Muriel Lezak papers, 1943-2019

Overview of the Collection

Muriel Lezak papers
1943-2019 (inclusive)
9.125 linear feet
Collection Number
Dr. Muriel Lezak was born Muriel Elaine Deutsch in Chicago, Illinois in 1927. She received her masters degree in human development from the University of Chicago in 1949, and her doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Portland in 1960. She began working at the Portland Veterans Administration Hospital in 1966. In 1976, she published Neuropsychological Assessment, which quicky became a critical text in the field of neuropsychology. The Muriel Lezak papers span the years 1943 to 2018, and consist of drafts of publications, lecture notes, correspondence, research data, neurological assessment tools, records of Dr. Lezak's professional service, case files, photographs, negatives, and ephemera. The collection documents Dr. Lezak's work concerning brain damage, including the emotional and social impact on the patient, impacts on the family, experiences of brain damage in conjunction with other health conditions, brain damage associated with sports, and patient rehabilitation. The collection may also be of use to those interested in the field of forensic neuropsychology, as it includes records of Dr. Lezak's work as an expert witness in legal cases.
Oregon Health & Science University, Historical Collections & Archives
OHSU Historical Collections & Archives
Oregon Health & Science University
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd. MC:LIB
Portland, OR
Telephone: 5034945587
English, French, Chinese, Japanese

Historical NoteReturn to Top

Dr. Muriel Lezak was born Muriel Elaine Deutsch in Chicago, Illinois in 1927. She grew up in the Ingleside neighborhood and attended the University of Chicago, where she graduated with a Master of Arts in Human Development in 1949. After graduating, she married Sidney Lezak and the two moved west to Portland. Dr. Lezak began working as a clinical psychologist at the Child Guidance Clinic (now Morrison Child & Family Services) and at Portland State College (now Portland State University). She also taught at Portland State College and the University of Portland, where she later received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology in 1960.

In 1966, Dr. Lezak began working as a psychologist at the Portland Veterans Administration Hospital, where she treated neurology, neurosurgery, and rehabilitation patients. She had been curious about the possible relationship between the brain and behavior in graduate school, and that curiosity only grew as she treated soldiers with brain injuries. She dedicated herself to learning as much as she could about the brain during her rounds.

She was also troubled by the standard practice in neuropsychology at the time, in which patients were only assessed on the basis of a single standard test battery (the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery), which was typically administered by a technician. She felt that the process should be made more individualized, patient-oriented, and humanistic. In the late 1970s, Dr. Lezak formed a support group for the wives of soldiers with traumatic brain injuries, and credited listening to patients' families for her understanding of how various brain injuries can impact behavior.

Through her work with psychology interns, she discovered that there was no text available that could serve as a guide to practitioners as they conducted neuropsychological exams. In 1976, she published Neuropsychological Assessment. The book quicky became a critical text in the field of neuropsychology and changed the way that neuropsychological assessment is conducted. It has been published in multiple languages and updated with five editions, most recently in 2012.

In addition to her clinical and teaching duties, Dr. Lezak served as an expert witness in legal cases, beginning in the early 1960s. She spoke to the influence brain damage can have on a person's behavior in criminal cases. In worker's compensation claims, she attested to the relative ability of injured workers to perform on the job.

In 1985, Dr. Lezak left the VA Hospital and joined the neurology department at Oregon Health & Science University. She also taught courses in neurosurgery and psychiatry, and she retired from OHSU as professor emerita in 2005. Dr. Lezak passed away in October of 2021.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The Muriel Lezak papers span the years 1943 to 2019, and consist of drafts of publications, lecture notes, correspondence, research data, neurological assessment tools, records of Dr. Lezak's professional service, case files, photographs, negatives, and ephemera. The collection documents Dr. Lezak's work concerning brain damage, including the emotional and social impact on the patient, impacts on the family, experiences of brain damage in conjunction with other health conditions, brain damage associated with sports, and patient rehabilitation. The collection may also be of use to those interested in the field of forensic neuropsychology, as it includes records of Dr. Lezak's work as an expert witness in legal cases. Finally, researchers interested in Dr. Lezak herself will find ample evidence of her dedication to maintaining a work-life balance, including extensive travel with her husband, Sidney.

The "Publications" series is arranged alphabetically and spans the years 1964 to 2019. It includes drafts of publications, proofs, abstracts, lecture notes and slides, professional correspondence, and limited research data. The "Assessment tools" series is arranged alphabetically and spans the years 1943 to 2009. It contains neuropsychological assessment tools used by Dr. Lezak, including copies of frequently used materials, such as flash cards and testing sheets. The "Professional" series is arranged alphabetically and spans the years 1945 to 2018. It includes certificates, awards, school records, materials from Dr. Lezak's time on the Committee on Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (of the Institute of Medicine, now the National Academy of Medicine), and records of several court cases in which Dr. Lezak worked to defend her professional reputation. The "Case files" series is arranged alphabetically and spans the years 1961 to 2017. It contains materials created during Dr. Lezak's work as an expert witness, including handwritten notes, a recorded deposition depicting Dr. Lezak's testimony, and patient assessment materials, including detailed reports of Dr. Lezak's findings. Given the nature of these records, this entire series has restricted access and use. The "Travel" series is arranged chronologically and spans the years 1952 to 2006. It depicts Dr. Lezak's extensive world travels, often to teach or consult. It includes photographs, negatives, correspondence, notes, and ephemera.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Alternative Forms Available

Some records from this collection have been digitized and are available in the OHSU Digital Collections.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The collection is arranged into five series: 1. Publications, professional correspondence, and research, 2. Assessment tools, 3. Professional service and recognition, 4. Case files [restricted], and 5. Travel.

Processing Note

During processing, some materials were deaccessioned. Materials were removed from the case files series due to presence of personal health information, and the bulk the material represented. The information in this material is largely preserved in Dr. Lezak's neuropsychological reports. Other materials removed include a large amount of ephemera from Dr. Lezak's travels which were out of collection scope, and assessment tools which were added to the library catalog.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

I. Publications, professional correspondence, and research, 1964-2019Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1
"A Triad of Issues in Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation--Past and Present," presentation for Northwest Brain Injury conference
2013 March
1 2
"An evening with Muriel Lezak," follow-up letter and compact disc
2003 November 17
1 3
Articles on brain injury in soccer players and boxers
1 4
Artificial intelligence, lecture notes, readings, and handwritten notes
1 5
"Assessing cognitive function in patients with Epilepsy," draft for "Bermuda workshop"
1 6
"Assessment of cognitive impairment in adults," in Advances in Rehabilitation
1 7
"Assessment of Mild, Moderate, and Severe Head Injury," abstract
1 8
"Assessment of Mild, Moderate, and Severe Head Injury," in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
1 9
"Assessment for Rehabilitation Planning," in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
1 10
"Beyond Wechsler" for experienced psychological examiners, abstract and outline
1 11
"Brain Damage is a Family Affair," article and review
1 12
"Cerebral Dysfunction in the Munchausen Syndrome," in the Journal of Hillside Psychiatry, volume 9 number 2
1 13
"Concussion notes," including lists of relevant articles and lecture notes
circa 2016
1 14
"Concussion, teens," lecture and related pamphlet
2014 February 14
1 15
"Conferences 1987-1988," including correspondence, invitations, and abstracts
1 16
"Conferences 1989-1990," including correspondence and abstracts
1 17
"Conferences 1991-1992," including correspondence, invitations, abstracts, and photographs
1 18
"Conferences 1993-1994," including correspondence, invitations, and abstracts
1 19
"Conferences 1997-1998," including correspondence and abstracts
1 20
Conferences, including correspondence and abstracts
1 21
Correspondence and photographs with Doctor Anne-Lise Christensen from University of Copenhagen
1979 August 15-1993 January 1
1 22
Correspondence, obituary, for Doctor Nelson Butters from University of California San Diego
1995 July 31-1995 November 28
2 1
Correspondence with Chinese physicians, before and after 1986 trip to Chengdu
2 2
Correspondence with Doctor A.R. Luria from the University of Moscow
1976 October 4-1976 November 16
2 3
Correspondence with Doctor Aaron Smith from the University of Michigan
1975 May 21-1998 July 10
2 4
Correspondence with Doctor Arthur L. Benson, professor of Neurology at the University Iowa
2 5
Correspondence with Doctor Jean Piaget from University of Geneva, including Lezak article with markups
1968 March 11
2 6
Correspondence with Doctor Ralph M. Reitan
2 7
Correspondence with Doctors Taylor, Lees-Haley, and Levy, including feedback on Neuropsychological Asssessment
1978 November 19-1997 August 1
2 8
Correspondence with Donovan Vliet
2018 September 17-2018 October 1
2 9
"Criteria for Progressive Modification of Neurobehavioral Batteries"
2 10
"Differential Deficit Patterns," articles on Multiple Sclerosis and cognitive deficit
1989 February-2000 December
2 11
"Differential Effects of Physical Illness on MMPI Profiles"
1969 May 2
2 12
"Domains of Behavior from a Neuropsychological Perspective," in Integrative Views of Motivation, Cognition, and Emotion
2 13
Drafts of publications, lectures, reviews, and proposals; includes eulogy for Doctor Arthur Benton
2 14
"Emotional Impact of Cognitive Inefficiences in Mild Head Trauma," abstract
2 15
"Families Need Care Too," lecture slides
2021-009 2022.04.14
"Familes Need Care," lecture slides
2 16
"Family Perceptions and Family Reactions: Reconsidering 'Denial,'" masterproof
2 17
Floyd Skloot correspondence and selected chapters from In the Shadow of Memory
2001 October 26-2011 May 6
2 18
French language article, "Evaluation des fonctions executives Lors des Atteintes des Lobes Frontaux"
2 19
French language article, "L'examen Neuropsychologique de Patients Stresses"
circa 2004
2 20
French language article, "Rey en Les Pays Anglophones"
14 1
"Head TR and SCL-90," including research data, poster session materials, and article, "Emotional Impact of Cognitive Inefficiencies in mild head trauma"
1990 September-1991 February
3 1
"IQ R.I.P.," including lecture, data, article, and response to criticism [restricted]
3 2
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, volume 10 number 3, "Eleventh European Conference," Lezak editor
1988 June
3 3
Lecture and article on families and denial, including notes and images
circa 1992
3 4
Lecture, "APA 2000: Responsive Assessment"
3 5
Lecture, "Assessment for Patients Under Stress"
3 6
Lecture, "Head Trauma in the Family," with handwritten notes in French
3 7
Lecture, "Malingering--How Many Ways"
circa 2008
3 8
Lecture, "Memory Complaints That Are Not Memory Problems"
circa 2000
3 9
Lecture, "Mild TBI: Nature and Assessment"
circa 2004
3 10
Lecture, "mTBI For Lawyers"
3 11
Lecture, "Neuropsychological Aspects of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury"
3 12
Lecture, "Neuropsychological Assessment for TBI Rehabilitation"
circa 2002
3 13
Lecture, "Neuropsychological Issues in Aging"
2019 February 7
3 14
Lecture, "Norms without Numbers"
3 15
Lecture, "TBI is a Family Affair"
2018 May 2
3 16
Lecture, "Thinking Through the Neuropsychological Assessment-2"
2016 May 8
3 17
Lecture, "Relevance of Family in TBI Litigation"
2017 March 29
3 18
Lecture, "Rorschach" [restricted]
3 19
"Living with the Characterologically Altered Brain Injured Patient"
3 20
"Longitudinal Study of Emotional, Social, and Physical Changes After Traumatic Brain Injury," in Journal of Learning Disabilities, volume 21 number 8
1988 October
3 21
Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory, including manual and lecture notes
4 1
"Movement Disturbances Following Frontal Lobe Lesions"
4 2
"Nature, Applications, and Limitations of Neuropsychological Assessment," printed in English in Japanese journal
4 3
Neuropsychological Assessment covers
4 4
Neuropsychological Assessment, fifth edition, chapter proofs with notes, 1 of 3
4 5
Neuropsychological Assessment, fifth edition, chapter proofs with notes, 2 of 3
4 6
Neuropsychological Assessment, fifth edition, chapter proofs with notes, 3 of 3
4 7
Neuropsychological Assessment, fifth edition, first draft from publisher, with notes, 1 of 6
5 1
Neuropsychological Assessment, fifth edition, first draft from publisher, with notes, 2 of 6
5 2
Neuropsychological Assessment, fifth edition, first draft from publisher, with notes, 3 of 6
5 3
Neuropsychological Assessment, fifth edition, first draft from publisher, with notes, 4 of 6
5 4
Neuropsychological Assessment, fifth edition, first draft from publisher, with notes, 5 of 6
5 5
Neuropsychological Assessment, fifth edition, first draft from publisher, with notes, 6 of 6
2021-009 2022.04.14
Neuropsychological Assessment, fifth edition, proofs and color inserts
2011 September 30
6 1
Neuropsychological Assessment, fifth edition, references, with notes
6 2
Neuropsychological Assessment, fifth edition, including review assignments and notes, 1 of 4
6 3
Neuropsychological Assessment, fifth edition, with notes, 2 of 4
6 4
Neuropsychological Assessment, fifth edition, with notes, 3 of 4
7 1
Neuropsychological Assessment, fifth edition, with notes, 4 of 4
7 2
Neurological Assessment glossies, 1 of 2
7 3
Neurological Assessment glossies, 2 of 2
7 4
"Neuropsychological Assessment in Behavioral Toxicology," in Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment, & Health, volume 10
7 5
"Neuropsychological Assessment," in Handbook of Clinical Neurology
7 6
"Neuropsychological Assessment," in unidentified volume
7 7
Neuropsychological Assessment Japanese edition correspondence
1986 July-1986 August
7 8
Neuropsychological Assessment, reviews
7 9
Neuropsychological Assessment, slides and prints
7 10
"Neuropsychological Deficit Patterns Associated with Exposure to Airborne Toxic Substances," poster presentation proposal
7 11
"Other books," including contributor agreements
7 12
7 13
"Patient samples" [restricted]
8 1
8 2
"Principles of Neuropsychological Assessment," in Psychologica 34
8 3
Program, "How to be a Brain Damage Detective, Part 2," in Houston, Texas
2004 October 16
8 4
"Psychological Implications of Traumatic Brain Damage for the Patient's Family"
8 5
"R hemisphere originals and prints" [restricted]
8 6
"Recovery of Memory and Learning Functions Following Traumatic Brain Injury"
8 7
"Refining a Measure of Brain Injury Sequelae to Predict Postacute Rehabilitation Outcome: Rating Scale Analysis of the MPAI"
8 8
"Relationships Between Personality Disorders, Social Disturbances, and Physical Disability Following Traumatic Brain Injury"
8 9
"Responsive Assessment and the Freedom to Think for Ourselves," and invitation to submit to journal
2000 August 15-2001 July 31
8 10
"Sampling Problems and Nonparametric Solutions in Clinical Neuropsychological Research"
14 2
"SCL-90 data," Multiple Sclerosis and traumatic brain injury [restricted]
8 11
"Separating Memory from Other Cognitive Problems," in Handbook of Memory Disorders
8 12
"Soccer," including copies of published articles, responses to articles, and correspondence with editors and co-authors
1999 September-2000 March
8 13
"Soccer," including lectures notes and newspaper clippings
8 14
"Some Psychological Limitations on Witness Reliability," in Wayne Law Review, volume 20 number 1
1973 November
8 15
"Subtle Sequelae of Brain Damage"
8 16
"The 'Brain Injured' Child in a Clinic Population: A Statistical Description," in Exceptional Children
1964 February
8 17
"The Knock Outs," article on brain injury in football players, quoting Lezak
8 18
"The Mental Efficiency of the Elderly Person with Type II Diabetes"
8 19
"The Nature of the Head Injury," in Traumatic Brain Injury and Vocational Rehabilitation
8 20
"The Problem of Assessing Executive Functions," and "Newer contributions…"
8 21
"The Walking Wounded of Head Injury: When Subtle Deficits can be Disabling," in Trends in Rehabilitation volume 3 number 3
8 22
Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, prepublication copies, Institute of Medicine
9 1
Various abstracts and outlines, covering patients under stress, pain patients, diffuse brain damage, and the mildly injured

II. Assessment tools, 1943-2009Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
9 2
"Attention span," including sentence repetition test, multilingual aphasia examination, and digit sequence learning test
9 3
"Attention speed"
9 4
9 5
Chinese language tests, including Halstead-Reitan Battery, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, and other forms
9 6
The Clinical Neuropsychologist, volume 6, "Mayo's Older American Normative Studies," Lezak editor
1992 June
9 7
"Construction/vision memory"
9 8
"Emotional status"
9 9
9 10
"Executive function, judgment"
9 11
Hong Kong Neuropsychological Association, Materials from the Working Group in Child Neuropsychology, including diagnostic tools
9 12
"Inattention, visuospatial"
9 13
Intellectual Performance Chart
9 14
"Math: arithmetic, calculus"
9 15
"Memory and language, verbal"
9 16
"Memory," including Wechsler Memory Scale manual
9 17
"Memory, working"
9 18
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, test booklets for editions 1 and 2, and relevant articles
9 19
Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status, record form "A"
9 20
"Stimulus cards"
9 21
"Verbal function" [restricted]
9 22

III. Professional service and recognition, 1945-2018Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
10 1
American Board of Professional Psychology, certification as a diplomate in clinical neuropsychology
1984 August 27
10 2
American Board of Professional Psychology, records and recognition
10 3
Correspondence and court transcript concerning the falsification of Lezak's professional opinion
14 3
Correspondence and newspaper clippings concerning plagiarism case brought by Lezak
10 4
Court transcript, testimony concerning Lezak's expert authority
10 5
Institute of Medicine, Committee on Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, invitation and acceptance
10 6
Institute of Medicine, Committee on Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, meeting materials
10 7
Institute of Medicine, Traumatic Brain Injury Committee, reviews and evaluations
10 8
International Neuropsychology Society, acceptance letter and photograph
circa 1974, 2017
10 9
Invitation and guestbook to International Neuropsychological Society meeting honoring Muriel Lezak
2007 February 8
10 10
Oregon Health & Science University, certificate of Emeritus
10 11
Oregon Health & Science University, recommendations to the Rank and Tenure Committee on behalf of Doctor Lezak
10 12
State of Oregon Board of Psychological Examiners license
1974 January 1
10 13
University of Chicago, Professional Achievement Alumni Award, ceremony materials and award letter
10 14
University of Chicago, student records
1945 July 9-1949 June 17

IV. Case files [restricted], 1961-2017Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
10 15
Handwritten notes and bibliography concerning murder cases and brain injury [restricted]
10 16
Intellectual Performance Charts, various patients [restricted]
10 17
"Murder notes," including mushroom intoxication research [restricted]
Patient case files, including neuropsychological reports and Intellectual Performance Charts, 1 of 3 [restricted]
circa 1961-2013
Patient case files, including neuropsychological reports and Intellectual Performance Charts, 2 of 3 [restricted]
circa 1961-2013
Patient case files, including neuropsychological reports and Intellectual Performance Charts, 3 of 3 [restricted]
circa 1961-2013
10 18
Progress records, various patients [restricted]
2021-009 2022.04.14
Video recording of deposition in patient legal case [restricted]
2017 April 6

V. Travel, 1952-2006Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
15 1
Letters to parents from trip to Europe
1952 July-1952 September
15 2
Cruise brochures from Home Lines, T.S.S. Atlantic; French Line, S.S. Ile de France
15 3
"Spain/Tangiers '73," including photographs, correspondence, and ephemera
15 4
"Europe - Israel '74," including correspondence, ephemera, and calendar book with notes
15 5
"Nepal, 1976," includes photographs, correspondence, and itineraries
15 6
Photographs, negatives, journal and correspondence, New Zealand and Australia trip
15 7
Correspondence and airplane tickets from Australia and Fiji
15 8
Correspondence from a friend made in Cancun
1981 February
15 9
Photographs, correspondence, notes, and itinerary from France and Sweden
1982 May 24-1983 April 15
15 10
Correspondence and ephemera from Portugal, the Bahamas, and Canada
15 11
Notebook with notes in French
circa 1983
15 12
Correspondence and ephemera from France and Germany
15 13
Photographs, ephemera, and itineraries from France and Switzerland
1985 March-1985 November
16 1
Photograph album from trip to Chengdu, China
1986 November
16 2
"Chengdu: Lecture notes and cases," including English, Chinese, and English Shorthand languages [restricted]
16 3
Photographs, correspondence, ephemera, and itineraries from Europe, including Slovenia, Germany, Prague, and the Netherlands
16 4
"Travel '86 China," including negatives, ephemera, and correspondence that appears to be to her husband
16 5
"Travel '87," including photographs, negatives, correspondence, ephemera, and itinerary from Canada and Europe
1987-1989, bulk 1987
16 6
"Travel '88," including photographs, negatives, correspondence, and itineraries from Europe, New Orleans, and New York
16 7
Itineraries, planning, correspondence, and ephemera from trip to France
16 8
Itinerary, postcards to grandchildren, and handwritten notes in French, from trip to France and Germany
16 9
Photographs, negatives, ephemera, and postcards, from Munich, Monte Carlo, and Israel
17 1
"Fla. Cruise 1990," including correspondence and ephemera
1990 January 23-1990 February 10
17 2
Correspondence from Paul and Bernadette Vigroux, in French
1990 July-1990 August
17 3
Notebook with notes in French and ephemera between pages, from Europe trip
1990 August 26-1990 October 2
17 4
"Europe '90," including itinerary, correspondence, and ephemera
17 5
Watercolor of Slovenian bird from Jennie Barsley, "C.J.B."
17 6
Photographs, ephemera, correspondence, itineraries, and lecture materials from Zimbabwe, Lesotho, and South Africa
1991 March 19-1991 May 21
17 7
Photographs and negatives from trip to South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Lesotho
1991 April
17 8
Photographs, negatives, and correspondence from Tourettes
1991 September
17 9
"Ranch, Aix - Tsk," including photographs and negatives from France
1991 September-1991 October
17 10
Photographs and negatives, France and unidentified locations
17 11
Photographs, negatives, correspondence, and ephemera from various trips, including Bermuda and Hells Canyon
17 12
Ephemera, intinerary, and notes from Sweden, Germany, and France
1992 May 4-1992 July 3
17 13
Photographs from Pyrenees
1992 June
17 14
Photographs and correspondence with doctor R.P. Plunkett, from South Africa
1993 May 15
18 1
Photographs, ephemera, and notebook with notes in French, from Morocco trip
1994 May-1994 September
18 2
Itinerary, correspondence, and ephemera from Europe trip
18 3
Photographs, ephemera, and correspondence from Belgium, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and France
1995 March-1995 April
18 4
Photographs and ephemera from Europe trip
1995 October
18 5
Photographs and ephemera from Japan trip
18 6
Photographs and ephemera from various trips
1996 June-1996 August
18 7
Photographs, ephemera, and itinerary, from Kah-Nee-Ta Resort, and Europe
18 8
Visa applications, correspondence with consulate, ephemera, and itinerary from Brazil trip
2000 January 28-2000 February 25
18 9
"Stoiber 2000," photographs and correspondence
2000 July 11
18 10
Ephemera from Belgium and the Netherlands
2000 May 31-2000 October 8
18 11
Photographs, ephemera, and correspondence from France
14 4
Cartoons of Muriel and Sidney Lezak
18 12
Photographs, ephemera, and correspondence from Sweden, Norway, and unidentified location
18 13
Photographs, ephemera, and itineraries from walking tours in France and Spain
18 14
Invitation to event, and various ephemera from Denmark trip
2003 January
18 15
Photographs from trip to Palm Springs
18 16
Postcard in French, addressed to "Muriel et Sid," and restaurant card with notes in French
2004 May 23
18 17
Itinerary from Caribbean cruise
2004 October 29
18 18
Ephemera from cruise
2005 May 22-2005 June 4
18 19
Notebook with notes in English, from New Zealand trip
2006 February 2-2006 February 24

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

Personal Names

Form or Genre Terms