Harold F. Hammersley photograph collection, 1907-1927

Overview of the Collection

Hammersley, Harold F.,1882-1966
Harold F. Hammersley photograph collection
1907-1927 (inclusive)
116 nitrate film negatives: black and white
124 photographic prints: black and white
1 photograph album (106p.,495 photographic prints): black and white and cyanotype
94 Photograph prints: black and white
Collection Number
Lot 054
Collection of photographic images taken by Harold Hammersley between 1907-1927 of his time spent in Montana and the Western US of his time spent working for the United States Government.
Montana Historical Society, Library & Archives
Montana Historical Society Research Center Archives
225 North Roberts
PO Box 201201
Helena MT
Telephone: 4064442681
Fax: 4064445297
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research. A digital copy of the album is available and preferred for use due to poor condition.

No textual or other language materials are included in the collection.

Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Harold Frederick Hammersley was born December 29, 1882, in London, England. In 1906, at the age of 23, he immigrated to the United States and made his way to Montana. By 1907 Harold had begun working as a clerk and special disbursing agent for the US Government’s Indian Irrigation affairs and Allotting Service. Harold took many photos of his life and time spent in Montana, particularly in the Southeast, around the Tongue River area, where he documented the Reclamation Service and their irrigation projects. He also took many photographs of Northern Cheyenne he encountered through his job and travels on the reservation. In 1914 Harold became a fully naturalized citizen and married his wife Anna - who was originally from Sweden and who had immigrated to the US the same year as Harold had. The couple honeymooned in California, visiting Catalina Island and San Francisco. By 1916 the couple was living in Utah and had welcomed their daughter Susie in 1916 and son Frederick in 1919. The family moved to Idaho sometime in the mid-1920s and then back to Salt Lake City, finally settling in California by 1940. Harold passed away September 26th, 1966, in Burlingame, California at the age of 83.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Collection of photographic images by Harold Hammersley taken between 1907-1927. Images show flume, canal, and head gate construction on Tongue River Irrigation Project in Montana; US Reclamation Service facilities and operations at Ballantine, Montana and Huntley, Montana; US Allotting Service facilities and operations at Kilroy, Montana and Browning, Montana; as well as portraits and scenes of leisure activities of government workers, acquaintances, and friends. Other images include portraits of Native Americans - particularly the Northern Cheyenne; cowboys and cowgirls posed and at work; cattle roundups and dipping; Captain Brown’s Three Circle Ranch in Rosebud County, Montana. Additional scenes comprise travel images of railroad stations, horse-drawn wagon trains and campsites; homesteaders. The collection also includes images of trips to Chiloquin and Portland, Oregon; Meyers Falls and Long Beach, Washington; and San Francisco and Catalina Island, California with scenes of the Hammersley’s honeymoon. Finally, portraits of the Hammersley family and of Harold’s life in Montana can be found in the collection.

Collection is arranged in original negative album order. 99 nitrate negatives in negative album were assigned a number based on the album sleeve number with a “n” for format added. The Modern Prints (mp), Vintage Prints (vp), and Reference Prints (n) that matched the negatives from negative album were assigned the corresponding nitrate negative number plus the respective format code. E.g. 001n, 001mp, or 001vp. 17 loose nitrate negatives from a negative album not received with the collection were assigned non sequential numbers, a “1” was added to the beginning of the numbers to allow them to follow the other negative numbers in sequence. Modern Print Images 138-141 were not matched to nitrate negatives. These images were added to the end of the sequence and assigned an arbitrary sequential number. Loose album pages were assigned the number 100 to 106.

The collection was donated to the Montana Historical Society in 2008 by Harold’s son, Frederick Hammersley, an acclaimed abstract painter. Frederick provided additional written information that aided in the identification of his family members in the photographs.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

The Montana Historical Society is the owner of the materials in the Photograph Archives collections and makes available reproductions for research, publication, and other uses. Written permission must be obtained from the Photograph Archives before any reproduction use. The Society does not necessarily hold copyright to all of the materials in its collections. In some cases, permission for use may require seeking additional authorization from the copyright owners.

Preferred Citation

Harold F. Hammersley photograph collection, Lot 054. [Image Number], Montana Historical Society Photograph Archives, Helena, Montana.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Series I: Nitrate Negatives

Series II: Reference and Vintage Photographic Prints

Series III: Modern Photographic Prints

Series IV: Album and Loose Pages

Acquisition Information

Acquisition information available upon request.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Series I:  Nitrate NegativesReturn to Top

Container(s): Box 1

Container(s) Description Dates
001: Thralls W. Wheat's Allotting Camp
Labeled: Blackfeet Reserve. "Thralls W Wheat's Allotting Camp" Kilroy, Mont. H.F.H. 1911. Scene shows mostly white tents set up in a line on a prairie landscape, with a cloudy sky and far off mountains in background.
002: Camp House in Woods
A tree filled scene. There is a light colored building in the lower half, a road runs across the image. A small shack with a line of bright laundry hung in front of it can be seen to the left are men with wagon and horses next to a building with alternating dark and light vertical slats. In the upper left in the far background is a group of tents.
003: Camp House in woods [Blurry]
A blurry tree filled scene. There is a light colored building in the lower half, a dirt road runs across the image. A small shack with a line of bright laundry hung in front of it can be seen to the left are men with wagon and horses next to a building with alternating dark and light vertical slats. In the upper left in the far background is a group of tents.
004: Group of Men on Plain
A group of men appear to have stopped for lunch, an empty wagon is off to the mid right, it's contents are spread around and then men are sitting or standing around, a small cabin is off a little ways behind them.
005: Tents on Plain
A view from above of a campsite, tents are set up in two lines next to a small cabin like structure. The landscape is hilly and barren, there is a cluster of large rocks to the left side.
006: Campsite with Pen of Horses between Trees
A pen full of horses is seen at the bottom of the image. There are a couple wagons in the mid-ground next to the corral fence. A group of tents can be seen in amongst the trees and there appears to be snow on the ground.
007: Row of Tents in Field
A line of tents stretch across the middle of the image, there is a line of trees across the image as well. There is a field in the foreground and low hills in the background. Some small fluffy clouds can be seen in the sky.
008: Men with Wagon at Campsite between Trees
A few tents are set up next to a large tree on the left. Around three men can be seen in the middle next to a wagon, with a boy crawling on top of the wagon. There are more trees to the right side.
009: Campsite, Horses, Snow on Hills
A distant view of a campsite to the mid-left. There are some horse and cattle in the mid-ground to the middle and right. The hills in the background have large patches of melting snowbanks on them.
010: Scene at Browning, MT
Partly cloudy sky. Lower half of images shows buildings on right with light siding and dark roof, tents across the left, and water in lower part.
011: Train Tracks Sunset
A sun sets into a cloud bank near the center of the image. There are electrical lines and tracks going down the bottom center. Dark mark to the left - either film damage or something caught in camera field.
012: Trees and Clouds
Party cloudy sunset, there are dark trees throughout the foreground and blocking out the far right.
013: Scene with Farm Fields and Passing Train in Washington
Tree lined road across lower third leads to a square. Light colored house to the left, pasture with sheep in it to lower right, and grove of tall trees and a field with harvested grain of some kind set into neat piles. Across the middle of the image a train passes by billowing white smoke, the sky looks hazy, and a faint mountain range in the background.
014: Forest and River in Winter, Big Pine Center
Looking down on a tree covered valley that's covered in snow. A river runs down it to the center right. There is a dark tree near the center, with what appears to be an overcast sky.
015: Sunset
A flat dark landscape lacking detail takes up the lower third of the image. Sun rays shoot out of the cloud bank near the center.
016: Forest, Hills, and River in Snow
Looking down on a tree covered valley that's covered in snow. A river runs down the valley to the center right, sky seems overcast.
017: Landscape of Farm Fields
Blurry shrubs cover the lower left and a bit to the right. Bundles of wheat or some other kind of grain lay in field to right, with trees to mid-right. Sky is cloudy and the sun seems to be setting.
018: Sunset with Wagon
Sunset with clouds cover up the majority of the sky. There are mountains to the middle and right, with two fence posts to the left. At the right there is a wagon and edge of a building. The ground in the lower part of the image looks muddy and has some scattered wheel tracks.
019: Unidentified River with Tunnel in Mountain Side
Blurry photo of a rushing river. There are large rocks in foreground and what looks like a cave or tunnel across the river near the middle of the image. A steep bank/hillside can be seen in the background.
020: River Rapids with Small Falls
A river runs across the lower half of the image, the water rushes by causing white foam. To the left a mini waterfall is created by the uneven riverbed. On the bank across the river are shrub like plants and further behind them trees.
021: Landscape with River, Forest and Train Tracks
View looking down on a hilly, tree covered valley with a river running through it. Train tracks cut into the hill to the upper right of the river.
022: Stream and Trees
A river with a sandbar on its left. There are large trees and shrubs at either bank to the right and left sides of the image. In the background to the mid-left a dark horse and a couple men standing nearby can just be made out.
023: Hills, Pines, Snow
Looking up at hills from a tree covered valley, snow covers the ground and trees.
024: River with Rocks on Right, Trees Left
A river runs along the bottom of the image. A stand of bare trees can be seen to the left, a rocky bank is to the right. There are stumps or posts close to the camera, and fluffy clouds are scattered in the sky.
025: Tree with Shadows, Hill
A raised road of packed dirt with steep sides runs across the image. There is a tree standing to the left and a single post sticking out of the mount on the right. A rocky hill with scrubby plants rises behind the road.
026: Unknown Falls on Unknown River in Unidentified City
A wide river across the lower half of the image, and there are rocky falls across it. On the opposite bank there are a number of buildings, including a tall one to the left and a large two story one to the right.
027: Hillside Onto Road
A raised road of packed dirt runs down the center of the image. There is standing water on either side and a hill rising off to the right. There are also trees in the left background.
028: Valley with River in Winter
Looking down on a tree filled valley where a river curves through in an "S" like shape. There are bare trees across the lower right, but the rest are pine trees.
029: Unknown Body of Water
A wide body of water stretches across the middle of the image far into the distance. Mountains rise in the background behind it, in the foreground there are a few scattered plants.
030: Mountain Side with Natural Rock Bridge
A rock formation creates a bridge on a rocky hillside near the center of the image. There are trees all along the top.
031: Two Women on Horseback
Two women on horseback in front of a light colored building with porch, surrounded by trees. Both women wear hats and gloves; the one to the left rides a dark horse, and the one to the right rides a light colored one.
032: Chess Game
Three men sit around a table playing chess. Two men sit with backs turned to the left, the other man sits across the table to the right. Behind them is a wall full of books and document storage. There is a calendar and other items on the wall behind the man to the right.
033: Surveyor
A man in a hat, light shirt, and pants. He stands behind surveying equipment. He is holding his hands up. There is a tent and trees in the background.
034: Man on White Horse
A man in dark hat and clothing rides a white horse. A tall building with a covered porch off to the left.
035: Couple Sitting Indoors
A woman in a white dress and a man in a light shirt sit on chairs on either side of a dresser. The woman appears to be sewing while the man reads. There is a large flower pot on the dresser between them; the doors behind the woman have a painted panel design. While the curtains behind the man have a line design. There appear to be animal skins on the floor as rugs.
036: Man Painting on Skulls
A light haired man paints Native Americans on cattle skulls and other bones. He sits to the left, with his box of supplies sitting to the right.
037: Party
A group of over twenty men and women wearing suits and dresses, sit or stand together in the center of the image. Its an interior shot and there are two rugs on the floor. There is a chair to the right, the windows have checkered drapes, and a circular painting of a woman's face is sitting on a chair to the left.
038: Party
A group of over twenty men and women wearing suits and dresses, sit or stand together in the center of the image. Its an interior shot and there are two rugs on the floor. There is a chair to the right, the windows have checkered drapes, and the man sitting in the front row with the mustache is holding a circular painting with a woman's face on it.
039: Xmas Morn
Labeled: U.S.A.S "Xmas Morn" Inchelium, Wash. H.F.H. 1913. A group of seven men all dressed in coats and boots, most if not all wear stocking caps, and most hold ice skates. A tent is behind them, with trees in background. The ground is snow covered.
040: Baseball Game
A group of men in hats and mostly in white shirts seem to be playing a ball game in a sparse field. To the left a man with a bat swings. Behind him a man crouches with a catcher's mitt.
041: Two Heads and Three Skulls
Two dark haired men are crouched behind a table covered in a tarp, with another tarp set up behind them. There are three human skulls set in between the men so that it alternates between skull, face, skull, face, skull.
042: Harold Getting Dressed Up, Three Men on Porch
Harold standing on the porch of a light colored building with dark door. He wears a long dark coat with buttons and a fur collar, as well as a glossy black top hat. To his right a man is handing him an umbrella. To his left a man is handing him a doctor's bag.
043: Two Horses, Man in Wagon, Standing Boy
A wagon heavily loaded, with tarp tied around it. A man in hat and whip sits on the wagon, as a boy in a hat stands next to the wheels. Two dark horses pull the wagon, both with white facial markings. There is a fence with large wooden slats to the left, and scattered trees in the background.
044: Four Teams Horses on Plain
Wagon train of horse-drawn wagons stand on a flat and empty prairie landscape. There are five wagons, each pulled by two to four horses, and around eight men.
045: Five Man Survey Crew by Wagon with One Man on Horseback
A group of five men. One rides on a wagon pulled by two horses, one dark, one light. Three men stand next to the wagon and one rides on horseback next to them. They appear to be in a field. There are low trees and rolling hills in the background. Six tents sit to the left.
046: Team of Four Horses with Two Men in Wagon with One Wagon Following
A caravan of horse-drawn wagons make their way through an empty prairie landscape. There are a few loose horses and a man on horseback to the lower left.
047: Team of Six Horses, One Rider, Two Wagons
A group of horses pull two wagons across an empty prairie landscape, there are posts sticking out of the ground every so often beside them. A man on horseback rides alongside.
048: Buggy in Forest
A man in hat and light shirt on a wagon pulled by white horse travels away from the camera. He is framed by trees that dominate the rest of the image.
049: Four Teams Horses - Five Wagons on Plain
A caravan of horse-drawn wagons cross a field. A corner of an unidentified body of water is seen in the mid-right side. There are five wagons, each pulled by two to four horses, and around twelve men.
050: Four Horse Team Pull Wagon
An empty prairie landscape with a wagon pulled by four horses, three dark and one light. Another dark horse being pulled behind the wagon. The horses pull the wagon up a hill. The two men both wear hats and one has a dark shirt on.
051: Man on Small Wagon with Two Horses
A wagon heavily loaded, with tarp as a man sits on it wearing a hat and holding a whip. Two dark horses, one with white blaze, pull the wagon through sagebrush covered landscape. There are hills with scrubby trees in the background.
052: Wagon with Two Horses
An empty prairie landscape. Two dark horses, one with blaze, pull a wagon loaded with all sorts of equipment at center of image. Farther off to the right side more horse-drawn wagons can be seen.
053: Two Indian Horseman on Plain
Two men, likely Northern Cheyenne, on horseback riding across a field with low hills in the background. They both wear tall hats, the one to the left rides a horse with a white blaze and the one to the right rides a white horse with dark tail and face markings.
054: Mountain Side, Saddled Horse
A dark riderless horse with saddle stands in the foreground. The landscape is full of trees and rocky hills/low mountains.
055: Cattle in River
A view looking down at a river where a heard of cattle are, a couple of men on horseback can be seen amongst them. There are trees to the right and in the background there are rounded hills of sedimentary rock.
056: Herd of Cattle in River
A view looking down at a river at a herd of cattle. Some stand on the banks to the left while most are in the river. There are trees to the right and in the background there are rounded hills of sedimentary rock.
057: Horses on Sand Bars in River
A group of horses spread across a river and its banks. There are sedimentary looking mountains in the far background and deciduous trees around the river.
058: Cattle Dip with Two Men #1
A view inside a wooden structure that has water in the bottom. Three cows are being moved through the plunge dip by men on either side holding large paddles. They both wear hats, but the man on the left has a dark shirt while the one to the right has a light shirt.
059: Cattle Dip with Two Men #2
A view inside a wooden structure that has water in the bottom. A couple cows are being moved through the plunge dip by men on either side holding large paddles. They both wear hats, but the man on the left has a dark shirt while the one to the right has a light shirt.
060: Cows on Plain
View of a relatively flat expanse of sagebrush. A herd of cattle stand in mid-foreground, the black one nearest the camera to the right looks directly at the photographer.
061: Suspension Bridge and Stream - Winter
Ground and trees covered with snow, with hill/mountain in the background. A little ice on the water/river across the lower half. A possible bridge, train tracks, or canal in the center.
062: Wooden Flume and Stream and Men
View from slightly above looking down on an irrigation project construction. Three men pause in their work digging the area around the wooden canal to the lower left to look up at camera on the left. To the top right across the canal there are two men with a couple horses, possibly using them to pull a plow.
063: Construction Across Stream
A seemingly completed head gate with three gates stands in the center of the image above the river. There are barren muddy banks to either side and trees in the background to the middle and right. There are no workers present.
064: Structure Over Water, Trees, Blurry
Blurry photo of some sort of structure over a body of water near the center of image. The structure has a fence like top. Bare tree branches stretch across the scene.
065: Irrigation Project Construction, Trees to Right, Hills on Left
A seemingly completed head gate with three gates stands in the center of the image above the river. The gates are down/covered. There are muddy banks to either side and trees in the background to the middle and right. There are no workers present.
066: Irrigation Project Construction
A seemingly completed head gate with its gates down in a "L" shape to the left and center of the image. Water to the lower center, with trees in background. There are no workers present.
067: Small Irrigation Project Construction
A small head gate that only looks a few feet tall stands in "L" shape across the middle of the image. Fence posts and trees can be seen in the background.
068: Construction, Bridge with Triangular Sections, One Man
A wooden structure over water that has three triangular frames on top. A man stands in between the two to the left.
069: Man on Flume - Dam
Irrigation project construction with a man wearing a hat, light shirt, and dark pants walks along top of a wooden frame, likely for a canal. There is a line of rocks to the bottom left and a wooden wall to the upper left. The landscape has bare trees in the background.
070: Small Irrigation Project Construction, River in Background
A small head gate stands closed near the center of the image. There are muddy banks in the foreground, and in the background is the river.
071: Men Work on Flume - Trees Center Top
Irrigation project construction, men can be seen building the sides of a canal. To the mid-left of image, the area around has large deciduous trees. A building can be seen in the distance between them to the upper right.
072: View of Unknown Town Roof Front Center
Image of a town, below the camera there is a dark structure next to a rocky hill to the right. A street is seen starting from middle left side, there are several cars parked on it. In the background there is a large crest of a hill starting from near the center to the right.
073: Log Cabin 1, Wheel Left, One Man
Blurry image of a building made of large logs to the right. A man in white shirt and dark hat leans against the fence to the left, behind him further to the left is a large pile of hay. There are scattered trees throughout the background.
074: Log Cabin 2, One Man
A building made of large logs sit to the right. A man in white shirt and dark hat leans against the fence to the left. Behind him further to the left is a large pile of hay. There are scattered trees throughout the background.
075: Building in Trees - Winter
A building with light siding and dark trim and a raised porch without railing sits amongst snow covered trees. The building appears to have a sliding door to the left of the regular door and snow covers ground around.
076: Log Cabin Building, Tent to Left
A log cabin with a large triangle hanging off the roof to the back right. There's a large white tent off to the left side and fence posts to the far right. Trees are seen in the background.
077: Four Tents by River, Trees in Distance
Four white tents stand in a row facing away from the camera towards the river which is in the background. There's some sandbars in the river. There's a grassy hill to the right side. In the very right bottom corner part of a black and white dog can be seen.
078: Three Log Cabin Buildings, Horses, Wagons, Trees in Back
Three log cabin buildings, the one to the right has a wrap around covered porch. There are two wagons to the left each pulled by two horses. Trees can be seen across image in background.
079: Portrait of Anna Snowbird
Portrait of an older Northern Cheyenne woman. She has a heavily lined face and dark hair that's pulled back into two braids. Snowbird wears a spotted dress that has a pin on it. Bare dark tree branches from the top left curl over her in the background.
080: Portrait of Sophie Medicinebear
Blurry portrait of an older Northern Cheyenne woman. She has a heavily lined face and dark hair worn loose around her face. Medicinebear wears a checkered/gingham dress, and appears to be glancing downward. Bare dark tree branches from the top left curl over her in the background.
081: Portrait of Sophie Medicinebear
Portrait of an older Northern Cheyenne woman. She has a heavily lined face and dark hair worn loose around her face. Medicinebear wears a checkered/gingham dress and a blanket, and appears to be glancing downward. Bare dark tree branches from the top left curl over her in the background.
082: Portrait of Anna Snowbird
Portrait of an older Northern Cheyenne woman. She has a heavily lined face and dark hair that's pulled back. Snowbird wears a white blanket with a spotted dress underneath. Bare dark tree branches from the top left curl over her in the background.
083: Portrait of Unidentified Man
Portrait of an older Native man, likely Northern Cheyenne. He has long dark hair that's worn loose, and has some scarves tied around his neck with a blanket on his shoulders. There seems to be a string of large black beads down his chest. The photo is out of focus.
084: Portrait of Unidentified Man
Portrait of an older Native man, likelyt Northern Cheyenne. He has short dark hair, a faint mustache, and seems to have some small scars on his jaw and cheek. His dark coat is buttoned and he wears a scarf around his throat. The background is blurry, but there appears to be trees.
085: Portrait of Native Boy with Headdress
Close up individual portrait of a Native American youth, likely Northern Cheyenne. He wears a headdress and has a light colored cloth over his shoulder.
086: Portrait of Unidentified Man
Portrait of an older man, likely Northern Cheyenne. He has a light mustache, goatee, and short dark hair. He is wearing a dark coat and sweater with large light buttons. The background is blurry, but there seems to be trees.
087: Portrait of Anna Snowbird
Portrait of an older Northern Cheyenne woman. She has a heavily lined face and dark hair that's pulled back into two braids. Sbowbird wears a spotted dress and a light colored stripped blanket.
089: Standing Man Holding Stick
Picture of a man holding a large tree branch in one hand and a dark hat in the other. He wears a long coat and his greying hair appears windswept. The building behind him alternates with dark and light vertical slats. A couple trees and a light colored building with a stone chimney stand behind it. A dog is visible in the middle left looking off to the left.
090: Portrait of Native Boy with Headdress
Individual portrait of a Native American boy, likely Northern Cheyenne. He wears a headdress, stripped scarf, patterned pants, and belt with metal discs. He holds a light cloth in his hands. He stands in front of bare trees.
091: Portrait of Native Boy with Headdress and Rifle in Snow
A likely Northern Cheyenne man stands holding a rile. He wears a headdress and a beaded chest piece. There is snow on the ground and bare trees in the background behind him.
092: Portrait of Native Boy with Headdress
Individual portrait of a likely Northern Cheyenne boy. He holds a light cloth, wears a checkered shirt, headdress, patterned pants, and belt with metal discs. He stands in front of bare trees.
093: Two Native Men with Headdresses on a Black Horse
Two men, likely Northern Cheyenne, ride bareback on a black horse. They both wear headdresses and patterned pants. Both hold rifles; the one in the back wears a dark shirt, while the one in front holding the reins wears a beaded chest piece. There is snow on the ground and bare trees in the background.
094: Sophie Medicinebear and Anna Snowbird
Two Northern Cheyenne women stand next to a bare tree. To the left Medicinebear wears a checkered/gingham dress and blanket with floral design. To the right Snowbird wears a dress with small dots and blankets with line designs.
095: Two Standing Native Women
Two women, likely Northern Cheyenne, with dark hair that is pulled back. The one to the right has large circular earrings and a plaid blanket and dress. The one to the left has a dark blanket with light designs. Behind them there are several light colored buildings and a fence.
096: Four Native Men, One Seated with Fan
Four men, likely Northern Cheyenne. One sits in the foreground to the mid-right, he holds a fan and wears a dark hat with a light band. There are three men standing behind him all wearing headdresses. They all also wear the same design of pants and buckles with metal discs. There is a light cloth in front of the boy on the far left. They stand in front of bare trees.
097: Group of Native Women with a Child in Cradleboard
Four women, likely Northern Cheyenne, all wearing braids. Two are crouching in the foreground next to the child in the cradleboard, the other two stand behind them. They all wear plaid blankets. There are trees taking up the background.
098: Portrait of Native Boy in Headdress
A young boy, likely Northern Cheyenne, stands in a barren field. There are bare trees in the background. The child wears a headdress and rather shabby looking clothes that are patched at the knees.
099: Portrait of Native Girl in Dress by Log Cabin
A small girl, likely Northern Cheyenne, with braids that have large ribbons tied at the ends. She wears a dress with bells on it and three stripes at the bottom and her shoes have designs on them. She stands on the porch of a cabin next to a window.
100: Teepee
A tipi stands to the mid-left of the image, and some sort of animal skin is hung up on a wooden frame to the right. There is a tall tree to the right and more trees in the far background.
101: Native Americans by Barn, Long View 1
Over a dozen Native Americans stand or sit around a windowless wooden building (likely a slaughterhouse), most are wrapped in blankets. To the left side the back of a wagon faces the camera with a dog nearby. There are more horse-drawn wagons in the background.
102: Native Americans by Barn, Close View 2
Over a dozen Native Americans, most appearing to be women with their children. Many wear patterned blankets and appear to be waiting outside a windowless wooden building (likely a slaughterhouse). There is a tiny entrance that someone is ducking to get under near the middle of the image. A hill can be seen in the left background that has four trees on it.
103: Native American Gathering
A large group of Native Americans stretches across the middle of the image. A few are in ceremonial dress, while two men in suits stand nearer to the camera watching the group. The smallest corner of a building can be seen in the far right.
104: Group of Men with Buggy
A group of six men; a black man wearing an apron stands next to the horses at the left, four white men stand to the left wearing hats, and one more man sits in the wagon. There appears to be rope for tent stakes off to the right. A dog is approaching the camera in the bottom, one horse has two stars branded on it.
105: Cattle in Pens, Smoke
Two wooden pens with tall fences can be seen full of cattle; one in the foreground, and one farther in the background. Men on horseback can be seen to the left and standing on the wooden structure in between the two pens near the center. The landscape appears relatively flat and barren, small pile of extra fence logs to the right, and some sort of furnace is kicking out smoke which billows off to the left side.
106: Train Tracks Between Portland, OR and Weed, CA
Ground is covered in snow with mountains in background. A hill can be seen to the right with train tracks in center. A small shed like structure to the left of the tracks in background, with smoke over the top left.
107: Man on Wagon in Trees
A man with a hat and white shirt with suspenders rides a wagon pulled by two white horses facing towards the camera down a dirt road with other wagon tracks on it. Trees surround the area.
108: Hammersleys with Friends at Thanksgiving
Harold stands to the left in a dark suit holding a cigar, seated to his right is a Anna, in front of them is a child in white seated on a barrel holding a large doll that stands on the ground. The doll has an "A" on it's outfit. Seated to their right is a woman in a light-colored top and skirt, and a man with a mustache and dark suit stands to the far right. Behind them is a house with trees visible through the porch to the upper left.
126: Harold on Horse
Harold in light campaign hat with dark strip. He is wearing a dark sweater with lighter cuff and front section and bright buttons sits on dark colored horse. Bare trees in distance in background.
127: Harold Stands by Doorway of Cabin
Harold standing next to a log cabin with one hand on his hip the other rests on the door frame. He wears a dark suit and bow-tie and dark gloves and a campaign hat.
128: Harold on Steps
Harold stands on stairs outside, to the right are some shrubs running parallel to the stairs. There is a wooden fence in the background. A tree sits behind Harold in the background. Harold wears a light colored suit with dark tie and shoes. He has what appears to be a ribbon hanging off his vest to the right as he holds a light hat with dark ribbon in one hand. Harold has written: "Scene" at Astoria, Oregon. 1913.
129: Harold Sitting on Rocks by Water
Harold sitting on a rocky coastline. The ocean is to the left. He wears a newsboy cap and a light colored suit with a dark tie with a dark tie and shoes. He has a glove on one hand and is holding the other.
131: Man in Top Hat on Porch
A man standing on the porch of a light colored building with dark door; he wears a long dark coat with buttons, a fur collar, and a glossy black top hat. He holds a doctor's bag. The image is taken at an angle so that the porch can be seen, as well as some other buildings in the background. The ground appears to be covered in snow. [Allotting Agent] can be seen written on a sign above the entryway.
133: Harold Standing by Campfire
Blurry photo of Harold standing with one hand on his hip and another holding an unidentified item - [looks to be some sort of dead bird.] He has on dark pants, a light shirt, and cap on. A pipe is in his mouth, and there is cooking equipment behind him. Chopped wood is stacked in pallets behind and to the right of the man, trees fill the background.
135: Harold and Two Unidentified Women at Station
Harold stands at the left. He appears to be putting on a glove, while wearing a long dark coat, bow-tie, and bowler hat. To the middle of the picture, behind a pile of luggage and wrapped packages, is a woman with a dark frilly hat and long dark coat. She holds a white handkerchief in her hand and some other items in her arms. To the right there is another woman with a furry hat with spiral design on the front, she has a long furry scarf and wears a long light coat. They stand on a train platform. The building has dark panels and a slated wooden porch, [-mbia Falls] can be seen at top [this could be station 8 at Columbia Falls, MT.]
136: Group, Wagon Right Side
A group of thirteen men appear to have stopped for lunch. A few are sitting or crouching, most are standing, and a wagon is barely in frame off to the right.
137: Harold Standing Outdoors
A man who appears to be an older Harold stands outdoors wearing a suit with his arms crossed. There's some scattered snow piles on the ground and bare trees to the left, behind him and across the street is a light colored store with a sign partially blocked by the man. [Wood's Go- - old] is the first line [Quality Meats -eries] is the second.

Series II:  Reference and Vintage Photographic PrintsReturn to Top

The description found above with the nitrate negatives from both the negative album and loose nitrate negatives from the negative album not received with the collection correspond to their respective Vintage Prints (vp) and Reference Prints (n).

Container(s) Description Dates
001-030; Reference Prints and Vintage Prints.
Scenes include Thralls W. Wheats Allotting Camp, campsites, Browning, MT, sunsets. Other items include winter scenes in Oregon, rivers, and rock formations.
1911, 1912, mostly undated
031-070; Reference Prints and Vintage Prints.
Scenes include people on horseback, irrigation project construction, cattle ranching scenes, wagon trains. Other items include Christmas in Washington and scenes of government employees at leisure.
1913, mostly undated
071-100; Reference Prints and Vintage Prints.
Scenes include irrigation project construction, log cabin buildings, town, portraits of Native Americans - Northern Cheyenne, and tipi.
1911, mostly undated
101-145; Reference Prints and Vintage Prints.
Scenes include portraits and other views of Native Americans, cattle ranch, train tracks, and train. Other items include Oregon, Washington, various images of Harold Hammersley, Harold and Anna Hammersley with friends, sunset, and Tongue River.
1912, 1913, mostly undated
146-157; Vintage Prints.
Scenes include prairie dog, Washington, Portland, OR, San Francisco, CA, and Catalina Island, CA. Other images include images of Harold Hammersley and his family.
1911, 1912, mostly undated

Series III:  Modern Photographic PrintsReturn to Top

The description found above with the nitrate negatives from both the negative album and loose nitrate negatives from book not received correspond to their respective Modern print (mp). Modern Prints 054.138-054.141 do not have matching nitrate negatives or additional description.

Modern Photographic Prints possibly produced by Frederick Hammersley.

Container(s) Description Dates
001-030; Modern Prints
1911, 1912, mostly undated
031-080; Modern Prints
1911, 1913, mostly undated
081-141; Modern Prints
1911, 1912, mostly undated

Series IV:  Album and Loose PagesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Album and Loose Pages
Pages 1 through 99 in bound album. Album in poor condition with separated cover and crumbling spine, many prints are silvered. Includes scenes and portraits of Harold Hammersley and other government employees, facilities at Ballantine, MT and Huntley, MT, portraits the Northern Cheyenne on Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation in Lame Deer, MT, Crow Indians. Other items include irrigation project construction, Montana wildlife and livestock, landscapes of Montana and other Western states, Three Circle Ranch, people on horseback, Washington, tipis, as well as cowboys posed and at work. There are also wagon trains, campsites, Sheridan Inn in Sheridan, WY, baseball teams, and Great Falls, MT. Pages 100 through 106 are loose. The pages include scenes and portraits of government employees, campsites, wagon trains, Montana landscapes and people, portraits of Native Americans, cattle ranching, and pictures of children.
1907, 1908, 1909, 1911, mostly undated