Catherine May Congressional Papers, 1959-1970

Overview of the Collection

Bedell, Catherine May, 1914-2004
Catherine May Congressional Papers
1959-1970 (inclusive)
275 Linear feet of shelf space, (558 boxes)
Collection Number
Cage 304 (collection)
Catherine May was the United States Representative from the Fourth Congressional District of Washington, between 1959 and 1970. The collection consists of those papers generated and received by the office of Representative May during her six terms in the United States Congress.
Washington State University Libraries' Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC)
Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections
Terrell Library Suite 12
Pullman, WA
Telephone: 509-335-6691
Access Restrictions

This collection is open and available for research use.

Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Catherine May was born Catherine Dean Barnes at Yakima, Washington, in 1914. Graduating from Yakima High School in 1932, she attended Yakima Valley Junior College through 1934, and then received the Bachelor of Science degree in 1936 and the Fifth Year Education Certificate from the University of Washington in 1937. From 1937 through 1940, she taught English in the Chehalis High School, interrupting this tenure for a brief period in 1939 to study speech at the University of Southern California.

At the close of the school year in 1940, Mrs. May entered into a career in radio journalism and advertising, first with station KMO in Tacoma, and later stations KOMO and KJR in Seattle. From 1942 to 1944, she worked in advertising for Strange and Prosser Advertising Agency and the Federal Insurance Company, both of Seattle. She was in New York City 1944-1946 in the employment of the National Broadcasting Company. Following this, Mrs. May returned to Washington State, continuing in radio journalism at station KIT in Yakima through 1957.

Catherine May entered politics actively when she was a candidate and elected to the Washington State House of Representatives in 1952, representing a Yakima district. Re-elected twice, she remained a member of the state legislature until 1958, when she secured the Republican nomination to succeed retiring Republican Congressman, Otis Halbert Holmes. She was elected to the United States Congress six times and served until 1970 when she was succeeded by Democrat, Mike McCormack. Upon leaving Congress, she was appointed one of the Federal government trustees of the quasi-public National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK). In May of 1971, President Richard Nixon appointed her a member and Chairman of United States Tariff Commission.

When Catherine May entered the United States Congress in early 1959, she was the first woman Representative from the State of Washington. Also, she was the first Representative from the State of Washington in quite a few years to be appointed to the Committee on Agriculture, an assignment that is highly desired by Representatives from Washington State. Mrs. May held this Agriculture Committee assignment during her entire tenure in Congress. Work in this committee, and her efforts on behalf of her constituents, occupied the center of attention throughout her congressional career. Partially due to this concern with agricultural policy, May was selected as a Congressional member of the National Commission on Food Marketing, one of the numerous "study commissions" of the 1960’s. During her last term in office, she received a second committee assignment, the Joint committee on Atomic Energy. She was, lastly, a member of the somewhat ephemeral but nevertheless interesting, House Beauty Parlor Committee.

Although Representative May’s attention centered on her committee and constituent work, her career was not dominated by either of these. Like most members of Congress in the 1960’s, she was involved in almost every major public issue of the time. Her papers reveal significant interests in consumer affairs, the "hunger" and poverty issues, transportation policy, drugs, minority relations, and, on occasion, foreign affairs. The return of a Republican administration to power in the 1968 election increased May’s contact and concern with the whole range of governmental and public affairs. She was one of the congressional leaders that supported the administration. She was apparently considered for the post of Secretary of Agriculture at the time the Nixon Administration was organized. After leaving Congress, she continued to receive significant appointments, including United States Tariff Commissioner, a position of importance to the economic issues of the early 1970’s.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The collection consists of those papers generated and received by the office of Representative May during her six terms in the United States Congress. The content of the collection amply documents the wide arrange of legislative matters confronting the Congress during the 1960’s. Indeed, the Catherine May Papers contain materials relevant to almost every public issue of that period.

The great value of this collection to scholarship may be described under three general subjects:

The first, and the largest, concerns political affairs of the Fourth Congressional District, including personalities, events, constituent services, interests, and opinions. Of special value are those papers concerned with Federal government operations in the Fourth District and those concerned with public opinion;

The second area of importance and value concerns Republican Party politics diffused throughout the collection. Those parties that concern the years of Republican Party control of Congress are rich;

The third area, one most clearly demarcated in the collection, concerns agriculture policy and politics. The agricultural emphasis is due to Mrs. May’s committee assignment, as well as her personal interests and the interest of her constituents in the principally agricultural Fourth District.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

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Selected images and documents from this collection have been digitized and can be found online in the Catherine May Congressional Papers Digital Collection.

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Copyright restrictions may apply.

Preferred Citation

[Item description]

Catherine May Congressional Papers, 1959-1970 (Cage 304)

Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The original arrangement of this collection was simplified but altered very slightly. A sizable bulk of published material was removed and transferred to other divisions of the library. Tearsheets of the Congressional Record were discarded unless germane to other material at hand. Duplicate items were removed. Files of redundant material, requests for the Agricultural Yearbook, for example, were sampled and only 10-15% retained. An exception to this practice was made in the case of constituent letter-writing campaigns. These materials were retained intact.

The collection is arranged into nine series, retaining the original office arrangement. Two series, Invitations and National Commission o Food Marketing, were established by removal or separation from earlier filing in the main "subject" series. Within the series, the arrangement is chronological, based on the periodic closing of the files, and each sub-series is alphabetical.

Correspondence will generally be found in the front of a folder, arranged alphabetically by correspondent, with extended exchanges filed together. Original and copies of items relevant to two or more subjects are often filed under each pertinent entry.

Acquisition Information

The papers of Catherine May Bedell, Member of Congress, were acquired by the Washington State University Library in February 1971. A gift of Mrs. May, the collection was transferred to the Library from her office and the National Archives and Records Service facility at Washington, D.C.

Separated Materials

A sizable bulk of published material originally including in this collection was removed and transferred to other divisions of the Washington State Universities Libraries.


Catherine May : an Indexed Register of Her Congressional Papers 1959-1970, in the Washington State University Library. The Library, 1972

Hagne, Elizabeth Anne. A Congresswoman and Her Constituents: Catherine May and the Fourth Congressional District of Washington (unpublished M.A. Thesis: Washington State University, 1968)

Related Materials

Preliminary Guide to the Catherine May Bedell Papers on U.S. International Trade Commission, 1970-1981 (MSSM.096)

Oral History Interview with Catherine May Bedell, 1979 March 1-1979 April 20 (Cage 4598)

Oral History Interview of Catherine May Bedell, circa 1998 (Cage 4970)


The index that follows provides a comprehensive finding aid that locates all materials pertaining to a given subject even though these may be scattered by the arrangement of the collection. It is an index of the folder inventory, uniting in one alphabet all series and sub-series, a method and procedure that appears to be superior in improving the efficiency of searching in a collection of this magnitude and diversity. While the entries are based on folder headings, these entries have been generalized or made comprehensive to provide a single indexing term that embraces homogeneous and related information. The arrangement is word by word, disregarding initial articles. The numbers accompanying the entries are citations to numbered containers where the information may be found.

Using the index is uncomplicated. A searcher interested in Congressional concern of food and drug legislation is directed to the entry

Drug legislation 184, 274, 427

see also Meat inspection

If the searcher then refers to the Series Description (page 9), he/she will see that container 184 is in the 1966 sub-series and that information regarding food and drug legislation continues in additional folders in 1968 (container 274) and 1970 (container 427). Examination of container 184 produces a folder labeled Bills - H. Con. res. 1046 - Sense of Congress-regulation of food and drug labeling, diet foods. Examination of the cross reference Meat inspection produces a quantity of items in container 221 regarding regulation of state meat inspection systems, in a folder labeled Agriculture - Meat Inspection, 1967.

Finally, if this searcher is knowledgeable regarding government agencies, he/she will pursue further information in those citations following Food and Drug Administration.

Absentee voting 208
Academies 520
Academies, cadets 521-525
Academies, civil service exam requirements 519
Academies, nominees 511-517
Academies, non-resident and out-of-district applicants 519
Adams County 444
Adams County, federal programs 294, 406
Administration assistants see Office of C. May
Agency for International Development 41, 52, 81, 107, 142, 175, 219, 256, 324, 375
Agricultural Committee of the House of Representatives 450-463
Agricultural Extension Service 81, 175, 219, 256, 316, 368
Agricultural laborers see Farm labor
Agricultural Producers Council of Washington 54
Agricultural research 33, 54, 83, 109, 145, 178, 222, 261, 322, 360, 451, 453, 461, 462
Agricultural research, bees 457
Agricultural research, dodder 83
Agricultural research, dried peas and lentils 83, 109, 179, 222, 261
Agricultural research, mint 109, 179, 222, 261
Agricultural research, onion white rot 261
Agricultural research, pesticides 142, 322, 373, 374
Agricultural research, rice 461
Agricultural research, sugar beets 83, 109, 179, 222, 322: see also Wheat research
Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service 145, 179, 222, 261, 323
Agriculture 1, 14, 32, 53, 82, 108, 143, 177, 221, 319, 371
Agriculture Stabilization Committees 2, 14, 34, 55, 89, 110, 145, 180, 223, 323
Agriculture yearbook 2, 15, 35, 56, 85, 111, 180, 223, 263, 324, 375
Athenaeum Irrigation District 44, 92, 128, 214
Alaska 2, 15
Alaska, centennial 148, 181
Alaska, earthquake relief 112
Albion 118, 187, 435
Albion, post office 296, 442
Alderdale, post office 296
American Farm Bureau Federation 107, 142, 219, 256
American Revolution Bicentennial Commission 376
Americans for Congressional Action to Free Baltic States 232
AMTRAK see National Railroad Passenger Corporation
Anatone, post office 296, 442
Anatone, post office, school district 499
Animals 186, 435
Apples 1, 13, 31, 52, 81, 107, 142, 175, 220, 259, 318, 368
Appleton, post office 296
Appointments see Reservations and appointments
Appropriations 143, 175, 255, 503
Area Redevelopment Administration 39, 61, 88, 123, 151: see also Economic Development Administration
Armed services 3, 16, 35, 36, 57, 86, 113, 149, 182, 224, 264, 325, 376, 377
Armed services, personal 3, 16, 36, 57, 86, 113, 114, 149, 150, 182, 183, 225, 264, 265, 326, 327, 377, 378
Armed services, Reserved Officers Training Corps 87
Armed services, reserves 3, 16, 36, 57, 86, 114, 150, 183, 225, 265, 327, 378: see also Academies, Military installations, Prisoners of war, Selective Service System
Arms Control Agency 38, 58, 87, 113, 150, 183, 225, 265, 328, 379
Army see Armed services
Army-Navy football tickets 52, 101, 135, 167, 204, 240, 302, 356, 408
Asotin 118, 187, 435
Asotin, post office 296, 442
Asotin, school district 498, 499
Asotin County 444
Asotin County, federal programs 294, 352, 406
Asotin Dam 252, 286, 339, 396
Atlantic Congress 16, 36, 58, 226, 265, 558
Atomic energy 505
Atomic energy, environmental effects 503, 505, 509
Atomic energy, fuels 505
Atomic energy, history 507
Atomic energy, international affairs 65, 97, 507
Atomic energy, labor disputes 40
Atomic energy, licensing 507
Atomic energy, reactors 5, 21, 40, 41, 63, 64, 90, 332, 506, 507
Atomic energy, safeguards 509
Atomic energy, testing 65, 97, 509: see also Atomic Energy Commission, Hanford Atomic Works, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Plowshare Project
Atomic Energy Commission 3, 16, 36, 58, 87, 114, 150, 183, 226, 265, 328, 507, 508, 509
Atomic Industrial Forum 507
Ayer, post office 296
Banks Lake 67, 160, 339
Beans 1, 13, 31, 52, 81, 107, 142, 175, 220, 259, 318
Beauty Shop Committee see House of Representative
Beef see Livestock: see also Meat inspection
Bees 219, 256, 272, 273, 316, 368, 429, 457
Belmont, post office 297
Benton City 118, 187, 435
Benton City, post office 297, 442
Benton City, school district 498, 499
Benton County 295, 352, 406
Benton County, federal programs 295, 352, 406
Beverly, post office 297, 442
Bickleton, post office 297, 442
Bickleton, post office, school district 498, 499
Big Bend Community College 87, 114, 150, 183, 226, 328, 379
Bills see Legislation sponsored by C. May
Bingen 118
Bingen, post office 297
Bingen, school district 498, 499
Bonneville Power Administration 7, 23, 43, 67, 94, 129, 159, 216, 250, 284, 336, 393
Bracero program see Farm labor
Bridges and highways 11, 29, 49, 104, 130, 138, 159, 169, 208, 217, 244, 308, 360, 414
Broadcasting see Federal Communications Commission
Brookings Institute 19, 87, 118, 150, 187, 226, 276, 328, 379
Brownston, post office 297
Bryan Lake 38, 186, 272, 432
Bryan Lake, Little Goose Dam 38, 44, 69, 95, 130, 161, 186, 218, 254, 272, 288, 342, 432
Buena, post office 297, 442
Burbank 118, 435
Burbank, post office 297, 442
Burbank, school district 498, 499
Bureau of Employment Security see Employment Security Bureau
Cabinet members 4, 38, 135, 354
Cable television 194
Catalog of Federal Assistance 274, 426
Catherine May Newsletter 10, 26, 47, 48, 72, 99, 133, 164, 202, 237, 292, 348, 403
Catherine May Newsletter, correspondence 47, 72, 99, 133, 164, 202, 237, 348, 403: see also Special Reports
Census Bureau 4, 20, 39, 61, 88, 123, 151, 191, 227, 277, 330, 380
Census legislation 426
Centerville, post office 297
Centerville, post office, school district 498, 499
Central Intelligence Agency 276
Central Washington State College 4, 19, 38, 60, 87, 118, 151, 187, 226, 276, 329, 379
Century 21 (Seattle World's Fair) 12, 17, 50, 78
Chamber of Commerce 4, 19: see also Seattle Chamber of Commerce, United States Chamber of Commerce
Cherries 1, 13, 31, 142, 175, 220, 259
Chief Joseph Dam 7, 23, 68, 129, 159, 216
Child Development Office 90, 126, 155, 282, 335, 386
Children's Bureau see Child Development Office
China (Peoples Republic) 37: see also Committee of One Million
Cities and towns 379: see also names of cities and towns
Citizen's Committee on Crime 359, 413
Civil Aeronautics Board 5, 20, 38, 60, 87, 122, 151, 191, 226, 276, 329, 379
Civil defense 4, 20, 38, 60, 87, 122, 151, 191, 224, 263, 325, 376, 413
Civil Rights 16, 17, 58, 76, 114, 184, 185, 187, 266, 423, 424, 432, 434
Civil Rights Division, Justice Department 289, 345, 398
Civil service 4, 20, 38, 61, 88, 122, 151, 191, 227, 277, 329, 380: see also Academies, Employment applications
Civil Service Commission see Civil service
Clarkston 118, 187, 435
Clarkston, post office 297, 442
Clarkston, school district 498, 499
Clarkston Port Authority see Asotin Dam: see also Lower Granite Dam
Cle Elum 118, 187, 436
Cle Elum, post office 297, 442
Cle Elum, school district 498, 499
Coal 4, 20, 39, 61, 88, 122, 151, 191
Coal Research Office 251, 286, 338, 395
Coast and Geodetic Survey 88, 123, 152, 192, 277
Coast Guard 106, 141, 173, 212, 247, 312, 364, 418
Colfax 118, 188, 436
Colfax, flood control project 7, 68, 94, 96, 129, 159, 218, 255, 342, 398
Colfax, post office 297, 442
Colfax, school district 499
College Apprenticeship Program 20, 61, 88, 123, 151, 191, 227, 277, 329, 380
College Place 118, 188, 436
College Place, post office 297, 442
College Place, school district 498, 499
Colton 118, 188, 436
Colton, post office 297, 442
Columbia Basin College 88, 122, 151, 191, 227, 277, 330, 380
Columbia Basin Project 7, 16, 17, 23, 24, 37, 43, 44, 68, 94, 95, 129, 159, 160, 186, 216, 252, 254, 274, 286, 287, 339, 340, 390, 396, 425
Columbia County 444
Columbia County, federal programs 295, 406
Columbia River diversion 160, 217, 253, 288, 341, 396
Commerce Department 4, 21, 39, 61, 88, 123, 152, 192, 227, 277, 330, 380
Commission on Campus Unrest 407
Commission on Civil Rights 61, 151, 227, 329, 380
Commission on Food and Fiber 175, 219, 256
Commission on Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke 155
Commission on Product Safety 346, 402
Committee on One Million 65, 96
Committee on Economic Development 457, 458
Committee on the Monroe Doctrine 65, 96
Commodity Credit Corporation 175, 219, 256, 316, 368
Common Case 380
Common Market 89, 124, 153, 193
Communism 61, 74, 89, 123, 152, 192, 227, 277, 330: see also Un-American activities
Community Action Programs 238, 294, 350, 406, 446, 447, 448, 449: see also names of countries - federal programs
Community Facilities Office 92, 127, 156, 197, 232, 282, 336, 388
Community Relations Service 123, 152, 199
Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge 128, 215, 251
Conference on Natural Beauty 166
Congratulatory messages 4, 21, 39, 62, 89, 123, 152, 192, 227, 277, 329, 381
Congratulatory messages, American Legion 278
Congratulatory messages, 100th birthdays 330, 381
Congratulatory messages, members of Congress 123
Congressional committees and sub-committees 193, 207, 228, 243, 450, 452, 458, 504: see also House of Representatives, names of committees
Congressional Directory 4, 39, 62, 89, 124, 152, 193, 228, 278, 331, 381
Congressional Record 4, 21, 39, 62, 89, 124, 152, 193, 228, 278, 331, 381: see also Publications
Connell 118, 188, 436
Connell, post office 297, 444
Connell, school district 498, 499
Conservation legislation 18, 77, 272: see also Environmental affairs legislation
Conservation subcommittee, Agriculture Committee 450, 461
Constituent services see also: Armed services personal, veterans' claims, flags, Immigration and naturalization, Office of C. May, Passports, Private legislation, Publications, Railroad Retirement Board, Social security
Consular Service 243, 307, 413
Consumer affairs 21, 115, 124, 142, 152, 184, 193, 221, 228, 272, 274, 278, 292, 316, 321, 372, 373, 381, 427, 434
Consumer and Marketing Service 142, 316, 368
Consumer's Advisory Council 124, 152, 193, 228, 278
Corps of Engineers 379: see also names of projects
Cotton 186, 450, 452, 458, 461
Coulee City 118, 188, 436
Coulee City, post office 297, 442
Coulee City, school district 498, 499
Council on Environmental Quality 382, 383, 434
Courtesy cards 4, 21, 39, 62, 89, 124, 152, 193
Cowich 19
Cowich, post office 297, 442
Cranberries 21
Crank mail see Miscellany
Credit cards 434
Crime and criminals see Law enforcement
Cuba 39, 41, 65, 96: see also Sugar
Cuban Refugee Program see Refugees, Cuban
Cunningham, post office 297
Customs administration 30, 51, 106, 141, 173, 212, 248, 313, 365, 420: see also Tariff Commission
Cyclamates 434
Dairy products 256, 316, 368, 428, 455, 458, 461
Dairy products, commerce 271
Dairy subcommittee, Agriculture Committee 450, 458
The Dallas, post office 297, 442
The Dallas Dam 8, 24, 45, 69, 218, 255
Dams see Inland Empire Waterways Association: see also Washington Public Power Supply System, names of dams
Dayton 118, 188, 436
Dayton, post office 297, 442
Dayton, school district 498, 499
Dayton Irrigation Project 8, 24, 44, 68, 130
Defense see Armed services
Department of Justice see Justice Department
Disarmament 38, 116: see also Arms Control Agency
District of Columbia 430, 432
Dixie 436
Dixie, post office 297
Draft see Selective Service System
Drug legislation 184, 274, 427: see also Meat inspection
Drug use 348, 403, 404: Narcotics Bureau
Easton 188
Easton, post office 297, 442
Easton, school district 489, 499
Eccentric mail see Miscellany
Economic Development Administration 222, 277, 330, 380: see also Area Redevelopment Administration
Economic Opportunity Office 237, 294, 351, 406
Economic Opportunity Office, requests and reports 446-449
Economic Opportunity Office, in Washington (State) 138, 170, 209, 416: see also names of countries - federal programs
Education see Exchange students: see also Higher education, Schools
Education Office 64, 91, 126, 155, 196, 230, 280, 334, 387
86th Club 5, 21, 40, 62, 89, 124, 152, 193, 228, 278, 331, 384
Elberton 118
Electric City 118, 436
Electric City, post office 297, 442
Electric power legislation 185
Ellensburg 4, 19, 118, 188, 436
Ellensburg, post office 297, 442
Ellensburg, school district 498, 499
Eltopia 188, 437
Eltopia, post office 297, 442
Eltopia, school district 498
Employee's Compensation Bureau 8, 25, 45, 70, 97, 162, 235, 345, 399
Employment applications 2, 15, 35, 56, 85, 112, 113, 148, 181, 224, 263, 324, 376
Employment Security Bureau 8, 25, 45, 70, 97, 131, 162, 200, 235, 290, 345, 399
Endicott 118
Endicott, post office 297, 442
Endicott, school district 499
Environmental affairs legislation 81, 264, 423, 429, 430, 431, 433, 434, 540: see also Atomic energy, Conservation legislation
Environmental Protection Agency 383
Ephrata 19, 119, 188, 437
Ephrata, post office 297, 442
Ephrata, school district 498-499
Equal Employment Opportunities Commission 162, 193, 228, 278, 331, 383
Equal-time provision 153
Esquatzel Canyon 8, 44, 68
Evans, Daniel, press conferences 171, 211, 246, 309, 362, 416
Ewan, post office 297
Exchange students 11, 29, 49, 77, 103, 137, 169, 208, 243, 307, 359, 413
Executive Branch reorganization 331, 383, 410
Extension Service see Agricultural Extension Service
Export - Import Bank 331
Exports see Foreign trade
Family farms 77, 451, 452, 454, 459, 461
Family planning see Population and family planning
Farm bulletins 1, 13, 31, 52, 81, 107, 144, 175, 219, 258, 316, 369
Farm credit 175, 219, 256, 316, 369: see also Farmers Home Administration
Farm labor 1, 13, 31, 52, 81, 107, 142, 175, 219, 257, 316, 369, 455
Farm labor, Bracero program 107, 464
Farm labor, Unionization 257, 317, 369
Farm marketing 256, 269, 316, 368, 428
Farm produce see specific commodities
Farmers' Home Administration 1, 13, 31, 52, 59, 81, 108, 142, 175, 176, 219, 258, 317, 369
Farmington 119
Farmington, post office 297, 442
Federal Aviation Administration 5, 21, 40, 62, 89, 124, 153, 193, 247, 312, 364, 418
Federal Bureau of Investigation 97, 131, 161, 199, 234, 289, 345, 398
Federal Communications Commission 5, 21, 40, 62, 124, 153, 193, 194, 228, 279, 331, 384
Federal Crop Insurance Corporation 176, 220, 258, 369
Federal Home Loan Bank Board 6, 124, 153, 194, 228, 279, 331, 384
Federal Housing Administration 6, 41, 65, 92, 127, 156, 197, 232, 247, 282, 312, 336, 365, 388, 418
Federal Maritime Commission 331, 384
Federal Power Commission 5, 21, 40, 62, 90, 124, 153, 194, 229, 279, 331, 384
Federal Railroad Administration 365, 418
Federal Register 5, 125, 194
Federal Reserve Board 5, 21, 40, 62, 90, 125, 153, 194, 229, 279, 331, 384
Federal Trade Commission 5, 62, 90, 125, 153, 194, 229, 279, 331, 384
Federal Water Control Administration 286, 337
Federal Water Quality Administration 251, 286, 337, 394
Feed grains 53, 59, 116, 271, 451, 453, 455, 457, 459, 462
Finance see Farm credit: see also Revenue sharing, Taxation
Firearms 366, 420, 426, 428
Fish and Wildlife Service 6, 22, 43, 66, 93, 128, 158, 215, 251, 285, 338, 395
Fisheries 104, 138, 171, 210, 244, 307, 359, 414
Flags 21, 40, 62, 90, 125, 154, 194, 229, 279, 332, 384
Flood control 23, 43, 67, 94, 129, 159, 171, 216, 255, 287, 342, 398
Flood control, Colfax 7, 68, 94, 96, 129, 159, 218, 255, 342, 398
Flood control, Pullman 130, 342
Flood control, Walla Walla 69, 96, 130, 161
Flood control, Zintel Canyon 45, 130, 161, 218, 255
Food and Drug Administration 5, 22, 41, 64, 91, 126, 155, 195, 230, 280, 333, 385
Food and drug legislation see Drug legislation
Food for Peace 116, 451, 452, 455, 457, 461, 462
Food marketing see National Commission on Food Marketing
Food stamp program 220, 258, 274, 317, 370, 424, 430, 431, 449, 450, 462: see also Hunger
Foreign affairs 7, 22, 41, 65, 96, 97, 127, 156, 199, 232, 284, 344, 391
Foreign affairs, Biafra 342, 423
Foreign affairs, Brazil 96, 340
Foreign affairs, Cambodia 389, 390
Foreign affairs, Congo 65, 106
Foreign affairs, Cyprus 127
Foreign affairs, Czechoslovakia 423
Foreign affairs, Korea 282, 343, 390, 427, 430
Foreign affairs, Laos 391
Foreign affairs, Middle East 232, 267, 344, 391
Foreign affairs, Okinawa 325, 377
Foreign affairs, Panama 127, 266
Foreign affairs, Rhodesia 233: see also China, Cuba, Foreign Trade, Interparliamentary Union, Radio of Free Asia, United Nations, Vietnam
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission 5, 21, 40, 90, 125, 154, 194, 229, 279, 332, 384
Foreign trade 105, 233, 266, 273, 318
Fort Simcoe 21: see also Yakima County - federal programs
Forest legislation 18, 59, 60, 276, 425, 429, 430, 431, 540
Forest Service 1, 14, 31, 53, 81, 82, 108, 143, 176, 220, 258, 318, 370, 450, 452, 456, 460, 462
Forest subcommittee, Agriculture Committee 456, 457, 460
Franklin County 444
Franklin County, federal programs 295, 352, 406
Fruits and vegetables 1, 14, 32, 53, 82, 108, 143, 176, 220, 259, 318, 319, 371, 375: see also names of commodities
Garfield 119
Garfield, post office 297, 442
Garfield County 444
General Accounting Office 154, 194, 279, 332, 384
General Service Administration 5, 21, 40, 62, 90, 125, 154, 194, 229, 279, 332, 384, 385
Geological Survey 251, 285, 338, 395
George 119, 188, 437
George, post office 298, 442
Glenwood, post office 298, 442
Glenwood, school district 498, 499
Goldendale 19, 119, 188, 437
Goldendale, post office 298, 442
Goldendale, school district 498, 499
Government Printing Office 5, 21, 40, 62, 90, 125, 154, 194, 279, 332, 385
Governor's Council on Aging Conference 415
Grain 1, 14, 32, 54, 82, 108, 144, 177, 220, 260, 320: see also Feed grains, Wheat
Grain standards 109, 144
Grain storage 32, 54
Grand Coulee 19, 119, 188, 437
Grand Coulee, post office 298, 442
Grand Coulee, school district 498, 499
Grand Coulee Dam 8, 17, 24, 44, 68, 95, 130, 160, 185, 217, 253, 254, 288, 341, 397
Grandview 19, 119, 188, 437
Grandview, post office 298, 442
Grandview, school district 498, 500
Grange see Patrons of Husbandry
Granger 119, 188, 437
Granger, post office 298, 442
Granger, school district 498, 500
Grant County 444
Grant County, federal programs 295, 352, 406
Grazing fees 320, 371
Hanford Atomic Works 5, 21, 40, 41, 63, 64, 90, 125, 154, 159, 194, 195, 229, 230, 280, 332, 505, 506, 507
Harrah 19, 119
Harrah, post office 298, 442
Harrah, school district 498, 500
Hartline 119
Hartline, post office 298, 442
Hartline, school district 500
Hatton 119
Hawaii 2, 15
Hay, post office 298
Health see Public health
Health, Education and Welfare Department 5, 22, 41, 64, 91, 126, 155, 195, 230, 280, 333, 385: see also names of subordinate agencies
Health foods 184, 272, 427
Hells Canyon 8
High Mountain Sheep Dam 288, 341, 398
Higher education 115, 186, 187, 245, 269, 272, 310, 333, 363, 387, 415, 417, 424: see also Academies
Historic sites 361, 433, 442: see also Whitman National Monument
Honey commerce 272
Hooper, post office 298, 442
Hooper, school district 500
Hops 2, 14, 17, 32, 54, 82, 109, 144, 177, 221, 260, 320, 371
House of Representatives 91, 92, 127, 156, 197, 231, 282, 335, 388, 423
House of Representatives, Beauty Shop 282, 335, 388
House of Representatives, ethics 114, 185, 226
House of Representatives, gymnasium incident 236
House of Representatives, Select Committee on Standards 207, 243, 266: see also Congressional committees and subcommittees, 86th Club, Whip notices
Housing and Home Finance Agency see Housing and Urban Development Department
Housing and Urban Development Department 6, 22, 41, 65, 92, 127, 156, 197, 232, 282, 336, 388
Housing legislation 115, 276, 434
Hunger 183, 260, 267, 270, 274, 320, 372: see also Food stamp program, school lunch programs, White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health
Huntsville, post office 298
Husam, post office 298
Hyak, post office 298, 442
Ice Harbor Dam 8, 24, 44, 68, 95, 130, 161, 217, 254, 288, 398
Immigration and naturalization 8, 25, 45, 70, 97, 131, 162, 199, 200, 234, 289, 290, 345, 399: see also Private legislation
Indian Affairs Bureau 6, 22, 23, 42, 43, 66, 92, 128, 157, 214, 250, 285, 337, 394
Indian affairs legislation 19, 59, 60, 115, 116, 186, 270, 433
Indian Claims Commission 197, 232, 282, 336, 386, 388
Inland Empire Waterways Association 42, 66, 92, 127, 156, 197, 232, 282, 336, 389
Interagency Committee on Mexican-American Affairs 385
Interior Department 6, 22, 43, 67, 93, 129, 158, 215, 251, 285, 338, 395: see also subordinate agencies
Internal Revenue Service 12, 30, 51, 79, 80, 106, 141, 173, 213, 248, 313, 365, 366, 420
International Commerce Bureau 151, 191, 227, 330, 380
International Farm Youth Exchange Program 177, 222, 321
International Museum 65, 96, 127, 156
Interparliamentary Union 157, 192, 234, 284, 344, 558
Interstate Commerce Commission 7, 23, 42, 70, 96, 131, 157, 199, 248, 312, 313, 365, 419
Irrigation see Reclamation Bureau: see also names of projects
Jay Dee Trailer City, post office 298
Job Corps 138, 209, 238, 294, 352: see also Yakima County - federal programs
Job training 126, 186, 230, 274, 282, 289, 311, 363, 417
John Birch Society 45, 70
John Day Dam 8, 24, 44, 69, 95, 130, 161, 217, 254, 288, 341, 398
Joint Commission on Correctional Manpower and Training 289
Joint Committee on Atomic Energy 503-505
Judges 8, 272
Justice Department 8, 25, 45, 70, 131, 161, 199, 234, 289, 344, 399: see also subordinate agencies
Juvenile delinquency 17
Kahlotus 119
Kahlotus, post office 298, 442
Kahlotus, school district 498, 500
Kennewick 20, 119, 188, 437
Kennewick, post office 298, 442
Kennewick, school district 498, 500
Kennewick Irrigation District 24, 44, 69, 130, 161, 217, 254
Kiona, post office 298, 442
Kittitas 119, 437
Kittitas, post office 298, 442
Kittitas, school district 498, 500
Kittitas County 444
Kittitas County, federal programs 295, 352, 406
Kittitas Irrigation Project 24, 44, 130, 217, 254, 288
Klickitat 119, 188
Klickitat, post office 298, 442
Klickitat, school district 500
Klickitat County 445
Klickitat County, federal programs 295, 352, 406
Klickitat Irrigation Project 24, 44, 69, 95, 130, 161, 217, 254, 288
Labor see Farm labor: see also Job training
Labor Department 8, 25, 45, 70, 97, 131, 162, 200, 234, 290, 345, 399: see also subordinate agencies
Lacrosse 119, 437
Lacrosse, post office 298, 442
Lacrosse, school district 500
Lamont 119
Lamont, post office 298, 442
Land Management Bureau 6, 23, 43, 66, 92, 93, 128, 157, 214, 250, 285, 320, 337, 371, 393: see also Public Land Law Review Commission
Larson Air Force Base 9, 25, 46, 70, 98, 131, 162, 200, 235, 290, 298
Laurel, post office 298
Law enforcement 345, 399: see also Citizen's Committeeon Crime: see also Juvenile delinquency
Legislation sponsored by C. May 3, 16-19, 37, 38, 58, 59, 60, 114-118, 183-187, 266-275, 422-435: see also Voting record
Library legislation 19, 427, 429, 435
Library of Congress 9, 25, 46, 71, 98, 131, 163, 201, 235, 290, 346, 400
Lind 119, 437
Lind, post office 298, 442
Little Goose Dam 44, 69, 95, 130, 161, 218, 254, 288, 342: see also Bryan Lake
Livestock 1, 13, 33, 54, 82, 109, 144, 178, 221, 222, 261, 321, 372, 455
Livestock, commerce 116, 117, 271, 455
Livestock and feed grains subcommittee, Agricultural Committee 451, 453, 455, 457, 459, 462
Locks (Navigation) see Inland Empire Waterways Association: see also names of projects
Lowden, post office 298, 442
Lowden, school district 500
Lower Crab Creek see Smyrna
Lower Granite Dam 45, 69, 95, 130, 161, 218, 254, 288, 342, 398
Lower Monumental Dam 7, 24, 45, 69, 95, 130, 161, 218, 254, 288, 342, 398
Lumber trade 12, 29, 50, 60, 78, 104, 105, 114, 115, 138, 172, 211, 275, 308, 361, 414, 460
Lyle 437
Lyle, post office 298
Lyle, school district 498, 500
Mabton 119, 437
Mabton, post office 298, 442
Mabton, school district 498, 500
NcNary Dam 7, 24, 45, 69, 95, 130, 161, 218, 255, 288, 342, 398
McNary Game Refuge 96
Malden 119
Malden, post office 298
Manpower Administration 200, 290, 345, 399
Manpower Retraining and Development Program 126, 186, 274
Marengo, post office 298
Maritime Administration 4, 39, 61, 152, 192, 227, 330, 380
Marlin 119
Marlin, post office 298, 442
Marmes Rockshelter 361, 421
Maryhill, post office 298
Mattawa 119, 437
Mattawa, school district 498, 500
May, Catherine, articles 133, 292, 349
May, Catherine, biography 3, 16, 36, 58, 87, 114, 150, 183, 226, 266, 328, 379
May, Catherine, invitations 542-558: see also photographs, biography
May, Catherine, sponsored organizations 354, 407: see also Catherine May Newsletter
Mayview, post office 298
Meat inspection 221, 270, 315, 321, 372, 373
Medicare see Social security
Mental retardation 5, 42, 65, 91, 126, 155, 195, 230, 280, 333, 385
Mesa 20, 119, 437
Mesa, school district 498
Mexican-Americans see Farm labor: see also Interagency Committee on Mexican-American Affairs
Migrant health services 385
Migrant labor see Farm labor
Military installations 3, 16, 36, 57, 86, 114, 149, 182, 225, 265, 327, 377: see also names of bases
Military personnel see Academies: see also Armed services
Mines Bureau 6, 23, 43, 66, 93, 128, 157, 214, 251, 285, 337, 393: see also Coal
Mink 271, 427
Minority Personnel Office 181, 224, 263, 324, 376
Mint Bureau 212, 248, 313, 365, 420
Mint (crop) 109, 179, 222, 261, 321, 373
Miscellany 9, 26, 40, 46, 62, 71, 89, 98, 131, 152, 163, 201, 235, 290, 345, 346, 400
Moses Lake 20, 119, 188, 437
Moses Lake, post office 299, 442
Moses Lake, school district 498, 500
Moxee City 120, 188, 438
Moxee City, post office 299, 442
Moxee City, school district 498, 500
Naches 120, 188, 438
Naches, post office 299, 442
Naches, school district 498, 500
Narcotics Bureau 106, 141, 213, 248, 344, 399: see also Drug use
National Academy of Sciences 201
National Advisory Commission on Rural Poverty 222
National Aeronautics and Space Administration 9, 26, 46, 71, 98, 131, 163, 201, 235, 291, 346, 401
National Archives 125, 154, 194, 229, 279, 346, 401
National Association of Broadcasters 153
National Commission on Civil Disorders 291, 346, 401
National Commission on Food Marketing correspondence and notes 465-469
National Commission on Food Marketing correspondence and notes, meetings and hearings 463, 464, 466, 470-477
National Commission on Food Marketing correspondence and notes, personnel 464, 465, 467
National Commission on Food Marketing correspondence and notes, reports 465, 469, 478-97
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence 291, 346, 401
National Dividend Plan 291, 402
National Farmer's Organization 33, 54, 371: see also Farm marketing
National Federation of Independent Business 26, 46, 71, 132, 163, 201, 235, 291, 347, 401
National Forest Reservation Commission 143
National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities 201, 235, 291, 347, 401
National Guard see Armed services
National Institutes of Health 155, 195, 230, 280, 333, 385
National Labor Relations Board 163, 173, 201, 212, 236, 291, 347, 402: see also Farm labor
National Park Service 6, 23, 43, 67, 94, 129, 159, 215, 252, 286, 338, 395
National Railroad Passenger Corporation 401
National Reclamation Association 46, 72, 98, 132, 163, 201, 236, 347
National Rivers and Harbors Congress 9, 26, 72, 98, 132, 163, 201, 236, 291
National Science Foundation 9, 72, 98, 132, 163, 201, 236, 291, 347, 401
National Traffic Safety Bureau 248, 313, 365, 420
National Transportation Safety Board 247, 313, 365, 420
Naturalization see Immigration and naturalization
New management 98, 132, 202
News releases see Press releases
Newsletters see Catherine May Newsletter: see also Olympia Newsletter, Special Reports
Newspaper legislation 427
Newspaper subscriptions 9, 26, 48, 72, 100, 133, 164, 202, 236, 292, 348, 402
Northwest River Basin Commission 286, 339, 395
Oakesdale 120, 438
Oakesdale, post office 299, 442
Oakesdale, school district 498, 500
Office of Catherine May 11, 12, 29, 30, 49, 50, 73, 75, 100, 133, 134, 165, 166, 203, 204, 239, 240, 293, 294, 349, 350, 404
Office of Catherine May, mailing list 4, 9, 19, 25, 46, 71, 87, 98, 132, 163, 201, 237, 291, 347, 402:
Office of Education see Education Office
Olympia Newsletter 105, 138, 172, 211, 246, 310, 363, 416
Othello 20, 120, 188, 438
Othello, post office 298, 442
Othello, school district 498, 500
Outdoor Recreation Bureau 93, 128, 158, 214, 251, 285, 337, 394
Outlook, post office 442
Palouse 20, 120, 438
Palouse, post office 298, 442
Palouse, school district 498, 500
Parker, post office 298, 442
Parks and recreation 211, 246, 310, 363, 415
Parks and recreation, legislation 160, 273, 276, 425
Pasco 20, 120, 189, 438
Pasco, post office 299, 442
Pasco, school district 500
Pasco Engineer Depot 10, 74
Passports 11, 29, 49, 78, 103, 137, 169, 208, 244, 307, 359, 413
Patent Office 4, 21, 39, 61, 88, 123, 152, 192, 227, 277, 380
Patrons of Husbandry. United States Grange 5, 21, 40, 63, 90, 125, 154, 194, 221, 260
Patterson, post office 299
Patterson, school district 498, 500
Peace Corps 48, 73, 100, 134, 166, 204, 240, 296, 354, 407
Peanuts and oilseeds 453, 460, 462
Pears 33, 54, 83, 109, 144, 145, 178, 221, 259, 318, 373
Peas 83, 145, 178, 221, 259, 318, 373
Pension plans 17, 58, 60, 173, 187, 268, 433
Pesticides see Agricultural research: see also Bees
Pinchot National Forest 388
Pine City, post office 299, 442
Plowshare Project 507
Plymouth, post office 299
Police see Law enforcement
Pomeroy 120, 189, 438
Pomeroy, post office 299, 442
Pomeroy, school district 498, 500
Population and family planning 435
Pornography see Postal service - legislation: see also postal service - obscene material
Postal service 10, 27, 48, 74, 101, 134, 166, 204, 240, 296, 354, 441
Postal service, commemorative stamps 134, 354, 441
Postal service, legislation 428, 430
Postal service, obscene material 354, 441: see also General Services Administration, names of post offices
Potatoes 2, 54, 83, 109, 145, 178, 221, 259, 273, 319, 374, 426, 456
Potholes Reservoir see Banks Lake
Poultry 17, 109, 145, 178, 222, 321, 450, 455, 460, 462
Prescott 120
Prescott, post office 299, 442
Prescott, school district 498, 501
Preservation of historic sites see Historic sites
President of the United States 131, 166, 204
President of the United States, assassination 101
President of the United States, Cabinet 4, 38, 135, 354
President of the United States, inauguration 166, 354, 355
President of the United States, messages 27, 48, 74, 101, 134, 135, 166, 204, 240, 302, 355, 408: see also Executive Branch reorganization, Vice-President, White House
Press conferences of Daniel Evans 171, 211, 246, 309, 362, 416
Press releases 9, 27, 47, 72, 99, 133, 165, 203, 236, 292, 349, 402
Press releases, correspondence 9, 47, 72, 99, 133, 164, 202, 236, 292, 349, 403: see also Television
Priest Rapids Dam 7, 24, 69, 96, 161, 218, 255, 289
Prisoners of war 184, 390, 422, 423
Private legislation 3, 37, 59, 185, 186, 226, 267, 425, 434
Prosser 120, 189, 438
Prosser, post office 299, 442
Prosser, school district 498, 501
Public assistance 105, 138, 155, 172, 196, 211, 231, 245, 282, 308, 335, 361, 388, 415
Public assistance, legislation 430, 433, 435
Public Buildings Service see General Services Administration
Public finance see Revenue sharing: see also Taxation
Public health legislation 19, 59, 434
Public Health Service 5, 22, 42, 64, 91, 126, 155, 196, 230, 281, 334
Public Housing Administration 6, 22, 41, 65, 92, 127, 156, 197, 232, 282, 336, 388
Public Land Law Review Commission 252, 286, 339, 395
Public utility districts 10, 267: ee also Washington Public Power Supply System
Publications, received 10, 27, 48, 74
Publications, requested 10, 28, 48, 74, 101, 167
Publications, sent 3, 9, 10, 16, 26, 36, 46, 58, 71, 101, 135, 167, 204, 205, 240, 241, 302, 303, 355, 356, 408, 409
Pullman 20, 120, 189, 438
Pullman, flood control 130, 342
Pullman, post office 299, 443
Pullman, school district 501
Quality control 60, 115
Questionnaire 10, 28, 48, 74, 102, 135, 167, 205, 241, 303, 304, 356, 409
Quincy 20, 120, 189, 438
Quincy, post office 299, 443
Quincy, school district 501
Quincy Irrigation District 68
Radio see Television
Radio of Free Asia 233
Railroad Retirement Board 10, 28, 48, 75, 102, 136, 205, 241, 304, 356, 410
Railroads, boxcars 419
Railroads, mergers 313
Railroads, rates 313: see also Federal Railroad Administration, Interstate Commerce Commission
Ralston, post office 299, 443
Re-apportionment see Re-districting
Reclamation Bureau 6, 23, 66, 93, 128, 158, 215, 251, 285, 338, 409
Recreation see Parks and recreation
Re-districting 138, 170, 184, 209
Refugees, Chinese 65
Refugees, Cuban 90, 126, 155, 195, 231, 282
Republican Party see Whip notices: see also White House
Reservations and appointments 11, 29, 49, 75, 102, 136, 168, 206, 241, 242, 305, 306, 356, 357, 358, 410, 411
Reserve Officers Training Corps see Armed services
Revenue sharing 269, 432: see also Taxation
Rice 461
Richland 20, 120, 189, 438
Richland, post office 299, 443
Richland, school district 501
Riparia, post office 300
Ritzville 120, 189, 439
Ritzville, post office 300, 443
Ritzville, school district 498, 501
Riverview, school district 498
Ronald 120, 189, 439
Ronald, post office 300, 443
Roosevelt 439
Roosevelt, post office 300
Roosevelt, school district 498, 501
Rosalia 120, 189, 439
Rosalia, post office 300, 443
Rosalia, school district 501
Roslyn 121, 189, 439
Roslyn, post office 300, 443
Roslyn, school district 498, 501
Royal City 121, 189, 439
Royal City, post office 300, 443
Royal City, school district 498, 501
Roza Irrigation District 7, 24, 45, 69, 96, 130, 161, 218
Rural Affairs Council 374
Rural Electrification Administration 2, 14, 33, 83, 109, 145, 179, 222, 261, 322, 374, 455
St. John 121, 189
St. John, post office 300, 443
St. John, school district 501
School lunch program 322, 323, 374, 375
Schools 11, 29, 76, 102, 137, 168, 207, 243, 358, 443: see also Higher education, name of school districts
Seattle Chamber of Commerce 11, 29, 49, 76, 102, 137, 169, 207, 226, 276, 329, 379
Seattle Federal Directory 11, 29
Seattle World's Fair see Century 21
Secretaries see Employment applications: see also Office of C. May
Securities and Exchange Commission 11, 29, 76, 102, 169, 207, 243, 306, 358, 412
Segregation 386
Selah 121, 189, 439
Selah, post office 300, 443
Selah, school district 498, 501
Select Committee on Standards 207, 243, 266
Selective Service System 11, 16, 35, 49, 57, 76, 86, 103, 113, 137, 148, 169, 182, 207, 224, 243, 264, 275, 306, 325, 358, 376, 412, 422
Sex education 334, 386
Sheep 14, 19, 430
Small Business Administration 11, 29, 49, 76, 103, 137, 169, 207, 243, 306, 358, 412
Smithsonian Institution 207, 243, 306, 359, 412
Smyrna, school district 498
Snake River 7, 24, 45, 69, 96, 130, 161, 218, 255, 289, 342, 398
Snake River, post office 300
Soap Lake 20, 121, 189, 439
Soap Lake, post office 300, 443
Soap Lake, school district 498, 501
Social security 5, 22, 42, 65, 91, 126, 155, 196, 197, 231, 281, 335, 387
Social security, legislation 60, 173, 187, 268, 433
Social security, Medicare 230, 282, 334, 387
Soil bank 2, 14, 33, 55, 110, 145, 179
Soil conservation 2, 14, 33, 55, 84, 110, 145, 179, 222, 261, 262, 323, 374
Soil conservation districts 11, 29, 76, 323
South Cle Elum, post office 300, 443
Space program see National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Special Reports 47, 72, 73, 99, 133, 164, 202, 237, 292, 348, 403
Speeches 76, 77, 103, 137, 169, 208, 243, 306, 307, 359, 412
Stamps see Postal service
Standards Bureau 61, 152, 192, 227, 277, 300, 380
Starbuck 121, 189, 439
Starbuck, post office 300, 443
Starbuck, school district 501
State Department 11, 29, 49, 77, 104, 137, 169, 208, 244, 307, 359, 413
Steptoe, post office 300
Stratford 189
Stratford, post office 300
Sugar 15, 34, 55, 146
Sugar, commerce 2, 15, 17, 18, 19, 34, 38, 55, 59, 84, 110, 117, 146, 147, 180, 184, 223, 262, 323, 374
Sugar, legislation 17, 19, 38, 59, 117, 184
Sugar, letters 179, 223, 262, 323, 375
Sugar beets 2, 15, 34, 55, 84, 110, 146, 147, 180, 223, 262, 323, 375
Sunnyside 20, 121, 189, 439
Sunnyside, post office 300, 443
Sunnyside, school district 498, 501
Supreme Court 79, 105, 139, 140, 173, 212, 247, 311, 417
Sympathy letters 12, 30, 50, 79, 105, 139, 173, 212, 247, 311, 364, 418
Tariff Commission 12, 30, 50, 140, 173, 212, 247, 311, 364, 418
Taxation 12, 19, 29, 59, 116, 186, 187, 269, 272, 427, 432, 435
Tekoa 121, 189
Tekoa, post office 300, 443
Television, correspondence 132, 163, 202, 236, 292, 348, 402
Television, ideas 98, 133, 163, 202, 347
Television, programs 10, 15, 26, 47, 72, 73, 99, 132, 163, 202, 236, 292, 347, 402
Thank you cards 12, 30, 50, 79, 105, 140, 173, 212, 247, 312, 364, 418
Thorton, post office 300, 443
Thorp, post office 300, 443
Thorp, school district 501
Tieton 20, 121
Tieton, post office 300, 443
Toppenish 20, 121, 189, 439
Toppenish, post office 301, 443
Toppenish, school district 498, 501
Touchet 439
Touchet, post office 301, 443
Touchet, school district 501
Trade see Foreign trade
Transportation Department 312, 360, 418
Transportation legislation 116, 185, 271, 272
Treasury Department 12, 30, 51, 79, 106, 141, 173, 213, 248, 313, 365, 420
Tri-Cities 439: see also Kennewick, Pasco, Richland
Tri-Cities Industrial Council 125, 154, 194, 195, 230, 280, 333, 506
Trinidad, post office 301
Trout Lake, post office 301
Trout Lake, school district 498, 501
Un-American activities 12, 30, 51, 80, 106, 141, 174, 213, 249
Unemployment legislation 434
Union Gap 121, 189, 439
Union Gap, school district 498, 501
Uniontown 121, 439
Uniontown, post office 301, 443
United Nations 80, 106, 107, 141, 174, 213, 249, 313, 366, 420
United Nations Association of the United States 141
United States Chamber of Commerce 19, 87, 226, 276, 329, 379
United States Government see names of subordinate agencies, branches, bureaus and departments
United States Information Agency 6, 41, 65, 92, 127, 156, 197, 232, 282, 336, 389
United States Steel Corporation 79
University of Washington 138, 172, 211, 249, 314, 366, 428
Urban Renewal Administration 156, 197, 232, 282, 336, 388
USIA see United States Information Agency
Vantage 189, 439
Vantage, post office 301
Vernita Bridge 130, 159, 217
Veterans Administration 80, 107, 141, 174, 213, 249, 314, 366, 421
Veterans' claim 526-530
Vice President 421
Vietnam 149, 184, 198, 233, 234, 266, 283, 327, 343, 392, 422, 423
Violence 267: see also Commission on Campus Unrest, National Commission on Civil Disorders, National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence
Visas see Passports
VISTA 239, 296, 351, 406: see also names of countries- federal programs
Vocational Rehabilitation Administration 230, 282
Volunteers in Service to America see VISTA
Voting record 532-540
Wahkiacus, post office 301
Wahluke Slope Irrigation Project 8, 24, 96, 130, 161, 218, 255, 289, 342, 398
Waitsburg, post office 301, 443
Waitsburg, school district 499, 501
Walla Walla 20, 121, 190, 439
Walla Walla, post office 301, 443
Walla Walla, school district 498, 502
Walla Walla College 107, 141, 147, 213, 249, 314, 366, 421
Walla Walla Community College 249, 314, 366, 421
Walla Walla County 445
Walla Walla County, federal programs 295, 352, 406
Walla Walla River Project, Touchet Division 69, 96, 130, 161
Walulla 190, 440
Walulla, post office 301, 443
Wapato 121, 190, 440
Wapato, post office 301, 443
Wapato, school district 498, 501
Wapato Irrigation Project 8, 25, 45, 70, 96, 130, 218
War on Poverty see Economic Opportunity Office: see also names of counties - federal programs
Warden 20, 121, 190, 440
Warden, post office 301, 443
Warden, school district 499, 501
Washington, D.C. see District of Columbia
Washington Public Power Supply System 172, 210, 246, 310, 363, 416
Washington (State) 12, 29, 50, 78, 138, 171, 210, 245, 309, 362, 415
Washington State and Alaska Society 12, 30, 51, 80, 107, 141, 174, 213, 249, 314, 366, 421
Washington (State) Department of Agriculture 244, 307, 359, 413
Washington (State) Department of Commerce and Economic Development 244, 307, 360, 413
Washington (State) Department of Ecology 413
Washington (State) Department of Employment Security 244, 307, 359, 414
Washington (State) Department of Game 307, 360, 414
Washington (State) Department of Health 210, 244, 307, 360, 414
Washington (State) Department of Institutions 245, 308, 360, 414
Washington (State) Department of Labor and Industries 245, 308, 360, 414
Washington (State) Department of Motor Vehicles 414
Washington (State) Department of Natural Resources 245, 308, 360, 361, 414
Washington (State) Department of Public Assistance 415
Washington (State) Department of Water Resources 245, 309, 361, 414
Washington (State) Division of Vocational Education 311, 363, 417
Washington (State) Division of Vocational Rehabilitation 311, 363, 417
Washington (State) Higher Education Facilities Commission 245, 363, 415
Washington (State) Legislature 12, 29, 50, 78, 104, 138, 172, 211, 245, 310, 361, 416
Washington (State) Oceanographic Commission 310, 363, 415
Washington (State) Office of Attorney General 415
Washington (State) Officials see Washington (State)Personnel
Washington (State) Personnel 310, 363, 416
Washington (State) Pollution Control Commission 417
Washington (State) Secretary of State 416
Washington (State) Superintendent of Public Instruction 310, 311, 346, 363, 417
Washington (State) Tax Commission 246, 311, 363, 417
Washington State University, Pullman 11, 50, 78, 105, 138, 172, 212, 249, 314, 361, 366, 421
Washington (State) University, Seattle see University of Washington
Washington (State) Utilities and Transportation Commission 417
Washtucna, school district 502
Water see Environmental affairs
Water Resources Research Office 159, 215, 252, 286, 339
Wawawai, post office 301
Weather Bureau 4, 21, 61, 88, 123, 151, 192, 227, 277, 330, 380
Welfare administration see Public assistance
West Lake 440
West Richland, post office 301
Wheat 2, 15, 35, 55, 56, 85, 111, 180, 223, 262, 263, 323, 453, 457, 461, 463
Wheat, correspondence 111, 112, 147, 181, 223, 262, 323, 375
Wheat, Japan 323
Wheat, legislation 17, 18, 59, 116, 184, 267, 271, 275, 424, 425
Wheat, research 2, 35, 55, 83, 109, 179, 222, 322
Wheat, Russia 84, 110, 148, 181
Wheat, Terminal loan rate 223
Whip notices 12, 30, 51, 80, 107, 141, 174, 213, 250, 367, 422
White House 367, 422
White House Conference on Aging 42
White House Conference on Children and Youth 5, 22, 383
White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health 367, 422
White Salmon 121, 190, 440
White Salmon, post office 301
White Salmon, school district 499, 502
White Swan 121, 190, 440
White Swan, post office 302
White Swan, school district 499, 502
Whitman College 12, 30, 51, 80, 107, 141, 174, 213, 250, 314, 367, 422
Whitman National Monument 51, 59, 80, 107, 141, 174, 213, 250
Wilderness areas 159, 215, 252, 286, 339, 396
Wildlife legislation 430
Wilson Creek 121
Wilson Creek, post office 301, 443
Wilson Creek, school district 499, 502
WINB (Radio Station) 89
Winona, post office 301
Wishram 121, 440
Wishram, post office 301, 443
Wishram, school district 499, 502
Womens' Bureau 8, 25, 45, 70, 98, 131, 162, 200, 235, 290, 346, 399, 400
Women's clubs 12
Womens' rights see Civil rights
Womens' Suffrage Commemoration 37
Wool 37, 185
World Food Congress 372
World's Fair see Century 21
Yakima 20, 122, 190, 191, 440, 441
Yakima, post office 302, 443
Yakima, school district 499, 502
Yakima County 446
Yakima County, federal programs 295, 296, 353, 407
Yakima Eagle see Miscellany
Yakima Firing Range 141, 174, 213, 250, 314, 367, 422
Yakima River 8, 25, 45, 70, 96, 130, 161, 218, 255, 259, 342, 398
Yakima Valley College 107, 141, 174, 213, 250, 314, 367, 422
Youth Conservation Corps 433
Zillah 122
Zillah, post office 302, 443
Zillah, school district 499, 502
Zintel Canyon 45, 130, 161, 218, 255

^ Return to Top

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

SERIES 1. GENERAL, 1959-1970 Containers 1-449Return to Top

Correspondence, notes, memoranda, printed materials, inter-officer communications, transcripts and notes of telephone conversations, office interviews and meetings. The series is divided into 12 sub-series, one for each year of Mrs. May's tenure. December 31 is usually the closing date. Within each sub-series, materials are filed in subject arrangement, alphabetically.

Container(s) Description Dates
86th Congress, 1st Session
86th Congress, 2nd Session
87th Congress, 1st Session
87th Congress, 2nd Session
88th Congress, 1st Session
88th Congress, 2nd Session
89th Congress, 1st Session
89th Congress, 2nd Session
90th Congress, 1st Session
90th Congress, 2nd Session
91st Congress, 1st Session
91st Congress, 2nd Session

SERIES 2. AGRICULTURE COMMITTEE, 1959-1964: Containers 450-463Return to Top

Correspondence relative to committee business, memoranda and notes from committee hearings, inter-committee communications, and papers concerned with legislative proceedings. The material is arranged in five chronological sub-divisions and within each sub-division the arrangement follows the subcommittee structure of the Agriculture Committee.

Container(s) Description Dates
86th Congress, 1st and 2nd Session
87th Congress, 1st Session
87th Congress, 2nd Session
88th Congress, 1st Session
88th Congress, 2nd Session

SERIES 3. NATIONAL COMMISSION ON FOOD MARKETING, 1964-1967: Containers 463-497Return to Top

Papers accumulated as a member of the special Presidential Commission that attempted to study the American food industry in response to controversy over food retaining practices and prices. The final products of the Commission were a general report, - Food: From Farmer to Consumer, and a series of special reports, intended to be guidelines for a national food policy. The recommendations of the Commission were utilized to only a small degree; much of the study was repeated by the better-known Commission on Food and Fiber.

Container(s) Description Dates
Correspondence, notes and working papers
Pre-print drafts of final reports

SERIES 4. SCHOOLS, 1959-1970: Containers 498-502Return to Top

Correspondence and documents relating to the public school districts in the Fourth Congressional District and their involvement in Federal educational programs. Most correspondence is related to congressional assistance in processing applications for Federal aid or assistance. The arrangement is alphabetical by school district in both chronological divisions.

Container(s) Description Dates
Correspondence and documents
Correspondence and documents

SERIES 5. JOINT COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC ENERGY, 1969-1970: Containers 503-510Return to Top

Correspondence, notes, documents, committee reports and other papers resulting from Mrs. May's tenure on the Committee. This series also contains correspondence and documents relating to atomic energy previously filed in Series 1 before Mrs. May's appointment.

SERIES 6. ACADEMIES, 1959-1970: Containers 511-525Return to Top

*Note: This series (Boxes 511-525) was withdrawn in 2006 because of the private and personal nature of the contents.*

SERIES 7. VETERANS ADMINISTRATION CLAIMS, 1959-1970: Containers 526-530Return to Top

Case files established for constituents requiring congressional assistance in the processing of veteran claims. The arrangement is alphabetical by claimant.

SERIES 8. VOTING RECORD, 1959-1970: Containers 532-540Return to Top

Notes concerning votes Mrs. May cast in the House of Representative, her collated voting record, and some correspondence relative to her voting record.

Container(s) Description Dates
86th Congress
87th Congress
88th Congress
89th Congress
90th Congress
91st Congress
Cumulative and Miscellaneous


Invitations, acceptances and rejections of invitations, district visitation and speaking schedules and some material relative to certain trips to Europe.

Container(s) Description Dates
Invitations, speaking schedules, and special trips
Invitations, speaking schedules, and special trips
Invitations, speaking schedules, and special trips
Invitations, speaking schedules, and special trips
Invitations, speaking schedules, and special trips
Invitations, speaking schedules, and special trips
Invitations, speaking schedules, and special trips
Invitations, speaking schedules, and special trips
Invitations, speaking schedules, and special trips
Invitations, speaking schedules, and special trips
Invitations, speaking schedules, and special trips
Invitations, speaking schedules, and special trips
Invitations, speaking schedules, and special trips