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Table of Contents
Montana Department of Highways photograph collection, 1915-1959
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Montana. Department of Highways
- Title
- Montana Department of Highways photograph collection
- Dates
- 1915-1959 (inclusive)19151959
- Quantity
18 boxes
3216 photographic prints
37 copy prints
1674 film negatives - Collection Number
- Lot 028
- Summary
- The photographs in this collection primarily document the bridge and road construction projects of the Montana Department of Highways (DOH).
- Repository
Montana Historical Society, Library & Archives
Montana Historical Society Research Center Archives
225 North Roberts
PO Box 201201
Helena MT
Telephone: 4064442681
Fax: 4064445297 - Access Restrictions
Collection is open for research.
- Languages
- No textual or other language materials are included in the collection.
Biographical NoteReturn to Top
The Montana State Highway Commission was created in 1913 by the state Legislative Assembly. The original Commission was composed of three members. In 1917 new legislation altered the organization of the Commission by authorizing the appointment of twelve members according to geographic highway districts. Membership was changed again in 1921 to three members appointed by the Governor and in 1941 to five members, also appointed by the Governor. The Highway Commission was responsible for the overall management of the Montana Highway Department and its programs. The commission developed statewide policies and programs, allocated federal and state funds for highway and bridge construction and maintenance projects, managed the department’s budgets, approved annual project schedules, and awarded contracts for federally-funded road and bridge projects. The commission ensured that the highway department met the requirements established by the Federal-Aid highway bills passed by Congress, functioning as the link between the federal Bureau of Public Roads (later FHWA), the highway department, the state legislature, and the public. The highway commission was responsible for the highway department’s preconstruction, construction, accounting, and maintenance divisions.
In 1971 the Commission was renamed the Montana Department of Highways, created by Chapter 7 of the Executive Reorganization Act of 1971 and implemented by executive order of the Governor on December 16, 1971. The Department of Highways took over all but the advisory functions of the State Highway Commission. By 1972, the Department consisted of seven divisions: the Legal Division, Personnel Division, Centralized Services Division, Engineering Division, Motor Pool Division, Gross Vehicle Weight Division, and the Maintenance Division. In 1991, the Department of Highways became the Department of Transportation.
The Montana Department of Highways (DOH) photograph collection is a compilation of photographs taken of various highways projects across the state of Montana. It includes images of traffic accidents and safety procedures, construction methods and materials, and all stages of the highway projects.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
The bulk of the collection documents pre-World War II Federal Aid Project (FAP) work done by the Department of Highways. Photographs in this collection can be grouped loosely into three broad categories: road work, which includes construction equipment, methods, and materials; bridges and bridge construction; and miscellany, which includes photographs of winter road conditions and snow removal methods. Other groupings of significance are the Works Program projects undertaken as part of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal reforms (see Series I, Sub-series II). The dates of the photographs range from 1915-1959, with the bulk of the photographs falling between 1930 and 1940.
Other Descriptive InformationReturn to Top
Most of the photographs in this collection were taken by employees of the Montana Department of Highways, but in most cases they are not attributed to specific photographers.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
The Montana Historical Society is the owner of the materials in the Photograph Archives collections and makes available reproductions for research, publication, and other uses. Written permission must be obtained from the Photograph Archives before any reproduction use. The Society does not necessarily hold copyright to all of the materials in its collections. In some cases, permission for use may require seeking additional authorization from the copyright owners.
Preferred Citation
Department of Highways photograph collection. Lot 028. Box and folder number. Montana Historical Society Photographs Archives, Helena, Montana.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
The photographs in the collection are arranged by subject and organized into three subject-based series and sub-series. Series I, Federally Funded Highway Projects, contains two sub-series: Pre-War and Post-War. These two sub-series were arranged according to the Administrative Fund Letter Designation, which explains the acronyms used for highway projects in the pre- and post-war periods. Those pre-war projects whose dates appear to fall outside the pre-war time period, were likely started prior to the beginning of World War II, and photographed later. Additionally, all projects designated using acronyms to denote that they were federally funded highway projects were included in this series, regardless of subject (e.g. if a series of photographs of a bridge were designated as an FAP, they were included in Series I, not in Series II: Bridges). Series I is organized alphabetically by county, and then numerically by project number.
Series II is comprised of photographs documenting bridge construction around the state of Montana. Series II is organized alphabetically by county (bridges whose county was unidentified are at the end of this series).
Series III is comprised of miscellaneous photographs that were neither bridge-related, nor identified as federally-funded highway projects. Photographs in this series are arranged alphabetically by county; routes are arranged numerically.
Acquisition Information
Acquisition information available upon request.
Processing Note
This collection of photographs was transferred from the Archives to the Photograph Archives in 1986 and accessioned as PAc 86-15 with other previously accessioned photographs that had been transferred from the Department of Highways in 1965, 1985 and 1986. The Montana Department of Transportation’s Public Affairs Bureau also transferred some records and photographs to the Archives in 1993 (Ac S 93-21). The photographs in this accession were transferred from the Archives to the Photographs Archives and accessioned as PAc 93-78. Some of these photographs were views of FAPs so they were added to the FAP collection, PAc 86-15. The Photographs Archives made copy prints of some of the film negatives that did not have matching vintage prints, but many of the film negatives in the collection still have no prints.
Related Materials
See the following archival collections for related materials: Montana Department of Transportation Bridge Bureau records, Montana Department of Transportation Preconstruction Bureau records, Montana Department of Transportation Planning Division records, Montana Department of Highways Construction Bureau records, Montana Department of Highways Materials Bureau records, and the Montana Department of Highways Engineering Division records. All of these collections document, to greater or lesser extent, highway and bridge construction projects undertaken by the Department of Highways/Department of Transportation, including methods and materials that were used. See also other Department of Transportation photographs in PAc 86-15.
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Series I: Federally-funded highway projects Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Sub-series I: Pre-War (FAPs) |
Big Horn County |
Box/Folder | ||
1/1 | FAP 5, Hardin – Custer, undated: "Hand rail at
Station 80 + 60"; road over culvert; era automobile at roadside |
undated |
1/2 | FAP 46-B, 1941: Irrigation ditch between Hardin
and Custer |
1941 |
1/3 | FAP 212, undated: Unidentified bridge near
Aberdeen; bridge over Little Big Horn River near Crow Agency; winter road
conditions on unidentified road. |
undated |
Blaine County |
Box/Folder | ||
1/4 | FAP 66, undated: Milk River Bridge site; Pile
Bridge site; grading and borrow pits. |
undated |
1/5 | FAP 66, 1921: Construction of Milk River Bridge
near Lohman. |
1921 |
1/6 | FAP 66, 1929: Construction of Clear Creek Bridge
near Lohman; Lohmanin background; road refinishing; Two Medicine
Bridge. |
1929 |
1/7 | FAP 80, 1921: Old and new bridge over Savoy Creek,
1/2 mile from Savoy. |
1921 |
1/8 | FAP 101, 1922: Road construction near Zurich; Milk
River Elevator Company grain elevator; Imperial Elevator Company grain elevator;
St. Anthony Elevator Company grain elevator; dike and Harlem ditch; flooding;
North Fork Creek. |
1922 |
1/9 | FAP 152, 1925: Condition of un-surfaced highway
near People's Creek. |
1925 |
1/10 | FAP 152 (4), 1940: Construction of Milk River
Bridge, near Harlem. |
1940 |
Broadwater County |
Box/Folder | ||
1/11 | FAP 30, 1920: Toston Bridge from various
angles. |
1920 |
1/12 | FAP 97, undated: Bridge over Missouri River at
Townsend. |
undated |
Carbon County |
Box/Folder | ||
1/13 | FAP 3, undated: Black and White Trail; horse and
mule teams pulling road construction equipment (grader, road roller,
etc.). |
undated |
1/14 | FAP 4, undated: Billings-Cody Road; double box
culvert; White Horse ditch; Miller dyke; gravel road and fence. |
undated |
1/15 | FAP 107-D2, undated: Rock Creek; Roscoe; Rock
Creek Bridge. |
undated |
1/16 | FAP 272, undated: Highway beautification; Red
Lodge. |
undated |
Carter County |
Box/Folder | ||
1/17 | FAP 333-A, undated: Bridge Construction of
unidentified bridge; work crews; construction equipment. |
undated |
Cascade County |
Box/Folder | ||
1/18 | FAP 10, 1920-1922: Sun River Road from Great Falls
to Sun River; construction equipment; gravel pit; Antelope Creek Bridge; Ford
Ranch. |
1920-1922 |
1/19 | FAP 10, undated: Vaughn, Montana; Muddy Creek
Bridge. |
undated |
1/20 | FAP 54, 1922: Sun River-Great Falls Road between
Sun River and Great Falls; Great Falls in distance. |
1922 |
1/21 | FAP 64, 1920: Great Falls-Belt; re-grade work on
Belt Hill west of Belt; Johnson Flats with box culvert; steam shovel; gravel
loading plant in distance. |
1920 |
1/22 | FAP 64, 1922-1934: Great Falls-Belt; landslide;
Box Elder Bridge; era automobile; Highwood Mountains; Great Northern Railroad
Underpass at Crossing No. 1; road near Fife. |
1922-1934 |
1/23 | FAP 65A: Choteau to Sun River; Teton River; Teton
Bridge; Bole, Priest Butte; flume pit; work crews; horse-drawn wagons |
undated |
1/24 | FAP 72, 1922-1923: Belt Creek Bridge, before and
during replacement construction. |
1922-1923 |
2/1 | FAP 73, 1923: Belt Creek Crossing #1 and Belt
Creek Bridge #1 construction; concrete abutments. |
1923 |
2/2 | FAP 73, 1923: Construction of Belt Creek Bridge
#2; work crews and construction equipment. |
1923 |
2/3 | FAP 73, 1923: Railroad bridges over Belt Creek;
rip rap and piers. |
1923 |
2/4 | FAP 73, 1923: Belt Creek; roads and train tracks
near Belt Creek; surveying crews. |
1923 |
2/5 | FAP 73, 1923: Otter Creek Bridge (between Belt and
Riceville). |
1923 |
2/6 | FAP 73, 1927: Slide damage on Riceville Road; Belt
Hill; Belt Creek. |
1927 |
2/7 | FAP 149, 1921: Condition of road between Great
Falls and Havre. |
1921 |
2/8 | FAP 164, 1922: Conditions of Valieria Drive on
Great Falls-Belt Highway. |
1922 |
2/9 | FAP 172, undated: Missouri River Bridge, near
Hardy. |
undated |
2/10 | FAP 218-B, undated: Great Falls; Country Club;
Gore Hill; Sun River Bridge approach. |
undated |
Choteau County |
Box/Folder | ||
2/11 | FAP 15, 1928: Smith Creek Bridge in winter.
1928 |
2/12 | FAP 23, 1929: Horse-drawn grader; a gravel chip
hauler; bridge at the east city limits of Chinook; Chinook in the distance.
1929 |
Custer County |
Box/Folder | ||
2/13 | FAP 18, 1920: Tongue River #1; Tongue River Road,
gravel re-surfaced. |
1920 |
2/14 | FAP 86-D, undated: Completed stone chip surfacing
of unidentified road. |
undated |
2/15 | FAP 86-E2, undated: Construction of Powder River
Bridge, near Miles City; housing over pier. |
undated |
2/16 | FAP 135-G2, undated: Tongue River bridge at Miles
City. |
undated |
2/17 | FAP 157, undated: Yellowstone River Bridge.
undated |
Dawson County |
Box/Folder | ||
2/18 | FAP 6, 1919-1920: Red Trail East; Badlands near
Glendive; Model-T; Station 383/50 and Station 214; automobile accident; close-up
of construction equipment (possibly grader blade). |
1919-1920 |
2/19 | FAP 7, 1920-1923: Red Trail West; Sand Creek
Bridge (1923 flood damage); several photographs/postcards of high water over
Sidney Trail in Glendive, 1921; gravel loader and gravel screen (both affixed to
wagons). |
1920-1923 |
2/20 | FAP 121, 1922: Paving project in the city of
Glendive; Jordan Hotel; Merrill Avenue; Bell Street; Grill Café; Palace Café;
Davis and Farnum Drugs; Douglas Mead Company; Glendive Meat Company; M.L. Lee
Billiards; Valentine Street; Northern Pacific Depot; Yellowstone River; G.D.
Hollecker; The Exchange; Midland Coal & Lumber Company; The Merchants National
Bank; Towne Street; Municipal Swimming Pool and Park; Kendrick Avenue; Yellowstone
River Bridge; Bell Street; aggregate plant; Dawson County Court House; Mayor W.E.
Martin; City Engineer R. T. Hurdle; Glendive City Hall; Power Street; Millinery;
William Rothe Dry Cleaning and Dressing; Douglas Street; residence of Charles
Krug; construction methods and materials; work crews. |
1922 |
3/1 | FAP 121, 1922: Glendive Paving Project,
Identifications – Photocopies of photographs from paving project in Glendive, with
captions. |
1922 |
3/2 | FAP 121, 1922: Paving project in Glendive (1-20).
1922 |
3/3 | FAP 121, 1922: Paving project in Glendive (21-40).
1922 |
3/4 | FAP 121, 1922: Paving project in Glendive (41-60).
1922 |
3/5 | FAP 121, 1922: Paving project in Glendive (61-82).
1922 |
3/6 | FAP 130, 1922: Paving project in Glendive; cement
truck; railroad tracks; underpass. |
1922 |
3/7 | FAP 199, 1922: Main Street in Glendive; Northern
Pacific Depot in distance. |
1922 |
Deer Lodge County |
Box/Folder | ||
3/8 | FAP 43-C, 1943: Snow plow at work between Ralston
and Squaw Creek. |
1943 |
3/9 | FAP 68, 1921: Bridge and road construction between
Anaconda and Butte. |
1921 |
3/10 | FAP 68, undated: Road construction between
Anaconda and Butte; Horse-drawn grading team; Willow Glen Farm near Opportunity;
pouring and tamping concrete; coal-powered construction equipment; construction
teams at work and inspectors; "Applegate's Gang;" triple 4x6 culvert. |
undated |
Fallon County |
Box/Folder | ||
3/11 | FAP 48, 1922: Bridge construction along the road
between Ekalaka and Baker, 21 miles south of Baker; wagon teams hauling cement for
bridge construction. |
1922 |
3/12 | FAP 86-B, 1922: Conditions of Scorio Road near
Baker, before and after construction improvements. |
1922 |
3/13 | FAP 86-B, 1933: Road improvements to unidentified
road near Baker; loading scoria (type of rock) onto wagons; winter conditions.
1933 |
Fergus County |
Box/Folder | ||
3/14 | FAP 26, undated: "Earth road" between Grass Range
and Roundup; travelers in wagon; Black Butte seen in distance. |
undated |
3/15 | FAP 27, undated: Unfinished earth road between
Grass Range and Roundup. |
undated |
4/1 | FAP 28, 1921: Flatwillow Creek Bridge; "tube and
shoe" construction; Pike Creek Bridge abutment repair; hills and road south of
Flatwillow. |
1921 |
4/2 | FAP 103-A, B, C, 1921-1938: Road construction
between Hilger and Roy; concrete paving project with town in distance; 1921 flood
damage; Burnett Creek Hill. |
1921-1938 |
4/3 | FAP 112, 1921: Lewistown; Boulevard Bridge site;
1921 flood damage in Lewistown; Big Spring Creek; train in background; Mill Ditch
Bridge during construction and completed; Montana Flour Mill Company; Main Street
Bridge construction; work crews; homes and businesses in background; paving on
Boulevard Street, near Elm Street; 2 Miracle Construction Company; East Lake
Avenue; Lewistown Concrete Supply Company; Lewistown Mercantile and Wholesale
Grocers. |
1921 |
4/4 | FAP 229-B, 1936: Preconstruction work on road
between Lewistown and Grass Range. |
1936 |
4/5 | FAP 229-B, C, 1939: Bridge over McDonald Creek.
1939 |
4/6 | FAP 229-D, 1948: Spring weather damage to
unidentified road. |
1948 |
4/7 | FAP 229-E, 1939: Treated timber trestle bridge
over unidentified creek. |
1939 |
Flathead County |
Box/Folder | ||
4/8 | FAP 81, 1921: 15 Mile Creek Conditions of 15 Mile
Creek near Somers. |
1921 |
4/9 | FAP 93, undated: Grading of Polson; spreading
gravel; horse-drawn graders; construction equipment; gravel pit. |
undated |
4/10 | FAP 93, undated: Road and bridge construction
along road to Polson; American Indian women; horse-drawn leveler; Polson; Mission
mountain range; double box culvert. |
undated |
4/11 | FAP 260, undated: Unidentified road near "Belton
East" (now West Glacier). |
undated |
4/12 | FAP 377, undated: Bridge construction near
Whitefish. |
undated |
4/13 | FAP 58-I, 1933-1940: Asphalt improvements to road
between Kalispell and Libby. |
1933-1940 |
Gallatin County |
Box/Folder | ||
4/14 | FAP 40, 1921-1922: Belgrade-Maudlow; bridge being
constructed over the East Gallatin River near Belgrade; coal-powered equipment
(crane). |
1921-1922 |
4/15 | FAP 41, undated: Work crew spreading gravel on
road south of Manhattan, near Manhattan Ranch. |
undated |
4/16 | FAP 44-A, B, 1920-1922: Paving a section of
Yellowstone Trail near Bozeman; crews tamping concrete; coal-powered construction
equipment. |
1920-1922 |
4/17 | FAP 46, undated: Cottonwood Canyon, south of
Bozeman. |
undated |
4/18 | FAP 51, circa 1918: Main Street in Manhattan before,
during, and after paving; mixing, dumping, and tamping cement; work-horse teams;
coal-powered cement plant. |
circa 1918 |
4/19 | FAP 76-A, B, 1922-1924: Salesville Bridge, near
Salesville; West Gallatin River; culvert improvements. |
1922-1924 |
4/20 | FAP 82-A, 1922: Road surfacing between Manhattan
and Belgrade; chip and seal coat; oil distributor; oil storage plant. |
1922 |
4/21 | FAP 82-A, undated: Conditions of Yellowstone
Trail; unidentified bridge construction. |
undated |
4/22 | FAP 82-B, 1921: Central Park Bridge; log and rock
dike; Northern Pacific Railway bridge over West Gallatin River near Central Park.
1921 |
5/1 | FAP 82-B, 1921: West Gallatin River; Central Park
Bridge; homes in distance; horse-drawn wagon. |
1921 |
5/2 | FAP 82-C, 1922: Baker Creek Bridge; construction
of Camp Creek Bridge, near Manhattan. |
1922 |
5/3 | FAP 169, undated: Damage to guard rail along
unidentified road; unidentified gravel plant; unidentified bridge in distance.
undated |
5/4 | FAP 177, undated: Railroad overhead near Logan.
undated |
5/5 | FAP 222-C, D, 1938: Rocky Canyon bridge; highway
beautification; bridge construction over railroad tracks east of Bozeman; site for
turnout and museum. |
1938 |
Garfield County |
Box/Folder | ||
5/6 | FAP 247-E, F, undated: Bridge over Little Dry
Creek, near Jordan. |
undated |
Glacier County |
Box/Folder | ||
5/7 | FAP 190, 1943: Snow plow removing snow between
Birch Creek and Browning Wye (refers to a “y” junction in the roadway).
1943 |
5/8 | FAP 196-B, 1927: Winter road conditions in and
near Browning; snow plow; Texaco; J.E. Davis Drugstore in Browning. |
1927 |
5/9 | FAP 208, 210, 1948: Babb-Kennedy Creek Junction;
winter road conditions near Babb; Hudson Bay divide. |
1948 |
5/10 | FAP 227, 1943: Winter conditions on road between
Browning and Babb; Hudson Bay divide. |
1943 |
Golden Valley County |
Box/Folder | ||
5/11 | FAP 268-D2, 1932: Unidentified bridge between
Ryegate and Roundup. |
1932 |
Granite County |
Box/Folder | ||
5/12 | FAP 78, undated: Conditions of Flint Creek Road.
undated |
5/13 | FAP 78, undated: Conditions of Flint Creek Road.
undated |
5/14 | FAP 78, undated: Conditions of Flint Creek Road;
construction equipment. |
undated |
5/15 | FAP 78, undated: Conditions of Flint Creek Road.
undated |
5/16 | FAP 92, 1920-1921: Construction on Mullan Road
near Bearmouth; old Northern Pacific quarry; Convict Road; convict camp; prison
camp; construction equipment; work crews. |
1920-1921 |
5/17 | FAP 175-A5, undated: Condition of section of road
near Philipsburg. |
undated |
5/18 | FAP 184-A, undated: Excavation with backhoe near
railroad tracks; horse and wagon; work crews; Granite County Commissioner
(unidentified). |
undated |
5/19 | FAP 205-D2, undated: Unidentified bridge near
Drummond. |
undated |
Granite and Powell Counties |
Box/Folder | ||
5/20 | FAP 184, 1927: Road improvements between Bearmouth
and Deer Lodge; Garrison; Garrison Hill; railroad crossings; road conditions
in/near Drummond; Gold Creek. |
1927 |
Hill County |
Box/Folder | ||
5/21 | FAP 95-A, 1922: Road improvements and work between
Gildford and Havre; work crews; shoveling snow by hand; snow fences. |
1922 |
5/22 | FAP 95-A, 1921: Conditions of Box Elder Creek
Bridge. |
1921 |
5/23 | FAP 95-B, 1922: Glacier Park Trail near Pacific
Junction, west of Havre; Big Sandy Creek Bridge; Burnham. |
1922 |
5/24 | FAP 95-B, 1921: Big Sandy Creek Bridge near Havre.
1921 |
5/25 | FAP 95-C, undated: Road conditions before and
after grading of unidentified road; homes in distance. |
undated |
5/26 | FAP 95-C, 1922: Gravel screening plant near
Gildford; Russell Grader Manufacturing Company rock crusher; work crews; field
stone piled prior to crushing. |
1922 |
Jefferson County |
Box/Folder | ||
6/1 | FAP 12, 1920-1923: Jefferson River Crossing/Three
Forks Bridge construction; bridge tubes and web; completed construction and
updates (new rip rap). |
1920-1923 |
6/2 | FAP 69, 1941: Paving near Whitehall; pouring and
tamping concrete; homes in background. |
1941 |
6/3 | FAP 242-D, undated: Bridge over the Boulder River.
undated |
6/4 | FAP 248, 1928: Paving project site in Whitehall;
Yellowstone Theater in Whitehall; underpass site at Chicago, Milwaukee, and St.
Paul crossing 2-A; bridge site over Jefferson River near Willow Creek; Jefferson
Canyon; limestone quarry; Jefferson Island; Northern Pacific Willow Creek Railroad
station. |
1928 |
Lake County |
Box/Folder | ||
6/5 | FAP 63, undated: Road work near Pablo, Ronan, and
St. Ignatius; horse-drawn graders; Crow Creek; Ninepipe Reservoir; St. Ignatius in
distance. |
undated |
6/6 | FAP 197-B, undated: Jocko River and Northern
Pacific Railway at Ravalli. |
undated |
Lewis and Clark County |
Box/Folder | ||
6/7 | FAP 77, 1927: Road construction sites between
Helena and Townsend; Placer; Antelope Creek; Winston; Missouri River near
Townsend. |
1927 |
6/8 | FAP 77-B, B2, 1922-1923: Road construction in East
Helena; pouring and tamping concrete paving; East Helena streets; East Helena Meat
Market; construction equipment; work crews; townspeople; East Helena businesses;
residences. |
1922-1923 |
6/9 | FAP 172, 1921: Missouri River Canyon near Wagner
Creek; Stickney Creek ; ranch near Stickney Creek; Stickney Creek bridge site;
Eagle Rock. |
1921 |
6/10 | FAP 178, undated: Bridge/overhead near Montana
City. |
undated |
6/11 | FAP, 238-A, 1928: Dearborn River Bridge, north of
Wolf Creek. |
1928 |
6/12 | FAP 275-C2, undated: Sun River near Augusta;
bridge construction near Augusta; work crews; construction equipment and methods.
undated |
Lewis and Clark and Cascade Counties |
Box/Folder | ||
6/13 | FAP 172-C, 1939: Wolf Creek-Cascade; before and
after beautification project between Wolf Creek and Cascade; turnouts; Missouri
River Bridge. |
1939 |
Lewis and Clark and Gallatin Counties |
Box/Folder | ||
6/14 | FAP 77-A, undated: Road construction sites between
Helena and Bozeman; Four Range Ranch; Logan. |
undated |
6/15 | FAP 77-C, undated: Road construction between
Helena and Bozeman; Lewis and Clark Company grader; gravel crushing plant.
undated |
6/16 | FAP 77-C, 1921: Construction on road between
Helena and Bozeman; new guard rail east of Helena. |
1921 |
Lincoln County |
Box/Folder | ||
6/17 | FAP 250-A, B, D; 330-B, 1938: Construction near
Libby; construction equipment; work crews. |
1938 |
6/18 | FAP 250-D2, undated: Callahan Creek Bridge and
Bents Lake Bridge. |
undated |
Madison County |
Box/Folder | ||
6/19 | FAP 9-A, undated: Ennis-Virginia City; Stag Point,
looking west; horse-drawn construction equipment (grader) and operator.
undated |
6/20 | FAP 9-B, 1922: Horse-drawn construction equipment
and operators; gravel pit; completed roadwork. |
1922 |
6/21 | FAP 244, 1932: “E244-B1;” unidentified road.
1932 |
6/22 | FAP 244-D2, undated: Construction of bridge over
Madison River, near Ennis; O'Dell Creek. |
undated |
6/23 | FAP 244-D2, 1936: Madison River Bridge; O'Dell
Creek. |
1936 |
Meagher County |
Box/Folder | ||
7/1 | FAP 8, 1920-1922: North Fork Road Bridge;
horse-drawn graders at Grading Station 95; mule team and driver "on Fresno;"
Bridge at Five Mile Creek. |
1920-1922 |
7/2 | FAP 8-F, 1936: Gravel road between Harlowton and
White Sulfer Springs, "as constructed." |
1936 |
7/3 | FAP 49-A, 1922: County Road #1; arch culvert to be
replaced with box culvert at Station 58+00 in Meagher County (near Fort Logan).
1922 |
7/4 | FAP 94, 1920: Road conditions on "Washboard Hill"
near Sheep Creek. |
1920 |
Mineral County |
Box/Folder | ||
7/5 | FAP 233, 1925: Construction on the Cyr Bridge,
over Clarks Fork of the Columbia River. |
1925 |
7/6 | FAP 233, 1927: Construction on the Cyr Bridge,
over Clarks Fork of the Columbia River. |
1927 |
7/7 | FAP 233, 1928: Construction on the Cyr Bridge,
over Clarks Fork of the Columbia River; opening day celebration. |
1928 |
7/8 | FAP 233, 1928: Construction on the Cyr Bridge,
over Clarks Fork of the Columbia River; opening day celebration. |
1928 |
7/9 | FAP 233, 1925, 1927, 1928, undated: Construction on the Cyr Bridge,
over Clarks Fork of the Columbia River. |
1925; 1927; 1928; undated |
7/10 | FAP 233, 1928 & undated: Construction on the Cyr Bridge,
over Clarks Fork of the Columbia River. |
1928; undated |
7/11 | FAP 233, undated: Construction on the Cyr Bridge,
over Clarks Fork of the Columbia River. |
undated |
7/12 | FAP 254, 1928: Proposed construction sites between
St. Regis and Tarkio; Marlin Spur; Red Hill. |
1928 |
Missoula County |
Box/Folder | ||
7/13 | FAP 29, 1920-1922: Resurfacing the Marshall Grade
near Missoula; culvert over Marshall Creek; steam- or coal-powered construction
equipment; slide areas. |
1920-1922 |
7/14 | FAP 29, 1920-1922: Resurfacing the Marshall Grade
near Missoula; culvert over Marshall Creek; steam- or coal-powered construction
equipment; slide areas. |
1920-1922 |
7/15 | FAP 29, undated: Arch culvert constructed over
Marshall Creek. |
undated |
7/16 | FAP 215, undated: Bitter Root Road. |
undated |
7/17 | FAP 215-A, 1928: Buckhouse Bridge over Bitterroot
River, south of Missoula. |
1928 |
7/18 | FAP 219-E, undated: Construction of railway
overhead over unidentified road near Missoula. |
undated |
7/19 | FAP 237-C2, undated: Blackfoot River bridge.
undated |
Musselshell County |
Box/Folder | ||
7/20 | FAP 33, 1936: Musselshell River South of Roundup;
Musselshell River Bridge during construction; captions include information about
the type of construction, bridge measurements, etc. |
1936 |
7/21 | FAP 91, undated: Paving project in city of
Roundup; homes on "cliffs at Roundup;" George L. Hommel Garage; church, possibly
Assembly of God on Main Street; photo processing business. |
undated |
7/22 | FAP 108-B, 1934: Road between Billings and
Roundup; penetration oil use. |
1934 |
7/23 | FAP 328-G, 1934: Road construction between Roundup
and Forsyth; road construction materials and methods. |
1934 |
Park County |
Box/Folder | ||
7/24 | FAP 13, undated: Yellowstone Trail #1;
construction equipment, including steam- or coal-powered diggers; completed
construction with automobiles. |
undated |
7/25 | FAP 13, undated: Yellowstone Trail; M.P. Railway
bridge at Cottonwood Creek near Gardiner; Yankee Jim Canyon on Gardiner-Livingston
Road; gravel crushing plant; Livingston, Montana; Corwin Hot Springs; Corwin
Bridge; Truss Bridge. |
undated |
7/26 | FAP 14, 1920-1921: Carter Bridge site pre- and
post-construction; construction equipment; automobiles crossing bridge.
1920-1921 |
7/27 | FAP 14, 1920-1921: Carter Bridge site pre- and
post-construction; construction equipment; automobiles crossing bridge.
1920-1921 |
7/28 | FAP 60-A, undated: Concrete viaduct on route
between Livingston and Wilsall; view of completed viaduct features large barn and
homes in background. |
undated |
7/29 | FAP 60-B, 1923: Gravel road between Livingston and
Wilsall; era automobile. |
1923 |
7/30 | FAP 60-C, 1923-1924: Bridges between Livingston
and Wilsall; Rock Creek Bridge; Shields River Bridge; unidentified bridge.
1923-1924 |
7/31 | FAP 117-B2, undated: Construction work on
unidentified bridge near Livingston. |
undated |
Pondera County |
Box/Folder | ||
7/32 | FAP 67-A, 1931: Dry Fork of the Marias River near
Conrad. |
1931 |
Powder River County |
Box/Folder | ||
7/33 | FAP 262-D, undated: "How bridge" over the Powder
River. |
undated |
Ravalli County |
Box/Folder | ||
8/1 | FAP 22, 1920: Bitter Root Road; surveying team,
dump truck, screening plant. |
1920 |
8/2 | FAP 39, 1920: Construction of Bell Crossing Bridge
near Glendive (?). |
1920 |
8/3 | FAP 39, 1920: Construction of Bell Crossing
Bridge; rock and brush jetties; log cribs; tube supports. |
1920 |
8/4 | FAP 139-A, 1928: Chaffin Bridge over Bitterroot
River, near Darby. |
1928 |
Richland County |
Box/Folder | ||
8/5 | FAP 265-A, 1945: Sidney breakwater; construction
of unidentified bridge. |
1945 |
Roosevelt County |
Box/Folder | ||
8/6 | FAP 79, 1924-1928: Condition of the Sieps Bridge
between Poplar and Scobey |
1924-1928 |
8/7 | FAP 84, 1929: Construction along Glacier Park
Trail; gravel resurfacing at Wolf Point; Little Wolf Creek Bridge; Chelsea; Poplar
River Bridge; box culverts; gravel spreader; deterioration of culvert on road
between Culbertson and Bainville. |
1929 |
8/8 | FAP 84-J, 1927-1929: Great Northern Railway
underpass near Snowden; box culvert. |
1927-1929 |
8/9 | FAP 253-A2, 1929: Construction of bridge over
Missouri River near Wolf Point; Missouri Valley Bridge and Iron Company; concrete
mixing plant; work crews; construction methods and equipment. |
1929 |
8/10 | FAP 253-A2, 1929: Construction of Missouri River
Bridge near Wolf Point; work crews; construction equipment and methods; Macon
Bridge. |
1929 |
8/11 | FAP 253-A2, 1930: Construction of Missouri River
Bridge near Wolf Point; finished bridge. |
1930 |
Rosebud County |
Box/Folder | ||
8/12 | FAP 15, 1920: Yellowstone Trail near Forsyth;
railroad tracks, including horse-drawn construction teams; railroad crossing at
Station 576; guardrails; contractors' campsite. |
1920 |
8/13 | FAP 328-H, 1945: Road conditions between Vanada
and Ingomar. |
1945 |
8/14 | FAP 334-E, 1947: Busby gravel pit; construction
equipment. |
1947 |
Sanders County |
Box/Folder | ||
9/1 | FAP 88-A, 1921: Old bridge at Revais Creek;
construction on Revais Creek Road. |
1921 |
9/2 | FAP 88-A, 1922: Winter conditions on road between
Perma and Dixon; Melrose Road. |
1922 |
9/3 | FAP 90-A, 1920s: Road conditions between Belknap
and Furlong; railroad crossing; Trout Creek. |
1920s |
9/4 | FAP 90-A, 1922: Belknap-Furlong; gravelling in
winter using horse-drawn sleighs; Beaver Creek gravel pit; Perma. |
1922 |
9/5 | FAP 90-B, 1922: Beaver Creek Bridge improvements;
trestle bridge. |
1922 |
Silver Bow County |
Box/Folder | ||
9/6 | FAP 68-C2, 1928: Construction at Silver Bow Creek
Bridge. |
1928 |
9/7 | FAP 70-A, 1918: Construction work on road between
Anaconda and Butte; procession of automobiles, lead car decorated with American
flags and full men in uniform. |
1918 |
9/8 | FAP 70-A, 1921: Road construction between Anaconda
and Butte; "modern paving machine;" mixing plant; "Reardon's gang" work crew; use
of surplus war truck to haul supplies. |
1921 |
9/9 | FAP 70-B, 1922: Road construction between Anaconda
and Butte; culvert; Reardon's work crew; coal-powered equipment; workers tent
camp; gravel crushing plant; crane with operators, "Contractor L.T. Lawler."
undated |
9/10 | FAP 70-B, 1927: Anaconda-Butte; young boy in front
of road construction equipment ("oiler") and train in background; recently oiled
roads; paved and striped road. |
1927 |
9/11 | FAP 70-A, B: Road conditions between Anaconda and
Butte (gravel vs. concrete); Emmet Avenue in Butte; County Commissioner Fabian.
undated |
9/12 | FAP 279-2, undated: Construction of west overpass
in Butte. |
undated |
Stillwater County |
Box/Folder | ||
9/13 | FAP 23, undated: Unidentified gravel road; one
photo of county gravel pit used for this re-surfacing project. |
undated |
Sweetgrass County |
Box/Folder | ||
9/14 | FAP 127, 1928: Upper Deer Creek Bridge, near Big
Timber. |
1928 |
Teton County |
Box/Folder | ||
9/15 | FAP 65-B, 1920-1922: Road project area between
Choteau and Sun River; Mill Coulee; farmhouses along road; girl on horse.
1920-1922 |
9/16 | FAP 82, 1922: Gravel crushing plant; finished road
with era automobiles; near Agawam [?]. |
1922 |
Toole County |
Box/Folder | ||
10/1 | FAP 62, undated: Construction work on stretch of
road between Shelby and Galata; gravel plant operations; culvert installation;
finished roadway. |
undated |
10/2 | FAP 62, 1921: Willow Creek Bridge near Galata.
1921 |
10/3 | FAP 62, 1921-1922: Shelby-East; gravel road east
of Galata; earth road near Dunkirk (with homes and buildings at horizon);
horse-drawn graters. |
1921-1922 |
10/4 | FAP 67, 1929: Marias River Bridge near Shelby.
1929 |
10/5 | FAP 67-B, 1935: Construction of the Shelby Bridge;
Pettibone Slough; finished bridge with era automobiles. |
1935 |
10/6 | FAP 243-C, 1932: Sweetgrass from a distance;
Sweetgrass city street; John Mars Flour and Feed. |
1932 |
10/7 | FAP 367, undated: Bridge construction near Hysham.
undated |
Valley County |
Box/Folder | ||
10/8 | FAP 83, 1920: Resurfacing road between Hinsdale
and Thoney; gravel screening plant; horse-drawn graders and gravel wagons; homes
in the distance. |
1920 |
10/9 | FAP 232, undated: Roosevelt Trail; bridge over
Little Porcupine Creek at Fraser. |
undated |
10/10 | FAP 256-E, 1932: Sage Hen Creek; flood damage done
to north fork of Sage Hen Creek bridge. |
1932 |
Wheatland County |
Box/Folder | ||
10/11 | FAP 115, 1928: Prospective construction sites
between Harlowtown and Ryegate; Graves Hotel; homes and businesses in background;
Shawmut; bluff between Ryegate and Barber. |
1928 |
10/12 | FAP 292-A, undated: Unidentified bridge over
railway near Harlowton. |
undated |
Wibaux County |
Box/Folder | ||
10/13 | FAP 1, undated: Red Trail #1; Red Trail road west
of Wibaux; dirt road with house in distance. Caption explains that this was the
"first Federal Aid project in Montana." |
undated |
10/14 | FAP 35, 1922: Red Trail #2; damage to Northern
Pacific Railway track east of Wibaux; horse-drawn construction teams (graders) and
operators; construction equipment and methods. |
1922 |
10/15 | FAP 61, 1920-1922: Bridge and culverts near
Wibaux. |
1920-1922 |
10/16 | FAP 61, 1929: “Wibaux Cloudburst, June 7, 1929;”
Wibaux after storm/flood of 1929; damage to Beaver Creek Bridge site; city street
with O.M. Helvik Harness and Saddlery and Fisk Tires in foreground. |
1929 |
Yellowstone County |
Box/Folder | ||
10/17 | FAP 34, 1920: Yellowstone River; pre-, mid- and
post-construction of the Huntley Bridge. |
1920 |
10/18 | FAP 34, 1920-1927: Huntley Bridge construction;
blasting of old pier; copper dam; abutments; jetties. |
undated |
10/19 | FAP 52, 1920-1921: Improvements to Polytechnic
Drive in Billings; before photos; laying and curing concrete ("ponding" method);
grading crews; Rocky Mountain College on finished section of "Poly Drive."
1920-1921 |
11/1 | FAP 53-A, 1920-1922: Construction work on road
between Billings and Pompey's Pillar; bridge at Five Mile Creek; Pompey's Pillar
Bridge Spur; road between Billings and Laurel; bridge at 12 Mile Creek, Custer
Coulee. |
1920-1922 |
11/2 | FAP 53-A, 1923: Storm damage to Five Mile Creek
bridge near Billings. |
1923 |
11/3 | FAP 53-A, 1927: Gravel plant near Huntley;
construction equipment (Western Motor Grader). |
1927 |
11/4 | FAP 53-B, 1920-1922: Flooding near Pompey's
Pillar; test trenches dug to alleviate flooding; damage to roadways and buildings
(Makler Building); road after improvements. |
1920-1922 |
11/5 | FAP 53-B, undated: Wood and steel bridge at Fly
Creek (1/2 mile west of Pompey's Pillar). |
undated |
11/6 | FAP 57, 1923: Paving of Main Street in Laurel;
paving crews pouring and tamping concrete; coal-powered construction equipment;
finished paved section with east end of Laurel in distance; Home Hotel.
1923 |
11/7 | FAP 134-A, B, 1936: Temporary Yellowstone River
bridge; Yellowstone River Bridge south of Laurel. |
1936 |
11/8 | FAP 160, undated: Big Horn River, east of Custer
on US 10. |
undated |
11/9 | FAP 228-B, 1934: Oiled road surface between
Billings and Laurel. |
1934 |
Unidentified Counties |
Box/Folder | ||
11/10 | FAP, 77-G2, undated: Unidentified bridge on US 10.
undated |
11/11 | FAP 82-A, undated: Russell Scarifier; construction
equipment; work crews; Asphalt house, plant, pits; Troy trailers; "pressure
distributor for spreading asphaltic oil," with operators. |
undated |
11/12 | FAP 84-F, I: Asphalt cracks along unidentified
road. |
undated |
11/13 | FAP 161-B, 1924: Road conditions on unidentified
road. |
1924 |
11/14 | FAP 198-A, B, undated: Road construction; bridge
construction; construction equipment, materials, and methods on unidentified road.
undated |
11/15 | FAP 239F, undated: Test of cotton in road
construction; construction equipment; work crews. |
undated |
11/16 | FAP 241-C2, 1929: Construction of unidentified
bridge; construction methods and materials; construction equipment. |
11/17 | FAP 257-F2, undated: “Old bridge.” |
11/18 | FAP 281-2, undated: Vigilante Trail bridge.
undated |
11/19 | FAP 19813, undated: Road construction on
unidentified road; construction equipment and methods; work crews. |
Sub-series II: Pre-War (Projects Other than
FAP) |
Blaine County |
Box/Folder | ||
11/20 | FLP 5a (Federal Lands Project), 1940: White Bear
Creek Bridge. |
1940 |
Broadwater, Flathead, Stillwater Counties
Box/Folder | ||
11/21 | NRH 77-109 (National Recovery Highway), undated:
Missouri River bridge at Townsend; Flathead River at Columbia Falls; Witt Hill
Road bridge near Columbus. |
undated |
Cascade, Silver Bow, Lewis and Clark, and Fallon
Counties |
Box/Folder | ||
11/22 | WPGH 50-100 (Works Program, Grade Highway),
1935-1936: Great Northern overhead at Gerber; Butte, Anaconda and Pacific
underpass at Rocker; Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul underpass at Finlen; East
Helena overhead; Prickly Pear Creek bridge at East Helena; Baker overpass; Olney
underpass. |
1935-1936 |
Choteau, Flathead, and Missoula Counties
Box/Folder | ||
11/23 | WPGH 250-375, 1936: Great Northern overhead at
Loma; Great Northern underpass at Kalispell; Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul
overhead at Racetrack; Soudan; Belton. |
1936 |
Flathead County |
Box/Folder | ||
11/24 | NRS 257 D2 (National Recovery Secondary), 1935:
Stillwater and Flathead River bridges near Kalispell. |
1935 |
Gallatin County |
Box/Folder | ||
11/25 | WPGH 0-49, undated: Unidentified bridges; Northern
Pacific overhead near Bozeman. |
undated |
Gallatin and Fergus Counties |
Box/Folder | ||
11/26 | NRS 302, 342, 1936: Bridge over Cherry Creek;
winter road conditions between Brooks and Denton; homes in background.
Lake County |
Box/Folder | ||
12/1 | WPMH 98C (Works Program, Municipal Highway), undated:
Bridge over the Whitefish River; homes in background. |
undated |
Madison, Gallatin, and Big Horn Counties
Box/Folder | ||
12/2 | 1833 7, 8, 1934: Road materials and methods;
Hardin. |
1934 |
Missoula County |
Box/Folder | ||
12/3 | WPMS 374B (Works Program, Municipal Secondary
Highway), undated: Crane at work on unidentified railway bridge in Missoula.
undated |
Musselshell County |
Box/Folder | ||
12/4 | NPS 292 (National Parks System?), undated:
construction on Musselshell Road; construction equipment; work crews. |
undated |
Phillips, Yellowstone, and Big Horn Counties
Box/Folder | ||
12/5 | WPGH 100-200, 1936: Northern overhead at Dodson;
Chicago, Burlington and Quincy overhead at Toluca; Northern Pacific overhead east
of Billings. |
1936 |
Ravalli and Stillwater Counties |
FAS 4, 23 (Federal Aid Secondary Project), undated:
Stevensville Bridge, Fishtail Creek; boy fishing off Stevensville Bridge;
stock pass; East Rosebud. |
undated | |
Sweetgrass, Wheatland, and Flathead Counties
Box/Folder | ||
12/7 | WPGS 283-377 (Works Program, Grade Secondary),
1936-1937: Construction of Northern Pacific underpass at Big Timber; Big Timber
Creek; Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul overhead at Harlowtown; Great Northern
overhead at Whitefish. |
1936-1937 |
Teton County |
Box/Folder | ||
12/8 | WPS-FAS 341 (Works Program Secondary, Federal Aid
Secondary), 1938-1939: Choteau-Dutton Feeder Road; Dutton, with homes and
businesses in distance; Greely Elevator Company building; Teton River bridge;
Great Northern Railway crossing in Dutton; Milwaukee railroad crossing in Choteau.
1938-1939 |
Toole County |
Box/Folder | ||
12/9 | FAGM 243 D-1 (Federal Aid Grade Municipal), undated:
Slide area near Shelby; Shelby overhead; Shelby homes and businesses in
distance; Shelby laundry. |
undated |
Treasure County |
Box/Folder | ||
12/10 | WPSO 358-367 (Works Program, Secondary Off System
Highway), 1936: Flood damage to, and replacement of, unidentified bridge; bridge
on E. Feeder Road near Myers. |
1936 |
Valley County |
Box/Folder | ||
12/11 | State Aid Project 7, 1919: Road project near Milk
River Bridge. |
1919 |
Yellowstone County |
Box/Folder | ||
12/12 | NRH 187-F2, 1935: Yellowstone River Bridge near
Billings. |
1935 |
Yellowstone and Fergus Counties |
Box/Folder | ||
12/13 | WPGH 200-250, 1936: Northern Pacific and Great
Northern overhead at Mossmain; Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul overhead at
Lewistown. |
1936 |
Yellowstone and Jefferson Counties |
Box/Folder | ||
12/14 | WPH 187B-281A-3 (Works Program, Highway), 1936:
Sewer Creek Bridge east of Billings; Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul overhead near
Vendrome. |
1936 |
Yellowstone, Silver Bow, Valley, Dawson, and
Missoula Counties |
Box/Folder | ||
12/15 | WPGM 134-376, 1936-1937: Laurel bridge; Laurel
underpass; Billings Best Flour building; Silver Bow Creek; Montana Street in
Butte; Glasgow underpass; Missoula overhead; Great Northern overhead in Helena,
Lyndale Avenue; work crews; construction equipment and methods. |
1936-1937 |
Unknown Counties |
Box/Folder | ||
12/16 | FAGH 82, 101 (Federal Aid Grade Highway), undated:
Road construction on unidentified roads; work crews; Milk River. |
undated |
12/17 | NRH 256H, undated: Double culvert,
pre-installation, on unidentified road. |
undated |
Sub-series III: Post-War |
Beaverhead County |
Box/Folder | ||
12/18 | #1203, 1946: Snow removal near Big
Hole. |
1946 |
Cascade County |
Box/Folder | ||
12/19 | H 22503, 1936 : Railway underpass between Vaughn
and Great Falls. |
1936 |
Custer County |
Box/Folder | ||
12/20 | FI 158 (Federal Aid Project, Interstate), 1954:
Finished road project between Miles City and Terry; US Highway 10. |
1954 |
Fergus County |
Box/Folder | ||
12/21 | F389 (Federal Aid Project), 1948: Lewistown Bypass
Road; Great Northern Railroad Depot. |
1948 |
Rosebud County |
Box/Folder | ||
12/22 | F328, undated: Winter road damage on road between
Ingomar and Ahles. |
undated |
Wibaux County |
Box/Folder | ||
12/23 | FAP F-2 (11), 1955: Construction between Wibaux
and Baker; construction equipment and methods; work crews; St. Phillips
turn-off. |
1955 |
Various and Unknown Counties |
Box/Folder | ||
12/24 | H21634 - 25683, M1996-2739, (Urban System), 1936:
Historical markers; construction equipment; Helena; Cross Range;
Mosby. |
1936 |
Series II: Bridges and Bridge ConstructionReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Blaine County |
Box/Folder | ||
12/25 | Milk River Bridge west of Chinook. |
undated |
Carter County |
Box/Folder | ||
12/26 | Sykes Bridge, south of Ekalaka. |
undated |
Cascade County |
Box/Folder | ||
12/27 | Automobile damage done to bridges on Deep Creek
Road; Sun River Bridge; railroad bridge over Muddy Creek. |
1926-1941 |
12/28 | Construction of First Avenue Bridge in Great Falls;
Great Falls in distance; work crews; construction methods and materials. |
undated |
12/29 | Construction of the Tenth Street Bridge, Great
Falls. |
1919-1920 |
12/30 | Construction of the Fifteenth Street Bridge in Great
Falls. |
undated |
13/1 | Bridges in Great Falls. |
undated |
Choteau County |
Box/Folder | ||
13/2 | Missouri River Bridge in Fort Benton; Fort Benton in
distance. |
1925 |
Custer County |
Box/Folder | ||
13/3 | Powder River Bridge near Miles City. |
undated |
Dawson County |
Box/Folder | ||
13/4 | Glendive Creek Bridge site in winter. |
1917 |
13/5 | Glendive Creek Bridge over Yellowstone
River. |
1923 |
13/6 | Glendive Bridge; homes and businesses in background;
paving work; work crews; construction equipment. |
1924 |
13/7 | Construction of the Bell Street bridge in Glendive;
construction equipment; work crews. |
1926 |
13/8 | Construction on the Bell Street bridge over the
Yellowstone River at Glendive; work crews; construction equipment; opening
celebration. |
1926 |
13/9 | Damage to Spring Creek bridge in
Glendive. |
1918 |
13/10 | Construction of Glendive Creek Bridge. |
1934 |
Deer Lodge County |
Box/Folder | ||
13/11 | Gibson culvert in Anaconda. |
undated |
Fergus County |
Box/Folder | ||
13/12 | Unidentified bridge with defective
foundation. |
undated |
13/13 | Boulevard Bridge over Big Spring Creek in
Lewistown. |
1921 |
13/14 | Unidentified bridge between Lewistown and Forest
Grove. |
undated |
Flathead County |
Box/Folder | ||
13/15 | Belton Bridge over the middle fork of the Flathead
River. |
undated |
13/16 | Condition of bridge over Flathead River near
Kalispell. |
1925 |
Gallatin County |
Box/Folder | ||
13/17 | Howe Truss Bridge over the Gallatin River near
Manhattan. |
1923 |
13/18 | Repairs to Madison River Bridge near Three
Forks. |
undated |
Glacier County |
Box/Folder | ||
13/19 | St. Mary's Lake in Glacier's Park. |
undated |
13/20 | Bridge over St. Mary's River on USRS dam near
Babb. |
1925 |
13/21 | Construction work on the Two Medicine River
Bridge. |
undated |
Golden Valley County |
Box/Folder | ||
13/22 | Unidentified bridge near Ryegate. |
undated |
Hill County |
Box/Folder | ||
13/23 | Pugsley Bridge near Chester; Marias
River. |
undated |
13/24 | Milk River Bridge at Havre. |
1926 |
Jefferson County |
Box/Folder | ||
14/1 | Washed out bridge near Whitehall. |
1917 |
14/2 | Construction of Boulder River Bridge; work crews;
construction equipment and methods; water tower and other buildings in
distance. |
undated |
14/3 | Damage to the Boulder River Bridge; buildings in
distance. |
1917 |
14/4 | Montana Central Railroad underpass between Boulder
and Basin. |
undated |
14/5 | Bridge over Jefferson River near Three Forks;
Yellowstone Trail bridge over Jefferson River near Cardwell. |
undated |
14/6 | Butte-Boulder Road underpass; era automobile;
children. |
undated |
Lake County |
Box/Folder | ||
14/7 | Jocko River Bridge. |
undated |
Lewis and Clark County |
Box/Folder | ||
14/8 | Damage to the Little Prickly Pear Bridge, north of
Helena. |
1927 |
14/9 | Missouri River Bridge near Wolf Creek. |
1933 |
Lincoln County |
Box/Folder | ||
14/10 | Kootenai River Bridge at Troy. |
1925 |
Mineral County |
Box/Folder | ||
14/11 | Bridge over Clark's Fork at Superior; Superior in
distance. |
undated |
14/12 | Superior Bridge; bridge signage visible. |
undated |
14/13 | Underpass near Quartz Ranger Station in Lolo
National Forest, 10 miles east of Superior; construction of unidentified bridge,
likely over Clark Fork. |
undated |
Missoula County |
Box/Folder | ||
14/14 | Underpass east of Alberton; Orange Street Bridge,
Missoula; construction equipment and methods; work crews. |
undated |
14/15 | Orange Street Underpass; Pacific Fruit & Produce
Company. |
undated |
Musselshell County |
Box/Folder | ||
14/16 | Delphia and Carpenter Bridges |
undated |
Park County |
Box/Folder | ||
14/17 | Site for new bridge at Gardiner; suspension foot
bridge over Yellowstone River at Second Street; Gardiner homes and businesses in
distance. |
1924 |
Phillips County |
Box/Folder | ||
14/18 | Bridge over Big Cottonwood Creek. |
1915 |
Powder River County |
Box/Folder | ||
14/19 | Damage to the Powder River Bridge at Broadus; Marion
crane. |
undated |
Powell County |
Box/Folder | ||
14/20 | Hellgate River Bridge; Garrison in distance;
Yellowstone Trail. |
1926 |
14/21 | Hellgate River bridge site at Garrison Cutoff;
Northern Pacific Railroad bridge over Hellgate River near Garrison. |
undated |
14/22 | Reinforcement of Little Blackfoot River bridge near
Avon. |
1920 |
Prairie County |
Box/Folder | ||
14/23 | Powder River Bridge west of Terry. |
undated |
14/24 | Construction of Calypso Bridge ? near
Terry. |
undated |
14/25 | Flood damage to the Calypso Bridge ? near
Terry. |
undated |
14/26 | Yellowstone River Bridge at Fallon. |
undated |
Ravalli County |
Box/Folder | ||
15/1 | Unidentified roads; homes in distance; unidentified
bridge, possibly over the Bitterroot; gravel plant; unidentified
farm/ranch. |
undated |
15/2 | Silver Bridge over Bitterroot River near
Hamilton. |
undated |
15/3 | County bridge over the Bitterroot River at
Stevensville. |
1923-1941 |
15/4 | Bridge over East Fork of Bitterroot River at Conner;
bridge over Bitterroot River at Florence. |
1925 |
15/5 | Canal near Corvallis. |
undated |
Roosevelt County |
Box/Folder | ||
15/6 | Missouri River bridge site at Prairie Elk crossing
near Oswego; taking borings; paddle wheel boat/paddle steamer. |
1928 |
15/7 | Proposed Missouri River Bridge site at mouth of
Prairie Elk Creek near Oswego. |
1928 |
15/8 | Poplar River Bridge, Road 77, near
Poplar. |
1939 |
Roosevelt and McCone Counties |
Box/Folder | ||
15/9 | Bridge over Missouri River near Wolf
Point. |
undated |
Sanders County |
Box/Folder | ||
15/10 | Clarks Fork Bridge west of Thompson Falls (USFS
project). |
1929 |
15/11 | Bridge near Plains. |
undated |
15/12 | Thompson Falls High Bridge. |
undated |
15/13 | Bridge over Lake Creek. |
undated |
Silver Bow County |
Box/Folder | ||
15/14 | Northern Pacific Railroad Bridge over Harrison
Avenue in Butte; era automobile; road signs. |
1929 |
Stillwater County |
Box/Folder | ||
15/15 | Bridge near Columbus; Northern Pacific overpass at
Reed Point. |
1943 |
15/16 | Bridge over Yellowstone River at Reed
Point. |
undated |
Sweetgrass County |
Box/Folder | ||
15/17 | Grey Cliff Bridge over Yellowstone
River. |
undated |
Treasure County |
Box/Folder | ||
15/18 | Yellowstone River Bridge at Myers; Big Horn River
Bridge at Hysham. |
undated |
Valley County |
Box/Folder | ||
15/19 | Milk River Bridge near Glasgow; Beaver Creek Bridge
near Beaverton. |
1915-1916 |
Yellowstone County |
Box/Folder | ||
15/20 | Failure of East Bridge at Billings; pile trestle
replacement of collapsed span. |
1922-1923 |
15/21 | Site for Sphinx Bridge; construction of Pompey's
Pillar Bridge. |
undated |
15/22 | Bridge over Northern Pacific Railway, US Highway 10
at Pompey's Pillar. |
1939 |
Unknown Counties |
Box/Folder | ||
15/23 | Unidentified railway over- and underpasses; Chicago,
Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad slab unit. |
undated |
15/24 | 1 of 2: Bridges; bridge construction; construction
equipment. |
undated |
15/25 | 2 of 2: Bridges; bridge construction; construction
equipment. |
undated |
16/1 | "6 2", Railway overhead. |
undated |
16/2 | Construction work on unidentified
bridges. |
undated |
16/3 | "Bridge taken out by snow slide;" unidentified
river. |
1933 |
16/4 | Flood damage; automobile accident on bridge;
avalanche ? near bridge. |
undated |
16/5 | Construction of overhead, bridge; construction
methods and equipment; work crews; homes in background; horse-drawn graders; gravel
plant; culverts. |
undated |
Series III: MiscellanyReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Beaverhead County |
Box/Folder | ||
16/6 | Winter road conditions between Dillon and Twin
Bridges; Beaverhead Rock. |
1922 |
16/7 | Snow removal Near Gibbons Pass. |
1946 |
16/8 | Snow removal between Monida and Lima. |
1952 |
Blaine County |
Box/Folder | ||
16/9 | Railroad crossing in Harlem; "Grand" in
distance. |
undated |
16/10 | "Gravel pit Chinook Harlem”. |
undated |
Broadwater County |
Box/Folder | ||
16/11 | "Placer mining, Confederate Gulch at Diamond, June
1, 1920." |
1920 |
Cascade County |
Box/Folder | ||
16/12 | Castner Street in Belt, Montana. |
undated |
16/13 | Construction methods; "Use of 'I's' in
Abutments.” |
undated |
16/14 | Flooding damage near Belt and Monarch. |
1953 |
16/15 | “Sno Go” snow plow; snow removal; Great Falls; snow
plow operators; opening Belt to Monarch Road F.W.D. truck and rotary plow
747-C.R. |
undated, 1928 |
Dawson County |
Box/Folder | ||
16/16 | Ice flow near Glendive. |
1936 |
16/17 | "Pederson curve 16 miles west of
Glendive." |
undated |
Dawson, Glacier, Mineral, Sheridan, Silver Bow
Counties |
Box/Folder | ||
16/18 | Road maintenance and snow removal near Butte,
Glendive, Saltese, Wolf Creek, Gibbons Pass, Lookout Pass, Browning, and on US 2, MT
13, MT 5, and MT 16. |
1943-1944 |
Fallon, Fergus, Wheatland, Carter Counties |
Box/Folder | ||
16/19 | Winter road conditions in/near Baker, Ekalaka,
Brooks, Beaver Creek, Cottonwood Creek Road, Lewistown, and Buffalo. |
1949 |
Fergus |
Box/Folder | ||
16/20 | Cat Creek Oil; Little Box Elder Pumping
Plant. |
undated |
Fergus and Petroleum Counties |
Box/Folder | ||
16/21 | Winter road conditions and snow removal in/near
Lookout Pass, Winnett, Roy, and Lewistown. |
1955 |
Flathead County |
Box/Folder | ||
16/22 | Winch and work crew on Swan River; homes in
distance. |
1952 |
Flathead, Gallatin, Madison, Sanders
Counties |
Box/Folder | ||
16/23 | "District One snow pictures." Road conditions and
snow removal in/near Elk Park Flats, West Yellowstone, Harrison, Ennis, Manhattan,
Norris, and Essex. |
1949 |
Gallatin County |
Box/Folder | ||
16/24 | Bozeman to Gallatin Way; Pioneer Trail Bridge;
Castle Rock; Bridger Canyon; Three Bears Inn; Karst Cold Springs Camp; Gallatin
Canyon; Gallatin River; Black Butte; Moose Creek. |
undated |
16/25 | Marion brand coal-powered shovel, "Model 28"; work
crews. |
undated |
16/26 | Yellowstone Trail near Logan; Story Rock
Quarry. |
undated |
16/27 | Bozeman Hill; construction equipment and methods;
steam shovel. |
undated |
16/28 | Gravel crushing operations near Rainbow
Ranch. |
1946 |
16/29 | Three Forks; Madison River flooding. |
1949 |
Granite County |
Box/Folder | ||
17/1 | Flint Creek hill slide. |
1950 |
Hill, Glacier and Gallatin Counties |
Box/Folder | ||
17/2 | Snow and slide removal in/near Havre, Browning,
Valley Creek, Valley Creek Bridge; Harlem Agency Bridge; West Yellowstone; homes in
distance. |
1937-1939 |
Jefferson and Silver Bow Counties |
Box/Folder | ||
17/3 | Great Northern Railway crossing at Elk Park between
Butte and Boulder; homes in distance. |
undated |
Lake County |
Box/Folder | ||
17/4 | Northern Pacific crossing between Ravalli and Arlee;
Bison Range near Ravalli; "Polson dam site" Kerr Dam. |
undated |
17/5 | Ravalli Hill project. |
1956 |
Lewis and Clark County |
Box/Folder | ||
17/6 | Unidentified road through the Helena Valley; homes
and businesses in background; surveyor in street. |
undated |
17/7 | Scenic views of Lewis and Clark Pass; Rogers Pass;
Sheep Mountain; Augusta Stearns Road; Big Blackfoot Valley between Lincoln and
Helmville; Wolf Creek; Cadott Pass; Dearborn River; Alice Creek; Green
Creek. |
undated |
17/8 | Road maintenance;"Oil distributor in operation,"
Helena to East Helena; snow removal at Sieben Flats |
1930, 1936, 1943 |
Lewis and Clark and Powell Counties |
Box/Folder | ||
17/9 | Scenic views on road between Helena and Deer
Lodge. |
1922 |
Lincoln County |
Box/Folder | ||
17/10 | Kootenai River Project; road conditions between
Simms and Carlson. |
1924-1925 |
17/11 | Midas Gold Mining and Milling Co.; Rex flour; Yale
Oil; buildings in distance. |
undated |
Madison County |
Box/Folder | ||
17/12 | Vigilante Trail; Hebgen Dam; Hebgen Dam reservoir;
Madison National Forest. |
undated |
17/13 | Snow removal near Virginia City. |
1948 |
Madison and Gallatin Counties |
Box/Folder | ||
17/14 | “Quake Lake;” Slide damage and flooding as a result
of 1959 earthquake. |
1916 |
McCone County |
Box/Folder | ||
17/15 | Culvert on Highway 55. |
undated |
Meagher County |
Box/Folder | ||
17/16 | "Smith River Dam - 1936 As seen from Mont. 6
Highway." |
1936 |
Mineral County |
Box/Folder | ||
17/17 | Winter road conditions and sanding operations at
Lookout Pass. |
1945 |
17/18 | Lookout Pass snow removal. |
1957 |
Musselshell County |
Box/Folder | ||
17/19 | Three men measuring "pavement drop-off" north of
Roundup. |
1954 |
Park County |
Box/Folder | ||
17/20 | Road conditions between Chico and Carbella; Daily
Lake. |
undated |
17/21 | Winter conditions in Yankee Jim Canyon. |
undated |
17/22 | Livingston material stockpile; loading gravel onto
trucks. |
undated |
Powder River County |
Box/Folder | ||
17/23 | "M.T. Ranch ? Ranch 13.3 miles north of
Broadus." |
undated |
Powell County |
Box/Folder | ||
17/24 | Scenics of McDonald Pass, Priest Pass; Porcupine
Creek; men in hiking gear; snow conditions on McDonald Pass; snow removal on Mullan
Pass; washout near Avon. |
1920-1939 |
Ravalli County |
Box/Folder | ||
17/25 | Bitter Root Oil well near Corvallis; Missoula
River. |
1922 |
17/26 | Rock slide at Skallaho Pass. |
1924 |
Richland County |
Box/Folder | ||
17/27 | Winter conditions on Main Street in Sidney; homes
and businesses in background; winter road conditions between Sidney and
Fairview. |
1943 |
Rosebud County |
Box/Folder | ||
17/28 | "Protection work. Dyke at Forsyth in Yellowstone
River." |
undated |
17/29 | "Road side fountain, Forsyth, 1937." |
1937 |
Toole County |
Box/Folder | ||
17/30 | Condition of roadside fencing between Sunburst and
Shelby. |
undated |
Yellowstone County |
Box/Folder | ||
17/31 | Man crouching near roadway to show road conditions
between Billings and Fairgrounds; Midway Livery sign in distance. |
undated |
17/32 | Road conditions between Billings and
Laurel. |
1922 |
17/33 | "Billings-Roundup Road - 'Unimproved' typical county
road." |
1922 |
17/34 | Winter road conditions and snow removal near
Laurel. |
1955 |
Miscellany, by Route |
Box/Folder | ||
17/35 | Bonner Highway 20: Location of fatal auto accident
east of Bonner. |
undated |
17/36 | MT 1: Snow plow work near Hebgen Dam. |
1937 |
17/37 | MT 3/200: Snow plow work near Noxon. |
1938 |
17/38 | MT 33: Winter conditions; District 2. |
1946-1947 |
17/39 | MT 287: Sink hole or slide between Virginia City and
Alder. |
1945 |
17/40 | Route 7: Winter conditions between Baker and
Ekalaka; Norris Hill; Harrison; Livingston; Manhattan; snow plows; Ridge; Bottles
Ranch at Pumpkin Creek; Cash Creek; Coyote Creek; Sonnette; Hammond; Box Elder
Creek. |
1949 |
18/1 | US 2: Brockton; Bainville; Culbertson; Havre; Wolf
Point; Nashua. |
undated |
18/2 | US 2: Winter conditions; snow removal. |
1943 |
18/3 | US 10: Winter conditions; flooding over roadway;
signage. |
1930-1943 |
18/4 | US 10: Winter slide and snow removal. |
1947-1948 |
18/5 | US 12: Winter road conditions between Plevna and
Baker; and Deep Creek Pass. |
1936, 1938 |
18/6 | US 20: Targhee Pass; snow removal. |
1943 |
18/7 | US 89: Kings Hill; snow removal. |
1932-1939 |
18/8 | US 91: Hardy-Craig Highway; Port of Entry at Monida;
Butte historical marker; snow removal. |
1943 |
18/9 | US 93: Winter road conditions; snow
removal. |
1943 |
18/10 | US 191: Winter road conditions; snow
removal. |
1937-1943 |
18/11 | US 191: Section house at Gallatin Gateway; road
work. |
1948 |
18/12 | US 287: Section house at Duck Creek; winter
transportation in West Yellowstone. |
1943-1949 |
Unknown Counties, Routes, Projects |
Box/Folder | ||
18/13 | Accidents (construction vehicles). |
undated |
18/14 | Construction sites; construction equipment and
methods. |
undated |
18/15 | Vigilante effigy ? "Cattle thief, 2500- reward, No
Kort -777-." |
undated |
18/16 | Ferries; sailboat; unidentified dock;
spectators. |
undated |
18/17 | Flooding over roadway near "North Fork;"
construction site and equipment; automobile accident. |
1939 |
18/18 | Flooding in Augusta, Great Falls, Cascade, Sun
River; Stickney Creek; Teton River; Shields River; Superior. |
1948 |
18/19 | Gravestone, “J. Wellis, A. Hanson, J.E.
Hook.” |
undated |
18/20 | Highway construction and maintenance equipment and
methods; horse-drawn grader. |
undated |
18/21 | Highway Department buildings; Butte shop;
Helena. |
1942 |
18/22 | Indian pictographs. |
undated |
18/23 | Scenic with ranch and mountains in distance; rock
formation. |
undated |
18/24 | "Danger Road Repairs Ahead:" Detour sign near Badger
Creek; “Welcome to Montana signs.” |
1941 |
18/25 | Road maintenance equipment and methods. |
undated |
18/26 | Road maintenance; maintenance equipment; gravel
plant. |
1939-1940, 1944 |
18/27 | Unidentified town and scenery in Eastern
Montana. |
undated |
18/28 | Unidentified road/bridge site. |
undated |
18/29 | Highway signs. |
undated |