Stanley J. Morrow stereographs, 1868-1881

Overview of the Collection

Morrow, Stanley J.
Stanley J. Morrow stereographs
1868-1881 (inclusive)
125 stereographs
Collection Number
ST 003
Stanley J. Morrow was a prominent photographer in the Dakota and Montana territories who operated from 1868 through 1882. This collection of seventy stereographs contains scenes photographed by Morrow between 1868 and 1881. It includes views of Morrow’s home and studio in Yankton, D.T., military expeditions including views of General Crook’s 1876 expedition against the Lakota Sioux and images of George K. Sanderson’s cleanup of Little Bighorn Battlefield (1879), views of Fort Keogh (ca. 1878), and Indian portraits and village scenes.
Montana Historical Society, Library & Archives
Montana Historical Society Research Center Archives
225 North Roberts
PO Box 201201
Helena MT
Telephone: 4064442681
Fax: 4064445297
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.

Additional Reference Guides

Spreadsheet list available in Photograph Archives reference room.


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Stanley J. Morrow was born in Richland County, Ohio, on May 3, 1843, and moved to Wisconsin early in his childhood. In 1861, he joined the 7th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry as a drummer. Morrow was then transferred into the Veteran Reserve and was stationed at Point Lookout Prison in Maryland as an assistant to renowned Civil War photographer Matthew B. Brady. Brady instructed Morrow in photography and the wet plate process, which Morrow used throughout his career.

Upon exiting the war, Morrow married Isa Ketchum, and the couple moved to Yankton, Dakota, around 1868. Morrow established a photography gallery there and taught Isa the photographic process. When Morrow was away, Isa ran the gallery to fund his photographic expeditions.

In 1876, Stanley Morrow met soldiers returning from General George A. Crook’s expedition in pursuit of the Lakota Sioux and Cheyenne. Morrow photographed soldiers reenacting scenes from the starvation march back to the Black Hills and from the Battle of Slim Buttes, and photographed Sioux warriors captured in battle. Morrow became post photographer at Fort Keogh in 1878 and later that year opened a gallery at Fort Custer. In April 1879, while working as photographer at Fort Custer, he accompanied Captain George K. Sanderson and a company of the 11th Infantry on an expedition to Little Bighorn Battlefield to clear the field of animal bones and remark the graves of fallen soldiers.

Stanley Morrow returned to Yankton in 1880, photographing local events including the Great Flood of 1881.When Isa fell ill in 1882, the couple moved to Florida. Stanley J. Morrow died in Dallas, Texas, on December 10, 1921.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection of 125 stereographs contains scenes in the Dakota and Montana territories captured by Morrow between 1868 and 1881. It includes images of the Little Bighorn Battlefield including the marking of graves (1879); Crow, Cheyenne, Sioux, and Gros Ventre villages and portraits of individuals; views of soldiers returned from General Crook’s expedition, including a soldier re-enacting shooting a horse for food and captured Sioux Indians (1876); the Morrow family, home and studio in Yankton, D.T., and steamboats (including the Helena) and an ice gorge from the Great Flood of 1881; officers quarters and troops at Ft. Keogh; the Gates of the Mountains, Prickly Pear Canyon, and other scenes in the vicinity of Helena, Montana.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

The Montana Historical Society is the owner of the materials in the Photograph Archives collections and makes available reproductions for research, publication, and other uses. Written permission must be obtained from the Photograph Archives before any reproduction use. The Society does not necessarily hold copyright to all of the materials in its collections. In some cases, permission for use may require seeking additional authorization from the copyright owners.

Preferred Citation

Stanley J. Morrow stereographs. ST 003. [Item number.] Montana Historical Society Photograph Archives, Helena, Montana.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The stereographs are arranged into seven series: Series I. Custer’s Battlefield, Series II. Indian Series, Series III. Crook’s Expedition Against Sitting Bull 1876, Series IV. Miscellaneous, Series V. Local Series, Yankton, Series VI. General, and Series VII. Crooks Expedition and the Black Hills. Series VIII. Great Ice Gorge Yankton, April 1881. Series one through five, seven, and eight are Morrow’s series titles, but include some stereographs on the same subjects which are not included in Morrow’s series lists. Series VI. General contains images with no series labels that do not fall under any previous series. This series contains two subseries: Subseries I. Military and Subseries II. Other. The series are all ordered by the original stereograph numbers, when possible, both at the series level and within each series. Each item description includes the item ID, the original stereograph number and title assigned by Morrow, any additional descriptive title in brackets, and the title of the set in which the stereograph was issued.


Series I: Custer's Battlefield

Series II: Indian Series

Series III: Crook's Expedition Against Sitting Bull

Series IV: Miscellaneous

Series V: Local Series, Yankton

Series VI: General

Subseries A: Military

Subseries B: Other

Series VII: Crooks Expedition and the Black Hills

Series VIII: Great Ice Gorge Yankton, April 1881

Acquisition Information

The bulk of the stereographs were transferred from the MHS Museum (1939 donation); the collection also contains stereographs from the following accessions: Mrs. H. H. Mitten donation (1958), PAc 86-34, PAc 89-44, PAc 2006-26, and 2024-018.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Series I:  Custer's Battlefield Return to Top

Morrow issued two sets of stereographs with the same views under this series. One set was numbered 34-44 in the set “Photographic Views of the Great Northwest,” and these were later renumbered 185-196 to be incorporated into the set “Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest.”

Description Dates
01: No. 34 “Gen'l Custer's last stand, looking in direction of ford and Indian village.” [Pile of bones in foreground with river in distance; same image as 010] (Photographic Views of the Great North-West)
02: No. 35 “Custer's battle field. Lettering the head-boards.” [Soldier with paint brush lettering headboard of Lieut. J. J. Crittenden, 20th Infantry] (Photographic Views of the Great North-West)
03: No. 36 “Supposed grave of Lieut. Sturgis.” [Wooden sign nailed on stick. Sign lettering reads: "Lt. Sturgis, 7th Cav, June 25, 76] (Photographic Views of the Great North-West)
04: No. 37 “Bluff on the Little Horn, where some of Custer's men were driven to a watery grave.”(Photographic Views of the Great North-West)
05: No. 38 “Decorating the graves on Custer's Battle field.” [Capt. George K. Sandernson, standing; Sign on headstone reads: "Col. Keogh and 8 Soldiers of Co. 17 Cav. Killed Here June 25, 1876"; Corp. John Wild's headboard is behind Keogh marker; same image as 006] (Views of Gen'l Crook's Expedition and the Black Hills)
06: No. 38 “Decorating the graves on Custer's Battle field.” [Capt. George K. Sandernson, standing; Sign on headstone reads: "Col. Keogh and 8 Soldiers of Co. 17 Cav. Killed Here June 25, 1876"; Corp. John Wild's headboard is behind Keogh marker; same image as 005] (Photographic Views of the Great North-West)
07: No. 39 “Unknown, showing several graves and the ridge where the last stand was made.” [Wooden sign nailed on stick. Sign lettering reads: Unknown; same image as 011] (Photographic Views of the Great North-West)
08: No. 40 “Bones gathered on the Custer's hill previous to placing them in the monument.” (Photographic Views of the Great North-West)
09: No. 44 “The ford, where Custer attempted to cross to attack the Indian village.” [Little Bighorn River] (Photographic Views of the Great North-West)
10: No. 185, 34 “Gen'l Custer's last stand, looking in direction of ford and Indian village.” [The place where Gen. Custer's body was found and buried by soldiers and again by Gen. Crooks men; same image as 001] (Photographic Gems of the Great North-West)
11: No. 190 “Bones and unknown graves.” [Wooden sign nailed on stick. Sign lettering reads: Unknown; same image as 007] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)

Series II:  Indian Series Return to Top

Morrow’s Indian Series list includes 84 titles, 19 of which are represented in this collection along with three without series labels, and three unmarked stereographs.

Description Dates
12: No. 23 “Village of the Cheyenne Prisoners near Fort Keogh, M.T. 1878.” [Group of tepees] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
13: No. 101 “Pretty Horse, daughter of White Bull, chief of the Sans Arc (Sioux).” (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
14: No. 109 “Sioux Graves 1870.” "Sioux graves - buried on poles." "This photo was in Montana and while Mr. Morrow was taking the pictures he was shot at by an Indian that objected to his taking the photo. Mr. Morrow was a good runner and the Indian a poor shot. This spot was about a mile from the river where the "Boat" was taking on wood. The captain of the boat advised Mr. Morrow to not go for the photo; but he went anyhow and nearly lost his life. Mr. Morrow never went armed, he spoke the Sioux language very good." (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
15: No. 112 “1877 Scene on Ponca Creek, Indians boating.” (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
16: No. 116 “Unc-pa-pa Squaw, Sioux Nation 1877. ” [Studio portrait of Indian woman] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
17: No. 123 “Red River carts made without iron. Tires of raw hide.” [Group of Indians, one standing and the rest seated on the tongues of wagons] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
18: No. 124, 24 “Bull Boat - Made of Buffalo Hide 1877.” (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
19: No. 128 “Issuing annuities to the Three Nations, Fort Berthold, Dakota.” [Large groups of Indian people seated in circles] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
20: No. 130 “Gros Ventres Medicine Lodge, Fort Berthold - dirt lodge.” [Hidatsa] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
21: No. 131 “Spotted Tail (Sin-te-ga-lis-kai) Chief of the Brule Sioux with his favorite wife and daughter.” (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
Same image as ST003.90.
22: No. 134 “Two Strike, 2d chief of the Brule Sioux.” (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
23: No. 136 “Yellowstone Kelly, setting traps for beaver.” (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
24: No. 137 “Indian discovers Kelly's trail.” (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
25: No. 141 “Assinaboine Sioux Village at the mouth of the Yellowstone.” [Cloth tepee in foreground, Indian women and child nearby in front of other tepees] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
26: No. 148 “Indian village Fort Berthold D.T. [Dakota Territory] looking North.” [Arickaree Village - Dirt Lodges - Fort Berthold, D.T. (title from Indian Series)]
27: No. 151 “Sisseton Squaws - Sioux- Fort Totten D.T. [Dakota Territory].” [Portrait of two seated Indian women] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
28: No. 157 “Bannock Prisoners captured by Gen [Nelson A.] Miles, 1879.” [Group of Indian men posed in front of a tall board fence] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
29: No. 164, 165, 12 “Cheyenne village. Drying Buffalo meat and hides.” [Cheyenne Village on the Yellowstone. (title from the Indian Series)] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
30: No. 171, 21 “Crow squaw, dress trimmed with Elk teeth.” [Indian woman standing, holding a blanket] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
31: No. 175, 9 “Sioux warriors, (Titon) [Teton], in council costume and war bonnets.” (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
32: No. 178, 180 “Crow Squaw, summer costume nude to the waist.” [Indian woman posed] (Views of the Great Flood at Yankton, D.T., 1881.)
33: No. 182 “Crow Squaw in summer costume.” [Indian woman posed nude to the waist with a buffalo robe over her shoulders] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
34: No. 15, "Indian women dressing buffalo hides and showing manner of stretching them; Cheyenne village on the Yellowstone River; 1869-70 series"
35: [Large teepee, possibly Cheyenne, with animal skins lying across the cover.]
36: [Portrait of two Indian men seated in front of cloth backdrop. They are holding repeating rifles.] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
73: No. 158, "Cheyenne Medicine Lodge on the Yellowstone."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
74: No. 176, "Crow warrior and bride."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
75: No. 103, "White Bull, To-tan-ga-sha, chief of the San Arcs (Sioux)."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
76: No. 105, "Pretty Sea Shells, daughter of White Bull."(Views of the Great Flood of Yankton D. T., 1881.)
77: No. 154, "Winnebago warriors in full costume."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
78: No. 153, "Sioux Tipi or wigwam among the willows, winter quarters."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
79: No. 147, "Black-foot warriors -- Sioux -- were in Custer's Massacre."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
80: No. 143, "Brule Chiefs (Sioux) in council costume were in Custer's Massacre."((Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
81: No. 133, "Fast Bear, head warrior of the loafer band of Sioux."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
82: No. 132, "Crazy in the lodge, head warrior under Spotted Tail."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
83: No. 127, "Gros Ventres Chiefs, Fort Berthold, Dakota."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
84: No. 122, "Big Snake, Ponca warrior, with tomahawk."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
85: No. 121, "Mandan village (dirt lodges), Fort Berthold, supposed descendents of a Welsh colony"(Photographic Gems of the Great North-West)
86: No. 119, "Red Cloud, the notorious chief of the Ogalallah Sioux."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
87: No. 173, "Cheyenne warrior in full war costume."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
88: No. 168, "Cheyenne Squaws dressing robes."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
89: No. 167, "Cheyenne Squaws making buckskin lodge."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
90: No. 131 “Spotted Tail (Sin-te-ga-lis-kai) Chief of the Brule Sioux with his favorite wife and daughter.” (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
Same image as ST003.21.
91: "Teton Sioux"(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
92: "Arikaree Warriors"(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
93: No. 102, "Medicine Bear, Chief of the upper Yankton"(Views of Gen'l Crook's Expedition and the Black Hills)
94: "Indian Camp Fort Rice"(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
95: "Indian Papoose Asleep"(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)

Series III:  Crook's Expedition Against Sitting Bull Return to Top

Morrow photographed 31 images for this formal series, and this collection consists of seven of those stereographs. Two stereographs in this series were part of Morrow’s original set on Crook’s expedition, numbered 1-31. Nineteen of the photographs in that set were later renumbered 197-215 and incorporated into Morrow’s “Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest” set.

Description Dates
37: No. 11 “Bear Rock, from the north, showing Bears Head.” (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
38: No. 12 “Gen. Merritt and Officers of the Fifth Cavalry.” [Groups of soldiers seated on rocks: 2nd Lt. Charles D. Parkhust, Lt. William C. Hunter, Kellogg or Riley, 1st Lt. Alfred B. Bache, Major Julius W. Mason, Col. Wesley Merritt, Captain Emil Adam, 2nd Lt. Satterlee C. Plummer, 2nd Lt. Hoel S. Bishop, 2nd Lt. Robert London, 1st Lt. Charles King, 1st Lt. William P. Hall, Major John J. Upham, A.A.S. Junius L. Powell, Captain Edward H. Lieb, Captain John S. Payne, Captain Calbraith P. Rogers, Captain Edward M. Hayes, Captain Albert E. Woodson, 2nd Lt. Edward L. Keyes, 2nd Lt. Julius H. Pardee, 1st Lt. William C. Forbush, Captain Robert H. Montgomery, Captain George F. Price] (Views of the Great Flood at Yankton, D.T., 1881.)
39: No. 200 “Supply train camped near Custer City, Black Hills.” [Covered wagons in a circle, men standing by the wagons] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
40: No. 202 “Sioux captured at the Battle of Slim Buttes.” [Group of Indians, mainly women and young children wearing blankets; Charging Bear standing at left] (Crook's Expedition Against Sitting Bull 1876)
41: No. 208 “Corral formed by packs for the pack train.” [Chief Packer Tom Moore seated between two of his men] (Views of the Great Flood at Yankton, D.T., 1881)
42: No. 210 “Soldiers shooting abandoned horse for food.” [Reenactment of the time that Gen. Crook's men had to shoot their horses for food] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
43: No. 214 “Army in camp at Point of Rocks Buffalo Gap.” [Tents and wagons at base of rock formation] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)

Series IV:  Miscellaneous Return to Top

Stereographs in this series were issued in the set “Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest.” Morrow lists 48 stereographs in his Miscellaneous series, numbered 268-309 and 354-359. This series includes eight stereographs from his list, one duplicate image from the list, and one additional view.

Description Dates
44: No. 268 “Going through Prickly Pear Canon Rocky Mts.” [Horse-drawn wagon in the distance on a dirt road in the canyon] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
45: No. 268 “Mrs. Isa Morrow and daughter, Nellie, in the rear, Mr. Morrow in front wagon going from Fort Benton to Helena, Montana, Rocky Mountains - 1870.” [Carriage and covered wagon on a dirt road in Prickly Pear Canyon] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
46: No. 270 “Pulpit rock, Prickly Pear Canon Rocky Mts.”
47: No. 273 “Silver Rapids, Prickly Pear Canon Rocky Mts.”
48: No. 277 “The soldier's pet, Grisley [Grizzly] Bear.” [Soldier holding a seated bear] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
49: No. 280 “Fort Benton, Montana.” [Looking up the street lined with buildings. Signs on buildings read: Overland Hotel and Carroll Steell. Same image as 050] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
50: No. 280 “Fort Benton - 1871.” [same image as 049]
51: No. 282 “Missouri River Steamer at Fort Benton.” "Ida Reese sunk at mo.[mouth] of White River, June 20, 1871. Levee, Fort Benton 1871"
52: No. 283 “Ranche on Teton River near Fort Benton.” [The Old "Stocking Ranch". View from a distance of corrals and a circle of log buildings located next to a river.] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
53: No. 356 “Heart Arch, Fort Keogh in a distance.” [Rock formation.]

Series V:  Local Series, Yankton Return to Top

Morrow lists 22 stereographs in his series, Local Series, Yankton. Three of the listed stereographs are included in this series along with one additional view of Yankton.

Description Dates
57: No. 368 “3rd St from Walnut; southside looking east.” "Yankton Dakota -1868. This was the studio and home of Mr. Morrow from 1867 to 1870 and studio only 1867-1882." (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
58: No. 377 “View on 3d street looking west from Walnut. 1881.” [Two women looking at sign for Morrow Views in front of Morrow's studio.] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
59: “Mrs. Isa A. Morrow Yankton Dakota 1869.” "Mrs. Morrow was a photographer, she learned the business from her husband in 1866 and when Mr. Morrow was on his trips she ran The Photograph Gallery, which helped finance his trips. She quit the work in 1882. She died at the age of 82 at Santa Ana, Calif." (Photographic Gems Among the Wild Indians of Dakota.)
96: No. 365, "Merchants Hotel, Cor. Broadway and 3d street. 1876."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)

Series VI:  GeneralReturn to Top

This series comprises stereographs that do not fall under the previous series. The first subseries primarily consists primarily consists of stereographs that Morrow captured as post photographer at Ft. Keogh. The second subseries includes all other views, many taken in the Helena, Montana, area.

Description Dates
Subseries A: Military
60: No. 23 “Company of the Fifth U.S. Infantry in Camp in Montana 1878.” [Soldiers form a line in front of their Sibley tents] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
61: No. 119 “One of the Montana Forts - name unknown. 1868 or 1869. ” [View of sky full of clouds, roofs of log buildings in foreground.] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
62: “Group of Officers Children & qrs.[quarters], at Fort Keogh M.T.” [Group of women and children sitting in front of the officers' quarters] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
circa 1878
63: “Fort Keogh, MT.” [View of the fort in the distance] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
circa 1878
64: “Row of Officers Quarters at Fort Keogh M.T.” (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
circa 1878
65: “Officers Quarters Fort Keogh M.T.” (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
circa 1878
Subseries B: Other
66: No. 203 “Scene below the Gates of the Mountains. Missouri Riv. [River]” (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
67: No. 205 “Scene below the Gates of the Mts, Missouri Riv. [River]” (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
68 : "Water Flume Upper and Helena City in the early 70s." [Flume possibly at the south end of Main Street, Helena, Montana, used for mining.] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
69: “Entrance to Silver Mine, Montana.” [Man with shovel standing near mine entrance with ore car on track] (Views of the Great Flood at Yankton, D.T., 1881.)
70: “Carriage Road to Ft. Totton - 1870.” [Mrs. Morrow and daughter Nellie [in distance] - on rocks near the water.]

Series VII:  Crooks Expedition and the Black HillsReturn to Top

Other Descriptive Information

Morrow includes two classes in his series Crook’s Expedition and the Black Hills. Class 1 contains 31 stereographs, and this aeries consists of one of these stereographs. Class 2 contains eight stereographs.

Description Dates
71: Class 1 No. 27, "Buckskin Lodge, Sioux prisoners, Gen. Custer's battle flag captured at the Battle of Slim Buttes, and the officers in command of the charge."(Views of Gen'l Crook's Expedition and the Black Hills) (Oglala Lakota and possibly Cheyenne prisoners from the Battle of Slim Buttes in front of a teepee.)

Series VIII:  Great Ice Gorge Yankton, April 1881Return to Top

Other Descriptive Information

Morrow's Great Ice Gorge Yankton, April 1881 series includes 44 images, 22 of which are represented in this collection.

Description Dates
54: No. 316 “View of the ice gorge at the ways, looking east.” [Steamboats on river surrounded by ice. Yankton, D.T.] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
55: No. 317 “View of the steamers on the ways.” [Block P steamboats on river surrounded by ice. Yankton, D.T.] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
56: No. 330 “Steamer Helena after the heavy rise April 5th. Elevator and depot in distance.” [Steamboat Helena on river surrounded by ice. Yankton, D.T.] (Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
97: No. 347, "Steamer Nellie Peck from rear, showing her blocked up 7 feet 8 inches on Railroad track."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
98: No. 340, "Ice thrown up forty-five feet above low water mark."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
99: No. 339, "Wreck of the Steamer Butte. Ice piled over the Steamer Black Hills."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
100: No. 337, "Blasting Ice with Dynamite from in front of Steamer on the ways."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
101: No. 333, "View from below Excelsior Mills, looking up Capital street after the heavy rise April 5th."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
102: No. 332, "General view of the bluff and ice from foot of Walnut street, looking west."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
103: No. 313, "Teams relieving families from the flood in lower Yankton."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
104: No. 314, "View of the boats on the ways, and lower Yankton, from the top of Jencks Hotel, looking southeast."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
105: No. 315, "View from the top of Jencks Hotel looking south, showing the only house left in Green Island, Nebraska."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
106: No. 318, "The red house just above the ways and near river bank, surrounded by ice."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
107: No. 320, "Wreck of the steamer Western."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
108: No. 321, "Ferry boat Livingston, lying across the railroad track."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
109: No. 322, "View from the top of Jencks Hotel, looking east."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
110: No. 324, "Steamers on the ways after the great gorge April 5th -- over 30 feet above low water mark."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
111: No. 325, "Ice on the railroad just below the depot after the heavy rise April 5th, 44 inches thick."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
112: No. 326, "Views on the railroad, showing car upset and depot."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
113: No. 327, "Wreck of the government warehouse."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
114: No. 329, "View at the lower building, near the government warehouse."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)
115: No. 331, "General view of the lower landing, round house, and steamer Peninah back of the round house."(Photographic Gems of the Great Northwest)