Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences photograph collection, 1921-1986

Overview of the Collection

Montana. Department of Health and Environmental Sciences
Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences photograph collection
1921-1986 (inclusive)
479 photographic prints
101 negatives
267 slides
Collection Number
Lot 30
This collection primarily consists of photographs of Department of Health and Environmental Sciences (DHES) employees, activities, state officials, and state buildings. Also included, are slides documenting asbestos cleanup, mines around Butte, MT, and EMS training.
Montana Historical Society, Library & Archives
Montana Historical Society Research Center Archives
225 North Roberts
PO Box 201201
Helena MT
Telephone: 4064442681
Fax: 4064445297
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.

No textual or other language materials are included in the collection. Captions are in English.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

The Montana State Board of Health was established in 1901. In 1967 the Legislative Assembly created the State Department of Health. The State Board of Health continued in an advisory capacity, but the day-to-day administration of the state laws regarding public health and related matters were relegated to the new department. The State Board of Health became the Department of Health and Environmental Sciences in 1971 with the passage of Governor Anderson’s Executive Reorganization Order 9-71. In 1991, though it remained a part of the Department of Health and Environmental Sciences (DHES), the role of the Environmental Sciences Division was considerably expanded to include: Natural Resource Damage Assessment, a Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Board, a Superfund Section, and an Underground Storage Tanks Section.

The Environmental Sciences Division eventually became its own separate department in 1995 and renamed the Department of Environmental Quality. It includes the following divisions: Director’s Office, Air Quality, Centralized Services, Energy, Environmental Remediation, Reclamation, Waste Management, and Water Quality.

The public health-related functions of DHES meanwhile fell under the umbrella of a new agency, the Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS), which at the time of its creation was comprised of the following divisions: Child and Family Services, Child Support Enforcement, Disability Services, Health Policy and Services, Mental and Addictive Disorders, Operations and Technology, Quality Assurance, and Senior Support Services.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection primarily contains photographs of employees of the Board of Health and Department of Health and Environmental Sciences. Also included are photographs documenting activities performed by the department and photos of state buildings and state officials.

There are also numerous slides documenting EMS training in Havre, Montana; Jefferson School (Helena, Montana); Free Enterprise Health Mine (Boulder, Montana); overviews of Butte, Montana; mines around Butte, MT; Butte and Sunshine Health Mine; asbestos cleanup in Anaconda Junior and Senior High School, old J.C. Penny's building (Billings, Montana), Broadus High School, Powder River High School, Old Boy's Central School (Butte, Montana), and Glendive High School.

Other Descriptive InformationReturn to Top

The majority of the photographs and slides in this collection were produced by unknown photographers. Those identified include Meredith E. Fite and Eva Solberg.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

The Montana Historical Society is the owner of the materials in the Photograph Archives collections and makes available reproductions for research, publication, and other uses. Written permission must be obtained from the Photograph Archives before any reproduction use. The Society does not necessarily hold copyright to all of the materials in its collections. In some cases, permission for use may require seeking additional authorization from the copyright owners.

Preferred Citation

Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences, photograph collection. Lot 30. Box and folder number. Montana Historical Society Photographs Archives, Helena, Montana.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The materials in this collection are organized by format and topic.

Acquisition Information

The photographs and slides in this collection are the result of a combination of the following acquisitions: PAc 96-71, PAc 2002-26, PAc 2007-18 and PAc 2009-45. All of these acquisitions were processed and combined together into Lot 30 in February of 2013.

Parts of PAc 96-71 were transferred to the Photograph Archives by both the Department of Environmental Quality and Department of Public Health and Human Services in 1996.

PAc 2002-26 was transferred from the Archives collection, Montana Health Services Division, Family and Community Health Bureau (S98-6), in 2002 and then combined with PAc 96-71.

PAc 2007-18 was transferred to the Photograph Archives by the Department of Environmental Quality, Director’s Office in 2007.

PAc 2009-45 was transferred to the Photograph Archives by the Department of Environmental Quality, Director’s Office in 2009.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection

PhotographsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
1 / 1
Staff A-H – Includes photos of Dr. Segand Aagard, Dr. Doug Abbott, Jan Baker, Dr. Loren Bahls, Peg Baraby, Dave Thomas, Dave Bean, Dr. Bierman, Henry Meyer, Jennice Bottomly, Elizabeth A. Burrell, Rick Crankshaw, Henrietta Crockett, Drew Dawson, John M. DenHerder, George Fenner, Marlene Ferguson, Stan Match, John Geach, Judy Gedrose, Althea Ginnebaugh, Vernon L. Goller, Dr. Raymond D. Grondahl
1 / 2
Staff H-Z – Includes photos of Dr. William Haggberg, Governor Ted Schwinden, Ellen Hanpa, John Hawthorne, Mary Ellen Holverson, Maxine S. Homer, Eunice Kelly, Valerie Blackstone, Virginia Kenyan, Kenneth C. Lee, George Lackman, Virginia Mann, Dr. John F. McGregor, Larry Mitchell, Rick Nelson, Lucille Paddock, Shari Pettick, Dr. Sidney C. Pratt, Louise O. Salo, Rita Sheeky, Dr. Martin Skinner, John R. Snyder, Robert Solomon, Joe Strasko, William A. Spoja jr., Fay Sweeny, Dr. A.J. Terrill, Dave Thomas, Peggy Baraby, Dr. Trithart
1 / 3
Staff – Air Quality – Includes photos of Clark Hielson, Ben Wake, Mike Roach
1 / 4
Staff – Central Services – Includes photos of L.L. Benepe, Robert J. Redpath, Robert A. James
1 / 5
Staff - Director and Staff – Includes photos of Governor Tim Babcock, John Anderson, G.D. Carlyle Thompson
1 / 6
Staff – Director and Staff – Includes photos of John Anderson, Mr. Bartlett, Dr. Drynan, Dr. A.C. Knight, Joe Renders, Governor Ted Schwinden, R. Hoffman
1 / 7
Staff – Environmental Science – Includes photos of Ludwig Champa, Lewis S. Gerber, Ben Wake, Don Williams
1 / 8
Staff – Food Consumer and Safety Bureau – Includes photos of Cal Campbell, Frank Gessamen, Jim Hill, Vern Sloulin, Jim Peterson
1 / 9
Staff – Hospital and Medical Facilities – Includes photos of Mr. Munzenrider, Mr. Crankshaw, Mr. Dawson, John Wilson, Arthur C. Knight, John Glisman, W. Dikon
2 / 1
Staff – State Laboratory – Includes photos of Milton Brawn, Edith Kuhns, Dr. David Lackman, Earl Carlton, Jon Back, Ludwig Champs, Hugh McLean, Walter Jankowski, Mel. Iden Chambers, Pat Maxey, Milton (Bud) Brown, Mike Herrington, Bob Mcghie, Dr. Carl L. Larson, Dr. R.R. Parker
2 / 2
Staff – Environmental Sanitation – Includes photos of Kenneth Read, Mosquito Control, and Clairone W. Brink
2 / 3
Staff – Water Quality – Includes photos of Loren Bahls, Edward Casne, Steve Pilcher
2 / 4
Staff – Unidentified
2 / 5
State Officials – Includes photos of Governor Ted Schwinden, Martha Bohlken, Vearle Addy, Mel Williams, Senator Melcher
2 / 6
Buildings – State Complex – Views include: The Annex Building, Mitchell Building, Board of Health Building, and State Laboratory Building
2 / 7
Buildings - W.F. Cogswell Building – Includes photos of Andrew, Ted, and William Cogswell, Governor Tim Babcock, and Senator Cashmore and the renovation and construction of the building
2 / 8
Butte, Montana
2 / 9
Family and Community Health Bureau – Views include clinics and school programs. Photos appear to date around the 1930s
2 / 10
Local Health Services –Photos include Great Falls, Montana; Mary Ann Combs; Arlee, Montana; Ronan, Montana; Sophie Moiese Vanderburg; Elizabeth Hammer; a Salish Native American; and the National Bison Range
2 / 11
Records and Statistics – Includes photos of John Wilson and Sandra Muckleston
2 / 12
Montana Public Health Association – Includes photos of the MPHA Awards, MPHA Meetings, Roscoe Bellingham, Mrs. Fern Symes, Paul Ensign, John Kranick, Kenneth Reed, F.P. Housel Jr., Mary E. Soules, E.G. McGavran, Lincoln Aikins, Chas S. McCammon, William Swanberg, B.C. Farrand, Chas Thompson, Dr. E. Bishop, Dr. Carl Hammer, Dr. David Duncan, Dr. G. D. Carlyle Thompson, Dr. Mary E. Soules, Dr. J. Roy Doty, Dr. Tanglin, Anna Beckwith
2 / 13
Montana Public Health Association Meetings – Kalispell, Montana – Includes photos of Yvonne Sylva, Maxine Ferguson, Stan Rosenberg, Bob Moon, Vern Sloulin, Dr. McIntyre, Rick Crankshaw
3 / 1
Montana Public Health Association – Award Recipients – Includes photos of Dr. Pratt, Drew Dawson, Jan Treml, James Foley, and Mary Alice Rehbein
3 / 2
Montana State Board of Health – Includes photos of Carl W. Hammer, G.D. Carlyle Thompson, Vern Sloulin , Paul K Ensign, Elizabeth Bishop, C.W. Brinks, Paul Brown, John Glisman, W. Dixon, K. Elizabeth Anderson, Dr. H.W. Bateman, Mrs. Helen Johnson, Dr. Thompson, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Elsie Hansen, Dr. David Berg, Dr. Sidney Pratt, Dr. Paul H. Dr. Aagard, Bowden, R.J. Lasleben
3 / 3
Montana State Health Exhibits
3 / 4
Portable Chest X-Ray Unit – Includes views of Helena High School and Middle School and Governor J. Hugo Aronson
3 / 5
Spotted Fever Laboratory – Includes photos of Dr. Hayward, C. B. Phillip, and Selma Helvig, Dr. R. R. Parker, and the Darby Inoculations, in Hamilton, Montana
3 / 6
Vaccinations and Community Projects – Includes photos of the County Polio Vaccine Field Trials, Swine Flu Vaccination, and Community Projects. Also photos of Dr. William H. Sippel, Dr. Frank J. Pickett, Bob Solomon, Roland Pratt, Mary Ann Dawson, and the Manhattan Christian School and Emerson School
3 / 7
The Free Enterprise Mine – Boulder, Montana
Container(s) Description Dates
SL 1-6
Air Quality Standards – Public Hearing – Missoula, Montana
1980 May
SL 7-11
Board of Health
SL 12-60
EMS – Moulage Slide Series Patient Programming
SL 61-129
EMS – EMT practical exam in Havre, Montana
SL 130-132
Jefferson Elementary School, Helena, Montana
SL 133-166
Free Enterprise Uranium-Radon Health Mine Boulder, Montana and Sunshine Health Mine
SL 167-195
Butte, Montana – Overviews
1984 April
SL 196-203
Berkeley Pit – Butte, Montana
1984 July
SL 204-212
Asbestos – Anaconda, Montana – Includes photos of High School, Anaconda Junior High School, Anaconda W.K. Dwyer Elementary School
1985 March
SL 213-216
Asbestos – Billings, Montana – Includes photos of (old) J.C. Penny’s in Billings
1986 August
SL 217-231
Asbestos – Broadus, Montana – Includes photos of Broadus High School and Powder River High School
1985 April -March
SL 232-252
Asbestos – Butte, Montana – Includes photos of (old) Boy’s Central High School
1986 May 15
SL 253-267
Asbestos –Glendive, Montana – Includes photos of Glendive High School and Lincoln School
1986 August