn Sumsion, Niels Nielsen, Lawrence Spencer (captain), Andrew Mohr, and Lester Jarvis
See also Buzzer 1918.
USU A-0249 : View of Merrill Library* from the Quad 1968
USU A-0250a : Women's volleyball 1950s
USU A-0250b : Women's softball 1950s
USU A-0251a : Homecoming Royalty: Cheryl Smith attendant; Bonnie Allen, queen; and Janet Thompson, attendant 1965-66
USU A-0251b : Homecoming Royalty: Jerrie Sorenson, attendant; Pat Gessel, queen; and Karen Eggett, attendant
See also Buzzer 1969, p. 120.
USU A-0252a : 1965-66 Homecoming queen Bonnie Allen crowing the Homecoming queen Linda Jacobsen 1966-67
USU A-0252b : Homecoming Royalty: Janet Thompson, attendant; Bonnie Allen, queen; and Cheryl Smith, attendant 1965-1966
USU A-0253 : Sponsors Corps, a women's military organization, in formation southeast of Old Main 1936
USU A-0254a : Homecoming Royalty attendants, 1969-1970: Cathy Crossman and Jan Johnson
USU A-0254b : Woman standing next to a piano 1960s
USU A-0255a : An orchestra and choir concert 1960s
USU A-0255b : USU College Bowl team at the Western Collegiate Association meet at BYU
Top row from L to R pictures Paul B. Williamson, James Farwell, and Richard Schreyer. Sitting L to R in the bottom row is Ralph Maughan and Dr. Rex Robinson.
USU A-0256a : Group of students working on the Student Life publication ca. 1970
USU A-0256b : Students distributing the Scribble, a literary magazine early 1950s
USU A-0257a : Students in formal attire at the Junior Prom looking at display featuring a deer and natural wildlife scenery 1966
USU A-0257b : Three students sitting at the top of the stairs on Old Main Hill* with Old Main in the background ca. 1970
USU A-0258a : Student, possibly of geology, chiseling a rock 1960s
USU A-0258b : Student, possibly of geology, chiseling a rock 1960s
USU A-0259a : Women pinning up the hem of another woman's dress, possibly sewing students 1960s
USU A-0259b : Woman checking her post office box 1960s
USU A-0260a : Man throwing a log 1950s
USU A-0260b : Crowd at the boat races on Pineview Lake
Photo by R.E. Anderson.
July 19, 1947
USU A-0261a : Demonstration in a home economics course 1950s
USU A-0261b : Female students in class early 1970s
USU A-0262 : Pam Grabrielson and Sue Crisfield, both members of the Angel's Flight, accompany Peter Krueger of the Air Force ROTC
All three are in uniform.
USU A-0263a : Angel Flight members, including Capt. J.G. Poulsen, Linda Jacobsen, Esther Jane Peterson, and Katie Jean Price 1967
USU A-0263b : Angel Flight members, including Capt. J. G. Poulsen, Pam Daines, Katie E. Farnes, Marsha Porter, and Sue Crisfield 1966
USU A-0264a : Stand of arms in the Armory, probably located on the third floor of Old Main ca. 1895
USU A-0264b : College Band
Includes Chief Musician R. L. Sweeten and Sergeant J. W. Welsh. See the last page of the 1894-95 catalog.
USU A-0265a : Woman in a drafting class 1960s
USU A-0265b : Woman in a drafting class 1960s
USU A-0266a : Demonstration of a television tape machine and/or film editing equipment 1960s
USU A-0266b : Man demonstrating the use of a machine to a woman 1960s
USU A-0267a : Man speaking to a group of children 1960s
USU A-0267b : Two teachers leading a group of children through the hand motions of a song 1960s
USU A-0268a : Woman teaching a group of children 1950s
USU A-0268b : Teacher working on a hands-on activity with four children around a small table 1960s
USU A-0269a : Children playing on a piece of playground equipment 1960s
USU A-0269b : Man helping a young boy put together a puzzle 1960s
USU A-0269c : Teachers leading a group of children through the hand motions of a song 1960s
USU A-0270a : Songleaders: Jolene Mackay, Ann Holley, Carolyn Maughan, Judy Wasden, Kandy Eyre, Robyn Timony, and another unidentified girl 1970
USU A-0270b : Aggiettes, from right to left: Ginger Lee Dallas, Lynnette Ward, Pam Gebhardt, Julie Jensen, Dee Ann Tadd, Teresa Andersen, Zetta Satterwhite, Kathy Barlow, Dorothy Jo Gaddie, Carma Lee Spencer, Madilyn Blaser, Lynn Anderson, Teresa Roylance, Kandy Savage, Kris Bird, and Beth Bingham
See also Buzzer 1970, p. 172.
USU A-0271a : Linda Watterson, cheerleader ca. 1969
USU A-0271b : Possibly Linda Watterson, cheerleader, cheering in front of a bonfire at a Homecoming pep rally 1960s
USU A-0272a : Chorale singing group practice 1960s
USU A-0272b : Chorale singing group practice 1960s
USU A-0273a : Two men holding fencing swords 1960s
USU A-0273b : Parade float featuring a farmer smoking a pipe and holding a wheel
USU A-0273c : Professor and another woman watch as a female student plays the piano 1960s
USU A-0274a : String quartet late 1960s
USU A-0274b : Band leader conducting the marching band on the field
USU A-0274c : Angel Flight group standing on the steps of the Student Union Building* late 1960s
USU A-0275a : Two men looking at a map on a table
USU A-0275b : Rof Ekmanis, Professor of Russian, working with Allan Chatterton, a student of the language, as another man looks on
See Student Life Vol. 56, no. 11, November 4, 1958, p. 1.
USU A-0276a : Chorale class under the direction of Dr. William H. Ramsey 1960s
USU A-0276b : Chorale class under the direction of Dr. William H. Ramsey 1960s
USU A-0276c : Madrigal singers under the direction of Dr. A. L. Dittmer 1960s
USU A-0277a : Float declaring "We're expecting victory."
USU A-0277b : Float with a Cinderella theme
USU A-0277c : Sponsor Corp. marching in front of the Chemistry Building 1969
USU A-0278a : Homecoming Royalty: Judy Allen, attendant; Linda Watterson, queen; and Marcia Healy, attendant 1967-68
USU A-0278b : Homecoming Royalty: Sylvia Hiatt, attendant; Linda Jacobsen, queen; and Kathy Bushnell, attendant 1966-67
USU A-0279 : Group of students posed on the steps of the Agricultural Engineering Buildling
Building later used as the Education Building and presently (2003) serves as the English Building.
USU A-0280a : South side of the Family Life Building
USU A-0280b : Terrace of the Family Life Building, including a view of 400 North St./U.S. Highway 89 before it was widened
See also Buzzer 1947, p. 11.
USU A-0281a : North entrance of the English Building when it was used at the Engineering Buildling early 1950s
USU A-0281b : North entrance of the English Building after it was remodeled and while it was used as the Education Building 1960s
USU A-0282a : South entrance of the Engineering Buildling 1960s
USU A-0282b : Campus view from the west entrance of the Engineering Buildling 1960s
USU A-0283a : English Building, built in 1918. It was used as a Mess Hall and Barracks No. 1 for troops trained on campus during World War I. Built as an Engineering Buildling, it later became the Education Building and presently houses the English department
USU A-0283b : Front entrance to the English Building during its use as the Education Building 1960s
USU A-0284 : Baseball game on the Quad 1920
USU A-0285 : ROTC members watching the Student Union Building* under construction 1952-53
USU A-0286 : College Bluebird, campus restaurant
See also Buzzer 1947, p. 24.
USU A-0289 : View of the lounge on the second floor of the Merrill Library* 1960s
USU A-0290 : Students eating outdoors on the east side of the Student Union Building* before the second phase of its construction late 1950s
USU A-0291a : Upper hallway connecting the north and south wings of the Engineering Buildling 1960s
USU A-0291b : West side of the Engineering Buildling 1960s
USU A-0291c : Upper hallway connecting the north and south wings of the Engineering Buildling 1960s
USU A-0292 : ROTC members drilling on the Quad, outside of the Merrill Library* 1940s
USU A-0293a : Reading area on the second floor of the Merrill Library* during its first year of use after its renovation 1963
USU A-0293b : Science and Engineering desk located on the north side of the second floor, including Mrs. Ida Marie Logan, the divisional librarian 1963
USU A-0294a : Students walking past the Merrill Library* 1967
USU A-0294b : View of the Merrill Library* and students on the Quad from the upper floors of the Geology Building 1967
USU A-0295a : Students at the study tables on the second floor of the Merrill Library* ca. 1964
USU A-0295b : Students at the study tables on the second floor of the Merrill Library* ca. 1964
USU A-0296a : Student Union plaza 1960s
USU A-0296b : Student Union plaza 1960s
USU A-0297a : Students in the Student Union plaza 1960s
USU A-0297b : Students leaving the Student Union Building* 1960s
USU A-0298 : View of Old Main and students on the Quad looking west from the Merrill Library* 1950s
USU A-0299 : Old Main Hill* looking northwest across the hill 1950s
USU A-0300 : View of Old Main and students walking across the Quad 1960s
USU A-0302 : Stalls in the cattle barn 1902
USU A-0303a : LDS Institute
USU A-0303b : W. W. Richards standing by the northwest corner of the LDS Institute Building 1960s
USU A-0303c : Three female students, two of whom are members of the SPURS organization, leaving the front door of the LDS Institute Building
See also Buzzer 1957, p. 144.
USU A-0303d : Students in the library of the LDS Institute Building
USU A-0304 : Group of people in Sunday dress standing outside of the LDS Institute Building 1950s
USU A-0305 : View looking south east across the Quad toward the Merrill Library* and the Family Life Building 1950s
USU A-0306 : Two women and one man decorate a large tree outside of the LDS Institute Building 1950s
USU A-0307 : Badminton class in the Smart Gymnasium 1950s
USU A-0308 : Lecture on the lawn west of the Mechanic Arts Building for the Farmers and Homemaker's encampment ca. 1924
USU A-0309 : Intramural women's softball 1950s
USU A-0310 : President's Garden, located on the corner of 700 East and 600 North Sts 1960s
USU A-0311 : Volleyball class in the Smart Gymnasium 1960s
USU A-0312 : View of students walking along the sidewalk in front of the Animal Science Building 1960s
USU A-0314 : Three women drinking sodas in the Temporary Union Building (TUB), which was in use from 1946-1952 when the present Student Union Building* was completed 1947
USU A-0315 : View looking southwest of students on the Quad late 1950s
USU A-0316 : European Fine Arts tour group in Florence, Italy. Tour was taken under the direction of Dr. Twain C. Tippetts 1966
USU A-0317 : Bathtub race between Bullen Hall and Richards Hall
The bathtubs were pushed from the Capitol Building in Salt Lake City to Logan.
USU A-0318a : Sigma Chi fraternity posed in an old car, including Kent Coton, April Tsuya, Ron Squires, Reed Simmons, Carol Raymond, Bob Hanson, and Paula Whitehouse ca. 1960s
USU A-0318b : Sigma Chi fraternity posed on a vintage car ca. 1960s
USU A-0319a : Man painting a portrait of a woman 1950s
USU A-0319b : Dancers performing on a stage 1960s
USU A-0320 : Women's basketball class in the Smart Gymnasium late 1950s
USU A-0321 : Intramural women's basketball in the Smart Gymnasium 1950s
USU A-0322 : Intramural women's softball on the Quad 1930s
USU A-0323 : Seven men posed with a basketball
USU A-0324 : ACU basketball team, including Coach C. T. Teetzel, Assistant Coach H. P. Christensen, Basketball Manger Grover Lewis, D. R. Packard, Virgil Dorton, Brig Johnson, Dixon Kapple, Lew Mar Price, Peterson, Ericksen, Maughan, Petersen, and three unidentified players, possibly Haffen, Stoddard, Gowers, Johnes, Twitchell, or Greening
See also Buzzer 1915, p. 83. See also Student Life, Vol. 13, no. 11, December 4, 1914, p. 8 and Vol. 13, no. 15, January 15, 1915, p. 8.
USU A-0325a : Coach and ten members of the basketball team ca. 1920
USU A-0325b : Seniors, Inter-class basketball champions, including: Ray Gowers, Glen Alleman, Homer Paul Christensen, D. Russell Packard, Asael Taylor, and an unidentified player
See also Buzzer 1915, p. 85.
USU A-0326 : Eleven members and three coaches of the freshman basketball squad. The team, measuring seventeen players in all, consisted of: Erickson, forward; Dewey, forward; Seigfried, guard; Nelson, center; Clark, forward; Belnap, forward; K. Gardner, center; Jackson, guard; Gardner, center; Spencer, forward; Hyde, guard; Packer, center; Luke guard; Murdock, guard; and Linford, guard
See also Buzzer 1920, p. 181. See also Student Life Vol. 18, no. 12, p. 4.
USU A-0327 : UAC basketball team, including Coach Jensen, Reul Evans, Dixon Kapple, Morgan McKay, Douglas Smith, Thomas McMullen, David Cox, and Alvin Twitchell
See also USU A-0247-a and USU A-0247d. See also Buzzer 1917, p. 106.
USU A-0328 : Portrait of Colonel Timberlake seated in uniform 1950s
USU A-0329 : Colonel Timberlake, Frederick P. Champ, USAC President Louis L. Madsen, and Carlton Culmsee, Dean of Arts and Sciences and Commander of U.S. Naval Reserves, at the Military Ball 1950s
USU A-0330 : Xamedi Assam being hooded by Eliot Cameron and a woman, Commencement 1968
USU A-0331a : Choir and orchestra at Commencement ca. 1960s
USU A-0331b : Commencement dinner ca. 1960s
USU A-0332a : University President Daryl Chase and his wife Alice Chase greeting guests at Commencement Exercises 1960s
USU A-0332b : Bird's-eye view of the Commencement procession 1960s
USU A-0333a : Commencement speaker Dr. Arthur Larson at the podium 1967
USU A-0333b : Guests at a refreshment table on Commencement day 1960s
USU A-0334a : Bird's-eye view of the Commencement procession
See also Buzzer 1968, p. 58.
early to mid 1960s
USU A-0334b : View of the Commencement procession from Old Main 1960s
USU A-0335a : Bird's-eye view of the Commencement procession from the north tower of Old Main 1960s
USU A-0335b : Graduates taking an oath at the ROTC graduation 1960s
USU A-0336a : University President Daryl Chase in robes speaking at the Commencement podium 1967
USU A-0336b : Cadet John W. Obray being commissioned by a young woman 1967
USU A-0337a : Graduates leaving Old Main for the Commencement procession to the Fieldhouse 1960s
USU A-0337b : Diners lining up at the buffet tables for the Commencement dinner 1960s
USU A-0338a : Commencement procession from Old Main to the Fieldhouse 1964
USU A-0338b : ROTC commissioning exercises on Old Main Hill* ca. 1964
USU A-0339a : Dr. Arthur Larson, University President Daryl Chase, and Thomas S. Monson speaking together after Commencement Exercises 1967
USU A-0339b : A University graduate and his parents 1960s
USU A-0340a : Speaker at the ROTC graduation 1960s
USU A-0340b : ROTC cadet receiving his diploma 1960s
USU A-0341a : View of the Commencement procession from the west tower of Old Main
USU A-0341b : View of the Commencement procession from the west tower of Old Main
USU A-0342 : Hod Sanders and Hy Hunsaker hood E. L. (Dick) Romney, recipient of an honorary doctorate degree, at the Commencement Ceremony 1960
USU A-0343 : View of the Commencement procession from Old Main to the Fieldhouse looking north from the west tower of Old Main 1960s
USU A-0344 : Reed Warner Bailey receiving an honorary doctorate degree from University President Daryl Chase at Commencement Exercises 1960
USU A-0345 : E. L. (Dick) Romney receiving an honorary doctorate degree from University President Daryl Chase at Commencement Exercises 1960
USU A-0346 : View of the Commencement procession from Old Main to the Fieldhouse looking north, probably taken from the Little Theatre on the second floor of Old Main ca. 1965
USU A-0347 : Commencement Exercises in the Fieldhouse 1960s
USU A-0348 : Henry Hurren and J. Whitney Floyd hooding Reed Warner Bailey, recipient of an honorary doctorate degree, at Commencement Ceremony 1960
USU A-0349a : Commencement Ceremony featuring the choir and orchestra 1960s
USU A-0349b : Two children stand behind faculty lined along the Commencement procession route 1950s
USU A-0351a : Vice President Gerald R. Ford, a Commencement speaker, pictured with James Brown
(Color photograph.)
June 8, 1974
USU A-0351b : Vice President Gerald R. Ford, University President Glen L. Taggart, and Colonel Ralph L. Kitchens participating in the Commencement procession
June 8, 1974
USU A-0352a : Colonel Ralph L. Kitchens, Vice President Gerald R. Ford, and University President Glen L. Taggart speaking together at Commencement
June 8, 1974
USU A-0352b : Vice President Gerald R. Ford speaking at Commencement
June 8, 1974
USU A-0353a : Graduates at the Commencement Exercises in the Spectrum
June 8, 1974
USU A-0353b : Dr. Miner E. Bruner delivering the invocation at the Baccalaureate services
June 7, 1974.
USU A-0354a : Dr. Alan Geyer, Dag Hammarskjold Professor of Peace Studies at Colgate University, delivering the Baccalaureate sermon
June 7, 1974
USU A-0354b : President Glen L. Taggart conducting Commencement Exercises
June 8, 1974.
USU A-0355a : Vice President Gerald R. Ford and University President Glen L. Taggart leaving the Commencement ceremony
June 8, 1974.
USU A-0355b : Vice President Gerald R. Ford and University President Glen L. Taggart leaving the Commencement ceremony
June 8, 1974
USU A-0356a : Honorary hooding of Lorenzo Richards, assisted by Brent Hoggan, Doyle Matthews, Richard Swenson, Glen L. Taggart, with J.D. Harris seated in the background
June 8, 1974.
USU A-0356b : Honorary hooding of John R. Platt, assisted by George E. Hart, with Beverly Kumpfer seated in the background
June 8, 1974
USU A-0357a : Vice President Gerald R. Ford receiving an honorary degree during Commencement
Also pictured are Sherman Lloyd and University President Glen L. Taggart.
June 8, 1974.
USU A-0357b : Vice President Gerald R. Ford receiving an honorary degree during Commencement
Also pictured are Sherman Lloyd, JeDon A. Emenhiser, and University President Glen L. Taggart.
June 8, 1974
USU A-0358 : Musical number performed during the Commencement Ceremony in the Fieldhouse
USU A-0359 : University President Daryl Chase presenting diploma to Ph.D. candidate Xamedi Assam during Commencement 1968
USU A-0360 : University President Daryl Chase and Ph.D. recipient Xamedi Assam in academic robes at Commencement 1968
USU A-0361 : Interior view of the Fieldhouse, prepared for Commencement ceremonies 1950s
USU A-0362a : Commencement speaker Dr. Arthur Larson, Director of the Rule of Law Research Center at Duke University, at the Utah State University Commencement Ceremony
USU A-0362b : University President Daryl Chase bestowing an honorary doctorate in Law degree on Dr. Arthur Larson at Commencement
USU A-0362c : Thomas S. Monson giving the Baccalaureate sermon at Commencement Ceremony
USU A-0363a : Diners seated at their tables at the University Commencement dinner
USU A-0363b : People eating refreshments outdoors
USU A-0363c : Buffet lines at the Commencement dinner
USU A-0363d : University President Daryl Chase and his wife Alice Chase greeting the families of University graduates at Commencement
USU A-0364a : Dr. Arthur Larson, University President Daryl Chase, and Thomas S. Monson speaking together after Commencement Exercises
USU A-0364b : University President Daryl Chase presiding over Commencement Exercises
USU A-0364c : Recipients of honorary degrees at the University Commencement
Dr. N. A. Pedersen, Charles D. Michaelson, and Dr. Orson W. Isrealsen.
USU A-0365a : Military color guard leading the Commencement procession around the corner of Old Main
USU A-0365b : Robed faculty members awaiting graduates along the Commencement processional route
USU A-0365c : People seated in an auditorium, possibly the Old Main auditorium
USU A-0366a : ROTC candidates taking their military graduation oath
USU A-0366b : Speaker at the Military Graduation ceremony
USU A-0366c : Audience at the Military Graduation ceremony
USU A-0367a : Military color guard leading the Commencement procession north from Old Main
USU A-0367b : Military color guard leading the Commencement procession to the Fieldhouse
USU A-0368 : Musical number presented at Commencement Ceremony in the Fieldhouse
USU A-0369 : Experiment Station of the Agronomy department at the North Farm in North Logan 1950s
USU A-0371a : Man sitting on a drag harrow being pulled by four horses
USU A-0371b : Hog barn and hogs, possibly in Paradise, Utah
USU A-0371c : Man showing off a sheep
USU A-0372a : Crop field
USU A-0372b : Field
USU A-0373a : Livestock show 1950s
USU A-0373b : Dairy cattle in a field
USU A-0374a : Photo of controlled application of irrigation water to test plots at the Experiment Station
See also USU A-0377 and USU A-1206.
ca. 1908
USU A-0374b : Photo of controlled application of irrigation water to test plots at the Experiment Station
See also USU A-0377 and USU A-1206.
ca. 1908.
USU A-0374c : Photo of controlled application of irrigation water to test plots at the Experiment Station
See also USU A-0377 and USU A-1206.
ca. 1908
USU A-0375a : Crop field at the site of the present Merrill Library*
USU A-0375b : Dee Croft standing in a crop field where the present Merrill Library* is now
USU A-0375c : Field of crops, possibly a test field
USU A-0376 : "The College Spraying Outfit and the College Orchard." Workmen spraying fruit trees in the experiment plot on the present site of the Business Building
See also P0014 9:204. See also ACU Experiment Station Bulletin, no. 87, plate I.
ca. 1904
USU A-0377a : Photo of controlled application of irrigation water to test plots at the North Logan farm
See also USU A-1206 and USU A-0374.
ca. 1908.
USU A-0377b : Photo of controlled application of irrigation water to test plots at the North Logan farm
See also USU A-1206 and USU A-0374.
ca. 1908.
USU A-0377c : Photo of controlled application of irrigation water to test plots at the North Logan farm
See also USU A-1206 and USU A-0374.
ca. 1908.
USU A-0378a : Dairy cattle in a field
USU A-0378b : Dairy cow show at the University on the site of the present Student Union Building* 1930s
USU A-0378c : Hereford Bull
USU A-0379 : Two men inspecting sheep 1930s
USU A-0380 : Showing the wool on two sheep
USU A-0381 : Interior view of the conservatory, formerly located on the south wing of Old Main ca. 1917
USU A-0382 : Military radio training for two young men at the Power Panel for the Plotting Room in the basement of Old Main 1918
USU A-0383a : Man checking the harnesses and reins on several horses
USU A-0383b : Man driving an old tractor
USU A-0384 : Corporal missile from Tooele Ordinance Depot, set up at the University 8 April, 1960
USU A-0385a : Jersey Bull
USU A-0385b : Man showing a Hereford bull at the "Ag Show."
See also Buzzer 1940, p. 60.
USU A-0385c : Bull
USU A-0386 : Winter view of the forestry plantations and the Quad from the roof of Old Main 1907
USU A-0387 : Tractor plowing the Quad preparatory to leveling and planting 1920s
USU A-0388a : Student family at the door of their trailer home 1940s
USU A-0388b : Student family inside their trailer home 1940s
USU A-0389 : Small plane with two occupants taking off from a dirt runway
USU A-0390 : Double exposure of a student working the Carillon in the Old Main Bell Tower 1950s
USU A-0391 : A burned trailer, possibly in the student housing trailer court
USU A-0392a : Wilford W. Richards, Director of the L.D.S. Institute, painting flowers on a wall as another man looks on 1950s
USU A-0392b : Wilford W. Richards, Director of the LDS Institute, painting flowers on a wall
USU A-0394a : Field day at the College Experiment Farm in Farmington, Utah, with University President Daryl Chase, College of Agriculture Dean R.H. Walker, and an unidentified man examining corn stalks August 15, 1956
USU A-0394b : Field day at the College Experiment Farm in Farmington, Utah, with University President Daryl Chase, College of Agriculture Dean R.H. Walker, and an unidentified man examining corn stalks August 15, 1956
USU A-0395a : Steel salute for University President Daryl Chase, located on north entrance to Old Main, performed by the Scabbard and Blade organization within the ROTC
President Chase standing on the first step of the entrance. See also Buzzer 1956, p. 134.
USU A-0395b : Steel salute for University President Daryl Chase, located on north entrance to Old Main, performed by the Scabbard and Blade organization within the ROTC
President Chase standing at the bottom of the steps to the entrance. See also Buzzer 1956, p. 134.
USU A-0395c : Steel salute for University President Daryl Chase, located on north entrance to Old Main, performed by the Scabbard and Blade organization within the ROTC
President Chase standing at the top of the steps to the entrance. See also Buzzer 1956, p. 134.
USU A-0396a : Barbecuing on campus southwest of Old Main and Mechanic Arts Buildings 1960s
USU A-0396b : Filling up the trays at a barbecue on campus southwest of Old Main and Mechanic Arts Buildings 1960s
USU A-0396c : Standing in line for cookout southwest of Old Main and Mechanic Arts Buildings 1960s
USU A-0397 : Intramural athlete Garth Belliston and Student Intramural Manager Nephi Schwab shake hands in front of Vaughn Hall, advisor for the men's intramural activities
See also Buzzer 1947, p. 186.
USU A-0398 : Students and faculty holding up a large banner reading "Pan Am Welcomes Utah State University European Arts Tour, Arrangements made by Colburn Travel," in what appears to be an airport terminal 1960s
USU A-0399 : Young woman working in the Computer Center located in basement of Old Main 1950s
USU A-0400 : Woman in glasses working in the Computer Center located in basement of Old Main 1950s
USU A-0401 : Ellis W. Lamborn, Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics. He served on the USU faculty from 1947-1968. He received his BS in 1943, from Utah State University, MS in 1944 from the University of Illinois., and Ph.D. in 1947 from Cornell University, 1950
USU A-0402 : Two men in the Computer Center located in the basement of Old Main 1950s
USU A-0403 : Young woman holding a stack of cards and working in the Computer Center located in the basement of Old Main 1950s
USU A-0404 : Three women and two men working in the Computer Center in the basement of Old Main 1950s
USU A-0406a : Eight women in cowboy hats posed on a suspended walkway, possibly candidates for Harvest Queen ca. 1970
USU A-0406b : Tony's Grove Forestry Camp late 1940s
USU A-0407a : Members of the USU Rodeo Club
(First row, right to left) Jim B. Brumbles, advisor; Barry T. Williams, regional director; Mike Hansen, president; Jerry James, vice-president; Karen James, publicity director; Vernice Kotter, secretary; and Jim Fain, treasurer. (Second row, right to left) Lynn Crittenden, Dusty Pierce, Martha Miller, Dee Anna Blackburn, Ann Mousen, Karla Hansel, Beverly Baxter, Loraine Oberhansly, Leslie Stephins, Bert Smith, Larry Nalder, and Curtis Biggs. (Third row, right to left) Ray Yamauchi, Bob Petersen, Gale Smith, Chad P. Winn, Bill E. Rust, Phil Vance, Mike Felter, Pete Minard, Lavon McBride, and Dale Bingham. (Fourth row, right to left) Jerry Huff, Jim Stevens, Ed Merrihew, Sherman Allred, Wayne Straatman, Byron Wheatley, Gerry Winn, and Jay Byrans. See also Buzzer 1965, p. 242.
USU A-0407b : Eight members of the Rodeo Club with trophy, possibly including Ray Yamauchi, Chad P. Winn, Bert Smith, Lavon McBride, Pete Minard, Jerry James, or Curtis Biggs
See also Buzzer 1965, p. 242.
ca. 1965.
USU A-0407c : Members of the Rodeo Club: Lynn Mitchell, President; Amarylis Burton, Secretary; Sam Warren, Vice President; Connie Sorensen, Reporter; and Ronald Jones, Activity Chairman
See also Buzzer 1957, p. 184.
USU A-0408a : Man throwing horseshoes with a large group of other men watching early 1900s
USU A-0408b : Two women milking cows in a milking competition 1920s
USU A-0408c : Woman pouring milk into a measuring pail for a milking competition 1920s
USU A-0408d : Two women shaking hands at a milking competition 1920s
USU A-0409a : People serving and eating watermelon 1950s
USU A-0409b : People serving and eating watermelon 1950s
USU A-0410a : Students participating in the Watermelon Bust on the Quad 1960s
USU A-0410b : Students participating in the Watermelon Bust on the Quad 1960s
USU A-0411 : Students playing table tennis in the TUB (Temporary Union Building,) late 1940s
USU A-0412a : Students playing ping pong in the basement of the Student Union Building* 1950s
USU A-0412b : Students playing ping pong in the basement of the Student Union Building* 1950s
USU A-0413a : Students playing table tennis in the basement of the Student Union Building* 1950s
USU A-0413b : Students playing pool in the basement of the Student Union Building* 1960s
USU A-0414a : Alene Taylor, candidate for Miss Utah, with University President Daryl Chase, Patti Smith, and Helen Daines
See also USU A-0918a.
USU A-0414b : Homecoming Royalty, on the parade float: Elaine Stockdale, queen; Donna Gatton, attendant; and Pauline Schmidt, attendant
See also Buzzer 1956, p. 224.
USU A-0415 : Homecoming Royalty: Elissa Walt, attendant; Sharon Baxter, queen; and Nan Grace, attendant
See Herald Journal October 25, 1959.
USU A-0416 : Homecoming Royalty: Marilyn Crawford, queen, accepting an award, with attendants LaRue Farnes and Shirlene Griffith standing to her left 1952-53
USU A-0417a : Pageant queen, with four attendants, possibly from Homecoming, Open House, or Miss Utah pageants early 1940s
USU A-0417b : Homecoming Royalty: Beverly Jeffs, attendant; Sue Simmonds, queen; and Rose Ann Pilkington, attendant 1953-54
USU A-0418a : McKay Student Living Center
Ground breaking ceremonies were held May 2, 1961 and it was completed for occupancy in fall of 1962.
USU A-0418b : McKay Student Living Center
USU A-0418c : McKay Student Living Center
USU A-0419a : Delta Phi chorus
See also Buzzer 1968, p. 301.
USU A-0419b : Singing group with guitars, possibly the Balladiers, performing before an audience at a banquet 1960s
USU A-0420 : Delta Phi Kappa Chorus early 1960s
USU A-0421 : Ground breaking for the David O. McKay Student Living Center, including Fred Baugh, Thorpe B. Isaacson, David O. McKay with the first shovel of dirt, University President Daryl Chase, Reed Bullen, and Leland Preece May 2, 1961
USU A-0422 : David O. McKay speaking at the McKay Student Living Center ground breaking ceremony May 2, 1961
USU A-0423 : David O. McKay at the McKay Student Living Center ground breaking ceremony May 2, 1961
USU A-0424 : David O. McKay speaking at the McKay Student Living Center ground breaking ceremony May 2, 1961
USU A-0425 : Ground breaking for the David O. McKay Student Living Center, including Reed Bullen, Thorpe B. Isaacson, David O. McKay, Fred Baugh, University President Daryl Chase, and Leland Preece May 2, 1961
USU A-0426 : Alma Sonne, David O. McKay, and University President Daryl Chase at the ground breaking ceremony for the McKay Student Living Center May 2, 1961
USU A-0427 : David O. McKay and University President Daryl Chase at the ground breaking ceremony for the McKay Student Living Center May 2, 1961
USU A-0428 : LDS Institute choir late 1960s
USU A-0429a : Three students examining a machine part 1950s
USU A-0429b : "Looking over the Atomic Energy Commission display as set up at another school are two students. The display will be in Logan, Feb. 21-22 in the Ag. fieldhouse,"
See also Student Life Vol. 39, no. 14, January 31, 1952, p. 5.
USU A-0429c : Student and teacher working on machine 1950s
USU A-0430 : Professor and two students standing next to a display of a dime irradiator 1950s
USU A-0431 : Professor and four students taking measurements from a sub-critical nuclear reactor 1950s
USU A-0432a : Professor examining the contents of two test tubes 1950s
USU A-0432b : Man working with a machine 1950s
USU A-0432c : Two men working with a machine 1950s
USU A-0433a : Three men standing behind a machine laying on a table, with an equation written on the blackboard behind them 1960s
USU A-0433b : Three men examining the circular part of a machine 1960s
USU A-0433c : Man demonstrating the use of a machine 1960s
USU A-0433d : Two men checking the Rotational Torque testing equipment 1950s
USU A-0434a : Two men at work in a laboratory 1960s
USU A-0434b : Man using a machine 1960s
USU A-0434c : Man using a machine 1960s
USU A-0434d : Two men working on a machine 1960s
USU A-0435a : Two men working on a machine 1960s
USU A-0435b : Two men reading the printout from a machine 1960s
USU A-0436a : Professor demonstrating an equation on the blackboard 1960s
USU A-0436b : Women at the Van De Graaff Generator exhibit, standing on a stool and touching a metal sphere causing the hairs of her head to rise early 1960s
USU A-0437a : Three men, possibly including Dr. Schupe, measuring uranium rods in a sub-critical nuclear reactor
See also Buzzer 1966, p. 33.
USU A-0437b : Man examining a pipe in water 1960s
USU A-0438 : Four students examining a gauge on a machine 1960s
USU A-0439 : Three men working on a machine 1960s
USU A-0440a : Woman sitting at a machine 1960s
USU A-0440b : Man using a microscope 1960s
USU A-0440c : Woman working with samples in a laboratory 1960s
USU A-0440d : Man looking into a machine while another man adjusts the dials on the machine. Two women talking to one another behind them 1940s
USU A-0441a : Man working in a laboratory 1960s
USU A-0441b : Instructor giving a demonstration using a model figure of the brain 1960s
USU A-0442a : Dr. LeGrande Ellis with students 1960s
USU A-0442b : Dr. John Simmons and Dr. Eldon Gardner with a student in the biology lab 1960s
USU A-0443a : Bacteriology lab class in the Natural Resources Building 1960s
USU A-0443b : Bacteriology lab class in the Plant Science Building 1940s
USU A-0444a : Three women working on an experiment 1960s
USU A-0444b : Three women taking measurements at a machine early 1960s
USU A-0445a : Man instructing a woman who is wearing earphones 1950s
USU A-0445b : Student looking into a microscope 1950s
USU A-0446a : Two men in a laboratory 1950s
USU A-0446b : Man and woman in a laboratory 1950s
USU A-0447a : Two female and one male student examine a plant 1950s
USU A-0447b : Professor and student examining a plant 1950s
USU A-0448 : Biology lab class in the Plant Industry Building ca. 1961
USU A-0449 : Tools hung on a wall ca. 1912
USU A-0450 : Three men working in a machine shop
USU A-0452a : Welding class 1920s
USU A-0452b : Welding class 1920s
USU A-0452c : Trades and Industries student training for the "National Defense" welding
See also Buzzer 1941, p. 248.
USU A-0452d : Welding class 1920s
USU A-0453a : Implements and tools produced by UAC students ca. 1912
USU A-0453b : Man showing implements and tools produced by UAC students ca. 1912
USU A-0453c : Implements and tools produced by UAC students ca. 1912
USU A-0453d : Implements and tools produced by UAC students ca. 1912
USU A-0454 : Blacksmithing class held in the Mechanic Arts Building 1930s
USU A-0455 : Two men welding a machine
USU A-0456 : Man looking at the exhibit of a rocket 1950s
USU A-0457 : Randolph Dodd, an aeronautics student at USAC, makes preparations to start the engine of a Stearman for a test flight. The Stearman was one of three planes certified by the CAA at the college. The plane was completely rebuilt and overhauled by students. Lyman Ballif Shown is shown in the front cockpit, Elwood Watch in the rear
USU A-0458a : Two students working on a machine 1930s
USU A-0458b : Man working on a machine 1930s
USU A-0458c : Student constructing the wing of a plane in their metal fabrication class 1930s
USU A-0459 : Man posed next to a small airplane marked "Pacer 125," 1930s
USU A-0460 : A male and female student working on a propeller 1940s
USU A-0461 : Two female and one male student working on the rear of a plane 1940s
USU A-0462 : Four students measuring air speed ca. 1950
USU A-0463 : Two male students working on a plane ca. 1950
USU A-0464 : Professor and two students examining an airplane engine ca. 1952
USU A-0465 : Four men examining a machine
Machine is also featured in USU A-0467.
USU A-0466a : Five men looking at a hydraulics exhibit 1950s
USU A-0466b : Two men working on a hydraulics exhibit 1950s
USU A-0467 : Two men examining the same machine as featured in USU A-0465 1950s
USU A-0468a : Man testing the components of a machine 1950s
USU A-0468b : Four men examining a machine 1950s
USU A-0468c : Deep freeze, made by one of the students in the refrigeration class, featured in the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration display 1950s
USU A-0468d : Group of eight men and one woman working at a table 1950s
USU A-0469a : Professor teaching a class in the Electrical Engineering department 1950s
USU A-0469b : Clayton Clark working with a machine 1950s
USU A-0469c : Professor teaching a class at an Engineering Experiment station 1950s
USU A-0470 : Electrical engineering class at work 1950s
USU A-0471 : Three men working with a machine belonging to the Institute of Radio Engineers that measured bearing degrees and range yards 1950s
USU A-0472 : Students working at their desks in a drafting class
See also Buzzer 1948, p. 278.
USU A-0473a : Students working in a drafting class located in a temporary building on campus 1950s
USU A-0473b : Students working in a drafting class located in the Ray B. West Engineering Buildling 1950s
USU A-0473c : Students working in a drafting class located in a temporary building on campus 1950s
USU A-0473d : Students working in a drafting class located in the Ray B. West Engineering Building 1950s
USU A-0474a : Three men looking at the plans for building a model structure 1950s
USU A-0474b : Three men working inside of an unfinished structure 1950s
USU A-0475 : Man cutting a piece of wood 1950s
USU A-0476 : Man drilling a hole 1950s
USU A-0477a : Wooden structures made by students
USU A-0477b : Wooden table made by a student
USU A-0477c : Man working on a wood cabinet 1950s
USU A-0478 : Two men cutting wood with a table saw 1950s
USU A-0479a : Man drilling holes in wood 1950s
USU A-0479b : Two men measuring a woodworking project 1950s
USU A-0480a : Woodworking display of parts of a banister and rolling pin
USU A-0480b : Students in a woodworking class ca. 1920
USU A-0480c : A woodworking project resembling a magnet with a long handle
USU A-0481 : A professor and two students in a mechanics class 1950s
USU A-0482 : Students working on cars in an auto mechanics class in the Mechanic Arts Building 1930s
USU A-0483 : Two men working on a machine 1930s
USU A-0484 : Automobile repair class for World War I recruits, held in the Mechanic Arts Building 1918
USU A-0485 : Professor pointing out the parts of a machine to five other men 1950s
USU A-0486a : Four men working on an engine, one man reading an operators manual for a John Deere machine 1950s
USU A-0486b : Class working with car batteries 1940s
USU A-0487a : Automobile repair class 1950s
USU A-0487b : Automobile repair class for women 1920s
USU A-0487c : Class working on engines
USU A-0487d : Four men working on an engine
See also USU A-1078b.
USU A-0488a : Man spray painting a car in class
USU A-0488b : Class working on engines 1940s
USU A-0488c : Man spray painting a car while two other men watch
See also USU A-1078c.
USU A-0489 : Man working on a machine
USU A-0490 : Man pointing out the gauges on a vehicle analyzer for three other men 1950s
USU A-0491 : Five men in a shop class
USU A-0492 : Seven men in an engineering shop class
USU A-0493 : Man bolting pieces of metal together
USU A-0494 : Woodworking shop class 1920s
USU A-0495 : Instructor W. Carl Somers pointing out the parts of a machine to Margaret James and a another man for a special program sponsored by USAC that trained sixty-seven Hill Air Force Base employees in mechanical and technical skills
See also Student Life Vol. 39, no. 3, October 11, 1951, p.1.
USU A-0496 : W. Carl Somers instructs two students in a tool engineering class
USAC had the only four-year curriculum leading to a bachelor of science degree in tool engineering.
USU A-0497 : Men in a machine shop 1920s
USU A-0498a : Instructor demonstrating pneumatic pumps to four women ca. 1915
USU A-0498b : Man working with a lathe ca. 1915
USU A-0498c : Pneumatic pumps
USU A-0499a : Student working with a "milling machine,"
See also Buzzer 1948, 278.
USU A-0499b : Group of seven men working with small metal rods while another man watches 1950s
USU A-0499c : Men working in a machine shop
USU A-0499d : Instructor and student examining a machine
USU A-0500 : Students practicing surveying on the Quad for a class 1950s
USU A-0501 : Machine parts early 1900s
USU A-0503a : Surveying class on Old Main Hill* 1930s
USU A-0503b : Surveying class on Old Main Hill* 1940s
USU A-0503c : Surveying team 1940s
USU A-0504 : Man surveying land
USU A-0505 : Surveying class on campus
See 1896-97 College Catalog, photo titled "Field work in surveying."
USU A-0506a : Surveying class 1950s
USU A-0506b : Surveying class 1950s
USU A-0507 : Four men taking measurements of concrete 1950s
USU A-0508 : Engineering group posed next to a Greyhound bus in front of the Engineering Building 1950s
USU A-0509a : Three students building a model highway and bridge beneath a sign reading," Civil Engineering, Welded Bridge & Highway Intersection, Planned, Designed & Built by Students in Highways, Structures & Welding," 1950s
USU A-0509b : Student looking at a highway structure display by the Idaho Department of Highways 1950s
USU A-0510 : Two men turning the dials of a machine in the back of a covered truck 1950s
USU A-0511 : Two men working with an oscillograph machine 1950s
USU A-0512 : Two men drawing a diagram on a blackboard while other students work with machines in the room 1950s
USU A-0513 : Six male students working with a machine sitting on a table 1950s
USU A-0514 : Two male students wiring a machine 1950s
USU A-0515 : Two men turning the knobs of a machine 1950s
USU A-0516 : Two students pointing to a chart labeled "Iron Carbon Diagram," 1950s
USU A-0517 : One man points to a cutting machine while two other men look on 1950s
USU A-0518 : Class working on stereo equipment 1950s
USU A-0519 : One man taking a voltometer reading from a machine, probably an air conditioner 1950s
USU A-0520 : USAC President Franklin S. Harris, Utah Governor Herbert Maw, and a high ranking military officer converse in front of an Iwo Jima display at the USAC Military Ball, "Midnight Maneuvers,"
See also Buzzer 1947, p. 141.
USU A-0521a : ROTC Battalion formations on the Quad in winter
See also Buzzer 1918.
USU A-0521b : ROTC B Company formation on the lawn south of Old Main in winter
See also Buzzer 1920.
USU A-0523 : SATC barracks in the Men's gym in the Smart Gymnasium 1918
USU A-0524 : Six members of the Sponsors organization holding rifles during a drill ca. 1949
USU A-0525a : Sponsors members drilling on the Quad 1940s
USU A-0525b : Angel Flight members marching in a parade on Main Street in Logan
View of Main Street shops in the background.
USU A-0526a : Nine members of the ROTC posing behind a table displaying their awards and medals 1950s
USU A-0526b : Cadet Douglas F. Anderson, from Grantsville, Utah, a student attending the Fort Lewis ROTC camp, straightens his toilet articles prior to a full field inspection with company "A." 1955
USU A-0527 : ROTC military formations on the Quad, Merrill Library* in the background
USU A-0528 : ROTC non-commissioned officers
See also Buzzer 1920.
USU A-0531 : ROTC Battalion formation on the lawn south of Old Main in winter
See also Buzzer 1920.
USU A-0532 : ROTC AS Skirmishers formation with rifles on the lawn south of Old Main
See also Buzzer 1920.
USU A-0533a : ROTC military formations on the Quad, ca. 1918. Half the men are in uniform and other half are dressed in jackets and ties
USU A-0533b : Group of men, some in military and chef uniforms, possibly at a military camp, two men are holding pies ca. 1918
USU A-0534a : ROTC military formations with rifles on the Quad
Half the men are in uniform and other half are dressed in jackets and ties.
ca. 1918
USU A-0534b : ROTC military formations on the Quad
Half the men are in uniform and other half are dressed in jackets and ties.
ca. 1918
USU A-0535a : ROTC military formations on the Quad
Half the men are in uniform and other half are dressed in jackets and ties.
ca. 1918
USU A-0535b : ROTC military formations on the Quad
Half the men are in uniform and other half are dressed in jackets and ties.
ca. 1918.
USU A-0536 : ROTC A Company formation on the lawn south of Old Main in
See also Buzzer 1920.
winter, 1920
USU A-0537 : Capt. Stephen Abbot addressing installation of the Student Army Training Corps at the UAC
See also Buzzer 1919, p. 144.
October 1, 1918
USU A-0538 : Two ROTC instructors looking over the paper targets of several cadets wearing shoulder pads for rifle shooting, possibly the Rifle Team 1950s
USU A-0539 : USAC President Louis L. Madsen shaking hands with an ROTC officer while another ROTC officer, possibly Rulon Bickmore, and another man look on ca. 1952
USU A-0540 : Three members of the ROTC looking into a Director M5 1950s
USU A-0541 : One member of the ROTC seated at a desk with four others standing behind him 1950s
USU A-0542 : ROTC commissioning exercises in the USAC amphitheatre, President Madsen addressing the audience ca. 1952
USU A-0543 : Military science class looking at piece of field artillery 1953
USU A-0544 : ROTC Color Guard on the field north of the Old Romney stadium 1943
USU A-0545 : ROTC commissioning activities in the USAC amphitheatre 1955
USU A-0546 : Four men standing, each holding a gun in front of him 1950s
USU A-0547 : Military science class looking at piece of field artillery 1950s
USU A-0548a : ROTC cadet military formation on the Quad with Old Main in the background 1930s
USU A-0548b : ROTC cadet military formation on the Quad with the Engineering and Family Life buildings in the background
See also Buzzer 1987, p. 168-9.
USU A-0549 : ROTC cadet military formation on the Quad with Old Main in the background 1930s
USU A-0550 : ROTC military formation on the Quad with the Chemistry Building in the background 1930s
USU A-0551 : ROTC cadet military formation on the Quad with the Engineering and Family Life buildings in the background 1930s
USU A-0552 : ROTC military formation on the Quad with the Merrill Library* in the background 1938
USU A-0553 : ROTC military formation on the Quad with the Merrill Library* in the background 1938
USU A-0554 : ROTC commissioning exercises in the USAC amphitheatre, President Madsen addressing the audience ca. 1953
USU A-0555 : ROTC cadets lined on the Quad for inspection 1930s
USU A-0556 : ROTC inspection of military formations on the Quad 1940
USU A-0557 : Military science class examining a machine gun mount M-55 1950s
USU A-0558 : Advanced AFROTC cadets and pilots check flight maps before taking off on cross country flights in USAF airplanes ca. 1952
USU A-0559a : Cadets Mumby, Evans, and Van Orden lined up outside Old Main with other cadets
USU A-0559b : Col. E. W. Timberlake, Professor of Military Science and Tactics
USU A-0560a : ROTC cadet displaying a piece of an airplane engine
USU A-0560b : Two ROTC cadets posing by an airplane
USU A-0561a : Line of ROTC cadets raising their rights hands in an oath
USU A-0561b : ROTC cadets examining a U.S. Air Force airplane
USU A-0562a : Large group of cadets posed in front of a U.S. Air Force airplane
USU A-0562b : ROTC cadet being commissioned by a young woman, probably his wife 1960s
USU A-0563a : "Air Force cadets at summer camp," Arnold Air Society field trip
See also Buzzer 1952, p. 265.
USU A-0563b : Fifteen members of the Angel Flight organization marching, including Linda Jacobsen mid-1960s
USU A-0563c : Military officer inspecting the rifle of an ROTC cadet during the Military Inspection and Review Day
USU A-0564a : ROTC military formations 1936
USU A-0564b : ROTC military formation pass in review 1955
USU A-0564c : Army and Navy personnel in front of the Chemistry Building (Widstoe Hall) 1942
USU A-0565 : President E. G. Peterson and Frederick P. Champ standing on the Quad with the ROTC on Inspection Day 1936
USU A-0566 : ROTC instructor 1st Lt. O. E. Litz describing the parts of a binocular while another man points them out on a diagram
USU A-0567 : ROTC color guard in position on the Quad during Military Inspection and Review Day 1950s
USU A-0568a : Military Ball 1930s
USU A-0568b : Four members of the ROTC presenting a piece of paper, probably an invitation to the military ball, to Utah Calvin Lewellyn Rampton ca. 1970
USU A-0569 : Colonel Timberlake with two ROTC officers, one of whom is possibly Rulon Bickmore early 1950s
USU A-0570 : Military band marching on the Quad 1940s
USU A-0571 : Entire ROTC lined up on the Quad, 1950. See also USAC Bulletin, "USAC Military Department, West Point of the West," May 1950
USU A-0572 : Military Inspection and Review Day, with the Merrill Library* in the background 1950s
USU A-0573 : Military Inspection and Review Day, with an ROTC unit marching on the Quad 1950s
USU A-0574 : Military Inspection and Review Day, with an ROTC unit marching on the Quad 1950s
USU A-0575 : Military Inspection and Review Day ca. 1950
USU A-0576 : Governor J. Bracken Lee and his wife at the Military Ball ca. 1953
USU A-0577 : Brigade Escapade military dance 1950s
USU A-0578 : ROTC instruction, with the instructor pointing out parts of man's uniform
USU A-0579 : Dr. Wann and Joe Walley in the Radioactive lab 1950s
USU A-0580a : Dr. Thomas D. Wood, Professor of Physical Education, Columbia University. Instructor at the National Summer School 1925
USU A-0580b : R. S. Knappen, Department of Geology, University of Kansas. Instructor at the National Summer School 1925
USU A-0580c : Eliot Blackwelder, Head of the Department of Geology, Stanford University. Instructor at the National Summer School 1925
USU A-0582 : Visiting faculty members at the first session of the National Summer School
The visiting faculty included Professor W. C. Allee, Dr. Emmet D. Angell, Professor Eliot Blackwelder, Professor E. C. Branson, Professor W. H. Carruth, Professor Henry C. Cowles, Professor Raymon Franzon, Professor R. S. Knappen, Professor E. Y. McCollum, Dr. R. C. McGain, Professor Frederick Merk, Professor C. O. Reed, Miss Elga M. Shearer, Professor Frederick J. Turner, Professor E. L. Thorndike, and Dr. Thomas D. Wood. See also Bulletin for the National Summer School of the UAC, 1925.
USU A-0583a : Professor Frederick Jackson Turner, Professor of History, Harvard University. Instructor at the National Summer School 1925
USU A-0583b : Wallis Dann, instructor at the National Summer School 1925
USU A-0584a : Charles (Chas) F. Smith
USU A-0584b : Professor E. A. Ross
USU A-0585a : E. L. Thorndike, Professor of Educational Psychology, Columbia University. Instructor at the National Summer School 1925
USU A-0585b : Dr. Emmet D. Angell, Lecturer in Recreational Leadership at Yale, Harvard, and Wisconsin Universities. Instructor at the National Summer School 1925
USU A-0586a : Raymond Franzen, Department of Education, University of California. Instructor at the National Summer School 2005
USU A-0586b : E. A. Steiner, Professor Social Science and Applied Christianity, Grinnell College. National Summer School 1925
USU A-0587a : R. C. McLane, Supervisor of health, Detroit, Michigan. National Summer School 1925
USU A-0587b : E. C. Branson, Kenan Professor of Rural Economics and Sociology, University of North Carolina. National Summer School 1925
USU A-0587c : Henry C. Cowles, Professor of Botany, University of Chicago. National Summer School 1924-5
USU A-0588 : ROTC military formation ca. 1918
USU A-0589a : A. E. Winship, instructor at the National Summer School
USU A-0589b : John Adams, instructor at the National Summer School
USU A-0590a : David Starr Jordan, instructor at the National Summer School 1925
USU A-0590b : Shailer Matthews, instructor at the National Summer School 1925
USU A-0592 : Group of 19 men and women, including USAC President E.G. Peterson, Elga M. Shearer, and Henry C. Cowles, posed on the lawn outside of building, possibly the visiting faculty members of the National Summer School ca. 1925
USU A-0593a : View of the Hatch Room, located in the Merrill Library*
The fireplace and overmantel (bearing the initials R. P. A. and the date 1664) are from the Charles of London collection, and are English. Dismantled in England, it was reassembled in the position it now occupies in 1953.
USU A-0593b : View of the Hatch Room, located in the Merrill Library*. The tapestry is Flemish and also from the Charles of London collection. Though woven in the 1700s as the border suggests, the clothing style of the figures is medieval
USU A-0594a : Garrett G. Sedgewick, Department of English, University of British Columbia. Guest teacher at the National Summer School 1924
USU A-0594b : Frederick P. Champ laying the cornerstone of the Merrill Library*
See also Buzzer 1930, p. 232 for more information.
USU A-0596a : Irving Wasserman, Professor and Head of the Department of Music, with his daughter Ellen Wasserman at a piano
USU A-0596b : Burrell F. Hansen, Professor of Communications
USU A-0597a : Audio visual aids class taught by Eldon Drake in the Education Building, room 6
USU A-0597b : Two men with clipboards holding a metal structure out of the water
USU A-0598a : Captain Stephen Abbot, USA retired, appointed commanding officer of the SATC at UAC. See also Buzzer 1918
USU A-0598b : UAC Battalion in a column of companies before the arrival of their suits, which were to be furnished by the government
USU A-0599a : Two men speaking to a small group of people gathered around a table 1968
USU A-0599b : Man doing paper work at his desk 1968
USU A-0600a : Extension Service class under the direction of Flora Bardwell 1950s
USU A-0600b : Blythe C. Ahlstrom, Assistant Professor of History 1950s
USU A-0601a : Robert P. Collier and Reed R. Durtschi looking at a chart 1960s
USU A-0601b : Herbert Smith instructing an English class 1960s
USU A-0602 : Students in booths at the language laboratory, located in room 317 of the Merrill Library* 1960s
USU A-0603 : LeRoy Stevens, ACU student body president 1910-1912
USU A-0604a : Vern Peterson, ACU student body president 1913
USU A-0604b : George M. Hess, ACU student body president 1914
USU A-0605a : J. Howard Maughan, ACU student body president 1915
USU A-0605b : A. C. Carrington, ACU student body president 1916
USU A-0606a : Ray J. Becroft, UAC student body president 1917
USU A-0606b : Heber Meeks, UAC student body president 1918
USU A-0607b : V. D. Gardner, UAC student body president 1920
USU A-0608a : J. Morris Christensen, UAC student body president 1921
USU A-0608b : E. J. Diehil, UAC student body president 1922
USU A-0609a : P. R. Johnston, UAC student body president 1923
USU A-0609b : John Logan, UAC student body president 1924
USU A-0610a : Williard B. Knowles, UAC student body president 1925
USU A-0610b : Roland W. Davis, UAC student body president 1926
USU A-0611a : Frank Christensen, UAC student body president 1927
USU A-0611b : V. Merrill Johnson, UAC student body president 1928
USU A-0612a : Lund Johnson, UAC student body president 1929
USU A-0612b : Rulon Walker, USAC student body president 1930
USU A-0613a : Odin Buchanan, USAC student body president 1931
USU A-0614a : Ray Lillywhite, USAC student body president 1933
USU A-0614b : Elmo Morgan, USAC student body president 1934
USU A-0615a : Lloyd Johnson, USAC student body president 1935
USU A-0615b : Russell Rick, USAC student body president 1936
USU A-0616a : Ted Karren, USAC student body president 1937
USU A-0616b : Elmo Garff, USAC student body president 1938
USU A-0617a : Keith Spencer, USAC student body president 1939
USU A-0617b : Jerry Shepherd, USAC student body president 1940
USU A-0618a : Harold Hiner, USAC student body president 1941
USU A-0618b : Wayne Morgan, USAC student body president 1942
USU A-0619a : Charles Kelley, USAC student body president 1943
USU A-0619b : Dale Lewis, USAC student body president 1944
USU A-0620a : Dan Ludlow, USAC student body president 1945
USU A-0620b : Dan Ludlow, USAC student body president 1946
USU A-0621a : Lyn "Swede" Larson, USAC student body president 1947
USU A-0621b : Desmond Anderson, USAC student body president 1948
USU A-0622a : Bill Robbins, USAC student body president 1949
USU A-0622b : Eugene Hansen, USAC student body president 1950
USU A-0623a : Gary Theurer, USAC student body president 1951
USU A-0623b : John Carlisle, USAC student body president 1952
USU A-0624a : Ross Allen, USAC student body president 1955
USU A-0624b : Ivan Hunstman, USAC student body president 1956
USU A-0625a : Norman Olsen, USAC student body president 1957
USU A-0625b : Le Ron Johnson, USU student body president 1958
USU A-0626a : Derle Thorpe, USU student body president 1959
USU A-0626b : Rolfe Kerr, USU student body president 1960
USU A-0627a : John Cannon, USU student body president 1961
USU A-0627b : Tim Healy, USU student body president 1962
USU A-0628a : Wayne Peterson, USU student body president 1963
USU A-0628b : Bruce Bishop, USU student body president 1964
USU A-0629a : Ken Rich, USU student body president 1965
USU A-0629b : Lee Roderick, USU student body president 1966
USU A-0630a : Kent Colton, USU student body president 1967
USU A-0630b : Steve Green, USU student body president 1968
USU A-0631a : Skip Shelton, USU student body president 1969
USU A-0631b : Neil Gruwell, USU student body president 1970
USU A-0632 : Alan Croshaw, USU student body president 1971
USU A-0633a : Angel Flight officers 1960s
USU A-0633b : Angel Flight members marching, including Linda Jacobsen 1960s
USU A-0633c : Col. Roland H. Taylor and Sue Crisfield with another Angel Flight member ca. 1967
USU A-0633d : Angel Flight members drilling on the east side of the Student Union Building* 1960s
USU A-0634 : Sponsor Corp drilling with rifles in the Fieldhouse 1950s
USU A-0635 : Manen Caine of Logan, Utah
Being interviewed for a position in the Sponsor Corp by a board consisting of: (front row, L to R) Alice Nelson, Tooele, Utah; William Call, Brigham City, Utah; Valoy Sorenson, Logan, Utah; Col. E. W. Timberlake, PMS & T; Joan Harrison, Logan, Utah; and Bob Murdock, Heber City, Utah. (back row, L to R) Gloria Evans, New Plymouth, Idaho; Marianne Gibbon, Logan, Utah; Jeanie Showell, Logan, Utah; and Colleen Allen, Rupert, Idaho. The board members consist of the heads of the Corps of the Sponsors, Cadet Brigade, and the PMS & T. They screen the 200 original applicants and select the 65 most outstanding girls. The girls are selected on their high school activities and scholastic standing, as well as poise, personality, and appearance.
ca. 1952
USU A-0636a : Sponsor Corp drilling in the Fieldhouse early 1950s
USU A-0636b : Sponsor Corp officers
See also Buzzer 1957, p. 121.
USU A-0636c : Sponsor Corp on the Quad mid 1950s
USU A-0638 : Sponsor Corp drilling in the Fieldhouse during half time at a basketball game 1950s
USU A-0639 : New recruits for the Sponsor Corp being sworn in 1940s
USU A-0640 : Sponsor Corp in an "A" formation on the field of the old Romney Stadium 1950s
USU A-0641a : Ski class on Old Main Hill* 1960s
USU A-0641b : Ski class on Old Main Hill* 1960s
USU A-0642 : Three female students inspecting ski equipment 1950s
USU A-0644 : Students inspecting winter sports equipment 1950s
USU A-0645a : Skiing students posed on Beaver Mountain
USU A-0645b : Group posed on Old Main Hill in the snow, half wearing ski boots
USU A-0646a : Student skiing on Beaver Mountain 1960s
USU A-0646b : Student skiing on Beaver Mountain 1950s
USU A-0646c : Two female students skiing on Beaver Mountain 1950s
USU A-0647a : Snowshoe carnival race on the Quad 1950s
USU A-0647b : Snowshoe carnival race on the Quad 1950s
USU A-0647c : Snowshoe carnival race on the Quad 1940s
USU A-0648 : Students inspecting winter sports equipment 1950s
USU A-0649 : Ski class on Old Main Hill* 1940s
USU A-0650 : Ski class on Old Main Hill* 1940s
USU A-0651 : Ski class on Old Main Hill* 1950s
USU A-0652 : Female student playing tennis
Courts were located on the northwest corner of the Quad. They were removed around 1961.
USU A-0653a : Varsity Tennis squad coached by Kenneth Vanderhoff 1949
USU A-0653b : Tennis class under the instruction of Lincoln McClellan, located on the tennis courts by 700 North St 1960s
USU A-0654a : Tennis courts located west of the Chemistry Building ca. 1912
USU A-0654b : New tennis courts located on 700 North St. west of the Edith Bowen Laboratory School 1960s
USU A-0655 : Tennis class located on tennis courts north of the Merrill Library* 1940s
USU A-0656a : Tennis class located on the tennis courts by 700 North St., west of the Edith Bowen Laboratory School 1960s
USU A-0656b : People playing tennis on the courts located on 700 North St., west of the Edith Bowen Laboratory School 1960s
USU A-0657a : Student bowling in the Bowling Alley located in the basement of the Student Union Building* 1960s
USU A-0657b : Bowling class located in the basement of the Student Union Building* 1950s
USU A-0657c : Students bowling in the Bowling Alley located in the basement of the Student Union Building* 1950s
USU A-0658a : Golf class on Old Main Hill* 1958
USU A-0658b : Golf class on Old Main Hill* 1960s
USU A-0659a : Ronald Morgan, member of the USU Golf Team 1964
USU A-0659b : Man golfing 1950s
USU A-0660a : Three men golfing 1950s
USU A-0660b : Students participating in golf class 1950s
USU A-0661 : Two female archery students 1950s
USU A-0662a : Student participating in Gymnastics classes 1960s
USU A-0662b : Student flexing his muscles in a Physical Education class 1960s
USU A-0663 : Student performing gymnastics in the Smart Gymnasium 1940s
USU A-0664 : Students playing volleyball in the Smart Gymnasium 1950s
USU A-0665 : Students participating in intramural basketball 1950s
USU A-0666 : Engine room
In 1975, the same area was probably occupied by the Admissions and Records office. Photo used to illustrate the 1894-95 catalog.
USU A-0667 : Students fencing in the Smart Gymnasium mid 1950s
USU A-0668a : Students in a fencing class 1950s
USU A-0668b : Students playing soccer on Adams Field ca. 1915
USU A-0668c : Students participating in intramural athletics on the Quad 1950s
USU A-0668d : Students participating in intramural athletics on the Quad 1950s
USU A-0669a : Rod Tueller riding an exercise bike while Dale O
Nelson is timing him. See Pictures Past p. 94.
USU A-0669b : Archery class on Old Main Hill*
See Pictures Past p. 94.
USU A-0670 : Male and female student dancers holding a pose outdoors on a lawn 1940s
USU A-0671a : Three male student dancers hold a difficult balancing pose on a beach
USU A-0671b : Two men practice gymnastics
USU A-0672 : Students playing soccer on the east end of the Quad 1953
USU A-0673 : Students participating in a soccer game on the Quad 1940s
USU A-0674 : Students participating in a soccer game on the Quad 1940s
USU A-0675 : Students participating in a soccer game on the Quad 1940s
USU A-0676 : Students participating in a soccer game in the old Romney Stadium early 1960s
USU A-0677 : Andy Anderson, finishing 880 yd. run at the state track meet in Logan, Utah on
Time: 2 minutes, 1 second. See also USU A-1459b.
May 8, 1915
USU A-0678 : Glen Passey, from Ovid, Idaho, the Skyline discus champion 1960
USU A-0679 : Coach Dick Romney with seven members of the track team. The team included: Percy Hansen, R. Croft, P. Dorius, Glenn Dee, P. Hansen, C. Hart, L. Vowen, Jackson, S. Anderson, F. Sorenson, Jacques, and J. McDonald
See also Buzzer 1920, p. 184. See also Student Life Vol. 18, no. 20, February 27, 1920, p. 4.
USU A-0680 : 1915 track and field team: Gronway Perry, manager; Andy W. Anderson, distance; Hugh M. Peterson, sprints; Tura M. Aldous, hurdles; and Joseph Snow, weights. This was the first men's track team to represent the Agricultural College of Utah in the Rocky Mountain Conference. The event took place in Denver, Colorado, on
See also USU A-1459a.
May 15, 1915
USU A-0681a : Men running hurdles in an intramural track and field event 1950s
USU A-0681b : Five members of the 1917 UAC swim team. The team included Purcell, Leland Jones, Scott Dahlquist, Drinen, Doug Cannon, Lyle Geddes, Hobusch, Jim Witmore, and Caffey
See also Buzzer 1917, p. 109. See also Student Life Vol. 15 no. 22, March 2, 1917, p. 4 and Vol. 15, no. 24, March 16, 1917, p. 1 and 3.
USU A-0681c : Jerry Cerrulla jumping a hurdle ca. 1965
USU A-0682a : Track runner poised to start running
USU A-0682b : Hurdles in a track event ca. 1915
USU A-0683a : Charles Hislop, track runner 1960s
USU A-0683b : L. Jay Sylvester, Olympic discuss champion 1960s
USU A-0684a : "Luke makes record broad jump,"
See also Buzzer 1917, p. 103.
USU A-0684b : "Stubby wins the low hurdles,"
See also Buzzer 1917, p. 102.
USU A-0684c : Track and field relay event
See also Buzzer 1931, p. 160.
USU A-0684d : "Track Squad, 1914: (Top row, L to R) Williams, Catmul, Owen, Snow, Peterson, Hendricks, Maughn, Hillam, Vorhees, and Teetzel (Coach). (Bottom row, L to R) Salisbury, Hickman, Aldous, Anderson, and Madson."
See also Buzzer 1914 and Buzzer 1915, p. 87. See also P0014 5:03:13 and 5:04:06. See also USU A-1557.
USU A-0684e : Participants in track
Track team members included: Peterson, Falck, Wing, Jazques, Wayman, McDonald, Ferguson, Andrus, Cox, Anderson, Bowen, Thatcher, Hyde, Worley, and Jarvis.
USU A-0685a : Student track athlete in a high jump contest 1930s
USU A-0685b : Student track athlete ca. 1928
USU A-0686 : Students participating in an intramural boxing match 1950s
USU A-0687 : Students participating in an intramural boxing match 1950s
USU A-0688 : Heavyweight finals of an intramural boxing match: Remo Polidori, USAC Champion, and Dale Panter, Golden Gloves Champion
See also USU A-0691. See also Buzzer 1949, p. 261.
USU A-0689 : Students participating in the intramural finals for boxing 1949
USU A-0690 : Students participating in an intramural boxing match 1950s
USU A-0691 : Exhibition at the finals of the 1949 Men's Intramural Boxing Tournament with Remo Polidori, top heavyweight champion at USAC, and Dale Panter, former Golden Gloves heavy weight champion
See also USU A-0688. See also Buzzer 1949, p. 261.
USU A-0692a : Students participating in an intramural wrestling match 1950s
USU A-0692b : Students participating in an intramural wrestling match 1950s
USU A-0693 : Students participating in an intramural wrestling match 1950s
USU A-0694a : Students participating in an intramural wrestling match 1950s
USU A-0694b : Students participating in an intramural wrestling match 1950s
USU A-0695 : Students participating in an intramural wrestling match 1950s
USU A-0696a : Students participating in an intramural wrestling match 1950s
USU A-0696b : Students participating in an intramural wrestling match 1950s
USU A-0697a : John Jenks, member of the 1967 wrestling team
See also Buzzer 1967, p. 265.
USU A-0697b : Students participating in an intramural wrestling match 1950s
USU A-0698a : Students participating in an intramural wrestling match 1950s
USU A-0698b : Students participating in an intramural wrestling match 1950s
USU A-0699a : Students participating in an intramural wrestling match 1950s
USU A-0699b : Students participating in an intramural wrestling match 1950s
USU A-0700 : Baseball squad, including Coach C. T. Teetzel. The team included: Owen, Greener, Perkins, Mitchell, McDonald, Holmstead, Jones, Rowe (Capt.), Johnson, Tanner, Taylor, and Stott. Baseball Manager Lloyd Tuttle, Le Roy Tanner
See USU A-0701b, USU A-0701c."See Buzzer 1915, p. 91. See also Student Life Vol. 13, no. 27, April 9, 1915, p. 6.
USU A-0701a : Football team at practice. The team included D. Jones, Godbe (Captain), Williams, Griffin, Naylor, Doutre, Peterson, Snow, J. P. Jones, Owens, Rowe, and Walker
See also Buzzer 1915, p. 91.
ca. 1873
USU A-0701b : 1915 Baseball team at practice
See also USU A-0700. See also Buzzer 1915, p. 91.
USU A-0701c : 1915 Baseball team
See also USU A-0700. See also Buzzer 1915, p. 91.
USU A-0701d : Pitcher of the baseball team
See also Buzzer 1915, p. 91.
USU A-0702a : "Veteran backstop, John Whatcott, stops fast ball as batter misses,"
See also Buzzer 1957, p. 294.
USU A-0702b : Lambda Delta Sigma softball 1950s
USU A-0702c : Baseball on the Quad ca. 1930
USU A-0702d : "Baseball mentor Ev Faunce talks over the situation with two of his team. Pitchers Ray Hlavaty and Jim Hill who will See action in upcoming ball games tell Ev that the old fast ball is working."
See also Student Life Vol. 40 no. 21, March 19, 1953, p. 7.
USU A-0703 : Baseball team: (First row) Thompson. (Second row, L to R) Hughes, Darley (Capt.), Poulsen, and Jones. (Third row, L to R) McClellan, Poulsen, Nebeker (Mgr.), Acuff, John L. Coburn, and Bankhead
See also Student Life June 1903, p. 164.
USU A-0704a : Lindquist, member of the football team
See also Buzzer 1917, p. 95.
USU A-0704b : Football team, possibly a freshman or intramural team
See also Buzzer 1917, p. 178.
USU A-0704c : "1919 Pigskinners," football team, possibly a sophomore team
See also Buzzer 1917, p. 180.
USU A-0705 : Crowd in the stands at Romney Stadium for a football game 1950s
USU A-0706 : Interior of Old Romney Stadium during a football game, including striped goal posts 1930s
USU A-0707 : Football team and coaches: Line Coach George Galli, Vern Richev, Freshman Coach Norvel "Nog" Hansen, Tom Cruickshank, End Coach Ralph Maughan, Co-Captain Craig Murray, Head Coach Tony Knap, Co-Captain Ron Sbranti, Defensive Backfield Coach John Math, Rudy Curinga, Offensive Backfield Coach George Porter, Graduate Assistant Coach John Matthews, Graduate Assistant Coach Dave Nickel, Rich Borino, Don Holtry, Gene McKeehan, Tom Foster, Ken Ferguson, Ron Edwards, Jim LeMoine, Roy Shivers, Graduate Assistant Coach Chris Pella, Graduate Assistant Coach Veran Smith, Equipment Manager Mike Carlisle, Garth Hall, Ron Stewart, Marv Kendrick, Gerald Watson, John Pappas, Dave Clark, Duane Harter, Bob Severt, Eric Maughan, Bob Butcher, Dee Hadfield, Phil Toone, Bill Staley, Manager Butch Roberts, Spain Musgrove, Doug Gosnell, Larry Cusack, Don Norris, Joe Forzani, Boyd Wright, Mike Gold, Trevor Edkahl, Nick Lee, MacArthur Lane, Dewey Czupka, Lenard Hansen, Dick Ostergaard, Mike Lelis, Eric Church, Dennis Anderson, Al Vermeil, Jon Trebotich, Grant Martinsen, Ron Rodriquez, Mike Mattson, Ed Escandon, Tom Salzmann, Marty Nodilo, Jan Peterson, J. R. Christenson, Lance Gross, Henry King, Wayne Fritz, Ocie Austin, Willie Duersch, Willie Molini, and Manager Dick Weedig
See also Buzzer 1966, p. 94-201.
USU A-0708 : Football team running out of the tunnel 1960s
USU A-0709 : The raising of the flag at the opening of a football game in Romney Stadium 1950s
USU A-0710a : Coach Watson talking to his football team
See also Buzzer 1917, p. 97.
USU A-0710b : Football game
See also Buzzer 1917, p. 172.
USU A-0710c : Football game between the Aggies and Colorado
Stiefel is carrying the ball. See also Buzzer 1918, p. 70.
USU A-0710d : Football game between UAC and the Colorado Aggies
See also Buzzer 1917, p. 96.
USU A-0710e : Home Economics Club Football Rally
See also Buzzer 1917, p. 110.
USU A-0710f : Home Economics Club Football Rally
See also Buzzer 1917, p. 110.
USU A-0711a : Three members of the football team: Morrell, Sutton, and Gardner
See also Buzzer 1920, p. 175.
USU A-0711b : Three members of the football team: H. McDonald, Nagel, and Andrus
See also Buzzer 1920, p. 174.
USU A-0711c : Three members of the football team: J. McDonald, Campbell, and Anderson
. See also Buzzer 1920, p. 175.
USU A-0712a : Two members of the football team: Worley and Owen
. See also Buzzer 1920, p. 172.
USU A-0712b : Three members of the football team: Jorgensen, Hansen, and Bracken
See also Buzzer 1920, p. 174.
USU A-0712c : Three members of the football team: Hart, Anderson, and Maughn
. See also Buzzer 1920, p. 173.
USU A-0713a : "The Kick-off," possibly Lewis kicking the ball
See also Buzzer 1917, p. 98.
USU A-0713b : " 'Hungry' Punts," football game
See also Buzzer 1915, p. 94.
USU A-0713c : Assistant Coach H. P. Christensen
See also Buzzer 1915, p. 76
USU A-0713d : USU vs. BYU football 1960s
USU A-0714a : Football game, probably on Adams field ca. 1920
USU A-0714b : Agricultural College of Utah football team scrimmaging on the lawn west of Old Main
Edgar B. Brossard featured. See USU A-0005a. See also Student Life 1906, p. 83-85.
USU A-0714c : Football player Seth Maughan of Wellsville, Utah
He held the USU punting record, 1941-1975.
USU A-0714d : Joe Call, quarterback for the 1929-1930 USAC football team
See also Buzzer 1930, p. 142.
USU A-0714e : "Our point winner," member of the football team, possibly D. Jones
See also Buzzer 1915, p. 94.
USU A-0715a : Swimming class in the Logan Junior High School swimming pool 1960s
USU A-0715b : Students swimming in the Smart Gymnasium swimming pool 1960s
USU A-0715c : Students swimming in the Smart Gymnasium swimming pool 1917
USU A-0715d : Four female students make a swimming formation during women's intramurals in the Smart Gymnasium swimming pool
See also Buzzer 1948, p. 275.
USU A-0716 : Students swimming in the Smart Gymnasium swimming pool 1950s
USU A-0717 : Eighteen swim team members pose at the side of the pool, Smart Gymnasium 1950s
USU A-0718 : Two students dive off of the side of the pool in the Smart Gymnasium 1950s
USU A-0719 : 1952 WAA Swim Team: Carol Slater, Jean Reynolds, Lulu Wallace, Miley Fergus, and Palma Lundahl
See Buzzer 1952, p. 247. See also Student Life Vol. 39, no. 14, January 31, 1952, p. 7.
USU A-0720 : Students swimming and sitting at the edge of the pool in the Smart Gymnasium 1950s
USU A-0721 : "Donnel Stringham and Janice Spencer leave the [diving] board simultaneously,"
See also Buzzer 1947, p. 183.
USU A-0722 : Two students dive off of the side of the pool in the Smart Gymnasium 1950s
USU A-0723 : Five swim team members pose at the side of the pool, Smart Gymnasium 1950s
USU A-0724 : Woman doing a handstand on a diving board at the swimming pool in the Smart Gymnasium 1950s
USU A-0725 : Eleven swim team members pose at the side of the pool, Smart Gymnasium 1950s
USU A-0726 : Students swimming and sitting at the edge of the pool in the Smart Gymnasium 1950s
USU A-0727 : Sigma Alpha Epsilon snow sculpture of a hand holding a torch at the Winter Carnival
See Buzzer 1942, p. 217.
USU A-0728 : Pi Kappa Alpha snow sculpture depicting the Axis leaders Tojo, Hitler, and Mussolini on the left and monkeys symbolizing See no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil on the right 1940s or 1950s
USU A-0729 : Snow sculptures on the Quad during the Winter Carnival. Photo taken from the roof of the Merrill Library* looking towards Old Main winter 1953-54
USU A-0730a : Snow sculpture on the Quad, Winter Carnival
USU A-0730b : Snow sculpture created by A.S.C.E. at the Winter Carnival
See also Buzzer 1955, p. 234.
USU A-0730c : Snow sculpture of the Bear Lake Monster at the Winter Carnival
USU A-0730d : Snow sculpture entitled "Pride," created by Pi Kappa Alpha, at the Winter Carnival
USU A-0731a : Snow sculpture of the North Wind blowing, created by Sigma Kappa, at the Winter Carnival 1950s
USU A-0731b : Snow sculpture of a dog at the Winter Carnival 1950s
USU A-0732a : Snow sculpture of a ram, created by the Ag Club, at the Winter Carnival 1950s
USU A-0732b : Snow sculpture of a lion, entitled "Dandy-Lion," created by Chi Omega, at the Winter Carnival 1950s
USU A-0732c : Man standing next to a snow sculpture of a logger with an ax and a chopped down tree, probably done by the Forestry Club, at the Winter Carnival 1950s
USU A-0733a : Snow sculpture of Old Ephraim, created by the Lambda Delta Sigma men, at the Winter Carnival
USU A-0733b : Snow sculpture created by Sigma Kappa, at the Winter Carnival
See also Buzzer 1947, p. 185. See also Student Life Vol. 34 no. 14, February 5, 1947, p. 4.
USU A-0734a : Snow sculpture at the Winter Carnival
USU A-0734b : "The snowy native dancer made by the Lambda Delt girls earned a second place," sculpture in the Winter Carnival
See also Buzzer 1954, p. 214.
USU A-0734c : "This huge modernistic man brought first place honors," Sigma Chi sculpture entitled "Man with a Mandolin," Winter Carnival
See also Buzzer 1954, p. 214.
USU A-0735a : Snow sculpture at the Winter Carnival 1950s
USU A-0735b : Snow sculpture of a pig with a sign reading "Out to Lunch," at the Winter Carnival 1950s
USU A-0736 : Snow sculpture of a man and woman dancing in evening clothes, Winter Carnival
Snow sculpture in background appears in the 1942 Buzzer, p. 205.
USU A-0737a : Snow sculpture in the Winter Carnival 1954-55
USU A-0737b : Snow sculpture entitled "The Boar Hunt" and created by Sigma Alpha Epsilon, in the Winter Carnival 1954-55
USU A-0737c : Snow sculptures on the Quad ca. 1957
USU A-0738a : Snow sculpture of Old Main sitting atop the Utah Beehive with the number "100" written on the side, Winter Carnival
Sculpture created by Sigma Phi Epsilon for the centennial year.
USU A-0738b : Snow sculpture of a man putting on ice skates, at the Winter Carnival
USU A-0739 : Five men examining a chart reading "Utah Farm Indebtedness and Farm Income, 1910-1948," ca. 1948
USU A-0740a : Four men looking at a production flow chart 1940s
USU A-0740b : Six people in a room looking at various charts, one of which reads "Wholesale Price in the United States, 1770-1946," ca. 1946
USU A-0741 : Four men looking at a chart entitled "Money Supply and Production," ca. 1947
USU A-0742 : Large group of men gathered around tables in a room late 1940s
USU A-0743 : Vernon L. Israelsen, Professor of Economics 1947-1963, teaching a class 1950s
USU A-0744 : Women in a typing class 1950s
USU A-0745a : Woman in a typing class 1950s
USU A-0745b : Woman typing at a desk 1950s
USU A-0746a : Typing class for the School of Commerce, in Old Main 1900s
USU A-0746b : Typing class 1940s
USU A-0747a : Group of men at a Forestry Camp, posed outside of a large log building 1940s
USU A-0747b : Group of men dressed as trappers and posed outside of the Student Union Building* 1960s
USU A-0748a : Surveying class at the Forestry Camp, Logan Canyon 1960s
USU A-0748b : Surveying class at the Forestry Camp, Logan Canyon 1960s
USU A-0749a : Forestry Camp 1930s
USU A-0749b : Two men in a canoe and one man standing on shore at a Forestry Camp 1930s
USU A-0750a : Two men in hard hats at a Forestry Camp 1950s
USU A-0750b : Two men at a Forestry Camp 1950s
USU A-0751 : Surveying class at Forestry Camp, Logan Canyon 1960s
USU A-0752a : Large group of people with shovels climbing a hillside 1950s
USU A-0752b : Man surveying by a lake 1950s
USU A-0753a : Surveying class at Forestry Camp, Logan Canyon 1960s
USU A-0753b : Surveying class at Forestry Camp, Logan Canyon 1960s
USU A-0754 : Instructor standing by a blackboard with the words "Utah Conservation Camp, Training in: Forestry, Range, and Wildlife, Camping, Fun, Log Sawing," written on it 1950s
USU A-0755a : Man measuring a tree 1950s
USU A-0755b : Group of men using instruments to take readings of a body of water 1950s
USU A-0755c : Group of men climbing a hillside with shovels 1950s
USU A-0757a : Filming of a television program at the campus TV station, KUSU 1960s
USU A-0757b : Filming of a television program at the campus TV station, KUSU 1960s
USU A-0757c : Staff of the radio station looking at scripts before broadcast time: (L to R) Bill Angus, Paul Olson, Jeanne Winn, Jerry Allen, and Roy Allen
See also Buzzer 1958, p. 259.
USU A-0758a : Filming of a television program at the campus TV station, KUSU 1960s
USU A-0758b : Filming of a television program at the campus TV station, KUSU, with (L to R) Dr. Edwin L. Peterson, Sherman Lloyd (Congressman, R. - Utah), and Wendell R. Anderson 1960s
USU A-0759 : Student staff of the radio station KVSC, including Lee Frischknecht
Station probably located in Old Main.
USU A-0760 : Students working in the College Bank, a mock bank at the School of Commerce, located on the third floor of Old Main early 1900s
USU A-0761 : Students in a study hall of the School of Commerce, located on the third floor of Old Main 1909
USU A-0762 : Students in the reading room, located on the second floor of the north wing of the Merrill Library*
See Student Life Vol. 1, January 1903, p. 60. See USU A-1359 and USU A-1428. See also P0014 7:171.
USU A-0763 : Students in the accounting room 1903
USU A-0765 : Aerial view of campus featuring the McKay Living Center, the University Apartments (Triads), and the USU Trailer Court 1963
USU A-0766 : Lounge in the east end of the Student Union Building* 1950s
USU A-0767 : Man standing outside of screened porch attached to an old building with a sign reading, "Apples."
USU A-0768 : Architectural drawing of a building
USU A-0769 : Barns, possibly poultry barns
USU A-0770 : Aerial view of campus looking east from above the Smart Gymnasium September 4, 1935
USU A-0771 : Aerial view of campus looking west September 4, 1935
USU A-0772 : Inside of a classroom, 1930s. The shelves on the wall are lined with ceramic masks
USU A-0773 : Shop machinery in a classroom, possibly in the Mechanic Arts Building
USU A-0775 : Shop machinery in a classroom, possibly in the Mechanic Arts Building
USU A-0776 : Interior of a home
USU A-0777 : Large mechanical equipment inside of a building
USU A-0778 : Five men examining a large bone fragment ca. 1950
USU A-0779 : Five men examining a large bone fragment ca. 1950
USU A-0780 : Animal Industry Building ca. 1920
USU A-0782a : Entrance gates to USU campus, located on the corner of 900 East St. and Highway 89
The sign was removed in the summer of 1973 when the entrance was sealed off.
USU A-0782b : Entrance gate to USU campus located on the corner of 400 North St. and 700 East St 1960s
USU A-0783 : Entrance gate to USU campus located on the corner of 400 North St. and 700 East St 1960s
USU A-0784 : Opening Night at the Lyric Theatre, first production under University auspices was Hamlet, Monday
See also Buzzer 1961, p. 66-7. See also USU Staff News vol. 1, no. 38, March 31, 1961, and vol. 1, no. 30, March 31, 1961 Special Edition.
April 3, 1961, 8:15 p.m
USU A-0785 : Sculpture entitled "Cache Valley's First Train," created by Delta Phi for the Winter Carnival
See Buzzer 1956, p. 230.
USU A-0786 : Intramural boxing match 1950s
USU A-0789a : Man feeding a deer through a fence 1950s
USU A-0789b : Ducks swimming on a pond
USU A-0789c : Deer eating on a snowy field
USU A-0790a : View of campus from the roof of the Domestic Science Building, featuring Old Main, the Experiment Station, President's Residence*, and Smart Gymnasium 1920s
USU A-0790b : View of campus from the roof of the University Annex*, featuring Old Main, the Experiment Station, and the President's Residence* 1905
USU A-0792a : Science lab area, baking ovens or assaying room
See also 1:13:06, 1:16:10, and 8:128.
early 1900s.
USU A-0792b : Equipment in a room, used to load burlap bags
USU A-0793a : Students dressed in black face for a minstrel show ca. 1904
USU A-0793b : Students dressed in black face for a minstrel show ca. 1904
USU A-0794a : Large group gathered outside of the west tower of Old Main ca. 1910
USU A-0794b : View of the south wing of Old Main and the Mechanic Arts Building
USU A-0795a : Band playing on stage with a man standing next to a file cabinet marked "Jokes File" and six drawers labeled "Tested," "Stolen Gags," "Faculty & Obsolete," "Clean Quips," "Dirty," and "Ditto." The last two drawers are boarded up 1950s
USU A-0795b : USAC Band 1952
USU A-0796 : Women's dormitories along the south side of campus ca. 1960
USU A-0797 : Bullen Hall, finished for occupancy in 1959
USU A-0798a : Moen, Greaves, and Reeder Halls, women's dormitories
See also USU A-0105.
USU A-0798b : Greaves and Reeder Halls, women's dormitories 1959
USU A-0798c : Moen, Greaves, Reeder, and Merrill Halls, women's dormitories
See also USU A-0175.
USU A-0799a : Dedication of training quarters at Romney Stadium
W.P.A. project 165-01-3000. The rooms in the entrance were used for athlete housing, then called the Stadium Apartments, until 1966 when the student athletes moved to Lund Hall.
Tuesday, December 16, 1937.
USU A-0799b : Dedication of training quarters at Romney Stadium Tuesday, December 16, 1937
USU A-0800 : Entrance and training quarters of Romney Stadium
The rooms in the entrance were used for athlete housing, then called the Stadium Apartments, until 1966 when the student athletes moved to Lund Hall.
USU A-0801a : Forest Research Laboratory 1964
USU A-0801b : View of Logan and Holy Trinity Lutheran Church looking southwest from the President's Garden 1967
USU A-0802a : View of Old Main and the President's Residence*
USU A-0802b : View of Old Main and the Mechanic Arts Building
USU A-0803a : Animal Industry Building 1918
USU A-0803b : Plant Industry Building 1921
USU A-0804a : Radio TV Building, constructed in 1941 as the training base for Naval radio and communication personnel during World War II. It was remodeled in the 1950s as station KVSC-FM (later KUSU-FM) and Channel 12 TV
USU A-0804b : Radio TV Building 1940s
USU A-0805a : Dairy judging contest in the Judging Paddock on the north side of campus
View shows the paddock, barns, and Fieldhouse from the southeast.
USU A-0805b : View of campus from the northeast showing the Mechanic Arts Building, Old Main, the Model Barn, Widstoe Hall, Judging Pavilion, Smart Gymnasium, and the University Annex*
USU A-0805c : Dairy judging contest in the Judging Paddock on the north side of campus
View shows Old Main and Widstoe Hall from the northeast. It also depicts the veterinary hospital, which was moved from its original location at the Plant Industry Building in 1918. See also P0017 5:15 and 5:16.
USU A-0805d : Dairy judging contest in the Judging Paddock on the north side of campus
View shows the paddock, barns, and newly completed Military Science Building from the south. Photo probably taken from the roof of the Animal Science Building.
USU A-0806a : View of campus looking north showing the University Annex*, Heating Plant, and Smart Gymnasium winter 1920s
USU A-0806b : View of campus looking north showing the Smart Gymnasium and the smoke stack above the heating plant 1920s
USU A-0807 : Quarter Centennial Pageant, marking the establishment of the Agricultural College of Utah
See Sara Huntsman, Historical Pageant (Logan, 1915), University Archives 10.7/2-1.
June 5, 1915
USU A-0808a : Quarter Centennial Pageant, marking the establishment of the Agricultural College of Utah
See Sara Huntsman, Historical Pageant (Logan, 1915), University Archives 10.7/2-1.
June 5, 1915
USU A-0808b : Quarter Centennial Pageant, marking the establishment of the Agricultural College of Utah
Scene 4 from Episode, first UAC barbecue, 1905, p. 23. See Sara Huntsman, Historical Pageant (Logan, 1915), University Archives 10.7/2-1.
June 5, 1915
USU A-0809a : Quarter Centennial Pageant, marking the establishment of the Agricultural College of Utah
See Sara Huntsman, Historical Pageant (Logan, 1915), University Archives 10.7/2-1.
June 5, 1915
USU A-0809b : Quarter Centennial Pageant, marking the establishment of the Agricultural College of Utah
See Sara Huntsman, Historical Pageant (Logan, 1915), University Archives 10.7/2-1.
June 5, 1915
USU A-0810a : Quarter Centennial Pageant, marking the establishment of the Agricultural College of Utah
See Sara Huntsman, Historical Pageant (Logan, 1915), University Archives 10.7/2-1.
June 5, 1915.
USU A-0810b : Quarter Centennial Pageant, marking the establishment of the Agricultural College of Utah
See Sara Huntsman, Historical Pageant (Logan, 1915), University Archives 10.7/2-1.
June 5, 1915
USU A-0811a : Quarter Centennial Pageant, marking the establishment of the Agricultural College of Utah
See Sara Huntsman, Historical Pageant (Logan, 1915), University Archives 10.7/2-1.
June 5, 1915.
USU A-0811b : Quarter Centennial Pageant, marking the establishment of the Agricultural College of Utah
See Sara Huntsman, Historical Pageant (Logan, 1915), University Archives 10.7/2-1.
June 5, 1915
USU A-0812a : Quarter Centennial Pageant, marking the establishment of the Agricultural College of Utah
See Sara Huntsman, Historical Pageant (Logan, 1915), University Archives 10.7/2-1.
June 5, 1915
USU A-0812b : Quarter Centennial Pageant, marking the establishment of the Agricultural College of Utah
See Sara Huntsman, Historical Pageant (Logan, 1915), University Archives 10.7/2-1.
June 5, 1915
USU A-0813 : University President Daryl Chase and his wife Alice sitting at a banquet table with four other people 1960s
USU A-0814 : Man looking at theses and dissertations written by Iranian graduate students from 1951-64 1960s
USU A-0815 : University President Daryl Chase speaking to a large group of people gathered at banquet tables 1960s
USU A-0816 : Man looking at Middle Eastern, possibly Iranian, artifacts 1960s
USU A-0817 : Group of fourteen men, including former USAC President E. G. Peterson, seated and standing behind a long table
Possibly a group photo of the University Board of Trustees or the University Faculty Board.
USU A-0818 : Thorpe Beal Isaacson, 1898-1970, Chairman of the Board of Trustees 1950s
USU A-0819 : Man handing a piece of paper reading "At Utah State, October 29" to another man
USU A-0820 : Reed Bullen and Thorpe Beal Isaacson
USU A-0821 : Board of Trustees posed on the west steps of Old Main: (front row, L to R) Olaf Nelson, Hyrum Blackhurst, C. G. Adney, Minnie W. Miller, Ray E. Dillman, and Fred M. Nye. (back row, L to R) E. H. Street, E. E. Monson, Leon Fonnesbeck, Charles Redd, James S. Preswick, and Henry Peterson 1942
USU A-0822 : Board of Trustees posed on the west steps of Old Main: (front row, L to R) Olaf Nelson, Joseph B. White, C. G. Adney, Frederick P. Champ, Mrs. Joseph Jenson, and Minnie W. Miller. (back row, L to R) George Q. Spencer, E. G. Peterson, E. E. Monson, M. J. Urie, and Russell E. Berntson
USU A-0824 : Frederick Percival Champ, 1896-1876, Chairman of the Board of Trustees
USU A-0825a : Governor George Dewey Clyde, after receiving an honorary degree during Commencement 1957
USU A-0825b : Governor George Dewey Clyde
USU A-0826a : Alma Sonne, president of the Board of Trustees, posed for a photo with his wife and two other couples
USU A-0826b : Members of the Board of Trustees: (L to R) L. Mark Neuberger, Joseph F. Cowley, Phillip A. Bullen, R. J. Potter, O.C. Hammond, Lamont F. Toronto, Board President Alma Sonne, Fern B. Ercanbrack, Eve. S. Ashton, Ralph S. Blackham, Reed W. Farnsworth, David W. Evans, Henry R. Hurren, Newell V. Sanders, and Joseph Rosenblatt
See also Buzzer 1961, p. 10.
USU A-0827a : Governor George Dewey Clyde signing the legislative act changing the name of Utah State Agricultural College to Utah State University at the Nelson Fieldhouse
Also pictured standing behind Governor Clyde are former USAC President E. G. Peterson, University President Daryl Chase, and four other men. See also Buzzer 1957, p. 226. See also USU A-0827b, USU A-0912a, USU A-0912b, and USU A-0934.
March 8, 1957.
USU A-0827b : Governor George Dewey Clyde signing the legislative act changing the name of Utah State Agricultural College to Utah State University at the Nelson Fieldhouse
Also pictured standing behind Governor Clyde are former USAC President E. G. Peterson, University President Daryl Chase, and four other men. See also Buzzer 1957, p. 226. See also USU A-0827a, USU A-0912a, USU A-0912b, and USU A-0934.
March 8, 1957.
USU A-0828 : Loan desk and interior of Merrill Library* 1930s
USU A-0829 : Library storage area in the attic of the Plant Industry Building 1950s
USU A-0830a : Interior view of the Merrill Library* reading room 1930s
USU A-0830b : Interior view of the Merrill Library* reading room 1930s
USU A-0831a : Check out stand and loan desk in the Merrill Library*
Punch card check out system installed between turnstiles.
spring 1964
USU A-0831b : Atrium of the Merrill Library*
Punch card check out system removed to behind the loan desk and search station installed at turnstiles.
USU A-0832a : Auxiliary Library, located in the basement of the Student Union Building*
All branch libraries eliminated and books consolidated in the finished 2 floors of the Merrill Library* in 1963.
USU A-0832b : North end of the Current Periodicals reading room on the first floor of the Merrill Library* 1961
USU A-0832c : Storage shelving in the attic of the Plant Industry Building. The collection was moved to the basement of the Student Union Building* as the Auxiliary Library
All branch libraries eliminated and books consolidated in the finished 2 floors of the Merrill Library* in 1963.
ca. 1960
USU A-0833a : Main entrance to the Merrill Library* on the north side of the building 1930s
USU A-0833b : Loan desk of the Merrill Library*
Range of books directly behind the desk is the reserve book collection for that quarter.
USU A-0833c : Reading room in the Merrill Library*, looking north 1930s
USU A-0834 : Reading room in the Merrill Library*, looking south from the Reference Area 1940s
USU A-0835a : T. C. Yao (Chemistry Department) cooperates with entomologists 1950
USU A-0835b : Earl J. Taylor, Stafford, Arizona 1950s
USU A-0836 : Gerald L. Dean, graduate student in Entomology, looking at insects through a microscope 1950s
USU A-0837a : Walter H. Wilde, graduate student in Entomology, demonstrates to Dr. G. F. Knowlton the leaf hopper cage which he recently developed
This cage was especially designed for investigating the role played by disease-transmitting leaf hopper which attack stone fruit trees.
USU A-0837b : Dr. G. F. Knowlton holding a hive 1950s
USU A-0838 : Man examining insects 1960s
USU A-0839 : Student pointing out insects mounted on a board to a group of men 1950s
USU A-0840 : Wilford J. Hansen, research assistant in Entomology, compiling records of the various celery field insect pests of 1952
USU A-0841 : USAC students Gerald L. Dean of Ogden and Fern Hansen of Redmond, Utah, who were assisting Dr. G. F. Knowlton and federal entomologist H. E. Dorst with a study of the insects which are injurious to celery in Utah 1950s
USU A-0842 : Ervin Kardos, Entomology student from New York, working with Dr. G. F. Knowlton, a research professor of Entomology, on a Utah Agricultural Experiment Station investigation of mites affecting Utah trees and shrubs. Heat of the funnel light is used to drive the mites from the vegetation into the small containers of preservation located at the bottom of the funnel 1950s
USU A-0843 : Takeshi Miura, a student from Hirshiia, Japan, studying Entomology
Here he looks over one group of injurious forest and shade tree beetles with Dr. G. F. Knowlton, Professor of Entomology at the college.
USU A-0844 : Federal entomologists, W. E. Peay and H. E. Dors, discuss with Dr. G. F. Knowlton leaflets on entomology being published by USAC Extension Service 1950s
USU A-0845 : Dr. George F. Knowlton, at the USAC Agricultural Experiment Station, holding up two drawings of pea aphids, a common pest of pea, alfalfa and of certain clovers
Aphids spread virus diseases to celery, potatoes, beans, and various other farm crops. These tiny pests were investigated by Dr. George F. Knowlton for a number of years. He spent many years in research, teaching, and extension activities dealing with the insect pests of crops and livestock in the Intermountain area.
USU A-0846 : Shop bench in Old Main with blacksmithing tools and student projects
A metal shop was located in the south wing of the basement of Old Main. Photo used to illustrate the 1894-95 catalog. Photo by D. Lewis of Logan, Utah, photographer.
ca. 1895
USU A-0847 : Interior view of the Assaying room in the south wing of the basement of Old Main
Photo used to illustrate the 1894-95 Catalog. Photo by D. Lewis of Logan, Utah.
ca. 1895
USU A-0849 : Interior view of the Assaying room in the south wing of the basement of Old Main
Photo used to illustrate the 1894-95 Catalog. Photo by D. Lewis of Logan, Utah.
ca. 1895
USU A-0850 : Museum located at the east end of the third floor of Old Main
In 1975, this area was occupied by the History Department. Photo used to illustrate the 1894-95 catalog.
USU A-0851 : One of the five dairy rooms, located in the east end basement of the center section of Old Main
Photo used to illustrate the 1894-95 catalog.
USU A-0853 : Architectural drawing of the LDS stake building, known colloquially as the "Golden Toaster," built in 1962
USU A-0854 : Gymnasium located on the third floor in the north wing (?) of Old Main
The gymnasium was used until 1910 when the Smart Gymnasium was built. Photo used to illustrate the 1894-95 catalog.
ca. 1895
USU A-0855 : Interior view of the wood shop located in the west end of the north wing basement in Old Main
The door in the center of the photo opened into a store room under the north tower. In 1975, this area was occupied by Main rm. 2 "Testing and Counseling."
USU A-0857 : Physics lecture room in Old Main
Photo used to illustrate the 1894-95 catalog.
USU A-0859 : Chemistry room in Old Main
Photo used to illustrate the 1894-95 catalog. Photo by D. Lewis of Logan, Utah.
USU A-0860 : Companies A and B of the Military Cadet Corp with the College Band in formation on the stage of the chapel in the south wing of Old Main ca. 1894
USU A-0861 : Companies A and B of the Military Cadet Corp with the College Band in formation on the stage of the chapel in the south wing of Old Main ca. 1894
USU A-0862 : Group of men talking to one another, including Thorpe Beal Isaacson, Chairman of the Board of Trustees 1950s
USU A-0864 : J. Morris Godfrey
USU A-0865 : Two women sitting in the ticket office of the Lyric Theatre on its opening night under USU auspices
The play being performed was "Hamlet." See also Buzzer 1961, p. 66-7. See also USU Staff News v. 1, no. 38, March 31, 1961 and v. 1, no. 38, March 31, 1961 Special Edition, for further information.
Monday, April 3, 1961
USU A-0866 : Lyric Theatre on its opening night under USU auspices
The play being performed was "Hamlet." See also Buzzer 1961, p. 66-7. See also USU Staff News v. 1, no. 38, March 31, 1961 and v. 1, no. 38, March 31, 1961 Special Edition, for further information.
Monday, April 3, 1961
USU A-0867a : Opening of the cornerstone on the south wing of Old Main for the Semi-Centennial Celebration of the College
The man holding his hand to his ear is John T. Cain, Jr.
March 8, 1938 at 12:15pm
USU A-0867b : Opening of the cornerstone on the south wing of Old Main for the Semi-Centennial Celebration of the College
Pictured are Chairman Frederick P. Champ holding his glasses, Governor Blood, and E.G. Peterson.
March 8, 1938 at 12:15pm
USU A-0868 : Opening of the cornerstone on the south wing of Old Main for the Semi-Centennial Celebration of the College
Man extracting document and items from the cornerstone. A list of the contents of the cornerstone is available in USAC Semi Centennial 1938, under the archival call no. 10.7/3.
March 8, 1938 at 12:15pm.
USU A-0869a : Man speaks at a hearing while another man listens and a woman takes notes 1963
USU A-0869b : Man reading off of a piece of paper at a hearing 1963
USU A-0870 : A male and female student on the grounds crew work in front of the library 1950s
USU A-0871 : Group of men seated at banquet tables in a large room
Included in the photo are Dr. J. H. Budge, Charles Tate, Daryl Chase, Howard Maughan, and Fred Sorensen.
USU A-0872a : Meat experiment in a nutrition class with Ethelwyn B. Wilcox, Professor of Nutrition and Food Sciences, as the instructor 1960s
USU A-0872b : Psychology class with Heber C. Sharp, Professor of Psychology, as the instructor 1960s
USU A-0874a : Three men working in the USAC Creamery
USU A-0875b : Science class with students using microscopes for their experiments
USU A-0875 : Electron microscope before modification
See USU A-0876.
USU A-0876a : Man using an electron microscope
See USU A-0875.
USU A-0876b : Dr. George W. Cochran using an electron microscope
See USU A-0875. See also Buzzer 1949, p. 225.
USU A-0877a : Laboratory in an Experiment Station 1890s
USU A-0877b : Laboratory in an Experiment Station 1890s
USU A-0878 : Laboratory in an Experiment Station 1890s
USU A-0879a : Laboratory in an Experiment Station 1890s
USU A-0879b : Laboratory in an Experiment Station 1890s
USU A-0880a : People looking through microscopes in a lab
See USU A-0882a.
USU A-0880b : Man looking through a microscope in a lab 1930s
USU A-0881a : Three students pouring liquid from one vial to another in a science class 1950s
USU A-0881b : Two students conducting experiments in a lab 1950s
USU A-0882a : People looking through microscopes in a lab
See USU A-0880a.
USU A-0882b : A female and two male students working in a lab 1930s
USU A-0883a : Students in a lab posing for a photo 1940s
USU A-0883b : Students working in a lab 1940s
USU A-0884a : Laboratory from USU A-0882b, without any students
USU A-0884b : Students working in a lab 1930s
USU A-0885a : Students working in a Chemistry lab located on the third floor of Old Main ca. 1910
USU A-0885b : Man looking at two large vials in a Chemistry lab ca. 1910
USU A-0887 : Students working in a laboratory 1950s
USU A-0888 : Whitney Smith, Professor of Bacteriology, teaching a class 1950s
USU A-0889 : Two men standing in a room with a radio microphone late 1950s
USU A-0890 : Chemistry laboratory located on the third floor of Old Main ca. 1903
USU A-0891 : Man looking at slides through a microscope
USU A-0892 : Student and instructor looking at an experiment 1950s
USU A-0893 : Two students conducting an experiment, one looking through a microscope 1950s
USU A-0894 : Man dressed up in 19th century (probably Civil War) regalia
USU A-0895 : Man reading a chart being graphed out by a machine late 1950s
USU A-0896 : Man putting liquid into a vial
USU A-0897 : Man, same as USU A-0896, checking on a substance kept in a temperature controlled device
USU A-0898 : Man pointing out a substance in a vial to another man 1950s
USU A-0899 : Dr. Israelsen talking to another man in a lab ca. 1960
USU A-0900 : John W. Cary, a graduate student in Soil Physics, measuring plant or soil water potential ca. 1960s
USU A-0902 : Franklin S. Harris, seventh president of the college, 1945-1950, with Dean Carlton F. Culmsee late 1940s
USU A-0903a : R. H. Walker, Dean of Agriculture, with Wayne Ringer, L. R. Humphreys, and another man 1950s
USU A-0903b : Reed Bullen and Thorpe B. Isaacson 1950s
USU A-0903c : V. D. Gardner, Professor of Statistics with two students 1950s
USU A-0904a : William Jasper Kerr, fourth president of the college from 1900-1907
USU A-0904b : John Andreas Widstoe, fifth president of the college from 1907-1916
USU A-0906a : University President Daryl Chase and L. Mark Neuberger, Dean of Admissions and Records
USU A-0906b : Reverend Robert J. Dwyer, Baccalaureate speaker at the Commencement, with President Daryl Chase and Msgr. Jerome Steffel 1969
USU A-0906c : University President Daryl Chase examining rare illuminated manuscripts. Also pictured are Jessie Larson, Harrison Groutage, and H. R. Reynolds
USU A-0907a : Daryl Chase, tenth president of the university from 1954-1968, seated at a desk
USU A-0907b : Athletic Council: (seated from L to R) H. B. Hunsaker, G. B. Caine, Daryl Chase, King Hendricks, and Joe Whitesides. (Standing from L to R) Glen Blazer, Eugene Hansen, E. W. Timberlake, Harv Murdock, Conely Watts, and Silvan Erickson
See also Buzzer 1950, p. 32.
USU A-0907c : University President Daryl Chase inspecting the University switchboard 1960s
USU A-0907d : University President Daryl Chase and Alma Sonne, a member of the Board of Trustees inspecting a painting 1960s
USU A-0908a : Man handing a piece of paper, possibly a check, to USAC President Louis L. Madsen
USU A-0908b : USAC President Louis L. Madsen, president from 1950-1953
USU A-0908c : Group of couples in evening dress, including Thorpe B. Isaacson, Herschel Bullen, Helen Bullen, Virginia Preston, George Preston, Edith Madsen, and USAC President Louis Madsen
USU A-0909 : Group of five men and one woman gathered around a desk 1940s
USU A-0910a : University President Henry Aldous Dixon with three other men (two of whom are officers) in front of an airplane 1950s
USU A-0910b : Groundbreaking ceremonies for Utah State University's new Agricultural Science Building. Pictured are: (standing from L to R) R. J. Potter, Elder Matthew Cowley, Reed Bullen, University President Henry Aldous Dixon, Dr. R. O. Porter, Charles R. Hunter, and Lamont F. Toronto
USU A-0910c : Man, possibly University President Henry Dixon, displaying a string of fish he caught
USU A-0911a : University President E. G. Peterson with three other men standing behind a piano 1960s
USU A-0911b : Group of men, including University President E. G. Peterson, posed outside, possibly in the area of where Merrill Library* stands 1920s
USU A-0911c : "The kind of welcome that the President of the U.A.C. extends to every citizen of the state Seeking knowledge. Even the Practice House Baby welcomes them." University President E. G. Peterson shaking hands with a man on the steps of a building. A young baby girl is pictured seated on the topmost step
See also Student Life Vol. 5, No. 2, January 28, 1921.
ca. 1921
USU A-0912a : Governor George Dewey Clyde signing the legislative act changing the name of Utah State Agricultural College to Utah State University at the Nelson Fieldhouse
Also pictured standing behind Governor Clyde are former USAC President E. G. Peterson, University President Daryl Chase, and four other men. See also Buzzer 1957, p. 226. See also USU A-0827a, USU A-0827b, USU A-0912b, and USU A-0934.
March 8, 1957
USU A-0912b : Former USAC President E. G. Peterson, University President Daryl Chase, and four other men at the event changing the name of Utah State Agricultural College to Utah State University in the Nelson Fieldhouse
See also Buzzer 1957, p. 226. See also USU A-0827a, USU A-0827b, USU A-0912a, and USU A-0934.
March 8, 1957
USU A-0913a : USAC President E. G. Peterson and L. Mark Neuberger
USU A-0913b : University President Daryl Chase, Charles Olsen, former USAC President E. G. Peterson, and three other men
USU A-0913c : USAC President E. G. Peterson speaking at a podium
USU A-0914a : Glen L. Taggart, eleventh president of the university from 1968-1979, with Robert P. Collier, Dean of the College of Business, and Senator Frank E. Moss (D. - Utah) late 1960s
USU A-0914b : University President Glen L. Taggart with his wife Phyllis in the President's house 1960s
USU A-0914c : University President Glen L. Taggart late 1960s
USU A-0915a : University President Daryl Chase, inspecting the Thiokol Trackmaster late 1950s
USU A-0915b : Portrait of Daryl Chase, tenth president of the university from 1954-1968
USU A-0915c : University President Daryl Chase with former USAC President E. G. Peterson, inspecting the Thiokol Trackmaster late 1950s
USU A-0916a : University President Daryl Chase with former USAC President E. G. Peterson and two other men 1950s
USU A-0916b : USAC President E. G. Peterson with his wife Phoebe at a dinner
USU A-0917a : USAC President E. G. Peterson at his desk working 1940s
USU A-0917b : Portrait of USAC President E. G. Peterson
USU A-0918a : Arlene Taylor, candidate for Miss Utah, with University President Daryl Chase, Patti Smith, and Helen Daines
See also USU A-0414a.
USU A-0918b : University President Daryl Chase and Mark Neuberger showing the new seal when Utah State became a university 1957
USU A-0919 : A. B. Malony and another man seated at a table 1960s
USU A-0920 : Group of people, possibly the Board of Trustees, wearing an "A" pinned to their lapels, surrounding a microphone 1940s
USU A-0921 : USAC President Louis Madsen, his wife Edith, Gary Theurer, and another man and woman, probably student body officers, standing in front of a curtain
See also Student Life Vol. 38, no. 5, November 3, 1950, p. 2.
USU A-0922 : Two men shaking hands, one is possibly USAC President Louis Madsen early 1950s
USU A-0923 : USAC President Franklin S. Harris with two women, one of whom is signing a piece of paper 1940s
USU A-0924 : Rutger Walker, Dean of the College of Agriculture with USAC President Franklin S. Harris and another man, possibly the Iranian Minister of Agriculture
Photo taken by Rulon Rasmussen Sears in Logan.
ca. 1950
USU A-0925 : USAC President Franklin S. Harris with a group of seven men
USU A-0926 : Franklin S. Harris, USAC President from 1945-1950, standing with his hand held out 1940s
USU A-0927 : Governor and Mrs. Maw standing with USAC President Franklin S. Harris and his wife Estelle in a receiving line at a ball in the Eccles Hotel 1947
USU A-0928 : Guests at the Semi-Centennial Celebration leaving Old Main en route to a special stand for the opening of the cornerstone
E. G. Peterson pictured.
March 3, 1938
USU A-0929 : USAC President Louis L. Madsen standing with a microphone in his hands and two men on their side of him 1950s
USU A-0930 : USAC President Franklin S. Harris seated at his desk with a young man and woman on either side of him 1940s
USU A-0931 : Three men dishing up ice cream 1950s
USU A-0932 : Portrait of Franklin S. Harris, seventh president of USAC from 1945-1950
USU A-0933 : Carl O. Frischknecht, Director of the Extension Service, with USAC President Louis L. Madsen, and Dee Broadbent, Director of the Experiment Station 1950s
USU A-0934 : Governor George Dewey Clyde signing the legislative act changing the name of Utah State Agricultural College to Utah State University at the Nelson Fieldhouse
Also pictured standing behind Governor Clyde are former USAC President E. G. Peterson, University President Daryl Chase, and three other men. See also Buzzer 1957, p. 226. See also USU A-0827a, USU A-0827b, USU A-0912a, and USU A-0912b.
March 8, 1957.
USU A-0935 : Sketch of the eight presidents of Utah State Agricultural College: Jeremiah W. Sanborn, 1890-1894; Joshua H. Paul, 1894-1896; Joseph M. Tanner, 1896-1900; William J. Kerr, 1900-1907; John A. Widstoe, 1907-1916; Elmer G. Peterson, 1916-1945; Franklin S. Harris, 1945-1950, and Louis L. Madsen featured in the Center
Featured in the inaugural edition of the Student Life Vol. 38, no. 5, November 3, 1950, p. 3.
USU A-0936 : Former USAC President E. G. Peterson and University President Daryl Chase with another man going over architectural sketches and floor plans 1960s
USU A-0937 : Wallace Vickers, Professor of English with USAC President Louis L. Madsen and another man ca. 1953
USU A-0938 : USAC President Louis L. Madsen seated at table and looking through a magazine or brochure with a man and woman 1950s
USU A-0939 : USAC President Louis L. Madsen looking at a yearbook with two other men, possibly students on the yearbook staff 1950s
USU A-0940 : Portrait of Franklin S. Harris, seventh USAC President, 1945-1950
USU A-0941 : USAC President Louis L. Madsen standing with six other men 1950s
USU A-0942 : Group of twelve men standing outside ca. 1915
USU A-0943 : USAC President Franklin S. Harris and his wife Estelle Harris holding an old book ca. 1948
USU A-0944a : USAC President Franklin S. Harris late 1940s
USU A-0944b : USAC President Franklin S. Harris with two students late 1940s
USU A-0945 : USAC President E. G. Peterson receiving a check from one of three other men in the photograph 1930s
USU A-0946 : USAC President Henry Aldous Dixon receiving three scholarships from the Rotary Club
Also pictured in the photograph are Professor H. B. Hunsaker and Dr. E. G. Peterson, former USAC President and current president of the Rotary (at the time of the photograph).
USU A-0947 : Group of men wearing ribbons on their jacket lapels and seated at a table eating
E. G. Peterson possibly the man at the end of the table on the right.
ca. 1915
USU A-0948 : University President Glen L. Taggart and Bolivian President Rene Barrientos in the President's office July 7, 1968
USU A-0950 : University President Daryl Chase with Mary, Eleanor, Elouise, David C., and Wallace Peterson 1950s
USU A-0951 : Members of the Graduate Council: J. Stewart Williams, George D. Clyde, and Louis L. Madsen early 1950s
USU A-0952 : University President Daryl Chase and former USAC President E. G. Peterson inspecting the Thiokol Trackmaster late 1950s
USU A-0953 : Henry Aldous Dixon, ninth president of the University from 1953-54, walking on the lawn in front of Old Main early 1950s
USU A-0954 : USAC President Henry Aldous Dixon with his wife Lucile Dixon early 1950s
USU A-0955 : Board of Trustees President Thorpe B. Isaacson with his wife Lula Isaacson, and USAC President Henry Aldous Dixon with his wife Lucile Dixon standing on the lawn outside of Old Main 1953
USU A-0956 : USAC President Henry Aldous Dixon and Dr. C. Jay Skidmore, acting Dean of Students, accepting a check for three $100 scholarships from President Blaine W. Hancey and Dr. W. Ezra Cragun of the Logan Kiwanis Club 1953
USU A-0957 : USAC President Henry Aldous Dixon, Professor J. E. Christiansen, Dean of Engineering and Technology, and Professor Frederick Preator, head of the Tool Engineering Department, receiving $1,000 in scholarships for tool engineering students 1954
USU A-0958 : Ringing of the chimes in Old Main Tower by Steve Tillet, while USAC President Louis L. Madsen looks on early 1950s
USU A-0959 : USAC President Louis L. Madsen in academic robes in his living room with his family 1950s
USU A-0960a : Loan desk in the library
Library photo taken to illustrate the need for a new library building.
USU A-0960b : Auxiliary Library, featuring the book storage in the basement of the Student Union Building* were it was moved to from the Plant Industry Building in
Library photo taken to illustrate the need for a new library building.
USU A-0960c : Loan desk and card catalog. The Library ran on a closed stack basis with pages from the Main desk
Library photo taken to illustrate the need for a new library building.
USU A-0960d : Serials department, located in the south end of the library
Library photo taken to illustrate the need for a new library building.
USU A-0960e : Acquisitions, located in the south end of the library where Special Collections is now (2003) located. Seated at the right is Mrs. Helen Harmon, the Acquisitions Librarian
USU A-0961a : Dr. Joel Edwards Ricks, member of the USU History Department 1960s
USU A-0961b : Seminar conducted by Professor Blythe Ahlstrom, Ricks Seminar Room in the History Department, located on the east side of the third floor of Old Main 1960s
USU A-0961c : History seminar conducted in the Hatch Room in the Merrill Library*, featuring Jay Lee Rasmussen, Dr. J. Duncan Brite, Larry V. Bishop, Mary Ann Savage, Paul Nye and an unidentified student
Photo taken to illustrate a flier announcing fellowships in History at USU.
USU A-0962 : Utah Water Research Lab under construction 1964
USU A-0963 : Sewing class conducted by Verna Pearl Bowman at the Branch Normal School in Cedar City, Utah
See also The UAC Graduate, p. 42.
USU A-0964 : Machinery in a building, possibly dairy machinery
USU A-0965 : Group of eight young woman posed in dresses and hats, possibly a sorority portrait ca. 1925
USU A-0966 : Members and families of the 1917 Benedict organization, including William Williams, L. B. Harmon, A. E. Blackner, Mrs. Farnsworth, Chase Kearl, Mrs. Sorenson, and Mrs. Merrill
See also Buzzer 1917, p. 153.
USU A-0967 : Group photo of Dairy Day at the Greenville Experiment Station Farm in North Logan August 16, 1933
USU A-0968 : Man working in old backhoe digging a ditch
No photograph on board.
USU A-0969 : Farmer's encampment exhibit displays in the museum in the north wing of the second floor of Old Main ca. 1919
USU A-0970a : Cashier ringing up customers at the USU bookstore, located in the basement of the Student Union Building* 1950s
USU A-0970b : Cashier ringing up customers at the USU bookstore, located in the basement of the Student Union Building* 1950s
USU A-0971 : Large group of people seated at tables eating on the lawn east of Old Main ca. 1920
USU A-0972 : Governor George H. Dern using a steam shovel to break ground for the construction of Romney Stadium October 12, 1926
USU A-0973 : Thelma Fogelberg, Professor of Languages
USU A-0974a : Students putting in a sidewalk on the north side of the conservatory for "A-Day,"
Old Main, conservatory, and greenhouse pictured in the background. See USU A-1262.
USU A-0974b : Students putting in a sidewalk on the north side of the conservatory for "A-Day,"
Conservatory featured up close. See Specs: 287 B.
USU A-0975 : Group photo of the Leaders in Vocational Education in Utah Annual Convention September 3-6, 1917
USU A-0976a : USAC Forestry camp 1936
USU A-0976b : USAC Forestry camp 1936
USU A-0977a : Two female students, participants in Hello Week, wearing caps with the initial USU printed on them
See also Buzzer 1963, p. 38.
early 1963
USU A-0977b : Group of ten young men in suits and ties early 1960s
USU A-0977c : Two women and four men gathered around two globes with maps behind them, possibly a photo of the geography club 1960s
USU A-0978a : Lounge on the main floor of Lund Hall 1937
USU A-0978b : Entry of Lund Hall 1937
USU A-0979a : Glee Club members: Elroy Boberg, J. Arno Kirkham, Stanley Nelson, Peters Nelson, A. J. Morris, Leo B. Bates, Albert Backman, Anthon Peterson, Arthur Walgreen, J. J. Durtchi, William Williams, Donald Jerman, Chase Kearl, E. Larsen, Delbert Egbert, William Johnson, Elmo Coffman, A. E. Blackner, R. C. Pixton, E. J. Kirkham, Calder Smith, Joseph E. Otte, C. R. Johnson, J. W. Thornton, and E. Benson Parkinson
See also Buzzer 1917, p. 154.
USU A-0979b : Glee Club members: (back row, L to R) J. L. Spencer, George Squires, Wells Moffett, ElRay Christiansen, W. I. Poulter, Theras Allred, Gene Austin, Norven Storrs, A. B. Caseman, Rodney Pack, John S. Dutson, Rueben Hill, Archie Barney; (front row, L to R) Ephraim Josephson, Angus Maughan, Spencer Hunter, Charles Smith, Eugene Robinson, Elmo Coffman, A. E. Blackner, Chase Kearl, Clyde Worley, Ernest Baker, C. J. Stringham, Hilton Evans, Del Mar Egbert, President
Members not pictured: Ardath Price and Hugh Harvey. The String Trio was made up of Gene Austin, violinist; ElRay Christiansen, cellist, and Mr. Thorpe, pianist. The Male Quartette was made up of A. E. Blackner, C. R. Johnson, Del Mar Egbert, and A. B. Caseman. See also Buzzer 1920, p. 161-63.
USU A-0980 : Radio broadcast from the Farmer's Encampment on the east side of the Quad
Board of Trustees President A. W. Ivins and E. G. Peterson, UAC President, featured with five other men.
USU A-0981a : College choir ca. 1922
USU A-0981b : Choir on the stage of the Auditorium in Old Main
See also P0014 1:171 and 1:172.
ca. 1898.
USU A-0982a : Class of 1935 Alumni Reunion lunch
USU A-0982b : Class of 1945 Alumni Reunion lunch
USU A-0983 : Utah Agricultural College display of pictures and memorabilia in the window of the Riter Brothers Drug Company ca. 1925
USU A-0984 : Ground breaking for the Edith Bowen Laboratory School
Ernest Stettler, Elmer Stettler, CaSeel Burke, University President Daryl Chase, E. A. Jacobsen, Harold Wadsworth, Paul K. Evans, Mayor W. W. Owens, Dee A. Broadbent, Blaine Winters, Dean Carlisle, and Mrs. Edith Shaw are featured.
USU A-0985a : Class of 1915 Alumni Reunion lunch
USU A-0985b : Class of 1920 Alumni Reunion lunch
USU A-0986a : Class of 1925 Alumni Reunion lunch
USU A-0986b : Class of 1930 Alumni Reunion lunch
USU A-0987 : Group who attended the first five Farmer's Encampments from 1921-1925: A. M Israelson of Cache County, B. M. Anderson of Weber County, Margaret Anderson of Weber County, C. S. Atkinson of Cache County, Charles J. Peterson of Box Elder County, Nora Compton of Box Elder County, and Lucinda Jacobsen of Box Elder County 1920s
USU A-0988 : Entrance gates to the USU campus, formerly located on 400 North St. and 700 East St., dedicated in 1940 and mostly removed in 1961
See USU A-0178. See also Buzzer 1942, p. 25.
USU A-0989a : Maxfield Lund and Lu Dean Bailey, who played the lead roles of Manrico and Leonora in the opera Il Trovatore, posing together
See also Student Life Vol. 35, no. 15, January 29, 1948, p. 3 and Vol. 35, no. 18, February 19, 1948, p. 1 for more information. See also USU A-1159b.
USU A-0989b : Scene from Joan of Lorraine, with an actor dressed as Regnault de Chartres, Archbishop of Rheims
See also Buzzer 1948, p. 229. See USU A-0994. See also the H. Reuben Reynolds Collection P0004 11:02:01-11 for further photos of this play.
USU A-0990 : Scene from Iolanthe, produced by the UAC Theatrical Department at the Capital Theatre February 16, 1925
USU A-0991a : Scene from the Grand Opera Aida, performed on the Old Main Auditorium stage
USU A-0991b : Scene from a play depicting three actors talking to one another on the right side of the stage by an office desk and six other actors and actresses surrounding a small table on the left side of the stage
USU A-0992 : Cast member in kilts with a bag-pipe for the summer school production of Brigadoon in the amphitheatre 1961
USU A-0993 : Scene from a practice session of Oedipus Rex with Leon White, Jay Hawkes, and Dick Waite wearing long robes with their right hands extended out, and Lael Woodbury standing on a set of stairs looking upward
See also Student Life Vol. 39, no. 13, January 24, 1952, p. 1. Play ran from January 30 through February 2, 1952.
USU A-0994 : Scene from Joan of Lorraine, with an actress dressed as Joan of Arc and an actor dressed as Regnault de Chartres, Archbishop of Rheims
See also Buzzer 1948, p. 229. See USU A-0989b. See also the H. Reuben Reynolds Collection P0004 11:02:01-11 for further photos of this play.
USU A-0995 : Group of seven people dressed in costume, including a man and a woman dressed in pilgrim costume, a man and a woman dressed in grass skirts and leis, a man and a woman wearing hats with a large "C" marked on them, and a woman wearing a dress of torn fabric with headband and braids
USU A-0996 : Jean Mohr, Max Wadsworth, and another man, possibly Dick Stevens, performing a scene from the play Claudia
See also Buzzer 1946, p. 128.
USU A-0997 : Three women painting a backdrop for a theatrical production 1940s
USU A-0998 : Two actors, one young male actor, and an actress perform a scene from Family Portrait, a play depicting the life and family of Christ
See also Buzzer 1954, p. 224.
USU A-0999 : Scene from a play depicting a woman standing on a chair giving a toast with three other men in striped pants holding their glasses up and two other people behind a table watching
USU A-1000 : Two actors and an actress dressed in costumes from the opera Martha
The cast of Martha included Florence Griffin, Margene Robbins, Dack Jensen, Brent Nash, Don Hansen, Carl Hill, Elbert Johnson, and Elmer Walstrom. See also Buzzer 1952, pp 258-59.
USU A-1001 : Scene from the opera The Gondoliers
Performing in the opera were: A.E. Blackner, Del Mar Egbert, W.I. Poulter, Elmo Coffman, Mr. McMurrin, Gladys Smith, Marylene Maw, Ruth Evans, Melba Aldrich, Dorothy Weiler, Elda Roylance, Martha Kirkham, Laverne Belnap, Clover Johnson, Elva Carlson, Mrs. Russell, Mary Smith, Edna Merrill, and Radia Larson. See also Buzzer 1920, p. 161-65.
USU A-1002 : Woman standing on the steps of a building, probably Old Main, in a striped dress costume. Photo taken by H. Reuben Reynolds
USU A-1003 : "River Research" Lab of the Engineering Experiment Station, Utah Water Research Lab 1940s
USU A-1004 : Banquet, probably for the Farmer's Round-up Participants, held in the cafeteria in the southeast corner of the center section of Old Main
John Widstoe, Director of the Experiment Station, included in the photograph.
ca. 1904
USU A-1005 : Clinton Lichty and Carl Jensen of Logan harvest a bed of Cannas in front of Old Main 1950s
USU A-1006 : Desmond Anderson and Harold Stassen shaking hands
USU A-1007 : University President Daryl Chase and his wife Alice Chase with Frank Gunnell at the Opening Night of the Lyric Theatre under University auspices, featuring Hamlet
See also USU Staff News vol. 1, no. 38, March 31, 1961 and vol. 1, no. 30, March 31, 1961, Special Edition.
Monday, April 3, 1961.
USU A-1008a : Twenty-five students on a geology outing
See also Buzzer 1909, p. 142. See also P0014 3:03:04 and 3:03:05.
USU A-1008b : "Studying the remains of Lake Bonneville," twenty-five students on a geology outing
See also Buzzer 1909, p. 142. See also P0014 3:03:04 and 3:03:05.
USU A-1009a : Two men working in a laboratory 1950s
USU A-1009b : One woman working in a laboratory 1950s
USU A-1010a : Man taking readings from a machine, possibly measuring the amount of pressure used to break a brick 1950s
USU A-1010b : Two men standing next a machine (featured in USU A-1010-a) while speaking with one another 1950s
USU A-1011a : Two men working in a lab 1960s
USU A-1011b : Two women working in a lab 1930s
USU A-1012a : Man making some adjustments to a machine next to the sub-critical nuclear reactor 1950s
USU A-1012b : Man and a woman using a printer, possibly for the school newspaper Student Life 1960s
USU A-1013a : Dr. J. Stewart Williams, Professor of Geology, and a student working with a machine ca. 1957
USU A-1013b : Man working with a machine 1950s
USU A-1013c : Man working in a lab 1950s
USU A-1014a : Man working in a geology lab looking at several small skulls 1940s
USU A-1014b : Two students in a geology lab brushing off several shells 1940s
USU A-1015a : Two men reading electrical measurements with an oscilloscope 1950s
USU A-1015b : Two men reading electrical measurements with an oscilloscope 1950s
USU A-1016a : Two students standing next to a display of molecules and a poster entitled "Cuprammonium Process," 1950s
USU A-1016b : Two men (featured in USU A-1010-b) placing a cylindrical object into a machine (also featured in USU A-1010-a and 1010-b), possibly to test its endurance to pressure 1950s
USU A-1016c : Three men taking readings from machines 1950s
USU A-1017 : Alumni Banquet for the class of 1940 1940s
USU A-1018 : Alumni Banquet for the 50 Year Club
USU A-1019 : Banquet including former USAC President E. G. Peterson and his wife Phoebe, USAC President Franklin S. Harris and his wife Estelle, and Board of Trustees Chairman Thorpe B. Isaacson and his wife Lula late 1940s
USU A-1020 : Banquet for past Alumni Presidents 1940s
USU A-1021 : Three women and three children in a play room 1940s
USU A-1022 : Two women display a chair 1940s
USU A-1023 : Woman watching six children play at a "tea party," possibly for a Domestic Science class 1940s
USU A-1024 : Group portrait of the Home Economics club, possibly before the Spring Formal
See USU A-1145a.
ca. 1930s
USU A-1025 : Two women dressed in white in a food preparation class
USU A-1026 : Man doing a demonstration for a large group of women
USU A-1027 : Five children enacting the Nativity scene 1940s
USU A-1028 : Two women watching five children play outdoors, possibly for a Domestic Science class
One of the children is wearing a leg brace.
USU A-1029 : Woman recovering a chair 1940s
USU A-1030a : Woman and two young boys playing with blocks, possibly in a Domestic Science class 1940s
USU A-1030b : Woman and young boy watch a young girl working with a spinning wheel, possibly in a Domestic Science class 1940s
USU A-1031 : Fifteen women sewing clothes, possibly for a Domestic Science class 1940s
USU A-1032 : Four women recovering chairs, possibly for a Domestic Science class 1940s
USU A-1033 : Missing
USU A-1034 : Portrait of a woman stirring a pot and a man with an accordion performing on a stage, probably for the play "Admiral Crihton,"
See also Buzzer 1917, p. 73-4.
USU A-1035 : Large group of women, and a few men, eating at a banquet 1950s
USU A-1036 : Group of ten women sitting around a long wooden table at a meeting, possibly for a women's group or a literary society 1940s
USU A-1037 : Dedication of the Mackay Living Center with Reed Bullen, David O. Mackay, Daryl Chase, and Alma Sonne ca. 1962
USU A-1038 : Four men and one woman pose for a studio group portrait
Photo by Degn & Brunson.
USU A-1039 : Intercollegiate Knight "tin" initiation
Man with a metal pot on his head and wearing metal pieces in the shape of a breastplate shines the boots of a man in a Intercollegiate Knight's jacket with a third man wearing a sign reading "Beno" and "IK's" watching them. "Beno" and "IK's" refer to the Beno chapter of the Intercollegiate Knights, a male booster organization on campus.
USU A-1040 : Food preservation and baking class 1920s
USU A-1041 : Professor and students in a Health class 1940s
USU A-1042 : Three women lifting another woman from one bed to another while several other women watch, for a practice course in nursing, part of the Public Health Curriculum ca. 1923
USU A-1043a : Three women attending to three other sick women in bed, probably for a nursing class
See Buzzer 1936, p. 165.
USU A-1043b : Six women dressed in white in a food preparation class 1930s
USU A-1044a : Sunburst Lounge on the main floor of the Student Union Building* 1950s
USU A-1044b : Lounge on the second floor of the Student Union Building* 1950s
USU A-1044c : Lounge on the second floor of the Student Union Building* 1950s
USU A-1045a : Servers and students in line for food at the cafeteria located in the basement of the Family Life Building 1930s
USU A-1045b : Students eating at tables in the cafeteria located in the basement of the Family Life Building 1930s
USU A-1045c : Snack bar located in the basement of the Student Union Building* late 1950s
USU A-1046 : Interior view of the Fieldhouse 1930s
USU A-1047a : Two students reading in the lounge on the east end of the second floor of the Student Union Building 1960s
USU A-1047b : Five students reading in the Moore Library located in the Edith Bowen Laboratory school 1960s
USU A-1048a : The University Apartments, World War II barracks moved to campus in 1945 and used for married housing until 1967
See also USU A-0115, USU A-0130, and USU A-0131.
USU A-1048b : Interior of the Home Management house, located on the corner of 500 North St. and 700 North St 1930s
USU A-1049a : Posters for dances displayed on a wall next to the reference library 1920s
USU A-1049b : Room with a table and a number of chairs
USU A-1050 : Hugh Richins, disabled veteran, filming his wife Carma with a large video camera 1940s
USU A-1051 : Hugh Richins, disabled veteran, running a large video camera 1940s
USU A-1052 : Hugh Richins, disabled veteran and photography student from Vernal, Utah, taking pictures outside the Logan LDS Temple 1940s
USU A-1053 : Four men working with instruments in a room ca. 1917
USU A-1054 : Lester C. Essig, Jr., Professor of Instructional Media
USU A-1055 : Two men in military uniform shaking hands, probably in the Nelson Fieldhouse
USU A-1056 : World War II carrier plane used for training student pilots
Photo taken at the Cache Airport.
USU A-1057 : Five members of the Spurs organization in a planning meeting 1940s
USU A-1058 : Three members of the Spurs and one other man in a planning meeting 1940s
USU A-1059 : Intercollegiate Knight representative and a Spur representative interview three male and three female students, probably candidates for joining the IK and Spur organizations 1940s
USU A-1060 : Drawing of a scroll listing the "Professors of Military Science and Tactics at Utah State Ag College Since 1893,"
They included: Henry D. Styer, Samuel W. Dunning, William D. Beers, Howard R. Perry, Lochlin W. Caffey, Robert J. Binford, Eugene Santschi, Jr., Stephen Abbott, Russell P. Hartle, Alexander C. Sullivan, Adrian B. Smith, John L. Hanley, Martin J. O'Brien, Robert E. Phillips, Carr W. Waller, Joseph D. Brown, Matthew A. Cross, Ben Blair, Edward W. Timberlake, Harold E. Cotter, Charles W. Haas, William C. McFadden, Karl C. Frank, Robert J. Hill, Calvin L. Partin, and Howard A. Moody.
ca. 1956
USU A-1061 : Group portrait of 26 women, possibly a sorority or campus women's group 1950s
USU A-1062a : View of the Old Main auditorium from the stage. The auditorium was built with the east side of the center section of Old Main between 1891 and 1892. Early it was called the "chapel", though that designation was more often reserved for "Society Hall" in the south wing
See also P0014 1:018.
USU A-1062b : View of the Old Main auditorium from the balcony.
See also P0014 1:59-60.
USU A-1063 : View of the Merrill Library* from the Quad 1940s
USU A-1064 : View of the Merrill Library* from the northwest 1950s
USU A-1065 : Aerial view of campus looking NNW over the Mechanic Arts Building and Old Main ca. 1942
USU A-1066a : View of military aircraft in flight ca 1940s
USU A-1066b : View of six World War II airplanes with two men standing in front of each ca. 1940s
USU A-1066c : View of three World War II airplanes with two men during winter ca. 1940s
USU A-1067 : Group of 21 men posing with a small airplane, with two men seated inside 1940s
USU A-1068 : Aerial photo of campus, looking north, showing Old Main and the Quad ca. 1942
USU A-1069 : Aerial photo of campus, looking WNW, showing Old Main and the Quad ca. 1942
USU A-1070 : Aerial photo of campus, looking west, showing Romney Stadium ca. 1942
USU A-1071 : Aerial photo of campus, looking northwest, showing the Smart Gymnasium, President's Residence*, University Annex*, and Old Main Hill* ca. 1942
USU A-1072 : Aerial photo of campus, looking northeast, showing most of campus
Military Science Building not yet constructed.
winter 1941.
USU A-1073 : Aerial photo of campus, looking northeast, showing Logan and the Island
Note the building material adjacent to the Fieldhouse for construction of the Military Science Building.
winter 1941
USU A-1074 : Aerial view of campus from the west with an Army Air Corps training plane shown in the upper right hand corner
Photo taken from over the intersection of 500 North St. and 400 East St. See also USU A-1855.
USU A-1075 : Aerial photo of campus, looking southeast from the northwest, with "Windsor Castle" (the Newman Center) in the lower center and the Sigma Chi house shown under construction ca. 1942
USU A-1076a : Women's class in auto mechanics during World War II
Three women are working on a 1941 Pontiac. While the license plate shows 1942, the windshield validation is 1943. To save metal, no plates were issued in Utah in 1943.
USU A-1076b : Women running a lathe 1940s
USU A-1077a : Seven male students in a machine shop class, possibly working on making tools
USU A-1077b : Two male students taking measurements
USU A-1078a : Students in a classroom making adjustments to small machines with the help of two tutors 1940s
USU A-1078b : Four men working on an engine
See also USU A-0487d.
USU A-1078c : Man spray painting a car while two other men watch
See also USU A-0488c.
USU A-1079a : Twelve male students and an instructor in machine shop class
USU A-1079b : Eight male students in a woodworking class
USU A-1080 : Two men standing next to a model of a house and a yard with trees 1920s
USU A-1081a : Soldiers practicing with rifles on the Quad during World War I
Creamery, conservatory, and barracks (later the T-1 building) shown in photograph.
ca. 1918
USU A-1081b : Soldiers practicing with rifles on the Quad during World War I ca. 1918
USU A-1082 : S.A.T.C. soldiers loading food on a truck at the Domestic Science Building for carrying to the mess hall in the Mechanic Arts Building 1918
USU A-1083 : Installation of the S.A.T.C. at the UAC
Engineering Building (later the Education and English Building) under construction in the background. See also USU A-1518. See also Buzzer 1919, p. 142 ff.
October 1, 1918
USU A-1084 : Enrollees of the S.A.T.C. during World War I eating at tables in the Domestic Science building 1918
USU A-1085a : Governor Simon Bamberger addressing the 145th on campus
See souvenir edition of the Student Life, March 14, 1919.
February 17, 1919
USU A-1085b : MISSING. [Bayonet drill on the Quad. ]
USU A-1086 : Large group of men seated on a truck or standing next to machinery outside a barn ca. 1920
USU A-1087 : Two military officers and four cooks standing behind a table of turkeys cooked for Thanksgiving Dinner 1918
USU A-1088 : Troops of the S.A.T.C. stand at attention at their bunks in the Main Auditorium 1918
USU A-1089 : Large group of men and women posed in a room 1920s
USU A-1090 : Shelves of firearms in the armory
USU A-1091 : Shelf of firearms in the armory
USU A-1092 : S.A.T.C. troops seated for Thanksgiving Dinner in the Mechanic Arts Building, which housed canteen and served as barracks during demobilization
Note the flu masks around the necks of the men. See also Student Life March 14, 1919, p. 10. See also Buzzer 1919, p. 145.
USU A-1093 : Military band ca. 1915
USU A-1094 : Three women serving food with two men in military clothing carrying trays, possibly for Thanksgiving dinner ca. 1918
USU A-1095a : March through downtown Logan of the 1149 men of the 145th Field Artillery
See also Buzzer 1919, p. 141 ff.
USU A-1095b : March through downtown Logan of the 1149 men of the 145th Field Artillery
See also Buzzer 1919, p. 141 ff.
USU A-1095c : March through downtown Logan of the 1149 men of the 145th Field Artillery
See also Buzzer 1919, p. 141 ff.
USU A-1096a : Red Cross volunteers with baskets of food ready to serve the troops disembarking from the trains at the Logan O.S.L.R.R. Depot
Note the flu masks worn by the volunteers. See also Buzzer 1919, p. 147.
January 1919
USU A-1096b : Large group of women, a number of whom are in nursing clothing, posed in a gymnasium in front of a flag with the number "350," ca. 1919
USU A-1097 : Nine men standing on a pile of bricks after the smokestack next to the college heating plant was torn down
See also Student Life Vol. 36, Summer Edition, September 1948, p. 3 for more information. See also USU A-1098 and USU A-1099.
September 1948
USU A-1098 : Groups of men and women watching the razing of the smokestack next to the college heating plant
See also Student Life Vol. 36, Summer Edition, September 1948, p. 3 for more information. See also USU A-1097 and USU A-1099.
September 1948
USU A-1099 : Five men examining the smokestack while the supporting bricks at its base were being torn out
See also Student Life Vol. 36, Summer Edition, September 1948, p. 3 for more information. See also USU A-1097 and USU A-1098.
September 1948
USU A-1100 : First faculty of the Agricultural College of Utah: (Standing from L to R) E. S. Richman, Horticulture and Botany; J.M. Sholl, Mechanical Engineering; Abbie L. Marlatt, Domestic Science; Sarah G. B. Goodwin, Music and Library; H. L. Everett, English and Modern Language; and A.A. Mills, Agriculture and Superintendent of the Experiment Station Work. (Sitting from L to R) W.P. Cutter, Chemistry, Physics, Geology, and Mineralogy; J.W. Sanborn, President of the College and Professor of Agriculture; and J.T. Caine, Jr., Principal Prep. Dept
USU A-1101a : Plant Industry Building under construction
(Probably taken on February 17.) See USU A-1085a.
USU A-1101b : Engineering Building, which later became the Education and the English Building
(Probably taken on February 17.) See USU A-1085a.
USU A-1102 : General classroom with fixed desks in the Mechanic Arts Building ca. 1920
USU A-1103 : Seventeen women participating in a food preparations or canning class ca. 1910
USU A-1104a : Jeremiah Wilson Sanborn, president of the ACU 1890-1894. Painting by E. Wyatt Kimball
USU A-1104b : Joshua H. Paul, president of the ACU 1894-1896. Painting by A. V. Wright
USU A-1105a : Joseph M. Tanner, president of the ACU 1896-1900. Painting by Lee Greene Richards
USU A-1105b : William J. Kerr, president of the ACU 1900-1907. Painting by J. Leo Fairbanks
USU A-1106a : Elmer George Peterson, president of the USAC 1916-1945. Painting by Everett Thorpe
USU A-1106b : Henry Aldous Dixon, president of the USAC from 1953-1954. Painting by Everett Thorpe
USU A-1107 : Franklin S. Harris, president of the USAC 1945-1950. Painting by Everett Thorpe
USU A-1108a : Daryl Chase, president of USU 1954-1968
USU A-1108b : Glen L. Taggart, president of USU 1968-1979
USU A-1109 : Students dancing in the Temporary Union Building (TUB) late 1940s
USU A-1110 : Group of men and women dancing outdoors next to a building 1960s
USU A-1111 : Student Body officers: George Nelson, President; Dorothy Nielson, Vice President; Lois Adams, Secretary; Beth Keller, Executive council; and Rivin Dunn, Executive council 1941-42
USU A-1112a : Dances
Includes Ralph Shreeve.
USU A-1112b : Six women in flapper outfits posing at a dance 1958-59
USU A-1112c : Dances, 1958-59, including Marsha Mink
USU A-1112d : Two couples dancing 1958-59
USU A-1113 : Food and Canning exhibit at the Utah State Fair
Duplicate of USU A- 1123.
ca. 1911
USU A-1114 : Wheat and Grain exhibits at the Utah State Fair 1911
USU A-1115 : "Part of the exhibit of the State Experimental Arid Farms." Utah State Fair exhibit of displays some of the findings of the Agriculture Experiment Station in the investigation of arid farming practices in the state of Utah
Originally, six experimental dry farms were located in Iron, Juab, San Juan, Sevier, Tooele, and Washington Counties. See also ACU Experiment Station Bulletin, no. 91, fig. 2, and ACU Experiment Station Bulletin, nos. 100 and 112.
USU A-1116 : Utah State Fair exhibit on wheat 1913
USU A-1117 : Boys and Girls Club exhibit at the Utah State Fair 1914
USU A-1118 : Utah State Fair exhibit on wheat 1913
USU A-1119 : Utah State Fair exhibit giving facts and advice for livestock and hay composition
Duplicate of USU A-1122.
USU A-1120 : Livestock statistics exhibit at the Utah State Fair ca. 1911
USU A-1121 : Exhibit on Farm Beautification at the Utah State Fair ca. 1911
USU A-1122 : Utah State Fair exhibit giving facts and advice for livestock and hay composition
Duplicate of USU A-1119.
USU A-1123 : Food and Canning exhibit at the Utah State Fair
Duplicate of USU A- 1113.
ca. 1911
USU A-1124 : Exhibition of art work done by USU students and a water exhibit at the Utah State Fair ca. 1911
USU A-1125a : Abby Merlett 1938
USU A-1125b : Dr. Louise Stanley, Chief Bureau of Home Economics, Washington D.C. Dedicatory address of the Home Economics Building 1935
USU A-1126a : "Round-Up," large group of men seated in an auditorium
See also Buzzer 1917, p. 22
USU A-1126b : Periwig Club portrait: (Top row, L to R) Stanley Prescott, Elray Christiansen, Irvin Poutler, and (Bottom row, L to R) Sara Huntsman (Director), Nancy Finch, Lucile Rogers, and Eleanor Rasmussen
The Periwig Club was an amateur dramatic organization that performed short plays. See also Buzzer 1919, p. 115.
USU A-1126c : Large group of men and women posed outside of Old Main ca. 1915
USU A-1127a : Man in a suit riding on a saddle on top of a makeshift "bucking bronco" made from a barrel suspended above the ground by lengths of rope
Four other members of the Rodeo club, possibly including Chad P. Winn, are jerking on the rope to make the barrel swing.
ca. 1965
USU A-1127b : Three men displaying cows before a large group of men seated outside of a barn, possibly at a cattle judging contest 1920s
USU A-1127c : Large group of men and boys judging cattle tied to fence posts outside of a series of barns 1940s
USU A-1127d : View looking down on a field with groups of people judging cattle
USU A-1128 : Ten women working making clothing 1930s
USU A-1129a : Students on the Quad reading the Student Life newspaper during a rest break on "A-Day,"
See also Buzzer 1940, p. 101.
USU A-1129b : Mignam Perry, Ruth Beckholt, and Genevieve Romney walking across the quad
USU A-1130a : Student judging ears of corn in a Plant Science class ca. 1912
USU A-1130b : Students pruning fruit trees for a Horticulture class ca. 1907
USU A-1131a : Military Ball
See also Buzzer 1917, p. 80.
USU A-1131b : "Frat Melee" dance
See also Buzzer 1920, p. 150.
USU A-1132 : Military Ball
See also Buzzer 1920, p. 154.
USU A-1133 : Dr. Lorin E. Harris, right, shows UA Experiment Station director Dee A. Broadbent, left, and Dow Chemical Co. representative Dr. J.E. Johnson, center, where sheep nutrition studies are being conducted in Utah.
Dow Chemical Company's $3,000 grant made studies possible.
USU A-1134a : Group of men and women playing volleyball ca. 1915
USU A-1134b : Groups of men, women, and children seated beneath trees and walking around the Quad in front of the Animal Industry Building ca. 1915
USU A-1135a : Groups of men watching a pig in a field at a livestock judging contest ca. 1920
USU A-1135b : Groups of men watching cattle at a livestock judging contest ca. 1920
USU A-1136 : W.E. Carroll, J.W. Paxman, A.G. Evans, Gertrude McCheyne, and Cora McBride in southern Utah after a 10-day storm ca. August 1916
USU A-1138 : Group studio portrait of 36 members of the Agricultural Club
Club members consisted of: V. Adams, S. R. Anderson, Coral Allred, C. M. Aldous, Melvin Arnold, George Bates, Albert Backman, R. G. Becraft, John Barris, E. Boberg, W. M. Braley, E. Blackburn, Marvin Beckstrom, J. R. Bateman, Fielding Barlow, Cloy Cummings, Herver Curtis, D. Vragun, Alma Crane, G. Christensen, C. L. Dunford, Arthur Duke, J. Durtschi, Mervian Despain, Morrill Evans, E. Eddington, Ernest Freeman, Reid Gardner, Hugh Harvey, L. P. Harvey, Leland Heiner, Ruben Hansen, George Holmstead, C. J. Hansen, D. P. Jackson, Irving Jensen, Rob Jeppson, E. J. Kirkham, M. D. Lowe, Heber Meeks, A. H. Morris, Cleon Memmott, Rulon Magleby, Alphonso Moncur, Sam Morgan, Edgar Moody, C. D. McBride, R. Munoz, Mahoney, A. R. Mayers, Tom McMullen, D. Nichols, Stanley Nelson, J. E. Otte, N. J. Nelson, A. E. Palmer, M. L. Perkins, Chas Price, R. C. Pixton, J. D. Price, M. Powell (Secretary-Treasurer), H. C. Ramsberger, E. F. Richards, E. W. Robinson, Randall Schow, Albert Smith, Calder Smith, Ed. E. Smith, Ray F. Smith, Y.C. Thorpe, J. W. Thornton (President), W. J. Tanner, G. T. Taggart, Leland Tuft, Roy Tuttle, William Thayne, J. W. Wright, Pratt Wright, J. H. Whitwer, Arthur Walgren, Wallace Wayman, A. Walters, H. M. Williams, Lee Wright, and Vernon Young. See also Buzzer 1917, p. 138-39.
USU A-1139a : Three men displaying sheep, possibly at a livestock judging contest ca. 1920
USU A-1139b : Men shearing sheep in a barn
USU A-1140a : Two students working with a machine 1940s
USU A-1140b : Two students working with a machine with a large wheel 1940s
USU A-1141a : Four female students in a food preparation class 1940s
USU A-1141b : Two women working with a loom, possibly for a Domestic Science class 1940s
USU A-1142 : Loretta Crook, of Payson, Utah, USAC senior, transferred from languages to electrical welding, working on welding brackets for USAC armory rifle racks
See USU A-1148. See also Buzzer 1945, p. 10.
USU A-1143 : Boys' and Girls' Club exhibit for the Utah State Fair, with a young girl standing next to a sign reading "Ruth Bybee, Age 14," 1914
USU A-1144a : USAC football stadium at Adams Field
See also Buzzer 1917, p. 172.
USU A-1144b : Fans in the USAC football stadium stands at Adams Field 1920s
USU A-1145a : Group portrait of the Home Economics club, possibly before the Spring Formal
See USU A-1024.
ca. 1930s
USU A-1145b : Harvest Queen candidates 1940s
USU A-1146 : Twelve men, possibly members of the Board of Trustees, posed outside next to a concrete structure, possibly the stadium, with one of the men turning a wheel ca. 1920
USU A-1147 : Dance, possibly a spring formal
See also Buzzer 1920, p. 151.
USU A-1148 : Loretta Crook, of Payson, Utah, USAC senior, transferred from languages to electrical welding, working on welding brackets for USAC armory rifle racks
See USU A-1142. See also Buzzer 1945, p. 10.
USU A-1149 : National Defense Float, USAC, at the Hyrum Independence Day Parade 1941
USU A-1150 : ROTC Band members, L to R: Jerry Sauders of Ogden, Edward Griffeth of Preston, Wayne Hansen of Grace, Idaho, and Michael Smith of Ogden
USU A-1151 : ROTC Military Inspection Day, with Frederick P. Champ and USAC President E.G. Peterson spring 1936
USU A-1153 : Four men, one in military clothing, working with machinery in a brick room ca. 1920
USU A-1154 : Theodore M. Burton, Professor of Chemistry, and John Philip Dalby, Professor of Music 1955
USU A-1155a : Sheep in pens on a lecture train from the ACU campus
It carried speakers and exhibits on tour of Utah and Idaho.
USU A-1155b : Seven men standing on the steps of a train from the ACU campus
It carried speakers and exhibits on tour of Utah and Idaho.
USU A-1156a : Seven men standing in front of a building at the Field Day activities at the Nephi Experiment Station Farm ca. 1924
USU A-1156b : Several men walking around away from two buildings at the Field Day activities at the Nephi Experiment Station Farm ca. 1924
USU A-1156c : Seven men standing in front of a building at the Field Day activities at the Nephi Experiment Station Farm ca. 1924
USU A-1156d : Four men standing in front of a building at the Field Day activities at the Nephi Experiment Station Farm ca. 1924
USU A-1157 : Phyllis Taylor, Reva Hallinsphere, and an unidentified man looking at books in the Merrill Library* 1938
USU A-1158 : Student body officers Quentin Cook, Rolfe Kerr, Chuck Hyer, Alice Thorpe, and Dorothy Allen present a USU pennant to Governor Quinn of Hawaii 1959-60
USU A-1159a : Stage scene with a woman in medieval dress on her knees pleading with a man in a Roman military costume
USU A-1159b : "Leading roles in Il Trovatore are portrayed by, L to R, Wesley Hill as Count di Luna [not pictured], Maxfield Lund as Manrico, Lu Dean Bailey as Leonora, Colleen Bowcutt as Azucena. Directed by Prof. Walter Welti, the opera is slated for Feb. 19-20 in the Capitol theater."
See also Student Life Vol. 35, no. 15, January 29, 1948, p. 3. (Photograph cropped from the original featured in this Student Life.) See also Student Life Vol. 35, no. 18, February 19, 1948, p. 1 for more information. See also USU A-0989a.
USU A-1160a : Aly S. Somie of Egypt, F.M. Gibril of Libya, and Karen Lee of Idaho speaking with one another
USU A-1160b : President Henry Aldous Dixon and his wife Lucile Dixon greeting guests at a reception in the Student Union Building* 1954
USU A-1161 : Members of the U.S. government's Ag. Mission to Near East countries: Dean Robert Earle Buchanan; L.A. Wheeler, Department of Agriculture Office of Foreign Agriculture Relations; William Benton, As. Secretary of State; Franklin S. Harris, USAC President; and Afif Taunous, Office of Foreign Agriculture Relations February 20, 1946
USU A-1162 : Agathon inside the George Nelson Fieldhouse ca. 1954
USU A-1163 : Large group gathered outside of the Student Union Building*, possibly for a parade
USU A-1164a : USU Band, under the direction of John Dalby ca. 1955
USU A-1164b : USU Symphony Orchestra 1960s
USU A-1164c : "USU Symphonic Band, under the direction of John Dalby,"
See also Buzzer 1954, p. 72.
USU A-1164d : USU Concert Band 1960s
USU A-1164e : USU Concert Band
See also USU A-0226.
USU A-1165 : Twelve students in the living room of the Home Management house 1928
USU A-1166 : Group portrait of 19 men standing in front of Old Main, including John A. Widstoe in the center of the back row
See also P0014 4:15:15 and 5:08:02.
ca. 1910.
USU A-1167 : Four performers in the Aggie Pep Band ca. 1953
USU A-1168 : Drum Major Larry Hansen and Drum Majorette Dee Ann Davis
See also Student Life Vol. 41, no. 4, October 8, 1953, p. 1.
USU A-1169 : Three women, possibly drum majorettes, practicing with batons under the direction of a man holding a baton 1940s
USU A-1170a : Band playing at a dance
USU A-1170b : Nine band members practicing on a stage 1960s
USU A-1170c : UAC Band Soloists: Burgoyne, Bigler, Baird, England, and Henderson
See also Buzzer 1928, p. 224.
USU A-1171 : Halftime performance at the Homecoming game in Romney Stadium 1950s
USU A-1172 : USU Band performing on the field at Romney Stadium 1954
USU A-1173 : "A.S." Band performing at a dance 1950s
USU A-1174 : ROTC band
The director was N. W. Christensen and the drum major was Dale Jones. See also Buzzer 1932, p. 93.
spring 1932
USU A-1175 : Group of singers and instrumental performers on stage 1950s
USU A-1176a : Members of the Aggiettes: (front row, L to R) Joan Wardle Bingham, Joyce Draney, Barbara Willoughby, Roselena Robinson, Annette Maughan, Mary Martin, and Irene Lagos Bates. (Second row, L to R) Beverly Jeffs Martin, Carol Martin, Genevieve Buhler, Lela Waddoups, Jane McKinnon, Diane Hansen, Gayla Hansen, and Carleen Brown
Sonja White not pictured. See also Student Life Vol. 54, no. 26, January 18, 1957, p. 8.
USU A-1176b : Aggiettes 1950s
USU A-1177a : USU Band and performers on the Romney Stadium field 1950s
USU A-1177b : USU Band and performers on the Romney Stadium field 1950s
USU A-1177c : USU Band and performers marching down Main St. in Logan 1950s
USU A-1177d : "Displaying its fine showmanship during half-time activities of the football games, is the Utah State Marching Band." USU Band and performers forming a giant "A" on the Romney Stadium field
See also Buzzer 1954, p. 72.
USU A-1178a : UAC Orchestra: Shriner, England, Halverson, Burgoyne, Ballard, Larson, Wixom, Baird, and Gardner
See also Buzzer 1928, p. 225.
USU A-1178b : The Utah State Agricultural College Band, directed by Professor N. W. Christiansen
See Buzzer 1943, p. 117.
USU A-1179a : UAC Glee Club Orchestra
See also Buzzer 1928, p. 223.
USU A-1179b : Summer School Band 1930s
USU A-1180 : Provost R. Gaurth Hansen, Dr. J. George Harrar, University President Glen L. Taggart, and Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh at the June Commencement
USU A-1181 : Honorary hooding of J. George Harrar at the June Commencement
USU A-1182 : Percy Harold McGaughey and former University President Daryl Chase at the June Commencement
USU A-1183 : University President Glen L. Taggart speaking at the June Commencement
USU A-1184 : Honorary degree recipients at the June Commencement Ceremony: Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, former University President Daryl Chase, Dr. J. George Harrar, and Mr. Percy Harold McGaughey
USU A-1185 : Group of men standing at the June Commencement Ceremony, including: Dr. J. George Harrar, former University President Daryl Chase, Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, and Mr. Percy Harold McGaughey
USU A-1187 : Students in the Chemistry laboratory on the third floor of Old Main
See also P0014 3:01:06, 8:59, and 8:60.
ca. 1900
USU A-1188 : Group studio portrait of a woman and 15 young girls late 1890s
USU A-1189 : Testing machine
See also P0014 8:222.
ca. early 1900s
USU A-1192 : Team of horses preparing to pull up a tree ("WJP" written on image)
See also P0014 2:11:18.
ca. 1910.
USU A-1193 : Twelve women posed outdoors ca. 1915
USU A-1194 : Man weighing a box of peaches in an orchard ca. 1910
USU A-1195 : Clean-up Day on campus
Horse drawn wagon with people in it, other people standing in fenced area preparing ground, looking southeast. See also P0014 3:01:12.
USU A-1196 : Nineteen men and five women sitting on a log bridge crossing a river ca. 1920
USU A-1197 : Intercollegiate track meet east of Old Main and Model/Horse Barn, with band, looking northwest
See also P0014 3:06:02.
ca. 1905.
USU A-1198 : View of the Farmer's Encampment looking west through a row of tents toward Old Main 1923
USU A-1199 : Military Cadet Corps parading on the site of the Quad for Inspection Day 1909
USU A-1200 : University Annex*, built as a Dormitory and converted to the Domestic Science building with the remodeling of the west tower
See also P0014 4:08:09.
USU A-1201 : People sitting on bleachers lined along the west side of the athletic field (presently the Quad) during a meet ca. 1901
USU A-1203 : Sarah Godwin Brown Goodwin (Mrs. C. I. Goodwin) standing by the stack ladder in the library, located in the north wing of Old Main
Mrs. Goodwin (1843-1912) was the librarian from 1890-1892 and 1896-1904. The date for this photo was determined from the accession numbers in the Charles Sprague Sargent's The Silva of No. America, 12 vols., which is shown on the bottom shelf in the center of the photograph. See photo collection P0032 Goodwin Family Collection for more photos of Sarah Goodwin.
USU A-1204 : Student janitors inside of Old Main
USU A-1205 : Men in Agricultural and Botanical Laboratory examining specimens for plant identification
Classroom located in the west basement of the south wing of Old Main. See also P0014 3:05:06.
ca. 1896.
USU A-1206 : Experiment Station investigation of irrigation techniques
Controlled application of irrigation water. See also USU A-0377, USU A-0374, and P0014 5:02:01.
ca. 1908
USU A-1207 : Two men examining a tree
See also P0014 5:02:07.
USU A-1208 : Corner in Zoological Museum, Old Main Rm. 208 or 206
See also P0014 2:05:03, 8:14, and 8:185.
ca. 1903
USU A-1209 : Old Main, view of west front, before building of the tower, with horse drawn carriages and people arriving at main door, procession of military in background
See also P0014 2:04:01 and 7:61.
ca. 1901
USU A-1210 : Cattle and Sheep Barns, looking northeast
See also P0014 7:29.
ca. 1903
USU A-1211 : Physical Culture Class, Women's Turnverein
Women's gym class on stage of College Chapel. Mrs. Sarah G.B. Goodwin seated at piano, far right. See also P0014 7:33.
ca. 1897
USU A-1212 : Group portrait of men in Civil Engineering class with surveying equipment, posed by Old Main
See also P0014 7:19. See ACU Catalogue, 1900-01.
ca. 1900
USU A-1214 : Artillery carriages from the student cadet corps on the lawn in front of Old Main
See also P0014 8:70.
ca. 1907.
USU A-1215 : Champ Hall in Old Main, looking east towards the Main Auditorium ca. 1907
USU A-1217a : Students at the College Bank, located in the north half of Old Main, room 122 ca. 1907
USU A-1217b : Semi-Centennial celebration with preparations for the opening of the cornerstone on the southwest corner of Old Main on the college's 50th anniversary 1938
USU A-1218a : Interior view of the reception room of the University Annex* during its use as a dormitory, with piano, table with books and chairs, and portraits hanging from the wall
See also P0014 2:04:15 and 7:96.
ca. 1902.
USU A-1218b : Sorosis, women's collegiate organization, women sitting and standing on/around a couch
See also P0014 2:03:14 and 7:51.
ca. 1900.
USU A-1219a : Women hand sewing in a classroom
See also P0014 7:48.
early 1900s.
USU A-1219b : Students examining items in a botanical laboratory
See also P0014 7:59 and 7:107.
early 1900s.
USU A-1220a : Women in a College Kitchen cooking
See also P0014 2:03:19, 7:101, and 7:102.
early 1900s.
USU A-1220b : Biological Laboratory. Men and women in classroom looking through microscopes and taking notes
See also P0014 2:03:12 and 7:49. See also USU A-1582a.
USU A-1221a : "This coed chorus was stopped by the cameraman during rehearsal for the Kappers." Participants in the Kollegiate Kappers talent review, the theme for which was "Ye Gods, What Next?"
See also Buzzer 1940, p. 104.
USU A-1221b : Pat Nielsen and another woman, drum majorettes 1952
USU A-1222 : Farmer's encampment on the present site of the Merrill Library* ca. 1923
USU A-1223 : Girl's physical culture class in the first gymnasium located in the north wing of the third floor of Old Main
See also P0014 5:152 and 7:152.
ca. 1903
USU A-1224 : ACU Military Band, members on stairs holding instruments, horns, clarinet and drums, taken on west entrance, south wing of Old Main
See also 2:06:13 and 7:105.
ca. 1904.
USU A-1225 : Military cadet corps in formation south of Old Main
Construction work for the west front and tower of Old Main visible in center of the photo.
USU A-1226 : ACU Second Team Football
See also P0014 7:104 and 7:167. See also ACU Catalogue, 1902-03.
USU A-1227 : Four men working on a project, measuring the arc of water shooting out of nozzles 1950s
USU A-1228a : Samples of underwear, ruffled lace, and cloth in a display case
See also P0014 2:03:10, 7:47, and 8:80.
ca. 1901.
USU A-1228b : Interior view of a bedroom in the University Annex*, during its use as a dormitory
See also P0014 7:95.
ca. 1902
USU A-1230 : Model barn on the site of the Maeser Labs
See also P0014 2:05:17 and 7:199.
ca. 1907.
USU A-1231a : Gerald R. Sherratt, Professor of Education, assistant to the President, director of High School and Alumni Relations, Vice President of University Relations, and Director of Summer School for Utah State University from 1963 to the early 1980s, as well as the former President of Southern Utah State College (now Southern Utah University) from 1982-1997 and the 2003 mayor of Cedar City, Utah
USU A-1231b : Joe B. Frantz, Western Writer's Conference 1973
USU A-1231c : H. Reuben Reynolds, Professor of Art
USU A-1232a : Richard Ellis, Professor of Western American History, Western Writer's Conference 1974
USU A-1232b : Hector Lee, Professor of Folklore, Western Writer's Conference 1974
USU A-1233 : Two men with a rope standing in front of a car 1920s
USU A-1234 : Radio class in the Mechanic Arts Building ca. 1918
USU A-1235a : Frederick Preator, Professor of Metals 1943
USU A-1235b : Melvin C. Cannon, Professor of Chemistry from 1947-78 and head of the Chemistry Department from 1955-78 1946
USU A-1236 : Professor Needham 1920s
USU A-1237 : Robert Athearn, historian; Jack Schaefer, writer; and Maria Ellsworth at the Western Writer's Conference 1972
USU A-1238 : Alma Nicholas Sorensen, Professor of English ca. 1937
USU A-1239 : Frederick P. Champ, financial expert and sixteen year member of the Board of Trustees
See USU manuscript collection MS 50 Frederick P. Champ collection for further information.
USU A-1240 : Professor Lewis M. Ferman, instructor at the 1924 National Summer School
USU A-1241 : MISSING. [Ethelyn O. Greaves, faculty member.]
USU A-1242 : J. S. Powell, Associate Professor of Fine Arts
USU A-1243 : Four men examining the bell in the tower in Old Main 1950s
USU A-1244 : Three men in a press box with a sign for KVSC 1950s
USU A-1245a : Head shot of Joe B. Franz (Western Writers Conference)
USU A-1245b : Richard Ellis (Western Writers Conference)
USU A-1246 : Wallace Stegner, Western Writer's Conference at Utah State University
See also USU A-1546.
USU A-1247a : Frank L. West, Dean of Faculty
Photography by Degn-Brunson of Logan, Utah.
USU A-1247b : Frank L. West, Dean of Faculty 1920s
USU A-1248a : Men and a young boy in a field during a potato harvest
USU A-1248b : Studio portrait of H. W. Stucki of Santa Clara, Utah, a junior at ACU
See also Buzzer 1911, p. 54.
USU A-1249a : Gary Snyder, Western Writers Conference ca. 1974
USU A-1249b : Gary Snyder speaking at the Western Writers Conference ca. 1974
USU A-1250a : University President Glen L. Taggart speaking at Commencement Ceremony
Former USU President Daryl Chase standing behind him.
ca. 1971.
USU A-1250b : University President Glen L. Taggart speaking at Commencement Ceremony
Former USU President Daryl Chase seated behind him.
ca. 1971
USU A-1251a : Commencement procession walking past Old Main, LDS Logan Temple visible in background
ca. 1971.
USU A-1251b : Commencement procession of faculty and graduates, Old Main tower seen in background
ca. 1971
USU A-1252a : Group of men in academic robes, including University President Glen L. Taggart, George Harrar, former University President Daryl Chase, and Percy H. McGauhey
ca. 1971.
USU A-1252b : Graduates standing at Commencement Exercises
ca. 1971
USU A-1253a : Rolfe Kerr and Stanford Cazier with honorary degree recipient George Harrar during the hooding ceremony
USU A-1253b : Rolfe Kerr and Stanford Cazier with honorary degree recipient Percy H. McGauhey during the hooding ceremony
USU A-1254 : Charlotte Dancy, Dean of Women ca. 1920
USU A-1255a : Theodore Sonne Perry, Recipient of the University Citizenship Award, giving the invocation at Commencement Exercises
June 5, 1975.
USU A-1255b : Young woman, probably Bunni Jo Eyre, Recipient of the University Citizenship Award, giving the benediction at Commencement Exercises
June 5, 1975
USU A-1256a : Bob Hope in academic robes giving an address to graduates at Commencement Exercises
June 5, 1975.
USU A-1256b : Spencer W. Kimball in academic robes giving the sermon at the Baccalaureate Exercises
June 4, 1975
USU A-1257a : Spencer W. Kimball in academic robes giving the sermon at the Baccalaureate Exercises
June 4, 1975
USU A-1257b : Glen L. Taggart in academic robes speaking at Commencement Exercises
June 5, 1975
USU A-1258a : Men with shovels, including University President Glen L. Taggart and Bob Hope, outside of a building, possibly for a groundbreaking ceremony
USU A-1258b : Man in a suit digging with a shovel, possibly at a groundbreaking ceremony, includes Bob Hope
USU A-1259a : Men and women with name tags seated in chairs in an auditorium
USU A-1259b : Men and women with name tags seated in chairs in an auditorium
USU A-1260 : Man plowing Old Main Hill* for the World War I "Victory Gardens,"
USU A-1261 : MISSING. [Food and Nutrition canning class, probably in the basement of Old Main 1908.]
USU A-1262 : Students laying the sidewalk on the north side of the Quad for "A-Day"
See also USU A-0974b.
[1965 Football team posed with coaches in the stadium. See Retired Originals P0329, Box 1]
USU A-1264 : Aerial view of campus looking north
See also USU A-1269.
USU A-1265 : Aerial view of campus looking east towards Logan Canyon 1962
USU A-1266 : View of the Art Barn from the southeast showing barns and corrals 1948
USU A-1267 : Leroy R. Hafen at the canyon picnic at the Western Writer's Conference 1972
USU A-1268 : Costumed members of the Turnverein group posed southwest of Old Main. African-American woman is Mignon Richmond ca. 1923
USU A-1269 : Aerial view of campus looking east
See also USU A-1264.
USU A-1270 : View of barns and outbuildings from the east on the Experiment Station farm 1930s
USU A-1271 : Student Union Building* under construction 1952
USU A-1272a : Leroy R. Hafen, visiting lecturer
USU A-1272b : Ann W. Hafen, visiting lecturer
USU A-1273a : John T. Caine, Jr., faculty member
USU A-1273b : Raymond Becraft, faculty member
USU A-1274 : Everett Thorpe, Professor of Art
USU A-1275 : Evan Sorenson, Assistant Director of Admissions and Records 1977
USU A-1276a : Wendell B. Anderson, Professor of Political Science
USU A-1276b : Dorothy T. Dyer ca. 1955
USU A-1277 : Cecil Baker, USU Head Basketball Coach 1955
USU A-1278 : Dr. W. L. Wanless, Dean of Commerce 1945
USU A-1279 : William P. Bell, employed in the Registrar's office
USU A-1280a : Gladys W. Harrison 1950s
USU A-1280b : Group of volunteers for World War I ca. 1917
USU A-1281 : George F. Knowlton, Professor of Entomology. Photograph by Degn-Brunson of Logan, Utah
USU A-1282 : Thorpe B. Isaacson, Chairman of the Board of Trustees 1950s
USU A-1283 : Robert Utley
USU A-1284 : Leslie K. Hawthorne, Collaborator to the Bureau of Plant Industry ca. 1945
USU A-1285 : Studio portrait of a man, probably a faculty member 1950s
USU A-1286 : N. A. Pedersen, Dean of Arts and Sciences and Professor of English 1930
USU A-1287 : Philip Vincent Cardon, Director of the Utah Experiment Station 1929
USU A-1288 : Outdoor portrait of a man, probably a faculty member
USU A-1289a : Frank Waters, lecturer at the Western Writers Conference 1973
USU A-1289b : John Hannery, featured writer, Information Services at Western Writers Conference ca. 1975
USU A-1290 : First student body and faculty photo: President Jeremiah Wilson Sanborn, Miss Marlatt, Mrs. Richman, Mrs. Goodwin, Prof. Everett, Prof. Sholl, Prof. Caine, Prof. Cutter, Mr. Walker, Miss Ballif, Miss Calder, Miss Caine, Miss Mills, Miss Gamble, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Crandall, Mr. Wright, Mr. Mendinhall, Mr. Roylance, Mr. Jones, Mr. Crittendon, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Dougall, Mr. Barrett, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Larson, Mr. Malin, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Broberg, Mr. Sanhorn, Mr. Stalker, Mr. Young, and Vendla Berntson Fogelberg April 1891
USU A-1291 : Poultry building on the campus Experiment Station farm ca. 1905
USU A-1292 : View of the President's Residence* from the north
See also P0014 7:133.
ca. 1903.
USU A-1293 : View of the President's Residence* from the south, looking from the second floor of the Experiment Station Building
See also P0014 7:134.
ca. 1903.
USU A-1294 : Farm Superintendent's residence shortly after construction
House built for Manager of the Experiment Station Farm. Moved in 1950 and later used as a dorm for Senior Honors Women, demolished 1968. See also P0014 7:138.
ca. 1905.
USU A-1295 : Creamery in the basement of Old Main
Dairy Science classes were taught here. See P0014 4:06:12 and 7:04.
ca. 1903
USU A-1296 : Workmen laying the foundation for the poultry house
See also P0014 9:142.
[Library reading room inside of Old Main, ca. 1905.]
USU A-1298 : View of campus looking east from the corner of 500 North St. and 400 East St. towards the college, winter
See also P0014 8:182.
ca. 1905
USU A-1299 : College band marching in front of the west side of the south wing of Old Main
See also P0014 7:12.
ca. 1904.
USU A-1300 : Business classroom, probably located on the first floor of Old Main ca. 1905
USU A-1301 : Military cadet corps in formation near the south wing of Old Main ca. 1907
USU A-1302 : Women sitting at table watching cooking demonstration
See also 2:07:04, 3:08:13, and 8:198.
ca. 1900.
USU A-1303 : Laundering Room, women ironing fabric
School of Domestic Science located in basement, North Wing, Old Main, See also P0014 3:06:14, 4:06:07, and 8:207.
ca. 1902.
USU A-1304 : Students working in the College Bank, a mock bank at the School of Commerce, located on the third floor of the north half of Old Main
See also P0014 8:215.
ca. 1903.
USU A-1305 : Old Main Interior, looking north on 2nd floor, students reading the Student Life newspaper in the hall, probably waiting to register for classes
See also Buzzer 1910, p. 179. See also P0014 4:13:01.
ca. 1907
USU A-1306 : Smokestack with the initials UAC displayed at the top
It was torn down in 1948.
USU A-1307 : Technology Building under construction 1941
USU A-1308 : Men standing around horse-powered chaff piler and other wagons on Experiment Station Farm in Greenville, bottled goods in carriers on ground
See also P0014 2:11:16 and 9:119.
ca. 1905
USU A-1309 : Large group of men standing outside the Veterinary Lab ca. 1907
USU A-1310 : Chickens in a coop
See also P0014 9:101.
USU A-1311 : Aerial view of campus and North Logan ca. 1943
USU A-1312 : Thorpe
USU A-1313 : George B. Hendricks, Director of the School of Commerce, member of the ACU faculty from 1909-1921
USU A-1314 : Calvin Fletcher, Professor of Art early 1900s
USU A-1315 : John T. Caine, III, Professor of Animal Husbandry
USU A-1316 : Painting of a man in a smock, possibly a self portrait of an artist
USU A-1317 : William Stafford, poet at the Western Writer's Conference 1974
USU A-1318 : Lewis M. Turner, Dean of the School of Forestry
USU A-1319a : Track Meet, two runners crossing a finish line
USU A-1319b : Five of the Student Body Officers
Includes (clockwise from L to R) Margaret Morrell, Ernest Carroll (Student Body President), an unidentified man, Alando Bannerman Ballantyne, and Lucile Jensen. See also P0014 3:03:03 and also P0014 4:05:12 for similar photograph.
USU A-1320a : Military Cadet Corps formations south of Old Main
ca. 1905
USU A-1320b : People seated in the chapel in the south wing of Old Main
ca. 1895
USU A-1321a : Javelin throw at Track & Field event on a track east of Old Main, baseball game in background
ca. 1908
USU A-1321b : M. C. Merrill in academic robes
USU A-1322a : Nibley Hall, Brigham Young College in Logan, Utah
ca. 1907.
USU A-1322b : Young boy on a horse and a dog sitting on the ground outside of a building
USU A-1323a : Two men participating in the hurdles event in a Track and Field meet held on the track running north-south on the west side of the Quad, directly behind Old Main
Enlarged image of USU A-1323a.
ca. 1908
USU A-1323b : Two men participating in the hurdles event in a Track and Field meet held on the track running north-south on the west side of the Quad, directly behind Old Main
ca. 1908.
USU A-1324 : Six members sitting in the Sigma Chi Fraternity house ca. 1940
USU A-1325a : Sigma Chi Fraternity house groundbreaking ceremony
USU A-1325b : Men digging dirt at the Sigma Chi Fraternity house groundbreaking ceremony
USU A-1326 : Sigma Chi consuls in the Gamma Kappa Chapter, 1926-1951
(beginning at the top, from L to R) John Francis Glim, Ferris Wakefield Miles, Leland L. Skanchy, Reed Bullen, Charles M. Griffiths, Emerson Abbot, Robert Hadfield, Edward Anderson, John Peterson, John Stewart, LeRoy Anderson, Miller Lyon, Sherman Lloyd, Phillip Bullen, Ralph Wakley, Kent Ryan, Jack Watson, Clair Nelson, Garr Thompson, Wade Miles, Conway Sonne, Dick Ryan, Dale Olsen, J. T. Abbott, Jean B. Carlos, George Weaton, Burns Crookston, Lloyd Mechem, Harold Capener, Mel Manning, Lorenzo "Dick" Howard, Kenneth R. Lindsay, William Ryan, Norvel Hansen, and Gary Thuerer.
USU A-1327 : Sigma Chi presidents in the USU Chapter, 1951-1973
(beginning at top, from L to R) Bob Murray, Sam Worley, Daryl Nord, Rex Skanchy, Rod Jensen, Ray Eliason, Steve Hayward, Ron Hansen, John VanDerfold, Jim Cole, Mark Sorensen, Odell Nord, Hank Christiansen, Boyd Hansen, Mike Davis, Devere Watkins, Bob Gibbons, John Giboney, Don Crockett, Thed Parson, Tony Eyre, Bill Shurtliff, John Waters, Roger Baird, Bruce McCandless, Art Smith, Ralph Crockett, Steve Jensen, Kent Hansen, Tom Peterson, Mark Jensen, Doug Robinson, Don Sorensen, John Lemperle, Brent Craven, Brett Bullen, Tyler McNeil, Robert Grame, Kevin Jensen, Greg Thorpe, Robert Lauriski, Jody Burnett, Blake Martinson, Eric Hale, Scott Gunnell, Al Morgan, Clyde Daines, and Jerry Nelson.
USU A-1328 : Sigma Chi Fraternity Chapter room 1948
USU A-1330 : Raising the flag at the Sigma Alpha house, marking the national affiliation with Sigma Chi
The house formerly belonged to Moses Thatcher, Sr. See also Buzzer 1926, p. 205.
USU A-1331a : Sigma Chi Fraternity in ceremonial robes purchased in 1906
USU A-1331b : "Coach Dick Romney, Captain Kent Ryan, Red Wade, and Eddie Peterson being introduced to C. B. S. listeners by Major [Wayne Edward] Bowes,"
Photograph signed by Major Wayne Edward Bowes and addressed to Eddie Peterson. See also Buzzer 1937, p. 275.
USU A-1332a : Sigma Chi Fraternity house August 12, 1940
USU A-1332b : Lighted "A" for the Sigma Chi Homecoming
USU A-1333 : J. Frank Glim (right) of Gamma Kappa's first council receiving the key of Sigma Chi from the Grand Trustee Frank L. Grant
USU A-1334 : Banquet at the Bluebird following the installation of Sigma Alpha to the national organization Sigma Chi
See also Buzzer 1926, p. 205.
USU A-1335a : Sigma Chi Fraternity house ca. 1950s
USU A-1335b : Fraternity house under construction
USU A-1336 : Sigma Chi Fraternity, including: (kneeling) J. Frank Gimlin, Jr., Lloyd N. Davis, Glenn S. Stanger, J. Floyd Thomas, Elgin J. Jackson, John McCune, Wilber E. Thain, Ray J. Dawson, Joseph B. LoSee, Ervin C. Harris, Leonard H. Layton, Ward R. McAlister, Ray L. Alston, Marcus C. Child, Roland B. Smith, R. S. Belnap, LaPhene Petersen, Charles W. Nibley III, Frank A. Christensen, A. Hulme Nebeker, Theodore E. Thain, (standing) Charles G. Olsen, Osmond O. Jorgensen, A. W. Hatch, James B. White, Chester Knudsen, George A. Ward, Irvin Hull, Miles J. Browning, Earl A. Randall, Paul C. Layton, Warren W. Knudsen, S. Grover Rich, E. E. Johnson, Wallace B. Parkinson, J. Eastman Hatch, Conrad T. Quinney, W. M. Hansen, D. Earl Robinson, Stanley Hall, Maurice R. Conroy, O. Cyril Hammond, Albert C. Titus, Paul F. Dorius, William B. Hayward, Edward W. Hadfield, Earl N. Jensen, Reed Bullen, Wilmer J. Nelson, W. Leland Skanchy, Charles M. Griffin, Leland McNiel, Lyman L. Bennion, Joseph R. Jensen, Parley E. Peterson, Willis H. Hayward, Jack B. Wright, Waldo M. Hatch, Albert G. Stanger, Asa Bullen, J. Henry Thain, Sterling R. Harris, Orval W. Adams, Floyd J. Knudsen, and Vard Zabriskie. Members of Sigma Chi who were probably not present in the photograph are: Luther M. Howell, Marriner S. Eccles, Chelsey P. Seeley, Bryant Bullen, S. J. Quinney, J. Clyde Worley, William E. Riter, O. Guy Cardon, Will W. Bowman, Robert E. Griffiths, Kersey C. Riter, Moses F. Cowley, Conrad J. Odell, J. Randolph Riter, Charles J. Hart, E. Virgil Norton, Noel Bennion, J. Warren Hawley, and Russell E. Berntson
See also Buzzer 1926, p. 205.
USU A-1337 : Dr. McLean addressing the dedication of Sigma Chi 1950s
USU A-1338 : A corner of English Professor McEwans' office in the Experiment Station
ca. 1903.
USU A-1339 : Interior view of the Old Main chapel, one of a series of Cache Valley photos taken by James H. Crockwell for the Chicago Worlds Fair
See also The Journal July 30, 1892. See also USU A-1957.
July 1892
USU A-1340 : Group of seventeen men early 1880s
USU A-1341 : Interior view of the Merrill Library* Reading Room 1948
USU A-1342 : Woodworking class in the basement of the north wing of Old Main ca. 1905
USU A-1343 : Interior view of the Library Reading Room on the west front of the second floor of Old Main
Compare with USU A-1428. See also P0014 1:134.
ca. 1909
USU A-1344 : Interior view of the Library on the second floor of Old Main, directly above the President's office
See also P0014 1:136.
ca. 1905
USU A-1345 : Each class planted trees on Old Main Hill* on Arbor Day
April 15, 1913
USU A-1346a : President's office in Old Main
USU A-1346b : President's office in Old Main
USU A-1347 : View of campus looking east from 600 East St. and 500 North St
Notice that the west tower of Old Main has not been completed yet.
USU A-1348 : Library Reading Room on the second floor of Old Main, directly over the President's office
ca. 1905.
USU A-1349 : Lathes, saws, and drills operated by belts from a single power source in the power room in the Mechanic Arts Building
ca. 1903
USU A-1350 : ACU Basketball team
See also ACU Catalogue, 1904-05.
USU A-1351 : University Annex*
See USU A-0026.
ca. 1895
USU A-1352 : Group standing outside of Old Main, including E. G. Peterson (listed as number 1) ca. 1900
USU A-1353 : Each class planting trees on Old Main Hill* on Arbor Day
Note band positioned west of Old Main. See also Student Life April 18, 1913, p. 8. See also USU A-1345.
April 15, 1913
USU A-1354 : Rows in a field
USU A-1355 : View of Cache Valley looking southeast from Old Main Hill*, including the LDS Logan Temple
USU A-1356 : First members of the honorary photographic fraternity Kappa Alpha Mu: Dick Anderson, Ed Johnson, Carl Vaterlaus, and John Bullock 1948
USU A-1357 : Library Reading Room located in the north wing of Old Main
Photo used to illustrate the 1894-95 Catalog.
USU A-1358 : Group of men and women standing outside of a building 1890s
USU A-1359 : Students in the Library Reading Room, located in the north wing of Old Main
Librarian Sarah Brown Goodwin (Mrs. C. I. Goodwin) behind the loan desk. See also P0014 7:171.
USU A-1360 : View of the Merrill Library* from the northwest 1940s
USU A-1361a : Iranian students posing with University President Daryl Chase on the lawn of the President's residence* 1960s
USU A-1361b : Interior view of the Merrill Library* showing the loan desk with reserve books on the center range 1930
USU A-1362 : Two pigs, subjects of a feed experiment
Photograph accompanied by a list of the pigs' average weight gain over a period of 91 days.
USU A-1363 : Two pigs, subjects of a feed experiment
Photograph accompanied by a list of the pigs' average weight gain over a period of 91 days.
USU A-1364 : Two pigs, subjects of a feed experiment
Photograph accompanied by a list of the pigs' average weight gain over a period of 91 days.
USU A-1365 : Interior of the office of John A. Widstoe in the Experiment Station, when he was the Director of the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station from 1900-1905, photo taken
See also P0014 2:06:03, 7:113, and 7:163.
ca. 1902
USU A-1366 : Library reading room on north side of the central section of Old Main, directly over the president's office
ca. 1905
USU A-1367a : Groundbreaking for the Home Management house on the corner of 500 North St. and 700 East St 1926
USU A-1367b : Campaign posters for student government elections
See also Buzzer 1926, p. 202.
USU A-1368a : View of Old Main tower from the west
USU A-1368b : Two men in academic robes standing on the "A" outside of Old Main
USU A-1369 : Old Main, viewed from the west atop the John T. Caine house 1905
USU A-1370a : Parade of male cadets on the brow of Old Main Hill*
ca. 1893
USU A-1370b : Parade of male cadets on the brow of Old Main Hill*
ca. 1893
USU A-1371a : Student body posed south of Old Main
fall 1893
USU A-1371b : Military Cadet Corps drawn in ranks west of Old Main
fall 1893
USU A-1372a : ACU band posed south of Old Main
USU A-1372b : Preston, Idaho, high school band posed outside of Old Main
May 3, 1935
USU A-1373a : Female cadets lined in formation on Old Main Hill*
fall 1893
USU A-1373b : Student body posed outside the south wing of Old Main
spring 1892
USU A-1374 : Two pigs, subjects of a feed experiment
Photograph accompanied by a list of the pigs' average weight gain over a period of 91 days.
USU A-1375 : Experiment Station Building 1892
USU A-1376 : USAC faculty group portrait in the amphitheatre 1938
USU A-1377 : English faculty, including Abbie Marlott and John T. Caine, posed inside a room of the Experiment Station
See also P0014 3:06:16 and 7:164.
USU A-1379 : Unidentified man sitting behind desk
Photograph compliments of H.W. Simes of Hindon, Minnesota.
USU A-1380 : President Joseph M. Tanner seated in the President's office in the south wing of Old Main
See also P0014 1:086, 2:04:04, and 7:65.
ca. 1898
USU A-1381a : Merrill Library* north main entrance 1930s
USU A-1381b : Storage shelving attic for the library in the Plant Industry Building
Collection later moved to the basement of the USAC Auxiliary Library.
USU A-1382 : Woman at table marking sewing pattern
See also P0014 1:01:03, 1:02:03, and 8:72. See also ACU Catalogue, 1902-03.
ca. 1902
USU A-1384 : Dressmaking class located on the second floor of the south wing of Old Main ca. 1903
USU A-1385 : Woman at sewing table gathering ruffles for a dress
See also P0014 1:01:02, 1:02:02, and 8:71. See also ACU Catalogue, 1902-03.
ca. 1902.
USU A-1386 : Woman at table sewing by hand, skirt of dress hanging on mannequin in background
See also P0014 1:01:01, 1:02:01, and 8:73. See also ACU Catalogue, 1902-03.
ca. 1902
USU A-1387 : Man operating a separator in a dairy
See also P0014 1:03:03, 1:04:04, and 8:126.
ca. 1903
USU A-1390 : Women laundering clothes in a class, with some hanging clothes in dryer and bottles of starch sitting on table, basement of the north wing of Old Main
See also P0014 2:07:10, 2:07:11, and 8:202.
ca. 1902.
USU A-1392a : Groundbreaking ceremonies for Nibley Hall, Brigham Young College, in Logan, Utah
USU A-1392b : Skiing on Old Main Hill* 1920s
USU A-1393a : Glee Club, twenty-seven senior class students posing outside of a building, probably the Mechanic Arts Building
See also Buzzer 1926, p. 201.
USU A-1393b : Home Economics club, including: (Top row, L to R) Jean Woodsides, Laura Peters, Effie Webb, Afton Parrish, Alberta Porter, Goldie Faux, May Isaacson, and Etelka White; (second row, L to R) Hortense Hansen, Ethel Hale, Elena Smith, Alta Calvert, Naomi Reese, Hedvig Benson, Veda Cooper, Mary Shaw, and Pearl Nielsen; and (third row, L to R) Lillian S. Elder, Ellen Agreen, Nellie Barker, Effie Warnick, Othelia Petersen, Anna Taylor, and LaRue Carson 1913-1914
USU A-1394a : Students outlining their class graduation year 1914
USU A-1394b : View of west side of Old Main and southern portion of Old Main Hill*
USU A-1395a : Gordon Kirby, member of the 1912 UAC varsity football team 1912
USU A-1395b : Ray Benedict West (Ray B. West), dean of Engineering
USU A-1396 : Cattle judging at the Greenville Experiment Station Farm for the Dairy Days July 23, 1932
USU A-1397 : Artillery piece and corps flag on the lawn west of the north wing of Old Main ca. 1905
USU A-1398a : Small chick standing next to a broken egg shell
USU A-1398b : Two sticks
USU A-1399 : Shocks of wheat at the Greenville Experiment Station Farm ca. 1907
USU A-1400 : Sow and farrow at the Greenville Experiment Station Farm ca. 1907
USU A-1401 : Man holding a "UAC" sign standing in front of an airplane with the words "Airways Kelly Field" written on its side
See Hart, Hometown Album, #746.
USU A-1402 : South wing of Old Main, as built in 1889 before the construction of the rest of the building
Detail photograph of USU A-0071.
USU A-1404a : Aerial view of central campus looking west with Logan in the center distance 1978
USU A-1404b : Architect's sketch of the Bacteriology Building November 18, 1966
USU A-1405 : Aerial view of campus looking north over the entire campus, including the newly constructed Student Union Building* 1952
USU A-1406 : Karl C. Schaub's architectural drawing of Old Main
See also USU A-0002 and USU A-1994a
USU A-1407a : Pearl S. Buck standing at a podium 1969
USU A-1407b : Actor in the play "The Physicist," 1969
USU A-1408a : Phyllis P. Taggart
USU A-1408b : University President Glen L. Taggart
USU A-1409a : Upper hallway connecting the north and south wings of the Engineering Building 1960s
USU A-1409b : Man riding a bull in a rodeo
USU A-1410a : Nate Williams, member of the basketball team 1970-71
USU A-1410b : Robert Lauriski, member of the basketball team 1970-71
USU A-1411 : Merlin Olsen, member of the football team 1960s
USU A-1412 : Dale Brown, LaDell Andersen, and Dutch Bellnap, basketball coaches 1968-69
USU A-1413a : Students and faculty at Registration Day 1969
USU A-1413b : Helen Tanner with six young students at the Edith Bowen school ca. 1971
USU A-1414a : Student in the Newman Center 1969
USU A-1414b : Student studying in the dorm lounge
USU A-1414c : Four men playing instruments in front of a Christmas tree at the Newman Center
USU A-1414d : Students in the Juniper Lounge in the Student Union Center
USU A-1415 : Winter view from the steps of the Student Union Center with Widstoe Hall to the left and the Smart Gymnasium to the right
USU A-1416 : Twelve members of the Village Voices group, including: Kris Jones, Stewart Burt, Marsha Bastow, Phil Christensen, Teri Wright, and Carolyn Tanner 1969
USU A-1417 : Merlin Olsen in a Los Angeles Rams uniform 1960s
USU A-1418 : Architectural drawing of the Spectrum ca. 1964
USU A-1419a : View of students on the Quad from Old Main 1970s
USU A-1419b : Demolition of the University Annex* fall 1970
USU A-1420 : Exercises at the opening of ACU for the 1903-04 school year
First such assembly in the Old Main auditorium. See also P0014 1:142.
USU A-1421 : College choir ca. 1902
USU A-1422 : Inspection of the Military Cadet Corps. on the lawn west of the Mechanic Arts Building ca. 1902
USU A-1423 : Women's physical education class located in the gymnasium on the third floor of the north wing of Old Main ca. 1902
USU A-1424 : ACU football team including: (seated) Crawford, Egbert, Kirk, Sidwell, Gardner, Madsen, Findlay, (kneeling) Fenn, Santschi, Smith, Howes, (standing) Jardine, Mortesen, Lemmon, Nebeker, Kelly, Tuttle, Snow, and Adams
See also Student Life, vol. 1 , November 1902, p. 9. See also P0014 7:165 and 7:166.
USU A-1425 : Twenty-seven members of a chemistry class, including Charles T. Darley in the middle of the last row and Professor John A. Widstoe standing at the extreme left
See also P0014 2:05:12, 2:05:13, and 8:24.
USU A-1427 : Members of the track team posing with a trophy won at the intracollege track meet where the Engineering students beat the Agriculturalist students 49 to 37. Charles T. Darley featured second from the left on the front row
See also Student Life, Vol. 2, no. 7, April 1904, p. 211.
USU A-1428 : Students in the reading room, located on the second floor of the north wing of the Merrill Library*
See also Student Life Vol. 1, January 1903, p. 60. See also USU A-0762, USU A-1343, and USU A-1359. See also P0014 7:171.
USU A-1429 : Students in the Mechanical Drawing room, or possibly the Civil Engineering/Draughting room
See also P0014 7:07, 7:08, and 7:149.
ca. 1902.
USU A-1430 : Hammer thrower
USU A-1431 : Military Cadet Corps exercises on the lawn west of the Mechanic Arts Building ca. 1902
USU A-1432 : Three members of the American Folk Ballet during the National Tour
The ballet was under the management of Robert T. Gaus Associates.
USU A-1433 : University President Glen L. Taggart speaking at Commencement Exercises
USU A-1435 : Jane Tibbals and J. D. Jarris in academic robes after Commencement Exercises
USU A-1436 : Academic Commencement Procession
ca. 1974
USU A-1439 : Snell Olsen and J. D. Harris in academic robes, Commencement Exercises
USU A-1441 : University President Glen L. Taggart speaking a podium with William Loos, Jane Tibbals, J.D. Harris, and Gerald Sherratt standing in the background during Commencement Exercises
USU A-1442 : University President Glen L. Taggart and his wife Phyllis Taggart greeting people
USU A-1443 : Commencement Exercises, including University President Glen L. Taggart, William Lye, Richard Swenson, Gerald Sherratt, and J. D. Harris
USU A-1444a : Plant Research Building
Photograph gift of the Herald Journal.
USU A-1444b : Student Union Building*
Photograph gift of the Herald Journal.
USU A-1445 : Aerial view of central campus looking east, including Old Main, the Quad, and the Merrill Library*
Photograph gift of the Herald Journal, 1978.
USU A-1446 : Scaffolding for laying the bricks on the south west corner of the newly expanded Merrill Library*
Photograph gift of the Herald Journal, 1978.
USU A-1447 : Valley View Tower and Mountain View Tower dormitories behind the Edith Bowen Laboratory School
Photograph gift of the Herald Journal, 1978.
ca. 1978
USU A-1448 : University President Daryl Chase and librarian Milton C. Abrams opening the cornerstone of the 1930 library building during the expansion of the Merrill Library* 1966
USU A-1449 : USU Institutional Council, including: (top row, L to R) Chairman Glenn J. Mecham, Vice-Chairman Jane S. Tibbals, W.B. Robins, Leah D. Parkinson, Leonard W. McDonald, (bottom row, L to R) R. Keith Binford, Roy L. Homan, Merrill J. Millett, R. Dean Udy, Eric V. Smart, and Secretary to the Council L. Mark Neuberger
USU A-1450 : Elizabeth Church Smith, UAC faculty member and college librarian, 1903-1917
USU A-1451 : Claire Kenyon, ACU faculty member, 1892-1897. Miss Kenyon was the third college librarian, a teacher of Elocution, instructor of Physical Culture, and the first Physical Education instructor at the college
USU A-1452 : Leonard H. Kirkpatrick, USAC librarian from 1938-1939
USU A-1453 : USAC Library reading room ca. 1953
USU A-1454 : USU Institutional Council, including: (seated, L to R) Provost R. Garth Hansen, Lead D. Parkinson, Vice Chairman Jane S. Tibbals, University President Stanford Cazier, (standing, L to R) Secretary Mark L. Neuberger, ASUSU President Lester K. Essig, Keith Binford, Merrill J. Millett, W. B. Robins, Alumni President Deon Udy, Leonard W. McDonald, and Roy L. Holman
USU A-1455 : King Hendricks, USAC Librarian and professor of English 1946
USU A-1456 : Hattie Smith, assistant in the library
See also Buzzer 1909, p. 33.
USU A-1457a : Two men working in a kitchen
USU A-1457b : Fourteen female dancers performing outdoors
USU A-1457c : Two men bowling
USU A-1457d : Group of people swimming and diving into a pool
USU A-1458a : Four male students studying in a room, probably in the Student Union Building*
USU A-1458b : Group of students studying in a lounge, probably in the Student Union Building*
USU A-1459a : Track and field team: Gronway Perry, manager; Andy W. Anderson, distance; Hugh M. Peterson, sprints; Tura M. Aldous, hurdles; and Joseph Snow, weights. This was the first men's track team to represent the Agricultural College of Utah in the Rocky Mountain Conference
The event took place in Denver, Colorado, on May 15, 1915. See also USU A-0680.
USU A-1459b : Andy Anderson, finishing 880 yd. run, at the state track meet in Logan, Utah, on
Time: 2 minutes, 1 second. See also USU A-0677.
May 8, 1915
USU A-1460 : Student Union Building*, under construction
New additions were added to the building from 1963-65.
USU A-1461 : Architectural drawing of the new Romney Stadium by G. Eugene Haycock & Associates 1966
USU A-1462 : Military review on the Quad during World War II 1940s
USU A-1463a : Merrill Library* under construction for expansion
Shows the reconstruction of the 1930 building and its incorporation into the 1963 building.
USU A-1463b : Merrill Library* under construction for expansion
Shows the reconstruction of the 1930 building and its incorporation into the 1963 building.
USU A-1464a : Reception of Bolivian President Rene Barrientos just outside of his airplane on his visit to USU July 7, 1968
USU A-1464b : Bolivian President Rene Barrientos addressing a special convocation after receiving an honorary Doctorate of Law degree 1968
USU A-1466 : Aerial view of central campus looking northwest 1955
USU A-1467 : Aerial view of campus 1950s
USU A-1468 : Group of men posing outside of an ivy-covered building, including: (front row, L to R) Ransom, Gillbaugh, Reeves, Walters, Walker, Lisles, Bockman, Broadbent, Whittaker, Sayre, (middle row, L to R) Brown, Lee, Morris, Green, Sauer, Burgoyne, McComes, Painter, Tobin, Zimmeral (back row, L to R) Norton, Jordon, Wilcox, Lloyd, Stewart, Case, Willis, Taylor, Atchley, Mosler, Bain, Huddleson, Johnson, Ackerman, and Owen. Photograph contributed by Charles R. Petersen, nephew of David A. Burgoyne
USU A-1469 : Group of nineteen men seated in a room and around a table headed by University President Glen L. Taggart 1970s
USU A-1470 : View of the LDS First Stake Center, also known as the "Golden Toaster," from the northwest
Photograph gift of the Herald Journal, September 1978.
USU A-1471 : View of a large group of students filling the amphitheatre on Old Main Hill*
Photograph gift of the Herald Journal, September 1978.
USU A-1472a : View looking east of the construction of Romney Stadium
Photograph gift of the Herald Journal, September 1978.
USU A-1472b : St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic parish and Newman Center, chapel dedicated to St. Jerome. Located on the west side of 800 East St. at 795 North
Photograph gift of the Herald Journal, September 1978.
ca. 1969
USU A-1473 : Student Body Officers: (Top row, L to R) Lear Thorpe (Financial Vice President), Ken Rich (ASUSU President), and Mike Mazuran (Cultural Vice President). (Bottom row, L to R) Kaye Thompson (ASUSU Secretary) and Linda Zollinger (Social Vice President)
See also Buzzer 1965, p. 30-1.
USU A-1474 : John D. Carlisle and University President Daryl Chase giving an award to another man on stage
USU A-1475 : Woman sitting under a tree at the bottom of the steps leading toward the amphitheatre on Old Main Hill*
USU A-1476 : Summer school faculty posing in the amphitheatre on Old Main Hill*, with John C. Carlisle standing and L. Mark Neuberger sitting in the center. View of Old Main in the background
USU A-1477 : View of Old Main Hill* looking south along the brow of the hill with the Mechanic Arts Building at the left 1940s
USU A-1478a : Family Life Institute. John C. Carlisle standing on the left
USU A-1478b : Arlene Meyer, Junior Prom Queen
See Buzzer 1954, p. 186 for more information.
USU A-1479a : Annual Aggie Ranger hike
Some fifty students were taken into a primitive area of Yellowstone Park after weeks of preparation on campus. See also Buzzer 1952, p. 111.
USU A-1479b : Tennis class at USU 1950s
USU A-1480 : Student Union Building*, featuring on the wall an inlaid college logo in the stylized initials of the college USAC ca. 1954
USU A-1481 : View of the West Tower of Old Main from the northwest 1950s
USU A-1482 : View of Old Main from the tennis courts on the northeast side
The hipped-roofed building between the courts and Old Main was the dairy. Built in the 1890s, the dairy was torn down in the 1950s.
USU A-1483 : View of Old Main Hill* looking up towards Old Main from the southwest corner of campus 1940s
USU A-1484 : Senior class of 1914 seated on the sidewalk below the President's Residence*
Cannon J. Kenneth included in shot.
USU A-1485 : View of the south wing of Old Main, Mechanic Arts Building, and southeast Cache Valley from the West Tower of Old Main
Photo by H. Reuben Reynolds.
USU A-1486 : View of the south side of the Quad from the west tower of Old Main
Photo by H. Reuben Reynolds.
USU A-1487 : View of the west tower of Old Main looking up Old Main Hill* from the southwest corner ca. 1948
USU A-1488 : Woman holding a puppet in an art workshop
USU A-1489 : Three women holding art creations at an art workshop
USU A-1490 : Close-up view of three students standing in the entrance of Lund Hall 1940s
USU A-1491 : Mrs. Sarah Godwin Brown Goodwin, college librarian from 1890-94 and 1896-1904. Photo taken when library was in the northern wing of Old Main 1903
USU A-1492 : E.L. "Dick" Romney, former USU Head Coach and recipient of an honorary doctorate degree, speaking with an unidentified man 1960
USU A-1493 : Faculty and chairmen of the conferences in the Summer School. From L to R, they are Una Vermillion, H. Reuben Reynolds, Dr. John C. Carlisle, Moyle Q. Rice, H.B. Hunsaker, Kenneth R. Stevens, Edith Shaw, and Pearl Budge
See also Buzzer 1955, p. 254.
USU A-1494 : View of Old Main Hill* with Old Main in the background 1950s
USU A-1495a : Three men speaking, including John C. Carlisle, Dean of the College of Education, in the middle
USU A-1495b : Three men behind a desk, including John C. Carlisle, Dean of the College of Education, in the middle
USU A-1496 : Military Inspection and Review Day on the Quad 1950s
USU A-1497 : John C. Carlisle, Dean of the College of Education, with a man and a woman watching another man play the piano
USU A-1498 : View of the President's Residence* from the southwest showing the Smart Gymnasium in the background ca. 1960
USU A-1499 : "In 'Gianni Schicchi' Don Becker plays the lead. A romance buds between Kathryn Armstrong and Orville Holley. Other members are Amelia Beecher, Larry Winger, Nanette Gibbons, Genevieve Fonnesbeck, Glen Haddock, and Richard Jensen."
See also Buzzer 1955, p. 26.
USU A-1500a : Two men speaking
USU A-1500b : John C. Carlisle, Dean of the College of Education and another man seated at the table
USU A-1500c : John C. Carlisle, Dean of the College of Education with looking at a piece of paper with two other men
USU A-1501 : Outdoor physical education class 1940s
USU A-1502a : John C. Carlisle, Dean of the College of Education, shown in the middle, talking with two unidentified men
USU A-1502b : Prom chairwoman Maurine Johnson and escort Bob Turley at the Promenade 1950s
USU A-1503 : Two women and three men walking down the stairs on Old Main Hill*, including John C. Carlisle, Dean of the College of Education, on the far right, and Coach Romney in the center 1950s
USU A-1504 : Technology Building, built in 1949, shown here in 1950s
USU A-1505 : Woman holding open curtains to look out of the window 1950s
USU A-1506a : Members of the ROTC training to use a piece of military artillery 1960s
USU A-1506b : ROTC officer instructing four other ROTC members
USU A-1507 : University Annex*
See also P0014 1:199.
ca. 1901
USU A-1508 : Radio TV Quonset
Building, erected ca. 1941, was one of a series of World War II Quonsets built as emergency housing on the USAC campus.
USU A-1509 : Frederick P. Champ, member of the Board of Trustees, speaking at the celebration marking the laying of the Merrill Library* cornerstone 1930
USU A-1511a : Nine members of the Gamma XI Gamma sorority posed next to a bush, members of the sorority included: Mable Fry, Ruth Horsley Chadwick, Thelma Fogelberg, Ardella Smith, Bessie Jones, Amelia Hansen, Claudia Funk, E. Burnham, Surgene Benson, Gwen Page, Dorothy Spande, Louise Symes, Adelaide Page, Myrtle Crabtree, Beth Hadfield, Agnes Williams, Letha Lowe, Thora Baldwin, Mary Watkins, Lorraine Raymond, and Josephine Woodside
See also Buzzer 1924.
ca. 1924
USU A-1511b : Nine members of the Gamma XI Gamma sorority posed next to an automobile, members of the sorority included: Mable Fry, Ruth Horsley Chadwick, Thelma Fogelberg, Ardella Smith, Bessie Jones, Amelia Hansen, Claudia Funk, E. Burnham, Surgene Benson, Gwen Page, Dorothy Spande, Louise Symes, Adelaide Page, Myrtle Crabtree, Beth Hadfield, Agnes Williams, Letha Lowe, Thora Baldwin, Mary Watkins, Lorraine Raymond, and Josephine Woodside
See also Buzzer 1924.
ca. 1924
USU A-1511c : Member of the Gamma Xi Gamma sorority posed next to a fire hydrant, members of the sorority included: Mable Fry, Ruth Horsley Chadwick, Thelma Fogelberg, Ardella Smith, Bessie Jones, Amelia Hansen, Claudia Funk, E. Burnham, Surgene Benson, Gwen Page, Dorothy Spande, Louise Symes, Adelaide Page, Myrtle Crabtree, Beth Hadfield, Agnes Williams, Letha Lowe, Thora Baldwin, Mary Watkins, Lorraine Raymond, and Josephine Woodside
See Buzzer 1924.
ca. 1924
USU A-1511d : Member of the Gamma Xi Gamma sorority posed next to a building, probably Old Main, members of the sorority included: Mable Fry, Ruth Horsley Chadwick, Thelma Fogelberg, Ardella Smith, Bessie Jones, Amelia Hansen, Claudia Funk, E. Burnham, Surgene Benson, Gwen Page, Dorothy Spande, Louise Symes, Adelaide Page, Myrtle Crabtree, Beth Hadfield, Agnes Williams, Letha Lowe, Thora Baldwin, Mary Watkins, Lorraine Raymond, and Josephine Woodside
See also Buzzer 1924.
ca. 1924
USU A-1511e : Woman seated on the concrete "Aggie-A," on the south side of Old Main
See also USU A-2019.
ca. 1920
USU A-1512 : Group of eight people in the creamery in the basement of the north wing of Old Main ca. 1902
USU A-1513 : Five men in a machine shop in the Mechanic Arts Building ca. 1903
USU A-1514 : Old Main decorated with flags of the allied nations on the occasion of the return of the 145th Field Artillery to Logan for demobilization
See also USU A-0116, USU A-136, USU A-0191-a, USU A-1515 and USU A-1516. See also Buzzer 1919, p. 142-148.
January 16, 1919
USU A-1515 : Old Main decorated with flags of the allied nations on the occasion of the return of the 145th Field Artillery to Logan for demobilization
See also USU A-0116, USU A-136, USU A-0191-a, USU A-1514, and USU A-1516. See also Buzzer 1919, p. 142-148.
January 16, 1919
USU A-1516 : Old Main decorated with flags of the allied nations on the occasion of the return of the 145th Field Artillery to Logan for demobilization
See also USU A-0116, USU A-136, USU A-0191-a, USU A-1514, and USU A-1515. See also Buzzer 1919, p. 142-148.
January 16, 1919
USU A-1517 : Reviewing line for the demobilization of the 145th Field Artillery, including USAC President E. G. Peterson, Lorenzo N. Stohl, H. E. Gov. Simon Bamburger, and John T. Caine, Jr January 16, 1919
USU A-1518 : Installation of the S.A.T.C. at the UAC
Engineering Building (later the Education and English Building) under construction in the background. See also USU A-1083. See also Buzzer 1919, p. 142 ff.
October 1, 1918.
USU A-1519 : Class of 1927 posed on the steps of Old Main with USAC President E. G. Peterson, and A. W. Ivins, President of the Board of Trustees 1927
USU A-1520 : View of the construction of the University Inn from the roof of the Plant Science Building. The parking terrace, in the upper left corner, is also under construction 1980
USU A-1521 : William Hagen 1970s
USU A-1522 : Richard H. Dillon, visiting faculty member, Western Writers' Conference 1970s
USU A-1523 : Scott Momaday, guest speaker for Indian Week 1970-71
USU A-1524 : Pamela Herr, visiting faculty member, Western Writers' Conference 1970s
USU A-1525 : Sally Arteseros, Senior Editor at Doubleday & Co. and participant in the Western Writers' Conference 1976
USU A-1526 : Richard P. Scowcroft, Director of Creative Writing at Stanford University, visiting faculty member, Western Writers' Conference 1970s
USU A-1527 : William Decker, Executive Director of Viking Press and participant in the Western Writers Conference 1976
USU A-1528 : Ashbel Green, Senior Vice-President and Senior Editor, Alfred A Knopf, and participant in the Western Writers' Conference 1976
USU A-1529 : Ann Stanford, guest, Western Writers' Conference 1970s.
USU A-1530 : Rodello Hunter, guest, Western Writers' Conference 1970s
USU A-1531 : Frederick Manfred (man holding his knees) speaks to participants at the Logan Canyon "cookout," Western Writers' Conference
See also USU A-1540.
USU A-1532 : Wallace Stegner, Howard LaMar, Keith Wilson, and Frederick Manfred speaking at the Western Writers' Conference
See also USU A-1545.
USU A-1533 : Man and a woman speaking together, possibly at the Western Writer's Conference 1970s
USU A-1534 : Ray Benedict West, Jr., Western Writers' Conference
See also USU A-1541.
ca. 1972
USU A-1535 : Keith W. Brewer, member of the USU English Department
See also USU A-1541.
USU A-1536 : Roberta S. Stearman, member of the USU English Department
See also USU A-1541.
USU A-1537 : Alice Hart (left) and Lu West, participants in the Western Writers' Conference
See also USU A-1541 and See also USU A-1544.
ca. 1972
USU A-1538 : John A. Scherting, member of the USU English Department
See also USU A-1541.
ca. 1972
USU A-1539 : Scenes from the Western Writers' Conference
120 mm. negative proof sheet.
USU A-1540 : Scenes from the Logan Canyon "cookout" for the Western Writers' Conference, including photographs of Frederick Manfeld and Wallace Stegner
See also USU A-1531.
USU A-1541 : Scenes from the Western Writers' Conference, including Frederick Bendedict West, Jr., Kenneth W. Brewer, Roberta S. Stearman, Lu West, and John A. Scherting
See also USU A-1534, USU A-1535, USU A-1536, USU A-1537, and USU A-1538.
ca. 1972.
USU A-1542 : Scenes from the Western Writers' Conference, including Wallace Stegner
USU A-1543 : Scenes from the Western Writers' Conference
USU A-1544 : Scenes from the Logan Canyon "cookout" for the Western Writers' Conference, including Lu West, Alice Hart, and Ray Benedict West, Jr
See also USU A-1537.
USU A-1545 : Scenes from the Western Writers' Conference, including Wallace Stegner, Howard LaMar, Keith Wilson, and Frederick Manfred speaking in a panel discussion
See also USU A-1532.
USU A-1546 : Scenes from the Western Writers' Conference, including Wallace Stegner, and Commencement Exercises in the Spectrum
See also USU A-1246.
USU A-1547 : Chemistry classroom located in the south wing of Old Main
See also P0014 1:122.
USU A-1548 : View of the interior of the library, located in the north wing of Old Main
Library moved in 1902 to the second floor, above the President's office.
ca. 1900.
USU A-1549 : Scales and weights in the Agricultural Physics Laboratory
See also ACU Catalogue, 1903-04.
ca. 1903.
USU A-1550 : View of the interior of the George Nelson Fieldhouse looking south, during Commencement 1957
USU A-1551 : William S. McCornick, President of the Board of Trustees, 1890-1907
USU A-1552 : S.A.T.C. orchestra in the basement of the north wing of Old Main 1918
USU A-1553a : Two women sitting in front of a door to a log building ca. 1910
USU A-1553b : Man on his knees speaking with a woman, Old Main in back
See also Buzzer 1914.
USU A-1554a : Two surreys carrying visitors near the Model Barn, just north of Old Main to the Quarter Centennial Pageant June 5, 1915
USU A-1554b : Students visiting the Logan Sugar Factory 1915
USU A-1554c : "A" -Day football rally
The President's Residence* can be Seen on the left.
October 2, 1913
USU A-1555a : "Dutch Band" posing outside on "Loud Sock Day" November 26, 1913
USU A-1555b : Band dressed in sombreros 1914
USU A-1555c : Baseball team
Coach C.T. Teetzel fourth person from the right on the top row. See also Buzzer 1914, and Buzzer 1915, p. 90.
USU A-1556a : Large group of men seated and standing on a lawn outside of a building, probably Old Main
USU A-1556b : Group of men posing on a lawn, with the Experiment Station behind them
The smokestack, Director's Residence, President's Residence*, and the University Annex* can also be Seen in the background.
USU A-1556c : Large group of people dressed in costumes of graduation robes and mustaches posing in a building, probably the Nelson Fieldhouse
USU A-1557 : "Track Squad: (Top row, L to R) Williams, Catmul, Owen, Snow, Peterson, Hendricks, Maughn, Hillam, Vorhees, and Teetzel (Coach). (Bottom row, L to R) Salisbury, Hickman, Aldous, Anderson, and Madson. "
See also Buzzer 1914 and Buzzer 1915, p. 87. See also P0014 5:03:13 and 5:04:06. See also USU A-0684d.
USU A-1559a : Four men pretending to be held up and robbed at gunpoint by two other men ca. 1915
USU A-1559b : Five men, two holding guns, pretending to chop off the head of another man ca. 1915
USU A-1560a : Two men in costume standing on a horse-drawn cart for Senior Circus March 20, 1915
USU A-1560b : Group of people dressed in clown costume at the Senior Circus March 20, 1915
USU A-1560c : Group of four people riding in a decorated automobile for a parade, with a clown and the two men featured in USU A-1560a behind them March 20, 1915
USU A-1561 : Sorosis "Kid Party," April 1914
USU A-1563a : March from campus to Adams Field for the football rally before the UAC vs. University of Wyoming game October 1915
USU A-1563b : March from campus to Adams Field for the football rally before the UAC vs. University of Wyoming game October 1915
USU A-1564a : Two participants in "Loud Sock Day," November 26, 1913
USU A-1564b : Track meet against the University of Utah
See also Buzzer 1916, p. 96-97.
USU A-1564c : Track meet against the University of Utah
See also Buzzer 1916, p. 96-97.
USU A-1564d : Track meet against the University of Utah
See also Buzzer 1916, p. 96-97.
USU A-1565a : Dr. Elmer Darwin Ball, Professor of Zoology and Director of the Experiment Station, holding a child in front of Old Main
USU A-1565b : Dr. E. G. Titus, Professor of Zoology and Entomology from 1908-1917, in the College Museum 1915
USU A-1566a : Large group from the Utah State College Natural History Field Expedition posing in front of their banner
It was the first such major Southern Utah Field Expedition for USAC.
USU A-1566b : Female participant in the Southern Utah Field Expedition walking through a field
USU A-1567 : View of the Model Barn and Experiment Station corrals from the north wing tower of Old Main
The Conservatory can be Seen in the foreground.
ca. 1906
USU A-1568 : David Hughes, Instructor and assistant in Woodcarving, 1909-1912
USU A-1569a : "Method of taking soil samples." Extension Service photo
See also P0014 6:09. See also ACU Experiment Station Bulletin, no. 80, plate 9.
USU A-1569b : Two men seated on a plow drawn by three horses
Extension Service photo.
USU A-1570a : Part of irrigation system
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 6:03.
USU A-1570b : Man standing on Old Main Hill*, next to rows of trees and shrubs. The President's Residence*, Director's Residence, Experiment Station, and the north wing of Old Main can be seen in the background.
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 6:294. See USU A-1575b.
USU A-1571a : Group of seven people working in the College Dairy
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 5:09:02.
USU A-1571b : Man operating horse drawn machinery that is used to stack hay/straw
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 9:12.
USU A-1572a : Sheep in front of barn, fitted with waste bags.
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 6:78.
USU A-1572b : Large group of people and horses
Extension Service photo.
USU A-1573a : Four men working at two forges in a blacksmith shop
Extension Service photo. See P0014 8:216. See also ACU Catalogue, 1904-05.
ca. 1904
USU A-1573b : Women cooking for a class in the College Kitchen
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 3:06:11. See also ACU Catalogue, 1904-05.
ca. 1904.
USU A-1574a : Two men sitting by a large shed and a water wheel with a caption reading "Old wheel and Eagle gate. S.L.C."
Extension Service photo.
USU A-1574b : Men harvesting a field
Extension Service photo.
USU A-1575a : Two men working at a forge in a blacksmith shop
Extension Service photo. Cropped duplicate of USU A-1573a. See also P0014 1:19:12, 8:216, and 8:249. See also ACU Catalogue, 1904-05.
ca. 1904.
USU A-1575b : Man standing on Old Main Hill*, next to rows of trees and shrubs. The President's Residence*, Director's Residence, Experiment Station, and the north wing of Old Main can be Seen in the background.
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 6:294. See USU A-1570b.
USU A-1576a : A display of agricultural specimens
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 1:13:18, 1:16:20, and 8:244.
USU A-1576b : Horse drawn sleighs gathered around the Farm Superintendent's Residence, Horse Barn, Conservatory, Boiler House, and part of Old Main*
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 8:238.
USU A-1577a : Exhibit of fruit by the Wilson Bros. of Ogden, Utah
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 9:153.
USU A-1577b : "Potatoes grown with 19.98 inches of water." Two piles of potatoes, irrigation system, other crop fields, looking southeast.
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 6:22. See also ACU Experiment Station Bulletin, no. 80, plate 13.
USU A-1578a : Men gathered around tractor-like machine, cattle and sheep barns in background
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 3:05:13-14.
ca. 1910.
USU A-1578b : Group of men surrounding two men that are holding down a horse
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 5:01:15.
winter ca. 1910.
USU A-1579a : Students conducting experiments, possibly in the Mineralogy Laboratory
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 3:02:11.
USU A-1579b : Chicken coops and runs
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 9:38. See also ACU Experiment Station Bulletin, no. 51, p. 17.
USU A-1580a : Six men dissecting/skinning horse, left side of horse
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 2:06:07.
USU A-1580b : Crop experimentation in pots, men standing next to some sort of scale that is weighing pots. Crops and Logan Canyon in background.
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 9:29.
USU A-1581a : Men harvesting hay/straw with horse drawn wagons.
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 9:09.
USU A-1581b : Figure drawing of three baskets with eggs, used to illustrate the average number of eggs produced by three different types of chickens in a year
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 9:44. See Experiment Station Bulletin, no. 51.
ca. 1897
USU A-1582a : Biological Laboratory. Men and women in classroom looking through microscopes and taking notes
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 2:03:12 and 7:49. See also USU A-1220b. See also ACU Catalogue, 1902-03.
USU A-1582b : Three men working in the college dairy
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 5:09:01.
early 1900s
USU A-1583a : "Hotel Eagle." Building may possibly be some sort of sugar beet factory
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 7:23.
USU A-1583b : Man standing in a field
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 10:110.
USU A-1584a : Hand made tools, board display
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 7:72.
USU A-1584b : Stock-Judging, cattle barn in background
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 2:02:18 and 7:10. See also ACU Catalogue, 1902-03.
USU A-1585a : Men stacking hay with a crane system
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 8:104.
USU A-1585b : Man squatting down by an irrigation ditch.
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 6:470.
USU A-1586a : Man standing next to a dissected horse carcass hanging from ceiling
Extension Service photo. See P0014 4:13:05.
USU A-1586b : Dissected horse legs hanging from ceiling
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 4:15:17.
USU A-1587a : Woman next to blossoming tree
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 6:168.
early 1900s.
USU A-1587b : Man and woman near blossoming tree
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 6:167.
early 1900s.
USU A-1588a : Piles of shucked corncobs in field
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 6:36.
USU A-1588b : Sack of plants
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 6:470.
USU A-1589a : Men watching water flow into irrigation system.
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 7:90.
USU A-1589b : Cache Valley Dairy Coop. Building
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 7:87.
USU A-1590a : Separator machines in the college dairy.
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 7:110. See also ACU Catalogue, 1905-06.
USU A-1590b : College Dairy in basement of Old Main
Dairy Science classes taught here. Extension Service photo. See also P0014 7:186.
ca. 1903
USU A-1591a : Experiment Station on campus
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 7:132.
early 1900s.
USU A-1591b : Man in pasture with bull, barn and haystack in background
Extension Service photo. See also P0014 4:07:01.
USU A-1592 : Man standing next to a carriage parked outside the Mechanic Arts Building
ca. 1912
USU A-1593 : Examples of tools made by metal work students
ca. 1912
USU A-1594 : Wagon
USU A-1595 : "The Old Milk Wagon." Wagon with the UAC symbol on the side
See also Buzzer 1928, p. 33.
USU A-1596 : Examples of tools made by metal work students
See also P0014 1:14:15.
ca. 1912
USU A-1597 : Group of men posed outside of the Mechanic Arts Building
USU A-1598 : Group of men posed outside of the Mechanic Arts Building
USU A-1599 : Parts for building a wagon
USU A-1600 : Parts for building a wagon
USU A-1601 : Parts for building a wagon
USU A-1602 : Man working on building a wagon outside of a room marked "Carriage room," 1890s
USU A-1603 : Man building the wheel of a wagon 1890s
USU A-1604 : Man building the wheel of a wagon 1890s
USU A-1605 : Man building the wheel of a wagon 1890s
USU A-1606 : Man building the wheel of a wagon 1890s
USU A-1607 : Man shaving a piece of wood for a part in a wagon 1890s
USU A-1608 : Man shaving a piece of wood for a part in a wagon 1890s
USU A-1609 : Three men building a wagon 1890s
USU A-1610 : Three men building a wagon 1890s
USU A-1611 : Two men building the frame of a wagon wheel 1890s
USU A-1612 : Two men building the frame of a wagon wheel 1890s
USU A-1613 : Two men posing next to a wagon 1890s
USU A-1614 : Group of five men posing next to a wagon outdoors 1890s
USU A-1615 : Group of five men posing next to a wagon outdoors 1890s
USU A-1616 : Group of six men posing next to a wagon outdoors 1890s
USU A-1617 : Group of six men posing next to a wagon outdoors 1890s
USU A-1618 : Group of six men posing next to a wagon outdoors 1890s
USU A-1619 : Two men posing next to a wagon outdoors 1890s
USU A-1620 : Group of thirteen men posing next to a wagon outdoors 1890s
USU A-1621 : Two men posing next to a wagon outdoors 1890s
USU A-1622 : Group of seven men posing next to a wagon outdoors 1890s
USU A-1622a : Old Main fire
See USU Statesman Jan. 2, 1984. See also USU A-1623 and USU A-1716.
December 19, 1983
USU A-1623 : Interior view of the Old Main cafeteria in the basement of the east wing when it was used as a barrack for military personnel during World War II 1940s
USU A-1623a : Man leveling concrete on the basement floor of Old Main with a jack hammer during the restoration process following the fire Jan. 24, 1985
USU A-1624 : Original framing in Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1624a : Interior view of the Old Main basement in the south wing when it was used as a barrack for military personnel in World War II 1940s
USU A-1625 : Framing on the second floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
Opposite view of USU A-1626.
USU A-1626 : Framing in the former language lab on the second floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1627 : View from the main hall of the east wall on the second floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1628 : Former Academic Services office with the interior partitions removed in Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
It is now occupied by the President's Conference room. Note the corner of the brick chemical vault to the extreme left. See also USU A-1663 and USU A-1706.
February 19, 1985
USU A-1629 : Second floor language lab from the doorway in Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
See also USU A-1630.
USU A-1630 : Second floor language lab from the doorway in Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
See also USU A-1629.
USU A-1631 : Second floor language lab with the details of the raised office space in Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1632 : Second floor language lab office framing in Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
Note the iron support column in the far right.
USU A-1633 : Second floor looking north in Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1634 : Workman removing plaster from an interior wall by an original door frame leading from the second floor hall into a classroom area in Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1635 : Framing and windows in a second floor classroom in Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1636 : Former classroom in the northeast corner of the second floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
Note the barrow dump in background.
USU A-1637 : Framing and brick detail in Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
(Note: photo inverted.)
USU A-1638 : Detail of the first floor ceiling in the Registration Office showing the original framing and the later lowered ceilings in Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1639 : Original support beam on the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1640 : Forms for wall-reinforcing concrete on the west wall of the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
See also USU A-1641.
USU A-1641 : Detail of the concrete form on the west wall of the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
See also USU A-1640 and USU A-1642.
USU A-1642 : Detail of the concrete form on the west wall of the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
See also USU A-1641.
USU A-1643 : Undamaged section of the north wing of the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
Photo taken before the complete removal of the modern framing. See also USU A-1644.
USU A-1644 : Undamaged section of the north wing of the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
Photo taken before the complete removal of the modern framing. See also USU A-1645.
USU A-1645 : Original framing on the third floor of Old Main. Note the three foot scale. Photo taken during the Old Main restoration process following the fire
See also USU A-1647. Compare photo with USU A-1691, USU A-1695, and USU A-1711.
USU A-1646 : Framing detail on the third floor of Old Main. Photo taken during the Old Main restoration process following the fire but later than USU A-1645 1985
USU A-1647 : Original framing on the third floor of Old Main. Note the three foot scale. Photo taken during the Old Main restoration process following the fire
See also USU A-1645.
USU A-1648 : Third floor cleared of debris looking south toward the main portion of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
Note the salvaged brick and temporary stairwell cover. Opposite view to USU A-1649.
USU A-1649 : Third floor looking south toward the main portion of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
Opposite view to USU A-1648. See also USU A-1650 and USU A-1686.
USU A-1650 : Original brick wall on the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
See also USU A-1649 and USU A-1686.
USU A-1651 : Tower entrance from the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
The horizontal boards are stairs into the tower. Note the three foot scale.
USU A-1652 : Pipe cutter in the mechanical area of the basement of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1653 : Original concrete covered arch at the foot of the new stairs in the basement of the north wing of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1654 : View looking north down the main hall of the basement in Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
The former testing center occupied the space to the left. Compare to USU A-1702.
USU A-1655 : Stairs with the finishing removed in the basement of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1656 : Door into the mechanical area at the foot of the old stairs, showing the plaster removed from the laid-stone interior wall in the basement of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1657 : Stone walls faced with reinforcing concrete in the basement of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1658 : View of the first floor showing the old staircase in Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1659 : View looking down the main hall of the second floor in Old Main during the restoration process following the fire Jan. 23, 1985
USU A-1660 : Original wall framing and new flooring joists on the second floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1661 : Door to the undamaged portion of the building on the second floor and the new flooring joists in Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1662 : View of the north wall on the first floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
Windows now a part of the President's Conference room. Note the changes in the brick work.
USU A-1663 : Interior walls with the wall plaster partially removed on the first floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
See also USU A-1628 and USU A-1706.
USU A-1664 : Decorative iron support column on the first floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
The workman is standing near the top of the old stairs.
USU A-1665 : Water damaged walls in Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
A survey was made by removing material above doors in the damaged area to determine which openings actually existed in the original structure.
USU A-1666 : View looking south down the main hall on the second floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1667 : View looking north down the main hall on the second floor toward the stairs leading to what would have been the third floor of Old Main. Photo taken during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1668 : Former language lab with the partitions removed and new sub-flooring in place on the second floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
See also USU A-1669.
USU A-1669 : Former language lab with the partitions removed and new sub-flooring in place on the second floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
See also USU A-1668.
USU A-1670 : View looking south down the main hall of the second floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1671 : Removal of water damaged flooring on the second floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1672 : Drainage trencher in the basement of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire Jan. 23, 1985
USU A-1673 : Reinforcing concrete on the west wall of the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
See also USU A-1674.
USU A-1674 : Reinforcing concrete on the west wall of the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
See also USU A-1673.
USU A-1675 : Framing sill installed on the reinforcing concrete on the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1676 : New steel support columns and salvaged brick piled alongside the third floor temporary stairwell cover in Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1677 : Framing from the undamaged walls of the cartography room left standing on the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
The frames were later removed in remodeling.
USU A-1678 : New crossbeam in place on the third floor of the north tower of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
The crane boom is the shown to the right.
USU A-1679 : Workmen lowering the crossbeam into place on the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1680 : Workmen securing the corner support on the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1681 : Workmen installing the rafters to join the undamaged roof to the new addition on the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1682 : Rafters being framed in by workmen on the northeast corner of the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
Maeser Lab shown in the background. See also USU A-1683.
USU A-1683 : Third floor rafters in Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
Maeser Lab shown through the open window space. See also USU A-1682.
USU A-1684 : Cupola support framing on the third floor inside of Old Main. Photo taken during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1685 : View of beam and joist work from the old stairs to the third floor in Old Main. Photo taken during the restoration process following the fire Jan. 22, 1985
USU A-1686 : Steel support beam laid in place on the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
See also USU A-1649, USU A-1650, and USU A-1687.
USU A-1687 : Detailed view of the steel support beam laid in place on the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
See USU A-1686.
USU A-1688 : Steel crossbeam end in place against the exterior third floor wall of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1689 : Sheet rockers working on the south wall of the new cartography lab in Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1690 : Undamaged north wing roof with a new steel beam support in place on the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
Note the charring to the cross beams. See also USU A-1694 and USU A-1715.
USU A-1691 : Undamaged rafters and roof sheeting on the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
Compare photo with USU A-1645, USU A-1695, and USU A-1711.
USU A-1692 : Workmen installing a crossbeam on the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
See also USU A-1693.
USU A-1693 : Workmen installing a crossbeam on the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
See also USU A-1692.
USU A-1694 : New cartography lab on the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
Note the surface charring to the crossbeams. See also USU A-1690 and USU A-1715.
USU A-1695 : Insulation and vapor barrier in place on the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
Compare photo with USU A-1645, USU A-1691, and USU A-1711.
USU A-1696 : Workmen installing new roof sheeting prior to reshingling the roof of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1697 : Reconstructed cupola for roof corner of Old Main. Photo taken during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1698 : Reconstructed cupola for roof corner of Old Main. Photo taken during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1699 : Reconstructed base for the cupola for the roof corner of Old Main. Photo taken during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1700 : Reconstructed cupola for roof cornice of Old Main. Photo taken during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1701 : View looking south of the main hall in the basement of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1702 : View looking north of the main hall in the basement of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
Compare to USU A-1654.
USU A-1703 : Workmen laying reinforcing plywood diaphragm on the second floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1704 : View looking south down the first floor main hall and at the new stairs in the north wing of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1705 : Workman installing tread on the new stairs on the first floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1706 : President's Conference room in Old Main. Photo taken during the restoration process following the fire
Note the detail of the cast iron support column. See also USU A-1628, USU A-1663, and USU A-1707.
August 8, 1985.
USU A-1707 : President's Conference room in Old Main. Photo taken during the restoration process following the fire
Note the detail of the restored capital on the cast iron support column. See also USU A-1706 and USU A-1708.
August 8, 1985
USU A-1708 : Ceiling detail in the President's Conference room. Photo taken during the restoration process following the fire
See also USU A-1707.
August 8, 1985
USU A-1709 : Workman hanging ceiling tiles in the main hall of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire August 9, 1985
USU A-1710 : Drywall in classroom 304 on the third floor of Old Main. Photo taken during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1711 : Workmen installing heating ducts in the cartography lab in Old Main during the restoration process following the fire
Compare photo with USU A-1645, USU A-1691, and USU A-1695.
USU A-1712 : Taped sheetrock and heating ducts in the new cartography lab on the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1713 : Completed heating and lighting in the cartography lab on the third floor of Old Main during the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1714 : Cartography lab on the third floor of Old Main after the restoration process following the fire 1985
USU A-1715 : New furnished cartography lab on the third floor of Old Main after the restoration process following the fire
See also USU A-1690 and USU A-1694.
USU A-1716 : Reconstructed roof on the third floor of the north wing of Old Main 1985
USU A-1717 : Jeremiah Wilson Sanborn, Experiment Station Director and ACU President, 1890-1894
USU A-1718 : Josiah H. Paul, Experiment Station Director, 1894-1896
USU A-1719 : Luther Foster, Experiment Station Director, 1896-1900
USU A-1720 : John A. Widstoe, Experiment Station Director, 1900-1905, and ACU President, 1907-1916
USU A-1722 : Peter A. Yader, Experiment Station Director, 1905-1907
USU A-1723 : Elmer Darwin Ball, Experiment Station Director, 1907-1916
USU A-1724 : Franklin S. Harris, Experiment Station Director, 1916-1921, and USAC President, 1945-1950
USU A-1725 : William Peterson, Experiment Station Director, 1921-1928
USU A-1726 : Phillip Vincent Cardon, Experiment Station Director, 1928-1935
USU A-1727 : Lowry Nelson, Experiment Station Director, 1936-1937
USU A-1728 : Rudger Harper Walker, Experiment Station Director, 1938-1955
USU A-1729 : Kenneth Wilford Hill, Experiment Station Director, 1966-1971
USU A-1730 : David Wynne Thorne, Experiment Station Director, 1955 - 1966 and 1971-1974
USU A-1733 : John A Widstoe, ACU President, 1907-1916
USU A-1734 : Herman H. Wiebe, Professor of Biology, 1954
USU A-1735 : Herman H. Wiebe, Professor of Biology
USU A-1736 : Sterling A. Taylor, Professor of Soil Science, Department of Plants, Soils, and Biometeorology
USU A-1737 : Wilford Gardner, Professor of Soil Physics, Department of Plants, Soils, and Biometeorology
USU A-1738 : Franklin Harris, USAC President, 1945-1950
USU A-1739 : Orson W. Israelson, Professor of Irrigation and Drainage ca. 1916
USU A-1740 : Harry Sanborn, first captain of the ACU football team
Photo by Schmitt and Lang (formerly Cardon's), 3rd St., Logan.
USU A-1741 : Sarah Godwin Brown Goodwin (1840-1912,) first ACU librarian
USU A-1742 : Jeremiah Wilson Sanborn, first President of the Agricultural College of Utah, 1890-1894, and first Director of the Experiment Station, 1890-1894
USU A-1743 : Winter scene looking up Old Main Hill* toward the President's Residence* 1960s
USU A-1744 : View of the Morgan Theatre from the stage 1960s
USU A-1745 : Architectural drawing of the Fine Arts Center
"Perspective from southwest." Compare with USU A-1772.
USU A-1746 : Architectural drawing of the Fine Arts Center, 1967. Drawing by Burtch W. Beall, Jr. A.I.A. Architect
USU A-1747 : Morgan Theatre and stage 1967
USU A-1748 : Kent Concert Hall foyer in the Fine Arts Center 1967
USU A-1749 : Tony Grove Forestry Camp, College of Natural Resources 1972
USU A-1750 : View of the Business Building from the northwest 1973
USU A-1751 : Aggiettes ca. 1955
USU A-1752 : USU students skiing Beaver Mountain up Logan Canyon 1960s
USU A-1753 : Bear Lake Biological Laboratory 1975
USU A-1756 : Milton R. Merrill speaking at Commencement 1965
USU A-1757 : View of campus looking north along 800 East St. from the west tower of Old Main 1965
USU A-1758 : View of campus looking west from the roof of the Business Building
The photo was one in a series taken by campus planning to show parking lot wasteland on campus in advocacy of a second quad west of the Engineering Building. See also USU A-1767 through USU A-1771.
USU A-1759 : Architectural model of the Merrill Library* before the construction began 1963
USU A-1760 : King Hendricks, Professor of English and Director of Libraries
USU A-1761 : Elvert Himes, Director of the Summer School 1964
USU A-1762 : Douglas D. Alder, Professor of History and Director of the Honors Program at USU, as well as President of Dixie College
USU A-1763 : Architectural model of the new Harrison Museum and the Visual Arts wing of the Fine Arts Center 1975
USU A-1764 : View of the ramp leading into the University Inn 1983
USU A-1765 : Paul Wasserman, graduate of the College of Science 1965
USU A-1766 : W. Vosco Call and Kelly Lee Geddes acting in Othello 1978
USU A-1767 : View looking north from the roof of the Business Building
The photo was one in a series taken by campus planning to show parking lot wasteland on campus in advocacy of a second quad west of the Engineering Building. See also USU A-1758 and USU A-1768 through USU A-1771.
USU A-1768 : View looking southeast from the roof of the Business Building
The photo was one in a series taken by campus planning to show parking lot wasteland on campus in advocacy of a second quad west of the Engineering Building. See also USU A-1758 and USU A-1767 through USU A-1771.
USU A-1769 : View looking northwest from the roof of the Business Building
The photo was one in a series taken by campus planning to show parking lot wasteland on campus in advocacy of a second quad west of the Engineering Building. See also USU A-1758 and USU A-1767 through USU A-1771.
USU A-1770 : View looking south from the roof of the Business Building
The photo was one in a series taken by campus planning to show parking lot wasteland on campus in advocacy of a second quad west of the Engineering Building. See also USU A-1758 and USU A-1767 through USU A-1771.
USU A-1771 : View looking east from the roof of the Business Building
The photo was one in a series taken by campus planning to show parking lot wasteland on campus in advocacy of a second quad west of the Engineering Building. See also USU A-1758 and USU A-1767 through USU A-1771.
USU A-1772 : View of the Fine Arts Center from the southwest
Compare with USU A-1745.
USU A-1773 : Newman Center 1972
USU A-1774 : Trailer courts 1971
USU A-1775 : View of the LDS Institute of Religion from the south 1973
USU A-1776 : View of Aggie Village Triad apartments looking north along 1200 East St 1973
USU A-1777 : New Romney Stadium under construction 1968
USU A-1778 : Development Fund Staff, including: (sitting, L to R) Gerald R. Sherratt, S. J. Loughton, John W. Steinitz, (standing, L to R) William Shaw, Steve Black, and Roselina Sanders 1975
USU A-1779 : Dating Bureau for the Associated Women Students' dance 1941
USU A-1780 : Dr. Rudger H. Walker, Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, 1938-1955, and his wife Fawn Davies Walker
USU A-1781 : A.J. Simmons (left), Special Collections Librarian, and Burdette Peterson, Public Services Librarian, examining the contents of the 1930 Merrill Library* cornerstone 1966
USU A-1782 : Arlen L. (Ted) Hansen, University Photographer 1977
USU A-1783 : M. Judd Harmon, Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences
USU A-1784 : Flowerbed, in front of the Agricultural Science Building, displaying the University logo 1975
USU A-1785 : Harris Athletic Center, first built as a Sigma Kappa sorority 1973
USU A-1786 : Entrance to Old Main with several advertisements for the Junior Prom
See also Buzzer 1935, p. 151.
USU A-1787 : LaDell Andersen, USU Basketball Coach and Athletic Director, BYU Basketball Coach, and later coach of the "Utah Stars," an ABA basketball franchise
USU A-1788 : View from the north west of the entrance to the Merrill Library* 1978
USU A-1789 : Advertisement for the Circus Dance during Freshman Week 1937
USU A-1790 : Student body presidency, including: (front, L to R) Cathy Cannon, Public Relations; Neil Gruwell, President; Linda Watterson, Secretary; (back, L to R) Craig Hale, Academic; Curt Knudsen, Executive; Chris Eyre, Administrative; and Barry Bodily, Financial 1969
USU A-1791 : View of the Tanner Fountain and Plaza
It was dedicated May 31, 1980.
USU A-1792 : View of the playground east of the Edith Bowen Laboratory School 1970s
USU A-1793 : Aerial view looking east of the campus, featuring Old Main, the Quad, and the Merrill Library* 1967
USU A-1794 : Aerial view of south campus from the west
Note the completion of the HPER Building.
USU A-1795 : William P. Nye, Apiarist and Federal Collaborator, USDA
USU A-1796 : Professor Von H. Jarrett and student Ralph Pitcher in a tractor repair class 1970s
USU A-1797 : Portrait of Milton R. Merrill. Portrait done by Harrison Groutage
USU A-1798 : Carlton Culmsee, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
USU A-1799 : Doyle Matthews, Dean of Agriculture and Director of the Experiment Station
USU A-1800 : Winter scene of the University sign at the corner of 400 North St. and 700 East St
Photograph taken after new USU logo was developed.
USU A-1801 : Winter scene of the sidewalk north of the Quad, showing snow depth ca. 1978
USU A-1802 : William Ramsey, Director of Choral Music
USU A-1803 : George Dewey Clyde, Governor of Utah and former Dean of Engineering
USU A-1804 : Jay R. Bingham, a donor of USU, Salt Lake City
USU A-1805 : Jack Laughton (Development Office) and Tony Ernstrom view the mural in the entry hall of the Food & Nutrition Building 1975
USU A-1806a : Ice-covered "Spirea" at the south west corner of the Experiment Station Building ca. 1903
USU A-1806b : Man in military dress standing next to the ice-covered "Spirea" at the south west corner of the Experiment Station Building ca. 1903
USU A-1807 : Performers in the opera Aida during Act II, Scene II, staged in Old Main by director Walter Welti 1937
USU A-1808 : View of Old Main and Mechanic Arts Building from the south
Gift of Utah Power & Light, 1987.
June 20, 1913
USU A-1809 : Board of Trustees Chairman Thorpe B. Isaacson and Iranian farmer in Iran for USU's International Program ca. 1951
USU A-1810 : View of the Utah Water Research Laboratory from First Dam soon after completion 1965
USU A-1811 : University President Glenn L Taggart, Vice President Clark Ballard, and campus architect Paul Salisbury examine plans for a renovation of the Animal Industry Building ca. 1975
USU A-1812 : View of the Hatch Room in the Merrill Library* 1950
USU A-1813a : Phoebe Nebeker Peterson, wife of USAC President E. G. Peterson
USU A-1813b : Hazel Parkinson, USU alum
USU A-1814a : Larry C. Cole, Dean of Engineering
USU A-1814b : Milton R. Merrill, Academic Vice President until 1968
USU A-1815a : Mattie Ann Abrams, Director of Friends of Library program
USU A-1815b : Mary Maughan, member of the USU College Bowl team and 1965 graduate of USU
USU A-1816 : Ann Buttars and visiting scholar Donald Clancy of Ohio State University examine the Jack London collection in Special Collections & Archives 1972
USU A-1817a : West stadium parking lot before striping 1973
USU A-1817b : West stadium parking lot after striping 1973
USU A-1818 : ACU football players Roy Egbert and Howard Madsen ca. 1907
USU A-1819 : Boyd Kenneth Packard, LDS Apostle and Preacher of the Baccalaureate Sermon at Commencement Exercises 1973
USU A-1820 : Rex G. Plowman, member of the Institutional Council and President of the Lewiston State Bank
USU A-1821 : Students in the Language Laboratory on the second floor of the north wing of Old Main
It was remodeled after the 1983 fire.
ca. 1976
USU A-1822 : University President Glen L. Taggart and his wife Phyllis P. Taggart ca. 1978
USU A-1823 : Dr. Gilbert Moore speaking with a student
Dr. Moore, Adjunct Professor of Physics, donated the "Get Away Special" payload on the Space Shuttle to the USU Center for Atmospheric and Space Sciences.
USU A-1824 : Harrison Museum of Art 1984
USU A-1825 : Student experimenters for USU "Get Away Special" on the Space Shuttle, from L to R: Taka Kitaura, Von Walden, and Sawat Tantiphanwadi 1985
USU A-1826 : Fire department pouring water on the fire in the north wing of Old Main December 19, 1983
USU A-1827 : Architectural rendering of 1912 campus master plan by Pray Hubbard & White
See also USU A-1834.
USU A-1828 : Stanford O. Cazier, University President, 1979-1992
USU A-1829 : Stanford O. Cazier, University President, 1979-1992
USU A-1830 : Space Shuttle payload bay which included the USU Vehicle Charging and Potential (VCAP) experiment. This view of the payload bay and Earth was shot on the 7th day of the Spacelab-2 mission August 5, 1985
USU A-1831 : Farm house and summer kitchen with students in 1890s costume at the Jensen Historical Living Farm 1980s
USU A-1832 : Wayne Vernon Estes (1943-1965), All-American basketball player
USU A-1833 : Aerial view of central campus looking from the southwest prior to the ground breaking for the Education Building 1987
USU A-1834 : Grounds plan for future development of the ACU
Plans developed by Pray, Hubbard, and White, a Boston landscape architectural firm. See also USU A-1827.
March 20, 1912
USU A-1835 : Earliest aerial photograph of campus
Photograph taken by David Robinson for the 1924 Summer School brochure.
USU A-1836 : Stanford O. Cazier in academic robes 1980s
USU A-1837 : Mary Cleave (Mary L. Cleave)
She was a graduate student in Microbial Ecology, 1975, and doctoral student in Civil and Environmental Engineering, 1979, at USU. She worked at Johnson Space Center in Houston from 1980-1991, during which time she was chosen to go into space for the STS 61-B mission in 1985 and the STS-30 mission in 1989. She is currently (2003) serving as the Deputy Associate Administrator of Advanced Planning in the Office of Earth Science at NASA Headquarters.
USU A-1838a : Karen Williams Morse, head of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Dean of the College of Science, and first recipient of the Dr. Nicholas C. and Mary Katherine Leone Leadership Award Sept. 14, 1987
USU A-1838b : Karen Williams Morse, head of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Dean of the College of Science, and first recipient of the Dr. Nicholas C. and Mary Katherine Leone Leadership Award Sept. 14, 1987
USU A-1839 : Group of people outside of a bus 1960s
USU A-1840 : Group of people looking at papers outside of the Student Union Building* 1960s
USU A-1841 : University Annex*
USU A-1842 : Students in an art class 1950s
USU A-1843 : Temporary building east of the Merrill Library* housing the English Offices ca. 1964
USU A-1844 : View of the back of a building
USU A-1845 : View from the east showing the back side of the University Annex* 1964
USU A-1846 : Temporary buildings east of the Merrill Library*
They were moved to campus in 1947 and used as the Temporary Union Building (TUB) from 1947-1952 and as the English Department Offices from 1952-1967.
USU A-1847 : Set of looms in a classroom
USU A-1848 : Set of machinery and tools in an unfinished room, possibly the loft in the Art Barn
USU A-1849 : View of the University Annex* from the east
USU A-1850 : View of the Animal Industry Building from the west
USU A-1851 : Aerial view of campus ca. 1963
USU A-1852 : Temporary buildings used for the Music Department
They were used from the 1950s - ca. 1968.
USU A-1853 : George Hills Kelker, Professor of Wildlife Resources 1972
USU A-1854 : Military parade on the Quad, as Seen from the roof of the Ray B. West Building
Gift of Frank J. Licardi, 1987.
June 1943
USU A-1855 : Aerial view of campus from the west with an Army Air Corps training plane shown in the upper right hand corner
Photo taken from over the intersection of 500 North St. and 400 East St. Gift of Frank J. Licardi, 1987. See also USU A-1074.
USU A-1856 : Nearly overhead aerial view of the USAC campus, taken from an Air Corps training plane
Gift of Frank J. Licardi, 1987.
USU A-1857a : Frank J. Licardi on horseback on the Sigma Chi lawn
Gift of Frank J. Licardi, 1987.
August 10, 1943
USU A-1857b : Army Air Corp personnel housed in the Sigma Chi house
Gift of Frank J. Licardi, 1987.
USU A-1859a : Frank J. Licardi in uniform, saluting on the lawn of the Sigma Chi house
Gift of Frank J. Licardi, 1987.
May 23, 1943
USU A-1859b : Frank J. Licardi on horseback on the lawn of the Sigma Chi house
Gift of Frank J. Licardi, 1987.
June 14, 1943
USU A-1859a : Army Air Corps training planes at the Cache Airport
Gift of Frank J. Licardi, 1987.
USU A-1859b : Army Air Corps training planes at the Cache Airport
Gift of Frank J. Licardi, 1987.
USU A-1860a : Lund Hall, used as barracks by the Aviation Cadets
Gift of Frank J. Licardi, 1987.
June 15, 1943.
USU A-1860b : View of the Utah State Capitol, from the southeast
Gift of Frank J. Licardi, 1987.
USU A-1861a : Frank J. Licardi, Aviation Cadet
Gift of Frank J. Licardi, 1987.
July 1943
USU A-1861b : Frank J. Licardi (left) and William C. Bentley (right) at the Bushnell Army Hospital in Brigham City, Utah
Gift of Frank J. Licardi, 1987.
June 17, 1943.
USU A-1863a : Military review for Squad VI on the Quad
Gift of Frank J. Licardi, 1987.
August 1943
USU A-1863b : Military review for Squad VI on the Quad
Gift of Frank J. Licardi, 1987.
August 1943
USU A-1864a : Military review for Squad VI on the Quad
Note the Naval personnel. Gift of Frank J. Licardi, 1987.
August 1943
USU A-1864b : Military review for Squad VI on the Quad
Gift of Frank J. Licardi, 1987.
August 1943
USU A-1865a : Squad of Air Corps trainees dressing ranks on the Quad before their review
Gift of Frank J. Licardi, 1987.
USU A-1865b : Animal Industry Building, used as a barrack for sailors training at USAC
Gift of Frank J. Licardi, 1987.
June 15, 1943
USU A-1866a : Retreat for Squads VI and VII on Graduation Day
Plant Industry Building shown in background. Gift of Frank J. Licardi, 1987.
August 1943.
USU A-1866b : Retreat for Squads VI and VII on Graduation Day
Plant Industry Building shown in background. Gift of Frank J. Licardi, 1987.
August 1943.
USU A-1867 : Band in formation on the Quad, with the Plant Industry Building and Merrill Library* shown in background 1936
USU A-1868 : Kent Ryan scores a touchdown in a football game with Colorado University
See Buzzer 1937, p. 271.
USU A-1869 : Music Listening lab in the south east corner of the basement of Old Main ca. 1964
USU A-1870 : View of the Art Barn, formerly used as a horse barn for the Agricultural Experiment Station ca. 1962
USU A-1871 : View of the Newspaper Agency Building
It was acquired by USU from Aubrey H. Parker in 1969 and used as the USU Credit Union from 1969-1977, as the Women's Athletics Building from 1978-1987, and as the Campus & Community Newspaper Agency building since 1987.
USU A-1872a : Leonard J. Arrington, Professor of History
USU A-1872b : Kent Cotton
USU A-1873 : Portrait of three people, with Stephen Glen Taggart in center
USU A-1874 : Mrs. Johanna Moen, Head of the Textile Department and Acting Dean of the School of Home Economics early 1900s
USU A-1875 : Three men examining vegetables in a field 1960s
USU A-1876 : Three men examining vegetables in a field 1960s
USU A-1877 : Group of six men sitting at table or possibly a counter in a store 1960s
USU A-1878 : Group of five people in a field 1960s
USU A-1879 : Irrigation canal in a field 1960s
USU A-1880 : Man working on a machine
USU A-1881 : Vegetables
USU A-1882 : Fields with rows labeled in Spanish
USU A-1883 : Women working on textile machines 1970s
USU A-1884 : Three men standing by a car outside of building
USU A-1885 : Chapel in the USU Stake Center
Compliment of the Herald Journal.
USU A-1886 : Champion track team, including: (First row, L to R) Coach Dick Romney, Farrar, Burke, Beal, Worthington, Saunders, Anderson, Christensen, and Hogan (manager). (Second row, L to R) Hawley, Foxley, Bailey, Hawkes, Watkins, Walker, Norton, Tolman, Stanger, Jeppeson, Smith, Gadd, and Geddes. (Third row, L to R) Bennion, Nielson, Call, Gadd, Harris, Smith, Lunt (captain), Smart, Richardson, Wood, and Phillips. (Fourth row, L to R) Keetch, Nello, Nuffer, Warburton, Blood, Layton, Hartvigsen, Gills, Geddes, and Hartvigsen 1926
USU A-1887 : Scenes from the "Smoke-In" demonstration on campus, including Hampton Brown III, A. J. Simmons, LeRoy Searle, and Courtney Smith
Photographs ordered by Claude Burtenshaw, Dean of Students, to identify the students in the demonstration. 120 mm. negative proof sheet. See also USU A-1888 through USU A-1893.
April 19-20, 1965.
USU A-1888 : Scenes from the "Smoke-In" demonstration on campus, including A. J. Simmons, David O. Jensen, and Sheila Gates
Photographs ordered by Claude Burtenshaw, Dean of Students, to identify the students in the demonstration. 120 mm. negative proof sheet. See also USU A-1887 through USU A-1893.
April 19-20, 1965.
USU A-1889 : Scenes from the "Smoke-In" demonstration on campus, including Kim Dalby
Photographs ordered by Claude Burtenshaw, Dean of Students, to identify the students in the demonstration. See also USU A-1887 through USU A-1893.
April 19-20, 1965.
USU A-1890 : Scenes from the "Smoke-In" demonstration on campus
Photographs ordered by Claude Burtenshaw, Dean of Students, to identify the students in the demonstration. See also USU A-1887 through USU A-1893.
April 19-20, 1965
USU A-1891 : Scenes from the "Smoke-In" demonstration on campus
Photographs ordered by Claude Burtenshaw, Dean of Students, to identify the students in the demonstration. See also USU A-1887 through USU A-1893.
April 19-20, 1965
USU A-1892 : Scenes from the "Smoke-In" demonstration on campus
Photographs ordered by Claude Burtenshaw, Dean of Students, to identify the students in the demonstration. See also USU A-1887 through USU A-1893.
April 19-20, 1965
USU A-1893 : Scenes from the "Smoke-In" demonstration on campus
Photographs ordered by Claude Burtenshaw, Dean of Students, to identify the students in the demonstration. See also USU A-1887 through USU A-1893.
April 19-20, 1965
USU A-1894a : Group gathered at a ceremony 1970s
USU A-1894b : Man speaking at a ceremony
Photo by Elmer F. Clark.
USU A-1895 : University Annex* 1890s
USU A-1897 : Three men running track 1970s
USU A-1898 : Man playing a video game 1970s
USU A-1899 : Crowd gathered in a stadium, with a portion of the people holding signs which spell out "Logan," 1920s
USU A-1900 : View of the west tower of Old Main from the south early 1900s
USU A-1901 : Barns and corrals on the north side of campus
USU A-1902a : Edwin L. Petersen
Photo courtesy of the Cache Citizen.
ca. 1988.
USU A-1902b : Gary Richardson
Photo courtesy of the Cache Citizen.
ca. 1988
USU A-1902c : Jack Spence, a local environmentalist
Photo courtesy of the Cache Citizen.
ca. 1988
USU A-1903 : Sky View High School band performing at Romney Stadium
Photo courtesy of the Cache Citizen.
ca. 1988
USU A-1904 : University President Stanford Cazier hugging Chris Avery, ASUSU Student Body President, as he presents him the Bill Robbins Memorial award
Photo courtesy of the Cache Citizen, May 14, 1988, p. 7B.
May 7,1988.
USU A-1905a : Actors in the play Taming of the Shrew, including Dennis Hassan (Grumino) in the center
Photo courtesy of the Cache Citizen.
ca. 1988.
USU A-1905b : John Rat, speaking at the Campus Crusade for Christ
Photo courtesy of the Cache Citizen.
ca. 1988
USU A-1906 : Barre Toelken, USU Folklore Department Head
Photo courtesy of the Cache Citizen.
ca. 1988.
USU A-1907a : Timo Tagaloa
Photo courtesy of the Cache Citizen.
USU A-1907b : Chuck Shelton, Head Football Coach
Photo courtesy of the Cache Citizen.
USU A-1908a : Rod Tueller, Head Basketball Coach
Photo courtesy of the Cache Citizen.
USU A-1908b : Chris Pella, former Head Football Coach.
Photo courtesy of the Cache Citizen.
USU A-1909a : Sharon Allen (left) and Jo Daly (right) making Christmas goodies at the Jensen Historical Farm
Photo courtesy of the Cache Citizen.
December 1986.
USU A-1909b : George Chapman (left) looks on while Mike Johnson pours hot coffee and cider for guests
Photo courtesy of the Cache Citizen.
December 1986.
USU A-1910a : Dan Stebbins assisting children onto a wagon at the Jensen Historical Farm
Photo courtesy of the Cache Citizen.
December 1986
USU A-1910b : Dr. Jay Anderson, Director of the Jensen Historical Farm
Photo courtesy of the Cache Citizen.
December 1986
USU A-1911a : Michael Lyons, Political Science faculty member.
Photo courtesy of the Cache Citizen.
USU A-1911b : Doyle Matthews
Photo courtesy of the Cache Citizen.
USU A-1912a : Don Lind, former NASA astronaut, demonstrates a satellite experiment at USU
Photo courtesy of the Cache Citizen.
USU A-1912b : Official portrait of Don Lind, former NASA astronaut and grand marshal of the Smithfield Health Days parade
Photo courtesy of the Cache Citizen, June 9, 1988, p. 1C.
USU A-1913a : B. Madsen
Photo courtesy of the Cache Citizen.
USU A-1913b : Dick Michaud, Financial Aid staff member.
Photo courtesy of the Cache Citizen.
USU A-1914 : University President Standford Cazier presents Ezra Taft Benson, LDS Church President, with the Centennial Award
Photo courtesy of the Cache Citizen, May 14, 1988, p. 11A.
May 11, 1988
USU A-1915a : Dean Richard L. Smith (left) and Mr. and Mrs. Hero Champ, Old Main Society
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
April 15, 1980
USU A-1915b : Mr. and Mrs. Merrill C. Daines
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1916a : Merlin Olsen and LaDell Andersen
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1916b : LaDell Andersen and Mr. and Mrs. Ev Thorpe
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1917 : Group photograph of: (standing, L to R) Ralph Johnson, Mrs. Gladys T. O'Conner, USU President Glen L. Taggart, Lemore Richards, M.D., Guarth Hansen, (sitting, L to R) Stephen C. Richards, John Richards, Henry W. Richards, and Wendell L. Cottorell
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1918a : H. Craig Petersen, Economics Department faculty member
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1918b : Emma Rae Eyre, USU alumna
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1918c : E. L. "Dick" Romney, former Head Football coach
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1919a : Tom Moulton, USU ticket manager
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1919b : Serge N. Benson, USU faculty member
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1919c : Mel Wood
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1920a : Donniel Horlacher, USU faculty member
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1920b : Ray Lundahl
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1920c : Marjorie Hatch
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1920d : Les Laird
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1921a : Newell A Nelson, Burley, Idaho
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1921b : Chall Allred
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1921c : Thelma Huber
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1922a : Theodore R. Maughan
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1922b : Buton W. Silcock
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1922c : E. J. Berry
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1922d : John H. Whittier
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1923a : Eldon Drake
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1923b : Reese K. Allen
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1923c : Monte Buttars
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1923d : Glen C. Baugh
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1924a : Steven D. Green
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1924b : Noal "Red" Burnett
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1924c : Lavon J. Dalley
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1924d : Phyllis Snow, Dean of the College of Family Life, 1961-78
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1925a : Lee Cantwell
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1925b : Margene Thorpe
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1925c : J. Stan Meyrick
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1926a : Wayne S. Peterson
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1926b : Dr. Jay Nelson
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1927a : Newel H. Comish
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1927b : Joan Shaw
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1927c : Paul Weiser
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1927d : William H. Bennett
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1928a : Stanford O. Cazier, University President
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1928b : Ray James
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1928c : Sylvan Erickson
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1928d : Jay R. Bingham
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1929a : George Judah
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1929b : Cleve Milligan
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1929c : Wynn Johnson
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1929d : M. Judd Harmon
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1930a : Janet and William Ferguson
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1930b : C. Jeremiah Sanborn, first ACU president
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1930c : Guarth Hansen
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1930d : Alma Sonne, Chairman of the Board of Directors
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1931a : Grant Taggart
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1931b : Ross P. Game
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1932a : Morris Angell
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1932b : James Louis Knoll
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1933a : Malcolm Merrill
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1933b : Spence Gardner
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1933c : Larry Smith
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1934a : Eugene Hanson
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1934b : Gary Higley
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1935a : Genevieve Folsom
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1935b : Robert S. Budge
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1936a : Native American students receiving tutoring at the Indian Reading Center
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
ca. 1970.
USU A-1936b : Native American student in the Indian Reading Center
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
ca. 1970.
USU A-1937a : Two students posing by the USU sign located on the south east corner of the Chase Fine Arts Center
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1937b : Student standing by the USU sign at the southwest corner of Old Main Hill*
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1938a : Group at a registration table 1960s
USU A-1938b : Four men on stage, three sitting down, including former University Presidents Daryl Chase and Glen L. Taggart, and one man speaking at a podium
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1939a : Clark Ballard, Vice President of Continuing Education (left); Art Jones, Assistant State 4H representative (center); and J. L. Christensen, Chevron Oil area representative (right) presenting a check.
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1939b : Dean Robert Collier, College of History
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1940a : Jay Don Blake teeing off
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1940b : Larry Anderson, First Security Corporation, presenting the 1974 Scholarship awards to USU President Glenn Taggart ca. 1974
USU A-1941 : Man working in the wind tunnel in the Water Research Laboratory
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1942 : Forestry Week activities, with students in the Forestry Department hoisting their mascot Paul Bunyan onto the flagpole outside of Old Main
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1943a : Three men riding in the back of a car during a parade, including University President Glen L. Taggart
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1943b : Milton R. Merrill, Academic Vice President.
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1944a : Display of book cover for Remembering: E. G. Peterson, His Life and Our Story, by Glen Edwards
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1944b : Painting by Ev Thorpe and Gaell Lindstrom on the first floor of the Merrill Library*
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1945a : Water Research Lab under construction
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1945b : William Godfrey, USU alumnus, of Highland Dairyman's Assoc., presenting a jeep to Dr. C.A. Bernston, Head of the Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1946 : Signing of Venezuela contract with (L to R) Earl J. Roueche, University President Daryl Chase, and Joao Goncalves de Souza
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
June 16, 1964
USU A-1947a : Fish virus studies at the Water Research Laboratory
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1947b : Water diverted directly from the Logan River and used for a variety of experiments at the Water Research Laboratory
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1948 : Laying out and striping the Romney Stadium parking lot
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1949 : Rod W. Jensen, Athletics Association President
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
May 1972.
USU A-1950a : Irvin T. Nelson
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1950b : Robert Hansen
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1951a : Max Dolby conducting the orchestra
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1951b : Limeliters performing at USU
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
ca. 1962
USU A-1951c : Limeliters performing at USU
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
ca. 1972.
USU A-1952 : View of the Student Union Building* from the southwest at night
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
early 1960s.
USU A-1953a : Kent Johnejack, University Scholar
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1953b : Timothy Dietz, University Scholar
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1953c : Deane Thelli, University Scholar
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1953d : Grant Reber, University Scholar
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1953e : Val Goodfellow, University Scholar
Photo courtesy of the Statesman.
USU A-1954 : View of Old Main from the bottom of Old Main Hill*, looking northeast ca. 1945
USU A-1955 : View looking north of the west tower staircase and part of the north wing of Old Main
Cache D.U.P. Collection.
ca. 1910
USU A-1956 : View looking north on Old Main Hill*, University Annex* in the background
Cache D.U.P. Collection.
early 1900s.
USU A-1957 : Interior view of the Old Main chapel, one of a series of Cache Valley photos taken by James H. Crockwell for the Chicago Worlds Fair
See also The Journal July 30, 1892. See also USU A-1339.
July 1892
USU A-1958 : View of Old Main looking north, featuring a man in a buggy
Cache D.U.P. Collection.
ca. 1910.
USU A-1959 : View of Old Main looking southeast
Cache D.U.P. Collection.
ca. 1905.
USU A-1960 : Milton Abrams, Head Librarian, 1957-1985. Photo taken in 1980s
USU A-1961 : Glen Wilde, Acting Library Director, 1991-1997. Photo taken in 1990s
USU A-1962 : Kenneth Marks, Head Librarian, 1985-1991. Photo taken in 1980s
USU A-1963 : Max Peterson, Director of University Libraries, 1991-2000. Photo taken in 1980s
USU A-1964 : Harriet Smith, acting Head Librarian, 1917-1935
USU A-1966 : View of campus looking north across the middle of Old Main Hill*
Photographed by Peter F. Schmid.
May 1993
USU A-1967 : View of the south side of Old Main
Photographed by Peter F. Schmid.
May 1993
USU A-1968 : View looking west from just east of the amphitheatre
Photographed by Peter F. Schmid.
May 1993
USU A-1969 : View of the south side of Old Main
Photographed by Peter F. Schmid.
May 1993
USU A-1970 : View looking southwest from just east of the amphitheatre
Photographed by Peter F. Schmid.
May 1993
USU A-1971 : Amphitheatre on the south side of Old Main Hill*
Photographed by Peter F. Schmid.
May 1993
USU A-1972 : View looking northeast toward Old Main from the bottom of the amphitheatre
Photographed by Peter F. Schmid.
May 1993
USU A-1973 : View looking south across the lawn just west of the amphitheatre
Photographed by Peter F. Schmid.
May 1993
USU A-1974 : View looking northeast up Old Main Hill* with the amphitheatre in the foreground
Photographed by Peter F. Schmid.
May 1993
USU A-1975 : View looking south/southwest on a diagonal path near the south bottom portion of Old Main Hill*
Photographed by Peter F. Schmid.
May 1993
USU A-1976 : View looking south across the lawn west of the amphitheatre
Photographed by Peter F. Schmid.
May 1993
USU A-1977 : View looking south from the southwest end of Old Main Hill*
Photographed by Peter F. Schmid.
May 1993
USU A-1978 : View looking north across Old Main Hill* from the southwest end
Photographed by Peter F. Schmid.
May 1993
USU A-1979 : View looking west across the Quad, showing the east side of Old Main
Photographed by Peter F. Schmid.
May 1993
USU A-1980 : West tower of Old Main, viewed from the northwest
Photographed by Peter F. Schmid.
May 1993
USU A-1981 : David B. Haight Alumni Center (formerly the President's Residence*) viewed from the southwest
Photographed by Peter F. Schmid.
May 1993
USU A-1982 : West tower of Old Main, viewed from the northwest
Photographed by Peter F. Schmid.
May 1993
USU A-1983 : View looking north across the north end of Old Main Hill*
Photographed by Peter F. Schmid.
May 1993
USU A-1984 : West side of the Experiment Station building
Photographed by Peter F. Schmid.
May 1993
USU A-1985 : View of the west side of Old Main looking from the east
Photographed by Peter F. Schmid.
May 1993
USU A-1986 : View looking north across the middle of Old Main Hill*
Photographed by Peter F. Schmid.
May 1993
USU A-1987 : View looking southeast across the bottom of Old Main Hill* with the Logan LDS Temple in the background
Photographed by Peter F. Schmid.
May 1993
USU A-1988 : View looking south across the middle of Old Main Hill*
Photographed by Peter F. Schmid.
May 1993
USU A-1989 : View looking north/northwest across the bottom of Old Main Hill*
Photographed by Peter F. Schmid.
May 1993
USU A-1990 : Group of four men and three women holding plaques at the Founders' Day celebration 1959
USU A-1991 : Football team, including: (front row, L to R) Gordon Dixon, Worth Gutke, Marshall Glenn, Ray D. Lowe, Mouse Nelson, Ralph Gutke, Humphreys, and Floyd Keller. (Middle row, L to R) Jack Croft (Assistant Coach), John Hull, Burke Fry, Louis Briggs, Guy Chistiansen, El. Reynolds, Frank Whitehouse, John Vranes, Thatcher Handley, Ray Walters, Reynolds, and Rudy Van Campen. (back row, L to R) William Reading (Freshman Coach), Meadows, Elmer Ward, Orson Gunderson, Elmo Brady, Jay Tolman, Aland Forgeon, Bill Barker, Tuttle, Howard Law, Bruce Stuart, and Dick Romney (Head Coach)
See also Buzzer 1933, p. 108.
USU A-1992 : Architectural model of the Science and Engineering Building
USU A-1993 : Aerial view of campus and mouth of Logan Canyon
USU A-1995a : Interior view of the Smart Gymnasium, decorated for the Military Ball 1916
USU A-1995b : Architect Karl C. Schaub's 1892 enlarged plan for Old Main. The center section was enlarged from the Thompson 1889 plan
Photograph of the drawing from which the cut show on USU A-0002 was made. See also Outlook, December 1970, p. 8. See also USU A-0123.
USU A-1996 : Old Main office staff
Note the portrait of the LDS Church President Joseph F. Smith on the wall.
ca. 1908
USU A-1997 : ACU Football team
Team members included: Jamison, Nelson, Brown, Mitchell, Andrews, Frew, Hermanson, Holden, Washburn, Pyle, McGowan, Woodbury, Hansen, Caine, and Froere.
USU A-1998 : ACU football practice, including: Vince Cardon, Alva Hansen, Ander Nelson, Ezra McCombs, Anderson, Jack Paddock, Dana Little, Arch Egbert, Bill Frew, Bill Batt, Edgar Brossard, and Fred M. Walker
See also Buzzer 1909, p. 122-23.
USU A-1999 : UAC football team: (Standing from L to R) Assistant trainer Terry, Student manager Ford, Pratt, Sanders, Burnett, Crowther, Mortenson, Hendericks, Wooley, captain, Webster, Gardner, Foxley, Knowles, Trainer Nelson, Professor West of the Athletic Council, and Coach Romney. (Kneeling from L to R) Anderson, Nuffer, Woodside, Jorgenson, Riter, Thain, Nelson, Love, Howe, and Lunt. (Sitting from L to R) Hamilton, Perry, Sutton, Neuenschwander, Mile, Smith, Leddingham, Thomas, Hurren, and Jeffs
See USU A-2016.
USU A-2000 : ACU football team, including: William H. Peterson (on left in the back row) and John L. Coleman (on right on the back row.)
ca. 1905
USU A-2001 : Bell on the west tower of Old Main, looking southeast ca. 1940
USU A-2002 : Future Farmer Convention participants posing in Romney Stadium at USAC April, 1939
USU A-2003 : Students examining horses at the Veterinary Science Building
Note the orchards in the background.
ca. 1905
USU A-2004 : Probably an Experiment Station Director's meeting in Washington D.C., including: Rudger Walker, Experiment Station Director for the USAC seated third from the right 1940s
USU A-2005 : View looking southeast from the top of the University Annex*, including the President's Residence*, Model Barn, Director's Residence, Experiment Station Building, Old Main, and Mechanic Arts Building
Note the lack of the west tower on Old main; it was not completed until 1902.
USU A-2006 : Girls' baseball team
USU A-2007 : Students in the chapel in the south wing of Old Main
ca. 1895
USU A-2008 : View looking south at the Heating Plant and Smart Gymnasium
ca. 1912
USU A-2009 : Most of the ACU Class of 1911, including Class President Edgar B. Brossard fifth from the left on the back row. Photo was taken during sophomore year
The class included: Junius James Andrews, Michael John Andrews, Jr., Albert Elijah Bowman, Edgar Bernard Brossard, Frank Martin Brown, Robert Bruce Brown, William Wallace Brown, Asahel Woodruff Burke, Lashbrook Laker Cook, Elmer Crafts, Walter James Crocker, Alexander Perry Dalton, Archie Egbert, Ivan Egbert, Joseph Victor Ford, Fred Froerer, Anant Madhov Gurgar, Georgia Vivian Hatch, Joseph Golden Irons, David Jennings, Lucile Jensen, Alma J. Knapp, Franklin David Low, Anna Mathisen, Merrill Maughan, Charles Leo Merrill, George L. Morrison, John Stephens Paddock, Ella Peterson, Jesse Larsen Peterson, Henry Thomas Plant, William Littlefair Quayle, David Earl Robinson, James Wiley Sessions, Alfred Edgar Stratford, James Cyril Tovey, Jerome Wheeler, Frank George Whitehead, Joseph Angus Willley, Vern Clark Woolley, and Robert Lecourn Wrigley. See also Buzzer 1909, p. 64.
USU A-2010 : Fraternity portrait, probably the Sigma Alpha Fraternity, including C. W. Porter (1st row, 3rd from the left), Orville Addams (2nd row, 6th from the left), John Coburn (3rd row, 4th from the left) and Aaron Olsen (4th row, at left)
Photo by Odell, Logan, Utah.
ca. 1910.
USU A-2011 : Military Cadet Corps Rifle Team
See also ACU Catalogue, 1902-03.
ca. 1902
USU A-2012 : Aerial view of campus looking northeast
USU A-2013 : Board of Trustees, posed at the south end of Old Main, including: (L to R) A. C. Barber, J. L. Coburn, John C. Sharp, unidentified man, Lois Hayball, A. W. Ivins, Lorenzo B. Stohl, Harden Bennion, John Dern, W. S. Hansen, Angus T. Wright, Frank B. Stevens, George T. Odell, W. S. Hansen, and John D. Peters
ca. 1919
USU A-2014 : Agricultural College of Utah, faculty portrait,: (back row l-r) James Dryden, Elias J. MacEwan, Alonzo A. Mills, Jacob M. Sholl, Henry D. Styer, J. Walter Mayo, Clair Kenyon, Samuel Fortier, J. B. Linfield, and Sidney S. Twombly. (Middle row) Evert S. Richman, Lillie S. Throop, Abbie L. Marlatt, ACU President Jeremiah Wilson Sanborn, Sarah W. Eddy, E. Ada Little, and John T. Caine Jr. (front row) Joseph E. Shepard, & Willard S. Lanaton
Photographed by Thomas S. Odell, Logan, Utah.
ca. 1893
USU A-2015 : ACU football team
Team members included: Bennion, Hansen, Paddock, McCombs, Tuttle, Andrews, Peterson, Evans, Batt, Madsen, Egbert, Cardon, Parkinson, Frew, and Brossard. Coach Fred M. Walker standing on the far left in the back row, and Edgar Brossard seated on the right in the middle row. See also Student Life, Commencement 1908 edition and ACU Catalogue, 1908-09, p. 48.
USU A-2016 : UAC football team: (Standing from L to R) Assistant trainer Terry, Student manager Ford, Pratt, Sanders, Burnett, Crowther, Mortenson, Hendericks, Wooley, captain, Webster, Gardner, Foxley, Knowles, Trainer Nelson, Professor West of the Athletic Council, and Coach Romney. (Kneeling from L to R) Anderson, Nuffer, Woodside, Jorgenson, Riter, Thain, Nelson, Love, Howe, and Lunt. (Sitting from L to R) Hamilton, Perry, Sutton, Neuenschwander, Mile, Smith, Leddingham, Thomas, Hurren, and Jeffs
See USU A-1999.
USU A-2017 : Track and Field team
ca. 1908.
USU A-2018 : Male students in suits and ties. (1st row) Alfred Caine, Joseph Willie, Roy Smith, Dave Sharp, Leo Mimill, Jinkin Jones, and Byron Beder. (2nd row) Chris Hanson, George Zundell, (?), Frank Bram, Frank W. Yatt, (?), (?), Clyde Lindsey, Alfonzo Cook, and Joe Paddock. (3rd row) Clarence Jones, Alfred Shirtford, John Hobson, James Andrews, George B. Caine, Abe Cooley, Wiley Simons, Joseph Olsen, Heber Hancock, Fred Frorsay, and Anant Mohindar Singh. (4th row) Fred Alder, Jack Wild, Angus Galt, John K. Allsen, L. Martineau, Norman Jensen, (?), L. M. W., John Nelson, (?), Ernest, Macker, A. M. Israelson, Charles Martineau, Back Row, B. Martineau, M. Holden, Warren Knudson, L. L. Cooke, John Egbert, Lester Richardson, A. J. Knapp
USU A-2019 : Woman seated on the concrete "Aggie-A," on the south side of Old Main
See also USU A-1511e.
ca. 1920
USU A-2020 : Real Photo Postcard of Mechanic Arts Building
See also P0031 Ut:115.
ca. 1910.
USU A-2021 : Real Photo Postcard of the Quad and Engineering Building (now the English Building)
See also P0031 Ut:113.
ca. 1930
USU A-2022 : Real Photo Postcard of Old Main
See also P0031 Ut:112.
ca. 1920
USU A-2023 : Real Photo Postcard of the Merrill Library*
See also P0031 Ut:114.
ca. 1940
USU A-2024 : View of the Maeser Labs, Model Barn, and Old Main from behind, looking southwest

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