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Elizabeth Becker Cambodia and Khmer Rouge Collection, 1970-1988
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Becker, Elizabeth
- Title
- Elizabeth Becker Cambodia and Khmer Rouge Collection
- Dates
- 1970-1988 (inclusive)19701988
- Quantity
- 0.86 cubic feet (2 boxes), includes textual materials, photographs and DVDs
- Collection Number
- 6036 (Accession No. 6036-001)
- Summary
- Publications, personal notes, photographs, recorded interviews, transcription of interview with Ieng Sary, and United Nations reports and correspondence regarding Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge compiled by journalist, Elizabeth Becker
- Repository
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931 - Access Restrictions
Open to all users.
- Languages
- English, French
Biographical NoteReturn to Top
Elizabeth Becker has had an extensive career as an award winning international journalist for the New York Times, National Public Radio, and the Washington Post. Her primary area of expertise is in Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge due to her coverage of the Cambodian Civil War in the 1960s and 1970s. During this time she was one of only 2 journalists to interview Pol Pot while he was in power and is the author of "When the War was Over" (1986), a history of modern Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge. She had also covered many other stories of international significance such as South Africa's first democratic election and the Rwandan Genocide.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
Publications, personal notes, photographs, recorded interviews, transcription of interview with Ieng Sary, and United Nations reports and correspondence regarding Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge. Notes and materials were gathered by Becker on a 2 week reporting trip to Cambodia in December 1978. Some materials are in French. Also included are several subsequent interviews with Khmer Rouge Leaders. DVD copies of taped interviews include: Pol Pot- December 22, 1978, Ieng Sary- December 19, 1978, Ieng Thirith- 1980, and minor Khmer Rouge Officials at Sime Reap Zoo and Angkor Temples.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Arranged in 4 series.
- Series 1, Interviews -- text and audio
- Series 2, Notes and other papers
- Series 3, Photographs
- Series 4, Publications
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Series 1: Interviews -- text and audioReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
1/1 | Text of Pol Pot Speech at Cambodia Communist Party
Anniversary Meeting |
1977 |
1/2 | Text of Ieng Sary Speech to United Nations |
1977 |
1/3 | Interview Transcription with Ieng Sary |
1981 |
1/4 | Sound recordings on DVD |
1978 |
Siem Reap Audio of journalists and their guides in discussion about the
flora and fauna of Siem Reap and Angkor Wat.
1978 | |
Ieng Sary - Phnom Penh |
1978 | |
Ieng Thirith - Tape 1, Side A |
1978 | |
Ieng Thirith - Tape 1, Side B |
1978 | |
Ieng Thirith - Tape 2 |
1978 | |
Ieng Thirith - Tape 3 |
1978 | |
Pol Pot Interview |
1978 | |
Pol Pot Dinner Apparently mislabled sound recording; sounds to be duplicate
as the Ieng Sary - Phnom Penh recording
1978 |
Series 2: Notes and other papersReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
1/5 | Becker's Notes from Trip to Democratic
Kampuchea |
1978 |
1/6 | Poster of Democratic Cambodia Government
Structure |
1977 |
1/7 | Press Releases |
1980 |
1/8 | United Nations Reports and Correspondence |
1978-1985 |
1/9 | Map of Cambodia (Photocopy) |
1977 |
Series 3: PhotographsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
1/10-11 | Photographs of Sights and People in Cambodia |
1979 |
1/12 | Negatives of Sights and People in Cambodia |
1979 |
Series 4: PublicationsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
2/1 | "Signal Victory of the Militant Unity of the Three
Indo-Chinese Peoples" |
1970 |
2/2 | "Communique de presse de la premiere session pleniere de
la premiere legislature de l'assemblee des representants du peuple du
Kampuchea" |
1976 |
2/3 | "Democratic Kampuchea is Moving Forward" |
1977 |
2/4 | "Long Live the 17th Anniversay of the Communist Party of
Kampuchea - Speech by Pol Pot, Secretary of the Central Committee of the
Kampuchean Communist Party, Delivered on September 29, 1977" |
1977 |
2/5 | "Comment fut Decide et Prepare le Depart Officiel du
Marechal President de Phnom Penh, Republique Khmere, le ler Avril
1975" |
1977 |
2/6 | "Discours prononce par le Camarade Pol Pot, Secretaire
du Comite Central du Parti Communiste du Kampuchea - Au Meeting Commemorant le
17 Anniversaire de la Fondation du Parti Communiste du Kampuchea et a
l'occasion de la proclamation solennelle de L'exist |
1977 |
2/7 | "Democratic Kampuchea: Black paper - Facts and Evidences
of the Acts of Aggression and Annexation of Vietnam against
Kampuchea" |
1978 |
2/8 | "Pol Pot - Les Grandioses Victoires de la Revoluntionm
du Kampuchea sous La Direction juste et Clairvoyante du Parti Communiste du
Kampuchea" |
1978 |
2/9 | "Pol Pot - Talks with the Delegation of the
Sweden-Kampuchea Friendship Associaiton" |
1978 |
2/10 | "Pol Pot - Continuons a tenir fermement haut leve le
drapeau de la victoire du glorieux parti communiste du Kampuchea pour defendre
le Kampuchea Democratique poursuivre ;a revolution socialiste et edifier le
socialisme" |
1978 |
2/11 | "Evidences on the Vietnamese aggression against
Democratic Kampuchea" |
1978 |
2/12 | "Interview of Comrade Pol Pot to the Delegation of
Yugoslav Journalists in Visit to Democratic Kampuchea" |
1978 |
2/13 | "Interview of Comrade Pol Pot to the Democratic
Kampuchea Press-Agency" |
1978 |
2/14 | "Pol Pot - Talks with the Delegation of the Association
Belgium - Kampuchea" |
1978 |
2/15 | "Pol Pot - Interview to Mr. Jan Myrdal, Member of the
Delegation of the Association of Friendship Sweden-Kampuchea for the Swedish
Television" |
1978 |
2/16 | "Biography of Comrade Pol Pot" |
1978 |
2/17 | "Pol Pot - Interview to the Representatives of the Hong
Kong's Newspapers Wen Wei Po and Ta Kun Pao" |
1978 |
2/18 | "Speech made by Comrade Pol Pot at the banquet given in
honour of the delegation of the Communist Party of China and the government of
the People's Republic of China" |
1978 |
2/19 | "The Peoples Republic of Kampuchea" |
1979 |
2/20 | "The National United Front for the Salvation of
Kampuchea" |
1979 |
2/21 | "Le conseil populaire revolutionnnaire du
Kampuchea" |
1979 |
2/22 | "Role of the Kampuchean Women for Equality, Development
and Peace" |
1980 |
2/23 | "Heroism of the Kampuchean Women before and after the
Vietnamese Invasion" |
1980 |
2/24 | "L'Opinion Mondiale et la Situation Actuelle au
Kampuchea" |
1980 |
2/25 | "La solidarite Kampuchea - Vietnam" |
1982 |
2/26 | "Thai authorities step up hostile activities against the
People's Republic of Kampuchea" |
1982 |
2/27 | "Quelques preuves sur les manoeuvres des expansionnistes
et hegemonistes chinois contre le peuple Kampucheen" |
1982 |
2/28 | "Kampuchean Today" |
1988 |
2/29 | "Women of Cambodia" |
undated |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
Personal Names
- Becker, Elizabeth--Archives
- Ieng Sary--Interviews
- Ieng Thirith, 1932-2015--Interviews
- Pol Pot--Interviews