Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
- Overview of the Collection
Biographical Note
- Other Descriptive Information
- Content Description
- Use of the Collection
- Administrative Information
Detailed Description of the Collection
- Lee Metcalf
- Donna Metcalf
- Metcalf Family Photographs
- Metcalf Family Ancestors
- Montana State Government Service
- Federal Congressmen and Politicians
- Committees
- Events
- Legislation
- Congressional Projects
- Congressional Projects
- Montana Individuals and Events (1952-1960)
- General House of Representatives
- Presidential Photographs (1953-1960)
- Constituent Photographs
- Constituent Photographs
- Constituent Photographs
- Federal Congressmen and Politicians
- Federal Congressmen and Politicians
- Senate Committees
- Senate Committees
- Senate Committees
- Senate Committees
- Senate Committees
- Events
- Events
- Congressional Projects
- Congressional Projects
- Congressional Projects
- Congressional Projects
- Congressional Projects
- Congressional Projects
- Congressional Projects
- Congressional Projects
- Congressional Projects
- Montana Individuals and Events (1961-1978)
- General Senate
- General Senate
- General Senate
- General Senate
- General Senate
- General
- General Senate
- General Senate
- Presidential Photographs(1961-1978)
- Constituent Photographs
- Constituent Photographs
- Constituent Photographs
- Constituent Photographs
- Constituent Photographs
- Constituent Photographs
- Constituent Photographs
- Constituent Photographs
- Constituent Photographs
- Democratic Photograph Studio Negatives (1960-1978)
- Names and Subjects
Lee Metcalf Photograph Collection, circa 1860s-1990s
Overview of the Collection
- Collector
- Metcalf, Lee, 1911-1978
- Title
- Lee Metcalf Photograph Collection
- Dates
- circa
1860s-1990s (inclusive)18601999
1952-1977 (bulk)19521977 - Quantity
19 boxes
2,687 photographic prints
1,181 film negatives
10 tintypes
22 35mm slides - Collection Number
- Lot 031
- Summary
- Lee W. Metcalf (1911-1978) served as a Montana state congressman, state assistant attorney general, World War II soldier and military prosecutor, and a Montana Supreme Court Associate Justice between 1937 and 1952. From 1952 to 1961, he held Montana’s First District U.S. Representatives seat. In 1961, he became a U.S. Senator, serving until his death on January 12, 1978. The photographs in this collection depict all aspects of Metcalf’s life and service in public office, including images of his time in various Montana government offices, as a U.S. Congressman, and as a U.S. Senator. Images from Metcalf’s personal life are included, showing Metcalf’s ancestors from Maine and Massachusetts; his early life and school days; his wife Donna and their son Jerry; Metcalf’s parents and their family; and scenes from his regular life outside of public office. The bulk of the collection is focused on the later part of his term as a U.S. Congressman, through his many years in the U.S. Senate, from 1958 to 1977. Originally housed within Metcalf’s congressional offices, many of these images were used by Metcalf and his office staff from 1953 to 1978 for various publications, television and film recordings, congressional hearing exhibits, newspaper articles, and election and publicity materials.
- Repository
Montana Historical Society, Library & Archives
Montana Historical Society Research Center Archives
225 North Roberts
PO Box 201201
Helena MT
Telephone: 4064442681
Fax: 4064445297 - Access Restrictions
Collection is open for research
- Languages
- Captions are mostly in English, though some photographs with German, Korean,and Japanese words are included in the collection
Biographical NoteReturn to Top
Lee Warren Metcalf was born on January 28, 1911 in Stevensville, Montana, to Harold E. Metcalf and Rhoda Ann Smith Metcalf (daughter of a wealthy Ravalli pioneer and investor). He was the older of two children, having a sister Julia M. Metcalf who was born on March 10, 1912. Metcalf’s grandparents had spent a considerable amount of time in California prior to Lee’s birth. When he was about one year old, Lee’s parents moved the family to Puento (present Covina area), California, in order for Rhoda Metcalf to be close to her father Robert C. Smith, who had moved in 1910 to the Los Angeles area. Young Lee grew up in Los Angeles-area until the age of five. Later as teenagers, Lee, Julia, and Rhoda would visit California and friends during summers. By 1916, the Metcalfs had returned to Stevensville, where the family had a 300-acre farm just outside the town. Harold Metcalf was appointed an assistant cashier at the First State Bank of Stevensville by 1919 (his father-in-law being an investor in the bank). Lee attended grade school and high school in Stevensville. While in high school, he took a public speaking class, but was scared to give speeches in front of people—which led him later to fight to overcome this through politics. He played high school football and basketball in the winter in high school. As a youth, his parents insisted Lee and Julia be exposed to culture and education, allowing them to regularly attend Chautauqua events and read the newspaper.
In 1928, Lee Metcalf built a crystal radio set on which he listened to political speeches and campaigns of Robert LaFollette, George Norris, Burton K. Wheeler, and other populist and liberal Democratic politicians. It was his introduction to Populist politics. His mother Rhoda exhibited a strong influence on him as a young man, offering him political advice, folk wisdom, and the experiences from her life as the daughter of an financially and politically-influential father. Rhoda was a strong, talented woman who remained engaged and close with Lee throughout his life. When Lee was a youth, she imparted education to him, having him read through her father’s subscription to the St. Louis Globe Democrat newspaper to learn about politics, American government, and current affairs. Lee plowed the family farm fields and worked the farm in the summer. The farm was a means of self-reliance and simple, agrarian lifestyle the Metcalfs chose to live by.
On May 16, 1928, Lee Metcalf graduated from Stevensville High School in a class of seventeen students. Lee’s grandfather Robert C. Smith died in Long Beach, California, on May 4, 1928, and the family had a funeral a week before Lee’s graduation. Lee went on to attend one year at Montana State University (MSU) in Missoula, Montana (later the University of Montana). He entered university in the fall of 1928, studying history. At MSU, he pledged in the Sigma Chi fraternity and lived in South Hall on campus. He played offensive tackle for Montana State Grizzlies football at one point, though not a starting tackle. He was a Rhodes Scholar candidate in his freshman year (1928-1929), though he did not receive the award. Lee left MSU in 1929, when his family moved to Alhamba, California. In 1930, Lee Metcalf moved to Downey, California, where he lived with his parents after they moved again. Lee had taken a year or two off of college, working in 1931 as gardener for the City Board of Education of Alhambra, California. It was through this job that he gained a life-long passion for horticulture and gardening.
Lee would enroll between 1930 and 1932 at Leland Stanford Junior University in the Palo Alto, California, area. He studied history and economics, took two years of Latin, and joined the Sigma Chi fraternity at the university. While at Stanford, he worked two to three jobs throughout college to pay for expenses. Confusion surrounds his actual graduation date from Stanford. According to an account by Lee Metcalf’s wife Donna, he graduated in 1933. According to newspaper accounts and his own campaign biographies, Lee graduated in 1934 from Stanford with a bachelor’s degree in History and Economics (pre-law course). However, according to a Stanford University graduation program from 1936, Metcalf did not receive his degree until 1936 (likely as a part of his later law program). Lee’s sister Julia studied at MSU in the early 1930s. In 1933 or 1934, Lee returned to Montana to attend from 1934-1936 the Montana State University Law School in Missoula. Mike Mansfield, Metcalf’s later congressional ally, was a history professor during Metcalf’s time at MSU.
Metcalf was an exceptional law student and active in student politics. In September 1935, he received an MSU scholarship for outstanding scholarship. Metcalf was a member of the Missoula club of the Montana Young Democrats. Lee met Donna Albertine Hoover sometime between 1934 and 1935. Donna was a journalism student at MSU, two years Lee’s younger. She wrote a column for school newspaper, and was a successful college journalist who received a number of awards and honors. The two began dating sometime between 1934 and 1935. Donna graduated in June 1935 from MSU with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, but went on to work at MSU as secretary School of Journalism. She continued to date Lee until he finished law school and became established in his career. Metcalf graduated with a law degree (LL.D.) from MSU in June 1936, and was at the top of his law class at age 25.
Metcalf’s political and legal career heated up immediately after he graduated from MSU in 1936. He was admitted to the Montana state bar in 1936, and opened a law practice in Stevensville, Montana. He was defeated by a fellow law school student for the position of law clerk for the state Supreme Court—one of only two positions in public office he would not win—and chose to run for state legislator instead. Metcalf declared for the Montana House of Representatives for Ravalli County in July 1936, being one of three Democrats running for the same office. Politically, Metcalf became the Stevensville Young Democrats club secretary; his role as a leader in the Young Democrats brought him into greater political influence locally, statewide, and nationally. Lee was involved with the 1936 Executive Committee meeting of the State Young Democratic club on June 14, 1936, in Ravalli County, which had Montana Attorney General candidate (later governor) John W. Bonner as the speaker. Metcalf became chairman of major 1936 state and national Democratic rallies and meets. For example, on September 25, 1936, he presided over a meeting at the American Theater in Stevensville, U.S. Senator James E. Murray gave a speech. On October 15, 1936, Metcalf chaired the Montana Democrats State Democratic Rally in Ravalli County at age 25. On October 23, 1936, Metcalf chaired the Ravalli County Young Democrats Club rally, which hosted U.S. Congress candidate Jerry J. O’Connell as a speaker. On November 5, 1936, Metcalf got 1,861 votes, the second-leading vote getter and the top Democrat from Ravalli County. He won over Democrat Gib Strange by 331 votes. Lee spent $40 on the election (the equivalent of $477.36 in today’s money).
Before Metcalf entered office in the State Legislature, his Stevensville congressional office was destroyed by a fire on December 23, 1936. Metcalf served in the first session of the 25th Montana Legislative Assembly (January 4-March 11, 1937). As a young, idealistic legislator, he began right away at trying to make a difference. He attacked a bill to give the Montana governor the power to hire or fire any state employee. He introduced proposal to investigate State College Extension service, in response to a constituent letter. He was one of the chief proponents for a large $1.057 million allotment for Montana universities to improve facilities. He introduced H. B. 83 (“Shyster Bill”), a measure aimed to make insurance companies co-defendants with drivers of automobiles in damage suits. He introduced the “collar-to-collar pay bill,” which called for mining companies to pay a miner from the time he went down into the mine to the time he came out. He introduced a 30-cent minimum wage bill that failed. He co-introduced H. B. 42, which would require that automobile owners register their cars in the county in which they reside (this is now the law in Montana). In 1937, the Legislature had over 400 bills to introduce and hear—only got to 160 by mid-February. Out of frustration at the end of the session, Metcalf wrote a 2½–column article in the Northwest Tribune on Thursday, March 11, 1937 entitled “State Law Makers Accomplish Little.”
Metcalf turned to positions during the 1937 state legislative session which were in the 1930s considered “radical”, even communist: “It wasn’t that I tried to become that way. But every time I met the issues on a logical, reasonable and rational basis, I found myself voting with the working-man, and all at once I was in trouble with the business community.” Metcalf was tired of the legislative ineffectiveness and corporate interests of the Montana legislature, returning to private law practice in March 1937. In August 1937, Montana Attorney General Harrison J. Freebourn appointed Metcalf as the lowest-level assistant attorney general for the state. At age 26, Metcalf was the youngest assistant attorney general in state history. On January 2, 1941, Metcalf was appointed First Assistant Attorney General for four days to fill out someone else’s term. Metcalf resigned as assistant attorney general in January 1941 after 3½ years of service to the state.
Metcalf’s became quite full politically and personally from 1938 to 1941. As a Young Democrat in 1936, he campaigned for Franklin Delano Roosevelt for President. From 1937 to 1939, he testified for the Wage-Hour Bill, which would provide workers with a 42-hour work week and minimum wage of 40-cents an hour (part of Metcalf’s 1937 legislative program). On August 21, 1938, Lee W. Metcalf and Donna A. Hoover married at the Hoover family house in Wallace, Idaho, and they spent their honeymoon in Canada before returning to Helena. In 1938-1939, the Metcalfs lived at 703 Hillsdale in Helena, Montana. In 1939-1940, Metcalf was the secretary and major leader of the Montana Franklin Delano Roosevelt for President Club, which brought him to the attention of President Roosevelt and his supporters. In 1941, Metcalf became the state director of procedural reform surveys for the Junior Bar Conference of the American Bar Association. In November 1941 while Metcalf visited in Washington, D.C., Democratic chiefs in the nation’s capital urged Metcalf to run for the U.S. Congress in 1942, impressed by his support for Roosevelt and his strength as a young Democratic leader in Montana.
Unfortunately, World War II interrupted the career path of Lee Metcalf on December 7, 1941, with the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. Metcalf enlisted in U.S. Army on March 16, 1942, at Fort Lewis in Washington State. He enlisted for the duration of WWII, plus 6 months, as a volunteer instead of being drafted. At the time of his enlistment, Metcalf was 6 ft. 1 in. tall and weighed 190 lbs. He trained with the 607th Tank Destroyer Battalion. He turned down a gift commission offered to him as a former government official in order to serve in the regular forces. During the summer of 1942 through November 1942, Metcalf was stationed at Camp Hood, Texas, on desert maneuvers with the tank destroyer battalion. He was commissioned as a Tank Destroyer officer in 1943, after 14 months service in the U.S. Army. Metcalf’s unit was stationed in Great Britain in 1944 as a staff officer in the 5th Corps before the Normandy invasion, having arrived in Britain in January 1944. Metcalf landed as part of the Normandy invasion in June 1944 with his tank destroyer battalion. During the Battle of France, he served with the 7th Corps and the First Army. He served with the 1st Army, which later folded into the famed 9th Infantry Division. He finished the war as an officer with the 60th Infantry regiment. Metcalf was involved in five military campaigns in France, Belgium, and Germany.
When the U.S. military entered Germany in 1944, 2nd Lt. Lee Metcalf was named the prosecutor for the American Military Government (AMG) in Aachen, Germany. He helped to stablished first Military Government Court in Germany, and tried the first violator of the Allied Proclamations and Ordinances. Metcalf also tried the first German civilian in Germany by an American military government tribunal; the case was held for hearings in a former Nazi courtroom damaged by Allied artillery shelling. The military tribunal was established as a military summary court set up to try offenses for which a violator would serve up to a year in jail or would be fined $1,000. After V-E Day on May 8, 1945, Metcalf named the AMG Public Safety Officer, placed in charge of supervising thousands of displaced persons, their refugee camps, and was responsible for their repatriation. He had 100,000 displaced person under his charge. Metcalf contributed his contributions to the post-war societal structure of Germany by helping to draft the ordinance for the first free local elections in Germany and supervised the free elections in Bavaria (serving in occupation duties in Bavaria). Lee Metcalf returned to the United States in February 1946, and was released from active service on April 23, 1946. Lee’s father Harold died on January 12, 1946, while Lee was overseas. Metcalf later said in a 1971 interview: “I disliked the Army every day I was in it.” Lee Metcalf earned five battle stars and the Bronze Star for his service in WWII. While Lee Metcalf served in World War II from 1942 to April 1946, Donna Metcalf worked as a civilian employee at the Hanford Military Reservation in Washington State.
Immediately after returning from his WWII service, Lee Metcalf declared on April 16, 1946, his candidacy for state associate justice, and he filed for the election on May 10, 1946.
Metcalf ran against and defeated Albert Anderson, with Lee receiving 86,882 votes to Anderson’s 81,392 votes. Metcalf ran on his governance and legal acumen gained in WWII, which gave him a major edge in the election; he ran on veterans issues and the need for government to help all Americans. Lee Metcalf was the youngest member of Montana Supreme Court when he began his term in January 1947, just before his 36th birthday when he took office. The Metcalfs bought their first house in Helena after WWII at 1310 8th Avenue around 1947. They would purchase their long-term house at 1220 8th Avenue in August 1950 from Andrew and Cora McIntyre for around $4,000. Donna became involved with Democratic and women’s club activities, speaking at many state events. Lee served as the Helena Boy Scout District Commissioner in the late 1940s. Lee was involved with the Montana Bar Association and other legal associations, and was very active in the Montana Veterans of Foreign Wars. Lee Metcalf loved horticulture, and he constructed a greenhouse at the 1310 Eighth Avenue house. Lee maintained flower gardens and a small farm outside of Washington, D.C., and visited the National Arboretum frequently upon becoming a federal congressman. As a state supreme court justice, Metcalf became nationally-recognized for his rulings on tax issues, with many of his written court decisions on this topic become part of law school curriculum.
On April 30, 1952, Lee Metcalf declared to run for the U.S. Representative First District (Western District) seat held by Mike Mansfield, as Mansfield ran for the U.S. Senate. For his campaign, he announced an eight-point campaign policy: “If I am nominated and elected I will during my term of office, support: Equalization of freight rates in the northwest; National defense appropriations at a level necessary to maintain our military strength to resist any foreign aggression; Extension of veterans’ benefits to Korean servicemen; Full and unified development of natural resources; Restoration of collective bargaining rights to organized labor; Full parity for all farm products; Use of income from federally owned submerged oil lands for education; Immediate statehood for Alaska and Hawaii. I will oppose: A national sales tax; Encroachment on fundamental liberties of the American people guaranteed by the bill of rights All forms of totalitarianism”. Metcalf defeated his later friend Paul Cannon in the Democratic primary by 55 votes; and he defeated Rep. Wellington Rankin 55,679 votes to 54,086 votes..
After being formally sworn in as a U.S. Representative in January 1953, Lee Metcalf threw himself into the business of being a representative for the people of his state. From 1953 to 1960, Metcalf would serve on the following U.S. House of Representatives committees: Committee on Education and Labor; headed Mine Safety Subcommittee (1956); General Education Subcommittee; Labor Standards Subcommittee; Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Reclamation Subcommittee; Indian Affairs Subcommittee; Mining and Public Lands Subcommittee; Coal Research Subcommittee; and the Committee on Ways and Means. He was a member—along with Rep. Gerald Ford (later U.S. President)—of the first U.S. House Select Committee on Astronautics and Space Exploration from 1958 to 1959. Metcalf co-founded between 1955 and 1959 the House Democratic Study Group (DSG). With Congressman Eugene McCarthy, Metcalf began the formation of the DSG in 1955 in McCarthy’s office, with the members of the group called “McCarthy’s Mavericks” and “McCarthy’s Marauders.” The group was formally organized on September 9, 1959. This group helped get Senator John F. Kennedy elected president in 1960, and was the big reason for the liberal unity of the late 1950s and the mid-1960s.
Metcalf played a key role in major pieces of congressional legislation in the 1950s. In July 1956, Rep. Lee Metcalf was appointed the chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor’s Mine Safety Subcommittee, which held the first national mine safety inspection hearings of the mid-20th century. They conducted hearings in Duluth, MN; Butte, MT; Washington, D.C.; and Denver, CO. Metcalf began fighting for federal aid to education in 1953. He wanted improvements for rural and Native American reservation schools to be funded through a federal education program. Metcalf introduced with Sen. James E. Murray a federal aid to education bill in early 1958, and a revised bill in January 1959. Nicknamed “Mr. Education,” Lee Metcalf became the face of the federal education movement nation-wide until 1965. The National Defense Education Act (NDEA), signed into law on September 2, 1958, provided funding to United States education institutions at all levels as part of defense program emphasizing math and science education. Congressional acceptance of the NDEA killed the Metcalf education bill. On June 13, 1956, Rep. Metcalf introduced in the U.S. Congress H.R. 11751, the National Wilderness Preservation System bill. Metcalf’s version of the Wilderness Bill was one of the first four versions of the bill introduced in Congress, and placed him as one of the four U.S. congressmen most recognized for the introduction of the eventual Wilderness Act.
In March 1960, Rep. Lee Metcalf chose to run for the seat of Sen. James E. Murray, when it became evident that Murray was physically unable to serve effectively as a U.S. Senator and that he would likely lose the election to the Republican candidate. In the primaries, he went up against John W. Bonner, U.S. Rep. LeRoy Anderson, and John W. Mahan; Metcalf won the Democratic nomination. Metcalf in the state elections would face former U.S. Representative Orvin Fjare of Big Timber, Montana. Metcalf had not decided to run until the end of March 1960. He had little money for the campaign, and ran a low-budget campaign. Fjare ended up pushing Metcalf in a tight race, with Montana being the last state in the U.S. to declare a Senate seat winner. Metcalf won 140,331 votes to 136,281 votes on November 8, 1960.
Lee Metcalf and John F., Robert F., and Edward Kennedy were very close politically. Metcalf and the Democratic Study Group had been the major reason John F. Kennedy received Democratic national backing for the 1960 Presidential election. John Kennedy trusted Metcalf, and their social philosophies were very similar—particularly on conservation issues. Metcalf saw some of his greatest political success during the period influenced by President Kennedy’s administration, from 1961 to 1966. The New Frontier and Great Society programs found their basis in the work and philosophies of John F. Kennedy, Metcalf, Huber H. Humphrey, and Lyndon B. Johnson.
Senator Lee Metcalf had a very loyal office staff, several of whom had served with him in the U.S. House and transitioned to his Senate office with him. Metcalf’s staff in 1961 included the following: Brit Englund, long-time administrative assistant; Vic Reinemer, executive secretary; Helene F. Haliday; Susie Hodge; Donaldeen White; Beverly L. Knowles, receptionist-secretary; Anne Hoss Bergstrom; Peggy McLaughlin, Metcalf’s personal secretary; George Ostrom, Metcalf’s Wilderness Act legislative aide (1961-1963); and Myrna Salvas.
Senator Lee Metcalf went on to serve on many important Senate committees and hold important roles within the U.S. Senate. He served as the U.S. Senate Permanent Acting President Pro Tempore of the Senate, the presiding officer of the Senate in absence of the Vice-President of the U.S., from June 1963 to January 1978. The Senate committees he was a part of from 1961 to January 1978 (all at different times and for different lengths of service) include the following: Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Subcommittees: Minerals, Materials and Fuels-Chairman; Territories and Insular Affairs; Water and Power Resources; Indian Affairs Subcommittee chairman (began 1965), and Metcalf helped to end the U.S. Senate’s bent towards the Indian termination policy; Committee on Public Works; Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; Committee on Finance (one term); Co-chairman of the Joint Committee on Congressional Operations from 1973-1977; Chairman of the Subcommittee on Budgeting, Management and Expenditures; Surplus Property Subcommittee; Impoundment of Funds Subcommittee; Migratory Bird Conservation Committee (started in 1961); Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Committee on Governmental Affairs; Energy Conservation and Regulation Subcommittee; Parks and Recreation Subcommittee; Energy Subcommittee; Nuclear Proliferation Subcommittee; Federal Services Subcommittee; Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee; and the Chairman of the Public Lands and Resources Subcommittee.
Metcalf was involved with the Department of the Interior; the National Park Service; the National Historic Register; the National Historic Landmarks Program; Bureau of Reclamation; and the Army Corps of Engineers. In his capacity as Acting President Pro Tempore of the U.S. Senate, Senator Lee Metcalf signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 on April 10, 1965.
Senator Metcalf wrote, co-sponsored, or was a major proponent of the following pieces of federal legislation: Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965; Medicare (1966), which he first introduced in 1956; Wilderness Act of 1964; Metal and Non-metallic Mine Safety Act of 1966, the first national non-coal mine safety legislation; Save Our Streams (SOS) Bill, 1962-1966 (passed later as different law); co-sponsored with Hubert H. Humphrey the Youth Conservation Corps, the forerunner of the Jobs Corps; Metcalf was the first person to propose legislation to study the effects of chemical sprays on fish and wildlife (passed as Pesticide Research Act of 1958); introduced legislation to release surplus government property to schools and hospitals; the National Power Grid Bill, which he helped to write (introduced to Congress on July 21, 1971)—Metcalf only Senator to sponsor the bill for the first national power grid system; S. 1991 National Electrical Energy Reliability and Conservation Act; Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 (War on Poverty program); G.I. Cold War Bill of 1966; Clean Air Act of 1963; Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1964; Water Resources Recreation Act; Water Quality Act of 1965; Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968; Clean Water Act of 1972; Missouri River Breaks study bill; Montana Wilderness Study Act of 1977; Fair Packaging and Labeling Act of 1966 (Truth in Packaging Act); Voting Rights Act of 1970; Deep Seabed Mineral Resources Act (1980)—Metcalf introduced 1977; Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968—Metcalf wrote and introduced this act in 1966, and it was enacted on April 11, 1968. Metcalf was one of the leading federal legislators for social welfare, Indian affairs, water and land resource management, conservation and wilderness areas, education, and poverty legislation in the 1950s through 1970s.
Senator Metcalf had a very special personal and working relationship with Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield, the other Montana U.S. Senator. Because of his position of national leadership, Mansfield was too busy to deal all the time with Montana issues and constituents; Mansfield gave the state-related issues to Metcalf to work on many times. Friends and former office staff members of both Mansfield and Metcalf often say that “Mansfield was Montana’s national senator and Metcalf was Montana’s state senator.” When Metcalf needed any legislation sponsored or money appropriated for Montana-related issues, Metcalf sought out Mansfield’s help to aid in those situations. Lee Metcalf did the great majority of the state outreach, representation of state issues, and communication with constituents for the Montana Senate delegation. Mansfield once said of Metcalf in March 1960, “As l have said many times, both in Montana and Washington, he is the best Congressman ever to come out of Montana.”
Mansfield also remarked that “He (Metcalf) is one of the best legal minds in the Senate, if not the best,” and that “There is no man I trust more than Lee Metcalf”.
Lee Metcalf had a number of unique personal habits which speak to and help explain the materials in his photograph collection and his congressional papers. Lee had a quick temper which could get him in trouble every so often, and his temper was always mentioned by newspaper journalists. He had a parking space in the Capitol Hill garage; but, despite bad knees, he walked home every day through a rough Washington, D.C., neighborhood because he liked talking with people along the way. He did not buy expensive items or go to expensive restaurants, though he would spend money for gifts or other things for his wife Donna. Metcalf did not hunt or fish, like guns, camp often, or go boating regularly. He wore the same felt fedora for every public office election filing from 1946 to 1972.
Metcalf also had a number of remarkable professional habits, which many of his former staff and interns have shared with the Montana Historical Society. Metcalf surveyed all non-form constituent letters, and personally wrote replies to more than 75% of them (if you read his constituent correspondence, and there is a personal pronoun of “I” or “myself” in the letter, it was written by Metcalf—barring any notation from his staff). Metcalf did not have photographs taken in his office with people he did not like, which means the photographs in this collection are a selection of scenes in his political career which he severely controlled. While reading constituent letters, Metcalf would cross out sentences and paragraphs with wrong information, poor grammar, or statements and views he did not agree with. He would write “WRONG”, “STUPID”, or curse words next to crossed-out sections—sometimes sending the letters with these markings back to the original letter’s author. He critiqued spelling and grammar of letters from people he did not like, seemingly as a means of letting off steam while reading the letters.
From 1966 to 1972, Metcalf used a stamp with a curse word on it (given to him by AFL-CIO Montana leader and friend James Murray), which Metcalf used to mark letters. Metcalf primarily trusted three people in his office to handle important tasks and situations: Vic Reinemer his executive secretary; Brit Englund, his administrative assistant; and Peggy McLaughlin, his personal secretary. Lee and his wife Donna stayed up late at home in bed reading constituent letters, Congressional Record statements, news reports, his television show scripts, and other materials, as a means of keeping up with his work load and being accountable to his Montana constituents. Lee would sleep for an hour while his wife Donna read over materials, then Donna would sleep for an hour while Lee went over other materials. Lee Metcalf made a point to visit with political friends on each campaign stop in Montana or during speech tours; he always left time to talk with constituents during his public appearances more so than he did for politicians.
Donna Metcalf was an independent woman who believed women should be outspoken, work hard, fight for their rights, and take advantage of the opportunities afforded women. She was a member of the American Association of University Women; a member of board of directors of the Women's National Democratic Club; and the Vice-President of the Congressional Wives Club. Donna also was an artist, enjoying painting and photography. She supported historic preservation and historic property restoration. Throughout his entire career, Donna served as Lee Metcalf’s speech critic and advisor, using her journalism degree to work with Lee on his public presentation skills. Donna worked closely with Lady Bird Johnson on the City Beautification program from 1964 to 1968 (see Donna’s personal photographs for samples of her work), because she believed in improving the quality of life in inner cities—especially for the underprivileged and minorities.
Senator Metcalf announced his 1966 Senate re-election campaign in 1965. Montana Gov. Tim Babcock became Metcalf’s most likely Republican opponent by 1964, having made statements in the newspapers indicating he was planning to run. On September 6, 1966, Babcock and Metcalf, who had won their party primaries, signed the code of the non-partisan Fair Campaign Practices Committee in the governor’s office. On September 20, 1966, Babcock returned the pledge to Metcalf over comments Metcalf made about Babcock’s views of Indian termination. This sparked one of the most hotly contested federal political races in Montana’s history. Metcalf’s campaign came up with a booklet entitled “Bab-talk”, written by his intern Don Robinson (1965-1966). Metcalf gave Robinson a large box of newspaper clippings on everything Babcock did or said in 1966, and asked Robinson come up with a campaign piece Metcalf could use to counter Babcock. Robinson wrote a booklet on Babcock’s ever-changing statements. Metcalf defeated Babcock 138,166 to 121,697 votes.
In 1972, Senator Metcalf’s was undecided about running for the 1972 Senate re-election campaign. His health was worsening, and he said he wanted to return home to Montana. Metcalf conducted a poll of Montanans about potential results of the 1972 U.S. Senate elections in Montana. He found if he did not run, the Democrats would lose the Senate seat. The Montana Democratic Party Convention was held November 12-13, 1971, at the Rainbow Hotel in Great Falls, Montana. On November 12, 1971, Metcalf announced his candidacy during a speech, believing he would not have strong challengers (which is why he changed his mind). Metcalf raced against Henry “Hank” Hibbard in the 1972 election, and Metcalf won 163,609 to 151,316 votes. In an article in the Butte Montana Standard on November 4, 1972, it was stated that “Metcalf has spent the bulk of his Washington career in Mansfield’s public shadow. He has penned some important legislation, including the first bill providing for federal aid to education, and has fought government secrecy and corporation and utility profits he considers excessive. Metcalf was becoming a consumer’s champion when Ralph Nader was in plastic pants and a conservationist when most Americans thought the Sierra Club was a fancy bar.”
Senator Lee Metcalf’s political career was affected by his failing health from 1966 to January 1978. He had had knee injuries since the 1930s. In 1966—during his Senate re-election campaign—he was frequently visiting Walter Reed Medical for undisclosed issues (some believe this was start of his heart issues). From 1969 to 1973, his staff began noticing that Metcalf is becoming weaker from unknown medicines believed to be taken for issues with his heart. His doctors could not operate on his long-injured knees, because the doctors were worried that they would cause him heart problems or a stroke. On February 11, 1970, Metcalf was involved in a car crash which almost took his life. At 11:30 P.M. on Wednesday night, eleven miles southeast of Butte on the Homestake Pass on Interstate 90. A car driven by his driver hit a patch of black ice, and slammed Metcalf’s side of the car into a mountain. His arm was broken in five places, and he had surgery. It took 3½ months for Metcalf to heal. From 1972 to 1974, Metcalf was visibly aging quickly. He was beginning to not want photographs of himself taken after the 1972 Senate elections, and there are few photographs of him outside of his Senate office from 1973 to 1977. By 1975, Metcalf was using a cane regularly to get around due to his knees.
Senator Metcalf had announced his plans two years before the 1978 Senate elections that he would not run for re-election; 1978 would be his last year in office. In his last couple of years in Congress, Metcalf was fighting for the wilderness designation of the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness Area and the Great Bear Wilderness Area; he was also fighting to enact strip-mining legislation. Metcalf complained of a stomach ache while visiting with Donna Metcalf’s parents in Wallace, Idaho, on Wednesday, January 11, 1978. Jerry Metcalf drove his father home to the Metcalfs’ converted apartment in their house at 1220 Eighth Avenue in Helena. Jerry came into the Metcalfs’ apartment on Thursday morning, January 12, 1978, and found that Senator Metcalf had passed away in his sleep from a heart condition. Lee Metcalf was cremated, and his ashes spread over the Bitterroot National Forest. President Carter said Metcalf’s death “stills a voice that had long spoken up for preserving the great wilderness areas of this country. He was a friend of working people and family farmers and an early sponsor of legislation for clean water, federal aid to education and reclamation of strip mined land. His loss will be deeply felt.” Even in death, Senator Metcalf influenced the outcome of major national policies. Metcalf passed away during a key vote on President Carter’s national energy bill, which was designed to ease the national energy crisis of the late 1970s. Before the U.S. Senate could honor Metcalf, his friend and political ally Hubert H. Humphrey died of cancer on January 13, 1978. Humphrey’s death overshadowed Metcalf’s loss, and many people went on to forget Metcalf’s political legacy.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
The photographs are arranged into five broad groupings based on Metcalf’s life and work, with the groupings in chronological order for the most part: Lee and Donna Metcalf Photographs; Montana State Government Service (1936-1941, 1947-1952); U.S. House of Representatives (1953-1960); U.S. Senate (1961-1978); and U.S. Senate Democratic Photograph Studio Negatives (1960-1978)
The Lee and Donna Metcalf Photographs comprise Series 1 through Series 4 of the collection. Series 1 shows scenes in Lee Metcalf’s early personal life and portraits from his career as a U.S. congressman from 1953 to 1974. Within this series is the only-known photograph of Lee Metcalf during his U.S. Army service in World War II. Series 2 contains photographs of Donna Metcalf’s personal life and family, including snapshots she took documenting her work with Lady Bird Johnson’s city and highway beautification movement in the 1960s and early 1970s. Series 3 details Senator Metcalf’s life with his wife Donna Hoover Metcalf, their son Jerry, the Metcalfs’ extended family, and family friends. Photographs in this series also include images of various Metcalf family trips and vacations. Series 4 contains photographs of Metcalf family ancestors from various New England states and several other locations across the United States, dating mostly from the 1860s through the 1930s. Many of these pictures were in photograph albums brought by the Metcalf family when they migrated to southwestern Montana from Maine in the late nineteenth century. Of particular interest in this series are several photographs of the Robert C. Smith family; Smith, Lee Metcalf’s grandfather, was an early and influential pioneer in Ravalli County.
The Montana State Government Service (1936-1941, 1947-1952) photographs comprise Series 5. It contains photographs of Lee Metcalf as a young assistant state attorney general and as a Montana Supreme Court associate justice. Highlights of these images include portraits taken in Metcalf’s first and last year as a Supreme Court justice, as well as images of Judge Metcalf in his Supreme Court office in Helena, Montana.
The U.S. House of Representatives (1952-1960) photographs comprise Series 6 through Series 14. These images depict Lee Metcalf’s work as a U.S. Congressman in the U.S. House of Representatives, beginning with his 1953 congressional campaign and ending in 1960. Series 6 shows Rep. Metcalf with various federal politicians, fellow congressmen, and members of the Montana congressional delegation. Series 7 contains photographs of Metcalf on various committees and conducting committee hearings around the United States, particularly as it relates to mine safety. Series 8 shows Metcalf at various public, professional, and political events outside of the state of Montana—primarily in Washington, D.C. Series 9 shows Rep. Metcalf discussing legislation he supported in the House of Representatives.
Series 10 contains photographs dealing with and depicting various public projects supported or proposed by Rep. Metcalf, which were funded or mandated through federal legislation, federal funds provided by the U.S. Congress, and through decisions of congressional committees responsible for various aspects of public resources and funds. Of particular interest are the photographs in Box 5, Folder 8, showing the dedication of Tiber Dam. Series 11 contains photographs of Metcalf with various Montanans—including state politicians—in Montana and in Washington, D.C., both in public and political settings. Interesting images in this series include Metcalf in Butte for several state Democratic rallies and events. Series 12 contains images of Rep. Metcalf in general scenes around Washington, D.C.; in his congressional office; and general topics related to Metcalf’s regular operation as a congressman. Series 13 depicts Metcalf with Presidents Harry Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower at various events. Series 14 has photographs of Rep. Metcalf with constituents from the state of Montana who visited him in Washington, D.C., as well as images sent by constituents to Metcalf.
The U.S. Senate Photographs (1960-1978) comprise Series 15 through Series 23. These images depict Lee Metcalf’s life and work as a U.S. Senator. Series 15 shows Senator Metcalf with various federal politicians, fellow congressmen, and members of the Montana congressional delegation—including a small set of photographs primarily of Metcalf with Senator Mike Mansfield. Series 16 contains photographs of Metcalf in various committees and conducting committee hearings around the United States. Meetings of and photographs used as exhibits in the following committees are part of this series: Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, Committee on Public Works, U.S. Migratory Bird Conservation Commission, and various other committees. Series 17 shows Senator Metcalf at various public, professional, and political events held outside of the state of Montana—primarily in Washington, D.C. Of particular interest in this series is a sub-series of photographs detailing the 1964 Montana Territorial Centennial Train’s stop in Washington, D.C., and the subsequent Montana Centennial dinner in April 1964 with President Lyndon B. Johnson as a surprise guest. Series 18 depicts Senator Metcalf discussing, planning for, and holding bills he supported in the U.S. Senate.
Series 19 contains photographs dealing with various public projects supported or proposed by Senator Metcalf, which were funded or mandated through federal legislation; federal funds provided by the U.S. Congress; and through decisions of congressional committees responsible for various aspects of public resources and funds. Of particular interest in this series are working photographs of dam construction in Montana, and photographs showing improvements on Montana Indian reservations. There are also images used in committee hearings by Senator Metcalf, while he worked to reform the forest management practices of the U.S. Forest Service. One important sub-grouping of photographs in this series are the original photographs used by and published in the 1970 report “A University View of the Forest Service,” otherwise known as the Bolle Report. This report was one of the single-most important catalysts for ending federally-sanctioned deforestation practices in national forests, and changing the way the Forest Service managed the land and resources under its control. Photographs detailing efforts by Senator Metcalf to find a use for the shuttered Glasgow Air Force Base between 1964 and 1972 are also in this series. Photographs dealing with the early years of the Jobs Civilian Conservation Corps, Headstart, and the Peace Corps are also part of Series 19.
Series 20 contains photographs of Senator Metcalf with various Montanans—including state politicians—in Montana and in Washington, D.C., while in public and political settings. Politicians and political rallies from around the state of Montana are represented in these images. Series 21 shows Senator Metcalf in general scenes around Washington, D.C., and his congressional office. Photographs of his office staff, from his political campaigns, from award ceremonies, and from various extra-legislative programs the Senator participated in are included in this series. A large number of pictures in this series document Senator Metcalf’s work with the Inter-Parliamentary Union, which was the first permanent forum for political multilateral negotiations and legislative discourse amongst parliaments of sovereign states. Trips to the Korean demilitarized zone and to Russia in 1969 can be found here. Series 22 shows Senator Metcalf with Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson at various events, in political discussions, and during campaigns. There are also two photographs of President Richard M. Nixon in this series. Of particular note in Series 22 are photographs of President Kennedy during his run for the presidency in 1960, and during his visit to Great Falls as part of his September 1963 Conservation Tour of Western States. Series 23 contains photographs of Senator Metcalf with various constituents from the state of Montana who visited him in Washington, D.C., as well as images sent by constituents to Metcalf. Views of Metcalf with Montana Native American tribal members and Montana representatives to national youth programs are particularly significant in this series.
The U.S. Senate Democratic Photograph Studio Negatives (1960-1978) constitutes Series 24. Series 24 contains 967 film negatives from the U.S. Senate Democratic Photograph Studio, containing images commissioned by Senator Metcalf between 1960 and 1978. Most of the images in this series were taken by famous American news photographer brothers Al and Frank Muto, who were originally hired by the U.S. Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee as the two main photographers for U.S. Senate Democrats. Previously, the Mutos had worked for Lyndon B. Johnson during his time as a U.S. Senator, Vice-President, and later President. This series of negatives has been matched with original photographic prints from the collection, and the negatives and their corresponding prints have been treated as a separate unique collection of images within Lot 31. Significant images of Senator Metcalf around Washington, D.C., in committee hearings, with important politicians, with Montana constituents, and with his office staff are included in this series of negatives.
Other Descriptive InformationReturn to Top
Many photographs in this collection were the result of multiple photographers, government agencies, and newspapers across the United States. When a photograph contains a photographer's name and location, this information is provided at the end of the individual photograph’s description. When photographers could be assigned to a photograph based on research and types of photographs, the photographer's name is provided in the same manner.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
The Montana Historical Society is the owner of the materials in the Photograph Archives and makes available reproductions for research, publication and other uses. Written permission must be obtained from the Photograph Archives before any reproduction use. The Society does not necessarily hold copyright to all of the materials in the collections. In some cases, permission to use may require seeking additional authorization from the copyright owners.
Permission for use of photographs in this collection which were taken by Butte, Montana, photographer C. Owen Smithers must be obtained from the Butte-Silver Bow County Archives in Butte, Montana, which has possession of C. Owen Smithers’ original photograph collection.
Preferred Citation
Lee Metcalf Photograph Collection. Lot 31. Box/Folder.Image Number. Montana Historical Society Photographs Archives, Helena, Montana.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
The collection is arranged into twenty-four series and thirty-nine sub-series. These series and sub-series are organized to reflect the life of Senator Metcalf, as well as the manner in which records were organized originally in Lee Metcalf’s U.S. Senate office in Washington, D.C.
Lee and Donna Metcalf Photographs
Series 1: Lee Metcalf
Subseries A: Personal
Subseries B: Congressional Portraits
Series 2: Donna Hoover Metcalf: Personal
Series 3: Metcalf Family Photographs
Series 4: Metcalf Family Ancestors (circa 1860s-1920s)
Montana State Government Service (1936-1941, 1947-1952)
Series 5: Montana State Government Service
U.S. House of Representatives (1952-1960)
Series 6: Federal Congressmen and Politicians
Series 7: House of Representatives Committees
Series 8: Events
Series 9: Legislation
Series 10: Congressional Projects
Subseries A: Department of Agriculture
Subseries B: Department of the Interior
Series 11: Montana Individuals and Events (1952-1960)
Series 12: General House of Representatives Photographs
Series 13: Presidential Photographs (1952-1953, 1950s)
Series 14: Constituent Photographs
Subseries A: Constituent Correspondence
Subseries B: Native Americans
Subseries C: Youth and Student Groups
U.S. Senate (1960-1978)
Series 15: Federal Congressmen and Politicians
Subseries A: General (Federal Congressmen and Politicians)
Subseries B: Mike Mansfield
Series 16: Senate Committees
Subseries A: General Committee Photographs
Subseries B: Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs
Subseries C: Committee on Post Office and Civil Service
Subseries D: Committee on Public Works
Subseries E: U.S. Migratory Bird Conservation Commission
Series 17: Events
Subseries A: General Events
Subseries B: 1964 Montana Territorial Centennial celebration
Series 18: Legislation
Series 19: Congressional Projects
Subseries A: General Projects
Subseries B: Bureau of Public Roads (Department of Commerce)
Subseries C: Corps of Engineers
Subseries D: Department of Agriculture
Subseries E: Department of the Interior
Subseries F: Energy and Utilities
Subseries G: Military
Series 20: Montana Individuals and Events (1961-1978)
Series 21: General U.S. Senate
Subseries A: General
Subseries B: Inter-Parliamentary Conference and Union
Subseries C: NATO North Atlantic Assembly
Subseries D: 1967 Montreal International Exposition
Subseries E: Campaigns
Subseries F: Senate Staff and Office
Subseries G: Awards
Subseries H: Metcalf of Montana: How A Senator Makes Government Work (1965) Book Proofs (by Richard Warden)
Series 22: Presidential Photographs (1960-1964, 1969, 1960s, 1970)
Series 23: Constituent Photographs
Subseries A: Constituent Correspondence
Subseries B: General Constituent Visits
Subseries C: Farmers
Subseries D: Native Americans
Subseries E: Youth and Student Groups
Subseries E1: General Youth and Student Groups
Subseries E2: 4-H
Subseries E3: Pageant Contestants and Competitions
Series 24: U.S. Senate Democratic Photograph Studio Negatives
Acquisition Information
The photographs, negatives and slides in this collection are the result of a combination of the following acquisitions: PAc 57-88, PAc 86-63, PAc 96-55, PAc 2008-26 and PAc 2008-27. All of these acquisitions were processed and combined together into Lot 31 in October 2014.
PAc 75-88 was transferred from the Archives collection, Lee Metcalf Papers (MC 172), in 1975.
PAc 86-63 was transferred from the Archives collection, Lee Metcalf papers (MC 172), in 1986 and then combined with PAc 75-88. and then combined with PAc 96-71.
PAc 2008-26 was transferred to the Photograph Archives by the U.S. Senate Historical Office in 2008.
PAc 2008-27 was transferred to the Photograph Archives by Donna Metcalf in 2008.
Processing Note
The Lee Metcalf Photographs Collection is a composite collection from several separate donations between the 1970s and 2008. Between 1971 and 1972, Senator Lee Metcalf chose to deposit his congressional papers with the Montana Historical Society, though he would retain until the end of his time in the U.S. Senate all those records he required for his daily office work. Records he retained included his office’s photographs and films. Between 1978 and 1983, the bulk of the photographs were divided somehow following Metcalf’s death, with a large number of them coming into the possession of his wife and widow Donna Metcalf. 822 photographs were found stored in the Senator Metcalf’s office files with corresponding paperwork. These images were separated from the Senator’s papers during the processing of the Lee Metcalf Papers (MC 172) by the Montana Historical Society Archives, then transferred to the Montana Historical Society Photograph Archives in 1986.
In 2008, Donna Metcalf deposited over 2,000 photographic prints, negatives, slides, and miscellaneous images with the Montana Historical Society. After research and interviews with former Metcalf Senate staff members, it was discovered that the images in the Donna Metcalf donation had been utilized by Lee Metcalf in his congressional offices from 1953 to January 1978. Also in 2008, the U.S. Senate Historical Office located a large number of negatives in storage that had been organized by the U.S. Senator’s name and arranged chronologically, according to the date the negative was filed by the staff of the U.S. Senate Democratic Photograph Studio. The negatives were found in the U.S. Senate Historical Office. It appears the studio originally had been storing most of the negatives in the basement of the Old Russell Senate Office Building or the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., in case a U.S. congressman wanted prints made from their negatives at any time in the future.
The photograph sub-series within the series Committees and Congressional Projects (Series 10, 16, and 19) are arranged alphabetically by the first word of the name of the sub-series. For example, under Senate Congressional Projects, “Subseries C: Corps of Engineers” comes before “Subseries D: Department of Agriculture”, as “Corps” is alphabetically before “Department”. The arrangement was made this way rather than to have “Agriculture, Department of” come before “Corps”. This alphabetical organization is the manner in which the Library of Congress organizes its subject terms for such corporate titles.
Photographs from the various units of the U.S. Department of the Interior—primarily the Bureau of Reclamation (BoR) and Bureau of Indian Affairs—included in Lot 31 have a unique numbering system based on “project numbers” assigned by the originating agency. In the case of the BoR, an image is assigned a number, often seven to nine digits, divided into three sections by dashes and based on the public project being photographed by the agency. An example from Lot 31 is “459-600-55,” where “459-600” designates the project region of the United States, and “55” is the image number within that project range. The first five or six numbers in the project number are the “BoR Project Area”. Specific examples include: 447-105 is Hungry Horse Dam; 84-600 is Lower Marias Unit, Tiber Dam; and P28-600 is the Sun River Project. Often, the project number starts with a “P” (for “Project”). Photos can also have an “A” at the start of the number, which means the image is an “Aerial” photograph. Images are not necessarily numbered by the originating agencies in chronological order. In Lot 31, the photographs of Interior Department agencies were arranged based on the project numbers (not dates), and individual Lot 31 image numbers were assigned to the photographs. Photographs containing this numbering system are Box 5, Folder 8; Box 5, Folders 4-8; Box 10, Folders 5-8; and Box 10, Folders 11-17. An exception to the organization described above are the 1964 Montana flood photographs, used as a photo story to document the first week of the flood. These photographic prints were pasted back-to-back and were originally bound as a photo report for a committee hearing. These photographs are arranged in Lot 31 in number order based on the BoR project area number for the front image of the double-sided photograph pages. This means numbers are not necessarily in project number order. These Montana flood photographs are in Box 10, Folders 15-17.
In order for the public to view the negatives in the Series 24—U.S. Senate Democratic Photograph Studio Negatives (1960-1978), contact prints have been made for all the negatives, including those which have corresponding original photographic prints. This step was chosen in order to show what the original negative images looked like compared with the original prints matched to the negatives. All prints and contact prints have been numbered based on the numbers assigned to the negatives. There are 368 original Metcalf photographic prints that match images in the Senate negatives. The Senate negatives have been arranged chronologically by the date listed on the negatives’ sleeves by the photograph studio staff. These dates were for when the negatives were filed by the studio’s staff. Often, the filed date matches the date the images were taken. However, not all filed dates correspond to the dates of the actual event, particularly at the end of a given year. Occasionally, images taken in the last part of December of any given year were not printed or filed away until January of the following year.
Lot 31 Lee Metcalf Photograph Collection was processed as part of a Council on Libraries and Information Resources (CLIR) “Hidden Collections” grant project, with generous funding from The Andrew Mellon Foundation, received by the Montana Historical Society in 2012. The goal of the grant project was the reorganization and uniting of all Metcalf images held by the MHS Photograph Archives from these previous donations, into a singular collection that most-closely replicated the original order and arrangement of the photographs and negatives as used by Senator Metcalf and his office staff.
Related Materials
See the following archival collections for related photographic and textual materials:
J. Hugo Aronson papers, 1924-1968. MC 338. Montana Historical Society Research Center. Archives. Helena, Montana
J. Hugo Aronson photograph collection. Lot 7. Montana Historical Society Photographs Archives, Helena, Montana
Montana Governor (1969-1972: Forrest H. Anderson) records, 1968-1972. RS 106. Montana Historical Society Research Center. Archives. Helena, Montana
Mike Mansfield Papers, Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, The University of Montana-Missoula
James E. Murray Papers, Archives and Special Collections, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, The University of Montana-Missoula
Arnold Olsen photograph collection. PAc 2005-21. Montana Historical Society Photographs Archives, Helena, Montana
Montana Department of Transportation, Photo Section Unit photograph collection. PAc 86-15. Montana Historical Society Photograph Archives, Helena, Montana
Lee Metcalf Reports from Washington. Z 328.786 R29M 1953-1956. Montana Historical Society Research Center. Library
Murray, James E., and Lee Metcalf. A Montanan’s Washington Notebook (1956-1973).Z 328.786 M76M (1956-1964). Montana Historical Society Research Center. Library
Lee Metcalf Film Collection, MOV 0150, Montana Historical Society Research Center Photographs Archives, Helena, Montana.
Lee Metcalf Papers. MC 172, Montana Historical Society Research Center, Archives, Helena, Montana.
Specific folders corresponding to important Metcalf photographs include:
MC 172, Box 223, Folder 3 corresponds with the photographs in Lot 31, Box 10, Folders 5-7
MC 172, Box 36, Folder 6 and Box 37, Folders 1-2 corresponds with the photographs in Lot 31, Box 9, Folders 3-4
MC 172, Box 400, Folder 4 corresponds with the photographs in Lot 31, Box 10, Folders 15-17
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Series 1: Lee MetcalfReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries A: Personal Photographs |
Box/Folder | ||
1-1 | Lee Metcalf: Personal |
1912-1915, 1917, 1926 |
01: Lee Metcalf around one year old—photograph by
The Elite Studio of Missoula, Montana |
circa 1912 | |
02: Lee Metcalf around one year old—photograph by
The Elite Studio of Missoula, Montana |
circa 1912 | |
03: Lee Metcalf and his sister Julia Metcalf
sitting on a wicker chair in a photographer’s studio |
circa 1913 | |
04: Lee Metcalf (standing) with his sister Julia
(sitting) in a yard at an unknown location (text on back incorrect: “Lee W.
Metcalf (standing), possibly with Lulu Brooks (seated)”) |
circa 1914 | |
05: Portrait of Lee and Julia Metcalf, wearing
dress clothes, stand on a large chair in a photographer’s studio in Los Angeles,
California—photograph by C.F. Kohler of Los Angeles, California |
circa 1915 | |
06: Lee Metcalf (right) wearing a white pith
helmet and white outfit, stands in a yard with his sister Julia (left), in a white
dress holding a doll, at an unknown location |
circa 1917 | |
07: Lee Metcalf at age 15 |
circa 1926 | |
1-2 | Lee Metcalf: Personal |
1928-1929, 1931-1932, 1934, 1936 |
01: The 1928 Stevensville High School football
team, coached by Art Neill (far left), with Lee Metcalf (third from left, back
row) during his senior year |
1928 | |
Portrait of Lee Metcalf—photograph by Woods of
Dorian of Missoula, Montana |
circa 1928 | |
03: Partial photograph of freshmen outside of
South Hall—the freshmen men’s residence hall—at Montana State University
(present-day University of Montana) in Missoula, Montana. Lee Metcalf is fourth
from left, back row—photograph by McKay Art Company of Missoula,
Montana |
1929 | |
04: Lee Metcalf (far left, third row from the
back) with an unidentified group of Stanford University students on the front
steps of an unknown house in Palo Alto, California |
circa 1931 | |
05: Circa 1932-1933 class of the Alpha Omega
Chapter of Sigma Chi fraternity on the steps of their fraternity house at Stanford
University (believed in Palo Alto, California). Lee Metcalf is third from right in
the front row—photograph by Todd Powell of San Francisco |
circa 1932 | |
06: Portrait of Lee Metcalf, around the time of
his graduation from the Montana State University Law School (present-day
University of Montana) in Missoula, Montana—photograph by Johnson’s Studio of
Hamilton, Montana |
circa 1936 | |
1/3 | Lee Metcalf: Personal |
1930s |
01: Portrait of Lee Metcalf—photograph by DeWalt
Studio of Helena, Montana |
1930s | |
02: Contact print of a portrait of Lee Metcalf |
1930s | |
03: Portrait of Lee Metcalf—photograph by
Bullock’s Portrait Studio of Los Angeles, California |
1930s | |
04: Contact print proof of a portrait of Lee
Metcalf |
1930s | |
05: Contact print proof of a portrait of Lee
Metcalf |
1930s | |
06: Contact print proof of a portrait of Lee
Metcalf |
1930s | |
07: Contact print proof of a portrait of Lee
Metcalf |
1930s | |
1-4 | Lee Metcalf: Personal |
1945, 1966, 1960s |
01: Image caption reads: “On the US First Army
front (in Knoll, Germany), German refugees from embattled town of Lorscheid appeal
to AMG (American Military Government) officer, 1st Lt. Lee Metcalf (Hamilton,
Mont), and Pfc. Manfred K. Piper (Princeton, N.J.), for temporary living quarters.
9th Inf Div, First US Army. 16 March 1945”—United States Signal Corps photograph
#202692 (Knoll, Germany) |
1945 March 16 | |
02: Image caption reads “Pfc. Guilbert P. Fafart
(Lebanon, N.H.), 60th Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, US First Army, brings in a
jeep load of German prisoners (in Frankenbach, Germany). The officer sitting on
the front was a Nazi work inspector who toured the country, seeing that labor
assignments were carried out properly. 28 March 1945”—United States Signal Corps
photograph #204348 (Frankenbach, Germany) |
1945 March 28 | |
03: Lee Metcalf checking the settings on his
personal camera while at an unknown event |
circa 1966 | |
04: Lee Metcalf sitting in a living room chair at
an unidentified house |
1960s | |
05: Lee Metcalf holding a beer stein in an
unidentified house |
1960s | |
06: Lee Metcalf sitting against a wall in an
unidentified house |
1960s | |
Lee Metcalf (left) sitting on a couch with his
father-in-law Albert W. Hoover (right) in an unidentified house |
1960s | |
08: Lee Metcalf blowing out the candles of his
birthday cake in the dining room of a Metcalf family member’s house, with Lee’s
mother Rhoda Smith Metcalf (second from right) looking on |
1960s | |
Subseries B: Congressional Portraits |
Box/Folder | ||
1-5 | Lee Metcalf: Congressional Portraits |
1953-1955 |
01: Rep. Lee Metcalf sitting at his desk in his
U.S. House of Representatives office during his first year in the U.S.
Congress—photograph by Chase Photography of Washington, D.C. |
circa 1953 | |
02: Portrait of Rep. Lee Metcalf in his U.S. House
of Representatives office during his first year in the U.S. Congress—photograph by
Chase Photography of Washington, D.C. |
circa 1953 | |
03: Close-up of Rep. Lee Metcalf reading President
George Washington's Farewell Address to members of the House of Representatives in
Congress during ceremonies celebrating the birthday of the first President in
1954. Rep. Metcalf's designation by U.S. House Speaker Joseph W. Martin, Jr., was
the first time a Montana representative had read the address in the House of
Representatives |
1954 February | |
04: Close-up of Rep. Lee Metcalf reading President
George Washington's Farewell Address to members of the House of Representatives in
Congress during ceremonies celebrating the birthday of the first President in
1954. Rep. Metcalf's designation by U.S. House Speaker Joseph W. Martin, Jr., was
the first time a Montana representative had read the address in the House of
Representatives |
February 1954 | |
05: Portrait of Rep. Lee Metcalf—photograph by
DeWalt Studio of Helena, Montana |
circa 1955 | |
06: Rep. Lee Metcalf runs across the road in front
of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1955 | |
1-6 | Lee Metcalf: Congressional Portraits |
1958-1959 |
01: Rep. Lee Metcalf portrait—photograph by Fabian
Bachrach |
circa 1958 | |
02: Portrait of Rep. Lee Metcalf—photograph by
Fabian Bachrach |
circa 1958 | |
03: Half-length portrait of Rep. Lee
Metcalf—photograph by Fabian Bachrach |
circa 1958 | |
04: Half-length portrait of Rep. Lee Metcalf,
seated in the U.S. Senate Recording Studio |
circa 1959 | |
05: Unfinished proof of a portrait of Rep. Lee
Metcalf—photograph by Fabian Bachrach |
circa 1959 | |
M1 (Oversized): Unfinished proof of a portrait of
Rep. Lee Metcalf—photograph by Fabian Bachrach |
circa 1959 | |
M2(Oversized): Unfinished proof of a half-length
portrait of Rep. Lee Metcalf standing at a desk—photograph by Fabian
Bachrach |
circa 1959 | |
M3 (Oversized): Unfinished proof of a half-length
portrait of Rep. Lee Metcalf standing at a desk—photograph by Fabian
Bachrach |
circa 1959 | |
1-7 | Lee Metcalf: Congressional Portraits |
1961, 1963-1965 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf standing outside on the
Ellipse in front of the National Christmas Tree in Washington, D.C. several days
before the tree lighting ceremony—photograph by Edmund Barrett |
1961 December | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf standing outside on the
Pathway of Peace in front of Montana’s Christmas Tree, sponsored by the Montana
Junior Chamber of Commerce—photograph by Edmund Barrett |
1961 December | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf writes a note at his desk
in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1963 | |
04: Close-up view of Senator Lee Metcalf working
at his desk in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1964 July | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf walking on the west
terrace of the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. Photograph was part of a
publicity series taken by the National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association
(NRECA) on July 9, 1965—National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association
photograph |
1965 July 9 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf poses on the steps of the
U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. Photograph was part of a publicity
series taken by the National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association (NRECA) on
July 9, 1965—National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association
photograph |
1965 July 9 | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf poses in front of the
steps of the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. Photograph was part of a
publicity series taken by the National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association
(NRECA) on July 9, 1965—National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association
photograph |
1965 July 9 | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf poses in front of the
steps of the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. Photograph was part of a
publicity series taken by the National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association
(NRECA) on July 9, 1965—National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association
photograph |
1965 July 9 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf leaves the U.S. Capitol
Building in Washington, D.C., heading back to his home in the capital. Photograph
was part of a publicity series taken by the National Rural Electrical Cooperative
Association (NRECA) on July 9, 1965—National Rural Electrical Cooperative
Association photograph |
1965 July 9 | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf pulls a book from a shelf
in the Library of Congress on July 9, 1965. Photograph was part of a publicity
series taken by the National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association (NRECA) on
July 9, 1965—National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association
photograph |
1965 July 9 | |
11: Lee Metcalf poses in the Library of Congress
for a photograph in his old Montana Supreme Court justice robe |
circa 1965 October | |
12: Lee Metcalf, holding a shotgun, stands next to
an unidentified man near Canyon Ferry Lake as Metcalf reaches to remove a duck the
men shot from a hunting dog’s mouth |
circa 1965 October | |
13: Lee Metcalf talks with an unidentified man at
Canyon Ferry Dam (seen in the background) |
circa 1965 October | |
14: Lee Metcalf talks with an unidentified man as
Metcalf points towards Canyon Ferry Dam (seen in the background) |
circa 1965 October | |
15: Lee Metcalf stands on a hill overlooking
Canyon Ferry Lake, with a yacht basin in the background |
circa 1965 October | |
1-8 | Lee Metcalf: Congressional Portraits |
1966, 1969 |
01: Half-length portrait of Senator Lee Metcalf
standing in front of the east side of the U.S. Capitol Building |
circa 1966 | |
02: A left-side profile of Senator Lee Metcalf
sitting at his desk in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1966 | |
03: Close-up profile view of Senator Lee
Metcalf |
circa 1969 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf sits in a leather
upholstered chair in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1960s | |
1-9 | Lee Metcalf: Congressional Portraits |
1960s |
01: Headshot of Senator Lee Metcalf
smiling |
1960s | |
02: Half-length portrait of Lee Metcalf sitting at
a desk |
1960s | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf stands at a podium giving
a speech at an unknown event |
1960s | |
04: Three-fourths length portrait of Senator Lee
Metcalf, posed in front of the flag of the state of Montana and next to a floor
stand globe |
1960s | |
05: Three-fourths length portrait of Senator Lee
Metcalf, posed in front of the flag of the state of Montana and next to a floor
stand globe |
1960s | |
06: Three-fourths length portrait of Senator Lee
Metcalf, posed in front of the flag of the state of Montana and next to a floor
stand globe |
1960s | |
07: Half-length portrait of Senator Lee Metcalf
standing in his Senate office reviewing "Trial Program of Public Land Range
Appraisal: a study prepared at the request of the Committee on
Appropriations" |
1960s | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf standing at a podium
giving a speech at an unknown event |
1960s | |
1-10 | Lee Metcalf: Congressional Portraits |
circa 1970 |
01: Headshot of Senator Lee Metcalf at an
unidentified event |
circa 1970 November | |
02: Headshot of Senator Lee Metcalf sitting in a
Senate committee hearing |
circa 1970 | |
03: Headshot of Senator Lee Metcalf sitting in a
Senate committee hearing |
circa 1970 | |
04: Headshot of Senator Lee Metcalf sitting in a
Senate committee hearing |
circa 1970 | |
05: Half-length portrait of Senator Lee Metcalf
holding a pen, sitting in a Senate committee hearing in Washington,
D.C. |
circa 1970 | |
06: Headshot of Senator Lee Metcalf, holding his
hand to his head, sitting in a Senate committee hearing in Washington,
D.C. |
circa 1970 | |
07: Half-length portrait of Senator Lee Metcalf
sitting in a Senate committee hearing in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1970 | |
08: Half-length portrait of Senator Lee Metcalf as
he sits in a Senate committee hearing in Washington, D.C., listening to witness
testimony, with an unidentified man in the background—photograph by City News
Bureau, Inc., of Washington, D.C. |
circa 1970 | |
09: Headshot, side profile, of Senator Lee Metcalf
as he sits in a Senate committee hearing in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1970 | |
1-11 | Lee Metcalf: Congressional Portraits |
1971-1972 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf sits on the leather couch
in his office, cutting out stories from a newspaper |
circa 1971 | |
02: Half-length portrait of Lee Metcalf as he sits
on his office couch, holding an October 1971 petition that was sent to him by
teachers from Montana School District Number 1 (Helena) protesting the state of
teachers’ contracts in relation to a recent Montana law |
circa 1971 | |
03: Half-length portrait of Senator Lee Metcalf
sitting at a desk |
circa 1972 June | |
04: Half-length portrait of Senator Lee Metcalf
sitting at a desk |
circa 1972 June | |
05: Half-length portrait, right side view, of
Senator Lee Metcalf sitting at a desk |
circa 1972 June | |
06: Portrait of Senator Lee Metcalf sitting at a
desk, with the flags of Montana and the United States in the
background |
circa 1972 June | |
07: Portrait of Senator Lee Metcalf sitting at a
desk, with the flags of Montana and the United States in the
background |
circa 1972 June | |
08: Portrait of Senator Lee Metcalf sitting at a
desk, with the flags of Montana and the United States in the
background |
circa 1972 June | |
1-12 | Lee Metcalf: Congressional Portraits |
1972, 1974 |
01: Headshot of Senator Lee Metcalf in front of
the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1972 June | |
02: Headshot of Senator Lee Metcalf in front of
the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1972 June | |
03: Headshot of Senator Lee Metcalf in front of
the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1972 June | |
circa 1972 June | ||
04: Headshot, right side profile, of Senator Lee
Metcalf, with the Rotunda of U.S. Capitol Building in the background |
circa 1972 June | |
05: Half-length portrait of Senator Lee Metcalf
with the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol Building in the background |
circa 1972 June | |
06: Half-length portrait, left side profile, of
Senator Lee Metcalf with the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol Building in the
background |
circa 1972 June | |
07: Half-length portrait of Senator Lee Metcalf
sitting in his Senate office, writing letters on his typewriter |
circa 1972 | |
08: Headshot of Senator Lee Metcalf |
1974 November |
Series 2: Donna MetcalfReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
2-1 | Donna Hoover Metcalf: Personal |
1920, 1930s, 1950s, 1953, 1966 |
01: Portrait of a young girl believed to be Donna A.
Hoover—photograph by Barnard Studio of Wallace, Idaho |
circa 1920 | |
02: Portrait of Donna A. Hoover in a dark velvet
dress with patterned lace sleeves and a dark velvet bow on her left
shoulder—photograph by “Portrait by Melander” |
circa 1930s | |
03: Portrait of the Hoover family’s cocker spaniel
Sandra, sitting on a lawn chair on the Hoover family’s yard in Wallace,
Idaho |
1953 | |
04: Albert W. Hoover plays with the Hoover family
cocker spaniel Sandra in front of the Hoover house in Wallace, Idaho. Caption on
image reads “Sandra loves Daddy”—Tabors Photo Service of Wallace, Idaho |
circa 1950s | |
05: Photograph of bog primrose plants and a willow
tree in a garden at the Albert W. Hoover house in Wallace, Idaho |
circa 1950s | |
06: Donna Metcalf holds her camera while sitting on
a couch in an unidentified house |
circa 1961 | |
07: Donna Metcalf poses for a photograph on a brick
patio outside an unidentified house |
circa 1966 | |
Roll 1.01-.02: View of a tulip garden in Washington,
D.C., with the U.S. Capitol Building in the background. Donna Metcalf took this
image as part of her work with Lady Bird Johnson’s Washington, D.C., beautification
program—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
Roll 1.03: View of trees and a tulip garden in
Washington, D.C., with an unidentified building in the background. Donna Metcalf
took this image as part of her work with Lady Bird Johnson’s Washington, D.C.,
beautification program—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
Roll 1.04: View of a tulip garden in Washington,
D.C., with the U.S. Capitol Building in the background. Donna Metcalf took this
image as part of her work with Lady Bird Johnson’s Washington, D.C., beautification
program—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
Roll 1.05: View of cherry trees in bloom in
Washington, D.C., with the U.S. Capitol Building in the background. Donna Metcalf
took this image as part of her work with Lady Bird Johnson’s Washington, D.C.,
beautification program—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
Roll 1.06: View of an unidentified garden in
Washington, D.C., near the U.S. Capitol Building and the National Mall. Donna
Metcalf took this image as part of her work with Lady Bird Johnson’s Washington,
D.C., beautification program—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
Roll 1.07: View of cherry trees and cars in
Washington, D.C., with the U.S. Capitol Building in the background. Donna Metcalf
took this image as part of her work with Lady Bird Johnson’s Washington, D.C.,
beautification program—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
Roll 1.08: View of tulips on the eastern end of the
National Mall in Washington, D.C., with the U.S. Capitol Building in the background.
Donna Metcalf took this image as part of her work with Lady Bird Johnson’s
Washington, D.C., beautification program—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
Roll 1.09-.10: View of an unidentified garden on the
National Mall in Washington, D.C., near the U.S. Capitol Building. Donna Metcalf
took this image as part of her work with Lady Bird Johnson’s Washington, D.C.,
beautification program—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
Roll 1.10: View of cherry trees in bloom on the side
of the U.S. Capitol Building (pictured in the background). Donna Metcalf took this
image as part of her work with Lady Bird Johnson’s Washington, D.C., beautification
program—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
Roll 1.11: View of cherry trees in bloom on the U.S.
Capitol Building grounds in Washington, D.C. Donna Metcalf took this image as part
of her work with Lady Bird Johnson’s Washington, D.C., beautification
program—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
08: View of cherry trees in bloom near the U.S.
Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. Donna Metcalf took this image as part of her
work with Lady Bird Johnson’s Washington, D.C., beautification program—photograph by
Donna Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
2-2 | Donna Hoover Metcalf: Personal |
1960s , 1970s |
Roll 2.01: Double-exposed image of a fountain and
cherry trees in downtown Washington, D.C. Donna Metcalf took this image as part of
her work with Lady Bird Johnson’s Washington, D.C., beautification
program—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
Roll 2.02: View of cherry trees in bloom near the
U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. Donna Metcalf took this image as part of
her work with Lady Bird Johnson’s Washington, D.C., beautification
program—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
Roll 2.03: View of a granite fountain above the U.S.
Senate garage, with the U.S. Capitol Building in the background. Donna Metcalf took
this image as part of her work with Lady Bird Johnson’s Washington, D.C.,
beautification program—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
Roll 2.04: View of a tulip garden and two
unidentified women seated on a bench near the U.S. Capitol Building. Donna Metcalf
took this image as part of her work with Lady Bird Johnson’s Washington, D.C.,
beautification program—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
Roll 2.05: View of an unidentified woman standing
next to a tulip garden on the National Mall near the U.S. Capitol Building. Donna
Metcalf took this image as part of her work with Lady Bird Johnson’s Washington,
D.C., beautification program—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
Roll 2.06: An unidentified woman throws some trash
away in a new garbage can on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Donna Metcalf
took this image as part of her work with Lady Bird Johnson’s Washington, D.C.,
beautification program—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
Roll 2.07: View of benches in a garden on the
National Mall in Washington, D.C. Donna Metcalf took this image as part of her work
with Lady Bird Johnson’s Washington, D.C., beautification program—photograph by
Donna Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
Roll 2.08: An unidentified woman kneels on the
ground in a garden on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Donna Metcalf took this
image as part of her work with Lady Bird Johnson’s Washington, D.C., beautification
program—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
Roll 2.09: An unidentified woman stands on the
National Mall next to an outdoor Smithsonian display for the Ceramic Arts U.S.A.
1966 exhibit in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1966 | |
Roll 2.10: An unidentified woman stands on the
National Mall next to an outdoor Smithsonian display for the Ceramic Arts U.S.A.
1966 exhibit in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1966 | |
Roll 2.11: Close-up view of the plaque at the
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial in Washington, D.C.—photograph by Donna
Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
Roll 2.12: Close-up view of the sign on the outdoor
Smithsonian display for the Ceramic Arts U.S.A. 1966 exhibit in Washington,
D.C. |
circa 1966 | |
01: View of African American children playing on a
new playground near a school in Washington, D.C., constructed for the city’s
beautification program. Donna Metcalf took this image as part of her work with Lady
Bird Johnson’s Washington, D.C., beautification program—photograph by Donna
Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
02: Laverne Taylor, an African American woman, holds
a baby in a new playground near a school in Washington, D.C., constructed for the
city’s Beautification Program. Donna Metcalf took this image of her friend Taylor
while taking photographs as part of her work with Lady Bird Johnson’s Washington,
D.C., beautification program—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
03: View of African American children playing on a
new playground near a school in Washington, D.C., constructed for the city’s
beautification program. Donna Metcalf took this image as part of her work with Lady
Bird Johnson’s Washington, D.C., beautification program—photograph by Donna
Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
04: View of African American children playing on a
new playground near a school in Washington, D.C., constructed for the city’s
beautification program. Donna Metcalf took this image as part of her work with Lady
Bird Johnson’s Washington, D.C., beautification program—photograph by Donna
Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
05: View of an unidentified woman standing on a new
playground near a school in Washington, D.C., constructed for the city’s
beautification program. Donna Metcalf took this image as part of her work with Lady
Bird Johnson’s Washington, D.C., beautification program—photograph by Donna
Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf is pictured with his camera
standing in the gardens at the National Arboretum in Washington, D.C. Donna Metcalf
took this photograph while she, Senator Metcalf, Laverne Taylor, and Margaret Olsen
visited the arboretum as part of Donna’s work with Lady Bird Johnson’s Washington,
D.C., beautification program—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
07: Margaret Olsen (yellow dress) and an
unidentified woman look at a section of the National Arboretum in Washington, D.C.
Donna Metcalf took this photograph while she, Senator Metcalf, Laverne Taylor, and
Margaret Olsen visited the arboretum as part of Donna’s work with Lady Bird
Johnson’s Washington, D.C., beautification program—photograph by Donna
Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
08: Margaret Olsen (yellow dress) and an
unidentified woman look at a section of the National Arboretum in Washington, D.C.
Donna Metcalf took this photograph while she, Senator Metcalf, Laverne Taylor, and
Margaret Olsen visited the arboretum as part of Donna’s work with Lady Bird
Johnson’s Washington, D.C., beautification program—photograph by Donna
Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
09: Margaret Olsen (left) and an unidentified woman
look at a section of the National Arboretum in Washington, D.C. Donna Metcalf took
this photograph while she, Senator Metcalf, Laverne Taylor, and Margaret Olsen
visited the arboretum as part of Donna’s work with Lady Bird Johnson’s Washington,
D.C., beautification program—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
circa 1966 | |
10: Close-up view of a flower (possibly taken in
Washington, D.C., by Donna Metcalf) in a garden |
circa 1966 | |
11: Photograph of the U.S. Senate Ladies’ Red Cross
Unit meeting in a room in the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. Donna
Metcalf is pictured (front row seated, third from left) |
circa 1960s | |
12: View of seedlings sprouting in a garden
surrounding a fountain next to the U.S. Capitol Building. Photograph taken as part
of Donna’s work with the Washington, D.C., city beautification program |
circa 1972 | |
13: View of seedlings sprouting in a garden
surrounding a fountain next to the U.S. Capitol Building. Photograph taken as part
of Donna’s work with the Washington, D.C., city beautification program |
circa 1972 | |
14: Photograph of U.S. congressmen’s wives at an
unidentified event (possibly in Washington, D.C.). Donna Metcalf is pictured (front
row, second from left) |
circa 1970s | |
15: Donna Metcalf (left, foreground) is escorted at
an unidentified event by a member of the U.S. Marine Corps Band |
circa 1970s | |
2-3 | Donna Hoover Metcalf: Personal |
1986 |
01: Donna Metcalf (left) watches as sculptor Gary
Schildt (right) sculpts the memorial bronze bust of Senator Lee Metcalf for the Lee
Metcalf Natural Resources and Conservation Building in Helena, Montana (image
#8575-0) |
circa 1986 | |
02:Donna Metcalf watches as sculptor Gary Schildt
sculpts the memorial bronze bust of Senator Lee Metcalf for the Lee Metcalf Natural
Resources and Conservation Building in Helena, Montana (image #8575-0A) |
circa 1986 | |
03: Donna Metcalf (left) watches as sculptor Gary
Schildt (right) sculpts the memorial bronze bust of Senator Lee Metcalf for the Lee
Metcalf Natural Resources and Conservation Building in Helena, Montana (image
#8575-1A) |
circa 1986 | |
04: Donna Metcalf (left) watches as sculptor Gary
Schildt (right) sculpts the memorial bronze bust of Senator Lee Metcalf for the Lee
Metcalf Natural Resources and Conservation Building in Helena, Montana (image
#8575-2A) |
circa 1986 | |
05: Donna Metcalf (left) watches as sculptor Gary
Schildt (right) sculpts the memorial bronze bust of Senator Lee Metcalf for the Lee
Metcalf Natural Resources and Conservation Building in Helena, Montana (image
#8575-3A) |
circa 1986 | |
06: Sculptor Gary Schildt sculpts the memorial
bronze bust of Senator Lee Metcalf for the Lee Metcalf Natural Resources and
Conservation Building in Helena, Montana (image #8575-4A) |
circa 1986 | |
07: Donna Metcalf (right) checks the work of
sculptor Gary Schildt (left), while he works on the memorial bronze bust of Senator
Lee Metcalf for the Lee Metcalf Natural Resources and Conservation Building in
Helena, Montana (image #8575-5A) |
circa 1986 | |
08: Donna Metcalf (right) checks the work of
sculptor Gary Schildt (left), while he works on the memorial bronze bust of Senator
Lee Metcalf for the Lee Metcalf Natural Resources and Conservation Building in
Helena, Montana (image #8575-6A) |
circa 1986 | |
09: Sculptor Gary Schildt sculpts the memorial
bronze bust of Senator Lee Metcalf for the Lee Metcalf Natural Resources and
Conservation Building in Helena, Montana (image #8575-7A) |
circa 1986 | |
10: Sculptor Gary Schildt adjusts the glasses on the
memorial bronze bust of Senator Lee Metcalf for the Lee Metcalf Natural Resources
and Conservation Building in Helena, Montana (image #8575-8A) |
circa 1986 | |
2-4 | Donna Hoover Metcalf: Personal |
1986 |
01: Sculptor Gary Schildt sculpts the memorial
bronze bust of Senator Lee Metcalf for the Lee Metcalf Natural Resources and
Conservation Building in Helena, Montana (image #8575-9A) |
circa 1986 | |
02: Sculptor Gary Schildt sculpts the memorial
bronze bust of Senator Lee Metcalf for the Lee Metcalf Natural Resources and
Conservation Building in Helena, Montana (image #8575-10A) |
circa 1986 | |
03: Sculptor Gary Schildt sculpts the memorial
bronze bust of Senator Lee Metcalf for the Lee Metcalf Natural Resources and
Conservation Building in Helena, Montana (image #8575-11A) |
circa 1986 | |
04: Sculptor Gary Schildt sculpts the memorial
bronze bust of Senator Lee Metcalf for the Lee Metcalf Natural Resources and
Conservation Building in Helena, Montana (image #8575-12A) |
circa 1986 | |
05: Photograph of Donna Metcalf standing
outside |
circa 1980s | |
06: Photograph of Donna Metcalf in an unidentified
house |
circa 1980s | |
07: (Left to right) Bob Fitzgerald and Donna Metcalf
visit with Archbishop Desmond Tutu in the Montana Club in Helena, Montana, on
December 8, 1990 |
1990 December 8 | |
08: Portrait of Bob Fitzgerald and his
family |
circa 1990s |
Series 3: Metcalf Family PhotographsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
2-5 | Metcalf Family Photographs |
1938, 1950, 1954 |
M4 (Oversized): Lee Metcalf (left) and Donna Hoover
Metcalf (right) pose for a photograph on their wedding day in front of a garden arch
in the Hoover family’s house garden in Wallace, Idaho, on Sunday, August 21,
1938 |
1938 August 21 | |
M5 (Oversized): Group portrait of the Lee Metcalf
and Donna Hoover Metcalf wedding party, on their wedding day in front of a garden
arch in the Hoover family’s house garden in Wallace, Idaho, on Sunday, August 21,
1938. Pictured are (left to right, front row) unidentified man; Julia Metcalf, Lee’s
sister; Julia Metcalf’s first husband (Lee Metcalf’s best friend); Lee Metcalf;
Donna Hoover Metcalf; Dorris Helen Hoover, Donna’s sister; two unidentified
bridesmaids; (left to right, second row) Rhoda Smith Metcalf, Lee’s mother; Ruth W.
Hoover, Donna’s mother; (left to right, third row) Harold E. Metcalf, Lee’s father;
Albert W. Hoover, Donna’s father |
1938 August 21 | |
01: View of Lee and Donna Metcalf’s first house in
Helena, Montana, at 1310 Eighth Avenue |
circa 1950 | |
02: View of Lee and Donna Metcalf’s first house in
Helena, Montana, at 1310 Eighth Avenue |
circa 1950 | |
03: Lee Metcalf poses for a photograph in front of
the Metcalfs’ first house in Helena, Montana, at 1310 Eighth Avenue |
circa 1950 | |
04: Lee Metcalf walks in the yard of the Metcalfs’
first house in Helena, Montana, at 1310 Eighth Avenue |
circa 1950 | |
05: Lee Metcalf prunes a plant in his green house at
the Metcalfs’ first house in Helena, Montana, at 1310 Eighth Avenue |
circa 1950 | |
06: Lee Metcalf works in his green house at the
Metcalfs’ first house in Helena, Montana, at 1310 Eighth Avenue |
circa 1950 | |
07: Lee Metcalf works in his green house at the
Metcalfs’ first house in Helena, Montana, at 1310 Eighth Avenue |
circa 1950 | |
08: Lee Metcalf works on several plants in his green
house at the Metcalfs’ first house in Helena, Montana, at 1310 Eighth
Avenue |
circa 1950 | |
09: Lee and Donna Metcalf host a Christmas party at
their house in Washington, D.C., in 1954. Pictured are Lee Metcalf (left); Donna
Metcalf (second from left, covered in tinsel); and Ray Dockstader (third from right,
seated), research assistant to Senator Mansfield |
circa 1954 | |
10: Photograph of the Metcalfs’ family Christmas at
their house in Washington, D.C., in 1954. Pictured opening presents are (left to
right) Donna Metcalf; unidentified girl; Jerry Metcalf; and Lee Metcalf |
circa 1954 | |
11: A woman and three unidentified children pose for
a photograph at the Metcalfs’ Christmas party held at the Metcalfs’ house in
Washington, D.C., in 1954 |
circa 1954 | |
12: Portrait of Jerry Love Metcalf, Lee and Donna
Metcalf’s foster son |
circa 1954 | |
2-6 | Metcalf Family Photographs |
1954-1956 |
01: Family portrait (left to right) of Rep. Lee
Metcalf, Donna Metcalf, and their foster son Jerry Metcalf. This photograph was used
for Rep. Metcalf’s 1954 re-election campaign |
circa 1954 | |
02: (Left to right) Rep. Lee Metcalf, son Jerry
Metcalf, and Donna Metcalf look at various donkey figurines representative of the
Democratic Party. This photograph, taken in one of the Metcalf family’s houses, was
used for Rep. Metcalf’s 1954 re-election campaign |
circa 1954 | |
03: (Left to right) Donna Metcalf, son Jerry
Metcalf, and Rep. Lee Metcalf look at a map of Montana in one of the Metcalfs’
houses. This photograph was used for Rep. Metcalf’s 1954 re-election
campaign |
circa 1954 | |
04: (Left to right) Rep. Lee Metcalf, son Jerry
Metcalf, and Donna Metcalf tend to a plant in one of the Metcalfs’ houses. This
photograph was used for Rep. Metcalf’s 1954 re-election campaign |
circa 1954 | |
05: An unidentified young man and woman pose in
their high school prom attire. Photograph sent to the Metcalf family in a 1955 photo
Christmas card from “Nola, Russell, Mary, and John” (believed to be family friends
of the Metcalf family) |
1955 | |
SL01: 35mm slide of two unidentified relatives
(facing away from viewer) of Donna Hoover Metcalf in a boat on a lake (possibly in
Glacier National Park) |
circa 1955 August 4 | |
06: 1955 Christmas portrait of the children of Lewis
and Clark County Attorney John C. Harrison, sent to the Harrison’s close friends the
Metcalf family. Pictured are (no order) Nina, Bob, Molly, Pat, Randy and Lee
Harrison |
circa 1955 | |
07: Rep. Lee and Donna Metcalf sit on a couch for a
photograph with the children of Lewis and Clark County Attorney John C. Harrison, a
personal friend of the Metcalf family. Pictured are (no order) Donna Metcalf; Lee
Metcalf; Nina, Bob, Molly, Pat, Randy and Lee Harrison |
circa 1956 November | |
08: Rep. Lee Metcalf (right) and his wife Donna
(left) sit on a couch playing with the youngest child of Lewis and Clark County
Attorney John C. Harrison, a personal friend of the Metcalf family |
circa 1956 November | |
09: Rep. Lee Metcalf (right) and his wife Donna
(left) sit on a couch playing with the youngest child of Lewis and Clark County
Attorney John C. Harrison, a personal friend of the Metcalf family |
circa 1956 November | |
2-7 | Metcalf Family Photographs |
1956-1959 |
01: 1956 Christmas photo card with a portrait of the
children of Lewis and Clark County Attorney John C. Harrison, sent to the Harrison’s
close friends the Metcalf family. Pictured are Nina (second from right, wearing
sweater); Bob; Molly; Pat (third from left); Randy (left); and Lee
Harrison |
circa 1956 | |
02: Portrait of Jerry L. Metcalf in his U.S. Navy
uniform. Jerry joined the Navy in 1956 |
circa 1956 | |
03: Rep. Lee Metcalf (left) and his son Jerry
Metcalf (right) pictured in an unidentified house |
circa 1957 | |
04: Rep. Lee Metcalf (right) and an unidentified
woman carve a turkey during a holiday celebration (possibly Thanksgiving) in
1958 |
circa 1958 November | |
05: An unidentified child of Lewis and Clark County
Attorney John C. Harrison lies on a couch around Christmas in 1958. The Metcalf
family was close friends of the Harrison family |
circa 1958 December | |
06: An unidentified child of Lewis and Clark County
Attorney John C. Harrison lies on a living room chair around Christmas in 1958. The
Metcalf family was close friends of the Harrison family |
circa 1958 December | |
07: An unidentified child of Lewis and Clark County
Attorney John C. Harrison snuggles with the Harrison family dog on a living room
chair around Christmas in 1958. The Metcalf family was close friends of the Harrison
family |
circa 1958 December | |
08: An unidentified child of Lewis and Clark County
Attorney John C. Harrison lies on a living room chair around Christmas in 1958. The
Metcalf family was close friends of the Harrison family |
circa 1958 December | |
09: An unidentified child of Lewis and Clark County
Attorney John C. Harrison sits in a rocking chair around Christmas in 1958. The
Metcalfs were close friends of the Harrison family |
circa 1958 December | |
10: Four of Lewis and Clark County Attorney John C.
Harrison’s children pictured playing around in an unidentified house around
Christmas in 1958. The Metcalf family was close friends of the Harrison
family |
circa 1958 December | |
11: An unidentified child of Lewis and Clark County
Attorney John C. Harrison, pretending to be Santa Claus, kneels in a fireplace with
a facial-tissue beard and a sack over his shoulder around Christmas in 1958. The
Metcalf family was close friends of the Harrison family |
circa 1958 December | |
12: (Left to right) Rep. Lee Metcalf; an
unidentified girl; Donna Metcalf; and Jerry Metcalf are pictured sitting in a living
room in an unidentified house |
circa 1958 | |
SL02: Sharon Keller, daughter of Dorris Hoover
Keller and niece of Donna Hoover Metcalf, reads music at a children’s organ her
parents bought her on Christmas morning, in front of the family Christmas
tree |
1959 December 25 | |
13: Rep. Lee Metcalf (right, dark suit) watches as
the youngest child of Lewis and Clark County Attorney John C. Harrison blows out the
candles on a birthday cake during the child’s third birthday celebration at the
Harrison home. Several other Harrison children are pictured |
circa 1959 | |
2-8 | Metcalf Family Photographs |
1950s, 1959 |
01: Jennifer Bottomly (later Bottomly-O’Looney) at
age 2 1/2 months. The Bottomly family was close friends of the Metcalf
family |
1959 December | |
02: Jennifer Bottomly (later Bottomly-O’Looney) at
age 2 1/2 months, held by her mother (mother's face cut off photograph). The
Bottomly family was close friends of the Metcalf family |
1959 December | |
03: John C. Harrison family’s 1959 Christmas
portrait (John is not in photograph) sent with the family Christmas card. The
Metcalfs were close friends of the Harrison family |
1959 December | |
04: Folded photograph, with an unidentified baby
looking at a Christmas tree, used as a Christmas card by “C(het?), Jeanne, Katie,
and Annie Beaty”. The Beaty family was friends of the Metcalf family |
circa 1959 December | |
05: Rep. Lee and Donna Metcalf pose for a photograph
during Christmas with Donna’s family. Pictured are (left to right) Ruth W. Hoover,
Lee’s mother; Donna Metcalf; Lee Metcalf; possibly Daisey Hoover (?), Ruth Hoover’s
sister; and Albert W. Hoover, Donna’s father |
circa 1950s | |
06: Rep. Lee Metcalf (right) sits on a couch
laughing with his mother Rhoda Smith Metcalf (left) |
circa 1950s | |
07: Faded Polaroid photograph of Rep. Lee Metcalf
(right) sitting on a couch, laughing with his mother Rhoda Smith Metcalf
(left) |
circa 1950s | |
08: Lee Metcalf’s mother Rhoda Smith Metcalf (left)
sits on a couch with an unidentified boy (possibly Lee’s nephew) |
circa 1950s | |
09: Photograph of an unidentified dinner attended by
Rep. Lee Metcalf (second from left), Jerry Metcalf (third from left), and Senator
Mansfield’s legislative assistant Ray Dockstader (right) |
circa 1950s | |
10: Rep. Lee Metcalf (second from right) and his
wife Donna (right) pose outside at an unidentified location with an unidentified
family (possibly family friends) |
circa 1950s | |
11: Rep. Lee Metcalf (second from left) and his wife
Donna (second from right) pose outside at an unidentified location with an
unidentified family (possibly family friends) |
circa 1950s | |
2-9 | Metcalf Family Photographs |
1950s |
01: View of the Metcalf family house at 1220 Eighth
Avenue in Helena, Montana, with a large amount of snowfall on the ground |
circa 1950s | |
02: Side view of the Metcalf family house at 1220
Eighth Avenue in Helena, Montana, with a large amount of snowfall on the
ground |
circa 1950s | |
03: Side view of the Metcalf family house at 1220
Eighth Avenue in Helena, Montana, with a large amount of snowfall on the
ground |
circa 1950s | |
04: View of the house across the street from the
Metcalf family house at 1220 Eighth Avenue in Helena, Montana, with a large amount
of snowfall on the ground |
circa 1950s | |
05: View of part of the Metcalfs’ family car,
covered with snow in the winter |
circa 1950s | |
06: View of a row of townhouses at 453 First Street
SE in Washington, D.C., during renovation of the houses. Donna Metcalf purchased the
townhouses and had them renovated, prior to the Metcalfs moving into the completed
townhouse at 453 First Street around 1961 |
circa 1950s | |
07: Close-up view of a row of townhouses at 453
First Street SE in Washington, D.C., during renovation of the houses. Donna Metcalf
purchased the townhouses and had them renovated, prior to the Metcalfs moving into
the completed townhouse at 453 First Street around 1961 |
circa 1950s | |
08: Close-up view of a row of townhouses at 453
First Street SE in Washington, D.C., during renovation of the houses. Donna Metcalf
purchased the townhouses and had them renovated, prior to the Metcalfs moving into
the completed townhouse at 453 First Street around 1961 |
circa 1950s | |
09: Close-up view of a row of townhouses at 453
First Street SE in Washington, D.C., during renovation of the houses. Donna Metcalf
purchased the townhouses and had them renovated, prior to the Metcalfs moving into
the completed townhouse at 453 First Street around 1961 |
circa 1950s | |
10: View of scaffolding and construction workers
building a new brick exterior wall on the rear of the townhouse at 453 First Street
SE in Washington, D.C., during renovation of the house. Donna Metcalf purchased the
townhouse and had it renovated, prior to the Metcalfs moving into the completed
townhouse around 1961 |
circa 1950s | |
11: Close-up view of the townhouse at 453 First
Street SE in Washington, D.C., during renovation of the house. Donna Metcalf
purchased the townhouse and had it renovated, prior to the Metcalfs moving into the
completed townhouse around 1961 |
circa 1950s | |
2-10 | Metcalf Family Photographs |
1960-1963 |
01: Photograph of Donna Metcalf (left) and Jerry L.
Metcalf (right) at Jerry’s 1960 graduation from Montana State University
(present-day University of Montana) in Missoula, Montana |
circa 1960 June | |
02: Rep. Lee Metcalf (left) pictured at an
unidentified event with several people (possibly Jerry Metcalf’s 1960 college
graduation celebration) |
circa 1960 June | |
03: Donna Metcalf pictured at an unidentified event
(possibly Jerry Metcalf’s 1960 college graduation celebration) |
circa 1960 June | |
04: Photograph of the fully-renovated townhouse at
453 First Street SE in downtown Washington, D.C. The Metcalfs moved into this house
around the time Lee Metcalf became a U.S. Senator |
circa 1960 | |
05: Photograph of the fully-renovated townhouse at
453 First Street SE in downtown Washington, D.C. The Metcalfs moved into this house
around the time Lee Metcalf became a U.S. Senator |
circa 1960 | |
SL03: Sharon Keller, daughter of Dorris Hoover
Keller and niece of Donna Hoover Metcalf, pictured sitting on a chair next to an end
table with a lighted candle on top, in the Keller’s house at 947 East Lewis Street
in Moscow, Idaho |
circa 1961 January 5 | |
SL04: Sharon Keller, daughter of Dorris Hoover
Keller and niece of Donna Hoover Metcalf, holds a lighted candle as she opens a
bedroom door in the Keller’s house at 947 East Lewis Street in Moscow,
Idaho |
circa 1961 January 5 | |
SL05: Sharon Keller (right), daughter of Dorris
Hoover Keller and niece of Donna Hoover Metcalf, pictured fishing in a river, as her
grandfather Albert W. Hoover (left) gives her instructions |
circa 1962 | |
SL06: Sharon Keller (right), daughter of Dorris
Hoover Keller and niece of Donna Hoover Metcalf, holds up the fish she caught while
fishing in a river. Sharon’s grandfather Albert W. Hoover (left) looks on. In the
background are two unidentified female Hoover family members |
circa 1962 | |
SL07: Dorris Hoover Keller (left) poses with her
daughter Sharon Keller (right) in front of the statue of Thomas Francis Meagher in
front of the Montana State Capitol in Helena, Montana |
circa 1962 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and his wife Donna
(right) open a present given to them by Metcalf’s Senate office staff during a
silver wedding anniversary party for the Metcalfs, thrown by the senator’s staff in
Washington, D.C. |
1963 August 21 | |
07: Senators Lee Metcalf and Mike Mansfield pose
with members of Metcalf’s family at a Montana State Society event in Washington,
D.C. Pictured are (left to right, foreground) Albert W. Hoover, Donna Metcalf’s
father; Ruth W. Hoover, Donna Metcalf’s mother; Rhoda Smith Metcalf, Senator
Metcalf’s mother; Senator Metcalf; Maureen Mansfield; and Senator
Mansfield |
1964 February | |
SL08: Albert W. Hoover (third from right), Ruth W.
Hoover (second from right), and their granddaughter Sharon Keller (right) pose for a
photograph with three unidentified people on a balcony of an unidentified building,
high in a mountain range |
circa 1964 August 30 | |
SL09: An unidentified man (possibly Albert W.
Hoover) walks through a sagebrush-filled field wearing hunter’s clothes and carrying
a rifle |
circa 1964 October 11 | |
SL10: Albert W. Hoover (right), Sharon Keller
(second from right), and two unidentified Hoover family members stand around the
rear of a car preparing a picnic meal in an unidentified rural community |
circa 1964 October 11 | |
08: View of the Albert W. Hoover house in Wallace,
Idaho, with a large snowfall on the ground around Christmas in 1964—photograph by a
Hoover family member |
circa 1964 December | |
09: View of the Albert W. Hoover house in Wallace,
Idaho, with a large snowfall on the ground, around Christmas of 1964—photograph by a
Hoover family member |
circa 1964 December | |
10: Several unidentified people pictured in a
family’s living room (possibly members of the Metcalfs’ extended family) |
circa 1965 May | |
11: Sharon Keller and Kim Keller lie on the front
yard of Kim Keller’s house in Spokane, Washington. Sharon is the daughter of Donna
Metcalf’s sister Dorris Helen Keller |
1965 September 6 | |
2-11 | Metcalf Family Photographs |
1965 |
01: View of the bell-mouth spillway of Hungry Horse
Dam, just outside of Columbia Falls, Montana, taken from the top of the dam. This
photograph was taken by the Metcalfs during a vacation in the Glacier National Park
area in 1965 |
circa 1965 | |
02: View of Baring Falls in Glacier National Park.
This photograph was taken by the Metcalfs during a vacation in the Glacier National
Park area in 1965 |
circa 1965 | |
03: Donna Metcalf poses next to a mountain wall in
Glacier National Park. This photograph was taken by the Metcalfs during a vacation
in the Glacier National Park area in 1965 |
circa 1965 | |
04: Donna Metcalf poses for a photograph by the side
of Saint Mary Lake in Glacier National Park. This photograph was taken by the
Metcalfs during a vacation in the Glacier National Park area in 1965 |
circa 1965 | |
05: View of a lake and a forested area in Glacier
National Park, taken from a boat in the lake. This photograph was taken by the
Metcalfs during a vacation in the Glacier National Park area in 1965 |
circa 1965 | |
06: View of a lake and a forested area in Glacier
National Park, taken from a boat in the lake. This photograph was taken by the
Metcalfs during a vacation in the Glacier National Park area in 1965 |
circa 1965 | |
07: Three unidentified people stand against a pine
tree along the shore of a lake in Glacier National Park. This photograph was taken
by the Metcalfs during a vacation in the Glacier National Park area in
1965 |
circa 1965 | |
08: A blurry photograph of two unidentified people
in a canoe on a lake in the Glacier National Park area. This photograph was taken by
the Metcalfs during a vacation in the Glacier National Park area in 1965 |
circa 1965 | |
09: Close-up of a field plant in Glacier National
Park. This photograph was taken by the Metcalfs during a vacation in the Glacier
National Park area in 1965 |
circa 1965 | |
10: Distant view of Going-to-the-Sun Road running
along a mountainside in Glacier National Park. This photograph was taken by the
Metcalfs during a vacation in the Glacier National Park area in 1965 |
circa 1965 | |
11: Distant view of Going-to-the-Sun Road running
along a mountainside in Glacier National Park. This photograph was taken by the
Metcalfs during a vacation in the Glacier National Park area in 1965 |
circa 1965 | |
2-12 | Metcalf Family Photographs |
1965 |
Roll 3.08: View of an unidentified lake in Glacier
National Park, taken from the shoreline. This photograph was taken by the Metcalfs
during a vacation in the Glacier National Park area in 1965 |
circa 1965 | |
Roll 3.09: View of an unidentified lake and mountain
in the distance in Glacier National Park. This photograph was taken by the Metcalfs
during a vacation in the Glacier National Park area in 1965 |
circa 1965 | |
Roll 3.10: Donna Metcalf poses for a photograph on
the shoreline of an unidentified lake, with a mountain in the distance in Glacier
National Park. This photograph was taken by the Metcalfs during a vacation in the
Glacier National Park area in 1965 |
circa 1965 | |
Roll 3.11: Donna Metcalf poses for a photograph on
the shoreline of an unidentified lake, with a mountain in the distance in Glacier
National Park. This photograph was taken by the Metcalfs during a vacation in the
Glacier National Park area in 1965 |
circa 1965 | |
Roll 3.12: View of an unidentified lake and mountain
in the distance in Glacier National Park, with a tree branch in the shot. This
photograph was taken by the Metcalfs during a vacation in the Glacier National Park
area in 1965 |
circa 1965 | |
Roll 3.13: View of an unidentified lake taken
through the trees in Glacier National Park. This photograph was taken by the
Metcalfs during a vacation in the Glacier National Park area in 1965 |
circa 1965 | |
Roll 4.01: View of Saint Mary Lake and Wild Goose
Island in Glacier National Park. This photograph was taken by the Metcalfs during a
vacation in the Glacier National Park area in 1965 |
circa 1965 | |
Roll 4.02: Photograph of Donna Metcalf standing
barefoot on a boulder, with a stream in the background. This photograph was taken by
the Metcalfs during a vacation in the Glacier National Park area in 1965 |
circa 1965 | |
Roll 4.03: Distant view of Mount Saint Nicholas in
Glacier National Park. This photograph was taken by the Metcalfs during a vacation
in the Glacier National Park area in 1965 |
circa 1965 | |
Roll 4.04: View of an unidentified mountain in
Glacier National Park. This photograph was taken by the Metcalfs during a vacation
in the Glacier National Park area in 1965 |
circa 1965 | |
2-13 | Metcalf Family Photographs |
1966-1967 |
01: (Left to right) John Bartlett, Flathead County
Democratic Central Committee Chairman; Senator Lee Metcalf; Donna Metcalf; and Mrs.
Bartlett pose for a photograph on April 10, 1966, on the front porch of the
Metcalf’s Washington, D.C., townhouse at 453 First Street SE, during the Easter
recess for the U.S. Congress |
1966 April 10 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) shakes hands with
John Bartlett, Flathead County Democratic Central Committee Chairman, at an
unidentified airport (possibly Dulles Airport) in Washington, D.C. |
1966 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and Donna Metcalf
(second from left) pose for a photograph at a podium during an unidentified campaign
event for Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election campaign. A 1958 Bachrach portrait of
Metcalf hangs in the background |
1966 | |
04: Rhoda Smith Metcalf (left), Senator Metcalf’s
mother, and Jerry Metcalf (right), Senator Metcalf’s son, pictured sitting on a
couch in an unidentified house |
1967 April 8 | |
Roll 5.01: View of an unidentified Victorian-style
house. Photograph taken by one of the Metcalf family |
circa 1967 November | |
Roll 5.02: View of an unidentified Victorian-style
house. Photograph taken by one of the Metcalf family |
circa 1967 November | |
Roll 5.03: View of an unidentified Victorian-style
house. Photograph taken by one of the Metcalf family |
circa 1967 November | |
Roll 5.04: View of an unidentified Victorian-style
house. Photograph taken by one of the Metcalf family |
circa 1967 November | |
Roll 5.05: View of an unidentified Victorian-style
house. Photograph taken by one of the Metcalf family |
circa 1967 November | |
Roll 5.06: View of an unidentified Victorian-style
house. Photograph taken by one of the Metcalf family |
circa 1967 November | |
Roll 5.07: View of a garden bed in front of the
Metcalfs’ townhouse at 453 First Street SE in downtown Washington, D.C. |
circa 1967 November | |
Roll 5.08: View of a garden bed in front of the
Metcalfs’ townhouse at 453 First Street SE in downtown Washington, D.C. |
circa 1967 November | |
Roll 5.09: View of a garden bed in front of the
Metcalfs’ townhouse at 453 First Street SE in downtown Washington, D.C. |
circa 1967 November | |
Roll 5.10: View of a garden bed in front of the
Metcalfs’ townhouse at 453 First Street SE in downtown Washington, D.C. |
circa 1967 November | |
Roll 5.11: View of a garden bed and wrought-iron
railing in front of the Metcalfs’ townhouse at 453 First Street SE in downtown
Washington, D.C. |
circa 1967 November | |
Roll 5.12: View of an unidentified lake and a boat
on the water (possibly taken from the Metcalfs’ Annapolis, Maryland, house along the
Chesapeake Bay) |
circa 1967 November | |
05: View through a window of a snowy bush outside,
with flower pots in the window (possible at one of the Metcalf family’s
houses) |
1967 December 29 | |
2-14 | Metcalf Family Photographs |
1960s, 1968 |
01: Rhoda Smith Metcalf, Senator Metcalf’s mother,
stands outside in front of a doorway at an unidentified house |
circa 1968 August | |
02: Rhoda Smith Metcalf, Senator Metcalf’s mother,
stands in a room inside an unidentified house |
circa 1968 August | |
03: Rhoda Smith Metcalf, Senator Metcalf’s mother,
stands in a room inside an unidentified house |
circa 1968 August | |
SL11: Sharon Keller, donning a prom dress and
wearing a corsage on her right shoulder, sits on a living room chair in an
unidentified house (possibly before attending her high school prom) |
circa 1968 November 16 | |
04: Two unidentified teenage children of Montana
Supreme Court Associate Justice John C. Harrison celebrate a birthday in the
Harrison house in Helena, Montana |
circa 1968 November | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) sits on a couch with
the unidentified daughter of Montana Supreme Court Associate Justice John C.
Harrison. Metcalf was attending the girl’s birthday celebration at the Harrison
house in Helena, Montana |
circa 1968 November | |
SL12: Three unidentified relatives of Donna Hoover
Metcalf pose for a photograph in Japanese kimonos at an unidentified
event |
circa 1969 February 20 | |
SL13: Two unidentified people (believed to be
relatives of the Metcalfs) pose next to two elephant statues outside the Chakri Maha
Prasat of the Grand Palace in Bangkok, Thailand |
1969 | |
Roll 6.05-.06: View of a vacation house on Lake
McDonald in Glacier National Park used by the Metcalfs during their vacation in the
area |
circa 1960s | |
Roll 6.07-.10: Views of Glacier National Park and
Lake McDonald taken from the lake during the Metcalfs’ vacation in the
area |
circa 1960s | |
Roll 6.11-12: Senator Lee Metcalf (without a shirt)
and Harriet Meloy row a boat on Lake McDonald in Glacier National Park, during the
Metcalfs’ vacation in the area |
circa 1960s | |
Roll 6.13: View of Glacier National Park and Lake
McDonald taken from the lake during the Metcalfs’ vacation in the area |
circa 1960s | |
Roll 6.14: Senator Lee Metcalf sits in a row boat on
Lake McDonald, looking at the mountains in Glacier National Park during the
Metcalfs’ vacation in the area |
circa 1960s | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) looks over a book
with his mother Rhoda Smith Metcalf (right) in an unidentified house |
circa 1960s | |
07: Albert W. Hoover, Donna Metcalf’s father, works
in a flower bed at one of the Metcalfs’ Washington, D.C.-area houses (possibly the
Annapolis, Maryland, house and small farm). Ruth W. Hoover, Donna Metcalf’s mother,
is seen working in a garden in the background |
circa 1960s | |
08: Ruth W. Hoover, Donna Metcalf’s mother, and an
unidentified woman work in a garden at one of the Metcalfs’ Washington, D.C.-area
houses (possibly the Annapolis, Maryland, house and small farm) |
circa 1960s | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and his wife Donna
(right) pictured in an airplane during an unidentified flight |
circa 1960s | |
10: View of an unidentified house and garage
(possibly a house of one of the Metcalf family in Ravalli County,
Montana) |
circa 1960s | |
11: View of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial
at Hyde Park in New York. The Metcalfs visited Hyde Park due to Senator Metcalf’s
admiration for Roosevelt |
circa 1960s | |
12: Family Christmas photograph of (left to right)
Leslie, Mikie, and Lisa Freeborn, children of the Metcalfs’ family friend Mike
Freeborn |
circa 1960s | |
SL14: Two unidentified family friends of Donna
Hoover Metcalf are pictured on a high area with a large canyon in the
background |
circa 1960s | |
2-15 | Metcalf Family Photographs |
1960s |
01: View from a skyscraper of Central Park and
downtown New York City. Photograph taken by a member of the Metcalf family during a
visit in New York City |
circa 1960s | |
02: View from a skyscraper of the Empire State
Building and downtown New York City. Photograph taken by a member of the Metcalf
family during a visit in New York City |
circa 1960s | |
03: View of the statue at the entrance to
Rockefeller Center at 30 Rockefeller Plaza in New York City. Photograph taken by a
member of the Metcalf family during a visit in New York City |
circa 1960s | |
04: View of one of the council rooms inside the
United Nations in New York City. Photograph taken by a member of the Metcalf family
during a visit in New York City |
circa 1960s | |
05: View of several unidentified buildings (one with
the sign “Imperiale”) in New York City. Photograph taken by a member of the Metcalf
family during a visit in New York City |
circa 1960s | |
06: View of a street and unidentified buildings in
New York City. Photograph taken by a member of the Metcalf family during a visit in
New York City |
circa 1960s | |
07: View from a building window of a street scene in
New York City. Photograph taken by a member of the Metcalf family during a visit in
New York City |
circa 1960s | |
08: View of the Prometheus gold statue above a water
fountain in Rockefeller Center in New York City. Photograph taken by a member of the
Metcalf family during a visit in New York City |
circa 1960s | |
09: View from a sidewalk of a street scene and a row
of buildings in New York City. Photograph taken by a member of the Metcalf family
during a visit in New York City |
circa 1960s | |
10: View from a building window of a 1960s Jaguar
parked on the street in New York City. Photograph taken by a member of the Metcalf
family during a visit in New York City |
circa 1960s | |
11: View from a building window of people entering
Central Park in New York City. Photograph taken by a member of the Metcalf family
during a visit in New York City |
circa 1960s | |
12: Color view from a skyscraper of Central Park and
downtown New York City. Photograph taken by a member of the Metcalf family during a
visit in New York City |
circa 1960s | |
13: Color view from a skyscraper of downtown New
York City, the Brooklyn Bridge, and the East River. Photograph taken by a member of
the Metcalf family during a visit in New York City |
circa 1960s | |
14: An unidentified young woman (possibly a
girlfriend of Jerry Metcalf) sits in a room by a window in a building in New York
City. Photograph taken by a member of the Metcalf family during a visit in New York
City |
circa 1960s | |
3-1 | Metcalf Family Photographs |
1970-1971 |
SL15: Photograph taken in a junk yard of a totaled
brown sedan in which Senator Lee Metcalf had an accident on February 11, 1970, at
Homestake Pass on Interstate 90, just east of Butte, Montana. The vehicle was owned
and driven by Lee Metcalf’s driver Jack Condon |
1970 February 14 | |
01: Lee (left) and Donna (right) Metcalf pose for a
photograph during a vacation in Venezuela in 1970 |
1970 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) and his wife Donna
(left) pose informally in Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1971 May | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) and his wife Donna
(left) stand with an unidentified Montanan (possibly Norma Kyle, Montana delegate to
the Democratic National Committee) on the front steps of an unidentified
house—photograph by Earl H. Keller of Helena, Montana |
circa 1971 September | |
04: Photograph of a framed portrait of flowers on a
wall in the Metcalfs’ English-style basement in the townhouse at 453 First Street SE
in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1971 | |
Roll 7.05: Photograph of a pine-cone wreath above a
fireplace mantel in the Metcalfs’ English-style basement in the townhouse at 453
First Street SE in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1971 December | |
Roll 7.06: Photograph of a pine-cone wreath above a
fireplace mantel in the Metcalfs’ English-style basement in the townhouse at 453
First Street SE in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1971 December | |
Roll 7.07: Photograph of a gold-framed wall mirror
over a fireplace mantel in the Metcalfs’ townhouse at 453 First Street SE in
Washington, D.C. |
circa 1971 December | |
Roll 7.08: Photograph of a painting on a wall above
a fireplace mantel in the den of the Metcalfs’ townhouse at 453 First Street SE in
Washington, D.C. |
circa 1971 December | |
Roll 7.09: Side view of a Christmas tree with
presents beneath it in the Metcalfs’ townhouse at 453 First Street SE in Washington,
D.C. |
circa 1971 December | |
Roll 7.10: View of a Christmas tree with presents
beneath it and a window in the background in the Metcalfs’ townhouse at 453 First
Street SE in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1971 December | |
3-2 | Metcalf Family Photographs |
1971 |
Roll 7.11: View of a poinsettia in the living room
of the house of Albert and Ruth Hoover, Donna Metcalf’s parents, in Wallace, Idaho,
during Christmas in 1971 |
circa 1971 December | |
Roll 7.12: View of a poinsettia in the living room
and a window in the background at the house of Albert and Ruth Hoover, Donna
Metcalf’s parents, in Wallace, Idaho, during Christmas in 1971 |
circa 1971 December | |
Roll 7.13: Photograph of Albert W. Hoover, Donna
Metcalf’s father, wearing a black top hat in the Metcalfs’ English-style basement in
the townhouse at 453 First Street SE in Washington, D.C., during Christmas in
1971 |
circa 1971 December | |
Roll 7.14: Photograph of Jerry Metcalf, Lee and
Donna Metcalf’s son, wearing a black top hat in the Metcalfs’ English-style basement
in the townhouse at 453 First Street SE in Washington, D.C., during Christmas in
1971 |
circa 1971 December | |
Roll 7.15: Photograph of Senator Lee Metcalf wearing
a black top hat in the Metcalfs’ English-style basement in the townhouse at 453
First Street SE in Washington, D.C., during Christmas in 1971 |
circa 1971 December | |
Roll 7.16: View of a lit fire in a fireplace at an
unidentified house (possibly the Metcalfs’ townhouse in Washington, D.C.) during
Christmas |
circa 1971 December | |
Roll 7.17: View of a mini Christmas tree on an end
table in the Metcalfs’ English-style basement in the townhouse at 453 First Street
SE in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1971 December | |
Roll 7.18: View of a Christmas tree with presents
beneath it and a window in the background in the Metcalfs’ townhouse at 453 First
Street SE in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1971 December | |
Roll 7.19: View of a Christmas tree and a window in
the background in the Metcalfs’ townhouse at 453 First Street SE in Washington,
D.C. |
circa 1971 December | |
Roll 7.20: Close-up photograph of hyacinths on a
table in the Metcalfs’ English-style basement in the townhouse at 453 First Street
SE in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1971 December | |
Roll 7.21: Close-up photograph of several flowers on
a table in the Metcalfs’ townhouse at 453 First Street SE in Washington,
D.C. |
circa 1971 December | |
Roll 7.22: Close-up photograph of several flowers on
a table in the Metcalfs’ townhouse at 453 First Street SE in Washington,
D.C. |
circa 1971 December | |
3-3 | Metcalf Family Photographs |
1971-1972 |
Roll 7.26: Albert W. (left) and Ruth Hoover (right),
Donna Metcalf’s parents, stand on the brick patio outside their house in Wallace,
Idaho |
circa 1971 December | |
Roll 7.27: Albert W. (left) and Ruth Hoover (right),
Donna Metcalf’s parents, stand on the brick patio outside their house in Wallace,
Idaho |
circa 1971 December | |
Roll 7.28: Albert W. (left) and Ruth Hoover (center)
stand with their daughter Donna Hoover Metcalf (right, holding camera) on the brick
patio outside the Hoover house in Wallace, Idaho |
circa 1971 December | |
Roll 7.29: Donna Hoover Metcalf (right) takes a
photograph with her camera of her parents Albert W. (left) and Ruth Hoover (center),
on the brick patio outside the Hoover house in Wallace, Idaho |
circa 1971 December | |
Roll 7.30: Albert W. (left) and Ruth Hoover (right),
Donna Metcalf’s parents, stand on the brick patio outside their house in Wallace,
Idaho |
circa 1971 December | |
01: Photograph of potted flowers on an end table in
the Metcalfs’ townhouse at 453 First Street SE in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1972 | |
02: Photograph of potted flowers on an end table in
the Metcalfs’ townhouse at 453 First Street SE in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1972 | |
03: Photograph of potted flowers on an end table in
the Metcalfs’ townhouse at 453 First Street SE in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1972 | |
3-4 | Metcalf Family Photographs |
1972-1974 |
Roll 8.01: Senator Lee Metcalf pulls at some vines
on a brick wall at one of the Metcalfs’ Washington, D.C.-area houses (possibly the
Annapolis, Maryland, house and small farm) |
circa 1972 | |
Roll 8.02: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and an
unidentified woman (right) walk through a dormant garden (possibly in winter) at one
of the Metcalfs’ Washington, D.C.-area houses (possibly the Annapolis, Maryland,
house and small farm) |
circa 1972 | |
Roll 8.03: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) and an
unidentified woman (left) look over a section of a dormant garden (possibly in
winter) at one of the Metcalfs’ Washington, D.C.-area houses (possibly the
Annapolis, Maryland, house and small farm) |
circa 1972 | |
Roll 8.04: Senator Lee Metcalf poses for a
photograph in the garden (possibly in winter) at one of the Metcalfs’ Washington,
D.C.-area houses (possibly the Annapolis, Maryland, house and small
farm) |
circa 1972 | |
Roll 8.05: An unidentified woman picks up twigs in
the garden (possibly in winter) at one of the Metcalfs’ Washington, D.C.-area houses
(possibly the Annapolis, Maryland, house and small farm) |
circa 1972 | |
Roll 8.06: An unidentified woman poses on a private
boat dock with a waterway in the background (possibly at one of the Metcalfs’
Washington, D.C.-area houses) |
circa 1972 | |
Roll 8.07: Donna Metcalf poses on a private boat
dock with a waterway in the background (possibly at one of the Metcalfs’ Washington,
D.C.-area houses) |
circa 1972 | |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf tends to a potted plant in a
garden area, with a brick wall in the background at one of the Metcalfs’
houses |
circa 1973 | |
02: Donna Metcalf (left), wearing an “Uncle Sam”
T-shirt, and Lee Metcalf (right), wearing an “I’m A Democrat—Don’t Bug Me” T-shirt,
pose next to their house at 1220 Eighth Avenue in Helena, Montana |
circa 1973 | |
03: Donna Metcalf (left), wearing an “Uncle Sam”
T-shirt, and Lee Metcalf (right), wearing an “I’m A Democrat—Don’t Bug Me” T-shirt,
pose next to their house at 1220 Eighth Avenue in Helena, Montana |
circa 1973 | |
04: Christmas photograph card picturing the family
of Leroy Pfau. Leroy Pfau was a teacher at Twin Butte School in Miles City, Montana,
and was a family friend of the Metcalfs |
circa 1974 December | |
3-5 | Metcalf Family Photographs (1977, 1970s) |
1970s, 1977 |
01: View of the dirt road leading to the
construction site for Lee Metcalf’s ranch building near Canyon Ferry Reservoir, east
of Helena, Montana. Metcalf was having the structure built for his upcoming
retirement from the U.S. Senate |
circa 1977 | |
02: View of the completed cement foundation for Lee
Metcalf’s ranch building near Canyon Ferry Reservoir, east of Helena, Montana.
Metcalf was having the structure built for his upcoming retirement from the U.S.
Senate |
circa 1977 | |
03: View of construction workers sawing lumber at
the construction site for Lee Metcalf’s ranch building near Canyon Ferry Reservoir,
east of Helena, Montana. Metcalf was having the structure built for his upcoming
retirement from the U.S. Senate |
circa 1977 | |
04: View of the building frame supported by boards
at the construction site for Lee Metcalf’s ranch building near Canyon Ferry
Reservoir, east of Helena, Montana. Metcalf was having the structure built for his
upcoming retirement from the U.S. Senate |
circa 1977 | |
05: View of construction workers building a roof
frame at the construction site for Lee Metcalf’s ranch building near Canyon Ferry
Reservoir, east of Helena, Montana. Metcalf was having the structure built for his
upcoming retirement from the U.S. Senate |
circa 1977 | |
06: View of construction workers adding walls and a
roof to Lee Metcalf’s ranch building during construction near Canyon Ferry
Reservoir, east of Helena, Montana. Metcalf was having the structure built for his
upcoming retirement from the U.S. Senate |
circa 1977 | |
07: View of the partially-completed structure of Lee
Metcalf’s ranch building during construction near Canyon Ferry Reservoir, east of
Helena, Montana. Metcalf was having the structure built for his upcoming retirement
from the U.S. Senate |
circa 1977 | |
08: View of construction workers adding walls and a
roof to Lee Metcalf’s ranch building during construction near Canyon Ferry
Reservoir, east of Helena, Montana. Metcalf was having the structure built for his
upcoming retirement from the U.S. Senate |
circa 1977 | |
09: Interior view of the partially-completed
structure of Lee Metcalf’s ranch building during construction near Canyon Ferry
Reservoir, east of Helena, Montana. Metcalf was having the structure built for his
upcoming retirement from the U.S. Senate |
circa 1977 | |
10: View of Lee Metcalf’s completed ranch building
near Canyon Ferry Reservoir, east of Helena, Montana. Metcalf was having the
structure built for his upcoming retirement from the U.S. Senate |
circa 1977 | |
11: View of Lee Metcalf’s completed ranch building
near Canyon Ferry Reservoir, east of Helena, Montana. Metcalf was having the
structure built for his upcoming retirement from the U.S. Senate |
circa 1977 | |
12: Close-up photograph of a campaign bumper sticker
for U.S. Congressional candidate Richard Shoup. Photograph taken by a Metcalf family
member |
circa 1970s | |
13: Senator Frank E. Moss (left) of Utah and Senator
Lee Metcalf (right) pose for a photograph outside an airport, next to an airport
baggage claim |
circa 1970s | |
14: Photograph of an unidentified girl standing next
to a roadside sign advertising “Metcalf’s Peek-A-Boo Bar” (with a 7Up advertisement
above the sign). Girl may be a member of the Metcalf’s extended family |
circa 1970s | |
15: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) sits on a couch
holding the infant daughter of Larry and Jan Majerus as Donna Metcalf (left) looks
on. Jan Majerus is the daughter of John Bartlett, Chairman of the Montana State
Democratic Party |
circa 1970s | |
3-6 | Metcalf Family Photographs |
1970s, 1980s, 1980, 1983, 1988 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (left, foreground) and his
wife Donna (right, foreground) pictured on an airport runway with a jet airplane in
the background |
circa 1970s | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (right), Donna Metcalf
(second from right), and John Bartlett (left) pose with several unidentified people
at a graduation ceremony for a young woman (third from right) (possibly John
Bartlett’s daughter). Bartlett, a state Democratic politician, was a personal friend
of the Metcalf family |
circa 1970s | |
03: An unidentified young woman (possibly John
Bartlett’s daughter) poses for a photograph in a graduation gown at a graduation
ceremony attended by Senator Lee and Donna Metcalf |
circa 1970s | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and his wife Donna
(right) pose for a photograph taken by Hungry Horse
News editor Mel Ruder—photograph by Mel Ruder for Hungry Horse News (Columbia Falls, Montana) |
circa 1970s | |
05: Rhoda Smith Metcalf (left), Senator Metcalf’s
mother; Donna Hoover Metcalf (center); and Ruth W. Hoover (right), Donna Metcalf’s
mother, are pictured at a cluttered dining room table in an unidentified
house |
circa 1970s | |
06: Rhoda Smith Metcalf, Senator Metcalf’s mother,
pictured at a table with a birthday cake on it during her 93rd birthday celebration
on March 14, 1980 |
1980 March 14 | |
07: Rhoda Smith Metcalf, mother of Senator Metcalf,
pictured with an unidentified woman outside a David’s Fine Furniture
store |
circa 1983 September | |
08: Jerry Metcalf, Senator Lee Metcalf’s son, sits
outside on a patio with an unidentified man |
1988 | |
09: Torn photograph showing Jerry Metcalf, Senator
Lee Metcalf’s son, at an unidentified location |
circa 1980s | |
10: Christmas photograph card of Sharon Keller
(left) and Bucky (right). Sharon is the daughter of Donna Hoover Metcalf’s sister
Dorris |
circa 1980s |
Series 4: Metcalf Family AncestorsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
3-7 | Metcalf Family Ancestors: Lee Metcalf’s Parents Family
Photographs |
1898-1920s |
01: Cabinet card, full-length portrait of Robert C.
Smith (right) and his youngest son Leroy, taken during a visit to Minnesota. Robert
is the father of Rhoda Smith Metcalf, Lee Metcalf’s mother—photograph by J. F.
Crowell of New Ulm, Minnesota |
circa 1898 | |
02: Portrait of the children of Robert C. Smith.
Pictured are (left to right) (believed to be) Minnie Myrtle; Leroy (also Lee Roy);
Rhoda Ann; and (believed to be) Iva May. Rhoda Ann is Lee Metcalf’s
mother |
circa 1903 | |
03: Half-length portrait of Robert C. Smith, Lee
Metcalf’s grandfather, taken while Smith was living in the Los Angeles, California,
area |
circa 1920s | |
04: Studio portrait of an unidentified man in a
light-colored, three-button suit, standing next to a large wooden chair. Man
believed to be Harold E. Metcalf, Lee Metcalf’s father |
circa 1910s | |
3-8 | Metcalf Family Ancestors: Maine (Arranged
Alphabetically By State and Town of Photographer) |
1870s-1880s |
01: Cartes de visite, portrait of young Alice H.
Macomber of Augusta, Maine, seated on a photographer’s posing chair, wearing a dark
dress with white lace collar and trimmed with white lace (Photograph was from a
family album that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf
family)—photograph by Kimball & Ayer of Augusta, Maine. Belfast,
Maine. |
circa 1870s | |
02: Cartes de visite, half-length profile portrait
of an unidentified man with a long beard and wearing a dark suit (Photograph was
from a family album that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf
family)—photograph by W.C. Tuttle Studio of Belfast, Maine |
circa 1880s | |
03: Cabinet card, half-length portrait of an
unidentified woman wearing a plain dress with a white lace-trimmed collar and bow
(possibly wife of man in Lot 31 B3/8.04). (Photograph was from a family album that
came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family)—photograph by W.C.
Tuttle & Son of Belfast, Maine |
circa 1880s | |
04: Cabinet card, half-length portrait of an
unidentified man in a dark suit and white-dotted silk necktie (possibly husband of
woman in Lot 31 B3/8.03). (Photograph was from a family album that came from Maine
to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family)—photograph by W.C. Tuttle & Son
of Belfast, Maine. Gardiner, Maine. |
circa 1880s | |
05: Fire-damaged cartes de visite, portrait of an
unidentified young woman in a fancy dress with ruffled white collar and wearing
earrings (Photograph was from a family album that came from Maine to Montana with
the Fred H. Metcalf family)—photograph by A.R. Simmons of Gardiner,
Maine |
circa 1870s | |
06: Cartes de visite, portrait of an unidentified
young man with short, dark hair and a dark suit (Photograph was from a family album
that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family)—J.S. Variell of
Gardiner, Maine |
circa 1870s | |
07: Cabinet card, portrait of an unidentified woman
in a dark-colored wool dress with button trim and hair in a bun (possibly daughter
of older couple in Lot 31 B3/8.08-.09). (Photograph was from a family album that
came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family)—photograph by E.E. King
of Gardiner, Maine |
circa 1880s | |
08: Cabinet card, portrait of an unidentified older
man with white hair and a white beard, wearing a plain dark suit (possibly husband
of woman in Lot 31 B3/8.09). (Photograph was from a family album that came from
Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family)—photograph by E.E. King of
Gardiner, Maine |
circa 1880s | |
09: Cabinet card, portrait of an unidentified older
woman in a dark dress with black-lace collar and brooch pinned on the collar
(possibly wife of man in Lot 31 B3/8.08). (Photograph was from a family album that
came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family)—photograph by E.E. King
of Gardiner, Maine |
circa 1880s | |
3-9 | Metcalf Family Ancestors: Maine (Arranged
Alphabetically By State and Town of Photographer). Norway, Maine |
1860s, 1870s, 1877, 1880s |
01: Cartes de visite, portrait of Dr. F.H. Tilton,
physician from Norway, Maine (Photograph was from a family album that came from
Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family)—photograph by Johnson &
Glenton of Nashua, New Hampshire (possibly taken in Maine) |
circa 1877 | |
02: Cartes de visite, portrait of an unidentified
baby in a long white baby gown (Photograph was from a family album that came from
Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family)—photograph by J.U.P. Burnham of
Norway, Maine. Portland, Maine |
circa 1870s | |
03: Cartes de visite, portrait of an unidentified
young child with ringlet-curled hair and wearing a children’s suit, seated on a
photographer’s posing chair (Photograph was from a family album that came from Maine
to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family)—photograph by J.M. Peck of Portland,
Maine |
circa 1860s | |
04: Cartes de visite, portrait of an unidentified
infant, in a light-colored dress with white lace collar and white lace-trimmed
cuffs, seated on a photographer’s table (Photograph was from a family album that
came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family)—photograph by J.H.
Lamson of Portland, Maine |
circa 1870s | |
05: Cartes de visite, portrait of an unidentified
young man in a plain dark suit with white necktie (possibly related to young woman
in Lot 31 B3/9.06). (Photograph was from a family album that came from Maine to
Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family)—photograph by C.W. Hearn of Portland,
Maine |
circa 1870s | |
06: Cartes de visite, portrait of an unidentified
young woman in a dark dress with a white bow, wearing a necklace (possibly related
to young man in Lot 31 B3/9.05). (Photograph was from a family album that came from
Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family)—photograph by C.W. Hearn of
Portland, Maine |
circa 1870s | |
07: Cartes de visite, portrait of an unidentified
young woman in a dark dress with a small lace box and a large necklace (Photograph
was from a family album that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf
family)—photograph by A.S. Davis & Co., of Portland, Maine |
circa 1870s | |
08: Cartes de visite, portrait of an unidentified
young man from Portland, Maine, with dark hair and a mustache in a dark suit and
light-colored bowtie (Photograph was from a family album that came from Maine to
Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family) |
circa 1870s | |
09: Cartes de visite, portrait of an unidentified
man with dark hair and a large beard, wearing a dark wool suit (Photograph was from
a family album that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf
family)—photograph by C.W. Hearn of Portland, Maine |
circa 1870s | |
10: Cabinet card, portrait of an unidentified
middle-age man with combed-back hair and a long beard (Photograph was from a family
album that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family)—photograph by
A.S. Davis & Co., of Portland, Maine. Waterville, Maine. |
circa 1870s | |
11: Cartes de visite, portrait of an unidentified
young woman in a velvet dress with puffed sleeves and a four-leaf flower button
(Photograph was from a family album that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H.
Metcalf family)—photograph by Carleton of Waterville, Maine |
circa 1880s | |
12: Cartes de visite, portrait of an unidentified
teenage boy in a double-breasted wool jacket with a large bow at the neck
(Photograph was from a family album that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H.
Metcalf family)—photograph by Vose of Waterville, Maine |
circa 1870s | |
3-10 | Metcalf Family Ancestors: Maine (Arranged
Alphabetically By State and Town of Photographer). Winthrop, Maine |
1880s, 1884 |
01: Cartes de visite, baby portrait of Winifred M.
Bearce, daughter of Fred H. Bearce, taken on May 1, 1884, when Winifred was 6 months
and 18 days old. Winifred was born in Winthrop, Maine, and is a distant cousin
through marriage of Senator Lee Metcalf (Photograph was from a family album that
came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family)—photograph by E.O.
Coffin of Winthrop, Maine |
1884 May 1 | |
02: Cartes de visite, portrait of an unidentified
teenage boy with short, dark hair wearing a plain dark suit. The boy is a distant
relative of Senator Lee Metcalf (Photograph was from a family album that came from
Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family)—photograph by E.O. Coffin of
Winthrop, Maine |
circa 1880s | |
03: Cartes de visite, portrait of an unidentified
girl in a dark-colored dress with a white lace cravat. The girl is a distant
relative of Senator Lee Metcalf (Photograph was from a family album that came from
Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family)—photograph by E.O. Coffin of
Winthrop, Maine |
circa 1880s | |
04: Cartes de visite, portrait of an unidentified
young woman in a dark-colored dress with a white lace collar and wearing a cameo
necklace. The woman is a distant relative of Senator Lee Metcalf (Photograph was
from a family album that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf
family)—photograph by E.O. Coffin of Winthrop, Maine |
circa 1880s | |
05: Fire-damaged cartes de visite, portrait of an
unidentified young woman in a dark-colored dress, with a black lace neck scarf, held
by a jeweled clasp, and wearing a chain-rope necklace. The woman is a distant
relative of Senator Lee Metcalf (Photograph was from a family album that came from
Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family)—photograph by E.O. Coffin of
Winthrop, Maine |
circa 1880s | |
06: Cartes de visite, portrait of an unidentified
young man with short, dark hair, wearing a plain dark suit and a decorated cravat.
The man is a distant relative of Senator Lee Metcalf (Photograph was from a family
album that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family)—photograph by
E.O. Coffin of Winthrop, Maine |
circa 1880s | |
07: Cartes de visite, portrait of an unidentified
man with short, dark hair, wearing a plain suit with a dark-colored necktie. The man
is a distant relative of Senator Lee Metcalf (Photograph was from a family album
that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family)—photograph by E.O.
Coffin of Winthrop, Maine |
circa 1880s | |
3-11 | Metcalf Family Ancestors: Massachusetts (Arranged
Alphabetically By State and Town of Photographer). Boston, Massachusetts. |
1870s-1880s |
01: Cartes de visite, portrait of an unidentified
15-year old boy wearing a dark suit with pocket watch chain, seated in a
photographer’s posing chair (Photograph was from a family album that came from Maine
to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family)—photograph by McCosker of Boston,
Massachusetts |
circa 1880s | |
02: Cartes de visite, portrait of an unidentified
woman with a ribbon in her hair, wearing a button-trimmed dress with cravat
(Photograph was from a family album that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H.
Metcalf family)—photograph by James W. Turner of Boston, Massachusetts. Marlboro,
Massachusetts. |
circa 1870s | |
03: Fire-damaged cabinet card, portrait of a teenage
girl named Alice (possibly Alice T. Bearce, Lee Metcalf’s grandmother), wearing a
dress with a large black-lace collar and cravat (sister of Fred in Lot 31 B3/11.04).
Inscription on back reads 'Fred and Alice, from Hattie' (possibly Hattie E. Metcalf,
Alice’s sister-in-law). (Photograph was from a family album that came from Maine to
Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family)—photograph by William F. Kuhn of Marlboro,
Massachusetts |
circa 1870s | |
04: Fire-damaged cabinet card, portrait of a teenage
boy named Fred (possibly Fred H. Bearce, Lee Metcalf’s great uncle) in a plan
dark-colored suit (brother of Alice in Lot 31 B3/11.03). Inscription on back reads
'Fred and Alice, from Everett' (possibly Everett L. Metcalf, Fred’s brother-in-law).
(Photograph was from a family album that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H.
Metcalf family)—photograph by William F. Kuhn of Marlboro, Massachusetts. Worcester,
Massachusetts. |
circa 1870s | |
05: Cartes de visite, portrait of an unidentified
older man with white hair and a long white bear, wearing a wool suit (Photograph was
from a family album that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf
family)—photograph by Milton T. Carter of Worcester, Massachusetts |
circa 1870s | |
3-12 | Metcalf Family Ancestors: Montana, New York,
Pennsylvania (Arranged Alphabetically By State and Town of Photographer). Butte,
Montana. |
1870s, 1890s |
01: Cabinet card, full-length portrait of an
unidentified young boy (possibly a son of Fred H. Metcalf) wearing a white shirt,
dark-colored wool trousers, and a dark-colored cravat, posing next to a wicker chair
and decorative table (Photograph was from a family album that came from Maine to
Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family)—photograph by A.J. Dusseau of Butte,
Montana |
circa 1890s | |
02: Cabinet card, portrait of an unidentified woman
(center) and two young girls (possibly relatives of Fred H. Metcalf) (Photograph was
from a family album that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf
family)--photograph by J. Alex Kyle & Co. of Butte, Montana. Stevensville,
Montana. |
circa 1890s | |
03: Cartes de visite, portrait of two unidentified
toddlers in white children’s dresses (possibly Clifford and Harriet Metcalf,
children of Fred H. Metcalf) (Photograph was in a Fred H. Metcalf family photograph
album handed down to Lee Metcalf)—photograph Frank M. Ingalls of Stevensville,
Montana |
circa 1890s | |
04: Cabinet card, portrait of Jennie Mitchell
(possibly a distant relative of Lee Metcalf) (Photograph was from a family album
that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family)—photograph by Betts
of Dansville, New York |
circa 1870s | |
05: Cartes de visite, portrait of an unidentified
young girl wearing a plain dress with a light-colored cravat, leaning against a
photographer’s posing chair (Photograph was from a family album that came from Maine
to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family)—photograph by O.T. Morgan of Edinboro,
Pennsylvania |
circa 1870s | |
3-13 | Metcalf Family Ancestors: Unidentified
Tintypes |
1860s |
01: Tintype, portrait of an unidentified baby in a
white baby’s dress, seated on a chair with floral upholstery (Photograph was from a
family album that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf
family) |
circa 1860s | |
02: Tintype, portrait of two girls (possibly
sisters) with ringlet-curled hair, wearing matching polka-dot black dresses, with
light-colored embroidered edging and white-lace collars (Photograph was from a
family album that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf
family) |
circa 1860s | |
03: Tintype, portrait of an unidentified child,
wearing a button-trimmed children’s outfit and white fur hat with feathers
(Photograph was from a family album that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H.
Metcalf family) |
circa 1860s | |
04: Tintype, portrait of an unidentified young boy,
with hand-colored cheeks, in a wool suit (Photograph was from a family album that
came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family) |
circa 1860s | |
05: Tintype, portrait of an unidentified teenage
boy, with hand-colored cheeks, in a fine dark suit with velvet jacket collar
(Photograph was from a family album that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H.
Metcalf family) |
circa 1860s | |
06: Tintype, portrait of an unidentified teenage
boy, with hand-colored cheeks, in a dark suit (Photograph was from a family album
that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family) |
circa 1860s | |
07: Tintype, portrait of an unidentified young man,
with hand-colored cheeks, in a fine dark suit with embroidered jacket lapels
(Photograph was from a family album that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H.
Metcalf family) |
circa 1860s | |
08: Tintype, portrait of an unidentified young
woman, with hand-colored cheeks, in a dark-colored dress with ruffled collar and
wearing jeweled ship’s anchor earrings (Photograph was from a family album that came
from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family) |
circa 1860s | |
09: Tintype, portrait of an unidentified young man,
with hand-colored cheeks, in a fine dark suit with a silk tie (Photograph was from a
family album that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf
family) |
circa 1860s | |
10: Tintype, portrait of two unidentified men in
dark-colored suits, wearing high derby hats and carrying riding crops, with an
outdoor photographer’s set scene in the background. Man on the right is wearing
leather riding gloves (Photograph was from a family album that came from Maine to
Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family) |
circa 1860s | |
4/1 | Metcalf Family Ancestors: Unidentified |
1870s-1880s |
01: Cartes de visite, portrait of an unidentified
baby in a white baby’s dress (Photograph was from a family album that came from
Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family) |
circa 1870s | |
02: Cartes de visite, portrait of an unidentified
boy in a plan dark suit (Photograph was from a family album that came from Maine to
Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family) |
circa 1870s | |
03: Miniature card mounted photograph of an
unidentified young woman in a button-trimmed dark dress with velvet stripes
(Photograph was from a family album that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H.
Metcalf family)—photograph by Ayers |
circa 1880s | |
04: Cartes de visite, portrait of an unidentified
older man with white hair, a long white beard, and wearing a dark jacket (Photograph
was from a family album that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf
family) |
circa 1870s | |
05: Cabinet card, portrait of an unidentified young
woman with short hair, wearing a plain dress with a lace cravat and holding a
dark-colored straw wide-brimmed hat with dark feather (Photograph was from a family
album that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H. Metcalf family) |
circa 1880s | |
06: Cabinet card of an unidentified man (seated)
with dark hair and a long goatee, wearing a Freemason ceremonial sash and holding a
Freemason ceremonial sword, with a sash ostrich hat sitting beside him on a table
(Photograph was from a family album that came from Maine to Montana with the Fred H.
Metcalf family) |
circa 1880s |
Series 5: Montana State Government ServiceReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
4/2 | Montana State Government Service |
1937, 1942, 1946-1947 |
01: Montana Assistant Attorney General Lee Metcalf
(left) poses with Montana Attorney General special assistant Clarence Hanley (right)
at an unidentified location |
circa 1937 | |
02: U.S. Office of War Information portrait of
President Franklin D. Roosevelt, kept by Lee Metcalf in his office while serving as
an associate state Supreme Court justice—Office of War Information
photograph |
circa 1942 | |
03: 1946 Montana Supreme Court associate justice
campaign real-photo postcard of Lee Metcalf (also used for Metcalf’s 1952 U.S. House
of Representatives campaign) |
circa 1946 | |
04: Half-length portrait of Associate Justice Lee
Metcalf in a justice robe—photograph by DeWalt Studio of Helena, Montana |
circa 1947 | |
4/3 | Montana State Government Service |
1947-1948, 1952 |
01: Associate Justice Lee Metcalf sits at a desk
covered in legal books in his Montana Supreme Court office in Helena, Montana,
during his first year as a member of the court |
circa 1947 | |
02: Associate Justice Lee Metcalf listens to someone
(out of shot), as he sits at a desk covered in legal books in his Montana Supreme
Court office in Helena, Montana, during his first year as a member of the
court |
circa 1947 | |
03: Associate Justice Lee Metcalf poses at a desk in
his Montana Supreme Court office in Helena, Montana, during his first year as a
member of the court. A portable cart of legal books is seen in the
background |
circa 1947 | |
04: Associate Justice Lee Metcalf listens to someone
(out of shot), as he sits at a desk in his Montana Supreme Court office in Helena,
Montana, during his first year as a member of the court |
circa 1947 | |
M6 (Oversized): Mounted Christmas photograph of the
Montana Supreme Court justices in 1948, signed “Merry Christmas” |
December 1948 | |
05: Right side, half-length portrait of Associate
Justice Lee Metcalf in a justice robe—photograph by DeWalt Studio of Helena,
Montana |
circa 1948 | |
06: Left side, half-length portrait of Associate
Justice Lee Metcalf—photograph by DeWalt Studio of Helena, Montana |
circa 1948 | |
07: Right side, half-length portrait of Associate
Justice Lee Metcalf—photograph by DeWalt Studio of Helena, Montana |
circa 1948 | |
M7 (Oversized): Right side, half-length portrait of
Associate Justice Lee Metcalf—photograph by DeWalt Studio of Helena,
Montana |
circa 1948 | |
08: Right side, half-length portrait of Associate
Justice Lee Metcalf—photograph by DeWalt Studio of Helena, Montana |
circa 1952 | |
4/4 | Montana State Government Service |
1952 |
01: A reception committee of Montana Democratic
politicians welcomes 1952 Democratic vice-presidential candidate Senator John J.
Sparkman of Alabama and his family, beside the senator’s chartered TWA DC-3 airplane
on the runway at the Butte airport prior to Sparkman’s speech at a rally in Butte on
October 29, 1952. Left to right, starting seventh from left and ending eleventh from
right: Bill Curran, Butte member of the reception committee; unidentified man;
National Democratic Committeeman for Montana Leo Graybill, Sr., of Great Falls;
William Renouard, chairman of the Silver Bow Democratic Central Committee; Montana
Attorney General Arnold Olsen; Senator James E. Murray; Senator John J. Sparkman;
Ivo Hall Sparkman, Senator Sparkman’s wife; Mrs. Tazewell Shepard, Jr., Senator
Sparkman’s daughter; unidentified woman; and Miss Cele Renouard, daughter of William
Renouard —photograph by Al’s Photo Shop of Butte, Montana |
1952 October 29 | |
02: 1952 Democratic vice-presidential candidate
Senator John J. Sparkman of Alabama (center, dark wool topcoat) enters the Finlen
Hotel in Butte, Montana, on October 29, 1952, upon arriving in a motorcade from the
airport, prior to a dinner party held in the hotel’s Treasure Room in the senator’s
honor—photograph by Copper City Photo Service of Butte, Montana |
1952 October 29 | |
03: 1952 Democratic vice-presidential candidate
Senator John J. Sparkman of Alabama (second from right) shakes hands with Montana
Governor John W. Bonner (third from left) in the senator’s hotel room at the Finlen
Hotel in Butte, Montana, prior to a dinner party held in the hotel’s Treasure Room
in the senator’s honor. With Bonner and Sparkman are National Democratic
Committeeman for Montana Leo Graybill, Sr. (left); Senator James E. Murray (second
from left); and Hjalmar B. Landoe of Bozeman (right), Montana Democratic State
Central Committee chairman—photograph by Al’s Photo Shop of Butte,
Montana |
1952 October 29 | |
04: Montana Democratic party members pose for a
photograph in the lobby of the Finlen Hotel in Butte, Montana, on October 29, 1952,
prior to a dinner party held in the hotel’s Treasure Room in honor of the 1952
Democratic vice-presidential candidate Senator John J. Sparkman of Alabama. Pictured
are: Hjalmar B. Landoe of Bozeman (third from left), Montana Democratic State
Central Committee chairman; National Democratic Committeeman for Montana Leo
Graybill, Sr. (fifth from left); and Associate Justice Lee Metcalf (fifth from
right) |
1952 October 29 | |
05: 1952 Democratic vice-presidential candidate
Senator John J. Sparkman of Alabama (center, dark suit) enters the auditorium of the
Butte Civic Center to cheers from the audience in the stands above him at a
statewide Democratic rally in Butte, Montana, on October 29, 1952. Walking towards
the speakers’ platform with Sparkman are Montana Governor John W. Bonner (first on
right of Sparkman) and National Democratic Committeeman for Montana Leo Graybill,
Sr. (second on right of Sparkman), as well as Senator James E. Murray and Montana
Attorney General Arnold Olsen in the background—photograph by Copper City Photo
Service of Butte, Montana |
1952 October 29 | |
06: On a speakers’ stage decorated with posters of
Adlai Stevenson and Harry S. Truman, and an American flag in the background, 1952
Democratic vice-presidential candidate Senator John J. Sparkman of Alabama (fifth
from left, front row) approaches the speakers’ podium at the Butte Civic Center in
Butte, Montana, after being introduced to the crowd at the statewide Democratic
rally by National Democratic Committeeman for Montana Leo Graybill, Sr. (fourth from
left, front row). On the stage are: Senator James E. Murray (third from left, front
row); Associate Justice Lee Metcalf (fifth from right, front row); Montana Attorney
General Arnold Olsen (fourth from right, front row); Congressman Mike Mansfield
(fourth from left, second row); and Frankie Heffern’s band (left)—photograph by
Copper City Photo Service of Butte, Montana |
1952 October 29 | |
07: 1952 Democratic vice-presidential candidate
Senator John J. Sparkman of Alabama (center, dark suit) shakes hands with a young
boy in the Butte Civic Center in Butte, Montana, after speaking to a crowd of about
2,000 people at a statewide Democratic rally at the center on October 29, 1952. With
Senator Sparkman are Montana Governor John W. Bonner (first on left of Sparkman) and
Clerk of the Montana Supreme Court Frank Murray (second from right)—photograph by
Copper City Photo Service of Butte, Montana |
1952 October 29 |
Series 6: Federal Congressmen and PoliticiansReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
4/5 | U.S. House of Representatives—Federal Congressman and
Politicians |
1955-1958 |
01: Rep. Lee Metcalf (center table, front row right)
and Rep. Orvin B. Fjare (center table, far right) sit with fellow members of
Congress at an American Legion banquet honoring the U.S. Congress at the Mayflower
Hotel, in Washington, D.C., on March 24, 1955 |
1955 March 24 | |
02: International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter
Workers Executive Board Member Ernest Salvas (center) talks with Montana Congressmen
Lee Metcalf (right) and Orvin B. Fjare (left) in Senator James E. Murray's
Washington, D.C., Senate office—photograph by Harris & Ewing Inc. of Washington,
D.C. |
circa 1956 | |
03: Montana’s all-Democratic congressional
delegation of Senators James E. Murray (right, seated) and Mike Mansfield (left,
seated), along with Representatives Lee Metcalf (left, standing) and Leroy Anderson
(right, standing), work over their legislative program for the 85th U.S. Congress in
January 1957 |
1957 January | |
04: Rep. Lee Metcalf (right) talks with fellow
Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives (left to right) Hugh J.
Addonizio of New Jersey (left), an unidentified man, and Joseph M. Montoya of New
Mexico (second from right) in Washington, D.C.—photograph by National Photo Service
of Washington, D.C. |
circa 1957 | |
05: Rep. Lee Metcalf (center) talks with fellow
Democratic U.S. Representative Hugh J. Addonizio of New Jersey (right) and an
unidentified man in Washington, D.C.—photographs by National Photo Service of
Washington, D.C. |
circa 1957 | |
06: Rep. Lee Metcalf of Montana with fellow members
of the U.S. House of Representatives, pictured on an unidentified airport runway
next to an airplane. Pictured are (left to right) Clement J. Zablocki (D-WI);
Metcalf; Graham A. Barden (D-NC); unidentified man; unidentified man; James B. Utt
(R-CA); unidentified man; and unidentified man |
circa 1958 | |
4/6 | U.S. House of Representatives—Federal Congressman and
Politicians |
1958-1959 |
01: Senator Mike Mansfield (left), holding a letter,
talks with Rep. Lee Metcalf (right) in the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington,
D.C. |
circa 1959 | |
02: The Montana Congressional delegation have a
discussion on a film set in the United States Senate Recording Studio, during the
filming of one of their regular meetings made for their Montana constituents for the
first session of the 86th Congress. Pictured are (left to right) Rep. LeRoy
Anderson; Senator Mike Mansfield; Senator James E. Murray; and Rep. Lee
Metcalf |
circa 1959 | |
03: The Montana Congressional delegation laughs
while having a discussion on a film set in the United States Senate Recording
Studio, during the filming of one of their regular meetings made for their Montana
constituents for the first session of the 86th Congress. Pictured are (left to
right) Rep. LeRoy Anderson; Senator Mike Mansfield; Senator James E. Murray; and
Rep. Lee Metcalf |
circa 1959 | |
04: Senator James E. Murray (left, standing) and
Senator Mike Mansfield (right, standing) address members of the United States Senate
in the hearing room of the Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, around
the time of the committee’s trip to the Soviet Union during September-October
1959 |
circa 1959 | |
4/7 | U.S. House of Representatives—Federal Congressman and
Politicians |
1950s, 1960 |
01: Two unidentified people talk with Senator Mike
Mansfield (left), Rep. Lee Metcalf (third from left), and Senator James E. Murray
(right) |
circa 1950s | |
02: (Left to right) Rep. Lee Metcalf; Senator Mike
Mansfield; two unidentified young ladies; Senator James E. Murray; and Rep. LeRoy
Anderson talk in an office in the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington,
D.C. |
circa 1950s | |
03: (Left to right) Senator Thomas Kuchel (R-CA),
U.S. Senate minority whip; Andrew J. Biemiller, Director of the Department of
Legislation of the AFL-CIO; and Rep. Lee Metcalf, member of the U.S. House Committee
on Education and Labor, talk at a table during the AFL-CIO National Legislative
Conference in Washington, D.C., in January 1960—photograph by Nate Fine
Photo |
1960 January | |
04: (Left to right) Rep. Lee Metcalf, Senator Mike
Mansfield, and Senator James E. Murray celebrate after hearing of the settlement of
the 182-day copper miners’ strike by the International Union of Mine, Mill and
Smeller Workers against The Anaconda Company in Montana. This picture was taken
Thursday morning, February 11, 1960—two hours after the settlement was
announced |
1960 February 11 | |
05: (Left to right) Rep. Lee Metcalf, Senator Mike
Mansfield, and Senator James E. Murray celebrate after hearing of the settlement of
the 182-day copper miners’ strike by the International Union of Mine, Mill and
Smeller Workers against The Anaconda Company in Montana. This picture was taken
Thursday morning, February 11, 1960—two hours after the settlement was
announced |
1960 February 11 | |
06: (Left to right) Paul Harlow of Thompson Falls,
Montana, president of the Committee for Paradise Dam; Senator Mike Mansfield; and
Senator James E. Murray hold a conversation in a Senate hearing room. The men met
prior to testifying before the Subcommittee on Irrigation and Reclamation of the
U.S. Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, at hearings held on March 29,
1960, regarding the Knowles-Paradise Dam project |
1960 March | |
07: Senator James E. Murray (right), chairman of the
U.S. Senate Interior Committee, is pictured seated in a Senate hearing room after he
conducted a hearing on tree-planting activities of the federal government on Arbor
Day, April 22nd. Murray is talking with two of the witnesses on the Mansfield-Murray
resolution to accelerate tree-planting on federal holdings: Assistant Secretary of
Agriculture Ervin L. Peterson (left) and Senator Mike Mansfield (right) |
1960 April 22 | |
08: Senator Mike Mansfield (left) and Rep. Lee
Metcalf (right) are pictured in Washington, D.C., reading an article in the October
14, 1960, issue of the Christian Science Monitor |
1960 October | |
09: (Left to right) Senator William Proxmire (D-WI),
Wisconsin Governor Gaylord Nelson, and Senator James E. Murray hold a conversation
at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1960 | |
10: An unidentified man shakes hands with Senator
Richard Russell, Jr. (D-GA) (right) as Senator James E. Murray (center) looks
on |
circa 1960 | |
11: Photograph of a meeting of the Conference of
Western Democratic Senators in the Old Russell Senate Office Building in Washington,
D.C. Pictured are (left to right) Richard L. Neuberger (D-OR); James E. Murray
(D-MT); Wayne Morse (D-OR); Robert S. Kerr (D-OK, standing); Alan Bible (D-NV);
Frank Moss (D-UT); Clair Engle (D-CA, standing); Mike Mansfield (D-Mt, Senate
majority whip); unidentified man; Gale W. McGee (D-Wyoming); Ernest Gruening (D-AK);
Clinton P. Anderson (D-NM); Carl Hayden (D-AZ); and unidentified man |
circa 1960 | |
12: (Left to right) Senator Mike Mansfield; Senator
James E. Murray; unidentified man; and Rep. Lee Metcalf pose for a photograph in
Senator Murray’s office in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1960 | |
13: Senator James E. Murray (left) receives a glass
jug of water from an unidentified girl in a vintage-style dress (during an
unidentified presentation) |
circa 1960 |
Series 7: CommitteesReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
4/8 | U.S. House of Representatives—Committees |
1955-1956 |
01: Photograph of a presenters’ panel at a session
at the National White House Conference on Education, held in Washington, D.C., from
November 28-December 1, 1955. Pictured are (left to right) Howard A. Dawson,
Executive Secretary of NEA Department of Rural Education; Rex Putnam, Oregon State
Superintendent of Public Instruction; Mrs. Raymon Lawrence, Vice-President of the
National Congress of Parents and Teachers; Erick L. Lindman, professor at George
Peabody College (Nashville, TN); Lucille Carroll, President of the NEA Department of
Classroom Teachers; Worth McClure, Executive Secretary of the American Association
of School Administrators; Rex H. Turner, Oakland (CA) Assistant Superintendent of
Schools; Rep. Carroll D. Kearns (R-PA); Rep. Cleveland M. Bailey (D-WV); Rep. Carl
Elliott (D-AL); and Rep. Lee Metcalf (D-MT) |
circa 1955 November | |
02: Members of the Special Subcommittee on Mine
Safety of the U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor pose for a photograph with
various officials in Minnesota during the committee’s hearings in Duluth, Minnesota,
from August 20-24, 1956. (Left to right) Unidentified man; Rep. Lee Metcalf (D-MT),
Mine Safety Subcommittee chairman; Rep. John A. Blatnik (DFL-MN); unidentified man;
Rep. Carl Elliott (D-AL), Mine Safety Subcommittee member; and unidentified
man—photograph by Basgen Photography of Duluth, Minnesota |
1956 August | |
03: Members of the U.S. House Committee on Education
and Labor’s Special Subcommittee on Mine Safety pose for a photograph with various
officials in Minnesota during the committee’s hearings in Duluth, Minnesota, from
August 20-24, 1956. (Left to right) Unidentified man; ; Rep. Carl Elliott (D-AL),
Mine Safety Subcommittee member; Rep. Lee Metcalf (D-MT), Mine Safety Subcommittee
chairman; unidentified man; and Rep. John A. Blatnik (DFL-MN)—photograph by Basgen
Photography of Duluth, Minnesota |
1956 August | |
04: Members of the U.S. House Committee on Education
and Labor’s Special Subcommittee on Mine Safety pose for a photograph with various
officials in Minnesota during the committee’s hearings in Duluth, Minnesota, from
August 20-24, 1956. (Left to right) Unidentified man; unidentified man; Rep. Lee
Metcalf (D-MT), Mine Safety Subcommittee chairman; Rep. Carl Elliott (D-AL), Mine
Safety Subcommittee member; unidentified man; and unidentified man—photograph by
Basgen Photography of Duluth, Minnesota |
1956 August | |
05: An inspection party with members of the U.S.
House Committee on Education and Labor’s Mine Safety Subcommittee prepare to enter
the mining operations on the Mesabi Iron Range, northwest of Duluth, Minnesota,
during the committee’s hearings in Minnesota from August 20-24, 1956 |
1956 August | |
06: An inspection party (wearing miner’s helmets),
with members of the U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor’s Mine Safety
Subcommittee, stands in front of a mine shaft entrance prior to surveying the mining
operations of the Mesabi Iron Range, northwest of Duluth, Minnesota, during the
committee’s hearings in Minnesota from August 20-24, 1956. Rep. John A. Blatnik of
Minnesota (second from left, front row) and Rep. Lee Metcalf (third from left, front
row), Mine Safety Subcommittee chairman, led the party |
1956 August | |
07: An inspection party (wearing miner’s helmets),
with members of the U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor’s Mine Safety
Subcommittee, stands in front of a mine shaft entrance prior to surveying the mining
operations of the Mesabi Iron Range, northwest of Duluth, Minnesota, during the
committee’s hearings in Minnesota from August 20-24, 1956. Rep. John A. Blatnik of
Minnesota (second from left, front row) and Rep. Lee Metcalf (third from left, front
row), Mine Safety Subcommittee chairman, led the party |
1956 August | |
08: An inspection party (wearing miner’s helmets),
with members of the U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor’s Mine Safety
Subcommittee, stands in front of a mine shaft entrance prior to surveying the mining
operations of the Mesabi Iron Range, northwest of Duluth, Minnesota, during the
committee’s hearings in Minnesota from August 20-24, 1956. Rep. John A. Blatnik of
Minnesota (second from left, front row) and Rep. Lee Metcalf (third from left, front
row), Mine Safety Subcommittee chairman, led the party |
1956 August | |
09: An inspection party and mine officials, posing
with members of the U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor’s Mine Safety
Subcommittee, stand in front of a large crane prior to surveying the mining
operations of the Mesabi Iron Range, northwest of Duluth, Minnesota, during the
committee’s hearings in Minnesota from August 20-24, 1956. Rep. John A. Blatnik of
Minnesota (eighth from right) and Rep. Lee Metcalf (ninth from right), Mine Safety
Subcommittee chairman, led the party |
1956 August | |
10: Rep. John A. Blatnik of Minnesota (second from
left) and House Mine Safety Subcommittee chairman Rep. Lee Metcalf (right) talk with
a mine employee manning the explosives storage room in a mine on the Mesabi Iron
Range, northwest of Duluth, Minnesota, during the subcommittee’s survey of the
mining operations there from August 20-24, 1956 |
1956 August | |
4/9 | U.S. House of Representatives—Committees |
1956 |
01: House Mine Safety Subcommittee chairman Rep. Lee
Metcalf (third from left) stands with members of an inspection party and mine
officials in a mine on the Mesabi Iron Range, northwest of Duluth, Minnesota, during
the subcommittee’s hearings in Minnesota from August 20-24, 1956 |
1956 August | |
02: House Mine Safety Subcommittee chairman Rep. Lee
Metcalf (second from left) and Rep. John A. Blatnik of Minnesota (third from left),
along with members of an inspection party, inspect the condition of support beams in
a mine shaft at a mine in the Mesabi Iron Range, northwest of Duluth, Minnesota,
during the subcommittee’s hearings in Minnesota from August 20-24, 1956 |
1956 August | |
03: House Mine Safety Subcommittee chairman Rep. Lee
Metcalf (second from right) and Rep. John A. Blatnik of Minnesota (left), along with
members of an inspection party, inspect the condition of support beams in a mine
shaft at a mine in the Mesabi Iron Range, northwest of Duluth, Minnesota, during the
subcommittee’s hearings in Minnesota from August 20-24, 1956 |
1956 August | |
04: House Mine Safety Subcommittee chairman Rep. Lee
Metcalf (second from right) and Rep. John A. Blatnik of Minnesota (third from left),
along with members of an inspection party and mine officials, pose for a photograph
in a mine shaft at a mine in the Mesabi Iron Range, northwest of Duluth, Minnesota,
during the subcommittee’s hearings in Minnesota from August 20-24, 1956 |
1956 August | |
05: House Mine Safety Subcommittee chairman Rep. Lee
Metcalf (right) and Rep. John A. Blatnik of Minnesota (second from right), along
with members of an inspection party and mine officials, pose for a photograph in a
mine shaft at a mine in the Mesabi Iron Range, northwest of Duluth, Minnesota,
during the subcommittee’s hearings in Minnesota from August 20-24, 1956 |
1956 August | |
06: House Mine Safety Subcommittee chairman Rep. Lee
Metcalf (right) and Rep. John A. Blatnik of Minnesota (second from right), along
with members of an inspection party and mine officials, pose for a photograph in a
mine shaft at a mine in the Mesabi Iron Range, northwest of Duluth, Minnesota,
during the subcommittee’s hearings in Minnesota from August 20-24, 1956 |
1956 August | |
07: House Mine Safety Subcommittee chairman Rep. Lee
Metcalf (left) and Rep. John A. Blatnik of Minnesota (third from left), along with
members of an inspection party and mine officials, pose for a photograph in a mine
shaft at a mine in the Mesabi Iron Range, northwest of Duluth, Minnesota, during the
subcommittee’s hearings in Minnesota from August 20-24, 1956 |
1956 August | |
08: Members of the U.S. House Committee on Education
and Labor’s Mine Safety Subcommittee, with an inspection party and mine officials,
inspect the floor of a mine shaft at a mine in the Mesabi Iron Range, northwest of
Duluth, Minnesota, during the subcommittee’s hearings in Minnesota from August
20-24, 1956 |
1956 August | |
09: Members of the House Mine Safety Subcommittee,
with an inspection party and mine officials, inspect an area within a mine shaft at
a mine in the Mesabi Iron Range, northwest of Duluth, Minnesota, during the
subcommittee’s hearings in Minnesota from August 20-24, 1956 |
1956 August | |
10: Members of the House Mine Safety Subcommittee,
with an inspection party and mine officials, look over a map of a mine in the Mesabi
Iron Range, northwest of Duluth, Minnesota, during the subcommittee’s hearings in
Minnesota from August 20-24, 1956 |
1956 August | |
11: Members of the House Mine Safety Subcommittee,
with an inspection party and mine officials, stand in a building above ground at a
mining operation in the Mesabi Iron Range, northwest of Duluth, Minnesota, during
the subcommittee’s hearings in Minnesota from August 20-24, 1956. House Mine Safety
Subcommittee chairman Rep. Lee Metcalf (third from left) and Rep. John A. Blatnik of
Minnesota (third from right) talk with an unidentified man |
1956 August | |
12: Members of the U.S. House Committee on Education
and Labor’s Mine Safety Subcommittee pose for a photograph with two unidentified men
in Butte, Montana, as the subcommittee began its hearings in the city from September
5-7, 1956, regarding the need for federal mine safety legislation. Pictured are
(left to right) subcommittee member Orvin B. Fjare (R-MT); House Mine Safety
Subcommittee chairman Rep. Lee Metcalf; subcommittee member Rep. Carl Elliott
(D-AL); and two unidentified men in the Federal Courthouse in Butte |
1956 September | |
4/10 | U.S. House of Representatives—Committees
(1956-1958) |
1956-1958 |
01: Dressed in miner’s jumpsuits, members of the
U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor’s Mine Safety Subcommittee pose for a
photograph in a mine shaft in Butte, Montana, during the subcommittee’s inspection
of mine conditions in the city from September 5-7, 1956. Pictured are (Left to
right) unidentified man; subcommittee member Orvin B. Fjare (R-MT); subcommittee
member Rep. Carl Elliott (D-AL); House Mine Safety Subcommittee chairman Rep. Lee
Metcalf; and Russell C. Derrickson, chief investigator and staff member for the
House Committee on Education and Labor, are pictured |
1956 September | |
02: Dressed in miner’s jumpsuits, members of the
U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor’s Mine Safety Subcommittee pose with
miners for a photograph in a mine shaft in Butte, Montana, during the subcommittee’s
inspection of mine conditions in the city from September 5-7, 1956. Pictured are
subcommittee member Orvin B. Fjare (R-MT) (fourth from left, standing); subcommittee
member Rep. Carl Elliott (D-AL) (third from right, standing); House Mine Safety
Subcommittee chairman Rep. Lee Metcalf (second from right, standing); and Russell C.
Derrickson (second from right, kneeling), chief investigator and staff member for
the House Committee on Education and Labor are pictured |
1956 September | |
03: The Special Subcommittee on Coal Research of the
House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs holds a hearing in the Pueblo City
Hall in Pueblo, Colorado, on March 11, 1957, to study proposals for a
Federal-State-industry coal RPD program. Standing at the committee desk speaking is
(left to right) Rep. J. Edgar Chenoweth (R-CO), with subcommittee chairman Ed
Edmondson (D-OK) and subcommittee member Rep. Lee Metcalf (D-MT)
observing—photograph by Colorado Fuel and Iron Corporation |
1957 March 11 | |
04: The Special Subcommittee on Coal Research of
House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs holds a hearing in the Pueblo City
Hall in Pueblo, Colorado, on March 11, 1957, to study proposals for a
Federal-State-industry coal RPD program. (Left to right) Subcommittee members Rep.
William A. Dawson (R-UT), Rep. J. Edgar Chenoweth (R-CO), and subcommittee chairman
Ed Edmondson (D-OK) listen to subcommittee member Rep. Lee Metcalf (D-MT) talk
during the hearing—photograph by Colorado Fuel and Iron Corporation |
1957 March 11 | |
05: Scene during an unidentified hearing before the
U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor held on January 29, 1958. Committee
Chairman Rep. Cleveland M. Bailey (center, background sitting in front of American
flags) and Rep. Lee Metcalf (first on left of Bailey) are seated at the committee
desk, with other Committee members and staff members in the hearing room |
1958 January 29 | |
06: Members of the first House Select Committee on
Astronautics and Space Exploration are shown inflated versions of the Project Echo
satelloons (inflatable balloon communication satellite prototypes), during a hearing
in the congressional hearing room of the Old (Cannon) House Office Building in
Washington, D.C., by National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) Director Dr.
Hugh L. Dryden. The 12-foot aluminum foil balloon (background) is designed to be
carried into space in collapsed form, than inflated automatically. The 30-inch
aluminum foil balloon (right) was to fit inside a rocket nose section, a model of
which is being held by Dryden (center, on table). Present are (left to right,
seated) unidentified man; Dr. Hugh L. Dryden; Committee Chairman Rep. John W.
McCormack (D-MA); (left to right, standing) Rep. William H. Natcher (D-KY); Rep.
James G. Fulton (R-PA); Rep. Lee Metcalf (D-MT); Rep. Bernice F. Sisk (D-CA); Rep.
Gordon L. McDonough (R-CA); Rep. Leo W. O'Brien (D-NY); Rep. Kenneth B. Keating
(R-NY); and Rep. Gerald R. Ford (R-MI) |
1958 April | |
07: Members of the first House Select Committee on
Astronautics and Space Exploration pose with committee staff members for a
photograph in the caucus room of the Old (Cannon) House Office Building in
Washington, D.C. In the front row (left to right, seated) are Rep. William H.
Natcher (D-KY); Rep. Lee Metcalf (D-MT); Rep. Thomas Overton Brooks (D-LA);
Committee Chairman Rep. John W. McCormack (D-MA); Committee ranking minority member
Rep. Joseph W. Martin, Jr. (R-MA); Rep. Gordon L. McDonough (R-CA); Rep. James G.
Fulton (R-PA)—photography by Swann Studio of Washington, D.C. |
circa 1958 | |
08: Members of the first House Select Committee on
Astronautics and Space Exploration pose with committee staff members for a
photograph in the caucus room of the Old (Cannon) House Office Building in
Washington, D.C. In the front row (left to right, seated) are Rep. William H.
Natcher (D-KY); Rep. Lee Metcalf (D-MT); Rep. Thomas Overton Brooks (D-LA);
Committee Chairman Rep. John W. McCormack (D-MA); Committee ranking minority member
Rep. Joseph W. Martin, Jr. (R-MA); Rep. Gordon L. McDonough (R-CA); Rep. James G.
Fulton (R-PA)—photography by Swann Studio of Washington, D.C. |
circa 1958 | |
09: Members of the first House Select Committee on
Astronautics and Space Exploration pose with committee staff members for a
photograph in the caucus room of the Old (Cannon) House Office Building in
Washington, D.C. In the front row (seated) are Rep. William H. Natcher (D-KY); Rep.
Lee Metcalf (D-MT); Rep. Thomas Overton Brooks (D-LA); Committee Chairman Rep. John
W. McCormack (D-MA); Committee ranking minority member Rep. Joseph W. Martin, Jr.
(R-MA); Rep. Gordon L. McDonough (R-CA); Rep. James G. Fulton (R-PA)—photography by
Swann Studio of Washington, D.C. |
circa 1958 | |
4/11 | U.S. House of Representatives—Committees |
1950s, 1958-1959 |
01: Members of the U.S. House of Representatives
Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Pictured are (left to right, front row
seated) Rep. John P. Saylor (R-PA); Rep. Ed Edmondson (D-OK); and Wayne N. Aspinall
(D-CO); (left to right, back row standing) Rep. J. Edgar Chenoweth (R-CO); Rep.
Antonio Fernos-Isern (D-Puerto Rico); Rep. Stewart Udall (D-AZ); Committee Chairman
Rep. Clair Engle (R-CA); and Rep. Lee Metcalf (D-MT) |
circa 1958 | |
02: (Left to right) Rep. Lee Metcalf (D-MT),
Committee Chairman Cleveland M. Bailey (D-WV), and Rep. Ralph W. Gwinn (R-NY) are
pictured during a hearing before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on
Education and Labor in the committee’s hearing room in Washington, D.C.—photograph
by Carl Purcell of the National Education Association |
circa 1958 | |
03: (Left to right) Rep. Lee Metcalf (D-MT),
Committee Chairman Cleveland M. Bailey (D-WV), and Rep. Ralph W. Gwinn (R-NY) are
pictured during a hearing before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on
Education and Labor in the committee’s hearing room in Washington, D.C.—photograph
by Carl Purcell of the National Education Association |
circa 1958 | |
04: (Left to right) Rep. Lee Metcalf (D-MT) and
Committee Chairman Cleveland M. Bailey (D-WV) are pictured during a hearing before
the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and Labor in the
committee’s hearing room in Washington, D.C.—photograph by Carl Purcell of the
National Education Association |
circa 1958 | |
05: (Left to right) Rep. Lee Metcalf (D-MT) and
Committee Chairman Cleveland M. Bailey (D-WV) are pictured during a hearing before
the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and Labor in the
committee’s hearing room in Washington, D.C.—photograph by Carl Purcell of the
National Education Association |
circa 1958 | |
06: Rep. Lee Metcalf (D-MT) talks with members of
the U.S. Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs in the committee’s hearing
room in Washington, D.C., around the time of the introduction of the HR-22, the
Murray-Metcalf bill. Pictured are (left to right) unidentified man; Senator Barry M.
Goldwater (R-AZ); Metcalf; Senator James E. Murray (D-MT); unidentified female
stenographer; and Jim Gamble (right in background), Senate Interior and Insular
Affairs Committee staff member |
circa 1958 | |
07: A three-man delegation representing the Big Horn
County, Montana, Chamber of Commerce confers with U.S. Senate Committee on Interior
and Insular Affairs Chairman Senator James E. Murray (D-MT) in Washington, D.C., on
obtaining an appropriation of six million dollars to start construction of
Yellowtail Dam near Hardin, Montana. Pictured are (left to right) Henry Ruegamer,
chairman of the Big Horn Chamber of Commerce committee on Yellowtail Dam; Murray;
unidentified man; L.R. Cool of Hardin; and Howard W. Bunston of Billings |
circa 1959 May | |
08: A three-man delegation representing the Big Horn
County, Montana, Chamber of Commerce conferred with Senators James E. Murray (D-MT)
and Carl Hayden (D-AZ), members of the U.S. Senate committees responsible for
oversight and funding of federal dam projects, in Washington, D.C., on obtaining an
appropriation of six million dollars to start construction of Yellowtail Dam near
Hardin, Montana. Pictured are (left to right) Henry Ruegamer, chairman of the Big
Horn Chamber of Commerce committee on Yellowtail Dam; Interior Committee chairman
Senator Murray; Appropriations Committee chairman Senator Hayden; L.R. Cool of
Hardin; and Howard W. Bunston of Billings |
circa 1959 May | |
09: (Left to right) Subcommittee chairman Rep. Lee
Metcalf (D-MT), Rep. Carl Elliott (D-AL), and Orvin B. Fjare (R-MT), members of the
Special Subcommittee on Mine Safety of the U.S. House Committee on Education and
Labor, talk with each other in a congressional office in Washington, D.C.—photograph
by Harris & Ewing Inc. of Washington, D.C. |
1950s |
Series 8: EventsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
5-1 | U.S. House of Representatives—Events |
1957-1958 |
01: Rep. Lee Metcalf is interviewed by a reporter
for WCCO TV during Metcalf’s attendance at the International Union of Mine, Mill and
Smelter Workers (IUMMSW) 52nd Convention in Saint Paul, Minnesota, held during the
week of March 18-23, 1957 |
1957 March | |
02: Rep. Lee Metcalf, seated at a dinner table,
poses with members of the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers
during the union’ 52nd Convention in Saint Paul, Minnesota, held during the week of
March 18-23, 1957. IUMMSW Executive Board Member Ernest Salvas is seated second from
the right |
1957 March | |
03: Rep. Lee Metcalf stands at a podium giving a
speech at the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers 52nd Convention
in Saint Paul, Minnesota, held during the week of March 18-23, 1957. IUMMSW
Executive Board Member Ernest Salvas can be seen over Metcalf’s left
shoulder |
1957 March | |
04: Rep. Lee Metcalf receives a convention medal
from an unidentified union leader at the International Union of Mine, Mill and
Smelter Workers 52nd Convention in Saint Paul, Minnesota, held during the week of
March 18-23, 1957. IUMMSW Executive Board Member Ernest Salvas is seated to the
immediate right of Metcalf |
1957 March | |
05: Rep. Lee Metcalf talks with union members at a
table during the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers 52nd
Convention in Saint Paul, Minnesota, held during the week of March 18-23, 1957.
IUMMSW Executive Board Member Ernest Salvas is standing directly behind
Metcalf |
1957 March | |
06: Rep. Lee Metcalf talking with union members in a
room during the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers 52nd
Convention in Saint Paul, Minnesota, held during the week of March 18-23, 1957.
IUMMSW Executive Board Member Ernest Salvas is standing at far left |
1957 March | |
07: Rep. Lee Metcalf, seated, talks with female
guests at the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers 52nd Convention
in Saint Paul, Minnesota, held during the week of March 18-23, 1957 |
1957 March | |
08: Newly-elected U.S. Representative John Foley
(D-MD) celebrates his election to the 86th United State Congress by wearing an “I
Won” paper sash pinned to his suit coat during an unidentified political celebration
in Washington, D.C., following the November 4, 1958, mid-term elections. Rep. Lee
Metcalf is seen smiling over Foley’s left shoulder |
1958 November | |
09: Rep. Lee Metcalf talks with two unidentified
individuals during an unidentified political celebration in Washington, D.C.,
following the November 4, 1958, mid-term election |
1958 November | |
5-2 | U.S. House of Representatives—Events |
1950s, 1958-1959, 1960 |
01: The 1958 National Christmas Tree sits in
Washington, D.C., on Great Northern Railway flatcars on December 9, 1958, as Senator
James E. Murray (in black wool coat) talks with Homer H. Gruenther, special
assistant to President Dwight D. Eisenhower (standing to the left of Murray,
pointing at the tree), and Ed Boyes (right), Great Northern Railway agent from
Libby. Harvested from the Kootenai National Forest, the tree was provided by the J.
Neils Lumber Company and the Libby Chamber of Commerce on behalf of Libby,
Montana |
1958 December 9 | |
02: On Tuesday, March 17, 1959, the statue of famed
Montana painter Charles M. Russell was moved from the Smithsonian Institution to the
U.S. Capitol’s Statuary Hall for permanent display as one of Montana’s two statutes
in the Hall, escorted by a Wild West parade through the capital. Here, an
unidentified horse rider from the parade holds the flag of Montana next to Senator
Mike Mansfield (center); 1959 Montana Cherry Blossom Princess Sheila Horgan
(grandniece of Sen. James E. Murray); Senator James E. Murray (second from right);
and Rep. Lee Metcalf (in cowboy clothing) in front of the steps of the Old Russell
Senate Office Building |
1959 | |
03: The Montana delegation of (from left to right)
Senator Mike Mansfield; 1959 Montana Cherry Blossom Princess Sheila Horgan
(grandniece of Sen. James E. Murray); Senator James E. Murray; and Rep. Lee Metcalf,
waving his cowboy hat, stands at the ‘Montana Reviewing Stand’ on the steps of the
Old Russell Senate Office Building. The group was watching the parade for the
relocation of the Charles M. Russell statue to Statuary Hall in the U.S. Capitol on
March 17, 1959 |
1959 March 17 | |
04: (Left to right) John Burns (member of Hawaii’s
territorial Democratic Party); Rep. Al Ullman (D-OR); unidentified Native American
elder; Rep. Lee Metcalf; and Rep. LeRoy Anderson of Montana hold their hands
together in front of the Charles M. Russell statue in Statuary Hall in the U.S.
Capitol after the ceremony for the statue’s installation there on March 19,
1959 |
1959 March 19 | |
05: Portrait of the Charles M. Russell statue prior
to its installation in Statuary Hall in the U.S. Capitol Building on March 19,
1959 |
circa 1959 | |
06: Close-up portrait of the Charles M. Russell
statue prior to its installation in Statuary Hall in the U.S. Capitol on March 19,
1959 |
circa 1959 | |
07: Scene at a Veterans of Foreign Wars dinner held
at an unidentified location, with Rep. Lee Metcalf (center table, fourth from left);
VFW Commander-in-Chief and Montana resident John W. Mahan (center table, fifth from
left); and Senator James E. Murray (center table, sixth from left) seated at a
table |
1950s | |
08: Senator Mike Mansfield is pictured seated at a
breakfast hosted by him, Senator James E. Murray, and Rep. Lee Metcalf, for the
Montana state delegates of the Democratic Women’s Conference held in Washington,
D.C, from May 8-10, 1960. Pictured are (left to right) Maureen Mansfield; Mrs. Earl
Keister (Conrad, MT); Mrs. Howard Kathan (Great Falls, MT); Mrs. Lavid Rice (Conrad,
MT); Senator Mike Mansfield; Mrs. John Keil (Ledger, MT); Mrs. Bob Arnot (Conrad,
MT); and Donna Metcalf |
1960 May | |
09: Rep. Lee Metcalf (seated at table in foreground,
far left) attends an unidentified dinner in Washington, D.C., with the following
men: Al Riegel (first person on the left of Metcalf), a member of the Helena Chamber
of Commerce and one of the thirteen U.S. regional directors of the National Wildlife
Federation; and U.S. Representative Thomas D’Ewert (R-Mont) (seated at table in
foreground, fourth from the right)—photograph by Chase Photography of Washington,
D.C. |
circa 1960 |
Series 9: LegislationReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
5-3 | U.S. House of Representatives—Legislation |
1959 |
01: Rep. Lee Metcalf (left) and a Mr. Tollefson
(center) hold a radio interview in Washington, D.C., in connection with the federal
education bill H.R. 22 (Murray-Metcalf Bill) in March 1959 following the House
Committee on Labor and Education’s hearings on the bill—photograph by Ransdell
Inc. |
1959 March | |
02: An unidentified man and Rep. Lee Metcalf (right)
read through a copy of the federal education bill H.R. 22 (Murray-Metcalf Bill) in
Metcalf’s congressional office in Washington, D.C.—photograph by Carl Purcell
(National Education Association) |
1959 | |
03: Rep. Lee Metcalf reads through a copy of the
federal education bill H.R. 22 (Murray-Metcalf Bill) in his congressional office in
Washington, D.C.—photograph by Carl Purcell (National Education
Association) |
1959 |
Series 10: Congressional ProjectsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries A: Department of Agriculture |
Box/Folder | ||
5-4 | U.S. House of Representatives—Congressional
Projects: Department of Agriculture |
1954 |
01: Members of a crowd stand in front of a
Munitalp Atmospheric Research Project Mobile Unit as they gather in Missoula,
Montana, for the dedication by President Dwight D. Eisenhower of the U.S. Forest
Service Aerial Fire Depot and Smokejumper Center on Wednesday, September 22,
1954 |
1954 September 22 | |
02: View of the large crowd of 30,000 gathered in
Missoula, Montana, for the dedication by President Dwight D. Eisenhower of the
U.S. Forest Service Aerial Fire Depot and Smokejumper Center on Wednesday,
September 22, 1954 |
1954 September 22 | |
03: President Dwight D. Eisenhower (left,
foreground) standing next to Montana Governor J. Hugo Aronson (center, foreground)
on the runway of the Missoula County Airport in Missoula, Montana, with Air Force
One (Columbine II) in the background, for the President’s dedication of the U.S.
Forest Service Aerial Fire Depot and Smokejumper Center on Wednesday, September
22, 1954. White House Press Secretary James Hagerty (center) stands in the
background next to several Secret Service personnel |
1954 September 22 | |
04: President Dwight D. Eisenhower (center, light
grey suit holding a hat) shakes hands with U.S. Forest Service Chief Richard E.
McArdle on the runway of the Missoula County Airport in Missoula, Montana, upon
the arrival of the President for his dedication of the U.S. Forest Service Aerial
Fire Depot and Smokejumper Center on Wednesday, September 22, 1954 |
1954 September 22 | |
05: Surrounded by White House press
correspondents, President Dwight D. Eisenhower (center, light grey suit holding a
hat) shakes hands with U.S. Forest Service Chief Richard E. McArdle on the runway
of the Missoula County Airport in Missoula, Montana, upon the arrival of the
President for his dedication of the U.S. Forest Service Aerial Fire Depot and
Smokejumper Center on Wednesday, September 22, 1954 |
1954 September 22 | |
06: With the White House press plane in the
background, U.S. Forest Service Chief Richard E. McArdle (center, dark suit) talks
with President Dwight D. Eisenhower (center, light grey suit holding a hat), as
Montana Governor J. Hugo Aronson (right, light grey suit wearing glasses) watches,
on the runway of the Missoula County Airport in Missoula, Montana, upon the
arrival of the President for his dedication of the U.S. Forest Service Aerial Fire
Depot and Smokejumper Center on Wednesday, September 22, 1954. White House Press
Secretary James Hagerty (far left, smoking a cigarette) stands with members of the
White House press corps |
1954 September 22 | |
07: President Dwight D. Eisenhower (center, light
grey suit holding a hat) talks with a woman, as Montana Governor J. Hugo Aronson
(right, light grey suit wearing glasses) watches. The President is surrounded by a
crowd of White House press correspondents on the runway of the Missoula County
Airport in Missoula, Montana, upon the arrival of the President for his dedication
of the U.S. Forest Service Aerial Fire Depot and Smokejumper Center on Wednesday,
September 22, 1954 |
1954 September 22 | |
08: With the White House press plane in the
background, President Dwight D. Eisenhower (center, light grey suit holding a hat)
shakes hands with several law enforcement officers, as Montana Governor J. Hugo
Aronson (center, light grey suit wearing glasses) watches. The group is standing
on the runway of the Missoula County Airport in Missoula, Montana, upon the
arrival of the President for his dedication of the U.S. Forest Service Aerial Fire
Depot and Smokejumper Center on Wednesday, September 22, 1954 |
1954 September 22 | |
09: With the White House press plane in the
background, President Dwight D. Eisenhower (right, light grey suit holding a hat)
talks with several men, as Montana Governor J. Hugo Aronson (right) watches. The
group is standing on the runway of the Missoula County Airport in Missoula,
Montana, upon the arrival of the President for his dedication of the U.S. Forest
Service Aerial Fire Depot and Smokejumper Center on Wednesday, September 22,
1954 |
1954 September 22 | |
10: President Dwight D. Eisenhower (center) shakes
hands with a man, as Montana Governor J. Hugo Aronson (center, light grey suit
wearing glasses) watches. The President is surrounded by a crowd of White House
press correspondents on the runway of the Missoula County Airport in Missoula,
Montana, upon the arrival of the President for his dedication of the U.S. Forest
Service Aerial Fire Depot and Smokejumper Center on Wednesday, September 22,
1954 |
1954 September 22 | |
5-5 | U.S. House of Representatives—Congressional
Projects: Department of Agriculture |
1954 |
01: With the White House press plane in the
background, President Dwight D. Eisenhower (center) shakes hands with several
officials, as Montana Governor J. Hugo Aronson (first person right of Eisenhower)
stands by. The group stood on the runway of the Missoula County Airport in
Missoula, Montana, just before the President dedicates the U.S. Forest Service
Aerial Fire Depot and Smokejumper Center on Wednesday, September 22,
1954 |
1954 September 22 | |
02: With a crowd of press correspondents and
onlookers behind them, U.S. Forest Service Chief Richard E. McArdle (center, dark
suite holding a hat) laughs with President Dwight D. Eisenhower (center) and
Montana Governor J. Hugo Aronson (first person right of Eisenhower) stand on the
runway of the Missoula County Airport in Missoula, Montana, after Eisenhower’s
arrival for the dedication of the U.S. Forest Service Aerial Fire Depot and
Smokejumper Center on Wednesday, September 22, 1954 |
1954 September 22 | |
03: President Dwight D. Eisenhower (center, light
grey suit) walks off the runway of the Missoula County Airport in Missoula,
Montana, with Montana Governor J. Hugo Aronson and Congressman Wesley D’Ewart
walking behind him, as the President headed towards the speakers’ stand for the
dedication of the U.S. Forest Service Aerial Fire Depot and Smokejumper Center on
Wednesday, September 22, 1954 |
1954 September 22 | |
04: President Dwight D. Eisenhower (center, light
grey suit) talks on the edge of the runway of the Missoula County Airport in
Missoula, Montana, with Montana Governor J. Hugo Aronson (center, light grey suit
wearing glasses) and U.S. Forest Service Chief Richard E. McArdle (center, dark
suit), before the President dedicated the U.S. Forest Service Aerial Fire Depot
and Smokejumper Center on Wednesday, September 22, 1954 |
1954 September 22 | |
05: President Dwight D. Eisenhower (center, light
grey suit) talks on the edge of the runway of the Missoula County Airport in
Missoula, Montana, with Montana Governor J. Hugo Aronson (center, light grey suit
wearing glasses), as U.S. Forest Service Chief Richard E. McArdle (center, dark
suit) walks behind them. The President was heading towards the speakers’ stand for
the dedication U.S. Forest Service Aerial Fire Depot and Smokejumper Center on
Wednesday, September 22, 1954 |
1954 September 22 | |
06: Rep. Lee Metcalf (center-right, dark grey
suit) talks with a man behind the speakers’ stand before President Eisenhower
dedicated the U.S. Forest Service Aerial Fire Depot and Smokejumper Center in
Missoula, Montana, on Wednesday, September 22, 1954. Two smokejumpers stand in the
background; the smokejumper at the right is George Ostrom |
1954 September 22 | |
07: President Dwight D. Eisenhower (center,
seated) sits on the speakers’ stand next to Montana Governor J. Hugo Aronson
(left, seated) and Rep.Wesley D’Ewart (right, seated), prior to the President
speaking at the dedication of the U.S. Forest Service Aerial Fire Depot and
Smokejumper Center in Missoula, Montana, on Wednesday, September 22,
1954 |
1954 September 22 | |
08: President Dwight D. Eisenhower (center,
seated) sits on the speakers’ stand next to Rep. Wesley D’Ewart (right, seated),
prior to the President speaking at the dedication of the U.S. Forest Service
Aerial Fire Depot and Smokejumper Center in Missoula, Montana, on Wednesday,
September 22, 1954. Two smokejumpers stand in the background |
1954 September 22 | |
09: U.S. Forest Service Chief Richard E. McArdle
gives a brief speech on the history of smokejumping at a podium on the speakers’
stand at the dedication of the U.S. Forest Service Aerial Fire Depot and
Smokejumper Center in Missoula, Montana, on Wednesday, September 22, 1954. On the
speakers’ stand, Rep. Lee Metcalf (far left, seated); Montana Governor J. Hugo
Aronson (third from left, seated); and President Dwight D. Eisenhower (first on
right next to podium, seated) sit with two smokejumpers in the
background |
1954 September 22 | |
5-6 | U.S. House of Representatives—Congressional
Projects: Department of Agriculture |
1954-1955 |
01: U.S. Forest Service Chief Richard E. McArdle
gives a brief speech on the history of smokejumping from a podium on the speakers’
stand at the dedication of the U.S. Forest Service Aerial Fire Depot and
Smokejumper Center in Missoula, Montana, on Wednesday, September 22,
1954 |
1954 September 22 | |
02: U.S. Forest Service Chief Richard E. McArdle
gives a brief speech on the history of smokejumping from a podium on the speakers’
stand at the dedication of the U.S. Forest Service Aerial Fire Depot and
Smokejumper Center in Missoula, Montana, on Wednesday, September 22,
1954 |
1954 September 22 | |
03: With photographers in the right foreground,
President Dwight D. Eisenhower gives a dedication speech from a podium on the
speakers’ stand in front of 30,000 people, at the dedication of the U.S. Forest
Service Aerial Fire Depot and Smokejumper Center in Missoula, Montana, on
Wednesday, September 22, 1954 |
1954 September 22 | |
04: President Dwight D. Eisenhower gives a
dedication speech from a podium on the speakers’ stand in front of 30,000 people,
at the dedication of the U.S. Forest Service Aerial Fire Depot and Smokejumper
Center in Missoula, Montana, on Wednesday, September 22, 1954 |
1954 September 22 | |
05: Fred Brauer and George Ostrom, two Forest
Service smokejumpers (both in full gear), present a smokejumper’s helmet and
certificate to President Dwight D. Eisenhower at the podium on the speakers’
stand, following the President’s speech at the dedication of the U.S. Forest
Service Aerial Fire Depot and Smokejumper Center in Missoula, Montana, on
Wednesday, September 22, 1954 |
1954 September 22 | |
06: View of the Big Belt Mountains and the path
for the route of the uncompleted Figure Eight Highway through the Helena National
Forest (northeast of Helena, Montana)—photograph by Dorothy Helton of the Helena
Independent Record |
1954 October | |
07: View of the limestone cliffs above Beaver
Creek Canyon, through which the route of the uncompleted Figure Eight Highway in
the Helena National Forest (northeast of Helena, Montana) would pass—photograph by
Dorothy Helton of the Helena Independent Record |
1954 October | |
08: Arthur D. Moir, Jr. (center) conducts a tour
of the uncompleted Figure 8 Highway for members of the Helena Chamber of Commerce
and the Helena National Forest Advisory Council. Seen here near a Forest Service
sign indicating the direction to Refrigerator Canyon, Howard Jones of Missoula
(left), from the Helena National Forest Office, and C.M. Wall of Helena talk with
Moir on a section of the Figure Eight Highway surrounded by high limestone
peaks—photograph by Dorothy Helton of the Helena Independent Record |
1954 October | |
09: Two tour members walk through a 10-foot wide
portion of the Refrigerator Canyon Trail in the Helena National Forest (northeast
of Helena, Montana) along the uncompleted Figure Eight Highway, during a tour for
members of the Helena Chamber of Commerce and the Helena National Forest Advisory
Council—photograph by Dorothy Helton of the Helena Independent Record |
1954 October | |
10: A woman walks on a wooded trail in the Helena
National Forest (northeast of Helena, Montana) during Arthur D. Moir’s tour of the
uncompleted Figure Eight Highway for members of the Helena Chamber of Commerce and
the Helena National Forest Advisory Council—photograph by Dorothy Helton of the
Helena Independent Record |
1954 October | |
11: View of a completed portion of the Figure
Eight Highway through the Helena National Forest (northeast of Helena, Montana),
with cowboys herding cattle in the valley at far right along the tree
line |
circa 1964 October | |
12: Prior to the construction of the Figure Eight
Highway, Rep. Lee Metcalf (far left) is briefed on construction routes and costs
by Percy D. Hanson, U.S. Forest Service regional forester from Missoula (second
from left). Arthur D. Moir, Jr. (second from right), supervisor of the Helena
National Forest and father of the Figure Eight Highway, talks with Lewis and Clark
County County commissioner Charles D. Greenfield (far right) |
circa 1954 | |
13: Prior to the construction of the Figure Eight
Highway, Rep. Lee Metcalf surveys construction routes for the highway with Percy
D. Hanson, U.S. Forest Service regional forester from Missoula (second from left);
Arthur D. Moir, Jr. (second from right), supervisor of the Helena National Forest;
and an unidentified man |
circa 1954 | |
5-7 | U.S. House of Representatives—Congressional
Projects: Department of Agriculture |
1950s, 1957, 1960 |
01: Rep. Lee Metcalf (far left) and his wife Donna
(second from left) pose with various Helena officials on the Figure Eight Highway
in the Helena National Forest during the officially highway opening
ceremony |
1957 October 13 | |
02: Rep. Lee Metcalf (far right) holds the rope
chain saw used to fell a tree onto the Figure Eight Highway at Pikes Creek
(located between Indian Flats and Beaver Creek Canyon in the Gates of the
Mountains wilderness area) for the official highway opening ceremony. Some 250
people are pictured attending the dedication ceremony |
1957 October 13 | |
03: Regional Forester Charles Tebbe (far right)
holds the rope chain saw used to fell a tree onto the Figure Eight Highway at
Pikes Creek (located between Indian Flats and Beaver Creek Canyon in the Gates of
the Mountains wilderness area) for the official highway opening ceremony. Some 250
people are pictured attending the dedication ceremony |
1957 October 13 | |
04: Rep. Lee Metcalf (right, sawing) and Regional
Forester Charles Tebbe (left, sawing) join forces in ceremonially sawing a log in
half, officially opening the Figure Eight Highway that traversed the Gates of the
Mountains wilderness area. Standing in the background (arms folded in front of
him) is Helena Mayor Otto L. Brackman. More than 250 persons were present for the
dedication ceremony which took place at Pikes Creek, located between Indian Flats
and Beaver Creek Canyon |
1957 October 13 | |
05: Rep. Lee Metcalf (center, left) inspects a
lodgepole pine working site on Upper Hyalite Creek south of Bozeman, Montana,
during winter. Metcalf visited the operation on Northern Pacific Railway land
during an inspection trip of forested areas in Montana. Talking with Metcalf is
S.G. Merryman (center, right), Northern Pacific Railway Manager of Timber and
Western Lands—photograph by Northern Pacific Railway Company of Seattle,
Washington (Photograph #342) |
1950s | |
06: Rep. Lee Metcalf (far right) is pictured
meeting with representatives of the Northern Pacific Railway, outside at an
unidentified location regarding issues related to forest areas and timbering on
Northern Pacific Railway land—photograph by Northern Pacific Railway Company of
Seattle, Washington (Photograph #354) |
1950s | |
07: Rep. Lee Metcalf (center, right) talks with a
man during Metcalf’s inspection trip of forested areas with representatives of the
Northern Pacific Railway in an unidentified timber forest on Northern Pacific
land—photograph by Northern Pacific Railway Company of Seattle, Washington
(Photograph #361) |
1950s | |
08: Rep. Lee Metcalf (far right) talks with a man
during Metcalf’s inspection trip of forested areas with a group of representatives
of the Northern Pacific Railway in an unidentified timber forest on Northern
Pacific land. S.G. Merryman (far left, foreground), Northern Pacific Railway
Manager of Timber and Western Lands, is part of the group with Metcalf—photograph
by Northern Pacific Railway Company of Seattle, Washington (Photograph
#362) |
1950s | |
09: Rep. Lee Metcalf (right) talks with two men
during Metcalf’s inspection trip of forested areas with representatives of the
Northern Pacific Railway, in an unidentified timber forest on Northern Pacific
land—photograph by Northern Pacific Railway Company of Seattle, Washington
(Photograph #364) |
1950s | |
10: Aerial view of the Northern Forest Fire
Laboratory in Missoula, Montana, and the crowd gathered for the dedication of the
laboratory on September 12, 1960 |
1960 September 12 | |
11: Aerial view of the Northern Forest Fire
Laboratory in Missoula, Montana, and the crowd gathered for the dedication of the
laboratory on September 12, 1960 |
1960 September 12 | |
12: View of the south side of the Northern Forest
Fire Laboratory in Missoula, Montana, and the crowd gathered for the dedication of
the laboratory on September 12, 1960 |
1960 September 12 |
Series 10: Congressional ProjectsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries B: Department of the Interior |
Box/Folder | ||
5-8 | U.S. House of Representatives—Congressional
Projects: Department of Interior and Insular Affairs |
1950s, 1952-1953 |
01: President Harry S. Truman (left) rides in the
President’s car with Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (right) as the
President leaves Chester, Montana, to attend the groundbreaking ceremonies for
Tiber Dam on the Marias River on September 30, 1952—Bureau of Reclamation
photograph (#84-600-64) |
1952 September 30 | |
02: President Harry S. Truman (at podium) gives a
speech from a stage at the ground-breaking ceremony for the Bureau of
Reclamation’s Tiber Dam on the Marias River, southwest of Chester, Montana, on
September 30, 1952. Members of the reception committee for the ceremonies on stage
with Truman include Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (far left, seated in
front row); Montana Attorney General Arnold Olsen (second from left, second row);
and Governor John W. Bonner (second from left, front row)—Bureau of Reclamation
photograph (#84-600-66) |
1952 September 30 | |
03: President Harry S. Truman (at microphone on
stage) sets off a blast while a crowd watches at the groundbreaking ceremony for
the Bureau of Reclamation’s Tiber Dam on the Marias River, southwest of Chester,
Montana. Members of the President’s reception committee pictured include Rep. Mike
Mansfield (left, on stage); Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (second from
left, on stage); Senator James E. Murray (fourth from left, on stage); Governor
John W. Bonner (second from right, on stage); and Willard Fraser (far right),
mayor of Billings and 1952 Democratic candidate for Montana’s 2nd congressional
district— Bureau of Reclamation photograph (#84-600-67) |
1952 September 30 | |
04: President Harry S. Truman (third from left)
poses for photographs just after he set off a blast at the groundbreaking ceremony
for the Bureau of Reclamation’s Tiber Dam on the Marias River, southwest of
Chester, Montana. Members of the President’s reception committee pictured include
Rep. Mike Mansfield (left); Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (second from
left); Senator James E. Murray (fourth from left); an unidentified woman; Governor
John W. Bonner (second from right); and Willard Fraser (right), mayor of Billings
and 1952 Democratic candidate for Montana’s 2nd congressional district—Bureau of
Reclamation photograph (#84-600-70) |
1952 September 30 | |
05: President Harry S. Truman (at podium)
continues his speech after setting off a blast from a stage at the groundbreaking
ceremony for the Bureau of Reclamation’s Tiber Dam on the Marias River, southwest
of Chester, Montana, on September 30, 1952. Members of the reception committee for
the ceremonies on stage with Truman include the following: Rep. Mike Mansfield
(far left, first row); Senator James E. Murray (second from left, front row);
Billings mayor Willard Fraser (third from left, front row); Secretary of the
Interior Oscar Chapman (fourth from left, front row); Governor John W. Bonner
(fifth from left, front row); and Montana Attorney General Arnold Olsen (third
from left, second row)—Bureau of Reclamation photograph (#84-600-72) |
1952 September 30 | |
06: President Harry S. Truman (fourth from left,
front row) sits after his speech at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Bureau of
Reclamation’s Tiber Dam on the Marias River, southwest of Chester, Montana, on
September 30, 1952. Members of the reception committee for the ceremonies on stage
with Truman include the following: Senator James E. Murray (left, front row);
Billings mayor Willard Fraser (second from left, front row); Secretary of the
Interior Oscar Chapman (third from left, front row); Governor John W. Bonner
(fifth from left, front row); and Montana Attorney General Arnold Olsen (third
from left, second row)—Bureau of Reclamation photograph (#84-600-73) |
1952 September 30 | |
07: President Harry S. Truman (second from left)
inspects the turbine-generator assembly of the first generator at Hungry Horse
Dam, outside of Columbia Falls, Montana, on October 1, 1952, with Clyde H. Spencer
(left), Hungry Horse Dam construction engineer; Senator James E. Murray (second
from right); and James S. Umber (right), President of Montana AFL-CIO—Bureau of
Reclamation photograph (#P447-105-4986) |
1952 October 1 | |
08: Montana Governor John W. Bonner speaks at a
podium on stage during the Bureau of Reclamation Conference on October 1, 1952, at
the Bureau of Reclamation’s administration building, downstream from Hungry Horse
Dam outside of Columbia Falls, Montana. Seated on stage in the front row (left to
right) are Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman; 1952 candidate for the U.S.
Congress Judge Lee Metcalf (looking out from behind the podium); unidentified man;
President Harry S. Truman; and Senator James E. Murray—Bureau of Reclamation
photograph (#P-447-105-4992) |
1952 October 1 | |
09: Wide-angle view of Hungry Horse Dam, outside
of Columbia Falls, Montana, looking approximately south along the crest of Hungry
Horse Dam from the bluff above the right abutment. At lower left is the dam’s
bell-mouth spillway, and at top right is the dam’s power plant—photograph by A. E.
McCloud for the Bureau of Reclamation (#P-447-105-5590) |
1953 July 24 | |
10: Aerial oblique view looking upstream of the
South Fork Flathead River showing Hungry Horse Dam, its power plant, and the
Hungry Horse Reservoir—photograph by A. E. McCloud for the Bureau of Reclamation
(#P-447-105-5615) |
1953 August 7 |
Series 11: Montana Individuals and Events (1952-1960)Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
5-9 | U.S. House of Representatives—Montana Individuals and
Events |
1955-1956 |
01: Rep. Lee Metcalf (standing at x-ray machine) and
his staff get chest X-rays for detecting tuberculosis, as part of a free X-ray
service for members and staff of the U.S. Congress in Washington, D.C., on May 9,
1955. X-ray technician Dorothy Stribling (third from left) adjusts the X-ray machine
to Metcalf, with Rep. Metcalf’s administrative assistant Merrill “Brit” Englund
(left) and his secretary Beverly L. Knowles (second from left) waiting for their
turn. Metcalf had the screening to encourage all Montanans to take advantage of the
free chest X-ray service offered through a national campaign, managed in Montana by
the Montana Tuberculosis Association |
1955 May 9 | |
02: View of the Charles M. Russell Natural Stone
Monument, dedicated on June 24, 1956, in downtown Saco, Montana |
1956 June 24 | |
03: Rep. Lee Metcalf and local officials dedicate
the Charles M. Russell Monument on June 24, 1956, in downtown Saco, Montana, with
about 200 people attending the ceremony—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
1956 June 24 | |
04: Signing a memorial register next to the
monument, Rep. Lee Metcalf (center, at register stand) and local officials dedicate
the Charles M. Russell Monument on June 24, 1956, in downtown Saco,
Montana—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
1956 June 24 | |
05: An unidentified woman presents a note to Rep.
Lee Metcalf from the Pondera County (MT) Democratic Women at an unknown political
event, during the time of Metcalf’s third congressional campaign in 1956 |
circa November 1966 | |
06: Montana Democratic Central Committee Chairman
Jack Toole (left); Montana Attorney General and 1956 Democratic candidate for
Governor Arnold Olsen (center); and Montana State Democratic Chairman Leif Erickson
put their hands together at an unidentified Democratic dinner in 1956 |
1956 | |
07: Montana State Democratic Chairman Leif Erickson
wearing an “Olsen for Governor” pin during Montana Attorney General Arnold Olsen’s
1956 Montana gubernatorial campaign |
1956 | |
08: Montana Attorney General and 1956 Democratic
candidate for Governor Arnold Olsen (left); Senator Mike Mansfield (center); and
Montana State Democratic Chairman Leif Erickson (right) sit at a table during an
unidentified state Democratic campaign dinner in 1956 |
1956 | |
09: Portrait of Montana State Democratic Chairman
Leif Erickson—photograph by DeWalt Studio of Helena, Montana |
circa 1956 | |
5-10 | U.S. House of Representatives—Montana Individuals and
Events |
1956 |
01: Democratic Montana State Auditor John J. Holmes’
1956 campaign photograph—photograph by DeWalt Studio of Helena, Montana |
circa 1956 | |
02: Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor of
Montana Paul Cannon’s 1956 campaign photograph—photograph by DeWalt Studio of
Helena, Montana |
circa 1956 | |
03: Democratic candidate for State treasurer of
Montana Horace Casey’s 1956 campaign photograph—photograph by DeWalt Studio of
Helena, Montana |
circa 1956 | |
04: Democratic candidate for Montana Secretary of
State Frank Murray’s 1956 campaign photograph—photograph by DeWalt Studio of Helena,
Montana |
circa 1956 | |
05: Montana Attorney General and Democratic
candidate for Governor Arnold Olsen’s 1956 campaign photograph—photograph by DeWalt
Studio of Helena, Montana |
circa 1956 | |
06: Democratic candidate for Railroad and Public
Service Commissioner Lou Boedecker’s 1956 campaign photograph—photograph by DeWalt
Studio of Helena, Montana |
circa 1956 | |
5-11 | U.S. House of Representatives—Montana Individuals and
Events |
1950s, 1957-1959 |
01: Montana’s congressional delegation at a Veterans
of Foreign Wars congressional dinner at the Sheraton Park Hotel in Washington, D.C.,
on February 7, 1957, to honor members of the U.S. Congress. Pictured at the table in
the foreground are (left to right) Rep. Lee Metcalf; Senator James E. Murray; Willis
McKeon of Malta, Montana; Senator Mike Mansfield; unidentified man; and Rep. LeRoy
Anderson |
1957 February 7 | |
02: U.S. Representatives Lee Metcalf and LeRoy
Anderson of Montana talk with some men in an office around the time of Veterans of
Foreign Wars congressional dinner, held at the Sheraton Park Hotel in Washington,
D.C., on February 7, 1957, to honor members of the U.S. Congress. Pictured are (left
to right) Willis McKeon of Malta, Montana; Metcalf; John H. Mahan, national junior
vice commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars; Anderson; and two unidentified
men |
1957 February 7 | |
03: Rep. Lee Metcalf (fourth from right, standing)
and Montana union delegates are pictured at the 52nd annual convention of the
International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, held in St. Paul, Minnesota,
on March 18, 1957 |
1957 March | |
04: Rep. Lee Metcalf (at podium) gives a speech to
Butte union members on government activities to alleviate the economic problems and
unemployment in Butte and the United States at an open public meeting at the Butte
Miner’s Union Hall in 1958. President of the Butte Miners Union No. 1 Ernest Sjoman
(center) and International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Executive Board
Member Ernest Salvas (right) applaud Metcalf—photograph by C. Owen Smithers of
Butte, Montana |
circa 1958 April 9 | |
05: Rep. Lee Metcalf (fourth from left) poses with
union officials and their wives at an unidentified Democratic political rally in
Butte, Montana, at the Finlen Hotel, prior to the national elections in 1958. Ernest
Salvas (second from right) of the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter
Workers, and an unidentified Butte Miners Union No. 1 officer (left) are
present—photograph by C. Owen Smithers of Butte, Montana |
circa 1958 November | |
06: Montana Democratic Committee Secretary Stanley
E. Thompson (left, seated on barstool); Rep. Lee Metcalf (fourth from left); and
Montana Democratic representative of Silver Bow County Henry Murnin, pose with other
Democratic officials and their wives at an unidentified Democratic political rally
in Butte, Montana, at the Finlen Hotel prior to the national elections
in1958—photograph by C. Owen Smithers of Butte, Montana |
circa 1958 November | |
07: Politicians study a map of the Gallatin National
Forest as they make a flying survey of earthquake damage on the weekend following
the West Yellowstone earthquake of August 17, 1959. Pictured in the U.S. Air Force’s
special mission plane, stationed at Bolling Air Force Base, are (left to right,
seated) Rep. Thomas G. Morris (D-NM); Reps.Lee Metcalf and Leroy Anderson (D-MT);
(left to right, standing) Edward Cliff, assistant chief of the United States Park
Service; Col. Oren Olmstead, acting chief of the Army Corps of Engineers; and Dr.
Raymond Johnson, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
circa 1959 August 22 | |
08: Rep. Lee Metcalf (second from right) poses for a
photograph with three unidentified individuals at an event in Butte,
Montana—photograph by Al’s Photo Shop of Butte, Montana |
1950s | |
09: Rep. Lee Metcalf (left, seated) is pictured in
an office with Leroy Anderson (right, seated) of Conrad, Montana; Walter Marshall
(second from left, standing) of Great Falls, Montana; John W. Mahan, Jr. (second
from right, standing), Helena attorney and National Junior Vice Commander of the
Veterans of Foreign Wars; and three other unidentified individuals |
1950s | |
10: Rep. Lee Metcalf poses for a photograph at an
unidentified event in Montana with an unidentified man; Montana Governor L. Hugo
Aronson; and Walter H. McLeod, president of Missoula Mercantile Company and a
director of Montana Power Company |
circa 1950s | |
11: Rep. Lee Metcalf (seventh from left, standing)
poses for a photograph with miners and union members in Butte, Montana, in an
unidentified building—photograph by C. Owen Smithers of Butte, Montana |
circa 1950s | |
5-12 | U.S. House of Representatives—Montana Individuals and
Events |
1950s, 1960 |
01: (Left to right) Montana State Democratic
Chairman Leif Erickson; Al Donahue, chief clerk for the 35th session of the Montana
House of Representatives and a Great Falls theater owner; Joe Reber, Helena
businessman and congressional candidate; unidentified man; and Fred Barrett stand on
an unidentified airport runway beside an airplane |
circa 1950s | |
02: (Left to right) Montana State Democratic
Chairman Leif Erickson; Al Donahue, chief clerk for the 35th session of the Montana
House of Representatives and a Great Falls theater owner; Joe Reber, Helena
businessman and congressional candidate; unidentified man; and Fred Barrett stand on
an unidentified airport runway beside an airplane |
circa 1950s | |
03: (Left to right) Montana State Democratic
Chairman Leif Erickson; Al Donahue, chief clerk for the 35th session of the Montana
House of Representatives and a Great Falls theater owner; and an unidentified man
stand on an unidentified airport runway beside an airplane |
circa 1950s | |
04: (Left to right) Montana State Democratic
Chairman Leif Erickson; Al Donahue, chief clerk for the 35th session of the Montana
House of Representatives and a Great Falls theater owner; and Fred Barrett stand on
an unidentified airport runway beside an airplane |
circa 1950s | |
05: Portrait of Harriet Miller—photograph by
Bradford Bachrach (#nyl.19530XS5Miller) |
circa 1950s | |
06: Rep. Lee Metcalf (right) crowns the Cherry
Blossom Festival Queen Lynn Orr (second from right) at Bigfork, Montana, on the east
shore of Flathead Lake, to begin the Cherry Blossom Festival festivities on May 8,
1960. Cherry Blossom Festival Princesses Karen McIntire (left) and Suzanne Moore
(second from left), with the crown-bearer Donna Stephens, watch as Orr is
crowned |
1960 May 8 | |
07: Montana Lieutenant Governor Paul Cannon (left,
front row) and Montana Secretary of State Frank Murray (second from right, back row)
pose for a photograph with a group of broadcasters and politicians in front of the
KOOK-TV building in Billings, Montana, during Senator John F. Kennedy’s visit to
that city in September 1960 |
circa 1960 September |
Series 12: General House of RepresentativesReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
5-13 | U.S. House of Representatives—General
House |
1950s, 1958-1959 |
01: As the first U.S. Congressman to do so, Rep. Lee
Metcalf (right) presents a check to Millard Rice (left), Executive Secretary of the
Disabled Veterans Service Foundation (DAV), as a contribution to the DAV Perpetual
Rehabilitation Fund, which finances DAV service officer activities in each state. In
the background are reprints of a statement in the Congressional Record by Metcalf,
calling attention to the needs of ex-servicemen for the assistance of DAV national
service officers |
circa 1958 May | |
02: Freda Beazley, a member of the Assiniboine
Indian Tribe of Fort Peck Reservation and a vice-president of the National Congress
of American Indians, walks through a door at the 15th annual meeting of the National
Congress of American Indians held in Missoula, Montana, during September 14-19,
1958 |
1958 September | |
03: Photograph of a meeting of national wilderness
conservation leaders with Lee Metcalf, U.S. Representative from Montana. (Left to
right, seated) Stewart M. Brandborg, assistant conservation director at the National
Wildlife Federation; Anthony Wayne Smith, Washington attorney, and president and
general counsel of the National Parks Association; Metcalf; Howard Zahniser,
executive secretary of The Wilderness Society; (left to right, standing) Joseph
Penfold, conservation director at the Izaak Walton League; and Daniel Poole, editor
of "Outdoor News Bulletin" and president of the Wildlife Management
Institute |
circa 1959 | |
04: Rep. Lee Metcalf sits at the desk in his office
in the Old Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C., with an unidentified
man |
circa 1959 | |
05: Rep. Lee Metcalf (third from left, kneeling) and
Senator Mike Mansfield (right, standing in back row) pose for a photograph on the
lawn in front of the U.S. Capitol Building with an unidentified group—photograph by
Harris & Ewing Inc. of Washington, D.C. |
circa 1950s | |
5-14 | U.S. House of Representatives—General
House |
1950s |
01: A blurry photograph of Rep. Lee Metcalf (fourth
from left, fourth row from front) with an unidentified group posing for a photograph
at the sign on News Nob, the site at the Yucca Flats Nevada Test Site in Nye County,
Nevada, where press could view nuclear weapons testing |
circa 1950s | |
02: Rep. Lee Metcalf (second from right, seated on
stage) and three unidentified men sit on stage during an unidentified program
(possibly related to the Murray-Metcalf education bill) in Washington,
D.C.—photograph by Del Ankers Photographers of Washington, D.C. |
circa 1950s | |
03: Rep. Lee Metcalf shakes hands with an
unidentified man on the sidewalk across from the U.S. Capitol Building—photograph by
Central Photo Company of Washington, D.C. |
circa 1950s | |
04: A contested pike pond area, circled in red, on
the property of the U.S. Range Livestock Experimental Station in Fort Keogh, outside
of Miles City, Montana . Photograph provided to Metcalf for his office files on an
unidentified project |
circa 1950s | |
05: Rep. Lee Metcalf (third from left) stands with
four unidentified individuals, one holding a copy of H.R. 12100, in Washington,
D.C. |
circa 1950s | |
06: The Montana congressional delegation hosts
several unidentified visitors at a table in the Senate Dining Room in Washington,
D.C. Senator James E. Murray (left), Senator Mike Mansfield (second from left), Rep.
Lee Metcalf (third from left), and Rep. LeRoy Anderson (fourth from right) are
present |
circa 1950s | |
07: Rep. Lee Metcalf (left) talks with an
unidentified man during a tour of a saw mill and logging operation at an unknown
location (photograph #4-346) |
circa 1950s | |
08: A log has its bark removed at a logging
operation in an unknown location during a tour by Rep. Lee Metcalf (photograph
#4-350) |
circa 1950s | |
09: View of a logging operation, as logs are moved
by an overhead skidder, in an unknown location during a tour by Rep. Lee Metcalf
(photograph #4-352) |
circa 1950s | |
10: Rep. Lee Metcalf (third from left) stands with a
group of men in a partly-cleared field at an unknown location during a tour by Rep.
Lee Metcalf (photograph #4-355) |
circa 1950s | |
11: Rep. Lee Metcalf (fourth from left) stands with
a group of men in a partly-cleared field at an unknown location during a tour by
Rep. Lee Metcalf (photograph #4-356) |
circa 1950s | |
12: Rep. Lee Metcalf (third from left, in
background) stands with a group during a tour of an unidentified logging operation
in a forest (photograph #4-360) |
circa 1950s | |
13: Four unidentified men looking over a map in an
office in an unidentified location during a tour by Rep. Lee Metcalf (photograph
#4-375) |
circa 1950s | |
5-15 | U.S. House of Representatives—General
House |
1950s, 1960 |
01: Rep. Lee Metcalf (second from left) is seated at
a desk talking with three unidentified me in an office in Washington,
D.C.—photograph by Washington Newsfoto Syndicate |
circa 1950s | |
02: Aerial view of the U.S. Capitol Building in
Washington, D.C. |
circa 1950s | |
03: Aerial view of the U.S. Capitol Building in
Washington, D.C. |
circa 1950s | |
04: Right side view of the U.S. Capitol Building in
Washington, D.C., from the grounds opposite the building |
circa 1950s | |
05: Standing on the steps in front of the U.S.
Supreme Court Building in Washington, D.C., are (left to right) Senator Frank Church
(D-ID); William S. Hawkins (Coeur d’Alene, Idaho), Grand Exalted Ruler of the BPOE;
Rep. Lee Metcalf; and James R. Browning (Belt, Montana), Clerk of the U.S. Supreme
Court. Hawkins was admitted to practice before the Supreme Court on the nomination
of Rep. Metcalf |
circa 1960 May | |
06: (left to right) Senator Frank Church (D-ID);
William S. Hawkins (Coeur d’Alene, Idaho), Grand Exalted Ruler of the BPOE; Rep. Lee
Metcalf; and James R. Browning (Belt, Montana), Clerk of the U.S. Supreme Court,
stand on the steps in front of the U.S. Supreme Court Building in Washington, D.C.
Hawkins was admitted to practice before the Supreme Court on the nomination of Rep.
Metcalf |
circa 1960 May | |
07: Rep. Lee Metcalf (second from right) receives a
document from three unidentified people on the grounds in front of the U.S. Capitol
Building in Washington, D.C.—photograph by Guild Photographers of Washington,
D.C. |
undated | |
5-16 | U.S. House of Representatives—General House:
Campaigns |
1956, 1958, 1960 |
01: On the side of a rural road, an unidentified
boy, holding a Metcalf campaign sign, sits on top of a small sedan, decorated with
purple ribbons and a Metcalf campaign sign |
circa 1956 June | |
02: On April 11, 1958, Rep. Lee Metcalf (right)
checks his car’s oil levels while stopped on the side of a rural highway in Montana,
as his wife Donna (left) looks on. Metcalf was traveling throughout portions of
Montana campaigning for the 1958 elections during Metcalf’s Easter recess from the
U.S. Congress—photograph by Marshall Lockman of Life magazine (Set
#53872) |
1958 April 11 | |
03: Rep. Lee Metcalf (right) and his wife Donna
(left) pore over papers and campaign materials at a desk on the night of April 11,
1958, as part of Metcalf’s re-election campaign during Metcalf’s Easter recess from
the U.S. Congress—photograph by Marshall Lockman of Life magazine (Set
#53872) |
1958 April 11 | |
04: 1960 Democratic Presidential candidate Senator
Stuart Symington (second from left) (D-MO) meets with Montana politicians on the
runway by his airplane at the Helena airport, upon his arrival to give a speech on
June 27, 1960, at the 1960 Montana State Democratic Convention in Helena. Pictured
with Symington are Montana Lieutenant Governor Paul Canon (left); Rep. Lee Metcalf
(fourth from left); Montana Democratic Lieutenant Governor candidate and state
senator Dr. Henry H. Anderson of Libby; and 1960 Montana State Democratic Convention
chairman Joe Reber (far right) |
1960 June | |
5-17 | U.S. House of Representatives—General House:
Awards |
1954 |
01: Rep. Lee Metcalf is presented with the 1954
National Award for Distinguished Service to Conservation during the 83rd U.S.
Congress at a special banquet on July 15, 1954, in Washington, D.C. Howard Zahniser,
executive secretary of The Wilderness Society, is pictured third from
left |
1954 July 15 | |
02: Photograph of the 1954 National Award for
Distinguished Service to Conservation plaque given to Rep. Lee Metcalf at a special
banquet in Washington, D.C., on July 15, 1954. The award was given by the Izaak
Walton League of America, the National Parks Association, the National Wildlife
Federation, the Wildlife Management Institute, and The Wilderness
Society |
1954 July 15 |
Series 13: Presidential Photographs (1953-1960)Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
5-18 | U.S. House of Representatives—Presidential
Photographs |
1950s, 1952-1953 |
01: Judge Lee Metcalf (right, standing) wears an
“Adlai” campaign button as he shakes hands with President Harry S. Truman (center),
during Truman’s campaign tour for 1952 Democratic Presidential candidate Adlai
Stevenson. During a stop in Montana for the Tiber Dam groundbreaking ceremonies,
Truman meets with Metcalf; Montana Democratic Party Chairman Leif Erickson (left);
and Rep. Mike Mansfield (right, seated) |
circa 1952 October | |
02: Shown on the front steps of the White House,
President Dwight D. Eisenhower (fourth from right, front row) poses for a photograph
with members of the U.S. House of Representatives, who were his luncheon guests on
March 30, 1953. Rep. Lee Metcalf is pictured second from right, back row—photograph
by U.S. Army Signal Corps (#SCPL&L-53-A-855) |
1953 March 30 | |
03: Shown on the front steps of the White House,
President Dwight D. Eisenhower (fourth from right, front row) poses for a photograph
with members of the U.S. House of Representatives, who were his luncheon guests on
March 30, 1953. Rep. Lee Metcalf is pictured second from right, back row—photograph
by U.S. Army Signal Corps (#SCPL&L-53-A-855) |
1953 March 30 | |
04: Former President Harry S. Truman sits and talks
with Rep. Lee Metcalf (third from right); Senator James E. Murray (third from left);
Rep. Cecil R. King (right of Truman, seated) of California; and several unidentified
people in Washington, D.C.—photograph by Al Muto of Alexandria, Virginia |
circa 1950s |
Series 14: Constituent PhotographsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries A: Constituent Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
6-1 | Constituent Photographs: Constituent
Correspondence |
1953-1957 |
01: View of three students repairing cars in
crowded conditions in the Billings Senior High School automobile repair shop in
1953. Photograph sent to Rep. Lee Metcalf in a letter regarding the conditions,
written on May 22, 1953, by W. Lye Roeseler, Montana State Supervisor of Trade and
Industrial Education |
1953 | |
02: View of three students repairing cars in
crowded conditions in the Cut Bank High School automobile repair shop in 1953.
Photograph sent to Rep. Lee Metcalf in a letter regarding the conditions, written
on May 22, 1953, by W. Lye Roeseler, Montana State Supervisor of Trade and
Industrial Education |
1953 | |
03: View of three students working on a bus engine
in crowded conditions in the Havre High School automobile repair shop in 1953.
Photograph sent to Rep. Lee Metcalf in a letter regarding the conditions, written
on May 22, 1953, by W. Lye Roeseler, Montana State Supervisor of Trade and
Industrial Education |
1953 | |
04: Real-photo postcard from December 5, 1951, of
the Lincoln’s 2500 Silver Dollar Bar, Highway 10, west of Alberton, Montana.
Postcard sent to Rep. Lee Metcalf by a constituent in 1954 regarding commerce in
Montana |
1954 | |
05: The ranch property of Paul Hahn of Townsend,
Montana, in the area of the Canyon Ferry Dam Project, showing a bunkhouse roof and
a toilet being washed away by the waters of the newly-created Canyon Ferry Lake.
Photograph sent to Rep. Lee Metcalf in a letter written on June 13, 1954,
regarding Hahn’s property loss |
1954 | |
06: The ranch property of Paul Hahn of Townsend,
Montana, in the area of the Canyon Ferry Dam Project, showing a bunkhouse roof
floating in the waters of the newly-created Canyon Ferry Lake with the Big Belt
Mountains in the background. Photograph sent to Rep. Lee Metcalf in a letter
written on June 13, 1954, regarding Hahn’s property loss |
1954 | |
07: The ranch property of Paul Hahn of Townsend,
Montana, in the area of the Canyon Ferry Dam Project, showing (left to right)
grainaries, the remnant frame of a twenty-ton stock scales buildings (marked “X”),
and a shop building a bunkhouse roof standing in the waters of the newly-created
Canyon Ferry Lake. Photograph sent to Rep. Lee Metcalf in a letter written on June
13, 1954, regarding Hahn’s property loss |
1954 | |
08: The ranch property of Paul Hahn of Townsend,
Montana, in the area of the Canyon Ferry Dam Project, showing damaged grainaries
standing in the waters of the newly-created Canyon Ferry Lake. Photograph sent to
Rep. Lee Metcalf in a letter written on June 13, 1954, regarding Hahn’s property
loss |
1954 | |
09: Constituent photograph captioned “Mr. Nelson
doing ten men’s work—1955”. Photograph sent to Rep. Lee Metcalf in connection with
the bill H.R. 7433 |
1955 | |
10: Photograph taken in April 1949 of a pile of
dead elk gathered from the Lewis and Clark Highway after they starved during a
severe winter, and were buried near Deadman Creek on the Lochsa River. Photograph
sent with a letter by Morton. R Brigham, secretary of the District Two Wildlife
Federation in Idaho, to Rep. Lester Johnson (-ID) on February 20, 1956. The letter
was forwarded to Rep. Lee Metcalf (D-MT) and Stewart Brandborg, in relation to
H.R. 1823 bill, which dealt with recreational uses in national forest |
1956 | |
11: A man shows the results of heavy use of browse
by elk and deer in Bruce’s Eddy Pool area along the North Fork of the Clearwater
River in Idaho, in 1954. Photograph sent with letter by Morton. R Brigham,
secretary of the District Two Wildlife Federation in Idaho, to Rep. Lester Johnson
(-ID) on February 20, 1956. The letter was forwarded to Rep. Lee Metcalf (D-MT)
and Stewart Brandborg, in relation to H.R. 1823 bill, which dealt with
recreational uses in national forest |
1956 | |
12: Photograph of Merrill K. Riddick, with his
baggage, standing on a sidewalk in Phillipsburg, Montana. Photograph is captioned:
“start of attempt to get Canadian water afloat; sent to Rep. Lee Metcalf by
Riddick related to Riddick’s promotion of the Three Channels South
project |
1957 October | |
6-1 | Constituent Photographs: Constituent
Correspondence |
1950s, 1958-1959 |
01: View of flood damage along the Flathead River
bank in the Polson, Montana, area, in May 1958, prior to the Army Corps of
Engineers response to the issue—photograph by Meiers Studio of Polson,
Montana |
1958 May | |
02: View of flood damage along the Flathead River
bank in the Polson, Montana, area, in May 1958, prior to the Army Corps of
Engineers response to the issue—photograph by Meiers Studio of Polson,
Montana |
1958 May | |
03: View of flood damage along the Flathead River
bank in the Polson, Montana, area, in May 1958, prior to the Army Corps of
Engineers response to the issue—photograph by Meiers Studio of Polson,
Montana |
1958 May | |
04: Photograph from Mrs. Avery Bates of school
children at The Amsterdam School in Manhattan, Montana, raising a United States
flag on the school’s flag pole. The flag was flown over the U.S. Capitol Building
at the request of Rep. Lee Metcalf |
circa 1959 September | |
05: Photograph of several farmers in a farm field
in the Sun River Bench in Montana |
circa 1950s | |
06: A Native American woman and her two young boys
pictured in a potato pickers’ camp |
circa 1950s | |
07: Photograph of a young unidentified Native
American boy with his dog in front of a house in an unknown location |
circa 1950s | |
08: Photograph of a young unidentified Native
American boy with his dog |
circa 1950s |
Series 14: Constituent PhotographsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries C: Native Americans |
Box/Folder | ||
6-3 | Constituent Photographs: Native
Americans |
1950s, 1956, 1960 |
01: A Department of Interior-supported Crow tribal
delegation from Montana pose for a photograph in Senator James E. Murray’s U.S.
Senate office, around the time of a Senate hearing on the Yellowtail Dam proposal
controversy on February 28, 1956, in Washington, D.C. Pictured are (left to right)
Rep. Lee Metcalf; Philip Beaumont, Crow Tribal Council secretary; Edward P.
Whitman; Senator James E. Murray; William A. Wall, chairman of the Crow Tribal
Council in Montana; Senator Mike Mansfield; and John Glenn of Billings, chairman
of the River Crow Club—photograph by Swann Studio of Washington, D.C. |
circa 1956 February | |
02: (Left to right) Rep. Lee Metcalf; Senator
James E. Murray; an unidentified Montana Native American tribal leader; and Rep.
LeRoy Anderson talk in Senator Murray’s congressional office in Washington,
D.C. |
circa 1950s | |
03: Rep. Ed Edmondson of Oklahoma (third from
left) and Rep. Lee Metcalf of Montana (second from right) review a U.S. House of
Representatives document with three Native American men—two in Native American
headdresses—and a young woman at an unidentified location |
circa 1950s | |
04: Rep. Ed Edmondson of Oklahoma (third from
left) and Rep. Lee Metcalf of Montana (second from right) review a U.S. House of
Representatives document with three Native American men—two in Native American
headdresses—and a young woman at an unidentified event |
circa 1950s | |
05: Rep. Ed Edmondson of Oklahoma (left) and Rep.
Lee Metcalf of Montana (second from right) talk with three members of a delegation
from the Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribe, who, in appreciation for the congressmen’s work
on behalf of Native Americans, met with the congressmen to present them with
moccasins |
circa 1950s | |
06: In appreciation for their work on behalf of
Native Americans, a delegation from the Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribe presented moccasins
to Rep. Ed Edmondson of Oklahoma (seated, left) and Rep. Lee Metcalf of Montana
(seated, right). Pictured with the congressmen are (no order) Sam Buffalo; Woodrow
Wilson, Vice-President of the National Congress of American Indians; Fred
Bushyhead; Charles T. Cooper, tribal accountant; and William Howard Payne, tribal
council |
circa 1950s | |
07: Rep. Lee Metcalf (second from left), wearing a
Native American headdress, participates in a Native American tribal dance with a
number of tribal members (possibly at the Flathead Indian Reservation in
Montana)—photograph by June Moncure of Missoula, Montana |
circa 1950s | |
08: Rep. Lee Metcalf meets with Native American
youth from Montana in his congressional office in Washington, D.C., during the
1960 Golden Anniversary White House Conference on Children and Youth, held at the
end of March 1960. Pictured are (left to right) two unidentified Native American
boys; Metcalf; Miss Indian America 1959 Dolores Racine of the Blackfeet Tribe; and
Mrs. Edwin W. Castle, director of public relations on a national level for Montana
Indian Youth |
1960 March | |
09: Miss Indian America 1959 Dolores Racine of the
Blackfeet Tribe (right) fits a Native American feather headdress on Rep. Lee
Metcalf (left) in the congressman’s Washington, D.C., office, during the 1960
Golden Anniversary White House Conference on Children and Youth |
1960 March | |
10: Miss Indian America 1959 Dolores Racine of the
Blackfeet Tribe sits on a stone railing outside at the Old Russell Senate Office
Building in Washington, D.C., during the 1960 Golden Anniversary White House
Conference on Children and Youth. The U.S. Capitol Building dome is in the
background |
1960 March | |
11: Rep. Lee Metcalf (second from left) stands
with Blackfeet Tribal Chairman Walter Wetzel (right) and two unidentified Native
American men in front of a microphone at an unidentified event |
undated |
Series 14: Constituent PhotographsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries D: Youth and Student Groups |
Box/Folder | ||
6-4 | Constituent Photographs: Youth and Student
Groups |
1958-1959 |
01: Montana 4-H Club delegates to the 1957
National 4-H Club Conference in Washington, D.C., present mementos to the Montana
congressional delegation following a luncheon held in the U.S. Senate dining room.
The mementos were crystal ball paperweights with the 4-H green four-leaf clover
emblem inside. Pictured are (left to right, seated) Karen Lee Olson of Gallatin
Gateway; Senator James E. Murray; Deanna Swenson of Fairfield; James M. Quanbeck
of Billings; (left to right, standing) William J. Karst of Sunburst; Esther Brekke
of Bozeman, associate Montana state 4-H leader; Rep. Lee Metcalf; Rep. LeRoy
Anderson; and Senator Mike Mansfield |
circa 1957 June | |
02: Three unidentified high school students visit
with members of Montana’s congressional delegation at an unidentified location.
Pictured are (left to right) an unidentified boy; Senator James E. Murray,
unidentified girl; Senator Mike Mansfield; unidentified man; Rep. Lee Metcalf; and
unidentified boy |
circa 1957 | |
03: Alan Wilson of Kennewick, Washington, state
finalist in the 11th Annual “Voice of Democracy” contest, pauses on his four day
tour of Washington, D.C., in February 1958, to examine a special memento gavel
made from wood taken from the White House during its renovation in 1950. Pictured
is (left to right) Rep. Lee Metcalf; Senator Mike Mansfield; Wilson; and Rep.
LeRoy Anderson |
1958 February | |
04: Montana 4-H Club delegates to the 1958
National 4-H Club Conference in Washington, D.C., (held from June 14-20, 1958)
have breakfast in the U.S. Senate Dining Room with the Montana congressional
delegation. Pictured are (left to right) an unidentified man; Carol Helterline of
Sanders County; Sharon S. Burnham of Fergus County; Senator Mike Mansfield;
Senator James E. Murray (seated); Roger King of Richland County; Rep. LeRoy
Anderson; Bert W. Thurber of Cascade County; Rep. Lee Metcalf; and Paul J. Moore,
state 4-H Club leader at Montana State College |
1958 June | |
05: 1959 Montana “Voice of Democracy” state
contest winner Michael Bowler (left) of Helena, Montana, visits with an
unidentified member of the National Association of Broadcasters and Rep. Lee
Metcalf (right) in Washington, D.C., during Bowler’s tour in the Capitol as part
of the contest finals held between February 22-25, 1959 |
1959 February | |
06: Rep. Lee Metcalf (right) and his wife Donna
(left) meet with Helena Senior High School student Richard John O’Connell, who
placed among forty national winners in the 18th Annual Science Talent Search of
the Westinghouse Science Scholarships and Awards. O’Connell was in Washington,
D.C., for the Science Talent Institute, held from February 26-March 2, 1959, where
he and the Metcalfs look over an experimental thermoelectric device from
Westinghouse Research Laboratories—photograph by Science Talent
Institute |
circa 1959 February | |
07: Four Montana 4-H Club members and their state
leaders attended the 1959 National 4- H Club Conference in Washington, D.C., where
they met with the Montana congressional delegation in June 1959. Pictured are
(left to right, front row) Paul Moore of Bozeman, Montana state 4-H leader; Jean
Shields of Musselshell County; Don Whitman of McCone County; Dianne Undem of
Prairie County; Larry Olson of Gallatin County; Margaret A. Kuhl of Bozeman,
Montana associate state 4-H leader; (left to right, back row) Rep. LeRoy Anderson;
Senator James E. Murray; Senator Mike Mansfield; and Rep. Lee Metcalf |
1959 June | |
08: Karen Kinkaid (front, in dress) of Great Falls
visits with the Montana congressional delegation on the steps of the U.S. Capitol
Building in Washington, D.C., prior to her traveling to Finland as a foreign
exchange student sponsored by the American Field Service. Standing behind Kinkaid
are (left to right) Rep. Lee Metcalf; Senator James E. Murray; Senator Mike
Mansfield; and Rep. LeRoy Anderson |
circa 1959 July | |
6-5 | Constituent Photographs: Youth and Student
Groups |
1950s, 1960 |
01: An unidentified Cub Scout of the Boy Scouts
puts a pin in the lapel of Rep. Lee Metcalf during National Boy Scout
Week |
circa 1950s | |
02: A boy with the last name of Silver has a meal
in the U.S. Senate dining room in Washington, D.C., with members of the Montana
congressional delegation. Pictured are (left to right) Rep. Lee Metcalf; Senator
Mike Mansfield; Silver; and Senator James E. Murray |
circa 1950s | |
03: A boy with the last name of Silver has a meal
in the U.S. Senate dining room in Washington, D.C., with members of the Montana
congressional delegation. Pictured are (left to right) Rep. Lee Metcalf; Senator
Mike Mansfield; Silver; and Senator James E. Murray |
circa 1950s | |
04: 1960 Montana Cherry Blossom Princess Mary Ann
Spalding (second from left) of Deer Lodge is pictured in Washington, D.C., for the
National Cherry Blossom Festival, which opened on April 3, 1960. Spalding visits
with Rep. Lee Metcalf (left); an unidentified young woman (second from right); and
Senator Mike Mansfield (right) in the U.S. Capitol Building |
1960 April | |
05: 1960 Montana Cherry Blossom Princess Mary Ann
Spalding (center) of Deer Lodge shakes hands with Rep. Lee Metcalf (left) and
Senator Mike Mansfield (right) in the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.
Spalding was attending the National Cherry Blossom Festival, which opened on April
3, 1960 |
1960 April | |
06: A group of Valley County, Montana, 4-H Club
members visits with Senator Mike Mansfield and Rep. Lee Metcalf in Mansfield’s
congressional office on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., in June 1960. 4-H
students and leaders present include (no order) Iva L. Holladay; Al Thorson;
Michael Logan; Terry Scott; Ken Myers (fourth from left, front row); Voni
Christinson; Rosalie G. Walby; Alice Kraff; Karen Dokken; Betty Chisholm of
Glasgow; Victor Fourstar of Fraser; Josephine Fourstar of Fraser; Robert Greer;
Dixie Brandt; Joan Reimche of Nashua; Maryann Burns; Frances Beckham of Fort Peck;
Ealine Sather of Opheim; Andres Fossum of Richland; and Dean Halvick of
Havre |
1960 June | |
07: Missoula County High School junior Hal Smith
(center) has lunch in the U.S. Senate dining room in Washington, D.C., with Rep.
LeRoy Anderson (left) and Rep. Lee Metcalf (right). Smith met with the congressmen
before leaving for France as part of a foreign summer study program sponsored by
the American Field Service |
undated |
Series 15: Federal Congressmen and PoliticiansReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries A: General |
Box/Folder | ||
6-6 | U.S. Senate—Federal Congressmen and
Politicians |
1962-1965 |
01: Senators Mike Mansfield (left) and Lee Metcalf
(right) confer with Judge William B. Jones (center) of Helena, Montana, in 1962,
after Jones had been named as a District Court Judge in Washington,
D.C. |
circa 1962 September | |
02: U.S. Senator Mike Mansfield (D-MT) is pictured
in January 1963 with other Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.,
after Mansfield was unanimously re-elected to another term as U.S. Senate Majority
Leader. Pictured are (left to right) Mansfield; Senator Carl Hayden (D-AZ), Senate
president pro tempore; U.S. Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson; Senator George
Smathers (D-FL), secretary of the Democratic Majority Conference; and Senator
Hubert H. Humphrey (D-MN), Senate assistant majority leader |
1963 January | |
03: Senators Mike Mansfield (left) and Lee Metcalf
(right) present a Peace Corps student scrapbook to Peace Corps Director Sargent
Shriver (center) in Washington, D.C. A part of the Peace Corps programs was for
American students to exchange scrapbooks they made of life in their communities
with scrapbooks made by students in other countries |
circa 1963 May | |
04: A number of U.S. Senators stand with Senator
Frank E. Moss (D-UT) as he is presented with a painting at a civic appreciation
dinner for Moss, held on June 20, 1963, in the Terrace Ballroom in Salt Lake City,
Utah. Pictured are (left to right) Senator Frank Church (D-ID); Senator Joseph S.
Clark, Jr. (D-PA); Senator George McGovern (D-SD); Senator Howard Cannon (D-NV);
Senator Lee Metcalf (D-MT, behind Gruening); Senator Ernest Gruening (D-AK);
Senator Frank E. Moss; Senator Gale W. McGee (D-WY); Senator Patrick McNamara
(D-MI); and Senator Quentin N. Burdick (D-ND) |
1963 June 20 | |
05: (Left to right) Senator Estes Kefauver (D-TN);
Senator Lee Metcalf (D-MT); Senator Bill Brock (R-TN); and an unidentified man
hold a conversation in front of the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building in
Washington, D.C. in 1963 |
circa 1963 | |
06: Two Great Falls, Montana, students, Jim and
Judy O’Haire, present to Senator Absalom Willis Robertson (D-VA), Chairman of the
Senate Banking and Currency Committee, a petition with 11, 600 signatures urging
the minting of additional silver dollars. Pictured in Senator Mike Mansfield’s
office in Washington, D.C., in May 1964, are (left to right, seated) are Judy
O’Haire; Senator Robertson; Jim O’Haire; (left to right, standing) Maureen
Mansfield, Senator Mansfield’s wife; Senator Mike Mansfield; Senator George Aiken
(R-VT); and Mrs. Pat High of Missoula |
1964 May | |
07: Roland R. Renne, Assistant Secretary of
Agriculture for International Affairs, is pictured in Senator Lee Metcalf’s office
in Washington, D.C., on October 1, 1964 |
1964 October 1 | |
08: Roland R. Renne, Assistant Secretary of
Agriculture for International Affairs, is pictured in Senator Lee Metcalf’s office
in Washington, D.C., on October 1, 1964 |
1964 October 1 | |
09: Roland R. Renne, Assistant Secretary of
Agriculture for International Affairs, is pictured in Senator Lee Metcalf’s office
in Washington, D.C., on October 1, 1964 |
1964 October 1 | |
10: Richmond F. Allen (right) of Billings,
Montana, is pictured being sworn in on September 14, 1965, as the new Associate
Solicitor of the Interior Department by an unidentified man. Senator Lee Metcalf
(second from left) and Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall (second from right)
observe the ceremony on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.—photograph by U.S.
Department of the Interior (Photograph No. 141-1) |
1965 September 14 | |
11: Richmond F. Allen (second from right) of
Billings, Montana, shakes hands with Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall
(second from left) after Allen was sworn in on September 14, 1965, as the new
Associate Solicitor of the Interior Department at a ceremony on Capitol Hill in
Washington, D.C. Senator Lee Metcalf (left) observes the ceremony—photograph by
U.S. Department of the Interior (Photograph No. 141-2) |
1965 September 14 | |
12: Richmond F. Allen (second from right) of
Billings, Montana, shakes hands with Senator Lee Metcalf (left) as Secretary of
the Interior Stewart Udall (second from left) looks on, following Allen’s swearing
in as the new Associate Solicitor of the Interior Department at a ceremony on
Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., on September 14, 1965—photograph by U.S.
Department of the Interior (Photograph No. 141-3) |
1965 September 14 | |
13: Richmond F. Allen (right), with his family and
Interior Secretary Stewart Udall, is pictured at a ceremony on Capitol Hill in
Washington, D.C., on September 14, 1965, for Allen’s swearing-in to serve as the
new Associate Solicitor of the Interior Department. Pictured are (left to right)
Roy F. Allen (Richmond F. Allen’s father); Mrs. Roy F. Allen (Richmond F. Allen’s
mother); Senator Lee Metcalf; Richmond Allen (son of Richmond F. Allen); Mrs.
Richmond F. Allen; Udall; and Richmond F. Allen—photograph by U.S. Department of
the Interior (Photograph No. 141-3) |
1965 September 14 | |
6-7 | U.S. Senate—Federal Congressmen and
Politicians |
1965-1966 |
01: Sigma Chi fraternity members in Congress in
1965: (starting bottom right of line, working backwards) Senator Barry M.
Goldwater (D-AZ); Senator John Glenn Beall, Jr. (R-MD); Rep. William C. Cramer
(R-FL); Rep. Milton W. Glenn (R-NJ); Senator J. William Fulbright (D-AR); Senator
Mark Andrews (R-ND); Rep. William H. Harrison (R-WY); Rep. John W. Wydler (R-NY);
Rep. William S. Curtin (R-PA); Rep. Ralph J. Rivers (D-AK); Senator Lee Metcalf
(D-MT); Sigma Chi Executive Secretary William T. Bringham; Jack Batham, President
of Washington, D.C., Sigma Chi chapter; Sigma Chi Grand Consul Harry V. Wade;
Judge Bolon B. Turner, Sigma Chi Grand Pro Consul; Rep. Burt L. Talcott (R-CA);
and Rep. Richard L. Roudebush (R-IN) |
circa 1965 | |
02: Senator Lee and Donna Metcalf host Donna’s
parents, the Hoovers of Wallace, Idaho, in the U.S. Senate Dining Room on Capitol
Hill in Washington, D.C. Pictured are (left to right) Senator Lee Metcalf; Ruth W.
Hoover, Donna’s mother; Bethine Church, wife of Senator Frank Church; Senator
Frank Church of Idaho; Donna Metcalf; and Albert W. Hoover, Donna’s
father |
circa 1965 | |
03: Senators Wayne L. Morse of Oregon (left) and
Lee Metcalf of Montana (right) pose with two unidentified men around the time of
the passage of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, in whose
passage Morse and Metcalf were instrumental—photograph by Joseph Di Dio of the
National Education Association |
circa 1965 | |
04: Senator Frank Moss of Utah (third from right),
Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right), and Rep. John J. Rhodes of Arizona
(right) pose in the office of Secretary of the Interior Steward Udall (left) with
two unidentified men as photographers take pictures |
circa 1965 | |
Roll 9.01-.20: Contact image proof sheet showing
Senators Lee Metcalf (D-MT); (possibly) Carl Curtiss (D-NE); George McGovern
(D-SD); and several unidentified men meeting in Senator Metcalf’s office in
Washington, D.C. (possibly discussing agricultural legislation) |
circa 1965 | |
05: Democratic U.S. Senators hold a discussion
during a special session of the Senate Democratic Conference, held in the Senate
conference room in the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., in January 1966.
Pictured are (left to right) Senator Ross Bass (TN); Senator Lee Metcalf (MT);
Senator Joseph M. Montoya (NM); Senator Daniel Inouye (HI); Senator Abraham A.
Ribicoff (CT); and Senator Allen J. Ellender (LA) (standing in background at
right) |
1966 January | |
06: (Left to right) Chaplain Harris; Senator John
Sparkman (D-AL); Brig. F.M. Gaugh (Birmingham, Alabama, city commander of the
Salvation Army); and Senator Lee Metcalf (D-MT) are pictured on February 28, 1966
in the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. |
1966 February 28 | |
07: Senator Lee and Donna Metcalf work to
recognize the role of women in public office in Washington, D.C. Pictured are
(left to right) Donna Metcalf; Katie Louchheim, Deputy Assistant Secretary of
State for the Office of Community Advisory Services; Charlotte Hubbard, Deputy
Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs; and Senator Lee Metcalf. On back
of the photograph is the following note: “For Donna & Lee: In memory of a
Happy (illegible), made so by your presence—Fondly, Katie (Lochheim).” |
circa 1966 | |
08: U.S. Vice-President Hubert H. Humphrey (left)
shakes hands with Senator Lee Metcalf (right) by the speakers’ podium at an
unidentified dinner |
circa 1966 | |
09: Donna Metcalf (left) stands next to U.S.
Vice-President Hubert H. Humphrey (right) at a table during an unidentified
dinner |
circa 1966 | |
6-8 | U.S. Senate—Federal Congressmen and
Politicians |
1960s, 1967-1969 |
01: Assistant Secretary of Health, Education, and
Welfare Dr. Philip R. Lee (left) talks with Senator Lee Metcalf (right) at a
coffee hour in March 1967, hosted in the Assistant Secretary’s office in
Washington, D.C. |
1967 March | |
02: (Left to right) Senator Lee Metcalf (D-MT);
Senator Eugene J. McCarthy (D-MN); and Senator Vance Hartke (D-IN) pose for a
photograph in an office on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. All three men are
members of the Senate Committee on Finance in the 90th Congress |
circa 1968 | |
03: Meeting of members of Montana’s congressional
delegation on January 7, 1969, with James. R. Kerr, President of Avco Corporation
(parent corporation of Avco Economic Systems Corporation), around the time that
Avco Economic Systems Corporation was awarded a Department of Defense contract for
production and manufacturing at the former Glasgow Air Force Base. Pictured are
(left to right, seated) Rep. James F. Battin; Kerr; Senator Mike Mansfield; and
Senator Lee Metcalf |
1969 January 7 | |
04: (Left to right) Senator Lee Metcalf, Rep.
James F. Battin, and Senator Mike Mansfield confer in a hall outside the hearing
room of the Senate Judiciary Committee on February 25, 1969, prior to a
confirmation hearing for Battin’s nomination as U.S. District Court Judge for the
district of Montana |
1969 February 25 | |
05: (Left to right) Senator Mike Mansfield (left);
Senator Lee Metcalf (right); and Rep. James F. Battin (center) of Montana's
Eastern District, are pictured at the witness table in a confirmation hearing on
February 25, 1969, before the Senate Judiciary Committee. The hearing was for
Battin’s nomination by President Richard Nixon to be the new U.S. District Court
Judge for the district of Montana |
1969 February 25 | |
06: (Left to right) Rep. Arnold Olsen; Jim Smith,
aide to Senator Mansfield; Senator Mike Mansfield; Rep. James F. Battin; Barbara
Battin; Senator Lee Metcalf; and Donna Metcalf, pose for a photograph outside the
Senate Judiciary Committee hearing room on February 25, 1969, after Battin was
confirmed as the new U.S. District Court Judge for the district of
Montana |
1969 February 25 | |
07: Judge William B. Jones (left) of the U.S.
District Court for the District of Columbia talks with Senator Lee Metcalf (right)
of Montana—photograph by Merkle Press of Washington, D.C. |
1960s | |
08: Rep. Arnold Olsen (second from left) sits next
to Senator Lee Metcalf (right) at an unidentified location. Photograph is signed
“Best wishes to my dear friend U.S. Senator Metcalf from Arnold Olsen” |
1960s | |
09: Cropped photograph of Senator Lee Metcalf
(left) and Rep. Arnold Olsen (right) sitting in a meeting in a U.S. Senator’s
office on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. |
1960s | |
10: Photograph of an unidentified federal
politician who had worked with Senators Mansfield and Metcalf over a number of
years |
circa 1960s | |
6-9 | U.S. Senate—Federal Congressmen and
Politicians |
1960s |
01: (Left to right) Senator Lee Metcalf; Senator
Paul Fannin (R-AZ); Senator Ross Bass (D-TN); and Dean F. Cromer, president of the
U.S. Senate Press Secretaries Club, are pictured at an unknown gathering. Cromer
was also a staff assistant for a Senate committee |
circa 1960s | |
02: Senator John J. Sparkman of Alabama (second
from left) talks with Senator Lee Metcalf of Montana (right) and two unidentified
men at an unidentified location |
circa 1960s | |
03: Rep. William F. Ryan of New York (third from
right) talks with Senator Lee Metcalf (third from left) and several unidentified
men at an unknown location |
1960s | |
04: Rep. William F. Ryan of New York (right) talks
with Senator Lee Metcalf (left) at an unknown location |
1960s | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) talks with two
unidentified men, with a map of water resource development in the United States in
the background |
circa 1960s | |
06: Lee Metcalf (tenth from left) with a U.S.
congressional delegation in West Berlin, standing in front of the Brandenburg Gate
near a sign in German reading “You are now leaving West Berlin”; Rep. John
McCormack (D-MA) is ninth from left |
circa 1960s | |
SL16: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) stands with an
unidentified military official next to a car, in front of the Brandenburg Gate in
West Berlin around the time of the Soviet construction of the Berlin
Wall |
circa 1960s | |
6-10 | U.S. Senate—Federal Congressmen and
Politicians |
1970-1971 |
01: (Left to right) The Montana congressional
delegation of Senator Lee Metcalf; Rep. John Melcher; Senator Mike Mansfield; and
Rep. Arnold Olsen talk with each other in the U.S. Senate Recording Studio before
the filming of a report for their Montana constituents |
1970 January 27 | |
02: (Left to right) The Montana congressional
delegation of Senator Lee Metcalf; Rep. John Melcher; Senator Mike Mansfield; and
Rep. Arnold Olsen talk with each other in the U.S. Senate Recording Studio before
the filming of a report for their Montana constituents |
1970 January 27 | |
03: The Montana congressional delegation holds a
special reception and dinner in Washington, D.C., on June 11, 1970, to celebrate
the 90th birthday of Jeannette Rankin. (Left to right) Senator Margaret Chase
Smith (R-ME); Senator Lee Metcalf; and an unidentified woman are pictured at a
table during the dinner |
1970 June 11 | |
04: The Montana congressional delegation holds a
special reception and dinner in Washington, D.C., on June 11, 1970, to celebrate
the 90th birthday of Jeannette Rankin. Senator Mike Mansfield (left) listens to
Jeannette Rankin (right) while both sit at a table next to the podium during the
birthday dinner |
1970 June 11 | |
05: The Montana congressional delegation holds a
special reception and dinner in Washington, D.C., on June 11, 1970, to celebrate
the 90th birthday of Jeannette Rankin. An unidentified speaker stands at a podium
during the birthday dinner while Jeannette Rankin (left); Senator Margaret Chase
Smith of Maine (second from right); and Senator Lee Metcalf (right)
listen |
1970 June 11 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) reviews some
documents with William J. Crowley (right), Chairman of the U.S. Postal Rate
Commission, in Metcalf’s office in the Old Russell Senate Office Building in
Washington, D.C. |
circa 1971 January 21 | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) poses in front of
a framed Native American headdress with William J. Crowley (left), Chairman of the
U.S. Postal Rate Commission, in Metcalf’s office in the Old Russell Senate Office
Building in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1971 January 21 | |
6-11 | U.S. Senate—Federal Congressmen and
Politicians |
1972, 1976, undated |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) sits on a couch in
his Senate office with former Representative Arnold Olsen (right) in the Old
Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1972 April | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) sits on a couch in
his Senate office with former Representative Arnold Olsen (right) in the Old
Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1972 April | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) sits on a couch in
his Senate office with former Representative Arnold Olsen (right) in the Old
Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1972 April | |
04: Speaker of the United States House of
Representatives Carl Albert (second from left) shakes hands with Senator Lee
Metcalf (second from right) at a reception for retiring U.S. Forest Service Chief
Forester Milton M. Bryan (left). The reception was hosted by members of the U.S.
Congress, on June 7, 1972. A handwritten note on the photograph reads “To—Senator
Lee Metcalf with warm regards. Milt Bryan, June 7, 1972” |
1972 June 7 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right,
seated) poses with other members of the U.S. Congress at a reception for retiring
U.S. Forest Service Chief Forester Milton M. Bryan (third from right, seated). The
reception was hosted by the congressmen on June 7, 1972. A handwritten note on the
photograph reads “June 7, 1972: To Lee with fond memories of many years friendship
and understanding—always my warmest regards and sincere respect and
admiration—Milt Bryan” |
1972 June 7 | |
06: (Left to right, foreground) The Montana
congressional delegation of Rep. Max Baucus, Senator Lee Metcalf, and Senator Mike
Mansfield look over a program at an American Bicentennial program in Washington,
D.C., in 1976—photograph by Dexter Oliver of the Office of Bicentennial
Programs |
1976 | |
07: Signed portrait of Rep. Lester Johnson of
Wisconsin’s 9th district, with a note reading “To Lee Metcalf—My good friend and
Conservationist, from Lester Johnson, M.C., 9th Dist. Wis.”—photograph by Reierson
of Madison, Wisconsin |
undated |
Series 15: Federal Congressmen and PoliticiansReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries B: Mike Mansfield |
Box/Folder | ||
6-12 | U.S. Senate—Federal Congressmen and Politicians:
Mike Mansfield |
1960s, 1962-1963 |
01: Senators Mike Mansfield (left) and Lee Metcalf
(right) pose in January 1962 for a photograph on Capitol Hill in Washington,
D.C. |
1962 January | |
02: (Left to right) Mike Manatos, White House
liaison; Senator Mike Mansfield; Rep. John A. Blatnik (D-MN); and Senator Lee
Metcalf pose for a photograph in front of a U.S. Air Force White House courier jet
on the runway at Andrews Air Force Base on September 25, 1963, prior to the
President’s flight to Duluth, Minnesota—United States Air Force
photograph |
1963 September 25 | |
03: Senator Mike Mansfield (right) and Susan
Thompson (left) of Helena, Montana, look over a travel brochure as they discuss
plans for promoting travel in the United States and the West in U.S. Travel
Offices abroad. Thompson was recently assigned to the U.S. Travel Office in Paris,
France |
circa 1963 October | |
04: Senators Mike Mansfield (left) and Lee Metcalf
(right) sit on a couch having a conversation |
1960s | |
05: Senators Mike Mansfield (left) and Lee Metcalf
(right) pictured having a conversation |
1960s | |
06: Senators Mike Mansfield (right) and Lee
Metcalf (left) laugh during a conversation |
1960s | |
07: Senators Mike Mansfield (right) and Lee
Metcalf (left) pictured having a conversation |
1960s | |
08: Senators Mike Mansfield (left) and Lee Metcalf
(right) pictured having a conversation on Capitol Hill in Washington,
D.C. |
1960s | |
6-13 | U.S. Senate—Federal Congressmen and Politicians:
Mike Mansfield |
1960s, 1972, 1976 |
01: Senators Mike Mansfield (left) and Lee Metcalf
(right) shake hands with an older woman on Capitol Hill in Washington,
D.C. |
1960s | |
02: Senators Mike Mansfield (right) and Lee
Metcalf (left) hold a meeting in an office with an unidentified man |
1960s | |
03: Senators Mike Mansfield (left) and Lee Metcalf
(right) look over a document with an unidentified man in an office |
1960s | |
04: Senator Mike Mansfield (left) looks over some
records with Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman (right) on Capitol Hill in
Washington, D.C. |
1960s | |
05: Senators Mike Mansfield (left) and Lee Metcalf
(right) sit at a table during a meeting with AMTRAK President Roger Lewis (center)
in Washington, D.C., to discuss the future of AMTRAK passenger train service in
Montana |
1972 August 3 | |
06: During Mansfield’s farewell tour of Montana
prior to leaving the U.S. Senate, Senator Mike Mansfield (center, foreground)
shakes hands with Senator Lee Metcalf (right) at Carter-Modale presidential
campaign headquarters in Billings, Montana, in 1976. Mansfield’s served as the
Jimmy Carter campaign’s honorary chairman. Billings attorney Joe Meglen (first on
left of Mansfield) and Thomas Towe (over Mansfield’s right shoulder) are at the
event |
1976 |
Series 16: Senate CommitteesReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries A: General Committee Photographs |
Box/Folder | ||
7/1 | U.S. Senate—Committees: General Committee
Photographs |
1962-1965 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) and AT&T
Company Vice-President Claude Blair (left) stand in front of the World Wide
Satellite Communications exhibit in the hearing room of the U.S. Senate
Aeronautical and Space Science Committee in Washington, D.C., in March 1962. The
exhibit was used during the testimony of AT&T Executive Vice-President James
E. Dingman, during his appearance before the committee. The exhibit showed how
voice, music, and television were transmitted overseas interchangeably by radio,
cable, and satellite |
circa 1962 March | |
02: International Association of Machinists
Vice-President P.L. “Roy” Siemiller (left), chairman of the IAM Aerospace
Conference, shakes hands with subcommittee chairman Senator Lee Metcalf (right).
The photograph was taken after Siemiler took the witness stand before the Senate
Labor Subcommittee on Employment, Manpower, and Poverty on Capitol Hill in
Washington, D.C., around December 1963. The hearings were held in regards to a
bill introduced by Senator Hart of Michigan, calling for the creation of a 14-man
commission on the Application of Technology to Community and Manpower Needs. The
commission was to help restructure national defense programs and facilities into
civilian uses, following cuts in federal defense spending—photograph by Del Ankers
Photographers of Washington, D.C. |
circa 1963 December | |
03: View of men seated at the Silver Dollar Story
exhibit during its display in the lobby of the Transportation and Travel Pavilion
at the 1964 New York World’s Fair in Flushing, New York. This photograph was used
during testimony in a U.S. Senate Banking and Currency Committee hearing in 1964,
on Senate bill 2671, regarding the content of silver coins |
circa 1964 March | |
04: View of two 8 ½-feet tall plastic and glass
pyramids on view in the Silver Dollar Story exhibit, during its display in the
lobby of the Transportation and Travel Pavilion at the 1964 New York World’s Fair
in Flushing, New York. This photograph was used during testimony in a U.S. Senate
Banking and Currency Committee hearing in 1964, on Senate bill 2671, regarding the
content of silver coins |
circa 1964 March | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) makes a point in a
Senate Interior Committee Subcommittee on Minerals, Materials and Fuels public
hearing while subcommittee chairman Senator Ernest Gruening of Alaska (center) and
subcommittee counsel Stewart French (right) listen. The hearing was held on June
28, 1965, in Butte, Montana, regarding Public Law 167, which provided for multiple
uses of mining areas |
1965 June 28 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right) tours
mining areas in a forest near Butte, Montana, on June 28, 1965, with officials of
the AFL-CIO. The tour was around the time Senate Interior Committee Subcommittee
on Minerals, Materials and Fuels public hearing in Butte, Montana, regarding
Public Law 167, which provided for multiple uses of mining areas |
1965 June 28 | |
07: Photograph in 1965 of the Blue Spring at the
Narrows on Eleven Point River in the Ozark Mountains of southern Missouri, looking
down from a bluff. This photograph was used during the U.S. Senate Committee on
Interior and Insular Affairs hearings on Senate bill S.B. 1446, the Wild and
Scenic Rivers Bill |
circa 1965 | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf (left), Senator Jennings
Randolph (center), and Senator Ralph Yarborough (right) talk at the committee desk
during an unidentified hearing on the Cold War GI Bill of 1965 (S. 9), conducted
by the Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare’s Subcommittee on Veterans'
Affairs. As a sponsor, Metcalf testified during hearings on the bill |
circa 1965 | |
7/2 | U.S. Senate—Committees: General Committee
Photographs |
1960s, 1966, 1969, 1970, 1972 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (left, seated) and Senator
Ernest Gruening of Alaska (right, seated) talk with four unidentified men at the
committee desk during a Senate committee hearing in March 1966 on Capitol Hill in
Washington, D.C. |
1966 March | |
02: Scene during a Senate Subcommittee on
Intergovernmental Relations hearing in 1969 on the Utility Consumers' Counsel Act
of 1969, which would create an Office of Utility Consumers' Counsel. Subcommittee
chairman Senator Lee Metcalf (third from left, seated facing viewer) listens to
testimony during the hearing, with his executive secretary Vic Reinemer (second
from left, seated facing viewer) observing |
1969 | |
03: Scene during an unidentified U.S. Senate
committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Seated at the committee desk
are (left to right) an unidentified congressman; Senator Lee Metcalf (D-MT);
Senator Jack Miller (R-IA); and Senator Len B. Jordan (R-ID) |
1960s | |
04: Members of the Senate Committee on Interior
and Insular Affairs read from scripts into microphones on stage at an unidentified
event related to Interior Secretary Stewart Udall. There is a caricature mural of
Secretary Udall in a mine cart, with two cartoon women on the wall in the
background. Pictured are (left to right) Senator Thomas Kuchel (R-CA); Senator
Clinton P. Anderson (D-NM); Senator Lee Metcalf (D-MT); unidentified man; Senator
Frank E. Moss (D-UT); Senator Ernest Gruening (D-AK); Senator Frank Church (D-ID);
Senator Henry M. Jackson (D-WA); unidentified man; and Senator Alan Bible
(D-NV) |
1960s | |
05: Members of the Senate Committee on Interior
and Insular Affairs stand with witnesses in front of a map of the Columbia Basin
Projects of the Bureau of Reclamation in the committee’s hearing room on Capitol
Hill in Washington, D.C. (Left to right) Unidentified man; Senator Lee Metcalf;
Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall; unidentified man; Senator Henry M.
Jackson; Senator Majority Leader Mike Mansfield; and unidentified military
officer |
1960s | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf sits at his chairman seat
in the Senate Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations hearing room |
circa 1970 | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf sits at his chairman seat
in the Senate Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations hearing room |
circa 1970 | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) pictured seated
at a desk in a hearing room on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., during a hearing
(possibly related to the Watergate burglary) |
circa 1972 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) pictured seated
at a desk in a hearing room on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., during a
hearing |
circa 1972 |
Series 16: Senate CommitteesReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries B: Committee on Interior and Insular
Affairs |
Box/Folder | ||
7/3 | U.S. Senate—Committees: Committee on Interior and
Insular Affairs |
1964-1965, 1967-1969, 1976, undated |
M8 (Oversized): U.S. Senate Committee on Interior
and Insular Affairs members group photograph |
circa 1963 | |
M9 (Oversized): U.S. Senate Committee on Interior
and Insular Affairs members group photograph |
circa 1963 | |
M10 (Oversized): U.S. Senate Committee on Interior
and Insular Affairs members group photograph |
circa 1965 | |
M11 (Oversized): U.S. Senate Committee on Interior
and Insular Affairs members group photograph |
circa 1965 | |
M12 (Oversized): U.S. Senate Committee on Interior
and Insular Affairs members group photograph at the start of the 90th
Congress |
circa 1967 | |
01: Donna Metcalf (right) shakes hands with a U.S.
Navy commander aboard the U.S. S. Hunley (AS-31) in Guam, as Donna and Senator Lee
Metcalf (center) depart from the ship following a breakfast with the ship’s
captain on January 27, 1968. The Metcalfs joined Senators Frank E. Moss (D-UT) and
Quentin N. Burdick in Guam during a tour by the Senate Committee on Interior and
Insular Affairs of federal improvement projects and installations territories in
the Pacific Ocean—Official U.S. Navy photograph |
1968 January 27 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from left) shakes
hands with two U.S. Navy officers aboard a U.S. Navy ship in a harbor on the
island of Guam in January 1968. Senator Metcalf joined Senators Frank E. Moss
(D-UT) and Quentin N. Burdick in Guam during a tour by the Senate Committee on
Interior and Insular Affairs of United States of federal improvement projects and
installations territories in the Pacific Ocean—Official U.S. Navy
photograph |
1968 January | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from left) shakes
hands with two U.S. Navy officers aboard a U.S. Navy ship in a harbor on the
island of Guam in January 1968. Senator Metcalf joined Senators Frank E. Moss
(D-UT) and Quentin N. Burdick in Guam during a tour by the Senate Committee on
Interior and Insular Affairs of United States of federal improvement projects and
installations territories in the Pacific Ocean—Official U.S. Navy
photograph |
1968 January | |
M13 (Oversized): Members of the Senate Committee
on Interior and Insular Affairs group photograph, around the start of the 91st
Congress |
circa 1969 | |
04: View of infected timberlands in Gallatin
County, Montana, owned by the Burlington Northern Railroad. Photograph was used as
an exhibit during hearings on the Montana Wilderness Study Bill (S.B. 393) by the
Senate Interior Committee’s Subcommittee on Environment and Land
Resources |
circa 1976 | |
05: View of infected timberlands in Gallatin
County, Montana, owned by the Burlington Northern Railroad. Photograph was used as
an exhibit during hearings on the Montana Wilderness Study Bill (S.B. 393) by the
Senate Interior Committee’s Subcommittee on Environment and Land
Resources |
circa 1976 | |
06: View of infected timberlands along a mountain
ridge in Gallatin County, Montana, owned by the Burlington Northern Railroad.
Photograph was used as an exhibit during hearings on the Montana Wilderness Study
Bill (S.B. 393) by the Senate Interior Committee’s Subcommittee on Environment and
Land Resources |
circa 1976 | |
07: View of infected timberlands in Gallatin
County, Montana, owned by the Burlington Northern Railroad. Photograph was used as
an exhibit during hearings on the Montana Wilderness Study Bill (S.B. 393) by the
Senate Interior Committee’s Subcommittee on Environment and Land
Resources |
circa 1976 | |
08: View of infected timberlands in Gallatin
County, Montana, owned by the Burlington Northern Railroad. Photograph was used as
an exhibit during hearings on the Montana Wilderness Study Bill (S.B. 393) by the
Senate Interior Committee’s Subcommittee on Environment and Land
Resources |
circa 1976 | |
09: View of infected timberlands in Gallatin
County, Montana, owned by the Burlington Northern Railroad. Photograph was used as
an exhibit during hearings on the Montana Wilderness Study Bill (S.B. 393) by the
Senate Interior Committee’s Subcommittee on Environment and Land
Resources |
circa 1976 | |
10: View of infected timberlands along a mountain
ridge in Gallatin County, Montana, owned by the Burlington Northern Railroad.
Photograph was used as an exhibit during hearings on the Montana Wilderness Study
Bill (S.B. 393) by the Senate Interior Committee’s Subcommittee on Environment and
Land Resources |
circa 1976 | |
11: View of infected timberlands along a mountain
ridge in Gallatin County, Montana, owned by the Burlington Northern Railroad.
Photograph was used as an exhibit during hearings on the Montana Wilderness Study
Bill (S.B. 393) by the Senate Interior Committee’s Subcommittee on Environment and
Land Resources |
circa 1976 |
Series 16: Senate CommitteesReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries C: Committee on Post Office and Civil
Service |
Box/Folder | ||
7/4 | U.S. Senate—Committees: Committee on Post Office and
Civil Service |
1966 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (left), Congresswoman
Patsy T. Mink (D-HI) (second from right), and Assistant U.S. Postmaster General
Richard J. Murphy (right) were speakers for the first day ceremony of the George
Washington postage stamp on February 22, 1966, held in the Vice-President’s office
in the U.S. Capitol Building—Official Post Office Department Photo (Photo No.
66059-1) |
1966 February 22 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) receives an album
of George Washington postage stamps from Assistant U.S. Postmaster General Richard
J. Murphy (center), as Congresswoman Patsy T. Mink (D-HI) (left) looks on. The
first day ceremony occurred on February 22, 1966, in the Vice-President’s office
in the U.S. Capitol Building—Official Post Office Department Photo (Photo No.
66059-6) |
1966 February 22 | |
03: Congresswoman Patsy T. Mink (D-HI) (second
from left) receives an album of George Washington postage stamps from Assistant
U.S. Postmaster General Richard J. Murphy (center), as Senator Lee Metcalf (right)
and Assistant to the Vice-President Dave Gartner (left) look on. The first day
ceremony occurred on February 22, 1966, in the Vice-President’s office in the U.S.
Capitol Building—Official Post Office Department Photo (Photo No.
66059-7) |
1966 February 22 | |
04: (Left to right) Assistant U.S. Postmaster
General Richard J. Murphy; Congresswoman Patsy T. Mink (D-HI); Senator Lee
Metcalf; and William M. Miller, Doorkeeper of the U.S. House of Representatives,
pose on the porch of the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., for a picture
with the mock-up of the George Washington postage stamp following the first day
ceremony on February 22, 1966—Official Post Office Department Photo (Photo No.
66059-9) |
1966 February 22 |
Series 16: Senate CommitteesReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries D: Committee on Public Works |
Box/Folder | ||
7/5 | U.S. Senate—Committees: Committee on Public Works
(S.B. 1479) |
1965 |
01: The Colgate-Palmolive Company delivers new
Colgate test products to a housewife in the Elm Farm Mobile Homes Park in
Woodbridge, Virginia, as part of a Colgate field test on limiting pollution from
their detergent and soap products in water sources. Cora Green (seated), a Colgate
Home Economist and Home Laundry Evaluation expert, shows a housewife how to use
the test materials to test her tap water. This photograph was used as an exhibit
during hearings of the Committee on Public Works’ Subcommittee on Air and Water
Pollution regarding Senate Bill 1479, to establish standards for biodegradability
of detergents and soaps in water |
circa 1965 March | |
02: William A. Kline, a Colgate-Palmolive Company
Research Associate in charge of a water quality testing program, is seen checking
a sample-pump, maintained at the raw sewage inlet of the Elm Farm Mobile Homes
Park water treatment plant in Woodbridge, Virginia. This photograph was used as an
exhibit during hearings of the Committee on Public Works’ Subcommittee on Air and
Water Pollution regarding Senate Bill 1479, dealing with establishing standards
for biodegradability of detergents and soaps in water |
circa 1965 March | |
03: C.E. Garber checks dissolved oxygen content of
an aeration tank of a waste treatment plant in a make-shift laboratory, during a
water testing program by the Colgate-Palmolive Company. This photograph was used
as an exhibit during hearings of the Committee on Public Works’ Subcommittee on
Air and Water Pollution regarding Senate Bill 1479, dealing with establishing
standards for biodegradability of detergents and soaps in water |
circa 1965 March | |
04: Interior of the effluent surge tank showing a
buoyant marker in place to measure the depth of foam from detergent in the water,
during the Colgate-Palmolive Company’s water quality testing program in the Elm
Farm Mobile Homes Park water treatment plant in Woodbridge, Virginia. This
photograph was used as an exhibit during hearings of the Committee on Public
Works’ Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution regarding Senate Bill 1479, dealing
with establishing standards for biodegradability of detergents and soaps in
water |
circa 1965 March | |
05: Interior of an effluent surge tank after
treatment of sewage containing linear alkylate sulfonate (LAS) detergents. Test
made during the Colgate-Palmolive Company’s water quality testing program in the
Elm Farm Mobile Homes Park water treatment plant in Woodbridge, Virginia. This
photograph was used as an exhibit during hearings of the Committee on Public
Works’ Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution regarding Senate Bill 1479, dealing
with establishing standards for biodegradability of detergents and soaps in
water |
circa 1965 March | |
06: Comparison of the degradability of alkyl
benzene sulfonate (ABS) detergents versus linear alkylate sulfonate (LAS)
detergents, shown in laboratory foam tests using graduated cylinders. Test made
during the Colgate-Palmolive Company’s water quality testing program in the Elm
Farm Mobile Homes Park water treatment plant in Woodbridge, Virginia. This
photograph was used as an exhibit during hearings of the Committee on Public
Works’ Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution regarding Senate Bill 1479, dealing
with establishing standards for biodegradability of detergents and soaps in
water |
circa 1965 March | |
7/6 | U.S. Senate—Committees: Committee on Public Works
(S.B. 1766) |
1965 |
01: Photograph taken of Jim Dunphy of Billings,
Montana, fly fishing in October 1962 for trout in Rock Creek. The photograph is
part of the report Picture Story of A Montana Trout Stream by Perry Nelson of the
Montana Fish and Game Department. The report was used by the Senate Committee on
Public Works during hearings in April 1965 on Senate Bills 468 and 1766 (Rural
Water Supply bill) |
1965 April | |
02: Photograph originally taken in July 1962 of
Rock Creek at Allen Ranch. The photograph is part of the report Picture Story of A
Montana Trout Stream by Perry Nelson of the Montana Fish and Game Department. The
report was used by the Senate Committee on Public Works during hearings in April
1965 on Senate Bills 468 and 1766 (Rural Water Supply bill) |
1965 April | |
03: Photograph originally taken in May 1958 of
Rock Creek at Herbert Ranch showing tree roots and shrubs along a creek bank. The
photograph is part of the report Picture Story of A Montana Trout Stream by Perry
Nelson of the Montana Fish and Game Department. The report was used by the Senate
Committee on Public Works during hearings in April 1965 on Senate Bills 468 and
1766 (Rural Water Supply bill) |
1965 April | |
04: Photograph originally taken in May 1958 of
Rock Creek at Herbert Ranch showing a natural pool for trout on the creek. The
photograph is part of the report Picture Story of A Montana Trout Stream by Perry
Nelson of the Montana Fish and Game Department. The report was used by the Senate
Committee on Public Works during hearings in April 1965 on Senate Bills 468 and
1766 (Rural Water Supply bill) |
1965 April | |
05: Photograph originally taken in May 1958 of
Rock Creek near Joliet, Montana, showing an eroded creek bed caused by a flood.
The photograph is part of the report Picture Story of A Montana Trout Stream by
Perry Nelson of the Montana Fish and Game Department. The report was used by the
Senate Committee on Public Works during hearings in April 1965 on Senate Bills 468
and 1766 (Rural Water Supply bill) |
1965 April | |
06: Photograph originally taken in May 1958 of
Rock Creek at Goldsberry Ranch, showing severe creek bank erosion and an altered
creek channel. The photograph is part of the report Picture Story of A Montana
Trout Stream by Perry Nelson of the Montana Fish and Game Department. The report
was used by the Senate Committee on Public Works during hearings in April 1965 on
Senate Bills 468 and 1766 (Rural Water Supply bill) |
1965 April | |
07: Photograph originally taken in October 1962 of
Rock Creek at a Montana Fish and Game access site, showing a dense growth of
shrubs along the creek bank. The photograph is part of the report Picture Story of
A Montana Trout Stream by Perry Nelson of the Montana Fish and Game Department.
The report was used by the Senate Committee on Public Works during hearings in
April 1965 on Senate Bills 468 and 1766 (Rural Water Supply bill) |
1965 April | |
08: Photograph originally taken in 1958 of Rock
Creek at Mont Aqua (near Joliet, Montana), showing a creek clearance and channel
realignment project. The photograph is part of the report Picture Story of A
Montana Trout Stream by Perry Nelson of the Montana Fish and Game Department. The
report was used by the Senate Committee on Public Works during hearings in April
1965 on Senate Bills 468 and 1766 (Rural Water Supply bill) |
1965 April | |
09: Photograph originally taken in 1958 of Rock
Creek at Mont Aqua (near Joliet, Montana), showing eroded man-made creek bank
after a creek clearance and channel realignment project. The photograph is part of
the report Picture Story of A Montana Trout Stream by Perry Nelson of the Montana
Fish and Game Department. The report was used by the Senate Committee on Public
Works during hearings in April 1965 on Senate Bills 468 and 1766 (Rural Water
Supply bill) |
1965 April | |
10: Photograph originally taken in 1958 of Rock
Creek at Fox, Montana, showing a creek clearance and channel realignment project.
The photograph is part of the report Picture Story of A Montana Trout Stream by
Perry Nelson of the Montana Fish and Game Department. The report was used by the
Senate Committee on Public Works during hearings in April 1965 on Senate Bills 468
and 1766 (Rural Water Supply bill) |
1965 April | |
11: Photograph originally taken in 1962 of Rock
Creek at Fox, Montana, showing a creek clearance and channel realignment project
four years later. The photograph is part of the report Picture Story of A Montana
Trout Stream by Perry Nelson of the Montana Fish and Game Department. The report
was used by the Senate Committee on Public Works during hearings in April 1965 on
Senate Bills 468 and 1766 (Rural Water Supply bill) |
1965 April | |
12: Photograph originally taken in 1958 of Rock
Creek at Allen Ranch, showing a man-made dike on a natural stream bank. The
photograph is part of the report Picture Story of A Montana Trout Stream by Perry
Nelson of the Montana Fish and Game Department. The report was used by the Senate
Committee on Public Works during hearings in April 1965 on Senate Bills 468 and
1766 (Rural Water Supply bill) |
1965 April | |
13: Photograph originally taken in 1962 of Rock
Creek at Allen Ranch, showing four years later a man-made dike that eroded. The
photograph is part of the report Picture Story of A Montana Trout Stream by Perry
Nelson of the Montana Fish and Game Department. The report was used by the Senate
Committee on Public Works during hearings in April 1965 on Senate Bills 468 and
1766 (Rural Water Supply bill) |
1965 April | |
14: Photograph originally taken in 1960 of Rock
Creek at Fox, Montana, showing a cleared creek channel and man-made dike. The
photograph is part of the report Picture Story of A Montana Trout Stream by Perry
Nelson of the Montana Fish and Game Department. The report was used by the Senate
Committee on Public Works during hearings in April 1965 on Senate Bills 468 and
1766 (Rural Water Supply bill) |
1965 April | |
15: Photograph originally taken in 1962 of Rock
Creek at Fox, Montana, showing an eroded creek channel and damaged man-made dike.
The photograph is part of the report Picture Story of A Montana Trout Stream by
Perry Nelson of the Montana Fish and Game Department. The report was used by the
Senate Committee on Public Works during hearings in April 1965 on Senate Bills 468
and 1766 (Rural Water Supply bill) |
1965 April | |
16: Photograph originally taken in 1958 of Rock
Creek at Roberts, Montana, showing unsuccessful completion of creek channel. The
photograph is part of the report Picture Story of A Montana Trout Stream by Perry
Nelson of the Montana Fish and Game Department. The report was used by the Senate
Committee on Public Works during hearings in April 1965 on Senate Bills 468 and
1766 (Rural Water Supply bill) |
1965 April | |
17: Photograph originally taken in 1962 of Rock
Creek at Roberts, Montana, showing eroded man-made creek bank. The photograph is
part of the report Picture Story of A Montana Trout Stream by Perry Nelson of the
Montana Fish and Game Department. The report was used by the Senate Committee on
Public Works during hearings in April 1965 on Senate Bills 468 and 1766 (Rural
Water Supply bill) |
1965 April | |
18: Photograph originally taken in 1958 of Rock
Creek at Woods Ranch showing dikes and channel clearance of the creek. The
photograph is part of the report Picture Story of A Montana Trout Stream by Perry
Nelson of the Montana Fish and Game Department. The report was used by the Senate
Committee on Public Works during hearings in April 1965 on Senate Bills 468 and
1766 (Rural Water Supply bill) |
1965 April | |
19: Photograph originally taken in 1962 of Rock
Creek at Woods Ranch showing eroded man-made dikes on the creek. The photograph is
part of the report Picture Story of A Montana Trout Stream by Perry Nelson of the
Montana Fish and Game Department. The report was used by the Senate Committee on
Public Works during hearings in April 1965 on Senate Bills 468 and 1766 (Rural
Water Supply bill) |
1965 April | |
20: Photograph originally taken in 1958 of Rock
Creek near Joliet, Montana, showing stand of shrubs on the creek bank. The
photograph is part of the report Picture Story of A Montana Trout Stream by Perry
Nelson of the Montana Fish and Game Department. The report was used by the Senate
Committee on Public Works during hearings in April 1965 on Senate Bills 468 and
1766 (Rural Water Supply bill) |
1965 April | |
21: Photograph originally taken in 1959 of the
Yellowstone River at Clark Pierce Ranch showing erosion control using rock jetties
and riprapping. The photograph is part of the report Picture Story of A Montana
Trout Stream by Perry Nelson of the Montana Fish and Game Department. The report
was used by the Senate Committee on Public Works during hearings in April 1965 on
Senate Bills 468 and 1766 (Rural Water Supply bill) |
1965 April | |
22: Photograph originally taken in 1959 of the
Yellowstone River near Columbus, Montana, showing erosion control using log
jetties. The photograph is part of the report Picture Story of A Montana Trout
Stream by Perry Nelson of the Montana Fish and Game Department. The report was
used by the Senate Committee on Public Works during hearings in April 1965 on
Senate Bills 468 and 1766 (Rural Water Supply bill) |
1965 April | |
23: Photograph originally taken in 1959 of the
Yellowstone River near Duck Creek showing erosion control using rock riprap, rock
jetties, and fencing. The photograph is part of the report Picture Story of A
Montana Trout Stream by Perry Nelson of the Montana Fish and Game Department. The
report was used by the Senate Committee on Public Works during hearings in April
1965 on Senate Bills 468 and 1766 (Rural Water Supply bill) |
1965 April | |
24: Photograph taken of Jim Dunphy and his son Jay
fly fishing in October 1962 for trout in Rock Creek. The photograph is part of the
report Picture Story of A Montana Trout Stream by Perry Nelson of the Montana Fish
and Game Department. The report was used by the Senate Committee on Public Works
during hearings in April 1965 on Senate Bills 468 and 1766 (Rural Water Supply
bill) |
1965 April | |
7/7 | U.S. Senate—Committees: Committee on Public Works
(S.B. 468) - Exhibit Photographs from California |
1965 |
01: View of stream channelization accompanying a
highway realignment project on St. Helena Creek in Lake County, California.
Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by
the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams
Bill) |
1965 | |
02: The channel of Donner Creek, adjacent to U.S.
Highway 40 in California, after completion of highway work along this reach of
stream. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator Metcalf, during
hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our
Streams Bill)—photograph by California Department of Fish and Game |
1965 | |
03: A view of Donner Creek during channel
construction in California on August 31, 1958. Photograph was used as an exhibit
in 1965 by Senator Metcalf, during hearings in 1965 by the Senate Committee on
Public Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by California
Department of Fish and Game |
1965 | |
04: Donner Creek during channel construction in
California on August 31, 1958. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by
Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate
Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by California Department of Fish and
Game |
1965 | |
05: Gravel plant of Clements Construction Company
along Cold Creek in California, with settling ponds in the foreground, taken on
September 3, 1958. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator Metcalf,
during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save
Our Streams Bill)—photograph by California Department of Fish and Game |
1965 | |
06: View of Truckee River on September 3, 1958,
about 100 yards upstream from the mouth of Donner Creek in California after
highway construction. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator
Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate Bill
468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by California Department of Fish and
Game |
1965 | |
07: Truckee River, downstream from mouth of Donner
Creek, near Truckee, California, on September 3, 1958, after highway construction.
Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by
the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams
Bill)—photograph by California Department of Fish and Game |
1965 | |
08: Relocation of Donner Creek stream channel
destroyed fisheries, scenic values of stream in major summer recreation area on
U.S. Highway 40, near Lake Tahoe in Nevada County, California. Photograph was used
as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator Metcalf, hearings by the Senate Committee on
Public Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by California
Department of Fish and Game |
1965 | |
09: Section of Donner Creek just outside an area
affected by road building in California. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965
by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on
Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by California Department of
Fish and Game |
1965 | |
10: Effluent from gravel plant of Clements
Construction Company before entering Cold Creek in California. Photograph was used
as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee
on Public Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by
California Department of Fish and Game |
1965 | |
11: Concrete sill built to prevent washout of
bridge footings acts as barrier to migrating steelhead trout on Hensley Creek in
Mendocino County, California. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator
Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate Bill
468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by California Department of Fish and
Game |
1965 | |
12: Jack C. Fraser, chief of the water projects
branch of the California Department of Fish and Game, inspects a concrete sill
that blocks steelhead trout below a highway bridge on Hensley Creek in Mendocino
County, California. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator Metcalf,
during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save
Our Streams Bill)—photograph by California Department of Fish and Game |
1965 | |
13: Enlarged step below a concrete sill on
Hensley, plus removal of large rubble, now permits fish to pass upstream in
Mendocino County, California. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator
Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate Bill
468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by California Department of Fish and
Game |
1965 | |
14: A flat concrete bottom of a highway culvert
structure spreads water in thin sheet and prevents steelhead trout from migrating
up this unnamed tributary from San Geronimo Creek in Marin County, California.
Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by
the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams
Bill)—photograph by California Department of Fish and Game |
1965 | |
15: A fish ladder constructed as part of a culvert
structure on State Highway 1 for Bolinas Creek in Marin County, California, is
inspected by officials of the California Department of Fish and Game and the
California Division of Highways. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by
Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate
Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by California Department of Fish and
Game |
1965 | |
16: A combination of logging on a steep hillside
plus highway construction at the base of the hill caused a major landslide which
blocked Longvale Creek in Mendocino County, California, and flooded U.S. Route 101
in the winter of 1960-1961. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator
Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate Bill
468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by California Department of Fish and
Game |
1965 | |
17: View of Grant Lake in California after highway
construction was completed. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator
Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate Bill
468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by California Department of Fish and
Game |
1965 | |
7/8 | U.S. Senate—Committees: Committee on Public Works
(S.B. 468) - Exhibit Photographs from Colorado, New Mexico and Utah |
1965 |
01: View of hillside erosion along a stream by
water running out of a diversion pipe under a newly-constructed portion of highway
in Colorado. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator Metcalf, during
hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our
Streams Bill)—Colorado Fish and Game Department photograph |
1965 | |
02: Man examines hillside erosion along a stream,
caused by water running out of a diversion pipe under a newly-constructed portion
of highway in Colorado. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator
Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate Bill
468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—Colorado Fish and Game Department
photograph |
1965 | |
03: View of an unidentified river along a
newly-constructed highway in Colorado. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965
by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on
Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—Colorado Fish and Game Department
photograph |
1965 | |
04: View of a concrete water run-off on a highway
alongside a stream in Colorado. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by
Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate
Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—Colorado Fish and Game Department
photograph |
1965 | |
05: View of the stone embankment built on a river
bank alongside a newly-constructed highway in Colorado. Photograph was used as an
exhibit in 1965 by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on
Public Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—Colorado Fish and Game
Department photograph |
1965 | |
06: View of concrete water run-off channel
alongside a highway in Colorado. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by
Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate
Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—Colorado Fish and Game Department
photograph |
1965 | |
07: Man examines hillside erosion along a stream,
caused by water running out of a drainage pipe under a newly-constructed portion
of highway in Colorado. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator
Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate Bill
468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—Colorado Fish and Game Department
photograph |
1965 | |
08: A bulldozer pushes stones onto a man-made
river bank during highway construction activities on State Highway 133, along
Crystal River in Garfield County, Colorado, on April 27, 1961. Photograph was used
as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee
on Public Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)— Colorado Fish and Game
Department photograph |
1965 | |
09: The channelization process during highway
construction activities on State Highway 133 along Crystal River in Garfield
County, Colorado, on April 27, 1961. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by
Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate
Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—Colorado Fish and Game Department
photograph |
1965 | |
10: View of the Upper Beaverhead River in Montana
before highway construction around 1962. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965
by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on
Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill) |
1965 | |
11: View of the Upper Beaverhead River in Montana
before highway construction. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator
Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate Bill
468 (Save Our Streams Bill). The photograph was published in the February 1, 1962,
issue of A Montanan’s Washington Notebook |
1965 | |
12: View of the Upper Beaverhead River in Montana
after highway construction, showing a new stream channel having been bulldozed.
Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by
the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill).
The photograph was published in the February 1, 1962, issue of A Montanan’s
Washington Notebook |
1965 | |
13: View of the results of construction of State
Route 3 between Taos and Mora on the Rio Pueblo, near Tres Ritos, New Mexico. The
photograph shows how the resulting stream section was moved into a channel,
destroying trout pools in the stream. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by
Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate
Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by New Mexico Department of Game and
Fish |
1965 | |
14: View of stream alteration to Rio Pueblo near
Tres Ritos, New Mexico. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator
Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate Bill
468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by New Mexico Department of Game and
Fish |
1965 | |
15: View of State Route 668 after construction
alongside Clouse Lake in Somerset, Ohio. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965
by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on
Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill) |
1965 | |
16: View after construction of State Route 522
alongside Lake White in Pike County, Ohio. Photograph was used as an exhibit in
1965 by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works
on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill) |
1965 | |
17: View after construction of State Route 235
alongside Kiser Lake in Champaign County, Ohio. Photograph was used as an exhibit
in 1965 by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public
Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill) |
1965 | |
7/9 | U.S. Senate—Committees: Committee on Public Works
(S.B. 468) - Exhibit Photographs from Pennsylvania |
1965 |
01: View of the upper-most end of a road and
channel change project on the First Fork Sinnemahoning Creek on September 13,
1962, in Cameron County, Pennsylvania, for State Route 120. Photograph was used as
an exhibit in 1965 by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on
Public Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by Johnny
Nicklas of the Pennsylvania Fish Commission |
1965 | |
02: View of the first leg of a road and channel
change project on the First Fork Sinnemahoning Creek on September 13, 1962, in
Cameron County, Pennsylvania, for State Route 120. Photograph was used as an
exhibit in 1965 by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on
Public Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by Johnny
Nicklas of the Pennsylvania Fish Commission |
1965 | |
03: View of the first leg of a road and channel
change project on the First Fork Sinnemahoning Creek on September 13, 1962, in
Cameron County, Pennsylvania, for State Route 120. Photograph was used as an
exhibit in 1965 by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on
Public Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by Johnny
Nicklas of the Pennsylvania Fish Commission |
1965 | |
04: View of the first channel widening project on
the First Fork Sinnemahoning Creek on September 13, 1962, in Cameron County,
Pennsylvania, for State Route 120. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by
Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate
Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by Johnny Nicklas of the Pennsylvania
Fish Commission |
1965 | |
05: View of the channel widening project on the
First Fork Sinnemahoning Creek on September 13, 1962, in Cameron County,
Pennsylvania, for State Route 120. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by
Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate
Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by Johnny Nicklas of the Pennsylvania
Fish Commission |
1965 | |
06: View the location of the new drainage ditch as
it enters the new creek channel during the widening project for the First Fork
Sinnemahoning Creek on September 13, 1962, in Cameron County, Pennsylvania, for
State Route 120. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator Metcalf,
during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save
Our Streams Bill)—photograph by Johnny Nicklas of the Pennsylvania Fish
Commission |
1965 | |
07: View of the channel widening project on the
First Fork Sinnemahoning Creek on September 13, 1962, in Cameron County,
Pennsylvania, for State Route 120. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by
Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate
Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by Johnny Nicklas of the Pennsylvania
Fish Commission |
1965 | |
08: Looking upstream to where the stream enters
the final channel change project on the First Fork Sinnemahoning Creek on
September 13, 1962, in Cameron County, Pennsylvania, for State Route 120.
Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by
the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams
Bill)—photograph by Johnny Nicklas of the Pennsylvania Fish Commission |
1965 | |
09: The final stage of the stream as seen from the
highway bridge on State Route 120 looking upstream, part of the channel change
project on the First Fork Sinnemahoning Creek on September 13, 1962, in Cameron
County, Pennsylvania, for State Route 120. Photograph was used as an exhibit in
1965 by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works
on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by Johnny Nicklas of the
Pennsylvania Fish Commission |
1965 | |
10: Sign showing costs of highway construction
posted along State Route 120, near the bridge over First Fork Sinnemahoning Creek
on September 13, 1962, in Cameron County, Pennsylvania, for State Route 120.
Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by
the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams
Bill)—photograph by Johnny Nicklas of the Pennsylvania Fish Commission |
1965 | |
7/10 | U.S. Senate—Committees: Committee on Public Works
(S.B. 468) - Exhibit Photographs from Utah |
1965 |
01: View of a newly-constructed highway cutting
through the middle of a river in Utah. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965
by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on
Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by Frank A. Turner of Ogden,
Utah |
1965 | |
02: View of a man-made river bank along a river
adjacent a newly-constructed highway in Utah. Photograph was used as an exhibit in
1965 by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works
on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by Frank A. Turner of Ogden,
Utah |
1965 | |
03: View of a newly-constructed highway running
along a river through the mountains in Utah. Photograph was used as an exhibit in
1965 by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works
on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by Frank A. Turner of Ogden,
Utah |
1965 | |
04: View of a newly-constructed highway cutting
through the mountains in Utah. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by
Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate
Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by Frank A. Turner of Ogden,
Utah |
1965 | |
05: View of a newly-constructed highway cutting
through the mountains in Utah. p Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by
Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate
Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by Frank A. Turner of Ogden,
Utah |
1965 | |
06: Stretch of the Logan River in Utah. Photograph
was used as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate
Committee on Public Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by
Frank A. Turner of Ogden, Utah |
1965 | |
07: A little boy sits on a river bank fishing in a
river in Utah. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator Metcalf,
during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save
Our Streams Bill)—photograph by Frank A. Turner of Ogden, Utah |
1965 | |
08: View of the Preston Valley Picnic Area in the
Cache National Forest, near Logan, Utah. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965
by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on
Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by Frank A. Turner of Ogden,
Utah |
1965 | |
09: View of a completed highway through a
mountainous forest area in Utah. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by
Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate
Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by Frank A. Turner of Ogden,
Utah |
1965 | |
10: A completed highway runs through an
unidentified canyon along a river in Utah. Photograph was used as an exhibit in
1965 by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works
on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by Frank A. Turner of Ogden,
Utah |
1965 | |
11: View of construction work on Highway 242, in
Blacksmith Fork Canyon in the Cache Valley of northern Utah, with gravel and dirt
poured into the Blacksmith Fork River in 1959. Photograph was used as an exhibit
in 1965 by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by the Senate Committee on Public
Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams Bill)—photograph by Utah Department of
Fish and Game |
1965 | |
12: The pictured reach of the Blacksmith Fork
River gradually lost its width, pools, and value for trout fishing as Highway 242
was expanded in the Blacksmith Fork Canyon, in the Cache Valley of northern Utah
in 1959. Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator Metcalf, during
hearings by the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our
Streams Bill)—photograph by Utah Department of Fish and Game |
1965 | |
13: A portion of a mountain trout stream in
Daniels County, Utah, re-routed into a ditch due to construction of U.S. Route 40.
Photograph was used as an exhibit in 1965 by Senator Metcalf, during hearings by
the Senate Committee on Public Works on Senate Bill 468 (Save Our Streams
Bill)—photograph by Utah Department of Fish and Game |
1965 | |
14: Members of the U.S. Senate Committee on Public
Works pictured during the 89th Congress, sitting in the committee’s hearing room
on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Present are (left to right, seated) Senator
Gaylord Nelson (D-WI); Senator Lee Metcalf (D-MT); Senator Ernest Gruening (D-AK);
Senator Frank E. Moss (D-UT); Senator Hiram Fong (R-HI); and Senator James B.
Pearson (R-TN) |
circa 1965 | |
M14 (Oversized): Members of an unidentified
subcommittee (possibly of the U.S. Senate Committee on Public Works) |
undated |
Series 16: Senate CommitteesReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries E: U.S. Migratory Bird Conservation
Commission |
Box/Folder | ||
7/11 | U.S. Senate—Committees: U.S. Migratory Bird
Conservation Commission |
1960s, 1965 |
01: The U.S. Migratory Bird Conservation
Commission meets on Capitol Hill to review proposed additions to the national
wildlife refuge system. Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and Secretary of the Interior
Stewart Udall (second from left) are seated at the commission table |
circa 1965 June | |
02: The U.S. Migratory Bird Conservation
Commission meets on Capitol Hill to review proposed additions to the national
wildlife refuge system. Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and Secretary of the Interior
Stewart Udall (right) are seated at the commission table |
circa 1965 June | |
03: The U.S. Migratory Bird Conservation
Commission meets on Capitol Hill to review proposed additions to the national
wildlife refuge system. Congressman Silvio O. Conte (R-MA) (left), Senator Lee
Metcalf (second from left), and Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall (right)
are seated at the commission table |
circa 1965 June | |
04: Pair of trumpeter swans fly over Culver Pond
in the Red Rock Lakes Wildlife Refuge in Montana. Photograph was used by the U.S.
Migratory Bird Conservation Commission in hearings—photograph by Winston E. Banko
of the U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service |
circa 1960s | |
05: A trumpeter swan on a nest in the in the Red
Rock Lakes Wildlife Refuge in Montana. Photograph was used by the U.S. Migratory
Bird Conservation Commission in hearings—photograph by Archie V. Hull of the U.S.
Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service |
circa 1960s |
Series 17: EventsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries A: General Events |
Box/Folder | ||
8-1 | U.S. Senate—Events: General Events |
1961, 1963 |
01: The Montana State Society float “Sacajawea,
Lewis & Clark Blaze Montana’s New Frontier” pictured in the 1961 Cherry
Blossom Festival Parade in Washington, D.C., on April 8, 1961. The float’s mural
was by Indian artist Solomon McCombs. Mike Taylor (third from right) portrays
Merriweather Lewis; Sacajawea is portrayed by Miss Bernadine Eschief (second from
left), of the Shoshone-Barinock Tribes and an employee of the National Congress of
American Indians; and 1961 Miss Montana Cheryl V. Zentzis (second from right) are
riding on the float with three unidentified people |
1961 April 8 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) and his wife Donna
(center) sit and talk with an unidentified man at the 1963 Montana State Society
reception in Washington, D.C. Photograph sent to Donna Metcalf following Lee’s
death, with a note on back reading “To Donna, in loving memory—Betty &
Charlie” |
1963 February | |
03: A group of Montanans attend the Montana State
Society reception in Washington, D.C., in February 1963. Present are Rep. Arnold
Olsen (fifth from left); Rep. James Battin (seventh from left); Senator Mike
Mansfield (fifth from right); and Senator Lee Metcalf (third from
right) |
1963 February | |
04: A group of Montanans pose for a photograph
during the Montana State Society reception for the Montana congressional
delegation and the Montana Cherry Blossom Princess in Washington, D.C., in
February 1963. Pictured are (left to right) Larry Scheewe; Leon Billings; Senator
Lee Metcalf; Charlene Holland; Everett Shuey, Montana Wool Growers Association
secretary-treasurer; Rep. Arnold Olsen; Donna Metcalf; Senator Mike Mansfield; and
Mrs. Larry Scheewe |
1963 February | |
05: National Park Service Director Conrad L. Wirth
and Senator Lee Metcalf (right) pictured at an unidentified event discussing
development needs in the national park system, including Glacier and
Yellowstone |
circa 1963 April | |
8-2 | U.S. Senate—Events: General Events |
1964, 1967-1969 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) discusses
parliamentary problems with Alan Green, member of the British Parliament from
Preston South and Financial Secretary to the Treasury in the Alec Douglas-Home
Government. The photograph was taken during Metcalf’s recent visit to London as a
representative of the United States at the Ditchley Foundation |
circa 1964 March | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf speaks at the Law Day
celebration held on May 1, 1967, at the Millsop Community Center in Hancock
County, West Virginia |
1967 May 1 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) shakes hands with
an unidentified man during a party in Washington, D.C., for Stanford University
alumni in the spring of 1967—photograph by Planned Photography of Washington,
D.C. |
circa 1967 April | |
04: Senators Lee Metcalf (left) and Jennings
Randolph (center) of West Virginia talk with an unidentified man during a party in
Washington, D.C., for Stanford University alumni in the spring of 1967—photograph
by Planned Photography of Washington, D.C. |
circa 1967 April | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and his wife Donna
(right) pictured at the Bob Weller memorial dinner on April 27, 1968, with the
Gilbertson children and Mrs. Weller (second from right)—Hungry Horse News
photograph |
1968 April 27 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and his wife Donna
(right) pictured at the Bob Weller memorial dinner on April 27, 1968, with the
Gilbertson children and Mrs. Bob Weller (second from right)—Hungry Horse News
photograph |
1968 April 27 | |
07: (Left to right, foreground) Senator Lee
Metcalf; Ken Holum; Bill Christianson; Senator Mike Mansfield; and an unidentified
man talk outside the Hardin Airport, prior to the Yellowtail Dam dedication
ceremony on October 31, 1968—photograph by Kenneth Anderson of Billings,
Montana |
1968 October 31 | |
08: Robert M. Kock (left), President of the
National Limestone Institute, and Senator Lee Metcalf (right) are pictured at the
1969 National Limestone Institute Convention in Washington, D.C. |
1969 | |
09: Armen G. Avedisian (left), National Limestone
Institute Second Vice Chairman, and Senator Lee Metcalf (right) are pictured at
the 1969 National Limestone Institute Convention in Washington, D.C. |
1969 | |
8-3 | U.S. Senate—Events: General Events
(1960s) |
1960s |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf meets with labor union
leaders at an unidentified event. Pictured are (left to right) Jesse Clark,
President of the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen; J.W. O’Brien, Vice-President
of the Sheet Metal Workers International Association; Metcalf; R.C. Coutts,
President of the American Train Dispatchers Association; and Earl Ashbrook,
editor-manager of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers and
Blacksmiths—photograph by Reni Newsphoto Service |
circa 1960s | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf meets with labor union
leaders at an unidentified event. Pictured are (left to right) Thomas Ramsey,
Vice-President of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers; G.E.
Leighty, President of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers, and Chairman of the
Railway Labor Executives’ Association; Metcalf; John Casselman, Vice-President of
the International Brotherhood of Fireman and Oilers; and Harold C. Crotty,
President of the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees—photograph by Reni
Newsphoto Service |
circa 1960s | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf meets with labor union
leaders at an unidentified event. Pictured are (left to right) Al Chesser,
national legislative representative of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen; W.D.
Johnson, Vice-President and national legislative representative of the Order of
Railway Conductors and Brakemen; Metcalf; H.E. Gilbert, President of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen; John Turner, assistant grand
chief and national legislative representative of the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers—photograph by Reni Newsphoto Service |
circa 1960s | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right)
attends an unidentified Veterans of Foreign Wars dinner at a Sheraton
Hotel |
circa 1960s | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (left), wearing an apron,
shares a meal with Congressman Neal E. Smith (D-IA) (second from left) and two
unidentified people at an unidentified event |
circa 1960s | |
06: Senators Lee Metcalf (far left), Eugene
McCarthy (center, wearing top hat), and Henry M. Jackson (right in doorway, back)
exit the U.S. Capitol Building through the Columbus Doors, with a group of
congressmen at an unidentified event in Washington, D.C. in the early 1960s
(possibly President Lyndon B. Johnson’s 1964 inauguration) |
circa 1960s | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf (back left, at table)
pictured at an unidentified dinner featuring a number of U.S. congressmen. Senator
Wayne L. Morse (D-OR) (second from left, dark-rimmed glasses) is seated at a table
in the foreground |
circa 1960s | |
8-4 | U.S. Senate—Events: General Events |
1960s |
01: Unidentified dinner attended by Senator Lee
Metcalf and his wife. Seated at the center table are (left to right) Frances
Logan; Metcalf’s administrative assistant Brit Englund; S. Rae Logan; Donna
Metcalf; Jerry Gereau; Bob Leary; Rhoda Metcalf, Senator Metcalf’s mother; Jack
Toole, Montana Democratic Central Committee Chairman; Gerry Englund, Brit’s wife;
and Senator Lee Metcalf |
circa 1960s | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (standing at podium)
giving a speech to an audience at an unidentified event |
circa 1960s | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (standing at podium)
giving a speech to an audience at an unidentified event |
circa 1960s | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf speaks at an unidentified
conference during a Farmers Union Central Exchange event in Minnesota |
circa 1960s | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf speaks at an unidentified
conference during a Farmers Union Central Exchange event in Minnesota |
circa 1960s | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf speaks at an unidentified
conference during a Farmers Union Central Exchange event in Minnesota |
circa 1960s | |
8-5 | U.S. Senate—Events: General Events |
1970s, 1970-1971, 1976 |
01: (Left to right) Donna Metcalf, Senator Lee
Metcalf, and silent film actress Lillian Gish talk during a Library of Congress
reception in 1970. The reception honored the acceptance Gish’s self-produced film
“Lillian Gish and the Movies: The Art of Film, 1900-1928” into the Library’s Film
Archives |
circa 1970 February | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf poses for a photograph
with several U.S. Congressmen and federal officials’ wives at the First
International Neighbors Club conference on October 13, 1971. Pictured are (left to
right) Beryl Ann Bentsen, wife of Senator Lloyd Bentsen; Frances Marion Bennett,
wife of Senator Wallace F. Bennett; Emily Chapman, wife of Marine Corps Commandant
Leonard Chapman; Metcalf; Nancy Moore Thurmond, wife of Senator Strom Thurmond;
and Mary Ann Stewart, wife of Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart—photograph by
U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee |
1971 October 13 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf pictured with fellow
Stanford University alumni on November 20, 1971, the day of the 74th Big Game
between the Stanford University and UCLA football teams. Pictured with Metcalf is
William Ring (second from right) of the Metropolitan Washington Board of
Trade |
1971 November 20 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf gives a presentation at
the Fourth Annual Meeting of the National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA) in
1976—photograph by Vince Finnegan and Associates for NOIA |
1976 | |
05: Unidentified event in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda
in Washington, D.C. Senator Lee Metcalf (third from left) shakes hands with
Alabama Governor George Wallace (right, seated), as Montana Governor Tom Judge
(left) looks on—photograph by Dev O’Neil (U.S. House of Representatives Democratic
Congressional Committee photographer) |
1970s | |
06: Unidentified event in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda
in Washington, D.C. Montana Governor Tom Judge (left) shakes hands with Alabama
Governor George Wallace (right, seated), as Senator Lee Metcalf (second from left)
looks on—photograph by Dev O’Neil, U.S. House of Representatives Democratic
Congressional Committee photographer |
1970s | |
8-6 | U.S. Senate—Events: General Events |
1970s |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and his wife Donna
(right) talk with people at an unidentified AFL-CIO event |
circa 1970s | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right) and
his wife Donna (right) talk with people at an unidentified AFL-CIO
event |
circa 1970s | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf shakes hands with a person
at an unidentified AFL-CIO event |
circa 1970s | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and his wife Donna
(center) talk with people at an unidentified AFL-CIO event |
circa 1970s | |
05: (Left to right) Max N. Edwards, Assistant
Secretary of Interior for Water Pollution Control; Senator Lee Metcalf; and John
M. Kelly, Assistant Secretary of Interior for Mineral Resources, pose for a
photograph at an unidentified event—photograph by Harry L. Burnett, Jr., of
Riverdale, Maryland |
undated | |
06: Unidentified dinner attended by Senator
Metcalf’s administrative assistant Brit Englund (seventh from left, table in
foreground) and the Senator’s mother Rhoda Metcalf (fifth from left, table in
foreground) |
undated | |
07: An unidentified group of politicians pictured
in a covered grandstand at an unidentified event in Florida. Senator Lee Metcalf
(fifth from right, third row from bottom) and Congressman Arnold Olsen (third from
right, third row from bottom) are present |
undated |
Series 17: EventsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries B: 1964 Montana Centennial
celebration |
Box/Folder | ||
8-7 | U.S. Senate—Events: 1964 Montana Territorial
Centennial |
1964 |
01: Photograph of the Montana Territorial
Centennial logo on the door to Senator Lee Metcalf’s congressional office in the
Old Russell Senate Office Building |
circa 1964 January | |
02: (Left to right) Betty Babcock, Senate Majority
Leader Mike Mansfield, and Montana Governor Tim Babcock stroll through the
entrance to the White House grounds in Washington, D.C., prior to the Montana
Territorial Centennial group’s visit with President Lyndon B. Johnson on April 17,
1964 |
1964 April 17 | |
03: President Lyndon B. Johnson visits on April
17, 1964, with three hundred Montanans in the White House Rose Garden during the
Montana Territorial Centennial Train’s stop in Washington, D.C. The President
stands with (left to right) Senator Mike Mansfield; Montana Governor Tim Babcock;
Maureen Mansfield; Rep. Arnold Olsen; and Betty Babcock |
1964 April 17 | |
04: In the White House Rose Garden on April 17,
1964, Dr. Van Kirk Nelson (left) of Kalispell presents President Lyndon B. Johnson
with a Northwest Centennial coin, featuring a reproduction of a Charles M. Russell
painting. To the right of the President are (left to right) Rep. Arnold Olsen;
Montana Governor Tim Babcock; Mike Mansfield; Senator Mike Mansfield; Betty
Babcock; and Maureen Mansfield |
1964 April 17 | |
05: President Lyndon B. Johnson admires the
Montana Centennial Medallion, presented to him by Senator Mike Mansfield (left)
and Montana Governor Tim Babcock (second from right) in the White House Rose
Garden on April 17, 1964 |
1964 April 17 | |
06: (Left to right) Movie actress Myrna Loy;
Montana Centennial Commission Chairman L.W. Upshaw; Maureen Mansfield; and Senator
Mike Mansfield have a conversation at the Montana Centennial Dinner in Washington,
D.C., held at the Sheraton-Park Hotel on the evening of April 17, 1964 |
1964 April 17 | |
07: Senator Mike Mansfield (right) chats with
distinguished Montanans (left to right) Thomas L. Judge; NBC news anchor Chet
Huntley; movie actress Myrna Loy; and Montana Centennial Commission Chairman L.W.
Upshaw, at the Montana Centennial Dinner in Washington, D.C., held at the
Sheraton-Park Hotel on the evening of April 17, 1964 |
1964 April 17 | |
08: (Left to right) Donald W. Anderson, President
of Lee Newspaper Enterprises; movie actress Myrna Loy; and Senator Lee Metcalf
enter the dining hall at the Montana Centennial Dinner in Washington, D.C., held
at the Sheraton-Park Hotel on the evening of April 17, 1964 |
1964 April 17 | |
09: (Left to right) Donald W. Anderson, President
of Lee Newspaper Enterprises; movie actress Myrna Loy; and Senator Lee Metcalf
stand behind the speaker’s table in the dining hall at the Montana Centennial
Dinner in Washington, D.C., held at the Sheraton-Park Hotel on the evening of
April 17, 1964 |
1964 April 17 | |
10: During a surprise visit, President Lyndon B.
Johnson steps up to the speaker’s podium in the dining hall at the Montana
Centennial Dinner in Washington, D.C., held at the Sheraton-Park Hotel on the
evening of April 17, 1964. Senator Mike Mansfield (second from left) greets the
President as NBC news anchor Chet Huntley (right) looks on |
1964 April 17 | |
11: During a surprise visit, President Lyndon B.
Johnson gives a speech at the speaker’s podium in the dining hall at the Montana
Centennial Dinner in Washington, D.C., held at the Sheraton-Park Hotel on the
evening of April 17, 1964. Seated at the speaker’s table to the right of the
President are (left to right) NBC news anchor Chet Huntley; Maureen Mansfield; and
E. George Poindexter, President of the Commodity Brokers |
1964 April 17 | |
12: Surrounded by Montanans, President Lyndon B.
Johnson pictured leaving the dining hall at the Montana Centennial Dinner in
Washington, D.C., held at the Sheraton-Park Hotel on the evening of April 17,
1964 |
1964 April 17 | |
8-8 | U.S. Senate—Events: 1964 Montana Territorial
Centennial |
01: Senator Mike Mansfield (right) admires the
large placard adverting Montana, the Treasure State, attached to the side of one
of the cars of the Montana Centennial Train. Mansfield was visiting the train, on
exhibit at Union Station in Washington, D.C., from April 17-18, 1964 |
1964 April | |
02: Senator Mike Mansfield (right) buys his ticket
to visit the exhibit cars of the Montana Centennial Train, during its exhibition
at Union Station in Washington, D.C., from April 17-18, 1964 |
1964 April | |
03: Photograph of the famous J.K. Ralston painting
“After the Battle”, on display at the exhibit cars of the Montana Territorial
Centennial Train during the train’s exhibition at Union Station in Washington,
D.C., from April 17-18, 1964 |
1964 April | |
04: Senator Mike Mansfield (center) talks with
four young boys at an exhibit case, during an official tour for the Senator by
Addison Bragg of the Montana Centennial Train exhibit cars at Union Station in
Washington, D.C., from April 17-18, 1964 |
1964 April | |
05: The Charles M. Russell Cowboy Artist parade
float travels down a street in a parade of the Montana Centennial Train, during
the visit to the Washington, D.C.-area in April 1964—photograph by Del Ankers
Photographers of Washington, D.C. |
circa 1964 April | |
06: Photograph of the Montana Centennial Band and
the Montana congressional delegation in front of the White House in Washington,
D.C., on August 22, 1964—United Press International photograph |
1964 August 22 |
Series 18: Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Legislation |
Box/Folder | ||
8-9 | U.S. Senate—Legislation |
1960s |
01: U.S. Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and Howard
Zahniser (right), executive secretary of The Wilderness Society and the biggest
proponent for a national wilderness preservation system act, review a map entitled
"Our Wilderness Preservation System," which showed national forest areas,
wildernesses, and parks in the United States prior to the early 1960s. The map was
used between 1957 and 1964 during testimony in Congressional hearings on the bill
which would eventually become the Wilderness Act |
circa 1960s | |
02: U.S. Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and Howard
Zahniser (right), executive secretary of The Wilderness Society and the biggest
proponent for a national wilderness preservation system act, review a map entitled
"Our Wilderness Preservation System," which showed national forest areas,
wildernesses, and parks in the United States prior to the early 1960s. The map was
used between 1957 and 1964 during testimony in Congressional hearings on the bill
which would eventually become the Wilderness Act |
circa 1960s | |
03: U.S. Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and Howard
Zahniser (right), executive secretary of The Wilderness Society and the biggest
proponent for a national wilderness preservation system act, review a map entitled
"Our Wilderness Preservation System," which showed national forest areas,
wildernesses, and parks in the United States prior to the early 1960s. The map was
used between 1957 and 1964 during testimony in Congressional hearings on the bill
which would eventually become the Wilderness Act |
circa 1960s | |
8-10 | U.S. Senate—Legislation |
1971-1972 |
01: Sponsors of the National Power Grid Bill
announce its introduction to Congress on July 21, 1971, at a press conference.
Pictured are (left to right, seated) Rep. Herman Badillo (D-NY); James Abourezk
(D-SD); Robert Tiernan (D-RI); and Senator Lee Metcalf (D-MT) |
1971 July 21 | |
02: View of a saline seep south of the Norris
Hanford Farmstead in Fort Benton, Montana. Photograph was used by Senator Lee
Metcalf in his efforts to obtain safflower research funding through the Senate
Appropriation Committee’s Subcommittee on Agriculture in 1972 |
circa 1971 | |
03: View of a saline seep south of the Norris
Hanford Farmstead in Fort Benton, Montana, at an experimental site as (left to
right) Dr. E. Hehn, Dr. C. Smith, and Dr. H. Ferguson discuss the saline seep
problems. Photograph was used by Senator Lee Metcalf in his efforts to obtain
safflower research funding through the Senate Appropriation Committee’s
Subcommittee on Agriculture in 1972 |
circa 1971 | |
04: Aerial view of a research site with 39
observation wells along a saline seep on the Norris Hanford Ranch in Fort Benton,
Montana. Photograph was used by Senator Lee Metcalf in his efforts to obtain
safflower research funding through the Senate Appropriation Committee’s
Subcommittee on Agriculture in 1972 |
circa 1971 | |
05: Aerial view of a saline seep on the Norris
Hanford Ranch in Fort Benton, Montana. Photograph was used by Senator Lee Metcalf
in his efforts to obtain safflower research funding through the Senate
Appropriation Committee’s Subcommittee on Agriculture in 1972 |
circa 1971 | |
06: View of a saline seep east of the Norris
Hanford Farmstead in Fort Benton, Montana. Photograph was used by Senator Lee
Metcalf in his efforts to obtain safflower research funding through the Senate
Appropriation Committee’s Subcommittee on Agriculture in 1972 |
circa 1971 | |
07: View of the west bank of the Missouri River
nearing Carter Ferry in the vicinity of a saline seep south of Fort Benton,
Montana. Photograph was used by Senator Lee Metcalf in his efforts to obtain
safflower research funding through the Senate Appropriation Committee’s
Subcommittee on Agriculture in 1972 |
circa 1971 |
Series 19: Congressional ProjectsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries A: General Projects |
Box/Folder | ||
8-11 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: General
Projects |
1963-1965 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (left); Senator Mike
Mansfield (right); and Soil Conservation Service administrator D.A. Williams
(second from left), look on as Secretary of Agriculture Orville L. Freeman (second
from right) signs a modernized working agreement between the U.S. Department of
Agriculture and Montana’s Beaverhead Soil and Water Conservation District. The
ceremony was held on June 23, 1963, in Senator Mansfield’s office, marking the
500th district in the country to modernize its soil and water conservation
program |
1963 June 23 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (left); Senator Mike
Mansfield (right); and Soil Conservation Service administrator D.A. Williams
(second from left), look on as Secretary of Agriculture Orville L. Freeman (second
from right) signs a modernized working agreement between the U.S. Department of
Agriculture and Montana’s Beaverhead Soil and Water Conservation District. The
ceremony was held on June 23, 1963, in Senator Mansfield’s office, marking the
500th district in the country to modernize its soil and water conservation
program |
1963 June 23 | |
03: Aerial view of the Rocky Mountain National
Laboratory in Hamilton, Montana, in 1963. Photograph taken to document a building
expansion project completed through funds obtained by Senators Metcalf and
Mansfield—U.S. Public Health Service photograph |
circa 1963 September | |
04: Aerial view of the Rocky Mountain National
Laboratory in Hamilton, Montana, in 1963. Photograph taken to document a building
expansion project completed through funds obtained by Senators Metcalf and
Mansfield—U.S. Public Health Service photograph |
circa 1963 September | |
05: View of the new experimental animal and
insectary quarters at the Rocky Mountain National Laboratory in Hamilton, Montana,
in 1963. Photograph taken to document a building expansion project completed
through funds obtained by Senators Metcalf and Mansfield—U.S. Public Health
Service photograph |
circa 1963 September | |
06: Construction being completed on a new shop at
the Rocky Mountain National Laboratory in Hamilton, Montana, in 1963. Photograph
taken to document a building expansion project completed through funds obtained by
Senators Metcalf and Mansfield—U.S. Public Health Service photograph |
circa 1963 September | |
07: Job Corps Conservation Center youth enrollees
conduct minor repairs and maintenance around the Conservation Center in Yaak,
Montana, in February 1965—photograph by Morton R. Engelberg of the Office of
Economic Opportunity (OEO 97-31) |
1965 February | |
08: Two Job Corps Conservation Center enrollees
practice newly-learned office skills by working in the Conservation Center supply
room in Yaak, Montana—photograph by Morton R. Engelberg of the Office of Economic
Opportunity (OEO 100-7) |
1965 February | |
09: Job Corps Conservation Center physical
training room, equipped and run by Job Corps enrollees in Yaak, Montana—photograph
by Morton R. Engelberg of the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO
104-4) |
1965 February | |
8-12 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: General
Projects |
1965-1966 |
01: View of the Neighborhood Youth Corps project
sign at Thompson Park in Butte, Montana, during the summer of 1965 |
1965 | |
02: A Neighborhood Youth Corps supervisor leads a
counseling discussion for the program’s youth enrollees, regarding their plans for
the future at a worksite in Thompson Park in Butte, Montana, during the summer of
1965 |
1965 | |
03: Neighborhood Youth Corps supervisor Jim
Codison shows the program’s youth enrollees how to handle a power saw at a
worksite in Thompson Park in Butte, Montana, during the summer of 1965 |
1965 | |
04: A group of Neighborhood Youth Corps’ youth
enrollees leave their workstations and walk down a road at a worksite in Thompson
Park in Butte, Montana, on August 25, 1965, the last day of the Corps’
program |
1965 August 25 | |
05: Picnickers use the facilities built by
Neighborhood Youth Corps’ youth enrollees in Thompson Park in Butte, Montana,
during the summer of 1965 |
1965 | |
06: Group photograph of the administrative staff
of the Rocky Mountain National Laboratory in Hamilton, Montana, taken on September
10, 1965. Pictured are (left to right) Dr. Robert Philip, Assistant Director; T.H.
Sherwin, Personnel Officer; Dr. Herbert G. Stoenner, Director; and B.E. Anderson,
Administrative Officer |
1965 September 10 | |
07: Dr. Fritz Bell (left) collects saliva from a
wild bat held by John Moore (right), as part of research conducted on September
10, 1965, at the Rocky Mountain National Laboratory in Hamilton,
Montana |
1965 September 10 | |
08: Laboratory technicians Mary Wickt and LaVerne
Fadness of the tuberculosis vaccine development unit of the Rocky Mountain
National Laboratory in Hamilton, Montana, compare TB lesions on lungs from mice
that had been protected against the disease with different vaccines |
1965 September 10 | |
09: Dr. Kaye Burgman observes the changes in the
blood vessels of a mouse’s ear as part of a study of allergic
reactions |
1965 September 10 | |
10: Peace Corps volunteer Gerald Underdal of
Shelby, Montana, (on right, wearing glasses) works on a school construction
project in Gabon—photograph by Carl Purcell for the Peace Corps |
1966 | |
11: Peace Corps volunteers Gerald Underdal (left,
wearing glasses) of Shelby, Montana, and David Torrico (right) of Buffalo, New
York, work on a school construction project in Gabon—photograph by Carl Purcell
for the Peace Corps |
1966 | |
8-13 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: General
Projects |
1960s, 1967 |
M15 (Oversized): Aerial view of an unidentified
city at the base of a mountain range (possible a city in Montana) |
1967 | |
01: Myrna Aavedal of Helena, Montana, assists with
giving an IV to an infant during her Peace Corps service in 1967 at a hospital in
La Unión, Chile |
1967 | |
02: Myrna Aavedal of Helena, Montana, gives a baby
a bath during her Peace Corps service in 1967 at a hospital in La Unión,
Chile |
1967 | |
03: Myrna Aavedal of Helena, Montana, weighs a
baby during her Peace Corps service in 1967 at a hospital in La Unión,
Chile |
1967 | |
04: Myrna Aavedal of Helena, Montana, assists Dr.
Federico Biefang with an examination of a baby during her Peace Corps service in
1967 at a hospital in La Unión, Chile |
1967 | |
05: Myrna Aavedal of Helena, Montana, provides a
child with a meal during her Peace Corps service in 1967 at a hospital in La
Unión, Chile |
1967 | |
06: Myrna Aavedal of Helena, Montana, explains a
treatment to some of the auxiliary nurses during her Peace Corps service in 1967
at a hospital in La Unión, Chile |
1967 | |
07: Peace Corps volunteer Jack Ward of Browning,
Montana, joins a group of children while they play games outside of a school in
Columbia—Peace Corps photograph |
1960s | |
08: Peace Corps volunteer Jack Ward of Browning,
Montana, watches while a group of children play games outside of a school in
Columbia—Peace Corps photograph |
1960s | |
8-14 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: General
Projects |
1960s |
01: A job seeker (left) is interviewed by Carl
Gladue (right), a Neighborhood Center Group Worker, as part of an Office of
Economic Opportunity’s “War on Poverty” program in Montana |
circa 1960s | |
02: Native American residents of Great Falls,
Montana, are pictured in the Library of the Neighborhood Center in Great Falls, as
part of an Office of Economic Opportunity’s “War on Poverty” program in
Montana |
circa 1960s | |
03: A doctor gives a child an examination as part
of a Head Start program in Montana |
circa 1960s | |
04: Great Falls School District speech therapist
Jean Irwin (right) works with Lily Meyer, a participant in Head Start, in Great
Falls, Montana |
circa 1960s | |
05: View of the newly-completed United States
Information Bureau in Sweet Grass, Montana, at the border crossing between Canada
and the United States. Senator Metcalf worked to increase commerce funding for
border crossings along the U.S.-Canadian border in Montana |
undated | |
06: Aerial view of the newly-completed United
States Information Bureau in Sweet Grass, Montana, at the border crossing between
Canada and the United States. Senator Metcalf worked to increase commerce funding
for border crossings along the U.S.-Canadian border in Montana |
undated |
Series 19: Congressional ProjectsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries B: Bureau of Public Roads (Dept. of
Commerce) |
Box/Folder | ||
8-15 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Bureau of Public
Roads |
1963, 1965-1966 |
01: View of Higgins Avenue Island in Missoula,
Montana, in January 1963, during work on highway construction problems in the
city |
1963 January | |
02: View of Higgins Avenue Island in Missoula,
Montana, in January 1963, during work on highway construction problems in the
city |
1963 January | |
03: General view of the highway and north side of
the Urlin-Orange Interchange of Interstate 90 on the north side of Missoula,
Montana, in August 1965, showing areas with construction problems |
1965 August | |
04: View of a dust cloud created by construction
vehicles during road work on Interstate 90 on the north side of Missoula, Montana,
in August 1965 |
1965 August | |
05: View of sidewalk hazards during road
construction on Interstate 90 on the north side of Missoula, Montana, in August
1965 |
1965 August | |
06: Residents of the North Side neighborhood of
Missoula, Montana, and highway engineers meet in the summer at Urlin-Orange
Interchange of Interstate 90, where residents expressed their complaints with
problems from the highway construction |
1965 August | |
07: View of an unsafe water drain running under
the newly-constructed portion of Interstate 90 on the north side of Missoula,
Montana, near North Side Park in August 1965 |
1965 August | |
08: Close-up view of an unsafe water drain running
under the newly-constructed portion of Interstate 90 on the north side of
Missoula, Montana, near North Side Park in August 1965 |
1965 August | |
09: View of a hazardous sidewalk area during road
construction on Interstate 90 on the north side of Missoula, Montana, in August
1965 |
1965 August | |
10: A broken portion of a sidewalk left unmarked
by the contractor during construction work on Interstate 90 on the north side of
Missoula, Montana, in August 1965 |
1965 August | |
11: General view of the highway near the
Urlin-Orange Interchange of Interstate 90, on the north side of Missoula, Montana,
in August 1965 |
1965 August | |
12: View of residents’ houses being forced to
modify their structures along a new highway entrance ramp at the Orange Street
interchange during construction on Interstate 90, on the north side of Missoula,
Montana, in August 1965 |
1965 August | |
13: View of a poorly-modified sidewalk after road
construction at the intersection of North Orange and North Third Streets at the
Interstate 90 interchange, on the north side of Missoula, Montana, in August
1965 |
1965 August | |
14: Construction workers tunnel under a
newly-constructed road curb for electrical pipes during road construction near the
Urlin-Orange Interchange of Interstate 90, on the north side of Missoula, Montana,
in August 1965 |
1965 August | |
15: Aerial view of a poorly-designed water
drainage system near the Urlin-Orange Interchange of Interstate 90, on the north
side of Missoula, Montana, in August 1965—photograph by Stan Healy of Missoula,
Montana |
1965 August | |
16: Aerial view of North Side Park in Missoula,
Montana, showing problems with highway water drainage systems, which sent runoff
water into the park during highway construction near the Urlin-Orange Interchange
of Interstate 90, on the north side of Missoula, Montana, in August
1965—photograph by Stan Healy of Missoula, Montana |
1965 August | |
17: Photograph was used as an exhibit for the
Bureau of Public Roads General Counsel in July 1966, showing Wier’s Furniture
Store, in Lewistown, Montana, which was denied a store front modernization project
by the Bureau of Public Roads |
1966 July |
Series 19: Congressional ProjectsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries C: Corps of Engineers |
Box/Folder | ||
8-16 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Corps of
Engineers |
1960s, 1962 |
01: Representatives of the Corps of Engineers meet
with members of the Montana congressional delegation during the week of June 17,
1962, to discuss Northwest water resource development. Pictured are (left to
right) Ray Dockstader, Senator Mike Mansfield’s legislative assistant; Lt. Col.
Joseph F. Garbacz, assistant director of civil works; Gordon Fernald, chief of the
planning division for the North Pacific Division; Maj. Gen. Robert G. MacDonnell,
director of civil works; Maj. Gen. William W. Lapsley, North Pacific Division
engineer; Congressman Arnold Olsen; Senator Lee Metcalf |
June 1962 | |
02: Photograph of a Corps of Engineers April 1958
engineer’s drawing of the proposed Knowles Dam on the Flathead River in Montana.
The photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during the 1960s for hearings on the
proposed dam project—U.S. Army Corps of Engineers North Pacific Division
photograph |
circa 1960s | |
03: Photograph of a Corps of Engineers 1962
engineer’s drawing of the proposed Libby Dam on the Kootenai River in Montana. The
photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during the 1960s for hearings on the
proposed dam project —U.S. Army Corps of Engineers photograph |
circa 1960s | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf walks through paleontology
displays during a visit with a group at the Fort Peck Dam museum at Fort Peck,
Montana. Jack Condon (fourth from left), Senator Metcalf’s driver, and state
senator Gordon Bollinger (fourth from right) are present |
circa 1960s | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf tours the Fort Peck Dam
and power plant with a group at Fort Peck, Montana |
circa 1960s | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf tours the Fort Peck Dam
and power plant with a group at Fort Peck, Montana |
circa 1960s | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf and an unidentified man
look over machinery during a group tour of the Fort Peck Dam power plant at Fort
Peck, Montana |
circa 1960s |
Series 19: Congressional ProjectsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries D: Department of Agriculture |
Box/Folder | ||
8-17 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
Agriculture |
1962 |
01: View of the memorial bronze plaque in the
DeVoto Memorial Cedar Grove in the Clearwater National Forest on the day of the
grove’s dedication on September 9, 1962, in Idaho |
1962 September 9 | |
02: View of the memorial bronze plaque in the
DeVoto Memorial Cedar Grove in the Clearwater National Forest on the day of the
grove’s dedication on September 9, 1962, in Idaho |
1962 September 9 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf looks at the memorial
bronze plaque in the DeVoto Memorial Cedar Grove in the Clearwater National Forest
during the grove’s dedication on September 9, 1962, in Idaho. The grove’s
dedication ceremony renewed calls for the passage of a national wilderness bill in
memory of author Bernard DeVoto—photograph by W.E. Steuerwald of the U.S. Forest
Service |
1962 September 9 | |
04: View of the DeVoto Memorial Cedar Grove sign
and entrance in the Clearwater National Forest, taken on the day that the memorial
grove was dedicated in Idaho on September 9, 1962 |
1962 September 9 | |
05: View of the DeVoto Memorial Cedar Grove sign
and entrance in the Clearwater National Forest, taken on the day that the memorial
grove was dedicated in Idaho on September 9, 1962 |
1962 September 9 | |
06: View of trees in the DeVoto Memorial Cedar
Grove in the Clearwater National Forest, taken on the day that the memorial grove
was dedicated in Idaho on September 9, 1962 |
1962 September 9 | |
07: View of trees in the DeVoto Memorial Cedar
Grove in the Clearwater National Forest, taken on the day that the memorial grove
was dedicated in Idaho on September 9, 1962 |
1962 September 9 | |
9-1 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
Agriculture |
1963, 1965 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) receives a
demonstration of the U.S. Forest Service’s new fire control simulator from Forest
Service staff member Bill Wood (right), during a tour of the new system for a
group of federal congressmen. Forest Service staff member James Jay (background,
top) is seen in the simulator’s tower |
circa 1963 March | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) receives a
demonstration of the U.S. Forest Service’s new fire control simulator from Forest
Service staff member Bill Wood (right), during a tour of the new system for a
group of federal congressmen. Forest Service staff member James Jay (background,
top) is seen in the simulator’s tower |
circa 1963 March | |
03: Double print of U.S. Forest Service Chief
Forester Milton M. Bryan (left) presenting one of the new Smokey the Bear signs to
Senator Lee Metcalf (right). The signs were used for the Forest Service’s
educational campaign to prevent forest fires |
circa 1963 August | |
04: Visit of Vice-President Hubert Humphrey to the
Northern Forest Fire Laboratory and Aerial Fire Depot in Missoula, Montana, on
September 29, 1966. Pictured are (left to right, foreground) a Secret Service
officer; Arthur P. Brackebush, Chief of the Northern Forest Fire Laboratory; Rep.
Arnold Olsen; Senator Lee Metcalf; and Vice-President Humphrey |
1966 September 29 | |
05: Visit of Vice-President Hubert Humphrey to the
Northern Forest Fire Laboratory and Aerial Fire Depot in Missoula, Montana, on
September 29, 1966. Pictured are (left to right) Mrs. Howard R. Foulger; Mrs. Neal
M. Rahm; Vice-President Humphrey; and Senator Lee Metcalf |
1966 September 29 | |
06: Visit of Vice-President Hubert Humphrey to the
Northern Forest Fire Laboratory and Aerial Fire Depot in Missoula, Montana, on
September 29, 1966. Pictured are (left to right) Senator Lee Metcalf; Ernest R.
DeSilvia, Assistant Regional Forester; Vice-President Humphrey; Rep. Arnold Olsen;
and Neal M. Rahm, Regional Forester |
1966 September 29 | |
07: Visit of Vice-President Hubert Humphrey to the
Northern Forest Fire Laboratory and Aerial Fire Depot in Missoula, Montana, on
September 29, 1966. Pictured on the Missoula County airport runway in front of a
Forest Service airplane are (left to right) Rep. Arnold Olsen; Neal M. Rahm,
Regional Forester; Nels H. Jensen, supervisory smokejumper squad leader; Ronald
G.O. Curtiss, supervisory smokejumper; Vice-President Humphrey; Ted P. Andersen,
supervisory smokejumper squad leader; Senator Lee Metcalf; and Everett Michael
Javine, smokejumper |
1966 September 29 | |
08: Visit of Vice-President Hubert Humphrey to the
Northern Forest Fire Laboratory and Aerial Fire Depot in Missoula, Montana, on
September 29, 1966. Pictured on the Missoula County airport runway in front of a
Forest Service airplane are (left to right) Rep. Arnold Olsen; Neal M. Rahm,
Regional Forester; Nels H. Jensen, supervisory smokejumper squad leader; Ronald
G.O. Curtiss, supervisory smokejumper; Vice-President Humphrey; Ted P. Andersen,
supervisory smokejumper squad leader; Senator Lee Metcalf; and Everett Michael
Javine, smokejumper |
1966 September 29 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (at speaker’s podium)
gives a speech on a speakers’ stage at the dedication of the new U.S. Forest
Service Forestry Sciences Laboratory at the University of Montana in Missoula,
Montana, on May 19, 1967. Pictured on stage (seated) are U.S. Forest Service
Deputy Chief George M. Jemison and representatives of the University of
Montana |
1967 May 19 | |
9-2 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
Agriculture |
1968 |
01: Two backpackers travel through a forest in
Montana in 1968. Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during hearings on the
Lincoln-Scapegoat Wilderness Area by the Public Land Subcommittee of the Senate
Interior Committee |
1968 | |
02: A man and his horse stop on the side of a
mountain slope in the Bob Marshall Wilderness in Montana in 1968. Photograph was
used by Senator Metcalf during hearings on the Lincoln-Scapegoat Wilderness Area
by the Public Land Subcommittee of the Senate Interior Committee |
1968 | |
03: Two mountain goats are pictured in a forest in
Montana in 1968. Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during hearings on the
Lincoln-Scapegoat Wilderness Area by the Public Land Subcommittee of the Senate
Interior Committee |
1968 | |
04: View of a campsite in a forest in Montana in
1968. Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during hearings on the
Lincoln-Scapegoat Wilderness Area by the Public Land Subcommittee of the Senate
Interior Committee |
1968 | |
05: View of a forest fire on a hill in a forest in
Montana in 1968. Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during hearings on the
Lincoln-Scapegoat Wilderness Area by the Public Land Subcommittee of the Senate
Interior Committee |
1968 | |
06: View of tree tops in a forest in Montana in
1968. Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during hearings on the
Lincoln-Scapegoat Wilderness Area by the Public Land Subcommittee of the Senate
Interior Committee |
1968 | |
07: View of a lake in front of the Chinese Wall
escarpment in the Bob Marshall Wilderness in Montana in 1968. Photograph was used
by Senator Metcalf during hearings on the Lincoln-Scapegoat Wilderness Area by the
Public Land Subcommittee of the Senate Interior Committee |
1968 | |
08: Three people on horseback ride through a field
in a forest in Montana in 1968. Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during
hearings on the Lincoln-Scapegoat Wilderness Area by the Public Land Subcommittee
of the Senate Interior Committee |
1968 | |
09: Four youth backpacking in a forest area in
Montana in 1968. Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during hearings on the
Lincoln-Scapegoat Wilderness Area by the Public Land Subcommittee of the Senate
Interior Committee |
1968 | |
9-3 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
Agriculture (Bolle Report) |
1970 |
01: Aerial photograph from May 15, 1970, of
Sleeping Child in the Bitterroot National Forest in Montana. Photograph was used
by Senator Metcalf during hearings on the Bolle Report by the Senate Interior
Committee—photograph by Keith J. Evans |
1970 May 15 | |
02: Aerial photograph from May 15, 1970, of
Sleeping Child in the Bitterroot National Forest in Montana. Photograph was used
by Senator Metcalf during hearings on the Bolle Report by the Senate Interior
Committee—photograph by Keith J. Evans |
1970 May 15 | |
03: Aerial photograph from May 15, 1970, of Blue
Joint in the Bitterroot National Forest in Montana. Photograph was used by Senator
Metcalf during hearings on the Bolle Report by the Senate Interior
Committee—photograph by Keith J. Evans |
1970 May 15 | |
04: Aerial photograph from May 15, 1970, of the
West Fork area in the Bitterroot National Forest in Montana. Photograph was used
by Senator Metcalf during hearings on the Bolle Report by the Senate Interior
Committee—photograph by Keith J. Evans |
1970 May 15 | |
05: Aerial photograph from May 15, 1970, of
Sleeping Child in the Bitterroot National Forest in Montana. Photograph was used
by Senator Metcalf during hearings on the Bolle Report by the Senate Interior
Committee—photograph by Keith J. Evans |
1970 May 15 | |
06: Aerial photograph from May 15, 1970, of
Sleeping Child in the Bitterroot National Forest in Montana. Photograph was used
by Senator Metcalf during hearings on the Bolle Report by the Senate Interior
Committee—photograph by Keith J. Evans |
1970 May 15 | |
07: Clearcut patches in the Stevensville District
of the Bitterroot National Forest. Photograph published on page 3 of the December
1970 report “A University View of the Forest Service” (known as the Bolle Report),
prepared for the Senate Interior Committee at Senator Metcalf’s request (dates on
back incorrect)—U.S. Forest Service photograph |
circa 1970 | |
08: Two U.S. Forest Service rangers look over a
recently terraced area in Mud Creek Drainage on the West Fork District of the
Bitterroot National Forest. Photograph published on page 4 of the December 1970
report “A University View of the Forest Service” (known as the Bolle Report),
prepared for the Senate Interior Committee at Senator Metcalf’s request (dates on
back incorrect)—U.S. Forest Service photograph |
circa 1970 | |
09: A close-up view of U.S. Forest Service
terracing in the Mud Creek area of the West Fork District, in the Bitterroot
National Forest. Photograph published on page 5 of the December 1970 report “A
University View of the Forest Service” (known as the Bolle Report), prepared for
the Senate Interior Committee at Senator Metcalf’s request (dates on back
incorrect)—U.S. Forest Service photograph |
circa 1970 | |
10: Outsloped strips in unit No. 6, Two Bear sale,
Darby Ranger District in the Bitterroot National Forest. Photograph published on
page 6 of the December 1970 report “A University View of the Forest Service”
(known as the Bolle Report), prepared for the Senate Interior Committee at Senator
Metcalf’s request (dates on back incorrect)—U.S. Forest Service
photograph |
circa 1970 | |
11: During a tour in 1968 of the Bitterroot
National Forest, Guy M. Brandborg (left) and Champ Hannon (right), a former forest
ranger, look over terracing where ponderosa pine seedlings were machine planted.
Photograph published on page 7 of the December 1970 report “A University View of
the Forest Service” (known as the Bolle Report), prepared for the Senate Interior
Committee at Senator Metcalf’s request (dates on back incorrect)—U.S. Forest
Service photograph |
circa 1970 | |
12: Aerial view of clearcut forest areas in the
Bitterroot National Forest. Photograph published on page 8 of the December 1970
report “A University View of the Forest Service” (known as the Bolle Report),
prepared for the Senate Interior Committee at Senator Metcalf’s request (dates on
back incorrect)—photograph by Dale A. Burk |
circa 1970 | |
13: View of an area in the Bitterroot National
Forest that was dozer-piled downslope, creating a serious erosion hazard.
Photograph published on page 8 of the December 1970 report “A University View of
the Forest Service” (known as the Bolle Report), prepared for the Senate Interior
Committee at Senator Metcalf’s request (dates on back incorrect)—U.S. Forest
Service photograph |
1970 | |
9-4 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
Agriculture (Bolle Report) |
1970s, 1970-1971 |
01: View of a burned slash pile from clearcuts in
the Bitterroot National Forest. Photograph published on page 9 of the December
1970 report “A University View of the Forest Service” (known as the Bolle Report),
prepared for the Senate Interior Committee at Senator Metcalf’s request (dates on
back incorrect)—photograph by Dale A. Burk |
circa 1970 | |
02: View of clearcuts and partial terracing in the
Bitterroot National Forest. Photograph published on page 10 of the December 1970
report “A University View of the Forest Service” (known as the Bolle Report),
prepared for the Senate Interior Committee at Senator Metcalf’s request (dates on
back incorrect)—photograph by Dale A. Burk |
circa 1970 | |
03: View of clearcuts and partial terracing in the
Bitterroot National Forest. Photograph published on page 10 of the December 1970
report “A University View of the Forest Service” (known as the Bolle Report),
prepared for the Senate Interior Committee at Senator Metcalf’s request (dates on
back incorrect)—photograph by Dale A. Burk |
circa 1970 | |
04: View of a stabilized old forest road on the
Piquett Creek Experiment Area in the Darby, Montana, area of the Bitterroot
National Forest. Photograph published on page 11 of the December 1970 report “A
University View of the Forest Service” (known as the Bolle Report), prepared for
the Senate Interior Committee at Senator Metcalf’s request (dates on back
incorrect)—photograph by Dale A. Burk |
circa 1970 | |
05: Phil Hahn, research forester for Georgia
Pacific, loads an “inertia gun” for planting tree seedlings. Photograph was used
during Senate Interior Committee hearings on the Bolle Report |
circa 1971 March | |
06: Phil Hahn (right), research forester for
Georgia Pacific, uses an “inertia gun” for planting tree seedlings to replace
harvested timber as George Bradshaw (left), Georgia Pacific’s chief forester,
watches. Photograph was used during Senate Interior Committee hearings on the
Bolle Report |
circa 1971 March | |
07: Georgia Pacific Vice-President Harry A Merlo
(center) uses an “inertia gun” to plant a tree seedling, as Georgia Pacific
research forester Phil Hahn (left) and Georgia Pacific division manager George
Ritchie (right) look on. Photograph was used during Senate Interior Committee
hearings on the Bolle Report |
circa 1971 March | |
08: Standing in front of a helicopter, Senator Lee
Metcalf (right) is given a briefing tour of the Stillwater and Goose Lake mining
complexes by Steve Yurich (left), supervisor of the Forest Service’s northern
region, on August 17, 1971. The tour was from around the time of Metcalf’s
proposal for the leasing of hard-rock minerals on public land—photograph by Dave
Earley for the Billings Gazette
1971 August 17 | |
09: A cloud of pollution is seen in the Quartz
Creek area in Libby, Montana, on November 1, 1971, caused by clear-cutting of
timber areas conducted by the U.S. Forest Service |
1971 November 1 | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf stands beside the entrance
sign for the Coram Experimental Forest in the Flathead National Forest—Hungry
Horse News photograph |
1970s |
Series 19: Congressional ProjectsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries E1: Department of the
Interior—General |
Box/Folder | ||
9-5 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
the Interior—(General) |
1950s, 1962 |
01: A view of the facilities of the Petroleum
Refining Company in Shelby, Montana, in the 1950s. Photograph was used in the
1970s by Senator Metcalf for the Senate Interior Committee related to hearings on
pollution caused during oil drilling and refining in Montana |
circa 1950s | |
02: A view of the facilities of the Petroleum
Refining Company in Shelby, Montana, in the 1950s. Photograph was used in the
1970s by Senator Metcalf for the Senate Interior Committee related to hearings on
pollution caused during oil drilling and refining in Montana |
circa 1950s | |
03: A view of the facilities of the Petroleum
Refining Company in Shelby, Montana, in the 1950s. Photograph was used in the
1970s by Senator Metcalf for the Senate Interior Committee related to hearings on
pollution caused during oil drilling and refining in Montana |
circa 1950s | |
04: A view of the facilities of the Petroleum
Refining Company in Shelby, Montana, in the 1950s. Photograph was used in the
1970s by Senator Metcalf for the Senate Interior Committee related to hearings on
pollution caused during oil drilling and refining in Montana |
circa 1950s | |
05: View of a portion of the proposed 98,000-acre
Big Horn Canyon National Recreation Area in Montana and Wyoming , introduced by
the Department of the Interior to Montana’s two U.S. Senators—Olander
Studio |
circa 1962 June | |
06: The view overlooking the Barry’s Landing area
toward the Big Horn Canyon. The area was in the proposed 98,000-acre Big Horn
Canyon National Recreation Area in Montana and Wyoming, introduced by the
Department of the Interior to Montana’s two U.S. Senators |
circa 1962 June | |
07: View looking downstream on the north rim of
Black Canyon, upstream from the Big Horn River in the area proposed as the
98,000-acre Big Horn Canyon National Recreation Area in Montana and Wyoming. The
proposal was introduced by the Department of the Interior to Montana’s two U.S.
Senators |
circa 1962 June | |
9-6 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
the Interior—(General) |
1963 |
01: Workers for the Accelerated Public Works
Program stand next to a program sign in April 1963 at Lake Mason National Wildlife
Refuge, north of Roundup, Montana |
1963 April | |
02: Snow removal efforts, using a TD-18 bulldozer,
in a service area on the National Bison Range in Moiese, Montana, conducted by a
worker for the Accelerated Public Works Program |
1963 April | |
03: A worker for the Accelerated Public Works
Program sands juniper logs for use in picnic area construction on the National
Bison Range in Moiese, Montana |
1963 April | |
04: View of a well house at Miller Lake to be
renovated by members of the Accelerated Public Works Program, on the Charles M.
Russell National Wildlife Range, east of Lewistown, Montana |
1963 April | |
05: Workers for the Accelerated Public Works
Program paint pre-fabricated sections of latrines at the National Bison Range in
Moiese, Montana |
1963 April | |
06: Council fire areas with benches at the
National Bison Range in Moiese, Montana, constructed by workers for the
Accelerated Public Works Program |
1963 April | |
07: Welders repair a damaged bulldozer blade
during road construction by workers for the Accelerated Public Works Program at
the National Bison Range in Moiese, Montana |
1963 April | |
08: A TD-18 bulldozer widens a section of tour
road on the National Bison Range in Moiese, Montana, conducted by a worker for the
Accelerated Public Works Program |
1963 April | |
09: Blasting of an area along the route of the new
tour road on the National Bison Range in Moiese, Montana, conducted by workers for
the Accelerated Public Works Program |
1963 April | |
10: A TD-18 bulldozer and a rock drill work on the
construction of a tour road on the National Bison Range in Moiese, Montana,
conducted by workers for the Accelerated Public Works Program |
1963 April | |
9-7 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
the Interior—(General) |
1963 |
01: A worker for the Accelerated Public Works
Program drills holes in rock for blasting, during construction for a tour road on
the National Bison Range in Moiese, Montana |
1963 April | |
02: Workers for the Accelerated Public Works
Program place dynamite charges for blasting, during construction for a tour road
on the National Bison Range in Moiese, Montana |
1963 April | |
03: View of an Accelerated Public Works Program
sign on the National Bison Range in Moiese, Montana |
1963 April | |
04: View of a refuse can in a picnic area created
by the Accelerated Public Works Program on the National Bison Range in Moiese,
Montana |
1963 April | |
05: Workers for the Accelerated Public Works
Program transport recreation grounds facilities by truck on the Charles M. Russell
National Wildlife Range, east of Lewistown, Montana |
1963 April | |
06: Display shelter to show information,
regulations, and notices, installed by workers for the Accelerated Public Works
Program on the National Bison Range in Moiese, Montana |
1963 April | |
07: A picnic table in a picnic area, built by
workers for the Accelerated Public Works Program on the National Bison Range in
Moiese, Montana |
1963 April | |
08: Restrooms built by workers for the Accelerated
Public Works Program on the National Bison Range in Moiese, Montana |
1963 April | |
09: Workers for the Accelerated Public Works
Program prepare a roadside drain ditch for placement of a culvert on the tour road
on the National Bison Range in Moiese, Montana |
1963 April | |
10: Workers for the Accelerated Public Works
Program drill a well on the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Range, east of
Lewistown, Montana |
1963 April | |
9-8 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
the Interior—(General) |
1964 |
01: View of a damaged house stuck in debris along
a river bank, following the Montana flood in June 1964. Photograph from Exhibit
Panel A, used in congressional hearings by the Senate Interior Committee after the
flood |
circa June 1964 | |
02: View of a damaged house and property along a
river in Montana caused by the flood of June 1964. Photograph from Exhibit Panel
A, used in congressional hearings by the Senate Interior Committee after the
flood |
circa June 1964 | |
03: View of damaged roads and land in an
unidentified location in Montana caused by the flood of June 1964. Photograph from
Exhibit Panel A, used in congressional hearings by the Senate Interior Committee
after the flood |
circa June 1964 | |
04: Erosion of a railroad bed, with railroad
tracks hanging over a hole, caused by the flood of June 1964. Photograph from
Exhibit Panel A, used in congressional hearings by the Senate Interior Committee
after the flood |
circa June 1964 | |
05: Erosion of a river bank caused by the flood of
June 1964. Photograph from Exhibit Panel B, used in congressional hearings by the
Senate Interior Committee after the flood |
circa June 1964 | |
06: Damaged caused to the road at the “Captain
Meriwether Lewis” historical highway marker on U.S. Route 89, north of Dupuyer,
Montana, along Birch Creek from the flood of 1964. Photograph from Exhibit Panel
B, used in congressional hearings by the Senate Interior Committee after the
flood |
circa June 1964 | |
07: View of a washed-out bridge covered by the
waters of a flooded river during the flood of June 1964 in Montana. Photograph
from Exhibit Panel B, used in congressional hearings by the Senate Interior
Committee after the flood |
circa June 1964 | |
08: View of a washed-out bridge lies on a river
bank after the flood of June 1964 came through this portion of Montana. Photograph
from Exhibit Panel B, used in congressional hearings by the Senate Interior
Committee after the flood |
circa June 1964 | |
09: View of a washed-out road and damaged river
bed are seen after the flood of June 1964 came through this portion of Montana.
Photograph from Exhibit Panel C, used in congressional hearings by the Senate
Interior Committee after the flood |
circa June 1964 | |
10: A damaged water drainage pipeline lies on a
hillside after the flood of June 1964 came through this portion of Montana.
Photograph from Exhibit Panel C, used in congressional hearings by the Senate
Interior Committee after the flood |
circa June 1964 | |
11: A washed-out dam is seen in a river after the
flood of June 1964 came through this portion of Montana. Photograph from Exhibit
Panel C, used in congressional hearings by the Senate Interior Committee after the
flood |
circa June 1964 | |
12: River bank erosion is seen at an unidentified
location in Montana, caused by the flood of June 1964. Photograph from Exhibit
Panel C, used in congressional hearings by the Senate Interior Committee after the
flood |
circa June 1964 | |
13: View of river bank erosion and damaged river
channels, caused by the flood of June 1964. Photograph from Exhibit Panel D, used
in congressional hearings by the Senate Interior Committee after the
flood |
circa June 1964 | |
14: View of river bank erosion caused by the flood
of June 1964. Photograph from Exhibit Panel D, used in congressional hearings by
the Senate Interior Committee after the flood |
circa June 1964 | |
15: Damage to a river channel caused by the flood
of June 1964. Photograph from Exhibit Panel D, used in congressional hearings by
the Senate Interior Committee after the flood |
circa June 1964 | |
16: Debris left behind after the flood of June
1964. Photograph from Exhibit Panel D, used in congressional hearings by the
Senate Interior Committee after the flood |
circa 1964 June | |
9-9 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
the Interior—(General) |
1964, 1966 |
01: View looking northwest up the Sun River Valley
in Great Falls, Montana, showing an authorized levee project in black broken
lines. Area was part of the Great Falls Flood Control Project in the aftermath of
the flood of June 1964 in Montana. A small portion of Levee No. 3 is shown in the
lower right-hand corner of the photograph. Potential levee project additions are
shown with the red broken lines |
circa 1964 July | |
02: Looking south up the Missouri River in Great
Falls, Montana. The downstream end of Levee No. 3 is show in the upper left
portion of the photograph, as part of the Great Falls Flood Control
Project |
circa 1964 July | |
03: Looking south across the Sun River in Great
Falls, Montana. The Missouri River and Levee No. 3 are in the upper left-hand
corner of the photograph, as part of the Great Falls Flood Control
Project |
circa 1964 July | |
04: Looking southeast along the Sun River in Great
Falls, Montana. The photograph shows Levee No. 1 and Levee No. 2, part of the
Great Falls Flood Control Project |
circa 1964 July | |
05: Looking southwest across the Missouri River at
the upstream end of Levee No. 3. The authorized levee, shown in black broken
lines, would have prevented all the flooding in the Meadowlark Country Club
Addition. The levee was part of the Great Falls Flood Control Project |
circa 1964 July | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and Congressman
Arnold Olsen (right) stand with several African American youth (possibly Job Corps
workers), at the dedication ceremony on Sunday, August 28, 1966, for the Saint
Mary Visitor Center in Glacier National Park. The center’s completion was part of
the National Park Service Mission 66 program of modernizing facilities for the
50th anniversary of the service |
1966 August 28 | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) shakes hands with
an African American youth, part of a group of African American youth (possibly Job
Corps workers) present, as Congressman Arnold Olsen (right) looks on at the
dedication ceremony on Sunday, August 28, 1966, for the Saint Mary Visitor Center
in Glacier National Park |
1966 August 28 | |
08: Unidentified people walk on a dirt road near
the Saint Mary Visitor Center in Glacier National Park prior to the center’s
dedication ceremony on Sunday, August 28, 1966 |
1966 August 28 | |
09: A park ranger points out something in the park
to Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right) at the dedication ceremony on Sunday,
August 28, 1966, for the Saint Mary Visitor Center in Glacier National
Park |
1966 August 28 | |
10: A park ranger and Senator Lee Metcalf (second
from right) stand on a road next to the Saint Mary Visitor Center at the center’s
dedication ceremony on Sunday, August 28, 1966, in Glacier National Park. The
center’s completion was part of the National Park Service Mission 66 program of
modernizing facilities for the 50th anniversary of the service |
1966 August 28 | |
11: Senator Lee Metcalf (center, standing) talks
with members of a high school band which was to perform at the dedication ceremony
on Sunday, August 28, 1966, for the Saint Mary Visitor Center in Glacier National
Park |
1966 August 28 | |
12: Senator Lee Metcalf (center, standing) talks
with members of a high school band which was to perform at the dedication ceremony
on Sunday, August 28, 1966, for the Saint Mary Visitor Center in Glacier National
Park |
1966 August 28 | |
9-10 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
the Interior—(General) |
1966 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) stands on the
speaker’s stage with two park rangers, prior to the dedication ceremony on Sunday,
August 28, 1966, for the Saint Mary Visitor Center in Glacier National Park. The
center’s completion was part of the National Park Service Mission 66 program of
modernizing facilities for the 50th anniversary of the service |
1966 August 28 | |
02: Special guests, speakers, and representatives
of the National Park Service stand on the speaker’s stage with two park rangers,
prior to the dedication ceremony on Sunday, August 28, 1966, for the Saint Mary
Visitor Center in Glacier National Park. The center’s completion was part of the
National Park Service Mission 66 program of modernizing facilities for the 50th
anniversary of the service |
1966 August 28 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) stands on the
speaker’s stage with officials, prior to the dedication ceremony on Sunday, August
28, 1966, for the Saint Mary Visitor Center in Glacier National Park. The center’s
completion was part of the National Park Service Mission 66 program of modernizing
facilities for the 50th anniversary of the service |
1966 August 28 | |
04: George B. Hartzog, Jr., (center), Director of
the National Park Service, stands with Senator Lee Metcalf (right) on the
speaker’s stage, prior to the dedication ceremony on Sunday, August 28, 1966, for
the Saint Mary Visitor Center in Glacier National Park. The center’s completion
was part of the National Park Service Mission 66 program of modernizing facilities
for the 50th anniversary of the service |
1966 August 28 | |
SL17: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right) sits
on the speaker’s stage with several individuals, prior to giving a speech at the
dedication ceremony on Sunday, August 28, 1966, for the Saint Mary Visitor Center
in Glacier National Park. The center’s completion was part of the National Park
Service Mission 66 program of modernizing facilities for the 50th anniversary of
the service |
1966 August 28 | |
SL18-SL20: Senator Lee Metcalf stands at a podium
on the speaker’s stage giving a speech at the dedication ceremony on Sunday,
August 28, 1966, for the Saint Mary Visitor Center in Glacier National Park. The
center’s completion was part of the National Park Service Mission 66 program of
modernizing facilities for the 50th anniversary of the service |
1966 August 28 | |
05: A high school band performs at the dedication
ceremony on Sunday, August 28, 1966, for the Saint Mary Visitor Center in Glacier
National Park |
1966 August 28 | |
06: A high school band performs at the dedication
ceremony on Sunday, August 28, 1966, for the Saint Mary Visitor Center in Glacier
National Park |
1966 August 28 | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf (center, facing away from
viewer) talks with two National Park Service employees at the visitor’s
information desk in the new Saint Mary Visitor Center, at the dedication ceremony
on Sunday, August 28, 1966, in Glacier National Park |
1966 August 28 | |
08: Several people have a conversation inside the
new Saint Mary Visitor Center, at the dedication ceremony on Sunday, August 28,
1966, in Glacier National Park |
1966 August 28 | |
09: George B. Hartzog, Jr., (second from left),
Director of the National Park Service, stands with Senator Lee Metcalf (third from
right) inside the Saint Mary Visitor Center, with members of the Blackfeet Tribe
of the Blackfeet Reservation, at the center’s dedication ceremony on Sunday,
August 28, 1966, in Glacier National Park |
1966 August 28 | |
10: Unidentified people stand outside the new
Saint Mary Visitor Center at the center’s dedication ceremony on Sunday, August
28, 1966, for the in Glacier National Park |
1966 August 28 | |
11: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) poses with an
unidentified woman at the new Saint Mary Visitor Center, during the center’s
dedication ceremony on Sunday, August 28, 1966, in Glacier National
Park |
1966 August 28 | |
12: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses with an
unidentified man (with cameras around his neck) at the new Saint Mary Visitor
Center, during the center’s dedication ceremony on Sunday, August 28, 1966, in
Glacier National Park (negative only) |
1966 August 28 | |
9-11 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
the Interior—(General) |
1966-1967 |
01: Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall (left)
poses with Senator Lee Metcalf (right) at the Western States Water and Power
Consumers Conference in Billings, Montana, where Udall reported on the public use
of Yellowtail Dam |
1966 September | |
02: View of Ruby Reservoir, east of Dillon,
Montana, showing present use of the undeveloped public lands that the Bureau of
Land Management proposed developing into a recreation area. Photograph sent by BLM
Montana Director Harold Tysk to Senator Metcalf in a March 6, 1967,
letter |
circa 1966 | |
03: View of Ruby Reservoir, east of Dillon,
Montana, showing present use of the undeveloped public lands that the Bureau of
Land Management proposed developing into a recreation area, in order to solve
trash and sanitation issues. Photograph sent by BLM Montana Director Harold Tysk
to Senator Metcalf in a March 6, 1967, letter |
circa 1966 | |
04: View of trash pile due to lack of undeveloped
recreation areas at Ruby Reservoir, east of Dillon, Montana. Bureau of Land
Management proposed developing recreation areas around the reservoir in order to
solve trash and sanitation issues. Photograph sent by BLM Montana Director Harold
Tysk to Senator Metcalf in a March 6, 1967, letter |
circa 1966 | |
05: View of Bureau of Land Management lands from
Judith Peak, near Lewistown, Montana. Bureau of Land Management proposed
developing recreation areas here. Photograph sent by BLM acting Montana Director
Ernest L. Kemmis to Senator Metcalf in a March 14, 1967, letter |
circa 1966 | |
06: View of entrance sign at Maiden Canyon
Resource Conservation Area near Lewistown, Montana. Bureau of Land Management
proposed developing recreation areas here. Photograph sent by BLM acting Montana
Director Ernest L. Kemmis to Senator Metcalf in a March 14, 1967,
letter |
circa 1966 | |
07: Three young girls from Anaconda, Montana, show
fish they caught at the Ruby Creek Campground on the Madison River, near Ennis,
Montana. Bureau of Land Management proposed developing better recreation areas
here. Photograph sent by BLM acting Montana Director Ernest L. Kemmis to Senator
Metcalf in a March 14, 1967, letter |
circa 1966 | |
08: Ruby Creek Campground BLM entrance road sign
near Ennis, Montana. Bureau of Land Management proposed developing better
recreation areas here. Photograph sent by BLM acting Montana Director Ernest L.
Kemmis to Senator Metcalf in a March 14, 1967, letter |
circa 1966 | |
09: View of Ruby Creek Campground on the Madison
River, near Ennis, Montana. Bureau of Land Management proposed developing better
recreation areas here. Photograph sent by BLM acting Montana Director Ernest L.
Kemmis to Senator Metcalf in a March 14, 1967, letter |
circa 1966 | |
10: West Madison Recreation Area BLM entrance sign
near Ruby Creek Campground, on the Madison River, near Ennis, Montana. Bureau of
Land Management proposed developing better recreation areas here. Photograph sent
by BLM acting Montana Director Ernest L. Kemmis to Senator Metcalf in a March 14,
1967, letter |
circa 1966 | |
11: A visitor’s camper at the Ruby Creek
Campground on the Madison River, near Ennis, Montana. Bureau of Land Management
proposed developing better recreation areas here. Photograph sent by BLM acting
Montana Director Ernest L. Kemmis to Senator Metcalf in a March 14, 1967,
letter |
circa 1966 | |
9-12 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
the Interior—(General) |
1968 |
01: Exhibit No. 1 showing an unhealthy saltbrush
plant (foreground, center) subjected to continuous grazing on the Crago Brothers
Allotment in Butte County, South Dakota. The allotment was a Bureau of Land
Management research ranch |
circa 1968 April | |
02: Exhibit No. 2 showing improved conditions of a
saltbrush plant following institution of a grazing system on the Crago Brothers
Allottment, a Bureau of Land Management research ranch in Butte County, South
Dakota |
circa 1968 April | |
03: Exhibit No. 3 showing improved conditions of a
saltbrush plant following institution of a grazing system on the Crago Brothers
Allottment, a Bureau of Land Management research ranch in Butte County, South
Dakota |
circa 1968 April | |
04: Exhibit No. 4 showing a stockwater reservoir
with vegetation along the reservoir damaged from continuous grazing, prior to the
institution of a grazing system on the Crago Brothers Allotment. The allotment was
a Bureau of Land Management research ranch in Butte County, South
Dakota |
circa 1968 April | |
05: Exhibit No. 5 showing a stockwater reservoir
bank as it appeared under continuous grazing on the Crago Brothers Allotment, a
Bureau of Land Management research ranch in Butte County, South Dakota |
circa 1968 April | |
06: Exhibit No. 6 showing the response of
reservoir vegetation after 1½ years under grazing management on the Crago Brothers
Allotment, a Bureau of Land Management research ranch in Butte County, South
Dakota |
circa 1968 April | |
07: Exhibit No. 7 showing the favorable response
of reservoir vegetation after 1½ years under grazing management on the Crago
Brothers Allotment, a Bureau of Land Management research ranch in Butte County,
South Dakota |
circa 1968 April | |
08: Exhibit No. 8 showing prairie cordgrass in a
drainage after initiation of the grazing management program on the Crago Brothers
Allotment, a Bureau of Land Management research ranch in Butte County, South
Dakota |
circa 1968 April | |
09: Exhibit No. 9 showing a view of Alkali Creek
in Butte County, South Dakota, when it was subjected to continuous
grazing |
circa 1968 April | |
10: Exhibit No. 10 showing the favorable response
of vegetation along Alkali Creek after the institution of grazing management in
Butte County, South Dakota |
circa 1968 April | |
11: Exhibit No. 11 showing the response of
vegetation along Alkali Creek following a period of rest from grazing in Butte
County, South Dakota |
circa 1968 April | |
12: Exhibit No. 12 showing the response of
vegetation along Alkali Creek following a period of rest from grazing in Butte
County, South Dakota |
circa 1968 April | |
13: Exhibit No. 13 showing a close-up of silver
sage plants, which provide valuable game forage, following a period of rest from
grazing along Alkali Creek in Butte County, South Dakota |
circa 1968 April | |
14: Exhibit No. 14 showing a headcut now healing
by vegetation induced from a controlled grazing program on the square Butte
Allotment in Phillips County, Montana |
circa 1968 April | |
9-13 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
the Interior—(General) |
1968-1969 |
01: View of logging and road construction debris
in the Silver Butte Creek watershed in the Kootenai National Forest in
Montana |
circa 1968 May | |
02: View of logging, power line construction, and
road construction debris in the Silver Butte Creek watershed in the Kootenai
National Forest in Montana |
circa 1968 May | |
03: View of logging, power line construction, and
road construction debris in the Silver Butte Creek watershed in the Kootenai
National Forest in Montana |
circa 1968 May | |
04: View of logging and road construction debris
in the Silver Butte Creek watershed in the Kootenai National Forest in
Montana |
circa 1968 May | |
05: Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall
(right) and Senator Lee Metcalf (third from left) pose with members of the Crow
tribe in Hardin, Montana, prior to the dedication of Yellowtail Dam on October 31,
1968—photograph by Kenneth R. Anderson of Billings, Montana |
1968 October 31 | |
06: Senate Interior committee member Senator Lee
Metcalf (left) shakes hands with sculptor Carl Tolpo (right) at a ceremony on May
20, 1969. The ceremony was to accept a bronze bust of President Abraham Lincoln,
sculpted by Tolpo, for permanent display in Ford’s Theater in Washington, D.C.
Assistant Secretary of the Interior Carl L. Klein (second from right) and an
unidentified man look on—photograph by Jack Rottier for the National Park Service
(Photo #10067-10-D) |
1969 May 20 | |
9-14 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
the Interior—(General) |
1971 |
01: View of landslide covering a creek, two
hundred yards from Ecola State Park in Oregon |
circa 1971 June | |
02: Coast foothills two hundred yards from Ecola
State Park Road on Crown Z Company timberland in Oregon, showing road starting to
give away due to erosion |
circa 1971 June | |
03: View of timber slash on Boise Cascade Company
land, about one mile east of Elsie junction on Oregon Highway 26 going to the
coast. Poor falling practices of timber has left timber slash running onto public
road |
circa 1971 June | |
04: View of a 1000-acre clear-cut on Boise Cascade
Company land, east of Elsie on Oregon Highway 26 going to the coast. Erosion from
clear-cutting has blocked water drainage onto road |
circa 1971 June | |
05: View of an excessive timber slash from a
1000-acre clear-cut on Boise Cascade Company land, east of Elsie on Oregon Highway
26 going to the coast |
circa 1971 June | |
06: Landslide into the Molalla River in Oregon,
caused by road building above the river on Weyerhaeuser Company
timberland |
1971 July 24 | |
07: View of an excessive timber slash left along
the road and blocked water drainage from the slash on Crown Z Company timberland,
along the Molalla River in Oregon |
1971 July 24 | |
08: View of excessive timber cuts on both sides of
the Molalla River in Oregon on Crown Z Company timberland. Erosion from the cut
caused a landslide in the top right of the photograph |
1971 July 24 | |
09: View of logs and fallen trees along the
Molalla River bank, caused by clear-cutting and erosion from timbering practices
on Crown Z Company timberland |
1971 July 24 | |
10: View of a timber slash, left along the road,
that has slide onto the road from Crown Z Company timberland, along the Molalla
River in Oregon |
1971 July 24 | |
9-15 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
the Interior—(General) |
1971 |
01: View of excessive timber cuts on both sides of
the Molalla River in Oregon on Crown Z Company timberland. The cuts are between
five and ten years old |
1971 July 24 | |
02: View of a massive land slide caused by
excessive timber slash on Crown Z Company that has blocked part of the Molalla
River (dark foreground is river bed) in Oregon |
1971 July 24 | |
03: View of excessive timber cuts on both sides a
road along the Molalla River in Oregon on Crown Z Company timberland. No regrowth
of timber has occurred |
1971 July 24 | |
04: View of excessive timber cuts on both sides of
the Molalla River in Oregon on Crown Z Company timberland. The cuts are between
five and ten years old |
1971 July 24 | |
05: View of timber slash that has blocked a
drainage field (center) along the road running parallel with the Molalla River in
Oregon on Crown Z Company timberland |
1971 July 24 | |
06: View of ten-year old timber cut on
Weyerhaeuser Company timberland along the Molalla River in Oregon. Remnant timber
slash piles have slide onto the road |
1971 July 24 | |
07: View of a massive land slide caused by
excessive timber slash on Crown Z Company that slide into part of the Molalla
River in Oregon |
1971 July 24 | |
08: View of a timber slash on Crown Z Company that
has blocked drainage of the land into the Molalla River in Oregon |
1971 July 24 | |
09: View of a timber slash and remnant cable in
the lumber truck loading area on Crown Z Company, above the Molalla River in
Oregon |
1971 July 24 | |
10: View of a timber slash in the lumber truck
loading area on Crown Z Company, above the Molalla River in Oregon |
1971 July 24 | |
9-16 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
the Interior—(General) |
1972 |
01: Group photograph of Benchmark Campground Youth
Conservation Corps enrollees at the campground in the Lewis and Clark National
Forest of northeast of August, Montana. Photograph was part of a report used by
Senator Metcalf in the Senate Interior Committee |
1972 | |
02: Benchmark Campground Youth Conservation Corps
enrollees receive environmental education and lessons in wildlife management in
Lewis and Clark National Forest. Photograph was of a report used by Senator
Metcalf in the Senate Interior Committee |
1972 | |
03: Benchmark Campground Youth Conservation Corps
enrollees receive environmental education and lessons in wildlife management in
Lewis and Clark National Forest. Photograph was of a report used by Senator
Metcalf in the Senate Interior Committee |
1972 | |
04: A Youth Conservation Corps enrollee uses a
horse to skid poles for the construction of the Pretty Prairie Pasture Fence in
Lewis and Clark National Forest. Photograph was of a report used by Senator
Metcalf in the Senate Interior Committee |
1972 | |
05: Two Youth Conservation Corps enrollees
debarking logs to create poles for the construction of the Pretty Prairie Pasture
Fence in Lewis and Clark National Forest. Photograph was of a report used by
Senator Metcalf in the Senate Interior Committee |
1972 | |
06: Two Benchmark Campground Youth Conservation
Corps enrollees paint the bathrooms at the campground in Lewis and Clark National
Forest. Photograph was of a report used by Senator Metcalf in the Senate Interior
Committee |
1972 | |
07: Two Youth Conservation Corps enrollees use a
wheelbarrow to haul cement picnic table legs at Wood Lake Campground in Lewis and
Clark National Forest. Photograph was of a report used by Senator Metcalf in the
Senate Interior Committee |
1972 | |
08: Six-man work crew, part of the Youth
Conservation Corps, pose for a photograph in front of the Pretty Prairie Station
in Lewis and Clark National Forest. Photograph was of a report used by Senator
Metcalf in the Senate Interior Committee |
1972 | |
09: View of a completed pasture fence built by
members of the Youth Conservation Corps at the Pretty Prairie Pasture in Lewis and
Clark National Forest. Photograph was of a report used by Senator Metcalf in the
Senate Interior Committee |
1972 | |
10: A Youth Conservation Corps enrollee clears a
trail construction in Lewis and Clark National Forest. Photograph was of a report
used by Senator Metcalf in the Senate Interior Committee |
1972 | |
11: A shower house and bunk house constructed by
Youth Conservation Corps enrollees in Lewis and Clark National Forest. Photograph
was of a report used by Senator Metcalf in the Senate Interior
Committee |
1972 | |
10-1 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
the Interior—(General) |
1976 |
01: View of the upper end of Tenmile Creek and
Upper Tenmile Lake in the Mount Haggin Ranch area, Unit A. Photograph was used
during the purchase negotiation for Mount Haggin Ranch in 1976 by Montana Fish and
Game Department and the U.S. Forest Service |
1976 | |
02: View of Middle Tenmile Lake in Deer Lodge
County, Montana, in the Mount Haggin Ranch area, Unit A. Photograph was used
during the purchase negotiation for Mount Haggin Ranch in 1976 by Montana Fish and
Game Department and the U.S. Forest Service |
1976 | |
03: View of the upper end of Sullivan Lake in the
Mount Haggin Ranch area, Unit B. Photograph was used during the purchase
negotiation for Mount Haggin Ranch in 1976 by Montana Fish and Game Department and
the U.S. Forest Service |
1976 | |
04: Aerial view showing Mount Evans (left) and
Mount Haggin (right) near the Mount Haggin Ranch area, Unit B. Photograph was used
during the purchase negotiation for Mount Haggin Ranch in 1976 by Montana Fish and
Game Department and the U.S. Forest Service |
1976 | |
05: View from a mountain looking at the upper end
of Twelve Mile Creek in Deer Lodge County, Montana, in the Mount Haggin Ranch
area, Unit B. Photograph was used during the purchase negotiation for Mount Haggin
Ranch in 1976 by Montana Fish and Game Department and the U.S. Forest
Service |
1976 | |
06: View from a mountain looking at the upper end
of Twelvemile Creek, where it empties into an unnamed lake, in the Mount Haggin
Ranch area, Unit B. Photograph was used during the purchase negotiation for Mount
Haggin Ranch in 1976 by Montana Fish and Game Department and the U.S. Forest
Service |
1976 | |
07: View of the upper end of Sullivan Creek
drainage basin in the Mount Haggin Ranch area, Unit B. Photograph was used during
the purchase negotiation for Mount Haggin Ranch in 1976 by Montana Fish and Game
Department and the U.S. Forest Service |
1976 | |
08: View of logged area in Sullivan Creek, with
Mount Evans in the background (center), in the Mount Haggin Ranch area, Unit B.
Photograph was used during the purchase negotiation for Mount Haggin Ranch in 1976
by Montana Fish and Game Department and the U.S. Forest Service |
1976 | |
09: View of Mount Short taken from lower Sullivan
Creek in the Mount Haggin Ranch area, Unit B. Photograph was used during the
purchase negotiation for Mount Haggin Ranch in 1976 by Montana Fish and Game
Department and the U.S. Forest Service |
1976 | |
10: Aerial view looking south across the lower
portion of Twelvemile Creek in Deer Lodge County, Montana, in the Mount Haggin
Ranch area, Unit B. Photograph was used during the purchase negotiation for Mount
Haggin Ranch in 1976 by Montana Fish and Game Department and the U.S. Forest
Service |
1976 | |
11: Looking west across Unit B in the Mount Haggin
Ranch area in Deer Lodge County, Montana. Photograph was used during the purchase
negotiation for Mount Haggin Ranch in 1976 by Montana Fish and Game Department and
the U.S. Forest Service |
1976 | |
12: View of a logged-over area in the southern
portion of Unit B in the Mount Haggin Ranch area in Deer Lodge County, Montana.
Photograph was used during the purchase negotiation for Mount Haggin Ranch in 1976
by Montana Fish and Game Department and the U.S. Forest Service |
1976 | |
13: View of Lost Creek, looking east down the
drainage basin, in the Mount Haggin Ranch area, Unit C. Photograph was used during
the purchase negotiation for Mount Haggin Ranch in 1976 by Montana Fish and Game
Department and the U.S. Forest Service |
1976 | |
14: View of the Lost Creek-Foster Creek Divide,
with the small lake in the center of the photograph in the Mount Haggin Ranch
area, Unit C. Photograph was used during the purchase negotiation for Mount Haggin
Ranch in 1976 by Montana Fish and Game Department and the U.S. Forest
Service |
1976 | |
10-2 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
the Interior—(General) |
1976, undated |
01: View of small lakes in an unnamed fork of Lost
Creek, on the east face of Olson Mountain, Unit C. Photograph was used during the
purchase negotiation for Mount Haggin Ranch in 1976 by Montana Fish and Game
Department and the U.S. Forest Service |
1976 | |
02: Lost Creek Falls in Lost Creek State Park,
Unit C. Photograph was used during the purchase negotiation for Mount Haggin Ranch
in 1976 by Montana Fish and Game Department and the U.S. Forest
Service |
1976 | |
03: Entrance to Garrity Cave in the Foster Creek
region, west of Anaconda, Montana, Unit C. Photograph was used during the purchase
negotiation for Mount Haggin Ranch in 1976 by Montana Fish and Game Department and
the U.S. Forest Service |
1976 | |
04: Markings in Garrity Cave showing the cavern’s
date of discovery in the Foster Creek region, west of Anaconda, Montana, Unit C.
Photograph was used during the purchase negotiation for Mount Haggin Ranch in 1976
by Montana Fish and Game Department and the U.S. Forest Service |
1976 | |
05: Interior view of Garrity Cave, showing a
ladder providing access to the cave’s first chamber, Unit C. Photograph was used
during the purchase negotiation for Mount Haggin Ranch in 1976 by Montana Fish and
Game Department and the U.S. Forest Service |
1976 | |
06: Second cave chamber showing access ladder in
Garrity Cave, Unit C. Photograph was used during the purchase negotiation for
Mount Haggin Ranch in 1976 by Montana Fish and Game Department and the U.S. Forest
Service |
1976 | |
07: View in the third cave chamber showing an
access ladder in Garrity Cave, Unit C. Photograph was used during the purchase
negotiation for Mount Haggin Ranch in 1976 by Montana Fish and Game Department and
the U.S. Forest Service |
1976 | |
08: View of pool and rock formations in the third
chamber in Garrity Cave, Unit C. Photograph was used during the purchase
negotiation for Mount Haggin Ranch in 1976 by Montana Fish and Game Department and
the U.S. Forest Service |
1976 | |
09: Lower Lost Creek at the east end of Lost Creek
State Park, Unit C. Photograph was used during the purchase negotiation for Mount
Haggin Ranch in 1976 by Montana Fish and Game Department and the U.S. Forest
Service |
1976 | |
10: View of Lower Lost Creek, facing east toward
Butte, Montana, from the cliffs above Lost Creek State Park, Unit C. Photograph
was used during the purchase negotiation for Mount Haggin Ranch in 1976 by Montana
Fish and Game Department and the U.S. Forest Service |
1976 | |
11: View of limestone cliffs above Lost Creek
State Park, Unit C. Photograph was used during the purchase negotiation for Mount
Haggin Ranch in 1976 by Montana Fish and Game Department and the U.S. Forest
Service |
1976 | |
12: View looking west up Lost Creek from cliffs
above Lost Creek State Park, Unit C. Photograph was used during the purchase
negotiation for Mount Haggin Ranch in 1976 by Montana Fish and Game Department and
the U.S. Forest Service |
1976 | |
13: Montana politicians pose with members of the
Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes in front of the Fort Peck Tribal Industries
building in Poplar, Montana. The photograph was taken during an unidentified event
related to an industrial contract with Avco Economic Systems Corporation. Senator
Lee Metcalf (second from left, wearing headdress), Avco Economic Systems
Corporation President John B. Kelley (fourth from left), and Montana Governor
Forrest H. Anderson (eighth from left) are present |
undated | |
14: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from left) shakes
hands with a leader of the Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes in front of the
Fort Peck Tribal Industries building in Poplar, Montana. The photograph was taken
during an unidentified event related to an industrial contract with Avco Economic
Systems Corporation |
undated | |
15: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) and Montana
Governor Forrest H. Anderson (second from left) put tribal headdresses on two men,
including Avco Economic Systems Corporation President John B. Kelley (second from
right), in the presence of a leader of the Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes.
The photograph was taken in front of the Fort Peck Tribal Industries building in
Poplar, Montana, during an unidentified event related to an industrial contract
with Avco Economic Systems Corporation |
undated | |
16: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) and Montana
Governor Forrest H. Anderson (second from left) stand with two men, including Avco
Economic Systems Corporation President John B. Kelley (second from right) and a
leader of the Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes. The photograph was taken in
front of the Fort Peck Tribal Industries building in Poplar, Montana, for an
unidentified event related to an industrial contract with Avco Economic Systems
Corporation |
undated | |
17: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) and Montana
Governor Forrest H. Anderson (second from left) stand with two men, including Avco
Economic Systems Corporation President John B. Kelley (second from right) and a
leader of the Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes. The photograph was taken in
front of the Fort Peck Tribal Industries building in Poplar, Montana, for an
unidentified event related to an industrial contract with Avco Economic Systems
Corporation |
undated | |
18: A map of the Middle Missouri River Study Area,
showing recommendations of the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation for recreation areas
along the river |
undated | |
19: Aerial view of Fort Randall Dam and Lake
Francis Case in South Dakota, part of the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation’s proposed
Great Prairie Lake National Recreation Area |
undated | |
20: View of three men in a motor boat traveling
down the Missouri River in Montana, with Dark Butte in the background. This area
was part of the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation’s proposed Missouri Breaks National
River |
undated | |
21: A section of the Missouri River in Montana
proposed by the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation to be included in the new Missouri
Breaks National River. This river area contains the only substantial segment that
remains as the primitive and majestic wilderness as seen by Lewis and
Clark |
undated | |
22: Map showing the area proposed by the Bureau of
Outdoor Recreation to be designated as the Missouri Breaks National River in
Montana |
undated | |
23: Children entering Fort Abraham Lincoln at
Bismarck, North Dakota. The fort is part of the area proposed by the Bureau of
Outdoor Recreation to be Great Prairie Lakes National Recreation Area |
undated |
Series 19: Congressional ProjectsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries E2: Department of the Interior—Bureau of
Indian Affairs (BIA) |
Box/Folder | ||
10-3 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
the Interior—(BIA) |
1961, 1964 |
01: View of the Willard E. Fraser Building in
Billings, Montana, occupied by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Photograph taken
during a General Services Administration survey of Montana Federal Buildings, in
preparation for the construction of the Billings Post Office and Federal Court
House |
1960 October 26 | |
02: John Woodenlegs (left), president of the
Northern Cheyenne Tribe at Lame Deer, Montana, met with Senators Lee Metcalf
(center) and Mike Mansfield (right) during a recent visit to Washington, D.C.
Woodenlegs conferred with the senators and federal authorities about economic
development and housing on the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation |
circa 1963 March | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) and Secretary of
the Interior Stewart Udall (left) hold a brochure for the First Invitational
Exhibition of American Indian Art, held in the Department of the Interior’s Art
Gallery in Washington, D.C. |
1964 November | |
04: Swearing-in ceremony on December 18, 1964, for
Barney Old Coyote (fourth from left) as the coordinator of youth conservation
camps of the Job Corps, under the Department of the Interior. Present at the
ceremony in Washington, D.C., are Senator Lee Metcalf (second from left); Interior
Secretary Udall (third from left); Senator Mike Mansfield (second from right); and
Rep. Arnold Olsen—U.S. Department of the Interior photograph |
1964 December 18 | |
05: Swearing-in ceremony on December 18, 1964, for
Dr. Roland R. Renne (fourth from left) as the Department of the Interior’s Office
of Water Resources. Present at the ceremony in Washington, D.C., are Senator Lee
Metcalf (second from left); Interior Secretary Udall (third from left); Senator
Mike Mansfield (second from right); and Rep. Arnold Olsen—U.S. Department of the
Interior photograph |
1964 December 18 | |
10-4 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
the Interior—(BIA) |
1964, 1966 |
01: Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall
(fourth from left) congratulates Dr. Roland R. Renne (second from left) and Barney
Old Coyote (third from right) on their appointments to positions in the Department
of the Interior, following a swearing-in ceremony on December 18, 1964, in
Washington, D.C. Present for the event are Rep. Arnold Olsen (left); Charles A.
Horsky (third from left), presidential advisor for national capital affairs;
Senator Lee Metcalf (fourth from right); Senator Mike Mansfield (second from
right); and Thomas J. Cavanaugh (right), Interior Department Associate Solicitor
of Public Lands—U.S. Department of the Interior photograph |
1964 December 18 | |
02: The Montana congressional delegation
congratulates Barney Old Coyote (second from right) on his appointment as
coordinator of youth conservation camps of the Job Corps, under the Department of
the Interior, following a ceremony in Washington, D.C. (Left to right) Rep. Arnold
Olsen; Senator Lee Metcalf; Old Coyote; and Senator Mike Mansfield |
1964 December 18 | |
03: Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall (third
from left) shakes hands with Native American tribal members at the airport in
Billings, Montana, upon Udall’s arrival on September 26, 1966, for the Western
States Water and Power Conference |
1966 September 26 | |
04: Road sign for the Rocky Boy’s Indian
Reservation of the Chippewa Cree Tribe in Montana—Bureau of Indian Affairs
photograph |
1966 | |
10-5 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
the Interior—(BIA) |
1966 |
01: “New home under construction on the Fort Peck
Reservation, Montana”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph (#266-62-11) |
1966 | |
02: “Indian stockman and part of his herd on the
Fort Peck Reservation, Montana”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph
(#266-62-16) |
1966 | |
03: “New home on the Fort Peck Reservation,
Montana”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph (#266-62-56) |
1966 | |
04: “Opening a water gate to channel irrigation
water into a field on the Fort Peck Reservation, Montana”—Bureau of Indian Affairs
photograph (#266-62-74) |
1966 | |
05: “Indian family enjoys a picnic on the Fort
Peck Reservation, Montana”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph
(#266-62-194) |
1966 | |
06: “Releasing game birds to stock the Fort Peck
Reservation for hunters as part of the improvement of tourism attractions offered
by the Indians”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph (#266-62-213) |
1966 | |
07: “Building an outdoor fireplace for picnics and
campers on the Fort Peck Reservation—part of tourism facilities”—Bureau of Indian
Affairs photograph (#266-63-451) |
1966 | |
08: “Skiers using a lift built by the Indians as a
tribal enterprise on the Fort Belknap Reservation, Montana”—Bureau of Indian
Affairs photograph (#266-64-23) |
1966 | |
09: “Picnic shelter constructed as part of the
tourism facilities on the Fort Peck Reservation, Montana” —Bureau of Indian
Affairs photograph (#266-64-25) |
1966 | |
10: “Stocking fish for tourism as well as local
fishermen—Fort Belknap Reservation, Montana” —Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph
(#266-64-60) |
1966 | |
11: “Road construction on the Fort Peck
Reservation, Montana”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph
(#266-64-167) |
1966 | |
10-6 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
the Interior—(BIA) |
1966 |
01: “Ground prepared for new construction on the
Fort Peck Reservation, Montana”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph
(#266-64-179) |
1966 | |
02: “Combining a field on the Fort Peck
Reservation, Montana”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph
(#266-64-390) |
1966 | |
03: “Road construction on the Fort Peck
Reservation, Montana”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph (#266-65-60) |
1966 | |
04: “Heavy equipment is kept in good repair in the
maintenance shop on the Fort Peck Reservation, Montana”—Bureau of Indian Affairs
photograph (#266-65-64) |
1966 | |
05: “Science class on the Fort Peck Reservation,
Montana”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph (#266-65-83) |
1966 | |
06: “Roundup time at Fort Belknap. Well-built
lodgepole corral is typical of improvements on reservation ranches”—Bureau of
Indian Affairs photograph (#266-65-126) |
1966 | |
07: “Water resources utilization and conservation
is the subject during a range management tour on the Fort Belknap Reservation,
Montana”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph (#266-65-132) |
1966 | |
08: “Indian cattlemen on the Fort Belknap
Reservation round up the spring calves”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph
(#266-65-139) |
1966 | |
09: “Seeding Indian farmland on the Fort Peck
Reservation, Montana”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph
(#266-65-216) |
1966 | |
10: “Road construction on the Fort Peck
Reservation, Montana”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph
(#266-65-228) |
1966 | |
11: “Indian youth learns the principles of soil
conservation on a range management tour, as part of their training on the Fort
Peck Reservation, Montana”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph
(#266-65-231) |
1966 | |
10-7 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
the Interior—(BIA) |
1966 |
01: “New road on the Fort Belknap Reservation,
Montana”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph (#266-65-237) |
1966 | |
02: “Spring planting is a lot easier these days.
Modern machinery enables Indian farmers on the Fort Peck Reservation to seed vast
acreages”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph (#266-65-241) |
1966 | |
03: “Visual aids are used in the classroom on the
Fort Peck Reservation, Montana, as part of the regular teaching program” —Bureau
of Indian Affairs photograph (#266-65-296) |
1966 | |
04: “Indian scholars on the Fort Peck Reservation
enjoy outdoor sports”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph
(#266-65-300) |
1966 | |
05: “Probing the channel bottom for sunken
obstructions, using the other end of a peavey, Fort Belknap Reservation,
Montana”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph (#266-65-320) |
1966 | |
06: “Removing obstructions from water channel
bottom on the Fort Belknap Reservation, Montana”—Bureau of Indian Affairs
photograph (#266-65-323) |
1966 | |
07: “Schoolboys on the Fort Peck Reservation,
Montana, engrossed in their lesson”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph
(#266-65-347) |
1966 | |
08: “Indian school children on the Fort Peck
Reservation, Montana, enjoy a picnic outing”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph
(#266-65-384) |
1966 | |
09: “Home economics classes attended by Indian
girls from the Fort Peck Reservation, Montana, teach sewing to prepare them for
their future roles as homemakers”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph
(#266-65-409) |
1966 | |
10: “Indian girls on the Fort Peck Reservation,
Montana, learn sewing in their home economics class”—Bureau of Indian Affairs
photograph (#266-65-410) |
1966 | |
11: “Schoolgirls on the Fort Peck Reservation
prepare to set out for a range conservation tour as part of their land management
training”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph (#266-65-231) |
1966 | |
12: “Indian schoolboys on the Fort Peck
Reservation, Montana, ready to go on a range conservation tour”—Bureau of Indian
Affairs photograph (#266-65-450) |
1966 | |
10-8 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
the Interior—(BIA) |
1960s, 1966, 1969 |
01: “Bridging a wash on the Rocky Boy’s
Reservation, Montana”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph (#266-66-23) |
1966 | |
02: “Bridge structure on the Rocky Boy’s
Reservation, Montan”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph (#266-66-24) |
1966 | |
03: “Indian family on the Fort Peck Reservation,
Montana, poses in the doorway of their new home”—Bureau of Indian Affairs
photograph (#266-66-34) |
1966 | |
04: “Foundation trenching and septic tank
installation for a new home on the Fort Peck Reservation, Montana”—Bureau of
Indian Affairs photograph (#266-66-38) |
1966 | |
05: “New plumbing is installed in a ranch home on
the Fort Peck Reservation, Montana, as part of the housing improvement programs
currently underway”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph (#266-66-45) |
1966 | |
06: “Construction of a drainage system at Fort
Peck, Montana”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph (#266-66-59) |
1966 | |
07: “Indian stockman on the Fort Peck Indian
Reservation employs modern methods in feeding his calf crop in a well-built
corral”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph (#266-66-76) |
1966 | |
08: “Ski lift under construction on the Fort
Belknap Reservation, Montana”—Bureau of Indian Affairs photograph |
1966 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (fourth from left) shakes
hands with a young girl from the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, during dedication
ceremonies on Tuesday, April 8, 1969, for the Fort Peck Tribal Industries plant in
Poplar, Montana |
1969 April 8 | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf (third from left) cuts the
ribbon to dedicate the Fort Peck Tribal Industries plant in Poplar, Montana, on
Tuesday, April 8, 1969, during a ceremony held at the plant. Present are (left to
right) Robert L. Bennett; unidentified man; Metcalf; Robert H. Charles; and an
unidentified man |
1969 April 8 | |
11: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with Robert
H. Charles and an unidentified official during dedication ceremonies on Tuesday,
April 8, 1969, for the Fort Peck Tribal Industries plant in Poplar,
Montana |
1969 April 8 | |
12: View of the crowd and speaker’s platform at
the dedication ceremonies on Tuesday, April 8, 1969, for the Fort Peck Tribal
Industries plant in Poplar, Montana |
1969 April 8 | |
M16 (Oversized): Senator Lee Metcalf speaks to a
crowd from the speaker’s platform at the dedication ceremonies on Tuesday, April
8, 1969, for the Fort Peck Tribal Industries plant in Poplar, Montana |
1969 April 8 | |
13: Senator Lee Metcalf (at podium) speaks to a
crowd from the speaker’s platform at the dedication ceremonies on Tuesday, April
8, 1969, for the Fort Peck Tribal Industries plant in Poplar, Montana |
1969 April 8 | |
14: Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall
(seated, left) signs a document as Native American tribal representatives look on
during an unidentified ceremony |
1960s | |
10-9 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Department of
the Interior—(BIA) |
1973 |
01: View of window and floor damage at a school in
Brockton, Montana, in 1973 on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation |
1973 | |
02: View of a crowded and rundown classroom in a
school in Brockton, Montana, in 1973 on the Fort Peck Indian
Reservation |
1973 | |
03: View of exposed pipes and poor shower
conditions in a locker room at a school in Brockton, Montana, in 1973 on the Fort
Peck Indian Reservation |
1973 | |
04: View of poor shower conditions in a locker
room at a school in Brockton, Montana, in 1973 on the Fort Peck Indian
Reservation |
1973 | |
05: View of poor bathroom facility conditions at a
school in Brockton, Montana, in 1973 on the Fort Peck Indian
Reservation |
1973 | |
06: An unidentified school official walks up a
stairway in the gymnasium at a school in Brockton, Montana, in 1973 on the Fort
Peck Indian Reservation |
1973 | |
07: View of a gymnasium at a school in Brockton,
Montana, in 1973 on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation |
1973 | |
08: View cracked wall in a class room at a school
in Brockton, Montana, in 1973 on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation |
1973 | |
09: View of a water-damaged ceiling at a school in
Brockton, Montana, in 1973 on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation |
1973 | |
10: View of a cracked foundation and exterior wall
of a school in Brockton, Montana, in 1973 on the Fort Peck Indian
Reservation |
1973 | |
11: A boy stands in a hallway in a school in
Brockton, Montana, in 1973 on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation |
1973 | |
12: View down a stairway, showing some type of
damage to the floor at a school in Brockton, Montana, in 1973 on the Fort Peck
Indian Reservation |
1973 | |
13: View of exposed pipes in home economics
classroom in a school in Brockton, Montana, in 1973 on the Fort Peck Indian
Reservation |
1973 | |
14: Students sit in a crowded classroom with
exposed pipes in a school in Brockton, Montana, in 1973 on the Fort Peck Indian
Reservation |
1973 | |
15: View of exposed water pipes along the ceiling
in a school in Brockton, Montana, in 1973 on the Fort Peck Indian
Reservation |
1973 | |
16: View of an electrical wire hanging down from a
wall in a school in Brockton, Montana, in 1973 on the Fort Peck Indian
Reservation |
1973 | |
17: View of crowded conditions in a classroom in a
school in Brockton, Montana, in 1973 on the Fort Peck Indian
Reservation |
1973 |
Series 19: Congressional ProjectsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries E3: Department of the Interior—Bureau of
Reclamation (BOR) |
Box/Folder | ||
10-10 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Bureau of
Reclamation (BOR) |
1961 |
01: At a program held in the Hardin High School
auditorium as part of the Yellowtail Dam groundbreaking ceremonies, J.B. Benny, on
behalf of Yellowtail Constructors (prime contractors on the dam project),
presented a memorial plaque to be installed in the completed dam to Interior
Secretary Stewart Udall on October 18, 1961. Pictured are (left to right) J.B.
Benny, president of the Morrison-Knudson Company, Inc.; Henry S. Raegamer of
Hardin, Montana; Floyd E. Dominy, Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation; and
Secretary Udall—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by C.A. Knoll |
1961 October 18 | |
02: Interior Secretary Stewart Udall, arriving at
the Hardin, Montana, airport, on October 18, 1961, to participate in the
ground-breaking ceremonies for Yellowtail Dam, is welcomed by delegates of the
Crow Indian Tribal Council. Present are (left to right) Arliss Whiteman; Clarence
Stewart; Secretary Udall; John Cummins, Crow Tribal Chairman; and Senator Lee
Metcalf—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by C.A. Knoll |
1961 October 18 | |
03: Interior Secretary Stewart Udall (left)
touches the switch to set off the blast on the rim of the Bighorn Canyon on
October 18, 1961, signifying the start of construction on the Yellowtail Unit of
the Missouri River Basin Project. Looking on is Phil Soukop, Project Manager for
Yellowtail Constructors—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by C.A. Knoll |
1961 October 18 | |
04: Officials and distinguished guests present in
Hardin, Montana, on October 18, 1961, for the ground-breaking ceremonies at the
start of construction on the Yellowtail Dam, were given commemorative ties and tie
pins. Here, Marjorie Bad Bear, young Crow tribal member, adjusts the tie of
Interior Secretary Stewart L. Udall—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by C.A.
Knoll |
1961 October 18 | |
05: Guests and officials watch the cloud of smoke
from a blast on the rim of the Bighorn Canyon, set off by Interior Secretary
Stewart Udall on October 18, 1961, signifying the start of construction on the
Yellowtail Unit of the Missouri River Basin Project—Bureau of Reclamation
photograph by C.A. Knoll |
1961 October 18 | |
06: Interior Secretary Stewart Udall (left)
arrives in Hardin, Montana, on October 18, 1961, to participate in the
ground-breaking ceremonies for Yellowtail Dam. Udall was welcomed by Henry S.
Raegamer of Hardin, Montana; Floyd E. Dominy, Commissioner of the Bureau of
Reclamation; and Senator Lee Metcalf—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by C.A.
Knoll |
1961 October 18 | |
07: Regional Director Bruce Johnson (standing at
podium), of the Region 6 Headquarters of the Bureau of Reclamation, speaks at a
meeting held at Hardin, Montana, on October 18, 1961, preceding groundbreaking
ceremonies for the Yellowtail Dam. On the speaker’s platform are (left to right)
Interior Secretary Stewart Udall; Senator Lee Metcalf; and Harold Arthur,
Assistant Regional Director of Region 6—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by C.A.
Knoll |
1961 October 18 | |
08: At a program held on October 18, 1961 in the
Hardin High School auditorium as part of the Yellowtail Dam groundbreaking
ceremonies, J.B. Benny (left), president of the Morrison-Knudson Company, Inc. (on
behalf of Yellowtail Constructors, prime contractors on the dam project),
presented a memorial plaque to be installed in the completed dam to Interior
Secretary Stewart Udall—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by C.A. Knoll |
1961 October 18 | |
10-11 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Bureau of
Reclamation (BOR) |
1961 |
01: Aerial view from July 1, 1947, of a part of
the Lower Yellowstone Reclamation Project in Montana and North Dakota. The number
of farm homes in a comparatively small area indicates the density of farm
population in an area where irrigation is practiced. Photograph was used by
Senator Metcalf in 1961—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by C.A. Knoll (Lower
Yellowstone Aerial No. 2) |
1961 | |
02: View of Montana sugar beet irrigation on the
Benoit Hardy farm located 2½ miles northeast of Fairview, Montana, in October
1956. Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf in 1961—Bureau of Reclamation
photograph by C.A. Knoll (#14-600-178) |
1961 | |
03: The Holly Sugar Company maintains a sugar beet
processing plant at Sidney, Montana. In conjunction with the sugar plant,
livestock are fattened for market in the Sugar Company’s feed yards. Here is a
view from September 26, 1959, of the cattle coming into the feed yard for
fattening. Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf in 1961—Bureau of Reclamation
photograph by C.A. Knoll (#14-600-181) |
1961 | |
04: Sugar beets, a major crop produced on the
Lower Yellowstone Project, are harvested on the Hardy farm near Fairview, Montana.
Here on September 26, 1958, is seen a harvester unloading to a truck bound for the
processing plant. Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf in 1961—Bureau of
Reclamation photograph by C.A. Knoll (#14-600-192) |
1961 | |
05: View on October 10, 1951, of Hereford bulls
raised by Steve Holman & Sons at their ranch four miles east of Dodson,
Montana. Ranchers in that area depend on the production of irrigated hay crops and
other feeds on the Milk River Project for livestock-feeding operations. Photograph
was used by Senator Metcalf in 1961—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by Donald H.
Demarest (#15-600-65) |
1961 | |
06: Aerial view of Gibson Dam, west of Great
Falls, Montana, on the Sun River. Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf in
1961—Bureau of Reclamation photograph (#A-28-600-57) |
1961 | |
07: Aerial view of Tiber Dam looking across the
spillway section, the main embankment, and into the left abutment. Photograph was
used by Senator Metcalf in 1961—Bureau of Reclamation photograph
(#A-84-600-30) |
1961 | |
08: A man is priming a siphon tube on an irrigated
sugar beet field farmed by Albert Jerke in Buffalo Rapids No. 2, ten miles west of
Terry, Montana, on August 25, 1949. Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf in
1961—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by Donald H. Demarest
(#243-600-142) |
1961 | |
09: Aerial view of Canyon Ferry Dam on August 5,
1953, looking directly upstream and over the reservoir area. Photograph was used
by Senator Metcalf in 1961—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by Charles A. Knell
(#A296-600-42) |
1961 | |
10: View of the yacht basin on Canyon Ferry
Reservoir, taken on July 15, 1956, showing pleasure craft and the facilities for
mooring them. Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf in 1961—Bureau of Reclamation
photograph by Charles A. Knell (#296-600-705) |
1961 | |
11: View of the yacht basin on Canyon Ferry
Reservoir showing people fishing in a pleasure craft. Photograph was used by
Senator Metcalf in 1961—Bureau of Reclamation photograph
(#296-600-707) |
1961 | |
10-12 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Bureau of
Reclamation (BOR) |
1961-1962 |
01: View of the Big Horn Canyon from a spot above
the river taken on July 13, 1961, showing construction beginning on an observation
shelter for the public during the construction of Yellowtail Dam in Montana—Bureau
of Reclamation photograph by T.R. Broderick (#459-600-54) |
1961 | |
02: Earth moving equipment removes rock from the
excavation for the inlet to the diversion tunnel at the Yellowtail Dam site on
July 13, 1961—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by T.R. Broderick
(#459-600-53) |
1961 | |
03: View of an explosion on July 13, 1961, at the
Yellowtail Dam site, which removed more than 1600-tons of loose and cracked rock
as a safety precaution prior to dam construction, conducted by Yellowtail
Constructors—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by T.R. Broderick
(#459-600-55) |
1961 | |
04: This view, taken on December 28, 1961, is
looking up the centerline of the spillway stilling basin. A land mover’s shovel
swings around a load of excavation material to a Euclid truck on the right—Bureau
of Reclamation photograph by T.R. Broderick (#459-600-94) |
1961 | |
05: Workmen for the Yellowtail Constructors on
December 28, 1961, operating deep in the left abutment of the Bighorn Canyon wall,
probe to place dynamite in the hard-rock formations preparatory to blasting
operations in the dam’s spillway outlet tunnel, using a “Jimbo” truck-mounted
drill—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by T.R. Broderick (#459-600-96) |
1961 | |
06: Two Yellowtail Constructors workmen in hard
hats hang from ropes, high on the right canyon wall on the axis of Yellowtail Dam.
The men are working their way down the dam’s canyon wall to prepare for blasting
operations on December 28, 1961—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by T.R. Broderick
(#459-600-102) |
1961 | |
07: Excavation for the recovery tunnel of the
aggregate plant at Yellowtail Dam is shown at the right of this photograph from
March 13, 1962. In the background, stocking conveyors are under
construction—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by T.R. Broderick
(#459-600-113) |
1962 | |
08: A Yellowtail Constructors’ crane lowers a
section of a stocking conveyor to workmen on top of support towers in the
aggregate plant at the Yellowtail Dam site on March 14, 1962—Bureau of Reclamation
photograph by T.R. Broderick (#459-600-118) |
1962 | |
09: The Yellowtail Constructors’ survey crew
checks the alignment of the recovery tunnel for the aggregate plant on March 14,
1962. Stocking conveyors under construction are shown in the background—Bureau of
Reclamation photograph by T.R. Broderick (#459-600-119) |
1962 | |
10: Excavation operations underway for the left
abutment keyway at Yellowtail Dam as a P & H shovel loads a truck with
excavation material on March 13, 1962—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by T.R.
Broderick (#459-600-122) |
1962 | |
10-13 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Bureau of
Reclamation (BOR) |
1957, 1959, 1961-1962 |
01: Workman scale the sides of the canyon and
remove loose material from the upstream wall, right of the abutment keyway at the
Yellowtail Dam site on January 5, 1962—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by T.O.
Gillen (#459-640-674) |
1962 | |
02: Construction crews work jumbo drilling in the
spillway outlet tunnel, with iced conditions visible at the Yellowtail Dam site on
January 17, 1962—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by T.O. Gillen
(#459-640-712) |
1962 | |
03: Airtracs drilling rock at an elevation of 3830
feet to re-slope the spillway inlet under O.F.C. No. 1 at the Yellowtail Dam site
on March 27, 1962—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by D.L. Sanders
(#459-640-885) |
1962 | |
04: The 230-115-kv Dawson County substation
located near Glendive, Montana, for supplementing supply loads in eastern Montana
and for system interconnection with present facilities as seen through the towers
of the Fort Peck-Dawson County-Bismarck 230-kv Transmission Line—Bureau of
Reclamation photograph by Charles A. Knell (#466-600-245) |
1962 | |
05: The Helena Valley Pumping Plant, located about
500 feet downstream from Canyon Ferry Dam on the left bank of the Missouri River,
that will provide irrigation water for the Helena Valley Unit and the supplemental
supply of municipal water for the city of Helena. Photograph is looking down the
steel pipeline anchored in the steep canyon walls to the semi-outdoor pumping
plant and its two huge hydraulic turbine-driven centrifugal pumps—Bureau of
Reclamation photograph (#596-600-1057) |
1959 March 31 | |
06: Good equipment and a well-planned irrigation
system enable Herman Mondree to irrigate his 25-acre sugar beet field with five
hours of actual labor changing sets in the Crow Creek Unit of the Missouri River
Basin Project—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by Charles A. Knell
(#606-600-6) |
1957 August 1 | |
07: Well-designed and constructed canals and
structures enable Harry Stanley, watermaster, to exercise close control of the
farm deliveries in the Crow Creek Unit of the Missouri River Basin Project—Bureau
of Reclamation photograph by Charles A. Knell (#606-600-10) |
1957 August 1 | |
08: On this irrigated farm on the Crow Creek Unit
of the Missouri River Basin Project, the second cutting of alfalfa is about ready
for harvest—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by Charles A. Knell
(#606-600-30) |
1957 August 1 | |
09: Groundbreaking ceremonies for the Clark Canyon
Dam to be constructed on the Beaverhead River near Dillon, Montana, were held on
October 1, 1961. Approximately 3,000 people attended the ceremony—Bureau of
Reclamation photograph by Charles A. Knell (#699-600-550) |
1961 October 1 | |
10: About 3,000 people are seen sitting on the
sage-brush flats at the site of the groundbreaking ceremonies held on October 1,
1961, for the Clark Canyon Dam, to be constructed on the Beaverhead River near
Dillon, Montana—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by Charles A. Knell
(#699-600-556) |
1961 October 1 | |
10-14 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Bureau of
Reclamation (BOR) |
1961-1962, undated |
01: View from a hill showing stripping on the
right abutment of Clark Canyon Dam on November 10, 1961—Bureau of Reclamation
photograph by T.E. Mann (#699-600-622) |
1961 November 10 | |
02: Excavating with scrapers in the East Bench
Canal at Station 656—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by T.E. Mann
(#699-600-754) |
1962 January 15 | |
03: Scrapers excavating for East Bench Canal at
Station 820—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by T.E. Mann
(#699-600-792) |
1962 February 21 | |
04: Dragline excavating East Bench Canal at
Station 35(-)00—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by T.E. Mann
(#699-600-802) |
1962 February 21 | |
05: View of the cut-off trench at Clark Canyon Dam
and the left abutment—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by T.E. Mann
(#699-600-802) |
1962 February 21 | |
06: View of construction progress on the fish weir
walls at Barretts Diversion Dam—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by T.E. Mann
(#699-600-825) |
1962 March 6 | |
07: CLZ Canal Contractors building a retention
dike upstream of Station 1412 for the East Bench Canal—Bureau of Reclamation
photograph by T.E. Mann (#699-600-903) |
1962 April 14 | |
08: View of the right abutment of Clark Canyon Dam
showing the cut-off trench, diversion channel, and highway detour—Bureau of
Reclamation photograph by T.E. Mann (#699-600-911) |
1962 April 14 | |
09: The two end towers of the Fort Peck-Dawson
County-Bismarck 230-kv Transmission Line as seen from the Dawson County substation
located near Glendive, Montana—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by T.E. Mann
(#P746-600-369) |
1960 October 25 | |
10: Scenic view of recreational boating activities
on Hungry Horse Reservoir, with Great Northern Mountain in the background—Bureau
of Reclamation photograph by Don Loveall |
undated | |
10-15 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Bureau of
Reclamation (BOR) |
1964 |
01: Aerial view on June 10, 1964, of the Milk
River Project’s St. Mary Canal (water flowing from right to left) that lies
between Highway 89 and the St. Mary River, with Kennedy Creek Siphon at right. The
damaged caused by the flood waters of Kennedy Creek are indicated in the
photograph. Photograph part of a picture book covering the first week of Montana’s
flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood
aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph (#A15-600-61A) |
1964 June 10 | |
02: View on June 10, 1964, of the damage caused by
the flood waters of Kennedy Creek. Photograph part of a picture book covering the
first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony
regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph
(#A15-600-62A) |
1964 June 10 | |
03: Aerial view of the 1956 proposed Upper Sun
Butte Dam and the reservoir area on the North Fork of the Sun River. The proposed
dam and reservoir would have reduced the Sun River flood peak considerably.
Photograph part of a picture book covering the first week of Montana’s flood of
1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood
aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph (#A28-600-66A) |
1964 June | |
04: Aerial view of the proposed Upper Sun Butte
Dam site, located on the North Fork of the Sun River above its confluence with the
South Fork. Photograph part of a picture book covering the first week of Montana’s
flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood
aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph (#A28-600-50A) |
1964 June | |
05: Aerial view looking downstream past Gibson Dam
and the turbulent Sun River, as photographed on the evening of June 9, 1964.
Photograph part of a picture book covering the first week of Montana’s flood of
1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood
aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph (#A28-600-70A) |
1964 June 9 | |
06: Aerial view of Gibson Dam on the Sun River as
observed on June 10, 1964. The discharge is 14,000 cubic feet per second. The
erosion at the right abutment resulted from water flowing over the dam. Photograph
part of a picture book covering the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image
used by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of
Reclamation photograph (#A28-600-81A) |
1964 June 10 | |
07: The Fort Shaw Canal inlet is on the main
channel of the Sun River, about 40 miles downstream from the Sun River Diversion
Dam. The flow of the canal is regulated by concrete headworks, here virtually
inundated by the flood waters of the Sun River on June 11, 1964. Photograph part
of a picture book covering the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used
by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of
Reclamation photograph (#A28-600-72A) |
1964 June 10 | |
08: Aerial view of the flood waters of the Sun
River tumbling downstream. In the center are the concrete headworks of the 12-mile
long Fort Shaw Canal, serving the Fort Shaw Division of the Sun River Project.
Photograph part of a picture book covering the first week of Montana’s flood of
1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood
aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph (#A28-600-71A) |
1964 June 11 | |
09: Another aerial view of the headworks of the
Fort Shaw Canal and the canal on June 11, 1964. Photograph part of a picture book
covering the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf
in testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph
(#A28-600-73A) |
1964 June 11 | |
10: Aerial view on June 11, 1964, of a section of
the Fort Shaw Canal, about a mile downstream from the headworks, was breached by
the flood waters. Photograph part of a picture book covering the first week of
Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the
flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph (#A28-600-74A) |
1964 June 11 | |
11: Aerial view of a section of the Fort Shaw
Canal pictured on June 11, 1964. Photograph part of a picture book covering the
first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony
regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph
(#A28-600-74A) |
1964 June 11 | |
12: The devastation caused by the flood waters of
the Sun River is vividly show as the photographer pictures a farmstead in the Sun
River Valley, near Great Falls, Montana, on June 11, 1964. Photograph part of a
picture book covering the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by
Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation
photograph (#A28-600-77A) |
1964 June 11 | |
13: The Sun River Bridge, near Manchester,
Montana, leads into nothing but water after the bridge was flooded in June 1964.
The small community is about 5 miles from Great Falls, Montana. Photograph part of
a picture book covering the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by
Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation
photograph (#A28-600-78A) |
1964 June 11 | |
14: The small community of Sun River, 20 miles
west of Great Falls, Montana, is shown in an aerial photograph after the Sun River
flooded the community. At center is the Great Northern Railway Bridge, and beyond
is the state highway bridge. Photograph part of a picture book covering the first
week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony
regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph
(#A28-600-87A) |
1964 June 10 | |
15: Aerial view looking downstream with the Sun
River Diversion Dam, 3 miles downstream from Gibson Dam, show in the lower center.
Photograph part of a picture book covering the first week of Montana’s flood of
1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood
aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph (#A28-600-83A) |
1964 June 10 | |
16: Aerial view of the Willow Creek Feeder Canal,
stemming from Pishkun Supply Canal a short distance below Sun River Diversion Dam,
showing damage to the canal. Photograph part of a picture book covering the first
week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony
regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph
(#A28-600-89A) |
1964 June 10 | |
17: Aerial view of Willow Creek Dam at the time of
the flood. Photograph part of a picture book covering the first week of Montana’s
flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood
aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph (#A28-600-85A) |
circa 1964 | |
18: Aerial view of the Willow Creek Reservoir
waters reaching the crest of the uncontrolled, open channel emergency spillway
located about 3,600 feet north of the dam. Photograph part of a picture book
covering the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf
in testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph
(#A28-600-84A) |
1964 June 10 | |
19: Aerial view showing the Great Northern Railway
branch line from Great Falls, Montana, to Augusta, Montana, and a state highway
bridge with flood damage outside of the town of Simms, Montana. Photograph part of
a picture book covering the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by
Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation
photograph (#A28-600-88A) |
1964 June 10 | |
20: Aerial view of flooded livestock feeding
operations in the lower Sun River Valley, near Vaughn, Montana. Photograph part of
a picture book covering the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by
Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation
photograph (#A28-600-90A) |
1964 June 10 | |
10-16 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Bureau of
Reclamation (BOR) |
1964 |
01: Gibson Reservoir, swollen by heavy snow melt
and extensive rains, spilled its waters down the face of the concrete arch Gibson
Dam. Photograph part of a picture book covering the first week of Montana’s flood
of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood
aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph (#P28-600-125A) |
1964 June 8 | |
02: The flood waters from a drainage area of 559
square miles formed an awesome waterfall over Gibson Da, and tumbled downstream as
a cataract down the Sun River. Photograph part of a picture book covering the
first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony
regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph
(#P28-600-126A) |
1964 June 8 | |
03: Gibson Reservoir, swollen by heavy snow melt
and extensive rains, spilled its waters down the face of the concrete arch Gibson
Dam. Photograph part of a picture book covering the first week of Montana’s flood
of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood
aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph (#P28-600-125A) |
1964 June 9 | |
04: The flood waters from a drainage area of 559
square miles formed an awesome waterfall over Gibson Dam, and tumbled downstream
as a cataract down the Sun River. Photograph part of a picture book covering the
first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony
regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph
(#P28-600-126A) |
1964 June 8 | |
05: Aerial view of west Great Falls, Montana, as
pictured on June 11, 1964. The Sun River went out of its banks Tuesday, June 9, in
Great Falls and poured over the lower Sun River section of the city. Thursday,
June 11, the Sun River began to drop slowly and, at the Fourteenth Street Bridge,
at 4:45 P.M., the river had dropped to 18.9 (feet) as compared with its 24.6
(feet) peak. Photograph part of a picture book covering the first week of
Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the
flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph (#A58-600-310A) |
1964 June 11 | |
06: Aerial view of homes and schools in west Great
Falls, Montana, covered by flood waters from the Sun River. Photograph part of a
picture book covering the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by
Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation
photograph (#A58-600-309A) |
1964 June 11 | |
07: Aerial view of west Great Falls, Montana,
looking southwest showing homes flooded by the Sun River. Photograph part of a
picture book covering the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by
Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation
photograph (#A58-600-311A) |
1964 June 11 | |
08: Aerial view, looking north, of west Great
Falls, Montana, homes flooded by the Sun River. Photograph part of a picture book
covering the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf
in testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph
(#A58-600-312A) |
1964 June 11 | |
09: Aerial view of west Great Falls, Montana,
homes under water from the Sun River flood. Looking north can be seen the high
stack of the Great Falls Brewery. Photograph part of a picture book covering the
first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony
regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph
(#A58-600-314A) |
1964 June 11 | |
10: Aerial view of the waters of Swift Reservoir,
an irrigation dam on Birch Creek west of Dupuyer, Montana, poured out over the
Birch Creek Valley in Pondera County when the dam gave way under the pressure of
runoff from heavy rains. The reservoir and site of the dam are shown in the lower
section of the photograph. In the background can be seen the dam material spread
out over the valley below. Birch Creek forms the northern boundary of the
Blackfeet Indian Reservation. Photograph part of a picture book covering the first
week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony
regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph
(#A58-600-316A) |
1964 June 10 | |
11: Aerial view of Great Falls, Montana, showing
area affected by the Sun River flood. The O.S. Warden Bridge (foreground), Great
Falls International Airport (upper left, center), and the Great Northern Railway
bridge (center) are seen in the photograph. Photograph part of a picture book
covering the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf
in testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph
(#A58-600-315A) |
1964 June 11 | |
12: Aerial view of west Great Falls, Montana,
taken on Thursday, June 11, 1964, showing people in a motor boat in a residential
area of the city. Photograph part of a picture book covering the first week of
Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the
flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph (#A58-600-308A) |
1964 June 11 | |
13: Aerial view looking upstream at the site of
Swift Dam on Birch Creek, near the Continental Divide. The debris formed when
Swift Dam gave way is shown in the lower section of the photograph. Photograph
part of a picture book covering the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image
used by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of
Reclamation photograph (#A58-600-317A) |
1964 June 10 | |
14: During the June 1964 floods, the Blackfeet
Indian Irrigation Project suffered disastrous damage and loss, the most important
of which was Lower Two Medicine Lake Dam on Two Medicine Creek in Glacier County,
Montana. Photograph part of a picture book covering the first week of Montana’s
flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood
aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph (#A58-600-307A) |
1964 June 10 | |
15: Aerial view showing all that remains of the
Lower Two Medicine Lake Dam after the June 1964 floods—the control section and
spillway. Photograph part of a picture book covering the first week of Montana’s
flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood
aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph (#A58-600-318A) |
1964 June 10 | |
16: The Milk River Project provides storage from
St. Mary River in the lake behind Sherburne Lake Dam and its diversion through a
29-mile canal. Flood waters of Kennedy Creek, a tributary of St. Mary River,
destroyed two highway bridges and breached the St. Mary Canal at each end of the
Kennedy Creek siphon, at extreme lower left. Photograph part of a picture book
covering the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf
in testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph
(#A15-600-60A) |
1964 June | |
17: This picture book covers the first week of
Montana’s flood of 1964. Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Floyd E. Dominy
(second from right) arrives at the Great Falls International Airport on Wednesday,
June 10, 1964. Dominy is met by James J. Flaherty, Sr. (left), Great Falls Chamber
of Commerce official, and Dan Thurber of Great Falls, Montana. At right is
Regional Reclamation Director Harold E. Aldrich of Billings. The Washington, D.C.,
officials arrived on the scene to gather first-hand information regarding the 1964
floods. Photograph part of a picture book covering the first week of Montana’s
flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood
aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph (#P58-600-1993A) |
1964 June 10 | |
18: (Left to right) Bureau of Indian Affairs
Commissioner Philleo Nash; Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Floyd E. Dominy;
Regional Reclamation Director Harold E. Aldrich of Billings; and Bureau of Indian
Affairs Regional Director James Canan, discuss on June 10, 1964, plans at the
Great Falls International Airport, prior to an air view of the flood damages and
to assay the immediate needs required. Photograph part of a picture book covering
the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in
testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph
(#P58-600-1994A) |
1964 June 10 | |
19: Prior to aerial survey of flood damages,
Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Floyd E. Dominy (seated, right) discusses the
flood disaster with Fritz Norby (seated, left), acting mayor of Great Falls,
Montana, and other officials. Standing are (left to right) Regional Reclamation
Director Harold E. Aldrich of Billings; Bureau of Indian Affairs Regional Director
James Canan; Bureau of Indian Affairs Commissioner Philleo Nash; and Charles
Schramm, Area Chief of Land Operations for the Bureau of Indian Affairs in
Billings, Montana. Photograph part of a picture book covering the first week of
Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the
flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph (#P58-600-1995A) |
1964 June 11 | |
20: Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Floyd E.
Dominy meets members of a special subcommittee of the U.S. House Public Works
Committee, who had just arrived at the Great Falls International Airport on June
11, 1964. Pictured leaving the runway are (left to right) Rep. Donald H. Clausen
(R-CA); Rep. Frank Clark (D-PA); Rep. James F. Battin (R-MT); Commissioner Dominy;
Grant Rice, Army Corps of Engineers; and Regional Reclamation Director Harold E.
Aldrich of Billings. Photograph part of a picture book covering the first week of
Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the
flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph (#P58-600-2020A) |
1964 June 11 | |
10-17 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Bureau of
Reclamation (BOR) |
1964 |
01: (Left to right) Regional Reclamation Director
Harold E. Aldrich of Billings; Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Floyd E. Dominy;
and Bureau of Indian Affairs Commissioner Philleo Nash are interviewed during a
press conference at the Great Falls International Airport. At extreme left is
James J. Flaherty of Great Falls Chamber of Commerce. Photograph part of a picture
book covering the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator
Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation
photograph (#P58-600-1997A) |
1964 June 10 | |
02: (Left to right) Regional Reclamation Director
Harold E. Aldrich of Billings; Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Floyd E. Dominy;
and Bureau of Indian Affairs Commissioner Philleo Nash answer questions directed
by press representatives seeking information regarding the flood disaster, during
a news conference held at the Great Falls International Airport. Photograph part
of a picture book covering the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used
by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of
Reclamation photograph (#P58-600-1996A) |
1964 June 10 | |
03: At an open public hearing held in the Great
Falls City Council Chambers on June 12, 1964, members of a special subcommittee of
the U.S. House Public Works Committee, and other federal, state, and local
officials, reviewed plans regarding the work that was to be accomplished to aid
flood sufferers. At the table are (right to left) Great Falls Mayor Marian
Erdmann; Rep. James F. Battin (R-MT); Montana Governor Tim Babcock; Rep. Frank M.
Clark (D-PA), chairman of the special House subcommittee; Rep. Arnold Olsen
(D.-MT); and Rep. Donald H. Clausen (R-CA). Photograph part of a picture book
covering the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf
in testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph
(#P58-600-1998A) |
1964 June 12 | |
04: ( Left to right, council table) Great Falls
Mayor Marian Erdmann; Rep. James F. Battin (R-MT); Montana Governor Tim Babcock;
Rep. Frank M. Clark (D-PA), chairman of the special House subcommittee; Rep.
Arnold Olsen (D.-MT); and Rep. Donald H. Clausen (R-CA), are pictured during the
open public hearing on the June 1964 floods held on June 12, 1964. Photograph part
of a picture book covering the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used
by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of
Reclamation photograph (#P58-600-1999A) |
1964 June 12 | |
05: On his arrival at the Browning High School in
Browning, Montana, Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall (right, shaking hands)
was greeted by members of the Blackfeet Tribe. The high school served as the
evacuation center for flood victims in the flood disaster area. Photograph part of
a picture book covering the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by
Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation
photograph (#P58-600-2009A) |
1964 June 12 | |
06: View of Gibson Dam, the major storage feature
of the Sun River Project, which was overtopped on Monday, June 8, 1964, the first
time since the structure was completed in 1929. The dam was not severely damaged
but both abutments were eroded, the control house damaged, and the appurtenant
facilities were filled with silt. The warehouse, the pumphouse and its contents,
and the access bridge were washed away. Photograph part of a picture book covering
the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in
testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph
(#P28-600-124A) |
1964 June 9 | |
07: (Left to right) Regional Reclamation Director
Harold E. Aldrich of Billings; Rep. Arnold Olsen (D-MT); Rep. Frank M. Clark
(D-PA); and General George H. Walker, Division Engineer for the Missouri River
Basin, Corps of Engineers, discuss the flood damages during the June 12, 1964,
public hearing held at the Great Falls City Council Chambers. Photograph part of a
picture book covering the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by
Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation
photograph (#P58-600-2016A) |
1964 June 12 | |
08: Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall
stopped briefly at the Great Falls International Airport Friday, June 12, 1964,
enroute to Glacier National Park. With him looking at a Montana map are (left to
right) Regional Reclamation Director Harold E. Aldrich of Billings; Secretary
Udall; Bureau of Indian Affairs Regional Director James Canan; National Park
Service Regional Director L.A. Garrison. A helicopter flight gave the Secretary a
view of the damage and needs on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation and in Glacier
National Park. Photograph part of a picture book covering the first week of
Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the
flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph (#P58-600-2015A) |
1964 June 12 | |
09: Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Floyd E.
Dominy and members of the special subcommittee of the House Public Works Committee
talk on the runway at the Great Falls International Airport. Pictured are (left to
right) Rep. Donald H. Clausen (R-CA); Rep. Frank M. Clark (D-PA); Rep. Arnold
Olsen (D.-MT); and Commissioner Dominy. Photograph part of a picture book covering
the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in
testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph
(#P58-600-2021A) |
1964 June 11 | |
10: Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Floyd E.
Dominy meets members of the special subcommittee of the House Public Works
Committee, who had just arrived at the Great Falls International Airport. Pictured
are (left to right) Rep. Donald H. Clausen (R-CA); Rep. Frank M. Clark (D-PA);
Rep. Arnold Olsen (D.-MT); Commissioner Dominy; Grant Rice, Army Corps of
Engineers; and Regional Reclamation Director Harold E. Aldrich of Billings.
Photograph part of a picture book covering the first week of Montana’s flood of
1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood
aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph (#P58-600-2019A) |
1964 June 11 | |
11: Aerial view of Tiber Dam spillway and outlet
works. More than 99 percent of the peak inflow of the June 1964 flood waters (154,
c.f.s) passing this area was stored in Tiber Reservoir. Release of the stored
water was delayed until after the peak flows of the Teton and Missouri Rivers
passed Loma, Montana, at the mouth of the Marias River. Due to the existence of
Tiber Dam, there was no damage in the valley downstream. Photograph part of a
picture book covering the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by
Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation
photograph (#A84-600-37A) |
1964 June | |
12: Aerial view of Canyon Ferry Dam and Reservoir
on the Missouri River, as photographed on June 9, 1964. When on June 8 it was
apparent that flooding would occur in west Great Falls, Montana, as the result of
the Sun River flood flow, the outflow at Canyon Ferry was released to bare
minimums. The release was timed to coincide with the forecast arrival of the Sun
River crest at Great Falls. Photograph part of a picture book covering the first
week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony
regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph
(#A296-600-120A) |
1964 June 9 | |
13: Aerial view of the Marias River at flood
stage, above Tiber Dam. Photograph part of a picture book covering the first week
of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator Metcalf in testimony regarding
the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation photograph (#A84-600-39A) |
1964 June 10 | |
14: This is an aerial view of Tiber Dam. The heavy
runoff in the basin caused the failure of Swift Dam, Lower Two Medicine Dam and
other minor dams. The Tiber Reservoir absorbed almost the entire flood flow,
including the water released by the destroyed dams. Photograph part of a picture
book covering the first week of Montana’s flood of 1964. Image used by Senator
Metcalf in testimony regarding the flood aftermath—Bureau of Reclamation
photograph (#A84-38A) |
1964 June 10 | |
15: A ceremony is held on Capitol Hill in
Washington, D.C., on January 10, 1969, prior the sending of a memorial plaque to
be installed in the completed Yellowtail Dam in Montana. (Left to right, center)
Senator Lee Metcalf; Interior Secretary Stewart Udall; unidentified man; and
Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Floyd E. Dominy, pose in front of the
plaque—photograph by Cecil W. Stoughton for the National Park Service |
1969 January 10 | |
16: A ceremony is held on Capitol Hill in
Washington, D.C., on January 10, 1969, prior the sending of a memorial plaque to
be installed in the completed Yellowtail Dam in Montana. (Left to right, center)
Senator Lee Metcalf; Interior Secretary Stewart Udall; unidentified man; and
Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Floyd E. Dominy, pose in front of the
plaque—U.S. Department of the Interior photograph (#9-8) |
1969 January 10 | |
17: A ceremony is held on Capitol Hill in
Washington, D.C., on January 10, 1969, prior to the sending of a memorial plaque
to be installed in the completed Yellowtail Dam in Montana. (Left to right,
center) Senator Lee Metcalf; Interior Secretary Stewart Udall; unidentified man;
and Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Floyd E. Dominy, pose in front of the
plaque—U.S. Department of the Interior photograph (#9-9) |
1969 January 10 |
Series 19: Congressional ProjectsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries F: Energy and Utilities |
Box/Folder | ||
11/1 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects: Energy and
Utilities |
1960s, 1973 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) discusses his new
book Overcharged at an unidentified press event as
Charles Merrill (right), a Maine news photographer for the Portland Press Herald, sits looking on |
circa 1967 | |
02: An unidentified man (center) holds Senator Lee
Metcalf’s new book on the utility industry, Overcharged, as he listens to Senator Metcalf (left) and Metcalf’s
executive secretary Vic Reinemer (right) at an unidentified event |
1960s | |
03: View of the Lewis and Clark Steam Electric
Generating Plant in Sidney, Montana, owned by the Montana-Dakota Utilities
Company. Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf in Senate committee
hearings |
circa 1960s | |
04: View of the Lewis and Clark Steam Electric
Generating Plant in Sidney, Montana, owned by the Montana-Dakota Utilities
Company, during construction of the plant. Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf
in Senate committee hearings showing the company’s progressive coal development
program |
circa 1960s | |
05: View of the Montana-Dakota Utilities Company’s
lignite coal strip mine at Savage, Montana, showing the company’s progressive coal
development program |
circa 1960s | |
06: A Northern Pacific Railway diesel switch
engine hauls a train of hopper cars loaded with lignite coal being transported
from Savage, Montana, to the Lewis and Clark Station at Sidney, Montana.
Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf in Senate committee hearings, showing the
company’s progressive coal development program—photograph by Thomas Countryman
Film Productions of Minneapolis, Minnesota |
circa 1960s | |
07: Charlie Robinson (left, gesturing hand) of the
National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association, stands at the committee desk in
the hearing room of the Senate Committee on Government Operation’s Subcommittee on
Reports, Accounting and Management. Robinson talks with Subcommittee Chairman
Senator Lee Metcalf (center, seated) and Subcommittee Chief Counsel E. Winslow
Turner (right, seated) |
circa 1973 |
Series 19: Congressional ProjectsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries G: Military |
Box/Folder | ||
11/2 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects:
Military |
1962, 1964 |
01: Montronics Inc. of Bozeman, Montana, President
Robert Stanaway (third from right) demonstrated the company’s new Very Low
Frequency Receiving System, built for the U.S. Naval Communications System
Headquarters Activity, at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., on October 12, 1962.
Present were (left to right) U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Roeder; Senator Lee Metcalf;
Stanaway; John Rompel, Montronics receiver design engineer; and Senator Mike
Mansfield |
1962 October 12 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) is given a tour of
facilities at Glasgow Air Force Base in Montana by Lt. Col. James E. Wagner
(center), commander of the 322nd Bombardier Squadron |
circa 1962 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) talks with a
member of the U.S. Air Force, during a tour of facilities at Glasgow Air Force
Base in Montana |
circa 1962 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with a member
of the U.S. Air Force named Leffler, during a tour of facilities at Glasgow Air
Force Base in Montana |
circa 1962 | |
05: Montana Senators Lee Metcalf (left) and Mike
Mansfield (center) talk in November 1964 with Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara
in Washington, D.C., about Secretary McNamara’s announcement of the closing of
Glasgow Air Force Base in Montana |
1964 November | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) talks with Judge
Thomas Dignan (left), a former Glasgow attorney, and Colonel Gerald G. Robinson,
U.S. Air Force Commander of the 91st Bombardment Wing, in front of an airplane on
a runway. Senator Metcalf was visiting Glasgow Air Force Base when this photograph
was taken |
circa 1964 | |
11/3 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects:
Military |
1965 |
01: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Base
Hospital (#513). Photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana:
Facilities (October 1966). Photograph was also used by Senator Metcalf during
planning for civilian uses of the base |
1965 | |
02: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Base
Hospital (interior) (#513). Photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base,
Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph was also used by Senator Metcalf
during planning for civilian uses of the base |
1965 | |
03: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Officer’s
Club (#526). Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian
uses of the base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air
Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966)
1965 | |
04: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Officer’s
Club (interior) (#526). Photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph
was also used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the
base |
1965 | |
05: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Officer’s
Club (interior) (#526). Photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph
was also used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the
base |
1965 | |
06: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Base
Headquarters (#550). Photograph made for the report Glasgow
Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph was also
used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the base |
1965 | |
07: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Nose Dock
‘F’ (#658). Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian
uses of the base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air
Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966)
1965 | |
08: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Base Supply
(#666). Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses
of the base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air
Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966)
1965 | |
09: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Base
Theater (#705). Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during planning for
civilian uses of the base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966)
1965 | |
11/4 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects:
Military |
1965 |
01: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Base
Bowling Alley (#713). Photograph made for the report Glasgow
Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph was also
used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the base |
1965 | |
02: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Base
Bowling Alley (interior) (#713). Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during
planning for civilian uses of the base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October
1965 | |
03: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Base
Commissary (#714). Photograph made for the report Glasgow
Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph was also
used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the base |
1965 | |
04: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Base
Exchange & Cafeteria (#718). Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during
planning for civilian uses of the base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October
1965 | |
05: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Cold
Storage (#874). Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during planning for
civilian uses of the base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966)
1965 | |
06: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Base
Gymnasium (#728). Photograph made for the report Glasgow Air
Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph was also used
by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the base |
1965 | |
07: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Base
Gymnasium (interior) (#728). Photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph
was also used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the
base |
1965 | |
08: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Base
Service Station (#740). Photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph
was also used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the
base |
1965 | |
09: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Base Dental
Clinic (#742). Photograph made for the report Glasgow Air
Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph was also used
by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the base |
1965 | |
10: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Base Dental
Clinic (interior) (#742). Photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph
was also used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the
base |
1965 | |
11/5 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects:
Military |
1965 |
01: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Enlisted
Dining Hall (#811). Photograph made for the report Glasgow
Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph was also
used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the base |
1965 | |
02: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Enlisted
Dining Hall (interior) (#811). Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during
planning for civilian uses of the base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October
1965 | |
03: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Community
Center (#846). Photograph made for the report Glasgow Air
Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph was also used
by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the base |
1965 | |
04: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Community
Center (interior) (#846). Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during planning
for civilian uses of the base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October
1965 | |
05: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Cold
Storage (#874). Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during planning for
civilian uses of the base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966)
1965 | |
06: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Cold
Storage (interior) (#874). Photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph
was also used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the
base |
1965 | |
07: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Auto
Maintenance Shop (#880). Photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph
was also used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the
base |
1965 | |
08: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Nose Dock
Complex & Jet Test Cell (#901). Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during
planning for civilian uses of the base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October
1965 | |
09: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Base Fire
Station #1 (#914). Photograph made for the report Glasgow
Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph was also
used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the base |
1965 | |
10: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: A/C Engine
Repair Shop (#916). Photograph made for the report Glasgow
Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph was also
used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the base |
1965 | |
11/6 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects:
Military |
1965 |
01: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: A/C Engine
Repair Shop (interior) (#916). Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during
planning for civilian uses of the base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October
1965 | |
02: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Ground
Support Equipment Shop (#920). Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during
planning for civilian uses of the base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October
1965 | |
03: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Base
Operations & Control Tower (#921). Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf
during planning for civilian uses of the base; photograph made for the report
Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October
1965 | |
04: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: (Aircraft)
Hangar (#923). Photograph made for the report Glasgow Air
Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph was also used
by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the base |
1965 | |
05: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Aircraft
Shelter (#927). Photograph made for the report Glasgow Air
Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph was also used
by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the base |
1965 | |
06: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Water Plant
(#1005). Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses
of the base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air
Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966)
1965 | |
07: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Water Plant
(interior) (#1005). Photograph made for the report Glasgow
Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph was also
used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the base |
1965 | |
08: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Central
Heating Plant (#1020). Photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph
was also used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the
base |
1965 | |
09: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Central
Heating Plant (interior) (#1020). Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during
planning for civilian uses of the base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October
1965 | |
10: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Base
Library & Post Office. Photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph
was also used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the
base |
1965 | |
11/7 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects:
Military |
1965 |
01: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Photo Lab.
Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the
base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base,
Montana: Facilities (October 1966)
1965 | |
02: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Junior High
School. Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses
of the base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air
Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966)
1965 | |
03: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Lighted
Ball Field. Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian
uses of the base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air
Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966)
1965 | |
04: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Dormitory.
Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the
base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base,
Montana: Facilities (October 1966)
1965 | |
05: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Officers
Quarters Residential Type. Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during planning
for civilian uses of the base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October
1965 | |
06: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: MCP Housing
Single Unit. Photograph made for the report Glasgow Air
Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph was also used
by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the base |
1965 | |
07: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: MCP Duplex
Housing. Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses
of the base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air
Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966)
1965 | |
08: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Capehart
Housing Four-Plex. Photograph made for the report Glasgow
Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph was also
used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the base |
1965 | |
09: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Relocatable
Housing. Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses
of the base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air
Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966)
1965 | |
10: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Sewage
Lagoons. Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses
of the base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air
Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966)
1965 | |
11: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Fuel
Storage Tanks. Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian
uses of the base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air
Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966)
1965 | |
12: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Base Water
Tower. Photograph was used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of
the base; photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force
Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966)
1965 | |
13: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: View of
unidentified buildings. Photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph
was also used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the
base |
1965 | |
14: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: View of
unidentified buildings. Photograph made for the report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October 1966). Photograph
was also used by Senator Metcalf during planning for civilian uses of the
base |
1965 | |
11/8 | U.S. Senate—Congressional Projects:
Military |
1965 |
01: Glasgow Air Force Base Facilities: Aerial view
looking down on Glasgow Air Force Base (September 1966). Photograph made for the
report Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana: Facilities (October
1966). Photograph was also used by Senator Metcalf during planning for
civilian uses of the base |
1966 September | |
02: Officials meet in the office of Senator Mike
Mansfield in the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., in January 1969,
regarding the newly-announced Glasgow Air Force Base project in Glasgow, Montana.
Present were the following people: (left to right, seated) John B. Kelley,
President of Avco Economic Systems Corporation; James R. Kerr, President of Avco
Corporation; Senator Mike Mansfield; Rep. James F. Battin of Montana; E.T.
Stonecipher, Vice-President of Avco Economic Systems Corporation; (left to right,
standing) Donald Bradford, Department of Defense; Clark E. Merchant, General
Manager of the Glasgow Division of Avco Economic Systems Corporation; and Senator
Lee Metcalf—photograph by City News Bureau, Inc, of Washington, D.C. |
circa 1969 January | |
03: Officials meet in the office of Senator Mike
Mansfield in the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., in January 1969,
regarding the newly-announced Glasgow Air Force Base project in Glasgow, Montana.
Present were the following people: (left to right) Rep. James F. Battin of
Montana; James R. Kerr, President of Avco Corporation; Senator Mike Mansfield; and
Senator Lee Metcalf—photograph by City News Bureau, Inc, of Washington,
D.C. |
circa 1969 January | |
04: Congressmen, military officials, and members
of the Department of Defense hold a meeting in Washington, D.C.—in conjunction
with the Army Corps of Engineers—to discuss water resource development of the USSR
and its relation to American water resource development. Secretary of Defense
Robert McNamara is seated at left (behind white-haired man) |
1960s | |
05: Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara points to
water resources in the USSR on a map, as he talks with an unidentified man during
a meeting of various officials in Washington, D.C. The meeting was held in
conjunction with the Army Corps of Engineers, to discuss water resource
development of the USSR and its relation to American water resource
development |
1960s | |
06: Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara notes
Lake Baykal in the USSR on a map, during a meeting of various officials in
Washington, D.C. The meeting was held in conjunction with the Army Corps of
Engineers, to discuss water resource development of the USSR and its relation to
American water resource development |
1960s | |
07: Photograph of an Army Corps of Engineers map
entitled “Water Resource Development of the U.S.S.R.,” used during a meeting of
various officials in Washington, D.C. The meeting was held in conjunction with the
Army Corps of Engineers and the Secretary of Defense, to discuss water resource
development of the USSR and its relation to American water resource
development |
1960s | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) inspects a kitchen
facility at Glasgow Air Force Base in Glasgow, Montana, during a tour of the base
by an unidentified Air Force official |
1960s |
Series 20: Montana Individuals and Events (1961-1978)Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
11/9 | U.S. Senate—Montana Individuals and Events |
1961-1962 |
01: Architect’s February 1961 sketch of the proposed
160-bed general medical and surgery hospital at Fort Harrison in Helena, Montana.
The hospital was to be operated by the Veterans Administration after its planned
completion in April 1963. Architects for the hospital construction were Page &
Werner of Great Falls, Montana, and Ellerbe & Company of St. Paul,
Minnesota |
circa 1961 February | |
02: The Montana congressional delegation meets with
Ernest Salvas, Butte union leader and International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter
Workers Executive Board Member, in the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., on
March 2, 1961 |
1961 March 2 | |
03: Artist’s drawing of the Permanente Cement
Company plant to be constructed on Prickly Pear Creek, three miles south of East
Helena, Montana—photograph by Kaiser Graphic Arts of Oakland, California (negative
#60460) |
circa 1961 | |
04: Kay I Edwards (right), a student at Montana
State University, receives the First Montana Cable Television Association
Scholarship in February 1962. She is pictured with Archer S. Taylor (left) in the
Montana State University television studio |
1962 February | |
05: Artist’s design drawing by J.G. Link & Co.,
Architects, for the proposed new Federal Building and U.S. Court House in Billings,
Montana, as planned by the General Services Administration in Washington, D.C. The
proposed federal building had to be approved by the Public Works Committees of both
houses in Congress. Senator Lee Metcalf sat on the Senate Public Works
Committee |
1962 February | |
06: Photograph of a 17-inch stoneware platter, matte
yellow with iron decorations, by ceramist Kenneth R. Ferguson of Helena, Montana.
This ceramic piece was on display with other Montanan artists in 1962 in the
Smithsonian Museum of Natural History—Smithsonian Institution photograph |
1962 | |
07: Photograph of a 30-inch tall stoneware vase with
an enamel glaze, by former Resident Potter and Manager of the Archie Bray Foundation
Peter H. Voulkos of Helena, Montana. This ceramic piece was on display with other
Montanan artists in 1962 in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History—Smithsonian
Institution photograph |
1962 | |
08: Photograph of a 40-inch tall stoneware vase with
an iron slip, by former Resident Potter and Manager of the Archie Bray Foundation
Peter H. Voulkos of Helena, Montana. This ceramic piece was on display with other
Montanan artists in 1962 in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History—Smithsonian
Institution photograph |
1962 | |
09: Photograph of an 18½-inch tall stoneware vase
with a feldspathic glaze, by ceramist A. Rudolph Autio of Missoula, Montana. This
ceramic piece was on display with other Montanan artists in 1962 in the Smithsonian
Museum of Natural History—Smithsonian Institution photograph |
1962 | |
10: Photograph of a 15-inch tall stoneware vase with
a feldspathic glaze, by ceramist A. Rudolph Autio of Missoula, Montana. This ceramic
piece was on display with other Montanan artists in 1962 in the Smithsonian Museum
of Natural History—Smithsonian Institution photograph |
1962 | |
11: Photograph of an 11-inch tall stoneware
casserole by ceramist Kenneth R. Ferguson of Helena, Montana. This ceramic piece was
on display with other Montanan artists in 1962 in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural
History—Smithsonian Institution photograph |
1962 | |
11/10 | U.S. Senate—Montana Individuals and Events |
1962-1965 |
01: During a trip to Columbia Falls and Kalispell,
Montana, on October 26, 1962, Senator Lee Metcalf discussed improvements of the
North Fork Road that qualified it as a park access road to Glacier National Park.
Pictured looking over a map are (left to right) Senator Metcalf; Nonie Krall,
Democratic candidate for state representative from Columbia Falls; State Senate
George Siderius; and Flathead County Public Administrator Tom Ambrose—Hungry Horse
News (Columbia Falls, MT) photograph |
circa 1962 October 26 | |
02: Publicity photograph of the Montana singing
group “The Three Young Men From Montana,” who were popularized in Washington, D.C.,
by Senator Mike Mansfield. The group consisted of (left to right) Pat Fox of Hardin,
Montana; Bob Ruby of Billings; and Dick Riddle of Libby, Montana—Moss Photo Service
of New York |
circa 1963 | |
03: Close-up publicity photograph of the Montana
singing group “The Three Young Men From Montana,” who were popularized in
Washington, D.C., by Senator Mike Mansfield. The group consisted of (left to right)
Bob Ruby of Billings; Dick Riddle of Libby, Montana; and Pat Fox of Hardin,
Montana—Moss Photo Service of New York |
circa 1963 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf pictured in Hamilton,
Montana, at the dedication ceremony of a $750,000 addition to the Rocky Mountain
Laboratory on January 4, 1964. Senator Metcalf (center) poses here with Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Robinson of Hamilton |
1964 January 4 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) discusses with Llyod
Dempsey (right) the damage to the Dempsey family’s house (at right), near the Red
Bridge in Columbia Falls, Montana. Senator Metcalf was touring flood-damage areas in
the Falthead Valley of Montana on July 16, 1964, when this photograph was
taken—Hungry Horse News (Columbia Falls, MT) photograph |
circa 1964 July 16 | |
06: Photograph of a Miles S. Horn (White Crow)
original oil painting to be given to President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965 by the
artist, given to Senator Metcalf while he was on the campaign trail for Senator Mike
Mansfield in October 1964. A handwritten letter on the back of the photograph reads:
“To my friend Senator Lee Metcalf and family. This is the photo of my original oil
painting which I will bring the painting with me at your office in Washington, D.C.
which I intend to give this original oil painting to L.B.J. as a present and for
good luck.—Friend-White Crow, also-Miles S. Horn. P.O. Box 746, Billings, Montana,
Oct. 22-(19)64” |
1964 October | |
07: Artist Miles S. Horn (White Crow) working on a
painting in March 1964 that would hang in the lobby of the Billings Airport. The
photograph was given to Senator Metcalf while he was on the campaign trail for
Senator Mike Mansfield in October 1964. A handwritten note on the back of the
photograph reads: “This picture taken last March 1964, while I was still painting
this picture which now hangs at our local air-port Lobby here in Billings,
Mont.—White Crow, Ind.(ian) Artist, also-Miles S. Horn” |
1964 March | |
08: Photograph of Miles S. Horn (White Crow) taken
in Forsyth, Montana, in September 1918. The photograph was given to Senator Metcalf
while he was on the campaign trail for Senator Mike Mansfield in October 1964. A
handwritten note on the back of the photograph reads: “This is my photo taken in
Forsyth, Mont, in the 1918, in the month of Sept. To my friend Sen. Lee Metcalf and
family.—Friend-White Crow, also-Miles S. Horn. P.O. Box 746, Billings,
Montana” |
1964 October | |
11/11 | U.S. Senate—Montana Individuals and Events |
1965-1966 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and Secretary of the
Interior Stewart Udall (right) pose for a photograph during a stop by Secretary
Udall in Montana in November 1965—photograph by Stan Healy of Missoula, Montana, for
the Spokane Spokesman-Review
1965 November 12 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf visits on November 18, 1965,
with faculty members and college leaders at Carroll College in Helena. The senator
was there to listen to students regarding the U.S. policy in Vietnam, prior to
presenting his speech “Conservation and Montana” on Saturday, November 20, 1965, as
the second lecture for the 1965-1966 Senator Thomas J. Walsh Memorial Lecture
series. Pictured in front of a portrait of Senator Thomas J. Walsh are (left to
right) Henry Burgess, professor of English; Rt. Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Brown,
president of Carroll College; Senator Metcalf; Dr. Thomas A. Clinch, professor of
history and co-chairmen of the Walsh lecture series committee; and Rev. Emmett P.
O’Neill, Carroll College professor and co-chairman of the Senator Thomas J. Walsh
Memorial Lecture series |
1965 November 18 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (seated, center) signs a
Christmas card for President Johnson, sent from the college students, in front of a
female Carroll student, Carroll faculty members and college leaders on November 18,
1965, at Carroll College in Helena. The senator was there to listen to students
regarding the U.S. policy in Vietnam, prior to presenting his speech “Conservation
and Montana” on Saturday, November 20, 1965, as the second lecture for the 1965-1966
Senator Thomas J. Walsh Memorial Lecture series. Picture are (left to right,
standing) Rev. Emmett P. O’Neill, Carroll College professor and co-chairman of the
Senator Thomas J. Walsh Memorial Lecture series; unidentified man; unidentified man;
and Henry Burgess, professor of English |
1965 November 18 | |
04: Rev. Emmett P. O'Neill (left), Carroll College
professor and co-chairman of the Senator Thomas J. Walsh Memorial Lecture series, is
shown with Senator Lee Metcalf (right) as they view a painting of the late Senator
Walsh on November 18, 1965, at Carroll College in Helena, Montana. Senator Metcalf
was there to listen to students regarding the U.S. policy in Vietnam, prior to
presenting his speech “Conservation and Montana” on Saturday, November 20, 1965, as
the second lecture for the 1965-1966 Senator Thomas J. Walsh Memorial Lecture
series.—photograph by L.H. Jorud of Helena, Montana |
1965 November 18 | |
05: Rev. Emmett P. O'Neill (left), Carroll College
professor and co-chairman of the Senator Thomas J. Walsh Memorial Lecture series, is
shown with Senator Lee Metcalf (right) as they view a painting of the late Senator
Walsh on November 18, 1965, at Carroll College in Helena, Montana. Senator Metcalf
was there to listen to students regarding the U.S. policy in Vietnam, prior to
presenting his speech “Conservation and Montana” on Saturday, November 20, 1965, as
the second lecture for the 1965-1966 Senator Thomas J. Walsh Memorial Lecture
series—photograph by L.H. Jorud of Helena, Montana |
1965 November 18 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf meets with employees of the
Great Falls Post Office at the Rainbow Hotel in Great Falls, Montana, on December 2,
1965, during the Montana State Democratic Convention in that city. Pictured are
(left to right) John Evanko, postal carrier; Ron McNaight, postal clerk; Senator
Metcalf; Jake Iron, postal carrier; Ray Genereux, post office supervisor; and Roy
Brady, postal carrier—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
1965 December 2 | |
07: Vice-President Hubert H. Humphrey (left) and
Senator Lee Metcalf pictured together during the Vice-President’s visit to Great
Falls, Montana, on December 2, 1965, for the Montana State Democratic Convention.
The convention marked the beginning of Senator Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election
campaign—photograph by Harold Gunderson for the Havre Hi-Line
1965 December 2 | |
08: A speaker is introduced at the podium during the
Montana State Democratic Convention held in Great Falls, Montana, on December 2,
1965, at the Rainbow Hotel. Vice-President Hubert H. Humphrey (second from left,
seated) gave a long speech at the event supporting Senator Lee Metcalf (second from
right, seated) for Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election campaign—photograph by Ray
Ozmon of Great Falls, Montana |
1965 December 2 | |
09: View of attendees and speakers during the
Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, held at the Finlen Hotel in Butte, Montana, on March
26, 1966. Senator Lee Metcalf is speaking at the podium at the speaker’s
table |
1966 March 26 | |
10: View of attendees and speakers during the
Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, held at the Finlen Hotel in Butte, Montana, on March
26, 1966. Senator Lee Metcalf is speaking at the podium at the speaker’s
table |
1966 March 26 | |
11: View of attendees and speakers during the
Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, held at the Finlen Hotel in Butte, Montana, on March
26, 1966. Senator Lee Metcalf is speaking at the podium at the speaker’s table. Rep.
Arnold Olsen is seated second from right at the speaker’s table |
1966 March 26 | |
12: View of attendees and speakers during the
Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, held at the Finlen Hotel in Butte, Montana, on March
26, 1966. Senator Lee Metcalf is speaking at the podium at the speaker’s table. Rep.
Arnold Olsen is seated second from right at the speaker’s table |
1966 March 26 | |
13: View of attendees and speakers during the
Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, held at the Finlen Hotel in Butte, Montana, on March
26, 1966. Senator Lee Metcalf is speaking at the podium at the speaker’s table. Rep.
Arnold Olsen is seated at right at the speaker’s table |
1966 March 26 | |
11/12 | U.S. Senate—Montana Individuals and Events |
1966 |
01: Movie actress Myrna Loy (center), who is from
Montana, recalls her early life in Helena and Radersburg, Montana, during a chat
with Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and his wife Donna (right) on the steps of the U.S.
Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. At the time of this photograph, Loy was
starring in the play Barefoot in the Park at Washington’s National
Theater—photograph by Merkle Press of Washington, D.C. |
circa 1966 June | |
02: Vice-President Hubert H. Humphrey (center,
shaking hands) greets a group of school children and several women outside his
motorcade in Missoula, Montana, while traveling to the University of Montana to give
a speech on September 29, 1966. Senator Lee Metcalf and Rep. Arnold Olsen stand
behind the Vice-President, along with members of the Secret Service |
1966 September 29 | |
03: Vice-President Hubert H. Humphrey (center,
shaking hands) greets a group of school children and several women outside his
motorcade in Missoula, Montana, while traveling to the University of Montana to give
a speech on September 29, 1966. Senator Lee Metcalf and Rep. Arnold Olsen stand
beside the Vice-President, along with members of the Secret Service |
1966 September 29 | |
04: Vice-President Hubert H. Humphrey (center, at
microphone) gives a speech to students and faculty at the University of Montana from
the University Theater balcony on September 29, 1966, after participating in a
student question-and-answer panel session inside the theater. Senator Lee Metcalf
and Rep. Arnold Olsen stand behind the Vice-President on the balcony |
1966 September 29 | |
05: View of the Federal Building in Bozeman,
Montana, on December 18, 1966, on the day the building was closed by the Government
Services Administration—photograph by Don Nash |
1966 December 18 | |
06: View of the Federal Building in Bozeman,
Montana, on December 18, 1966, on the day the building was closed by the Government
Services Administration—photograph by Don Nash |
1966 December 18 | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf with labor leaders outside
the Union Hall in Missoula, Montana, in 1966, where he gave a speech to members and
leaders of various unions. Pictured are (left to right) Don Bushman, president of
Billings Local 2443 of the Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers; Senator Metcalf; Ralph
Bond, Billings Local 2443 of the Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers; and James Murry,
member of the Montana AFL-CIO and Commmittee on Political Education program state
director |
1966 | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf is seen with labor leaders
in the Union Hall in Missoula, Montana, in 1966, for a speech he gave to members and
leaders of various unions. Pictured are (left to right) Jim Leary, Regional Director
of the national AFL-CIO; Senator Metcalf; Sally Doull, member of the Montana Council
of Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders in Missoula; and Barney Merkel,
President of the Montana State Council of Carpenters |
1966 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf shakes hands with attendees
at the doorway following a speech he gave at the Union Hall in Missoula, Montana, in
1966, to members and leaders of various unions. Pictured are (left to right) Jean
Collins, member of the Montana Council of Hotel and Restaurant Employees and
Bartenders in Billings; an unidentified female member of the Montana Council of
Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders; and Senator Metcalf |
1966 | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf greets attendees at the
doorway following a speech he gave at the Union Hall in Missoula, Montana, in 1966,
to members and leaders of various unions. Pictured are Mary Mader (center), member
of the Montana Council of Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders in Great
Falls, and Senator Lee Metcalf (right) |
1966 | |
11: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) poses with two
unidentified union men on the sidewalk outside of the Union Hall in Missoula,
Montana, in 1966. Metcalf gave a speech at the Union Hall to members and leaders of
various unions |
1966 | |
12: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) buys Committee on
Political Education (COPE) program tickets from James Murry (left), member of the
Montana AFL-CIO and COPE program state director, in 1966, around the time of the
Metcalf’s re-election campaign |
circa 1966 | |
13: Senator Lee Metcalf meets with Montana labor
union officials at an unidentified location in 1966. Present are (left to right)
Robert C. Weller, Executive Secretary and Business Representative of the Montana
District Council of the Lumber and Sawmill Workers union; Peter J. Gilligan, Great
Falls labor leader of the Plumbers and Fitters Union and a Montana State
Representative; Senator Lee Metcalf; James Murry, member of the Montana AFL-CIO and
Commmittee on Political Education program state director; Jim Dunphy, involved with
oil workers union and vice-president of the Yellowstone (MT) Democratic Club; Ralph
Bond, president of Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union, Local 2-470
and chairman of the workman’s committee at the Continental Oil Refinery in
Billings |
circa 1966 | |
14: Senator Lee Metcalf (at podium) gives a speech
at an unidentified political dinner at the Finlen Hotel in Butte, Montana. Montana
Secretary of State Frank Murray (center, seated) is present |
circa 1966 | |
15: Senator Lee Metcalf (at podium) gives a speech
at an unidentified dinner in Montana. Montana Secretary of State Frank Murray (left,
seated) is present |
circa 1966 | |
16: Senator Lee Metcalf (at podium) gives a speech
at an unidentified political dinner at the Finlen Hotel in Butte,
Montana |
circa 1966 | |
17: Half-length portrait of James Freeman—photograph
by Joe Friezer of Los Angeles |
circa 1966 | |
11/13 | U.S. Senate—Montana Individuals and Events |
1960s, 1968-1969, undated |
01: Groundbreaking ceremonies on November 13, 1968,
at Carroll College in Helena, Montana, for the new physical education building.
Pictured at the groundbreaking location are (left to right) Joe Reber, Senator Lee
Metcalf, and Ken Myers |
1968 November 13 | |
02: Photograph of the contract-signing ceremony
between the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and Basin Electric at the MidWest Electric
Consumers Association Annual Meeting, held in Billings, Montana in 1968. Various
Basin Electric and Interior Department officials are present, along with Senator Lee
Metcalf (sixth from left, standing); Interior Secretary Stewart Udall (seventh from
left, standing); and Senator Quentin Burdick (D-ND) |
1968 | |
03: John B. Kelley (left), President of Avco
Economic Systems Corporation, and Senator Lee Metcalf (right) pose for a photograph
in Washington, D.C., in January 1969, around the time of the announcement of Avco’s
Glasgow Air Force Base project in Glasgow, Montana |
1969 January | |
04: John B. Kelley (left), President of Avco
Economic Systems Corporation, and Senator Lee Metcalf (right) have a conversation in
Washington, D.C., in January 1969, around the time of the announcement of Avco’s
Glasgow Air Force Base project in Glasgow, Montana—photograph by City News Bureau,
Inc., of Washington, D.C. |
1969 January | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (left, standing) and Montana
Governor Forrest Anderson (right, standing) are pictured with an unidentified U.S.
Air Force official and John B. Kelley (left, seated), Avco Economic Systems
Corporation President, on May 30, 1969. The men are holding a signing ceremony for a
contract between Avco and the Air Force, for Avco to take over the closed Glasgow
Air Force Base in Glasgow, Montana |
1969 May 30 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (left, standing) and Montana
Governor Forrest Anderson (right, standing) are pictured with an unidentified U.S.
Air Force official and John B. Kelley (left, seated), Avco Economic Systems
Corporation President, on May 30, 1969. The men are holding a signing ceremony for a
contract between Avco and the Air Force, for Avco to take over the closed Glasgow
Air Force Base in Glasgow, Montana |
1969 May 30 | |
07: Montana Governor Forrest H. Anderson visits with
the Montana congressional delegation in Washington, D.C., to report on conditions in
Montana. Anderson was in the nation’s capital for a series of meetings on programs
of interest to Montana. Pictured are (left to right) Rep. Arnold Olsen; Senator Mike
Mansfield; Governor Anderson; Senator Lee Metcalf; and Rep. John Melcher |
circa 1969 October 22 | |
08: Montana Governor Forrest H. Anderson visits with
the Montana congressional delegation in Washington, D.C., to report on conditions in
Montana. Anderson was in the nation’s capital for a series of meetings on programs
of interest to Montana. Pictured are (left to right, seated) Rep. Arnold Olsen;
Senator Mike Mansfield; Governor Anderson; Senator Lee Metcalf; Rep. John Melcher;
(left to right, standing) Ron Richards, Governor Anderson’s administrative
assistant; and George McCarthy, Federal-State Coordinator |
circa 1969 October 22 | |
09: Politicians attend an unidentified event at
Montana State University. Present are (left to right) Rep. Arnold Olsen; Mary
Margaret Olsen, Arnold Olsen’s wife; Dr. Henry K. Newburn, President of Montana
State University; Donna Metcalf; James Browning; Forrest Gerard, member of the
Blackfeet Tribe of Montana and Tribal Affairs Officer for the Division of Indian
Health Service; and Ray Dockstader, legislative assistant to Senator Mike
Mansfield |
1960s | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf (fourth from left) visits
with some of his former law professors and current law faculty at the University of
Montana Law School in Missoula, Montana |
1960s | |
11: Robert N. Helding (left), attorney public
relations director for the J. Neils Lumber Company of Libby, shakes hands with
Senator Lee Metcalf (right) in front of an unidentified man at an event |
1960s | |
12: Senator Lee Metcalf (right, standing at
microphone) gives a speech at an unidentified event in Montana—photograph by W.P.
Wright |
1960s | |
13: Senator Lee Metcalf (right, standing) talks at
an unidentified event (possibly in Lame Deer, Montana), with members of the Northern
Cheyenne Tribal Council present (seated at table with Metcalf) and others in a
school gymnasium |
1960s | |
14: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right, seated)
sits on a couch with three men, including Pat J. Gilfeather (left, seated), a Great
Falls attorney and Democratic state representative from Cascade County—photograph by
Stan Healy of Missoula, Montana |
undated | |
15: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and John Melcher
(right) pictured at an unidentified dinner |
undated | |
11/14 | U.S. Senate—Montana Individuals and Events |
1971-1972 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (right), wearing a sling on
his arm following a car accident, is presented with a Union Pacific Railroad gift of
a .30-.30 rifle, partly decorated in gold. The rifle symbolized the railroad’s
hundred years of operation through 1969. E.H. Lyman (left), Butte general traffic
agent for Union Pacific, made the presentation to Metcalf in the Treasure State
Sporting Goods Store |
circa 1970 February 19 | |
Roll 10.19-.30: Senator Lee Metcalf gives a speech
at an unidentified event at the University of Montana-Missoula |
1971 | |
02: Montana Rural Electric and Telephone Cooperative
(MRETC) officials visit with the Montana congressional delegation about matters of
mutual concern during dinner. Present are (seated at table, no order) MRETC
representative Harold Ebaugh of Havre; State Senator C.R. Thiessen of Lambert; Riley
Childers of Great Falls; William Heit of Sidney; Pat Plummer of Carlyle; George Rait
of North Dakota; Carl Womack of Idaho; Rep. John Melcher (seventh from left);
Senator Mike Mansfield (sixth from right); Ben Stong, Rep. Melcher staff member;
Rudy Honkala, Rep. Shoup staff member; Vic Reinemer (fourth from left), Senator
Metcalf’s executive secretary; Ray Dockstader (second from right), Senator
Mansfield’s legislative assistant |
circa 1971 May | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf speaks at the Montana State
Democratic Convention held in the Rainbow Hotel in Great Falls, Montana, on November
12, 1971. Metcalf announced his plans to run for re-election to the U.S. Senate in
1972 at the convention |
1971 November 12 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (at podium) speaks at the
Montana State Democratic Convention held in the Rainbow Hotel in Great Falls,
Montana, on November 12, 1971. Metcalf announced his plans to run for re-election to
the U.S. Senate in 1972 at the convention |
1971 November 12 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (at podium) speaks at the
Montana State Democratic Convention held in the Rainbow Hotel in Great Falls,
Montana, on November 12, 1971. Metcalf announced his plans to run for re-election to
the U.S. Senate in 1972 at the convention |
1971 November 12 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf receives an award from an
unidentified woman at the Montana State Democratic Convention held in the Rainbow
Hotel in Great Falls, Montana, on November 12, 1971 |
1971 November 12 | |
11/15 | U.S. Senate—Montana Individuals and Events |
1972-1973 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) presents state of
Montana and United States flags to District Judge Gordon Bennett (right) in Helena,
Montana, on Wednesday, November 9, 1972, as District Judge Peter Meloy (left)
observes the proceedings. Metcalf gave Bennett the national flag to replace one
stolen from Bennett’s courtroom earlier in 1972 |
circa 1972 November 9 | |
02: Mary Munger (left), vice-chairman of the
American Nurses Association (ANA) Commission on Economic and General Welfare, meets
with Senator Lee Metcalf (right) in his Washington, D.C., Senate office, prior to
Munger testifying for the ANA on August 16, 1972, before the Senate Committee on
Labor and Public Welfare’s Subcommittee on Labor hearing on H.R. 11357. The bill
would extend coverage of the National Labor Relations Act to nonprofit hospitals.
Metcalf introduced Munger to the subcommittee at the hearing—photograph by Dave
Schwartz of Washington, D.C. |
1972 August 16 | |
03: Henry Hibbard, 1972 Republican candidate for the
U.S. Senate from Montana, talks with Rep. Richard Shoup at an unidentified event in
1972 |
1972 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (right, wearing hard hat)
meets with construction workers in an unidentified city in Montana in
1972 |
circa 1972 | |
05: View of the commencement ceremony on June 10,
1973, at the University of Montana in Missoula, at which Senator Lee Metcalf
received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree |
1973 June 10 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (right), wearing a cap and
gown, talks with an unidentified man during the commencement ceremony on June 10,
1973, at the University of Montana in Missoula, at which he received an honorary
Doctor of Laws degree—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
1973 June 10 | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf (center), wearing a cap and
gown, talks with two unidentified men during the commencement ceremony on June 10,
1973, at the University of Montana in Missoula, at which he received an honorary
Doctor of Laws degree—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
1973 June 10 | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf (center), wearing a cap and
gown, talks with two unidentified men during the commencement ceremony on June 10,
1973, at the University of Montana in Missoula, at which he received an honorary
Doctor of Laws degree—photograph by Donna Metcalf |
1973 June 10 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (fourth from right) leaves
the commencement ceremony on June 10, 1973, at the University of Montana in
Missoula, after receiving an honorary Doctor of Laws degree |
1973 June 10 | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right) poses
next to graduate students outside following the commencement ceremony on June 10,
1973, at the University of Montana in Missoula, after receiving an honorary Doctor
of Laws degree |
1973 June 10 | |
11: Close-up photograph of Senator Lee Metcalf as he
stands outside following the commencement ceremony on June 10, 1973, at the
University of Montana in Missoula, after receiving an honorary Doctor of Laws
degree |
1973June 10 | |
12-1 | U.S. Senate—Montana Individuals and Events |
1970s, 1973, 1975, undated |
01: Lolo National Forest Supervisor Jack Large
(left) shakes hands with Senator Lee Metcalf (right) in front of a National Guard
helicopter at the Tri-Creek fire camp, near Thompson Falls, Montana. Senator Metcalf
and Montana Governor Thomas L. Judge visited the site of the fire on Thursday,
August 23, 1973 |
1973 August 23 | |
02: Senator Metcalf (left, facing viewer) and
Montana Governor Thomas L. Judge (right, facing viewer) talk with newsmen at the
Tri-Creek fie camp headquarters in the Lolo National Forest, near Thompson Falls,
Montana, on Thursday, August 23, 1973 |
1973 August 23 | |
03: Officials look over a map of the Tri-Creek fire
area in the Lolo National Forest on August 23, 1973. Pictured are (left to right)
Gary J. Wicks, Director of the Montana Department of Natural Resources &
Conservation; Senator Lee Metcalf; Thompson Falls (MT) District Ranger William R.
Franks; Lolo National Forest Supervisor Jack Large; and Montana Governor Thomas L.
Judge |
1973 August 23 | |
04: Senator Metcalf (right) and Montana Governor
Thomas L. Judge (left) go through a food line with the firefighters at the Tri-Creek
fire camp in the Lolo National Forest, near Thompson Falls, Montana, on Thursday,
August 23, 1973 |
1973 August 23 | |
05: Senator Metcalf (left) and Montana Governor
Thomas L. Judge (right) listen to an explanation of the Tri-Creek fire from fire
boss Robert L. Graham on August 23, 1973, at the fire camp near Thompson Falls,
Montana |
1973 August 23 | |
06: Robert L. Graham, fire boss on the Tri-Creek
fire, points out the Tri-Creek fireline to Senator Metcalf (left) and Montana
Governor Thomas L. Judge (right, facing away from viewer) on August 23, 1973, at the
fire camp near Thompson Falls, Montana |
1973 August 23 | |
07: Robert L. Graham, fire boss on the Tri-Creek
fire, explains the progress of the fire to Senator Metcalf (left) and Montana
Governor Thomas L. Judge (right) on August 23, 1973, at the fire camp near Thompson
Falls, Montana |
1973August 23 | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) has lunch with
firefighters at the Tri-Creek fire camp in the Lolo National Forest, near Thompson
Falls, Montana, on Thursday, August 23, 1973 |
1973 August 23 | |
09: Artist’s drawing from the General Services
Administration of the 1975 proposed Helena Federal Building in Helena,
Montana |
1975 | |
10: (Left to right, seated) Donna and Senator Lee
Metcalf seated at the speaker’s table at the Great Bear Festival dinner held in the
Outlaw Inn in Kalispell, Montana, on September 6, 1977. Senator Metcalf gave the
keynote address at the dinner, held in between public hearings at the inn, on the
Great Bear Wilderness Study Area—Daily Inter Lake (Kalispell, MT)
photograph |
1977 September 6 | |
11: John Bartlett (left), Chairman of the Montana
State Democratic Party, poses at an unidentified location with Senator Lee
Metcalf—Hungry Horse News photograph |
1970s | |
12: General John James Womack (left) of Dillon, a
commander in the Montana National Guard, talks with Senator Lee Metcalf (right) at
an unidentified event |
undated |
Series 21: General SenateReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries A: General |
Box/Folder | ||
12-2 | U.S. Senate—General Senate |
1961 |
01: Radio talk show host Steve Allison (left),
known as “the man who owns midnite”, interviews Senator Lee Metcalf (right) in
June 1961 during Allison’s radio show on WWDC radio in Washington, D.C |
1961 June | |
02: View of the docked guided missile destroyer
leader USS Leahy and a crowd, prior to the ship’s launching ceremony on July 1,
1961, at the Bath Iron Works Corporation docks in Bath, Maine—official U.S. Navy
photograph |
1961 July 1 | |
03: Congressmen, U.S. Navy officials, and special
guests pose for a photograph beside the USS Leahy, prior to the ship’s launching
ceremony on July 1, 1961, at the Bath Iron Works Corporation docks in Bath, Maine.
Senator Lee Metcalf (fourth from left); Donna Metcalf (eighth from right); Senator
Mike Mansfield (second from right); and Maureen Mansfield (eighth from left) are
present—official U.S. Navy photograph |
1961 July 1 | |
04: Congressmen, U.S. Navy officials, and special
guests pose for a photograph beside the USS Leahy, prior to the ship’s launching
ceremony on July 1, 1961, at the Bath Iron Works Corporation docks in Bath, Maine.
Senator Lee Metcalf (sixth from left); Donna Metcalf (fifth from left); Senator
Mike Mansfield (seventh from left); and Maureen Mansfield (seventh from right) are
present—official U.S. Navy photograph |
1961 July 1 | |
05: Congressmen pose with Maureen Mansfield for a
picture on the Bath Iron Works Corporation docks prior to the USS Leahy launching
ceremony on July 1, 1961, in Bath, Maine. Pictured are (left to right) Congressman
Daniel K. Inouye (D-HI); Senator Lee Metcalf; Senator Mike Mansfield; Maureen
Mansfield, wife of Senator Mansfield; Senator Edmund S. Muskie (D-ME); and Rep.
Stanley R. Tupper (R-ME)—official U.S. Navy photograph |
1961 July 1 | |
06: Maureen Mansfield, wife of Senator Mansfield,
poses for a photograph with a christening bottle and flower bouquet next to the
USS Leahy before she christened the ship, prior to its launching on July 1, 1961,
at the Bath Iron Works Corporation docks in Bath, Maine—official U.S. Navy
photograph |
1961 July 1 | |
07: Maureen Mansfield, wife of Senator Mansfield,
smashes a christening bottle on the haul of the guided missile destroyer leader
USS Leahy to christen the ship, prior to its launching on July 1, 1961, at the
Bath Iron Works Corporation docks in Bath, Maine—official U.S. Navy
photograph |
1961 July 1 | |
08: The guided missile destroyer leader USS Leahy
is pictured sailing in open water after its launch on July 1, 1961, at the Bath
Iron Works Corporation docks in Bath, Maine—official U.S. Navy
photograph |
1961 July 1 | |
09: During a recent visit to Senator Mike
Mansfield’s office in Washington, D.C., on November 8, 1961, Catherine and Marilyn
Crane of Brusett, Montana, look at a newspaper photograph of the Crane sisters on
the front page of The Washington Post. The photograph showed the girls meeting
with Prime Minister Jawaharial Nehru of India during a reception at the Indian
Embassy. Pictured here are (left to right) Marilyn Crane; Senator Mike Mansfield;
Senator Lee Metcalf; Catherine Crane; and Peggy DeMichele, Senator Mansfield’s
aide |
circa 1961 November 8 | |
12-3 | U.S. Senate—General Senate |
1962-1965, 1968 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (left, facing away from
viewer) talks with attendees at the 11th Annual Convention of the National
Community Television Association (NCTA) in Washington, D.C., held at the Shorehand
Hotel from June 17-22, 1962. Some of the attendees pictured are Archer S. Taylor
(fourth from left) president of Northwest Video, Inc. of Kalispell, and Charlotte
H. Brader (third from right) of Havre, president and general manager of the
Community TV Association—photograph by Capitol Photo Service, Inc., of Washington,
D.C. |
1962 June | |
02: Montanans attending the Veterans of Foreign
Wars (VFW) legislative conference in Washington, D.C. met with Montana’s U.S.
Senators Mike Mansfield and Lee Metcalf on April 4, 1963. Joining the group in
this picture was senior Kenneth Myers of Glasgow High School, winner of the 1963
Montana “Voice of Democracy” contest. Present are (left to right, standing) John
W. Mahan of Helena, former national VFW commander; Kenneth Schreiber of Helena,
VFW state adjutant; Senator Lee Metcalf; Senator Mike Mansfield; (left to right,
seated) Kenneth Myers; Walter Marshall of Helena, Montana “Voice of Democracy”
contest chairman; Eugene Mahoney of Thompson Falls, VFW state commander; Phillip
Montegna of Great Falls, VFW state senior vice commander; and Willis McKeon of
Malta, member of the national VFW legislative committee |
1963 April 4 | |
03: A picture of Montana taken from outer space by
the Tiros satellite showing the Rocky Mountains (lower left of photograph) and
Fort Peck Reservoir (white spot at lower right of photograph)—NASA-Goddard Space
Flight Center Tiros satellite |
circa 1964 January | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph with two Montana conservations, Harry B. Mitchell of Great Falls
(second from left) and U.S. Forest Service staff member Lillian Hornick of
Missoula (second from right), at the American Motors Corporation Conservation
Awards ceremony in Washington, D.C., in May 1964. Mitchell, chairman of the
conservation committee of the Montana Junior Chamber of Commerce, helped to
establish state legislation which protects fishing streams from damage by highway
construction. Hornick promoted the growth and development of the Montana
Conservation Council |
1964 May | |
05: Senators Lee Metcalf and Eugene McCarthy
(D-MN) meet in the U.S. Capitol with two members of the non-profit group the
Minnesota Calumet Indian Dancers, a group of boy dancers dressed in Native
American costumes, during the group’s 1965 goodwill tour. The group was selected
by former Minnesota Governor Orville Freeman as the state’s goodwill ambassadors.
The group’s leaders present a peace pipe to McCarthy. Pictured here are (left to
right) Metcalf; McCarthy; Patrick Arland of Minneapolis, a group counselor; and
Art M. Kingsbury, director of the Minnesota Calumet Dancers |
1965 July | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (seated) poses for a
photograph with a family in a bookstore, during a book signing event in November
1965 for the book Metcalf of Montana. Metcalf did
four book signings in Montana during the month of November for the newly-published
book |
circa 1965 November | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf (seated) poses for a
photograph with two students in a bookstore, during a book signing event in
November 1965 for the book Metcalf of Montana.
Metcalf did four book signings in Montana during the month of November for the
newly-published book |
circa 1965 November | |
08: (Left to right) Judge Peter Meloy, Harriet
Meloy, Donna Metcalf, and Senator Lee Metcalf are presented gifts by an
unidentified Mexican official in Mexico City, Mexico. The Meloys and Metcalfs were
in Mexico to attend the 1968 Summer Olympics held in October 1968 |
1968 October | |
12-4 | U.S. Senate—General Senate (1969, 1960s) |
1960s, 1969 |
01: Donna Metcalf (second from left) is pictured
with Senator Birch Bayh (D-IN) (right) and two unidentified women at an
unidentified event in 1969 |
circa 1969 November | |
02: Senators Henry Jackson (D-WA) (left, seated)
and Birch Bayh (D-IN) (right) are pictured at an unidentified event in
1969 |
circa 1969 November | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf and Rep. John Melcher of
Montana are presented pennants by members of the 1969 Republic of China Flour
Miller Team, during the team’s visit to Washington, D.C., in 1969. Present are
(left to right) C.Y. Kuo; T.Y. Ho; C.S. Yang; Metcalf; Melcher; Mu-San Lai; and
K.H. Lu—photograph by Dev O’Neill for the Democratic National Congressional
Committee (Washington, D.C.) |
1969 | |
04: Rep. John Melcher (left) holds up a Republic
of China Flour Miller Team pennant, presented to he and Senator Lee Metcalf
(right) by members of the 1969 Flour Miller Team. Team member Mu-San Lai (center)
stands with the congressman during the pennant presentation—photograph by Dev
O’Neill for the Democratic National Congressional Committee (Washington,
D.C.) |
1969 | |
05: The 1969 Republic of China Flour Miller Team
presents to Rep. John Melcher and Senator Lee Metcalf team pennants during the
team’s visit to Washington, D.C., in 1969. Pictured are (left to right) T.Y. Ho,
Jr.; C.Y. Kuo; T.Y. Huo; Mrs. T.Y. Ho; C.S. Yang; Metcalf; Melcher; Mu-San Lai;
Teddy Roe, Senator Metcalf’s legislative assistant; K.H. Lu; and Jerry Rees of the
Western Wheat Associates—photograph by Dev O’Neill for the Democratic National
Congressional Committee (Washington, D.C.) |
1969 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf meets with a group of
railway labor chiefs at the annual meeting of LABOR’s owners. Pictured are (left
to right) Neil F. Speirs, president of the Switchmen’s Union of North America;
Michael Fox, president of AFL-CIO Railway Employees’ Department; Senator Metcalf;
A.J. Bernhardt, president of the Brotherhood Railway Carmen of America; J.P.
Tahney, American Railway Supervisors Association; and George M. Harrison,
president of the Brotherhood of Railway Clerks—photograph by Reni Newsphoto
Service |
1960s | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) congratulates Lt.
Col. Dorothy R. Manning at an unidentified ceremony, related to Manning’s
retirement from the U.S. Army. Manning, a former member of the Women’s Army Corps,
is pictured wearing a Legion of Merit medal |
1960s | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf’s official passport
photograph |
1960s | |
09: Donna Metcalf’s official passport
photograph |
1960s | |
12-5 | U.S. Senate—General Senate |
1960s |
01: Photograph of the Galeries Lafayette
department store on Boulevard Haussman in the 9th arrondissement of Paris, France.
Photograph taken during a congressional trip to Europe which included Senator Lee
Metcalf |
circa 1960s | |
02: Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield (left,
standing at podium) speaks at an unidentified meeting of Democratic Senators, held
in the Senate conference room in the Capitol building in Washington, D.C. Senators
present include Hubert Humphrey; Frank Church; George McGovern; Quentin Burdick;
Lee Metcalf; Eugene McCarthy; and others |
circa 1960s | |
03: Conservation officials, politicians, and other
individuals pose for a group photograph at an unidentified event. Present are
Stewart M. Brandborg (left, back row), assistant conservation director at the
National Wildlife Federation; Guy M. Brandborg (third from left, back row),
conservationist and former supervisor of the Bitterroot National Forest; Rep.
Arnold Olsen (second from right, back row); Larry Eichhorn (right, back row),
Bureau of Land Management wildlife and range biologist in Lewistown, Montana;
Senator Mike Mansfield (seventh from left, front row); and Senator Lee Metcalf
(fourth from right) |
circa 1960s | |
04: Conservation officials, politicians, and other
individuals pose for a group photograph at an unidentified event. Present are
Stewart M. Brandborg (left, back row), assistant conservation director at the
National Wildlife Federation; Guy M. Brandborg (third from left, back row),
conservationist and former supervisor of the Bitterroot National Forest; Rep.
Arnold Olsen (second from right, back row); Larry Eichhorn (right, back row),
Bureau of Land Management wildlife and range biologist in Lewistown, Montana;
Senator Mike Mansfield (seventh from left, front row); and Senator Lee Metcalf
(fourth from right) |
circa 1960s | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) listens to an
unidentified woman at an unidentified event |
circa 1960s | |
06: Senator Mike Mansfield (center, seated at desk
holding papers) and Senator Lee Metcalf (right, seated) pose in Senator
Mansfield’s Senate Majority Leader’s office in the U.S. Capitol Building with an
unidentified group |
circa 1960s | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) stands next to an
unidentified boxer, during the trophy presentation at an unidentified fight in
Montana (possibly at the Hotel Florence in Missoula, Montana). A reporter from
KGVO radio in Missoula is seen interviewing the boxer |
circa 1960s | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) shakes hands with
an unidentified man outside, next to a Chevy Impala parked along a curb (possibly
during a 1968 Senate Interior subcommittee trip to Asia and the South
Pacific) |
circa 1960s | |
09: Two unidentified men shake hands outside, next
to a Chevy Impala parked along a curb (possibly during a 1968 Senate Interior
subcommittee trip to Asia and the South Pacific) |
circa 1960s | |
12-6 | U.S. Senate—General Senate |
1970s, 1970, 1972-1973, 1976 |
01: Members of the Japan Council for International
Understanding pose for a photograph during a luncheon on Monday, September 14,
1970. The luncheon was held in the Speaker’s Dining Room in the U.S. Capitol
Building in Washington, D.C., for participants in the Japanese-American Assembly
and the U.S.-Japan Parliamentary Exchange Conference. Senator Lee Metcalf is at
left (seated)—photograph by Dev O’Neill for the Democratic National Congressional
Committee (Washington, D.C.) |
1970 September 14 | |
02: Members of the Japan Council for International
Understanding pose for a photograph during a luncheon on Monday, September 14,
1970. The luncheon was held in the Speaker’s Dining Room in the U.S. Capitol
Building in Washington, D.C., for participants in the Japanese-American Assembly
and the U.S.-Japan Parliamentary Exchange Conference. Senator Lee Metcalf is at
left (seated)—photograph by Dev O’Neill for the Democratic National Congressional
Committee (Washington, D.C.) |
1970 September 14 | |
03: Attendees at the American Hospital Association
House of Delegates Convention, held in February 1972, pose for a photograph with
Senator Lee Metcalf in his Senate office on February 7, 1972. Present are (no
order) Bill Leary, Frank Stewart, Art Crandall, Ernest Logan, and Senator Metcalf
(third from left) |
1972 February 7 | |
04: (Left to right) Donna Metcalf, Senator Lee
Metcalf, and Dodie Colberg talk in front of an Amtrak passenger train on June 2,
1972, prior to the Metcalfs’ trip from Glasgow, Montana, to Minneapolis, on an
overnight trip returning to Washington, D.C. Senator Metcalf used the trip to
report to his constituents on passenger conditions for Amtrak trains in
Montana |
1972 June 2 | |
05: (Left to right) Senator Lee Metcalf and Donna
Metcalf pose in front of an Amtrak passenger train on June 2, 1972, prior to the
Metcalfs’ trip from Glasgow, Montana, to Minneapolis, on an overnight trip
returning to Washington, D.C. Senator Metcalf used the trip to report to his
constituents on passenger conditions for Amtrak trains in Montana |
1972 June 2 | |
Roll 11.33-35: Photographs of a Native American
tribal headdress in a display case in Senator Lee Metcalf’s Washington, D.C.,
office |
1972 | |
06: Members of the U.S. Congress, members from
government agencies, and leaders in the engineering community held a reception in
the U.S. Capitol Building in 1973, sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE), to discuss national problems related to technology.
Pictured are Dr. Alvin Read (left), IEEE Regional Director and Professor of
Electrical Engineering at Iowa State University; Dr. Harold Chestnut (second from
left), IEEE Junior Past President and Consultant, Systems Engineering, General
Electric Research and Development Center; Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right);
and Donald G. Fink (right), IEEE Executive Director and General
Manager |
1973 | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) meets on the U.S.
Capitol Building lawn with Edward W. (left) and Alicia E. Payne (right), who
exhibit their four-year old stallion Sheik for Metcalf—photograph by William G.
Riggs, Jr., of Falls Church, Virginia |
circa 1976 June | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) meets on the U.S.
Capitol Building lawn with Alicia E. Payne (left) and her four-year old stallion
Sheik—photograph by William G. Riggs, Jr., of Falls Church, Virginia |
circa 1976 June | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (fourth from left) has
lunch with an unidentified group of Asian men (possibly an Inter-Parliamentary
Conference group) in Washington, D.C.—photograph by Dev O’Neill, U.S. House of
Representatives photographer |
1970s | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf (fourth from left) has
lunch with an unidentified group of Asian men and others in Washington,
D.C.—photograph by Dev O’Neill, U.S. House of Representatives
photographer |
1970s | |
11: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) talks with an
unidentified man and Charles E. Nichols, general treasurer for the United
Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. The photograph is signed: “Best
wishes, Charles E. Nichols” |
circa 1970s |
Series 21: General SenateReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries B: Inter-Parliamentary Conference and
Union |
Box/Folder | ||
12-7 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Inter-Parliamentary
Union |
1962, 1966, 1969 |
01: Members of a Canada-United States
Inter-Parliamentary Conference pose for a photograph on an airport runway in
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, beside a U.S. Air Force military air transport plane. The
conference in Ottawa was held to discuss the United States’ displeasure over
Canada’s trade policies with Cuba. Several of the United States delegates present
are Senator Hiram Fong of Hawaii (second from right); Senator Patrick McNamara of
Michigan (third from right); and Senator Lee and Donna Metcalf of Montana (fourth
and fifth from right)—Photograph by Capital Press Service of Ottawa,
Canada |
circa 1962 March | |
02: Canadian delegates of the Ninth Canada-United
States Inter-Parliamentary Conference sit listening to a talk in the American
Museum of Atomic Energy in Tennessee on the morning of Saturday, May 21, 1966. The
talk was part of a tour of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory facilities, planned
by the host United States Inter-Parliamentary delegation. Senator Lee Metcalf is
standing against a wall in the background—photograph by J.E. Westcott for U.S.
Atomic Energy Commission |
1966 May 21 | |
03: Canadian delegates of the Ninth Canada-United
States Inter-Parliamentary Conference are given a tour of Oak Ridge National
Laboratory in Tennessee on the morning of Saturday, May 21, 1966. This was part of
a tour planned by the host United States Inter-Parliamentary delegation—photograph
by J.E. Westcott for U.S. Atomic Energy Commission |
1966 May 21 | |
Roll 12.01-.43: Scenes from the Japan-United
States Inter-Parliamentary Conference in Japan in February 1969 |
1969 February | |
04: Members of the United States congressional
delegation pose for a photograph in Tokyo, with Mount Fuji in the background
during the Japan-United States Inter-Parliamentary Conference in February 1969.
Several of the United States delegates present are Frank Moss of Utah (third from
left); Lee Metcalf (sixth from left); Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania (seventh from
left); Edmund Muskie of Maine (eighth from right); James B. Pearson of Kansas; and
Rep. Spark Masayuki Matsunaga of Hawaii (right) |
1969 February | |
05: The United States congressional delegation and
staff pose for a photograph in a conference room in the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia,
prior to a meeting with Soviet legislators. This was part of a three-day visit in
October 1969 to the Soviet Union by a delegation of U.S. congressmen, as guests of
the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union. The U.S. delegation stopped in Moscow on
their way for a meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in New Delhi, India.
Senators Birch Bayh (second from left); delegation leader John J. Sparkman
(seventh from left); and Lee Metcalf (fifth from right), are identified in this
photograph |
1969 October | |
06: The United States congressional delegation (at
right) sits at a table in a conference room in the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia,
during a meeting with Soviet legislators (at left). During the meeting, Soviet
legislators complained to the Americans over issues considered by the Soviets as
insulting to American-Soviet relations. This was part of a three-day visit in
October 1969 to the Soviet Union by a delegation of U.S. congressmen as guests of
the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union. The U.S. delegation stopped in Moscow on
their way for a meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in New Delhi,
India |
1969 October | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and Senator John J.
Sparkman (second from right) have dinner in the dining room at a collective farm
outside Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The dinner was held during a three-day visit in
October 1969 to the Soviet Union by a delegation of U.S. congressmen, as guests of
the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union. The U.S. delegation stopped in the Soviet
Union on their way for a meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in New Delhi,
India. A portrait of Lenin hangs in the background |
1969 October | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from left,
background) and Senator John J. Sparkman (second from right, background) have
dinner in the dining room at a collective farm outside Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The
dinner was held during a three-day visit in October 1969 to the Soviet Union by a
delegation of U.S. congressmen, as guests of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet
Union. The U.S. delegation stopped in the Soviet Union on their way for a meeting
of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in New Delhi, India. A portrait of Lenin hangs in
the background |
1969 October | |
12-8 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Inter-Parliamentary
Union |
1969 |
01: U.S. Ambassador to India Kenneth Keating
(left) talks with members of the U.S. congressional delegation to the 57th
Inter-Parliamentary Union, during a luncheon in the Roosevelt House in New Delhi,
India, on October 31, 1969. Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right) and his wife
Donna (right) are pictured—photograph by I.D. Beri of the Photo Lab, USIS (India)
(Photo #69-340-005) |
1969 October 31 | |
02: U.S. Ambassador to India Kenneth Keating
(right) talks with members of the U.S. congressional delegation to the 57th
Inter-Parliamentary Union, during luncheon in the Roosevelt House in New Delhi,
India, on October 31, 1969. Senator Lee Metcalf (center, facing viewer) is
pictured—photograph by I.D. Beri of the Photo Lab, USIS (India) (Photo
#69-340-006) |
1969 October 31 | |
03: U.S. Ambassador to India Kenneth Keating
(second from left) talks with members of the U.S. congressional delegation to the
57th Inter-Parliamentary Union, during luncheon in the Roosevelt House in New
Delhi, India, on October 31, 1969. Senator Lee Metcalf (third from left) is
pictured—photograph by I.D. Beri of the Photo Lab, USIS (India) (Photo
#69-340-022) |
1969 October 31 | |
04: Members of the U.S. congressional delegation
to the 57th Inter-Parliamentary Union chat during a reception held by U.S.
Ambassador to India Kenneth Keating in the Roosevelt House in New Delhi, India, on
November 2, 1969. Senator Lee Metcalf (center, facing viewer) is
pictured—photograph by I.D. Beri of the Photo Lab, USIS (India) (Photo
#69-340-025) |
1969 November 2 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (left), a member of the
U.S. congressional delegation to the 57th Inter-Parliamentary Union, shakes hands
with an unknown man during a reception, held by U.S. Ambassador to India Kenneth
Keating in the Roosevelt House in New Delhi, India, on November 2, 1969—photograph
by I.D. Beri of the Photo Lab, USIS (India) (Photo #69-344-044) |
1969 November 2 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from left), a
member of the U.S. congressional delegation to the 57th Inter-Parliamentary Union,
shakes hands Mrs. Stone during a reception, held by U.S. Ambassador to India
Kenneth Keating in the Roosevelt House in New Delhi, India, on November 2, 1969.
Donna Metcalf (left) is pictured—photograph by I.D. Beri of the Photo Lab, USIS
(India) (Photo #69-344-048) |
1969 November 2 | |
07: Group photograph of the U.S.
Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) delegation with representatives of the government
of the Republic of Korea taken in the office of Korean Prime Minister Il-Kwon
Chung in Seoul, South Korea. The U.S. delegation had arrived in Korea from the IPU
in India. Pictured are Prime Minister Chung (ninth from right), delegation leader
Senator John J. Sparkman (ninth from left), and Senator Lee Metcalf (fifth from
right). Photograph signed: “Il-Kwon Chung, November 10, 1969” |
1969 November | |
12-9 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Inter-Parliamentary
Union |
1969 |
01: Camp Young, headquarters for the 3rd Brigade
of the 2nd Infantry Division of the U.S. Army, at the Demilitarized Zone between
South and North Korea. A U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) delegation arrived
in South Korea on November 9, 1969, from India, to tour U.S. military units in the
country on the delegation’s return to the United States—2nd Infantry Division
photograph |
1969 November 9 | |
02: The chapel interior at Camp Young,
headquarters for the 3rd Brigade of the 2nd Infantry Division of the U.S. Army, at
the Korean Demilitarized Zone. A U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) delegation
arrived in South Korea on November 9, 1969, from India, to tour U.S. military
units in the country on the delegation’s return to the United States—2nd Infantry
Division photograph |
1969 November 9 | |
03: Members of a U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Union
(IPU) delegation are shown the chapel at Camp Young, headquarters for the 3rd
Brigade of the 2nd Infantry Division of the U.S. Army, at the Korean Demilitarized
Zone. The delegation arrived in South Korea on November 9, 1969, to tour U.S.
military units in the country on the delegation’s return to the United States.
Senator Lee Metcalf is at left—2nd Infantry Division photograph |
1969 November 9 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right) is
shown in the enlisted men’s barracks near the Korean Demilitarized Zone by two
Montana soldiers, during a tour for the U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)
delegation of the 2nd Infantry Division on November 9, 1969. Pictured with Metcalf
are Specialist 5 Robert H. Anderson (second from left) of Helena, and Sergeant
James M. Morrison (left) of Helena—2nd Infantry Division photograph |
1969 November 9 | |
05: View of the Korean Demilitarized Zone from
Observation Post Holmdahl. A Company Command tower is situated along the barrier
fence with Guard Post at the top (center) of the photograph—2nd Infantry Division
photograph |
1969 November 9 | |
06: View of Observation Post Holmdahl along the
Korean Demilitarized Zone—2nd Infantry Division photograph |
1969 November 9 | |
07: View of Observation Post Holmdahl along the
Korean Demilitarized Zone—2nd Infantry Division photograph |
1969 November 9 | |
08: View of the barrier fence and the Korean
Demilitarized Zone from Observation Post Holmdahl—2nd Infantry Division
photograph |
1969 November 9 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) leaves a
helicopter with Mr. Vance, U.S. Army, at a U.S. military camp along the Korean
Demilitarized Zone |
1969 November 9 | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right) and
other members of a U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) delegation walk with U.S.
Army members at a U.S. military camp along the Korean Demilitarized
Zone |
1969 November 9 | |
12-10 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Inter-Parliamentary
Union |
1969 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (fourth from right) and
other members of a U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) delegation are greeted by
U.S. Army members at a U.S. military camp along the Korean Demilitarized
Zone |
1969 November 9 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (fourth from left) and
other members of a U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) delegation are shown
military equipment by U.S. Army members at a U.S. military camp along the Korean
Demilitarized Zone |
1969 November 9 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from left) and
other members of a U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) delegation are greeted by
U.S. Army members at a U.S. military camp along the Korean Demilitarized
Zone |
1969 November 9 | |
04: Senators John J. Sparkman (left), delegation
leader, and Lee Metcalf (right) walk with members of the joint U.S.-South Korean
military forces at a U.S. military camp along the Korean Demilitarized Zone,
during a visit by members of a U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)
delegation |
1969 November 9 | |
05: Delegation leader Senator John J. Sparkman
(left), Senator Lee Metcalf (fifth from left), and members of a U.S.
Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) delegation walk with members of the joint
U.S.-South Korean military forces at a U.S. military camp along the Korean
Demilitarized Zone |
1969 November 9 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) and other members
of a U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) delegation are greeted by members of the
joint U.S.-South Korean military forces at a U.S. military camp along the Korean
Demilitarized Zone |
1969 November 9 | |
07: Members of a U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Union
(IPU) delegation look through binoculars during a tour of a U.S. military camp
along the Korean Demilitarized Zone |
1969 November 9 | |
08: Delegation leader Senator John J. Sparkman
(second from right), Senator Lee Metcalf (third from right), and members of a U.S.
Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) delegation are shown military equipment by members
of the joint U.S.-South Korean military forces at a U.S. military camp along the
Korean Demilitarized Zone |
1969 November 9 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and members of a
U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) delegation are shown military weapons by
members of the joint U.S.-South Korean military forces at a U.S. military camp
along the Korean Demilitarized Zone |
1969 November 9 | |
12-11 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Inter-Parliamentary
Union |
1969 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right)) and
members of a U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) delegation stand with members of
the joint U.S.-South Korean military forces under a camouflage netting at a U.S.
military camp along the Korean Demilitarized Zone |
1969 November 9 | |
02: Members of a U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Union
(IPU) delegation sit with members of the joint U.S.-South Korean military forces
under a camouflage netting for some program at a U.S. military camp along the
Korean Demilitarized Zone |
1969 November 9 | |
03: Members of a U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Union
(IPU) delegation sit with members of the joint U.S.-South Korean military forces
under a camouflage netting for some program at a U.S. military camp along the
Korean Demilitarized Zone |
1969 November 9 | |
04: Senator John J. Sparkman of Alabama (standing,
left in foreground), leader of a U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) delegation,
and Major General Kim Yong Hyu (standing, right in foreground), commanding general
of the 25th ROK Infantry Division, stand at attention during an honor guard
ceremony. Ceremony was held on the occasion of the U.S. delegation’s visit to the
headquarters of the 25th ROK Infantry Division along the Korean Demilitarized Zone
on November 9, 1969. Present are (seated left to right, to the right of General
Kim) Senator Lee Metcalf; Rep. John S. Monagan (D-CT); Joseph L. Dees, press
officer for the American Embassy in Seoul; and Senator William B. Saxbe (R-OH)—8th
Army photograph |
1969 November 9 | |
05: Members of a U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Union
(IPU) delegation get a briefing on weapons from an officer of the 25th ROK
Infantry Division, during their visit to the divisional headquarters near the
Korean Demilitarized Zone on November 9, 1969. Pictured are (left to right) Rep.
Robert McClory (R-IL); Kim Ock-jin, Korean National Assembly Office of Public
Relations director; Senator Lee Metcalf; Senator Ernest F. Hollings (D-SC); and
Senator John J. Sparkman, delegation leader—8th Army photograph |
1969 November 9 | |
06: Members of a U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Union
(IPU) delegation get a briefing at ROK Army Observation Post 355 during their
visit to the Korean Demilitarized Zone on November 9, 1969 (see photograph for
identifications of individuals pictured)—8th Army photograph |
1969 November 9 | |
07: Lt. Gen. Patrick F. Cassidy (right),
commanding general of the U.S. I Corps, gives a military briefing to members of
the U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) delegation at Korean Army observation
post (OP 355), overlooking the Korean Demilitarized Zone during the delegation’s
visit on November 9, 1969—8th Army photograph |
1969 November 9 | |
08: Members of a U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Union
(IPU) delegation talk with Korean Prime Minister Il-Kwon Chung (right) at a
reception at the Korean State Guest House in Seoul on November 8, 1969 (see
photograph for identifications of individuals pictured)—USIS Seoul photograph
(#69-K-142-41) |
1969 November 8 | |
09: Rep. John Jarman (D-OK) (left) and Rep. John
S. Monagan (D-CT) (right) look out over the city of Seoul, South Korea, from a
high point on the newly-constructed Skyway on November 10, 1969, during a visit to
the country by a U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) delegation. Shooting a
picture with his camera (center) is Senator Lee Metcalf—USIS Seoul photograph
(#69-K-142-103) |
1969 November 10 | |
10: Senator John J. Sparkman of Alabama, leader of
the U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) delegation visiting Korea from November
8-10, 1969, places incense in the eternal flame to the Korean Unknown Soldier
during a visit by the delegation members and wives to the Korean National Cemetery
on November 10 (see photograph for identifications of list of individuals
pictured)—USIS Seoul photograph (#69-K-142-107) |
1969 November 9 | |
12-12 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Inter-Parliamentary
Union |
1971 |
SL21: Senator John J. Sparkman of Alabama (center,
foreground), U.S. delegation leader, stands on a reviewing platform at an airport,
during an unidentified U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Conference congressional
delegation trip in an unidentified Asian country (possibly the Third United
States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary Conference) |
circa 1971 | |
01: U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Conference
congressional delegation exits an airplane in Seoul, South Korea, upon arriving in
August 1971 for the Third United States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary Conference.
Senators Lee Metcalf and Birch Bayh are pictured |
circa 1971 July | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (top of stairs) exits an
airplane with members of the U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Conference congressional
delegation in Seoul, South Korea, upon arriving in August 1971 for the Third
United States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary Conference |
1971 August | |
03: Senators Lee Metcalf (bottom of stairs) and
Birch Bayh (fourth from bottom of stairs) exit an airplane with members of the
U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Conference congressional delegation in Seoul, South
Korea, upon arriving in August 1971 for the Third United States-Asia
Inter-Parliamentary Conference |
1971 August | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) shakes hands with
an unidentified South Korean official on an airport runway in Seoul, South Korea,
after arriving with members of the U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Conference
congressional delegation in August 1971 for the Third United States-Asia
Inter-Parliamentary Conference |
1971 August | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (third from left) and his
wife Donna (second from right) are welcomed by an unidentified South Korean
official on an airport runway in Seoul, South Korea, after arriving with members
of the U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Conference congressional delegation in August 1971
for the Third United States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary Conference |
1971 August | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (fourth from left) and his
wife Donna (right) are welcomed by an unidentified South Korean official on an
airport runway in Seoul, South Korea, after arriving with members of the U.S.
Inter-Parliamentary Conference congressional delegation in August 1971 for the
Third United States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary Conference |
1971 August | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf (fourth from left) and his
wife Donna (right) are welcomed by an unidentified South Korean official on an
airport runway in Seoul, South Korea, after arriving with members of the U.S.
Inter-Parliamentary Conference congressional delegation in August 1971 for the
Third United States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary Conference |
1971 August | |
12-13 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Inter-Parliamentary
Union |
1971 |
01: Members of the U.S. Inter-Parliamentary
Conference congressional delegation are greeted on an airport runway in Seoul,
South Korea, by Asian conference delegates after arriving in August 1971 for the
Third United States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary Conference |
1971 August | |
02: Members of the U.S. Inter-Parliamentary
Conference congressional delegation stand in a row on an airport runway in Seoul,
South Korea, after arriving in August 1971 for the Third United States-Asia
Inter-Parliamentary Conference |
1971 August | |
03: Senator John J. Sparkman of Alabama (standing
in jeep, right), U.S. delegation leader, is driven by a South Korean official in a
jeep past a South Korean military honor guard on an airport runway in Seoul, South
Korea, after members of the U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Conference congressional
delegation arrived for the Third United States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary Conference
in August 1971 |
1971 August | |
04: A motorcade leaves the airport runway in
Seoul, South Korea, taking members of the U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Conference
congressional delegation to a special event for conference delegates for the Third
United States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary Conference in August 1971 |
1971 August | |
05: The wives of the members of the U.S.
Inter-Parliamentary Conference congressional delegation are escorted by two local
women from their motorcade to the special event for conference delegates for the
Third United States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Seoul, South
Korea, in August 1971 |
1971 August | |
06: The wives of the members of the U.S.
Inter-Parliamentary Conference congressional delegation are escorted by two local
women to the special event for conference delegates for the Third United
States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea, in August
1971 |
1971 August | |
07: Members of the U.S. Inter-Parliamentary
Conference congressional delegation are greeted at the doorway to a meeting for
conference delegates for the Third United States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary
Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea, in August 1971. Senators Birch Bayh and
Lee Metcalf are among those congressmen pictured |
1971 August | |
08: Members of the U.S. Inter-Parliamentary
Conference congressional delegation shake hands with Asian conference delegates at
the doorway to a meeting for conference delegates for the Third United States-Asia
Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea, in August 1971.
Senators Birch Bayh and Lee Metcalf are among those congressmen
pictured |
1971 August | |
12-14 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Inter-Parliamentary
Union |
1971 |
01: Members of the U.S. and Asian
Inter-Parliamentary Conference sit at a table in a conference room for a meeting,
during the Third United States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Seoul,
South Korea, in August 1971 |
1971 August | |
02: Members of the U.S. and Asian
Inter-Parliamentary Conference clap for a U.S. delegate as they sit at a table in
a conference room for a meeting, during the Third United States-Asia
Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea, in August
1971 |
1971 August | |
03: A delegate of the Asian Inter-Parliamentary
Conference stands to address members of the U.S. and Asian delegations at a table
in a conference room for a meeting, during the Third United States-Asia
Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea, in August 1971.
Senators Birch Bayh (left) and Lee Metcalf (second from left) are
pictured |
1971 August | |
04: A delegate of the Asian Inter-Parliamentary
Conference stands to address members of the U.S. and Asian delegations at a table
in a conference room for a meeting, during the Third United States-Asia
Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea, in August 1971.
Senators Birch Bayh (left) and Lee Metcalf (second from left) are
pictured |
1971 August | |
05: Senator Birch Bayh (second from right) stands
to address members of the U.S. and Asian delegations at a table in a conference
room for a meeting, during the Third United States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary
Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea, in August 1971. Senator Lee Metcalf is
seated at Bayh’s right |
1971 August | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (standing, second from
left) stands to address members of the U.S. and Asian delegations at a table in a
conference room for a meeting, during the Third United States-Asia
Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea, in August 1971.
Senator Birch Bayh is seated at Metcalf’s left |
1971 August | |
07: A Korean dance group performs at a dinner for
members of the U.S. and Asian delegations during the Third United States-Asia
Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea, in August
1971 |
1971 August | |
12-15 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Inter-Parliamentary
Union |
1971 |
01: A female Korean drum group performs at a
dinner for members of the U.S. and Asian delegations during the Third United
States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea, in August
1971 |
1971 August | |
02: A female Korean dance group performs at a
dinner for members of the U.S. and Asian delegations during the Third United
States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea, in August
1971 |
1971 August | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right) and
another U.S. delegate pose for a photograph with an Asian delegate at a special
event during the Third United States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in
Seoul, South Korea, in August 1971 |
1971 August | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) poses for a
photograph with an Asian delegate at a special event during the Third United
States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea, in August
1971 |
1971 August | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with Asian
delegates at a special event during the Third United States-Asia
Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea, in August
1971 |
1971 August | |
06: Donna Metcalf (second from right) talks with a
woman at a special event during the Third United States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary
Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea, in August 1971 |
1971 August | |
12-16 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Inter-Parliamentary
Union |
1971 |
01: Donna Metcalf (third from right) talks with
several Asian women at a special event during the Third United States-Asia
Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea, in August
1971 |
1971 August | |
02: Donna Metcalf (right) and another U.S.
delegate’s wife talk with several Asian women at a special event during the Third
United States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea, in
August 1971 |
1971 August | |
03: Donna Metcalf (left) and another U.S.
delegate’s wife talk with several Asian women at a special event during the Third
United States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea, in
August 1971 |
1971 August | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and his wife Donna
(second from left) are seated talking with several Asian women at a special event
during the Third United States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Seoul,
South Korea, in August 1971 |
1971 August | |
05: Donna Metcalf (center) is seated talking with
several Asian women at a special event during the Third United States-Asia
Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea, in August
1971 |
1971 August | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) gets food from a
buffet line at the dinner for delegates of the Third United States-Asia
Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea, in August
1971 |
1971 August | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf (center, facing away from
viewer) gets food from a buffet line at the dinner for delegates of the Third
United States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary Conference |
1971 August | |
12-17 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Inter-Parliamentary
Union |
1971 |
01: Donna Metcalf (second from left) gets food
from a buffet line at the dinner for delegates of the Third United States-Asia
Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea, in August
1971 |
1971 August | |
02: U.S. and Asian delegates during a dinner for
delegates of the Third United States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in
Seoul, South Korea, in August 1971 |
1971 August | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) raises a toast
with Asian delegates at his table during a dinner for delegates of the Third
United States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea, in
August 1971 |
1971 August | |
04: Donna Metcalf (center, seated) eats dinner at
a table with other delegates during a dinner for delegates of the Third United
States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea, in August
1971 |
1971 August | |
05: A view taken from above of the dinner for
delegates of the Third United States-Asia Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in
Seoul, South Korea, in August 1971 |
1971 August | |
13-1 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Inter-Parliamentary
Union |
1971, circa 1975, undated |
01: An unidentified woman stands up at Senator Lee
Metcalf’s table during a dinner for delegates of the Third United States-Asia
Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea, in August
1971 |
1971 August | |
02: Donna Metcalf (left) talks with members of the
Asian delegation following a dinner for delegates of the Third United States-Asia
Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Seoul, South Korea, in August
1971 |
1971 August | |
03: Senators Lee Metcalf (second from bottom left)
and Birch Bayh (background, center left) are pictured at an unknown location,
around the time of their U.S. delegation’s trip to the Inter-Parliamentary
Conference on European Cooperation and Security in Belgrade, Yugoslavia (held from
January 3-February 6, 1975) |
circa 1975 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) is pictured at an
unknown location, around the time of his U.S. delegation’s trip to the
Inter-Parliamentary Conference on European Cooperation and Security in Belgrade,
Yugoslavia (held from January 3-February 6, 1975) |
circa 1975 | |
05: U.S. and Japanese delegates sit around a large
conference table during an unidentified Japan-U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Exchange
Conference |
undated | |
06: U.S. and Japanese delegates sit around a large
conference table during an unidentified Japan-U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Exchange
Conference |
undated |
Series 21: General SenateReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries C: NATO North Atlantic Assembly |
Box/Folder | ||
13-2 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: NATO North Atlantic
Assembly |
1968 |
01: Major General R.G. Fergusson, U.S. Commander
in Berlin, poses for a photograph on November 16, 1968 in front of U.S.
Headquarters with members of the U.S. delegation to the NATO North Atlantic
Assembly, who visited West Berlin, Germany, November 15-17, following the Soviet
Union’s invasion of Czechoslovakia. Pictured are (left to right) Senator Karl
Mundt; Major General Fergusson; Senator John Stennis, chairman of the delegation;
Senator William B. Spong; Senator Roman L. Hruska; Senator Joseph M. Montoya;
Senator Lee Metcalf; Senator Charles H. Percy; Senator Thomas McIntyre; and Rep.
Paul Findley—U.S. Army photograph |
1968 November 16 | |
02: Members of the U.S. delegation to the NATO
North Atlantic Assembly pose for a photograph with officials at the Infantryman
statue in the lobby of the U.S. Headquarters of the Berlin Command in West Berlin,
Germany. Present are (left to right) Minister Brewster H. Morris, Deputy U.S.
Commander in Berlin; Senator Charles H. Percy; Senator William B. Spong; Senator
John Stennis, chairman of the delegation; Senator Roman L. Hruska; Senator Karl
Mundt; Senator Lee Metcalf; Senator Joseph M. Montoya; Senator Thomas McIntyre;
Rep. Paul Findley; and Major General R.G. Fergusson, U.S. Commander in Berlin—U.S.
Army photograph |
circa 1968 November 16 | |
03: Members of the U.S. delegation to the NATO
North Atlantic Assembly pose for a photograph at the Infantryman statue in the
lobby of the U.S. Headquarters of the Berlin Command in West Berlin, Germany.
Present are (left to right) Senator Charles H. Percy; Senator William B. Spong;
Senator John Stennis, chairman of the delegation; Senator Roman L. Hruska; Senator
Karl Mundt; Senator Lee Metcalf; Senator Joseph M. Montoya; Senator Thomas
McIntyre; and Rep. Paul Findley—U.S. Army photograph |
circa 1968 November 16 | |
04: A nine-member U.S. delegation to the NATO
North Atlantic Assembly hold a press conference at the U.S. Headquarters of the
Berlin Command in West Berlin, Germany, on Saturday morning, November 16, 1968,
regarding the Soviet Union’s invasion of Czechoslovakia. Seated at the table are
(left to right) Major General R.G. Fergusson, U.S. Commander in Berlin; Senator
Charles H. Percy; Senator Joseph M. Montoya; Senator Lee Metcalf; Senator Karl
Mundt; Senator John Stennis, chairman of the delegation; unidentified man; Senator
Roman L. Hruska; Senator Thomas McIntyre; Senator William B. Spong; and Rep. Paul
Findley (out of picture)—U.S. Army photograph |
1968 November 16 | |
05: A nine-member U.S. delegation to the NATO
North Atlantic Assembly holds a press conference at the U.S. Headquarters of the
Berlin Command in West Berlin, Germany, on Saturday morning, November 16, 1968,
regarding the Soviet Union’s invasion of Czechoslovakia. Seated at the table are
(left to right) Major General R.G. Fergusson, U.S. Commander in Berlin; Senator
Charles H. Percy; Senator Joseph M. Montoya; Senator Lee Metcalf; Senator Karl
Mundt; Senator John Stennis, chairman of the delegation; unidentified man; Senator
Roman L. Hruska; Senator Thomas McIntyre; Senator William B. Spong; and Rep. Paul
Findley (out of picture)—U.S. Army photograph |
1968 November 16 |
Series 21: General SenateReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries D: 1967 Montreal International
Exposition |
Box/Folder | ||
13-3 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: 1967 Montreal
International Exposition |
1967 |
01: The men who created the United States Pavilion
at the 1967 Montreal International and Universal Exposition are pictured with a
model of the pavilion’s geodesic dome in 1967. Pictured are (left to right)
Richard Buckminster Fuller, pavilion architect from Fuller and Sadao Carbondale,
Illinois; Jack Masey, Chief of Design and Operations for the Exhibition and a U.S.
Information Agency officer; Terry Rankine of Cambridge Seven Associates,
architects and designers of the pavilion’s interior structures and exhibits; and
Peter Floyd of Geometrics, Inc., architects of the pavilion structure with Fuller
and Sadao |
1967 | |
02: Photograph of the architect’s model of the
United States Pavilion at the 1967 Montreal International and Universal
Exposition. The model shows Richard Buckminster Fuller’s geodesic dome—photograph
by Stephen F. Rosenthal of Cambridge, Massachusetts |
1967 | |
03: Portrait of Richard Buckminster Fuller,
designer of United States Pavilion at the 1967 Montreal International and
Universal Exposition |
1967 | |
04: Portrait Stanley R. Tupper, U.S. Commissioner
General with the rank of Ambassador, who represented the United States at the 1967
Montreal International and Universal Exposition |
1967 | |
05: Artist’s drawing of a partial view of the
United States Pavilion interior, showing the exit of the drum-shaped theater , the
system of escalators, bridges and platforms, and the “American Spirit” exhibit
(upper right) at the 1967 Montreal International and Universal
Exposition |
1967 | |
06: Artist’s drawing of the Folk Art Exhibit in
the United States Pavilion at the 1967 Montreal International and Universal
Exposition |
1967 | |
07: Artist’s drawing of the interior displays in
the United States Pavilion at the 1967 Montreal International and Universal
Exposition. The displays are arranged on a system of multi-level platforms in the
“Creative America” exhibition theme |
1967 | |
08: Artist’s drawing of the Destination Moon
Exhibit, located in the United States Pavilion, will demonstrate the objectives of
the U.S. Apollo project, at the 1967 Montreal International and Universal
Exposition. The exhibit features a simulated lunar landscape, a full-scale model
of the Lunar Excursion Module, the McDivitt-White Capsule, the Shepherd Capsule,
and the Apollo Command Module |
1967 | |
09: Artist’s drawing of the “American Painting
Now” fine arts exhibit in the United States Pavilion at the 1967 Montreal
International and Universal Exposition |
1967 | |
10: Artist’s drawing of the American Spirit
Exhibit in the United States Pavilion at the 1967 Montreal International and
Universal Exposition |
1967 | |
11: Artist’s drawing of the American Spirit
Exhibit in the United States Pavilion at the 1967 Montreal International and
Universal Exposition |
1967 |
Series 21: General SenateReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries E: Campaigns |
Box/Folder | ||
13-4 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Campaigns |
1960, 1964 |
01: Photograph of a large road sign advertising
aspects of Saco, Montana, with a long not on the back addressed to Lee Metcalf
from the Saco Democratic Party. Note reads: “Here’s to the ten Most needed men
(lists all 1960 state Democratic candidates). Just a remembrance, souvenir, When
you were here campaigning. Here’s hopeing that the Nov. 8th election Will prove
that you were the ten Most wanted men in the State And such a wish awaits you from
Saco. Dated 10:00 A.M. Oct 16, 1960—From the Saco Democrats” |
1960 October 16 | |
02: Rep. Lee Metcalf (fourth from right) poses
with unidentified individuals outside a building during his 1960 U.S. Senate
campaign |
circa 1960 October | |
03: A school band performs in the gymnasium of a
school in Malta, Montana, for an unidentified Democratic campaign
event |
circa 1960 October | |
04: Several men hang a large “Vote Democratic”
campaign banner on the front of the Butte Miners Union Hall during the 1960
elections; Rep. Lee Metcalf’s name is pictured at left—photograph by C. Owen
Smithers of Butte, Montana |
1960 | |
05: Jerry Metcalf, Lee and Donna Metcalf’s son,
hangs a “Lee Metcalf Democrat for Senator” campaign sign on a fence in
Montana |
1960 | |
06: Jerry Metcalf, Lee and Donna Metcalf’s son,
hangs a “Lee Metcalf Democrat for Senator” campaign sign on a telephone pole in
Montana |
1960 | |
07: Democratic candidates attend an unidentified
event and dinner at the Finlen Hotel in Butte, Montana, during the 1960 state
campaign. Pictured are (left to right) John Sheehy; Rep. Lee Metcalf; Monsignor
Michael M. English; and an unidentified man |
circa 1960 | |
08: (Left to right) Senator Lee Metcalf; Jack
Toole, Democratic candidate for Congress from the Eastern Montana District; and
Senator Mike Mansfield pose for a photograph on Capitol Hill in Washington,
D.C. |
1964 | |
09: Helena children hold Democratic candidates’
campaign signs in a stone archway entrance in front of the Montana State
Democratic Headquarters in Helena, Montana, in 1964. Senator Lee Metcalf is seen
holding a young boy in the background |
1964 | |
13-5 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Campaigns |
1966 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) is pictured at a
Democratic picnic and barbecue in Trident, Montana, at the Missouri Headwaters
State Park on September 11, 1966, during Metcalf’s Senate re-election campaign.
Posing with the senator are Bernice McGee (left, foreground), wife of Warren
McGee, and Adie Nash (right, foreground) |
1966 September 11 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) talks with an
unidentified man at the speaker’s table during a dinner meeting on September 12,
1966, of Montana Native American leaders in Lame Deer, Montana, amidst Metcalf’s
1966 Senate re-election campaign. A ten-person Northern Cheyenne Indian
Reservation tribal council was installed at the dinner |
1966 September 12 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) talks with an
unidentified man at the speaker’s table during a dinner meeting on September 12,
1966, of Montana Native American leaders in Lame Deer, Montana, amidst Metcalf’s
1966 Senate re-election campaign. A ten-person Northern Cheyenne Indian
Reservation tribal council was installed at the dinner |
1966 September 12 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right) talks
with several unidentified people at the speaker’s table during a dinner meeting on
September 12, 1966, of Montana Native American leaders in Lame Deer, Montana,
amidst Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election campaign. A ten-person Northern Cheyenne
Indian Reservation tribal council was installed at the dinner, including Northern
Cheyenne Tribal Chairman John Woodenlegs (right) |
1966 September 12 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right) talks
with Northern Cheyenne Tribal Chairman John Woodenlegs (right) at the speaker’s
table during a dinner meeting on September 12, 1966, of Montana Native American
leaders in Lame Deer, Montana, amidst Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election
campaign |
1966 September 12 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right) talks
with an unidentified man at the speaker’s table during a dinner meeting on
September 12, 1966, of Montana Native American leaders in Lame Deer, Montana,
amidst Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election campaign. A ten-person Northern Cheyenne
Indian Reservation tribal council was installed at the dinner, including the
Northern Cheyenne Tribal Chairman John Woodenlegs (right) |
1966 September 12 | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from left) talks
with Northern Cheyenne Tribal Chairman John Woodenlegs (second from right) at the
speaker’s table during a dinner meeting on September 12, 1966, of Montana Native
American leaders in Lame Deer, Montana, amidst Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election
campaign |
1966 September 12 | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with Northern
Cheyenne Tribal Chairman John Woodenlegs (second from left) at the speaker’s table
during a dinner meeting on September 12, 1966, of Montana Native American leaders
in Lame Deer, Montana, amidst Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election campaign. State
representative John Melcher (right) is pictured |
1966 September 12 | |
09: An unidentified man stands and gives speech at
the speaker’s table during a dinner meeting on September 12, 1966, of Montana
Native American leaders in Lame Deer, Montana, amidst Metcalf’s 1966 Senate
re-election campaign. A ten-person Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation tribal
council was installed at the dinner, including Northern Cheyenne Tribal Chairman
John Woodenlegs (right) |
1966 September 12 | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf (left, standing) presents
Northern Cheyenne Tribal Chairman John Woodenlegs (right, standing) with a beaded
necklace at a dinner meeting on September 12, 1966, of Montana Native American
leaders in Lame Deer, Montana, amidst Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election campaign.
State representative John Melcher (left, seated facing away from viewer) is
pictured |
1966 September 12 | |
11: Vice-President Hubert H. Humphrey (center,
right of girl wearing snow cap) shakes hands with a crowd welcoming Humphrey on an
airport runway in Montana as a band plays, during an unidentified campaign stop
for Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election campaign. Senator Lee Metcalf and Rep.
Arnold Olsen are present |
circa 1966 September | |
13-6 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Campaigns |
1966 |
01: Aerial view of an unidentified river and
mountains taken during Lee Metcalf’s 1966 U.S. Senate re-election
campaign |
1966 October | |
02: Distant view showing Senator Lee Metcalf and
NBC newscaster Chet Huntley on a boat with unidentified officials, examining
Yellowtail Dam in Big Horn County, Montana, on October 20, 1966. The stop was part
of Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election campaign. Huntley conducted a television
interview with Senator Metcalf during the visit to the dam |
1966 October 20 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and NBC newscaster
Chet Huntley (second from left) are seen on a boat with unidentified officials
examining Yellowtail Dam in Big Horn County, Montana, on October 20, 1966. The
stop was part of Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election campaign. Huntley conducted a
television interview with Senator Metcalf during the visit to the dam |
1966 October 20 | |
04: Picture looking upwards at construction
workers on a building at Yellowtail Dam during Senator Lee Metcalf visit on
October 20, 1966, as part of his 1966 Senate re-election campaign |
1966 October 20 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf and NBC newscaster Chet
Huntley are seen on a boat with unidentified officials heading towards the
recently-completed Yellowtail Dam in Big Horn County, Montana, on October 20,
1966, as part of Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election campaign. Huntley conducted a
television interview with Senator Metcalf during the visit to the dam |
1966 October 20 | |
06: NBC newscaster Chet Huntley (left) and Senator
Lee Metcalf (second from left) are seen on a boat with unidentified officials,
heading towards the recently-completed Yellowtail Dam in Big Horn County, Montana,
on October 20, 1966. The stop was part of Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election
campaign. Huntley conducted a television interview with Senator Metcalf during the
visit to the dam |
1966 October 20 | |
07: NBC newscaster Chet Huntley (left) and Senator
Lee Metcalf (second from left) seen on a boat with unidentified officials, heading
towards the recently-completed Yellowtail Dam in Big Horn County, Montana, on
October 20, 1966, as part of Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election campaign. Huntley
conducted a television interview with Senator Metcalf during the visit to the
dam |
1966 October 20 | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and NBC newscaster
Chet Huntley (second from left) are seen on a boat with unidentified officials,
heading towards the recently-completed Yellowtail Dam in Big Horn County, Montana,
on October 20, 1966. The stop was part of Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election
campaign. Huntley conducted a television interview with Senator Metcalf during the
visit to the dam |
1966 October 20 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) and NBC newscaster
Chet Huntley (second from right) talk with with unidentified officials on a boat,
as they float near the walls of Yellowtail Dam in Big Horn County, Montana, on
October 20, 1966. The stop was part of Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election campaign.
Huntley conducted a television interview with Senator Metcalf during the visit to
the dam |
1966 October 20 | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) and NBC newscaster
Chet Huntley (second from right) talk with with unidentified officials on a boat,
as they float near the walls of Yellowtail Dam in Big Horn County, Montana, on
October 20, 1966. The stop was part of Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election campaign.
Huntley conducted a television interview with Senator Metcalf during the visit to
the dam |
1966 October 20 | |
11: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and NBC newscaster
Chet Huntley are seen on a boat with unidentified officials, examining the walls
of the recently-completed Yellowtail Dam in Big Horn County, Montana, on October
20, 1966. The stop was part of Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election campaign. Huntley
conducted a television interview with Senator Metcalf during the visit to the
dam |
1966 October 20 | |
12: View taken from the top of the dam showing a
boat with Senator Lee Metcalf, NBC newscaster Chet Huntley, and unidentified
officials as they look over the recently-completed Yellowtail Dam in Big Horn
County, Montana, on October 20, 1966. The stop was part of Metcalf’s 1966 Senate
re-election campaign. Huntley conducted a television interview with Senator
Metcalf during the visit to the dam |
1966 October 20 | |
13: A blurry snapshot of Senator Lee Metcalf
(second from left) and several unidentified men leaving the inspection boat,
during an examination of the recently-completed Yellowtail Dam in Big Horn County,
Montana, on October 20, 1966. The stop was part of Metcalf’s 1966 Senate
re-election campaign. Huntley conducted a television interview with Senator
Metcalf during the visit to the dam |
1966 October 20 | |
13-7 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Campaigns |
1966 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) welcomes New York
Senator Robert F. Kennedy (second from right) as Kennedy exits an airplane at the
Butte airport. The stop was part of Kennedy’s Montana campaign tour for Senator
Lee Metcalf and Rep. Arnold Olsen on October 25, 1966. State representative John
Melcher (right) exits the plane behind Kennedy |
1966 October 25 | |
02: Senators Lee Metcalf (center, standing) and
Robert F. Kennedy (left, standing) stand on top of a car shaking hands with a
crowd in Butte, Montana, around the time of Kennedy’s campaign speech for Senator
Lee Metcalf and Rep. Arnold Olsen at the Butte Miners Union Hall on October 25,
1966 |
1966 October 25 | |
03: Senators Lee Metcalf (center, standing) and
Robert F. Kennedy (left, standing) stand on top of a car shaking hands with a
crowd in Butte, Montana, around the time of Kennedy’s campaign speech for Senator
Lee Metcalf and Rep. Arnold Olsen at the Butte Miners Union Hall on October 25,
1966 |
1966 October 25 | |
04: Robert F. Kennedy (center) shakes hands with a
crowd in Butte, Montana, from a platform in front of the Miners Union Hall around
the time of Kennedy’s campaign speech outside the hall on October 25, 1966, as
photographers take pictures of the event |
1966 October 25 | |
05: Robert F. Kennedy (center) greets a crowd in
Butte, Montana, from a platform in front of the Miners Union Hall, around the time
of Kennedy’s campaign speech for Senator Lee Metcalf and Rep. Arnold Olsen given
outside the hall on October 25, 1966 |
1966 October 25 | |
06: Robert F. Kennedy (center) shakes hands with a
crowd in Butte, Montana, from a platform in front of the Miners Union Hall, around
the time of Kennedy’s campaign speech for Senator Lee Metcalf and Rep. Arnold
Olsen given outside the hall on October 25, 1966, as photographers take pictures
of the event |
1966 October 25 | |
07: Senators Lee Metcalf (center, standing) and
Robert F. Kennedy (left, standing) stand on top of a car shaking hands with a
crowd in Butte, Montana, around the time of Kennedy’s campaign speech for Senator
Lee Metcalf and Rep. Arnold Olsen at the Butte Miners Union Hall on October 25,
1966 |
1966 October 25 | |
08: Senators Lee Metcalf (center, standing) and
Robert F. Kennedy (left, standing) stand on top of a car shaking hands with a
crowd in Butte, Montana, around the time of Kennedy’s campaign speech for Senator
Lee Metcalf and Rep. Arnold Olsen at the Butte Miners Union Hall on October 25,
1966 |
1966 October 25 | |
09: Senators Lee Metcalf (center, standing) and
Robert F. Kennedy (left, standing) stand on top of a car shaking hands with a
crowd in Butte, Montana, around the time of Kennedy’s campaign speech for Senator
Lee Metcalf and Rep. Arnold Olsen at the Butte Miners Union Hall on October 25,
1966 |
1966 October 25 | |
13-8 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Campaigns |
1966 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf is pictured with a grin on
his face, after he hung up the telephone from getting the election returns for the
1966 U.S. Senate election on November 9, 1966, at Montana State Democratic
headquarters in Helena, Montana. The returns showed Metcalf had beaten his
opponent Montana Governor Tim Babcock |
circa 1966 November 9 | |
02: A crowd gathers in a field at an unidentified
location in Montana, during a campaign event for Senator Lee Metcalf’s 1966 Senate
re-election campaign |
1966 | |
03: An unidentified woman (possibly Donna Metcalf)
gives a speech at a podium from a makeshift speaker’s platform on the bed of a
pickup truck, in a field at an unidentified location in Montana. The speech was
given during a campaign event for Senator Lee Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election
campaign |
1966 | |
04: An unidentified woman (possibly Donna Metcalf)
gives a speech at a podium from a makeshift speaker’s platform on the bed of a
pickup truck, in a field at an unidentified location in Montana. The speech was
given during a campaign event for Senator Lee Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election
campaign |
1966 | |
05: A man plays a guitar from a makeshift
speaker’s platform on the bed of a pickup truck, in a field at an unidentified
location in Montana. The speech was given during a campaign event for Senator Lee
Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election campaign |
1966 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (right), wearing a cowboy
hat, poses with an unidentified man (left) during an unidentified campaign event
in Montana, for Senator Lee Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election campaign |
1966 | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf (right), wearing a cowboy
hat, poses with an unidentified man (left) during an unidentified campaign event
in Montana, for Senator Lee Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election campaign |
1966 | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) has a flower pinned
on his lapel by an unidentified man (right) during an unidentified campaign event
in Montana, for Senator Lee Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election campaign |
1966 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) has a flower pinned
on his lapel by an unidentified man (right) during an unidentified campaign event
in Montana, for Senator Lee Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election campaign |
1966 | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf (left, center) and an
unidentified man (right, center) are pictured during an unidentified campaign
event in Montana, for Senator Lee Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election
campaign |
1966 | |
13-9 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Campaigns |
1966 |
Roll 13.01-.12: Senator Lee Metcalf and his wife
Donna pictured at the Lake McDonald Coffee Shop and in communities around Glacier
National Park with constituents, during Metcalf’s 1966 Senate re-election
campaign |
1966 | |
01: A woman sings at a campaign event for Senator
Lee Metcalf at an unidentified location in Montana, during his 1966 Senate
re-election campaign |
1966 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (standing at podium) gives
a speech from the speaker’s table at a campaign event at an unidentified location
in Montana, during his 1966 Senate re-election campaign . Donna Metcalf is
pictured at Lee Metcalf’s right (seated) |
1966 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from left) poses
with several unidentified people at a campaign event outside at an unidentified
location in Montana, during his 1966 Senate re-election campaign |
1966 | |
04: Forrest H. Anderson’s 1968 Montana
gubernatorial campaign photograph |
1968 | |
13-10 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Campaigns |
1972 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (center, felt hat) holds
the $450 filing fee as he files paperwork in the Montana Secretary of State’s
office in Helena, Montana, to mark his bid for a third term to the U.S. Senate.
Secretary of State Frank Murray (right) holds the payment—photograph by Bobby
Gruel |
1972 February 10 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (center, felt hat) holds
the $450 filing fee as he files paperwork in the Montana Secretary of State’s
office in Helena, Montana, to mark his bid for a third term to the U.S. Senate.
Secretary of State Frank Murray (right) looks on—photograph by Bobby
Gruel |
1972 February 10 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (center, felt hat) holds
the $450 filing fee as he files paperwork in the Montana Secretary of State’s
office in Helena, Montana, to mark his bid for a third term to the U.S. Senate.
Secretary of State Frank Murray (right) holds the payment—photograph by Bobby
Gruel |
1972 February 10 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (center, felt hat) fills
out paperwork to mark his bid for a third term to the U.S. Senate in the Montana
Secretary of State’s office in Helena, Montana. Secretary of State Frank Murray
(right) looks on—photograph by Bobby Gruel |
1972 February 10 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (center, felt hat) poses
with Secretary of State Frank Murray (right), a clerk for the Secretary’s office,
and an unidentified girl prior to paying the $450 filing fee in the Montana
Secretary of State’s office in Helena, Montana, to file paperwork to seek a third
term in the U.S. Senate—photograph by Bobby Gruel |
1972 February 10 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (center, felt hat) gives
the clerk his $450 filing fee as he files paperwork in the Montana Secretary of
State’s office in Helena, Montana, to mark his bid for a third term to the U.S.
Senate. Secretary of State Frank Murray (right) reaches for the payment—photograph
by Bobby Gruel |
1972 February 10 | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf (center, holding hat)
takes off his hat after he completed filing paperwork in the Montana Secretary of
State’s office in Helena, Montana, to seek a third term in the U.S. Senate.
Secretary of State Frank Murray (right) looks on—photograph by Bobby
Gruel |
1972 February 10 | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) reads the
paperwork after filing in the Montana Secretary of State’s office in Helena,
Montana, to seek a third term in the U.S. Senate. Secretary of State Frank Murray
(right) looks on—photograph by Bobby Gruel |
1972 February 10 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) exits the Montana
Secretary of State’s office in Helena, Montana, after filing to seek a third term
in the U.S. Senate—photograph by Bobby Gruel |
1972 February 10 | |
10: Secretary of State Frank Murray (left) talks
with an unidentified man in the doorway of the Montana Secretary of State’s office
in Helena, Montana, after Senator Lee Metcalf filed to seek a third term in the
U.S. Senate—photograph by Bobby Gruel |
1972 February 10 | |
11: An unidentified man (left) poses with Vic
Reinemer, Senator Lee Metcalf’s executive secretary, in the hall outside the
Montana Secretary of State’s office in Helena, Montana, after Senator Lee Metcalf
filed to seek a third term in the U.S. Senate—photograph by Bobby
Gruel |
1972 February 10 | |
13-11 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Campaigns |
1972 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) poses for a
photograph with several unidentified people at a campaign event outside at an
unidentified location in Montana in 1972 |
circa 1972 September | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (at podium) introduces
Democratic Party presidential nominee Senator George McGovern inside the terminal
at the Billings Logan International Airport on Sunday night, September 24, 1972.
McGovern stopped in Billings during his presidential campaign of the United
States. Montana gubernatorial candidate Thomas L. Judge (to Metcalf’s left) is
present |
1972 September 24 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (at podium) introduces
Democratic Party presidential nominee Senator George McGovern (left) inside the
terminal at the Billings Logan International Airport on Sunday night, September
24, 1972. McGovern stopped in Billings during his national presidential campaign
tour. Montana gubernatorial candidate Thomas L. Judge (to Metcalf’s left) is
present |
1972 September 24 | |
04: Democratic Party presidential nominee Senator
George McGovern (left) shakes hands with Senator Lee Metcalf (right) as Rep. John
Melcher (center) applauds, at the podium on the stage in the Fox Theater in
Billings, Montana, on Monday, September 25, 1972. McGovern gave a speech to over
1,500 people at the theater as part of his national presidential campaign tour to
open the 1972 Western States Water and Power Consumers Conference—photograph by
Jens Selvig of Billings, Montana |
1972 September 25 | |
05: Democratic Party presidential nominee Senator
George McGovern (left) poses at the podium on the stage in the Fox Theater in
Billings, Montana, on Monday, September 25, 1972. Pictured here are Montana
gubernatorial candidate Thomas L. Judge; Rep. John Melcher; McGovern; Senator Lee
Metcalf; and North Dakota Governor Arthur A. Link. McGovern gave a speech to over
1,500 people at the theater as part of his national presidential campaign tour to
open the 1972 Western States Water and Power Consumers Conference—photograph by
Jens Selvig of Billings, Montana |
1972 September 25 | |
06: Real-photo campaign calendar card used by
Senator Lee Metcalf for his 1972 Senate re-election campaign |
1972 | |
SL22: Senator Lee Metcalf (third from right)
stands with several unidentified people behind a table of campaign materials for
Thomas L. Judge’s 1972 Montana gubernatorial campaign |
1972 | |
13-12 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Campaigns |
1972 |
Roll 14.03-.37: Contact prints of 35mm negatives
taken in 1972 for Senator Lee Metcalf’s Senate re-election campaign. Scenes
depicted include Senator Metcalf in his Washington, D.C., office, at an
unidentified construction site, and with construction workers. Contact print
images Metcalf wanted to use for his campaign he circled with a red grease
pen—photographs by Fletcher Drake of Alexandria, Virginia (sheet
#72-1589) |
1972 | |
Roll 15.02-.32: Contact prints of 35mm negatives
taken in 1972 for Senator Lee Metcalf’s Senate re-election campaign. Scenes
depicted include Senator Metcalf in his Washington, D.C., office working and with
various staff members. One staff member is Brenda Fermoyle (images 05-08). Contact
print images Metcalf wanted to use for his campaign he circled with a red grease
pen—photographs by Fletcher Drake of Alexandria, Virginia (sheet
#72-1590) |
1972 | |
Roll 16.02-.32: Contact prints of 35mm negatives
taken in 1972 for Senator Lee Metcalf’s Senate re-election campaign. Scenes
depicted include Senator Metcalf in a Senate committee hearing room in Washington,
D.C., in his Senate office with visitors, and with construction workers at an
unidentified location. Contact print images Metcalf wanted to use for his campaign
he circled with a red grease pen—photographs by Fletcher Drake of Alexandria,
Virginia (sheet #72-1591) |
1972 | |
Roll 17.03-.35: Contact prints of 35mm negatives
taken in 1972 for Senator Lee Metcalf’s Senate re-election campaign. Scenes
depicted include Senator Metcalf in a Senate committee hearing room in Washington,
D.C., and entering his Senate office. Contact print images Metcalf wanted to use
for his campaign he circled with a red grease pen—photographs by Fletcher Drake of
Alexandria, Virginia (sheet #72-1592) |
1972 | |
Roll 18.02-.28: Contact prints of 35mm negatives
taken in 1972 for Senator Lee Metcalf’s Senate re-election campaign. Scenes
depicted include Senator Metcalf in a meeting in his Senate office in Washington,
D.C. Contact print images Metcalf wanted to use for his campaign he circled with a
red grease pen—photographs by Fletcher Drake of Alexandria, Virginia (sheet
#72-1593) |
1972 | |
Roll 19.04-.35: Contact prints of 35mm negatives
taken in 1972 for Senator Lee Metcalf’s Senate re-election campaign. Scenes
depicted include Senator Metcalf with a Senate committee in a conference room in
Washington, D.C. Contact print images Metcalf wanted to use for his campaign he
circled with a red grease pen—photographs by Fletcher Drake of Alexandria,
Virginia (sheet #72-1594) |
1972 | |
Roll 20.02-.32: Contact prints of 35mm negatives
taken in 1972 for Senator Lee Metcalf’s Senate re-election campaign. Scenes
depicted include Senator Metcalf in his Senate office with visitors, at a
passenger train station in Washington, D.C., and with Amtrak and train station
employees in Washington, D.C. Contact print images Metcalf wanted to use for his
campaign he circled with a red grease pen—photographs by Fletcher Drake of
Alexandria, Virginia (sheet #72-1595) |
1972 | |
Roll 21.02-.19: Contact prints of 35mm negatives
taken in 1972 for Senator Lee Metcalf’s Senate re-election campaign. Scenes
depicted include Senator Metcalf at his desk in his Washington, D.C., office, and
at an unidentified construction site with construction workers. Contact print
images Metcalf wanted to use for his campaign he circled with a red grease
pen—photographs by Fletcher Drake of Alexandria, Virginia (sheet
#72-1596) |
1972 | |
Roll 22.03-.18: Contact prints of 35mm negatives
taken in 1972 for Senator Lee Metcalf’s Senate re-election campaign. Scenes
depicted include Senator Metcalf posing in front of the U.S. Capitol Building in
Washington, D.C., office. Contact print images Metcalf wanted to use for his
campaign he circled with a red grease pen—photographs by Fletcher Drake of
Alexandria, Virginia (sheet #72-1597) |
1972 | |
Roll 23.03-.31: Contact prints of 35mm negatives
taken in 1972 for Senator Lee Metcalf’s Senate re-election campaign. Scenes
depicted include Senator Metcalf in a meeting a Senate conference room in
Washington, D.C., walking in the halls of the Old Russell Senate Office building
with staff members, and with Washington State Senator Henry M. Jackson in the U.S.
Capitol Building. Contact print images Metcalf wanted to use for his campaign he
circled with a red grease pen—photographs by Fletcher Drake of Alexandria,
Virginia (sheet #72-1598) |
1972 |
Series 21: GeneralReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries F: Senate Staff and Office |
Box/Folder | ||
13-13 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Senate Staff and
Office |
1961 |
01: Donaldeen White, a secretary for Senator Lee
Metcalf, is pictured at her desk in the secretaries’ room of Metcalf’s Senate
office in the Old Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C., during the
1961 office Christmas party |
circa 1961 December | |
02: An unidentifieid man (possibly Walter W.
White, Donaldeen White’s husband) is pictured next to a tabletop Christmas tree in
the secretaries’ room of Metcalf’s Senate office, in the Old Russell Senate Office
Building in Washington, D.C., during the 1961 office Christmas party |
circa 1961 December | |
03: Donaldeen White (right), a secretary for
Senator Lee Metcalf, is pictured with an unidentified man (possibly Walter W.
White, Donaldeen’s husband) in the secretaries’ room of Metcalf’s Senate office,
in the Old Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C., during the 1961
office Christmas party |
circa 1961 December | |
04: Anne Hoss Bergstrom (right), former Helena
Independent Record reporter and member of Senator Metcalf’s staff, shares a toast
with fellow Metcalf staff member Susie Hodge (left), in the secretaries’ room of
Metcalf’s Senate office in the Old Russell Senate Office Building in Washington,
D.C., during the 1961 office Christmas party |
circa 1961 December | |
05: Myrna (nicknamed Myra) Salvas pictured wearing
a hat in the secretaries’ room of Metcalf’s Senate office in the Old Russell
Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C., during the 1961 office Christmas
party |
circa 1961 December | |
06: Myrna (nicknamed Myra) Salvas sits at a desk
in Senator Lee Metcalf’s Senate office in the Old Russell Senate Office Building
in Washington, D.C., during the 1961 office Christmas party |
circa 1961 December | |
07: Two unidentified people are pictured in
Senator Lee Metcalf’s Senate office in the Old Russell Senate Office Building in
Washington, D.C., around the time of the 1961 office Christmas party |
circa 1961 December | |
08: Geraldine England (left), wife of Senator Lee
Metcalf’s administrative assistant Brit Englund, prepares a cake at Senator
Metcalf’s office Christmas party in 1961, held in his Senate office in the Old
Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C. Karl Englund (right), the
Englunds’ son, looks on |
circa 1961 December | |
13-14 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Senate Staff and
Office |
1960s, 1961, 1965-1967 |
01: An unidentified boy, child of a staff member
in Senator Lee Metcalf’s office, is pictured wearing the office Christmas hat
during Senator Metcalf’s office Christmas party in 1961, held in his Senate office
in the Old Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1961 December | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) looks down at three
boys, children of several of his staff members, wearing the office Christmas hats,
as they stand next to a tabletop Christmas tree. The four are in the secretaries’
room of Metcalf’s Senate office in the Old Russell Senate Office Building in
Washington, D.C., during the office Christmas party in 1961 |
circa 1961 December | |
03: Two boys, children of staff members in Senator
Lee Metcalf’s office, stand next to a tabletop Christmas tree in the secretaries’
room of Metcalf’s Senate office in the Old Russell Senate Office Building in
Washington, D.C., during the office Christmas party in 1961 |
circa 1961 December | |
04: Two boys, children of staff members in Senator
Lee Metcalf’s office, stand next to a tabletop Christmas tree in the secretaries’
room of Metcalf’s Senate office in the Old Russell Senate Office Building in
Washington, D.C., during the office Christmas party in 1961 |
circa 1961 December | |
05: Pat Ettien of Havre and Bill Astle of Helena,
Montana, are pictured in a Senatorial workroom in the basement of the Old Russell
Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C. Both college students working for
Senator Lee Metcalf, the two men here are helping to clean up water damage after
several of the building’s Senatorial workrooms were flooded by a water main,
broken during a fire |
circa 1965 July | |
06: Pat Ettien of Havre and Bill Astle of Helena,
Montana, are pictured holding a water-damaged copy of a printed hearings of the
Mississippi Plains Flood Control Subcommittee titled “Flood Control,” in a
Senatorial workroom in the basement of the Old Russell Senate Office Building in
Washington, D.C. Both college students working for Senator Lee Metcalf, the two
men here are helping to clean up water damage after several of the building’s
basement rooms were flooded by a water main broken during a fire |
circa 1965 July | |
07: An unidentified person (possibly a member for
Senator Lee Metcalf’s Montana Helena office staff) is pictured outside of a
building in an unidentified location |
circa 1966 May | |
08: Senators Mike Mansfield (left) and Lee Metcalf
(right) pose for a photograph on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building with
Joseph M. Mardesich III (center), Metcalf’s 1967 Stanford University summer
congressional intern |
1967 June | |
Roll 24.02-.14: Contact prints of 35mm negatives
taken of Senator Lee Metcalf and his executive secretary Vic Reinemer in Metcalf’s
Senate office in Washington, D.C. The two are discussing Overcharged, their book
on investor-owned utilities, around the time of the book’s release. They are seen
looking at newspapers, talking, and holding newly-printed “I.O.U.” (investor-owned
utilities) T-shirts created to promote the book |
circa 1967 | |
09: Members of Senator Lee Metcalf’s Washington,
D.C., office staff pose for a photograph with the senator. Pictured are (left to
right) George Ostrom; unidentified man; unidentified woman; Myrna Salvas;
Donaldeen White; Metcalf; and an unidentified man (possibly Walter W. White,
Donaldeen White’s husband) |
1960s | |
10: Members of Senator Lee Metcalf’s Washington,
D.C., office staff pose for a photograph with the senator in the secretaries’ room
in his office. Pictured are (left to right) unidentified man; unidentified man
(possibly Walter W. White, Donaldeen White’s husband); Myrna Salvas; Senator
Metcalf; Beverly L. Knowles, Metcalf’s personal secretary; unidentified woman
(possibly Susie Hodge); Donaldeen White; Vic Reinemer; George Ostrom; unidentified
man; and Helene F. Haliday |
1960s | |
11: Members of Senator Lee Metcalf’s Washington,
D.C., office staff are pictured having an unidentified, informal gathering in the
secretaries’ room in Metcalf’s office. Pictured here are (left to right) Anne Hoss
Bergstrom; unidentified man; George Ostrom (seated); and Helene F.
Haliday |
1960s | |
13-15 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Senate Staff and
Office |
1960s, 1970s |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf sits in a leather arm
chair in his Senate office in the Old Russell Senate Office Building in
Washington, D.C. |
1960s | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf poses with an unknown
couple around Christmas at an unidentified location (possibly Metcalf’s Senate
office) |
circa 1960s | |
03: Pictured in an unidentified office is Brenda
Fermoyle, Senator Lee Metcalf’s legislative aide |
circa 1960s | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) looks over a
newspaper with an unidentified man in an unidentified office (possibly in the Old
Russell Senate Office Building) |
circa 1960s | |
05: Jack Condon, Senator Lee Metcalf’s personal
driver in Montana, is pictured sitting in the doorway of a mobile
house |
circa 1960s | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) and Jack Condon
(left), Senator Lee Metcalf’s personal driver in Montana, pose for a photograph
next to some cars in an unidentified parking lot |
circa 1960s | |
07: Jack Condon (right), Senator Lee Metcalf’s
personal driver in Montana, is pictured with an unidentified man (possibly one of
Condon’s brothers) at an unidentified dinner |
circa 1970s | |
Roll 25.5-.21: Scenes of Senator Lee Metcalf and
his executive secretary Vic Reinemer working in Metcalf’s Senate office in
Washington, D.C. |
circa 1970s |
Series 21: General SenateReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries G: Awards |
Box/Folder | ||
13-16 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Awards |
1964-1966 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) is presented with
the Leland Olds Award for distinguished service in natural resource development by
National Farmers Union President James G. Patton (wearing eye patch), at the
Western States Water and Power Consumers Conference, on October 1, 1964, in
Bismark, North Dakota. Dr. Clay Cochran (second from left), legislative
representative for the Industrial Department of the AFL-CIO, is
present |
1964 October 1 | |
02: Close-up view of Senator Lee Metcalf’s Leland
Olds Award, presented to him at the Western States Water and Power Consumers
Conference, on October 1, 1964, in Bismark, North Dakota |
1964 October 1 | |
03: Robert McKay (left), chairman of the National
Education Association’s Legislative Committee, presents Senator Lee Metcalf
(right) with the National Education Association Distinguished Service award in
April 1965 at an unidentified event—photograph by Joseph Di Dio for the National
Education Association |
1965 April | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) is congratulated by
D.D. Cooper, executive secretary of the Montana Education Association, at an
unidentified event in April 1965. At the event, Metcalf received the National
Education Association Distinguished Service award for his role in the passage of
the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965—photograph by Carl Purcell for
the National Education Association |
1965 April | |
05: Close-up view of Senator Lee Metcalf’s
National Education Association Distinguished Service award, received in April 1965
for his role in the passage of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of
1965 |
1965 April | |
06: Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall (left)
and Senator Lee Metcalf (right) pose for a photograph at the Western States Water
and Power Conference at the Northern Hotel in Billings, Montana, on September 26,
1966. Udall and Metcalf were presented awards at the event |
1966 September 26 | |
07: Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall
(right) and Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talk with an unidentified man at the
speaker’s table at the Western States Water and Power Conference, held in the
Northern Hotel in Billings, Montana, from September 26-27, 1966 |
1966 September 26 | |
08: (Left to right) Secretary of the Interior
Stewart Udall, Donna Metcalf, and Senator Lee Metcalf pose for a photograph inside
the Northern Hotel in Billings, Montana, during the Western States Water and Power
Conference held September 26-27, 1966 |
1966 September 26 | |
09: Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall gives
a speech at the Western States Water and Power Conference in the Northern Hotel in
Billings, Montana, held September 26-27, 1966 |
1966 September 26 | |
13-17 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Awards |
1972 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (right), his executive
secretary Vic Reinemer (left), and two unidentified men pose for a photograph
prior to the awards presentation on September 26, 1972, at the Western States
Water and Power Conference, held in the Northern Hotel in Billings,
Montana—photograph by Jens Selvig of Billings, Montana |
1972 September 26 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (right), his executive
secretary Vic Reinemer (left), and two unidentified men pose for a photograph
prior to the awards presentation on September 26, 1972, at the Western States
Water and Power Conference, held in the Northern Hotel in Billings,
Montana—photograph by Jens Selvig of Billings, Montana |
circa 1972 September 26 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and his wife Donna
(second from left) are pictured at the speaker’s table, prior to the awards
presentation on September 26, 1972, at the Western States Water and Power
Conference, held in the Northern Hotel in Billings, Montana—photograph by Jens
Selvig of Billings, Montana |
circa 1972 September 26 | |
04: An unidentified man presents an award toVic
Reinemer, executive secretary to Senator Metcalf, at a podium during the awards
presentation on September 26, 1972, at the Western States Water and Power
Conference, held in the Northern Hotel in Billings, Montana. Senator Lee Metcalf
(left) and his wife Donna (second from left) are pictured at the speaker’s
table—photograph by Jens Selvig of Billings, Montana |
circa 1972 September 26 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (at podium) gives a talk
prior to the unveiling of the Lee Metcalf Award on September 26, 1972, at the
Western States Water and Power Conference, held in the Northern Hotel in Billings,
Montana. Donna Metcalf (left) is pictured seated at the speaker’s table—photograph
by Jens Selvig of Billings, Montana |
circa 1972 September 26 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (at podium) is presented
with a copy of the new Lee Metcalf Award, unveiled on September 26, 1972, at the
Western States Water and Power Conference, held in the Northern Hotel in Billings,
Montana—photograph by Jens Selvig of Billings, Montana |
circa 1972 September 26 | |
07: (Left to right) Vic Reinemer, Senator
Metcalf’s executive secretary, Donna Metcalf, and Senator Lee Metcalf look over
the newly-unveiled Lee Metcalf Award, presented to the senator on September 26,
1972, at the Western States Water and Power Conference, held in the Northern Hotel
in Billings, Montana |
circa 1972 September 26 |
Series 21: General SenateReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries H: Metcalf of Montana:
How a senator makes government work (1965) Book Proofs |
Box/Folder | ||
14/1 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Metcalf of Montana Book Proofs
1965 |
01: View of the U.S. Senate in session on
September 24, 1963, taken from the Visitor’s Galleries (Senator Lee Metcalf is
marked by a red arrow)—photograph by George P. Mobley, National Geographic
photographer, for the U.S. Capitol Historical Society. Photograph was used on Page
6 of the 1965 book Metcalf of Montana
1965 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) and Montana
Governor Tim Babcock (left) pictured during an unidentified event. The image of
Metcalf from this photograph was cut-out and used on Page 9 of the 1965 book Metcalf of Montana
1965 | |
03: Rep. Lee Metcalf (center, left) inspects a
lodgepole pine working site on Upper Hyalite Creek south of Bozeman, Montana,
during winter in the 1950s. Metcalf visited the operation on Northern Pacific
Railway land during an inspection trip of forested areas in Montana. Talking with
Metcalf is S.G. Merryman (center, right), Northern Pacific Railway Manager of
Timber and Western Lands. Photograph was used on Page 16 of the 1965 book Metcalf of Montana—photograph by Northern Pacific Railway
Company of Seattle, Washington (Photograph #342) |
1965 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf grabs a United States Code
book from a book shelf, while sitting at his desk in his Senate office in
the1960s. Photograph was used on Page 18 of the 1965 book Metcalf of Montana
1965 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf looks at a book in the
Library of Congress in July 1965. Photograph was used on Page 20 of the 1965 book
Metcalf of Montana
1965 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from left) talks
with several unidentified officials in a forested area near a clear-cut in 1965.
Photograph was used on Page 22 of the 1965 book Metcalf of
1965 | |
07: House Mine Safety Subcommittee chairman Rep.
Lee Metcalf (second from right) and Rep. John A. Blatnik of Minnesota (left),
along with members of an inspection party, inspect the condition of support beams
in a mine shaft at a mine in the Mesabi Iron Range, northwest of Duluth,
Minnesota, during the subcommittee’s hearings in Minnesota from August 20-24,
1956. Photograph was used on Page 23 of the 1965 book Metcalf of Montana
1965 | |
08: Mississippi Plains Flood Control Subcommittee
Chairman Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right) confers in his Senate office with
Major General Robert G. MacDonnell (left) and Brigadier General William Lapsley
(second from left) of the Army Corps of Engineers. Rep. Arnold Olsen (right) is
present. Photograph was used on Page 25 of the 1965 book Metcalf of Montana
1965 | |
09: Politicians study a map of the Gallatin
National Forest as they make a flying survey of earthquake damage on the weekend
following the West Yellowstone earthquake of August 17, 1959. Pictured in the U.S.
Air Force’s special mission plane, stationed at Bolling Air Force Base, are (left
to right, seated) Rep. Thomas G. Morris (D-NM); Reps.Lee Metcalf and Leroy
Anderson (D-MT); (left to right, standing) Edward Cliff, assistant chief of the
United States Park Service; Col. Oren Olmstead, acting chief of the Army Corps of
Engineers; and Dr. Raymond Johnson, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Photograph was
used on Page 26 of the 1965 book Metcalf of
1965 | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) and AT&T
Company Vice-President Claude Blair (left) stand in front of the World Wide
Satellite Communications exhibit in the hearing room of the U.S. Senate
Aeronautical and Space Science Committee in Washington, D.C., in March 1962. The
exhibit was used to demonstrate the testimony of AT&T Executive Vice-President
James E. Dingman during his appearance before the committee. The exhibit showed
how voice, music, and television were transmitted overseas interchangeably by
radio, cable, and satellite. Photograph was used on Page 27 of the 1965 book Metcalf of Montana
1965 | |
11: Senator Lee Metcalf pictured during filming
for one of his weekly “Report from Washington” film segments in the Senate
Recording Studio, in the basement of the Old Russell Senate Office Building in
Washington, D.C. Cameramen, director, and television set pieces can be seen as
Metcalf discusses President Lyndon B. Johnson’s newly-introduced 1966 budget for
his constituents about February 5, 1965. Photograph was used on Page 30 of the
1965 book Metcalf of Montana
1965 | |
12: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) is interviewed in
1965 by John Kamps (right) of the Associated Press, regarding Metcalf’s efforts to
save major units of the migratory waterfowl system. Photograph was used on Page 31
of the 1965 book Metcalf of Montana
1965 | |
14/2 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Metcalf of Montana Book Proofs
1965 |
01: Radio-TV commentator Joseph McCaffrey (right)
and Senator Lee Metcalf (left) discuss in July 1965 the work of the U.S. Congress
Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress on “McCaffrey’s Washington,” a
weekly congressional radio program aired on station WMAL in Washington, D.C.
Photograph was used on Page 32 of the 1965 book Metcalf of
1965 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and Frank Muto
(right), Senate Democratic Photograph Studio photographer, talk in front of the
U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., during a photo shoot of Senator Metcalf
on July 9, 1965. Photograph was used on Page 33 of the 1965 book Metcalf of Montana
1965 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (center, pointing) talks
with people at an unidentified mine union event in Butte, Montana, in the 1950s.
International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Executive Board Member
Ernest Salvas (center, behind woman in black dress and coat) is present.
Photograph was used on Page 34 of the 1965 book Metcalf of
Montana—photograph by C. Owen Smithers of Butte, Montana |
1965 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (at podium) gives a speech
from the speaker’s stage during the ground-breaking ceremonies on October 1, 1961,
for the Clark Canyon Dam, being constructed on the Beaverhead River near Dillon,
Montana. Photograph was used on Page 36 of the 1965 book Metcalf of Montana—Bureau of Reclamation photograph by Charles A. Knell
(#699-600-548) |
1965 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf pins a corsage on the
dress of Montana’s 1965 Cherry Blossom Festival Princess Hazel Bowker at a Montana
State Society Cherry Blossom Reception in Washington, D.C., on April 5,
1965.Photograph was used on Page 39 of the 1965 book Metcalf
of Montana
1965 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) shakes hands with
construction workers in Billings, Montana, in the 1960s. Photograph was used on
Page 40 of the 1965 book Metcalf of
Montana—photograph by Dennis Calkin of Billings, Montana |
1965 | |
07: Guests and officials watch the cloud of smoke
from a blast on the rim of the Bighorn Canyon, set off by Interior Secretary
Stewart Udall on October 18, 1961, signifying the start of construction on the
Yellowtail Unit of the Missouri River Basin Project. Photograph was used on Page
41a of the 1965 book Metcalf of Montana—Bureau of
Reclamation photograph by C.A. Knoll (#459-600-76) |
1965 | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) shakes hands with
Esther A. Warford (right), Montana’s winner of the Betty Crocker “Homemaker of
Tomorrow” competition, as Sister Ancilla Marie (center) of Sacred Heart Academy
looks on. Miss Warford met with Senator Metcalf in April 1965 during a trip she
won for receiving the honor. Photograph was used on Page 41b of the 1965 book
Metcalf of Montana
1965 | |
09: Rep. Lee Metcalf (right, sawing) and Regional
Forester Charles Tebbe (left, sawing) join forces in ceremonially sawing a log in
half, officially opening the Figure Eight Highway that traversed the Gates of the
Mountains wilderness area. Standing in the background (arms folded in front of
him) is Helena Mayor Otto L. Brackman. More than 250 persons were present for the
dedication ceremony which took place at Pikes Creek, located between Indian Flats
and Beaver Creek Canyon. Photograph was used on Page 41c of the 1965 book Metcalf of Montana
1965 | |
14/3 | U.S. Senate—General Senate: Metcalf of Montana Book
Proofs |
1965 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) salutes Senator
Mike Mansfield as they enter Mansfield’s Senate Majority Leader office in the U.S.
Capitol in August 1965. Photograph was used on Page 43 of the 1965 book Metcalf of Montana
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) talks about
education legislation with Senator Wayne Morse, chairman of the Senate Education
Subcommittee, during a dinner in the Senate Dining Room in Washington, D.C.
Photograph was used on Page 44 of the 1965 book Metcalf of
Montana—photograph by Carl Purcell of the National Education
Association |
1965 | |
03: (Left to right, seated) Rep. Lee Metcalf,
Senator Mike Mansfield, and Senator James E. Murray confer with Senator Carl
Hayden (standing), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, prior to
the Montana congressional delegation’s appearance before the committee in support
of several Montana Public Works Projects in 1960. Photograph was used on Page 48
of the 1965 book Metcalf of Montana
1965 | |
04: (Left to right) Senators Lee Metcalf, Maurine
Neuberger of Oregon, and Quentin Burdick of North Dakota talk around July 1964
about the development of the northwest United States, and their proposal that a
copy of the Surgeon General’s report on “Smoking and Health” be put in every high
school library in the United States. Photograph was used on Page 52 of the 1965
book Metcalf of Montana
1965 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) serves snacks to
Rep. John Blatnik of Minnesota, chairman of the House Subcommittees on Rivers and
Harbors and the Federal Highway Program (around 1965). Photograph was used on Page
54 of the 1965 book Metcalf of Montana
1965 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) laughs with Henry
H. Fowler, Secretary of Treasury, during an informal meeting where Metcalf
expressed his opposition to higher interest rates on Federal securities on Capitol
Hill in Washington, D.C., in the early 1960s. Photograph was used on Page 62 of
the 1965 book Metcalf of Montana
1965 | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf (left), Senator Mike
Mansfield (right), and Soil Conservation Service administrator D.A. Williams
(second from left) look on as Secretary of Agriculture Orville L. Freeman (second
from right) signs a modernized working agreement between the U.S. Department of
Agriculture and Montana’s Beaverhead Soil and Water Conservation District. The
ceremony was held on June 23, 1963, in Senator Mansfield’s office, marking the
500th district in the country to modernize its soil and water conservation
program. Photograph was used on Page 64 of the 1965 book Metcalf of Montana
1965 | |
08: Kenneth Holum (third from right), Assistant
Secretary of the Interior for Water and Power, discusses the U.S.-Canadian
cooperative development of the Columbia River basin with (left to right) Senator
Lee Metcalf; Rep. Arnold Olsen; Holum; Washington Power Company Board Chairman
Kinsey Robinson; and Montana Power Company President J.E. Corette. Photograph was
used on Page 67 of the 1965 book Metcalf of
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) looks over
documents with Dr. Roland R. Renne, head of the Interior Department’s Office of
Water Resources Research, in Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C., on
October 1, 1964. Photograph was used on Page 68 of the 1965 book Metcalf of Montana
1965 | |
10: Former President Harry S. Truman (second from
left) sits and talks with Rep. Lee Metcalf (standing) and Rep. Cecil R. King
(right of Truman, seated) of California in 1965, regarding the recently-passed
bill that added elderly health care to the Social Security program. Photograph was
used on Page 78 of the 1965 book Metcalf of
Montana—photograph by Al Muto of Alexandria, Virginia |
1965 | |
11: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) is presented with
the Leland Olds Award for distinguished service in natural resource development by
National Farmers Union President James G. Patton (wearing eye patch), at the
Western States Water and Power Consumers Conference, on October 1, 1964, in
Bismark, North Dakota. Dr. Clay Cochran (second from left), legislative
representative for the Industrial Department of the AFL-CIO, is present.
Photograph was used on Page 81 of the 1965 book Metcalf of
1965 | |
12: Senator Lee Metcalf walks in front of the U.S.
Capitol Building, heading to his Senate office in the Old Russell Senate Office
Building in Washington, D.C., in 1965. Photograph was used on Page 86 of the 1965
book Metcalf of Montana
1965 |
Series 22: Presidential Photographs(1961-1978)Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
14/4 | U.S. Senate—Presidential Photographs: John F.
Kennedy |
1960-1963 |
01: Rep. Lee Metcalf (left, at microphone)
introduces 1960 Democratic presidential nominee Senator John F. Kennedy (right, dark
blue suit) to a crowd at the Billings, Montana, airport in the evening on September
22, 1960. Senator Kennedy was to give an informal talk at the airport before
attending other events in Billings for his presidential campaign (handwritten date
on photograph is incorrect) |
1960 September 22 | |
02: 1960 Democratic presidential nominee Senator
John F. Kennedy (left, holding papers) receives applause as he approaches the podium
to give a speech on resource development in the Shrine Auditorium in Billings,
Montana, on the evening of September 22, 1960. The speech was held as a special
general session of the Western States Water and Power Consumers Conference held in
Billings. Rep. Lee Metcalf (third from right) is present—photograph by Jean Gunter
of Billings, Montana |
1960 September 22 | |
03: Montana Attorney General Arnold Olsen (left) and
Rep. Lee Metcalf (third from left) look on as 1960 Democratic presidential nominee
Senator John F. Kennedy gives a signature to a person at the Shrine Auditorium in
Billings, Montana, on the evening of September 22, 1960, around the time of
Kennedy’s speech at the Western States Water and Power Consumers
Conference |
1960 September 22 | |
04: Montana’s “Sacajawea, Lewis & Clark Blaze
Montana’s New Frontier” parade float, carrying members of Montana Native American
tribes and scenes portraying the explorers, travels down the parade route in
Washington, D.C, during President-elect John F. Kennedy’s inaugural parade on
January 20, 1961. The float was one of five Native American floats to participate in
the parade depicting scenes emphasizing Kennedy’s “New Frontier” campaign
theme |
1961 January 20 | |
05: Montana’s “Sacajawea, Lewis & Clark Blaze
Montana’s New Frontier” parade float, carrying members of Montana Native American
tribes and scenes portraying the explorers, travels down the parade route in
Washington, D.C, during President-elect John F. Kennedy’s inaugural parade on
January 20, 1961. The float was one of five Native American floats to participate in
the parade depicting scenes emphasizing Kennedy’s “New Frontier” campaign
theme |
1961 January 20 | |
06: President John F. Kennedy poses for photographs
with U.S. Senators at a Congressional Coffee Hour in the Blue Room of the White
House in Washington, D.C., on August 29, 1961. Pictured are (left to right) Senator
Claiborne Pell of Rhode Island; Senator Albert Gore, Sr. of Tennessee; President
Kennedy; Senator Gordon Allott of Colorado; Senator Lee Metcalf of Montana—Robert L.
Knudsen photograph (White House Photograph #KN-18681) |
1961 August 29 | |
07: President John F. Kennedy (right) shakes hands
with Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield (second from left) at the end of one of
Kennedy’s regular meetings with Senate leadership. Present is Senate Minority Leader
Everett Dirksen (left) of Illinois and Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson (second from
right), President of the U.S. Senate |
circa 1962 March | |
08: President John F. Kennedy discusses Native
American issues and problems with (left to right) Senators Lee Metcalf, Mike
Mansfield, and Walter Wetzel of Browning, Montana, President of the National
Congress of American Indians, on March 5, 1963, in the White House in Washington,
D.C.—Robert L. Knudsen photograph (White House Photograph #KN-27036) |
1963 March 5 | |
14/5 | U.S. Senate—Presidential Photographs: John F.
Kennedy |
1960s, 1963 |
01: Walter Wetzel of Browning, Montana, President of
the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), speaks in the White House Rose
Garden on March 5, 1963, with President John F. Kennedy (left, at microphone) and
Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall (right, at microphone) looking on.
Representatives from the NCAI were in Washington, D.C., trying to persuade Congress
to enact legislation that would require the consent of tribal leadership before
states could assume jurisdiction over reservations. Present behind Wetzel are U.S.
congressmen, including Senators Henry M. Jackson, Lee Metcalf, and Quentin N.
Burdick, members of the Senate Interior Committee |
1963 March 5 | |
02: Walter Wetzel of Browning, Montana, President of
the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), speaks in the White House Rose
Garden on March 5, 1963, with President John F. Kennedy (left, at microphone) and
Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall (right, at microphone) looking on.
Representatives from the NCAI were in Washington, D.C., trying to persuade Congress
to enact legislation that would require the consent of tribal leadership before
states could assume jurisdiction over reservations. Present behind Wetzel are U.S.
congressmen, including Senators Henry M. Jackson, Lee Metcalf, and Quentin N.
Burdick, members of the Senate Interior Committee |
1963 March 5 | |
03: Walter Wetzel of Browning, Montana, President of
the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), speaks in the White House Rose
Garden on March 5, 1963, with President John F. Kennedy (left, at microphone) and
Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall (right, at microphone) looking on.
Representatives from the NCAI were in Washington, D.C., trying to persuade Congress
to enact legislation that would require the consent of tribal leadership before
states could assume jurisdiction over reservations. Present behind Wetzel are U.S.
congressmen, including Senators Henry M. Jackson and Lee Metcalf, members of the
Senate Interior Committee |
1963 March 5 | |
04: President John F. Kennedy (center) gives his
autograph to a bystander as he greets people in Montana (either in Billings or Great
Falls) on September 26, 1963, during his Conservation Tour of Western States.
Senator Lee Metcalf is seen over Kennedy’s right shoulder |
1963 September 26 | |
05: Distant view of President John F. Kennedy,
Senator Mike Mansfield, Senator Lee Metcalf, and Interior Secretary Stewart Udall
standing on the speaker’s stage on the field at Great Falls High School Memorial
Stadium in Great Falls, Montana, on September 26, 1963, as Kennedy approaches the
podium to give a speech. Kennedy gave the speech in Great Falls as part of his
Conservation Tour of Western States. Press photographers and television crews can be
seen in the foreground |
1963 September 26 | |
06: Distant view of President John F. Kennedy being
applauded by Senator Mike Mansfield, Senator Lee Metcalf, and Interior Secretary
Stewart Udall on the speaker’s stage on the field at Great Falls High School
Memorial Stadium in Great Falls, Montana, on September 26, 1963. President Kennedy
was giving a speech in Great Falls as part of his Conservation Tour of Western
States. Press photographers and television crews can be seen in the
foreground |
1963 September 26 | |
07: Distant view of President John F. Kennedy waving
to the crowd as he is applauded by Senator Mike Mansfield, Senator Lee Metcalf, and
Interior Secretary Stewart Udall on the speaker’s stage on the field at Great Falls
High School Memorial Stadium in Great Falls, Montana, on September 26, 1963.
President Kennedy was giving a speech in Great Falls as part of his Conservation
Tour of Western States. Press photographers and television crews can be seen in the
foreground |
1963 September 26 | |
08: Photograph of architect Edward Durell Stone’s
model of the proposed National Cultural Center (later the John F. Kennedy Center for
the Performing Arts) for Washington, D.C. |
circa 1960s | |
14/6 | U.S. Senate—Presidential Photographs: Lyndon B.
Johnson |
1960s, 1964-1965 |
01: (Left to right) Senator Quentin Burdick; Senator
Lee Metcalf; President Lyndon B. Johnson; and Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield
pose for a photograph following an unidentified meeting |
circa 1964 | |
02: Wearing formal attire, (left to right) Senator
Lee Metcalf; Lady Bird Johnson; President Lyndon B. Johnson; and Donna Metcalf pose
for a photograph in the White House Green Room on February 18, 1965. The photograph
has the following written dedication: “To the Metcalfs—with best wishes, Lyndon B.
Johnson and Lady Bird Johnson”—Cecil W. Stoughton photograph (White House Photograph
#670-18-WH65) |
1965 February 18 | |
03: (Left to right) Senator Lee Metcalf shakes hands
with President Lyndon B. Johnson at an unidentified location |
circa 1960s | |
04: Portrait of Lady Bird Johnson |
circa 1960s | |
14/7 | U.S. Senate—Presidential Photographs: Richard M.
Nixon |
1969-1970 |
01: President Richard M. Nixon (left) and H.R.
Haldeman (right), Nixon’s White House chief of staff, have a conversation on
November 4, 1969, in the White House Oval Office amidst piles of telegrams and
letters in response to Nixon’s “silent majority” speech regarding the situation in
Vietnam—Official White House Photograph (#2334-07A) |
1969 November 4 | |
02: Official White House portrait of President
Richard M. Nixon—White House Photograph (#C3665-01) |
1970 June 11 |
Series 23: Constituent PhotographsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries A: Constituent Correspondence |
Box/Folder | ||
14/8 | U.S. Senate—Constituent Photographs: Constituent
Correspondence |
1961-1963 |
01: View of the crowded conditions in the third
and fourth grade classroom at the Gardiner School during the 1959-1960 school
year. The classroom space offered eleven square feet per pupil, below the state
minimum. Photograph sent to Senator Lee Metcalf in a January 25, 1961,
letter |
circa 1961 January | |
02: View of the crowded conditions in the fifth
and sixth grade classroom at the Gardiner School during the 1959-1960 school year.
The classroom space offered eleven square feet per pupil, below the state minimum.
Photograph sent to Senator Lee Metcalf in a January 25, 1961, letter |
circa 1961 January | |
03: View of cattle on the Ed Kopac Ranch near
Hardin, Montana. Ed Kopac is at left. Kopac sent this photograph to Senator Lee
Metcalf with a January 29, 1961, letter—Ed Kopac photograph |
circa 1961 January | |
04: View of a number of two-year old cattle
feeding on the Ed Kopac Ranch near Hardin, Montana. Kopac sent this photograph to
Senator Lee Metcalf with a January 29, 1961, letter—Ed Kopac
photograph |
circa 1961 January | |
05: View of combines harvesting grain on the Ed
Kopac Ranch near Hardin, Montana. Kopac sent this photograph to Senator Lee
Metcalf with a January 29, 1961, letter—Ed Kopac photograph |
circa 1961 January | |
06: Trucks unloading moist grain into emergency
storage units on the Ed Kopac Ranch near Hardin, Montana. Kopac sent this
photograph to Senator Lee Metcalf with a January 29, 1961, letter—Ed Kopac
photograph |
circa 1961 January | |
07: View of sheep grazing on the Ed Kopac Ranch
near Hardin, Montana. Kopac sent this photograph to Senator Lee Metcalf with a
January 29, 1961, letter—Ed Kopac photograph |
circa 1961 January | |
08: Photograph of Ed Kopac (left) and his farm
workers stand behind a large dressed cow hanging from a piece of farm equipment on
the Ed Kopac Ranch near Hardin, Montana. Kopac sent this photograph to Senator Lee
Metcalf with a January 29, 1961, letter—Ed Kopac photograph |
circa 1961 January | |
09: Farm workers pose for a photograph in front of
combines and harvest storage facilities on the Ed Kopac Ranch near Hardin,
Montana. Kopac sent this photograph to Senator Lee Metcalf with a January 29,
1961, letter—Ed Kopac photograph |
circa 1961 January | |
10: View of the Yellowstone River in Yankee Jim
Canyon. Photograph sent to Senator Lee Metcalf in a 1962 constituent
letter |
1962 | |
11: A man fishes at Glacier Lake in Carbon County,
Montana, in 1963. Photograph sent to Senator Lee Metcalf by a constituent.
Photograph by Maryott of Red Lodge, Montana |
1963 | |
12: A photograph of a girl feeding crackers to a
big horn sheep outside their vehicles on Going-to-the-Sun Road in Glacier National
Park. Constituent photograph sent to Senator Lee Metcalf |
circa 1963 | |
14/9 | U.S. Senate—Constituent Photographs: Constituent
Correspondence |
1965 |
01: Aerial photograph showing an ice jam under
highway and railroad bridges on the Missouri River, just west of Townsend,
Montana, near Canyon Ferry Reservoir, taken on February 8, 1963. Photograph sent
by Clarence DeWalt to Senator Lee Metcalf in a February 1965 letter, to
demonstrate problems caused by poor reservoir management that affected DeWalt’s
property near Canyon Ferry Reservoir—Montana Highway Department photograph
(#6313-A) |
circa 1965 February | |
02: Aerial photograph dated February 8, 1963,
showing an ice jam on the Missouri River just west of Townsend, Montana, below the
highway and railroad bridges. Near Canyon Ferry Reservoir, Clarence DeWalt’s
property (outlined in white) can be seen being flooded due to the ice jam.
Photograph sent by Clarence DeWalt to Senator Lee Metcalf in a February 1965
letter, to demonstrate problems caused by poor reservoir management that affected
DeWalt’s property near Canyon Ferry Reservoir—Montana Highway Department
photograph (#6313-C) |
circa 1965 February | |
03: Aerial photograph dated February 8, 1963,
showing an ice jam on the Missouri River below the highway and railroad bridges,
near Clarence DeWalt’s property just west of Townsend, Montana. Photograph sent by
Clarence DeWalt to Senator Lee Metcalf in a February 1965 letter, to demonstrate
problems caused by poor reservoir management that affected DeWalt’s property near
Canyon Ferry Reservoir—Montana Highway Department photograph (#6313-B) |
circa 1965 February | |
04: Close-up photograph dated February 6, 1963,
showing an ice jam on the Missouri River just west of Townsend, Montana, south of
Canyon Ferry Reservoir. Photograph sent by Clarence DeWalt to Senator Lee Metcalf
in a February 1965 letter, to demonstrate problems caused by poor reservoir
management that affected DeWalt’s property near Canyon Ferry Reservoir—Montana
Highway Department photograph (#639-A) |
circa 1965 February | |
05: Aerial photograph taken over Canyon Ferry
Reservoir, just west of Townsend, Montana, showing where the Missouri River runs
into the reservoir, causing an ice jam that flooded nearby properties. Photograph
sent by Clarence DeWalt to Senator Lee Metcalf in a February 1965 letter, to
demonstrate problems caused by poor reservoir management that affected DeWalt’s
property near Canyon Ferry Reservoir—photograph by Larry Foss |
circa 1965 February | |
06: Aerial photograph taken over Canyon Ferry
Reservoir, just west of Townsend, Montana, showing where the Missouri River runs
into the reservoir, causing an ice jam that flooded nearby properties. Photograph
sent by Clarence DeWalt to Senator Lee Metcalf in a February 1965 letter, to
demonstrate problems caused by poor reservoir management that affected DeWalt’s
property near Canyon Ferry Reservoir—photograph by Larry Foss |
circa 1965 February | |
07: Aerial photograph taken just west of Townsend,
Montana, showing an ice jam on the Missouri River south of the highway and
railroad bridges. Green’s slaughter house can be seen flooded in this scene (lower
right). Photograph sent by Clarence DeWalt to Senator Lee Metcalf in a February
1965 letter, to demonstrate problems caused by poor reservoir management that
affected DeWalt’s property near Canyon Ferry Reservoir—photograph by Larry
Foss |
circa 1965 February | |
08: Aerial photograph taken just southwest of
Townsend, Montana, showing an ice jam on the Missouri River south of the highway
and railroad bridges. In the center of the image is Clarence DeWalt’s property.
Photograph sent by Clarence DeWalt to Senator Lee Metcalf in a February 1965
letter, to demonstrate problems caused by poor reservoir management that affected
DeWalt’s property near Canyon Ferry Reservoir—photograph by Larry Foss |
circa 1965 February | |
09: Photograph taken up river from Clarence
DeWalt’s property west of Townsend, Montana, showing an ice jam on the Missouri
River. Photograph sent by Clarence DeWalt to Senator Lee Metcalf in a February
1965 letter, to demonstrate problems caused by poor reservoir management that
affected DeWalt’s property near Canyon Ferry Reservoir—photograph by Larry
Foss |
circa 1965 February | |
10: View of water skiers on Painted Rocks Lake,
with a mountain in the background showing damage from Forest Service logging roads
and terracing practices. Photograph sent by N.J. Kramis of Hamilton, Montana, in a
March 6, 1965, letter to Senator Lee Metcalf regarding the clear-cutting practices
of the U.S. Forest Service in U.S. Forest Region 1 |
circa 1965 March | |
14/10 | U.S. Senate—Constituent Photographs: Constituent
Correspondence |
1965-1967 |
01: View of combines harvesting wheat on Ed
Kopac’s ranch in Hardin, Montana. Photograph sent by Ed Kopac in a letter to
Senator Lee Metcalf in the summer of 1965—Ed Kopac photograph |
circa 1965 August | |
02: View of cattle at the feed lot on Ed Kopac’s
ranch in Hardin, Montana. Photograph sent by Ed Kopac in a letter to Senator Lee
Metcalf in the summer of 1965—Ed Kopac photograph |
circa 1965 August | |
03: Farm workers pose for a photograph on Ed
Kopac’s ranch in Hardin, Montana. Photograph sent by Ed Kopac in a letter to
Senator Lee Metcalf in the summer of 1965—Ed Kopac photograph |
circa 1965 August | |
04: Photograph of a hornblend sample sent to
Senator Metcalf by C.A. Johnson in an August 11, 1966 letter regarding the bill S.
3485 |
circa 1966 August | |
05: View of the dilapidated mine The Forest Queen,
taken on July 4, 1966, by E.R. Gray. Photograph sent by E.R. Gray of Missoula,
Montana, in a January 11, 1967, letter to Senator Lee Metcalf, complaining about
farm subsidies that kept mines such as his inoperable. The photograph was used in
connection with bill H.R. 11667 |
circa 1967 January | |
06: View of the dilapidated mine Cornucopia Gold
Mines mill, taken on July 4, 1966, by E.R. Gray. Photograph sent by E.R. Gray of
Missoula, Montana, in a January 11, 1967, letter to Senator Lee Metcalf,
complaining about farm subsidies that kept mines such as his inoperable. The
photograph was used in connection with bill H.R. 11667 |
circa 1967 January | |
07: The water tower at the Union Pacific Railroad
station at West Yellowstone, Montana. Photograph sent in an April 1967 letter to
Senator Lee Metcalf |
circa 1967 April | |
08: View of a corner of the Union Pacific Railroad
station building at West Yellowstone, Montana. Photograph sent in an April 1967
letter to Senator Lee Metcalf |
circa 1967 April | |
09: The Union Pacific Dining Lodge at West
Yellowstone, Montana. Photograph sent in a 1967 letter to Senator Lee
Metcalf |
circa 1967 April | |
10: South view of the Union Pacific Dining Lodge
at West Yellowstone, Montana. Photograph sent in a 1967 letter to Senator Lee
Metcalf |
circa 1967 April | |
14/11 | U.S. Senate—Constituent Photographs: Constituent
Correspondence |
1967 |
01: Photograph of the sign and entrance door of
the Union Pacific Dining Lodge at West Yellowstone, Montana. Photograph sent in a
1967 letter to Senator Lee Metcalf |
circa 1967 April | |
02: South view of the Union Pacific Railroad
station at West Yellowstone, Montana. Photograph sent in a 1967 letter to Senator
Lee Metcalf |
circa 1967 April | |
03: Union Pacific Railroad buildings near the
station at West Yellowstone, Montana. Photograph sent in a 1967 letter to Senator
Lee Metcalf |
circa 1967 April | |
04: View of the Union Pacific Railroad station at
West Yellowstone, Montana, taken from the Stage Coach Inn. Photograph sent in a
1967 letter to Senator Lee Metcalf |
circa 1967 April | |
05: View of the Traveler’s Lodge Motel, across
from the Union Pacific Railroad station at West Yellowstone, Montana. Photograph
sent in a 1967 letter to Senator Lee Metcalf |
circa 1967 April | |
06: Union Pacific rock building at West
Yellowstone, Montana. Photograph sent in a 1967 letter to Senator Lee
Metcalf |
circa 1967 April | |
07: The Union Pacific Dining Lodge at West
Yellowstone, Montana. Photograph sent in a 1967 letter to Senator Lee
Metcalf |
circa 1967 April | |
08: Union Pacific Railroad buildings at West
Yellowstone, Montana. Photograph sent in a 1967 letter to Senator Lee
Metcalf |
circa 1967 April | |
09: Cornerstone and boundary marker for the Union
Pacific Railroad at West Yellowstone, Montana. Photograph sent in a 1967 letter to
Senator Lee Metcalf |
circa 1967 April | |
14/12 | U.S. Senate—Constituent Photographs: Constituent
Correspondence |
1967 |
01: View of the outlet of the diversion tunnel
below Yellowtail Dam, near Hardin, Montana. Photograph part of a photo story sent
to Senator Lee Metcalf by Ed Kopac in 1967—Ed Kopac photograph |
circa 1967 August | |
02: View of the Bighorn River looking downstream
from the top of Yellowtail Dam, near Hardin, Montana. Photograph part of a photo
story sent to Senator Lee Metcalf by Ed Kopac in 1967—Ed Kopac
photograph |
circa 1967 August | |
03: View of the spillway below Yellowtail Dam,
near Hardin, Montana. Photograph part of a photo story sent to Senator Lee Metcalf
by Ed Kopac in 1967—Ed Kopac photograph |
circa 1967 August | |
04: View of Yellowtail Dam, taken from the public
observation site. Photograph part of a photo story sent to Senator Lee Metcalf by
Ed Kopac in 1967—Ed Kopac photograph |
circa 1967 August | |
05: View of Yellowtail Dam, taken from the top of
the dam. Photograph part of a photo story sent to Senator Lee Metcalf by Ed Kopac
in 1967—Ed Kopac photograph |
circa 1967 August | |
06: An unidentified boy stands amid the wheat crop
on the Ed Kopac Ranch near Hardin, Montana. Photograph part of a photo story sent
to Senator Lee Metcalf by Ed Kopac in 1967—Ed Kopac photograph |
circa 1967 August | |
07: (Left to right, center) Ed Kopac, Senator Mike
Mansfield, and Bob Saunders pictured at a rally in Hardin, Montana, for Senator
Lee Metcalf’s re-election campaign in October 1966. Photograph part of a photo
story sent to Senator Lee Metcalf by Ed Kopac in 1967—Ed Kopac
photograph |
circa 1967 September | |
08: Photograph of rancher Ed Kopac sitting in a
chair at his house near Hardin, Montana. Photograph part of a photo story sent to
Senator Lee Metcalf by Ed Kopac in 1967—Ed Kopac photograph |
circa 1967 September | |
14/13 | U.S. Senate—Constituent Photographs: Constituent
Correspondence |
1968 |
01: Photograph of a community protest sign in a
large wagon in Wibaux, Montana, complaining over federal involvement in the town
following false reports of malnutrition amongst locals. Photograph sent to
Senators Mike Mansfield and Lee Metcalf on June 18, 1968, by a Wibaux official
working for the Department of Agriculture |
circa 1968 June | |
02: Photograph of a six year old ponderosa pine
planted in 1958 at the Guide Creek Plantation, part of the Sula District of the
Bitterroot National Forest. Charles Mosier is pictured in this spring 1965 image.
Photograph sent by Harmon Henkin in a letter to Senator Lee Metcalf (likely in
late 1968) to demonstrate sloppy logging practices by the Forest Service in the
Bitterroot National Forest |
circa 1968 | |
03: View of a vigorous new stand of lodgepole pine
trees in an area clear-cut about fifteen years prior to this photograph, taken in
the Face Draw region of the Bozeman District in the Gallatin National Forest.
Photograph sent by Harmon Henkin in a letter to Senator Lee Metcalf (likely in
late 1968) to demonstrate sloppy logging practices by the Forest
Service |
circa 1968 | |
04: Ron Roginske looks at a lodgepole pine
management area in August 1965, established by national seeding after
clear-cutting in the area during 1950-1951. Area is located at Jumpoff Creek in
the Bozeman District of the Gallatin National Forest. Photograph sent by Harmon
Henkin in a letter to Senator Lee Metcalf (likely in late 1968) to demonstrate
sloppy logging practices by the Forest Service |
circa 1968 | |
05: A Forest Service member looks over a lodgepole
pine reproduction begun on a clear-cut area at Upper Sheep Creek in the White
Sulphur Springs District of the Lewis and Clark National Forest. Photograph sent
by Harmon Henkin in a letter to Senator Lee Metcalf (likely in late 1968) to
demonstrate sloppy logging practices by the Forest Service |
circa 1968 | |
06: Blackfeet Tribal Chairman Earl Old Person
holds a map showing the tribe’s proposed site for the 1965 Boy Scout National
Jamboree. The photograph was used to promote the Blackfeet Indian Reservation as
the site for the Jamboree in 1965 and in 1968. Photograph sent in Senator Lee
Metcalf in 1965, but kept in 1968 jamboree proposal file |
circa 1968 | |
07-19: Report by the Blackfeet Indian Reservation
used as a proposal for the reservation to serve as the location for the 1968 Boy
Scout National Jamboree. The report includes thirteen photographs of spaces,
facilities, and transportation infrastructure on the reservation that could meet
the needs of the Boy Scouts. Report sent to Senator Lee Metcalf (possibly in 1968)
by representatives of the Blackfoot Indian Nation |
circa 1968 | |
14/14 | U.S. Senate—Constituent Photographs: Constituent
Correspondence |
1970 |
01: View of cattle corrals at the J. Wellington
Fauver Market in Helena, Montana. Sent in a March 12, 1970, letter to Senator Lee
Metcalf |
circa 1970 | |
02: View of cattle in front of a building on the
J. Wellington Fauver Market in Helena, Montana. Sent in a March 12, 1970, letter
to Senator Lee Metcalf |
circa 1970 | |
03: View of a log cabin and sign on the J.
Wellington Fauver Market in Helena, Montana. Sent in a March 12, 1970, letter to
Senator Lee Metcalf |
circa 1970 | |
04: View of buildings at the J. Wellington Fauver
Market in Helena, Montana. Sent in a March 12, 1970, letter to Senator Lee
Metcalf |
circa 1970 | |
05: View of damaged buildings at the J. Wellington
Fauver Market in Helena, Montana. Sent in a March 12, 1970, letter to Senator Lee
Metcalf |
circa 1970 | |
06: View of damaged poultry houses at the J.
Wellington Fauver Market in Helena, Montana. Sent in a March 12, 1970, letter to
Senator Lee Metcalf |
circa 1970 | |
07: View of Fauver’s 105 Store in Helena, Montana.
Sent in a March 12, 1970, letter to Senator Lee Metcalf |
circa 1970 | |
08: View of a fence and building at the J.
Wellington Fauver Market in Helena, Montana. Sent in a March 12, 1970, letter to
Senator Lee Metcalf |
circa 1970 | |
09: View of buildings at the J. Wellington Fauver
Market in Helena, Montana. Sent in a March 12, 1970, letter to Senator Lee
Metcalf |
circa 1970 | |
10: View of an run-down building at the J.
Wellington Fauver Market in Helena, Montana. Sent in a March 12, 1970, letter to
Senator Lee Metcalf |
circa 1970 | |
11: View of a fence at the J. Wellington Fauver
Market in Helena, Montana. Sent in a March 12, 1970, letter to Senator Lee
Metcalf |
circa 1970 | |
14/15 | U.S. Senate—Constituent Photographs: Constituent
Correspondence |
1971-1973 |
01: Aerial photograph showing mineral exploration
activities at Goose Lake and Little Goose Lake, near Cooke City, Montana.
Photograph sent by Fletcher E. Newby of Billings, Montana, in a January 8, 1971,
letter to Senator Lee Metcalf |
circa 1971 January | |
02: Close-up view of a stream connecting Goose and
Little Goose Lakes, showing surface disturbances caused by mineral exploration
activity. Photograph sent by Fletcher E. Newby of Billings, Montana, in a January
8, 1971, letter to Senator Lee Metcalf |
circa 1971 January | |
03:View of clear-cutting in the Pipes Peak area,
northwest of Red Lodge, Montana, taken around April 1970. Photograph sent by
Dallas Eklund of Kalispell, Montana, in a February 18, 1971, letter to Senator Lee
Metcalf |
circa 1971 February | |
04: Aerial view of flooding caused by an ice jam
on the Missouri River, west of Townsend, Montana, on Clarence DeWalt’s property
just north of Canyon Ferry Reservoir. Photograph taken just downstream from the
two bridges outside Townsend. Photograph sent by Clarence DeWalt in an April 4,
1972, letter to Senator Lee Metcalf to protest flooding DeWalt blamed on the
Bureau of Reclamation |
1972 April | |
05: Aerial view of flooding caused by an ice jam
on the Missouri River, west of Townsend, Montana, on Clarence DeWalt’s property
just north of Canyon Ferry Reservoir. Photograph taken just downstream from the
two bridges outside Townsend. Photograph sent by Clarence DeWalt in an April 4,
1972, letter to Senator Lee Metcalf to protest flooding DeWalt blamed on the
Bureau of Reclamation |
1972 April | |
06: Aerial view of flooding caused by an ice jam
on the Missouri River, west of Townsend, Montana, on Clarence DeWalt’s property
just north of Canyon Ferry Reservoir. Photograph taken upstream from Dewalt’s
property. Photograph sent by Clarence DeWalt in an April 4, 1972, letter to
Senator Lee Metcalf to protest flooding DeWalt blamed on the Bureau of
Reclamation |
1972 April | |
07: View taken by a Townsend photographer of an
ice jam on the Missouri River between the highway and railroad bridges, just west
of Townsend, Montana. Photograph shows the height of the ice jam. Photograph sent
by Clarence DeWalt in an April 4, 1972, letter to Senator Lee Metcalf to protest
flooding DeWalt blamed on the Bureau of Reclamation |
1972 April | |
08: Aerial view of Lone Mountain at Big Sky,
Montana, showing damage to the forest caused by Big Sky of Montana, Inc.,’s resort
development. Photograph sent by Betty Wing in an October 16, 1973, letter to
Senator Lee Metcalf, imploring preservation of the Spanish Peaks Primitive Area
from overdevelopment |
1973 | |
09: Real-photo postcard of Polson, Montana,
showing the highway bridge over the Flathead River. Sent to Senator Lee Metcalf in
1973 |
1973 |
Series 23: Constituent PhotographsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries B: General Constituent Visits |
Box/Folder | ||
14/16 | U.S. Senate—Constituent Photographs: General
Constituent Visits |
1962-1964, 1977, undated |
01: Montana’s congressional delegation poses for a
photograph on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building with William R. Bennett
(right), a Butte railroad engineer, and an unidentified union official during
Bennet’s visit to Washington, D.C. on March 28, 1963. Bennett was in the capital
to receive the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen’s 1962 “Fireman of
the Year” |
circa 1963 March 28 | |
02: Group photograph of Montana’s congressional
delegation with the family of William R. Bennett, a Butte railroad engineer, and
the Erickson family on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building during Bennet’s
visit to Washington, D.C. on March 28, 1963. Pictured are (left to right, front
row) Milan “Mickey” Boryan, Rep. Olsen’s aide; Senator Lee Metcalf; unidentified
woman; Senator Mike Mansfield; unidentified woman; Mark Erickson; (left to right,
back row) Rep. Arnold Olsen; William R. Bennett; Patricia Lee Bennett, William’s
daughter; Mrs. Bennett, William’s wife; and Mrs. Erickson, Mark’s
mother |
circa 1963 March 28 | |
03: Group photograph of Montana’s congressional
delegation with the family of William R. Bennett, a Butte railroad engineer, and
the Erickson family on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building during Bennet’s
visit to Washington, D.C. on March 28, 1963. Pictured are (left to right, front
row) Milan “Mickey” Boryan, Rep. Olsen’s aide; Senator Lee Metcalf; unidentified
woman; Senator Mike Mansfield; unidentified woman; Mark Erickson; (left to right,
back row) Rep. Arnold Olsen; William R. Bennett; Patricia Lee Bennett, William’s
daughter; Mrs. Bennett, William’s wife; Mrs. Erickson, Mark’s mother; and
unidentified man |
circa 1963 March 28 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from left) talks
with Robert Bryant, general secretary and treasurer for the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, and two unidentified union representatives in
front of the U.S. Capitol Building. The men were visiting Washington, D.C., as
part of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen’s 1962 award ceremony
at the Mayflower Hotel |
circa 1963 March 28 | |
05: (Left to right) Senator Lee Metcalf; Montana’s
“Homemaker of Tomorrow” Susan Lee Schultz; Margaret Lundberg; and Senator Mike
Mansfield put their hands together inside the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.
Schultz, a high school senior from Missoula, visited the Montana senators while in
the capital for the 1963 Betty Crocker Search for the All-American Homemaker of
Tomorrow |
circa 1963 April | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf points out a new memorial
plaque to Montana’s Daughters of Isabella in the John F. Kennedy room in the U.S.
Capitol Building in August 1964. Pictured with Senators Mike Mansfield and Lee
Metcalf are (left to right, front row) Angela Pozega of Anaconda; Barbara
Herbolich of Anaconda; Irene Everett of Helena; Ruth Sladich of Anaconda; Helen
Meloy of Butte; and Helen Peterson of Helmville |
circa 1964 August | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf visits with the family of
Bob Weller of Kalispell, the executive secretary of the Montana Carpenters’
District Council, in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. Pictured (left to
right) are Metcalf; David Gilbertson; Mrs. Dale Weller Gilbertson; Danna
Gilbertson; and Bob Weller |
circa 1966 August | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf sits and visits with the
family of Bob Weller of Kalispell, the executive secretary of the Montana
Carpenters’ District Council, in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. Pictured
(left to right) are Mrs. Dale Weller Gilbertson; Danna Gilbertson; Metcalf; David
Gilbertson; and Bob Weller (standing) |
circa 1966 August | |
09: Members of the Montana Broadcasters
Association visit Montana’s congressional delegation in Senator Mike Mansfield’s
Senate Majority Leader office, in the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.,
in March 1969. Pictured are (left to right, seated) Senator Lee Metcalf; Lynn Koch
of Missoula; Lee Wahl of Helena; Dale Moore of Missoula; Earl Morgenroth of
Missoula; W.C. Blanchette of Missoula; Mrs. George Blum of Glendive; Charles
Scofield of Sidney; George Blum of Glendive; Shag Miller of Butte; Ken Nybo of
Billings; Senator Mansfield; (left to right, standing) William Merrick of Bozeman;
John Lyon of Shelby; Gene Peterson of Missoula; Rep. Arnold Olsen; and Dave Greene
of Helena |
circa 1969 March | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf (center, back) and Rep.
Max Baucus (front, center—in light suit) pose for a photograph in front of the
U.S. Capitol Building with members of the Helena Senior Citizens Group |
undated | |
11: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) shakes hands with
an unidentified Montana lawyer in front of the U.S. Supreme Court building in
Washington, D.C., after the lawyer was admitted to practice before the
court |
undated |
Series 23: Constituent PhotographsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries C: Farmers |
Box/Folder | ||
14/17 | U.S. Senate—Constituent Photographs:
Farmers |
1962, 1965, undated |
01: Members of the Montana Farmers Union hand a
document to Montana’s congressional delegation at an unidentified
location |
circa 1962 | |
02: Senators Lee Metcalf (left, foreground) and
Mike Mansfield (right, foreground) are shown talking to members of the Montana
Farmers Union in the U.S. Capitol Building. A group of union members were visiting
Washington, D.C., to discuss problems and issues of concern to Montana farmers
with federal legislators |
circa 1962 | |
03: Senators Lee Metcalf (right) and Mike
Mansfield (second from right) are shown talking to members of the Montana Farmers
Union in the U.S. Capitol Building. Portraits of Joseph T. Robinson and Nicholas
Van Dyke hang on the walls in the background |
circa 1962 | |
04: Photograph of a Farmers Union Insurance
roadside sign, with Henry J. Schepens of Sidney, Montana, listed as agent. The
sign was vandalized with a painted Soviet hammer and sickle by someone protesting
the Montana’s farmers union as a Communist organization. Photograph sent to
Senator Lee Metcalf in 1962 regarding right-wing activities in Montana |
circa 1962 | |
05: Members of the Montana Farmers Union talk with
Senator Lee Metcalf on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building in August 1965, as
part of the union’s “Legislative Fly-In” to Washington, D.C. The union organized
this event to improve farm legislation through discussions with urban U.S.
congressmen about the 1965 farm bill—photograph by Clyde T. Jarvis for Montana
Farmers Union News |
1965 August | |
06: Members of the Montana Farmers Union talk with
Senator Lee Metcalf (left) on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building in August
1965, as part of the union’s “Legislative Fly-In” to Washington, D.C. The union
organized this event to improve farm legislation through discussions with urban
U.S. congressmen about the 1965 farm bill—photograph by Clyde T. Jarvis for
Montana Farmers Union News |
1965 August | |
07: Members of the Montana Farmers Union talk with
Senator Lee Metcalf (left) on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building in August
1965, as part of the union’s “Legislative Fly-In” to Washington, D.C. The union
organized this event to improve farm legislation through discussions with urban
U.S. congressmen about the 1965 farm bill—photograph by Clyde T. Jarvis for
Montana Farmers Union News |
1965 August | |
08: Members of the Montana Farmers Union talk with
Senator Lee Metcalf (center) on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building in August
1965, as part of the union’s “Legislative Fly-In” to Washington, D.C. The union
organized this event to improve farm legislation through discussions with urban
U.S. congressmen about the 1965 farm bill—photograph by Clyde T. Jarvis for
Montana Farmers Union News |
1965 August | |
09: Members of the Montana Farmers Union talk with
Senator Lee Metcalf (center) on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building in August
1965, as part of the union’s “Legislative Fly-In” to Washington, D.C. The union
organized this event to improve farm legislation through discussions with urban
U.S. congressmen about the 1965 farm bill—photograph by Clyde T. Jarvis for
Montana Farmers Union News |
1965 August | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) and his wife
Donna (right) attend an unidentified Montana Farmers Union dinner |
circa 1967 August | |
11: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) talks with an
unidentified woman at a Montana Farmers Union event—photograph by Clyde T. Jarvis
of Great Falls, Montana |
undated |
Series 23: Constituent PhotographsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries D: Native Americans |
Box/Folder | ||
14/18 | U.S. Senate—Constituent Photographs: Native
Americans |
19623, 1966, 1970s |
01: Senators Lee Metcalf and Mike Mansfield pose
for a photograph in the White House Rose Garden on March 5, 1963, with
representatives from the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI).
Representatives from the NCAI were in Washington, D.C., trying to persuade
Congress to enact legislation that would require the consent of tribal leadership
before states could assume jurisdiction over reservations |
circa 1963 March 5 | |
02: Senators Mike Mansfield (left) and Lee Metcalf
(right) visited with Fort Peck Indian tribal officials William Youpee (second from
left) and Norman Hollow (second from right), during the tribal officials’ trip to
Washington, D.C., on July 26, 1963. The officials discussed with the senators
plans for the Oil Discovery Celebration, scheduled to start on August 22, 1963, at
Poplar, Montana, as well as regarding a progress report on the Overall Economic
Development Plan in Roosevelt County, Montana |
1963 July 26 | |
03: Members of the Crow Indian tribe present
Senator Lee Metcalf with a war club during a reception at the 1966 Western States
Water and Power Consumers Conference in Billings, Montana. Pictured are (left to
right) May Old Coyote, Crow Agency; Louella Whiteman of Lodge Grass; Senator
Metcalf; John Whiteman of Lodge Grass; and Edison Real Bird, chairman of the Crow
Tribal Council |
circa 1966 September 26 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (left), holding a tribal
war club presented to him earlier, chats with John Whiteman of Lodge Grass at a
reception at the 1966 Western States Water and Power Consumers Conference in
Billings, Montana |
circa 1966 September 26 | |
05: Three Crow Indian girls display a shawl for
U.S. congressional candidate John Melcher (left) and Senator Lee Metcalf (second
from left) on October 20, 1966, during the senator’s visit to Yellowtail Dam. The
girls are Helen Old Coyote (third from left); Veronica Ann Small (second from
right); and Francis Pretty Paint (right) |
1966 October 20 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf poses for a photograph
with three Crow Indian girls on October 20, 1966, during the senator’s visit to
Yellowtail Dam. The girls are Helen Old Coyote (second from left); Veronica Ann
Small (second from right); and Francis Pretty Paint (right) |
1966 October 20 | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf talks with Blackfeet
tribal members at the Saturday, November 7, 1970, dedication of the Blackfeet
Community Center in Browning, Montana. Pictured are (left to right) Earl Old
Person, chairman of the Blackfeet Tribal Council; Metcalf, principle speaker at
the dedication; Henry Little Dog; and Kenneth Crawford |
1970 November 7 | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph with Louis Bear Child Plenty Treaty, a Piegan (Blackfeet) tribal member
from Browning, Montana, at an unidentified event |
circa 1970s | |
09: Tribal members wearing ceremonial clothing
attend an unidentified event, possibly on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation in
Montana—photograph by Artice Portrait of Williston, North Dakota |
circa 1970s | |
10: An unidentified Native American woman carries
a baby in a cradle board at an unidentified event, possibly on the Fort Peck
Indian Reservation in Montana—photograph by Artice Portrait of Williston, North
Dakota |
circa 1970s |
Series 23: Constituent PhotographsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries E1: Youth and Student
Groups—General |
Box/Folder | ||
15-1 | U.S. Senate—Constituent Photographs: Youth and
Student Groups (General) |
1961, 1963-1968, 1970-1971 |
01: Senators Lee Metcalf and Mike Mansfield talk
to a group of fifty-two Montana Key Club International in the U.S. Capitol
Building, during the group’s visit to Washington, D.C., in July 1961 |
1961 July | |
02: Senators Lee Metcalf (left) and Mike Mansfield
(right) share a laugh as they pose with Kenneth Myers of Glasgow, Montana, the
1963 Montana “Voice of Democracy” contest winner, during Myers visit to
Washington, D.C., for the national finals of the “Voice of Democracy”
contest |
circa 1963 April | |
03: Senators Mike Mansfield (right) and Lee
Metcalf (left) discuss news from Montana with the state’s two Boys Nation
delegates, Mike Pichette (second from left) and Luther Garris (second from right),
in the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., in July 1963 |
1963 July | |
04: Portrait of Cherry Reid of Poplar, Montana,
who was the female delegate to the Second Hearst Foundation U.S. Senate Youth
Program in Washington, D.C., held during January 27-31, 1964—Artice Portrait
Studio of Williston, North Dakota |
1964 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) poses for a
photograph in the U.S. Capitol Building with four-year-old Michaeline Lea Heinicke
(left), the 1965 March of Dimes national poster child, in January 1965. Metcalf
had been co-chairman of the 1963 annual campaign of United Cerebral Palsy in
Washington, D.C. |
1965 January | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from left), Donna
Metcalf (third from left), and Senator Mike Mansfield (second from right) meet in
the U.S. Capitol Building with two delegates to the Third Hearst Foundation U.S.
Senate Youth Program in Washington, D.C., held in January 1966. The delegates are
Tom Robinson of Montana (left) and an unidentified girl (right) |
1966 January | |
07: Montana’s two Boys Nation delegates, Jim Leary
of Kalispell and Dick Smiley of Bozeman, visit Senator Mike Mansfield, Senator Lee
Metcalf, and Rep. James Battin in Mansfield’s Senate Majority Leader office in the
U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., on July 27, 1966 |
1966 July 27 | |
08: Senators Mike Mansfield and Lee Metcalf
(center, seated) pose for a photograph with a Christian Citizenship tour group on
the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. The signature line on
the photograph has the following signed note: “To Helen Stark, with best wishes.
Mike Mansfield & Lee Metcalf, U.S. Senators—Montana” |
1966 July | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from left) sits
with an unidentified man and two children during an unidentified
occasion |
1968 June | |
10: Montana’s U.S. Senators greet and discuss the
legislative process with Montana’s delegates to Girls Nation, held from July
28-August 3, 1968, at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. Pictured in the
U.S. Capitol Building are (left to right) Senator Mike Mansfield; Lynn Roberts of
Great Falls; Vickie Christie of Butte; and Senator Lee Metcalf |
circa 1968 July 31 | |
11: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) poses for a
photograph with 5-year old William Frenzel (left) of Middlstown, Connecticut, the
1970 National Cystic Fibrosis poster child for the National Cystic Fibrosis
Research Foundation—photograph by Jules Schick of Philadelphia |
1970 May 25 | |
12: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph with 8-year old Carmen Donesa (right) of Fort Wayne, Indiana, the 1972
March of Dimes National Poster Child, in the U.S. Capitol Building around December
1971—March of Dimes photograph |
Series 23: Constituent PhotographsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries E1: Youth and Student
Groups—General |
Box/Folder | ||
15-2 | U.S. Senate—Constituent Photographs: Youth and
Student Groups (General) |
1972, 1975-1976, 1970s, undated |
01: Two U.S. congressmen’s wives meet with Sharon
Bowman, the 1972 United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) poster child, and Rev. William
Fortner, chairman of the UCP Governmental Activities Committee. The group is
attending a tea time held for wives of members of Congress in Washington, D.C., in
late April 1972, by the United Cerebral Palsy Associations, Inc. Pictured are
(left to right) Betty Seiberling, wife of Rep. John F. Seiberling; Fortner; Bowman
(in wheelchair); and Donna Metcalf |
1972 April | |
02: (Left to right) Senator Mike Mansfield;
Shelley K. Olson of Great Falls; and Senator Lee Metcalf, pose for a photograph on
June 14, 1972, in Mansfield’s Senate Majority Leader’s office in the U.S. Capitol
Building, during Olson’s visit to Washington, D.C. Olson, one of Montana’s
Presidential Scholars, was in the capital as part of a trip sponsored by the
scholar program |
1972 June 14 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) poses for a
photograph with Allison Kay Brannon (center), the 1975 National Cystic Fibrosis
poster child, and her mother at an unidentified location—U.S. News Service
photograph |
1975 | |
04: An unidentified group of young people poses
for a photograph with the Montana’s U.S. Senators on the steps of the U.S. Capitol
Building in Washington, D.C. |
circa 1970s | |
05: A Montana Key Club International group poses
for a photograph with the Montana’s U.S. Senators on the steps of the U.S. Capitol
Building in Washington, D.C. |
undated | |
06: Full-length portrait of Paul Carter Hawkins of
Dillon, Montana, National Muscular Dystrophy poster child |
undated |
Series 23: Constituent PhotographsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries E2: Youth and Student Groups—4-H |
Box/Folder | ||
15-3 | U.S. Senate—Constituent Photographs: 4-H |
1962, 1968-1969, 1973, undated |
01: 4-H Club member Coral Jeanne Powell (left) of
Cardwell, Montana, chats with Senator Mike Mansfield (right) in Mansfield’s office
in the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. Powell was in the capital for a
week of orientation as an International Farm Youth Exchange delegate prior to
going overseas to the island of Formosa (present-day Taiwan) |
1963 April | |
02: Senators Mike Mansfield and Lee Metcalf pose
for a photograph in the U.S. Capitol Senate Reception Room with several Montana
delegates to the Citizenship School at the National 4-H Center in Washington,
D.C., in July 1963. Pictured are (no order) Mrs. Lenhardt; Mary Martha Abbott of
Lewistown; Lauriann White of Lewistown; Dorean Flatness of Lame Deer; and Senators
Mansfield and Metcalf |
1963 July | |
03: Senator Mike Mansfield poses for a photograph
on the U.S. Capitol Building steps on June 25, 1968, with a group of 4-H Club
members from northeast Montana |
1968 June 25 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (left, standing) visits
with 53 members of the Montana 4-H Club who were in Washington, D.C., for the
National 4-H Citizenship Short Course in June 1968 |
1968 June | |
05: Montana 4-H Club delegate Debra Denzer (right)
of Conrad, a delegate to the national conference, presents Senator Lee Metcalf
(left) with an official souvenir of the National 4-H Conference in Metcalf’s
Senate office in Washington, D.C., in April 1969 |
1969 April | |
06: Montana 4-H Club delegate Dennis Haser (right)
of Malta, a delegate to the National 4-H Conference, presents Senator Lee Metcalf
(left) with a 4-H statement of principle, history and symbolism in Metcalf’s
Senate office in Washington, D.C., in April 1969 |
1969 April | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf visits in his Senate
office in Washington, D.C., with Montana’s 4-H delegates to the 1969 National 4H
Conference. Pictured are (left to right) Metcalf; Debra Denzer of Conrad; Dennis
Haser of Malta; Linda Steinmetz of Park City; and Wayne Gillespie of
Kevin |
1969 April | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf (third from left) visits
with Montana’s five delegates to the National 4-H Conference, held April 23-28,
1972, at the National 4-H Center in Washington, D.C. Pictured are (no order) Susan
Ochsner of Miles City; Chuck Toavs of Shawmut; Susan Undem of Glendive; and two
unidentified |
1972 April | |
09: Montana’s senators meet with Montana’s
delegates to the 1973 National 4-H Conference in Washington, D.C. Pictured in the
U.S. Senate Reception Room in April 1973 are (left to right, seated) Senator Mike
Mansfield; John Haase of Glendive; Arlene Williams of Helena; Marie Shirasago of
Hardin; Senator Lee Metcalf; (left to right, standing) Jim Armstrong of Townsend;
and G.W. Vaughn, Montana 4-H Specialist for the Cooperative Extension
Service |
1973 April | |
10: Senator Mike Mansfield (bottom, seated) poses
for a photograph on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building with over fifty Montana
4-H members visiting Washington, D.C. |
undated |
Series 23: Constituent PhotographsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries E3: Youth and Student Groups—Pageant
Contestants and Competitions |
Box/Folder | ||
15-4 | U.S. Senate—Constituent Photographs: Youth and
Student Groups (Pageant Contestants and Competitions) |
1963-1965 |
01: 1963 Montana Cherry Blossom Princess Autumn
Holtz (center) of Floweree holds a box of “Wheanuts” for Senators Mike Mansfield
(left) and Lee Metcalf (right) to sample. Holtz was in Wasington, D.C., for the
Montana State Society’s Cherry Blossom reception for the Montana congressional
delegation in April 1963 |
1963 April | |
02: Senators Mike Mansfield (left) and Lee Metcalf
(right) pose with 1963 Montana Cherry Blossom Princess Autumn Holtz (second from
right) of Floweree and an unidentified woman in Wasington, D.C., at the Montana
State Society’s Montana Cherry Blossom Princess reception in April
1963 |
1963 April | |
03: Senators Mike Mansfield (left) and Lee Metcalf
(right) pose with 1963 Montana Cherry Blossom Princess Autumn Holtz (second from
right), her escort Army Lt. Reginalt Van Ham (center) and an unidentified woman in
Wasington, D.C., at the Montana State Society’s Montana Cherry Blossom Princess
reception in April 1963 |
1963 April | |
04: Montana’s congressional delegation poses with
the 1963 Montana Cherry Blossom Princess, Autumn Holtz, and her escort at the
Montana State Society’s Montana Cherry Blossom Princess reception in April 1963.
Pictured are (left to right) Senator Lee Metcalf; Rep. James R. Battin;
unidentified woman; Holtz’s escort Lt. Reginalt Van Ham; Holtz; Rep. Arnold Olsen;
and Senator Mike Mansfield |
1963 April | |
05: A group of Montanans pose with the 1963
Montana Cherry Blossom Princess, Autumn Holtz, and her escort at the Montana State
Society’s Montana Cherry Blossom Princess reception in April 1963. Pictured are
Senator Lee Metcalf (third from left); Senator Mike Mansfield (fifth from left);
Holtz; Lt. Reginalt Van Ham (fifth from right); and Richard Warden (right),
Senator Metcalf’s legislative assistant |
1963 April | |
06: A group of Montanans pose with the 1963
Montana Cherry Blossom Princess, Autumn Holtz, and her escort at the Montana State
Society’s Montana Cherry Blossom Princess reception in April 1963. Pictured are
Senator Lee Metcalf (left); Holtz; Lt. Reginalt Van Ham (fourth from left); Rep.
James R. Battin (seventh from left); Senator Mike Mansfield (fifth from right);
and Richard Warden (third from right), Senator Metcalf’s legislative
assistant |
1963 April | |
07: Portrait of Bernelle Kaye Joki of Butte,
Montana’s representative to the first Miss American Beauty contest, held in Long
Beach, California, in 1963 |
1963 | |
08: Portrait of Sharon Anderson, Montana’s 1964
Cherry Blossom Princess |
1964 | |
09: Hazel Bowker (right), Montana's 1965 Cherry
Blossom Princess, exits an airplane with her chaperone at the airport, and is
greeted by James L. Kolstad (left), vice-president of the Montana State Society,
upon her arrival in Washington, D.C. Bowker arrived in the capital to participate
in the National Cherry Blossom Festival, held from April 8-11, 1965 |
circa 1965 April 7 |
Series 23: Constituent PhotographsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries E3: Youth and Student Groups—Pageant
Contestants and Competitions |
Box/Folder | ||
15-5 | U.S. Senate—Constituent Photographs: Youth and
Student Groups (Pageant Contestants and Competitions) |
1968-1969, 1971, 1975 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) poses for a
photograph with Theresa Albingier, Montana’s 1968 Cherry Blossom
Princess |
1968 | |
02: A group of Montanans pose for a photograph
with the 1968 Montana Cherry Blossom Princess Theresa Albingier, a student at the
College of Great Falls, at the Montana State Society’s Montana Cherry Blossom
Princess reception for Albingier in the Old Russell Senate Office Building in
Washington, D.C. in April 1968. Pictured are Senator Lee Metcalf (third from
left); Sister Jeanine Gilmartin (fifth from left), faculty member of the College
of Great Falls; Albingier (fifth from right); Rep. James R. Battin (fourth from
right); former U.S. Senator Burton K. Wheeler (second from right); and Rep. Arnold
Olsen (right) |
1968 April | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) visits with Becky
Clark, Montana’s state finalist for the Best Foods’ National College Queen
Pageant, at a reception for the pageant’s state finalists in April 1969. Clark was
a student at Montana State University—U.S. News Service photograph |
1969 April | |
04: Kathleen Anne Kimmitt (right, foreground),
Montana’s 1971 Cherry Blossom Princess, puts a flower in the lapel of Senator Lee
Metcalf (left) at an unidentified event. Kimmitt is the daughter of U.S. Senate
Majority Secretary Joseph Kimmitt—photograph from William A. Ring |
1971 April | |
05: Diane Pacini, 1975 Miss Montana, poses for a
photograph with Senator Lee Metcalf |
1975 |
Series 24: Democratic Photograph Studio Negatives (1960-1978)Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
16-1 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1960-1961 |
01: Rep. Lee Metcalf meets with Senate Democratic
leaders in the U.S. Senate during a meal in August 1960 prior to the fall 1960 state
and national elections. Pictured are (left to right) 1960 Democratic presidential
candidate Senator John F. Kennedy; Senator Henry M. Jackson, National Democratic
Party Chairman; Metcalf; Senate Majority Leader Lyndon B. Johnson; and Senate
Assistant Majority Leader Mike Mansfield |
1960 August | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf, surrounded by files
collected while he was a House member, works temporarily in a conference room
adjoining the auditorium in the new (Dirksen) Senate Office Building in January
1961. Situated next to a broom closet and a service room, Metcalf used the room
while he was waiting for his new Senate office (occupied by Senator Philip Hart) to
become available |
1961 January 6 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf receives a pin from a Cub
Scout on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., as part of an unidentified Boy Scouts of
America program |
1961 January 6 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) laughs with
Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall (right) at an unidentified meeting in
January 1961 following Udall’s appointment as Interior Secretary |
1961 January 13 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf hangs a picture of the
Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Area in his new Senate office, Room 140, in the Old
Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C., in March 1961, after having
worked out of a conference room for two months waiting for an available
office |
1961 March 8 | |
06: Senators Lee Metcalf (left) and Mike Mansfield
(right) hold eight pounds of petitions in April 1961 from Montana duck hunters. The
petitions urged a change by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to transfer Montana
west of the Continental Divide from the Central to the Pacific Flyway for duck
hunting |
1961 April 11 | |
07: Pictured on Capitol Hill with Senator Lee
Metcalf are Montana's delegates to the National 4-H Conference in Washington, D.C.,
held April 22-29, 1961. Pictured are Gerald Berberet (second from left) of Toston;
Joanne E. Talcott (third from left) of Twin Bridges; Metcalf (fourth from left);
Barbara G. Barney (fourth from right) of Billings; and Mike Lamphier (third from
right) of Glasgow |
1961 April 26 | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with five
unidentified people in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1961 May 12 | |
09: An unidentified man and woman sit in Senator Lee
Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1961 May 12 | |
10: Vic Reinemer (right), Senator Metcalf’s
executive secretary, points out something to an unidentified woman on the steps of
the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. |
1961 May 18 | |
11: Vic Reinemer (right), Senator Metcalf’s
executive secretary, poses for a photograph with an unidentified woman on the steps
of the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. |
1961 May 18 | |
16-2 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1961 |
01: Bob and Evelyn Beers (left and right,
respectively) of the Spear T Ranch in Lewistown, Montana, present their folk musical
album to Senator Lee Metcalf (center) in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. The
Beers were in the capital for the 1961 National Folk Festival |
1961 May 18 | |
02: During a visit with Senator Lee Metcalf in
Washington, D.C., Fred Fite (left), of the U.S. Forest Service’s Missoula Regional
office, traces on a relief map some of the proposed boundary changes for the
Selway-Bitterroot Primitive Area during a discussion of wilderness legislation in
the Senator’s office in May 1961 |
1961 May 24 | |
03: The Montana congressional delegation and staff
members pose for a photograph on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building in
Washington, D.C. Pictured are (left to right, back row) Ray Dockstader, Senator
Mansfield’s legislative assistant; Senator Lee Metcalf; Senator Mike Mansfield; Rep.
Arnold Olsen; James N. Smith, Metcalf’s clerical assistant; (left to right, front
row) Vic Reinemer, Metcalf’s executive secretary; Anne L. Sullivan, Mansfield’s
secretarial assistant; Donna Metcalf; Beverly L. Knowles, receptionist-secretary;
and Pat McCarthy |
1961 June 6 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf and several Montanans
present the results of waterfowl banding surveys and other biological studies to
Interior Department officials in July 1961, to show that Montana west of the
Continental Divide should be transferred from the Central to the Pacific Flyway for
duck hunting. Pictured are (left to right) Metcalf; Director Dan Janzen of the
Bureau of Sports Fisheries and Wildlife; Gene Clawson, chairman of the Western
Montana Fish and Game Association’s Migratory Bird Committee; Wynn Freeman, Small
Game Management Chief for the Montana Fish and Game Department; and Assistant
Interior Secretary Frank Briggs |
1961 July 11 | |
05: Senators Lee Metcalf (left) and Mike Mansfield
(second from left) talk with several unidentified men in Metcalf’s Senate office in
Washington, D.C. |
1961 July 26 | |
06: National conservation leaders and Senator Lee
Metcalf meet during the week of August 6-12, 1961, to discuss legislative strategy
regarding the proposed national wilderness preservation system bill. Pictured in
Senator Metcalf’s office around his desk are (left to right, standing) Alden J.
Erskin, president of the Izaak Walton League; Phil Schneider, president of the
International Association of Game, Fish and Conservation Commissioners; Tom Kimball,
executive director of the National Wildlife Federation; Carl W. Buchheister,
president of National Audubon Society; (left to right, seated) C.R. Gutermuth,
chairman of the Natural Resources Council of America; Senator Metcalf; and Ira N.
Gabrielson, president of the Wildlife Management Institute |
1961 August 8 | |
07: George Burger (left), vice-president of the
National Federation of Independent Business, and Senator Lee Metcalf (right) look
over Senate bill S. 2480. The bill would require sale of tires only through
independent dealers |
1961 September 11 | |
08: The Senate confirmed President John F. Kennedy's
nomination of James R. Browning of Belt, clerk of the Supreme Court of the United
States, as a judge of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco. Here,
Browning (center) is flanked by Senators Mike Mansfield (left) and Lee Metcalf
(right) as he appeared in September 1961 before the Senate Judiciary Committee,
which recommended confirmation of Browning |
1961 September 13 | |
09: The Senate confirmed President John F. Kennedy's
nomination of James R. Browning of Belt, clerk of the Supreme Court of the United
States, as a judge of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco. Here,
Browning (center) is flanked by Senators Mike Mansfield (left) and Lee Metcalf
(right) as he appeared in September 1961 before the Senate Judiciary Committee,
which recommended confirmation of Browning |
1961 September 13 | |
10: Senators Mike Mansfield (left) and Lee Metcalf
(right) pose in September 1961 for a photograph in the Senate Judiciary Committee
hearing room during the confirmation hearing for James R. Browning as a judge of the
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals |
1961 September 13 | |
16-3 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1961-1962 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf is given a file by an
unidentified staff member in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
November 9, 1961 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (seated) and his office
staff pose for a photograph in his Senate office, during the group’s first year in
the U.S. Senate. Pictured are (left to right) Brit Englund, administrative
assistant; Vic Reinemer, executive secretary; Helene F. Haliday; Susie Hodge;
Donaldeen White; Beverly L. Knowles, receptionist-secretary; Anne Hoss Bergstrom;
Peggy McLaughlin, Metcalf’s personal secretary; George Ostrom; and Myrna
Salvas |
November 30, 1961 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) talks with Lloyd J.
Skedd (left), a Helena attorney and State of Montana Notary Public, at Metcalf’s
desk in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
November 30, 1961 | |
04-08: Senators Lee Metcalf and Mike Mansfield pose
with Katie S. Louchheim, U.S. State Department special assistant on women's affairs,
in the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C (A print of negative Lot 31 B16/3.08
has the following handwritten note on it: “For Katie Louchheim, with best wishes.
Lee Metcalf, U.S. Senator for Montana”) |
January 25, 1962 | |
09: Judy McVey (right) of Butte visits Senator Lee
Metcalf (left) at his Washington, D.C., Senate office, prior to her leaving for
Chile to spend a year studying on an Inter-American Press Association grant from the
New York Times |
January 26, 1962 | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf (left), a Boy Scout
Commissioner for the Helena District before his election to Congress, gets a pin
from Cub Scout Phillip A. Costaggini (right), age 10, of Washington, D.C., in honor
of the 52nd anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America. Phil is a great-grandson of
Filippo Costaggini, one of the artists who painted the frescos in the Capitol
rotunda |
February 2, 1962 | |
16-4 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1962 |
01: Senators Mike Mansfield and Lee Metcalf meet in
Mansfield’s Senate Majority Leader’s office in the U.S. Capitol Building with an
unidentified group of men (possibly related to the announced construction of a new
smelter to be built near Butte, Montana, by the American Chrome Company) |
1962 February 6 | |
02: A Crow tribal delegation meets during the week
of February 11-17, 1962, with Senator Lee Metcalf. Metcalf told the delegation of
the ruling just issued by the Internal Revenue Service, which exempts from Federal
tax income held in trust for or received by a Native American from sale of livestock
raised on allotted and restricted Native American lands. Pictured are (left to
right) Philip Beaumont; Edward (Posey) Whiteman; Henry Old Coyote; Crow Agency
Superintendent Otto Weaver; James Biglake; Metcalf (seated); Tribal Chairman John
Cummins; Arlis Whiteman; Robert Bends; and Edison Real Bird |
1962 February 16 | |
03: A Crow tribal delegation meets during the week
of February 11-17, 1962, with Senator Lee Metcalf. Metcalf told the delegation of
the ruling just issued by the Internal Revenue Service, which exempts from Federal
tax income held in trust for or received by a Native American from sale of livestock
raised on allotted and restricted Native American lands. Pictured are (left to
right) Philip Beaumont; Edward (Posey) Whiteman; Henry Old Coyote; Crow Agency
Superintendent Otto Weaver; James Biglake; Metcalf (seated); Tribal Chairman John
Cummins; Arlis Whiteman; Robert Bends; and Edison Real Bird |
1962 February 16 | |
04: Senators Lee Metcalf (left) and Mike Mansfield
(right) have a cup of coffee with Glacier National Park Superintendent Edward A.
Hummel in Mansfield’s Senate Majority Leader’s office in the U.S. Capitol Building.
Hummel stopped in the capital after spending two months in Antarctica with the
French Antarctic Expedition |
1962 March 2 | |
05: Two Montana lawyers, Clayton Herron of Helena
(second from left) and Dick Callaghan of Helena (right) (staff director of the
Senate Interior and Insular Affairs Committee), were admitted to practice before the
U.S. Supreme Court. Shortly after their admission, they posed for a photograph
outside the court with Senator Metcalf (third from right), who moved their
admission, and Rep. Arnold Olsen (left), who also signed their
applications |
1962 March 6 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) sits with an
unidentified U.S. Capitol policeman on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. |
1962 March 16 | |
07: Beverly L. Knowles, Senator Metcalf’s office
receptionist and secretary, is pictured seated at her desk with a display of Montana
products, as well as town and industries’ brochures, for visitors to Metcalf’s
Senate office |
1962 March | |
08: Roger Grattan (left), formerly of Missoula, and
Senator Lee Metcalf (right), college friends at Montana State University
(present-day University of Montana), get together in Metcalf’s Senate office in
Washington, D.C. Grattan was returning from visiting his son, an Army officer,
stationed in Germany |
1962 April 3 | |
09: During a visit to Washington, D.C., to meet with
Agriculture Department officials, members of the Montana State Agricultural
Stabilization and Conservation (ASC) Committee visit with both Montana Senators on
Capitol Hill. Pictured are (left to right) Lee Schumacher and his wife, of Malta;
Bob McKenna and his wife, of Bozeman; Senator Lee Metcalf; unidentified woman
(standing); Senator Mike Mansfield; Arthur Anderson of Sioux Pass; J. Viola Herak of
Charlo; George R. Johnston of Cut Bank; and Nick Herak of Charlo |
1962 April 4 | |
10: During a visit to Washington, D.C., to meet with
Agriculture Department officials, members of the Montana State Agricultural
Stabilization and Conservation (ASC) Committee visit with both Montana Senators on
Capitol Hill. Pictured are (left to right) Lee Schumacher and his wife, of Malta;
Bob McKenna and his wife, of Bozeman; Senator Lee Metcalf; Senator Mike Mansfield;
Arthur Anderson of Sioux Pass; Vi Herak of Charlo; George R. Johnston of Cut Bank;
and Nick Herak of Charlo |
1962 April 4 | |
16-5 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1962 |
01: Several men interested in providing a home for
Smokey, the U.S. Forest Service's bear symbol of the Nation's drive against forest
fires, meet with Senator Lee Metcalf in his Senate office in Washington, D.C.
Pictured are (left to right) Metcalf; Dr. Theodore Reed, director of the National
Zoological Park in Washington D.C.; Harry K. Nicholas, assistant to Congressman
Harold Ostertag; and Norman Weeden, director of the Forest Service's cooperative
forest fire prevention program |
1962 April 4 | |
02: In Washington for the national convention of the
Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), DAR Montana delegates visit their
Congressional delegation. Pictured are (left to right) Margaret M. Friedl,
convention page; Korenne K. Krusee of Glasgow, convention page; Senator Lee Metcalf;
Mrs. George P. Palmer of Butte; and Vivian Torkelson of Glasgow |
1962 April 17 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) shakes hands with an
unidentified Montana lawyer outside of the U.S. Supreme Court building, following
the lawyer’s admission to practice before the court |
1962 June 11 | |
04: Montana’s 1962 Boys Nation delegates, Rodney B.
Kovick of Helena and David L. McNicol of Great Falls, visit with the Montana
congressional delegation at the U.S. Capitol. Pictured are (left to right) Rep.
Arnold Olsen; Kovick; Rep. James F. Battin; Senator Mike Mansfield; McNicol; and
Senator Lee Metcalf |
1962 July 23 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) meets with a group
of Japanese Girl Scouts in his Washington, D.C., Senate office. The girls spent
three days in the nation’s capital. Their meeting with Metcalf was part of a “day in
government” designed to provide a better understanding of the U.S. legislative
process |
1962 July 24 | |
06: Richard D. Warden (left) of Great Falls looks
over documents with Senator Lee Metcalf (right) in Metcalf’s Washington, D.C.,
office. Warden is pictured after completing four months of an American Political
Science Association congressional fellowship in Metcalf’s office |
1962 August 9 | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) talks with Lawrence
K. Pettit (left), a legislative assistant for the senator, in Metcalf’s Senate
office in Washington, D.C. |
1962 August 9 | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf (seated) poses at his Senate
office desk with Montana congressional delegation staff members and former interns,
all of whom are former Montana School of Journalism students. Pictured are (left to
right) Joe Braycich of Roundup, U.S. Information Agency Information Officer and
Press Attache heading to Belgrade; George Ostrom of Kalispell; Richard D. Warden of
Great Falls; Teddy Roe of Billings; Vic Reinemer of Circle; and Ray Dockstader of
Terry |
1962 August 12 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) sits in his Senate
office and talks with Peggy McLaughlin (center), Metcalf’s personal secretary, and
Joe Braycich (right), of Roundup, appointed U.S. Information Agency Information
Officer and Press Attache at the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia |
1962 August 12 | |
10: Joyce Siperly (center) lunches in the U.S.
Senate Dining Room with her father, N.D. Siperly (left) of Great Falls, and Senator
Lee Metcalf (right). One of the most popular singers in the capital, Joyce Carr
(Siperly’s professional name) is currently performing at the Lincoln Inn |
1962 August 23 | |
16-6 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1962-1963 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) and Lt. Col. Joseph
F. Garbacz (left), Army Corps of Engineers, discuss charts relating to the Columbia
River projects, which was the subject of a two-day hearing in Washington, D.C., in
September 1962, before the Senate Public Works Subcommittee on Flood Control, Rivers
and Harbors. Subcommittee member Metcalf served as Acting Chairman of the
hearings |
1962 September 6 | |
02: Officials look over a map during a two-day
hearing in Washington, D.C., by the Senate Public Works Subcommittee on Flood
Control, Rivers and Harbors on proposed Columbia Basin projects. Pictured at the
hearing are (left to right) Senator Lee Metcalf; Rep. Arnold Olsen; Assistant
Interior Secretary Kenneth Holum (pointing at the proposed Knowles Dam site); Kinsey
Robinson, board chairman of the Pacific Northwest Power Company; and J.E. Corette,
president and general manager of the Montana Power Company |
1962 September 6 | |
03: At an unveiling in Vice-President Lyndon B.
Johnson’s office, U.S. Senate Postmaster Dave Jennings (left) shows a sheet of the
new former House of Representatives Speaker Sam Rayburn commemorative four-cent
stamps to Senator Lee Metcalf (right). In the background is an enlarged version of
the new stamp |
1962 September 21 | |
04: Copy negative of Lot 31 B1/5.05 |
1962 December 14 | |
05: Children of Senators Metcalf’s staff are
pictured around a Christmas tree in the Secretaries’ Room of Metcalf’s office,
during the yearly office Christmas party thrown by Lee and Donna Metcalf. Thirteen
children were present, including four Reinemer children, three Englund children, two
Warden children, two White children, and two Freebourn children. Present are Eric
Englund (background center, seated on chair in dark shirt); Karl Englund (background
center, seated on chair to right of Eric, in light clothing); Gretchen Englund
(older girl to the left of table, seated); Michael Freeborn, aged three months (held
by mother next to table); Mrs. Freeborn (in front of table, in light clothes holding
baby); Gerry Englund, Brit Englund’s wife (background, seated next to filing
cabinet, smoking); and Senator Metcalf (far right) |
1962 December 20 | |
06-07: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) talks in his
Senate office in Washington, D.C., with Montana high school student Gary W. Nystul
(left) of Columbus, as they look over the 1964 Congressional Budget. Nystul visited
Metcalf as part of the First Hearst Foundation U.S. Senate Youth Program |
1963 January 23 | |
08-09: Chris Buker (left), a 10-year old Cub Scout
from Rockville, Maryland, is pictured presenting a Scout Emblem to Senator Lee
Metcalf (right), as part of the 53rd anniversary of the Boy Scouts of
America |
1963 February 2 | |
10: Dr. Arnold W. Bolle, Dean of the Montana State
University School of Forestry (present-day University of Montana), testified before
the U.S. Senate Interior Committee, in support of a bill to establish a land and
water conservation fund to assist state and federal governments in meeting outdoor
recreation needs. Pictured are (left to right) Agriculture Secretary Orville L.
Freeman; Senator Lee Metcalf; Bolle; and Interior Secretary Stewart
Udall |
1963 March 6 | |
16-7 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1962-1963 |
01-02: In Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington,
D.C., Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and Mary D. Munger of Helena, executive director of
the Montana Nurses Association, discuss in March 1963 legislation of interest to the
nursing profession |
1963 March 21 | |
03: Robert O’Leary (left) shakes hands with Senator
Lee Metcalf (right) in front of the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C.,
in March 1963. O'Leary, Assistant U.S. Attorney in Butte, was admitted to practice
before the U.S. Supreme Court on Metcalf’s nomination |
1963 March 28 | |
04: Montana’s U.S. Senators have a meal with two men
in the U.S. Senate Dining Room in Washington, D.C. Pictured are (left to right,
seated) Bob Harris; Senator Mike Mansfield; Senator Lee Metcalf; and Peter E.
Terzick, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America general
treasurer |
1963 April 1 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) visits in
Washington, D.C., with Mrs. Richard B. Griffing, president of the Montana League of
Women Voters, and Mrs. M.Y. Foster of Missoula |
1963 May 8 | |
06: On the steps of the Supreme Court, Rep. Arnold
Olsen (left) shakes hands with an unidentified Montana lawyer, who was recently
admitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. |
1963 June 3 | |
07: On the steps of the Supreme Court, Rep. Arnold
Olsen (left) shakes hands with an unidentified Montana lawyer, who was recently
admitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. |
1963 June 3 | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) poses on the steps
of the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C., with Tom Murray (left) and
Missoula County Senator Edward Dussault (right). Both men, who testified before the
House Public Works Committee for Knowles Dam, were admitted to practice before the
court on Metcalf’s nomination |
1963 June 3 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) poses on the steps
of the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C., with Tom Murray (left) and
Missoula County Senator Edward Dussault (right). Both men, who testified before the
House Public Works Committee for Knowles Dam, were admitted to practice before the
court on Metcalf’s nomination |
1963 June 3 | |
10: Rep. Arnold Olsen (second from left) poses on
the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C., with Tom Murray
(left); an unidentified Montana lawyer (second from right); and Missoula County
Senator Edward Dussault (right) |
1963 June 3 | |
11: Rep. Arnold Olsen (second from left) poses on
the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C., with Tom Murray
(left); an unidentified Montana lawyer (second from right); and Missoula County
Senator Edward Dussault (right) |
1963 June 3 | |
16-8 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1963 |
01: On Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., Senator Lee
Metcalf (center) shows two unidentified men drawings of an unidentified waterway
project |
1963 June 3 | |
02-03: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with Myrna
Salvas (right), a member of Metcalf’s office staff, while sitting on a couch in
Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1963 June 14 | |
04-05: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) meets with members
of an Indian Parliamentary delegation in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. The
delegation was touring the United States as part of the U.S. State Department’s
Foreign Leader Exchange Program. Pictured are (left to right) Metcalf; Violet Alva,
Deputy Speaker of the Council of States; Maheswar Nath Kaul, Secretary of the House
of People; Hukam Singh, House of People Speaker (wearing pagri on head); Diwan Chand
Sharma, member of the House of People; unidentified person; unidentified person; and
unidentified person |
1963 June 25 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) visits on Capitol
Hill with Montana’s two Boys Nation delegates in Washington, D.C., Mike Pichette
(left) of Great Falls and Luther Garris (center) of Billings |
1963 July 22 | |
07-08: Photographs of the 1964 Montana territorial
centennial logo on the door to Senator Lee Metcalf’s Senate office door |
1963 August 1 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf and his wife Donna are given
a silver and mahogany tray at a party thrown for them by Metcalf’s Senate office
staff on August 21, 1963, to celebrate the Metcalfs’ silver wedding
anniversary |
1963 August 21 | |
10: Two unidentified people (possibly members of
Senator Metcalf’s staff) hold a silver pitcher during a party in Metcalf’s Senate
office, thrown on August 21, 1963 by Metcalf’s staff for Lee and Donna Metcalf’s
silver wedding anniversary |
1963 August 21 | |
16-9 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1963 |
01-04: Photographs of Donna Metcalf sitting in
Senator Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1963 September 3 | |
05-06: Members of Girl Scouts Troop 1076 of
Hyattsville, Maryland, present Senator Lee Metcalf with copies of new Girl Scouts of
America handbooks. Pictured are (left to right) Metcalf; Mary Catherine O’Connor;
and Mary Elizabeth McQuillan |
1963 September 11 | |
07: In Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C.,
Senator Lee Metcalf (left) meets with Mrs. Robert C. Lemm (center) and Mrs. Kevin P.
Shannon (right) of Butte, to discuss the educational needs of mentally and
physically disabled children |
1963 October 25 | |
08-09: (Left to right) Boyd Rasmussen, Regional
Forester in Missoula; Senator Lee Metcalf; and Neal M. Rahm look over a plastic
relief map of western Montana while discussing forest issues |
1963 November 13 | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) is pictured during
filming in the U.S. Senate Recording Studio on December 2, 1963, for a “Report from
Washington” film on issues related to American railroads. Pictured at the interview
desk with Metcalf are Jesse Clark (right), President of the Brotherhood of Railroad
Signalmen, and Norman Paige (left), interview moderator |
1963 December 2 | |
11: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right) poses in
the U.S. Capitol Building with several Montanans. Present is Maurice Driscoll
(right), director of vocational education for Butte School District No.
1 |
1963 December 6 | |
12-13: Senator Lee Metcalf is pictured with an
unidentified group on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. |
1963 December 11 | |
14: (Left to right) Lt. Col. Ralph Kristoferson,
assistant director of civil works for the Army Corps of Engineers; Robert C.
Thompson, Corps engineer; Senator Lee Metcalf; and Senator Quentin Burdick (D-ND),
review Army Corps of Engineers activity in the Northern Great Plains in December
1963 |
1963 December 19 | |
16-10 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1964 |
01-02: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) shakes hands with
an unidentified man in Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1964 January 28 | |
03: (Left to right) Karen Lindblom; Mrs. Chester
Lindblom of Outlook, Montana, president of the Montana Ladies Auxiliary to the
Veterans of Foreign Wars; and Senator Lee Metcalf, member of the Senate Subcommittee
on Veterans Affairs, discuss veterans legislation in Metcalf’s Senate office in
Washington, D.C |
1964 February 4 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) discuss the new
Badlands Cooperative State Grazing District agreement with (left to right) Bureau of
Land Management Director Charles H Stoddard; John A. Carver, Jr., Assistant
Secretary of the Interior; Raymond Dockstader, Senator Mansfield’s legislative
assistant; and Robert Wolf, assistant to the Bureau of Land Management
Director |
1964 February 10 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf, seated as his Senate office
desk, looks over a document with several unidentified men |
1964 February 10 | |
06: Cub Scout Bruce Clemence (right) of Pack 1370 of
Manassas Park, Virginia, pins a Boy Scout emblem on Senator Lee Metcalf in the
Metcalf’s Senate office during Boy Scout Anniversary Week in February
1964 |
1964 February 14 | |
07-08: Senator Lee Metcalf receives first-day cover
letters of the Charles M. Russell postage stamp from U.S. Senate Postmaster David
Jennings on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., in March 1964 |
1964 March 23 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with an
unidentified person (possibly a congressional intern) in his Senate office in
Washington, D.C. |
1964 April 14 | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with an
unidentified person (possibly a student congressional intern) in his Senate office
in Washington, D.C. |
1964 April 14 | |
16-11 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1964 |
01: Montana’s Senators Mike Mansfield and Lee
Metcalf pose for a photograph with Vic Reinemer (center) and two unidentified
people, in front of a portrait of Daniel Webster in the Senate Reception Room in the
U.S. Capitol. The senators were congratulating Reinemer for receiving an $8,000
research fellowship from the American Political Science Association |
1964 April 16 | |
02: Montana’s Senators Mike Mansfield (left) and Lee
Metcalf (right) pose for a photograph with Vic Reinemer (center), in front of a
portrait of Daniel Webster in the Senate Reception Room in the U.S. Capitol. The
senators were congratulating Reinemer for receiving an $8,000 research fellowship
from the American Political Science Association |
1964 April 16 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) shakes hands with
Laurel Jean Jensen (right), Montana’s Betty Crocker “Homemaker of Tomorrow”, during
Jensen’s visit to Washington, D.C. Looking on is Jensen’s chaperon Helen Garrett of
Missoula |
1964 April 29 | |
04: Senator Lee and Donna Metcalf (second and third
from left, respectively) pose for a photograph with several unidentified women in
the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. |
1964 May 1 | |
05-06: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) looks over a
document with an unidentified man in his Senate office in Washington,
D.C. |
1964 May 8 | |
07: Walter S. Wetzel (left) of Browning, Montana, a
leader of the Blackfeet Tribe of Montana and president of the National Congress of
American Indians, presents Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right) in Washington,
D.C., with a gavel bearing Metcalf's Indian name—“Und-Sta-Ochi,” meaning “Met Calf”.
Pictured at the presentation are Frank Trombley (second from left) and Roland
Kennerly (right). The three men were in the capital for the American Indian Capital
Conference on Poverty, held May 9-12, 1964 |
1964 May 11 | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf (center), holding a gavel
presented him by Walter Wetzel, talks with two unidentified Native American
delegates to the American Indian Capital Conference on Poverty, held May 9-12, 1964,
in Washington, D.C. |
1964 May 11 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (right, foreground)
congratulates an unidentified Montana lawyer on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court
building in Washington, D.C. The lawyer was admitted to practice before the U.S.
Supreme Court on Senator Metcalf’s nomination |
1964 May 16 | |
10: In Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C.,
Senator Lee Metcalf (left) looks at a pin on an unidentified man’s suit coat
lapel |
1964 May 21 | |
16-12 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1964 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (left), sitting at a
conference table in a Capitol Hill office in Washington, D.C., talks with four
unidentified girls (possibly student visit) |
1964 June 26 | |
02-03: Creath Tooley (center), Northwest regional
director of the Office of Emergency Planning, reports to Senators Lee Metcalf (left)
and Mike Mansfield (right) on disaster assistance to victims of the Montana flood.
Tooley, who was in charge of disaster relief following the Alaskan earthquake and
the Montana flood, was from Red Lodge, Montana |
1964 July 9 | |
04: Sue Erickson (left) of Glendive, shows her
bowling form to Senator Lee Metcalf (center) and Mrs. Ray Malinski (right) of
Glendive, Erickson’s chaperon, in Metcalf’s Senate office. Erickson was Montana's
representative at the Fourth Annual National Youth Bowling Championship, held in
Washington, D.C. |
1964 July 24 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph with Montana delegate Douglas J. Mason (right), a National Safe Driving
Road E-O finalist, at an unidentified event holding a “Montana” sign |
1964 July 27 | |
06: An unidentified family poses for a photograph
with an unidentified man in the Vice-President’s office in the U.S. Capitol building
in Washington, D.C. |
1964 August | |
07: An unidentified family poses for a photograph
with an unidentified man in the Vice-President’s office in the U.S. Capitol building
in Washington, D.C. |
1964 August | |
08-10: Senator Lee Metcalf and an unidentified man
talk on telephones in Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1964 September 29 | |
16-13 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1964-1965 |
01-02: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) looks over
documents with Dr. Roland R. Renne (left), head of the Interior Department’s Office
of Water Resources Research, in Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C., on
October 1, 1964 |
1964 October 1 | |
03-05: Senator Lee Metcalf poses for a photograph on
the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C., with two
unidentified Montana lawyers. The lawyers were admitted to practice before the U.S.
Supreme Court on Senator Metcalf’s nomination |
1965 January 26 | |
06: Donna Metcalf uses a typewriter in Senator
Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1965 January 26 | |
07-09: Senator Lee Metcalf poses for a photograph
with two unidentified Native American women in his Senate office in Washington,
D.C. |
1965 January 26 | |
10: Members of an unidentified U.S. Senate committee
are pictured at the committee desk during a hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington.
Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right); Senator Quentin Burdick (D-ND); Senator
Ralph Yarborough (D-TX); and Senator Peter H. Dominick (R-CO) are members of the
committee |
1965 January 26 | |
11: Senator Mike Mansfield and several unidentified
men testify during an unidentified U.S. Senate committee hearing on Capitol Hill in
Washington, D.C. Senator Lee Metcalf; Senator Quentin Burdick (D-ND); Senator Ralph
Yarborough (D-TX); and Senator Peter H. Dominick (R-CO) are members of the
committee |
1965 January 26 | |
12: Senator Mike Mansfield points to a map while
testifying before an unidentified U.S. Senate committee on Capitol Hill in
Washington, D.C., while audience members at the hearing look on. Senator Lee
Metcalf; Senator Quentin Burdick (D-ND) (second from right); Senator Ralph
Yarborough (D-TX); and Senator Peter H. Dominick (R-CO) are members of the
committee |
1965 January 26 | |
13: Senators Lee Metcalf (fourth from right) and
Gaylord Nelson (D-WI) (right) talk with several unidentified people during a break
for an unidentified U.S. Senate committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington,
D.C. |
1965 January 26 | |
14-21: Senators Lee Metcalf and Ralph Yarborough
hear testimony during an unidentified U.S. Senate committee hearing (possibly the
Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare) on Capitol Hill in Washington,
D.C. |
1965 January 26 | |
22: An unidentified scout pins a Boy Scout emblem on
Senator Lee Metcalf’s lapel in the senator’s office, during Boy Scout Anniversary
Week in February 1965 |
1965 February 3 | |
23: Members of the Crow Tribe and Senator Lee
Metcalf discuss the proposed Big Horn Recreation area during hearings before the
U.S. Senate Parks and Recreation Committee. Pictured are (left to right) Edison Real
Bird, Crow tribal attorney; Bert Kronmiller of Hardin; Henry Old Coyote; and
Metcalf. The committee heard testimony in support of the area which would be
developed when Yellowtail Dam was completed |
1965 February 4 | |
16-14 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1965 |
01-07: Senator Lee Metcalf pictured during filming
for one of his weekly “Report from Washington” film segments in the Senate Recording
Studio, in the basement of the Old Russell Senate Office Building in Washington,
D.C. Cameramen, director, and television set pieces can be seen as Metcalf discusses
President Lyndon B. Johnson’s newly-introduced 1966 budget for his constituents
about February 5, 1965 |
1965 February 5 | |
08-12: Views of Senator Lee Metcalf’s staff working
in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1965 February 5 | |
13: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) shakes hands with
an unidentified man in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. Alfred J. Petit-Clair
(left), Executive Board Member of the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter
Workers, look on |
1965 March 4 | |
14: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) discusses mining
legislation with Alfred J. Petit-Clair (right), Executive Board Member of the
International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, in Metcalf’s Senate office in
Washington, D.C. |
1965 March 4 | |
16-15 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1965 |
01: Peace Corps veteran Paul Vogelgesang of
Kalispell talks with Senator Lee Metcalf in the Senate Recording Studio about his
experiences in the Peace Corps, while he was in the capital to attend the first
annual Peace Corps conference in Washington, D.C, IN March 1965. Vogelgesang served
as an agriculture extension specialist in Peru for two years |
1965 March 8 | |
02: Peace Corps veteran Nancy Gabbert of Great Falls
talks with Senator Lee Metcalf in the Senate Recording Studio about her experiences
in the Peace Corps, while she was in the capital to attend the first annual Peace
Corps conference in Washington, D.C, IN March 1965. Gabbert taught English to
ninth-grade Moroccan students for a year and a half |
1965 March 8 | |
03: Peace Corps veterans Nancy Gabbert of Great
Falls and Paul Vogelgesang of Kalispell talk with Senator Lee Metcalf in the Senate
Recording Studio about their experiences in the Peace Corps, while they were in the
capital to attend the first annual Peace Corps conference in Washington, D.C, IN
March 1965. Gabbert taught English to ninth-grade Moroccan students for a year and a
half, and Vogelgesang served as an agriculture extension specialist in Peru for two
years |
1965 March 8 | |
04-06: Donna Metcalf is pictured in Senator
Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1965 March 10 | |
07: The U.S. Senate Indian Affairs Subcommittee,
headed by Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right), listens to testimony from Chief
Commissioner Arthur V. Watkins (second from left, white hair) of the Indian Claims
Commission, in a conference room on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. |
1965 March 16 | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf (left, facing away from
viewer) and subcommittee members listen to Chief Commissioner Arthur V. Watkins
(fourth from right, white hair) of the Indian Claims Commission, during his
testimony before the U.S. Senate Indian Affairs Subcommittee, headed by Metcalf, on
Capitol Hill. Also pictured is Rep. David S. King of Utah (second from
left) |
1965 March 16 | |
09: The U.S. Senate Indian Affairs Subcommittee,
headed by Senator Lee Metcalf, listens to testimony from Chief Commissioner Arthur
V. Watkins (second from right, white hair) of the Indian Claims Commission, in a
conference room on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.09: The U.S. Senate Indian
Affairs Subcommittee, headed by Senator Lee Metcalf, listens to testimony from Chief
Commissioner Arthur V. Watkins (second from right, white hair) of the Indian Claims
Commission, in a conference room on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. |
1965 March 16 | |
10: The U.S. Senate Indian Affairs Subcommittee,
headed by Senator Lee Metcalf, listens to testimony from Chief Commissioner Arthur
V. Watkins (second from left, white hair) of the Indian Claims Commission, in a
conference room on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. |
1965 March 16 | |
11: Senator Lee Metcalf talks with three
unidentified women in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1965 March 18 | |
12-13: Senator Lee Metcalf (third from right) and
Ray Dockstader (right), Senator Mansfield’s legislative assistant, meet with several
unidentified people in Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1965 March 19 | |
14-15: Senator Metcalf (left) talks with two
unidentified men in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1965 April 1 | |
16: Senator Lee Metcalf (right, seated at desk)
looks over documents with an unidentified office staff member (possibly a
congressional intern) in Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1965 April 1 | |
17: Senator Lee Metcalf (right, seated at desk)
looks over documents with an unidentified office staff member (possibly a
congressional intern) in Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1965 April 1 | |
18: (Left to right) Senator Lee Metcalf; Hazel
Bowker, the 1965 Montana Cherry Blossom Festival Princess; and Rep. James Battin
talk at a Montana State Society Cherry Blossom Reception in Washington, D.C., on
April 5, 1965 |
1965 April 1 | |
19: Senator Lee Metcalf pins a corsage on the dress
of Montana’s 1965 Cherry Blossom Festival Princess Hazel Bowker, at a Montana State
Society Cherry Blossom Reception in Washington, D.C., on April 5, 1965 |
1965 April 5 | |
20: Senator Mike Mansfield (right) assists pinning a
corsage on the dress of Montana’s 1965 Cherry Blossom Festival Princess Hazel
Bowker, at a Montana State Society Cherry Blossom Reception in Washington, D.C., on
April 5, 1965 |
1965 April 5 | |
21: State Department Junior Foreign Officer Walter
J. Kearns (right) of Miles City and Senator Lee Metcalf (left) discuss the
importance of the Congressional Record as a document of the U.S. Congress. Kearns
was assigned to Metcalf's office for a two-week orientation period to become better
acquainted with the function of Congress, prior to leaving for a State Department
assignment in Thailand |
1965 April 5 | |
22: Senator Lee Metcalf (center, standing) stands
behind Montana’s 1965 Cherry Blossom Festival Princess Hazel Bowker at the National
Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C., at an event in the Shoreham
Hotel |
1965 April 7 | |
23-24: Senators Mike Mansfield and Lee Metcalf pose
for a photograph with the 1965 National Muscular Dystrophy Poster Child Paul Carter
Hawkins (center) of Dillon, Montana, in an office on Capitol Hill in Washington,
D.C. on April 9, 1965 |
1965 April 7 | |
25-26: Secretary of Treasury Henry H. Fowler (right)
and Senator Lee Metcalf share a laugh on the set of the Senate Recording Studio in
Washington, D.C. Fowler appeared as a guest on one of Metcalf’s weekly “Washington
Report” television programs in April 1965, discussing with Metcalf Fowler’s recent
appointment as the new Treasury Secretary and changes in the Treasury Department
(the program may have been shot on April 21, 1965, and the negatives placed in an
earlier-dated negative envelop with the April 9, 1965, date) April 9,
1965 |
1965 April 9 | |
27-28: Senator Lee Metcalf talks with Willamette
Youpee, a Sioux tribal member and Metcalf office staff member, in his Senate office
in Washington, D.C. |
1965 April 9 | |
16-16 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1965 |
01-02: Senator Lee Metcalf, sitting as his desk in
his Senate office, signs an unidentified document (possibly signing the Elementary
and Secondary Education Act of 1965) |
1965 April 13 | |
03: Photograph of an exhibit panel for an
unidentified congressional hearing. Panel labeled “The Air Over Montana: Suspended
Particulate Pollution” |
1965 April 13 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf sits at his desk in his
Senate office on April 13, 1965, just before the Easter congressional
recess |
1965 April 13 | |
05-08: In his capacity as Acting President Pro
Tempore of the U.S. Senate, Senator Lee Metcalf (right) signs the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act of 1965 at his Senate office desk on the morning of
Saturday, April 10, 1965, after the bill had passed Congress |
1965 April 22 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) looks over a copy of
H.R. 2362, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, in his congressional
office in Washington, D.C., with Montana Attorney General Forrest H. Anderson
(right) |
1965 April 28 | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) shakes hands with
Esther A. Warford (right), Montana’s winner of the Betty Crocker “Homemaker of
Tomorrow” competition, as Sister Ancilla Marie (center) of Sacred Heart Academy
looks on. Warford met with Senator Metcalf in April 1965 during a trip she won for
receiving the honor |
1965 April 28 | |
11: (Left to right) Senator J. Caleb Boggs (R-DE);
Senator Lee Metcalf; and Senator Clifford P. Case, Jr. (R-NJ), are pictured at the
committee desk during one of the first hearings by the 1965-1966 U.S. Congress Joint
Committee on the Organization of Congress |
1965 May 10 | |
12-13: Senator Lee Metcalf and an unidentified U.S.
Senator sit in a Senate committee hearing room with several witnesses and a
stenographer, prior to the beginning of an unidentified hearing (possibly Senate
Committee on Public Works) |
1965 May 21 | |
17-1 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1965 |
01-02: In front of the U.S. Supreme Court, Montana
State University Law School graduates Thomas Towe (second from left) of Circle and
Thomas Kennedy of Missoula (second from right) are congratulated by Senator Lee
Metcalf (left) and Rep. Arnold Olsen (right), following the lawyers’ admission to
practice before the U.S. Supreme Court |
1965 June 7 | |
03-04: An unidentified man is seated somewhere on
Capitol Hill (possibly Senate Recording Studio) |
1965 June 22 | |
05-06: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph with an unidentified group of Montanan youth in the U.S. Capitol in
Washington, D.C. |
1965 June 23 | |
07-08: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with an
unidentified man in Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1965) June 30 | |
09-10: Major General William W. Lapsley (left,
kneeling), of the Army Corps of Engineers, discusses Northwest water resource
development with Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right) and Rep. Arnold Olsen
(right) |
1965 June 19 | |
11: Representatives of the Army Corps of Engineers
meet with the Montana congressional delegation in June 1965 in Washington, D.C., to
discuss Northwest water resource development. Pictured looking over a map are (left
to right) Ray Dockstader, Mansfield’s legislative assistant; Lt. Col. Joseph F.
Garbacz, assistant director of civil works; Gordon Fernald, chief of the planning
division of the Northern Pacific Divisions; Major General Robert G. MacDonnell,
director of civil works; Major General William W. Lapsley, Northern Pacific Division
Engineer; Rep. Arnold Olsen; and Senator Lee Metcalf |
1965 June 19 | |
12-13: Radio-TV commentator Joseph McCaffrey (right)
and Senator Lee Metcalf (left) discuss the work of the U.S. Congress Joint Committee
on the Organization of Congress on “McCaffrey’s Washington,” a weekly congressional
radio program aired on station WMAL in Washington, D.C. |
1965 July 6 | |
17-2 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1965 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) accompanies
Montana’s two representatives, Benjamin T. Marchello (left) and Ralph L. Erion
(right), to the third annual National Youth Science Camp in Washington, D.C., in
July 1965 |
1965 July 8 | |
02-03: In Metcalf’s Senate office, Senator Lee
Metcalf and SP/4 Allen Youpee discuss the Dominican Republic situation, from where
Youpee has just returned as a medic with the 82nd Airborne. While in Washington,
D.C., Youpee appeared as a guest on one of Metcalf’s weekly “Report from Washington”
film segments, shot in the Senate Recording Studio |
1965 July 13 | |
04-10: Senator Lee Metcalf and his office staff are
pictured working in Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1965 July 23 | |
11: Senator Lee Metcalf works at the typewriter in
his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1965 July 23 | |
12: Senator Lee Metcalf grabs a United States Code
book from a book shelf, while sitting at his desk in his Senate office |
1965 July 23 | |
13-14: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) dictates a letter
to his personal secretary Peggy McLaughlin (left) in his Senate office in
Washington, D.C. |
1965 July 23 | |
15-18: Senator Lee Metcalf is pictured as he poses
on July 9, 1965, around the U.S. Capitol, for a series of photographs by a National
Rural Electrical Cooperative Association (NRECA) photographer. These photographs
were taken by a Senate Democratic Photograph Studio photographer, who Metcalf also
had capture the senator during the NRECA shoot |
1965 July 23 | |
19: Senator Lee Metcalf is pictured as he poses on
July 9, 1965, at the base of the steps of the U.S. Capitol, for a series of
photographs by a National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association (NRECA)
photographer. This photograph was taken by a Senate Democratic Photograph Studio
photographer, who Metcalf also had capture the senator during the NRECA
shoot |
1965 July 23 | |
20: Senator Lee Metcalf is pictured heading towards
his house as he poses on July 9, 1965, around the U.S. Capitol, for a series of
photographs by a National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association (NRECA)
photographer. This photograph was taken by a Senate Democratic Photograph Studio
photographer, who Metcalf also had capture the senator during the NRECA
shoot |
1965 July 23 | |
21-22: Senator Lee Metcalf is pictured as he poses
on July 9, 1965, at the base of the steps of the U.S. Capitol, for a series of
photographs by a National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association (NRECA)
photographer. These photographs were taken by a Senate Democratic Photograph Studio
photographer, who Metcalf also had capture the senator during the NRECA
shoot |
1965 July 23 | |
23: Senator Lee Metcalf is pictured as he poses on
July 9, 1965, on the west terrace of the U.S. Capitol, for a series of photographs
by a National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association (NRECA) photographer. This
photograph was taken by a Senate Democratic Photograph Studio photographer, who
Metcalf also had capture the senator during the NRECA shoot |
1965 July 23 | |
24: Senator Lee Metcalf looks over a book in the
Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., as he poses on July 9, 1965, for a series
of photographs by a National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association (NRECA)
photographer. This photographs was taken by a Senate Democratic Photograph Studio
photographer, who Metcalf also had capture the senator during the NRECA
shoot |
1965 July 23 | |
25-28: Senator Lee Metcalf is pictured as he poses
on July 9, 1965, around the U.S. Capitol building, for a series of photographs by a
National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association (NRECA) photographer. These
photographs were taken by a Senate Democratic Photograph Studio photographer, who
Metcalf also had capture the senator during the NRECA shoot |
1965 July 23 | |
29: Senator Lee Metcalf studies legal codes and
legislation in the Library of Congress in July 1965 in Washington, D.C. |
1965 July 23 | |
30: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) says goodnight to a
U.S. Capitol janitor as the senator leaves his office late in the evening for his
home in Washington, D.C., in July 1965 |
1965 July 23 | |
31: Senator Lee Metcalf is pictured as he poses on
July 9, 1965, on the west terrace of the U.S. Capitol, for a series of photographs
by a National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association (NRECA) photographer. This
photograph was taken by a Senate Democratic Photograph Studio photographer, who
Metcalf asked also to capture the senator during the NRECA shoot |
1965 July 23 | |
32: Senator Lee Metcalf studies legal codes and
legislation in the Library of Congress in July 1965 in Washington, D.C. |
1965 July 23 | |
17-3 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1965 |
01: Copy negative of Lot 31 B13/16.02 |
1965 July 26 | |
02: Copy negative of Lot 31 B13/16.05 |
1965 July 26 | |
03-08: Senators Lee Metcalf and Mike Mansfield greet
people prior to a breakfast hosted by the senators for the 105 members of the
Montana Farmers Union, during the union’s “Legislative Fly-In” in Washington,
D.C. |
1965 July 28 | |
09: Senators Lee Metcalf and Mike Mansfield are
seated at a breakfast hosted by the senators for the 105 members of the Montana
Farmers Union, during the union’s “Legislative Fly-In” in Washington,
D.C. |
1965 July 28 | |
10-11: Montana Farmers Union members are seated at a
breakfast hosted by Senators Metcalf and Mansfield, during the union’s “Legislative
Fly-In” in Washington, D.C. |
1965 July 28 | |
12-14: Senator Lee Metcalf shakes hands with
unidentified Montana Farmers Union members at a breakfast hosted by Senators Metcalf
and Mansfield, during the union’s “Legislative Fly-In” in Washington,
D.C. |
1965 July 28 | |
15: Senators Lee Metcalf and Mike Mansfield are
seated at a breakfast hosted by the senators for the 105 members of the Montana
Farmers Union, during the union’s “Legislative Fly-In” in Washington,
D.C. |
1965 July 28 | |
16-17: Senators Lee Metcalf talks to Montana Farmers
Union members at a breakfast hosted by Senators Metcalf and Mansfield, during the
union’s “Legislative Fly-In” in Washington, D.C. |
1965 July 28 | |
18-20: Unidentified Montana Farmers Union members
stand and talk at a breakfast hosted by Senators Metcalf and Mansfield, during the
union’s “Legislative Fly-In” in Washington, D.C. |
1965 July 28 | |
21: Montana Farmers Union members are seated at a
breakfast hosted by Senators Metcalf and Mansfield, during the union’s “Legislative
Fly-In” in Washington, D.C. |
1965 July 28 | |
22: Senators Lee Metcalf and Quentin N. Burdick
(D-ND) sit on the steps of the U.S. Capitol for a group photograph with Montana
Farmers Union members, during the union’s “Legislative Fly-In” in Washington,
D.C. |
1965 July 28 | |
23-30: Senator Lee Metcalf poses for photographs in
August 1965 on the lawn in front of the East Front of the U.S. Capitol, as part of a
photograph shoot for the book Metcalf of Montana |
1965 August 2 | |
17-4 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1965 |
01-02: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks in his
Senate office with an unidentified man in Washington, D.C. |
1965 August 4 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) salutes Senator Mike
Mansfield as they enter Mansfield’s Senate Majority Leader office in the U.S.
Capitol |
1965 August 4 | |
04-05: An unidentified man and Senator Lee Metcalf
(right) look over two photograph proofs taped to a door in Metcalf’s Senate office
in Washington, D.C. |
1965 August 16 | |
06: (Left to right) Senators Lee Metcalf; George
McGovern (D-SD); Quentin N. Burdick (D-ND); and Walter Mondale (D-MN), look over a
copy of H.R. 9511, the McGovern version of the Senate-approved Food and Agriculture
Act of 1965. Fought for by the four senators, the McGovern version of the act
increased wheat support prices for farmers to $1.84 ½ per bushel |
1965 September 13 | |
07-11: Several U.S. Senators hold a meeting in
Senator Lee Metcalf’s office (possibly regarding the Food and Agriculture Act of
1965). Present (identified) are Senators Lee Metcalf; George McGovern; Quentin N.
Burdick; Vance Hartke; and Gaylord Nelson |
1965 September 15 | |
17-5 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1966 |
01-02: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) and Treasury
Secretary Henry H. Fowler (left) have a discussion (possibly regarding increased
interest rates on U.S. savings bonds) in Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington,
D.C. |
1966 January 14 | |
03-04: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) discusses the
Elementary and Secondary Education Act with Ralph K. Huitt (second from left),
Assistant Secretary for Legislation of the Department of Health, Education, and
Welfare; Mary Miller (second from right), Metcalf’s legislative assistant; and
Samuel Halperin (right), Assistant Commissioner for Legislation of the Office of
Education |
1966 January 21 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (left), leaning against a
box labeled “Byrd Apples”, talks with an unidentified young man in Metcalf’s Senate
office |
1966 January 21 | |
06-08: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) holds a discussion
with two unidentified men in Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1966 January 25 | |
09-10: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and U.S.
Postmaster General Lawrence O’Brien are pictured on set in the Senate Recording
Studio, during the filming for one of Metcalf’s weekly “Washington Report” film
segments. Metcalf and O’Brien discussed the U.S. Post Office’s new $65 million
mechanization program |
1966 January 25 | |
11-20: Senator Lee Metcalf staffers hold statistical
signs and charts on the 1966-1967 Office of Economic Opportunity programs and
budget, used for unidentified Senate committee hearings |
1966 February 3 | |
21-22: Randall Leigh Lyhus (left), 10-year old Cub
Scout from Hyattsville, Maryland, presents Senator Lee Metcalf (right) with a Boy
Scout Emblem in observance of the 56th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America,
celebrated from February 7-13, 1966 |
1966 February 8 | |
23-24: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) and an
unidentified man look over a United Nations program booklet in Metcalf’s Senate
office |
1966 February 18 | |
17-6 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1966 |
01-03: Rep. Patsy Mink (second from right) of Hawaii
and Senator Lee Metcalf (third from right) pose for photographs after speaking at
the dedication of a new five-cent George Washington stamp, following the two's
reading of Washington's Farewell Address on February 22, 1966. The two congressmen
serve together on the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service |
1966 February 22 | |
04-05: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) looks over a U.S.
Capitol tourist booklet with an unidentified Montana family visiting Metcalf in
Washington, D.C. |
1966 February 23 | |
06-07: Jack Hood Vaughn (left), of Columbus,
Montana, is congratulated by Senator Lee Metcalf (right) in Metcalf’s office in
Washington, D.C., following Vaughn’s confirmation by the Senate as the new Peace
Corps Director |
1966 February 24 | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) shakes hands with an
unidentified man in Washington, D.C. |
1966 March 1 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right) meets
with an unidentified group of people on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. March 8,
1966 |
1966 March 8 | |
10: Major Alexander P. De Seversky (left),
world-renowned inventor and engineer, is pictured with Senator Lee Metcalf (right),
former member of the Senate Special Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution. The two
men look over the document “The Air Around Us,” and discuss air quality as it
relates to cigarette smoke. De Seversky built a filter capable of removing gaseous
pollutants from the air |
1966 March 10 | |
11-13: Montana's new U.S. District Judge, Russell E.
Smith (fourth from right) of Missoula, sits between Senators Lee Metcalf and Mike
Mansfield, while Senator James O. Eastland (D-MS), chairman of the Senate Judiciary
Committee, questions Smith prior to his confirmation by the Senate |
1966 March 10 | |
14: Senator James O. Eastland (right, standing),
chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, shakes hands with U.S. District Judge
nominee Russell E. Smith (left, standing) of Missoula, after Eastland’s questioning
of the nominee prior to Senate confirmation |
1966 March 10 | |
15: (Left to right) Senator Mike Mansfield, U.S.
District Judge nominee Russell E. Smith, and Senator Lee Metcalf celebrate outside a
hearing room, following Smith’s successful appearance before the Senate Judiciary
Committee’s chairman. Smith was confirmed later by the Senate |
1966 March 10 | |
16-17: Senators Mike Mansfield (left) and Lee
Metcalf (right) look over a document with an unidentified man on Capitol Hill in
Washington, D.C. |
1966 March 22 | |
17-7 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1966 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) talks with Michael
Papich (left), District Field Supervisor for the Job Corps in Montana and Idaho, in
Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C., in April 1966 |
1966 April 12 | |
02-03: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) visits with two
unidentified women (possibly a student on a visit to a national conference with her
chaperone) in his Senate office in Washington, D.C., in April 1966 |
1966 April 26 | |
04: Auto industry critic Ralph Nader (left) shows
Senator Lee Metcalf (right) a pushbutton seat belt Nader claims is poorly engineered
and highly unreliable for protecting automobile drivers. Nader was appearing on set
in the Senate Recording Studio for the filming of an April 1966 episode of Metcalf’s
weekly “Washington Report” |
1966 April 27 | |
05: Auto industry critic Ralph Nader (right) shows
Senator Lee Metcalf (left) a pushbutton seat belt Nader claims is poorly engineered
and highly unreliable for protecting automobile drivers. Nader was appearing on set
in the Senate Recording Studio for the filming of an April 1966 episode of Metcalf’s
weekly “Washington Report” |
1966 April 27 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with National
Park Service Director George B. Hartzog (right) about pending legislation before
Congress to create the Big Horn National Recreation Area on the Crow Indian
Reservation. The two men are pictured on set in the Senate Recording Studio during
the filming of a May 18, 1966, episode of Metcalf’s weekly “Washington
Report” |
1966 May 18 | |
07-08: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and Sargent
Shriver (right), director of the Office of Economic Opportunity (OES), are pictured
on set in the Senate Recording Studio, discussing OES programs in Montana during the
filming of a May 1966 episode of Metcalf’s weekly “Washington Report” |
1966 May 25 | |
09-10: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with
Selective Service Director Lt. General Lewis B. Hersey (second from left) on the set
of the Senate Recording Studio in June 1966, regarding how Metcalf received his
World War Two draft notice before Metcalf enrolled in the U.S. Army in 1942. Also
present is Capt. William Pacoe (second from right) of the U.S. Navy, a member of
Hersey’s staff. Hersey appeared to record one of Metcalf’s weekly “Washington
Report” film segment on the topic of the draft call for the Vietnam War and the
Montana Selective Service System |
1966 June 7 | |
11-12: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) talks with two
unidentified students in Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1966 June 7 | |
13: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with Selective
Service Director Lt. General Lewis B. Hersey (right) about the draft call for the
Vietnam War on set in the Senate Recording Studio, during the filming of a June 1966
film segment for Metcalf’s weekly “Washington Report” |
1966 June 7 | |
14: Winners of a “Government in Action” essay
contest, sponsored by various electrical cooperatives, meet with Montana’s
congressional delegation on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Pictured are (no order,
one unidentified) Gail Sunsted of Antelope; Billie Janssen of Plentywood, group
chaperone; Susan Sampsen of Dagmar; Rep. Arnold Olsen; Sylvia Thompson of Brady;
Senator Lee Metcalf (holding a copy of the book Metcalf of Montana); Senator Mike
Mansfield; Linda Jacobson of Shelby; Rep. James R. Battin; Penny Dube of Shelby; and
Bob Burgmaier of Power |
1966 June 7 | |
17-8 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1966 |
01-02: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and Deputy U.S.
Attorney General Nicholas deBelleville Katzenbach (right) are pictured on set in the
Senate Recording Studio, during the filming of a June 1966 film segment for one of
Metcalf’s weekly “Washington Report”. Katzenbach discussed issues of open and equal
housing |
1966 June 9 | |
03-07: Views of the 27 flags displayed in Statuary
Hall in the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. for June 14th, 1966, the 50th
anniversary of Flag Day |
1966 June 17 | |
08-09: Rt. Rev. Chandler Sterling of Helena, bishop
of the Episcopal Diocese of Montana, is pictured with Montana’s U.S. Senators, prior
to his delivering the opening prayer of the U.S. Senate in June 1966. Shown here are
(left to right) Senator Lee Metcalf; Sterling; Rev. Frederick Harris Brown, chaplain
of the U.S. Senate; and Senator Mike Mansfield |
1966 June 20 | |
10-11: Senator Lee Metcalf poses for a photograph
with the 1777 First Stars and Stripes flag in Statuary Hall in the U.S. Capitol
building in Washington, D.C., as part of a celebration of the 50th anniversary of
Flag Day |
1966 June 21 | |
12-13: Glenn W. Ferguson (right), Director of VISTA
(a branch of the Office of Economic Opportunity), appears as a guest with Senator
Lee Metcalf (left) on set in the Senate Recording Studio, during the filming of a
June 1966 film segment for one of Metcalf’s weekly “Washington Report”. Ferguson was
discussing the role of Montanans in the VISTA program |
1966 June 21 | |
14: U.S. Food and Drug Commissioner James L. Goddard
(right) warns about the increasing abuse of legal drugs in American society. Goddard
discussed drug abuse in an interview with Senator Lee Metcalf (left) on set in the
Senate Recording Studio, during the filming of a June 1966 film segment for one of
Metcalf’s weekly “Washington Report” |
1966 June 24 | |
15: Bob Hazelton, Senator Lee Metcalf, and Jeff Beck
sit at a dinner table during events in Washington, D.C., for the Fourth Annual
National Youth Science Camp, in mid July 1966 |
1966 July 13 | |
16: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) interviews Bureau of
Reclamation Commissioner Floyd E. Dominy (right) on set in the Senate Recording
Studio, during the filming of a July 1966 film segment for one of Metcalf’s weekly
“Washington Report” |
1966 July 20 | |
17-18: (Left to right) Unidentified man; Senator Lee
Metcalf; Joe Garrett, International-Stanley’s methods analyst; and Senator George
McGovern study case histories of delays of grain boxcars held for inspection in
railroad terminals. The senators, pictured in Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington,
D.C., were looking for evidence to support the passage of the Metcalf-McGovern
bill |
1966 July 28 | |
17-9 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1966-1967 |
01-02: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with Esther
Peterson, Assistant Secretary of Labor and Special Assistant to the President for
Consumer Affairs, about food price increases and Metcalf’s truth-in-packaging
legislation. The two are pictured on set in the Senate Recording Studio, during the
filming of a film segment for one of Metcalf’s weekly “Washington
Report” |
1966 August 2 | |
03-04: Pictured in his Senate office in Washington,
D.C., Senator Lee Metcalf uses bar graphs to explain the point behind the Fair Farm
Budget Act he is co-sponsoring in the U.S. Senate. The act would require the
Agriculture Department budget to be broken into two categories, showing distinctly
which money goes for farm income support and which money goes for general public
programs |
1966 August 8 | |
05-06: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) interviews John E.
Horne (right), Chairman of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, on set in the Senate
Recording Studio, during the filming of an August 1966 film segment for one of
Metcalf’s weekly “Washington Report” |
1966 August 23 | |
07-11: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) talks with
unidentified male students as they look over a copy of “The Last Redwoods, and the
parkland of Redwood Creek” by Francois Leydet, in the Senate Recording Studio on
Capitol Hill |
1966 August 23 | |
12: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) shakes hands with an
unidentified man in the Senate Reception Room in Washington, D.C., with a portrait
of Henry Clay in the background |
1966 September 19 | |
13: Copy negative of a print showing President
Lyndon B. Johnson signing the Mine Safety Act and presenting the first pen to
Senator Lee Metcalf on September 16, 1966. The Mine Safety Bill was the first piece
of legislation introduced by Metcalf when he came to Congress in 1953. Pictured are
(left to right) Senators Wayne Morse (D-OR); Secretary of Labor Williard Wirtz;
Metcalf, President Johnson; and Rep. James O'Hara (D-MI), House sponsor of the
act |
1966 September 26 | |
14: Mrs. Chester Lindblom (right) of Outlook and
Mrs. T. S. McLean (center) of Plentywood are pictured discussing federal veterans'
legislation with Senator Lee Metcalf (left), after the women attended the midwinter
conference of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Washington,
D.C. |
1967 January 16 | |
15-16: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with an
unidentified young female student on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. |
1967 January 26 | |
17-18: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with an
unidentified young male student on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. |
1967 January 26 | |
17-10 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1967 |
01-02: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) visits on January
30, 1967, with Wahleah Lujan (second from right), 1966 Miss Indian America from
Taos, New Mexico. Also present are Michelle Portwood (second from left), member of
the Northern Arapahoe Tribe from Wyoming; and Willamette Youpee (right), member of
the Sioux Tribe from Montana—both former Miss Indian America |
1967 January 31 | |
03: Mervin K. Strickler (right), a member of Senator
Metcalf’s staff, shows Senators Lee Metcalf and Mike Mansfield a comparison chart of
temperatures in Washington, D.C., and Minneapolis with Glasgow Air Force Base, after
Strickler made a February 1967 flight to the base. The temperature comparison was
made to refute claims that the base is too cold for any new civilian or military
uses following the base’s 1968 closure. Present was Mayor William Holter of Glasgow
to discuss the future of the $100 million air force base |
1967 March 1 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) looks over a map with
several unidentified men on Capitol Hill (possibly related to Glasgow Air Force
Base) |
1967 March 1 | |
05: J. Viola Herak (left) of Charlo, Montana,
Montana Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation committee chairwoman, discusses
Montana’s farm problems with Senator Lee Metcalf (right) in his Senate office in
Washington, D.C. |
1967 March 16 | |
06: Donna Metcalf (left, standing) talks on Capitol
Hill with an unidentified state contestant for the National Betty Crocker Search for
the All-American Homemaker of Tomorrow competition in Washington, D.C. |
1967 April 18 | |
07-08: In his Senate office in Washington, D.C.,
Senator Lee Metcalf presents a Senate service award to Helene F. Haliday, who
handles casework as secretarial assistant in Metcalf's office. Haliday started
working for Montana in the capital in 1942, when she joined the staff of the Senator
James E. Murray |
1967 May 3 | |
09-10: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) shakes hands with
an unidentified young man (possibly a congressional intern) in Metcalf’s Senate
office in Washington, D.C. |
1967 May 3 | |
11-12: Members of the Montana Chamber of Commerce
are greeted by Senator Lee Metcalf in Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C.
The Montanans were in the capital for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce annual meeting.
Pictured are (left to right) Metcalf; R.B. Shelton of Great Falls; Fritz Gannon of
Helena; Richard G. Schoon of Missoula; and Thomas Dolan of Billings |
1967 May 3 | |
13: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) poses with an
unidentified young woman, a staff member in Metcalf’s office |
1967 May 5 | |
14: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) poses with Judith
Driscoll (right) and an unidentified young woman in his Senate office in Washington,
D.C. Driscoll worked for Metcalf part-time while a student at Catholic
University |
1967 May 5 | |
15: Judith Driscoll (left) poses with Senator Lee
Metcalf in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. Driscoll worked for Metcalf
part-time while a student at Catholic University |
1967 May 5 | |
16: Senators Mike Mansfield (left) and Lee Metcalf
(third from left) pose for a photograph with several unidentified people in the U.S.
Capitol (Mansfield was out of the country on the date listed for this filed
negative) |
1967 May 10 | |
17-11 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1967 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf, testifying before the Joint
Economic Committee’s Subcommittee on Economy in Washington, D.C., holds a bottle of
Reserpine, a blood pressure drug, used at Walter Reed Hospital for one seventieth
the cost of retail drug prices. Metcalf used this drug to illustrate the cost-saving
benefits of purchasing generic rather than brand-name drugs, as he asked the
subcommittee for foreign bids to be invited on drug procurement by the U.S.
government |
1967 May 16 | |
02: Senators Mike Mansfield (right) and Lee Metcalf
(left) are pictured on Capitol Hill with (left to right, from the right of Metcalf)
James and Norma Wood, Jr., of Loma; Lloyd Barnard of Saco; J. Viola Herak of Charlo;
and Doug Smith of Bozeman |
1967 May 16 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) and George Hatch of
Salt Lake City discuss legislation introduced by Senators Metcalf and Mansfield to
make full civilian use of Glasgow Air Force Base. Hatch is chairman of the
Federation of Rocky Mountain States and a pioneer in cable television |
1967 June 7 | |
04: Copy negative of Lot 31 B13/8.01 |
1967 June 9 | |
05: Members of the Rural Electrical Cooperatives
“Washington Youth Tour” are pictured after a lunch on Capitol Hill with Senator Lee
Metcalf. Pictured are (no order) Mr. and Mrs. Don Freebury of Livingston; Karen
Washbur of Dell; Sharon Johnson and Joan Fowler of Shelby; Amy Jean Stromberg of
Medicine Lake; Thomas Selby of Buford; Mark Tidwell of Circle; Susan Unruh of
Bloomfield; Janice Lovely and Charley Johnson of Wilsall; Molly McKinnon of
Missoula; James Styler of Seeley Lake; Debbi Andrews of Fairfield; Gary Prinzing of
Floweree; Loren Jensen of Dagmar; and Carol Joyes of Westby |
1967 June 13 | |
06: Senators Lee Metcalf (left) and Mike Mansfield
(right) look over a political article on President Johnson’s War on Poverty with two
Montana Presidential Scholars, Kathy Anne Temple (second from left) of Glendive and
James Thomas Walter (second from right) of Bozeman, in Mansfield’s Senate Majority
Leader Office in the U.S. Capitol |
1967 June 13 | |
07: Five Blaine County, Montana, 4-H Club members,
with county agent Olaf J. Brekke, were in Washington, D.C., for a Citizenship
Education Laboratory. While in the capital, they met with Senator Lee Metcalf on
June 28, 1967. Pictured are (left to right, seated) Judy Rector of Harlem; Elizabeth
Colliflower of Hays; Shirley Tams of Dodson; (left to right, standing) Brekke; James
Wirt of Hogeland; and Douglas Hofeldt of Lloyd; visitor Joyce Washington of
Washington, D.C.; and Metcalf |
1967 June 28 | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf poses for a photograph with
an unidentified group of people in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1967 June 28 | |
09: Copy negative of a photographic print sent to
Senator Metcalf by Clyde Rader on August 3, 1967. The image shows 1920 Democratic
Vice-Presidential candidate Franklin D. Roosevelt (fourth from left), posing for a
photograph with Montana officials and politicians, standing in front of cars on a
street in Montana after his speech in Butte on August 18, 1920, during Roosevelt’s
national campaign. Also pictured are Montana Lieutenant Governor William W. McDowell
(third from left) and Montana Governor Samuel V. Stewart (fifth from
left) |
1967 August 3 | |
10-11: Walter W. Wetzel (left), former Blackfeet
Tribal Council chairman and Job Corps community relations specialist, and his two
sons—Don Wetzel (third from left) and Mike Wetzel (second from right)—pose for a
photograph with Senators Lee Metcalf and Mike Mansfield in the U.S. Senate Reception
Room during a visit to the capital. Mike Wetzel is a U.S. Senate page |
1967 August 8 | |
12: Copy negative of a photographic print of Senator
Metcalf’s executive secretary Vic Reinemer |
1967 August 17 | |
13: Pointing to a map, Senator Lee Metcalf led off a
hearing on electric power reliability by the Senate Commerce Committee on Capitol
Hill in Washington, D.C. The map shows areas that have been subjected to cascading
power failures between 1965 and 1967 |
1967 August 22 | |
14-15: Senator Metcalf’s executive secretary Vic
Reinemer gives a talk to several unidentified young people (possibly new Metcalf
interns) in Metcalf’s Senate office at night |
1967 September 10 | |
17-12 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1968 |
01-02: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) reviews some
records with an unidentified man in Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington,
D.C. |
1968 February 5 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf and his wife Donna pose for
a photograph with members of the Republic of Palau’s National Congress on Capitol
Hill in Washington, D.C. Pictured with the Metcalfs are (no order) John Ngiraked,
Sr., President of the Palau National Congress; Appropriation Committee Chairman
Raymond Setik of Truk, Micronesia Congress; and Kaleb Udui, Micronesia Congress
Legislative Counsel |
1968 February 21 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (center), wearing a hard
hat, tours an unidentified facility (possibly a dam) |
1968 February 23 | |
05-06: Senator Lee Metcalf is given a beaded Indian
bolo tie by Sioux tribal member William Youpee's youngest son, Marvin. Pictured with
the senator in his office are (left to right) Willamette Youpee, a Metcalf office
staff member; William Youpee; Mrs. Youpee; Metcalf, and Marvin Youpee—photograph by
Dev O'Neill |
1968 March 8 | |
07-12: 1968 Montana Cherry Blossom Princess Terry
Albinger (from the College of Great Falls) meets and talks with Montana’s
congressional delegation, after arriving at the Montana State Society reception on
1968 April 1, in the Old Russell Senate Office Building in Washington,
D.C. |
1968 April 1 | |
13: Members of Montana’s congressional delegation
pose for a photograph with the 1968 Montana Cherry Blossom Princess Terry Albinger
(from the College of Great Falls) during a Montana State Society reception on April
1, 1968, in the Old Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C. Pictured are
(left to right) James Smith, Montana State Society President; Sister Kathryn Rutan;
Senator Lee Metcalf; Sister Kathleen Cronin; Sister Jeanine Gilmartin; Albinger;
Rep. James R. Battin; Sister Rita of the Sacred Heart, President of the College of
Great Falls; former U.S. Senator Burton K. Wheeler; and Rep. Arnold
Olsen |
1968 April 1 | |
14: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph with Sister Jeanine Gilmartin of the College of Great Falls at the
Montana State Society reception on 1968 April 1, in the Old Russell Senate Office
Building in Washington, D.C. Corresponding print has the following note: “To my
favorite Senator with respect and love—Jeanie” |
1968 April 1 | |
15: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph with 1968 Montana Cherry Blossom Princess Terry Albinger at the Montana
State Society reception on 1968 April 1, in the Old Russell Senate Office Building
in Washington, D.C. |
1968 April 1 | |
16: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) stands by as an
unidentified man pins a corsage on 1968 Montana Cherry Blossom Princess Terry
Albinger, at the Montana State Society reception on 1968 April 1, in the Old Russell
Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C. |
1968 April 1 | |
17-18: Members of Montana’s congressional delegation
are pictured with 1968 Montana Cherry Blossom Princess Terry Albinger and former
U.S. Senator Burton K. Wheeler at the Montana State Society reception on April 1,
1968, in the Old Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C. |
1968 April 1 | |
19-20: Two unidentified men shake hands in an office
on Capitol Hill |
1968 April 4 | |
21-22: Senator Lee Metcalf is pictured sitting on a
leather couch in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1968 April 4 | |
23: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and Rep. Arnold Olsen
(third from right) review a document with Montana’s 4-H delegates, who were visiting
in Washington, D.C., during the 38th National 4-H Conference. Present with the
congressmen are (no order) Jim Dahlen of Cut Bank; Skip McIlhattan of Bozeman; Jean
Chamley of Wolf Point; and Linda Shammel of Hilger |
1968 April 25 | |
24-25: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) and Interior
Secretary Stewart Udall (second from right) look over framed artist’s conceptions of
unidentified structures (possibly during a Senate committee hearing) with two
unidentified men on Capitol Hill |
1968 April 27 | |
26: Copy negative of a photographic print of Senator
Metcalf’s executive secretary Vic Reinemer |
1968 May 22 | |
27-28: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) sits and talks
with an unidentified man in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1968 May 29 | |
29-30: Vic Reinemer, Senator Metcalf’s executive
secretary, hosts at a luncheon on Capitol Hill sixteen Montana delegates and their
chaperones, who were part of the United Nations Pilgrimage for Youth Tour in
Washington, D.C. |
1968 June 10 | |
17-13 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1968-1969 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) looks over a U.S.
Court of Appeals judgment with two unidentified men in his Senate office in
Washington, D.C. |
1968 June 12 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (fourth from right) and Vic
Reinemer (left) pose for a photograph with an unidentified group of people in
Metcalf’s Senate office |
1968 June 12 | |
03-04: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks to members
of the Montana 4-H Club, who were in Washington, D.C., for the National 4-H
Citizenship Short Course in June 1968 (first group of two from Montana to take the
course) |
1968 June 12 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph in his Senate office with an unidentified man. A poster of Senator Eugene
McCarthy is in the background |
1968 June 13 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf and Vic Reinemer (left) pose
for a photograph in Metcalf’s Senate office with two unidentified men |
1968 June 13 | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf (left, standing) addresses
attendees at a dinner during the YMCA Youth Boys Conference in Washington,
D.C. |
1968 June 26 | |
08-09: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks to 52
members of the Montana 4-H Club, who were in Washington, D.C., for the National 4-H
Citizenship Short Course in 1968 (second group of two from Montana to take the
course) |
1968 July 3 | |
10: (Right to left) Rep. Arnold Olsen; Senator Lee
Metcalf; and Robert L. Kelleher, a Billings Democrat seeking a Congressional seat,
have a discussion in Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1968 July 15 | |
11: Sister Jeanine Gilmartin, faculty member of the
College of Great Falls, chats with Senator Lee Metcalf in his Senate office in
Washington, D.C. Gilmartin conducted research from Metcalf's office for her doctoral
dissertation on the consumer movement |
1968 July 15 | |
12-13: In Metcalf’s Senate office, Senator Lee
Metcalf (right) and Robert L. Kelleher (left), a Billings Democrat seeking a
Congressional seat, discuss rural electric cooperative interest rate charges. The
two were examining the document “A Review of United States Government Operations in
South Asia,” published by the Senate Committee on Appropriations |
1968 July 15 | |
14-15: Robert L. Kelleher (right), a Billings
Democrat seeking a Congressional seat, and an unidentified woman look over a map in
Senator Lee Metcalf’s office in Washington, D.C. |
1968 July 15 | |
16-17: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with Robert
L. Kelleher (right), a Billings Democrat seeking a Congressional seat, and an
unidentified woman in Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1968 July 15 | |
18: In Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C.,
Senator Lee Metcalf (left) looks over a Peace Corps Factbook with Joseph G. McLean
of Brady, Montana, the 169th Volunteer for the Peace Corps |
1968 July 18 | |
19-20: In Metcalf’s Senate office, Senator Lee
Metcalf (right) discusses S. 3590, the Agricultural Act of 1968, with Rick Kuntz,
state president of the Montana Future Farmers of America |
1968 July 19 | |
21: Montana Boys Nation delegates Nick Clodis
(right) and Bob Huppe (left), both of Helena, visit with Senator Lee Metcalf
(center) during their visit to the U.S. Capitol building |
1968 July 22 | |
22-23: Donna Metcalf is pictured in Senator
Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1968 September 10 | |
24-26: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) and an
unidentified man talk in Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1968 October 10 | |
27-30: Close-up view of a Yellowtail Dam memorial
plaque presented originally on October 18, 1961, by Yellowtail Constructors, prime
contractors on the dam project, to Interior Secretary Udall for installation at the
dam upon its completion. The sign ended up as part of a coffee-table top for Senator
Metcalf’s office |
1969 January 24 | |
17-14 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1969 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) visits in his Senate
office in Washington, D.C., with two unidentified Montana students, in the capital
as part of an unidentified student program |
1969 February 24 | |
02: Copy negative of a print of the cover page of
the February 17, 1969, issue of New York
1969 February 27 | |
03: Copy negative of a print of an unidentified
artist’s drawing |
1969 February 29 | |
04-05: Montana Presidential Scholars Brenda Gilmer
(left) of Boulder, and Robert Thomas (center) of Stevensville, visit with Senator
Lee Metcalf in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. Metcalf discusses Senate
operations with the students |
1969 March 3 | |
06: Montana Presidential Scholar Brenda Gilmer
(left) of Boulder discusses Senate operations with Senator Lee Metcalf, during a
visit in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1969 March 3 | |
07: Montana Presidential Scholar Robert Thomas
(left) of Stevensville discusses Senate operations with Senator Lee Metcalf, during
a visit in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1969 March 3 | |
08-09: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) discusses Senate
operations with Montana Presidential Scholars Raymond E. Cotton (right) of Plains
and Sandra L. Young (center) of Bozeman, during their visit to Washington,
D.C. |
1969 March 10 | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) discusses Senate
operations with Montana Presidential Scholar Sandra L. Young (right) of Bozeman,
during her visit to Washington, D.C. |
1969 March 10 | |
11: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) discusses Senate
operations with Montana Presidential Scholars Raymond E. Cotton (right) of Plains,
during his visit to Washington, D.C. |
1969 March 10 | |
12: Copy negative of Lot 31 B9/13.05 |
1969 March 13 | |
13: Senators Lee Metcalf (left) and Quentin N.
Burdick (right) each point to their representative states on a map (possibly
discussing locations of anti-ballistic missile sites and nuclear waste dumps in both
states) in Metcalf’s Senate office |
1969 March 18 | |
14-15: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) talks with C.W.
Leaphart, Sr. (left), former dean of the University of Montana Law School in his
Senate office in Washington, D.C. Leaphart was the dean during Metcalf’s time at the
school |
1969 March 20 | |
16-17: Senator Lee Metcalf talks with Montana
Presidential Scholars during a visit to Washington, D.C., as part of the scholars’
program. Pictured are (left to right) Metcalf; John H. McEwen of Glasgow; Allen R.
Taylor of Edgar; and Vernita R. Hoffarth of Glasgow |
1968 March 24 | |
18: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with Montana
Presidential Scholar Allen R. Taylor (right) of Edgar, Montana, during a visit to
Washington, D.C. |
1968 March 24 | |
19: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with Montana
Presidential Scholar Vernita R. Hoffarth (right) of Glasgow, Montana, during a visit
to Washington, D.C. |
1968 March 24 | |
20: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with Montana
Presidential Scholar John H. McEwen (right) of Glasgow, Montana, during a visit to
Washington, D.C. |
1968 March 24 | |
21: Photograph of a chart used by Senator Lee
Metcalf in the committee room, during hearings he conducted on S. 607, the Utility
Consumers' Counsel Bill, for the Senate Government Operations Committee. The chart
shows rate increases for the Montana Power Company |
1969 March 25 | |
22: Photograph of a chart used by Senator Lee
Metcalf in the committee room, during hearings he conducted on S. 607, the Utility
Consumers' Counsel Bill, for the Senate Government Operations Committee. The chart
shows the interest rates for power companies between 1937 and 1967 |
1969 March 25 | |
23: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph in his Senate office with Debra Denzer (right) of Conrad, a Montana
delegate to the National 4-H Conference in Washington, D.C. |
1969 April 24 | |
24-25: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph in his Senate office with Dennis Baser (right) of Malta, a Montana
delegate to the National 4-H Conference in Washington, D.C. |
1969 April 24 | |
26-27: Senator Lee Metcalf visits in his Senate
office with Montana’s delegates to the National 4-H Conference in Washington, D.C.
Pictured are (left to right) Metcalf; Debra Denzer of Conrad; Dennis Baser of Malta;
Linda Steinmetz of Park City; and Wayne Gillespie of Kevin |
1969 April 24 | |
28-29: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from left) looks
over documents with three unidentified men in his Senate office in Washington,
D.C. |
1969 May 8 | |
30: Senator Lee Metcalf (center, back row) poses for
a photograph in his Senate office with a group of Helena students and their
chaperones, during a tour of the U.S. Capitol on June 10, 1969 |
1969 June 10 | |
17-15 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1969-1970 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (right, seated) talks to a
group of Montana 4-H Club members in his Senate office. The group was in the capital
for the National 4-H Citizenship Short Course in Washington, D.C., in June
1969 |
1969 June 13 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (right, seated) talks to a
group of Montana 4-H Club members in his Senate office. The group was in the capital
for the National 4-H Citizenship Short Course in Washington, D.C., in June
1969 |
1969 June 13 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (right, seated) talks to a
group of Montana 4-H Club members in his Senate office. The group was in the capital
for the National 4-H Citizenship Short Course in Washington, D.C., in June
1969 |
1969 June 13 | |
04: Harlan C. Adams (left) of Shawmut and Robert A.
Hessler (center) of Billings meet with Senator Lee Metcalf (right) on Capitol Hill.
The two Montanans were in the capital to attend the National Youth Science Camp in
Washington, D.C., in July 1969 |
1969 July 9 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) laughs during an
unidentified Senate committee hearing on Capitol Hill |
1969 July 17 | |
06-07: Senator Lee Metcalf sits in his Senate office
in Washington, D.C., reading an issue of The People’s Voice. Metcalf helped to found
the independent newspaper |
1969 July 25 | |
08-09: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) chats in his
Senate office with Montana Future Farmers of America (FFA) members Bill Bohl (left)
of Pompeys Pillar, state secretary, and Myles Watts (center) of Ismay, state
president. Both youth were in Washington, D.C., to attend the FFA National
Leadership Conference |
1969 July 28 | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from left) poses for
a photograph in his Senate office with Montana Future Farmers of America (FFA)
members Bill Bohl (left) of Pompeys Pillar, state secretary; Myles Watts (second
from right) of Ismay, state president; and an unidentified FFA member. The youth
were in Washington, D.C., to attend the FFA National Leadership
Conference |
1969 July 28 | |
11-12: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) presents in his
Senate office a certificate and pin to Dorothy Tenenbaum, Metcalf’s legislative
assistant, for her twelve years of service to the U.S. Senate |
1969 November 18 | |
13: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) reviews a publication
with an unidentified man (possibly an office staff member) in Metcalf’s Senate
office |
1969 November 18 | |
14: Half-length portrait of Senator Lee Metcalf at
an unidentified event |
1970 January 14 | |
15-16: Rep. John Melcher (right) examines the cast
and sling on the arm of Senator Lee Metcalf (left), after Metcalf was released from
a Montana hospital following a car accident |
1970 February 27 | |
18-1 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1970 |
01-02: Senator Lee Metcalf (seated at desk) poses
for a photograph in his Senate office with an unidentified large group of students
during their visit to Washington, D.C. |
1970 March 19 | |
03-04: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) shows a large
get-well-soon drawing for the Senator to his mother Rhoda Smith Metcalf (right),
during her visit to his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1970 March 23 | |
05-06: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) poses for a
photograph with his mother Rhoda Smith Metcalf (left), during her visit to his
Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1970 March 23 | |
07: Copy negative of Lot 31 B11/14.01 |
1970 April 1 | |
08-09: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) holds a large
get-well-soon drawing for Jim Kester, of Stevensville High School, to sign. The
drawing was given to Metcalf as he healed from a broken arm |
1970 April 13 | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf (right), seated at his
Senate office desk, has a discussion with three unidentified men wearing “Hi! I’m
From Alaska” buttons |
1970 April 29 | |
11: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) sits on a couch in
his Senate office next to an unidentified man wearing a “Hi! I’m From Alaska”
button |
1970 April 29 | |
12: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with Montana’s
Junior Miss Jane (Janie) Ann Fields at an America’s Junior Miss Pageant luncheon on
May 4, 1970, held in Room 1202 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building |
1970 May 4 | |
13: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) presents in his
Senate office a certificate and pin to Thomas S. Hogan, a member of Metcalf’s staff,
for his fifteen years of service to the U.S. Senate |
1970 May 6 | |
14: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) shakes hands with an
unidentified man (possibly an office staff member) in his Senate office in
Washington, D.C. |
1970 May 6 | |
15: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with an
unidentified young man in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1970 May 8 | |
18-2 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1970 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf looks at a framed Native
American tribal headdress hanging on his Senate office wall. The headdress was given
to Metcalf by an unidentified Montana tribe in the 1950s |
1970 June 3 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (right, seated) visits with
an unidentified Montana tribal school group in his Senate office in Washington,
D.C. |
1970 June 3 | |
03: An unidentified student presents a Native
American necklace to Senator Lee Metcalf in his Senate office, while Metcalf visited
with a Montana tribal school group during their tour of Washington, D.C. |
1970 June 3 | |
04: An unidentified woman enters the door to Room
427, Senator Lee Metcalf’s office in the Old Russell Senate Office
Building |
1970 June 3 | |
05-06: Senators Lee Metcalf and Mike Mansfield,
along with Montana Governor Forrest H. Anderson, hold a lunch for an unidentified
student group on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. |
1970 June 16 | |
07: As Permanent Acting President Pro Tempore of the
U.S. Senate, Senator Lee Metcalf signs the Voting Rights Act of 1970 into law on
June 18, 1970, at the desk in his Senate office |
1970 June 18 | |
08: View of the signed Voting Rights Act of 1970 on
Senator Lee Metcalf’s office desk, shortly after Metcalf signed it into law on June
18, 1970 |
1970 June 18 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf holds a cast that was
removed from his left arm on June 18, 1970, at Walter Reed Army Hospital. Metcalf
broke his arm in a car accident near Butte in February 1970 |
1970 June 18 | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf is reminded by a U.S.
Capitol policeman of the limited capacity of the Capitol building elevators. Metcalf
had been stuck on the elevator for thirty minutes with fifteen Montana 4-H members,
during their recent trip to Washington, D.C. The elevator capacity signs were
installed as a result of the incident |
1970 July 7 | |
18-3 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1970 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) poses for a
photograph at a National Youth Science Camp luncheon in Washington, D.C. with
Montana’s two delegates to the camp, Danny Pattyn (left) of Billings and Walter G.
Morris, Jr. (right), of Missoula |
1970 July 8 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (third from left) shakes
hands with United Nations Secretary-General U Thant (second from right) at a
luncheon on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., prior to a White House dinner honoring
the 25th Anniversary of the United Nations on July 10, 1970. Also present are
Senator George S. McGovern (right) and Rep. Bradford Morse (third from
right) |
1970 July 10 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf holds the booklet “VO-AG: On
the Move in the 70’s” as he talks with two unidentified Montana Future Farmers of
America members in Metcalf’s Senate office |
1970 July 20 | |
04: Harriet Miller looks over a community impact
report for the Malmstrom Air Force Base development area in Senator Lee Metcalf’s
office in Washington, D.C. Miller was hired by Metcalf as a part-time consultant to
conduct field interviews on the effectiveness of federal education aid programs and
Public Law 874 |
1970 August 5 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with an
unidentified young African American man (possibly a congressional intern) in his
Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1970 August 12 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph with an unidentified young man (possibly a congressional intern) in his
Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1970 August 12 | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph with an unidentified young man (possibly a congressional intern) in his
Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1970 August 12 | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph with an unidentified young woman (possibly a congressional intern) in his
Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1970 August 12 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph with an unidentified young woman (possibly a congressional intern) in his
Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1970 August 12 | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph with an unidentified young man (possibly a congressional intern) in his
Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1970 August 12 | |
11: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph with an unidentified young man (possibly a congressional intern) in his
Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1970 August 12 | |
12: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph in the U.S. Senate Reception Room with an unidentified African American
man on crutches |
1970 September 21 | |
18-4 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1970-1971 |
01-02: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right) meets
with several unidentified men in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1970 October 2 | |
03-04: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph with an unidentified man in his Senate office in Washington,
D.C. |
1970 November 25 | |
05-07: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) visits in his
Senate office on December 3, 1970, with (right to left) James Hatley, Federal
Aviation Administration air traffic control specialist in Great Falls; Hatley’s
wife; Greg Hatley; and Jeff Hatley. Hatley received a citation for helping to rescue
a pilot in trouble at the Great Falls, Montana, airport |
1970 December 3 | |
08-09: U.S. Senate presiding officer Lee Metcalf
(right) swears in William V. Roth, Jr. (left), as the new Republican Senator from
Delaware, to replace retiring Republican Senator John J. Williams (second from left)
of Delaware. The ceremony took place at 11 A.M. on Saturday, January 2, 1971, in the
U.S. Capitol, with Senate Minority Leader Hugh Scott (second from right) of
Pennsylvania looking on |
1971 January 2 | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) presents college
scholarship certificates to Turner C. Graybill of Great Falls (right) and Steve R.
Rovig (center) of Kalispell. The two were visiting on Capitol Hill in Washington,
D.C., as part of the 1971 Hearst Foundation U.S. Senate Youth Program |
1971 February 3 | |
11: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) visits in his Senate
office with four Montana scholars who were in Washington, D.C., as part of the
Presidential Classroom for Young Americans program. Pictured are (left to right)
Rodney G. Nicholls and Barbara K. Bublich of Columbia Falls; and Larry G. Obie and
Janet M. Dolan of Chinook |
1971 March 16 | |
12: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) reviews a recent
issue of the Congressional Record with three Montana scholars, who were in
Washington, D.C., as part of the Presidential Classroom for Young Americans program.
Pictured are (left to right) Bryce J. Vinson and Nels R. Day of Plains; and James C.
Coghlan of Glasgow |
1971 March 23 | |
18-5 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1971 |
01-02: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) talks with an
unidentified man in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1971 April 21 | |
03-04: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) talks with an
unidentified man in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1971 April 21 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) visits in his Senate
office on Thursday, April 22, 1971, with Montana’s four delegates to the 41st Annual
National 4-H Conference in Washington, D.C. Two of the delegates pictured are Kathy
Yeager (third from left) of Kalispell and Larry Lovely of Wilsail |
1971 April 22 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) congratulates Jim
Ramlow (left) of Whitefish, who was in Washington, D.C., around the time of
receiving a $2,000 scholarship from the Washington Crossing Foundation |
1971 April 27 | |
07: (Left to right) Russell Ramlow; Mrs. Ramlow;
Senator Lee Metcalf; and Jim Ramlow, pose for a photograph in Metcalf’s Senate
office during the Ramlows’ visit to Washington, D.C. Jim Ramlow, who had won a
scholarship from the Washington Crossing Foundation, was congratulated by Senator
Metcalf |
1971 April 27 | |
08-09: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and an
unidentified man are pictured in Metcalf’s Senate office holding
documents |
1971 April 29 | |
10-11: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) discusses with
two Montana broadcasters the problems of small-market radio and TV broadcasters.
Pictured in Metcalf’s Senate office are (left to right) Jerry Black of Shelby,
President of the Montana Broadcasters Association; Ed Peiss of Butte; and
Metcalf |
1971 April 29 | |
12: Senator Lee Metcalf laughs while talking with an
unidentified young woman (possibly an office staff member) in Metcalf’s Senate
office in Washington, D.C. |
1971 May 3 | |
13-14: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) sits talking with
an unidentified man in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1971 June 4 | |
15-16: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) sits talking in
his Senate office with Dale Johnson (left), University of Montana archivist. Metcalf
hired Johnson to organize Metcalf’s congressional papers prior to donating them to
the Montana Historical Society |
1971 June 4 | |
17-18: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) meets with
visitors from Micronesia in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
June 4, 1971 | |
18-6 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1971 |
01-06: Senator Lee Metcalf gives his signature to
and meets with Montana 4-H Club members on the steps of the U.S. Capitol, during the
members’ visit for the National 4-H Citizenship Short Course at the National 4-H
Center in Washington, D.C. |
1971 June 9 | |
07-08: Members of the Rural Electrical Cooperatives
1971 “Washington Youth Tour” are pictured after a lunch on Capitol Hill with Senator
Lee Metcalf. Pictured (no order) are Richard Thompson; Janice Peterson; Jacalyn
Koenig; Jim McLean; Betty Christie; Beth Rudolph; James Murry; and chaperone Earlene
Lee |
1971 June 15 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks to an
unidentified Montana student group on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. |
1971 June 23 | |
10-13: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right) meets
with consumer advocate Ralph Nader (second from left) and two unidentified men in
Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1971 July 16 | |
14: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph in his Senate office with Bill King (right), a 1971 congressional intern
from Stanford University working in Metcalf’s office |
1971 July 23 | |
15: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph with an unidentified young woman (possibly a congressional intern) in
Metcalf’s Senate office |
1971 July 23 | |
16: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph in his Senate office with Nick Miller (right), a 1971 congressional
intern from Stanford University working in Metcalf’s office |
1971 July 23 | |
17: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) poses for a
photograph in his Senate office with an unidentified Montana Future Farmers of
America delegate |
1971 July 23 | |
18: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph in his Senate office with Michael Reinemer (right), a summer office
employee and son of Metcalf’s executive secretary Vic Reinemer |
1971 July 23 | |
19: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph in his Senate office with an unidentified young woman (right), a 1971
employee of Metcalf’s Senate office |
1971 July 23 | |
18-7 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio Negatives
(1971) |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) meets with Montana's
two Boys Nation delegates: John Harp (center) of Kalispell, Montana Boys State
governor, and Geoffrey T. Badenoch (left) of Bozeman |
1971 July 26 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) meets with members of
the Diet of Japan in Metcalf’s Senate office. Pictured are (left to right) Metcalf;
Hajime Ishii; Bunsei Sato; and Keiwa Okuda |
1971 July 29 | |
03: Rep. John Melcher (center, right) talks with
Catherine Mushel of Big Arm, Montana, a Montana Girls Nation delegate, at an event
on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Mushel was in the capital attending a week-long
American Legion youth citizenship training program at American
University |
1971 August 3 | |
04: Rep. John Melcher (left) and Senator Lee Metcalf
(second from right) meet with Montana’s two Girls Nation delegates, Joyce Davis
(second from left) of Rosebud and Catherine Mushel (third from right) of Big Arm.
The girls were in the capital attending at a week-long American Legion youth
citizenship training program at American University |
1971 August 3 | |
05-06: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) sits and talks
with an unidentified man in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1971 October 21 | |
07-08: While looking at a chart, Senator Lee Metcalf
(left) talks with Craig Barnes (right), Director of Common Cause and the Colorado
Project, on October 28, 1971. The two men were talking during a Senate Government
Operations Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations hearing on Metcalf’s bill S.
607, the Utility Consumers' Counsel and Information Act of 1971. Barnes testified at
the hearing |
1971 October 28 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) presides over a
Senate Government Operations Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations hearing on
October 28, 1971, on Metcalf’s bill S. 607, the Utility Consumers' Counsel and
Information Act of 1971. Present is James S. Turner (right), Special Counsel to the
committee |
1971 October 28 | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf (left, foreground) presides
over a Senate Government Operations Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations
hearing on October 28, 1971, on Metcalf’s bill S. 607, the Utility Consumers'
Counsel and Information Act of 1971. Present is James S. Turner (right, foreground),
Special Counsel to the committee; Metcalf staff member Sally Foulis (left,
background); and Lucinda Dennis (right of Foulis) |
1971 October 28 | |
11-12: Craig Barnes (center, behind microphone),
Director of Common Cause and the Colorado Project, sits at the witness table
testifying on October 28, 1971, during a Senate Government Operations’ Subcommittee
on Intergovernmental Relations hearing on Metcalf’s bill S. 607, the Utility
Consumers' Counsel and Information Act of 1971 |
1971 October 28 | |
13: In the U.S. Capitol Rotunda, Allen James Pesha
(left) presents Senator Lee Metcalf (second from left) with the second album by the
Concordia College choral group the Kingsmen, during an hour-long concert in the
Rotunda by the group on November 3, 1971. Pesha is a native of Wibaux,
Montana |
1971 November 3 | |
14: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph with Brenda Fermoyle (Shore), Metcalf’s long-time staff member, in
Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1971 November 11 | |
15: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph with an unidentified young woman (possibly an office staff member) in his
Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1971 November 11 | |
16: On November 9, 1971, Senator Lee Metcalf holds
an oversized petition sent to him and signed by teachers from Montana School
District Number 1 (Helena) dated October 5, 1971, protesting the state of teachers’
contracts in relation to a recent Montana law |
1971 November 11 | |
17-19: Senator Lee Metcalf talks with an
unidentified man in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1971 November 16 | |
20-21: Senator Lee Metcalf hosts members of Japan’s
Democratic Socialist Party at a luncheon on December 1, 1971, in Washington, D.C.
The luncheon was part of the United States-Japan Parliamentary Exchange Program
sponsored by Columbia University School of International Affairs. Pictured are the
following members of the Japanese delegation (no order): Ikko Kasuga, chairman of
the Democratic Socialist Party; Magioichi Takemoto; Katsu Kawamura; Keigo Ouchi; and
Roo Watanabe. The U.S. delegates present are Senator William V. Roth, Jr. (second
from left); Senator Hugh Scott (fourth from left); Senator Edmund Muskie (fifth from
right); Senator Frank E. Moss (third from right); and Senator Lee Metcalf
(right) |
1971 December 1 | |
18-8 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1972 |
01-02: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right) sits
with an unidentified family in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1972 January 5 | |
03-04: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses with Steve
Connolly (right) of Helena, Metcalf’s 1971 Montana congressional intern, in
Metcalf’s Senate office |
1972 January 5 | |
05-06: Three western Democratic U.S. Senators
prepare to announce at a press conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., their
endorsement for Senator Edmund Muskie for the Democratic Party’s 1972 presidential
nomination. Pictured at the press conference are (left to right) Senators Quentin N.
Burdick (D-ND); Lee Metcalf (D-MT); and Mike Gravel (D-AK) |
1972 January 17 | |
07-08: Senator Lee Metcalf visits in his Senate
office in Washington, D.C., with an unidentified man |
1972 January 21 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf visits in his Senate office
in Washington, D.C., with Helen Haegele (right) of Butte, and Irene Snell (left) of
Helena (president and president-elect, respectively), of the Montana Federation of
Business and Professional Women's Club, to discuss the organization's legislative
program |
1972 January 21 | |
10: A test photograph of the floor taken by a Senate
Democratic Photograph Studio photographer, prior to photographing Senator Lee
Metcalf with several unidentified people |
1972 January | |
11-13: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) receives a statue
of a Native American on horseback from three unidentified people in his Senate
office in Washington, D.C. |
1972 January | |
14: Senator Lee Metcalf (third from left) poses for
a photograph in his Senate office with (no order) John Toews; Virginia Toews: Allen
Rowland; Joe Walks Along; Leon Sioux; and Robert Bailey |
1972 February 7 | |
15: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right) poses
for a photograph with three unidentified men in his Senate office in Washington,
D.C. |
1972 February 7 | |
16-19: Senator Lee Metcalf is pictured during an
unidentified soil conservation meeting on February 15, 1972, on Capitol Hill in
Washington, D.C. Pictured are (no order) Robert M. Anderson; Carl H. Johnson; John
Vanisko; Austin Slattery; Tom Wharram; Norriss Hanford; Glen Bramlette; Dean Hanson;
A.B. Linford, State Conservationist for Montana State Soil Conservation Service;
Harvey Weikum; Jack Thompson; Don D. Zimbleman; Mr. and Mrs. Everett Snortland; Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Marxer; Mr. and Mrs. Walt Dion; Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Uhlrich; Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Tolksdorf; Oscar Hippe |
1972 February 16 | |
20: Senator Lee Metcalf visits in his Senate office
with three Montana scholars, who were in Washington, D.C., as part of the
Presidential Classroom for Young Americans program. Pictured are (left to right)
Lauren K. Larson of Boulder; Metcalf; Trudy Colleen of Chester; and Robert Keith
Osterheld of Florence |
1972 February 16 | |
21-23: In Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington,
D.C., Senator Lee Metcalf (left) shakes hands with Montana's “Voice of Democracy”
winner Bob Lock (right) of Great Falls, during the Annual National Conference of the
Veterans of Foreign Wars. Also present is Deane Nefzger (second from right), a VFW
Department Commander from Montana |
1972 March 7 | |
24-25: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) visits in his
Senate office with George Turman (left), mayor of Missoula, Montana. Turman was in
Washington, D.C., to present the goals of the Regional Planning Association of
Western Montana to members of Congress and other federal officials |
1972 March 7 | |
18-9 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1972 |
01-02: Senator Lee Metcalf (left, seated) talks on
Capitol Hill with four Montana scholars who were in Washington, D.C., as part of the
Presidential Classroom for Young Americans program |
1972 March 21 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) poses for a
photograph with an unidentified man in his Senate office in Washington,
D.C. |
1972 April 5 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf meets with Sioux tribal
members in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. Pictured are (left to right)
Nathaniel Longhair, Fort Peck Indian Reservation; Red (or Rod) Lincoln (possibly
Sioux tribal member from Minnesota); Norman Hollow, a Sioux tribal member from Fort
Peck Indian Reservation; and Metcalf |
1972 April 13 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) sits and talks with
an unidentified man in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1972 April 13 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) visits in his
Senate office with two unidentified people |
1972 April 13 | |
07-08: Senator Lee and Donna Metcalf host the
Montana State University Theater Arts program at a luncheon on Friday, April 21,
1972, in the Vandenberg Room of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. |
1972 April 21 | |
09-10: Senator Lee and Donna Metcalf host the
Montana State University Theater Arts program at a luncheon on Friday, April 21,
1972, in the Vandenberg Room of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. |
1972 April 21 | |
11: Senator Lee Metcalf poses for a photograph in
his Senate office with Montana’s delegates to the National 4-H Conference in
Washington, D.C. Pictured here, with Ken McDonald (left) of Belt taking a
photograph, are (no order) Susan Ichsner of Miles City; Susan Undem of Glendive;
Metcalf; and Chuck Toavs of Shawmut |
1972 April 27 | |
12: Senator Lee Metcalf poses in his Senate office
with Montana’s delegates to the National 4-H Conference in Washington, D.C. Pictured
are Carol Tarnavsky, chaperone; Ken McDonald of Belt; Susan Ichsner of Miles City;
Susan Undem of Glendive; Metcalf; and Chuck Toavs of Shawmut |
1972 April 27 | |
13-14: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) has a conversation
in his Senate office in Washington, D.C., with Al Donahue (center) (possibly the
Donhue who was a prominent Great Falls businessman and former chief clerk of the
Montana House of Representatives) and an unidentified man |
1972 May 3 | |
15-16: Senator Lee Metcalf talks in his Senate
office on May 16, 1972, with Montana construction firm owners in Washington, D.C.,
for the Construction Employers National Legislative Conference. Pictured are (no
order) Claire Wagner of Billings; Jerry Sullivan of Butte; James F. Lechner of
Billings; Floyd J. Stewart of Butte; and William C. Miller of Billings |
1972 May 16 | |
17: Representatives from the National Association of
State Agencies for Surplus present an award to Senator Lee Metcalf in his Senate
office on June 7, 1972. The award was for Metcalf’s work for the surplus donable
property program. Pictured with Metcalf are (no order) Ray Underwood; Ross Young;
R.C. Covington; Robeft (possibly Robert) Nolan; and Ray Ward |
1972 June 7 | |
18: Close-up photograph of an award presented to
Senator Lee Metcalf from the National Association of State Agencies for Surplus on
June 7, 1972 |
1972 June 8 | |
18-10 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1972-1973 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) shakes hands with
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Senator Russell B. Long (D-LA) (second from left),
after Metcalf testified before the committee on July 26, 1972, regarding Indian
revenue sharing |
1972 July 26 | |
02: Senators Mike Mansfield (left) and Lee Metcalf
(right) meet with David Patterson of Columbus, Montana, Montana Future Farmers of
America (FFA) State President, in the Senate Reception Room in the U.S. Capitol in
Washington, D.C. Patterson was in the capital as part of the FFA State Presidents
Conference |
1972 July 27 | |
03: Copy negative of Lot 31 B1/12.01 |
circa 1972 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) sits in his Senate
office in Washington, D.C., visiting with an unidentified man |
1973 January 9 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) sits in his Senate
office in Washington, D.C., visiting with an unidentified man |
1973 January 9 | |
06: Senator Metcalf’s administrative assistant Brit
Englund (left) talks with an unidentified woman (possibly an office staff member) in
Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1973 January 29 | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with an
unidentified young woman (possibly an office staff member) in his Senate office in
Washington, D.C. |
1973 January 29 | |
08-09: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) talks with an
unidentified man in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1973 January 31 | |
10-11: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) visits in his
Senate office with John Lynn (left) and Richard Varner (center), Montana’s delegates
to the Hearst Foundation U.S. Senate Youth Program |
1973 February 12 | |
12-13: Senator Lee Metcalf talks about his
congressional responsibilities with Montana’s three Presidential Classroom for Young
Americans scholars in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. Pictured are (left to
right) Metcalf; Brad Wirth of Great Falls; Bodeil Rai Wigen of Great Falls; and
Alice Jeannette Sullivan of Glendive |
1973 February 21 | |
14: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks in his Senate
office with Peter Wong, a Sears Roebuck Congressional intern from the University of
Southern California working in Metcalf’s office |
1973 February 22 | |
15-16: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with an
unidentified older man in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1973 February 22 | |
17-18: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) sits in his
Senate office in Washington, D.C., talking with an unidentified woman |
1973 March 2 | |
19: Senator Lee Metcalf (left), chairman of the
Senate Interior Committee’s Subcommittee on Minerals and Fuels, converses at the
committee desk with Montana Governor Thomas L. Judge (center) and Senate Majority
Leader Mike Mansfield (right), prior to the hearings on federal strip mine
reclamation legislation on Tuesday, March 13, 1973. Judge and Mansfield testified at
the hearing |
1973 March 13 | |
20: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from left), chairman
of the Senate Interior Committee’s Subcommittee on Minerals and Fuels, and committee
member Senator Frank E. Moss (left), converse at the committee desk with Montana
Governor Thomas L. Judge (second from right) and Senate Majority Leader Mike
Mansfield (right). The men are pictured at the hearings on federal strip mine
reclamation legislation on Tuesday, March 13, 1973, during which Judge and Mansfield
testified |
1973 March 13 | |
21: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right, seated)
discusses with Charles Robinson, Staff Engineer and Counsel for the National Rural
Electrical Cooperative Association, the impact of President Richard M. Nixon’s move
to raise the interest rate on pending REA loan applications |
1973 April 3 | |
19-1 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1973 |
01: Montana scholar James Pickens of Florence (left)
visits with Senator Lee Metcalf (right) in his Senate office. Pickens was in
Washington, D.C., as part of the Presidential Classroom for Young Americans
program |
1973 April 4 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf greeted Montana's two
representatives to the National Youth Science Camp at a Washington, D.C., luncheon
in July 1973. Pictured are (left to right, foreground) Kip Kramer of Helena;
Metcalf; and John Lynn of Billings |
1973 July 11 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf poses with Montana’s two
Girls Nation delegates at a luncheon on Capitol Hill. Pictured are (left to right)
Margaret Regan of Billings; Metcalf; and Tara Gallagher of Missoula |
1973 July 17 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf records a constituent film
in the Senate Recording Studio in Washington, D.C. |
1973 July 25 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) talks with Lt.
Colonel Kelleher of the Department of Defense in Metcalf’s Senate office in
Washington, D.C. |
1973 September 18 | |
06: (Left to right) Lt. Colonel Kelleher, Robert J.
Crotty, and Senator Lee Metcalf have a conversation in Metcalf’s Senate office in
Washington, D.C. |
1973 September 18 | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) sits talking in his
Senate office with Dale Johnson (right), University of Montana archivist. Metcalf
hired Johnson to organize his congressional papers prior to donating them to the
Montana Historical Society |
1973 September 18 | |
08: Photograph of Senator Lee Metcalf standing
against a wall in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1973 September 18 | |
09-10: Half-length portrait of Donna Metcalf, seated
in an office on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. |
1973 September 26 | |
11: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) presents a
certificate to Margaret (Peggy) E. McLaughlin (left), Metcalf’s long-time personal
secretary, for her twelve-plus years of service to the U.S. Senate beginning on
January 1, 1960 (woman in center may be McLaughlin’s mother) |
1973 October 11 | |
12: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) sits talking with
two unidentified people in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1973 November 15 | |
13: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) visits in his Senate
office with Debra Beck of Deer Lodge, an International 4-H Farm Youth Exchange
delegate to Turkey, after Beck arrived back in the United States following her
six-month stay in Turkey |
1973 November 15 | |
14-15: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) visits in his
Senate office with three unidentified young men (possibly congressional
interns) |
1973 November 27 | |
16-17: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) visits in his
Senate office with an unidentified young man (possibly a congressional
intern) |
1973 November 27 | |
18-19: Senator Lee Metcalf meets in his Senate
office in Washington, D.C., with an unidentified group |
1973 November 28 | |
19-2 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1974 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (center), Donna Metcalf
(right), and Lee’s mother Rhoda Smith Metcalf (left) pose for a photograph at a
Montana State Society reception in honor of Senator Metcalf, held in the Old Russell
Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C. |
1974 January 31 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (left, standing) and Donna
Metcalf (right, standing) pose with an unidentified man at a Montana State Society
reception in honor of Senator Metcalf, held in the Old Russell Senate Office
Building in Washington, D.C. Lee’s mother Rhoda Smith Metcalf is seen
seated |
1974 January 31 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) speaks at a
microphone while holding a present at a Montana State Society reception held in his
honor, in the Old Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C. Donna Metcalf
(left) is present |
1974 January 31 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) is presented a
certificate by an unidentified man at a Montana State Society reception in honor of
Senator Metcalf. The reception was in the Old Russell Senate Office Building in
Washington, D.C. Donna Metcalf (left, standing) holds a Blackfeet beaded leather
jacket made by the Blackfeet Tribe, given to the Metcalfs at the reception as a
present |
1974 January 31 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf puts on a Blackfeet beaded
leather jacket made by the Blackfeet Tribe as a present at a Montana State Society
reception in honor of Senator Metcalf. The reception was in the Old Russell Senate
Office Building in Washington, D.C. Donna Metcalf (left) wears a matching jacket
made for her by the tribe as well |
1974 January 31 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) and his wife Donna
(left) wear and show off the two Blackfeet beaded leather jackets made for them by
the Blackfeet Tribe as a present. The jackets were presented at a Montana State
Society reception in honor of Senator Metcalf, held in the Old Russell Senate Office
Building in Washington, D.C. |
1974 January 31 | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) and his wife Donna
(right) pose with an unidentified man while wearing their Blackfeet beaded leather
jackets at a Montana State Society reception in honor of Senator Metcalf, held in
the Old Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C. |
1974 January 31 | |
08-09: Senator Lee Metcalf chats with unidentified
people at a Montana State Society reception held in his honor in the Old Russell
Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C. |
1974 January 31 | |
10-11: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) poses with
Montana Governor Thomas L. Judge (right) and an unidentified person at a Montana
State Society reception in honor of Senator Metcalf. The reception was in the Old
Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C. |
1974 January 31 | |
12: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses with Montana
Governor Thomas L. Judge (right) and an unidentified person at a Montana State
Society reception in honor of Senator Metcalf, held in the Old Russell Senate Office
Building in Washington, D.C. |
1974 January 31 | |
13: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) visits on Capitol
Hill with Montana’s two delegates to the 1974 U.S. Senate Youth Program in
Washington, D.C. The delegates are Dan Cox (left) of Bozeman and Kathy Holden
(center) of Missoula |
1974 February 6 | |
14-15: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) poses for a
photograph with an unidentified man (left) in his Senate office in Washington,
D.C. |
1974 March 5 | |
16-17: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) sits in his Senate
office visiting with two unidentified female Montana scholars, who were in
Washington, D.C., as part of the Presidential Classroom for Young Americans
program |
1974 March 5 | |
18: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) sits in his Senate
office visiting with Montana Governor Thomas L. Judge (right). Judge was in the
capital to appear before a U.S. Senate committee to ask for increased funding for
the Old West Regional Commission |
1974 March 8 | |
19-20: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) sits in his Senate
office visiting with Montana Governor Thomas L. Judge (right). Judge was in the
capital to appear before a U.S. Senate committee to ask for increased funding for
the Old West Regional Commission |
1974 March 8 | |
21-23: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) and Montana
Governor Thomas L. Judge (left) pose for a photograph with an unidentified young
woman (possibly a congressional intern) in Metcalf’s Senate office |
1974 March 8 | |
24: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) visits in his Senate
office with an unidentified Montana youth (possibly Robert Nansel of Forsyth) in
Washington, D.C., for the Hugh O’Brian Youth Foundation annual youth leadership
seminar |
1974 March 12 | |
25: James Grady (left), Metcalf’s legislative aide,
presents Senator Lee Metcalf (right) with a copy of his thriller novel Six Days of
the Condor in the Senate Reception Room of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.
Grady did the research for the novel while a congressional intern for Metcalf in
1973 |
1974 March 21 | |
26: James Grady, Senator Lee Metcalf’s legislative
aide, poses with a copy of his thriller novel Six Days of the Condor in the Senate
Reception Room of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. Grady did the research for
the novel while a congressional intern for Metcalf in 1973 |
1974 March 21 | |
27: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) sits discussing a
government report with Montana scholar John Ross (right) from Chinook, who was in
Washington, D.C., during the week of March 23-30, 1974, as part of the Presidential
Classroom for Young Americans program |
1974 March 26 | |
28: James Grady (right), Metcalf’s legislative aide,
and Senator Lee Metcalf (left) look over a copy of Grady’s thriller novel Six Days
of the Condor in Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. Grady did the research
for the novel while a congressional intern for Metcalf in 1973 |
1974 March 26 | |
19-3 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1974 |
01-02: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) visits with an
unidentified young man in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1974 March 28 | |
03-04: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) visits with an
unidentified young man in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1974 March 28 | |
05-07: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) visits in his
Senate office in Washington, D.C., with an unidentified Montana student |
1974 April 2 | |
08: Copy negative of Lot 31 B5/17.01 |
1974 May 16 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) shakes hands with an
unidentified woman on Capitol Hill |
1974 May 22 | |
10-11: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) sits and shares a
laugh in his Senate office with Montana Presidential Scholars Dan Kain (left) of
Bozeman and Lee Harrison (center) of Helena. The two scholars were in Washington,
D.C., on June 18, 1974, to attend the 1974 Presidential Scholars award
ceremonies |
1974 June 17 | |
12: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) presents in his
Senate office a certificate and pin to Beverly L. Knowles, Metcalf’s long-time
office secretary and receptionist, for her twelve years of service to the U.S.
Senate |
1974 June 18 | |
13: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) presents in his
Senate office a certificate and pin to Merrill “Brit” W. Englund, Metcalf’s
long-time administrative assistant, for his twelve years of service to the U.S.
Senate |
1974 June 18 | |
14-15: U.S. Senate Committee on Government
Operations Subcommittee on Reports, Accounting and Management Chairman Lee Metcalf
(right), and subcommittee member Senator Edmund Muskie (center), present a
certificate and pin to E. Winslow Turner, chief counsel to the subcommittee, in a
committee hearing room on Capitol Hill, The certificate was to honor Turner’s twelve
years of service to the U.S. Senate |
1974 June 27 | |
16-17: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) sits talking with
two unidentified visitors to his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1974 June 27 | |
18: Copy negative of an unidentified photographic
print |
1974 July 8 | |
19-22: Senator Metcalf (left), Acting President Pro
Tempore of the U.S. Senate, signs and completes congressional action on the
Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act, as Senate Majority Leader Mike
Mansfield (right) looks on |
1974 July 9 | |
19-4 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1974 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) visits with Daniel
Uhlrich (center) of Lewistown, and Frank Kelly (right) of Butte, Montana’s two
delegates to the 12th Annual National Science Camp. The delegates were attending a
luncheon in Washington, D.C., as part of the camp |
1974 July 11 | |
02-03: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph in his Senate office with his summer 1974 Stanford University
congressional intern William M. Abrams (right) |
1974 August 9 | |
04-05: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph with an unidentified young woman (possibly a summer employee) in his
Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1974 August 9 | |
06-07: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph with Kate Sheehy (right), a 1974 summer employee, in Metcalf’s Senate
office in Washington, D.C. |
1974 August 9 | |
08-09: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph with Steve Reinemer (right), a 1974 temporary employee, in Metcalf’s
Senate office in Washington, D.C. Steve is the son of Metcalf’s executive secretary
Vic Reinemer |
1974 August 9 | |
10-11: Senator Lee Metcalf poses for a group
photograph with his 1974 congressional interns and temporary employees. Pictured are
(left to right, back row) Steve Reinemer (temporary employee); William F. Abrams
(Stanford University summer congressional intern); John Donnelly Bell (American
Political Science Association Fellow); Jim Grady (Montana congressional intern);
Patrick O'Hara (summer employee); (left to right, front row) Bob Steyer (American
Political Science Association Fellow); Senator Metcalf; and Kate Sheehy (summer
employee) |
1974 August 9 | |
12-13: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph with John Donnelly Bell (right), a 1974 American Political Science
Association Fellow, in Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1974 August 9 | |
14-15: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph with Patrick O'Hara, a 1974 summer employee, in Metcalf’s Senate office
in Washington, D.C. |
1974 August 9 | |
16-17: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph with Bob Steyer, a 1974 American Political Science Association Fellow, in
Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1974 August 9 | |
18-19: Photograph of a Senate committee hearing
exhibit, showing the primary and secondary interlocking connections among directors
of various national corporations. The exhibit was created by Senator Lee Metcalf’s
office staff |
1974 August 19 | |
20-21: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph in his Senate office with an unidentified young woman |
1974 September 17 | |
22: Senator Lee Metcalf and his executive secretary
Vic Reinemer pose for a photograph with several unidentified visitors in Metcalf’s
Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1974 October 10 | |
23: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) sits and visits with
an unidentified man in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1974 October 10 | |
24: Photograph of a pile of documents on an end
table in Senator Lee Metcalf’s Washington, D.C., Senate office. Image was a test
photograph by one of the Senate Democratic Photograph Studio
photographers |
1974 October 10 | |
25: Copy negative of Lot 31 B1/12.08 |
1974 November 13 | |
26-27: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) sits reviewing a
document with an unidentified man |
1974 December 6 | |
28: Senator Lee Metcalf met in his Senate office in
Washington, D.C., with a delegation of officials of Montana’s Area Agencies on
Aging, who were seeking the senator’s assistance with a possible amendment to an
existing law to improve delivery of services to elderly citizens. Pictured are (left
to right) Bill Walker of Great Falls, Director of Montana Area III; Holly Luck of
Helena, Director of Montana Area IV; Metcalf; Jane Anderson of Anaconda, Director of
Montana Area V; Gerry Eklund, Planner and Grants Person for Montana Area V; Hidde
Van Duym, Director of Montana Area II |
1974 December 12 | |
29: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph in his Senate office with Gerry Eklund (right), Planner and Grants Person
for Montana Area V Agency on Aging |
1974 December 12 | |
30: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph in his Senate office with Jane Anderson (right) of Anaconda, Director of
Montana Area V Agency on Aging |
1974 December 12 | |
31: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph in his Senate office with Holly Luck (right) of Helena, Director of
Montana Area IV Agency on Aging |
1974 December 12 | |
32: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph in his Senate office with Bill Walker (right) of Great Falls, Director of
Montana Area III Agency on Aging |
1974 December 12 | |
33: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph in his Senate office with Hidde Van Duym (right), Director of Montana
Area II Agency on Aging |
1974 December 12 | |
19-5 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1975 |
01-02: Representatives of the Hopi Tribe present
Senator Lee Metcalf with a tribal statue in Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington,
D.C. Pictured are (left to right) Viets Lomahaftewa, Hopi tribal leader; Metcalf;
and Alvin Dashee, Vice-Chairman of the Hopi Tribe |
1975 February 20 | |
03-04: Donna Metcalf is pictured standing in the
Senate Recording Studio, in the basement of the Old Russell Senate Office Building
in Washington, D.C. |
1975 March 20 | |
05: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) poses for a
photograph in his Senate office in Washington, D.C., with an unidentified young
woman (possibly a visiting student scholar) |
1975 May 22 | |
06: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) poses for a
photograph in his Senate office in Washington, D.C., with an unidentified young man
(possibly a visiting student scholar) |
1975 May 22 | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) sits talking with an
unidentified woman in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1975 May 22 | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf poses for a photograph in
his Senate office in Washington, D.C., with three unidentified people |
1975 May 22 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) poses for a
photograph with an unidentified young African American woman (possibly a
congressional intern) in Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1975 July 24 | |
10: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) shakes hands with an
unidentified young man (possibly a congressional intern) in Metcalf’s Senate office
in Washington, D.C. |
1975 July 24 | |
11: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) shakes hands with an
unidentified young man (possibly a congressional intern) in Metcalf’s Senate office
in Washington, D.C. |
1975 July 24 | |
12: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) shakes hands with an
unidentified young man (possibly a congressional intern) in Metcalf’s Senate office
in Washington, D.C. |
1975 July 24 | |
13: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) poses for a
photograph with an unidentified young woman (possibly a congressional intern) in
Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1975 July 24 | |
14: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) shakes hands with an
unidentified young man (possibly a congressional intern) in Metcalf’s Senate office
in Washington, D.C. |
1975 July 24 | |
15-16: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) sits on a couch in
his Senate office talking with John A. Townsley (right), the newly-appointed
superintendent of Yellowstone National Park , on July 29, 1975 |
1975 July 29 | |
17-18: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) sits on a couch
in his Senate office talking with an unidentified woman |
1975 August 12 | |
19-20: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) poses for a
photograph on a couch in his Senate office with an unidentified mother and her two
children |
1975 August 12 | |
19-6 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1975-1976 |
01-02: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) talks with an
unidentified man in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1975 September 5 | |
03-05: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) poses for a
photograph with an unidentified young woman in his Senate office in Washington,
D.C. |
1975 September 9 | |
06-08: Senator Lee Metcalf poses for a photograph
with an unidentified young woman and her family in his Senate office in Washington,
D.C. |
1975 September 9 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) talks with an
unidentified man in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1975 September 9 | |
10-12: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses for a
photograph in his Senate office in Washington, D.C., with Montana’s two delegates to
the 1976 Presidential Classroom for Young Americans program, John Conwell (center)
and Mike Majerus (right) |
1976 January 20 | |
13: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) visits in his
Senate office with Montana’s delegates for the U.S. Senate Youth Program, Fred Scott
(left) of Billings and Kevin Hunt (right) of Missoula |
1976 February 4 | |
14-15: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) presents a $1,500
U.S. Senate Youth Program scholarship to Fred Scott (left) of Billings, a Montana
delegate participating in the 1976 Senate Youth Program |
1976 February 4 | |
16-17: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) sits visiting with
Timony J. Malee (right) of Glendive, a Montana delegate to the 1976 Presidential
Classroom for Young Americans program |
1976 February 17 | |
19-7 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1976 |
01: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) visits in his Senate
office with an unidentified female Montana student (possibly attending the Hugh
O'Brian Youth Foundation seminar) |
1976 April 6 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) visits in his Senate
office with an unidentified male Montana student (possibly attending the Hugh
O'Brian Youth Foundation seminar) |
1976 April 6 | |
03: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) visits in his Senate
office with an unidentified male Montana student (possibly attending the Hugh
O'Brian Youth Foundation seminar) |
1976 April 6 | |
04: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) visits in his Senate
office with Gary Nordlund of Malta, who was in Washington, D.C. to attend the Hugh
O’Brian Youth Foundation annual youth leadership seminar |
1976 April 6 | |
05-06: Senator Lee Metcalf (left, seated) visits in
his Senate office in Washington, D.C., with Montana’s delegates to the 46th National
4-H Conference in April 1976. Pictured are (no order) Cary E. Holmquist of
Fairfield; Lawrence Hill of Ranesford; Sheryl Rosenbaum of Missoula; and Laurie
Hamer of Helena |
1976 April 27 | |
07: Senator Lee Metcalf (left, seated) visits in his
Senate office in Washington, D.C., with Montana’s delegates to the 46th National 4-H
Conference in April 1976. Pictured are (left to right) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hewitt of
Missoula, chaperones; Cary E. Holmquist of Fairfield; Lawrence Hill of Ranesford;
Sheryl Rosenbaum of Missoula; and Laurie Hamer of Helena |
1976 April 27 | |
08: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) sits talking with an
unidentified man in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1976 April 28 | |
09-10: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) sits talking with
an unidentified woman in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1976 April 28 | |
11-12: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) presents in his
Senate office a certificate and pin to George Flory, a long-time Metcalf office
staff member, for his twelve years of service to the U.S. Senate |
1976 June 3 | |
13-14: Senator Lee Metcalf visits in his Senate
office with Montana’s 1976 Spelling Bee champion Doug Parker and his chaperone Ruth
Ausen, both of Bridger, Montana. The two were in Washington, D.C., for the 1976
National Spelling Bee |
1976 June 7 | |
15-16: Senator Lee Metcalf poses for a photograph
with members of the Montana 4-H Club, who were visiting in Washington, D.C., as part
of the National 4-H Citizenship Short Course, held over two weeks in June
1976 |
1976 June 16 | |
17-18: Senator Lee Metcalf (second from right,
seated) meets in his Senate office with three unidentified men |
1976 June 17 | |
19-20: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) visits with
Montana’s two delegates to the 1976 National Youth Science Camp, Stephen Roth of
Great Falls and Michelle Jean Howell of Superior, during a luncheon for the camp in
Washington, D.C. |
1976 June 20 | |
19-8 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1976 |
01-02: Senator Lee Metcalf poses for a photograph on
June 23, 1976, with members of the Montana 4-H Club, who were visiting in
Washington, D.C., as part of the National 4-H Citizenship Short Course held over two
weeks in June 1976 (this was the second 4-H group visiting the senator in the June
1976) |
1976 June 23 | |
03-04: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with an
unidentified man and woman in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1976 July 1 | |
05-07: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) sits talking with
an unidentified man in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1976 July 1 | |
08-10: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) visits in his
Senate office in Washington, D.C., with an unidentified family |
1976 August 16 | |
11-13: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) sits visiting in
his Senate office in Washington, D.C., with an unidentified young man (possibly a
congressional intern) |
1976 August 16 | |
14-16: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) talks with an
unidentified man in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1976 July 1 | |
17-18: Half-length portrait of Senator Lee Metcalf,
standing in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1976 October 6 | |
19-20: Half-length portrait of Donna Metcalf,
standing in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1976 October 6 | |
21-22: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) poses in his
Senate office in Washington, D.C., with an unidentified young woman (possibly an
office staff member) |
1976 December 1 | |
23-24: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) poses in his
Senate office in Washington, D.C., with an unidentified young man and woman
(possibly an office staff member) |
1976 December 1 | |
25-26: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) poses in his
Senate office in Washington, D.C., with an unidentified man (possibly an office
staff member or congressional fellow) |
1976 December 2 | |
19-9 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1977 |
01-02: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) sits in his Senate
office reviewing a document with Peggy McLaughlin (right), Metcalf’s personal
secretary |
1977 January 6 | |
03-04: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) sits at his desk
in his Senate office reviewing a document with Peggy McLaughlin (right), Metcalf’s
personal secretary |
1977 January 6 | |
05-08: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) sits in his
Senate office reviewing a document with Peggy McLaughlin (left), Metcalf’s personal
secretary |
1977 January 6 | |
09: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) talks with Peggy
McLaughlin (left), Metcalf’s personal secretary, in his Senate office |
1977 January 6 | |
10-12: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) presents a
scholarship to Susan Grebeldinger (right) of Glendive, in his Senate office.
Grebeldinger was in Washington, D.C., as a Montana delegate for the U.S. Senate
Youth Program |
1977 January 2 | |
13-15: Senator Lee Metcalf (center) visits in his
Senate office with Montana’s delegates for the 1977 U.S. Senate Youth Program, Ted
Richards (left) of Missoula and Susan Grebeldinger (right) of Glendive |
1977 February 2 | |
16-27: View of an early 19th-century U.S. Congress
rostrum, displayed in the U.S. Capitol (possibly for a historic display) |
1977 February 4 | |
28-29: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) poses in his
Senate office with Carol Hearron (left), a week-long intern in Metcalf’s office as
part of the Evangel College’s Washington Studies Internship Program |
1977 February 8 | |
30-31: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) visits in his
Senate office with two Montana scholars who were in Washington, D.C., as part of the
Presidential Classroom for Young Americans program. Pictured with the senator are
Brett Waters (left) and Stacey Karas (center) of Red Lodge, Montana |
1977 February 10 | |
19-10 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1977 |
01: Montana 4-H delegate Darcy Hoffman (left) of
Glendive presents Senator Lee Metcalf (right) with a Calico pottery cup made in
Cardwell, Montana. Hoffman visited the senator while attending the 1977 National 4-H
Conference in Washington, D.C. |
1977 April 28 | |
02: Senator Lee Metcalf visits in his Senate office
with Montana’s delegates to the National 4-H Conference in Washington, D.C. Pictured
are (left to right) Darcy Hoffman of Glendive; Metcalf; Gary Rankin of Ferdig; Kevin
Adler of Butte; Harold Gaustad, group chaperone; and Cynthia Graham of
Dillon |
1977 April 28 | |
03-04: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) shakes hands with
LeRoy Keilman, from the Montana chapter of the National Federation of Federal
Employees, in Metcalf’s Senate office during Keilman’s visit to attend the
Federation’s national convention in Washington, D.C. |
1977 May 17 | |
05-07: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) meets in his
Senate office with Georgia Ruth Rice (center), Montana Superintendent of Public
Instruction, and Dick Boyer (right), Montana Office of Public Instruction
administrator |
1977 May 17 | |
08-09: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) visits in his
Senate office with Finn Walstad (right) of Great Falls, during Walstad’s family trip
to Washington, D.C. |
1977 May 18 | |
10-11: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) visits in his
Senate office with the Finn Walstad family of Great Falls, during the family’s trip
to Washington, D.C. |
1977 May 18 | |
12-13: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) visits with two
unidentified Montana students in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1977 June 8 | |
14-15: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) visits in his
Senate office with two unidentified Montana delegates to Girls Nation in Washington,
D.C. |
1977 June 13 | |
16-17: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) visits in his
Senate office with Montana Boys Nation delegates Thomas Strand (left) of Kalispell
and Donald Weidenfeller (center) of Missoula |
1977 June 18 | |
19-11 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1977 |
01-02: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) visits in his
Senate office with two Future Farmers of America state presidents, one of which is
South Dakota FFA President Craig Dybedahl (left) |
1977 July 22 | |
03-04: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) visits with an
unidentified man in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1977 July 22 | |
07-12: Senators Lee Metcalf and Max Baucus pose on
the steps of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., with an unidentified Boy Scout
troop |
1977 July 29 | |
13-14: Senator Lee Metcalf visits in his Senate
office with Montana delegates to the Future Farmers of America Conference in
Washington, D.C. Pictured are (left to right) Metcalf; Bill Koenig of Kalispell; Jim
Jacobsen of Columbus; and John Ficken of Kalispell |
1977 August 4 | |
15-16: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) visits in his
Senate office with an unidentified male African American student |
1977 August 8 | |
17-19: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) poses in his
Senate office with an unidentified young woman (possibly an office staff
member) |
1977 September 13 | |
20-22: Senator Lee Metcalf (left) presents in his
Senate office a certificate and pin to Teddy Roe, Metcalf’s chief legislative
assistant, for his fifteen years of service to the U.S. Senate |
1977 September 13 | |
19-12 | U.S. Senate—Democratic Photograph Studio
Negatives |
1977 |
01-03: An unidentified woman (possibly Metcalf
secretary Peggy McLaughlin’s mother) sits on a couch with Senator Lee Metcalf
(right) in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1977 September 15 | |
04-05: Senator Lee Metcalf (center), Metcalf’s
personal secretary Peggy McLaughlin (right), and an unidentified woman (possibly
McLaughlin’s mother) sit on a couch in Metcalf’s Senate office in Washington,
D.C. |
1977 September 15 | |
06-07: Senator Lee Metcalf (right), Metcalf’s
personal secretary Peggy McLaughlin (left), and an unidentified woman (possibly
McLaughlin’s mother) sit on a couch talking in Metcalf’s Senate office in
Washington, D.C. |
1977 September 15 | |
08-10: Senator Lee Metcalf visits with an
unidentified family in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1977 September 15 | |
11-12: Senator Lee Metcalf visits with an
unidentified family in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1977 September 20 | |
13-14: Senator Lee Metcalf visits with an
unidentified family in his Senate office in Washington, D.C. |
1977 September 21 | |
15-16: Senator Lee Metcalf (right) poses in his
Senate office with an unidentified man |
1977 November 8 | |
17-19: In his Senate office, Senator Lee Metcalf
(left) congratulates Joyce Knows His Gun (right) of Lame Deer, on the selection of
the Northern Cheyenne Follow-Through Program for early childhood education by the
U.S. Office of Education as an excellent program |
circa 1977 | |
20: (Left to right) Senator Paul G. Hatfield and
Rep. John Melcher present scholarship certificates to William A. Cole of Bozeman and
Brent Nyquist of Missoula, Montana’s delegates for the 1978 U.S. Senate Youth
Program. Hatfield was named to complete the deceased Senator Lee Metcalf’s term of
office |
1978 February 1 | |
21: (Left to right) Newly-appointed Senator Paul G.
Hatfield; Montana State Rep. Ron Marlenee; Senator Max Baucus; Montana Governor
Thomas L. Judge; and Rep. John Melcher meet in a Senate office in Washington, D.C.
Hatfield was named by Governor Judge to complete the deceased Metcalf’s term of
office |
1978 February 1 |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- Agricultural conservation--United States
- Blackfeet Indian Reservation (Mont.)
- Crow Indians--Montana
- Dams--Flathead River (B.C. and Mont.)
- Flathead Indian Reservation (Mont.)
- Floods--Montana--1964
- Inter-Parliamentary Union (57th conference : 1969 : New Delhi)
- Inter-parliamentary Conference
- Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963--Political activity
- Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968,--Public appearances--1960-1970
- Land management
- Land, Conservation
- Legislation--United States--1950-1960
- Legislation--United States--1960-1970
- Legislation--United States--1970-1980
- Legislators--United States
- Missouri River Basin
- Montana--Politics and government--20th century
- Natural areas—Montana
- Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation (Mont.)
- Salish and Kootenai Tribes
- United States--Politics and government--20th century
- United States. Congress. Senate--Leadership
- United States. Congress. Joint Committee on Congressional Operations
- United States. Congress. Senate. Committee to Study the Senate Committee System, Temporary Select
- United States. Department of Transportation
- United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Public Roads
- United States. Department of the Interior
- United States. Department of the Interior. Youth Conservation Corps
- United States. Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965
- United States. Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975
- United States. Migratory Bird Conservation Commission
- United States. National Defense Education Act of 1958
- United States. Wilderness Act of 1964
- Wilderness and Wild and Scenic Rivers Program (U.S.)
- Wilderness areas--Law and legislation--United States--20th century
- Wilderness areas--United States--Public opinion--History
- Wilderness areas--West (U.S.)--Management
- Yellowstone National Park
- Yellowstone National Park--Environmental conditions
- Yellowstone National Park--Management
- Yellowstone River
- Yellowstone River Watershed--Environmental conditions
Personal Names
- Anderson, Forrest Howard, 1913-1989
- Anderson, LeRoy Hagen, 1906-1991
- Aronson, J. Hugo (John Hugo), 1891-1978
- Babcock, Tim, 1919-
- Battin, James Franklin, 1925-1996
- Bolle, Arnold W
- Bonner, John W. (John Woodrow), 1902-1970
- Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969
- Erickson, Leif, 1906-1998
- Fong, Hiram, 1907-2004
- Gruening, Ernest Henry, 1887-1974
- Hartke, Vance
- Hayden, Carl T. (Carl Trumbull), 1877-1972
- Humphrey, Hubert, 1911-1978
- Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973
- Judge, Thomas L
- Kennedy, Edward M. (Edward Moore), 1932-2009
- Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963
- Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
- Mansfield, Michael J. (Michael Joseph), 1903-2001
- McCarthy, Eugene J., 1916-2005
- McCormack, John W., 1891-1980
- McGovern, George S. (George Stanley), 1922-2012
- Melcher, John, 1924-
- Metcalf, Lee, 1911-1978
- Nader, Ralph
- Sparkman, John, 1899-1985
- Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972
Corporate Names
- 4-H clubs
- C.C.C. (Civilian Conservation Corps, U.S.)
- Inter-Parliamentary Union. American Group
- Job Corps (U.S.)
- Montana Bar Association
- Montana Wilderness Association
- National Wildlife Federation
- United States. Congress. House
- United States. Congress. Senate
- United States. Congress. Senate--1950-1990
- United States. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Public Roads
- Wilderness Society (U.S.)
Geographical Names
- Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness (Mont. and Wyo.)
- Big Sky (Mont.)
- Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area (Mont. and Wyo.)
- Billings (Mont.)
- Bozeman (Mont.)
- Browning (Mont.)
- Butte (Mont.)
- Clark Canyon Reservoir (Mont.)
- Columbia Falls (Mont.)
- Dillon (Mont.)
- Great Falls (Mont.)
- Hamilton (Mont.)
- Helena (Mont.)
- Kalispell (Mont.)
- Lee Metcalf Management Area (Mont.)
- Lee Metcalf Wilderness (Mont.)
- Lewistown (Mont.)
- Libby Dam (Mont.)
- Stevensville (Mont.)
- Sun River (Mont.)
- Washington (D.C.)
- Whitefish (Mont.)
- Yellowtail Dam (Mont.)