Ivan Doig papers, 1939-2023

Overview of the Collection

Doig, Ivan; Doig, Carol
Ivan Doig papers
1939-2023 (inclusive)
116.6 linear feet, (197 boxes, 2 objects, and 1 web archive)
Collection Number
2602, 2602 (collection)
Writer known for his fiction about Montana and the west. Collection of diaries, literary manuscripts, research papers, legal documents, photographs and memorabilia created or collected by Ivan Doig and his wife, Carol Doig.
Montana State University Library, Merrill G. Burlingame Special Collections
Montana State University-Bozeman Library
Merrill G Burlingame Special Collections
P.O. Box 173320
Bozeman, MT
Telephone: 4069944242
Fax: 4069942851
Access Restrictions

This collection is open for research.


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Ivan Doig (June 27, 1939 – April 9, 2015), a third generation Montanan, was born in White Sulphur Springs, Montana. He grew up along the Rocky Mountain front where much of his writing takes place. His highly acclaimed memoir This House of Sky (1978), was a finalist for the National Book Award. A former ranch hand, newspaperman, and magazine editor, Doig graduated from Northwestern University where he received bachelor's and master's degrees in journalism. He earned a Ph.D. in history from the University of Washington in 1969, and during his career was the recipient of three honorary doctorates. In the century's-end San Francisco Chronicle polls to name the best Western novels and works of non-fiction, Doig was the only living writer with books in the top dozen on both lists: English Creek in fiction and This House of Sky in non-fiction. He lived in Seattle with his wife Carol, who taught the literature of the American West.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The Doig Archive consists of manuscripts, proofs and galleys, typed and handwritten writing fragments, pocket notebooks, note cards, diaries, journals, photographs, audio/visual material, and memorabilia. The material has been sorted into twelve series based on subject and/or document type, and there is some overlap between these divisions. The first series consists of Doig's diaries and biographical information. The second series is the largest and consists of the various manuscript drafts and revisions, along with associated research and some publisher and promotion correspondence, all relating to sixteen books by Doig published between 1978 and 2015. The series of correspondence includes letters to and from other writers, publishers, and friends. Series four consists of essays, letters, and other materials by Doig on the process of writing and are not necessarily related to any given book title. His practice of taking notes on small pocket spiral notebooks, and also typing research findings or other writing ideas on note cards, are represented in two separate series. The note cards in particular relate back to the composition of Doig's books and some boxes bear the titles of those works. Other series include photographs, slides, audio and video recordings used for research purposes as well as readings and interviews with Ivan about his work. A series of material titled "Medical Journey" documents Doig's struggle with his final illness and includes both his own thoughts on the process as well as actual medical records. There is a small selection of Doig's favorite research books that were taken from his office library. Last, there is Carol Doig's personal papers, which document both her career as a writer and teacher, the deverlopment of their relationship, and their life together.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The arrangement and description of the collection closely follows a preliminary inventory created for the papers by Ms. Betty Mayfield, a close friend of the Doigs and the person who prepared the material for donation in 2015.

Series 1 Diaries and biographical information, 1971-2015

Series 2 Manuscripts

Series 3 Note Cards

Series 4 Writer's files

Series 5 Pocket Notebooks

Series 6 Correspondence

Series 7 Interviews and Readings

Series 8 Photographs

Series 9 Memorabilia

Series 10 General Research

Series 11 Medical Journey

Series 12 Research Books

Series 13 Personal Papers

Acquisition Information

Diaries, literary manuscripts, research papers, legal documents, photographs and memorabilia created or collected by Ivan Doig were donated to Montana State University by Carol Doig of Seattle, Washington on October 1, 2015. Mrs. Doig donated additional materials in January 2016, August 2018, August 2019, and December 2023.

Processing Note

This collection was initially processed 2016 January 13. Additions received in 2018 and 2019 were added in 2020-2021; processing included redacting personal information not only of Ivan and Carol Doig, but of others represented in the collection, notably Mrs. Doig's students at Shoreline Community College. A small addition from December 2023 was integrated in January 2024.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

1:  Diaries and biographical information, 1959-2018Return to Top

2.8 linear feet, (7 boxes)

Daily record of Doig's activities, including minute details on writing work, meals, people encountered, and travel itineraries. Also included are diaries and other materials created during his Air Force service, calendars, and Ivan and Carol's Christmas letters.

The diaries were typed on 5" x 7" pages with the intention of storing them in small ring-clamp notebooks, and for many years supplemental material such as speeches, letters, newspaper clippings and other ephemera were punched with the same notebook holes and kept with the diary pages. This arrangement has been preserved. When used for content in individual books, Ivan removed some diary pages and placed them in book file folders of Series 2, Books and Other Writings. Photographs originally located in this series have been removed for placement in Series 8 and have had the removal indicated by an asterisk (*). The additional materials received in 2018 and 2019 are included in the series as boxes 5A and 5B.

Personal information, including Social Security numbers, has been redacted in both the analog and digital versions of these materials.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1 1971
1 2 1971
1 3 September 25-December 30, 1972
1 4 1973
1 5 1974
1 6 1974
1 7 1975
1 8 1976
1 9 1977
1 10 1978
1 11 1979
1 12
2 1 1980
2 2 1981
2 3 1982
2 4 1983
2 5 1984
2 6 1985
2 7 1986
2 8 1987
2 9 1988
2 10 1989
3 1 1990
3 2 1991
3 3 1992
3 4 1993
3 5 1994
3 6 1995
3 7 1996
3 8 1997
3 9 1998
3 10 1999
4 1 2000
4 2 2001
4 3 2002
4 4 2003
4 5 2004
4 6 2005
4 7
Per donor's request, redactions have been made to digital surrogate.
4 8 2007
4 9 2008
4 10 2009
5 1 2010
5 2 2011
5 3 2012
5 4 2013
5 5 2014
5 6 2015
5 7
Biographical Information
5 8 December 1999
5 9
Northwestern University profile
5 10
Fellowship and grant applications, business cards, and other ephemera
5 11 1988
5A 1 1961-1963
5A 2 1962-1963
5A 3 1962-2005
5A 4 1976-1980
5A 5 1966-2014
5A 6 1959-2002
5A 7 1974
5A 8 1970
5A 9 1986-2018
5B 1 1995
5B 2 1998-2002
5B 3 2003-2006
5B 4 2007-2010
5B 5 2011-2014

2:  Manuscripts, 1982-2012Return to Top

31 linear feet, (78 boxes)
Carol Doig indicates that while Ivan was creating a story he used different colored paper to identify his progress. Random white pages were pulled from the working manuscript when changes were to be made and these would be replaced by edited pages. Yellow pages represent seminal thoughts and jottings, some of which would work their way into a finished manuscript. Finally, Ivan would use blue pages to indicate scenes he'd written later than the original manuscript. However, this pattern of work is not consistently represented in the various subseries of this collection. Doig also wrote a synopsis or book proposal at the beginning of each project. Some of these documents are filed with the individual book materials and others are found in the Publisher correspondence files. The following inventory represents, with very few exceptions, the original arrangement and folder titles provided by librarian Betty Mayfield who prepared the collection for donation. Some of these folder divisions originally contained hundreds of sheets which were divided into more convenient numbers during archival processing. In those cases, the original folder title is repeated in subsequent folder divisions and indicated by (cont.) If page numbers are present in any manuscript listings, those numbers are given after the (cont.) marker. An asterisk (*) following any folder listing indicates that photographic images or 35mm transparencies originally placed in that folder have been removed for listing in Series 8. All folder numbers appearing as blue hyperlinks will open a separate window and display a PDF file of the entire folder contents.
Container(s) Description Dates
1: The Bartender's Tale [Working title: Miss you When I'm Gone/The Rainbow Year]
Box Folder
6 1
6 2
6 3
6 4
6 5
6 6
6 7
6 8
6 9
6 10
6 11
6 12
6 13
6 14
6 15
6 16
7 1
7 2
7 3
7 4
7 5
7 6
7 7
7 8
7 9
7 10
7 11
7 12
7 13
7 14
7 15
7 16
8 1
2: Bucking the Sun
Box Folder
8 2
8 3
8 4
8 5
Bucking the Sun – final version– copy edited manuscript and changes (cont.), pp. 76-150
Per donor's request, redactions have been made to digital surrogate.
8 6
8 7
8 8
8 9
8 10
8 11
9 1
9 2
9 3
9 4
Bucking the Sun – copy edited manuscript, pp. 1-75
9 5
Bucking the Sun – copy edited manuscript (cont.), pp. 76-150
9 6
Bucking the Sun – copy edited manuscript (cont.), pp. 151-225
9 7
Bucking the Sun – copy edited manuscript (cont.), pp. 226-300
9 8
Bucking the Sun – copy edited manuscript (cont.), pp. 301-375
9 9
Bucking the Sun – copy edited manuscript (cont.), pp. 376-450
9 10
Bucking the Sun – copy edited manuscript (cont.), pp. 451-525
9 11
Bucking the Sun – copy edited manuscript (cont.), pp. 526-600
9 12
Bucking the Sun – copy edited manuscript (cont.), pp. 601-675
9 13
Bucking the Sun – copy edited manuscript (cont.), pp. 676-750
10 1
Bucking the Sun – copy edited manuscript (cont.), pp. 751-825
10 2
Bucking the Sun – copy edited manuscript (cont.), pp. 826-925
10 3
Bucking the Sun – galley proof with edits, pp. 1-75
10 4
Bucking the Sun – galley proof with edits (cont.), pp. 76-150
10 5
Bucking the Sun – galley proof with edits (cont.), pp. 151-225
10 6
Bucking the Sun – galley proof with edits (cont.), pp. 226-300
10 7
Bucking the Sun – galley proof with edits (cont.), pp. 301-412
10 8
Bucking the Sun – additional galley proof with edits, pp. 1-76
10 9
Bucking the Sun – additional galley proof with edits (cont.), pp. 76-150
10 10
Bucking the Sun – additional galley proof with edits (cont.), pp. 151-225
10 11
Bucking the Sun – additional galley proof with edits (cont.), pp. 226-300
10 12
Bucking the Sun – additional galley proof with edits (cont.), pp. 301-412
11 1
11 2
11 3
11 4
11 5
11 6
11 7
12 1
12 2
12 3
12 4
12 5 Spring 1996
12 6
12 7
12 8
12 9
12 10
Bucking the Sun: Margaret Bourke-White LIFE proof sheets*
179 3
Bucking the Sun-cover mockup, version 1
179 5
Bucking the Sun-cover mockup, version 3
179 4
Bucking the Sun-cover mockup, version 2
3: Dancing at the Rascal Fair [Working title: Scotch Heaven]
Box Folder
13 1
13 2
13 3
13 4
13 5
13 6
13 7
13 8
14 1
Dancing at the Rascal Fair – proof with Ivan's corrections and changes, pp. 1-100
April 20, 1987
14 2
Dancing at the Rascal Fair – proof with Ivan's corrections and changes, (cont.) pp.101-200
April 20, 1987
14 3
Dancing at the Rascal Fair – proof with Ivan's corrections and changes, (cont.) pp. 201-300
April 20, 1987
14 4
Dancing at the Rascal Fair – proof with Ivan's corrections and changes, (cont.) pp. 301-405
April 20, 1987
14 5
Dancing at the Rascal Fair – proof with Ivan's corrections and changes, pp.1-100
May 18, 1987
14 6
Dancing at the Rascal Fair – proof with Ivan's corrections and changes (cont.), pp. 101-200
May 18, 1987
14 7
Dancing at the Rascal Fair – proof with Ivan's corrections and changes (cont.), pp. 201-300
May 18, 1987
14 8
Dancing at the Rascal Fair – proof with Ivan's corrections and changes (cont.), pp. 301-403
May 18, 1987
14 9
14 10
14 12
14 13
15 1
15 2
15 3
15 4
15 5
15 6
15 7
16 1 1985-1986
16 2 November-December 1985
16 3 December 1985
16 4 January 1986
16 5 March 1986
16 6 Summer 1986
16 7 May-June 1986
16 8 June 1986
16 9 June 1986
17 1
17 2
17 3
17 4
17 5
17 6
17 7
17 8
17 9
18 1
18 2
18 3
18 4
18 5
18 6
18 7
18 8
18 9
18 10
19 1
19 2
19 3
19 4
19 5
19 6
19 7
19 8
19 9
19 10
19 11
19 12 1996
19 13
19 14
19 15
4: The Eleventh Man [Working title: String of Pearls]
Box Folder
20 1
The Eleventh Man – Ivan's changes on Harcourt printout
20 2
20 3
20 4
20 5
The Eleventh Man – Becky Saletan's edited manuscript with Ivan's changes, pp. 1-75
20 6
The Eleventh Man – Becky Saletan's edited manuscript with Ivan's changes (cont.), pp. 76-150
20 7
The Eleventh Man – Becky Saletan's edited manuscript with Ivan's changes (cont.), pp. 151-225
20 8
The Eleventh Man – Becky Saletan's edited manuscript with Ivan's changes (cont.), pp. 226-300
20 9
The Eleventh Man – Becky Saletan's edited manuscript with Ivan's changes (cont.), pp. 300-399
20 10
The Eleventh Man – Becky Saletan's edited manuscript, correspondence
20 11
The Eleventh Man – Becky Saletan's edited manuscript (cont.), pp. 1-75
20 12
The Eleventh Man – Becky Saletan's edited manuscript (cont.), pp. 76-150
20 13
The Eleventh Man – Becky Saletan's edited manuscript (cont.), pp. 151-225
20 14
The Eleventh Man – Becky Saletan's edited manuscript (cont.), pp. 226-300
20 15
The Eleventh Man – Becky Saletan's edited manuscript (cont.), pp. 301-396
21 1 February 2008
21 2
21 3
21 4
21 5
21 6
21 7
21 8
21 9 January 2008
21 10 January 2008
21 11 January 2008
21 12 January 2008
21 13 January 2008
21 14
22 1
22 2
The Eleventh Man – master copyedited page proofs with corrections, pp. i-60
22 3
The Eleventh Man – master copyedited page proofs with corrections (cont.), pp. 61-150
22 4
The Eleventh Man – master copyedited page proofs with corrections (cont.), pp. 151-225
22 5
The Eleventh Man – master copyedited page proofs with corrections (cont.), pp. 226-319
22 6
The Eleventh Man – master copyedited page proofs with corrections (cont.), pp. 320-406
22 7
22 8
22 9
22 10
22 11
22 12
22 13
22 14
23 1
23 2
23 3
23 4
23 5
23 6
23 7
23 8
23 9
23 10
23 11
23 12
23 13
23 14
23 15
23 16
23 17
23 18
23 19
23 20
23 21
24 1
24 2
24 3
24 4
24 5
24 6
24 7
24 8
24 9
24 10
24 11
24 12
24 13
24 14
24 15
24 16
24 17
24 18
25 1
25 2
25 3
25 4
25 5
25 6
25 7
25 8
25 9
5: English Creek (1984) [Working title: Scotch Heaven]
28 1
28 2
28 3
English Creek – Printers proof first, with edits
28 4
English Creek – Printers proof first, with edits (cont.)
28 5
English Creek – Printers proof first
28 6
English Creek – Printers proof first (cont.)
28 7
29 1
29 2
29 3
29 4
29 5
29 6
29 7
29 8
29 9
30 2
30 3
30 4
30 5
30 6
30 7
30 8
30 9
30 10
30 11
31 1
31 2
31 3
31 4
31 5
31 6
31 7
31 8
31 9
31 10
31 11
31 12
179 6
English Creek-cover mockup
6: Heart Earth
Box Folder
32 1
32 2
32 3
Heart Earth – Ivan's sets of galley proofs, pp. i-75
32 4
Heart Earth – Ivan's sets of galley proofs (cont.), pp. 76-156
32 5
32 6
32 7
32 8
32 9
32 10
32 11
33 1
33 2
33 3
33 4
33 5
33 6
33 7
33 8
33 9
33 10
33 11
33 12
34 1
34 2
34 3
34 4
179 7
Heart Earth-cover mockup
7: Last Bus to Wisdom [Working title: The Dog Bus; The Glory Bus]
Box Folder
35 1
Last Bus to Wisdom – manuscript with Ivan's last edits before proofs, pp. i-100
35 2
Last Bus to Wisdom – manuscript with Ivan's last edits before proofs (cont.), pp. 101-200
35 3
Last Bus to Wisdom – manuscript with Ivan's last edits before proofs (cont.), pp. 201-300
35 4
Last Bus to Wisdom – manuscript with Ivan's last edits before proofs (cont.), pp. 301-423
35 5
Last Bus – manuscript editor's final edits, Ivan reviewed through p. 240, i-100
35 6
Last Bus – manuscript editor's final edits, Ivan reviewed through p. 240 (cont.), pp. 101-200
35 7
Last Bus – manuscript editor's final edits, Ivan reviewed through p. 240 (cont.), pp. 201-300
35 8
Last Bus – manuscript editor's final edits, Ivan reviewed through p. 240 (cont.), pp. 301-400
35 9
Last Bus – manuscript editor's final edits, Ivan reviewed through p. 240 (cont.), pp. 401-478
35 10
Last Bus to Wisdom – Ivan's proof, pp. i-100
December 4, 2014
36 1
Last Bus to Wisdom – Ivan's proof, (cont.), pp. 101-200
December 4, 2014
36 2
Last Bus to Wisdom – Ivan's proof, (cont.), pp. 201-300
December 4, 2014
36 3
Last Bus to Wisdom – Ivan's proof, (cont.), pp. 301-400
December 4, 2014
36 4
Last Bus to Wisdom – Ivan's proof, (cont.), pp. 401-454
December 4, 2014
36 5 December 2014
36 6 December 2014
36 7 December 2014
36 8 December 2014
36 9 December 2014
36 10 April 2015
36 11 April 2015
37 1 April 2015
37 2
37 3
37 4
37 5
37 6
37 7
37 8
38 1
38 2
38 3
38 4
38 5
38 6
38 7
38 8
38 9
38 10
39 1
39 2
39 3
39 4
39 5
39 6
39 7
39 8
39 9
39 10
39 11
Last Bus to Wisdom – research, fancy dancing (Crow Fair)
39 12
39 13
39 14
39 15
40 1
40 2
40 3
40 4
40 5 1957
40 6
40 7
40 8
40 9
40 10
40 11
40 12
40 13
40 14
40 15
40 16
40 17
40 18
40 19
Last Bus to Wisdom Pocket Notebooks (cont.)
40 20
40 21
40 22
40 23
40 24
40 25
40 26
40A 1 2014
40A 2 2014
8: Mountain Time
Box Folder
41 1 June 1998
41 2 June 1998
41 3 June 1998
41 4 June 1998
41 5
41 6
41 7
41 8
41 9
41 10
41 11
Mountain Time – galley with corrections, pp. 51-276
41 12
Mountain Time – galley with corrections (cont.), pp. 1-75
41 13
Mountain Time – galley with corrections (cont.), pp. 76-150
42 1
Mountain Time – galley with corrections (cont.), pp. 151-225
42 2
Mountain Time – galley with corrections (cont.), pp. 226-316
42 3
42 4
42 5
42 6
42 7
42 8
42 9
42 10
42 11
42 12
42 13
42 14
43 1
43 2
43 3
43 4
43 5
43 6
43 7
43 8
Mountain Time – checking material (cont.)
43 9
43 10
43 11
179 8
Mountain Time-cover mockup
9: Prairie Nocturne
Box Folder
44 1
44 2
44 3
44 4
44 5
44 6
44 7
44 8
Prairie Nocturne – copyedited manuscript, pp. 1-75
44 9
Prairie Nocturne – copyedited manuscript (cont.), pp. 76-150
44 10
Prairie Nocturne – copyedited manuscript (cont.), pp. 151-225
44 11
Prairie Nocturne – copyedited manuscript (cont.), pp. 226-300
44 12
Prairie Nocturne – copyedited manuscript (cont.), pp. 302-375
44 13
Prairie Nocturne – copyedited manuscript (cont.), pp. 376-460
45 1
Prairie Nocturne – copyedited manuscript (cont.), pp. 461-545
45 2
Prairie Nocturne page proofs, pp. i-75
45 3
Prairie Nocturne page proofs (cont.), pp. 76-150
45 4
Prairie Nocturne page proofs (cont.), pp. 151-225
45 5
Prairie Nocturne page proofs (cont.), pp. 226-300
45 6
Prairie Nocturne page proofs (cont.), pp. 301-374
45 7 September 2002
45 8 September 2002
45 9 September 2002
45 10 September 2002
45 11 September 2002
45 12 September 2002
45 13 September 2002
46 1 September 2002
46 2 September 2002
46 3
46 4
46 5
46 6
46 7
46 8
Prairie Nocturne – manuscript with corrections (cont.), pp. 395-455
46 9
46 10
46 11
46 12
46 13 May 11, 2000
47 1 March 31, 2001
47 2
47 3
47 4
47 5
47 6
47 7 2002
47 8
47 9
47 10
47 11 June 17, 2000
47 12 August 18, 2000
47 13
47 14
47 15
47 16
47 17 September 2000
47 18 November 2000
47 19 November 2000
47 20
48 1
48 2
48 3
48 4
48 5
48 6
48 7
48 8
48 9
48 10
48 11
48 12
48 13
48 14
48 15
48 16
48 17
48 18
49 1
49 2
49 3
49 4
179 9
Prairie Nocturne-cover mockup, version 1
179 10
Prairie Nocturne-cover mockup, version 2
179 11
Prairie Nocturne-cover mockup, version 3
10: Ride With Me, Mariah Montana
Box Folder
50 1
50 2
50 3
50 4
50 5
Ride With Me, Mariah Montana proof (photocopy) with Ivan's corrections and changes
51 1
Ride With Me, Mariah Montana – manuscript marked for printer, pp. 1-50
51 2
Ride With Me, Mariah Montana – manuscript marked for printer (cont.), pp. 51-125
51 3
Ride With Me, Mariah Montana – manuscript marked for printer (cont.), pp. 126-200
51 4
Ride With Me, Mariah Montana – manuscript marked for printer (cont.), pp. 201-275
51 5
Ride With Me, Mariah Montana – manuscript marked for printer (cont.), pp. 276-375
51 6
Ride With Me, Mariah Montana – manuscript marked for printer (cont.), pp. 376-475
51 7
Ride With Me, Mariah Montana – manuscript marked for printer (cont.), pp. 476-560
51 8
Ride With Me, Mariah Montana – manuscript marked for printer (cont.), pp. 561-637
51 9
52 1
52 2
52 3
52 4
52 5
52 6
53 1
53 2
53 3
53 4
53 5
53 6
53 7
54 1
54 2
54 3
54 4
54 5
54 6 1990
179 12
Ride with me Mariah Montana-cover mockup, version 1
179 13
Ride with me Mariah Montana-cover mockup, version 2
11: The Sea Runners
56 1
56 2
56 3
56 4
56 5
The Sea Runners – galley master proofs with corrections
56 6
The Sea Runners – galley master proofs with corrections (cont.)
56 7
The Sea Runners – galley master proofs with corrections (cont.)
56 8
The Sea Runners – galley master proofs with corrections (cont.)
56 9
The Sea Runners – galley master proofs with corrections (cont.)
57 1
The Sea Runners – galley master proofs with corrections (cont.)
57 2
The Sea Runners – galley master proofs with corrections (cont.)
57 3
The Sea Runners – galley master proofs with corrections (cont.)
57 4 December 21, 1981
57 5 December 21, 1981
57 6 December 21, 1981
57 7
57 8
58 1
58 2
58 3
58 4
58 5
58 6
58 7
58 8
58 9
58 10
58 11 January 1982
58 12 June 1981
58 13 June 1981
58 14 January-June 1981
59 1 Spring 1981
59 2 Spring 1981
59 3 Spring 1981
59 4 March 1981
59 5 February 1981
59 6
59 7
59 8
59 9
59 10
59 11
59 12
59 13
59 14
59 15
60 1
60 2
60 3
60 4
60 5
60 6
60 7
60 8
60 9
60 10
60 11
60 12
60 13
60 14
60 15
12: Sweet Thunder
Box Folder
61 1
61 2
61 3
Sweet Thunder – copyedited manuscript with corrections, pp. 1-75
61 4
Sweet Thunder – copyedited manuscript with corrections (cont.), pp. 27-150
61 5
Sweet Thunder – copyedited manuscript with corrections (cont.), pp. 151-225
61 6
Sweet Thunder – copyedited manuscript with corrections (cont.), pp. 226-295
61 7
Sweet Thunder – Ivan's manuscript marked with corrections, pp. 1-7
March 2013
61 8
Sweet Thunder – Ivan's manuscript marked with corrections (cont.), pp. 76-150
March 2013
61 9
Sweet Thunder – Ivan's manuscript marked with corrections (cont.), pp. 151-229
March 2013
61 10
Sweet Thunder – Ivan's manuscript marked with corrections (cont.), pp. 230-308
March 2013
61 11
Sweet Thunder – copyedited manuscript with corrections, pp. 1-75
February 2013
61 12
Sweet Thunder – copyedited manuscript with corrections (cont.), pp. 76-150
February 2013
62 1
Sweet Thunder – copyedited manuscript with corrections (cont.), pp. 151-225
February 2013
62 2
Sweet Thunder – copyedited manuscript with corrections (cont.), pp. 226-295
February 2013
62 3
62 4
62 5
62 6
62 7
13: This House of Sky [Working title: Deathday; Time Since; and The Hills West of Noon]
62 8
62 9
62 10
62 11
62 12
62 13
64 1
64 2
64 3
64 4
64 5
64 6
64 7
64 8 1975
64 9 1975
64 10 1975
64 11
64 12
64 13
64 14
65 1
65 2
65 3
65 4 1977
65 5
65 6
65 7
65 8
65 9
65 10
65 11
65 12
65 13
65 14
14: The Whistling Season
Box Folder
66 1
66 2
66 3
66 4
66 5
66 6
66 7 June 2005
66 8 June 2005
66 9 June 2005
66 10 June 2005
66 11 June 2005
66 12 May 2005
66 13 May 2005
67 1 May 2005
67 2 May 2005
67 3 May 2005
67 4
The Whistling Season – manuscript proof with corrections, pp. 2-75
67 5
The Whistling Season – manuscript proof with corrections (cont.), pp. 76-150
67 6
The Whistling Season – manuscript proof with corrections (cont.), pp. 151-225
67 7
The Whistling Season – manuscript proof with corrections (cont.), pp. 226-300
67 8
The Whistling Season – manuscript proof with corrections (cont.), pp. 301-346
67 9
67 10
67 11
67 12
67 13
67 14
67 15
68 1
68 2
15: Winter Brothers [Working title: Winter Light]
68 3
68 4
68 5
Winter Brothers – Author's galley proof with corrections
68 6
Winter Brothers – Author's galley proof with corrections (cont.)
68 7
Winter Brothers – Author's galley proof with corrections (cont.)
68 8
Winter Brothers – Author's galley proof with corrections (cont.)
68 9
Winter Brothers – Author's galley proof with corrections (cont.)
68 10
Winter Brothers – copyedited manuscript
April 1980
68 11
Winter Brothers – copyedited manuscript (cont.)
April 1980
68 12
Winter Brothers – copyedited manuscript (cont.)
April 1980
68 13
Winter Brothers – copyedited manuscript (cont.)
April 1980
70 1
Winter Brothers – copyedited manuscript (cont.)
April 1980
70 2 March 1980
70 3 March 1980
70 4 March 1980
70 5 March 1980
70 6 March 1980
70 7 December 1979
70 8 December 1979
70 9 December 1979
70 10 December 1979
70 11 December 1979
70 12 December 1979
70 13 December 1979
71 1 December 1979
71 2 December 1979
71 3 December 1979
71 4 December 1979
71 5
71 6
71 7
71 8
71 9
71 10
71 11 October 5, 1979
71 12 late September 1979
71 13 late September 1979
71 14 late September 1979
71 15
72 1
72 2
72 3
72 4
72 5 December 12, [1979]
72 6
72 7
72 8
72 9
72 10
72 11 November 1980
72 12 1983
72 13
72 14
16: Work Song
Box Folder
73 1
73 2
Work Song – proof with edits
February 2010
73 3
Work Song – proof with edits (cont.)
February 2010
73 4
Work Song – proof with edits (cont.)
February 2010
73 5
Work Song – proof with edits (cont.)
February 2010
73 6
73 7
73 8
73 9
73 10
73 11
73 12
73 13
73 14
74 1
74 2
74 3
74 4
74 5
74 6
74 7
74 8
74 9
74 10
74 11
74 12
74 13
75 1
75 2
75 3
75 4
75 5
75 6
75 7
75 8
75 9
75 10
75 11
75 12
17: Other Writings
These writings include speeches, readings, interviews, compilations, introductions, forewords, book reviews and fugitive pieces that date back to College days.
Box Folder
75 13
75 14 1958-1959
75 15
75 16
75 17 January 2014
75 18 September 28, 2013
75 19 January 25, 2013
75 20 May 24, 2012
75 21 October 14, 2010
75 22 April 19, 2010
75 23 October 3, 2008
75 24 September 23, 2008
75 25 May 16, 2008
76 1 October 28, 2006
76 2 July 22, 2006
76 3 April 2, 2006
76 4 September 15, 2005
76 5 September 6, 2001
75 6 July 14, 2000
76 7 April 15, 2000
76 8 November 19, 1999
76 9 November 5, 1999
76 10 October 16, 1999
76 11 September 22, 1998
76 12 August 1999
76 13 September 17, 1999
76 14 May 6, 1998
76 15 March 24, 1997
75 16 November 14, 1996
76 17 October 2, 1993
76 18 May 1993
77 1 December 1992
77 2 October 19, 1990
77 3 1989
77 4 March 1, 2001
77 5 July 1985
77 6 circa 1980
77 7
77 8
77 9
77 10
77 11
77 12 August 2, 2014
77 13 October 6-8, 2013
77 14 October 4, 2013
77 15 October 7, 2012
77 16 December 11, 2002
77 17 October 8, 2012
77 18 [Undated]
77 19 October 8, 2010
77 20 October 28, 2006
77 21 June 26, 2006
77 22 May 6, 2006
77 23 March 17, 2006
77 24 2005
77 25 April 22, 2005
77 26 October 23, 2004
77 27 2003
77 28 November 9, 2000
78 1 May 15, 2000
78 2 September 25, 1999
78 3 May 16, 1998
78 4 [Undated]
78 5 September 1999
78 6 August 20, 1999
78 7 February 1999
78 8 June 16, 1996
78 9 1996
78 10 1994
78 11 [Undated]
78 12 [Undated]
78 13
78 14
78 15
78 16
78 17
78 18 October 5, 2012
78 19
78 20
78 21
79 1
79 2
79 3
79 4
79 5
79 6 September 13-14, 2007
79 7 November 13, 2006
79 8
79 9
79 10
79 11 [Undated]
79 12
79 13
79 14
Reviews and Interviews
Box Folder
79 15
79 16
79 17
79 18
80 1 1995-2014
80 2 1995-2014
80 3 1995-2014
80 4 1982-1994
80 5 1982-1994
80 6 1982-1994
81 1
81 2 1997
81 3 September/October 2000
81 4 May 27, 1999
81 5
81 6 1995
81 7 Spring 2002
81 8 November 30, 2007
81 9 August 26, 2009
81 10
81 11 2012
81 12 December 2013
Book Reviews written by Ivan Doig
Box Folder
81 13
81 14
81 15
81 16 May 1992
81 17
81 18 Winter 1993
Literary odds and ends
Box Folder
81 19 September 26, 2005
81 20
81 21
81 22 September-November 2012
81 23 Summer 2007
81 24
82 1 2004
82 2 April 15, 2001
82 3 1999
82 4 December 17, 1997
82 5 1996
82 6 1996
82 7
82 8 May 11, 1986
82 9 1986
82 10 1981
82 11 September 17, 1978
82 12 1975-1978
82 13 1975-1978
82 14 1976
82 15
82 16 1966
82 17
82 18
82 19
83 1
83 2
Box Folder
83 3 circa 1968-2005
83 4 circa 1968-2005
83 5
83 6 2016
Additional writings
Additional writings, box 185 folders 2-10, added to the collection in August 2018.
Box Folder
185 2 March 2000
185 3 1989-1991
185 4
Newspaper clippings
Box Folder
185 5 1969-1982
185 6 1987-1990
185 7 1972-1990
185 8 1978-1982
185 9 1982
185 10 1990

3:  Note CardsReturn to Top

32 linear feet, (32 boxes)

These 5x8" notecards contain words, phrases, sentences, character traits, plot, landscapes and ideas that are incorporated into Doig's writing. Many of the terms and concepts were likely taken from the pocket notebooks in Series 5 as well as the notes found written on the yellow legal pads found throughout Series 2.

Doig's original arrangement has been retained. The numbered tabs in each box refer to the cards preceding the tabs. Occasionally Doig would remove cards and place them within a working manuscript for referral, or sort them in a different manner depending on the composition he was working on. As a result, some of the tabs mark sections that are completely empty, yet they have been retained to assist in demonstrating his original intent. These tabs are so marked.
Container(s) Description Dates
The Bartender's Tale (winnowed for The Last Bus to Wisdom)
Box tab
84 1
84 2
84 3
84 4
84 5
84 6
84 7
84 8
84 9
84 10
84 11
84 12
84 13
84 14
84 15
84 16
84 17
84 18
84 19
84 20
84 21
84 22
84 23
84 24
84 25
84 26
84 27
84 28
Bucking the Sun
Box tab
85 1
85 2 1938
85 3
85 4
85 5
85 6
85 7
85 8
85 9
Scene, Meg and Wheeler
Per donor's request, redactions have been made to digital surrogate.
85 10
85 11 1933
85 12
85 13
Scene, Dam overview (empty)
85 14
Scene, Rosellen and Neil (empty)
85 15
85 16
Scene, Meg at the door (empty)
85 17 1933-1935
85 18
Scene, Darius in Scotland (empty)
85 19
85 20
85 21
Scene, Easter and Darius (empty)
85 22 1934-1935
85 23 1991
85 24
85 25
85 26
85 27
85 28
85 29
85 30
85 31
85 32
85 33
85 34
85 35
85 36 1936
85 37
85 38
85 39
85 40
85 41
Scene, eclipse (empty)
85 42
85 43
85 44
Ch. 6 Flood and Eclipse (empty)
85 45 1937
85 46
85 47
85 48
Ch. 8 Slippage (empty)
85 49 1991
85 50
Ch. 10 In the Truck (empty)
85 51
85 52
85 53
85 54
85 55
85 56
86 1
86 2
86 3
Meg/Darius (empty)
86 4
Rhonda/Hue (Jack) (empty)
86 5
86 6
Charlene/Darius (Owen-Proxy) (empty)
86 7
Proxy/Rosellen (empty)
86 8
Rhonda/Neil (empty)
86 9
86 10
86 11
86 12
86 13
86 14
86 15
Landscape (transferred to Whistling Season "country" category) (empty)
86 16 1930's
86 17
86 18
Fort Peck town life (transferred to 11th man) (empty)
86 19
86 20
86 21
86 22
86 23
86 24
Weather (transferred to Whistling Season)
86 25
86 26
86 27
86 28
86 29
86 30
86 31
Christian (empty)
86 32
86 33
86 34
Field (MHS) (empty)
86 35
Ford (empty)
86 36
86 37
Gruar (empty)
86 38
86 39
86 40
Homesteaders details (empty)
86 41
Homesteaders letters (empty)
86 42
86 43
86 44
86 45
86 46
Mast (empty)
86 47
86 48
86 49
86 51
86 52
86 53
86 54
86 55
86 56
86 57
86 58
Oral Histories (empty)
Dancing at the Rascal Fair
Box tab
87 1
87 2
87 3
87 4
87 5
87 6
87 7
87 8
87 9
87 10
87 11
87 12
87 13
87 14
87 15
Scotland (empty)
87 16 1890
87 17 1891-1892
87 18 1893
87 19 1894
87 20 1895
87 21
Scotch Heaven (empty)
87 22 1898-1908
87 23 1909-1913
87 24 1914
87 25
Rob (empty)
87 26 1916-1917
87 27 1918
87 28 1919
87 29
87 30
87 31
Adair Barclay (empty)
87 32
87 33
87 34
87 35
87 36
87 37
87 38
87 39
87 40
The Eleventh Man
Box tab
88 1
89 1
89 2
89 3
89 4
89 5
89 6
East Base (empty)
89 7
89 8
89 9
89 10
89 11
89 12
89 13
89 14
Animal Angelides (empty)
89 15
Wallace Pennington (empty)
89 16
89 17
89 18
Carl Friessen (empty)
89 19
89 20
89 21
89 22
89 23
89 24
89 25
89 26
89 27
89 28
89 29
89 30
89 31
Minor Characters (empty)
89 32
89 33
89 34
89 35 1944
89 36
89 37
89 38
Danzen's Ship (empty)
89 39
89 40
Belgium (empty)
89 41
Ben in Route (empty)
89 42
89 43
89 44
89 45
89 46
89 47
89 48
89 49 December 16
89 50
89 51
89 52
89 53
89 54
The Senator (empty)
89 55
Xmas Eve (empty)
89 56
89 57
89 58
89 59
English Creek (winnowed in November 2002 for Whistling Season and others)
Box tab
90 1
90 2
90 3
90 4
90 5
90 6
90 7
90 8
90 9
90 10
90 11
Gros Ventre Characters (empty)
90 12
90 13
90 14
90 15 1930's
90 16 1939
90 17
Sheep (empty)
90 18
90 19
Blank (empty)
90 20
90 21
Gros Ventre (empty)
90 22
Food (empty)
90 23
90 24
90 25
Mont. Trip (empty)
90 26 1982
90 27 1983
90 28
90 29
90 30
90 31
90 32
90 33
90 34
90 35
Heart Earth
Box tab
91 1
91 2
91 3
91 4
Berneta (empty)
91 5
91 6
91 7
91 8
91 9 1944 February 5
91 10
91 11
91 12 1944
91 13 March 7
91 14
Cabin: desert (empty)
91 15
91 16
91 17 April 8
91 18
91 19
91 20 May 4
91 21 1962
91 22
91 23
91 24
Maudlow (empty)
June 15
91 25
91 26
91 27
Phrasing (empty)
91 28
91 29
91 30
91 31
91 32
Landscape (empty)
91 33
Weather (empty)
91 34
91 35
Ideas (empty)
91 36
91 37
Photo details (empty)
91 38
The Last Bus to Wisdom (the Dog Bus)
Box tab
92 1
92 2
92 3
92 4
92 5
92 6
92 7
92 8
92 9
Gestures (empty)
92 10
92 11
92 12
92 13
92 14
92 15
92 16
92 17
93 1
93 2
93 3
93 4
Mountain Time
Box tab
94 1
94 2
94 3
94 4
94 5
94 6
Lyle Rozier (empty)
94 7
94 8
94 9
94 10
Weather (empty)
94 11
94 12
94 13
VFW club (empty)
94 14
94 15
Twin Sulphur Springs (empty)
94 16
Seattle (empty)
94 17
Bob Marshall Wilderness (empty)
94 18
Montana landscapes (empty)
94 19
94 20
Scene 2 Mitch rollerblading (empty)
94 21
94 22
94 23
94 24
Scene 6 Lexa @ zoo (empty)
94 25
94 26
94 27
94 28
94 29
94 30
94 31
94 32
Mitch and Mariah (empty)
94 33
94 34
94 35
94 36
94 37
Prairie Nocturne
Box tab
95 1
95 2
95 3
95 4
95 5
95 6
95 7
95 8
95 9
95 10
Flora (empty)
95 11
95 12
95 13
95 14
95 15
Susan's voice and diary (empty)
95 16
95 17
95 18
95 19 1920
95 20
95 21
95 22
95 23
95 24
95 25
95 26
95 27
95 28
95 29
95 30
95 31
95 32
95 33
95 34
95 35
95 36
95 37
95 38
95 39
Wes and Susan (empty)
95 40
95 41
Monty's concert (empty)
95 42
95 43
95 44
95 45
95 46
95 47
95 48
95 49
95 50
95 51
95 52
95 53
95 54
Ride With Me, Mariah Montana
Box tab
96 1
96 2
96 3
96 4
96 5
96 6
96 7
96 8
Details (empty)
96 9
96 10
96 11
96 12
96 13
96 15
96 16
96 17
96 18
96 19
96 20
96 21
96 22
96 23
96 24
96 25
97 1
97 2
97 3
97 4
97 5
97 6
97 7
97 8
97 9
97 10
97 11
97 12
97 12 1989
97 14
97 15
97 16
97 17
97 18
Dialogue (empty)
97 19
Details (empty)
97 20
Bob Marshall (empty)
97 21
97 22
97 23
97 24
97 25
Two Medicine country (empty)
97 26
The Sea Runners
Box tab
98 1
98 2
98 3
99 1
99 2
99 3
99 4
99 5
99 6
99 7
99 8
Coastal details (empty)
99 9
99 10
99 11
99 12
99 13
99 14
Sweet Thunder (winnowed for The Last Bus to Wisdom)
Box tab
100 1
100 2
100 3
This House of Sky
Box tab
101 3
101 4
101 5
101 6
101 7
101 8
General (empty)
101 9
101 10
101 11
Landscape and weather (empty)
101 12
101 13
Sheep (empty)
101 14
Dad (empty)
101 15
The Whistling Season (winnowed for The Eleventh Man)
Box tab
102 1
Paul (empty)
102 2
102 4
102 5
102 6
102 7
102 8
102 9
102 10
Characters (empty)
102 11
The Myrdals (empty)
102 12
The Johannsons (empty)
102 13
The Calhouns (empty)
102 14
The Petersons (empty)
102 15
The Drobnys (empty)
102 16
The Kratkas (empty)
102 17
The Fletchers (empty)
102 18
Carnelian Craig (empty)
102 19
The Pranovosts (empty)
102 20
The Stinsons (empty)
102 21
Eddie Turley (empty)
102 22
The Stoyanous (empty)
102 23
The Rellises (empty)
102 24
Vivian Pease (empty)
102 25
Maggie Erich (empty)
102 26
102 27
102 28
Christmas (empty)
102 29
Poems/Songs (empty)
102 30
102 31
102 32
102 33
102 34
102 35
102 36
102 37
102 38
102 39
102 40
102 41
102 42
102 43
15 Latin etc. (empty)
102 44
102 45
102 46
102 47
16 orrary to Toby's toe (empty)
102 48
102 49
102 50
17 Rose nursing to Eddie leaving (empty)
102 51
Harry Taggart (empty)
102 52
102 53
102 54
102 55
Rose-Oliver wedding (empty)
102 56
Finale (empty)
102 57
19 swans and finale (empty)
102 58
102 59
102 60
102 61
102 62
102 63
102 64
102 65
Winter Brothers
Box tab
103 1
103 2
103 3
103 4
103 5
103 6
103 7
103 8
Day 12 (empty)
103 9
103 10
103 11
103 12
103 13
Day 17 (empty)
103 14
103 15
103 16
103 17
103 18
Day 22 (empty)
103 19
103 20
103 21
103 22
103 23
Day 29 (empty)
103 24
103 25
103 26
103 27
103 28
Day 34 (empty)
103 29
103 30
103 31
103 32
Day 40 (empty)
103 33
103 34
103 35 February 1
103 36
103 37
103 38
Day 48 (empty)
103 39
103 40
103 41
103 42
103 43
103 44
103 45
103 46
103 47
103 48
103 49
Day 63 (empty)
103 50
103 51
Day 65 (empty)
103 52
Day 66 (empty)
103 53
Day 67 (empty)
103 54
103 55
103 56
Day 70 (empty)
103 57
Day 71 (empty)
103 58
103 59
103 60
Day 74 (empty)
103 61
103 62
103 63
Day 77 (empty)
103 64
103 65
103 66
Day 80 (empty)
103 67
Day 81 (empty)
103 68
Days 82, 83 (empty)
103 69
103 70
103 71
103 72
103 73
104 1
104 2
104 3
Ideas (empty)
104 4
Phrasing (empty)
104 5
104 6
104 7
104 8
104 9
Me (empty)
104 10
104 11
104 12
104 13
104 14
104 15
Olympic peninsula (empty)
104 16
Frontier (empty)
104 17
Work Song
Box tab
105 1
105 2
105 3
105 4
105 5
105 6
105 7
105 8
105 9
105 10
105 11
105 12
105 13
105 14
105 15
105 16
105 17
105 18
105 19
Minor characters (empty)
105 20
105 21
105 22
105 23
105 24
105 25
105 26
105 27
105 28
105 29
105 30
105 31
Prairie Nocturne and speeches, Whistling Season, 11th Man
Box tab
106 1
106 2
Winnowed and sorted material for a variety of books
Box tab
107 1 November 2009
107 2
Unwritten books -Traveler in White space and Water Like a Stone
Box tab
108 1
108 2
Traveler in White Space – Technique (empty)
108 3
108 4
108 5
108 6
108 7
108 8
108 9
108 10
108 11
108 12
108 13
108 14
108 15
Unwritten books -The Rainbow Rope and The Glass Sea
Box tab
109 1
109 2
109 3
109 4
Missile Crisis (empty)
109 5 1960's
109 6
109 7
109 8
109 9
109 10
109 11
109 12
109 13
109 14
The Glass Sea (empty)
109 15
109 16
109 17
109 18
109 19 1930
109 20
109 21
TV hearings (empty)
109 22
109 23
Characters (empty)
DARE (Dictionary of American Regional English) and Scotchisms
Box tab
110 1
110 2
110 3
Scotch (empty)
Box tab
112 1
112 2
112 3
112 4
112 5
Phrasing/Dialog/Minor Characters
Box tab
113 1
113 2
113 3
113 4
113 5
113 6
113 7
Lisabeth (empty)
113 8
Varick McCaskill (empty)
113 9
113 10
Possible adds (empty)
Box tab
114 1
114 2
114 3
114 4
114 5
114 6
114 7
114 8
114 9
Blue as Odyssey (empty)
114 10
Storytelling tradition (empty)
114 11
114 12
114 13
114 14
114 15 1980
114 16
114 17
Box tab
115 1
115 2
115 3
115 4
Country [and winnowed material]
Box tab
116 1
116 2

4:  Writer's filesReturn to Top

2 linear feet, (5 boxes)

Essays, book reviews, clippings, and other materials created or collected by Doig dealing with the process of writing in general. Included are submissions made to the Dictionary of Regional English and other pieces specifically mentioning the use of language and dialogue in fiction writing. While some files may mention specific works, these items discuss writing in a general, rather than specific, sense.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
117 1
117 2
117 3
117 4
117 5
117 6
117 7
117 8
117 9
117 10
117 11
117 12
117 13
118 1
118 2
118 3
118 4
118 5
118 6
118 7 2003
118 8
118 9
118 10
118 11
118 12
118 13
119 1
119 2
119 3
119 4
119 5
119 6
119 7
119 8
119 9
119 10
119 11
119 12
119 13
Writing ideas- The Voyage of the Young Greek
Per donor's request, redactions have been made to digital surrogate.
119 14
120 1
120 2
120 3
120 4
120 5
120 6
120 7
120 8
120 9
120 10
120 11
120 12
120 13
120 14
120 15
120 16
120 17
120 18
121 1
121 2
121 3
121 4
121 5
121 6
121 7
121 8
121 9
121 10
179 15
English Creek map, version 1
179 16
English Creek map, version 2

5:  Pocket Notebooks, 1984-1993 and undatedReturn to Top

0.8 linear feet, (2 boxes)

Ivan was known for using pocket notebooks to write random thoughts throughout the day. These notebooks contain jottings, words, phrases, quotes, as well as grocery lists, garden ideas and so on. Some of the notebooks are dated, others are not. With the exception of a seventeen pocketbooks that were removed by Doig and placed in Series Two, Subseries Seven there is no particular designation of any book title associated with these items.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
122 1
122 2
122 3
122 4
122 5
122 6
122 7
122 8
122 9
122 10
122 11
122 12
122 13
122 14
122 15
122 16
122 17
122 18
122 19
122 20
122 21
122 22
122 23
122 24
122 25
122 26
122 27
122 28
122 29
122 30
122 31
122 32
122 33
122 34
122 35
122 36
122 37
122 38
122 39
Pocket notebooks
Per donor's request, redactions have been made to digital surrogate.
122 40
122 41
122 42
122 43
122 44
122 45
122 46
122 47
122 48
122 49
122 50
122 51
122 52
122 53
122 54
122 55
122A 1
122A 2
122A 3
122A 4
122A 5
122A 6
122A 7
122A 8 1985
122A 9
122A 10
122A 12 1997
122A 13
122A 14
122A 15
122A 16
122A 17
122A 18
122A 19
122A 20
122A 21
122A 22
122A 23 1988
122A 24 1993
122A 25 1987
122A 26
122A 27 1984
122A 28
122A 29
122A 30
122A 31
122A 32
122A 34 1993
122A 33
122A 35
122A 36 1987
122A 37
122A 38
122A 39
122A 40
122A 41
122A 42
122A 43
122A 44
122A 45
122A 46
122A 47
122A 48
122A 49
122A 11

6:  Correspondence, 1972-2015Return to Top

9.6 linear feet, (24 boxes)

Incoming letters and outgoing carbon copies of Doig's replies have been divided into six subseries.

An asterisk (*) following any folder listing indicated that photographic images or 35mm transparencies originally placed in that folder have been removed for individual listing in Series 8.
Container(s) Description Dates
1: General
Chronologically arranged letters from other writers and general public. Occasionally Doig's response is typed with carbon paper on the blank space on the front or on the back of the incoming letter. Other carbon copy responses are typed on separate sheets, usually on yellow onionskin. There is no clear difference between the letters placed in this subseries with those in Subseries 6, which are also chronologically arranged.
Box Folder
121 11 1978
121 12 1979
121 13 1980
121 14 1981
121 15 1982
121 16 1983
121 17 1984
121 18 1985
121 19 1986
121 20 1987
121 21 1988
123 1 1989
123 2 1990
123 3 1991
123 4 1992
123 5 1993
123 6 1994
123 7 1995
123 8 1996
123 9 1997
123 10 1998
123 11 1999
123 12 2000
123 13 2001
123 14 2002
123 15 2003
123 16 2004
123 17 2005
123 18 2006
123 19 2007
123 20 2008
123 21 2009
123 22 2010
123 23 2011
123 24 2012
123 25 2014
123 26 2015
2: Individual Writers
Per donor's request, redactions have been made to digital surrogates.
Letters from specific writers, celebrities, or other personalities that Doig filed by name rather than chronologically. Also included in some of these folders are clippings, notations, and other material pertaining to the named person.
Box Folder
124 1
124 2
124A 3 2015
124A 4 2015
124A 5 1982-1994
124A 7 2001-2013
124A 6 1991-2008
124A 8
124 3
Paul Bacon
124 4
Stephen Becker
124 5
Mary Ellen Benson
124A 2 1986-1994
124A 1 1988-2011
124 6
124 7
Carol Bredahl
124 8
Richard Maxwell Brown
124 9
Richard Maxwell Brown
124 10
Richard Maxwell Brown
124 11
124 12
124 13
Vernon Carstensen
124 14
Raymond Carver
124 15
124 16
Barnaby Conrad
124 17
Bill Cronon
124 18
Annie Dillard and Peter Mathiessen
124 19
Frank Dobie
124 20
Monte Dolack
125 1
Michael Dorris and Louise Erdrich
125 2
125 3
Dick Estell
125 4
125 5
125 6
David Godine
125 7
John Graves
125 8
A.B. Guthrie
125 9
David Hawke
125 10
Robert Heilman
125 11
James Herndon
125 12
Carol Hill
125 13
Tony Hillerman
125 14
Edward Hoagland
125 15
Jim Houston
125 16
Richard Hugo
125 17
125 18
Tom W. Jones
125 19
Roger Kennedy
125 20
Ruth Kirk
125 21
Bill Kittredge
125 22
125 23
125 24
125 25
125 26
126 1
David Lavender
126 2
Craig Lesley
126 3
Craig Lesley
126 4
Craig Lesley
126 5
Barry Lopez
126 6
Norman Maclean
126 7
James Maguire
126 8
Harvey Manning
126 9
Jan Mason
126 10
Robert McCraig
129 5
126 11
Marian McPartland
126 12
Jan Morris
126 13
Wright Morris
126 14
Mark Muro
126 15
Sheila Nickerson
126 16
Jack Nisbet
126 17
David Plante
126 18
126 19
Mike Olsen
126 20
Wayne Overholser
126 21
George Plimpton
126 22
Annie Proulx
126 23
Robert Sims Reid
126 24
James Reston
127 1
Bill Robbins
127 2
Bill Robbins
127 3
Mary Robertson
127 4
Ainsley Roseen
127 5
Archie Satterfield
127 6
Mildred Walker Schemm
127 7
Ted Schwinden Montana Governor
127 8
Mary Lee Settle and Widdy Tazewell
127 9
Maurice Shadbolt/Elspeth Sandys
127 10
Derek Sheffield
127 11
Elizabeth Simpson
Doig dissertation.
127 12
Elizabeth Simpson
Doig dissertation.
127 13
Wendy Smith
127 14
Bill Stafford
127 15
127 16
127 17
128 1
128 2
128 3
128 4
128 5
128 6
128 7
128 8
128 9
Richard White
128 10
128 11
Geoffrey Wolff
128 12
128 13
129 1
129 2
129 3
Jerry and Suzanne Zeismer
129 4
Frank Zoretich
Linda Miller
Linda Miller was a student at Northwestern's High School Journalism Institute in 1961, the year Ivan and Carol met there as members of the teaching staff. She became a lifelong friend. Carol Doig has said that the years' long correspondence with Linda most fully reveals the daily life of the Doig household as well as details of writing and publishing. Paired with the Doig diaries, they fill out the story of Ivan's life and work.
Box Folder
125A 1 1979-1990
125A 2 1991-2008
125A 3 2009-2015
125A 4 1972-1973
125A 5 1980-1989
125A 6 1990-2007
3: Fan letters
Letters from ordinary readers of Doig's books, written in praise of his work with particular emphasis on This House of Sky
Box Folder
129 6
129 7
129 8
129 9
129 10
129 11
129 12
129 13
129 14 2003
130 1
4: Publishers-Editors Letters
Publisher's correspondence includes book proposals, information regarding edits, promotion, covers, biographical information, etc. An asterisk (*) indicates photographs have been removed from the folder and placed in Series 8.
Box Folder
130 2
Kathy Wilson "Thank You" letter
130 3
130 4
130 5
130 6
130 7
130 8
130 9
130 10
130 11
131 1
131 2
131 3
131 4
131 5
131 6
131 7
131 8
131 9
131 10
131 11
132 1
132 2
132 3
132 4
132 5
132 6
132 7
132 8
132 9
132 10
132 11
133 1
133 2
133 3
133 4
133 5
133 6
133 7
133 8
133 9
133 10
133 11
133 12
133 13
133 14
134 1
134 2
134 3
134 4
134 5
134 6
134 7
134 8
134 9
134 10
135 1
135 2
135 3
135 4
135 5
135 6
135 7
135 8
135 9
135 10
136 1
136 2
5: Booksellers and Library Letters
Box Folder
136 3
136 4
136 5
136 6
136 7
136 8
136 9
136 10
136 11
136 12
137 1
137 2
137 3
137 4
137 5
137 6
137 7
137 8
137 9
137 10
137 11
6: General Files
Although many of the letters in this subseries seem to be more personal and exchanged between family and friends, there is little to distinguish them from the other letters also arranged chronologically in Subseries 1. However, these files were maintained separately and that order has been preserved.
Box Folder
137 12 1997
137 13 1998
137 14 1998
138 1 1999
138 2 1999
138 3 2000
138 4 2001
138 5 2002
138 6 2003
138 7 2004
138 8 2005
138 9 2006
138 10 2007
138 11 2008
139 1 2009
139 2 2010
139 3 2012
139 4 2013
139 5 2014
139 6 1985
139 7
139 8
139 9
139 10
7: Condolence Letters
Letters expressing condolences upon Doig's passing. [Condolence letters added to the collection in August 2018.]
Box Folder
184 1 March 2015
184 2 April 1-11, 2015
184 3 April 12-13, 2015
184 4 April 14-16, 2015
184 5 April 17-21, 2015
184 6 April 22-28, 2015
184 7 May 2015
184 8 2015
185 1 Undated

7:  Interviews and Readings, 1968-2009Return to Top

13 linear feet, (13 boxes)

Cassette and reel-to-reel audiotapes of various interviews conducted with Ivan Doig by commercial and public broadcasters; research oral history interviews collected from the Montana Historical Society or conducted by Doig of family members, former neighbors, and other persons regarding his own family history, Montana homesteading, the history of the Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, and other background material used in his novels; recordings of Doig performing public readings from his works in a number of different venues. There is also a small selection of CD audio disks and VHS videocassettes covering the same topics.

Researchers must use digital surrogates; original media is restricted from use.

Container(s) Description Dates
Interviews with Doig
Cassette and reel-to-reel audiotapes of various interviews conducted with Ivan Doig by commercial and public broadcasters; research oral history interviews collected from the Montana Historical Society or conducted by Doig of family members, former neighbors, and other persons regarding his own family history, Montana homesteading, the history of the Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, and other background material used in his novels; recordings of Doig performing public readings from his works in a number of different venues. There is also a small selection of CD audio disks and VHS videocassettes covering the same topics. Use of the original materials in this series will be restricted until suitable digital surrogates are created.
Box item
140 1 Undated
140 2
KUOW interview segments with Kim Hodgson
140 3 1984-09-26
140 4 1984-12-17
140 5 1984-10-21
140 6
140 7
NPR Performance Today: Ivan Doig
140 8
KUFM (Missoula)
140 9
CBS/CBS Don Swaim BookBeat
December 16-18, 1987
140 10
Tom Jackson of The Daily Astorian interview (blank)
140 11
KUOW Interview Rascal Fair
140 12
USIA interview by Sarah Long, Mariah Montana
Fall 1990
140 13 1990-09-25T00:00:00+00:00
140 14
KXL Bill Gallagher interview
140 15
KMPS Don Riggs interview and KOPB Julie Draper interview
140 16 1993-06-24
140 17
KUSU (Utah State) Heart Earth interview
140 18
KPFA "Probabilities" interview with Richard Wolinsky and Richard Lupoff
141 1 1993-11-16
141 2
KBOO (Portland) "Across my desk" interview with Jim Schumock
141 3
Oregon Public Broadcasting "Golden Hours" interview (blank)
141 4
Fiser Interview with Matt Rothchild
141 5
KEMB, Billings, Montana – Writer's Voice on the Air: Ivan Doig
141 6
Diane Rehm show – The Whistling Season
Research Interviews
Box Folder
141 7 July 5, 1968
141 8 July 3, 1968
141 9 Undated
141 10 May 12, 1974
141 11 November 6, 1974
141 12 November 6, 1974
141 13 June 19, 1979
141 14
141 15
141 16
141 17
141 18
Dave Brubeck on Ranch boyhood
Per donor's request, redactions have been made to digital surrogate.
February 13, 1981
142 1 July 1, 1981
142 2 December 30, 1982
142 3 June 28, 1982
142 4 [circa June/July 1982]
142 5 June 21, 1982
142 6 June 23, 1982
142 7 May 11, 1983
142 8 May 11, 1983
142 9 July 12, 1983
142 10 March 15, 1984
142 11 July 9, 1982
142 12 July 7, 1982
142 13 June 23, 1982
142 14 July 11, 1982; July 12, 1982
142 15 May 9, 1984
142 16 July 2, 1985
142 17 July 1, 1985
142 18 July 5, 1985
143 1 August 19, 1985
143 2 February 3, 1986
143 3 July 31, 1987
143 4 July 31, 1987
143 5 July 31, 1987
143 6 August 2, 1987
143 7 August 2, 1987
143 8 August 2, 1987
143 9 July 31, 1987
143 10 July 31, 1987
143 11 August 1, 1987
143 12 August 2, 1987
143 13 August 1, 1987
143 14 August 2, 1987
143 15 August 2, 1987
143 16 August 1, 1987
143 17 August 1, 1987
143 18 August 3, 1987
144 1 February 15, 1989
144 2 July 16, 1990
144 3 September 6, 1990
144 4 September 6, 1990
144 5 April 4, 1991
144 6 May 29, 1991
144 7 February 19, 1994
144 8 February 15, 1994
Readings and Speeches
Box Cassette
144 19
Great Falls Public Library [possibly for Montana Library Association?]
1980 May
144 9 February 23, 1984; March 12, 1984
144 10 April 13, 1984
144 11 April 19, 1985
144 12
Montana Historical Society "Welcome to Gros Ventre" and KPLU All Things Considered
October 1984; December 17, 1984
144 13 September 20, 1984
144 14 June 9, 1984; May 20, 1985
144 15 Fall 1980; December 1985
144 16 February 11, 1987
144 17 September 12, 1987
144 18 September 12, 1987
145 1 September 29, 1987
145 2
Minnesota Public Radio – Rascal Fair reading
October 17, 1987
145 3 December 15, 1988
145 4 December 15, 1988
145 5 December 15, 1988
145 6 September 10, 1990
145 7 November 15, 1990
145 8 [1990?]
145 9 October 2, 1991
145 10
Portland State University – Kellogg Lecture "Works in Progress" reading
May 13, 1992
145 11 April 21, 1993
145 12 April 22, 1993
145 13 October 7, 1993
145 14 Fall 1993
145 15 Summer 1994
145 16
Fishtrap gathering – Saturday afternoon
Summer 1994
145 17 September 24, 1996
145 18 1996
146 1 1996
146 2 May 6, 1998
146 3 1999
146 4 September 1999
146 5
KCHQ/KFPR "The Art and Craft of Writing"
December 24, 1999
146 6 March 1, 2001
146 7 September 6, 2001
146 8 2003
146 9 Undated
146 10 Undated
146 11 Undated
146 12 Undated
146 13 Undated
146 14 Undated
146 15 Undated
146 16 Undated
146 17 Undated
146 18 Undated
Miscellaneous cassettes
Box Folder
147 1
147 2
147 3
147 4
A river called Two Medicine / Ian Freebairn-Smith
147 5
Storylines America "This House of Sky" Sides A and B
147 6
Storylines America "This House of Sky" Sides C and D
147 7
Big Sky Radio "This House of Sky" Sides A and B
147 8
Big Sky Radio "This House of Sky" Sides C and D
147 9
University of Wisconsin Western Literature "The Best of our knowledge"
November 17, 1993
147 10
Center for the Rocky Mountain West. A Symposium in tribute to Wallace Stegner: University of Montana
147 11
Center for the Rocky Mountain West. A Symposium in tribute to Wallace Stegner: University of Montana (cont.)
147 12
Center for the Rocky Mountain West. A Symposium in tribute to Wallace Stegner: University of Montana (cont.)
147 13 September 1, 1993
147 14 April 27, 1995
147 15
City Arts of San Franciso, hosted by Maya Angelou presents A Tribute to Wallace Stegner: with Page Stegner, Ivan Doig, Gretel Ehrlich, William Kittredge, Barry Lopez and Terry Tempest Williams
147 16 November 24, 1997
147 17 November 24, 1997
147 18 November 24, 1997
148 1
KPFA – Wallace Stegner / read by Ed Markmann
148 2
Committee for the Humanities, Missoula, MT. Richard Hugo: a radio profile (Reflections in Montana)
148 3 April 16, 1982
148 4
Laurie Mercier and Carter V. Johnson, Glasgow, Montana (Montana Historical Society OH 1054)
Compact Disks
Box Folder
148 5
KPBX/KSFC Spokane Public Radio. The Whistling Season / by Ivan Doig (The Bookshelf) read by Tom Bacon
148 6
KPBX/KSFC Spokane Public Radio. The Whistling Season / by Ivan Doig (The Bookshelf) read by Tom Bacon (cont.)
148 7
KPBX/KSFC Spokane Public Radio. The Whistling Season / by Ivan Doig (The Bookshelf) read by Tom Bacon (cont.)
148 8
KPBX/KSFC Spokane Public Radio. The Whistling Season / by Ivan Doig (The Bookshelf) read by Tom Bacon (cont.)
148 9
KPBX/KSFC Spokane Public Radio. The Whistling Season / by Ivan Doig (The Bookshelf) read by Tom Bacon (cont.)
148 10
KPBX/KSFC Spokane Public Radio. The Whistling Season / by Ivan Doig (The Bookshelf) read by Tom Bacon (cont.)
148 11
KPBX/KSFC Spokane Public Radio. The Whistling Season / by Ivan Doig (The Bookshelf) read by Tom Bacon (cont.)
148 12
KPBX/KSFC Spokane Public Radio. The Whistling Season / by Ivan Doig (The Bookshelf) read by Tom Bacon (cont.)
148 13
KPBX/KSFC Spokane Public Radio. The Whistling Season / by Ivan Doig (The Bookshelf) read by Tom Bacon (cont.)
148 14
KPBX/KSFC Spokane Public Radio. The Whistling Season / by Ivan Doig (The Bookshelf) read by Tom Bacon (cont.)
148 15
KPBX/KSFC Spokane Public Radio. The Whistling Season / by Ivan Doig (The Bookshelf) read by Tom Bacon (cont.)
148 16 October 28, 2006
148 17
KPBX/KSFC Spokane Public Radio. Work Song / by Ivan Doig (The Bookshelf) read by Anthony Flinn. (Episode 1-3)
148 18
Diane Rehm show – Ivan Doig's Dancing at the Rascal Fair
August 26, 2009
Montana Interviews
Box Folder
149 1 July 7, 1977
149 2 July 20, 1977
149 3 Undated
149 4 May 14, 1974
149 5 July 1, 1977
149 6 July 3-7, 1968
149 7 July 3, 1968
149 8 November 6, 1974; November 11, 1974
149 9 July 1977
149 10
Bob Lyng and Alfred Messmer, and History of the Jawbone Railroad and Tom Kerr and the sinking of the Athenis
July 19, 1977
149 11
Pete McCabe and Jim Keith
Pete McCabe May 13, 1974 and Jim Keith, May 12, 1974
May 12-13, 1974
149 12 June 26-28, 1977
149 13 Christmas 1973
150 1 Undated
150 2 May 10, 1974
Pacific Search Interviews
Box Folder
150 3 March 14, 1977
150 4 December 16, 1976
150 5 February 2, 1977
150 6 January 28, 1977
150 7 February 21, 1977
150 8 March 9, 1977
150 9 February 13, 1970; May 5, 1972
150 10 December 6, 1976
150 11
Barney McPhillips
May 13, 1976
150 12 September 15, 1976
150 13 September 10, 1976
Pacific Northwest Experiment Station interviews
Box Folder
151 1 May 2, 1975
151 2 April 30, 1975
151 3 September 15, 1975
151 4 April 29-May 1, 1975
Miscellaneous Interviews
Box Folder
151 5 June 6, 1976; June 11, 1976
151 6 December 15, 1976
151 7 June 6, 1977
151 8 June 6, 1977
151 9 October 16, 1974
151 10
151 11 August 20, 1976
151 12 Undated
151 13 September 23, 1978
152 1
Silen's 'Double Planet'
152 2
Ralph and Helen Jordan and Lena Holmes
July 18-19, 1977
152 3
Audio letter to Grandma Ringer from Paul and Joyce Ringer
VHS tapes
Box Folder
153 1 September 12, 1987
153 2
Chandler Lecture Series with Ivan Doig
153 3
Governor's Humanities Awards
153 4
Governor's Awards for the Arts
153 5
Idaho Public Television: Dialog with Ivan Doig
153 6 July 1, 1996
153 7 September 14, 1999
153 8 2003
153 9 December 1, 1996
153 10
153 11
The Reading Room – Ivan Doig
153 12 December 8, 1987
153 13 May 5, 1968
153 14 November 5, 1987

8:  PhotographsReturn to Top

9 linear feet, (10 boxes)

Includes photographs removed from other series in this collection and identified as such, along with photographs specifically maintained separately by Doig, such as 35mm transparencies taken during his travels with his wife and while conducting research for his writing.

Any specific folders from which images were removed have an asterisk (*) added to that folder listing. Negatives located in box 164 have been assigned the same number as their corresponding 35 mm transparency or photographic image.
Container(s) Description Dates
35mm Transparencies
The 35 mm transparencies arrangement begins at 34, there is no #1-33 due to a processing oversight. The majority of the transparencies are color; some black and white 35 mm transparencies reside within this section, but they have not been specifically identified as such. While some of the transparencies in this series arrived in individually labeled boxes referring to specific topics, some were removed from other series for their placement here. Those transparencies originally in labeled boxes have been listed following the original box label printed in italics. Within each box the transparencies were grouped into specific sections and in those cases where a section had been specifically labeled, that heading is also included above the listing of the images. Titles for individual images have been taken from notations on the cardboard mounting frame itself, but if the transparency was unlabeled it appears as "unidentified" as the slide's title. Transparencies #34-530 were removed from Series 1-7 and Series 9-10. Transparencies #34-168 were removed from Series 1, Dairies and biographical information. Transparencies #169-490 were removed from the individual book files in Series 2; headings that precede each set of these images correspond to the book titles (Subseries 1-17) they were removed from, and the specific folder listings have also been marked with an asterisk to indicate these removals. Transparencies #491-494 were removed from box 131, folder 7. Transparencies #495-530 were removed from Series 9 and 10. Transparencies # 495-514 were removed from Series 9, Subseries 3 Edinburgh. Transparencies #515-520 were removed from Series 10, Subseries 2 Sites and Quake, June 2002. Transparencies #521-530 were removed from Series 10, Subseries 2 Lewis Clark Site, June 2002. Within each box, numbering of the transparencies begins on the left running in a vertical column progressing towards the right of the box.
Box photographic-slides
154 35
154 36
154 37
154 38
154 39
154 40
154 41
154 42
154 43
154 44
154 45 May 17, 1997
154 46 July 24, 1983
154 47
154 48
154 49
154 50
154 51
154 52
154 53
154 54
154 55
154 56
154 57
154 58 1996
154 59
154 60
154 61
154 62
154 63
154 64
154 65
154 66
154 67
154 68
154 69
154 70
154 71
154 72
154 73
Standard slide show, Doig homestead
Per donor's request, redactions have been made to digital surrogate.
154 74
154 75
154 76
154 77
154 78
154 79
154 80
154 81
154 82
154 83
154 84
154 85
154 86
154 87 1994
154 88
154 89 March 1985
154 90
154 91
154 92
154 93
154 94
154 95
154 96
154 97 September 15, 1994
154 98
154 99
154 100
154 101
154 102
154 103
154 104
154 105
154 106
154 107
154 108
154 109
154 110
154 111
154 112
154 113
154 114
154 115
154 116
154 117
154 118
154 119
154 120
154 121
154 122
154 123
154 124
154 125
154 126
154 127
154 128
154 129
154 130
154 131
154 132
154 133
154 134 July 1, 1983
154 135
154 136
154 137
154 138
154 139
154 140
154 141
154 142 June 26, 1983
154 143
154 144
154 145
154 146
154 147
154 148
154 149
154 150
154 151
154 152
154 153
154 154
154 155
154 156
154 157
154 158 1994
154 159
154 160
154 161
154 162
154 163
154 164
154 165
154 166
154 167
154 168
Bucking the Sun
Box photographic-slides
154 169 December 1995
154 170
154 171
154 172
154 173
154 174
154 175
154 176
154 177
154 178
154 179
154 180
154 181
154 182
154 183
154 184
154 185
154 186
154 187
154 188
154 189-191
154 190
154 191
154 192
154 193
154 194
154 195
154 196
154 197
154 198
154 199 1993
154 200
154 201 1993
154 202 1994
154 203 1994
154 204 1994
154 205 1994
154 206 1994
154 207
154 208
154 209
154 210
154 211 1994
154 212 1994
154 213 1994
154 214 1994
154 215 1994
154 216 1994
154 217 1994
154 218 1994
154 219 1994
154 220 1994
154 221 1994
154 222 1994
154 223 1994
154 224 1994
154 225 1994
154 226 1994
154 227
154 228 1994
154 229 1994
154 230
154 231
154 232
154 233
154 234
154 235
154 236
154 237
154 238
154 239
154 240
154 241
154 242
154 243
154 244
154 245
154 246
154 247 1994
154 248 1994
154 249 1994
154 250 1994
154 251 1994
154 252 1994
154 253 1994
154 254 1994
154 255 1994
154 256 1994
154 257 1994
154 258 1994
154 259 1994
154 260 1994
154 261 1994
154 262 1994
154 263 September 10, 1994
154 264 1994
154 265 1994
154 266 1994
154 267
154 268
154 269
154 270
154 271
154 272
154 273
154 274
154 275
154 276
154 277
154 278
154 279
154 280
154 281
154 282 1994
154 283 1994
154 284
154 285
154 286
154 287
154 288
154 289
154 290
154 291
154 292
154 293
154 294
154 295
154 296
154 297 1994
154 298 1994
154 299 1994
154 300 1994
154 301 1994
154 302 1994
154 303
154 304
154 305
154 306
154 307
154 308
154 309
154 310
154 311
154 312
154 313
154 314
154 315
154 316 1994
154 317 1994
154 318 1994
154 319 1994
154 320 1994
154 321 1994
154 322 1994
154 323 1994
154 324
154 325
154 326
154 327
154 328
154 329
154 330
154 331
154 332 1994
154 333 1994
154 334 1994
154 335 1994
154 336 1994
154 337 1994
154 338 1994
154 339 1994
154 340 1994
154 341 1994
154 342 1994
154 343 1994
154 344 1994
154 345 1994
154 346 1994
154 347 1994
154 348 1994
154 349 1994
154 350 1994
Heart Earth- ideas for cover
Box photographic-slides
154 351
154 352
154 353
154 354
154 355
Mountain Time research and photographs
Box photographic-slides
154 356
154 357
154 358
154 359
154 360
154 361
154 362
154 363
154 364
154 365
154 366
154 367
154 368
154 369
154 370
154 371
154 372
154 373
154 374 1997
154 375
154 376
154 377
154 378
154 379
154 380
154 381
154 382
154 383
154 384
154 385
154 386
154 387
154 388
154 389
154 390
154 391
154 392
154 393
154 394
154 395
154 396
154 397
154 398
154 399
154 400 1997
154 401
154 402
154 403
154 404
154 405
154 406
154 407
154 408
154 409
154 410
154 411
154 412
154 413
154 414
154 415
154 416
154 417
154 418
154 419
154 420
154 421
154 422
154 423
154 424
154 425
154 426
154 427
154 428
154 429
154 430
154 431
154 432
154 433
154 434
154 435
154 436
154 437
154 438
154 439
154 440
154 441
154 442
154 443
154 444
154 445
154 446
154 447
154 448
154 449
154 450
154 451
154 452
154 453
154 454
154 455
Prairie Nocturne
Box photographic-slides
154 456
154 457
154 458
154 459
154 460
154 461
154 462
154 463
154 464
154 465 April 2000
154 466 April 2000
154 467 April 2000
154 468 April 2000
154 469 April 2000
154 470
154 471
154 472
154 473
154 474
154 475
155 476
155 477
155 478
155 479
155 480
155 481
155 482
155 483
155 484
155 485
155 486
155 487
155 488
Sweet Thunder Material
Box photographic-slides
155 489
155 490
Atheneum-Heart Earth
Box photographic-slides
155 491
155 492
155 493
155 494
Box photographic-slides
155 495
155 496
155 497
155 498
155 499
155 500
155 501
155 502
155 503
155 504
155 505
155 506
155 507
155 508
155 509
155 510
155 511
155 512
155 513
155 514
Box Folder
4402: Ahlstrom cabin
4403: Ahlmstrom cabin
4404: Ahlstrom cabin
4405: Ahlstrom cabin
4406: Ahlstrom cabin
4407: Ahlstrom cabin
4408: Ivan at Ahlstrom cabin, C. [Alava?] trail
4409: Hurricane Ridge, Ivan
4410: Coleman Glacier, Mt. Baker
4411: Mt. Sh[illiegible]
4412: Ht. Sh[illegible]
4413: Above Lost River
4414: Glacier--Spectator
4415: Above Lake Quinault
1968 summer
4416: Chad[wicks?] and Ivan, Hurricane Ridge
4417: Harold Chadwick at Hurricane Ridge
4418: L. Quinault campsite, Carol
4419: John and Ivan after clamming at Point No Point
4420: Carol at stream
4421: Chadwicks at Hurricane Ridge
4422: Hurricane Ridge Harold Chadwick and Carol
4423: Ivan and petroglyphs, S. of [illegible]
4424: Ivan and petroglyphs, S. of [illegible]
4425: Ivan and petroglyphs, S. of [illegible]
2: Individually boxed transparencies
Images listed in this series arrived in specifically labeled boxes. Within each labeled box the images were broken into identified groups. The titles of those groups has been placed in advance of each section of individually numbered items. If the transparencies were given individual titles written on the mounting cardboard, that title has been provided. If the image was unlabeled it appears as "unidentified." However, from it contextual placement within the original identified title of the box or the original titled section researchers should be able to deduce the significance or appropriate subject based on that information.
Alaska, Jueau
Box photographic-slides
155 531
155 532
155 533
155 534
155 535
155 536
155 537
155 538
155 539
155 540
155 541
155 542
155 543
155 544
155 545
155 546
155 547
155 548
155 549
Alaska, Sitka, --Castle Hill sequence, --bay
Box photographic-slides
155 550
155 551
155 552
155 553
155 554
155 555
155 556
155 557
155 558
155 559
155 560
155 561
155 562
155 563
155 564
155 565
155 566
155 567
155 568
155 569
Alaska, Sitka
Box photographic-slides
155 570
155 571
155 572
155 573
155 574
155 575
155 576
155 577
155 578
155 579
155 580
155 581
155 582
155 583
155 584
155 585
155 586
155 587
155 588
155 589
Queen Charlotte Islands, Ketchikan
Box photographic-slides
155 590
155 591
155 592
155 593
155 594
155 595
155 596
155 597
155 598
155 599
155 600
155 601
155 602
155 603
Original section title: Alaska, Denali
Box photographic-slides
155 604
155 605
155 606
155 607
155 608
155 609
155 610
155 611
155 612
155 613
155 614
155 615
155 616
155 617
155 618
155 619
155 620
155 621
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155 624
155 625
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155 629
155 630
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155 632
155 633
155 634
155 635
155 636
155 637
155 638
155 639
155 640
155 641
155 642
155 643
155 644
Alaska, Fairbanks, --Reeburghs
Box photographic-slides
155 645
155 646
155 647
155 648
155 649
155 650
155 651
155 652
155 653
155 654
155 655
155 656
155 657
155 658
England, Battle
Box photographic-slides
155 659
155 660
155 661
155 662
155 663
155 664
155 665
155 666
155 667
155 668
155 669
155 670
155 671
155 672
155 673
155 674
England, Battle, Canterbury
Box photographic-slides
155 675
155 676
155 677
155 678
155 679
155 680
155 681
155 682
155 683
155 684
155 685
155 686
155 687
155 688
155 689
155 690
England, Bodiam Castle, Lyme Regis
Box photographic-slides
155 691
155 692
155 693
155 694
155 695
155 696
155 697
155 698
155 699
155 700
155 701
155 702
155 703
155 704
155 705
155 706
England, Branscombe, Dartmouth
Box photographic-slides
155 707
155 708
155 709
155 710
155 711
155 712
155 713
155 714
155 715
155 716
155 717
155 718
155 719
155 720
Original section title: Scotland, Panbride and Monikie Burn
Box photographic-slides
155 721
155 722
155 723
155 724
155 725
155 726
155 727
155 728
155 729
155 730
155 731
155 732
155 733
155 734
155 735
155 736
155 737
155 738
Arizona/California/South Carolina/Australia/ New Zealand
Arizona: Catalina State Park, north of Tucson
1991 February-March; 1996 February
Box photographic-slides
155 739
155 740
155 741
155 742
155 743
155 744
155 745
155 746
155 747
155 748
155 749
155 750
155 751
155 752
155 753
155 754
Tucson area, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Saguaro East
Box photographic-slides
155 755
155 756
155 757
155 758
155 759
155 760
155 761
155 762
155 763
155 764
155 765
155 766
155 767
155 768
155 769
Arizona north of Wickenburg, to Stanton
Box photographic-slides
155 770
155 771
155 772
155 773
155 774
155 775
155 776
155 777
155 778
155 779
155 780
155 781
155 782
155 783
155 784
155 785
155 786
155 787
155 788
155 789
155 790
155 791
Arizona: Wickenburg area, Route 71, northwest of town, in Joshua tree area, town
Box photographic-slides
155 792
155 793
155 794
155 795
155 796
155 797
155 798
155 799
155 800
155 801
155 802
155 803
155 804
Arizona: Grand Canyon south rim, Montezuma Castle
Box photographic-slides
155 805
155 806
155 807
155 808
155 809
155 810
155 811
155 812
155 813
155 814
155 815
Arizona: Chiricahua National Monument
Box photographic-slides
155 816
155 817
155 818
155 819
155 820
155 821
155 822
155 823
155 824
155 825
155 826
155 827
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, Palmetto Dunes beach and pix of Ben and Jeanne Baldwin at home
1992 April 19-25
Box photographic-slides
155 828
155 829
155 830
155 831
155 832
155 833
155 834
155 835
155 836
155 837
155 838
155 839
155 840
155 841
155 842
155 843
155 844
Daufuskie Island, South Carolina and boat trip from Harbour Town, Hilton Head Island, historic Gullah community
Box photographic-slides
155 845
155 846
155 847
155 848
155 849
155 850
155 851
155 852
155 853
155 854
155 855
155 856
155 857
155 858
155 859
155 860
155 861
155 862
155 863
155 864
155 865
155 866
155 867
155 868
Death Valley, California, sunrise at Zabriskie Point dust storm and clouds Scotty's Castle
December 1995
Box photographic-slides
155 869
155 870 December 1995
155 871
155 872
155 873
155 874
155 875
155 876
155 877 December 1995
155 878
155 879
155 880
155 881
155 882
Death Valley, Badwater-lowest point in United States, Furnace Creek Inn at Sunset
Box photographic-slides
155 883
155 884
155 885
155 886
155 887 December 1995
155 888 December 1995
155 889
155 890
155 891
155 892
155 893
Australia, Sydney, Canberra, Fremantle
Box photographic-slides
155 894
155 895
155 896
155 897
155 898
155 899
155 900
155 901
155 902
155 903
155 904
155 905
155 906
155 907
155 908
155 909
155 910
155 911
155 912
Australia, Perth/Fremantle
Box photographic-slides
155 913
155 914
155 915
156 916
156 917
156 918
156 919
156 920
156 921
156 922
156 923
156 924
156 925
156 926
156 927
156 928
156 929
156 930
156 931
156 932
Original section title: Australia, Melbourne
Box photographic-slides
156 933
156 934
156 935
156 936
156 937
156 938
156 939
156 940
156 941
156 942
156 943
156 944
156 945
New Zealand
Box photographic-slides
156 946
156 947
156 948
156 949
156 950
156 951
156 952
156 953
156 954
156 955
156 956
156 957
156 958
156 959
156 960
156 961
156 962
156 963
156 964
156 965
156 966
156 967
156 968
156 969
156 970
156 971
156 972
156 973
156 974
156 975
156 976 September 1992
156 977
156 978
156 979
156 980
156 981
156 982
156 983
156 984
156 985
156 986
156 987
156 988
156 989
156 990
156 991
156 992
156 993
156 994
156 995
156 996
156 997
156 998
156 999
156 1000
156 1001
156 1002
156 1003
156 1004
156 1005
156 1006
156 1007
156 1008
156 1009
156 1010
156 1011
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156 1015
156 1016
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156 1024
156 1025
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156 1042
156 1043
156 1044
156 1045
156 1046
156 1047
156 1048
156 1049
156 1050
156 1051
156 1052
156 1053
156 1054 December 1995
Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, New Mexico
Box photographic-slides
156 1055
156 1056
156 1057
156 1058
156 1059
156 1060
156 1061
156 1062
156 1063
156 1064
156 1064
156 1066
156 1067
156 1068
156 1069
California—Carol's, pictures: Monterey, Port Lobos
Box photographic-slides
156 1070
156 1071
156 1072
156 1073
156 1074
156 1075
156 1076
156 1077
156 1078
156 1079
156 1080
156 1081
156 1082
156 1083
156 1084
156 1085
156 1086
156 1087
156 1088
156 1089
156 1090
156 1091
156 1092
156 1093
156 1094
156 1095
156 1096
156 1097
156 1098
156 1099
156 1100
156 1101
California, Palm Springs, Joshua
Box photographic-slides
156 1102
156 1103 December 1993
156 1104
156 1105
156 1106
156 1107
156 1108
156 1109
156 1110
156 1111
156 1112
156 1113
156 1114
156 1115
156 1116
156 1117
156 1118
156 1119
156 1120
California, Palm Springs
Box photographic-slides
156 1121
156 1122
156 1123
156 1124
156 1125
156 1126
156 1127
156 1128
156 1129
156 1130
156 1131
156 1132
156 1133
156 1134
156 1135
156 1136
156 1137
156 1138
156 1139
156 1140
156 1141
156 1142
156 1143
156 1144
156 1145
156 1146
156 1147 1996
156 1148
156 1149
156 1150
156 1151
156 1152
156 1153
156 1154
156 1155
156 1156
156 1157
156 1158
156 1159
156 1160
156 1161
156 1162
156 1163
156 1164
156 1165
156 1166
156 1167
156 1168
156 1169
156 1170
156 1171
156 1172
156 1173
156 1174
156 1175
156 1176
156 1177
156 1178
156 1179
156 1180
Bosque del Apache, NWR near Socorro, New Mexico
Box photographic-slides
156 1181
156 1182
156 1183
156 1184
156 1185
156 1186
156 1187
156 1188
156 1189
156 1190
156 1191
156 1192
156 1193
156 1194
156 1195
156 1196
156 1197
156 1198
Bosque del Apache, NWR near Socorro, New Mexico, El Morro
Box photographic-slides
156 1199
156 1200
156 1201
156 1202
156 1203
156 1204
156 1205
156 1206
156 1207
156 1208
156 1209
156 1210
156 1211
156 1212
156 1213
156 1214
156 1215
156 1216
Truchas, New Mexico
Box photographic-slides
156 1217
156 1218
156 1219
156 1220
156 1221
156 1222
156 1223
156 1224
156 1225
156 1226
156 1227
156 1228
156 1229
156 1230
156 1231
156 1232
Montana/Literary People/Head shots of Ivan
Box photographic-slides
156 1233
156 1234
156 1235
156 1236
156 1237
156 1238
156 1239
156 1240
156 1241
156 1242
156 1243
156 1244
156 1245
156 1246
156 1247
156 1248
156 1249
156 1250
156 1251
156 1252
156 1253
156 1254 1988
156 1255
156 1256
156 1257
156 1258
156 1259
156 1260
156 1261
156 1262
156 1263
156 1264
156 1265
156 1266
156 1267
156 1268
156 1269
156 1270
156 1271
156 1272
156 1273
156 1274
156 1275
156 1276
156 1277 1994
156 1278 1994
156 1279 1994
156 1280 1994
156 1281
156 1282 1994
156 1283 1994
156 1284 1994
156 1285 1994
156 1286 1994
156 1287 1994
156 1288 1994
156 1289 1994
156 1290
156 1291 1994
156 1292 September 1994
156 1293
156 1294 1994
156 1295 1994
156 1296 1994
156 1297 September 15, 1994
156 1298 1994
High Line, -Chief Joseph site, -Chinook bars, -BN roadbed, -Devon granaries, -Cut Bank sheep wagons, -Little Rockies
Box photographic-slides
156 1299
156 1300
156 1301
156 1302
156 1303
156 1304
156 1305
156 1306
156 1307
156 1308
156 1309
156 1310
156 1311
156 1312
156 1313
156 1314
156 1315
156 1316
156 1317
156 1318
156 1319
156 1320
156 1321
156 1322 April 1988
156 1323
156 1324
156 1325
156 1326
156 1327 June 1989
156 1328 June 1989
156 1329 June 1989
156 1330 June 1989
156 1331 June 1989
156 1332 June 1989
156 1333 June 1989
156 1334 June 1989
156 1335 June 1989
156 1336 June 1989
156 1337 June 1989
156 1338
156 1339
156 1340 June 1989
156 1341
156 1342
156 1343
156 1344 June 1989
156 1345 June 1989
156 1346 June 1989
156 1347 June 1989
156 1348 June 1989
156 1349 June 1989
156 1350 June 1989
156 1351 June 1989
156 1352 June 1989
156 1353 June 1989
156 1354 June 1989
(Miscellaneous) Flag, Marlboro Man sign, Danny Hill Fuel Company
Box photographic-slides
156 1355
157 1356
157 1357
157 1358
157 1359
157 1360 1997
157 1361
157 1362
157 1363
157 1364
157 1365
157 1366
157 1367
157 1368
157 1369
157 1370 July 1996
157 1371 July 1996
157 1372 July 1996
157 1373 July 1996
157 1374 July 1996
157 1375 July 1996
157 1376 July 1996
157 1377 July 1996
157 1378 July 1996
157 1379 July 1996
157 1380
157 1381
157 1382
157 1383
157 1384
157 1385
157 1386
157 1387
157 1388
157 1389
157 1390
Shelby, fight site, etc.
Box photographic-slides
157 1391
157 1392
157 1393
157 1394
157 1395
157 1396 1923
157 1397
157 1398
157 1399
157 1400
157 1401
157 1402
157 1403
157 1404
157 1405
157 1406
157 1407
157 1408
157 1409
Box photographic-slides
157 1410
157 1411
157 1412 Fall 1999
157 1413
157 1414
157 1415
157 1416
157 1417
157 1418 1997
157 1419
157 1420
157 1421
157 1422
157 1423
157 1424
157 1425
157 1426
157 1427
157 1428
157 1429
157 1430 July 1995
157 1431 July 1995
157 1432 1994
157 1433 July 1995
Lewistown-centennial/4th details, -quilting, -parade details, -motorcycles, -Indian dancers, -auctioneer's pickup
Box photographic-slides
157 1434 July 4, 1989
157 1435 July 4, 1989
157 1436 July 4, 1989
157 1437 July 4, 1989
157 1438 July 4, 1989
157 1439 July 4, 1989
157 1440 July 4, 1989
157 1441 July 4, 1989
157 1442 July 4, 1989
157 1443 July 4, 1989
157 1444 July 4, 1989
157 1445 July 4, 1989
157 1446 July 4, 1989
157 1447 July 4, 1989
157 1448 July 4, 1989
157 1449 July 4, 1989
157 1450 July 3, 1989
157 1451 July 3, 1989
157 1452 July 3, 1989
157 1453
157 1454
157 1455
157 1456
157 1457
157 1458
157 1459
157 1460
Utica-centennial parade and pageant
Box photographic-slides
157 1461
157 1462
157 1463
157 1464
157 1465
157 1466
157 1467
157 1468
157 1469
157 1470
157 1471
157 1472
157 1473
157 1474
157 1475
157 1476
157 1477
157 1478
157 1479
157 1480
157 1481
157 1482
157 1483
157 1484
157 1485
157 1486
157 1487
157 1488
Literary people, Louise and Michael, Ivan and Norman, Last Best Place, Welches, A.B. Guthrie, Richard Maxwell Brown, Ivan "taking a look"—8 shots during research
Box photographic-slides
157 1489 March 1985
157 1490
157 1491
157 1492
157 1493
157 1494
157 1495
157 1496
157 1497
157 1498
157 1499
157 1500
157 1501
157 1502
157 1503
157 1504 July 1962
157 1505 Spring 1995
157 1506
157 1507
157 1508
157 1509
157 1510
157 1511
157 1512
157 1513
157 1514
157 1515
157 1516
157 1517
157 1518
157 1519
157 1520
157 1521
157 1522
157 1523
157 1524
157 1525
157 1526
157 1527
157 1528
157 1529 1994
157 1530 1994
157 1531
157 1532
157 1533
157 1534
157 1535
157 1536
157 1537
157 1538
157 1539
157 1540
157 1541
157 1542 May 17, 1997
157 1543
157 1544
157 1545
157 1546
157 1547
157 1548
157 1549
157 1550 April 1992
157 1551
157 1552
157 1553
157 1554
157 1555
157 1556
157 1557
157 1558
157 1559
157 1560
157 1561
157 1562 June 24, 1977
157 1563
Box photographic-slides
157 1564
157 1565
157 1566
157 1567
157 1568
157 1569
157 1570
157 1571
157 1572
157 1573
157 1574
157 1575 June 1997
157 1576 June 1997
157 1577 June 1997
157 1578 June 1997
157 1579 June 1997
157 1580 June 1997
157 1581 June 1997
157 1582 June 1997
157 1583 June 1997
157 1584 June 1997
Dungeness Spit, our house, Seattle
Box photographic-slides
157 1585
157 1586
157 1587
157 1588
157 1589
157 1590
157 1591
157 1592
157 1593
157 1594
157 1595
157 1596
157 1597
157 1598
157 1599
157 1600
157 1601
157 1602
157 1603
157 1604
157 1605
157 1606
157 1607
157 1608
157 1609
157 1610
157 1611
157 1612
157 1613
157 1614
157 1615
157 1616
157 1617 July 24, 1983
157 1618
157 1619
157 1620
157 1621
157 1622
157 1623
157 1624
157 1625
157 1626
157 1627
157 1628
157 1629
157 1630
157 1631
157 1632
157 1633
157 1634
157 1635
157 1636
157 1637
157 1638
157 1639
157 1640
157 1641
157 1642
157 1643
157 1644 December 1997
157 1645 December 1997
157 1646 1998
157 1647 April 1998
157 1648 April 1998
157 1649 April 1998
157 1650 April 1998
157 1651 April 1998
Olympic beaches and rainforest
Box photographic-slides
157 1652
157 1653
157 1654
157 1655
157 1656
157 1657
157 1658
157 1659
157 1660
157 1661
157 1662
157 1663
157 1664
157 1665
Whidbey Island, Lloyd Keith's at Winthrop
Box photographic-slides
157 1666 1996
157 1667 1996
157 1668
157 1669
157 1670
157 1671
157 1672
157 1673
157 1674
157 1675
157 1676
157 1677
157 1678
157 1679
157 1680
157 1681
157 1682
157 1683
Skagit, La Conner
Box photographic-slides
157 1684
157 1685
157 1686
157 1687
157 1688
157 1689
157 1690
157 1691
157 1692
157 1693
157 1694
157 1695
157 1696
157 1697
157 1698
157 1699
157 1700
157 1701
157 1702
157 1703
157 1704
157 1705
157 1706
157 1707
157 1708
157 1709
157 1710
157 1711
157 1712
157 1713
157 1714
157 1715
157 1716
157 1717
157 1718
157 1719
157 1720 (1997)
157 1721
157 1722
157 1723
157 1724
157 1725
157 1726
157 1727
157 1728
157 1729
157 1730
157 1731
157 1732
157 1733
157 1734
157 1735
157 1736
157 1737
157 1738
157 1739
157 1740
157 1741
157 1742
157 1743
157 1744
157 1745
157 1746
157 1747
157 1748
157 1749
Annick Smith's homestead; Welches' house
Box photographic-slides
157 1750
157 1751
157 1752
157 1753
157 1754
157 1755
157 1756
157 1757
157 1758
157 1759
157 1760
157 1761
157 1762
157 1763
157 1764
157 1765
157 1766
157 1767
157 1768
Montana: Pine Butte and surroundings, Blackfeet Reservation, Holy Family Mission, Big Hole
Box photographic-slides
157 1769
157 1770
157 1771 July 1983
157 1772 July 1983
157 1773 July 1983
157 1774 July 1983
157 1775 July 1983
157 1776 July 1983
157 1777
157 1778
157 1779
157 1780
157 1781
157 1782
157 1783
157 1784
157 1785
157 1786
157 1787
157 1788
157 1789
157 1790
157 1791
157 1792
157 1793
157 1794
G. Doig's home, alcohol plant, Potter Basin with John and Jean
Box photographic-slides
157 1795
158 1796
158 1797
158 1798
158 1799
158 1800
158 1801
158 1802
158 1803
158 1804
158 1805
158 1806
158 1807
158 1808
158 1809
158 1810
158 1811
158 1812
People: Schwindens, Langs, Tom C., Carol, at various times
Box photographic-slides
158 1813 1996
158 1814 1996
158 1815 1996
158 1816 1996
158 1817 1996
158 1818 1997
158 1819 1997
158 1820 1997
158 1821
158 1822
158 1823
158 1824
158 1825
158 1826
158 1827
158 1828
158 1829
158 1830
158 1831
158 1832
158 1833
158 1834
158 1835
158 1836
158 1837
Box photographic-slides
158 1838 1993
158 1839 1993
158 1840
158 1841 1993
158 1842 1993
158 1843 1993
158 1844 1993
158 1845 1993
158 1846 1993
158 1847 1993
158 1848 1993
158 1849 May 1974
158 1850 May 1974
158 1851
158 1852 September 1980
158 1853 September 1980
158 1854 September 1980
158 1855 September 1980
158 1856 August 1990
158 1857 August 1990
158 1858 August 1990
158 1859 August 1990
158 1860 August 1990
158 1861 August 1990
158 1862
158 1863
158 1864
158 1865
158 1866
158 1867
158 1868
158 1869
158 1870
158 1871
158 1872
158 1873
158 1874
158 1875
158 1876
158 1877
158 1878
158 1879
158 1880
158 1881
158 1882
158 1883
158 1884
158 1885
158 1886
158 1887
158 1888
158 1889
158 1890
158 1891
158 1892
158 1893
158 1894
158 1895
158 1896
158 1897 May 17, 1997
158 1898 May 17, 1997
158 1899 May 17, 1997
158 1900 May 17, 1997
158 1901 May 17, 1997
158 1902 May 17, 1997
158 1903 May 17, 1997
158 1904 May 17, 1997
158 1905 May 17, 1997
158 1906 May 17, 1997
158 1907 May 17, 1997
158 1908
158 1909 1997
158 1910
158 1911
158 1912
158 1913
158 1914
Missoula: "Montanian" building, Buttreys, Missoula Club
Box photographic-slides
158 1915
158 1916
158 1917
158 1918
158 1919
158 1920
158 1921
158 1922
158 1923
158 1924
158 1925
158 1926
158 1927
158 1928
158 1929
158 1930
Box photographic-slides
158 1931
158 1932
158 1933
158 1934
158 1935
158 1936
158 1937
158 1938
158 1939
158 1940
158 1941
158 1942
158 1943
158 1944
158 1945
158 1946
158 1947
158 1948
158 1949
158 1950
158 1951
158 1952
158 1953
158 1954
158 1955
Moiese, buffalo
Box photographic-slides
158 1956 1997
158 1957 1997
158 1958 1997
158 1959 1997
158 1960 1997
158 1961 1997
158 1962
158 1963
158 1964
158 1965
158 1966
158 1967
158 1968
158 1969
158 1970
158 1971
158 1972
158 1973
158 1974
158 1975
158 1976
158 1977
158 1978
158 1979
158 1980
158 1981
158 1982
158 1983
158 1984
158 1985
158 1986
Virginia City
Box photographic-slides
158 1987
158 1988
158 1989
158 1990
158 1991
158 1992
158 1993
158 1994
158 1995
158 1996
158 1997
Box photographic-slides
158 1998
158 1999
158 2000
158 2001
158 2002
158 2003
158 2004
158 2005
158 2006
158 2007
158 2008
158 2009
158 2010
158 2011
158 2012
158 2013
158 2014
158 2015
158 2016
158 2017
158 2018
158 2019
158 2020
158 2021
158 2022
158 2023
158 2024
158 2025
Wallace, Idaho, silver mine, Idaho-general
Box photographic-slides
158 2026
158 2027
158 2028
158 2029
158 2030
158 2031
158 2032
158 2033
158 2034
158 2035
158 2036
158 2037
158 2038
158 2039
Helena, --dawn at fire tower for Rascal Fair scene
Box photographic-slides
158 2040 June 28, 1985
158 2041 June 28, 1985
158 2042 June 28, 1985
158 2043 June 28, 1985
158 2044 June 28, 1985
158 2045 June 28, 1985
158 2046 June 28, 1985
158 2047 June 28, 1985
158 2048 June 28, 1985
158 2049 June 28, 1985
158 2050 June 28, 1985
158 2051 June 28, 1985
158 2052 June 28, 1985
158 2053 June 28, 1985
158 2054 June 28, 1985
158 2055 June 28, 1985
158 2056 June 28, 1985
158 2057 1989
158 2058
158 2059
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158 2073
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158 2075
158 2076
158 2077
158 2078
158 2079
158 2080
158 2081
158 2082
Battle Mountain (?)
Box photographic-slides
158 2083
158 2084
158 2085
158 2086
158 2087
158 2088
158 2089
158 2090
158 2091
158 2092
158 2093
158 2094
158 2095
158 2096
158 2097
158 2098
158 2099 June 1989
158 2100
158 2101
158 2102
158 2103
158 2104 1989
158 2105 1989
158 2106 1989
158 2107
158 2108
158 2109
158 2110
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158 2117
158 2118
158 2119
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158 2121
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158 2123
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158 2125
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158 2127
158 2128
Original section title: Maudlow duplicates
Box photographic-slides
158 2129
158 2130
158 2131
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158 2133
158 2134
158 2135
158 2136
158 2137
158 2138
158 2139
158 2140
158 2141
158 2142
158 2143
158 2144
Miscellaneous Montana
Box photographic-slides
158 2145
158 2146
158 2147
158 2148
158 2149
158 2150
158 2151
158 2152
158 2153
158 2154
158 2155
158 2156
158 2157
158 2158
158 2159
158 2160
158 2161 June 24, 1977
158 2162 June 24, 1977
158 2163
158 2164
158 2165
158 2166
158 2167
158 2168
158 2169
Miscellaneous Travel details
Box photographic-slides
158 2170
158 2171
158 2172
158 2173
158 2174
158 2175
158 2176
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158 2178
158 2179
158 2180
158 2181
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158 2185
158 2186
158 2187
158 2188
158 2189
158 2190
158 2191
158 2192
158 2193 July 4, 1991
158 2194
158 2195
158 2186 July 4, 1991
158 2197
158 2198
158 2199
158 2200
158 2201
158 2202
West-Four Corners, Utah, and Miscellaneous west
Box photographic-slides
158 2203
158 2204
158 2205
158 2206 February 1996
158 2207 February 1996
158 2208
158 2209
158 2210
158 2211
158 2212
158 2213
158 2214
158 2215
158 2216
158 2217
158 2218
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159 2497
159 2498
Britain and Holland
Box photographic-slides
159 2499
159 2500
159 2501
159 2502
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159 2505
159 2506
Box photographic-slides
159 2507
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159 2548
Box photographic-slides
159 2549
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159 2555
Box photographic-slides
159 2556
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Box photographic-slides
159 2628
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159 2655
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159 2659
159 2660
159 2661
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159 2664
159 2665
159 2666
159 2667
159 2668
159 2669
159 2670
The Stronghold
Box photographic-slides
159 2671
159 2672
159 2673
159 2674
Harvey Cedars, New Jersey, Reynold Thomas, Betty Thomas, Betty and Carol, Ivan mooring boat
Box photographic-slides
159 2675 1968
160 2676 1968
160 2677 1968
160 2678 1968
160 2679 1968
160 2680 1968
160 2681
160 2682
160 2683
160 2684
160 2685
160 2686
160 2687 1968
160 2688
160 2689
160 2690
Halifax, Nova Scotia, citadel
Box photographic-slides
160 2691
160 2692
160 2693
160 2694
Cape Breton Island, Carol at Middle Head, Ivan at Middle Head, Carol and seascape
Box photographic-slides
160 2695
160 2696
160 2697
160 2698
160 2699
160 2700
Quebec, Parliament, Hotel Frontenac, wood sculptures, museum light show
Box photographic-slides
160 2701
160 2702
160 2703
160 2704
160 2705
160 2706
160 2707
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160 2714
160 2715
160 2716
Montreal, carol and freighter
Box photographic-slides
160 2717
160 2718
160 2719
160 2720
160 2721
Expo, Asian pavilion, French pavilion, geodesic dome
Box photographic-slides
160 2722
160 2723
160 2724
160 2725
160 2726
160 2727
160 2728
160 2729
160 2730
160 2731
Calgary Stampede, rodeo grounds, Carol, Dad, Stampede parade
Box photographic-slides
160 2732
160 2733
160 2734
160 2735
160 2736
160 2737
160 2738
160 2739
160 2740
160 2741
160 2742
160 2743
160 2744
160 2745
160 2746
Montana, WSS rodeo, WSS rodeo parade, Castle ghost town
Box photographic-slides
160 2747
160 2748
160 2749
160 2750
160 2751
160 2752
160 2753
160 2754 1968
160 2755
160 2756
160 2757
160 2758
160 2759 1968
160 2760
160 2761
160 2762
160 2763 1966
160 2764
160 2765
160 2766
160 2767
160 2768
160 2769
160 2770
160 2771
160 2772
160 2773
160 2774
160 2775
160 2776
160 2777
Ivan's Graduation
Box photographic-slides
160 2778
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160 2780
160 2781
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160 2783
160 2784
160 2785
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160 2810
160 2811
160 2812
160 2813
160 2814
160 2815
160 2816
160 2817
160 2818 mid-March, 1968
160 2819 mid-March, 1968
160 2820 mid-March, 1968
160 2821 mid-March, 1968
160 2822
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160 2824
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160 2826
160 2827
160 2828
160 2829
160 2830
160 2831
160 2832
160 2833
160 2834
160 2835
160 2836
160 2837
160 2838
160 2839
160 2840 1998
160 2841 1998
160 2842 1998
160 2843
160 2844
160 2845 December (?) 1998
160 2846
160 2847
160 2848
160 2849
160 2850
160 2851
160 2852
160 2853
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160 2855
160 2856
160 2857
160 2858 2000
160 2859 2000
160 2860
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160 2888
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160 2912
160 2913
Common Beach
Box photographic-slides
160 2914
160 2915
160 2916
160 2917
Cape Johnson
Box photographic-slides
160 2918
160 2919
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160 2930
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160 2934
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160 2936
160 2937
Box photographic-slides
160 2938
160 2939
Ellen Creek
Box photographic-slides
160 2940
160 2941
160 2942
160 2943
160 2944
160 2945
160 2946
160 2947
160 2948
Shi Shi
Box photographic-slides
160 2949
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160 2951
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160 295
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160 2962
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160 2966
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160 2970
160 2971
Rialto-Hole in Wall
Box photographic-slides
160 2972
160 2973
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160 2975
160 2976
160 2977
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160 2979
160 2980
160 2981
160 2982
Cape Alava
Box photographic-slides
160 2983
160 2984
Cape Flattery
Box photographic-slides
160 2986
160 2985
Neah Bay
Box photographic-slides
160 2987
160 2988
Swan's Swan
Box photographic-slides
160 2989
160 2990
Swan's Grave
Box photographic-slides
160 2991
160 2992
160 2993
160 2994
160 2995
160 2996
160 2997
Willapa Bay
Box photographic-slides
160 2998
160 2999
160 3000
160 3001
160 3002
160 3003
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160 3006
160 3007
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160 3011
160 3012
160 3013
Swift Dam Road
Box photographic-slides
160 3014
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160 3044
Two Medicine
Box photographic-slides
160 3045
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160 3049
160 3050
Cow Creek
Box photographic-slides
160 3051
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160 3060
160 3061
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160 3064
160 3065 June 24, 1977
160 3066 June 24, 1977
160 3067 June 24, 1977
160 3068 June 24, 1977
160 3069
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160 3111
Box photographic-slides
160 3114 May 1974
160 3115 May 1974
160 3116
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160 3118 May 1974
160 3119 May 1974
160 3120
160 3121 May 1974
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160 3143
160 3144 June 1977
160 3145
160 3146 June 1977
160 3147 June 1977
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160 3150
160 3151 June 1977
160 3152
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160 3177
160 3178 May 1974
160 3179 May 1974
160 3180 May 1974
160 3181 May 1974
160 3182
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160 3186
160 3187
160 3188 1950
160 3189 1950
160 3190 1950
160 3191 1950
160 3192 1950
160 3193 1954
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160 3280
160 3281
160 3282
160 3283 September 1997
160 3284 September 1997
160 3285 September 1997
160 3286 September 1997
160 3287 September 1997
160 3288 September 1997
160 3289 September 1997
160 3290 September 1997
160 3291 September 1997
160 3292 September 1997
160 3293 September 1997
160 3294 September 1997
From south, crosses, sainfoin, townsite, Harold Chadwick, Perkins sheep wagon, Dupuyer cemetery, sunrise-near Rappold gate, landscapes-west of Parocai's cabin, close ups of wildflowers and jack pine, Tom Chadwick and Ivan, landscapes: Augusta-Choteau and Choteau-Dupuyer road, Dupuyer centennial, Doig homesteads, areal views of Sixteen country from Governor Schwinden's plane, black and white slides: family photos-Sixteen
Box photographic-slides
161 3295
161 3296
161 3297
161 3298
161 3299
161 3300
161 3301
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161 3399
161 3400 June 2002
161 3401
161 3402
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161 3405
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161 3409
161 3410
161 3411
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161 3422
161 3423
161 3424
161 3425
161 3426
161 3427
161 3428
161 3429
161 3430
Montana: Mariah
Shields River and Crazy Mountains
Box photographic-slides
161 3431
161 3432
161 3433
161 3434
161 3435
161 3436
161 3437
161 3438
161 3439
161 3440
161 3441
161 3442
161 3443
161 3444
Yellowstone Valley, Reed Point rest area, Pompeys Pillar, near Miles City
Box photographic-slides
161 3445
161 3446
161 3447
161 3448
161 3449
161 3450
161 34551
161 3452
161 3453
161 3454
161 3455
161 3456
161 3457
161 3458
161 3459
161 3460
161 3461
161 3462
161 3463
Box photographic-slides
161 3464
161 3465
161 3466
161 3467
161 3468
161 3469 June 1989
161 3470
161 3471
161 3472
161 3473
161 3474
161 3475
161 3476
161 3477
161 3478
161 3479
161 3480
161 3481
161 3482
Box photographic-slides
161 3483
161 3484
161 3485
161 3486
161 3487
161 3488
161 3489
161 3490
161 3491
161 3492
161 3493
161 3494
161 3495
161 3496
161 3497
161 3498
161 3499
161 3500
161 3501
161 3502
161 3503
161 3504
161 3505
161 3506
161 3507
161 3508
Winnett, Route 200 to Jordan, Schwinden farm near Wolf Point
Box photographic-slides
161 3509
161 3510
161 3511
161 3512
161 3513
161 3514
161 3515
161 3516
161 3517
161 3518
161 3519
161 3520
161 3521
161 3522
161 3523
161 3524
161 3525
161 3526
161 3527
161 3528
Box photographic-slides
161 3529
161 3530
161 3531
161 3532
161 3533
161 3534
161 3535
161 3536
161 3537
161 3538
161 3539
161 3540
161 3541
161 3542
161 3543
161 3544
Fort Howes ranger station, Busby Ashland, Bighorn Valley and Canyon, Crow Reservation
Box photographic-slides
161 3545
161 3546
161 3547
161 3548
161 3549
161 3550
161 3551
161 3552
161 3553
161 3554
161 3555
161 3556
161 3557
161 3558
161 3559
161 3560
161 3561
161 3562
161 3563
161 3564
161 3565
161 3566
161 3567
161 3568
161 3569
161 3570
161 3571
161 3572
161 3573
161 3574
161 3575
161 3576
161 3577
161 3578
161 3579
161 3580
161 3581
161 3582
161 35783
161 3584
161 3585
161 3586
161 3587
161 3588
161 3589
161 3590
"Welcome to Gros Ventre" slide show, Brechin
Box photographic-slides
161 3591
161 3592
161 3593
161 3594
161 3595
161 3596
161 3597
161 3598
161 3599
161 3600
161 3601
161 3602
161 3603
161 3604
161 3605
161 3606
161 3607
161 3608
161 3609
161 3610
161 3611
161 3612
161 3613
161 3614
161 3615
161 3616
Hazel and Dick Gibson: Cat Creek and lower Musselshell
September 6, 1990
Box photographic-slides
161 3617
161 3618
161 3619
161 3620
161 3621
161 3622
161 3623
161 3624
161 3625
161 3626
161 3627
161 3628
161 3629
161 3630
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161 3633
161 3634
161 3635
161 3636
161 3637
161 3638
161 3639
161 3640
161 3641
161 3642
161 3643
161 3644
Montana-English Creek
Sun River, Teton River, Dupuyer Creek, Salansky ranch, Dupuyer landscapes, GV houses, GV public buildings
Box photographic-slides
161 3645
161 3646
161 3647
161 3648
161 3649
161 3650
161 3651
161 3652
161 3653
161 3654
161 3655
161 3656
161 3657
161 3658
161 3659
161 3660
161 3661
161 3662
161 3663
161 3664
161 3665
161 3666
161 3667
161 3668-3669
A.B. Guthrie house
161 3670
161 3671 April 2000
161 3672 April 2000
161 3673
161 3674
161 3675
161 3676
161 3677
161 3678
161 3679
161 3680
161 3681
161 3682
161 3683
161 3684
161 3685
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161 3688
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161 3699
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161 3701
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161 3705
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161 3710
161 3711
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161 3755
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161 3760
161 3761
161 3762
161 3763 April 2000
161 3764
161 3765
161 3766
161 3767
161 3768
161 3769
161 3770 April 2000
New Lanark
Box photographic-slides
161 3771
161 3772
Box photographic-slides
161 3776
161 3777
161 3778
161 3779
161 3780
161 3781
161 3782
161 3783
161 3784
Sheep dog trials
Box photographic-slides
161 3785
161 3786
161 3787
161 3788
161 3789
161 3790
Box photographic-slides
161 3791
161 3792
161 3793
161 3794
161 3795
161 3796
161 3797
161 3798
161 3799
161 3800
161 3801
Loch Droma
Box photographic-slides
161 3802
Loch Drun
Box photographic-slides
161 3803
Box photographic-slides
161 3804
161 3805
161 3806
161 3807
161 3808
161 3809
161 3810
161 3811
161 3812
161 3813
161 3814
161 3815
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161 3831
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161 3833
161 3834
161 3835
161 3836
161 3837
161 3838
161 3839
161 3840
161 3841
Uig harbor
Box photographic-slides
161 3842
161 3843
161 3844
161 3845
161 3846
Ferry to Harris
Box photographic-slides
161 3847
161 3848
161 3849
161 3850
161 3851
Tarbert, Harris
Box photographic-slides
161 3852
161 3853
161 3854
161 3855
161 3856
161 3857
161 3858
Box photographic-slides
161 3859
161 3860
161 3861
161 3862
161 3863
161 3864
161 3865
161 3866
161 3867
161 3868
161 3869
161 3870
Box photographic-slides
161 3871
161 3872
161 3873
161 3874
161 3875
161 3876
161 3877
161 3878
161 3879
161 3880
161 3881
Saint Andrews
Box photographic-slides
161 3882
161 3883
161 3884
161 3885
161 3886
161 3887
161 3888
161 3889
161 3890
161 3891
Box photographic-slides
161 3892
161 3893
161 3894
161 3895
161 3896
161 3897
Ceres folk Museum
Box photographic-slides
161 3898
161 3899
Box photographic-slides
161 3900
161 3901
161 3902
161 3903
161 3904
161 3905
161 3906
Box photographic-slides
161 3907
161 3908
161 3909
161 3910
161 3911
161 3912
161 3913
161 3914
161 3915
161 3916
161 3917
161 3918
161 3919
161 3920
161 3921
161 3922
Box photographic-slides
161 3923
161 3924
161 3925
161 3926
3: Photographic Images
Due to a processing oversight, photographic prints begin the numbering sequence, running #1-#33 and then resumes at #3927 and ends at #4389. Physical photographs are followed by photograph albums #1-3. Digital photographs complete the series with disk #1, images #4390-4401.Photograph #1 is a framed print by James G. Todd located at the end of box 5. Photographs #2-33 were previously located in box 5, folder 11. Photographs starting at #3927 begin the photographic images removed from Series 2-7 and Series 9-10. For photographs #3927-4389 each folder title reflects the series and/or subseries from which the images were removed. The title of the folder they were removed from has been incorporated in the photograph title as well as any identifying information located on the image; if none is provided, the photograph has been labeled as unidentified. Removed for separate processing is a letter that accompanied photograph #4267 addressed to Ivan from Nancy Anderson dated August 15, 1991. This has been relocated to box 129, folder 8; separation of the letter has been denoted by an asterisk (*) next to the image.
Box Folder
5 1 1988
162 1
Photographs removed from Series One, #2-17
May 6, 2006
May 2006
May 2006
May 2006
September 2005
162 2
Photographs removed from Series One, #18-33
June 6, 2006
August 4, 1962
October 1992
July 1994
July 1994
May 1988
May 1988
May 1988
162 3
Photographs removed from Series Two, Subseries Three, #3927-3928
May 31, 1948
May 31, 1948
162 4
Photographs removed from Series Two, Subseries Four, #3929-3944
162 5
Photographs removed from Series Two, Subseries Four, #3945-3964
162 6
Photographs removed from Series Two, Subseries Six, #3965-3971
162 7
Photographs removed from Series Two, Subseries 7, #3972-4007
162 8
Photographs removed from Series Two, Subseries Seven, #4008-4031
162 9
Photographs removed from Series Two, Subseries Seven, #4032-4033
162 10
Photograph removed from Series Two, Subseries Nine, #4034
162 11
Photographs removed from Series Two, Subseries Thirteen, #4035-4037
May 2, 1946
circa 1924
162 12
Photograph removed from Series Two, Subseries Fourteen, #4038
162 13
Photograph removed from Series Two, Subseries Sixteen, #4039
162 14
Photographs removed from Series Two, Subseries Sixteen, #4040-4069
162 15
Photographs removed from Series Two, Subseries Sixteen, #4070-4099
162 16
Photographs removed from Series Two, Subseries Sixteen, #4100-4102
162 17
Photograph removed from Series Six, Subseries Four, #4103
162 18
Photograph removed from Series Six, Subseries Four, #4104
162 19
Photograph removed from Series Six, Subseries Four, #4105
162 20
Photographs removed from Series Six, Subseries Four, #4106-4112
August 1996
August 1996
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich-Winter Brothers-James G. Swan's carved swan at Neah Bay; pictures taken and given to me by a couple at Stanwood book signing. 1 of 2 pictures
August 1996
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich-Winter Brothers-James G. Swan's carved swan at Neah Bay; pictures given to me by couple at Stanwood book signing. 1 of 2 pictures
August 1996
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich-Winter Brothers-Provincial Archives of British Columbia. Photograph Number: 56428. Negative Number: C-8578. Subject: Swan, James Gilchrist. Description: James Gilchrist Swan (Judge at Port Townsend.) Photo taken in June, 1883, before Mr. Swan left for the Queen Charlotte Islands. For Winter Brothers: James G. Swan in 1883, age 65, just before embarking on his expedition to the Queen Charlotte Islands. (The narrative of the expedition is in the "Cracked Canoe" portion of the book; this Swan, of Swan is one used in the description of him in Day 16 of the book.) Permission for use must be obtained from the University of Washington Library, Special Collections.
June 1883
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich-Winter Brothers-From the British Columbia Provincial Museum, Victoria, B.C. Columbia. Negative Number: PN 330. Caption: Masset
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich-Winter Brothers-From the British Columbia Provincial Museum, Victoria, B.C., Canada. Negative Number: PN 9037. Caption: Masset
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich-Winter Brothers-From the British Columbia Provincial Museum, Victoria, B.C., Canada. Negative Number: PN 5545. Caption: house and pole at Masset, R. Maynard photo
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich-Winter Brothers-From the British Columbia Provincial Museum, Victoria, B.C., Canada. Negative Number: PN 5599. Caption: Masset, Richard Maynard photograph
162 21
Photographs removed from Series Nine, Subseries One, #4113-4132
4117: Anna Doig
4123: Berneta
162 22
Photographs removed from Series Nine, Subseries One, #4133-4162
September 18, 1947
1967 (?)
4153: Jim Doig
162 23
Photographs removed from Series Nine, Subseries One, #4163-4191
4171: The winter
4176-2: Iwlands
4186: Winter
162 24
Photographs removed from Series Nine, Subseries One, #4192-4221
January 1937
1973 (?)
December 1967
4210: Claud
4212: Anna Doig
4217: Christmas
4220: Angus
162 25
Photographs removed from Series Nine, Subseries One, #4222-4240
[Additional album, box 187, added to the collection in August 2018.]
4222: Jim?
[additional album, Book 4, Bessie Ringer Photograph Album added to the collection in January 2016 added to oversize materials in Box 178.]
4224: Berneta
4226: Jim Doig?
December 1982
162 26
Photographs removed from Series Nine, Subseries One, #4241-4271
4241: Berneta
1941 (?)
4253: Charlie
March 1967
March 1967
Christmas 1958
Christmas 1959?
October 1971
October 1971
October 1971
October 1971
October 1971
October 1971
October 1971
April 1971
January 1959
163 1
Photographs removed from Series Nine, Subseries One, #4272-4301
August 1992
August 1992
August 1992
163 2
Photographs removed from Series Nine, Subseries One, #4302-4331
163 3
Photographs removed from Series Nine, Subseries One, #4332-4350
1941 (?)
March 1966
4345: Ivan
163 4
Photographs removed from Series Nine, Subseries One, #4351-4356
163 5
Photographs removed from Series Nine, Subseries One, #4357-4359
4358: Berneta
163 6
Photograph removed from Series Nine, Subseries One, #4360
163 7
Photographs removed from Series Nine, Subseries Three, #4361-4370
June 2002
June 2002
June 2002
June 2002
June 2002
June 2002
June 2002
June 2002
June 2002
June 2002
163 8
Photograph removed from Series Nine, Subseries Three, #4371
163 9
Photographs removed from Series Nine, Subseries Three, #4372-4374
163 10
Photographs removed from Series Ten, Subseries Two, #4375-4380
163 11
Photograph removed from Series Ten, Subseries Two, #4381
June 2002
163 12
Photographs removed from Series Ten, Subseries Two, #4382-4386
(circa, 1952)
163 13
Photographs removed from Series Ten, Subseries Two, #4387-4389
June 2002
June 2002
June 2002
Photograph Albums
Box Folder
163 14
163 15
164 1
178 2
Bessie Ringer album
[Book 4, Bessie Ringer Photograph Album added to the collection in January 2016.]
187 1 1961-1965
Box Folder
164 2
Photographs removed from Series One, Disk 1
Box Folder
164 3
Negatives removed from Series One, #5-12
164 4
Negatives removed from Series Two, Subseries Six, #3968 and 3971
164 5
Negatives removed from Series Two, Subseries Seven, #4116-4120
164 6
Negatives removed from Series Nine, Subseries One, #4137-4204
164 7
Negatives removed from Series Nine, Subseries One, #4239-4354

9:  Memorabilia, 1942-2014Return to Top

2 linear feet, (5 boxes)
Container(s) Description Dates
1: Doig Family Memorabilia
Primarily family history materials, including legal documents, newspaper clippings, and three dimensional objects.
All photographs originally in this subseries were removed and placed in Series 8 for either individual listing or listing as volumes of photograph albums. An asterisk (*) indicates photographic materials were removed from a specifically labeled folder.
Box Folder
165 1
165 2
165 3
165 4
165 5
165 6
165 7
166 2
166 3
166 4
166 5
166 6
166 7
166 8
166 9 1942
166 10
166 11
166 12
166 13
Toasts for all occasions
166 14
Songs of the Yellowstone Park Lodge
166 15
Nature's Wonderland Montana Canyon
166 16
Family mementos
166 17 1961
166 18
166 19
166 20 1971
166 21 1971-1998
166 22
166 23
Bookmark: Ivan Doig, A Fond Farewell [from memorial]
2: Awards and Certificates
Primarily awards, diplomas, and other honors documented on presentation certificates.
In this subseries, individual items removed for separate oversize housing have been indicated with a double asterisk (**) after the folder title.
Box Folder
167 1 2008 January 25
167 2
167 3
167 4 1984
167 5 1984
167 6 1987
167 7 1987
167 8 1987
167 9 2009
167 10 2009
167 11 2009
167 12 1989
167 13
167 14
167 15 1991; 1995
167 16
167 17
167 18
167 19 1991
167 20
167 21
167 22
167 23
167 24
167 25
Montana State University Honors Lecture, "Trying to Place It"
1984 June 8
179 27
Montana Governor's Humanities Award; Posters-Awards, Promotional, etc.**
Lifetime Achievement Award, Willamette Writers
History Makers' Award, Museum of History and Industry
Achievement Award, Pacific Northwest Writers' Association
University of Washington honorary doctorate of philosophy
179 25
University of Washington Alumnus Award
179 26
University of Washington College of Arts and Sciences, Distinguished Achievement Award
179 27
Montana Governor's Humanities Award
179 28
Washington Governor's Writers' Day Award
179 29
Washington Governor's Writers' Day Award
179 30
Washington Governor's Writers' Day Award
179 31
Washington Governor's Writers' Day Award
180 32
Pacific Northwest Booksellers Award
180 33
Pacific Northwest Booksellers Award
180 34
Pacific Northwest Booksellers Award
180 35
Pacific Northwest Booksellers Award
180 36
Pacific Northwest Booksellers Award
3: Travel
Miscellaneous notes, brochures, postcards, maps, and other material gathered by the Doig's during their travels. Although the material may have bearing on any particular book, these items were kept separately from the materials in Series 2.
A single asterisk (*) after a folder title indicates photographs have been removed and placed in Series 8 for individual description.
Box Folder
168 1 1993
168 2
168 3
168 4
168 5
168 6 2002
168 7 2003-2009
168 8 2003-2009
168 9
168 10
169 1
169 2
169 3
169 4 1984
169 5
169 6
169 7 1992
169 8 1992
169 9
170 1 1998
170 2 2001
170 3 2011 October
Box Folder
178 1
Ivan Doig caricature by Macdonald
178 2
Series Nine, Subseries One, Book 4, Bessie Ringer Photograph Album
179 14
Ivan Doig, author of Ride with me Mariah Montana-poster
179 17
Ivan's layover, Scotch Heaven
179 18
Sea Runners, Mikael Tebenkov's map of Sitka from Alaska State Museum, Juneau
179 19
Bucking the Sun research-Life magazine
November 23, 1936
179 20
The New York Times magazine, the Sophisticated Traveler, part 2
March 13, 1988
179 21
179 22
Series Nine, Subseries Two, #4403 Posters-Awards, Promotional etc.-Ivan Doig
April 1988
179 23
The Bartender's Tale excerpt poster for Visiting Writer's Series
179 24
Voices of Place broadside, #1/100, by Susan Lowdermilk
May 1996
180 37
Promotional posters

10:  ResearchReturn to Top

2.4 linear feet, (6 boxes)

General research used for multiple books and writings. These materials represent a wide range of Doig's interest and were gathered with no specific writing project in mind. Doig's research performed for individual books is found in Series 2, gathered under the particular title of the publication.

Container(s) Description Dates
1: General Research
General research files.
Box Folder
170 4
170 5
170 6
170 7
171 1
171 2
171 3
171 4
171 5
171 6
171 7 1977
171 8
172 1
172 2
172 3 1957
172 4
172 5
172 6
172 7
172 8
172 9
172 10
173 1
173 2
173 3
173 4
2: Research Topics
Notes, brochures, ephemera and other materials gathered or created by Doig and maintained in subject titled folders. This material may represent preliminary work on intended writing projects but most of the records dealing with specific book titles can be found in Series 2.
Files marked with an asterisk (*) indicate photographs have been removed for individual placement in Series 8.
Box Folder
173 5 1910
173 6 1944
173 7
173 8
173 9
173 10
173 11
173 12
173 13
173 14
173 15
174 1
174 2
174 3
174 4
174 5
174 6
174 7
174 8
174 9
174 10
174 11
174 12
174 13
174 14
175 1
175 2
175 3
175 4
175 5
175 6
175 7
175 8
175 9
175 10
3: Research Libraries
Brochures, letters, collection checklists and other materials gathered by Doig in reference to specific library and manuscript repositories and their holdings.
Box Folder
175 11
175 12
175 13
175 14
176 1
176 2
176 3
176 4
176 5
176 6

11:  Medical Journey, 2006-2015Return to Top

0.8 linear feet, (2 boxes)

This series is focused on Ivan's medical diagnosis and struggle with a fatal disease. Included are his own thoughts on the fight, as well as the actual records of his various treatment regimen and laboratory tests.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
176 7 May 25, 2015
176 8
176 9
176 10 2014-2015
176 11
176 12
176 13
176 14
176 15
176 16
177 1
177 2
177 3
177 4
177 5
177 6
177 7 2009-2015
177 8 November 2006-December 2008
177 9
177 10
177 11
177 12
177 13
Final notebook

12:  Research BooksReturn to Top

8 linear feet, (8 boxes)

A selection of books from Doig's private library, representing reference and general research topics.

Container(s) Description
The American Heritage dictionary. New College ed. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, Massachusetts, 1981.
Janssen, Sarah (ed.) The world almanac and book of facts, 2013. World Almanac Books, New York, 2013.
The Oxford University Press dictionary of quotations. 2nd ed. Chancellor, London, 1985.
Roget, Peter Mark. Roget's International thesaurus. New ed. Thomas Y. Crowell, New York, 1946.
Ashby, Norma Beatty. Movie stars and rattlesnakes. Far Country Press, Helena, Montana, 2004.
Axline, Jon. Speaking ill of the dead: jerks in Montana history. Two Dot, Helena, Montana, 2000.
Bassett, Marnie. The Hentys: an Australian colonial tapestry. 2nd ed. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, Victoria, 1962.
Benson, Jackson J. Wallace Stegner: his life and work. Viking, New York, 1996.
Blythe, Ronald. Characters and their landscapes. 1st American ed. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, San Diego, California, 1983.
Boardman, Fon Wyman. History and historians. Henry Z. Walck, New York, 1965.
Brown, Richard Maxwell. No duty to retreat: violence and values in American history and society. Oxford University Press, New York, 1991.
Carson, Rob. Mount St. Helens: the eruption and recovery of a volcano. Sasquatch Books, Seattle, Washington, 1990.
Coues, Elliot, ed. History of the expedition under the command of Lewis and Clark. 3 vols. Dover Pub., New York, 1964.
Chevigny, Hector. Russian America: the great Alaskan venture, 1741-1867. Binford and Mort, Portland, Oregon, 1979.
Drake-Carnell, Francis. It's an old Scottish custom. Peter Davies, London, 1939.
Ellis, John. The social history of the machine gun. 1st American ed. Pantheon Books, New York, 1975.
Elton, G.R. The practice of history. Crowell, New York, 1967.
Flalder, Susan L. Thinking like a mountain? Aldo Leopold and the evolution of an ecological attitude toward deer, wolves and forest. University of Missouri press, Columbia, Missouri, 1974.
Fradkin, Philip L. Wallace Stegner and the American West. 1st ed. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2008.
Glover, James M. A wilderness original: the life of Bob Marshall. Mountaineers, Seattle, Washington, 1986.
Gordon, David George. Preserving Washington's wildlands: a guide to the Nature Conservancy's preserves in Washington. The Nature Conservancy, Seattle, Washington, 1993.
Gordon, Taylor. The man who built Stone Castle. Meagher County News, White Sulpher Springs, Montana, 1967.
Hofstadter, Richard, William Miller and David Aaron. The structure of American history. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1964.
Holmes, Richard. The age of wonder: how the romantic generation discovered the beauty and terror of science. Vintage Books, New York, 2008.
Huizinga, Johan. The waning of the Middle Ages. Dover Publications, Mineola, New York, 1954.
Jelias, Pierre Jakez and June Guicharnaud. The horse of pride: life in a Breton village. Yale University Press, New Haven, Maine, 1978.
Knight, Oliver. Following the Indian wars: the story of the newspaper correspondents among the Indian campaigners. 1st ed. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Oklahoma, 1960.
Kramer, Frank R. Voices in the valley: mythmaking and folk belief in the shaping of the Middle West. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, Wisconsin, 1964.
Lang, William and Carl Abbott. Two centuries of Lewis and Clark: reflections on the voyage of discovery. Oregon Historical Society Press, Portland, Oregon, 2004.
Limerick, Patricia Nelson. The legacy of conquest: the unbroken past of the American West. Norton, New York, 1987.
Lowenthall, David. The past is a foreign country. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1985.
MacLaren, A. Allan. Social class in Scotland: past and present. Donald, Edinburgh, 1976.
Midgett, Kent and Douglas Midgett. Traces on the landscape. Mid-Prairie Books, Parkerburg, Iowa, 1998.
Milner, Clyde A., Carol A O'Connor and Marth A. Sandweiss. The Oxford history of the American West. Oxford University Press, New York, 1994.
Montgomery, David. The fall of the house of labor: the workplace, the state, and American labor activism, 1865-1925. Cambridge University Press, New York.
Rader, Melvin. False witness. University of Washington Press, Seattle, Washington, 1979.
Rankin, Charles E. Wallace Stegner: man and writer. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1996.
Stegner, Wallace and Richard W. Etulain. Conversations with Wallace Stegner on western history and literature. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1983.
Stegner, Wallace and Page Stegner. The selected letters of Wallace Stegner. Shoemaker and Hoard, Emeryville, California, 2007.
Stoll, Steven. Larding the lean earth: soil and society in nineteenth century America. 1st ed. Hill and Wang, New York, 2002.
Stott, William. Documentary expression and thirties America. Oxford University Press, New York, 1973.
Swan, James G. The Northwest coast: or, three years' residence in Washington territory. University of Washington Press, Seattle, Washington, 1972.
Tatsey, John and Paul T. DeVore. The black moccasin: life on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. Curtis Art Gallery, Spokane, Washington, 1971.
Walter, David. Christmastime in Montana. Montana Historical Society Press, Helena, Montana, 2003.
Walter, David. More Montana campfire tales: fifteen historical narratives. Farcountry Press, Helen, Montana, 2002.
Wilkerson, Isabel. The warmth of other suns: the epic story of America's great migration. 1st ed. Random House, New York, 2010.
Williams, Raymond. The country and the city. Oxford University Press, New York, 1973.
Winks, Robin W. The historian as detective: essays on evidence. 1st ed. Harper and Row, New York, 1969.
Wohl, Robert. The generation of 1914. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1979.
Worster, Donald. Nature's economy: a history of ecological ideas. Cambridge University Press, New York, 1985.
Worster, Donald. Under western skies: nature and history in the American West. Oxford University Press, New York, 1992.
Wright, John B. Montana ghost dance: essays on land and life. 1st ed. University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas, 1998.
Wylie, Paul R. The Irish general: Thomas Francis Meagher. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Oklahoma, 2007.
United States. A Guide to Grand Teton National Park Wyoming, 1984. Handbook 122.
Engler, George N. Country Roads and Other Meanderings, 1999. Volume 3.
United States. Lewis and Clark – a Brief Account of Their Expedition. (Rev. 1969). U.S. Department of Interior, Washington, D.C., 1969.
Carhart, Arthur. Wilderness Quotes, Keep Wilderness Wild. National Wilderness Training Center, Hudson, Montana, 1962.
United States. Highlights of the Upper Missouri National Wild and Scenic River [and] Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail. Bureau of Land Management, Lewistown District Office, Lewistown, Montana, 1984.
The Northwest experience. Madrona Publishers, Seattle, Washington, 1980.
Bierds, Linda. Flight: New and Selected Poems. G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2008.
The Seconds. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 2001.
Black, Jack You Can't Win. AK Press, 2000.
Barry, Elaine. Robert Frost on Writing. Rutgers University Press, 1973.
Bradford, Curtis B. Yeats at Work (abridged). Ecco Press, 1965.
Brandon, Stesha, et al., eds. 110/110: A Collection Celebrating the One Hundred Tenth Birthday of University Book Store. [University of Washington Book] Store, 2009.
Bryden, Bill. Willie Rough. Southside, 1972.
Callenbach, Ernest. Ecotopia: The Notebooks and Reports of William Weston. Banyon Tree Books, 1975.
Ciardi, John and Miller Williams. How Does a Poem Mean? Second edition. Houghton Mifflin, 1975.
Dinesen, Isak. Out of Africa. The Modern Library, 1952.
Doig, Ivan. The Whistling Season. Harcourt, 2006.
Eisely, Loren. The Immense Journey: An Imaginative Naturalist Explores the Mysteries of Man and Nature. Random House, 1957.
Hall, Donald. Remembering Poets: Reminiscences and Opinions. Harper Colophon Books, 1978.
Hall, Edward T. The Hidden Dimension. Doubleday, 1966.
Holm, Bill. Northwest Coast Indian Art: An Analysis of Form. University of Washington Press, 1965.
Hugo, Richard. The Triggering Town: Lectures and Essays on Poetry and Writing. W. W. Norton, 1979.
Jangfeldt, Bengt, ed. Love is the Heart of Everything: Correspondence Between Vladimir Mayakovsky and Lili Brik. Grove Press, 1987.
Jansson, Tove. The Summer Book. Pantheon, 1974.
May, Karl. Winnetou the Apache Knight. Reprint. Kessinger Publishing, nd.
Maxwell, Glyn. On Poetry. Harvard University Press, 2019.
McCullogh, Walter F. Woods Words: A Comprehensive Dictionary of Loggers Terms. Reprint of 1958 edition. O.S.U. Book Stores, 1977.
Murison, David. The Guid Scots Tongue. William Blackwood, 1977.
Prentice-Hall Author's Guide. Prentice-Hall, 1962.
Pyne, Stephen J. Year of the Fires: The Story of the Great Fires of 1910. Viking, 2001.
Remarque, Erich Maria. All Quiet on the Western Front. Ballantine Books, 1982.
Sorden, L. G. Lumberjack Lingo. Wisconsin House, 1969.
Stegner, Wallace. The American West as Living Space. University of Michigan Press, 1987.
The Uneasy Chair: A Biography of Bernard DeVoto. Doubleday, 1974.
Steinbeck, John. Journal of a Novel: The East of Eden Letters. Viking Press, 1969.
Steinman, Michael. Frank O'Connor at Work. Syracuse University Press, 1990.
Stitt, Peter. The World's Hieroglyphic Beauty: Five American Poets. University of Georgia Press, 1985.
Stoppard, Tom. Jumpers. Faber and Faber, 1972.
Storr, Anthony. Solitude: A Return to the Self. The Free Press, 1988.
Watt, Ian. Conrad in the Nineteenth Century. University of California Press, 1979.
Wilde, Oscar. The Importance of Being Earnest. Samuel French, nd.
Williams, William Carlos Williams. I wanted to Write a Poem: The Autobiography of the Works of a Poet. Reported and edited by Edith Heal. Beacon Press, 1958.
Zinsser, William. On Writing Well: An Informal Guide to Writing Nonfiction. Harper and Row, 1976.

13:  Carol Doig Personal Papers, 1933-2016Return to Top

Doig, Carol
3.2 linear feet, (8 boxes)

This series contains personal and professional materials of Carol Doig. Of particular importance are materials documenting her career at Shoreline Community College near Seattle, WA; letters between Carol and Ivan; and her correspondence with others. The series also contains materials from the National High School Institute, where Carol and Ivan were on the faculty and where they met. The series concludes the detailed journals that document the Doig's garden.

Materials from the community college that contain restricted information (e.g. grades, Social Security numbers) have been redacted.

Container(s) Description Dates
Pin of Gertrude DeNun and notes
Three Canadian 3-cent stamps
Ten-franc stamp from Nice
50 Swiss stamp from Helvetia
60 Swiss stamp from Helvetia
5 Swiss stamp from Helvetia
Canadian 5-cent
seven coins: one 1905, one 1927, one 1939, one 1944, two 1947, one 1950
Argentinian two-centavo
Australian halfpenny
Australian penny
Australian 3-pence
Australian sixpence
Australian shilling
Austrian 10 groschen
three coins: one 1940, one 1955, one undated
Austrian coin
Austrian schilling
Belgian 5-centimes
Belgian 50-franc
two coins: two 1958
British West Africa penny
Canadian one-cent
three coins: one 1919, one 1920, one 1944
Canadian 10-cent
Denmark 1-ore
Filipino peso
French 5-franc
French franc
three coins: two 1958, one 1943
Great Britain penny
Great Britain 4-pence
Italian 5-centesimi
Jamaican penny
Kingdom of Saxony 2-pfennige
Mexican 5-centavos
Netherlands one-half cent
Netherlands 1-cent
Netherlands 10-cent
fifteen coins: four 1948, three 1950, three 1951, two 1954, two 1955, one 1957
Norwegian krone
Peruvian one-fifth sol
Port Townsend Wisconsin 25 cent piece
Spokane United Railways fare piece
J. Wightman 188 Washington St. Newark "not one cent" piece
Montesano Washington 50 cent piece
Terhune Brothers Newark Hardware US copper piece
Smick's Neptune House Atlantic City piece
J. Lagens and Co.
Large copper/bronze coin with bar on back
Munich medal (1158-1958)
Bronze Lincoln Tunnel Dedication medal
Port Preparedness Dedication Medal
New York World's Fair piece
South African penny
two coins: one 1938, one 1942
South African florin
South African two-shillings
Swedish 2 ore
two coins: one 1942, one 1943
Swedish 5-ore
three coins: one 1950, one 1956, one 1957
Swedish 10-ore
seven coins: one 1927, one 1942, one 1947, one 1952, one 1953, one 1956, one 1957
UK penny
UK 2-new-pence
UK 5-new-pence
UK sixpence
UK shilling
two coins: one 1948, one 1962
US one-dollar
two coins: one 1921, one 1935
US penny
fifteen coins: one 1881, one 1888, one 1889, one 1890, one 1898, one 1899, one 1901, one 1902, one 1903, two 1905, one 1906, one 1907, one 1908, one 1957
US half-dollar
US Mercury dime
Commerce Newark Newspapers 'good for one cent' piece
185 11 1964-1983
185 12 October 1972-June 1973
190 1
Variety of paper currencies
Taped together: Japanese government notes: five centavos, ten centavos, fifty centavos, one-half shilling, one thousand pesos, dutch guilder, one hundred pesos, one peso; Italy government note: 1 lira; Philippines government note: one peso, 10 pfennig.
190 2
190 3
190 4 1944-1945
190 5 1942
190 6 1905-1913
190 7 1965-1967
190 8 1967
190 9
190 10 1933
190 11
190 12
190 13 1955
190 14
191 1
191 2 1987-1994
191 3 1965-1998
191 4 1971-1993
191 5 1975-1997
191 6 1967-2004
191 7 1967-1997
191 8 1979
192 1 1989-1996
192 2 1995-1996
192 3 1981-2000
192 4 1987-1997
192 5 1997-1998
192 6 1978-1997
192 7 1987-1997
192 8 1981-1997
192 9 1973-1997
192 10 1971-1997
192 11 1966-1998
192 12 1941-1990
192 13 1971-1994
192 14 1994-1997
192 15 1988-1994
192 16 1987-1988
192 17 1989
192 18 1989-1991
193 1 1958-1964
193 2 1964-1966
193 3 1958-1979
193 4 1964-1991
194 1 1972-1973
194 2 1972-1973
194 3 1963-1969
194 4 2019
194 5 1997-1998
194 6 1999
194 7 2000
194 8 2001
194 9 2002
194 10 2003
194 11 2004
194 12 2005
194 13 2006
194 14 2007
194 15 2008
194 16 2009-2019
195 1 1999
195 2 2019
195 3 1966
195 4 1965
195 5 1962
195 6 1960-1961
195 7 1960
195 8 1953-1957
195 9 1961
195 10 1961-1962
196 1
196 2 1966-1993
196 3 1994-1999
196 4 2000-2004
196 5 2005-2009
196 6 2012-2013
197 1 2000-2012
197 2 2013-2016
197 3 2001
197 4 2000-2002
197 5 2003-2014
197 6 1982-1986

14:  ObjectsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
1: Royal typewriter
2: Olivetti typewriter

15:  Web Archive, 2018-2023Return to Top