Otis B. Wight Base Hospital 46 glass plate negative collection, 1918-1919

Overview of the Collection

Wight, Otis B., 1877-1955; Wight, Otis B., 1877-1955
Otis B. Wight Base Hospital 46 glass plate negative collection
1918-1919 (inclusive)
0.5 linear feet, (1 box, 28 negatives )
Collection Number
The collection consists of two sets of glass plate silver bromide negatives. The images were taken by Otis B. Wight, M.D., and are of Base Hospital 46 and staff stationed in Bazoilles-sur-Meuse, France during World War I. During the war, Wight served as Captain as well as the Chief of Medical Service at the base hospital. In addition to military service, Wight practiced as a physician and surgeon in Portland, Oregon for many years.
Oregon Health & Science University, Historical Collections & Archives
OHSU Historical Collections & Archives
Oregon Health & Science University
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd. MC:LIB
Portland, OR
Telephone: 5034945587
Access Restrictions

There are no restrictions on access. This collection is open to the public.


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Otis B. Wight, M.D., was born on May 28, 1877, in Cleveland, Ohio. He received a B.A. from Stanford University in 1898 and graduated from Johns Hopkins Medical School in 1902. Otis married Clara L. Martin in 1904 and raised 2 daughters, Mary Louis and Jean and 1 son, Otis.

Wight was commissioned as Captain during WWI on December 2, 1917. His first assignment in 1918 was to mobilize enlisted men to staff Base Hospital 46. Base Hospital 46 was the University of Oregon Medical School's organized contingent of the volunteer medical personnel. He went first to Camp Lewis, Washington where he was promoted to Major. He also accepted a commission as Chief of Medical Service at the Base Hospital. In January of that same year, Wight became Adjutant and Registrar.

Wight served over 40 years as a Portland physician, surgeon, and civic leader. He also specialized in the treatment of cancer using raidum. In 1955, at the age of 77, Dr. Wight died from a stroke. From the time that he suffered his first stroke until his death in 1955, he resided in Good Samaritan Hospital, becoming, at that time, the hospital's longest-term patient.

Medical Practice:

Private practice – Portland, Oregon

Medical director – Old Oregon Mutual Life Insurance Company (Standard Insurance Company)

Commissioned Captain, Medical Corps – WWI


Board of Trustees – Portland Art Museum

Arlington Club

Waverly Country Club

Oregon State Medical Society

American College of Surgeons

Theta Xi social fraternity

Freemasons – Willamette Lodge AF & AM


On Active Service with Base Hospital 46 U.S.A.: Mar. 20, 1918 to May 25, 1919, ed. Otis B. Wight, Major, M.C., Donald Macomber, Captain, M.C., Arthur S. Rosenfeld, First Lieutenant, M. C. Arcady Press: Portland, Oregon, 1920.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The collection consists of two sets of glass plate silver bromide negatives, totaling 28 negatives. The images are of Base Hospital 46 and staff. The photographs were taken in Bazoil-les-sur-Meuse, France during World War I and were predominately used for publication. The negatives arrived housed in their original printed cardboard boxes which measure 13 cm x 18 cm. The boxes identify the plate manufacturer as J. Jougla of Lumiere & Jougla. The photographic method is identified as "plaques a mode bromure d'argent", or silver bromide plates. One plate is broken, and the solution on many are cracking and flaking around the edges.

The plates are not labeled, but were identified in the publication:

On Active Service with Base Hospital 46 U.S.A.: Mar. 20, 1918 to May 25, 1919, ed. Wight, Otis B., Major, M.C.; Donald Macomber, Captain, M.C.; Arthur S. Rosenfeld, First lieutenant, M.C. Arcady Press: Portland, Oregon, 1920.

Page numbers listed correspond with pages of the publication where these images were printed.

The publication was previously held by the PNW Archives.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

[Collection title], Collection Number [####-###], Oregon Health & Science University, Historical Collections & Archives.

Restrictions on Use

OHSU Historical Collections & Archives (HC&A) is the owner of the original materials and digitized images in our collections, however, the collection may contain materials for which copyright is not held. Patrons are responsible for determining the appropriate use or reuse of materials. Consult with HC&A to determine if we can provide permission for use.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

The glass plate negatives were transferred from the PNW Archives and accessioned into the Historical Collections & Archives in 2006.

Related Materials


On Active Service with Base Hospital 46 U.S.A.: Mar. 20, 1918 to May 25, 1919, ed. Wight, Otis B., Major, M.C., Donald Macomber, Captain, M. C., Arthur S. Rosenfeld, First lieutenant, M. C.. Arcady Press: Portland, Oregon, 1920.

The Ninety-First: The First at Camp Lewis, by Henderson Alice Palmer. Tacoma, Washington: John C. Barr, c1918

Notes on Medical Preparedness in Portland, Oregon, by Fenton, Ralph Albert, 1934

Other Archival Collections:

Herbert Merton Greene Papers, Accession Number 2006-005

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Description Dates
Unidentified women in aprons
Unidentified mess detachment
Tent staff - pg. 146
Medical Wards - pg. 110
Unidentified mess detachment
Unidentified four officers
Registrar's Office personnel - pg. 87
Boche prisoners in gravel pit - pg. 175
Unidentified 6 officers
Orchestra - pg. 164
Medical Supply Department personnel - pg. 126
Hospital street - pg. 64
Administration Building - pg. 84
Mess detachment - pg. 120
Chapel - 137
Nurses' Ward - pg. 154
Officer's Base Hospital - pg. 10
Sitting patients - pg. 91
Hospital street - pg. 64
Nurses' club - pg. 151
Hospital street - pg. 89
Detachment Base Hospital 46's enlisted personnel - pg. 28
Lieutenant Colonel Robert C. Yenny - pg. 6
Nursing personnel - pg. 22 1919/1
Detachment Base Hospital 46's enlisted personnel - pg. 27
Convalescent tents with valley in the background - pg. 146
Administration Building - pg. 84
Christmas in hospital ward - pg. 139