The military science and tactics photograph collection, 1917-1920

Overview of the Collection

Utah Agricultural College.
The military science and tactics photograph collection
1917-1920 (inclusive)
1 oversize box, (1.5 linear ft.)
Collection Number
The bulk of these 37 oversized photographs depict cadets of the Military Science and Tactics Department of the Utah Agricultural College (now Utah State University) during review and drill, 1918. At that time, the two year military course was compulsory for all physically able male students as a prerequisite of graduation. Included are photographs of Governor Simon Bamberger reviewing the cadets, and of the cadets wearing surgical masks due to the influenza epidemic of that year; also, there are some prints depicting students in mechanic arts and home economics.
Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives Division
Special Collections & Archives
Merrill-Cazier Library
Utah State University
Logan, UT
Telephone: 4357978248
Fax: 4357972880
Access Restrictions

Open to public research.

Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant, 2007-2008

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The bulk of these 37 oversized photographs depict cadets of the Military Science and Tactics Department of the Agricultural College of Utah during review and drill, 1918. At that time, the two year military course was compulsory for all physically able male students as a prerequisite of graduation. Included are photographs of Governor Simon Bamberger reviewing the cadets, and of the cadets wearing surgical masks due to the influenza epidemic of that year; also, there are some prints depicting students in mechanic arts and home economics.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use


It is the responsibility of the user to obtain permission to publish from the owner of the copyright (the institution, the creator of the record, the author or his/her transferees, heirs, legates, or literary executors). The user agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Utah State University Libraries, its officers, employees, and agents from and against all claims made by any person asserting that he or she is an owner of copyright.

Permission to publish material from the The military science and tactics photograph collection must be obtained from the Special Collections Photograph Curator and/or the Special Collections Department Head.

Preferred Citation

The Military Science and Tactics photograph collection, 1917-1920. (P0137). Utah State University. Special Collections & Archives Department.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Arrangement: Topical.

Acquisition Information

Aquisition information is unknown

Processing Note

Register completed by Peter F. Schmid, February 1998, and revised by Daniel Davis, December 2007.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
1 1:01: Utah Governor Simon Bamberger and officers stand ready to review cadets. Some wear surgical masks due to the influenza epidemic 1918
1 1:02: Looking west, raising of the flag on the Quad, Old Main in background undated
1 1:03: Looking east, cadets with rifles posed near site of the present Merrill Library, mouth of Logan Canyon in background. Photograph by Loveland Photo, Logan, Utah
1 1:04: Looking north, Utah Governor Simon Bamberger and other officials reviewing cadets. Animal Science Building and Geology Building (under construction) appear in the background. People wear surgical masks due to the influenza epidemic. Photograph by Loveland Photo, Logan, Utah 1918
1 1:05: Looking north, probably from the top of the Irrigation and Drainage Building (later Ray B. West Building) at cadets (including band members) on the Quad forming the letters "UAC,". Animal Science Building and tennis court in the background. Though officially named the Agricultural College of Utah, the school was often referred to as the Utah Agricultural College
1 1:06: Looking north, probably from the top of the Irrigation and Drainage Building (later Ray B. West Building) at cadets in formation on the Quad. Animal Science Building, barn, greenhouses, and tennis court in the background
Winter 1917
1 1:07: Looking east, cadets with rifles posed near site of the present Merrill Library, mouth of Logan Canyon in background. Photograph by Loveland Photo, Logan, Utah undated
1 1:08: Looking east, cadets with rifles posed near site of the present Merrill Library in winter, mouth of Logan Canyon in background. Photograph by Loveland Photo, Logan, Utah
1 1:09: Looking east, cadets with rifles posed near site of the present Merrill Library in winter, mouth of Logan Canyon in background. Photograph by Loveland Photo, Logan, Utah
1 1:10: Looking east, cadets with rifles posed near site of the present Merrill Library in winter, mouth of Logan Canyon in background. Photograph by Loveland Photo, Logan, Utah
1 1:11: Looking east, cadets with rifles posed near site of the present Merrill Library in winter, mouth of Logan Canyon in background. Photograph by Loveland Photo, Logan, Utah undated
1 1:12: Probably a press conference. Photograph includes President E.G. Peterson and Trustee Fritz Champ 1935 - 1945
1 1:13: Looking east, cadets with rifles posed near site of the present Merrill Library in winter, mouth of Logan Canyon in background. Photograph by Loveland Photo, Logan, Utah undated
1 1:14: Board of Trustees, including Susa Young Gates and William S. McCornick 1907
1 1:15: Unidentified parade scene includes Consolidated Wagon & Machine Co. and Commercial and Savings Bank. Possibly not in Cache Valley 1920-1929
1 1:16: Machinist at work on a milling machine, probably in the Mechanic Arts Building 1920-1929
1 1:17: Looking east, cadets with rifles posed near site of the present Merrill Library, mouth of Logan Canyon in background. Photograph by Loveland Photo, Logan, Utah undated
1 1:18: Looking east, cadets with rifles posed near site of the present Merrill Library, mouth of Logan Canyon in background. Photograph by Loveland Photo, Logan, Utah
1 1:19: Men welding in the Mechanic Arts Building 1920-1929
1 1:20-21: Men at work in the Mechanic Arts Building 1920-1929
1 1:22-26: Cadets doing exercises on the Quad including hand-to-hand combat with bayonets. Photographs by Loveland Photo, Logan, Utah undated
1 1:27: Group photo of Cadets (including cooks) at ease in quarters undated
1 1:28-29: Women cooking and washing dishes, probably home economic students undated
1 1:30: Unidentified class group in factory setting undated
1 1:31: View of Chapel and bell-tower at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York undated
1 1:32: Men with a scale model of a home and grounds undated
1 1:33: Geology building under construction undated
1 1:34: Cadets loading a truck with food undated
1 1:35: Men posed with truck outside of automobile garage undated
1 1:36: Cadets at a banquet undated
1 1:37: Cadets and chefs with roasted chickens and turkeys undated