Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
- Overview of the Collection
Historical Note
- Content Description
- Use of the Collection
- Administrative Information
Detailed Description of the Collection
- A.C. Nelson School -- Between Deseret and Oasis, Deseret, UT
- Abbey of our Lady of the Holy Trinity, Cistercian Monastery -- Huntsville, UT
- Abbey of our Lady of the Holy Trinity, Temporary Buildings -- Huntsville, UT
- Adams, Orval W. Residence -- Unknown location
- Almo Latter-day Saint Ward Meetinghouse -- Almo, ID
- Alpha Delta Pi Sorority House -- 70 S Wolcott, Salt Lake City, UT
- American Linen Plant -- 36 E 600 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Anderson, Dr. J.M. Mercer Residence -- 1307 3rd Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Anderson, Haven Residence -- 5330 Cottonwood Lane, Holladay, UT
- Anderson, Mrs. Aldon J. Residence -- 391 Wall, Salt Lake City, UT
- Anderson, W. D. Double Home -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Angel Apartments
- Armour Service Building -- Chicago, IL
- Arnold Machinary Company Warehouse & Shop -- 427 W 200 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Arrowhead Amusement Park -- 7965 S 3200 W, Benjamin, UT
- Arsenal Villa School -- Roy, UT
- Ashton and Lowe Service Station & Garage -- 106 N Main, Heber City, UT
- Ashton Commercial Development -- Vernal, UT
- Ashton Mall -- near 100 S & Vernal Ave (NW corner), Vernal, UT
- Ashton, C. Ralph Residence -- Vernal, UT
- Ashton, Effie Residence -- near 2100 St East, Salt Lake City, UT
- Ashton, Elias Conway Residence -- 420 N Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- Ashton, George Savage Residence -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Ashton, Marvin Owen Residence -- 2185 S 2100 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Ashton, Mrs. B. Willard Duplex -- 1886 800 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Ashton, Mrs. Elias Conway Residence -- 48 Hillside Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Ashton, Rae Apartment -- Vernal, UT
- Ashton, Rae Store -- Main & Vernal Ave (SW corner), Vernal, UT
- Ashton, Raymond J. Cottage -- Michigan Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Ashton, Raymond J. Residence -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Ashton, Willard -- near 760 Garfield, Salt Lake City, UT
- Ashworth Transfer Office Building -- 1526 S 700 W, Salt Lake City, UT
- Associated Food Stores General Office -- 1812 S Empire Rd, Salt Lake City, UT
- Auerbach Theater -- 300 S State, Salt Lake City, UT
- Auerbach, Mrs. E.S. Building -- on 300 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Avalon Grade School -- near 14376 Ouray-Randlett Rd, Avalon, UT
- Bachman Shopping Center & Drive Inn -- near Washington Blvd & 12th Str, Ogden, UT
- Bailey, Mrs. E. B. Apartment House -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Baker Latter-day Saint 1st Ward -- Baker, OR
- Bank of Southern Utah -- 57 N Main, Cedar City, UT
- Barker, Lucille Residence -- 145 4th Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Bathhouse -- Sugarhouse, Salt Lake City, UT
- Beckstead, Charles M. Residence -- West Jordan, UT
- Belvedere Apartments -- 29 S State, Salt Lake City, UT
- Beneficial Life Building -- 57 W South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Bergin, Carl M. Residence -- Walker Lane, Holladay, UT
- Bergin, Carl M. Residence -- Upper Yale Park, Salt Lake City, UT
- Bergstrom, Dr. Jacob W. Residence -- 248 S 200 W, Cedar City, UT
- Berntson, John Residence -- 2336 2100 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Beverly Manor Convalescent Center -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Bingham High -- Copperton, UT
- Black Duplex -- 772 & 780 S 1100 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Blood, Allen B. Residence -- 9 S 200 W, Kaysville, UT
- Boise Latter-day Saint Tabernacle -- Boise, ID
- Bonneville Clubhouse -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Bonneville Park School -- West of Monroe Ave, Ogden, UT
- Bountiful High -- 695 S Orchard Dr, Bountiful, UT
- Boyd Park Building -- 162 S Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- Boyden, J.M. Residence -- near 100 N & 200 E, Sandy, UT
- Brewer, Charles W. Residence -- 1121 Yale Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Brighton Episcopal Camp & Conference Center -- 12350 E Big Cottonwood Canyon Rd, Brighton, UT
- Brooklawn Creamery -- 100 E & 200 N, Fillmore, UT
- Brooklawn Creamery -- 266 S 200 W, Salt Lake City, UT
- Brooklawn Creamery -- Beaver, UT
- Brooklawn Creamery -- Oakley, UT
- Brown, E.T. -- probably 1716 Jacksonwood , Salt Lake City, UT
- Brown, Marjorie & Lavinia -- near Aurora Circle, Salt Lake City, UT
- Bryan Latter-day Saint 1st & 2nd Ward -- 1621 S 1100 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Bryant Junior High School -- 40 S 800 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Buehner Brothers Plant -- 640 Willmington Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Bullock, James Residence -- 1400 Cherry, Provo, UT
- Bullock, James Residence -- Montrose, CO
- Bullock, James Residence -- Preston, ID
- Burke, Rev. Martin Rectory -- 4893 Wasatch Ave, Murray, UT
- Bushnell Hospital -- Brigham City, UT
- Cache County Library -- Logan, UT
- Cahoon, Chester Residence -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Caldwell Latter-day Saint Ward -- 519 S 12th Str, Caldwell, ID
- Callister, Dr. A.C. Medical Building -- 559 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Callister, Dr. A.C. Residence -- 2333 E 3900 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Canyon Road Apartments -- 101 1st Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Capital Corporation Shop Building -- 777 S State, Salt Lake City, UT
- Capitol Hill Latter-day Saint Ward -- 413 W Capitol, Salt Lake City, UT
- Capitol Theater -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Carleson, Fred A. Garage -- 535 S Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- Carver Sheet Metal Factory Building -- 1349 S Jefferson, Salt Lake City, UT
- Carver, William G. Estate Garage & Storehouse -- near 3900 S & 2000 E (SE corner), Holladay, UT
- Cate Equipment Company Office & Warehouse -- 1130 S 500 W, Salt Lake City, UT
- Cedar City Airport Administration Building -- Cedar City, UT
- Cedar City Hotel -- Cedar City, UT
- Cedar City Market -- Cedar City, UT
- Cedar Lumber & Hardware Store -- 74 N 100 W, Cedar City, UT
- Christensen Machine Company Office -- 1975 S 300 W, Salt Lake City, UT
- Christensen, J.S. Store Building -- Cedar City, UT
- Christensen, Marie Residence -- 733 S 1100 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Christensen, Sherman L. Residence -- near 2150 E & 1700 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- City & County Building -- Salt Lake City, UT
- City Traffic Court -- 73 S 200 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Clapp, Prof. Residence -- 1331 E 700 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Clark, Dr. Thomas E. Residence -- Sandy, UT
- Clarkston Latter-day Saint Ward -- 25 E 100 S, Clarkston, UT
- Clements Development, Housing Project -- 2100 S 2300 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Clements Development, Theater & Shops -- 2100 S 2300 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Cliff Hotel, Roosevelt -- 130 N Main, Roosevelt, UT
- Clover Club Factory -- 100 E 200 N, Kaysville, UT
- Clow, Kent Residence -- Lake Forest, IL
- Clyde, E.W. Guest Lodge -- near Upper Provo Canyon, Woodland, UT
- Clyde, E.W. Mountain Cabin -- 5607 S Diamond Bar X Rd, Woodland, UT
- Cockayne, T. William Residence -- 930 S 1200 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Colorado Animal By-Products Factory -- probably near 463 S 400 W, Salt Lake City, UT
- Colorado Animal By-Products Plant -- ID
- Columbia Theater -- Provo, UT
- Columbia Trust Building -- 125 S Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- Commander Apartments -- 117 S 1300 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Congregation Montefiore -- 355 S 300 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Continental Agency Company Office -- 320 E 400 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Copperton Catholic Church -- 112 W State Hwy, Copperton, UT
- Cottonwood Latter-day Saint Ward -- 5950 S Highland Dr, Salt Lake City, UT
- Cottonwood Mall -- 4800 S Highland Dr, Salt Lake City, UT
- Cow Barn -- Unknown location
- Crandall, Earl M. Residence -- Upper Yale Park, Salt Lake City, UT
- Crane Company Shops -- 307 W 300 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Crystal Palace Market #1 -- 510 E 1700 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Crystal Palace Market #2 -- 314 E 100 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Crystal Palace Market #3 -- 216 S Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Dahl, A. Boyden Residence -- Unknown location
- Daines, Dr. Lyman Luther Residence -- 1366 Butler, Salt Lake City, UT
- Daines, Dr. Lyman Luther Residence -- Unknown location
- Davidson, Carl Duplex -- 1300 E near Harvard, Salt Lake City, UT
- Davidson, Mrs. Alice E. Multi-unit Dwellings -- Unknown location
- Davis High School -- 325 S Main, Kaysville, UT
- Davis, Badger, McCullough Triplex -- near Grand & 600 S (SE corner), Salt Lake City, UT
- Daynes, Royal W. Duplex -- near 1300 E & Yale Ave (NE corner), Salt Lake City, UT
- Daynes, Royal W. Residence -- 1407 Sigsbee Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Daynes, Royal W. Residence -- 403 11th Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Decker, Loa Apartments -- probably near 5th Ave and F, Salt Lake City, UT
- Decker, Stan Mountain Lodge -- GP Bar Ranch, Cora, WY
- Decker, Stanley Apartments -- Provo, UT
- Delta Gamma Sorority House -- 1373 East 100 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Delta High School -- Delta, UT
- Deseret News -- 33 Richards Str, Salt Lake City, UT
- Draper Park Elementary School -- Sandy, UT
- Driggs Latter-day Saint Ward -- 225 N 1st Str, Driggs, ID
- Drs Medical Building -- 2210 E 4800 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Dugway Proving Ground -- Dugway, UT
- Dugway Proving Ground, Able, Baker, Charlie, Dog & Easy Areas -- Dugway, UT
- Dugway Proving Ground, Chemistry Lab -- Dugway, UT
- Dugway Proving Ground, CW Field Analysis Building -- Dugway, UT
- Dugway Proving Ground, Dog & Easy Area -- Dugway, UT
- Dugway Proving Ground, Dog Area -- Corner of 4th Str & B Str, Dugway, UT
- Dugway Proving Ground, Dog Area -- Dugway, UT
- Dugway Proving Ground, Easy Area -- Dugway, UT
- Dugway Proving Ground, Easy Area -- Resevoir Street, Dugway, UT
- Dugway Proving Ground, Housing -- Dugway, UT
- Dunn Oil Company Service Station -- near 1300 S & 300 W, Salt Lake City, UT
- Duplex, 60 ft corner lot
- Duplex, 60 ft lot
- Duplex, 75 foot lot
- Dutch John Development -- Vernal, UT
- Eagle Gate Apartments -- 105 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Eden Latter-day Saint Ward Recreational Hall -- Eden, ID
- Edmunds, Bud Residence -- Delta, CO
- Eimco Offices & Shop -- 634 S 500 W, Salt Lake City, UT
- Elba Latter-day Saint Ward -- Elba, ID
- Elberta Elementary School -- Elberta, UT
- Elks Lodge -- Montrose, CO
- Ellis, Hague Residence -- near 2300 block on Dallin Str, Salt Lake City, UT
- Emergency School
- Emigration Latter-day Saint Ward -- 721 S 1200 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Empire Distribution Company Property, Lauren Burt Company -- 557 S 400 W, Salt Lake City, UT
- Englert, L.W. Apartments -- Elko, NV
- Englewood Latter-day Saint Ward -- 999 E Tufts Ave, Littleton, CO
- Evans & Early Mortuary -- 575 E 100 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Evans, Aldrich Double House -- near corner of 6th Ave & B Str, Salt Lake City, UT
- Evans, Alldridge N. & Thelma Residence -- near corner of 6th Ave & B Str, Salt Lake City, UT
- Evans, E.J. Residence -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Evans, Ellan Apartments -- 251 S 500 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Evans, R.L. Duplex -- 1425 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Evans, R.L. Residence -- 1435 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Evans, R.L. Residence -- 1445 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Evans, R.L. Triplex -- 1451 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Evans, Tyler Residence -- possibly 2353 Bernadine Dr, Salt Lake City, UT
- Exeter, Hazen Residence -- 1021 Military Dr, Salt Lake City, UT
- Exhibition House -- 2337 S 2200 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Fairfield Village -- near 400 N & Colorado Street & Jordan River, Salt Lake City, UT
- Fairview Latter-day Saint Ward -- Osmond, WY
- Fehr, Dr. Norman Residence -- 1623 Millbrook Rd, Salt Lake City, UT
- Filer Latter-day Saint Branch -- Twin Falls , ID
- Fillmore Elementary School -- Fillmore, UT
- Fillmore Junior High School -- Fillmore, UT
- Finch, Harry Store -- 130 E 300 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- First Congregational Church -- Salt Lake City, UT
- First National Bank -- Farmington, NM
- Fisher Brewing Company -- 160 S 1100 W, Salt Lake City, UT
- Flaming Gorge Pines and Sweat Ranch -- off Utah Highway 260, UT
- Folland Drug -- 402 6th Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Folland Drug -- 1500 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Fordham, J.E. Residence -- Sandy, UT
- Forest Service Ampitheater -- near Provo Canyon, Provo Canyon, UT
- Forestry Sciences Lab -- 860 N 1200 E, Logan, UT
- Fort Douglas Golf Club -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Fossil Butte National Bank -- Kemmerer, WY
- Franken, J.L. Residence -- Unknown location
- Freedom Latter-day Saint Ward -- Freedom, WY
- Friendship Manor Apartments -- 1300 E & 500 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Frozen Food Plant, Davis County -- UT
- Fuller, John Store -- 109 Main, Cedar City, UT
- Furniture Exchange -- San Francisco, CA
- Future Farmers of America (FFA) Chapter House -- 340 N 300 W, Roosevelt, UT
- Galena Block -- 179 S State, Salt Lake City, UT
- Gardner, Wilford B. Residence -- 2425 Michigan Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Gardner-Denver Company Office -- 375 University Blvd, Salt Lake City, UT
- Garrett, Charles Rollins & Lucy Residence -- 390 S 100 E, Bountiful, UT
- Gas Company Showroom -- Ogden, UT
- Gayway Lounge -- 2829 S State, Salt Lake City, UT
- General Electric Supply Corp Office & Warehouse -- 2400 S & 900 W (SE corner), Salt Lake City, UT
- General Services Administration Building -- 1745 W 1700 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- George, Nicholes Residence -- 2186 Laird Way, Salt Lake City, UT
- Girl Scout Camp, Wasatch Range -- Brighton, UT
- Givens, Bishop MA Church House & Parsonage -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Glade, Earl J. Residence -- 2610 Highland Dr, Salt Lake City, UT
- Glade, Earl J. Suspension Bridge -- Provo Canyon, UT
- Golden Oaks Development -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Goodman, Allen E. Residence -- 2190 Lincoln, Salt Lake City, UT
- Grand Central Market Store #2 -- 410 E 300 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Grand Theater -- Brigham City, UT
- Grandview Latter-day Saint Chapel and Social Hall -- 2930 2000 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Grandview Meadows Mobile Home Estates -- near Coleman & 2nd N Str, Tooele, UT
- Grant, Heber J. Office -- near S Temple at 800 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Grant, B.F. Residence
- Greyhound Bus Depot -- Pendleton, OR
- Greyline Motor Tours -- 29 W South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Grimsdale, George W. Residence -- near 428 11th Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Growers Market -- 424 S West Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Hall, Eugene Y. Residence -- 715 S 1100 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Hamilton Elementary School -- 770 S 800 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Hansen Block -- Sugarhouse, Salt Lake City, UT
- Hansen Block, Christiansen Furniture -- Sugarhouse, Salt Lake City, UT
- Heber City High School, Arts & Science Building -- Heber City, UT
- Heber City Library, court house version -- Heber City, UT
- Heber City Library, stand alone version -- 188 S Main, Heber City, UT
- Hewlett, F.J. Residence -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Hilgendorff, Sam A. Residence -- 450 E Robert Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Hill Air Force Base, Fire Station -- Hill Field, UT
- Hills, Donald L. Property Development -- Unknown location
- Hinckley High School -- Hinckley, UT
- Hinckley, Robert H. Company -- 2810 Washington Blvd, Ogden, UT
- Hinckley, Robert H. Ogden Development -- Ogden, UT
- Hogle Investment Seven Room House Plan
- Hogle Zoo -- 2600 Sunnyside Ave S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Holladay Shopping Center -- near 2350 E 4800 S, Holladay, UT
- Horman Construction Company Building, Hercules Powder -- 431 S 300 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Horman Construction Company Building, Phillips Petroleum Offices -- 431 S 300 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Hotel Bigelow (Reed Hotel) -- Ogden, UT
- Hotel Utah -- 15 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Hotel Vernal -- 120 E Main, Vernal, UT
- Howell, Mrs. Benjamin R. Residence -- 1440 Sigsbee, Salt Lake City, UT
- Hygea Ice -- Sugarhouse, Salt Lake City, UT
- Idaho Falls Electric Building -- near intersection of Anderson Str & Yellowstone Highway, Idaho Falls, ID
- Idaho Falls Temple -- Idaho Falls, ID
- Idaho Theatre -- Twin Falls , ID
- Inland Amusement Company Building -- 1147 E 2100 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Intermountain Tractor Sales Corp -- 713 W 200 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Interwest Bloomington Condo Apartment -- Unknown location
- Iron County Court House -- Parowan, UT
- Iron County Hospital -- 242 S 200 W, Cedar City, UT
- IRS Ogden -- near 12th & Tomilson, Ogden, UT
- IRS Ogden, Prototype Service Center -- Ogden, UT
- J.B. Bar Ranch Inn -- 3201 N River Rd, Midway, UT
- J.C. Penney -- 68 Main, Cedar City, UT
- Jackson Pines Condos -- Jackson , WY
- Jackson, Irvin A. & Mary Residence -- 1401 Princeton, Salt Lake City, UT
- Jacobsen Construction Office Building -- 421 W 1300 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Jacobsen Construction Office Building -- 724 S 300 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Jacobsen Construction Office Building -- 1919 W North Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Janet Russell Candies Office & Store -- 24 S Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- JELCO -- 1919 W North Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Jenkins, A.B. Garage -- 983 S 1300 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Jenkins, D.A. 1500 East Devel -- 1005 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Jenkins, D.A. 1500 East Devel -- 1013 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Jenkins, D.A. 1500 East Devel -- 1017 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Jenkins, D.A. 1500 East Devel -- 1023 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Jenkins, D.A. 1500 East Devel -- 1035 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Jenkins, D.A. Residence -- 1080 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Jenkins, John C. Building -- 47 S Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- Jenkins, John C. Building -- 45 S Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- Jensen, Dr. C.N. Residence -- 1202 4th Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Jensen, Dr. C.N. Residence -- 2501 S 1700 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Jensen, Hyrum Apartments -- 128 N Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- Jewish Community Center -- 2400 E 1700 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- John Deere Plow Company -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Johnson, Dr. Frank Residence -- 3725 Kimbary Dr, Salt Lake City, UT
- Johnson, Dr. Oliver Residence -- Park City West, UT
- Jones, Shirley Beach Lodge -- Bear Lake, UT
- Jordan High -- 9351 S State, Sandy, UT
- Jordan School District -- Various, UT
- Joseph Smith Farm Residence -- Palmyra, NY
- Joseph W. Taylor Mortuary -- 125 N Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- Juab High -- Nephi, UT
- Judd, Mrs. Robert L. -- 420 A Str, Salt Lake City, UT
- Judge Building -- 14 E Broadway, Salt Lake City, UT
- Kamas Grade School -- 535 E 300 S, Kamas , UT
- Kanab High School -- Kanab, UT
- Kanosh District School -- Kanosh, UT
- Kaysville Elementary -- 50 N 100 E, Kaysville, UT
- Kaysville Garage & Shop Building -- near 400 N & 400 W, Kaysville, UT
- Kaysville Latter-day Saint 2nd & 3rd Ward -- 25 S 200 E, Kaysville, UT
- Kaysville Latter-day Saint Tabernacle -- 198 W Center, Kaysville, UT
- Kaysville Municipal Building -- 44 N Main, Kaysville, UT
- Kaysville Veterinarian Residence -- Kaysville, UT
- Kearns Building -- 132 S Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- Kearns Latter-day Saint 15th & 19th Wards -- Kearns, UT
- Kearns Latter-day Saint 7th & 8th Wards -- Kearns, UT
- Kearns, J.A. Apartments -- 252 S 500 E (rear), Salt Lake City, UT
- Keeley Stores -- 36 W Center, Provo, UT
- Keeley Stores -- 160 S Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- Keeley Stores -- 2466 Washington Blvd, Ogden, UT
- Keeley Stores -- near 258 South State, Salt Lake City, UT
- Kennecott Building -- 1 S Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- Keyser (New) Office and Warehouse -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Keyser Site -- Between 300 to 400 W & 200 to 300 S., Salt Lake City, UT
- Keyser, A. Donut Shop -- near Wasatch Dr, Salt Lake City, UT
- Kimberly Latter-day Saint Ward -- Kimberly, ID
- Kirk, Phillip Hotel -- 57 W Vine, Tooele, UT
- Kirkham, Arno Residence -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Kirkham, Jas M. -- Salt Lake City, UT
- KLO Broadcasting Station -- Ogden, UT
- KLO Transmission Station -- Ogden, UT
- Knell Motor Lodge -- 190 S Main, Cedar City, UT
- Knight Adjustment Bureau Office -- 530 E 400 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Knight, L. Gates Residence -- 1609 E Millbrook Rd, Salt Lake City, UT
- Koldewyn, Don Residence -- on Jackson Ave facing east, Ogden, UT
- KSL Building -- 50 W South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- KSL Transmitter -- Highway 40 East of Saltair, Salt Lake City, UT
- KUTA Transmitter & Station -- near 2300 N & 900 W, Salt Lake City, UT
- Lafount, Harold A. Residence -- 1512 900 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Lagoon Caretaker's Residence -- Farmington, UT
- Laird Store -- Sugarhouse, Salt Lake City, UT
- Lakeview Park School -- West of Willow, between Morgan Str & Daggett Str, Roy, UT
- Landenberger, Dr. J.C. Residence -- 58 Virginia Str, Salt Lake City, UT
- Landes, Herbert D. Residence -- probable 5357 Cottonwood, Holladay, UT
- Lang Co Galvanizing -- 200 S & Jordan River, Salt Lake City, UT
- Lang Co Galvanizing -- 267 W 100 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Lang, Robert Residence -- 1789 Hollywood, Salt Lake City, UT
- Larson, Dr. Aubrey MIchael Building -- 859 E 1300 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Las Vegas Elementary -- Las Vegas, NV
- Las Vegas Latter-day Saint Chapel and Recreation Hall -- 509 S 9th Str, Las Vegas, NV
- Layton, Commissioner David Store & Restaurant -- near Highway 91 and Hill Field Rd, Clearfield, UT
- Layton, Mrs. Virginia Phillips Store & Post Office -- 59 N Main, Kaysville, UT
- Le Grand Latter-day Saint Ward -- 1078 S McClelland, Salt Lake City, UT
- Liberty Park Concession Stand -- within Liberty Park, Salt Lake City, UT
- Light, Dr. Given Addison Residence -- 1350 S 1300 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Linde Air Products Company Building -- 360 Pierpont Str, Salt Lake City, UT
- Little Building -- 165 S Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- Littlejohn Theater -- Elko, NV
- Littlejohn Theater -- 94 S Main, Helper, UT
- Lloyd, Donald P. Residence -- 2045 E 1300 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Logandale Elementary School -- Logandale, NV
- Lunt Motor Company Building -- 39 S Main, Cedar City, UT
- Lunt's Hotel -- 39 S Main, Cedar City, UT
- Lynndyl Elementary -- Lynndyl, UT
- Mabey, Governor Charles R. Residence -- 1390 Yale Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Macfarlane, Dr. M.J. Residence -- 218 S 100 W, Cedar City, UT
- Maddox, Hal W. Residence -- near 924 Lorraine, Salt Lake City, UT
- Makoff Store & Parking -- 200 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Makoff, Richard Residence -- 2419 Kaywood Cir, Salt Lake City, UT
- Mangum, Laurence Residence -- 900 S block of 1200 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Masonic Temple -- 73 S 200 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Mayflower Apartment Garages -- 1283 E South Temple , Salt Lake City, UT
- McConahay Jewelry -- 57 S Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- McCornick School -- McCornick, UT
- McCullough Apartments -- near East Capitol Blvd & 200 N, Salt Lake City, UT
- McCullough, Vern Residence -- 1529 Yale, Salt Lake City, UT
- Meadow Elementary School -- 20 S 100 E, Meadow, UT
- Medical Arts Building -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Memorial Medical Center -- 2000 S 900 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Memory Park -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Merrill, Joseph F. & Emily Traub residence -- 1324 E 100 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Merrill, Taylor S. Residence -- 2053 Ashton Cir, Salt Lake City, UT
- Metro Law Building -- on 300 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Middlemiss, Dr. William R. Residence -- 2327 Berkeley Str, Salt Lake City, UT
- Midwest Service Supply Company -- 1333 S Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- Millard County Court House -- Fillmore, UT
- Millard County High -- Fillmore, UT
- Miller, Clarence Apartments -- 31 S 100 W, Cedar City, UT
- Miller, John Melrose -- Unknown location
- Miller, John Melrose -- 1128 Herbert, Salt Lake City, UT
- Miller, Melrose Utility Building -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Modern Furniture Co -- 234 S State, Salt Lake City, UT
- Morgan, Nicholas G Recreational Development -- Salt Lake Blvd & Ala Tehua, Honolulu, HI
- Morris, George Q. Building -- 242 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Morris, Nephi L. Residence -- 70 W 200 N, Salt Lake City, UT
- Mose Lewis Store -- 12 Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- Moser-Hartman Building -- 66 Post Office Pl, Salt Lake City, UT
- Mote, Selbert W. Residence -- 221 S 1200 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Mountain Dell Golf Course Clubhouse -- 7603 East Mt Dell Golf Road, Salt Lake City, UT
- Mountain Fuel Supply Corporation Building -- Evanston, WY
- Mountain Fuel Supply Corporation Building -- Rock Springs, WY
- Mountain Fuel Supply Corporation Office Building -- 36 S State, Salt Lake City, UT
- Mountain States Building Bureau Residence
- Mountain States Oil Service Station -- near corner of 400 S and 200 W, Salt Lake City, UT
- Mueller Park -- Wasatch National Forest, Bountiful, UT
- Multi-Story Parking Garage -- Unknown location
- Murray Hill Gardens Subdivision -- Meadowview Rd & Atwood, Murray, UT
- Murray State Bank -- 5085 S State, Murray, UT
- Mutual Creamery Ice House -- near corner of Main & State, American Fork, UT
- Naylor, N.A. Residence -- 3096 S 2300 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Neilson Residence -- Monticello, UT
- Nephi Central Elementary School -- Nephi, UT
- New Quincy Elementary -- 2980 Quincy Ave, Ogden, UT
- Nibley Park -- near 2700 S 700 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Nielson, Arvle Commercial Building -- 3500 S Merry Lane, Hunter, UT
- North Davis Junior High School -- 835 S State, Clearfield, UT
- Northwest Investment Company Cottage -- Pocatello, ID
- Notre Dame Regional School -- Price, UT
- Oakcrest Garden Apartments -- 900 Donner Way, Salt Lake City, UT
- Ogden Air Depot Steam Plant -- Brigham City, UT
- Ogden Latter-day Saint 22nd Ward -- 3717 Grant Ave, Ogden, UT
- Okland, Jack Residence -- 2260 Oneida Str, Salt Lake City, UT
- Orpheum Theater -- 154 N Main, Cedar City, UT
- Our Lady of Lourdes Rectory -- 670 S 1100 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Pacific National Life Insurance Company Building -- 411 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Pacific National Life Insurance Company Residence -- Richfield, UT
- Pack, Eugene Residence -- 1253 E 200 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Panaca Latter-day Saint Ward -- 1065 Main Street, Panaca, NV
- Paramount Theater -- 53 S Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- Paramount Theater -- 63 E Center, Provo, UT
- Park City Community Building -- 427 Main, Park City, UT
- Park City Latter-day Saint 2nd Ward -- 424 Park Ave, Park City, UT
- Parley's Latter-day Saint Ward -- 2100 S 2100 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Parowan High School -- Parowan, UT
- Parry Apartments -- Unknown location
- Parry, George Residence -- Unknown location
- Parry, Miss Florence L. -- 3387 Highland Dr, Salt Lake City, UT
- Payson Junior High -- 250 S Main, Payson, UT
- Pembrokes Office Outfitters -- 24 E 300 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Pepsi Cola Office & Bottling Plant -- 225 E 600 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Persch, C.A. Building -- 970 E 3000 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Peterson Tractor & Implement Building -- Midvale, UT
- Peterson, Bruce W. Residence -- Sandy, UT
- Peterson, Ted Residence -- 6417 S 2000 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Photo-Blue -- Park City, UT
- Pioneer Craft House -- 3271 S 500 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Pioneer Pipeline Terminal Building -- 245 E 1100 N, North Salt Lake, UT
- Pipes and Pizza -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Piute County High School -- Circleville, UT
- Playhouse Theater -- Unknown location
- Porter-Walton Warehouse -- 522 S 400 W, Salt Lake City, UT
- Prince, Kenneth L. Residence -- Sandy, UT
- Provo Theater -- 340 W Center, Provo, UT
- Purton, Thomas A. Greenhouse -- 1134 Gilmore Dr, Salt Lake City, UT
- Pyper, Walter D. Residence -- 1527 E 900 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Racquet Haven -- 4800 S 1130 W, Salt Lake City, UT
- Railroad Passenger Station -- near S Temple & W Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Randall-Dodd Auto Company Garage -- 47-49 200 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Randolph Latter-day Saint Ward -- Randolph, UT
- Real Equities Apartment & Office Complex -- 2210 E 4800 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Redman Van & Storage Company Warehouse -- near Wall Str & 36th Ave, Ogden, UT
- Redman Van & Storage Company Warehouse & Office -- 1238 E 2100 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Redman Van & Storage Company Warehouse & Office -- 136 S 500 W, Salt Lake City, UT
- Research Center for Rare Materials Corporation of America Industrial Center -- 2065 W 1700 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Research Institute -- 2505 S 400 E, South Salt Lake City, UT
- Rialto Theater
- Rich County Court House -- 20 S Main Str, Randolph, UT
- Richards, LeGrand Residence -- Normandie Heights, Salt Lake City, UT
- Richfield Latter-day Saint 1st Ward -- 180 W 400 S, Richfield, UT
- Ridges, Melvin Residence -- 755 9th Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Ritchie, V.W. Camp -- Charleston, UT
- RKO Theater -- 148 S Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- Robbins, J.B. Canyon Cottage -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Robbins, R.H. Residence -- possible near 1300 S & 1900 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Roberts, Frank E. Apartments -- near E Str & S Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Roberts, J.D. Residence -- 1383 Arlington Dr, Salt Lake City, UT
- Roberts, Will Apartments -- 157 E 2nd Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Robins Park Elementary School -- 500 W Syracuse Rd, Layton, UT
- Robins, John Residence -- Kaysville, UT
- Robins, Richard Residence -- Kaysville, UT
- Romney Brothers Builders Residences -- Yalecrest neighborhood, Salt Lake City, UT
- Roosevelt Junior High School -- 843 Lincoln Str, Salt Lake City, UT
- Rotary Glen Recreation Area -- 2903 Kennedy Dr, Salt Lake City, UT
- Rotary YMCA Club -- 753 W 100 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Roy Rogers Restaurant -- Canyon Road (2100 S 1000 E), Provo, Ut
- Rubberoid Company Asphalt & Battery Compound Buildings -- 1674 Beck Str, Salt Lake City, UT
- Ruby Apartments -- 435 E 200 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Ryberg, W. Eric Residence -- 1259 E South Temple, Holladay, UT
- Ryberg, W. Eric Cabin -- Romsett-Hebgen Lake, Custer Gallatin Forest, West Yellowstone, MT
- Safeway -- near W North Temple & 700 W (NW corner), Salt Lake City, UT
- Sahara Village School -- South of Hill Field, at the S. Entrance to Hill Field, Clearfield, UT
- Saint Ann's Orphanage -- 430 E 2100 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Saint Benedict Hospital -- 3000 Polk Ave, Ogden, UT
- Saint Joseph's Parish -- 514 24th Str, Ogden, UT
- Saint Joseph's Parish -- Ogden, UT
- Saint Joseph's Villa -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Salisbury Building -- 217 S Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- Salt Lake City & County Building -- 451 S State, Salt Lake City, UT
- Salt Lake City Boys' Detention Home -- 2050 S 200 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Salt Lake City Civic Auditorium -- 150 E 600 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Salt Lake City Dog Pound -- 870 Beck Str, Salt Lake City, UT
- Salt Lake City Fire Alarm Station -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Salt Lake City Housing Development -- near 800 W & 200 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Salt Lake City International Airport -- 3500 W North Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Salt Lake City Latter-day Saint Tabernacle -- 50 N West Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Salt Lake City Latter-day Saint Temple Annex -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Salt Lake City Library, Central -- 15 State Str, Salt Lake City, UT
- Salt Lake City Library, Sprague Branch -- 2131 S 1100 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Salt Lake City Public Safety Complex -- 120 E 100 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Salt Lake City Public Safety Complex -- near 112 S State, Salt Lake City, UT
- Salt Lake City Sewage Treatment Plant -- near California Ave & Concord Street, Salt Lake City, UT
- Salt Lake City Shop Building -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Salt Lake City Tourist Center -- near West Temple & North Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Salt Lake Clinic Building -- 115 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Salt Lake Clinic Building -- 333 S 900 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Salt Lake Clinic Pharmacy -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Salt Lake County Hospital Site -- 2100 S State (NE corner), Salt Lake City, UT
- Salt Lake County Library, Bingham Canyon -- 488 Main Str, Bingham, UT
- Salt Lake County Library, Midvale -- 650 W Center, Midvale, UT
- Salt Lake County Library, Smith Branch -- 51 E Miller Ave, Midvale, UT
- Salt Lake Refining Company Site -- near 3rd N & Standard Ave, North Salt Lake, UT
- Salt Lake Sports Center -- near Redwood Road & 2100 S (NW Corner), Salt Lake City, UT
- Salt Lake Transfer Company Office Building -- 25 S 500 W, Salt Lake City, UT
- Salt Lake Transportation Company Building -- near 400 W South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Saltair -- Magna, UT
- Salvation Army -- 1135 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Salvation Army -- 607 E 2nd Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Salvation Army -- near 200 S & Rio Grande, Salt Lake City, UT
- San Equipment Company Industrial Plant Building -- 2975 300 W, Salt Lake City, UT
- San Juan County Court House -- Monticello, UT
- Sanders, Newell V. ("Hod") Residence -- 175 Mill Rd, Kaysville, UT
- Sandy Latter-day Saint 1st & 2nd Wards -- 8650 S 220 E, Sandy , UT
- Sargent, D.L. Residence -- on 600 block of 11th Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Scalley, Douglas Residence -- 1327 Yale Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Schettler, Paul D. Residence -- 510 M Str, Salt Lake City, UT
- Schick, Dr. Franz B. Residence -- 2173 Pheasant Way, Salt Lake City, UT
- Schramm-Johnson Drug Store -- 1 E Center, Provo, UT
- Schramm-Johnson Drug Store -- 203 N Virginia, Reno, NV
- Schramm-Johnson Drug Store -- 902 E 900 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Schramm-Johnson Drug Store -- near Main & Center (NW corner), Logan, UT
- Schramm-Johnson Drug Store -- Pocatello, ID
- Schwabacher Log Bungalow -- Grovont, WY
- Schwabacher Quarter Circle Five Ranch -- Daniel, WY
- Scipio School -- Scipio, UT
- Selmes, Jean Coffee Shop -- Price, UT
- Sevier County Public Health Center -- 195 E 500 N, Richfield, UT
- Sevier Latter-day Saint Stake Tabernacle -- Richfield, UT
- Sevier Valley Mercantile Company -- Salina, UT
- Sharman Auto Company Garage -- near State Str & Motor Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Sharon Building -- 57 W South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Sharp Motel -- 172 N State, Preston, ID
- Sharpstone, D.C. Farmhouse -- Altonah, UT
- Sheets, E.L. Building -- 55 S Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- Sheets, Gilbert Residence -- 1359 Harvard Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Sherwood Park -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Shoshone Branch -- Shoshone, ID
- Siegel, Dal Duplex Residence -- 1308 Laird, Salt Lake City, UT
- Singer Sewing Machine Company Building -- 149 S Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- Ski Lodge & Café -- Alta, UT
- Skytel Hotel -- near 300 S & West Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Smith, Dr. Whitney Residence -- Utah State University Campus, Logan, UT
- Smith, F.R. Residence -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Smith, Mrs. G.A. Duplex House -- near 400 S & 1200 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Snow, Dr. Eliot Residence -- 1403 Butler Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Snow, Dr. Eliot Residence -- 2895 Oakhurst Dr, Salt Lake City, UT
- Snow, Erastus P. Residence -- 158 N State, Salt Lake City, UT
- Sorensen Building Company Cottage -- Upper Yale Park, Salt Lake City, UT
- Sorensen Building Company Residence -- Upper Yale Park, Salt Lake City, UT
- Sorensen Building Company Residence #1 -- Upper Yale Park, Salt Lake City, UT
- Sorensen Building Company Residence #2 -- Upper Yale Park, Salt Lake City, UT
- Sorensen Building Company Residence #3 -- Upper Yale Park, Salt Lake City, UT
- South Summit High School -- Kamas, UT
- South Valley Enterprises -- 8400 S 1700 W, West Jordan, UT
- Springville Junior High School -- Springville, UT
- St. George Latter-day Saint Junior Institute -- St. George, UT
- St. George Latter-day Saint Recreation Hall -- St. George, UT
- St. George Latter-day Saint Tabernacle -- St. George, UT
- Star Valley State Bank -- 467 Washington Str, Afton, WY
- Steiner, Frank Country Residence -- near 2300 E & 3900 S in Cottonwood, Salt Lake City, UT
- Steiner, Mrs. George A. Residence -- 1175 2nd Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Stevens & Wallis Print Plant & Office -- 36 Richards Str, Salt Lake City, UT
- Stevenson Paint Shop -- 245 S 600 W, Salt Lake City, UT
- Stores Building -- Sandy, UT
- Stringham, Bryant Residence -- 325 Clark Str, Murray, UT
- Studio Theater -- 161 S Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- Sugarhouse Park -- Sugarhouse, Salt Lake City, UT
- Sugarhouse Shopping Center -- 1069 E 2100 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Sugarhouse Shopping Center -- near 1079 E 2100 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Sugarhouse Shopping Center -- near 2100 S & 1100 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- Sugarhouse Shopping Center -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Sullivan, Murray Landscaping -- 6310 Cottonwood Lane, Holladay, UT
- Summit County Courthouse -- 60 N Main, Coalville, UT
- Summit County Hospital -- near 100 E & 100 N (SE corner), Coalville, UT
- Sunnyside Golf Course Clubhouse -- 954 Conner Str, Salt Lake City, UT
- Sunset Army & Sporting Goods Store -- 5457 - 5499 S 1900 W, Roy, UT
- Sunset City Center -- 85 W 1800 N, Sunset, UT
- Superior Baking Company -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Sutherland Elementary School -- Sutherland, UT
- Swan, Thornley Residence -- Kaysville, UT
- Sweet, V.W. Residence -- 1467 Arlington Dr, Salt Lake City, UT
- Talbot, Elden Residence -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Tall, Earl Residence -- 92 N 100 W, Kaysville, UT
- Taylor Building -- 25 S West Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Taylor, Rachel Apartments -- near 1st Ave & C Str (NE corner), Salt Lake City, UT
- Teacher's Cottage -- 295 E Center, Kamas, UT
- Teachers' Dormitory -- Highland Boy, UT
- Teachers' Duplexes -- near 100 W State Hwy (even numbers), Copperton, UT
- Temple Square Hotel -- 75 W South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Temple View Motor Apartments -- North Temple & West Temple (NW corner), Salt Lake City, UT
- Terrace Apartments -- 7 I Street, Salt Lake City, UT
- Terrace Apartments -- near 5th Ave & E Str, Salt Lake City, UT
- Texaco Lube-Center
- The Ashley
- Theater Building -- Logan, UT
- Thiokol Rocket Engine Facility -- Promontory, UT
- Thomas, Dr. George Apartment Residence -- 23 Virgina Str, Salt Lake City, UT
- Thomas, Dr. George Residence -- 1317 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Thompson, Ezra Building -- 143 S Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- Tom Thumb Golf Course -- near 13th S & Main Street, Salt Lake City, UT
- Tooele Central School -- near Vine & 100 W (SE Corner), Tooele, UT
- Tooele Post Office -- Tooele, UT
- Tooele Vocational School & Storage Building -- Tooele, UT
- Tracy Collins Trust Company Building -- 780 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Tracy Wigwam Camp -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Tracy, Verne Residence -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Trent, T.B. Residence -- Unknown location
- Tripp, Rex Residence -- 3610 Aurora Cir, Salt Lake City, UT
- Turnbow, Mr. Residence -- Bountiful, UT
- Twenty-First Latter-day Saint Ward -- 680 2nd Ave, Salt Lake City, UT
- Twin Falls Latter-day Saint Stake Tabernacle -- 160 4th Ave, Twin Falls , ID
- U.S.O. Club -- 15 E 100 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- U.S.O. Club -- 45 E 400 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- U.S.O. Club -- 57 S State, Salt Lake City, UT
- U.S.O. Club -- 73 S 200 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- U.S.O. Club -- Tooele, UT
- Uinta Theatre -- 25 E Center, Provo, UT
- Union High School -- Roosevelt, UT
- Union Pacific Building -- 10 S Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- Union Pacific Bus Garage -- 143 N 300 W, Salt Lake City, UT
- Union Pacific Post Office Annex -- 100 S & 400 W (NW corner), Salt Lake City, UT
- University Club -- 136 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- University of Utah Medical Center, Phase 1 -- University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UT
- University of Utah Medical Center, Phase 2 -- University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UT
- University of Utah Medical Center, Phase 3 -- University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UT
- University of Utah Medical Center, Phase 5 -- University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UT
- University of Utah Medical Center, Planning -- University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UT
- University of Utah Medical Center, Radiation Therapy -- University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UT
- University of Utah Medical Center, Radiobiology -- University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UT
- University of Utah Medical Center, Radiology -- University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UT
- University of Utah Medical Center, Various Projects -- University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UT
- University of Utah Medical Center, Vivaarium Building -- University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UT
- University of Utah, Carlson Hall -- Salt Lake City, UT
- University of Utah, Health Center -- behind Stewert Building, Salt Lake City, UT
- University of Utah, Kennecott Copper Research Center -- 1495 E 100 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- University of Utah, Medical School -- Unknown location, Salt Lake City, UT
- University of Utah, Model Class Rooms -- 270 S 1400 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- University of Utah, Model Class Rooms -- Salt Lake City, UT
- University of Utah, Music Building -- 104 S 1386 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- University of Utah, Park Building -- 201 S Presidents Cir, Salt Lake City, UT
- University of Utah, Seismograph & Pump Building -- 115 S 1460 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- University of Utah, Sterling Sill Home Living Center -- 195 Central Campus Dr, Salt Lake City, UT
- University of Utah, Stores and Main Shop -- Salt Lake City, UT
- University of Utah, Thomas Library -- 1390 Presidents Cir, Salt Lake City, UT
- University of Utah, Union Building -- Presidents Circle, Salt Lake City, UT
- Upton Apartments -- 2300 Jefferson Ave, Ogden, UT
- US Atomic Energy Commission, Idaho Operations -- Unincorporated, Butte County, ID
- US Naval Convalescent Center -- Glenwood Springs, CO
- US Post Office & Court House -- 350 S Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- US Post Office and Vehicle Maintenance -- 2100 S & Redwood Rd, Salt Lake City, UT
- Utah Agricultural College (Utah State University), Fieldhouse -- near 700 N & 800 E, Logan, UT
- Utah Agricultural College (Utah State University), Residence -- Vernal, UT
- Utah Lumber -- Unknown location
- Utah National Guard Armory -- 100 W 400 N, Bountiful, UT
- Utah National Guard Armory -- 1523 Sunnyside, Salt Lake City, UT
- Utah National Guard Armory -- 1543 Sunnyside, Salt Lake City, UT
- Utah National Guard Armory -- Provo, UT
- Utah Poultry Producers Association -- 1794 S West Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Utah Poultry Producers Association -- Fillmore, UT
- Utah Poultry Producers Association -- near Beck Str, Salt Lake City, UT
- Utah Power & Light, American Fork Canyon -- State Highway 92 (just east of Highland), American Fork Canyon, UT
- Utah Power & Light, Building -- 159 S West Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Utah Power & Light, Bullock Steam Electric Plant -- Montrose, CO
- Utah Power & Light, Car Barn (Trolley Square) -- 602 E 500 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Utah Power & Light, Carbon Steam Plant -- Castle Gate, UT
- Utah Power & Light, Midvale Service Center -- near Sugar Str, Midvale, UT
- Utah Power & Light, Newhouse Heating Plant -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Utah Power & Light, Office Building -- near 100 S & Regent Str (Corner), Salt Lake City, UT
- Utah Power & Light, Olmstead Area -- 1018 N 1630 E, Orem, UT
- Utah Power & Light, Orem SE Station -- Orem, UT
- Utah Power & Light, Riverdale Area -- Riverdale Plant, Ogden, UT
- Utah Sand & Gravel Products Corporation Watchman's Residence -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Utah State Aeronautics Division -- 135 N 2300 W, Salt Lake City, UT
- Utah State Prison -- 14425 Bitterbrush Lane, Draper, UT
- Utah Woolen Mills -- 4250 S State, Murray, UT
- Utah Woolen Mills -- Richards St, Salt Lake City, UT
- VA Hospital -- 500 S Foothills Blvd, Salt Lake City, UT
- Verdeland Park School -- 437 N Wasatch Dr, Layton, UT
- Victory Theater, Keith Building -- 48 E 300 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Wagner Industrial Center Service & Distribution Warehouses -- 875 W 2600 S, South Salt Lake City, UT
- Walker Bank & Trust -- Sugarhouse, Salt Lake City, UT
- Walker Brothers Bankers -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Walker, A.H. Swimming Pool -- 150 Edgecombe Dr, Salt Lake City, UT
- Wallen, W. Residence -- Price, UT
- Walren Village Shopping Center -- SE of 7200 S & Highway 91, Bountiful, UT
- Walton, Douglas P. Residence -- 1771 Millbrook Rd, Salt Lake City, UT
- Ward, C.W. & Jay Creamery -- Richfield, ID
- Wasatch Elementary -- 270 E Center, Clearfield, UT
- Washington Terrace School -- 20 E 4600 S, Washington Terrace City, UT
- Waterworks Equipment Company -- 1970 S West Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
- Waterworks Equipment Company -- 502 W 300 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Wayne County High School -- 55 N Central, Bicknell, UT
- Weber County High School -- Weber City, UT
- Weber, L. Ross Residence -- Holladay, UT
- Welcome Home Nursing Center -- 2200 W 4850 S, Grainger, UT
- Wells Latter-day Saint Ward -- 1990 500 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- West Point Latter-day Saint Ward Amusement Hall -- West Point , UT
- West, E.M. Residence -- Holladay, UT
- Western Colorado Power -- Durango, CO
- Western Colorado Power -- Montrose, CO
- Western Greyhound Lines -- near South Temple & 200 West (SE Corner), Salt Lake City, UT
- Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing & Repair Building -- 1680 S Redwood Rd, Salt Lake City, UT
- Wheeler, J.K. Equipment Building -- 1485 S 300 W, Salt Lake City, UT
- Wilkinson, Fred E. Duplex -- Salt Lake City, UT
- Williams, Gilbert W. Residence -- 489 B Str, Salt Lake City, UT
- Wood, Thomas G. Residence -- Unknown location
- Woodbury Restaurant -- Cedar City, UT
- Woodland School -- Woodland, UT
- Woodruff Latter-day Saint Ward -- Woodruff, UT
- Worthen, Sam Residence
- Yalecrest Latter-day Saint Ward -- 1035 S 1800 E, Salt Lake City, UT
- YMCA Camp Roger Cabin -- Kamas, UT
- Yosemite West Condominium Development -- Henness Ridge Dr, Yosemite National Park, CA
- ZCMI Building -- 21 S Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church -- 1070 Foothill Dr, Salt Lake City, UT
- Zions Benefit Building -- 33 E 100 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Zions Securities -- 140 S State, Salt Lake City, UT
- Zions Securities -- 30 E 100 S, Salt Lake City, UT
- Zions Securities -- 51 S State, Salt Lake City, UT
- Zions Securities -- 55 N State, Salt Lake City, UT
- Zions Securities -- 63 Main, Salt Lake City, UT
- Names and Subjects
Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot architectural drawings, 1902-1980
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Montmorency, Hayes & Talbot
- Title
- Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot architectural drawings
- Dates
- 1902-1980 (inclusive)19021980
- Quantity
- 205 linear feet, (481 tubes and 4 oversize boxes)
- Collection Number
- ACCN 1235
- Summary
- The Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot collection (1902 – 1980) consists of architectural drawings, prints, proposals, and ephemera related to 1174 specific projects across Utah, adjoining states (CO, ID, NM, NV, and WY), and further afield (CA, HI, IL, MT, and OR). The projects were designed not only by Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot Architects but also by predecessor individuals and firms notably Ashton & Evans; Ashton, Evans, and Brazier; Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency and Associates; and Brazier, Montmorency and Talbot. Many other prominent Utah architects are represented, including Hodgson & McClenahan; Joseph Don Carlos Young; Miles E. Miller; Pope & Burton; Scott & Welch; and Woolley & Evans.
- Repository
University of Utah Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library
University of Utah
295 South 1500 East
Salt Lake City, UT
Telephone: 8015818863 - Access Restrictions
Twenty-four hour advanced notice encouraged. Materials must be used on-site. Access to parts of this collection may be restricted under provisions of state or federal law.
- Languages
- English
Historical NoteReturn to Top
Many architects are represented in this collection, most notably Raymond Ashton, B.E. "Bud" Brazier, Raymond Evans, and Frederick Montmorency.
Raymond Joy Ashton was born in Salt Lake City in the Utah Territory in 1887. He graduated in Engineering from the University of Utah, and soon thereafter left on a Latter-day Saint mission to the Netherlands. He was released in April 1912 and married Winnie Richards the next year in Salt Lake City where he designed several well-regarded residential works.
In 1916 they moved to Chicago where Ashton attended night school at Atelier Puckey (a member of the Society of Beaux-Arts Architects) and at the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts and worked as a draftsman for several Chicago firms. He returned to Salt Lake City in 1918 working with Francis D. Rutherford and independently through 1922 at which time he and Raymond Evans began the Ashton & Evans architectural partnership.
Ashton served his profession and the community in many positions during his 50+ year career: American Institute of Architects (national president, 1943–1945); American Architectural Foundation (board president); Chamber of Commerce (Salt Lake Board of Governors), and many more.
Ashton continued to serve as Senior Managing Principal at the firm through its changing leadership and names until full retirement – and a move to Prescott, Arizona – in 1970. He passed away in Prescott, Arizona in 1973.
Bernis Eugene (Bud) Brazier, Sr. was born in 1908 in Salt Lake City. He graduated from the University of Utah in engineering and served a mission for the Latter-day Saint church in France from 1929–1932 and was assigned to the Chicago World's Fair (Central States Mission) in 1933. He then lived briefly in San Francisco, California.
After the war, he joined Ashton & Evans architects (1945) and became a partner in 1946 at which time the firm was renamed Ashton, Evans & Brazier. Although the firm worked in a collaborative model, he is known as the primary architect of two mega-projects: the Salt Lake City Veterans Hospital (1948–1949) and the University of Utah Medical Center (1959–1965). At his death (1970) he was president of the firm then named Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot.
Brazier was active in his profession and community: American Institute of Architects (Utah chapter president); Utah Building and Construction Congress (president); Utah Construction Industry Council (president); and member of the Rotary Club, Ambassador Club, and University Club among many others.
Raymond Leslie Evans was born in Salt Lake City in 1895 into a family of craftsmen. He began working as a draftsman at seventeen (1912) and graduated from Salt Lake (West) High School the next year.
He continued drafting work with top-tier Utah firms (Ware & Treganza, Cannon & Fetzer, Woolley & Evans) until World War I intervened. Evans registered for the draft and was inducted in mid-1918. After military training in the building trades, he left for Europe serving in the 313th Engineers in France. When he returned, he and Raymond Ashton began the Ashton & Evans partnership.
In 1923, Evans married Emily Marie Lewis and his two daughters reported that he "loved his work and work was his life. Saturdays he worked, Sundays he worked, and the weekdays he worked."
Evans was active in service clubs and community affairs and worked very hard in them, but always in the background. He was an active member of: American Institute of Architects (Utah chapter president); Utah State Architects' Examining board, Fort Douglas Club, Aviation Club, and many more.
In January 1963, Evans was selected as the second recipient of the Gold Medal Award by the Utah Chapter of the American Institute of Architects for his notable and meritorious service to the profession. He worked until the end and passed away in Salt Lake City in October 1963.
Frederick Luther (Fred) Montmorency was born in 1929 in Ogden UT. He graduated from the University of Utah with degrees in Fine Arts (1953) and Architecture (1954). He married Carole Jean Eccles in Cedar City UT soon after graduation (1954) and went right to work for Ashton, Evans & Brazier architects at age 26 (1955). He became a partner in 1963 at the firm then known as Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency and Associates; then Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot (1970-1979); and finally MHT Architects (1980).
During his architectural career, he was involved in hundreds of office buildings, schools, and other structures throughout the intermountain west. He had a direct hand in the design of the University of Utah Medical Center, Kennecott Building, Utah Law and Justice Center, among many other well-known structures. His passion and commitment to architecture live on through the Fred Montmorency Scholarship at the University of Utah Graduate School of Architecture.
He was a capable leader who actively participated on many professional, corporate, and civic boards: American Institute of Architects (Utah chapter president); Utah Safety Council (vice president); LDS Hospital; Blue Cross Blue Shield; Nelson Ricks; LDS Conference Center Planning Committee; Bonneville Kiwanis; Salt Lake Area Chamber of Commerce, "Salt Shakers" Goodwill Ambassadors, and many others.
Montmorency was president of the firm (then Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot Architects) in 1991 when he spearheaded the project to donate many of the firm's archival drawings to the University of Utah. He passed away in 2006.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
The Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot collection (1902–1980) consists of architectural drawings, prints, proposals, and ephemera related to 1174 specific projects across Utah (92% of the collection's projects), adjoining states (CO, ID, NM, NV, and WY), and further afield (CA, HI, IL, MT, and OR). The projects were designed not only by Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot Architects (4% of the collection's projects) but also by predecessor individuals and firms notably Ashton & Evans (42% of the collection's projects); Ashton, Evans and Brazier (25% of the collection's projects); Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates (5% of the collection's projects); and Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot (2% of the collection's projects). Many other prominent Utah architects and architectural firms are represented in the collection, including Hodgson & McClenahan; Joseph Don Carlos Young; Miles E. Miller; Pope & Burton; Scott & Welch; and Woolley & Evans.
The collection includes drawings of many structures on the National Register of Historic Places, including among many others: Salt Lake City Library, Sprague Branch; Kaysville Municipal Building; Draper Park Elementary; and University of Utah Thomas Library and Union Building. New Deal projects (Avalon Grade School, Heber City Library, Park City Community Building, Rich County Courthouse, and others) and World War II projects are both amply represented.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
The library does not claim to control copyright for all materials in the collection. An individual depicted in a reproduction has privacy rights as outlined in Title 45 CFR, part 46 (Protection of Human Subjects). For further information, please review the J. Willard Marriott Library's Use Agreement and Reproduction Request forms.
Preferred Citation
Collection Name, Collection Number, Box Number, Folder Number. Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library, The University of Utah.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
The collection of 481 tubes and 4 oversize boxes are not physically organized, but intellectually organized alphabetically by project name and then chronologically by project scope (e.g., original, addition, and alteration).
Acquisition Information
Donated by Fred Montmorency in 1991.
Processing Note
Processed by Jane Brinckerhoff in 1992.
Additional processing by Gina C Giang, Sue Duren, and Corrinne Fiedler in 2022–2025.
The drawings were gifted in 1991–1992 as 500 paper architectural tubes containing drawings in no particular order by date, location, nor architect. In approximately 2014, the drawings were re-housed in archival tubes. During that period of time, some tubes were combined, other tubes were separated, and some drawings were misplaced.
The CMF ID, ID sub refers to the geographical site. If a site has multiple buildings or projects, each has its own alpha ID subcode.
Click here to read a statement on harmful language in library records.
Related Materials
See also the Ashton, Evans, and Brazier architectural blueprints (MS 0499) in the Manuscripts Division of Special Collections.
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
A.C. Nelson School -- Between Deseret and Oasis, Deseret, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
275 | MHT #350A, CMF #203: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
1. Original to-build plans
2. Proposed restoration of heating, AC, and facade
1924 |
Abbey of our Lady of the Holy Trinity, Cistercian Monastery -- Huntsville, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
363 | MHT #379A, CMF #1272A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Beautiful studies and perspectives of the proposed Abbey, the associated equipment shop, and the guest wing.
1952 |
96 | MHT #379B, CMF #1272B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Beautiful sketches of the proposed Abbey. Lots of onion skin drawings.
1952 |
156 | MHT #379C, CMF #1272C: DX Murphy & Son, Inc [Louisville KY]; Background Material
Prints of the Abbey of our Lady of the Holy Ghost In Conyers, GA. Background material for Abbey of our Lady of the Holy Trinity, Cistercian Monastery in Huntsville UT.
undated |
Abbey of our Lady of the Holy Trinity, Temporary Buildings -- Huntsville, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
419 | MHT #45, CMF #756: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
1. Quonset hut-style main building (destroyed 2019)
2. Gatehouse (destroyed 2019)
3. Equipment shed & blacksmith shop
4. Temporary (Army Barracks) building for the Monastery
5. Great perspectives
6. Plot plan
1947 |
Adams, Orval W. Residence -- Unknown locationReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
269 | MHT #216, CMF #1: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Beautiful floor plans and elevations.
1936 |
Almo Latter-day Saint Ward Meetinghouse -- Almo, IDReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
122 | MHT #399B, CMF #721: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
1. Heating plan
2. Letter from the LDS Bishop regarding cost
3. Roof alterations
1945 |
Alpha Delta Pi Sorority House -- 70 S Wolcott, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
135 | MHT #223, CMF #321: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build plans including some great lighting details.
1931 |
American Linen Plant -- 36 E 600 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
132 | MHT #159, CMF #366: Ashton & Evans; Addition
1. Engine room addition
2. Proposed 2nd floor addition
1938 |
Anderson, Dr. J.M. Mercer Residence -- 1307 3rd Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
450 | MHT #210, CMF #2: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Minor Alterations
Minor interior and exterior changes and an estimate. All sketches.
undated |
Anderson, Haven Residence -- 5330 Cottonwood Lane, Holladay, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
401 | MHT #52, CMF #1167: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
1. Many sketches (including schemes A - J)
2. Preliminary drawings
3. Beautiful perspective and floor plans
4. Property field notes
1949 |
Anderson, Mrs. Aldon J. Residence -- 391 Wall, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
195 | MHT #366, CMF #661: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Several elevations.
1923 |
Anderson, W. D. Double Home -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
195 | MHT #366, CMF #28: Ashton; Original Design
To-build drawings. Blueprint has no address.
1922 |
Angel ApartmentsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
454 | MHT #257, CMF #322: Scott & Welch; Original Design
Beautiful elevations.
1923 |
Armour Service Building -- Chicago, ILReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
245 | MHT #263, CMF #17: Robert T. Work (Chicago IL) [Ashton, Draftsman]; Original Design
Office of Robert Work Architect, successor to Henry Hargler. Drawn by Raymond J. Ashton.
1. Plot plan
2. Elevations of garage and lodge
3. Floor plan of basement, 1st, 2nd floors
1917 |
Arnold Machinary Company Warehouse & Shop -- 427 W 200 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
242 | MHT #111, CMF #580: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Detailed elevations and floor plans, along with railroad spur plan. Located on SE corner of Rio Grande and 200 S. Most drawings labeled A&E and a few labeled AEB.
1944 |
Arrowhead Amusement Park -- 7965 S 3200 W, Benjamin, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
380 | MHT #29, CMF #248: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Sketches and to-build, great elevations, extensive addition to Arrowhead Amusement Park.
1929 |
Arsenal Villa School -- Roy, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
374 | MHT #356B, CMF #1156: Hodgson, Ashton & Evans; Plan
Just a plot plan including an access road. Federal Works Agency (FWA) School, Utah Project number 42-165.
1944 |
Ashton and Lowe Service Station & Garage -- 106 N Main, Heber City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
428 | MHT #19, CMF #568: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build plans including floor plans, elevations, and detail. Great perspective sketch. Also known as Lowe Ashton Service Station & Garage.
1947 |
Ashton Commercial Development -- Vernal, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
456 | MHT #673, CMF #1199: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Original Design
Site plan and photos of then existing store.
undated |
Ashton Mall -- near 100 S & Vernal Ave (NW corner), Vernal, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
456 | MHT #673, CMF #1197: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Original Design
1. Plot plan showing original Ashton store
2. To-build plans for Building #1 (Food Store)
undated |
Ashton, C. Ralph Residence -- Vernal, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
307 | MHT #185, CMF #54: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Includes two plans: A (selected) and B (rejected). All are sketches, including plot plan, elevations, but no address.
1947 |
Ashton, Effie Residence -- near 2100 St East, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
288 | MHT #213, CMF #1008: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Great doodlings by Raymond L. Evans.
Includes some formal drawings, and a few elevations that seem like proposals for a duplex. Confusing.
undated |
Ashton, Elias Conway Residence -- 420 N Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
288 | MHT #213, CMF #1122: Ashton; Original Design
Beautiful. Includes floor plans, elevations, handball court, and sauna.
1916 |
Ashton, George Savage Residence -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
288 | MHT #213, CMF #1120: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
1. Floor plan and elevation
2. Very informal (back of sheet of paper) sketch with Raymond L. Evans signature
Some labels may be "G.N. Ashton", which could be different person.
undated |
Ashton, Marvin Owen Residence -- 2185 S 2100 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
288 | MHT #213, CMF #1119: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Includes full set of floor plans and elevations.
undated |
Ashton, Mrs. B. Willard Duplex -- 1886 800 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
303 | MHT #180, CMF #1266: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plans, elevations, and detail.
1938 |
Ashton, Mrs. Elias Conway Residence -- 48 Hillside Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
288 | MHT #213, CMF #1123: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Elevations and floor plans.
1926 |
Ashton, Rae Apartment -- Vernal, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
23 | MHT #17, CMF #782: Ashton, Evans & Brazier [probable]; Proposal Original Design
Great elevations. Sketches do not include architect or date, but infer AEB.
undated |
Ashton, Rae Store -- Main & Vernal Ave (SW corner), Vernal, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
23 | MHT #17, CMF #323: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
Great elevations.
1953 |
Ashton, Raymond J. Cottage -- Michigan Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
318 | MHT #234, CMF #1128: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings for "cottage" including elevations.
undated |
Ashton, Raymond J. Residence -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
448 | MHT #215, CMF #1212: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Small home, no address. Includes elevations and floor plan.
undated |
Ashton, Willard -- near 760 Garfield, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
303 | MHT #180, CMF #31: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plans and elevations.
undated |
Ashworth Transfer Office Building -- 1526 S 700 W, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
396 | MHT #92, CMF #779B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevation, interior elevations and sections. Some mark-up.
1963 |
12 | MHT #574, CMF #779A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including sketch, floor plans, schedules, and details.
1963 |
Associated Food Stores General Office -- 1812 S Empire Rd, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
326 | MHT #254, CMF #1137: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
The drawings appear to be only 2nd floor alterations, though not labeled that way. Includes both proposal (many sketches) and to-build drawings including floor plan, entrance, HVAC, and details.
1955 |
Auerbach Theater -- 300 S State, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
25 | MHT #394A, CMF #702A: Walker & Eisen (Los Angeles, CA) [Ashton & Evans, Associates]; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevation and beautiful interior detail. Also known as the Centre Theatre.
1937 |
352 | MHT #394B, CMF #702B: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
1. Proposal and exterior sketch
2. To-build drawings including street-level elevations
Also known as the Centre Theatre.
1937 |
Auerbach, Mrs. E.S. Building -- on 300 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
oversize-box | ||
485 | MHT #86, CMF #1286: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Large building and theater. To-build drawings.
undated |
Avalon Grade School -- near 14376 Ouray-Randlett Rd, Avalon, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
283 | MHT #277, CMF #1075: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings and elevations for four-room school. Also known as Randlett School.
1934 |
Bachman Shopping Center & Drive Inn -- near Washington Blvd & 12th Str, Ogden, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
219 | MHT #319, CMF #923: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings and some great sketches.
undated |
Bailey, Mrs. E. B. Apartment House -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
380 | MHT #29, CMF #1087: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings for 3-story apartment including floor plans, detail, and elevations.
1928 |
Baker Latter-day Saint 1st Ward -- Baker, ORReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
296 | MHT #399A, CMF #704A: Charles Miller; Original Design
Original plans.
1944 |
296 | MHT #399A, CMF #704B: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Addition
Proposed additions and alterations.
1944 |
Bank of Southern Utah -- 57 N Main, Cedar City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
316 | MHT #273, CMF #371: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevations and floor plans. Beautiful ink drawings.
1925 |
Barker, Lucille Residence -- 145 4th Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
448 | MHT #215, CMF #6: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
To-build drawings of a four-plex.
1938 |
Bathhouse -- Sugarhouse, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
287 | MHT #260, CMF #250: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Includes proposal-type sketches and several copies of to-build blueprints
1. Plot plan
2. Floor plan and elevations
1931 |
Beckstead, Charles M. Residence -- West Jordan, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
416 | MHT #202, CMF #8: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings of a two-story residence.
1946 |
Belvedere Apartments -- 29 S State, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
446 | MHT #388, CMF #324A: Miller, Woolley & Evans; Original Design
A full set of to-build drawings including vacuum system and advertising material. Also known as Social Hall & State Str Apartment Building.
1919 |
Beneficial Life Building -- 57 W South Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
37 | MHT #361AB, CMF #372A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including a great vicinity map.
1957 |
oversize-box | ||
485 | MHT #86, CMF #372B: Ashton & Evans [probable] ; Unknown scope
A small sketch, probably associated with a theater and related to the old (pre-1957) Beneficial Life building given the other contents of this tube.
undated |
Bergin, Carl M. Residence -- Walker Lane, Holladay, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
358 | MHT #365, CMF #7: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings of a huge estate including great elevations, floor plans, detail, and plot plan.
1930 |
Bergin, Carl M. Residence -- Upper Yale Park, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
259 | MHT #218, CMF #1204: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build plans including elevations, floor plans, and detail.
undated |
Bergstrom, Dr. Jacob W. Residence -- 248 S 200 W, Cedar City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
195 | MHT #366, CMF #662: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including great elevations and site map.
1928 |
Berntson, John Residence -- 2336 2100 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
358 | MHT #365, CMF #34: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Beautiful ink to-build drawings.
1930 |
Beverly Manor Convalescent Center -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
189 | MHT #376, CMF #932: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Original Design
To-build drawings.
1964 |
Bingham High -- Copperton, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
241 | MHT #144, CMF #956A: Ashton & Evans; Addition
To-build drawings including some great elevations of auditorium, garage, and shop addition.
1938 |
241 | MHT #144, CMF #956D: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
To-build drawings of stoker, incinerator, and ash bin. Clearly at Bingham High School in Copperton.
1943 |
Black Duplex -- 772 & 780 S 1100 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
366 | MHT #208, CMF #210: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plans, plot plan, and elevations.
1939 |
Blood, Allen B. Residence -- 9 S 200 W, Kaysville, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
246 | MHT #214, CMF #996: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
1. Extensive residence remodel (A&E, 1940)
2. Garage (AEB, 1957)
1940 |
Boise Latter-day Saint Tabernacle -- Boise, IDReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
296 | MHT #399A, CMF #1017A: Joseph Don Carlos Young; Original Design
Young, Don Carlos, 1882-1960
Full to-build drawings by LDS Architectural Department (designed by Joseph Don Carlos Young).
1924 |
296 | MHT #399A, CMF #1017B: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Alterations
Proposed alterations, primarily of chapel interior.
1944 |
Bonneville Clubhouse -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
174 | MHT #454, CMF #911: Ashton, Evans, Brazier and Associates; Original Design
1. Proposals, many beautiful sketches
2. To-build drawings
1964 |
Bonneville Park School -- West of Monroe Ave, Ogden, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
374 | MHT #356B, CMF #145B: Hodgson, Ashton & Evans; Alteration of Standard Design
Plot plan of Federal Works Agency (FWA), War Public Works, school.
1942 |
61 | MHT #354B, CMF #145A: Hodgson, Ashton & Evans; Alteration of Standard Design
To-build drawings of Federal Works Agency (FWA), War Public Works, school.
1943 |
Bountiful High -- 695 S Orchard Dr, Bountiful, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
283 | MHT #292, CMF #124A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Includes sketches of
1. Canal section
2. Perspective
3. Plot plan for land donation
4. Color schedule
1950 |
283 | MHT #292, CMF #124B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Addition
Includes plot plan and sketches of original and addition.
1957 |
Boyd Park Building -- 162 S Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
435 | MHT #26, CMF #395: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Sketches, specifications, and to-build drawings. Extensive alterations including both external changes and internal changes (remove elevator). Elevations include Florsheim Shoes and Boyd Park Jewelry.
1939 |
Boyden, J.M. Residence -- near 100 N & 200 E, Sandy, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
259 | MHT #218, CMF #1206: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Minor Alterations
Minor internal and external modifications.
1940 |
Brewer, Charles W. Residence -- 1121 Yale Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
323 | MHT #181, CMF #9: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plans and elevations. Beautiful lamp fixtures from magazine advertisement.
1923 |
Brighton Episcopal Camp & Conference Center -- 12350 E Big Cottonwood Canyon Rd, Brighton, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
354 | MHT #314, CMF #1084A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Mountain Lodge. Includes preliminary sketches, to-build drawings, and a Forest Service plot plan for a mountain lodge.
1956 |
354 | MHT #314, CMF #1084B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Mountain Chapel. Several different design options and final to-build drawings for the mountain chapel.
1956 |
354 | MHT #314, CMF #1084C: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Chalet. To-build drawings and elevations for a tiny ski chalet.
undated |
Brooklawn Creamery -- 100 E & 200 N, Fillmore, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
338 | MHT #115, CMF #1141: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings for factory including floor plans and elevations.
1945 |
Brooklawn Creamery -- 266 S 200 W, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
338 | MHT #115, CMF #581B: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings for creamery building.
1927 |
338 | MHT #115, CMF #581C: Ashton & Evans; Addition
1936 |
338 | MHT #115, CMF #581A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevation and floor plan for warehouse and store building. Beautiful brick work!
1940 |
Brooklawn Creamery -- Beaver, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
338 | MHT #115, CMF #1140: Ashton & Evans [possible]; Addition
1. Powdered milk plant
2. Milk condensing plant
1940 |
Brooklawn Creamery -- Oakley, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
338 | MHT #115, CMF #1142: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Relatively minor internal and external alterations.
undated |
Brown, E.T. -- probably 1716 Jacksonwood , Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
348 | MHT #135, CMF #10B: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Includes only topographic evaluations and plot plans.
1931 |
16 | MHT #363, CMF #10A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Includes multiple copies on blueprint, Mylar, and onion skin.
1931 |
Brown, Marjorie & Lavinia -- near Aurora Circle, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
348 | MHT #135, CMF #982: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plan, elevations, and lots of details.
1955 |
Bryan Latter-day Saint 1st & 2nd Ward -- 1621 S 1100 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
478 | MHT #219, CMF #1050A: Edwin O. Anderson; Original Design
To-build drawings with detailed specifications.
1939 |
478 | MHT #219, CMF #1050B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Addition
Proposed addition including two new classrooms, vestibule, and bishop's office.
1954 |
Bryant Junior High School -- 40 S 800 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
357 | MHT #353, CMF #227: Scott & Welch [Ashton & Evans, checked drawings]; Addition
Large addition including excellent elevations.
1928 |
Buehner Brothers Plant -- 640 Willmington Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
281 | MHT #138, CMF #582: Woods & Woods [SLC]; Minor Alterations
Architects: Charles C. Woods, Roger S. Woods.
1944 |
Bullock, James Residence -- 1400 Cherry, Provo, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
368 | MHT #220, CMF #841B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings Including great plot plan, elevations, and floor plan. This is a duplicate of Marriott Tube 111, except this tube also includes sketches.
1955 |
111 | MHT #557, CMF #841A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings Including great plot plan, elevations, and floor plan.
1955 |
Bullock, James Residence -- Montrose, COReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
368 | MHT #220, CMF #1152: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Dining room addition. Three pages of drawings include two elevations with comments.
1946 |
Bullock, James Residence -- Preston, IDReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
368 | MHT #220, CMF #1153: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Lots of sketches plus to-build drawings including floor plan, elevations, and lots of detail.
undated |
Burke, Rev. Martin Rectory -- 4893 Wasatch Ave, Murray, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
304 | MHT #25, CMF #1126: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
Large addition including excellent elevations.
1947 |
Bushnell Hospital -- Brigham City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
463 | MHT #508B, CMF #508K: Office of Quartermaster General [Construction Division]; Standard Design
Various buildings. 1991 Inventory label: "Service Buildings."
1. Garage (HG-8) marked up
2. Shop (HSH-1)
3. Utility Shop (HUS-1)
4. Paint Shop (HPS-1)
5. Storehouse (HST-2)
6. Morgue (HMO-1)
7. Clinic (HC-1)
1941 |
464 | MHT #508C, CMF #508L: Office of Quartermaster General [Construction Division]; Standard Design
Various buildings. 1991 Inventory label: "Service Buildings."
1. Surgery and X-ray (HSXR 1)
2. Storehouse (HST 1)
3. Post exchange
1941 |
214 | MHT #512, CMF #508N: Office of Quartermaster General [Construction Division]; Standard Design
Various buildings. 1991 Inventory label: "Messes, Kitchen & Bakery."
Includes standard drawings from the Office of Quartermaster General
1. Medical Detachment Mess and Kitchen (HMDM-460)
2. Patient Mess and Kitchen (HPM-600)
3. Bakery (H-BAK-1)
4. Nurses Mess and Kitchen
1941 |
214 | MHT #512, CMF #508G: Ashton, Evans & Hodgson; Alteration of Standard Design
Various buildings. 1991 Inventory label: "Messes, Kitchen & Bakery."
Includes bakery plans (1942).
1941 |
465 | MHT #513A, CMF #1253A: Office of Quartermaster General [Construction Division]; Standard Design
1991 Inventory label: "Standard Details."
1. Cabinet and furniture details
2. Mess hall details
3. Porch details
4. Interior and exterior misc.
5. Smoke pipe and flue
6. Electrical
7. Plumbing
8. Nailing
9. Doors
10. Windows
11. 1- and 2-story buildings of various widths
1941 |
211 | MHT #513B, CMF #1253B: Office of Quartermaster General [Construction Division]; Standard Design
1991 Inventory label: "Standard Details."
Includes a variety of architectural details.
1941 |
461 | MHT #515C, CMF #508J: Office of Quartermaster General [Construction Division]; Standard Design
Various buildings. 1991 Inventory label: "Wards & Quarters."
1. Combination ward (HCS 88)
2. Standard ward (HSW 98)
3. Special ward (HSPW 76)
4. Nurses or officers quarters (HNQ 31 or HOQ 31)
1941 |
104 | MHT #509A, CMF #508A: Ashton, Evans & Hodgson; Alteration of Standard Design
Various buildings. 1991 Inventory label: "Service Buildings."
1. Sewage disposal plant
2. Steam plant
3. Many sets of elevations, foundations, footings, grades for buildings B1 - B6; B9 and B49 - B50
1942 |
128 | MHT #509B, CMF #508B: Ashton, Evans & Hodgson; Alteration of Standard Design
Various buildings. 1991 Inventory label: "Service Buildings."
Includes by AE&H
1. Post office (B-26)
2. Covered walkways
3. Utilities
4. Fire Station
5. Cold Storage Building
6. Railroad Platform
7. Laundry
Also includes combustion stack by Babcock & Wilcox (1946).
1942 |
87 | MHT #510A, CMF #804A: Ashton, Evans & Hodgson; Original Design
1991 Inventory label: "Road and Sewers."
1. Grading plan (AEH)
2. Plot plan (AEH)
3. Sketch of entrance development for station hospital (Fort Bliss TX) (unknown architect)
1942 |
119 | MHT #510B, CMF #804E: U.S. Engineer Office [SLC District]; Original Design
Various buildings. 1991 Inventory label: "Road and Sewers."
Includes building Layout, paving and systems (1942).
1942 |
119 | MHT #510B, CMF #804B: Ashton, Evans & Hodgson; Original Design
1991 Inventory label: "Road and Sewers."
1. All utility details (1942)
2. Plot plan (very detailed, 1942)
1942 |
42 | MHT #510C, CMF #804C: Ashton, Evans & Hodgson; Original Design
Various buildings. 1991 Inventory label: "Road and Sewers."
1. Guardhouse
2. Roads, buildings, walks in Section A - O
1942 |
42 | MHT #510C, CMF #804F: U.S. Engineer Office [SLC District] --- U.S. War Department; Alteration of Standard Design
1991 Inventory label: "Road and Sewers".
1. Alterations to existing admin and receiving buildings
2. Building layout for 492-bed addition for mental cases
3. Utility map
4. Survey document
1942 |
17 | MHT #511A, CMF #787A: Ashton, Evans & Hodgson; Alteration of Standard Design
Chapel. 1991 Inventory label: "Recreation, Theater & Church."
Includes regimental chapel and plot plan (three sheets).
1942 |
17 | MHT #511A, CMF #787C: Office of Quartermaster General [Construction Division]; Standard Design
Various buildings. 1991 Inventory label: "Recreation, Theater & Church."
Includes standard drawings from the Office of Quartermaster General
1. Regimental Chapel CH-1 (many sheets)
2. Hospital Medical Det Recreation (a few sheets)
Also includes VA Specs for VA hospital work (many typewritten pages); VA general hospital blueprints; 1 page of specific prints for VA hospital, Tomah, WI (architect unknown)
1942 |
166 | MHT #511B, CMF #787B: U.S. Engineers Office [Office of Quartermaster General] -- U.S. War Department [Office of the Chief Engineer]; Standard Design
Various buildings. 1991 Inventory label: "Recreation, Theater & Church."
1. Hospital Patients Recreation Building (1941)
2. Admin and Receiving (1941)
3. Bushell Theater Type TA-CT (1944)
4. Auditorium Training (1942)
5. Nurses and Officer Recreation (1942)
6. Standard Details (1942)
235 E 850 S, Brigham City, UT
1942 |
116 | MHT #514, CMF #804G: U.S. War Department [Office of the Chief of Engineers]; Standard Design
Swimming Pool. 1991 Inventory label: "Swimming Pool, Plats & Contour."
Includes standard Army swimming pool
1942 |
116 | MHT #514, CMF #804D: Ashton, Evans & Hodgson; Original Design
1991 Inventory label: "Swimming Pool, Plats & Contour."
Includes various Bushnell plot plans.
1942 |
228 | MHT #515B, CMF #508P: Office of Quartermaster General [Construction Division]; Standard Design
Various buildings. 1991 Inventory label: "Wards & Quarters."
1. Neuropsychiatric Ward (HNPW-82)
2. Hospital Nurses or Officers Quarters
1942 |
228 | MHT #515B, CMF #508E: Ashton, Evans & Hodgson; Alteration of Standard Design
Guardhouse. 1991 Inventory label: "Wards and Quarters."
Includes Guardhouse (B-51, HGH) (1 sheet only).
1942 |
97 | MHT #515A, CMF #508D: U.S. Engineer Office [SLC District] --- Office of Quartermaster General [Construction Division]; Standard Design
Various buildings. 1991 Inventory label: "Wards & Quarters."
1. Wards for Mental Cases [US Engineer Office]
2. Medical Detachment Barracks (HDMB-133) [Office of Quartermaster General]
1944 |
192 | MHT #508A, CMF #508M: U.S. Engineer Office (Sacramento CA); Standard Design
Various buildings. 1991 Inventory label: "Service Buildings."
1. Clinic Building B3 Additions
2. Central Services Building and New Generator
3. Surgery and Xray Building B2 Addition
2. Clinic Building (B3) Additions
3. Elevation
1945 |
192 | MHT #508A, CMF #508C: Ashton, Evans & Parrish; Alteration of Standard Design
Occupational Therapy Building. 1991 Inventory label: "Service Buildings."
Includes Occupational Therapy Building, plot, and elevations.
1945 |
13 | MHT #539B, CMF #508H: Ashton, Evans & Parrish; Addition
Surgery Building. Includes modifications and additions to the Surgery Building along with plot plans.
1945 |
13 | MHT #539B, CMF #885: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Bank. Good small plot plan. Built for Office of Post Engineer, Bushnell General Hospital.
1945 |
Cache County Library -- Logan, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
423 | MHT #39, CMF #280: Hodgson & McClenahan; Original Design
Library Building for the Cache County Library Board. To-build drawings.
1930 |
Cahoon, Chester Residence -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
351 | MHT #237, CMF #1145: Ashton & Evans [possible]; Addition
One page of drawings including elevations.
undated |
Caldwell Latter-day Saint Ward -- 519 S 12th Str, Caldwell, IDReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
436 | MHT #172, CMF #288: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Complete set of to-build drawings with lots of detail. Explicitly shows Raymond L. Evans as architect.
1947 |
Callister, Dr. A.C. Medical Building -- 559 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
4 | MHT #28, CMF #758: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
This is a two-story medical building. The drawings are thorough and include both before and after drawings and floor plans.
undated |
Callister, Dr. A.C. Residence -- 2333 E 3900 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
4 | MHT #28, CMF #759: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
A very elegant estate including plot plan and garden sketches.
1946 |
Canyon Road Apartments -- 101 1st Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
437 | MHT #114, CMF #327: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
Very extensive internal alterations.
1949 |
Capital Corporation Shop Building -- 777 S State, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
91 | MHT #460, CMF #871: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Addition
1965 |
Capitol Hill Latter-day Saint Ward -- 413 W Capitol, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
210 | MHT #303, CMF #289: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Detailed and beautiful to-build drawings.
1931 |
Capitol Theater -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
394 | MHT #86, CMF #1162B: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Minor office alterations to the 2nd floor of the Capitol Theater.
1937 |
oversize-box | ||
485 | MHT #86, CMF #1162C: Ashton & Evans; Unknown scope
Includes two sheets of seating arrangements.
undated |
tube | ||
394 | MHT #86, CMF #1162A: Ashton & Evans; Unknown scope
1. Floor plan
2. Proposed poster cases for the Capitol Theater, SLC
undated |
Carleson, Fred A. Garage -- 535 S Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
428 | MHT #19, CMF #569A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plan, elevation, and details. Wonderful colored drawings of elevations.
1935 |
428 | MHT #19, CMF #569B: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Significant interior and exterior changes including an addition to garage.
1944 |
Carver Sheet Metal Factory Building -- 1349 S Jefferson, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
132 | MHT #159, CMF #571: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings. Blueprint address is 1343 S Jefferson (currently 1349 S Jefferson).
1950 |
Carver, William G. Estate Garage & Storehouse -- near 3900 S & 2000 E (SE corner), Holladay, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
288 | MHT #213, CMF #11: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Includes survey (1943), floor plans and elevation for home (1943), and garage (undated).
1943, undated |
Cate Equipment Company Office & Warehouse -- 1130 S 500 W, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
132 | MHT #159, CMF #376: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including site and elevations.
1957 |
Cedar City Airport Administration Building -- Cedar City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
93 | MHT #412, CMF #748: Ashton, Evans & Brazier and L. Robert Gardner; Original Design
To-build drawings in Robert Gardner's hand.
1949 |
Cedar City Hotel -- Cedar City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
360 | MHT #226, CMF #328: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Lots of sketches, floor plans, and beautiful elevation.
1928 |
Cedar City Market -- Cedar City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
294 | MHT #152, CMF #377: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Alterations
1. Many facades for bank alteration
2. Estimates for Cedar City market
3. Letter from Mr. Lehi Jones Jr. to Raymond J. Ashton
4. Proposed building and proposed warehouse for Mr. L.M. Jones
Also known as Lehi Jones Market.
1935 |
Cedar Lumber & Hardware Store -- 74 N 100 W, Cedar City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
445 | MHT #130, CMF #378C: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Includes both proposed and final drawings. Includes drawings and bids from Steel Engineers. Also known as Farm Implement Store.
1945 |
129 | MHT #383A, CMF #378A: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Very similar to Cedar Lumber & Hardware Store in Marriott Tube 55.
Includes lots of bids and photos of fixtures. Also known as Farm Implement Store.
1946 |
55 | MHT #383B, CMF #378B: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Very similar to Cedar Lumber & Hardware Store in Tube 129. This tube also includes proposed apartments for the Cedar Lumber & Commission Co.
1946 |
Christensen Machine Company Office -- 1975 S 300 W, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
313 | MHT #196, CMF #585: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Addition
Drawing of two schemes (A and B). Includes a 52-foot addition and some external modifications.
1945 |
Christensen, J.S. Store Building -- Cedar City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
405 | MHT #151, CMF #382: Ashton & Evans [Randall Jones, Associate]; Original Design
Full set of plans (8 sheets), containing front elevation. Great detail and flourishes. Also known as Whitaker Building.
1925 |
Christensen, Marie Residence -- 733 S 1100 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
366 | MHT #209, CMF #13: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plan, elevations, and plot plan.
1939 |
Christensen, Sherman L. Residence -- near 2150 E & 1700 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
366 | MHT #209, CMF #15: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plan, elevations, and plot plan.
undated |
City & County Building -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
282 | MHT #307, CMF #699B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
1. Addition to county clerks' office (3rd floor)
2. Partitions for Juvenile Court Judge (Room 504)
3. Remodeling of several other offices
1954 |
City Traffic Court -- 73 S 200 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
239 | MHT #418, CMF #953: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
Renovation of previous Boys' and Girls' Club building. Includes first floor space plan.
1960 |
Clapp, Prof. Residence -- 1331 E 700 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
390 | MHT #207, CMF #16: Ashton & Evans [possible]; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plan, elevations, and plot plan.
undated |
Clark, Dr. Thomas E. Residence -- Sandy, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
382 | MHT #101, CMF #20: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Minor Alterations
Relatively minor changes to floor plan.
undated |
Clarkston Latter-day Saint Ward -- 25 E 100 S, Clarkston, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
418 | MHT #174, CMF #290B: C.T. Barrett & Son [Logan]; Original Design
Includes several sheets of original chapel plan, some marked up by Ashton & Evans.
1935 |
418 | MHT #174, CMF #290A: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Includes to-build drawings of
1. Large addition (auditorium, vestibule, stage, and Relief Society room) with a Lamella roof over the auditorium
2. External changes and new windows to chapel.
3. Plot plan
1935 |
Clements Development, Housing Project -- 2100 S 2300 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
358 | MHT #364, CMF #811B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Includes various types of planning material
1. Channelized intersection plan (SLC Engineering Dept)
2. Plot plan of the village business section (AEB)
3. Clements Housing Project (Nevada & Redondo Ave) (AEB)
4. And much more
1948 |
Clements Development, Theater & Shops -- 2100 S 2300 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
69 | MHT #400, CMF #811A: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
1. Detail on theater for David Allred (AEB)
2. Drawing of proposed theater and shops (A&E)
1947 |
Cliff Hotel, Roosevelt -- 130 N Main, Roosevelt, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
23 | MHT #17, CMF #326: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
A variety of sketches and schemes. Also known as Cliff House Hotel.
1949 |
Clover Club Factory -- 100 E 200 N, Kaysville, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
379 | MHT #112, CMF #587A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plans, great elevations, and plot plan.
1947 |
379 | MHT #112, CMF #587B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
To-build drawings for additional offices and warehouse. Includes a plot plan.
1954 |
Clow, Kent Residence -- Lake Forest, ILReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
245 | MHT #263, CMF #1111: Robert T. Work (Chicago IL); Original Design
Elevations and floor plans for a two story, large estate.
1918 |
Clyde, E.W. Guest Lodge -- near Upper Provo Canyon, Woodland, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
354 | MHT #314, CMF #1085B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Great plot plans and elevations for a large lodge and associated cabins.
1957 |
Clyde, E.W. Mountain Cabin -- 5607 S Diamond Bar X Rd, Woodland, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
354 | MHT #314, CMF #1085A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Appears to be a proposal including elevation and floor plan.
1957 |
Cockayne, T. William Residence -- 930 S 1200 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
274 | MHT #201, CMF #18: Ashton & Evans; Addition
1. Construction requirements for new dwellings, 1938
2. Loan checklist signed by Raymond J. Ashton
3. Scope diagram (raised roof and added 2nd floor dormer)
4. Floor plan and new elevations
1936 |
Colorado Animal By-Products Factory -- probably near 463 S 400 W, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
362 | MHT #120, CMF #588: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevations and floor plans plus vendor material.
1935 |
Colorado Animal By-Products Plant -- IDReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
362 | MHT #120, CMF #1172: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevations and floor plan.
undated |
Columbia Theater -- Provo, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
29 | MHT #620, CMF #1283: J.E. Allen [Provo]; Original Design
16 large size drawings; max. 17" x 28"
Blueprints. Working drawings.
undated |
Columbia Trust Building -- 125 S Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
oversize-box | ||
483 | MHT #390, CMF #515A: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Includes front elevation and floor plan. Two sheets.
undated |
Commander Apartments -- 117 S 1300 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
135 | MHT #223, CMF #329A: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Penthouse apartment for John Lang. Includes
1. Code review of Commander Apts (by A&E)
2. Sound insulation
3. 6th Floor sun deck
4. Penthouse apartment floor plan
1945 |
135 | MHT #223, CMF #329B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
Elevator for Commander Apartments.
1952 |
Congregation Montefiore -- 355 S 300 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
255 | MHT #51, CMF #727A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
Sanctuary redecoration. Includes beautiful designs.
1951 |
256 | MHT #381, CMF #727B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
1. Field work of existing building (Wesley Budd, 1951)
2. Proposal addition (AEB, 1 page)
3. To-build drawings of additions and alterations (AEB)
1951 |
Continental Agency Company Office -- 320 E 400 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
219 | MHT #315, CMF #381: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings and elevations.
1950 |
Copperton Catholic Church -- 112 W State Hwy, Copperton, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
255 | MHT #51, CMF #729: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Floor plans and elevations. Includes great perspectives. Also known as the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
1948 |
Cottonwood Latter-day Saint Ward -- 5950 S Highland Dr, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
367 | MHT #178, CMF #291: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Addition includes Relief Society room, stage, some exterior changes, and HVAC.
1936 |
Cottonwood Mall -- 4800 S Highland Dr, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
447 | MHT #564, CMF #1194: Glen A. Finlayson; Plan
Includes plot plan and store plan.
1962 |
Cow Barn -- Unknown locationReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
281 | MHT #138, CMF #980: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Includes floor plan and elevation. Also known as "52 cow barn."
undated |
Crandall, Earl M. Residence -- Upper Yale Park, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
195 | MHT #366, CMF #663: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plans, great elevations, and plot plan.
1927 |
Crane Company Shops -- 307 W 300 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
434 | MHT #162, CMF #384: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Includes interior and exterior alterations, HVAC, and a new pipe shed.
1929 |
Crystal Palace Market #1 -- 510 E 1700 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
270 | MHT #34, CMF #686A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Service Station and Drive In Market for Mr. R.V. McCullough. To-build drawings including floor plans and elevations.
Very similar to Marriott Tube 408, but more detailed.
1930 |
408 | MHT #34, CMF #686B: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plans and elevations. Very similar to Marriott Tube 270, but more detailed.
1930 |
270 | MHT #34, CMF #686D: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Addition
Proposal-level sketches and perspectives.
1953 |
Crystal Palace Market #2 -- 314 E 100 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
408 | MHT #34, CMF #689A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Grand Central Market and Crystal Palace Market. Four sheets in ink including plot plans and elevations. Also known as McCullough Garage & Drive In Store.
1931 |
408 | MHT #34, CMF #689C: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Alterations to Crystal Palace Market for Mr. R. Verne McCullough. Two sheets, mostly external modifications. Also known as McCullough Garage & Drive In Store.
1936 |
270 | MHT #34, CMF #689B: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Proposed Crystal Palace Market. Includes elevations and detail of steel trusses. Also known as McCullough Garage & Drive In Store.
undated |
Crystal Palace Market #3 -- 216 S Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
270 | MHT #34, CMF #1134: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Bakery Building Addition to Crystal Palace Market. Includes floor layout, elevations and detail of steel trusses.
1936 |
Dahl, A. Boyden Residence -- Unknown locationReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
259 | MHT #218, CMF #3: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Includes a few informal elevations.
undated |
Daines, Dr. Lyman Luther Residence -- 1366 Butler, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
368 | MHT #220, CMF #21: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Many internal and external modifications including a tile roof.
1934 |
Daines, Dr. Lyman Luther Residence -- Unknown locationReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
368 | MHT #220, CMF #1154: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Alterations
Sketches including several schemes, floor plan, and elevations.
undated |
Davidson, Carl Duplex -- 1300 E near Harvard, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
406 | MHT #203, CMF #1180: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Full set of to-build drawings plus plot plan.
undated |
Davidson, Mrs. Alice E. Multi-unit Dwellings -- Unknown locationReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
406 | MHT #203, CMF #1052: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Only elevations for duplex, 4-unit apartment, and 12-unit apartment.
1940 |
Davis High School -- 325 S Main, Kaysville, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
283 | MHT #292, CMF #127D: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Addition
Labeled "Shop & Auditorium." Includes only sketches of
1. Proposed alterations
2. Scope outline
3. Scheme A and Scheme B
1946 |
283 | MHT #292, CMF #127E: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
Labeled "Kitchen and Cafeteria." Seems to be to-build drawings for basement, kitchen, and cafeteria.
1951 |
Davis, Badger, McCullough Triplex -- near Grand & 600 S (SE corner), Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
53 | MHT #30, CMF #106: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Includes elevations and plot plans.
1946 |
Daynes, Royal W. Duplex -- near 1300 E & Yale Ave (NE corner), Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
342 | MHT #134, CMF #984: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevations, details, floor plans, and garage.
1947 |
Daynes, Royal W. Residence -- 1407 Sigsbee Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
342 | MHT #134, CMF #22: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings on large property including elevations, floor plan, plot plan, and interesting foundation design.
1940 |
Daynes, Royal W. Residence -- 403 11th Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
342 | MHT #134, CMF #1143: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Internal and external modifications.
undated |
Decker, Loa Apartments -- probably near 5th Ave and F, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
380 | MHT #29, CMF #331: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Three, two-unit buildings facing a plaza. Some proposed sketches and to-build drawings for one unit including elevation, floor plan, and detail.
1940 |
Decker, Stan Mountain Lodge -- GP Bar Ranch, Cora, WYReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
448 | MHT #215, CMF #1107: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Full plan including floor plans and elevations. Timber and rock structure.
1954 |
Decker, Stanley Apartments -- Provo, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
380 | MHT #29, CMF #1115: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plans, detail, and elevations.
1924 |
Delta Gamma Sorority House -- 1373 East 100 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
360 | MHT #225, CMF #118: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Beautiful proposal drawings (though they didn't get the job and this plan was never built).
1934 |
Delta High School -- Delta, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
275 | MHT #350A, CMF #202A: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Labeled "North Wing." Large addition on north side including excellent elevations.
1925 |
275 | MHT #350A, CMF #202B: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Labeled "Mechanical Arts." Beautiful ink drawings including great elevations and details.
1929 |
Deseret News -- 33 Richards Str, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
196 | MHT #410A, CMF #592A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Printing and Book Binding Plant. Ink to-build drawings including elevations and decorations.
1926 |
93 | MHT #410B, CMF #592B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Business & Editorial Office Building and an addition to the Deseret News Printing Plant.
1947 |
450 | MHT #212, CMF #592C: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
Business & Editorial Office Building. Very minor office wall changes for Business Men's Assurance Company. Blueprint address is 34 Richards Street.
1949 |
Draper Park Elementary School -- Sandy, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
322 | MHT #291, CMF #173A: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Includes modifications to sewing room and lockers and a proposed balcony.
1941 |
Driggs Latter-day Saint Ward -- 225 N 1st Str, Driggs, IDReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
291 | MHT #8, CMF #292: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings by Raymond L. Evans. Beautiful elevations and details.
1943 |
Drs Medical Building -- 2210 E 4800 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
466 | MHT #355B, CMF #1254A: John W. Sugden; Original Design
To-build drawings including landscape plan.
1964 |
Dugway Proving Ground -- Dugway, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
134 | MHT #496, CMF #872D: Lavel & Morris [Logan UT] --- Deseret Architects [SLC] --- Flour Company (LA CA); Original Design
1991 Inventory label: " Security Building & Erosion Plan." Includes
1. Easy Area Plan for Erosion and Dust Control (Lavel and Morris, Logan, 1953)
2. Easy Area Security Building (Deseret Architects and Engineers, SLC, 1954)
3. Fuel Storage Facility (Flour Company, LA, 1953)
1954 |
Dugway Proving Ground, Able, Baker, Charlie, Dog & Easy Areas -- Dugway, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
103 | MHT #502, CMF #843C: Office of Facilities Division [Dugway Proving Ground] with Ralph Parsons (LA); Plan
1. Dog Area Utilities (by Ralph Parsons)
2. Building Layout (Able, Baker, Charlie, Dog, and Easy) (by Office of Facilities Division, Dugway Proving Ground)
1951 |
Dugway Proving Ground, Chemistry Lab -- Dugway, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
13 | MHT #539B, CMF #774A: Ashton & Evans; Alteration of Standard Design
1. Proposed Chem Lab
2. Chemistry Lab
1945 |
13 | MHT #539B, CMF #774B: U.S. Engineer Office [Sacramento CA]; Standard Design
Includes by US Engineer Office
1. Dispensary (DISP-F-H)
2. Water and Sewage Plan
3. Lathrop Engr Depot (Lathrop CA) Dispensary
4. Proposed Chemistry Lab (by Capt S.B. Bogese 1945)
5. Dugway Proving Ground Unit Layout
1945 |
Dugway Proving Ground, CW Field Analysis Building -- Dugway, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
142 | MHT #503B, CMF #864: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
1. CW Field Analysis Building (elevation and site plan), Sheets 1-24/35
2. Enlisted Men's Barracks and Mess Hall (elevation only)
1951 |
Dugway Proving Ground, Dog & Easy Area -- Dugway, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
124 | MHT #458, CMF #899C: Ashton, Evans & Brazier with Caldwell, Richards and Sorensen; Original Design
Includes (1951 - 1957)
1. Master plan and site plan for Dog and Easy areas
2. NCO Open Mess (by Keyes, Smith, and Satterleese)
3. Addition to NCO Open Mess (AEB/CRS, 1957)
4. NCO Club #556 (AEB/CRS, 1951), elevation
1951 |
84 | MHT #539A, CMF #899F: Ashton, Evans & Brazier with Caldwell, Richards and Sorensen; Original Design
Animal Holding & Crops Division Lab. Includes
1. Addition to Animal Holding Building (#5710)
2. Crops Division Labs Building (#4110)
1951 |
84 | MHT #539A, CMF #899H: Ralph Parsons; Original Design
Backup documents for Baker Area (Ralph Parsons Co, LA).
1951 |
103 | MHT #503A, CMF #843B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier with Caldwell, Richards and Sorensen; Original Design
1. Test Equipment Maintenance Building
2. Piping Tower Grid
3. Planting plan
1951 |
103 | MHT #503A, CMF #843D: Department of the Army, Office of the Chief of Engineers; Plan
1. Dog and Fox Utility plans
2. General Road Map
3. Many other location and plot plans
1951 |
83 | MHT #459, CMF #836A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
1. Fox Area Technical Equipment Building and site plan
2. Dog Area Plans and Operations Building (location is at B Street and 4th Street)
[Plus crabby AEB comments]
1955 |
Dugway Proving Ground, Dog Area -- Corner of 4th Str & B Str, Dugway, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
146 | MHT #497, CMF #836E: Department of the Army, Office of the Chief of Engineers; Standard Design
Micro Meteorological Bldg (Department of the Army, 1953).
1953 |
146 | MHT #497, CMF #836C: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alteration of Standard Design
1953 |
Dugway Proving Ground, Dog Area -- Dugway, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
80 | MHT #465, CMF #836B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier with Caldwell, Richards and Sorensen; Original Design
Includes projects and elevations for
1. Air Operations and Meteorologic Project (#460)
2. "R" Station Weather Station Project (#458)
3. Technical Laundry Project (#456)
4. Fire and Crash Station Project (#436)
1951 |
240 | MHT #504A, CMF #954: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Photo Optometric Instrumentation Lab. Includes
1. Project justification and cost sheet
2. Full set and some duplicates. "Final Submitted" version (checked and submitted by Raymond L. Evans)
1959 |
457 | MHT #504B, CMF #836F: Office of Facilities Division [Dugway Proving Ground]; Standard Design
Fire Crash Station. Reference material from US Army Engineering Corp of Engineers and Dugway Office of Facilities Division, including excellent site map.
1961 |
457 | MHT #504B, CMF #836D: Ashton, Evans, Brazier and Associates; Alteration of Standard Design
Fire Crash Station. Includes a few AEBA drawings.
1961 |
Dugway Proving Ground, Easy Area -- Dugway, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
153 | MHT #498, CMF #899G: Office of Facilities Division [Dugway Proving Ground] with Ralph Parsons (LA); Standard Design
1. Background material (Office of Facility Engineering, undated.)
2. Scrubber Building and Tower (Ralph Parson Co LA, 1950)
1945 |
153 | MHT #498, CMF #899E: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Chem Lab and Chapel. Includes
1. Chem Lab, elevation and site plan, between 3rd and 4th street and B and C streets (A&E, 1945)
2. Chem Lab, remodel (# 428) (AEB/CRS, 1950)
3. Easy Area Chapel (#541) (AEB 1952)
1945 |
111 | MHT #552, CMF #857D: Department of the Army, Office of the Chief of Engineers; Background Material
Conversion of temporary theater to permanent theater. This is at Lowry Field CO and is probably background for Dugway Theater (CMF 857C, Marriott Tube 155).
1948 |
155 | MHT #495A, CMF #857C: Department of the Army, Office of the Chief of Engineers; Standard Design
Standard Theater (Capacity 336)
1949 |
89 | MHT #462, CMF #837B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier with Caldwell, Richards and Sorensen; Original Design
1. Machine Shop and Instrument Repair (#570)
2. Easy Area site plan
1951 |
101 | MHT #494A, CMF #837C: Ashton, Evans & Brazier with Caldwell, Richards and Sorensen; Original Design
3rd, 4th, and 5th increments. Includes
1. Main Guard Station Building (#500)
2. Nurses Apartment (#502), elevation
3. Attendants Dorms (#503), elevation
4. Dugway Commissary Building (#534)
5. Site plan, grading plan, and building location plan
1951 |
149 | MHT #494B, CMF #837D: Ashton, Evans & Brazier with Caldwell, Richards and Sorensen; Original Design
3rd, 4th, and 5th increments. Includes
1. Commissary Building (#534)
2. Post Exchange Building (#535, North of Home Avenue)
3. Service Station Building (#536, Home Ave and 3rd Street)
4. Chapel (#541, on Circle Drive)
5. Elementary School Building (#542A, bad print, on Circle Drive)
1951 |
130 | MHT #494C, CMF #837E: Ashton, Evans & Brazier with Caldwell, Richards and Sorensen; Original Design
3rd, 4th, and 5th increments. Includes
1. "Typical details" of many design elements
2. Elementary School (#542A)
3. NCO Building (#556) On Circle Drive & Home Ave
4. Guard Station (#599)
5. Location map
1951 |
143 | MHT #494D, CMF #837F: Ashton, Evans & Brazier with Caldwell, Richards and Sorensen; Original Design
3rd, 4th, and 5th increments. Includes
1. Bowling alley (#537)
2. Swimming pool buildings (#540 and #555)
3. Post theater building (#552)
4. Gymnasium Building (#553)
1951 |
177 | MHT #494E, CMF #837G: Ashton, Evans & Brazier with Caldwell, Richards and Sorensen; Original Design
3rd, 4th, and 5th increments. Includes
1. Grading plan
2. Typical Details (all types)
3. Color Scheme
4. Main Guard Station (#500)
5. Station Hospital (#501)
1951 |
138 | MHT #494F, CMF #837H: Ashton, Evans & Brazier with Caldwell, Richards and Sorensen; Original Design
3rd, 4th, and 5th increments. Includes
1. Station Hospital (#501)
2. Nurses Apartment (#502)
3. Attendants Dorm (#503)
4. NCO Club (#556)
1951 |
117 | MHT #500A, CMF #840A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier with Caldwell, Richards and Sorensen; Original Design
Increment 1, Roll 1. Includes
1. Building location, grading, and utilities plans
2. General equipment and finish plans
3. Bachelor officer quarters (#525, 527, 528)
4. Scientific bachelor quarters (#523, 524)
5. Fire Station Building (#532)
6. Civilian women's dorm (#550)
7. Construction cost worksheet
1951 |
100 | MHT #500B, CMF #840B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier with Caldwell, Richards and Sorensen; Original Design
Increment 1, Roll 2. Includes
1. Civilian Female Dorm (#551)
2. Service Club (NCO) (#554)
3. Enlisted Men's Barracks and Mess Building (#557)
1951 |
179 | MHT #500D, CMF #840D: Ashton, Evans & Brazier with Caldwell, Richards and Sorensen; Original Design
Increment 1, Roll 4. These are markups and no blueprint photos were taken.
Includes Enlisted Men's Barracks and Mess #557
1951 |
70 | MHT #501A, CMF #840E: Ashton, Evans & Brazier with Caldwell, Richards and Sorensen; Original Design
Increment 2. Includes
1. Civilian Cafeteria Building
2. Officers Mess building
3. Ordnance Maintenance Shop (# 575)
4. Utilities Shop Building (# 577)
5. Vehicle Storage Building (#578)
6. Transportation Building (#574)
1951 |
27 | MHT #501B, CMF #840F: Ashton, Evans & Brazier with Caldwell, Richards and Sorensen; Original Design
Increment 2. Includes
1. Administration
2. Flag Pole
3. Photographic Laboratory (#562)
4. QM Office and Warehouse Building
5. Warehouse building
6. Transportation building
7. Civilian cafeteria building
1951 |
22 | MHT #501C, CMF #840G: Ashton, Evans & Brazier with Caldwell, Richards and Sorensen; Original Design
Increment 2. Includes
1. Ordnance Maintenance Shop (# 575). Nice elevation.
2. Utilities Shop Building (# 577)
3. Vehicle Storage Building (#578). Nice elevation.
4. Transportation Building (#574)
1951 |
103 | MHT #502, CMF #843A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier with Caldwell, Richards and Sorensen; Original Design
1. Easy Building Location Plan
2. Easy Planting plan
3. Easy Soil Treatment Plan
4. Athletic Facilities (Many)
5. BBQ Facilities
1951 |
114 | MHT #500C, CMF #840C: Ashton, Evans & Brazier with Caldwell, Richards and Sorensen; Original Design
Increment 1, Roll 3. Includes
1. Enlisted men's barracks and mess hall (#557)
2. Civilian male dorm (#558)
1951 |
155 | MHT #495A, CMF #857A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alteration of Standard Design
Theater Building (#552). All are informal, onion skin, marked up.
1952 |
163 | MHT #441, CMF #899A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alteration of Standard Design
1. Gym Building (#5310)
2. Swimming Pool (#5320)
3. Post Exchange Building (#5116)
4. Site plan
1953 |
170 | MHT #445, CMF #867D: Hammon & Hammon [Louisville KY]; Standard Design
300-seat chapel.
1953 |
170 | MHT #445, CMF #899C: U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers [San Francisco District]; Standard Design
QM Office & Warehouse modifications (#571).
1953 |
170 | MHT #445, CMF #867C: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alteration of Standard Design
Easy Area Chapel Building (#5100)
1953 |
170 | MHT #445, CMF #899B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alteration of Standard Design
QM Office & Warehouse modifications.
1953 |
141 | MHT #495B, CMF #857B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alteration of Standard Design
Vicinity map, to-build drawings, and elevations
1953 |
9 | MHT #499AB, CMF #771A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
Station hospital. To-build drawings including site plan, elevations, floor plans, and details.
1954 |
223 | MHT #440, CMF #867B: Hammon & Hammon [Louisville KY]; Standard Design
300-seat chapel. Full set of standard to-build drawings.
1955 |
223 | MHT #440, CMF #867A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alteration of Standard Design
Chapel. Includes
1. Preliminary Chapel (#5100)
2. Chapel (#541) with elevations
3. Spire for the chapel
1955 |
167 | MHT #542, CMF #771B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
Station hospital. To-build drawings including elevations, grading plan, and site plan.
1957 |
9 | MHT #499AB, CMF #771C: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Station hospital. Also includes drawings of University of Utah Burn Unit 1974 (MHT).
undated |
Dugway Proving Ground, Easy Area -- Resevoir Street, Dugway, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
85 | MHT #457, CMF #837A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
1. Easy Area Battalion Day Room Addition (to Enlisted Men's Barracks on Resevoir Street) 1956
2. Easy Area Battalion Administration and Supply Building (West of barracks on NW Corner of Doolittle and Resevoir) 1958
3. Plot plans
1956 |
Dugway Proving Ground, Housing -- Dugway, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
8 | MHT #541A, CMF #631: Ashton, Evans & Parrish; Original Design
War Housing Project No. Utah 42206. Vicinity map and to-build drawings (floor plan, elevations, and detail).
1945 |
8 | MHT #541C, CMF #769A: Slack Winburn; Original Design
Includes a vicinity map.
1945 |
467 | MHT #541B, CMF #769B: Slack Winburn; Original Design
To-building drawings including plot plan, electrical, utilities, landscaping, and sewers.
1951 |
Dunn Oil Company Service Station -- near 1300 S & 300 W, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
337 | MHT #197, CMF #576: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Proposal and full set of to-build plans. Beautiful perspectives and signs. Plot plan.
1952 |
Duplex, 60 ft corner lotReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
268 | MHT #205, CMF #1064A: Ashton & Evans; Standard Design
Beautiful drawings including elevation and floor plan.
undated |
Duplex, 60 ft lotReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
303 | MHT #180, CMF #1064B: Ashton & Evans; Standard Design
Beautiful colored drawings including elevation and floor plan.
undated |
Duplex, 75 foot lotReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
318 | MHT #234, CMF #1064C: Ashton & Evans; Standard Design
Beautiful colored drawings including elevation and floor plan.
undated |
Dutch John Development -- Vernal, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
243 | MHT #659, CMF #906: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Plan
Includes many Dutch John sketches on oil skin
1. Site plan (ABMA)
2. Flaming Gorge Community Sanitary Plan and Profile and street plan (by United States Department of Interior)
3. Dutch John Development (ABMA)
undated |
Eagle Gate Apartments -- 105 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
175 | MHT #387, CMF #333: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
Includes many sketches (drawn by Raymond L. Evans) as well as final prints of
1. Dormers and Apts added to 6th floor
2. Modifications made on 5th Floor
3. Some marked up original plans (no arch or date)
1949 |
Eden Latter-day Saint Ward Recreational Hall -- Eden, IDReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
122 | MHT #399B, CMF #852: Ashton & Evans; Documentation
1. Measurements (by Raymond J. Ashton)
2. Elevation
1944 |
Edmunds, Bud Residence -- Delta, COReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
480 | MHT #211, CMF #35: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including great details, elevations, and floor plans.
1934 |
Eimco Offices & Shop -- 634 S 500 W, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
365 | MHT #250, CMF #390: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
Includes six final to-build drawings for
1. Several new offices
2. Print shop
undated |
Elba Latter-day Saint Ward -- Elba, IDReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
210 | MHT #305, CMF #294A: Raymond Evans [Ashton & Evans, Associates]; Addition
1. Full set of to-build drawings to add a spire (great pencil sketch on a photo) and other modifications. Odd title block: Raymond L. Evans architect; Ashton and Evans associates (Evans, undated)
2. Proposed alterations & additions (Scheme A) (A&E, 1944)
1944 |
382 | MHT #101, CMF #294B: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Addition
Includes only Scheme D.
1945 |
Elberta Elementary School -- Elberta, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
412 | MHT #129, CMF #209: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including beautiful ink elevations and detail.
1929 |
Elks Lodge -- Montrose, COReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
199 | MHT #405, CMF #1240: Thomas & Sweet [Colorado Springs CO]; Addition
Includes 8 sheets of drawings.
1950 |
Ellis, Hague Residence -- near 2300 block on Dallin Str, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
69 | MHT #402, CMF #856: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Original Design
1966 |
Emergency SchoolReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
374 | MHT #356B, CMF #1055B: Hodgson, Ashton & Evans; Alteration of Standard Design
Includes letter and detailed plans for Federal Works Agency (FWA) and Utah FWA schools.
1943 |
374 | MHT #356A, CMF #1055A: FWA Office of Chief Engineer; Standard Design
Emergency schools for Federal Works Agency (FWA). Includes
1. Emergency school buildings, typical 4, 6, 9, and 13 class room designs (FWA Office of Chief Engineer, 1942)
2. Details for 4, 6, and 9 classroom buildings (FWA Office of Chief Engineer, 1942)
3. Great details of standard furniture for FWA schools (n.a.)
undated |
Emigration Latter-day Saint Ward -- 721 S 1200 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
325 | MHT #396, CMF #293A: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Addition
1. Proposed meetinghouse (1941)
2. Proposed alterations (1939)
1939 |
258 | MHT #261, CMF #293B: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Includes steel order and order paperwork for A&E addition.
1943 |
325 | MHT #396, CMF #293C: Pope & Burton; Original Design
Beautiful drawings of original building.
undated |
Empire Distribution Company Property, Lauren Burt Company -- 557 S 400 W, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
354 | MHT #314, CMF #1147: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Alterations
Very sketchy drawings. Floor plan only.
undated |
Englert, L.W. Apartments -- Elko, NVReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
448 | MHT #232, CMF #334: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Four sheets with a beautiful elevation.
undated |
Englewood Latter-day Saint Ward -- 999 E Tufts Ave, Littleton, COReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
204 | MHT #177, CMF #734: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Full revision and final to-build drawings. Great drawings of lighting.
1958 |
Evans & Early Mortuary -- 575 E 100 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
276 | MHT #267, CMF #519: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Great perspective of addition including elevations and floor plan.
undated |
Evans, Aldrich Double House -- near corner of 6th Ave & B Str, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
195 | MHT #366, CMF #664: Ashton; Original Design
Ink drawings.
1919 |
Evans, Alldridge N. & Thelma Residence -- near corner of 6th Ave & B Str, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
259 | MHT #218, CMF #36: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Minor modifications to first and second floors (two apartments on each floor).
1940 |
Evans, E.J. Residence -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
195 | MHT #366, CMF #151: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build ink drawings by Raymond L. Evans.
Some of the sheets say E.P. Evans which we assume is an error.
undated |
Evans, Ellan Apartments -- 251 S 500 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
448 | MHT #232, CMF #1192: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Seems to be turning a home into an apartment located next to Midgely Home. To-build drawings including plot plan.
undated |
Evans, R.L. Duplex -- 1425 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
267 | MHT #68, CMF #48A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plan, elevation, and details.
1961 |
Evans, R.L. Residence -- 1435 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
267 | MHT #68, CMF #48B: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Full to-build drawings and elevations.
1940 |
Evans, R.L. Residence -- 1445 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
267 | MHT #68, CMF #48C: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
1. Complete set of to-build drawings
2. Drawings for an alteration to the residence
1924 |
Evans, R.L. Triplex -- 1451 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
267 | MHT #68, CMF #48D: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Only a few sheets including plot plan and elevations.
1957 |
Evans, Tyler Residence -- possibly 2353 Bernadine Dr, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
413 | MHT #119, CMF #26: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Three sheets including elevation and floor plan.
1947 |
Exeter, Hazen Residence -- 1021 Military Dr, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
323 | MHT #181, CMF #37: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plan, elevations, and plot plan.
1928 |
Exhibition House -- 2337 S 2200 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
450 | MHT #210, CMF #38: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Full set of to-build drawings including landscape and plot plan. Great detail. An all-electric spec house in Country Club area.
1930 |
Fairfield Village -- near 400 N & Colorado Street & Jordan River, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
408 | MHT #34, CMF #391: Hare & Hare, Landscape Architects [Kansas City MO] with Pope, Burton & Thomas; Plan
Study "C" for Fairfield Village. Includes
1. Proposed house project for Salt Lake Region, 1 sheet (Pope, Burton & Thomas)
2. Landscape plan (Hare & Hare, landscape architects)
1941 |
Fairview Latter-day Saint Ward -- Osmond, WYReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
272 | MHT #168, CMF #295: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Detailed to-build drawings.
1936 |
Fehr, Dr. Norman Residence -- 1623 Millbrook Rd, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
390 | MHT #207, CMF #39: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings and a site plan.
1941 |
Filer Latter-day Saint Branch -- Twin Falls , IDReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
241 | MHT #144, CMF #957: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Includes sketches and to-build drawings.
1945 |
Fillmore Elementary School -- Fillmore, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
380 | MHT #29, CMF #144: Walkin & Birch; Original Design
Complete set of to-build original drawings. Beautiful.
undated |
Fillmore Junior High School -- Fillmore, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
275 | MHT #350A, CMF #208: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations |
undated |
Finch, Harry Store -- 130 E 300 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
285 | MHT #190, CMF #393: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Three sheets of floor plan and elevation (façade).
1939 |
First Congregational Church -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
243 | MHT #659, CMF #910: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Minor Alterations
Includes some great colored sketches.
1959 |
First National Bank -- Farmington, NMReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
469 | MHT #723, CMF #1258A: W.G. Knoebel [St. Louis]; Original Design
To-build drawings
1956 |
469 | MHT #723, CMF #1258C: Mauch, Stastny & Rassam; Master Plan
Master plan
1974 |
469 | MHT #723, CMF #1258B: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Original Design
1. Informal work (1976)
2. Formal duplicates of marked up to-build plans (1977)
1977 |
Fisher Brewing Company -- 160 S 1100 W, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
31 | MHT #380B, CMF #735D: Richard K.A. Kletting; Original Design
New office for Fisher Brewing.
1912 |
209 | MHT #380A, CMF #735B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier with Wohleb & Wohleb [Olympia, WA]; Addition
1950 |
11 | MHT #380C, CMF #735A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier with Wohleb & Wohleb [Olympia, WA]; Addition |
1950 |
31 | MHT #380B, CMF #735C: Ashton, Evans & Brazier with Wohleb, Wohleb & Bennett [Olympia, WA]; Addition
1. Proposed Additions and Alterations to Office (AEB, 1953)
2. Three story Cellar Building addition (AEB/WWB)
3. Various sets of additional modifications (n.a./n.d.)
4. Many letters to Utah Liquor Control board
1953 |
Flaming Gorge Pines and Sweat Ranch -- off Utah Highway 260, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
238 | MHT #650, CMF #1267: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Plan
Includes site maps.
1970 |
Folland Drug -- 402 6th Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
373 | MHT #155, CMF #396B: Rexall Drug Corporate; Proposal Addition
Also known as Rexall Drugs (Follands).
1953 |
373 | MHT #155, CMF #396A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Addition
Great sketches, interior and external. Specifications. Black and white photos. Also known as Rexall Drugs (Follands).
1953 |
Folland Drug -- 1500 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
373 | MHT #155, CMF #1155: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Addition
A few exterior sketches.
undated |
Fordham, J.E. Residence -- Sandy, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
406 | MHT #204, CMF #41: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Includes extensive modifications, specifications, and a page of written alterations
undated |
Forest Service Ampitheater -- near Provo Canyon, Provo Canyon, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
299 | MHT #248, CMF #990: Forest Service; Original Design
Beautiful Forest Service structure.
1934 |
Forestry Sciences Lab -- 860 N 1200 E, Logan, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
71 | MHT #415, CMF #815: Ashton, Evans, Brazier and Associates; Original Design
To-build drawings with especially beautiful perspectives.
1962 |
Fort Douglas Golf Club -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
393 | MHT #108, CMF #256: Ashton & Evans; Addition
1. Original plans, 3 pages, n.a.
2. Extensive alterations and proposed alterations (A&E, may be over several time periods)
3. Proposed grounds entrance (A&E, undated)
4. Addition (A&E, 1944)
1944, undated |
Fossil Butte National Bank -- Kemmerer, WYReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
471 | MHT #697, CMF #1259: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Original Design
Full set of to-build drawings including perspectives and presentation material. No blueprint photos.
1975 |
Franken, J.L. Residence -- Unknown locationReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
323 | MHT #183, CMF #42: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Lots (and lots) of elevation sketches and a few floor plan sketches. No to-build drawings. Also known as "T.L. Franklin" or "J.H. Franken" on other documentation.
1941 |
Freedom Latter-day Saint Ward -- Freedom, WYReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
272 | MHT #168, CMF #296: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Addition
Floor plan shows scope of amusement hall additions: adding toilets, entrance, dressing room, and kitchen.
1943 |
Friendship Manor Apartments -- 1300 E & 500 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
75 | MHT #609A, CMF #821C: Ashton, Evans, Brazier and Associates; Original Design
A full set of Friendship Manor to-build drawings and a few of the rental apartments.
1966 |
73 | MHT #658A & C, CMF #821A: Ashton, Evans, Brazier and Associates; Original Design
Blueprints labeled Friendship Manor Rental Apartments and architect is AEBA (though date is 1966).
1966 |
184 | MHT #658B, CMF #821B: Ashton, Evans, Brazier and Associates; Original Design
Complete set of to-build drawings including E 1-17, S 9-14, and M 1-20.
undated |
Frozen Food Plant, Davis County -- UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
313 | MHT #196, CMF #593: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Six very sketchy pages with the client name redacted.
undated |
Fuller, John Store -- 109 Main, Cedar City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
285 | MHT #190, CMF #397: Randall Jones [Ashton & Evans, Associates]; Original Design
Early ink drawings. To-build drawings including floor plan, elevations, and detail.
1923 |
Furniture Exchange -- San Francisco, CAReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
202 | MHT #32, CMF #932: Capital Company; Original Design
Four unidentified handwritten sheets.
undated |
Future Farmers of America (FFA) Chapter House -- 340 N 300 W, Roosevelt, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
269 | MHT #227, CMF #335: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Sketches of floor plan, fireplace, and elevations.
1936 |
Galena Block -- 179 S State, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
345 | MHT #160, CMF #398: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Proposed and to-build drawings including a lot of detail. Includes the Rental Plan for Albert Eccles Investment Co.
1933 |
Gardner, Wilford B. Residence -- 2425 Michigan Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
6 | MHT #316A, CMF #767: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including great sketches and location diagram.
1953 |
Gardner-Denver Company Office -- 375 University Blvd, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
201 | MHT #65, CMF #597: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Great perspectives, sketches, and location diagram.
1961 |
Garrett, Charles Rollins & Lucy Residence -- 390 S 100 E, Bountiful, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
448 | MHT #215, CMF #43: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevations, floor plan, and great detail.
1931 |
Gas Company Showroom -- Ogden, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
oversize-box | ||
483 | MHT #390, CMF #1286: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
One sheet. Beautiful colored design.
undated |
Gayway Lounge -- 2829 S State, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
286 | MHT #5, CMF #1118: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including plot plan, many perspectives, handwritten specs, and floor plan. Also documented as "Gateway Lounge."
1961 |
General Electric Supply Corp Office & Warehouse -- 2400 S & 900 W (SE corner), Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
331 | MHT #76, CMF #399B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design |
1960 |
220 | MHT #70, CMF #399A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Original, formal to-build plans. Great elevations.
1961 |
331 | MHT #76, CMF #399C: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Alterations |
1967 |
General Services Administration Building -- 1745 W 1700 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
235 | MHT #355A, CMF #966A: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Alterations
Handicapped Accessibility Remodel. Includes Architectural and Miscellaneous drawings.
1976 |
466 | MHT #355B, CMF #966B: General Services Administration, Construction Management Division [Denver CO]; Alterations
Handicapped Accessibility Remodel. Includes Mechanical and Electrical drawings.
1976 |
George, Nicholes Residence -- 2186 Laird Way, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
406 | MHT #206, CMF #1053: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Full set (8 sheets) of to-build drawings.
1946 |
Girl Scout Camp, Wasatch Range -- Brighton, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
137 | MHT #372, CMF #257A: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
A few beautiful A&E sketches.
undated |
137 | MHT #372, CMF #257B: Laurie D. Cox [Girl Scouts Inc NY]; Standard Design
Many standard plans.
undated |
Givens, Bishop MA Church House & Parsonage -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
212 | MHT #669, CMF #941: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Original Design
Includes full set of to-build drawings and a great sketch.
1969 |
Glade, Earl J. Residence -- 2610 Highland Dr, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
323 | MHT #181, CMF #1009: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plan, elevations, and details. Very specific lighting details (examples and bids).
1935 |
Glade, Earl J. Suspension Bridge -- Provo Canyon, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
323 | MHT #181, CMF #1277: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Proposed suspension bridge for Earl Glade over the Provo Canyon.
undated |
Golden Oaks Development -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
95 | MHT #780, CMF #829: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Plan
1. Survey material
2. Detailed tennis court plan
undated |
Goodman, Allen E. Residence -- 2190 Lincoln, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
480 | MHT #211, CMF #44: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build elevations and floor plans.
undated |
Grand Central Market Store #2 -- 410 E 300 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
270 | MHT #34, CMF #1114: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Includes elevations and floor plans.
1933 |
Grand Theater -- Brigham City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
oversize-box | ||
485 | MHT #86, CMF #1289B: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Three sheets of interior and exterior alterations. This work was done during the conversion of the Grand Theater to the Roxy.
1936 |
485 | MHT #86, CMF #1289A: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Three sheets. Exterior, colored renovations. This could have been done in 1936 or earlier.
approximately 1936 |
Grandview Latter-day Saint Chapel and Social Hall -- 2930 2000 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
436 | MHT #172, CMF #297: Paulson & Parrish; Original Design
Four pages of drawings including plot plan, site plan, and elevations.
1937 |
Grandview Meadows Mobile Home Estates -- near Coleman & 2nd N Str, Tooele, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
231 | MHT #609B, CMF #868B: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Plan
1. Master plan
2. Site plan
3. Lot Plan
4. All Utilities
5. Expansion Plan
6. Development Proposal
1969 |
72 | MHT #613, CMF #868A: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Plan |
1969 |
Grant, Heber J. Office -- near S Temple at 800 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
212 | MHT #669, CMF #942: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Proposal Original Design
Includes sketch and address.
1973 |
Grant, B.F. ResidenceReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
480 | MHT #211, CMF #45: Ashton & Evans [possible]; Proposal Original Design
Great elevations, but floor plan very vague and not enough detail for a to-build drawing. Printing style looks like early A&E.
undated |
Greyhound Bus Depot -- Pendleton, ORReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
337 | MHT #198, CMF #1071: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings include floor plan, elevations, detail, and beautiful perspectives,
1948 |
Greyline Motor Tours -- 29 W South Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
279 | MHT #189, CMF #1242: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
1. Fairly minor scope: storage room on roof, new toilets, etc.
2. Floor plan
3. Entrances to UP Building and Deseret News annex
4. Specifications
undated |
Grimsdale, George W. Residence -- near 428 11th Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
268 | MHT #205, CMF #46: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings include elevations and floor plans.
undated |
Growers Market -- 424 S West Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
180 | MHT #411B, CMF #594D: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Includes several buildings
1. Building 1
2. Unit 4 warehouse
3. Second unit (Buildings A, B, and C)
4. Building 3
5. New building at 450 S W Temple
6. Winter Market
1929 |
422 | MHT #149, CMF #594A: Ashton & Evans; Addition
To-build drawings include elevations and floor plans to the West Addition. Specific location not clear.
1940 |
180 | MHT #411B, CMF #594C: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
Addition to Pacific Fruit Company Quarters for Growers Market Company.
1954 |
58 | MHT #411A, CMF #594B: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Sketch for Growers Market including elevation.
undated |
Hall, Eugene Y. Residence -- 715 S 1100 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
390 | MHT #207, CMF #1103: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings for a small home including elevation and detailed floor plan.
1939 |
Hamilton Elementary School -- 770 S 800 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
283 | MHT #277, CMF #230: Francis D. Rutherford; Addition
Includes detailed to-build plans and elevations. Beautiful.
1912 |
Hansen Block -- Sugarhouse, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
23 | MHT #17, CMF #400A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
Includes great elevations and photo.
1953 |
Hansen Block, Christiansen Furniture -- Sugarhouse, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
23 | MHT #17, CMF #400B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
Just one floor plan drawing as part of Hansen block.
1953 |
Heber City High School, Arts & Science Building -- Heber City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
397 | MHT #280, CMF #161: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Detailed to-build floor plans and elevations.
1927 |
Heber City Library, court house version -- Heber City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
260 | MHT #31, CMF #261B: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Addition
Sketches of a proposed library addition to the courthouse.
1937 |
Heber City Library, stand alone version -- 188 S Main, Heber City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
322 | MHT #290, CMF #261A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Full set of to-build drawings with specifications, details, drawings of all furniture and cases and plaques. FWA Docket Utah 1142F.
1939 |
Hewlett, F.J. Residence -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
259 | MHT #218, CMF #1205: D. C. Dart; Original Design
Original drawings of a beautiful old home including markups for floor plan alterations that could be A&E work?
undated |
Hilgendorff, Sam A. Residence -- 450 E Robert Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
269 | MHT #216, CMF #1116: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevations, floor plans, and site plan.
1936 |
Hill Air Force Base, Fire Station -- Hill Field, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
426 | MHT #153, CMF #930C: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including plot plan, site plan, and full set of plans.
1954 |
206 | MHT #484A, CMF #930B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
1. Site Plan and elevations
2. Significant soil and foundation work
3. Two full sets of drawings
Drawings were checked and submitted by Raymond L. Evans.
1954 |
197 | MHT #484B, CMF #930A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Includes great elevations, site plan, and standard plans from Department of Air Force; Office of Quartermaster General; and U.S. Engineers Office.
1954 |
Hills, Donald L. Property Development -- Unknown locationReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
421 | MHT #79, CMF #1181: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Plan
Several studies and planning level documents.
1966 |
Hinckley High School -- Hinckley, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
275 | MHT #350A, CMF #207: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Gym building. Includes elevations.
undated |
Hinckley, Robert H. Company -- 2810 Washington Blvd, Ogden, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
346 | MHT #133, CMF #985B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Warehouse. To-build drawings including great floor plans, plot plans, details, and advertisement!
1947 |
357 | MHT #353, CMF #985A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Automobile Sales and Service facility. Includes proposal (AEB 1947) plus additions (AEB 1959).
1947, 1959 |
Hinckley, Robert H. Ogden Development -- Ogden, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
357 | MHT #353, CMF #823G: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Plan
Five development studies.
1959 |
51 | MHT #612B, CMF #823D: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Plan
1. Sewage and pumping station
2. Lots of reference material including surveys, maps, plot sites, easements, annexations and zoning map from many other sources
1965 |
236 | MHT #611A & B, CMF #823B: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Plan
Includes condo proposal (1966 - 1968).
1966-1968 |
159 | MHT #612C, CMF #823C: Templeton, Linde & Alsup [SLC]; Plan
Includes a variety of water, sewage, highway, and annexation maps by various offices. Handwritten "Hinckley project."
1966 |
237 | MHT #610, CMF #823F: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Plan
1. Mainpoint Cinema
2. Futuristic drawings
1967 |
75 | MHT #609A, CMF #823A: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Plan
Futuristic development project, including mall in South Ogden. Very interesting renderings.
undated |
Hogle Investment Seven Room House PlanReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
454 | MHT #257, CMF #91: Pope & Burton; Standard Design
Three pages.
1924 |
Hogle Zoo -- 2600 Sunnyside Ave S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
6 | MHT #316A, CMF #258: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
Includes fantastic sketches and site layouts of
1. Bear Grotto
2. Cougar Grotto
3. New Elk Barn
1956 |
Holladay Shopping Center -- near 2350 E 4800 S, Holladay, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
186 | MHT #521, CMF #914: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
All proposal-type sketches, including several schemes.
undated |
18 | MHT #301, CMF #53: Ashton & Evans; Standard Design
Beautiful elevations.
1946 |
Horman Construction Company Building, Hercules Powder -- 431 S 300 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
458 | MHT #711, CMF #1247: n.a.; Documentation
Order for Crager Wire and Iron Works. No architect or date.
undated |
Horman Construction Company Building, Phillips Petroleum Offices -- 431 S 300 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
458 | MHT #711, CMF #1248: n.a.; Minor Alterations
Sketches of 4th floor offices.
1965 |
Hotel Bigelow (Reed Hotel) -- Ogden, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
3 | MHT #374A, CMF #349A: Hodgson & McClenahan; Original Design
To-build plans of a 12-story building with three basement floors. Includes prints by McClintic-Marshall Company of Los Angeles CA.
1925 |
301 | MHT #374B, CMF #349B: Hodgson & McClenahan; Original Design
To-build plans of a 12-story building with three basement floors. Especially beautiful exterior elevations.
1925 |
273 | MHT #374C, CMF #349C: Hodgson & McClenahan; Original Design
To-build plans of a 12-story building with three basement floors.
1925 |
Hotel Utah -- 15 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
19 | MHT #451, CMF #338L: Parkinson & Bergstrom; Alterations
2nd mezzanine.
1912 |
191 | MHT #15, CMF #338B: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Various alterations. Includes lobby, stores, parking lot, Empire Room, Rendezvous, individual rooms for clients, and other aspects of the hotel.
1935 |
414 | MHT #87B, CMF #338H: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Makeoff's Store. Just 2 sheets and fixture order sheet.
1935 |
36 | MHT #15, CMF #338A: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Roof Garden & Empire Room. Includes roof garden, Empire Room, remodel of rooms 825 - 827, and ballroom.
1936 |
376 | MHT #146, CMF #338C: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
Just 2 sheets including ceiling framing plans.
1960 |
19 | MHT #451, CMF #338K: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
Includes great sketches and elevations of
1. Executive Office (2nd Mezzanine)
2. 10th Floor (Garden dining room and penthouse)
1960 |
36 | MHT #15, CMF #338J: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Maurice Anderson Store. Floor plan.
undated |
191 | MHT #15, CMF #338D: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
Denver & Rio Grande Railroad Ticket Office. Includes floor plan and elevation.
undated |
191 | MHT #15, CMF #338F: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Union Pacific Ticket Office. Very thorough Union Pacific office drawings.
undated |
191 | MHT #15, CMF #338G: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Maurice Anderson Store. Floor plan.
undated |
Hotel Vernal -- 120 E Main, Vernal, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
289 | MHT #131, CMF #363: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
A highlight. Lots of to-build drawings not only of the floor plan and elevations, but perspectives of many of the shops (beauty shop, barber, flower shop, radio room, club & cocktail bar). Also known as Vernal Hotel.
1947 |
Howell, Mrs. Benjamin R. Residence -- 1440 Sigsbee, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
303 | MHT #180, CMF #52: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plans and elevations.
1941 |
Hygea Ice -- Sugarhouse, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
288 | MHT #213, CMF #1265: Ashton & Evans [possible]; Documentation
One page of heating diagrams at Hygea Ice for Willard Ashton.
undated |
Idaho Falls Electric Building -- near intersection of Anderson Str & Yellowstone Highway, Idaho Falls, IDReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
447 | MHT #564, CMF #1193: C.A. Sundberg & Associates [Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates, Consulting Architects]; Proposal Original Design
Includes plot plans, floor plans, and great perspectives for an all-electric building.
1964 |
Idaho Falls Temple -- Idaho Falls, IDReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
296 | MHT #399A, CMF #1124: Board of Temple Architects; Original Design
Original drawings. Beautiful.
1940 |
Idaho Theatre -- Twin Falls , IDReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
394 | MHT #86, CMF #525A: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Very artistic including colored concrete designs.
1936 |
oversize-box | ||
485 | MHT #86, CMF #525B: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
One sheet, sketch of exterior elevation.
1936 |
Inland Amusement Company Building -- 1147 E 2100 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
404 | MHT #272, CMF #595: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Includes very detailed drawings
1. Specs
2. Bid on Allied Architects letterhead
3. Sketches (very fragile)
4. To-build drawings (floor plan, elevations, details)
Also known as "Theater for J. Lawrence."
1933 |
Intermountain Tractor Sales Corp -- 713 W 200 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
333 | MHT #264, CMF #708: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Work done for Rio Grande Land Company, SLC. Great perspectives showing Intermountain Tractor, appears to be proposal.
1948 |
Interwest Bloomington Condo Apartment -- Unknown locationReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
238 | MHT #650, CMF #1293: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Addition
Vague plans.
1971 |
Iron County Court House -- Parowan, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
423 | MHT #39, CMF #281: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Addition of judge and jury room and many alterations. Great details!
1929 |
Iron County Hospital -- 242 S 200 W, Cedar City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
265 | MHT #241, CMF #526B: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Nurses' home. To-build drawings including floor plans and elevations.
1924 |
310 | MHT #266, CMF #526A: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Sketches and to-build drawings for a large expansion. Nearly doubled hospital size.
1937 |
IRS Ogden -- near 12th & Tomilson, Ogden, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
183 | MHT #545 & 546, CMF #833I: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Original Design
Includes heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (3 sets of the same drawings).
1964 |
81 | MHT #562F, CMF #833F: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Original Design
1. Many informal onion skin sketchings
2. Formal 'tentative sketches"
3. Supporting prints for the IRS building
4. Supporting prints for Defense Deport, Ogden
1964 |
66 | MHT #562GH, CMF #833G: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Original Design
1. Tentative sketches for Regional Service Center
2. Final drawings for Regional Service Center
1964 |
154 | MHT #562A, CMF #833A: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Original Design
1965 |
226 | MHT #562C, CMF #833C: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Original Design
1. Electrical E1 to E35
2. Mechanical M1 to M3
1965 |
230 | MHT #562D, CMF #833D: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Original Design
1. Fire protection 1 - 9
2. HVA 1
3. Eq 1 - 2
4. Structural 1 - 3
5. Snow Melting and Lawn Sprinkling
1965 |
225 | MHT #562E, CMF #833E: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Original Design
1. Electrical E44 to 59
2. Landscape 1 to 2
3. RCP 1 to 9
4. Study of Training Space
1965 |
67 | MHT #562B, CMF #833B: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Original Design
undated |
IRS Ogden, Prototype Service Center -- Ogden, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
99 | MHT #580, CMF #833H: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Proposal Original Design
Includes perspectives and sketches.
1969 |
J.B. Bar Ranch Inn -- 3201 N River Rd, Midway, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
2 | MHT #741, CMF #763: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Original Design |
1977 |
J.C. Penney -- 68 Main, Cedar City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
285 | MHT #190, CMF #427A: Randall Jones [Ashton & Evans, Associates]; Original Design
Includes floor plans and elevations. Beautiful ink drawings. Work done for Harry Leigh.
1923 |
285 | MHT #190, CMF #427B: Ashton & Evans [Randall Jones, Associate]; Original Design
Includes colored elevations and floor plans. Also labeled as Store Building for Sam Leigh, Cedar City.
1924 |
Jackson Pines Condos -- Jackson , WYReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
238 | MHT #650, CMF #969: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Plan |
1971 |
Jackson, Irvin A. & Mary Residence -- 1401 Princeton, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
195 | MHT #366, CMF #32: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including site plan, elevations, and great detail.
1927 |
Jacobsen Construction Office Building -- 421 W 1300 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
32 | MHT #389, CMF #402: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Great perspective.
1951 |
Jacobsen Construction Office Building -- 724 S 300 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
32 | MHT #389, CMF #786: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevations, floor plan, and sections. Also includes addition to Jacobsen Office Building (Ashton, Brazier, and Montmorency, 1965).
1951 |
Jacobsen Construction Office Building -- 1919 W North Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
216 | MHT #575, CMF #119B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including plot plan, floor plans, many details, and light fixtures. Also includes an addition (Ashton, Brazier, Montorency and Associates, 1972).
1959 |
32 | MHT #389, CMF #119A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevations, floor plans, and details. Also known as Jacobsen Construction watchman's residence.
1959 |
208 | MHT #668, CMF #119C: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
One sheet.
1959 |
Janet Russell Candies Office & Store -- 24 S Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
213 | MHT #565, CMF #946: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Minor Alterations
Includes logo and good detail.
1968 |
JELCO -- 1919 W North Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
216 | MHT #575, CMF #933A: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Addition
Electronic Data Processing Center. To-build drawings of a new building on the JELCO site including plot plan.
1972 |
208 | MHT #668, CMF #933B: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Unknown scope
Electronic Data Processing Center (per 1991 inventory).
1974 |
Jenkins, A.B. Garage -- 983 S 1300 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
351 | MHT #237, CMF #1025: Ashton & Evans; Addition
One page of to-build drawings including elevation and floor plan.
1945 |
Jenkins, D.A. 1500 East Devel -- 1005 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
351 | MHT #237, CMF #1146A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
House A. To-build drawings including plot plan of all homes, floor plan, and elevations.
1924 |
Jenkins, D.A. 1500 East Devel -- 1013 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
351 | MHT #237, CMF #1146B: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
House B. To-build drawings including plot plan of all homes, floor plan, and elevations. Also includes garage between Houses A and B.
1924 |
Jenkins, D.A. 1500 East Devel -- 1017 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
351 | MHT #237, CMF #1146C: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
House C. To-build drawings including plot plan of all homes, floor plan, and elevations. Also includes garage between Houses B and C.
1926 |
Jenkins, D.A. 1500 East Devel -- 1023 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
351 | MHT #237, CMF #1146D: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
House D. To-build drawings including plot plan of all homes, floor plan, and elevations.
1926 |
351 | MHT #237, CMF #1146F: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
House D alterations. Two sheets of to-build drawings including many interior modifications for Mr. E. Blackhurst.
undated |
Jenkins, D.A. 1500 East Devel -- 1035 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
351 | MHT #237, CMF #1146E: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
House E ("Electrical"). To-build drawings including plot plan of all homes, floor plan, and elevations.
1926 |
Jenkins, D.A. Residence -- 1080 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
351 | MHT #237, CMF #682: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevations, floor plans, and lots of detail.
1925 |
Jenkins, John C. Building -- 47 S Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
444 | MHT #57, CMF #55B: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Daynes Music Company. Scope includes expanding Daynes' space to rear and some external changes.
1946 |
Jenkins, John C. Building -- 45 S Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
306 | MHT #256, CMF #55A: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Minor external modifications.
undated |
Jensen, Dr. C.N. Residence -- 1202 4th Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
317 | MHT #249, CMF #1129: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Alterations include large expansion and dormer, many new walls, and changes to kitchen and fireplace.
1940 |
Jensen, Dr. C.N. Residence -- 2501 S 1700 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
317 | MHT #249, CMF #56: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Sitting room addition including floor plan and elevations.
1947 |
Jensen, Hyrum Apartments -- 128 N Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
448 | MHT #232, CMF #339: Ashton & Evans [probable]; Original Design
Beautiful ink elevations.
1923 |
Jewish Community Center -- 2400 E 1700 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
256 | MHT #381, CMF #1226: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
One sheet perspective of a proposed new facility.
1952 |
John Deere Plow Company -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
420 | MHT #123, CMF #589B: John Deere Engineering [Dallas TX]; Background Material
Many reference drawings of a variety of locations from Deere Engineering.
1940 |
420 | MHT #123, CMF #589A: Ashton & Evans; Plan
Two site plans done by A&E (one at 2100 West Temple, and the other at 600 (now 700) W North Temple).
1940 |
Johnson, Dr. Frank Residence -- 3725 Kimbary Dr, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
471 | MHT #694, CMF #1257B: Leon Frehner, landscape architect; Landscape Plan
Detailed landscaping plan.
1974 |
471 | MHT #694, CMF #1257A: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Minor Alterations
Many minor alterations.
1974 |
Johnson, Dr. Oliver Residence -- Park City West, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
472 | MHT #678, CMF #1260: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Original Design
Lots of sketches, preliminary drawings, and internal schematics. Full to-build plans
1970 |
Jones, Shirley Beach Lodge -- Bear Lake, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
448 | MHT #215, CMF #58: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Two sheets including beautiful perspectives.
1949 |
Jordan High -- 9351 S State, Sandy, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
359 | MHT #334A, CMF #180A: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Gym Addition. PWA Project Utah 1176F.
This is north of the 1938 Science addition. Complete set of to-build plans.
1938 |
359 | MHT #334A, CMF #180D: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Main Addition. To-build drawings for an addition to north side of Main building. Includes to-build drawings for laboratory and classrooms.
1938 |
359 | MHT #334A, CMF #180G: Ashton & Evans; Plan
Plot plans. A variety of elevations and plot plans showing the 1895 building, the 1938 additions and the auditorium addition
1938 |
359 | MHT #334A, CMF #180J: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
Shop Building. Many alterations to shop building (added welding and many other changes).
1956 |
359 | MHT #334A, CMF #180H: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Addition
Primarily the girls' gym (to the north of boys' gym) and locker room modifications.
1958 |
359 | MHT #334A, CMF #180K: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Addition
Swimming Pool. Includes site plan and floor plan.
1958 |
477 | MHT #595B, CMF #180L: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Alterations
Fire Protection. Includes floor plans and mechanical plans for upper and lower levels of all buildings.
1976 |
Jordan School District -- Various, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
241 | MHT #144, CMF #697: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Tile Work. Includes drawings for tile work at
1. Bingham Grade
2. Copperfield Grade
3. Riverton Grade
4. Jordan High
5. Sandy Grade
6. Midvale Grade
7. Draper Grade
8. Midvale Junior High
9. West Jordan Junior High
10. Riverton Junior High
1943 |
Joseph Smith Farm Residence -- Palmyra, NYReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
430 | MHT #242, CMF #309: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Includes 2 schemes with handwritten specifications, floor plan, elevations (sketch only). Plans are labeled "Palmyra House." Specs from Sister Bean.
1938 |
Joseph W. Taylor Mortuary -- 125 N Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
340 | MHT #9, CMF #527: Miles E. Miller ; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plans and elevation. Beautiful terra cotta and wood detail design.
1927 |
Juab High -- Nephi, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
41 | MHT #14, CMF #218D: Joseph Nelson; Original Design
Also known as Nephi High.
1922 |
316 | MHT #287, CMF #218A: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Gym and mechanical arts building. Beautiful ink drawings. Full set of to-build drawings including plot plan. Also known as Nephi High.
1938 |
41 | MHT #14, CMF #218C: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Also known as Nephi High.
1943 |
250 | MHT #106, CMF #218B: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
1. Restoration (lots of detail and elevations)
2. Restoration of roof and emergency work after fire (1943 December-1944 January)
Also known as Nephi High.
1944 |
Judd, Mrs. Robert L. -- 420 A Str, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
39 | MHT #252, CMF #57: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Alterations to dining room.
1941 |
Judge Building -- 14 E Broadway, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
405 | MHT #151, CMF #373: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Minor Alterations
Bon Marche Store. Includes old and new logo on remodelled front façade (2 sheets).
1948 |
Kamas Grade School -- 535 E 300 S, Kamas , UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
316 | MHT #285, CMF #692: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
PWA Docket #UT 1023
Scope includes bricked up windows, updated locker rooms, and other relatively minor modifications.
1937 |
Kanab High School -- Kanab, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
300 | MHT #289, CMF #1013A: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Includes both sketches and to-build plans for minor alterations such as locker room, doors, and windows.
1937 |
Kanosh District School -- Kanosh, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
277 | MHT #350B, CMF #1030: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
HVAC improvements.
1925 |
Kaysville Elementary -- 50 N 100 E, Kaysville, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
371 | MHT #12, CMF #129: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
To-build drawings including floor plan, elevations, and many details. Scope includes classrooms and kitchen. Blueprints are checked by Raymond L. Evans.
1953 |
Kaysville Garage & Shop Building -- near 400 N & 400 W, Kaysville, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
246 | MHT #214, CMF #993A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Great sketches including elevations and beautiful perspective. Also known as Kaysville Shop & Warehouse Building.
1950 |
246 | MHT #214, CMF #993B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings. Also known as Kaysville Shop * Warehouse Building.
1950 |
Kaysville Latter-day Saint 2nd & 3rd Ward -- 25 S 200 E, Kaysville, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
415 | MHT #175, CMF #676A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Full set of to-build drawings.
1941 |
415 | MHT #175, CMF #676B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
Full set of to-build drawings. Great detail.
1954 |
Kaysville Latter-day Saint Tabernacle -- 198 W Center, Kaysville, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
415 | MHT #175, CMF #677: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Full set of to-build drawings including details and elevations.
1951 |
Kaysville Municipal Building -- 44 N Main, Kaysville, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
264 | MHT #288, CMF #736B: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Davis County Health Center. Includes
1. Proposed Davis County Health Center (1941). Original plan.
2. Davis County Health Center (1943 -1949) including floor plan, plot plan, elevations
1941, 1943-1949 |
264 | MHT #288, CMF #736A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Town Hall and Library. Includes
1. Plot plans
2. Great perspective (but not what was eventually built)
3. Floor plan
1943 |
264 | MHT #288, CMF #736C: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Weiner Mill Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) Monument. Includes great sketches for several different designs.
1946 |
260 | MHT #31, CMF #736D: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Wiener Mill Monument. Includes Order material and drawings.
1947 |
Kaysville Veterinarian Residence -- Kaysville, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
246 | MHT #214, CMF #995: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Includes a house with veternarian office in rear. Elevations and floor plan.
undated |
Kearns Building -- 132 S Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
413 | MHT #119, CMF #406C: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Utah Power & Light. Very minor ceiling and window changes (2 sheets). Blueprint states 136 S Main.
1940 |
164 | MHT #407, CMF #406B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Alterations
Utah Power & Light. Some internal office rearrangment plus a great new façade.
1954 |
Kearns Latter-day Saint 15th & 19th Wards -- Kearns, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
40 | MHT #667A, CMF #816A: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Alteration of Standard Design
Three sheets of MHT modifications to standard plans.
1970 |
40 | MHT #667A, CMF #816C: LDS Office of the Building Committee; Standard Design
Standard Liberty Development from the LDS Church architect's office.
1970 |
90 | MHT #632A & B, CMF #816C: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Alteration of Standard Design
A variant of LDS Liberty M2 plans.
1974 |
131 | MHT #667A, CMF #816B: LDS Office of the Building Committee; Standard Design
Standard Liberty Development from the LDS Church architect's office.
undated |
Kearns Latter-day Saint 7th & 8th Wards -- Kearns, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
150 | MHT #614B, CMF #858: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Alteration of Standard Design
A variant of LDS Freedom Development 70 Plan.
1968 |
147 | MHT #623A, CMF #858A: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Alteration of Standard Design
Full set. A variant of LDS Freedom Development 70 plan.
1968 |
123 | MHT #623B & C, CMF #858B: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Alteration of Standard Design
A variant of LDS Freedom Development 70 Plan.
1968 |
200 | MHT #614A, CMF #858B: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Alteration of Standard Design
Revisions. Full set of BMHT to-build drawings based on LDS Freedom Development 70 plan.
1971 |
Kearns, J.A. Apartments -- 252 S 500 E (rear), Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
360 | MHT #225, CMF #340: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Alterations
This is an apartment and includes restructuring rooms, removing dormer, and redesigning roof.
1926 |
Keeley Stores -- 36 W Center, Provo, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
33 | MHT #47, CMF #416: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
1929 |
Keeley Stores -- 160 S Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
417 | MHT #47, CMF #409B: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Store #3. Remodel kitchen, restrooms, and bar (4 sheets).
1939 |
172 | MHT #456, CMF #409C: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Store #3 in the E.L. Burton Building.
1940 |
33 | MHT #47, CMF #409A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
Store #3. Minor internal alterations.
undated |
Keeley Stores -- 2466 Washington Blvd, Ogden, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
33 | MHT #47, CMF #415A: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Just a few sheets, includes alterations to the store for Keeley Stores.
1946 |
33 | MHT #47, CMF #415B: Paul Hodgson; Original Design
Shop front.
1946 |
Keeley Stores -- near 258 South State, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
33 | MHT #47, CMF #417: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
Store #1, Main Office. A variety of projects from 1940 - 1948, including a beautiful façade.
1940-1948 |
Kennecott Building -- 1 S Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
472 | MHT #678, CMF #1262: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Minor Alterations
New cooling tower and support details.
1971 |
Keyser (New) Office and Warehouse -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
201 | MHT #65, CMF #1228: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Great perspective. The address on the blueprint (328 W 200 S) is Keyser's address, not the address of the project.
undated |
Keyser Site -- Between 300 to 400 W & 200 to 300 S., Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
409 | MHT #116, CMF #424L: Albert C. Martin [Los Angeles]; Background Material
General Electric building at Banning & Vignes Streets, LA. Background material for Salt Lake City General Electric Supply building.
1937 |
409 | MHT #116, CMF #424A: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
General Electric Supply Corp at 312 W 200 S. Includes internal remodeling and new auditorium.
1938 |
422 | MHT #149, CMF #424F: Ashton & Evans; Addition
General Electric Service Shop at 360 1/2 W 300 S. To-build drawings of an addition to the north of (then) current building.
1940 |
201 | MHT #65, CMF #424H: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Utah Paper Box at 340 W 200 S. Includes
1. To-build drawings of Utah Paper Box (A&E, 1945)
2. Excellent site plan of Keyser property
1945 |
201 | MHT #65, CMF #424J: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
Utah Paper Box at 340 W 200 S. A small addition to east side of building.
1952 |
201 | MHT #65, CMF #424K: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Keyser Coffee Shop at 358 W 200 S, off alley. Includes many great sketches and final drawings.
1953 |
157 | MHT #635, CMF #424B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
General Electric Supply Corp. at 312 W 300 S. Proposed and final 4th floor addition including elevations and plot plan.
1956 |
157 | MHT #635, CMF #424G: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Proposal Addition
Building at 328 W 300 S (behind). Plot plan showing location of new building on Keyser site.
1967 |
157 | MHT #635, CMF #424C: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Minor Alterations
Keyser Realty at 316 W 300 S. Primarily office space modifications.
1968 |
157 | MHT #635, CMF #424D: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
Flint Distribution at 320 W 300 S. New 4th floor addition to building. Includes plot plan.
undated |
157 | MHT #635, CMF #424E: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
Keyser Warehouse at 328 W 300 S. New façade and several floor plans.
undated |
Keyser, A. Donut Shop -- near Wasatch Dr, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
174 | MHT #454, CMF #912: Ashton, Evans, Brazier and Associates; Original Design
Very small footprint near Wasatch Drive. Includes plot plan.
1963 |
Kimberly Latter-day Saint Ward -- Kimberly, IDReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
122 | MHT #399B, CMF #850: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Includes lots of sizing calculations along with floor plan and elevation.
1944 |
Kirk, Phillip Hotel -- 57 W Vine, Tooele, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
269 | MHT #227, CMF #358: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Includes floor plans and elevations.
1929 |
Kirkham, Arno Residence -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
411 | MHT #251, CMF #59: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plans and elevations. There are two different elevations, but I believe the stucco option is what was finally built.
undated |
Kirkham, Jas M. -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
411 | MHT #251, CMF #1176: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build ink drawings including floor plan, elevations, and detail. The scope includes a finished basement with play room.
undated |
KLO Broadcasting Station -- Ogden, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
345 | MHT #160, CMF #419C: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
A floor plan including studios and offices.
undated |
KLO Transmission Station -- Ogden, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
345 | MHT #160, CMF #419A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including generator room, control room, living room, and transmitter room. Great elevation.
1929 |
Knell Motor Lodge -- 190 S Main, Cedar City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
356 | MHT #100, CMF #1021A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings for a motor court including elevations and room layout. Early sketches are labeled "Cottage Hotel."
1945 |
297 | MHT #40, CMF #1021C: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Two sketched sheets including a thorough floor plans and a later letter from Mr. Knell (1954).
1954, undated |
Knight Adjustment Bureau Office -- 530 E 400 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
208 | MHT #668, CMF #938: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Original Design
Knight Adjustment Bureau office for Dr. Robert Head.
1970 |
Knight, L. Gates Residence -- 1609 E Millbrook Rd, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
306 | MHT #256, CMF #60: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevations, floor plan, and details.
1941 |
Koldewyn, Don Residence -- on Jackson Ave facing east, Ogden, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
219 | MHT #319, CMF #924: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including a plot plan and details.
1950 |
KSL Building -- 50 W South Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
322 | MHT #294, CMF #1171: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Many sketches plus a great perspective drawing.
undated |
KSL Transmitter -- Highway 40 East of Saltair, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
26 | MHT #298, CMF #683A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
1. Station and beautiful elevations
2. Settling and aeration ponds
3. Coupling building
1932 |
26 | MHT #298, CMF #683C: Eugene Peck; Original Design
Includes antenna plan (with precise GPS location).
1932 |
26 | MHT #298, CMF #683B: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Only one drawing.
1939 |
KUTA Transmitter & Station -- near 2300 N & 900 W, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
307 | MHT #185, CMF #425: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevations, floor plan, and electrical specs (made for Utah Power & Light).
1941 |
Lafount, Harold A. Residence -- 1512 900 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
195 | MHT #366, CMF #30: Rutherford & Ashton; Original Design
Includes plot plan and several elevations in ink.
1919 |
Lagoon Caretaker's Residence -- Farmington, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
269 | MHT #216, CMF #1002: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including plot plan, floor plan, elevations, and a letter from Julius Bamburger.
1940 |
Laird Store -- Sugarhouse, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
311 | MHT #163, CMF #426: Rutherford & Ashton; Original Design
Beautiful to-build ink drawings include floor plan (B, 1, 2) and elevations.
1920 |
Lakeview Park School -- West of Willow, between Morgan Str & Daggett Str, Roy, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
374 | MHT #356B, CMF #645B: Hodgson, Ashton & Evans; Alteration of Standard Design
To-build drawings for 6-room school. Includes plot plan and detail. Federal Works Agency (FWA), War Public Works, Project Utah 42-165.
1942 |
61 | MHT #354B, CMF #645A: Hodgson, Ashton & Evans; Alteration of Standard Design
Includes plot plan and classroom layout. Federal Works Agency (FWA), War Public Works, Project Utah 42-165.
1943 |
Landenberger, Dr. J.C. Residence -- 58 Virginia Str, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
330 | MHT #255, CMF #981: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
Includes proposal and final to-build drawings (no dates) plus a sketch of porch and outside fireplace dated 1949.
1949, undated |
Landes, Herbert D. Residence -- probable 5357 Cottonwood, Holladay, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
321 | MHT #13, CMF #62: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Proposal and final to-build drawings including plot, perspective, floor plan, and lots of grade analysis. The proposed sketches are in bad shape.
1941 |
Lang Co Galvanizing -- 200 S & Jordan River, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
385 | MHT #117, CMF #598: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Proposal and to-build drawings include
1. Two pages of mark up
2. Survey
3. Floor plan, elevations, plot plan and lots of structural detail
1943 |
Lang Co Galvanizing -- 267 W 100 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
258 | MHT #261, CMF #1271: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Includes good scope drawings for an extensive second floor addition.
undated |
Lang, Robert Residence -- 1789 Hollywood, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
135 | MHT #223, CMF #61: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
Small remodel including fireplace and basement finish.
undated |
Larson, Dr. Aubrey MIchael Building -- 859 E 1300 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
360 | MHT #226, CMF #343: Ashton & Evans [probable]; Proposal Alterations
Appears to be proposal sketches for store and apartment building remodel. Includes resizing the rooms.
undated |
Las Vegas Elementary -- Las Vegas, NVReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
300 | MHT #289, CMF #200: Ashton & Evans [possible]; Unknown scope
One sheet including floor plan of first floor.
undated |
Las Vegas Latter-day Saint Chapel and Recreation Hall -- 509 S 9th Str, Las Vegas, NVReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
440 | MHT #171, CMF #299: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Full set of to-build drawings including beautiful window.
1932 |
Layton, Commissioner David Store & Restaurant -- near Highway 91 and Hill Field Rd, Clearfield, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
285 | MHT #190, CMF #428: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Several sheets with progressing design of elevation and floor plan.
1946 |
Layton, Mrs. Virginia Phillips Store & Post Office -- 59 N Main, Kaysville, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
246 | MHT #214, CMF #260A: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Alterations
Proposed alterations of 2nd story floor plan and facade (3 sheets, 1941) plus one sheet from 1950.
1941, 1950 |
246 | MHT #214, CMF #260B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
Three sheets including alterations and addition to property.
1950 |
246 | MHT #214, CMF #260C: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
Includes significant foundation work.
undated |
Le Grand Latter-day Saint Ward -- 1078 S McClelland, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
407 | MHT #102, CMF #301A: Ashton; Original Design
Full set of ink to-build drawings including plot plan, elevations, and much detail.
1914 |
407 | MHT #102, CMF #301B: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Minor Alterations
Scope includes beautiful windows, speaker stand, and organ grille.
undated |
Liberty Park Concession Stand -- within Liberty Park, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
300 | MHT #289, CMF #263: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
1. Letter from Dick Gardner
2. To-build drawings including floor plans, elevations, and detail
3. Sketch for loudspeaker housing
1938 |
Light, Dr. Given Addison Residence -- 1350 S 1300 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
317 | MHT #249, CMF #63: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Lots of marked up sketches, a photo from a magazine, and handwritten specifications. No to-build drawings.
undated |
Linde Air Products Company Building -- 360 Pierpont Str, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
341 | MHT #262, CMF #600: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Three sheets of minor internal and external alterations.
1940 |
Little Building -- 165 S Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
259 | MHT #230, CMF #431: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Latches Café (also known as Lamb's Café). Back bar and counter alterations. To-build drawings including colored elevations, floor plans and details.
1938 |
Littlejohn Theater -- Elko, NVReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
280 | MHT #246, CMF #530: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including colored perspectives and elevations, floor plan, and details.
1936 |
Littlejohn Theater -- 94 S Main, Helper, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
278 | MHT #247, CMF #716: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plans, elevations, and lots of mechanical detail. Scope of project includes stores and theater. Also known as the Bonnie Theater.
1934 |
Lloyd, Donald P. Residence -- 2045 E 1300 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
26 | MHT #299, CMF #789A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
Scope includes adding a second floor to part of the home.
1956 |
26 | MHT #299, CMF #789B: Leon Frehner, landscape architect; Landscape Plan
A planting plan by Leon Frehner.
1956 |
Logandale Elementary School -- Logandale, NVReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
300 | MHT #289, CMF #199: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
These are labeled as proposed, but are beautiful floor plans and elevations.
undated |
Lunt Motor Company Building -- 39 S Main, Cedar City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
18 | MHT #302, CMF #780: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Addition
Great perspective of the entire building with addition.
1948 |
Lunt's Hotel -- 39 S Main, Cedar City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
448 | MHT #232, CMF #344: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Alterations
Scope includes adding a beauty salon and coffee shop to existing floor plan.
1939 |
Lynndyl Elementary -- Lynndyl, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
277 | MHT #350B, CMF #206B: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Primarily HVAC work.
1925 |
275 | MHT #350A, CMF #206A: Joseph Nelson; Original Design
Floor plans.
undated |
Mabey, Governor Charles R. Residence -- 1390 Yale Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
39 | MHT #252, CMF #67: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Includes residence elevations and garage specifications.
1928 |
Macfarlane, Dr. M.J. Residence -- 218 S 100 W, Cedar City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
306 | MHT #256, CMF #65: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings for elegant home including elevations, details, and floor plans.
1926 |
Maddox, Hal W. Residence -- near 924 Lorraine, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
448 | MHT #215, CMF #66: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
To-build drawings for a dining room addition and small alterations (bookcase, fireplace).
1950 |
Makoff Store & Parking -- 200 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
148 | MHT #87A, CMF #859A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including very detailed fixture and built-in plans. Great elevation with logo.
1955 |
414 | MHT #87B, CMF #859B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
1. Preliminary perspective of a 13-story building including a parking terrace and office building
2. Topo map
3. To-build drawings of the multilevel parking terrace with foundation and footing plans and multiple floor plan options. Includes lots of storage
1955 |
414 | MHT #87B, CMF #859C: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings for Makoff store including kitchen floor plan, internal elevations, structural & HVAC detail, and some beautiful internal perspectives.
1955 |
Makoff, Richard Residence -- 2419 Kaywood Cir, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
414 | MHT #87B, CMF #1177: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
Includes perspective and floor plan for a new patio and activities area.
1953 |
Mangum, Laurence Residence -- 900 S block of 1200 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
274 | MHT #201, CMF #989: Miller, Woolley & Evans; Original Design
Includes complete AIA standard contract and specifications, along with floor plan and elevations.
undated |
Masonic Temple -- 73 S 200 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
262 | MHT #113, CMF #362B: Ware & Tragenza; Original Design
Original design for the Masonic Temple which was altered by A&E and became the U.S.O. club on 200 E.
undated |
Mayflower Apartment Garages -- 1283 E South Temple , Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
292 | MHT #236, CMF #345: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Scope includes seven new garages plus new vestibule.
1941 |
McConahay Jewelry -- 57 S Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
33 | MHT #47, CMF #790: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
Scope includes front entrance and interior.
1959 |
McCornick School -- McCornick, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
277 | MHT #350B, CMF #1027: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Added large community room. Drawings include floor plan and elevations.
1923 |
McCullough Apartments -- near East Capitol Blvd & 200 N, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
421 | MHT #79, CMF #1109: Ashton, Evans, Brazier and Associates; Proposal Original Design
Four-story apartment building overlooking the capital (East Capital Blvd and 200 N). Includes floor plans, elevations, plot plan, and site plan.
1963 |
McCullough, Vern Residence -- 1529 Yale, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
432 | MHT #239, CMF #69A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Complete set of to-build drawings for a large home.
1924 |
432 | MHT #239, CMF #69B: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Scope includes both internal and external modifications.
1932 |
Meadow Elementary School -- 20 S 100 E, Meadow, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
277 | MHT #350B, CMF #204: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plans, elevations, and detail (prints are dated 1923 - 1925).
1923-1925 |
Medical Arts Building -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
329 | MHT #271, CMF #681B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier [probable]; Proposal Minor Alterations
Dr. C.W. Dalley Office. The architect's signature is D.R. Hayes, thus assume this is from AEB.
1960 |
Memorial Medical Center -- 2000 S 900 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
203 | MHT #344, CMF #922: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
Includes the proposal drawings (1960) and the to-build drawings (1965) for a huge remodel. Some of the drawings are labeled AEBA.
1960 |
Memory Park -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
oversize-box | ||
483 | MHT #390, CMF #1060C: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
145th Field Artillery Monument. Includes two sets of blueprints (one is revised in Jan 1926). Very detailed.
1926 |
tube | ||
424 | MHT #377B, CMF #1060B: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Memorial Bridge over City Creek Canyon. Proposed bridge over City Creek Canyon. Includes paperwork from the "Improvement of Wasatch Drive" group (1915 and 1933), photos, and some outstanding renderings.
1933 |
397 | MHT #279, CMF #1060A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
Memorial House. To-build drawings include plot plan and wall details for new enclosed garden.
1953 |
Merrill, Joseph F. & Emily Traub residence -- 1324 E 100 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
430 | MHT #242, CMF #70: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
A full set of to-build drawings, but label says 'proposed.'
1928 |
Merrill, Taylor S. Residence -- 2053 Ashton Cir, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
448 | MHT #215, CMF #666: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Four sheets of to-build drawings including elevations and floor plans.
1955 |
Metro Law Building -- on 300 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
458 | MHT #711, CMF #1246: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Alterations
Includes a proposed site plan and perspective.
1980 |
Middlemiss, Dr. William R. Residence -- 2327 Berkeley Str, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
332 | MHT #11, CMF #1067: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Preliminary and to-build drawings for a large residence including 3 fireplaces and BBQ, custom steel and wood orders, and much detail.
1946 |
Midwest Service Supply Company -- 1333 S Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
294 | MHT #152, CMF #432: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including plot plan, elevations, floor plans, and detail.
1945 |
Millard County Court House -- Fillmore, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
423 | MHT #39, CMF #282A: Rutherford & Ashton; Original Design
Beautiful ink to-build drawings including seal (1920).
1919 |
423 | MHT #39, CMF #282B: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
One sheet of a modification to the Judge's Bench.
1925 |
Millard County High -- Fillmore, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
275 | MHT #350A, CMF #201: Nelson & Ashworth; Original Design
Also known as Filmore High School Building or Old Fillmore District School.
1919 |
Miller, Clarence Apartments -- 31 S 100 W, Cedar City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
246 | MHT #224, CMF #347A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
1. Handwritten and formal specs
2. Address plaque
3. Nine sheets of to-build drawings including elevations, plot plan, and detail
1946 |
444 | MHT #57, CMF #347B: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Two sheets including perspective and floor plan only. Handwritten signature by William Gardner.
undated |
Miller, John Melrose -- Unknown locationReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
360 | MHT #231, CMF #1150: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
To-build drawings including floor plan, foundation, and internal/exterior changes.
1935 |
Miller, John Melrose -- 1128 Herbert, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
360 | MHT #231, CMF #346: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Minor Alterations
Minor internal and external changes.
undated |
Miller, Melrose Utility Building -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
379 | MHT #112, CMF #1190: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Very detailed to-build plans including elevations, floor plans, and trim schedule.
1935 |
Modern Furniture Co -- 234 S State, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
172 | MHT #456, CMF #433: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Alterations to store front for Mr. Mose Lewis.
1929 |
Morgan, Nicholas G Recreational Development -- Salt Lake Blvd & Ala Tehua, Honolulu, HIReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
347 | MHT #265, CMF #1006: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Plan
Includes plot plan, multiple perspectives, and project scope.
undated |
Morris, George Q. Building -- 242 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
350 | MHT #136, CMF #1073: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
To-build drawings include plot plan, elevations, and detail. All marked Rev #1.
1955 |
Morris, Nephi L. Residence -- 70 W 200 N, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
312 | MHT #259, CMF #71: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Includes orginal drawings (undated) and proposed alterations (undated). A small home, no elevation.
undated |
Mose Lewis Store -- 12 Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
172 | MHT #456, CMF #410: Ashton & Evans; Alterations |
1927 |
Moser-Hartman Building -- 66 Post Office Pl, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
285 | MHT #190, CMF #456: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Two sheets of façade and floor plan.
undated |
Mote, Selbert W. Residence -- 221 S 1200 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
26 | MHT #298, CMF #72A: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Scope is primarily external alterations.
undated |
26 | MHT #298, CMF #72B: Niels P. Larson; Minor Alterations
A very small remodel by Niels P. Larson (SLC).
undated |
Mountain Dell Golf Course Clubhouse -- 7603 East Mt Dell Golf Road, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
102 | MHT #453, CMF #838: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Appears to be mostly proposal-level drawings including beautiful perspectives, elevations, and floor plans. Also includes site plan and directions.
1962 |
Mountain Fuel Supply Corporation Building -- Evanston, WYReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
314 | MHT #132, CMF #442: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build including elevations and details.
1941 |
Mountain Fuel Supply Corporation Building -- Rock Springs, WYReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
453 | MHT #145, CMF #602: Mountain Fuel Supply Company; Addition
Nine sheets of to-build drawings.
undated |
Mountain Fuel Supply Corporation Office Building -- 36 S State, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
54 | MHT #398A, CMF #795A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevations and detail such as the beautiful light fixtures in sales lobby. Very similar to CMF 795B (Marriott Tube 290). Also known as Wasatch Gas.
1935 |
290 | MHT #398B, CMF #795B: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including great elevations, lighting detail, and schedule sheet. Very similar to CMF 795A (Marriott Tube 54). Also known as Wasatch Gas.
1935 |
54 | MHT #398A, CMF #795C: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
Addition of a third floor and east wing. Very similar to CMF 795D (Marriott Tube 290). Also known as Wasatch Gas.
1949 |
54 | MHT #398A, CMF #795E: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
To-build drawings.
undated |
290 | MHT #398B, CMF #795D: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
Addition is a third floor and east wing. Lots of HVAC detail. Very similar to CMF 795C (Marriott Tube 54). Also known as Wasatch Gas.
undated |
Mountain States Building Bureau ResidenceReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
318 | MHT #234, CMF #440: Ashton & Evans; Standard Design
This is a standard house design by A&E published by a consortium of architects.
1940 |
Mountain States Oil Service Station -- near corner of 400 S and 200 W, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
309 | MHT #156, CMF #570A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings include great elevation and floor plans.
1935 |
309 | MHT #156, CMF #570B: Ashton & Evans; Addition
To-build drawings of a large expansion to rear of original station. Work done for Mr. Church Castle.
undated |
Mueller Park -- Wasatch National Forest, Bountiful, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
315 | MHT #165, CMF #1127: Frederick M. Meyer [probably San Francisco CA]; Background Material
Lincoln Park Shelter & Clubhouse [San Francisco CA]. Probably background material for Mueller Park buildings.
1926 |
315 | MHT #165, CMF #675A: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Bunkhouse. One sheet. Addition of a stone fireplace.
undated |
300 | MHT #289, CMF #675B: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Rainshelter. To-build drawings of a simple rain shelter.
undated |
Multi-Story Parking Garage -- Unknown locationReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
54 | MHT #398A, CMF #797: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design |
1956 |
Murray Hill Gardens Subdivision -- Meadowview Rd & Atwood, Murray, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
307 | MHT #185, CMF #1016B: Hare & Hare, Landscape Architects [Kansas City MO]; Original Design
A planting plan. Also known as the W Ashton Development.
1947 |
307 | MHT #185, CMF #1016A: Ashton & Evans; Standard Design
A plot plan and many sketches and designs for different house options. Also known as the W Ashton Development.
1947 |
Murray State Bank -- 5085 S State, Murray, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
438 | MHT #78, CMF #1093: Ashton, Evans, Brazier and Associates; Addition
Great plot map (old bank and new bank). Lots of sketches of all types. Full set of formal to-build drawings.
1962 |
Mutual Creamery Ice House -- near corner of Main & State, American Fork, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
245 | MHT #263, CMF #603: Rutherford & Ashton; Original Design
Beautiful ink drawing on Velum. To-build drawings include elevations and detail. Some of the drawing blocks show Rutherford, and others show Rutherford & Ashton.
undated |
Naylor, N.A. Residence -- 3096 S 2300 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
454 | MHT #257, CMF #73: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings include floor plan and elevations.
undated |
Neilson Residence -- Monticello, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
411 | MHT #251, CMF #74: Ashton; Original Design
To-build drawings (some faded) including great colored elevation. Also includes a letter to "Hun" from "Your brother, Ray" (Chicago 1917).
1917, undated |
Nephi Central Elementary School -- Nephi, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
455 | MHT #105, CMF #217: Ashton & Evans; Addition
The WPA project includes
1. Two classroom addition
2. Shop and Gym addition
1936 |
New Quincy Elementary -- 2980 Quincy Ave, Ogden, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
479 | MHT #122, CMF #213: Leslie S. Hodgson [Ogden UT]; Original Design
Complete set of to-build drawings.
1941 |
Nibley Park -- near 2700 S 700 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
300 | MHT #289, CMF #546B: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Clubhouse. Mostly sketches and a great elevation. Some detailed sketches from the clubhouse porch.
1931 |
299 | MHT #248, CMF #546A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Water Theater. Ink to-build drawings including perspective, plot plan, and details.
1932 |
Nielson, Arvle Commercial Building -- 3500 S Merry Lane, Hunter, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
400 | MHT #141, CMF #1209: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Plan
Preliminary Study #2. Includes plot plan.
1964 |
North Davis Junior High School -- 835 S State, Clearfield, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
371 | MHT #12, CMF #130A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Addition
Addition scope includes classroom, shop, food room, and clothing room.
1956 |
371 | MHT #12, CMF #130B: Pope & Burton; Alterations
Gym reconstruction.
undated |
Northwest Investment Company Cottage -- Pocatello, IDReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
411 | MHT #251, CMF #75: Rutherford & Ashton; Standard Design
To-build ink drawings including floor plans, many elevations, details. This seems to be a series of standard residential designs (S-1, S-1A, B etc.).
1919 |
Notre Dame Regional School -- Price, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
26 | MHT #299, CMF #222: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings include elevations, floor plan, and electrical details.
1956 |
Oakcrest Garden Apartments -- 900 Donner Way, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
217 | MHT #386, CMF #927: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
A variety of material (many copies) including sketches, preliminary studies, and some formal to-build drawings.
1962 |
Ogden Air Depot Steam Plant -- Brigham City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
13 | MHT #539B, CMF #775: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Blueprint label says Ogden Air Depot at Hill Field (crossed out) and replaced with Brigham City.
Includes topo map and elevations of a small structure.
1945 |
Ogden Latter-day Saint 22nd Ward -- 3717 Grant Ave, Ogden, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
425 | MHT #125, CMF #302: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Chapel and recreation hall. Includes proposal drawings and duplicate full sets of to-build drawings, some in color.
1937 |
Okland, Jack Residence -- 2260 Oneida Str, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
229 | MHT #448, CMF #964: Ashton, Evans, Brazier and Associates; Addition
To-build drawings include HVAC and cabinetry (AEBA, 1964). Also includes residence remodel (MHT, 1978).
1964, 1978 |
Orpheum Theater -- 154 N Main, Cedar City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
oversize-box | ||
483 | MHT #390, CMF #565A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Beautiful drawings: marquise, elevation, foyer elevation, proscenium. Includes sketchs and to-build drawings. Also known as the Woodbury Theater.
1927 |
Our Lady of Lourdes Rectory -- 670 S 1100 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
354 | MHT #314, CMF #1149B: Lloyd W. McClenahan; Proposal Original Design
Two identical proposals one with the AEB stamp and one with the McClenahan stamp. Both sets are a large addition to the west including plot plan, floor plan, elevations and lots of detail (but are labeled as proposal).
1953 |
354 | MHT #314, CMF #1149A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Two identical proposals one with the AEB stamp and one with the McClenahan stamp. Both sets are a large addition to the west including plot plan, floor plan, elevations and lots of detail (but are labeled as proposal).
1953 |
Pacific National Life Insurance Company Building -- 411 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
256 | MHT #381, CMF #1041: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
Includes as-built drawings for a variety of internal and external projects including parking lot. Some great photos.
1950 |
Pacific National Life Insurance Company Residence -- Richfield, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
256 | MHT #381, CMF #80: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Two sheets including an elevation and floor plan.
undated |
Pack, Eugene Residence -- 1253 E 200 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
387 | MHT #238, CMF #81: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Includes many informal drawings of different versions and to-build drawings (on brown paper).
1936 |
Panaca Latter-day Saint Ward -- 1065 Main Street, Panaca, NVReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
418 | MHT #174, CMF #303: Ashton & Evans; Addition
To-build drawings including addition of kitchen, Relief Society room, and three classrooms. Alteration of the pulpit.
1938 |
Paramount Theater -- 53 S Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
oversize-box | ||
485 | MHT #86, CMF #1287: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
To-build and sketches of lobby, ticket booth, and entrance. Three drawings.
undated |
Paramount Theater -- 63 E Center, Provo, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
29 | MHT #620, CMF #792: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Alterations
1971 |
394 | MHT #86, CMF #1164: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
To-build drawings including floor plans and sections of a large alteration.
undated |
Park City Community Building -- 427 Main, Park City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
298 | MHT #43, CMF #262: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plans, beautiful elevations, and war veteran plaque. Also known as War Memorial Veterans Building.
1939 |
Park City Latter-day Saint 2nd Ward -- 424 Park Ave, Park City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
439 | MHT #170, CMF #305: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Recreation hall addition. To-build drawings including detailed floor plans and elevations with addition marked.
1938 |
Parley's Latter-day Saint Ward -- 2100 S 2100 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
367 | MHT #178, CMF #304: Ashton & Evans; Addition
To-build drawings of a large addition including auditorium, stage, bishops office with fireplace, Relief Society room, two classrooms and toilets.
Tube also includes a great (long) summary of A&E architectural symbols (Ashton & Evans Ware McClenahan, undated).
undated |
Parowan High School -- Parowan, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
300 | MHT #282, CMF #1012: Cannon & Fetzer; Original Design
Full set of to-build plans.
1929 |
Parry Apartments -- Unknown locationReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
268 | MHT #205, CMF #1113: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
1st and 2nd floor plans.
1940 |
Parry, George Residence -- Unknown locationReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
369 | MHT #240, CMF #84: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Three sheets including floor plans and elevation.
undated |
Parry, Miss Florence L. -- 3387 Highland Dr, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
327 | MHT #243, CMF #83: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Three sheets including basement, 1st floor, 2nd floor. Alterations are relatively minor including doors, lights, etc.
undated |
Payson Junior High -- 250 S Main, Payson, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
412 | MHT #129, CMF #215: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Full set of ink to-build plans including plot plan, elevations, and details.
1928 |
Pembrokes Office Outfitters -- 24 E 300 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
294 | MHT #152, CMF #457: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
Very minor alterations including stairway changes, floor layout, and display design.
undated |
Pepsi Cola Office & Bottling Plant -- 225 E 600 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
386 | MHT #150, CMF #1094: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including plot plan and detailed floor plan.
1947 |
Persch, C.A. Building -- 970 E 3000 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
208 | MHT #668, CMF #940: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Original Design |
1970 |
Peterson Tractor & Implement Building -- Midvale, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
49 | MHT #579, CMF #819: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Original Design
Complete set of to-build plans.
1968 |
Peterson, Bruce W. Residence -- Sandy, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
304 | MHT #25, CMF #79A: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Four proposal drawings including elevations and floor plans.
undated |
Peterson, Ted Residence -- 6417 S 2000 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
304 | MHT #25, CMF #1125: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
To-build drawings include elevations, floor plan, and details.
undated |
Photo-Blue -- Park City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
472 | MHT #678, CMF #1261: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Alterations
Only a few sheets.
undated |
Pioneer Craft House -- 3271 S 500 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
64 | MHT #654, CMF #832: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Addition
Classroom building.
1973 |
Pioneer Pipeline Terminal Building -- 245 E 1100 N, North Salt Lake, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
372 | MHT #191, CMF #460: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plans, elevation, plot plan, and details.
1952 |
Pipes and Pizza -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
212 | MHT #669, CMF #944: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Original Design
To-build drawings.
undated |
Piute County High School -- Circleville, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
395 | MHT #104, CMF #252A: Pope & Burton; Original Design
Built as Piute High School then became Piute Elementary. Original to-build drawings including elevations and details.
1921 |
395 | MHT #104, CMF #252B: Ashton & Evans; Addition
To-build drawings including floor plan and elevations for Industrial Arts, Home Economics, and Town Board Office addition to Piute High School.
1946 |
Playhouse Theater -- Unknown locationReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
oversize-box | ||
483 | MHT #390, CMF #1285: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
New balcony and other specific alterations.
undated |
Porter-Walton Warehouse -- 522 S 400 W, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
345 | MHT #160, CMF #461: Ashton & Evans; Addition
A relatively small addition to the east of the main building.
1938 |
Prince, Kenneth L. Residence -- Sandy, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
111 | MHT #557, CMF #882: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Minor Alterations |
undated |
Provo Theater -- 340 W Center, Provo, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
oversize-box | ||
485 | MHT #86, CMF #1288: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Very minor alterations. One drawing.
undated |
Purton, Thomas A. Greenhouse -- 1134 Gilmore Dr, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
283 | MHT #292, CMF #1076: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
To-build drawings including floor plan, details, and elevation.
1949 |
Pyper, Walter D. Residence -- 1527 E 900 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
195 | MHT #366, CMF #27: Ashton & Evans [probable]; Original Design
To-build including floor plans and elevations.
1926 |
Racquet Haven -- 4800 S 1130 W, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
98 | MHT #779, CMF #875: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Plan
Includes site plan.
1978 |
Railroad Passenger Station -- near S Temple & W Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
478 | MHT #222, CMF #1051A: Young & Hansen; Original Design
Some beautiful to-build ink drawings including many markups (including a "Bamberger" markup).
1922 |
478 | MHT #222, CMF #1051B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Addition
One sketched sheet including an elevation and a section.
1947 |
Randall-Dodd Auto Company Garage -- 47-49 200 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
309 | MHT #156, CMF #572: Miller, Woolley & Evans; Original Design
Possibly background material for Mountain States Oil Service Station in the same tube.
1919 |
Randolph Latter-day Saint Ward -- Randolph, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
305 | MHT #167, CMF #306A: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Chapel renovations. Includes
1. HVAC sizing estimates
2. Elevations show that stairs and dormers are removed, among other changes
3. Basement floor is lifted
4. Many changes to heating and plumbing
1937 |
440 | MHT #171, CMF #306B: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Recreation Hall. Full set of to-build drawings including elevations, floor plans, and detail.
1937 |
Real Equities Apartment & Office Complex -- 2210 E 4800 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
466 | MHT #355B, CMF #1254B: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Proposal Original Design
No detail, just sketches.
undated |
Redman Van & Storage Company Warehouse -- near Wall Str & 36th Ave, Ogden, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
136 | MHT #342, CMF #718: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Includes several different proposed designs and elegant perspectives. Tube also includes Ogden Shopping Center drawings by AE Alexander.
1956 |
Redman Van & Storage Company Warehouse & Office -- 1238 E 2100 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
136 | MHT #342, CMF #606A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevations, floor plans, and great internal perspectives. Also includes seven sheets of typical floor plans for Bekins Van & Storage (Van Nuys, CA) by C. Deuel
1946 |
136 | MHT #342, CMF #606B: C. Deuel, Structural Engineer; Background Material
Seven sheets of typical floor plans for Bekins Van & Storage (Van Nuys, CA) by C. Deuel. Background material for Redman in Sugarhouse.
1946 |
Redman Van & Storage Company Warehouse & Office -- 136 S 500 W, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
136 | MHT #342, CMF #1273: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Alterations
Interior and exterior proposals.
undated |
Research Center for Rare Materials Corporation of America Industrial Center -- 2065 W 1700 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
191 | MHT #15, CMF #947A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
One sheet. Addition of a stone fireplace.
1957 |
365 | MHT #250, CMF #947B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design |
1957 |
Research Institute -- 2505 S 400 E, South Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
243 | MHT #659, CMF #907: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Plan
Includes Site Plan.
1963 |
Rialto TheaterReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
404 | MHT #272, CMF #1174: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Marquis & Display Case. Small project including to-build drawings.
undated |
Rich County Court House -- 20 S Main Str, Randolph, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
450 | MHT #212, CMF #268A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Full set of to-build drawings including great detail, jail, and landscape.
1941 |
450 | MHT #212, CMF #268B: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Includes floor plan sketches for the proposed health center alteration.
1946 |
Richards, LeGrand Residence -- Normandie Heights, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
265 | MHT #241, CMF #1047: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Full set of to-build drawings including elevations, floor plans, beautiful elevations, and many details.
1927 |
Richfield Latter-day Saint 1st Ward -- 180 W 400 S, Richfield, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
291 | MHT #8, CMF #308: Ashton & Evans; Addition
To-build drawings including great elevations that show scope of addition.
1940 |
Ridges, Melvin Residence -- 755 9th Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
39 | MHT #252, CMF #85: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Colored sketch of proposal. Series of to-build drawings including many elevations.
1937 |
Ritchie, V.W. Camp -- Charleston, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
18 | MHT #302, CMF #269: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Great plat sketch, sewage planning, and building perspectives.
1947 |
RKO Theater -- 148 S Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
oversize-box | ||
485 | MHT #86, CMF #1291: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Minor Alterations
One sheet with ticket booth elevations.
undated |
Robbins, J.B. Canyon Cottage -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
417 | MHT #47, CMF #1207: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
A beautiful stone fireplace. Both sheets say "for Keeley's" and it was in the same tube as Keeley remodel.
undated |
Robbins, R.H. Residence -- possible near 1300 S & 1900 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
369 | MHT #240, CMF #1158: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Sketches of plot plan, perspective, and elevations
1945 |
Roberts, Frank E. Apartments -- near E Str & S Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
318 | MHT #221, CMF #350: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Includes proposed sketches and final plans.
undated |
Roberts, J.D. Residence -- 1383 Arlington Dr, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
292 | MHT #236, CMF #86: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Includes proposal and final plans. Lots of retaining wall work, sketches, plot plan, and elevation.
1937 |
Roberts, Will Apartments -- 157 E 2nd Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
318 | MHT #221, CMF #351: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
This is a significant interior and exterior remodel. To-build plans include scope, floor plan, elevations, and detail.
1928 |
Robins Park Elementary School -- 500 W Syracuse Rd, Layton, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
113 | MHT #467AB, CMF #955: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Original Design
To-build plans.
1965 |
Robins, John Residence -- Kaysville, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
302 | MHT #48, CMF #1133: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build plans including floor plan, roof plan, and elevations. Beautiful perspective sketches.
1948 |
Robins, Richard Residence -- Kaysville, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
302 | MHT #48, CMF #1132: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build plans including floor plans and elevations.
undated |
Romney Brothers Builders Residences -- Yalecrest neighborhood, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
265 | MHT #241, CMF #87: Ashton; Standard Design
A number of standard designs. Elevations for models 1R, 2R, 3R, 4R, 5R, 6R; and floor plans for models 2/4/6R and 1R.
1921 |
Roosevelt Junior High School -- 843 Lincoln Str, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
257 | MHT #341B, CMF #233C: Francis D. Rutherford; Original Design
Original design. Full set of to-build drawings plus revisions.
1921 |
257 | MHT #341B, CMF #233B: Ashton; Addition
Gym & Auditorium. A complete set of to-build drawings for an addition including gym, auditorium and more.
1925 |
381 | MHT #341A, CMF #233A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
West Wing Addition. Very extensive (building A = West Wing). Full set of to-build drawings. This is the same project as CMF 233E (Marriott Tube 235).
1957 |
235 | MHT #341C, CMF #233E: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
West Wing Addition. This is the same project as CMF 233A (Marriott Tube 381).
1957 |
Rotary Glen Recreation Area -- 2903 Kennedy Dr, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
443 | MHT #327, CMF #547: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Many plot plans and elevations. Includes letter to This is the Place Monument committee.
1953 |
Rotary YMCA Club -- 753 W 100 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
443 | MHT #327, CMF #1208: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Plan
Plot plans for neighborhood recreation center with sketches for YMCA Boys Club.
1949 |
Roy Rogers Restaurant -- Canyon Road (2100 S 1000 E), Provo, UtReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
168 | MHT #663, CMF #895A: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates --- Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot --- Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Alteration of Standard Design
Includes drawings from
1. ABMA (1969)
2. BMHT (1972)
3. MHT (1973)
1969, 1972-1973 |
168 | MHT #663, CMF #895B: Roy Rogers Western Foods offices [Marriott Corporporation, Washington DC]; Standard Design |
1969 |
Rubberoid Company Asphalt & Battery Compound Buildings -- 1674 Beck Str, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
441 | MHT #42, CMF #745: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Great plot plans and to-build drawings. Also known as American Asphalt Roof Corporation.
1954 |
Ruby Apartments -- 435 E 200 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
269 | MHT #227, CMF #330: Ashton & Evans; Addition
A large project to add a wing to the rear. Sometimes documented as Cummings - Ruby Apartments.
undated |
Ryberg, W. Eric Residence -- 1259 E South Temple, Holladay, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
248 | MHT #253, CMF #89: Ashton & Evans [probable]; Minor Alterations
1. Outdoor fireplace
2. Minor kitchen modifications
undated |
Ryberg, W. Eric Cabin -- Romsett-Hebgen Lake, Custer Gallatin Forest, West Yellowstone, MTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
248 | MHT #253, CMF #88: Ashton & Evans [probable]; Original Design
1. Summer cabin (cool "Ryberg" design on the fence)
2. Pump and generator shelter for Romfett-Hebben Lake, Gallitan Forest
3. Fireplace for Eric's lodge
undated |
Safeway -- near W North Temple & 700 W (NW corner), Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
311 | MHT #163, CMF #1130: Woolley & Evans; Original Design
Plot plan and to-build drawings.
1940 |
Sahara Village School -- South of Hill Field, at the S. Entrance to Hill Field, Clearfield, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
61 | MHT #354B, CMF #147B: Hodgson, Ashton & Evans; Alteration of Standard Design
To-build drawings for Federal Works Agency (FWA) school including plot plan, roof plan, lawns, and planting.
1943 |
374 | MHT #356B, CMF #147A: Hodgson, Ashton & Evans; Alteration of Standard Design
To-build drawings for Federal Works Agency (FWA) school including site plan, plot plan, access road, and elevations.
1943 |
Saint Ann's Orphanage -- 430 E 2100 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
382 | MHT #101, CMF #341: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Minor Alterations
Inclues soil boring data, fireproof stairs, cold storage room, and measured drawing of facility. Also known as Kearns St. Ann's Orphanage.
undated |
Saint Benedict Hospital -- 3000 Polk Ave, Ogden, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
383 | MHT #46, CMF #1157: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
Neuropsychiatric Ward. To-build drawings for a basement remodel to provide a neuropsychiatric ward. Includes formal written specifications.
1949 |
Saint Joseph's Parish -- 514 24th Str, Ogden, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
255 | MHT #51, CMF #730B: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Rectory. Includes
1. Sketches of original chapel and interior
2. Various options for signs
3. Plot plan and elevations
1947 |
Saint Joseph's Parish -- Ogden, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
255 | MHT #51, CMF #730A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Catholic Youth Center. Includes architectural sections and details. Unclear if this is new construction or an alteration of an existing facility.
1947 |
Saint Joseph's Villa -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
357 | MHT #353, CMF #739A: Bishop & Walker, Landscape Architects [Houston TX]; Original Design
A one page landscape plan.
1959 |
Salisbury Building -- 217 S Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
247 | MHT #378A, CMF #458A: Kaufmann [Ashton & Evans, Associates]; Original Design
1. Plat plan on Main and 2nd South (A&E)
2. Plot plan on Block 57/Plat A (200 S and Main)
3. Many formal drawings (Kaufmann with A&E, Associate Architects)
1935 |
247 | MHT #378A, CMF #458L: P.J. Walker Co [Los Angeles CA]; Original Design |
1935 |
247 | MHT #378A, CMF #458D: Kaufmann [Ashton & Evans, Associates]; Proposal Original Design
Walgreens Drug. Includes
1. Lots of informal sketches of upper stories
2. Proposed club room in basement
3. Revisions to Store #1 for Walgreen Drug Salisbury Building
1935 |
328 | MHT #378B, CMF #458F: Kaufmann [Ashton & Evans, Associates]; Original Design
Hubbard Denn Jewelry. To-build drawings including floor plan and great elevations. These are not alterations, but rather markups to the original plan.
1935 |
328 | MHT #378B, CMF #458G: J.C. Penney Construction Dept [NYC]; Original Design
J.C. Penney.
1935 |
328 | MHT #378B, CMF #458J: Kaufmann [Ashton & Evans, Associates]; Original Design
To-build drawings of building foundation, framing, and other structural details. Two buildings with possibily of a third in the future.
1935 |
328 | MHT #378B, CMF #458K: Kaufmann [Ashton & Evans, Associates]; Original Design
Fashion Bootery. To-build drawings including floor plan and great elevations. These are not alterations, but rather markups to the original plan.
1935 |
328 | MHT #378B, CMF #458H: Kaufmann [Ashton & Evans, Associates]; Original Design
Walgreens Drug. Originals by Walgreens Corporate (Chicago) with revisions by Kaufmann (A&E, Associates).
1935 |
247 | MHT #378A, CMF #458C: Kaufmann [Ashton & Evans, Associates]; Original Design
J.C. Penney. Includes
1. 2nd floor plan
2. Proposed warehouse addition
1936 |
247 | MHT #378A, CMF #458B: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Chamber of Commerce. To-build internal drawings.
1937 |
247 | MHT #378A, CMF #458E: Kaufmann [Ashton & Evans, Associates]; Minor Alterations
Hubbard Denn Jewelry. Detailed layout including fixtures.
undated |
Salt Lake City & County Building -- 451 S State, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
353 | MHT #377A, CMF #276A: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Room layout changes.
1945 |
Salt Lake City Boys' Detention Home -- 2050 S 200 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
322 | MHT #291, CMF #1170: William E. Nelson; Original Design
Full set of to-build drawings. PWA Docket 1147F.
1939 |
Salt Lake City Civic Auditorium -- 150 E 600 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
353 | MHT #377A, CMF #733A: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Beautiful exteriors and plot plan including City Center Park. Also known as Armory and Civic Auditorium.
1935 |
424 | MHT #377B, CMF #733B: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Auditorium with a vomitorium. Also known as Armory and Civic Auditorium.
1935 |
Salt Lake City Dog Pound -- 870 Beck Str, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
312 | MHT #259, CMF #255: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Includes application for Civil Works project, floor plan, and elevation.
1934 |
Salt Lake City Fire Alarm Station -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
424 | MHT #377B, CMF #1186: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Three sheets including floor plans and elevation.
1933 |
Salt Lake City Housing Development -- near 800 W & 200 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
353 | MHT #377A, CMF #1159: Ashton & Evans; Plan
Proposal sketches for housing unit layout and plot plan. Designed with funds from Reconstruction Finance Corporatione (New Deal Program).
1932 |
Salt Lake City International Airport -- 3500 W North Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
377 | MHT #358, CMF #245D: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Terminal Building. Includes
1. Control tower
2. Plot and site plan
3. All floors of terminal including Sky Room
4. Traffic estimates
1957 |
58 | MHT #461, CMF #245B: Ashton, Evans, Brazier and Associates; Original Design
Fire and Rescue Station. Includes elevations, flagpole layout, site plan, job sign, and color guide.
1962 |
282 | MHT #322, CMF #245F: Ashton, Evans, Brazier and Associates; Minor Alterations
Observation Deck.
1963 |
282 | MHT #322, CMF #245G: Ashton, Evans, Brazier and Associates; Alterations
Winter Sports Display. Sketch of a hallway display.
1964 |
221 | MHT #578, CMF #245H: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Addition
Coffee Shop. To-build drawings.
1968 |
208 | MHT #668, CMF #245C: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Original Design
U.S. Post Office plus remodeling of 1st Floor Mens' Toilet.
1969 |
435 | MHT #26, CMF #245E: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Officers' Quarters. Two different schemes for officers' quarters. These are on blueprint paper and labeled as proposals.
undated |
456 | MHT #673, CMF #245A: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Minor Alterations
Gate 21 (North Concourse) for Sun Valley Key Airlines. Very small project
undated |
Salt Lake City Latter-day Saint Tabernacle -- 50 N West Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
449 | MHT #91, CMF #316D: Various [Barke Engineering, RSC, Barker & Clayton, George Cannon Young]; Alterations
1. Roof Vent (Barke Engineering, 1947)
2. Lighting (RSC, 1962)
3. Seating (Barker & Clayton, 1963)
4. Basement Plan (George Cannon Young, 1964)
5. Electrical (1965)
1947, 1962-1965 |
43 | MHT #540, CMF #316B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
AEB drawings have been reproduced from W. Melvin Brown's 1940 Bachelor-level thesis and dated 1962. Not sure when the actual work was done. The tube also includes unidentified ceiling and truss sketches. Firm name is styled as "Ashton, Evans and Brazier."
1962 |
449 | MHT #91, CMF #316C: Ashton, Evans, Brazier and Associates; Minor Alterations
1. Field notes of existing tabernacle
2. Lighting changes for TV broadcasts
1963 |
Salt Lake City Latter-day Saint Temple Annex -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
249 | MHT #187, CMF #1233: Young & Son; Original Design
To-build drawings including two sheets of floor plan and elevations.
undated |
Salt Lake City Library, Central -- 15 State Str, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Also known as the Old Hansen Planetarium.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
377 | MHT #359, CMF #272F: Frederick Hale; Addition
Frederick Hale's original drawings (1916) of addition.
1916 |
377 | MHT #359, CMF #272B: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
These are sketches for a totally new Central Library rather than an alteration to Hale's design.
1933 |
377 | MHT #359, CMF #272C: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Very minor, new partitions
1938 |
377 | MHT #359, CMF #272D: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Recommendations, costs, and some great drawings.
1944 |
377 | MHT #359, CMF #272A: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Addition
undated |
377 | MHT #359, CMF #272E: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
Sketches of a new catalog department in basement.
undated |
Salt Lake City Library, Sprague Branch -- 2131 S 1100 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
451 | MHT #109, CMF #274: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Several different facades. Includes great detail and a plot plan.
1928 |
Salt Lake City Public Safety Complex -- 120 E 100 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
424 | MHT #377B, CMF #696B: Salt Lake City government [Ashton, member]; Documentation
Fire Department Headquarters. Includes
1. Three copies of report with photos (1942) and two additional attachments (1941 and 1942)
2. City Council report
3. 1942 bid from Ashton & Evans
4. A variety of photos of old Fire Department and City Hall
1941-1942 |
Salt Lake City Public Safety Complex -- near 112 S State, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
353 | MHT #377A, CMF #696F: SLC City Engineer; Alterations
1. Remodeling Y.M.C.A building (SLC City Engineer, 1915)
2. Altering Public Safety Building (SLC City Engineer, 1924 & 1929)
1915, 1924, and 1929 |
353 | MHT #377A, CMF #696A: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Addition
Site plan. Proposed 1941 alterations to all three buildings, including
1. Public Safety Building annex addition for fire headquarters and jail (floor plan and rendering)
2. Plot plan of the three buildings
1941 |
353 | MHT #377A, CMF #696C: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Alterations
Annex. A variety of alterations (1941-1942) including air conditioning for Civil Defense room and a proposed clinic.
1941-1942 |
353 | MHT #377A, CMF #696D: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Venereal Disease Clinic. To-build drawings.
1941 |
424 | MHT #377B, CMF #696E: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Venereal Disease Clinic. To-build drawings including specifications (A&E) and agreement with builder (Christiansen Brothers).
1941 |
Salt Lake City Sewage Treatment Plant -- near California Ave & Concord Street, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
282 | MHT #307, CMF #608: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
1. Sanitary Sewage Facilities (SLC Engineering Department, undated.)
2. To-build drawings including floor plans, elevations, and great perspective. Drawings checked by Raymond L. Evans. Some drawings style the firm name as "Ashton, Evans and Brazier."
Also known as California Avenue Sewage Lift Station.
1954, undated |
Salt Lake City Shop Building -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
424 | MHT #377B, CMF #1188: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Addition
Only one sheet.
undated |
Salt Lake City Tourist Center -- near West Temple & North Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
53 | MHT #30, CMF #794: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
1941 |
Salt Lake Clinic Building -- 115 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
282 | MHT #322, CMF #465A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plans, elevations, and details. Beautiful.
1925 |
282 | MHT #322, CMF #465C: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
Includes elevator penthouse and waiting room fixtures.
1947 |
Salt Lake Clinic Building -- 333 S 900 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
429 | MHT #24, CMF #1211: Ashton, Evans, & Brazier [Ellerbe & Company (St. Paul, MN), Associates]; Original Design
Full set of formal to-build plans with great detail including 41 sheets with plumbing, sprinkler, fan room, lighting, etc. This is new Salt Lake Clinic - 1991 documentation states "old building torn down."
1959 |
Salt Lake Clinic Pharmacy -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
282 | MHT #322, CMF #1136: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Many are marked as proposed drawings and others as "New Pharmacy." Great elevations.
1951 |
Salt Lake County Hospital Site -- 2100 S State (NE corner), Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
20 | MHT #393A, CMF #287A: Ashton & Evans; Addition
General Hospital. Includes
1. Survey Material (1934)
2. To-build drawings of fourth story addition to Salt Lake County General Hospital (A&E, 1934)
1934 |
144 | MHT #393B, CMF #287C: Robert Wilkins and others; Plan
Site Survey. Includes
1. Inclusive survey (Robert Wilkins, undated)
2. Other system surveys (n.a., 1934)
3. Civil Works Administration (CWA, part of New Deal). CWA projects 23A and 53 (n.a., 1934). Scope includes alterations to Annex Building; 4th Story Addition; Building Alterations; Alterations to Kitchen
4. Sketches (n.a., undated) of nurses home, TB Building and Annex
1934 |
20 | MHT #393A, CMF #287D: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Includes Animal Lab Building. Proposal and final to-build drawings including plot plan and elevation.
1944 |
144 | MHT #393B, CMF #287F: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
1. Animal Lab
2. Research Lab, proposal and original
1944 |
30 | MHT #483B, CMF #287E: Scott & Becker; Original Design
General Hospital. Includes
1. Operating Suite Alterations (Scott & Becker Architects and Engineers) (1 sheet, 1950)
2. Salt Lake County General Hospital Main Building Civil Works Administration (CWA) project (4 sheets)
3. Plot and Property Map CWA project 23A (1 sheet)
1950 |
94 | MHT #483A, CMF #287B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
1. Beautiful three-dimensional photo of plot plan
2. Addition to Salt Lake County Hospital including plot plan and to-build drawings
3. Boiler Plant Building and Surgery building to-build drawings (checked by Raymond L. Evans)
1952 |
20 | MHT #393A, CMF #287E: Scott & Becker; Addition
General Hospital. Two story addition.
1956 |
Salt Lake County Library, Bingham Canyon -- 488 Main Str, Bingham, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
305 | MHT #167, CMF #273: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
To-build drawings including great signs, elevation, and floor plan.
1943 |
Salt Lake County Library, Midvale -- 650 W Center, Midvale, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
45 | MHT #390, CMF #687A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including great elevations, sketches, and plaque mockups.
1940 |
398 | MHT #166, CMF #687B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
To-build drawings for a garage and shelter including floor plan and elevation.
1947 |
Salt Lake County Library, Smith Branch -- 51 E Miller Ave, Midvale, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
398 | MHT #166, CMF #271: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
To-build drawings for the Smith Branch temporary building including floor plans (old and new) and elevation. Small project.
1948 |
Salt Lake Refining Company Site -- near 3rd N & Standard Ave, North Salt Lake, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
152 | MHT #369, CMF #862C: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
Engine Room & Leading Building. To-build drawings for Engine Room (1948) and Leading Building (1955).
1948, 1955 |
158 | MHT #368, CMF #862A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Various Buildings. Includes several plot plans and to-build drawings of
1. Shop and Warehouse Buildings
2. Fire Station Building
3. Field Office and Lunch Building
1952 |
152 | MHT #369, CMF #862E: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Employee Recreation Facilities. Very extensive proposal.
1956 |
376 | MHT #146, CMF #862B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
Industrial Shop Building. Detailed to-build drawings including landscape and plant plan (with painted sidewalk).
1959 |
158 | MHT #368, CMF #862D: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
Refining Office Building. To-build drawings including elevations.
undated |
Salt Lake Sports Center -- near Redwood Road & 2100 S (NW Corner), Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
329 | MHT #271, CMF #1138: Haynes & Kirby [Lubbock TX]; Background Material
To-build drawings for Auditorium and Coliseum for the City of Lubbock, TX. Background material for Salt Lake Sports Center.
1954 |
329 | MHT #271, CMF #1045B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Plan
Plot plans (four different) with parking lot space for 3000 - 6700 cars. Tons of sketches, calculations, HVAC calcs (for different uses), and notes. More vomitories. Also known as Sidney Fox Production Center.
1959 |
253 | MHT #370, CMF #1045A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Plan
Sketches only. Also known as Sidney Fox Production Center.
1959 |
253 | MHT #370, CMF #1044: Welton Beckett and Associates; Background Material
Staples Center Sports Center, Los Angeles, CA. Background material for Salt Lake Sports Center.
undated |
Salt Lake Transfer Company Office Building -- 25 S 500 W, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
91 | MHT #460, CMF #870: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Original Design
1965 |
Salt Lake Transportation Company Building -- near 400 W South Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
261 | MHT #73, CMF #609: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Nine pages of specifications and a full set of to-build plans including many elevations.
1960 |
Saltair -- Magna, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
207 | MHT #384B, CMF #270B: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Includes to-build drawings of
1. Skooter Building
2. Fun House
3. Pavilion
4. Temporary Buildings
1925 |
293 | MHT #384A, CMF #270A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Includes to-build drawings including
1. Plot plan
2. Pavilion
3. Dance Hall
All with lots of great details
1926 |
Salvation Army -- 1135 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
458 | MHT #711, CMF #1251: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Proposal Original Design
Floor plans.
1977 |
Salvation Army -- 607 E 2nd Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
458 | MHT #711, CMF #1250: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Alterations
Manhattan project. Floor plans.
1977 |
Salvation Army -- near 200 S & Rio Grande, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
458 | MHT #711, CMF #1249: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Plan
Mens' rehabilitation. Includes site plan, master plan, great elevations, floor plan.
1975 |
San Equipment Company Industrial Plant Building -- 2975 300 W, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
384 | MHT #142, CMF #1082: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Full set of to-build drawings including a plot plan.
1953 |
San Juan County Court House -- Monticello, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
423 | MHT #39, CMF #283: Rutherford & Ashton; Original Design
Beautiful ink to-build drawings including original elevations and floor plans.
1920 |
Sanders, Newell V. ("Hod") Residence -- 175 Mill Rd, Kaysville, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
302 | MHT #48, CMF #1131: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plan, plot plan, elevations, and lots of detail.
1949 |
Sandy Latter-day Saint 1st & 2nd Wards -- 8650 S 220 E, Sandy , UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
336 | MHT #64, CMF #313: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
As-built plans (very, very detailed) including plot plan, landscaping plan, very detailed decorative lighting plan, elevations, floor plan, and lots of guidance from the Latter-day Saints church. Also includes 1-sheet of Birmingham Branch Chapel (Southern States Mission), John M. Fuller 1957.
1957, 1961 |
Sargent, D.L. Residence -- on 600 block of 11th Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
69 | MHT #402, CMF #855: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Original Design
1966 |
Scalley, Douglas Residence -- 1327 Yale Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
432 | MHT #239, CMF #1101: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
Both proposed and final to-build plans for a basement apartment.
1947 |
Schettler, Paul D. Residence -- 510 M Str, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
370 | MHT #235, CMF #90: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Full set of to-build plans for a large, elegant home.
1941 |
Schick, Dr. Franz B. Residence -- 2173 Pheasant Way, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
21 | MHT #326A, CMF #781A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Plot plan and beautiful elevations.
1952 |
389 | MHT #326B, CMF #781B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Includes several plot plans, a note from a conversation with Mrs. Schick, and to-build drawings for the cabinet work. Many duplicates of several sheets.
1953 |
Schramm-Johnson Drug Store -- 1 E Center, Provo, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
433 | MHT #184, CMF #471: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
A few marked up drawings with Logan added on some sheets.
1927 |
Schramm-Johnson Drug Store -- 203 N Virginia, Reno, NVReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
313 | MHT #193, CMF #472: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Alterations
Includes marked up drawings of a drugstore expansion within existing building and some external work.
1930 |
Schramm-Johnson Drug Store -- 902 E 900 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
364 | MHT #186, CMF #468: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
To-build drawings of relatively major internal and external modifications.
1929 |
Schramm-Johnson Drug Store -- near Main & Center (NW corner), Logan, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
433 | MHT #184, CMF #469: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
1. Lots of sketches and to-build drawings
2. Construction specs from Walgreens
3. Walgreens Corporate plan (NW corner of Main and Center)
Also known as Walgreens.
1930 |
Schramm-Johnson Drug Store -- Pocatello, IDReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
323 | MHT #183, CMF #470: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Includes a few sketches with the soda fountain and some to-build drawings (floor plan, details, and elevations).
1927 |
Schwabacher Log Bungalow -- Grovont, WYReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
354 | MHT #314, CMF #1148: n.a.; Original Design
Small, not much detail.
undated |
Schwabacher Quarter Circle Five Ranch -- Daniel, WYReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
354 | MHT #314, CMF #1083B: Clark, Frey & Chambers with Porter & Steinwedell ; Original Design
Residence. Includes
1. Original house drawings (Clark, Frey & Chambers, 1953)
2. Alteration specification and drawings (Porter & Steinwedell, 1955)
1953, 1955 |
354 | MHT #314, CMF #1083A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
Guest Cabin. To-build drawings of a small addition including duffle room and screen porch. Includes some original (n.a.) 1953 drawings of the cabin.
1953, 1957 |
Scipio School -- Scipio, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
277 | MHT #350B, CMF #1029: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations |
1925 |
Selmes, Jean Coffee Shop -- Price, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
397 | MHT #279, CMF #1059: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Full set of to-build drawings.
undated |
Sevier County Public Health Center -- 195 E 500 N, Richfield, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
6 | MHT #321, CMF #710: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Great perspective and plot plan.
1948 |
Sevier Latter-day Saint Stake Tabernacle -- Richfield, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
439 | MHT #170, CMF #1003: Joseph Don Carlos Young; Original Design
Two sheets including floor plan and beautiful elevation.
1928 |
Sevier Valley Mercantile Company -- Salina, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
334 | MHT #118, CMF #1026: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Store, Shop & Warehouse. Site plan (including railroad tracks) and to-build drawings including floor plan, elevations, perspectives, and lots of calculations.
1946 |
Sharman Auto Company Garage -- near State Str & Motor Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
337 | MHT #198, CMF #577: Miller, Woolley & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings. Also known as Hyland Motors.
undated |
Sharon Building -- 57 W South Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
249 | MHT #187, CMF #352A: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Refacing of Sharon Building.
1940 |
383 | MHT #46, CMF #352E: Edgar Puuch [Chicago, IL]; Original Design
Bruswick-Balke-Collender Company. Submitted by the Brunswick, Balke, Collender Company (Chicago, IL).
1949 |
383 | MHT #46, CMF #352D: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
Bruswick-Balke-Collender Company. Alterations to Bruiswick-Balke-Collender Co
undated |
249 | MHT #187, CMF #352F: Rutherford & Hansen; Addition
Includes five formal to-build sheets.
undated |
182 | MHT #590A, CMF #352C: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Minor Alterations
Temple Square Hotel alterations. Just one sheet.
undated |
Sharp Motel -- 172 N State, Preston, IDReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
354 | MHT #313, CMF #355: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevations and floor plans. Approximately 10 rooms, cool logo, and sign.
1949 |
Sharpstone, D.C. Farmhouse -- Altonah, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
430 | MHT #242, CMF #93: Ashton & Evans [possible]; Proposal Original Design
Pencil sketch of elevation and floor plan, no architect or date.
undated |
Sheets, E.L. Building -- 55 S Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
417 | MHT #47, CMF #1191H: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Keeley Store #2. To-build drawings including beautiful details.
1929 |
417 | MHT #47, CMF #1191G: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
Keeley Store #2. Includes external logo and internal bar remodels.
1949 |
444 | MHT #57, CMF #1191A: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Various Tenents. Great photos of façade, including the tenants (Keeley, Uptown Theater, Uptown Drug). The drawings are the same as those in Marriott Tube 360.
1959 |
444 | MHT #57, CMF #1191C: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
Uptown Drug. This is a long, narrow space with minor footprint and facade changes.
1959 |
444 | MHT #57, CMF #1191D: Ashton, Evans & Brazier [probable]; Minor Alterations
Uptown Theater. Electrical specification and sketch. No explicit architect, but in Marriott Tube 444 with other A&E work.
1959 |
444 | MHT #57, CMF #1191F: Ashton, Evans & Brazier [probable]; Documentation
Keeley Store #2. Photo. No explicit architect, but in Marriott Tube 444 with other A&E work.
undated |
360 | MHT #225, CMF #1191B: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Various Tenents. restoration work. Includes significant structural work for coal company, cement company, Uptown theater, Keeleys, and second floor office. The drawings are the same as those in Marriott Tube 444.
undated |
329 | MHT #271, CMF #1191E: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Alterations
Uptown Theater. Proposal drawings only.
undated |
Sheets, Gilbert Residence -- 1359 Harvard Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
377 | MHT #358, CMF #1080: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
Very detailed. Scope seems to be family room.
1959 |
Sherwood Park -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
106 | MHT #651, CMF #876: n.a.; Original Design
West Side League Boys' Baseball Concession Stand & Storeroom. Includes
1. Concession stand
2. Storeroom
Stamped "received by Olsen & Peterson". Not sure who drew them.
1969 |
Shoshone Branch -- Shoshone, IDReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
122 | MHT #399B, CMF #851: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Alterations
Includes two different remodel schemes, plus a floorplan sketch by Latter-day Saints Church Architects Office.
1945 |
Siegel, Dal Duplex Residence -- 1308 Laird, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
246 | MHT #229, CMF #92: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
1. Lots of proposal sketches
2. Marked up blueprints
3. Final blueprints
1939 |
Singer Sewing Machine Company Building -- 149 S Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
335 | MHT #188, CMF #477: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
No plot or elevations, but detailed set of to-build drawings including plumbing, heating, and electrical.
1939 |
Ski Lodge & Café -- Alta, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
18 | MHT #300, CMF #247: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Alta Ski Lodge done for Mr. J. H. Stillwell. Both proposed and final drawings including great elevations and lots of external detail. Some drawings are dated 1945 (A&E) and others are labeled AEB (n.d.). This was done at about the time that Brazier joined the firm.
1945, undated |
Skytel Hotel -- near 300 S & West Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
5 | MHT #4, CMF #766: Ashton, Evans, Brazier and Associates; Proposal Original Design
Sketches and elevations for 312-room hotel.
1962 |
Smith, Dr. Whitney Residence -- Utah State University Campus, Logan, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
4 | MHT #28, CMF #761: Ashton & Evans [possible]; Alterations
Utah State Agriculture College Campus. No architect or date on drawings.
undated |
Smith, F.R. Residence -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
351 | MHT #237, CMF #1024: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Very small footprint home with two stories and basement and a two car garage. To-build drawings including floor plan and details, but only rear elevation.
undated |
Smith, Mrs. G.A. Duplex House -- near 400 S & 1200 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
369 | MHT #240, CMF #97: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plan, finishes, elevations, and a letter from contractor.
1932 |
Snow, Dr. Eliot Residence -- 1403 Butler Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
406 | MHT #203, CMF #96: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Includes proposal and to-build drawings. Project added dormers, additional bedrooms, and stairs.
1947 |
Snow, Dr. Eliot Residence -- 2895 Oakhurst Dr, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
406 | MHT #203, CMF #1179: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
Minor changes to library.
1958 |
Snow, Erastus P. Residence -- 158 N State, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
406 | MHT #203, CMF #95: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Stair, window, and fireplace modifications.
undated |
Sorensen Building Company Cottage -- Upper Yale Park, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
oversize-box | ||
484 | MHT #258, CMF #1278: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
undated |
Sorensen Building Company Residence -- Upper Yale Park, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
oversize-box | ||
484 | MHT #258, CMF #1279: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
undated |
Sorensen Building Company Residence #1 -- Upper Yale Park, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
oversize-box | ||
484 | MHT #258, CMF #1080: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
undated |
Sorensen Building Company Residence #2 -- Upper Yale Park, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
oversize-box | ||
484 | MHT #258, CMF #1281: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
undated |
Sorensen Building Company Residence #3 -- Upper Yale Park, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
oversize-box | ||
484 | MHT #258, CMF #1282: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
undated |
South Summit High School -- Kamas, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
316 | MHT #285, CMF #234B: Scott & Welch; Original Design
Gym & Mechanical Arts Building. Original drawings.
1925 |
316 | MHT #285, CMF #234A: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Gym & Mechanical Arts Building. To-build drawings plus project plan and plaque. Public Works Administration (PWA) Docket #UT 1023.
1935 |
South Valley Enterprises -- 8400 S 1700 W, West Jordan, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
366 | MHT #208, CMF #1057: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Proposal Original Design |
1975 |
Springville Junior High School -- Springville, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
412 | MHT #129, CMF #212: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Mechanical Arts Building. Sheets 1, 9 and 10 of a full set of to-build ink drawings. Also known as Industrial Arts Building and Shop Building.
1930 |
St. George Latter-day Saint Junior Institute -- St. George, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
303 | MHT #179, CMF #311: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plans and elevations. Beautiful sketches and perspectives.
1937 |
St. George Latter-day Saint Recreation Hall -- St. George, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
439 | MHT #170, CMF #310B: David O. Woodbury; Original Design
There are two plans for this project.
1. St. George Rec hall (David O. Woodbury 1935)
2. Recreation Hall St. George Stake (A&E 1935-1936) to-build drawings
These look to be a similar design (Woodbury more conceptual).
1935-1936 |
439 | MHT #170, CMF #310A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
There are two plans for this project.
1. St. George Rec hall (David O. Woodbury 1935)
2. Recreation Hall St. George Stake (A&E 1935-1936) to-build drawings
These look to be a similar design (Woodbury more conceptual).
1935-1936 |
St. George Latter-day Saint Tabernacle -- St. George, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
439 | MHT #170, CMF #312: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
HVAC modifications.
1940 |
Star Valley State Bank -- 467 Washington Str, Afton, WYReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
332 | MHT #11, CMF #1066: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
To-build drawings including elevations and façade details.
undated |
Steiner, Frank Country Residence -- near 2300 E & 3900 S in Cottonwood, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
304 | MHT #25, CMF #99: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Includes proposal sketches and to-build diagrams consisting of both interior and external alterations. Lots of great elevations and details.
1939 |
Steiner, Mrs. George A. Residence -- 1175 2nd Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
370 | MHT #235, CMF #100: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
To-build drawings of internal alterations. Great details.
undated |
Stevens & Wallis Print Plant & Office -- 36 Richards Str, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
284 | MHT #3, CMF #612: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Proposed and final to-build drawings. Lots of machine specs, floor layouts, and elevations.
1937 |
Stevenson Paint Shop -- 245 S 600 W, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
210 | MHT #310, CMF #614: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
undated |
Stores Building -- Sandy, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
391 | MHT #128, CMF #1102: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Six sheets of to-build drawings including floor plans, elevations, and detailed structure.
undated |
Stringham, Bryant Residence -- 325 Clark Str, Murray, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
386 | MHT #150, CMF #1095: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
One sheet of to-build plans.
1944 |
Studio Theater -- 161 S Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
oversize-box | ||
485 | MHT #86, CMF #1292: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Minor Alterations
Two drawings: proposed ticket booth and posters. Also known as Stadium Theater.
undated |
Sugarhouse Park -- Sugarhouse, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
28 | MHT #68, CMF #742: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Plan
1. A preliminary plan for Sugarhouse Park
2. An older plot plan of the state prison site (1945)
1945, 1956 |
Sugarhouse Shopping Center -- 1069 E 2100 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
349 | MHT #33, CMF #478A: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
5-10-15 Cent Store. To-build plans including floor plan and elevation with alterations marked.
undated |
Sugarhouse Shopping Center -- near 1079 E 2100 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
349 | MHT #33, CMF #478B: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Various Stores. To-build drawings including many stores [JCPenney, Woolworth, Norge, and others].
1938 |
Sugarhouse Shopping Center -- near 2100 S & 1100 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
349 | MHT #33, CMF #478F: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Schramm-Johnson Drug Store. Sketches and to-build drawings including both exterior and great interiors.
1927 |
308 | MHT #22, CMF #478C: Walgreens Corporate [Chicago IL]; Original Design
Walgreens Drug Store. Includes:
1. Interior layout and elevations
2. A&E revised addenda to specs (only A&E document in tube, 1935)
1935 |
349 | MHT #33, CMF #478D: Walgreens Corporate [Chicago IL]; Original Design
Walgreens Drug Store. Includes just one page of elevation and floor plan.
undated |
Sugarhouse Shopping Center -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
349 | MHT #33, CMF #478E: Ashton & Evans; Addition
JCPenney Store. External elevations.
1938 |
Sullivan, Murray Landscaping -- 6310 Cottonwood Lane, Holladay, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
401 | MHT #52, CMF #1168: Barbara V. Hoag; Original Design
Very elegant landscaping plans.
1935 |
Summit County Courthouse -- 60 N Main, Coalville, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
260 | MHT #31, CMF #1275: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
Small scope: tear out wall, add shelving, and change vault.
undated |
Summit County Hospital -- near 100 E & 100 N (SE corner), Coalville, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
276 | MHT #267, CMF #551A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Beautiful elevations and Federal Works Agency (FWA) plaque. Drawings dated 1938-1940 and tube additionally includes
1. Sewer line profile
2. Plot plan
3. Many estimating sheets
4. Pages from "Hospitals for rural communities"
5. Floor plans
1938-1940 |
133 | MHT #622, CMF #551B: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Minor Alterations
Boiler system alterations.
1972 |
Sunnyside Golf Course Clubhouse -- 954 Conner Str, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
315 | MHT #165, CMF #275: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Beautiful ink to-build drawings include elevations, sections, and details. Tube also includes golf course plans and preliminary clubhouse drawings.
1930 |
Sunset Army & Sporting Goods Store -- 5457 - 5499 S 1900 W, Roy, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
5 | MHT #4, CMF #764A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Includes original proposal (1962) and to-build plans (undated). Also known as Richard L. McGillis Commercial Building.
1962, undated |
5 | MHT #4, CMF #764B: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Addition
Includes plot plan, framing plan, and details.
1965 |
Sunset City Center -- 85 W 1800 N, Sunset, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
125 | MHT #54, CMF #845: Ashton, Evans, Brazier and Associates; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevations, plot plan, floor plan (police department, library and others), and details.
1962 |
Superior Baking Company -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
313 | MHT #196, CMF #481: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Two pages including floor plan and elevations. Poorly labeled, but appears to be alterations. Not sure if the drawings are proposal or to-build.
undated |
Sutherland Elementary School -- Sutherland, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
277 | MHT #350B, CMF #205: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings with sections, elevations, and details.
1925 |
Swan, Thornley Residence -- Kaysville, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
246 | MHT #214, CMF #997: Ashton & Evans [possible]; Minor Alterations
Very small fireplace remodel.
undated |
Sweet, V.W. Residence -- 1467 Arlington Dr, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
195 | MHT #366, CMF #33: Ashton & Evans [probable]; Original Design
To-build drawings including sections and elevations. Only "Property of Ashton and Evans" stamp to indicate architect.
1926 |
Talbot, Elden Residence -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
208 | MHT #668, CMF #936: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Original Design
Full set of to-build drawings.
undated |
Tall, Earl Residence -- 92 N 100 W, Kaysville, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
302 | MHT #48, CMF #101: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plans, elevations, and plot plan. A huge drawing of horses!
1949 |
Taylor Building -- 25 S West Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
360 | MHT #226, CMF #356: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Building appears to be a hotel or apartment with bathrooms down the hall. Tube includes both proposal sketches and to-build drawings of room resizing and façade modifications.
1938 |
Taylor, Rachel Apartments -- near 1st Ave & C Str (NE corner), Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
241 | MHT #144, CMF #359: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Includes sketches of several options, no to-build drawings.
1941 |
Teacher's Cottage -- 295 E Center, Kamas, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
318 | MHT #233, CMF #98: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevations.
1935 |
Teachers' Dormitory -- Highland Boy, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
366 | MHT #208, CMF #24: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Minor external modifications.
1941 |
Teachers' Duplexes -- near 100 W State Hwy (even numbers), Copperton, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
366 | MHT #208, CMF #23A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Plot plan and to-build drawings for two duplexes and garages.
1941 |
268 | MHT #205, CMF #23C: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Sketch of floor plan and elevation.
undated |
366 | MHT #208, CMF #23B: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
A plot plan and sketches for four 1-2 family residences off the highway and across from gym.
undated |
Temple Square Hotel -- 75 W South Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
126 | MHT #403, CMF #357B: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
1. Original Temple Square Hotel drawings (A&E, 1929)
2. Ballroom Addition (A&E, 1929)
Also known as West Temple Hotel.
1929 |
182 | MHT #590A, CMF #357C: Ashton & Evans; Addition
To-build drawings including elevations and detail. Beautiful ink drawings on linen.
Also known as West Temple Hotel.
1929 |
50A | MHT #590CD, CMF #357A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Original A&E drawings (1929) including ballroom addition (1930) and site plan. Also includes 1967-1968 Alterations (ABM, 1967).
Also known as West Temple Hotel.
1929-1930, 1967 |
126 | MHT #403, CMF #357H: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Alterations
Union Pacific Bus Terminal in Temple Square Hotel. Loading shed for Union Pacific Greyhound Buses at Temple Square Hotel.
1935 |
oversize-box | ||
486 | MHT #403, CMF #357M: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
One to-build drawing.
1935 |
tube | ||
50B | MHT #590CD, CMF #357J: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Union Pacific Bus Terminal in Temple Square Hotel. Includes
1. Proposed U.P. Bus Terminal (1935)
2. To-build U.P. Bus Terminal drawings (1935)
3. Alterations to U.P. Bus Terminal (1938)
1935, 1938 |
50A | MHT #590CD, CMF #357D: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Dining Room, Kitchen, & Coffee Shop. To-build drawings of alterations.
1940 |
50A | MHT #590CD, CMF #357E: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
1. Alterations (1944)
2. Laundry (1944)
3. Area behind clerks desk (1944)
4. Employee Powder Room (1944)
5. Bakery and Flower Shop (1946)
6. Laundry machiny by American Laundry Machinery Company for US Naval Convalescent Center Colorado (1946)
1944, 1946 |
182 | MHT #590B, CMF #357F: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
Dining Room Addition. To-build drawings including sections and detail.
1951 |
50B | MHT #590CD, CMF #357G: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
Dining Room Addition. To-build drawings include heating, air conditioning and more.
1951 |
182 | MHT #590B, CMF #357K: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Alterations
Includes plans, elevations, and details.
1968 |
127 | MHT #590E, CMF #357L: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Alterations
Includes a variety of background material for ABMA exterior renovation (1968).
1. Coffee shop sketch (AEB, 1951)
2. Dining Room addition (1951)
3. Original Temple Squar Hotel plans (10 sheets, A&E, 1929)
4. Proposed alteration for Temple Square Hotel for Union Pacific Bus Dept
5. Proposed remodeling of Temple Square Hotel (A&E, 1941)
6. Alterations to front door (A&E, 1943)
7. Alterations to Coffee Shop (A&E, 1943)
8. Marble Floor (1944)
1929-1968 |
Temple View Motor Apartments -- North Temple & West Temple (NW corner), Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
320 | MHT #1, CMF #348: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Beautiful perspective drawing and floor plans. Six floors plus parking. Also known as Romney Motel & Parking.
undated |
Terrace Apartments -- 7 I Street, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
406 | MHT #204, CMF #1015A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plans, elevations, and detail. Very similar to those in Marriott Tube 318.
1938 |
318 | MHT #234, CMF #1015B: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
One story, includes garages. Great elevations. Very similar to those in Marriott Tube 406.
1938 |
Terrace Apartments -- near 5th Ave & E Str, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
268 | MHT #205, CMF #1235: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Just a floor plan, but quite similar to those in Marriott Tubes 318 and 406 (but different address).
undated |
Texaco Lube-CenterReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
212 | MHT #669, CMF #943: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Original Design |
1973 |
The AshleyReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
368 | MHT #220, CMF #1104: Associated Architects Home Design [Providence RI]; Standard Design
A standard design identified as "The Ashley" on the blueprint.
undated |
Theater Building -- Logan, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
394 | MHT #86, CMF #1163: Slack Winburn; Original Design
To-build drawings with a beautiful façade.
1935 |
Thiokol Rocket Engine Facility -- Promontory, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
1 | MHT #505B, CMF #740B: Ashton, Evans, Brazier & Monroe; Original Design
A thorough vicinity design with AEBM on every print. Beautiful home rendering.
1935 |
63 | MHT #505A, CMF #740A: Ashton, Evans, Brazier & Monroe; Original Design
Great elevations of test facilities including instrument building, conditioning building, and service magazine.
1935 |
Thomas, Dr. George Apartment Residence -- 23 Virgina Str, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
327 | MHT #243, CMF #103: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevations and plot plan.
1938 |
Thomas, Dr. George Residence -- 1317 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
327 | MHT #243, CMF #1173: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
To-build drawings including plot plan, elevations, and detail.
1927 |
Thompson, Ezra Building -- 143 S Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
313 | MHT #194, CMF #483A: Pope & Burton; Original Design
Full set of Pope & Burton to-build drawings (including Shay's cafeteria).
1924 |
313 | MHT #194, CMF #483B: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Very minor alterations
1. Barber shop on first floor for Mr. J.W. Burdsal
2. Setup (very detailed) for Building Material and Arts exhibit
undated |
Tom Thumb Golf Course -- near 13th S & Main Street, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
300 | MHT #289, CMF #1014: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
1. Driving range
2. Refreshment stand (Chick-Inn)
3. Miniature golf
1930 |
Tooele Central School -- near Vine & 100 W (SE Corner), Tooele, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
374 | MHT #356B, CMF #148: Hodgson, Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings and plot plan for a six-room Federal Works Agency (FWA) school.
1942 |
Tooele Post Office -- Tooele, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
251 | MHT #6, CMF #552: Miles E. Miller; Original Design
Complete set of to-build drawings.
1933 |
Tooele Vocational School & Storage Building -- Tooele, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
145 | MHT #143, CMF #239: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
1. Proposed vocational and storage buildings
2. Sketches for vocational and storage buildings
3. Letter from Raymond L. Evans about Tooele Jr. High
1944 |
Tracy Collins Trust Company Building -- 780 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
381 | MHT #338, CMF #1086: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings for a one-story building including plot plan, elevations, details, and floor plan.
undated |
Tracy Wigwam Camp -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
208 | MHT #668, CMF #937A: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Original Design
1974 |
469 | MHT #722, CMF #937B: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Original Design
Caretaker's Residence. Includes correspondence, aerial photos, standard plans by Heritage Corp, site plan, and sketches.
1975 |
Tracy, Verne Residence -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
283 | MHT #292, CMF #105: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
Includes elevation and structure.
1955 |
Trent, T.B. Residence -- Unknown locationReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
oversize-box | ||
484 | MHT #258, CMF #104: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
undated |
Tripp, Rex Residence -- 3610 Aurora Cir, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
348 | MHT #135, CMF #107B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Marked up version of drawings including plot plan, floor plan, elevations, HVAC, and lots of detail. Raymond L. Evans markup on blueprint.
1955 |
111 | MHT #557, CMF #107A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design |
1955 |
Turnbow, Mr. Residence -- Bountiful, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
327 | MHT #243, CMF #108: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevations.
1936 |
Twenty-First Latter-day Saint Ward -- 680 2nd Ave, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
272 | MHT #168, CMF #314: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Social Hall and Classroom Additions. To-build ink drawings including floor plans, beautiful elevations, and detail.
1926 |
Twin Falls Latter-day Saint Stake Tabernacle -- 160 4th Ave, Twin Falls , IDReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
296 | MHT #399A, CMF #1018B: Joseph Don Carlos Young; Original Design
Original full-build plans by LDS Church Architects (JDCY). These are beautiful.
1927 |
296 | MHT #399A, CMF #1018A: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Addition
Includes several A&E design options for chapel and recreation hall.
1944 |
U.S.O. Club -- 15 E 100 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
262 | MHT #113, CMF #1202: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Minor Alterations
undated |
U.S.O. Club -- 45 E 400 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
262 | MHT #113, CMF #1201: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Minor Alterations
Only sketches with address penciled in.
1942 |
U.S.O. Club -- 57 S State, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
262 | MHT #113, CMF #1200: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
1. Original alterations for Fed Security (1941, at 51 S State)
2. Alterations to remodel (1945, at 57 S State)
1941-1942, 1945 |
U.S.O. Club -- 73 S 200 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
262 | MHT #113, CMF #362A: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
1. Markups of Original Masonic Temple drawings
2. Alterations, 1942
3. Alterations, 1944
1942, 1944 |
U.S.O. Club -- Tooele, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
262 | MHT #113, CMF #1203: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Includes floor plans and details.
undated |
Uinta Theatre -- 25 E Center, Provo, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
394 | MHT #86, CMF #1165A: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
To-build drawing with good detail.
1936 |
oversize-box | ||
485 | MHT #86, CMF #1165B: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Sketches of front elevation and floor plan.
undated |
Union High School -- Roosevelt, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
145 | MHT #143, CMF #240: Fetzer & Fetzer; Original Design
Three sheets.
1948 |
Union Pacific Building -- 10 S Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
319 | MHT #154, CMF #1100B: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Latter-day Saints Church Social Security Office. Very small alteration project, four sheets.
1948 |
Union Pacific Bus Garage -- 143 N 300 W, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
126 | MHT #403, CMF #578A: James Allen (Omaha, NE) [Ashton & Evans, Associates]; Original Design
To-build drawings with elevations, sections and great detail. Labeled as Motor Bus Garage for Interstate Transit Lines.
1937 |
309 | MHT #156, CMF #578B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
Proposed annex to Union Pacific Bus Garage.
1948 |
Union Pacific Post Office Annex -- 100 S & 400 W (NW corner), Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
344 | MHT #139, CMF #1074: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Full set of to-build drawings.
1950 |
University Club -- 136 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
427 | MHT #10, CMF #277A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
Full set of to-build drawings for 1947 alteration including room rearrangement and some exterior changes. Includes a perspective.
1947 |
266 | MHT #373A, CMF #277B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
1. AEB alterations: floor plan and elevations (undated)
2. A&E floor plan
undated |
266 | MHT #373A, CMF #277D: William E. Ware; Original Design
Full set of Ware originals (undated). Beautiful detail.
undated |
343 | MHT #373B, CMF #277C: William E. Ware; Original Design
Full set of Ware originals (undated) with some markups. Beautiful detail.
undated |
University of Utah Medical Center, Phase 1 -- University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
35 | MHT #485AB, CMF #776: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings, also includes one sheet of 3rd Floor Areas B+C (partial plan); Phase 2 Equipment (AEB, 1964).
1959, 1964 |
University of Utah Medical Center, Phase 2 -- University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
74 | MHT #487, CMF #854A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Laundry & Food Services. Includes
1. Elevator, dumbwaiters, stair, elevators
2. Building Sections E, F and A
3. Penthouse, soil site plan, borings
4. Laundry equipment
Also includes (1964)
5. Kitchen equipment
1961, 1964 |
112 | MHT #490B, CMF #854G: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Mechanical. Includes
1. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floor plumbing
2. A-level and B-level plumbing
1961 |
109 | MHT #490C, CMF #854F: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Mechanical. Includes HVAC in various areas.
1961 |
375 | MHT #490D, CMF #854J: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Mechanical. Includes mechanical sheets plus Associate Sheet Metal specs.
1961 |
244 | MHT #490E, CMF #854H: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Mechanical. Includes mechanical sheets M61 - M76/76.
1961 |
118 | MHT #491A, CMF #854C: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Electrical. Includes
1. Phase II A, B, and C areas lighting
2. Phase II (Vol IV) electrical
1961 |
460 | MHT #491B, CMF #854M: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Electrical. Includes sheets 31 - 60/86 (missing a few).
1961 |
140 | MHT #491C, CMF #854D: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Electrical. Tube includes electrical sheets 61 - 86/86.
1961 |
204 | MHT #176, CMF #934: Fire Engineering Company; Original Design
Fire Engineering.
1962 |
7 | MHT #486A, CMF #854R: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Equipment. Includes a vicinity map.
1964 |
198 | MHT #486B, CMF #854S: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Equipment. Sheets A 36 through A 67/69
1964 |
78 | MHT #486C, CMF #854L: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
1964 |
185 | MHT #486D, CMF #854P: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Equipment. Includes
1. Electrical sheets E 24 - 33/33
2. Mechanical sheets M1 - 11/11
3. 4th and 5th Floor design
4. Area A, B, and C design
1964 |
188 | MHT #488A, CMF #854K: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Architectural. Includes A1 - A32/122 plus site plan and vicinity plan (no elevations).
1964 |
79 | MHT #595A, CMF #854N: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Original Design
Care Unit. Includes
1. Model Acute Stroke Care Unit
2. Background material (AEB, 1961)
1961, 1969 |
University of Utah Medical Center, Phase 3 -- University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
110 | MHT #573, CMF #849: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Alterations
Includes a variety of projects primarily sketches on onion skin
1. Phase 3 environmental controls
2. Phase 3 research unit
3. Department of Anatomy classroom (AEB, 1962)
4. Phase 2 formal support documents (operating suite and outpatient)
1962, 1967 |
University of Utah Medical Center, Phase 5 -- University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
224 | MHT #656, CMF #963: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Alterations
Cancer Research Wing. To-build drawings including index. Extensive scope.
1966 |
University of Utah Medical Center, Planning -- University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
110 | MHT #571, CMF #1268A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Plan
Site Studies. Includes preliminary site plan (AEB, 1958)
1958 |
213 | MHT #567, CMF #772: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Perspectives. These are only sketches … may be the pitch presentation for the University of Utah Medical Center.
1959 |
107 | MHT #570B, CMF #848B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Various Departments. Approval-level drawings, primarily on onion skin
1. Rehabilitation Building and site plan (1959)
2. Phase III Research Unit (1963)
3. Department of Anatomy
4. Classroom
5. Formal support documents for Phase II Operating Surgery Outpatient (1961)
1959, 1961, 1963 |
107 | MHT #570B, CMF #848F: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Various Departments. Approval-level drawings, primarily on onion skin
1. Cancer Research Building Floors 2 and 3
2. Rehabilitation Building & Site plan (AEB, 1959)
3. Phase 3 Research Unit (AEB, 1963)
4. Dept of Anatomy (AEB, 1962)
5. Classroom
6. Phase 2 Outpatient Operating Suite (AEB, 1961)
1959-1963 |
110 | MHT #571, CMF #1268B: Univesity of Utah Planning Office; Plan
Site Studies. Includes various site plans (planographs and topographs) from 1959- 1961.
1959-1961 |
447 | MHT #570A, CMF #848E: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Various Departments. Approval-level drawings, primarily on onion skin (1960-1961): Psychiatric nursing, Pharmacology, Clinical Research (Phase III), Food Services, Laundry, Metabolism and more.
1960-1961 |
151 | MHT #570C, CMF #848C: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Various Departments. Approval-level drawings, primarily on onion skin
1. Dept of Surgery (Fluoroscopy, Animal Surgery, Operating Suite, 3rd Floor)
2. Dept of Biochemistry and Anesthesiology
3. Dept of Medicine (hematology, arthritis, metabolism, cardiology, infection diseases)
4. Central Clinical Lab
5. Rehabilitation Wing
6. Dept of Pathology
7. Dept of Pharmacology
8. Outpatient dept
9. Dept of Gross Anatomy
10. Dept of Psychiatry
1960 |
160 | MHT #570D, CMF #848D: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Various Departments. Approval-level drawings, primarily on onion skin
1. Dept of Pharmacy
2. Administration
3. College of Nursing
4. Division of Pharmacy
5. Central Service Dept
6. Morgue
7. Mail Room
8. Department of Psychiatry
9. Dept of Pediatrics
10. Nursing Wing A
11. Dept of Biochemistry
12. Surgery Dept
13. Dept of Pathology
14. Dept of Bacteriology
15. Dept of Ob/Gyn
16. Dept of Psychology
1960 |
University of Utah Medical Center, Radiation Therapy -- University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
473 | MHT #676C, CMF #830B: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Addition
Formal Drawings.
1971 |
57 | MHT #718, CMF #830A: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Minor Alterations
Clinic 18.
1977 |
University of Utah Medical Center, Radiobiology -- University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
476 | MHT #676A, CMF #778D: University of Utah Department of Physical Plant and Operations; Addition
Radiobiology & Kennels. Blueprints include scope.
1955 |
475 | MHT #676B, CMF #1210B: University of Utah Department of Physical Plant and Operations; Addition
Radiobiology & Kennels. Radiobiology Research Kennel Additions and Radiobiology Research lab addition for Atomic Energy Commission. Includes site plan, to-build drawings, and several revisions
1955 |
475 | MHT #676B, CMF #1210C: Folsom & Hunt [SLC]; Addition
Radiobiology & Kennels. College of Medicine Experimental Kennels.
1958 |
473 | MHT #676C, CMF #778B: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Minor Alterations
Radiobiology & Kennels. To-build drawings of kennels #1 and #2. Work done for Chicago operations office, Atomic Energy Commission.
1967 |
473 | MHT #676C, CMF #1210L: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Addition
Radiographic Emergency Generator. Site plan and to-build drawings including radiographic reading offices and storage.
1969 |
476 | MHT #676A, CMF #1210F: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Minor Alterations
Radiobiology Wing Heating and Venting. Work done for US Atomic Energy Commision.
1971 |
473 | MHT #676C, CMF #778A: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Minor Alterations
Radiobiology & Kennels. To-build drawings for kennel #6. Work done for for US Atomic Energy Commission, University of Utah Medical Center.
1971 |
473 | MHT #676C, CMF #1210K: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Minor Alterations
Radiobiology Lab. Heating and ventilation renovation.
1971 |
476 | MHT #676A, CMF #1210H: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Minor Alterations
Radiobiology Wing. Entrance canopy.
1972 |
473 | MHT #676C, CMF #778C: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Minor Alterations
Radiobiology & Kennels. Renovation of kennels #3 and #4. Work done for Chicago operations office, US Atomic Energy Commission.
1972 |
476 | MHT #676A, CMF #1210G: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Minor Alterations
Radiobiology Wing. Air conditioning renovation for US Atomic Energy Commission, University of Utah Medical Center.
1973 |
15 | MHT #782, CMF #1210E: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Addition
Radiology. Additions to Radiology Office and Labs.
1976 |
475 | MHT #676B, CMF #1210D: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Proposal Addition
Clinical Pathology. Proposed floor plan including radiobiologic offices, labs & kennels (one sheet, undated).
undated |
University of Utah Medical Center, Radiology -- University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
442 | MHT #281, CMF #688C: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Basic Science Building Radiology Lab Wing. Complete set of to-build drawings (1-31/31) including plot plan, basic science building and animal buildings.
1948 |
193 | MHT #573B, CMF #688B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Cancer Research Wing. Includes
1. Final documents, sheets 1-59 (AEB, 1949)
2. "Present construction" sheet (CRB, 1959)
1949 |
442 | MHT #281, CMF #688E: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Alterations
Electronics Instrument Lab Building.
1965 |
232 | MHT #603, CMF #965A: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Addition
Radiology Wing. As-built drawings.
1971 |
442 | MHT #281, CMF #688F: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Addition
Radiology Labs and Offices. Tube contains a variety of projects: MHT (1975) and MHT (1980).
1975, 1980 |
University of Utah Medical Center, Various Projects -- University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
447 | MHT #570A, CMF #818D: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Minor Alterations
Includes Hallside Display and Physician Augmentation program.
1973 |
10 | MHT #734, CMF #818B: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Alterations
1. Burn Unit Remodel
2. 2nd floor rehab wing (1976)
3. 3rd floor area E (1974)
1974, 1976 |
481 | MHT #169, CMF #1106: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Minor Alterations
Air Conditioning and Ventilation Rehabilitation Area, 1975. Five sheets.
1975 |
459 | MHT #702, CMF #1252: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Alterations
Microbiology. Very thorough to-build drawings, 5th floor.
1975 |
14 | MHT #735, CMF #818C: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Alterations
1. Dock Changes (change the east dock area into stores and receiving)
2. Microbiology Lab (changes to 5th floor Area C)
3. Burn Unit (3rd floor Area E)
4. Emergency Generator (these plans are by Bloomquist & Brown)
5. Cysto Surgery Room Remodel
1975 |
46 | MHT #736, CMF #818A: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Addition
Includes primarily MHT
1. Radiology (1977)
2. Bone Pathology (1977)
3. Cysto Surgery Room Remodel (1974)
4. Duct Remodel Area B (1975)
5. A Level plan Area B (AEB, 1961)
6. Microbiology Lab Changes (1974)
1961, 1974-1977 |
University of Utah Medical Center, Vivaarium Building -- University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
473 | MHT #676C, CMF #1245D: Lewis Redgate; Original Design
Partial set of to-building drawings (A1-A8)
1966 |
470 | MHT #676D, CMF #1245B: Lewis Redgate; Original Design
Full set of to-build drawings
1966 |
476 | MHT #676A, CMF #1245A: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Addition
Cage Washing Addition. Complete set of to-build drawings, including proposal, marked up early proposals, and fire marshall comments.
1977 |
470 | MHT #676D, CMF #1245C: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Addition
Cage Washing Addition. Complete set of to-build drawings.
1977 |
University of Utah, Carlson Hall -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
361 | MHT #274, CMF #553B: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Lots of sketches and proposal drawings.
1936 |
324 | MHT #121, CMF #553A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Full set of to-Build drawings. Beautiful elevations, and plaster design. Federal Works Agency (FWA) Docket 1045-2-D Project 8.
1937 |
University of Utah, Health Center -- behind Stewert Building, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
399 | MHT #245, CMF #1169: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Floor plans and several informative site plans.
1942 |
University of Utah, Kennecott Copper Research Center -- 1495 E 100 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
443 | MHT #324A, CMF #750B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings, floor plans, elevations, and great perspectives. Also includes a swimming pool.
1953 |
21 | MHT #324B, CMF #750A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Plot plan and to-build drawings.
1953 |
443 | MHT #324A, CMF #750C: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Addition
A new wing plus parking.
1954 |
University of Utah, Medical School -- Unknown location, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
254 | MHT #268, CMF #556: Ashton & Evans [possible]; Alterations
Includes sketches for
1. Tuberculosis hospital and tunnel
2. Lecture hall
undated |
University of Utah, Model Class Rooms -- 270 S 1400 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
378 | MHT #244, CMF #241A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
Many sketches, a few to-build drawings.
1948 |
University of Utah, Model Class Rooms -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
378 | MHT #244, CMF #241B: University of Utah, Model Class Rooms -- Salt Lake City, UT
Four pages of floor plans and perspective. One odd color drawing.
undated |
University of Utah, Music Building -- 104 S 1386 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
254 | MHT #268, CMF #564: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Beautiful to-build drawings of floor plan, elevations and details. Also known as Voice and Opera Building.
1927 |
University of Utah, Park Building -- 201 S Presidents Cir, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
404 | MHT #272, CMF #557: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Significant changes on all floors, Cellotex and skylights (see rooms impacted on blueprint photo). Includes Public Works Administraion (PWA) approval.
1935 |
University of Utah, Seismograph & Pump Building -- 115 S 1460 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
378 | MHT #244, CMF #558: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
1. Pump house: to-build drawings plus estimates
2. Seismography building: proposal and to-build drawings. Many calculations and case stone schedules
1934 |
University of Utah, Sterling Sill Home Living Center -- 195 Central Campus Dr, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
24 | MHT #385, CMF #561: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Very detailed plans and elevations. Also known as University of Utah Family Living Center.
1953 |
University of Utah, Stores and Main Shop -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
404 | MHT #272, CMF #1175: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Very early sketches of floor plans.
undated |
University of Utah, Thomas Library -- 1390 Presidents Cir, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
403 | MHT #269, CMF #555B: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Full set ot to-build drawings including beautiful detail and Public Works Administration (PWA) approval.
1933 |
60 | MHT #422, CMF #555A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Includes bidders' triagulation spreadsheet.
1935 |
University of Utah, Union Building -- Presidents Circle, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
44 | MHT #74, CMF #560: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Includes a complete set of to-build drawings (1928) plus various additions and alterations
1. Cement Walks (1931)
2. Music Stand (1931)
3. Rear garden (1933)
4. Rear yard garden (1938)
5. Proposal for East Area Way (1945)
6. Addition to Orchestra Stand (undated)
1928-1945, undated |
Upton Apartments -- 2300 Jefferson Ave, Ogden, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
360 | MHT #231, CMF #361: Ashton & Evans [possible]; Original Design
To-build plans including beautiful elevations. No architect or date.
1925 |
US Atomic Energy Commission, Idaho Operations -- Unincorporated, Butte County, IDReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
252 | MHT #72A, CMF #762A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Includes (near Main & Lansing Ave)
1. Operations Office
2. Bottled Gas Storage
3. Addition to Equipment Repair Building
4. Temporary Machine Building (Butler Hanger conversion!)
5. 1950 Program Plot Plan
1950 |
431 | MHT #72C, CMF #762C: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Includes (near Main & Louisiana)
1. Great plot plan
2. Communication building
3. Refuse burner
4. Equipment repair building
5. Water/heaing distribution
1950 |
82 | MHT #507A, CMF #762F: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Includes (near Nevada Str & Lansing Ave)
1. Concrete tunnel under road
2. Tank farm
3. Communication building and sketch
4. Site plan (excellent)
1950 |
339 | MHT #71, CMF #762D: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Includes (near Main & Lansing Ave)
1. Cafeteria building (full set)
2. Field service kitchen
3. Plot plan
1951 |
388 | MHT #72B, CMF #762B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Includes (near Main & Lansing Ave)
1. Vehicular service and inspection building
2. Bunk house
3. Fire station
4. 1950 project and plot plan
5. Liquid fuel storage plant
6. Dispensary
7. Marine barracks
1952 |
1 | MHT #507B, CMF #762E: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Only two A&E prints including (near Nevada Str & Lansing Ave)
1. Location change of Service Station and Fire Station
2. Proposed Radio Tower and Communication building
undated |
1 | MHT #507B, CMF #762G: U.S. Atomic Energy Commision; Original Design
Includes many US Atomic Energy drawings that assumedly A&E used (near Nevada Str & Lansing Ave).
undated |
US Naval Convalescent Center -- Glenwood Springs, COReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
233 | MHT #392A, CMF #523A: Ashton, Evans & Hodgson; Alterations
Conversion of Hotel Colorado to United States Naval Convalescence Hospital. Includes sheets 1-20 (excluding 15) (markup versions) including
1. Main building
2. Steam Medical Plan
3. Bath house
4. 2nd Floor
5. 5th and 6th Floors
6. Plot Plan
7. Water, Sewage, Drainage
8. 5th and 6th floor sprinklers
9. Steam plant (elevations)
10. Details
11. Annex Building
12. Garage
13. Bathhouse
14. 1st Floor
15. 3rd and 4th Floors
16. Bathhouse 3rd and 4th Floors
1943 |
92 | MHT #392B, CMF #523B: Ashton, Evans & Hodgson; Alterations
Conversion of Hotel Colorado to United States Naval Convalescence Hospital. Includes site plan and Sheets 22 - 37 (markup versions). Raymond L. Evans is the architect in charge.
1943 |
US Post Office & Court House -- 350 S Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
172 | MHT #456, CMF #278B: Treasury Dept, Supervising Architect; Addition
Extension & Remodeling
1931 |
172 | MHT #456, CMF #278A: Ashton, Evans, Brazier and Associates; Alterations
Improvements United States District Court
1963 |
US Post Office and Vehicle Maintenance -- 2100 S & Redwood Rd, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
47 | MHT #598H, CMF #805H: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Original Design
Includes electrical, sheets 34+.
1960 |
68 | MHT #598A, CMF #805A: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Plan
Includes site surveys.
1969 |
52 | MHT #598B, CMF #805B: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Plan
Planning documents.
1969 |
48 | MHT #598C, CMF #805C: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Original Design
Structural. Includes Vehicle Maintenance building drawings plus landscape work by Karsten Hansen.
1969 |
161 | MHT #598D, CMF #805D: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Original Design
Includes structural.
1969 |
86 | MHT #598E, CMF #805E: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Original Design
Includes mechanical & plumbing.
1969 |
215 | MHT #598F, CMF #805F: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Original Design
Includes plumbing, sheets P1-P32, and second floor fire, sheets F1-F10.
1969 |
181 | MHT #598G, CMF #805G: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Original Design
Includes electrical, sheets E1 - E33.
1969 |
Utah Agricultural College (Utah State University), Fieldhouse -- near 700 N & 800 E, Logan, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
392 | MHT #362A, CMF #1161: Stanley Smith [Pullman WA]; Background Material
Washington State College Fieldhouse. Background for Utah Agricultural College Fieldhouse, Logan UT.
1929 |
205 | MHT #362B, CMF #521B: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevations and plaque. Public Works Agency (PWA) project. PWA Docket Utah 1189-F.
1938 |
205 | MHT #362B, CMF #521C: Ashton & Evans; Addition
To-build drawings of East Wing Addition including elevations (showing scope of addition) and details.
1939 |
392 | MHT #362B, CMF #521A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
Additional spectator seating. To-build drawings including seating structure.
1952 |
392 | MHT #362A, CMF #1160: Charles Klauder [Philadelphia]; Background Material
University of Colorado Fieldhouse. Full set of to-build drawings. Background for Utah Agricultural College Fieldhouse, Logan UT.
undated |
Utah Agricultural College (Utah State University), Residence -- Vernal, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
358 | MHT #365, CMF #1042: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings, no address.
1931 |
Utah Lumber -- Unknown locationReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
201 | MHT #65, CMF #1276: Woolley & Evans; Original Design
One or two drawings.
1947 |
Utah National Guard Armory -- 100 W 400 N, Bountiful, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
462 | MHT #544, CMF #14: Springmeyer; Original Design
To-build drawings including great perspective.
1956 |
Utah National Guard Armory -- 1523 Sunnyside, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
121 | MHT #59, CMF #12A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevations and site plans. Appears to be the same as MHT 543 (Marriott Tube 108).
1956 |
Utah National Guard Armory -- 1543 Sunnyside, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
108 | MHT #543, CMF #12B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevations, site plans and perspectives. Appears to be the same as MHT 59 (Marriott Tube 121).
1956 |
Utah National Guard Armory -- Provo, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
121 | MHT #59, CMF #1263: William Roe Smith with Bail Horton & Associates; Original Design
1. National Guard armory Provo Utah (William Rowe Smith, undated.)
2. National Guard Bureau Armory (Bail Horton and Associates, 1949)
1949, undated |
Utah Poultry Producers Association -- 1794 S West Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
34 | MHT #408, CMF #617A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Office and Warehouse. Marriott tube also includes
1. Grain elevator for H.J. McKean (Aamp;E, undated)
2. Warehouse, mill, and elevator facilities for Oregon Short Line railroad (A&E, 1929)
1929-1930, undated |
34 | MHT #408, CMF #617C: B.F. Gump [Chicago]; Original Design
Feed Plant.
1930 |
285 | MHT #190, CMF #617B: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Sketches of proposed warehouse.
undated |
Utah Poultry Producers Association -- Fillmore, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
258 | MHT #261, CMF #986A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Building. To-build drawings including elevations, floor plan, and basement plan.
1945 |
258 | MHT #261, CMF #986B: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Grain Elevator Foundation. Interesting plan of the concrete base.
1946 |
Utah Poultry Producers Association -- near Beck Str, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
258 | MHT #261, CMF #1244: Ashton & Evans [possible]; Plan
One sheet consisting of site plan.
undated |
Utah Power & Light, American Fork Canyon -- State Highway 92 (just east of Highland), American Fork Canyon, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
164 | MHT #407, CMF #486: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Proposed Caretakers Dwelling (at least one option) with floorplan and elevation.
1953 |
Utah Power & Light, Building -- 159 S West Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
413 | MHT #119, CMF #1184: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Includes elevation and floor plan.
1939 |
Utah Power & Light, Bullock Steam Electric Plant -- Montrose, COReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
199 | MHT #405, CMF #1241: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Addition
Beautiful sketch.
1952 |
Utah Power & Light, Car Barn (Trolley Square) -- 602 E 500 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
295 | MHT #395, CMF #1020C: Utah Light & Railway Co Engineers; Addition
Proposed addition of south building of Car Barn Group.
1914 |
295 | MHT #395, CMF #1020A: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Alterations to south building of Car Barn Group.
1932 |
295 | MHT #395, CMF #1020B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
Service Department Building. Floor plans with changes identified.
1957 |
Utah Power & Light, Carbon Steam Plant -- Castle Gate, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
164 | MHT #407, CMF #892A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Alterations
Guest House and to Steelox Building.
1954 |
164 | MHT #407, CMF #892B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Helper Cottages. Includes site plan, floor plans, and elevations.
1954 |
Utah Power & Light, Midvale Service Center -- near Sugar Str, Midvale, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
165 | MHT #406, CMF #900: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
1. Topographical map
2. Site plan (located on Sugar Street)
3. Sketch of building
4. Plot plan
5. To-build drawings
1957 |
Utah Power & Light, Newhouse Heating Plant -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
164 | MHT #407, CMF #894: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
Including 2 sheets of bracing for steel stack.
undated |
Utah Power & Light, Office Building -- near 100 S & Regent Str (Corner), Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
76 | MHT #unknown, CMF #888: Scott, Louie & Browning; Original Design |
1970 |
Utah Power & Light, Olmstead Area -- 1018 N 1630 E, Orem, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
413 | MHT #119, CMF #78G: Claude Shepherd Ashworth [Provo]; Minor Alterations
Laboratory Building. Minor external modifications including shingles and windows.
1936 |
413 | MHT #119, CMF #78A: Phoenix Engineering [NY]; Original Design
Steam Station. Beautiful colored elevations and very helpful site plan.
1936 |
318 | MHT #233, CMF #78D: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Model Home. To-build drawings including great elevations, floor plan, and details. Also known as the Home of Ideas.
1936 |
413 | MHT #119, CMF #78F: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Minor Alterations
Quarters Building. Proposed alteration drawings.
undated |
413 | MHT #119, CMF #78E: Ware & Tragenza; Original Design
Quarters Building. Floor plans.
undated |
452 | MHT #391A, CMF #78C: Ware & Tragenza; Original Design
Quarters Building. Floor plans.
undated |
62 | MHT #391B, CMF #78B: Ware & Tragenza; Original Design
Quarters Building. Appear to be to-build drawings including elevations and details.
undated |
Utah Power & Light, Orem SE Station -- Orem, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
164 | MHT #407, CMF #893: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
Elevation outlining addition.
1950 |
Utah Power & Light, Riverdale Area -- Riverdale Plant, Ogden, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
4 | MHT #28, CMF #760: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Original Design
Operator's Residence. Includes plot plan and residence sketch.
1941 |
Utah Sand & Gravel Products Corporation Watchman's Residence -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
259 | MHT #230, CMF #110: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Three sheets of to-build drawings for a small home.
undated |
Utah State Aeronautics Division -- 135 N 2300 W, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
221 | MHT #577, CMF #961: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Addition
1. Proposal and a set of final drawings for the building (BMHT, 1970)
2. Air conditioning for hanger for same property (MHT, 1974)
1970, 1974 |
Utah State Prison -- 14425 Bitterbrush Lane, Draper, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
227 | MHT #436A, CMF #1264: Architect unclear; Background Material
Federal Jail (Sandstone, MN) used as background material for Utah State Prison.
1937 |
165 | MHT #406, CMF #284C: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
1. Property and enclosure fences
2. Plot plan
3. Eight temporary building plans (4 sleeping quarters, kitchen, dining hall, hospital, jail)
1940 |
227 | MHT #436A, CMF #284H: Ashton & Evans; Plan
1. Site plan of temporary buildings (A&E, 1940)
2. Treasury Department (Procurement Division) approval drawings (1937)
1937, 1940 |
187 | MHT #438, CMF #284D: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
1. To-build plans for eight temporary building plans (4 sleeping quarters, kitchen, dining hall, hospital, jail)
2. Site plan
1940 |
402 | MHT #332, CMF #284A: Ashton & Evans; Plan
Great site map for temporary buildings (1 page).
undated |
59 | MHT #421, CMF #284B: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Buildings A, G, & S Towers.
undated |
Utah Woolen Mills -- 4250 S State, Murray, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
386 | MHT #150, CMF #619A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
One page of a detailed floor plan.
1928 |
386 | MHT #150, CMF #619B: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Three pages of the addition elevation, floor plan, and structure.
1940 |
Utah Woolen Mills -- Richards St, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
164 | MHT #412, CMF #491A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
1. Factory
2. Mezzanine
Address on drawing is 32 Richards and also "rear of 28 Richards."
1925 |
386 | MHT #150, CMF #491B: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Clear elevations and addition scope. Address on drawing is 28 Richards Str.
1927 |
386 | MHT #150, CMF #491C: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
One page only.
1944 |
VA Hospital -- 500 S Foothills Blvd, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
187 | MHT #438, CMF #709H: Ashton, Evans, & Brazier and McClenahan; Original Design
Landscape plan. Includes eight sheets, each with one area of landscaping, plus a plot plan.
1948 |
229 | MHT #448, CMF #709B: Ashton, Evans, & Brazier and McClenahan; Original Design
Phase A. Includes
1. Disturbed building
2. Infirm building
3. Central cafeteria & kitchen building
4. Utilities buildings
5. Gym, swimming pool and recreation building
6. Theater building
7. Quarters building
1948 |
105 | MHT #516A, CMF #709D: Ashton, Evans, & Brazier and McClenahan; Original Design
Neuropsychiatric. Includes
1. Disturbed building
2. Various site and plot plans.
1948 |
218 | MHT #516B, CMF #709E: Ashton, Evans, & Brazier and McClenahan; Original Design
Neuropsychiatric. Includes
1. Disturbed building
2. Tuberculosis - Neuropsychiatric building
3. Main building
4. Athletic facilities
5. Structural detail
1948 |
38 | MHT #518A, CMF #709C: Ashton, Evans, & Brazier and McClenahan; Original Design
Various Buildings. Primarily technical drawings. Includes
1. Laundry building
2. Garage building
3. Boiler and shops
1948 |
173 | MHT #519A, CMF #709F: Ashton, Evans, & Brazier and McClenahan; Original Design
Infirm & Tuberculosis - Neuropsychiatric Buildings. Includes
1. Central kitchen building
2. Infirm building
3. Tuberculosis - Neuropsychiatric building
1948 |
139 | MHT #519B, CMF #709P: Ashton, Evans, & Brazier and McClenahan; Original Design
Infirm &Tuberculosis - Neuropsychiatric Buildings. Includes NW and SE wings.
1948 |
120 | MHT #520B, CMF #709M: Ashton, Evans, & Brazier and McClenahan; Original Design
Mechanical. Includes
1. Typical details (plumbing, heating and ventilating)
2. Tunnel plans (one sheet)
3. Planting plan (Sections 1 - 8)
1948 |
178 | MHT #520C, CMF #709N: Ashton, Evans, & Brazier and McClenahan; Original Design
Mechanical. Includes
1. Typical details (electrical, plumbing and lighting fixtures)
2. Fantastic light designs
1948 |
77 | MHT #516C, CMF #709J: Ashton, Evans, & Brazier and McClenahan; Original Design
Main Building. To-build electrical and communication drawings.
1949 |
234 | MHT #517B, CMF #709L: Ashton, Evans, & Brazier and McClenahan; Original Design
Main Building Repos. To-build drawings including ground floor to 7th floor plus door details.
1949 |
162 | MHT #517C, CMF #709K: Ashton, Evans, & Brazier and McClenahan; Original Design
Main Building Repos. To-build drawings including ground floor to 7th floor (Sheets 170-214).
1949 |
194 | MHT #518B, CMF #709Q: Ashton, Evans, & Brazier and McClenahan; Original Design
Various Buildings. Includes
1. Theater building & elevation
2. Residence buildings
3. Recreation building
1949 |
169 | MHT #519C, CMF #709G: Ashton, Evans, & Brazier and McClenahan; Original Design
Infirm & Tuberculosis - Neuropsychiatric Buildings. Includes
1. Infirm building
2. Utility plans (tunnel, sewer, gas)
3. Planting plan on AEB paper (by L.S. Morris Landscape Arch, Logan) Sections 1 - Section 8
1949 |
468 | MHT #679A, CMF #709R: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Alterations
Seismic Study. Study includes units 110, 120, 130, 140 elevations and many floor plans.
1973 |
474 | MHT #679B, CMF #709S: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Alterations
Seismic Study. Study includes floor plans for buildings #2 - #13.
1973 |
Verdeland Park School -- 437 N Wasatch Dr, Layton, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
61 | MHT #354B, CMF #149A: Hodgson, Ashton & Evans; Alteration of Standard Design
Includes elevations. Federal Works Agency (FWA) Project Utah 42-166.
1942 |
374 | MHT #356B, CMF #149B: Hodgson, Ashton & Evans; Alteration of Standard Design
Plot plan and access roads (1944) for eight-room school. Federal Works Agency (FWA) Project Utah 42-166.
1942, 1944 |
Victory Theater, Keith Building -- 48 E 300 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
394 | MHT #86, CMF #1166A: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
To-build drawings of box office and lobby updates. Also known as Colonial Theater.
1943 |
oversize-box | ||
485 | MHT #86, CMF #1166B: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Beautiful sketches of front elevation and vestible. Also known as Colonial Theater.
1943 |
tube | ||
394 | MHT #86, CMF #1166C: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Alterations to floor plan to Keith Building for Publix Theaters. Also known as Colonial Theater.
undated |
oversize-box | ||
485 | MHT #86, CMF #1166D: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Floor plan for the addition of the Victory Theater to the David Keith Building.
undated |
Wagner Industrial Center Service & Distribution Warehouses -- 875 W 2600 S, South Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
115 | MHT #343, CMF #884: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Alterations
Refinish Service Warehouse & Distribution Warehouse. To-build drawings.
1966 |
Walker Bank & Trust -- Sugarhouse, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
271 | MHT #382AB, CMF #1237: Ware & McClenahan; Proposal Original Design |
1950 |
Walker Brothers Bankers -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
271 | MHT #382AB, CMF #1031A: Eame & Young [St. Louis] --- McDonald & Cooper; Original Design
Several revision dates: 1902, 1912.
1902, 1912 |
271 | MHT #382AB, CMF #1031C: McDonald & Cooper; Alterations
Details of cage interiors.
1912 |
271 | MHT #382AB, CMF #1031B: W.J. Cooper; Alterations
Includes basement plans and façade options.
1921 |
271 | MHT #382AB, CMF #1031D: James L. Burke; Alterations
Includes floor plans.
1940 |
Walker, A.H. Swimming Pool -- 150 Edgecombe Dr, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
208 | MHT #668, CMF #935: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Original Design
Includes swimming pool (BHMT, 1971) and enclosure (MHT, 1977).
1940, 1977 |
Wallen, W. Residence -- Price, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
430 | MHT #242, CMF #111: Ashton & Evans [possible]; Original Design
Small, 5-room home, including elevation and floor plan. No architect or date.
undated |
Walren Village Shopping Center -- SE of 7200 S & Highway 91, Bountiful, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
355 | MHT #60, CMF #1068: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Full set of plans and perspectives. Great plot plan showing where this was to be built. To-build plans for Bountiful State Bank, Walren Village, North Salt Lake UT.
1955 |
Walton, Douglas P. Residence -- 1771 Millbrook Rd, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
401 | MHT #52, CMF #112: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Proposed sketches (3 schemes), perspective, plot plan, and to-build drawings.
1950 |
Ward, C.W. & Jay Creamery -- Richfield, IDReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
133 | MHT #625, CMF #886: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Original Design |
1972 |
Wasatch Elementary -- 270 E Center, Clearfield, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
402 | MHT #333, CMF #674A: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build plans including elevations, floor plans, details, and plot plan. Federal Works Agency (FWA) Project Utah 42-189N. Also known as Clearfield Elementary.
1945 |
402 | MHT #333, CMF #674B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
To-build drawings including plot plan and elevations (addition is clear). Also known as Clearfield Elementary.
1955 |
Washington Terrace School -- 20 E 4600 S, Washington Terrace City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
61 | MHT #354B, CMF #150A: Hodgson, Ashton & Evans; Alteration of Standard Design
Site plan and elevations. Federal Works Agency (FWA) Project Utah 42-165.
1943 |
374 | MHT #356B, CMF #150B: Hodgson, Ashton & Evans; Alteration of Standard Design
Site plan. Federal Works Agency (FWA) Project Utah 42-165.
1943 |
Waterworks Equipment Company -- 1970 S West Temple, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
381 | MHT #338, CMF #1269: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Office & Warehouse Building. To-build drawings including plot plan, elevations, and floor plans.
1956 |
Waterworks Equipment Company -- 502 W 300 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
381 | MHT #338, CMF #495: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
Proposed Office. Perspective only.
undated |
Wayne County High School -- 55 N Central, Bicknell, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
300 | MHT #282, CMF #225: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Includes both proposed and final drawings. Proposal shows auditorium, three classrooms, entry, lockers, and shop. Great elevations that show expansion scope.
1934 |
Weber County High School -- Weber City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
389 | MHT #283, CMF #243: M. Charles Woods [Ogden]; Addition
Manual training shop. Beautiful to-build drawings.
1912 |
Weber, L. Ross Residence -- Holladay, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
265 | MHT #241, CMF #113: Ashton; Original Design
Floor plan and elevations.
undated |
Welcome Home Nursing Center -- 2200 W 4850 S, Grainger, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
14 | MHT #735, CMF #777: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Original Design |
undated |
Wells Latter-day Saint Ward -- 1990 500 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
407 | MHT #102, CMF #317A: Rutherford & Ashton; Original Design
Full set of ink to-build drawings for Wells Latter-day Saints Ward chapel. Beautiful.
1920 |
407 | MHT #102, CMF #317B: Ashton & Evans; Addition
Ink to-build drawings including floor plan, elevations and details for Well Wells Latter-day Saints Ward Amusement Hall.
1926 |
West Point Latter-day Saint Ward Amusement Hall -- West Point , UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
303 | MHT #179, CMF #318: Ashton; Original Design
To-build drawing including floor plan and elevations.
1921 |
West, E.M. Residence -- Holladay, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
265 | MHT #241, CMF #114: Ashton; Original Design
Floor plans and elevations.
undated |
Western Colorado Power -- Durango, COReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
199 | MHT #405, CMF #948: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
Floor plans of internal modifications and great sketch of auditorium.
1952 |
Western Colorado Power -- Montrose, COReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
199 | MHT #405, CMF #1239: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
Floor plans of internal modifications and elevation of external modifications.
1952 |
Western Greyhound Lines -- near South Temple & 200 West (SE Corner), Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
263 | MHT #275, CMF #991: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Addition
Great plot plan showing this structure in relationship to existing Greyhound bus structures. Good elevations and floor plans. This may be adjacent to Union Pacific Greyhound station at Temple Square hotel.
1959 |
176 | MHT #569A, CMF #827A: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Proposal Original Design
Terminal. Includes some proposal drawings.
1968 |
190 | MHT #569B, CMF #827B: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Proposal Original Design
Terminal. Includes some proposal drawings, Schematic #1.
1968 |
56 | MHT #569C, CMF #827C: Ashton, Brazier, Montmorency & Associates; Proposal Original Design
Terminal. Includes some proposal drawings, Schematic C.
undated |
Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing & Repair Building -- 1680 S Redwood Rd, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
410 | MHT #75B, CMF #497B: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Proposal Original Design
A few proposal documents and a plot plan.
1960 |
410 | MHT #75B, CMF #497C: Westinghouse Headquarters Works Engineering; Proposal Original Design
A full set of Westinghouse (plus their suppliers) drawings and plot plans.
1960 |
222 | MHT #75A, CMF #497A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including plot plan, floor plan, and elevations.
1961 |
Wheeler, J.K. Equipment Building -- 1485 S 300 W, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
210 | MHT #310, CMF #494: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevations and structural details for equipment building. Also includes a shed for J.K. Wheeler at 1500 S 300 W (new coordinates).
undated |
Wilkinson, Fred E. Duplex -- Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
312 | MHT #259, CMF #115: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including built-in cabinets.
1936 |
Williams, Gilbert W. Residence -- 489 B Str, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
323 | MHT #182, CMF #117: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
Large home with sketches and to-build drawings including floor plan, elevations, and lots of detail. Cool detailed cornice in living room and gate.
1937 |
Wood, Thomas G. Residence -- Unknown locationReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
318 | MHT #234, CMF #116: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including elevations, floor plan, and great details. Large home.
1925 |
Woodbury Restaurant -- Cedar City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
297 | MHT #40, CMF #566B: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
To-build drawings including floor plans, details, and elevations. Apartment on top floor.
undated |
246 | MHT #224, CMF #566A: Ashton & Evans; Documentation
A 27-page, very-detailed specification.
undated |
Woodland School -- Woodland, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
316 | MHT #285, CMF #694: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Public Works Administration (PWA) Docket #UT 1023.
1935 |
Woodruff Latter-day Saint Ward -- Woodruff, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
418 | MHT #173, CMF #319: Ashton & Evans; Proposal Addition
Proposal-level sketches (several schemes) for the addition.
1946 |
Worthen, Sam ResidenceReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
265 | MHT #241, CMF #1046: Ashton & Evans [possible]; Proposal Original Design
Four elevations and one sketch. All beautiful, but they seem to be of different designs.
undated |
Yalecrest Latter-day Saint Ward -- 1035 S 1800 E, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
367 | MHT #178, CMF #320: Ashton & Evans; Original Design
1. Proposed plans and color drawings (beautiful)
2. To-build darwings, extremely detailed (1936)
3. Beautiful architectural symbol sheet by A&E and McClenahan
4. Very minor alterations A&E (undated) with changes to chapel platform
1936 |
YMCA Camp Roger Cabin -- Kamas, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
212 | MHT #669, CMF #945: Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Original Design |
1973 |
Yosemite West Condominium Development -- Henness Ridge Dr, Yosemite National Park, CAReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
171 | MHT #649, CMF #896: Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot; Proposal Original Design
Scope includes adding three new buildings to two existing buildings. Property is within Yosemite National Park.
1973 |
ZCMI Building -- 21 S Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
329 | MHT #271, CMF #1004: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Minor Alterations
2nd Floor Remodel. Includes lots of sketches and to-build drawings for Four Seasons Salon and other 2nd floor areas.
1959 |
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church -- 1070 Foothill Dr, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
65 | MHT #337, CMF #813: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
To-build drawings including details and great elevations.
1956 |
Zions Benefit Building -- 33 E 100 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
320 | MHT #1, CMF #504A: Ashton, Evans & Brazier; Original Design
Full to-build plans. Great perspective and plaque design. Marble from Cold Springs, MN.
1949 |
Zions Securities -- 140 S State, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
279 | MHT #189, CMF #496: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Western Trading. Minor changes in floor plan to accommodate elevator.
1947 |
Zions Securities -- 30 E 100 S, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
279 | MHT #189, CMF #1243: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Various Businesses on 2 -30 E 100 South. Includes
1. To-build internal and external alterations for music store and typewriter store
2. Estimate for project (labeled G.E. Supply Corp)
1946 |
Zions Securities -- 51 S State, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
337 | MHT #198, CMF #1139: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Includes three pages of minor changes on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floor plans.
undated |
Zions Securities -- 55 N State, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
311 | MHT #163, CMF #401: Ashton & Evans; Alterations
Store Buildings. Includes estimates, sketches and to-build drawings including two stores (drugstore and Horsley), floor plan and elevations. Also known as Modern Market.
1941 |
Zions Securities -- 63 Main, Salt Lake City, UTReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
tube | ||
279 | MHT #189, CMF #499: Ashton & Evans; Minor Alterations
Whipples. Just a few sheets.
1947 |