Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
Herman Robert Otness Papers, 1916-1995
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Herman Robert Otness, 1907-1995
- Title
- Herman Robert Otness Papers
- Dates
- 1916-1995 (inclusive)19161995
- Quantity
- 14 cubic feet
- Collection Number
- MG379 (collection)
- Summary
- Lecture notes, classroom materials, tests and other papers of psychology professor Otness; materials relating to his wartime testing work for the U.S. Navy; correspondence and clippings about the Rainier State School at Buckley, WA. Also professional clippings, educational testing materials, correspondence and other personal material, including those relating to local historian Lillian Otness, and other materials.
- Repository
University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
University of Idaho Library
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 2350
Moscow, ID
Telephone: 2088850845 - Languages
- English
- Sponsor
- Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Biographical NoteReturn to Top
Herman Robert Otness
University of Idaho psychology professor Herman Robert Otness was born November 22, 1907 in Moscow, Idaho, to Robert and Christina Otness. He graduated from Moscow High School in 1926, and received his bachelor of science and master of science degrees from the University of Idaho in 1931 and 1932 respectively. He taught high school level physics and algebra at a private academy in Moscow before moving to New York City, where he attended New York University, in 1935. In 1939 he received a doctor of clinical psychology degree from NYU and went to work as chief clinical psychologist for The Training School at Vineland, New Jersey.
In 1943 he joined the U.S. Naval Reserve as a lieutenant and was stationed in Norfolk, Virginia. In 1945 he was transferred to the Naval Training Center at Farragut, Idaho, where his duties included screening combat personnel for re-entry into civilian life. Following his discharge in 1946 he joined the psychology department at Washington State College for one year before becoming director of research and training at the Rainier State School in Buckley, Washington.
He returned to Moscow in 1950 and became an associate professor in the University of Idaho department of psychology where he remained until his retirement in 1971. During this time he was presented an Outstanding Faculty Member Award by the Associated Students (ASUI). In addition to his teaching duties he gave many addresses throughout the Northwest and organized several symposia dealing with mental retardation.
Throughout his career he was an advocate for people with mental and physical disabilities. In 1973 he was the first recipient of the American Association on Mental Deficiency's Edgar A. Doll award.
He and his wife, Lillian, were involved with the Moscow Community Theater stage productions in many capacities including acting. He became a practitioner of magic and sleight-of-hand tricks. Under the stage name of Zingo and Lingo, the couple performed for many benefit shows, and also entertained neighborhood children for Christmas and the Fourth of July.
He married Lillian Woodworth on July 15, 1945. They had one son, Robert. H. Robert Otness died in Moscow on April 21, 1995.
Lillian Gritman Woodworth Otness
Lillian (Woodworth) Otness, a descendant of one of Moscow's founding families, was born to Jay and Lillie Woodworth on December 21, 1908. She graduated from Moscow High School in 1926. She graduated with highest honors in 1930 from the University of Idaho where she was a member of Delta Gamma Sorority. She was active in arts, sports, and was a member of the women's rifle team. Following graduation she worked at Klamath Union High School in Klamath Falls, Oregon, where she coached girls' basketball, baseball, volleyball, and tennis. In 1933 she moved to the southern branch of the University of Idaho (now Idaho State University) where she became director of women's athletics. She also taught a variety of dance classes. She earned her master of science in education from the UI in 1940, and a second masters degree in English in 1961.
She married H. Robert Otness at Farragut Naval Reserve Station on July 15, 1945; the couple had one son, Robert Jay. She frequently joined her husband in performing magic shows as Lingo in the team of Zingo and Lingo. She was also very active in the field of historic preservation and wrote a book on local history titled "A Great Good Country: A Guide to Historic Moscow and Latah County, Idaho" (1983). Lillian Otness died in Moscow on July 22, 1994.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
The papers of H. Robert Otness span the years 1916 to 1995, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1950 to 1985.
The papers include material relating to his teaching at the University of Idaho, his 1966 sabbatical, some items concerning his work with the U.S. Navy, Vineland (New Jersey) Training School and the Washington State School at Buckley. Other material consists of newspaper and journal articles of professional interest. There is also a large collection of various educational tests, and finally there are tape recording of speeches and radio programs. Material relating to his wife, Lillian, is also included as is correspondence and other material concerning his non-academic life.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Most material in this Manuscript Group was in no apparent order when received, the exceptions being the material relating to his sabbatical travels and the educational tests. Series order was, therefore, imposed during processing. Some material was in folders and in these cases the original folder headings were retained.
Material relating to Dr. Otness's teaching career at the University of Idaho are in the first series. This material was divided into several sub-series, the first of which includes class handouts, lecture notes and tests; these materials are arranged by class. The second group of material concerns his sabbatical in 1966 during which he visited university psychology departments and agencies which treat handicapped individuals in the Northwest, Western Canada, and Scandinavia. The material includes notes on people and institutions visited and brochures. These are arranged alphabetically by institution or location. The final sub-series includes material related to his teaching such as information on the State Hospital North, Orofino, where he often took students on field trips, conferences on exceptional children which he organized, theses committees on which he served, and lectures on mental deficiency given in Moscow.
The second series concerns his pre U of I career, most notably The Training School at Vineland, New Jersey, the U.S. Navy, and Rainier State School, Buckley, Washington. The Vineland material includes information on the school, a collection of psychological and intelligence tests used at the school, and a list of books which he donated to the school in 1989. The Navy material includes reports on offenders, questionnaires, and manuscripts and related correspondence of articles Otness wrote on naval offenders. The final folders in this series concern Rainier State School and include correspondence, newspaper clippings, writings of mentally defective children, and items on the 50th anniversary celebration of the school in 1989.
Non-professional involvements or personal material is contained in series three. Included are Otness's published articles; guest lists and photographs from the children's parties he and his wife hosted on July 4 and Christmas; correspondence, both personal and professional; articles on friends; material of Lillian Otness; and folders reflecting his interest in magic, the Moscow community theater and Special Olympics. Also included are hand written notes made during lectures, speeches he gave, and papers, class notes, etc., from his student days at New York University. These materials are arranged alphabetically by subject. The correspondence is in chronological order, with the exception of several folders which Otness had labeled by subject.
Series four contains items of professional interest. Most of these materials are magazine articles, brochures, or printed charts. The subjects containing the most information are Vision, Hearing, and Mental Retardation.
As a clinical psychologist, Otness collected a large number of educational and psychological tests which are in series five. These he arranged by type, e.g., Aptitude, Intelligence, Personality, etc.; they are then arranged alphabetically within these divisions. Also included are a clock test which Otness developed in which elementary students were asked to draw a clock and identify the time shown on the face. This test was given at Moscow elementary schools and also the Alberta Guidance Clinic in Red Deer, Alberta in the fall of 1966, in conjunction with a "draw a figure test."
The final series consists of reel to reel tape recordings of radio programs and speeches. Identification on the boxes or reels was sparse, so not much is known about the contents.
Multiple copies of test and manuals were removed from the collection. Published books were also removed unless they related to test material.. The donation included a number of large home-made display posters, occupying over 30 linear feet of shelf space, with pictures cut from magazines mounted on them; these were discarded. Magazine articles mounted on the posters were removed from the cardboard and placed in folders. A folder of X-rays was discarded. The arts and crafts of handicapped people were sent to the College of Family and Consumer Science for classroom use; only a few small samples were retained in the processed collection. The Otness clock and draw a figure test were sampled; two sets were retained for each grade in Moscow schools, and the first and last sets were retained from the Alberta Guidance Clinic. Travel brochures and theater programs were also removed. Case studies done by Otness of navy offenders were also sampled. Researchers using this material are requested to respect the confidentiality of these records by not using names of the individuals in any research or reports resulting from such use. In all the collection was reduced by 40 feet.
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Series I. Teaching: University of Idaho, 1950-1981Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
A. Lecture notes and tests |
1950-1981 | |
Box/Folder | ||
1/1 | Class handouts, unidentified course 19 items
undated |
1/2 | Class handouts: Syndromes 11 items
1971 |
1/3 | Evaluations 4 items
1968-1970 |
1/4 | Lecture notes: Mental disorders 5 items
undated |
1/5 | Lecture notes: Social hygiene 3 items
undated |
1/6 | Lecture notes: Unidentified course 3 items
1948 |
1/7 | Lecture notes and handouts, unidentified course 9 items
1969-1970 |
1/8 | Lecture notes and handouts, unidentified course 8 items
Fall 1975 |
1/9 | Education 177 33 items
Fall 1966 |
1/10 | Philosophy 204 6 items
1980-1981 |
1/11 | Philosophy 204: Photographs from display posters 14 items
undated |
1/12 | Philosophy 204(2) 10 items
April 6-15, 1976 |
1/13 | Philosophy 204(2) 20 items
October 19-28, 1976 |
1/14 | Philosophy 204(2) 40 items
March 22-31, 1977 |
1/15 | Philosophy 204(2) 35 items
October 25-November 10, 1977 |
1/16 | Philosophy 204(2) 45 items
March 28-April 13, 1978 |
1/17 | Philosophy 204(2) 26 items
October 24-November 2, 1978 |
1/18 | Philosophy 204(2) 19 items
November 13-29, 1979 |
1/19 | Philosophy 204(2) 46 items
October 23-November 6, 1980 |
1/20 | Philosophy 204(2) 14 items
April 16-30, 1981 |
1/21 | Philosophy 204(2) 36 items
October 29-November 12, 1981 |
1/22 | Psychology 1, 1964, Test 3 items
undated |
1/23 | Psychology 2, Lecture notes 1 item
1950-1951 |
1/24 | Psychology 2, Test 1 item
1953 |
1/25 | Psychology 55, Tests 13 items
undated |
1/26-27 | Psychology 102: Choosing deaf or blind 153 items
1963-1968 |
1/28-29 | Psychology 102: Student papers 35 items
ca. 1957 |
1/30 | Psychology 102: Lecture: Introductory 25 items
1958-1965 |
1/31-32 | Psychology 102: Lecture: Disorders of physical growth 36 items
1958-1961 |
1/33 | Psychology 102: Lecture: Mentally gifted 22 items
1960-1965 |
1/34 | Psychology 102: Lecture: Orthopedic 11 items
1966-1967 |
1/35 | Psychology 102: Lecture: Speech 44 items
1956-1963 |
1/36 | Psychology 102: Lecture: Text, Chapter I 16 items
undated |
1/37 | Psychology 102: Tests & class handouts 6 items
1967 |
1/38 | Psychology 102: Test #1 12 items
1962-1964 |
1/39 | Psychology 102: Test #2, Intelligence 6 items
1964-1965 |
1/40-43 | Psychology 102: Test, Final 46 items
1960-1964 |
1/44-51 | Psychology 102: Tests 107 items
1951-1967 |
1/52 | Psychology 102: Tests: Auditory 16 items
1957-1967 |
1/53 | Psychology 102: Tests: Mental deficiency 28 items
1964-1968 |
1/54 | Psychology 102: Tests: Speech and orthopedic 4 items
1953-1955 |
1/55 | Psychology 102: Tests: Vision 9 items
1965-1966 |
1/56 | Psychology 111: Class handouts (Ch.XI) scoring psychograms 14 items
undated |
1/57 | Psychology 111: Draw a picture 18 items
1967 |
1/58-59 | Psychology 111: Lecture notes 3 items
1950-1952 |
1/60 | Psychology 111: Lecture notes and tests 27 items
1963-1964 |
1/61-62 | Psychology 111: Tests 50 items
1963-1969 |
1/63 | Psychology 115: Tests 2 items
1959 |
1/64 | Psychology 120: Student papers on cultures 60 items
1957 |
1/65 | Psychology 120: Student research problems 80 items
1968 |
1/66 | Psychology 120: Lecture notes 35 items
ca. 1959 |
1/67 | Psychology 120: Lecture 8 items
1969 |
1/68 | Psychology 120: Tests, Final 33 items
1963-1966 |
1/69 | Psychology 161: Lecture notes 16 items
1957-1958 |
1/70-71 | Psychology 161: Lecture notes and tests 70 items
1951-1965 |
1/72 | Psychology 161: Tests 2 items
1952 |
1/73 | Psychology 180: Tests 7 items
1967 |
1/74 | Psychology 180: Class handouts 18 items
1967 |
1/75 | Psychology 201, Lecture notes 21 items
1953 |
2/76 | Psychology 205: Lecture notes, mental hygiene 22 items
2/77-78 | Psychology 205: Lecture notes 58 items
1963-1965 |
2/79 | Psychology 211: Notes on Ch.5, Defects of intelligence 21 items
1960-1965 |
2/80-81 | Psychology 211: Tests 30 items
undated |
2/82 | Psychology 212, Projective techniques: 1. Handwriting analysis 9 items
1960-1965 |
2/83 | Psychology 212: 2. Word association 18 items
1960-1965 |
2/84 | Psychology 212: 3. Sentence completion 28 items
1960-1964 |
2/85 | Psychology 212: 4. Story completion 7 items
1964 |
2/86 | Psychology 212: 5. Mira myokenetic psychodiagnosis 6 items
1962-1965 |
2/87 | Psychology 212: 6. Bender Gestalt 11 items
undated |
2/88 | Psychology 212: 7. Drawing completion 14 items
1964-1965 |
2/89 | Psychology 301: Lecture 1 24 items
1969-1971 |
2/90 | Psychology 301: Lecture 2. Nature of intelligence 18 items
1965-1970 |
2/91 | Psychology 301: Lecture 3. Mental deficiency area 24 items
1967-1971 |
2/92 | Psychology 301: Lecture 4. Vision 47 items
1968-1969 |
2/93-94 | Psychology 301: Lecture 5. Auditory area 43 items
1963-1970 |
2/95 | Psychology 301: Lecture 6. Crippled, etc. 24 items
1969-1971 |
2/96 | Psychology 301: Tests 9 items
1971 |
2/97 | Psychology 311: Lecture notes. Introductory lecture and chapter 3 39 items
1968-1971 |
2/98 | Psychology 311: Lecture notes. Chapter 4 12 items
1961-1969 |
2/99 | Psychology 311: Lecture notes. Chapter 5 8 items
1970 |
2/100 | Psychology 311: Lecture notes. Chapter 6 6 items
1969 |
2/101-103 | Psychology 311: Lecture notes. Chapter 7 55 items
1964-1971 |
2/104 | Psychology 311: Lecture notes. Chapter 8 18 items
undated |
2/105 | Psychology 311: Lecture notes. Chapter 9 2 items
undated |
2/106 | Psychology 311: Lecture notes. Chapter 10 13 items
1969-1971 |
2/107 | Psychology 311: Lecture notes. Chapter 11 24 items
1965-1971 |
2/108 | Psychology 311: Lecture notes. Chapter 12 7 items
1967-1970 |
2/109 | Psychology 311: Lecture notes. Chapter 13-16 28 items
1960-1967 |
2/110 | Psychology 320. Introductory lecture 16 items
1969-1970 |
2/111 | Psychology 320: Notes, chapter 1 8 items
1969-1971 |
2/112 | Psychology 320: Notes, chapter 2 & 3 11 items
1969-1971 |
2/113 | Psychology 320: Notes, chapter 4 10 items
1969-1971 |
2/114 | Psychology 320: Notes, chapter 5 7 items
undated |
2/115 | Psychology 320: Notes, chapter 6 9 items
1971 |
2/116 | Psychology 320: Notes, chapter 7 5 items
undated |
2/117 | Psychology 320: Notes, chapter 8 (culture) 7 items
undated |
2/118 | Psychology 320: Notes, chapter 9 (communication) 35 items
1971 |
2/119 | Psychology 320: Notes, chapter 10 (personality) 10 items
undated |
2/120 | Psychology 320: Notes, chapter 11-15 14 items
1970-1971 |
2/121 | Psychology 481: Notes 17 items
1970-1971 |
2/122 | Psychology 481: Lecture material 24 items
1967-1969 |
2/123-124 | Psychology 481: Tests 21 items
1970-1971 |
B. Sabbatical 1966 |
1964-1966 | |
Box/Folder | ||
2/125 | Alberta, University of, Calgary 10 items
1966 |
2/126 | Alberta, University of, Edmonton 24 items
1966 |
2/127 | Alberta Hospital, Ponoco 1 item
1966 |
2/128 | Alberta School and Hospital, Red Deer 6 items
1966 |
2/129 | Bellingham, Washington 18 items
1966 |
2/130 | Bremerton, Washington 3 items
1966 |
2/131 | British Columbia, University of, Vancouver 10 items
1966 |
2/132 | Calgary, Alberta 30 items
1966 |
2/133 | California, University of, Berkeley 15 items
1966 |
2/134 | California School for the Blind, Berkeley 6 items
1966 |
2/135 | California School for the Deaf, Berkeley 8 items
1966 |
2/136 | Eastern State Hospital, Medical Lake, Washington 6 items
1966 |
2/137 | Eastern Washington State College, Cheney 5 items
1966 |
2/138 | Edmonton, Alberta 5 items
1966 |
2/139 | Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington 4 items
1966 |
2/140 | Jerico Hill School for the deaf and blind, Vancouver, B.C. 2 items
1966 |
3/141 | Kent, Washington 14 items
1966 |
3/142 | Lakeland Village, Medical Lake, Washington 27 items
1966 |
3/143 | Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute, San Francisco, California 8 items
1966 |
3/144 | Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute: Project on Aging 9 items
1966 |
3/145 | Oregon, University of, Eugene 11 items
1966 |
3/146 | Oregon, University of, Eugene, Medical School, Portland 1 item
1966 |
3/147 | Parry Center for Children, Portland, Oregon 4 items
1966 |
3/148 | Portland, Oregon 12 items
1966 |
3/149 | Portland Center for Hearing and Speech 23 items
1966 |
3/150 | Portland State College and Multnomah Mental Health Clinic, Portland, Oregon 3 items
1966 |
3/151-152 | Rainier School, Buckley, Washington 69 items
1966 |
3/153 | Reed College, Portland, Oregon 1 item
1966 |
3/154 | San Francisco, California 46 items
1966 |
3/155 | San Francisco State College 6 items
1966 |
3/156 | School for Cerebral Palsied Children, Northern California and Medical Education Center, San Francisco 6 items
1966 |
3/157 | Seattle, Washington 26 items
1966 |
3/158 | Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, B.C. 7 items
1966 |
3/159 | Spokane, Washington, Agencies 13 items
1966 |
3/160 | Spokane public schools (exceptional) 16 items
1966 |
3/161 | Suicide Prevention Services, Inc., Portland 5 items
1966 |
3/162 | Tacoma, Washington 22 items
1966 |
3/163 | Washington, University of, Seattle 25 items
1966 |
3/164 | Washington State School for the Blind, Vancouver 5 items
1966 |
3/165 | Western State Hospital, Fort Steilacoom, WA 8 items
1966 |
3/166 | Western Washington State College, Bellingham 17 items
1966 |
3/167 | Whitworth College, Spokane, Washington 6 items
1966 |
3/168 | Denmark 3 items
1966 |
3/169 | Norway 4 items
1966 |
3/170 | Norway: Notes and correspondence 22 items
1966 |
3/171 | Notebooks 8 items
1966 |
3/172 | Application and expenses 3 items
1964-1966 |
3/173-174 | Correspondence 85 items
1965-1966 |
3/175 | Correspondence: Visit to England & Scandinavia 54 items
1964-1966 |
C. Other Teaching Related Material |
1953-1981 | |
Box/Folder | ||
3/176 | Nampa State School 1 item
1962 |
3/177 | State Hospital North, Orofino, Idaho 43 items
1957-1979 |
3/178 | Thesis committee: Aller, Florence D. 23 items
1959-1961 |
3/179 | Button, Glenn 8 items
1956-1957 |
3/180 | Jenkins, Edward F. 12 items
1970 |
3/181 | Snow, Gary Dennis 13 items
1963 |
4/182 | Accelerated philosophy course 9 items
1977-1981 |
4/183-184 | Conferences: Exceptional children 32 items
1953-1956 |
4/185 | Idaho Psychological Association 2 items
1964-1970 |
4/186 | Special lectures, Dept. of Psychology 8 items
1965-1971 |
4/187 | Photographs: Crafts made by mentally retarded 12 items
1971 |
4/188 | Proposal: Program development grant, mentally retarded children 3 items
1965-1966 |
4/189 | Self-evaluation form 2 items
1966-1969 |
4/190 | Correspondence: student recommendations 128 items
1965-1972 |
4/191 | Lecture on child development to State Homemaking Teachers Conference 10 items
1955 |
4/192 | Lecture on mental deficiency to high school classes 6 items
September 1972 |
4/193 | Mental deficiency lecture and exhibits 28 items
1968-1971 |
4/194 | Notes on mental retardation 9 items
ca. 1977 |
4/195 | Travel 8 items
1964-1968 |
4/196 | Word attitudes: Student paper 3 items
1953 |
Series II. Professional Positions: Pre University of Idaho, 1936-1949Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
The Training School at Vineland, New Jersey |
Box/Folder | ||
4/197 | The Training School at Vineland 25 items
1936-1946 |
4/198-199 | Some tests and the norms: Department of Research, A-Z 1 item
undated |
4/200-201 | A collection of tests: Department of Research 101 items
ca. 1910-1940 |
4/202 | Books donated to the Training School 1 item
1989 |
U.S. Navy |
Box/Folder | ||
4/203 | U.S. Navy: Brig questionnaire, Norfolk, VA 5 items
1945 |
4/204-205 | Navy cases 90 items
1943-1944 |
4/206 | Navy report forms 5 items
1943 |
4/207 | Norfolk, VA receiving station yearbook 1 item
1943 |
4/208 | Naval Training Station, Farragut, Idaho 1 item
1943 |
4/209 | Manuscript: A brief generalized description of the bond purchasers by allotment among 200 naval offenders 8 items
1944 |
4/210 | Manuscript: A brief summary report of the psychiatric screening and re-screening of 541 survivors of the USS Block Island 11 items
1944 |
4/211 | Manuscript: The clinical psychologist and the rehabilitation program in the veterans hospital facility 6 items
1945 |
4/212 | Manuscript: Geographical distribution by states of 1000 naval offenders... 1 item
1944 |
4/213 | Manuscript: Illiteracy 2 items
1948 |
4/214 | Manuscript: Percentage distribution of the religious preferences of 100 naval offenders 1 item
1944 |
4/215 | Manuscript: Psychological considerations of the mental defective and the underage enlisted men in the navy 6 items
1945 |
4/216 | Manuscript: Some psychological factors back of several thousand naval offenders 9 items
1944 |
4/217 | Manuscript: A statistical study of 500 sailor offenders 13 items
1944 |
4/218 | Manuscript: A study of 200 violators of a general court martial probation 7 items
1945-1945 |
4/219 | Notebook of miscellaneous information on tests 1 item
ca. 1945 |
Rainier State School, Buckley, Washington |
Box/Folder | ||
4/220 | Patient information form 1 item
undated |
4/221 | Correspondence 26 items
1948-1950 |
4/222 | Newspaper clippings 28 items
1948-1949 |
4/223 | Typescript: Handling of special problems 1 item
undated |
4/224 | Writings of mentally defective students 7 items
undated |
4/225 | 50th anniversary celebration 6 items
1989 |
4/226 | Washington State College, Pullman 3 items
1946-1947 |
Series III. Personal, 1916-1995Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
4/227 | Address books 2 items
undated |
4/228 | Articles in navy medical journals 5 items
1945-1946 |
4/229 | Article: Delinquent slang 3 items
undated |
4/230 | Article: Educating for social competence 2 items
1940 |
4/231 | Article: The school and the Hastings Community Service Council 1 item
1936 |
4/232 | Article: A very brief summary of the the...American Association on Mental Deficiency 1 item
1944 |
4/233 | Boyer, William H. 5 items
1966 |
4/234 | Children's parties 71 items
July 4, 1957-1986 |
4/235 | Children's parties: Christmas for disabilities classroom 11 items
1976-1985 |
4/236 | Children's parties: Christmas for neighborhood children 23 items
1976-1988 |
4/237 | Conferences at which HRO was a speaker 14 items
1951-1979 |
4/238 | Conference: American Association on Mental Deficiency 7 items
1975 |
4/239 | Conference: American Association on Mental Deficiency 2 items
1980 |
4/240 | Cordes, Beverly. Collected memoirs of Dr. Robert Otness and Mrs. W.H. Boyer 1 item
undated |
4/241-243 | Correspondence 194 items
1926-1969 |
5/244-246 | Correspondence 195 items
1970-1993 |
5/247 | Correspondence: Thanksgiving and Christmas 3 items
1935 |
5/248 | Correspondence: North Idaho Association for Retarded Children, Sandpoint 19 items
1953-1956 |
5/249 | Correspondence: Trip to Scandinavia 11 items
1972 |
5/250 | Correspondence: Gary & Lieta Nitta 7 items
1976 |
5/251 | Definitions of intelligence 1 item
undated |
5/252 | Diplomas 4 items
1931-1939 |
5/253 | Drawings by Leo Siegel 2 items
1941 |
5/254 | Doll, Edgar A. 7 items
1936-1968 |
5/255 | Edgar Doll award 7 items
1973 |
5/256 | Giles, Eugene 18 items
1979-1984 |
5/257 | Every Week magazine 3 items
1916-1918 |
5/258 | Exhibits 1 item
undated |
5/259 | Family 7 items
1963-1990 |
5/260 | Idaho State Board of Psychological Examiners 10 items
1948-1985 |
5/261 | Latah County 4-H leadership conference 3 items
1963 |
5/262 | Latah County Historical Society 10 items
1974-1991 |
5/263 | Lillian W. Otness 22 items
1946-1993 |
5/264 | Lillian W. Otness: Certificates and contracts 15 items
1930-1993 |
5/265 | Lillian W. Otness: Correspondence courses written by LWO 2 items
undated |
5/266 | Lillian W. Otness: Alumni plaque 1 item
1987 |
5/267 | Lillian W. Otness: Marriage license, announcement, etc. 5 items
1945 |
5/268 | Lillian W. Otness: Panhellenic advisor spoon 1 item
1963 |
5/269 | Magic 25 items
1976-1995 |
5/270 | Martin Institute 3 items
1980 |
5/271 | Miscellaneous 3 items
1925-1940 |
5/272 | Moscow Community Theater 24 items
1979-1983 |
5/273 | Moscow High School Reunion 8 items
1977 |
5/274 | Mu Epsilon Delta 5 items
1969-1974 |
5/275 | Navy discharge papers 1 item
1946 |
5/276 | Newspaper clippings 93 items
1930-1992 |
5/277 | Notes on books read 8 items
undated |
5/278 | Notes from Borah Symposium on pollution 1 item
1970 |
5/279 | Notes on conferences attended 1 item
1975-1976 |
5/280 | Notes: Mountain States Regional Meeting AAMD 1 item
1965 |
5/281 | Notes: S.I. Hayakawa lecture 2 items
March 6, 1958 |
5/282 | Notes: Talk by Myron Pullen, State Hospital North 2 items
1962 |
5/283 | Notes: Handwritten, unidentified 9 items
undated |
5/284 | Orient trip, correspondence, etc. 11 items
1979 |
5/285 | Photographs 7 items
1922-1969 |
5/286 | Photographs of colleagues at Vineland 7 items
1940-1950 |
5/287 | Plaques, certificates, licenses 34 items
1915-1987 |
5/288 | Play money 3 items
1969-1981 |
5/289 | Private practice 30 items
1951-1959 |
5/290 | Proposed research projects 2 items
undated |
5/291-292 | Rorschach workshop, University of Chicago 65 items
June 15-22, 1964 |
5/293 | Special Olympics 7 items
1971-1988 |
5/294 | Speeches 7 items
1957-1974 |
5/295 | Stamps: Wildlife and Monaco 5 items
undated |
5/296 | Statistics workshop, U of I 15 items
January 3-24, 1972 |
5/297 | Student papers: Psychology 3 items
1931-1934 |
5/298 | Student papers: Notes from Prof. Woodworth's psychology class 1 item
undated |
5/299 | Student papers: Educational sociology notes 14 items
1935-1936 |
5/300 | Student papers: Educational sociology 120.4 notes 17 items
1936 |
5/301 | Student papers: Educational sociology, Hastings on Hudson School 12 items
1935 |
5/302 | Student papers: First semester sociology, Prof. Payne 3 items
1935/1936 |
5/303 | Student papers: Notes from textbooks 2 items
ca. 1938 |
6/304 | Student papers: Statistics 265.19 Assignment 1 3 items
1934 |
6/305 | Student papers: Statistics 15 items
1935 |
6/306 | Student papers: Notes from math course 1 item
ca. 1935 |
6/307 | Student papers: Mathematics & statistics 3 items
1935 |
6/308 | Student papers: Mental hygiene, first semester 2 items
1935/1936 |
6/309 | Student papers: Summer school 3 items
1936 |
6/310 | Student papers: Psychology 101 2 items
1936-1937 |
6/311 | Student papers: Psychology 101 1 item
1937 |
6/312 | Student papers: Practicum, second semester 3 items
1937 |
6/313 | Student papers: Course notes, Prof. Wertheimer, Gestalt psychology 5 items
1937 |
6/314 | Student papers: Other student papers 3 items
1935-1937 |
6/315 | Thesis, New York University 1 item
1939 |
6/316 | Thesis abstract 1 item
1939 |
6/317 | Thesis outline and bibliography 2 items
ca. 1938 |
6/318 | Toys 6 items
ca. 1962 |
6/319 | University of Idaho Retirees Association 6 items
1978-1989 |
6/320 | Vita of H. Robert Otness and related material 10 items
1959-1972 |
6/321 | WIM railway tickets, mounted 1 item
undated |
Series IV. Articles of Professional Interest, 1932-1986Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
6/322 | Vision: Art for the blind 1 item
undated |
6/323 | Vision: Braille and large print books 6 items
1955-1966 |
6/324 | Vision: Braille journals 3 items
1953-1960 |
6/325 | Vision: Braille: Mathematics, biology, geography, etc. 19 items
undated |
6/326 | Vision: Braille slate and spelling frame 3 items
undated |
6/327 | Vision: Braille spelling and arithmetic board 2 items
undated |
6/328 | Vision: Class handouts 7 items
1957-1963 |
6/329 | Vision: Contact lenses 6 items
1953-1970 |
6/330 | Vision: Diseases of the eye 27 items
1942-1960 |
6/331 | Vision: Drawings of the eye 7 items
undated |
6/332 | Vision: Equipment to aid the blind to learn 1 item
undated |
6/333 | Vision: Eye surgery, corneal transplant 17 items
1957-1963 |
6/334 | Vision: Glimpse into the world of the blind 33 items
1951-1965 |
6/335 | Vision: Interesting things about the blind 15 items
1951-1957 |
6/336 | Vision: Material on blindness 17 items
1946-1967 |
6/337 | Vision: Optical illusions 4 items
undated |
6/338 | Vision: Perkins Institution for the Blind 6 items
1944-1970 |
6/339 | Vision: Tentative adaptation of Vineland S.M. scale for use with visually handicapped... 1 item
undated |
6/340 | Hearing: Art by deaf children 7 items
undated |
6/341 | Hearing: Articles on deafness 20 items
1952-1960 |
6/342 | Hearing: Auditory defects 8 items
1951-1960 |
6/343 | Hearing: Class handouts 19 items
1932-1961 |
6/344 | Hearing: Deaf infants and children 11 items
ca. 1948-1959 |
6/345 | Hearing: Deafness, notes on 2 items
ca. 1953 |
7/346 | Hearing: Drawings of the ear 7 items
1948-1960 |
7/347 | Hearing: Ear surgery 1 item
undated |
7/348 | Hearing: Gallaudet College 25 items
1951-1969 |
7/349 | Hearing: How the ear works (humorous poster) 1 item
1948 |
7/350 | Hearing: John Tracy Clinic, Los Angeles 6 items
1952-1953 |
7/351 | Hearing: Pamphlets 12 items
1954-1986 |
7/352 | Hearing: Teaching the deaf to speak, photographs 10 items
undated |
7/353 | Hearing: Teaching young deaf children to draw, read, write and speak - Idaho State School for the Deaf and Blind, Gooding, Idaho 24 items
undated |
7/354 | Hearing and Vision.: Hearing and Vision. Idaho School for the Deaf and Blind 11 items
1964-1969 |
7/355 | Hearing and Vision. Helen Keller 45 items
1914-1982 |
7/356 | Abnormalities: Photographs 48 items
1949-1950 |
7/357 | Abnormalities: Photographs and reports 41 items
1948-1949 |
7/358 | Brain damage 1 item
1961 |
7/359 | Cerebral palsy 20 items
1955-1976 |
7/360 | Children as casualties of war 8 items
1950-1952 |
7/361 | Crippled children and adults 9 items
1960-1964 |
7/362 | Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell 5 items
1935-1963 |
7/363 | Gifted children and adults 29 items
1940-1965 |
7/364 | Heredity 12 items
1947-1969 |
7/365 | Mental deficiency: Autism 1 item
undated |
7/366 | Mental health planning, Moscow, ID 1 item
undated |
7/367-369 | Mental retardation 37 items
1950-1960 |
7/370 | Mental Retardation: Academic work 77 items
undated |
7/371 | Mental Retardation: Art work 2 items
undated |
7/372 | Mental Retardation: Art work, embroidery 7 items
undated |
7/373 | Mental Retardation: Art, Northwest Center for Mental Retardation, Seattle 5 items
undated |
7/374 | Mental Retardation: Art, Priest River Elementary School Adjustment Room 7 items
undated |
7/375 | Mental Retardation: Art, Torn paper 7 items
undated |
7/376 | Mental Retardation: Art, Gordon Vales 4 items
1971-1985 |
7/377 | Mental Retardation: Articles 3 items
1952-1966 |
7/378 | Mental Retardation: Brochures 7 items
1963-1973 |
7/379 | Mental Retardation: Downs syndrome 1 item
1983 |
7/380 | Mental Retardation: Idaho 20 items
ca. 1965-1971 |
7/381 | Mental Retardation: Idaho Dept. of Education. Committee on Exceptional Education 47 items
1957-1965 |
7/382 | Mental Retardation: Idaho Association for Retarded Children 16 items
1957-1969 |
7/383 | Mental Retardation: Idaho Council on Mental Retardation 14 items
1964-1968 |
7/384 | Mental Retardation: Idaho Mental Retardation Council 13 items
1963-1964 |
7/385 | Mental Retardation: Institutional history forms 53 items
undated |
7/386 | Mental Retardation: Music for the mentally retarded 3 items
1961-1965 |
7/387 | Mental Retardation: Pamphlets 8 items
1954 |
7/388 | Mental Retardation: PKU (Phenylketonuria) 12 items
1960-1964 |
7/389 | Mental Retardation: President's panel on 1 item
1962 |
7/390 | Mental Retardation: Writings of the mentally defective 36 items
1947-1950 |
7/391 | Mentally ill: Psychotic art 6 items
1963-1965 |
7/392 | Mentally ill: Treatment 3 items
1946-1951 |
7/393 | Mentally ill: Writings of psychotics 3 items
1956-1962 |
7/394 | Mt. St. Helens eruption 7 items
1980 |
7/395 | Multiple births 8 items
1951-1955 |
7/396-397 | Navajo children's art 60 items
1962 |
8/398 | North Idaho Association for Retarded Children: Your child and mine 3 items
1954 |
8/399 | Parkinson's disease 2 items
undated |
8/400 | Personality disorders: Impostors 3 items
1952-1959 |
8/401 | Personality disorders: Lee Harvey Oswald 7 items
1964-1965 |
8/402 | Personality disorders: Prefrontal lobotomy 2 items
1951-1958 |
8/403 | Physical deformities 6 items
1951-1956 |
8/404 | Physical deformities, Circus people 10 items
1952-1955 |
8/405 | Physical deformities, Thalidomide 13 items
1962-1968 |
8/406 | Polio 1 item
undated |
8/407 | Prenatal, birth, and neonate 21 items
1951-1966 |
8/408 | Progeria 2 items
1953-1968 |
8/409 | Prostheses, corrective surgery, wheelchairs 33 items
1960-1966 |
8/410 | Psychologists: Frome, Sullivan, Adler, Jung 4 items
undated |
8/411 | Rorschach ink blots 5 items
undated |
8/412 | Siamese twins 16 items
ca. 1952-1955 |
8/413 | Spastic paralysis 1 item
undated |
8/414 | Unusual people (deformed, gland dysfunctions, etc.) 42 items
1955-1969 |
8/415 | Wolf child 27 items
1954-1968 |
Series V. Educational Tests and Measurements, 1917-1967Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Aptitudes, Interests, Vocational |
Box/Folder | ||
8/416 | Aids to the vocational interview 1 item
1933 |
8/417 | Aptitude-Interest analysis test (Terman-Miles) 2 items
1936 |
8/418 | Aptitudes - Clerical (Minnesota) 1 item
1933 |
8/419 | Aptitude test for nursing (Moss & Hunt) 3 items
1931 |
8/420 | Detroit mechanical aptitudes examination 1 item
1928 |
8/421 | Gregory academic interest inventory 1 item
1946 |
8/422 | Guildford-Martin personnel inventory 1 item
1943 |
8/423 | Kuder preference record and blanks 2 items
1944-1948 |
8/424 | Macquarie test for mechanical ability 2 items
1925 |
8/425 | Minnesota occupational intelligence scale 1 item
1935 |
8/426 | Minnesota paper form board, revised 5 items
1934 |
8/427 | Minnesota vocational test for clerical workers 1 item
1933. |
8/428 | Musical tests, Kwalwasser-Ruch 5 items
1924-1927 |
8/429 | Occupational interest inventory, Advanced, Lee & Thorpe 3 items
1943-1944 |
8/430 | Occupational orientation inquiry, Waller-Pressey 1 item
ca. 1940 |
8/431 | O'Rourke aptitude tests (clerical & mechanical) 6 items
1936 |
8/432 | Prognosis test of teaching ability 3 items
1930 |
8/433 | Stenquist mechanical aptitude test 5 items
1922 |
8/434 | Picture interest inventory 3 items
1958 |
8/435 | Self-measuring scale in education and vocations 1 item
1926 |
8/436 | Survey of mechanical insight 1 item
1935 |
8/437 | Survey of object visualization 1 item
1945 |
8/438 | Survey of space relations ability 1 item
1944 |
8/439 | Survey of working speed and accuracy 1 item
1943 |
8/440 | Teaching aptitude test 3 items
1927 |
8/441 | Test of mechanical comprehension 2 items
1940 |
8/442 | Test of ability to sell 1 item
1929 |
8/443 | Tests in fundamental abilities of visual art 6 items
1927 |
8/444 | Thurstone employment tests, clerical 3 items
1922 |
8/445 | Vocational interest 6 items
1934-1938 |
8/446 | Vocational interest inventory 4 items
1939-1940 |
Binet Scales |
Box/Folder | ||
8/447 | Early Binet scales 6 items
1905, 1908, 1911 |
8/448 | Binet-Simon test, Herring revision 1 item
1922 |
8/449 | Binet-Simon test, Vineland revision 6 items
1939-1943 |
8/450 | Binet-Simon test, 1916 Stanford revision 3 items
1920-1922 |
8/451 | Binet-Simon test, 1916 revision in Spanish 2 items
1936 |
8/452 | Kuhlman-Binet 3 items
1922 |
8/453 | Stanford-Binet, form L & M 6 items
1937 |
8/454-455 | Stanford-Binet intelligence scale, form L & M 4 items
1960 |
8/456 | Stanford-Binet and other tests used in Scandinavia 42 items
1945-1965 |
Intelligence Area |
Box/Folder | ||
8/457 | Alpha, group examination 5 items
1918-1932 |
8/458 | Alpha, short group test 1 item
undated |
8/459 | ACE (American Council on Education) examination 5 items
1946 |
8/460 | ACE psychological examination, high school 7 items
1936-1937 |
8/461 | Chicago non-verbal examination, (Brown, Stein) 3 items
1936 |
8/462 | Concept mastery test (Terman) 4 items
1956 |
8/463 | Cube limitation (Knox-Pintner) 3 items
undated |
8/464 | Dearborn group tests 4 items
1924 |
8/465 | Detroit first grade intelligence test 4 items
1921-1926 |
8/466 | Detroit intelligence tests, advanced primary 5 items
1924 |
8/467 | Detroit intelligence test, grades 4-8 4 items
1941 |
8/468 | Detroit advanced intelligence test 1 item
1925 |
8/469 | Ferguson Form Board blank 1 item
ca. 1940 |
8/470 | Gesell's development schedules 24 items
ca. 1946 |
8/471 | General classification tests (U.S. Navy) 1 item
1943 |
8/472 | Goodenough intelligence test for kindergarten and primary grades 3 items
1926 |
8/473 | Haggerty intelligence examination 6 items
1926 |
8/474 | Henmon-Nelson test of mental ability, grades 7-12 4 items
1932 |
8/475 | Herring individual non-language intelligence examination 2 items
1925 |
8/476 | Intelligence tests for the blind 17 items
1930-1957 |
8/477 | Interim Hayes Binet intelligence test for the blind 10 items
1942 |
8/478 | Iowa placement exams 1 item
1925 |
8/479 | Kent emergency (E-G-Y test) 9 items
1932-1941 |
8/480 | Kent emergency battery of one minute tests 7 items
undated |
8/481 | Kuhlman-Anderson intelligence test 22 items
1927 |
9/482 | Lorge-Thorndike intelligence tests 11 items
1954-1957 |
9/483 | Marine screening test, World War II, San Diego 2 items
1944 |
9/484 | Mental alertness test, George Washington University Series 1 item
1930 |
9/485 | Michigan non-verbal series 1 item
1931 |
9/486 | Miller mental ability test 3 items
1921 |
9/487 | Minnesota preschool scale 1 item
1931 |
9/488 | Morgan's mental test 4 items
1922-1935 |
9/489 | Myers mental measure 4 items
1920-1921 |
9/490 | National intelligence tests 3 items
1920 |
9/491 | New Jersey composite test 1 item
undated |
9/492 | O'Rourke general classification test 4 items
1936 |
9/493 | Otis group intelligence scale 3 items
1929 |
9/494 | Otis group intelligence scale, advanced and primary 10 items
1919-1929 |
9/495 | Otis quick-scoring, sr. high & college 2 items
1937 |
9/496 | Otis quick-scoring, grades 4-9 6 items
1920-1939 |
9/497 | Otis quick-scoring mental tests 6 items
1937-1939 |
9/498 | Otis quick-scoring mental ability tests 10 items
1936-1937 |
9/499 | Otis self-administering tests of mental ability, grades 4-9 |
1922-1928 |
9/500 | Pantomime group intelligence test (Myers) 1 item
1922 |
9/501 | Peabody picture vocabulary test 2 items
undated |
9/502 | Pintner general ability tests, verbal 2 items
1938-1945 |
9/503 | Pintner non-language mental test 6 items
1929-1930 |
9/504 | Pintner-Cunningham primary mental test 4 items
1923-1928 |
9/505 | Pintner-Patterson performance scale 2 items
1917 |
9/506 | Pintner-Toops revised directions test 1 item
undated |
9/507 | Rapid survey test, grades 4-8 (Pintner) 1 item
1927 |
9/508 | Sangren information tests for young children 1 item
1930 |
9/509 | Scaled information test, Judge Baker Foundation, Boston 1 item
undated |
9/510 | Social intelligence test 2 items
undated |
9/511 | Terman group test of mental ability, grades 7-12 7 items
1920-1927 |
9/512 | Thurstone, L.L., Factors of intelligence 1 item
undated |
9/513 | Traube 20 sentence completion test, modified 1 item
undated |
9/514 | Wechsler-Bellevue intelligence scale 6 items
1940-1947 |
9/515 | Wide range vocabulary test (Atwell & Wells) 1 item
1937 |
9/516 | WISC record form 2 items
1949 |
9/517 | Witmer form board 1 item
undated |
9/518 | Miscellaneous intelligence tests 9 items
1922-1940 |
Personality (Adjustment) |
Box/Folder | ||
9/519 | Adjustment inventory (Hugh Bell) 4 items
1934 |
9/520 | Adjustment questionnaire (Percival Symonds) 2 items
1932 |
9/521 | Adjustment score card, brief form (Vineland) 1 item
undated |
9/522 | Aspects of personality (Pintner, Loftus) 4 items
1937 |
9/523 | A-S reaction study (Allport) 2 items
1928 |
9/524 | Bender-Gestalt test & score sheets 11 items
1948 |
9/525 | California test of personality 5 items
1939-1942 |
9/526 | California test of personality 3 items
1953 |
9/527 | Downey will-temperament test 6 items
1921-1925 |
9/528 | Edwards personal preference schedule 2 items
1959 |
9/529 | Farragut personality inventory 1 item
ca. 1944 |
9/530 | Gordon personal profile and inventory 1 item
1956 |
9/531 | Interest analysis - How do you feel about it 1 item
undated |
9/532 | Introversion-extroversion test (Root) 2 items
1932 |
9/533 | Inventory of activities and interests 5 items
1936-1938 |
9/534 | Inventory of factory (Guilford & Martin) 2 items
1940-1943 |
9/535 | Inventory of social behavior (Weitzman) 1 item
1941 |
9/536 | Johnson temperament analysis profile 2 items
1944 |
9/537 | Mathews questionnaire personal inventory 3 items
1924 |
9/538 | Mental health analysis 9 items
1946 |
9/539 | Minnesota T-S-E inventory 1 item
1942 |
9/540 | Personal inventory, U.S. Navy 3 items
undated |
9/541 | Personality inventory (Bernreuter) 8 items
1935 |
9/542 | Personality inventory for children (Brown) 2 items
1935 |
9/543 | Personality rating scales (miscellaneous) 9 items
1930-1959 |
9/544 | Pressey X-O test, Willoughby EM scale, Marston personality rating scale 5 items
1920-1931 |
9/545 | The socially competent person (Mort, Spence) 2 items
1937 |
9/546 | Test of personality adjustment 2 items
1931 |
9/547 | Thurstone personality schedule 5 items
1929 |
9/548 | Wilkins-Miles self-description inventory 2 items
1944 |
Personality (Projective techniques) |
Box/Folder | ||
9/549 | Blacky pictures 1 item
1950 |
9/550 | Buck time appreciation test 3 items
1946 |
9/551 | C.A.T. blank 1 item
1949 |
9/552 | Grassi block substitution test 2 items
1949 |
9/553 | Hooper visual organization test 4 items
1957 |
9/554 | House-Tree-Person, Buck projective personality test 7 items
1947-1950 |
9/555 | H-T-P post drawing interrogation 9 items
ca. 1960 |
9/556 | Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 5 items
1943-1951 |
9/557 | Philo-Phoebe test (Buck) 4 items
1944-1950 |
9/558 | Psychiatric rating scales (Wittenborn) 2 items
1955 |
9/559 | Raven progressive matrices, revised 4 items
1938-1956 |
Picture Tests |
Box/Folder | ||
9/560 | Finger painting 9 items
1963-1965 |
9/561 | Goodenough-Harris drawing test 34 items
1954 |
9/562 | Incomplete man 3 items
ca. 1964 |
9/563 | Machover figure drawing 8 items
undated |
9/564 | Mosaic test 4 items
ca. 1962-1963 |
9/565 | Otness clock test, 1st grade 1 item
1966 |
9/566 | Otness clock and draw a figure, 1st grade, Lena Whitmore School 42 items
1966 |
9/567 | Otness clock and draw a figure, 1st grade, Russell School 24 items
1966 |
9/568 | Otness clock and draw a figure, 2nd grade, Lena Whitmore School 48 items
1966 |
9/569 | Otness clock and draw a figure, 2nd grade, Russell School 40 items
1966 |
9/570 | Otness clock and draw a figure, 3rd grade, Russell School 56 items
1966 |
9/571 | Otness clock and draw a figure, 3rd grade, West Park School 47 items
1966 |
10/572-573 | Otness clock and draw a figure, Alberta Guidance Clinic, Red Deer 94 items
1966-1967 |
10/574 | Picture completion test 1 item
undated |
10/575 | Picture vocabulary 1 item
undated |
10/576 | Progressive matrices 2 items
1947 |
10/577 | Rorschach test article by Bruno Klopfer 1 item
undated |
10/578 | Rorschach, Hermann. Psychodiagnostic 2 items
undated |
10/579 | Rorschach inkblots and record blanks 14 items
1943 |
10/580 | Rosenzweig picture frustration study 12 items
1944-1948 |
10/581 | Szondi picture projection personality test 11 items
1949 |
10/582 | Thematic apperception test 14 items
1950 |
Reading and Reading Readiness |
Box/Folder | ||
10/583 | American school reading readiness test 4 items
1941 |
10/584 | California achievement tests 5 items
1940 |
10/585 | Detroit word recognition test 8 items
1925-1927 |
10/586 | Diagnostic language test (Charters) 1 item
undated |
10/587 | Diagnostic reading test 1 item
undated |
10/588 | Diagnostic reading scales (Spache) 3 items
1963 |
10/589 | Gates basic reading test 4 items
1942 |
10/590 | Gates reading diagnosis tests 1 item
1933 |
10/591 | Gates reading survey for grades 3 to 10 1 item
1942 |
10/592 | Gates silent reading test 1 item
1926 |
10/593 | Gray's oral reading paragraphs 5 items
undated |
10/594 | Haggerty reading examination, Sigma 1 & 3 2 items
1920 |
10/595 | Inglis tests of English vocabulary 3 items
1924 |
10/596 | Iowa silent reading tests, advanced 1 item
1927 |
10/597 | Monroe's silent reading tests 7 items
undated |
10/598 | Ohio literacy test 5 items
undated |
10/599 | Oral reading test (Gilmore) 2 items
1952 |
10/600 | Other reading tests 3 items
1929-1935 |
10/601 | Reading for understanding 4 items
1959 |
10/602 | Shipley-Hartford retreat scale 1 item
1939 |
10/603 | Wakefield diagnostic English test 1 item
undated |
School Achievement and Attainment Tests |
Box/Folder | ||
10/604 | American history test (Denny-Nelson) 5 items
1928 |
10/605 | American school achievement tests 7 items
1941 |
10/606 | Miscellaneous Arithmetic tests 10 items
1922 |
10/607 | Ruch-Popenoe general science test 1 item
1923 |
10/608 | Stanford achievement tests 4 items
1953-1954 |
10/609 | Stanford achievement tests, new 11 items
1927-1942 |
10/610 | School attainment scales 14 items
1947 |
10/611 | Unit scales of attainment, math & reading 15 items
1933-1936 |
10/612 | Wide-range achievement test (Jastak) 2 items
1946-1965 |
Social Maturity Scales |
Box/Folder | ||
10/613 | Adaptive behavior checklist, Parsons State Hospital and Training Center 1 item
undated |
10/614 | Cain-Levine social competency scale 1 item
1963 |
10/615 | Maxfield-Buchholz scale of social maturity for use with pre-school blind children 1 item
undated |
10/616 | Vineland social maturity scales 10 items
1936-1965 |
10/617 | Washington assessment and training scales 1 item
1969 |
Other Tests |
Box/Folder | ||
10/618 | General anxiety scale for children 8 items
1942-1950 |
10/619 | Goldstein-Scheerer stick test 3 items
1945 |
10/620-621 | Porteus maze, guide and blanks 5 items
1933 |
10/622 | Projective techniques 22 items
1936-1963 |
10/623 | Revised examination for the measurement of efficiency of mental functioning (Babcock-Levy) 2 items
1942 |
10/624 | School inventory (Bell) 1 item
1936 |
10/625 | Sense of humor test (Almack) 1 item
undated |
10/626 | Sentence completion, student form 11 items
1965 |
10/627 | Sims social class identification occupational rating scale 2 items
1962 |
10/628 | Some common beliefs 1 item
undated |
10/629 | Speech correction record form 1 item
undated |
10/630 | Test of religious thinking 3 items
1928 |
10/631 | Time appreciation test (Buck) 1 item
1946 |
Kits |
Box/Folder | ||
11/632 | Wechsler-Bellevue 8 items
1940 |
11/633 | Wechsler intelligence scale for children 8 items
1949 |
11/634 | Wechsler adult intelligence scale 11 items
1955 |
12/635 | Van A1styne picture vocabulary test 3 items
1960 |
12/636 | Block design 1 item
12/637 | Weighted cubes 1 item
12/638 | Cards for testing extra sensory perception 1 item
undated |
12/639 | Crawford spatial relations test 1 item
12/640 | Blocks and beads 1 item
12/641 | Testing measurement - Vineland 1 item
undated |
12/642 | Abacus purchased from Chinese laundryman 1 item
1936 |
os/643 | Goddard form board 1 item
os/644 | Revised Stanford Binet Scales, material for form L 1 item
Series VI. Tape Recordings, 1955-1989Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
13 |
Margaret Mead lectures 2 items
1955-1961 |
Box | ||
13 | Sproed tapes 2 items
undated |
13 | A word in your ear 1 item
undated |
13 | Concerning brain washing 1 item
13 | Inez Robb 1 item
13 | The deaf speak to the hearing, Don Pettingill 1 item
1959 |
13 | Birth of a baby 2 items
1956 |
13 | Story of Helen Keller 1 item
undated |
13 | Life of Helen Keller 1 item
1956 |
13 | New ideas on mental illness, Dr. K. Goldstein 1 item
1957 |
13 | Hayakawa 1 item
1958 |
13 | Phenomenology: Edmund Husserl, by Marvin Farley 1 item
1960 |
13 | Orchestra, Washington School for the Blind 1 item
1966 |
13 | A world language, by Mario Pei 1 item
1971 |
13 | Parkinsons law (KWSC) 1 item
1960 |
13 | AAMD region I conference 1 item
1976 |
13 | Where minds meet, Helen Keller's voice 1 item
1963 |
13 | Existentialism: Jean-Paul Sartre, Marc Slonim 1 item
1960 |
13 | Mentally retarded, Wallace 2 items
1965 |
13 | Speech defects 5 items
13 | Interviews with mental patients, F. Kisker 2 items
undated |
13 | LSD addicts & suicide 1 item
1970 |
13 | Religious revival 1 item
1958 |
Margaret Mead interview 1 item
1959 | |
Box | ||
13 | Creative mind (KWSC) 1 item
1959 |
13 | The brain (taped from TV) 1 item
1984 |
13 | Interview with Evelyn Wenstrom about her airplane trip from Boise to Lewiston in April 1929 1 item
undated |
13 | Drums for New Guinea 1 item
1980 |
13 | The disorganized personality 1 item
1964 |
13 | HRO lecture at Rainier State School 1 item
1989 |
13 | Sound effects demonstration tape 1 item
undated |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- Clinical psychologists - Idaho - Records and correspondence
- Educational tests and measurements
- Psychologists - Idaho- Records and correspondence
- Psychology, Naval
Personal Names
Corporate Names
Other Creators
Personal Names