Stanhope S. Boggs papers, 1918-1970

Overview of the Collection

Boggs, Stanhope S.
Stanhope S. Boggs papers
1918-1970 (inclusive)
1.93 cubic feet (2 boxes)
Collection Number
Stanhope S. Boggs was an American Air Mail Service Pilot who served from 1920 to 1927. This collection contains aerial photographs and other photos from Stanhope Boggs’ time with the Air Mail Service. Also included are documents related to the service, newspaper clippings, excerpts from Boggs’ journal, his aviator goggles, and a record book for an Air Mail Service Station.
American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming
American Heritage Center
University of Wyoming
1000 E. University Ave.
Dept. 3924
Laramie, WY
Telephone: 3077663756
Access Restrictions

There are no access restrictions on the materials for research purposes, and the collection is open to the public.

Additional Reference Guides

Finding aid available in repository.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

Stanhope S. Boggs was an American Air Mail Service Pilot who served from 1920 to 1927. Boggs was a graduate of the School of Military Aeronautics at the University of California at Berkley. He flew forest patrol during World War I. After the war, he joined the Air Mail Service, flying all over the country. He was the first person to fly the mail over the Sierra Nevada Mountains, flying from San Francisco to Elko and back, with stops in Reno. On January 4, 1921, Stanhope survived one of the early crashes of the Air Mail Service. He was flying out of San Francisco at 2,000 feet when his engine quit. He had to go into a flat glide and broke out of the covering fog at only 50 feet over the city of San Francisco. He tried to set the airplane down on Gough Street in the block between Hay and Fell streets. As he was landing, he hit some trolley wires and nosed into the ground. The airplane was destroyed by a post-crash fire, but Boggs was unhurt. He was able to save half of the 270-pound mail cargo load. On February 7, 1921, Boggs set a record of one hour and nineteen minutes flying from San Francisco to Reno. He took his last flight for the Air Mail Service on March 19, 1921, before becoming a superintendent with the service. By 1930, Boggs had earned reclassification as an airways engineer. He became the assistant manager of the Sixth Air Navigation District, a branch of the Civil Aeronautics Authority (later to become the Federal Aviation Administration) and continued to work for the Federal Aviation Administration until his retirement from federal service.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection contains aerial photographs and other photos from Stanhope Boggs’ time with the Air Mail Service. Also included are documents related to the service, newspaper clippings, excerpts from Boggs’ journal, his aviator goggles, and a record book for an Air Mail Service Station.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

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Copyright Information

The researcher assumes full responsibility for observing all copyright, property, and libel laws as they apply.

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The American Heritage Center aspires to approach all areas of our work in ways that are respectful to those who create, use, and are represented in our collections. For a variety of reasons, however, users may encounter offensive or harmful language or images in some of our finding aids, catalogs, and collection materials.

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Preferred Citation

Item Description, Box Number, Folder Number, Collection Name, Collection Number, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Related Materials

There are no known other archival collections created by Stanhope S. Boggs at the date of processing.

Acquisition Information

This collection material was recieved from Elsa Boggs in 1978.

Processing Note

This collection was processed by Brittany Heye in December 2024.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
1 Aeronautical Charts of the United States of America, published by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey undated
1 Airports Service Refresher Quizzes - for Santa Monica, CA undated
2 Artifact - Willson Aviator's Goggles undated
1 Books 1918, 1929
1 Book - "Who's Who in American Aeronautics" The Blue Book of American Airmen, 2nd edition 1925
1 Certificates 1957, 1962, undated
2 Certificates - United States Post Office Department recognizes Stanhope S. Boggs for his Contributions as an Air Mail Pilot from 1918-1927 May 15, 1968
1 Civil Aeronautics Board - Civil Air Regulation Amendments 1945
1 Correspondence 1924, 1927, 1933, 1942, 1960-1970, undated
1 Department of Commerce materials 1931, 1942, 1945
1 Documents 1921, 1928
1 Excerpts from the "Federal Register" January 9, 1947
1 Extracts from Journal of Stanhope S. Boggs - "Piloting the Transcontinental Air Mail" 1920
1 Instructors of Brooks Field undated
1 Lists of Airports undated
1 Miscellaneous undated
1 Miscellaneous - Schematics undated
1 Names and Addresses of Field graduates undated
1 Names of Seats in U.S. undated
1 Newspapers - Post Office Anniversary undated
1 Newspaper clippings - Airplane Crashes undated
1 Newspaper clippings - Miscellaneous undated
1 Newspaper clippings - Obituaries undated
1 Periodicals 1935, 1951
1 Photographs - Aerial views of Chicago, Illinois 1919
1 Photographs - Aerial view of Langley Field, Virginia undated
1 Photographs - Aerial views of Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1919
1 Photographs - Aerial views of Minnesota 1919
1 Photographs - Aerial views of Ohio 1919
1 Photographs - Aerial shots of Pennsylvania 1919
1 Photographs - Aerial views of St. Paul, Minnesota 1919
1 Photographs - Aerial views of Washington, D.C. 1919-1920, undated
1 Photographs - Aviation - Aircraft Crashes 1919-1920, undated
1 Photographs - Aviation - Balloons 1919, undated
1 Photographs - Aviation - Blimps undated
1 Photographs - Parachuting undated
1 Photographs - Aviation - Stunt Flying undated
1 Photographs - Boggs, Marshal S. undated
1-2 Photographs - Boggs, Stanhope S. undated
1 Photographs - Carrothers Field, Fort Worth, Texas (aerial) 1918
1 Photographs - Colleges & Universities - Ohio State undated
1 Photographs - Clouds undated
1 Photographs - Indiana undated
1 Photographs - Kaibab National Forest, Arizona undated
1 Photographs - New Jersey - Atlantic City undated
1 Photographs - River - Mississippi undated
1 Photographs - Rockwell Field, San Diego, CA undated
1 Photographs - Ships undated
1 Photographs - South Carolina - Columbia undated
1 Photographs - Souther Air Service Training School, Americus, GA (aerial) undated
1 Photographs - Virginia undated
1 Photographs - Virginia - New Port News undated
1-2 Photographs - Miscellaneous undated
1 Photographs - Unidentified People undated
1 Pilot's Book - Stanhope Boggs, 2nd Lieutenant 1918-1921
1 Program - 50th Anniversary U.S. Air Mail Service Commemorative Stamp Program May 15, 1968
1 Radio Show Script - " History of Transporting Mail in the United States" broadcasted by N. Gray & Co., entitled "Scrapbook Stories" January 9, 1939
1 Record Book - Post Office Department Air Mail Service Station Record of Events Log Book 1920-1921
2 Scrapbook (newspaper) undated
1 Supplement to Post Office Department Air Mail Service Station Record of Events Log Book 1920