World War I Poster Collection , 1917-1919

Overview of the Collection

World War I Poster Collection
1917-1919 (inclusive)
1 cubic foot, including 144 items, (6 map folders)
Collection Number
MSS WW1Posters
The World War I Poster Collection is comprised of propaganda posters generated by the United States Food Administration, the United States Treasury Department, the American Red Cross, the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA), and other charitable organizations in support of the United States and its allies in World War I. Of note, the collection contains numerous posters related to food austerity, U.S. war bond and stamp sales, and the United War Work Campaign of 1918.
Oregon State University Libraries, Special Collections and Archives Research Center
Special Collections and Archives Research Center
121 The Valley Library
Oregon State University
Corvallis OR
Telephone: 5417372075
Fax: 5417378674
Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

World War I began on July 28, 1914 as the result of ongoing political tension between Austria-Hungary and Serbia and the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The conflict grew to include the world's major economic and military powers and was fought between the Allies (the United Kingdom, France, Russia, Italy, and Japan) and the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria). The United States joined the conflict in 1917 in support of the Allies. The war was fought across Europe and the Middle East and concluded on November 11, 1918 when an armistice was signed with Germany, the only remaining Central Power combatant. Officially, a state of warfare persisted until the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919. The war resulted in the deaths of 9 million combatants and 7 million civilians with total casualties estimated at 37 million. The conflict also reshaped the European political, social, and economic landscape and defined the global political climate leading to World War II.

American participation in World War I required an enormous output of economic, military, and industrial resources. The U.S. government relied heavily on the American public to supply military personnel, labor, raw materials, industrial goods, and funds to the war effort. The U.S. government and numerous charitable organizations launched a series of campaigns promoting austerity measures, purchase of war bonds and stamps, enlistment in the armed forces, and donations of money and goods. Radio, film, and print media--especially posters--were used to deliver these messages to America's civilian population. The United States expended approximately $17 billion (not adjusted for inflation) in the war effort.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The World War I Poster Collection is comprised of propaganda posters generated by the U.S. Food Administration, U.S. Department of the Treasury, the Federal Board for Vocational Education, the American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief, the American Library Association, the American Red Cross, the Boy Scouts of America, Fatherless Children of France, Inc., the National Emergency Food Garden Commission, the Jewish Welfare Board, the Knights of Columbus, the National Catholic War Council, the Salvation Army, the War Camp Community Service, the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), and the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA). This collection includes poster designs from Howard Chandler Christy, C. B. Falls, George Illian, Gil Spear, Adolph Treidler, and others. The bulk of the posters relate to the U.S. Food Administration's austerity campaign (which encouraged reduced consumption of wheat, sugar, fats, and red meat) and the U.S. Treasury's promotion of the third, fourth, and fifth Liberty Loans. Also included are numerous posters from the 1918 United War Work Campaign, the American Red Cross' War Fund drive, the American Library Association's book collecting initiative, and other charitable efforts. The collection is composed of 92 unique items and 52 duplicates, totaling 144 items.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

World War I Poster Collection (MSS WW1Posters), Oregon State University Libraries Special Collections & Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The World War I Poster Collection is arranged into five series: I: United States Food Administration, 1918; II: United States War Bonds & Stamps, 1918-1919; III: Charitable Organizations, 1918; IV: War Work Campaign, 1918; V: Informational Posters, 1917-1918. Materials are arranged within series alphabetically according to issuing organization and by production serial number or approximate date of printing. Encapsulated, linen-backed, and untreated posters are housed separately for preservation purposes.

Acquisition Information

Many of the items in the World War I Poster Collection were acquired during World War I as part of Oregon Agricultural College's government document retention program and were housed in the Oregon State University Library maps collection with other war posters. In 1995, war posters housed by the Library were transferred to the University Archives. Shortly thereafter (in 1996), a small number of war posters that had been transferred from the Library to the Horner Museum in 1979 were also acquired by the University Archives. These two accessions comprised the University Archives' War Poster Collection. The World War I posters were separated in 2014 to form the World War I Poster Collection, which now resides in Oregon State University's Special Collections & Archives Research Center.

Related Materials

Related Materials

Other collections with materials related to World War I include the Ulysses Grant McAlexander Collection (MSS McAlexander), Oregon State University Military Photographs Collection (P 002), and the F. A. Gilfillan Papers (MSS Gilfillan). Other collections featuring war propaganda include the World War II Poster Collection (MSS WW2Posters) and the World War II Newsmaps (MAPS Newsmap).

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Series I:  U.S. Food Administration, 1918Return to Top

45 posters

Series I is comprised of posters produced by the United States Food Administration, an organization established in 1917 to help control price and consumption of food commodities in the United States. The Food Administration's poster campaign predominately encouraged civilians to reduce their consumption of wheat, red meat, fats, and sugars and promoted use of non-wheat grains, fish, poultry, and fresh produce.

Container(s) Description Dates
Food / ... / don't waste it
Backed with linen. ; 53 x 74 cm.
Black and red text on a white background.
circa 1918
Save / ... / and serve the cause of freedom
Backed with linen. ; 53 x 74 cm.
Black and red text on a white background.
circa 1918
Save a loaf / a week / help win the war / the war
Encapsulated. ; 53 x 74 cm.
A loaf of bread being sliced.
circa 1918
Save a loaf / a week / help win / the war
Backed with linen. ; 53 x 74 cm.
A loaf of bread being sliced.
circa 1918
Save a loaf / a week / help win / the war
53 x 74 cm.
A loaf of bread being sliced.
circa 1918
Be patriotic / sign your country's / pledge to save the food
Backed with linen. ; 53 x 74 cm.
Lady Liberty with outstretched arms.
circa 1918
Be patriotic / sign your country's / pledge to save the food
53 x 74 cm.
Lady Liberty with outstretched arms.
circa 1918
Food is ammunition / don't waste it
Backed with linen. ; 53 x 74 cm.
A basket of fresh produce with mounted cavalrymen in the background.
circa 1918
Eat more / corn, oats and rye / products-- fish / and poultry-- fruits, / vegetables and potatoes / baked, boiled and / broiled foods / eat less / wheat, meat, sugar and fats / to save for the army / and our allies
Encapsulated. ; 53 x 74 cm.
A fruit bowl, loose produce and a whole fish.
circa 1917
Eat more / corn, oats and rye / products-- fish / and poultry-- fruits, / vegetables and potatoes / baked, boiled and / broiled foods / eat less / wheat, meat, sugar and fats / to save for the army / and our allies
Backed with linen. ; 53 x 74 cm.
A fruit bowl, loose produce and a whole fish.
circa 1917
Eat more / corn, oats and rye / products-- fish / and poultry-- fruits, / vegetables and potatoes / baked, boiled and / broiled foods / eat less / wheat, meat, sugar and fats / to save for the army / and our associates
53 x 74 cm.
A fruit bowl, loose produce and a whole fish.
circa 1917
Why / is it necessary to eat less / meat and less wheat bread?
Backed with linen. ; 53 x 74 cm.
Poster includes a detailed explanation of food scarcity during wartime.
circa 1918
Why / is it necessary to eat less / meat and less wheat bread?
Backed with linen. ; 51 x 76 cm.
Poster includes a detailed explanation of food scarcity during wartime.
circa 1918
Cardinal Mercier / has appealed to the / Food Administration / for more food for / starving millions. / eat less wheat, meat, / fats and sugar. ship / more to the war-stricken / people of / France, Belgium, Italy
Encapsulated. ; 52 x 71 cm.
A portrait of Cardinal Mercier.
circa 1918
Cardinal Mercier / has appealed to the / Food Administration / for more food for / starving millions. / eat less wheat, meat, / fats and sugar. ship / more to the war-stricken / people of / France, Belgium, Italy
Backed with linen. ; 52 x 71 cm.
A portrait of Cardinal Mercier.
circa 1918
Cardinal Mercier / has appealed to the / Food Administration / for more food for / starving millions. / eat less wheat, meat, / fats and sugar. ship / more to the war-stricken / people of / France, Belgium, Italy
52 x 71 cm.
A portrait of Cardinal Mercier.
circa 1918
Victory is a / question of stamina / send - the wheat, / meat, fats, sugar / the fuel for fighters
Encapsulated. ; 53 x 74 cm.
A pair of soldiers running across a battlefield.
circa 1917
Victory is a / question of stamina / send - the wheat, / meat, fats, sugar / the fuel for fighters
Backed with linen. ; 53 x 74 cm.
A pair of soldiers running across a battlefield.
circa 1917
Hunger / for three years America has / fought starvation in Belgium / will you eat less - wheat / meat - fats and sugar / that we may still send / food in ship loads?
Backed with linen. ; 53 x 74 cm.
Charcoal drawing a mother and children.
circa 1918
Keep it coming / "we must not only / feed our soldiers / at the front but / the millions of / women & children / behind our lines" / Gen. John J. Pershing
Backed with linen. ; 53 x 74 cm.
A caravan of military trucks labeled "food".
circa 1918
Keep it coming / "we must not only / feed our soldiers / at the front but / the millions of / women & children / behind our lines" / Gen. John J. Pershing
53 x 74 cm.
A caravan of military trucks labeled "food".
circa 1918
Feed a fighter / eat only what you need-- / waste nothing-- / that he and his family may have enough
Encapsulated. ; 53 x 74 cm.
Charcoal drawing of a soldier holding a cup.
circa 1918
Feed a fighter / eat only what you need-- / waste nothing-- / that he and his family / may have enough
Backed with linen. ; 53 x 74 cm.
Charcoal drawing of a soldier holding a cup.
circa 1918
Feed a fighter / eat only what you need-- / waste nothing-- / that he and his family / may have enough
53 x 74 cm.
Charcoal drawing of a soldier holding a cup.
circa 1918
Blood or bread / others are giving their blood / you will shorten the war-- / save a life if you eat only what / you need and waste nothing.
Encapsulated. ; 53 x 74 cm.
Man lifting a wounded soldier.
circa 1918
Blood or bread / others are giving their blood / you will shorten the war-- / save a life if you eat only what / you need and waste nothing.
Backed with linen. ; 53 x 74 cm.
Man lifting a wounded soldier.
circa 1918
Blood or bread / others are giving their blood / you will shorten the war-- / save a life if you eat only what / you need and waste nothing.
53 x 74 cm.
Man lifting a wounded soldier.
circa 1918
This is what God gives us / what are you giving / so that others may live? / eat less / wheat / meat / fats / sugar / send more to Europe / or they will starve
Backed with linen. ; 53 x 74 cm.
Autumnal produce awaiting processing.
circa 1918
War / rages in France / they cannot / fight & raise / food at the / same time / denying ourselves / only a / little means / life to them / we / must / feed / them
Backed with linen. ; 51 x 76 cm.
A crowd of refugees in a war-torn street.
circa 1918
Sir- / don't waste while / your wife saves / adopt the doctrine / of the clean plate / do your share
Backed with linen. ; 53 x 74 cm.
A man sitting behind plates of food with waiters in the background.
circa 1918
Eat more / cornmeal - rye flour / oatmeal and barley / save the wheat / for the / fighters
54 x 28 cm.
Grain jars with cavalry in the background.
circa 1918
Save a loaf a week - / - help win the war
54 x 28 cm.
A sliced loaf of bread.
circa 1918
Fats are fuel / for fighters / bake - boil - and broil / more--fry less
54 x 28 cm.
Soldiers in a trench.
circa 1918
Sir- / don't waste while your wife saves / adopt the doctrine of the clean plate / do your share
54 x 28 cm.
A man sitting behind plates of food with waiters in the background.
circa 1918
Eat more fish, eggs, cheese, poultry / save the meat for the / boys at the front
54 x 28 cm.
Plates of cooked poultry and fish, a bowl of eggs, and a wedge of cheese.
circa 1918
Get behind our soldiers, sailors / and our allies. send them the most / food possible in the least shipping / space. do it by eating less wheat / beef, pork, fats and sugar.
54 x 28 cm.
Ships on a rough sea.
Little Americans / do your bit / eat corn meal mush- / oatmeal - corn flakes / hominy and rice with / milk. eat no wheat / cereals. / leave nothing on your plate
36 x 56 cm.
Young boy saluting a bowl of cereal.
circa 1918
Defeat the / kaiser and / his u-boats / victory depends on / which fails first, / food or frightfulness / eat less wheat
36 x 56 cm.
German soldier on a beach. Two boats, one on fire and sinking, are pictured in the background.
circa 1918
Food will win the war / official pictures / of the United States / Food Administration / are shown at this / theatre
Backed with linen. ; 75 x 105 cm.
Eagle atop U.S. Food Administration emblem and flanked by flags.
circa 1918
Food will win the war
Encapsulated. ; 55 x 6 cm.
Black and red text on a white background.
circa 1918
Food will win the war
Backed with linen. ; 55 x 6 cm.
Black and red text on a white background.
circa 1918
Help your boy / at the front. / Use less wheat and / meat. / Send more to him.
54 x 28 cm.
A soldier marching with a flag. A battlefield with a burned-out structure pictured in the background.
circa 1918
Food--don't waste it / ...
54 x 28 cm.
Black and red text on a white background.
circa 1918
Engineer / if you are a patriot / if this is your fight / get into it / stop the ammonia leaks
Backed with linen. ; 42 x 58 cm.
Uncle Sam rousing an idle engineer.
circa 1918
Use more potatoes / be patriotic! / be economical! / be physically fit! / be loyal to Oregon! [...]
Backed with linen. ; 53 x 72 cm.
Red and blue text on a white background with the U.S. Food Administration emblem. Includes explanations of each mandate.
circa 1918

Series II:  U.S.War Bonds & Stamps, 1918-1919Return to Top

41 posters

Series II is comprised of posters promoting the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Liberty Loans through the purchase of U.S. War Bonds and War Savings Stamps and includes a poster produced at Oregon Agricultural College. The series also contains a run of print advertisements for use in newspapers, a doorknob decoration, and a window sticker. Materials are arranged according to their corresponding loan campaign.

Container(s) Description Dates
Over the top / for you / buy U.S. gov't bonds / third liberty loan
Backed with linen. ; 51 x 76 cm.
A soldier charging forward carrying an American flag.
Over the top / for you / buy U.S. gov't bonds / third liberty loan
51 x 76 cm.
A soldier charging forward carrying an American flag.
Fight / or / buy bonds / third liberty loan
Backed with linen. ; 76 x 102 cm.
A young woman with an upraised American flag with a column of soldiers marching in the background.
circa 1918
Fight / or / buy bonds / third liberty loan
76 x 102 cm.
A young woman with an upraised American flag with a column of soldiers marching in the background.
circa 1918
Fight / or / buy bonds / third liberty loan
Backed with linen. ; 51 x 76 cm.
A young woman with an upraised American flag with a column of soldiers marching in the background.
circa 1918
Halt the Hun! / buy U.S. government bonds / third liberty loan
Backed with linen. ; 50 x 75 cm.
An American soldier preventing a German soldier from harming a woman and child.
To make the world / a decent place to live in / do your part - buy U.S. government bonds / third liberty loan
Backed with linen. ; 142 x 92 cm.
Silhouette of charging soldiers carrying an American flag.
To make the world / a decent place to live in / do your part - buy U.S. government bonds / third liberty loan
142 x 92 cm.
Silhouette of charging soldiers carrying an American flag.
Remember! / the flag of liberty / support it! / buy U.S. government bonds / 3rd. liberty loan
Backed with linen. ; 51 x 76 cm.
A crowd of individuals with an American flag waving in the background.
Remember! / the flag of liberty / support it! / buy U.S. government bonds / 3rd. liberty loan
51 x 76 cm.
A crowd of individuals with an American flag waving in the background.
Provide the sinews of war / buy liberty bonds
53 x 51 cm.
A ship at port with airplanes overhead.
Ring it again / buy U.S. gov't bonds / third liberty loan
Backed with linen. ; 51 x 76 cm.
A crowd of 18th century people below the Liberty Bell.
Ring it again / buy U.S. gov't bonds / third liberty loan
51 x 76 cm.
A crowd of 18th century people below the Liberty Bell.
"Good bye, dad, I'm off / to fight for old glory, / you buy U.S. gov't bonds" / third liberty loan
Backed with linen. ; 51 x 76 cm.
A young man in a soldier's uniform shaking the hand of an older man.
"Good bye, dad, I'm off / to fight for old glory, / you buy U.S. gov't bonds" / third liberty loan
51 x 76 cm.
A young man in a soldier's uniform shaking the hand of an older man.
Are you 100% / American? / prove it! / buy U.S. government bonds / third liberty loan
Backed with linen. ; 51 x 76 cm.
Black text on a white background framed by an eagle flanked by American flags and smoking canons.
Are you 100% / American? / prove it! / buy U.S. government bonds / third liberty loan
51 x 76 cm.
Black text on a white background framed by an eagle flanked by American flags and smoking canons.
My daddy bought me a government bond / of the / third liberty loan / did yours?
Backed with linen. ; 51 x 76 cm.
A little girl holding a bond certificate.
My daddy bought me a government bond / of the / third liberty loan / did yours?
51 x 76 cm.
A little girl holding a bond certificate.
Buy / liberty bonds / "that government of / the people, by the people, / for the people shall not / perish from the earth" / Abraham Lincoln
Encapsulated. ; 51 x 76 cm.
Right-facing bust of Abraham Lincoln.
circa 1918
Buy / liberty bonds / "that government of / the people, by the people, / for the people shall not / perish from the earth" / Abraham Lincoln
Backed with linen. ; 51 x 76 cm.
Right-facing bust of Abraham Lincoln.
circa 1918
My soldiers / now I lay me down to sleep... / buy United States government bonds / third liberty loan
Backed with linen. ; 71 x 106 cm.
Image of a mother and child praying together overlaid on a flag and flanked by biplanes.
circa 1918
U.S.A. bonds / weapons for liberty / third / liberty loan / campaign / Boy Scouts / of America
Backed with linen. ; 51 x 76 cm.
A Boy Scout presenting a sword to a man dressed in an American flag and carrying a shield.
circa 1918
U.S.A. bonds / weapons for liberty / third / liberty loan / campaign / Boy Scouts / of America
51 x 76 cm.
A Boy Scout presenting a sword to a man dressed in an American flag and carrying a shield.
circa 1918
One / two / three / now all together! / third liberty loan
Backed with linen. ; 23 x 30 cm.
Uncle Sam and a group of people using the Statue of Liberty to topple a statue of Kaiser Wilhelm II. Text at bottom reads "Supplement to Power, March 26, 1918."
Ring me again / third / liberty / loan / buy U.S. government bonds
Backed with linen. ; 20 x 29 cm.
A door knob decoration in the shape of the Liberty Bell. Instructions read "Push over door knob."
Buy bonds / third / liberty / loan
Backed with linen. ; 14 x 14 cm.
White and red text on a blue and white background. Instructions printed on front read "Moisten and apply to glass - water will easily remove it."
circa 1918
Must / children die / and mothers / plead in vain / ? / buy more / liberty bonds
17 x 23 cm.
Black and white image of a mother clinging to her children as she reaches out for help. Manuscript note on verso reads "Released for newspapers, Sunday Sept. 22."
circa 1918
Beat back the Hun / with / liberty bonds
16 x 23 cm.
A German soldier with a bloody bayonet peering over a mountain range. Manuscript note on verso reads "Released for paper Sunday, Sept. 22."
The Hun - his mark / blot it out/ with / liberty / bonds
17 x 26 cm.
A black hand print. Manuscript note on verso reads "Released for papers--Sunday, Sept. 22."
Keep / these / off / the U.S.A. / buy more liberty bonds
17 x 23 cm.
A pair of dirty riding boots featuring the German eagle. Manuscript note on verso reads "Released for papers Sunday Sept. 22."
Come on! / buy more / liberty bonds
18 x 24 cm.
A U.S. infantryman standing over a dead German soldier. Manuscript note on verso reads "Released for newspapers Sunday Sept. 22."
Hun or home? / buy more / liberty / bonds
17 x 23 cm.
Black and white image of a woman shielding a child from a German soldier. Manuscript note on verso reads "Release for papers -- Sunday Sept. 22."
Clear the way!! / buy bonds / fourth / liberty loan
16 x 22 cm.
Lady Liberty above men operating an artillery piece on the deck of a ship. Manuscript note on verso reads "Released for newspapers, Sunday Sept. 22."
Fourth liberty loan / for victory, buy bonds
23 x 17 cm.
A women holdings and sword and carrying a shield emblazoned with the Great Seal of the United States. An eagle and an American flag appear in the background. Manuscript note on verso reads "Released for newspapers Sunday Sept. 22."
That liberty shall not / perish from the Earth / buy liberty bonds / fourth liberty loan
17 x 24 cm.
View of wreckage of the Statue of Liberty and Manhattan Island. Manuscript note on verso reads "Released for newspapers Sunday Sept. 22."
V / the victory / liberty loan / industrial honor emblem / awarded by the / United States Treasury Department
75 x 87 cm.
A red, white and blue banner.
Dig up!! / Benton County / should / hold her lead / respond / to / your country's call / buy liberty bonds
50 x 70 cm.
A rooster with coins at its feet.
circa 1918
Joan of Arc saved France / women of America / save your country / buy war savings stamps
Backed with linen. ; 51 x 77 cm.
Joan of Arc with a raised sword.
circa 1918
Save your child / from autocracy / and poverty / buy / war savings / stamps
Backed with linen. ; 76 x 102 cm.
A child wearing only shoes and socks standing next to the Statue of Liberty's torch.
circa 1918
Help him win by / saving and serving / buy war savings stamps
Backed with linen. ; 51 x 76 cm.
A soldier holding the hands of two children.
circa 1918

Series III:  Charitable Organizations, 1918Return to Top

24 posters

Series III is comprised of propaganda posters from assorted assistance organizations including the American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief, the American Library Association, the American Red Cross, Fatherless Children of France, Inc., the National Emergency Food Garden Commission, and the Federal Board for Vocational Education. Included in this series are posters from the American Red Cross' War Fund Drive. Materials in this series are arranged alphabetically by organization and chronologically by date of production or serial number.

Container(s) Description Dates
2 1/2 million / starving / Armenian, Syrian, women, children / 17 cents a day will / save a life! / ...
Backed with linen. ; 48 x 31 cm.
Black and red test on a yellow background.
circa 1918
"You won't let me starve / will / you / ?" / ...
Backed with linen. ; 31 x 48 cm.
Portrait of a young girl.
circa 1918
Knowledge wins / public library / books / are / free
Encapsulated. ; 48 x 71 cm.
A soldier following a bridge of books to a distant city.
circa 1918
Knowledge wins / public library / books / are / free
Encapsulated. ; 48 x 71 cm.
A soldier following a bridge of books to a distant city.
circa 1918
Knowledge wins / public library / books / are / free
48 x 71 cm.
A soldier following a bridge of books to a distant city.
circa 1918
Knowledge wins / public library / books / are / free
48 x 71 cm.
A soldier following a bridge of books to a distant city.
circa 1918
Knowledge wins / public library / books / are / free
48 x 71 cm.
A soldier following a bridge of books to a distant city.
circa 1918
The camp / library / is yours / ...
Backed with linen. ; 71 x 84 cm.
A soldier reading a book.
circa 1918
Keep this / hand of / mercy at / its work / war fund week / one hundred million dollars
Backed with linen. ; 52 x 70 cm.
The arm of a Red Cross nurse reaching out to shelter injured soldiers and civilians from artillery fire. Text reading "May 6th-13th" has been inked out.
Hold up your end! / war fund week / one hundred million dollars
Backed with linen. ; 52 x 70 cm.
A Red Cross nurse with a stretcher.
"The first three!" / give till it hurts / they gave till they died / war fund week / one hundred million dollars
Backed with linen. ; 52 x 70 cm.
Images of Thomas Francis Enright, James Bethel Gresham, and Merle David Hay in front of an American flag.
Motherless / fatherless / starving / how much / to save these little lives? / war fund week / one hundred million dollars / May 20th - 27th
Backed with linen. ; 52 x 70 cm.
A Red Cross nurse protecting children.
The / greatest mother / in the world
Backed with linen. ; 52 x 70 cm.
A Red Cross nurse holding a child.
The American Red Cross / carries on / give!
38 x 48 cm.
Flags with the Red Cross insignia against a cloudy background.
Put fighting blood in your business...
Encapsulated. ; 71 x 48 cm.
A charging group of American soldiers.
circa 1918
Put fighting blood in your business...
Encapsulated. ; 71 x 48 cm.
A charging group of American soldiers.
circa 1918
Put fighting blood in your business...
Encapsulated. ; 71 x 48 cm.
A charging group of American soldiers.
circa 1918
Put fighting blood in your business...
Backed with linen. ; 71 x 48 cm.
A charging group of American soldiers.
circa 1918
Put fighting blood in your business...
71 x 48 cm.
A charging group of American soldiers.
circa 1918
He can win! / the Federal Board provides training / consult the local / Red Cross Home Service section
Backed with linen. ; 37 x 69 cm.
A wounded soldier working at a desk.
circa 1918
Avez vous place / dans votre coeur / pour nous / "Have you room in your heart for us." / Fatherless Children of France, Inc.
Backed with linen. ; 51 x 76 cm.
A young girl and boy sitting in the middle of a war-torn street.
circa 1918
Avez vous place / dans votre coeur / pour nous / "Have you room in your heart for us." / Fatherless Children of France, Inc.
51 x 76 cm.
A young girl and boy sitting in the middle of a war-torn street.
circa 1918
Be a soldier / of the soil / produce food conserve food dry and can food / ...
Backed with linen. ; 23 x 30 cm.
A farmer hoeing a field.
circa 1918
Disabled soldiers, sailor, Marines / business needs you / start back to civil life right / ...
Backed with linen. ; 41 x 53 cm.
Uncle Sam and a soldier shaking hands while a nurse stands in the background.
circa 1918

Series IV:  United War Work Campaign, 1918Return to Top

29 posters

Series IV contains posters promoting the 1918 United War Work Campaign, an effort comprising the American Library Association, the Jewish Welfare Board, the Knights of Columbus, the National Catholic War Council, the Salvation Army, the War Camp Community Service, the Young Men's Christian Association, and the Young Women's Christian Association. The campaign was tasked with collecting $170,000,000 in donations for the war effort in 1918. Materials in this series are arranged alphabetically by organization and chronologically by publication date.

Container(s) Description Dates
"Hey fellows!" / your money / brings the / book we / need when / we want it
Encapsulated. ; 51 x 76 cm.
Soldier holding books while a sailor reads.
"Hey fellows!" / your money / brings the / book we / need when / we want it
Backed with linen. ; 51 x 76 cm.
Soldier holding books while a sailor reads.
"Hey fellows!" / your money / brings the / book we / need when / we want it
51 x 76 cm.
Soldier holding books while a sailor reads.
Civilians / when we go / through this / we need all the / help and comfort / you can give.
Encapsulated. ; 56 x 84 cm.
Charcoal drawing of a soldier holding out a hand. Other soldiers depicted in the background.
Civilians / when we go / through this / we need all the / help and comfort / you can give.
Backed with linen. ; 56 x 84 cm.
Charcoal drawing of a soldier holding out a hand. Other soldiers depicted in the background.
See him through / help us to / help the boys
Backed with linen. ; 51 x 76 cm.
Knight of Columbus in foreground with soldiers in background.
Oh, boy! / that's the girl! / the / Salvation / Army / lassie / keep her / on the / job
Encapsulated. ; 76 x 102 cm.
A female Salvation Army member with a platter of donuts and a smiling soldier.
Oh, boy! / that's the girl! / the / Salvation / Army / lassie / keep her / on the / job
Backed with linen. ; 76 x 102 cm.
A female Salvation Army member with a platter of donuts and a smiling soldier.
Oh, boy! / that's the girl! / the / Salvation / Army / lassie / keep her / on the / job
76 x 102 cm.
A female Salvation Army member with a platter of donuts and a smiling soldier.
Keep 'em / smiling! / help / War Camp / Community Service / "morale is winning the war"
Backed with linen. ; 71 x 107 cm.
A civilian, a Marine, and a sailor together.
Keep 'em / smiling! / help / War Camp / Community Service / "morale is winning the war"
71 x 107 cm.
A civilian, a Marine, and a sailor together.
Workers / lend your strength / to the red triangle / help the "Y" help the / fighters fight
Encapsulated. ; 50 x 69 cm.
Young man laboring with older man and silhouette of a soldier in the background.
Workers / lend your strength / to the red triangle / help the "Y" help the / fighters fight
Backed with linen. ; 50 x 69 cm.
Young man laboring with older man and silhouette of a soldier in the background.
Workers / lend your strength / to the red triangle / help the "Y" help the / fighters fight
50 x 69 cm.
Young man laboring with older man and silhouette of a soldier in the background.
"A sense of obligation for the varied and useful / service rendered to the army in France by the / Y.M.C.A. [...]"
Encapsulated. ; 56 x 84 cm.
Charcoal drawing of General John Joseph Pershing.
"A sense of obligation for the varied and useful / service rendered to the army in France by the / Y.M.C.A. [...]"
Encapsulated. ; 56 x 84 cm.
Charcoal drawing of General John Joseph Pershing.
"A sense of obligation for the varied and useful / service rendered to the army in France by the / Y.M.C.A. [...]"
Backed with linen. ; 56 x 84 cm.
Charcoal drawing of General John Joseph Pershing.
Four years in the fight / the women of France / we owe them houses of cheer
Encapsulated. ; 71 x 107 cm.
Women working in a factory.
Four years in the fight / the women of France / we owe them houses of cheer
Backed with linen. ; 71 x 107 cm.
Women working in a factory.
Four years in the fight / the women of France / we owe them houses of cheer
71 x 107 cm.
Women working in a factory.
For / every / fighter / a / woman / worker / care / for / her / through the YWCA
Encapsulated. ; 76 x 104 cm.
Woman holding a model bi-plane and artillery shell.
For / every / fighter / a / woman / worker / care / for / her / through the YWCA
Backed with linen. ; 76 x 104 cm.
Woman holding a model bi-plane and artillery shell.
For / every / fighter / a / woman / worker / care / for / her / through the YWCA
76 x 104 cm.
Woman holding a model bi-plane and artillery shell.
Back our / girls over there
Encapsulated. ; 53 x 71 cm.
Woman operating a switchboard with soldiers passing in the background.
His home / over there / more than 2000 such homes for our boys
Encapsulated ; 71 x 104 cm.
A group of soldiers entering a snowy YMCA cabin.
His home / over there / more than 2000 such homes for our boys
Backed with linen. ; 71 x 104 cm.
A group of soldiers entering a snowy YMCA cabin.
His home / over there / more than 2000 such homes for our boys
71 x 104 cm.
A group of soldiers entering a snowy YMCA cabin.
United we serve / [...] / $170.500.000.
Encapsulated ; 51 x 71 cm.
Text bracketed by border with "170" at corners.
United we serve / [...] / $170.500.000.
Backed with linen. ; 51 x 71 cm.
Text bracketed by border with "170" at corners.

Series V:  Informational Posters, 1917-1918Return to Top

5 posters

Series V contains materials produced to inform the U.S. public of wartime news and events. The collection includes an appeal from President Woodrow Wilson to U.S. citizens to contribute to the war effort, news of the Battle of Jerusalem, a description of the political relationship between the United States and Germany and a listing of pamphlets produced by the U.S. Committee on Public Information, and a newsmap describing progress in the war during August 1918.

Container(s) Description Dates
An appeal / to the / American people
Backed with linen. ; 31 x 48 cm.
A poster featuring an appeal dated October 29, 1917 from Woodrow Wilson for the people of the United States to contribute to the war effort.
Jerusalem captured: the holy city wrested from the Turks
Backed with linen. ; 84 x 59 cm.
An informational poster with text and images describing the Battle of Jerusalem.
Why Germany wants peace
52 x 78 cm.
An informational poster directing readers to a series of pamphlets produced by the U.S. Committee on Public Information.
circa 1918
Why Germany wants peace
52 x 78 cm.
An informational poster directing readers to a series of pamphlets produced by the U.S. Committee on Public Information.
circa 1918
Review of the week's events / map of the / western battle front / [...]
66 x 93 cm.
Map and text describing movement of Allied forces.
August, 30 1918

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