May Swenson family correspondence and memorabilia, 1913-1996

Overview of the Collection

Swenson, May; Turetsky, Grace Swenson
May Swenson family correspondence and memorabilia
1913-1996 (inclusive)
1 linear feet, (2 boxes: 1 letter, 1 legal)
Collection Number
A collection of letters written by May Swenson, primarily to her sister Grace Swenson Turetsky, aka Michael Raine. Also includes some of May's published works and other memorabilia.
Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives Division
Special Collections & Archives
Merrill-Cazier Library
Utah State University
Logan, UT
Telephone: 4357978248
Fax: 4357972880
Access Restrictions

No restrictions on access, except: not available through interlibrary loan.


Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The items in this collection consist primarily of May Swenson's typed or handwritten letters, cards, and postcards to her sister Grace Swenson Turetsky, whom she affectionately called "Michael Raine." These letters offer a glimpse into the tender relationship between Grace and May, and highlights May's clever use of language and sense of humor. Also included are several letters to May's brother George, her parents, and to the family as a whole. In addition, there are letters to Grace from May's partner Pearl Schwartz, and a letter to Grace from attorneys regarding May's will. The correspondence covers a period from 1941-1988. Other items include May's 1928 Logan High yearbook, photographs, blessing and baptism certificates, published works or articles by or about May, memorials, the poem "Totem" printed and sent to Grace in a mailing tube, and a leather coin purse from Italy that was a gift to her father in 1960.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

May Swenson (Anna Thilda May Swenson) was born on May 28, 1913, in Logan, Utah, the daughter of Swedish immigrants (her father, Dan Swenson, was a professor of mechanical engineering at Utah State University). Following her graduation from USU in 1934 she took a job as a reporter for the Deseret News. A year later she moved to New York City where she worked in a variety of jobs, including as a stenographer, until she became the editor for New Directions Press in 1959. In 1966 Swenson quit working as an editor in order to devote herself full time to writing. For the remainder of her life she lived in Sea Cliff, New York. She died on December 4, 1989, and was buried in Logan.

Swenson's trademark was her use of complex wordplay in her poems, which frequently took the form of riddles or unusual arrangements of the words on the page. These "iconographs" often were arranged to resemble the shape of the poem's subject. Frequently classified as a nature poet, Swenson received much praise for her descriptions of natural phenomena and her sensory tone. Her chief themes were animal and human behavior, sexuality, death, and the nature of art and perception. Swenson's poetry has often been compared to the writings of Elizabeth Bishop, e.e. cummings, and Gertrude Stein. Over the course of her career, Swenson published seven volumes of poetry. In addition to her poetry, Swenson also wrote three books of poems for children, a play, three short stories, and a book of translated poems by the Swedish author, Tomas Tranströmer. Several additional volumes of Swenson poetry have been published posthumously.

May Swenson received a wide variety of recognitions and honors during her career, including serving as poet-in-residence at several universities in the United States and Canada during the late 1960s and early 1970s. She was the recipient of Guggenheim, Ford, Rockefeller, and MacArthur fellowships and a National Endowment for the Arts grant. In 1972 she received a medal from the International Poetry Forum for her translation of Tranströmer. Swenson also received the Shelley Memorial Award from the Poetry Society of America, the Bollingen Prize from Yale University, and an Award in Literature from the National Institute of Arts and Letters. She was also elected a member of the latter organization, as well as the Academy of American Poets of which she later served as chancellor. In 1967 she received a Distinguished Service Gold Medal from Utah State University, and in 1987 an honorary doctor of letters.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

It is the responsibility of the researcher to obtain any necessary copyright clearances.

Permission to publish material from the May Swenson family correspondence and memorabilia must be obtained from the Manuscript Curator and/or the Special Collections Department Head.

Preferred Citation

Initial Citation: May Swenson family correspondence and memorabilia USU_MSS 573. Special Collections and Archives. Utah State University Merrill- Cazier Library. Logan, Utah.

Following Citations:USU_MSS 573, USUSCA.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


This collection is divided into two series: I. Correspondence arranged by date, II. Other memorabilia.

Acquisition Information

These items were donated to USU Special Collections and Archives in 2022 by Paul Crumbly. He received them from Chris Eyre, son of Ruth Swenson Eyre, sister to Grace and May Swenson. Grace had saved these letters and given them to her sister Ruth at some point.

Related Materials

May Swenson papers, UUS_COLL MSS 282

May Swenson addendum, UUS_COLL MSS 485

May Swenson photograph collection, UUS_P0437

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

I. Correspondence, 1941-1990Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1
To George Swenson
May apologizes for not visiting, says she is low on funds. Has movie projector but no films, suggests George bring films when he comes in May. Says hello from Frankie (Anca Vrbovska).
1941 January 25
1 2
To George Swenson
On J. Widder letterhead, says she got fired today, company was some sort of racket and she had a row with the boss. She only worked there two weeks. Says she has another job lined up at $25 a week and that the $10 he lent her will be repaid soon.
1941 April 4
1 3
To Miss Michael Raine
Postcard, writes of having heard from Betty Larson that she saw Michael in The Vagabond King. Betty spoke approvingly of Michael's "chassis." Asks about the $100 Michael owes her.
1 4
To Michael Raine
Written while Margaret is visiting May. Writes that the visit will do Margaret good, refers to an affair Margaret has with a marine by the name of Bernie. May attaches ridiculous romantic lyrics from May 29.
1946 July 30
1 5
To Michael Raine
Includes a hairbrush ad of girl who reminds her of Michael, characterizes members of the family.
1946 October 30
1 6
To Michael Raine
Says she has lost weight and now weighs 110. Has a job two days a week at a gallery off 57th Street. Writes after not going home for Christmas, and has many questions
1949 January 22
1 7
To Miss Michael Raine
Word has reached her that Michael is about to marry. May wishes her a happy sex life, says she hopes her offspring will be as sturdy as the springs on her bed will need to be. Refers to letter from her mother about Michael being married by Christmas. Says her poem "Haymaking" was printed by the Saturday Review of Literature. Says she fell in love during the summer (a partial coming-out letter?). Says she hopes she hasn't "waited too long" on this.
1949 August 25
1 8
To Michael Raine
Still in Logan following Christmas, thrown from a horse of Jay's and injured her shoulder and hip, leading to a week of confinement. Feels great except for head cold, but will never go to Logan again in winter. Hopes to travel by Greyhound to LA before returning to NYC.
1950 January 9
1 9
To Mr. and Mrs. Philip Turetsky
Asks Michael to send a transcript of one of her songs/records she has made. Signs "with love, Miken," Pearl's name for May. Encloses article from New York Post about the Hollywood search for a flat-chested dame, says James Laughlin helped get her into Yaddo. Refers to Jay (Pearl), says she has written new poems.
1950 January, February
1 10
To Michael Raine
Describes how much fun she is having at Yaddo, mentions meeting writer Jane Mayhall, who is interested in Michael's singing, includes postcard of Yaddo.
1950 October 7
1 11
To Michael and Philip Turetsky
Expresses gratitude for Christmas gifts, expects to publish book of poems later this year. Says the soul must be clothed too. Comments on having missed Christmas in Logan. Mentions big party at Perry Street, and describes subway trip in poetic language.
1951 January 16
1 12
To Michael
Writes of family news and checking in about Dad's cataract operation. Mentions Jane Mayhall recording. Good humor throughout, fun with LDS spirit world and George's poor timing with birth of his children. Handwritten note (by Michael?) saying to keep this letter, it may be valuable one day.
1951 June 7
1 13
To Michael and Philip Turetsky
Two notes enclosed: shorter one refering to magazines May sent Michael. Longer one mentions poems she has completed and calls herself an egomaniac. Asks for opinion on Jane Mayhall's song lyrics. Mentions Mayhall's short story "The Darkness," indicates Trudi still lives with her and Pearl, mentions Roy's letters and wonders if he has ever been truly happy. Refers to herself as lapsing at times into reptilian Nordic type, due to fjord water in her blood.
1951 August 1
1 14
To Mother and Dad
Describes Yaddo to her parents and acknowledges letters she has received from them.
1951 September 15
1 15
To Michael Raine
Mentions disappointment at Michael's cancellation of visit, humorously comments on widespread despair. Complains about her landlord, refers to Trudi as something of a dope.
1952 February 7
1 16
To Michael Raine
Quick note saying Saul Baizerman will be teaching at USC and may get in touch with Michael, says she will be going to MacDowell.
1952 June 23
1 17
To Mrs. Philip Turetsky
Short note to say she will catch train from Sarasota Springs to visit Michael and Phil in Brooklyn. Looks like May went to Yaddo after MacDowell.
1952 October 6
1 18
To Michael Raine from Pearl
Pearl apologizes for her lack of cordiality during Michael and Phil's visit. Attributes her behavior to death of her analyst in October. Says that when she and Miken (May) come to LA, Michael will see the real Pearl. Signs, Blackie.
1952 November 23
1 19
To Michael
Describes Roy's visit while on his way to Sweden. Says she had a lovely time and received a note from Margaret saying she and Lael are moving to Illinois.
1952 December 16
1 20
To Michael Raine
Expresses gratitude for birthday gifts, and says sending gifts is one way to get her to write letters. Says she will sign contract with Scribner's for Another Animal this week, no advance, just 10% royalties. Says she and Pearl plan to spend two weeks vacationing in Provincetown, recommends Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex.
1953 June 15
1 21
To Michael Raine
All in red type. Comments ceramic ashtray Michael sent is too extravagant. Mentions her visit to LA, eating bean soup, and loving Laurel Canyon. Says Jay and Ricky visited and asks if Michael saw her poem in the January 30th issue of The New Yorker, page 85 ("Snow by Morning").
1954 February 19
1 22
To Michael and Phil
Short note thanking Phil for a letter and referring to three enclosed charms. Postcard refers to a postponed trip to NYC, mentions that Another Animal came out on September 14.
1954 March, October
1 23
To Michael and Philip Turetsky
Brief Christmas card.
1954 December 20
1 24
To Michael, Phil, and Lisa Ann
Lisa is 4 months old. May quotes Michael on peculiarity of contemporary culture, and recommends The Lonely Crowd by David Riesman. Pearl has operation on her vocal chords, and now May has to talk for two, when she doesn't really like talking at all.
1955 September 24
1 24a
To Michael and Phil
Expresses gratitude for record albums, regrets missing Phil in August, mentions writing the enclosed poem ("11th Floor - 4th Street") from the window of New Dirctions. Offers to send subscription of The Village Voice to Michael for Christmas.
1956 November 17
1 25
To Michael Raine
Says she and Pearl will be coming out west for readings in September. Just sent back corrected galleys for Cage of Spines by Rhineheart. Thanks Michael for a Gerald Heard recording that she exalts in amusing rhyme. Says she heard from Phil that Michael is in analysis.
1958 May 22
1 26
To Mrs. Philip Turetsky
Thanks Michael for birthday telegram, asks if she saw May's poem and photograph in Mademoiselle. Says Pearl balks at the two months of travel May has planned but will come anyway.
1958 June 20
1 27
To Mr. and Mrs. Philip Turetsky
Wants to know if Michael will be at home around September 20 when she and Pearl will visit. Utah State wants her to give a reading on November 2.
1958 August 11
1 28
To Michael Turetsky
Talks of making the trip with Michael to San Francisco to give readings. [She will go on Gerd Stern's houseboat in Sausalito during that trip]
1958 August 28
1 29
To Michael, Phil, and Lisa
On New Directions stationery. Says the stay in LA was wonderful, and this is sort of a Christmas card and thank you note.
1958 December 2
1 30
To Mr. and Mrs. Philip Turetsky
Says Cage of Spines is selling well and was nominated for the National Book Award, calls Pearl Purple, and says Pearl is now working at the Bureau of Child Welfare. Postcard thanks Michael for a shirt sent to Pearl and a pullover for May as a birthday gift.
1959 February, June
1 31
To Michael
Asks Michael to locate a private phone and call her collect on Monday, July 27th regarding a confidential matter. Mentions that Roy just got married to Merle.
1959 July 22
1 32
To Michael and Phil Turetsky
Enjoying fall colors, ran back to NYC to host Beth and Jay for three days on their return from Iran.
1959 October 18
1 33
To Michael and Philip Turetsky
Sends a signed copy of "The Pigeon Woman."
1959 December 15
1 34
To Grace Magda Swenson Joke
May and Pearl will be sailing to Europe in about seven weeks, plan to stay until November. Reviews travel plans. Won a $100 prize she had to claim at the Waldorf. Says the food was terrible. Handwritten note on the back about acquiring a passport and requesting news from home.
1960 February 4
1 35
To Mrs. P. Turetsky from Pearl
Thanks Michael for a charming letter, discusses travel preparations. They sail March 31 on the Maasdam.
1960 March 11
1 36
To Michael and Phil
Postcard, speaks glowingly of the ship, says they have not experienced seasickness. Says they will mail postcard from Ireland. August photo of May in Perugia, Italy. September photos of May in Rome and Siena.
1960 April, September
1 37
To Mrs. P. Turetsky from Pearl
A short letter asking when Michael will be coming east. Calls May "Swen." Sends her love and asks for a letter.
1961 April 4
1 38
To Michael Raine
A Christmas thank you for presents, asks about Phil's attempts to call her. Says she and Pearl have a dog called Wednesday, and now working on her next book (To Mix With Time).
1962 February 6
1 39
To Mrs. P. Turetsky c/o Mrs. Dean Eyre
Post card, sends love to Ruth, says she will return a book (Franny and Zoey) when she gets to LA.
1962 September 5
1 40
To Mrs. Philip Turetsky
Mentions a medical report on her father's stroke. Discusses various doctors her father saw. Mentions the Steuben Glass Anthology, saying the poems did not match up will with the glass.
1963 May 16
1 41
To Michael, Phil, Lisa, and Nikolai
Mentions her mother's departure following a visit with May and Pearl. George and family attended a small reunion at Perry Street.
1963 December 23
1 42
To Michael
Writes of mother visisting with two young missionary men. Says Nikolai will be 2 in August. Michael is planning to visit May at Perry Street.
1964 May 10
1 43
To Mrs. Philip Turetsky
A Loren MacIver card, which is a reproduction of a work by a friend of theirs married to Lloyd Frankenberg, the poet. Says To Mix with Time is going into a second printing.
1964 December 17
1 44
To Michael Raine Turetsky
Says she wishes they could take their mother to Sweden, proposes covering half of his expenses if Paul is willing to take Margaret to Sweden. Grace sends the letter to Paul with a note asking that he send it back.
1969 December 5
1 45
To Michael Turetsky
Postcard, staying in a Swiss chalet, just saying hello. Refers to a houseboat trip on long mountain lakes.
1970 June 28
2 1
To all Swenson family members
Letter to family about their mother having a stroke. Margaret is in the hospital but will return to her apartment, and will need $295 per month for home health care. May presents a list of how much each child should contribute.
1971 June 10
1 46
To Mother
Writes of teaching a writing class at Utah State from mid-July to mid-August. [Margaret dies this year]
1972 January 12
1 47
To Grace Magda
Letter to family describing an upcoming family reunion in memory of their parents, to be held in Logan Canyon at Guinevah Campground. There will be a family meeting on August 18-19 to decide how to dispose of their mother's property, especially the house at 669 East 500 North. Enclosed note says that May will give a reading on August 15. May is in Logan living in her mother's apartment.
1972 August 1
1 48
To Michael Turetsky
Contains earlier letter from Sea Cliff that mentions a talk with Grace's daughter, Lisa. Also mentions having stopped at the University of Texas at Austin and being shown the campus by Gladys Goodall. Larger letter is addressed to Professor James B. Hartzell of UCLA, telling him she must receive $500 in order to make the trip out to participate in the "Festival of Poetry Therapy." Says her friend Ann Stanford participated the previous year.
1972 April, May
1 49
To Michael Turetsky
Regrets leaving Arizona and dreads going to North Carolina, though she is glad to be wanted. "Mainly I just like to be lazy and listen to my 'voices' and record what they say, calling the result a 'poem.'" Writes of going to SLC so Zan can see an internist, stays at Margaret's in Provo. Says Zan suffered horrid procedures that go in from the mouth or "up yours route". Diagnosed with inflammation of duodenum. Loved being with Margaret and Lael, mentions a long letter from George asking for a loan and she advises that he go on welfare.
1975 March 9
1 50
To Michael Turetsky
3 postcards. Thanks Grace for family news, writes of going to Dorland in Temecula, California, a Christmas postcard with original verse: "So peace and good cheer/ While Christmas is here/ And love for all the year/ to each one so dear."
1979 August, December
1 51
To Michael Turetsky
Contains a flyer/program for a performance of Swenson's poetry at the University of Texas at Austin, April 18-19. A group performance directed by Lee Hudson.
1980 September 1
1 52
To Michael Turetsky
Urges Michael to see Ingmar Bergman's movie Fanny and Alexander.
1983 October 6
1 53
To Michael Turetsky
Discussed winter plans to travel to Florida before spending the winter in NYC, includes November 16th section of Washington Post and brochure advertising an upcoming publication of illustrated poems, including one by Swenson. Also included a Decoration Day 1971 poem/lyric transcribed on Phil Turetsky office memo pad while in the Bluebird Cafe in Logan.
1983 December 2
1 54
To Michael Turetsky
Refers to the Cochise Art and Poetry Festival in Arizona where Swenson will read. She will go to Utah for a family reunion. [On the back of the envelope, May writes what may be a list of persons she has had a crush on or had a romance with at some point in her life]
1984 August 11
1 55
To Michael Turetsky
Contains a magaine clipping from The Atlantic letters to the editor dealing with search for life on other planets. Says this reminds her of Michael. Letter points out the waste in scientific funding - a humorous piece.
1985 May 3
1 56
To Michael Turetsky c/o Roy Swenson
Mentions the September 2nd issue of New Yorker notice of Grace's daughter, Lisa Turetsky, as Babette in an opera. [Lisa is now a therapist in Glendale, CA]
1985 September 2
1 57
To siblings
Form letter to siblings regarding family reunion that she cannot attend. Completing manuscript of In Other Words. Plans for reunion next June when in Logan for commencement and honorary doctorate. Letter contains Zan's (R.R. Hudson) bibliography of sports publications she has authored.
1986 July 16
1 58
To Michael Turetsky
Informing Michael where she and Zan will be until Feb. 4, comments on birds.
1987 December 14
1 59
To Michael Turetsky
Christmas card, blessing animals, insects, and plants.
1988 December 17
1 60
To Grace Swenson Turetsky from attorneys
NYC law firm of Pryor, Cashman, Sherman, & Flynn, attorneys representing Paul as executor of May's estate, and Zan a executor of May's literary estate. Includes partial copy of will giving a share to each sibling, and half shares to Anca and Pearl.
1990 March 6

II. Other memorabilia, 1913 1996Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 61
"Sky Acquainted"
A collection of poems by May. Not professionally printed.
1 62
Assorted pages of typed poetry
Also includes scratch paper with "funny names seen or heard on the news"
1952, most undated
1 63
Anthologies in which May's work appears
Includes Western Review, Poetry New York, Accent, Scribble, and Listening and Writing
2 2
Copies of May's work, photographs
From a package sent to Grace from Pearl Schwartz in November 1990
2 3
"The Amphion" Logan High School yearbook
2 4
Blessing, baptism, death certificates
1913, 1921, 1989
2 5
Other photographs of May
Includes two professional photographs from Atelier von Behr, New York City
2 6
Also includes program from May's funeral
2 7
Other articles about or mentioning May
Includes 1987 USU commencement program where May received the Centennial Recognition Award and Honorary Doctor of Letters degree.
2 8
Letter to the editor of Network
by Carole Gallagher, responding to Marshall Ralph's "appreciative lather"
1990 February
2 9
"Restless Thought" anthology by Art Diamond
Not professionally printed, inscribed to May by author
1971 October
2 1
Signed "TOTEM" poem broadside in mailing tube
2 2
Leather coin purse from Rome
Christmas gift to May's father, includes note, banknote and 10 coins from Spain, France, and Holland

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Authors, American--20th century--Correspondence.
  • Authors, American--Utah.
  • Poets, American--20th century--Photographs.