Art and Architecture Student papers, ​​1960-1983​

Overview of the Collection

University of Idaho.
Art and Architecture Student papers
​​1960-1983​ (inclusive)
2 cubic feet
Collection Number
UG 143
Assorted student papers including essays, reports, thesis proposals, and architectural programs and proposed projects in Moscow and other Idaho towns. Three copies of a School Evaluation Report and a report by the design team at the Lewiston Community Design Center.
University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
University of Idaho Library
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 2350
Moscow, ID
Telephone: 2088850845
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.


Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The collection contains assorted student papers from the Department of Art and Architecture at the University of Idaho. The student papers include essays, reports, thesis proposals, and architectural programs and specifications for proposed projects in Moscow and other Idaho towns, such as Lewiston, Jerome, and Coeur d'Alene. The collection also includes three copies of a School Evaluation Report submitted by the University of Idaho prior to the visitation of the Board of Landscape Architectural Accreditation Team and a report by the design team at the Lewiston Community Design Center.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

FOR PHOTOS Photographer, "Title," date. Collection name, object ID. University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives, Moscow, ID.

FOR DOCUMENTS Author, Description or "Title" of item, date. Collection name, collection number, box, folder. University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives, Moscow, ID.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Items arranged in boxes where they can best fit; duplicate copies housed together.

Acquisition Information

The materials in this collection were donated by Art and Architecture in 1990.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Series 1:Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1
Pritchard and Blanton
185 items : Contains agenda and contract documents for the Sigma Chi Fraternity House.
24 April 1972
1 2
101 items : Contains specifications and contract documents for a mobile home park architectural project in Moscow, Idaho.
1 3
Gaming/Simulation as a Technique for Problem-Solving Decision-Making in Design
1 item : Contains a report on applications of game theory in decision-making in design.
8 December 1975
1 4
East City Park
1 item : Contains architectural designs and plans for East City Park in Moscow, Idaho.
1 5
Thesis Program
1 item : Contains the program for a thesis proposal by Marshmellow Designs.
1 6
Islamic Architecture Under Ottoman Patronage
1 item : Contains a paper on Islamic architecture under Ottoman patronage, written by Hamad Madhi.
1 7
The History of the Row House in Europe and the USA
1 item : Contains a paper on the history of the row house in Europe and the USA, written by Mustapha Ghaddar for a directed study under Professor Paul Blanton.
1 8
Evolution of Grotesque Art and Church Influence
1 item : Contains a paper on the evolution of grotesque art and church influence, written by Mustapha Ghaddar for an internship under Professor Paul Blanton.
1 9
The Sources of Modern Art and Architecture
1 item : Contains a paper on the sources of modern art and architecture, written by Asghar M. Sarraf.
1 10
A Report on the Basic Evolution of Modern Architecture
1 item : Contains a report on the basic evolution of modern architecture, written by Steve Trout.
11 May 1975
1 11
Specifications: New Multi-Purpose Building Pleasant Valley, Idaho
1 item : Contains specifications for a new multi-purpose building in Pleasant Valley, Idaho for Pleasant Valley School District #364.
1 12
Specifications: Remodel & Office Addition to 5550 Morris Hill Building, Phase 2
1 item : Contains specifications for a remodel and office addition to the 5550 Morris Hill Building in Boise, Idaho.
11 October 1983
1 13
Lewiston, Idaho Community Design Process
1 item : Contains community design process outline for Lewiston, Idaho.
May 1978
1 14
Program: Forest Service Office-Laboratory Buildings
1 item : Contains program and architectural plans pertaining to forest service office-laboratory buildings in Moscow, Idaho.
5 July 1961-14 August 1961
1 15
Tentative Plans for Drama Center for the University of Idaho
1 item : Contains tentative plans for a drama center at the University of Idaho.
15 February 1960
1 16
Jerome Tomorrow Starts Today
1 item : Contains a community design and planning report for Jerome, Idaho.
June 1974
1 17
Jerome Tomorrow Starts Today
1 item : Contains a community design and planning report for Jerome, Idaho. (duplicate copy)
June 1974
1 18
A Study of Detention Facilities
1 item : Contains a study of detention facilities.
1 19
Lewiston Bluff Study
1 item : Contains a study of the Lewiston bluff by Tom Eachus et. al.
1 20
Lewiston Bluff Study
1 item : Contains a study of the Lewiston bluff by Tom Eachus et. al. (duplicate copy)
1 21
Kamiah Program for a Community Center
1 item : Contains a program for constructing a Community Center in Kamiah, Idaho.
1 22
Coeur d'Alene Idaho: A Study of Options for Downtown
1 item : Contains a study of design options for downtown Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, prepared by the Community Design Class of the Department of Art and Architecture at the University of Idaho.
1 23
Port Station
1 item : Contains a program investigating the feasibility and types of possible development of Port Station in Lewiston, Idaho.
May 1976
1 24
Requested Tenth Street Closure: Alternatives and Recommendations
1 item : Contains a report reflecting opinions on alternatives and recommendations for a requested Tenth Street closure in St. Maries, Idaho.
May 1975
2 25
Historic Architectural Survey
1 item : Contains a historic architectural survey of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
2 26
Program for the Moscow-Latah County Public Library
1 item : Contains a program for the Moscow-Latah County public library to develop and formalize future library needs.
24 March 1975
2 27
Specification: Remodel Interior of Art and Architecture South Building
1 item : Contains specifications for the remodel of the interior of the Art and Architecture South building at the University of Idaho in Moscow.
30 May 1975
2 28
Specification: Remodel Interior of Art and Architecture South Building
1 item : Contains specifications for the remodel of the interior of the Art and Architecture South building at the University of Idaho in Moscow.
25 April 1975
2 29
School Evaluation Report
1 item : Contains School Evaluation Report submitted by the University of Idaho prior to the visitation of the Board of Landscape Architectural Accreditation Team.
August 1976-1 September 1976
2 30
School Evaluation Report
1 item : Contains School Evaluation Report submitted by the University of Idaho prior to the visitation of the Board of Landscape Architectural Accreditation Team. (duplicate copy)
August 1976-1 September 1976
2 31
School Evaluation Report
1 item : Contains School Evaluation Report submitted by the University of Idaho prior to the visitation of the Board of Landscape Architectural Accreditation Team. (duplicate copy)
August 1976-1 September 1976
2 32
Boise City Center Parking Needs
1 item : Contains a report on parking needs in the Boise City Center
31 January 1974
2 33
1 item : Contains a report by the design team at the Lewiston Community Design Center.
11 August 1978
2 34
Moscow Transportation Hub
1 item : Contains a student architectural project on a Moscow Transportation Hub.

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

Titles within the Collection

  • University of Idaho. College of Art and Architecture

Other Creators