Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
- Overview of the Collection
- Other Descriptive Information
- Content Description
- Use of the Collection
- Administrative Information
Detailed Description of the Collection
- A.1. Commercial Photo Service
- Aaberg, John P.
- Abel, H.V.
- Abell, Frank G.
- Abell, Frank G. & Son
- Adams, Edward C.
- Aiko Studio
- Aldrich Photo Company
- Alexander, Joseph W.
- Alexander, William George
- Allen, Henry Tureman
- Allen and Perkins
- Alvord, Charles A.
- Amano, James M.
- American View Co.
- Amrhein, Joseph
- Amstel Studio
- Amsden, William O.
- Anderson, Charles D.
- Andrews, Edmund
- Andrews, E.B.
- Apeda
- Ashman & Yeager
- Asplund, John E.
- Atkeson, Ray
- Avery, Frank Fuller
- Axtell Photo
- Bachrach, Louis Fabian
- Bailey, E. J.
- Baird, John A. & Aldrich, Frank
- Baker
- Baker & Johnson
- J.P. Ball & Sons
- Banks, Clyde
- Bardo & Mills
- Barkalow Bros.
- Barnard, Thomas Nathan
- Barnes, Lafe W. & Evans, Frank M.
- Barnes, Albert. H
- Belcher Photos
- Bertrand, E.E.
- Best, W.H.
- Bischoff y Spencer
- Blair, Homer O.
- Blankenberg, John M.
- Blome, John Henry
- Boland, Marvin D.
- Bolton
- Bone, C.C.
- Booen, J. Orville
- Booen & Ewing
- Boorne & May
- Boren, R.L.
- Borgersen, Orville
- Bowen, Chapin
- Bowmer
- Bradley, Levi
- Edwin L. Brand
- Brandt, Karl
- Bratt, J.H.
- Brodeck & Co.
- Brown, B.B.
- Brown, Harold M.
- Brown, James
- Brubaker Aerial Surveys
- Buchtel, Joseph
- Buchtel & Cardwell
- Buchtel & Stolte
- Buck, Leroy F.
- Burdett Studio
- Bushnell, Corry A.
- Camp, Elston H.
- Campbell Studios
- Cann, Charles F.
- Cardwell, R.H.
- Carpenter, Albert C.
- Carr, Anthony P.
- Carratt, Harry
- Catterlin & Lussier
- Cawthon, James B.
- Chamberlain, E.
- Chandler's Photo Service
- Chehalis Art Company
- Cheney, E.
- Chew, George C.
- Chicester, H.D.
- Christy Studio
- Clark, E.A.
- Clark's Photo Studio
- Clemons, Basil
- Collison, Margaret Keating
- Colpitts, Claude C.
- Combest, S.B.
- Coons Bros.
- Corbett, Leslie R.
- Cornish
- Corser, Harry Prosper
- Cowan Studio
- Cox, A.H.
- Cress-Dale
- Crissman, J.
- Cromwell, Alfred
- Cronise, Thomas Jefferson
- Cross and Dimmitt
- Crow, Samuel B.
- Cummings Bros.
- Curlette, Edward B.
- Currie, Neil
- Curtis, Edward S. & Guptil, Thomas H.
- Danner, Theodore D.
- Darling Studio
- Davidson, H.C.
- Davies, George W.
- Davis, Ray
- Davis, Walter
- Deig, Andrew M.
- DeLong & Drake
- Studio De Luxe
- Denman, A.H.
- Dennison Photo
- Denny, Orion O.
- Depue, Earl B.
- Depue Morgan & Company
- DeWeese, Dall
- Dickinson Photo
- Dingman Brothers
- Dingman, Harry C.
- Dix Photos
- Dobbs & Fleming
- Dollarhide, E.F.
- Doody, Jerry (Jeremiah) D.
- Duckering, William
- Duclos, Joseph E.N.
- Dudley, Roger
- Durston
- DuVall, Charles M.
- DuVall & Miller
- Dyer, Spencer H.
- Earle, E.G.
- Eastman
- Eastman, F.J.
- Edson
- Edwards Brothers
- Egan, H.
- Eggan
- Eggan Brothers
- Eggan, James & Ericson, Carl
- Elite Studios
- Ellis, W.D.
- Enderts Drug Store
- English, H.
- Everybodys Gallery
- Evans
- Evans & Anderson
- Ewing, D.B.
- Eyerman, J.R.
- Faber
- Fern Studio
- Field Studio
- Finch, F.P.
- Fink, Leonid
- Finley, William
- Fisher Studio
- A.D. Fox & Son
- Frank, Leonard
- Franks & Romans
- French, E. Arthur (Happy)
- Fujiwara, F.D.
- Fuku, Mitsutaro, 1898-1965
- Fulton, A.S.
- Gabbett, Cecil M.
- Gage, H. K.
- Gardiner, Roswell H.
- Gardner, Paul
- Gem Studio
- Gifford, Benjamin A.
- Goetze, Otto D.
- Goodrich Studio
- Gordon & McKenzie
- Grady, Martin A.
- Graham, Samuel B.
- Grantham
- Graves Studio
- Grohman, C.
- Gylfe, Alex
- Hadley, J.
- Hadley, Urban P.
- Haines, C.H.
- Hale, Herbert A.
- Hall, A.W.
- Hall, Merch
- Hall, M.F.
- Hamacher, Ephraim J.
- Hamilton, Andrew L.
- Hann, Jay B.
- Hansen, Andrew
- Hardy, Jonathan
- Harris, Kenneth
- Harrison
- Harrison Brothers
- Harsch, Howard A.
- Hart Studio
- Hartsook
- Harvey Brothers
- Hathaway, G.W.
- Hazard, Margaret
- Hazeltine, Martin Mason
- Hazen, Todd
- Heath, L.
- Hegg, Peter L.
- Heistand, J.G.
- Herrin, David C.
- Hetzel, Leo
- Hileman, Tomar Jacob
- Hirschfeld, Alfred Cyril
- Hobbes Isaac N.
- Hodge, Maurice
- Hoffman, J.P.
- Hofsteater, Orlando M.
- Horton, George D.
- Howard, Mart Albert
- Hoyt, Hiram
- Hunt, Harriet Elizabeth
- Hutchins, C.C.
- Imperial Studio
- Ives, William
- Jackson, Albert L.
- Jackson Photo Studio
- Jackson William Henry
- Jackson William P.
- Jacobs, Curtis
- Jacobson, Edward I.
- Jacobson, Leo M.
- James, E.E.
- James & Bushnell (James, Eli M. & Bushnell, Corry A.)
- James & Merrihew
- Jeffers Art Studio
- Jeffers, Joseph
- Jenny, Joseph
- Johnson, Albert J.
- Johnson, John L.
- Johnson, Walter H.
- Johnston & Co.
- Jones Photo Company
- Joy Parlor Studio
- Judd, Charles L.
- Judkins, Joseph C.
- Jukes, Mark Frederick
- Juleen, J.A.
- Juris, Ed
- Kautz, Ira. A
- Kautz & Kinsey
- Kellerman, E.
- Kelly, Millard F.
- Kennell-Ellis
- Kilbourne, Edward Corliss
- King
- Kinnear, Charles
- Kinsey & Kinsey
- Kirk, Daniel W.
- Kirk, George W.
- Kirwin, Harry
- Kiser Photo Co.
- Kneisle, Joseph J.
- Knobloch, Basil
- Koerner, Frederick J.
- Kreidler, Myron B.
- Landerkin, G.W. & Winter, Lloyd
- Lawson, Benjamin W.
- Lee, Frank Julius
- Leonard Photo
- Leston, Kirk T.
- Levick, Edwin and Company
- Lewis, F.G.
- Lewis, Richard T.
- Libby & Son
- Liddle, William
- Lindahl, Conrad
- Locke
- Long's Studio
- Longstaff, Frederick Victor
- Loomis, B.E.
- Loryea
- Lothrop, J. Willard
- Lothrop Bros.
- Lowman & Hanford
- Loy Photo
- Lutz, Rolland Ray
- Lynn, Ellison A.
- Lynn & Lindahl
- MacKenzie Photo Co.
- Marier Bros
- Marsh, D.
- Marshall, Frank E. (F.E.)
- Martin, L.S.
- Martin, Milford B.
- Matsura, Frank
- Maxwell Photographers
- Maynard, Hannah Hatherly (Mrs. R.)
- Maynard, Richard
- Mayo & Weed
- McAlpin & Lamb
- McAlpin Garage
- McBride & Anderson
- McClaire, M.S.
- McClaire & Quirk
- McClinton
- McCormick, James A.
- McCutcheon, H.E. (Mr. & Mrs.)
- McDonald, A.J.
- McDonough, P.A.
- McKinney Brothers
- McKissick, Joseph H.
- McKnight Bros.
- McMillan, Charles
- McMurry, J.M.
- McPherson, William A.
- Mercer, Anson C.
- Meresse, Elisee
- Meriwether, H. B.
- Mertens, H.H.
- Merwin, A.J.
- Meyer, Edward L.
- Meyers, J.A.
- Miles Brothers
- Miller, C.O.
- Miller, Walter P.
- Mitchell, John E.
- Mitono, T.T.
- Monroe, Merrill M.
- Moore, Elbridge W.
- Moorhouse, Lee
- Morford, Charles H.
- Morris, Joseph G.
- Morton & Co.
- Moulin, Gabriel
- Muirhead, Lewis P. (L.P.)
- Mundin, C.W.
- Murchie, Archibald
- Murdock, Louis E.
- Muybridge
- Myers, J.B.
- The Nelson Photo Shop
- Nelson, Bob
- Nelson, H.G.
- Nicol, J.W.
- Nordlund
- Oakes, M.L.
- Ober, S.E.
- Obergfell, Joseph
- Ochi Studio
- Ono, K.
- Ordway, Frederick K.
- Pacific View Co.
- Palace Floating Gallery
- Paterson, T.W.
- Pautzke, Otto W.
- Paxton, Andrew B.
- Peak, Roy M.
- Perkins Studio
- Perry, Frank R.
- Peterson, Frederick
- Peterson, K.G.
- The Photo Album
- Photo-Art
- Photo Arts Studio
- Photocraft
- Photo Shop Studio
- Pinney Studio
- Plummer, F.C.
- Plummer, George E.
- Pollard, A.V.
- Powell, Fred K.
- Pratsch, C.R. & Co
- Prentiss, Arthur M.
- Prettyman, William S.
- Price Studio
- Puget Sound Landscape and Publishing Photographers
- Puget Sound Viewing Co.
- Rainier National Park Company
- The Rainier Studios (Rainier Photo Studio)
- Rainier Art Studio
- Rains, J.T.
- Ralston, John Ernest
- Randolph, Preston Brooks
- Range, William
- Rea, W.J.
- Reade, Benjamin A.
- Reed, William O.
- Reeves, Charles S.
- Reid, Harry Fielding
- Reid, H.N.
- Rembrandt Studios
- Ribelin, W.H.
- Richards, Turner
- Richardson, T.T.
- Robertson, L.E.
- Robertson, William Francis
- Roe, Will C.
- Rogers, A.D.
- Rogers, Edwin
- Romans Photographic Company
- Rosenkranz, Helen R.
- Ross Studio Portraiture
- Rothi, Rasmus P.
- Rothi, R.P. & Curtis, Edward S.
- Rush, William B.
- Sandison, J. Wilbur
- Sankowski, H.
- Sautzke
- Savage & Ottinger
- Scale's Studio
- Scarborough, C.W.
- Schallerer, Otto C.
- Sciaroni and Hammond, Nome, Alaska
- Scotford & Co.
- Scott, R.B.
- Seattle Photo & Art Company
- Shaw, David C.
- Shindler, Antonio Zeno
- Siewert, Herman
- Siga, Shogaburo
- Simberg, Mannie
- Simmer, Alfred G.
- Sitka View & Portrait Company
- Smith, Al
- Smith, D.T.
- Smith, E.A.
- Smith, Ida B.
- Smith, Theodore Castle
- Smith and Warner
- Soreboe, John R.
- Soule, John P.
- Spatt
- Spencer & Hastings
- Stanton, Henry
- Stanton, R.R.
- Star Photographic Company
- Stebbins, Nathaniel Livermore
- Sterling Studio
- Stratton, R.T.
- Stuart, Gordon
- Surry's Studio
- Sunset Studios
- Swick, Professor
- Swihart, Charles
- Takano Studio
- Talbot, C.B.
- Taylor, Gilbert Morris
- Taylor, Harold A.
- Taylor, Lachlan
- Theo's
- Thomas, J.E.
- Thompson, Stephen Joseph
- Thurberton
- Titsworth, B.B.
- Tostrup & Fetters
- Towne, W.H.
- Toyo Studio
- Train, Edgar Horace
- Tropple, Allen W.
- Truesdell, Herbert M.
- Turner Photo
- Turner, Orren Jack
- Twidle, Henry
- Unique Foto Service
- U'renn, Andrew
- Urie, (either J or R.C.)
- Van Dyke Studio
- Vaughan, J.W.
- Vincent, Ralph
- Vikdal, P.G.
- Vitart Studio
- Waggener, James Jr.
- Wagness & Sather
- Wainwright & Arland
- Walander & Burkhart
- Walbridge, W.S.
- Wale, Herbert E.
- Wallace
- Walsh, Francis
- Walters, S.
- Ware, Roy Bennett
- Waters, Lorin B.
- Wathey Studio
- Watkins, Robert
- Watson
- Weider Photo
- Wells, A.E.
- Western Photo Co.
- Wheeler, H.L.
- White, (possibly John M. White)
- Wiffen & Waltman
- Wilburn, J.A.
- Wilcox, F. Billie
- Wilcox, W.H.
- Wildman, Ben
- Williams, Gordon Sear
- Willis, H.I.
- Wilton, Thomas H.
- Winchester, F.E.
- Wing, W.E.
- Wingren, Ole J.
- Winter Photo Company
- Wilson, T.H.
- Alfred S. Witter
- Wolfe, Frank E.
- Wolfe, G.M.
- Wood, Warren P.
- Woodard, Alonzo Bixby
- Woodfield, Frank W.
- Worden, John Elmer
- Worthington, William T.
- Wyman, Jasper Newton
- Yeager Home Portrait Studio
- Yeigh, Tom S.
- Young, William W.
- Zemick, Al
- Zimmerman, Charles A.
- Zubick, Dolph J.
- Names and Subjects
Early photographers collection, 1860-1943
Overview of the Collection
- Title
- Early photographers collection
- Dates
- 1860-1943 (inclusive)18601943
approximately 1880-1943 (bulk)18801929 - Quantity
- 11 boxes ; various sizes
- Collection Number
- PH0334
- Summary
- The work of photographers, primarily in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska but including other locations
- Repository
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931 - Access Restrictions
Selected images can be viewed on the Libraries' Digital Collections website. Permission of the Curator is required to view originals. Contact Special Collections for more information.
- Additional Reference Guides
- Languages
- English
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
The photographers in this collection operated in Washington State, the Pacific Northwest, and Alaska, with a few from other areas outside the Pacific Northwest. The majority of the collection contains material from photographers active in Washington, Oregon, Alaska, British Columbia. Most of the photograph mounts bear photographers' imprints which often indicate street address in addition to city. For Washington State photographers if the photographer's location is given as in "Washington Territory" this would place their dates before 1889. Some materials are photographic postcards that bear postage, postmarks, and correspondences.
Other Descriptive InformationReturn to Top
The dates of these photos run roughly to 1943. Photos later than around 1940 are in the Mid-Century Photographers Collection, PH 1298.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Alternative Forms Available
View selections from the collection in digital format
Restrictions on Use
Restrictions may exist on reproduction, quotation, or publication. Contact Special Collections, University of Washington Libraries for details.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Photographs are grouped in folders according to the photographers last name or the photographic studio. Where two or more photographers share a last name, first and middle initials have been added to the folder name. Individual photographs are then numbered according to this folder-naming nomenclature and followed by sequential Arabic numerals.
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
A.1. Commercial Photo ServiceReturn to Top
A.1. Commercial Photo Service, 525 Pender St. W in Vancouver, B.C., was operated by Maurice Lumley Hawksley from 1927 to 1948.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
XH_Early1 | A-1.1 | September 27, 1929 |
Aaberg, John P.Return to Top
According to the Tacoma City directories, John P. Aaberg had a studio in Tacoma, WA from 1892 through 1919.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box/Folder | item | ||
11 | Aaberg1 |
Horse-drawn parade float for the Retail
Butchers Association in front of building, Tacoma, WA From information on verso of photo: William Bodenheimer had a
wholesale butcher shop in south Tacoma.
between 1892 and 1919 |
Abel, H.V.Return to Top
H.V. Abel was part of the Mountaineers.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Abel H.V. 1 | Nevada Falls in winter, Mount Rainier,
Washington |
1912? |
1 | Abel H.V. 2 |
Snowshoers on a wagon road, Mount Rainier,
Washington Written on verso: Snowshoeing on wagon road between Longmire
Springs and Reese's Camp.
1912? |
1 | Abel H.V. 3 |
People in snow with mountain in background, Mount
Rainier, Washington Written on verso: Bed of Nisqually river on Pony Trail between
Longmire Springs and Reese's Camp, looking down stream,
1912? |
1 | Abel H.V. 4 | Snow covered bridge, Mount Rainier,
Washington Written on verso: Bridge on wagon road near Paradise Valley.
1912? |
Abell, Frank G.Return to Top
Active in Portland, Oregon 1878-1899 and 1897-1907.
Frank G. Abell (1844-1910) was born in Illinois and moved with his parents to California in 1857. In 1862, at the age of 18, he joined the firm of William Shew in San Francisco, where he spend 4 years learning the art and business of photography. On his own, Abell opened his first gallery, the Abells Star Gallery, in Stockton in 1866. Moving back to San Francisco the following year, he then worked his way north, through Grass Valley, Red Bluff, and Yreka, arriving in Roseburg, Oregon in 1877.
From 1878-1888 he was located at 167 & 169 1st St., Portland. He worked with his son George L. Abell, at addresses: 29 Washington St. and Labbe Building, fourth floor, 1884-1887. After a few years Abell went to San Francisco for a while, and later returned to Portland to stay, 1897-1907. Elbridge W. Moore bought and continued the photography business at the same location.
Known primarily for his studio portraits, his gallery in Portland was both spacious and well furnished, including an "elegant piano for the free use of patrons". Abell also produced "Cards, Cabinets, Panels, Boudoirs, Stereoscopic and Out Door Views, and Living Statues", the latter being photos of living subjects arranged to present the appearance of a marble bust on a pedestal. He moved to Tacoma in 1908 in failing health, and died in 1910.
See Also: Abell, Frank G. & Son
See Also: Moore, Elbridge W.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Abell 1 |
Portrait of Mrs. E.M. Hall holding a hat, Portland,
Oregon Handwritten on verso: Mrs. E.M. Hall. Cousin Agnes. Portland
Oregon. January 9th 1884.A member of the Semple family.
January 9, 1884 |
1 | Abell 2 |
Portrait of Mrs. J.P.O. (Sarah) Lownsdale pulling on
gloves, Portland, Oregon Handwritten on verso: Mrs. J.P.O. Lownsdale. Aunt Sarah.
Portland Oregon. January 9th 1884.A member of the Semple family.
January 9, 1884 |
1 | Abell 3 |
Portrait of Harry Darby Huntington, Vancouver,
Washington Written on verso: Harry Darby Huntington. b. Sept. 12th 1811 in
Monroe Co. N.Y., died Aug. 28th, 1882. Crossed the plains from Shelby County,
Indiana in 1848 arriving at Vancouver the fall of that year.Written on mount: A Pioneer of 1848.
1848? |
1 | Abell 4 | 1881? | |
1 | Abell 5 | 1881? | |
1 | Abell 6 | Studio portrait headshot of a young woman, Portland,
Oregon |
1881? |
1 | Abell 7 | Studio portrait of an elderly man, Portland,
Oregon |
1881? |
1 | Abell 8 |
Abell business card with drawing of ship on
water Card reads: Compliments of Abell Photographer. 167 and 169 First
Street, Portland, Oregon.
1881? |
Abell, Frank G. & SonReturn to Top
Frank Abell (1844-1910) and his son George L. Abell were active at addresses: 29 Washington St. and Labbe Building, fourth floor, Portland, Oregon, 1884-1887. The photograph business was purchased in 1888 by Elbridge W. Moore.
See Also: Abell, Frank G.
See Also: Moore, Elbridge W.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Abell & Son 1 |
Studio portrait of the Carpenter family
children showing Dudley and Laura (seated), and Bessie and Edward (standing),
Portland, Oregon Stamped on verso: Abell & Son. Leading Photographers. 29
Washington St. Portland, Oregon. Take the Elevator. All negatives preserved.
Written on verso: Laura B. Carpenter, 17 years & 1 month;
Dudley L. Carpenter, 15 years & 2 months; Edward L. Carpenter, 12 years
& 3 months; Bessie L. Carpenter, 6 years & 10 months. April 1885.
April 1885 |
Adams, Edward C.Return to Top
Active in Fair Haven and Dawson, Yukon Territory, Alaska, 1896-1915.
E.C. Adams worked as a photographer at C.W. Barts studio in Vancouver, British Columbia, in 1896 and later moved to Nanaimo, British Columbia, to become a partner in the Adams & Pierce Studio.
Adams established Adams & Co. in Dawson, Yukon Territory, with Charles D. Rothwell, circa 1901. George W. Larkin joined as partner, Adams & Larkin 1902-1905. When their partnership dissolved, Adams then reverted to its previous name of Adams & Co.. Adams worked with Jirden L. Anders, 1905-1906. Adams’s photographic equipment was later purchased by the Dawson photographer E.O. Ellingsen.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Adams 1 | Studio portrait of an elderly man, Fair
Haven, Alaska |
1901? |
Aiko StudioReturn to Top
Active at 613 ½ Jackson, Seattle, Washington, 1911-1925.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Aiko 1 | between 1911 and 1925 | |
box:oversize | |||
11 | Aiko 2 | January 1, 1932 | |
11 | Aiko 3 | between 1911 and 1925 | |
11 | Aiko 4 |
Group studio portrait of men and
women Japanese writing on page.
between 1911 and 1925 |
11 | Aiko 5 | Clarence Arai in graduation uniform as
the first Japanese American to graduate from UW School of Law |
June 3, 1924 |
Box | |||
1 | Aiko 6 | between 1911 and 1925 | |
mapcase | |||
M271 | Aiko 7 | Panorama of battleships and Seattle
downtown waterfront, taken from Alki |
between 1930 and 1940 |
Aldrich Photo CompanyReturn to Top
Aldrich, Byron L., Jr. was active in Tacoma, Washington, 1901-1916.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Aldrich 1 | March 16, 1914 | |
box:oversize | |||
11 | Aldrich 2 | View of logged forested area on a river, Tacoma
Washington Photo is hand tinted.
between 1901 and 1916 |
Alexander, Joseph W.Return to Top
Active in Juneau Alaska, circa 1940-1950.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Alexander 1 | View of the men and women seated in
session at the House of Representatives, Territorial legislature, Juneau,
Alaska |
1949 |
Alexander, William GeorgeReturn to Top
William George Alexander (1880-1960) was born in Kansas. He operated a photography studio in Rainier, Oregon in 1910, and moved his studio to Douglas, Washington by 1915. He was active in Amira and Creston, Washington circa 1913-1916. After World War I, Alexander became a wheat farmer in Eastern Washington until his death.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Alexander W.G. 1 |
Farmers with combined harvester in
wheat field, Almira, Washington Written on photo: N. Nanson Combined harvester at work near
Almira, Wash.
August 1911 |
box:oversize | |||
XH_Early | Alexander WG 2 |
Panorama of workers with horse-drawn reapers in wheat
fields owned by Valmore Caille and Andre Marchand, Mansfield, Washington
Farmers Valmore Caille (1886-1968) and Andre Marchand
(1883-1968), both born in Iowa, owned large wheat farms near each other just
outside Mansfield, Washington.
1916 |
Allen, Henry TuremanReturn to Top
Lt. Allen (1859-was a member of the 2nd Calvary and participated in longest exploratory expeditions on the North American continent in American history, the Allen Expedition of 1885. The 1885 Allen Expedition entailed exploration of uncharted terrain and resulted in many new discoveries. It was the first time westerners traveled from the coastal regions of south-central Alaska northward through the Alaska Range into the Yukon drainage. From there the expedition continued westward to the Bering Sea — completing a total of 1,500 miles in less than 20 weeks.
Had it not been for the Alaska Native people encountered, at times the small group of travelers might have perished. The Unalakleet were considered “members of the crew” for a portion of the trip. Surprisingly, Allen continued to take up war against the Native American population once he returned to the lower 48 states.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Allen 1 |
View along beach of Fort Wrangell,
Alaska Caption on verso: "Steamer Patterson"Along the
beach at Fort Wrangell. S.E. Alaska. Chas. M. Thomas. Lieut Comdr. USA. Chief
of Party. 1885.
1885? |
Allen and PerkinsReturn to Top
Frank Perkins and Walter Allen operated the Georgetown Photograph Studio active at 6105 ½ 13th Ave South, Georgetown Station, Seattle, Washington from 1911-1915. In 1916 the studio was moved to 717 ½ 3rd Avenue. From 1917-1920 only Frank Perkins is listed as a photographer at the 3rd Avenue location.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Allen Perkins 1 | People seated in car decorated for
Memorial day postcard
Written on verso: Henry & Ann Willard-653 Homer St
Georgetown Wash.
1911? |
Alvord, Charles A.Return to Top
Active in McMinnville, Oregon.
Charles A. Alvord and Ben E. Hughes possibly were briefly co-proprietor photographers, for Hughes & Alvord at 992 N. 24th, McMinnville, Oregon, 1889. The firm is listed 1890, but only Alvord shown.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Alvord 1 | between 1890 and 1900 |
Amano, James M.Return to Top
James Masatoku Amano was born in Choshi, Japan on May 9th, 1887. He came to Seattle, Washington aboard the SS Aki Maru on April 23, 1915. He was a photographer at the Jackson Photo Studio, 624 Jackson, Seattle, Washington, circa 1919-1925. He had two children with his wife, Zen. All were interned at Camp Minidoka during WWII - Amano via the Department of Justice Internment and Detention in Santa Fe on July 9, 1943; and his wife, son and daughter via the Puyallup Assembly Center on August 10, 1943.
Amano Photo Studio was active at 3208 35th Ave. South, Seattle, Washington, circa 1957.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Amano 1 | June 6, 1957 | |
1 | Amano 2 | Group of men and school-age children outside wood
residential or school building |
October 3, 1959 |
1 | Amano 3 | Group portrait of congregation and choir members inside
church |
November 10, 1959 |
1 | Amano 4 | Group portrait of congregation and choir members outside
of church |
1959? |
American View Co.Return to Top
The American View Co. stamp on the verso reads: Flashlights and interiors a specialty. Prop's [ill.] Park. Other photographers using the name American View Co. are known to have operated in Wisconsin, Oregon, California and Dakota. The relationships, if any, are not known.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | American 1 | Group of men in interior of general
goods store |
between 1900 and 1920? |
1 | American 2 | Group of men, possible store workers,
in interior of general goods store Same store as in item American 1.
between 1900 and 1920? |
Amrhein, JosephReturn to Top
Active in Frances, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Amrhein 1 | between 1890 and 1900? | |
1 | Amrhein 2 | between 1890 and 1900? | |
1 | Amrhein 3 | between 1890 and 1900? |
Amstel StudioReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Amstel 1 |
KJR radio group, The Mardi Gras Gang Written on photo: "The Mardi Gras Gang" Jack Little, Thomas
Freebairn Smith, Herb Bartlett, Casey Jones, Bob Youse, Bob Monsen, Grant
Merrill, Al Schuss, Olive Reynolds, Cowboy Jo, Elmore Vincent "The Horse",
Gorgonzola Swivelface "Bless her", Homer Sweetman "Malted Milks 13¢, Oogie
Awful.KJR Seattle was the first radio station to be licensed in the
Pacific Northwest.
September 1931 |
Amsden, William O.Return to Top
William O. Amsden was part of the Seattle Photo Co. in 1890 along with Chester B. Walsworth. The office was located at 15 Shorey Blk. Amsden was also part of the Mountaineers and in 1890 was part of the Mount Rainier climbing party that included Fay Fuller, who upon the completion of this ascent was the first woman to stand on the summit.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Amsden 1 |
Mountaineers in a line on the summit of Mount Baker,
Washington Written on photo: No. 108. Mt. Baker Series. Looking North from
1891? |
Anderson, Charles D.Return to Top
Anderson's studio, Anderson Photo Art and Commercial Photography was active at 110 E. Heron St. Aberdeen, Washington, circa 1925-29, 212 West Heron Street, Aberdeen, Washington and Tacoma, circa 1919. He was known for his short films of everyday occurrences in Grays Harbor, Washington that may have been used to supplement national films that were shown locally in town.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
11 | Anderson 1 | View of testing the Donovan-Corkery
Logging Co. forest fire departments fire train and hoses, Wishkah River, Grays
Harbor County, Washington Written on verso: Fire tank car test (Coats-Fordney) Donavan-
Corkery Logging Company about 1930-Wishkah River, Grays Harbor County, Wash.
B.H. McGillicuddy.
May 15, 1929 |
Box | |||
1 | Anderson 2 |
Five masted ship The Vigilant at the docks, Hoquiam,
Washington Written on photo: Hoquiam River.
between 1920 and 1940? |
Andrews, EdmundReturn to Top
Active in Douglas, Alaska
Ed Andrews (1872-1937) was born in Norway. According to a note from donor Carolyn Brown, he changed his name from Edvard Engrebretsen to Ed Andrews when he immigrated. Later he moved to South Dakota where he lived on the family farm. In 1897, he came to Douglas and worked as a clerk in the Treadwell Store. After owning and operating a restaurant he opened the Ed Andrews photography studio.
As a prominent Douglas photographer, Andrews distributed images to dealers all over Alaska. He also served as the official photographer for the Admiral Line, the Alaska Steamship Line, Copper River Railroad, White Pass and Yukon Railway and for Captain Sid Barrington, Stikine River navigator. On December 2, 1937, The Daily Alaska Empire, reported that Andrews’ negatives were lost in one of the Douglas fires. Andrews lived in Douglas until his death.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Andrews E. 1 | between 1898 and 1937? |
Andrews, E.B.Return to Top
Active in Hoquiam, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Andrews E.B. 1 | between 1880 and 1890? |
ApedaReturn to Top
Located at 33 West 34th Street, 102-104 West 38th Street, 212-216 West 48th Street and 525 West 52nd, New York. The studio opened in 1906 and was operated by Alexander W. Dreyfoos and Henry Obstfield. Apeda Studios focused on sports, theater and celebrity portraiture.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Apeda 1 |
Thomas B. Yuille residence steel
cabinets and counter Printed on photo: Janes & Kirtland Steel Dresseer Units.
Residence of Thomas B. Yuille, Bronxville, N.Y., Bates & Howe, Archts.
between 1920 and 1930? |
1 | Apeda 2 |
F.W. Woolworth residence steel cabinets
and counter Printed on photo: Janes & Kirtland Steel Dresseer Units.
Residence of F.W. Woolworth, Glencove, N.Y., C.P.H. Gilbert, Archit.
between 1920 and 1930? |
Ashman & YeagerReturn to Top
Active in Olympia, Washington, circa 1865-1867.
W.J. Yeager (1829-1883) was a ambrotypist active in Olympia, circa 1865-1867. In 1865 he operated a studio on Fourth Street near Main in rooms formerly occupied by Edward M. Sammis. From November 1866 to January 19, 1867 he was in business with John V. Yantis for 2 months. Later he partnered with William M. Ashman, circa 1867.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Ashman & Yeager 1 | 1867? | |
1 | Ashman & Yeager 2 | 1867? | |
1 | Ashman & Yeager 3 | 1860? |
Asplund, John E.Return to Top
Asplund died December 12, 1915 at the age of 51, in Arlington, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Asplund 1 | 1900? |
Atkeson, RayReturn to Top
Ray Atkeson was born February 13, 1907. He was a commercial photographer from 1929-1946 in Portland, Oregon. His studio was located at 215 Swetland Building, Portland, Oregon. His commercial studio was known as Photo-Art. In 1946 he switched to more free-lance work, photographing landscapes and skiing in Washington and Oregon. He was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts from Linfield College as well as the Oregon Governor's Art Award among others. He died May 25, 1990.
The Ray Atkeson Photography Collection was donated to the University of Oregon in 2018. It contains over 250,000 negatives which are available to researchers
See also Photo-Art below.
See also PH 1298 Mid-Century Photographers.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Atkeson 1 |
Two skiers going downhill, Mount Hood,
Oregon Written on verso: Skiers flashing down the rolling snow mantled
slopes of Mt. Hood to the sheltering forests below at sunset (Oregon).
between 1929 and 1946? |
Avery, Frank FullerReturn to Top
Active in Colville, Washington, 1898-1916.
Frank Fuller (also known as F.F.) Avery (1862-1872) was born in Indiana. He began working for the Indian School Service on September 22, 1890. Before moving to Washington State he and his wife, Anna Avery, whom he married in 1892, were employed by the Indian Service in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Crow Creek, North Dakota. He became associated with the Colville Indian Agency and from 1898-1916 Avery worked in a number of capacities, first as superintendent of the Indian Boarding School at Fort Spokane, and then as inspector of Colville Indian Agency Day Schools. Photos from the Colville Indian Agency, were taken between 1901-1916 when Avery was assigned to the Colville Indian Agency. The images record agency headquarters and personnel, along with numerous photographs of Colville Indian farmers and school children.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Avery 1 | between 1900 and 1903 | |
1 | Avery 2 | 1903? | |
1 | Avery 3 | 1903? | |
1 | Avery 4 | between 1900 and 1903? | |
1 | Avery 5-6 | between 1900 and 1903? | |
1 | Avery 7 | between 1900 and 1903? |
Axtell PhotoReturn to Top
Located at 110 West Main, Seattle, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Axtell 1 | 1900? | |
1 | Axtell 2 | 1900? |
Bachrach, Louis FabianReturn to Top
Active in Washington.
Louis Fabian Bachrach, Sr. (1881-1963) was born in Baltimore, Maryland. He graduated from Baltimore Polytechnic Institute in 1897, studied at the Maryland Institute of Design from 1898-1899, and attended the Art Students' League in New York City in 1900.
Bachrach was a second generation photographer. In 1868, Bachrachs father, David, opened a photographic studio in Washington and another in Baltimore. Louis began his photographic career by working with his father in Washington and Baltimore and by helping several photographers in New York. In 1904 Louis continued the national chain by opening a studio in Worcester, Massachusetts. In 1915 he assumed the presidency of Bachrach, Inc., a position which he retained until 1955. He was succeeded by his son, Bradford. Bachrach, Inc. is said to be the “longest continuously operated photography studio in America.” today. By 1929, there were 48 Bachrach studios, and at its height it included forty-eight studios with six hundred employees. He died in semi-retirement in Boston, Massachusetts.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Bachrach 1 | 1915 | |
box-folder:oversize | |||
XC1 | Bachrach 2 | Studio portrait of young bride, Washington |
1915? |
Bailey, E. J.Return to Top
Edwin J. Bailey was active at the Baileys Photo Parlors at the Newlin Block, 218 Columbia St., Seattle, Washington, 1889-1898. Later, as Bailey, E.J. & Co., with the Wellington School, at 16 Colman Bldg., Seattle, Washington, 1899-1902.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Bailey 1 | 1897? | |
1 | Bailey 2 |
Crowd of people and horses at the dock
waiting for a ship, Seattle, Washington Printed on verso: Baileys Photo Parlors, 218 Columbia St.,
Between P.O. & 3rd Ave. Seattle, Washington; and, E.J. Bailey. Portrait and
View Photographer, Seattle, Wash.
1897? |
1 | Bailey 3 |
Studio portrait of a young woman,
possibly Belle McDiamond, Seattle, Washington Printed on mount: Bailey Photo. Newlin Block; Columbia St.,
Seattle, Wash.
between 1880 and 1890? |
1 | Bailey 4 |
Group portrait of 8 infantry soldiers
standing in front of a tent, Seattle, Washington Written on mount, illegibly, are the mens names. Printed on verso: E.J. Bailey. Landscape and View Photographer,
Third & Seneca St., Seattle, Wash.
between 1880 and 1890? |
1 | Bailey 5 |
Studio portrait of a bearded man,
Seattle, Washington Printed on mount: Bailey. Third and Seneca Streets, Seattle.
between 1880 and 1890? |
1 | Bailey 6 | Studio portrait of an elderly Native
American `Indian Princess Angeline, Chief Seattle's daughter, seated on a bail
of hay with walking stick, Seattle, Washington Written on verso: Princess Angeline daughter of Chief Seattle. -
The first Wash-woman employed by the editors mother at Seattle.Kick-is-on-lo Cud was the eldest daughter of Chief Seattle.
During her long life, she saw the coming of white settlers, the exile of her
Duwamish and Suquamish people from their traditional lands, and the growth of
the new city named for her father. She didn’t move to the Port Madison
Reservation with the rest of her people, but stayed in Seattle. She earned her
living doing laundry for some of Seattle’s prominent families. A white friend
asked to call her “Angeline, ” and others later added “Princess.”Printed on mount: Bailey. Third and Seneca Sts, Seattle.
between 1880 and 1890? |
Baird, John A. & Aldrich, FrankReturn to Top
Baird and Aldrich were proprietors of the Worlds Fair Studio, and active at 1426 Third St. in Seattle, Washington, 1891-1892.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Baird & Aldrich 1 |
View of southeast corner of the Plummer
Block building at 3rd & Union, Seattle, Washington Photo shows a funeral carriage outside the Seattle Undertaking
Co.Written on verso: S.E. cor of 3rd & Union, site of Federal
Post office, armory in rear, ca. 1891.
1891? |
1 | Baird & Aldrich 2 |
View of the Plummer Block building at
3rd Avenue, Seattle, Washington Photo shows people standing on sidewalk next to a funeral
carriage outside the Seattle Undertaking Co., a carriage outside Westberg &
Childs and 1324 J.J. Hambright. Druggist businesses.Written on verso: Plummer Block, 3rd & Union.
1891? |
BakerReturn to Top
Active in Yakima, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Baker 1 | Man with trees at logging
mill Stamped on verso: American Engraving Co, Atwater 3613.
between 1900 and 1910 |
Baker & JohnsonReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Baker & Johnston 1 |
Native American Indian Eastern Shoshone
chief Washaki, wearing ceremonial headdress and holding a pipe, Evanston,
Wyoming The photographers set up a makeshift studio with suspended
backdrop on the grounds of Fort Washakie, the home of the military garrison
stationed on l the Wind River Reservation. In 1883, President Chester A. Arthur
visited Fort Washakie and the reservation while on a journey to view the
Yellowstone country. This is one of the best known photographs of Washakie
(circa 1804- 1900), perhaps the most famous of all Eastern Shoshone headmen and
leaders. Washakie holds a catlinite pipe with wooden stem, with attached eagle
feathers. Across his lap is a rifle. He wears an eagle feather bonnet with
tail, his gorget and neckerchief, a long cotton checked shirt (possibly a
calico), and a sash around his waist.
between 1883 and 1885 |
J.P. Ball & SonsReturn to Top
Active in Seattle, Washington, 1892-1904.
James Presley (J.P.) Ball Sr. (1825–1904) was a prominent African American photographer abolitionist, and businessman. Ball was born in Virginia, probably a freeman. As a young man he learned daguerreotyping and opened his first studio in Cincinnati (1851) at age twenty. He hired his future brother-in-law, Alexander Thomas, around 1851-52. Thomas became a full partner in the business in November of 1857 to March 1860. Ball & Thomas became known as "the finest photographic gallery west of the Allegheny Mountains." In Cincinnati, by 1853, Balls studio included nine employees. "Balls Great Daguerrian Gallery of the West" quickly became one of the most well known galleries in the United States. Balls younger brother, Thomas C. Ball, continued as a studio photographer in partnership with Alexander Thomas until Thomas death in 1875.
Balls work was featured in exhibitions of photography at expositions held in 1852, 1854, 1855, and 1857 at the Ohio Mechanics Institute. At the 1857 exposition, Ball and another photographer won a bronze medal for photography. Ball experienced financial difficulties between 1865 and 1871. He lost a substantial amount of money as a result of "unfortunate speculations" and his assets were liquidated at a Constables sale in 1868, though he continued with limited funds under the supervision of the Bankruptcy Court. Ball gave his son an interest in the business in 1869 and the firms name was changed to Ball & Sons at 106 Columbia St. Bet. First & Second Aves, Seattle, Washington. In about 1887, he went to Montana with son James Presley, Jr. and now well into his sixties, he opened another busy daguerreotyping studio in Helena.
In the second half of 1900, Ball followed his son J.P. Ball, Jr., to Seattle in the Western Territory of Washington. Ball Jr., opened the Globe Studio in 1892 and Ball & Sons studio in 1897 while he was developing a practice as a lawyer. Ball Sr. remained active in civic affairs and founded and organized Shriners' lodges in Seattle and Portland. He left Seattle for Honolulu, presumably for the change in climate to help relieve his crippling rheumatism. He opened a studio in his home in Honolulu, which was probably run by his daughter, Estella. Ball Sr. died on May 4, 1904, in Honolulu.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Ball & Sons 1 | 1898? | |
1 | Ball & Sons 2 | 1897? | |
1 | Ball & Sons 3 |
Studio portrait of a young girl
standing, Seattle, Washington Same girl as photographed in item [Ball & Sons 2].
between 1870 and 1880 |
1 | Ball & Sons 4 | between 1890 and 1900 |
Banks, ClydeReturn to Top
Clyde Banks was a pioneer photographer in Whatcom County and owned Cylde Banks Camera and Art Shop. He died April 17, 1977.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Banks 1 | between 1930 and 1960 |
Bardo & MillsReturn to Top
Active at 606 2nd St., Seattle, Washington, circa 1885.
Possibly Lloyd M. Bardo, also active at 713 3rd Ave. and 717 ½ 3rd Ave., Seattle, Washington, 1892-1911.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Bardo & Mills 1 | 1885? |
Barkalow Bros.Return to Top
Barkalow Bros. was a news company that operated newsstands that sold tobacco products, candy and candles. Barkalow Bros. was located at 407 S 15th Street and the Union Pacific Headquarters Building in Omaha, Nebraska.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Barkalow 1 | Cowboy on a horse |
1916? |
Barnard, Thomas NathanReturn to Top
Active in Waukon, Idaho, 1861-1880; Murray, Idaho, 188; Wallace, Idaho, 1889-1913; and Montana.
Barnard was brother of Alonzo A. Barnard, another Waukon photographer who had a studio in Waukon in 1880s and 1890s in partnership as Huffman & Barnard. He was the son-in-law of his partner, P. C. Huffman, having married Huffman’s daughter, Della. His brother, Thomas Nathan Barnard, went to Idaho and produced stereographs there.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Barnard 1 |
Large group of people seated and
listening to older man reading in a meeting tent that is adorned with bunting
and American flags, Wallace, Idaho Printed on verso: From the Photographic Studio of T.N. Barnard,
Artistic Photographer, Wallace, Idaho.
between 1880 and 1890? |
1 | Barnard 2 |
Studio portrait of a young man wearing
a suit and left hand pinky ring Printed on verso of mount: T.N. Barnard, Wardner, Idaho.
between 1890 and 1900 |
1 | Barnard 3 |
Studio portrait of a young woman
standing next to a chair, Murray, Idaho Printed on mount: T.N. Barnard, Murray, Idaho.
between 1870 and 1880 |
1 | Barnard 4 |
Studio portrait of woman with beaded
dress Printed on mount: T.N. Barnard, Wardner, Idaho.
between 1870 and 1880 |
1 | Barnard 5 |
Studio portrait of man with checkered
tie Printed on mount: T.N. Barnard, Wardner, Idaho.
between 1870 and 1880 |
Barnes, Lafe W. & Evans, Frank M.Return to Top
Barnes and Evans (1864-1946) partnered in Snohomish, Washington, late 1890s.
Deputy Auditor Frank M. Evans was born in Minnesota in 1864. He studied art and photography in Kansas City and opened a gallery there with Mr. (Lafayette W.) Barnes. In 1888 they arrived in Washington and decided to locate and set up a studio in Snohomish.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Barnes & Evans 1 | 1890? | |
1 | Barnes & Evans 2 | 1890 |
Barnes, Albert. HReturn to Top
Albert H. Barnes (A.H.B) was active in Parkland and Tacoma, Washington, 1906-1910, and photographed the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska 1912.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
11 | Barnes 1 | September 1, 1912 | |
11 | Barnes 2 | September 1, 1912 | |
11 | Barnes 3 | September 1, 1912 |
Belcher PhotosReturn to Top
Belcher Photos were Bill and Catherine Belcher. They were active at 1083 Adams Street, Olympia, Washington and advertised "Photos at Home, Church, Lodge or Groups, Reasonably Priced."
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Belcher 1 | 1894 |
Bertrand, E.E.Return to Top
Active at 324 Monroe St., Spokane Falls, Washington, circa 1888-1890, and Spokane, Washington, 1892-1893.
E.E. Bertrand (Edward E. Bertrand or E. Edison Bertrand) was a stereo photographer and owned E.E. Bertrand's Studio. He employed Frank Clinton Bailey as a crayon artist in his studio.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Bertrand 1 | 1888? | |
1 | Bertrand 2 | Studio portrait of a man, Spokane
Falls, Washington |
between 1889 and 1895 |
Best, W.H.Return to Top
Active at 2298-1st Ave. W., Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, circa 1900.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Best 1 | View of Mt. Baker and the Fraser River from Ruskin,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Printed on verso: From the Studio of W.H. Best, F.R.S.A.,
A.R.P.S., Vancouver, Canada. 2298-1st Ave. W.Written on verso: Mt. Baker from Ruskin at the Fraser River
1900? |
Bischoff y SpencerReturn to Top
Eduardo Clifford Spencer was an American born photographer who moved to Chile circa 1870 to Valparaíso. He began working with Carlos Bischoff at this time. In 1879 the War of the Pacific was declared and the team, with the authorization of the Chilean army, was sent to Bolivia and Peru to document the soldiers.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Bischoff 1 | Portrait of a man seated |
1870? |
Blair, Homer O.Return to Top
Active in Tacoma, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Blair 1 |
View of Mt. Rainier,
Washington Written on verso: Compliments of Homer O. Blair.
1911? |
1 | Blair 2 |
Hikers holding alpen stocks and
reclining on bank of glacier on Mt. Rainier, with summit in background,
Washington Written on verso: Compliments of Homer O. Blair
1900? |
1 | Blair 3 |
View down snow covered mountain of neighboring mountain
range, Washington Written on photo: copyright 1900 by of Homer O. Blair
1900 |
Blankenberg, John M.Return to Top
John Martin Blankenberg was born in Tragdor, Norway, October 24, 1860. He was active in the Yukon Territory, Haines, and Dyea, Alaska circa 1901. He died August 19, 1939 in Tenakee, Alaska.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Blankenburg 1 | 1901? | |
1 | Blankenburg 2 |
View of Klondikers hiking on the snow
with supplies near the base of Chilkoot Pass, Alaska The Chilkoot Trail is a 33-mile (53 km) trail through the Coast
Mountains that leads from Dyea, Alaska, in the United States, to Bennett,
British Columbia, in Canada. It was a major access route from the coast to
Yukon goldfields in the late 1890s. The trail became obsolete in 1899 when a
railway was built from Dyeas neighbor port Skagway along the parallel White
Pass trail.
1898? |
1 | Blankenburg 3 |
Dyea town view and surrounding valley
at low tide, Dyea, Alaska Caption on verso: Visit to Alaska in 1897-8 of Gen. T.M.
Anderson of Portland, Ore. & Vancouver, Wash., as Col. of the 14th U.S.
Inf. with part of his regiment on the occasion of the gold rush &
Canadian-Alaskan boundary dispute. See also: Hofsteater, Orlando M. for images of T.M.
between 1897 and 1898 |
1 | Blankenburg 4 | 1898? | |
1 | Blankenburg 5 | Klondikers at scales and summit of
Chilkoot Trail, Alaska Written on verso: View of Scales and Summit of Chilkoot Pass
Peterson Trail to the right.
1898 |
1 | Blankenburg 6 | 1898? | |
1 | Blankenburg 7 |
Dog sled team leaving Dyea,
Alaska Written on verso: Dog team leaving Dyea for Sheep Camp on their
way to Dawson City. N.W.T.
1898? |
1 | Blankenburg 8 |
Goat sled team leaving Dyea,
Alaska Written on verso: Goat team leaving Dyea for Sheep Camp on their
way to Dawson City.
1898? |
1 | Blankenburg 9 |
People gathered with supplies in
freight yard, Alaska Written on verso: Scene in the Freight yard after it has been
unloaded from the Lighters (or Scows) The whole lay out is Yukon outfits.
1898? |
1 | Blankenburg 10 |
Klondikers at scales and summit of
Chilkoot Trail, Alaska Written on verso: View of Scales and Summit of Chilkoot Pass
Peterson Trail to the right.
1898 |
Blome, John HenryReturn to Top
Active at Hewill Avenue, near Chestnut St., Everett, Washington, 1893.
Blome (possible name variant, J.W. Blome) (1853-1902) worked in California, 1888-1892, before coming to Washington. After his time in Washington, Blome again ventured northward working in several locations in British Columbia. He was a photographer in Ashcroft, 1895-1896, and appeared in Kamloops, November 1898. He also worked in Clinton and traveled throughout the Okanagan and Nicola valleys. Blomes obituary called him "an artist of more than average ability".
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Blome 1 | 1893? |
Boland, Marvin D.Return to Top
Marvin D. Boland moved to Tacoma in 1915 and photographed a wide range of subjects including landscapes and celebrities. He was known for his panoramas that he took with a circuit camera. He operated photography studios in Tacoma from 1915-1949. Boland died 1950 in Bremerton, Washington while photographing Navy ships.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Boland 1 | 1918? | |
1 | Boland 2 | 1918? |
BoltonReturn to Top
Was located at 119 Madison, Seattle, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Bolton 1 | February 23, 1920 | |
1 | Bolton 2 |
Workers seated on metal bars of
bridge Written on photo: Erected by J.F. Smith.Written on verso: There are 2 of
February 14, 1920 |
Bone, C.C.Return to Top
Active in Washington, circa 1940s.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Bone 1 | 1942? |
Booen, J. OrvilleReturn to Top
Booen was born in 1864 in Shellrock Township, Minnesota. In 1888 he was working for Judkins Photograph Studio and married Cina Nevin. He ended up in La Conner, Washington around 1889 working for LaRoche and Boyd. Later in 1889 he bought the photography studio in La Conner to open his own business. In 1895 he and his family moved to Chilliwack. He died in 1934.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Booen 1 | between 1888 and 1889 |
Booen & EwingReturn to Top
David B. Ewing arrived in Washington in 1885 and partnered for a photography business with Booen in La Conner and Anacortes, Washington, circa 1890.
Booen was also active in Snohomish County, Washington, 1895 and as an itinerant in Chilliwack and other portions of British Columbia 1895-1897.
Ewing operated Ewing's Studio Everett, Washington, 1893-1902
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Booen & Ewing 1 | between 1890 and 1900 |
Boorne & MayReturn to Top
William Hanson Boorne and his cousin Ernest Gundry May opened a photography business in Calgary in 1886. Boorne was the main photographer while May developed the photographs. They photographed mountain views, railroad construction and small cities and towns.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Boorne & May 1 | between 1886 and 1889? |
Boren, R.L. Return to Top
R.L. Boren is listed as a photographer in a city directory in Deming, Washington in the 1920s..
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Boren 1 | Loggers working for the Parker-Bell
Lumber Company sitting in a partially cut huge tree near Pilchuck,
WA Written on verso: Largest fir in these parts 12 1/2 diam. 4'
from ground.
1911 |
Borgersen, OrvilleReturn to Top
Orville Borgersen was a skier and ski photographer. He explored various ski routes and possible ski routes on Mount Rainier and was a part of the Washington Ski Club. He often photographed while on ski trips and shared his photographs with the ski club. He won the Seattle Times Amateur snap shot competition in 1935 and would continue on and start filming ski outings. He had three brothers who were all skiers as well, Melvin, Le Roy and Stanley. Orville's father was a furrier and Orville grew up in the business, graduating from the Mitchell Designing School in New York and continuing his studies at fashion centers in Europe. In 1955 he was elected the Chairman of the Seattle Retail Trade Bureau and to the board of the Master Furrier's Guild of America Inc. He retired from the fur business in 1977.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Borgersen 1 | Skiers going downhill |
between 1930 and 1940? |
Bowen, ChapinReturn to Top
Chapin Bowen was a commercial and newspaper photographer active in Tacoma, Washington from 1925-1955. His father was Reverend Dr. Charles A. Bowen and he has seven siblings. His studio was located in the Y.M.C.A. Building at 714 Market Street, Tacoma, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | Bowen 1 |
Smoke stack at Tacoma Copper Smelter,
Tacoma, Washington Typed on verso: Among the world's tallest, the stack of Tacoma
Copper Smelter ejects smoke into the clouds...It is the second highest smelter
stack in the world, the highest being on a smelter at Foochow, China.
between 1925 and 1955? |
1 | Bowen 2 | between 1925 and 1950? | |
1 | Bowen 3 |
Pathway and trees around American Lake,
Lakewood, Washington Written on verso: American Lake at Rhodes home.
between 1925 and 1955? |
1 | Bowen 4 | between 1925 and 1955? | |
1 | Bowen 5 | 1931? |
BowmerReturn to Top
This may be H.L. Bowmer, the publisher of the Burlington Journal, the first publication in the town.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
11 | Bowmer 1 |
People standing with two men using hand
saw to cut log Written on photo: Park Day Burlington Washington.
between 1880 and 1910? |
Bradley, LeviReturn to Top
Active at Cor. 19th and Harris Sts., Fairhaven, Washington 1890.
Briefly in partnership with Orrin E. Monnett, they ran the Monnett & Bradley Studio, 1890. After working in Fairhaven, Bradley moved his business to Seattle, 1905-1907.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Bradley 1 | 1890? |
Edwin L. BrandReturn to Top
Active at 210 and 212 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. Established 1858.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Brand 1 | 1883? |
Brandt, KarlReturn to Top
Active at 713 1st Ave, Union Block building, Seattle, Washington, 1911-1915.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Brandt 1 | 1915? | |
2 | Brandt 2 | 1913? | |
2 | Brandt 3 | 1913? |
Bratt, J.H.Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Bratt 1 | 1895 |
Brodeck & Co.Return to Top
H.H. Brodeck and M. Wagner, active at Main Street, opposite First, Walla Walla, Washington, 1880-1886.
Listed as Brodeck & Company (Brodeck, Henry H. & Gray, W. Vallance) in 1876, San Francisco Directoryand at 640 Market St. San Francisco, California.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Brodeck & Co. 1 | between 1880 and 1890? | |
2 | Brodeck & Co. 2 |
Studio portrait of Dr. N.G. Blalock
wearing a long beard, Walla Walla, Washington See Maxwell 6 for photograph of Dr. Blalocks home.Printed on verso: H.H. Brodeck. M. Wagner. Brodeck & Co.,
Photographers. Main Street, Walla Walla. W.T.
1880? |
2 | Brodeck & Co. 3 |
Studio portrait of two young girls in
white dresses, Walla Walla, Washington Printed on verso: Brodeck & Co. Photographers, Walla Walla,
1880? |
2 | Brodeck & Co. 4 |
Studio portrait of Father Duffy, Walla
Walla, Washington Printed on verso: H.H. Brodeck, Photographer! Main Street, Walla
Walla, W.T.
between 1880 and 1890? |
2 | Brodeck & Co. 5 | between 1880 and 1890? | |
2 | Brodeck & Co. 6 | between 1880 and 1890? |
Brown, B.B.Return to Top
Active in Bellingham, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Brown 1 | between 1905 and 1920? |
Brown, Harold M.Return to Top
Harold M. Brown was born June 2, 1887 in Minnewaukan, North Dakota. He was a commercial photographer based in Camas, Washington focusing on the logging industries in Oregon and Washington. During World War II, Brown also served as an army photographer. He died on August 2, 1956.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Brown H. 1 | Man inspecting a piece of
lumber |
between 1940 and 1950 |
2 | Brown H. 2 | Truck carrying trees through
forest |
between 1940 and 1950 |
2 | Brown H. 3 | Lumber stacked in warehouse |
between 1940 and 1950 |
Brown, JamesReturn to Top
James Brown was (1865-1925?) was a California-born Chinese-American photographer. Together with his wife Nellie (1887-1966), Brown operated a photo gallery at 227-1/2 Washington St. in Portland, catering to the Portland area Chinese-American community. After his death, Nellie continued to operate the studio and gallery until World War II.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
10 | BrownJ1 | 1920? |
Brubaker Aerial SurveysReturn to Top
Active in Portland, Oregon, 1920s-40s. Active at 602 Buyers Building, Portland, Oregon.
William C. 'Bill' Brubaker owned Brubaker Aerial Surveys, and was possibly the first West coast aviation regional commercial aerial photographer. Many of his photographs turned into post cards and were used on promotional brochures. His customers included the F.B.I. and Boris Karloff. He sold the company, Brubaker Aerial Surveys to a former employee, Leonard Delano, in 1946.
Al Monner was employed as a photographer by Brubaker Aerial Surveys from July 1931-March 1932.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Brubaker 1 | 1930? | |
2 | Brubaker 2 | 1930? |
Buchtel, Joseph Return to Top
Joseph Buchtel (b. 1830) was active at 93 First St., Portland, Oregon in numerous partnerships, ventures, and studios 1853 - circa 1880.
Buchtel learned daguerreotyping in Urbana, Illinois in 1851-3. He moved to Portland by 1853, opening a studio but also traveling to various places along the Columbia and Willamette Rivers. Buchtel apparently sold his studio to W. H. Towne in 1880. Aside from being the cities leading photographer, he was a prominent Portland citizen in other ways, such as serving as the fire chief and the Multnomah County Sheriff.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Buchtel 1 | between 1860 and 1870 |
Buchtel & Cardwell Return to Top
Active at 89 First St., Portland, Oregon, 1859-1866.
J.R. (possibly Joseph) Buchtel partnered in business with Byron Cardwell, Buchtel & Cardwell's Picture Gallery, starting 1864. Cardwell eventually bought Buchtel's interest in the firm. Buchtel was a dentist and taxidermist who also operated a museum of stuffed animals in connection with the studio.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Buchtel & Cardwell 1 | between 1860 and 1870 |
Buchtel & StolteReturn to Top
B & S, Joseph (J.R.) Buchtel & E.H. Stolte, were active at 91, 119 and 121 First Street, Portland, Oregon, 1873-1880.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Buchtel & Stolte 1 | between 1870 and 1880 | |
2 | Buchtel & Stolte 2 | between 1870 and 1880 | |
2 | Buchtel & Stolte 3 | Portrait of a baby wrapped in a knitted
sweater and blanket, Portland, Oregon |
between 1870 and 1880 |
2 | Buchtel & Stolte 4 | Studio portrait of a seated woman,
Portland, Oregon |
between 1870 and 1880 |
2 | Buchtel & Stolte 5 | Studio portrait of a young man wearing
a suit, Portland, Oregon |
between 1870 and 1880 |
2 | Buchtel & Stolte 6 | ||
2 | Buchtel & Stolte 7 |
Studio portrait of Edwin Ells seated
with his wife and daughter, Portland, Oregon Written on verso: Agent at Skokomish Indian reservation for many
years from about 1868.
1868? |
Buck, Leroy F.Return to Top
Active at 3418 Fremont Ave., Lippy Bldg., Fremont Station, Seattle, Washington, 1923-1925.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Buck 1 |
Leroy Buck, C.J. Van Olinda, and E.J.
Mathis standing with a group of men on post office porch in Portage, Vashon
Island, Washington. A man at right is leaning against a box labeled "Buck, The
Photographer, 3418 Fremont Ave".
July 1903 |
2 | Buck 2 | 1903 |
Burdett StudioReturn to Top
Active at C St. Tacoma, and 1925 First Avenue, Seattle, Washington.
The Burdett Photo Studio was operated in Seattle and Tacoma, Washington. The studio in Seattle was managed by George H. Launer 1907-1908. In 1909 he was joined by his business partner William Colville.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Burdett 1 | 1908? |
Bushnell, Corry A.Return to Top
Active in Ellensburg, Washington, 1891-1895.
See also: James & Bushnell (Eli M. James and Corry A. Bushnell). Bushnell (1866-1941), Seattle, Washington, 1903-1922.
See also: Christy Studio. Bushnell partnered with Pinney, W.A., Seattle, Washington, 1918.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Bushnell C.A. 1 | between 1890 and 1900 | |
2 | Bushnell C.A. 2 | between 1890 and 1900 | |
2 | Bushnell C.A. 3 | between 1890 and 1900 |
Camp, Elston H.Return to Top
Elston Camp was active on Bell Street, Seattle, Washington. He was the assistant secretary of the Yong Man's Christian Association circa 1890
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Camp 1 | after 1928 |
Campbell StudiosReturn to Top
Campbell Studios Ltd. was a commercial photographic studio operating in Vancouver, B.C. In 1931, it was located at 569 Granville Street. The firm was founded by photographer William J. Campbell (1886-1958), under the name Campbell's Studios Ltd in 1921. He was joined in the company by his son, John S. Campbell (1919-2004) in 1945 or 1946, with William Campbell as President and John Campbell as Manager. The firm was still in operation in 1996.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
XH_Early1 | Campbell1 | August 14, 1931 |
Cann, Charles F.Return to Top
Charles Cann was active in Fairbanks, Alaska circa 1923- circa 1946. He was born circa 1886 in Estonia. He moved to the United States circa 1906.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Cann 1 | 1933? | |
2 | Cann 2 | 1933? | |
2 | Cann 3 | Fairbanks Exploration Company Chatanika
gold Dredge, Alaska Copy print
1933? |
Cardwell, R.H.Return to Top
Active at the corner of Commercial & Washington Sts., above the Seattle public market, Seattle, Washington, circa 1876. Cardwell was active in Portland, Oregon, circa 1868 before establishing a studio in Seattle, and was brother of Portland photographers Byron and J.R. Cardwell.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Cardwell 1 |
Studio portrait of a young woman,
Seattle, Washington Printed on verso: R.H. Cardwell. Photographer. Cor. Commercial
and Washington Sts. Seattle, W.T.
1876? |
Carpenter, Albert C.Return to Top
Active at 915 C St., Tacoma, Washington, 1892-1900.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Carpenter 1-2 |
Portrait of Native American Puyallup
Indian, Sarah Wannachin, Puyallup, Washington Correctly known as Sarah Wa-Da-Chub, born near Elki on Puyallup
River of Puyallup parents. She is 85 years old in the portrait.
1899 |
2 | Carpenter 3 | 1899 | |
2 | Carpenter 4 | 1899 | |
box:oversize | |||
11 | Carpenter 5 |
Native American Puyallup men wearing
western clothing, Puyallup, Washington Written on mount are the names of the men from left to right:
Bill Quismith. "Luke", Leshi's Lt. in Ind. War. 1858-6. George Leschi. Yelm
1893? |
Box | |||
2 | Carpenter 6 |
View of men standing on timber on a
Northern Pacific Railroad flatcar for the construction of the Washington State
building at the Chicago World's Columbian Exposition, probably Tacoma,
Washington Written on verso: Washington St. Bldg. World's Columbia
Exposition, Chicago, 1893.
1893 |
Carr, Anthony P.Return to Top
Anthony Pitman Carr was the eldest son of Job Carr, (Tacoma's first mayor and postmaster and notable pioneer who constructed the first non-native residence in Commencement Bay), who came to Tacoma in 1865 and went into business with photographer and camera furnisher E.A. Light. Carr had a photograph gallery in Marshalltown, Iowa from 1863-1864 and one in Tacoma from 1866- circa 1900. Prior to his move to Tacoma, Carr was a soldier in the Civil War who delivered photographs and messages to President Lincoln.
Copy prints of glass plate negatives. Original glass plate negatives are lost.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Carr 1 | Man leaning against Job Carr's cabin
that is under construction, Tacoma, WA |
between 1866 and 1900? |
2 | Carr 2 | Wooden house with people standing in
doorways, Tacoma, WA Copy print
between 1866 and 1900? |
2 | Carr 3 | Small town with field with logs,
Tacoma, WA Copy print
between 1866 and 1900? |
2 | Carr 4 | Town buildings with boardwalk, Tacoma,
WA Copy print
between 1866 and 1900? |
2 | Carr 5 | between 1866 and 1900? |
Carratt, HarryReturn to Top
Harry Carratt (1870-1941) was active in Goldendale, Washington, 1895-1902. He was partners in the studio Miller & Carrat, and active in Arlington, Oregon.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Carratt 1 | 1901? |
Catterlin & LussierReturn to Top
Frances J. Catterlin and William Lussier were active in Salem, Oregon, 1889-1893.
Catterlin also partnered with Lute J. Hicks.
Lussier also partnered with James J. Tyrrell and Samuel B. Crow, Portland, Oregon, circa 1890s.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Catterlin & Lussier 1 | 1889? | |
2 | Catterlin & Lussier 2 | 1889? | |
2 | Catterlin & Lussier 3 | 1889? | |
2 | Catterlin & Lussier 4 | 1889? | |
2 | Catterlin & Lussier 5 | View across lake to an island in Waldo
Lake in Lane County, Oregon |
1889? |
2 | Catterlin & Lussier 6 | View of canoe and shore of Waldo Lake
in Lane County, Oregon Written on verso: Waldo Lake from camp Edith
1889? |
2 | Catterlin & Lussier 7 | Horses grazing on the shore of Waldo
Lake, Lane County, Oregon |
1889? |
Cawthon, James B.Return to Top
Active in Palouse, Washington, 1901-1902.
James B. Cawthon was a traveling photographer. He partnered as Cawthon & Warren in 1885. He Cawthon photographed various places in Washington including Spokane Falls, 1890, Spokane, 1892; partnered with William R. Read, as Cawthon & Read, 1893, Palouse, 1901-1902; Everett, 1903-1904; various Seattle (including Ballard) locations, 1904-1913; and partnered as Cawthon & Steward, 1912. He was active in Portland, Oregon, 1888-1889, and in Victoria, B.C., 1898. Cawthon is also spelled Cawthorn.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Cawthon 1 | between 1901 and 1902 |
Chamberlain, E.Return to Top
E. Chamberlain Photographic Studio was active in Sitka, Alaska. He was a photographer and artist, and taught art classes in Sitka, Alaska.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Chamberlain 1 | 1887? | |
2 | Chamberlain 2 |
View over water to mountains behind
Kodiak, Alaska Written on verso: Mountains back of Kodiak, Alaska.
1887? |
Chandler's Photo ServiceReturn to Top
Located ib DeLake, Oregon.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Chandler 1 |
U.S. 101 Highway Sign for Astoria,
Olympic Peninsula and Victoria B.C. Sign reads: Keep left here for Astoria, Olympic Peninsula,
Victoria B.C. All paved Highways.
October 29, 1939 |
Chehalis Art CompanyReturn to Top
The Chehalis Art Co. was located in Chehalis, Washington. It was possibly owned by William Drummond of Drummond's Studio and his wife Lucinda Clippinger.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Chehalis 1 | between 1907 and 1910? |
Cheney, E.Return to Top
Active in Oregon City, Oregon, 1896-1901.
Three Cheney siblings worked as professional photographers, in Oregon City and McMinnville. Eston and his sister Edith both had studios in Oregon City, while Ethel partnered with Bessie Krumm in McMinnville. Eston, the oldest of the three, was the operator of Cheney's Art Gallery in Oregon City from 1895-1901. Shortly after he sold his business to William Snodgrass in 1902, the youngest, Edith, opened her own Oregon City gallery. Ethel, who was already listed as a photographer in the 1900 Oregon City census, became a partner with photographer Bessie Krumm in McMinnville in 1905. She may have worked earlier in Portland at the Imperial Gallery and at Lewis and Krumm. Krumm was rooming with the Cheney family in Oregon City in 1900.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Cheney 1 | 1900? |
Chew, George C.Return to Top
George Chew was an engineer in the City of Seattle water Department into the 1930s.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Chew 1 | 1928 | |
2 | Chew 2 |
Operator's home at the Landsburg dam
along the Cedar River Written on verso: Cedar River-Settling basin and operator's home
at Landsburg.
March 23, 1928 |
2 | Chew 3 | 1928 |
Chicester, H.D.Return to Top
Active in Alaska, Yukon, and the Pribilof Islands, 1897-1911.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Chicester 1 |
Russian Orthodox church procession with the priest, men,
and boys, on the St. George Island in the Pribilof Islands, Alaska. Written on verso: A religious procession by the Russian priest
and some of his congregation, Pribilof Islands, Alaska, 1907.
1907 |
Christy StudioReturn to Top
W.A. Pinney managed Christy Studio, at 1006 Northern Bk & T Bldg., and 1007 Seaboard Bldg., Seattle, Washington, 1912-1919. During this time period, Pinney partnered with C.A. Bushnell at Christy Studio, 1918. Charles D. Lothrop was associated, and possible new manager of the Christy Studio, 1920.
See also: Bushnell, Corry A.
See also: Lothrop, Charles D.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Christy 1 | 1918? |
Clark, E.A.Return to Top
E.A. Clark was born in Pennsylvania and moved to California in 1850 and Washington in 1852. He was the Justice of the Peace and County Auditor for some time and was known for his daguerreotypes. He has been referred to as Seattle's first resident photographer. He died April 27, 1860 at age 32.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Clark E.A. 1 |
Building with people on porch at Front
and James Street, Seattle Written on photo: N.E. Corner Front & James St. Seattle.
Copyrighted 1891 A.N. Brown. Boyd and Braas Photo.Written on verso: Seattle 1859 The home of Henry L. Yesler
Corner of James St. & First Ave. (Present site of Pioneer Block)This photograph, originally created by E.A. Clark, was copied
multiple times by various photographers or publishers including, Boyd &
Braas, Ashmun Norris Brown, Ashael Curtis (26433) and Webster and Stevens
1859 |
Clark's Photo StudioReturn to Top
The proprietor of Clark's Photo Studio was Lloyd W. Clark. He was born in Viroqua, Wisconsin and moved to Lansing, Michigan at the age of 19 to apprentice in a photography studio. In 1902 he moved to Kent, Washington. He was active in Kent, Washington 1902-circa 1925. He was also a pilot and engineer and had worked for many years on river boats along the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers. He died September 21, 1935.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Clark 1 | 1905? |
Clemons, BasilReturn to Top
Active at 819 3rd Ave., Seattle, Washington, 1919.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Clemons 1 | 1919 | |
2 | Clemons 2 |
Man and women car camping and
picnicking, Silver Lake, Washington Written on photo: Weakending it at Silver Lake Wa.
1920 |
2 | Clemons 3 |
Group portrait at a party, Seattle,
Washington Written on photo: The "Some Baby" Party at the Root Home
Seattle, Wn.
February 23, 1919 |
Collison, Margaret KeatingReturn to Top
Collison was born in 1870. She had an interest in photography and American Indian art. She lived in Portland, Oregon at 443 East Clay Street with her husband, a house plasterer. She died in 1945.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Collison 1 | 1925? | |
2 | Collison 2 | 1925? |
Colpitts, Claude C.Return to Top
Active at 614 ½ 2nd St., Seattle, Washington, 1902-1904. Colpitts was also active as Colpitts & McKnight (Claude Colpitts and Samuel F. McKnight), at 113 ½ Marion St. Seattle, Washington, 1902; and in Tacoma, 1902. He was with Colpitts Studio Co. (Claude Colpitts and A.F. Herpich, jr.), at 113 ½ Marion St., Seattle, Washington, 1904; and in Mt. Vernon, 1909-1910.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Colpitts 1 | between 1902 and 1904 |
Combest, S.B.Return to Top
Active in Juneau, Alaska, 1917.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Combest 1 |
Cave-in (a
large sinkhole) and mine buildings at Treadwell, Alaska On April 21, 1922, one of the largest disasters in Juneau mining
history began to unfold - the collapse of one of the mines at Treadwell.
Combest documented through his photographs that a flood would be the virtual
end of most of the Treadwell mines. By the morning of the 22nd, the Treadwell,
700-Foot and Mexican mines had flooded completely. Although a handful of horses
and mules were lost in the cave-in, no miners died, in part thanks to a shift
change just before the flood.
August 22, 1917 |
2 | Combest 2 |
Cave-in (a
large sinkhole) at Treadwell, Alaska On April 21, 1922, one of the largest disasters in Juneau
mining history began to unfold - the collapse of one of the mines at Treadwell.
Combest documented through his photographs that a flood would be the virtual
end of most of the Treadwell mines. By the morning of the 22nd, the Treadwell,
700-Foot and Mexican mines had flooded completely. Although a handful of horses
and mules were lost in the cave-in, no miners died, in part thanks to a shift
change just before the flood.
August 22, 1917 |
Coons Bros.Return to Top
Active in Sitka, Alaska.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Coons |
Sitka, Alaska waterfront and Japonski
Island Written on verso: Sitka about 1939. Showing Japonski Id. [? sic]
before the airport was built.
1939? |
Corbett, Leslie R.Return to Top
Leslie R. Corbett was born on February 9, 1882 in Grand Island, Nebraska. He worked as a photographer in Whatcom County, Washington in the 1920s and 1930s and resided in Bellingham, Washington. He married Martha G. Harding who died of tuberculosis October 21, 1931. Corbett was a member of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics Bay City Council No. 3. Leslie Corbett died May 13, 1938.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Corbett 1 |
Telephone workers and two boys standing in front of
truck Written on verso: Mr. Smith. Telephone Crew.
1917? |
CornishReturn to Top
George B. Cornish inherited William Prettyman’s studio, located at 125 West Fifth Avenue in Arkansas City, Kansas in 1905. Cornish was an active photographer until 1937. He died in 1946.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Cornish 1 | Pomeranian dog |
between 1920 and 1930? |
Corser, Harry ProsperReturn to Top
The Reverend Harry Prosper Corser (1864-1936) was born in Portageville, New York. He was a Presbyterian minister and a writer. While living in Wrangell, Washington, 1910, and authored a book titled Totem Lore Of The Alaska Indians.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Corser 1 |
View of the Davidson Glacier, near
Haines, Alaska Hand colored photograph
1910? |
Cowan StudioReturn to Top
Cowan Studio was located at 4730 University Way and was owned by William R. Cowan and his wife Lucretia Cowan.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
11 | Cowan 1 | August 18, 1926 |
Cox, A.H.Return to Top
The A.H. Cox Building was located at 414 1st Ave. S., Seattle Washington.
See the Henry Broderick Photograph Collection, PH Coll 685, item 18, for a photograph of the A.H. Cox Building and offices, circa 1919.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
11 | Cox 1 | September 1919 | |
11 | Cox 2 | September 1919 |
Cress-DaleReturn to Top
John D. Cress was born August 12, 1864. His father was a Union Army Staff Surgeon in the Civil War. In 1890 he opened the Chicago Transparency Company. In 1912 he moved to Seattle to work as a photographer for the American Lumber, a trade journal. In 1916 he started a photography business with L.R. Dale. Their studio was located in the Crary Buildings, Seattle. The partnership was announced dissolved in the Seattle Times on January 19, 1924. Cress died in December of 1938.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
11 | CressDale 1 | Confirmation class of Immanuel Lutheran
Church in front of church altar |
May 6, 1923 |
Box | |||
2 | CressDale 2 | 1922? | |
Box/Folder | |||
2 | CressDale.3 | Lake Union from Denny Regrade neighborhood This is a copy print.
Between 1912 and 1924 |
Crissman, J.Return to Top
Active in Bozeman, Montana.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
11 | Crissman 1 | View of the Grotto Geyser in
Yellowstone National Park, Montana |
1880? |
Cromwell, AlfredReturn to Top
Active at 606 2nd St., Kilgen Block, Seattle, Washington.
Cromwell was a commercial photographer, and was active at Judkins Portrait Gallery.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Cromwell 1 | 1893? | |
2 | Cromwell 2 | May 1893 |
Cronise, Thomas JeffersonReturn to Top
Thomas Jefferson Cronise was born in Peru, Illinois in 1853. He moved to Salem, Oregon at age 29. He married Nellie Riggs in 1884. Cronise bought a photography studio from William P. Johnson in 1902 located in the Bush-Brey Building at Commercial and Court. Thomas and his wife, along with their son Harry operated the studio from 1902-1972.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Cronise 1 |
Two native boys at Chemewa Indian
School, Salem, Oregon Written on verso: Compliment of J.C. Henry April 22, 1897.
April 22, 1897 |
Cross and DimmittReturn to Top
Arthur B Cross and Edward L. Dimmitt sold photo postcards of the Columbia River Gorge, Mt. Hood and Portland. Cross opened a studio in 1909 in Portland and in 1914 Dimmitt started working there. In 1916 they became partners. They frequently sold their post cards out of their car, a Model T, at Crown Point. As their business grew they built a stand at Crown Point and eventually set up a studio in Portland in the 1920s.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
11 | Cross 1 | Castle Rock, Columbia River with fish wheels in
foreground |
1916? |
Box | |||
2 | Cross 2 | 1916? | |
2 | Cross 3 | 1916? | |
2 | Cross 4 | 1916? |
Crow, Samuel B.Return to Top
S. B. Crow is listed in a city directory as practicing in Vancouver, WA in 1903-1904. He may have moved from Astoria, Oregon because the mat for his photograph says he is in Astoria.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Crow 1 | View of harbor and town of Astoria, OR |
1890 |
Cummings Bros.Return to Top
Cummings Bros. were active in Lewiston, Idaho.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Cummings 1 | between 1900 and 1910? | |
Box/Folder | |||
2 | Cummings2 | Between 1888 and 1935 |
Curlette, Edward B.Return to Top
Edward B. Curlette (1872-1952) came to Calgary, Alberta in 1899. He entered the photography business with his uncle, K.W. Snider, and in 1902 took over the studio. He worked in Calgary until 1946 when his building was destroyed by fire.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Curlette1 |
Holiday card printed with portrait of
Curlette Printed inside card: Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year,
E.B. Curlette.
1933-1935? |
2 | Curlette2 | Holiday card printed with portrait of man Written on verso: To my old Pal Invy. Xmas 1934. P.D.
1934 |
Currie, NeilReturn to Top
Neil Currie (1842-1921) was an active traveling photographer from Minnesota.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Currie 1 |
View north at Madison Park, on Lake
Washington, Seattle, Washington Printed on verso: These views were taken by Neil Currie, of
Currie, Minnesota, on a trip aboard the Northern Pacific Railroad in July and
August 1891.
1891 |
2 | Currie 2 |
View south at Madison Park, on Lake
Washington, Seattle, Washington Printed on verso: These views were taken by Neil Currie, of
Currie, Minnesota, on a trip aboard the Northern Pacific Railroad in July and
August 1891.
1891 |
Curtis, Edward S. & Guptil, Thomas H.Return to Top
Active as partners at 614 2nd St., Seattle, Washington, 1892-1897.
Edward Curtis was born in Wisconsin. At about 1874, the family moved to Le Sueur County, Minnesota. As a teenager, he became interested in photography and built a camera using the book, Wilsons Photographics. In 1885, at age seventeen, he apprenticed with a photographer in St. Paul. After the family moved to the Seattle, Washington area in 1887, Curtis bought a partnership in the photographic studio of Rasmus Rothi. He left that business after about six months and formed a new partnership with Thomas Guptill, called Curtis and Guptill, Photographers and Photoengravers. In 1897, Curtis and Guptill parted ways and Curtis renamed the studio Edward S. Curtis, Photographer and Photoengraver. Curtis was known for photographing local Native American Indians.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Curtis 1 | Woman Photo missing or moved as of 12/2008.
betwen 1860 and 1943? |
2 | Curtis & Guptil 2 | 1904 |
Danner, Theodore D.Return to Top
Active in Heppner, Oregon, 1889-1891. He also partnered as Danner & Lubken, Pendleton, Oregon, 1903-1905; in Athena, 1907; and in Milton, 1911-1917.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Danner 1 | 1889? |
Darling StudioReturn to Top
Active in Ashland, Oregon.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Darling 1 | between 1900 and 1950 |
Davidson, H.C.Return to Top
Homer C. Davidson was active as a commercial photographer at 905 Pike St., Seattle, Washington.
He also partnered as Davidson & Averrett (Homer C. Davidson and Walter E. Averrett), at 611 D S Johnston Cp. Bldg., 1908.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Davidson 1 |
View of the Hotel
Assembly building, 823 Madison St., Seattle, Washington Hotel Assembly is now the Madison Apartments building.
1920? |
2 | Davidson 2 | 1933? | |
2 | Davidson 3 |
Seattle Asian Art Museum
exterior Written on verso: The Seattle Art Museum Volunteer Park. Bebb
and Gould Architects opened July 1933.
1933? |
2 | Davidson 4 | Construction materials at Wallace
Bridge and Structural Steel Company, Seattle, Washington From accompanying material: Door Track for Sunnyville Hangar in
Assembly Bay. Wallace Bridge and Structural Steel Company, Seattle
1933? |
2 | Davidson 5 | Steel loaded into railway cars,
Longview, Washington From accompanying material: Seven carloads of fabricated steel
ready for shipment to Longview Bridge, Longview, Washington. Total 13,160 tons
fabricated and erected under general contract by Wallace Bridge and Structural
Steel Company, Seattle, Washington.
1933? |
2 | Davidson 6 | Blangy's service and gas station
station Written on verso: 919 Olive Way.
1933? |
Davies, George W.Return to Top
Active at the corner of First and Taylor Streets, Portland, Oregon, 1879-1897. Circa 1897-1928 his studio was located at 3rd and Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon
George W. Davies (1855-1929) was a photographer and a printer for F.G. Abell, 1879-1882. Davies operated the Davies Studio with his stepson, Clarence A. Defries, 1901-1925.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
2 | Davies 1 |
Collage print of officers portraits
around a photo of the steamship Idaho Collage of individual portraits of the officers, numbered and
identified on verso, centered around a photograph of the Idaho.
1884 |
2 | Davies 2 |
Girl in a kimono and holding an
umbrella, possibly an advertisement card Printed on card: Take your babies to Davies, "Persian Tint" and
"Ivorette," the latest. Our work excels all others.
1897? |
2 | Davies3 |
Sailing vessel Austrasia at
anchor Written on mount: "Austrasia" Davies Photo, Portland, OR.The Austrasia was a four-masted
British bark out of Liverpool, later known as the German Gustaf (1910) and the Australian Melbourne (1927). It was built in 1892 and sunk in 1937
after a collision with another vessel.
between 1892 and 1906 |
Box/Folder | |||
11 | Davies 4 | Between 1904 and 1918? |
Davis, RayReturn to Top
Active at 302-3, Lloyd Bldg, Seattle, Washington, 1943.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Davis R1 | July 15, 1943 | |
3 | Davis R2 | July 15, 1943 | |
3 | Davis R3 | July 15, 1943 |
Davis, WalterReturn to Top
Davis Studio was active at the Southeast corner of Second and Blanchard, Seattle, Washington, circa 1888.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Davis W1 |
View of Seattle, Washington looking
toward Territorial University building with Chas. [Charles] Louch grocery store
in foreground Printed on mat: With the Compliments of Chas. Louch, Grocer,
1412 to 1416 Front Street. Packer of the 1888 Hams and Bacon.
1888? |
Deig, Andrew M.Return to Top
Deig (1879-1955), was a photographer and photo tinter, active at 415 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Deig 1 | between 1906 and 1930? |
DeLong & DrakeReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | DeLong 1 | Bennett's auto camp houses, Seattle,
Washington Postcard
1929? |
Studio De LuxeReturn to Top
Active in 230-1-2 Lumber Exchange, Centralia, Washington, 1908-1914.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | De Luxe 1 | Studio portrait vignette of a seated
young man wearing a suit, Centralia, Washington |
1910? |
Denman, A.H.Return to Top
Active at 500 National Bank of Com. Bldg., Tacoma, Washington.
Denman is listed in The International annual of Anthonys photographic bulletin and American process year-book , Volume 14, 1902 as the Vice President of the Washington Camera Club, which was established May 18, 1900. The headquarters were located The Ferry Museum, Tacoma, Washington. Denman authored a book in 1924 titled The Name of Mt. Tacoma.
Denman was instrumental in early documentation of Mount Rainier National Park, located in Pierce County, Washington. Denman Falls, was named after A.H. Denman by Ben Longmire.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Denman 1 |
View of Professor Edmond S. Meany and
two younger men in a forested camp area, Tacoma, Washington Professor Edmond S. Meany (1862-1935) was a historian, history
professor, collector, a prolific writer, a prominent and popular civic leader
who played a key role in the early history of the University and the
region--perhaps the most influential and beloved figure of the Universities
history. In 1894, Meany became the UWs first registrar while also holding
positions as an instructor and secretary to the UW Board of Regents. In 1897,
he became a full professor and head of the UW history department, teaching
courses in forestry, American history, and Pacific Northwest history. He taught
at the University of Washington from 1897 to 1932 and is known by many as "the
father of the university." The Meany Hall for the Performing Arts is named
after him. He was president of the Mountaineers from 1908-1935.
between 1930 and 1940 |
Dennison PhotoReturn to Top
Dennison Photo was active at 120 ½ Wall Street, Spokane, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Dennison 1 | 1910? |
Denny, Orion O.Return to Top
Orion O. Denny, son of pioneers Arthur and Mary Ann Denny, was the first white boy born in Seattle.
Cheshiahud was a Duwamish native and a Denny family friend. Better known as Lake Union John, he spoke Lushootseed and had a Lushootseed name. Cheshiahud and his wife Tleebuleetsa (also known as Madeleine) were the last Native Americans to live in the Seattle area. They lived in a small house next to Portage Bay at the foot of Shelby.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Denny 1 |
Portrait of Cheshiahud (also known as
Old John, Lake Union John or Indian John) and wife Tleebuleetsa (also known as
Madeline) standing in front of their house on Portage Bay, Seattle Written on verso: Indian John and Madeline, his wife. Last of
the Lake Union Indians. John Cheshiahud.
1904? |
box:oversize | |||
11 | Denny 2 | Portrait of Cheshiahud (also known as
Old John, Lake Union John or Indian John) and wife Tleebuleetsa (also known as
Madeline) standing in front of their house on Portage Bay, Seattle Same image as item Denny 1.
Written on verso: Old John and Madeline Last of the Lake Union
Indians. Don't hurt the picture - Meany.
1904? |
11 | Denny 3 | 1904? |
Depue, Earl B.Return to Top
Earl B. Depue was born in 1887 in Wisconsin. He was the president of Depue, Morgan & Company, Inc., active at 1117 Pine St., Seattle, Washington circa 1921.
Depue also partnered with Calvin F. Todd, a commercial photographer in Washington, 1921.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
11 | Depue 1 | View down car lined street leading to
the Green Building, Seattle,
Washington |
1917? |
11 | Depue 2 | View of The
Gables apartments at 16th & E. Harrison, Seattle,
Washington |
1917? |
11 | Depue 3 | Houses on Capitol Hill at 307-9
Boylston N., Seattle, Washington |
1917? |
Box | |||
3 | Depue 4 | View of a house on First Hill, 1132
11th Ave., Seattle, Washington Written on photo: Depue 5025.
1917? |
3 | Depue 5 |
Bon Marche store window advertising
Clows Waffle Flour, Seattle,
Washington Stamped on verso of photo: Depue - Seattle, Denny Bldg.
between 1917 and 1921? |
Depue Morgan & CompanyReturn to Top
Depue Morgan and Company was active circa 1921- circa 1929. Earl B. Morgan was the president of the photography firm.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Depue Morgan 1 | between 1921 and 1929? | |
3 | Depue Morgan 2 | Lakeside School for Boys interior of
study hall Written on verso: Study Hall, Lakeside School for Boys.
between 1921 and 1929? |
3 | Depue Morgan 3 | between 1921 and 1929? | |
3 | Depue Morgan 4 | Suzzallo Library reading room,
University of Washington |
between 1921 and 1929? |
DeWeese, DallReturn to Top
William Dallas (Dall) DeWeese (1857-1928), was a hunter, naturalist, and author in Canon City, Colorado during the late 1800s. He spent three months in 1898 on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, in quest of large mammals (moose) for the United States Museum, and published cabinet card photographs he made while on that trip. He named Emma Lake, Alaska, for his wife Emma, the first woman hunter on the Kenai Peninsula, in the fall of 1898.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | DeWeese 1 |
DeWeese holding giant trophy rack of a
moose, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska Caption inscribed on photograph: One days sport. A record moose
head of the world 69 inch spread killed in Alaska by Dall De Weese Canon City,
Colorado, 1897. This photo might be a copy of the photo found at the
Royal George Museum and Historical Center, Cañon
City, Colorado.In May 1898, DeWeese received a letter from the Division of
Biological Survey with the United States Department of Agriculture requesting
that he return to Alaska to undertake a survey and complete a map showing the
location of geographical features such as glaciers, rivers, and lakes of the
Kenai Peninsula and to collect specimens of large mammals, which were later
deposited in the United States Museum of Natural History (now the Smithsonian
Institution) zoology/mammal collection. Two specimens collected by DeWeese
became type specimens. Type specimens are specimens that are used as the
definitive specimen for that particular species (all other specimens would be
compared to the type specimen): Alces gigas (Miller, 1899) and Vulpes
kenaiensis (Merriam, 1900) – a moose and a fox.
1897 |
Dickinson PhotoReturn to Top
Active in Deering, Alaska.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Dickinson 1 | between 1900 and 1920? |
Dingman BrothersReturn to Top
Active in Seattle, Washington.
Dingman Brothers studio was operated by Harry C. Dingman and Waldo H. Dingman in Seattle, Washington, 1902-1908.
Harry and Waldo also worked out of their own separate studios in Seattle: Harry at 1209 ½ 2nd, and 218 ½ Columbia St., 1902-1904; and Waldo at 416 Epler Blk., and at 315 Shafer Bldg., 1904-1911. Waldo also partnered with Andrew Hamilton for Novelty Photo Co., 1901-1902.
See also: Hamilton, Andrew L.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Dingman Bros 1 |
Studio portrait of a women in black
formal dress, Seattle, Washington This is the same woman as photographed in item Dingman, H.C.
1905? |
3 | Dingman Bros 2 | Studio portrait of Charles Watt,
Seattle, Washington |
between 1905 and 1908 |
Dingman, Harry C.Return to Top
Active at 218 ½ Columbia St. and 1209 ½ 2nd, Seattle, Washington, 1902-1904.
Harry also worked with his brother Waldo H. Dingman in Seattle, Washington, 1902-1908.
See also: Dingman Brothers.
Waldo also partnered with Andrew Hamilton for Novelty Photo Co., 1901-1902.
See also: Hamilton, Andrew L.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Dingman H.C. 1 |
Studio portrait of woman wearing a hat
and coat, Seattle, Washington This is the same woman as photographed in item Dingman Bros
1904? |
Dix PhotosReturn to Top
The photographer was determined by looking at established Dix photographs and comparing the handwriting.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Dix 1 | Grays Harbor Commercial Company dining
hall exterior, Cosmopolis, Washington |
1900? |
3 | Dix 2 | Grays Harbor Commercial Company dining
hall interior, Cosmopolis, Washington |
1900? |
3 | Dix 3 | Grays Harbor Commercial Company dining
hall interior full of diners, Cosmopolis, Washington |
1900? |
Dobbs & FlemingReturn to Top
Beverly Bernett (B.B.) Dobbs (1868-1937) started a photography studio in Bellingham, Washington, in partnership with F.F. Fleming circa 1890-1891.
B.B. Dobbs was active as a photographer and also was a pioneer in the emerging motion picture business in both Alaska and Washington State during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; he is believed to be one of the first individuals to have used motion picture film north of the Arctic Circle. Born Beverly Bennett Dobbs near Marshall, Missouri, he first learned photography in Lincoln, Nebraska. In 1888, Dobbs moved to Bellingham, Washington, where he would operate a photography studio for twelve years (including a partnership with F.F. Fleming under the name Dobbs & Fleming between 1890-1891). Lured by the gold rush, Dobbs moved to Nome, Alaska in 1900, but ultimately found more success documenting life in Alaska as a photographer and film maker. By 1903, he had formed a partnership with A.B. Kinne. The Dobbs & Kinne studio in Nome offered photography services and photo supplies. Dobbs photographed scenes in Nome and the Seward Peninsula and made award-winning portraits of the Iñupiat people (more commonly referred to at the time as Iñupiats). Around 1909, he established the Dobbs Alaska Moving Picture Company, producing Atop of the World in Motion, a collection of travelogues. Just a few years later, Dobbs began to focus exclusively on film making. He sold his photography negatives to the Lomen Brothers (who later issued some of his work under their company name). By 1914, he had set up the Dobbs Totem Film Company in Seattle, Washington. Dobbs is listed as the cinematographer for A Romance of Seattle, a film shot in and around Seattle in 1919. During the 1930s, Dobbs photographed fish processing operations at Pacific American Fisheries (PAF) in the Fairhaven area of Bellingham.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Dobbs & Fleming 1 | Studio portrait of two men, Bellingham,
Washington Photo is a copy.
between 1890 and 1891? |
Dollarhide, E.F.Return to Top
Active at the corner of Commercial and Washington St., Seattle, Washington. Before coming to Seattle, Dollarhide worked with George D. Morse in San Francisco, California.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Dollarhide 1 | Studio portrait of a woman, Seattle,
Washington |
1876? |
3 | Dollarhide 2 | 1876? |
Doody, Jerry (Jeremiah) D.Return to Top
Active in Whitehouse and Dawson, Yukon Territory, Canada.
Doody had a varied career including work for the Smithsonian Institution in Central America, the US Army in Texas in 1882 and as a Kansas cowboy. Doody was part of the 1898 stampede from California, and first worked with H.C. Barleys branch studio in Whitehorse.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Doody 1 | 1905 |
Duckering, WilliamReturn to Top
Active in Olympia, Washington, 1895. Duckering also managed Wilses Seattle Photographic Company, 1900-1913.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
11 | Duckering 1 | View of First Presbyterian Church and
surrounding neighborhood from top of courthouse, Olympia,
Washington |
1900? |
Duclos, Joseph E.N.Return to Top
Duclos (1863-1917) was active in Dawson, Yukon Territory, Alaska, 1899-1812. Duclos was originally from Quebec, but learned his photography skills in Maine. He and his wife moved to Dawson in 1898. He partnered with Per Edward Larss creating the photography firm of Larss & Duclos, 1899-1904. Duclos specialized in studio portraits while Larss roamed the streets and the gold fields. They sold views of the Chilkoot Pass, Dawson, and gold fields scenes taken in 1898, advertising Thousands of negatives in stockLarss and Duclos also sold film and supplies for amateurs. The firm was dissolved in 1904 when Larss married and left the Yukon. Duclos continued as a photographer in Dawson until 1912, when he sold his studio to E.O. Ellingsen. Duclos reported to Larss in 1905 that he was getting a fair share of the work although there was competition in the portrait business from Edward Adams and Mrs. Edith Goetzman. Joseph Duclos died of pneumonia after undergoing surgery in Alaska in 1917.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Duclos 1 | 1899? |
Dudley, RogerReturn to Top
Roger Dudley was born in Brockton, Massachusetts and lived in Seattle starting in 1912. He was active at 1 Stuart Building and the Cobb Building, Seattle, Washington. He was the president of the newly formed Professional Photographer's Association of Washington, Commercial Division in 1947. Dudley had two sons with wife Stella, Roger Jr. and Jack. He died June 6, 1954. Roger Dudley Jr. continued in the commercial photography business under the same name as his father. In 1964, Roger Dudley Jr. merged studios with John Hardin and Chao-Chen Yang, forming Dudley, Hardin & Yang, Inc. located at 1921 Minor Avenue.
See also PH 1298 Mid-Century Photographers.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Dudley 1 | Denny Regrade along 5th Avenue,
Seattle, Washington Written on verso: Denny School at left of picture.
1928 |
3 | Dudley 2 | Exterior view of the Olympic Hotel,
Seattle, Washington |
between 1930 and 1940 |
DurstonReturn to Top
Active in Seattle, Washington, 1916.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
11 | Durston 1 | Group of firemen at the No. 2 station
watching their coworker playing checkers and cards while a couple of men read
the newspaper, Seattle, Washington Caption on photo: A good game at no. 2, Seattle, July 22 -
July 22, 1916 |
11 | Durston 2 | Firemen at the No. 2 station pulling on
their clothes while one man is sliding down the pole for a midnight alarm,
Seattle, Washington Caption on photo: Midnight alarm, No. 2., Seattle,
July 22, 1916 |
DuVall, Charles M.Return to Top
Charles M. DuVall was born November 19, 1852 in Missouri. In 1853 his family moved to Portland, Oregon where he received his education. He became interested in photography when he was twenty years old and opened a photography studio in Goldendale, Washington. He was a well known Whitman County photographer and was elected Justice fo the Peace in 1890. Charles DuVall died September 18, 1913.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | DuVall 1 | between 1870 and 1913? |
DuVall & MillerReturn to Top
This was a partnership in a photography studio in Goldendale, WA. It may have been when Charles DuVall first started out in photography.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | DuVall Miller 1 | Studio portrait of three women with three men in
military uniforms |
between 1870 and 1880 |
Dyer, Spencer H.Return to Top
Active in Blaine, Washington, circa 1880s. Dyer also worked around Washington state including, Seattle and LaConner.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Dyer 1 | 1885? |
Earle, E.G.Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Earle 1 |
Skagit potlatch house near Coupeville,
Washington Written on verso: Original Potlatch House, near Coupeville,
Wash. (about 1899). Photo by E.G. Earle.
1899? |
EastmanReturn to Top
Active at First and Jefferson Sts., Portland, Oregon. Most likely this is Prof. Gilman L. Eastman active in Portland, Oregon, 1887-1897. He later moved to Boise, Idaho. Records indicate that he was a disabled from volunteer civil war service as a Private, E. Company, 30th ME Infantry. Enlistment 19 July 1864 in Augusta, Maine and discharged 20 Aug. 1865 Savannah, Georgia.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Eastman 1 |
Studio portrait of a man wearing a
mustache, East Portland, Oregon Caption on mount: Eastman. First and Jefferson St. Portland,
Oregon. St. bet. 4th and 5th. East Portland, Oregon.
between 1870 and 1880 |
Eastman, F.J.Return to Top
Active at First St., Cheney, Washington and Spokane County, Washington, circa 1884.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Eastman F.J. 1 | 1884 |
EdsonReturn to Top
Active in Everett, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Edson 1 |
View of Washington State Press
Association (1893-1922) group outside the office of the Everett Herald,
Washington Caption on photo: Wash State Press - 1907 - Association -
1907 |
Edwards BrothersReturn to Top
Active 1891-1920 in Waterloo, Ontario, and later at 622 Cordova St. and 534 Cordova St., Vancouver, British Columbia.
George William (b. 1867) and Edgar Herbert Edwards (1870-1947) worked as photographers in Waterloo, Ontario, and in 1891, moved to Vancouver, British Columbia. They were portrait photographers but also made landscape photos. George Edwards photographed in the Yukon Territory in 1898 during the Klondike gold rush. The firm was listed in the 1911 directory, and from 1911 to 1920 they concentrated on photographic supply and motion picture supply sales.
Additional examples of their work may also be found in the book Edwards Brothers. Glimpses of Vancouver, B.C.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Edwards Brothers 1 | 1900? | |
3 | Edwards Brothers 2 | 1900? | |
3 | Edwards Brothers 3 | 1900? | |
3 | Edwards Brothers 4 | Workroom interior of a cannery
building with stacks of cans, Vancouver, British Columbia |
1900? |
Egan, H.Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Egan 1 | April 20, 1913 |
EgganReturn to Top
Active in Seattle, Washington.
The photographer was either James P. Eggan or Halvor P. Eggan (1854-1931), brothers who operated a studio called Eggan Brothers at 113 Marion St., between Front and Second, and 207 Pike St., Seattle, Washington, 1891-1895. Both men operated their own studios, 1890-1897.
See also: Eggan Brothers
See also: Eggan, James & Ericson, Carl.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Eggan 1 |
Studio portrait a an elderly man and
woman seated, Seattle, Washington 1846 is scratched into the photo.
1890? |
3 | Eggan 2 | between 1890 and 1900 | |
3 | Eggan 3 | Portrait of young girl, Seattle,
Washington |
between 1890 and 1900 |
Eggan BrothersReturn to Top
Active at 113 Marion St., between Front and Second, and 207 Pike St., Seattle, Washington.
Eggan Brothers included James P, Halvor P., and Sever P. Eggan. After 1900, Sever moved to Minneapolis.
See also: Eggan.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Eggan Bros 1 | between 1891 and 1895 | |
3 | Eggan Bros 2 | Studio portrait of a woman, Seattle,
Washington |
between 1891 and 1895 |
3 | Eggan Bros 3 | between 1891 and 1895 |
Eggan, James & Ericson, CarlReturn to Top
Active at 1516 ½ 1st Ave. and 1501 2nd Ave., Eitel Building, Seattle, Washington, circa 1901-1906
Eggan & Ericson studio was operated by James P. Eggan and Carl Ericson, 1902-1906, Seattle, Washington. James P. Eggan also operated Eggan studio and Eggan Brothers studio in Seattle with his brother Halvor P. Eggan, 1891-1895, and his own studio, 1895-1897.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Eggan & Ericson 1 | 1903? | |
3 | Eggan & Ericson 2 | Studio portrait of two young women,
possibly sisters, Seattle, Washington |
1903? |
Elite StudiosReturn to Top
Several studios of this name were located in various cities across North America. The studio at 313 and 818 Riverside Ave., and 523 Eagle Building in Spokane, Washington, circa 1896-1932, was operated by Miss Margaret M. Foster (b. 1867) & Miss Minnie (M.K.) Wachtman (b. 1868), advertising Photographs of children a specialty. Other locations included San Francisco; Nanaimo, British Columbia; and possibly Juneau, Alaska; Omaha, Nebraska, and Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Elite1 | between 1920 and 1930? | |
3 | Elite 2 |
Basketball championship team, Port
Townsend, Washington Written on photo: Peninsula Champs.
1924 |
Ellis, W.D.Return to Top
Active in Colfax, Washington
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Ellis W.D. 1 |
View of four Washington State
University Agricultural College buildings, Pullman, Washington Caption on mount: Washington Agricultural College Buildings.
Pullman, Washn. Photo by W.D. Ellis, Colfax, Wtn.
1899? |
Enderts Drug StoreReturn to Top
Active in Crescent City, California in the early part of the twentieth century
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Endert1 | Native American woman making baskets |
1910? |
English, H.Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | English 1 |
Group of workers posing in the
Snoqualmie tunnel to the Cascades for the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul
Railway Co., Washington Caption on photo: C3. Snoq. Tunnel through Cascades, C.M.&
P.S. Copr.
1913 |
3 | English 2 | 1913? | |
3 | English 3 |
View of pipelines in the Chicago,
Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway Co., Snoqualmie tunnel construction,
Washington Caption on photo: C2. Snoq. Tunnel through Cascades, C. M. &
P. S. Copr.
1913 |
Everybodys GalleryReturn to Top
See Swick, Professor
EvansReturn to Top
It is possible that this was Bob Evans, a Douglas, Alaska photographer.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Evans 1 | June 1905 |
Evans & AndersonReturn to Top
It is possible that this was Bob Evans, a photographer in Douglas, Alaska.
It is possible that this is the same Evans that created photograph Evans 1
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Evans & Anderson 1 | Logging crew standing on horse pulled log sled with a
dog, Camp Johnston, Alaska Caption on photo: Loging [sic] on the Alaska Central R.R.
September 17, 1905 |
3 | Evans & Anderson 2 | August 16, 1905 | |
3 | Evans & Anderson 3 |
Alaska Central Railway construction train crossing
trestle near Seward, Alaska Caption on photo: Construction train crossing long trestle near
Seward, Alaska.
August 27, 1905 |
3 | Evans & Anderson 4 |
Dock scene with men working in foreground and boats
visible in background, Seward, Alaska Caption on photo: A Glymps [sic] of Dock. Seward, Alaska.Written on verso: At the dock in Seward during the early days of
construction, 1905 and 1906.
between 1905 and 1906 |
Ewing, D.B.Return to Top
David B. Ewing was active at Rucker ave., Bayside, Everett, and in Anacortes, Washington, 1893-1903.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Ewing 1 |
Workers in the machine room at Puget
Sound Pulp & Paper Company, Everett, Washington Caption on photo: City of Everett, State of Washington, Pacific
Coast Terminus of the Great Northern R.R. Puget Sound Pulp and Paper Co.
Interior of machine room making book, manila and wrapping paper of Soda
Process.Book, manilla, and wrapping paper was made using the Soda
1899? |
3 | Ewing 2 |
Puget Sound Pulp & Paper Company
mill on waterfront, Everett, Washington Caption on photo: City of Everett, State of Washington. Pacific
Coast Terminus of the Great Northern R.R. Puget Sound Pulp and Paper Co.The 550-foot long mill began operation in July 1892. It had a
daily capacity of 15 tons.
1899? |
3 | Ewing 3 |
View of the Puget Sound Reduction
Company plant, Everett, Washington Caption on photo: City of Everett, State of Washington. Pacific
Coast Terminus of the Great Northern Railroad. Puget Sound Reduction Company.
Smelting gold and silver ores. Capacity 250 tons per day.
1896? |
3 | Ewing 4 |
Great Northern Railroad train on
waterfront trestle carrying away the first load from Washington Cedar Shingle
Mill, Everett, Washington Caption on photo: City of Everett, State of Washington. Pacific
Coast Terminus of the Great Northern Railroad. Washington Cedar Shingle
1896? |
3 | Ewing 5 |
Puget Sound Wire, Nail, and Steel
Company on the waterfront, Everett, Washington Caption on Image: City of Everett, State of Washington. Pacific
Coast Terminus of the Great Northern Railroad. Puget Sound Wire, Nail and Steel
Company. Works in operation since May, 18?? [sic] Capacity 1,000 kegs per
1896? |
3 | Ewing 6 | between 1890 and 1900 |
Eyerman, J.R.Return to Top
Staff photographer for John Hamricks Theaters and active at Broadway 1441, Tacoma, Washington. He was also Life Magazine's official Northwest photographer circa 1930s-1940s.
He was married to artist and photographer Carol Eyerman, whose work appeared in Life and on 23 covers of Sunset magazine.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Eyerman 1 | View of the harbor with military ships and Mt. Rainier
in the distance, Tacoma, Washington |
between 1940 and 1950 |
3 | Eyerman 2 |
Men catching fish in small boats in the harbor with Mt.
Rainier in the distance, Tacoma, Washington The photograph is a composite from several different images.
between 1940 and 1950 |
3 | Eyerman 3 |
Harbor in Tacoma, Washington with view of Mount
Rainier Attached to photo: An interesting view of Tacoma's harbor,
residential district and majestic Mount Rainier.
between 1940 and 1950 |
FaberReturn to Top
Active at 16 Colonial Bldg., Seattle, Washington, and managed by Frank K. Brown, 1893-1894 and by W. Scott Hanks, 1894-1896.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Faber 1 |
Studio portrait of a young woman
standing dressed in a white gown, possibly Daisy Michels, Seattle,
Washington Written on verso: Daisy Michels. Caption embossed on mount: Faber, one door west of post office,
between 1890 and 1900 |
3 | Faber 2 |
Studio portrait of John Alonzo Kellogg,
Fairhaven, Seattle, Washington Written on verso: Yours faithfully John Alonzo Kellogg, Class of
1892, of Fairhaven, WashingtonCaption embossed on mount: Faber, one door west of post office,
1892? |
Fern StudioReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Fern Studio 1 | Farmers loading beets into a truck,
Toppenish, Washington Written on verso: Loading beets at Toppenish This is now done
between 1910 and 1920 |
Field StudioReturn to Top
Field Studio was located at 201 Northern Life Building, Seattle, Washington. The studio was bought by W.B. Fiske in 1919 but maintained the original studio name.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
11 | Field 1 | 1921? |
Finch, F.P.Return to Top
Active in Aberdeen, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Finch 1 | 1895? |
Fink, LeonidReturn to Top
Leonid Fink was born in Russia circa 1890. Fink moved to Seattle in 1919. He worked for Curtis Studio, Seattle until 1925 when he started his own studio at 308 White Building, Seattle, Washington. He was a known portrait photographer and photographed for the Seattle Times often through the 1920s-1950s. His fiancé, Ruth McDonald, was found dead January of 1929 in Spokane, Washington. Fink was detained while investigations were ongoing but was eventually released when her death was ruled a suicide. He died March 25, 1960 in Los Angeles, California.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
11 | Fink 1 | Man with glasses |
between 1930 and 1940 |
mapcase | |||
M267 | Fink 2 | Tall pillar in front of stone
building |
between 1930 and 1940 |
Finley, WilliamReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Finley 1 |
Fisherman with salmon on pole from
small boat, Willamette River, Oregon Written on verso: Jennings Lake, Oregon, Willamette River.
September 26, 1907 |
Fisher StudioReturn to Top
Elliott L. Fisher was active in Ketchikan, Alaska, circa 1924-1930.
The Fisher Studio motto was "We Photograph Anything, Anywhere". Fisher went to Ketchikan in 1924 and created studio portraits, as well as photographer for newspapers, magazines, travelogues, high school year books, and local advertisements. He traveled around the country and introduced the public to Alaska. His photos of canneries, cold storage plants, huge fishing fleets that drove the economy, downtown Ketchikan, masonry buildings that were replacing wooden, natural disasters, celebrations, parades, and lazy afternoons can be found in the book We Photograph Anything, Anywhere .
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Fisher Studio 1 | between 1924 and 1930 |
A.D. Fox & SonReturn to Top
Active at 857 Main St. Pomeroy, and in Asotin, Washington.
Almeron D. Fox (d. 1925) operated his studio, 1890-1925, and his son Jerry was in charge 1906-late 1920s. Jerry (d. 1952) was a talented musician and organized the Pomeroy Band. His own band, the Fox Orchestra, often played for the silent films shown at the Seeley Theatre. Jerry Fox's career was cut short when an accident damaged his eyesight.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | A.D. Fox & Son 1 | 1890? | |
3 | A.D. Fox & Son 2 | 1890? |
Frank, LeonardReturn to Top
Leonard Frank was born in 1871 in Oldenburg, Germany. He traveled to San Francisco, United States in 1892 in search of gold and in 1894 went north to Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Frank won a box camera in a local raffle and started taking photographs and in 1915 he established a photography business with his brother, Bernard, in Vancouver. The studio was located at 553 Granville Street, Vancouver, British Columbia. Leonard Frank photographed the lumber industry, scenery of mountains and buildings, as well as famous people such as the musician and composer Sergei Rachmaninoff, and ballerina Anna Pavlova. In the 1920s he was among the first to create and sell color-tinted postcards to the public. He died February 23, 1944.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Frank 1 | between 1925 and 1940? | |
3 | Frank 2 | between 1925 and 1930? | |
3 | Frank 3 | Automobiles on Grouse Mountain Highway,
Vancouver, British Columbia |
between 1925 and 1930? |
3 | Frank 4 | between 1925 and 1930? | |
3 | Frank 5 | People on Capilano Bridge, Vancouver,
British Columbia |
between 1925 and 1930? |
3 | Frank 6 | Timber rafts with man in
boat |
between 1925 and 1930? |
3 | Frank 7 | Tugboat pulling timber |
between 1925 and 1940? |
3 | Frank 8 | between 1925 and 1940? | |
3 | Frank 9 | between 1925 and 1940? | |
3 | Frank 10 | 1913 |
Franks & RomansReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Franks & Romans 1 |
Steamship Ohio at dock loading
passengers for trip to Nome, Alaska Written on photo: All aboard for Nome.Typed on verso: About 30,000 persons leave Seattle every spring
for Alaska an Yukon. nearly all of whome return in the Fall, although every
year the permenent population gets larger. S.S. Ohio leaving Seattle for
May 24, 1900 |
French, E. Arthur (Happy)Return to Top
E. Arthur (Happy) French (1897-1962). Photographer Art 'Happy' French worked at the Seattle P-I from 1923 until his retirement in 1946. French (called Happy because he never looked it) was typical of newspaper photographers of his day in that he had little formal schooling and a strong nonconformist streak. Beginning his career at the P-I in 1923, French made a reputation for his trick photography and composite images. He was able to produce better snowstorm pictures than his rivals by splattering ink on his negatives. Known for his sassy remarks, when Romania's Queen Marie asked him, "Don't you ever shave?" he replied, "Say, I been following you for the last coupla days at 60 miles an hour; when d'ja think I'd have time to shave?" In 1943, he observed long line of children waiting to get into the department store across the street to see Santa Claus. He walked over and took a few photographs of the children and Santa Claus. The pictures became so successful the following year he took a leave of absence and sold his Santa Claus photographs for $1 a print. He ended up earning $10,000 in five weeks, commenting "What the hell, there is a Santa Claus." He retired from the PI in 1946 saying he had found a way to earn "three times the money in one-tenth the time." He was married to a Cherie Hernas, who died in 2000.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | French EA 1 | Washington State University
Commencement ceremony |
Jun 19, 1934 |
Fujiwara, F.D.Return to Top
Active in Nome, Alaska, 1897.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Fujiwara 1 | Group of Esquimaux on the maritime
revenue cutter Bear deck. Fujiwara's photos document a voyage of the maritime revenue
cutterBear to Point Barrow in that year. During
the harsh winter of 1897-1898, Lieutenant David H. Jarvis of USRC Bear led a
relief party to 265 whalers whose ships had been stranded in the ice off the
northern coast of Alaska.
1897 |
Fuku, Mitsutaro, 1898-1965Return to Top
Mitsutaro Fuku came to the United States in 1922 where he worked in the dry goods business in Seattle. By the 1930s, he was very active as a photographer, exhibiting his work in Seattle (where he had a solo exhibition in 1935) and in photographic salons. In 1934 he became the director of the Seattle Photographic Society but he returned to Japan by 1936 and the next year had a solo exhibition there in Mitsukoshi department store. His work was published in Photographie 1936, a special issue of the magazine Artes et Metiers Graphiques dedicated to modern photography which published the work of leading photographers of the time. In 1940 he taught photography at Nihon University for one year. After World War II, Fuku ran a commercial photographic studio in Kyōbashi, Tokyo.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
XD2 | Fuku 1 |
In the Early
Morning [stairs and front of a house] From accompanying material: For Winnie Spieseka and Elizabeth
Hatchel Horizon House, Seattle. Belonged to their friend, Frances Smoth. Photo
by a Seattle Japanese Artist.
between 1922 and 1936 |
XD2 | Fuku 2 |
On Parade [fish swimming in
a stream] This image was also made into a Season's Greeting card that
Mitsutaro sent to Kyo Koike.
between 1922 and 1936 |
Fulton, A.S.Return to Top
Active in Port Townsend, Washington.
Partnered with J.M. McMurry in Fulton & McMurry.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
3 | Fulton 1 | 1895? |
Gabbett, Cecil M.Return to Top
Active in Alaska.
Gabbett (1882-1940) was a 2nd Lt. U.S. RCS at the time the following photographs were made. The USRC McCulloch was designated to enforce fur seal regulations in the vicinity of the Pribilof Islands August 9, 1906-1912. During these years of service in the Bering Sea patrol, she was especially well known because of her services as a floating court to the Alaskan towns.
Gabbett was later a captain in the U.S. Coast Guard, 1920.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Gabbett 1-4 |
Aerial view of northern fur seal rookery on coast, North
Rookery, St. George Island, Pribilofs Islands, Alaska One of the prime interests for the U.S. Government in purchasing
Alaska in 1867 was the fur seal rookeries in the Pribilof Islands northwest
from Unalaska. The Russians had settled these formerly uninhabited islands with
Aleuts. The Unalaska Aleuts worked in the Pribilofs hunting seal during the
summer and sea otter during the winter.
between 1906 and 1912 |
4 | Gabbett 5 | between 1906 and 1912 | |
4 | Gabbett 6 |
Birds eye view of masted ships and the
U.S. Revenue Cutter McCulloch at Commercial
Commercial Co. wharf, Unalaska harbor, Alaska Written verso: West end of Unalaska, Alaska. USRC McCulloch at
A.C. Co. wharf. Taken by Cecil M. Gabbett, 2nd Lt., USRCS The USRC McCulloch was designated to enforce fur seal
regulations in the vicinity of the Pribilof Islands August 9, 1906-1912. During
these years of service in the Bering Sea patrol, she was especially well known
because of her services as a floating court to the Alaskan towns.
between 1906 and 1912 |
4 | Gabbett 7 |
Group portrait of officers of the U.S. Revenue Cutter
Fleet, McCulloch, Thetis, Rush, and Perry Written on verso: Officers of the U.S. Revenue cutter Fleet
McCulloch, Thetis, Rush, Perry. [ill.] will be sent upon request Taken by Cecil
M Gabbett 2nd Lt. US Res.
between 1900 and 1915? |
Gage, H. K. Return to Top
Herman Kimball Gage (1825- 1915) was born in Massachusetts, and was active in Aurora, Nevada, at Pine Street, c1863. He also operated a parlor at the corner of Church and Bridge (No. 1 Church Street) in Truckee, Nevada County, 1874-86. An 1894 Photographers' bulletin reported him missing and suffering from mental troubles. A July 1915 article in the Sacramento Union announced his suicide at the age of 90 by shooting himself. He was described as a "wealthy and respected old pioneer" who "retired from his photography business a few years ago."
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Gage1 |
Studio portrait of young woman Carte-de-visite.
between 1874 and 1886 |
Gardiner, Roswell H.Return to Top
Gardiner (also spelled Gardener), photographer and manager for the Great Eastern Photographic Advertising Co., Victoria, 1888; as well as, British Columbia, Oregon, and various locations in California, circa 1885-1900.
In the "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 3, 1889, page 3: Two agents of the Great Eastern photo and advertising company, of which R. H. Gardiner is the manager, are in southern Oregon for a short time, making views along the railroad for advertising purposes. The company wants views of all residences and business places. They will show you the pictures and give you a chance to purchase some if you wish. They are sold in one-half dozen and one dozen lots at low rates. Give them a chance to show up your business.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Gardiner 1 |
View of women, children, and a young
man with a horse outside a two story house, Greenwood, Chehalis County,
Washington Caption on mount: R. H. Gardiner, Traveling photographer and
Adven...(corner is torn). People are labeled on photo from left to right: Hughs wife and
child, I think; Avil Molly, Stella, mama, Thad; LeeWritten on verso: Residence of D.F. Byees at Greenwood,
Chehalis County, Washington.
Founded in April 1854, Chehalis County was changed to Grays
Harbor County in February 1907.
between 1885 and 1888 |
3 | Gardiner 2 |
Battleship U.S.S.
Charleston and U.S.S. Baltimore, Portland,
Oregon Written on verso: Zoe Semple, Seattle, Washington.
May 14, 1892 |
4 | Gardiner 3 | between 1885 and 1900? |
Gardner, PaulReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Gardner 1 | between 1880 and 1920? |
Gem StudioReturn to Top
Frank E. Marshall was the proprietor and active at 1322 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, Washington, 1898-1912.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Gem Studio 1 | 1900? |
Gifford, Benjamin A.Return to Top
Benjamin A. Gifford (1859-1936) was born in DuPage County, Illinois. He apprenticed to William Latour in Missouri, photographers in Fort Scott and Chetopa, Kansas, 1883 and later opened his own studio. Gifford moved to Portland, Oregon, and opened a photo studio 1883-1895. He moved to The Dalles, Oregon, and was first a partner in the Gifford and Hale studio 1895-1899 and then alone between 1899-1910. He then moved back to Portland where he worked under several studio names including, Giffords Studio and Gifford and Prentiss Inc., 1910-1920. Gifford was well-known for his images of Native Americans, views of central Oregon and Portland areas, and was considered one of Oregons best landscape photographers documenting many scenes along the Columbia River.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
XD2 | Gifford 1 | Sheep herd along the Columbia River,
Oregon |
1899 |
Box | |||
4 | Gifford 2 |
Small steam boat navigating through the
locks on the Columbia River, Oregon Caption on photo: The locks. Columbia River. Copyright 1896.
Gifford. The Dalles, Or.
1896 |
4 | Gifford 3 | 1901 | |
4 | Gifford 4 | View of the Columbia River,
Oregon |
1901 |
4 | Gifford 5 |
Indians fishing at Celilo Falls on the
Columbia River near The Dalles, Oregon Copy print
From typed label attached to back of photo: Indians fishing
for salmon at Celilo Falls just east of The Dalles, Oregon - on the Columbia
River Highway. Through treaty with the government the Indians enjoy perpetual
fishing rights at this point.
1902? |
Goetze, Otto D.Return to Top
Goetze was proprietor of Alaska Studio, active at 321 ½ Pike St., Seattle, Washington, and in Alaska, 1901-1912.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
11 | Goetze 1 | View of construction grading down
Second Ave., Seattle, Washington |
between 1897 and 1899 |
Goodrich StudioReturn to Top
Wilford F. Goodrich started work as a photographer in 1898 in Spring Valley, Wisconsin. He moved to Seattle in 1917 and worked for other photographers in the area until 1920 when he opened his own studio in a trailer located at 4236 University Way. Around 1934 he closed his shop and began working for the University of Washington making photograph identification cards for the students. He retired in 1957 but later opened a variety store located at 8058 Bothell Way. He died January 24, 1978.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Goodrich 1 | Suzzallo library and surrounding
University of Washington, Seattle |
between 1917 and 1925? |
Gordon & McKenzieReturn to Top
See MacKenzi Photo Co.
Grady, Martin A.Return to Top
Grady was active in Seattle from 1920-1925.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Grady 1 | between 1920 and 1925? |
Graham, Samuel B.Return to Top
Samuel B. Graham began his career in Washington, but soon moved to east Portland, Oregon, where he promoted his landscape photography. He married a local woman, Mary Haner, in 1888 and opened a studio in Corvallis in 1889. By 1892, he had moved to Colorado Springs.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Graham1 | 1888? |
GranthamReturn to Top
Active in Twisp, Washington, and this is possibly Mrs. N.E. Grantham, Pateros, Washington, circa 1901. She is a photographer listed in A Checklist of 19th Century Minnesota Women Photographers
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Grantham 1 | between 1905 and 1910 |
Graves StudioReturn to Top
Orrin E. Graves was the Graves Studio proprietor active in Pullman, Washington, 1925-1941.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Graves 1 | February 7, 1929 |
Grohman, C.Return to Top
Active in Thane, Alaska.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box/Folder | item | ||
4 | Grohman 1 | between 1900 and 1910 | |
4 | Grohman 2a-b | Wooden walkway overlooking Warm Springs
Bay near Thane, Alaska |
between 1900 and 1910 |
Gylfe, AlexReturn to Top
Alexander Gylfe was active in South Bend, Washington, circa 1901-1906.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Gylfe 1 | between 1900 and 1910 | |
4 | Gylfe 2 | 1901? | |
box:oversize | |||
XC1 | Gylfe 3 |
View of the County Seat of Pacific County, South Bend,
Washington Handwritten on image: South Bend, County seat of Pacific
1903? |
Hadley, J.Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hadley J. 1a-b | between 1880 and 1943? | |
4 | Hadley J. 2a-b | Polar Bear in the Arctic off Point
Barrow, Alaska |
between 1880 and 1943? |
Hadley, Urban P.Return to Top
Urban Pope Hadley (1852-1912) was active in Tacoma, Washington, circa 1890s-1911. Hadley arrived in Tacoma, Washington, in the 1880s, and later moved north to Lynden. He died in nearby Bellingham, 1912. His wife, Hattie, was also a photographer.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hadley U.P. 1 |
View of St. Peters Episcopal Church
with a ladder on the roof leading to the old church tower, Tacoma, Washington
Territory Written on mount: Chapel in Old Tacoma.Caption on verso: Series of photo views. Photographed and
Published by U.P. Hadley. Tacoma, Wash. Ter. (There is a list of 60 views of
Tacoma available).
1889? |
4 | HadleyUP.2 |
Children and Indian boarding school at
Chehalis Indian Reservation, Washington Territory Written on mount: Washington Territory Views.Caption on verso: Series of Photograph Views. Photographed and
Published by U.P. Hadley. Napavine, Wash. Ter. (There is a list of 28 views
between 1884 and 1890 |
Haines, C.H.Return to Top
Active in North Yakima, Washington
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Haines 1 |
Studio portrait of the four Hoffer
children, North Yakima, Washington Written on verso: Hoffer Children. Clara, Fred, Earnest and
Nettie. Hoffers live in Med. Valley.
between 1889 and 1890 |
Hale, Herbert A.Return to Top
Active in Oregon after working in San Diego, California (1888-1890). Hale started in Portland (1892-1894) before moving to The Dalles and partnering with Benjamin A. Gifford (1895-1899). He operated on his own until 1915. In 1916, Hale returned to Portland and partnered with Charles F. Redmond as Home Photographers (1916-1920).
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hale 1 | 1899 |
Hall, A.W.Return to Top
Active in Nome, Alaska
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hall A.W. 1 |
Iñupiat woman Norwadluk Nora Ootenna wearing fur parka,
Cape Prince of Wales, Alaska Caption on photo: "The Belle" of Cape Prince of Wales.
1903 |
Hall, MerchReturn to Top
Active in Carbonado, Washington
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hall 1 |
Studio portrait of a man wearing a bow
tie and mustache, Carbonado, Washington Handwritten on verso: Merch Hall. Photographer. Carbonado, W.T.
It is possible that this is the photographer Merchant Hall from
Hall & Howe, (Merchant Hall and John C. Howe) 1884-1885, active at 107
Front St., Seattle, WA.
1884? |
Hall, M.F.Return to Top
Dr. M.F. Hall was a physician and surgeon in Tanana and Fairbanks, Alaska circa 1899-1915. He was often photographed treating patients and around hospitals.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hall M.F. 1 |
Arctic Brotherhood senatorial party group photograph
outside Arctic Brotherhood Hall, Rampart. Alaska Copy print
Attached to verso: Arctic Brotherhood Hall Senatorial Party, 1st
Nov. 1st from left-Senator Burnham (Iowa), Wm P. Dillingham (Ver),
Sergeant-at-Arms Ransdell, Senator Knute Nelson (Minn) (figure standing at
right door frame in dark parka, Member A.Y.P. Cabin #1.
July 1903 |
Hamacher, Ephraim J.Return to Top
Ephraim J. Hamacher worked with Hilda Anderson in Ellensburg, Washington as Anderson & Hamacher circa 1885. Starting in 1888, he operated his own photographic business in both Ellensburg and Yakima, Washington. He was later active in Oregon from 1895 to 1898, and in Alaska in 1898 where he photographed people and activities related to the Klondike gold rush and became a well-known Whitehorse photographer, Yukon Territory, 1901-1912.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hamacher 1 |
Native Americans, possibly from the
Yakama tribe, in Fourth of July procession, Simcoe, Washington Written on verso: Part of the Fourth of July procession at
Simcoe last year. this was the 1894 July 4th celebration! Verdi A. Eriom? -
Oct. 8th - 1930.
1894 |
4 | Hamacher 2 | 1888? | |
4 | Hamacher 3 |
Studio portrait of Louise H. Monroe
wearing a lace collar, North Yakima, Washington Handwritten on photo: Wish best regards, Louise Monroe.
1888? |
4 | Hamacher 4 | July 18, 1901 |
Hamilton, Andrew L.Return to Top
Andrew Lennox Hamilton partnered with Waldo H. Dingman for Novelty Photo Co. at 218 ½ and 308 ½ Columbia, Seattle, Washington in 1901-1902. Hamilton was also successor to Frank La Roche at 16 Colman Bldg., Seattle Washington, 1904.
Hamilton Studio was active at multiple locations in the 811 First ave., Colman Bldg., Seattle, Washington from 1905-1918. He either opened a new location or moved to Tacoma 1919-1926.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hamilton 1 |
Studio portrait of a woman and man
wearing flower boutonniere, Seattle, Washington Handwritten on mount: Friends of Grannie Edna and Bill.
1910? |
4 | Hamilton 2 | 1910? |
Hann, Jay B.Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hann 1a-b |
Panorama of Bellingham, Washington from
above Attached to verso: From Evan's Art Store Artistic Framing, Photo
Supplies, Pyrography materials, Stationary, etc. 203 E Holly St. Whatcom,
1905? |
Hansen, AndrewReturn to Top
Active at 918 Tacoma ave., Tacoma, Washington from 1898-1899.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hansen 1 |
Studio portrait of two young men
wearing long waiters aprons, Tacoma, Washington Caption on verso: James A. Oliver, February 23, 1892.
February 23, 1892 |
4 | Hansen 2 | between 1898 and 1899? | |
4 | Hansen 3 | between 1898 and 1899? | |
4 | Hansen 4 | Studio portrait of man with a
moustache |
between 1898 and 1899? |
Hardy, JonathanReturn to Top
Active at 314 Pike St., Seattle, Washington, 1893-1895.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hardy 1 | between 1893 and 1895 |
Harris, KennethReturn to Top
Kenneth Harris was a library clerk interested in photography. He became a photographer for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Harris 1 | December 1947 |
HarrisonReturn to Top
Active in Spokane Falls, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Harrison 1 |
Colonel Granville Owen Haller, Louis
Zeigler, Thomas Reed, and two other dignitaries, Spokane Falls,
Washington Caption on mount: Spokane Falls, W.T. Handwritten on mount:
G.O. Haller. Louis Ziegler. Thomas Reed.Haller was a fearsome military man, who after fighting the
Seminoles in Florida and the Mexicans in Mexico City, first came to the
Northwest in 1853 to hunt down and sometimes hang insurrecting Indians. In
1863, while fighting in the Civil War on the Union side, Haller, at a
wine-tasting party with a few light-headed officers, made an imprudent but
ambiguous remark that might have included Lincoln's name. A Navy man twisted
the incident and caused Haller to be dismissed without a hearing for the
"uttering of disloyal sentiments." Haller fled his "unjust disgrace," came West
again and settled first on Whidbey Island to raise a family. It took him 16
years to gain, by joint resolution of Congress, "complete exoneration," and
reinstatement with the rank of colonel. In those years he raised a sizable
fortune on Puget Sound. A model of pioneer enterprise, he worked it all -- real
estate, lumbering, farming, and general merchandising -- out of a Coupeville
store front. The very well-off Granville Haller and his wife Henrietta lived
together in their First Hill, Seattle "Castlemount" home for 14 years, until
the colonels death in 1897.
between 1890 and 1900 |
Harrison BrothersReturn to Top
The Harrison Brothers were active in Juneau, Alaska, circa 1888-1900.
Joseph Nicoll and Henry John Harrison came to Alaska to photograph the scenery, and for a time had a photography studio and dental clinic in Juneau.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Harrison Bros 1 |
View of totem pole on a hill, probably
Tlingit, Wrangell, Alaska Handwritten on verso: Wrangell. Harrison Bros. Juneau,
1900? |
4 | Harrison Bros 2 | View across the water of UNS Navel
warehouse and US Marine barracks, Sitka, Alaska Caption written on mount: Indian Town Sitka, UNS Navel
warehouse/US Marine barracks.
between 1888 and 1900? |
Harsch, Howard A.Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Harsch 1 | between 1910 and 1920 |
Hart StudioReturn to Top
L.C. Whitney was the proprietor, and active at 1328 and 1332 2nd Ave., Seattle, Washington, 1920-1922.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hart 1 |
Portrait of two young women dancers,
Seattle, Washington Photograph is autographed: All our love Eavlyn and Carol.
1920? |
HartsookReturn to Top
Active in Seattle, Washington
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hartsook 1 |
Men and a woman with instruments in a
ten piece orchestra and posed around a microphone, Seattle,
Washington Written on verso are the orchestra members names: William
Hoffman, Lloyd Solberg, Arthur Clausen, Hellier Collens, Georg McElroy, Al
Anderson, Roy Lemon, Frank Horsfall, Cecile Baron, and Jan Naylor, 1925.
1925 |
Harvey BrothersReturn to Top
Active in Blaine, Washington. One of the partners could have been Thomas Harvey, a photographer who worked under his own name in Blaine between 1901-1902.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Harvey Brothers 1 |
Portrait of Mrs. Amy E. Leonard holding
a book in front of an elaborate backdrop, Blaine, Washington Written on verso: Mrs. Amy E. Leonard. 3937 Ten St. Seattle
between 1880 and 1890? |
Hathaway, G.W.Return to Top
G.W. Hathaway was born in 1875 in Pennsylvania. He was married to Edith Hathaway. He was active in Leavenworth, Washington were he had a shop that included stationary, school supplies, a confectionary, and a soda fountain. The shop was up for sale in 1914. In 1887 he was a traveling librarian in Chelan County for Washington Territory's Department of Traveling Librarians. This program sent traveling librarians around with a small collection of books. He was an active member of the community including holding a position on the Leavenworth School Board in 1908 and was the manager of the Leavenworth Creamery.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
11 | Hathaway 1 | View of snow covered mountains,
Leavenworth, Washington |
between 1880 and 1910? |
11 | Hathaway 2 | Town of Leavenworth and surrounding
area |
between 1880 and 1910? |
11 | Hathaway 3 | Farmland with house, Leavenworth,
Washington |
between 1880 and 1910? |
11 | Hathaway 4 | Railroad track and bridge, Leavenworth,
Washington |
between 1880 and 1910? |
11 | Hathaway 5 | Field and mountains, Leavenworth,
Washington |
between 1880 and 1910? |
Hazard, MargaretReturn to Top
Margaret Hazard, known as "Hazzie," was a Mountaineer and was married to Joseph T. Hazard. Joseph Hazard was the author of Snow Sentinels of the Pacific Northwest, a book that provided the history of the Cascade and Olympic Mountains, as well as descriptions of many trails in the area. He and his wife, Margaret were part of the Mountaineers and frequently took photographs when on outings.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hazard 1 | Davis Blockhouse, Whidbey
Island Written on verso: By Mrs. Joseph T. Hazard, Whidbey Island
Pilgrimages, 1932.
1932 |
4 | Hazard 2 | Ebey Blockhouse, Whidbey
Island Written on verso: By Mrs. Joseph T. Hazard, Whidbey Island
Pilgrimages, 1932.
1932 |
Hazeltine, Martin MasonReturn to Top
Hazeltine (1827-1903) was active in Baker City, Oregon and operated Hazeltine's Excelsior Studio, circa 1880-1903. While living in Oregon, Hazeltine also traveled to Idaho and Nevada where he took stereoview scenes of the region became a respected "traveling photographer".
Hazeltine was first active in several cities on the east coast around his home state of Vermont, including New York, Chicago, St. Charles, Illinois. In 1853 Hazeltine moved to San Francisco with his brother George Irving Hazeltine (1836-1918) and they operated a studio creating daguerreotype together till 1855. During his time in California Hazeltine also traveled around the state taking stereoview photographs documenting many places, including Yosemite Valley and the Sierra Butte Mine and was a highly respected pioneer photographer with extensive field work throughout the far West. Many of his views taken in the Mendocino area were later published by such firms as J. P. Soule and Lawrence & Houseworth.
In 1888, Martin was assisted at fairs near Baker City by a young boy, Wesley Andrews, who later gained renown as a photographer and postcard marketer in the Northwest. Among photographers who worked for Martin Hazeltine in the 1890s were Miss Josephine Rea and Miss Rata Allen.
Two of Martins children became photographers. Leland S. Hazeltine was offering his photography services in Joseph, Or., as early as 1884, and he is believed to have established himself in the photography business at Lakeview, Or. Viola Hazeltine, herself a photographer, married Roland T. Parker of Parkers Studio in Baker City and worked with her husband in the business under the name Parker Studio.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hazeltine 1 |
Studio portrait of a toddler, Baker
City, Oregon Written on verso: Lacy, Lamour Wisdom. John and Laura Moore.
Writing on top of photo faded and illegible.
between 1880 and 1890? |
4 | Hazeltine 2 |
Studio portrait of a little girl
standing in a white dress, Baker City, Oregon Printed on mount: Hazeltines Excelsior Studio. Baker City.
1885? |
Hazen, ToddReturn to Top
Active at Seneca 0313 - 2028 Terry, Seattle, Washington.
Hazen was the 1921 vice president and 1923 president of the Associated Camera Clubs of America.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hazen 1 | between 1920 and 1929? | |
4 | Hazen 2 | People on ship watching canoe
race |
between 1920 and 1940? |
Heath, L. Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Heath 1 | Snow covered dock and buildings of Port Gamble,
Washington |
January 2, 1899 |
4 | Heath 2 | August 20, 1900 | |
4 | Heath 3 | View looking down on the saw mill and surrounding
buildings of Port Ludlow, Washington Same view as item Heath 4.
June 13, 1899 |
4 | Heath 4 | View looking down on the saw mill and surrounding
buildings at Port Ludlow, Washington Same view as item of Heath 3.
April 24, 1900 |
Hegg, Peter L.Return to Top
Peter Hegg was the brother of Eric Hegg, the Klondike Gold Rush photographer. The brothers were originally from Sweden and Peter Hegg came to Washington in 1888. Eric Hegg started a photography studio in Bellingham, Washington in 1889, but sold it when he went to the Klondike to record the Gold Rush. Peter took over the Hegg studio when Eric left.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | HeggP.1 |
Old military bridge across Whatcom
Creek, Bellingham, Washington The bridge was built by Pickett in 1857.
1904? |
4 | HeggP. 2 | 1904? |
Heistand, J.G.Return to Top
Joseph Gonder Heistand was born in Strasburg, Pennsylvania on August 15, 1860. In 1900 he moved to Manitou Springs, Colorado and bought Ute Iron Springs near Pikes Peak. There he built a pavilion and hotel that attracted tourists. He was the official photographer of the Pikes Peak Railway. He owned a famous mineral shop in Manitou as well.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hiestand 1 | People gathered around street car,
Pikes Peak Cog Road, Colorado |
July 27, 1913 |
Herrin, David C.Return to Top
Herrin (d. 1903) was active in The Dalles, Oregon, 1896.
In 1888, the Southern Oregon Transcript reported that "Photographer D. C. Herrin, of Ashland, will open a gallery on Front Street" [Medford]. David C. Herrin, with his wife Margaret, also a photographer, ran a studio in The Dalles from 1892-1898. Moving to East Portland in 1899, the husband and wife team joined Frank G. Abell to form the Abell & Herrin Co.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Herrin 1 |
View of the steam boats
Regulator and Dalles
City at Cascade Locks opening on the Columbia River, The Dalles, Oregon
Printed on mount: D.C. Herrin. Columbia River Scenery, The
Dalles, Oregon, via D., P. & A.N. Co.s Steamers "Regulator" and "Dalles
1896 |
Hetzel, LeoReturn to Top
Active in Port Angeles, Washington, 1903-1906.
Victor Leopold Hetzel (1877-1949), began toying with a box camera and photography at the age of 14. He traveled about the Pacific Northwest, after leaving school, and supported himself by shooting photos of proud loggers posing in forests. He moved to Southeastern California in 1910, and continued another 30 years of photography. particularly noted for his historical American frontier documentary style of photography. He created flattering photos of his subjects, and his wife and daughter often hand colored his desert-in-blossom scenes sold to Imperial Valley, California, residents.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hetzel 1 | between 1903 and 1906 |
Hileman, Tomar JacobReturn to Top
T.J. (Tomar Jacob) Hileman (1882–1945) was active at Glacier Park, Montana, photographing landscapes and the Blackfoot Indian people. After working in Chicago and graduating from Effingham School of Photography, he was a photographer in Colorado. In 1911 Hileman moved to Kalispell, Montana to open his own portrait studio. He and Alice Georgeson were the first couple to marry in Glacier National Park in 1913.
Hileman was appointed the official photographer for the Great Northern Railway in 1924, and created photos of Glacier National Park and Waterton Lakes National Park in Alberta, Canada, moving bulky camera equipment by packhorse, even at times perching on a narrow ledge to get just the right image on film. He also photographed the Prince of Wales Hotel in Waterton, Alberta, which was built by the railway. In 1926 Hileman opened photo-finishing labs in both Glacier Park Lodge and Many Glacier Hotel, which were convenient for tourists who could drop off their film evenings and pick up their prints the next morning.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hileman 1 |
View of an alpine Cedar tree overlooking the Glacier
Park valley and river below, Kalispell, Montana Stamped on verso: Glacier Park Photo Shop. Photo supplies,
flowers, framing. Glacier Park views a specialty. Number 9519- Alpine Cedar.
This view is copyrighted by Hileman. Kalispell, Mont.
1926? |
4 | Hileman 2 | Piegan Blackfeet man known as "Chief Two Guns White
Calf", Glacier National Park, Montana |
between 1912 and 1915? |
4 | Hileman 3 | Chief Weasel Tail, Glacier National Park,
Montana |
between 1912 and 1915? |
4 | Hileman 4 | Chief Bird Rattler, Glacier National Park,
Montana |
between 1912 and 1916? |
4 | Hileman 5 | Chief Heavy Breast, Glacier National Park,
Montana |
between 1912 and 1916? |
Hirschfeld, Alfred CyrilReturn to Top
Active in Alaska and Atlin, British Columbia.
Hirschfeld (1866-1926) worked the Alaska and Klondike towns in 1898, and moved to work in Atlin 1899. Hirschfeld's photo studio was destroyed in the August 1900 fire. He purchased the Atlin Claim in December 1900 and sold it the following year. Hirschfeld eventually settled in Vancouver, but appears not to have practiced professionally there. He married Marguerite Ethel Miller in Vancouver, 1902, and Hirschfeld became manager of the Atlin Lake Lumber Co. He later moved to San Francisco.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hirschfeld 1 |
View of people "Klondikers" with
supplies, tents and sleds camping on the summit of Chilkoot Pass,
Alaska Written on photo: Cache on Chilcoot summit - Alaska. A.C.
Hirschfeld. No. 12.
1898 |
4 | Hirschfeld 2 | 1898? |
Hobbes Isaac N.Return to Top
Active in Tacoma, Washington, circa 1890s.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hobbes 1 |
People at the gate and in front of
Ilwaco Beach Life Saving Station, Washington Ilwaco Beach Life Saving Station was built 1891. The station was
first started in 1889 on a volunteer basis, and called the Ilwaco Beach
station. On November 3, 1891, the ship Strathblane went aground near the
station. The volunteer crew was unable to get their lines out to the ship, and
seven people died. As a result of this, a decision was made to put the station
on a full-time professional basis. It was later renamed the
Klipsan Station. The station was one of several
assigned to protect the area known as the Graveyard of
the Pacific.
between 1890 and 1900 |
Hodge, MauriceReturn to Top
Maurice Hodge was active at 711 South West Ankeny Street in Portland, Oregon. He was a Sergeant in World War I and photographed some aspects of the war for the United States Army Signal Corps. After the war, in 1924, Hodge began working with Edgar B. Smith. They remain partners for a couple of years and then separated. Around the 1930s Hodge was a co-owner of Sawyer Commercial Studios in Portland, Oregon along with Harold J. Graves and Edwin E. Mayer. Sawyer Commercial studios was active until about 1948.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hodge 1 | Fisherman netting a fish near Portland,
Oregon Printed on verso: Ready for the net. A big Cutthroat over on his
side after five minutes of giving everything he had. This shot was made on a
stream a scant hour from Portland, Oregon.Stamp on verso for Maurice Hodge Commercial Photography 711 S.W.
Ankeny Street Phone Beacon 0300. Portland, Oregon.
1934? |
Hoffman, J.P.Return to Top
Active in Chiwaukum, Washington, circa 1880's.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hoffman 1 | between 1880 and 1890 |
Hofsteater, Orlando M.Return to Top
Active at Christs Block, Vancouver, Washington, circa 1885 and operated Hofsteater Photograph Gallery through circa 1901-02.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hofsteater 1 | 1885? | |
4 | Hofsteater 2 | between 1880 and 1890? | |
4 | Hofsteater 3 |
View of a military drill with men
running and men on horseback at Fort Vancouver, Washington Caption on verso: Property of Thos. M. Anderson, Colonel of the
14th Inf., U.S. Army. Vancouver Bks., 1886-1898
between 1880 and 1890? |
4 | Hofsteater 4 |
Studio portrait of Colonel Lewis Hunt,
Vancouver, Washington Handwritten on verso: Colonel Lewis Hunt (d. 1886). Infantry
14th. U.S.A. Colonel Hunts death at Vancouver Barracks resulted in Colonel T.M.
Andersons being sent as his successor, 1886-1898, as Colonel of the 14th U.S.
Infantry, which he built up into a first-rank regiment.Hunt started his military career as Cadet at the Military
Academy, July 1, 1843 and rose through the ranks while serving in the War with
Mexico, 1847-48, frontier duty at Ft. Humboldt, Cal., 1853-54, — and Scouting
against Trinity River Indians, and Captain, 4th Infantry, May 23, 1855 in the
March to Washington Territory, 1858, — Ft. Steilacoom, 1858‑59, — San Juan
Island, Wash., 1859-60, — Ft. Steilacoom, 1860, — Ft. Townsend, 1860‑61, — and
Ft. Terwaw, Cal., 1861. served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States,
1861-66: in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., Feb. 1 to Mar. 10, 1862; in the
Virginia Peninsular Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Mar. to June, 1862, being
engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 5 to May 4, 1862, — and Battle (Colonel,
92d New York Volunteers, May 21, 1862) of Fair Oaks, May 31 to June 1, 1862,
where he was severely wounded. He continued to command regiments in battles
around the U.S. and returned to Vancouver Barracks, W. T., to Nov. 16, 1885. He
was transferred to light duty at San Diego Barracks, Cal., to Aug., 1886; and
at Ft. Union, N. M., and died Sep. 6, 1886.
between 1880 and 1886 |
4 | Hofsteater 5 |
Studio portrait of Colonel Thomas
McArthur Anderson standing, Portland, Oregon Written on verso: General Thomas McArthur Anderson of Portland.
While Colonel of the 14th U.S. Infantry at Vancouver Barracks, Washington,
1886-98.Anderson (1836-1917) began his military career as Private, Co.
A, 6th Ohio Infantry, 20 Apr to 15 May 1861. He rose through the ranks and was
promoted to Lt Colonel, 9th US, 20 Mar 1879. After his appointment with the
14th U.S. infantry, he was appointed Brig General of Volunteers, 4 May 1898;
Major General of Volunteers 13 Aug 1898 (honorably discharged from Volunteers
12 June 1899); Appointed Brig General, USA (Regular Army), 31 Mar 1899 and
finally retired 21 Jan 1900.
1886? |
4 | Hofsteater 6 | between 1880 and 1890? | |
4 | Hofsteater 7 |
View of the Institute for Defective
Youth, Vancouver, Washington Written on verso: State School for Defective Youth at Vancouver,
Washington.This school was renamed Washington State School for the
1890? |
Horton, George D.Return to Top
Gilbert D. Horton (1853-1936), partnered with Lewis from Stanwood and operated the Palace Floating Gallery, Snohomish, 1884-1886. Horton operated alone it until 1888. On September 1, 1888, The Eye reported, “Horton has sold his floating gallery to a Seattle gentleman who will take it to Stanwood next week.”
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Horton 1 |
View of the Lowell township on the
Snohomish River, Washington Printed on verso: Views of Puget Sound. Palace Floating Gallery.
G.D. Horton, Artist. View no. 54. Lowell 1886.
1886 |
Howard, Mart AlbertReturn to Top
Mart Albert left his home in Webster, Massachusetts in October of 1897 in search of gold. His travels brought him to Alaska and north to Dawson, Yukon Territory. He operated a mine for a short period until 1905 when he returned to Massachusetts.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Howard 1 |
Mining operations with tracks and
buildings, Adams Hills, British Columbia Written on photo: Adams Gulch.
1897? |
4 | Howard 2 |
Mining operations and sluicing on
Cheechako Hill, Alaska Written on photo: Sluicing on Chechaco Hill.
May 11, 1901 |
Hoyt, HiramReturn to Top
Active at Mill St. Seattle, Washington, 1876-1878. Hoyt worked as a photographer in California, 1873-1875, before operating his studio in Seattle, Washington. He later moved to Texas where he worked as a photographer until 1899.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hoyt 1 | between 1876 and 1878 | |
box:oversize | |||
11 | Hoyt 2 |
Group portrait of the 16 man Excelsior Cornet Band, Port
Gamble, Washington Musicians are listed on photo mount.
Photograph was published in the 07 Oct 1875 issue of the
Puget Sound Dispatch, accompanied by the following
text: We were presented to-day with a photograph, 7 x 10, of the sixteen
members of the Port Gamble Brass Band. The Photograph was taken by Mr. H. Hoyt
of this city, in a shed in Port Gamble erected by himself for that purpose and
taking into consideration the large number of persons in the group and the
difficulty of keeping them all quiet, was very well executed.
1875 |
Hunt, Harriet Elizabeth Return to Top
Harriet Elizabeth (Frost) Hunt, (Lizzie), (1865-1934) was active in Ketchikan, Alaska, 1898-1934.
Harriet and her daughter Bertha Hunt Wells were the first female photographers in the territory. Harriet and her husband Forest Joseph Hunt moved from Washington to Wrangall, Alaska, in 1898. She immediately took over the operation of a small café, the Blue Front. She was very popular for her lemon pies. The family moved to Ketchikan in March, 1900. When the family was settled in Ketchikan, Harriet Hunt opened a photo studio and gallery in the family store. The Hunt store was one of the first to recognize the need to serve the visitor trade as well, making postcards and even putting Harriet's photos on china souvenirs. She took hundreds of photos over the next few years, but then gave up photography over concerns about working with the chemicals and the physical exertion of lugging the big camera back and photographic plates back and forth. Their pet black bear could sometimes be seen waiting out side their meat store on Front Street. Lizzie founded the Lyceum club which became the library board and would serve on it for the rest of her life. She would also found the women's Chamber of Commerce and be active in local lodges and other groups. Forest was Ketchikan’s mayor, an active community leader, and State Legislator. They owned Hunt’s Book and Novelty Store where you could “buy almost everything you want”. The store was a very popular stop for visitors and locals. It closed in 1954.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hunt 1 |
View of village building construction
at Coppermount, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska Written on verso: Store & bunk houses, cook house.Coppermount was a village on the southwest coast of Prince of
Wales Island, at the head of Copper Harbor, east of Hetta Inlet. The
Coppermount post office was established here in 1900 and transferred to Sulzer
in 1907.
between 1903 and 1904 |
Hutchins, C.C.Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Hutchins 1 | 1917? |
Imperial StudioReturn to Top
Active in Seattle, Washington.
See Rothi, R.P., and Rothi R.P. & Curtis, Edward S.
Ives, WilliamReturn to Top
Active at 1128 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, Washington. Ives partnered with Harry S. Hover, operating Ives & Hover, circa 1895. Ives then worked at the Lick Gallery (1896-1898).
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
4 | Ives 1 | between 1890 and 1900 |
Jackson, Albert L.Return to Top
Albert Jackson was born in Knoxville, Iowa on April 4, 1856. In 1862 his family traveled to Eugene, Oregon where he opened a photograph studio in 1876 and was active there and in Portland, Oregon until circa 1885. He moved to Tacoma, Washington in 1885. Jackson was active at 919 C. St. Paris Panel and 1021 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, Washington, 1891-1918. In 1897 he won the top prize in the state photograph exhibit. Jackson and Edward D. Johnston operated together as Jackson & Johnston, 1911. He died September 26, 1922.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Jackson A.L. 1 |
Studio portrait of author and
journalist, Bernice E. Newell, Tacoma, Washington Newell (1898-1986) was a journalist and wrote
The Mountaineeras well as ...Stories of the Yakima Valley Indians. She also
co-authored The Mountain and other poems, which
included poems about Mt Rainier and Tacoma, Washington.
1910? |
5 | Jackson A.L. 2 |
Studio portrait of woman with child and
baby cabinet card
1910? |
Jackson Photo StudioReturn to Top
O. Seti and Y. Matsuda operated the Jackson Photo Studio, active at 624 Jackson, Seattle, Washington.
J.M. Amano was a photographer at the Jackson Photo Studio, Seattle, Washington, circa 1919-1925.
See also: Amano, J.M.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Jackson Studio 1 | 1932 | |
5 | Jackson Studio 2 | Large group portrait of Japanese American students in
front of Suzzallo Library at the University of Washington, Seattle,
Washington |
February 25, 1939 |
5 | Jackson Studio 3 | Large Group portrait of the Japanese American womens
group Fuyo-Kai, standing in the Sylvan Grove at
the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington |
May 22, 1939 |
5 | Jackson Studio 4 | Large group of Japanese participants in the 4th annual
Northwest Young Buddhist Federation conference in Wapato, Washington in front
of the Buddhist Temple building Written on photo: 4th Annual N.W.Y.B.F. Conference
March 23-24, 1935 |
box:oversize | |||
11 | Jackson Studio 5 | Large group portrait at Japanese wedding Japanese writing on photograph mount.
1935? |
Box | |||
5 | Jackson Studio 6 | Group portrait of Japanese men in uniforms in front of
the Forestry Building, University of Washington Japanese writing on photograph mount.
between 1911 and 1931 |
Jackson William HenryReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
XD2 | JacksonWH1 | between 1879 and 1903 |
Jackson William P.Return to Top
William Jackson was born in London, England and moved to the United States in 1850. Active at Pacific Ave. and the corner of 11th St., Tacoma, Washington, circa 1887-1908. Jackson also worked in Sunnyside, Washington, circa 1905.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Jackson W.P. 1 | 1889? | |
5 | Jackson W.P. 2 | Studio portrait of a woman, Tacoma,
Washington |
1888? |
5 | Jackson W.P. 3 | 1888? | |
5 | Jackson W.P. 4 |
Studio portrait of the men from the
Committee of Fifteen, having charge of the anti-Chinese
agitation in Tacoma, Washington Individuals are named and numbered on the front mount of the
1885 |
5 | Jackson W.P. 5 |
Group of citizens comprising the
Tacomas Twenty-Seven,including Mayor Robert Jacob
Weisbach, responsible for intimidating the Chinese during the Anti-Chinese
riots in Tacoma, Washington Pictured are citizens indicted for inciting the expulsion of
Tacomas Chinese community. On the November 3rd, 1885, a large mob of Tacoma
citizens marched on the Chinese community, forcing people to flee their homes
and possessions. This group included many of the cities leading citizens,
including Mayor Jacob Weisbach. The perpetrators were indicted and appeared
before a judge, who ordered them free on bail. Eventually the indictments were
dropped. In 1993, the Tacoma City Council passed a resolution to make amends
and to apologize for the actions of past city leaders.Individuals are named and numbered on the front mount of the
photo.Caption on mount: Tacomas Twenty-Seven. Names of the citizens
indicted for causing the Chinese Exodus from Tacoma, W.T. November 3, 1885.
Jackson. Photographer.
November 3, 1885 |
5 | Jackson W.P. 6 | between 1887 and 1908 |
Jacobs, CurtisReturn to Top
Jacobs (d. 1948) was active in Nome, Alaska.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Jacobs C. 1 | May 14, 1940 | |
5 | Jacobs C. 2 |
Mining dredge under construction, United States Smelting
Refining and Mining Company, Nome Alaska Written on photo: U.S.S. R.&M. Co. No. 5 Dredge under
1935? |
5 | Jacobs C. 3 | between 1938 and 1948 | |
5 | Jacobs C. 4 | Two women standing among high snow
drifts on Steadman Avenue, Nome, Alaska |
May 20, between 1938 and 1948 |
5 | Jacobs C. 5 | between 1938 and 1948 | |
5 | Jacobs C. 6 | between 1938 and 1948 | |
5 | Jacobs C. 7 | 1900 | |
5 | Jacobs C. 8 | between 1938 and 1948 |
Jacobson, Edward I.Return to Top
Active in Bellingham, Washington, circa 1905.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Jacobson 1 | between 1930 and 1940 |
Jacobson, Leo M.Return to Top
Leo M. Jacobson graduated from the University of Washington in 1935. In the 1940s he was working at the University of Washington as a senior officer in the Veterans Administration training office.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Jacobson L. 1 | Suzallo Library, University of
Washington, Seattle |
1935 |
James, E.E.Return to Top
Active in Roslyn and North Yakima, Washington, circa 1885-1904.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | James 1 |
Portrait of a man in military uniform,
Roslyn, Washington Handwritten on verso: [Illegible name]. Hair dark brown. Eyes
brown. Wiskers blonde. Coat dark blue. Collar red.
1885? |
5 | James 2 |
Large outdoor group portrait of men in
suits and uniforms and wearing a ceremonial ribbon, North Yakima,
Washington Printed on verso: E. E. James, photographer. Makes views on
short notice. Copies and enlarges small pictures of all kinds to any size or
1902? |
box:oversize | |||
11 | James 3 | Cyrus Walker standing with his dog in
front of residence at corner of D and 2nd St. in North Yakima,
Washington Written on verso: Cyprus Walker (1827-1913).
1903? |
Box | |||
5 | James 4 | Man sitting on a rock near Prosser Falls, Benton County,
Washington |
between 1885 and 1904 |
box:oversize | |||
11 | James 5 | 1902? |
James & Bushnell (James, Eli M. & Bushnell, Corry A.)Return to Top
The James & Bushnell studio was operated by Eli M. James & Corry A. Bushnell in Seattle, Washington, 1903-1922. James was also partnered with Sidney M. Merrihew in Seattle and Tacoma between 1919-1926. Bushnell previously worked in Ellensburg, 1891-1895.
See also: Bushnell, Corry A. (1866-1941).
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | James & Bushnell 1 |
Nora A. Boone wearing white lace shirt
and a locket with her hair in a bun, Seattle, Washington Nora Boone married to Joseph Carlisle. She was in Fairbanks,
Alaska around the turn of the century. Possibly the same woman as pictured in
item James & Bushnell 2.
1917? |
5 | James & Bushnell 2 |
Portrait of a woman in U.S. Yeomen Navy
military uniform, World War I, Seattle, Washington Possibly the same woman as pictured in item James & Bushnell
1917? |
5 | James & Bushnell 3 | 1917? | |
5 | James & Bushnell 4 | Studio portrait of African American
man hand-colored
1917? |
James & MerrihewReturn to Top
Active in Seattle near Pike and 1st St., and Tacoma, Washington.
James & Merrihew ran a great promotion in 1930. They had a baby photo exhibit, free to visit. Visitors would vote on the cutest baby. And during the exhibit they also had visitors pose their babies for free to be in the next photo contest.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | James & Merrihew 1 | between 1920 and 1930? |
Jeffers Art StudioReturn to Top
Owned by Joseph (Joe) Jeffers and operated in Olympia, Washington, 1903-1975.
After graduating from Olympia High School Joe apprenticed with his old friend and photographer A.D. Rogers, working along side Rogers' own son. After completing a year of Business College Joe struck out on his own. As Darius Kinsey was covering the upper Sound region, Jeffers worked the camps of the southern Sound. He was a traveling photographers, going town to town making photographs at any opportunity, as well as a salesman and technician, cleaning, repairing and trading the " Kodaks" (as cameras were then called). Joe was capturing the early development of the Pacific Northwest and its people. His wife, Opal, learned from him to both take photos and process them, she also became a very talented photographer and hand-colorist.
Jeffers purchased an art studio located on the southeast corner of 5th Avenue and Washington Street and established Jeffers Art Studio in 1903. They soon became the photographers of choice for the Society Set in the entire region. Jeffers Studios motto was: Ars Gratia Artis; Art for Arts Sake (also the motto of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer). Which, to an working artist, serves as a reminder.colorist. Jeffers
By 1913 they were had a new building designed especially for their photographic arts. It was the first one of its kind in the Pacific Northwest. The Jeffers Studio building, designed by their good friend, the young architect Joseph Wohleb, just from California. Especially unique is the buildings large sloping skylight on its north side, which allowed in the beautiful northern light that artists covet. On the Olympia Heritage Register of Historic Properties, this Mission Revival style beauty stands today as a monument to both artists - Jeffers and Wohleb on the SE corner of historic 5th Avenue at Washington Street, just north of the Washington Center for the Performing Arts downtown Olympia, Washington. Jeffers fell to his death at age 45 while climbing a dangerous ice chimney on the Jeffers Glacier on the Olympic mountains.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
11 | Jeffers Art Studio 1 | Group portrait of the Washington State Bar graduates,
Olympia, Washington Written on mount, front row left to right: A.L. Black, A.D. H.
Jackson, A.E. Graham, J.P. Stanford, J. Sommer, P.R. Herby. Center row: Ove
Malling (O.M.) Nelson, L.J. Bounds, William D. Askren, Lawrence Bogle, E.G.
Lumpe. Back row: George Olson, C.E. Harford, P.M. Troy, M. Bridges.
1908 |
Box | |||
5 | Jeffers Art Studio 2 | James I. Davidson seated at office desk, possibly at
Sunset Life Insurance Co., Olympia, Washington |
between 1950 and 1970? |
5 | Jeffers Art Studio 3 | Hallway with secretary seated at desk, possibly at
Sunset Life Insurance Co., Olympia, Washington |
between 1950 and 1970? |
5 | Jeffers Art Studio 4 | Room with desks, possibly at Sunset Life Insurance Co.,
Olympia, Washington |
between 1950 and 1970? |
5 | Jeffers Art Studio 5 | Breakroom with chairs and tables, possibly at Sunset
Life Insurance Co., Olympia, Washington |
between 1950 and 1970? |
5 | Jeffers Art Studio 6 | Stairway and waiting area, possibly at Sunset Life
Insurance Co., Olympia, Washington |
between 1950 and 1970? |
5 | Jeffers Art Studio 7-Jeffers Art Studio 10 | Exterior of building, possibly Sunset Life Insurance
Co., Olympia, Washington |
between 1950 and 1970? |
5 | Jeffers Art Studio 11 | Group of judges in front of the door |
between 1950 and 1970? |
Jeffers, JosephReturn to Top
Active in Olympia, Washington
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Jeffers J. 1 | A large pile of trees in a clear cut
field around Cloverfield farm with General Hazard Stevens standing far in the
distance, Washington Hazard Stevens (1842-1918) was the son of the first governor of
Washington Territory, and worked in law and for the Oregon Steam Navigation Co.
He served in the Civil War and received a Medal of Honor. Stevens was one of
the first to ascend Mt. Rainier, in 1870.
1914 |
5 | Jeffers J. 2 |
General Hazard Stevens and 2 other men
standing next to a large pile of trees in the clear cut field around
Cloverfield farm, Washington Hazard Stevens (1842-1918) was the son of the first governor of
Washington Territory, and worked in law and for the Oregon Steam Navigation Co.
He served in the Civil War and received a Medal of Honor. Stevens was one of
the first to ascend Mt. Rainier, in 1870.
1914 |
Jenny, JosephReturn to Top
Active in Mt. Angel, Oregon, 1903-1917.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Jenny 1 |
View of steamships above Willamette
Falls on the Willamette River, Oregon Handwritten on verso: River in Western Amerikas [sic]. Carl
1909 |
5 | Jenny 2 |
Two women pole fishing on a river bank,
Willamette River, Oregon Caption on mount: F.A. Griumm. Photo.Handwritten on verso: Fischsport der Damen on einem Flusse in
Western Amerikas. Carl Wirth.
1909 |
Johnson, Albert J.Return to Top
Johnson (1880-1926) was active in Fairbanks, Alaska, 1905-1914. The Johnson Studio and camera shop was first located at 290 lst Avenue, and later moved to 3rd Avenue near Cushman Street. In 1914 the family moved to McKinleyville, California, and later to Oakland where he operated a successful portrait gallery. He briefly lived in Nenana, Alaska, 1916-1918, and was one of the official photographers for the Alaska Engineering Commission and worked on a special assignment, documenting the very beginnings of the town of Nenana. Johnson documented Iñupiat life near Nome, walrus hunting, village activities and modes of travel by coastal Natives.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Johnson A.J. 1 |
Woman in a bonnet standing out in the
garden in front of a house, Fairbanks, Alaska Written on verso: Garden of Mr. Brown of Fairbanks. Bought
flowers and vegetables for hospital for $50.
1912? |
5 | Johnson A.J. 2 |
Interior view of St. Matthews Church,
Fairbanks, Alaska Written on verso: Rev. C.L. Betticher was the
1912? |
5 | Johnson A.J. 3 | 1912? |
Johnson, John L.Return to Top
Active at 1516 ½ First ave., circa 1906-10; 314 Liberty Bldg., 1912-1919; 314 Yale Bldg., circa 1920; 519 Hinckley Bldg., 1921-1925, Seattle, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Johnson J. 1 | between 1910 and 1926 |
Johnson, Walter H.Return to Top
This is possibly Johnson from Alaska, who was involved with the Iñupiat and Reindeer population. He participated in writing a Report on the work of the Bureau of Education for the natives of Alaska, 1914-1915.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Johnson W. 1 |
Reindeer herd standing outside in the
snow near a log cabin, Alaska Written on verso: Reindeer on the Kuskokwim. Photo by Walter H.
1914? |
Johnston & Co.Return to Top
This photography studio was possibly in San Francisco in the 1910s.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box/Folder | item | ||
5 | Johnston.1 | Between 1910 and 1919? |
Jones Photo CompanyReturn to Top
The studio was located in Aberdeen, Washington. Bliss B. Jones opened the studio in 1914. Jones' father owned photo studios as well and his son continued the family business. The studio was located at 1918 Simpson Ave, Aberdeen, WA 98520.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box/Folder | item | ||
5 | Jones.1 | Between 1920 and 1950 | |
5 | Jones.2 | Between 1920 and 1940 |
Joy Parlor StudioReturn to Top
Active at 207 2nd SO., Seattle.
Printed on verso: The home of the cowboy post cards.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Joy 1 | between 1910 and 1920 |
Judd, Charles L.Return to Top
Charles L. Judd was born in 1856 to Edwin and Rosina Judd in Waupun, Wisconsin. His family moved to Minnesota in 1867. Judd moved to Washington in 1900 and lived in Everett and Tacoma before moving to Anacortes where he opened a photograph studio. He specialized in portrait and Puget sound Landscape photography. Every summer from 1926-1930 Judd became the Official Photographer for the Cascade Pass Highway Commission. Judd died June 9, 1936.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Judd 1 | between 1926 and 1930? |
Judkins, Joseph C.Return to Top
It is not confirmed that these photos were made by Joseph C. Judkins, but the dates are not compatible with David R. or the other photographers named Judkins in the Seattle area.
Joseph C. Judkins worked as a photographer in Seattle during the years 1891-1902. His studio was located at various locations along 2nd and 3rd Avenues.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box/Folder | item | ||
1/4 | JudkinsJC1 | between 1890 and 1905? | |
1/4 | JudkinsJC2 | between 1900 and 1909? |
Jukes, Mark FrederickReturn to Top
Mark Frederick Jukes (1878-1971) lived and worked in Bellingham, Washington for 76 years. His studio was located in the Sunset Building, Bellingham.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Jukes 1 |
Logging camp with railroad carts
carrying logs Written on photo: A western camp.
between 1925 and 1926? |
5 | Jukes 2 | Pier in water with factory in
background, near Bellingham, Washington Written on photo: Squalicum Fill 1940.
1940? |
Juleen, J.A.Return to Top
J.A. Juleen Studio was an Everett commercial photo studio, 1908-1954, first in the hands of John Juleen (1874-1935) and, following John’s death, under the ownership of his wife Lee, Lena Dalquist Juleen, who died in 1955.
Juleen opened his first photo studio in Everett’s Colby building, located on the southwest corner of Hewitt and Colby. Later Juleen Studios were located in the Eclipse Building at 2810 Colby in 1912; 1709 Hewitt Avenue, circa 1921; and 2930 Rockefeller in 1923. For a time, Lee Juleen operated the studio in Everett’s Bon Marche building.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Juleen 1 | View of front entrance of the Everett
Public Library, Everett, Washington The library was designed by the architect, Carl Gould. His
design is often noted as a successful application of early thirties aesthetics.
1934? |
5 | Juleen 2 | Side view of the Everett Public
Library, Everett, Washington The library was designed by the architect, Carl Gould. His
design is often noted as a successful application of early thirties aesthetics.
1934? |
5 | Juleen 3 |
View of Hartford Eastern Railway,
formerly the Everett and Monte Cristo Railroad, outside the Penn Mining Co.
warehouse and Barlow Pass Guard Station behind (U. S. Forest Service), Barlow
Pass, Washington Written on verso: Hartford Eastern gas car at Barlow Pass, 4
miles below Monte Cristo. Formerly the Everett and Monte Cristo Railroad. Penn
Mining Co. warehouse in front (by tracks, with sign) Barlow Pass Guard Station
behind (U. S. Forest Service).
between 1908 and 1954? |
5 | Juleen 4 |
View of 3 pilots standing alongside the
Commercial Air Transport Co. Alexander Aircraft airplane, Everett,
Washington Written on verso: Photo by John Juleen, Everett, July 1927.
Taken for Commercial Air Transport Co.
July, 1927 |
5 | Juleen 5 | between 1915 and 1929? | |
5 | Juleen 6 | between 1915 and 1929? | |
5 | Juleen 7 | Mount Persis, Cascade
Mountains |
between 1915 and 1929? |
Juris, EdReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Juris 1 | Rail lines in entryway of
mine Typed on verso: Permanent timbering in 13th East entry, No. 5
Mine. Note stumps from removed temporary timbering on low side.
between 1930 and 1940 |
Kautz, Ira. AReturn to Top
Ira A. Kautz was active at 912 2nd St., Seattle, Washington, 1893-1910.
Kautz partnered with Harry F. Roberts, for Roberts & Kautz, Seattle, Washington, 1892-1893. He partnered with Kinsey, (possibly Darius Kinsey), 1893-1895. He also partnered with Frank C. Plummer at the Sterling Studio, Seattle, Washington, 1895-1898. He was also active in Roslyn, Washington, 1903-1910.
See also: Plummer, Frank C.
See also: Kinsey & Kinsey
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Kautz 1 | Studio portrait of woman wearing
pierced earrings, Seattle, Washington |
1895 |
Kautz & KinseyReturn to Top
Ira A. Kautz & Kinsey were active at 912 2nd St., Seattle, Washington, 1893-1895.
Kautz partnered also with Harry F. Roberts, Roberts & Kautz, Seattle, Washington, 1892-1893; and with Frank C. Plummer at the Sterling Studio, Seattle, Washington, 1895-1898. He was also active in Roslyn, Washington, 1903-1910. This Kinsey brother is possibly Darius Kinsey, brother to Clarence and Clarke Kinsey who were active photographers in Alaska. Darius Kinsey was active in Seattle and Sedro Woolly, Washington 1903-1917.
See also: Plummer, Frank C.
See also: Kinsey & Kinsey
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
12 | Kautz & Kinsey 1 | View of loggers driving a team of oxen
pulling logs through the forest, Washington |
1895 |
Kellerman, E.Return to Top
Active at Main Street, Montessano, Washington, circa 1889.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Kellerman 1 | 1889? |
Kelly, Millard F.Return to Top
Active at 1111 E. Street, Tacoma, Washington, 1890-1894. Kelly also worked for the Cresent Gallery. Kelly was killed by a train outside of Tacoma in January of 1911.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Kelly 1 |
Native American Indian woman and man
sitting on a log, Old Tom a canoe builder and mayor of Oak Harbor, Skagit,
Washington Written on mount: Old Tom. A canoe builder. Mayor of Oak Harbor.
Old Tom, a canoe builder with a D-adze in hand, is bare foot and wearing a
stiff-billed cap seated with his wife on log. She is also barefoot and dressed
in flowing woven fabrics and has a scarf tied headband style.
1885? |
5 | Kelly 2 |
Studio portrait of two men cabinet card
1885? |
Kennell-EllisReturn to Top
Active at the Kennell-Ellis Studio, 1280 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Kennell-Ellis 1 | View of the S.
P.M. W. 1950 Jordan Spreader train on the cascade line clearing snow
from the tracks at the Cascade summit, Oregon Written on verso: Cascade Summit:- Jordan Spreader clearing yard
tracks. winter of 1927.
1927 |
5 | Kennell-Ellis 2 |
View of a man looking at the snow
covered cascade line railroad tracks and portal of tunnel, Cascade Summit,
Oregon Written on verso: Cascade Line: 1927. Cascade Summit. Snow at
portal of tunnel on wye track.
1927 |
5 | Kennell-Ellis 2 | View of man looking west over the snow
covered cascade line train tracks, Cascade Summit, Oregon Snow in cut just east of Abernathy.
March 1, 1927 |
Kilbourne, Edward CorlissReturn to Top
Edward Corliss Kilbourne was born in Vermont on January 12, 1856. He grew up in Aurora, Illinois. After graduating from high school he studied dentistry under his father and joined the practice until 1880. His relative, Corliss P. Stone was Seattle mayor in 1872. Edward moved to Seattle in 1883. In 1888 Edward began promotion of the northern part of Seattle, the Fremont area. Along with other developers and businessmen, Edward championed electric transportation and trolleys to the new neighborhoods of Fremont and Greenlake. In 1892 he became owner of the Union Electric Company that provided electric lighting to the city of Seattle. Edward Corliss Kilbourne died on August 15, 1959.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Kilbourne 1 | 1930? | |
5 | Kilbourne 2 | 1930? | |
5 | Kilbourne 3 | 1928 | |
5 | Kilbourne 4 | 1928 | |
5 | Kilbourne 5 | University of Washington vs. California
crew race on Lake Washington with people standing on rooftop,
Seattle Written on verso: Ca;-VS Wash. Freshmen Wash. won.
1928 |
5 | Kilbourne 6 |
University of Washington vs. California
crew race on Lake Washington with people standing on rooftop,
Seattle Written on verso: California VS Washington Wash. Juniors won
1928 |
5 | Kilbourne 7 | 1928 | |
5 | Kilbourne 8 | 1930? |
KingReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | King 1 | 1907 | |
5 | King 2 | 1907 |
Kinnear, CharlesReturn to Top
Charles A. Kinnear was born in Metamora, Illinois, on March 22, 1868. He came to Seattle with his parents, George and Rebecca Kinnear in 1878. He graduated from the original location of the University of Washington in 1888. He then earned a law degree from the University of Michigan in 1890. He returned to Seattle and started a law office that he operated for three years. In 1901 he was part of the inaugural meeting of the Amateur Photographic Club of Seattle. The meeting was held at the Young Naturalist Hall in March of 1901.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Kinnear 1 | 1895? |
Kinsey & KinseyReturn to Top
Clarence and Clark Kinsey were brothers of Darius Kinsey. They left for the Klondike in 1898 and settled in Grand Forks, otherwise known as Bonanza. Here they built a cabin and filed a claim in nearby Gold Hill. Initially working out of a tent, it was almost four years before they could afford a permanent wood framed building. With their photographic equipment they did a substantial amount of portrait work and also had photographs appear in publications, brochures and pamphlets advertising goods for miners and describing the Klondike to outsiders. They were the official photographers for the Seattle & International Railway which was active under that name from 1896-1901 in Snoqualmie, Washington. Their partnership dissolved in 1906, when Clark Kinsey and his wife left for Seattle.
See also: Kautze and Kinsey.
Clark and Darius went on to document the logging industry. [See Clark Kinsey Photograph Collection].
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
12 | Kinsey & Kinsey 1 | View down the mountain towards the
mining town Bonanza, Yukon Territory, Alaska |
1903 |
12 | Kinsey & Kinsey 2 | Clarke Kinsey standing in the snow with
a four dog sled team, Bonanza, Yukon Territory, Alaska |
1903? |
12 | Kinsey & Kinsey 3 | Group photo of Clarence Kinsey and
friends with musical instruments outside on log cabin porch, Eldorado, Yukon
Territory, Alaska Written on photo: Berey [sic] Brothers. Clarence & friends
[sic]. Eldorado Y.T, Kinsey and Kinsey. Photo 1903 [sic].
between 1898 and 1901? |
Box | |||
5 | Kinsey & Kinsey 4 | People outside lumber processing
building, one man holding large saw blade Verso has information on ordering Kinsey & Kinsey Washington
Forrest photographs.
1903? |
5 | Kinsey & Kinsey 5 |
Lumber workers in front of equipment,
Ericson Bros, No 10 camp Copy print
Printed on photo: Ericson Bros, No 10, Eldorado.
between 1898 and 1906? |
5 | Kinsey & Kinsey 6 |
Lumber workers with shovels in front of
equipment, Ericson Bros, No 10 camp Copy print
Printed on photo: Ericson Bros, No 10, Eldorado.
between 1898 and 1906? |
5 | Kinsey & Kinsey 7 | Women seated atop a tree stump on
wooden chairs with man and woman seated in front of stump Written on photo: Enjoying a pleasant evening in Washington Fir
Stumps No 928.
1897 |
5 | Kinsey & Kinsey 8 | People in front of large
tree Written on photo: Largest Tree in Washington Circumference 100
feet. Vicinity Snoqualmie Falls-Four miles northbend In Sec.8-T-23-R-9-E. No
1896 |
5 | Kinsey & Kinsey 9 | Pile of dead salmon awaiting
canning Written on photo: 50000 Salmon for Sammamio Cannery near Blaine
Wash. No 380.
1896 |
5 | Kinsey & Kinsey 10 | Prospectors and horses in the forest,
Mount Baker Written on photo: Prospecting party for Mount Baker No.990.
1896? |
Kirk, Daniel W.Return to Top
Active at Room 14-Scheuerman Block, Seattle, Washington. In 1897 Kirk opened a studio in partnership with Anders Beers Wilse, a Norwegian engineer, surveyor, and photographer who documented the construction of the Great Northern Railroad as well as the Klondike Gold Rush. After only six months, Kirk sold his portion of the studio to Wilse.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Kirk D. 1 | View of people standing on pier
watching the Discharge pipe of the Bowers dredge Anaconda
beginning the work of the Seattle & Lake Washington Waterway Co. on
the Lake Washington canal, Seattle, Washington Caption on mount: Seattle & Lake Washington waterway.
Discharge pipe of bowers dredge Anaconda
delivering first material on the embankment, July twenty-ninth, eighteen
hundred & ninety-five.
July 29, 1895 |
5 | Kirk D. 2 | Jul 29, 1895 | |
5 | Kirk D. 3 | View looking down across the newly
constructed officers quarters at the Puget Sound Naval Station with a man and
horses out front, Bremerton, Washington |
1897? |
5 | Kirk D. 4 | 1897? |
Kirk, George W.Return to Top
George W. Kirk (1848-1919) apprenticed under the Baltimore photographer, William Chase, and later set up a studio in Huntington, West Virginia. After 13 years he left to become a raspberry farmer in Washington State. Kirk resumed photography in 1896 and opened a studio in Everett, Washington, 1898. Later he operated an additional branch studio in Arlington, Washington, 1901-06, and left the Everett studio to be operated by his son, T. Leston Kirk partnered with Loren H. Seely. They opened another studio in Snohomish. The Arlington and Snohomish studios were closed after George Kirk had a stroke in 1906 and retired.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
12 | Kirk G. 1 | Haley & Sisco Logging Company
workers in the forest next to flatcar piled with logs, Marysville,
Kirk Photo, Everett is written on
the end of one of the logs.
1896? |
12 | Kirk G. 2 | Haley & Sisco Logging Company
workers in the forest piling logs onto flatcar, Marysville,
Washington |
1900? |
12 | Kirk G. 3 | Two logging workers standing next to an old growth large
cedar stump and newly fallen log, Marysville, Washington Caption on photo: Cedar log and stump, 76 feet cir.
1900? |
12 | Kirk G. 4 | Two men laying in a large fir tree cut
with three additional men standing around the tree, Marysville,
Washington Caption on photo: "Two Men in Cut." Big Fir, near Everett.The photograph has "12ft" written near the tree which probably
means that the cut in the tree is 12 ft wide.
1900? |
12 | Kirk G. 5 | Man with a bicycle standing inside a
large opening cut through a cedar tree, near Snohomish, Washington Caption on photo: Bicycle Path Through Cedar, near
1900? |
12 | Kirk G. 6 | View of the Bell-Nelson shipyard and
mill at the waterfront, Everett, Washington |
1900? |
Box | |||
5 | Kirk G. 7 | View from above of snow covered
mountain and buildings at the Wellington switchback, Washington Caption on photo: Switchback from above Wellington.Written on verso: Feb. 22nd 1910. Location of snow slides
thousands of dollars in property lost and a score of human lives lost on
account of snow slides due to a lack of forest protection.
1910? |
5 | Kirk G. 8 | Studio portrait of woman and 6 month
old baby, Dorothy Day [ill.], Chehalis, Washington |
after 1896 |
Kirwin, HarryReturn to Top
Active at 1607 Fairview Ave. N, Seattle, Washington, was a photographer with the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Harry Kirwin worked the boats and the docks, and he was also a part time newspaperman. He was the co-author with Ralph W. Andrews of the book This was Seafaring – a sea chest of salty memories
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Kirwin 1 | View of people at the Italian banquet
for the 4th anniversary of the founding of the Fondazione Della Loggia, Seattle
lodge number 1390, Seattle, Washington |
between 1930 and 1940? |
5 | Kirwin 2 |
View of the Hotel Ritz, Carpenters
Hall, cigar store, and Shamek Bros. building, Seattle, Washington Written on verso: Built 1906-07. 1620 4th ave.
between 1930 and 1940 |
Kiser Photo Co.Return to Top
Active in Portland, Oregon, 1905-1921. Fred H. Kiser was a mountaineer, promoter, and a successful landscape and commercial photographer in the American West during the first two decades of the early 20th century. His work is credited with popularizing Crater Lake National Park and the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon and establishing Glacier National Park in Montana. He and his brother Oscar also operated the Lewis and Clark Official Photographic Co. at the 1905 Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition in Portland, Oregon. Clarence L. Winter, Fred's partner, later operated Winter Photo Company.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
XH_Early1 | Kiser1-2 | 1910? | |
XH_Early1 | Kiser 3 |
Group of Blackfoot men seated for a ceremony inside
medicine lodge Printed below photo: Kiser Photo Co., Portland, Or. 1910.
1910 |
XH_Early1 | Kiser 4 |
Large group of Blackfoot men in standing full regalia in
front of medicine lodge Some white men are on horseback behind the line of Blackfoot
men. This photo appears to commemorate an important occasion.Printed below photo: Copyright 1910 by Kiser Photo Co.,
Portland, Or.
1910 |
Box | |||
5 | Kiser 5 |
Little Plume's ghost lodge, Nez Perce
encampment, Oregon, 1910 Printed on verso: Copyright 1910 by Kiser Photo Co. For Great
Northern Railway.
1910 |
Kneisle, Joseph J.Return to Top
Originally from Denver, Colorado, Kneisle arrived in Seattle in 1903. He was active in Seattle, Washington from 1912- 1925.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
12 | Kneisle 1 | September 2, 1912 | |
Box | |||
5 | Kneisle 2 | 1913 | |
5 | Kneisle 3 | 1913 | |
5 | Kneisle 4 | People gathered around fire and under a tent outdoors,
Olalla, Washington Written on photo: "Old Friends Reunited" at Washington's First
Socialist Encampment. Olalla.
July 3-5, 1915 |
box:oversize | |||
XH_Early1 | Kneisle5 | May 14, 1910 |
Knobloch, BasilReturn to Top
Active in Seattle, Washington. Operator at the Way down East Co., local 162frw.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Knobloch 1 | Working staff at Metropolitan Theater, Seattle,
Washington Names are written on photo and on verso the names and jobs of
the pictured men.Reading from left to right. Top row standing. 1. Wm Winters,
Stage Electrician, local; 2. Eddie Connelley, carpenter, Way Down East Co.
local 16; 3. Vic Graham, local; 4. Herbert Govie; 5. Carl Wagner, Leader
Orchestra-Metropolitan Theatre. Bottom row sitting down. 6. Harry Ives, Property man, local; 7.
Wm. Black, Carpenter, local; 8. Dave Davidson, Business, local; 9. John Duane,
Flyman, local; 10. Jack Vanslett, Operator, Way Down East co. local 162; Eddie
Wagner, Electrician, Way Down East Co, local 162; Photo By Basil Knobloch,
Operator Way Down East Co local 162. Metropolitan Theatre, Seattle, Wash. House
Crew and Crew of the The Way Down East Co. April 1st 1921. Season
March 14th, 1921 |
Koerner, Frederick J.Return to Top
Frederick Koerner was active at 388 East Morrison, Portland, Oregon in 1898. He lived in Portland, Oregon up to 1914.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
12 | Koerner 1 | Occidental Hotel and Saloon exterior, Antelope,
Oregon Written on verso: Finlay McBeth Owner.
1898 |
12 | Koerner 2 | Street scene with businesses including W. Bolton &
Co. and horse drawn carts, Antelope, Oregon Written on verso: Supplies brought in from Shaniko/Celilo
Falls.A fire on July 11, 1898 destroyed the business district of
Antelope, Oregon.
1898 |
Kreidler, Myron B.Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
XD1 | Kreidler 1 |
Overnight Passage
[boat on the water at night] |
1943 |
Landerkin, G.W. & Winter, LloydReturn to Top
Active in Juneau, Alaska, circa 1890.
Lloyd Winter also partnered with Percy E. Pond in Juneau between 1893-1943.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Landerkin & Winter 1 | 1891? | |
5 | Landerkin & Winter 2 | 1890? | |
5 | Landerkin & Winter 3 |
Tlingit houses known as "Indian
Village" with Russian warehouse in foreground, Sitka, Alaska Caption on image: Indian village near Sitka, Alaska. Water
1890? |
5 | Landerkin & Winter 4 |
View of the Native Indian grave yard,
Juneau, Alaska Written on verso: All the trinkets and personal property of the
deceased are laid in these graves; and remain untouched to mould and decay. In
one of these small houses I saw remnants of an old periodical some old cooking
utensils. In another, the remnants of a cheap alarm clock minus the hands, with
the spring sticking out of the side -- evidently a toy or plaything of the
1890? |
Lawson, Benjamin W.Return to Top
Active in Seattle, 1901-1904. In 1901 he is listed with a partner, Anna Nelson at 1331 1/2 Second Ave. That same year he is also listed as working alone at 314 Pike St. He partnered with William T. Lawson in 1903, with H. Earle Napier in 1904 both at the Pike St. address. HIs studio addredd is listed both as at 314 Pike St. and 314 1/2 Pike St.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box/Folder | item | ||
5 | Lawson 1 | Portrait of woman, Pauline |
1901? |
Lee, Frank JuliusReturn to Top
Active from 1902- 1926 in Tacoma, WA at 17th Street and Jefferson Ave as well as 1525 Commerce Street. Originally form Wisconsin he had a successful career in Tacoma until his retirement in 1940.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Lee F.J. 1-Lee F.J. 2 | View of harbor with docked ships and
ship repair |
between 1902 and 1926? |
5 | LeeFJ3-LeeFJ4 |
Women's social group holding spears,
Tacoma, WA Sara Jane Johnston Bodenheimer and her sister Sophia Johnston
Thomas are identified on verso of photographs.
between 1915 and 1918 |
Leonard PhotoReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Leonard Photo 1 |
Schooners Charles
E. Falk and Edward R. West loading lumber
in the Wishkah River, Aberdeen, Washington Written on verso: Left, Schooner "Chas. E. Falk" built in 1889
in Eureka, Calif. 284 tons, length 135', beam 34', depth 10.2. right, H masr
schr "Edward R. West" built 1902 Aberdeen, Wash. 835 tons, length 196', beam
40', depth 14.5.
between 1900 and 1910 |
Leston, Kirk T.Return to Top
Kirk Leston was based in Everett, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
12 | Leston 1 |
Interior of cookhouse with chefs and
dining room set up Written on verso: This is the interior of our cookhouse but it
does not show of what it should.
between 1900 and 1910 |
Levick, Edwin and CompanyReturn to Top
Edwin Levick, originally from London, came to the United States in 1899 and began working as an Arabic translator for the Guaranty Trust Company, New York City. He began taking photographs for various publications, such as the Chicago Tribune and the New York Times. After writing and photographing for newspapers and magazine, he decided to specialize in maritime photography. He is well known for his images of ships and sailboats. His photography studio was very successful and at one point employed seven to eight assistants. The studio was located at 10 West 47th Street, New York City. Levick died in 1929 in New Rochelle, New York. After his death, Levick's studio continued to produce photographs covering a variety of events and topic.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Levick 1 |
Ted Hunter, Dick Durrance and Otto
Schniebs skiing downhill Written on verso: Ted Hunter, Dick Durrance and Coach Otto
Schniebs of the Dartmouth Outing Club's Ski Team who got tor Mt. Rainier for
the National Olympic tryouts-April 13th and 14th. Hunter is Eastern
Intercollegiate Down-hill Champion. Durrance was the 1934 Downhill Champion of
the Eastern Amateur Ski Association.
1935 |
5 | Levick 2 |
Henry (Bem) Woods on skis resting on
his ski poles Written on verso: Bem Woods- 1933 National Downhill Champion and
also a Jumper and Langlaufer of considerable ability. Woods was a member of the
recent Washington expedition to Mount Crillon, Alaska.
1935 |
5 | Levick 3 |
Ted Hunter, Dick Durrance, Bem Woods,
Sel Hannah and Wrren Chivers skiing downhill Written on verso: All except one are the members of the squad
the Dartmouth Outing Club is sending to the Olympic tryouts at Mt. Rainier
April 13th and 14th. Left to right, Ted Hunter, Dick Durrance, Bem Woods, Cap.
Sel Hannah and Warren Chivers. Cap. Hannah will be unable to come to the coast
and will be replaced by Linc Washburn. Washburn was third in last years
National Championships at Estes Park, Colorado.
1935 |
5 | Levick 4 to Levick 5 |
Ted Hunter, Dick Durrance and Sel
Hannah skiing downhill, Hanover, New Hampshire Written on verso of Levick 4: Here come the Eastern Invaders!
Dartmouth's downhill men in training at Hanover, N.H. for the Olympic tryouts
at Mt. Rainier Apr. 13 and 14. In front is Dick Durrance, reputed to be the
Easts' best Downhill skier. Behind him is Ted Hunter, holder of the 1935
Intercollegiate Downhill title for the Eastern States and Eastern Canada. The
third man is the captain of the team- Sel Hannah. Hannah will be unable to come
to Rainier, but will be replaced by Line Washburn who was third in the National
Downhill Championships at Estes Park, Col. last year.
1935 |
Lewis, F.G.Return to Top
Active in Spokane, Washington, 1916; Auburn, Washington, 1917-18; and Port Angeles, Washington, 1925-26.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Lewis F.G. 1 |
View of the Holt
& Jeffery train and men working on the construction at 4th ave. and
Virginia to Stewart streets of the Denny Hill Regrade project, Seattle,
Washington Caption on image: Denny Hill Regrade, Seattle. Holt and Jettery
handling 200 cu. yds per hour, 4th, Virginia to Stewart.
October, 1908 |
Lewis, Richard T.Return to Top
Richard T. Lewish was born around 1906 and died in 1979. He was active at 1809 E. Mission, Spokane, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
5 | Lewis R. 1 | 3 Air Base chaplains and a civilian
man standing in front of donation bins outside Les Critzers mens shop and
Winthrop shoes, Spokane, Washington Possibly Les Critzer is the 4th man standing next to the
chaplains.Printed on sign next to the soldiers: Men-Boys, Women-Children,
give you old shoes to a poor Korean! Lets fill up the Barrels for our Air Base
between 1959 and 1979? |
Libby & SonReturn to Top
Active in Spokane, Washington.
Charles A. Libby (1879-1966), born in Olympia, Washington, began his career in photography working for his sister, Addie, in the Libby Art Studio in 1898. He opened the Charles Libby Studio on his own studio in 1901. Libby did both portrait and commercial work from the beginning and took on both portraits, commercial photography, pictures of train wrecks for insurance companies, and houses for real estate companies. When Charles A. Libby, Jr. joined the firm in the early 1920s, the studio began to do extensive aerial photography in and around Spokane and the Inland Empire. During this time, Charles Sr. was elected president of the Inland Empire Photography Association. Charles Libby Sr. was so proud of his son, that in 1928 he changed the company name to “Charles Libby and son”. After Charles, Sr. died in 1966, Charles, Jr. continued to operate the studio until 1969, when he sold it.
See also Libby & Son in PH 1298 Mid-Century Photographers.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | Libby 1 | 1909 | |
6 | Libby 2 | Man and woman in the speedboat
GarWood, Spokane, Washington Written on Verso: Motor boating on one of the lovely cool lakes
of the Spokane area. This is one of the summer sports which are keenly enjoyed
by Spokane citizens. The Inland Empire of which Spokane is the capital is often
referred to as the "Land of Many Lakes".Written on photo: Libby
1935 |
6 | Libby 3 | Fold-out panorama, map, and souvenir photographs of the
Grand Coulee Dam and its construction, Spokane, Washington Printed: by Charles A. Libby & Son, photographers, Spokane,
Wash.Showing the construction process of the Grand Coulee Dam, a map,
a panorama, and night view of the completed dam.
between 1933 and 1942 |
6 | Libby 4 | Interior view of a recreation room
which probably has a bowling alley with bowls and pins in neon lights on the
ceiling, Spokane, Washington Written on photo: Libby & Son
1941 |
Liddle, WilliamReturn to Top
Active in Seattle, Washington, and Alaska.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
12 | Liddle 1 | View of an Alaskan town on the waters edge with
mountains in the distance, Alaska The photo is marked on verso as showing Alaska.
between 1930 and 1959? |
12 | Liddle 2 | View from a boat and looking out to a forest edged bay,
Alaska The photo is marked on the back as being from Alaska.
between 1930 and 1959? |
Box | |||
12 | Liddle 3 | 1959? |
Lindahl, ConradReturn to Top
Active at 919 C Street, and 1017 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, Washington, 1892-1908.
Conrad Lindahl and Ellison A. Lynn were also partners in the late 1890s in Tacoma, Washington. Ellison A. Lynn worked solo under his name in both Seattle and Tacoma, Washington between 1893-1921.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | Lindahl 1 |
Studio portrait of A.W. Stuhrman,
editor of the Spanaway Sentinel of Lake Park,
Washington Written on verso: A.W. Stuhrman. Spanaway Sentinel of Lake Park,
Washington.Lake Park, part of turn-of-the-century development plans of the
Lake Park Railway and Navigation Company, was a post office 10 miles south of
Tacoma near Spanaway Lake. It was operated September 1890 until renamed
Spanaway in September of 1897.Printed on mount: 1017 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma.
1900? |
6 | Lindahl 2 |
Studio portrait of a seated young
woman, Tacoma, Washington Embossed on mount: 919 C. St., Tacoma.
1893? |
6 | Lindahl 3 |
Studio portrait of a bride wearing her
veil and holding her bouquet with the groom holding gloves, Tacoma,
Washington Embossed on mount: 919 C. St., Tacoma.
1897? |
6 | Lindahl 4 |
Studio portrait of bride with floral
crown and veil with groom, Tacoma, Washington cabinet card
Embossed on mount: 919 C. St., Tacoma.
1897? |
6 | Lindahl 5 |
Studio portrait of bride seated in
chair with groom standing, Tacoma, Washington cabinet card
Embossed on mount: 919 C. St., Tacoma.
1897? |
6 | Lindahl 6 | 1897? | |
6 | Lindahl 7 | 1897? |
LockeReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
12 | Locke1 |
Women standing next to long logs on railroad
car Banner attached to logs reads: Last load of 8086 pieces, 120
feet, peeled fir piling. Consigned to Ford Motor Co., Edgewater, N.J. Produced
and shipped by K & K Timber Co., Everett, Washington.
between 1910 and 1930 |
Long's StudioReturn to Top
Long's Studio was run by Jacob T. Long from 1919-1923 and by Edward S. Long from 1924-1925. The studio was at 4317 14th Avenue Northeast.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | Longs 1 | Sigma Phi Kappa fraternity
photograph |
between 1920 and 1930? |
Longstaff, Frederick VictorReturn to Top
Frederick Victor Longstaff was born in Surrey, England. He moved to Victoria, British Columbia in 1911. He was a major in the military and the head of the maritime committee of the British Columbia Historical Association. He authored a history of the HMCS Naden and Esquimalt Harbour naval base. He died in 1961.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | Longstaff 1 | February 1912 | |
6 | Longstaff 2 |
Loomis, B.E.Return to Top
B.E. Loomis was the mail carrier for Bucoda, Washington. He had a son named Frank.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | Loomis 1 | 1895? |
LoryeaReturn to Top
Active at 824 Riverside Ave., Spokane, Washington. Archibald and Milton Loryea were brothers and both active photographers in Spokane, Washington in the early 1890s. The Loryeas were also active in California, primarily in San Jose and San Francisco before moving to Washington. Archibald (Archie) died at age 35 in Spokane in November 1900 and Milton continued photographing through 1914.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | Loryea 1 | Studio portrait of a woman holding a
fan and standing next to a plant stand, Spokane, Washington |
1895? |
6 | Loryea 2 | Two photographs of a baby in a white
gown and leaning on pillows mounted together, Spokane, Washington |
between 1890 and 1900 |
6 | Loryea 3 |
Studio portrait of a woman standing
next to a seated man and both wearing corsages, Spokane, Washington Milton Loryea's name is printed on photo mount.
1900? |
6 | Loryea 4 | Artist view of a girl wearing a bonnet
and looking through shrubbery, Spokane, Washington An artistic styled photo.
between 1900 and 1910 |
6 | Loryea 5 | Studio portraits of elderly man and
woman, Spokane, Washington Two separate photographs are mounted side by side.
between 1890 and 1900 |
6 | Loryea 6 | View of a horse standing in a field,
Spokane, Washington |
1900? |
box:oversize | |||
12 | Loryea 7 | Still life of a settee sofa with
pillows, Spokane, Washington |
1900? |
12 | Loryea 8 | Still life of potted plant and curtain,
Spokane, Washington |
1900? |
Box | |||
6 | Loryea 9 | Studio portrait of a young boy wearing
a suit and tie, Spokane, Washington |
between 1900 and 1910 |
6 | Loryea 10 | Studio portrait of man with moustache
and straw hat, Spokane, Washington |
between 1900 and 1910 |
6 | Loryea 11 | Studio portrait of a young girl
standing behind daisies, Spokane, Washington |
between 1900 and 1910 |
Lothrop, J. WillardReturn to Top
Active at 217 and 425 Walker Bldg., University & Second Ave., Seattle, Washington, 1911-1925.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | Lothrop 1 | Studio portrait of a young man wearing
a suit, Seattle, Washington |
1915? |
box:oversize | |||
12 | Lothrop 2-3 | Studio portrait of a man, Seattle,
Washington Item 2 is the front portrait view and item 3 is the profile view
of the same man.
1915? |
Lothrop Bros.Return to Top
Brothers, Charles D. and J. Willard Lothrop ran a studio called Lothrop Brothers. The studio was located in Port Townsend, 1901-1906. The brothers were also active in Seattle, Washington under their own names.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | Lothrop Bros. 1 | 1903? | |
6 | Lothrop Bros. 2 | Marcus Seovill, Thomas Robt, Willson
Franklin and Jim Burchett on a Whatcom County railway car Written on verso: First-Ex car built in Whatcom for Lake
1900? |
Lowman & HanfordReturn to Top
Lowman & Hanford was a store in Seattle. It was started by James D. Lowman and Clarence Hanford in 1882 and existed until the 1960s. Lowman & Hanford sold photo supplies, stationery, books, sewing machines, pianos, and more.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box/Folder | item | ||
6 | Lowman&Hanford.1 | Between 1882 and 1969? |
Loy PhotoReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | Loy 1 | Logs piled near mouth of the Humptulips
River, Grays Harbor, Washington |
between 1900 and 1910 |
Lutz, Rolland RayReturn to Top
Born in South Dakota in 1887, Lutz spent his childhood years in St. Paul, Minnesota, and eventually attended Hamline University there. At the age of 27, he decided to turn his interest in photography into a career and purchased the Peter Holmboe Photographic Studio in Mandan, North Dakota, ultimately benefitting from the longest running cottage industry in Mandan. Starting in 1924, members of the Standing Rock Sioux nation were hired by the Northern Pacific Railway to perform as a tourist attraction for patrons who selected the NP line versus their competitors line which ran through Minot. Tribal members would charge a quarter to pose for custom pictures in full traditional dress and Lutz mass marketed these images as postcards for a nickel each. Lutz sold his practice to Lee Mohr in 1937 and moved his family west by rail to Tacoma, WA., where he had recently purchased a new studio. He gained national attention when he was honored with the title "Master Photographer of America," The Lutz's moved to Bainbridge Island when the photographer retired to be nearer to his children and grandchildren. Rolland Lutz died in 1964 and is buried next to his wife on the island.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | Lutz 1 |
Studio portrait of Standing Rock Sioux
Nation chief, Mandan, North Dakota Written on photo: Follow the Road 1923. Mandan, N. Dak. -
1923 |
Lynn, Ellison A.Return to Top
Active in Tacoma, Washington, circa 1893-1920. Lynn also worked with Earl Cram, Lynn & Cram, in Seattle, Washington, 1906-1910.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | Lynn 1 | between 1890 and 1900 | |
6 | Lynn 2 | between 1890 and 1900 | |
6 | Lynn 3 |
Portrait of a woman wearing a pointed
hat, Tacoma, Washington Written on verso: Uncle Freds wife Maud. In Alaska costume time
of the gold rush. Philips mother.
1895? |
box:oversize | |||
12 | Lynn 4 | Group studio portrait of 3 men, 2
woman, and a little girl, Tacoma, Washington |
between 1890 and 1900 |
Lynn & LindahlReturn to Top
Lynn, Ellison A. and Lindahl, Conrad were active at the Corner of 11th Street and Pacific Ave., Tacoma, Washington.
Conrad Lindahl and Ellison A. Lynn were partners in the late 1890s in Tacoma, Washington. Conrad Lindahl also worked independently under his own name between 1892-1906. Ellison A. Lynn worked independently under his name in both Seattle and Tacoma, Washington, 1893-1921.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | Lynn & Lindahl 1 | 1895? | |
6 | Lynn & Lindahl 2 | between 1890 and 1900 |
MacKenzie Photo Co.Return to Top
Colin S. MacKenzie (1879-1912) also known as C.S. McKenzie, was active in Aberdeen, Washington.
Colin S. MacKenzie came from Pictou County, Nova Scotia, Canada in 1899 with his great-grandparents, Simon Fraser and Jessie Ann (MacKenzie) Fraser. McKenzie was a deputy sheriff in the Grays Harbor area, had become a studio photographer following a back injury suffered while fighting a fire.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | MacKenzie 1 |
Outdoor portrait of Old Chief Billy
Mason at Taholah, Quinault Reservation, Washington On mount: the photographers name is embossed as Gordon &
McKenzieWritten on photo: Copyright 1906, C.S. MacKenzie.See Also: C.S. McKenzie
1906 |
6 | MacKenzie 2 | Outdoor portrait of Chief Masons
mother, at Taholah, Quinault Reservation, Washington Embossed on mount: MacKenzie Photo Co., Aberdeen, Wash.Written on photo: Copyright 1906, C.S. MacKenzie.Written on mount: Taholas mother said to be over 100 years old.
Chief of Quinauts. Chief Masons mother.See Also: C.S. McKenzie
1906 |
6 | MacKenzie 3 |
Quinault woman barefoot and carrying a
basket of firewood on her back, Quinault Reservation, Washington Written on verso: Burden Bearer, a Quinault woman,
Washington.The Burke Museum owns an orotone photograph of this image.See Also: C.S. McKenzie
1900? |
6 | MacKenzie 4 | 1905? |
Marier BrosReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | Marier 1 | Train station and Tanana Valley Railway
locomotive Attached to verso: Eng. #1, Tanana Valley Ry. Built by H.K.
Porter, Pittsburg Pa. in 1877; Builders number 1972 N. gage. Came by boat
around cape Horn to St. Michaels; then transferred to a barge and towed up the
Yukon River 1176 miles, in the spring of 1905, and used in building Tanana
Mines Ry. between Chena and Fairbanks. and in 1906 ran on regular schedule
between those points...
between 1870 and 1910 |
Marsh, D.Return to Top
D. Marsh was active in Kendrick, Idaho and may have been active in Weiser, Idaho and Big Rapids Michigan as well. He made stereoviews as well including a Yellowstone Park series.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | Marsh 1 | between 1870 and 1910 |
Marshall, Frank E. (F.E.)Return to Top
See also: Gem Studio.
Martin, L.S.Return to Top
Was active as a publisher in McMinville, Oregon.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | MartinL 1 | People standing in a semi circle outdoors showing their
socks Written on verso: Loud sox day. L.S. Martin a friend of Kenneth
McGrew who went to McMinnville Oregon to go to school.
between 1900 and 1910 |
Martin, Milford B.Return to Top
Milford Berwick Martin was born in 1883. He owned Martin Photo at S1 Howard, Spokane, Washington, from 1910 or earlier, to 1920 or later.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box/Folder | item | ||
XH_Early1 | MartinMB1 |
The Upstairs Price baseball team, Champions of Spokane,
on the field, Spokane, Washington Names written on photo. From left: Price, Kennedy, Torrance,
Nelson, Cress, Williams, Murphy, Clink, Walsh, Derr, Meicho."Upstairs Price" billboard enhanced in black ink on photo.
1917 |
Matsura, Frank Return to Top
Frank (Sakae) Matsura (1873–1913) was born in Japan and he arrived in Okanogan, by way of Seattle, in 1903. He operated a photo studio, 1904-1912 and was well known for portraits and landscapes.
He is a descendant of Emperor Saga, the 52nd emperor of Japan, through the Matsura, lords of Hirado Island (northwest of Kyūshū). His father and uncle were samurai, serving Tokugawa Yoshinobu, 15th Shogun of the Tokugawa Shogunate. After the Meiji Restoration in 1868, the family entered the tea business. Matsuras parents died, and he was raised by an uncle and aunt, learning English at a school they founded in Tokyo. As further evidence of his family's high standing, he possessed a ceremonial sword.
In 1903, he answered an ad in a Seattle newspaper for a cooks helper and laundryman placed by Jesse Dillabough, owner of the Elliott Hotel in Conconully, Washington, and was hired. He arrived with his camera equipment and began photographing the Okanogan region. His photographic subjects were wide and varied and included portraits, infrastructure projects such as the construction of Conconully Dam, Native Americans, celebrations and parades, stage coaches, riverboats, farming and ranching, and virtually all aspects of the lives of the people of Okanogan county. Matsura was a respected and beloved figure in this frontier region that he documented with his camera. His funeral attracted more than three hundred Native American and pioneer mourners.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | Matsura 1 |
View of Rattle-snake Point, on the
Okanogan River near Ophir, Washington This postcard is dated and postmarked January 27, 1912. It is
addressed to Mrs. Henry Donnley of 1622 9th West in Seattle. The correspondence
reads: Dear Mother:- Though you would like a picture of this country. This
scene is a short ways down the Okanogan from here. Am feeling well and getting
along fine. Love, Matt.Ophir was a mining town northeast of Brewster in southern
Okanogan County. Its post office operated from 1890-1912.
January 27, 1912 |
Maxwell PhotographersReturn to Top
The Maxwell Brothers, Charles Thomas and Joseph D., were active from 1875-1900 in Spokane, Spokane Falls, and on Main St. in Walla Walla, Washington. Joseph D. Maxwell first opened the studio in 1875, and was joined by Charles D. in 1878. The brothers opened two more studios, one in Spokane Falls in 1884 and another in Dayton, Washington. Additionally, the brothers worked with W.W. Maxwell and operated a branch gallery in Lewiston, Idaho, circa 1899.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | Maxwell 1 |
Studio portrait of P.B. Johnson of the
Walla Walla Union, Walla Walla,
Washington The Walla Walla Union, the first
republican paper published in the Walla. Walla Valley, issued its initial
number on the 17th of April 1869, being published by an association of
citizens. In May, R. M. Smith S. Co. were announced as publishers. It continued
after 1876, with P.B. Johnson editor, as a country journal.
between 1880 and 1890? |
6 | Maxwell 2 |
Studio portrait of a seated man holding
a baby boy, with a woman and a young girl standing next to him,
Washington Caption on mount: Maxwell. Walla Walla, W. T.
between 1880 and 1890? |
6 | Maxwell 3 | Studio portrait of a bearded man,
Spokane Falls, Washington Caption on mount: Maxwell. Spokane Falls, W.T.Printed on verso: J.D. M. Maxwell. Wolverton block, over Traders
National Bnk, Riverside Ave.
between 1875 and 1878 |
6 | Maxwell 4 | Studio portrait of a woman, Spokane
Falls, Washington Caption on mount: Maxwell. Spokane Falls, W.T.Printed on verso: J.D. M. Maxwell. Wolverton block, over Traders
National Bnk, Riverside Ave.
between 1875 and 1878 |
6 | Maxwell 5 | Studio portrait of a bearded man
wearing pince-nez glasses, Spokane, Washington Caption on mount: Maxwell. B.M., Spokane, W.T.Printed on verso: Maxwell Photographers, Traders Block Cor.
Howard St. and Riverside Ave., Spokane Wash. Crayon, ink, and water color
portraits.The additional initials (B.M. or M.B.) Maxwell, may indicate
Maxwell Brothers or an additional photographer working at the Maxwell
between 1880 and 1890? |
6 | Maxwell 6 |
John Dooley with women and children
standing the porch of the Stine and Stone Block Mansard home, Walla Walla,
Washington Printed on mount: Maxwell, Stine and Stone Block, Walla Walla,
Washington.Originally the home of Dr. Blalock, a member of the
Constitutional Convention of 1889. See [Brodeck & Co. 2] for a photograph of Dr. Blalock.
1892? |
6 | Maxwell 7 | View of railroad track cut though the
rocky Windsor Block mountain area, Spokane, Washington Printed on mount: Windsor Block, Spokane Wash.
1892? |
box:oversize | |||
12 | Maxwell 8 | Man picking apples in orchard near
Spokane Falls, Washington |
between 1880 and 1890? |
12 | Maxwell 9 | Three men picking apples near Spokane
Falls, Washington |
between 1880 and 1890? |
12 | Maxwell 10 | View looking Southwest of the Edison
Electric Illuminating Corporation Station, Spokane Falls,
Washington |
1892? |
12 | Maxwell 11 | View of the hydraulic room at the
Edison Electric Illuminating Corporation Station,
Spokane Falls, Washington |
1892? |
Maynard, Hannah Hatherly (Mrs. R.)Return to Top
Active in Victoria, British Colombia, Canada, 1864-1912.
Hannah Hatherly Maynard (1834-1918) (Mrs. Richard) was born in Stratton, Cornwall, England. She married Richard Maynard (1832-1907) in 1852 sailed with him to Canada and lived in Bowmanville, what is now the province of Ontario.
Hannah became one of British Colombia's first professional photographers. Richard Maynard left his family and joined the Fraser River gold rush 1858-59 and successfully mined the Huson Bar while Hannah learned photography at home in Bowmanville. They emigrated to the Colony of Vancouver Island along with their 4 children in 1862. By 1864 he was noted for his photographic work as well. In 1874 Hannah and Richard built one of the city's first portrait studios, Mrs. R. Maynards Photographic Gallery on Douglas Street at the corner of Johnson, with Richards adjoining boot and shoe store. She experimented with every new photographic techniques, and Richard was almost exclusively known for his landscapes. Both Hannah and Richard were well traveled and photographed their adventures. Her work was marketed under a separate imprint, and his photographs were primarily landscapes.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | Maynard H. 1 |
Native American Indian woman seated
with child on back wrapped in a blanket, Victoria, British Columbia,
Canada Printed on verso of this carte de visite: Mrs. R. Maynard,
Photographic artist, and dealer in all kinds of photographic materials.
Stereoscopic and large views of British Columbia and Vancouver Island for sale.
Cor. Douglas and Johnson Streets. Victoria, B.C.
1874? |
6 | Maynard H. 2 |
Native American Indian woman, seated
next to a basket, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Printed on verso of this carte de visite: Mrs. R. Maynard,
Photographic artist, and dealer in all kinds of photographic materials.
Stereoscopic and large views of British Columbia and Vancouver Island for sale.
Cor. Douglas and Johnson Streets. Victoria, B.C.
1874? |
6 | MaynardH3 |
View of a log bridge across the Gorge
river, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Caption on verso: From Mrs. R. Maynards, Photographic Studio,
Victoria, B.C., Stereoscopic and large views of British Columbia and Vancouver
Island for sale.Written on verso: the Gorge 1864.This is might be a reprint from at a much later date.
1864 |
Maynard, RichardReturn to Top
Active in Victoria, British Colombia, Canada, 1864-1907.
Richard Maynard (1832-1907) was born in Bude, England. He married Hannah Hatherly Maynard (1834-1918) in 1852, sailed Canada and lived in Bowmanville, what is now the province of Ontario. They emigrated to the Colony of Vancouver Island along with their 4 children in 1862.
Richard's wife Hannah became one of British Columbia's first professional photographers. In 1874 Richard and Hannah built one of the city's first portrait studios, Mrs. R. Maynards Photographic Gallery on Douglas Street at the corner of Johnson, with Richards adjoining boot and shoe store. Both Hannah and Richard were well traveled and photographed their adventures. Her work was marketed under a separate imprint, and his photographs were primarily landscapes.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | MaynardR1 |
View of the bridge across the Gorge,
Victoria Arm, British Columbia, Canada Printed on verso: R. Maynard, Photographic artist and dealer of
all kinds of photographic materials. Stereoscopic and large views of British
Columbia and Vancouver Island for sale. Cor. of Douglas & Johnson Streets,
Victoria, B. C.
between 1874 and 1907? |
6 | MaynardR2 | between 1874 and 1907? | |
6 | MaynardR3 | between 1874 and 1907? | |
6 | Maynard R.4 | 1884 |
Mayo & WeedReturn to Top
Active at 63rd St. & Stewart Ave. Abel Building. (Englewood) Chicago. A partnership of Chicago photographers, Charles A. Mayo and J.E. Weed. The firm were "special artists" for Graftons Tours, which was also a Chicago company. In 1891, J.E. Weed traveled to Alaska with a tour going along the scenic route of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Mayo & Weed published a catalogue and album of this trip. The catalogue described the views of this trip as sized 5x8 and 8x10.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | Mayo & Weed 1 | 1891 |
McAlpin & LambReturn to Top
Arthur B. McAlpin was born in Pennsylvania in 1856. McAlpin's family moved to San Francisco, California after his birth. He was working as a photographer in San Francisco by the 1870s. In 1884 McAlpin moved to Portland, Oregon. In 1890-91 McAlpin went into business with Charles Y. Lamb forming the McAlpin & Lamb Studio located in the Dekum Building at 3rd and Southwest Morrison Street in Portland. They also operated a gallery in Portland called the Imperial Gallery.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | McAlpinLamb 1 | Mt. Hood from Stage Road, Oregon
(McAlpin & Lamb 125) |
between 1890 and 1900 |
6 | McAlpinLamb 2 | Memaloose Island with view of Victor
Trevitt grave marker, Columbia River (McAlpin & Lamb 153) |
between 1890 and 1900 |
6 | McAlpinLamb 3 | Grenville Channel, Bristish Columbia,
Canada (McAlpin & Lamb 1002) |
between 1890 and 1900 |
6 | McAlpinLamb 4 | Fairwether Range and Bartlett Cove,
Alaska (McAlpin & Lamb 1003) |
between 1890 and 1900 |
6 | McAlpinLamb 5 | Davidson Glacier, Alaska (McAlpin &
Lamb 1004) |
between 1890 and 1900 |
6 | McAlpinLamb 6 | People standing on bridge over Indian
River, Alaska (McAlpin & Lamb 1063) |
between 1890 and 1900 |
6 | McAlpinLamb 7 | Indian River and forest, Alaska
(McAlpin & Lamb 1065) |
between 1890 and 1900 |
6 | McAlpinLamb 8 | People standing in forest near Indian
River, Alaska (McAlpin & Lamb 1067) |
between 1890 and 1900 |
McAlpin GarageReturn to Top
McAlpin Garage in Arlington, Washington was started by Earl McAlpin and was operated by him until his death in 1919. Otis Allen took over the business to great success and expansion of services. Allen operated a business that included freight trucking, under the subsidiary Arlington-Darrington Truck Company, one of the leading gas stations in Arlington that was an agent of Firestone Tires, a car repair shop and the Arlington Distribution Company providing Union Oil products.
The postcards below could possibly be a souvenir product sold by McAlpin Garage as they all read: Courtesy of McAlpin Garage.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | McAlpinGarage 1 | Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Wheeler in
automobile, Arlington, Washington Postcard
Printed on postcard: Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Wheeler in one of
Arlington's first automobile About 1906 Arlington Historical Series No 37
Courtesy McAlpin Garage. Error- Card No 36 should have read "Mr. & Mrs.
John Ellingson."
1906 |
6 | McAlpinGarage 2 | Ox and loggers at a skid row,
Arlington, Washington Postcard
Printed on postcard: Logging by Ox Team Near Arlington in 1889
Arlington Historical Series No 34 Courtesy McAlpin Garage.
1889 |
6 | McAlpinGarage 3 | Bryon and McDonalds Camp CookHouse and
workers, Arlington, Washington Postcard
Printed on postcard: Cook House and Crew- Bryon and McDonalds
Camp in 1896- ½ mile south of Edgecomb. Now occupied by H.C. Stineke. A.J.
Suttles 4th from Left. Arlington Historical Series No 19 Courtesy McAlpin
1896 |
6 | McAlpinGarage 4 | People from Arlington in an automobile
at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific-Exposition Postcard
Printed on postcard: A load of Arlington Folks visit the A.Y.P.
Exposition in 1909 Arlington Historical Series No 33. Courtesy McAlpin
1909 |
6 | McAlpinGarage 5 |
Fourth of July celebration in front of
Arlington Hotel, Arlington, Washington Postcard
Printed on postcard: 4th of July Celebration in Arlington in
1902 Parade in front of the Arlington Hotel-Pioneer Series No 8. Courtesy
McAlpin Garage.
1902 |
6 | McAlpinGarage 6 |
Horse drawn funeral procession on
Railroad Avenue, Arlington, Washington Postcard
Printed on postcard: A Funeral on Railroad Ave in Early Days-
About 1903 Arlington Pioneer Series No 13. Courtesy McAlpin Garage.
1903 |
6 | McAlpinGarage 7 |
Interior of high school classroom,
Arlington, Washington Postcard
Printed on postcard: Arlington H.S. in 1904-G.W. Hinman-
Teacher- 1st Row; Leo Wilson, Minnie Forbs, Grace Meeker, ?? Anna Robertson,
2nd Row;- Dora Jensen, Martha Jensen, Alice Egan, Beatrice Ford, Earl Rowley,
3rd Row;- Letitia Wallace, Elsa Buel, Ada Phelps, Harry Jones, 4th Row R Lee
Persun, Fred Huddle Arlington Historical Series No 28. Courtesy McAlpin
1904 |
McBride & AndersonReturn to Top
Active at 705 Broadway N. and Seattle’s Loveless Studio building at 711 Broadway E, Seattle, Washington.
Ella E. Mcbride (1863-1965), was an internationally noted fine-art photographer, as well as an avid mountain climber, environmentalist, and civic leader. Ella had several creative and athletic interests. She belonged to a Spanish Guitar Club, a Bicycle Club, and being tall and broadly built, she soon caught “Mountain fever” as she described it. In 1896, joined the Portland mountaineering organization Mazamas (meaning “mountain goat”) and served as their historian/secretary from 1897-1899. 1897, she met photographer Edward S. Curtis, who was leading a Mazama-sponsored ascent to Mt. Rainier along with his wife and several distinguished climbers and scientists.
Ella McBride began working in the photography when Edward Curtis convinced McBride to leave her teaching position in Portland and relocate to Seattle to assist him. She accepted and during 1907-1916 she was working in his darkroom and showroom, and manager of his studio. For more than 30 years operated her own successful Seattle photography studio starting in 1917-1922 with Edmund Schwinke. Wayne Albee, (1882-1937), fine-art photographer of Tacoma had also joined the McBride studio by 1919 as partner and chief photographer. Albee moved to San Diego in 1925, and McBride continued to operate a studio in various Seattle locations. Others associated with her studio included the brilliant Pictoralist, Frank Asakichi Kunishige (1878-1960) and Soichi Sunami (1885-1971), who would become a major force in the field of dance photography.
Her main interest for subject matter centered on floral studies, for which she seems to have had immediate success. Her love of flowers likely stemmed from her recollection of the abundant flora in the foothills of Mt. Rainier. She later recalled, “we were just right out in the rain and picked flowers and the flowers were just gorgeous. it was just a blaze of flowers, you couldn’t step without stepping on flowers or pitch a little tent without the floor covered with flowers” (Molenaar Audio Interview). In 1932 she partnered with Richard Anderson (1908-1970); they continued to work together until she retired in 1954 due to her failing eyesight. She died at the age of 102.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | McBride & Anderson 1 | between 1930 and 1950 |
McClaire, M.S.Return to Top
Morton S. McClaire (d. 1917), was active at 719 ½ Front St., and Shorey Block. Cor. Third and Columbia, Seattle, Washington, 1884-1896.
See Also: McClaire & Quirk
The McClaire & Quirk was a studio run by Morton S. McClaire and his partner Quirk. McClaire also worked by in Seattle under several studio names between 1884-1896.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | McClaire 1 | 1885? | |
6 | McClaire 2 | 1888? | |
6 | McClaire 3 | View of a July 4th parade traveling
North up First Avenue from Cherry Street, Seattle, Washington |
July 4, 1888 |
6 | McClaire 4 | Wreath of pansies and possibly
chrysanthemums |
1887? |
McClaire & QuirkReturn to Top
Active at 719 ½ Front Street, Seattle, Washington, 1885-1886.
The McClaire & Quirk was a studio run by Morton S. McClaire and his partner Quirk. McClaire also worked by in Seattle under several studio names between 1884-1896.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | McClaire & Quirk 1 | Studio portrait of man with a moustache
in a double breasted coat |
1886? |
6 | McClaire & Quirk 2 | 1886? | |
6 | McClaire & Quirk 3 |
Washington National Guard soldiers
standing in formation on Territorial University grounds, Seattle,
Washington Written on verso: Names of soldiers are listed, however, they
are written in pencil and faded beyond readability.
1886? |
McClintonReturn to Top
This is possibly Roy and Ray McClinton or Amberson L. McClinton. Roy, Ray and Amberson were sons of James G. McClinton and moved from Aurora, Nevada to Quilcene in 1889 and later to Port Angeles, Washington. Ray and Roy were the youngest in the family and were fraternal twins who photographed mostly around Clallam County. This included Port Angeles school photographs, and the surrounding woods and outdoors. Amberson McClinton was Roy and Ray's older brother, and happened to be a twin as well with brother, Myron. Amberson was a customs and steamship official for the Seattle Port Commission and the deputy collector of customs for Port Townsend. He arrived in Seattle in 1894 and worked for the Alaska Steamship Company as a purser on the S.S. Rosalie from 1897-1900. In 1915 he was put in charge of the Bell Street Dock, Seattle. Amberson died June 5, 1920.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | McClinton 1 |
U.S.S. torpedo steamboat
Rowan steaming across water, Seattle,
Washington Printed on front: Built by Moran Bros. Company 1898, Speed 27.2
1898? |
McCormick, James A.Return to Top
Active at 1608 Belmont Ave., Seattle, and Friday Harbor, 1906-1918.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | McCormick 1 | 1906 | |
6 | McCormick 2 | Family seated on waterfront hillside
with Mount Baker in background |
1918? |
McCutcheon, H.E. (Mr. & Mrs.)Return to Top
Active in Alaska.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | McCutcheon 1 | A Christmas postcard of 5 caribou with
great multi-point antlers, Alaska |
between 1860 and 1943? |
McDonald, A.J.Return to Top
Active at 514 9th St., Seattle, Washington. McDonald is listed only in the 1892-93 Corbett Seattle Directory. Some of his images are also stamped "A.J. McDonald & Son." Perhaps the economic panic of 1893 drove him back to California. The California State Library preserves a large collection of his San Francisco subjects, but only a few Seattle scenes survive in local collections. Probably most of his Seattle subjects were taken during the photographers brief stay here.
McDonald is well known for his stereoviews of California. He is one of the few photographers who recorded a view of the 1863 Cliff House and the Cliff House to Ferry Railroad in San Francisco, California.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | McDonald 1 | View of Seattle 8th St. looking
northwest toward Denny and Queen Anne hill, Seattle, Washington Written on verso: Seattle, looking N.W. toward Denny & Wueen
Anee Hills - 1892. Street with car tracks being built is 8th ave Between Pike
& Pine Sts. These belonged to Rainer Power & Railway Co. and were built
in 1892.
1892 |
6 | McDonald 2 |
Schooner Alert,
Ferry Boat Ellen, Thetis, and docked ships at the Mare Island Naval
Shipyard, Vallejo, California Ships and buildings in the photo are labeled on the photo mount:
End of Dry Dock coping. Guard House. Gate House. Monitor Monadnock. Alert.
Ferry Boat Ellen. Thetis. San Francisco Marion. Swatara Albatross. Mare Island
February 1891 |
6 | McDonald 3 |
Military vessel U.S.S. Monterey Written on verso: E.C. [ill.] Liut. Comdr. U.S.N. Seattle Dec.
3rd 1894.
December 3, 1894 |
McDonough, P.A.Return to Top
Active in Alaska, McDonough was the official Navy chief Photographer on the Alaska Aerial Survey Expedition, circa 1929.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | McDonough 1 |
View of midsummer ice on LeConte Bay,
Alaska Caption typed on verso (possibly a reprint): A beautiful sight
from the empyrean. The midsummer ice on LeConte Bay had the appearance of water
lilies or stars in an inverted sky. These "bergs" were as large as ships. Note
the vast forest. U.W. Navy Official photo. P.A. McDonough Chief Photographer
Alaska Aerial Survey Expedition. LeConte Bay is 1 mile across and located at the sound end of
Frederick Sound, 17 miles southeast of Petersburg. It was named in 1887 by Lt.
Comdr. C.M. Thomas, USN, for Joseph LeConte, professor of geology at the
University of California at that time. The Indian name is Hutli, reported by
John Muir, in 1884, for the Tlingits' mythical thunder bird, the flapping of
whose wings produces the thunder.
1929? |
See Also: C.S. MacKenzie |
McKinney BrothersReturn to Top
Active in Walla Walla, Washington, circa 1890.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | McKinney 1 | 1895? |
McKissick, Joseph H.Return to Top
Joseph (Joe) McKissick (1869-1939), was active in Dungeness, Washington, circa 1900s, and owned McKissick Photo Studio.
McKissicks father was originally from Ireland and his mother a Native Clallam woman named Mary.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | McKissick 1 |
Portrait of Irish immigrant Matthew
Flemming (b. 1826) wearing long beard, Sequim, Clallam County,
Washington Note written and crossed out (somewhat illegible) on verso about
Indian war veteren Flemming homesteading with daughter Lizzie in Sequim,
1890? |
McKnight Bros.Return to Top
The McKnight Brothers, Samuel F. & John C., were active at the corner of Front & Madison Streets, 1019 ½ Front St., and the Front SW corner of Spring, Seattle, Washington, 1887-1914.
Samuel McKnight also worked at 614 ½ 2nd with Claude Colpitts as Colpitts & McKnight (Claude Colpitts and Samuel F. McKnight), 1902, and at 314 ½ Madison as McKnight & Beaudry, 1892-93.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | McKnight 1 | between 1880 and 1890? |
McMillan, CharlesReturn to Top
Charles McMillan's studio was located at 314 Georgia Street, Vallejo, California. He was born in Kingston, Canada in 1853 and eventually moved to Chicago, Illinois before re-locating to California in 1879. In 1891 he moved to Vallejo, California and operated at the corner of Sacramento and Virginia Street.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | McMillan 1 |
Cruiser U.S.S.
Philadelphia Written on photo: N.S. Flagship "Philadelphia."The U.S.S. Philadelphia Cruiser 4 was launched September 7,
1889? |
McMurry, J.M.Return to Top
Active in Port Townsend, Washington, 1886-1902.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | McMurry 1 |
Studio portrait of Alfred A. Plummer
wearing a long beard, Jefferson County, Washington Printed on verso: Only the instantaneous process used. Old
pictures copied and enlarged. J. M. McMurry, Artist photographer. Port
Townsend, -- Washington. Life size portraits finished in crayon, pastel, india
ink, and water colors.
1900? |
6 | McMurry 2 |
Advertisement portrait of a woman
wearing "armor" of kitchen implements and a "helmet" made from a teapot while
holding a knife and a "shield" made from a lid labeledNolton & Adams , Port Townsend,
Washington Nolton & Adams was a hardware store in Port Townsend,
between 1880 and 1890? |
McPherson, William A.Return to Top
William A. McPherson (or McPhearson) was active as a photographer for the Alaska Central Railroad, Seward, Alaska 1903-1906.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | McPherson 1 | 1904 |
Mercer, Anson C.Return to Top
Active at 113 ½ Marion and 218 ½ Columbia, Seattle, Washington, 1905-1909.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
12 | Mercer 1 | View of two men and a boy outside
The Reliable Hardware Company at 218 ½ Columbia,
Seattle, Washington |
between 1905 and 1909 |
Meresse, Elisee Return to Top
Elisee Meresse (1855-1924) studied art, photography, and college in Paris in the 1870's and emigrated to the United States from France in 1889. He and his family settled in Oregon City, with a summer property in Netarts, Oregon. In summers he took photographs of the area and sold prints (some labeled "Netarts photo") in Netarts. In 1894, the family moved to Forest Grove, where Elisee taught art and French, and possibly ran a photography studio.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | Meresse 1 | 1897? |
Meriwether, H. B.Return to Top
Active in Hoquiam, Washington, circa 1890-1900.
Henry Benjamin C. "H. B." Meriwether left Alabama circa 1890 established photographic studios in Aberdeen, Hoquiam and Elma, Chehalis County, Washington, conducting those galleries for about ten years, during which he was also in the government employ. In 1900 he left Washington and came to Arizona, conducting photographic studios in different places throughout the state until 1907 when he located in Globe.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | Meriwether 1 | 1895? |
Mertens, H.H.Return to Top
Hugo Henry Mertens was born in Essen, Germany and set up a photography studio in 1889 in Tacoma, Washington. Later he moved to Centralia where he became widely known.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
12 | Mertens 1 | Men gathered outside the Golden West
Hotel, Centralia, Washington Handwritten note in German on verso.
May 1909 |
Merwin, A.J.Return to Top
Active in Montesano, Washington, circa 1890s. He also worked as a photographer in Aberdeen, Washington, circa 1901-1904.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
6 | Merwin 1 |
Studio portrait of a young Lewis
Ellsworth Rader wearing a suit and a thick mustache, Olalla,
Washington L.E. Rader (d. 1911) settled in Olalla in 1901 after serving a
term in the state legislature. He was educated and said to be a radical
freethinker. He published the Sound Views
magazine. Unfortunately he fasted until passing under the direction of
Linda Burfield Hazzard's fasting treatment to cure disease, 1911.
1885? |
6 | Merwin 2 | Studio portrait of a balding man
wearing a suit and a thick bushy mustache, Montesano, Washington Very similar features of L.E. Radar and possibly a relative.
between 1890 and 1900 |
6 | Merwin 3 | Studio portrait of a young man wearing
a suit with a Masonic pin on his vest, Montesano, Washington |
between 1890 and 1900 |
6 | Merwin 4 | Portrait of a woman wearing a white
dress and standing on a fur rug, Montesano, Grays Harbor,
Washington |
1892? |
6 | Merwin 5 | Studio portrait of J.W. Divilbiss of
the Montesano Weekly Vidette, Montesano, Grays
Harbor, Washington J.W. Divilbiss was the Montesano Weekly
Vidette editor and publisher, 1889-1902.
1892? |
Meyer, Edward L.Return to Top
E.L. Meyer worked in Seattle and also opened a branch studio called Palmos' Studio in Nanaimo in May 1904 and is listed as having a studio in Walla Walla in 1905.
Also active at various locations on the 314 Pike, Colonial Blk., 37 Safe Deposit Bldg., and 8024 Stroud, Seattle, Washington, 1894-1901. Meyer was also a photographer in Alaska around 1900, where he documented the construction of the White Pass and Yukon Railroad and everyday life activities.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Meyer 1 | Studio portrait of man wearing a
mustache, Seattle Printed on mount: Meyer, Third door below Post Office,
1900? |
7 | Meyer 2 |
Group photo of the men and one woman of
the Committee on Resolutions of the Alaska Territorial
Convention , Seattle, Washington Delegates to the Third Alaska Territorial Convention assembled
in Seattle from November 15-22, 1905.
1905 |
7 | Meyer 3 |
View of railroad track to the snowed in
gulch cut of the W.P. and Y. Railroad, Alaska Caption on photograph: Gulch near summit where snow had to be
shoveled 65 ft. to lay track. W.P. and Y. R.R. Alaska. No. 219.
1898? |
7 | Meyer 4 | between 1898 and 1900 | |
7 | Meyer 5 |
Grave of a victim of White Horse Rapids
on the Yukon River, Yukon Territory, Canada Caption on photo: "N.W.T." probably indicating "Northwest
Territories" but the White Horse Rapids are in the Yukon Territory. It is
possible he meant that the grave is in the Northwest Territories.Caption on photograph: Grave of victim of White Horse Rapids,
N.W.T. No. 264
between 1898 and 1900 |
7 | Meyer 6 |
Group of men standing next to pack
train of horses carrying gold from T.S. Lippys claim, no. 16 Eldorado, Yukon
Territory, Canada Caption on photograph: Pack train of gold from No. 16 El Dorado
T.S. Lippys claim. Meyer 285.
between 1898 and 1900 |
7 | Meyer 7 |
Post office and Custom house near
teepees at Fort Yukon, Alaska Caption on photograph: Post Office & Custom House at Ft.
Yukon. Meyer 288.
between 1898 and 1900 |
7 | Meyer 8 | Studio portrait of a man wearing a suit
and large mustache, Seattle, Washington |
1900? |
box:oversize | |||
12 | Meyer 9 | Group portrait of the short course
foresters teachers and students, University of Washington, Seattle,
Washington UW forestry teachers and students are identified on the back of
the mount.
1911 |
Box | |||
7 | Meyer 10 | between 1893 and 1919? | |
7 | Meyer 11 | 1894? | |
box:oversize | |||
12 | Meyer 12 | March 1910 |
Meyers, J.A.Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Meyers 1 | Wooden bridge and house, Ferry County
Washington Written on verso: James [ill.] House at Torodas Ferry Co. House
where [ill.] "McDonald of [ill.]" & Japan died.
June 28, 1917 |
7 | Meyers 2 | Drilling Seow and U.S.G. Survey cable
along water, Kettle Falls, Washington Written on verso: W.W.P. Co. Drilling Seow Entrance East Channel
of Kettle Falls. Wash. Marcus in distance. Black dots flaws in negative. U.S.G.
Survey Cable in centre. Washer Isl.
February 27, 1923 |
7 | Meyers 3 | View of Kettle Falls, Washington with
machinery, Washington Written on verso: W.W.P. work at Kettle Falls Wash. Between
Upper and Lower falls Fishery Point. Diamond drilling. Upper Falls. Hayes
Island. East Channel. Churan Drill 100' deep. Bowlders [ill.] solid rock.
February 27, 1923 |
Miles BrothersReturn to Top
Active in Sitka, Alaska.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Miles Bros. 1 | 1903? | |
7 | Miles Bros. 1 |
View of people walking to and around
the St. Michaels Cathedral, Sitka, Alaska It is the Orthodox Church in America Diocese of Alaska at
Lincoln and Matsoutoff Streets (Eastern Russian Orthodox) , also known as
Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel.
1903? |
Miller, C.O.Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Miller C.O. 1 | Ship Bailey Gatzert of
Portland at the locks |
1905 |
Miller, Walter P.Return to Top
Active at 230 Henry Building, Seattle, Washington, as a commercial photographer starting circa 1900. He was also active at Phone Main 8878, Stuart Building, Seattle, Washington.
Miller was also a partner with Asahel Curtis, 1914-15.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Miller W. 1 |
View of cars and people outside the
Dexter Horton Building, 710 Second Ave., Seattle, Washington Dexter Horton building was built in 1924 to pay tribute to one
of Seattle's founding fathers and later house his noteworthy banking company,
SeaFirst, which he launched in 1929. From the beginning, the buildings white
terra cotta exterior, ornate interior details, rich marble and terrazzo
finishes represented the best in turn-of-the-century charm.
1925? |
box:oversize | |||
12 | Miller W. 2 | 1925? | |
Box | |||
7 | Miller W. 3 | 1925? | |
7 | Miller W. 4 | Ship Saretta
1925? |
7 | Miller W. 5 | Ship S.S. Arthur
J. Baldwin
1925? |
7 | Miller W. 6 | 1925? | |
7 | Miller W. 7 | Hotel Washington from 1st Ave. and Pine St, showing
regrade activities, Seattle, Washington |
1907 |
Mitchell, John E.Return to Top
Active in Puyallup, Washington, 1895-1898, and New Whatcom, circa 1901-1902.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Mitchell 1 |
Group of people standing outside Yelm
Jim's house next to fish trap, Puyallup Indian Reservation,
Washington Caption on mount: Mitchell, Puyallup, Washington. Yelm Jim's
house. [In another hand] Yelm Jim's House - Puyallup Reservation. 1885.House belonging to survivor of the Puget Sound Indian War and
Nisqually man named [Wa-he-lut or Wahoolit] (d. 1908); also known as Yelm Jim.
He is one of the group posed across the water. Two men and three women also
pose in front of fenced house with a large fish trap in the foreground. Wa he
lut was considered Leschi's most able lieutenant. He fought with Leschi,
1855-1856, and killed Leschi's nephew Sluggia who was also his betrayer. Yelm
Jim was sentenced to hang and later pardoned.For an additional image of Wa he lut/Yelm Jim, see also:
Carpenter 5
1885 |
Mitono, T.T.Return to Top
Active at 411 Yesler Way, Seattle, Washington, 1901.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Mitono 1 | Studio portrait of a woman artistically
posed, Seattle, Washington |
1901 |
Monroe, Merrill M.Return to Top
Monroe Studio was active at 2108 East 65th Street.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Monroe 1 | 1926 |
Moore, Elbridge W.Return to Top
Active at 29 Washington St., Portland, Oregon, starting circa 1870s. From 1884-1887, B.C. Towne and Elbridge W. Moore operated a San Francisco Gallery in Portland as partners. At this time, the studio was also listed as Towne & Moore.
Moore bought Abell & Son business in 1888. Moore was also the Vice President of Camera Craft in 1903, and exhibited his portraits at the National Exhibition.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Moore 1 | Portrait of a man wearing a suit and
thick mustache, Portland, Oregon Printed on verso: Duplicate copies from old Negatives made by
Abell & Son, will be supplied at any time at greatly reduced rates.
Life-size bromide portraits $10.00. Crayon and Oil Portrait work a
1889? |
7 | Moore 2 | View of people standing on a river bank
and above on bridge, Portland, Oregon |
1889? |
Moorhouse, LeeReturn to Top
Active in Pendleton, Oregon, 1889-1902.
Major Lee Moorhouse (1850-1926) was an engineer and clerk before being appointed Lt. Colonel in the militia, serving as secretary to the Governor of Oregon. He later managed a farm and ran a general store in Pendleton. In 1889, he was appointed Indian agent at the Umatilla reservation. He produced over 9,000 images documenting urban, rural, and Native American life in the Columbia Basin and Umatilla County, Oregon, of the Umatilla, Nez Perce, and Cayuse Native American people.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Moorhouse 1 |
View of a Umatilla Reservation Tepee
encampment, Umatilla, Oregon Postmarked For Miss Carol N. Ober, University Station, Seattle,
Washington, April 3, 1904
July 4, 1903 |
7 | Moorhouse 2 |
Four Umatilla women in plaid dresses
and headscarves sitting around a tanned hide smoking over a fire, Umatilla,
Oregon Postmarked For Miss Carol N. Ober, University Station, Seattle,
Washington, April 3, 1904.
1903? |
7 | Moorhouse 3 |
Portrait of elaborately dressed Native
American Indian man, Lap-i-tash, his sister, and another woman, Umatilla,
Oregon Written on photo postcard: This gorgeous-looking Indian
committed suicide a short time ago at Thoon Hollow. He shot himself, which is a
very unusual thing for an Indian. He is the only Indian man Mr. Moorhouse knows
of having done so. One girl killed herself once on this reservation, and they
are the only cases known. I hope you like him. With love The Doctor N. P. P.S. this was written last summer but somehow did not get sent
off. I came across it today and that you would like it anyhow. N. P. Dr.Postmarked For Miss Carol N. Ober, University Station, Seattle,
Washington, Feb. 27, 1905.
1903? |
7 | Moorhouse 4 |
Two Native American Indian men,
Colombia George and Toy-toy, sitting on a blanket and playing cards, Umatilla,
Oregon Written on photo postcard: To my Dear Captain, to let her know
what she knows already- that always she has my loving thots [sic] and to thank
her for her kind greeting- Will try to write some [sic] N.P. Dr.In the Penitentiary for life for murdering Anna Edna an old
medicine woman, what could sing Methodist hymns. These men gave her poisoned
whiskey in the summer of 1902.Postmarked For Miss Carol N. Ober, University Station, Seattle,
Washington, Nov 14, 1905.
1903? |
7 | Moorhouse 5 | 1901 | |
7 | Moorhouse 6 | 1901? | |
7 | Moorhouse 7 | Cayuse woman, Donna Teresa wearing
traditional beaded dress and hat, Umatilla, Oregon |
1901? |
7 | Moorhouse 8 | Cayuse woman, Donna Teresa wearing
traditional beaded dress and hat and holding bow and arrow, Umatilla,
Oregon |
1901? |
7 | Moorhouse 9 | Cayuse baby twins in
cradleboards |
October 2, 1898 |
7 | Moorhouse 10 | Cayuse baby twins in cradleboards
crying |
October 2, 1898 |
7 | Moorhouse 10b | Cayuse baby twins in cradleboards
crying Enlargement of item Moorhouse 10.
October 2, 1898 |
Morford, Charles H.Return to Top
Active in Seattle, Washington, 1885-1889. Morford photographed many views of the surrounding Seattle area now referenced as subjects for historical comparison "now and then" studies.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Morford 1 |
View of the Holy Names Academy,
Seattle, Washington In 1864, the Sisters of Holy Names moved the school to the new
Holy Names Academy building near downtown Seattle, on the ridge that once
connected First and Beacon Hills, on First Hill in Seattle. It was razed in
1908 as part of the Jackson Street regrade project. The Academy subsequently
moved into a new building on Capitol Hill. Also known be the similar name,
Academy of the Holy Names.
between 1885 and 1889 |
box:oversize | |||
12 | Morford 2 | 1885? | |
12 | Morford 3 |
Group of people standing on plank
sidewalk on the 2nd Ave. side of the Standard
Theater, Seattle, Washington Two men are shaking hands in the center of the group. One is
possibly John Cort, an actor and entertainment business who legitimized and
transformed the Standard into the city's most popular box-house.
1885? |
Morris, Joseph G.Return to Top
Joseph G. Morris (Nov 21, 1850 - Feb 8, 1923) worked as a photographer from about 1883 to 1896 at 16 Sixth street in Pittsburgh, PA. About 1897 the address changes to 126 Sixth street, until 1912. He apparently gave up photography about 1913, age 63. He managed a building and worked as a sales agent for about ten years until his death in 1923.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Morris1 |
Studio portrait of young woman Carte-de-visite.
between 1883 and 1897 |
Morton & Co.Return to Top
Morton and Company was active at 515 Market Street, San Francisco, California.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Morton 1 |
Man standing in booth for National
Hospital Day Committee for Tacoma, Washington at the A.H.A. Convention, San
Francisco, California Written on verso: National Hospital Day booth at AHA Convention
Civic Auditorium, San Francisco, Calif.
August 1928 |
Moulin, GabrielReturn to Top
Gabriel Moulin was born in San Jose in 1872 to German and French parents. In 1884 his family moved to San Francisco. He worked in the studios of I.W. Taber and R.J. Waters and Co before opening his own studio at 153 Kearny, San Francisco, California. The studio was the official photographer for the 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition. Moulin died in 1945 but the studio is still operated by Gabriel's sons, Irving and Raymond and his grandson, Tom.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Moulin 1 | Team of oxen in the forest |
1890? |
7 | Moulin 2 | Mount Rainier |
1890? |
Muirhead, Lewis P. (L.P.)Return to Top
Active in Atlin, British Columbia, circa 1902, and at 1743 Melrose Place, Seattle, Washington, 1908-1920. Lewis P. Muirhead made a living as a commercial marine photographer in Seattle and specialized in taking photos of ships and sold the photos to crew members as mementos of their service.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
12 | Muirhead 1 | 1908 | |
12 | Muirhead 2 | View of the boatsAnthlon and Washington at a
dock, Seattle, Washington |
1911 |
Box | |||
7 | Muirhead 3 | between 1900 and 1910 | |
7 | Muirhead 4 | between 1900 and 1910 | |
7 | Muirhead 5 | between 1900 and 1910 | |
7 | Muirhead 6 | between 1900 and 1910 |
Mundin, C.W.Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Mundin 1 |
Chief Lot (Big Star) on horseback with
four men of the Indian Police Written on verso: Chief Lott and his Indian Police Taken in
North Eastern Washington by C.W. Mundin about 1905.Chief Lot (Whistlepossum) was chief of the Lower Spokane
American Indians after his brother Chief Big Star died in 1868. By 1887 the
Lower Spokane Indians had established a court and police force with Lot on the
court. Chief Lot died in 1902. His son, Oliver Lot (Big Star) became chief
until his death May 8, 1909.
1905? |
Murchie, ArchibaldReturn to Top
Archibald Murchie was active from 1890-1895 in New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Murchie 1 | between 1890 and 1900 |
Murdock, Louis E.Return to Top
Louis F. Murdock, active at 1611 15th ave., and at 4521 Eastern Ave., Seattle, Washington, late 1890s-1930s.Abel’s Photographic Weekly (Vol. 30, No. 758, July 1922) noted about his autochromes of the Olympic and Cascade Mountains, “there are none better than his anywhere.” Murdock was an active mountaineer, listed in “The Olympic Mountains Climbing Guide,” as having made the first ascent of Mt. Duckabush (later named Mt. Steel) in 1899. He is also listed as a 1907 charter member of “The Mountaineers”.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Murdock 1 |
View of Hart Lake near the head of
Duckabush River, Olympic National Park, Washington Caption on image: Heart Lake-Olympic Mts., No. 45, L.F.
between 1890 and 1939? |
MuybridgeReturn to Top
Eadweard Muybridge came to the United States from England in 1850. He resided in San Francisco and in 1868 became famous for his photographs of Yosemite. That same year he traveled to Alaska to photograph the Tlingit tribe and the Alaskan landscape. He is most famous for his images of animal locomotion. He died in 1904
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Muybridge 1 | Man on a gig riding a horse |
between 1870 and 1890 |
Myers, J.B.Return to Top
Myers was born in Tuscarawas county, Ohio on November 4, 1857. He was one of four sons born to John and Mary Myers. He learned photography early on from his uncle, Austin Kracaw. He then moved to Chicago where he studied under various photographers including Rider's and Stefifens'. He started his own business in Peoria, Illinois, where he remained for three years. He afterward returned to his old home town of Washington, Iowa, and later to Biloxi, Mississippi, where he lived for six years. In August of 1902, he purchased the Vassar Northrup Studio at 1414 Hewitt Avenue in Everett, opening Myers Art Studio from 1902-1926.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
12 | Myers 1 | between 1900 and 1910 | |
Box | |||
7 | Myers 2 |
Denny Hall, University of Washington,
Seattle Written on verso: D.D. Pullen U. of W.
April 1902 |
The Nelson Photo ShopReturn to Top
Active in Spokane, Washington, (possibly Nels B. Nelson), 1913-19.
Nels Bertelsen Nelson (b. 1876), learned photography in Denmark after high school. After serving the regular army, he traveled to the United States and joined his brother at Nelson, Washington, 1899 (His brother being the namesake for the town). After working as a shop keeper with his brother, a custom broker, and postmaster, he built his own store in Curlew, 1901. In 1903 he opened a branch store in Molson, then partnered into the firm of Anderson Brothers at Brewster and became manager of the Brewster store, 1904.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Nelson 1 |
Studio portrait of a young boy in a
striped sailor suit with hat, Spokane, Washington Mount includes a wax seal printed with: The Photo Shop,
between 1913 and 1919 |
Nelson, BobReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Nelson B. 1 | 1935? |
Nelson, H.G.Return to Top
H.G. Nelson worked in the Hoquiam area in the early 1900s and 1910s. He is listed in the business directory as working in Elma during the mid-1920s.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Nelson H.G. 1 | 1906 |
Nicol, J.W.Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Nicol 1 |
Indian painting on cliff face showing animal herd and
human figure, Lake Chelan, Washington Written on verso: Indian paintings on cliff at head of Lake
Chelan. Made by J.W. Nicol.
between 1900 and 1910 |
Box/Folder | |||
7 | Nicol 2 |
Indian painting on rock, Lake Chelan,
Washington Written on verso: Indian paintings taken Sunday morning near
Lake Chelan. Made by J.W. Nicol.
between 1900 and 1910 |
NordlundReturn to Top
This is possibly the photographer Norlund, Klaus E.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Nordlund 1 |
Automobile with sand chains and Washington license plate
on the beach Written on verso: This photograph was Mr Norlund Photographer
Hyalman J. Johnson 677 River Street Seattle.
between 1908 and 1923? |
Oakes, M.L.Return to Top
M.L. Oakes was from Northern Yakima, Washington. He was known for his exaggerated or "tall tale" postcards. His studio was located in Seattle, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Oakes 1 | between 1908 and 1910? | |
7 | Oakes 2 | between 1908 and 1915? | |
7 | Oakes 3 | Old Meany Hall, University of Washington,
Seattle |
between 1909 and 1915? |
7 | Oakes 4 | Exaggerated postcard of men loading giant apples,
Washington Wrtten on photo: Loading the Big Red Apple, Washington
1907 |
Ober, S.E.Return to Top
Author and missionary with the American Missionary Association, Sarah Endicott Ober was born on May 7, 1854 in Beverly, Massachusetts, to Andrew Kimbal and Sarah (Hadlock) Ober. Following several years spent in the mountains of Kentucky and Tennessee, Ober came to the Pacific Coast in 1901 and worked among the Neah Bay Indians as a missionary, recording data of their life and habits. Miss Ober authored several books and contributed to numerous religious ands secular magazines under the pen name Huldah Herrick, as well as her own name. Sarah Ober died on Feb. 8, 1938, in Harbor, Oregon, at the age of 83.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Ober 1 | Hyas Tyee House, La Push, Quillayute
Reservation, WA |
between 1901 and 1920? |
7 | Ober 2a-b |
Native American men standing in front
of house, Quillayute Reservation, WA Written on photo: Promising young men Quiliutes.
between 1901 and 1910 |
7 | Ober 3a-b | between 1906 and 1909 |
Obergfell, JosephReturn to Top
Was active in Carbonado, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Obergfell 1 |
Hand-drawn tram hauling logs, Enumclaw,
Washington Attached to verso: EARLY DAY LOGGING SCENE near Enumclaw.
between 1860 and 1943? |
Ochi StudioReturn to Top
Active at 302-18th Ave., Seattle, Washington.
Mrs. N. Ochi and S. Ochi were both photographers at the Aiko Photo Studio, 1909-1922, and Mrs. N. Ochi partnered with Y. Ogawa, Chi & Ogawa, 1921.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Ochi 1 | between 1909 and 1922? | |
7 | Ochi 2 |
Washington Motor Coach parked outside a
building, Washington Bus stops were at Portland, Oroville, Walla Walla, Lewiston, ID,
Calgary-Alberta, Rainier National Park, Yakima-Wenatchee Valley,
Missoula-Butte, Mont, Chicago-New York.
between 1909 and 1922? |
7 | Ochi 3 |
Washington Motor Coach System bus with
sign for Butte, Chicago and Helena Written on verso: Motor buses streamlined.
betwen 1909 and 1922? |
Ono, K.Return to Top
Active in Tacoma, Washington, circa 1908-1913.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Ono 1 | 1908? |
Ordway, Frederick K.Return to Top
Frederick Ordway died circa 1938 in a plane crash in Oregon. His wife and nephew Herbert Neff continued to operate the studio in Alaska.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Ordway 1 | 1934 | |
7 | Ordway 2 | Sitka, Alaska with mountain in
background |
1934 |
Pacific View Co.Return to Top
Active in Seattle, Washington. Address printed on verso for Pacific View Co.: P.O. Box 522, Seattle, Washington
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Pacific 1 | View of flowers and decoration on the
alter of the First Methodist Episcopal, Easter Sunday, Seattle,
Washington |
April 14, 1895 |
7 | Pacific 2-3 | 1900? |
Palace Floating GalleryReturn to Top
Active in Tacoma and Snohomish areas, Washington. Horton, George D. operated the Palace Floating Gallery.
See Horton, George D.
Paterson, T.W.Return to Top
T.W. Paterson was active at the corner of 5th and Washington, Olympia, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Paterson 1 | 1905? |
Pautzke, Otto W.Return to Top
Pautzke (1863-1918) was active at 312 N. Pearl St., Ellensburg and Cle Elum, Washington, 1901-26.
Pautzke was born in Prussia and emigrated with his family to the United States. He moved his family to Slaughter (present-day Auburn), Washington, and opened his first photography studio. He took pictures of early south King County. In 1896-1897, the Pautzkes moved to Ellensburg where Otto Pautzke set up a photography studio. From 1897-1918, Pautzke took hundreds of photographs of Ellensburg and the Kittitas Valley, as well as studio portraits.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Pautzke 1 | 1897? | |
7 | Pautzke 2 | 1897? |
Paxton, Andrew B.Return to Top
Andrew Paxton was born around 1834. He started photographing around 1861 and in 1865 he and a business partner, Thompson, opened a photograph gallery and saddle and harness factory in Albany, Oregon. From 1868-1869 Paxton trained James G. Crawford in photography. Circa 1870-1872 Paxton relocated to Santa Clara, California but returned to Albany, Oregon around 1873. At some point his studio was located at 583 Commercial Street, Astoria Oregon. James G. Crawford and his brother Orville bought Paxton's business in 1885 but Paxton and James Crawford would become a partnership in 1889 after James bought Orville's share of the business. Crawford and Paxton remained partners until 1893.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
12 | Paxton 1 | 1873? |
Peak, Roy M.Return to Top
Active at 6516 3rd Ave. N.W., Seattle, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Peak 1 | 1940? | |
7 | Peak 2 | 1940? |
Perkins StudioReturn to Top
Frank Perkins was born in Alexandria, Minnesota and operated a photography studio in Seattle with his wife, Gertie Fae Perkins. Their studio was located at 717 ½ 3rd Avenue, Seattle, Washington circa 1906, 314 Crown Building at Second and James circa 1924 and 548 North 68th Street circa 1929. His wife specialized in school pictures and after Frank's death in September of 1937 she continued to operate the studio.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Perkins 1 |
Fred Erickson and Hanson standing at
entrance of Riverside Foundry, Seattle, Washington Written on verso: Fred Erickson and a Mr. Olson, Riverside
Blacksmith shop. Did metal work for Todd shipyard circa 1918-1926. In early
1900s, Erickson did blacksmith work on horses used to pave North Ballard.
1906? |
7 | Perkins 2 | October 1923 | |
7 | Perkins 3 | between 1924 and 1928? | |
7 | Perkins 4 | September 1929 | |
7 | Perkins 5 | School class portrait with
dog Children's names are written on the verso of the photograph.
between 1900 and 1910 |
7 | Perkins 6 | Second grade class portrait with
African American female student Written on verso: Barbara Jean Fienkea.
between 1900 and 1910 |
7 | Perkins 7 | School class portrait of middle school
age children |
between 1930 and 1940 |
7 | Perkins 8 | School class portrait of elementary
school age children |
between 1930 and 1940 |
7 | Perkins 9 | Employees, delivery trucks and building
of the Washington Chocolate Company, Settle, WA Written on verso: Where George Blinn Sr. worked.
between 1920 and 1925 |
7 | Perkins 10 | School class portrait of elementary
school age children incluing some Japanese students |
between 1930 and 1940 |
Perry, Frank R.Return to Top
Active in Snohomish, Washington, circa 1893.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Perry 1 |
Studio portrait of Snohomish pioneer
E.C. Ferguson, Snohomish, Washington Written on verso: E.C. Ferguson. Pioneer of Snohomish.Emory Canda. Ferguson (1833-1911) was a likable New York
carpenter who joined the gold rush race at 21. He operated a general store near
Sutter, then a sawmill, and joined the British Columbia gold seekers before
homesteading at Cadyville, which was later called Snohomish, 1858. Into the
1900s Ferguson was in the forefront making deals that established the town of
Snohomish. He was postmaster, mayor, realtor, saloon keeper, store proprietor,
legislator, and even justice of the peace. Frequently referred to as "The
Father of Snohomish," his house still stands in the historic district.
1893? |
Peterson, FrederickReturn to Top
Peterson was active at 1900 First Avenue at the corner of First and Stewart, Seattle, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box/Folder | item | ||
7 | Peterson F 1 | between 1910 and 1920 |
Peterson, K.G.Return to Top
Peterson was active marine photographer at 151 Lawrence Street, B'klyn, New York.
Container(s) | Description | |
Box/Folder | item | |
7 | Peterson K.G.1 | Group portrait of captain and officers on the deck of
their ship, Brooklyn, New York Ranks of officers photographed on verso of photo. Ship is
possibly from Glascow because it is printed on the life preserver.
The Photo AlbumReturn to Top
The Photo Album was active in Auburn, Washington circa 1910s- 1926.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box/Folder | item | ||
7 | PhotoAlbum 1 | People around phone cable laying car, Auburn,
Washington Written on verso: Mother Load area. Phone Cables to Auburn AND
Placerville 2nd to the North.
1911 |
Photo-ArtReturn to Top
Photo-Art Commercial Studios was located at 215 Sweetland Building, Portland, Oregon. It was owned and operated by Ray Atkeson. Photo-Art studio continued to operate until May 25, 2001 under the ownership of John Patterson. The studio remained well known until its closure due to how it did not switch to digital photo processing but continued to use lab and traditional processing methods.
See Ray Atkeson above.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | PhotoArt 1 | Four women on a plant covered float
during the Rose Festival, Portland, Oregon Typed on verso: The floral parade of the Rose Festival is a mass
of color and beauty. Dozens of uniquely designed and beautifully decorated
floats compete for the prizes. This is the sweepstakes winner in the 1936
parade, which is the principal event of each Rose Festival held in June in
Portland, Oregon.
June 1936 |
7 | PhotoArt 2 | Man and woman standing on beach with
view of Oregon Coast Typed on verso: The Oregon Coast Highway parallels the Pacific
for the entire length of the state of Oregon. On the Oregon Coast Highway.
between 1929 and 1946? |
Photo Arts StudioReturn to Top
The Photo Arts Studio was opened around 1921 in Arlington, Washington by J. Boyd Ellis and Ellis C. Ayer.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box/Folder | item | ||
7 | PhotoArts 1 | Chimes and observatory tower on the University of
Washington campus |
Between 1921 and 1949 |
PhotocraftReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Photocraft 1a-b |
Snow covered streets in Cordova,
Alaska Caption on photograph: A January night.
January between 1900 and 1910 |
Photo Shop StudioReturn to Top
The Photo Shop Studio was active at 1326 Cannon Island Dr., Sitka, Alaska, circa 1922-1972. It was founded by Czerney D. Geyer, who sold it in 1924 to Mary Luella Gilpatrick. Luella ran The Photo Shop with her father, James Henry "Gil" Gilpatrick, from 1924 to 1960. After her fathers death in 1960, Luella ran the business until Dec. 31, 1972.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Photo Shop 1 |
View of cemetery headstone of Karl C.
G. Hensen, Sitka, Alaska Caption on verso: The Arlington of Alaska. The only military
cemetery in Alaska having kept up by the Y.T. government.
1905? |
Pinney StudioReturn to Top
William A. Pinney owned Pinney Studio at 705 1st Ave., and Pinneys Modern Photograph Parlors at 310 Washington Blk, and at 18 Kenney Blk., Seattle, Washington, 1905-1922.
See also: Christy Studio. Pinney partner.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Pinney 1 | Studio profile portrait of a woman
wearing a large locket, Seattle, Washington |
between 1920 and 1930? |
7 | Pinney 1 | Portrait of child, Louise Louie,
standing on a chair, Seattle, Washington Written on photo: New Republic Cafe 412 7th Ave So, Seattle.
between 1910 and 1915? |
Plummer, F.C.Return to Top
Freemont C. Plummer was active in Seattle and Tacoma, Washington, 1897-1920.
Plummer also partnered with Ira A. Kautz, Kautz & Plummer, also known as Sterling Studio, Seattle, Washington, 1895-1898.
See also, Kautz, Ira A.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Plummer 1 | 1902 | |
7 | Plummer 2 |
Studio portrait of Thomas R. Gunn, when
a young boy wearing a lace shirt, Seattle, Washington Caption on mount: Plummer, F.C.P, Hinckley Block, Seattle.
between 1900 and 1910 |
7 | Plummer 3 | Studio portrait of a Native American
Indian man in a 3 piece suit and woman in black dress, Seattle,
Washington Caption on mount: Plummer, F.C.P, Hinckley Block, Seattle.
between 1900 and 1910 |
Plummer, George E.Return to Top
George Plummer was born January 8, 1874 in Port Townsend, Washington. After High School and Normal School he began reading law under Judge A.R. Coleman and was admitted to the bar. He practiced law for one year in Port Townsend followed by 5 years in Spokane. He then moved to Seattle where he became the manager of the Puget Sound Tug Boat Company and the manager of the credit department of Puget Mill Company.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Plummer G.E. 1 | 1912 | |
7 | Plummer G.E. 2 | 1912 |
Pollard, A.V.Return to Top
Arthur Vivian Pollard (b. 1904) was active as an Associated Screen News Ltd. photographer, Empress Hotel, Victoria, British Columbia.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
7 | Pollard 1 | View from Malahat looking over water to a mountain,
British Columbia, Canada |
between 1920 and 1978? |
Powell, Fred K.Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Powell 1 | 1914 | |
8 | Powell 2 | Hillside landscape, Cleary Creek, Fairbanks,
Alaska |
1914 |
8 | Powell 3 | Hillside landscape, Cleary Creek, Fairbanks,
Alaska Written on verso: Looking up Fairbanks Cr., Alaska Foreground,
taf. struooing done by ofen deag scraper. Up creek in distance, dredge
1914 |
8 | Powell 4 | Fairbanks Gold Mining Company dredge, Alaska |
1914 |
8 | Powell 5 | Fairbanks Gold Mining Company Risdon dredge,
Alaska Written on verso: Fairbanks Gold Mg. Co. Meehan, Alaska 7 &
8 above Discovery. 26 miles NE of Fairbanks. Fred K. Powell, 1914. 3-1/2 ft.
Risdon Dredge. 14-30 ft. of ground, worked before. Original depth, 14-18'.
1914 |
Pratsch, C.R. & CoReturn to Top
Charles Robert Pratsch (1857-1937 ) was active at F Street, between Heron and Wishkah, Aberdeen, Washington, 1888-1913. He took photos of the local sports teams for many years.
Pratsch left Iowa at the age of 25 with his brother-in-law, Lester L. Darling, and the two homesteaded adjacent claims on the Wishkah River in the Grays Harbor country, 1884. Pratsch had paid Tolman $300 to teach him photography techniques, and built a studio in 1890 to "attend to all classes of work, such as portraits, views, buildings, copying, enlarging, reducing, etc., and charges very reasonable prices". In his later years Charles Robert Pratsch was caretaker of the Laidlow Island duck preserve. He died at the age of 79 a few days after walking into a slowly moving train. His son, Fred Pratsch, acquired the negatives and made prints which he reproduced as oil paintings.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Pratsch 1 |
Studio profile portrait of a women
wearing her hair in a bun, Aberdeen, Washington Caption on mount: Pratsch & Co. Aberdeen, Wash.
1890? |
8 | Pratsch 2 |
Group portrait of the Square Deal baseball team,
Aberdeen, Washington Caption on mount: C.R. Pratsch, Aberdeen, Wash.This team has about half the men wearing jerseys used prior to
the use of professional uniforms as seen in other photos taken during the early
between 1890 and 1900 |
Prentiss, Arthur M.Return to Top
Prentiss (1865-1940) was active at 45 4th St., Portland, Oregon, 1922. Prentiss joined the Weister Company in 1913, and by 1917, he joined Benjamin A. Gifford, the most famous photographer of Oregon at that time, creating Gifford-Prentiss Inc. The Gifford & Prentiss Studio was located on SW Washington between Twelfth and Thirteenth Street in Portland and lasted until Gifford retired in 1920. In 1922 Prentiss acquired Weister's Studio and negatives. Arthur M. Prentiss principal studio, as a single professional photographer, was in 45 Fourth Street in Portland Oregon. Prentiss is known for producing views of the Construction of Highways in Oregon including the Columbia River Highway and John Day Highway. Prentiss also documented the life and works of people of Oregon.
See also: Gifford, Benjamin A.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Prentiss 1 |
Man fly fishing in the middle of a river, Tillamook,
Oregon Written on verso: Fishing Tillamook Co., Ore.
1922? |
8 | Prentiss 2 | Beach and road with pedestrians marking the end of the
Lewis and Clark Trail Sign in photo reads: End of the Lewis and Clark trail as
designated by the Oregon State Legislature, marking the furthest West Camp of
the Lewis and Clark Expedition 1805-1806 and the site of a proposed national
1922? |
8 | Prentiss 3 | Waterfall with surrounding forest, Skamania County,
Washington |
1922? |
8 | Prentiss 4 | Wakeena Falls with surrounding forest and nearby road,
Oregon |
1922? |
8 | Prentiss 5 | Beacon Rock, Columbia River, Washington Printed on verso: Beacon Rock on the Washington side of the
Columbia River about 45 miles from Portland, Oregon; Next to Gibraltar the
world's largest Monolith. This towering mass is the hardened core which filled
the crater of an extinct volcano now obliterated by erosion. Named by Lewis and
Clark in 1805, it attains a height of 840 feet and has served as a beacon to
travelers through the Columbia gorge from the earliest Indian in his dugout
canoe to the modern motorist. A trail, now makes the summit of this rock easily
1922? |
8 | Prentiss 6 | Man seated on stream bank, Oregon Written on verso: A peaceful and shady spot along an Oregon
1922? |
8 | Prentiss 7 |
Fishermen hauling in nets in on beach, near Astoria,
Oregon Written on verso: Hauling in seiners on the Columbia River near
Astoria, Oregon. These are Royal Chinook salmon.
1922? |
8 | Prentiss 8 | Railroad and buildings along the Columbia River
Gorge |
1922? |
8 | Prentiss 9 | Man and children on horseback outside a barn |
1922? |
8 | Prentiss 10 |
Columbia area Native Americans fishing near Celilo
Falls, Oregon Printed on verso: Indian fishing for salmon at Celilo Falls just
east of the Dalles, Oregon-on the Columbia River Highway. Through treaty with
the government the Indians enjoy perpetual fishing rights at this point.
1910? |
Prettyman, William S.Return to Top
Active in Arkansas City and Kansas.
Prettyman (1858-1932) studied under a civil war photographer, I.H. Bonsall. He found that the studio darkroom was not adventurous enough for him, and following some of the paths that no other white man had been, other than Lewis & Clark, he went out into Native American Indian territories disguised as a hunter on vacation. He hid his camera equipment in his custom built buggy. Some Indian nations had never seen a white man before. He quickly became known as “picture man”, (to the natives) whom he soon began to have friendships with. He is known for his work including the motion photography of the Cherokee Outlet, 1893, (also known as the Cherokee Strip) where he had a 3 story platform erected for the occasion. William made over 10,000 pictures, and is said to be responsible for creating the news photography genre.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Prettyman 1 | Studio portrait young man standing next
to a seated young woman, possibly siblings, of mixed race of Creek American
Indian and Black American |
between 1890 and 1900 |
Price StudioReturn to Top
Mr. and Mrs. S.H. Price were proprietors, and active at 311-W 882 Market, Chehalis, Washington, circa 1925-1926. S.H. Prince was also active in Oakville, Washington, 1915-1916.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
12 | Price 1 |
Black and caucasian Winlock Church members seated
together outside a church, Winlock, Washington Written verso: Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Reese, Baby - Marsh, Grama
Strong, Mother Baird, Mrs. Molly McLaughlin, Mr. Roberts, Blacks - John
1925? |
12 | Price 2 | 1935? |
Puget Sound Landscape and Publishing PhotographersReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | PugetSound1 | 1900 | |
8 | PugetSound2 | 1900? |
Puget Sound Viewing Co.Return to Top
Active at 2017 5th St., Seattle, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Puget Sound Viewing 1 |
Group photo of grade school students with their teachers
outside the South Seattle School, Seattle, Washington Written on verso: The old South School, Seattle, 1889, Prof.
Allen Prince. Jessie Havins[?] marked with cross on hands. The South School, located on Weller St. between 10th Ave. S.
and 12th Ave. S., built 1889 and torn down in 1907 [illeg.] Jackson Street hill
1889 |
8 | Puget Sound Viewing 2 |
Group photo of young grade school students and their
teacher outside the South Seattle School, Seattle, Washington Caption on verso: Jims class of 1890. The South School, located on Weller St. between 10th Ave. S.
and 12th Ave. S., built 1889 and torn down in 1907 [illeg.] Jackson Street hill
1890 |
8 | Puget Sound Viewing 3 |
Group photo of junior high school students and their
teachers outside the South Seattle School, Seattle, Washington Caption on verso: Junior B. Class, Seattle High School year
1898. Hull Kellogg, Seattle, Washington
1898 |
8 | Puget Sound Viewing 4 |
Group photo of teachers and students of all ages outside
the South Seattle School, Seattle, Washington The South School, located on Weller St. between 10th Ave. S.
and 12th Ave. S., built 1889 and torn down in 1907 [illeg.] Jackson Street hill
1889? |
8 | Puget Sound Viewing 5 |
Group portrait of members and officers of the House of
Representatives standing on steps in front of a building, Olympia,
Washington Attached to verso: an accompanying list of names corresponding
to the numbers stamped next to individuals on photo.
1889 |
Rainier National Park CompanyReturn to Top
Also called "Ranapar Studio", Rainier National Park Co. General Office, Tacoma, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Rainier 1 | 1900? | |
8 | Rainier 2 |
Bear with head in a barrel Printed on verso: A Rainer National Park Photograph. Title: The
black bear is very unafraid in Rainier National Park and frequents the camps
and hotels for whatever food is available, but for visitors to attempt to feed
them is dangerous.
1900? |
8 | Rainier 3 | Man shooting a golf ball off of
Pinnacle Peak, Rainier National Park Printed on verso: A Rainer National Park Photograph. Title: The
longest golf drive ever made-650 yards! The golfer is on the topmost point of
Pinnacle Peak, 6,600 feet above sea level. Paradise Inn and other buildings may
be seen just above, and to the right of the ball. The great Mountain rises
majestically beyond.
1900? |
8 | Rainier 4 | People near ice formation near the
summit, Rainier National Park Printed on verso: A Rainer National Park Photograph. Title: A
spectacular ice formation near the Summit of the Mountain, Rainier National
Park. On the right of the picture may be seen foothills enveloped in
1900? |
8 | Rainier 5 | People near ice formation at Paradise
Glacier, Rainier National Park Printed on verso: A Rainer National Park Photograph. Title: A
party under the direction of guides entering an ice cave in Paradise Glacier,
Rainier National Park. The walls of the these caves are of crystal clear ice
and in places the light of day filters through in beautiful blue and green
1900? |
8 | Rainier 6 | Dick Williams, Douglas MacLean, William
Duggan inside an ice cave of Paradise Glacier, Mount Rainier,
Washington Printed on verso: Here are the men who took the first horse into
the interior of the great ice cavern of Paradise Glacier, Mount Rainier,
Washington. From left to right: Dick Williams, cowboy; Douglas MacLean, motion
picture star and William Duggan, Swiss Mountaineer. At the right is seen the
light from the distant entrance to the cave.
1900? |
8 | Rainier 7 | Paradise Inn on hillside with Mount
Rainier in the background, Washington Printed on verso: Paradise Inn, Rainier National Park; showing
the Paradise River flowing along the floor of the Valley below, and the great
Mountain rising majestically beyond the Inn. Nisqually Glacier, which is easily
accessible from the Inn, may be seen crushing down the mountainside.
1900? |
8 | Rainier 8 | Nisqually Glacier on the side of Mount
Rainier, Washington Printed on verso: At the edge of Nisqually Glacier showing the
south side of the Mountain, Rainier National Park.
1900? |
The Rainier Studios (Rainier Photo Studio)Return to Top
Frank La Roche was proprietor of The Rainier Studios and active at 707 Second St., Between Columbia and Cherry, Seattle, Washington, circa 1885-91.
La Roche (1853-1936), arrived in Seattle just after the great fire of June 1889 to find the city in ashes, but soon opened a gallery in the Kilgen block on 2nd Avenue. His studio, in addition to high-class portrait photography, specialized in scenic and industrial views of western Washington state. He produced extensive views of the Seattle waterfront, streets and buildings, early Everett land speculation, ships, logging activities, and American Indians. In addition, he traveled in Alaska, California, the western United States, and along the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, taking scenic views which he produced for sale to travelers.
See also the Frank La Roche Photograph Collection.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Rainier Studios 1 |
Studio portrait of young W.A. Dickey
wearing a mustache, Seattle, Washington Written on verso: W.A. Dicky. The Discoverer.
1885? |
Rainier Art StudioReturn to Top
The Rainier Art Studio was operated by Edwin R. Land and Fred G. Brisbois, It was listed in the city directories from 1907 through 1910. It was located at 1420 2nd Avenue, Seattle
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Rainier Art 1 | Portrait of one year old child, Albert Hugh Campbell,
Seattle, WA |
between 1907 and 1910 |
Rains, J.T.Return to Top
Active on Martin St., Blaine, Washington, opened 1895.
Initially published in the local papers to look for The Elite Studio as his new business, however photo mounts are labeled J.T. Rains.
The Elite Studio was located in Spokane, Washington and owned by Miss Margaret M. Foster (1867- ?) & Miss Minnie (M.K.) Wachtman (1868-?), where Photographs of children a specialty.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Rains 1 | 1895? |
Ralston, John ErnestReturn to Top
John Ralston was born in Indiana in September 1866. He came to Seattle from Chicago circa 1900. He started working for photographer Edward Curtis and would develop Curtis' American Indian photography while Curtis traveled. In 1906 Ralston opened his own studio at 1112 2nd Avenue, Seattle, Washington where he worked until his retirement in 1945. Ralston was in charge of the amateur photograph competition held during the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition on October fourth and fifth, 1909. Prizes were awarded for categories such as best picture of any picnic party and best picture of any building on the grounds.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Ralston 1 |
Ida K. Greenlee studio
portrait Attached to photo: My goodbye to Mrs. Roberts and Family.
September 18, 1911 |
Randolph, Preston BrooksReturn to Top
Preston Brooks Randolph was a steamboat man, Seattle Park Department foreman and Seattle photographer. He had a photography business with Arthur C. Warner from 1891-1892 called Warner & Randolph. He was married to Agnes Delphine and they had two daughters and two sons. He died in 1934.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Randolph 1 |
Men at river bank encampment, Skykomish
River, Washington Written on photo: Stony Point-Skykomish River.
1892? |
8 | Randolph 2a | Deception Pass seen from the west, with
man fishing at far point of small island, Washington |
1892? |
8 | Randolph 2b | Rocky beach with trees in background,
Sucia Island, Washington Written on photo: Puget Sound Series Mushroom Rock. Sucia Is.
627.This photo is located on the verso of item Randolph 2a and is
probably not by Randolph.
1892? |
box:oversize | |||
12 | Randolph 3 |
Policemen with police department horse
drawn carriage Written on photo: Compliments of the Police Department. Seattle,
Washington. 3rd 1892 Feb 3rd J.L. Barck Captain.Written on verso: Property of S.L. Crawford..
February 3, 1892 |
Range, WilliamReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Range 1 |
View of houses at Savoonga, Saint
Lawrence Island, Alaska Written on verso: View in Savoonga, St. Lawrence Id., a new,
modern village. Photo by Wm. Range, 1925.Savoonga is located on the northern coast of St. Lawrence Island
in the Bering Sea, 164 miles west of Nome, Alaska. It lies 39 miles southeast
of Gambell. St. Lawrence Island has been inhabited intermittently for the past
2,000 years by both Alaskan and Siberian Yup'ik people. The island had numerous
villages with a total population of around 4,000 by the 19th century. A tragic
famine occurred on the island in 1878-80, severely reducing the population. In
1900 a herd of reindeer were moved to the island and by 1917, the herd had
grown to over 10,000 animals.
1925 |
Rea, W.J.Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Rea 1 | 1889? |
Reade, Benjamin A.Return to Top
Active at 430 Peoples Savings Bank Bldg., and 605 Lumber Exchange Bldg., Seattle, 1910-1919. Reade also worked in Tacoma with Ernest Peterson in the Peterson Studio during this same period.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Reade 1 | 1911 | |
box:oversize | |||
12 | Reade 2 | E.J. Berneche's Roses, Peonies and
Cahlias flower exhibit display, in the Tacoma Armory, Washington |
1911 |
Reed, William O.Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Reed 1 |
Monroe Street Bridge made of steel,
Spokane, Washington The Monroe street bridge was made of steel in the 1890s.
Completion of the rebuilt concrete bridge ended in 1911.
September 14, 1909 |
8 | Reed 2 | September 20, 1910 | |
8 | Reed 3 | March 20, 1911 | |
8 | Reed 4 | June 1, 1911 |
Reeves, Charles S.Return to Top
C.S. Reeves was active at 18 East State, The Dalles, Oregon.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Reeves 1 | Composite image of buildings and
shipyard at the Raymond Lumber Company, Raymond, Washington Copy print
1913 |
8 | Reeves 2 | Composite image of buildings and lumber
yard at the Mumby Lumber Shingle Company, Bordeaux, Washington Copy print
1913? |
Reid, Harry FieldingReturn to Top
Reid (1859-1944) was an American geophysicist. He was notable for his contributions to seismology, particularly his theory of elastic rebound that related faults to earthquakes. In 1890 & 1892, Harry Fielding Reid traveled to Glacier Bay, Alaska. During the expedition, Reid mapped Glacier Bay, collaborated with John Muir, measured the movement of the glaciers, created sketches and made photographs of the glaciers, and produced 24 notebooks. The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) has transcribed his expedition notebooks.
Through his mother, Harry Fielding Reid was a great-great-grandnephew of George Washington. He earned a B.A. in 1880 as part of the second graduating class of John Hopkins University. In 1885 he was granted his Ph.D. with a dissertation on the spectra of platinum. 1886 Reid accepted an appointment at the Case School of Applied Science in Cleveland, Ohio. He taught physics and mathematics there for eight years before being appointed an Associate at Johns Hopkins.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Reid H.F. 1 | July 25, 1892 | |
8 | Reid H.F. 2 | 1892 |
Reid, H.N.Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
12 | Reid H.N. 1 | Woman seated next to bedroom
window |
1895 |
12 | Reid H.N. 2-3 | View of rocking chair in sitting room
next to staircase |
1895 |
Rembrandt StudiosReturn to Top
Rembrandt Studios was located at 106 Third Street and later at 210-1/2 S. Jersey in Portland, Oregon. Photographers listed at the S. Jersey address are L.A. and J.L. Hall.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Rembrandt.1 | between 1910 and 1924? |
Ribelin, W.H.Return to Top
Active in Ellensburg, Washington, circa 1890s, and was a partner at Mesarvey & Ribelin Studio, Portland, Oregon, circa 1895.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Ribelin 1 | Studio portrait of a young woman
wearing a high collar ruffled shirt, Ellensburg, Washington |
between 1890 and 1900 |
8 | Ribelin 2 | between 1890 and 1900 | |
8 | Ribelin 3 | between 1890 and 1900 | |
8 | Ribelin 4 |
Studio portrait of two young girls
facing each other, Ellensburg, Washington One of the girls is also pictured in item Ribelin 3.
between 1890 and 1900 |
Richards, TurnerReturn to Top
Turner Richards started a photography company in Tacoma, Washington at age 19. He was related to Paul Richards and Byron Aldrich, prominent Tacoma photographers circa 1898. He was active in the Tacoma Hotel early on until it burnt down in 1935. He ran Richards Studio with his three brothers, Bob, Ed and Nelson. Turner was knowledgeable in cinematography as well and developed films for Disney at one point. He died in Tacoma in February of 1968. The Richards Studio continued operating until 1980.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Richards1 | Aerial view of American Smelting &
Refining Company, Tacoma, Washington |
1935? |
8 | Richards2 | Ohop Valley, Tacoma,
Washington Written on verso: Fertile Ohop Valley. On way to Rainier
National Park, near Tacoma. Photographs from The Richards Company Weaver
between 1940 and 1950 |
8 | Richards3 | Officers and delegates of the American
Federation of Labor seated around banquet tables, Winthrop Hotel, Tacoma,
Washington Written on photo: Banquet held at Winthrop Hotel, Tacoma,
Wash.-Oct. 8, 1941-In honor of International Officers and Delegates to A.F. of
L. Convention in Seattle, Washington.
October 8, 1941 |
8 | Richards4 |
Fort Nisqually reconstruction at Point
Defiance Park, Tacoma, Washington General view of stockade and bastion at corner. The camera is
viewing the Fort from outside of its walls. The large arch in the center is the
main entrance. The buildings are, from the fence back, the Hudson's Bay Co.
store, the Grainery, the oldest standing building in Washington, and the
storehouse #2. (Tacoma Public Library at
1936 |
Richardson, T.T.Return to Top
Was active in Sprague, Washington. He was an officer of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Washington in 1905.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Richardson 1 | 1902 |
Robertson, L.E.Return to Top
Lorenzo E. Robertson was first active in Glenora, British Columbia, 1898. He then moved on to Dawson, Yukon Territory, where he worked at 2nd Ave. & Judge St., Dawson, 1901-1902. Robertson was also active in Fairbanks, Alaska between 1905-1906.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Robertson L.E. 1 |
A minstrel troupe on stage wearing
blackface, Eagle, Alaska Printed on verso: L.E. Robertson, The photographer. Fine Alaska
views and mining scenes. Photos of all kinds from locket to life size. Dawson,
1902 |
8 | Robertson L.E. 2 |
Employees of N.C. Co. of Fairbanks,
Alaska Numbers are written on photograph next to each of the employees,
and typed names are taped on verso: 1 Mrs Turner, 2 Bert Spencer, 3 Harry
Stanley, 4 Ed Sanderlin, 5 Billy Burke, 6 Jack Healey, 7 Eddie Wilson, 8 Kippy
Boerner, 9 Frank Grace, 10 John Jacobson, 11 George Markus, 12 Jack Belluby, 13
Ted Ferry, 14 Howard Turner, 15 Johnny Richmond, 16 I.B. Waite, 17 J.H.
Pumphrey, 18 George Preston.
Apr 9, 1905 |
7 | Robertson L.E. 3 |
Crowd of people standing near buildings
and children posed on float drawn by horses at the 4th of July celebration,
Fairbanks, Alaska Caption on photo: Celebrating 4th July at Fairbanks - Alaska
Jul 4, 1904 |
8 | Robertson L.E. 4 | 1904? | |
8 | Robertson L.E. 5 | Pioneers Picnic Excursion on the ship
Tana of Eagle, Fairbanks, Alaska |
July 7, 1912 |
8 | Robertson L.E. 6 | Men with shovels and sluicing box,
Cleary Creek, Alaska Copy print
Written on verso: Dolgett and AAnderson Co-No 1 Below Cleary
Creek. 40 HP Swede facing camera and standing in sluice box with shovel.
between 1902 and 1912? |
Robertson, William FrancisReturn to Top
Active in Seattle, circa 1870-1873; Tacoma, 1880-1883; and Mt. Vernon, Washington, circa 1887-1908.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Robertson W.F. 1 | between 1870 and 1880 | |
8 | Robertson W.F. 2 |
Carte de visite portrait of Mason Clark
standing next to a table, Whidbey Island, Washington Photograph has a 3-cent postage stamp on reverse side
1865 |
8 | Robertson W.F. 3-4 |
Group of young boys in uniform standing
behind Catholic missionary Eugene Casimir Chirouse, OMI and another priest,
Tulalip Reservation, Washington Caption on item 3, which is a copy of photo item 4: ...School on
the Indian Reservation at Tulalip, Washington Territory.Chirouse (1821-1892) was assigned to oversee Puget Sound tribes
and lived on the Tulalip reservation from 1857 to 1878. Here he established a
school and church, the Mission of St. Anne, and helped to build missions on the
Lummi and Port Madison reservations. Father Chirouse was a master of Salish
dialects, translating the scriptures, authoring a grammar and a catechism, and
creating an English-Salish/Salish-English dictionary. In his advancing years,
the well-loved priest was transferred to a post in British Columbia, despite
protests from his Tulalip parishioners. He returned to Tulalip many times to
visit friends and to perform weddings and baptisms.
1865 |
Roe, Will C.Return to Top
Active in Ellensburg, Washington, circa 1900.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Roe 1 | 1900? |
Rogers, A.D.Return to Top
Rogers Photo Studio was active in Olympia, Washington, 1889-1906. Rogers took over L. Wilson Clarks Olympia photography studio in 1889.
See also Guide to the A.D. Rogers Photographs PH591.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Rogers A.D. 1 | 1900? | |
8 | Rogers A.D. 2 | between 1889 and 1906 | |
8 | RogersAD3 | between 1907 and 1910 |
Rogers, EdwinReturn to Top
Either Edwin W. Rogers or Edwin R. Rogers, active at 211 Pike St., Seattle, Washington, partnering with Frank A. Urban for Urban & Rogers, 1902-1904, and then on his own at 1 Chapin Bldg, 211 Pike, and 601 Lumber Exchange Bldg., Seattle, Washington, 1904-1914.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Rogers E. 1 | 1907? |
Romans Photographic CompanyReturn to Top
Active in Seattle, Washington, 1900-1920.
William P. Roman was proprietor of Romans and partnered with Asahel Curtis (1874-1941) at 52 Union Blk., Seattle Washington. Asahel Curtis worked for Romans Photographic Co. from 1907-1911, eventually becoming president and manager of the francize. 1910-11, moved to 625 Colman Bldg., Seattle, Washington. A partnership with Walter Miller as Curtis & Miller lasted for several years before Curtis returned to the Romans Photographic Co. In 1920, this became the Asahel Curtis Photo Co., under which name it operated until his death in 1941.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
13 | Romans 1 | Horses lined up with their handlers on Columbus Ave E.
(now University Way) and 42nd, Seattle, Washington From accompanying material: City of Brooklyn 1907 [in Seattle,
Washington] My father John Luther Stanley on Snowball, white horse on
right...City of Brooklyn now University District. Columbus Av changed to
University Way.
1907 |
13 | Romans 2 | 1902? | |
13 | Romans 3 | 1903? | |
13 | Romans 4 | 1903? | |
13 | Romans 5 | 1903? | |
13 | Romans 6 | Construction crew employees of the Q.M. Dept. U.S.A. on
board theS.S. Atheneanheaded to build Fort Davis
in Nome and St. Michael, Alaska from Seattle, Washington |
June 5, 1900 |
13 | Romans 7 | June 5, 1900 | |
Box | |||
8 | Romans 8 |
View of the Battleship Nebraska speeding, Vashon Island, Washington This photograph may have been taken by Asahel Curtis or W.P.
Romans as both were active at the time. Included is a letter from Robert Moran
requesting the image in 1935 from Asahel Curtis.
1906 |
8 | Romans 9 | 1903 | |
8 | Romans 10 | 1902 | |
box:oversize | |||
13 | Romans 11 | 1903 | |
13 | Romans 12 | People with shovels and axes on steps of Denny Hall for
Campus Day, University of Washington |
1905 |
13 | Romans 13 | May 6, 1904 | |
13 | Romans 14 | May 6, 1904 | |
13 | Romans 15 | Conveyor belts on dock by W.L. McCabe, Seattle,
Washington |
between 1900 and 1910 |
13 | Romans 16 | May 6, 1904 | |
13 | Romans 17 | Students cleaning land on Campus Day, University of
Washington, Seattle |
May 6, 1904 |
13 | Romans 18 | 1905 |
Rosenkranz, Helen R.Return to Top
Active at 207 Riverside Ave. corner of Washington St., Spokane, Washington, 1890s.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Rosenkranz 1 |
Studio portrait of a young woman,
Spokane, Washington Caption written on photo: Mrs. Henrys daughter.Printed on verso: Rosenkranz. Portraits. Childrens pictures a
specialty. Spokane, Wash. 207 Riverside Ave. Cor. Washington St.
between 1890 and 1900 |
8 | Rosenkranz 2 | 1900? | |
8 | Rosenkranz 3 | 1905? |
Ross Studio PortraitureReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Ross Studio 1 |
Jack's Service Station and power lines
along a road, possibly in Idaho Written on photo: Jack's Service Station-looking west.
between 1920 and 1950? |
Rothi, Rasmus P.Return to Top
Rothi owned the Imperial Studio, active at 713 Third Ave. Seattle, Washington, 1890-1910.
Rothi was an early partner of Edward S. Curtis at their Imperial Studio, Rothi & Curtis, Seattle, Washington, 1893-1895. He was also a partner with Peter H. Sanstrom, Rothi & Sanstrom, Seattle, Washington, 1891-1892, and with Adolph L Cedarholm, Peter H. Sanstrom, Cedarholm, Sanstrom & Rothi, 1890.
See also: Imperial Studio
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Rothi 1 | Studio portrait of an infant in very
long gown, Seattle, Washington |
between 1890 and 1910 |
8 | Rothi 2 |
Studio portrait of an infant wearing a
locket, Seattle, Washington See also: Imperial Studio
between 1890 and 1910 |
8 | Rothi 3 |
Studio portrait of two woman standing
next to a seated man, Seattle, Washington See also: Imperial Studio
1895? |
8 | Rothi 4-5 | Studio portrait of a girl, Seattle,
Washington |
1898? |
8 | Rothi 6 |
Portrait of a young man in a striped suit, Seattle,
Washington Embossed on mount: 713 Third Ave. Rothi.
1898? |
8 | Rothi 7 | 1898? |
Rothi, R.P. & Curtis, Edward S.Return to Top
The Imperial Studio was active at 713 Third St., Seattle, Washington. Rothi was an early partner of Edward S. Curtis, Seattle, Washington, circa 1893-1895.
See also Curtis, Edward S.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Rothi & Curtis 1 | between 1893 and 1895 |
Rush, William B.Return to Top
Active in Castle Rock, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Rush W 1 | View of the church and village buildings of Skamokawa,
Washington |
between 1880 and 1890? |
Sandison, J. WilburReturn to Top
James Wilbur Sandison (1873-1962), was active at 126 ½ W. Holly St., Bellingham, Washington, 1904-1962.
Sandison learned about photography in Vancouver, British Columbia, in 1899. He soon moved to Glendale, California to practice photography, then Honolulu, Hawaii, were he was employed as a photographer in a studio on Nuuanu Street. After the bubonic plague epidemic, he left to settle in Bellingham. He took photos of the lumber, paper, fishing, canning, coal mining, boating, and furniture industries in Bellingham as well as events, people, buildings, street scenes, Native Americans, the waterfront area and various modes of transportation.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Sandison 1 | 1912? | |
box:oversize | |||
13 | Sandison 2 | Union Depot Interurban Stages building
at night, Bellingham, Washington Building sign reads: Interurban. To Seattle Everett Mt. Vernon
Burlington Sedro Woolley "Every hour on the hour".
between 1910 and 1920 |
13 | Sandison 3 | Large group of people kneeling for an
outdoor religious event, Bellingham, Washington |
between 1910 and 1920 |
Box | |||
8 | Sandison 4 | Two men in the boat
Isabelle on the water postcard
between 1910 and 1920 |
Sankowski, H.Return to Top
Active photographer on the Chilkoot Pass Trail, Alaska, 1898.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Sankowski 1 |
View of Klondikers at base camp and hiking on the snow
at the Chilkoot Pass Trail, Alaska The Chilkoot Trail is a 33-mile (53 km) trail through the Coast
Mountains that leads from Dyea, Alaska, in the United States, to Bennett,
British Columbia, in Canada. It was a major access route from the coast to
Yukon goldfields in the late 1890s. The trail became obsolete in 1899 when a
railway was built from Dyeas neighbor port Skagway along the parallel White
Pass trail.
1898 |
SautzkeReturn to Top
Active in Ellensburg, Washington, circa 1890s.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Sautzke 1 | 1890? | |
8 | Sautzke 2 |
View of people and horse-drawn
carriages looking away from railroad tracks, Cle Elum, Washington Written on verso: Cle Elum, Right. Reed House, Ca. 1890.
1890? |
Savage & OttingerReturn to Top
Charles Roscoe Savage (1832-1909) met and partnered with painter Charles Ottinger, who tinted Savages photographs, in Great Salt Lake City, Utah, 1859-1864.
Charles R. Savage and George Ottinger operated the Savage and Ottinger Studio in Salt Lake City, Utah., circa 1860s. Ottinger left and ended their short and tumultuous business partnership in 1864 to pursue acting and the photo studio was renamed Pioneer Art Gallery. Savage continued running the studio and traveled through Utah, California, Nebraska, South Dakota and Wyoming photographing landscapes and documenting Native Americans and pioneer life. In 1883 the Pioneer Art Gallery burned down, and many negatives were lost in the fire. Savage reopened the studio as the Art Bazar. Savage was also a mentor to several successful photographers including George Edward Anderson. He ran the studio until 1906 when his sons, Ralph and George Savage took over. Savage was awarded prizes for his photographs in several World Fairs including Chicago, St. Louis and San Francisco. Sadly much of Savages photographic work was destroyed when a fire struck his studio in 1883.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Savage & Ottinger 1 |
Studio portrait of three Native
American Indian children: The Three Graces, Salt Lake City, Utah Printed on verso: Views in Utah, Idaho and Montana. Portraits of
leading men in Utah. Savage and Ottinger. Great Salt Lake City, Utah. Dealers
in artist materials. Photographic goods, chromes and engravings. Frames of all
between 1860 and 1870 |
8 | Savage & Ottinger 2 |
Studio portrait of a seated elderly
Native American Indian man from the Ute tribe, Salt Lake City, Utah Written on verso: Old UtePrinted on verso: Views in Utah, Idaho and Montana. Portraits of
leading men in Utah. Savage and Ottinger. Great Salt Lake City, Utah. Dealers
in artist materials. Photographic goods, chromes and engravings. Frames of all
between 1860 and 1870 |
8 | Savage & Ottinger 3 |
Studio portrait of a Native American
Indian woman and man wearing beaded necklaces: Lo-Thute-Wess, Salt Lake,
Utah Written on mount: Venus and Adonis.Written on verso: Lo-Thute-Wess of S. Lake.Printed on verso: Views in Utah, Idaho and Montana. Portraits of
leading men in Utah. Savage and Ottinger. Great Salt Lake City, Utah. Dealers
in artist materials. Photographic goods, chromes and engravings. Frames of all
between 1860 and 1870 |
8 | Savage & Ottinger 4 |
Studio portrait of a seated Native
American Indian man with hat, Chief of Shoshone, Wash-a-Re, Salt Lake City,
Utah Written on verso: Wash-a-Re, Chief of Shoshone. The Shoshone or
Shoshoni, are a Native American tribe in the United States with three large
divisions: the Northern, the Western and the Eastern, i.e, eastern Idaho,
western Wyoming, and northeastern Utah.Printed on verso: Views in Utah, Idaho and Montana. Portraits of
leading men in Utah. Savage and Ottinger. Great Salt Lake City, Utah. Dealers
in artist materials. Photographic goods, chromes and engravings. Frames of all
between 1860 and 1870 |
8 | Savage & Ottinger 5 |
Studio portrait of a seated Native
American Indian man holding a pipe, Lho-Tho-Ne, Salt Lake City,
Utah Written on verso: Lho-Tho-NePrinted on verso: Views in Utah, Idaho and Montana. Portraits of
leading men in Utah. Savage and Ottinger. Great Salt Lake City, Utah. Dealers
in artist materials. Photographic goods, chromes and engravings. Frames of all
between 1860 and 1870 |
8 | Savage & Ottinger 6 |
Studio portrait of Native American
Indian Chief wearing Western clothing, Ku noth, Chief of Tauvons...
(illeg.) Printed on verso: Views in Utah, Idaho and Montana. Portraits of
leading men in Utah. Savage and Ottinger. Great Salt Lake City, Utah. Dealers
in artist materials. Photographic goods, chromes and engravings. Frames of all
kinds.Carte de visite photo.
between 1860 and 1870 |
Scale's StudioReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Scale 1 | September 1912 |
Scarborough, C.W.Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
13 | Scarborough 1 |
Men standing in front Hamilton Lumber barn Written on photo: Size 40 x 100 ft moved by C. Holton.
between 1900 and 1910 |
Schallerer, Otto C.Return to Top
Otto Clarence Schallerer was active at Schallerer’s Photo Shop, downtown Ketchikan, Alaska, starting 1932. Schallerer arrived in Ketchikan, in the early 1930s. He captured postcard images for the tourists; landscapes, early aerials views of Ketchikan, townscapes, historic buildings, and everyday events.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Schallerer 1 | 1935? |
Sciaroni and Hammond, Nome, AlaskaReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Sciaroni 1 |
People gathered on street watching building
fires Written on front: Nome's first fire.
May 25, 1901 |
9 | Sciaroni 2 |
People outside the Golden Gate Hotel, Nome,
Alaska Copy print
The Golden Gate Hotel caught fire and burned down in July of
1903. By September of the same year a new Golden Gate Hotel was under
1902? |
Scotford & Co.Return to Top
John Harvey Scotford was active at 744 St. Helens Avenue, Tacoma, Washington, circa 1889. In 1891 he had just started a new photography business located at 915 and 917 C Street, Tacoma, Washington and was not yet using the name Scotford and Company. Scotford was active in Michigan, Missouri, and Oregon before moving to Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Scotford & Co. 1 | Studio portrait of a man wearing a
mustache, Tacoma, Washington |
1889? |
9 | Scotford & Co. 2 | 1890 | |
9 | Scotford & Co. 3 | Studio portrait of woman in dress with
pleated left shoulder Written on mount: J.H. Scottord, 915 and 917 C St., Tacoma,
1891? |
Scott, R.B.Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box-folder:oversize | item | ||
13 | ScottRB1 |
Studio portrait of Nez Perce Chief Joseph wearing
buckskin shirt and looking at camera Mounting is embossed "Loryea, Spokane, Wash." but ink-stamped on
verso: Copyright By R.B. Scott.
1889? |
13 | ScottRB2 |
Studio portrait of Nez Perce Chief Joseph wearing
buckskin shirt, three-quarter angle Mounting is embossed "Loryea, Spokane, Wash." but ink-stamped on
verso: Copyright By R.B. Scott.
1889? |
Seattle Photo & Art CompanyReturn to Top
Active at 314 Pike St., Seattle, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Seattle Photo & Art Co. 1 | 1898? | |
9 | Seattle Photo & Art Co. 2 | 1898? | |
9 | Seattle Photo & Art Co. 3 | Studio portrait of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Youngquist, Seattle, Washington |
1898? |
Shaw, David C.Return to Top
Active in Lynden, Washington, 1883-1892.
Born in Iowa, Shaw arrived in Lynden in 1883. After closing his business, he moved to Elkhart, Wisconsin.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Shaw 1 | 1888? |
Shindler, Antonio ZenoReturn to Top
Antonio Zeno Shindler (1823-1899) was born in Bulgaria. He came to the US in about 1845. He worked for awhile with the English ethnologist William Blackmore. In the 1870s-1890s, he worked as a photographer and artist for the Smithsonian Institution specializing in ethnographic subjects.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
8 | Shindler1 | Nez Perce Chief Timothy (Temutasa) seated holding
circular object, Washington, D.C. The photograph was made during Nez Perce delegation visit to
Washington, D.C.
1868 |
Siewert, HermanReturn to Top
Active at Stuart St., Puyallup, 1889-1890s, and Everett, Washington, circa 1893.
Photo mounts have professionally-printed strike marks through the original logo, bearing Puyallup as the place of business, and listing Everett as the new place of business. His last name is also spelled Siewert in certain locations.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Siewert 1 | 1891? | |
9 | Siewert 2 | 1891? | |
9 | Siewert 3 |
Three elderly Native American Puyallup
Indian women in a hop field, Puyallup, Washington Written on photo: Hope, Faith, Charity.
1891? |
9 | Siewert 4 | 1891? |
Siga, ShogaburoReturn to Top
Shogaburo Siga was a Japanese American photographer active at 219 2nd Ave. S., Baker Bldg., Seattle, Washington, 1906-1909.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Siga 1 | between 1906 and 1909 |
Simberg, MannieReturn to Top
Mannie Simberg was born in New York circa 1872. He operated a studio in Long Beach, California. In 1912 he became Newport Beach's volunteer fire chief. He died November 26, 1946 in San Diego, California.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Simberg 1 | People gathered on beach, Newport
Beach, California |
1910? |
Simmer, Alfred G.Return to Top
Active in Wenatchee, Washington, 1917-1926.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
13 | Simmer 1 |
Group photo of the Office Force of
County Clerks, King County, Seattle, Washington Written on photograph: The names of the photographed
January 9, 1917 |
Box | |||
9 | Simmer 2 | October 13, 1939 | |
9 | Simmer 3 | October 26, 1939 |
Sitka View & Portrait CompanyReturn to Top
Reuben Albertstone and L. Moosebauer were co-proprietors of the and active in Sitka, Alaska. They photographed southeast Alaskan scenic settings, including Tlingit Indians, Sitka views, and the Treadwell Mine.
Albertstone also was known as Reuben Albertstone & Co. and possibly Sitkas first resident professional photographer in 1890.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Sitka View 1 | Fish hanging on a fence, Sitka,
Alaska |
between 1890 and 1900 |
9 | Sitka View 2 | between 1890 and 1900 | |
9 | Sitka View 3 | between 1890 and 1900 | |
9 | Sitka View 4-5 | Sitka viewed from the water, Alaska
Printed on verso: R. Albertstone & L. Moosebauer. Sitka View
& Portrait Co., Reuben Albertstone & Co. Proprietors. Sitka,
between 1890 and 1900 |
Smith, AlReturn to Top
Al Smith never considered himself a photographer, merely someone who enjoyed taking photographs. After sailing around the Pacific Rim as a steward on merchant vessels as a young man, Smith returned to Seattle with a new camera and a desire to capture his home city on film. Over the course of several decades, Smith amassed tens of thousands of prints and negatives with his On the Spot photography side business, many finding their way to the Museum of History & Industry (where he was a volunteer for more than a decade), the Northwest African American Museum and in a traveling exhibit that chronicles Seattle’s Jackson Street night scene from the 1920's to the 1960's. His love of the early nightclub scene in Seattle led to photographs of such iconic performers as Cab Calloway and Duke Ellington. Smith is considered by many to have been responsible for single-handedly chronicling African-American community life in Seattle for a half-century, a brilliantly expressive documentary photographer whose work celebrates the neighborhood and people who inspired him. Never without a camera around his neck, Smith also shot birthday parties and family reunions, pickup basketball games, boxing matches and countless weddings in his spare time. Al Smith died on August 28, 2008, at the age of 92.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Smith Al 1 | September 2, 1946 | |
9 | Smith Al 2 | September 2, 1946 |
Smith, D.T.Return to Top
Listed as active at 611 Jackson, Seattle, Washington in the 1890 city directory. David Smith (1864-1896) had been initially brought to Neah Bay, and then La Push, Washington Territory with his family by his father Andrew Jackson Smith (1832-1917) who was post master and teacher for the Makah Indian Agency. David homesteaded himself at Quillayute, away from the Quileute village at La Push, and later opened a photography studio in Seattle. Upon his death, his wife Anna Root Wolfe Smith (1856-1922) became the post master in La Push.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Smith D.T. 1 |
View of men standing on the first through streetcar on
Madison Street, Seattle, Washington Sign on street car reads Seattle To St. Paul Via Lake
Washington.Written on photo: First through car on Madison St.
1890 |
9 | Smith D.T. 2 | Quileute Indian women cleaning salmon, flatfish
(possibly Curlfin sole), and shellfish on the beach with several traditional
fishing canoes in the background, and tribal homes, La Push, Washington
Territory David Smith’s sister Hattie Smith Pullen (1860-1947) and
notorious brother-in-law Dan Pullen (1842-1910) homesteaded in the middle of
the higher ground Quileute village of La Push, and were continually forcing
their neighbors to sell out, or threatening them, in order to expand Dan’s
holdings during the 1880’s. In February 1889, President Cleveland signed an
executive order withdrawing from sale and settlement 800 acres of land “set
apart for the permanent use and occupation of the Quillehute Indians,” and Dan
Pullen’s ongoing disputes with the Indian agents were crystallized when a few
months after Cleveland’s order, Pullen burned the village to the ground, and
installed a barbed-wire fence forcing the remainder of the Quileute onto the
beach. Hattie Smith Pullen and her estranged husband later left in 1897 for
Skagway during the Alaska Gold Rush, where she became known as “Ma” Pullen,
“Mother of the North” setting up the famed Pullen House hotel, as well as
driving stage and operating a bakery,
between 1888 and 1889 |
Smith, E.A.Return to Top
Active in Washington, circa 1905
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Smith E.A. 1 | October 17, 1905 | |
9 | Smith E.A. 2 | 1905? | |
9 | Smith E.A. 3 | 1905? | |
9 | Smith E.A. 4 | 1900? |
Smith, Ida B.Return to Top
Mrs. Ida B. Smith (1889-1967) was active in Olympia, Washington, 1901-1910.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Smith I.B. 1 |
View of Sylvester Park and bandstand with Tacoma Hotel
in background, Olympia, Washington The hotel was built in 1889 and destroyed by fire in 1904.
between 1889 and 1904 |
Box/Folder | |||
9 | Smith I.B. 2 | Mud Bay or Oyster Bay Indians, Olympia Jim, Henry
Martin, Ed Smith (from Chehalis) and his bride, the daughter of Jim Tobin,
Annie Tobin, Mrs. Mary Jackson Jim |
between 1895 and 1910 |
Smith, Theodore CastleReturn to Top
Theodore Castle Smith was born in March, 1884 in San Francisco to Harriet Weber and Irving Oliver Smith. In 1911 he was the City Municipal Plant Officer. In 1917 he married Bernice Mary Hart and was working as an electrical engineer. Their address was at Eastlake and Nelson Place, Seattle, Washington. He died in 1966.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Smith T. 1 | Mount Shuksan from Wild Goose Pass, Whatcom County,
Washington From attached material: Mount Shuksan, the most rugged mountain
in Washington.
September 1916 |
9 | Smith T. 2 | Mount Baker from Galena Lakes, Whatcom
County Written on verso: Mt. Baker-Coleman Pk and Mazama Dome From
above Galena LakesFrom attached material: Mount Baker from Galena Lakes. (x)
marking Coleman Peak the site of temporary camp used the night preceding and
the night following the ascent of Mount Baker.
September 1916 |
Smith and WarnerReturn to Top
Soreboe, John R.Return to Top
Active in Tacoma, Washington, 1909.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Soreboe | View of the Choir of the Immanuel Lutheran Church,
Seattle, Washington |
1909 |
Soule, John P.Return to Top
J.P. Soule (1828-1904) was active at 528 Broadway, Seattle, Washington, and was a publisher in Boston, Massachusetts.
Soule maintained studios on Washington Street in Boston, circa 1861-1882. His subjects in Boston included buildings, the 1869 National Peace Jubilee, the great fire of 1872, and carte-de-visite portraits, and published stereoviews. He photographed mountains in New Hampshire, and the 1866 fire in Portland, Maine. He exhibited works in the Charitable Mechanics exhibitions of 1850, and 1874, winning a bronze medal.
In 1888, Soule moved to Seattle, and photographed the ruins from the 1889 Seattle Fire and the rebuilding thereafter. He continued to live in Seattle and occasionally took photographs of the growing city until his death.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Soule 1 |
Native American Indian woman seated and
weaving a basket at Indian campsite on the tide flats, Seattle,
Washington The woman is possibly the same as photographed in item Soule
between 1890 and 1900 |
9 | Soule 2 |
Two Native American Indian men standing
and woman seated at a campsite on the tide flats, Seattle,
Washington The woman is possibly the same as photographed in item Soule
between 1890 and 1900 |
9 | Soule 3 | View of heavy snow covering gazebo and
houses, Seattle, Washington Written on mount: In the "Everygreen State" Feb 1893.
Respectfully dedicated to Midge [illeg.] Crawford & [?].Printed on verso: John P. Soule, 528 Broadway, Seattle,
February 1893 |
9 | Soule 4 | View of Prosch residence with people
outside and at window, Seattle, Washington Printed on verso: John P. Soule, Photographer. 528 Broadway (Had
of James St.) , Seattle - Wash.
between 1890 and 1900 |
9 | Soule 5-6 | Panoramic view of Seattle looking down
and south from "The Ripley", Washington Panorama consists of the combination of two photographs attached
with a hinge. Written on verso: The is a view of the main part of Seattle,
taken from First Avenue and Pike Street by John P. Soule in 1893. The big
building near the center is the Burke. The Courthouse, Central School, Armory,
University, First Methodist and old Plymouth Churches show up. Second Avenue
then was a poor looking business street, inferior to First Avenue. The Arthur
A. Denny home is conspicuous. It is the whole block near the center between
First and Second Avenues, University and Union Streets.Printed on photo: Seattle from "The Ripley". Written on mount: 1892 by John P. Soule.
between 1892 and 1893 |
9 | Soule 7-8 | Panoramic view of Seattle looking over
downtown and Elliot Bay from First Hill, Washington Printed on verso of part 1 of 2: H. H. Dearvorn & Co. Real
Estate, 216 [illeg.] St., Seattle, Wash.Printed on verso of part 2 of 2: John P. Soule, Photographer.
528 Broadway (Had of James St.) , Seattle - Wash.
1893? |
SpattReturn to Top
Active at 314 Pike St., Seattle, Washington, circa 1890s.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Spatt 1 | between 1890 and 1900 |
Spencer & HastingsReturn to Top
Active on Fort Street, Victoria, British Columbia, 1882-1889.
S.A. Spencer & O.C. Hastings. Hastings bought out Spencer about 1883 and Spencer moved to Alert Bay. Hastings sold his photographic gallery in January 1889. The location was probably that taken over by J. Savannah at 56 Fort St.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Spencer & Hastings 1 | Studio portrait of a man with mustache,
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada |
1882? |
9 | Spencer & Hastings 2 | 1882? |
Stanton, HenryReturn to Top
Active at La Porte, Texas.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Stanton 1 | Group of people relaxing on a river
bank next to a bridge. Printed on verso: Christmas Festivities. At La Porte, Dec. 25,
1893. No 4. Henry Stanton, Scenic Photographer, La Porte, Tex.
Dec ember 25, 1893 |
Stanton, R.R.Return to Top
Active at 1812 10th Avenue South, Seattle, Washington. Stanton was also active in Portland, Oregon circa 1907-1917.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
13 | Stanton R. 1 |
Man and woman on front porch of house
with bird cages Written on verso: 261 P[ill.] St. East Lt. E. Mc [ill.].
1907? |
13 | Stanton R. 2 |
Workers and equipment at Isaacson Steel
Mill, Seattle, Washington Written on verso: Isaakson Steel Mill Foundry, Seattle.
Scandinavian American workers.
between 1900 and 1910 |
Star Photographic Company, 1914Return to Top
Active at 536 Oxford Street, London, England.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Star 1 | Portrait of a young army soldier,
London, England The soldiers lapel pins state: C 16.
1914 |
Stebbins, Nathaniel Livermore Return to Top
Nathaniel Livermore Stebbins was born in Meadville, Pennsylvania on January 9, 1847. In 1882 he became interested in photography and began focusing on maritime subjects. He and his wife, Etta Bowles, along with their three children moved to Boston, Massachusetts. In Boston he joined boating and yacht clubs and in 1891 he published the Illustrated Coast Pilot, a book with images of important sailing directions and maritime navigating landmarks. The first edition of the book focused on the United State's east coast while the second edition that came out in 1896, expanded to cover the Atlantic Coast and the Gulf Coast. He died July 10, 1922.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Stebbins 1 | between 1890 and 1910? |
Sterling StudioReturn to Top
Ira A. Kautz partnered with Frank C. Plummer at the Sterling Studio, Seattle, Washington, 1895-1898.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Sterling Studio 1 | Portrait of Ludwig Linfors, Seattle, WA |
between 1895 and 1897 |
Stratton, R.T.Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
12 | Stratton 1 | between 1880 and 1900 |
Stuart, GordonReturn to Top
Gordon Stuart's images appeared in the Seattle Times circa 1912.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Stuart 1 | Mount Rainier Written on verso: Mount Rainier, Sept. 27, 1917 on Wratten and
Wainwright Plate, 12- inch Goerg lens. Stop 16, time 1/50 second Elevation
about 600o feet, stop 16. taken before noon. bright sun.
September 27, 1917 |
9 | Stuart 2 | Mount Rainier Written on verso: Mount Rainier by Moonlight, September 27,
1917. Taken on Wratten and Wainright glass plate, exposure 45 minutes, pyro.
Goerz Dagor 12 inch lens used.
September 27, 1917 |
Surry's StudioReturn to Top
Active at 619 ½ First Ave., Seattle, Washington. This is most likely the studio of Vincent H. Surry, who worked in Seattle during the same period.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Surrys Studio 1 |
Portrait of a man, Bill Jones, wearing
a 3 piece suit, Seattle, Washington Caption reads: Bill Jones - Grannies old beau. Written on verso, the epigram: "Hearts that are true you'll find
but few."
1910? |
Sunset StudiosReturn to Top
Active in Port Angeles, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Sunset Studios 1 |
A composite of the Sol Duc River with an overlay of
another photo of fish and fishing baskets, Port Angeles, Washington Written on verso: Sol Duc River from Rock Point, 1922?
1922? |
Swick, ProfessorReturn to Top
Active at 106 Washington St. Seattle, Washington.
Printed on verso: Everybodys Gallery, Prof. Swick, Proprietor, 106 Washington St.
Written on verso: E.P.B. Feb 14th, 1872.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Swick 1 | Feb 14, 1872 |
Swihart, CharlesReturn to Top
Charles Swihart was an employee of the Treadwell Gold Mining Company in Treadwell, Juneau, Alaska circa 1896- circa 1913.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Swihart 1 | Mexican Mine team running fire hose
down the street, Treadwell, Alaska The Treadwell Company had four mines operating at one point, the
Treadwell, 700-Foot, Mexican and Ready Bullion mines.
July 4, 1912 |
Takano StudioReturn to Top
Tay Takano was a Japanese photographer, and proprietor of Takano Studio and active at 316 Maynard Ave., Seattle, Washington, circa 1920-1925. Takano, sold the business to his apprentice Henry Miyake.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Takano 1 |
Group portrait of Mrs. Y. Saiki & family with Suyama
family, Seattle, Washington Written on mount: Mrs Y. Saiki & Family. July 1946, Suyama
Family.Photographer possibly is Henry Miyake, Takanos apprentice.
1946 |
Talbot, C.B.Return to Top
Active in Tacoma, Washington, 1880s-1890s.
Charles Beal Talbot (?-August 13, 1900), an architect and civil engineer for the Northern Pacific Railroad who lived in Portland, Oregon, and Tacoma, Washington. He photographed Mt. Rainer with Henry M. Sarvant, a surveyor and civil engineer in Tacoma, Washington. Talbot contributed many articles to national photography magazines
See also: Photograph album of Mount Rainier, Washington, and Alaska for more Talbot photographs.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Talbot 1 |
View of Mt. Rainier, looking from the
Carbon River, Washington Caption on photo: The Mountain Mother, from Carbon River.
Copyright, 1893, by C.B. Talbot, Tacoma, Wn.
1893 |
Taylor, Gilbert MorrisReturn to Top
Gilbert Morris Taylor was born in St. Paul, Minnesota on May 12, 1894 and studied photography in 1923. He moved to Atlin, British Columbia in 1924 where he set up a photography studio. Due to a similar photographer stamp and style, it is likely Gilbert Morris Taylor bought photographer L.C. Read's photography studio in Atlin shortly before Read's death. He stayed in Atlin until 1930 when he transferred his studio to Jasper. In 1936 he built his own studio at #630 Connaught Drive. This studio he sold to Tom Johnston of Saskatoon, SK in 1948 and moved with his wife, Helen Emelyn Hickey, to Santa Barbara, California. He had two sons, R. Loring and W. Morris Taylor. He died in 1967.
L.C. Read's photographs of similar style are located in the Lyman Cary Read Photographs of Mountains near Atlin, B.C., Canada; PH Coll 1121.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Taylor G. 1 | 1929? | |
9 | Taylor G. 2 | 1929? | |
9 | Taylor G. 3 | Dog sled team with mountain in background |
1916? |
9 | Taylor G. 4 | Llewellyn Glacier crevasses |
1924? |
Taylor, Harold A.Return to Top
Harold A. Taylor was born in England on July 24, 1878. Taylor lived in Coronado, California from 1939-1940 and operated a photography studio in the Hotel del Coronado. He was known for his landscapes and photographed presidents, celebrities and other guests of the Hotel. He was charter member of the San Diego Rotary club. He died in La Mesa, California on February 9, 1960.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Taylor H.1 | Fishermen from the Pacific Tuna Canning Company on the
boat Rosalina with their tuna catch, San Diego,
California |
1915 |
Taylor, LachlanReturn to Top
Active in Pullman, Washington, circa 1895.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
13 | Taylor L.1 | 1895? | |
13 | Taylor L.2 | 1896? | |
13 | Taylor L.33 | 1896? |
Theo'sReturn to Top
This is probably Theo Mentzer who was active in the Portland, Oregon area in the 1930s. Prior to moving to Portland he was active in Tacoma, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Theo 1 | Rock formations and beach, Washington Written on photo: Wash. Pacific Coast.Printed on verso: Theo's Grants Pass, Ore.
between 1920 and 1940 |
Thomas, J.E.Return to Top
Jesse E. Thomas (1859-1928), was born in Bloomington, Wisconsin. Shortly after his marriage to Rosa Hampton he moved to Iowa where he opened a photograph gallery. He returned to Wisconsin and then went to Nebraska for a year. After than he spent time in Minnesota and then in 1886 he moved west to Washington where he set up a gallery in Cheney, Washington. On February 23, 1890 his studio burned down and he lost all of his equipment and negatives. He rebuilt his business again but in 1891 he picked up an moved his family to Port Angeles. He made family portraits, Port Angeles scenes, portraits of navy personnel. When the Pacific Squadron held maneuvers offshore, he photographed the ships from a small boat. He had a serious illness and his doctor recommend that he work out in the open air rather than in a darkroom. He became a lighthouse keeper and his first station was the Cape Flattery Light on Tatoosh Island. He photographed the lighthouse, the landscape, and the Mahah Indians at their summer camp at Tatoosh. He later worked at the Ediz Hook Light Station, Port Angeles, Washington. Most of his negatives were destroyed over the years.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Thomas 1 |
View of a Naval steamship under way in
the distance with crewmen lined up on the stern, from Tatoosh Island,
Washington The island's name comes from the a Makah chief known as
Tatoosh (also Tatooche or Tetacus).
Inscription on verso: From W. D'A. Rose, Lieut. U.S. Navy,
1894 |
9 | Thomas 2 | 1893 | |
9 | Thomas 3 | 1894? | |
9 | Thomas 4 | 1894? | |
9 | Thomas 5 | 1897? | |
9 | Thomas 6 | 1897? | |
9 | Thomas 7 | U.S.S. Boston |
1897? |
9 | Thomas 8 |
Loggers near fallen tree, Dry Creek, Port Angeles,
Washington Written on verso: First tree to fall on the Ceder [ill.] at Dry
Creek Pt Angeles. Wash Territory. Left to right Andy Bozart, Wm Collier, Walter
Dyke, Ken Church.
May 1889 |
Thompson, Stephen Joseph Return to Top
Thompson (1864-1929), was active at Columbia St., opposite Colonial Hotel, Port Hope, Ontario, New Westminster, Vancouver, British Columbia, 1886 with the Bovill Brothers (Thompson & Bovill). Later on his own at 620 Columbia St., 1887-1890, and 610 Granville St., 1890-1898.
He established a branch studio in Vancouver in December 1897. For a while after the New Westminster studio had been destroyed by fire on September 11, 1898, he maintained a Vancouver and a New Westminster studio. Thompson was a prolific and versatile photographer equally at home in portrait and landscape work. He photographed extensively along the Canadian Pacific Railway throughout the 1890s. Thompson visited the Chicago Worlds Fair in 1893. Two years later he was commissioned to obtain views of farms around Edmonton. In 1898 he accompanied an official expedition to northern British Columbia and Wrangel led by the Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries, Louis Coste.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Thompson S. 1 | 1898? | |
9 | Thompson S. 2 | 1901 | |
9 | Thompson S. 3 | Studio portrait of a man, New Wesminster, British
Columbia, Canada |
between 1890 and 1898 |
ThurbertonReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Thurberton 1 |
Ship Peggy Foss, possibly
in Alaska Printed on verso: A candid picture by Thurberton with a candid
1937? |
Titsworth, B.B.Return to Top
Possibly Burton B. Tipsworth, not a professional photographer. He lived in Seattle, Washington 1894-1901.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Titsworth 1 |
Mount Rainier viewed across Puget Sound Image was copyrighted by Titsworth in 1901.
1901 |
Tostrup & FettersReturn to Top
Einar Tostrup & Charles Fetters were active at 25 Heussy Bldg., 5102 Leary Way, and 1773 Market St., Seattle, Washington, 1904-1915.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Tostrup & Fetters 1 |
View of Ballard Carnegie Public
Library, Seattle, Washington Caption on photo: Ballard Public Library. Compliments of Tostrup
and Fetters, photographers. 136 leary Ave. Cor. Park Place, Ballard, Wash.
1906? |
Towne, W.H.Return to Top
Photographer Joseph Buchtel sold his studio, the San Francisco Gallery located at First and Morrison Street in Portland, Oregon to W. H. Towne in 1880. W.H. Towne operated the studio until his death in 1884, when Bertram C. Towne and Elbridge W. Moore took over operations.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Towne W. 1 | Studio portrait of a young
man |
between 1880 and 1884? |
Toyo StudioReturn to Top
Active at 215-604 ½ Main, Seattle, Washington, 1915-1925. Toyo Studio was operated by J. Mori and S. Ito, circa 1915-1919, and then by K. Kiyota, 1923-1925.
See also the Guide to the Toyo Studio Photographs of the Tanaka School of Dressmaking and Guide to the Frank Fukuda Photograph and Ephemera Collection for additional photos by K. Kiyota.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
13 | Toyo 1 | Group studio portrait of 8 Japanese
people, the 6 men are possibly from the Mikado baseball club, Seattle,
Washington |
between 1923 and 1925 |
Box | |||
9 | Toyo 2 | Studio portrait on postcard of baby,
Watanabe Nobuya |
between 1918 and 1923 |
box:oversize | |||
13 | Toyo 3 | between 1923 and 1925 | |
13 | Toyo 4 | between 1920 and 1921 | |
13 | Toyo 5 | July 11, 1928 | |
13 | Toyo 6 | Group portrait of men at a funeral
around a coffin |
between 1923 and 1925 |
13 | Toyo 7 | Group portrait gathered around a coffin
and flowers at a funeral |
between 1923 and 1925 |
Train, Edgar HoraceReturn to Top
Train partnered with W.J. Cromwell for the Train and Cromwell gallery, active at Main St. between Wall and Commercial St., Idaho City, Idaho Territory, 1864-1865.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Train 1 |
Studio portrait of Dr. A.F. Cromwell
standing and holding a book, Idaho Territory, Idaho A.F. Cromwell was possibly related to W.J. Cromwell, Trains
business partner.
between 1864 and 1865 |
Tropple, Allen W.Return to Top
Tropple (b. 1897) was active in Spokane, Washington.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Tropple 1 | September, 12, 1943 |
Truesdell, Herbert M.Return to Top
Truesdell was born in Sterling, Kansas on March 17, 1898. He was an active member of the Young Men's Christian Association (Y.M.C.A.) and was superintendent of their radio school, often teaching classes in radio operations in the 1920s. He was the radio operator aboard the ships, the S.S. Ketchikan in 1919 and the S.S. President Madison in 1924. In 1926 he was a part of opening Camp Orcila on Orcas Island and was in charge of photography and map-making classes.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Truesdell 1 | Interior of the reading room, Suzzallo
Library, University of Washington, Seattle |
between 1920 and 1930? |
9 | Truesdell 2 | Suzzallo Library, University of
Washington, Seattle |
between 1920 and 1930? |
Turner PhotoReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
XH_Early1 | Turner 1 | 1925? |
Turner, Orren JackReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
XC1 | Turner O.J. 1 | Profile of a woman |
between 1860 and 1943? |
XC1 | Turner O.J. 2 | Portrait of a woman |
between 1860 and 1943? |
Twidle, HenryReturn to Top
Henry Twidle was hired by the British Columbia Mills Timber & Trade Company as a time keeper in 1905. He and his wife moved to one of the logging camps at Rock Bay, British Columbia where Twidle began traveling throughout the camps, photographing the pioneers and logging activities around him. Twidle and his wife eventually moved to Granite Bay, British Columbia where they worked the local hotel and general store.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Twidle 1 | Between 1905 and 1920? | |
9 | Twidle 2 | Steam donkey engine |
Between 1905 and 1920? |
9 | Twidle 3 | Donkey engine on the Pacific Coast |
Between 1905 and 1920? |
Unique Foto ServiceReturn to Top
McNett & Winslow were co-proprietors, and active at 1210 ½ 1st Ave., Seattle, Washington, circa 1930s.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Unique 1 | View of the Roosevelt Hotel, Seattle,
Washington Written on photo: Roosevelt Hotel, Seattle. John Graham A.I.A.
Architect & Engineer. A W Quist & Co. Contractors. Dec. 31 - 1930.
December, 31, 1930 |
U'renn, AndrewReturn to Top
Andrew U'renn was born in Cornwall, England in 1848. In 1877 he moved to California and in 1882 to Seattle, Washington. He was a portrait photographer active at 1418 5th Avenue West, Queen Anne, Seattle.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
box:oversize | item | ||
13 | U'renn 1 | University of Washington Merchant
Marine class standing in front of Engineering building Names of men typed on verso including instructors and
November, 1919 |
13 | U'renn 2 | University of Washington Merchant
Marine class standing in front of Engineering building Written on verso: Left to Right 1. Harry John McIntyre
(Instructor), 2. A.M. Winslow (Instructor), 3. John James Quigley. 4. Henry
Emanuel Anderson 5. Otto Alexander Sundquist 6. Charles Remi Engel 7. Frederick
Stewart Clingan 8. John Leo O'Day 9. Irving Miller Gage 10. H.B. Sallee
(Instructor) 11. Arthur Edwin Andrew 12. G.S. Wilson (Instructor).
December, 1919 |
13 | U'renn 3 | University of Washington Marine
Engineering class standing in front of Engineering building Written on verso: Left to Right 1. H.B. Sallee (Instructor), 2.
John Osborne Jones 3. George Merchant Beale 4. Leo Hubert Dashley 5. Harry
Stanley Wilson 6. Edward James Logan 7. Clarence Richard Burwell 8. E.O.
Eastwood (Instructor).
January, 1920 |
13 | U'renn 4 | University of Washington Marine
Engineering class standing in front of Engineering building Names of men typed on verso including instructors and
February, 1920 |
13 | U'renn 5 | University of Washington Merchant
Marine class standing in front of Engineering building Names of men typed on verso including instructors and
January, 1919 |
13 | U'renn 6 | University of Washington Merchant
Marine class standing in front of Engineering building Names of men typed on verso including instructors and
December, 1918 |
13 | U'renn 7 | University of Washington Merchant
Marine class standing in front of Engineering building Names of men typed on verso including instructors and
November, 1918 |
Urie, (either J or R.C.)Return to Top
Active in Enumclaw, Washington, 1913-1918.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Urie 1 | 1915? | |
9 | Urie 2-3 | 1915? |
Van Dyke StudioReturn to Top
Active at 1112 2nd Ave., Seattle, Washington, circa 1914-1925.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Van Dyke Studio 1 | 1914? |
Vaughan, J.W.Return to Top
Was active in Kendrick, Idaho.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Vaughan 1 | between 1900 and 1910? |
Vincent, RalphReturn to Top
Active at Oswego 3151, Journal Building, Portland, Oregon. Ralph Vincent was a photographer for the Oregon Journal. He died March 11, 1988.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
9 | Vincent 1 |
Columbia River and Columbia River
Highway, Oregon Written on verso: The Columbia River Highway and the Columbia
River in the foreground. Bridge of the Gods in the distance. Views of endless
grandeur spread out before the motorist as he drives along the Columbia River
Highway in Oregon.
1934? |
9 | Vincent 2 |
Automobile parked near Columbia River,
Bonneville Written on verso: The water of the mighty Columbia separate the
states of Oregon and Washington. This is near the Bonneville where a
$45,000,000 dam is rapidly nearing completion.
1934? |
9 | Vincent 3 | Man falling off his horse at a rodeo,
Pendleton, Oregon |
between 1930 and 1950? |
9 | Vincent 4 | between 1930 and 1950? | |
9 | Vincent 5 | between 1930 and 1950? | |
9 | Vincent 6 |
Male skier coming off of a ski jump,
Mount Hood, Oregon Written on verso: Skiing on Mt. Hood in Oregon; a sport
becoming more popular each year.
1936? |
9 | Vincent 7 |
Crowd watching skiing tournament,
Multorpor Hill, Mount Hood, Oregon Written on verso: Part of the crowd of 8,000 people who
attended the winter sports tournament held at Multorpor Hill, Mount Hood,
Oregon, the latter part of January, 1936. Some 25,000 people visited the
mountain playground area the day |