French family album,, 1860-1930

Overview of the Collection

French family.
French family album,
1860-1930 (inclusive)
3 boxes, (1.5 linear ft. )
Collection Number
Seventy-three photographs, including cartes-de-visite, cabinet cards, and postcards from a family album. Most of the portraits are unidentified, although several are members of the French family, who apparently lived in St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada. Other photographs were taken in Canada or the Midwest including Menominee and Fond du Lac in Wisconsin, and Chicago, Illinois. Others indicate Portland, Oregon as their place of origin. The photographs were removed from the album for preservation reasons but have been kept in their original order.
Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives Division
Special Collections & Archives
Merrill-Cazier Library
Utah State University
Logan, UT
Telephone: 4357978248
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Access Restrictions

Open to public research.

Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant, 2007-2008

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The French family album consists of 73 images including carte-de-visite, cabinet cards, and postcards. Most of the portraits are unidentified although several are members of the French family who apparently lived in St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada. Other photographs were taken in Canada or the Midwest including Menominee and Fond du Lac in Wisconsin, and Chicago, Illinois. Others indicate Portland, Oregon as their place of origin.

The photographs were removed from the album but kept in their original order. The two photographs in box 3 were pasted into the album and have been removed for preservation reasons.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use


It is the responsibility of the user to obtain permission to publish from the owner of the copyright (the institution, the creator of the record, the author or his/her transferees, heirs, legates, or literary executors). The user agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Utah State University Libraries, its officers, employees, and agents from and against all claims made by any person asserting that he or she is an owner of copyright.

Permission to publish material from the French family album must be obtained from the Special Collections Photograph Curator and/or the Special Collections Department Head.

Preferred Citation

French family album, 1860-1930. (P0109). Utah State University. Special Collections & Archives Department.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Organized numerical by photo number.

Acquisition Information

This album was transferred to the division on January 17, 1996. The album was discovered by the daughter of Edna Lemmon of Preston Idaho in a boarding house in San Francisco. The daughter gave it to Mrs. Lemmon, who gave it to John Olinger, who donated it to Special Collections & Archives.

Processing Note

Register completed by Peter F. Schmid, January 1998, and revised by Daniel Davis, February 2005.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
1 1:01-04: St. Thomas, Ontario (Canada)--Houses--1890's. Cabinet photographs, exterior and interior views of a home in St. Thomas, probably the French home. In one interior, a child sits at table with a basket of fruit. Excellent interior photography; photos by Hopkins (St. Thomas) 1890s
1 1:05: St. Thomas, Ontario (Canada)--Houses--ca. 1905. Cabinet photograph, an elderly couple (Jessie G.(?) Maclean) in their drawing room on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary; possibly in St. Thomas ca. 1905
1 1:06: Photographers: Hopkins. Unidentified cabinet portrait of an elderly woman; by Hopkins (St. Thomas, Ontario) 1880s
1 1:07: French, Jeanie S. Cabinet portrait, probably taken in St. Thomas, Ontario 1880s
1 1:08: Photographers: Notman, William. Unidentified cabinet portrait, probably a member of the French family of St. Thomas, Ontario; by Notman (Montreal, Toronto & Halifax) 1880s
1 1:09: Photographer: Fond du Lac Cabinet portrait by D.N.M. Keuua
1 1:10: Unidentified cabinet card portrait of young man, taken 1886(?)
1 1:11: Photographers: Groh, G.M. & Bro. Unidentified cabinet portrait, possibly a member of the French family of St. Thomas, Ontario; by G.M. Groh & Bro. (Sheboygan, Wisconsin) 1880
1 1:12: Photographers: Scott & Hopkins. Unidentified cabinet portrait, friend of the French family of St. Thomas, Ontario; by Scott & Hopkins (St. Thomas, Ontario) 1883
1 1:13: Photographers: Lindop, W.E. Unidentified cabinet portrait, possibly a member of the French family of St. Thomas, Ontario; by Lindop (St. Thomas, Ontario) 1880s
1 1:14: Photographers: Gagen & Fraser. Unidentifed cabinet portrait of man and baby; by Gagen & Fraser (Toronto) 1880s
1 1:15-16: Photographers: Hopkins, J.H. Unidentified cabinet portraits, one of woman and baby and the other of a baby; by J.H. Hopkins (St. Thomas, Ontario) 1880s
1 1:17: Photographers: Gagen & Fraser. Unidentifed cabinet portrait of baby; by Gagen & Fraser (Toronto) 1880s
1 1:18-21: Photographers: Hopkins, J.H. Unidentified cabinet portraits, probably members of the French family, St. Thomas, Ontario; by J.H. Hopkins (St. Thomas, Ontario) 1890s
1 1:22: Photographers: Russell. Cabinet photograph, a group of men with guns and tent, beside a railroad trestle; by Russell (Tottenham, Ontario) 1890s
1 1:23: Photographers: McAlpin. Unidentified portrait of two women; by McAlpin ca. 1910
1 1:24-25: Photographers: Hopkins, J.H. Cabinet portraits of a little girl with her doll; by Hopkins (St. Thomas, Ontario) ca. 1905
1 1:26: Unidentified woman feeding pigeons, probably taken in Europe
1 1:27: Unidentified woman, Swiss passport photo(?) ca. 1910
1 1:28: Unidentified woman dressed in snow shoeing gear
1 1:29: Unidentified girl
1 1:30: Three unidentified girls
1 1:31: Two pictures of unidentified women
1 1:32: Unidentified woman being pulled in a carriage by an Asian man
1 1:33: Photographers: Nagasaki. Portrait of a woman playing a Japanese instrument; by Nagasaki (Yokohama) ca. 1918
1 1:34: Unidentified woman
1 1:35: Photographers: Scott & Hopkins. Cabinet portrait of man; Scott & Hopkins (St. Thomas, Ontario) 1880s
1 1:36: Photographers: Gagen & Fraser. Cabinet portrait of baby, by Gagen & Fraser (Toronto) 1880s
1 1:37: French, Jeanie S. Cabinet portrait; by G.M. Groh & Bro. (Sheboygan, Wisconsin) 1880s
1 1:38: Photographers: Aerne, C. Portrait; by Aerne (Portland, Ore.) ca. 1910s
1 1:39-41: Unidentified women ca. 1910s
1 1:42: Group on a beach early 1900s
1 1:43: Unidentified women (with dog) in a carriage
1 1:44: Unidentified woman
1 1:45: Photographers: Kirkham. Cabinet portrait of mother and son; by Kirkham (Menominee, Mich.) 1890s
1 1:46: Photographers: Stronach & Vansickle. Cabinet portrait of man; by Stronach & Vansickle early 1890s
1 1:47: Photographers: Gehrig Studios. Cabinet portrait of woman; by Gehrig Studios, Frank A. Place, Proprietor Place (Chicago, ILL) 1880s
1 1:48: Unidentified woman with her husband (?) in a hammock
1 1:49: Photographers: Albert Studio. Postcard portrait of a woman; by Albert Studio (Atlantic City, NJ) 1910s
1 1:50: Two unidentified men
1 1:51: Photographers: McKenna. Cabinet portrait of father and son; by McKenna (Fond du Lac) ca. early 1890s
1 1:52: Portrait of man
1 1:53: Portrait of old woman, Knowles
1 1:54: Photographers: Windeatt. Portrait; by Windeatt (Oak Park, ILL)
1 1:55: Photographers: Wiltberger, L. Cabinet portrait of two girls; by Wiltberger (Oak Park, ILL) ca. 1905
1 1:56: Photographers: Windeatt. Portrait of a woman; by Windeatt (Oak Park, ILL) 1910s
1 1:57: Photographers: Hopkins. Cabinet portrait of a woman; Hopkins (St. Thomas, Ontario) 1880s
1 1:58: French, Jeanie S. Cabinet portrait of a woman; by G.M. Groh & Bro. (Sheboygan, Wis.) 1880s
1 1:59: Photographers: Green, A.S. Cabinet portriat of a woman; by Green (St. Thomas, Ontario) 1880s
1 1:60: Photographers: Arnold. Cabinet portrait of a family; by Arnold (Oak Park, ILL) 1890s
1 1:61: Photographers: Gehrig Studios Place, Frank A. Cabinet portrait of a woman by Gehrig Studios, Frank A. Place, Proprietor (Chicago, ILL) 1880s
1 1:62: Mackenzie, William Kenneth Mar. Cabinet portrait of a boy ca. 1903
2 2:01-02. : Unidentified cartes-de-visite, two girls with their pet dog ca. 1870's
2 2:03. : Photographers: Aune. Carte-de-visite of three children; by Aune (Portland, OR) 1860s
2 2:04. : Carte-de-visite, unidentified woman 1886
2 2:05. : Photographers: Ryder, J. F. Carte-de-visite of a little girl; by Ryder (Cleveland, OH) ca. 1870s
2 2:06. : Carte-de-visite of a girl March 1870
2 2:07. : Photographers: Sutter. Carte-de-visite portrait of a young woman wearing a large cross; by Sutter (Milwaukee, WI) ca. 1880s
2 2:08-09. : Unidentified portraits
3 3:01. : A resort lodge, probably in California. William Kenneth Marr Mackenzie in the photo ca. 1902
3 3:02. : Close-up of the family in front of resort lodge. William Kenneth Marr Mackenzie in the photo ca. 1902