Robert E. Kildall papers, 1960-2009

Overview of the Collection

Kildall, Robert E.
Robert E. Kildall papers
1960-2009 (inclusive)
23 cubic feet (22 boxes)
Collection Number
Papers of businessman, environmentalist, and park commissioner, of Seattle, Washington
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

No restrictions on access.

Some material stored offsite; advance notice required for use.

Request at UW


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Robert E. Kildall is an environmental activist concerned with urban park development. As chairman of the Magnolia community Club he helped promote the development of Commodore Park, 1973, along the ship canal and the establishment of Discovery Park, 1974, in the Fort Lawton area. In 1974 he was appointed to the Seattle Board of Park Commissioners, and served as chairman, 1975-1977. He continued his interest in the Discovery Park project, especially in the environmental problems associated with the placement by the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle (METRO) of the West Point Treatment Facility, a waste treatment facility, adjacent to Fort Lawton. In 1977 he became chairman of the Clean Water Coalition and the Discovery Park Environmental Impact Statement Ad Hoc Committee.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Correspondence, minutes, reports, clippings, ephemera, and newsletters.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Creator's literary rights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Organized into 5 accessions:

  • Accession No. 2415-001, Robert E. Kildall papers, 1969-1977
  • Accession No. 2415-006, Robert E. Kildall papers, 1973-1982
  • Accession No. 2415-007, Robert E. Kildall papers, 1975-1984
  • Accession No. 2415-008, Robert Kildall papers, 1960-1999
  • Accession No. 2415-009, Robert E. Kildall papers, 1967-2009

Separated Materials

Visual materials transferred to the Visual Materials Collection , 1-14-2015.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Accession No. 2415-001: Robert E. Kildall papers, 1969-1977Return to Top

4.11 cubic feet (4 boxes)

Scope and Content: The papers are arranged into series according to Robert Kildall's separate activities. These include the Commodore Park series (correspondence, notebooks, scrapbooks, 1968-73); the Discovery Park series (correspondence, related papers, 1969-75); the Park Board series (defined by date, 1974-77, and by subject, i.e. anything relating to the Park and Recreation Department; with correspondence, minutes, subject series: Arboretum and Botanical Committee, 1975-77; Art in the Parks, 1976; Historical Preservation at Discovery Park, 75-76); and the Clean Water Coalition/Metro series (correspondence, minutes, related papers 1975-77).

Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.

Records stored offsite; advance notice required for use.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Container(s) Description Dates
Series 1: Commodore Park
Box Accession
1 2415-001
General Correspondence
1 2415-001
OS 2415-001
1 2415-001
Series 2: Discovery Park
Box Accession
1 2415-001
By-laws and Historical Material (Friends of Discovery Park)
1 2415-001
A-L Miscellaneous incoming letters
1 2415-001
Friends of Discovery Park incoming letters
1 2415-001
Magnolia Community Club incoming letters
1 2415-001
Metro incoming letters
1 2415-001
Seattle incoming letters
1 2415-001
M-W, Unidentified, Miscellaneous incoming letters
1 2415-001
Outgoing letters
approximately 1969-1975
1 2415-001
1 2415-001
1 2415-001
News Releases
1 2415-001
Speeches and writings
1 2415-001
Campaign Material
1 2415-001
1 2415-001
Programs and Schedules
1 2415-001
1 2415-001
1 2415-001
1 2415-001
Pamphlets and Brochures
1 2415-001
1 2415-001
Series 3: Park Board
Box Accession
2 2415-001
A-B, Miscellaneous incoming letters
2 2415-001
Hundley, Walter R. incoming letters
2 2415-001
H-L, Miscellaneous incoming letters
2 2415-001
Madison Park Community Club incoming letters
2 2415-001
Metro incoming letters
2 2415-001
Miller, John incoming letters
2 2415-001
Montlake Community Club incoming letters
2 2415-001
M-R, Miscellaneous incoming letters
2 2415-001
Seattle Parks and Recreation incoming letters
2 2415-001
Seattle incoming letters
2 2415-001
Towne, David L. incoming letters
2 2415-001
T, Miscellaneous incoming letters
2 2415-001
Uhlman, Wesley incoming letters
2 2415-001
U.S. incoming letters
2 2415-001
Washington incoming letters
2 2415-001
U-Y Miscellaneous incoming letters
2 2415-001
Outgoing letters
2 2415-001
General Correspondence
2 2415-001
Interoffice Correspondence - Parks and Recreation Department
2 2415-001
Organizational Material
2 2415-001
Board of Park Commissioners Minutes
2 2415-001
Other meeting minutes
2 2415-001
Articles of Incorporation/By-laws - Seattle Parks Foundation
2 2415-001
Resolutions and Ordinances
2 2415-001
Policies and Proposals
2 2415-001
2 2415-001
Budget Papers and Accounts
2 2415-001
Fee Schedules (Park Revenue)
3 2415-001
Project Status Reports
3 2415-001
Annual Reports
3 2415-001
Reports and Studies
3 2415-001
Speeches and Writings
3 2415-001
3 2415-001
3 2415-001
Architectural Plans
3 2415-001
3 2415-001
News Releases
3 2415-001
3 2415-001
3 2415-001
Programs, Flyers, Announcements
3 2415-001
3 2415-001
Clippings - Miscellaneous
3 2415-001
Arboretum and Botanical Committee (City of Seattle and University of Washington Joint Committee)
3 2415-001
Art in the Parks
3 2415-001
Historical Preservation at Discovery Park
Series 4: Clean Water Coalition/Metro Subgroup
Box Accession
4 2415-001
A-L, Miscellaneous incoming letters
4 2415-001
Metro incoming letters
4 2415-001
M-Z, unidentified, miscellaneous incoming letters
4 2415-001
Outgoing letters
4 2415-001
General Correspondence
4 2415-001
Metro, Citizens Water Quality Advisory Committee minutes and rosters
4 2415-001
Discovery Park EIS Ad Hoc Committee minutes and rosters
4 2415-001
Friends of Discovery Park minutes and rosters
4 2415-001
Clean Water Coalition minutes and rosters
4 2415-001
Regulations, Resolutions
4 2415-001
Auburn Interceptor - Applications and Certificates
4 2415-001
Policies and Proposals
4 2415-001
Reports and Proposals
4 2415-001
4 2415-001
Agendas and Schedules
4 2415-001
4 2415-001
4 2415-001
Programs and Flyers
4 2415-001
4 2415-001
Clippings - Personal and Political
4 2415-001
General Correspondence
4 2415-001

Accession No. 2415-006: Robert E. Kildall papers, 1973-1982Return to Top

4.55 cubic feet (6 boxes)

Scope and Content: Historical features, correspondence, minutes, reports, ephemera, clippings, subject series.

A large part of this accession deals with Discovery Park. Much of the remaining portion is about water quality and waste treatment.

Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Donated by Robert Kildall, 10/14/1982.

Accession No. 2415-007: Robert E. Kildall papers, 1975-1984Return to Top

3.83 cubic feet (5 boxes)

Scope and Content: Correspondence, mailings, reports, environmental impact statements, clippings, ephemera4.

Bulk concerns Discovery Park, Seattle. Campaign to save military buildings at old Fort Lawton as historic sites. Opposition to METRO plan for large increase in size of the West Point waste treatment plant.

Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.

Records stored offsite; advance notice required for use.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Donated by Robert Kildall, 1/31/1986.

Accession No. 2415-008: Robert Kildall papers, 1960-1999Return to Top

10 cubic feet (6 boxes)

Scope and Content: Correspondence, reports, periodical clippings on Discovery Park, Kiwanis Park, and West Point Treatment Plant.

Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Donated by Robert E. Kildall, 2/8/2000.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Accession
1 2415-008
Summary of Discovery Park Files
1 2415-008
Historical Features-"Discovery Park History", including historical references and listing of correspondence
1 2415-008
Discovery Park Correspondence
1 2415-008
Friends of Discovery Park Correspondence
2 2415-008
Discovery Park Correspondence
2 2415-008
Friends of Discovery Park Correspondence
3 2415-008
Discovery Park Correspondence
3 2415-008
Friends of Discovery Park Correspondence
4 2415-008
Discovery Park Correspondence
4 2415-008
Friends of Discovery Park Correspondence
5 2415-008
Summary of Discovery Park Files
5 2415-008
Discovery Park Correspondence
1992, 1998-1999
5 2415-008
Friends of Discovery Park Correspondence
6 2415-008
Discovery Park Correspondence
6 2415-008
Friends of Discovery Park Correspondence
6 2415-008
Metro Lawsuit
6 2415-008
Metro EIS for West Point
6 2415-008
Bob Kildall Drafts
6 2415-008
6 2415-008
Miscellaneous Files
6 2415-008
Vol. 5 - Public Comments on the Draft Supplement Plans and the Draft Supplemental Impact Statement
1986 July
6 2415-008
Vol. 5 - Public Comments on the Draft Plan and the Draft Environmental Impact Statement
1985 November

Accession No. 2415-009: Robert E. Kildall papers, 1967-2009Return to Top

.51 cubic feet (1 box)

Scope and Content: Collection includes news clippings, correspondence, newsletters, meeting minutes, photographs, printed news articles, lists, memos, reports, pamphlets, copy of "Passage to the Sea: History of he Lake Washington Ship Canal and Hiram M. Chittenden Locks", purchase application, deed, Landmark Nomination Report, procedural manuals, and information on United Indians of All tribes Foundation (UIAT) and the death of Bernie Whitebear.

Restrictions on Access: No restrictions on access.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's copyrights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.

Acquisition Info: Ruth Kildall, 2016-01-13

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder Accession
1/1 2415-009
Discovery Park: Files of Ann Mack (1968-2007 & Beyond)
1/2 2415-009
Discovery Park: Files of Ann Mack (1968-2007 & Beyond)
1/3 2415-009
Discovery Park: Correspondence Records (Year 2001 - Book 1)
1/4 2415-009
Discovery Park
1/5 2415-009
Discovery Park
1/6 2415-009
Discovery Park: Correspondence File, News Articles, Etc (2001 - Book 3)
1/7 2415-009
Chapel on the Hill - Discovery Park (Year 2002-2004 & Beyond)
1/8 2415-009
Seattle Beautiful - Operation Triangle Parks + 100th Arbor Day Incense Cedars Planting - Magnolia Community Club
1/9 2415-009
Commodore Park History (Book 2)

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

Personal Names

Corporate Names

Geographical Names

Other Creators