Mark B. Calnon, Jr. collection, 1976-2005

Overview of the Collection

Calnon, Jr., Mark Brooks, 1952-2013
Mark B. Calnon, Jr. collection
1976-2005 (inclusive)
1.5 linear feet
Collection Number
MG 564
Papers, correspondence, and University of Idaho materials kept by U of I alumni, Mark B. Calnon, Jr.
University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
University of Idaho Library
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 2350
Moscow, ID
Telephone: 2088850845
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.


Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection consists of papers, correspondence,and memorabilia from Mark Brooks Calnon, Jr. The papers cover his times as a student and graduate student at the University of Idaho where he was member of the Kappa Sigma fraternity. University papers include a copy of master's thesis and his master's diploma. Cards and correspondence included in the collection are from his year's at the University of Idaho as well as after.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

Mark Brooks Calnon, Jr. was born on June 3, 1952 to Mark B. and Helen-Ann Calnon in Boise, Idaho. There he attended Meridian High School and after graduating enrolled at the University of Idaho. At U of I, Calnon was an active member of the Kappa Sigma fraternity. He completed his BS in Soil Science in 1975, and then his MS in Soil Science three years later. His professional career led him to work at Nu Chem as the District Manager for twenty or so years. Mark B. Calnon, Jr. passed away on June 15, 2013 in Moscow, Idaho.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

Author, Description or "Title" of item, date. Collection name, collection number, box, folder. University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives, Moscow, ID.

Photographer, "Title," date. Collection name, object ID. University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives, Moscow, ID.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

These materials were brought to Special Collections and Archives by JAMM professor Denise Bennett in September 2018.


"Mark Brooks Calnon Jr." 2013. The Spokane Review.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Series I. Kappa Sigma materialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1
Gamma-Theta Chapter
1 2
Kappa Sigma Centennial
1 3
Kappa Sigma Alumni Directory
1 4
Bononia Docet for Kappa Sigma
2 1
Kappa Sigma Centennial Coin
2 2
Kappa Sigma Alumni Association pin
2 3
Kappa Sigma Gamma-Theta Chapter glass beer stein
2 4
Kappa Sigma Fraternity paddle
2 5-6
Fraternity paddles

Series II. Washington FreemasonsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box object
2 7
Washington Freemasons pin
2 8
Washington Monitor and Freemasons Guide (book)
2 9
White Initiation Apron
Presented by Waverly Lodge No. 231, F. & A. M. to Mark B. Calnon, Jr.
03 December 1992

Series III. PapersReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
3 5
University of Idaho materials
Includes a Vandal football ticket and materials about Soil Science.
3 6
Effects of Reduced Tillage on the Availability of Nitrogen for the Growth of Winter Wheat (Thesis)
Prepared and written by Mark B. Calnon, Jr.
3 7
University of Idaho Masters in Soil Science diploma
20 May 1978
3 8
Cards and Letters
3 9
Curriculum Vitae
3 10
Newspaper Clippings
Includes some from the Argonaut.
3 11
Includes a notepad, business cards, Mountain Lakes of Idaho (published by Idaho Fish & Game), A River Runners Guide to Idaho (published by Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation), 1970 Meridian High School Yearbook, and some photographs with negatives.