Faculty and Staff Vertical Files, 1877-2020

Overview of the Collection

Faculty and Staff Vertical Files
1877-2020 (inclusive)
50 linear ft., (100 boxes)
Collection Number
Biographical information, article offprints, ephemera, and other miscellaneous materials by or about individual members of the faculty and staff at Western Washington University. Where available, detailed inventories are included in the creators' files. The collection also contains a small amount of material by alumni of the university.
Western Washington University, Special Collections
Wilson 6th Floor
516 High Street MS9103
Bellingham WA
Telephone: (360) 650-3193
Fax: (360) 650-3044
Access Restrictions

The collection is open to the public.


Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Biographical information, article offprints, ephemera, and other miscellaneous materials by or about individual members of the faculty and staff at Western Washington University. Where available, detailed inventories are included in the creators' files. The collection also contains a small amount of material by alumni of the university.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

Faculty and Staff Vertical Files, Special Collections, Western Libraries Archives & Special Collections, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA 98225-9103.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Acquired via miscellaneous gifts. Contact repository for details.

Processing Note

To learn more about problematic content in our collections, collection description and teaching tools (including how to provide feedback or request dialogue on this topic), see the following Statement About Potentially Harmful Language and Content.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.

Description Dates
Abbott, Ada Hogle 1934-1960
Abbott, Keith Kumasen approximately 1981-2020
Abel, Patricia approximately 1941-1980
Abel, Troy D. approximately 1981-2020
Abel, William R. approximately 1941-1980
Abrams, George approximately 1941-1980
Aboud, F. E. approximately 1941-1980
Acevedo-Gutierrez, Alejandro approximately 1981-2020
Adams, Carlos (Charles) approximately 1981-2020
Adams, Henry L. 1957-2008
Aegerter, Mary Jo approximately 1941-1980
Ager, Phillip R. 1972-2005
Aitken, Margaret 1967-2003
Albers, James R. approximately 1981-2020
Alexander, Marian approximately 1981-2020
Alia, Valerie approximately 1981-2020
Allen, Edwin J., Jr. approximately 1941-1980
Alles, David L. approximately 1981-2020
Alper, Don approximately 1981-2020
Ames, Evelyn approximately 1981-2020
Amundson, Garth approximately 1981-2020
Anastasio, Angelo 1960-2002
Anderson, Gunnar undated
Anderson, Sean K. approximately 1981-2020
Angeley, Robin approximately 1981-2020
Angelocci, Angelo approximately 1941-1980
Angst, Laura 1915-2009
Applegate, Meidel approximately 1941-1980
Arellano, Raul approximately 1941-1980
Arkley, Alfred S. approximately 1941-1980
Arms, Barbara J. approximately 1941-1980
Armstrong, David G. approximately 1941-1980
Armstrong, Jeanne (6) approximately 1981-2020
Armstrong, Joan 2008
Arnett, Chappelle approximately 1981-2020
Atkinson, Ti-Grace approximately 1941-1980
Atneosen, Gail H. approximately 1941-1980
Atteberry, P. H. approximately 1941-1980
Audley, Barbara approximately 1981-2020
Axtell, Frances Cleveland 1948-2011
Bach, Andrew J. approximately 1981-2020
Baird, Herbert L., Jr. approximately 1941-1980
Baird, Jessica approximately 1981-2020
Baker, Gregory approximately 1981-2020
Baker, Ida Agnes (2) 1877-2008
Ballotti, Michael approximately 1981-2020
Balzar, LeVon approximately 1941-1980
Barchek, James approximately 1941-1980
Barnhart, Catherine approximately 1981-2020
Barrett, Louis approximately 1981-2020
Barron, Declan 1967-1995
Barron, Lucille 1977-2004
Bartholick, George approximately 1981-2020
Bassetti, Fred 1963-2013
Bates, Roger G. approximately 1981-2020
Bazard, David R. approximately 1981-2020
Beamer, Elbert M. approximately 1941-1980
Beasley, Bruce approximately 1981-2020
Beatty, Danny 1952-2013
Beck, Myrl 1965-2003
Becker, George J. approximately 1941-1980
Beecroft, Warren approximately 1981-2020
Belanger, L. A. approximately 1981-2020
Belts, Tamara approximately 1981-2020
Bender, William approximately 1941-1980
Benner, Rick approximately 1981-2020
Bennerstrom, Susan approximately 1981-2020
Benson, Earl D. approximately 1981-2020
Berardi, Gigi approximately 1981-2020
Bereal, Ed approximately 1981-2020
Bernardi, J. A. approximately 1941-1980
Bernstein, Douglas approximately 1941-1980
Berry, Isabelle approximately 1981-2020
Bertolino, James approximately 1981-2020
Besserman, Marion approximately 1981-2020
Bianco, Christopher approximately 1981-2020
Biasini, Americole Remo 1973-2008
Billings, Thomas approximately 1941-1980
Bingham, Brian approximately 1981-2020
Bishop, Richard T. approximately 1981-2020
Black, Joseph E. approximately 1941-1980
Blood, Don F. 1963-1987
Bodensteinter, Leo R. approximately 1981-2020
Bodman, Andrew R. (4) 1979-2009
Bohrer, Dennis approximately 1981-2020
Boles, Jerry approximately 1981-2020
Bond, Elden A. 1966-1983
Bond Elias A. 1940-1946
Bond, Guy L. approximately 1941-1980
Bond, Mary E. approximately 1981-2020
Bosch, James W. approximately 1941-1980
Botkin, Michael approximately 1941-1980
Bouverat, Roberta Wong approximately 1981-2020
Bowers, Stephanie approximately 1981-2020
Bowman, Elizabeth approximately 1941-1980
Bowmer, Angus approximately 1899-1940
Boxberger, Daniel approximately 1981-2020
Boyd, William approximately 1981-2020
Boylan, Bernard L. 1959-2011
Bradley, Karen approximately 1981-2020
Brand, Robert "Rob" approximately 1981-2020
Breitenbach, Sandra approximately 1981-2020
Bremer, John approximately 1941-1980
Brennan, Scott approximately 1981-2020
Brewster, Lawrence 1966-2005
Briggs, Roger approximately 1981-2020
Broad, A. Carter 1974-2001
Brose, Thomas approximately 1941-1980
Brower, Paul approximately 1981-2020
Brown, Ann Theg approximately 1941-1980
Brown, Charles A. approximately 1981-2020
Brown, Edwin H. approximately 1981-2020
Brown, Robert D. undated
Brown, Willard A. 1961-2006
Bruce, Robert approximately 1981-2020
Bryan, Cody E. 1978-2001
Buchanan, Sam approximately 1941-2020
Buckland, Roscoe L. approximately 1941-1980
Budd, William approximately 1941-1980
Bulcroft, Kris approximately 1981-2020
Bultmann, Phyllis W. approximately 1981-2020
Bultmann, William 1958-2011
Bunke, Harvey C. approximately 1941-1980
Bunn, Andy approximately 1981-2020
Burke, Raymond approximately 1941-1980
Burmester, Russell F. (4) approximately 1981-2020
Burn, June approximately 1941-2004
Burnet, Jean 1927-2008
Burnet, Ruth (Hussey) approximately 1941-1980
Burton, Brian approximately 1981-2020
Burwell, Jerry L. approximately 1941-1980
Bussard, Nicholas approximately 1981-2020
Bussard, Robert L. approximately 1981-2020
Busse, Larry L. approximately 1941-1980
Butler, Charles E. approximately 1981-2020
Butterworth, Rita Jean 1970-1985
Byeman, Gerrit approximately 1941-1980
Caine, Dennis approximately 1981-2020
Calhoun, John R. approximately 1981-2020
Cameron, Hazel M. G. approximately 1981-2020
Campbell, John Hoppe approximately 1981-2020
Campbell, Philip approximately 1981-2020
Cancilla, Devon A. approximately 1981-2020
Carbajal, Brent J. approximately 1981-2020
Carey, Anna approximately 1981-2020
Carlile, Louella approximately 1981-2020
Carlile, Sean R. approximately 1941-1980
Carlson, Mary approximately 1981-2020
Carroll, Katherine approximately 1941-1980
Carver, Jack approximately 1981-2020
Cary, Meredith 1968-2012
Casanova, Katherine approximately 1981-2020
Caskey-Schreiber, Laurie approximately 1981-2020
Catrell, Dennis approximately 1981-2020
Cederstrom, Moyle approximately 1941-1980
Cembrano, Jose approximately 1981-2020
Chang, Sea Bong approximately 1941-1980
Chaney, Robin W. 1965-1987
Channer, Edna approximately 1941-1980
Chantry, Art approximately 1981-2020
Chapman, W. H. 1967-1968
Chatham, Doris approximately 1941-1980
Chatland, Harold approximately 1941-1980
Cheever, Bruce B. approximately 1899-1949
Cherry, Kelly approximately 1981-2020
Chitwood, B. G. approximately 1941-1980
Christman, R. A. approximately 1981-2020
Ciszek, Raymond approximately 1941-1980
Clapp, Edwin approximately 1941-1980
Clark, Dwight approximately 1981-2020
Clark, James D'Arganville approximately 1941-1980
Clark, Richard E. approximately 1981-2020
Clark-Langager, Sarah approximately 1981-2020
Clarke, David E. approximately 1981-2020
Clarke, Steven approximately 1981-2020
Clevidence, William G. approximately 1941-1980
Clothier, Nita approximately 1981-2020
Clough, Susan E. approximately 1941-1980
Clumpner, Roy approximately 1981-2020
Coldwell, Susan G. approximately 1981-2020
Cole, William D. approximately 1941-1980
Collamer, Barbara E. approximately 1981-2020
Collier, Catherine approximately 1981-2020
Collier, Robert 1977-2004
Collinge, Jo undated
Collins, Michael approximately 1981-2020
Compston, Christine L. approximately 1981-2020
Congdon, Barbara approximately 1981-2020
Cook, Susan E. approximately 1941-1980
Copenhaver, Brian P. 1973-1981
Copetas, Karen approximately 1981-2020
Cornelison, Gayle approximately 1941-1980
Cotton, Jack C. 1934-2012
Countryman, Linda 1923-2007
Cox, Christopher (3) approximately 1981-2020
Coy, Pete approximately 1981-2020
Crider, Juliet approximately 1981-2020
Critchfield, Howard 1966-2010
Cross, Robert approximately 1981-2020
Cummins, Nora 1936-2017
Cunningham, Mick approximately 1981-2020
Curley, David L. approximately 1981-2020
Cvetkovich, George approximately 1981-2020
D'Andrea, Frank approximately 1941-1980
Daffron, Sandra R. approximately 1981-2020
Danes, Frank Z. approximately 1941-1980
Danysk, Cecilia approximately 1981-2020
Daugert, Stanley 1966-2012
Davis, James W. 1974-2002
Davis, Nanette J. 1977-2002
De La Paz, Oliver approximately 1981-2020
Debruler, Ralph and Frances approximately 1981-2020
Deloria, Vine 1971-2009
DeLorme, Marcia (Dickerson) approximately 1981-2020
Delorme, Roland L. 1975-2010
Demmert, William approximately 1981-2020
Deerwester, Frank and Mrs. Pearl 1916-2005
Dempster, John approximately 1941-1980
Dereske, Jo approximately 1981-2020
Diehl, Peter D. approximately 1981-2020
Dietrich, Dawn approximately 1981-2020
Dietrich, William approximately 1981-2020
Diers, Carol J. 1970-2014
Dillard, Annie 1975-2012
Dimond, Arthur approximately 1941-1980
Dinnel, Dale approximately 1981-2020
Dinnel, Paul approximately 1981-2020
Dittrich, William J. 1976-2009
Dolecki, Joseph F. approximately 1941-1980
Dolfo, Carmen approximately 1981-2020
Dominguez, Tony approximately 1981-2020
Donovan, Deborah Anne approximately 1981-2020
Donovan, Todd approximately 1981-2020
Dordevic, Mihailo approximately 1941-1968
Dorr, Tom approximately 1981-2020
Doty, C. Stewart 1991
Douglas, Tim approximately 1981-2020
Downing, Jeanne approximately 1981-2020
Drake, George F. 1968-2018
Dresbeck, Leroy 1967-1985
Drum, Ryan W. approximately 1941-1980
Dube, Maurice A. 1957-1989
Duckwall, Ralph approximately 1941-1980
Duke, Shearlean approximately 1981-2020
Dunn, Craig approximately 1981-2020
Dunton, Ken 1979-1982
Dyson, George approximately 1981-2020
Easterbrook, Don J. approximately 1963-2020
Eaton, Marie approximately 1981-2020
Eckhart, Katherine N. approximately 1981-2020
Eddy, Lowell approximately 1941-1980
Edens, Annette approximately 1941-1980
Edens, John James approximately 1899-1940
Edmondson, Frank P. approximately 1941-180
Edwards, Carol D. approximately 1981-2020
Eggen, Sally approximately 1981-2020
Eggers, Daniel D. 1999
Egnor, Margaret approximately 1941-1980
Ehemann, Jane approximately 1941-1980
Eikaas, Alfred approximately 1899-1940
Eliot, T.S. (Thomas Stearns) approximately 1941-1980
Ellis, Elsi Vassdal approximately 1981-2020
Ellis, Frederick E. approximately 1981-2020
Elmendorf, William E. 1968-2002
Emmerson, Richard K. approximately 1981-2020
Engebretson, David approximately 1978-2020
Englesberg, Paul approximately 1981-2020
Erickson, John 1961-1983
Ervine, Gene approximately 1981-2020
Ervine, Nancy approximately 1981-2020
Estrada, Larry approximately 1981-2020
Etzel, Barbara C. 1964-2004
Eurich, Amanda approximately 1981-2020
Everitt, Jack approximately 1941-1980
Everson, Philip approximately 1981-2020
Faber, Eunice 1977-2021
Fabiano, Patricia approximately 1981-2020
Fast, Margaret approximately 1981-2020
Faulkner, J. Kay approximately 1981-2020
Faulkner, Marilyn L. approximately 1941-1980
Feingold, David approximately 1981-2020
Fennimore, Flora approximately 1941-1980
Feringer, Richard approximately 1981-2020
Ferris, Donald approximately 1941-1980
Fiero, Petra S. approximately 1981-2020
Finder, Morris approximately 1941-1980
Finlay, Janet approximately 1981-2020
Fisher, Harold, Jr. approximately 1981-2020
Fisher, Mary Ann approximately 1981-2020
Flanders, Mark Wilson approximately 1941-1980
Fleetwood, Hugh approximately 1981-2020
Flora, Charles J. "Jerry" approximately 1981-2020
Foltin, Bela approximately 1981-2020
Fonda, Richard approximately 1981-2020
Ford, Paul (2) 1961-2009
Forrest, Marshall approximately 1981-2020
Foss, Ione approximately 1941-1980
Foster, Larry approximately 1941-1980
Fowler, Herbert E. approximately 1899-1940
Fowler, Richard approximately 1941-1980
Fox, Charles 1978-1982
Fox, Sheila approximately 1981-2020
Fox, Siegrum F. 1978-1982
Frank, Andrew J. approximately 1941-1980
Francis, Richard Lee approximately 1981-2020
Frank, Barton 1976-1988
Frazier, Robert approximately 1981-2020
Frazier, Thomas 1966-1991
Freeman, Kenneth D. approximately 1941-1980
Freehill, Maurice approximately 1941-1980
Frerichs, Ben 1977-2003
Friday, Chris approximately 1981-2020
Froderberg, Al approximately 1981-2020
Frost, Allen approximately 1981-2020
Frye, Richard 1978-1983
Fuchs, John approximately 1981-2020
Gaard, Greta approximately 1981-2020
Gadd, Charman J. approximately 1941-1980
Gallay, Alan approximately 1981-2020
Gallegos, Arnold M. 1977-2006
Gamlen, Sara J. approximately 1941-1980
Garber, Eugene K. approximately 1941-1980
Garcia, Alfredo R. approximately 1981-2020
Garcia, Joseph E. approximately 1981-2020
Garcia-Barragan, Guadalupe 1978-1981
Garfinkle, Steven approximately 1981-2020
Geddes, Gary approximately 1981-2020
Geisler, Marc approximately 1981-2020
Gelder, Harvey M. approximately 1941-1980
Ghali, Moheb approximately 1971-2020
Gilbert, Donn approximately 1941-1980
Gilliam, Jeffery approximately 1981-2020
Gilman, Roger approximately 1981-2020
Girouard, Samuel P., Jr. approximately 1981-2020
Glass, Jerome (Jerry) 1967-2015
Globerman, Steven approximately 1981-2020
Godwin, Marcia approximately 1981-2020
Goldman, Ivan approximately 1941-1980
Goldner, Richard 1978-2009
Goltz, Harold A. "Barney" 1959-2009
Goodrich, Glenn B. approximately 1941-1980
Goodrich, Lynda approximately 1981-2020
Gough, Barry approximately 1971-2020
Grabert, Garland 1971-1987
Granirer, Julian L. approximately 1981-2020
Grannis, Elizabeth A. approximately 1941-1980
Gray, Neil R. approximately 1941-1976
Green, Evelyn Axelson Larson approximately 1981-2020
Green, Sam 1973-2009
Greenberg, Judith A. approximately 1941-1980
Greenberg, Mark approximately 1981-2020
Greene, Myrtle I. (Andersen) 1939-2008
Greenstein, Susan approximately 1981-2020
Gregory, William 1969-2008
Griffin, Brian approximately 1981-2020
Grim, Paul R. approximately 1899-1940
Grimes, Michael A. approximately 1981-2020
Grimm, Jeffrey W. approximately 1981-2020
Gruman, Diana approximately 1981-2020
Guess, Carol approximately 1981-2020
Gutchow, Monica (4) 1958-1989
Guthrie, Dan approximately 1941-1980
Guthrie, Bruce approximately 1981-2020
Haensly, Patricia A. 1969-2001
Haeske, Carroll approximately 1981-2020
Haglund, Byron E. 1961-1964
Hall, Leslie approximately 1981-2020
Hallberg, Gerald N. approximately 1941-1980
Hammond, Joyce D. (3) 1980-2006
Hanner, Olof approximately 1941-1980
Hansen, Alta J. approximately 1941-1980
Hansen, Julie approximately 1981-2020
Hanson, Lawrence approximately 1941-1980
Hardie, Mark A. approximately 1981-2020
Hardy, John T. approximately 1981-2020
Harris, Bruce approximately 1941-1980
Harris, Howard J. 1973-1983
Harris, Lyle approximately 1981-2020
Harris, Martin J. approximately 1941-1980
Harwood, Charles W. approximately 1941-1980
Haselbauer, Kathleen approximately 1941-1980
Haskell, F. Murray "Red" approximately 1981-2020
Hashisaki, Joseph approximately 1941-1980
Haug, Peter approximately 1981-2020
Hay, Peter approximately 1941-1980
Hayes, Susanna approximately 1981-2020
Heald, Arthur approximately 1981-2020
Heald, Georgia approximately 1981-2020
Hearsey, Herbert R. 1935-2004
Heath, Wallace G. approximately 1941-1980
Hebal, John approximately 1941-1980
Hegeman, Gretchen approximately 1941-1980
Heiner, Harold approximately 1981-2020
Helgoen, Robert S. approximately 1941-1980
Henniger, Michael L. approximately 1981-2020
Herbold, Paul E. approximately 1941-2020
Herndon, Martha C. approximately 1941-1980
Hickerson, M. J. approximately 1980-2020
Hicks, Arthur 1927-2010
Hicks, Clarimonde 1953-2011
Higbee, Claude Max approximately 1941-1980
Higginson, Ella (2) 1902-1983
High, James approximately 1941-1980
Hildebrand, James 1968-2001
Hill, Claude approximately 1981-2020
Hill, Ford approximately 1981-2020
Hiller, Harley E. 1977-20013
Hiraoka, Jesse approximately 1981-2020
Hitchman, James H. 1970-2008
Hite, Herbert 1941-1980
Hitz, Charles Robert "Bob" approximately 1981-2020
Ho, Palmer approximately 1941-1980
Hodges, Hart approximately 1981-2020
Hoelscher, Karen approximately 1981-2020
Hoffman, Joan M. approximately 1981-2020
Hogan, Eugene 1977-2010
Hogle, Ada undated
Holz, Robert E. 1941-1980
Homann, Peter S. approximately 1981-2020
Hoover, Kenneth approximately 1981-2020
Hoppe, Victor H. approximately 1941-1980
Hossain, Kimberly Lynn approximately 1981-2020
Housen, Bernard A. approximately 1981-2020
Hovde, Annis J. approximately 1941-1980
Howe, Warren B. approximately 1981-2020
Howell, Kenneth W. approximately 1981-2020
Hu, Tah-Kai approximately 1941-1980
Huff, Robert (2) 1967-2006
Hughes, Steven E. approximately 1941-1980
Hunt, Leslie 1948-2009
Hunt, Thomas F. approximately 1941-1980
Hutton, Zite approximately 1981-2020
Hyatt, Keith J. approximately 1981-2020
Innis, Kenneth B. approximately 1941-1980
Israels, Chuck approximately 1981-2020
Jack, Dana C. 1975-2007
Jackson, Brad approximately 1981-2020
Jackson, Harlan approximately 1981-2020
Jamieson, Elaine (Matsushita) approximately 1981-2020
Janson, Carol approximately 1981-2020
Jarrett, James L. approximately 1941-1980
Jasnosz, Thomas A. approximately 1941-1980
Jimerson, Randall approximately 1981-2020
Johansen, Carl approximately 1941-1980
Johnson, H. Thomas approximately 1981-2020
Johnson, James L. approximately 1981-2020
Johnson, Larry E. approximately 1981-2020
Johnson, Nancy approximately 1981-2020
Johnson, Vernon Damani approximately 1981-2020
Johnson, Vivian approximately 1941-1980
Johnston, Thomas approximately 1941-1980
Jones, Elvet G. approximately 1941-1980
Jurinski, James J. approximately 1981-2020
Kahn, Dean approximately 1981-2020
Kangley, Lucy approximately 1941-1980
Kaplan, Edward 1979-2006
Karason, Halldor C. approximately 1941-1980
Kariel, Herbert G. approximately 1941-1980
Karlberg, Michael approximately 1981-2020
Kasprisin, Lorraine approximately 1981-2020
Kauffman, Robert 1968-1982
Keleman, Kenneth S. approximately 1981-2020
Keller, Robert approximately 1981-20204
Kelley, Patricia C. approximately 1981-2020
Kelley, Sara J. approximately 1941-1080
Kelly, Jeffery approximately 1981-2020
Kelly, Samuel P. approximately 1941-1980
Kelsey, Richard L. approximately 1941-1980
Kelsey, Ruth 1967-2000
Kendall, Ronald J. approximately 1981-2020
Kennedy, Kathleen approximately 1981-2020
Kenyon, Malcom 1977-1983
Kest, Evelyn approximately 1941-1980
Keyes, Donald C. 1941-1980
Kieburtz, Robert D. 1973-2004
Kienast, Jack approximately 1981-2020
Kienast, John R. approximately 1981-2020
Kim, Jong Wook approximately 1981-2020
Kim, Robert Hyung-chan approximately 1981-2020
Kimball, Joan approximately 1981-2020
King, Indle G. approximately 1981-2020
King, Mary (Haggen) approximately 1981-2020
King, Rosalie Rosso approximately 1981-2020
Kikuchi, Louise approximately 1981-2020
Kitto, Kathleen L. approximately 1981-2020
Kleiber, Thea approximately 1981-2020
Klein, Henry 1965-2013
Klein, Marv approximately 1981-2020
Kleinknecht, Roland approximately 1981-2020
Knapman, Fred approximately 1941-1980
Knight, Jon approximately 1941-1980
Knowles, Philip approximately 1941-1980
Knutzen, Kathleen approximately 1981-2020
Koenen, Michael approximately 1981-2020
Kong, Sophie Xiaofei approximately 1981-2020
Kontuly, Thomas approximately 1941-1980
Kotzer, Peter 1964-2004
Konvanen, Dori approximately 1981-2020
Krabbe, Marion approximately 1981-2020
Kraft, Gerald F. approximately 1941-1980
Krauss, Ellis S. 1977-2003
Krieg, John approximately 1981-2020
Krieger, Milton approximately 1981-2020
Krieger, Todd Richard approximately 1981-2020
Kriz, George approximately 1981-2020
Kuder, Merle S. approximately 1941-1980
Kuntz, Mark approximately 1981-2020
LaBelle, Maurice M. 1969-2003
LaBounty, Edwin 1950-1996
Lacher, Thomas E. approximately 1981-2020
Laffer, Walter B. approximately 1941-1980
Laffrado, Laura approximately 1981-2020
LaFreniere, Teresa approximately 1981-2020
Lahti, Arnold approximately 1941-1980
La Joy, Ronald approximately 1941-1980
Lamb, George S. 1967-2006
Lampman, Gary M. 1963-2003
Landis, Wayne G. approximately 1981-2020
Lappenbusch, Charles F. (3) 1939-1967
Larner, Daniel approximately 1978-2020
Larrabee, Edith approximately 1941-1980
Larsen, Donald E. approximately 1981-2020
Larson, Golden approximately 1941-1980
Larson, Gerald (Jerry) approximately 1981-2020
Lasine, Stuart approximately 1941-1980
Latta, Raymond approximately 1941-1980
Lavers, Cecil N. Jr. approximately 1941-1980
Lawyer, Robert 1966-1996
Lee, Lawrence L. approximately 1941-1980
Lee, Margie approximately 1981-2020
Lefstad, E. A. approximately 1981-2020
Lehre, Andre K. approximately 1941-1980
Leonard, Kevin Allen approximately 1981-2020
Leonhardt, Eric approximately 1981-2020
Leonetti, Kip approximately 1981-2020
LeWarne, Charles P. 1968-2012
Lewis, Judy (Hall) approximately 1981-2020
Lewis, Merrill (4) 1964-2004
Liao-Troth, Matthew approximately 1981-2020
Lighthart, Bruce approximately 1941-1980
Lindholm, Bryon W. approximately 1941-1980
Lindquist, Norman approximately 1981-2020
Linville, Kelli Kuljis approximately 1981-2020
Lippman, Lou approximately 1981-2020
Liszak, Jerry L. approximately 1981-2020
Lobue, Wayne N. approximately 1941-1980
Lockhart, Julie approximately 1981-2020
Loftus, Ronald approximately 1941-1980
Lois, Jennifer approximately 1981-2020
Lonner, Walter J. approximately 1941-1980
Looper, Ryan E. approximately 1981-2020
Lopresti, Robert approximately 1979-2020
Lord, John approximately 1941-2980
Lorenzen, Michael 1993-2011
Lortz, James approximately 1981-2020
Loucky, James approximately 1981-2020
Lounsberry, James R. approximately 1981-2020
Love, Edwin A. approximately 1981-2020
Luken, J.O. approximately 1981-2020
Lummis, Doug approximately 1941-1980
Lundeen, Kathleen approximately 1981-2020
Lyne, Bill approximately 1981-2020
MacDonald, Jeffrey L. approximately 1981-2020
MacGregor, John approximately 1941-1980
MacKay, William R. approximately 1941-1980
Madison, Paul approximately 1981-2020
Madsen, Leza (Elizabeth) approximately 1981-2020
Mahoney, E. R. 1986-1987
Maksymowicz, Alexander approximately 1941-1980
Malmstad, Beverly approximately 1941-1980
Malone, Violet approximately 1981-2020
Mancke, Elizabeth 1991-1994
Margaritis, Stephen 1963-2003
Markiewicz, April approximately 1981-2020
Marsh, David F. 1967-2016
Martin, LeeAnn Tyson approximately 1981-2020
Martin, James S. approximately 1941-1980
Martin, Jeanne approximately 1941-1980
Martin, Karl (Karl Eric) approximately 1981-2020
Martin, Paul S. 1963-1964
Marx, Robert D. approximately 1941-1980
Masland, Lynne 1976-2008
Mason, David approximately 1981-2020
Mason, Evelyn P. 1951-2011
Mather, Dan 1968-2001
Mathers-Schmidt, Barbara A. approximately 1981-2020
Matthews, Robin approximately 1981-2020
Mattson, John P. approximately 1941-1980
Mautino, Martha N. approximately 1981-2020
Mayer, Erwin S. 1961-2005
Mayo, Steve approximately 1981-2020
Mayor, Robin C. approximately 1941-1980
Mazur, D. Peter 1978-2001
McAree, James approximately 1941-1980
McCandless, Byron H. approximately 1941-1980
McClintick, Russell approximately 1981-2020
McCollum, Barbara (Welsh) approximately 1981-2020
McCracken, Robert A. approximately 1941-1980
McDonald, Clyde W. "Bill" approximately 1941-1980
McDonnell, Robert approximately 1941-1980
McFarland, James approximately 1941-1980
McGaw, Howard 1976-1997
McGrath, Claire C. approximately 1981-2020
McInnes, Ruby approximately 1941-1980
McInnis, Raymond G. approximately 1981-2020
McIntyre, Patrick 1976-2014
McKay, Floyd approximately 1981-2020
McKelvey, Troy V. approximately 1981-2020
McKinney, Gary approximately 1981-2020
McLaughlin, John approximately 1981-2020
McLeod, Don approximately 1981-2020
McLeod, Raymond approximately 1941-1980
McMullen, Peter approximately 1941-1980
McVicker, Laura approximately 1981-2020
Mead, Mary A. ("May") approximately 1941-1980
Meade, Robert D. approximately 1941-1980
Mees, Hayden approximately 1941-1980
Melioius, Jean O. approximately 1981-2020
Melone, Milton J. approximately 1941-1980
Mendes, Sebastian approximately 1981-2020
Merrifield, David E. approximately 1981-2020
Metzger, Mary Janell approximately 1981-2020
Meyer, Merle E. approximately 1941-1980
Michner, Robert R. approximately 1941-1980
Miles, John approximately 1981-2020
Miles, Scott approximately 1981-2020
Miles, William approximately 1941-1980
Milicic, Vladimir approximately 1981-2020
Miller, Brenda approximately 1981-2020
Miller, Elbert E. approximately 1941-1980
Miller, Gene W. 1968-2003
Miller, Gerson 1976-1983
Miller, Irving Elgar 1941-2002
Miller, Neal Elgar approximately 1981-2020
Mills, Perry approximately 1981-2020
Miran, Jonathan approximately 1981-2020
Miran, Marie approximately 1981-2020
Mischaikow, Michael K. 1965-2002
Mitchell, Howard E. 1967
Mitra, Shashanka approximately 1941-1980
Moffatt, Robert J. approximately 1981-2020
Monat, Jonathan S. approximately 1941-1980
Monohan, Robert approximately 1981-2020
Montgomery, Catherine (5) 1900-2014
Montgomery, Elizabeth Rider 1976-2010
Mooers, Stephanie approximately 1981-2020
Mookherjee, Debnath 1966-2006
Moon, Donald 1976-2014
Moon, Pattie Dawn approximately 1981-2020
Moore, Ann approximately 1981-2020
Moore, Elizabeth approximately 1941-1980
Moore, James E. 1977-1986
Moore, Tom (William Thomas) approximately 1981-2020
Mork, Theodore approximately 1981-2020
Morrison, Pam approximately 1981-2020
Morrow, Alice Mills approximately 1941-1980
Morse, Joseph Grant approximately 1966-2020
Morse, Karen W. 1967-2008
Mortimer, Lorraine "Lorrie" approximately 1981-2020
Moseley, Henrietta (Deaesener) approximately 1981-2020
Mottner, Sandra approximately 1981-2020
Mtshiya, Tawona 1994-1998
Mueller, Karl W. approximately 1981-2020
Mueller, Paul approximately 1981-2020
Muggerud, Ronald approximately 1941-1980
Mullen, Neill approximately 1981-2020
Muller, Wayne C. approximately 1941-1980
Muller-Parker, Gisele approximately 1981-2020
Mullin, Casey A. (3) approximately 1981-2020
Munro, Ralph 1965-2009
Murchu, Niall O. approximately 1981-2020
Murphy, Dennis approximately 1981-2020
Murphy, Heidi Grant approximately 1981-2020
Murphy, Sean Eisen approximately 1981-2020
Murray, Keith 1957-2000
Mustoe, George approximately 1981-2020
Muto, Paul approximately 1941-1980
Myers, O. Eugene approximately 1981-2020
Namie, Gary approximately 1981-2020
Napiecinski, Thomas H. approximately 1941-1980
Napoli, James J. approximately 1981-2020
Nash, George Williston approximately 1899-1940
Neem, Johann approximately 1981-2020
Nelsen, Ibsen 1969-2001
Nelson, David M. approximately 1981-2020
Nelson, George "Pinky" approximately 1981-2020
Newby, Idus A. 1963-2001
Newman, James R. approximately 1941-1980
Newman, John G. approximately 1981-2020
Newport, Mark approximately 1981-2020
Ngom, Fallou approximately 1981-2020
Niatum, Duane 1974-2014
Nielsen, Bo Bernhard 2000-2005
Nielsen, Carolyn approximately 1981-2020
Nord, Douglas approximately 1981-2020
Norman, Arlan approximately 1981-2020
Nugent, Frank A. 1966-2006
Oakley, Janet (Janet Lynn Osborn) approximately 1981-2020
O'Brien, James H. (2) 1956-2005
O'Brien, Patricia approximately 1981-2020
O'Charoen, Veekit approximately 1981-2020
O'Dell, Charles 1950-2003
Ofteness, Tore approximately 1981-2020
Okubo, James K. 1942-2019
Olscamp, Paul 1974-1983
Olson, Janis approximately 1981-2020
O'Neill, William "Bill" approximately 1941-1980
Osborn, Thomas approximately 1941-1980
Osen, Rick approximately 1981-2020
Oslapas, Arunus approximately 1981-2020
Ousselin, Edward approximately 1981-2020
Packer, Donna approximately 1981-2020
Pagh, Nancy approximately 1981-2020
Palmer, Harold 1974-2007
Paola, Suzanne approximately 1981-2020
Park, Tongku approximately 1981-2020
Parker, Diane C. approximately 1974-2020
Parris, Kristen Diane 1993
Partlow, Harold approximately 1981-2020
Partsch, Cornelius approximately 1981-2020
Patrick, David approximately 1981-2020
Patrick, Kathryn approximately 1981-2020
Patton, Robert T. approximately 1941-1980
Paulus, Ingeborg approximately 1941-1980
Payne, Dick S. approximately 1941-1980
Payton, Rodney Johns 1991-1994
Peach, Janis approximately 1941-1980
Pearce, Scott approximately 1981-2020
Peltier-Davis, Cheryl Ann approximately 1981-2020
Penland, Patrick R. 1961
Peters, Robert A. 1968-1996
Peterson, Gil 1976-1997
Peterson, Lois approximately 1941-1980
Peterson, Richard K. approximately 1941-1980
Petree, Jack 1979-2004
Pevear, David R. approximately 1941-1980
Pierce, George approximately 1981-2020
Pike, Dan approximately 1981-2020
Pilgrim, Tim approximately 1981-2020
Pinard, Gloria approximately 1981-2020
Piper, Paul approximately 1981-2020
Platt, Ruth approximately 1981-2020
Plympton, Hazel-Jean (4) approximately 1941-1980
Porter, Sam R. approximately 1941-1980
Prim, Merle approximately 1981-2020
Prince-Hughes, Dawn approximately 1981-2020
Purcell, Jennifer approximately 1981-2020
Punches, Gerald approximately 1981-2020
Purdue, Jeff approximately 1981-2020
Purdue, Seiko approximately 1981-2020
Purdy, John approximately 1981-2020
Purtill, Richard 1980-2009
Radke, August C. 1959-2012
Rahm, David approximately 1941-1980
Rahmes, Gayle approximately 1941-1980
Ramos, Miguel approximately 1981-2020
Ramsland, Dorothy 1956-2004
Rand, Jack approximately 1941-1980
Randall, Charles 1977-2009
Raney, Franklin C. 1958-2009
Rangel-Guerrero, Daniel approximately 1941-1980
Rapoza, Nicole B. approximately 1941-1980
Raudebaugh, Robert A. 1992-2001
Reay, John approximately 1981-2020
Reck, Martin approximately 1941-1980
Reese, Pearl 1931-1973
Reeves, Scott D. approximately 1941-1980
Regier, Bernard approximately 1941-1980
Remmel, Ethan approximately 1981-2020
Reynolds, Mary Ann approximately 1981-2020
Rhoades, Frederick M. approximately 1981-2020
Rhodes, Jim approximately 1941-1980
Rice, Charles M. 1944-1981
Rich, Douglas D. approximately 1941-1980
Rich, Kay approximately 1981-2020
Richard, Jerry approximately 1941-1980
Richard, Maria E. A. approximately 1941-1980
Richardson, Larry approximately 1981-2020
Richter, Wayne approximately 1981-2020
Riddle Buly, Marsha approximately 1981-2020
Riddles, Willard approximately 1941-1980
Riley, Paul D. approximately 1981-2020
Riordan, Catherine approximately 1981-2020
Risvold, Ann M. approximately 1981-2020
Ritter, Harry approximately 1981-2020
Ritter, Marian approximately 1981-2020
Robbins, Lynn 1974-2005
Roberts, James G. approximately 1941-1980
Robinson, Mary 1963-2008
Roe, Alfred L. approximately 1941-1980
Roehl, Thomas W. approximately 1981-2020
Roelofs, Matthew R. approximately 1981-2020
Romine, Ray 1977-2008
Rosenberg, Edwin approximately 1941-1980
Rosenfeld, Moshe approximately 1981-2020
Rosenthal, Barbara approximately 1941-1980
Ross, Charles A. 1957-2012
Ross, J. Alan 1954-2001
Ross, June R. P. 1962-2010
Ross, Robin approximately 1981-2020
Ross, Steven Charles approximately 1981-2020
Roulet, Patrick approximately 1981-2020
Rowe, Tanya Kerstiens approximately 1981-2020
Rubens, Courtney A. approximately 1981-2020
Runestrand, Art approximately 1981-2020
Russo, Salvatore (3) 1964-2006
Rutan, Gerald F. 1958-1997
Rutschman, Carla approximately 1981-2020
Ryan, Marjorie 1968-2004
Rybczyk, John M. approximately 1981-2020
Rygg, Paul approximately 1941-1980
Sackrison, True approximately 1941-1980
Sadler, Paul M. approximately 1941-1980
Salazar, Debra J. approximately 1981-2020
Salisbury, Frank Seely approximately 1899-1940
Salzer, Richard Ebert approximately 1941-1980
Salzman, Stephanie approximately 1981-2020
Sams, Ernie approximately 1981-2020
Sandeen, Rochelle approximately 1981-2020
Sanders, Walter J. approximately 1941-1980
Sanderson, D. F. approximately 1941-1980
Sandvig, J. Christopher approximately 1981-2020
Sapin, Julia Elizabeth approximately 1981-2020
Sargent, Frederick II approximately 1941-1980
Sattler, David approximately 1981-2020
Savage, Tom V. approximately 1941-1980
Savitch, Leonard approximately 1941-1980
Scandrett, Robert approximately 1981-1010
Schaub, David B. 1954-2009
Schermer, Elizabeth approximately 1981-2020
Scherrer, Wendy approximately 1981-2020
Schinske, Erhart A. approximately 1941-1980
Schlotterback, Tom 1967-2015
Schmierer, Kurt approximately 1981-2020
Schoenfeld, Elizabeth (Buff) approximately 1981-2020
Schoonover, Ruth Friend approximately 1981-2020
Schreiber, Sebastian J. approximately 1981-2020
Schroeder, John R. approximately 1941-1980
Schuler, Carl approximately 1941-1980
Schwalm, Ray A. 1956-2006
Schwartz, James approximately 1941-1980
Schwartz, Maurice L. approximately 1963-2020
Schwarz, Henry 1962-2007
Scott, C. A. approximately 1981-2020
Scott, James W. approximately 1981-2020
Scott, William 1976-1989
Scully, Jeremy approximately 1981-2020
Seal, Michael 1974-2004
Seeger, Hartley approximately 1981-2020
Segal, Judith approximately 1981-2020
Seigneuret, Jean-Charles approximately 1941-1980
Senger, Clyde 1974-2007
Serl, Vern approximately 1941-1980
Shaw, Robert 1968
Sheehan, Kathy approximately 1981-2020
Shen, Yui-Qiu approximately 1981-2020
Shepard, Cyndie approximately 1981-2020
Sheppard, Shelby approximately 1981-2020
Shertzer, William R. approximately 1941-1980
Shull, David approximately 1981-2020
Siegrist, Michael approximately 1981-2020
Sigler, Bryon E. approximately 1941-1980
Silberger, D. M. approximately 1941-1980
Simpson, Carl approximately 1981-2020
Singh-Cundy, Anu approximately 1981-2020
Singleton, Sara approximately 1981-2020
Skalbeck, John D. approximately 1981-2020
Skeen, Bearnice 1953-2004
Skinner, Jocelyn A. approximately 1941-1980
Skinner, Knute 1975-2011
Smeins, Linda approximately 1981-2020
Smiley, Sandra S. approximately 1941-1980
Smith, Alden approximately 1981-2020
Smith, Bradley approximately 1981-2020
Smith, Dick approximately 1941-1980
Smith, Gary C. approximately 1941-1980
Smith, Jack 1976-2001
Smith, Pamela Joan approximately 1941-1980
Smith, Peter A. approximately 1981-2020
Smith, Richard G. approximately 1941-1980
Smith, Rob approximately 1981-2020
Smith, Ruby J. approximately 1981-2020
Smith-Scott, Janet approximately 1941-1980
Sodt, Julene approximately 1981-2020
Solomon, Arthur 1976-1983
Southcott, Marvin approximately 1981-2020
Spangler, Val D. approximately 1941-1980
Spaulding, Philip Taft approximately 1941-1980
Spratlen, Thaddeus H. 1968-2016
St. Hilaire, Joseph approximately 1981-2020
Stamey, Sara approximately 1981-2020
Standifird, Stephen approximately 1981-2020
Stanley, Judy approximately 1981-2020
Stannard, R. E. (Ted) Jr. approximately 1941-1980
Stapanian, Martin A. approximately 1981-2020
Stark, Richard ("Dick") approximately 1981-2020
Steele, Brian C. approximately 1981-2020
Stephan, Edward 1976-2008
Stephens Kernan, Kathleen J. 1976-1984
Stephens, Kirk A. approximately 1981-2020
Stern, Mark approximately 1941-1980
Stevenson, Joan C. approximately 1981-2020
Stewart, James E. approximately 1981-2020
Stewart, Mart approximately 1981-2020
Stodden, Susanna approximately 1981-2020
Stoner, Paul approximately 1941-1980
Storner, Paul approximately 1981-2020
Stout, Karen approximately 1981-2020
Straughan, James H. approximately 1941-1980
Stricherz, Guy approximately 1981-2020
Strom, Suzanne approximately 1981-2020
Sulkin, Stephen D. (4) 1973-2012
Sullivan, Michael approximately 1981-2020
Sundquist, Leona M. 1922-1996
Suttles, Wayne 1962-1963
Swan, Steve approximately 1981-2020
Swartz, James Alan approximately 1941-1980
Sweeney, Michael approximately 1941-1980
Swift, Larry approximately 1941-1980
Swineford, Ada approximately 1941-1980
Sylvester, Barbara approximately 1981-2020
Sylvester, Charles approximately 1981-2020
Sylvester, Robert approximately 1981-2020
Symes, Ken approximately 1981-2020
Tabasz, Tom Frank approximately 1941-1980
Tabor, Langston approximately 1941-1980
Tag, Sylvia approximately 1981-2020
Taft, Kathleen M. approximately 1981-2020
Takemoto, Toru approximately 1941-1980
Talbot, James 1976-2003
Taylor, Christopher "Kit" approximately 1981-2020
Taylor, K. L. approximately 1981-2020
Taylor, Larry A. approximately 1981-2020
Taylor, Ronald J. approximately 1941-1980
Taylor, Saundra approximately 1981-1010
Teachman, Jay approximately 1981-2020
Tedrow, Lucky 1979-1996
Terey-Smith, Mary approximately 1981-2020
Terich, Thomas A. 1977
Teshera, Robert 1964-2003
Thistle, June Fraser approximately 1981-2020
Thiry, Paul approximately 1981-2020
Thomas, David L. approximately 1941-1980
Thomas, Edward B. approximately 1941-1980
Thomas, Leslie J. approximately 1941-1980
Thompson, Nell approximately 1941-1980
Thompson, Ralph H. approximately 1941-1980
Thorndike, Robert approximately 1980-2020
Thrush, Coll-Peter approximately 1981-2020
Tiger, Lionel 1966-2003
Tomaras, William A. 1967-2003
Tomasi, Massimiliano approximately 1981-2020
Tonjes, Marian J. approximately 1941-1980
Trimble, Joseph approximately 1975-2020
Trebon, Theresa approximately 1981-2020
Tucker, Martin approximately 1941-1980
Trueblood, Kate approximately 1981-2020
Tveten, R. K. approximately 1981-2020
Tweddell, Colin approximately 1941-1980
Tyran, Craig approximately 1981-2020
Unger, Douglas A. approximately 1981-2020
Urso, Robert approximately 1941-1980
Utter, Kathryn L. approximately 1981-2020
Vadja, Edward J. approximately 1981-2020
Valum - Johnson, Anne approximately 1981-2020
Van Alstyne, Kathryn approximately 1981-2020
Van Aver, Albert approximately 1941-1980
Van Boer, Bertil approximately 1981-2020
Van Deusen, Nancy E. approximately 1981-2020
Van Wingerden , Stewart 1978-2008
VanderStaay, Steven approximately 1981-2020
Vernacchia, Ralph approximately 1975-2020
Vernon, Manfred approximately 1941-1980
Vike, Gene E. 1967-1996
Vohs, Rosemary approximately 1981-2020
Vyvyan, James R. approximately 1981-2020
Wachbrit, Robert F. approximately 1981-2020
Wahl, Terence R. 1979-2003
Walker, Wendy approximately 1981-2020
Wallace, David approximately 1981-2020
Wallin, David O. approximately 1981-2020
Walter, Ada 1978-2005
Walter, Don C. 1967-2000
Warner, Daniel M. approximately 1981-2020
Warnock, Andrew C. approximately 1981-2020
Wasson, Wilfred approximately 1941-1980
Waterman, Charles "Fred" approximately 1981-2020
Watrous, Mary 1961-1982
Watson, Betty Anderson approximately 1981-2020
Weaver, Heather approximately 1981-2020
Wegner, Walter F. approximately 1941-1980
Webber, Bert approximately 1981-2020
Weiner, Homer 1967-1998
Weiner, Bernard approximately 1941-1980
Wellman, Evelyn Hinds 1975-2009
Wells, Margot Casanova approximately 1981-2020
Wender, Andrew M. approximately 1981-2020
Wender, Regina approximately 1981-2020
Werder, Carmen M. approximately 1981-2020
Western, Leone Noble approximately 1941-1980
Wetzel, S. A. approximately 1981-2020
Weythman, Ruth 1944-2010
Whisenhunt, Donald approximately 1981-2020
White, Ted approximately 1981-2020
Whitcomb, Robert approximately 1941-1980
Whittenberger-Keith, Kari undated
Wilder, Howard approximately 1981-2020
Wilhelm, Wendy approximately 1981-2020
Wilkins, J. W. approximately 1941-1980
Wilkinson, Colleen J. approximately 1941-1980
Williams, Don C. approximately 1981-2020
Williams, Ronald approximately 1941-1980
Willson, Margaret approximately 1981-2020
Wilner, Jeffrey approximately 1941-1980
Wilson, Mabel Zoe 1881-2007
Wilson, Stanley "Duff" approximately 1981-2020
Wise, Christopher approximately 1981-2020
Wiseland, Milton approximately 1941-1980
Wiseman, Don W. approximately 1941-1980
Wiseman, Evelyn approximately 1941-1980
Witter, George approximately 1941-1980
Wixsom, Margo approximately 1981-2020
Wolpow, Ray approximately 1981-2020
Wolter, B.H.K. approximately 1981-2020
Woodring, Paul 1957-1994
Wright, Bill approximately 1981-2020
Wright, Dana approximately 1981-2020
Wright, Sabrena approximately 1981-2020
Wright, Virginia approximately 1981-2020
Wuest, John J. 1976-2000
Wynn, Tim approximately 1981-2020
Xing, Janet Zhiqun approximately 1981-2020
Yu, Ming-Ho approximately 1981-2020
Yusa, Michiko 1994-2005
Zaferatos, Nicholas approximately 1981-2020
Zeine, Lina approximately 1981-2020
Ziegler, David approximately 1981-2020
Zuidmeer, Patricia approximately 1981-2020
Zurline, Moose and Vi approximately 1981-2020

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Universities and colleges -- Washington (State) -- Bellingham -- Faculty -- Records and correspondence.
  • Universities and colleges -- Washington (State) -- Bellingham -- Professional staff -- Records and correspondence.

Corporate Names

  • Western Washington University -- Faculty -- Records and correspondence.

Form or Genre Terms

  • Ephemera.
  • Records (Documents)