Cecelia Luschnig papers, 1974-2015

Overview of the Collection

Luschnig, Cecelia
Cecelia Luschnig papers
1974-2015 (inclusive)
1.5 cubic feet, (2 records box)
Collection Number
UG 105
Course materials, publications, translations, and other professional papers collected by Cecelia Luschnig, professor of Classical Studies at the University of Idaho.
University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
University of Idaho Library
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 2350
Moscow, ID
Telephone: 2088850845
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.

English, Latin, Greek, Ancient (to 1453)

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The materials include newsletters, lectures series, student contest winners, and photographs from Eta Sigma Phi, the Classical Studies honors society from 1975-2003. Other newsletters in the collection include the Latin Teachers Newsletters sent from UI Faculty, and Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest. There are also materials from a visiting lecturer Bella Vivante and from an NEH Grant titled "Institute for Idaho Higher Education." It also includes course materials from courses taught throughout her career and a selection of publications she completed.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

One of the top United States scholars on the Greek playwright, Euripides, Cecelia Luschnig was also a passionate classics educator. She created 14 different courses and was one of seven college teachers honored with the American Philological Association Award for Excellence in Teaching. She also received the Phi Kappa Phi University of Idaho Alumni Association Distinguished Faculty Award.

Cecelia was president of the Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest for a year and edited its bulletin for a decade. She advised Eta Sigma Phi, the U of I chapter, and developed its lecture series that continued for 28 years.

Cecelia published around two dozen books, as "C.A.E. Luschnig." Her first book on Greek language had a Facebook fan page. Her scholarly work continued into retirement, and before she passed, she was writing another non-fiction book and two novels.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

Author, Description or "Title" of item, date. Collection name, collection number, box, folder. University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives, Moscow, ID.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Materials received from Cecelia Luschnig in 2019 (UA 2019-07).

Related Materials

Related materials may be found in MG 5784 Palouse Anthropology Oral History collection. Interview with Celia A. E. Luschnig, Professor Emerita of Classics, January 2019

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Series 1: HistoryReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1
History of Classical Studies at U of I
1 items
1 2
Bulletins I
24 items : Bulletins of the Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest
1 3
Bulletins II
7 items : Bulletins of the Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest

Series 2. NEHReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 4
NEH Grant I
3 items : NEH Secondary Education Grant: "Ancient World Institute." A program for secondary school teachers which included a six-week institute and a one-week follow-up workshop for twenty-four Idaho teachers. Application; study guides
1 5
NEH Grant II
1 items : NEH Secondary Education Grant: "Ancient World Institute." A program for secondary school teachers which included a six-week institute and a one-week follow-up workshop for twenty-four Idaho teachers. study guides supplement
1 6
1 items : NEH Secondary Education Grant: "Ancient World Institute." A program for secondary school teachers which included a six-week institute and a one-week follow-up workshop for twenty-four Idaho teachers. Ancient World Institute Projects
1 7
NEH Grant IV
1 items : NEH Secondary Education Grant: "Ancient World Institute." A program for secondary school teachers which included a six-week institute and a one-week follow-up workshop for twenty-four Idaho teachers. Follow-up Study Guides; material for mask-making workshop; A.L.H. Robin; bw photos of mask making
1 8
NEH Grant Reports
3 items : NEH Secondary Education Grant: "Ancient World Institute." A program for secondary school teachers which included a six-week institute and a one-week follow-up workshop for twenty-four Idaho teachers. Follow-up Study Guides; material for mask-making workshop; A.L.H. Robin; bw photos of mask making

Series 3: ProjectsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 9
10 items : A Reading of Aristophanes' LYSISTRATA translated by C.A.E. Luschnig; script; program; miniDV film cassette; flyers; news clippings; part of the World-wide Lysistrata Project to end war.
1 10
14 items : Newsletters to Latin Teachers in Idaho, 1976-1982; edited and written by C. Luschnig with occasional contributions from colleagues; 1976-1982
1 11
Visiting Scholar
7 items : "The Multiple Images of Helen in Ancient Greece: Goddess and Mortal, Icon of Beauty, Sex, and Womanhood." A seminar led by visiting scholar, Bella Vivante, 23-27 October 2000.

Series 4: Eta Sigma PhiReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 12
Eta Sigma Phi I
16 items : Classics Honorary Society newsletters, 1975-2003; press releases; correspondence
1 13
Eta Sigma Phi II
22 items : Classics Honorary Society photographs of members, 1975-2003; press releases; correspondence
1 14
Eta Sigma Phi III
89 items : Classics Honorary Society Lecture Series, 1975-2003; flyers promoting lectures, seminars, and other events
1 15
Eta Sigma Phi IV
24 items : Classics Honorary Society photograph, 1975-2003
1 16
Eta Sigma Phi V
71 items : Classics Honorary Society Lecture Series, 1975-2003; flyers promoting lectures, seminars, and other events; correspondence; program and poster for theatre production The Clouds; program, photos, and script for Society production of "Krouton."
1 17
Eta Sigma Phi VI
38 items : Classics Honorary Society Lecture Series, 1975-2003; flyers promoting lectures, seminars, and other events; photos; news clippings; script for "The Multi-Medea"; Bella Vivante; Lysistrata reading; Homer's Odyssey script and program;
1 18
Eta Sigma Phi VII
8 items : Classics Honorary Society Mummos: Odessey abridged, 2003; program; script; signage

Series 5: Publications and WritingsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 19
1 items : Aristophanes' Lysistrata; translated, adapted and abridged, but not bowdlerized by C.A.E. Luschnig; playscript
1 20
Articles I
5 items : "The Value of Ignorance in The Hippolytus", 1983; "Time and Memory in Euripides' Iphigenia at Aulis", 1982; "Euripdes' "Trojan Women: all is Vanity", 1971; The Didache; Greek 441 "Koinh Reader"
1 21
Articles II
1 items : "Book Review: Tragedy of Athens," 1999, Text & Presentation
1 22
Articles III
1 items : "Seeing the Real You At Last: Understanding Medea's Changing Roles," 1999 Interdisplicinary Humanities
1 23
Articles IV
1 items : Offprints from "Brill's Companion to the Reception of Euripides" edited by Rosanna Laurida (former U of I faculty) Chapters 6-7 Electra and Orestes by Cecelia E. Luschnig
1 24
Articles V
1 items : "Euripides' Alcestis" translated by C.A.E. Luschnig with help from L.J. Luschnig
1 25
Articles VI
3 items : "Men and Gods in Euripides' Hippolytus," Ramus Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature; "Euripides' Alcestis and the Athenian Oikos," 1990, Dioniso; "Electra's Pot and the Displacement of the Settings in Euripides' Electra," Dioniso, 1992
1 26
Articles VII
2 items : "Latin and Literacy: an Essay on How and Why to Revive Latin in the Schools;" New England Classical Newsletter, May 1979

Series 6: Course MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 27
English Word Origins
3 items : FLEN 243 "English Word Origins" Written Assignments to turn in and Practice Exams, undated; "English Word Origins Workbook," 2007, "English Word Origins Answers," 2007
1 28
Homer's Illiad
1 items : Greek 404 "Homer's Illiad," Fall 1998
1 29
Survey of Early Latin
3 items : "M. Tulli Ciceronis De Senectute & Survey of Early Latin" study guides, Latin 365, Fall 1996; Latin 365--Review of Grammar-Constructions Involving Verb Forms;" "M. Tulli Ciceronis De Senectute & Survey of Early Latin" study guides, Latin 365, Fall 2000
1 30
1 items : "Vocabula: An Autodidatic Course in Latin Volcabulary Building", Spring 1986
1 31
Greek Scholars
2 items : "Greek Scholars: Greek 404," undated; 5" floppy disk
1 32
Greek 342
1 items : "Greek 342 Study Guides," outlines, reviews, sample tests, vocabulary, readings, Spring 1999
2 33
Greek 441
2 items : "Plato's Crouton" program; "Plato's Criton," Greek 441, Fall 2001
2 34
The Letters
1 items : "Τα Γραμματα (The Letters)," 1997
2 35
Greek 442
2 items : "Euripides' Alcestis: II The Text," edited by C.A.E. Luschnig & H.M. Roisman; "Euripides' Alcestis: A Commentary for Students," edited by C.A.E. Luschnig & H.M. Roisman;
2 36
Greek 204
2 items : "Greek 204 Starting Greek, Fall 2001, Greek Without Pain Study Guides," 2001; overheads
2 37
FLEN 363
1 items : "Greek Tragedy in Context," FLEN 363, Spring 1999, study guides
2 38
Greek 341
2 items : "Greek 341," study guides, Fall 2002