Warren H. Bolles collection, 1922-1939

Overview of the Collection

Bolles, Warren H., 1899-1996
Warren H. Bolles collection
1922-1939 (inclusive)
1 cubic feet
Collection Number
MG 521
Includes two tree volume measurement notebooks, a forestry engineering road booklet, two camp logs with daily entries, and a scrapbook.
University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
University of Idaho Library
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 2350
Moscow, ID
Telephone: 2088850845
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.


Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Warren H. Bolles, class of 1926, memorabilia such as a photograph album, two camp logs (journals), and two tree volume measurement notebooks.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

Warren Huntington Bolles was born on December 13, 1899 in Collins, New York to John and Harriet (Merill) Bolles. As a young child, Warren had a love for the outdoors. He participated in hunting, trapping, fishing, and other activities. In 1916, during World War I, he was a part of the Farm Cadet program. This program allowed farm boys to be released from school early in order to work. When he was accepted, Warren's high school career was terminated, which left him with a ninth grade education.

In 1919, with encouragement from his mother, Warren wrote to the New York State Ranger School located in the Adirondack Mountains to request admission. This was a branch of the forestry school in Syracuse, New York. He was accepted, and began attending in March 1920. Warren graduated from the school in December 1920, and left for Ogden, Utah after receiving a job offer letter from the United States Forest Service (USFS).

After a year of working the entry level position, Warren took the Forest Rangers' examination given at Emmett, Idaho on October 25, 1921 - and passed. He then accepted a ranger job on the Toiyabe National Forest, which at that times was the largest forest in the USFS Region IV.

In September 1922, Warren made his way to Moscow, Idaho to attend the University of Idaho to complete a Forestry degree. Due to his age and experience, he fell into a special student category and could work off needed credits. At that time, twenty students were enrolled alongside him in the forestry school. He completed his degree in 1926, and in March of that year, had taken the Junior Forester Civil Service examination. He ranked second out of 160 forestry graduates who had taken the exam.

Warren traveled to many different duty stations throughout his Forest Service career. As a Forester, he also adopted many different roles. He was on the front lines of forest fires, was camp cook and lookout, measured the volume of trees, completed stand exams, and much more. He even published research and other articles in academic journals, newspapers, and magazines. His personal life was also a success. He married Ella Cretors in March 1942, and they had three daughters, Mary, Beth, and Jeanne. Warren H. Bolles passed away in 1996 in Oregon when he was 97 years young.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

[Description of Item], Warren H. Bolles collection, MG 521, Special Collections and Archives, University of Idaho Library, Moscow, Idaho.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Materials left in original order.

Acquisition Information

Warren H. Bolles was in touch with the former Head of Special Collections, Terry Abraham, in 1987. From this letter (found in scrapbook), it seemed his intention was to donate the items to the department at a later date.

In 2013, Mary A. Scott donated the current collection items to the department.

Separated Materials

The two dance cards, 1926 Idaho Forester issue, "An Alum" College of Forestry, were not found during the processing. They were removed from the original accessioned collection for unknown reason. Location of these items are unknown.


Information for the Biographical/Historical came from the & Life History of Warren Huntington Bolles.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Series I: MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box object
1 1
Tree Volume Measurement notebook
Notebook front and back cover made of metal. This one is engraved with "W. H. Bolles".
1 2
Tree Volume Measurement notebook
Notebook front and back cover made of metal.
1 3
Calders' Forest Road Engineering book
ca. 1960s
1 4
Camp Log
Includes daily log entries and newspaper and magazine clippings.
June 05, 1925 - December 31, 1929
1 5
Camp Log
Includes daily entries, poems, and a newspaper clipping.
January 01, 1930 - March 03, 1938
1 6
Includes images of the Associated Foresters group, University of Idaho Commencement (1926) booklet, University of Idaho Alma Mater music sheet (1925), and other images of places Bolles went to as a Forester.