Box |
Folder |
1 |
1 |
Nancee's family
- 1-2: [pictures of Nancee's family about 1910]
1 |
2 |
Nancee's childhood
- 3: [Nancee with an older woman]
- 4: [teenaged Nancee]
- 5-7: [preteen Nancee]
- 8: [dog beside house]
- 9: [preteen Nancee in rocking chair]
- 10: [little Nancee in Asian costume]
- 11: [little Nancee horseback riding]
- 12: [little Nancee on Santa's knee]
- 13: [little girl sitting on bed]
- 14: [Sue Henderson]
- 15: [Nancee with dancing partner]
- 16: [little Nancee in tutu]
- 17: [little Nancee dancing]
- 18: [little Nancee dancing]
- 19: [little Nancee dancing]
- 20: [little Nancee dancing]
- 21: [little Nancee dancing]
- 22: [little Nancee dancing]
- 23: [teenaged Nancee dancing]
- 24: [preteen Nancy in costume]
- 25: "Alexandra Danilova"
- 26: [portrait of Alexandra Danilova]
- 27: [portrait of little Nancee]
- 28: [portrait of teenaged Nancee]
- 29: [man holding dog]
1 |
3 |
Nancee's family
- 30: "mother, Doris Murray Heimbecker; aunt, Sofronica Murray Keyes; grandmother, Catherine Quinn Curkman"
- 31: "May 1951" [teenaged Nancee with older woman and little girl]
- 32: "May 1951" [teenaged Nancee with older man and little girl]
- 33: "June 1951" [teenaged Nancee with little girl]
- 34: "May 1951" [older woman sitting in chair]
- 35: "father's daughter, 12-25-44" "Too bad this one isn't clearer!"
- 36: "Elwood F. Murray 'Uncle Bud' ca. 1944"
- 37: "Mowry Lewis Der"
- 38: "mother, Doris Murray Heimbecker ca.1958-60"
- 39: "my grandmother, Katherine Quinn (maiden name) - lived in S.L.C. sometime between 1910 and 1925 on 1100 East"
- 40: [Nancee and little boy]
- 41: [Nancee on horseback]
- 42: "Catherine Curkman, my grandmother, at 2112 So. Logan, Denver, Colorado ca.1946"
- 43: "Dulce Mole, mother's best friend, April 16, 1957"
- 44: " 'The Col.' with mother ca.1958"
- 45: " 'The Col.' and I ca.1958"
- 46: "mother 1958"
- 47: "Col. Lewis deRem- Mowry, 'the Col.' 1958"
- 48: "grandmother with my bird 'Jete' ca. 1956"
- 49: "mother and grandmother"
- 50: "mother and I 1951"
- 51: "grandmother, aunt Fronie, cousin Carol Mae Keyes ca. 1951"
1944 |
1 |
4 |
Nancee miscellaneous
- 52: [woman in colonial costume]
- 53: "Charles O'brien, Carolyn Brush, Don Etter"
- 54: "Guess who? A foolish consistency is the hobogoblin of little minds. Eight, followed by Black Sheep 7. Just sheep herders at heart."
- 55: "Me and Ben, Patti and Russ, Russ and Liz (ushers from Central City Opera) great summer"
- 56: [Nancee with group of people]
- 57: [three men and one woman]
- 58: "It would never have turned out this way if we had planned it. Alcohol dulls the senses and the perception. Notice that W.C.T.U. clarity on some of the faces. Some are dull and blurred, ghosts of their former selves. After the above temperance lecture, I may miss the next cocktail party; but I doubt it. Two bad the ? don't show. I'd like a copy of this - it's priceless!!!"
- 59: "1958" [Nancee kissing bird]
- 60: "Nancee"
- 61: "Dear Miss Cushing, With deepest devotion and dancers appreciation for invaluable knowledge that you have imparted to me. Love, Nancee"
- 62: [man in forest]
- 63: [four men]
- 64: "Sopac - 1945"
- 65: [man in forest]
- 66: [man]
- 67: "Charles R. Sullivan, 'Uncle Chil' and I summer 1950 before leaving for the Korean War"
- 68: "L to R, Doris Heimbecher, Helen Sullivan McArthur, Uncle Chil, grandmother, Mrs. McArthur and dad, Carl Heimbecher"
- 69: "Helen Sullivan and Chil (Charles F. Sullivan)"
1945 |
1 |
5 |
Nancee personal
- 70: "School Days 1946-47" [teenaged Nancee]
- 71: "Leo Dugan"
- 72: "Christmas card of two dancers"
- 73: "1947" [Nancee in long tutu with muff]
- 74: "1947" [Nancee in long tutu]
- 75: [Nancee in long tutu]
- 76: "Doris, mom" [and woman]
- 77: "Martha Carson, business manager, Miss Cushing and Maxine"
- 78: "My Spanish teacher, Maxine Williamson ca.1947"
- 79: "Doris Heimbecher"
- 80: "Leo Dugan and Nancee 1947"
- 81: "Leo Dugan and Nancee 1947"
- 82: "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Nancee Heimbecher 1948"
- 83: "To wish you joy on Christmas Day, I pause a minute from ballet Nancee Heimbecher"
- 84: [Carl Heimbecher on horse]
- 85: "Nancee's mother and father, the Heimbechers, Doris and Carl"
- 86: "Doris Heimbecher" ( young picture)
- 87: "Musical Comedy 'Arizona' Is Post Opera for 1947"
1947 |
1 |
6 |
Denver Company
- 88: [Nancee in Spanish costume]
- 89: [Nancee and dance group]
- 90: [Nancee and two friends]
- 91: [Nancee and dance group on stairs]
- 92: [Nancee and dancers in Arabian costumes]
- 93: [Nancee and dancers in Arabian costumes]
- 94: "Wilma, Mimi, Walter, Thomas, Frank, and Eva"
- 95: "Vichey and Bob Hope"
- 96: "Nancee Charles, dancer" (Nancee's stage name)
- 97: "Back stage Lillian Cushing Ballet Sleeping Beauty- Nancee Charles and Charles Jones"
- 98: "Lillian Cushing Ballet Sleeping Beauty Nancee Charles and Robert Jones 1954"
- 99: "Nancee Charles and Robert Jones in Sleeping Beauty circa 1954 Lillian Cushing Ballet"
- 100: "Lillian Cushing Ballet Sleeping Beauty - Nancee Charles and Robert Jones"
- 101: "Central City, Colorado, July 1954 Faust"
- 102: "Central City Festival (Colorado) July 1954 Faust - Patti Bowman, George Neighbors, Nancee Charles, and Robert Lee Jones"
- 103: "Faust, Brian Sullivan as Faust, Virginia MacWatters as Marguerite, Lubomir Vichegonov as Mephistopheles, and Rosalind Nadell as Marthe - Central City, Colorado, July 1954"
- 104: "Central City Festival (Colorado) July 1954, Faust - Lizbeth Sweet,Stevens Girault, Nancee Charles, and Robert Lee Jones"
1950 |
1 |
7 |
Denver Company
- 105: [Nancee]
- 106: [Nancee in dark ballet dress]
- 107: [Nancee in long tutu]
- 108: [Nancee in Spanish costume]
- 109: [Nancee in Russian costume]
- 110: [Nancee in three poses on Christmas card]
- 111: [Nancee leaving a building]
- 112: [man pulling shirt over head]
- 113: [Nancee and woman standing near park sign]
- 114: [two men in glasses]
- 115: [two men and a woman]
- 116: "Best wishes Virginia Mae Watters"
- 117: [Nancee and two dancers]
- 118: [Nancee being interviewed on television]
- 119: [Nancee with dancers in Spanish costumes]
- 120: [group of dancers]
- 121: [unidentified opera house]
- 122: [Nancee with group of people on stairs]
- 123: [Nancee and two other dancers in Spanish costumes]
- 124: "Nancee and Doris Heimbecher"
- 125: "For Nancee Heimbecher with best wishes, Cornelia O. Skinner"
- 126: [couple eating at restaurant]
- 127: [Nancee and two dancers in long tutus]
- 128: "Gounod's Romeo and Juliet"
- 129-30: [Nancee Charles in long tutu]
1950 |
1 |
8 |
Nancee personal
- 131: [class of typists]
- 132: [Nancee and young boy horseback riding]
- 133: [Nancee and friends drinking]
- 134: "U. of U. Dance Department - left , Barb Hamblin - center, Nancee - right, ?"
- 135: "Nancee Cortes and mother"
- 136: "Nancee Cortes' mother"
- 137: [Nancy Cortes' mother with woman and little girl] "June 1951"
- 138: [Mrs. Heimbecher and male friend] "July 1959"
- 139: [Nancee on horseback]
- 140: [Nancee and older man]
- 141: [three women]
- 142: [Nancee opening gift]
- 143: [unidentified room]
- 144: "Jeannette C. and Jean"
- 145: "Nancee on the right"
- 146: [Nancee in tutu]
1950 |
1 |
9 |
Jan Gae Tani
- 147: [woman]
- 148: "Jan, Majid, Patti, and Russ - the two photos I was in didn't turn out."
- 149: "Russ serving the turkey he carved 'with gusto' - Patti giggling"
- 150: [double exposure of Nancee and other girl]
- 151: "Also me. I could smile couldn't I?"
- 152: "Me (or is it you) in my new fur on New Year's Eve."
- 153: [Nancee with woman and man]
- 154: [Nancee with woman and man]
- 155: [Nancee with friends]
- 156: [Nancee and friend in bathing suits]
- 157: [Nancee and friend in bathing suits]
- 158: [Nancee posing at door]
- 159: [two girls]
- 160: "Patches with diaper - 'the house breaking process'"
1954-1957 |
1 |
10 |
- 161: [Nancee and two women]
- 162: "Marilyn took me off guard"
- 163: [Nancee at kitchen table]
- 164: [woman]
- 165: [Nancee and woman in coats]
- 166: "Marilyn waiting for Don. I took this. Got this expression when I asked about whom she was thinking"
- 167: "Nancee, Dottie, Mike, Paul, and Don"
- 168: "Strictly a posed shot"
- 169: "By golly, we got that tree decorated!"
- 170: [Nancee and three friends]
- 171: [Nancee and friends roasting cornish hens]
- 172-173: "Central Park on a hazy day"
- 174: "Our Christmas cards - 3/4 were mine. The big one at the bottom is Ramiro's score."
- 175: "Our tree after it crashed to the floor and was re-erected"
- 176: "Mike trying to teach Dottie and Lindy."
- 177: [woman on stairs]
- 178: "Macy's parade from our 5th story window."
- 179: "Double exposure. The wild one is Dottie running through the living room at 4:30 a.m. The other one is Libby and Dottie licking the bowl which had mincemeat in it."
- 180: [Nancee and friends roasting marshmellows]
- 181: [four women]
- 182: [Nancee and friends around the table]
- 183: [women sitting around the table]
- 184: [man in a chair]
- 185: "To my dear friend Nancee, fondly Stella"
- 186: "Dashing thru the snow ...just to say Merry Christmas! Nancee Charles"
- 187-188: [Nancee Charles ]
- 189: [a bride looking in the mirror]
- 190: [Nancee dancing]
- 191: [Nancee and three dancers]
- 192: [Nancee and three dancers]
- 193: [Nancee and four can can girls]
- 194: [Nancee and four dancers]
- 195: [Nancee and four dancers]
- 196: [Nancee and four can can girls]
1954-1957 |
1 |
11 |
Nancee in Armide Ballet
- 197: "Turies costume as spirit of (flame) of Armide's love"
- 198: "costumes for snake dance - Feb. 1957"
- 199: "Armide and Hyadrot (being silly) - some of us liked this costume"
- 200: "My aren't we dramatic? Feb. 1957"
- 201: "Just posing - an informal ..... Feb. 1957"
- 202: "Nancee in Armide costume - Feb. 1957"
- 203: "The kids gave me an orchid. I was making up. I don't even know who took it."
- 204: "Armide dancers - Feb. 1957"
- 205: [Nancee and friends in the snow - 1957
- 206: "The 'snake' dance - some snake!"
- 207-8: [Nancee opening presents - 1957]
- 209: [Nancee examining music on top of piano]
1 |
12 |
Nancee at Radio City Music Hall
- 210: "Radio City Music Hall - Nancy Charles and friend"
- 211: "Radio City Music Hall - Nancee with friend"
- 212: "Radio City Music Hall - Nancee left"
- 213: "Radio City Music Hall - Nancee right"
- 214: [Nancee]
- 215: [two women]
- 216: "Radio City Music Hall - Nancee Charles"
- 217: "Radio City Music Hall - Nancee Charles and ?"
- 218: "Radio City Music Hall - Nancee Charles"
- 219: "Radio City Music Hall - Nancee Charles"
- 220: "Radio City Music Hall - Nancee Charles right"
- 221: "Irish scene - Radio City Music Hall - Nancee"
- 222: "Radio City Music Hall - Nancee top"
- 223: [man]
1958 |
1 |
13 |
Nancee at Radio City Music Hall
- 224: [Nancee]
- 225: [Nancee and friends]
- 226: [Nancee and friends]
- 227: [Nancee and man]
- 228: [Nancee and friends]
- 229: [Nancee and friends on stairs]
- 230: [female dancer]
- 231: [Nancee and friend]
- 232: [Nancee on stairs]
- 233: [Nancee]
- 234: [Nancee]
- 235: "Patti after a shopping trip"
- 236: [Nancee, her mother and friend]
- 237: [ballet scene]
- 238: [ballet scene]
- 239: [ballet scene]
- 240: [ballet scene]
- 241: [ballet scene]
- 242: [ballet scene]
- 243: [Nancee]
- 244: [ballet scene]
- 245: [ballet scene]
- 246: [ballet scene]
- 247: [ballet scene]
- 248: [ballet scene]
- 249: "Nancee dear, you have been a most satisfactory pupil and I expect great things of you. Sincerely, Lillian Cushing 2/1954 Denver"
1957-1960 |
1 |
14 |
Nancee personal
- 250: [Nancee and pupil]
- 251: [Nancee and friend]
- 252: [Nancee on horseback]
- 253: [Nancee]
- 254: [Nancee and bird]
- 255: [Nancee and friend]
- 256: [Nancee and friend]
- 257: [Nancee and Christmas tree]
- 258: "Karmen and Hlenka"
- 259: [two women in ward robe room]
- 260: [Nancee and friend]
- 261: "Hlenka"
- 262: "Hlenka and Nancee"
- 263: [woman bathing dog in kitchen sink]
- 264: [Nancee and friends]
- 265: [Nancee and friends]
- 266: [Nancee]
- 267: [Nancee and dancers]
1958 |
1 |
15 |
Monhegan family
- 268: [Nancee reflected in window glass]
- 269: [Nancee]
- 270: [view of harbor]
- 271: [view of ocean]
- 272: [Nancee and friend]
- 273: [Nancee and man on sea shore]
- 274: [house by sea shore]
- 275: [view of sea shore]
- 276: [view of sea shore]
- 277: [traps on sea shore]
- 278: [view of village]
- 279: [house on coast]
- 280: [two women on sea shore]
- 281: [Nancee gazing at grass]
- 282: [fishing boat in harbor]
- 283: [wooden house]
- 284: [view of harbor]
- 285: [Nancee and friend in snow]
1960-1961 |
1 |
16 |
- 80 negatives and transparencies
1 |
17 |
Transparencies of Swan Lake
- 286-298: transparencies of Swan Lake
1 |
18 |
- 298: [post card of Monhegan, Maine]
- 300: [house in Monhegan, Maine]
- 301-321: [Nancee's cats]
1 |
19 |
Nancee with James Zynda
- 322-323: [Nancee dancing with James]
1 |
20 |
New York and Connecticut
- 324-325: [Nancee in western dance hall costume]
- 326-327: [Nancee with students]
- 328: [Nancee in pink dance costume]
- 329-330: "Nancee Charles (Cortes) - Ballet Etudes Repertory Company 1960s - Cinderella"
- 331: "Nancee Charles (Cortes) with James Zynda in Swan Lake"
- 332-333: "Nancee Charles and James Zynda - Ballet Etudes Repertory Company - 1960s"
1 |
21 |
USC - School of Performing Arts
- 334: [Nancee with birthday cake]
- 335-336: [Nancee receiving an award]
- 337: "Nancee Cortes, director with Marianne Uszler, music chairman"
1966 |
1 |
22 |
- 338-341: [Nancee with students on television]
- 342-343: [Nancee receiving an award]
1970s |
1 |
23 |
Joffrey II Dancers
- 344: "Lynne Chervony and Eric Dirk in 'Kermesse in Bruges'"
- 345: "Antony Tudor's 'Continuo' to the music of Johann Pachelbel"
- 346: "Jill Murphy and Glenn Edgerton in 'Random Dances'"
- 347: "Bruce Falco and Madelyn Berdes in 'Momentum'"
- 348: "Mary Linn Durbin and Luis Perez in 'Dies und Das'"
- 349: "Daryl Gray's 'Thread from a String of Swing'"
- 350: "Tom Mossbrucker, Cleste Jabekenski, and James Canfield in 'Monotones II'"
1970s |
1 |
24 |
Nancee photo album
- 351: [woman]
- 352: [Nancee with young woman]
- 353: [woman in tree]
- 354: [Nancee in crowd]
- 355: [Nancee with woman]
- 356: [bulletin board display]
- 357: [older blonde woman]
- 358-359 [Nancee with two young women]
- 360: [Nancee announcing something to a group]
- 361: "Marianne Uszler in l978"
- 362-364: [crowd scenes]
- 365: [orchestra]
- 366: [woman on telephone]
- 367: [students in class]
- 368: "Michael Tilson Thomas autographing programs"
- 369: [Nancee receiving an award]
- 370: [Nancee with several people]
- 371: [young dancers]
- 372: "Dr. Glass and students"
- 373-375: [young musicians]
- 376: [dance teacher and students]
- 377-78: [Nancee introducing pianist in concert]
- 379: "Nancee at Daniel Pollock reception"
- 380: [man]
- 381: [Nancee with Pac members]
- 382: [Nancee with young musicians]
- 383: "Diane Watson and Betty Carmichael"
- 384: [Nancee with group of people]
- 385: "PAC members"
- 386: "Dean Beglarian, Janet MacLaughlin, Nancee and Daniel Lewis"
- 387: "Isabelle and Betty at PAC reception"
- 388-389: "U.S.C. Community Schools of Performing Arts" -[race horse]
- 390: [Nancee introducing musicians to student group]
- 391: "Fran, Kathy Pinto, and Nancee at Music Fest"
- 392: "Barbara Mason and Nancee at Music Fest"
- 393: "Billy Paul and wife at Music Fest"
- 394: [Nancee and two women]
- 395: "Jimmy Smith, Nancee, and Iron Jaws"
- 396: "Nancee at Daniel Pollock reception"
- 397: [Nancee with group of people]
- 398: "Nancee Cortes introduces young violinist Jessica Lambert at her first public appearance"
- 399: [Nancee and two friends]
- 400: [Nancee with a bride]
- 401: [Nancee as matron of honor at wedding]
- 402: [Nancee at wedding]
- 403: "U.S.C. Offers Arts to Community" (news clipping)
- 404: [Nancee and Clark House print] (news clipping)
- 405: a-c "Michael Tilson Thomas conducting U.S.C. Symphony" (Concert program)
- 406: "Fourteen Groups Given Awards" (news clipping)
- 407: [program Nancee directed for U.S.C. School of the Performing Arts]
1977 |
1 |
25 |
Nancee U.S.C. farewell
- 408: [Nancee and woman]
- 409: [necklace]
- 410: [necklace on Nancee]
- 411: [Nancee and Ramiro Cortes]
- 412: [necklace being placed on Nancee]
- 413-414: [musicians at farewell party]
- 415: [Nancee and woman]
- 416: [Nancee]
- 417: [Nancee and two men]
- 418: [Nancee and young musician]
- 419: [Nancee and group]
- 420: [Nancee and woman]
- 421: [Nancee receiving gift]
- 422: [putting necklace on Nancee]
- 423: [Nancee with three men]
- 424: [Nancee and two women]
- 425: [Nancee and three men]
- 426: [Nancee with man and woman]
- 427: [Nancee with group]
- 428: [Nancee receiving necklace]
- 429: [Nancee with three men]
- 430: [Ramiro with woman]
- 431: [Nancee and Ramiro]
- 432: [Nancee and Ramiro]
- 433: [Nancee, Ramiro, and older couple]
- 434: [Nancee with older man]
- 435: [Nancee with older man]
- 436: [Nancee, Ramiro, and couple]
- 437: [Nancee, Ramiro, and older woman]
- 438: [Nancee and Ramiro]
- 439: [Nancee with woman admiring necklace]
- 440: [Nancee, Ramiro, and older couple]
- 441: [Nancee, Ramiro, and crowd]
- 442: [Nancee receiving necklace]
- 443: [Nancee, Ramiro, and couple]
- 444: [Ramiro, Nancee, and couple]
- 445: [Nancee, Ramiro, and couple]
1979 |
2 |
26 |
Nancee with various people
- 446: [Nancee with a family]
- 447: [Nancee, man, Maurice Abravanell, and woman]
- 448: [Nancee with Maurice Abravanell]
- 449: [man, Nancee and Pres. Chase Peterson]
- 450: [Nancee with woman]
- 451: [Nancee with musical group]
- 452: [Nancee with woman]
- 453: [Nancee introducing something to a group]
- 454: "Maria Grandy associate director of Joffrey Dancers"
- 455: "Sally Bliss associate director of Joffrey Dancers"
- 456: "Bill Marriott, Nancee, Alice Sheets Marriott and Pres. Chase Peterson"
- 457: [Governor Norm Bangerter, Governor Scott Matheson and Pres. Chase Peterson]
- 458: [sheet of proofs of Nancee in black dress]
- 459: [sheet of proofs of Nancee]
1980 |
2 |
27 |
Nancee and Robert Joffrey party
- 460: "at Bob's birthday and Christmas party"
- 461: "Richard England former director of ABTII with wife Gay and Nancee"
- 462: "Bob's tree - He was like a five year old in the way he reveled in Christmas. He bought presents all year long."
- 463: "From the original 1956 Joffrey group - Christmas 1984 at Plaza Hotel"
- 464: "At the Plaza Christmas party 1984 - Nancee (Charles) Cortez, Francoise Martinet, Gloria Gustafson, Diana Dorsoer, and Brunhilda Ruiz"
1984 |
2 |
28 |
Snow Bird Institute party
- 465: "Snow Bird Institute party - 1985"
- 466: "Snow Bird Institute party - 1985"
- 467: "Snow Bird Institute party - 1985"
2 |
29 |
Nancee and University of Utah Marriott Center for Dance
- 468-505: "This is the first of a weekly series of photographs of the dance building taken from the 13th floor of the Behavior Science Building"
- 506-510: "Nancee with the Muir Quartet on Aug. 5, 1988"
- 511-513: [Alice Sheets Marriott Center of Dance]
2 |
30 |
Addendum to boxes 1 and 2
- 514: [Nancee with four male and three female dancers]
- 515: [Two women applying makeup] "Frederic Franklin from Ballet Russe with Martha Carson, business manager of the studio. Left to right: Ann Merchant, Beverly James, Beth Mercy, and Nancee"
- 516: [Group at campout]
- 517: [Nancee with small girl]
- 518: "Photo by Larry Reibscheid" [Nancee with six female dancers in Spanish costumes]
- 519: "Photo by Larry Reibscheid" [Nancee with six female dancers in Spanish costumes]
- 520: "Harris"
- 521: "Square dancing with Steve in Central City"
- 522: "Nancy Heimbecher - credit Art Hapy, Seattle Washington"
- 523: [Nancee in tutu]
- 524: [Nancee in Spanish costume]
- 525: [Nancee in Spanish costume]
- 526: [Nancee with older woman and little girl]
- 527: [Nancee in tutu]
- 528: [Nancee in tutu]
- 529: [Nancee with four friends]
- 530: [Nancee with four friends]
- 531: [Nancee with older woman]
- 532: [Nancy in tutu with seventeen female dancers]
- 533: [Nancy with five female dancers] "July #1"
- 534: "Frederic Franklin from Ballet Russe with Martha Carson, business manager of Etudes"
2 |
31 |
professional photos - addendum to earlier collections (donated in 1990)
- 535-537: [Nancy in dark can can costume]
- 538: "Nancee Heimbecher as Princess Aurora in Lillian Cushing Denver, Colorado production of 'Sleeping Beauty'"
- 539: [Nancee in costume]
- 540: "Nancy Heimbecher, Lucy, Deanna Beck, Cushing Studio - August 1953"
- 541: [Nancee and two other dancers]
- 542: [Nancee]
- 543: [Lillian and Fred McFarlane's Christmas card]
- 544: [Nancee with a group of dancers]
- 545: [Nancee performs for TV]
- 546: [Nancee in can can costume]
- 547: [group of people on the stairs]
2 |
32 |
General photos - addendum to earlier collections (donated in 1990)
- 548: [Nancee and five other little dancers]
- 549: [ballet scene]
- 550: [Nancee with five other dancers (from Sleeping Beauty?)]
- 551: [ballet scene]
- 552-553: [Nancee in a ballet scene]
- 554-555: [Nancee and partner dancing]
- 556: [Nancee dancing]
- 557: [three women]
- 558: [Nancee putting on make up]
- 559: [two women cooking]
- 560: [woman]
- 561: [five women in bathing suits]
- 562: [Nancee soaking sore feet]
- 563: [Nancee dancing]
- 564: [Marilyn F. dancing]
- 565: [four men]
- 566: [woman]
- 567: [Nancee between two snow men]
- 568: [Nancee with five other women]
- 569: [Nancee with two other women]
- 570: [woman and man falling]
- 571: [four women in dance class]
- 572: [Nancee and four other dancers posing]
- 573: [Nancee dressing for performance]
- 574: [Miss Cushing and dancer]
- 575: [Karen]
- 576: [Miss Cushing and dancers]
- 577: [Miss Cushing blowing out candles on birthday cake]
- 578: [dancers putting on make up]
- 579: [Nancee ]
- 580: [little dancer putting on make up]
- 581: [five tap dancers]
- 582: [group of performers]
- 583: [musician and other performers]
- 584: [group of performers waiting to perform]
- 585: [man and woman on stage]
- 586: [Nancee and six others on stage]
- 587-589: [three unidentified groups of performers]
- 590: [couple dancing]
3 |
1 |
1985-88 |
3 |
2 |
Unidentified woman |
3 |
3 |
Nancee Cortes childhood |
3 |
4 |
Nancee Cortes portraits |
3 |
5 |
Patti Bowman, 1956 |
3 |
6 |
Nancee Charles (Cortes) and James Zynda, decemeber 1964. Giselle |
3 |
7 |
1982 |
3 |
8 |
Los Angeles, California |
3 |
9 |
Nancee, Giselle and Copellia, Rome |
3 |
10 |
Lynn Jacobsen and Cathie Da |
3 |
11 |
1987 |
3 |
12 |
2800 E. Loran Heights Drive. House and Garden 1985-87 |
3 |
13 |
House and remodel |
3 |
14 |
80th Birthday Party |
3 |
15 |
University of Utah Dance Building before opening, 1989 |
3 |
16 |
Fran's Photos |
3 |
17 |
Vacation Photographs, 1991 |
3 |
18 |
1999-2003 |
3 |
19 |
misc. life events and vacations |
3 |
20 |
Interior Dance Building, 1988 |
3 |
21 |
1988 Dance Building Construction |
3 |
22 |
Dance Building -interior |
3 |
23 |
Off Beat |
4 |
1 |
Album, oversize |