Trekkie Ritchie Letter, on behalf of Leonard Woolf, Sussex, to Mr. Sparrow, 1969 July 10

Overview of the Collection

Ritchie, Trekkie, 1902-1995
Trekkie Ritchie Letter, on behalf of Leonard Woolf, Sussex, to Mr. Sparrow
1969 July 10 (inclusive)
0.05 Linear feet of shelf space, (1 Folder)
Collection Number
Cage 4866 (collection)
Brief handwritten letter, written by Trekkie Ritchie on behalf of Leonard Woolf to Mr. Sparrow.
Washington State University Libraries' Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC)
Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections
Terrell Library Suite 12
Pullman, WA
Telephone: 509-335-6691
Access Restrictions

This collection is open and available for research use.


Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Brief handwritten letter on Leonard Woolf's Monk's House stationery, to Mr. [John] Sparrow. Trekkie Parsons is replying on Woolf's behalf, due to his illness, to a letter from Sparrow. Parsons' letter mentions three works by I. A. Bunin published by the Hogarth Press.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Copyright restrictions may apply.

Preferred Citation

[Item description]

Trekkie Ritchie Letter, on behalf of Leonard Woolf, Sussex, to Mr. Sparrow, 1969 July 10 (Cage 4866)

Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Purchased by WSU MASC from Richardson Books, Ltd. in 2004.

Related Materials

Leonard Woolf Papers, 1945-1969 (Cage 539)

Lytton Strachey Correspondence, 1924-1927 (Cage 4689)

Leonard Woolf Letter, London, to Douglas Glass, Sussex, 1932 April 14 (Cage 4757)

Lytton Strachey Letters, 1918-1922 (Cage 4760)

Leonard Woolf Letters to Mrs. Alice Jones, 1931-1941 (Cage 4766)

Leonard Woolf Correspondence with Mr. Jacobs, 1918 (Cage 4913)

Preliminary Guide to the Michael Edmonds Leonard Woolf Bibliography Correspondence, 1925-1996 (MS 2022.14)