Guide to the Faculty papers of Lila M. Harper, 1987-2017

Overview of the Collection

Harper, Lila M. >
Guide to the Faculty papers of Lila M. Harper
1987-2017 (inclusive)
5 cubic feet, (10 document boxes)
Collection Number
Published Work, Drafts, Reports, Handwritten Notes, Printed Emails, News Clippings, Notes, Letters, Syllabi, Coursework, Ephemera
Central Washington University, Archives and Special Collections
Archives and Special Collections
Central Washington University
400 E University Way
Ellensburg, WA 98926
Telephone: 509-963-1023
Fax: 509-963-3684
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Open to the public for educational research.


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Dr. Lila M. Harper began her career at Central Washington University as an English senior lecturer in 1989. She earned her B.A. in English from Humboldt State University in 1976 and her M.A. in English from St. Cloud State University in 1987. She later earned her Ph.D. in English from the University of Oregon in 1996. During her time at Central Washington University, she served as an English senior lecturer, computer science senior lecturer, and Douglas Honors Program senior lecturer. She also served as a faculty advisor for the University Writing Center and a thesis editor for the Office of Graduate Studies. Lila M. Harper retired from Central Washington University in 2017.

Harper has numerous publications, including books, journal articles, book chapters, encyclopedia articles, book reviews, conference papers, and instructor’s manuals and pedagogical material. Her book, published in 2001, is titled Solitary Travelers: Nineteenth-Century Women’s Travel Narratives and the Scientific Vocation. She was also the editor for Flatland by Edwin Abbott, published in 1884.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection comprises a range of topics relating to Lila M. Harper and her time at Central Washington University. It contains Lila’s publications, including drafts and final products, her syllabi and coursework, correspondence with students, colleagues, and publishers, reports, and items related to her involvement with the university, including her work in department committees. The committee materials include those from faculty senate, department committees, and her work regarding the United Faculty of Central.

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This collection is divided into subject files. The original arrangement is that of the collection donor, Dr. Lila M. Harper.

Custodial History

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Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
1-1 Letters/Correspondence 1998-1999
1-2 Response to CWU's President Nelson's Resignation 1999
1-3 Kingsley; Encyclopedia of Travel and Exploration 2002-2003
1-4 Syllabi for English 105 (Fall 2001), English 102 (Fall 2011) 2001-2011
1-5 Washington Federation of Teachers, UFC, WEA
1-6 Solitary Travelers Publicity 1998-2013
1-7 "The starfish that burns" Article 2006-2007
1-8 Reviews and Comments on Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott 2006-2010
1-9 CCCC Convention "What Can We learn about Plagiarism from Master's Theses?" Article 2006
1-10 Mercator's World - Article on Kingsley 1997
1-11 UFC 1996
1-12 Dissertation - Correspondence with rejected publishers for "Solitary Travelers" 1996
1-13 "Science and Faith: The Water-Babies" Book Chapter 2001-2004
1-14 The Nameless Professional 1989-1996
1-15 Travel Conference - Minneapolis 1997
1-16 Wesleyan University Press - Flatland 2000
1-17 "Hark, Hark" Journal Article Notes and Queries 2015
1-18 "An Astonishing Change in Metaphor: Tom's Education and the Shrew-Mouse" 1999
1-19 Job Information - CWU 1989-1996
1-20 Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western US Conference Invitation 1998
1-21 Mary Henrietta Kingsley
1-22 "Flatland and Popular Culture" Book Chapter 2011
1-23 Service Appreciation Letters
1-24 NAVSA Conference/Eliot Flyers 2016
1-25 UFC Letters from CWU Faculty 1998-
1-26 PAMLA Conference Paper 2012
1-27 John AP Senate (emails) 1998
2-1 Culture and Civilization Article Confirmation 2012
2-2 What is wrong with academia today? 2008
2-3 Book Chapter "That Wonderous Medusa-Face" 2013
2-4 Review of "Wild and Fearless: The Life of Margaret Fountaine" 2007
2-5 Conference Paper: "Marginalizing the Man" Lewis and Clark College 1996
2-6 Rhetorical Strategies in Wollstonecraft's Travel Writing and "The Stigma of Emotions" 1998-2001
2-7 Review of "Letters to Henrietta" Northeastern University Press 2002
2-8 Review of "Women and the Politics of Travel, 1870-1900" by Monica Anderson 2003
2-9 Class Test - Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum (WRAC) 1997-
2-10 "Wollstonecraft's Response to Imlay" NASSR Conference 2001
2-11 "Solitary Travelers" - Conference Paper - University of Minnesota 1997
2-12 "Harriet Martineau" - Encyclopedia Article , Dictionary of Library Biography Series, Vol 166 1994
2-13 "Isabella Bird" - Encyclopedia of World Environmental History Article 2002
2-14 "Issues of Dress in Women's Travel Narratives" - Modern Langauge Association 2007
2-15 Douglas Honors College - Fall 2008, Fall 2009 2008-2009
2-16 Enrichment Courses
2-17 "G.H. Lewes, George Eliot, and the Medusa at the Seaside" Article 2009
2-18 "G.H. Lewes, George Eliot, and the Medusa at the Seaside" Article - MLA 2008
2-19 CWU Adjunct List and Trouble with Adjuncts Essays 2010
2-20 American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Fellowship 2001-2002
2-21 Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) Panel 2004
2-22 "The Blessing of a Good Thick Skirt" - NW Conference on British Studies 1995
2-23 Mathematics and Popular Culture - Flatland 2009-
2-24 ABELL Indexing 1996-1997
2-25 Non-Tenure Track (NTT) Bake Sale 2007-2008
2-26 A Tour of Dimensions with a Square
2-27 University Forum 1998-1999
2-28 Collective Bargaining Bill 2001-2002
2-29 Higher Education Salary Comparison 2000
3-1 "Domesticating the African Landscape: Mary Kingsley's Travel Memoirs" Lecture 2001
3-2 Computer Science 325 Course Material 2006-2008
3-3 "Entangled Lives in the Colorado Rocky Mountains" Kingsley Article 2013
3-4 "Flatland in VAs" Festschrift for Steve Tomasula - Journal Article 2010
3-5 Newspaper Clippings 1998-2001
3-6 Composition and Math Article by Lila and James Harper 2002-2003
3-7 Writing Center 2002-2004
3-8 Intertexual Approaches to Teaching 'The Tempest' 2012
3-9 Letters/MLA 2006-2014
3-10 Nineteenth-Century Prose - "Re-examining Taxonomy and Gender" 2011
3-11 Thesis Preparation Workshop and Thesis Logs 2006-2008
3-12 "Wild and Fearless: The Life of Margaret Fountaine" 2007
3-13 New Graduate Student Orientation 2006
3-14 "Reexamining Taxonomy and Gender: T.H. Huxley, G.H. Lewes, and George Eliot View the Medusa" 2008
3-15 Re-evaluating Elizabeth Von Arnim 2015
3-16 Women's Travel Writing, DHC 141 Humanistic Understanding II 2011
3-17 "Flatland in Popular Culture" 2008-2010
4-1 English 105 The Literacy Imagination: An Introduction to Literature 2005-2007
4-2 MLA 2017
4-3 William O. Douglas Honors College 2002-2013
4-4 Technical Writing for Computer Science "Using the Summary and the Paraphrase" by Lila Harper
4-5 Eugene Conference - "The Environmental Vision of Mary Wollstonecraft"
4-6 English 301 Course Pack
4-7 Coursework
4-8 From Fiction to Film: Exploring the Film Adaptation Course Pack
4-9 Honors Convocation 2014
4-10 "From Aga to Zebra Crossing: An American Mystery Reader's Guide to Contemporary British Allusions" 2011
4-11 Annual Performance Review 2001-2004
4-12 Ecological Imperialism instructed by Lila Harper 2014
4-13 Narrative for Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Winter 2015 2014-2015
4-14 Beth McCune 2005
4-15 Community college student who chose Lila's journal article for her exploration writing assignment 2009
4-16 Letters of Recommendation 2001-2014
4-17 Personal Statement: Philosophy, Goals, and Achievements in the Area of Teaching
4-18 English 105 Intro to Literature - History of English Powerpoint
4-19 A Feminist Journal Online 2007
4-20 Forces of Nature, Naturalizing Gender and Gendering Nature in the Discourses of Western Culture 2009
4-21 English 301 1996-1997
4-22 "Does it matter that your professor is part time?" 2008
4-23 Prerequisites for English 102
4-24 Email Correspondence 1995-1996
5-1 102 Material 1992
5-2 "Swimming Among the Jellyfish": Elizabeth von Arnim and Marianne North by Lila Marz Harper
5-3 "The Untitled Discipline" PMLA, January 1996, Volume 3, Number 1 1996
5-4 Book Review "Friction with the Market": Henry James and the Profession of Authorship by Michael Anesko
5-5 "The International Journal of Travel and Travel Writing" Proof 2001
5-6 Personal Assessment (English 301) 1997
5-7 Adjunct Senate Representative 2002
5-8 Summer Course Packet 1997
5-9 Recurring Thesis Errors, Moving from MLA to APA, and Reoccuring Problems in APA Formatted Theses
5-10 Teaching the Tempest
5-11 "Solitary Travelers: nineteenth-century women's travel narratives and the scientific vocation"
5-12 Faculty Bake Sale Observer Article 2007
5-13 DHC 101 1996-1997
5-14 Doc Workshop 1999
5-15 Solitary Travelers Proof: Chapter 1 "New Opportunities: Women, Science, and Travel" 2000
5-16 Solitary Travelers Proof: Chapter 2 "Mary Wollstonecraft: A New Genus" 2000
5-17 Solitary Travelers Proof: Chapter 3 "Harriet Martineau: An Investigative Observer" 2000
5-18 Solitary Travelers Proof: Chapter 4 "Isabella Bird Bishop: An RGS Fellow" 2000
5-19 Solitary Travelers Proof: Chapter 5 "Mary H. Kingsley: In Pursuit of Fish and Fetish" 2000
5-20 Solitary Travelers Proof: Chapter 6 "Conclusions" 2000
5-21 Martineau 1996
5-22 Materials from Travel Conference 1997
5-23 Workshops
5-24 Darwin 1995-1999
5-25 Adjunct Newsgroup 1996-1997
6-1 English 323 - Editing for Usage, Style, and Clarity 2006
6-2 University Bullentins, Letters, Nominations, Vita 1996-2000
6-3 Writing in Freshman Composition and the Disciplines 1994
6-4 Writing in Freshman Composition and the Disciplines - Small Group Work Sessions 1994
6-5 Patricia Garrison 1995-1998
6-6 Notebook
6-7 English 102 Course Packet - Winter 2010 2010
6-8 "Solitary Travelers" in The Death of the Scholarly Monograph in the Humanities? Citation Patterns in Literary Scholarship 2002
6-9 English 105 Materials
6-10 "Self-Censorship in Mary Kingsley's Travels in West Africa"
6-11 "Teaching Darwin in the English Composition Class: A Tangled Book of Problems and Approaches" 2000
6-12 English 102 Quizzes
6-13 Humanities 103 2000
6-14 Humanities 103 2001
6-15 Humanities 103 2001
7-1 DNB Duff Gordon 1997-1999
7-2 19th Century British Women Writers 1997-2000
7-3 DHC Women Travelers
7-4 Course Materials 1996-1997
7-5 Evolution and Genetics Course Pack 1997
7-6 Tech. Writing for Computer Science 2004
7-7 Correspondence with Dean Babener 1990-1997
7-8 Humanities Program 1998-2000
7-9 English 102 Summer 2001 2000-2001
7-10 Entangled Lives in the Colorado Rocky Mountains by Lila Harper
7-11 Wollstonecraft, Frankenstein, Austen
7-12 Technology Writing Transparencies
7-13 Institutional Studies Time Analysis 1998
7-14 Writing Center - Dean Correspondence 2002
7-15 Forces of Nature: Naturalizing Gender and Gendering Nature in the Discourses of Western Culture "The Starfish that Burns" 2009
8-1 Evaluations 1993-2014
8-2 "The Starfish that Burns: Gendering the Jellyfish" Drafts
8-3 "Borges' Pearl"
8-4 Bibliomania Article 1987-2006
8-5 Part-Timers' Evaluation 1994-1998
8-6 RMMLA 2013
8-7 Washington AFT and UFC 1995-1997
8-8 Union Activism 1996
8-9 Journal Articles
8-10 Letters 2013-2015
8-11 Literature of Travel and Exploration 1999
8-12 Darwin - Subversive Teaching in Conservative Classrooms
8-13 Tuition Waiver 1997
8-14 Longman Website Project 2000
8-15 Email Correspondence 1997-1998
9-1 Correspondence 1996-2005
9-2 Publications and Conferences 1997-2015
9-3 United Faculty of Central/Union 1995-2003
9-4 Book Review: "Transatlantic Travels in Nineteenth-Century Lation America: European Women Pilgrims" 2014-2015
9-5 "Clues in the Street: Sherlock Holmes, Martin Hewitt, and Mean Streets" 2000 -2009
9-6 DHC 2004-2005
9-7 Flatland Publication
9-8 Flatland for Publication 2002
9-9 Publishing Communications 1995-2006
9-10 Frank Cioffi Correspondence 2001
9-11 Campus Involvement 1995-2006
9-12 In Transit Conference 2002
9-13 "The Blessing of a Good Thick Skirt": Issues of Dress in Women's Travel Narratives 1995
9-14 "Self-Censoring in Mary Kingsley's Travel in West Africa" Borders and Crossings Seuils et Traverses 2004
9-15 Grad School Thesis Work 2005-2011
10-1 English 102 Course Pack Fall 2006 2006
10-2 English 102 Course Pack Fall 2011 2011
10-3 Farleigh Dickinson University Press Catalog of Publications 2012-2013
10-4 MLA Bibliography 1995-2016
10-5 Rudy Rucker 2001
10-6 Pearson Contracts 2002-2008
10-7 English 101 Course Pack
10-8 Professional File
10-9 English Department 101 Syllabus and Common File 1995-1996
10-10 Packet Copyrights 1996
10-11 English 102 Packet Material 1997
10-12 Editing Class 2006-2007
10-13 Part-Time Faculty 1995
10-14 English 301 - Evolution and Genetics - Spring 1996 1996
10-15 Correspondence 1997-2004

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