George D. Clyde speeches, 1957-1965

Overview of the Collection

Clyde, George D.
George D. Clyde speeches
1957-1965 (inclusive)
7 boxes, (3 linear ft.)
Collection Number
This collection consists of papers, notes, note cards, and programs for speeches given by George D. Clyde. These speeches were mostly given at various conventions, conferences, meetings, organizations, and celebrations during his terms as governor of Utah between 1957 and 1965.
Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives Division
Special Collections & Archives
Merrill-Cazier Library
Utah State University
Logan, UT
Telephone: 4357978248
Fax: 4357972880
Access Restrictions

Open to public research.

Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant, 2007-2008

Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Born on July 21, 1898, in Mapleton, Utah County, Utah, George Dewey Clyde graduated from Utah State Agricultural College in 1922. As an agricultural engineer, he served on the staff of both the Experiment Station and the College, becoming a full professor in 1928. He served as Dean of the School of Engineering from 1936 through 1945. Following World War II, Mr. Clyde left the employ of the College to assume the duties of Chief of the Division of Irrigation Engineering and Water Conservation for the Soil Conservation Service, Research Branch under the United States Department of Agriculture. He also was a director of Utah Water and Power Board. He played an important role in approval of the Upper Colorado River Basin Storage Project in 1956. A long standing member of the Utah Republican Party, he left Civil Service and ran successfully for the governorship of Utah that same year, serving eight years. George Clyde was the 10th governor of Utah. He focused on the economic development of Utah while in office. Clyde returned to civil service in 1965. He and his wife, Ora Packard Clyde, raised five children. George D. Clyde died on April 2, 1972.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection consists of papers, notes, note cards, and programs for speeches given by George D. Clyde. These speeches were mostly given at various conventions, conferences, meetings, organizations, and celebrations during his terms as governor of Utah between 1957 and 1965. Included is an index of all the speeches numbered chronologically by the date the speech was given. The title of the speech, and where the speech was presented, are also included in the index.

MSS 176 and MSS 279 are separate collections of George D. Clyde papers. The collection deals with the soil conservation service and is a collection of reports and inter-departmental memoranda covering a wide scope of irrigation, drainage, reclamation and soil conservation materials. Most of the reports, etc, contained are unpublished typescripts and/or preliminary drafts of reports.

The collection is arranged alphabetically according to subject, or geographical location. Therefore, reports dealing with irrigation, for instance, are filed under irrigation followed by the title as it appears on the report. For reports dealing with irrigation in specific locations, they are filed under the location.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use


It is the responsibility of the user to obtain permission to publish from the owner of the copyright (the institution, the creator of the record, the author or his/her transferees, heirs, legates, or literary executors). The user agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Utah State University Libraries, its officers, employees, and agents from and against all claims made by any person asserting that he or she is an owner of copyright.

Permission to publish material from the George D. Clyde speeches must be obtained from the Special Collections Manuscript Curator and/or the Special Collections Department Head.

Preferred Citation

George D. Clyde speeches, 1957-1965. (COLL MSS 255). Utah State University. Special Collections and Archives Department.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The collection is arranged chronologically according to the index of the speeches.

Acquisition Information

This material was transferred to us from the American Heritage Center at the University of Wyoming, which decided to deaccession it. The papers were donated to the AHC in 1972 by Jerald R. Clyde, the son of George Clyde.

Processing Note

Guide prepared by: Special Collections and Archives staff.

Related Materials

George D. Clyde papersColl MSS 176

George D. Clyde research materialsCOLL MSS 279

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1 1.: Utah's Golden Era 1956 August 11
1 1 2.: Utah's Future undated
1 1 3.: Discussion on Education 1956 November 28
1 1 4.: Address; Before Legislature 1956 December 14
1 1 5.: First Draft of Inaugural Address undated
1 2 6.: Legislative Program undated
1 2 7.: Speech Before County Officials 1957 January
1 2 8.: Utah Lion Clubs 1957 January 7
1 2 9.: Discussion - Utah Safety Council 1957 January 8
1 2 10.: Kiwanis Club - Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce 1957 January 10
1 3 11.: Message to Legislature 1957 January 15
1 3 12.: Super Highways 1957 January 24
1 3 13.: Budget Message 1957 January 28
1 3 14.: Air Force Association Symposium 1957 February 1
1 3 15.: Achievement Award - Dr. Nelson 1957 February
1 4 16.: Lincoln Day Talk 1957 February 9
1 4 17.: Message to Legislature on Education 1957 February 12
1 4 18.: Legislature - Taxation 1957 February 14
1 4 19.: Outline- Mock Legislature 1957 February 16
1 4 20.: Utah Poultry & Farmers Coop 1957 February 23
1 5 21.: Rocky Mountain Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists 1957 February 26
1 5 22.: Rotary 1957 March 4
1 5 23.: Tribute to a Daughter 1957 March
1 5 24.: Greeting to Junior Colleges 1957 March 7
1 5 25.: Introduction of Governor Knight 1957 March
1 6 26.: The 69th Founders' Day 1957 March
1 6 27.: Introduction of Gene Fullmer 1957 March 27
1 6 28.: The State and Education 1957 April 3
1 6 29.: Development of Utah's Economics 1957 April 6
1 6 30.: An Engineer Looks at the Future 1957 April 9
1 7 31.: The Changing Scene of the West 1957 April 11
1 7 32.: The Partnership Policy in Road Building 1957 April 18
1 7 33.: For God and Our Country 1957 April 19
1 7 34.: Utah's Agricultural Economy 1957 March 22
1 7 35.: Adult Education 1957 March 21
1 8 36.: Welcome to "Salt Lake City" and "Utah" 1957 March 31
1 8 37.: Developments of Utah's Economic and Political Institutions 1957 April 6
1 8 37.: The Changing Scene of the West 1957 April 11
1 8 38.: Wanship Dam Dedication 1957 May 9
1 8 39.: A Mid-Century Appraisal of Water and Power Needs 1957 May 10
1 8 40.: Opportunity vs. Security 1957 May 1
1 9 41.: Introduction and Welcome 1957 May 2
1 9 42.: The Republican Party Looks Ahead 1957 May 3
1 9 43.: Parents and Trends in Education 1957 May 3
1 9 44.: Welcome Talk 1957 May 9
1 9 45.: Utah's Fiscal Outlook 1957 May 13
1 10 46.: Dedication of National Guard Armory 1957 May 23
1 10 47.: "Your Future" 1957 May 24
1 10 48.: Welcome Talk 1957 May 25
1 10 49.: Greeting 1957 May 27
1 10 50.: "Your American Citizenship" 1957 June 7
1 11 51.: Organization and Operation of State Government 1957 June 2 - 26
1 11 52.: Utah's Future 1957 July 12
1 11 53.: "Your American Citizenship" 1957 July 13
1 11 53-a.: Talk to AFL-CIO 1957 June 4
1 11 54.: "The American Spirit" 1957 July 19
1 11 55.: "Interstate Cooperation" 1957 August 2
1 12 56.: "Utah - Past and Future" 1957 August 14
1 12 57.: Physical Fitness of Our American Youth 1957 August 21
1 12 58.: Presenting of Safe Driving Awards 1957 August 21
1 12 59.: Republican Party 1957 August 21
1 12 60.: "Our Expanding Economy" 1957 August 21
1 13 61.: "The Development and Future of our Mineral Resources" 1957 September 9
1 13 62.: The Dairy Association 1957 September 5
1 13 63.: "Local Government Financing" 1957 September 12
1 13 64.: "Utah Looks Ahead" 1957 September 13
1 13 65.: "A New Approach to Resource Development" 1957 September 16
2 1 66.: Statement 1957 September 14
2 1 67.: Greetings 1957 September 18
2 1 68.: "Education Beyond the High School" 1957 September 19
2 1 69.: "Importance of Higher Education in the New Era" 1957 September 23
2 1 70.: "Review of Nine Months in Public Office" 1957 September 26
2 2 71.: "The Engineer in Government" 1957 October 3
2 2 72.: "Education and Its Future in Utah" 1957 October 11
2 2 73.: Statement on Education 1957 November 1
2 2 74.: "Water Supply, Water Use and its Conservation" 1957 November 11
2 2 75.: Statement 1957 November 13
2 3 76.: Remarks 1957 November 14
2 3 77.: Statement 1957 November 15
2 3 78.: Talk Presented to Farm Program Development Conference 1957 November 16
2 3 79.: "A Brief Review of the Financial Position of the State" 1957 November 20
2 3 80.: "Utah's Fiscal Outlook" 1957 November 27
2 3 80-a .: Notes on Remarks 1957 November 23
2 3 80-b .: Talk Before Republican Leaders 1957 November 23
2 4 81.: Statement 1957 December 13
2 4 81-a .: Utah's Fiscal Prospects for 1958 1957 December 14
2 4 82.: "Reclamation and the Agricultural Surplus" 1957 December 17
2 4 82-a .: Christmas Eve Broadcast 1957 December 24
2 4 83.: "Agriculture and Industry in Utah's Future" 1958 January 13
2 4 84.: Remarks 1958 January 13
2 4 85.: "Civil Servants" 1958 January 14
2 5 86.: Remarks 1958 January 16
2 5 87.: "Utah's Future" 1957 January 27
2 5 88.: "Your Governor Reports" 1957 January 27
2 5 89.: Remarks 1958 January 29
2 5 90.: "Your County Roads-Safe Highways or Killers?" 1958 January 23
2 6 91.: Remarks 1958 January 31
2 6 92.: Address 1958 February 5
2 6 93.: "Agriculture and Industry in Utah's Future" 1958 February 6
2 6 94.: Address of Welcome 1958 February 11
2 6 95.: "Plans to Meet the Challenge of the Future" 1958 February 11
2 7 96.: "The Republican Party Looks Ahead" 1958 February 12
2 7 97.: "America and the Engineer" 1958 February 18
2 7 98.: "George Washington - Then and Now" 1958 February 22
2 7 99.: Remarks presented at the 1958 Tele-Sell Spectacular 1958 March 4
2 7 100.: "Intergovernmental Relationships" 1958 March 13
2 8 101.: "The State's Role in the Employment of the Handicapped" 1958 March 7
2 8 102.: Remarks 1958 March 21
2 8 103.: Remarks 1958 March 29
2 8 104.: Statement 1958 March 30
2 8 105.: Welcome Address 1958 March 31
2 9 106.: Remarks 1958 April 1
2 9 107.: Remarks 1958 April 1
2 9 108.: Remarks 1958 April 4
2 9 109.: Traffic Safety 1958 April 8 - 9
2 9 110.: Mother of the Year Title 1958 April 20
2 10 111.: The Traffic Problem 1958 May 1
2 10 112.: Greeting 1958 May 10
2 10 113.: The Case for Federal Reclamation 1958 April
2 10 114.: Statement 1958 May 14
2 10 115.: Notes 1958 May 27
2 11 116.: Remarks 1958 June 2
2 11 117.: Remarks 1958 June 3
2 11 118.: Remarks 1958 June 6
2 11 119.: Address 1958 June 12
2 11 120.: Address 1958 June 13
2 12 121.: Greeting 1958 June 13
2 12 122.: Address 1958 June 17
2 12 123.: Remarks 1958 June 19
2 12 124.: Address of Welcome 1958 June 23
2 12 125.: Remarks of Welcome undated
2 13 126.: Remarks 1958 June 30
2 13 127.: Remarks 1958 June 11
2 13 128.: Remarks 1958 June 21
2 13 129.: "George Washington - Then and Now" 1958 July 4
2 13 130.: "State Government and Its Functions" 1958 July 12
2 14 131.: Remarks at Ribbon-Cutting of Interstate Highway 1958 August 1
2 14 132.: "Some Problems in Conservation" 1958 August 18
2 14 133.: "History of Irrigation in Utah" 1958 August 20
2 14 134.: Remarks 1958 August 26
2 14 135.: "Republican Status" 1958 August 2
3 1 136.: "Financial Problems of Local Government" 1958 September 11
3 1 137.: "Water - A National Problem" 1958 September 16
3 1 138.: "Problems and Progress in Higher Education" 1958 September 18
3 1 139.: Remarks 1958 September 19
3 1 140.: Address 1958 September 22
3 2 141.: "Educational Requirements for the Space Age" 1958 September 29
3 2 142.: Address 1958 October 2
3 2 143.: "Vocational Education" 1958 October 2
3 2 144.: Statement 1958 October 15
3 2 145.: Welcome Address 1958 September 15
3 3 146.: "Government and Utah's Future" 1958 October 15
3 3 147.: "Water for Agriculture" 1958 November 6
3 3 148.: "Education for the Space Age" 1958 November 6
3 3 149.: "Water - A National Problem" 1958 November 20
3 3 150.: Address of Welcome 1958 December 1
3 4 151.: Welfare Talk 1958 October 11
3 4 151-a .: "Government and Utah's Future" 1958 October 15
3 4 152.: Welcome Address 1958 December 12
3 4 153.: Address 1958 December 12
3 4 154.: Recorded Christmas Greeting 1958 December 19
3 4 155.: Recorded Christmas Greeting 1958 December 24
3 5 156.: Governor's Message to the Legislature 1959 January 12
3 5 157.: Federal-State Relationships Relating to Water Rights 1959 January 12
3 5 158.: "Utah - Future Unlimited" 1959 January 14
3 5 159.: Governor's Budget Message to the Legislature 1959 January 20
3 5 160.: Some Problems Facing Utah and its 33rd Legislature 1959 January 20
3 6 161.: Notes 1959 February 2
3 6 162.: "Government, The Engineer and the Future" 1959 February 13
3 6 163.: Response to Governor Pyle 1959 March 6
3 6 164.: "A Tribute to Athletics" 1959 March 18
3 6 165.: Address Presented to American Society of Tool Engineers 1959 April 11
3 7 166.: Recorded Statement undated
3 7 167.: "Fifty Years of Snow Surveying" 1959 April 22
3 7 168.: Presentation of Mother of the Year Title 1959 April 19
3 7 169.: "Utah and Uranium" 1959 May 8
3 7 170.: Presentation of Honorary Life Memberships 1959 May 9
3 8 171.: Dedication of Railroad Museum 1959 May 9
3 8 172.: Remarks 1959 May 11
3 8 173.: Remarks 1959 May 15
3 8 174.: Remarks 1959 May 3
3 8 175.: Remarks 1959 May 14
3 9 176.: Remarks 1959 May 20
3 9 177.: Press Release 1959 May 28
3 9 178.: "Utah Accepts the Challenge" 1959 May 22
3 9 179.: Message to Special Session of Legislature 1959 May 28
3 9 180.: "Fitness and Leadership" 1959 June 6
3 10 181.: "State Government and Its Functions" 1959 June 12
3 10 182.: "Our Obligation to Youth" 1959 June 16
3 10 183.: Greeting 1959 June 16
3 10 184.: Impressions on Housing, Health, and Welfare in Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 1959 July
3 10 185.: Remarks 1959 August 19
3 11 186.: Remarks 1959 August 19
3 11 187.: Remarks 1959 August 24
3 11 188.: Development of Engineering Statesmanship 1959 September 15
3 11 189.: Comments 1959 September 15
3 11 190.: Family Life in Russia 1959 October 12
4 1 191.: Agriculture - USSR undated
4 1 192.: Greeting 1959 October 29
4 1 193.: "Highway Construction in Russia" 1959 October
4 1 194.: "Our Heritage of Freedom" 1959 October 5
4 1 195.: "American vs. Soviet Agriculture" 1959 October 30
4 2 196.: "Our Heritage and Our Future" 1959 November 14
4 2 197.: Agriculture - USSR undated
4 2 198.: Impressions on Housing, Health and Welfare in Union of Soviet Socialist Republics undated
4 2 199.: "Preserving Our Heritage" 1959 November 12
4 2 200.: "Conference Summary and Conclusion" 1959 November 20
4 3 201.: Russian Agriculture 1959 November 19 - 21
4 3 202.: "Questions and Answers" 1959 December 7
4 3 203.: "Citizens, Look at Your Schools" 1959 December 10
4 3 204.: Address of Welcome 1959 December 11
4 3 205.: "Financing Problem of Utah" 1959 December 14
4 4 206.: Address 1960 January 8
4 4 207.: Address 1960 January 16
4 4 208.: "Financing Problems of Utah" 1960 January 22
4 4 209.: "Water is Life" undated
4 4 210.: Remarks 1960 February 2
4 5 211.: Lincoln Day Address 1960 February 10 - 12
4 5 212.: "Water is Life" 1960 January 27
4 5 213.: Remarks 1960 February 3
4 5 214.: Remarks 1960 March
4 5 215.: Remarks 1960 March 9
4 6 216.: "Our Heritage and Our Future" 1960 March 18
4 6 217.: Remarks 1960 March 25
4 6 218.: Remarks 1960 March 25
4 6 219.: "Resource Development in the Uintah Basin" 1960 April 4
4 6 220.: Statement April 11, 1960
4 7 221.: "State and Resource Development" 1960 April 18
4 7 222.: "Financing Problems of Utah" 1960 April 20
4 7 223.: "Financial Problems in Utah" 1960 May 12
4 7 224.: "The Engineer's responsibility to the Community" 1960 April 22
4 7 225.: Welcome 1960 May 2
4 8 226.: "Mental Health - Our Greatest Resource" 1960 May 9
4 8 227.: Mother of the Year Presentation 1960 April 24
4 8 228.: Greeting 1960 May 20
4 8 229.: Greeting 1960 May 28
4 8 230.: Greeting 1960 June 10
4 9 231.: Greeting to Troops 1960 June 11
4 9 232.: Greeting 1960 June 16
4 9 233.: "The Engineer and Politics" 1960 June 21
4 9 234.: Greeting 1960 June 20
4 9 235.: "Our Heritage and Our Future" 1960 June 23
4 10 236.: Dedication of Scout Camp 1960 June 25
4 10 237.: Our American Flag 1960 July 22
4 10 238.: Greeting 1960 July 29
4 10 239.: Acceptance Speech at the Republican Convention 1960 August 5
4 10 240.: Word of Greeting 1960 August 10
4 11 241.: Notes for Talk 1960 August 16
4 11 242.: Remarks 1960 August 24
4 11 243.: Greeting 1960 September 3
4 11 244.: Remarks 1960 August 24
4 11 245.: Remarks of Greeting 1960 September 12
4 12 246.: Talk 1960 September 16
4 12 247.: Talk 1960 September 16
4 12 248.: Greeting 1960 September 29
4 12 249.: Greeting 1960 September 29
4 12 250.: Remarks 1960 September 30
5 1 251.: Remarks 1960 October 1
5 1 252.: Remarks 1960 October 1
5 1 253.: Notes 1960 October
5 1 254.: Greeting 1960 December 9
5 1 255.: Welcome 1960 December 9
5 2 256.: Christmas Greeting 1960 December 23
5 2 257.: Inaugural Address 1961 January 2
5 2 258.: Address to the Legislature 1961 January 10
5 2 259.: Governor's Budget Message 1961 January 12
5 2 260.: Welcome Address 1961 January 12
5 3 261.: Welcome Address 1961 January 13
5 3 262.: Welcome Address 1961 January 17
5 3 263.: Greeting 1961 January 21
5 3 264.: Greeting 1961 January 26
5 3 265.: Address 1961 January 19
5 4 266.: Remarks 1961 January 19
5 4 267.: Special Message to the Legislature 1961 February 3
5 4 268.: Address 1961 February 8
5 4 269.: Address undated
5 4 270.: Remarks 1961 February 11
5 5 271.: Remarks 1961 February 17
5 5 272.: Welcome 1961 February 24
5 5 273.: Remarks 1961 March 3
5 5 274.: Water Supply - Demand and Future Trends for Agriculture Industry, Domestic and Municipal Uses, Recreation and Power in the Western United States 1961 March 28-30
5 5 275.: Remarks 1961 April 3
5 6 276.: Remarks 1961 April 4
5 6 277.: Remarks 1961 April 7
5 6 278.: Remarks 1961 April 8
5 6 279.: Remarks 1961 May 5
5 6 280.: Remarks 1961 May 5
5 7 281.: "The Engineer's Responsibility to Society" 1961 May 6
5 7 282.: Remarks 1961 May 13
5 7 283.: Remarks 1961 June 8
5 7 284.: Remarks 1961 June 8
5 7 285.: Remarks 1961 June 9
5 8 286.: Remarks 1961 March 7
5 8 287.: Remarks 1961 March 8
5 8 288.: Remarks 1961 June 6
5 8 289.: Remarks 1961 June 26
5 8 290.: Remarks 1961 July 13
5 9 291.: Remarks 1961 August 29
5 9 292.: Remarks 1961 August 30
5 9 293.: Remarks 1961 September 20
5 9 294.: Remarks 1961 September 21
5 9 295.: Remarks 1961 September 21
5 10 296.: Remarks 1961 September 21
5 10 297.: Remarks 1961 September 25
5 10 298.: Remarks 1961 September 28
5 10 299.: Remarks 1961 October 5
5 10 300.: Remarks 1961 October 9
5 11 300-a .: Remarks 1961 October 19
5 11 301.: Remarks 1961 October 24
5 11 302.: Remarks 1961 October 25
5 11 303.: Remarks 1961 December 8
5 11 304.: Remarks 1961 December 9
5 11 305.: Remarks 1962 January 15
6 1 306.: Remarks 1962 January 16
6 1 307.: Remarks 1962 January 22
6 1 308.: Remarks 1962 January 26
6 1 309.: Remarks 1962 February 7
6 1 310.: Remarks 1962 February 13
6 2 311.: Remarks 1962 February 20
6 2 312.: Remarks 1962 February 23
6 2 313.: Remarks 1962 February 22
6 2 314.: Remarks 1962 April 26
6 2 315.: Remarks 1962 April 7
6 3 316.: Remarks 1962 April 7
6 3 317.: Remarks 1962 May 14
6 3 318.: Remarks 1962 May 17
6 3 319.: Remarks 1962 May 22
6 3 320.: Remarks 1962 May 31
6 4 321.: Remarks 1962 May 21
6 4 322.: Remarks 1962 June 8
6 4 323.: Remarks 1962 June 9
6 4 324.: Remarks 1962 August 16
6 4 325.: Remarks 1962 August 20
6 5 326.: Remarks 1962 August 22
6 5 327.: Remarks 1962 August 14
6 5 328.: Remarks 1962 September 6
6 5 329.: Remarks 1962 September 7
6 5 330.: Remarks 1962 September 7
6 6 331.: Remarks 1962 September 12
6 6 332.: Remarks 1962 October 5
6 6 333.: Remarks 1962 October 11
6 6 334.: Remarks 1962 October 18
6 6 335.: Remarks 1962 November 1
6 7 336.: Remarks 1962 November 30
6 7 337.: Remarks 1962 November 30
6 7 338.: Remarks 1962 December 7
6 7 339.: Remarks 1962 December 15
6 7 340.: Remarks 1963 January 11
6 8 341.: Remarks 1963 January 15
6 8 342.: Remarks 1963 January 15
6 8 343.: Remarks 1963 February 19
6 8 343-a .: Discussion 1963 April 24
6 8 344.: Remarks 1963 April 27
6 8 345.: Remarks 1963 May 10
6 9 346.: Remarks 1963 May 13
6 9 347.: Remarks 1963 May 17
6 9 348.: Remarks 1963 May 28
6 9 349.: Remarks 1963 June 5
6 9 350.: Remarks 1963 June 6
7 1 351.: Remarks 1963 June 13
7 1 352.: Remarks 1963 June 19
7 1 353.: Remarks 1963 June 22
7 1 354.: Remarks 1963 June 25
7 1 355.: Remarks 1963 August 21
7 2 356.: Remarks 1963 August 24
7 2 357.: Remarks-Talk 1963 August 26
7 2 358.: Remarks 1963 September 11
7 2 359.: Remarks 1963 September 13
7 2 360.: Address 1963 November 6
7 3 361.: Remarks 1963 November 21
7 3 362.: Remarks 1963 December 4
7 3 363.: Remarks 1963 December 6
7 3 364.: Remarks 1964 January 6
7 3 365.: Remarks 1964 January 16
7 4 366.: Remarks 1964 January 23
7 4 367.: Remarks 1964 January 24
7 4 368.: Remarks 1964 January 27
7 4 369.: Remarks 1964 January 31
7 4 370.: Address 1964 February 8
7 5 371.: Remarks 1964 February 17
7 5 372.: Remarks 1964 February 20
7 5 373.: Remarks 1964 February 21
7 5 374.: Remarks 1964 March 14
7 5 375.: Remarks 1964 March 18
7 6 376.: Remarks 1964 March 19
7 6 377.: Address 1964 March 20
7 6 378.: Remarks 1964 March 24
7 6 379.: Remarks 1964 April 2
7 6 380.: Remarks 1964 April 8
7 7 381.: Remarks 1964 April 8
7 7 382.: Remarks 1964 April 24
7 7 383.: Welcome 1964 April 29
7 7 384.: Address 1964 May 2
7 7 385.: Remarks 1964 May 11
7 8 386.: Address 1964 May 26
7 8 387.: Remarks 1964 June 13
7 8 388.: Address 1964 June 24
7 8 389.: Welcome 1964 July 20
7 8 390.: Remarks 1964 July 24
7 8 390.: Remarks 1964 September 26
7 9 391.: Remarks 1964 July 29
7 9 392.: Welcome & Remarks 1964 August 17
7 9 393.: Welcome 1964 August 26
7 9 394.: Remarks 1964 September 15
7 9 395.: Address 1964 September 17
7 10 396.: Remarks 1964 September 18
7 10 397.: Remarks 1964 September 22
7 10 398.: Greetings 1964 September 24
7 10 399.: Remarks 1964 September 26
7 10 400.: Remarks
1964 October 7
7 11 401.: Welcome 1964 October 15
7 11 402.: Welcome 1964 October 22
7 11 403.: Address 1964 October 27
7 11 404.: Address 1964 November 19
7 11 405.: Welcome 1964 December 11
7 11 406.: Address 1965 June 21
7 12 Index of Papers Presented by George D. Clyde (1-406) undated